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Falei q ia ter um milhão de ideias até a semana terminar...

como o filho ta meio doente fiquei

monitorando ele ontem a noite, então aproveitei pra olhar os clãs e mapa do Naturo e acabei
juntando umas ideias. Não to querendo me meter nem é pra tu usar nada disso, só pra ter um
esqueleto caso tu queira mais inspirações, mas não se sinta obrigado a nada, ok?

Separei os clãs principais em vilas/regiões com 4 a 6 clãs primários, mais 3 clãs secundários e
até 3 clãs terciários. Adicionando os dois clãs que naturalmente aparecem em toda região
(porque são mais técnicas e chakra cru) terminando com 12 a 14 clãs relativamente fáceis de se
achar em cada vila (um a mais se contar o Non-clan).
Claro que se pode encontrar ninjas remanescentes de praticamente cada clã em todas as terras,
porém a maioria são desertores, refugiados ou exilados. Entretanto algumas famílias menores
que se separaram durante disputas internas, conquistas ou até sequestro de membros criando
uma nova "família" do clã em outra região, gerando feridas difíceis de sarar dentre as vilas.
Acabei escrevendo o resto em inglês por costume tb hehe

The 31 "clans"
- 6 from minor villages
- 2 from all continent
- 6 for one great village (leaf)
- 5 for one great village (sand)
- 12 (4 for other great villages) (stone, cloud, mist)
- Non-clan can be found in all villages

6 minor villages clans

Tsuchigumo (sound village) – creepy spider people avoided if possible
Hatake (rain village) – raining all day and make everyone wet take shocks
Akimichi (hot water village) – natural hot-springs and tourist… so, a lot of foods
Ryu (dragonkin) (waterfall village) – just for Shiryu vibes in the waterfalls
Uzumaki (whirlpools village) – just maintaining the canon and place
Yuki (frost village) – frost land for the ice jutsus

2 from all places

Fuma (aim gods)
Jügo (raw chakra)
Land of earth (stone)
(Also in a small degree Inozuka, Bakuton, Shikigami and in a smaller degree like one family Jiton,
Hozuki and Tsuchigumo) *maybe the Inozuka here train cave bears.
Here I mix the clans that will benefit naturally of the landscape and fit the theme of working with
earth jutsus. The Hozuki are here to add the Mud Kekkei Genkai from the idea of an almost
different clan.

Land of fire (leaf)

(Also in a small degree Nara, Shakuton, Namikaze and in a smaller degree like one family
Kurama, Akimichi and Hatake) *maybe a Uchiha deserted family
Here I try to maintain the “OC Naruto”, but in a different scale, changing the composition and
importance of the families. Finally, I add one Fire specialist because the land of fire need, at least,
one other than the Sarutobi!

Land of lightning (cloud)

(Also in a small degree Kuru, Yamanaka, Hebi and in a smaller degree like one family Uchiha,
Uzumaki and Yuki) *maybe a Ryu wise dragon oracle
Here I add more clans specialize in lightning jutsus and the clan capable to create weapons to
create a “rivalry” with the mist village for the greatest weapon specialists.
Land of water (mist)
(Also in a small degree Kuru, Sarutobi, Hebi and in a smaller degree like one family Ranton, Ryu
and Yuki) *maybe a Senju family more focused in water, corals and sea plants
Here I visualize the “tailess beast” clan been in control for water-demon fear factor. One genjutsu
clan is added for balance and the adjacent clans that make good candidates to Swodsman to
maintain the Seven.

Land of wind (sand)

Hebi (desert snake fighters)
(Also in a small degree Shoton, Aburame, Bakuton and in a smaller degree like one family
Namizake, Kurama and Yoton) *maybe an Hoshigaki desert shark style?
Here I see a theme of mirage illusion and wind adjacent jutsus, making the natural place for the
main Uchihas. You can also add the Puppet Masters as a core class more prominent (Exclusive?)

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