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Review English-Simulado 6ano QUESTO (1) - De acordo com o estudo do presente simples, julgue os itens abaixo em F (FALSO) e V (VERDADEIRO)

) e em seguida marque a sequencia CORRETA: ( ) O acrscimo do ES s acontece nos verbos terminados em: s, ss, sh, ch, z, o, x. ( ) Verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante retira-se o y e acrescenta-se o IES. ( ) A regra geral o acrscimo do s. ( ) Os acrscimos s acontecem nas 3as pessoas do singular: He, She, It. a) F, V, V, V b) V, F, F, V c) V, V, V, V d) F, V, V, F QUESTO (2) - A frase: She saves water, na forma negativa, ser: a) She dont saves water. b) She doesnt saves water. c) She dont save water. d) She doesnt save water. QUESTO (3) - Complete as frases abaixo utilizando o presente simples dos verbos que esto entre parnteses, em seguida marque a sequencia CORRETA: Mary ____________ a tree every year.( to plant) My mother _____________ recycled paper.(to use) My cousin _______________ ful. (to waste/not) They _____________ so much. (to smoke) a) plants uses doesnt waste smoke b) plants uses dont waste smokes c) plant uses dont wastes smokes d) plant use doesnt waste smoke QUESTO (4) - Relacione a 2 coluna de acordo com a 1 com a finalidade de responder as perguntas. Observe bem os pronomes pessoais no incio das frases, em seguida marque a sequencia CORRETA: (1) Do you drink milk? (2) Do they take the subway? (3) Do we like to play football? (4) Does she speak French? ( ) No, we dont ( ) Yes, I do ( ) No, she doesnt ( ) No, they dont a) 3, 1, 4, 2 b) 1, 3, 2, 4 c) 4, 2, 3, 1 d) 3, 1, 2, 4 QUESTO (5) - A frase: Lisa swims on Mondays, na forma interrogativa, ser: a) Does Lisa swims on Mondays? b) Do Lisa swim on Mondays? c) Does Lisa swim on Mondays? d) Do Lisa swims on Mondays? QUESTO (6) - Complete a frase abaixo e marque a alternativa CORRETA: John is a good student, so he __________ to school every day. a) goes b) go c) going d) gone

QUESTO (7) - A conjugao CORRETA dos verbos abaixo na 3 pessoa do singular, ser: TO FLY TO STAY TO KISS TO DRINK a) flies staies kiss drinkies b) flys stays kisses drinkes c) flys staies kissies drinks d) flies stays kisses drinks QUESTO (8) - Transformando a frase abaixo para a 1 pessoa do singular, ser: They go to the Movie on Saturdays. a) You go to the Movie on Saturdays. b) She goes to the Movie on Saturdays. c) I go to the Movie on Saturdays. d) We go to the Movie Saturdays. QUESTO (9) - Analisando a mesma frase da questo 01: My sisters work so much, transformando-a para a 3 pessoa do singular, ser: a) My sisters is work so much. b) My sisters works so much. c) My sister work so much. d) My sister works so much. QUESTO (10) - Analisando a frase: My father likes to be a doctor, a forma negativa, ser: a) My father doesnt likes to be a doctor. b) My father doesnt like to be a doctor. c) My father dont like to be a doctor. d) My father dont likes to be a doctor. QUESTO (11) - Analisando a mesma frase: My father likes to be a doctor, a forma interrogativa, ser: a) Does my father likes to be a doctor? b) Do my father like to be a doctor? c) Does my father like to be a doctor? d) Do my father like to be a doctor? QUESTO (12) - Analisando a frase: We keep your engine well adjusted., transformando -a para a 3 pessoa do plural, ser: a) He is keep his engine well adjusted. b) They keepies his engine well adjusted. c) They keep his engine well adjusted. d) He keeps his engine well adjusted. QUESTO (13) - A frase: They use biodegradable products., na forma interrogativa, ser: a) They does use biodegradable products? b) Do they use biodegradable products? c) Does they use biodegradable products? d) They do use biodegradable products? QUESTO (14) - Relacione as colunas abaixo, depois marque a sequencia CORRETA: ( 1 ) Richard likes beans, but. ( 2 ) She studies in the morning and. ( 3 ) Turn the lights on when you come in, but. ( 4 ) The children go to the park and. ( 5 ) Mary is cooking now, but. ( ) works in the afternoon. ( ) play with their dog. ( ) he doesnt like apples. ( ) she is not making lunch. ( ) turn them when you leave. a) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 b) 2, 4, 5, 1, 3 c) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 d) 2, 4, 1, 5, 3

QUESTO (15) - Transformando a seguinte frase: We cry when we are sad, para a 3 pessoa do singular, ser: a) I cry when I am sad. b) They cry when they are sad. c) They cries then they is sad. d) She cries when she is sad. QUESTO (16) - Complete: _________ they ______ Ecology? a) Does - study b) Do - study c) Does - studies d) Do - studies QUESTO (17) - Mr. Brown __________ (kiss) her daughters and ___________ (run)to the bus stop. a) kiss - run b) kiss - runs c) kisses - runs d) kisses - run QUESTO (18) - My sister ______________ (brush) her teeth and_____________ (wash) her hair. a) brush - wash b) brushes - wash c) brushs - washs d) brushes - washes QUESTO (19) - Complete as frases abaixo, depois marque a sequencia CORRETA: 1. Rivers _________ (flow) to the sea. 2. That boy always ___________ (destroy) the flowers in my garden. 3. Alex never _________ (worry) about is his examinations. 4. That student __________ (answer) your questions. a) flows destroy worries - answer b) flows destroy worry - answers c) flow destroys worry - answer d) flow destroys worries - answers QUESTO (20) - Ozone _________ skin cancer. a) doesnt cause b) dont cause c) dont causes d) doesnt causes QUESTO (21) - Some people ______________ to be home on Sundays. a) likes b) like c) are liking d) is like People o plural de person, portanto o verbo concorda com o substantivo no plural QUESTO (22) - John is a good student, so he _____________ to school every day. a) gone b) go c) goes d) going QUESTO (23) - A frase: My mother loves the actress Jessica Lange, na forma negativa, ser: a) She dont loves the actress Jessica Lange. b) She dont love the actress Jessica Lange. c) She doesnt loves the actress Jessica Lange. d) She doesnt love the actress Jessica Lange.

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