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Aluno (a): Série: 9º ANO Turma:


Data: / /2023 Turno:VESPERTINO NOTA:


"Don't try to lessen yourself for the world; let the world catch up to you."

Este instrumento de avaliação consta de 15 (QUINZE) questões. Verifique se está completo.

A avaliação deve ser respondida de caneta azul ou preta. Avaliação a lápis não dará direito à revisão.

Leia os textos e/ou enunciados com bastante atenção, buscando compreendê-los e procure identificar o que está
sendo solicitado.

Não é permitido o uso de corretivo, dicionário e qualquer tipo de dispositivo eletrônico.

Após entregar sua avaliação ao professor (a), você não poderá mais abrir este questionário.

Preencha integralmente o cabeçalho.

Marque a resposta de cada questão objetiva no gabarito com um X. Não rasure, pois a questão rasurada será

automaticamente - QUESTÕES OBJETIVAS –VALOR: 0,2 CADA
Só serão consideradas as respostas assinaladas no gabarito.

Ao término da avaliação, levante o braço e aguarde atendimento do (a) professor (a). A devolução da avaliação
concluída é de responsabilidade do aluno.

Habilidades: Habilidade EF09LI01: Identificar palavras e expressões em língua inglesa relacionadas a temas atuais e relevantes, como meio
ambiente, tecnologia e sociedade. EF09LI02: Identificar informações principais e secundárias em textos de diferentes gêneros, como
notícias, artigos e ensaios, em língua inglesa. EF09LI03: Utilizar estratégias de compreensão textual, como inferência e predição, para
compreender textos em língua EF09LI14: Utilizar, em textos em língua inglesa, recursos linguísticos que contribuam para a conexão entre
ideias e para a organização do texto, tais como conectores, pronomes e outros elementos coesivos. (EF09LI13) Reconhecer, nos novos
gêneros digitais (blogues, mensagens instantâneas, tweets, entre outros), novas formas de escrita (abreviação de palavras, palavras com
combinação de letras e números, pictogramas, símbolos gráficos, entre outros) na constituição das mensagens. (EF09LI16) Empregar, de
modo inteligível, os verbos should, must, have to, may e might para indicar recomendação, necessidade ou obrigação e probabilidade.
(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 1 - Question 1

Read the text and complete with the appropriate modal verb:

Maria is feeling very tired today. She has been studying for her exams all week. Her
friends invited her to go to a party tonight, but she is not sure if she should go.

a) She may go to the party.

b) She might go to the party.
c) She should go to the party.
d) She must go to the party.

(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 1 -Question 2 ESPM-SP

Read the text and complete with the appropriate modal verb:

Alfredo’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he


a) should study last night.

b) should have studied last night.
c) must have studied last night.
d) needn’t have studied last night.

(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 1 - Question 3


Which is the idea expressed by may in “Caffeine may be a mildly addictive


a) advice
b) obligation
c) necessity
d) possibility
(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 1- Question 4

My vacation is over. I ________ get back to work tomorrow.

a) Have to
b) could
c) might
d) may

(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 1- Question 5

Read the text and complete with the appropriate modal verb:

“It’s a rule and as students we have no other option. We _________ wear

uniforms in school.”

a) Have to
b) Must
c) Can
d) Should

(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 1- Question 6


Read the text and complete with the appropriate modal verb:

I will stay home, because it _________ rain today.

a) needs not
b) have to
c) may
d) mustn’t

(EF09LI13; EF09LI16) NÍVEL 2 - Question 7

If you met Valeriia, you might think she’s shy, her mother Taisiia told TIME, but don’t
be fooled; at home, she commands attention. She loves the same things as many little
girls – her stuffed bunny; her Elsa doll fromCold Heart(which English speakers know
as Frozen); and her pink backpack, which she had to leave behind as she ran off her
country. Valeriia also has big dreams: in particular, starting her first year of school on
Sept. 1.
Now, it’s hard to say when and where Valeriia will be able to do so. On March 9,
mother and daughter fled to Poland; for safety, they asked that TIME use only their
first names. In an interview, Taisiia explained her decision to leave home to keep her
child safe. “She is my sunshine, my joy.”
(Available: https://time.com/magazine/europe. Adapted.)

In “If you met Valeriia, you might think she’s shy, her mother Taisiia told TIME,
but don’t be fooled; at home, she commands attention.”, MIGHT indicates:

a) Prospect.
b) Certainty.
c) Reliability.
d) Acknowledgement.

(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 1- Question 8

In case you have a frozen screen, you should restart the computer. Doing so gives
your system a chance to reset and start fresh. The best way to restart a frozen
computer is to hold the power button down for five to 10 seconds.


In the text above, the modal verb “should” expresses

a) hability.
b) prohibition.
c) suggestion/advice.
d) obligation/necessity.

(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 1- Question 9

According to the doctor, his patient should

a) take more medicine.

b) avoid stressful situations.
c) exercise more often.
d) change his eating habits.

Read the comic strip to answer to questions 10 to 11.

(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 2- Question 10

Published on May 20, 2003

In the last image of the cartoon, Snoopy is meditative because Lucy:

a) Said he should do a lot of boring positive things in the morning.

b) wanted him to behave as an adult human being.
c) made him save a lot of time with her boring speech.
d) tried to convince him to be as talkative as she is.

(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 2 - Question 11

In "you should start each day with a song … in your soul", "should" expresses an idea
a) certainty.

b) obligation.

c) probability.

d) advice.

(EF09LI16) NÍVEL 1 - Question 12

Milton Campos-MG

What does MUSTN’T mean in the sentence?

“Guerrilla groups in Colombia mustn’t stimulate ecological destruction.”

A) advice.
B) ability.
C) prohibition.
D) permission.

Read the text to answer to questions 13 to 15.

It is possible to connect a number of computers and other electronic devices to create

a computer network. The computers and devices which are part of the network can
“talk” to each other and exchange information. In addition to the computers and
devices which are connected, other devices are often needed for the network to work
correctly. Examples for such devices include hubs and switches. Different kinds of
network can be connected to each other with a router. Firewalls are commonly used to
protect the network. In general, networks that use cables to connect can operate at
higher speeds than those using wireless technology.

A Local Area Network (LAN) connects computers which are close together. Building a
LAN is easier than connecting different networks by a Wide Area Network (WAN). The
largest Wide Area Network is the Internet. Computers can be part of several different
networks. Networks can also be part of bigger networks. The local area network in a
regional office or store is usually connected to the main corporate network. These
connections may allow access to the Internet, for example to show computers in a
store, display its catalogue through a web server, or convert received orders into
shipping instructions.

A network must be connected with appropriate hardware. This can be wired or

wireless. For a simple LAN, computers, media and peripherals are sufficient. WANs
and some large LANs need some additional devices like a bridge, gateway or router to
connect different small or large networks. A network needs a communication protocol.
Microsoft Windows, Linux and other operating systems use TCP/IP. Apple Macintosh
computers used Appletalk in the 20th century, but also use TCP/IP now.

(https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_network. Adaptado)

(EF09LI01 EF09LI02 EF09LI16) NÍVEL 2- Question 13

In the fragment from the first paragraph – These connections may allow access to the
Internet, for example to show computers in a store…” – the word in bold indicates

a) need.
b) advisability.
c) request.
d) possibility.

(EF09LI01 EF09LI02 EF09LI16) NÍVEL 2- Question 14

(FIEB SP 2016)

Na frase do terceiro parágrafo – A network must be connected with appropriate

hardware. – a palavra em destaque expressa a ideia de

a) condição.
b) necessidade.
d) opção.
e) capacidade.

(EF09LI01 EF09LI02 EF09LI16) NÍVEL 2 Question 15

(FIEB SP 2016)

In the sentence from the third paragraph – A network needs a communication

protocol. – the word “needs” could be replaced, keeping the same sense of the
text, by

Vocabulary: replaced- mudado

a) has to have.
b) may have.
c) could have.
e) can have.

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