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Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

1. NOUNS Temos substantivos abstratos (abstract nouns).


Os substantivos identificam e dão nomes às pessoas,
coisas e qualidades do nosso dia a dia. bravery bravura


teacher professor
comfort conforto
horse cavalo
happiness felicidade
building prédio
hate ódio
sky céu
liberty liberdade
sunday domingo
Alguns dos substantivos coletivos (collective nouns) mais
Brazil Brasil usados.


colony of ants/of rats de formigas/de ratos

information informação
brigade of soldiers de soldados
Temos substantivos concretos (concrete nouns).
cast of actor de atores

cats gatos staff of employees de empregados

dogs cachorros team of athletes de atletas

table mesa flock of birds/of ducks de pássaros/de patos

chairs cadeiras herd of elephants de elefantes

buses ônibus squad of soldiers de soldados

teacher professor archipelago of island de ilhas

pack of dogs de cachorro

fleet of ships/of aircrafts de navios, de aeronaves


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2. GÊNEROS DOS SUBSTANTIVOS bull cow touro/vaca
cock/rooster hen galo/galinha
A alguns substantivos acrescentamos o sufixo -ess ao
substantivo masculino para formar o feminino. dog bitch cão/cadela


author authoress autor(a)
fox vixen raposa macho/fêmea
baron baroness barão/baronesa
gentleman lady cavalheiro/dama
count countess conde/condessa
king queen rei/rainha

heir heiress herdeiro(a)

husband wife esposo/esposa
steward stewardess
de bordo drone bee zangão/abelha

prince princess príncipe/princesa horse mare cavalo/égua

poet poetess poeta/poetisa son daughter filho(a)

host hostess anfitrião/anfitriã monk nun frade/freira

lion lioness leão/leoa grandson granddaughter neto(a)

prophet prophetess profeta/profetisa


sir madam senhor(a)

Em alguns casos há uma mudança na ortografia.


waiter waitress garçom/garçonete wizard witch bruxo(a)

emperor empress imperador/imperatriz nephew niece sobrinho(a)

duke duchess duque/duquesa drake duck pato(a)

god goddess deus/deusa widower widow viúvo/viúva

actor actress ator/atriz Mister (Mr) Misses (Mrs) senhor(a)

ambassador ambassadress
embaixatriz Alguns substantivos apresentam apenas uma forma, tanto
tiger tigress tigre/tigresa para o masculino quanto para o feminino.

murderer murderess assassino/assassina
artist artista
Alguns substantivos masculinos apresentam formas
child criança/filho(a)
irregulares de feminino.


man woman homem/mulher cousin primo(a)

bachelor spinster solteirão/solteirona dancer dançarino(a)

boy girl menino (a) driver o/a motorista

brother sister irmão/irmã


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journalist o/a jornalista
painter pintor(a) TREINAMENTO
neighbor vizinho(a)
01. (MIN.AER.) Jennifer, _____, didn’t do a good job but the
parent pai/mãe ______ was very well in that movie.
a) the actriss/artist
MASCULINO/FEMININO b) the actrix/author
com sufixos ER - IST - IAN - OR c) the actress/actor
d) the actoress / actor
prisoner prisioneiro(a)
02. (AFA) In the following alternatives, all the nouns are
reporter o/a repórter

feminine, EXCEPT:
singer cantor(a) a) heiress / jewess / empress / mare
b) spinster / niece / vixen / hen
teacher professor(a) c) daughter / cock / witch / aunt
d) lioness / cow / ewe / bee
scientist o/a cientista
03. (FATEC) Assinale a alternativa que só apresenta formas de
pianist o/a pianista feminino:
a) actress, baroness, wife
doctor médico/a b) sister, granddaughter, son
c) baby, artist, cousin
economist a/o economista d) father, actor, brother
e) maid, wife, bull
director diretor/a
04. (UEL) Assinale a alternativa que traz o par incorreto:
designer criador/a-desenho
a) brother/sister
b) husband/wife
soldier soldado/a
c) father/mother
judge juiz/a d) grandson/grandsister
e) horse/mare
physician médico/a
05. (MACKENZIE) Assinale a alternativa em que aparecem
mathematician matemático somente formas de feminino:
a) mother, sister, wife, bachelor
technician técnico/a b) girl, aunt, Miss, spinster
c) widow, brother-in-law, son-in-law, mother-in-law
Para distinguir o gênero dos substantivos que designam a d) father, son, uncle, doctor
maioria das espécies de animais, utilizam-se as formas “male” e) baroness, countess, heir, actress
(macho) e “female” (fêmea) antes dele.
06. (FAAP) Mark the pair which presents a mistake about
male female elefante/ a) bride – groom
elephant b) wizard – wizardess
elephant elephant elefanta
c) actor – actress
bear male bear female bear urso(a) d) rooster – hen
e) lion – lioness
mouse male mouse female mouse
ratazana 07. (ESC. NAVAL) Mark the item that contains only feminine
zebra/macho/ nouns.
zebra male zebra female zebra a) jew – actor – waitress - princess
b) baroness – duchess – mistress - hostess
girafa/macho/ c) waiter – tiger – actress – empress
giraffe male giraffe female giraffe
d) heir – giant – priest - master
e) steward – authoress – abbess – baron


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08. (JFS) Mark the option that has the correct pair of male and TEXT 2 (EEAR)
a) drone–droness
It was in the summer of 1992 that Britain’s two main
b) fox–foxess
motoring organisations, the RAC (Royal Automobile Club) and
c) horse–horsess
the AA (Automobile Association), started to issue warnings
d) drake–duck
about an increase in aggressive behaviour on the roads. The
e) bull–bulless
RAC noted that more and more drivers were losing their
temper behind the wheel, (Ref.1) and there were reports
09. (AFA) Paul, __________, didn’t do a good job but the
of fights between motorists. In Wakefield, West Yorkshire,
_______ served us very well at the restaurant.
a 78-year-old man died after he had been punched by a
a) the waiter / waitress
driver half his age during a dispute at a set of traffic lights. In
b) the buck / doe
another incident a pedestrian who forced a van driver to brake
c) the drake / duck
suddenly was beaten senseless by a vehicle’s two occupants.

d) the ram / ewe

(Adapted from Speak Up # 9)

10. (FEI) Mark the item that contains a sentence using male
a) Heroine of the movie is not a native of this country. to issue warnings – divulgar advertências
b) My niece is playing in the play-ground.
c) My aunt lives with her mother. 04. The text is about:
d) The earl was not at the party. a) Careless drivers.
e) The mare was brought from Mexico. b) Reckless pedestrians.
c) Constant traffic jams.
TEXT COMPREHENSION d) Increasing violence in the traffic.

TEXT 1 (EEAR) 05. “... more and more drivers were losing their temper behind
ARE YOU A PROCRASTINATOR? the wheel”, (Ref.1), means that drivers
Following a schedule and doing things on time is extremely a) need to control their temper.
important in today’s busy world. Using time effectively is b) became bad-tempered while repairing their wheels.
a valuable skill that everyone must master. Catching a bus, c) were lost because they didn’t know where they were.
getting to work or school on time, and even meeting friends d) were becoming so angry that they couldn’t control
requires managing time. Unfortunately, not everyone is very themselves while driving.
good at doing this. (Ref.1) Many people are procrastinators;
they put off (Ref.2) doing things that they need to until it’s too TEXT 3 (AFA)
late. We all procrastinate sometimes in life. “I can empathize with the person who has his home
violated and seeks both revenge on burglars in general, and a
01. According to the text, procrastinators painfully deterring experience for the next burglar in particular
a) delay things until there isn’t enough time to execute who chooses him for a victim. But booby traps are not the
them. way.(...)
b) know how to manage their time well. Under American law you can only hurt the burglar if
c) carefully make plans in advance. he threatens the life and limb of innocent persons inside. A
d) are always busy and tired. booby trap, something that physically harms an intruder, can
maim or kill a fire fighter breaking in to rescue your home and
02. “... not everyone is very good at doing this.”, (Ref.1), me- possessions from a blaze. It can spring shut on your spouse
ans that or child, or even on you if you come home preoccupied with
a) no one can use time well. something else and forget to circumvent your trap. Improperly
b) everyone is able to use time successfully. set up, it can go off accidentally and injure or kill you or a
c) anyone is capable of using time properly. member of your family, or your household pet.(...)
d) not everybody can manage time effectively. Booby traps are for guerrilla soldiers. They do not belong
in American homes and business. If you try to use them you
03. “Put off”, (Ref.2), is similar in meaning to will be the “booby” who ultimately gets “trapped”.
a) forget.
(“The truth about booby traps”, Massad F. Ayoob)
b) cancel.
c) expect.
d) postpone.


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06. According to American laws a citizen has the right to

a) run away only during a fire
b) kill only to protect his house Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
c) revenge only particular intruders
d) hurt only if he receives threatens in his house
(ITA) Dadas as afirmações de que o feminino de
l. bachelor é spinster
07. “Booby trap” is a (an) ___________.
II. uncle é aunt
a) proper weapon for revenges
III. Mister é Miss
b) proper device for guerrillas
c) home device safe against robbers
constatamos que está(ão) correta(s):
d) excellent mechanism of protection
a) apenas a I.
b) apenas a II.

c) apenas a I e a III
e) todas as afirmações.

01 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo. 04 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(EFOMM) Mark the option that completes the sentence below

(AFA) I’m still doubtful about the characters of the new novel.
You probably agree that the suspects reactions were totally
All the women in town want to marry John because he is a
unexpected as their explanations didn’t make their intentions
rich _______ .
clear enough in the testimony. We could first deduce that
a) spinster
the fake nun was the prime suspect for having poisoned
b) mistress
the stallion and the sow. On the other hand, the cunning
c) rooster
steward and the wily widower had extravagant posture
d) bachelor
after the judgment.
e) stallion
Considering the underlined words in the text, you could say
a) Two words are female.

b) Three words are female.
c) All of words are male.
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
d) Just one word is female.

(AFA) The _______ was very elegant last night. She is the
director’s ______.

a) wife / spinster
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo. b) husband / wife
c) steward / host
(EPCAR) Mark the option that presents a mistake of gender. d) lady / wife
a) My niece is called Mary.
b) Prince Diana died in car accident.

c) My uncle is a good host.
d) My father is a very wealthy man.
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(EFOMM) Choose the option that contains only nouns.

a) Absentee, craftsmanship, golden, confusion.
b) Assistant, friendliness, kindness, frosty.
c) Adhesive, mindful, backwards, slowly.
d) Wisdom, amazement, ammunition, cruelty.
e) Heroic, wooden, poetic, clockwise.


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07 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(CESGRANRIO) Most names of jobs are used for both men and
women. Mark the one that refers only to males:
a) psychiatrist.
b) social scientist.
c) waiter.
d) doctor.
e) researcher.

08 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(USJT-SP) O substantivo que corresponde ao verbo “to grow”

a) growth.
b) grew.
c) grow.
d) grown.
e) growing.

09 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(Fapa-RS) A terminação –ness em “nervousness” forma:

a) adjetivos. GABARITO
b) advérbios.
c) verbos.
e) substantivos.
01. C 07. B
02. C 08. D

03. A 09. A
04. D 10. D
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo. 05. B
06. B
(PUC-PR)You can trust Henry to take care of your health, for
he is a very good__________.
01.A 02.D 03.D
a) professor
b) sailor
04.D 05. D
c) servant
d) musician
06.D 07.B
e) physician
01. A 06. D
02. B 07. C
03. C 08. A
04. D 09. E
05. D 10. E


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Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

1. NUMBER OF NOUNS fox foxes raposa(s)

Como regra geral, o plural em inglês é formado a partir da topaz topazes topázio(s)
adição de -s ao substantivo.
dress dresses vestido(s)

SINGULAR PLURAL TRADUÇÃO glass glasses copo(s)/óculos

author authors autor(es)
tax taxes taxa(s)
book books livro(s)
suffix suffixes sufixo(s)
computer computers computador(es)
speech speeches discurso(s)
girl girls menina(s), garota(s)
watch watches relógio(s)
road roads estrada(s)
buzz buzzes zumbido(s)
window windows janela(s)

soldier soldiers soldado(s) Alguns substantivos terminados em –o formam o plural

também com –es.
pilot pilots piloto(s)

flag flags bandeira(s) domino dominoes dominó(s)

boot boots bota(s) echo echoes eco(s)

leg legs perna(s) hero heroes herói(s)

potato potatoes batata(s)

Aos substantivos terminados em -ch, -s, -ss, -x e –z,
tomato tomatoes tomate(s)
acrescentamos -es para formar o plural.

SINGULAR PLURAL TRADUÇÃO negro negroes negro(s)

match matches fósforo(s) mosquito mosquitoes mosquito(s)

bus buses ônibus buffalo buffaloes búfalo(s)

kiss kisses beijo(s) torpedo torpedoes torpedo(s)


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Substantivos terminados em –o com plural –s. SINGULAR PLURAL TRADUÇÃO
baby babies bebê(s)
memo memos memorando(s)
country countries país(es)
photo photos foto(s)
fly flies mosca(s)
video videos vídeo(s)
lady ladies senhora(s)
kilo kilos quilo(s)
spy spies espião(ões)
piano pianos piano(s)
army armies exército(s)
dynamo dynamos dínamo(s)

beauty beauties beleza(s)

solo solos solo(s)
city cities cidade(s)
studio studios estúdio(s)
discovery discoveries descoberta(s)
casino casinos cassino(s)
duty duties imposto(s)
disco discos disco(s)
territory territories território(s)
ghetto ghettos gueto(s)
theory theories teoria(s)
radio radios rádio(s)
enemy enemies inimigo(s)
zoo zoos zoológico(s)
sky skies céu(s)
tattoo tattoos tatuagem(s)
Aos substantivos terminados em -y precedido de vogal
comando comandos comando(s) acrescentamos –s para formar o plural.


Alguns substantivos terminados em –o aceitam as duas
formas ou –s ou –es para formar o plural. day days dia(s)


archipelago archipelagos/es arquipélago(s)
boy boys garoto(s)
cargo cargos/cargoes carga(s)
guy guys rapaz(es)
halo halos/haloes auréola(s)
delay delays atraso(s)
mango mango/mangoes manga(s)
toy toys brinquedo(s)
motto mottos/mottoes bay bays baía(s)
tornado tornado(s) alloy alloys liga(s)
volcanos/ chimney chimneys chaminé(s)
volcano vulcão(ões)
donkey donkeys jumento(s)
zero zeros/zeroes zero(s)
valley valleys vale(s)
Substantivos terminados em -y precedido de consoante
perdem o -y e acrescentamos -ies para formar o plural. tray trays bandeja(s)


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Substantivos terminados em -f ou -fe perdem o -f ou o -fe
e acrescentam -ves para formar o plural. reef reefs recife(s)

SINGULAR PLURAL TRADUÇÃO sheriff sheriff delegado(s)

calf calves bezerro(s)

half halves metade(s) Alguns substantivos têm formas irregulares de plural.

knife knives faca(s) SINGULAR PLURAL TRADUÇÃO

child children criança(s)

leaf leaves folha(s)
foot feet pé(s)
life lives vida(s)

goose geese ganso(s)
loaf loaves pão(pães)
louse lice piolho(s)
self selves ego(s)
man men homem(ns)
shelf shelves prateleira(s)
mouse mice camundongo(s)
thief thieves ladrão(ões)
tooth teeth dente(s)
wife wives esposa(s)
ox oxen boi(s)
wolf wolves lobo(s)
woman women mulher(es)
Os substantivos dwarf (anão), scarf (cachecol), wharf (cais)
e hoof (casco) podem formar o plural tanto pelo acréscimo de
Nos compostos juntos apenas acrescentamos –s ao final
-ves, seguindo a regra anterior, como acrescentando apenas
da palavra para formar o plural.
-s (regra geral): dwarves/dwarfs, scarves/scarfs, wharves/
wharfs, hooves/hoofs. SINGULAR PLURAL TRADUÇÃO

armchair armchairs poltrona(s)

Os demais substantivos terminados em -f, -fe ou -ff
seguem a regra geral, ou seja, colocando o –s, para formar bookshelf bookshelves
de livros
o plural.

SINGULAR PLURAL TRADUÇÃO handful handfuls punhado(s)

giraffe giraffes girafa(s) manservant menservants funcionário(s)

roof roofs telhado(s) womanservant womenservants funcionária(s)

chief chiefs chefe(s)

Nos compostos separados por hífen o componente
substantivo ou o núcleo é que recebe o sufixo de plural.
gulf gulfs golfo(s)
cliff cliffs penhasco(s)
brother-in-law brothers-in-law cunhado(s)
safe safes cofre(s)
looker-on lookers-on espectador(es)
belief beliefs crença(s)
homem(ns) de
man-of-war men-of-war
chef chefs cozinheiro(s)
step-mother step-mothers mãe(s) adotiva(s)
bluff bluffs blefe(s)

handcuff handcuffs algema(s)


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Plural dos substantivos mais usados de origem latina ou
grega. ethics ética

PLURAL LATINO OU gymnastics ginástica

mathematics matemática
fungus fungi
phonetics fonética
alga algae
physics física
formula formulae
politics política
bacterium bacteria

curriculum curricula Alguns substantivos são tipicamente utilizados apenas no


datum data
medium media clothes roupas

memorandum memoranda jeans jeans

index indices people pessoas

matrix matrices
police polícia
analysis analyses
contents conteúdo
crisis crises
pants calças
diagnosis diagnoses
scissors tesoura
thesis theses
trousers calças
phenomenon phenomena
binoculars binóculo

Substantivos que terminam em “s”, mas estão no singular. glasses óculos

pliers alicate
news notícia
scales balança
measles sarampo
spectacles óculos escuros
mumps caxumba
braces suspensórios
billiards bilhar
pyjamas pijama
bowls boliche
shorts calção
dominoes dominó
arms arma
draughts seca
customs alfândega
athletics atleta
earnings salário
classics clássico
stairs escada
economics economia
lodgings quarto para aluguel


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06. (UNESP) Complete as sentenças a seguir utilizando as
tights calça estreita formas corretas de cada vocábulo apresentado:
– He bought a __________ car.
pincers pinça
– She is a __________ rock star.
– I have good __________ to give you.
shears tesoura de jardim
– The police __________ in front of the building.
a) sport – famous – informations – is
cattle gado
b) sport – famous – informations – are
staff equipe c) sports – famous – informations – are
d) sport – famouses – information – is
crew tripulação e) sports – famous – information – are

07. (ITA) Dadas as afirmações de que o plural de:

1. OX é OXEN
Constatamos que está(estão) correta(s):
01. (CESGRANRIO) KNIVES is the plural of KNIFE. Which of the a) apenas a afirmação nº 1.
words below does not form its plural in the same way? b) apenas a afirmação nº 2.
a) Wife. d) Chief. c) apenas a afirmação nº 3.
b) Life. e) Half. d) apenas as afirmações nos 1 e 2.
c) Leaf. e) todas as afirmações.

02. (FUVEST) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente 08. (ITA) Dadas as afirmações de que o plural de:
as lacunas: 1. Chief é Chieves
Boys have big __________ and girls have small __________. 2. Radius é Radii
a) foots – ones d) feets – ones 3. Leaf é Leaves
b) feet – ones e) foot – one
c) feet – one Constatamos que está (estão) correta(s):
a) apenas a afirmação nº 1.
03. (EsPCEx) The plural of wife, goose, mouse and hero are: b) apenas a afirmação nº 2.
a) wifes, gooses, mouses, heroes. c) apenas a afirmação nº 3.
b) wifes, geese, mice, heroes. d) as afirmações nos 2 e 3.
c) wives, geese, mice, heros. e) todas as afirmações.
d) wives, geese, mice, heroes.
e) wifes, gooses, mouses, heros. 09. (FATEC) Observe a frase: “Did hundreds of Japanese KIDS
suffer a TV induced epileptic attack last week”. Indique a
04. (EFOMM) Respectively, the plural forms of “hero”, ”louse”, alternativa em que todas as palavras têm a mesma forma de
“ox” and “cactus” are: plural de KIDS:
a) heros, louses, oxen, cactuses. a) attack – mouse
b) heros, lice, oxen, cacti. b) episode – Japanese
c) heroes, louses, oxen, cacti. c) cartoon – trigger
d) heroes, louses, oxen, cactuses. d) show – child
e) heroes, lice, oxen, cacti. e) explosion – Japanese

05. (EFOMM) Which alternative shows the correct plural form 10. (CESGRANRIO) The word that DOESN’T have an irregular
of the words given? plural form like tooth – teeth is:
a) mouse – mice/ goose – geese/ phenomenon – phenomena/ a) ox.
deer – deer b) foot.
b) mouse – mices/ chick – chicken/ person – persons/ child – c) cloth.
children d) goose.
c) mouse – mouses/ goose – geeses/ deer – deers/ news – e) mouse.
d) mouse – mouses/ new – newses/ bus – buses /person –
e) mouse – mises/ child – children/ police – polices/ news – news


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TEXT COMPREHENSION Another good effect is that dancing works on the part of
the brain that controls memory – hippocampus. So, what are
TEXT 4 (EEAR) you waiting for? Let’s dance!
THE MEN WHO GUARD THE QUEEN (Adapted from www.everydayhealth.com and www.livestrong.com)
If you’ve ever been to London, you’ve probably seen them:
they are the soldiers in bright red jackets or shining helmets GLOSSARY
who stand outside Buckingham Palace. They are men who health - “saúde”
can stand absolutely still, even when tourists tell them jokes, ballroom dancing - “dança de salão”
touch them, push them, or try to make them move. They may to lose weight - “perder peso”
look identical and even march like robots, but they are in fact to improve - “melhorar”
some of the best-trained soldiers in the British army. Some calories burned – “calorias queimadas”
people are surprised to learn that the guns that the soldiers
carry are not just for show: they are loaded! 03. Mark the INCORRECT option.

a) People can choose different types of dance to lose weight.

01. According to the text, the soldiers who guard the Queen… b) Dancing helps your brain control your memory.
a) carry weapons under their uniforms. c) People who don’t dance are stressed.
b) wear plain clothes not to call attention to themselves. d) There are many good effects on your body when you
c) cannot move when they are standing outside the Palace. dance.
d) are better trained than any other soldiers all over the
world. 04. According to the chart, mark the correct alternative.
a) Rhythmical dance burns more calories than aerobic
02. In “The guns are not just for show…”, in the text, the dance.
sentence means that the guns are… b) Vigorous dance isn’t good to burn calories.
a) real. c) The calories burned per hour depend on the type of
b) fake. dance.
c) only on display. d) An eighty-kilo man can lose more weight if he does
d) used during special events. rhythmical dance.

TEXT 5 (EPCAR) 05. Mark the alternative that completes the sentence.
DANCING EFFECTS ON THE HUMAN BODY Some dance shows on TV are dominating the world because
These days, people love to watch other people dance. a) these days people like to see other people dance.
Competitive dance shows, like “So you think you can dance” b) people are interested in dancers’ life.
and “Dancing with the stars”, are dominating the world of c) they keep people’s mind healthy.
reality television. So, if you get off the sofa and dance, you can d) they substitute dance-fitness class.
keep your body and mind healthy. Studies show that dancing
can improve your heart health, helps you lose weight and 06. Mark the alternative that DOESN’T complete the sentence
stay flexible, reduces stress and can also help you get old in a below.
pleasant way. To improve your heart health you can
a) watch people dance.
Dancing, as an aerobic exercise, can reduce the risk of
b) get off the sofa and dance.
heart problems and high blood pressure. You can learn
c) do aerobic dance as an exercise.
ballroom dancing, participate in a dance-fitness class or dance
d) do dance training to lose weight.
with a video in your house. There are many ways to enjoy
dancing and get a good aerobic exercise at the same time.
07. Read the sentences and mark the correct option.
Dance training helps you to lose weight. The number of I. Dancing is only good for people’s mental health.
calories burned per hour depends on the type of dance and II. Regular dancing practice can reduce the risk of heart
the weight of the dancer. Observe the chart below. problems.
III. People who dance don’t have high blood pressure.
The only correct sentence(s) is(are)
Rhythmical 260 80 kg a) I and II.
b) III.
Vigorous 500 80 kg
c) II.
442 80 kg d) I and III.
590 100 kg


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08. Mark the correct alternative to complete the sentence.
According to the text, dancing

a) makes people get old fast.
b) doesn’t improve heart condition. Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
c) doesn’t contribute to flexibility.
d) improves memory. (AFA) Mark the option that completes the text correctly:
My little boy is just 8 but completely curious about the
TEXT 6 (EEAR) study of different ________ and theories. He got the surprise
The sun, the beach and the coconut water – the three of his life when he discovered at school that ________ are
ingredients that guarantee a perfect summer for millions and the smallest living things. He is enchanted with hundreds of
millions of Brazilians. Nothing beats drinking cold coconut ________ about the universe and surprised for sometimes
water to quench your thirsty. It is such a healthy drink that it not finding answers to the ________ and the fantastic
should not be left only for summer, but should be drunk year development of nature. Therefore, I suppose he knows his

round. Coconut water contains a high level of vitamin C and is ________ can also explain to him some doubts he has about
rich in minerals. Nutritionists say it is very beneficial to human thousand of ________ of the universe and procreation,
health. It is good for the skin, and digestion, and is also a kind considering the existence of God, of course.
of natural tranquilizer. During the Second World War coconut
a) formulae / bacteria / mysteries / theses / beliefs /
water was used as saline solution to treat soldiers injured in
b) formula / bacteria / mysterys / thesis / believes / phemenon
c) formulas / bacterium / mystery / theses / believes /
GLOSSARY phenomenos
nothing beats = nada melhor (expressão idiomática) d) formulas / bacterias / mysterious / thesis / beliefs /
saline solution = soro fisiológico phenomenon

09. The words, underlined in the text, can be, respectively,

replaced by

a) to cure/spoiled.
b) to care for/insane. Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
c) to take care of/upset.
d) to apply medical care to/wounded. (ITA) O plural dos substantivos abaixo: knife, tooth, woman,
é, na ordem:
10. According to the text, coconut water has shown to be a) knifes – teeth – womans
a) the substance that can cure skin diseases. b) knifes – teeths – women
b) the syrup that relaxes everybody who tastes it. c) knives – tooths – women
c) an irresistible drink because of its sweet flavor. d) knives – teeth – women
d) a beverage that can benefit the health of those drinking e) knive – teeth – women

04 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(EFOMM) The plural forms of the underlined words in the


“Jane is afraid of mouse and louse” are respectively:
a) mice – lice
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
b) mices – lices
c) mouses – louses
(EEAR) “...wives...” have the same plural form as, except: d) mice – louses
a) life. e) mouses – lice
b) shelf.
c) thief.
d) belief.


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05 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
08 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(PUC-PR) Match the columns below so that the words in the (FMU) Their ___________ are against their attitudes.
second column fit the sentences provided in the first one: a) believe
1. Tom and Mary love their __________. b) belief
2. Put the oranges inside those __________. c) believes
3. I can’t walk. My __________ are aching a lot. d) beliefs
4. The __________ are flying south. e) believ
5. The cat is hunting the __________.
6. When Jane fell over, she broke two of her __________.

) feet
) teeth
) children
) geese
09 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(PUCC) O plural de buzz, country e shelf é:

( ) mice a) buzz, countres, shelfs
( ) boxes b) buzzes, countries, shelves
c) buzzes, countres, shelves
Choose the correct alternative: d) buzzes, countrys, shelves
a) 6 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2 e) buzz, countres, shelves
b) 3 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
c) 3 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1

d) 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 1
e) 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(EFOMM) Choose the correct alternative.

06 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(FMU) The little _________ are in that __________.

a) self/selfies; half/halfs; species/species; man/men
b) calf/calfs; photo/photos; child/children; lady/ladies
c) church/churches; box/boxes; negro/negros; bus/buses
d) penny/pence; louse/lice; tornado/tornadoes; volcano/volcanos
a) foxes – boxes e) ox/oxen. goose/geese; child/children; tomato/tomatos
b) fox – box
c) foxen – box
d) foxes – box
e) foxen – boxen

07 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(PUCC) O plural de sister – in – law, child e armchair é:

a) sister – in – law, children, armchairs
b) sister – in – law, children, armschair
c) sisters – in – law, childs, armchairs
d) sister – in – law, children, armchairs
e) sisters – in – law, children, armchairs


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01. D 06. E
02. B 07. D
03. D 08. D
04. E 09. C
05. A 10. C


01. C 02. A

03. C 04. C 05. A
06. C 07. D 08. A

09. D 10. D

01. D 06. D
02. A 07. E
03. D 08. D
04. A 09. B
05. B 10. D


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Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

Os adjetivos em inglês são usados geralmente antes dos

recognizable reconhecível
substantivos e não têm forma no plural.
destructive destrutivo
ADJETIVO TRADUÇÃO excessive excessivo
classical clássico progressive progressivo
liberal liberal boring chato
romantic romântico charming charmoso
cloudy nublado interesting interessante
dirty sujo relaxed relaxado
easy fácil satisfied satisfeito
healthy saudável fascinated fascinado
noisy barulhento
thirsty sedento
friendly amigável
right corner, wrong side, big hall, small house, nice
monthly mensal person, tall men, thin girls, black cars.
childlike infantil
foolish imbecil
British britânico
Alguns adjetivos são formados pelos seguintes
beautiful bonito sufixos:
careful cuidadoso y: cloudy, hungry, healthy, easy, thirsty, lucky, funny
useful útil ly: brotherly, lively, friendly, monthly, leisurely
harmful maléfico ish: childish, British, foolish, snobbish

hopeless desesperançoso ful: beautiful, skillful, careful, useful

less: aimless, pointless, lifeless, hopeless
useless inútil
able: admirable, adaptable, reasonable, recognizable
careless descuidado
ive: attractive, impressive, excessive, progressive
admirable admirável ing: entertaining, fascinating, exciting, thrilling
considerable considerável ed: embarrassed, satisfied, disappointed, worried
reasonable razoável al: political, fictional, ecological, digital
adaptable adaptável like: businesslike, childlike, godlike, lifelike


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Today the sky is not blue. It is a cloudy day.
That book is very useful.
He is a political person.

Comparativo e superlativo dos adjetivos


-er... than as...as...

(mais que...) (tão...como/quanto)

ou ou

more...than not as...as

(mais que...) not so...as
(não tão...como/quanto)

O comparativo de superioridade com -er é usado com adjetivos e advérbios até duas sílabas, já o comparativo de superioridade
formado com more ... than é usado com adjetivos e advérbios com mais de duas sílabas. Os comparativos de igualdade e
inferioridade são usados com qualquer adjetivo ou advérbio, independente do número de sílabas.

Paulo is taller than Roberto. (Paulo é maior do que Roberto.)
Jane is more beautiful than Maria. (Jane é mais bonita do que Maria.)
Salvador is as hot as Rio. (Salvador é tão quente como o Rio.)
Brasilia is not as big as São Paulo. (Brasília não é tão grande como São Paulo.)
The Real is less valuable than the Dollar. (O Real tem menos valor do que o Dólar.)


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the ... –est

(o(a) mais, os(as) mais...)

the least...
(o(a) menos, os(as) menos...)

the most ...

(o(a) mais, os(as) mais...)

O superlativo com the ... –est é usado com adjetivos
e advérbios até duas sílabas, já o superlativo com the
most ... é usado com adjetivos e advérbios com mais de duas less than – the least
sílabas. O superlativo de inferioridade é usado com qualquer much/many
adjetivo ou advérbio, independente do número de sílabas.
more than – the most

EXEMPLOS: farther than – the farthest
That city is the coldest in the country.
My garden is the liveliest in town.
She is the most beautiful girl in the class. EXEMPLOS:
Paula and Marcos are the most intelligent students She is better than Raphael in English.
of this school. This is the worst place in town.
Porto Alegre is farther than Curitiba.
This bag is much more expensive than that.

Os adjetivos formados por uma consoante + vogal +

consoante, como: big, thin, hot e etc, dobramos a última
consoante quando acrescentarmos o sufixo -er ou –est.
Outros tipos de comparativos e superlativos:

Big – bigger – biggest EXEMPLOS:
Thin – thinner – thinnest
Hot – hotter – hottest Hitz Hotel has the most rooms.
My aunt is getting / becoming fatter.
The better the TV set, the more expensive it is.
The more I study, the more I know.
better than – the best

worse than – the worst


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Countries and nationalities


Afghanistan Afghan an Afghan
Argentina Argentinian an Argentinian
Australia Australian an Australian
Austria Austrian an Austrian
Brazil Brazilian a Brazilian
Canada Canadian a Canadian
Chile Chilean a Chilean

China Chinese a Chinese

Colombia Colombian a Colombian
Denmark Danish a Dane
Egypt Egyptian an Egyptian
England English an English
Finland Finnish a Finn
France French a French
Germany German a German
Greece Greek a Greek
India Indian an Indian
Iran Iranian an Iranian
Iraq Iraqi an Iraqi
Ireland Irish an Irish
Italy Italian an Italian
Japan Japanese a Japanese
Mexico Mexican a Mexican
Netherlands Dutch a Dutch
Norway Norwegian a Norwegian
Peru Peruvian a Peruvian
The Philippines Philippine a Filipino
Poland Polish a Pole
Portugal Portuguese a Portuguese
Russia Russian a Russian
Saudi Arabia Arabian or Saudi a Saudi Arabian or a Saudi

Scotland Scottish a Scot

South Africa South African a South African
South Korea South Korean a South Korean


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Spain Spanish a Spaniard
Sweden Swedish a Swede
Switzerland Swiss a Swiss
Thailand Thai a Thai
Turkey Turkish a Turk
United States of America (USA) American an American
Uruguay Uruguayan a Uruguayan
Venezuela Venezuelan a Venezuelan

Vietnam Vietnamese a Vietnamese
Wales Welsh a Welsh

As nacionalidades podem ser usadas como substantivo ou adjetivo na oração, sempre com iniciais maiúsculas.


He likes Japanese food. (adjective)

Joana likes to read Russian novels. (adjective)
Mary is Australian, (adjective)
Is he from Germany?
No, I think he’s a French. (noun)
Which language is more difficult Russian or Chinese? (noun)
Brazilians love soccer. (noun)

03. (UNIFENAS) Was the game exciting?

Oh, yes. It was ______________________.
EXERCÍCIOS DE a) alarming
c) tiring
d) thrilling
01. (UNIFENAS) Peter is not from Italy. e) boring
He is from Denmark. He is ________.
a) Irish 04. (ESAMC) Grandma always says that health ______ wealth.
b) Swedish a) is good than
c) Danish b) is better than
d) Dutch c) isn’t so good
e) Thai d) more good
e) “a” and “c” are correct
02. (MACKENZIE) Choose the alternative which contains only
adjectives. 05. (ITAUNA) With the divorce, Mr. Bellini left his _____ assets
a) online, worthwhile, hometown to Mrs. Bellini and kept _____ ones for himself.
b) young, portrayal, known a) better, the badly
c) performance, according, soul b) best, more badly
d) features, literate, influential c) the best, the worst
e) heartbreaking, interesting, remarkable d) best, the worst
e) the best, worst


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06. (IME) Bob Evans, that athletic-looking young man, ran d) apart from Lady Jane Grey’s, the ghosts in Britain are not
______ and finally won the race. famous at all.
a) fast and faster d) faster and fast
b) faster and faster e) more and more fast TEXT 8 (EEAR)
c) fast and fast
07. (SÃO MARCOS) Even being _____ lady in town, Mrs. Several studies in recent years have found that chocolate
Antonelli is _____ cook we know of. could be more beneficial than harmful. It can be bad for
a) older, better you if you overdo it: in this case, it can trigger migraines or
b) the oldest, best digestive disorders, besides making you fat. Doctors and
c) the older, the better nutritionists recommend that daily consumption should not
d) the oldest, the best exceed 50 grams. The good thing about chocolate, especially
e) the eldest, the goodest dark chocolate, is that it has a high level of substances called

flavonoids, which help slow the aging process and help reduce
08. (SANTA CECILIA) The weather in Sao Paulo is certainly the risk of heart disease. Besides being delicious, chocolate is
_____ it is in Ceará. nutritious because it contains vitamins A, B, C, D and E, and
a) colder than d) the most cold minerals – such as iron and phosphorus.
b) the colder e) more cold than
c) the coldest of
02. According to the text, dark chocolate
a) can improve your health.
09. (FMU/FIAM–SP) “The weather is getting ________.
b) can never be bad for you.
a) more hot d) the hotter
c) could help relieve strong headaches.
b) hoter e) the most hottest
d) is appetizing because of the vitamins it contains.
c) hotter and hotter
03. In “It can be bad for you if you overdo it…”, (lines 3 and
10. (FMU/FIAM – SP) Peter is ______ tall _______ John.
4, the text suggests that chocolate
a) more – such d) as – as
a) could cause deadly diseases.
b) as – most e) as – more
b) may help people lose weight.
c) so – than
c) can be harmful to people over a certain age.
d) should not be consumed in large quantities every day.

ENGLISH GHOST STORIES MARATHON (SPORT), running event, traditionally

Many of Britain’s ancient castles have ghosts. One of the the longest race (42 km, 195 m) included in track and field
most famous “haunted castles” in England is actually the competitions. It is the final track and field event held in the
Tower of London. During the Tower’s long history, many men Summer Olympic Games. Marathons have become increasingly
and women were thrown into its dark dungeons, or executed popular, and well-known marathons such as those held annually
outside its gates. Among the most famous was Lady Jane in Boston, Massachusetts, and New York City attract thousands
Grey, Queen of England, who was beheaded outside the of runners and spectators.
Tower on 19th July 1554. Since then, it is said that the ghost The marathon’s distance was chosen to duplicate the
of Lady Jane Grey wanders through the rooms and corridors distance run by a Greek soldier from the town of Marathon
of the Tower of London. This is just one of Britain’s well- to Athens in 490 BC to bring the news of a Greek victory over
known ghosts; but there are lots of ghosts too who aren’t the Persians. The Marathon-Athens distance is actually less
quite as famous. than 40 km. The modern distance was established at the 1908
Olympic Games in London and represents the distance from
GLOSSARY the royal castle at Windsor to the Olympic stadium. From the
revival of the Olympics in 1896 until 1984 only men ran the
dungeons – masmorras, prisões, calabouços
marathon at the Olympics.

01. The last two lines in the text reveal that (Adapted from “Marathon (sport)”, Microsoft. Encarta. 97 Encyclopedia)

a) visitors see the ghost of Lady Jane Grey more often than
b) not all of the ghosts in Britain are as famous as Lady Jane
c) the ghost of Lady Jane Grey is the most famous one in


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04. “Marathons have become increasingly popular” means
that Marathons have

a) become unpopular.
b) lost some of their popularity. Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
c) become extremely popular.
d) at last become popular.
(UNIP) Surprisingly enough, the movie is _______ the book
e) become more and more popular.
and the play.
05. According to the text, a) better than
a) marathons are only held every 4 years. b) less good than
b) women started running the marathon in 1980. c) as good as
c) the first modern Olympics were held in 1896. d) not so good as
d) modern roads have shortened the distance from Mara- e) todas as alternativas são corretas.

thon to Athens.
e) the marathon’s present distance is twice the distance run

by the Greek soldier in 490 BC.

Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.


A: Don’t you think that the Internet __________ popular?
B: Yes, and __________ popular it gets, __________ expensive it
a) is getting the most/the most, the most
b) is getting more and more/the more, the less

01 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(MACKENZIE) The alternative that contains only adjectives is:

c) is becoming most and most/the most, the least
d) is becoming the more/the more, least
e) “a” and “b” are correct

a) opportunities / new / better / around

b) excellent / nearby / atmosphere / great
c) search / stay / river / affordable Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
d) snowy / business / housing / growing
e) genuine / strong / historical / rural
(PUC - Campinas)
Mr. Smith: I’m sorry, Mr. Johnson. I believe the candidate
you sent us will not suit our purposes. We need somebody

02 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(ITA) Dadas as formas comparativas e superlativas

________ than he.
Mr. Johnson: In that case I would suggest Miss Cary. She
is definitely the _______ person in our group.
a) smarter – most intelligent
I. bigger than / the biggest b) smart – intelligent
II. more modern than / the most modern c) smartest – more intelligent
III. more interesting than / the most interesting d) as smart – as intelligent
IV. more ingenuous than / the most ingenuous e) as smart as – as intelligent as
Constatamos que está(ão) correta(s):
a) apenas a I.
b) apenas a II.
c) apenas a II e a III.
d) apenas a II, a Ill e a IV.
e) todas as formas apresentadas.


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06 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
10 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(CFOE) The suffix used in nutritious can also be used with the (COMD AERONÁUTICA) Who is __________ talkative student
word in the classroom?
a) power. John. He talks very much!
b) danger. a) the best
c) hunger. b) less
d) beauty. c) the most
d) better than

07 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(COMD AERONÁUTICA) The word elderly in... “and moments


later an elderly couple returned in a panic”... can be considered:

b) An adjective.
c) A verb. 01. C 06. B
d) A pronoun. 02. E 07. D
03. B 08. A
04. B 09. C
05. D 10. D

08 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(AFA) “Many adolescents act this way because they feel


frustrated or angry …”. The comparative form of the 01. B
underlined word is:
a) more angry
02. A 03 D
b) angrier than
c) more angrier
d) more angry than
04. E 05. C


09 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(AFA) Choose the option which shows the same kind of

01. E
02. E
03. E
07. B
08. B
09. C
04. B 10. C
comparison in the underlined adjective in “friendship is
05. A
considered to be closer than association”.
06. B
a) Americans have no best friends.
b) While less restricted in Russia.
c) Friendships are often more intense than relationship.
d) Everyone has at least one best friend.


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Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

1. QUANTIFIERS Much, little e a little são usados antes de substantivos

incontáveis que geralmente se apresentam na forma do
MANY muitos, muitas
I need much money to buy a car.
Marco has little time to study.
FEW poucos, poucas
Maria has a little (some) sugar at home.
Patrícia ate much/little/a little of the bread we
uns poucos, umas pou-
A FEW = SOME offered her.
cas, alguns, algumas

Many, few e a few são usados antes de substantivos PRONOMES INTERROGATIVOS USANDO QUANTIFIERS
contáveis que geralmente se apresentam na forma do plural.
Quantos, Substantivos
How many
quantas contáveis
EXEMPLOS: Substantivos
How much Quanto
Paulo has many friends in São Paulo.
João sometimes interviews few students.
They need a few (some) dollars to travel.
The books were given to many/few/a few of the
How many pair of shoes do you have?
How much gas do you need?
Several, a couple of, none of, a great number
USADOS ANTES DE of, a large number of são usados antes de substativos

MUCH muito, muita

LITTLE pouco, pouca

A LITTLE = SOME um pouco, algum


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beer cerveja
EXEMPLOS: progress progresso

rain chuva
Several books were stolen from the library.
A great number of students will travel to Brasília. information informação

salt sal
A bit of, a good deal of, a great deal of, a large
amount of são usados antes de substantivos incontáveis. juice suco

coal carvão
EXEMPLOS: energy energia

comfort conforto

A good deal of flour will be imported from

technology tecnologia
A large amount of money was lost in the airport. meat carne

All of, some, most of, enough, a lot of, lots of, time tempo
plenty of, a lack of são usados antes de substantivos
work trabalho
contáveis e incontáveis.

Carlos bought a lot of bread for breakfast.
Fernanda read a lot of books during the vacation. 01. (FUVEST) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente
Pedro and José have plenty of money. as lacunas:
Give me __________ tea with __________ sugar.
Carmem drank plenty of glasses of beer during the
a) many – much d) bit – a lot of
b) some – a lot of e) some – many
c) short – many

ALGUNS SUBSTANTIVOS 02. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:

INCONTÁVEIS How __________ shoes are there in the shop windows?
fuel combustível a) much d) a few
b) many e) a lot of
fun gracejo c) few
anger raiva
03. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
oil petróleo/gasolina It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires__________
admiration admiração years of study.
a) many d) lot of
advice conselho b) much e) any
furniture mobília c) little

power poder/energia 04. (STA.CASA-SP) I watch ________TV since I do not have

pollution poluição _________ time and, besides, I feel ________ better doing
something else like reading a good book.
gas gás/gasolina A alternativa que completa corretamente a frase apresentada
hair cabelo é:
a) less / many / much
help ajuda b) fewer / less / many
bread pão c) little / many / more
d) little / much / much
butter manteiga e) few/ much / much


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05. (ESC. NAVAL) Aside from the irrelevant fact that ________ The researchers identified that envying their seemingly
might not then take the opportunity to read the book. (Ref.1), more successful ‘Facebook friends’ is the major reason
a) much people d) many people for this result. In general, online social networks allow users
b) much peoples e) little people brand-new insights on relevant others, which would be
c) very peoples _______ more difficult to obtain offline.

06. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente 01. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete
as lacunas da frase a seguir: the text.
Do politicians work _______ and earn _______ money? a) many
a) little - many d) little - much b) some
b) very - much e) hard - many c) much
c) much - few d) a few

07. (EFOMM) We should use __________ time we have 02. According to the text, after using Facebook, some people
available to discuss John’s proposal. a) felt unpleasant feelings.
a) the much d) a little b) made more online friends.
b) the little e) the little of c) asked each other questions.
c) a few d) completed their scientific researches quickly.

08. (EFOMM) Tom takes __________ luggage in his trips. He 03. In “…their seemingly more successful ‘Facebook friends’…”,
usually takes __________ suitcase. (Ref.1), the underlined word can be replaced by
a) a few – no d) very few – one a) surely.
b) little – one e) a little – no b) positively.
c) very little – any c) apparently.
d) undoubtedly.
09. (EFOMM) Choose the option which completes the
sentences below correctly:
It is __________ use trying to change her mind. TEXT 11 (AFA)
Slowly, __________ children began coming to school.
Unfortunately, he had __________ friends.
Could you possibly give me __________ help? The reality of everyday life that “Central Station” shows
is harsh. In the film, Dora (Fernanda Montenegro) is a bitter
a) a little / a few / few / little woman who makes her living in Rio’s Central Station writting
b) a little / a few / little / little letters for illiterate people. She takes their money but discards
c) a little / few / few / a little the letters.
d) little / few / little / a little One day she writes a letter for a mother and her little boy
e) little / a few / few / a little (Vinícius de Oliveira). When the mother is killed in an
accident outside the station, Dora tries to sell the boy for
10. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente adoption. Then she realizes her mistake, rescues the boy and
a lacuna da frase adiante: the two set out on a bus trip to find his father. For Walter Salles,
Must you always make so __________ noise? the director of the film, Dora is a good example of modern
a) much d) few Brazil, with its culture of “cynicism”. But as Dora gradually
b) many e) less develops a bond with the boy “she begins to understand that
c) most the boy’s route and the boy’s problems are comparable to her
own”, he said.
TEXT COMPREHENSION The growing friendship between these two is, for Mr.
Salles, a symbol of Brazil where solidarity and compassion may
be buried but are still present. His film is not utopian, but it
celebrates the diversity both of the land and of what Mr. Salles
FACEBOOK MAKES USERS ENVIOUS AND DISSATISFIED calls the “human geography” that Dora and Josué encounter
In a recent research study conducted by two German on their journey.
universities, Facebook members answered questions about (From “A Searching Journey into the Heart of Brazil,” by Laura
their own feelings after using the platform. More than one- Winters, In The New York Times, November 22,1998.) Adapted from
New Password English, MARQUES, Amadeu (Vol.1)
third of the respondents reported predominantly negative
feelings, such as frustration.


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04. In the sentence, “But as Dora gradually develops a bond 09. After a limb replacement surgery, the patient:
with the boy...” We deduce that she a) goes home after a short convalescence.
a) unites him to her as a bitter stepmother. b) will have to be given a second surgery.
b) connects her feelings with his since they weren’t tramps. c) needs a lot of care and physiotherapy.
c) shows a marked lack of affection in him. d) is faced with a 20,000 sterling pounds bill.
d) feels linked to him. e) must often buy an artificial limb.

05. “The reality of everyday life that Central Station shows is 10. What does Cobbett do? He is:
harsh.” a) a journalist speaking about medicine.
The underlined word may be replaced by b) an administrator.
a) strict c) a hospital administrator.
b) cunning d) a public health care system official.
c) harmful e) a medical doctor.

d) neglectful

06. “She takes their money but discards the letters.” The un-
derlined words mean that she
a) sends them to people
b) gets rid of all them
c) uses them to her own

d) writes them to people

07. In the sentence “...where solidarity and compassion may Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

be buried but are still present”, the underlined words say that
the two feelings can be (ITA) Dadas as sentenças:
a) destroyed I. She does not spend much money on her health.
b) damaged II. Not many of our friends usually travel abroad.
c) considered III. I have too much work to do and so little time available.
d) ignored IV. Bruna says that London is much more exciting than Paris.

TEXT 12 (UFF) Constatamos que, relativamente, das expressões sublinhadas,

está(ão) corretamente empregada(s) a(s) que aparece(m) na(s)
frase(s) número(s)...
Limb replacement can take from eight to 20 hours. It needs a) apenas a II e III.
a surgical team of six, anaesthetists, nurses and assistants. The b) apenas a I, II, e III.
patient then needs several weeks of care in hospital and several c) apenas a II, III e IV.
months of physiotherapy. He may need further operations. It d) apenas a I, III e IV.
is difficult to calculate the cost of such an operation because e) todas.
there are so many variables, but hospital administrators and
surgeons agree that 20,000 pound sterlings would not be far
wrong. In a time of cuts in the public health care system, is

it worth? Even the best surgeons have their doubts. Cobbett
says, ‘It’s unlikely that a patient will regain sufficient sensitivity Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
in the hand to tell the difference between a coin and a paper
clip, and the hand will be capable only of relatively coarse (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the
movement.’ Another surgeon says, ¢’I remain to be convinced following sentences:
that a hand sewn back is more useful than an artificial limb.’ A: I don’t like stroganoff. Would you like (I) pizza instead?
(ABBS, B. and FREEBAIRN, I. Studying strategics. Longman - 1982) B: Oh no! Let’s buy (II) loaves of bread and make sandwiches.
A: But we have (III) time to do that. We’re late for school.
B: Alright, but we’ve got (IV) ham and (V) hot dogs.
08. Passage questions:
a) the widespread use of lengthy physiotherapy after limb a) I. a little; II. a few; III. very little; IV. only a little; V. few
replacement surgery. b) I. only a little; II. many; III. very little; IV. a few; V. any
b) the recent cuts in the public health care system. c) I. few; II. very few; III. more; IV. little; V. some
c) the public health care system itself. d) I. very little; II. only a few; III. many; IV. a few; V. more
d) the widespread use of limb replacement surgery. e) I. little; II. much; III. few; IV. a few; V. very little
e) the long hours needed by most limb replacement surgery.


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c) Science has gained __________ from the latest
applications of the laser.

d) __________ effort has resulted in significant technological
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo. improvement.
e) Scientists have devoted __________ time to research in
(MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the the field of communication.
following sentences:
I. Could you give me __________ water? I’m so thirsty.

II. I have very __________ money. I need more.
III. Who has __________ friends than John? Nobody I think.
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
IV. Only __________ people came to the party yesterday. It
was boring!
V. I have __________ time to stay with my family nowadays. (CFOE) Complete with many, much, a little, a few. Some of the

words will be repeated.
a) I. less; II. little; III. lesser; IV. a few; V. few Brad: First, you beat the eggs…
b) I. some; II. a little; III. few; IV. little; V. lesser Chris: How __________ eggs?
c) I. a little; II. little; III. fewer; IV. few; V. less Brad: Three. Then you add the flour.
d) I. little; II. a little; III. less; IV. a few; V. least Chris: How __________ flour?
e) I. few; II. less; III. least; IV. little; V. more Brad: Not ___________. Add two cups. Next, you need to add
__________ salt.
Chris: How __________ is that? A teaspoon?
Brad: No, Chris! It’s a cake! A little means just a pinch.

04 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(PUC-RIO) Mark the item which contains the right choice

Chris: I’m not a cook. Dad!

much / many / much / many / a little
many / much / much / a little / much
of FEW/ A FEW/ LITTLE/ A LITTLE to complete the following c) much / many / many / a few / a few
sentences: d) many / many / much / much / many
I. ________ politicians realize the importance of solar

II. Would you like _______ light to help you study this map/
III. The new theory is very difficult, but fortunately there are
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
______ people who understand it.
IV. Regrettably, the government has _______ power over
those who are destroying the ozone in the atmosphere. (EPCAR) Mark the group of uncountable words.
a) prejudice – experience – ability
b) orientation – body – position
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
c) discrimination – intolerance – racism
a) a few a few little few e) history – status – religion
b) a little a little few a little
c) little a few a little a little

d) few little a a few few
e) few a little a few little Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(UNESP) I bought _____ flowers and ____ milk than yesterday.

a) fewer / fewer
b) fewer / less
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
c) less / less
d) more / fewer
(CESGRANRIO) Which of the following sentences can be e) less / more
completed with the word MANY as in “the laser has many
a) The laser beam is being used by __________ telephone
b) The laser beam has caused __________ advance in various


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Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(COMD AERONÁUTICA) Read the introduction to a cookery
book and choose the correct expressions of quantity.
01. B 06. D
Some recipes in the book are quick and easy. But it’s an
02. B 07. B
insult to people’s intelligence to suggest they should never
03. A 08. B
do anything which takes more than _____ minutes. Some
04. D 09. E
recipes are long, slow and economical (beans, for example).
05. D 10. A
They require ________ skill but ______ patience like bread.
So, start it now and enjoy yourself!

Adapted from Developing Grammar in Context

a) a few / little / some 01. C 02. A 03. C
b) few / a little / any
c) little / some / some TEXT 11 (AFA)
d) a lot / a few / much 04. D 05. A 06. B 07. D


08. D 09. C 10. E

Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo. EXERCÍCIOS DE COMBATE

(CFOE) A lot of candies were distributed to the kids yesterday 01. E 06. B
A lot of can be replaced by: 02. A 07. C
a) Much. 03. C 08. B
b) Many. 04. E 09. A
c) Little. 05. A 10. B
d) A lot.


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Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

1. “SOME”, “ANY”, “NO”,

Some - algum, alguma, alguns, algumas.
I don’t have any books with me.
Marcos does not have any friends in Rio.
Usamos some antes de substantivos contáveis ou
The TV did not show any news about the earthquake.
incontáveis em frases afirmativas.
We do not have any money here.
Do you have any homework to do?
EXEMPLOS: Does she have any friends in Brasilia?

Paulo and Joana bought some sandwiches to the party.

They have some friends in São Paulo. Usamos any com a ideia de “qualquer” ou “quaisquer”
She bought some beer, but we prefer some wine . em frases afirmativas.

I will take some money with me.


Usamos some quando se pede ou oferece algo. You can buy a computer like this at any store.
My friend likes any kind of beer.
Any bus you take you get to Copacabana.

Could you give me some information, please? (pedido)

Would you like some water? (oferecimento) No - nenhum, nenhuma, nenhuns, nenhumas.

Usado antes de qualquer tipo de substantivo, sempre em

frases afirmativas.
Any - algum, alguma, alguns, algumas, nenhum,
nenhuma, nenhuns, nenhumas.
Usamos any antes de substantivos contáveis ou incontáveis
em frases negativas. Paula will bring no bags with her.
Sorry, but I have no sugar.


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None - nenhum, nenhuma, nenhuns, nenhumas.
My father does not know anybody/anyone in Japan.
Refere-se a qualquer tipo de substantivo, sempre em Do Mr. you know anybody/anyone who speaks
frases afirmativas. Russian?
Does your mother go anywhere tonight?

EXEMPLOS: William does not have anything to do tomorrow.

She has nothing to do.

Jéssica bought some oranges but Igot bought none.

I want some orange juice, but I think there is none in
the refrigerator.

Some, Any, None 01. (UEL-PR) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente
Usados com pronomes e substantivos. a lacuna da frase a seguir.
“Why didn’t you buy that sweater? It was such a good offer!”
“Because I didn’t have ...... money on me.”
EXEMPLOS: a) a d) some
b) no e) none
c) any
Some of you need to take a cab to go home.
Do any of them speak English? 02. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
None of us knows Europe. ______ said she is right.
Some of the students got zero in the composition. a) Somebody d) Something
b) Anybody e) Anything
Did any of the girls prepare the food?
c) Anyone
None of the computers was stolen.
03. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
Would ______ like to hear music tonight?
a) somebody d) anyone
Os derivativos seguem a mesma regra de “some”, “any”
b) someone e) something
e “no”.
c) anything
Somebody/Someone (alguém, algum)
Something (algo, alguma coisa) 04. (STA.CASA-SP) Check the option that completes the
Somewhere (em algum lugar) blanks correctly.
Anybody/anyone (alguém, ninguém) I want _____________ books, but I don’t have __________
Anything (algo, alguma coisa, nada)
a) some - some d) some - any
Anywhere (em algum lugar, em lugar nenhum) b) any - any e) some - no
Nobody/no one (ninguém) c) any - some
Nothing (nada)
05. (FUND.C.CHAGAS-SP) Check the correct answer.
Nowhere (em lugar nenhum)
Do you have _______________ money?
Sorry, I don’t have _________ money today.
a) many - any d) none - none
EXEMPLOS: b) any - any e) some - some
c) any - some
When I was coming home, I saw somebody/
someone looking at me. 06. (U.PAULISTA-OBJETIVO) Assinale a alternativa correta.
He always goes somewhere with his mother at Go away now and come back ____________ other day.
night. a) some d) someone
b) something e) somebody
There is something to eat on the stove.
c) somehow


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07. (PUC-SP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente “Thanks to Dom Pedro” – wrote A. G. Bell – “I went to
a lacuna da frase a seguir. bed the night before as an unknown man, and woke up to
There were ______________ 35 applicants to the job. find myself famous.”
a) somebody d) some (Adapted from Our Wonderful World)
b) someone e) sometime
c) something
01. What did Dom Pedro have to do with the invention of the
08. (FAAP-SP) O item que completa a frase abaixo corretamente
a) He asked Graham Bell to see his invention because they
were close friends.
_____________ the kidnappers had followed Isabell’s steps.
b) He wanted to see the invention of Graham Bell who
a) Some d) Somebody
he had already known, after the judges had decided to
b) Something e) Someone
postpone the new inventions examination.
c) Somehow
c) He helped Graham Bell to invent the telephone since they

had met before in a special school.
09. (FGV-SP) Choose from the items below the one that best
d) He was the first person to test the invention and admit it
completes the following sentence.
really worked.
His house is _____________ across Park Avenue.
a) something d) someone
02. According to the text, the judges wanted to postpone the
b) somebody e) somewhere
examination of the inventions. The underlined verb means
c) some
a) to put off
b) to put out
10. (FATEC-SP) Look at the following sentence and choose the
c) to put away
item to complete it.
d) to put on
Vanessa was much smarter than ___________ of her
03. What did the judges do after they had seen Graham Bell’s
a) anybody d) any
invention working? They
b) anyone e) anything
a) got amazed and believed it was a good invention.
c) anywhere
b) went to see the invention only because it was D. Pedro
who had gone to check it.
TEXT COMPREHENSION c) asked Graham Bell to demonstrate the invention to them.
d) felt curious about the invention and went to test it.
A scientific exhibition was taking place in Philadelphia in
1876. There were many important guests and judges. Among
them, D. Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, the most important guest. DON’T LEAVE LITTER

There were lots of electrical apparatuses for the judges 1 Every good climber wants to climb Mount Everest, 8,848
to see. So, they decided to postpone the examination of the metres above sea level, the highest mountain in the world.
inventions that could not be seen that day. Alexander Graham It stands between Nepal and Tibet, in the Himalayas. It is, in
Bell was one of the exhibitors. Mr. Bell felt that he had wasted fact, quite a ‘young’ mountain - only about two million years
his time bringing his telephone. old. The Tibetans call it Chomolungma, ‘The Mother of the
The judges began to disperse. Suddenly Emperor D. Pedro
saw Mr. Bell and recognized him. They had already met once 2 Only just over 600 people have ever climbed to the top
in a school for deaf and dumb in Boston. of Everest. You cannot climb the mountain without special
permission from the government of Nepal; you can only climb
“Mr. Bell, how are the deaf-mutes in Boston?” asked the
it in May or October every year; you must have a booking
for your expedition - and at the moment there are no more
“They are very well, Your Majesty. I dare tell thee that I bookings for the next ten years!
have an exhibit here.”
3 The expeditions which have climbed Everest have all
The Emperor decided to see it and the judges followed used tents, oxygen bottles and other climbing equipment.
him. When D. Pedro heard Mr. Bell’s voice from another room, Many expeditions have left their old equipment behind
coming out of the iron-box receiver, he exclaimed surprised, them - empty oxygen bottles, old food containers, etc. - so
“It talks!” there is now a serious litter problem high up on the mountain.
The judges approached to confirm what the Emperor had 4 The government of Nepal is now trying to clean up
said. All of them became surprised. Mr. Bell’s invention was the mountain. In May 1993 they gave permission to a team
saved. of young Americans to climb the mountain ... but they
asked them to bring back litter on their way down again.


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The expedition brought down 2,850 Kilos of litter from the 08. When does second wind happen?
highest slopes of the mountain. This was the start of a plan to a) During endurance efforts.
clear all the litter from Mount Everest. b) In the beginning of a layoff.
(STRANGE, D. Double Take.)
c) When athletes reduce efforts.
d) When doing anaerobic exercises.
04. If someone decides to climb Everest today, they:
09. __________ do not feel second wind often.
a) will only be able to do it in ten years’ time.
a) Athletes who have a good preparation
b) can do it in every year in the next decade.
b) Athletes who have strenuous breathing
c) will need a trained guide.
c) Athletes who have increased the use of anaerobic
d) can do it straightaway.
e) need to take oxygen bottles with them.
d) Athletes who have a good experience with this kind of
05. Which is Nepal’s plan to clean up Everest?

a) People will only be allowed to climb it in May or October.

b) No one else will be allowed to climb it.
c) Those allowed to climb it must bring down some litter. EXERCÍCIOS DE COMBATE
d) Climbers will have to have a special permission from now
e) Oxygen bottles and food containers will have to be brou-
ght back.

06. “Only just over 600 people (par.2) implies:

a) a predictable number of people.
b) not enough people.
01 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta.

c) an excessive number of people.
Those organisms pose ______ danger to human life.
d) a small number of people.
a) any d) not
e) about the right number of people.
b) none e) no one
c) no
“Second Wind - This is a feeling of relief that occurs
after exercise has become strenuous. Whereas breathing

was labored and the work felt painful before, breathing
becomes easier and the work more tolerable after athletes
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
experience a second wind. The reasons for this reduction in
effort are not known. The early distress may be associated
with the temporary use of anaerobic metabolism until (ESC.NAVAL) Mark the answer that best completes the sen-
oxygen consumption has increased and aerobic metabolism tences below.
is providing a larger percentage of the energy for work. There There are ____________ campers in the forest.
is some support for this notion in the fact that second wind Do they cause ____________ harm to nature?
only occurs during endurance efforts. a) something - any
Second wind usually occurs when athletes are just b) any - some
beginning their training program after a long layoff. Well- c) some - any
trained athletes rarely experience this phenomenon, probably d) some - some
because their circulatory system adjust more rapidly after they e) any - any
become conditioned.”
(“Swimming even faster”, Ernest Maglisho)

07. According to the excerpt, second wind is _______.

a) a painful exercise
b) a good sensation
03 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(EFOMM) Much to Alexandre’s surprise, ______________ had

c) an exercise training secretly copied his private files from the computer.
d) the aerobic metabolism a) somebody d) someway
b) somehow e) something
c) some


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04 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
07 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(EFOMM) You could ask ____________ questions you need. (EPCAR) “There are a few ways to prevent cyberbullying.” is
It’s my duty. the same as:
a) anything a) There are some ways to prevent cyberbullying.
b) any b) There are many ways to prevent cyberbullying.
c) anybody c) There are lots of ways to prevent cyberbullying.
d) anyone d) There are no ways to prevent cyberbullying.
e) anytime

05 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
08 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(EEAR) The sentence: “We have learned nothing”, can be

(PUC-PR) Put in the missing words: replaced by:
I. I want _____ more tea, please. a) We have learned anything.
II. _____ I go fishing. b) We haven´t learned anything.
III. It doesn’t rain _____. c) We haven´t learned something.
IV. I’m sorry, but I have _____ to give you. d) We haven´t learned everything.
V. _____ knows it’s wrong.

a) I - some; II - Every time; III - someday; IV - nothing;
V - Somebody
Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
b) I - any; II - Sometimes; III - every day; IV - anything;
V - Everybody
c) I - some; II - Sometimes; III - every day; IV - nothing; (UNESP) She didn’t have ________ mistakes in her paper.
V - Everybody a) some
d) I - any; II - Every day; III - sometimes; IV - nothing; b) any
V - Everyone c) no
e) I - some; II - Everywhere; III - every time; IV - anything; d) no one
V - Somebody e) none

06 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo. 10 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(EPCAR) “At other times they do it just for fun or because (FATEC) Are there ________ books for me today? No, there are
have nothing else to do.” Mark the option that substitutes the not ______ books for you today.
underlined sentence correctly. a) any – any
a) have anything else to do. b) some – some
b) have something else to do. c) any – some
c) don’t have anything else to do. d) anyone – some
d) don’t have something else to do. e) something – no


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01. C 06. A
02. A 07. D
03. D 08. C
04. D 09. E
05. B 10. D


01. D 02. A 03. A

04. A 05. C 06. D

07. B 08. A 09. A


01. C 07. A
02. C 08. B
03. A 09. B
04. B 10. A
05. C
06. C


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Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

PRONOMES DEMONSTRATIVOS I don’t like these oranges. I prefer those ones.
(“those” refere-se a “organges”.)
Pronomes demonstrativos (Demonstrative Pronouns)
fazem referência a objeto(s) ou pessoa(s) dentro do contexto
em que se encontram.


This These
isto, este, esta estes, estas
Os números cardinais são escritos da seguinte forma:

0 zero/oh 16 sixteen
That Those
isso, esse, essa esses, essas 1 one 17 seventeen
aquilo, aquele, aquela aqueles, aquelas
2 two 18 eighteen

3 three 19 nineteen

4 four 20 twenty
5 five 21 twenty-one

This building is very old. 6 six 22 twenty-two

That car is from Italy.
7 seven 23 twenty-three
These students are prepared for the test.
Those soldiers are going to Iraq next week. 8 eight 24 twenty-four

9 nine 25 twenty-five

10 ten 26 twenty-six
Usamos os pronomes demonstrativos para fazer referência
de alguém ou algo dentro de um contexto. 11 eleven 27 twenty-seven

12 twelve 28 twenty-eight
13 thirteen 29 twenty-nine

Near São Paulo’s Luz Station there is a “cracolândia”. 14 fourteen 30 thirty

The police doesn’t have control over this. (O pronome
“this” faz referência à cracolândia.) 15 fifteen 40 forty (no “u”)


CN-EPCAR LIVRO I.indb 179 24/01/2019 15:40:24

50 fifty 1,000 a/one thousand
60 sixty 1,001 a thousand and one
1058 tem fifty-eight
70 seventy 1,010 a thousand and ten
1822 eighteen twenty-two
80 eighty 2,000 two thousand 1900 nineteen hundred
90 ninety 10,000 ten thousand

100 a/one hundred 11,000 eleven thousand

Há duas formas de escrever anos terminados em “01” a
100,000 a/one hundred “09” antes de “2000”.
101 a hundred and one

110 a hundred and ten 1,000,000 a/one million

120 a hundred and
2,000,000 two million
1901 nineteen hundred and one/nineteen oh one
200 two hundred 1,000,000,000 a/one billion

Os anos “2000” escrevemos da seguinte forma.

Os números acima de 100 podem ser escritos da seguinte
2000 two thousand
203 two hundred and three 2006 two thousand and six
(AE: two hundred three) – inglês americano (AE: two thousand six)
2015 two thounsand and fifteen
622 six hundred and twenty-two (AE: two thounsand fifteen)
(AE: six hundred twenty-two) – inglês americano

Os números referentes a voo ou quarto de hotel podem

1,803 one thousand, eight hundred and three ser ditos assim.
(AE: one thousand, eight hundred three)

2,840 two thousand, eight hundred and forty
(AE: two thousand, eight hundred forty)
110 one ten (or ‘one one oh’)
1248 twelve forty-eight
2503 twenty-five oh three
Os números com quatro algarismos terminados em “00”
3050 three oh five oh/thirty fifty
podem ser escritos da seguinte forma.

EXEMPLOS: Quanto aos números na casa dos milhões, podemos

expressar assim.

1800 eighteen hundred

5200 fifty hundred EXEMPLOS:

1,412,605 one million four hundred (and) twelve

thousand six hundred (and) five
Quando nos referimos aos anos, podemos dividir em duas
partes. Em caso do ano terminar em “00”, a segunda parte 2,760,300 two million seven hundred (and) sixty
fala-se “hundred”. thousand three hundred


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Os números decimais. Ordinal numbers – números ordinais

1st first 21st twenty-first

2nd second 22nd twenty-second

0.5 zero point five/point five 3rd third 23rd twenty-third

0.25 zero point twenty five/point twenty five 4th fourth 24th twenty-fourth
0.05 zero point zero five/point zero five
5th fifth 30th thirtieth
2.95 two point nine five
6th sixth 31st thirty-first

7th seventh 40th fortieth

As frações em inglês.

8th eighth 50th fiftieth

EXEMPLOS: 9th ninth 60th sixtieth

10th tenth 70th seventieth

1/2 one-half / a half
11th eleventh 80th eightieth
1/3 one-third
12th twelfth 90th ninetieth
1/4 one fourth /one quarter / a quarter
1/12 one twelfth 13th thirteenth 100th one hundredth

14th fourteenth 101st one hundred and first

As porcentagens. 15th fifteenth 200th two hundredth

16th sixteenth 203rd two hundredth and third

17th seventeenth 1,000th one thousandth

18th eighteenth 1,000,000th one millionth

5% five percent
25% twenty-five percent 19th nineteenth 1,000,000,000th one billionth
100% one hundred percent / a hundred percent 1,000,000,000,000th one
20th twentieth

Em relação às medidas. Usamos os números ordinais com títulos.


60m sixty meters s (sessenta metros)

Charles II – Charles the Second
25km/h twenty-five kilometers per hour (vinte e cinco
quilometros por hora) Henry VIII – Henry the Eighth
11ft eleven feet (onze pés) Elizabeth II – Elizabeth the Second
3L two liters (três litros)
2in two inches (duas polegadas)
Com datas.


Fifteenth of April / 15th April

It’s June the first / June 1st
My birthday is on the 28th of October / October 28TH


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No sentido de identificar posições ou ordem. Usamos os artigos indefinidos também em expressões
My apartment is on the tenth (10 ) floor.

João came first (1st) in the race. a dozen, half a dozen, a couple, a hundred, a
His car is the third (3 )from here to there.
rd thousand, a million, a dollar, a girl (one girl).
São Paulo is the first (1st) city in Brazil in terms of
Usamos também em expressões indicativas de duração
de tempo, de preço e de velocidade (seven days a week,
twenty-four hours a day, 50 reais a kilo, fifty miles an

hour, etc.).
Os artigos indefinidos são utilizados somente antes de EXERCÍCIOS DE
substantivos contáveis no singular. O artigo indefinido “a” é TREINAMENTO
usado antes de palavras que começam com som de consoante
e som semivocálico. O artigo indefinido “an” é usado antes de
palavras que iniciam som de vogal. 01. (UFSM) Stars do this. Sports do this. Judges in the highest
courts do this. Let’s do this: the such yoga thing.
Observe que o “this” se repete. A que se refere?
a) Stars.
b) Sports.
Thiago is a student we all admire. c) Judges.
Can I have an apple, please? d) India.
Pedro caught a mouse in the back yard. e) Yoga.

I enrolled my children at a new school.

02. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
He is a very nice boy. _________organisms pose no danger to human life.
a) A
b) An
c) Those
An elephant crossed the street. d) That
e) This
My mother always take an umbrella in her bag.
An old woman fell down on the street. 03. (UEL) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que
preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada:
“________ is the money you lent to me. Thank you very
O emprego correto de a e an, no entanto, baseia-se no much!”
som da letra seguinte, não em sua forma escrita. a) Many
b) None
c) Those
EXEMPLOS: d) These
e) This
a European, a university, a uniform (som de you)
04. (FEI) Indique o ordinal referente a “four”:
an uncle, an undestroyable ship (não soam como you) a) forty.
a one-way street, woman (som de w) b) fourteen.
an orange, an orphan (som comum de o) c) fourteenth.
a home, a huge fire, a house (som de r gutural) d) fourth.
e) fortieth.
an hour, an heir, an honour (o h não é pronunciado,
portanto o início é com vogal)


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05. (JFS) Marque a alternativa que possui os resultados corretos TEXT COMPREHENSION
das operações abaixo:
? + 4 = 16
By Melena Ryzik Monday, October 1, 2007
a) eighteenth – three – twelve
b) eighty – thirty – two
Hurry - get online, or in line, for tickets to see “Secret
c) eighteen – third – twelve
Sunshine” one of the New York Film Festival’s most
d) eight – thirteen – twenty
worthwhile, and heartbreaking, selections, according to
e) eighteen – three – twelve
Manohla Dargis (it doesn’t yet have a distributor). The story
of a young widow who moves with her son to her husband’s
06. (JFS) Read the following sentence and fill in the blanks
provincial hometown, it features a remarkable performance
by Jeon Doyeon. Her “portrayal of a meek (Ref. 1) soul in

More than twenty __________ people were inside the stadium,
torment is a tour de force,” A.G. Scott wrote. (It also won her
but __________ more were outside because they didn’t get to
a Palme d’Or at Cannes.) The latest from the influential South
buy the tickets in time.
Korean director Lee Chang-dong, known for literate character
a) thousand – hundreds
studies that reflect global themes, it is “a provocative study of
b) thousands – hundreds
madness and belief,” writes Dennis Lim. And it’s only showing
c) thousand – thousand
today and tomorrow.
d) hundred – thousand
e) hundreds – hundreds (www.nytimes.com, By Melena Ryzik)

07. (ITA) A alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas 01. According to the text
I, II e III é: a) you can only buy tickets to see “Secret Sunshine” online.
1. Five from six leaves I . b) Manohla Dargis is Secret Sunshine’s distributor.
2. Two into eight goes II times. c) Jeon Do-yeon plays the role of a young widow in “Secret
3. The third power of two is III . Sunshine”.
a) 30; 8; 10 d) A.O. Scott won a Palme d’Or at Cannes.
b) 11; 10; 10 e) Lee Chang-dong is a provocative and mad director.
c) 30; 12; 8
d) 1; 4; 8 02. The meaning of “meek” (Ref. 1) in the text is
e) 1; 8; 1 a) humble.
b) silly.
08. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sequência c) humorous.
na qual se inclui um uso inadequado do artigo em inglês: d) carefree.
a) a watch; a pity; an orange. e) sick.
b) an umbrella; a real effort; a year.
c) a small plane; an idea; a whale. TEXT 17 (PUC-RIO)
d) a one-man show; an university; a private investigator.
e) an egg; an uncle; a book. Take the stairs

“Take the stairs” is a common exercise tip in lifestyle

09. (PUC-RS) The indefinite article, as in “a $4.5 million (...) behavior modification programs, once strictly a mainstay
bridge” (ref.1), is used INCORRECTLY in of alternative health clinics and now part of everyday
a) a $1.6 million house. medicine at the country’s biggest hospitals and clinics.
b) a $5.9 million plan. The and clinics. The accessible act of bypassing the escalator
c) a $7.2 million jet. or elevator can help keep off pounds and even extend your
d) a $10.1 million yacht. life, according to research. As one study at Cleveland Clinic
e) a $11.5 million project. showed, covering two flights of stairs daily can result in a
loss of up to 10 pounds in a year. Other findings indicate that
10. (UNIBAN) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente using the stairs 10 minutes per day can add one to two years
a frase “In _____ Brazil, if you want to enter _____ university to your life.
you have to take _____ exam which normally takes more than
(From “Seattle Times”)
_____ hour.
a) the /an /an /a d) - / a / a / a
b) the / - / - / - e) - / a / an / an
c) - / a / an / a


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03. The main purpose of this passage is to:
a) present an efficient substitute for a low-fat diet.
b) criticize those who prefer to take the elevators and EXERCÍCIOS DE COMBATE
c) argue that taking the stairs is the latest fashion in health
d) complain against people who do not work out on a daily

e) inform people about the benefits of taking the stairs. Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

04. According to the passage all the following statements

(UFAL) If you’re planning a trip abroad __________ summer,
about “taking the stairs” are true, EXCEPT one. Mark it:
don’t forget to buy your tickets soon.
a) Taking the stairs can make one’s life longer.
a) a

b) Climbing stairs regularly can result in weight loss.

b) an
c) The use of stairs is now recommended in health
c) the
d) this
d) The advantages of taking the stairs are supported by
e) that
scientific research.
e) The treatment offered by alternative health clinics is more
accessible and healthier.


It is often said of this monumental example of Victorian

02 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(ITA) The defenders of Normandy were not the best of Hitler’s

civil engineering that it simply should never have been built.
army. Those were in Russia and Italy, as well as in France, but
Hundreds of navvies lost their lives as the line made hesitant
on the other side of the Seine, the Pas-de-Calais, which the
progress through some of England’s harshest terrain, while
Germans thought the more likely invasion target.
the financial costs leapt ahead at breakneck speed. But a
O pronome demonstrativo “those” faz referência aos:
combination of stubbornness and a not entirely misplaced
a) soldados escalados para a defesa da Normandia.
belief that a new route to Scotland could be profitable ensured
b) soldados soviéticos da Ásia Central.
that on 1 May 1876, some seven years after construction
c) soldados mais adestrados do exército de Hitler.
began, the first passenger train hauled itself over the north
d) soldados das divisões estacionárias.
e) soldados russos, italianos e franceses.
Source: The Lake District brochure, published
by the English Tourist Board, 1996.

Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
navvy someone whose job is to do hard physical work (old
(EPCAR) “Webster’s dictionary is now in its 11th edition.” The
haul to change someone’s position by pulling them
full form of the underlined item is
a) eleven.
05. From the information in the text, one learns that the b) eleventy.
Victorian period in England c) eleventh
a) produced the most amazing constructions ever. d) elevenst.
b) was in the eighteen hundreds.
c) introduced trains in Europe.
d) met predictable financial costs.
e) brought profits to Scotland.


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04 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(FUVEST) Reescreva a frase colocando por extenso os numerais,

08 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(OSEC) ___________ names were published in this list.

na sua forma ordinal: a) Hundreds
Her __________ (21) birthday will be on the __________ (11). b) Hundreds of
a) Her twenty-first birthday will be on the eleventieth. c) Hundred
b) Her twenty-one birthday will be on the eleven. d) Hundred of
c) Her twenty-first birthday will be on the eleven. e) Five hundreds of
d) Her twenty-one birthday will be on the eleventh.
e) Her twenty-first birthday will be on the eleventh.

Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(EPCAR) “… half of the young people interviewed said that
they suffer bullying”, the underlined expression represents:
(UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sequência a) twenty-five percent of
na qual se inclui um uso inadequado do artigo em inglês: b) a hundred percent of
a) a watch; a pity; an orange. c) ten percent of
b) an umbrella; a real effort; a year. d) fifty percent of
c) a small plane; an idea; a whale.
d) a one-man show; an university; a private investigator.
e) an egg; an uncle; a book.

10 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.
(PUC-MG) I had just participated in a project that was to
determine the minimum size of forest fragment necessary
to save native species of animals and plants from extinction.
With this information, scientists could then work to form
- How many students are there in the classroom? preservation areas in the forest fragments left behind by cattle
- A BAKER’S DOZEN. ranchers.

The capital expression means: The word THIS refers to the:

a) Eleven. a) utilization of many valuable native species.
b) Twelve. b) necessity of urgently saving birds from extinction.
c) Thirteen. c) size of the forest needed for wildlife reserves.
d) Fourteen. d) destruction of thousands of native species.
e) Fifteen.

07 Acesse o código para assistir ao vídeo.

(PUCC) Five ________ packages were sent to South America.

a) thousand
b) thousand of
c) thousands
d) thousands of
e) all are correct


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01. E 06. A
02. C 07. D
03. E 08. D
04. D 09. E
05. E 10. E


01. C 02. C

03. E 04. E

05. B


01. D 06. C
02. C 07. A
03. C 08. B
04. E 09. D
05. D 10. C


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