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Renato Baggio
 Língua Inglesa  p/ ENEM 
Aula 06. 


O Past Continuous é usado para nos referirmos a algo que estava
acontecendo em torno de um momento específico no passado ou que estava
acontecendo o tempo todo num período de tempo no passado.

1.2. Past Continuous - FORM

O Past Continuous é formado pelo Verbo To Be no passado acrescido de
outro verbo na forma do Gerúndio.

Ex.: I was studying when you called me last night.


Ex.: John was studying.

Ex.: John wasn’t studying.

Ex.: Was John studying?
Ex.: What was John studying?

1.3. USO
a) O Past Continuous é usado juntamente com o Simple Past quando dizemos
que algo aconteceu enquanto outra ação estava em andamento.
Ex.: I was taking a shower when Jane called me.
b) O Past Continuous pode ainda ser usado para indicar duas ações que
estavam acontecendo simultaneamente.
Ex.: Bob was studying while Jane was cooking.


Tudo o que está acontecendo possui ING mas nem tudo o que possui ING
está acontecendo!

1 Smoking is bad for you.
(Fumar faz mal à você.)

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Prof. Renato Baggio
 Língua Inglesa  p/ ENEM 
Aula 06. 

2 – I like dancing
(Eu gosto de dançar)
3 – I am interested in learning French.
(Eu estou interessado em aprender francês.

4 – It is a boring movie.
(É um filme chato.

1. Complete the sentences with the Simple Past or the Past Continuous of the
verbs in brackets:

a) As I _____________ (drive) home, a policeman

__________ (stop) me and _______ (ask) me for my
driving license.

b) Last night when I ________ (arrive) home, my

parents _______________ (have) dinner.

c) The secretary ___________ (type) a letter when her boss _______ (ask) her
for some coffee.

d) When I __________ (wake) up this morning it _______________ (rain).

a) was driving / stopped / asked
b) arrived / were having
c) was typing / asked
d) woke / was raining

Conjunções são palavras que unem orações em frases. Além de formar
frases, as conjunções também nos mostram como os significados de tais
orações estão relacionados, dão sentido e coerência ao texto deixando-o
mais bem articulado.

As conjunções podem ser coordenativas ou subordinativas.

As conjunções coordenativas unem duas orações que são gramaticalmente
independentes uma da outra. (and ; or; but; etc.)
Ex.: I like music. I don’t play any musical instrument.
I like music but I don’t play any musical instrument.

As conjunções subordinativas servem para unir uma oração que é parte de

outra, ou seja, uma oração que depende da outra. Por isso, tal oração é
chamada de oração subordinada.
(because; although; when; etc.)
Ex.: I don’t smoke. It is bad for my health.

Prof. Renato Baggio                                                   www.aprovaconcursos.com.br                                                           Página 3 de 8 
Prof. Renato Baggio
 Língua Inglesa  p/ ENEM 
Aula 06. 

I don’t smoke because it is bad for my health.

Conjunção Tradução

And e

But mas

Or ou

Although/though embora

However apesar de; entretanto

In spite of/despite apesar de

When quando

Whenever sempre que

While enquanto; enquanto que

As soon as logo que

Till/ until até

In order to a fim de

So that de modo que

Because por que

As porque; , assim que

Since desde; já que; porque

Therefore portanto

Nevertheless todavia; contudo

Besides além de

Prof. Renato Baggio                                                   www.aprovaconcursos.com.br                                                           Página 4 de 8 
Prof. Renato Baggio
 Língua Inglesa  p/ ENEM 
Aula 06. 

Moreover além do mais

Unless a menos que


Read the text:

One More Reason To Eat Your Veggies

If you’re worried about prostate cancer, it might pay to eat an apple a day. Or an
onion. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., report that a natural
substance called Quercetin significantly reduced the ability of prostate tumor cells to
absorb the hormone they need to develop and proliferate. Quercetin is found in
apples, onions, leafy vegetables, green and
black tea, beans, and red wine. The team, led by Dr. Nianzeng Xing, cautioned that
the study has been done only on cancer cells cultivated in the lab, and Quercetin
hasn’t been tested in human patients. But it has two advantages as a potential
treatment: it is abundant and safe.
Prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men, will strike 198,100 Americans
this year and kill 31,500, according to the American Cancer Society. Existing
treatments have severe side effects, so scientists have been searching for a safer
one. The researchers found that Quercetin reduced prostate cancer cells’
absorption of androgens, the male hormones that stimulate prostate cancer. Next,
the Mayo team will test Quercetin in mice that have been bioengineered to develop
prostate cancer.
(In: Business Week, April 9, 2001. p. 106.)

01. Pode-se dizer que a intenção principal do texto é:

a) Apresentar um relato preliminar de uma pesquisa que visa a prevenção do câncer de
b) Incentivar a ingestão de frutas e legumes no combate à célula cancerosa denominada
c) Questionar os efeitos colaterais apresentados por uma substância que combate o
câncer de próstata.
d) Discutir um trabalho científico sobre os hormônios absorvidos pelas células
cancerosas em sua proliferação.
e) Relatar uma pesquisa sobre a mortalidade de homens americanos decorrente de
câncer de próstata.

02. O estudo mencionado no texto foi realizado pela equipe liderada pelo Dr.
Nianzeng Xing em:
a) Homens norte-americanos de meia-idade.
b) Diversos tipos de ratos geneticamente modificados.
c) Frutas e vegetais modificados em laboratório.
d) Células cancerosas cultivadas em laboratório.
e) Ratos tratados com o objetivo de desenvolver câncer de próstata.


Prof. Renato Baggio                                                   www.aprovaconcursos.com.br                                                           Página 5 de 8 
Prof. Renato Baggio
 Língua Inglesa  p/ ENEM 
Aula 06. 


Arctic E&P activity heats up

By Jessica Tippee
Assistant Editor
Not Mexico, not Brazil. The next offshore frontier
is the Arctic, according to Andrew Reid, CEO of energy
analysts Douglas-Westwood Company. “More than
400 fields have been discovered to date in the Arctic,
5 providing reserves in excess of 240 Bboe (billions of
barrels of oil equivalent)” Reid said. He was a guest
speaker at a recent conference of the International
Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC), an agency
that has exclusively represented the worldwide oil and
10 gas drilling industry since 1940. Reid also affirmed
that “There is no doubt that further drilling activity in
this region could have a major impact on offshore
production in the foreseeable future.”
Meanwhile, Infield Systems Ltd. has identified
15 more than 130 Bboe in discovered oil, gas, and
condensate reserves throughout the offshore arctic
and sub-arctic regions. Around 114 Bboe are gas
reserves, and 16 Bbbl (billions of barrels) are oil.
Infield’s additional report on offshore arctic oil and gas
20 prospects through 2017 includes current and future
offshore oil and gas developments within the Arctic
Circle, and in the “sub-arctic” regions of Sakhalin
Island, the Jeanne d’Arc basin offshore eastern
Canada, and the Cook Inlet off Alaska.
25Arctic capital expenditure should increase more
than $7 billion annually through 2017. Russia, with
its reserves, should largely drive this expenditure,
especially during 2013-2015, assuming the
Shtokman project goes ahead. This project includes
30 a comprehensive development of satellites in the
Barents Sea, and joint development of the
Prirazlomnoye and Dolginskoye oil fields in the

Prof. Renato Baggio                                                   www.aprovaconcursos.com.br                                                           Página 6 de 8 
Prof. Renato Baggio
 Língua Inglesa  p/ ENEM 
Aula 06. 

Pechora Sea.
Prirazlomnaya is the first offshore ice-resistant
35 stationary platform designed and built in Russia
measuring 126 m (413 ft) wide by 126 m long. With a
weight of 117,000 tons, the platform can accommodate
a crew of up to 200, and provide year-round operation.
The platform is designed to withstand temperatures
40 that can drop to −50º C (−58º F) during winter, and ice
formation – the location is typically free from ice for
110 days each year.
The platform will provide drilling, production, and oil
storage services, along with preparation and shipment
45 of final products from the Prirazlomnoye field. Gazprom
expects to drill up to 40 directional wells. Dutch
contractor Tideway has been dumping 100,000 metric
tons of stone (110,231 tons) as an erosion protection
system around the platform to secure it to the seabed.
50 The development is targeting annual production of
more than 6 million tons (43.8 MMbbl). Associated
produced gas will be used for the platform’s needs.
Production operations are scheduled to start this year.
Offshore Magazine. May 2, 2012 . Volume 72, Issue 5
Available at: <http://www.offshore-mag.com/articles/print/
Retrieved on: 9 May 2012. Adapted.

11 According to Text I, it is clear that

(A) IADC has worked for drilling contractors’ interests worldwide for over 70 years. (B)
Andrew Reid is anticipating reserves in excess of 240 Bboe for Mexico.
(C) the Arctic will be exploited by Douglas-Westwood Company.
(D) the Arctic will have drilling difficulties in its foreseeable future, concerning oil

12 According to Text I, Infield Systems Ltd has

(A) located 16 Bbbl of oil throughout the offshore arctic and sub-arctic regions.
(B) reported 114 Bboe of gas prospects.
(C) started exploring the Jeanne d’Arc basin offshore eastern Canada, but will only
include the Cook Inlet off Alaska in 2017.
(D) found 130 Bboe in oil and gas on Sakhalin Island.

13 According to Text I, if the Shtokman project goes ahead, it

(A) will make Arctic capital expenditure decrease.
(B) will increase in a total of $7 billions until 2017.
(C) will reopen during 2013-2015 in a joint development of the Prirazlomnoye and
Dolginskoye fields .
(D) will include development of both Prirazlomnoye and Dolginskoye oil fields in the
Pechora Sea.

14 According to Text I, the platform will NOT provide

(A) gas storage

Prof. Renato Baggio                                                   www.aprovaconcursos.com.br                                                           Página 7 de 8 
Prof. Renato Baggio
 Língua Inglesa  p/ ENEM 
Aula 06. 

(B) oil drilling

(C) transportation of final products
(D) preparation of final products

15 In Text I, the idea expressed by the word in boldface type is described in

(A) frontier (line 1) – country
(B) guest (line 6) – invited
(C) doubt (line 11) – certainty
(D) further (line 11) – within

11 - A
12 - A
13 - D
14 - A
15 - B

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