Orientações TEAP

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O TEAP (Test of English for Academic Purposes) um

exame de proficincia em ingls com alcance nacional e internacional que contempla a habilidade mais
utilizada em um curso de ps-graduao: a leitura.
O exame de proficincia foi aplicado pela primeira
vez, como um projeto piloto, em 1998. A partir de
2000, o TEAP passou a constar oficialmente em editais
das principais universidades do pas.
Atualmente, o teste oferecido em quase todo o territrio nacional e tambm no exterior, por meio de
tecnologia digital exclusiva.

Entenda a dinmica
da prova e obtenha
mais resultados

O TEAP tem como objetivo avaliar a habilidade de

compreenso de textos acadmicos em ingls. O exame de
proficincia oferecido em quatro reas especficas:





- Coletiva ou individual (agendada);
- Durao de 150 minutos;
- Pontuao de 0-100;
- Composta por dois textos em ingls,
seguidos de 15 perguntas objetivas cada;
- Perguntas e respostas em portugus.

As questes objetivas
podem ser classificadas
em oito tipos:
Referncia contextual;
Compreenso de vocabulrio;
Informao factual;
Informao inferida;
Compreenso detalhada;
Ideia Central/Objetivo do autor;
Identificao de pargrafo;
Compreenso de grupo nominal.

Os resultados e as certificaes digitais estaro
disponveis aos candidatos, para download ou
para impresso, em at 24 horas aps a realizao do exame para todas as aplicaes em formato digital.

Os motivos de quem
presta o TEAP

Prestei a prova do TEAP porque gostaria de ingressar em

uma universidade como docente, e o exame era exigido na
contratao. Achei muito importante essa exigncia, pois
uma forma de valorizar os profissionais - Kethi Cristina,
aluna CCLi aprovada no TEAP

Em funo do processo seletivo de um programa de mestrado em psicologia da sade que exige, entre outras habilidades, leitura, compreenso e interpretao de textos em
ingls, tive que prestar o TEAP, j que essa etapa do programa eliminatria - Fulvio Bergamo Trevizan aluno
CCLi aprovado no TEAP

Resolvi prestar o exame TEAP por ser um dos principais

meios de comprovao de domnio do idioma e tambm
porque pretendo fazer uma ps-graduao - Halax Silva,
aluno CCLi aprovado no TEAP

Sempre quis prestar um exame que comprovasse a minha

proficincia em ingls e, como o certificado do TEAP era
um dos requisitos exigidos pelo mestrado que eu ia prestar,
no tive dvidas ao decidir fazer o teste - Masa Sartim,
aluna CCLi aprovada no TEAP

Voc deve estar se

Mas, afinal, quais as
principais dicas para
ter sucesso no exame?

- Familiarizar-se com os tipos de perguntas do exame;
- Conhecer e automatizar os estilos de leitura (ascendente, descendente e interativo) e estratgias de leitura (skimming, scanning, dicas tipogrficas, predies,
- Estudar tcnicas de traduo para leitura dos textos,
para a questo de compreenso detalhada e tambm
para as respostas das demais questes;
- Fazer simulados antes do exame oficial, atentando-se
ao tempo e a todas as dicas anteriores.

Conhea modelos de
textos de cada rea
do exame e confira
algumas questes
referentes a esses
textos respondidas
e comentadas por
consultores de lnguas.

Responsible Conduct in Research
1. Scientific research is the systematic attempt to describe,
explain, and understand the world. While all three main
branches of science physical science, biological science,
and social science study different aspects of the natural
world, they share some common methods and procedures.
These methods and procedures are designed to achieve the
goals of science by helping researchers to acquire accurate
knowledge and information. Researchers acceptance
of the scientific methods and procedures will minimize
falsehoods and biases and maximize truth and objectivity.
2. One goal of methods is to facilitate the independent
verification of scientific observations. Thus, many experimental techniques such as statistical tests
of significance, trials, or proper phrasing of questions onsurveyshave been designed to minimize the
influence of individual bias in research. This way, it is possible to produce results that others from the
scientific world can more easily reproduce,whichpromote acceptance into the scientific consensus.
3. If research in a given area does not use generally accepted methods, other scientists will be
less likely to accept the results. This was one of several reasons why many scientists reacted
negatively to the initial reports of cold fusion in the late 1980s. The claims were so physically
implausible thatthey required extraordinary proof. But the experiments were not initially presented
in such a way that other investigators could corroborate or disprove them. When the experimental
techniques became widely known and were replicated, belief in cold fusion quickly faded.
4. The development of new methods can be a controversial process, as
scientists seek to determine whether a given method can serve as a reliable
source of new information. If someone is not forthcoming about the procedures
used to derive a new result, the validation of that result by others will be hampered.
5. A good example of the fallibility of methods occurred in astronomy in the early part of the twentieth
century. One of the most ardent debates in astronomy at that time concerned the nature of what
were then known as spiral nebulae-diffuse, that powerful telescopes revealed to be quite common
in the night sky. Some astronomers thought that these nebulae were spiral galaxies like the Milky
Way at such great distances from the earth that individual stars could not be distinguished. Others
believed that they were clouds of gas within our own galaxy. One astronomer who thought that
spiral nebulae was within the Milky Way, Adriaan van Maanen of the Mount Wilson Observatory,
sought to resolve the issue by comparing photographs of the nebulae taken several years apart.

After making a series ofpainstaking measurements, he announced that he had found roughly
consistent motions in the nebulae. The detection of such motions indicated that the spirals had
to be within the Milky Way, since motions would be impossible to detect in distant objects. Van
Maanens reputation caused many astronomers to accept a galactic location for the nebulae.
6. A few years later, however, his colleague Edwin Hubble, using the new 100-inch telescope
at Mount Wilson, conclusively demonstrated that the nebulae were in fact distant galaxies; Van
Maanens observations had to be wrong. Studies of Van Maanens procedures have not revealed
any intentional misrepresentation or sources of systematic error. Rather, he was working
at the limits of observational accuracy, and his expectations influenced his measurements.
7. The fallibility of methods is a valuable reminder of the importance of skepticism in science.
Scientific knowledge and scientific methods, whether old or new, must be continually scrutinized
for possible errors. Such skepticism can conflict with other important features of science, such as
the need for creativity and for conviction in arguing a given position. But organized and searching
skepticism as well as an openness to new ideas are essential to guard against the intrusion of
dogma or collective bias into scientific results.
(Adapted from On Being a Scientist: Responsible Conduct
in Research - National Academy Press)
To fade:desaparecer
Toseek (sought):buscar; procurar
Forthcoming:disposto a fornecer informaes
Tohamper:dificultar; tolher

A palavra which no pargrafo 2 se refere a:
a) To produce
b) Researchers
c) Results that others can more easily reproduce
d) The influence of individual bias in research
e) Acceptance into scientific consensus

A resposta correta a opo C. Essa uma questo de referncia contextual, que objetiva
a avaliao da capacidade e identifica a que determinadas palavras, como pronomes relativos
(who, which, that), demonstrativos (this, that, these, those), etc. se referem. Para
responder a esse tipo de questo, necessrio que voc saiba identificar o referente, ou seja,
o termo que foi substitudo para evitar repetio de palavras ou ideias no texto. Por exemplo, no
trecho This way, it is possible to produce results that others from the scientific world can more
easily reproduce, which promote acceptance into the scientific consensus a ideia substituda
pelo pronome relativo which a possibilidade de produzir resultados facilmente reproduzidos
pelas pessoas do mundo cientfico, tendo assim maior aceitao no consenso cientfico.

Na frase Such skepticism can conflict with other important features
of science (...) a palavra feature tem o sentido de:
a) Dificuldades
b) Imprevistos
c) Aspectos
d) Promessas
e) Avanos

A resposta correta a opo C. Essa uma questo de compreenso de vocabulrio, e tem

como objetivo avaliar a habilidade de inferir o sentido de uma palavra ou expresso com base no
contexto. importante que voc conhea as classes gramaticais (substantivo, adjetivo, verbo,
advrbio, preposio, conjuno, determinante, pronome e interjeio), assim como alguns
processos de formao de palavras (derivao ou composio), o que pode facilitar a construo
de sentido do texto. Levando em considerao a palavra feature na frase Such skepticism can
conflict with other important features of science (...), nota-se que ela o ncleo de um grupo
nominal (important features of science), sendo assim, um substantivo. O trecho completo Such
skepticism can conflict with other important features of science, such as the need for creativity
and for conviction in arguing a given position. fala que o ceticismo pode ser diferente de outras
importantes caractersticas da cincia, como a necessidade de criatividade e de convico para
argumentar a uma dada posio. Podemos inferir do contexto que a palavra features significa
caractersticas, pois o trecho completo nos d algumas caractersticas da cincia (the need for
creativity and for conviction in arguing a given position). Dentre as opes dadas na questo, no
temos a palavra caractersticas, mas temos aspectos, que palavra sinnima.

Fingerprint Technology
1- Fingerprints are one of those bizarre twists of
nature. Human beings happen to have built-in, easily
accessible an identity card. They have a unique design,
which represents them alone, literally at their fingertips.
People have tiny ridges of skin on their fingers because
this particular adaptation was extremely advantageous
to the ancestors of the human species. The pattern
of ridges and valleys on fingers make it easier for
the hands to grip things, in the same way a rubber
tread pattern helps a tire grip the road. The other function of fingerprints is a total coincidence.
Like everything in the human body, these ridges form through a combination of genetic and
environmental factors. The genetic code in DNA gives general orders on the way skin should
form in a developing fetus, but the specific way it forms is a result of random events. The exact
position of the fetus in the womb at a particular moment and the exact composition and density of
surrounding amniotic fluid decides how every individual ridge will form.
2- There are a number of different ways to get a fingerprint image. The most common methods
today are optical scanning and capacitance scanning. Both types come up with the same sort of
image, but they go about it in completely different ways. The heart of an optical scanner is a charge
coupled device (CCD), the same light sensor system from digital cameras and camcorders. A
CCD is simply an array of light-sensitive diodes called photosites, which generate an electrical
signal in response to light photons. Each photosite records a pixel, a tiny dot representing the
light that hit that spot. Collectively, the light and dark pixels form an image of the scanned scene
(a finger, for example). Typically, an analog-to-digital converter in the scanner system processes
the analog electrical signal to generate a digital representation of this image.
3- The scanning process starts when a CCD camera takes a picture. The scanner has its own
light source, typically an array of light-emitting diodes, to illuminate the ridges of the finger. The
CCD system actually generates an inverted image of the finger, with darker areas representing
more reflected light (the ridges of the finger) and lighter areas representing less reflected light
(the valleys between the ridges). If the darkness level is adequate, the scanner system goes on
to check the image definition (how sharp the fingerprint scan is). The processor looks at several
straight lines moving horizontally and vertically across the image. If the fingerprint image has
good definition, a line running perpendicular to the ridges will be made up of alternating sections
of very dark pixels and very light pixels.

4- Like optical scanners, capacitive fingerprint scanners generate an image of the ridges and
valleys that make up a fingerprint. But instead of sensing the print using light, the capacitors
use electrical current. The sensor is made up of one or more semiconductor chips containing an
array of tiny cells. Since the distance to the finger alters capacitance, a finger ridge will result in a
different voltage output than a finger valley. The scanner processor reads this voltage output and
determines whether it is characteristic of a ridge or a valley. By reading every cell in the sensor
array, the processor can put together an overall picture of the fingerprint, similar to the image
captured by an optical scanner. The main advantage of a capacitive scanner is that it requires
a real fingerprint-type shape, rather than the pattern of light and dark that makes up the visual
impression of a fingerprint. This makes the system harder to trick.
5- But, as effective as fingerprint scanners are, they certainly arent infallible, and they do have
some disadvantages. Optical scanners cant always distinguish between a picture of a finger and
the finger itself, and capacitive scanners can sometimes be fooled by a mold of a persons finger.
Because of the increasing use of fingerprints at international borders, many individuals who have
prior criminal records purposefully alter their fingerprints so that they dont get matched to their
prior fingerprints in the databases. The most common methods to alter fingerprints are either by
biting them, cutting down the center of a finger or burning them off. In a worst-case scenario,
a criminal could even cut off somebodys finger to get past a scanner security system. Some
scanners have additional pulse and heat sensors to verify that the finger is alive, rather than a
mold or dismembered digit, but even these systems can be fooled by a gelatin print mold over a
real finger.
Adapted from an article by Tom Harris
Ridges: salincias, rugas
Valley: vale, depresso
Tread: ranhura
Togrip: agarrar
Random: aleatrio
Array: srie
Output: sada, potncia
Tofool: enganar

O que o texto afirma sobre a formao das impresses digitais?
a) A herana gentica determina exclusivamente a distribuio e o formato das impresses
b) Fatores como o momento da fecundao, a posio do tero da me e a composio
do sangue do feto estabelecem a aparncia das impresses digitais.
c) No s o cdigo gentico, mas tambm outros fatores aleatrios como a posio do
feto no tero e a composio do lquido amnitico, influenciam nas caractersticas finais
das impresses digitais.
d) O momento exato da formao do lquido amnitico, a posio do feto durante a gravidez
e a ordem em que a pele formada conferem s impresses digitais sua individualidade.
e) As informaes genticas do DNA determinam o modo especfico de formao da pele,
o posicionamento das impresses digitais no feto, e a densidade e composio do lquido

A resposta correta a opo C. Essa uma questo de informao factual (localizao de
informao), e avalia a habilidade de buscar respostas para questes especficas, relacionadas a
determinadas partes do texto. As respostas para esse tipo de pergunta podem ser encontradas em
um nico pargrafo do texto, mas tambm podem estar presentes em mais de um pargrafo. Uma
boa estratgia para responder a essa questo utilizar o mtodo de leitura chamado scanning:
o leitor rapidamente move os olhos pelo texto em busca de uma informao especfica/palavrachave e, ao encontr-la, l todo o pargrafo ou sentena em que ela se encontra. No caso da
pergunta acima, a informao desejada diz respeito formao das impresses digitais. O leitor
deve antecipar como a informao pode estar no texto (nmeros, substantivos prprios, verbo,
etc.). Neste caso, deve-se procurar por fingerprint, formation ou form.
No pargrafo Like everything in the human body, these ridges form through a combination of
genetic and environmental factors. The genetic code in DNA gives general orders on the way
skin should form in a developing fetus, but the specific way it forms is a result of random events.
The exact position of the fetus in the womb at a particular moment and the exact composition
and density of surrounding amniotic fluid decides how every individual ridge will form., o leitor
encontra o verbo form vrias vezes, descobrindo, assim, a resposta para a questo no seguinte
trecho: (), but the specific way it forms is a result of random events. The exact position of the
fetus in the womb at a particular moment and the exact composition and density of surrounding
amniotic fluid decides how every individual ridge will form.

O que pode ser inferido do pargrafo 5?
a) O uso excessivo de impresses digitais para identificao em aeroportos e fronteiras
tem tornado este mtodo ineficiente.
b) Alguns criminosos, ao tentar burlar o sistema de identificao por impresso digital, tm
cortado o prprio dedo para evitar serem pegos.
c) A escaneadora ptica no consegue identificar uma imagem impressa de um dedo.
d) Algumas escaneadoras possuem sensores adicionais para determinar se a impresso
digital captada provm de um indivduo vivo.
e) Mesmo um molde gelatinoso de uma impresso digital no consegue enganar uma
escaneadora ptica.

A resposta correta a opo A. Essa uma questo de informao inferida e requer que
sejam elaboradas hipteses com base nas informaes presentes no texto. Um pargrafo tem a
funo de definir a sequncia do pensamento escrito e o nmero de ideias enunciadas pelo autor.
Geralmente, o pargrafo comea com uma sentena sntese, que expressa a ideia central, e
sustentado pelas sentenas de apoio e auxiliares. No pargrafo 5 do texto a primeira sentena
But, as effective as fingerprint scanners are, they certainly arent infallible, and they do have
some disadvantages. j mostra ao leitor que a escaneadora ptica no infalvel, ideia que
ser apoiada pela continuao do pargrafo, que traz exemplos de como esse dispositivo pode
ser enganado. A altermativa D confunde o leitor, pois essa informao est no texto, porm ela
est explcita na frase Some scanners have additional pulse and heat sensors to verify that the
finger is alive, rather than a mold or dismembered digit, but even these systems can be fooled by
a gelatin print mold over a real finger. Assim, o pargrafo que fala sobre o uso de escaneadora
ptica em aeroportos (Because of the increasing use of fingerprints at international borders,
many individuals who have prior criminal records purposefully alter their fingerprints so that they
dont get matched to their prior fingerprints in the databases.), no traz a ideia de que o mtodo
se tornou ineficiente explicitamente, mas, sim, indica que os criminosos fazem para burlar o
reconhecimento, sendo assim, essa a ideia inferida do pargrafo.

Genius training
1- Mathematical talent, musical ability or a talent with
words have come to be thought of as innate talents.
Now, the American writer on genetics David Shenk
asks the readers of his new book The Genious in All
of Us to think again. Thinking about the nature versus
nurture discussion, he argues that the case for genetic
predisposition has been vastly exaggerated and that
this view is causing us to overlook our potential. There
is a profound misunderstanding about what great
achievements are all about. Our genes dont limit us
to mediocrity or worse than mediocrity, he says. In his
new book, Shenk describes an emerging view that it is
far from being a static prototype, our DNA is open to continual influence by external factors.
Nature and nurture are constantly interacting: genes can be turned on or off or expressed to
different degrees, depending on our environment.
2- The field of epigenetics is increasingly showing that environmental experiences during our
lives leave imprints on our genome that is passed on to our children. Shenks view is that by
directing these environmental influences we can surpass what we may have thought of as our
inherent limitations. He takes as an example musical ability. I have had so many people say to
me, I was born with no musical talent or Im naturally musical, he says. The fact is that no one
is born with innate talent. Everyone is born with a potential for musical pitch. This is evident in the
much higher prevalence of perfect pitch in countries where tonal languages, such as Chinese, are
spoken, he says. Because pitch plays an important part in everyday communication, people get
better at it. Even the plausible theory that certain ethnicities have a genetic advantage in certain
sports is called into question. Shenk attributes the success of Kenyan marathon runners, for
example, to an ingrained culture of running, as many Kenyan children run eight to ten kilometres
a day from the age of 7.
3- Even personality traits such as tenacity or diligence, likely to influence success in any sphere
of life, are malleable rather than fixed products of our genes. He cites a classic study by Walter
Mischel, the Stanford psychologist, which examined self-discipline in children. In the experiment,
four-year-old children were given the option of receiving one cookie immediately or waiting 15
minutes to get two cookies. One third of the children immediately opted for the single cookie;
one third waited a few minutes but caved in to temptation; one third patiently waited to receive

two cookies. When comparing their school assessment test scores taken at 18 years, Professor
Mischel found that the children who had waited scored 210 points more than those who opted for
instant gratification. The message that some took from this was that some children are naturally
more self-disciplined and are destined to do better. Subsequent research has shown that children
can be taught the benefits of self-discipline. Shenk says that all parents could learn from this.
Every time we learn about which things are teachable, we can improve the way we educate
people and make changes on a policy level.
4- Shenk says that a perception of self-limitation is one of the biggest barriers to great achievements.
However, when you look at someone with great talent, you think youre so far away from what you
are capable of, you assume that you cant get there. But not everyone is convinced by Shenks
arguments. The idea that all of us have genius inside us is so desirable, but it is totally a wish.
The truth is that we dont know how to create it and we dont know how to inspire it, said Wendy
Johnson, a leading researcher on intelligence and genetics at the University of Edinburgh.
5- Professor Johnson agreed that people often have greater potential than they imagine, for
example in mathematics. But to compare that with genius, it is taking the theory too far. We can
teach every 12th-grade student to do calculus. Genius is not being able to calculate a derivative
it is doing what Newton and Leibniz did: inventing it. Shenk concedes that the title of his book
is meant to be provocative but says that the basic thesis is sound. I am not saying that anyone
can be anything, but nobody can be great at anything unless they have a fundamental belief that
it is possible.
Adapted from an article by Hannah Devlin
Nature versus Nurture: gentica versus criao (educao)
Perfectpitch: timo ouvido musical
Tonal languages: lngua em que tons diferentes distinguem significados
Traits: traos; caractersticas
To cave in: ceder

Assinale a alternativa que traz a ideia principal do trecho abaixo, extrado do
pargrafo 3.
Even personality traits such as tenacity or diligence, likely to influence success in
any sphere of life, are malleable rather than fixed products of our genes.
a) So os genes que determinam os traos de personalidade que uma pessoa ter.
b) Nem todos os traos de personalidade podem ser influenciados pelos genes.
c) Os traos de personalidade que influenciam o sucesso podem ser maleveis,
mas alguns so produtos fixos nos nossos genes.
d) At mesmo traos de personalidade podem ser mudados ou influenciados.
e) A tenacidade e diligncia so traos que gostaramos que fossem maleveis.

A resposta correta a opo D. Essa uma questo de informao detalhada, que avalia a
compreenso de trechos especficos extrados do texto. A questo indica qual o trecho a ser
analisado e de qual pargrafo ele foi retirado.
A estratgia de leitura mais utilizada para este tipo de questo o skimming. Ao realizar skimming,
o leitor busca apenas captar o assunto mais importante do pargrafo. Sendo o leitor ativo, ele
deve fazer predies, utilizar elementos tipogrficos e seu conhecimento prvio para construir o
sentido do pargrafo. Se o leitor retornar ao pargrafo 3, atravs do skimming, conseguir concluir
que o pargrafo traz exemplo de um experimento que mostrou como os genes influenciam a
auto-disciplina das crianas (In the experiment, four-year-old children were given the option
of receiving one cookie immediately or waiting 15 minutes to get two cookies. One third of the
children immediately opted for the single cookie; one third waited a few minutes but caved in
to temptation; one third patiently waited to receive two cookies. When comparing their school
assessment test scores taken at 18 years, Professor Mischel found that the children who had
waited scored 210 points more than those who opted for instant gratification. The message that
some took from this was that some children are naturally more self-disciplined and are destined
to do better.), mas outra pesquisa mostra que elas podem ser ensinadas aos benefcios da
auto-disciplina (Subsequent research has shown that children can be taught the benefits of
self-discipline.). Assim, no trecho Even personality traits such as tenacity or diligence, likely to
influence success in any sphere of life, are malleable rather than fixed products of our genes. a
ideia principal de que at mesmo os traos de personalidade podem ser mudados.

Qual a ideia central do texto?
a) O texto informa sobre o que habilidade natural e por que algumas pessoas nascem
com certas habilidades e outras no.
b) O texto defende a influncia da gentica no desenvolvimento das habilidades.
c) O texto uma crtica aos psiclogos que acreditam que todos tm um gnio dentro
de si, mas vivem na mediocridade.
d) O texto traz informaes sobre os diferentes tipos de habilidades e explica como
desenvolv-las durante a vida.

A resposta correta a opo B. Essa uma questo que tem como objetivo avaliar se o
leitor compreendeu a ideia central do texto e/ou o motivo que levou o autor a escrev-lo. A
alternativa escolhida deve abranger o texto de forma geral, no apenas partes dele. A estratgia
de leitura mais utilizada para este tipo de questo o skimming, j citado anteriormente. Ao ler
o primeiro pargrafo do texto, o leitor j se depara com innate talents, genetic predisposition,
genes, DNA, influence, e outras palavras que possivelmente conhece. Somando isso e fazendo
uma conexo lgica das ideias de cada pargrafo (geralmente a primeira sentena indica a ideia
central do pargrafo), percebe-se que o texto nos informa sobre como a gentica influencia o
desenvolvimento de habilidades inatas.

Saving Agriculture
1- All around the world, the push to globalize the
food supply by consolidating food production into
large-scale, corporatized agricultural systems
controlled by a select few is causing massive
environmental destruction and immense
poverty. And the best way to truly turn things
around is to return to small-scale, independent,
organic farming models in which people, not
corporations, control the food supply, and grow
quality food for their families and communities without government interference.
2- It may sound overly simplistic or even unrealistic in modern world terms, but small-scale farming
methods that include growing a variety of crops on smaller plots, rotating crops to maintain soil
quality and avoiding the overuse of harmful chemicals are still among the best ways to conserve
land and ensure an abundant, nutrient-dense food supply. Apart from these methods, agriculture
as we know it is doomed, as mankind will eventually greed itself into extinction. Report after report
-- the kind governments and big organizations choose to override says that the best way to
ensure that everyone is well fed, sustainably and securely, is through small-scale, independent,
organic farming. These must be labor-intensive, so there is no advantage in them being large
3- Michel Tudge warns about the dangers of corporatized agricultural systems and the elimination
of people-driven agricultural models. He notes how the ongoing system is causing the separation
of people from the land all around the world and destroying cultures, societies, and the planet
at large. In the not too distant future, if current trends continue, the whole of humanity will have
essentially been ultimately banished from its agricultural heritage into pauperism and starvation.
Industrial farming cant feed everybody, and it has led to mass unemployment and poverty, he
4- Some farmers believe that small-scale farming methods could save agriculture from the
profit systems that are destroying it both in America and abroad. The reason why farmers think
that way, and perhaps the most obvious reason, is that small-scale farming methods promote
individual rather than corporate ownership of food. When small farms control their own food
supplies, corporations and governments are unable to transform agriculture into a centralized
system driven by the maximization of profits through whatever means possible. Another reason is
that small-scale, bio-diverse farming methods ultimately require fewer pesticides and herbicides

to produce quality food, which means less reliance on multinational chemical companies to grow
food. Small-scale farming systems, when utilized in balance with nature, end up producing much
more nutritious food with higher vitamin and mineral content as a result, which means a decreased
human reliance on pharmaceutical drugs, hospital services, and other high-cost healthcare
resources that are almost now universally controlled by corporate-controlled governments.
5- When common farmers are free to grow their own food on their own land for themselves, their
families, and their local and regional communities, a significant upswing in both the availability of
clean food and prosperity for all, come as a consequence. Local economies thrive when individuals
are free and able to reap the benefits of the fruits of their own labor, not when corporations are
given free reign to seize control over all aspects of agricultural production, which they are only
able to do by first stamping out all small-scale producers.
6- A decentralized farming model in which average families with land grow at least some crops on
the family parcel has always been the most effective way for societies as a whole to avoid some
of the devastating consequences of famine, devastation, economic upheaval, and other disaster
scenarios that would otherwise wipe out a centralized food supply in an instant. Backyard farms,
after all, are what saved many American families from starvation during the Dust Bowl and after
the Civil War, and they are precisely what will save families around the world today. What both
developing and developed countries need most in light of todays global economic turmoil is a
widespread reawakening about the importance of small-scale farming. Small-scale farming is a
viable, long-term solution to the problems of malnutrition and starvation, as both self-reliance and
diversified food production remain the two most effective ways to maintain societal stability and
survival, particularly in times of crisis.
Adapted from an article by Jonathan Benson
Doomed: condenado
Greed: ganncia
Override: ignorar
Starvation: inanio
Upswing: recuperao, melhoria
Tostamp out: acabar, extinguir
Upheaval: caos

Em qual pargrafo o autor afirma que a agricultura de pequena escala um
a soluo para desnutrio?
a) Pargrafo 1
b) Pargrafo 2
c) Pargrafo 3 ou 4
d) Pargrafo 5
e) Pargrafo 6

A resposta correta a opo B. Essa uma questo de localizao de pargrafo, ou

seja, o leitor deve localizar a informao em um pargrafo especfico no texto. A estratgia de
leitura que ajuda o leitor a encontrar a resposta para esta questo o scanning, j mencionado
anteriormente. O leitor deve buscar por uma informao especfica em um pargrafo. No caso
dessa questo, a informao solicitada o uso da agricultura de pequena escala para resolver o
problema da desnutrio. Ao passar o olho rapidamente pelos pargrafos procura da expresso
small scale nos deparamos com a seguinte sentena, no pargrafo 2: Report after report -- the
kind governments and big organizations choose to override says that the best way to ensure
that everyone is well fed, sustainably and securely, is through small-scale, independent, organic
farming. Apesar de no deparar-se com a palavra desnutrio, o leitor depara-se com well fed,
que d a ideia contraria. Assim, pode-se concluir que a melhor maneira de garantir que todos
sejam bem alimentados por meio da agricultura de pequena escala, que se torna a soluo
para a desnutrio.

Assinale a alternativa que traz o sentido correto do grupo nominal abaixo.
() small-scale, independent, organic farming models ()
a) Fazendas de pequena escala modulares, orgnicas e independentes.
b) Modelos orgnicos independentes em fazendas de pequena escala.
c) Fazendas orgnicas do porte de pequenos modelos independentes.
d) Modelos de fazenda orgnica independentes e de pequena escala.
e) Fazendas orgnicas independentes de modelos de pequena escala.

A resposta correta a opo D. Esta uma questo de compreenso de grupo nominal.

Esse tipo de questo objetiva a compreenso de significado de um grupo de palavras. A
disponibilizao dos substantivos e seus respectivos modificadores na lngua inglesa ocorre
de modo diferente da lngua portuguesa, e a no compreenso desses grupos de palavras
compromete a interpretao do texto. As palavras que fazem parte de um grupo nominal so
os determinantes (the, a, this, that, my, his, your, etc.), os modificadores (adjetivos, advrbios e
substantivos adjetivados) e o ncleo (substantivo). Analisando o grupo nominal () small-scale,
independent, organic farming models (), identificamos como ncleo o substantivo models
com os modificadores small-scale, independent e organic farming. Farming um substantivo
adjetivado, assim devemos acrescentar a preposio de entre modelos e fazenda. Como a
disposio de adjetivos na lngua inglesa invertida (eles vm antes do substantivo), o leitor deve
prestar ateno tambm a esse detalhe e fazer a inverso para sua lngua materna. Seguindo
esse pensamento, chegamos ao significado do grupo nominal: modelos de fazenda orgnica
independente e de pequena-escala.

Agora que voc j

foi apresentado ao
TEAP, conheceu as
caractersticas da
prova e teve acesso
a algumas das
principais dicas, veja
qual o prximo
passo para ter um
certificado do exame.

Curso preparatrio
para o TEAP
Aulas em todo o Brasil, presenciais ou online,
especialmente desenvolvidas para as
necessidades de cada aluno.

A equipe de consultores da
CCLi Consultoria Lingustica
realiza um trabalho minucioso
com cada aluno interessado
em prestar o exame.
Entrevista de diagnstico de perfil: levanta informaes sobre o
histrico de aprendizado, a universidade para qual o aluno quer prestar o exame, verifica a nota que ele precisa, a disponibilidade e a urgncia do aluno;
Exame de diagnstico TEAP: o aluno realiza uma prova teste do
TEAP para que o consultor possa diagnosticar pontos fracos e fortes
e, assim, elaborar o curso e planejar as aulas. Aliado prova est o teste de estilo de aprendizagem, que aponta como o aluno aprende (de
maneira visual, auditiva, lingustica ou sinestsica);
Projeto da aula: mnimo de 30 horas e elaborado de acordo com os
dias e horrios disponveis dos alunos. Aps o trmino do curso, uma
outra prova aplicada para reavaliar o aluno e comprovar o quo apto
ele est para prestar o exame.

O foco no resultado
o ponto primordial
da CCLi.

100% dos clientes da CCLi que fazem

os cursos preparatrios para os exames de proficincia obtm a pontuao desejada nos testes (desde que
cumpridas todas as etapas do projeto estipulado).

O que diz quem contou com

a CCLi para se preparar
para o exame

Escolhi a CCLi, pois, alm de ser um centro aplicador do TEAP, eles

me ofereceram um projeto exclusivo, baseando-se no meu estilo
de aprendizado e atacando as minhas dificuldades. Com um atendimento desses e com consultores altamente capacitados, consegui ser aprovada no exame - Kethi Cristina, aluna CCLi aprovada no TEAP

Os consultores do curso preparatrio da CCLi utilizam nas aulas

artigos e peridicos em ingls da rea especfica que vou prestar
no TEAP. Isso ajuda muito, pois as pesquisas na rea da sade e
acredito que em todas as outras reas contam com um grande
nmero de textos que no esto traduzidos para nossa lngua nativa - Fulvio Bergamo Trevizan aluno CCLi aprovado no TEAP

O curso preparatrio fez toda a diferena no s para prestar o

exame TEAP, mas tambm para aplicar as estratgias aprendidas
no prprio cotidiano, quando nos deparamos com algum texto
em ingls, tanto em livros quanto em revistas e jornais. As estratgias de leitura e de interpretao ensinadas podem ser perfeitamente aplicadas na prtica algo factvel - Masa Sartim, aluna
CCLi aprovada no TEAP

Procurei a CCLi para fazer o curso preparatrio, pois a empresa

tem 100% de aprovao na prova e tambm porque as recomendaes que recebi foram as melhores, afirmando que os alunos
tm sua disposio uma estrutura completa de ensino - Halax
Silva, aluno CCLi aprovado no TEAP

Avenida da Luz, 800, Jardim Alto Rio Preto

So Jos do Rio Preto/SP
Fone/Fax: 55 (17) 3222-4026
E-mail: ccli@cclinet.com.br

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