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Nos EUA Inc.

& Tribunais Globais

Á se Iniciar nos EUA & seguir ACUSAÇÕES
para os Novos Tribunais
Nuremberga Crime 1: 18 U.S.C. §
2331 §§ 802 – Atos de
Aos Procuradores Estaduais terrorismo Doméstico
Com Uma Consciência ou Juízes que tem causado a
Estaduais & seus advogados** morte de milhões.
Processando: Crime 2: 18 USC § 2339–
Conspirando para
Cometerem Atos de
● Sr. Alex Azar, OSHA
● Dr. Anthony Fauci,
● Dr. Peter Daszak,
Crime 3. 15 U.S.C. §1-3 –
● Dr. Ralph Baric, conspiração para
● UNC Chapel Hill atividades comerciais
● FDA, Janet Woodcock terroristas.
● CDC, Rochelle Walensky
● NIAID, USAID, NIH, HHS Crime 4. 18 USC § 175 –
● MODERNA, (ANSER) Financiando e Criando
● PFIZER, Armas biológicas – com
● J&J, AstraZeneka pelo menos 20 nas
● GLAXOSMITHKLINE injeções 'covid'.
● A Fundação Bill and Melinda Gates
– O Dr. Elias Crime 5. 15 U.S.C. §8 –
● A OMG – Dr. Tedros controle e manipulação
● A DARPA (múltiplas bio-armas)
do mercado.
● O Pentágono-O DOD-WarpSpeed
● A EcoHealthAlliance
Crime 6. 18 U.S.C. §
1001 – mentir ao
● A Sequoia Pharmaceutical´s
● O Dr. Gao (China CDC)
● A Universidade John Hopkins
Crime 7. 15 U.S.C. § 19 –
● O FEM – Klaus Schwab mesmos diretores nas
● O Trump, a MÍDIA, o Biden, Kamala, empresas concorrentes.
Obama, os Clintons, A Dinastia Bush
Operação Dark Winter, Operação
Crime 8. 18 U.S. Code §
Crimson Contagion, o FBI, CIA,
2384 - Conspiração
Congresso, outros @final/doc
A acusação proposta contra o FEM –
os Co-Conspiradores do Klaus

► Durante a decada dos anos 90 a Pfizer procurou

pesquisar, desenvolver e patentear um tal 'corona-vírus'
bio-arma na forma de uma tal 'vacina'. (Realizaram isso
agora com estas falsas 'vacinas' 'covid' que contém umas
20 armas biológicas altamente planejadas e imbutidas).
Mas estas tais 'vacinas aí que dizem ser novas, foram
criadas já a muitos anos, como vamos ver neste presente

♦ A primera aplicação da Pfizer á patente e que

reconheceu especificamente a proteína espigada spike 'S'
(a sua bio-arma patenteada) como o seu alvo imunológico
para as novas tais 'vacinas', foi arquivado na sua primeira
aplicação a esta patente no dia 14 de Novembro de 1990.
(U.S. Patent 6,372,224). Com fôco na gastrenterite suína e
canina, estes esforços mostraram pouca promessa
comercial e a patente foi abandonada cinco mêses depois
em Abril de 2000.

Ψ Durante o mesmo período, O Instituto Nacional de

Alergia e doenças infecciosas (NIAID), por causa da
obsessão do Dr. Anthony Fauci pelas tais "vacinas",
acabou financiando o Professor Ralph Baric na
Universidade da Carolina do Norte Chapel Hill. Este
programa foi projetado para comercialmente criar uma
arma biológica supositamente de uma toxina na natureza.
(Culparam a China e os morcegos mas é tudo um mentira
para esconder os seus crimes sobre o governo do Obama).
Mas esta toxina não existe na natureza e também é fruto
deste programa militar – particular – um programa
parceria para gerar lucros e ser usado futuramente contra
as populações do mundo, como estamos vendo agora.
► Todos estes programas anteriores e todo esse crime se
materializou no Projeto Warp Speed do Trump, uma
organização criminosa contra os EUA e contra o mundo.
Implementaram injeções experimentais usando uma
tecnologia altamente perigosa de ARNm que nunca passou
em algum teste anterior, nem nos animais. De fato, matou
todos os animais no qual tinha sido testado em anos
anteriores. Pegaram esta tecnologia sem testar nos
humanos e implementaram um programa de 'vacinação'
RELÂMPAGO, pegando todos os cientistas, médicos do
mundo de surpresa, sem ninguém poder avaliar isso e as
consequências sobre o corpo humano e sobre as
populações. E atravêz de políticos subornados ou colocados
em posições de poder pela mesma máfia, pelo memo cartel
internacional das 'vacinas', injetaram a milhoes de pessoas
que não suspeitaram com este veneno rapidamente em
todos os lugares, ferindo a própria população com bio-
armas altamente nocivas, ilegais e a longo prazo mortíferas.
Isso porquê elas contém a proteína spike espigada 'S', mais
o Ebola, o SARS-Cov1, sequências da gripe Espanhola, da
AIDS, de vários retro-vírus e um montante de tecnologias e
sequências genéticas que ativam os retro-vírus dormentes
no corpo humano. Estas sequências são projetadas para
também ativarem genomas de doenças dormentes no
corpo humano. Fazem também doenças que a pessoa já
tem voltarem 1000 vêzes piores. Destroem o sistema imune
humano entre 16 a 24 semanas. Portanto, todos os
governadores, os membros do Congresso, os prefeitos, os
políticos, os médicos, as entidades de saúde, os ministros
da saúde participando deste programa de 'vacinação covid'
são réus a um crime hideondo sendo cometido contra o
povo Brasileiro! Todos os seus mandatos de máscaras, de
'vacinas', de fechar tudo são portanto CRIMES DOS MAIS
participarem, se tornaram membros participantes de um
crime organizado internacional, um ataque contra o povo!

۩ Então eles pegaram esta toxina, a proteina espigada 'S'

spike, falsamente alegando que existia na natureza e
criaram outra arma biológica para supositamente
combater e esta proteína 'S' que eles mesmos criaram.
Como pelo menos 50% das pesquisas que são publicadas
são falsas, enganaram o mundo financiando estas
pesquisas. Foi assim que se iniciou esta conspiração
criminosa contra o planeta e isso viola a leis nos EUA 18
USC § 175, 15 USC § 1-3, e a lei 15 USC § 8). A perícia e a
especialização do Dr. Baric foi no seu entendimento de
como modificar componentes deste tal 'corona-vírus'
associados com a cardiomiopatia. Trata-se de uma
sequência genética feita nos computadores e que não
existe na natureza. Se trata de uma arma biológica.

♣ O crime internacional se iniciou quando este grupo de

criminosos nos EUA, dirigidos pelo Dr. Anthony Fauci,
conseguiram dinheiro atravéz do NIAID – A concessão AI
23946 e o GM63228 (que levou ás patente ilegal U.S.
7,279,327) denomidado “Métodos de Produção de um
Corona-vírus Re-combinante”. Este foi o primeiro projeto
ilegal de ganho de função do NIH Americano, usando o
dinheiro público para criarem bio-armas de destruição em
massa. Neste projeto ilegal, o Dr. Baric criou um clone que
eles alegavam não poder se reproduzir. Era de fato um
clone de uma arma biológica anterior, o tal 'corona-vírus',
mas alterado com ganho de função. Portanto é um
programa de bio-terrorismo internacional e um crime
contra a humanidade. A meta deste programa era de se
alterar uma bio-arma anterior que não é natural, um
patógeno. A fizeram ser mais danoso e mortífero aos
humanos atravéz da manipulação de sua Proteína Spike e
outros receptores alvos na superfície dos exosomas que
falsamente chamaram de um 'vírus'. Pegaram portanto
uma parte do sistema imune humano, a alteraram,
desligando os receptores chaves e introduziram os
receptores artificiais, para assim transformar um
elemento natural em uma bio-arma. Viraram o corpo
contra sí próprio, criando doenças auto-imunes.

۩ Foi somente um ano depois que estes criminosos

entraram com este pedido de patente, que logo surgiu o
primeiro 'SARS' na terra, afetando milhões. Foi o seu
primero golpe criminoso contra a humanidade. E até hoje
este criminoso Dr. Fauci mentiu perante o Congresso
Americano e perante o povo, dizendo falsamente que ele
nunca financiou um programa de ganho de função,
quando estes programas que eles criaram foi exatamente
isso. E até hoje, estes criminosos culpam a China pelo
crime que eles mesmos criaram. Culpam o laboratório em
Wuhan que estes mesmos criminosos controlam e
financiam. Tudo como uma diversão para o mundo não
ficar de ôlho nos verdadeiros culpados.
♦ Sob o pretexto de responder a uma emergência de
saúde pública, (não houve emergência com o tal 'SARS-
Cov1' nem agora com 'SARS-Cov2)', O Centro De Controle
e Prevenção de Doenças dos Estados Unidos (CDC)
apresentaram um pedido de patente sobre o genoma de
"SARS CoV" (uma arma biológica) em 25 de Abril de 2003.
Acessando e manipulando os dados genômicos que
vieram da China- (eles usaram os seus próprios
laboratórios na China, no Instituto Pirbright na Inglaterra,
no Instituto Pasteur na França e no Fort Detrick para
desenvolvê-lo). Isso fez com que esta entidade nos EUA, o
CDC, ao fazer este pedido de patente fosse illegal e
criminoso. Portanto, o próprio CDC Americano faz parte
deste crime 'Covid' contra a humanidade. O CDC e estes
criminosos violaram a lei 35 USC §101, 103 nos EUA).
► O Dr. Baric, o Dr. Fauci e o CDC Americano SÃO TODOS
CRIMINOSOS pois eles violaram a lei 18 USC § 175 (um
crime federal). Já um ano antes disso, o Dr. Baric e o seu
time de criminosos já tinham solicitado uma patente
sobre o mesmo patógeno que um ano depois em 2003 o
CDC alegava ser algo novo. Três dias depois que o CDC
aplicou para conseguir a patente desta bio-arma, a
empresa Sequoia Pharmacéutica, financiado pelo NIH
Americano, também entraram com um pedido de
patente mas para a tal 'vacina' para tratar o vírus artificial
chimérico inventado apenas 3 dias antes pelo mesmo
grupo de criminosos nos seus laboratórios de forma
artificial. No mesmo momento, em violação á lei
Americana 15 USC § 19, colocaram o Dr. Fauci numa
posição de diretoria na Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates
que era um competidor na produção de 'vacinas'. Isso se
chama diretoria inter-ligada1 e um a crime contra a lei
anti-formalção de cartél trust. Isso então iniciou a
formação de uma máfia de controle onde os mesmos
diretores controlaram a criação do 'vírus' artificial, das
'vacinas' e as várias instituições produzindo as tais
'vacinas', eliminando a competição e formando um cartel,
uma máfia 'Covid' de falsas 'vacinas' mortíferas! ISSO É
TAL 'SARS-COV2!' (Estas diretorias inter-ligadas já existe a
muito tempo no que a Karen Hudes descreve como sendo
o Network de Controle Corporativo Global da família
Rothschild e da Máfia Judaica e do Octógono Suiço que
controlam tudo.)

FINAL DA PARTE I. O resto segue depois.

◊ In 2005, the DARPA and MITRE hosted a conference in which
the intentions of the U.S. Department of Defense was explicit.
In a presentation focused on “Synthetic 'Corona-viruses' Bio-
hacking: Biological Warfare Enabling Technologies”, Dr. Baric
presented the malleability of CoV as a biological warfare agent.
Violating 18 USC § 175 and inducing the non-competitive
market allocation (violating 15 USC § 8) for years to follow, Dr.
Baric and the U.S. Department of Defense spent over $45
million in amplifying the toxicity of 'CoV' and its chimeric
derivatives – (all lab created genetic sequences).
╪ From 2011 until the alleged 'COVID-19 pandemic',
(there never was a pandemic but now we are witnessing
a pandemic of the so called ''vaccinated'') Dr. Fauci has
routinely lamented about the inadequacy of public
funding for his ''vaccine'' programs and the public’s
general unwillingness to succumb to his insistence that
everyone MUST be 'vaccinated' against influenza. (With
those shots also full of toxic, deadly graphene oxide,
causing many to die in Italy last year, in 2020, when
combined with 5G – then falsely called 'covid' deaths).
Despite repeated appropriations to advance 'vaccine'
dependency, his efforts had been largely unsuccessful.
NIAID – under Dr. Fauci’s direct authorization –
encouraged UNC Chapel Hill and Dr. Baric’s lab to ignore
the GoF moratorium in a letter dated October 21, 2014.
At that time, Drs. Fauci, Baric and EcoHealthAlliance’s
Peter Daszak were in possession of an extremely
dangerous <supposedly 'Chinese'> pathogen identified a
year earlier in Wuhan.2 (Which the US itself used China
to develop, under Fauci).
ϕ While many illegal acts were committed by the
conspirators leading up to 2015, the domestic terrorism
program (in violation of 18 USC § 2339) was announced by
NIAID-funded Daszak at the National Academy of Sciences.
Here, he announced what was to become the greatest
domestic and global terrorism event in history, branded
1. We note that gain-of-function specialist, Dr. Ralph
Baric, was both the recipient of millions of dollars of U.S.
research grants from several federal agencies and sat on
the World Health Organization’s International
Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) and the
Coronaviridae Study Group (CSG). In this capacity, he
was both responsible for determining “novelty” of clades
of (lab-generated artificial) 'virus' species but directly
benefited from determining declarations of novelty in
the form of new research funding authorizations and
associated (illegal) patenting and commercial
collaboration. Together with CDC, NIAID, WHO, academic
and commercial parties (including Johnson & Johnson;
Sanofi and their several 'corona-virus' (bio-weapons)
patent-holding biotech companies; Moderna; Pfizer;
Merck; BioNTech; AstraZeneca; Janssen; Ridgeback;
Gilead (Dr. Baric’s alter ego); Sherlock Bio-sciences; and
others – involved thus in criminal activity), a powerful
group of interests constituted what are “inter-locking
directorates” under U.S. anti-trust laws. Further, most of
these entities, including the Federal Government ones
violated 35 USC § 200-206 by failing to disclose Federal
Government interest in the remedies proposed.
╪ These entities were affiliated with the WHO’s Global
Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) whose
members were instrumental in the Open Philanthropy-
funded global 'corona-virus' 'pandemic' “desk-top”
exercise EVENT 201 in October 2019. (So the WHO is
very much a part of this criminal network). This event,
funded by the principal investor in Sherlock Bio-sciences
(a beneficiary of the 'SARS CoV-2' EUA for CRISPR
technology) and linking inter-locking funding partner, the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation into the GPMB
mandated a respiratory disease global preparedness
exercise to be completed by September 2020 and
alerted us to anticipate an “epidemic” scenario. We
expected to see such a scenario emerge from Wuhan or
Guangdong China, northern Italy, Seattle, New York or a
combination thereof, (5G cities)
cities as Dr. Zhengli Shi and Dr.
Baric’s work on supposed zoonotic transmission of
'corona-virus' (actually bio-weapons) identified
overlapping mutations in 'corona-virus' in bat
populations located in these areas. (A cover story).
2. By October 2013, the Wuhan Institute of Virology 1
'corona-virus' S1 spike protein (a patented bio-weapon)
was described in NIAID’s funded work in China. (They
used this China story as a cover).
♦ This work involved NIAID, USAID, and Peter Daszak,
the head of EcoHealth Alliance. This work, funded under
R01AI079231, was pivotal in isolating and manipulating
viral fragments (created in labs & not existing in nature)
selected from sites across China which contained high
risk for severe human response. (After they were turned
into weaponized genetic sequences, into bio-weapons.
There is no cross-over of species and these 'viruses' do
not exist in nature, nor in bats. They are man-made).
(Ge, XY., Li, JL., Yang, XL. et al. Isolation (no true isolation
took place) and characterization of a bat 'SARS'-like
'corona-virus' that uses the ACE2 receptor. (At least 50%
of this research is false and a cover for the multiple bio-
weapons). Nature 503, 535–538 (2013).) The highly
illegal GoF work NIAID allowed to persist in the face of
the moratorium was Dr. Baric’s work with this (man-
made) pathogen.
“…until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present,
and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely
ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the
crisis, he said, we need to increase public
understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-
influenza or pan-corona-virus 'vaccine'. A key driver is
the media, and the economics follow the hype. We
need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the
real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at
the end of process, Daszak stated.”3
►It is not surprising that one year later NIAID’s funding
paid off with Dr. Baric’s lab announcing that the Wuhan-
derived pathogen was “poised for human emergence”.4
ɸ Knowing that the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (through CDC, NIH, NIAID, and their funded
laboratories and commercial partners) had patents on each
proposed element of medical counter measures and their
funding, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Gao (China CDC), and Dr. Elias (Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation) conspired to commit acts
of terror on the global population – including the citizens
of the United States – when, in September 2019, they
published the following mandate in A World At Risk:

“Countries, donors and multi-lateral institutions must

be prepared for the worst. A rapidly spreading
pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen
(whether naturally emergent or accidentally or
deliberately released or actually created by them in
their labs) poses additional preparedness
requirements. Donors and multi-lateral institutions
must ensure adequate investment in developing
innovative ''vaccine's' and therapeutics, surge
manufacturing capacity, broad-spectrum anti-virals
and appropriate non-pharmaceutical interventions. All
countries must develop a system for immediately
sharing genome sequences of any new pathogen
(which they themselves created) for public health
purposes along with the means to share limited
medical counter-measures across countries.
(So the criminals create the pathogens then develop
deadly fake 'vaccine's to treat them).
Progress indicator(s) by September 2020
● Donors and countries commit and identify
timelines for: financing and development of a
universal influenza 'vaccine', (another bio-
weapon contaminated with graphene oxide)
broad spectrum anti-virals, (toxic) and targeted
therapeutics. (To target the pathogens they
themselves created). WHO and its Member
States develop options for standard procedures
and timelines for sharing of (lab created)
sequence data, specimens, and medical counter-
measures for pathogens other than influenza.
CREATION AND DEADLY, criminal 'vaccine' ROLL-
● Donors, countries and multi-lateral
institutions develop a multi-year plan and
approach for strengthening R&D research
capacity, in advance of and during an epidemic.
(They create the pathogen, declare the false
epidemics via a simulation using the military and
then roll-out the fake 'vaccine's they develop as
part of this global deadly conspiracy and

● WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the

International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies, academic and other partners
identify strategies for increasing capacity and
integration of social science approaches and
researchers across the entire
preparedness/response continuum.”5
As if to confirm the utility of the September 2019
demand for “financing and development of”
'vaccine' (they created the false demand, the false
need for the 'vaccines') and the fortuitous 'SARS
CoV-2' alleged outbreak in December of 2019, (they
also planned the outbreak) Dr. Fauci began gloating
that his fortunes for:
3. Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness
for Catastrophic Events; Forum on Drug Discovery,
Development, and Translation; Forum on Microbial
Threats; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Board on
Global Health; Institute of Medicine; National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
Rapid Medical Counter-measure Response to
Infectious Diseases: Enabling Sustainable Capabilities
Through Ongoing Public- and Private-Sector
Partnerships: Workshop Summary. Washington (DC):
National Academies Press (US); 2016 Feb 12. 6,
Developing MCMs for 'Corona-viruses'. Available from:

4. Menachery VD, Yount BL Jr, Sims AC, Debbink K,

Agnihothram SS, Gralinski LE, Graham RL, Scobey T,
Plante JA, Royal SR, Swanstrom J, Sheahan TP, Pickles
RJ, Corti D, Randell SH, Lanzavecchia A, Marasco WA,
Baric RS. 2016. 'SARS'-like WIV1-'CoV' poised for
human emergence. (A clear bio-weapon). Proc Natl
Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Mar 14. pii: 201517719
_annualreport_2019.pdf (page 8)

additional funding were likely changing for the better.

In a February 2020 interview in STAT, he was quoted as
“The emergence of the new virus is going to change
that figure, likely considerably, Fauci said. “I don’t
know how much it’s going to be. But I think it’s going
to generate more sustained interest in 'corona-viruses'
because it’s very clear that 'corona-viruses' can do
really interesting things.”6 (No new virus emerged and
all the so called 'corona-viruses' are actually bio-
weapons developed by Fauci and other co-
conspirators over a long period of time. This is a
confession of this global crime. Fauci even predicted
the future outbreak during the coming Trump
administration. This fore-knowledge is indicative of his
criminal activity).

◊ In November 2019 – one month before the alleged

“outbreak” in Wuhan, (which was also planned and
coordinated by these same criminals), Moderna
(Founded by Fauci himself) entered into a material
transfer agreement – brokered by the 'vaccine'
Research Center at NIAID (at which UNC Chapel Hill
alum Dr. Kizzy Corbett worked) – to access Dr. Baric’s
Spike Protein data (a patented bio-weapon) to
commence ''vaccine'' development. (Another bio-
weapon). In his own written statement obtained by
the Financial Times, he refers to this agreement as
being the foundation for the mRNA Moderna
'vaccine'.7 (Another Fauci bio-weapon).
ϕ To finalize the nature of the racketeering and anti-
trust criminal conspiracy, when it came time to
commercialize the NIH and DARPA owned spike protein
(patented bio-weapon) and pass it off as a “'vaccine'”
(in conflict with the standard for 'vaccine's in statutory
and scientific application), (an act of bio-terrorism as
well) the Operation Warp Speed (which is a criminal
operation) contract was awarded to DoD contraction
ATI, a subsidiary of ANSER. In a graph reminiscent of the
anti-trust hearings at the formation of the Clayton Act
in the early 20th century, the identity of the inter-locking
conflicts of interests are presented in graphic relief. It is
with no surprise that the result of this price-fixing
conspiracy was the enrichment of the conspiring parties
and the harm of consumers:

6 https://www.statnews.com/2020/02/10/fluctuating-
7 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32756549/

►Indeed, the money followed the hype and they used the
hype to get to the real issues. Investors follow where they
see profit at the end of the process.

►And real Americans are dying each day because a

criminal organization unleashed terror resulting in the
deaths of Americans.
18 U.S.C. § 2331 §§ 802 – Acts of Domestic Terrorism
resulting in death of American Citizens.
Pub. L. No. 107-52 expanded the definition of terrorism
to cover "domestic," as opposed to international,
terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if
they do an act "dangerous to human life" that is a
violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United
States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i)
intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence
the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion;

♦ Every single Act, the declaration of the State of

Emergency, the Emergency Use Authorization, the
fraudulent face masks, the business closures, and
the OSHA and CMS 'vaccine' mandates are ALL
admitted by the conspirators to be acts to coerce
the population into taking a fake ''vaccine'', a bio-
weapon. Further, these acts disrupted the
democracy of the United States of America and
resulted in the violation of 18 USC § 2384. The
conspirators announced it in 2015, then prepared
the pathogen in 2016 and laid out the terror
campaign in September 2019. And now they profit
from the death of Americans.
The John Hopkins University – WEF
Pre-planned leaked 'variants' – notice
how the so called 'Omnicron',
Omnicron predicted in this image
from around June of 2021 to be released in May
2022, (when no one at the time had even heard of
it), was now released out of schedule in Nov/Dec.

CDC Data Showing how the mycoplasma pneumonia

bio-weapon caused the initial disease in 2020, not a
Proof the FDA, Pfizer & all the so called ''vaccine''
manufacturers knew of the diseases the so called
'covid' ''vaccine's' would cause:

Confirmed as being reported here: C19 VAX


The Graphene Oxide Bio-weapon confirmed by

various scientific analysis:
The 'Covid' Privateers

The Jewish Mafia Conspiracy

planned in 2015 by the 'COVID'
The Continental Conventions Begin…




The Dr. Martin main original document used as a

basis for the new case:


● ''vaccine'' OWNERS & DEVELOPERS -
Additional co-conspirators:

The parties listed above, (the MSM media, the secret

companies (Dr. Zhengli Shi, China, CEPI, the other
'vaccine' companies, AstraZeneka – Leif Johansson,
owner, AB Capitol Group, Invested also in BlackRock.
The Black Nobility – Jesuit funding banks. See the link -
BlackRock and Vanguard: The Same Shady People Own
Big Pharma and the Media . See also - Dr. David Martin:
Who “They” Are, “The Names and Faces” | Algora Blog,
The World Bank and their secret 'COVID' contracts,
working with Klaus Schwab. Operation Warp Speed
partners. See pg. 5 of this document - Together with
CDC, NIAID, NIH Francis Francis Collins, (The Jesuit
master minds), The WHO, academic and commercial
parties (including Johnson & Johnson; Sanofi and their
several 'corona-virus' patent-holding biotech
companies; Moderna; Pfizer; Merck; BioNTech;
AstraZeneca; Janssen; Ridgeback; Gilead (Dr. Baric’s
alter ego); Sherlock Bio-sciences; and others), their
powerful group of interests constituted what are “inter-
locking directorates” under U.S. anti-trust laws. As
noted on pg. 05, most of these entities, including the
Federal Government ones violated 35 USC § 200-206
by failing to disclose Federal Government interest in
the remedies proposed. The Swiss Octagon, head of
the snake. Israeli, Australian, German, French,
American, Canadian leaders & those in other countries,
politicians, multiple Congress members, governors,
mayors participating in this GLOBAL CRIME AGAINST
HUMANITY (As explained in the Algora Blog above). Dr.
Tedros at the WHO. Pfizer – Albert Bourla. Moderna
Stephane Bancel – owner and president and Robert
Langer – engineer known for the nano-materials and
the father of the liberation of the deadly poison.
Weaponized by Fauci, Moderna and his
Jewish Rothschid Mafia!

► This is falsely being called a 'genetic

therapy' when the previous therapy treatment
technology has been turned into a deadly bio-

So, thus all FOUR MAIN ''vaccine('S') being

distributed across the planet use this
Moderna – Fauci – bio-weapons system!

US Patent number US-10703789-B2

explains it all!

SARS-COV2 Is Not “Novel” – Patents on the virus and
'vaccine' date back to 1999


David Martin founder and CEO of M-CAM, which monitors

patent activity, innovation and economic activity in 168
countries. He gives a timeline overview of some of the
'SARS' 'corona-virus' patents (there have been over 4,000)
filed since 1999 and explains why the 'SARS-COV2'
'corona-virus' was not “novel” (new).

For example, https://media2-

ummary.pdf). Dr. Martin raised the alarm about this
research in 2001. His analysis of the players involved and
the paper trail is astounding.
From his research:

January, 28th, 2000 US Patent 6372224

The first 'vaccine' ever patented for 'coronavirus' was
actually sought by Pfizer. The application for the first
'vaccine' for 'coronavirus' was specifically for this 'S' Spike
protein, the exact same thing that allegedly we have
rushed into invention in 2021.

April 19th, 2002 US Patent 7279327

The NIAID filed for a patent based on work funded by

Anthony Fauci at the University of North Carolina Chapel
Hill started in 1999. The patent was for an infectious
replication defective 'coronavirus'. It was specifically
targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we
made 'SARS' specifically to target human lung tissue and
we patented it several months before there was ever an
alleged SARS outbreak in Asia.

April 2003 US Patents 7220852, 46592703P, 7776521

These 3 patents were sought by the CDC and not only

covered the gene sequence of 'SARS' 'coronavirus', (a
bio-weapon) but also covered the means of detecting it
using RTPCR. This is a BIG problem as the CDC would
then both own the patent on the gene itself and its
detection, giving 100% of the provenance of not only the
virus itself, but also its detection.

Seeking these patents was a violation of 35 US Code

section 101 as it is illegal to patent a naturally occurring

The patent office twice rejected the patent on the gene

sequence as unpatentable, because the gene sequence
was already in the public domain (99.9% identity with the
already existing 'coronavirus').

BUT…CDC paid an appeal fine in 2006 and 2007

effectively overriding the patent office's rejection of their
patent. In 2007 the CDC got the patent on 'SARS'
'coronavirus'. Essentially, they paid a bribe to the patent
office and what’s worse, they paid an additional fee to
keep their application private.
28th of April, 2003 US Patent 7151163

3 days after CDC filed the patent on the 'SARS'

'coronavirus' (and 4 years before it was actually awarded)
Sequoia Pharmaceuticals filed a patent in anti-viral agents
of treatment and control of infections 'coronavirus'. In
other words, CDC filed 3 days earlier, and then the
treatment was filed 3 days later.

Sequoia Pharmaceuticals became rolled into the

proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crucell and Johnson &

How would one have a patent on a treatment for a thing

that had been invented 3 days earlier?

Also, this was issued and published before the CDC

patent on 'corona-virus' was actually allowed (2007). Is
not physically possible to patent a thing that treats a thing
that had not yet been published (especially given that the
CDC had paid to keep it secret).

Jan 6 2004 Conference: “Bio-terrorism, Emerging

Infectious Diseases, Anti-microbial Therapeutics, and
Immune Modulators”
Merck introduced the notion of what they called "The New
Normal". "The New Normal" is the language that was
adopted by the World Health Organization in 2020.

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board hosted the

conference. On the Board of Directors were the Chinese
Director of Disease Control, Bill Gates's Dr. Elias of the
Gates Foundation, and Anthony Fauci.

2007 and 2008

The World Health Organization state that we had

eradicated 'coronavirus' as a concern. But still billions of
dollars is subsequently spent globally on a 'vaccine' for a
thing that had apparently been declared ‘eradicated’ in

5th of June, 2008 US Patent 9193780

Ablynx (now part of Sanofi) filed a series of patents that

specifically targeted what we've been told is the ‘novel’
feature of the so called 'SARS' 'COV-2' artificial 'virus'.
Specifically they targeted the poly basic cleavage site for
'SARS COV', the novel Spike protein and the ACE-2
receptor binding domain which is allegedly novel to 'SARS

These patents were issued November 24th of 2015.

And then…

In 2016, 2017, 2019 a series of patents, all covering the

RNA strands and the sub-components of the gene strands
(specifically as it relates to the polybasic cleavage site,
the ACE-2 receptor binding domain, and the spike protein)
were all issued to Ablynx and Sanofi. And then Crucell,
Rubeus Therapeutics, Children's Medical Corporation,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munchen, Protein
Science Corporation, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,
University of Iowa, University of Hong Kong, Chinese
National Human Genome Center in Shanghai.

In total, there are 73 patents issued between 2008 and

2019 which have the elements that were allegedly ‘novel’
in the 'SARS COV-2'.
There was no outbreak of 'SARS', because all elements of
it had been engineered.

2015 Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance) as reported in

the National Academies of Press publication February
12th 2016

"We need to increase public understanding of the

need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-
corona-virus 'vaccine'. A key driver is the media and
the economics will follow the hype. We need to use
that hype to our advantage, to get to the real issues.
Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of
the process."
2016 A paper that was funded during the Gain-of-
Function Moratorium and written by
Ralph Baric stated:
“…the SARS coronavirus is poised for human
It was not only poised for human emergence, it was now
patented for commercial exploitation, 73 times.
2017 and 2018 The National Institute of Health file a
Certificate of Correction to US Patent 7279327 (see 2002)
to ensure that it was the NIH maintained complete
ownership rights.

This Patent was the one that gave the NIH the rights to
develop the 'vaccine' (later shared between the University
of North Carolina Chapel Hill in November of 2019 and
Moderna, in November of 2019).

UNC Chapel Hill, NIAID and Moderna began the

sequencing of a spike protein 'vaccine', a month before an
outbreak in December 2019 ever happened.

March 2019 Moderna (founded by Fauci) amended a

series of 4 rejected patent filings to specifically make
reference to a ‘deliberate or accidental release’. The
intention of the patent applications was to commence the
process of developing a coronavirus 'vaccine'.
September 2019 ‘A World At Risk’ World Health

The documented scenario presented by the WHO

suggested that we need to prepare for a 'coordinated
global experience of a respiratory pathogen release,
which by September 2020 must put in place, a universal
capacity for public relations, management, crowd control
and the acceptance of a universal 'vaccine' mandate’.

This was the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board's

unified statement.

All data above provided by Dr David E. Martin

Fauci Misinformation Timeline

There has been a good deal of news about the e-mails
sent and received by Anthony Fauci, suggesting that he
knew one thing and said another, consistently throughout
the crisis. However, bits and pieces here and there don’t
really give you the full story. Here is a detailed analysis of
the key emails, coupled with the timing and context in
which they were sent.

Consistently, these emails show Fauci to be lying to the

public about the severity, and origins of the 'virus' (as he
was responsible for its creation), along with the
effectiveness of masks and social distancing.
Even more troubling, they clearly show him orchestrating
the effort within both mainstream and social media
(directly with Mark Zuckerberg in the case of Facebook) to
label anything outside the official narrative, a “conspiracy

Fauci Caught Lying To Congress

If this clip isn’t the definition of a man caught red-handed
in a lie, to congress no less, I don’t know what is. Bear in
mind here, I was writing to you about Fauci’s “gain of
function” research long before this was ever brought up in
congress, and long before it was ever a term the public
had even heard of. This is because I do my own research,
which I was trying to alert you to all the way back in May.

Peter Daszak Caught Organizing

“Conspiracy Theory” Narrative,
Removed From UN Investigation
Peter Daszak is the head of Eco Health Alliance, the non-
profit Fauci used to funnel CDC money into this gain of
function research (after this research was deemed
dangerous and disallowed public funding).
The fact itself that Daszak himself was appointed to the
UN Commission investigating the origins of the so
called 'virus' should tell you something on its face.
However, as you just learned about in the Fauci mis-
information timeline, Daszak was also the point man in
organizing the “conspiracy theory” narrative.

This was made so clear by the Fauci emails that he was

removed from the investigation.
9710875/Peter-Daszak-removed-COVID- commission-

Fauci Has a Long Track Record of

Here’s an interview with former NIH scientist Judy
Mikovits on her personal experience with Fauci, going
all the way back to covering up known effective
treatments (for profit) in the AIDS epidemic.
Genetic Insert Found Nowhere in
Nature is Found in 'SARS-COV2'
More on the unnatural origins of this 'virus'. Here is a
detailed write-up explaining how the “CGG insert” is found
nowhere in nature, yet is commonplace in lab-created
'viruses'. The CGG insert is present in 'SARS-COV2'.

Unholy Alliance Between GAVI (Bill Gates’

“'vaccine' Alliance”), WHO & CDC
Here’s former WHO ethics researcher Astrid
Stuckelburger, Ph.D., detailing numerous massive conflicts
of interests between these three organizations and the
immense power and profitability Bill Gates has created
with his GAVI foundation.

Reports of ''vaccine'' Injury Are Being

As mentioned, I’ve now listened to dozens and dozens of
firsthand accounts of people being killed or seriously
harmed from these injections. They’re not hard to find
when you’re knee-deep in actively researching this
information, however, they never make it out to the
mainstream in a manner that’s in any way reflective of the
true severity of what’s going on.

When you listen the mother of Everest Romney tell her

account of what she went through, not only did have to
deal with her son and husband fighting for their lives, she
also had to deal with being vilified by the media. And the
only reason she was vilified by the media, is that her story
actually made it to the media.
Thousands upon thousands of others never get that far. In
just one example of how this happens, two 'COVID-19'
'vaccine' injury groups totaling over 200k members were
deleted altogether from Facebook. I watched these groups
grow, the common theme amongst the people reporting in
them was that they were historically “pro-'vaccine',” and
then had their lives severely altered by these injections.
And then, these thousands of firsthand reports were wiped
clean from the internet.

'Vaccine' Hesitancy Is Not Due to a Lack of

Information, nor “Misinformation”
If after an entire year of telling people how scary the 'virus'
supposedly is and getting them ready for the 'vaccine',
press releases and media attention galore about its
supposed efficacy, and a $4 billion propaganda campaign
complete with celebrity endorsements and million-dollar
lotteries hasn’t convinced half the public to get these
injections, at what point do you start to think that perhaps
a whole lot of people have been doing the type of research
I’m bringing to you here for themselves, and/or they just
have an inherent “bad feeling” about these injections that
no amount of coercion will change?

Here’s a summary of an MIT study that found those who

are “'vaccine'-hesitant” to be ‘highly informed,
scientifically literate’ and ‘sophisticated.’


'COVID' Has Been All About Fear and

Here’s British PM Graham Brady Mask writing about his
insider’s view of the government using fear tactics (the
same used here) to gain the submission of the population.
Interesting quote from the letter: “Many politicians and
advisers will admit privately that the policy change
compelling people to wear masks was not really about the
spread of infection at all but about the psychological effect
that they would have.
That real purpose is social control – to provide a constant
reminder to maintain distance from other people.

To maintain a state of anxiety that leaves people more

likely to comply with the restrictions that might otherwise
be resisted or forgotten.

This is exactly the same approach that the Government’s

behavioral experts on the sinister-sounding advisory group
known as SPI-B – the Independent Scientific Pandemic
Insights Group on Behaviours - has admitted using.

‘The perceived level of personal threat needs to be

increased among those who are complacent, using hard-
hitting emotional messaging,’ said the SPI-B paper of
March 22, 2020.”
masks-social-control-time-stop-fear.html “

When you are called to segregate society, how will

you respond?

● Publicly denounce any and all forms of segregation,

● Discontinue all government involvement with the
injections known as 'COVID-19' 'vaccine's. Leave this
private medical decision between families and their
doctors, as it always has been.

Please vote in support of Ohio House Bill 248

The Road map for Prosecuting 'COVID'
Crimes – Start at the local level, NOT via
Federal Courts!**
$500 TRILLION Lawsuit against the FEDERAL GOVT and
over 140 MONOPOLISTS (Removed by YouTube in 5hrs)
***Note the Harvard – Lazarus study from 10 years ago
that showed that only 1% of ''vaccine'' deaths are reported
& only 10% of adverse reactions are reported.

people are TWICE as likely of
undergoing intensive care compared to 'un-
vaccinated' people,
BOMBSHELL: Pfizer whistle-blower says ''vaccine''
'glows,' contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide

Observations of Possible Microbiota in 'COVID' mRNA

'vaccines' by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid
Dr. David E. Martin Reveals Shocking Proof Proof of
Treason and Crimes Against Humanity. | Frank Speech the
Home of Free Speech
Why 'Viruses' Do Not Exist!

(Note: Most of what Dr. Martin says is true, but he is

supporting multiple false narratives on the origin of
this so called 'virus').
Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim
injections have already killed 50,000 Americans | Algora Blog

Patents Prove 'SARS-

Dr. Martin -
CoV-2' Is A Manufactured
Doctors from around the world issue A DIRE

Proven Treatments for the 'Covid' radiation
poisoning – the chemical poisoning caused by
multiple bio-weapons & by this System of Attack
Upon The Planet.


Veja também o arquivo PDF chamado - “O Crime

Organizado no FDA - na Pfizer escondendo as

Video comment by Heywoodjabbme:

● The corrupt genocidal government parasites.
● The media shill genocide system.
● The gestapo enforcer pigs.
● The elite scum behind it all.
Make no mistake!

We are at War!

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