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Os Na'vi

Uma raça personalizada baseada no Na'vi

Os aliens azuis do filme Avatar
Por Infinity_Angel

Versão 0.1.3
Os Na'vi
"Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo. Ngari clãs
hu Eywa saleu tirea, tokx 'ì'awn slu Na'viyä hapxì" , isso se
traduz em "Vejo você, irmão, e obrigado. Seu espírito vai com Os Na'vi não têm uma estrutura política de grande alcance na
Eywa , seu corpo fica para trás para fazer parte do Povo". escala dos estados-nação, mas são organizados em clãs
Este é um canto falado pelos Na'vi quando eles tiram a vida relativamente complexos, dos quais existem centenas.
de outra criatura. Por exemplo, ao caçar. Isso é para mostrar Ocasionalmente, diferentes clãs de áreas distantes irão
respeito por uma vida que acabaram de tirar. cooperar em tempos de grande crise. O único evento
conhecido que fez todos os clãs se unirem é quando eles são
Clãs por toda parte, todos eles com laços profundos com a liderados por um Toruk Makto, um Na'vi que conseguiu
natureza. O som de um canto sobrenatural. Uma ofensiva montar e controlar um grande Leonopteryx e, ao fazer isso,
contra tudo o que agride a natureza ou não é a ordem natural. unir todos os clãs sob ele. Pelos eventos de Avatar em 2154,
Orgulhoso de poder emprestar Energia do mundo para isso ocorreu apenas cinco vezes em sua história e o último
existir. Toruk Makto viveu quatro gerações ancestrais atrás.
longo e azul O único Deus: Eywa
Os Na'vi têm cerca de 9,5 pés de altura. E com uma média Alguns acreditam que essa interconexão, que na Terra é
impressionante de 460 libras, eles são uma força a ser meramente um conceito espiritual, existe de forma física e
reconhecida. Seus corpos, no entanto, são bastante esguios tangível em Pandora, na forma de uma estranha consciência
para seu enorme peso. Seu pescoço também é bastante psiônica coletiva incorporada ao planeta, extraída de toda a
longo. A cintura estreita e alongada. Os ombros são muito vida de Pandora. É, de certa forma, um pouco como uma
largos, criando uma parte superior das costas em forma de V. enorme internet biológica; as árvores sendo servidores de
Musculatura nitidamente definida, não dando sensação de computador que armazenam informações. Os Na'vi podem
emagrecimento, apesar das proporções magras. carregar ou baixar memórias dele usando suas filas e podem
Os Na'vi também têm uma cauda. Essa cauda pode ser até ser usados ​para transferências mentais em certos casos.
movida e controlada como qualquer outro apêndice e é usada As populações dos Na'vi e de outras espécies podem ser
principalmente para o equilíbrio. É freqüentemente usado controladas pela inteligência senciente que eles veneram
para expressar emoções e é a base para o ditado Na'vi: como Eywa. Eles escolhem viver em harmonia e equilíbrio
"Cuidado com o rabo, criança!" natural com o ambiente. Se
A pele Na'vi é colorida em linhas de tonalidades ciano. esta eles se tornarem muito
cor é devida à presença do pigmento ciânico. Pode numerosos, Eywa pode
"bronzear" para uma cor púrpura mais escura após inventar uma maneira de
exposição prolongada à luz solar. A pele Na'vi é lisa, limitar seus números antes
iridescente e de cor ciano acentuada com listras ciano que causem um desequilíbrio
ligeiramente mais escuras. Seus ecológico, pois ela mantém o
corpos têm características equilíbrio da vida. Ao longo
felinas, como orelhas pontudas e dos milênios, os Na'vi
rostos triangulares com narizes desenvolveram um respeito
chatos e bifurcados, todos saudável e uma reverência
emoldurados por grandes olhos pelo ambiente que os cerca.
quase hipnoticamente dourados. Em troca, Eywa pode ter
Algumas partes de sua pele também têm marcas afetado o ambiente para
bioluminescentes que parecem seguir o caminho do sistema fornecer-lhes comida e
circulatório ou nervoso, auxiliando na identificação e abrigo suficientes, criaturas
exibição de humor. para montar para transporte
terrestre e aéreo e uma
Primitivo, mas culto temperatura ambiente
Os Na'vi são criaturas humanóides que vivem em vários clãs confortável em todos os
territoriais em Pandora. Embora sua cultura seja diferentes biomas de
essencialmente paleolítica, eles têm uma organização social Pandora.
igualitária, incomum em uma sociedade em tal estágio de
desenvolvimento. Um prêmio é dado a homens e mulheres
jovens que crescem para se tornarem caçadores
excepcionais e possivelmente guerreiros, como é necessário
devido à natureza do ambiente de Pandora e ao nível de
avanço tecnológico dos Na'vi.

2 Introdução
Speed. Na'vi are very fast due to their long legs. Their base
Um amigo da natureza, um amigo meu walking speed is 35.
The Na'vi are very cautious with regard to other Natures Keeper You are proficient in the Perception,
races. They have bad experience with them. When Nature or Survival skill.
someone takes Animal Vocals. You have Advantage on trying to mimic
Humans "Humans are greedy. If they see sounds of beasts that are of size medium or smaller. You
something they want, they will do all to take it. must have heard the sound at least once to gain this benefit.
Even if it would result in the destruction of life. Powerful build. Your carrying capacity is doubled. As well
They only take and don't give back. Although, if you as the amount you can drag, lift or push.
meet the right human, things might feel different". Na'vi Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1,
Elves "These weird creatures look like us. but... and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
smaller, less blue, no tail? Their hair is gorgeous Languages. You can read, speak and write Common and
though. You could perhaps be a friend." the Na'vi language. Keep in mind that the Na'vi written script
Dwarves "What are these small lumps of meat is not as widely developed as common. The Na'vi script might
with legs. And all that hair on their faces? They do not have written words for more complicated Common
look a little bit like small humans though." words.
Anti Nature The Na'vi are generally opposed to
anything that is against nature.
Na'vi Weapon Training. You are proficient with a Short-
and Longbow.

Na'vi Names
Na'vi names are special and my sound unearthly. Na'vi names
also have a special structure. For men this structure is
different than it is for woman. it is as following:
For men: [first name] te [family name] [father's name]'itan.
Example: Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyo'itan
For women: [first name] te [family name] [mother's
name]'ite. Example: Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite
Male (Father) Names: Akwey, Atan, Bilano, Entu, Eytukan,
Ka'ani, Niwintul, Nok, Onantu, Raltaw, Rawn, Seyvaro,
Swawta, Tan'jala, Taronyu, Tasun, Tsu'tey
Female (Mother) Names: Alira, Artsut, Avarin, Deyshana,
Fmilam, Kirnat, Kyuna, Maru, Mo'at, Morang, Neytiri,
Payral, Sevineyo, Swin'ara, Sylwanin, Tsyal, Zumkana
Family Names: Krraolä, Zaiot, Lotxì, Wayu, Nautstxe,
Heyoaypni, Potxme, Evar, Tufahepx, Okäawtx, Txoai, Ueoa,
Ikxso, Elewa, Roìkaä, Teaee, Reongrrì, Elmon
Clan names are separate from family names. Multiple
families live within a clan.
Clan Names: Anurai, Huyuticaya, Kekunan, Li'ona,
Metkayina, Ni'awve, Olangi, Omaticaya, Tawkami, Tayrangi,
Na'vi Traits
Your Na'vi character has an assortment of inborn abilities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity and
Wisdom scores all increase by 1.
Age. The average Na'vi life span is longer than that of a
human – approximately 30% longer – though they mature
more rapidly. Na'vi rarely live longer than 100 years.
Alignment. Na'vi tend to be lawful following a strict set of
rules. Most of the Na'vi are neutral.
Size. Na'vi are a lot taller than humans but are as wide as
humans. They end up looking like - in the length - stretched
out humans. Males range from range from 9 to 10 feet tall,
with females generally being a foot shorter. An average male
is about 460 lbs, with females weighing 40 lbs less.

Main features 3
Connection braid
Another feature from the Na'vi people is their connection Braid-cut-off event table
braid. In your long hair is one braid with nerve-like string in it. This table goes from Light to Hard. If for example you choose
The braid comes with the following features. The braid is
physically part of you. the Light column of the table, for your character, and the braid
Memory Network. You can connect the braid's end to a of your character were to be cut off, everything in the Light
tree or plant. Doing this allows you to vaguely access the table applies to your character. You can also choose to mix up
memories of your ancestors, you gain a proficiency of your the levels. This would for example be that you take the Hard
choice, as the ancestor bestows its knowledge upon you. You level of Physcic damage taken, the medium level in Event
have to finish 10 minutes of uninterrupted meditation, while feeling, and the Light level in regrow. The columns Light,
the braid is connected, to get the bonus from this feature. The Medium and Hard are merely pre-sets that you can choose of.
proficiency of this feature lasts until you use this feature
again. Be sure to note down what level will apply to your character,
Animal Connection. As an action, you can try to connect especially if you mix things up. You and/or your GM can
the braid's end to a beasts back or neck. To do this you make decide what is the best option for your character.
an Animal Handling check. The beast must make a Wisdom If you want to keep your character thematically close to the
saving throw against your Animal handling check, it may add Na'vi the best option is the Hard level.
its intelligence score to this roll. If the beast wins the check, Regrow only applies to the braid, not to other body parts.
you cannot use this feature on the same beast for an hour. If
you win the check, the beast becomes your companion and
you gain the following benefits: Light Medium Hard
Physcic damage 1/4th of max. Half of max. 3/4th of
You can ride the beast without having to make an animal taken (rounded HP HP max. HP
handling check. up)
You have a telepathic bond with the beast, communication
goes without speech. Event feeling none (or 1x
3x 1d6 all 6
It will try to follow your command to the best of its
abilities. Paralyzed none (or 1 3 turns 1 hour
You know all its available actions. turn)
In combat you can use an available action from the beast Connection Not available Not available Never
instead of your own action. Braid abilities until fully until fully available
regrown regrown
The following also applies: (natural) Regrow 2d4 + 1 2d4 + 1 Does not
If you unmount the beast and move away willingly more Weeks Months regrow
than 5 ft. from the beast the connection is broken without
penalties. Event Feeling
If you get forced away more than 5ft. from the beast, you Effects only last until the braid is regrown. You or your DM
and the beast take 2d4 Psychic damage, as the connection may choose to let the effects slowly dissipate over the time
is broken. (this damage is increased to 2d6 at 5th level, the braid regrows. If you need to roll multiple times for this
2d8 at 11th level, and 2d10 at 17th level)
The beast must be either medium or large. table, and roll something you already rolled before, you need
If the beast takes damage you feel its pain and take a half to roll again.
of the damage rounded down as Psychic damage. If you Roll Effect
are using a concentration spell, you make the Constitution 1 Can only see in shades of black and white
save as if you took the full damage.
The target of this feature cannot be a Swarm creature. 2 All sound is muffled (-4 perception, hearing based)
After you have levelled up while bonded with a beast, you 3 Vision is blurred (-4 perception, visual based)
are considered Proficient with the act of connecting your 4 Movement speed is reduced by 15 feet.
braid to that beast.
5 Get The intense feeling of sadness.
Soft Spot
6 Disadvantage on attack roles and saving throws.
The Connection braid is very important to a Na'vi. If the braid
were to be cut off it would be a disaster for the Na'vi
individual. Their braid is a symbol for their connection to
their god Eywa as well as their fellow tribes’ people. They
would consider themselves 'Already dead' if their braid were
to be cut off. As if their soul would be torn out of their body.
But as i am writing this i feel like that would be too much of a
penalty for such a possible fragile part of someone’s body.
Therefore, I thought out the following system of possible
events as response to a braid being cut off.

4 Additional Features
Other clans live at the seaside. The Na'vi living at the seaside
Subrace hunt for their food at sea, they are exceptional swimmers.
The Na'vi live all across pandora in many different They also are known for being great at connecting with other
environments. After living in different environments for sea beasts. As a Na'vi from the seaside you gain the following
longer, Na'vi in different environments have developed slightly features:
different traits. There are many of these traits and Water Ways. Your movement speed is not halved when
environments, but the four main kinds are: the forest, the swimming and you can hold your breath for 10 minutes.
mountains, the plains and the seaside. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
by 1.
Environment: Forest Seaside Weapon Training. In addition to being proficient
By far the most of the Na'vi live in the forest. As a Na'vi that with a Short- and Longbow, you are also proficient with a
grew up in the forest you are very nimble in a plant like Trident, a Net, and a Shortsword.
environment. They are also very well known for having an Plains Animal Training. With the Animal Connection
easier time being able to connect with multiple kinds of racial feature, gain advantage on water beasts with a
animals. As a Na'vi from the forest you gain the following swimming speed of at least 30 feet and other water beasts.
Forest Flow. Your movement speed is not halved when Making a Na'vi character
moving through difficult terrain from plant based sources. When making a Na'vi character there are a couple of things
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by to keep in mind. The following are some things to think of
1. when making a Na'vi character.
Forest Weapon Training. In addition to being proficient Travelling and Arrival. Try thinking of how your character
with a Short- and Longbow, you are also proficient with a travelled from the planet of Pandora to where ever the
Handaxe, a Spear and a Shortsword. campaign or story is taking place. Maybe there is an entirely
Forest Animal Training. Gain proficiency with the Animal different explanation for why your character is what it is.
Connection racial feature. Otherwise possibly good characters
Class. If you want to keep your character thematically
Environment: Mountains close to the Na'vi the (revised) Ranger or the Druid might be
A couple of the Na'vi live in the floating mountains. The Na'vi the best option, or maybe the fighter. Another option would
from the mountains are very good climbers. They are also be the Monk.
known for being exceptional at connecting with flying beasts The god, Eywa. Again, if you want to keep your character
and other bird-like creatures. As a Na'vi from the mountain thematically close to the Na'vi it is best to believe in the god
you gain the following features: Eywa. Secondly, you could possibly also believe into any pro-
Mountain Movement. Your movement speed is not halved Nature god. If thematically correct is of little importance to
when climbing. your character, you can ignore this part and believe in any god
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by you like. If you want to believe in Eywa, you can consult the
1. next heading.
Mountain Weapon Training. In addition to being
proficient with a Short- and Longbow, you are also proficient
with a Warpick, a Spear and a Whip.
Mountain Animal Training. With the Animal Connection Note
racial feature, gain advantage on beasts with a flying speed of A note on the balancing of this race.
at least 10 feet and other bird-like beasts. Strong. I am aware of the fact that this race
might be a little more powerfull than avarage. That
Environment: Plains is because the initial focus of this document is to
There are also clans that live in the Wild plains. As a Na'vi make a DnD race that 'captures the spirit' of being
from the Plain you are a very fast running and tend to be able to play a Na'Vi character the best.
more towards light grey due to long exposure to the sun. Unbalanced? If you as a DM think this race is
They can run very fast and are known for being well of unbalanced and want to even it out compared to
connecting with beasts that are also very fast. As a Na'vi from other races in a certain campaign. You can offer the
the plains you gain the following features: other players a free Ability score improvement or
Feat to balance other races compared to this one.
Wild Speed. Your base walking speed is increased to 40 Pandoran Enviroiment. If all players play this same
feet. race, there is ofcourse no need for a balancing
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by compared to other races or players.
Plains Weapon Training. In addition to being proficient
with a Short- and Longbow, you are also proficient with a
Spear, a Handaxe, and a Glaive.
Plains Animal Training. With the Animal Connection
racial feature, gain advantage on beasts with a walking
(running) speed of at least 50 feet and other horse-like beasts.
Environment: Seaside
Subraces 4
Eywa, God of Nature Biological Internet
Some believe that this interconnectedness, which on Earth is
Alignment: True Neutral merely a spiritual concept, exists in a physical and tangible
Suggested Domains: Nature, Life way, in the form of a strange, collective psionic consciousness
embedded in everything, drawn from all life. It is, in a way, a
Symbol: Woodsprite little like a huge biological internet; the trees being computer
Guiding Force servers that store information. The Na'vi can upload or
Eywa is the guiding force and deity of the Na'vi. The Na'vi download memories from it using their connection braid and
believe that Eywa acts to keep the ecosystem in perfect it can even be used for mind transfers in certain cases.
equilibrium. It is sometimes theorized by human scientists (this is a trimmed down version of Eywa that fits better in the
that all living things connect to Eywa, some of them through a world of Dungeons and Dragons, the original version can be
system of neuro-conductive antennae. This often explains found in the Crediting section)
why Na'vi can mount beasts and ride them immediately
without going through the necessary steps required to
domesticate such wild animals.
Sites used:
Eywa - https://james-camerons-avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Eywa
Na'vi - https://james-camerons-avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Na%27vi
Clans - https://james-camerons-avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Clans
Names - https://wiki.learnnavi.org/Na%27vi_Names
This document is made using: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/
Na'vi, Jake and Neitiri - https://www.pngwing.com/en/free-png-bebdz
Na'vi, Eye - https://www.forevergeek.com/avatar_craze_want_to_be_a_navi_learn_the_language_and_look_like_one/
Mountain Front page - https://www.avatar.com/explore/the-hallelujah-mountains-fragile-giants
Jake Front page - https://www.theverge.com/2017/4/22/15393524/avatar-sequels-release-dates-december-2020-2021-2024-

Contributors of this document are mainly proof-readers. All
these contributors are listed with their name as on discord.
Akuga Sakuto#2972
Special Thanks to:
Cody James DM#8709

2 Crediting & Contributors

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