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Leonardo Pontes


Adjectives and Adverbs

Prof. Leonardo Pontes

AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 1

Prof. Leonardo Pontes




Comparativo de igualdade 9

Comparativo de inferioridade 10


Superlativo de superioridade 11

Superlativo de inferioridade 12


Advérbios de modo 17

Advérbios de frequência 18

Advérbios de tempo 19

Advérbios de lugar 20

Advérbios de dúvida e/ou certeza 23

Advérbios de intensidade 26

Locuções adverbiais 27


Comparativo de Igualdade 29

Comparativo de superioridade 30

Comparativo de inferioridade 31


Superlativo de superioridade 32

Superlativo de inferioridade 33


AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 2

Prof. Leonardo Pontes






AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 3

Prof. Leonardo Pontes

1. Introdução
Chegou a hora de estudarmos os adjetivos e advérbios, duas classes de palavras que são
muito importantes dentro de uma língua. Essas duas classes possuem tanta impotância por conta
de suas funções dentro do texto.
As duas classes têm a função de modificar outras palavras dentro de um contexto
específico. A diferença entre elas está em qual palavra cada uma modifica, e é isso que
determinará sua classificação. Por isso, é muito importante que saibamos identificar essas palavras
nos textos.
Vale ressaltar que o conhecimento das classes gramaticais e da gramática como um todo é
um fator facilitador na hora de interpretar textos. É muito mais fácil interpretar um texto quando
se tem a noção do porquê de cada palavra estar onde está.
Desta forma, convido você a vir nesta jornada comigo pois, assim, sairemos desta aula
muito melhor preparados para enfrentar questões de gramática, bem como as de interpretaçã de
Os Adjectives são a classe de palavras responsável por modificar os Nouns, classe de
palavras já estudada na aula anterior e, por isso, tem muita importância dentro da língua, já que
podem transformar algo genérico em algo único e inconfundível.
Os Adverbs, por sua vez, modificam Verbs, Adjectives, outros Adverbs ou até mesmo uma
frase inteira. Assim, os Adverbs são tão importantes quanto os Adjectives e precisam ser estudados
com muita atenção. Assim, você chegará no dia do concurso pronto para a batalha!!!
Nesta aula, estudaremos detalhadamente os adjetivos e advérbios, com direito a muitos
exercícios ao final da aula para que você possa praticar bastante e ficar afiado neste assunto tão
relevante para a sua preparação.
Agora, chega de falação e vamos ao assunto!!!

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2. Adjectives
Os adjectives (adjetivos) têm a função de modificar os nouns (substantivos) e, assim,
expressam características relativas a tudo que recebe um nome como, pessoas, coisas ou animais,
já que a classe dos substantivos é justamente a que dá nome a tudo em nossa realidade. Essas
características podem ser permanentes ou não, pois isso não importa para a classificação da palavra,
mas sim a função que ela exerce naquele contexto específico.
A classe de adjetivos está entre as maiores classes gramaticais em número de palavras. Se
você parar para pensar por um minuto, os substantivo dá nome a tudo que conhecemos tendo,
assim, um número gigantesco de palavras para este fim. Os adjetivos têm como missão modificar,
atribuir características a estas palavras. Então, fica simples perceber a imensa quantidade de
palavras necessárias para cumprir sua missão.
Esta enorme quantidade de palavras continua crescendo gradativamente, já que novas
palavras, novas situações e novas necessidades vão sendo criadas com o passar do tempo. Uma
língua é algo dinâmico, em constante mutação e aperfeiçoamento, e os adjetivos são parte das
constantes mudanças sofridas por uma língua, e o inglês não é exceção.
Ah, mestre! Então, passa logo uma lista de adjetivos para eu decorar!
Sinto te desapontar, mas não farei isso. Farei melhor que isso. Eu vou te ensinar a
reconhecer os adjetivos sem ter que decorar! Assim, você guarda espaço no seu HD para decorar
coisas que precisam ser decoradas.
Os adjetivos podem ser identificados e classificados de forma lógica, não havendo a
necessidade de decorá-los. Portanto, é nessa lógica que focaremos para facilitar sua vida.
Primeiro, é importante notar que os adjetivos, no inglês, são invariáveis em gênero e número.
Isso quer dizer que uma mesma palavra pode modificar um substantivo masculino, feminino, no
singular e no plural. Um exemplo que podemos citar é a palavra ugly, que pode significar feio, feia,
feios ou feias, dependendo do contexto no qual ela está inserida.
This is an ugly man. (Este é um homem feio.)
This is an ugly girl. (Esta é uma garota feia.)
These boys are ugly. (Estes garotos são feios.)
These girls are ugly. (Estas garotas são feias.)
Além disso, os adjetivos são posicionados de forma diferente na frase em relação a como os
posicionamos em português. Os adjetivos são posicionados, de forma geral, antes dos substantivos.
Em português, dizemos: “Que casa bonita!” (perceba que o adjetivo “bonita” vem após o substantivo
“casa”). Já em inglês, dizemos: “what a beautiful house!” (perceba que o adjetivo “beautiful” vem
antes do substantivo “house”).
É importante saber que os adjetivos também podem ser utilizados após o verbo de ligação da
oração. Nesse caso, o adjetivo não vem posicionado antes do substantivo. Isso acontece quando
comunicar a característica atribuída pelo adjetivo ao substantivo acaba por ser o objetivo central
daquela oração. Um bom exemplo disso é a frase: “These boys are ugly”, que já vimos acima, mas
mostra uma situação em que o adjetivo (ugly) é posicionado após o verbo de ligação (are), e não

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Prof. Leonardo Pontes

antes do substantivo (boys). Isso ocorre porque o objetivo central da oração é falar da feiura dos
garotos, e não dos garotos em si.

3. Grau Comparativo dos Adjetivos

Os adjetivos podem ser usados como instrumentos para realizar comparações. Essas
comparações podem ser feitas de diferentes formas e, por isso, temos diferentes graus
comparativos para os adjetivos.
Esses graus representam diferentes formas de se comparar uma coisa com outra. Temos o
grau comparativo de superioridade, que estabelece que um substantivo é mais “alguma coisa” do
que outro. Temos o comparativo de igualdade, que estabelece que que dois substantivos são
“iguais” em alguma característica. Por último, temos o comparativo de inferioridade, que estabelece
que um substantivo tem menos “alguma coisa” do que outro.
Para entender melhor, vamos ver cada um desses três casos detalhadamente a partir de

Comparativo de superioridade

Estudar frases comparativas em Inglês, que são muitas, fica simples se você pensar qual
é o real objetivo de uma comparação: estabelecer uma relação entre uma coisa e outra.
Usamos o grau comparativo para equiparar uma pessoa ou uma coisa com outra, para
comparar as diferenças entre os dois elementos.

A estrutura que é, via de regra, usada nas frases em que há o comparativo de

superioridade é essa: substantivo 1 (sujeito) + verbo + adjetivo comparativo + than (do que)
+ substantivo 2 (objeto).

Existem regras a serem seguidas. Vamos estudar cada uma delas.

Para que possamos utilizar os comparativos de forma correta, precisamos entender que,
para usar o comparativo correto do adjetivo, precisa-se entender o que é um adjetivo curto,
médio ou longo.

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Prof. Leonardo Pontes

Para que o adjetivo seja considerado curto, é preciso que este adjetivo possua apenas
uma sílaba. Já os adjetivos médios são aqueles com 2 sílabas, enquanto os longos são
aqueles com 3 ou mais sílabas.

Entendido isso, podemos dizer que os adjetivos curtos, para caracterizar a estrutura de
comparativo, recebem o sufixo -er. Um exemplo é o adjetivo Cold, que possui apenas uma
sílaba e, por isso, seu comparativo é colder.

No caso dos adjetivos considerados longos, para caracterizar a estrutura de comparativo,

basta posicionar a palavra more antes do adjetivo, que permanece inalterado. Um exemplo
é o adjetivo intelligent, que possui três sílabas e, por isso, seu comparativo é more

Já nos adjetivos considerados médios, temos duas opções de uso do comparativo. Pode-
se usar a estrutura dos adjetivos curtos (acrescentar o sufixo -er) ou a dos adjetivos longos
(posicionar a palavra more antes do adjetivo). É importante ressaltar, contudo, que deve-
se escolher uma das duas formas, e NUNCA misturar as duas. Um exemplo é o adjetivo
clever, que possui duas sílabas e, por isso, seu comparativo pode ser more clever ou

Por último, os adjetivos que, quando usados em frases comparativas, mudam

completamente. São chamados de adjetivos irregulares, tais como good, bad e far – bom,
mau e longe. Eles não seguem regras e cada um tem uma grafia diferente quando a
comparação é feita, veja:

GOOD: John is better than me. – John é melhor do que eu.

BAD: Wilson is worse than Jane. – Wilson é pior do que Jane.

FAR: Winston’s house is further than Jack’s one. – A casa de Winston é mais longe do que a casa
de Jack.

Agora, vamos visualizar as formas de se fazer frases comparativas em Inglês, usando

qualquer adjetivo que aparecer em sua prova. Assim, você poderá identificar o grau
comparativo nas frases retiradas dos textos e saberá responder qualquer questão sobre
esse assunto com esse esquema:

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Prof. Leonardo Pontes

Bethy is taller than Jane. – Bethy é mais alta do que Jane.

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Comparativo de igualdade

O grau comparativo de igualdade é usado para comparar dois elementos equivalentes entre
si. A estrutura usada nas frases em que há o comparativo de igualdade é essa: substantivo 1 (sujeito)
+ verbo + as + adjetivo + as + substantivo 2 (objeto). Essa estrutura é igual para todos os adjetivos
da língua inglesa, não depende do número de letras ou sílabas que cada adjetivo possui.
Vejamos exemplos:

Bethy is as intelligent as Jane – Bethy é tão inteligente quanto Jane.

Bethy is as pretty as Jane – Bethy é tão linda quanto Jane.
Bethy is as good as Jane – Bethy é tão bondosa quanto Jane.

Anne is as tall as John – Anne é tão alta quanto John.

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Prof. Leonardo Pontes

Comparativo de inferioridade

Por sua vez, o grau comparativo de inferioridade é usado para comparar dois elementos,
evidenciando que o primeiro é inferior ao segundo. A estrutura usada nas frases em que há o
comparativo de inferioridade é essa: substantivo 1 (sujeito) + verbo + less + adjetivo + substantivo 2
Vejamos exemplos:
Bethy is less tall than Jane – Bethy é menos alta do que Jane.
Bethy is less intelligent than Jane – Bethy é menos inteligente do que Jane.
Bethy is less good than Jane – Bethy é menos bondosa do que Jane.

Algumas pessoas preferem usar a negação no comparativo de inferioridade (que é apenas

usar o verbo to be na forma negativa com o acréscimo de not) ao invés do comparativo de
inferioridade, para a frase “soar melhor” e não enfatizar algo inferior, veja exemplos:

Bethy is not as tall as Jane. – Bethy não é tão alta quanto Jane.
Beth and Jane are not as tall as Susan. - Bethy e Jane não são tão altas quanto Susan.

Elizabeth is less tall than John – Anne é menos alta do que John.

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Prof. Leonardo Pontes

4. Grau Superlativo dos Adjetivos

Os superlativos têm a função de intensificar, de forma única, a característica de um
substantivo em relação a todos os outros de um mesmo segmento. Por exemplo, vimos,
no capítulo anterior que, ao dizer que alguém é mais inteligente, tão inteligente quanto ou
menos inteligente, temos que citar outra pessoa para estabelecer a comparação. No
superlativo, diz-se que alguém é o mais inteligente de todos de um grupo, não é uma
comparação de um indivíduo com outro, mas de um com vários outros. Essa relação de
intensidade pode ser de superioridade ou de inferioridade e iremos falar mais
detalhadamente cada uma dessas relações com o uso exemplos para deixar mais claro.

Superlativo de superioridade

A estrutura usada nas frases em que há o superlativo de superioridade é essa:

substantivo + verbo + artigo THE + adjetivo no superlativo (veremos as regras). Assim como
no modo comparativo, analisando o número de sílabas dos adjetivos, o superlativo é mais
simples, mas a formação de frases é diferente para o adjetivo curto e para o longo. Para os
adjetivos curtos, com apenas uma sílaba, como tall – alto/a, short – baixo/a e outros
considerados “curtos”, acrescenta-se a terminação -est no final:

Bethy is the tallest girl in the class. – Bethy é a garota mais alta da sala.

Note que o artigo the é muito importante no superlativo, pois proporciona ênfase ao
fato de que algo/alguém é o mais/a mais sobre o assunto tratado na frase. Nos adjetivos
longos, com mais de 5 letras e mais sílabas, tais como beautiful, interesting, important etc,
acrescentamos o termo the most antes do adjetivo.

Bethy is the most beautiful girl in the class. – O verão é a garota mais bonita da sala.

Já os adjetivos curtos terminados em y, tais como pretty, busy, noisy, happy etc –
lindo/a, ocupado/a, barulhento/a, feliz, e etc, seguem a regra dos outros adjetivos
considerados curtos mas elimina-se a letra y, que é substituída pela letra i e, assim, faz-se
o acréscimo de -est:

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Bethy is the prettiest girl in the class. – Bethy é a garota mais linda da sala.

Os adjetivos que terminam em CVC (consoante/vogal/consoante) seguem as regras

de acrescer o sufixo -est nos curtos (só que precisamos dobrar a última letra do adjetivo
antes de adicionar o sufixo) e usar the most antes do adjetivo no caso dos longos.

Bethy is the thinnest girl in the class. – Bethy é a garota mais magra da sala.

Por último, os adjetivos irregulares que vimos no comparativo, tais como good, bad
e far – bom, mau e longe, também não seguem regras e cada um tem uma grafia diferente
quando o superlativo é usado – the best, the worst e the furthest, veja:

GOOD: Bethy is the best student. – Bethy é a melhor aluna. (de todas)
BAD: Bethy is the worst student. – Bethy é a pior aluna. (de todas)
FAR: Bethy’s house is the furthest in this city. – A casa de Bethy é a mais longe nessa

Superlativo de inferioridade

A estrutura usada nas frases em que há o superlativo de inferioridade é essa:

substantivo + verbo + artigo THE LEAST + adjetivo – todos os adjetivos são usados com
the least antes. A regra é aplicada da mesma forma para TODOS os adjetivos.

Bethy is the least thin student. – Bethy é a aluna menos magra. (de todas)
Bethy is the least intelligent student. – Bethy é a aluna menos inteligente. (de todas)
Bethy is the least funny student. – Bethy é a aluna menos engraçada. (de todas)

Agora, que falamos de forma bem detalhada sobre adjetivos, estudaremos os advérbios
detalhadamente. Vamos lá!

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5. Adverbs
Os advérbios possuem uma função muito similar à dos adjetivos, modificar palavras.
Estudamos os adjetivos e aprendemos que eles modificam substantivos. Já no caso dos advérbios,
veremos que eles são a classe de palavras responsável por modificar verbos, adjetivos, advérbios,
ou até uma frase inteira!

Os advérbios, ou adverbs, em inglês, modificam palavras atribuindo a elas características

específicas como o modo como algo ocorreu, onde algo ocorreu, quando algo ocorreu...

Os advérbios são palavras originadas de adjetivos e, portanto, sua formação tem como base
um adjetivo, sendo a ele adicionado, normalmente, um sufixo que caracterizará o advérbio.

Esse sufixo do qual falamos será, normalmente, o sufixo -ly ou um derivado dele. Eu tenho o
hábito de dizer “normalmente” porque não quero que você decore que toda palavra terminada em
-ly é um advérbio, pois isso não é verdadeiro e pode te levar a erros na hora da prova. A forma mais
eficiente de reconhecer os advérbios é analisando a função da palavra dentro do contexto específico.
Vejamos alguns exemplos de palavras que podem te confundir caso você queira decorar:

• Adjetivo lovely: adorável – Bethy is a lovely person. (Bethy é uma pessoa adorável).
• Adjetivo friendly: amigável – Bethy is friendly with everybody. (Bethy é amigável com
• Adjetivo elderly: velho/idoso – Bethy’s mom is elderly. (A mãe de Bethy é uma idosa).

Conforme dito anteriormente, o advérbio é, normalmente, formado pelo acréscimo do sufixo

-ly a um adjetivo. Esse sufixo seria uma espécie de equivalente ao nosso sufixo -mente, em língua
portuguesa e, assim, percebemos que esse sufixo caracteriza advérbios que indicam modo,
frequência, intensidade entre outros.

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Para adjetivos terminados em y, trocamos o y por i e acrescentamos normalmente -ly para

formar o advérbio. Veja alguns exemplos:
• crazy (louco) - crazily (loucamente)
• easy (fácil) - easily (facilmente)
• happy (feliz, alegre) - happily (felizmente, alegremente)
• heavy (pesado) - heavily (pesadamente)
• lucky (sortudo) - luckily (afortunadamente)

Para os adjetivos terminados em -le, trocando-se o -le por -ly, forma-se o advérbio:

• horrible (horrível) - horribly (horrivelmente)

• incredible (inacreditável) – incredibly (inacreditavelmente)
• probable (provável) - probably (provavelmente)
• simple (simples) - simply (simplesmente)
• subtle (sutil) - subtly (sutilmente)

Com alguns adjetivos terminados em -e (sem a letra L antes da letra E), mantemos o -e,
acrescentando, normalmente -ly; com a exceção de dois adjetivos especiais nesse caso: true e due:

• brave (bravo) - bravely (bravamente)

• immediate (imediato) - immediately (imediatamente)
• Exceções: true (verdadeiro) - truly (verdadeiramente)
• due (que se deve, adequado) - duly (pontualmente, a tempo)

Quando os adjetivos terminam em -ic acrescentam -ally e não somente -ly, veja:

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• automatic (automático) - automatically (automaticamente)

• romantic (romântico) - romantically (romanticamente)
• specific (específico) - specifically (especificamente)
• tragic (trágico) - tragically (tragicamente)

De forma simples e direta, caso o adjetivo já termine em -ly, nada se acrescenta na formação do

• Bethy is tired of her daily routine. (Justine está cansada da sua rotina diária.)
• Bethy helps her sister friendly. (Bethy ajuda sua irmã amigavelmente.)

Alguns advérbios são usados com a grafia igual aos adjetivos, ou seja, não acrescentamos
nenhuma terminação nem modificamos quaisquer letras. Mas lembre-se de que o sentido muda.
Enquanto o adjetivo bonito – beautiful qualifica o substantivo, o advérbio fast indica o modo como
o sujeito executou alguma ação, veja:

• Jack is a fast driver. He drives fast. (Jack é um motorista rápido. Ele dirige rápido –
de forma rápida)

Além de fast, outros exemplos em que adjetivos e advérbios ficam iguais nas frases em ambas
funções são hard, right e late. Vejamos frases:

Bethy is a fast swimmer. Bethy swims fast. Bethy é uma nadadora rápida.
Bethy nada rápido.

Bethy is a hard worker. Bethy works hard. Bethy é uma trabalhadora esforçada.
Bethy trabalha duro.

Bethy is right. Bethy thinks right. Bethy está certa.

Bethy pensa certo.

Bethy is late. Bethy wakes up late sometimes. Bethy está atrasada.

Bethy acorda atrasada às vezes.

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Observe como, na primeira frase de cada exemplo, a palavra em negrito está sempre
modificando um substantivo, enquanto na segunda frase de cada exemplo, a palavra em negrito
está sempre modificando verbos. Isso é o que determina que as primeiras são adjetivos e as
segundas são advérbios.

Alguns desses advérbios, que coincidem com os adjetivos, quando se coloca a terminação -ly,
muda-se o sentido da palavra e também o significado, como por exemplo hardly e lately:

Bethy works hard. Bethy trabalha duro/com esforço.

Bethy’s sick. She can hardly work. Bethy está doente. Ela mal consegue trabalhar.

Bethy is late. Bethy é/está atrasada.

Bethy’s sick. She hasn’t worked lately. Bethy está doente. Ela não trabalhou

Um advérbio especial e diferente, que não usa o sufixo -ly em sua grafia, é well, referente ao
adjetivo good. Uma pessoa pode ser boa/bondosa (como uma qualidade) ou pode ser boa em
alguma coisa que faz com dedicação, demonstrar uma habilidade. Em Português, usamos apenas
uma palavra para representar ambos, “bom de bondoso” e “bom em algo que faça”. Mas em Inglês,
• Bethy is a good swimmer – Bethy é uma boa nadadora.
• Bethy swims very well – Bethy nada muito bem. (é boa em natação).

Já vimos como formar os advérbios e percebemos que a maior parte deles sofre o acréscimo de
-ly. Para colocar os advérbios em uma frase, o que é necessário? Quando são usados? Vejamos.
Um advérbio pode ser usado para descrever um verbo, descrevendo quando, por quê, onde ou
como uma ação ocorreu. Por exemplo, uma pessoa pode agir rapidamente, calmamente ou
silenciosamente. Na seguinte frase: Bethy falou ao telefone – Bethy talked on the phone, o verbo
falar pode ser modificado por um advérbio, como lentamente ou cuidadosamente:

• Bethy talked on the phone slowly – Bethy falou ao telephone lentamente.

• Bethy talked on the phone carefully – Bethy falou ao telephone cuidadosamente.

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Os advérbios são muitos. Eles podem ser de modo, de lugar, de tempo, de frequência, de
intensidade, de certeza ou dúvida e, ainda existem as famosas locuções adverbiais. Eles aparecem
em diversas situações e enriquecem frases em geral. Vamos, agora, analisar os tipos de advérbios
para que as explicações anteriores sejam melhor compreendidas.

Advérbios de modo

Como o próprio nome já nos diz, os adverbs of manner (advérbios de modo), indicam a
maneira como uma ação ocorreu. Os advérbios são formados a partir de adjetivos, em que se
acrescenta o sufixo -ly e assim deixam de ser adjetivos, passando a ser advérbios, como já vimos
anteriormente. Veja as comparações para que os advérbios de modo fiquem claros:

• Bethy is bad (Bethy é má) – Bethy sings badly (Bethy canta mal)
• Beth is slow (Bethy é lenta/devagar). - Bethy sings slowly. (Bethy canta

Os advérbios de modo são bastante flexíveis e, normalmente, podem aparecer em três posições:
1 – Antes do sujeito:
Quickly Bethy organized her books – Rapidamente Bethy organizou seus livros.
2 – Entre o sujeito e o verbo:
Bethy quickly organized her books – Bethy rapidamente organizou seus livros.
3 – Após o verbo ou o objeto:
Bethy organized her books quickly – Bethy organizou seus livros rapidamente.

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The girl organized the books quickly.

Advérbios de frequência

Os adverbs of frequency (advérbios de frequência) são os mais conhecidos do Inglês. Eles são
utilizados para descrever com que frequência alguma atividade é realizada, como sempre, às vezes,
nunca, entre outros. Essa frequência pode ser demonstrada pelos advérbios: daily (diariamente),
weekly (semanalmente), monthly (mensalmente), yearly (anualmente).

• Bethy goes to the market weekly – (Bethy vai ao mercado semanalmente)

• Bethy reads her 3 favorite books yearly – (Bethy lê seus 3 livros favoritos anualmente)

A forma mais simples de se aprender como os advérbios de frequência são usados em frases
é representar a frequência através de um percentual, como alguns livros fazem – 100% para always
(sempre), 80% para usually e often (frequentemente), 50% para sometimes (às vezes), 30% para
occasionally (ocasionalmente/eventualmente), 10% ou menos para rarely e seldom (raramente) e
0% para never (nunca). Vejamos em frases:

• Bethy always talks on the phone – Bethy sempre fala ao telefone.

• Bethy usually talks on the phone – Bethy frequentemente fala ao telefone.
• Bethy sometimes talks on the phone – Bethy às vezes fala ao telefone.
• Bethy ocasionally talks on the phone – Bethy eventualmente fala ao telefone.
• Bethy rarely talks on the phone – Bethy raramente fala ao telefone.

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• Bethy never talks on the phone – Bethy nunca fala ao telefone.

Como você percebeu, os advérbios de frequência estão antes de um verbo principal. Mas,
eles podem variar a posição em que se encontram e não prejudicar o significado nem o sentido das
frases. Vejamos as frases acima, com troca de posições.

• Bethy talks on the phone, always – Bethy fala ao telefone, sempre.

• Usually, Bethy talks on the phone – Frequentemente, Bethy fala ao telefone.
• Sometimes, Bethy talks on the phone – Às vezes, Bethy fala ao telefone.

Agora, vamos analisar os advérbios de tempo e como usá-los.

Advérbios de tempo

Os adverbs of time (advérbios de tempo) indicam quando uma ação ocorreu e não precisam
da terminação -ly. Geralmente, demonstram e caracterizam algo que aconteceu no tempo passado
ou no tempo futuro, enfatizando frases tanto no Past Simple como no tempo Future Simple. Os
advérbios de tempo, na maioria das vezes, aparecem no final das frases. Alguns deles são:
• last week / last month / last year = semana passada / mês passado / ano passado.
• next week / next month / next year = semana que vem / mês que vem / ano que vem.

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She traveled last week. She will travel next week.

Ela viajou semana passada. Ela vai viajar na próxima semana.

Advérbios de lugar

Os adverbs of place (advérbios de lugar) indicam, como o nome diz, a localização onde uma
ação aconteceu e eles não precisam da terminação -ly. Podem aparecer após o verbo, na frente das
orações, antes do sujeito, entre outras posições. Vejamos exemplos pois há muitos casos e vou
explicando a você, um a um.
• Bethy walks everywhere – Bethy anda por todos os lugares/por toda parte.

Os advérbios here e there (aqui e lá) são muito comuns em frases para indicar lugar.
• Come here! (Venha aqui!), para dizer “Venha até mim.”
• The table is in here. (A mesa está aqui), para dizer “Quero mostrar a você
que a mesa está aqui.”
• Put it there. (Coloque isso lá!), para dizer “Leve isso para lá, para longe daqui.”
• The table is in there. (A mesa está lá.) para dizer “Pode ir, a mesa já está lá.”

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Here you are! I was looking for you!

(Aqui está você! Estava procurando você!)

I didn’t realize you were there. I was looking for you.

(Não percebi que você estava lá. Estava procurando você!)

Alguns advérbios podem ser utilizados com a função de advérbios ou de preposições.

Vejamos exemplos:

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Palavra usada como advérbio: Palavra usada como preposição:

around The necklace rolled around in my I am wearing a necklace around my neck.

O colar se enrolou entre os meus dedos. Estou usando um colar em volta do pescoço.

behind Hurry! You are getting behind. Let's hide behind the door.
Depressa! Você está ficando para trás. Vamos nos esconder atrás da porta.

down Bethy fell down. Bethy made her way down the hill.
Bethy caiu. (para baixo) Bethy fez o caminho morro abaixo.

in We decided to drop in on Bethy. I dropped the letter in the box.

Decidimos visitar Bethy sem avisar. Eu coloquei a carta dentro da caixa.

off Let's get off at the next stop. She put the flowers off the vase.
Vamos descer na próxima parada. Ela colocou as flores fora do vaso.

on She rode on for two more hours. Put the books on the table.
Ela rodou por mais duas horas. Coloque os livros na mesa.

over She turned over and went back to sleep. I think I will hang the picture over my table.
Ela se virou e voltou a dormir. Acho que vou colocar o quadro acima da

Há advérbios de lugar que terminam em -where, para indicar que está se falando sobre um
lugar, como:
• I would like to go somewhere hot. (Eu gostaria de ir em algum lugar quente.)
• Is there anywhere I can find a drugstore? (Há algum lugar em que eu encontre uma
• I have nowhere to go. (Eu não tenho lugar nenhum para ir.)
• I keep looking for you everywhere! (Eu continuo procurando por você em todos os

Outros advérbios de lugar terminam em -wards, para expressar movimentos em direção a um lugar
particular, específico, ou uma direção específica:
• Cats don't usually walk backwards. (Gatos geralmente não andam para trás.)
• The ship sailed westwards. (O navio foi para o oeste/direção ocidental.)

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• The balloon drifted upwards. (O balão foi levado para cima.)

• Let’s walk homewards until we arrive. (Vamos andar de volta para casa.)

The balloon drifted upwards.

O balão foi levado para cima.

Advérbios de dúvida e/ou certeza

Os nomes dos advérbios já indicam, em todos os subtítulos, sobre o que se tratam. Assim, os
adverbs of doubt or certainty (advérbios de dúvida ou certeza), vão justamente indicar o grau de
dúvida ou de certeza de algo.
Esses advérbios aparecem com a terminação -ly. Exemplos:
• Bethy maybe dance tonight – Bethy talvez dance essa noite.
• Bethy will clearly dance tonight – Bethy vai, sem dúvida, dançar essa noite.

Além de maybe, outros advérbios nessa categoria:

• assuredly (indubitavelmente, sem dúvidas)
• certainly (certamente, seguramente, evidentemente)
• clearly (claramente, sem dúvidas, evidentemente)
• definitely (definitivamente)

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• maybe (talvez)
• perhaps (talvez - no início ou no final da frase)
• possibly (possivelmente)
• probably (provavelmente)

Entre os advérbios de dúvida ou certeza, estão os que demonstram um ponto de vista. São
os advérbios que expressam a opinião do sujeito, o que ele pensa sobre a situação da frase. Esses
advérbios, por sua vez, também aparecem com a terminação -ly, comum na classe adverbial.
• Bethy unluckily lost the game – Bethy por azar perdeu o jogo.

O sujeito da frase está expressando, através do advérbio unluckily, a ideia da falta de sorte de
Bethy em relação ao jogo. E, assim, a tradução do advérbio é “por azar”.

Outros advérbios que evidenciam pontos de vista:

• bravely (corajosamente)
• carelessly (de forma desleixada, negligente)
• cleverly (inteligentemente)
• confidentially (confidencialmente)
• disappointingly (de modo decepcionante, desapontador)
• foolishly (de forma tola, insensata)
• happily (por sorte, felizmente)
• kindly (gentilmente, de bom grado)
• luckily (por sorte)
• naturally (naturalmente)
• obviously (obviamente)
• personally (pessoalmente)
• presumably (presumivelmente)
• rightly (com razão)
• seriously (seriamente)
• stupidly (estupidamente, de modo imbecil)
• theoretically (teoricamente)

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• truthfully (verdadeiramente)
• unbelievably (inacreditavelmente)
• unfortunately (infelizmente)
• unluckily (por azar)
• wisely (sabiamente)
• presumably (presumivelmente)
• technically (tecnicamente)

Já que esses advérbios exibem pontos de vista, a característica principal deles é que seja um
comentário de caráter opinativo. Eles modificam a oração inteira, e não apenas palavras
• Fortunately, Bethy decided to help us. – (Felizmente, Bethy decidiu nos ajudar), em que
fortunately: ponto de vista.
• Stupidly, I forgot my keys. – (Estupidamente/de forma estúpida, eu esqueci minhas
chaves), em que stupidly: ponto de vista.

Fortunately, my friend decided to help me when I fell down in front of everybody.

(Felizmente, meu amigo decidiu me ajudar quando caí em frente todos)

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Advérbios de intensidade

De uma forma geral, os adjetivos e advérbios possuem funções parecidas. Mas, enquanto os
adjetivos tratam de substantivos (como pessoas e coisas), os advérbios tratam, quase sempre, dos
verbos (como as ações são feitas). No entanto, é possível utilizar os advérbios para modificar os
adjetivos. São os chamados modifiers (modificadores) e são utilizados antes dos adjetivos para
enfatizar a intensidade em relação àquela qualidade:
• absolutely [absolutamente]
• extremely [extremamente]
• really [realmente]
• so [tão]
• such [tão]
• too/very [muito, demais]

• This cake was very delicious but extremely expensive. (Esse bolo estava muito delicioso,
mas extremamente caro.)

Os advérbios intensificadores são uma ferramenta importante, já que são uma forma
essencial de mostrar emoção ou alcance de uma emoção. Esses advérbios modificadores de frases,
fornecem contexto emocional a elas e fortalecem os seus significados, já que diz que algo foi feito
extremante, incrivelmente etc. Alguns desses advérbios podem aumentar a intensidade
negativamente também. As frases soam negativas, mas elas existem:
• She made the report awfully. Ela fez o relatório terrivelmente.

Esses modificadores, por sua vez, dão força às palavras que elas modificam, só que com
conotação negativa, para intencionalmente, dar a ideia de gravidade a algo que, talvez, pudesse ser
entendido como normal ou cotidiano.
• Bethy is dreadfully sorry. (Bethy está terrivelmente arrependida)

Perceba que, nesse exemplo, o advérbio de intensidade reforça a ideia de que ela está
arrependida sobre algo que aconteceu. Com o acréscimo do advérbio de intensidade dreadfully, a
frase ficou muito mais forte e impactante.

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Voltando a falar de advérbios de intensidade em geral, veja outros que já apareceram e

podem aparecer novamente em textos na maioria das provas:

She is remarkably the champion of the competition.

(Ela é notavelmente a campeã da competição)
Outros intensificadores comuns:
• amazingly (surpreendentemente)
• at all (em absoluto)
• especially (especialmente)
• extraordinarily (extraordinariamente)
• outrageously (escandalosamente)
• phenomenally (fenomenalmente)
• remarkably (notavelmente)
• terribly (terrivelmente)
• totally (totalmente)
• unusually (incomumente)

Locuções adverbiais

O que é uma locução adverbial? Locução adverbial é um conjunto de duas ou mais palavras
que desempenham a função de advérbio. Essas locuções adverbiais se formam com uma preposição,
às vezes uma preposição + substantivo, preposição + adjetivo ou ainda preposição + advérbio.
As locuções adverbiais são expressões em que, quando o conjunto de duas ou mais palavras
são agrupadas, desempenham a função de um advérbio e pode alterar o sentido de um verbo, de
um adjetivo ou até mesmo de outro advérbio.
Vejamos exemplos de algumas locuções adverbiais que aparecem nos textos das provas:
• a só/a sós - lonely
• à toa - occasionally
• à vontade - at will, freely
• absolutamente – not at all

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• ao acaso - without consideration

• ao contrário - in contrary
• às avessas - just the opposite
• às claras - openly, directly
• às direitas - straightforward
• às pressas - fast
• again and again – repedidamente
• arm in arm – de braços dados
• at first – a principio
• at most – no máximo
• at once – imediatamente
• at random – ao acaso
• by and large – em geral
• day by day – dia após dia
• fairly well – razoavelmente
• far and near/far and wide – em toda parte
• from now on – de hoje em diante
• hand in hand -de mãos dadas
• hardly ever – quase nunca
• head over hills – de cabeça para baixo
• in full – por extenso
• likely – muito provável
• little by little – pouco a pouco
• once in a while – de vez em quando
• sooner or late – mais cedo ou mais tarde
• through and through- por complete
• to a certain extent – até certo ponto

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6. Grau Comparativo dos Advérbios

Assim como os adjetivos, os advérbios possuem grau comparativo e superlativo. Vejamos,
primeiramente, como se monta a estrutura do grau comparativo, mas, desde já digo a você: é mais
simples nos advérbios do que nos adjetivos!

Comparativo de Igualdade

O comparative of equality – comparativo de igualdade nos advérbios tem a estrutura

seguinte: as + advérbio + as, significando: tanto/tão...quanto/como. Veja:

• Bethy drives as carefully as Tom. – Bethy dirige tão cuidadosamente quanto Tom.
• Does Bethy study as frequently as Tom? – A Bethy estuda tão frequentemente quanto

Na forma negativa, apenas acrescenta-se not, ficando: not as/not so + advérbio + as,
significando – não tão...como/quanto:

• Bethy is not as carefully as Tom. – Bethy não é tão cuidadosamente quanto Tom.

E, para frases em outros tempos verbais, sem utilizar o verbo to be, conjuga-se a forma
negativa normalmente – como você aprendeu na aula de verbos – e a estrutura as/as:

• Bethy doesn’t drive as carefully as Tom. – Bethy não dirige tão cuidadosamente
quanto Tom.

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Comparativo de superioridade

O comparative of superiority – comparativo de superioridade tem diferentes estruturas

quando elaborado com advérbios considerados curtos ou longos de acordo com as letras/sílabas,
lembra? Eles têm esse formato: more + advérbio + than, significando: mais/do que. Veja:

• Bethy travels more frequently than Tom. – Bethy viaja mais frequentemente do que
• Does Bethy study more frequently than Tom? - Bethy estuda mais frequentemente do
que Tom?

Na forma negativa, apenas acrescenta-se not no verbo to be ou conjuga-se a forma negativa

do Present Simple normalmente – como você aprendeu na aula de verbos:
• Bethy doesn’t swim more easily than Tom. – Bethy não nada mais facilmente do que

Se o advérbio for um daqueles que fica idêntico ao adjetivo em sua estrutura, como vimos o
adjetivo e o advérbio alto (som) – loud, por exemplo, segue a regra do adjetivo: -er no final do
advérbio + than:
• Peter talks louder than Tom. – Peter fala mais alto do que Tom.

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Comparativo de inferioridade

O comparative of inferiority – Comparativo de inferioridade não tem diferentes estruturas

quando elaborado com advérbios considerados curtos ou longos de acordo com as sílabas, lembra?
Eles têm esse formato: less + advérbio + than, significando: mais/do que. Veja:

• Bethy travels less frequently than Tom. – Bethy viaja menos frequentemente do que
• Does Bethy study less frequently than Tom? - Bethy estuda menos frequentemente do
que Tom?

Na forma negativa, apenas acrescenta-se not ao verbo to be ou conjuga-se a forma negativa

do Present Simple normalmente – como você aprendeu na aula de verbos:

• Bethy doesn’t swim less easily than Tom. – Bethy não nada menos facilmente do que

As traduções ficam “estranhas”, não ficam? Por esse motivo, prefere-se usar o comparativo
de igualdade na forma negativa para, ao invés de “desmerecer” algo ou alguém, diz-se que
algo/alguém não pratica uma ação tão bem quanto outro. Assim, fica mais “educado” e mais
adequado. Veja a última comparação acima, usada com comparativo de igualdade no lugar de
• Bethy doesn’t swim as easily as Jane. – Bethy não nada tão facilmente quanto Jane.

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7. Grau Superlativo dos Advérbios

O grau superlativo é usado para demonstrar que algo dentro de um grupo se destaca, isto é,
alcança o grau máximo no aspecto em que é comparado. No caso do grau superlativo para advérbios,
temos as estruturas que usam expressões tais como “o(a) mais” e também “o (a) menos”, para
superioridade ou inferioridade.

Superlativo de superioridade

Para o superlativo de superioridade, usamos the most + advérbio para advérbios longos ou -
est para advérbios curtos, que coincidem com os adjetivos, aqueles em que se usa a mesma palavra
para ambas classes gramaticais como vimos antes, lembra? Vejamos exemplos de ambos casos:
• Bethy does her homework the most quickly. – Bethy é a que faz a tarefa de casa mais
rapidamente. (que todos)
• Bethy talks the loudest in her classroom. – Bethy é a que fala mais alto em sua sala.

Em ambas as frases, percebemos que poderíamos traduzir assim: “mais (...) de todos”, porque o
superlativo é justamente isso: mostrar que algo/alguém é mais, o máximo em alguma coisa, em
relação aos outros de um determinado grupo.
She talks the loudest in her classroom. – Ela é a que fala mais alto em sua sala.

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Superlativo de inferioridade

Para o superlativo de inferioridade dos advérbios, no lugar de the most, usa-se the least antes
do advérbio da frase.

• Bethy drives the least carefully. – Bethy é a que dirige menos cuidadosamente.

No superlativo de advérbios, há algumas formas comparativas e superlativas irregulares,

cujos advérbios não seguem as regras apresentadas. Os exemplos que aparecem nas provas são the
best, the worst e the furthest (o melhor, o pior e o mais longe) – sempre com o sentido de ser “o
mais alguma coisa de todos.” Vimos no comparativo. Agora, vejamos no superlativo:

• I walked seven blocks, my friends walked two, some of them four but I walked the

Eu caminhei sete quarteirões, meus amigos caminharam dois, alguns quatro

quarteirões, mas eu (fui o que) caminhei mais longe. (significando mais longe de todos).

She runs the furthest on the competition. – Ela é a que corre mais longe na competição.

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1. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2015)

“largest”, (line 2 ), was used in the text as a
“Largest” é superlativo do adjetivo large. A terminação-est é característica do superlativo dos
adjetivos curtos, assim com -er é a terminação característica do comparativo dos adjetivos curtos.
large - larger (than) – the largest

a) superlative.
b) comparative of equality.
c) comparative of inferiority.
d) comparative of superiority.

2. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

In “Rio de Janeiro presented what they are calling the largest ever floating Christmas “tree” on the
Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon on Saturday night.” (lines 1, 2, and 3), the underlined expression indicates
A expressão sublinhada the largest ever significa que é a maior árvore de todos os tempos, é a maior
árvore já vista.
a) the tree is always the same size.
b) the tree used to be larger.
c) there was not a Christmas tree before.
d) such a big tree was never seen before.

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3. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) In the sentence “Maria learns fast”, the word “fast”, in
bold type, is
a) a noun
b) an article
c) an adverb
d) an adjective

Read the text below and answer question 4.

A Region’s Soccer Strongmen are facing a hard fall
After rising as a governor under Brazil’s military dictatorship, José Maria Marin became such a
towering figure in the world of Brazilian sports that the headquarters of the nation’s soccer
federation was recently named in his honor.
Now, the United States Justice Department’s charging Mr. Marin, 83, and 13 other senior sports
officials and executives across the Americas with taking part in a sweeping bribery and kickback
scheme within FIFA, the governing body of global soccer.
Of the 14 men named as defendants in the indictment, all but two of them are citizens of Latin
American and Caribbean nations, a reflection of the investigation’s focus on corruption in the
(Fonte: www.nytimes.com)
but: exceto
bribery: suborno
headquarters: sede

4. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) All the words below, in the text, are adjectives, except:
a) Brazilian
b) Americas
c) Caribbean
d) Latin American

Read the text to answer questions 5.

To tip, or not to tip?
The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants,
airports, hotels, and hair salons.
People who work in these places often get paid low wages. A tip shows that the customer is pleased
with service.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how much to tip. The size of the tip usually depends on the service.
People such as parking valets or bellshops usually get (small) _____________ tips. The tip for people
such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is usually (large) _____________.
When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad
services. And you can give a (big) _____________ tip for a very good service. Remember, though,
your behavior is (important) _____________ than your money. Always treat service providers with
Adapted from Interchange

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5. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2020) Choose the alternative that completes the text with the
correct comparatives.
a) smaller – larger – bigger – more important.
b) smaller – the largest – bigger – the most important.
c) the smallest – the largest – bigger – the most important.
d) the smallest – the largest – the biggest – the most important.

6. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)

The underlined expression, in the text, means that the generation gap is ___________ getting
a) soon
b) quickly
c) drastically
d) continuously

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7. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)

“regularly”, (line 15), can be replaced by
a) often.
b) seldom.
c) hardly ever.
d) almost never.

8. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

“Completely” (line 9) is closest in meaning to
a) actually
b) exactly
c) promptly
d) thoroughly

9. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

If there is now a much greater tolerance between generations than ever before, it means that
a) tolerance was bigger before.
b) tolerance remains unchanged.
c) tolerance is bigger now.
d) tolerance has lessened.

10. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

All adjectives below have something in common with “unthinkable” (line 12), except
a) undone
b) unique
c) unseen
d) unimaginable

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11. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)

If the treatments are unproven, (line 3), it means that they _________________.
a) really work
b) are successful
c) are not proved or tested
d) can be legally prescribed

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12. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)

All adjectives have a negative connotation, except
a) fearful (line 11).
b) idealistic (line 5).

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c) underpaid (line 4).

d) rebellious (line 16).

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13. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)

If Mercedes (Amber Riley) is plus-size, (line 15), it means that she is __________.
a) thin
b) slim
c) large
d) in shape

14. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

In “And worse, McKinley High dotes on its ‘Cheerios’” (line 9), worse is the
a) superlative form of bad.
b) comparative form of bad.
c) comparative form of worth.
d) comparative form of good.

15. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010)

According to the cartoon, Fred interpreted the word “Compact” as
a) a verb.

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b) a noun.
c) an adverb.
d) an adjective.

16. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

As in “That looks good enough to eat.”, the word enough is correctly used, except in
a) This jacket is not warm enough for winter.
b) I don’t have friends enough.
c) My apartment isn’t big enough for me.
d) He’s not tall enough for being a cop.

17. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010)

“hardly”, (line 10), can be replaced by
a) easily.
b) sharply.
c) not at all.
d) almost not.

18. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

In “Air travel is such an everyday experience these days” (line 1), the underlined expression can be
replaced by
a) actually
b) nowadays
c) soon
d) those days

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19. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010)

“nearly”, (line 2), is closest in meaning to
a) away.
b) along.
c) almost.
d) among.

20. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

In “In reality, sharks are more scared of people.” (line 5), the word in bold type, is closest in
meaning to _____________ . Except:
a) terrific
b) afraid
c) frightened
d) terrified

21. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

As in “safer”(line 6), “-er” has the same meaning in
a) plumber
b) cozier
c) hairdresser
d) butcher

Read the text and answer questions 22.

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Hijacked jets destroy Twin Towers: a creeping horror

The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp
eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of
_____ in flames.
Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of
smoke raced through the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like
tornadoes on their sides.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it
was a fighter jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____ lives, but _____ didn’t
know where to go. Should people go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid
beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated jumping into the river (…).
Fonte:The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001.
chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora
trembling floors – o tremor dos andares
to scramble – lutar

22. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2017)

Which word, from the text, is being used as an adjective?

a) creeping (title)
b) coursing (paragraph 2)
c) tumbling (paragraph 1)
d) jumping (paragraph 3)

Read the text and answer questions 23 and 24.

A __________ fact about Australia is that one Australian family in three (that’s approximately
33%) speak another language, apart from English.

23. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

Choose the best alternative to complete the blank in the text.

a) surprises
b) surprised
c) surprising
d) surprisingly

24. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

The word “approximately”, in bold in the text, means __________.
a) exactly
b) roughly
c) precisely
d) undoubtedly

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Read the text and answer questions 25.

Homeless crack addict revitalizes small square in downtown São Paulo
A homeless man has chosen to occupy his free time revitalizing a small square on the corner of
avenues São Joãoand Duque de Caxias, in downtown São Paulo. He planted pau-brasil, palm,
banana and avocado trees. He also planted boldo, sweet potatoes, beans, peppers and ornamental
plants, such as snake plants. Residents noticed the square’s gradual changes and congratulated the
author for the modifications.
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo Internacional – 21/03/2017

25. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

The words “small”, “sweet” e “ornamental”, underlined in the text, are __________.
a) nouns
b) adverbs
c) pronouns
d) adjectives

Read the text and answer question 26.

It’s never too late to make changes to prevent diseases that may end your flying career. And
becoming healthier doesn’t mean you have to make major changes. Here are some tips on what
you can do today to keep yourself in the air for years to come.
- take the stairs instead of riding the elevator;
- limit red meat;
- consume more vegetables;
- wear UV-blocking sunglasses;
- walk more;
- try a yoga class;
- don’t smoke;
- drink a lot of water;
- find an activity that you love after retirement.
Fonte:http://goo.gl/W3uCrU Acess 30/05/2017

26. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

The adjective “healthier”, underlined in the text, is a ____________.

a) superlative
b) comparative of equality
c) comparative of inferiority
d) comparative of superiority

Read the text and answer question 27.

Drug Lord Escapes Prison
Joaquin Guzman, Mexico’s notorious drug dealer commonly known as El Chapo, escaped from a
maximum-security prison in a mile-long tunnel.

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Based on the height, width and extension of the tunnel, the estimated amount of earth removed
would have filled 379 lorries. The air-conditioned tunnel provided enough room for a speedy exit
during which Guzman disposed of a bracelet that only he and a few other high-risk inmates had to
wear. Authorities believe that there may have been a motorcycle waiting for his escape.
All of Mexico’s security forces coordinated to capture the drug lord, with a 3.8 million US dollar on
offer and 34 people being questioned within four days.

27. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita)

The words “notorious” and “maximum-security”, underlined in the text (paragraph 1) are
a) adjectives.
b) adverbs.
c) nouns.
d) verbs.

Read the lyrics and answer question 28


We couldn't turn around
'Til we were upside down
I'll be the bad guy now
But no, I ain't too proud
I couldn't be there
Even when I try
You don't believe it
We do this every time
Seasons change and our love went cold
Feed the flame 'cause we can't let go
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away
I dare you to do something
I'm waiting on you again
So I don't take the blame
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away, run away
(Adapted from https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SQJL_pt-

28. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “cold” underlined in the text is
a) A noun
b) A verb
c) An adverb

AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 46

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d) An adjective

Read the text and answer question 29

More than 400 migrants have crossed the English Channel in small boats - a record for a single
Border Force _______ 409 people, including young children, on board 27 boats, with several
further vessels still being dealt with. Some of the migrants were carrying children too young to
walk. Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier on Wednesday said the UK had become "a target and a
magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable people in this way".
A further 53 people were rescued by French authorities after getting into difficulties before
reaching British waters. Some 145 people had crossed the Channel in 18 small boats on Tuesday.
Rough seas brought on by Storm Francis made crossings impossible at the end of August, but
conditions have improved in the first two days of September.
Speaking in the Commons during Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Johnson said: "I have a great deal
of sympathy with those who are desperate as to put their children in dinghies or in children's
paddling pools and try to cross the channel.
"But I have to say what they're doing is falling prey to criminal gangs and they are breaking the
law." He added: "It also undermines the legitimate claims of others who seek asylum in this
country”. "We will address the rigidities in our laws that make this country, I'm afraid, a target and
a magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable people in this way."
More than 1,468 migrants made the crossing by small boat in August despite a vow from Home
Secretary Priti Patel to make the dangerous route "unviable". The Home Office does not provide
information on how many children are making the crossing on small boats.
Home Office minister Chris Philp told the Commons on Wednesday the government was
attempting to return 1,000 people who had arrived in the UK, having "previously claimed asylum in
European countries, and under the regulations legally should be returned there". More than 7,400
migrants have crossed the Channel in small boats since January 2019.
(Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-54000755)

29. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “earlier” underlined in the text is

a) An adjective
b) An adverb
c) A noun
d) A verb

Read the lyrics and answer question 30

This Is Me - Keala Settle

I am not a stranger to the dark

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Hide away, they say

'Cause we don't want your broken parts
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars
Run away, they say
No one'll love you as you are
But I won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown 'em out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me
(Adapted from https://www.google.com/search?q=letra+da+musica+this+is+me&rlz=1C1SQJL_pt-

30. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “glorious” underlined in the text is
a) An adjective
b) An adverb
c) A verb
d) A noun

Read the text and answer question 31

A 12-year-old found a 69 million-year-old dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad
Nathan Hrushkin _____ to be a paleontologist for as long as he can remember, and the 12-year-
old has already made a significant discovery.
He found a partially unearthed dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad this summer at a
conservation site in the Horseshoe Canyon in the Badlands of Alberta, Canada.
"It's pretty amazing to find something that's like real, like an actual dinosaur discovery," he told
CNN. "It's kind of been my dream for a while."
The fossil was a humerus bone from the arm of a juvenile hadrosaur -- a duck-billed dinosaur that
lived about 69 million years ago, according to a news release from the Nature Conservancy of
Nathan and his dad, Dion, had found bone fragments in the area on a previous hike and thought
that they might have washed down from farther up the hill.
They were just finishing lunch when Nathan climbed up the hill to take a look.
"He called down to me, he's like, 'Dad, you need to get up here,' and as soon as he said that I
could tell by the tone in his voice that he found something," Dion Hrushkin said.
Nathan said the fossil was very obvious and it looked like "a scene on a TV show or a cartoon or
They sent pictures of the bone to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, which identified the
fossil and sent a team of paleontologists to the site.

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Fossils are protected by law in Alberta, and the NCC said that it is important that people don't
disturb any fossils they may find.
The crew has been working at the site for about two months and uncovered between 30 and 50
bones that came from a single young hadrosaur that was about three or four years old, according
to the statement.
Hadrosaur bones are the most common fossils found in Alberta's badlands, but few juvenile
skeletons have been found, the statement said. It was also found in a layer of rock that rarely
preserves fossils.
"This young hadrosaur is a very important discovery because it comes from a time interval for
which we know very little about what kind of dinosaurs or animals lived in Alberta," François
Therrien, the Royal Tyrrell Museum's curator of dinosaur palaeoecology, said in the statement.
"Nathan and Dion's find will help us fill this big gap in our knowledge of dinosaur evolution."
The fossils were very close together, so the paleontologists removed large pieces of the
surrounding rock from the canyon walls.
One of the fossil-rich slabs weighed about 1,000 pounds and was more than four feet wide,
according to Carys Richards, a communications manager with the NCC.
Nathan had heard of the hadrosaur before his big find but said it wasn't the most well-known
It's probably his favorite now -- beating out the wildly popular Tyrannosaurus rex.
Nathan and his dad have come to watch the dig several times since the discovery and were there
on Thursday when the team was hauling out the last specimens.
"It was pretty fun to be there and watch them do their things," Nathan said.
(Adapted from https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/16/world/canada-dinosaur-find-12-year-old-trnd-

31. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “sent” underlined in the text is
a) An adjective
b) A verb
c) A noun
d) An adverb

Read the lyrics and answer question 32

Lonely - Justin Bieber, Benny Blanco

Everybody knows my name now

But somethin' 'bout it still feels strange
Like lookin' in a mirror, tryna steady yourself
And seein' somebody else
And everything is not the same now
It feels like all our lives have changed
Maybe when I'm older, it'll all calm down
But it's killin' me now
What if you had it all

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But nobody to call?

Maybe then, you'd know me
'Cause I've had everything
But no one's listening
And that's just fuckin' lonely
I'm so lonely
Everybody knows my past now
Like my house was always made of glass
And maybe that's the price you pay
For the money and fame at an early age
And everybody saw me sick
And it felt like no one gave a shit
They criticized the things I did
As an idiot kid
What if you had it all
But nobody to call?
Maybe then, you'd know me
'Cause I've had everything
But no one's listening
And that's just fuckin' lonely
I'm so lonely
I'm so lonely
(Adapted from https://www.lyricfind.com/)

32. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “idiot” underlined in the text is
a) A verb
b) A noun
c) An adverb
d) An adjective

Read the text and answer question 33 and 34

COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Are Spreading Rapidly—and They're a Public Health
Risk All Their Own

Public health crises have spawned conspiracy theories as far back as when the Black
Death ravaged Europe in the 1300s, as people desperately try to make sense of the chaotic
forces disrupting their lives. While modern science offers a better understanding of how
diseases infect people and how to contain them, COVID-19 conspiracy theories are spreading
rapidly via social media, unreliable news outlets and from our own political leaders, including
U.S. President Donald Trump. The result: many Americans now believe pandemic-related

AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 50

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conspiracy theories—and, alarmingly, those same people are less likely to take steps to
prevent the virus from spreading.
In a University of Pennsylvania Annenberg Public Policy Center study published
Monday in Social Science & Medicine, researchers surveyed a group of 840 U.S. adults—first
in late March, and then again in mid-July—to determine how Americans’ beliefs and actions
regarding the pandemic changed over time. Overall, they found that COVID-19 conspiracy
theories are not only commonplace, they’re gaining traction. Back in March, 28% of people
believed a debunked rumor that the Chinese government created the coronavirus as a
bioweapon; that number rose to 37% by July. About 24% believed that the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention exaggerated the virus’ danger to hurt Trump politically
despite a lack of evidence; by July, that figure rose to 32%. And in March, about 15% of
respondents said they believed that the pharmaceutical industry created the virus to boost
drug and vaccine sales—another unfounded theory—compared to 17% in July.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5891333/covid-19-conspiracy-theories/)

33. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “ _____ the US still have the _____ number of
COVID-19 cases?”. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb and the adjective

a) Does / worst
b) Does / better
c) Is / best
d) Is / worse
e) Do / worst

34. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which sentence is grammatically correct?

a) That women is in love with me

b) A motorcycle is more slow than a car
c) She practices physical exercise every week
d) I have a sofa new
e) He need to be loved

35. Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct

a) The mother is responsible for the children
b) My sister are the best in the world
c) I make my bed this weekend
d) The Queen live in London
e) I’ll do a surgery this month

Directions: Answer questions 36 and 37 according to TEXT I.


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We Need a COVID-19 Vaccine. We Also Need Transparency About Its Development

The authorization of an effective vaccine will mark perhaps the biggest turning
point in the battle against coronavirus, but only if enough people are willing to get
vaccinated. There have been substantial declines in public willingness to get vaccinated
against COVID-19, despite immense, unprecedented public investments in vaccine
development. In one survey, barely half of Americans said they would get the vaccine as
soon as it was available, numbers that will undermine the benefits of even a highly effective
It is no mystery why trust in a potential vaccine has plummeted. Operation Warp
Speed, the Trump Administration’s $10 billion vaccine initiative, and other vaccine efforts
have compressed processes that usually take years into months. This speed alone can raise
concerns, but to date, that pace has been matched with strict adherence to the basic
principles of scientific integrity. However, increasing politicization of key regulatory bodies
and unexplained decisions in trial procedures threaten to undermine the entire project.
We need a lot more transparency in this process to ensure that only a vaccine proven by
data to be safe and effective will be approved.
Unlike medical treatments given to the sick, vaccines are given to healthy people.
Historically, vaccines have been very safe and highly effective due to the rigor and care of
both the scientists conducting the trials, and the regulators deciding whether to approve
vaccines for public use. Even rare adverse events are carefully identified and studied. For
vaccinations to work, we must be able to trust our doctors when they tell us it is time for
a shot.
The coronavirus vaccine approval process has consequences that extend well
beyond the pandemic. Driven by misinformation, so-called “vaccine hesitancy” has been
growing for years. But as long as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be trusted
to rigorously follow the science, most of us continued to get vaccinated. That has changed
in the pandemic. The politicization of the FDA—apparent in the handling of the
authorization of hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma, amongst others—has
substantially damaged faith in the FDA. If the FDA again acts politically in approving a
vaccine, it will further increase vaccine hesitancy. If safety concerns emerge after the
vaccine has been approved, confidence in vaccines could be destroyed for a generation, in
a single stroke, undoing a century of public health gains.
But restoring trust in FDA alone will not be enough. We need the companies making
the vaccines, and the researchers studying the data, to act differently as well. Recently,
one of the major trials—for the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, supported by more than $1
billion in public funds from Operation Warp Speed—was paused following a possible
adverse reaction to the virus in a trial participant. But while the leadership of AstraZeneca
mentioned the event in a private phone call with investors, they did not share the details
with the public. A few days later, the trials resumed again, with little information of what
changed. This will not do. Given that the American taxpayer has invested billions of dollars
into these trials, and will foot the bill for billions more when the vaccine is released, the
American people have a right to know much more.
Beyond more fully disclosing safety events, the pharmaceutical companies working
to develop a vaccine should publish the protocols of their clinical trial protocols, as

AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 52

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Moderna did on Thursday, so we understand how the trials are structured, if changes have
been made, and why. This is essential. Further, they should publish their analysis plan so
the public can see what subgroups of patients the investigators had planned to study, why,
and whether their approach is sound. Each time a trial is paused tell the public what
happened, how it was investigated, and why the trial was allowed to continue.
Making these critical documents public would be unusual—they usually aren’t
made public until a trial is published. However, these are extraordinary times and failure
to secure confidence in a COVID-19 vaccine would have disastrous consequences.
With just weeks until the election, the pressure on the FDA to quickly approve a
vaccine will mount. But the more the timeline is politicized, the more vaccine hesitancy
will grow. Transparency can stem the tide of skepticism, even if it cannot entirely
extinguish the persistent current of misinformation and mistrust of science. We must
practice aggressive transparency, and let the FDA’s career scientists, not political
appointees, make the decisions about approvals and explain those decisions to the
American people.
The public’s faith in the vaccine development process is a critical component of the
vaccine, because vaccines don’t save lives, vaccinations do. For a vaccine to help bring this
pandemic under control, hundreds of thousands of healthy Americans must undergo
vaccination. We need to assure them that the vaccines work—and that they are safe. These
are unprecedented times. They need unprecedented transparency.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5890216/transparency-covid-vaccine-development/)

36. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the option that can replace the word “willing”
in the first paragraph without changing its meaning

a) Fair
b) Cheerful
c) Indifferent
d) Amenable

37. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the option that replaces the underlined
expression keeping the same meaning

“We need a lot more transparency in this process…” (paragraph 2)

a) Much
b) Many
c) Very
d) Really

Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questão 38

Military finds vehicle that sank in a training incident that killed 8 Marines and a sailor
The US military has identified the location of the amphibious assault vehicle that sank last week
off the California coast, killing eight Marines and one sailor.

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The AAV was found Monday off San Clemente Island, the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force
tweeted Tuesday. Human remains on board were identified using remotely operated video
systems, according to the tweet.
"The Navy has expedited the movement of assets to recover the remains of the Marines and
Sailor, and raise the AAV," the Marine Expeditionary Force said.
The AAV weighs 26 tons and is believed to have sunk to the ocean floor.
Sixteen servicemen were on board the AAV for shore-to-shore operations Thursday when crew
members reported they had taken on water, the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit said Sunday in
a news release.
Five were rescued and taken aboard the USS Somerset, while at least one died and eight others
were presumed dead, the release said. Those rescued were wearing normal combat gear
including body armor and an inflatable vest. Some were found floating, Gen. David Berger,
commandant of the US Marine Corps, said.
Lance Cpl. Guillermo S. Perez, 20, of New Braunfels, Texas, was pronounced dead at the scene
before being taken by helicopter to Scripps Memorial Hospital in San Diego. He was a rifleman
with Bravo Company, Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 1/4, according to Sunday's release.

38. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – inédita)

According to the text, Guillermo S. Perez was
[A] from the infantry.
[B] an artillery soldier.
[C] a rifleman.
[D] a parachuter.
[E] a communications soldier.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão 39.

A speech by The Duke of Cambridge at a virtual meeting of the United for Wildlife Taskforces
Thank you Lord Hague and hello everyone.
It is very encouraging to see so many of you taking part in this important discussion today.
Believe it or not, this is my first webinar! I’m very pleased that it is on a subject that is so close
to my heart – ending the Illegal Wildlife Trade.
Thank you very much to SalesForce for providing the platform for today’s discussion. And thank
you to DP World, without whose support the work of the United for Wildlife Taskforces would
not be possible.
I last spoke to you all back in January, alongside President Kenyatta of Kenya.
We celebrated the successes of the Taskforces – your successes – in making it far harder for
traffickers to exploit the vulnerabilities of the global transport and financial systems to profit
from this senseless crime.
We agreed on the need for concerted action in 2020, and throughout the coming decade, to
double down on this progress and ensure that criminals no longer believe the illegal wildlife
trade is worth the risk.
Adaptado de https://www.royal.uk/speech-duke-cambridge-virtual-meeting-united-wildlife-taskforces

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39. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – inédita)

In the sentence “We agreed on the need for concerted action in 2020”, the word concerted can
be replaced by
[A] good.
[B] fixed.
[C] organized.
[D] joint.
[E] big.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão 40.

Steve Jobs debuts the iPhone
On January 9, 2007, Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs unveils the iPhone—a touchscreen mobile phone
with an iPod, camera and Web-browsing capabilities, among other features—at the Macworld
convention in San Francisco. Jobs, dressed in his customary jeans and black mock turtleneck,
called the iPhone a “revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any
other mobile phone.” When it went on sale in the United States six months later, on June 29,
amidst huge hype, thousands of customers lined up at Apple stores across the country to be
among the first to purchase an iPhone.
In November 2007—by which point more than 1.4 million iPhones had been sold—Time
magazine named the sleek, 4.8-ounce device, originally available in a 4GB, $499 model and an
8GB, $599 model, its invention of the year. The iPhone went on sale in parts of Europe in late
2007, and in parts of Asia in 2008. In July 2008, Apple launched its online App Store, enabling
people to download software applications that let them use their iPhones for games, social
networking, travel planning and an every growing laundry list of other activities. Apple went on
to over 10 updated models of the iPhone.
The iPhone helped turned Apple, which Jobs (1955-2011) co-founded with his friend Stephen
Wozniak in California in 1976, into one of the planet’s most valuable corporations. In 2012, five
years after the iPhone’s debut, more than 200 million had been sold. The iPhone joined a list of
innovative Apple products, including the Macintosh (launched in 1984, it was one of the first
personal computers to feature a graphical user interface, which allowed people to navigate by
pointing and clicking a mouse rather than typing commands) and the iPod portable music player
(launched in 2001), that became part of everyday modern life.
Adaptado de https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/steve-jobs-debuts-the-iphone

40. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – inédita)

In the sentence “Time magazine named the sleek, 4.8-ounce device”, the word sleek can be
replaced by
[A] beautiful.
[B] gleaming.
[C] respectable.
[D] thin.
[E] expensive.

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Prof. Leonardo Pontes

Directions: Read the text below and answer question 41

5 thoughts on the tragedy of Minneapolis
The killing of George Floyd is a tragedy that is now compounding into other tragedies. It's
almost impossible to see clearly at a time of such confusion, but here are five thoughts on
what's happening in Minneapolis and across the US.
1. There's desperation across America, but it's most acute in urban black America, which has
been hit hardest by our twin catastrophes. COVID-19 infection and death rates are highest
there, and so are job losses.
2. The apparent inability of police to treat black and white protesters the same is a genuine
problem. It's great that police handled the provocative, heavily armed anti-lockdown
protestors a few weeks ago with such restraint. Nothing escalated and no one was hurt. Those
protesters were almost all white, and the cops they encountered were too. The Minneapolis
protests, meanwhile, included lots of black protesters —and lots of young black men — and
were met by mostly white cops. These protests began peacefully but quickly got out of control.
Now there's looting and a police station on fire. The protesters' violence is inexcusable, but a
calmer police response aimed at defusing the situation might have worked. It's worth asking
why cops seem to have a harder time soothing tense situations with black crowds.
3. Crowds make people into their worst, dumbest selves. The looting, arson, and violence are
tragically stupid: They help no one and improve nothing. But the mania of crowds can bring
out the ugliest in us.
4. Urban rioting in America is often set off by the clumsy and often slow legal response to police
violence. It's not necessarily the violence itself. It's the inability of the legal system to address
the violence in a way that feels fair to communities. Minneapolis fired the four cops involved
in the death of George Floyd immediately, which was a swift and direct response. The violent
protests occurred when prosecutors took their time in deciding whether to charge the officers.
Even though videos of this appalling incident made a criminal charge seem warranted, the
prosecutors' caution and care was understandable. The stakes are high: Charge cops too
hastily or recklessly and risk breakdown between police and prosecutors. Never charge bad
cops and sacrifice justice and lose the public trust.
5. It's a tragedy that we have a president who doesn't know how to calm a situation like this, and
in fact wants to inflame it.
(Adapted from https://www.insider.com/tragedies-of-minneapolis-george-floyd-2020-5)

41. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

The fragment “which has been hit hardest by our twin catastrophes” (paragraph 2) is an
example of
a) superlative.
b) comparative of superiority.
c) comparative of inferiority.
d) comparative of equality

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Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 42 and 43.
Children Across Europe Are Going Back to School.
Around the world, students are returning to school as countries experiment with
new educational models and social distancing protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-
While preliminary research suggests children are less vulnerable to COVID-19 than
adults, there remain concerns that schools will become breeding grounds for infection. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has cautioned that “full sized, in-person
classes, activities and events” will likely lead to the spread of COVID-19 in schools. Opening
schools in some countries has already proven to be hazardous. In Israel, for instance,
schools were the second-highest places for infection for the month of June, after 2,026
students, teachers and staff tested positive for COVID-19.
But as the pandemic enters its sixth month, governments are grappling with how
to provide a quality education to children in the midst of an ongoing, long-term crisis. The
COVID-19 pandemic has created “the largest disruption of education systems in
history,” according to the United Nations, affecting nearly 1.6 billion students in over 190
countries. Some 94% of the world’s student population has been impacted and in low and
middle-income countries, 99% of students have been affected. School closures caused by
the pandemic have exacerbated previously existing educational inequality, according to a
Human Rights Watch report.
In Europe, where some students have been back at school for over a month,
countries are experimenting with new strategies for teaching that keep children safe from
infection while ensuring they receive a quality education.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5885554/europe-schools-reopening-germany-scotland-norway/)

42. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) In the sentence “The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) has cautioned that “full sized, in-person classes, activities and
events” will likely lead to the spread of COVID-19 in schools” (paragraph 2), the
expression full sized, in-person classes means

a) Classes that are complete regarding its content.

b) Classes that people are required to attend physically present but respecting social
c) Classes that people are required to attend physically present in classroms in its full
d) Classes that people are required to attend virtually but respecting social distancing.
e) Classes that people are required to attend virtually in classroms in its full capacity.

43. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “_________ 99% of students in low and middle-
income countries been affected by the _______ education crisis in history?” Fill in the
blanks with the correct form of the verb and the adjective.
a) Does / worst
b) Do / worse
c) Is / bad

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d) Have / worst
e) Has / worse

44. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Which sentence is grammatically correct?

a) They want an information.
b) We watch many movies every weekend.
c) Those woman feels attracted by me.
d) I bought an new car last week.
e) This car is faster than mine car.

Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 45 and 46 according to it.
Massachusetts reports 1,566 new coronavirus cases, 103 new deaths; Walsh warns police
will keep dispersing crowds
Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh warned Monday that police will continue dispersing crowds that
gather amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and said officials are considering expanding the 9
p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew beyond May 4 as cases in the city and state continue to mount.
Speaking during a briefing outside City Hall, Walsh also said “kids aren’t going back to school”
on May 4 and he’s “not too confident we’ll have [a resumption] of school this year,” adding that
there “could be a different-looking situation in the classrooms” in September.
On Monday the state Department of Public Health reported that the death toll from the
coronavirus outbreak in Massachusetts had risen by 103, to 1,809. The state also reported 1,566
new cases, bringing the total to 39,643.
The number of new cases reported has been declining for four days, though state officials have
cautioned against reading too much into daily changes given the variability in how laboratories
report test results. The state also reported a total of 169,398 people in the state had been
tested, up from 162,241 a day earlier.
In Boston, where the number of total cases stood at 5,749 on Monday, patients are being sent
to the field hospital that has been constructed at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
As of Sunday night, the Boston Hope Medical Center, as it’s being called, had 162 patients,
including 86 on the hospital side, and 76 on the respite side, which is for the homeless,
according to Walsh’s office. The number of patients was 10 higher than the previous day’s
Half of the facility’s 1,000 beds are reserved for people experiencing homelessness who have
“tested positive for the virus and need care, but not full hospitalization,” according to city
Walsh, meanwhile, implored people to continue following the restrictions put in place to slow
the spread.
The mayor reserved his strongest language for people who played golf over the weekend at
city courses in violation of the ban on gatherings, as well as people responsible for gun violence
in recent days that claimed the life of a teenage girl and wounded another teen and a 10-year-
old girl in separate incidents.

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“You’re a coward,” Walsh said of perpetrators of gun violence amid the pandemic, “and you
will face justice.”
The gun violence that injured the 10-year-old on Saturday night in Roxbury was born out of a
situation involving a crowd in an apartment, according to Walsh. The crowd, he said, ignored the
city’s curfew brought on by the pandemic and other public health guidelines.
“This infuriated me,” he said.
Walsh also criticized golfers who took to courses at Franklin Park and in Hyde Park, including
one young man he saw smiling on a course during a television news broadcast.
“Nothing to smile about,” Walsh said of the scofflaw. “Nothing to be proud of. Not impressive.
[The course] is closed. That was a completely irresponsible move.” He added that the city and
state are not playing a “game” by banning public gatherings.
“We’re doing it because we want to keep people alive,” Walsh said, adding that Boston police
will be out dispersing crowds who violate the emergency order banning gatherings.
Asked if he was considering a citywide stay-at-home order or an order making his advisory to
wear masks in public mandatory, Walsh said “we’re not there yet.”
Walsh said "we won't hesitate to send police officers, if necessary, to deliver citations" to
people who gather in crowds.
Asked about the possibility of issuing fines to people who fail to maintain social distancing,
Walsh said,"This is not something I want to do. I don’t want to put fines on residents who are
already financially burdened."
In pandemic-battered New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio is increasing the maximum fine for
violating social distancing rules to $1,000, which is double the previous highest amount, The
New York Daily News reported over the weekend.
Prior to the briefing, Walsh’s office said in a statement that the city had expanded its COVID-19
informational text service to 11 languages including Somali, Chinese, Arabic, Vietnamese,
Russian, English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, French, Cabo Verdean Creole, and Portuguese.
“It’s important that the critical public health information we are sharing with our residents
reaches every person in the language they speak so that collectively as a city we can be
informed about the seriousness of this virus, and work together to stop its spread,” Walsh said
in the statement. “I am glad that we’re further expanding our multilingual capacity by adding
five additional languages to our text alert service.”
(Adapted from https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/20/nation/coronavirus-boston-massachusetts-april-20/?p1=HP_TrendingBar)

45. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

The fragment “The mayor reserved his strongest language for people...” (paragraph 9) is an
example of
a) superlative.
b) comparative of superiority.
c) comparative of inferiority.
d) comparative of equality

46. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

Regarding the number of new cases reported in the last four days,

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a) it’s not enough to say the spread is in decline.

b) it’s something to be worried about.
c) it’s enough to give us the idea of how fast the spread will stop.
d) we should be worried about the reliability of laboratories.

Directions: Read the text below and answer question 47.

The Pandemic Is Forcing Everyone to Face the Digital Divide
AS THE NUMBER of Covid-19 cases in the US continues to rise, many parents in the
country are getting ready for a fall semester based entirely on remote learning. Attempting to
teach and learn from home has put a tremendous strain on all parents, teachers, and students,
but for families without access to high-speed broadband or the (proper number of) devices for
kids to work off of, the upcoming school year poses the possibility that those children will fall even
farther behind. On Tuesday, WIRED editor in chief Nicholas Thompson sat down with
reporters Adrienne So and Pia Ceres to discuss the how the digital divide may worsen inequality
in the socially distanced school year ahead.
When the coronavirus outbreak first began shutting down schools in March, all parents
were left scrambling—some to homeschool as they attempted to work from home themselves,
and others to find care for their children as they went to essential jobs. It wasn't an easy situation
for anyone, but higher-income families were better positioned to navigate the precarious
situation, whether through the help of private tutors, homeschooling pods, access to better
equipment, or some combination of those things. Now, as parents and educators launch into the
second leg of this national experiment, little has changed as far as resource allocation is
concerned. And while many school districts are doing all that they can to provide students with
internet access and a stable environment to learn in, a lack of federal resources has made it
difficult to guarantee these things. As Ceres notes during the conversation, education experts
worry that vast differences in educational experiences during this time will widen the gulf
between students from high- and low-income families in the US.
But many schools have learned much from the spring shutdowns, using technology to
mitigate some of the issues that have surfaced. Now, armed with experience, they are getting
creative. In Seattle, as Thompson points out, school buses have been repurposed as moveable
wifi hotspots. The private sector is chipping in as well, with initiatives like the one from Microsoft
and Land O'Lakes, which are partnering to improve connectivity in rural areas. And with time,
some children, like those who learn differently, are even seeing benefits from this more flexible
method of schooling. "For those students, it's actually been a little bit of a relief for people to
come up with creative solutions to serve different student needs," So says. Teachers, too, are

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growing more comfortable with the new set-up and working together to navigate the new
technological tools available to them.
The pandemic didn't create the digital divide, but it has certainly exacerbated it. And
though the current schooling predicament has its challenges, it has also forced difficult—and long
overdue—conversations around addressing educational inequality.
(Adapted from https://www.wired.com/story/the-pandemic-is-forcing-everyone-to-face-the-digital-divide/)

47. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) In the phrase “Attempting to teach and learn from
home has put a tremendous strain on all parents…” (paragraph 1), the underlined word is
a synonym for
a) Pressure
b) Peace
c) Aid
d) Twist

Read the text II to do item 48

Gelsenkirchen: Controversial Lenin statue erected in German city
A far-left party in Germany has erected a controversial statue of communist leader Vladimir
The tiny Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) installed the statue in front of its
headquarters in the western city of Gelsenkirchen.
City authorities had attempted to stop the statue being installed and launched an online
hashtag saying there was "no place for Lenin".
But courts blocked their appeals and the unveiling went ahead on Saturday.
Lenin was a leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution and led the country until his death in 1924,
when he was succeeded by Josef Stalin. However, he has remained a symbol of communism rule
across the world, both among supporters and those who remember the human rights abuses
that took place under the USSR.
Germany itself was divided for decades between the West and the communist East, until the
fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
In the debate surrounding the Gelsenkirchen statue, which was made in Czechoslovakia, as it
was then known, in 1957, both sides drew parallels to the tearing down of monuments linked to
slavery which has taken place in anti-racism protests across the world in recent weeks.
"We live in a time in which many countries of the world are reflecting on memorials," said
mayor Frank Baranowski in one of a series of YouTube videos posted by the city council against
the statue.
"It's hard to put up with the fact that a dictator from the 21st Century is being placed on a
pedestal and a memorial is being made out of it. Unfortunately the courts have decided
otherwise, we must accept that, but not without comment."

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However, MLPD's chair, Gabi Fechtner, described the communist leader as "an ahead-of-his-
time thinker of world-historical importance, an early fighter for freedom and democracy",
according to the AFP news agency.
Adapted from (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53123947)

48. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) The expression “drew parallels” in paragraph 6 means
a) both countries are geografically parallel.
b) established a comparison.
c) had an ordinary moment.
d) had an extraordinary moment.
e) both countries were in favor of slavery.

49. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
a) How many fruit do you eat a day?
b) How much have you paid in taxes to government last year?
c) Rich people forgets the actual value of money.
d) There is people who likes eating junk food.
e) Have you made your homework yet?

Read Text I to do questions 50 to 52 based on it.

Electric cars are coming: but where will you recharge?
The Snowdens can't always charge their car outside their house
They've got the only electric car in the village. Tiffany Snowden and her husband bought their
second-hand Nissan Leaf a few weeks ago and love it. It's smooth to drive and, she says, "It's got
quite a lot of power to it". But there's a problem. It's a pain to charge up.
That's because, in the North Yorkshire hamlet where they live, it's a race home every night to
get a parking space outside their house. If they succeed, they can plug the car in to mains
electricity overnight. If they fail, the options are limited.
"The closest charging point to us is about 10 miles away," says Mrs Snowden.
This is a dilemma that could face an increasing number of drivers. The government says that in
just 15 years the only new cars on the market will be fully electric vehicles (EVs) or hydrogen-
powered alternatives.
While the number of charging points around the UK has increased by about 50% in the last 12
months, according to statistics from EV charging site Zap-Map.com, there are noticeable gaps in
provision around the country.
A recent report from Capital Economics suggested that fleshing out the UK's charging network
will cost £45.9bn between now and 2050. There are even fears that the electricity grid won't be
able to cope as thousands more EVs get plugged in by their new owners.
The number of charging points has risen by 50% over last 12 months
Is the UK ready for the electric vehicle revolution, then, or is the whole movement doomed to

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The Snowdens are hoping that their local charging problem will have a local solution. The
government has allocated £5 million in funding for councils to spend on residential charging
However, when Mrs Snowden asked her council about this, a representative told her there was
little space in the village for charging bays. Plus, they added that the expense of upgrading
infrastructure for such facilities was significant. Improving cabling and substations alone could
cost "upwards of £75,000", they said.
The representative advised Mrs Snowden to ask whether the local pub could install a charging
point instead - because it has parking space available and, potentially, spare electricity.
In the meantime, the Snowdens intend to upgrade their home charging point and will have to
carefully plan where they charge up and how they use the roughly 80 miles of range they get
with their 2014 Nissan Leaf.
"I think we've kind of gone about it perhaps a bit backwards in getting the car first," she jokes.
"We kind of jumped a bit into it but I think we just have to face it now, really."
For anyone else wondering where they might charge up a new EV, there are an increasing
options, says Ben Lane, co-founder at Zap-Map.com.
"At current rates, we're essentially doubling the number of charge points in the UK over a two
year period," he says. Around 10,000 individual charging connectors were installed in the last 12
months in the UK. However, Dr Lane adds that there are places where gaps in the network are
"Wales is the country in the United Kingdom that probably needs to do the biggest catch-up," he
says. And while England has by far the most chargers, there are places where coverage is
The government has plans to bring in a new law that would ensure every new home built in the
UK has an EV charging point. Some housing developments are already ploughing ahead with this
Pedro Pacheco at market analysts Gartner praises this approach and says that, ultimately,
drivers will have to be able to easily charge their cars at home or at work - with minimal change
to their daily routines.
"In the end, this is absolutely essential for the acceptance of EVs," he says.
Adapted from (https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51678830)

50. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the extract from the text.
“Is the UK ready for the electric vehicle revolution, then, or is the whole movement doomed to
Mark the option that can replace the word doomed.
a) Hopeless
b) Strong
c) condemned
d) too good
e) uncertain

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51. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the extract from the text.
“Wales is the country in the United Kingdom that probably needs to do the biggest catch-up.”
Mark the option that can replace the underlined sentence.
a) grab something
b) be better
c) be big
d) be reached by the other countries
e) reach the other countries

52. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Mark the sentence that represents an advantage
mentioned in the text about electric cars and UK’s infrastructure for them.
a) “The closest charging point to us is about 10 miles away”
b) “It's got quite a lot of power to it”
c) “it's a race home every night to get a parking space outside their house.”
d) “Dr Lane adds that there are places where gaps in the network are apparent.”
e) “there are places where coverage is "fragmented".”

Read the text II to do item 53

To understand the perception of middle-aged adults regarding health and the aging process.
A qualitative study involving 30 adults aged 45 to 59 years old, 15 of ___I____ were female and
15 of whom were male, ___II____ answered open questions about their perception of health
and aging. Data was analyzed using the thematic content analysis technique.
Almost half of the respondents had not finished elementary school and only three had a
university degree. A total of 27 were married, five were retired and 25 worked in the service
provider sector, 26 were Caucasian, and 27 belonged to social-economic class B. The perception
of health was described as being related to taking care of oneself (physical, mental and spiritual
welfare), to being active and having the will to live. Regarding aging, the middle-aged persons
had already begun to perceive signs of this process such as slowness to perform daily tasks,
fatigue, muscle pain, rheumatic pain, a slowing of weight loss, gray hair, impaired vision and
hearing, difficulty performing some movements, marks on skin and forgetfulness. Regarding
protective actions, the practicing of physical activity, a healthy diet, social and family life and
having some sort of occupation were mentioned. The greatest desire was to reach an older age
with good health, independence and good living conditions.
Although the data of the present study cannot be generalized, it is an important starting point
for future research, since the results reveal concerns that can be reduced to support programs
of healthy aging.

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Adapted from (http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1809-98232016000100035)

53. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) What two examples of signs of aging process did the
text mention?
a) fatigue and independence
b) muscle pain and healthy diet
c) gray hair and impaired vision
d) marks on skin and the practicing of physical activity
e) social and family life and forgetfulness

54. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the statements.

I- Mary is a pretty good teacher.

II- The soccer player are rich.
III- Jack’s been to Miami.
IV- Lisa is a compromised person, she never misses a class.

It’s correct to say that only the

a) sentences I and IV are correct
b) sentence I is correct
c) sentences I and III are correct
d) sentences II and III are correct
e) sentence III is correct

55. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the comic strip below.


It’s correct to say that the Duck

a) wanted to be white instead of black.
b) intended to impress his guests.
c) was happy about the accident with the white paint.
d) wasn’t expecting to have guests that day.
e) didn’t expect his guests to arrive that early.

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Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 56 e 57

'This is Crazy.' A Record 2 Million Acres of California Have Burned This Year With Heat
Conditions Predicted to Continue
More than 2 million acres ___(1) land have been burned by wildfires in California as of
Monday, according to state fire agency Cal Fire, surpassing the all-time record of 1.9 million set
in 2018. Cal Fire and climate scientists predict that the number of acres burned this year
will continue to grow with upcoming weather conditions, including continued heat and
offshore winds.
“This is crazy. We haven’t even got into the October and November fire season and
we’ve broken the all-time record,” Cal Fire Capt. Richard Cordova told CNN on Sunday.
A Monday statement by Cal Fire said it and fire departments across ___(2) state
remain prepared for potentially more significant wildfires due to critical fire weather.
In a Friday tweet, climate scientist Daniel Swain of the University of California, Los
Angeles, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, predicted Monday’s new
record. He tells TIME the prediction was not very impressive “since we were 95% of the
way there on Friday.”
The state is experiencing another wave of record-breaking heat this weekend, and
offshore winds beginning around this time of year—the Santa Anna winds in the south, and
the Diablo winds in the north—are expected to spread fires further towards the coast of
California, according to Swain, where most people live.
“All indications are that this fire season is going to continue to be worse than
average,” Swain says.
With the large number of fires burning already, stretching firefighting resources,
and the combination of a heat wave and offshore winds, “you don’t even need new
ignitions, new sparks,” Swain adds. “These winds will push those fires in places where we
don’t want them to go, close to where people live.”
(Adapted from https://time.com/5886622/record-wildfires-california-climate-change/)

56. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, choose the correct
a) These fires were astonishing to professionals in the field
b) California came close to the all-time record for most acres burned in a year
c) Current fires will not cause new fires
d) Cal fire is not prepared for larger fires
e) Fires will increase because of local government management

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57. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) In the sentence “With the large number
of fires burning already, stretching firefighting resources…” (paragraph 6), the word
stretching means

a) Open
b) Unroll
c) Expand
d) Abbreviate
e) Compress

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão 58

Brazil gives equal pay to men's and women's national players

Brazil's women's national players ___(1) paid the same as male players for representing their
country, Brazil's football association (CBF) has said. All players will be granted the same daily
and prize amounts for taking part in preparation periods and games. CBF president Rogerio
Caboclo says the measures were put in place in March.
"Since March of this year, CBF has made an equal value in terms of prizes and daily rates
between men's and women's football," he said. "That is, the players earn the same thing as the
players during the calls. What they receive by daily call, women also receive."
The same arrangement ___(2) applied in England since January, with an FA spokesperson
saying it pays women the same as men for representing their country, both for match fees and
Caboclo says its arrangement also applies to performances at international tournaments such
as the World Cup and Olympics. "There is no more gender difference, as the CBF is treating men
and women equally," he said. "What they will gain by conquering or by staging the Olympics
next year will be the same as the men will have."
Australia, Norway and New Zealand are among the nations to previously decide to pay their
men and women internationals the same amount.
Brazil's women's team ___(3) played since March, when many competitions around the world
were postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
(Adapted from

58. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) In the sentence “…with an FA spokesperson

saying it pays women the same as men…” (paragraph 3), the expression spokesperson

a) A person that talks a lot

b) A person that talks louder than the others
c) A person that doesn’t like to talk
d) A person that talks only in important situations

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e) A person that communicates for another

Read text I in order to answer item 59.

Helping at a hospital

Every year many young people finish school and then take a year off before they start work or
go to college. Some of them go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their
time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they help with
Mike Coleman is 19 and ________ in Omaha, Nebraska, in the United States. He wants to
become a teacher but now he ________ in Namibia. He's working in a hospital near Katima
Mulilo. He says, "I'm working with the doctors and nurses here to help sick people. I'm not a
doctor but can do a lot of things to help. For example, I help carry people who can't walk.
Sometimes I go to villages in the mobile hospital, too. There aren't many doctors here so they
need help from people like me. don't get any money, but that's OK! I'm not here for the
"I'm staying here for two months, and I'm living in a small house with five other volunteers. The
work is hard and the days are long, but I'm enjoying my life here. I'm learning a lot about life in
Southern Africa and about myself! When I finish the two months' work, I want to travel in and
around Namibia for three weeks. For example, I want to see the animals in the Okavango Delta
in Botswana."
http:// vyre-legacy-access.cambridge.org

59. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Read the statements below to check if they are true (T)
or false (F), and choose the option that respectively represents the statements.

( ) Some volunteers work with preservation.

( ) Mike Coleman often works in a hospital.
( ) Mike is happy because the work is hard.
( ) It's a personal experience, in Mike's opinion.

(A) (T) (F) (F) (T)

(B) (F) (F) (T) (T)
(C) (T) (T) (F) (F)
(D) (F) (T) (T) (F)
(E) (T) (F) (T) (F)

Read the text II in order to answer item 60

My name is Patrick. I _______ on vacation to Brazil last Summer, and I ___________ in a five-
star hotel in front of the beach in Rio de Janeiro.

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I went to Rio by plane and I ___________ a month there. I __________ a lot of people and we a
great time! I want to go back to Brazil as soon as possible.

60. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017)

According to text II it's correct to say that the statements are true, EXCEPT:

(A) He liked the trip and intends to visit Brazil again.

(B) He flew to Rio de Janeiro to spend his vacation there.
(C) Patrick had a great time with many people.
(D) He traveled to Rio de Janeiro last summer.
(E) He spent thirty days in a hotel near the city of Rio de Janeiro.

61. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Read the sentences below.

I- I work hardly every day.

II- My classmates speak French very well.
Ill- Ana drives incredibly fast.
IV- Our father is a very carefully.

Choose the option according to the correct use of the adverbs and modifiers.

(A) Only the sentences l, Ill and IV are correct.

(B) Only the sentences and Ill are correct.
(C) Only the sentences Il and Ill are correct.
(D) Only the sentences Il, Ill and IV are correct.
(E) Only the sentences Ill and IV are correct.

62. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Read the sentences below.

l- Can you give me some information, please?

ll- Those women are my teachers.
Ill- He doesn't have much money.
IV- Life is great!

Choose the option which defines the underlined nouns as U (uncountable) or C (countable).

(A) U - C - U - U
(B) C - C - C - C
(C) C - C - U - U
(D) U - U - U - U
(E) C- U - C - C

63. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Complete the sentences using an article when necessary.

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I- Is Mario ________ honest man?

ll- The students wear ______ uniform here.
III- ______ Smiths live next to the supermarket.
IV- _______ Brasilia was made the capital in 1960.

Choose the right option to fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
(A) a / an / - / -
(B) a / an / The / The
(C) an / a / The / The
(D) a / an / - / The
(E) an / a / The / -

64. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Complete the dialogue using the right form of the

A: Would you like to go to the beach on Friday?

B: Actually, I think Saturday is _________ for me. Friday is my _______ day.

Choose the item that respectively completes the gaps.

(A) the best / busier

(B) better / busiest
(C) good / the most busiest
(D) best / the busiest
(E) good / the busier

65. (Estratégia Militares – ESA 2019) Which sentence is grammatically correct?

(A) I went to bed more earlier than usual.
(B) Gustavo is more old than his brother.
(C) My car is more fast than my sister’s car.
(D) Going by train is expensiver than by car.
(E) Camilla’s dress is cheaper than mine

TEXT Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not ‘learning styles’ by Valerie Strauss

The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when we now
worldrenowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence that went
beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized
Gardner’s theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic, logical-
mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later added an
eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The theory became highly

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popular with K-12¹ educators around the world seeking ways to reach students who did not
respond to traditional approaches, but over time, ‘multiple intelligences’ somehow became
synonymous with the concept of ‘learning styles’. In this important post, Gardner explains why
the former is not the latter.
It’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’. I have been gratified
by the interest shown in this idea and the ways it’s been used in schools, museums, and
business around the world. But one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction
and that’s the tendency of many people, including persons whom I cherish, to credit me with
the notion of ‘learning styles’ or to collapse ‘multiple intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’. It’s
high time to relieve my pain and to set the record straight.
First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including the study
of how human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea that each of us has a
number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be termed our ‘multiple
intelligences’. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence assumes that we
have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines how well we perform in every sector
of life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences assumes that human beings have 7 to 10
distinct intelligences.
Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the term ‘learning styles’ was being bandied about in
educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all children (indeed all of
us) have distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it makes sense to find out about
learners and to teach and nurture them in ways that are appropriate, that they value, and above
all, are effective.
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning styles’ is itself not coherent. Those who use this
term do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are
recognized/ assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is
‘impulsive’. Does that mean that Johnny is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How do we know this?
What does this imply about teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, or should we compensate
by ‘teaching reflectively’? What of learning style is ‘right-brained’ or visual or tactile? Same
issues apply.
Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently with
those styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the learning style
analysis produces more effective outcomes than a ‘one size fits all approach’. Of course, the
learning style analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the mark, the fact that
one intervention did not work does not mean that the concept of learning styles is fatally
imperfect; another intervention might have proved effective. Absence of evidence does not
prove non-existence of a phenomenon; it signals to educational researchers: ‘back to the
drawing boards’.
Here’s my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain: Intelligence:
We all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where
the person has considerable computational power. Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how
an individual approaches the range of materials. If an individual has a ‘reflective style’, he/she is
hypothesized to be reflective about the full range of materials. We cannot assume that
reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in one’s interaction with the others.

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Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ learner or an ‘auditory’ learner. The
implication is that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This notion
is incoherent. Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they make use of
entirely different cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental computer, the
intelligence that acts upon that sensory information once picked up.
These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about ‘an impulsive style’ or a ‘visual
learner’, that’s their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may be unhelpful,
at best, and ill-conceived at worst.
In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and that
strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in any other
intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are common sense ways of
assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can take a more formal
test battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or selfassessors, we can decide how best to make
use of this information.
(Adapted from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet)

1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for
teaching with objects.

66. (Estratégia Militares – AFA 2017) In the fragment “why the former is not the latter”, the
highlighted words refer to
a) multiple intelligences / learning style.
b) over time / theory.
c) ways to reach students / traditional approaches.
d) traditional approaches / K-12 educators.

67. (Estratégia Militares – AFA 2017) Mark the option that shows synonyms for the
underlined expressions in “it’s high time to relieve my pain and to set the record straight”.

a) An important brake / to register.

b) An ordinary condition / to show the discussion.
c) A belated explanation / to make myself clearly understood.
d) An unusual hour / to comprehend an argument.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão 68

Computer says no: Irish vet fails oral English test needed to say in Australia

Louise Kennedy is an Irish veterinarian with degrees in history and politics – both obtained in
English. She is married to an Australian and has been working in Australia as an equine vet on a
skilled worker visa for the past two years. As a native English speaker, she has excellent grammar
and a broad vocabulary, but has been unable to convince a machine she can speak English well
enough to stay Australia.

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But she is now scrambling for other visa options after a computer-based English test – score by a
machine – essentially handed her a fail in terms of convincing immigration officers she can fluently
speak her own language.
Earlier this year, Kennedy decided she would seek permanent residency in Australia. She knew
she would have to sit a mandatory English proficiency test but was shocked when she got the
results. While she passed all other components of the test including writing and reading, (…). She
got 74 when the government requires 79. “There´s obviously a flaw in the computer software,
when a person with perfect, oral fluency cannot get enough points”, she said.
The test providers have categorically denied there is anything wrong with its computer-based test
or the scoring engine trained to analyse candidates’ responses. “We do not offer a pass or a fail,
simply a score and the immigration department set the bar very high for people seeking
permanent residency”, they say.
Kennedy, who is due to have a baby in October, says she will now have to pursue a bridging visa,
while she seeks a more expensive spouse visa so she can remain with her Australian husband.

68. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) Choose the alternative that has the same meaning as the
word mandatory in the sentence. “She knew she would have to sit a mandatory English
proficiency test…” (paragraph 3)

(A) difficult
(B) reasonable
(C) compulsory
(D) useful
(E) comprehensive

Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 69 e 70

Native English speakers are the world´s worst communicators

It was just one word in one email, bur it caused huge financial losses for a multinational company.
The message, written in English, was sent by a native speaker to a colleague for whom English
was a second language. Usure of the word, the recipient found two contradictory meanings in his
dictionary. He acted on a wrong one.
Months later, senior management investigated why the project had failed, costing hundreds of
thousands of dollars. “It all traced back to this one word”, says Chia Suan Chong, a UK-based
communications skills and intercultural trainer, who didn´t reveal the tricky word because it is
highly industry-specific and possibly identifiable. “Things spiralled out of control because both
parties were thinking the opposite.”
When such misunderstandings happen, it´s usually the native speakers who are to blame.
Ironically, they are worse at delivering their message than people who speak English has become
the world´s global language. They feel they don´t have to spend time learning another language”.

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The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, trying to
communicate efficiently with limited, simple language, typical of someone speaking a second of
third language. Anglophones, on the other hand, often talk too fast for others to follow, and use
jokes, slang, abbreviations, and references specific to their own culture, says Chong. “The native
English speaker is the only one who might not feel the need to adapt to the others”, she adds.

69. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes
SPIRALLED OUT OF CONTROL in the sentence “Things spiralled out of control because both parties
were thinking the opposite.” (paragraph 2).
(A) quickly got worse in an unmanageable way
(B) got better after a phone call about the word.
(C) were intentionally unprofessionally handled.
(D) went on the way everybody wanted them to go.
(E) started to reach a common sense for them.

70. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) About the words purposefully, carefully and efficiently
(paragraph 4), it is correct to say that

(A) they are adjectives.

(B) they are nouns.
(C) they are verbs.
(D) they are prepositions.
(E) they are adverbs.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 71, 72 e 73:

Are any foods safe to eat anymore? The fears and the facts

Food was once seen as a source of sustenance and pleasure. Today, the dinner table can
instead begin to feel like a minefield. Is bacon really a risk factor of cancer? Will coffee or eggs
give you a heart attack? Does wheat contribute to Alzheimer´s disease? Will diary products
clog up your arteries? Worse still the advice changes continually. As TV-cook Nigella Lawson
recently put it: “You can guarantee that wha??? People think will be good for you this year,
they won´t next year”.
This may be somewhat inevitable: evidence-based health advice should be constantly updated
as new studies explore the nuances of what we eat and the effects the meals have on our
bodies. But when the media (and ill-informed health gurus) exaggerate the results of a study
without providing the context, it can lead to unnecessary fears that may, ironically, push you
toward less healthy choices.
The good news is that “nest year” you may be pleased to learn that many of your favorite
foods are not the ticking time bomb you have been led to believe…

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71. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) Choose the statement in which the word minefield
has been used in a figurative way just like in paragraph 1.

(A) I´ve heard stories about a ghost town that has a secret minefield.
(B) Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola.
(C) The rhetoric of the legal system is a minefield for the ordinary person.
(D) A minefield located in the rear of the battle area must be marked.
(E) Placing a minefield without marking it for later removal is a war crime.

72. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) in the sentence “…ill-informed health gurus…”
(paragraph 2), the prefix ill means

(A) finely
(B) badly
(C) sadly
(D) highly
(E) gladly

73. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) In te text, the word ironically (paragraph 2) introduces

(A) a situation that is irreversible.

(B) a situation that ends the problem.
(C) a situation that is not true.
(D) a situation that carries a contradiction.
(E) a situation that carries the solution.

NATO ships, helicopters hunt down 7 pirates

NAIROBI, Kenya - NATO warships and helicopters pursued Somali pirates for seven hours after
they attacked a Norwegian tanker, NATO spokesmen said Sunday, and the highspeed chase only
ended when warning shots were fired at the pirates’ skiff. Seven pirates attempted to attack the
Norwegian-flagged MV Front Ardenne late Saturday but fled after crew took evasive maneuvers
and alerted warships in the area, said Portuguese Lt. Cmdr. Alexandre Santos Fernandes, aboard
a warship in the Gulf of Aden, and Cmdr. Chris Davies, of NATais maritime headquarters in
"How the attack was thwarted is unclear, it appears to have been the actions of the tanker,"
Davies said. Fernandes said no shots were fired at the tanker.
Davies said the pirates sailed into the path of the Canadian warship Winnipeg, which was
escorting a World Food Program delivery ship through the Gulf of Aden. The American ship USS
Halyburton was also in the area and joined the chase.
"There was a lengthy pursuit, over said. The pirates hurled weapons into Canadian and U.S.
warships closed in. NATais anti-piracy mission.

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"The skiff abandoned the scene and tried to escape to Somali territory," Fernandes said. "It was
heading toward Bossaso but we managed to track them. Warning shots have been made after
several attempts to stop the vessel."
Both ships deployed helicopters, and naval officers hailed the pirates over loudspeakers and
finally fired warning shots to stop them, Fernandes said, but not before the pirates had dumped
most of their weapons overboard. NATO forces boarded the skiff, where they found a
rocketpropelled grenade, and interrogated, disarmed and released the pirates.
The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian
citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory.
"When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national
authorities," Fernandes said. "It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue."
The pirates' release underscores the difficulties navies have in fighting rampant piracy off the
coast of lawless Somalia. Most of the time, foreign navies simply disarm and release the pirates
they catch due to legal complications and logistical difficulties in transporting pirates and
witnesses to court.
Pirates have attacked more than 80 boats this year alone, four times the number assaulted in
2003, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based International Maritime Bureau. They now hold at
least 18 ships - including a Belgian tanker seized Saturday with 10 crew aboard - and over 310
crew hostage, according to an Associated Press count.
(Adapted from: www.ap.org, 04/19/09)

74. (Estratégia Militares – EFOMM 2010) In the sentence "There was a lengthy pursuit, over
seven hours", there is a word formed by the suffix "y". In which option below the word is
formed by the same suffix?

(A) lately
(B) mostly
(C) fury
(D) ally
(E) healthy

75. (Estratégia Militares – EFOMM 2010) "People must be aware of the consequences of their
actions. One can do whatever he pleases as long as he doesn't do harm to others. This may not
be followed by many people, but it certainly should. If a person has many friends, he must know
this already." The underlined modal verbs express:

(A) advice / permission / permission / advice / obligation

(B) advice / ability / permission / ability / obligation
(C) obligation / permission / possibility / advice / deduction
(D) obligation / ability / possibility / obligation / deduction
(E) deduction / ability / permission / obligation / obligation

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76. (Estratégia Militares – EFOMM 2010) The suffix "ly" forms adverbs of manner from
adjectives as, for example, in: caIm (adjective) caImIy (adverb of manner) .Which of the
adjectives below DOES NOT follow this rule?

(A) quick
(B) fast
(C) fine
(D) quiet
(E) exquisite

77. (Estratégia Militares – EFOMM 2010) The conditions expressed in the sentences "If they
had known the outcomes, they would have taken different measures" and "you should know
people better, if you really want to make more friends" are, respectively:

(A) unlikely / unlikely

(B) impossible / unlikely
(C) likely / unlikely
(D) impossible / likely
(E) likely / impossible

78. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which word best completes the question

How ____ time per day do you spend studying?

A study routine is very important to achieve your goals.

a) Many
b) Much
c) Often
d) Lot of
e) Very

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1. A 17. D 33. A 49. B 65. E

2. D 18. B 34. C 50. C 66. A
3. C 19. C 35. A 51. E 67. C
4. B 20. A 36. D 52. B 68. C
5. A 21. B 37. A 53. C 69. A
6. D 22. A 38. C 54. C 70. E
7. A 23. C 39. D 55. E 71. C
8. D 24. B 40. B 56. A 72. B
9. C 25. D 41. A 57. C 73. D
10. B 26. D 42. C 58. E 74. E
11. C 27. A 43. D 59. A 75. C
12. B 28. D 44. B 60. E 76. B
13. C 29. B 45. A 61. C 77. D
14. B 30. A 46. A 62. A 78. B
15. A 31. B 47. A 63. E
16. B 32. D 48. B 64. B

AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 78


1. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2015)

“largest”, (line 2 ), was used in the text as a
“Largest” é superlativo do adjetivo large. A terminação-est é característica do superlativo dos
adjetivos curtos, assim com -er é a terminação característica do comparativo dos adjetivos curtos.
large - larger (than) – the largest
a) superlative.
CORRETA, conforme a explicação.

b) comparative of equality.
O comparativo de igualdade, normalmente, é feito com a estrutura as + adjetivo + as,
indicando tão ... quanto. ERRADA.

c) comparative of inferiority.
De modo geral, o comparativo de inferioridade é feito com less + adjetivo. ERRADA.

d) comparative of superiority.
O comparativo de superioridade é feito com a terminação -er, para adjetivos curtos, e com
more para adjetivos longos. ERRADA.
Gabarito: A

2. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

In “Rio de Janeiro presented what they are calling the largest ever floating Christmas “tree” on the
Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon on Saturday night.” (lines 1, 2, and 3), the underlined expression indicates

A expressão sublinhada the largest ever significa que é a maior árvore de todos os tempos, é a maior
árvore já vista.
a) the tree is always the same size.
a árvore é sempre do mesmo tamanho- se a árvore mencionada é a maior de todos os
tempos, isso significa que nem sempre é do mesmo tamanho. ERRADA.

b) the tree used to be larger.

a árvore costumava ser maior- como vimos, a árvore mencionada no texto é a maior já vista.

c) there was not a Christmas tree before.

não havia uma árvore de Natal antes- se a árvore mencionada é a maior de todos os tempos,
isso significa que já houve outras antes. ERRADA.

d) such a big tree was never seen before.

uma árvore tão grande nunca foi vista antes- como vimos, a expressão sublinhada the largest
ever significa que é a maior árvore de todos os tempos, é a maior árvore já vista. Ou seja, de
fato, uma árvore tão grande nunca foi vista antes. CORRETA.

Gabarito: D

3. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) In the sentence “Maria learns fast”, the word “fast”, in
bold type, is
a) a noun
b) an article
c) an adverb
d) an adjective
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “noun” significa substantivo, classe gramatical que se dedica
a nomear coisas, função essa que não é exercida pela palavra “fast” destacada no enunciado, pois
“fast” está cumprindo a função de modificar o verbo “learns” no trecho.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “article” significa artigo, classe gramatical que se dedica a
acompanhar, definindo ou indefinindo os substantivos, função essa que não é exercida pela palavra
“fast” destacada no enunciado, pois “fast” está cumprindo a função de modificar o verbo “learns”
no trecho.
A alternativa C está correta. A palavra “adverb” significa advérbio, classe gramatical que se dedica a
modificar verbos, adjetivos ou outros advérbios, função que é exercida pela palavra “fast” destacada
no enunciado, pois “fast” está cumprindo a função de modificar o verbo “learns” no trecho.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “adjective” significa adjetivo, classe gramatical que se dedica
a modificar substantivos ou pronomes que o substituam, função essa que não é exercida pela palavra
“fast” destacada no enunciado, pois “fast” está cumprindo a função de modificar o verbo “learns”
no trecho.


Read the text below and answer question 4.

A Region’s Soccer Strongmen are facing a hard fall
After rising as a governor under Brazil’s military dictatorship, José Maria Marin became such a
towering figure in the world of Brazilian sports that the headquarters of the nation’s soccer
federation was recently named in his honor.
Now, the United States Justice Department’s charging Mr. Marin, 83, and 13 other senior sports
officials and executives across the Americas with taking part in a sweeping bribery and kickback
scheme within FIFA, the governing body of global soccer.
Of the 14 men named as defendants in the indictment, all but two of them are citizens of Latin
American and Caribbean nations, a reflection of the investigation’s focus on corruption in the
(Fonte: www.nytimes.com)
but: exceto
bribery: suborno
headquarters: sede

4. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) All the words below, in the text, are adjectives, except:
a) Brazilian
b) Americas
c) Caribbean
d) Latin American
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Brazilian” é um adjetivo, pois está modificando o substantivo “sports”
no primeiro parágrafo do texto.
A alternativa B está correta. “Americas” não é um adjetivo no texto, mas sim um substantivo.
Podemos confirmar isso pelo fato de haver um artigo definido “the” referindo-se a “Americas”, pois
artigos referem-se a substantivos.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Caribbean” é um adjetivo, pois está modificando o substantivo
“nations” no terceiro parágrafo do texto.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Latin American” é um adjetivo, pois está modificando o substantivo
“nations” no terceiro parágrafo do texto.

Read the text to answer questions 5.

To tip, or not to tip?
The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants,
airports, hotels, and hair salons.
People who work in these places often get paid low wages. A tip shows that the customer is pleased
with service.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how much to tip. The size of the tip usually depends on the service.
People such as parking valets or bellshops usually get (small) _____________ tips. The tip for people
such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is usually (large) _____________.
When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad
services. And you can give a (big) _____________ tip for a very good service. Remember, though,

your behavior is (important) _____________ than your money. Always treat service providers with
Adapted from Interchange

5. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2020) Choose the alternative that completes the text with the
correct comparatives.
a) smaller – larger – bigger – more important.
b) smaller – the largest – bigger – the most important.
c) the smallest – the largest – bigger – the most important.
d) the smallest – the largest – the biggest – the most important.
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “smaller”. O texto diz que manobristas e carregadores
de bagagem normalmente recebem gorjetas menores (smaller). Faz-se necessário o uso do
comparativo nessa situação.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “larger”. O texto diz que motoristas de taxi, garçons e
garçonetes normalmente recebem gorjetas maiores (larger). Faz-se necessário o uso do comparativo
nessa situação.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “bigger”. O texto diz que você pode dar uma gorjeta maior
(bigger) para um bom serviço. Faz-se necessário o uso do comparativo nessa situação.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “more important”. O texto diz que o seu comportamento
é mais importante (more important) do que o seu dinheiro. Faz-se necessário o uso do comparativo
nessa situação.

6. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)
The underlined expression, in the text, means that the generation gap is ___________ getting
e) soon
f) quickly
g) drastically
h) continuously
A expressão all the time significa que algo acontece o tempo todo, de forma contínua. Quanto
às alternativas, soon significa em breve, logo, quickly significa rapidamente, drastically
significa drasticamente e, por fim, continuously significa continuamente, sendo esta última
equivalente ao sentido de all the time.

Gabarito: D

7. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)

“regularly”, (line 15), can be replaced by
a) often.
b) seldom.
c) hardly ever.
d) almost never.

Regularly significa regularmente. Nas alternativas, temos outras expressões que indicam
diferentes frequências. Often significa frequentemente, indicando algo que é feito com
frequência alta, isto é, com certa regularidade. Equivale à regularly. Seldom e hardly ever
significam raramente, e almost never é semelhante, significando quase nunca, não podendo
substituir regularly.

Gabarito: A

8. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

“Completely” (line 9) is closest in meaning to
a) actually
b) exactly
c) promptly
d) thoroughly

Completely significa completamente, equivalendo em sentido a thoroughly, que possui
exatamente o mesmo significado. Quanto aos advérbios trazidos pelas demais alternativas:
actually significa na verdade, exactly significa exatamente e promptly quer dizer
prontamente, rapidamente.

Gabarito: D

9. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

If there is now a much greater tolerance between generations than ever before, it means that
a) tolerance was bigger before.
b) tolerance remains unchanged.
c) tolerance is bigger now.
d) tolerance has lessened.

No trecho trazido pela questão, a expressão em destaque quer dizer mais do que nunca = Se
existe agora uma tolerância maior do que nunca entre gerações. Assim,
a) a tolerância era maior antes.
ERRADA, pois agora é maior do que nunca.

b) a tolerância permanece inalterada.

Se agora é maior do que nunca, isso significa que mudou, alterou o grau de tolerância.
c) a tolerância é maior agora.
De fato, a tolerância é maior agora, está no maior grau que já houve. CORRETA.

d) a tolerância diminuiu.
Se está maior do que nunca, não diminuiu, aumentou. ERRADA.

Gabarito: C

10. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

All adjectives below have something in common with “unthinkable” (line 12), except
a) undone
b) unique
c) unseen
d) unimaginable

O que todos os adjetivos têm em comum com “unthinkable” - impensável - (com exceção de
um, que será o nosso gabarito) é o fato de que possuem o prefixo de negação un-. Undone
quer dizer desfeito, unseen significa não visto e unimaginable significa inimaginável. Unique,
por sua vez, significa único, e as letras “un” não equivalem ao prefixo de negação -un.

Gabarito: B

11. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)
If the treatments are unproven, (line 3), it means that they _________________.
a) really work
b) are successful
c) are not proved or tested
d) can be legally prescribed

Unproven significa não comprovado, não provado. Comentamos há pouco, inclusive, sobre o
prefixo de negação un- em uma questão inédita. Assim,
Se os tratamentos são unproven (linha 3), significa que eles _________________.
a) realmente funcionam
Não têm eficácia comprovada. ERRADA
b) são bem sucedidos
Não têm eficácia comprovada. ERRADA

c) não são provados ou testados
Alternativa CORRETA, conforme explicação.
d) pode ser prescrito legalmente
Não é possível deduzir isso da afirmação de que os tratamentos são unproven. ERRADA.

Gabarito: C

12. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)
All adjectives have a negative connotation, except
a) fearful (line 11).
b) idealistic (line 5).
c) underpaid (line 4).
d) rebellious (line 16).

a) medroso (linha 11) - tem conotação negativa. Estamos buscando a exceção. ERRADA.
b) idealista (linha 5) - NÃO tem conotação negativa. Como estamos buscando a exceção,
c) mal pago (linha 4) - tem conotação negativa. Estamos buscando a exceção. ERRADA.

d) rebelde (linha 16) - tem conotação negativa no texto. Estamos buscando a exceção.

Gabarito: B

13. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)
If Mercedes (Amber Riley) is plus-size, (line 15), it means that she is __________.
a) thin
b) slim
c) large
d) in shape

O termo plus-size é bastante difundido em Português hoje em dia, sendo usado para se referir
a pessoas de tamanho maior (quanto ao peso). Assim,
a) magro - ERRADA.
b) esbelto - ERRADA.
c) grande - CORRETA.
d) em forma - ERRADA.

Gabarito: C

14. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

In “And worse, McKinley High dotes on its ‘Cheerios’” (line 9), worse is the
a) superlative form of bad.
b) comparative form of bad.
c) comparative form of worth.
d) comparative form of good.

Worse é o comparativo de bad, que possui formas irregulares de comparativo e superlativo:
bad - worse - worst.
a) superlative form of bad.
O superlativo é worst. ERRADA.
b) comparative form of bad.
CORRETA, conforme explicado.
c) comparative form of worth.
Worth é outro adjetivo, que caracteriza algo que compensa, que vale a pena. ERRADA.
d) comparative form of good.
O comparativo de good é better. ERRADA.

Gabarito: B

15. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010)
According to the cartoon, Fred interpreted the word “Compact” as
a) a verb.
b) a noun.
c) an adverb.
d) an adjective.

A placa, que dizia compact cars, indicava que ali era um lugar para estacionar apenas carros
compactos, isto é, pequenos. Porém, compact pode exercer também a função de verbo,
significando compactar. E foi nesse sentido que o personagem interpretou a placa, pois está
compactando, esmagando os carros. Ele entendeu como se fosse um comando - “compacte
os carros”.
a) um verbo - CORRETA, conforme a explicação.
b) um substantivo - o personagem interpretou a palavra “compact” como verbo. ERRADA.
c) um advérbio - como explicado, o personagem interpretou a palavra “compact” como verbo.
d) um adjetivo - era o sentido original, pretendido pela placa, mas não foi como o personagem
entendeu. ERRADA.

Gabarito: A

16. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

As in “That looks good enough to eat.”, the word enough is correctly used, except in
a) This jacket is not warm enough for winter.
b) I don’t have friends enough.
c) My apartment isn’t big enough for me.
d) He’s not tall enough for being a cop.

No trecho trazido pela questão, enough está sendo usado com um adjetivo, good, dando a
ideia de bom o suficiente, bom o bastante. Quando usamos enough com adjetivos, os termos
vem sempre nessa ordem: adjetivo + enough. No trecho: good enough; nas alternativas:
warm enough (quente o bastante), big enough (grande o bastante), tall enough (alto o
bastante). Na letra B, por sua vez, não temos um adjetivo, mas o substantivo friends. Quando
usamos enough com substantivos, os termos vem sempre nessa ordem (invertida quanto à
ordem com adjetivos): enough + substantivo → I don’t have enough friends.

Gabarito: B

17. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010)

“hardly”, (line 10), can be replaced by
a) easily.
b) sharply.
c) not at all.
d) almost not.

No trecho “he hardly knows where he is”, hardly significa mal ou quase não - ele mal sabe
onde está, ele quase não sabe onde está.
a) facilmente.
Não equivale ao sentido de hardly, conforme explicado. ERRADA.
b) bruscamente.
Não equivale ao sentido de hardly, conforme explicado. ERRADA.
c) de maneira alguma.
Extrapola o sentido. Ele mal sabe quem é, quase não sabe, mas não de forma absoluta.
d) quase não.
Alternativa de acordo com a explicação = he hardly knows where he is → he almost
(does) not know where he is. CORRETA.

18. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

In “Air travel is such an everyday experience these days” (line 1), the underlined expression can be
replaced by
a) actually
b) nowadays
c) soon
d) those days

These days significa atualmente, hoje em dia, nos dias de hoje. Equivale a nowadays (letra B),
que tem exatamente esse mesmo sentido. Quanto às demais alternativas: Actually NÃO
significa atualmente, mas, sim, NA VERDADE, muita atenção! Soon se refere ao futuro
próximo (em breve) e those days se refere ao passado (aqueles dias).

Gabarito: B

19. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010)
“nearly”, (line 2), is closest in meaning to
a) away.
b) along.
c) almost.
d) among.
“Nearly” significa aproximadamente, quase, por volta de. “A recent survey found nearly 40
percent of people are scared of sharks.” = Uma pesquisa recente descobriu que quase /
aproximadamente 40% das pessoas têm medo de tubarões.
a) longe.
ERRADA, pois não equivale ao sentido de nearly, conforme explicado.
b) junto.
ERRADA, pois também não equivale ao sentido de nearly, conforme explicado.
c) quase.
Alternativa CORRETA, conforme explicado.
d) entre.
ERRADA, pois também não equivale ao sentido de nearly, conforme explicado.

Gabarito: C

20. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

In “In reality, sharks are more scared of people.” (line 5), the word in bold type, is closest in
meaning to _____________ . Except:
a) terrific
b) afraid

c) frightened
d) terrified

Muita atenção: scared (of) significa com medo (de), assustado. Todos os termos trazidos pelas
alternativas têm sentidos próximos ao de scared, (afraid- com medo / frightened - assustado
e terrified - apavorado), com exceção de terrific, que significa incrível, fantástico, e costuma
confundir bastante, por lembrar palavras de conotação negativa, como terrible e terrified.
Como buscávamos a exceção, o gabarito é letra A.

Gabarito: A

21. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

As in “safer”(line 6), “-er” has the same meaning in
a) plumber
b) cozier
c) hairdresser
d) butcher

Em safer, -er indica que o adjetivo está em sua forma comparativa, safe → safer (seguro →
mais seguro). Entre as alternativas, -er tem o mesmo significado apenas em cozier, que é a
forma comparativa do adjetivo cozy → cozier (aconchegante → mais aconchegante). Nas
demais, a terminação -er indica ofício, profissão, como em teacher, lawyer... (plumber:
encanador, hairdresser: cabeleireiro e butcher: açougueiro).

Gabarito: B

Read the text and answer questions 22.

Hijacked jets destroy Twin Towers: a creeping horror
The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp
eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of
_____ in flames.
Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of
smoke raced through the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like
tornadoes on their sides.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it
was a fighter jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____ lives, but _____ didn’t
know where to go. Should people go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid
beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated jumping into the river (…).
Fonte:The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001.
chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora
trembling floors – o tremor dos andares
to scramble – lutar

22. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2017)

Which word, from the text, is being used as an adjective?

a) creeping (title)
b) coursing (paragraph 2)
c) tumbling (paragraph 1)
d) jumping (paragraph 3)
A alternativa A está correta. A palavra “creeping” significa assustador e está sendo usado na
função de adjetivo por modificar o substantivo “horror”. Um horror assustador.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “coursing” está sendo usada como verbo. Correndo entre
os prédios.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “tumbling” está sendo usada como verbo. Os corpos
estavam cambaleando para fora do prédio.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “jumping” está sendo usada na forma nominal do
gerúndio. Em português, usaríamos o infinitivo ao invés do gerúndio nessa situação. Alguns
contemplaram pular dentro do rio.

Read the text and answer questions 23 and 24.

A __________ fact about Australia is that one Australian family in three (that’s approximately
33%) speak another language, apart from English.

23. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

Choose the best alternative to complete the blank in the text.

a) surprises
b) surprised
c) surprising
d) surprisingly
A lacuna deve ser preenchida por “surprising”. A palavra a preencher a lacuna faz papel de
adjetivo na frase, modificando o substantivo “fact”. As alternativas A e B trazem o verbo “to
surprise” conjugado no present simple e past simple, respectivamente. A alternativa D traz o
advérbio “surprisingly”, que não se encaixa na lacuna porque ela não pede um advérbio, mas sim
um adjetivo pelo fato de estar modificando um substantivo. Enfim, a alternativa C traz “surprising”
(surpreendente), que é o adjetivo relativo à palavra “surprise” (surpresa). Portanto, a alternativa C
está correta.

24. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

The word “approximately”, in bold in the text, means __________.
a) exactly

b) roughly
c) precisely
d) undoubtedly
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “approximately” é usada para dar uma idea aproximada
acerca de determinado assunto, enquanto a palavra “exactly” é usada para falar de algo com
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra “approximately” é usada para dar uma idea aproximada
acerca de determinado assunto, e a palavra “roughly” também é usada para falar em termos
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “approximately” é usada para dar uma idea aproximada
acerca de determinado assunto, enquanto a palavra “precisely” é usada para falar de algo com
exatidão, precisão.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “approximately” é usada para dar uma idea aproximada
acerca de determinado assunto, enquanto a palavra “undoubtedly” é usada para falar de algo sem
dúvidas, indubitavelmente.

Read the text and answer questions 25.

Homeless crack addict revitalizes small square in downtown São Paulo
A homeless man has chosen to occupy his free time revitalizing a small square on the corner of
avenues São Joãoand Duque de Caxias, in downtown São Paulo. He planted pau-brasil, palm,
banana and avocado trees. He also planted boldo, sweet potatoes, beans, peppers and ornamental
plants, such as snake plants. Residents noticed the square’s gradual changes and congratulated the
author for the modifications.
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo Internacional – 21/03/2017

25. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

The words “small”, “sweet” e “ornamental”, underlined in the text, are __________.
a) nouns
b) adverbs
c) pronouns
d) adjectives
As três palavras sublinhadas no texto são usadas para modificar substantivos. “Small” está
modificando o substantivo “square”, “sweet” está modificando o substantivo “potatoes” e
“ornamental está modificando o substantivo “ plants”. A classe gramatical que se dedica a
modificar substantivos é o adjetivo. Sendo assim, podemos afirmar que todas as três palavras são
“adjectives” no texto em questão.

Read the text and answer question 26.

It’s never too late to make changes to prevent diseases that may end your flying career. And
becoming healthier doesn’t mean you have to make major changes. Here are some tips on what
you can do today to keep yourself in the air for years to come.

- take the stairs instead of riding the elevator;
- limit red meat;
- consume more vegetables;
- wear UV-blocking sunglasses;
- walk more;
- try a yoga class;
- don’t smoke;
- drink a lot of water;
- find an activity that you love after retirement.
Fonte:http://goo.gl/W3uCrU Acess 30/05/2017

26. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

The adjective “healthier”, underlined in the text, is a ____________.

a) superlative
b) comparative of equality
c) comparative of inferiority
d) comparative of superiority
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “healthier” usar o sufixo -ier, o que, automaticamente, nos
remete ao comparativo de superioridade. Quando analisamos o trecho, observamos que o objetivo
do uso da palavra no texto é fazer uma comparação da pessoa com ela própria em dois diferentes
estágios de saúde: mais saudável. A alternativa traz o grau superlativo do adjetivo como resposta
e, por isso, está incorreta.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “healthier” usar o sufixo -ier, o que, automaticamente, nos
remete ao comparativo de superioridade. Quando analisamos o trecho, observamos que o objetivo
do uso da palavra no texto é fazer uma comparação da pessoa com ela própria em dois diferentes
estágios de saúde: mais saudável. A alternativa traz o grau comparativo de igualdade do adjetivo
como resposta e, por isso, está incorreta.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “healthier” usar o sufixo -ier, o que, automaticamente, nos
remete ao comparativo de superioridade. Quando analisamos o trecho, observamos que o objetivo
do uso da palavra no texto é fazer uma comparação da pessoa com ela própria em dois diferentes
estágios de saúde: mais saudável. A alternativa traz o grau comparativo de inferioridade do
adjetivo como resposta e, por isso, está incorreta.
A alternativa D está correta. A palavra “healthier” usar o sufixo -ier, o que, automaticamente, nos
remete ao comparativo de superioridade. Quando analisamos o trecho, observamos que o objetivo
do uso da palavra no texto é fazer uma comparação da pessoa com ela própria em dois diferentes
estágios de saúde: mais saudável.

Read the text and answer question 27.

Drug Lord Escapes Prison
Joaquin Guzman, Mexico’s notorious drug dealer commonly known as El Chapo, escaped from a
maximum-security prison in a mile-long tunnel.
Based on the height, width and extension of the tunnel, the estimated amount of earth removed
would have filled 379 lorries. The air-conditioned tunnel provided enough room for a speedy exit

during which Guzman disposed of a bracelet that only he and a few other high-risk inmates had to
wear. Authorities believe that there may have been a motorcycle waiting for his escape.
All of Mexico’s security forces coordinated to capture the drug lord, with a 3.8 million US dollar on
offer and 34 people being questioned within four days.

27. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita)

The words “notorious” and “maximum-security”, underlined in the text (paragraph 1) are
a) adjectives.
b) adverbs.
c) nouns.
d) verbs.
A palavra “notorious” modifica “drug dealer” no texto. Drug dealer é uma forma diferente de se
referir a El Chapo. Dessa forma, podemos estabelecer que “drug dealer” faz função de substantivo
e “notorious” é um adjetivo por estar modificando um substantivo.
A palavra “maximum-security” modifica “prison” no texto. “Prison” significa prisão e faz função de
substantivo e “maximum-security” é um adjetivo por estar modificando um substantivo

Read the lyrics and answer question 28


We couldn't turn around
'Til we were upside down
I'll be the bad guy now
But no, I ain't too proud
I couldn't be there
Even when I try
You don't believe it
We do this every time
Seasons change and our love went cold
Feed the flame 'cause we can't let go
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away
I dare you to do something
I'm waiting on you again
So I don't take the blame
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away, run away
(Adapted from https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SQJL_pt-

28. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “cold” underlined in the text is
a) A noun
b) A verb
c) An adverb
d) An adjective
A altenativa A está incorreta. A palavra “cold” (frio) não é, neste caso, a noun (um substantivo),
mas sim, um adjetivo (an adjective) pois a mesma modifica a palavra “love” (amor) que é um
A altenativa B está incorreta. A palavra “cold” (frio) não é a verb (um verbo), mas sim, um
adjetivo (an adjective) pois a mesma modifica a palavra “love” (amor) que é um substantivo.
A altenativa C está incorreta. A palavra “cold” (frio) não é an adverb (um advérbio), mas sim,
um adjetivo (an adjective) pois a mesma modifica a palavra “love” (amor) que é um
A altenativa D está correta. A palavra “cold” (frio) é um adjetivo (an adjective) pois a mesma
modifica a palavra “love” (amor) que é um substantivo, assim como esta opção indica.

Read the text and answer question 29

More than 400 migrants have crossed the English Channel in small boats - a record for a single
Border Force _______ 409 people, including young children, on board 27 boats, with several
further vessels still being dealt with. Some of the migrants were carrying children too young to
walk. Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier on Wednesday said the UK had become "a target and a
magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable people in this way".
A further 53 people were rescued by French authorities after getting into difficulties before
reaching British waters. Some 145 people had crossed the Channel in 18 small boats on Tuesday.
Rough seas brought on by Storm Francis made crossings impossible at the end of August, but
conditions have improved in the first two days of September.
Speaking in the Commons during Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Johnson said: "I have a great deal
of sympathy with those who are desperate as to put their children in dinghies or in children's
paddling pools and try to cross the channel.
"But I have to say what they're doing is falling prey to criminal gangs and they are breaking the
law." He added: "It also undermines the legitimate claims of others who seek asylum in this
country”. "We will address the rigidities in our laws that make this country, I'm afraid, a target and
a magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable people in this way."
More than 1,468 migrants made the crossing by small boat in August despite a vow from Home
Secretary Priti Patel to make the dangerous route "unviable". The Home Office does not provide
information on how many children are making the crossing on small boats.
Home Office minister Chris Philp told the Commons on Wednesday the government was
attempting to return 1,000 people who had arrived in the UK, having "previously claimed asylum in
European countries, and under the regulations legally should be returned there". More than 7,400
migrants have crossed the Channel in small boats since January 2019.
(Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-54000755)

29. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “earlier” underlined in the text is

a) An adjective
b) An adverb
c) A noun
d) A verb
Ao resolver uma questão como essas, sempre digo que o melhor é fazer a análise do trecho onde a
palavra em questão está inserida. A palavra “earlier” pode ser usada como adjetivo ou como
advérbio, a depender da função que exerce na frase. Lambrando que adjetivos modificam
substantivos, e advérbio modificam verbos, adjetivos ou outros advérbios. Pode-se observar que,
no trecho em questão, a palavra “earlier” modifica a palavra “said” porque o trecho quer dizer que
o primeiro ministro disse mais cedo na quarta-feira… Então, mais cedo (earlier) está modificando o
verbo disse (said), situando o leitor em relação ao momento em que aquele discurso foi feito.
Sendo assim, podemos dizer que “earlier” faz função de advérbio no trecho em questão.

Read the lyrics and answer question 30

This Is Me - Keala Settle

I am not a stranger to the dark

Hide away, they say
'Cause we don't want your broken parts
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars
Run away, they say
No one'll love you as you are
But I won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown 'em out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me
(Adapted from https://www.google.com/search?q=letra+da+musica+this+is+me&rlz=1C1SQJL_pt-

30. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “glorious” underlined in the text is
a) An adjective

b) An adverb
c) A verb
d) A noun
A alternativa A está correta. A palavra “glorious” (gloriosos) é um adjetivo, pois modifica “we”
(nós) em “for we are glorious” (pois somos gloriosos), assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “glorious” (gloriosos) não é um abvérbio, mas sim, um
adjetivo, pois modifica “we” (nós) em “for we are glorious” (pois somos gloriosos).
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “glorious” (gloriosos) não é um verbo, mas sim, um
adjetivo, pois modifica “we” (nós) em “for we are glorious” (pois somos gloriosos).
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “glorious” (gloriosos) não é um substantivo, mas sim,
um adjetivo, pois modifica “we” (nós) em “for we are glorious” (pois somos gloriosos).

Read the text and answer question 31

A 12-year-old found a 69 million-year-old dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad
Nathan Hrushkin _____ to be a paleontologist for as long as he can remember, and the 12-year-
old has already made a significant discovery.
He found a partially unearthed dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad this summer at a
conservation site in the Horseshoe Canyon in the Badlands of Alberta, Canada.
"It's pretty amazing to find something that's like real, like an actual dinosaur discovery," he told
CNN. "It's kind of been my dream for a while."
The fossil was a humerus bone from the arm of a juvenile hadrosaur -- a duck-billed dinosaur that
lived about 69 million years ago, according to a news release from the Nature Conservancy of
Nathan and his dad, Dion, had found bone fragments in the area on a previous hike and thought
that they might have washed down from farther up the hill.
They were just finishing lunch when Nathan climbed up the hill to take a look.
"He called down to me, he's like, 'Dad, you need to get up here,' and as soon as he said that I
could tell by the tone in his voice that he found something," Dion Hrushkin said.
Nathan said the fossil was very obvious and it looked like "a scene on a TV show or a cartoon or
They sent pictures of the bone to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, which identified the
fossil and sent a team of paleontologists to the site.
Fossils are protected by law in Alberta, and the NCC said that it is important that people don't
disturb any fossils they may find.
The crew has been working at the site for about two months and uncovered between 30 and 50
bones that came from a single young hadrosaur that was about three or four years old, according
to the statement.
Hadrosaur bones are the most common fossils found in Alberta's badlands, but few juvenile
skeletons have been found, the statement said. It was also found in a layer of rock that rarely
preserves fossils.
"This young hadrosaur is a very important discovery because it comes from a time interval for
which we know very little about what kind of dinosaurs or animals lived in Alberta," François
Therrien, the Royal Tyrrell Museum's curator of dinosaur palaeoecology, said in the statement.
"Nathan and Dion's find will help us fill this big gap in our knowledge of dinosaur evolution."

The fossils were very close together, so the paleontologists removed large pieces of the
surrounding rock from the canyon walls.
One of the fossil-rich slabs weighed about 1,000 pounds and was more than four feet wide,
according to Carys Richards, a communications manager with the NCC.
Nathan had heard of the hadrosaur before his big find but said it wasn't the most well-known
It's probably his favorite now -- beating out the wildly popular Tyrannosaurus rex.
Nathan and his dad have come to watch the dig several times since the discovery and were there
on Thursday when the team was hauling out the last specimens.
"It was pretty fun to be there and watch them do their things," Nathan said.
(Adapted from https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/16/world/canada-dinosaur-find-12-year-old-trnd-

31. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “sent” underlined in the text is
a) An adjective
b) A verb
c) A noun
d) An adverb
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “sent” não é um adjetivo, mas sim, um verbo (sent –
A alternativa B estácorreta. A palavra “sent” é um verbo (sent – enviou), assim como esta
opção indica.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “sent” não é um substantivo, mas sim, um verbo (sent
– enviou).
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “sent” não é um advérbio, mas sim, um verbo (sent –

Read the lyrics and answer question 32

Lonely - Justin Bieber, Benny Blanco

Everybody knows my name now

But somethin' 'bout it still feels strange
Like lookin' in a mirror, tryna steady yourself
And seein' somebody else
And everything is not the same now
It feels like all our lives have changed
Maybe when I'm older, it'll all calm down
But it's killin' me now
What if you had it all
But nobody to call?
Maybe then, you'd know me
'Cause I've had everything

But no one's listening
And that's just fuckin' lonely
I'm so lonely
Everybody knows my past now
Like my house was always made of glass
And maybe that's the price you pay
For the money and fame at an early age
And everybody saw me sick
And it felt like no one gave a shit
They criticized the things I did
As an idiot kid
What if you had it all
But nobody to call?
Maybe then, you'd know me
'Cause I've had everything
But no one's listening
And that's just fuckin' lonely
I'm so lonely
I'm so lonely
(Adapted from https://www.lyricfind.com/)

32. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “idiot” underlined in the text is
a) A verb
b) A noun
c) An adverb
d) An adjective
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “idiot” não é um verbo, mas sim, um adjetivo, pois
qualifica a palavra “kid”, ou seja, “idiot kid” (garoto idiota).
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “idiot”, nesse caso, não é um substantivo, mas sim, um
adjetivo, pois qualifica a palavra “kid”, ou seja, “idiot kid” (garoto idiota).
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “idiot” não é um advérbio, mas sim, um adjetivo, pois
qualifica a palavra “kid”, ou seja, “idiot kid” (garoto idiota).
A alternativa D está correta. A palavra “idiot” é um adjetivo, pois qualifica a palavra “kid”, ou
seja, “idiot kid” (garoto idiota), assim como esta opção indica.

Read the text and answer question 33 and 34

COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Are Spreading Rapidly—and They're a Public Health
Risk All Their Own

Public health crises have spawned conspiracy theories as far back as when the Black
Death ravaged Europe in the 1300s, as people desperately try to make sense of the chaotic
forces disrupting their lives. While modern science offers a better understanding of how
diseases infect people and how to contain them, COVID-19 conspiracy theories are spreading
rapidly via social media, unreliable news outlets and from our own political leaders, including
U.S. President Donald Trump. The result: many Americans now believe pandemic-related
conspiracy theories—and, alarmingly, those same people are less likely to take steps to
prevent the virus from spreading.
In a University of Pennsylvania Annenberg Public Policy Center study published
Monday in Social Science & Medicine, researchers surveyed a group of 840 U.S. adults—first
in late March, and then again in mid-July—to determine how Americans’ beliefs and actions
regarding the pandemic changed over time. Overall, they found that COVID-19 conspiracy
theories are not only commonplace, they’re gaining traction. Back in March, 28% of people
believed a debunked rumor that the Chinese government created the coronavirus as a
bioweapon; that number rose to 37% by July. About 24% believed that the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention exaggerated the virus’ danger to hurt Trump politically
despite a lack of evidence; by July, that figure rose to 32%. And in March, about 15% of
respondents said they believed that the pharmaceutical industry created the virus to boost
drug and vaccine sales—another unfounded theory—compared to 17% in July.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5891333/covid-19-conspiracy-theories/)

33. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “ _____ the US still have the _____ number of
COVID-19 cases?”. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb and the adjective

a) Does / worst
b) Does / better
c) Is / best
d) Is / worse
e) Do / worst
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “Does” pois esta forma verbal se encaixa em uma
pergunta funcionando como um auxiliar, onde as ações principais permanecem no infinitivo.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “worst” (pior) pois é o melhor adjetivo que se
refere ao número de casos da COVID-19.

34. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which sentence is grammatically correct?

a) That women is in love with me

b) A motorcycle is more slow than a car
c) She practices physical exercise every week
d) I have a sofa new
e) He need to be loved
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “women” está no plural, ou seja, mulheres; o correto
seria “woman” (mulher). Ou seja “aquela mulher está apaixonada por mim”.

A alternativa B está incorreta. Ao comparar algo, neste caso, deve ser utilizado o sufixo -er ao
fim da palavra, ou seja, o correto seria “slower” (mais lento). Ou seja “Uma motocicleta é mais
lenta que um carro”.
A alternativa C está correta. A frase "Ela pratica exercícios físicos todas as semanas” está
totalmente correta.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Neste caso, o correto seria “I have a new sofa” (eu tenho um
sofá novo), a ordem está errada.
A alternativa E está incorreta. Neste caso, o verbo “to need” deveria estar no simple present, ou
seja, “he needs” (ele precisa). Ou seja, “ele precisa ser amado”.

35. Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct

a) The mother is responsible for the children
b) My sister are the best in the world
c) I make my bed this weekend
d) The Queen live in London
e) I’ll do a surgery this month
A alternativa A está correta. Essa é a estrutura correta para se dizer que a mãe é responsável
pelos filhos
A alternativa B está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na conjugação do verbo to be, que
deveria estar no singular “is” para se referir a apenas uma irmã.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na falta do “will” depois do eu (I), há
um erro de conjugação.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na conjugação do verbo live, que
deveria ser “lives” para o presente do indicativo.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na expressão “I will do a surgery”. Em
inglês se diz que você irá sofrer uma cirurgia, e não fazer uma cirurgia, ou seja, deveria ser “I
will have a surgery”.

Directions: Answer questions 36 and 37 according to TEXT I.


Prof. Leonardo Pontes

We Need a COVID-19 Vaccine. We Also Need Transparency About Its Development

The authorization of an effective vaccine will mark perhaps the biggest turning
point in the battle against coronavirus, but only if enough people are willing to get
vaccinated. There have been substantial declines in public willingness to get vaccinated
against COVID-19, despite immense, unprecedented public investments in vaccine
development. In one survey, barely half of Americans said they would get the vaccine as
soon as it was available, numbers that will undermine the benefits of even a highly effective
It is no mystery why trust in a potential vaccine has plummeted. Operation Warp
Speed, the Trump Administration’s $10 billion vaccine initiative, and other vaccine efforts
have compressed processes that usually take years into months. This speed alone can raise
concerns, but to date, that pace has been matched with strict adherence to the basic
principles of scientific integrity. However, increasing politicization of key regulatory bodies
and unexplained decisions in trial procedures threaten to undermine the entire project.
We need a lot more transparency in this process to ensure that only a vaccine proven by
data to be safe and effective will be approved.
Unlike medical treatments given to the sick, vaccines are given to healthy people.
Historically, vaccines have been very safe and highly effective due to the rigor and care of
both the scientists conducting the trials, and the regulators deciding whether to approve
vaccines for public use. Even rare adverse events are carefully identified and studied. For
vaccinations to work, we must be able to trust our doctors when they tell us it is time for
a shot.
The coronavirus vaccine approval process has consequences that extend well
beyond the pandemic. Driven by misinformation, so-called “vaccine hesitancy” has been
growing for years. But as long as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be trusted
to rigorously follow the science, most of us continued to get vaccinated. That has changed
in the pandemic. The politicization of the FDA—apparent in the handling of the
authorization of hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma, amongst others—has
substantially damaged faith in the FDA. If the FDA again acts politically in approving a
vaccine, it will further increase vaccine hesitancy. If safety concerns emerge after the
vaccine has been approved, confidence in vaccines could be destroyed for a generation, in
a single stroke, undoing a century of public health gains.
But restoring trust in FDA alone will not be enough. We need the companies making
the vaccines, and the researchers studying the data, to act differently as well. Recently,
one of the major trials—for the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, supported by more than $1
billion in public funds from Operation Warp Speed—was paused following a possible
adverse reaction to the virus in a trial participant. But while the leadership of AstraZeneca
mentioned the event in a private phone call with investors, they did not share the details
with the public. A few days later, the trials resumed again, with little information of what
changed. This will not do. Given that the American taxpayer has invested billions of dollars
into these trials, and will foot the bill for billions more when the vaccine is released, the
American people have a right to know much more.
Beyond more fully disclosing safety events, the pharmaceutical companies working
to develop a vaccine should publish the protocols of their clinical trial protocols, as

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Moderna did on Thursday, so we understand how the trials are structured, if changes have
been made, and why. This is essential. Further, they should publish their analysis plan so
the public can see what subgroups of patients the investigators had planned to study, why,
and whether their approach is sound. Each time a trial is paused tell the public what
happened, how it was investigated, and why the trial was allowed to continue.
Making these critical documents public would be unusual—they usually aren’t
made public until a trial is published. However, these are extraordinary times and failure
to secure confidence in a COVID-19 vaccine would have disastrous consequences.
With just weeks until the election, the pressure on the FDA to quickly approve a
vaccine will mount. But the more the timeline is politicized, the more vaccine hesitancy
will grow. Transparency can stem the tide of skepticism, even if it cannot entirely
extinguish the persistent current of misinformation and mistrust of science. We must
practice aggressive transparency, and let the FDA’s career scientists, not political
appointees, make the decisions about approvals and explain those decisions to the
American people.
The public’s faith in the vaccine development process is a critical component of the
vaccine, because vaccines don’t save lives, vaccinations do. For a vaccine to help bring this
pandemic under control, hundreds of thousands of healthy Americans must undergo
vaccination. We need to assure them that the vaccines work—and that they are safe. These
are unprecedented times. They need unprecedented transparency.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5890216/transparency-covid-vaccine-development/)

36. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the option that can replace the word “willing”
in the first paragraph without changing its meaning

a) Fair
b) Cheerful
c) Indifferent
d) Amenable
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “willing” significa disposto e não pode ser substituída
pela palavra “fair”, que significa justo.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “willing” significa disposto e não pode ser substituída
pela palavra “cheerful”, que significa animado.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “willing” significa disposto e não pode ser substituída
pela palavra “indifferent”, que significa indiferente.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “willing” significa disposto e não pode ser substituída
pela palavra “amenable”, que significa receptivo.

37. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the option that replaces the underlined
expression keeping the same meaning

“We need a lot more transparency in this process…” (paragraph 2)

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a) Much
b) Many
c) Very
d) Really
A alternativa A está correta. A expressão “a lot” (muito) pode ser substituída pela
expressão “much” (muito) pois os dois classificam substantivos incontáveis, que é o
caso de “transparency” (transparência).
A alternativa B está incorreta. A expressão “a lot” (muito) não pode ser substituída
pela expressão “many” (muitos) pois esta expressão classifica apenas substantivos
contáveis, que não é o caso de “transparency” (transparência).
A alternativa C está incorreta. A expressão “a lot” (muito) não pode ser substituída pela
expressão “very” (muito), pois esta é um advérbio de intensidade, e o substantivo
(transparency – transparência) pede uma expressão que classifique substantivos
A alternativa D está incorreta. A expressão “a lot” (muito) não pode ser substituída pela
expressão “really” (muito), pois esta é um advérbio de intensidade, e o substantivo
(transparency – transparência) pede uma expressão que classifique substantivos

Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questão 38

Military finds vehicle that sank in a training incident that killed 8 Marines and a sailor
The US military has identified the location of the amphibious assault vehicle that sank last week
off the California coast, killing eight Marines and one sailor.
The AAV was found Monday off San Clemente Island, the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force
tweeted Tuesday. Human remains on board were identified using remotely operated video
systems, according to the tweet.
"The Navy has expedited the movement of assets to recover the remains of the Marines and
Sailor, and raise the AAV," the Marine Expeditionary Force said.
The AAV weighs 26 tons and is believed to have sunk to the ocean floor.
Sixteen servicemen were on board the AAV for shore-to-shore operations Thursday when crew
members reported they had taken on water, the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit said Sunday in
a news release.
Five were rescued and taken aboard the USS Somerset, while at least one died and eight others
were presumed dead, the release said. Those rescued were wearing normal combat gear
including body armor and an inflatable vest. Some were found floating, Gen. David Berger,
commandant of the US Marine Corps, said.
Lance Cpl. Guillermo S. Perez, 20, of New Braunfels, Texas, was pronounced dead at the scene
before being taken by helicopter to Scripps Memorial Hospital in San Diego. He was a rifleman
with Bravo Company, Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 1/4, according to Sunday's release.

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38. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – inédita)

According to the text, Guillermo S. Perez was
[A] from the infantry.
[B] an artillery soldier.
[C] a rifleman.
[D] a parachuter.
[E] a communications soldier.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto diz que ele era um “rifleman”, ou seja, um atirador, e não
um soldado da infantaria.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto diz que ele era um “rifleman”, ou seja, um atirador, e não
um soldado da artilharia.
A alternativa C está correta. O texto diz que ele era um “rifleman”, ou seja, um atirador,
exatamente como diz a alternativa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto diz que ele era um “rifleman”, ou seja, um atirador, e não
um soldado paraquedista.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto diz que ele era um “rifleman”, ou seja, um atirador, e não
um soldado de comunicações.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão 39.

A speech by The Duke of Cambridge at a virtual meeting of the United for Wildlife Taskforces
Thank you Lord Hague and hello everyone.
It is very encouraging to see so many of you taking part in this important discussion today.
Believe it or not, this is my first webinar! I’m very pleased that it is on a subject that is so close
to my heart – ending the Illegal Wildlife Trade.
Thank you very much to SalesForce for providing the platform for today’s discussion. And thank
you to DP World, without whose support the work of the United for Wildlife Taskforces would
not be possible.
I last spoke to you all back in January, alongside President Kenyatta of Kenya.
We celebrated the successes of the Taskforces – your successes – in making it far harder for
traffickers to exploit the vulnerabilities of the global transport and financial systems to profit
from this senseless crime.
We agreed on the need for concerted action in 2020, and throughout the coming decade, to
double down on this progress and ensure that criminals no longer believe the illegal wildlife
trade is worth the risk.
Adaptado de https://www.royal.uk/speech-duke-cambridge-virtual-meeting-united-wildlife-taskforces

39. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – inédita)

In the sentence “We agreed on the need for concerted action in 2020”, the word concerted can
be replaced by
[A] good.
[B] fixed.
[C] organized.

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[D] joint.
[E] big.
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “concerted” significa que a ação deve ser conjunta. A
palavra “good” significa que a ação deve ser boa. Não seria uma boa substituição.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “concerted” significa que a ação deve ser conjunta. A
palavra “fixed” significa que a ação deve ser fixa. Não seria uma boa substituição.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “concerted” significa que a ação deve ser conjunta. A
palavra “organized” significa que a ação deve ser organizada. Não seria uma boa substituição.
A alternativa D está correta. A palavra “concerted” significa que a ação deve ser conjunta. A
palavra “joint” significa que a ação deve ser conjunta. Seria uma substituição perfeita.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “concerted” significa que a ação deve ser conjunta. A
palavra “big” significa que a ação deve ser grande. Não seria uma boa substituição.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão 40.

Steve Jobs debuts the iPhone
On January 9, 2007, Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs unveils the iPhone—a touchscreen mobile phone
with an iPod, camera and Web-browsing capabilities, among other features—at the Macworld
convention in San Francisco. Jobs, dressed in his customary jeans and black mock turtleneck,
called the iPhone a “revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any
other mobile phone.” When it went on sale in the United States six months later, on June 29,
amidst huge hype, thousands of customers lined up at Apple stores across the country to be
among the first to purchase an iPhone.
In November 2007—by which point more than 1.4 million iPhones had been sold—Time
magazine named the sleek, 4.8-ounce device, originally available in a 4GB, $499 model and an
8GB, $599 model, its invention of the year. The iPhone went on sale in parts of Europe in late
2007, and in parts of Asia in 2008. In July 2008, Apple launched its online App Store, enabling
people to download software applications that let them use their iPhones for games, social
networking, travel planning and an every growing laundry list of other activities. Apple went on
to over 10 updated models of the iPhone.
The iPhone helped turned Apple, which Jobs (1955-2011) co-founded with his friend Stephen
Wozniak in California in 1976, into one of the planet’s most valuable corporations. In 2012, five
years after the iPhone’s debut, more than 200 million had been sold. The iPhone joined a list of
innovative Apple products, including the Macintosh (launched in 1984, it was one of the first
personal computers to feature a graphical user interface, which allowed people to navigate by
pointing and clicking a mouse rather than typing commands) and the iPod portable music player
(launched in 2001), that became part of everyday modern life.
Adaptado de https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/steve-jobs-debuts-the-iphone

40. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – inédita)

In the sentence “Time magazine named the sleek, 4.8-ounce device”, the word sleek can be
replaced by

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[A] beautiful.
[B] gleaming.
[C] respectable.
[D] thin.
[E] expensive.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O vocábulo “sleek” indica que algo é brilhoso, reluzente, e não
bonito como diz a alternativa.
A alternativa B está correta. O vocábulo “sleek” indica que algo é brilhoso, reluzente, mesmo
significado de “gleaming”, que significa limpo, polido, reluzente.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O vocábulo “sleek” indica que algo é brilhoso, reluzente, e não
respeitável como diz a alternativa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O vocábulo “sleek” indica que algo é brilhoso, reluzente, e não
fino como diz a alternativa.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O vocábulo “sleek” indica que algo é brilhoso, reluzente, e não
caro como diz a alternativa.

Directions: Read the text below and answer question 41

5 thoughts on the tragedy of Minneapolis
The killing of George Floyd is a tragedy that is now compounding into other tragedies. It's
almost impossible to see clearly at a time of such confusion, but here are five thoughts on
what's happening in Minneapolis and across the US.
6. There's desperation across America, but it's most acute in urban black America, which has
been hit hardest by our twin catastrophes. COVID-19 infection and death rates are highest
there, and so are job losses.
7. The apparent inability of police to treat black and white protesters the same is a genuine
problem. It's great that police handled the provocative, heavily armed anti-lockdown
protestors a few weeks ago with such restraint. Nothing escalated and no one was hurt. Those
protesters were almost all white, and the cops they encountered were too. The Minneapolis
protests, meanwhile, included lots of black protesters —and lots of young black men — and
were met by mostly white cops. These protests began peacefully but quickly got out of control.
Now there's looting and a police station on fire. The protesters' violence is inexcusable, but a
calmer police response aimed at defusing the situation might have worked. It's worth asking
why cops seem to have a harder time soothing tense situations with black crowds.
8. Crowds make people into their worst, dumbest selves. The looting, arson, and violence are
tragically stupid: They help no one and improve nothing. But the mania of crowds can bring
out the ugliest in us.
9. Urban rioting in America is often set off by the clumsy and often slow legal response to police
violence. It's not necessarily the violence itself. It's the inability of the legal system to address
the violence in a way that feels fair to communities. Minneapolis fired the four cops involved
in the death of George Floyd immediately, which was a swift and direct response. The violent
protests occurred when prosecutors took their time in deciding whether to charge the officers.

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Even though videos of this appalling incident made a criminal charge seem warranted, the
prosecutors' caution and care was understandable. The stakes are high: Charge cops too
hastily or recklessly and risk breakdown between police and prosecutors. Never charge bad
cops and sacrifice justice and lose the public trust.
10. It's a tragedy that we have a president who doesn't know how to calm a situation like this, and
in fact wants to inflame it.
(Adapted from https://www.insider.com/tragedies-of-minneapolis-george-floyd-2020-5)

41. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

The fragment “which has been hit hardest by our twin catastrophes” (paragraph 2) is an
example of
a) superlative.
b) comparative of superiority.
c) comparative of inferiority.
d) comparative of equality
A alternativa A está correta. “Hardest” é o superlativo do adjetivo “hard”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Para que houvesse um comparativo de superioridade na
sentença, dever-se-ia substituir a palavra “hardest” por “harder”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A estrutura de uso do comparativo de inferioridade é o uso de
less + adjetivo ou advérbio + than. Não se pode observar essa estrutura sendo usada no trecho.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A estrutura de uso do comparativo de igualdade é o uso de as +
adjetivo ou advérbio + as. Não se pode observar essa estrutura sendo usada no trecho.

Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 42 and 43.
Children Across Europe Are Going Back to School.
Around the world, students are returning to school as countries experiment with
new educational models and social distancing protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-
While preliminary research suggests children are less vulnerable to COVID-19 than
adults, there remain concerns that schools will become breeding grounds for infection. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has cautioned that “full sized, in-person
classes, activities and events” will likely lead to the spread of COVID-19 in schools. Opening
schools in some countries has already proven to be hazardous. In Israel, for instance,
schools were the second-highest places for infection for the month of June, after 2,026
students, teachers and staff tested positive for COVID-19.
But as the pandemic enters its sixth month, governments are grappling with how
to provide a quality education to children in the midst of an ongoing, long-term crisis. The
COVID-19 pandemic has created “the largest disruption of education systems in
history,” according to the United Nations, affecting nearly 1.6 billion students in over 190
countries. Some 94% of the world’s student population has been impacted and in low and
middle-income countries, 99% of students have been affected. School closures caused by

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the pandemic have exacerbated previously existing educational inequality, according to a

Human Rights Watch report.
In Europe, where some students have been back at school for over a month,
countries are experimenting with new strategies for teaching that keep children safe from
infection while ensuring they receive a quality education.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5885554/europe-schools-reopening-germany-scotland-norway/)

42. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) In the sentence “The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) has cautioned that “full sized, in-person classes, activities and
events” will likely lead to the spread of COVID-19 in schools” (paragraph 2), the
expression full sized, in-person classes means

a) Classes that are complete regarding its content.

b) Classes that people are required to attend physically present but respecting social
c) Classes that people are required to attend physically present in classroms in its full
d) Classes that people are required to attend virtually but respecting social distancing.
e) Classes that people are required to attend virtually in classroms in its full capacity.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O trecho fala sobre aulas presenciais com a capacidade
completa da sala de aula, e não tem relação com o conteúdo que é lecionado na aula.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O trecho fala sobre aulas presenciais com a capacidade
completa da sala de aula, e não que o distanciamento social seria respeitado.
A alternativa C está correta. O trecho fala sobre aulas presenciais com a capacidade
completa da sala de aula, exatamente o que diz a alternativa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O trecho fala sobre aulas presenciais com a capacidade
completa da sala de aula, e não que o distanciamento social seria respeitado, nem que as
aulas seriam virtuais.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O trecho fala sobre aulas presenciais com a capacidade
completa da sala de aula, e não que as aulas seriam virtuais.

43. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “_________ 99% of students in low and middle-
income countries been affected by the _______ education crisis in history?” Fill in the
blanks with the correct form of the verb and the adjective.
a) Does / worst
b) Do / worse
c) Is / bad
d) Have / worst
e) Has / worse
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “Have”. O uso do verbo “to be” no particípio
(been) adiante na frase nos leva a entender que a frase está estruturada no passado e

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usando o tempo verbal present perfect para isso. O uso do auxiliar “have” se faz necessário
pelo fato de estarmos no plural (99% dos estudantes).
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “worst”. O uso do artigo definido “the” antes da
lacuna é o principal indicativo de que devemos usar o adjetivo “bad” em sua forma
superlativa (worst), pois estamos falando da pior crise educacional da história.

44. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Which sentence is grammatically correct?

a) They want an information.
b) We watch many movies every weekend.
c) Those woman feels attracted by me.
d) I bought an new car last week.
e) This car is faster than mine car.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O problema dessa sentença é o fato de “information” ser um
substantivo incontável e, assim sendo, não podemos usar o artigo indefinido “an”, mas sim
“some information” ou “a piece of information”.
A alternativa B está correta. O trecho fala que nós assistimos a muitos filmes todos os fins de
semana. A frase está corretamente estruturada e sem nenhum erro.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O problema desta sentença está no uso de “those”, que é
utilizado antes de substantivos no plural, já que “woman” está no singular. É como se a frase
estivesse escrita da seguinte forma: “aquelas mulher se sente atraída por mim”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro desta alternativa é trazer o artigo indefinido “an” antes
da palavra “new”, pois este artigo somente pode ser usado antes de palavras cujo som inicial
seja de vogal, o que não é o caso de “new”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O erro desta alternativa está no uso do pronome possessivo
“mine” acompanhado do substantivo “car”, pois este pronome é utilizado para substituir
substantivos, e não para acompanhá-los. Seria correto escrever “this car is faster than mine”.

Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 45 and 46 according to it.
Massachusetts reports 1,566 new coronavirus cases, 103 new deaths; Walsh warns police
will keep dispersing crowds
Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh warned Monday that police will continue dispersing crowds that
gather amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and said officials are considering expanding the 9
p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew beyond May 4 as cases in the city and state continue to mount.
Speaking during a briefing outside City Hall, Walsh also said “kids aren’t going back to school”
on May 4 and he’s “not too confident we’ll have [a resumption] of school this year,” adding that
there “could be a different-looking situation in the classrooms” in September.

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On Monday the state Department of Public Health reported that the death toll from the
coronavirus outbreak in Massachusetts had risen by 103, to 1,809. The state also reported 1,566
new cases, bringing the total to 39,643.
The number of new cases reported has been declining for four days, though state officials have
cautioned against reading too much into daily changes given the variability in how laboratories
report test results. The state also reported a total of 169,398 people in the state had been
tested, up from 162,241 a day earlier.
In Boston, where the number of total cases stood at 5,749 on Monday, patients are being sent
to the field hospital that has been constructed at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
As of Sunday night, the Boston Hope Medical Center, as it’s being called, had 162 patients,
including 86 on the hospital side, and 76 on the respite side, which is for the homeless,
according to Walsh’s office. The number of patients was 10 higher than the previous day’s
Half of the facility’s 1,000 beds are reserved for people experiencing homelessness who have
“tested positive for the virus and need care, but not full hospitalization,” according to city
Walsh, meanwhile, implored people to continue following the restrictions put in place to slow
the spread.
The mayor reserved his strongest language for people who played golf over the weekend at
city courses in violation of the ban on gatherings, as well as people responsible for gun violence
in recent days that claimed the life of a teenage girl and wounded another teen and a 10-year-
old girl in separate incidents.
“You’re a coward,” Walsh said of perpetrators of gun violence amid the pandemic, “and you
will face justice.”
The gun violence that injured the 10-year-old on Saturday night in Roxbury was born out of a
situation involving a crowd in an apartment, according to Walsh. The crowd, he said, ignored the
city’s curfew brought on by the pandemic and other public health guidelines.
“This infuriated me,” he said.
Walsh also criticized golfers who took to courses at Franklin Park and in Hyde Park, including
one young man he saw smiling on a course during a television news broadcast.
“Nothing to smile about,” Walsh said of the scofflaw. “Nothing to be proud of. Not impressive.
[The course] is closed. That was a completely irresponsible move.” He added that the city and
state are not playing a “game” by banning public gatherings.
“We’re doing it because we want to keep people alive,” Walsh said, adding that Boston police
will be out dispersing crowds who violate the emergency order banning gatherings.
Asked if he was considering a citywide stay-at-home order or an order making his advisory to
wear masks in public mandatory, Walsh said “we’re not there yet.”
Walsh said "we won't hesitate to send police officers, if necessary, to deliver citations" to
people who gather in crowds.
Asked about the possibility of issuing fines to people who fail to maintain social distancing,
Walsh said,"This is not something I want to do. I don’t want to put fines on residents who are
already financially burdened."

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In pandemic-battered New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio is increasing the maximum fine for
violating social distancing rules to $1,000, which is double the previous highest amount, The
New York Daily News reported over the weekend.
Prior to the briefing, Walsh’s office said in a statement that the city had expanded its COVID-19
informational text service to 11 languages including Somali, Chinese, Arabic, Vietnamese,
Russian, English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, French, Cabo Verdean Creole, and Portuguese.
“It’s important that the critical public health information we are sharing with our residents
reaches every person in the language they speak so that collectively as a city we can be
informed about the seriousness of this virus, and work together to stop its spread,” Walsh said
in the statement. “I am glad that we’re further expanding our multilingual capacity by adding
five additional languages to our text alert service.”
(Adapted from https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/20/nation/coronavirus-boston-massachusetts-april-20/?p1=HP_TrendingBar)

45. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

The fragment “The mayor reserved his strongest language for people...” (paragraph 9) is an
example of
a) superlative.
b) comparative of superiority.
c) comparative of inferiority.
d) comparative of equality
A alternativa A está correta. “strongest” é o superlativo do adjetivo “strong”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Para que houvesse um comparativo de superioridade na
sentença, dever-se-ia substituir a palavra “strongest” por “stronger”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A estrutura de uso do comparativo de inferioridade é o uso de
less + adjetivo ou advérbio + than. Não se pode observar essa estrutura sendo usada no trecho.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A estrutura de uso do comparativo de igualdade é o uso de as +
adjetivo ou advérbio + as. Não se pode observar essa estrutura sendo usada no trecho.

46. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

Regarding the number of new cases reported in the last four days,
a) it’s not enough to say the spread is in decline.
b) it’s something to be worried about.
c) it’s enough to give us the idea of how fast the spread will stop.
d) we should be worried about the reliability of laboratories.
A alternativa A está correta. De acordo com o texto, o estado alertou as pessoas quanto a
leituras e atualizações diárias em relação ao coronavírus, dada a variabilidade com a qual os
labaratórios entregam os resultados de seus testes.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto afirma que não podemos tirar conclusões precipitadas
em relação à diminuição da disseminação do vírus, mas não diz que devemos ficar
preocupados com a diminuição do número de novos casos reportados.

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A alternativa C está incorreta. Não se pode dizer que a diminuição do número de casos
reportados é suficiente para nos dar uma ideia do quão rápido a disseminação do vírus será
contida, já que oficiais do governo alertaram para a variabilidade de entrega de resultados por
parte dos laboratórios.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Em nenhum momento, o texto nos dá a entender que os
laboratórios não são confiáveis. A única coisa que o texto fala em relação aos laboratórios é o
fato de que existe uma variabilidade na forma como os laboratórios entregam seus resultados.

Directions: Read the text below and answer question 47.

The Pandemic Is Forcing Everyone to Face the Digital Divide
AS THE NUMBER of Covid-19 cases in the US continues to rise, many parents in the
country are getting ready for a fall semester based entirely on remote learning. Attempting to
teach and learn from home has put a tremendous strain on all parents, teachers, and students,
but for families without access to high-speed broadband or the (proper number of) devices for
kids to work off of, the upcoming school year poses the possibility that those children will fall even
farther behind. On Tuesday, WIRED editor in chief Nicholas Thompson sat down with
reporters Adrienne So and Pia Ceres to discuss the how the digital divide may worsen inequality
in the socially distanced school year ahead.
When the coronavirus outbreak first began shutting down schools in March, all parents
were left scrambling—some to homeschool as they attempted to work from home themselves,
and others to find care for their children as they went to essential jobs. It wasn't an easy situation
for anyone, but higher-income families were better positioned to navigate the precarious
situation, whether through the help of private tutors, homeschooling pods, access to better
equipment, or some combination of those things. Now, as parents and educators launch into the
second leg of this national experiment, little has changed as far as resource allocation is
concerned. And while many school districts are doing all that they can to provide students with
internet access and a stable environment to learn in, a lack of federal resources has made it
difficult to guarantee these things. As Ceres notes during the conversation, education experts
worry that vast differences in educational experiences during this time will widen the gulf
between students from high- and low-income families in the US.
But many schools have learned much from the spring shutdowns, using technology to
mitigate some of the issues that have surfaced. Now, armed with experience, they are getting
creative. In Seattle, as Thompson points out, school buses have been repurposed as moveable
wifi hotspots. The private sector is chipping in as well, with initiatives like the one from Microsoft
and Land O'Lakes, which are partnering to improve connectivity in rural areas. And with time,

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some children, like those who learn differently, are even seeing benefits from this more flexible
method of schooling. "For those students, it's actually been a little bit of a relief for people to
come up with creative solutions to serve different student needs," So says. Teachers, too, are
growing more comfortable with the new set-up and working together to navigate the new
technological tools available to them.
The pandemic didn't create the digital divide, but it has certainly exacerbated it. And
though the current schooling predicament has its challenges, it has also forced difficult—and long
overdue—conversations around addressing educational inequality.
(Adapted from https://www.wired.com/story/the-pandemic-is-forcing-everyone-to-face-the-digital-divide/)

47. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) In the phrase “Attempting to teach and learn from
home has put a tremendous strain on all parents…” (paragraph 1), the underlined word is
a synonym for
a) Pressure
b) Peace
c) Aid
d) Twist
A alternativa A está correta. A palavra “strain” significa pressão, e pode ser comparada com
seu sinônimo, “pressure”, que significa pressão.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “strain” significa pressão; e a palavra “peace”
significa paz, e não é um sinônimo de “strain”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “strain” significa pressão; e a palavra “aid” significa
ajuda, ou seja, não é um sinônimo de “strain”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “strain” significa pressão; e a palavra “twist”
significa torção, ou seja, não é um sinônimo válido de “strain”.

Read the text II to do item 48

Gelsenkirchen: Controversial Lenin statue erected in German city
A far-left party in Germany has erected a controversial statue of communist leader Vladimir
The tiny Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) installed the statue in front of its
headquarters in the western city of Gelsenkirchen.
City authorities had attempted to stop the statue being installed and launched an online
hashtag saying there was "no place for Lenin".
But courts blocked their appeals and the unveiling went ahead on Saturday.
Lenin was a leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution and led the country until his death in 1924,
when he was succeeded by Josef Stalin. However, he has remained a symbol of communism rule
across the world, both among supporters and those who remember the human rights abuses
that took place under the USSR.

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Germany itself was divided for decades between the West and the communist East, until the
fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
In the debate surrounding the Gelsenkirchen statue, which was made in Czechoslovakia, as it
was then known, in 1957, both sides drew parallels to the tearing down of monuments linked to
slavery which has taken place in anti-racism protests across the world in recent weeks.
"We live in a time in which many countries of the world are reflecting on memorials," said
mayor Frank Baranowski in one of a series of YouTube videos posted by the city council against
the statue.
"It's hard to put up with the fact that a dictator from the 21st Century is being placed on a
pedestal and a memorial is being made out of it. Unfortunately the courts have decided
otherwise, we must accept that, but not without comment."
However, MLPD's chair, Gabi Fechtner, described the communist leader as "an ahead-of-his-
time thinker of world-historical importance, an early fighter for freedom and democracy",
according to the AFP news agency.
Adapted from (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53123947)

48. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) The expression “drew parallels” in paragraph 6 means
a) both countries are geografically parallel.
b) established a comparison.
c) had an ordinary moment.
d) had an extraordinary moment.
e) both countries were in favor of slavery.
A alternativa A está incorreta. A expressão “drew parallels ” não significa que os dois países são
goegraficamente paralelos, mas sim que eles traçaram paralelos, fizeram comparações.
A alternativa B está correta. A expressão “drew parallels” significa exatamente traçar paralelos,
fazer comparação, como a alternativa descreve.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A expressão “drew parallels ” não significa que os dois países
tiveram um momento ordinário, mas sim que eles traçaram paralelos, fizeram comparações.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A expressão “drew parallels ” não significa que os dois países
tiveram um momento extraordinário, mas sim que eles traçaram paralelos, fizeram
A alternativa E está incorreta. A expressão “drew parallels ” não significa que os dois países
eram a favor da escravidão, mas sim que eles traçaram paralelos, fizeram comparações..

49. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
a) How many fruit do you eat a day?
b) How much have you paid in taxes to government last year?
c) Rich people forgets the actual value of money.
d) There is people who likes eating junk food.
e) Have you made your homework yet?

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A alternativa A está incorreta. “fruit” é um substantivo incontável e, por isso, não podemos usar
“How many fruit” para perguntar sobre a quantidade de frutas. Nessa situação, devemos usar
“how much fruit”.
A alternativa B está correta. Essa é a estrutura correta para se perguntar o quanto você pagou
em impostos para o governo no ano passado.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “People” é uma palavra que está no plural e, portanto, exige que
o verbo seja conjugado de acordo. Portanto, deveríamos ter o verbo conjugado como “forget”
ao invés de “forgets”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro desta alternativa está no uso de “there is”, pois a frase traz
a palavra “people” que remete ao plural, sendo correto o uso de “there are” ao invés de “there
A alternativa E está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está no uso do verbo “made” que não se usa
para perguntar se alguém fez o trabalho de casa. O correto seria substituir o verbo por “done”,
que é a forma mais adequada de fazer a pergunta.

Read Text I to do questions 50 to 52 based on it.

Electric cars are coming: but where will you recharge?
The Snowdens can't always charge their car outside their house
They've got the only electric car in the village. Tiffany Snowden and her husband bought their
second-hand Nissan Leaf a few weeks ago and love it. It's smooth to drive and, she says, "It's got
quite a lot of power to it". But there's a problem. It's a pain to charge up.
That's because, in the North Yorkshire hamlet where they live, it's a race home every night to
get a parking space outside their house. If they succeed, they can plug the car in to mains
electricity overnight. If they fail, the options are limited.
"The closest charging point to us is about 10 miles away," says Mrs Snowden.
This is a dilemma that could face an increasing number of drivers. The government says that in
just 15 years the only new cars on the market will be fully electric vehicles (EVs) or hydrogen-
powered alternatives.
While the number of charging points around the UK has increased by about 50% in the last 12
months, according to statistics from EV charging site Zap-Map.com, there are noticeable gaps in
provision around the country.
A recent report from Capital Economics suggested that fleshing out the UK's charging network
will cost £45.9bn between now and 2050. There are even fears that the electricity grid won't be
able to cope as thousands more EVs get plugged in by their new owners.
The number of charging points has risen by 50% over last 12 months
Is the UK ready for the electric vehicle revolution, then, or is the whole movement doomed to
The Snowdens are hoping that their local charging problem will have a local solution. The
government has allocated £5 million in funding for councils to spend on residential charging

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However, when Mrs Snowden asked her council about this, a representative told her there was
little space in the village for charging bays. Plus, they added that the expense of upgrading
infrastructure for such facilities was significant. Improving cabling and substations alone could
cost "upwards of £75,000", they said.
The representative advised Mrs Snowden to ask whether the local pub could install a charging
point instead - because it has parking space available and, potentially, spare electricity.
In the meantime, the Snowdens intend to upgrade their home charging point and will have to
carefully plan where they charge up and how they use the roughly 80 miles of range they get
with their 2014 Nissan Leaf.
"I think we've kind of gone about it perhaps a bit backwards in getting the car first," she jokes.
"We kind of jumped a bit into it but I think we just have to face it now, really."
For anyone else wondering where they might charge up a new EV, there are an increasing
options, says Ben Lane, co-founder at Zap-Map.com.
"At current rates, we're essentially doubling the number of charge points in the UK over a two
year period," he says. Around 10,000 individual charging connectors were installed in the last 12
months in the UK. However, Dr Lane adds that there are places where gaps in the network are
"Wales is the country in the United Kingdom that probably needs to do the biggest catch-up," he
says. And while England has by far the most chargers, there are places where coverage is
The government has plans to bring in a new law that would ensure every new home built in the
UK has an EV charging point. Some housing developments are already ploughing ahead with this
Pedro Pacheco at market analysts Gartner praises this approach and says that, ultimately,
drivers will have to be able to easily charge their cars at home or at work - with minimal change
to their daily routines.
"In the end, this is absolutely essential for the acceptance of EVs," he says.
Adapted from (https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51678830)

50. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the extract from the text.
“Is the UK ready for the electric vehicle revolution, then, or is the whole movement doomed to
Mark the option that can replace the word doomed.
a) Hopeless
b) Strong
c) condemned
d) too good
e) uncertain
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “hopeless” significa sem esperança, enquanto doomed
poderia ser traduzido como fadado/condenado.

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A alternativa B está incorreta. “Strong” siginifica forte e não tem relação de significação com
“doomed”, já que “doomed” significa condenado/fadado.
A alternativa C está correta. “Condemned” quer dizer condenado e substitui perfeitamente a
palavra “doomed” usada pelo texto.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “too good” significa bom demais. O trecho ficaria assim: …ou
todo o movimento é bom demais para parar de funcionar? O trecho, na verdade quer dizer:
ou todo o movimento está fadado ao fracasso? “too good” alteraria o sentido da frase como
um todo.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Uncertain” significa incerto, enquanto a palavra “doomed”
expressa a certeza do destino que está por vir. Portanto, não é possível fazer essa

51. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the extract from the text.
“Wales is the country in the United Kingdom that probably needs to do the biggest catch-up.”
Mark the option that can replace the underlined sentence.
a) grab something
b) be better
c) be big
d) be reached by the other countries
e) reach the other countries

O País de Gales é, provavelmente, o país do Reino Unido que precisa da maior atualização. A
expressão “catch-up” siginifica que o País de Gales precisa alcançar os outros países, ou seja, ele
é, provavelmente, o país mais atrasado do Reino Unido na questão do desenvolvimento de
redes de abastecimento de carros elétricos.
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Grab something” significa pegar alguma coisa e, como vimos
anteriormente, “do the biggest catch-up” quer dizer que o País de Gales precisa alcançar o
mesmo desenvolvimento já alcançado por outros países do Reino Unido.
A alternativa B está incorreta. “be better” significa ser melhor, enquanto “do the biggest catch-
up” quer dizer que o País de Gales precisa alcançar o mesmo desenvolvimento já alcançado por
outros países do Reino Unido.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Be big” significa ser grande. Já “do the biggest catch-up” quer
dizer que o País de Gales precisa alcançar o mesmo desenvolvimento já alcançado por outros
países do Reino Unido.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “be reached by the other countries” significa ser alcançado
pelos outros países, quando é o próprio País de Gales quem precisa alcançar os outros.
A alternativa E está correta. “Do the biggest catch-up” quer dizer que o País de Gales precisa
alcançar o mesmo desenvolvimento já alcançado por outros países do Reino Unido.

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52. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Mark the sentence that represents an advantage
mentioned in the text about electric cars and UK’s infrastructure for them.
a) “The closest charging point to us is about 10 miles away”
b) “It's got quite a lot of power to it”
c) “it's a race home every night to get a parking space outside their house.”
d) “Dr Lane adds that there are places where gaps in the network are apparent.”
e) “there are places where coverage is "fragmented".”
A alternativa A está incorreta. O ponto de carga mais próximo está a 10 milhas de distância.
Isso é claramente uma desvantagem. Não é nada prático ter de se deslocar 16 quilômetros para
abastecer o carro.
A alternativa B está correta. É uma vantagem o fato de o carro elétrico ter uma grande
potência. No texto, isso é citado de forma positiva e até com certa surpresa.
A alternativa C está incorreta. É uma corrida para casa toda noite para pegar uma vaga de
estacionamento em frente de casa. Não é uma vantagem ter de correr para casa todos os dias
para poder carregar o carro.
A alternativa D está incorreta. É uma clara desvantagem que haja lacunas na rede de
abastecimento, pois isso dificulta muito a vida de donos de carros elétricos.
A alternativa E está incorreta. Há lugares onde a cobertura é fragmentada. Isso é uma
desvantagem, tendo em vista que essa fragmentação impossibilita que muitas pessoa adquiram
um carro elétrico, já que não tem onde abastecer o carro.

Read the text II to do item 53

To understand the perception of middle-aged adults regarding health and the aging process.
A qualitative study involving 30 adults aged 45 to 59 years old, 15 of ___I____ were female and
15 of whom were male, ___II____ answered open questions about their perception of health
and aging. Data was analyzed using the thematic content analysis technique.
Almost half of the respondents had not finished elementary school and only three had a
university degree. A total of 27 were married, five were retired and 25 worked in the service
provider sector, 26 were Caucasian, and 27 belonged to social-economic class B. The perception
of health was described as being related to taking care of oneself (physical, mental and spiritual
welfare), to being active and having the will to live. Regarding aging, the middle-aged persons
had already begun to perceive signs of this process such as slowness to perform daily tasks,
fatigue, muscle pain, rheumatic pain, a slowing of weight loss, gray hair, impaired vision and
hearing, difficulty performing some movements, marks on skin and forgetfulness. Regarding
protective actions, the practicing of physical activity, a healthy diet, social and family life and

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having some sort of occupation were mentioned. The greatest desire was to reach an older age
with good health, independence and good living conditions.
Although the data of the present study cannot be generalized, it is an important starting point
for future research, since the results reveal concerns that can be reduced to support programs
of healthy aging.
Adapted from (http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1809-98232016000100035)

53. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) What two examples of signs of aging process did the
text mention?
a) fatigue and independence
b) muscle pain and healthy diet
c) gray hair and impaired vision
d) marks on skin and the practicing of physical activity
e) social and family life and forgetfulness
A alternativa A está incorreta. Fadiga é um sinal do processo de envelhecimento, mas
independência é um desejo dos participantes em relação à velhice.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Dor muscular é um sinal do processo de envelhecimento, mas
dieta saudável é uma das ações protettivas para tentar garantir uma boa velhice.
A alternativa C está correta. Cabelos grisalhos e problemas de visão são dois sinais do processo
de envelhecimento citados pelo texto.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Marcas na pele são um sinal do envelhecimento, mas a prática
de atividade física é uma das ações protetivas citadas pelo texto para ter uma velhice saudável.
A alternativa E está incorreta. Vidas social e familiar são um dos fatores que propiciam uma
boa velhice, não sinais do processo de envelhecimento. Esquecimento é um sinal do processo de

54. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the statements.

V- Mary is a pretty good teacher.

VI- The soccer player are rich.
VII- Jack’s been to Miami.
VIII- Lisa is a compromised person, she never misses a class.

It’s correct to say that only the

a) sentences I and IV are correct
b) sentence I is correct
c) sentences I and III are correct
d) sentences II and III are correct
e) sentence III is correct

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A sentença I está correta. Não há erro algum na sentença. A palavra “pretty” pode querer dizer
bonita, mas também pode servir como elemento a dar intensidade substituindo palavras mais
comuns como “very”, por exemplo.
A sentença II está incorreta. “The soccer player” é um indivíduo apenas. Por isso, estamos
falando da terceira pessoa do singular, e não podemos usar o verbo “are” com terceira pessoa
do singular. Dever-se-ia utilizar o verbo “is” ao invés de “are”.
A sentença III está correta. O apóstrofo seguido da letra “S”, nesse caso, representa “has”. O uso
do “Present Perfect” na frase é perfeito, incluindo o uso da preposição “to” que é a opção
correta na hora de se dizer que alguém esteve em algum lugar. Não se usa a preposição “in”
nesse caso.
A sentença IV está incorreta. A sentença não possui erros gramaticais. Seu erro consiste no uso
da palavra “compromised” para dizer compromissada. Trata-se de um falso cognato.
“committed” significa compromissado, enquanto “compromised” significa aceitar padrões mais
baixos de algo.
Temos as sentenças I e III corretas.

55. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the comic strip below.


It’s correct to say that the Duck

a) wanted to be white instead of black.
b) intended to impress his guests.
c) was happy about the accident with the white paint.
d) wasn’t expecting to have guests that day.
e) didn’t expect his guests to arrive that early.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O pato fica surpreso e atônito com o ocorrido. Por isso, não se
pode afirmar que o pato queria ser branco ao invés de preto. O momento em que ele fala “oh
gosh” demonstra uma reação típica de quando algo indesejável acontece.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Não se pode afirmar que o pato tinha a intenção de impressionar
seus convidados, uma vez que fica nítido, dentro do contexto, que o banho de tinta foi um
acidente, não algo proposital.

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A alternativa C está incorreta. Ao observar a expressão do pato quando a tinta cai em cima dele,
podemos ver que ele não ficou feliz com o acidente.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que ele não estava esperando convidados
naquele dia. Na segunda tirinha, antes do acidente acontecer, ele fala que os convidados estão
chegando (guests’re coming).
A alternativa E está correta. O pato estava esperando convidados, mas esperava que eles
chegassem mais tarde. Ele foi surpreendido com a chegada dos convidados antes do que ele

Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 56 e 57

'This is Crazy.' A Record 2 Million Acres of California Have Burned This Year With Heat
Conditions Predicted to Continue
More than 2 million acres ___(1) land have been burned by wildfires in California as of
Monday, according to state fire agency Cal Fire, surpassing the all-time record of 1.9 million set
in 2018. Cal Fire and climate scientists predict that the number of acres burned this year
will continue to grow with upcoming weather conditions, including continued heat and
offshore winds.
“This is crazy. We haven’t even got into the October and November fire season and
we’ve broken the all-time record,” Cal Fire Capt. Richard Cordova told CNN on Sunday.
A Monday statement by Cal Fire said it and fire departments across ___(2) state
remain prepared for potentially more significant wildfires due to critical fire weather.
In a Friday tweet, climate scientist Daniel Swain of the University of California, Los
Angeles, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, predicted Monday’s new
record. He tells TIME the prediction was not very impressive “since we were 95% of the
way there on Friday.”
The state is experiencing another wave of record-breaking heat this weekend, and
offshore winds beginning around this time of year—the Santa Anna winds in the south, and
the Diablo winds in the north—are expected to spread fires further towards the coast of
California, according to Swain, where most people live.
“All indications are that this fire season is going to continue to be worse than
average,” Swain says.
With the large number of fires burning already, stretching firefighting resources,
and the combination of a heat wave and offshore winds, “you don’t even need new

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ignitions, new sparks,” Swain adds. “These winds will push those fires in places where we
don’t want them to go, close to where people live.”
(Adapted from https://time.com/5886622/record-wildfires-california-climate-change/)

56. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, choose the correct
a) These fires were astonishing to professionals in the field
b) California came close to the all-time record for most acres burned in a year
c) Current fires will not cause new fires
d) Cal fire is not prepared for larger fires
e) Fires will increase because of local government management
A alternativa A está correta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que os
incêndios foram surpreendentes para os profissionais da área, assim como esta opção
indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “This is crazy. We haven’t even got into
the October and November fire season and we’ve broken the all-time record”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que
a Califórnia chegou perto do recorde histórico de mais hectares queimados em um ano,
mas sim, que o estado quebrou esse recorde, que passou a ser de 2 milhões de hectares.
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “More than 2 million acres of land have been burned
by wildfires in California … surpassing the all-time record of 1.9 million set in 2018…”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que
os incêndios atuais não irão causar novos incêndios, mas sim, que, provavelmente, irão
causar. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “With the large number of fires burning
already … and the combination of a heat wave and offshore winds…”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que
a Cal fire não está preparada para maiores incêndios, mas sim, que está preparada. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Cal Fire said it and fire departments across the state
remain prepared for potentially more significant wildfires due to critical fire weather”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que
incêndios irão aumentar por causa da administração do governo, o texto não cita isso
em nenhum momento; mas sim, por causa dos ventos, clima quente e incêndios atuais.
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “With the large number of fires burning already
… and the combination of a heat wave and offshore winds…”.

57. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) In the sentence “With the large number
of fires burning already, stretching firefighting resources…” (paragraph 6), the word
stretching means

a) Open
b) Unroll
c) Expand

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d) Abbreviate
e) Compress
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “stretching” significa ampliar, e não pode
ser comparada com a palavra “open”, que significa abrir.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “stretching” significa ampliar, e não pode
ser comparada com a palavra “unroll”, que significa desenrolar.
A alternativa C está correta. A palavra “stretching” significa ampliar, e pode ser
comparada com a palavra “expand”, que significa expandir.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “stretching” significa ampliar, e não pode
ser comparada com a palavra “abbreviate”, que significa abreviar.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “stretching” significa ampliar, e não pode
ser comparada com a palavra “compress”, que significa comprimir.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão 58

Brazil gives equal pay to men's and women's national players

Brazil's women's national players ___(1) paid the same as male players for representing their
country, Brazil's football association (CBF) has said. All players will be granted the same daily
and prize amounts for taking part in preparation periods and games. CBF president Rogerio
Caboclo says the measures were put in place in March.
"Since March of this year, CBF has made an equal value in terms of prizes and daily rates
between men's and women's football," he said. "That is, the players earn the same thing as the
players during the calls. What they receive by daily call, women also receive."
The same arrangement ___(2) applied in England since January, with an FA spokesperson
saying it pays women the same as men for representing their country, both for match fees and
Caboclo says its arrangement also applies to performances at international tournaments such
as the World Cup and Olympics. "There is no more gender difference, as the CBF is treating men
and women equally," he said. "What they will gain by conquering or by staging the Olympics
next year will be the same as the men will have."
Australia, Norway and New Zealand are among the nations to previously decide to pay their
men and women internationals the same amount.
Brazil's women's team ___(3) played since March, when many competitions around the world
were postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
(Adapted from

58. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) In the sentence “…with an FA spokesperson

saying it pays women the same as men…” (paragraph 3), the expression spokesperson

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a) A person that talks a lot

b) A person that talks louder than the others
c) A person that doesn’t like to talk
d) A person that talks only in important situations
e) A person that communicates for another
A alternativa A está incorreta. A expressão “spokesperson” não significa uma
pessoa que fala muito, mas sim, porta-voz, ou seja, uma pessoa que se comunica por
A alternativa B está incorreta. A expressão “spokesperson” não significa uma
pessoa que fala mais alto do que outras, mas sim, porta-voz, ou seja, uma pessoa que
se comunica por outra.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A expressão “spokesperson” não significa uma
pessoa que não gosta de falar, mas sim, porta-voz, ou seja, uma pessoa que se comunica
por outra.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A expressão “spokesperson” não significa uma
pessoa que fala apenas em situações importantes, mas sim, porta-voz, ou seja, uma
pessoa que se comunica por outra, em qualquer situação.
A alternativa E está correta. A expressão “spokesperson” significa porta-voz, ou
seja, uma pessoa que se comunica por outra, assim como esta opção indica.

Read text I in order to answer item 59.

Helping at a hospital

Every year many young people finish school and then take a year off before they start work or
go to college. Some of them go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their
time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they help with
Mike Coleman is 19 and ________ in Omaha, Nebraska, in the United States. He wants to
become a teacher but now he ________ in Namibia. He's working in a hospital near Katima
Mulilo. He says, "I'm working with the doctors and nurses here to help sick people. I'm not a
doctor but can do a lot of things to help. For example, I help carry people who can't walk.
Sometimes I go to villages in the mobile hospital, too. There aren't many doctors here so they
need help from people like me. don't get any money, but that's OK! I'm not here for the
"I'm staying here for two months, and I'm living in a small house with five other volunteers. The
work is hard and the days are long, but I'm enjoying my life here. I'm learning a lot about life in
Southern Africa and about myself! When I finish the two months' work, I want to travel in and
around Namibia for three weeks. For example, I want to see the animals in the Okavango Delta
in Botswana."
http:// vyre-legacy-access.cambridge.org

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59. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Read the statements below to check if they are true (T)
or false (F), and choose the option that respectively represents the statements.

( ) Some volunteers work with preservation.

( ) Mike Coleman often works in a hospital.
( ) Mike is happy because the work is hard.
( ) It's a personal experience, in Mike's opinion.

(A) (T) (F) (F) (T)

(B) (F) (F) (T) (T)
(C) (T) (T) (F) (F)
(D) (F) (T) (T) (F)
(E) (T) (F) (T) (F)
A primeira afirmativa é verdadeira (true – T). É correto afirmar que alguns voluntários trabalham
com preservação, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...they
help with conservation”.
A segunda afirmativa é falsa (false – F). Não é correto afirmar que Mike Coleman costuma
trabalhar em um hospital, mas sim, que ele está trabalhando como voluntário em um hospital.
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “He's working in a hospital near Katima Mulilo. He says,
‘I'm working with the doctors and nurses here to help sick people…’”.
A terceira afirmativa é falsa (false – F). Não é correto afirmar que Mike está feliz porque o
trabalho é difícil, mas sim, que ele está aproveitando a vida dele na Namibia. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “The work is hard and the days are long, but I'm enjoying my life here”.
A quarta afirmativa é verdadeira (true – T). É correto afirmar que é uma experiência pessoal, na
opinião de Mike, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “I'm
learning a lot about life in Southern Africa and about myself!”.

Read the text II in order to answer item 60

My name is Patrick. I _______ on vacation to Brazil last Summer, and I ___________ in a five-
star hotel in front of the beach in Rio de Janeiro.
I went to Rio by plane and I ___________ a month there. I __________ a lot of people and we a
great time! I want to go back to Brazil as soon as possible.

60. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) According to text II it's correct to say that the statements
are true, EXCEPT:

(A) He liked the trip and intends to visit Brazil again.

(B) He flew to Rio de Janeiro to spend his vacation there.
(C) Patrick had a great time with many people.
(D) He traveled to Rio de Janeiro last summer.

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(E) He spent thirty days in a hotel near the city of Rio de Janeiro.
A alternativa A está incorreta. É correto afirmar que ele gostou da viagem e pretende voltar ao
Brasil. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...we a great time! I want to go back to Brazil as
soon as possible”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. É correto afirmar que ele voou para o Rio de Janeiro para passar
as férias lá. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “I _______ on vacation to Brazil last
A alternativa C está incorreta. É correto afirmar que Patrick se divertiu muito com muitas
pessoas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...a lot of people and we a great time!”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. É correto afirmar que ele viajou para o Rio de Janeiro no verão
passado. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “I _______ on vacation to Brazil last
A alternativa E está correta. Não é correto afirmar que ele passou trinta dias em um hotel
próximo à cidade do Rio de Janeiro, mas sim, que ele passou um mês em um hotel em frente a
uma praia no Rio de Janeiro. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “I ___________ in a five-
star hotel in front of the beach in Rio de Janeiro”.

61. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Read the sentences below.

I- I work hardly every day.

II- My classmates speak French very well.
Ill- Ana drives incredibly fast.
IV- Our father is a very carefully.

Choose the option according to the correct use of the adverbs and modifiers.

(A) Only the sentences l, Ill and IV are correct.

(B) Only the sentences and Ill are correct.
(C) Only the sentences Il and Ill are correct.
(D) Only the sentences Il, Ill and IV are correct.
(E) Only the sentences Ill and IV are correct.
A sentença I está incorreta. O correto não é “eu trabalho dificilmente todos os dias”, mas sim, “I
work hard every day” (eu trabalho duro todos os dias).
A sentença II está correta. O correto é “Meus colegas falam francês muito bem”, assim como
esta opção indica.
A sentença III está correta. O correto é “Ana dirige incrivelmente rápido”, assim como esta
opção indica.
A sentença IV está incorreta. O correto não é “Nosso pai é um muito cuidadosamente”, mas sim,
“Our father is very carefull” (Nosso pai é um muito cuidadoso).

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62. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Read the sentences below.

l- Can you give me some information, please?

ll- Those women are my teachers.
Ill- He doesn't have much money.
IV- Life is great!

Choose the option which defines the underlined nouns as U (uncountable) or C (countable).

(A) U - C - U - U
(B) C - C - C - C
(C) C - C - U - U
(D) U - U - U - U
(E) C- U - C - C
A palavra “information” (informação) é incontável (uncountable), pois quando utilizamos essa
palavra no “plural” dizemos “some information” (alguma informação), por exemplo.
A palavra “women” (mulheres) é contável (contable), pois quando utilizamos essa palavra no
plural dizemos “two women” (duas mulheres), por exemplo.
A palavra “money” é incontável (uncountable), pois quando utilizamos essa palavra no “plural”
dizemos “much money” (muito dinheiro), por exemplo.
A palavra “life” (vida) pode ser contável (countable) ou incontável (uncountable), dependendo
do contexto utilizado em questão. No caso dessa frase, é uma palavra incontável, pois expressa
o sentido geral de existência, e não uma vida específica de um indivíduo.

63. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Complete the sentences using an article when necessary.

I- Is Mario ________ honest man?

ll- The students wear ______ uniform here.
III- ______ Smiths live next to the supermarket.
IV- _______ Brasilia was made the capital in 1960.

Choose the right option to fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
(A) a / an / - / -
(B) a / an / The / The
(C) an / a / The / The
(D) a / an / - / The
(E) an / a / The / -
A sentença I deve ser preenchida com “an“, ou seja, “Is Mario an honest man?” Mario é um
homem honesto?).
A sentença II deve ser preenchida com “a”, ou seja, “The students wear a uniform here” (Os
alunos vestem uniforme aqui).

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A sentença III deve ser preenchida com “The”, ou seja, “The Smiths live next to the
supermarket” (os Smiths moram próximo ao supermercado).
A sentença IV não deve ser preenchida com nenhuma preposição, ou seja, “Brasilia was made
the capital in 1960” Brasília tornou-se capital em 1960).

64. (Estratégia Militares – CN 2017) Complete the dialogue using the right form of the

A: Would you like to go to the beach on Friday?

B: Actually, I think Saturday is _________ for me. Friday is my _______ day.

Choose the item that respectively completes the gaps.

(A) the best / busier

(B) better / busiest
(C) good / the most busiest
(D) best / the busiest
(E) good / the busier
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “better” (melhor), ou seja, “Na verdade, acho que
sábado é melhor para mim”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “busiest” (mais movimentado), ou seja, “Sexta-feira
é o meu dia mais movimentado”.

65. (Estratégia Militares – ESA 2019) Which sentence is grammatically correct?

(A) I went to bed more earlier than usual.
(B) Gustavo is more old than his brother.
(C) My car is more fast than my sister’s car.
(D) Going by train is expensiver than by car.
(E) Camilla’s dress is cheaper than mine
A alternativa A está incorreta. Não se utiliza “more” junto com “earlier”, pois “earlier” já é
comparativo. Utiliza-se apenas “earlier”, pois essa palavra, apenas, já oferece o sentido
comparativo que a sentença busca.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O modo comparativo de “old” é “older”, não “more old”. Só se usa
“more” antes de adjetivo quando este adjetivo tiver pelo menos três sílabas, ou seja, quando for
uma palavra longa.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A mesma explicação da alternativa anterior se aplica no caso de
“fast” o correto seria “faster”, não “more fast”. Só se usa “more” antes de adjetivo quando este
adjetivo tiver pelo menos três sílabas, ou seja, quando for uma palavra longa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “expensive” é uma palavra de, pelo menos, três sílabas.
Portanto, é correto dizer “more expensive” ao invés de “expensiver”.

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A alternativa E está correta. “Cheaper” é a forma correta de fazer o comparativo de “cheap”.


TEXT Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not ‘learning styles’ by Valerie Strauss

The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when we now
worldrenowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence that went
beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized
Gardner’s theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic, logical-
mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later added an
eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The theory became highly
popular with K-12¹ educators around the world seeking ways to reach students who did not
respond to traditional approaches, but over time, ‘multiple intelligences’ somehow became
synonymous with the concept of ‘learning styles’. In this important post, Gardner explains why
the former is not the latter.
It’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’. I have been gratified
by the interest shown in this idea and the ways it’s been used in schools, museums, and
business around the world. But one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction
and that’s the tendency of many people, including persons whom I cherish, to credit me with
the notion of ‘learning styles’ or to collapse ‘multiple intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’. It’s
high time to relieve my pain and to set the record straight.
First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including the study
of how human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea that each of us has a
number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be termed our ‘multiple
intelligences’. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence assumes that we
have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines how well we perform in every sector
of life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences assumes that human beings have 7 to 10
distinct intelligences.
Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the term ‘learning styles’ was being bandied about in
educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all children (indeed all of
us) have distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it makes sense to find out about
learners and to teach and nurture them in ways that are appropriate, that they value, and above
all, are effective.
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning styles’ is itself not coherent. Those who use this
term do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are
recognized/ assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is
‘impulsive’. Does that mean that Johnny is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How do we know this?
What does this imply about teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, or should we compensate
by ‘teaching reflectively’? What of learning style is ‘right-brained’ or visual or tactile? Same
issues apply.

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Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently with
those styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the learning style
analysis produces more effective outcomes than a ‘one size fits all approach’. Of course, the
learning style analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the mark, the fact that
one intervention did not work does not mean that the concept of learning styles is fatally
imperfect; another intervention might have proved effective. Absence of evidence does not
prove non-existence of a phenomenon; it signals to educational researchers: ‘back to the
drawing boards’.
Here’s my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain: Intelligence:
We all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where
the person has considerable computational power. Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how
an individual approaches the range of materials. If an individual has a ‘reflective style’, he/she is
hypothesized to be reflective about the full range of materials. We cannot assume that
reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in one’s interaction with the others.
Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ learner or an ‘auditory’ learner. The
implication is that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This notion
is incoherent. Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they make use of
entirely different cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental computer, the
intelligence that acts upon that sensory information once picked up.
These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about ‘an impulsive style’ or a ‘visual
learner’, that’s their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may be unhelpful,
at best, and ill-conceived at worst.
In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and that
strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in any other
intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are common sense ways of
assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can take a more formal
test battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or selfassessors, we can decide how best to make
use of this information.
(Adapted from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet)

1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for
teaching with objects.

66. (Estratégia Militares – AFA 2017) In the fragment “why the former is not the latter”, the
highlighted words refer to
a) multiple intelligences / learning style.
b) over time / theory.
c) ways to reach students / traditional approaches.
d) traditional approaches / K-12 educators.
É importante entender que former e latter são palavras usadas para designar “anterior” e
“posterior”, respectivamente. Portanto, o trecho significa: o porquê de o anterior não ser o
posterior. Nesse caso, former e latter se referem a expressões anteriormente citadas no texto.

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Former retoma “multiple intelligences” enquanto latter retoma “learning style”. “multiple
intelligences” é citado anteriormente no texto em relação a “learning style”. Isso permite
compreender de forma clara porque former se refere a “multiple intelligences” e latter se
refere a “learning styles”.
A alternativa A está correta. Ela está completamente de acordo com a explicação dada acima.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Former e latter são palavras utilizadas para retomar palavras
anteriormente citadas. Mas essas palavras são, normalmente, substantivos. Portanto, over time
não poderia ser retomado por former nem por latter.
As alternativas C e D são incorretas. Pode-se entender porque essas alternativas estão
incorretas analisando a explicação acima, na qual expliquei como os termos former e latter.

67. (Estratégia Militares – AFA 2017) Mark the option that shows synonyms for the
underlined expressions in “it’s high time to relieve my pain and to set the record straight”.

a) An important brake / to register.

b) An ordinary condition / to show the discussion.
c) A belated explanation / to make myself clearly understood.
d) An unusual hour / to comprehend an argument.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O trecho não fala freio(brake) em momento algum. Nesse caso,
“record” não tem a ver com “register”(registrar), e sim com esclarecer, porque “record” não
tem significado isolado na frase. A significação vem de toda a expressão sublinhada.
A alternativa B está incorreta. “high time” não significa condição extraordinária, mas sim uma
ideia oposta a isso. Na segunda parte, a ideia não é mostrar(show) a discussão, mas sim
esclarecer ideias.
A alternativa C está correta. “Belated” é uma palavra que é utilizada para dizer que algo já
passou da hora de ser feito. Isso confere o mesmo significado dado à expressão “high time”. Na
segunda parte, fazer-se entender de forma clara é exatamente a ideia da expressão “to set the
record straight”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Uma hora incomum” não define bem a expressão “high time” e,
por isso, não pode ser considerada sinônima desta. Na segunda parte, temos uma definição
parecida, mas ainda diferente. Compreender um argumento é diferente de se fazer

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão 68

Computer says no: Irish vet fails oral English test needed to say in Australia

Louise Kennedy is an Irish veterinarian with degrees in history and politics – both obtained in
English. She is married to an Australian and has been working in Australia as an equine vet on a
skilled worker visa for the past two years. As a native English speaker, she has excellent grammar

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and a broad vocabulary, but has been unable to convince a machine she can speak English well
enough to stay Australia.
But she is now scrambling for other visa options after a computer-based English test – score by a
machine – essentially handed her a fail in terms of convincing immigration officers she can fluently
speak her own language.
Earlier this year, Kennedy decided she would seek permanent residency in Australia. She knew
she would have to sit a mandatory English proficiency test but was shocked when she got the
results. While she passed all other components of the test including writing and reading, (…). She
got 74 when the government requires 79. “There´s obviously a flaw in the computer software,
when a person with perfect, oral fluency cannot get enough points”, she said.
The test providers have categorically denied there is anything wrong with its computer-based test
or the scoring engine trained to analyse candidates’ responses. “We do not offer a pass or a fail,
simply a score and the immigration department set the bar very high for people seeking
permanent residency”, they say.
Kennedy, who is due to have a baby in October, says she will now have to pursue a bridging visa,
while she seeks a more expensive spouse visa so she can remain with her Australian husband.

68. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) Choose the alternative that has the same meaning as the
word mandatory in the sentence. “She knew she would have to sit a mandatory English
proficiency test…” (paragraph 3)

(A) difficult
(B) reasonable
(C) compulsory
(D) useful
(E) comprehensive
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “mandatory” significa que algo é mandatório,
obrigatório, enquanto a palavra “difficult” significa difícil.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “mandatory” significa que algo é mandatório, obrigatório,
enquanto a palavra “reasonable” significa razoável.
A alternativa C está correta. A palavra “mandatory” significa que algo é mandatório, obrigatório,
e a palavra “compulsory” significa compulsório, obrigatório.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “mandatory” significa que algo é mandatório, obrigatório,
enquanto a palavra “useful” significa útil.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “mandatory” significa que algo é mandatório, obrigatório,
enquanto a palavra “comprehensive” significa abrangente.
Gabarito: C

Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 69 e 70

Native English speakers are the world´s worst communicators

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It was just one word in one email, bur it caused huge financial losses for a multinational company.
The message, written in English, was sent by a native speaker to a colleague for whom English
was a second language. Usure of the word, the recipient found two contradictory meanings in his
dictionary. He acted on a wrong one.
Months later, senior management investigated why the project had failed, costing hundreds of
thousands of dollars. “It all traced back to this one word”, says Chia Suan Chong, a UK-based
communications skills and intercultural trainer, who didn´t reveal the tricky word because it is
highly industry-specific and possibly identifiable. “Things spiralled out of control because both
parties were thinking the opposite.”
When such misunderstandings happen, it´s usually the native speakers who are to blame.
Ironically, they are worse at delivering their message than people who speak English has become
the world´s global language. They feel they don´t have to spend time learning another language”.
The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, trying to
communicate efficiently with limited, simple language, typical of someone speaking a second of
third language. Anglophones, on the other hand, often talk too fast for others to follow, and use
jokes, slang, abbreviations, and references specific to their own culture, says Chong. “The native
English speaker is the only one who might not feel the need to adapt to the others”, she adds.

69. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes
SPIRALLED OUT OF CONTROL in the sentence “Things spiralled out of control because both parties
were thinking the opposite.” (paragraph 2).
(A) quickly got worse in an unmanageable way
(B) got better after a phone call about the word.
(C) were intentionally unprofessionally handled.
(D) went on the way everybody wanted them to go.
(E) started to reach a common sense for them.
A expressão “SPIRALLED OUT OF CONTROL” é utilizada para dizer que as coisas saíram
completamente de controle.
A alternativa A está correta. A alternativa diz que a expressão significa que as coisas pioraram
rapidamente de uma forma que não se pode administrar, o que tem relação direta com o
significado da expressão do enunciado.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A alternativa diz que a expressão significa que as coisas melhoraram
após uma ligação sobre a palavra, o que não tem relação com o significado da expressão do
A alternativa C está incorreta. A alternativa diz que a expressão significa que lidaram com a
situação de forma intencionalmente antiprofissional , o que não tem relação com o significado da
expressão do enunciado.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A alternativa diz que a expressão significa que as coisas
caminharam da forma que todos desejavam, o que não tem relação com o significado da
expressão do enunciado.

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A alternativa E está incorreta. A alternativa diz que a expressão significa que as coisas começaram
a se alinhar entre as pessoas, o que não tem relação com o significado da expressão do enunciado.
Gabarito: A

70. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) About the words purposefully, carefully and efficiently
(paragraph 4), it is correct to say that

(A) they are adjectives.

(B) they are nouns.
(C) they are verbs.
(D) they are prepositions.
(E) they are adverbs.
A palavras “purposefully” e “carefully” são usadas para modificar o verbo “speak”, e a palavra
“efficiently” é usada para modificar o verbo “communicate”. A classe de palavras cuja função
é modificar verbos é a classe dos advérbios.
Gabarito: E

Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 71, 72 e 73:

Are any foods safe to eat anymore? The fears and the facts

Food was once seen as a source of sustenance and pleasure. Today, the dinner table can
instead begin to feel like a minefield. Is bacon really a risk factor of cancer? Will coffee or eggs
give you a heart attack? Does wheat contribute to Alzheimer´s disease? Will diary products
clog up your arteries? Worse still the advice changes continually. As TV-cook Nigella Lawson
recently put it: “You can guarantee that wha??? People think will be good for you this year,
they won´t next year”.
This may be somewhat inevitable: evidence-based health advice should be constantly updated
as new studies explore the nuances of what we eat and the effects the meals have on our
bodies. But when the media (and ill-informed health gurus) exaggerate the results of a study
without providing the context, it can lead to unnecessary fears that may, ironically, push you
toward less healthy choices.
The good news is that “nest year” you may be pleased to learn that many of your favorite
foods are not the ticking time bomb you have been led to believe…

71. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) Choose the statement in which the word minefield
has been used in a figurative way just like in paragraph 1.

(A) I´ve heard stories about a ghost town that has a secret minefield.
(B) Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola.
(C) The rhetoric of the legal system is a minefield for the ordinary person.
(D) A minefield located in the rear of the battle area must be marked.

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(E) Placing a minefield without marking it for later removal is a war crime.
A alternativa A está incorreta. A alternativa fala de um campo minado secreto, utilizando a
palavra “minefield” no sentido literal, e não figurado como pede o enunciado.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A alternativa fala de um campo minado ativo pelo qual a
princesa Diana caminhou, utilizando a palavra “minefield” no sentido literal, e não figurado
como pede o enunciado.
A alternativa C está correta. A alternativa fala que o sistema legal é um campo minado para
pessoas comuns, utilizando a palavra “minefield” no sentido figurado, exatamente como pede
o enunciado.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A alternativa fala de um campo minado localizado na parte de
trás de um campo de batalha, utilizando a palavra “minefield” no sentido literal, e não figurado
como pede o enunciado.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A alternativa fala que é um crime de guerra estabelecer um
campo minado sem demarcá-lo para posterior remoção das minas, utilizando a palavra
“minefield” no sentido literal, e não figurado como pede o enunciado.
Gabarito: C

72. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) in the sentence “…ill-informed health gurus…”
(paragraph 2), the prefix ill means

(F) finely
(G) badly
(H) sadly
(I) highly
(J) gladly
O prefixo “ill” na palavra “ill-informed” quer dizer que os gurus de saúde são mal informados
acerca das informações que passam adiante.
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “finely” significaria que eles estariam bem informados,
e não mal informados, como o contexto sugere.
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra “badly” significaria que eles estariam mal informados,
extamente como o contexto sugere.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “finely” significaria que eles estariam tristemente
informados, e não mal informados, como o contexto sugere.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “finely” significaria que eles estariam altamente
informados, e não mal informados, como o contexto sugere.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “finely” significaria que eles estariam felizmente
informados, e não mal informados, como o contexto sugere.
Gabarito: B

73. (Estratégia Militares - EsPCEx 2021) In te text, the word ironically (paragraph 2) introduces

(F) a situation that is irreversible.

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(G) a situation that ends the problem.

(H) a situation that is not true.
(I) a situation that carries a contradiction.
(J) a situation that carries the solution.
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “ironically” introduz uma ideia que será contraditória
em relação ao que acabou de ser dito, e não uma situação que é irreversível.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “ironically” introduz uma ideia que será contraditória
em relação ao que acabou de ser dito, e não uma situação que acaba com o problema.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “ironically” introduz uma ideia que será contraditória
em relação ao que acabou de ser dito, e não uma situação que não é verdadeira.
A alternativa D está correta. A palavra “ironically” introduz uma ideia que será contraditória
em relação ao que acabou de ser dito, exatamente como propõe a alternativa.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “ironically” introduz uma ideia que será contraditória
em relação ao que acabou de ser dito, e não uma situação que carrega a solução para algo.
Gabarito: D

NATO ships, helicopters hunt down 7 pirates

NAIROBI, Kenya - NATO warships and helicopters pursued Somali pirates for seven hours after
they attacked a Norwegian tanker, NATO spokesmen said Sunday, and the highspeed chase only
ended when warning shots were fired at the pirates’ skiff. Seven pirates attempted to attack the
Norwegian-flagged MV Front Ardenne late Saturday but fled after crew took evasive maneuvers
and alerted warships in the area, said Portuguese Lt. Cmdr. Alexandre Santos Fernandes, aboard
a warship in the Gulf of Aden, and Cmdr. Chris Davies, of NATais maritime headquarters in
"How the attack was thwarted is unclear, it appears to have been the actions of the tanker,"
Davies said. Fernandes said no shots were fired at the tanker.
Davies said the pirates sailed into the path of the Canadian warship Winnipeg, which was
escorting a World Food Program delivery ship through the Gulf of Aden. The American ship USS
Halyburton was also in the area and joined the chase.
"There was a lengthy pursuit, over said. The pirates hurled weapons into Canadian and U.S.
warships closed in. NATais anti-piracy mission.
"The skiff abandoned the scene and tried to escape to Somali territory," Fernandes said. "It was
heading toward Bossaso but we managed to track them. Warning shots have been made after
several attempts to stop the vessel."
Both ships deployed helicopters, and naval officers hailed the pirates over loudspeakers and
finally fired warning shots to stop them, Fernandes said, but not before the pirates had dumped
most of their weapons overboard. NATO forces boarded the skiff, where they found a
rocketpropelled grenade, and interrogated, disarmed and released the pirates.
The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian
citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory.

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"When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national
authorities," Fernandes said. "It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue."
The pirates' release underscores the difficulties navies have in fighting rampant piracy off the
coast of lawless Somalia. Most of the time, foreign navies simply disarm and release the pirates
they catch due to legal complications and logistical difficulties in transporting pirates and
witnesses to court.
Pirates have attacked more than 80 boats this year alone, four times the number assaulted in
2003, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based International Maritime Bureau. They now hold at
least 18 ships - including a Belgian tanker seized Saturday with 10 crew aboard - and over 310
crew hostage, according to an Associated Press count.
(Adapted from: www.ap.org, 04/19/09)

74. (Estratégia Militares – EFOMM 2010) In the sentence "There was a lengthy pursuit, over
seven hours", there is a word formed by the suffix "y". In which option below the word is
formed by the same suffix?

(A) lately
(B) mostly
(C) fury
(D) ally
(E) healthy
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra que utiliza o sufixo “y” na frase dada na questão é
“lenghty” (longo), onde a palavra original era “lenght” (comprimento); não é o caso da palavra
“lately” (recentemente), que utiliza o sufixo “ly”, onde a palavra original era “late” (tarde).
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra que utiliza o sufixo “y” na frase dada na questão é
“lenghty” (longo), onde a palavra original era “lenght” (comprimento); não é o caso da palavra
“mostly” (maioria das vezes), que utiliza o sufixo “ly”, onde a palavra original era “most”
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra que utiliza o sufixo “y” na frase dada na questão é
“lenghty” (longo), onde a palavra original era “lenght” (comprimento); não é o caso da palavra
“fury” (fúria), que é escrita normalmente desta forma.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra que utiliza o sufixo “y” na frase dada na questão é
“lenghty” (longo), onde a palavra original era “lenght” (comprimento); não é o caso da palavra
“ally” (aliado), que é escrita normalmente desta forma.
A alternativa E está correta. A palavra que utiliza o sufixo “y” na frase dada na questão é
“lenghty” (longo), onde a palavra original era “lenght” (comprimento); que é o mesmo caso da
palavra “healthy” (saudável), onde a palavra original era “health” (saúde).

75. (Estratégia Militares – EFOMM 2010) "People must be aware of the consequences of their
actions. One can do whatever he pleases as long as he doesn't do harm to others. This may not
be followed by many people, but it certainly should. If a person has many friends, he must know
this already." The underlined modal verbs express:

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(A) advice / permission / permission / advice / obligation

(B) advice / ability / permission / ability / obligation
(C) obligation / permission / possibility / advice / deduction
(D) obligation / ability / possibility / obligation / deduction
(E) deduction / ability / permission / obligation / obligation
O verbo modal “must” (deve) expressa obrigação; o verbo modal “can” (pode) expressa
permissão; o verbo modal “may” expressa possibilidade; o verbo modal “should” expressa
conselho; e o verbo modal “must” (deve), neste caso, expressar dedução. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “As pessoas devem estar cientes das consequências de suas ações.
Uma pessoa pode fazer o que quiser, desde que não faça mal aos outros. Isso pode não ser
seguido por muitas pessoas, mas certamente deveria. Se uma pessoa tem muitos amigos, ela já
deve saber disso”.

76. (Estratégia Militares – EFOMM 2010) The suffix "ly" forms adverbs of manner from
adjectives as, for example, in: caIm (adjective) caImIy (adverb of manner) .Which of the
adjectives below DOES NOT follow this rule?

(A) quick
(B) fast
(C) fine
(D) quiet
(E) exquisite
A alternativa A está incorreta. O adjetivo “quick” (rápido) pode seguir a regra do adjetivo de
maneira ao adicionar o sufixo “ly”, ou seja, se torna “quickly” (rapidamente).
A alternativa B está correta. O adjetivo “fast” (rápido) não pode seguir a regra do adjetivo de
maneira ao adicionar o sufixo “ly”, ou seja, não existe a palavra “fastly”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O adjetivo “fine” (bem) pode seguir a regra do adjetivo de
maneira ao adicionar o sufixo “ly”, ou seja, se torna “finely” (finamente).
A alternativa D está incorreta. O adjetivo “quiet” (quieto) pode seguir a regra do adjetivo de
maneira ao adicionar o sufixo “ly”, ou seja, se torna “quietly” (quietamente).
A alternativa E está incorreta. O adjetivo “exquisite” (requintado) pode seguir a regra do
adjetivo de maneira ao adicionar o sufixo “ly”, ou seja, se torna “exquisitely” (primorosamente).

77. (Estratégia Militares – EFOMM 2010) The conditions expressed in the sentences "If they
had known the outcomes, they would have taken different measures" and "you should know
people better, if you really want to make more friends" are, respectively:

(A) unlikely / unlikely

(B) impossible / unlikely

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(C) likely / unlikely

(D) impossible / likely
(E) likely / impossible
A alternativa A está incorreta. As sentenças “Se eles conhecessem os resultados, teriam tomado
medidas diferentes” e “você deveria conhecer melhor as pessoas, se realmente deseja fazer
mais amigos” não são, respectivamente, improvável e improvável, mas sim, respectivamente,
impossível e provável.
A alternativa B está incorreta. As sentenças “Se eles conhecessem os resultados, teriam tomado
medidas diferentes” e “você deveria conhecer melhor as pessoas, se realmente deseja fazer
mais amigos” não são, respectivamente, impossível e improvável, mas sim, respectivamente,
impossível e provável.
A alternativa C está incorreta. As sentenças “Se eles conhecessem os resultados, teriam tomado
medidas diferentes” e “você deveria conhecer melhor as pessoas, se realmente deseja fazer
mais amigos” não são, respectivamente, provável e improvável, mas sim, respectivamente,
impossível e provável.
A alternativa D está correta. As sentenças “Se eles conhecessem os resultados, teriam tomado
medidas diferentes” e “você deveria conhecer melhor as pessoas, se realmente deseja fazer
mais amigos” são, respectivamente, impossível e provável, assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa E está incorreta. As sentenças “Se eles conhecessem os resultados, teriam tomado
medidas diferentes” e “você deveria conhecer melhor as pessoas, se realmente deseja fazer
mais amigos” não são, respectivamente, provável e impossível, mas sim, respectivamente,
impossível e provável.

78. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which word best completes the question

How ____ time per day do you spend studying?

A study routine is very important to achieve your goals.

f) Many
g) Much
h) Often
i) Lot of
j) Very
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra que melhor completa a frase não é “many” (muito),
mas sim, “much” (quanto/muito). Isso pode ser confirmado com a frase “How much time per
day do you spend studying?” (Quanto tempo por dia você passa estudando?).
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra que melhor completa a frase é “much”
(quanto/muito), assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com a frase “How
much time per day do you spend studying?” (Quanto tempo por dia você passa estudando?).

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A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra que melhor completa a frase não é “often”
(frequentemente), mas sim, “much” (quanto/muito). Isso pode ser confirmado com a frase
“How much time per day do you spend studying?” (Quanto tempo por dia você passa
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra que melhor completa a frase não é “lot of” (muito),
mas sim, “much” (quanto/muito). Isso pode ser confirmado com a frase “How much time per
day do you spend studying?” (Quanto tempo por dia você passa estudando?).
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra que melhor completa a frase não é “very” (muito -
intensidade), mas sim, “much” (quanto/muito). Isso pode ser confirmado com a frase “How
much time per day do you spend studying?” (Quanto tempo por dia você passa estudando?).

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Caro aluno! Para garantir que o curso esteja atualizado, sempre que alguma mudança no
conteúdo for necessária, uma nova versão da aula será disponibilizada.




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Prof. Leonardo Pontes


Caro(a) aluno(a),
Parabéns pela nossa terceira aula concluída, você está um passo mais próximo da sua
Uma vez concluída esta aula, é importante que você tenha em mente que revisões são
necessárias em intervalos regulares para garantir a melhor assimilação. Grife as partes que
você julgar mais relevantes de cada aula. Dessa forma, você facilitará muito seu processo de
revisão e assimilará a matéria de forma otimizada.
A dinâmica que você observou nesta aula será utilizada em todas as demais do nosso curso.
Assim, você terá sempre uma explicação clara, objetiva e direto ao ponto de todos os assuntos
abordados, além de muitos, muitos exercícios para que você possa praticar e evoluir em sua
Daremos sempre muitos bizus de prova para facilitar seu caminho até a aprovação!

Eu estou à disposição no nosso Fórum de Dúvidas! Lá, eu ou

outros membros da nossa equipe responderemos suas dúvidas em
até 24 horas! Não leve dúvidas para a sua prova! Estamos aqui para
te dar todo o suporte necessário para que você alcance seu
objetivo! Estamos juntos nessa caminhada, ok?

Espero que você tenha gostado da aula e, acima de tudo, que esta aula tenha enriquecido seus
Descanse e se prepare para o nosso próximo encontro!

Forte abraço,
Leonardo Pontes


Leonardo Pontes

AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 148

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