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1. Identify some of the social issues that were portrayed in the movie.

Compare and contrast the

movies' setting with our world's current situation.

The social issues that were portrayed in the movie are lying, discrediting the works of an artist, and
manipulating the victim. Just like in the movie, we witnessed lying, discrediting the works of an
artist, and manipulation when Margaret found out that Walter was a liar. He told everyone that the
pictures of children with big eyes that Margaret painted were actually from himself. She discovered
it, but Walter manipulated her to accept the lie. She continued to paint secretly, and Walter gave
the interviews and earned the money for her hard work. This movie showcases the world’s current
situation, where people don’t have a voice to fight for their rights, especially those who are of lower
status. It is a sad reality that victims can’t show who they really are or can’t expose the truth
because of the blackmail they received. They can’t have the justice they deserve, for it can cause
harm not just for themselves but also for their family and community. This movie shows us how a
manipulator can control us in any form. However, if we don’t stand up for ourselves, we will be
slaves to our lies and dishonesty.

2. Choose three scenes that made you feel empowered, vulnerable, and angry. Explain why you
have chosen the following scenes.

The scenes that made me feel empowered, vulnerable, and angry are when Walter claims
Margaret’s paintings as his own. Watching this scene made me angry and sad at the same time for
Margaret because of the betrayal she experienced, especially from her loved one. In addition, the
scene where she found out that Walter is not a painter and all his works are from an artist named
Cenic was also unexpected. We never thought that Walter was not a painter, and I felt sad for the
people he manipulated through his words and his presentation of his so-called artworks. Lastly, the
scene that made me feel empowered and vulnerable is the one where she stood up for herself and
exposed the truth, which she kept for almost 10 years. This scene was too empowering, especially
when she proved her right and was able to get all the credits, she deserved for painting those
artworks. As a woman, she became an inspiration for those who suffer under oppression and

3. Discuss art integrity in relation to the film.

Art integrity is the pursuit of the arts through passion and talent. It is the ability to show the
truthfulness of the artwork and be able to follow your values, especially in knowing what is right and
wrong. In the movie, we can see that the painter lacked art integrity within herself. She has the
talent, but she wasn’t able to possess the code of conduct of every artist; she allowed her works to
be discredited by someone else. The lies they made did not just fool the people in their community
but also herself and her conscience.

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