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A Voz da Imaculada

Uma Parquia de comunho e participao

The Voice of Immaculate


Sr, Santo Cristo

Pastoral Familiar

Novo Cenculo


Legio de Maria

Knights of Colombus

Famlias S. Corao de Jesus


Esprito Santo



Banda Lira de Ftima

Immaculate Conception Parish - 181 Austin Street North - Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3M7 Canada -(204) 942-3778 secretary@icpwinnipeg.ca Emergncia/Emergencies: (204) 795-2147

Mensagem do Padre / The Pastors Message

Glria a Deus no mais alto dos cus (Lc. 2, 14). de cada um de ns todos. Ele se fez Homem, assumiu a nossa humanidade. Nasceu em Belm e nasce a cada dia em toda pessoa de boa vontade. Estava deitado numa manjedoura porque no havia lugar para Ele na hospedaria, mas continua diariamente a esperar a majeoura do corao de cada um daqueles que Dele se esqueceu. O seu nome Jesus, que significa Deus Salva. Ele veio para nos resgatar do pecado, da morte e de toda mal. A sua misso ser o Cristo, o Ungido, o Eleito; Ele que nos consagra, pelo batismo, como povo santo, sacerdotal e real. Ele Mensageiro de grande Conselho, Conselheiro admirvel (Is. 9. 5), que nos mostra a verdade pelo caminho do Evangelho coma meta da vida em abundncia. Ele Pai perptuo e Prncipe da paz (Is. 9.5) "Pater futuri saeculi, Princeps pacis", que apesar de nos separarem dois mil anos do Seu nascimento, Ele est sempre diante de ns e sempre nos precede. Vamos "correr atrs d'Ele" e procurar alcan-lo, para termos os mesmos sentimentos Dele. Ele a nossa Paz! A Paz de toda a terra! A Paz dos seres humanos que Ele ama (Lc. 2, 14). Paz aos homens de boa vontade! Ele o nosso Natal, por Ele nascemos para a vida em abundancia. Pelo seu nascimento sejam dadas: Glria a Deus no mais alto dos cus (Lc. 2, 14). Feliz e Santo Natal a todos os nossos paroquianos, patrocinadores e toda a pessoa de boa vontade! Feliz Natal para todos, os que procuram sinceramente a verdade, os que tendem fome e sede de justia, os que anelam pela bondade e pela alegria; os pais e mes de famlia; os jovens; os adolescentes; as crianas; os doentes; os ancios; enfim, para todos que amam e esperam no Senhor. Desejamos a todos os mais sinceros votos cheios de afeto na certeza do Deus Emanuel, que se fazendo criana se fez Deus conosco. FELIZ e SANTO NATAL! Pe.Wladimir e Com, Missionria Providncia Santssima Glory to God in the Highest (Lc. 2.14) one of us. He became Man; He assumed our humanity. He was born in Bethlehem, and is born every day in everyone with a good heart. He was laying in a manger because there was no room for Him at the inn, yet he continues to wait for the goodness in the hearts of those that have forgotten Him. His name is Jesus, which means God Saves. He came to liberate us from sin, death, and all evil. His mission is to be the Christ, the Anointed, the Chosen One; He who sanctifies through baptism those that become his holy, sacerdotal, and everyday people. He is the Messenger of the grand Council, the admirable Councillor (Is. 9.5) that shows us the truth via the path of the Gospel as the goal for an abundant life. He is the Eternal Father and the Prince of peace (Is 9.5) Pater futuri saeculi, Princeps pacis. He, who was born 2000 years before us, is always among us and always precedes us. Lets chase after Him, and try to catch Him so that we may have the same feelings as Him. He is our Peace! The Peace of the Land! The Peace of all people that love Him (Lc 2.14). A Peace for mankind that is always willing. He is our Christmas, and because of Him, we were born into an abundant life. For his birth we say, Glory to God in the highest (Lc. 2.14). A Merry and Holy Christmas to all our parishioners, sponsors and every willing participant. Merry Christmas to all that sincerely seek the truth, to those that yearn for justice, to those that desire good and joy; the parents of each family; the youth ; the children; the sick; the vulnerable; all those that love and wait for Our Father. Our most sincere wishes of affection of our God Emanuel, who in becoming a child, became God among us.

No Natal, Deus se aproximou de ns, e permaneceu no meio At Christmas, God approached us, and became part of each

A MERRY AND HOLY CHRISTMAS! Fr.Wladimir and the Holy Providential Missionary Community


New Roman Missal Preparation

Embracing the New Roman Missal and its General Instruction

Communion Rite Another change to note is to the words in the Communion Rite. As the priest holds up the consecrated bread and wine for the assembly to see, he will now say: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world: Blessed are those called to the Supper of the Lamb. The priests words are reminiscent of the words of John the Baptist (John 1:29) and Revelation 19:9. This new reference to the Supper of the Lamb emphasizes the eschatological dimension of the eucharistic celebration, and the truth that the invitation is not only to share in the supper at this earthly altar, but also at the altar in the eternal banquet feast of heaven. To this invitation the assembly will respond: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. Again, a new response with a greater reference to scripture; it recalls the words of the Roman Centurion (Matthew 8:8) who, while acknowledging his own unworthiness, asks for the healing of his servant. Reception of Communion In the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, the posture for the reception of communion will now include: a simple bow. As each person comes forward to receive the Eucharist, they are asked to make a simple bow of the head as they approach the place of communion distribution. Since the bow is about an interior readiness and preparation, there is no need to actually wait until the Eucharistic food is in sight. The bow may be made as the person ahead is already receiving the Eucharist. One bow just prior to receiving the Body of Christ will be an action of interior readiness extending to the reception of both the Body and Blood of Christ. In addition, all will remain standing until the entire assembly has received the Eucharist and the Communion Procession Hymn has ended. Once this entire communal action is completed, all will kneel or be seated for an individual moment of prayer. As the General Instruction of the Roman Missal states: When the distribution of Communion is over, if appropriate, the Priest and faithful pray quietly for some time. If desired, a Psalm or other canticle of praise or a hymn may also be sung by the whole congregation. (Par 88)
A series of three articles prepared for the Implementation of the New Roman Missal in the Archdiocese of Winnipeg by Rev. Fr. Darrin J.G. Gurr, Archdiocesan Director of Liturgy.

s we look forward to the implementation of the New Roman Missal and its General Instruction on the First Sunday of Advent, we will publish three articles which will focus on each of the primary parts of the Liturgy: The Introductory Rite, The Liturgy of the Word, The Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the Concluding Rite. Part Three - The Liturgy of the Eucharist Holy, Holy, Holy The first line of the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) has been changed to reflect more accurately the scriptural reference from where it comes. (Is 6:3). In this new translation of the Sanctus the assembly will now proclaim: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts, instead of: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. The original Latin reads: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Saboath. In the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, the assembly will continue the practice of kneeling immediately after this Preface Acclamation until the proclamation of the Mystery of Faith. Embracing the New Roman Missal and its General Instruction The Mystery of Faith Acclamation Three new acclamations are part of the new translation of the Roman Missal. The assemblys response to the presiders invitation, Mystery of Faith, will be one of three possibilities: i) We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again. ii) When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord,until you come again. ii) Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection, you have set us free. The commonly used Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again, appeared as a part of the Missal after the Second Vatican Council. Unlike the new acclamations, it does not speak of the communitys own engagement in the action of faith and is not included in the new translation of the Missal.


Solenidade da Imaculada Conceio

O dia 8 de dezembro
m ar c ado po r du a s celebraes de significados distintos Nossa S enhora da Conceio e a I M A C U L A D A CONCEIO - as quais se confundem devido semelhana das suas designaes. A evocao popular celebra Nossa Senhora da Conceio, prottipo da Maternidade. At h poucos anos, era nesta data, e no no primeiro domingo de Maio, que se celebrava o Dia da Me. No entanto, o conceito teolgico oficial o do dogma da IMACULADA CONCEIO de Maria. Desde os primrdios do cristianismo, os fiis sempre acreditaram na imunidade de Maria do pecado original. Os cristos do sculo II, por exemplo, testemunhavam essa ideia concebendo Maria como nova Eva, ao lado de Jesus, o novo Ado, na luta contra o mal. No sculo IV, o dicono e telogo, Efrm da Sria, afirmava que s Jesus Cristo e Maria eram limpos e puros de toda a mancha do pecado. A festa da IMACULADA CONCEIO, comemorada no dia 8 de dezembro, foi definida em 1476 pelo Papa Sisto IV como uma festa universal. No sculo XV, em Itlia, o franciscano Bernardino de Bustis escreveu o Ofcio da IMACULADA CONCEIO, cujo texto foi aprovado oficialmente pelo Papa Inocncio XI, em 1678. Esse Ofcio foi, dois sculos depois, enriquecido pelo Papa Pio IX, aps a definio do dogma, com 300 dias de indulgncia, cada vez que recitado. Aps sculos de reflexo e de amadurecimento, a IMACULADA CONCEIO foi definida solenemente como dogma pelo Papa Pio IX em sua bula Ineffabilis Deus, em 8 de dezembro de 1854. Segundo o dogma, Maria foi imune de toda a mancha de culpa original desde o primeiro instante de sua concepo, em vista dos mritos de Jesus Cristo. O dogma professa tambm que a Virgem Maria viveu uma vida completamente livre de pecado. Em 1858, em Lourdes, a prpria Virgem Maria confirmava essa verdade ao aparecer a Bernadete Soubirous, pronunciando: Eu sou a IMACULADA CONCEIO.

A Igreja Catlica considera que o dogma da Imaculada Conceio tem fundamento na Bblia. No Gnesis 3,15, Deus disse: "Eu porei inimizade entre ti e a mulher, entre tua descendncia e a dela." Segundo esta profecia, seria necessrio uma mulher sem pecado, para dar luz o Cristo, que reconciliaria o homem com Deus; em Lc. 1, 28, Maria foi saudada pelo Anjo Gabriel como "cheia de graa." Se Jesus encarnou no ventre da Virgem Maria, era necessrio que ela estivesse completamente livre de pecado para poder gerar seu Filho. Nossa Senhora da Conceio a padroeira de Portugal desde 1646. Seis anos aps a Restaurao da Independncia, D. Joo IV dirigiu-se igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceio, em Vila Viosa, para agradecer graas concedidas. Numa cerimnia solene, o rei proclamou e coroou Nossa Senhora da Conceio como Rainha de Portugal. A partir desse dia, nenhum outro rei portugus usou coroa na cabea, pois considerava-se que s a Virgem Maria tinha esse direito. Nos quadros onde aparecem reis ou rainhas, a coroa est pousada sobre uma mesa, numa almofada de cetim. O dia da IMACULADA CONCEIO , ainda hoje, feriado nacional em Portugal. No dia 8 de dezembro, celebra-se missa em muitas parquias, e noutras h elaborados programas com novenas indulgenciadas e recitao do tero. Uma novena consiste em oraes particulares ou comunitrias, as quais se realizam durante nove dias com o fim de se obterem graas especiais. Na novena da IMACULADA CONCEIO, somos chamados a viver com Maria o advento do Reino, e convidados a imit-la na nossa vivncia de cristos. A celebrao da IMACULADA CONCEIO dentro do tempo litrgico do Advento tempo de preparao para o Natal de Jesus deve-nos levar at o prespio de Belm, e l descobrir a humildade e a pobreza do Menino Deus e de sua me. Maria a mulher confiante na Anunciao do Anjo, servial na visita a sua prima Isabel, vigilante durante a infncia do seu Menino, preocupada e atenta nas bodas de Can, forte ao p da cruz, e exultante na ressurreio de seu Filho. semelhana de Maria Imaculada, respondamos aos planos de Deus com um sim total e incondicional. No dia da IMACULADA CONCEIO, peamos Rainha de Portugal, do mundo e da paz, que nos ajude a trilhar os caminhos da vida com alegria e a vencer as dificuldades com perseverana. Que ela seja sempre nossa protectora e nossa advogada junto do seu Filho, Jesus Cristo, Nosso Salvador.


Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

December the 8

is marked by two feasts of distinct meanings - the Conception of Mary and the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION - which get confused because of the similarity of their names. The popular evocation celebrates the Conception of Mary, prototype of motherhood. Until a few years ago, it was on this date, and not on the first Sunday of May, that Mother's Day was celebrated. However, the official theological concept is the dogma of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION of Mary. Since the beginnings of Christianity, the faithful always believed in Mary's immunity from the original sin. In the 2nd century, Christians supported this idea conceiving Mary as the new Eve, alongside Jesus, the new Adam, in the fight against evil. In the 4th century, the deacon and theologian, Ephrem of Syria, stated that only Jesus Christ and Mary were clean and pure from all stain of sin. The feast of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, celebrated on December 8th, was established in 1476 by Pope Sixtus IV as a universal feast. In the 15th century, in Italy, the Franciscan, Bernardino de Bustis, wrote the Office of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, whose text was officially approved by Pope Innocent XI, in 1678. Two centuries later, this Office was enhanced by Pope Pius IX, after the definition of the dogma, with 300 days of indulgence, each time recited. After centuries of reflection and development, the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION was solemnly defined as dogma by Pope Pius IX in his Papal Bull Ineffabilis Deus, on December 8, 1854. According to the dogma, "Mary was immune from all stain of the original sin from the first instant of her conception in view of the merits of Jesus Christ." The dogma also professes that the Virgin Mary lived a life completely free of sin. In 1858, in Lourdes, the Virgin Mary confirmed this truth. The Catholic Church believes the dogma of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION has its roots in the Bible. In Genesis 3:15, God said: "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between your offspring and hers." According to this prophecy, a woman without sin would be needed to give birth to Christ, who would reconcile man with God; in Lk 1:28, Mary was saluted by the angel Gabriel as "full of grace." If Jesus incarnated in the womb of the Virgin Mary, it was necessary that she be completely free of sin to be able to conceive her Son.


Our Lady of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION is the patroness of Portugal since 1646. Six years after the Restoration of Independence, King Joo IV went to the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Church, in the town of Vila Viosa, to give thanks for granted graces. In a solemn ceremony, he proclaimed and crowned the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION as Queen of Portugal. From that day forth, no other King wore the crown on his head as that privilege was given only to the Virgin Mary. In pictures with Kings or Queens, the crown is perched on a table or on a satin pillow. The day of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, celebrated on December 8,th is a public holiday in Portugal. Daily Catholic masses are held on this day throughout Portugal, and some parishes have local vigils, novenas, or elaborate rosaries. A Novena consists of a nine day private or public devotion in the Catholic Church in order to obtain special graces. In the novena of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, we are called to live with Mary the coming of the Kingdom, and are invited to imitate her in our Christian experience. The celebration of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION within the liturgical time of Advent a time of preparation for the Nativity takes us to the Manger in Bethlehem, where we find the humility and poverty of the infant Jesus and His mother. Mary is the confidant at the Annunciation of the Angel and the servant in the visit to her cousin Elizabeth. She is vigilant during the childhood of Her Son, concerned and attentive in the wedding at Cana, strong at the foot of the cross, and exultant in the resurrection of her Son. Like the Immaculate Mary, lets respond to God's plan with a "Yes", totally and unconditionally. On the day of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, lets ask the Queen of Portugal, of the world and of peace, to help us along the journey of life with joy and to overcome the difficulties with perseverance. Lets ask that she be our Protector and our advocate along with her Son, Jesus Christ, our Saviour.


The Christmas Gift of Love

Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal!

A short story about Christmas - Uma histria de Natal
1 2 Wes Fessler

The days were getting shorter, and a chill was in the air. Another year had passed, and Christmas Day would soon be there. So Archie grabbed his piggy bank just like the year before, He wanted to buy presents for his family at the store.

But somehow there was less this year than he had in the past. How could he get them presents? He must think of something fast. He counted up his coins, but Archie only had a few. He did not have enough to do the things he wished to do.

Still Archie loved his family and he wanted them to know, but without lots of presents, how could Archie make it show? He thought about what Christmas was, and how it came to be.

It started with a man and wife who traveled a long way. They had to sleep outside because there was no place to stay. They stayed out in a stable on a cold and quiet night, and brought into the world a baby full of joy and light.

They did not have much money, but they had a lot of love. They had a happy family with blessings from above. And though their gifts were not the kind to wrap and give away, no gift of greater worth can yet be given to this day.

So Archie thought of Jesus and what Christmas means today. It truly was for giving. It had always been that way. But not all gifts are boxes topped with shining pretty bows. What matters most is giving love and making sure it shows.

So Archie did his best to make a special Christmas Day. He thought about his family in a new and giving way. He shoveled off the driveway where the snow had piled up deep. He made a lovely breakfast while his family was asleep.

His family saw how much he cared with all that he had done. They thanked him for the special gifts that made their Christmas fun. He did not have much money to buy presents from the store. He did not buy so many things, the way he did before, but Archie learned what Christmas means, with money or without.


Did you know?

A Legend of Santa - A Lenda do Pai Natal
A legend of Santa I heard long ago--a secret of Christmas that many dont know. It started one night with a very bright star that brought men together from near and from far. They came bearing gifts for a newly born king, without understanding of what it would bring. Somehow as he grew, he remembered the joy, that such giving men brought him when he was a boy. His life full of giving made everyone see that by giving his all he made all mankind free. But when Jesus left, no one knew where hed gone, and though now no one sees him, his legend lives on. The gifts always come on the night of his star, and everyone feels how enchanting they are. A happy old man who knows whos good and bad, still today gives his all to make everyone glad. And with all of the joy every Christmas still gives, it is hard to deny that the Savior still lives. For the legend continues still now in our day. When theres giving and love, he is not far away. Theres a spirit of giving that transcends all time. There is reason for hope and for joy most sublime. In the legend of Santa, theres also the Lord. It is what Christmas is. It cannot be ignored. So remember the Savior and Santa Claus too, and with love let the legend live on within you.

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMASOS DOZE DIAS DE NATAL The symbolic meanings of the song as identified on www.catholic.org are as follows: My true love = God Me = Baptized members of the catholic church First Day: Partridge in a Pear Tree = Jesus Christ Second Day: Two turtle doves = The Old and New Testaments of the Bible Third Day: Three French hens = Faith, hope, and charity Fourth Day: Four calling birds = Four gospels(Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and/or the Four evangelists Fifth Day: Five Golden Rings = The first five books of the Old Testament Sixth Day: Six Geese A-Laying = The six days in which God created the earth and all things on it. Seventh Day: Seven Swans A-Swimming = The seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Eighth Day: Eight Maids A-Milking = The 8 beatitudes Ninth Day: Nine ladies dancing = The nine fruits of the Holy Spirit Tenth Day: Ten Lords A-Leaping = The ten commandments Eleventh Day: Eleven pipers piping = the eleven faithful apostles Twelfth Day: Twelve drummers drumming = The twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles Creed.


RETROSPECTIVA 2011Parquia Imaculada Conceio

Bendito sejais Senhor pelo ano que passou. Louvado sejais nosso Deus pela bno no ano que se inicia.

Blessed are you Lord for the past year. Praised be our God for the blessing in the coming year. A VOZ DA IMACULADA THE VOICE OF IMMACULATE

RETROSPECTIVE 2011 - Immaculate Conception Parish

Que estas imagens nos levem a recordar o ano de 2011 e a alegria que vivemos na nossa Parquia como famlia servio de Deus. There were many events and celebrations at our Parish during the past year. May these images help us remember the joy we experienced as a parish family at the service of our Lord.

Avisos Paroquiais / Parish Announcements

Com Maria queremos ser cada vez Comunho e Participao Confisses Comunitrias
Iremos celebrar a MISERICRDIA DE DEUS pelo sacramento da reconciliao. Momento oportuno para confessarmos os nossos pecados e nos prepararmos para a grande Festa de Natal. Para uma boa confisso faa um exame de conscincia sobre o falta de amor com o prximo, com voc mesmo e com Deus. Aproveitemos a graas de Deus. Assim vos digo que h alegria diante dos anjos de Deus por um pecador que se arrepende. Lucas 15:10

With Mary we would like to be more communion and participation Penance Celebrations
We will celebrate Gods Mercy through the sacrament of Reconciliation. An opportune moment to confess our sins and prepare ourselves for the big Feast of Christmas. For a good confession make an exam of conscience about the lack of love of our neighbor, with yourself and with God. Lets accept the grace of God. Thus I say that there is joy in front of the Angels of God when a sinner repents. Luc 15:10

Novena de Natal em Famlia

Rene a sua famlia com mais oito famlias para fazer a novena de natal, nos

Christmas Novena in the family

Unite your family with 8 more families to do the Christmas Novena, preparing preparando para a chegada do Menino Deus. Faa deste Natal um tempo novo, ourselves for the arrival of Baby Jesus. Make this Christmas a new beginning, not forgetting the Anniversary in the feast of His anniversary. The Novena no esquecendo o Aniversariante na festa do aniversrio Dele. A novena begins 14 to 23. comear dia 14/12 a 23/12. Como famlias vamos a Belm contemplar o Deus Menino. As families lets go to the Bethlehem and contemplate God the Baby.

Dai Senhor o eterno descanso aos nossos irmos/:Give eternal rest to our brothers: Itevilna da Ressurreio, Isaura Souza ,Manuel Pacheco e Albino Raposo.

Sejam Bem vindos em nossa Comunidade:/Welcome to our Community ......



A pausa dos encontros de catequese para as festas de final de ano ser dos dias Catechism classes for the Feasts will be on break from 18/12/11 until 8/1/12. 18/12/2011 08/01/2012. No dia 18/12 Encerraremos a nossa Catequese com a Bno do Menino Jesus, s 11h30, celebrada pelo Pe. Richard ( Chanceler da Arquidiocese). No dia 08/01/12 Iniciaremos a nossa Catequese com a Santa Missa, s 11h30. Reunio dos catequistas no dia 08/01/12, s 9:30am. On 18/12/11 we will close catechism class with the blessing of Baby Jesus, at 11:30 am Mass with Fr. Richard (Archdiocese Chancellor). On 08/01/12 we will resume catechism classes with the Holy Mass at 11:30 . Meeting with catechists on the 8/01/12 at 9:30 am.

Sharing Gods Gifts

Vamos colaborar com a nossa Arquidiocese de Winnipeg. Nosso desafio de colaborar $ 61,405.00, at o momento temos $36,035.00, ainda nos faltam $19,780 para completar o nosso desafio. Vamos colaborar com a nossa Arquidiocese.

Sharing Gods Gifts

We will collaborate with our Archdiocese of Winnipeg, our yearly contribution is $61,405.00, thus far we have contributed $36,035.00, we are short $19,780.00 to complete our yearly contribution. Lets collaborate with our Archdiocese.

Envelopes da Gratido
Agradecemos a Deus por todas as pessoas que colaboraram no ano de 2011 com os envelopes da gratido que sustentaram financeiramente a nossa Parquia Imaculada Conceio.E pedimos que retirem o quanto anos aos finais das missas dominicais os envelpoes para o ano de 2012.

Evelopes of Gratitude
Thanks be to God for everyone who collaborated in the year 2011 with their offering envelopes that financially sustain our Parish of IMMACULATE Conception. And we ask for your continued generosity until the end of 2012.

Mensagem de Final de Ano

Nossa Pastoral da Comunicao que elabora mensalmente este Boletim: Voz da Imaculada, deseja a voc paroquiano e aos nossos patrocinadores felicitaes natalinas e deseja um ano de 2012 repleto de f, esperana e amor.

Year end Message

Our Pastoral community that prepares this monthly bulletin: Voice of Immaculate, wishes you our parishioner and our sponsors Christmas felicitations and wish you a year in 2012 full of faith, hope and love.

01/12St Josephs; 07/12St Peters; 15/12St Anthony; 16/12 Holy Ghost; 21/12-Kateri Tekawitha. 19hs.




1 2 3 Qui Thu Sexta Fri Sb Sat 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 5:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 am 4 5 6 7 8 Dom Sun Seg Mon Ter - Tue Qua Wed Qui Thu 11:30 am 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 7:30 pm Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Procisso Procession Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass No haver Missa Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass No haver Missa 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 24 25 Dom Sun 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Seg Mon Ter - Tue Qua Wed Qui Thu Sexta Fri Sb Sat Dom Sun Sb Sat 12:00 am 9:00 am 11:30 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 9:00 am 11:30 am Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa - Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa Mass Missa - Mass Missa - Mass Hora Santa e Missa ( Bno do Ano Novo) Holy Hour and Mass (Blessing of the New Year) Solenidade da Me de Deus Solemnity of the Mother of God. Bno do Menino Jesus / Blessing of Baby Jesus Confisses / Confessions Novena de Natal / Christmas Novena Novena de Natal / Christmas Novena Novena de Natal / Christmas Novena Novena de Natal / Christmas Novena Pe Sean Missa da Padroeira / Mass of the Patron Missa da Padroeira / Mass of the Patron Missa da Padroeira / Mass of the Patron Missa da Padroeira / Mass of the Patron Missa depois da Procisso / Mass after Procession Solenidade da Imaculada Conceio/ Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Missa da Padroeira / Mass of the Patron Missa da Padroeira / Mass of the Patron Missa da Padroeira / Mass of the Patron -1 Santo Eli, St. Eloy of Eligius -2 Santa Bibiana, St. Bibiana -3 So Francisco Xavier,St.Francis Xavier -4 So Joo Damasceno, St.John Damascene -5 So Sabas, St. Sabas -6 So Nicolau, Saint Nicholas -7Santo Ambrsio, Saint Ambrose -8 Imaculada Conceio da Santssima Virgem, Immaculate Conception of

the Blessed Virgin Mary - Solemnity

-9 Santa Leocdia, St. Leocadia -10 Santa Eullia, St. Eulalia -11So Dmaso I, Saint Damasus I -12 Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe, Our Lady of Guadalupe -13 Santa Luzia, Saint Lucy of Syracuse -14 So Joo da Cruz, Saint John of the Cross 15 So Mesmino, St. Maximin 16 Santa Adelaide, St. Adelaide -17 Santa Olmpia, Saint Olympia -18 So Gaciano, St. Gatian -19 Beato Urbano V, Blessed Urban V -20 So Domingos de Silos, St. Dominic of Silos

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Sexta Fri Sb Sat Dom Sun Seg Mon Ter - Tue Qua Wed Qui Thu Sexta Fri Sb Sat Dom Sun

7:00 pm 5:00 pm 9:00 am 11:30 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 9:00 am 11:30 am

Fr Richard
19 20 21 22 23 Seg Mon Ter - Tue Qua Wed Qui Thu Sexta Fri Novena de Natal / Christmas Novena Novena de Natal / Christmas Novena Novena de Natal / Christmas Novena Novena de Natal / Christmas Novena Novena de Natal / Christmas Novena Christmas Vigil - English Mass Vgilia de Natal - Missa Portugus Missa de Natal / Christmas MassPortugus Missa de Natal / Christmas MassEnglish

-21 So Pedro Cansio, Saint Peter Canisius -22 Santa Francisca Xavier Cabrini, St. Francis Cabrini -23 So Joo Cncio, Saint John of Kanty -24 So Charbel Makhlouf, St. Charbel Makhlouf -25 Natal de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo Nativity of the Lord -26 Santo Estevo, Saint Stephen, -27 So Joo, Apstolo e Evangelista Saint John the Apostle and evangelist -28 Santos Inocentes, Holy Innocents -29 So Toms Becket, Saint Thomas Becket, -30 Sagrada Famlia The Holy Family -31 So Silvestre I, Saint Sylvester I

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