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Superintendncia Regional de Ensino de Curvelo

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Avaliao de Lngua Inglesa 9 ano ______

Nome: _____________________________________________ Data: ____/____/_____

Questo Gabarito Habilidades Valor

1.1. - Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto e
estabelecer alguns aspectos de suas condies de produo (o gnero a
01 C
que pertence, funo scio-comunicativa, finalidade, suporte, autor, data e
local de publicao).
1.2. - Estabelecer relaes entre gneros (finalidade do texto, pblico-
02 B alvo, etc.) e os recursos lingsticos e no lingusticos (salincias grficas)
utilizados pelo autor.
1.3 - Integrar informao verbal e no-verbal na compreenso global do
03 D
texto escrito de vrios gneros
2.1. - Localizar informao especfica (scanning), de acordo com os
04 A
objetivos de leitura dos vrios gneros textuais.
2.2 - Identificar as partes principais do texto, o assunto geral de cada
05 B
pargrafo e as articulaes de sentido entre eles.
2.3. - Identificar e/ou localizar as caractersticas bsicas de cada gnero
06 D
textual, tendo em vista a compreenso global do texto.
2.4. - Identicar e/ou localizar caractersticas lexicais e sintticas de alguns
07 A dos tipos textuais (injunes, descries, narraes), tendo em vista a
compreenso global do texto.
2.5. - Identicar e/ou localizar caractersticas lexicais e sintticas de
08 C algumas das articulaes textuais (enumerao, seqncia), tendo em
vista a compreenso global do texto.
3.1. - Estabelecer relaes entre termos, expresses e ideias que tenham o
09 B mesmo referente, de modo a construir os elos coesivos (lexicais e
gramaticais) em gneros textuais diferentes.
4.1 - Inferir o significado de palavras e expresses desconhecidas com
base na temtica do texto, no uso do contexto e no conhecimento
10 A adquirido de regras gramaticais (flexes, posies das palavras nas frases,
tempos verbais, preposies de tempo e lugar, advrbios de tempo, modo
e lugar).
III. - Uso de notaes para produo de efeitos de sentido diferentes no
texto escrito de diferentes gneros.
11 C Produzir efeitos de sentido pretendidos pelo uso de notaes como
travesso, aspas, itlico, negrito, letras maisculas, dois pontos e
reticncias em textos de diferentes gneros.
11.1. - Identificar a funo scio-comunicativa e o gnero textual, o local
12 D
onde se passa o evento comunicativo e os falantes envolvidos.
11.2. - Identificar informao especfica(nome dos falantes envolvidos,
13 B nmeros- de telefone, idades, percentagens, temperaturas, condies de
tempo, etc.)
24.1. - Identificar e/ou fazer o uso adequado dos marcadores do discurso
14 A
(palavras de ligao) e das relaes semnticas que ajudam a estabelecer.
XVI. - Agrupamento de palavras.
15 C
Formar pares de sinnimos, de antnimos e de palavras relacionadas.

Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA - 2014


ESCOLA ESTADUAL___________________________________________________________
PROFESSOR APLICADOR_______________________________________________________
NOME DO ALUNO:_____________________________________________________________
DATA: _____/_____/ 2014 9 ANO_______



Jorge Mario Bergoglio, from Argentina, was elected to be the new leader of the Roman
Catholic Church on Wednesday, March 13, 2013. He was the archbishop of Buenos Aires and
now as the new Pope he took the name of Francis.

An interesting fact is that Bergoglio is the first head of the Catholic Church ever to come
from the Americas and the first from outside Europe in more than a millennium.

The choice of a 76-year-old cardinal to be the new pope was a surprise considering that it
had been assumed that the cardinals would select someone younger. However, they chose a
man who is more than qualified for the job, experts account.

The new head of the Catholic Church was born in 1936 and has four siblings, all children of
Italian immigrants. In 1958 when he was only 22 he started preparing for priesthood. Now,
just over 50 years later he will lead the church that once he joined as a young man.

Francis, the son of middle-class Italian immigrants, is known as a humble man who denied
himself luxuries. He is said to cook his own meals and take public transportation, which
clearly contributed to his reputation for humility. In taking the name Francis, he drew
connections to the 13th century St. Francis of Assisi, who saw his calling as trying to rebuild
the church in a time of turmoil. It also evokes images of Francis Xavier, one of the 16th
century founders of the Jesuit order that is known for its scholarship and outreach.

The remarkably fast conclave brought the first Jesuit to the papacy, electing Pope Francis as
the 266th pontiff that will lead the worlds 1.2 billion Catholics.

Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA - 2014

1- The text is a:

a) Note. b) Dialogue. c) Report. d) Letter.

2- This kind of text serve to:

a) To buy something. c) To entertain us.

b) To inform us. d) To show mood.

3- The text shows that:

a) The Pope died.

b) The pope moved away.
c) Was chosen a new priest.
d) Was chosen the new leader of the church.

4- His family is:

a) Italian. b) English. c) Mexican. d) Brazilian.

5- The fourth paragraph is about:

a) Him. b) His family. c) Church. d) His life.

6- One characteristic present in this kind of text is:

a) The picture is the main on the report.
b) To speak only of the past
c) The mood must always be present.
d) The lead, or first paragraph - is the synthesis report.

7- In this type of text, _____________ generally predominates.

a) Descriptions. b) Narrations. c) Arguments. d) Satires.

8- The correct sequence in this text is:

a) The surprise of the choice, the news of the election, the humility of the Pope and the
Popes family.
b) The humility of the Pope, the Popes family, the surprise of the choice and the news of
the election.
c) The news of the election, the surprise of the choice, the Popes family and the humility
of the pope.
d) The surprise of choice, the news of the election, the Popes family and the humility of
the Pope.

9- In the sentence: The new head of the Catholic Church was born in 1936 and has four
siblings, all children of Italian immigrants. The expression refers to: j

a) Church. c) Immigrants.
b) Pope. d) Images.
Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA - 2014
10- In the sentence: An interesting fact is that Bergoglio is the first head of the Catholic
Church ever to come from the Americas and the first from outside Europe in more than a
millennium. The underlined word gives idea of:

a) Place.
b) Addition.
c) Time.
d) Opposition.

11- In the sentence: In 1958 when he was only 22 he started preparing for priesthood.
The punctuation was used to gives idea of:

a) Irony.
b) Sarcasm.
c) Emphasis.
d) Condition.

12- The story happens in:

a) U.S.A. c) England.
b) Brazil. d) Rome.

13- Francis was _____________ , when he started his catholic life:

a) 76 years old.
b) 22 years old.
c) 50 years old.
d) 1936 years old.

14- In the sentence: He was the archbishop of Buenos Aires and now as the new Pope he
took the name of Francis. The underlined word gives idea of:

a) Addition.
b) Time.
c) Opposition.
d) Continuity.

15- The words in the text that have the same meaning are:

a) Young and luxuries.

b) Humble and however.
c) Leader and head.
d) Catholic and church.

Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA - 2014

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