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Notas sobre a biologia de Scaura

(Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)
David Silva Nogueira  , Epifânia Emanuela de Macedo Rocha ,
Jânio Angelo Félix , Marcos Aurélio Pereira de Andrade ,
Marilda Cortopassi-Laurino , Rogério Marcos de Oliveira Alves , ... mostre tudo
Recebido em 08 de outubro de 2020, aceito em 18 de abril de 2021, publicado on-line: 02 de julho de 2021

 Baixar citação
 https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2021.1940743


O gênero Scaura Schwarz é caracterizado por apresentar espécimes com

metabasitarsus tão inflados quanto os metatíbios e o espaço malar mais curto que
o diâmetro do flagelo. Algumas de suas espécies precisam tanto de termitários
quanto de cavidades preexistentes para nidificar, além disso, este gênero possui
exemplares que constroem as células de cria na forma de discos horizontais ( S.
amazonica , S. aspera , S. cearensis , S. atlantica e S. argyrea ), colunas verticais ( S.
longula ) e cachos irregulares ( S. latitarsis) Trazemos aqui informações sobre a
biologia de cada espécie, em relação a alguns aspectos da nidificação, como

arquitetura do ninho, formatos de entrada e substratos de nidificação;

Neste artigo 
comportamento, como relacionamento defensivo, coleta de recursos e produção de
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co po ta e to, co o e ac o a e to de e s o, co eta de ecu sos e p odução de

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Journal of Apicultural Research

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cera e modos

Artigos de coleta
Mais Recentes

Artigo Completo de espécimes,


Notas sobre e
a dados com
de diferentes

Referências ....


ou iscas. As  

espécies Scaura são dóceis porque não defendem o ninho perturbado. Portanto,


Reimpressões e condições

eles provavelmente não são capazes de termorregular ou defender ativamente o
ninho, dependendo das características de isolamento e proteção das estruturas
onde se abrigam (cupins ou troncos de árvores). As informações sobre a biologia
das espécies são importantes para ajudar a construir ou reforçar as atitudes

 Palavras-chave: aninhamento comportamento abelha sem ferrão entrada do ninho etologia

 Artigo anterior Veja os artigos mais recentes Artigo seguinte 


O gênero Scaura Schwarz ( 1938 ) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) é restrito à região

Neotropical com registros de ocorrência do sul do México ao sul do Brasil,
atravessando florestas úmidas como a Amazônia e a Mata Atlântica, atingindo
altitudes em torno de 800 metros e áreas secas, como a savana brasileira (Cerrado)
(Camargo & Pedro, 2013 ; Nogueira et al., 2019 ). O gênero possui sete espécies
recentemente revisadas por Nogueira et al. ( 2019 ).

Possuem metabasitarsus tão inflado quanto as respectivas tíbias e espaço malar

menor que o diâmetro do flagelo (Silveira et al., 2002 ). Seus ninhos são geralmente
construídos em cupins vivos (Camargo, 1970 , 1984 ; Michener, 2013 ; Wille &
Michener, 1973 ) ou em pequenos ocos de árvores (Nogueira-Neto, 1992 ). Camargo
( 1984 ) testemunhou o processo de nidificação de S. amazonica Nogueira, Oliveira
& Oliveira, 2019 (tratado como Scaura latitarsis , ver Tabela 1) em um cupinzeiro do
rio Negro (Amazonas, Brasil), tendo verificado que as abelhas levavam resina para
uma área do cupim e iniciavam a construção de um tubo, que se tornaria a entrada
do ninho após raspar as galerias de seu interior tubo de resina. A construção do
ninho dentro dos cupins garante tanto proteção contra invasores quanto melhor

controle térmico em seu interior, o que torna desnecessária a construção de uma

Neste artigo 
concha em seu interior (Camargo, 1970 ).
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co c a e seu te o (Ca a go, 9 0 ).

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Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


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1. Nomes anteriores

e atuais
e condições

Schwarz, 1938 ) e sua biologia de aninhamento.

das espécies Scaura (

CSV Tabela de exibição

Schwarz ( 1948 ) comenta que a relação entre abelhas e cupins pode gerar
benefícios óbvios para as abelhas, como local de nidificação, proteção e controle
térmico. Já para os cupins, pode estar relacionado à sua proteção, pois as abelhas
podem demonstrar um alerta precoce sobre um possível ataque aos seus ninhos,
como observado em abelhas Partamona (Schwarz, 1939 ), que são bastante
defensivas. Mas para Scauraabelhas, esses benefícios não são muito claros, pois
não existe um forte comportamento defensivo. É provável que, pela formação de
agregações em um mesmo cupim, as abelhas possam transmitir maior segurança
contra ataques de inimigos (Nogueira pers. Obs.). Esta interação na construção de
ninhos de abelhas dentro de cupins foi verificada em várias abelhas sem ferrão
como espécies de Aparatrigona Moure ( 1951 ) (Camargo & Moure, 1994 : A.
isopterophila da Colômbia e Panamá; A. impuctata do Brasil, Guiana Francesa e
Guiana), Partamona Schwarz ( 1939 ) (Camargo & Pedro, 2003 ; 2013 : do México ao
Paraguai), MeliponulaCockerell ( 1934 ) (Michener, 2007 : o subgênero
Axestotrigona varia de Gâmbia ao Quênia, ao sul de Angola e Transvaal, África do
Sul; o subgênero Meliplebeia varia de Senegal à Etiópia, ao sul da Namíbia e Natal,
África do Sul; o subgênero Meliponula varia da Libéria, República Centro-Africana e
Uganda ao sul de Angola), Plebeina Moure ( 1961 ) (Eardley, 2004 ; Namu &
Wittmann, 2017 : da Nigéria, África Central, Oriental e Meridional), Trigona (Jurine,
1807 ) (Kerr et al., 1967 ; Roubik, 1983; Schwarz, 1948 ; Wille & Michener, 1973 : da
região neotropical) e Scaura (Schwarz, 1938 ) (Camargo, 1970 ; 1984 : do Brasil),
mesmo que seja ocasional ou obrigatório (Carrijo et al., 2012 ).

Esse tipo de comportamento parece ter surgido de forma independente nesses

grupos, uma vez que alguns gêneros não são tão intimamente relacionados

filogeneticamente a Scaura (Michener, 2013 ; Rasmussen & Cameron, 2009 ).

Neste artigo 

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biologia de Scaura
os jornais é variável

Journal entre
of Apicultural suas espécies,
Research é necessário

Lista de Problemas
que hajaum

Artigo Completo

Números e dados



Artigos Mais Recentes

Notas sobre a biologia de Scaura (Hymenopt ....
estudo que forneça dados relacionados a substratos de nidificação, biologia de
nidificação, comportamento

Métricas defensivo

Reimpressões ou
e condições 
PDF Além disso, como
algumas espécies foram descritas recentemente (Nogueira et al., 2019 ), as
informações sobre a biologia dessas espécies são insuficientes até o momento. O
objetivo do presente estudo é revisar os dados sobre a biologia e relatar novos
dados sobre cada uma das sete espécies de Scaura .

Métodos e resultados

As informações contidas neste artigo vêm de observações diretas e dados

disponíveis na literatura (Camargo, 1970 , 1984 ; Ducke, 1901 , 1916 ; Girard, 1875 ;
Kerr et al., 1967 ; Laroca & Lauer, 1973 ; Melo & Costa, 2004 ; Michener et al., 1978 ;
Nogueira-Neto, 1992 , 1997 ; Nogueira et al., 2017 ; Nogueira et al., 2019 ; Oliveira et
al., 1995 ; Oliveira et al., 2013 ; Roubik, 1983 ; Silvestri , 1902; Schwarz, 1938 , 1948 ;
Sakagami, 1982 ; Wille et al., 1983 ; Wille e Michener, 1973 ). Os dados inéditos de
Camargo e equipe foram disponibilizados pela Coleção Prof. JMF Camargo da
Universidade de São Paulo (Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, Ribeirão Preto,
São Paulo, Brasil).

Para todas as espécies, as informações sobre as plantas visitadas e os métodos de

coleta estão disponíveis nas etiquetas do material examinado por Nogueira et al. (
2019 ) e dados da literatura.

Scaura longula (Lepeletier, 1836 )

As informações diretas sobre Scaura longula foram obtidas por meio do apicultor
Klécio Souza e Silva, que nos enviou fotos e vídeos de suas colmeias (de Inhumas,
Goiás). Pudemos observar alguns aspectos do comportamento desta espécie ao
observar uma colônia na Fazenda Jatiara (Luziânia, Goiás) em fevereiro de 2008.


Embora Girard ( 1875 ) tenha comentado sobre esta espécie estar associada a
Neste artigo 
cupinzeiros e Drory ( 1874 ) recebeu uma colônia dentro de um cupinzeiro, alguns
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cup e os e o y( 8 ) ecebeu u a co ô a de t o de u cup e o, a gu s

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Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas


Artigos (Ducke,

Artigo 1916

Completo Nogueira-Neto,

Notas sobre e
a dados 1992
de ) e apicultores
Scaura (Hymenopt

Referências ....desta espécie


 

que ela nidifica em troncos ocos de árvores, construções urbanas (rachaduras em


Reimpressões e condições

tijolos, cimento, canos de fiação elétrica, etc.) e aceita poço de colméia ( Tabela 1 ).
Talvez Girard ( 1875 ) e Drory ( 1874 ) se referissem a uma espécie de abelha
diferente de S. longula , provavelmente uma espécie de Partamona ou Trigona .

Não foi observada construção involucrada em seus ninhos (Nogueira-Neto, 1992 ,

1997 ), que possuem apenas uma entrada (Wille & Michener, 1973 ) que é
ligeiramente cilíndrica para baixo, feita com cerúmen especial maleável (Nogueira-
Neto, 1997 ), com uma abertura ligeiramente mais larga que o centro, mas menos
larga que a base ( Figuras 10 e 11 ).

As células da cria são ovais, com um grande acúmulo de alimento; dispostos

verticalmente em colunas simples e construídos de baixo para cima, de modo que
os jovens adultos emergam das células localizadas abaixo das demais. Existem
lamelas de cerúmen que se unem às colunas de células, que nem sempre são retas,
pois podem apresentar células oblíquas nas colunas, cuja inclinação expressa um
aspecto irregular (Nogueira-Neto, 1997 ) ( Figura 16 ).


Nenhuma reação de defesa do ninho foi observada pelas operárias da guarda na

entrada do cerume ou pelas forrageadoras retornando à colônia. Mesmo em uma
colmeia, as abelhas não demonstraram nenhuma reação em defesa do ninho,
quando manejadas. Observou-se que as operárias jogaram parte do lixo do ninho
para fora do ninho, próximo à entrada, onde se acumulou (Klécio Silva, obs. Pess.).

Observamos o comportamento alimentar das formigas com gotas de néctar ou mel,

em que as abelhas de estômago cheio pousavam rapidamente em uma parte da
colméia, longe da entrada do ninho, e regurgitavam o líquido. Depois disso, eles
voaram novamente. Assim, as formigas em poucos instantes se reuniram em torno
da gota de néctar ou mel. Vale ressaltar que nenhuma invasão de formigas na
colmeia foi observada. Infelizmente, esse comportamento foi observado apenas

uma vez (vídeo cedido por Klécio Silva), mas se for comum nessa espécie, pode
Neste artigo 
estar relacionado a uma simbiose com essas formigas, na qual, para a proteção dos
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esta e ac o ado a u a s b ose co essas o gas, a qua , pa a a p oteção dos

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Artigo Completo
Recentes formigas


Notas asão
sobre e recompensadas
Scaura com ....este alimento,



como  

acontece com alguns hemípteros que recebem proteção das formigas ao fornecer


Reimpressões e condições

excreção açucarada como recompensa (Hanks & Sadof, 1990 ; Styrsky & Eubanks,
2007), ou ainda, com abelhas Schwarzula coccidophila Camargo & Pedro, 2002b ,
que albergam e alimentam espécimes de Cryptostigma melissophilum Kondo (
2019 ) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) em seus ninhos para obtenção de cera (Camargo &
Pedro, 2002a ; 2002b ), além disso, Schwarzula timida (Silvestri, 1902 ) e Plebeia sp.
também foram relatados em associações com Cryptostigma chacoensis (Kondo,
2019 ) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) (Camargo & Pedro, 2002a ; D. Roubik com. pess. apud
Kondo, 2019) Em contraste, uma associação facultativa foi relatada entre Plebeia
droryana (Friese, 1900 ) e Ceroplastes janeirensis Gray (Hemiptera: Coccidae) que
apenas beneficia as abelhas, pois removem a cera de cochonilhas deixando-as
vulneráveis ​a inimigos naturais (Peronti et al. , 2013 ).

Em nossas observações, percebemos que uma estratégia de defesa da espécie

pode estar relacionada ao fechamento da entrada durante a noite. Além disso,
também notamos um comportamento interativo com as vespas Polybia (
Trichinothorax ) Carpenter & Day (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) ( Figura 11 ). Envolvendo
a entrada de uma S. longulaninho, poucas (1-3) vespas, que mostraram
comportamento agressivo contra a abelha sem ferrão e uma barata nativa. No
entanto, ao mesmo tempo, as forrageadoras que retornavam do campo deixaram
1-2 pequenas gotas de um líquido denso, provavelmente néctar, 10 a 30 cm de
distância da entrada do ninho. Durante todo o dia, as vespas chegaram cedo, ao
mesmo tempo que se iniciavam os movimentos externos das abelhas (entre 20,7-
20,9 ° C), e descansavam até o anoitecer. Embora entre as vespas houvesse
trofalaxia, uma delas dominou na coleta das gotículas de líquido. Mais da metade
das gotas (60%) foram colocadas a aproximadamente 10 cm da entrada do ninho, e
a distância de deposição das gotas aumentou à medida que as abelhas
aumentaram seus movimentos externos ao ninho (Cortopassi-Laurino, 2019 ).

A única relação amigável e rara entre vespas e abelhas sem ferrão conhecida até
agora foi relatada por Rasmussen ( 2004 ) com Trigona cilipes (Fabricius, 1804 ) e a

vespa do papel Epipona tatua (Cuvier) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). As vespas

Neste artigo 
oferecem proteção contra predadores e fornecem opções de locais de nidificação
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o e ece p oteção co t a p edado es e o ece opções de oca s de d cação

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Journal of Apicultural Research

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Artigos podem

Artigo estar

Completo falta.

Notas sobre e

Números biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....

 

Em nossas observações,

Métricas o primeiro

Reimpressões registro
e condições

PDF a forma como S. longula protege
o ninho atraindo vespas oportunistas Polybia ( Trichinothorax ) ( Figura 11 ) e
Agelaia pultipicta (Haliday) (Vespidae) é um comportamento provavelmente
relacionado à sua não agressividade e ao fato de deixar lixo próximo à entrada do
ninho, o que atrai presas para a vespa, como consequência. Por exemplo, há alguns
anos, alguns pequenos lepidópteros emergiram desse lixo que ficava em um pote
de vidro.

It is unknown if this behavior is sporadic, but the observation was done at the same
time the nest entrance was enlarged suggesting swarming activities, when the
movement of bees outside the nest increased as observed for other bees like
Nannotrigona (Cockerell, 1922) and Tetragonisca (Moure, 1946). Because this was
the only available nest in the area, it was impossible to compare or confirm these
observations as a characteristic species behavior.

Em relação ao número de rainhas em um ninho, Cerrado ( 2017 ) observou que

uma colônia de S. longula admitia duas rainhas, o que pode ser um comportamento
momentâneo e estar relacionado ao processo de substituição de rainhas, conforme
verificado para Melipona scutellaris (Latreille, 1811 ), M. quadrifasciata (Lepeletier,
1836 ), Plebeia wittmanni (Moure & Camargo, 1989 ) e P. droryana (Friese, 1900 )
(Alves et al., 2011 ; Carvalho et al., 2011 ; Carvalho-Zilse & Kerr, 2004 ; Silva, 1972 ;
Witter & Wittmann,1997 ).

No que diz respeito ao aspecto de vôo de S. longula , é muito semelhante ao de

Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille, 1811) e de S. latitarsis em que o metassoma é
alongado horizontalmente ao pairar e suas pernas metálicas são alongadas.

Michener et al. ( 1978 ) comentaram que as cerdas curvas do esterno das operárias
podem auxiliar no acúmulo de pólen sobre a superfície floral, além do fato de as
pernas metálicas poderem aglomerar os grãos da superfície ventral para serem
penteados com o rastelo durante o movimento de raspagem entre as pernas direita

e esquerda. Essas declarações foram baseadas em observações de espécimes

Neste artigo 
sacrificados contendo pólen na metatíbia e rastelo. Os mesmos autores também
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sac cados co te do pó e a etat b a e aste o. Os es os auto es ta bé

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Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas


Artigos que a região
Mais Recentes

Artigo Completo côncava


Notas sobre e da superfície
a dados
Scaura lateral

Referências metabasitarsus


pode  

contribuir para o deslocamento da massa polínica para a corbícula, localizada logo


Reimpressões e condições

acima, uma vez que nenhum tipo de movimento polínico foi observado da perna
metálica para a mesolata, e posteriormente retorno para a perna. o metaleg, mas
desta vez, diretamente para a corbícula.

Coleta de espécime

S. longula pode ser coletada em Turnera ulmifolia L. (Turneraceae), Urena lobata L.

(Malvaceae), Stachytarpheta australis Moldenke (Verbenaceae), lanterna (
Lophanthera lactescens Ducke) (Malpighiaceae) e achiote ( Bixa orellana L.)
(Bixaceae) ) (Nogueira et al., 2019 ). Michener et al. ( 1978 ) encontraram S. longula
coletando pólen de Cassia 75 km a sudoeste de Korou, na Guiana Francesa.

Além de uma coleta manual ativa ou com rede entomológica, espécimes de S.

longula também poderiam ser coletados com armadilha Malaise, armadilha
suspensa (20 m), armadilha Shannon, na secagem de peixes mortos, na lama
próxima a riachos, com roupas suadas , e usando essência de eugenol (Nogueira et
al., 2019 ).

Scaura latitarsis (Friese, 1900)

Em S. latitarsis (Friese, 1900 ), os espécimes foram coletados de quatro ninhos no

mesmo cupim em um tronco de palmeira (Arecaceae) no município de Iranduba
(estado do Amazonas) (03 ° 14.531'S, 60 ° 11.058'W) ( Figuras 1-4 ), e um agregado
de 15 ninhos em fissuras em colunas de madeira, contêineres de fiação elétrica e
espaçamento de janelas na Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, em Manaus (AM) (2 °
53'29,31 "S, 59 ° 58'30,20" W) ( Figuras 5-9 ). Um ninho foi transferido de um
cupinzeiro abandonado na rodovia BR 174, entre Manaus e Presidente Figueiredo
(AM), para uma caixa ( Figuras 18, 20 e 21 ) e transportado para o Instituto Nacional
de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) por observações do interior do ninho.

Figuras 1–9. Entradas de ninho de Scaura latitarsis (Friese, 1900 ). 1-4: no mesmo
cupinzeiro vivo em Iranduba (Amazonas, Brasil). Figura 3 com destaque em
vermelho para o contorno da entrada do ninho. 5-9: em diferentes substratos,
Neste artigo 
como rachaduras de madeira, espaçamento de janelas e contêineres de fiação
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co o ac adu as de ade a, espaça e to de ja e as e co tê e es de ação

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Journal of Apicultural Research

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Artigos em Recentes

Artigo Manaus
Completo do Amazonas,


Notas sobre biologia
ea dados Brasil).
Scaura Fonte: D. Nogueira.


Referências ....

 


Reimpressões e condições


Exibir em tamanho grande

Figuras 10–15. Entradas de ninho de Scaura ( Schwarz, 1938 ). 10: S. longula (

Lepeletier, 1836 ), em colmeia em Inhumas (estado de Goiás, Brasil). Fonte: K. Silva.
11: S. longula em colmeia com um Carpinteiro & Day Polybia ( Trichinotórax )
próximo à entrada do ninho em São Simão (Estado de São Paulo, Brasil). Fonte: M.
Cortopassi-Laurino. 12: S. amazonica Nogueira, Oliveira & Oliveira, 2019 em Manaus
(estado do Amazonas, Brasil). Fonte: D. Nogueira. 13: S. atlantica Melo e Costa, 2004
em Presidente Tancredo Neves (Bahia, Brasil). Fonte: M. Andrade. 14:S. aspera
Nogueira & Oliveira, 2019 em Ribeirão Cascalheira (Mato Grosso, Brasil) Fonte: S.
Mateus. 15: S. cearensis Nogueira, Santos Júnior & Oliveira, 2019 em Meruoca
(Ceará, Brasil). Fonte: D. Nogueira.

Neste artigo 

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Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....


Reimpressões e condições


Exibir em tamanho grande

Figuras 16–21. Interior dos ninhos de Scaura ( Schwarz, 1938 ). 16: células de cria de
S. longula ( Lepeletier, 1836 ), em Inhumas (estado de Goiás, Brasil). Fonte: K. Silva.
17: células de cria de S. atlantica Melo e Costa, 2004 em Presidente Tancredo Neves
(Bahia, Brasil). Fonte: M. Andrade. 18: células de cria de S. latitarsis (Friese, 1900 )
em Manaus (estado do Amazonas, Brasil). Fonte: D. Nogueira. 19: prisão real de S.
atlantica com uma rainha virgem em Presidente Tancredo Neves (BA, Brasil). Fonte:
M. Andrade. 20: potes de comida de S. latitarsisem Manaus (estado do Amazonas,
Brasil); mel (H) e pólen (P). Fonte: D. Nogueira. 21: ninho de S. latitarsis transferido
de um cupinzeiro para uma colmeia em Manaus (estado do Amazonas, Brasil) em
08.xii.2015. Fonte: D. Nogueira.

Neste artigo 

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Journal of Apicultural Research

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 


Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....


Reimpressões e condições


Exibir em tamanho grande

Figuras 22. Ninho de Scaura cearensis Nogueira, Santos Júnior & Oliveira, 2019
dentro do ninho de Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky, 1855): com tubo de
cerume, área de incubação, potes de comida (preto) e resina pegajosa (cinza).
Fonte: D. Nogueira.

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Journal of Apicultural Research

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 


Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....


Reimpressões e condições


Exibir em tamanho grande

Figuras 23–26. Estrutura interna do ninho natural de Scaura cearensis Nogueira,

Santos Júnior & Oliveira, 2019 dentro do ninho de Nasutitermes corniger
(Motschulsky, 1855). 23: células de cria. 24: potes de comida. 25: resina pegajosa.
26: cerume usado para isolar o ninho de abelha do cupim. Fonte: D. Nogueira e J.

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Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


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Reimpressões e condições


Exibir em tamanho grande

Figuras 27–30. Desenvolvimento do ninho de Scaura cearensis Nogueira, Santos

Júnior & Oliveira, 2019 em colmeia. 27: 27 de agosto de 2015. 28: 23 de outubro de
2015. 29: 21 de novembro de 2015. 30: 30 de dezembro de 2015. Fonte: D.
Nogueira e E. Rocha.

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a dados Scaura


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Reimpressões e condições


Exibir em tamanho grande

Figuras 31–32. Células de cria de Scaura cearensis em colmeia. 31: células de cria
com alimento provavelmente seco, com um ovo inteiro (seta preta); a presença de
fungo em uma célula vazia (seta vermelha). 32: célula de criação com fungo ao lado
e um ovo colocado na parede celular. Fonte: E. Rocha.

Exibir em tamanho grande

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Todos os jornais
O aninhamento de S.

Journal oftem
Apicultural Research

sido observado, maisdecomumente,
em áreas 

Artigo Completo

Números e dados



Artigos Mais Recentes

Notas sobre a biologia de Scaura (Hymenopt ....
mais desmatadas ou antrópicas, como no estudo de Oliveira et al. ( 1995 ) no norte
de Manaus


(Amazonas) e Oliveira

et al. ( 2013
e condições ) que encontraram um ninho próximo
a uma casa de farinha na margem direita do rio Solimões (estado do Amazonas).
Devido ao seu pequeno tamanho e cor amarela escura, a entrada do ninho pode
ser difícil de ver em ambientes de floresta fechada. Porém, em um ambiente
urbano, foi observada uma agregação de 32 ninhos em uma casa de alvenaria no
estado do Acre, no Brasil (Oliveira et al., 1995 ).

Segundo anotações de Camargo e colegas (dados não publicados), eles observaram

alguns ninhos de S. latitarsis em sua passagem pelo estado do Pará (Brasil). Um dos
ninhos ficava em uma região de mata folhosa “aberta” e planície aluvial, próxima ao
riacho Santa Maria, em Itaituba (4 ° 13'S, 55 ° 58'W), dentro de um ouriço tucumã
[sic] ( Astrocaryum vulgare Mart .), em uma caixa abandonada. Outro ninho foi
encontrado em uma coluna de uma casa próxima a nogueiras brasileiras (
Bertholletia excelsaHumilde. e Bonpl.), a Sul do concelho de Aveiro, margem
esquerda do rio Tapajós (3 ° 40'S, 55 ° 25'W). Outro ninho foi em uma coluna oca de
uma fazenda 80 km ao norte de Aveiro, na margem direita do rio Tapajós (3 ° 5'S, 55
° 7'W), próximo a uma densa floresta de planície aluvial com relevo achatado.

No Estado do Amazonas (Brasil), a 42 km do município de Tapauá, entre os rios

Ipixuna e Purus (6 ° 0'S, 63 ° 20'W), Camargo e seus colegas (dados não publicados)
observaram um ninho entre galerias abandonadas de um termitário, logo abaixo da
entrada de um ninho de Trigona crassipes (Fabricius, 1793), no tronco de uma
nogueira brasileira de 30 a 40 metros de altura. Outro ninho foi encontrado em um
termitário próximo ao riacho Jaraqui (66 ° 32'W, 4 ° 28'S), Porto União, rio Juruá.
Dois ninhos foram encontrados em fendas de troncos apodrecidos em uma mata
alagada (igapó) em Tapurucuara Mirim (índios Tukanos), na margem direita do rio
Negro, próximo à foz do rio Marié (00 ° 25'18 "S , 66 ° 24'22 "W). Foi encontrado um
ninho em Tabocal, rio Uneiuxi, na margem direita do rio Negro (00 ° 34'45 "S, 65 °
05'58" W), onde estava localizado próximo a uma área de plantio, entre caranã.
folhas ( Mauritiella sp.) utilizadas para cobertura da fazenda. Um ninho foi

encontrado dentro de um formigueiro de AztecaForel, 1878 que estava pendurado

Neste artigo 
em um galho de árvore viva, na comunidade de São Francisco, Igarapé-Açu,
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e u ga o de á o e a, a co u dade de São a c sco, ga apé çu,

Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas


Artigos direita

Artigo do rio
Completo Negrosobre
(02 ea°dados


Notas 49'58
biologia de 60 ° 46'51"

Referências ....Vários

Citações ninhos foram  

encontrados em troncos ocos secos de “quariquara” ou “aquariquara” ( Minquartia


Reimpressões e condições

guianensis Aubl.) Em Vida Nova, Comunidade Nova Saterê, rio Andirá (03 ° 20'28 "S,
56 ° 58'57" O).

Kerr et al. (1967) found four nests in Colônia Santo Antônio (Manaus, Amazonas
state), located side by side at 2.20 m high between the mud wall and the straw roof
of a hovel. The same authors described the entrances as tilted downwards,
yellowish or brown, widened at baseline with gradual narrowing in the middle and
subsequent widening at the entrance opening. Oliveira et al. (2013) described the
entrance as narrow and made of fragile cerumen, in an orange or brownish tint
with a circular orifice and with a slightly more elongated bottom edge.

In our observations, we confirm the description made Kerr et al. (1967) and Oliveira
et al. (2013), but with some variations, as some entrances were tilted upwards or
with no inclination. As for coloring, we observed entrances with yellow and light
brown tones for various cavities (Figures 5-9), and dark brown for termitarium, but
all made with fine cerumen and with some micro-holes in the tube structure
(Figures 1-4). It was observed an entrance on termitarium in “S” shape without
inclination (Figure 3) and another in “S” shape with the upper base for the electrical
wiring cavity (Figure 7) (Table 1).

The internal structure of the brood cells is in the form of irregular clusters with one
cell joined to the others or to the substrate without any binding column, unlike
Leurotrigona muelleri (Friese, 1900) (Mateus et al., 2013). Also, the disposition of the
cells depends on the space available, as cells were found in various galleries of the
termitarium. These cells have an oval shape and can be in a vertical, inclined or
horizontal position, four millimeters long and three millimeters wide (Figure 18). No
involucrum construction was observed. The food pots are oval between six to ten
millimeters long and six to eight millimeters wide, wider in the lower half. The
honey pots are shiny and the pollen pots opaque (Figure 20). Oliveira et al. (2013)
observed differences between the location of the pots of honey and pollen in a nest
inside a trunk, but in the nest, we found inside a deactivated termitarium, these
differences were not observed, as the pots were arranged at random. This may be
Neste artigo 
related to the type of cavity and the amount of space available.
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e ated to t e type o ca ty a d t e a ou t o space a a ab e.

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Journal of Apicultural Research

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 


Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....



Reimpressões e condições

No defensive reaction has been observed by the guard workers at the entrance of
the nest or the foragers that returned to the colony (Kerr et al., 1967). The apparent
defenses for S. latitarsis must be related to the aggregation of nearby nests, as well
as for other Meliponini (Roubik, 2006). The four nests found in Iranduba (Amazonas
state, Brazil), were located in the same termitarium as a nest of Partamona sp.,
which generally has greater defensiveness. This characteristic could assist in the
protection of nests of S. latitarsis, as seen by Rasmussen (2004) for the bee Trigona
cilipes that nested in a wasp nest of Epipona tatua (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). The
camouflage of the coloring of the cerumen at the nest entrance can also assist in
this protection because as it was observed for the nests in termitaria, the coloring
of the cerumen of the entrance tube is darker, similar to the coloring of the
termitarium (Figures 1–4).

It was observed that the workers throw part of the garbage out of the nest, close to
the entrance, which accumulates, along with adult males that are still dead with a
clear color of the integument. This probably happens due to the decreased
availability of resources.

The behavior of a probable suction of salts from human skin has been reported
even when the skin is dry. In this case, the bee lands and regurgitates nectar or
water to moisten the region and after that, sucks all the liquid back (T. Mahlmann,
pers. obs.).

In respect to the flight aspect of S. latitarsis, it is similar to that of Tetragonisca

angustula, in which the metasoma is horizontally stretched while hovering and its
metalegs are stretched (Kerr et al., 1967).

Regarding the behavior inside the nest collected along the highway BR 174 (north of
Manaus), after the colony has been established in the box the workers started the
construction of the brood cells and food pots. In addition, a transparent film was
placed under the box lid, so that with a red light, the behavior of wax production by

young workers could be observed. These workers repeatedly rub the ventral
Neste artigo 
surface of the metatibia and metabasitarsus on the dorsal region of the terga (T4-
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su ace o t e etat b a a d etabas ta sus o t e do sa eg o o t e te ga (

Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas

T6). They

Artigos intercalate

Artigo Completo
Recentes right


Notas and
sobre the left.
ea dados
biologia When

de Scaura a sufficient
.... amount



of wax  

accumulates on the setae of the ventral surface, they lift the metasoma and,


Reimpressões e condições

beneath it, rub the ventral surface of the legs together, repeatedly until they leave a
small amount of wax on the surface of the substrate where they are standing.
Sometimes, while scraping the legs on the terga, the wings were placed as
obstacles, but this did not prevent the scraping of the terga, even above the wings.
When this happened, they extended their wings laterally and continued to scrape
directly on the terga.

Specimen collection

Oliveira et al. (2013) found S. latitarsis visiting coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) and
achiote (Bixa orellana L.) flowers, in the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Amanã (Amazonas). Kerr et al. (1967) observed them collecting resin in “Pau de
lacre” (Vismia guianensis (Aubl.)) in the vicinity of Manaus (Amazonas). In Iranduba
(Amazonas), bees were seen visiting flowers of Orchidaceae (T. Mahlmann pers.
obs.). Collection data record the species in flowers of Turnera ulmifolia L.
(Turneraceae), Urena lobata L. (Malvaceae), and Clusia insignis Mart. (Clusiaceae),
collected in Manaus and in Lantern flowers (Lophanthera lactescens Ducke)
(Malpighiaceae), in Rio Branco (Acre) (Nogueira et al., 2019).

In addition to being collected manually in the nest, or with an entomological net in

flowers or in flight, they could also be sampled with Malaise trap, Suspended trap
(understory), honey bait, methyl cinnamate essence, in addition to sweat and urine
(Nogueira et al., 2019).

Scaura argyrea (Cockerell, 1912)


Although there is a note on a nest found in the clay bank in the original description
and on the label of the holotype, there are records that this species occurs in
termitaria, as well as most species of the genus. Just as Roubik (1983) found six

nests, all in Panamanian termitaria, in the Sierra de Santa Rita and on the El Llano-
Neste artigo 
Carti road that connects Panama to Guna Yala, with entrance between 1.2 to 4.7 m
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Carti road that connects Panama to Guna Yala, with entrance between 1.2 to 4.7 m

Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas

above the

Artigos ground.

Artigo Recentes
Completo Also, Wille


Notas and
sobre Michener
ea dados
de (1973),
Scaura who found a colony


Referências ....

of Scaura
 

argyrea (6 × 10 cm) inside a termitarium nest (Termitidae: Nasutitermes) (40 × 50 cm)


Reimpressões e condições

in San Isidoro del General, Department of San José, Costa Rica approximately 1.7 m
above the ground. In this case, there must be certain plasticity as to the nesting
place of this species, as Schwarz (1948) comments, it may be that the termite
tenants persist only from Colombia to the Panama region and that further north, as
in Guatemala or Mexico, this relationship with termites may be more flexible, or
non-existent (Table 1).

Specimen collection

Wille et al. (1983) registered S. argyrea as a floral visitor to Sechium edule

(Cucurbitaceae). According to the data by Nogueira et al. (2019), these bees were
also collected from Pinus caribaea (Pinaceae), Croton panamensis (Klotzsch)
(Euphorbiaceae), Bidens alba var. radiata (L.) (Asteraceae), and Psychotria L.

Roubik and Patiño (2018) with a pollen analysis of nests of S. argyrea registered two
types of Spondias spp. (Anacardiaceae), two types of undetermined species of
Amaranthaceae, two types of Annona spp. (Annonaceae), Anthurium sp. (Araceae),
Dentropanax arboreus (Araliaceae), aff. Bactris sp., Chamaedorea sp., Cryosophila
warscewiczii, Cocos nucifera, Elaeis oleifera, Iriartea deltoidea, Phytelephas
macrocarpa, Attalea rostrata, Socratea exorrhiza (Arecaceae), Vernonia sp.
(Asteraceae), Arrabidaea sp., aff. Mansoa sp., Handroanthus guayacan
(Bignoniaceae), Cordia sp., Tourmefortia sp. (Boraginaceae), Billbergia sp.
(Bromeliaceae), Bursera simaruba, Protium sp. (Burseraceae), Hirtella racemosa
(Chrysobalanaceae), Clusia odorata (Clusiaceae), Connarus sp. (Connaraceae),
Aniseia sp., Iseia luxurians, Merremia sp. (Convolvulaceae), Cayaponia sp., Posadaea
sp. (Cucurbitaceae), Carludovica palmata (Cyclanthaceae), Cyperus sp. (Cyperaceae),
Diliocarpus sp. (Dilleniaceae), Muntingia calabura (Muntingiaceae), Acalypha spp.,
Croton sp., Hura crepitans, Manihot esculenta, Sapium sp. (Euphorbiaceae),
Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Macrolobium sp., aff. Peltophorum, Desmodium sp.,

Pterocarpus sp., Calliandra pittieri, Inga sp., Mimosa sp. (Fabaceae), Casearia sp.
Neste artigo 
(Salicaceae), Humiriastrum sp. (Humiriaceae), Hyptis sp. (Lamiaceae), Ultricularia sp.
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(Sa caceae), u ast u aceae), ypt s sp. ( a aceae), U t cu a a sp.
02/07/2021 Full article: Notes on the biology of Scaura (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)
sp. ( u

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Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas


Artigos Mais Recentes

Artigo CompletoLagerstroemina


Notas sobre e sp. (Loranthaceae),
a dados

Referências ....


 

Stigmaphyllon sp., Tetrapterys goudotiana (Malpighiaceae), Ochroma pyramidale,


Reimpressões e condições

Pachira aquatica, Pseudobombax septenatum, Quararibea magnifica, Heliocarpus
sp., Luehea seemannii, Abutilon sp., Hibiscus sp., Melochia sp., Mortoniodendron
sp. (Malvaceae), Miconia sp. (Melastomataceae), Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae),
Brosimun sp. (Moraceae), Eugenia/Psidium (Myrtaceae), Passiflora aff. auriculata
(Passifloraceae), Piper sp. (Piperaceae), Paricum/Bambusa, Zea mays (Poaceae),
Roupala montana (Proteaceae), Psychotria sp. (Rubiaceae), Zanthoxylum sp.
(Rutaceae), Banara guianensis (Salicaceae), Serjania sp., Paullinia sp. (Sapindaceae),
Pouteria sp. (Sapotaceae), Solanum sp. (Solanaceae), Cecropia sp. (Urticaceae) and
Aegiphila aff. elata (Verbenaceae).

Scaura atlantica (Melo and Costa 2004)

On S. atlantica Melo and Costa 2004 seven nests were found by the fourth coauthor
(Marcos Andrade) at different events in termitaria in the municipality of Presidente
Tancredo Neves (Bahia state) (13°27'14” S 39°25'15” W). This region has an altitude
of over 250 meters and vegetation of the Atlantic forest. According to the Köppen
classification, the climate is tropical equatorial, with high temperatures and rainfall
with an annual average greater than 1,400 mm, with abundant rainfall distributed
throughout the year (Köppen, 1948; CT, 2020; DB, 2020). Regarding the exact
locations of the nests, two of them in the forest area, one in an area of dense forest,
one in capoeira, two in open areas, and one in an orchard at Bom Jesus farm in a
termitarium on a jackfruit trunk (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) (Table 2). Only one
of these nests (Figures 13, 17, and 19) was transferred to a beehive in the same

Table 2. Nests of Scaura atlantica Melo and Costa, 2004

found in Presidente Tancredo Neves (Bahia, Brazil). 
CSV Display Table

Neste artigo 

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02/07/2021 Full article: Notes on the biology of Scaura (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)


Todos os
This species jornais

Journal of Apicultural
in Nasutitermes nests Research

(Termitidae) de Problemas

1) and the nest found

 

Artigo Completo

Números e dados



Artigos Mais Recentes

Notas sobre a biologia de Scaura (Hymenopt ....
by Melo and Costa (2004) had an entrance in a cylindrical and rectilinear shape with
the opening


slightly inclined upward. Some
e condições

PDF may have more yellowish
cerumen and have a slightly larger area (Figure 13) (Table 2). In addition to that,
their brood cells are horizontally arranged (Figure 17). The nests found by
coauthors Marcos Andrade and Rogério Alves were at different distances from the
ground (Table 2), but six of them did not survive, because, in addition to unknown
causes, destructive honey harvesting occurred in these nests. Children from the
surrounding area prevented the formation of one of them by swarming because
they threw rocks at the new nest; and another suffered looting by Lestrimelitta
tropica (Marchi & Melo, 2006). When we returned to the site 15 months later, the
nest attacked by L. tropica had been dug and exterminated, probably by some
mammal. The only nest that was transferred to a beehive, did not resist and died
after three months (Table 2).

The entrance of nest 3 was made of yellowish cerumen (Figure 13), projected from
the termitarium surface, measuring 0.5 cm in diameter with lacy and expanded
borders, where four to five bees stand in guard. The nest was located inside a
chamber with an entrance tunnel 10 cm long by 0.5 cm in diameter coated with an
orange resin. The nest chamber was protected by a layer of thin, hard brown resin
that separated the nest from the termitarium. There were pillars gluing the nest to
the separation layer. S. atlantica must need greater temperature control, as the nest
chamber was located almost in the center of the termitarium with walls of the
termitarium 25-30 cm thick. In the environment in which the nest was found, the
amplitude temperature is accentuated mainly in the rainy months.

The estimated population for this nest was 1,200 individuals among adults, eggs,
and larvae in the cells. We found 4.25 cells per cm2 on the disks, with many queen
cells and males. Nine discs of brood cells were found (three pre-emergent, three
new, and three pre-emergent again), some of them with a helical aspect. Ten pollen
pots of 0.8 to 1.1 cm in width and height, respectively, were found, all yellowish in
color and with a content of about 0.115 g each. The honey pots were arranged

around the disks’ area. The honey was pale amber with a slightly acidic taste and
Neste artigo 
mild aroma.
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d a o a.

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 


Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....



Reimpressões e condições

No reaction of defense of the nest was observed by the guard workers at the
entrance of cerumen, or by the foragers that returned to the colony. In the nest
transferred to a beehive, after being opened, the bees did not demonstrate a
defense reaction when managed. Although the queen was not seen during the
transfer, three royal prisons were found inside the nest, each with a princess (Figure

Scaura amazonica (Nogueira, Oliveira & Oliveira, 2019)

On S. amazonica Nogueira, Oliveira & Oliveira, 2019, specimens were collected in a

Nasutitermes Dudley nest (Figure 12) located at Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental
(Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, 2°53'29.31"S 59°58'30.20"W), in an area of dense
forest, close to a guarana plantation (Paullinia cupana var. sobilis (Mart.) Ducke).


Schwarz (1938) describes two nests found in Guyana, one in a Nasutitermes

ephratae (Holmgren) (Termitidae) nest, and the other, in the center of a N. costalis
(Holmgren) (Termitidae) nest, with many brood cells and a few food pots.

In the Mulford Biological Expedition, which took place in 1921-1922, Willian M.

Mann observed a nest of S. amazonica in a termitarium in Rurrenabaque, El Beni,
Bolivia (Schwarz, 1948). Camargo (1970) found a nest in an arboreal termitarium on
a tree in an area of rubber trees four kilometers from Porto Velho (Rondônia,
Brazil), with a sticky cerumen entrance in the thermo-upper region of the
termitarium, with 20 cm of pipe internally to the region of brood cells and food pots.
The brood cells were arranged horizontally and there was an accumulation of black
resin near the entrance.

Roubik (1979) found a nest of S. amazonica (treated as Trigona latitarsis, see Table
1) in French Guiana in a termitarium in an area of lowland savanna-forest. This nest

had a 2.5 m high entrance above the ground.

Neste artigo 

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Casa and

Todos osMazucato (unpublished

Journal data)
of Apicultural found
three nests

Lista de in arboreal
 

Artigo Completo

Números e dados



Artigos Mais Recentes

Notas sobre a biologia de Scaura (Hymenopt ....
in July 1980, when they made an expedition along the Negro river (Amazonas state,
Brazil): the first

Métricas at the mouth

Reimpressões of the Daraá
e condições

PDFriver, in a dense forest with an area
of transition to a wavy relief; the second, at the mouth of Curicuriari river, in an
open area in a forest environment; and the third, in the village of Aruti, municipality
of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, in a dense forest with low lands and plateaus. The nest
found at the mouth of the Curicuriari river was observed during the occupation
process of a Nasutitermes (Termitidae) termitarium on a palm tree five meters high
and is detailed by Camargo (1984). He reports that the bees took resin to a certain
area of ​the termitarium (between 30 and 40 cm2), in order to avoid that ants,
termites, and other insects could prevent occupation. The bees brought resin to the
center of this area and started the construction of the entrance tube, and to scrape
and line with resin the internal part of the termitarium structure. In addition, it was
not observed the construction of an envelope around the brood cells, but two
expansion chambers of the nest, built with the same material as the entrance tube.
According to the author, these chambers serve to protect the nest during the
enlargement process, because in the case of an invasion by the termites inside the
nest, the bees retrieve to these chambers and close their entrances of these
chambers, so as to isolate the contact with the nest host.

On July 11, 1999, Camargo, Pedro, and Mazucato (unpublished data) found, in the
municipality of Santa Isabel do Rio Negro (Amazonas state, Brazil), another tree
termitarium containing a nest of S. amazonica, in a flooded forest (igapó), three
meters above the water level.

The nest we found at Embrapa (Manaus) (Table 1) had an entrance tube

approximately five centimeters long and the entrance opening was slightly curved
at the top and with pale cerumen (Figure 3).


According to Schwarz (1938), in the nests found in Guyana, bees did not express any
type of defensive reaction. In the colony found at Embrapa, Manaus, no defensive

behavior of the nest was observed by the guards.

Neste artigo 

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Casa collection

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 

Artigo Completo


Artigos Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....

Vit and Ricciardelli D'Albore (1994) observed pollen from Acalypha (Euphorbiaceae)


Reimpressões e condições

and Merremia (Convolvulaceae) in the analysis of honey from these bees in
Venezuela, and also there was visitation and pollen collection by these bees in these
botanical specimens. According to the data of Nogueira et al. (2019), S. amazonica
visits achiote (Bixa orellana L.) (Bixaceae), lantern (Lophanthera lactescens Ducke)
(Malpighiaceae), Swartzia (Fabaceae), and Solanum (Solanaceae) flowers. In addition
to being collected manually in the nest, or with an entomological net in flowers or in
flight, they can also be sampled with Malaise trap, suspended trap (understory),
luminous, and honey baits. They were also sampled in wet sand, in drying fish, in
urine, and sweat (Nogueira et al., 2019).

Scaura aspera (Nogueira & Oliveira, 2019)

On S. aspera Nogueira & Oliveira, 2019, in December 2006, Dr. Sidnei Mateus made
an expedition in Ribeirão Cascalheira (Mato Grosso state) and collected some bees
in a termitarium on a tree (Figure 14).


The first citation about the nesting of this species was made by Silvestri (1902), who
reports the observation of a colony in a region located near the Coxipó river, in
Chapada dos Guimarães (Mato Grosso state). The colony of S. aspera was inside a
Nasutitermes rippertii (Rambur) nest, built on a tree trunk and with the entrance
made of cerumen in a cylindrical shape, approximately five centimeters long and
ten millimeters in diameter. In the nest there were few brood cells as well as few
pots of food and the area occupied by the bees was separated from the termite
nest by cerumen. Silvestri transferred the bee's nest to a box, but was unsuccessful
in breeding, as there was a subsequent attack by ants.

The entrance tube of the nest of the colony found in Ribeirão Cascalheira (Mato
Grosso state, Brazil) was wider at the base and apical opening, slightly narrowed in

the central region and had two entrances very close to the termitarium (Table 1).
Neste artigo 
Both were made with clear and delicate cerumen (Figure 14).
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ot e e ade t c ea a d de cate ce u e ( gu e ).

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Journal of Apicultural Research

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 


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Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....

In general, the nesting of this species does not occur in urban environments but can
be found easily

Métricas (Proni

Reimpressões e condições
PDF 2002). In a survey of nests at
the São Paulo university (Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo state, Brazil), Akatsu (2004)
found 75 nests of S. aspera, 95% of which were associated with termitaria of
Nasutitermes corniger and 5% of N. ephratae.

On thermal regulation in S. aspera, Proni (1996) and Proni and Macieira (2002)
studied a bee nest inside a Nasutitermes nest. They measured the temperature in
the area of brood cells inside the termitarium and the external environment both in
winter and in the summer, in Londrina (Paraná state, Brazil) (Table 3). They realized
that thermoregulation was quite evident since both termites and bees remained at
constant temperatures both during winter and summer. And those bees need
thermal regulation of termites since they do not produce involucrum or batumen.

Table 3. Temperature measurements in brood cells area of

Scaura aspera Nogueira & Oliveira, 2019 nest, inside the
termitarium of Nasutitermes Dudley, 1890 and in the

external environment. Data collection in Londrina (Paraná
state, Brazil). Data from Proni ( 1996 ) and Proni and
Macieira ( 2002 ).

CSV Display Table


Laroca and Lauer (1973) described the behavior of S. aspera in flowers of Piper
gaudichaudianum (Kunth) where the workers moved up and down with their
metabasitarsus turned laterally, with the ventral surface in contact with the plant.
The setae on the ventral surface of the metabasitarsus accumulated pollen grains
which were removed by rubbing with the mesotarsus and transported to the
corbicula. The same authors also mentioned that this species visited leaves of

Amaranthus spinosus L. (Amaranthaceae) to collect the remaining pollen grains that

Neste artigo 
other bees dropped when visiting these flowers. This collection occurred through
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ot e bees d opped e s t g t ese o e s. s co ect o occu ed t oug

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Journal of Apicultural Research

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the contact

Artigos Mais of

Artigo the mesepisternum


Notas sobre e with the
a dados
de leaf, in
Scaura which the
.... grains



adhered to the
 

hairs of this region to be transferred in flight to the corbicula.


Reimpressões e condições


No reaction of defense of the nest was observed by the guard workers at the
cerumen entrance.

Specimen collection

According to Ducke (1901), S. aspera can be collected in flowers of Urena lobata L.

(Malvaceae) and Miconia minutiflora DC. (Melastomataceae).

Scaura cearensis (Nogueira, Santos Júnior & Oliveira, 2019)

On S. cearensis Nogueira, Santos Júnior & Oliveira, 2019, an expedition was carried
out to collect specimens in the Serra da Meruoca (Ceará), with an altitude of more
than 800 meters, Subperenifolia Tropical Pluvio Nebular vegetation, Warm Sub-
humid Tropical climate, and average temperature varying between 24 and 26° C
and annual rainfall of 1,627 mm (IPECE, 2012). A nest was found inside a
Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) termitarium at eight meters high (Figures 15
and 22), this nest was transferred to a beehive and installed in the Laboratório de
Abelhas of the Universidade Federal do Ceará (Fortaleza, Ceará state) to monitor its
development. The collection of this nest was in accordance with authorization
48297-1 of the Sistema de Autorização e Informação em Biodiversidade (SISBIO),
issued on April 9, 2015.


1. Natural nest: The nest found in the Serra da Meruoca (Ceará) (Figures 15 and
22) (Table 1) had a cylindrical entrance with a landing area below and with a
slightly wider opening than the base, made of yellowish cerumen measuring
two centimeters long and one in diameter.

This nest was removed from the termitarium on June 20, 2015, and some
aspects of the internal structure that were observed are: i. from the entrance of

the nest to the brood and food area, the workers built a 23 cm long tunnel; ii.
Neste artigo 
five discs of brood cells were built horizontally (three emerging discs below and
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five discs of brood cells were built horizontally (three emerging discs below and

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Artigos Maisdiscs helix-shaped

Números above)

Notas sobre ea dadosand
biologia were

 approximately
Scaura six



Referências .... in 

diameter (Figure 23); iii. the honey and pollen pots were made in an elliptical


Reimpressões e condições

shape with a slight upper protuberance, measuring one centimeter in diameter
per pot, arranged in a single heap and very close to the brood cells, with
approximately 30 pots of honey and seven of pollen (Figure 24); iv. there was
an accumulation of sticky resin near the food pots (Figure 25), as well as near
the tube entrance; v. the bees sealed the interior of the nest with cerumen, so
that termites had no access to their nesting area (Figure 26); vi. no nest
expansion chambers were observed, as reported by Camargo (1984) for S.

The brood cells together with most of the workers were transferred to an INPA
beehive (Oliveira & Kerr, 2000) (14 × 14 cm), which was transported to the
Laboratório de Abelhas at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (Fortaleza, Ceará,
Brazil). There, the development of the colony was observed, even in an
environment different from that where this species is found in nature
(termitarium). The construction of the food pots, internal ornamentation of the
nest, the construction of new brood cells, and the laying activity by the queen
was accompanied.

2. General structure: In the beehive, the bees built a 0.5 cm diameter cerumen
inlet with an enlarged base of one centimeter. The entrance was connected to a
tube similar to that found in the termitarium, 23 cm long and one centimeter in
diameter. Inside the nest, there were pots of food, associated with two masses
of resin. Above these masses, the brood cells were placed. It is important to
note that the bees did not accumulate garbage, but rather covered the inside of
the beehive with cerumen, a material similar to that found in the inner lining of
their nest in the termitarium.

In relation to the brood cells, no differences were observed in relation to the

color of the newly built cells, but a slight appearance of dryness in the older

3. Internal environment: When the bees were transferred to the environment of

Neste artigo 
the beehive, which simulates a tree with a hollow cavity, they showed a sharp
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t e bee e, c s u ates a t ee t a o o ca ty, t ey s o ed a s a p

Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas


Artigos Mais both

Artigo in the
Completo production


Notas sobre e of hatching
a dados
Scauradiscs and in
.... the internal



 

ornamentation of the nest.


Reimpressões e condições


This fact may be associated with the difficulty that stingless bees have to
regulate the internal microclimate of the nest (Loli, 2008; Roldão, 2011), and for
this reason, they look for isolated nesting places, but that is sufficiently thermal
insulating so that there is better colony thermoregulation. In addition, S.
cearensis is a species that does not build an involucrum to surround its brood
cells, therefore, it is dependent on the locations selected by the workers for
nesting, as termites would help to protect the nest from possible temperature
variations. Perhaps because of this, the workers were shyer in common work
inside the nest.

In our observations, we verified that, even when installed in a beehive, the bees
still did not build an involucrum, but resisted the change of environment, as
observed by Kerr et al. (1967) and Camargo (1970) for other species of bees,
which naturally do not build an involucrum.

In addition, we perceive a probable reinforcement of the nesting dependence in

termitaria, as reported by Camargo (1970, 1984) for the species S. amazonica
(treated as Scaura latitarsis, see table 1) which was removed from its natural
nesting environment. As well as for Melipona eburnea Friese, 1900, who had
greater difficulties in thermoregulation in a beehive in relation to the trunk
(Correia et al., 2017).

It was also observed the destruction of young brood cells by the workers, in
which they opened some of the cells (with egg or larva), and removed all the
food. This may be related to the probable intolerance of the young to sudden
changes in temperature since a similar behavior was observed in colonies of
Scaptotrigona postica (Latreille, 1807) submitted to extreme heat (Engels et. al.

Roldão (2011) observed that the temperature in the area of brood cells
Neste artigo 
surrounded by involucrum is higher than the temperature in the peripheral
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su ou ded by o uc u s g e t a t e te pe atu e t e pe p e a

Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas


Artigos as Recentes

Artigo the larvae
Completo storesobre


Notas heat.
dados In(Hymenopt
Scaura this case,

Referências ....the wrapper


that  

surrounds the brood cells has the main function of attenuating temperature


Reimpressões e condições

fluctuations throughout the day and/or year, managing to maintain the
temperature for the normal development of the immatures.

In the case of S. cearensis, probably the temperature/humidity variations that

occurred inside the laboratory during the observation period have caused such
behavior by the workers. In addition, very high temperatures can melt or dry
out the cerumen and larval food and, consequently, the food is not viable.

In the cells opened by the workers who still contained some remnant of food
(with or without the egg/larva), it was possible to observe a whitish fungus that
developed on the inside or edge of the cell (Figures 31 and 32).

The drying out of this larval food and the appearance of fungi may have been
caused by the difficulty of maintaining the environmental conditions controlled
by the workers inside the nest since it appeared only after a few weeks after the
transference when the queen was already in a regular laying mode and there
were no termites around the nest to carry out the internal environmental
maintenance work. In addition, these characteristics were not observed on the
disks at the time of transfer from the termitarium to the beehive. Therefore,
these fungi probably are not associated with brood development in this bee
species, different from what was found by Menezes et al. (2015) and Paludo et
al. (2018) who proved that some species of fungi are essential for the
development of immature of Scaptotrigona depilis (Moure, 1942).

The control and maintenance of the nest temperature are crucial factors for the
good development of young bees. For bees, this control can be accomplished
by combining the architecture of the nest with activities carried out by the
workers (Dantas, 2016). However, unlike Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera:
Apidae: Apini), stingless bees are more dependent on the environment and the
places where they decide to build their nests, as the nest structures are used to

passively maintain the temperature of their colonies (Engels et al., 1995; Jones
Neste artigo 
& Oldroyd, 2007).
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& O d oyd, 00 ).

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 


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Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....

Another information we obtained was in relation to some eggs being placed on

thesides of the

brood cells (Figure

Reimpressões 32).
e condições behavior does not seem to be


common to colonies in normal conditions, because a similar report was made

by Bego (1990) in colonies of Scaptotrigona postica, but with old queens,
showing signs of senility, slow walking, reduced egg laying, and signs of
weakness (falling from discs). In the case of Scaura cearensis, the queen did not
have these characteristics.

4. Nest development: the evolution of the observation nest in relation to the

construction of brood cells, pots of honey and pollen, was monitored weekly for
a period of six months. In several brood cells, we found flaws were found
regarding the uniformity of the cells because of the absence of cells in the
central part of the disks (Figures 27-30). This may be related to the inbreeding
of the queen having been mated with a male with a high degree of genetic
kinship, thus generating male individuals with duplicated chromosome number
(2n) (Camargo, 1982; Kerr, 1987). These males are, in general, infertile, which
causes a greater loss for the colony in keeping them, therefore, the larvae are
identified by the workers and eliminated shortly thereafter (Ratinieks, 1989;
Woyke, 1963).

During the transfer, the physogastric queen was not seen, and laying activities
were not observed for the first few weeks; it is likely that the older queen did
not resist the transfer process and a new queen emerged from a royal cell and
started laying after mating. As this species has records of occurrence only for
the mountainous region of the west of the Ceará state (Brazil), other nests were
not found in the vicinity of the university, which suggests that the virgin queen
could have mated with a brother male, which reduces genetic variability.

There was a decrease in laying activity, the number of pot food, and brood cells
over the period observed from the beginning of September (Figures 27-30). This
decrease may be related to several factors, mainly the difference in the
availability of resources between the natural environment and the current one.

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Todos of
No reaction os jornais

of the of Apicultural
nest Research
was observed thede Problemas

workers at the  

Artigo Completo

Números e dados



Artigos Mais Recentes

Notas sobre a biologia de Scaura (Hymenopt ....
entrance nor by the foragers that returned to the colony. Even after the nest was
opened and the

Métricas had directe condições


contact with the termites, no fight was observed
between them. In the beehive, however, the bees did not show a reaction to defend
the nest, when managed. The only defensive behavior was inside the nest when
seeing someone approaching in front of the entrance (outside the laboratory).
When opening the colony for observation, the younger workers all left at the same
time and fell on the bench, being necessary to collect them and put them back
inside the beehive. Therefore, it was necessary to use red light to avoid this
behavior during management and unnecessary stress to the nest.

The interaction between workers and the queen took place both abruptly and
delicately. A worker quickly approached the queen and touched her gently with her
antennae, after which the worker moved away. Soon, another worker approached
abruptly and touched her antennae gently on the queen, and the process was
repeated with other workers. Sometimes the queen would withdraw when the
workers acted abruptly against her. The queen consumed the larval food in the
open cells between these contacts with the workers. While a worker was almost
entirely in the open cell to deposit food, the queen touched her with her antennae,
with rapid movements. Sakagami (1982) observed that a queen of Scaura sp. made
up and down movements with the head before the egg laying.

The oviposition behavior of the queen happened smoothly, as the workers did not
act aggressively at that moment. She inspected the cell with enough larval food,
tried some of it, and performed the laying.

Specimen collection

According to the data on the labels of the material examined by Nogueira et al.
(2019), S. cearensis was collected from flowers of pau de besouro (Cassia spectabilis
Schrad.) (Fabaceae) and also with a suspended trap.

Final considerations
Neste artigo 

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Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas

The genusMaisScaura has different

Notas sobrenesting
biologiabehavior for its
species since five of them
 


Artigo Recentes

Números ea dados
Scaura (Hymenopt

Referências ....


need exclusively a live termitarium to keep their nest in full operation, while two


Reimpressões e condições

others can survive in tree trunks or other cavities. They are also docile species that
do not defend the disturbed nest. Therefore, they are probably not able to
thermoregulate or actively defend the nest depending on the insulating and
protective characteristics of the structures where they shelter (termites or tree
trunks). This information is useful so that we can think about decision-making based
on the conservation of species since it is necessary to have balance in the arboreal
termite community, the environment itself, and the nest of bees to avoid
extinctions, especially of cryptic species, like S. cearensis, for example.


To Klécio Souza e Silva for authorizing the use of his photos and for providing
information about Scaura longula. To Dr. Sidnei Mateus for providing the photos
and individuals of Scaura to carry out the study. To Dr. Alexandre Somavilla for
identifying the wasps.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


DSN acknowledges the support of Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do

Amazonas (IFAM), Fundação de Amparo ao Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM), Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Entomologia, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (PPG-
ENT/INPA), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) –
Neste artigo 
under Finance Code 001 for partly financing this research. To CNPq productivity grant
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received by BMF (302934/2010-3) and received by MLO (305150/2020-0).  


Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....


Reimpressões e condições



1. Akatsu, I. P. (2004). Densidade e distribuição de Scaura latitarsis (Hymenoptera,

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7. Camargo, J. M. F. (1988). Meliponinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae) da coleção do

Neste artigo 
"Istituto di Entomologia Agraria", Portici, Itália. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia,
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Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


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https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/USSAHTCZGUPNM5SIKP2S/full?target=10.1080/00218839.2021.1940743 77/83
02/07/2021 Full article: Notes on the biology of Scaura (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)


Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas

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Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


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Neste artigo 

https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/USSAHTCZGUPNM5SIKP2S/full?target=10.1080/00218839.2021.1940743 78/83
02/07/2021 Full article: Notes on the biology of Scaura (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)


Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas

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Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


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Neste artigo 

https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/USSAHTCZGUPNM5SIKP2S/full?target=10.1080/00218839.2021.1940743 79/83
02/07/2021 Full article: Notes on the biology of Scaura (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)


Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas

 


Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


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Neste artigo 

https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/USSAHTCZGUPNM5SIKP2S/full?target=10.1080/00218839.2021.1940743 80/83
02/07/2021 Full article: Notes on the biology of Scaura (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)


Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas

 


Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


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Reimpressões e condições


Neste artigo 

https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/USSAHTCZGUPNM5SIKP2S/full?target=10.1080/00218839.2021.1940743 81/83
02/07/2021 Full article: Notes on the biology of Scaura (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)


Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas

 


Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....


Reimpressões e condições


Neste artigo 

https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/USSAHTCZGUPNM5SIKP2S/full?target=10.1080/00218839.2021.1940743 82/83
02/07/2021 Full article: Notes on the biology of Scaura (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)


Todos os jornais

Journal of Apicultural Research

Lista de Problemas

 


Artigo Completo

Mais Recentes
Notas sobre e biologia
a dados Scaura


Referências ....

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