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27/01/2020 How does letting go actually work?

- John Purkiss

Como deixar ir realmente funciona?

6 de fevereiro de 2017 (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/) John Purkiss

(http://www.johnpurkiss.com/author/john/) - 15 Comentários (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-
work/#comments) (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comments)

A resposta curta é que isso acontece de várias maneiras que descreverei em "O poder de deixar ir". (Jacq
Burns está editando.) Enquanto isso, aqui está uma técnica particularmente interessante que qualquer
pessoa pode usar. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Ph.D. (veja a foto) era um psiquiatra que escreveu 'Letting Go - the
Pathway of Surrender', publicado pela Hay House. O capítulo 2 é chamado 'O mecanismo de deixar ir', no
qual ele diz:

* “Não são pensamentos ou fatos que são dolorosos, mas os sentimentos que os acompanham.”
* “É a pressão acumulada de sentimentos que causa pensamentos.” (Um sentimento pode causar milhares
de pensamentos.)
* “Portanto, quando abandonamos ou deixar ir um sentimento, estamos nos libertando de todos os
pensamentos associados. ”

Ele então descreve como a maioria de nós lida com sentimentos, através da repressão, repressão e fuga.
Nenhum deles resolve o problema subjacente. Aqui está a solução dele:

“A técnica é estar com o sentimento e renunciar a todos os esforços para modi cá-lo de qualquer maneira.”
“Um sentimento que não é resistido desaparecerá à medida que a energia por trás dele se dissipar.”

Como sempre, tenho experimentado comigo mesmo. Percebi que, se me sinto infeliz por algo que
aconteceu - ou não aconteceu -, geralmente respondo de duas maneiras: (a) suprimo o sentimento e tento
me concentrar em algo positivo; (b) Eu tento escapar do sentimento realizando muitas ações. Isso inclui
tomar medidas para tentar abordar o que considero a causa externa da infelicidade. O problema é que
ainda me sinto mal por dentro, o que gera muitos pensamentos inúteis.
Sempre que percebo o que está acontecendo, paro, sento, fecho os olhos e sinto o sentimento, sem julgá-lo,
rotulá-lo ou tentar fazer qualquer outra coisa a respeito. Simplesmente sinto isso pelo tempo que demora, o
que geralmente leva um ou dois minutos, mas pode demorar mais em alguns casos.

Depois, geralmente me sinto mais leve. Existem menos pensamentos, particularmente negativos. Às vezes
tenho idéias sobre novas possibilidades. Eu me sinto muito melhor.

Convido você a tentar isso por si mesmo. Todos os comentários / feedback são bem-vindos.

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27/01/2020 How does letting go actually work? - John Purkiss

15 Comentários »para Como é que deixar ir realmente funciona?

Dan Belloso diz:

23 de outubro de 2017 às 8:41 (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-48799)

Eu vejo a necessidade de deixar ir nosso estilo de vida extremamente agitado. Eu vejo isso no trabalho,
na sociedade e até na geopolítica. Esse conceito poderoso pode não ser novo, mas é particularmente
necessário atualmente. Parar e largar pode ser uma boa maneira de progredir.


Conor Neill (http://www.conorneill.com) diz:

20 de maio de 2018 às 17:31 (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-49426)

Basta ler o livro! estava procurando por mais material on-line, e seu blog apareceu. Ótimo para ler,
obrigado por compartilhar.


John Purkiss (http://johnpurkiss.com) diz:

May 20, 2018 at 5:35 pm (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-


Thanks, Conor. It’s a pleasure.


Aaron Keeney says:

March 3, 2019 at 10:56 pm (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-50251)

I have read the book & used the techniques myself. What I don’t understand is he talks about people
surrendering to the sensations of bad symptoms & they eventually went away, but how does that work
with positive good sensations or things? If I surrender to the feeling of health or strong muscles does it
go away? If not why not? Privacidade - Termos

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27/01/2020 How does letting go actually work? - John Purkiss


John Purkiss (http://www.purkiss-company.com) says:

March 4, 2019 at 1:19 pm (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-


Hello Aaron – David Hawkins is no longer ‘in the body’, so we can’t ask him. However, my
understanding is that we should let all sensations pass through us unhindered. It’s unhelpful
to cling to the sensation of good health or strong muscles. We can then keep doing what’s
required to remain healthy and strong.


Zaks says:

March 19, 2019 at 3:44 pm (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-50303)

Does anyone know of a practioner in the tri state area that practices the surrender / letting go


John Purkiss (http://www.purkiss-company.com) says:

March 21, 2019 at 8:25 am (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-


Please can you tell me what you mean by the tri state area?


Martyna (https://ecohealthlab.com) says:

May 25, 2019 at 9:19 am (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-50491)

I have just nished reading the book “the power of letting go” for the rst time.
I have a few questions.

is the key technique about listening to the feelings, hearing them, feeling them and surrendering.
Without trying to understand or visualising what may be happening or seeking the cause?
Should we do than anything else? When the feeling is gone, should we try to understand it



John Purkiss (http://www.purkiss-company.com) says:

May 26, 2019 at 7:11 pm (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-

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27/01/2020 How does letting go actually work? - John Purkiss

Hello Martyna – in The Power of Letting Go I’ve broken the process down into three stages: (1)
Observing our thoughts and letting them go, (2) Feeling the pain which generates thousands
of thoughts, and letting it go (the completion technique), (3) Surrender, which is when we let
go completely.

There’s no need to understand what’s going on. All you need to do is visualise what happened,
and feel the feelings that accompanied it. There’s no need to look for a cause. What happened
happened. Once you’re complete/whole, you can get on with your life.

There’s no need to understand the feeling intellectually. In fact, if you’ve used the completion
technique thoroughly, you may have dif culty remembering what it was that used to cause
you so much pain. In my case, events in the past are like books in a library. I can go into the
library and take a book off the shelf from time to time, but the event it describes no longer
runs my life.

Once you’ve let go completely you’re ready to start manifesting what you want in life. Please
send me a message via this website if you want to know more about that.


Derrick says:

May 29, 2019 at 9:22 pm (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-50493)

Hello John! I really enjoyed reading your article. Would you please explain to me a few things
about the process though?

1. Do i need to get to my thoughts that generate negative feelings rst? Do i need to go thru every
single thought that relates to a certain subject? I also noticed that you said that we have to let go of our
negative thoughts that relate to a certain negative situation in our life, but how do i let these negative
thoughts go? What exactly should i do with them?

2. Do i need to just focus on the negative feelings and basically focus as much as possible until they will
go away?

3. Do i need to do everything separately like rst i need to focus on a certain thought, let it go, focus on
emotion, let the emotion go, then get to another thought that relates to the same subject, let it go, etc
etc.. or do i need to go thru all my thoughts about a certain subject, let all of them go and focus on the

Thank you!


John Purkiss (http://www.purkiss-company.com) says:

May 31, 2019 at 7:51 am (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-


Thanks Derrick

1) It’s the negative feelings that give rise to negative thoughts. As David Hawkins says, “It is the
accumulated pressure of feelings that causes thoughts.” (One feeling can cause thousands of
thoughts.) I recommend you turn inwards and scan your body until you nd the negative
feeling. It could be a feeling about a particular event, or a more general negative feeling. If you
relax and listen to the negative thoughts, it will help you to nd the negative feeling that’s
causing them.
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27/01/2020 How does letting go actually work? - John Purkiss

2) You don’t need to focus on the negative feelings intensely. Just rest your attention and feel
them fully. If you do this patiently, the negative feeling will begin to subside. It may require
several sessions. It’s very much like grieving. If you allow yourself to feel the pain from
beginning to end, it eventually leaves your body.

3) You don’t need to focus on any thoughts. Just notice them coming and going. Then look for
the pain which is causing negative thoughts and feel it from beginning to end (as above).

If you do this, you will notice that your mind becomes quieter. You will still have thoughts, but
they are likely to be positive, creative ones.

I hope this helps you



Derrick says:

May 31, 2019 at 9:15 pm (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-


Thank you so much for your response!

What do you think is the best way to do it? Should i do this every time i feel negative
emotions? Like let’s say that i started to feel negative by thinking about something
on the while going to the shop. Should i basically focus on the feelings no matter
where i am or just spare sometime like 30 mins a day and do this at home? Or it
doesn’t matter at all?

Also, i noticed that i started to feel negative in general. Is it because i started to

practice this technique and my negative feelings started to show up?

Once again, thank you for your information! It’s very helpful.


John Purkiss (http://www.purkiss-company.com) says:

June 4, 2019 at 7:25 am (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-


Hello Derrick – you don’t need to spend 30 minutes at a time on it. I do two
things: (1) If I’m feeling negative, I stop what I’m doing, sit down, close my
eyes and look inside myself to nd the pain (which is always located
somewhere in my body). I then place my attention on the pain, without
judging it, suppressing it or trying to avoid it. I keep doing this for 1-5
minutes. (2) I sometimes do the same exercise for longer periods at home,
particularly before going to bed. I feel much better afterwards. If more and
more negative feelings come up, I regard that as helpful. They’re leaving
my system. I feel them and let them go. You can read more about this in
my book, ‘The Power of Letting Go’: https://bu-evolution.com/product/the-
power-of-letting-go/ (https://bu-evolution.com/product/the-power-of-


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Ramon says:

June 1, 2019 at 7:57 pm (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-50496)

Olá john,

Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência com a técnica.

Depois de ouvir o livro do Dr. Hawkins duas vezes, eu ainda tinha a sensação irritante de não entender o
signi cado de deixar ir.

Sua experiência compartilhada me ajudou a esclarecer minhas dúvidas.



John Purkiss (http://www.purkiss-company.com) diz:

3 de junho de 2019 às 10:36 (http://www.johnpurkiss.com/letting-go-actually-work/#comment-


Olá Ramon - é um prazer. Atenciosamente, JP


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