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"Um blog pessoal sobre Linguística, Grego e a Bíblia"

Uma breve bibliografia sobre Aspecto Verbal e

Proeminência discursiva

Posted on November 3, 2016November 3, 2016 by Guilherme Nunes

Olá, caro leitor, aqui é o Guilherme.

Estamos há muito tempo sem postar nada, mas em breve voltaremos. Os motivos são as várias
responsabilidades, como a produção de artigos para tentar publicar em revistas, e nesse final de mês
estava escrevendo minha monografia: “Aspecto verbal como indicador de proeminência no grego do
Novo Testamento na perspectiva de Stanley E. Porter e Jeffrey T. Reed”. Existem muitos espantalhos
sobre a perspectiva de proeminência de Porter, assim como uma visão, às vezes, “minimalista” de
Aspecto, além das várias dificuldades que esse campo abrange. Usar aspecto verbal é fácil e útil para
pregação, mas estabelecer o aporte teórico são outras milhas.

Nesse post quero apenas passar uma parte da bibliografia do meu trabalho de conclusão. Não é
exaustiva, mas é um bom caminho para quem deseja estudar a relação de aspecto com proeminência
no NT. Se um dia o meu trabalho for postado aqui, você poderá olhar uma bibliografia mais


1. ALBUQUERQUE, Roque N. Presupposition and [e] motion: The Upgraded Participle in The New
Testament. 342 f. Tese (Doutorado) – Estudos da Linguagem, Central Baptist Theological
Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2010.
2. BAKKER, Egbert Jan. Similes, Augment, and the Language of lmmediacy. In: WATSON, Janet
(Ed.). Speaking Volumes: Orality and Literacy in the Greek and Roman World. Leiden: Brill,
2001. Cap. 1. p. 1-24.
3. BARRETT, C K. A commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. New York: Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1968. (Harper’s New Testament Commentary).
4. BATTISTELLA, Edwin L. Markedness: The Evaluative Superstructure of Language. Albany: Suny
Press, 1990. 265 p. (SUNY Series in Linguistics).
5. BATTISTELLA, Edwin L. The Logic of Markedness. New York: Oxford University, 1996. 192 p.
6. BINNICK, Robert I. The Oxford Handbook of Tense and Aspect. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2012. 1130 p. (Oxford Handbooks).
7. BLACK, Stephanie L. Sentence Conjunction in the Gospel of Ma hew: καί, δέ, τότε, γάρ, οὖν
and Asyndeton in Narrative Discourse. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002. 420 p.
8. CALLOW, John C. Text as Purposive Communication: A Meaning-Based Analysis. In: MANN,
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a Fund-Raising Text. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1992. p. 5-37. (Pragmatics & Beyond New
9. CALLOW, Kathleen. Discourse Considerations in Translating the Word of God. Michigan:
Grand Rapids: The Zondervan Corporation, 1974. 101 p.
10. CALLOW, Kathleen. Non-Realised Information: A Theory for the Accurate and Natural
Translation of Meaningful Zero. In: TOMASZCZYK, Barbara Lewandowska; THELEN, Marcel.
Translation and Meaning, Part 2. Geneva: Rijkshogeschool Maastricht, 1992. p. 359-368.
11. CAMPBELL, Constantine R. Breaking Perfect Rules: The Traditional Understanding ofthe Greek
Perfect. In: RUNGE, Steven E. (Ed.). Discourse Studies and Biblical Interpretation: A Festschrift
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12. CAMPBELL, Constantine R. Verbal Aspect, the Indicative Mood, and Narrative: Soundings in
the Greek of the New Testament. New York: Peter Lang Inc, 2007. 285 p. (Studies in Biblical
13. CAMPBELL, Constantine R. Verbal Aspectand Non-Indicative Verbs: Further Soundingsin the
Greek of the New Testament. New York: Peter Lang Inc, 2008. 154 p. (Studies in Biblical Greek).
14. CAMPBELL, Constantine R.. Advances in the Study of Greek: New Insights for Reading the New
Testament. Michigan: Zondervan, 2015. 256 p.
15. CAMPBELL, Constantine R.. Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek. Michigan: Zondervan,
2008. 160 p.
16. CARSON, Donald A. An Introduction to the Porter/Fanning Debate. In: PORTER, Stanley E.;
CARSON, Donald A. Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics: Open Questions in Current
Research. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993. p. 18-25. (JSNTSup 80).
17. COMRIE, Bernard. Aspect: An Introduction to the Study of Verbal Aspect and Related Problems.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976. 156 p. (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics).
18. DECKER, Rodney J. Temporal Deixis of the Greek Verb in the Gospel of Mark with Reference
to Verbal Aspect. New York: Peter Lang Inc, 1999. 293 p. (Studies in Biblical Greek).
19. DOWTY, David R. The Effects of Aspectual Class on the Temporal Structure of Discourse:
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21. DUNN, James D.G. Romans 1-8. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1988. 513 p. (Word Biblical
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22. FANNING, Buist M. Approaches to Verbal Aspect in New Testament Greek: Issues in Definition
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23. FANNING, Buist M.. Verbal Aspect in New Testament Greek. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.
488 p. (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs).
24. FANNING, Buist. Greek Presents, Imperfects, and Aorists in the Synoptic Gospels: Their
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25. FILIP, Hana. Aspect, Eventuality Types and Noun Phrase Semantics. New York: Rutledge, 1999.
26. FORSYTH, J. A Grammar of Aspect: Usage and Meaning in the Russian Verb. Cambridge:
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27. HALLIDAY, M. A. K. Language as social semiotic: the social interpretation of language and
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30. HALLIDAY, M.A.K. e MATHIESSEN, C.M.I.M. Construing experience through meaning: a
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31. HALLIDAY, Michael A.K. Explorations in the Functions of Language. New York: Elsevier North
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32. HALLIDAY, Michael A.K. Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Arnold, 1985. 387 p.
33. HALLIDAY, Michael A.K.; HASAN, Ruqaiya. Cohesion in English. London: Longman, 1976.
34. LEVINSONH, Stephen H. Discourse Features of New Testament Greek: A Coursebook on the
Information Structure of New Testament Greek, 2 ed. Dallas: SIL International, 2000. 316 p.
35. LONGAGRE, Robert e. A Top-Down, Template-Driven Narrative Analysis, Illustrated by
Application to Mark’s Gospel. In: PORTER, Stanley E.; REED, Jeffrey T. (Ed.). Discourse Analysis
and the New Testament: Approaches and Results. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999. p.
140-168. (JSNTSup 170).
36. LONGAGRE, Robert e. Discourse Peak as a Zone of Turbulence. In: WIRTH, Jessica R. (Ed.).
Beyond the Sentence: Discourse and Sentential Form. Karoma: Ann Arbor, 1985. p. 81-98.
37. LONGAGRE, Robert e. Mark 5:1-43: generating the Complexity ofa Narrative from Its Most Basic
Elements. In: PORTER, Stanley E.; REED, Jeffrey T. (Ed.). Discourse Analysis and the New
Testament: Approaches and Results. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999. p. 169-196.
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38. LOUW, J P; A NIDA, Eugene. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic
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39. LOUW, J P; A NIDA, Eugene. The Grammar of Discourse. ed. New York: Plenum, 1996.
40. MARTIN-ASENSIO, Gustavo. Transitivity-Based Foregrounding in the Acts of the Apostles: A
Functional-Grammatical Approach to the Lukan Perspective. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press,
2000. (JSNTSup 202).
41. MATHEWSON, David L. Verbal Aspect in the Book of Revelation: The Function of Greek Verb
Tenses in John’s Apocalypse, Leiden: Brill, 2010 (Linguistic Biblical Studies 4)
42. MATTHIESSEN, C. Ideas and new directions. In: HALLIDAY, M.A.K.; WEBSTER, J. (Org.).
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43. MATTHIESSEN, C. M. I. M. Ideas & new directions. In: HALLIDAY, M. A. K.; WEBSTER, J. J.
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44. MATTHIESSEN, Christian M I M. The ‘architecture’ of language according to systemic functional
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45. MCKAY, K. L. On the perfect and other aspects in the greek non-literary papyri. Bulletin Of The
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46. MCKAY, Kenneth L. A New Syntax of the Verb in New Testament Greek: An Aspectual
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47. OLSEN, Mari B. A Semantic and Pragmatic Model of Lexical and Grammatical Aspect. New
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48. PANG, Francis G H. Aktionsart as Epiphenomenon: A Stratal Approach to Process Typologies. In:
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Almendro, 2013. p. 449-474. (ESTUDIOS DE FILOLOGÍA NEOTESTAMENTARIA 10).
49. PANG, Francis G H. Aspect and Aktionsart Once Again. In: PORTER, Stanley E.; FEWSTER,
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50. PANG, Francis G H. Revisiting Aspect and Aktionsart: A Corpus Approach to Koine Greek
Event Typology. Boston: Brill, 2016. 298 p. (Linguistic Biblical Studies).
51. PANG, Francis. Aspect, Aktionsart, and Abduction: Future Tense in the New Testament. Filologia
Neotestamentaria, Cordoba, v. 23, p.129-159, maio 2010.
52. PORTER, Stanley E. Dialect and Register in the Greek ofthe New Testament: Theory. In: R, M.
Daniel Carroll (Ed.). Rethinking Contexts. Rereading Texts: Contributions from the Social
Sciences to Biblical Interpretation. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Pres sheffield Academic Press,
2000. p. 190-208. (JSOTSup).
53. PORTER, Stanley e. Did Jesus Ever Teach in Greek?: A Look at Scholarly Opinion and Evidence.
In: PORTER, Stanley E.. Studies in the Greek New Testament: Theory and Practice,. New York:
Peter Lang Inc, 1996. p. 139-172. (SBG 6).
54. PORTER, Stanley E. Greek Linguistics and Lexicography. In: KOSTENBERGER, Andreas J.;
YARBROUGH, Robert W. (Ed.). Understanding the Times: New Testament Studies in the 21st
Century: Essays in Honor of D.A. Carson on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Wheaton, Il:
Crossway, 2011. p. 19-61.
55. PORTER, Stanley E. How Can Biblical Discourse Be Analyzed?: A Response to Several A empts.
In: PORTER, Stanley E.; CARSON, Donald A. (Ed.). Discourse Analysis and Other Topics in
Biblical Greek. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press Academic Press, 1995. p. 107-116. (JSNTSup
56. PORTER, Stanley e. In Defense of Verbal Aspect. In: PORTER, Stanley E.. His Studies in the
Greek New Testament: Theory and Practice. New York: Peter Lang Inc, 1996. p. 21-38. (SBG 6).
57. PORTER, Stanley E. Prominence: An Overview. In: PORTER, Stanley E.; O’DONNELL, Ma hew
B. (Ed.). Studies in the Greek New Testament: theory and Practice. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic
Press Academic Press, 2009. p. 45-74. (NTM 11).
58. PORTER, Stanley E. Systemic Functional Linguistics and the Greek Language: The Need for
Further Modeling. In: PORTER, Stanley E.; FEWSTER, Gregory P.; LAND, Christopher D. (Ed.).
Modeling Biblical Language: Selected Papers from the Mcmaster Divinity College Linguistics
Circle. London: Brill Academic Pub, 2016. Cap. 1. p. 9-47. (Linguistic Biblical Studies).
59. PORTER, Stanley E. Tense Terminology and Greek Language Study: : A Linguistic Re Evaluation.
In: PORTER, Stanley E.. Studies in the Greek New Testament: Theory and Practice. New York:
Peter Lang Inc, 1996. p. 77-86. (SBG 6.).
60. PORTER, Stanley e. The Role of Greek Language Criteria in Historical Jesus Research. In:
HOLMEN, Tom; PORTER, Stanley E. (Ed.). Handbook for the Study of the Historical Jesus.
Leiden: Brill, 2011. p. 361-404.
61. PORTER, Stanley e. Verbal Aspect and Discourse Function in Mark 16:1-8: Three Significant
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Honor of Francis T Gignac. Washington, D.c: Catholic Biblical Association Of America, 2008. p.
123-137. (CBQMS 44).
62. PORTER, Stanley E.; CARSON, D.A. (Ed.). Discourse Analysis and Other Topics in Biblical
Greek. Londres: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. 240 p. (The Library of New Testament Studies).
63. PORTER, Stanley E.; O’DONNELL, Ma hew Brook. The Greek Verbal Network Viewed from a
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64. PORTER, Stanley E.. Idioms of the Greek New Testament. ed. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic
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65. PORTER, Stanley E.. The Criteria for Authenticity in Historical-Jesus Research: Previous
Discussion and New Proposals. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press Academic Press, 2000.
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66. PORTER, Stanley E.. Verbal Aspect in the Greek of the New Testament with reference to Tense
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67. REED, Jeffrey T; REESE, Ruth A.. Verbal Aspect, Discourse Prominence, and the Le er of Jude.
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68. REED, Jeffrey T; REESE, Ruth A.. Verbal Aspect, Discourse Prominence, and the Le er of Jude.
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69. REED, Jeffrey T. A Discourse Analysis of Philippians: Method and Rhetoric in the Debate over
Literary Integrity. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press Academic Press, 1997. (JSNTSup 136).
70. REED, Jeffrey T. Identifying Theme in the New Testament: Insights from Discourse Analysis. In:
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Biblical Greek. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press Academic Press, 1995. p. 75-101. (JSNTSup
71. REED, Jeffrey T.. The Cohesiveness of Discourse: Towards a Model of Criteria for Analyzing New
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Show at a Glance Narrative, speech, Parallelism, and Logical Analysis and Emphasised Throughut
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References & Appendices of Notes. London: H. R. Alleson, 1992.
74. ROTHERHAM, Joseph B.. The New Testament Critically Emphasized. New York: Samuel
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75. RUNGE, Steven E.. The Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament: A Practical Introduction for
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76. RUNGE, Steven E.. The Verbal Aspect of the Historical Present Indicative in Narrative. In:
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Stephen H. Levinsohn. Bellingham, Wa: Logos Software, 2011. p. 191-224.
77. SCHMIDT, Daryl D.. Verbal Aspect in Greek: Two Approaches. In: PORTER, Stanley E.;
CARSON, Donald A. (Ed.). Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics: Open Questions in Current
Research. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press Academic Press, 1993. p. 63-73. (JSNTSup 80).
78. SERBAT, Guy. Opera Disiecta. Travaux de linguistique générale, de langue et li érature latines,
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79. SILVA, Moisés. A Response to Fanning and Porter on Verbal Aspect. In: PORTER, Stanley E.;
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Research. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press Academic Press, 1993. p. 74-82. (JSNTSup 80).
80. SILVA, Moisés. Language, and Scripture: Reading the Bible in the Light of General Linguistics.
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81. SMITH, Robert E.. Recognizing Prominence Features in the Greek New Testament. Selected
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82. TAYLOR, Barry. Tense and Continuity: Linguistics and Philosophy on aspect theory and homeric
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91. WESTFALL, Cynhia L. A Method for the Analysis of Prominence in Hellenistic Greek. In:
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Press Academic Press, 2009. p. 45-74. (NTM 11).
92. WESTFALL, Cynthia L. A Discourse Analysis ofthe Le er to the Hebrews. London: T. & T.
Clark, 2005. (LNTS 297).

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