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‘’A mente que se abre a uma nova ideia jamais

voltará ao seu tamanho original’’.
Albert Einstein
Inglês – Módulo Básico


BÁSICO 1 ........................................................................................ 3
SURVIVOR PHRASES / GREETINGS AND FAREWELLS ............................................................................................................ 4
VERB TO BE ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
ADJECTIVES / CONJUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 12
SIMPLE PRESENT ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
QUESTION WORDS .................................................................................................................................................... 23
THERE IS – THERE ARE ................................................................................................................................................ 30
PRONOUNS .............................................................................................................................................................. 35
REVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................... 38

BÁSICO 2 ...................................................................................... 43
DEMONSTRATIVE - POSSESSIVES .................................................................................................................................. 44
PRESENT CONTINUOUS .............................................................................................................................................. 48
NUMBERS/HOURS .................................................................................................................................................... 53
FREQUENCY ADVERBS ................................................................................................................................................ 59
PREPOSITIONS / IN – ON – AT ................................................................................................................................... 60
THIRD PERSON ......................................................................................................................................................... 64
‘DO’,’ DOES’ .......................................................................................................................................................... 66
REVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................... 68

BÁSICO 3 ...................................................................................... 70
SIMPLE PAST ............................................................................................................................................................ 71
USED TO................................................................................................................................................................. 79
SIMPLE PAST – PAST CONTINUOUS ............................................................................................................................... 81
TO OR FOR ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
ATIVIDADES EXTRAS................................................................................................................................................... 87
ON THE PLANE ...................................................................................................................................................... 87
AT THE TERMINAL ................................................................................................................................................ 88
TAKING A BUS TO THE CITY ................................................................................................................................... 89
MEETING PEOPLE ................................................................................................................................................. 90
IN THE WRONG ROOM ......................................................................................................................................... 91
AT BREAKFAST ...................................................................................................................................................... 92
THE LOST KEY ........................................................................................................................................................... 93
KEEPING FIT ............................................................................................................................................................. 94
SHOPPING IN TOWN................................................................................................................................................... 95
PLANNING A TRIP ...................................................................................................................................................... 96
EXTRAS: ................................................................................................................................................................ 97

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Inglês – Módulo Básico

Survivor Phrases / Greetings and Farewells

Survivor Phrases

 MAY I GO TO THE BATHROOM? Posso ir ao banheiro?

 MAY I HAVE SOME WATER? Posso tomar água?
 MAY I COME IN? Posso entrar?
 I'M SORRY, I'M LATE Me desculpe, estou atrasado.
 HOW CAN I SAY (_____) IN ENGLISH? Como eu posso dizer (___) em inglês?
 WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Qual o seu nome?
 WHAT DO YOU DO? O que você faz?

 CAN YOU SPELL IT, PLEASE? Você poderia soletrar isto por favor?

 WHERE ARE YOU FROM? De onde você é?

 HOW OLD ARE YOU? Quantos anos você tem?

 PLEASE Por Favor

 ALL RIGHT Tudo Bem

 NO PROBLEM Não foi nada

Greetings and Farewells

Quando as pessoas se encontram elas se cumprimentam usando algumas expressões

bem específicas (greetings) e quando se despedem também (farewells).
Eles podem ser classificados de duas formas principais: informais e formais. Alguns
exemplos de informal greetings são Hi! Hello! How is it going? What’s up? Alguns exemplos
de formal greetings são Hello! How are you? Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!
Os greetings que se referem às partes do dia: pela manhã, se diz Good morning! À tarde, se
diz Good afternoon! À noite, se diz Good evening! ao se encontrar alguém e Good night! ao
se despedir.
Os farewells também podem ser classificados da mesma maneira, ou seja, informal
farewells: See ya! See you! Bye! e formal farewells: See you tomorrow! See you on (Monday)!,
Have a nice (day)!, Good night!
Inglês – Módulo Básico

Formal Greetings Responses

 Good Morning  Hello
 Good Afternoon  Hello, good afternoon
 Good Evening  Good Evening
 Hello, how are you?  I’m fine. Thank you
 Very well, thank you

Greetings Farewells

• Hi / Oi
• Hello / Olá
• Good Bye / Tchau/Adeus
• Good morning / Bom dia.
• Good Night / Boa Noite
• Good afternoon / Boa tarde.
• See you tomorrow! / Até amanhã!
• Good evening / Boa noite.
• See you later / Até logo
• Thank you / Obrigado.(a).
• See you soon / Te vejo em breve
• Excuse me / Com licença.
• Take care / Se cuida
• How are you? / Como vai/está (você)?
• See you on Monday / Te vejo na
• How's it going? / Como vão as coisas?
• How've you been? / Como tem
• Have a nice day / Tenha um bom dia
• Have a nice weekend / Tenha um bom
• What's up? / E aí?
fim de semana
• What's going on? / E aí?
• Nice to meet you / Prazer em conhecê-
• What've you been up to? / O que tem
• So long / Até mais
• Welcome / Bem vindo
• It’s been a long time / Já faz muito

Follow the dialogue.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Mr Bean meets Mrs Breuer, one of his students, and her husband in the street.

Mr Bean: Good morning, Mrs Breuer.

Mrs Breuer: Good morning, Mr Bean. How are you?

Mr Bean: I'm fine thanks, and you?

Mrs Breuer: Not too bad. Mr Bean, this is my husband Michael, Michael this is Mr Bean my
English teacher.

Mr Breuer: Pleased to meet you.

Mr Bean: Pleased to meet you too. Are you from Germany, Mr Breuer?

Mr Breuer: Yes, East Germany, from Dresden. And you, are you from London?

Mr Bean: No, I'm from Derby, but I live in London now.

Mrs Breuer: Well, goodbye Mr Bean, it was nice to see you.

Mr Bean: Yes, goodbye..


Introduce yourself:

I’m _______________________ (My name is_________________)

Everyone calls me_____________ (My nickname is_____________)
I was born in _____________________.
I grew up at______________________.
I’m______________________ years old.
I study at ________________________.
My childhood was _________________.
My teenage years were ____________.

Prepare dialog using greetings and farewells:

a. Expressions for greeting people:

Inglês – Módulo Básico

b. Expressions to lay off people:


Fill in the blanks with 9 words below:

London Pleased Manchester

English teacher Goodbye Morning
Morning Not too bad Mr Bean

Mr Bean: Good __________, Mrs Jones.

Mrs Jones: Good morning, _____. How are you?

Mr Bean: I'm fine _________, and you?

____________ . Mr Bean, this is my husband Michael, Michael this is
Mrs Jones:
Mr Bean my ________.

Mr Jones: Pleased to meet you Mr Bean.

Mr Bean: ________ to meet you too. Are you from England, Mr Jones?

Mr Jones: Yes, from Manchester. Do you live in Manchester?

No, I'm from __________, but I live in Manchester while am teaching

Mr Bean:
at college.
Mrs Jones: Well, _________ Mr Bean, it was nice to see you.

Mr Bean: Yes, it was nice talking to you goodbye.


O verbo to be é o verbo mais conhecido do mundo, corresponde no português aos verbos

“ser” ou “estar”. Ele é utilizado para descrever e identificar pessoas e objetos e nas
expressões de tempo, de lugar e idade.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Existem três variações do verbo TO BE, são eles, AM, IS e ARE. O uso deles depende do
pronome que será utilizado na frase.

I am am not Am I ?
YOU are are not (aren’t) Are you ?
HE is is not (isn’t) Is he ?
SHE is is not (isn’t) Is she?
IT is is not (isn’t) Is it ?
WE are are not (aren’t) Are we ?
YOU are are not (aren’t) Are you ?
THEY are are not (aren’t) Are they ?

Lembre-se que o Inglês deve sempre colocar o assunto. Em uma frase positiva ou negativa
deve seguir a fórmula ( sujeito + verbo + complemento) em que o complemento é opcional.
Ex: Ela é bonita

Na forma afirmativa, a frase é construída por sujeito + verbo to be + complemento.
Ex: I am a good boy. (Eu sou um bom garoto)
He is my friend. (Ele é meu amigo)
They are doctors. (Eles são médicos)

Já na forma negativa, é acrescentado o NOT, pois ele dá o sentido de negação da frase, o NOT
sempre vai entrar após o verbo TO BE usado. Estrutura = Pronome + Verto TO BE + NOT +
Ex: He is not my father. (Ele não é meu pai.)
I am not a photographer. (Eu não sou fotografo.)
They are notstudents. (Eles não são estudantes.)


Inglês – Módulo Básico

Na forma interrogativa, o verbo To Be que é o verbo principal da frase,será posto antes do

ronome utilizado e sua tradução não sofrerá mudança, pois só será alterada a estrutura da
frase e não o seu sentido. No português, nós só precisamos mudar a nossa entonação.
Estrutura = Verbo TO BE + Pronome + Complemento
Ex: Is he a good person? (Ele é uma boa pessoa?)
Is she your teacher? (Ela é suaprofessora?).
Are you crazy? (Você é louco?)

O verbo to be significa ser e estar em português

e, além desses dois significados, este verbo é EX: I am Italian. (Eu sou Italiano.)
muito usado no sentido de ficar (tornar-se).
Observe os usos e as formas deste verbo:

Singular Plural
I am You are
You are We are
He/ She/ It is They are

Chose the correct form of the verb to be - am/is/are:
a) It ______cold today.
b) I______ at home now.
c) They _______ Korean.
d) There ______ a pen on the desk.
e) My name ______ Nikita.
f) We _____ from Ukraine.
g) That ______right.
h) I______OK, thanks.
i) Clara and Steve ______ married.
j) She ______ an English teacher.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Click on the words in the correct order to make positive sentences with the verb to be.
a) am twenty-five years I old.
b) Venezuela. We from are
c) a I'm name student. My Anton and is
d) This book. my is
e) It's day nice today. A
f) is Her name Paul. brother's
g) an is engineer. John
h) husband's name My Johansson. Is
i) twelve are class. There students my in
j) is new the address of the at letter. top My

Complete the gaps with the negative forms of the verb to be.
a) She _____ from France.
b) This book _____ mine.
c) Jane and Peter _____ married.
d) That _____ right.
e) My brother _____ here at the moment.
f) We _____ in England.
g) It _____ Monday today.
h) Jennie's surname _____ Peters.
i) I _____ a hairdresser.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

j) My name _____ Alexander.

k) There _____ many people in this class.

Complete as phrases with the verb TO BE suitable:

a) We __________ Brothers.
b) She __________ not my teacher.
c) It _________ a cat.
d) I _________ a painter.
e) They ________my best friends.
f) You _________ a good writer.

Pass the affirmative phrases for negative.

a) He is a mechanic.
b) They are in the school now.
c) You are from Argentina.
d) She is a good volleyball player.
e) I am very tired.
f) She is a banker.
g) You are a chef.
h) He is at home.
i) They are lawyers.
j) I am a painter.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Pass the sentences to the interrogative.

a) I am at school now.____________________________________?
b) She is very intelligent.__________________________________?
c) He is in the car._______________________________________?
d) It is hot in Brazil.______________________________________?
e) They’re famous artists._________________________________?
f) She is a banker._______________________________________?
g) You are a chef._______________________________________?
h) He is at home._______________________________________?
i) They are lawyers.______________________________________?
j) I am a painter.________________________________________?

Adjectives / Conjunctions



Jovem – Velho – Baixo- Alto – Feliz – Triste – Pobre – Rico – Preto – Branco
– Forte– Fraco – Casado – Solteiro – Bonito – Feio – Bonita –
Loiro – Moreno – Saudável – Doente

Os adjetivos são usados, em sua maioria, antes

dos substantivos que eles qualificam. Essa regra
também é válida para quando estiverem
presentes dois ou mais adjetivos. EX: Pretty girl –Fat Woman –Blond boy
Os adjetivos podem se posicionar, também,
depois de alguns verbos de ligação. Na maioria
das vezes não possuem gênero ou quantidade.

Inglês – Módulo Básico






EX: He lives in Cambridge, and (he) studies at Harvard University.

Conjunctions ligam duas palavras
ou duas orações independentes.
(Ele mora em Cambridge e estuda na Universidade de Harvard.)


Fill in the blanks:

I’m________________ AND I’m________________

I’m________________ BECAUSE I’m________________

I’ll be______________ BECAUSE I’ll be_______________

I’m________________ AND I was_______________

I was_______________ AND I’ll be_______________

I’m________________ OR I’m________________

Mark the adjectives that best describes your personality.

( ) dynamic ( ) lazy
( ) intelligent ( ) sweet
( ) anxious ( ) competent
Inglês – Módulo Básico

( ) modern ( ) nervous
( ) calm ( ) handsome
( ) beautiful ( ) sexy
( ) a good friend ( ) organized
( ) creative ( ) disorganized

Write the opposites of the adjectives provided.

Adjective Opposite unknown

brave pretty

comfortable wide

dull good

long big

low young

old light

quiet new

rich bad

safe dark

slow strong

Make a brief presentation about you using adjectives and conjunctions.


Can you describe these people?

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Complete the sentences using the correct conjunctions.

a) I'd love to stay ________ I have to catch my bus.
b) His hot chocolate was too hot ________ he put some cold milk in it.
c) ________ we had an umbrella, we got extremely wet.
d) I only passed my exam ________ you helped me.
e) They were hungry ________ they made some sandwiches.
f) We can go to the pool ________ we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer.
g) She didn't want him to see her ________ she hid behind a plant.
h) He's in the town Centre ________ he wants to look for shoes.

Choose the right conjunctions: so, and, but, because to complete the following sentences in
a) I couldn't sleep________ there was a party next door.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

b) I phoned all my friends________ invited them to come to my house.

c) It was very cold outside, ________ I put on my warmest clothes.
d) We couldn't go out ________ the weather was so bad.
e) He looked through the window for a minute or two, ________ went inside.
f) We didn't have any money________ we couldn't go to a restaurant.
g) He closed all the doors and windows, and ________ he left the house.
h) I was feeling very tired, ________ I went to bed very early.
i) Betty is usually on time, ________ tonight she arrived half an hour late.
j) I couldn't buy anything ________ I forgot my wallet.

Family Members



Pai – Mãe – Irmão – Irmã – Avô – Avó – Marido – Esposa – Filho

– Filha – Bebê – Primo – Tia – Tio.

Tell me about your Family

There are __________ people in my family.
My Family consists of me _________
I have _________ I’m an only child.
I’m number _________ of a family of _________ children.
My Father’s name is ___________.
My Mother’s name is ____________.

Prepare a text describing two members of his family, with what you've learned. Using the
words below:

eye color hair color high low fat father

skinny age profession sister brother mother

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Simple Present

Simple Present é utilizado para expressar uma verdade universal, ações habituais, situações e
fatos atuais, assim como gosto, sentimentos, desejos, opiniões e desejos.
O simple present tem dois auxiliares, o DO e DOES que são usados somente na negativa ou na
interrogativa. O DO e DOES também podem ser usadas na afirmativa, somente quando há
intenção de dar ênfase a algo ou alguma coisa.

Negativas Interrogativas

I do not / I don’t Do I …?
You do not / you don’t Do you …?
He does not / he doesn’t Does he….?
She does not / she doesn’t Does she…?
It does not / it doesn’t Does it…?
We do not / we don’t Do we…?
You do not/ you don’t Do you …?
They do not / they don’t Do they...?

Take a look at the examples:

I don’t have to work today. (Eu não tenho que trabalhar hoje).
She doesn’t have to wash the dishes. (Ela não tem que lavar a louça).

Inglês – Módulo Básico

They don’t go to school on the weekends. (Eles não vão à escola nos finais de semana).

Do you generally wake up at seven? (Você geralmente acorda às 7h?).
Does the dog bark a lot during the night? (O cão late muito durante a noite?).
Does he work as a waiter at that new restaurant? (Ele trabalha como garçom naquele novo

Complete each of the sentences below with a verb from the box.

start ⁄ take ⁄ eat ⁄ think ⁄ sleep ⁄ go ⁄ like ⁄ drink ⁄ write ⁄ lives

a) The film ________________ every day at 8 p.m.

b) Many children _________________ milk with their meals.

c) Cats generally _______________ a lot.

d) Julie _______________ a letter to her mother once a week.

e) Tom and Julie _______________ in a big city in the south of the country.

f) Tourists _______________ to Egypt to see the pyramids.

g) Jimmy always _______________ the bus to go to school.

h) We all know that children _______________ sweets.

i) Anne _______________ it's a good idea to do English exercises.

j) If you want to be healthy, you must _______________ good food.

Check the right option:

a) John ________ with his parents in a country town.

( ) Lives ( ) living ( ) Lived
b) That guy __________ a lot of important information.
( ) Haved ( ) Has ( ) Had
c) Our great grandfather __________ a pension.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

( ) Got ( ) Get ( ) Gets

d) She __________ English well but her brother hates it.
( ) Knows ( ) Knew ( ) Knee
e) Ronaldo __________ goals when he ́s in good shape.
( ) Scored ( ) Scores ( ) Scoring
f) We __________ control of our lives due to bad habits.
( ) Lost ( ) Loses ( ) Lose

Answer the questions with the present simple:

a) Do you work every day?
b) Does he Play volley in the morning?
c) Does it dink milk?
d) Do they travel abroad every year?
e) Does she like to listen music in the evening?

Complete in accordance with the case information:

Play Swin Help visit Take care Live Bake
Teach Work Dance Tell go leave Travel

a) I usually __________ to school.

b) They __________ us often.
c) You __________ basketball once a week.
d) Tom __________ every day.
e) He always __________ us funny stories.
f) She never __________ me with that!
g) Martha and Kevin __________ twice a week.
h) In this club people usually __________ a lot.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

i) Linda __________ of her sister.

j) John rarely __________ the country.
k) We __________ in the city most of the year.
l) Lorie __________ to Paris every Sunday.
m) I __________ cookies twice a month.
n) You always __________ me new things.

Change the verb into the correct form:

a) (I wake up) at five in the morning?
b) (you go) to work by train?

c) (she drink) coffee every morning?

d) (he smoke)?

e) (it hurt)?
f) (we dance)?

g) (they travel)?
h) (Emma cook) well?

i) (Alexander exercise) regularly?

j) (I look) well?

k) (you rest) enough?

l) (William work) too hard?

Inglês – Módulo Básico

m) (they travel) often?

n) (Anthony go) to sleep too late?

o) (you bake) cakes?

Change the verb into the correct form:

a) I (not ride) horses.
b) You (not sell) cars.

c) He (not bring) gifts.

d) She (not take) pictures.

e) It (not cost) so much.

f) We (not seem) so happy.

g) They (not buy) new products.

h) Michael (not dance).

i) Michel (not run) fast.

j) Tim and Kate (not work) every day.

k) Lucas and Clara (not eat) meat.


Inglês – Módulo Básico

l) I (not swim) much.

m) You (not ski) at all.

n) It (not hurt).
o) We (not give up).

Make negative sentences.
a) My father makes breakfast.

b) They are eleven.

c) She writes a letter.

d) I speak Italian.
e) Danny phones his father on Sundays.

Make questions.
a) you / to speak / English
b) when / he / to go / home

c) they / to clean / the bathroom

d) where / she / to ride / her bike

Inglês – Módulo Básico

e) Billy / to work / in the supermarket


Simple present continuous as future

Às vezes usamos a presente forma simples para discutir eventos futuros. Especialmente
quando se fala em eventos oficiais que acontecem em um horário definido, como horários,
reuniões, itinerários, programas, etc.

 "What time does the train leave?" A) "It leaves at 17.30."

 "What time does the meeting begin tomorrow?" A) "It begins at 8.00am."
 "What time do you arrive at the airport tomorrow?" A) "I arrive at 6.30pm."

Put the sentences in the correct order:

a. I / get a bus / don’t / to work : __________________________________
b. You / do / at 9 a.m. / ? / arrive at work : __________________________________
c. Check / your emails / do / ? / you : __________________________________
d. Don’t / I / lunch / have : __________________________________
e. You / do the ironing / ? / do : __________________________________
f. Don’t / to the movies / go / I : __________________________________
g. Don’t / I / to the beach / go : __________________________________
h. ? / you / TV / watch / do : __________________________________
i. Don’t / at / sleep / I / 11 p.m. : __________________________________

Question Words

As question words sempre começam com perguntas, ao contrário da língua portuguesa, em

que só mudamos a entonação para mudar a frase de afirmação para pergunta (ex. “Você é
médica” e “Você é médica?”), na língua inglesa as perguntas sempre começam com as
question words.

What – Is used to identify things and objects

Inglês – Módulo Básico

 What is that beside the car? [O que é aquilo ao lado do carro?]

 What are you saying? [O que você está dizendo?]
 What do you do? [O que você faz?]
 What time is it? [Que horas são? ]

Which - It is used when we have limited options.

 Which one is your favorite? [Qual é o seu favorito?].
 Which of the English speaking countries you would like to visit? [Qual dos países que
falam Inglês você gostaria de visitar?]
 Which way do I go? Left or right? [Para qual lado eu vou? Esquerdo ou Direito?]

Who – Is used to identify people

 Who are you? [Quem é você?]
 Who is your best friend? [Quem é seu melhor amigo?]
 Who is your favorite actor? [Quem é seu ator favorito?]
 Who is that girl? [Quem é essa garota?]

How – Is used to identify how things are or show they work/happen

 How is your nana? [Como está/é sua vó?]
 How are they doing? [Como eles estão?]
 How do you remember this? [Como você se lembra disso?]

Where – Is used to identify places

 Where is that museum you were telling me about? [Onde é aquele museu sobre o qual
você estava me falando?]
 Where do you want to go? [Aonde você quer ir?]

When – Is used to identify time

 When is the party taking place? [Quando a festa irá acontecer?]
 When did you travel? [Quando você viajou?]
 When does the mail arrive? [Quando a correspondência chega?]

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Why – to ask why something

 Why are you tired? “Because I’ve worked a lot”. [Por que você está cansado? “Porque
trabalhei bastante”]
 Why is he talking about Charlie like that? [Por que ele está falando do Charlie daquela

Fill in the correct word in question.
a) ________ sits next to Frank? Clara.
b) ________ does the boy come from? He's from Newcastle.
c) ________ old are her children? They are seven and ten.
d) ________ is Peter's birthday? In April, I think.
e) ________ much is the shirt? It's twenty pounds.
f) ________ is best at playing tennis? It's Bob.
g) ________ are you going? I'm going to my friends.
h) ________ is an orange juice? It's fifty pence.
i) ________ does the restaurant open? It opens at six o' clock.
j) ________ can I get some ice cream? You can get some at the snack bar.
k) ________ are you going to order? Fish and chips.
l) ________ are you going to do on Saturday? I don't know.
m) ________ has got my pullover? I have got it.
n) ________ is your name? Carol.
o) ________ is Susan's party? It's on Friday.

Match the questions to the corresponding answers:

a. What’s your full name? ( ) I go to work by bus.
b. What’s your teacher’s name? ( ) My teacher’s name is Johnny.
c. What do you do? ( ) My class finishes at 9 p.m.
d. What are you doing now? ( ) I live three block from here.
e. What’s your favorite band? ( ) My full name is William Tevor.
f. What time does your English class finish? ( ) I work at a bank.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

g. Who is your best friend? ( ) My favorite actress is Julia Roberts

h. Who is your teacher? ( ) My birthday is on March 20
i. Who is the president of your country? ( ) The next holiday is Halloween.
j. Who is your favorite actress? ( ) My best friend is Mark.
k. How are you today? ( ) I am a bit tired today.
l. How do you go to work? ( ) It’s the Beatles.
m. Where are you from? ( ) I am from Chicago.
n. Where do you live? ( ) Johnny is my teacher.
o. Where do you work? ( ) Obama is the president.
p. When is your birthday? ( ) I’m checking my lottery ticket.
q. When is the next holidays? ( ) I’m a dentist.
r. When do you relax? ( ) I relax on the weekends.

Choose between How, What, Where, When, Who.

a) ________ are you, Mr Gordon?
b) ________ is she doing?
c) ________ time is she coming home?
d) ________ are you going. I am going to the park.
e) ________ are you going. I ́m going on Monday?
f) ________ do you go to school? I go to school in Málaga.
g) ________ does Pedro work? He works every evening.
h) ________ many cars does your family have? We have two cars.
i) ________ does the dog want? It wants a big bone.
j) ________ much is that? It costs 3 euros.
k) ________ do you like to eat? I like to eat chicken.
l) ________ is reading in the library. Sandra is reading in the library.
m) ________ time is it now? It ́s nine o ́clock.
n) ________ is your school? It is near the post office.
o) ________ is this lady? She is my favorite teacher.
p) ________ do you like better, cakes or chocolates?
q) ________ often do you go to the movies?

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

a) to Who were you ? talking
b) are at they ? looking What

c) music ? down the you Could turn

d) is for What homework the today ?

e) Who that photo ? took

f) match time does ? the start What

g) you How clean often ? do teeth your

h) penguins bears Why don’t ? polar eat

Complete the gaps with a word from the box.

What Where How How often

When Why Who whose

a) A: ____________________ are you going on holiday?

B: Next Friday
b) A: ____________________ are you going?
B: Croatia
c) A: ____________________ bought the tickets?
B: My mum did.
d) A: ____________________ do you go on holiday?
B: Once every two years.
e) A: ____________________ don’t you go more often?

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B: Because we don’t want to.

f) A: ____________________ do you do the other years?
B: We relax in the garden and visit friends.
g) A: ____________________ do you choose your holiday destination?
B: We use the internet.
h) A: And ____________________ idea was it to go to Croatia?
B: Our neighbors recommended it.

Complete the following with one of the question words below then write an answer.
Who - When - What - Why - Which - Where - How Many - How - How Much
a) _______________ do you get to work?
b) _______________children do you have?
c) _______________do you eat dinner?
d) _______________do you live with?
e) _______________do you like to go on holiday?
f) _______________sugar do you like in your tea?
g) _______________is your favorite season - spring or summer?
h) _______________is your favorite day of the week?
i) _______________do you live in Santiago?

Put the following sentences in the correct order:

Is – who – she? ___________________________________________________________

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Are – they – who? _________________________________________________________

Time – it – what – is? _______________________________________________________
Is – your – what – name? ____________________________________________________
Is – what – your – color – favorite? ____________________________________________
Do – work – where – you? ___________________________________________________
Does – when – she – go to school? ____________________________________________
They – what time – have lunch – do? __________________________________________
Does – how – your mother – go to work? _______________________________________
You – do – what – do? ______________________________________________________

Write a question for each of the answers, using a question word.

a) ____________________________________________I use the subway to get to work.

b) ____________________________________________It is in South America.
c) ____________________________________________I prefer coffee, but I like both.
d) ____________________________________________I like to read and listen to music.
e) ____________________________________________I want to go to Egypt on holiday.
f) ____________________________________________My house has three bedrooms.
g) ____________________________________________I earn $1000 a month.
h) ____________________________________________Because I am on a diet.
i) ____________________________________________It is in December.
j) ____________________________________________He’s a famous actor.

Answer the following questions.

a) Where do you live? _________________________________________
b) Who do you live with? _________________________________________
c) What do you live in? (a house ...) _________________________________________
d) How many bedrooms are there? _________________________________________
e) Why do you live there? _________________________________________
f) When did you move there? _________________________________________
g) How far is it from work/school? _________________________________________

Inglês – Módulo Básico

There is – There are

There is e there are significam a mesma coisa, “há” (tem ou existe) a única diferença entre eles é
que there is é para se referir à existência de algo ou alguém no singular enquanto there are é
para se referir a várias coisas ou pessoas no plural.

When we make describe places we must use the expression There + to be.

There is a school next to my house.
There isn’t a school next to my house
Is there a school next to my house?

There are many trees in the park
There aren`t many trees in the park
Are there many trees in the park?

Complete the sentences

a) There _____ thirty students in my class.

b) There _____ some books in my bag.

c) There _____ some computers in the library.

d) There _____ a blackboard in the classroom.

e) There _____ a CD player on our teacher´s desk.

f) There _____ some posters.

g) There _____ some dictionaries in the classroom.

Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative

a) ________ an Italian boy in my class.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

b) ________ an internet café opposite our school.

c) ________ five supermarkets in my town.

d) ________ a museum next to the park.

e) ________ some posters in front of the cinema.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

a) it Today ‘s birthday ! my
b) where ? you are Is it sunny
c) people of here lots are There
d) in the there giants Were ? street
e) It being was than better at home .
f) not are the holidays until left There days many .

Describe your neighborhood: What is there in your neighborhood? What doesn’t exist?

Create sentences using there is / there are and the following words:
(You can change the words to their plural form if necessary)
a) Key____________________________________________________________________
b) Tree___________________________________________________________________

Inglês – Módulo Básico

c) Music__________________________________________________________________
d) Book__________________________________________________________________
e) Floor__________________________________________________________________
f) Food__________________________________________________________________
g) Minute_________________________________________________________________
h) Star___________________________________________________________________
i) Restaurant______________________________________________________________
j) Coffee_________________________________________________________________

Write about the pictures.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Complete the sentences according to the example

Ex: There is a horse in one box.
1. ______________________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________________.
3. ______________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________.
5. ______________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________.
7. ______________________________________________________.
8. ______________________________________________________.
9. ______________________________________________________.

Use the correct form of there is and there are to fill the gaps. Be careful with the negative
a) _________________ a lot of traffic in Valencia.
b) _________________ anywhere to park around here?
c) _________________ much sugar.
d) _________________ enough time to finish?
e) _________________ a few bananas and a few apples.
f) _________________ only one way to solve this problem.
g) _________________ anyone here who wants to volunteer?
h) _________________ many tigers left in the world.
i) _________________ a lot of information available on this issue.
j) _________________ any public buses in Los Angeles?
k) _________________ a giant monkey outside my window.
l) _________________ any snakes in your garden?
m) _________________ any danger on that side of the island

Write questions and short answers

Example: / any Brazilian footballers in your favorite team?
Are there any Brazilian footballers in your favorite team? Yes there are.
a) / a skateboard park near here?

Inglês – Módulo Básico

No, ___________________________________________________.
b) / a Hollywood in Ireland?
Yes, ___________________________________________________.
c) / any famous football teams in your town?
Yes, ___________________________________________________.
d) / any interesting places near your house?
No, ___________________________________________________.
e) / an English boy in your class?
No, ___________________________________________________.

Write about the picture.

Inglês – Módulo Básico



Pronome é a classe de palavras que acompanha ou substitui um substantivo ou um outro

pronome, indicando sua posição em relação às pessoas do discurso ou mesmo situando-o no
espaço e no tempo. Os pronomes nos ajudam a evitar repetições desnecessárias na fala e na
escrita. Um pronome pode agir como um sujeito, objeto direto, objeto indireto, objeto da preposição,
e muito mais.



Possessive Case:
I General rule includes ‘s to indicate possession.
 The book belongs to Mark = It’s Mark’s book.
 The pen belongs to Amanda = It’s Amanda’s pen.
 The bikes belong to Anna and Tom = It’s Anna and Tom’s bikes.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Plural nouns that ends in “s” Or name that ends in “s” include only (‘)
 The toy belong to the dogs = They are the dogs’ toys.
 This shirt belongs to Charles = Charles’ shirt.
 The books belongs to the students = They are students’ books.

Correct the sentences.
a) Mrs. Smith is strict. I don ́t like him.
b) Ana isn ́t good at math. I never copy from she.
c) We have a computer at home, but I don t́ use me.
d) My teachers are very good. I like they.
e) I ́m not happy with the children. They don ́t listen to I.

Complete with the correct personal pronouns.

a) My name is Olga. ____________ am the youngest in the family.
b) This is my father. ____________ is a teacher.
c) This is my mother. ____________ is a lawyer.
d) I am standing on my head. Look at ____________ .
e) My mother is kind. Everybody likes ____________.
f) Eli and I are playing in the park. Dad is watching ____________.
g) I have a dog. ____________ is called Lucky.
h) My family and ____________ live in a big city.
i) Pick up your toys and put ____________ away.
j) Lisa, I told ____________ to tidy your bed!

Use the correct possessive adjectives.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

a) Pedro and Isabel are Spanish. ______ family is from Spain.

b) Juan is not at school. ______ father took him to the doctor.
c) Beatriz is married. She showed us ______ ring today.
d) Jorge has a car. ______ car is new.
e) There are many student’s at school. ______ school as 500 children.
f) Jose and Maria are dancers. ______ older brother is a singer.
g) Pepe and I have an English class together. ______ teacher is Ms. Smith.
h) Juana has a van. ______ van is very old.
i) Silvia is wearing a dress. ______ dress is yellow.
j) My family has a dog. ______ dog’s name is Lady.
k) The teacher told me not to bring ______ cell phone to school.
l) When I was in France last year I stayed at ______ father’s house.
m) Elizabeth has a skateboard. ______ skateboard is blue.
n) Peter is Dutch. ______ family is from Amsterdam.
o) I have one sister. ______ name is Debbie.
p) I have a pen. ______ pen is red.
q) Nacho forgot ______ book.
r) Luis and Miguel talk like ______ father.
s) Alex and I were late for ______ class.
t) Princess Leticia is wearing ______ new Chanel glasses.
u) Where are ______ keys? I can’t find them.
v) Where do you keep ______ money, in the bank?
w) Ana sees ______ mother every day.
x) The cat eats ______ food quickly.
y) We bring ______ books to class.

Use the correct possessive adjectives.

a) Is this Jane’s dog? Yes it is ______ dog.
b) The dog is chasing ______ own tail.
c) Peter, is ______ father at home?
d) I am going to ______ aunt’s house this evening.
e) Rudy is showing ______ stamps to Ali.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

f) We always keep ______ classroom clean.

g) Children, have you all finished ______ homework?
h) The children are proud of ______ school.

Replace the subject pronouns by a possessive adjective.

a) My uncle’s name is Jack.
______ name is Jack.
b) Toby and Fran’s brother is in France.
______ brother is in France.
c) My mum’s car is a Seat.
______ car is a Seat.
d) My brother’s bicycle is blue.
______ bicycle is blue.
e) I’ve got my sister’s books.
I’ve got ______ books.
f) Where are Paul and Nick’s books?
Where are ______ books?


Fill with one of the words below.

a) He__________exercise on weekdays, but he_________________exercise on the
b) John_______(not)_like spicy food. He(not) eat food that is spicy.
c) We_________happy to see you.
d) She _______ all of her work at school.
e) He_______________(not) scared of spiders.
f) ____________you walk to school?
g) We____________very scared of mice.
h) I____________usually at school.
i) Mary______________at home at the moment.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

j) Sam____________good at sports.
k) He ____________(not) always in a good mood.
l) We_________at the pool today.
m) Sue____________ afraid of bats.
n) Sue (not)_do the cleaning on Mondays.
o) He ___________(not)_rich he______poor.
p) He _______(not) belong to a team..
q) She______a student she ______(not)______a teacher.
r) I always________my best during an exam.
s) Mary_____________her work well.
t) She________in class early in the morning.
u) ___________you like icecream?
v) We________(not)_____live in Spain. We live in Italy.
w) I___________(not)______like to eat chocolate.
x) He______know how to sing.
y) ______________you like chocolate?
z) ___________it late?
aa) They________________(not)_like chocolate.
bb) He ___________always cheerful.
cc) We____________anxious about our exam.
dd) We_________busy this afternoon.
ee) What____________you do?
ff) They________(not) in the same class.
gg) ________________a lawyer.
hh) They_______in different classes.

Select the alternative that correctly complete the sentence

1. “Karen doesn’t study here, __________?”.
a) doesn’t she.
b) do she.
c) did she.
d) does she.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

2. “You father lived in China, _________?”.

a) did he.
b) didn’t he.
c) don’t he.
d) does he.
3. “I’m happy, ____________?”.
a) aren’t you.
b) am I.
c) aren’t I.
d) am not I.
4. “Let’s not become sentimental, ______?”.
a) shall we.
b) let us.
c) will you.
d) won’t we.
5. “Do me a favor, _________?”.
a) will you.
b) don’t you.
c) are you.
d) isn’t it.

Complete the spaces below using am , is or are .

a) Curitiba ________________ a big city.
b) Curitiba and Florianopolis ___________________ big cities.
c) My dog_______________ very fat.
d) We _______________ good students.
e) They_______________ my friends.
f) Maria______________ my best friend.
g) He________________ Peter’s brother.
h) I_________________ a teacher.

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Se você estuda inglês, você certamente já deve saber falar sobre sua immediate
Family ou close family (família direta). Afinal, esses são os mais próximos de vocês: mother
(mãe), father (pai), brothers (irmãos) e sisters (irmãs). Isso, claro, se você for single (solteiro).
Pois caso seja married (casado), sua “immediate family” deve incluir ainda seu husband
(marido) ou wife (esposa) e também seus sons (filhos) e daughters (filhas). Esse núcleo
familiar em inglês é chamado de core family ou nuclear family.
O restante da família, seus relatives ou também relations (parentes) inclui todos os
membros da sua immediate family e também seus grandparents (avós), greatgrandparents
(bisavós), uncles (tios), aunts (tias), cousins (primos e primas), nephew (sobrinho), niece
(sobrinha). Não podem ficar de fora os grandsons (netos) e muito menos as granddaughters
Todo esse pessoal que faz parte da sua close family são também considerados seus
blood relatives (parentes de sangue). Vale dizer ainda que os parentes distantes são os
distant relatives. Se você não se lembra disso, anote ai que um bom exemplo de distant
relative é um second cousin (primo de segundo grau) ou mesmo um distant cousin (primo
Quando você se casa com o amor da sua vida você ganha de tabela os in- laws
(parentes do cônjuge). Você então se torna um son-in-law (genro) ou uma daughter- in-law
(nora).entra em cena a famosa mother-in-law (sogra) e o father-in-law (sogro). Aparece
também o brother-in-law (cunhado) e, o óbvio, a sister-in-law (cunhada). A coisa em inglês é
tão estranha que após o casamento todo mundo vira in-law. Ou seja, o tio da sua esposa (ou
esposo), por exemplo, se torna uncle-in-law. Não tem segredo!
Para encerrar esse assunto, anote aí uma expressão interessante “IT RUNS IN THE
FAMILY”, isso é o mesmo que dizer (é de família). Podemos dizer “HONESTY RUNS IN THE
FAMILY” (honestidade é de família), “BEAUTY RUNS IN THE FAMILY” (a beleza é de família).

Inglês – Módulo Básico


1. Complete the sentences:

aunt – uncle – niece -grandfather – grandmother – granddaughters – grandsons – nephew –

a – Your parent's parent are your ________ and your ____________
b – Your father's brother and sister are your __________ and __________________
c – Your aunt's and uncle's children are your _____________ and _____________
d – Your brother's son and daughter are your __________and ___________
e – Your children's children are your ____________and ____________

2. List the columns:

a – start a family ( ) criar um filho

b – expecting a baby ( ) parente distante
c – single mother ( ) esperando um bebê
d – acrimonious divorce ( ) manter a família
e – Provide for the family ( ) pais adotivos
f – Bring up a child ( ) mãe solteira
g – distant relative ( ) começar uma família
h – Foster parents ( ) divórcio litigioso

3. Complete the sentences:

a – They are having an _____________________ (divórcio litigioso)

b – They're getting things ready so as to __________________ (começar uma família)
c – She's _______________ (mãe solteira)
d – He was raised by __________________ (pais adotivos)
e – Nowadays, it's not an easy thing to ________________ (criar um filho)
f – John works long hours to _________________ (manter a família)

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Inglês – Módulo Básico

Demonstrative - Possessives

Há quatro demonstrativos em Inglês - this, that, these e those.

This - (singular – to point out something that is near in either distance or time).
That - (singular – to point out something this is far away in either distance or time).
These - (plural – to point out some things that are near in either distance or time).
Those - (plural – to point out some things that are far in either distance or time).

Use `this ́ or `these ́.
a) ____________ is my desk.
b) ____________ are my pets.
c) ____________ is Pete ́s house.
d) It ́s raining again. ____________ is awful.
e) Hello Kath, ____________ is Bob.
f) ____________ is my friend, Paul.
g) ____________ cake tastes delicious.
h) I don ́t like ____________ one.
i) ____________ apples look good.
j) I ́ll take ____________ grapes.
k) ____________ books belong to Linda.
l) Jack brought ____________ trousers.
m) ____________ hamburgers tastes good.
n) Have you seen ____________ movie?
o) ____________ are good times.

Use `that ́ or `those ́.

a) __________ a big supermarket.
b) __________ are her CD ́s.
c) Are __________ your books.
d) __________ is a big shop.
e) __________ is John ́s house.
f) __________ is a mountain.
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g) __________ are horses.

h) What are __________?
i) We can do better than __________.
j) No, __________ is not mine.
k) Did you win? __________ is amazing.
l) Hello, who is __________ speaking, please.
m) Hello, is __________ you John?
n) Is __________ a Dutch ship?
o) __________ is a Spanish woman.

Choose one of the words in parenthesis ( ) to complete each sentence. Write the correct
word on the line.
1.) __________ watch on my wrist says it is noon. (These, This)
2.) ___________ cat across the street has a striped tail. (That, Those)
3.) Whose skates are ______________ by the stairs? (this, those)
4.) I don’t know why I’m wearing my hair _____________way. (this, those)
5.) Did you eat ___________ cookies on the table? (those, that)
6.) ___________ tests on my desk don’t have names on them. (these, this)
7.) Remember ____________ movie we watched yesterday? (that,those)
8.) _______________ trees are going to grow very tall. (These, This)9.) ___________ storm we
had last night kept me awake. (Those, That)
10.) Did you buy _____________ grapes at the market? (that, those)
11.) Ask _________ policeman for directions. (that, those)
12.) How many of ____________ napkins here do you need? (these, this)

Possessive Pronoun:

Os pronomes possessivos devem ser usados com o intuito de substituir o substantivo na frase.
This is my house. (Esta é minha casa).
That is Peter’s house and this is mine. (Aquela é a casa do Peter e esta é a minha).

Inglês – Módulo Básico

No primeiro exemplo nota-se que foi utilizado um possessive adjective “my”, enquanto no
segundo exemplo foi utilizado um possessive pronoun “mine”. Os “possessive adjectives”
sempre vêm acompanhados de um substantivo, já os “possessive pronouns” têm a função de
substituir os substantivos.

Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns


 My book is new. (Meu livro é novo).
 Your pencil is under the table. (Seu lápis está debaixo da mesa).
 His backpack is brand-new. (A mochila dele é novíssima).

 Which pizza is yours? The cheese or the pepperoni? (Qual pizza é a sua? A de queijo
ou a de calabresa?).
 The cheese is mine and the pepperoni is hers. (A de queijo é a minha e a de calabresa
é a dela).

Possessive case:
The book belongs to Taylor = Taylor’s book
The pen belongs to Charles = Charles’ pen
The toys belongs to John and Peter = John and Peter’s toys

Ex: Julia’s house is in Cabral and mine is in Xaxim

Compare answers
Her mother’s name is Emma, and Felipe’s is Lucia

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Choose the possessive pronouns that best complete each sentence.
a) ________________(My/Mine) brother planted a beautiful apricot tree
in________________(our/ours) front yard.
b) Annalisa finished _____________ (her/hers) homework early, but Julissa did not do
_______________(her/hers) until later.
c) The little boy who lives next door played with _____________(him/his) toys.
d) The furniture belongs to my mother. It is _________________(her/hers).
e) _________________(Our/Ours) family enjoys spending time together.
f) Jenny’s dad trimmed the branches off the tree. It looked bare without all of
__________________ (it/its) branches.
g) You must remember to clean _______________(your/yours) room before you go to
the party.
h) Mr. and Mrs. Rochester bought a plant for ________________ (their/theirs) house.
i) The bicycle over there is ____________(him/his), but this one right here is
_______________________ (my/mine).
j) Angela likes to wear _________________ (her/hers) hair long, while Peggy prefers to
wear ________________(her/hers) short.

Complete with the correct Possessive Adjective and Possessive Pronouns.

a) We are reading _____________ newspaper. Is she reading __________________ ?
b) They helped __________ hungry people and we help __________.
c) Is that car ______________ or _______________________?
d) These are ________________ pens, not ______________.
e) Jane and I decided go to the park, and ___________parents will go too.
f) He is Jim, and _____ car is black.
g) I am Carol, and that men is ______ father.
h) She is Suzan, ______sister is Meg.
i) Are the books __________? asked the man to _______ daughter. Yes, they are
________ , father.
j) I have killed _______ rabbit, and she has killed _______

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Turn the sentences in order to use the possessive case:

1. - The daughter of my uncle is the sister of my cousin.
2. - Have you seen the coat of John?
3. - The address of the doctor is in the directory.
4. - His name as an actor was James Dean.
5. - I can't remember the real name of that actor.
6. - The shoes of the guests are polished every night in this hotel.

Present Continuous

O presente contínuo deve ser usado para expressar uma situação que está em progresso,
todo nosso “ando”, “endo” e “indo” dos verbos em português devem ser trocados em inglês
por “ing”.
Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo com “ing” + complemento

EX: They are studying for the test now. (Eles estão estudando para a prova agora.)
She is not (isn’t) working at the bar anymore. (Ela não está mais trabalhando no bar.)

Ex: You are not (aren’t) wearing pajamas. (Você não está usando pijamas)
He is not (isn’t) teaching about pollution. (Ele não está ensinando sobre poluição)
She is not (ins’t) coming this year. (Ela não está vindo este ano)

Ex: Is she saving money to buy a car? (Ela está guardando dinheiro para comprar um carro?)
Is it raining today? (Está chovendo hoje?)
Are you going to school now? (Vocês estão indo para à escola agora?)
Inglês – Módulo Básico

Present Continuous rules:

Verbs in general add – ING:

Eat – eating, drink – drinking, watch – watching

Remove –e and add –ing:

Make – making, have – having, take – taking

Double the consonant:

Stop – stopping, plan – planning, run – running

Remove the –ie and add –ying:

Lie – lying, die – dying


Add the – ing.

a) camp ______________
b) swim ______________
c) travel______________
d) walk ______________
e) have ______________
f) write ______________
g) cook ______________
h) shop ______________

Write the questions and the short answers.

a) your dad / work / today /?
Yes, _________________________
b) you / have a good time / on holiday / ?
Yes, _________________________
c) your mum / cook dinner / now / ?

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Yes, _________________________
d) your friends / play football / ?
Yes, _________________________

Complete the sentences using Present continuous.

a) I ___________ (watch) a reality show on TV.

b) My favorite team ___________ (win)!
c) Someone ___________ (swim) in the sea.
d) Two people ___________ (cook) dinner on the beach.
e) We ___________ (not watch) a soap opera.
f) Mum ___________ (read) a magazine.
g) My brother ___________ (not listen) to the radio.
h) Dad ___________ (not cook) dinner.
i) Tara ___________ (talk) by phone.
j) Joe ___________ (play) on the computer.
k) Who ___________(watch) TV?
l) Tina ___________ (do) grammar exercises.
m) I ___________ (eat) a pizza.
n) We ___________ (sit) in the classroom.
o) I ___________ (not write) an email.
p) Amy ___________ (not go) to school today.
q) We ___________ (not have) fun today.
r) My team ___________ (not win) the match.
s) My parents ___________ (drive) to work now.
t) ___________ they ___________ (read) magazines? Yes, they are.
u) ___________ you ___________ (learn) English? Yes I am.
v) ___________ Helen ___________ (write) a letter? No, she isn ́t.
w) ___________ Sarah ___________ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.
x) We ___________ (not play) basketball.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Change each sentence. Use the words in brackets.

a) Jo goes to school by bus. (usually)

Jo usually goes to school by bus.
b) I’m working hard. (not)


c) Sara likes sport. (not)


d) I get up at 6.30. (always)


e) We speak German. (not)


f) Pierre goes to the beach. (often)


g) George drinks beer. (never)


h) We’re having a good time. (not)


Present simple or present continuous? Change the verb if it is wrong.

a) Are you having a motorbike?

Do you have a motorbike?
b) I’m staying in a hotel near the sea.


c) I’d like to buy this coat. How much is it costing?


d) What you doing?


Inglês – Módulo Básico

e) I’m usually getting up at 6.00.


f) This book is difficult. I’m not understanding it.


g) I watch a lot of TV every night.


h) Excuse me. Are you knowing the way to the museum?


Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

a) Every day Julie _______________ (take) the bus to go to her office.

b) At the moment you _______________ (do) an English exercise.
c) Tom and Julie _______________ (learn) English this year.
d) The Bank __________________ (open) at 9.30 every morning from Monday to Friday.
e) Our cousins ___________________ (come) to see us next Sunday.
f) Tom ______________ (read) the newspaper every morning on the train.
g) Julie usually __________________ (clean) the house on Saturdays.
h) At the moment she _________________ (write) a letter to a client.
i) Julie _________________ (speak) three languages : English, French and Spanish.
j) Today is Sunday. Tom and Julie _________________ (relax) in their garden.

Além disto, devemos saber também que este tempo verbal é composto, isto é, possui mais
de um elemento em sua fórmula. Já conhecemos um desses elementos, que é o verbo to
be (ser, estar) no presente, e o outro elemento é o gerúndio do verbo principal.

Inglês – Módulo Básico




22 - Twenty two

57 - Fifty seven
100 - One Hundred
333 - Three hundred - thirty three
998 - Nine hundred - ninety eight
2001 - Two thousand one
2016 - Two Thousand - sixteen
9.999 - Nine thousand - nine hundred - ninety nine
100.235.552 - A hundred million – two hundred thirty five thousand – five hundred fifty two
1.000.00 - One million
33.333.333.33 - Thirty three million – three hundred thirty three thousand – three hundred
thirty three, thirty three

Inglês – Módulo Básico
Parts of the day: Hours of the day

I have breakfast in the morning. I wake up at 7 a.m.

I go to the gym in the morning. I take the bus at 9 a.m.

I have lunch in the afternoon. I have lunch at 12 p.m.

I work in the afternoon. I finish work at 6 p.m.

I take the bus in the evening. I start work at ten thirty.

I watch soap opera in the evening. I start work at half past ten.

I read a book at night. I have lunch at two fifteen.

I sleep at night. I have lunch at a quarter past two.

9:05 It’s five past nine. 9:35 It’s twenty-five to ten.

9:10 It’s ten past nine 9:40 It’s twenty to ten.
9:15 It’s quarter past nine. 9:45 It’s quarter to ten.
9:20 It’s twenty past nine. 9:50 It’s ten to ten
9:25 It’s twenty-five past nine 9:55 It’s five to ten.
9:30 It’s half past nine.


Para perguntar as horas podemos falar: What’s the time? ou What time is it?. Usamos
a forma It’s + time para dizer que horas são e quando for a hora exata acrescentamos o’clock.
Ex.: It’s seven o’clock. (São sete horas.)

Para indicar que as horas são antes ou depois de meio-dia usamos as abreviações a.m.
e p.m.
Ex.: It’s eight a.m. (São oito da manhã.)
Ex.: It’s five p.m. (São cinco da tarde.)

No inglês americano eles usam mais essa forma:

1:25 It’s one twenty-five.
11:30 It’s eleven thirty.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Days of the week

• Domingo - Sunday - Sun.

• 2ª feira - Monday - Mon.
• 3ª feira - Tuesday - Tue.
• 4ª feira - Wednesday - Wed.
• 5ª feira - Thursday - Thu.
• 6ª feira - Friday - Fri.
• Sábado - Saturday - Sat.

• Janeiro - January
• Fevereiro - February
• Março - March
• Abril - April
• Maio - May
• Junho - June
• Julho - July
• Agosto - August
• Setembro - September
• Outubro - October
• Novembro - November
• Dezembro - December

Write the numbers in full:
a) 3 Tree
b) 17 __________________________________________________________.
c) 134 __________________________________________________________.
d) 2 __________________________________________________________.
e) 7 __________________________________________________________.
f) 25 __________________________________________________________.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

g) 78 __________________________________________________________.
h) 91 __________________________________________________________.
i) 105 __________________________________________________________.
j) 289 __________________________________________________________.
k) 910 __________________________________________________________.
l) 987 __________________________________________________________.
m) 1.007 __________________________________________________________.
n) 3.555 __________________________________________________________.
o) 6.066 __________________________________________________________.
p) 9.000 __________________________________________________________.
q) 10.590 __________________________________________________________.
r) 35.569 __________________________________________________________.

Fill with numbers written out.

a) I'm _____________________ years old.
b) The prize of the Mega Sena will pay _____________________.
c) My house has _____________________windows.
d) This house has _____________________ years old.
e) I have _____________________ dogs, _____________________ cats and
_____________________ birds.
f) I counted today over than _____________________ dollars.

Fill in the dates correctly.

a) January 01, 2001;
b) September 11, 1987;
c) December 25, 1976;
d) August 31, 2016;
Inglês – Módulo Básico

e) November 15, 1957;

f) March 22, 1935;
g) June 11, 1999;

Choose the option where the featured hours are properly written.

A - 10:12 B - 7:05 C - 2:15

a. Twelve to ten a. Seven to five a. A quarter past two
b. Ten twelve b. Seven five b. Fifteen to two
c. Ten twenty c. Seven fifty c. Two fifth

D - 8:45 E - 9:30 F- 11:25

a. Fifteen to nine a. Half past nine a. Eleven thirty five
b. A quarter past eight b. Nine thirteen b. Twenty five to eleven
c. Eight twenty five c. Nine o´clock c. Eleven twenty five

G - 4:55 H - 5:45
a. Five past four a. Five thirty five
b. Five to five b. A quarter to six
c. Five fifty five c. Fifteen to five

Rewrite each sentence on the line. Use the percentages to decide which adverb to use. Then,
decide whether the adverb comes before or after the verb.

Example: Selma catches the 9:15 bus to town. (80–90%)

Selma frequently catches the 9:15 bus to town.

Example: She is late for work. (1–10%)

She is rarely late for work.

a) We watch the news at 6:00. (100%)


Inglês – Módulo Básico

b) My wife drives me to work. (50%)


c) Our neighbor’s son goes to football practice after school. (95–99%)


d) My mom leaves her keys on the kitchen table. (80-90%)


e) The baby is hungry when he wakes up. (100%)


f) The planes take off on time. (90–99%)


g) The school bus is here by 7:30 a.m. (5–10%)


h) I go shopping after work. (30–40%)


i) The kids are ready when the school bus arrives. (1–10%)


j) I am happy when it rains. (0%)


Complete using the weekdays

a) I go to the school from _____________________to _____________________
b) Monday, _____________________Wednesday, _____________________
c) I like to go to the shopping on _____________________
d) On _____________________morning I need to go to church.
e) The party is on _____________________night.
f) The best day from the week is on _____________________
g) Every _____________________and _____________________passes the waste truck.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

h) My english lessons are on _____________________and


Complete using the months of the year.

a) The summer is between _____________________and _____________________
b) March, _____________________May, _____________________July,
c) I like to go on vocation in _____________________
d) On _____________________is my birthday party.
e) Christmas is celebrated in _____________________
f) The school holidays are in _____________________and _____________________
g) Easter is celebraded in _____________________

Frequency Adverbs

Frequency adverbs são aqueles que nos indicam com que frequência algo aconteceu,
acontece, acontecerá etc. Para dizermos qual a frequência com que praticamos uma ação -
como, por exemplo, tomar café da manhã, ir ao cinema, trabalhar - usamos frequency
adverbs, ou seja, advérbios de frequência.

Alguns exemplos de advérbios de frequência que usamos em inglês são:

Always Usually Frequently Often Sometimes Occasionally Rarely Never

Os frequency adverbs vêm logo depois do verbo TO BE.


Ian is usually in bed by 10 p.m.

Quando o verbo da frase não é o TO BE, mas um verbo principal qualquer, do tipo eat, cook,
work ou study, o frequency adverbs vem antes do verbo.


They usually watch TV in the evening.

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Ex: every day, once a week, every month.

Write sentences using the words below . But do not forget the necessary adjustments , as in
this example: Virginia goes to the supermarket once a week .

a) Ian - sometimes - TV - watch

b) Diana - frequently - with friends - go out
c) David - play - soccer - never
d) Beth - once a week - swim
e) Tom - busy - is - always - during the week

Now do the following sentences using adverbs and phrases:

a) Sometimes _________________________________________________________.
b) Once a week _________________________________________________________.
c) Always _________________________________________________________.
d) Never _________________________________________________________.
e) Every month _________________________________________________________.
f) Twice a week _________________________________________________________.

Prepositions / IN – ON – AT

What are Prepositions?

Preposição é uma palavra ou grupo de palavras que liga(m) dois ou mais termos da
oração e que estabelece(m) entre si algumas relações.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

“usamos ‘in’ para dizer que o objeto ou pessoa está dentro de algum lugar; usamos ‘on’, para
dizer que está sobre algum lugar; e, usamos ‘at’ para fazer referência a algo que está nem
dentro e nem sobre, mas que está por perto”.

Eu tive um sonho COM você.
Não gosto DE você.
Assim que eu acabe aqui, eu vou PARA casa.
Emma decidiu ficar EM casa.
Eu disse que estava COM fome
Ele foi acusado DE roubo



Em alguns casos o TO serve como marcador do infinitivo. Nesses casos usa-se TO entre dois
A – Some people plan where they WANT TO GO before they leave
B – Where they are GOING TO TRAVEL to

I want TO talk you
We tried TO explain
He promised TO be here on time
She pretended TO be reading the newspaper
Muitos estudantes de inglês acreditam que o uso das preposições ''in'', ''on'' e ''at'' com
expressões de tempo tratam-se de regras gramaticais. Na verdade, isto nada tem a ver com
regras. Tudo não passa de simples observações!

Note nas sentenças abaixo:

a. I have to be there at six o' clock

Inglês – Módulo Básico

b. I will see you on Monday

c. I work best in the morning
d. They're going to travel in December
e. Ask me again in three days
f. We'll meet him at 4:30.
g. What are you doing on Sunday
h. He wasn't here in January

IN – use essa preposição: Para se referir aos messe, anos, estações do ano...
Ex: in January, in February;
in 1995, in 1998;
in (the) summer, in (the) fall,

ON – use essa preposição: Para se referir aos dias da semana, datas, dias específicos, my
Ex: on Monday, on Tuesday;
on March 22, on February 01;
absolutely nothing happened on my birthday;
on New Years’s Day

AT – use essa preposição: Para se referir-se há horas, datas específicas...

Ex: at 2 o’clock (às duas horas)
at Christmas [no natal]
Com as seguintes palavras: at midday (ao meio-dia), at noon (ao meio-dia), at lunchtime (na
hora do almoço), at night (à noite), at midnight (à meia-noite).

I'm ______ Brazil
We're going ______ London next month
The book is _____ the Table
I have a present ______ Dave
Careful _____thar knife

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Nothing will ever come_______us

Complete with: IN - ON - AT:

a) ________ Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

b) ________ the weekend.
c) ________ Sunday morning, Monday afternoon, Tuesday evening.
d) ________ January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September,
October, November, December.
e) ________ January 1st, January 2nd, January 3rd, January 4th, January 5th.
f) ________ 1999, 2000, 2001, 20002, 2003, 2009, 2010.
g) ________ January 10th, 2010.
h) ________ one clock, two-ten, a quarter to four, a quarter past five, half past nine.
i) ________ Christmas, Easter.
j) ________ the past, the future.
k) ________ the summer, the winter, the spring, the fall/autumn.

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:

a) _______ winter k) _______ the morning

b) _______ November l) _______ a wonderful morning
c) _______ night m) _______ 1925
d) _______ November 12th. n) _______ Sunday
e) _______ four o'clock. o) _______ the last century
f) _______ Tuesday. p) _______ March
g) _______ a hot afternoon q) _______ March 2nd
h) _______ the afternoon r) _______ noon
i) _______ the next century s) _______ August
j) _______ summer t) _______ August 20th

Complete with IN, ON or AT:

a) We are going to Paris ______ the summer.

b) Millions of people left Europe ______ the nineteenth century.
c) The opening will be ______ January.
Inglês – Módulo Básico

d) I think driving ______ night is very dangerous.

e) 5 I have one cup of coffee ______ the morning and another one ______ the afternoon.
f) Albert Einstein was born ______ March 14, 1879 and died ______ December, 1936.
g) Millions of people celebrate New Year’s ______ January first every year.
h) The tests will begin tomorrow early ______ the morning and will last all day long.
i) I was born ______ a Saturday.
j) I prefer to work ______ the evening and I hate to get up early ______ the morning.

Third Person

A terceira pessoa do singular nada mais é do que os pronomes HE, SHE e IT.
Lembrando que HE significa ELE, SHE significa ELA e IT é usado para uma série de coisas. No
entanto, existem algumas exceções, ele é somente utilizado na terceira pessoa do singular,
he, she, it, e é flexionado de acordo com a terminação de cada verbo.

Rules: Regras
 Quando o verbo terminar em “y” precedido de consoante, tira-se o “y” e acrescenta-
se “ies”.
Ex: Study = studies / Fly = Flies / Cry = Cries

 Verbos terminados em Y precedidos de uma vogal acrescenta-se – S.

Ex: Play = Plays / Stay = Stays / Say = Says / Buy = Buys

 Quando os verbos terminarem em “s”, “sh”, “ch”, “x” e “o”, acrescenta-se “es”.
Ex: Wash = Washes / watch = watches / Go = Goes / Kiss = Kisses
 Na forma negativa substitui DON'T por DOESN'T

 O verbo have é uma exceção a tudo isso, pois ele terá a forma has.


Write the 3rd person singular (Simple Present) of the following verbs:
Inglês – Módulo Básico

a) SLEEP ____________________ n) CLEAN ___________________

b) SAY ____________________ o) WORK ___________________
c) HAVE ____________________ p) COOK ___________________
d) MISS ____________________ q) TRAVEL___________________
e) WASH ____________________ r) MISS ____________________
f) GO ____________________ s) STUDY ____________________
g) COPY ____________________ t) REST ____________________
h) WRITE ____________________ u) LIVE ____________________
i) VISIT ____________________ v) STAY ____________________
j) HELP ____________________ w) FINISH ____________________
k) WANT ____________________ x) LIKE ____________________
l) PLAY ____________________ y) NEED ____________________
m) WATCH___________________ z) ENJOY ____________________

Make questions with the word groups, using (do) or (does) and other words when necessary.
a) (Where/she/buy/clothes)
b) (When/you/play/soccer)
c) (What/he/eat/lunch)
d) (How/they/go/school)
e) (Why/we/travel/morning)

Use the following verbs in the present simple tense to complete the sentences with Words
ending in - s, -es and -ies.

choose - finish – go – practice – cry – love - push – make – study – mix – put – start – do –
pass – help – fry – serve - taste - take - wash - fix – crash - let

My dear family

Inglês – Módulo Básico

a) My brother Mike _________________ biology at university. He _________________

several exams every year and he always_______________ all his exams. He
______________summer terms in June and _________________ the next term at the
end of September.
b) My sister Frances _________________ guitar lessons and _________________ every
c) My aunt Fiona____________ watching romantic stories and she sometimes
d) My mum usually _________________shopping on Fridays. She _________________ a
lot of things in her trolley and then she ________________it in front of her.
e) My dad is crazy about cars. He always _________________ the best car he can afford.
Then he ________________it every weekend and _________________. all the
Breakdowns on his own. He is a careful driver. He never _________________ .
f) My grandma _________________ the best goulash in the world. My grandpa sually
g) _________________ her - he _________________ beef meat and onions in oil and
later _________________ the ingredients. My grandma _________________ the
goulash in the freezer for a couple of days before she ______________ it. It
_______________ much better!

Now write one sentence in the first person, second person, and third person.

a) _______________________________________________________.
b) _______________________________________________________.
c) _______________________________________________________.

‘DO’,’ DOES’

Quando utilizar ‘DO’, ‘DOES’?

 Quando devo usar DO?

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Quando eu quero fazer uma pergunta no Presente Simples, e o sujeito é a 1ª pessoa do

singular, 2ª pessoa do singular, 1ª pessoa do plural, 2ª pessoa do plural ou 3ª pessoa do
plural. Para responder YES I DO, NO I DON'T
Do you live here? (Você mora aqui?)

 Quando devo usar DOES?

Quando o sujeito for a 3ª pessoa do singular.

a) Does she live here? (Ela vive aqui?)
b) She always does the homework in the evening. (Ela sempre faz o dever de casa à noite)

Create fraises using DO and DOES

Describe your daily routine:


Write a question and the answer for each of the pronouns below.
1. ____________________________________________Yes, dogs do.
2. ____________________________________________No, she doesn’t.
3. ____________________________________________Yes, he does.
4. ____________________________________________No, I don’t.
5. ____________________________________________Yes, they do.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

6.____________________________________________No, he doesn’t.
7.____________________________________________Yes, they do.


Use `this ́ or `these ́.

a) Do you like ____________ shirts?
b) ____________ is much heavier than that.
c) ____________ is unbelievable.
d) Is ____________ John ́s house.
e) Do you like ____________ flowers?
f) ____________ book is great.
g) ____________ is an apple pie.
h) Do you like ____________ shoes?
i) I like ____________ picture.
j) What is the answer to ____________ questions.

Use `that ́ or `those ́.

a) __________ is my friend ś house.
b) __________ is my mother ́s car.
c) Who is __________ knocking at the door?
d) __________ are turtles.
e) __________ are their lunches.
f) __________ is my cat.
g) __________ blouse is beautiful.
h) Look at __________!
i) Can you see __________ horses?
j) These are bigger than __________.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present

Next week, my friends and I _________ (go) camping in the woods. I

____________ (organize) the food, because I_____________(like) cooking.
Dave________________(have) a big car with a trailer, so he_____________
(plan) the transportation. Sam______________(bring) the tent — he___________
(go) camping every year, so he_________(have) a great tent and lots of
other equipment.
My wife_______(think) we're crazy. She (like)_______________ Holid ays in
comfortable hotels, so she ______________ (take) a trip to Paris instead.

Fill in the gaps with either DO or DOES and write an answer to each question.
a) _______cats play football? No, they don’t
b) _______Pamela Anderson have blonde hair? ______________________
c) _______your girl/boyfriend like swimming? ______________________
d) _______David Beckham play football for England? ______________________
e) _______you want to come with me? ______________________
f) _______he always do that? ______________________
g) _______they like dogs? ______________________
h) _______your father speak German? ______________________
i) _______your wife/husband come from Argentina? ______________________
j) _______Chileans like Tango? ______________________
k) _______he sing in the shower? ______________________
l) _______your grandmother have a dog? ______________________
m) _______you want an ice cream? ______________________
n) _______your friends like you? ______________________
o) _______you have a lot of money? ______________________

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Inglês – Módulo Básico

Simple Past

O verbo to be é um verbo irregular. De forma bem simples, isso significa que no passado
(Simple Past) ele tem uma forma própria. Ou melhor, ele tem duas formas: was e were. Cada
uma dessas formas tem o pronome/sujeito certo para ser usado.

Affirmative: usamos a forma was para I, he, she, it e were para we, you, they ou quando
mencionamos o nome de duas pessoas ou mais.
Ex: We were in a hurry last night and didn't stop to talk to him. (Estávamos com pressa ontem
à noite e não paramos para falar com ele.)
It was too cold yesterday. (Estava muito frio ontem.)

Negative: usamos as formas negativa wasn’t (was not) para I, he, she, it e weren’t (were not)
para we, you, they ou quando mencionamos o nome de duas pessoas ou mais.
Ex: They were not good students. (Eles não eram bons alunos.)
Mary wasn't the main actress. (Mary não era a atriz principal.)

Note que no negative podemos usar a forma abreviada weren’t e wasn’t

Interrogative: coloca-se o Verb TO BE antes do sujeito.

Ex: Were you occupied when I called to you? (Você estava ocupado quando lhe liguei?)
Were you at home last night? (Você estava em casa ontem à noite?)


O Simple Past descreve uma ação que já ocorreu e que não ocorre mais. A ação teve início e fim no
passado. No Simple Past o verbo não é flexionado em nenhuma pessoa, repetindo-se em todas elas.

 Regular Verbs:
Os verbos terminados em e recebem apenas a letra -d ao infinitivo do verbo.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Ex: hope – hoped / change – changed / like – liked / behave – behaved / lie – lied / live – lived
/ love – loved / arrive – arrived / invite – invited / snore – snored.

 Se o verbo tiver uma única sílaba ou terminar em sílaba tônica formada por
consoante/vogal/consoante, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se:

Ex: stop – stopped / permit – permitted / occur – occurred / rob – robbed / admit – admitted
/ prefer – preferred / omit – omitted / control – controlled / drop – dropped / plan – planned
/ shop – shopped.

 Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por –ied.

Ex: study – studied / carry – carried / worry – worried / try – tried / hurry – hurried / cry –

 Os verbos terminados em consoante/vogal/consoante cuja sílaba tônica não é a

última não dobram a consoante, apenas recebem -ed:

Ex: listen – listened / develop – developed / open – opened / fasten – fastened / suffer –
suffered / visit – visited / wonder – wondered / offer – offered.

Ex: She broke her leg. (Ela quebrou sua perna).
He studied a lot yesterday. (Ele estudou bastante ontem).

EX: We didn’t send e-mails to our parents. (Nós não mandamos e-mails para os nossos pais).
I didn’t see Jack at the party yesterday. (Eu não vi o Jack na festa ontem).

Ex: Did Phillip buy his mother a gift? (O Philip comprou um presente para a sua mãe?).
Did Amanda sing at the festival? (A Amanda cantou no festival?).

Inglês – Módulo Básico

 Irregular verbs:
O Irregular verbs sofrem alterações na sua estrutura quando os passamos para o passado. O
Irregular verbs possuem formas próprias para esses tempos verbais e por isso não seguem
nenhuma regra.
have – had – had [não escrevemos haved]
go – went – gone [não escrevemos goed]
get – got – got/gotten [não escrevemos getted]
do – did – done [não escrevemos doed]
say – said – said [não escrevemos saied]
know – knew – known [não escrevemos knowed]
give – gave – given [não escrevemos gived]

Observe a estrutura das frases em afirmativo, negative e interrogativo:

Affirmative: I worked a lot yesterday
You saw your friend
She traveled to the beach

Negative: I didn’t work a lot yesterday

You did not see your friend
She didn’t travel to the beach

Interrogative: Did I work a lot yesterday?

Did you see your friend?
Did she travel to the beach?

Complete the sentences with was or were.
a) I ________ happy.
b) You ________ angry.
c) She ________ in London last week.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

d) He ________ on holiday.
e) It ________ cold.
f) We ________ at school.
g) You ________ at the cinema.
h) They ________ at home.
i) The cat ________ on the roof.
j) The children ________ in the garden.

Put the sentences is order according to the past structure that you have just learned.

a) Studied – the – Mike – in – morning.


b) Was – job - ? – your – what – first.


c) Bossy – my – very – boss – was.


d) Switzerland – many – I – in – was – a.


e) Importance – the – lot, - team – especially – a – work – learned – I – of.


f) Meals – kids – their – with – prepared – and – the – studied – I.


Inglês – Módulo Básico



Os regular verbs são marcados por serem mais fáceis, já que sua conjugação no
passado é praticamente a mesma para todos os verbos, acrescentando-se apenas um
sufixo no final. E , ED ou IED



Create sentences (present, future, past)




Last week:

This week:

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Next week:

Complete the sentences below with the past of the verbs in brackets.
a) Yesterday evening I __________ watched television. (watch)
b) I __________ my teeth three times yesterday. (clean)
c) Bernard __________ 20 cigarettes yesterday. (smoke)
d) The concert last night __________ at 7:30. (start)
e) The accident __________ last Sunday. (happen)

Reescreva as sentenças do presente simples para o passado simples.

a) They speak Italian very well.
b) Silvia eats at the French restaurant every Sunday.
c) She lives in England.
d) I go to swim today.
e) Felipe is happy because today is his birthday.

Put the sentences in the correct order.

a) I/club/went/to/the/yesterday.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

b) Did/watch/you/TV/yesterday?
c) I/Faustão/Sunday/last/watch/didn ́t.
d) I/carnival/went/England/to/in

Write a brief description about yourself, using all verbs box above on page 75.


Inglês – Módulo Básico

Can you describe these people used simple past?


Inglês – Módulo Básico

Used TO

A forma verbal used to + infinitivo é utilizada para expressar um hábito no passado que não
ocorre mais no presente.

Veja alguns exemplos abaixo:

 She used to have long hair. (Ela costumava ter cabelos longos.)
 We used to be immature some years ago. (Nós costumávamos ser imaturos alguns
anos atrás.)
 The babies used to cry a lot. (Os bebês costumavam chorar muito.)

I used to live abroad. (Eu costumava morar fora do país.) AFIRMATIVA

I didn’t use to live abroad. (Eu não costumava morar fora do país.) NEGATIVA.
Did you use to live abroad? INTERROGATIVA

Complete the sentences with the affirmative, negative or interrogative form of used to and
the words in brackets. Use contractions where possible.

used to didn't use to did they use to did you use to

a) David Beckham _____________________ play for Manchester United.score

b) We _____________________ have a computer, but we do now.score
c) _____________________ (they) work together?score
d) That restaurant _____________________ be a clothes shop.score
e) She _____________________ like him, but now they're married.score
f) Where _____________________ (you) go to school?score
g) There _____________________ be a police station here.
h) I _____________________ like vegetables, but I do now.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using ‘used to + infinitive':

a) I / live in a flat when I was a child. I used to live in a flat when I was a child
b) We / go to the beach every summer? .
c) She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it .
d) He / not / smoke .
e) I / play tennis when I was at school .
f) She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all .
g) He / play golf every weekend? .
h) They both / have short hair .
i) Julie / study Portuguese .
j) I / not / hate school

Write five sentences talking about the things you used to or didn't use to do in the past:

Complete the sentence using the correct form of used to and one of the verbs in the box.
Do sit play speak smoke buy have (x2)
a) He lived in Brazil until he was seven. He _______________ Portuguese, but he's
forgotten a lot of it now.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

b) We _______________ smartphones, or even internet in our houses. To go online you

had to go to an internet café or library or something.
c) She _______________ but she's given up now. She's really healthy these days.
d) We _______________ together when we were children, but I don't see them much
any more.
e) You used to live on the same road as me! _______________ sweets in that shop on
the corner?
f) She _______________ any sport at all, but now she's in the basketball team and she
loves it.
g) We always _______________ on the bridge with our legs hanging down, and throw
sticks into the river.
h) I didn't recognize him because of his new beard. He _______________ a beard! He
looks completely different now.

Simple Past – Past continuous

O Past continuous, basicamente, descreve uma ação que estava ocorrendo em um certo
período no passado. O Past Continuous é formado pelo passado simples do verbo to be
(was/were) + o gerúndio (-ing) do verbo principal.

Ex: I was washing the dishes when the phone rang. Eu estava lavando a louça quando o telefone

Observe que a pessoa relata que estava fazendo algo – lavando a louça – quando
outra ação ocorreu – o telefone tocou.

O Past Continuous é usado para descrever uma ação em andamento num determinado
momento no passado:
 Fred was dancing with his girlfriend. (Fred estava dançando com sua namorada.)

Inglês – Módulo Básico

 I was talking to my boss when you called me yesterday afternoon. (Eu estava falando
com meu chefe quando você me ligou ontem à tarde.)
 At 7:00 a.m., I was flying over San Francisco. (Às 7:00 eu estava voando sobre São

Narrar às circunstâncias de uma situação passada:

 It was almost midnight and I was getting tired, but I couldn't go to bed because I had
lots of things to study. (Era quase meia-noite e eu estava ficando cansado, mas não
podia dormir porque tinha muitas coisas para estudar.)
 It was Sunday morning, the sun was shining in the sky. (Era domingo de manhã, o sol
estava brilhando no céu.)

Descrever ações em andamento simultâneo. Nesses casos, geralmente usa-se a conjunção


 Susan was playing while Mary was studying for her test. (Susan estava brincando
enquanto Mary estava estudando para sua prova.)
 We were preparing our breakfast while he was still sleeping. (Estávamos preparando
nosso café da manhã enquanto ele ainda estava dormindo.)

Falar, indicar uma ação habitual que ocorria no passado. Normalmente usa-se os advérbios de
frequência: constantly, often, always entre o passado simples do verbo to be e o verbo

 She was constantly talking to her classmates. Her teacher didn't like that. (Ela estava
constantemente falando com seus colegas. Sua professora não gostava disso.)
 They were always asking the same questions. (Eles estavam sempre fazendo as
mesmas perguntas.)

Complete the sentences with the past continuous of the verbs in brackets .

Inglês – Módulo Básico

a) The children _______________ in the yard this morning. (to run)

b) We _______________ dinner at 8 o’ clock last night. (to have)
c) I _______________ hard in my house yesterday morning. (to work)
d) They _______________ at the shopping windows at lunchtime yesterday. (to look)

Join the sentences with the word while.

a) Dad was shaving/Mom was taking a shower.
b) I was climbing a mountain/Peter and Fred were fishing.
c) Nancy was cooking/We were setting the table.
d) You were ironing/Mary was preparing lunch.

Pass the sentences to the negative form.

a) Mr. Harrison was smoking.
b) Mark and David were looking for a job.
c) It was raining last Sunday afternoon.

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Na nossa língua, elas se traduzem, em geral como uma só preposição: para.

Use "TO" quando há algum tipo de transferência acontecendo ou algo está sendo movidos de
um lugar para outro. TO expressa direção.
 "We went from the restaurant to the party."
 "Talk to your teacher and get more information about the exam."
 "I go to the office every morning at 9am."
 "He sold his car to me for $5,000."

1. Use "FOR" quando algo está sendo feito para beneficiar alguma coisa ou alguém.

2. Use "FOR" quando você está tentando expressar propósito ou a razão de que algo está

 "I bought this gift for you."

 "He runs for his health."
 "Bring this tea upstairs for your grandmother."
 "Buckle up for safety."

Antes de verbos, por exemplo, usamos o TO seguido do verbo no infinitivo para falar do
propósito ou objetivo de uma ação. Já o FOR é usado acompanhado do gerúndio para falar da
função de algo.

 She called to talk to you. (Ela ligou para falar com você – “falar com você” era o
propósito da ligação.)
 Conversations are good for realizing what’s wrong. (Conversas são boas para
perceber o que há de errado. – perceber o que há de errado é a função da conversa.)

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Podemos dizer que TO é usado para falar de uma troca ou transferência, algo que é passado
para alguém, e FOR indica que a ação foi para beneficiar o indivíduo ou para indicar que algo
foi feito por outra pessoa, no lugar dela.
 I will write a letter to her. (Vou escrever uma carta para ela – a carta será passada de
mim para ela.)
 He always carries the books for her. (Ele sempre carrega os livros por ela – no lugar
dela, para ajudá-la, ele carrega os livros dela.)

Para indicar destino, movimento em direção Para indicar função (seguido de gerúndio):
a algo: A watering can is used for watering the flowers.
You are going to Paris.
Para falar de distância: Para falar de benefícios:
It’s about 2 blocks from the office to her Fruit is very good for you.
Quando passar ou entregar algo a alguém: Ao fazer algo para ajudar ou no lugar da
The teacher handed the test to the students. pessoa, “por causa de”:
She is very happy for you.
Para ligar o início e o fim de um período: Para falar sobre a duração de algo:
He takes English classes from 8pm to 9pm. I’ve worked at Englishtown for four years.
Para comparar duas coisas: Para dizer quando um compromisso foi
I prefer going the movies to staying at home. marcado:
The boss scheduled the meeting for this
Motivo/propósito seguido de verbo: Motivo/propósito seguido de substantivo:
They go out to relax and have fun. This area is for guests only.


Fill in the blanks using "to" or "for" correctly.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

a) She decided......talk and it is important......us.

b) Things are going well.......me today. I'm so happy.
c) It means a lot........her mother. Do you really think so?
d) Go and get a coke........me, please.
e) I'll read it.......you........be able to understand what I'm saying.

Fill all gaps with to and for.

a) Thank you _______ helping me with my homework.

b) I need _______ go out to buy some milk and sugar.
c) They went to London _______ see the Crown jewels.
d) Here. This is _______ you.
e) You'll need at least 12 Euros _______ the train.
f) Don't forget to bring everything _______ tomorrow.
g) Take a jacket just _______ be sure you don't get cold.
h) _______ the time being, everything's going well.
i) Sorry _______ being late.
j) Simon's gone into town _______ look _______ a book.
k) I married him _______ better or for worse.
l) _______ be a success in life, you need dedication.

Correct the mistakes without changing any verbs or gerunds.

a) He went to the shops for to buy some milk.

b) I go to the gym twice a week for keep fit.
c) He studied hard for to get a better job.
d) People don ́t have the money for to paying these prices.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Atividades Extras


Flight attendant: Coffee?

José Luis: Yes, please.

Flight attendant: Milk and sugar?

José Luis: No, thanks. (He spills the coffee on the seat next to him.)

Oh, I'm sorry !

Passenger: That's all right. Are you from Latin America?

José Luis: Yes, I'm from Tijuana, Mexico - and you? NOTES

Passenger: I'm from Winnipeg.

José Luis: So you're American.

Passenger: Actually, I'm Canadian.

José Luis: Oh, sorry! I'm José Luis.

Passenger: And I'm Steven!

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Steven: Are you lost?

José Luis: Hi, Steven!
Steven: Hello, José Luis. We're over there.
José Luis: Oh yes, flight BA946 from Mexico City.
Steven: Here are the cases.
José Luis: One suitcase, one backpack and one travel bag. They're all here.
Steven: Are they heavy?
José Luis: The suitcase is very heavy!
Steven: Can you lift it?
José Luis: Yes, I can, but I can't carry it!
Steven: Oh yes, it is very heavy. Here are two carts.
José Luis: Oh, good!
Steven: Here we are. Immigration.
José Luis: Let's see. US Citizens, Residents... What's our line?
Steven: Visitors, over there.
José Luis: Visitors. Steven: That's right!

Inglês – Módulo Básico



At the bus station.

José Luis: Excuse me, do you sell tickets to New York?

Sales Clerk: Yes, we do.

José Luis: OK. One ticket, please.

Sales Clerk: One-way or round-trip?

José Luis: One-way, please.

Sales Clerk: Thirteen fifty.

José Luis : Sorry, how much?

Sales Clerk: Thirteen dollars and fifty cents.

José Luis: Here you are... How long is the trip?

Sales Clerk: About forty-five minutes.

José Luis: And where's the bus stop?

Sales Clerk: Gate 11, over there on the right.

José Luis: Thank you. Oh, I almost forgot, when is the next bus?

Sales Clerk: At four.

José Luis: At four... Good. Then I have time to buy a paper or a magazine,

and... Ah, I'm an idiot! My watch shows one o'clock but we're on the east

coast. It's four o'clock here!

Sales Clerk: Yeah, you better hurry.

Inglês – Módulo Básico


Mrs. Young: Hello - you must be José Luis Rey.

José Luis: That's right. And you're Mrs.Young?
Mrs. Young: Yes. Nice to meet you, José Luis. Come in!
José Luis: Thank you.
Mrs. Young: Leave the bags in the hall. You must be tired and hungry.
José Luis: I'm not very hungry...
Mrs. Young: Have a cup of coffee and a sandwich, then?
José Luis: Mm, yes, please!
Mrs. Young: Come in and sit down... This is Lucia - she's from Italy. And
Akio - he's from Japan.
Lucia: Hello.
Akio: Hi!
José Luis: Hello - nice to meet you.
Mrs. Young: A sandwich for you two? Akio: No thanks, we're not hungry.
Mrs. Young: Lucia and Akio are students at the Excel Language School, too.
They're here for six months.
José Luis: Is it a good school?
Lucia: Well, I'm happy there, but Akio isn't.
José Luis: Why?
Akio: It's full of Japanese!
Mrs. Young: Oh dear!

Inglês – Módulo Básico


José Luis: Oh, this isn't my room! Sorry, Akio.

Akio: That's okay. Your room is opposite.
José Luis: Yes, of course. And Lucia's is next to it.
Akio: She has a bathroom in her room and a spare bed.
José Luis: And you have a nice big table and an extra chair... and a
television set! Is it your TV?
Akio: Yes, it is. It's very good for my English.
José Luis: That's true! Does it have a sports channel?
Akio: It has three.
José Luis: I have my MP3 player, but I don't have a radio.
Akio: They a have radio in the kitchen and a satellite TV in the living
room - and in the bedroom and the study!
José Luis: That's good. But I don't have time for tahat now. A knock at
the door.
Akio: Who is it? Oh, it's you, Lucia!
Lucia: Hello. Oh, hi, José Luis. Isn't Akio's room lovely?
José Luis: Yes, it is. This is a nice house. And it has three bathrooms
and four TVs!
Akio: And very nice owners! One student in my class is with his third
family already.
Lucia: We're lucky. We're so happy here with Mr Young and Mrs Young.

Inglês – Módulo Básico


José Luis: Good morning!

Lucia: Morning, José Luis!
José Luis : Where is everybody?
Lucia: Ah, here's Akio. Morning! The Youngs are at work.
Akio: Yes, they get up at six-thirty, and Mr. Young leaves at quarter
after seven.
Lucia: He works for a bank in the city and he often gets back late.
Akio: He lives at his office!
José Luiz: And Mrs. Young?
Lucia: She goes ten minutes later. She teaches at an elementary school.
Akio: Then we have our breakfast.
Lucia: And we leave at twenty after eight.
Akio: I always have lunch in town at noon and Lucia has a snack at the
school in the afternoon.
Lucia: And we usually come back for our dinner in the evening.
Akio: Yes, we have dinner with the family.
José Luis : The family?
Lucia: Mr. and Mrs. Young and Rover - That's their dog. They normally have
their evening meal at seven-thirty.
Akio: Lucia sometimes does the cooking.
Lucia: It's good, because we speak English with American people.
José Luis: And with an American dog!
Akio: Yes, his English is very good!
Lucia: Pancakes or bread, José Luis?
José Luis:Bread, please. I love toast in the morning.
Akio: You're in America now, José Luis. Have pancakes.
José Luis: Okay, After all, this is my first American breakfast. I like
eggs and bacon, too...
Inglês – Módulo Básico

The lost key

José Luis: Look, there's a key on the fridge.

Akio: Whose key is it?
Lucia: I don't know. My ket's in my pocker.
José Luis: And my ket's upstairs.
Akio: It must be Mrs. Young's.
Lucia: I don't think it is. She doesn't forget things.
Akio: Yes, but she sometimes leaves her key on the fridge.
Lucia: Let me see. Oh, yes, it's her key-chain! She can't get in.
José Luis : Why not?
Lucia: She gets back at four and we don't usually get home before five.
Akio: And Mr. Young doesn't finish work before seven.
Lucia: What can we do?
José Luis: Well, I can come home after lunch.
Akio: That's right - you don't come to the conversation class at two. José
Luis: No, I don't. So that's no problem.
In the afternoon.
Mrs. Young: Hello, José Luis! You're back early.
José Luis: I know.
Mrs. Young: But why aren't you inside? It's wet and cold outside and you
don't have a coat on.
Jose Luis: I can't get in.
Mrs. Young: Why not?
José Luis: Because my key's in my room.
Mrs. Young: Oh, but that's no problem now. I have the keys somewhere in
this bag...
José Luis: But, er, Mrs. Young....
Mrs. Young: Oh dear, where's my key? I can't find it.
José Luis: Well, um, Mrs. Young... It's in the kitchen - on the fridge.
Inglês – Módulo Básico

Keeping fit

José Luis: Hi, Akio! Do you have class on Friday afternoons?

Akio: No, I don't. I meet a friend here and we go to our sports club.
José Luis: What do you do there? Do you do Sumo wrestling?
Akio: No, we don't! We play basketball.
José Luis : How much does it cost?
Akio: It doesn't cost much for students. Do you want to come?
José Luis: Maybe next time.
Akio: Okay.
José Luis: Do men and women go there?
Akio: Yes, they do. Why do you ask?
José Luis: Oh, I don't know. Does Lucia go there, too?
Akio: No, she doesn't. She sometimes goes to the Viking Gym on Saturdays.
José Luis: The Viking Gym?
Akio: Gym is short for gymnasium.
José Luis: Oh. What does she do there?
Akio: Exercises.
José Luis: Exercises?
Akio: You know, bodybuilding exercises.
I see. She doesn't do Sumo wrestling. then?
Akio: No, of course not! Only very heavy men do Sumo wrestling.
José Luis : Not heavy women?
Akio: José Luis. Don't be so fresh!

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Shopping in town

José Luis: Do you have any sweet apples, please?

Man: These are very sweet.
Jose Luis: I'd like two pounds please, and a pound of those black
grapes... and this pineapple.
Man: That's $9.60... and 40 cents change.
José Luis: Thank you.
Lucia: José Luis! You're shopping, too.
José Luis: Yes, I'm buying some fruit. I don't have any at home.
Lucia: I'm getting some things for Mrs. Young.
She's very busy.
José Luis : Oh?
Lucia: Yes, she's buying clothes downtown. So I'm doing the sopping and the
cooking today.
José Luis: That's very good of you, Lucia.
Lucia: I'm enjoying it. It's fun.
José Luis: I'd like some Italian food, please.
Lucia: Well, you're lucky. I'm cooking lasagne. The Youngs aren't home this
José Luis: And Akio...? Is he having dinner at home, too?
Lucia: No, he isn't. He goes to his sports club on Fridays and he often comes
back late.
José Luis: Oh, OK. I'm really looking forward to Dinner!

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Planning a trip

José Luis: Pass me the newspaper, please, Lucia.

Lucia: Which paper? The New York Times or the USA Today?
José Luis: Oh, give me the local paper.
Lucia: Here you are. By the way, I'm going on a trip with some friends
tomorrow, José Luis.
José Luis: Oh, are you?
Lucia: Would you like to come?
José Luis: Yes, I'd love to. I'm not doing anything tomorrow. Is Akio
coming, too?
Lucia: No, he isn't going out. He's giving a presentation at school next
José Luis: Ah, and Mrs. Young is helping him!
Lucia: What's right.
José Luis: That's very king of her. Where are we meeting your friends?
Lucia: We're meeting them in town, at about nine.
José Luis : And what are we doing so early?
Lucia: We're going to the Statue of Liberty, and then to State Island.
José Luis: Oh, Where's that?
Lucia: State Island? Very close to the Statue of Liberty. Look, here's a
map of the five boroughs of New York City. Let me show you.
José Luis: And how do we get there?
Lucia: By ferry. We're going to have fun!

Inglês – Módulo Básico


English Alphabet

A = ei J = djei S = ess
B = bi K = kei T = ti
C = Ci L = el U = iu
D = di M = em V = vi
E=i N = en W = dabliú
F = ef O = ou X = ecs
G = dji P = pi Y = uai
H = eidge Q = quiu Z = zi
I = ai R = arr

Pronomes Pessoais Present Tense

I – Eu am – sou ou estou
You – Você are – é ou está (pronome TU)
He – Ele is – é ou está
She – Ela is – é ou está
It – Ele ou ela is – é ou está
We – Nós are – somos ou estamos
You – Vocês are – são ou estão (pronome vós)
They – Eles ou elas are – são ou estão.

Dica cultural

Em português, quando dizemos muito obrigado, a outra pessoa responde “De nada”.
Vamos verificar como dizer obrigado em inglês e o famoso de nada.

 THANK YOU = Muito obrigado.

Inglês – Módulo Básico

 THANK YOU VERY MUCH = Muitíssimo obrigado.

 THANKS = Obrigado (mais informal).
 YOU ARE WELCOME = De nada, que literalmente significa “Você é bem-vindo”.

 MAY I GO TO THE BATHROOM? Posso ir ao banheiro?

 MAY I HAVE SOME WATER? Posso tomar água?
 MAY I COME IN? Posso entrar?
 I'M SORRY, I'M LATE Me desculpe, estou atrasado.
 HOW CAN I SAY (_____) IN ENGLISH? Como eu posso dizer (___) em inglês?



Simple Pas – Verb to be:
I was – (eu era/ eu estava);
You were (você era/ você estava);
He was (ele era/ ele estava);
She was (ela era/ ela estava);
It was (ele (a) era/ ele (a) estava);
We were (nós éramos/ nos estávamos);

Inglês – Módulo Básico

You were (vocês eram/ vocês estavam);

They were (eles (a) eram/ eles (a) estavam).

Parts of the house furniture

Attic - sótão Garden - jardim
Backyard - quintal Hall - corredor
Balcony - varanda Kitchen - cozinha
Basement - porão Living room - sala de estar
Bathroom - banheiro Pantry - despensa
Bedroom - quarto Roof - telhado
Ceiling - teto Toilet - lavabo
Dining room - sala de jantar Walls - paredes
Floor - chão Windows - janelas

Bed - cama Curtains - cortinas
Cabinet - armário de cozinha Freezer - freezer
Chair - cadeira Fridge - geladeira
Dining table - mesa de jantar Microwave - micro ondas
Lamp - abajur Shower - chuveiro
Sofá / couch - sofá Sink - pia
Wardrobe - guarda roupa Stoke - fogão
Bathtub - banheira

Types of houses
Penthouse - cobertura Apartment - apartamento
House - casa Farm - sitio / fazenda
Cottage - cabana Studio - quitinete
Tent - tenda Mansion - mansão

Accountant - contador

Inglês – Módulo Básico

Clerk - assistente Mechanic - mecânico

administrativo Nurse - enfermeira
Computer programmer - programador Police officer - policial
Doctor - médico Receptionist - recepcionista
Driver - motorista Retired - aposentado
Economista - economista Salesperson - vendedor
Engineer - engenheiro Student - estudante
Flight attendant - comissário de Systems analyst - analista de
bordo sistema
Housewife - dona de casa Teacher - professor
Lawyer - advogado Trainee / intern - estagiário
Manager - gerente

Personal characteristics
Aggressive - agressivo Naive - ingênuo
Arrogant - arrogante Nervous - nervoso
Calm - calmo Organized - organizado
Clumsy - estabanado Outgoing - extrovertido
Competente - competente Responsible - responsável
Dedicated - dedicado Shy - tímido
Disorganized - desorganizado Sad - triste
Dynamic - dinâmico Sincere - sincero
Elegante - elegante Smart - esperto
Friendly - simpático Stubborn - teimoso
Inteligente - inteligente Sweet - doce / carinhoso
Lazy - preguiçoso Talkative - falante

Forma Passado Particípio

Base Simples Passado Tradução Português

arise arose arisen surgir, erguer-se

awake awoke awoken despertar

Inglês – Módulo Básico

be was, were been ser, estar

bear bore borne suportar, ser portador de

beat beat beaten bater

become became become tornar-se

befall befell befallen acontecer

beget begot begotten, begot procriar, gerar

begin began begun começar

behold beheld beheld contemplar

bend bent bent curvar

bet bet bet apostar

bid bid bid oferecer, fazer uma oferta

bind bound bound unir, encadernar, obrigar-se

bite bit bitten morder

bleed bled bled sangrar, ter hemorragia

blow blew blown assoprar, explodir

break broke broken quebrar

breed bred bred procriar, reproduzir

bring brought brought trazer

broadcast broadcast broadcast irradiar, transmitir

build built built construir

buy bought bought comprar

cast cast cast atirar, deitar

catch caught caught pegar, capturar

choose chose chosen escolher

Inglês – Módulo Básico

cling clung clung aderir, segurar-se

come came come vir

cost cost cost custar

creep crept crept rastejar

cut cut cut cortar

deal dealt dealt negociar, tratar

dig dug dug cavocar

do did done fazer **

draw drew drawn tracionar, desenhar **

drink drank drunk beber

drive drove driven dirigir, ir de carro

eat ate eaten comer

fall fell fallen cair

feed fed fed alimentar

feel felt felt sentir, sentir-se

fight fought fought lutar

find found found achar, encontrar

flee fled fled fugir, escapar

fling flung flung arremessar

fly flew flown voar, pilotar

forbid forbade forbidden proibir

forget forgot forgot, forgotten esquecer

forgive forgave forgiven perdoar

freeze froze frozen congelar, paralisar

Inglês – Módulo Básico

get got gotten, got obter **

give gave given dar

go went gone ir

grind ground ground moer

grow grew grown crescer, cultivar

have had had ter, beber, comer

hear heard heard ouvir

hide hid hidden, hid esconder

hit hit hit bater

hold held held segurar

hurt hurt hurt machucar

keep kept kept guardar, manter

know knew known saber, conhecer

lay laid laid colocar em posição horizontal, assentar

lead led led liderar

leave left left deixar, partir

lend lent lent dar emprestado

let let let deixar, alugar

lie lay lain deitar

lose lost lost perder, extraviar

make made made fazer, fabricar **

mean meant meant significar, querer dizer

meet met met encontrar, conhecer

overcome overcame overcome superar

Inglês – Módulo Básico

overtake overtook overtaken alcançar, surpreender

pay paid paid pagar

put put put colocar

quit quit quit abandonar

read read read ler

ride rode ridden andar

ring rang rung tocar (campainha, etc.)

rise rose risen subir, erguer-se

run ran run correr, concorrer, dirigir

saw sawed sawn serrar

say said said dizer

see saw seen ver

seek sought sought procurar obter, objetivar

sell sold sold vender

send sent sent mandar

set set set pôr em determinada condição, marcar, ajustar**

shake shook shaken sacudir, tremer

shed shed shed soltar, deixar cair **

shine shone shone brilhar, reluzir

shoot shot shot atirar, alvejar

show showed shown mostrar, exibir

shrink shrank shrunk encolher, contrair

shut shut shut fechar, cerrar

sing sang sung cantar

Inglês – Módulo Básico

sink sank sunk afundar, submergir

sit sat sat sentar

slay slew slain matar, assassinar

sleep slept slept dormir

slide slid slid deslizar, escorregar

sling slung slung atirar, arremessar

speak spoke spoken falar

spend spent spent gastar

spin spun spun fiar, rodopiar

spit spit, spat spit, spat cuspir

spread spread spread espalhar

spring sprang sprung fazer saltar

stand stood stood parar de pé, agüentar

steal stole stolen roubar

stick stuck stuck cravar, fincar, enfiar

sting stung stung picar (inseto)

stink stank stunk cheirar mal

strike struck struck golpear, desferir, atacar

string strung strung encordoar, amarrar

strive strove striven esforçar-se, lutar

swear swore sworn jurar, prometer, assegurar

sweep swept swept varrer

swim swam swum nadar

swing swung swung balançar, alternar

Inglês – Módulo Básico

take took taken tomar **

teach taught taught ensinar, dar aula

tear tore torn rasgar, despedaçar

tell told told contar

think thought thought pensar

throw threw thrown atirar, arremessar

tread trod trodden pisar, trilhar

undergo underwent undergone submeter-se a, suportar

understand understood understood entender

uphold upheld upheld sustentar, apoiar, defender

wear wore worn vestir, usar, gastar

win won won vencer, ganhar

wind wound wound enrolar, rodar, dar corda

write wrote written escrever, redigir


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