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Turma: 3° ano Turno: Tarde Professor(a)


Aluno(a): _________________________________ Nº

Observe o texto abaixo e responda o que se pede. 3. A autora do texto exalta Frida como uma força feminina que
não se deixou ficar presa a estereótipos ou convenções sociais,
e que ela sempre será lembrada, principalmente:

a) ( ) pela capacidade de permanecer firme no que acreditava

ser certo e, principalmente, que fosse o certo para ela;
b) ( ) por usar a sua arte para sucesso comercial, mesmo que
isso significasse quebrar os paradigmas da sociedade da época
que não permitia/ aceitasse uma mulher ser imponente artística
e/ou financeiramente;
c) ( ) por sua força e voz contra paradigmas sociais os quais
não valorizavam o poder feminino em geral, principalmente
em relação a sua origem latina;
d) ( ) por sua arte expressar sua própria dor interior, alegria,
1. Em relação ao texto acima marque a alternativa correta. família, amor e cultura;
e) ( ) pela forma como ela participava de movimentos
a) ( ) o termo overuse (line 4) faz referência direta a feministas cujo objetivos na época eram limitados apenas ao
infections, dita no título do texto; reconhecimento pelo voto e maior participação familiar;
b) ( ) a prescrição para uso de antibióticos nem sempre será
repassada, pois há casos que a infecção não é tão grave 4. No trecho ao lado [..] not to be a commercial success or to
quando se pensa, ou nem mesmo é uma infecção; be discovered, but to express __ own inner pain, joy, family,
c) ( ) médicos sempre irão prescrever antibióticos aos love and culture [...], qual seria o tipo de pronome adequado a
pacientes; ser colocado e a quem ele se refere:
d) ( ) o texto afirma categoricamente que a infecção precisa
necessariamente de um antibiótico; a) ( ) her - refers to Frida being a possessive adjective;
e) ( ) não há por que fazer uso de antibióticos nos casos os b) ( ) she - refers to own right being a subject pronoun;
quais ele é dispensável; c) ( ) its - refers to womanhooh being a possessive pronoun;
d) ( ) her - refers to trueness being a object pronoun;
2. O Object Pronoun them (line2) refere-se a qual das e) ( ) hers - refers to Frida being a possessive adjective;
alternativas abaixo?
Observe o trecho abaixo e responda o que se pede
a) ( ) patients b) ( ) doctors c) ( ) antibiotics
d) ( ) cases e) ( ) sense [...] As the world continues to face the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic, it's important to consider the possibility of future
One of the things that made an incredible impression on me pandemics. While it's impossible to predict exactly when and
in the film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of her where the next pandemic will arise, there are certain factors
own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into conventional that could contribute to its emergence. Climate change,
ideas or images about womanhood or what makes someone urbanization, and increased global travel and trade are all
or something beautiful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own potential drivers of pandemics in the future. [...]
unique gifts, not particularly caring what other people
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her own right. https://chat.openai.com/chat.textoadaptado.15/03/2023.
She painted for years, not to be a commercial success or to
be discovered, but to express _____ own inner pain, joy, 5. Quais são alguns fatores que podem contribuir para o
family, love and culture. She absolutely and resolutely was surgimento de futuras pandemias de acordo com o texto
who she was. The trueness of her own unique vision and her acima?
ability to stand firmly in her own truth was what made her
successful in the end. a) ( ) Climate change, urbanization, and increased global
travel and trade;
HUTZLER, L. Disponível em: www.etbscreenwriting.com. Acesso em: 6 maio b) ( ) Decreased global travel and trade, increased vaccination
2013. rates, and improved public health infrastructure;
c) ( ) Climate change, decreased urbanization, improved Even though the science of neuroplasticity — how our brains
sanitation, and lower population densities; change in response to learning — suggests learning can take
d) ( ) Climate change, increased isolationism, reduced reliance place at any age, this news has not made it into classrooms,
on technology, and decreased international cooperation; she argues.
e) ( ) None of the above; Some of our misguided visions of talent have led to
racist and sexist attitudes, she writes. For example, many girls
6. Why is it important to consider the possibility of future get the message early on that math is for boys and that boys
pandemics? are better at it, interfering with their ability to succeed and
leading to gender disparities in fields of study related to math.
a) ( ) To encourage people to avoid global travel Similarly, people of color may also have to overcome
b) ( ) To scare people into taking preventative measures stereotypes about fixed intelligence in order to thrive.
c) ( ) To politicize the issue of public health
d) ( ) To prepare for the worst-case scenario 11. No texto acima o trecho “misguided visions of talent” (4°
e) ( ) To prepare people and politicians for the worst-case parágrafo) refere-se a ideia de que:
a) ( ) as habilidades das pessoas estão ligadas à sua raça e
7. No trecho ao lado there are certain factors that could gênero.
contribute to its emergence, o termo em destaque faz uma b) ( ) certas habilidades são inatas.
clara referência a: c) ( ) os professores não conseguem identificar as habilidades
naturais dos alunos.
a) ( ) new COVID-19 pandemic; d) ( ) climate change d) ( ) os educadores não são bem treinados na avaliação de
b) ( ) future pandemics; e) ( ) none of above; habilidades.
c) ( ) certain factors; e) ( ) os alunos não podem ver suas próprias capacidades.

8. Qual advérbio de frequência abaixo é usado para descrever 12. No trecho ao lado many young adults enter her class
uma ação que acontece ocasionalmente? anxious about math, and their fear about learning impacts
their ability to learn, o pronome em destaque faz uma clara
a) ( ) Always b) ( ) Never c) ( ) Rarely referência a:
d) ( ) Sometimes e) ( ) Every day
a) ( ) the anxious d) ( ) professor Boaler
9. O termo seldom, entre aspas no trecho adiante, poderia ser b) ( ) the myth e) ( ) young adults
substituído por: As an American Express Card member, you c) ( ) millions of children
will enjoy a relationship with us that goes beyond the
ordinary. You will be treated as a MEMBER, not a number. 13. Na primeira frase do 1° parágrafo, o advérbio de
And you will receive the respect and recognition 'seldom' frequência tem o mesmo sentido – e sem prejuízo ao
found today. entendimento da sentença caso quiséssemos muda-lo – da
a) ( ) occasionally b) ( ) rarely c) ( ) often
d) ( ) usually e) ( ) always a) ( ) sometimes b) ( ) now c) ( ) seldom
d) ( ) always e) ( ) often
10. No texto abaixo, a palavra nearly significa: “After 20
years of scientific advances, 'nearly' three out of four infertile 14. Complete com o pronome correto relacionado ao sujeito e
couples seeking medical assistance to have a child still go escolha a alternativa correta.
home to an empty crib.”
We prefer ______ team, and they naturally prefer ______
a) ( ) almost b) ( ) hardly c) ( ) close I left _____ book at home. May I borrow _____ for a moment?
d) ( ) far e) ( ) over Tell Peter not to forget ______ own material, and don´t forget to
bring ______, either.
“Millions of children, every year, start school excited They have two of _______ houses on this street. That house on
about what they will learn, but quickly become disillusioned the corner is also ______.
when they get the idea they are not as ‘smart’ as others,”
writes Jo Boaler. That’s because parents and teachers a) ( ) Our, Theirs, My, Yours, His, Yours, Their, Theirs.
inadvertently give out the message that talent is inborn — you b) ( ) Our, Their, My, Yours, His, Your, Their, Theirs.
either have it or you don’t. c) ( ) Our, Their, My, Your, His, Yours, Theirs, Theirs.
As a math professor, Boaler has seen this firsthand. d) ( ) Our, Theirs, My, Your, His, Yours, Their, Theirs.
Many young adults enter her class anxious about math, and d) ( ) Ours, Their, My, Your, His, Your, Their, Theirs.
their fear about learning impacts their ability to learn.
“The myth that our brains are fixed and that we simply
don’t have the aptitude for certain topics is not only
scientifically inaccurate; it is omnipresent and negatively
impacts not only education, but many other events in our
everyday lives,” she writes.

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