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- 8 conversas curtas e 1 pergunta para cada (3min p responder todas):

- figura com uma mulher e um homem conversando. ela fala que vai viajar e pede pra ele
cuidar do gato, ai ele pergunta algo sobre a alimentação e ela fala que vai mostrar onde ela
guarda a comida do gato.
P: what will the man do?
R: take care of the cat.

- figura com dois jovens. o menino está convidando a menina pra sair com os amigos no
final de semana mas ela fala que não pode pq tem que estudar.
P: what will the girl do on the weekend?
R: she's going to write an essay.

- figura com um homem e uma mulher no telefone. ele fala que está com dor no braço e
pede pra marcar um horário com o médico, ela fala os horários disponíveis.
P: where does the woman work?
R: doctor 's office.

- figura com uma mulher e um homem andando na rua. ela basicamente pede pro homem
como chegar até a padaria.
P: according to the context, what is the woman doing?
Q: asking for directions.

- figura com um homem e uma mulher, pelo que lembro ele era o chefe e estava contando
que um colega iria sair da empresa e que ele queria que ela fosse a nova chefe.
P: what will the woman do?
R: get a new job.

- (obs: não consegui lembrar das outras 3 kkkkkk)

- 1 conversa de 3min e 5 perguntas (3min p responder todas):

- figura com pais, o filho e o um professor. a mãe do menino está basicamente falando
sobre o interesse dele em robótica, que ele passa o tempo livre em um projeto para
construir um robô. o professor fala muito bem dele, que é um menino muito inteligente etc. a
mãe fala que o menino quer se inscrever em um concurso de robótica mas que pra isso
teria que faltar algumas aulas e ela quer saber se tudo bem, ele faltaria na segunda e na
sexta feira apenas, o professor diz que tudo bem pq ele é muito esforçado e até fala algo
sobre passar as matérias/tarefas pra ele eu acho. o robô é um tipo de despertador e se
você não acorda ele te toca levemente para ajudar a acordar, a mãe diz que depois vai
pedir pro menino construir um robô que impeça o marido dela de roncar. o professor pede
pro garoto apresentar o projeto para a sala, a mãe diz que vai tentar falar com o menino que
talvez não queira por que é muito tímido.
P: which sentence describes the boy?
R: intelligent and shy.

P: what the woman mean by saying "I'm going to ask him to build a robot that stops my
husband from snoring"?
R: she was joking about her husband's snoring problem.

P: which days would the boy miss class?

R: monday and friday.

P: what did the teacher say that was important?

R: that parents support their children in their interests and hobbies. (a alternativa era mais
ou menos assim)

- (não lembro qual era a última pergunta)

- 1 conversa de 3min30seg e 5 perguntas (3min p responder todas):

- figura com um homem e uma mulher. a filha está conversando com o pai, dizendo que a
filha dela, tem dado trabalho pra dormir, que ela conta 1 história, dá boa noite e a menina
sempre inventa alguma coisa e pede mais 1 história, que antigamente não era assim. o pai
pergunta se ela lê e ela diz que sim. aí ele diz que então é meio que culpa dela, que se a
menina sabe que pode ter 2 histórias, porque ela vai se contentar só com 1? e diz que ela
também teve a mesma fase quando era criança, que mantinha ele e a mãe dela acordados
a noite toda e ele ia trabalhar no dia seguinte morrendo de medo de prescrever alguma
coisa errada ou errar em um diagnóstico. ai a menina pergunta o que ele fez e ele diz que
pediu conselhos a um amigo que tinha lido vários livros e ele disse que a menina precisava
de uma rotina. aconselha ela a ler 1 história apenas, dar um beijo de boa noite e sair, não
importa o que a menina faça/chore e diga. ela diz que vai exigir muita força de vontade dela
mais que vai fazer isso sim.

P: what's the father's profession?

R: he's a doctor.

P: what advice did he gave to her?

R: he said to her to put her daughter in a night routine.

P: where did he learn what to do?

R: he consulted a friend.

P: what was the mother's problem?

R: that the girl had stopped sleeping easily recently (a alternativa era algo assim)

P: what did the father say about the problem?

R: he said the daughter was contributing to the problem too, as always read two stories.

- 1 pergunta curta (30seg p se preparar e 45seg p falar):

“what is your favorite holiday and what do you like to do in it?”

- 1 pergunta "maior" pra você expressar a sua opinião sobre ela (45seg p se
preparar e 60seg p falar):

“some au pairs prefer to teach themselves how to cook and others prefer to take cooking
classes. what do you think about it? do you prefer to learn by yourself or to take a class with
a chef?”


- os áudios da parte do listening são bem claros e objetivos e as perguntas não tem
pegadinha. também tem um espaço disponível para escrever notas, então dá pra anotar
tudo o que você achar importante e ler para responder depois.
usei esses vídeos, do próprio canal do youtube do iTEP para me familiarizar com a voz da
plataforma e treinar o listening:

- para treinar o speaking eu basicamente li todas as perguntas possíveis e treinei responder

elas diariamente. também foquei nas palavras/pronúncias que eu tinha mais dificuldade.
o importante é falar o tempo todo, pelo que sei isso é um dos maiores pontos para a
avaliação, então fiquem atentas ao tempo.

- a nota mínima para ser aprovada é 3. mais sobre os níveis:


- se quiserem conversar, podem me chamar no instagram: @sabsbrlla <3


1) What do you like to do with children?

2) How do you think children should have fun?
3) What would you do if your host kids are fighting over a toy?
4) Who is the most important person in your life? Who is your hero nowadays?
5) How and where did you meet your best friend? I met (past)
6) Talk about your best friend in school.
7) What would you like to change in your old school?
8) What is your favorite subject in school?
9) Would you have problems if you had to change school?
10) If a friend is visiting you, where would you take him?
11) What do you consider right and wrong?
12) How was your first time riding a bicycle?
13) What do you like to do with your family and friends?
14) What do you like to do the most in your free time?
15) Talk about your personality and interests.
16) Talk about a book you read and why you recommend it. What’s your favorite character?
17) Talk about a movie you like and why you recommend it. What’s your favorite character?
18) Talk about a thing that was very difficult to you and how did you overcome it.
19) Talk about some fear you have and how you feel about it?
20) Why do you want to become an au pair?
22) Talk about a movie or a book you like and what you learned from that.
23) What country would you like to visit and why?
24) Which place would you like to visit and why?
25) Talk about something you've been afraid to do and why?
26) How did you learn what is right and wrong when you were a child?
27) Talk about an interesting family history.
28) Tell me one thing you did and it was hard to do for the first time and how did you
overcome it?
29) Which city would you like to visit? Why?
30) What do you think about cameras to watch the au pair work?
31) What shouldn’t be an au pair responsibility?
32) In your free time, will you prefer to spend more time with your host family or your new
33) What did you like to do most at school and why?
34) Do you think it is important for children to take extra classes after school? Why?
35) What do you think about children using electronic devices in childhood?
36) What do you think about the influence of cell phones, tablets and notebooks on
children’s daily lives?
37) How many hours a day do you think a child should be on a cell phone or computer?
38) What is your favorite holiday and what do you like to do in it?
39) If a child was not respecting the parents and the au pair, you as an au pair, what would
you do?
40) What would you do if the children did not respect/obey you?
41) If you had the opportunity, would you rather learn new skills from a chef or learn to cook
by yourself?
42) Some au pairs prefer to take cooking classes to learn how to cook, talk about it? Do you
prefer to take cooking classes or learn alone?
43) You are in college and need to choose between two options and they are gastronomy
and law, which would you choose?
44) Do you think it is important to practice sports in childhood and at what age?
45) How to explain what is right and wrong to children?
46) What would you do if your kids wanted to play with electronics?
47) What are the benefits of having a pet?
48) How important is it for children to learn a new culture?
49) Why do you think it is important to read to children?
50) How is the weather today and how do you feel?
51) How did your parents teach you what is right and what is wrong?
52) What would you do if the child took off his seatbelt/ safety belt?
53) Do you think it is important for children to play after school?
54) Which Marvel character do you most identify with? Why?
55) Did you go to work or study today? How was your way there?
56) How would you teach children to speak your language?
57) How do you describe your childhood best friend?
58) Tell me about a teacher that inspired you when you were a child. How did this teacher
inspire you?
59) Do you prefer a fixed or flexible schedule and why?
60) What is your opinion about au pairs teaching their native language to the host kids?

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