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DE 06/11/23 A 01/12/23

LEIA-ME...................................................................................................................................... 3
QUEM FAZ ................................................................................................................................. 4
CRONOGRAMA ........................................................................................................................ 5
#1: FREQUÊNCIA ...................................................................................................................... 7
#1 - Pratique Audição ........................................................................................................ 8
#1 - Atividade ....................................................................................................................... 9
#1 - Atividade ..................................................................................................................... 10
#1 - Atividade ..................................................................................................................... 11
#1 - Escrita e Conversação ............................................................................................ 12
#2 - EQUIVALENTES ............................................................................................................ 14
#2 - Pratique Audição ..................................................................................................... 15
#2 - Atividade..................................................................................................................... 16
#2 - Atividade..................................................................................................................... 17
#2 - Atividade..................................................................................................................... 18
#2 - Escrita e Conversação ........................................................................................... 19
#3 – FUTURO ........................................................................................................................... 21
#3 - Pratique Audição ..................................................................................................... 22
#3 – Atividade .................................................................................................................... 23
#3 – Atividade .................................................................................................................... 24
#3 – Atividade .................................................................................................................... 25
#3 – Escrita e Conversação ........................................................................................... 26
#4 – COMPARATIVOS ......................................................................................................... 28
#4 – Pratique Audição ..................................................................................................... 29
#4 – Atividade .................................................................................................................... 30
#4 - Atividade .................................................................................................................... 31
#4 - Atividade .................................................................................................................... 32
#4 - Escrita e Conversação ........................................................................................... 33
RAIO-X DA FLUÊNCIA .......................................................................................................... 34
MATERIAIS DE ESTUDO ...................................................................................................... 35
GRUPO DE ESTUDOS ............................................................................................................ 36
ENCONTROS DE CONVERSAÇÃO ................................................................................... 37
FLUÊNCIA DESCOMPLICADA ........................................................................................... 38

Bem-vindo à nossa apostila mensal de inglês corporativo!

Este material foi cuidadosamente desenvolvido para profissionais que desejam

aprimorar suas habilidades no inglês de trabalho. Nossa meta principal é fornecer
um ponto de partida sólido para o estudo da língua inglesa, com explicações
simples e exercícios práticos.

Compreendemos os desafios de aprender um novo idioma, especialmente

quando o tempo é limitado. Por isso, nossa apostila é projetada para tornar o
aprendizado acessível e descomplicado. Nossas explicações são diretas,
facilitando a compreensão das regras do inglês.

Selecionamos cuidadosamente o vocabulário para refletir situações de trabalho

cotidianas. Sabemos que o inglês é diversificado e pretendemos abordar todas
as nuances em futuras apostilas.

Reconhecemos a importância das quatro habilidades em inglês: leitura, escrita,

audição e conversação. Portanto, oferecemos uma ampla variedade de
exercícios para aprimorar sua comunicação em inglês.

Agora, com esta apostila, você está pronto para uma jornada de aprendizado
produtivo. Este é apenas o começo, e esperamos te acompanhar rumo à maestria
no inglês corporativo.

Vamos começar juntos?

Sinta-se à vontade para fazer o download e compartilhar com sua rede!


Vânia Paula de Freitas

Idealizadora da Nação Fluente

Quando estamos aprendendo inglês, tendemos a

complicar demais as coisas. Como eu sei disso?
Porque já fui exatamente essa pessoa! 🙈🙈

Eu tinha centenas de cadernos cheios de

anotações, pilhas de livros, inúmeras apostilas,
sites favoritados, aplicativos e por aí vai. Parecia
que estava me preparando para um doutorado em
inglês, em vez de me tornar uma usuária fluente
do idioma.

Depois de muita frustração e perda de tempo, percebi que a fluência não está
necessariamente ligada a quantos materiais acumulamos, mas sim a como
abordamos nosso aprendizado. Foi só quando descompliquei tudo isso que a
fluência finalmente se tornou uma realidade.

É importante lembrar desta frase: "Não se trata de estudar mais, mas de estudar

Quando você compreende todos os pilares da língua de maneira equilibrada, a

fluência naturalmente se desenvolve. E é com base nesse conceito que me
inspirei para criar o material que você tem em mãos. Espero que você o utilize
com sabedoria e o compartilhe com o mundo.

Agora, está na hora de começar esta jornada de aprendizado com confiança e

determinação. Vamos juntos em busca da fluência!

Lembre-se de sempre estudar as quatro habilidades da fluência para ter

resultados reais. O calendário abaixo contempla todas as atividades necessárias
para um estudo eficaz:

Cronograma de estudos de 06/11/2023 a 01/12/2023


Usamos advérbios de frequência para Advérbios de frequência vêm depois

dizer com que frequência algo do verbo "be" e outros verbos
acontece, seja no passado, presente auxiliares, e geralmente antes do
ou futuro. verbo principal.

Alguns advérbios de frequência comuns: always (sempre), never (nunca),

often (frequentemente), sometimes (às vezes), usually (normalmente),
seldom/rarely (raramente), hardly ever (quase nunca).

− He is always punctual. (Ele é sempre pontual.)

− She sometimes works from home. (Às vezes ela trabalha de casa.)

− He rarely misses deadlines. (Ele raramente perde prazos.)

− She often attends industry conferences. (Ela frequentemente participa de

conferências do setor.)

− They usually meet clients on Fridays. (Eles normalmente se encontram com

clientes nas sextas-feiras.)

Sometimes e usually podem ser colocados no início das frases, exemplos:

− Sometimes they have team meetings in the morning. (Às vezes eles têm

reuniões de equipe de manhã.)

− Usually, the project manager coordinates the tasks. (Normalmente, o

gerente de projeto coordena as tarefas.)

#1 - Pratique Audição

Assista a videoaula abaixo. Se for necessário ative as legendas em inglês. Evite

usar as legendas com a tradução em português o máximo possível.

Ao clicar, você será redirecionado para a videoaula. O vídeo será carregado em alguns segundos.
#1 - Atividade

Responda as questões abaixo. Aprenda aqui como fazer a correção utilizando o


What do you seldom do when you are in an English class?

What do you often do when you are in an English class?

What kinds of movies do you never watch? Why?

What do you sometimes eat for breakfast?

Are you always tired in the evenings? Why? / Why not?

What do you often do on the weekends?

What kinds of food do you rarely eat? Why?

What things do you seldom drink? Why?

What time do you usually get up in the mornings?

What do you hardly ever watch on TV? Why?

Do you always text your friends? Why? / Why not?

Do you always check your e-mail? Why? / Why not?

What do you sometimes dream about?

What do you sometimes think about? Why?

#1 - Atividade

Complete estas frases para avaliar seu conhecimento:

1. I seldom visit my relatives, so I ... 8. They always ... to bed early

see my uncle John. because they always get up early.
a) usually | b) almost never a) go | b) will go | c) goes
c) almost always
9. I went to a restaurant last week,
2. I'm never late for our English class. but I ... eat at home.
I’m ... on time. a) usually | b) seldom | c) always
a) often | b) usually | c) always 10. She doesn't... finish work early
because she is often busy.
3. James goes to the beach only a) never | b) usually | c) always
once a year. He ... goes to the beach.
a) almost never | b) never 11. It... snows where I live, so I never
c) sometimes make a snowman.
a) sometimes | b) never | c) always
4. My sister often ... a book in the
evenings. 12. We visit our grandparents three
a) reads | b) read | c) is reading or four times ....
a) the month | b) month | c) a month
5. I ... eat junk food because I know
it's not very healthy. 13. He almost never sees a doctor
a) always | b) sometimes because hei is ... sick.
c) seldom a) almost always | b) usually
c) seldom
6. ... we go to the gym to exercise,
maybe two or three days a week. 14. Do you ... travel to other
a) Rarely | b) Sometimes | c) Always countries on your summer holiday?
a) ever | b) never | c) how often
7. I ... watch cartoons because I hate
them. News shows are much better. 15. I ... study very hard, so I usually
a) almost always | b) sometimes get high grades in school.
c) never a) always | b) rarely | c) almost never

16. He's never angry. He ... has a

smile on his face.
a) never | b) always | c) seldom

Respostas: 1. B | 2. C | 3. A | 4. A | 5. C | 6. B | 7. C | 8. A | 9. A | 10. B | 11. B | 12. C | 13. C | 14. A | 15. A | 16. B

#1 - Atividade

Coloque as palavras em ordem correta e reescreva a frase completa:

1) always / emails / promptly / he / replies / to / work-related

2) rarely / team / the / meetings / miss / they

3) often / we / clients / meet / new / with

4) often / we / our / company’s / social media / posts / update

5) hardly ever / at / lunch / my / desk / eat / I

6) for / early / usually / meetings / arrive / they / the / morning

7) conferences / attend / I / corporate / frequently

8) customer / quickly / aim / we / always / complaints / to / resolve

9) sales / targets / rarely / the / miss / team

10) routine / my / I / morning / never / skip

Respostas: 6) They usually arrive early for the morning meetings.

1) He always replies promptly to work-related emails. 7) I frequently attend corporate conferences.
2) They rarely miss the team meetings. 8) We always aim to resolve customer complaints quickly.
3) We often meet with new clients. 9) The sales team rarely miss targets.
4) We often update our company's social media posts. 10) I never skip my morning routine.
5) I hardly ever eat lunch at my desk.
#1 - Escrita e Conversação

Use as perguntas abaixo para:

 Praticar a escrita (faça correções usando o ChatGPT)

 Praticar a conversação com outras pessoas (encontre parceiros aqui)

1. How often do you attend 6. How often do you participate in

professional development company meetings?


7. How often do you use digital tools

2. How often do you collaborate with for project management?

colleagues from different

departments? 8. How often do you eat lunch at

your desk?

3. How often do you stay at the

office after working hours? 9. How often do you interact with

clients face-to-face?

4. How often do you review your

work emails outside of office hours? 10. How often do you give

presentations to your team or

5. How often do you take short clients?

breaks during the workday?


Usamos "as ... as" para dizer que pessoas ou coisas são iguais e "not as ... as" para
dizer que pessoas ou coisas não são iguais. Podemos usar um adjetivo, advérbio
ou quantificador com (not) as ... as.


1. This apartment isn't as spacious as the one on the top floor.

(Esse apartamento não é tão espaçoso quanto o do último andar.)

2. His performance wasn't as impressive as hers during the presentation.

(A performance dele não foi tão impressionante quanto a dela durante a


1. Michelle can solve math problems as quickly as James.

(Michelle consegue resolver problemas de matemática tão rapidamente quanto o

2. The new employee adapts to changes as smoothly as the rest of the team.
(O novo funcionário se adapta às mudanças tão suavemente quanto o restante
da equipe.)


1. Our department doesn't receive as much funding as the marketing team.

(Nosso departamento não recebe tanto financiamento quanto a equipe de

2. The smaller store doesn't have as many products as the larger one.
(A loja menor não tem tantos produtos quanto a maior.)

Expressões Idiomáticas:

1. She was as busy as a bee during the project launch.

(Ela estava tão ocupada quanto uma abelha durante o lançamento do projeto.)

2. The CEO was as proud as a peacock of the company's achievements.

(O CEO estava tão orgulhoso quanto um pavão das conquistas da empresa.)
#2 - Pratique Audição

Assista a videoaula abaixo. Se for necessário ative as legendas em inglês. Evite

usar as legendas com a tradução em português o máximo possível.

Ao clicar, você será redirecionado para a videoaula. O vídeo será carregado em alguns segundos.
#2 - Atividade

Complete os espaços em branco levando em consideração o conteúdo das


1. How can we ensure our team communicates __________ efficiently __________ our
By adopting asyncronized communication, I believe we will be communicating as
efficiently as our competitors.

2. Do you think our company receives __________ positive feedback __________

others in the industry?
Yes, our company receives as much positive feedback as others in the industry.

3. Is John's presentation skills __________ strong __________ Mary's?

Yes, John's presentation skills are as strong as Mary's.

4. Are we receiving __________ orders this quarter __________ we did last quarter?
No, we are not receiving as many orders this quarter as we did last quarter.

5. Does our department hold meetings __________ the marketing team?

Yes, our department holds meetings as frequently as the marketing team.

6. Is our customer satisfaction level __________ high __________ it was last year?
No, our customer satisfaction level is not as high as it was last year.

7. Does our company face __________ challenges __________ other companies in the
Yes, our company faces as many challenges as other companies in the industry.

8. Are the benefits we offer __________ attractive __________ those of our

Yes, the benefits we offer are as attractive as those of our competitors.

9. Do you think our project rate is __________ that of similar companies?

Our project completion rate is as good as that of similar companies.

10. Does our team gives __________ innovative ideas __________ the R&D
Yes, our team gives as many innovative ideas as the R&D department.

Respostas: 6. Is our customer satisfaction level not as high as it was last year?
1. How can we ensure our team communicates as efficiently as our 7. Does our company face as many challenges as other companies in
competitors? the industry?
2. Do you think our company receives as much positive feedback as 8. Are the benefits we offer as attractive as those of our competitors?
others in the industry? 9. Do you think our project rate is as good as that of similar companies?
3. Is John's presentation skills as strong as Mary's? 10. Does our team give as many innovative ideas as the R&D
4. Are we receiving not as many orders this quarter as we did last department?
5. Does our department hold meetings as frequently as the marketing
#2 - Atividade

Complete as frases abaixo:

1. Our company's sales performance is __________ that of our main competitor.


2. Maria types __________ quickly __________ Mark.

3. Do you update your skills __________ your colleagues? (frequently)

4. The project's progress is __________ satisfactory __________ our expectations.

5. We receive __________ inquiries __________ usual during the holiday season.

6. Our marketing efforts are not __________ effective __________ they were last year.

7. Our team communicates __________ effectively __________ the sales department.

8. The new software is __________ user-friendly __________ the previous version.

9. Our company has __________ satisfied customers __________ other businesses in

our sector.

10. She manages her time __________ efficiently __________ her supervisor.

Respostas: 6. Our marketing efforts are not as effective as they were last year.
1. Our company's sales performance is as strong as that of our main 7. Our team communicates as effectively as the sales department.
competitor. 8. The new software is as user-friendly as the previous version.
2. Maria types as quickly as Mark. 9. Our company has as many satisfied customers as other businesses
3. Do you update your skills as frequently as your colleagues? in our sector.
4. The project's progress is as satisfactory as our expectations. 10. She manages her time as efficiently as her supervisor.
5. We receive as many inquiries as usual during the holiday season.
#2 - Atividade

Reescreva as frases usando comparações com 'as ... as'. Use 'not' quando
necessário. Veja o exemplo:
My brother is twenty years old. Patrick is twenty-five years old.
Resposta: My brother isn’t as old as Patrick.

1. Australia is big. Canada is bigger.

2. I am very tired. Kevin is also very tired.

3. Iceland is colder than England.

4. This chair is expensive. That chair is also expensive.

5. Andrew is lazier than Wendy.

6. Carol and David are both ten years old.

7. I think action movies are more interesting than comedies.

8. This restaurant is popular. The restaurant across the street is also popular.

9. Sarah swims well. Tom also swims well.

10. The new computer is fast. The old computer was also fast.

Respostas: 6. Carol is as old as David. Also possible: David is as old as Carol.

1. Australia isn’t as big as Canada. 7. I think comedies aren’t as interesting as action movies. Also possible:
2. I am as tired as Kevin. I don’t think comedies are as interesting as action movies.
3. England isn’t as cold as Iceland. 8. The restaurant across the street is as popular as this restaurant.
4. This chair is as expensive as that chair. Also possible: That chair is as 9. Tom swims as well as Sarah.
expensive as this chair (is) 10. The old computer was as fast as the new computer.
5. Wendy isn’t as lazy as Andrew
#2 - Escrita e Conversação

Use as perguntas abaixo para:

 Praticar a escrita (faça correções usando o ChatGPT)

 Praticar a conversação com outras pessoas (encontre parceiros aqui)

1. Is our company's customer service 6. Are the benefits we offer as

as efficient as our main competitor's? appealing as those of our industry


2. Are your negotiation skills as

strong as those of your colleague? 7. Is the training program as

comprehensive as we expected?

3. Is our quarterly sales performance

as impressive as last year's? 8. Is your understanding of the new

company policy as clear as your

4. Is the new project management supervisor's?

software as user-friendly as the

previous version? 9. Is our company's social media

engagement as high as our

5. Is our team's collaboration as competitors'?

effective as other teams in the

department? 10. Is the quality of our products as

consistent as it should be?


Nós formamos o "be going to" com:

o tempo presente do verbo "be" + "going to" + verbo.

O "be" em "be going to" frequentemente é transformado em uma contração (He's

going to...)

Usamos "be going to" para:

Falar sobre intenções ou coisas que planejamos fazer.

- I'm going to start a new project next week. (Eu vou começar um novo projeto na
próxima semana.)

- She's going to visit a client tomorrow. (Ela vai visitar um cliente amanhã.)

Fazer previsões sobre eventos futuros, geralmente quando temos uma razão ou
evidência para nossas previsões.

- Look at those dark clouds. It's going to rain soon. (Olhe para aquelas nuvens
escuras. Vai chover em breve.)

- The stock market is performing well. The value of the shares is going to increase.
(A bolsa de valores está indo bem. O valor das ações vai aumentar.)
#3 - Pratique Audição

Assista a videoaula abaixo. Se for necessário ative as legendas em inglês. Evite

usar as legendas com a tradução em português o máximo possível.

Ao clicar, você será redirecionado para a videoaula. O vídeo será carregado em alguns segundos.
#3 – Atividade

Complete as frases abaixo:

1. How __________ you __________ to the team’s success this year? (contribute)

2. When __________ you __________ your presentation to the client? (deliver)

3. How __________ your company __________ its market share in the next quarter?


4. Are you __________ the industry conference next month? (attend)

5. What strategies __________ your department __________ to streamline the

workflow? (implement)

6. When __________ you __________ the new project kick-off meeting? (have)

7. What __________ your team __________ to stay ahead of the competition? (do)

8. How __________ your company __________ its environmental sustainability

efforts? (enhance)

9. When __________ you __________ the training program for the new software?


10. What __________ your plans __________ for professional growth this year? (be)

Respostas: 6. are you going to have

1. are you going to contribute 7. are your team going to do
2. are you going to deliver 8. is your company going to enhance
3. is your company going to increase 9. are you going to start
4. going you to 10. are your plans going to be
5. is your department going to implement
#3 – Atividade

Complete as frases abaixo utilizando a forma correta de “BE GOING TO”. Escolha
a opção correta entre parênteses.

1. Our team __________ launch a new product next month. (am / is / are)

2. When __________ you __________ deliver your presentation to the board of

directors? (is / are)

3. Our company __________ implement a more efficient communication system. (is

/ are)

4. __________ you __________ attend the workshop on leadership skills? (Are, am)

5. She __________ focus on expanding the international market. (am / is / are)

6. The management __________ announce the new company policies soon. (is /


7. __________ your team __________ participate in the team-building event next

week? (Is, am)

8. We __________ invest in upgrading our technology infrastructure. (am / is / are)

9. The CEO __________ give a speech at the annual conference. (is / are)

10. When __________ you __________ start the project? (is / are)

Respostas: 6. is going to
1. is going to 7. Is, going to
2. are, going to 8. are going to
3. is going to 9. is going to
4. Are, going to 10. are, going to
5. is going to
#3 – Atividade

Imagine que você é um membro de uma equipe corporativa e está fazendo um

planejamento futuro para os próximos meses. Complete as frases abaixo usando
“BE GOING TO” para expressar os planos da sua equipe:

1. Our department ____________ implement a new software system to streamline

our workflow.

2. Next week, our team ____________ host a webinar to share industry insights.

3. We ____________ attend a training workshop to enhance our negotiation skills.

4. In the upcoming quarter, our company ____________ launch a new marketing


5. Our manager ____________ introduce a mentorship program for professional


6. At the end of the year, our division ____________ achieve a 10% increase in sales.

7. Our project team ____________ collaborate with the research department on a

new innovation.

8. We ____________ conduct a customer satisfaction survey to gather feedback.

9. Our CEO ____________ give a keynote speech at the annual conference.

10. As a team, we ____________ work on improving cross-functional


Respostas: 6. is going to
1. is going to 7. is going to
2. is going to 8. are going to
3. are going to 9. is going to
4. is going to 10. are going to
5. is going to
#3 – Escrita e Conversação

Use as perguntas abaixo para:

 Praticar a escrita (faça correções usando o ChatGPT)

 Praticar a conversação com outras pessoas (encontre parceiros aqui)

1. What projects are you going to 6. Are you going to pursue any

work on in the upcoming quarter? additional certifications? Which ones

and when?

2. How are you going to enhance

your skills for your current role? 7. When are you going to present

your proposal to the management

3. When are you going to attend the team?

next industry conference or seminar?

8. What tactics are you going to use

4. What strategies are you going to to expand your client base?

implement to improve team

productivity? 9. How are you going to adapt to the

changes in the market?

5. What areas of your professional

development are you going to focus 10. When are you going to

on this year? collaborate with other departments

on upcoming projects?
Comparativos são usados para comparar duas coisas e para expressar diferenças de
qualidade, quantidade ou grau.

Comparativos de Igualdade:
Denotam igualdade em termos de qualidade ou quantidade, empregando “as + adjetivo +
as” ou “as much/many + substantivo + as”.
“This project is as important as the previous one.” (Esse projeto é tão importante quanto o

Comparativos de Superioridade:
Utilizados para estabelecer uma superioridade entre as entidades, esses comparativos
empregam “more + adjetivo/adverbio” ou “more + substantivo”.
“Our profits are more significant this quarter.” (Nossos lucros estão mais significativos
neste trimestre.)

Comparativos de Inferioridade:
Usados para indicar uma inferioridade, esses comparativos utilizam “less +
adjetivo/adverbio” ou “less + substantivo”.
“His presentation was less engaging than hers.” (A apresentação dele foi menos envolvente
que a dela.)

Adjetivos de Uma Sílaba:

Adicionamos “er” ao adjetivo e usamos “than” para fazer a comparação de superioridade.
Para indicar inferioridade, não transformamos o adjetivo; usamos “less” + adjetivo + “than”.
“His proposal is bolder than mine.” (A proposta dele é mais audaciosa que a minha.)

Adjetivos de Duas ou Mais Sílabas:

São acompanhados de “more” + adjetivo + “than” para expressar superioridade e “less”
para indicar inferioridade.
“Their strategy is more sophisticated than our previous one.” (A estratégia deles é mais
sofisticada que a nossa anterior.)

Adjetivos de Uma ou Duas Sílabas Terminados em “y”:

Substituímos o “y” por “ier” antes de adicionar “than”.
“Her presentation was livelier than his.” (A apresentação dela estava mais animada que a

** Essas estruturas também têm exceções, como “good” (better), “bad” (worse), “far”
(further / farther), entre outras.

** Se a segunda pessoa ou coisa sendo comparada não é mencionada na frase, a palavra

“than” pode ser omitida:
“Which approach is more effective, the current one or the proposed one?” (Qual abordagem
é mais eficaz, a atual ou a proposta?)

** Comparativos também permitem comparar uma pessoa ou coisa com todo o restante
do grupo ao qual pertencem.
“Her sales performance is better than that of all her colleagues.” (O desempenho de vendas
dela é melhor que o de todos os colegas dela.)
#4 – Pratique Audição

Assista a videoaula abaixo. Se for necessário ative as legendas em inglês. Evite

usar as legendas com a tradução em português o máximo possível.

Ao clicar, você será redirecionado para a videoaula. O vídeo será carregado em alguns segundos.
#4 – Atividade

Escolha a opção correta para cada pergunta.

1. Qual é a forma correta de 6. Selecione a opção que apresenta a

comparativo para o adjetivo “tall” forma correta de comparativo para o
(alto)? adjetivo "creative" (criativo).
a) taller a) creativeer
b) more taller b) more creativer
c) more tall c) more creative

2. Selecione a opção que apresenta a 7. Qual é a forma correta de

forma correta de comparativo para o comparativo para o adjetivo
adjetivo “expensive” (caro). "important" (importante)?
a) expensiver a) importanter
b) more expensiver b) more important
c) more expensive c) more importanter

3. Qual é a forma correta de 8. Se o adjetivo "comfortable"

comparativo para o adjetivo (confortável) tiver que ser
“interesting" (interessante)? comparado, qual é a forma correta?
a) more interestinger a) comfortabler
b) more interesting b) more comfortabler
c) interestinger c) more comfortable

4. Se o adjetivo "smart" (inteligente) 9. Para o adjetivo "difficult" (difícil),

tiver que ser comparado, qual é a qual é o comparativo correto?
forma correta? a) difficultier
a) smarther b) more difficult
b) more smarter c) more difficultier
c) smarter
10. Qual é a forma correta de
5. Para o adjetivo "successful" (bem- comparativo para o adjetivo
sucedido), qual é o comparativo "productive" (produtivo)?
correto? a) productiver
a) successfuler b) more productiver
b) more successful c) more productive
c) more successfuler

Respostas: 6. c) more creative

1. a) taller 7. b) more important
2. c) more expensive 8. c) more comfortable
3. b) more interesting 9. b) more difficult
4. c) smarter 10. c) more productive
5. b) more successful
#4 - Atividade

Escolha a opção correta para completar cada frase com a forma apropriada do

1. This book is _______ (interesting) 6. This solution is _______ (simple) the

than the one I read last week. previous one.
a) interestinger a) as simple than
b) as interesting b) simpler than
c) less interesting c) simpleer

2. She is _______ than I am. 7. John's performance was _______

a) more creative (good) we expected.
b) creativeer a) better than
c) creative b) gooder as
c) more good as
3. The new software is _______ (user-
friendly) the previous version. 8. Mary is _______ (confident) than
a) user-friendlyer than Sally.
b) more user-friendly as a) as confident
c) more user-friendly than b) confidenter
c) more confident
4. Our company's profits were _______
(low) expected this quarter. 9. The team's productivity was _______
a) more low as (high) last month.
b) lower than a) as high than
c) lowier b) highier than
c) higher than
5. The presentation was _______
(informative) we anticipated. 10. The new marketing strategy is
a) more informative as _______ (effective) the previous one.
b) more informative than a) as effective than
c) informativeer b) effectiveer
c) more effective than

Respostas: 6. b) simpler than

1. c) less interesting 7. a) better than
2. c) more creative 8. c) more confident
3. c) more user-friendly than 9. c) higher than
4. b) lower than 10. c) more effective than
5. b) more informative than
#4 - Atividade

Escolha a opção correta para completar cada frase com a forma apropriada do

1. This project is _______ (difficult) the 6. Your idea is _______ (creative) your
previous one. colleague's proposal.
a) difficult as a) more creative than
b) more difficult than b) as creative than
c) difficultier c) creativer

2. The company's profits are _______ 7. The new product's price is _______
(high) last year. (low) the previous version.
a) the highest a) less lower than
b) as high b) lower as
c) highier than c) as low as

3. Her presentation was _______ 8. Our new office space is _______

(informative) yours. (spacious) the previous one.
a) as informative as a) as spaciouser as
b) more informative as b) spaciouser than
c) informativier c) more spacious than

4. Our team's performance is _______ 9. The conference attendance was

(good) the industry standard. _______ (small) we anticipated.
a) the most good a) as smaller as
b) gooder than b) less smaller than
c) as good as c) smaller than

5. The solution is _______ (simple) it 10. The manager's communication

seems. skills are _______ (effective) the
a) simpler as team's.
b) as simple as a) effectiveer
c) simpleer b) as effective as
c) effective than

Respostas: 6. b) more creative than

1. b) more difficult than 7. c) as low as
2. c) highier than 8. c) more spacious than
3. a) as informative as 9. b) smaller than
4. c) as good as 10. b) as effective as
5. b) as simple as
#4 - Escrita e Conversação

Use as perguntas abaixo para:

 Praticar a escrita (faça correções usando o ChatGPT)

 Praticar a conversação com outras pessoas (encontre parceiros aqui)

1. Is it more effective to have many 6. Compare two negotiation

team members or just a few highly approaches. Which one do you find
skilled ones for a project? more effective in closing deals?

2. Compare two marketing 7. Which is more valuable in the

strategies. Which one do you believe workplace, adaptability or
is more efficient for reaching our specialized expertise?
target audience?
8. Compare two communication
3. When it comes to job satisfaction, styles: assertiveness and diplomacy.
do you think work-life balance is Which one do you think leads to
more crucial than salary? better conflict resolution?

4. Compare two project management 9. When evaluating job candidates,

tools. Which one offers more do you prioritize experience or
features for better project control? potential for growth?

5. In your opinion, is it more 10. Which is more critical for a

beneficial for a company to invest in successful project, a well-defined
employee training or hire timeline or a flexible budget?
experienced professionals?

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