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Esse teste tem como principal objetivo alocar futuros alunos, que previamente
estudaram a língua inglesa, no estágio correto de acordo com o desempenho que eles
obtiverem durante o teste na parte oral, escrita e compreensão auditiva. Através da
pontuação alcançada pelo aluno (a) o aplicador poderá assim determinar se o aluno
(a) começará seu curso no W2, W4, W6, W8, W10 ou W12.
O teste está divido em 3 partes: Teste de alternativa, teste oral e teste de listening.


O aluno (a) deve começar o nivelamento com o teste de alternativa, onde ele deve
assinalar a alternativa correta. Após o término dessa etapa o teste deve ser corrigido
e dessa forma o aplicador do teste poderá ter uma boa ideia de qual nível o aluno (a)
poderá ser alocado (a). O próximo passo será aplicar a parte de drills / perguntas. Se
no teste de alternativa o aluno tiver um maior número de acertos referente ao estágio
W2, na parte oral você deverá dar mais ênfase nos drills W4. O mesmo acontece se
o aluno tiver obtido uma boa pontuação no teste referente ao W2 e W4, então o
aplicador deve dar maior ênfase na parte oral do W6 em diante.
Após a aplicação do teste oral o aplicador deve então prosseguir com o teste de
listening. O teste deve ser aplicado desde seu início até o nível que o aplicador puder
constatar que aluno (a) poderá entrar de acordo com os acertos que ele (a) obteve nas
partes anteriores do teste.

O aluno (a) deve estar no mesmo nível oral e escrito. Portanto, se ele receber uma
avaliação superior na parte oral e uma inferior na parte escrita, deverá ser nivelado de
acordo com a parte escrita ou fazer aulas de reforço para que ele possa ser nivelado
de acordo com a parte oral.


1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B
5. C 6. B 7. A 8. B
9. C 10. B 11. A 12. A
13. C 14. A 15. C 16. B
17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B
21. B 22. A 23. A 24. C
25. A 26. C 27. B 28. A
29. C 30. A 31. B 32. A
33. B 34. A 35. B 36. C
37. A 38. B 39. C 40. A
41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B
45. B 46. C 47. B 48. C
49. A 50. B 51. C 52. B
53. A 54. B 55. C 56. B
57. A 58. B 59. B 60. C
61. B 62. A 63. C 64. B
65. A 66. B 67. A 68. B
69. C 70. B 71. C 72. A
73. B 74. C 75. B 76. A
77. B 78. C 79. B 80. A


W2 1 - 21
W4 22 - 43
W6 44 - 60
W8 61 - 75
W10 76 - 80

Wiz ar d Unive r si ty 3


1. Eu não falo inglês / espanhol / francês

2. Ela trabalha na loja com meu pai / no banco / na escola
3. Você gosta de estudar línguas? / sua irmã / seu irmão
4. O que você gosta de fazer nos fins de semana? / nos feriados / nas férias
5. Nós sempre vamos ao cinema juntos / ao parque / à igreja
6. Meus filhos gostam muito de brincar no parquinho / as crianças / meus netos
7. Quando você precisa terminar essa tarefa? / tem que / quer
8. Eu tenho aula de inglês somente às quintas-feiras / sábados / sextas-feiras
9. Por que você quer morar nos E.U.A.? / Europa / Brasil
10. Quanto dinheiro você precisa para viajar? / ela / eles
11. Quantos irmãos você tem? / dólares / livros
12. Você gostaria de aprender um novo idioma? / ela / ele
13. Ela geralmente trabalha até às 20h / 18h / 22h
14. Ele é um excelente engenheiro / professor / gerente
15. Meu pai comprou um carro novo / um apartamento / fazenda
16. Você levou as crianças à escola hoje de manhã? / ontem / essa semana
17. Eles não jogaram no mesmo time esse verão / não viajaram juntos
18. Quem trabalhou com você naquela empresa? / na fábrica / no escritório
19. Ela está esperando por você no escritório / não está / está?
20. Você está muito ocupada agora? / com fome / com sede


1. Você vai ao cinema hoje à noite? / no sábado / na sexta-feira

2. Eu vou visitar meus pais na Europa o mês que vem / ele / nós
3. Nós a esperamos por duas horas / uma hora / três horas
4. Ela começou a estudar chinês esse ano / japonês / italiano
5. Você estava em casa esse manhã? / no escritório / na faculdade
6. Nós não estávamos preparados para casar ainda / eles
7. Eu estou pensando em abrir um negócio / uma escola / escritório
8. Ela não estava pensando em voltar aqui hoje / eu / eles
9. O que você estava fazendo ontem à noite? / no sábado / essa tarde
10. Você deu as flores a sua mãe hoje? / sua namorada / sua amiga
11. O aniversário dela é em 21 de Dezembro / 10 de Maio / 29 de Julho
12. Ligarei para ela agora mesmo / conversarei / a convidarei
13. Eu acho que hoje é aniversário do Peter / Mary / Anne
14. Ela não chegará aqui hoje / não terminará isso
15. Há alguma mensagem para nós hoje? / ela / eles

16. Não havia nada que eu podia fazer / nós / ele
17. Eu acredito que esse passaporte é seu / dela / dele
18. Você deveria estudar mais / ele / ela
19. Ela deve terminar isso agora mesmo / começar
20. Ela trabalha aqui / você / eles
21. Esse exercício é mais fácil do que aquele / difícil
22. Esse foi o dia mais importante da minha vida / bonito / melhor
23. Se você não for agora você vai se atrasar / ele / ela
24. Se eu fosse você eu tentaria novamente / ela / ele
25. Eu desejaria estar em casa agora / nós / eles


1. She was expecting somebody.

2. They used to work out every day.
3. It was John who won first place.
4. Somebody was going to do it for us.
5. He is used to living away from his family.


1. This is not the department store that I told you about.

2. There couldn’t be any other solution.
3. They haven’t developed the program yet.
4. He isn’t being naughty.
5. I wouldn’t have gone if I were you.


1. What would you do if you won the lottery?

2. Have you ever been abroad? If so, describe your experience.
3. What is something that you should have done that you didn’t?
4. How long have you been studying English?
5. How can a person develop a successful career?


1. Would you accept an offer to work overseas?

2. What are the main qualifications one should have in order to get a good job
3. What are the advantages of getting in touch with the latest technological trends?
4. What are the pros and cons of living in a democracy?

Wiz ar d Unive r si ty 5
5. What goals do you expect to reach within 5 five years?
6. What’s your opinion about organ donation?
7. In what ways could people contribute more in order to help others?
8. Have you ever had to give a speech? If so, how was it?
9. What do you think about the education offered in schools nowadays?
10. What’s the importance of speaking different languages nowadays?


1. Would you dare yourself to a cultural immersion? What benefits could it bring to
2. What effects can music have on people?
3. What’s your main purpose of studying a foreign language?
4. What’s the reason why more and more people live alone nowadays?
5. Is becoming a millionaire matter of luck or of hard work?
6. What do you do to keep your mind fit?
7. Should kids be brought up learning multiple languages? Why or why not?
8. Have you ever gotten embarrassed because of a language misunderstanding?
9. Why do some people say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus?
10. Should people be taught to be competitive early in life?

Listen to the sentences and write questions for them.

Audio script:

1. I speak English, French and German.

2. He is 19 years old.
3. She lives with her family.
4. They have two stores in the mall.
5. Yes, I would like to go to the movies with you.
6. She traveled to California with her friends.

Listen to the audio and choose the right alternative according to the question you


Audio script:

I’m so happy! My husband finally arrives from a business trip in the U.S.A. today. I can’t
wait to see him and especially because today is our 5th wedding anniversary. I hope he
remembered to get me a very special gift.


Why is the lady so happy?


a. Her husband is going to the U.S.A. today.

b. Her husband bought her a very special gift.
c. Her husband arrives from a trip today.

Wiz ar d Unive r si ty 7

Audio script:

Hi John. I’m calling to let you know that I can’t study for the test with you this
afternoon. It’s my mom’s birthday today and I need to help my dad with the surprise
party we are going to throw for her tonight. By the way, would you like to come?
The test is going to be easy so don’t worry too much about it.


Why can’t the girl help her, friend John, with the test?


a. She has to help her father with her mom’s birthday party.
b. She has to go to her friend’s birthday party.
c. She has to study for another test.


Audio script:

Hey, Harry! You won’t believe what I’m about to tell you. Joshua and Megan are
going to get married! I’m so happy for them and excited because Megan invited me
to be her maid of honor. Now, I just have one problem. I have no idea what to get
them. I was thinking about giving them a fancy dinner set, but helping them with
their honeymoon sounds great too. I really don’t know what I should get them.


What wedding gift is the lady planning on giving to her friends?


a. She is sure about getting them a fancy dinner set.

b. She is sure about helping them financially with their honeymoon.
c. She is not sure what to get them yet.


Audio script:

My 19-year-old daughter has just finished her German course and she has decided she
wants to go on an exchange program to Germany so she can improve her language
skills. Even though I’m worried about letting her go to another country on her own, I’m
very proud of her. She is going to study there for a year and she has even gotten her
student visa to stay there. I hope she has a great experience there and that she comes
back full of great memories.


What is the lady’s daughter going to do?


a. She is going to get a student visa.

b. She is going on an exchange program to Germany.
c. She is going on an exchange program to the U.S.A.

Wiz ar d Unive r si ty 9

Audio script:

Listen to the audio and then check if the sentences are true or false.

Matthew: Hi Susan. It’s been a long time since I last saw you. How have you been?
Susan: Hi Mathew. It’s great to see you. Yeah, it’s been a long time since we last
saw each other. I’m great. Actually, I’m just passing through. Right after we
finished college a multinational company hired me and after a while they
sent me to Sweden to work at their headquarters. I’m just in town for the
Matthew: That’s great Susan. I’m so happy for you. You have always been a
hardworking person and I’m sure you deserve the best. Tell me more
about your experience abroad.
Susan: At first I was afraid of leaving everything behind, but now I know that
accepting that opportunity was the best thing I could do professionally
speaking. I grew a lot as a professional and as a person too. I also could
apply in my daily routine most of the things I learned in college.
Matthew: Wow! It sounds amazing, but if it happened to me I don’t think I would
accept because I couldn’t stand being away from my family for such long
Susan: Well, I have to admit it’s hard but the experience is worth it.
Matthew: I have to go now. It was nice talking to you Susan. Enjoy the time with
your family and have a safe trip back home. Bye.
Susan: Thanks Matthew! It was great talking to you too. Bye.

True or False:

1. Susan and Matthew studied in college together. ( T )

2. They see each other almost every day. ( F )
3. Susan doesn’t work for a company in Sweden. ( F )
4. Susan is a very hardworking person. ( T )
5. Susan thinks the experience is worth it. ( T )
6. Susan is in town only for the holidays. ( T )
7. Susan can’t apply in her job the things she learned in college. ( F )
8. If Matthew had the same opportunity as Susan, he would accept it. ( F )
9. Matthew couldn’t stand being away from his family. ( T )
10. Susan grew only professionally during her experience abroad. ( F )


Audio script:

Listen to the question and answer it.

When we think about technology we also think about constant changes. Being
acquainted with all the tools and new software programs that are launched every
day is a must in the world we live in today. How important do you think technology
is to you and to the world? Justify your answer.


Audio script:

Listen to the question and answer it.

In the globalized world in live in today breaking news spreads on the Internet fast like
lightning crossing the sky. We could say it mainly happens due to technology where
people can take pictures or even record important events that are happening at this
very moment, may they be good or bad, with their portable devices. Give a detailed
explanation on what ways people can have access to news and how it affects your life
in a negative or positive way.

Wiz ar d Unive r si ty 11
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Wiz a r d U n iver si ty


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