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NOME: ___________________________________________DATA: _____/____/_____

TURMA: ____________TURNO: _______________PROFESSORA: ALINE SUDRÉ


1. Complete os exemplos abaixo com THIS ou THAT. Para isso, leve em consideração a
informação entre parênteses.

a) Hello, guys, _______ is my new girlfriend. (Namorado apresentando a namorada aos amigos,
segurando na mão dela).

b) Oh my god, look at _____! _____ is unacceptable! (Pessoa indignada apontando para um outdoor
ao longe).

c) Attention class! I want to introduce someone. ______ is our new director, Dr. Mann. (Pedagoga
apresentando o novo diretor, que está logo ao seu lado, à turma)

2. Complete os exemplos abaixo com THAT ou THOSE. Para isso, atente-se às flexões de
número nas sentenças.

a) _______ cats are fighting!

b) _______ car is very fast!

c) Are _______ clothes yours?

d) Hey! _______ is my backpack!

3) Em relação ao tópico pronome demonstrativos do inglês, assinale a opção incorreta:

a) Para fazer alusão a objetos ou pessoas distantes, cabe o uso de this e those .

b) Um dos quesitos para diferenciar this, that, these e those é a distância.
c) Para fazer alusão a objetos ou pessoas distantes, cabe o uso de that e those.
d) Todas as alternativas acima estão incorretas.

4) Escolha o pronome demonstrativo correto:

a) flowers are for my mother. (this – these)

b) apples are from my garden. (this – these)
c) Come on! is our bus. (those – that)
d) are my brothers. ( this – these)
e) presents are for you. ( this – these)
f) is Teachers John’s wife ( this – these) and are his children. (those – that)
g) is Mek’s book. (those- that)
h) is my brother (this – these) and are my parents. (those – that)

5) Complete com this, these, that ou those, de acordo com o que esta entre parênteses :

a) I need to stop for a coffee. Is all right with you? ( longe – singular)
b) Do you like trousers? I bought them yesterday. (perto- plural)
c) Look at man over there! He's not wearing any clothes! (longe- singular)
d) Her new house cost over half a million pounds. is a lot of money. ( longe – singular)
e) Hello. is Patrick. Can I speak to Murray, please?(perto – singular)

6) Complete com This ou These:

a.__ pencil is no good.

b.__ is Michelle's pen.
c.__ computer is expensive.
d.___ girls are from my college.
e.__ bikes are mountain bikes.

7) Complete com That ou Those:

a.________desk is mine.
b.___ is a good answer.
c.___ questions are too difficult.
d.____ isn't a nice thing to say.
e.____ dogs bark all day.

8) Complete com This, That, These ou Those.

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