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13/03/2023, 15:27 Notas de versão do software MoTeC ECU Manager

ECU Manager - Notas de versão do software


Esta é a versão 3.54E2 do ECU Manager. Clique aqui para ver as alterações feitas nesta versão.

O ECU Manager é um aplicativo Windows de 32 bits totalmente integrado para configurar e ajustar
a gama de ECUs M400, M600, M800 e M880.

A versão 3 do ECU Manager mantém a interface de usuário conhecida e comprovada usada pelas
versões anteriores do ECU Manager, mas apresenta funcionalidades substanciais totalmente
novas e grandes melhorias nas funcionalidades existentes. É recomendável que você se
familiarize completamente com essas alterações (lendo este documento e experimentando
o software off-line) antes de usá-lo em um mecanismo ativo.


VERSÃO 2 (ou anterior)
A V3 inclui grandes mudanças na operação de muitas das funções da ECU, como
consequência, o processo de atualização pode não ser capaz de converter essas
funções perfeitamente.



Antes de Atualizar

Antes de atualizar a ECU, certifique-se de ter uma cópia da configuração atual da ECU
em disco, caso seja necessário reverter para a versão antiga do software.


A atualização da ECU leva mais tempo do que nas versões anteriores e pode levar até
10 minutos (normalmente menos de 2 minutos). Seja paciente - não desconecte o cabo
de comunicação ou desligue a ECU durante o processo de atualização.

Durante a atualização, é recomendável que os módulos de ignição sejam

desconectados, pois há risco de superaquecimento. Cuidado também deve ser exercido
com outros dispositivos de saída, pois eles podem ligar durante a atualização. Se
estiver usando relés de retenção de energia, eles podem precisar ser forçados, pois o
relé pode desligar quando a atualização começar.

Observações sobre a configuração atualizada

Boost Control, Idle Control, Traction Control e Nitrous

Todas essas funções tiveram grandes mudanças e melhorias, todos os

parâmetros e tabelas para essas funções devem ser verificados minuciosamente
e o teste dessas funções deve ser realizado com cautela.


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A configuração das entradas do sensor mudou significativamente. Verifique se a

configuração de entrada foi convertida corretamente, verificando se todos os
sensores são lidos corretamente.

Parâmetros de partida a frio

Os parâmetros de partida a frio não estão mais disponíveis. Em vez disso, a

partida agora é controlada com as tabelas de compensação de temperatura do
motor, compensação de partida e compensação de pós-partida. O processo de
atualização converterá os parâmetros antigos nos valores equivalentes para
essas tabelas.

Enriquecimento de aceleração

Os fatores de sensibilidade e decaimento do enriquecimento de aceleração de

combustível não existem mais. A configuração da Fuel Acceleration agora é feita
exclusivamente com tabelas. O processo de atualização converterá os parâmetros
antigos nos valores equivalentes para as tabelas.

Tabelas obrigatórias

Várias tabelas que antes eram opcionais DEVEM ser preenchidas. Observe que
essas tabelas já deveriam ter sido preenchidas pelo processo de atualização. As
tabelas são:
Injector Bat Comp (Configuração Geral | Combustível)
Dwell de ignição (Configuração geral | Ignição)
Característica Lambda (Configuração do Sensor | Configuração Lambda de
Banda Larga)
Tabela de Filtro REF (Configuração do Sensor | Configuração do Sensor
Tabela de Filtro SYNC (Configuração do Sensor | Configuração do Sensor

Configuração do eixo da tabela

A configuração do local da tabela agora é feita individualmente para a maioria das

tabelas. Além disso, o canal usado para cada eixo é selecionável. Verifique se o
processo de atualização definiu os sites corretamente para todas as tabelas e se
o canal correto está atribuído a cada eixo da tabela.

Os usuários de Nitrous

Nitrous devem observar que o parâmetro "Nitrous Offset" não existe mais. Em vez
disso, uma tabela DEVE ser gerada para fornecer o combustível correto em cada
ponto de RPM, pois agora é % de IJPU em vez de % do fluxo total de

Canais de entrada digital

Os canais de velocidade de entrada digital 1, 2, 3 e 4 não existem mais. Se estiver

usando a ECU em conjunto com um registrador de traço MoTeC, os seguintes
canais serão enviados: velocidade de solo, velocidade de solo direita, velocidade
de direção esquerda e velocidade de direção direita. Para que esses canais
apareçam corretamente no dash logger, as comunicações CAN devem ser
modificadas ou um modelo CAN atualizado deve ser usado.

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Usuários MoTeC UTC: O firmware UTC pode exigir atualização para
comunicações ECU com esta versão. Veja Comunicações abaixo
Configuração de configuração múltipla: a configuração ativa é redefinida para a
configuração de ajuste durante uma atualização da ECU

Requisitos de sistema

Plataformas suportadas: Windows 95, 98 ou ME, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows

XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
Privilégios de administrador necessários para instalação no Windows NT 4, 2000, XP, Vista
ou Windows 7.
Seu computador deve exceder os requisitos de sistema recomendados da versão do
Windows que você está usando. (Visite o site da Microsoft para obter os requisitos do
Resolução mínima de tela de 800 x 600. (recomenda-se 1024 x 768)


Execute o pacote de instalação. Você não precisa desinstalar versões mais antigas do ECU
Manager. O processo de instalação determina automaticamente se deve instalar junto (coexistir),
atualizar ou fazer downgrade de qualquer versão já instalada no sistema.

Problemas conhecidos

Mouse "pegajoso"/resposta lenta do aplicativo ao usar o cabo CAN de porta paralela:

Se um ADL estiver conectado e uma ECU não estiver conectada, o mouse ficará "pegajoso"
enquanto o ECU Manager estiver em execução. (Desligue o ADL ou desative as
comunicações de porta paralela [via Ferramentas | Opções | Comunicações no ECU
Manager] para remediar.)
O Gerenciador de ECU pode não ser executado se a configuração "Prevenção de Execução
de Dados" do Windows estiver habilitada para "todos os programas e serviços".

Adicione uma exceção para o ECU Manager ou reverta a configuração para aplicar apenas a
"programas e serviços essenciais do Windows". Siga as instruções da Microsoft para alterar
as configurações de Prevenção de Execução de Dados .


Todas as comunicações são feitas via porta paralela usando o cabo MoTeC CAN ou via USB
usando o MoTeC UTC.

Nota: Apenas o MoTeC UTC é suportado em sistemas operacionais de 64 bits.

Histórico de Revisão:

Lançamento da versão 3.54E2

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Componente Versão Data

Gerenciador de ECU (WinEMP.exe) 18 de setembro de 2012
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.54E 7 de setembro de 2012

Alterações nesta versão:

Configuração de Ref/Sincronização

Modo adicionado:

69: Um dente faltando duas vezes por ciclo Sincronização baseada em intervalo. Requer
borda de sincronização ativa para pousar na janela do dente ausente e permanecer lá. Não
é adequado para motores de árvore de cames ativos.

Controle de batida

Adicionada a tabela "Sensor Cylinder". Estabelece a relação do canal do sensor de detonação

com o cilindro. (Ajuste | Funções | Controle de detonação | Cilindro do sensor)

Adicionado o parâmetro "Fuel Trim" para enriquecimento instantâneo com base na gravidade da
detonação. (Ajuste | Funções | Controle de batida | Configuração)

Adicionado o parâmetro "Fuel Trim Long-Term" para enriquecimento baseado em retardo de

detonação de longo prazo. (Ajuste | Funções | Controle de batida | Configuração)

Funções Auxiliares

Novas funções:

139 :Seleção do Sensor de Detonação 1

140: Seleção do Sensor de Detonação 2

Usado com o MoTeC SKM para selecionar entre as Entradas do Sensor de Detonação.

Sonda lambda

Parâmetros de controle do Sensor Lambda da Bosch alterados para melhor atender aos mais
recentes sensores LSU 4.9


Drivers USB atualizados

Mudanças no Gerenciador de ECU

Adicionado botão ECU Information na caixa de diálogo ECU Manager About


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Configuração múltipla: Corrigido o uso incorreto de dados de eixo de slot de ajuste e dados de
configuração de entrada ao executar em slots sem ajuste.

Lançamento da versão 3.53E2 - 29 de fevereiro de 2012


Componente Versão Data

Gerenciador de ECU (WinEMP.exe) 21 de fevereiro de 2012
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.53E 14 de outubro de 2011

Alterações nesta versão:

Configuração de Ref/Sincronização

Rejeição de dente de came fixa nos modos 37 (Mazda Miata) e 44 (Mazda MX-5)

Modo adicionado:

68: Dois dentes perdidos duas vezes por ciclo Sincronização baseada em intervalo. Requer
borda de sincronização ativa para pousar na janela do dente ausente e permanecer lá. Não
é adequado para motores de árvore de cames ativos.


Pulso momentâneo de saída de ignição reduzido na inicialização da ECU

Lançamento da versão 3.53C2 - 8 de julho de 2011


Componente Versão Data

Gerenciador de ECU (WinEMP.exe) 8 de julho de 2011
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3,53C 2 de maio de 2011

Alterações nesta versão:

Configuração de comunicações CAN

Adicionado suporte de comunicação EVO X

Configuração de Ref/Sincronização

Melhorias no modo 60 durante a partida

Modos adicionados:

66 - Mercury Marine 1075

67: Ford Coyote V8 Quad variável CAM

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Drivers USB atualizados


Canal controlado de controle de impulso fixo

Reinicialização automática do diagnóstico nos Drivers Auxiliares

Leitura de medição de RPM inicial fixa alta. (Principalmente para motores monocilíndricos.)

Lançamento da versão 3.52P2 - 8 de abril de 2010


Componente Versão Data

Gerenciador de ECU (WinEMP.exe) 6 de abril de 2010
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.52P 19 de outubro de 2009

Alterações nesta versão:

Limitação de RPM

Adicionados parâmetros de configuração de limite de RPM "Habilitar taxa de variação" e "Habilitar

fator integral". (Ajuste | Configuração Geral | Limite de RPM | Configuração)

Carregar / Carregar Métodos Z Calc

Novo método de cálculo

17: Largura de pulso efetiva/IJPU

Controle de batida

O controle de detonação agora é interrompido durante um corte de combustível ou ignição


Inclui drivers USB assinados Microsoft WHQL atualizados - certificados para Windows 7


Agora pode enviar configurações criptografadas para slots não ajustados

Lançamento da versão 3.52J2 - 12 de outubro de 2009


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Componente Versão Data

Gerenciador de ECU (WinEMP.exe) 12 de outubro de 2009
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3,52J 3 de setembro de 2009

Alterações nesta versão:

Mudanças Gerais

Extended data entry range on Input Setup Warning Hi/Lo values, Axis Setup tables, Lambda
Calibration tables, Timer Maximums and CAN funtion Address ranges.


Includes Microsoft WHQL signed USB drivers - allowing communication via MoTeC UTC to
function on 64 bit Operating Systems

Version 3.52F2 Release - 19th August 2009


Component Version Date

ECU Manager (WinEMP.exe) 31 July 2009
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.52F 29 July 2009

Changes in this release:

Digital Input Functions

New function:

31 Start/Stop Switch

General Changes

ECU Manager Changes

Added loadable (CSV) calibration tables for R1000 EGT sensor

Indication on opening screen when running at 500 kbit CAN data rate

Extended data entry range for Input Setup Hi/Lo Diagnostic values

Help text was incorrect for the "Speed Channel" parameter in Auxiliary functions Thermo Fan (102)
and Air Conditioner Fan (103)

Version 3.51U2 Release - 25th June 2009

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Component Version Date

ECU Manager (WinEMP.exe) 15 May 2009
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.51U 12 May 2009

Changes in this release:

General Changes

Ability to receieve GPS information via RS232. (Adjust | General Setup | Communications | RS232
Telemetry Setup: "Baud Rate" must be configured to match GPS, "Data Set" must be turned off)

Currently only tested against 5Hz Garmin GPS

GPS should only transmit GGA and RMC NMEA sentences

Added channels for info received via GPS (Latitude, Longitude, Time, Speed, Altitude, etc.)

ECU Manager Changes

Added consistency checks to Input Setup dialog to ensure that channel setup is completely
removed if a channel has no input source.

Added ability to import/export logging setup. (Adjust | Data Logging Setup | Import... [and


Fixed inability to switch to "Adjust" config if the ECU was powered up with a non-Adjust active
configuration and no ECU reset when switching

Fixed RPM Limit Status flag not being set at the onset of RPM limiting using Ignition Cuts

Version 3.51M2 Release - 26th March 2009


Component Version Date

ECU Manager (WinEMP.exe) 24 March 2009
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.51M 27 February 2009

Changes in this release:


Gear Detection

Added "RPM Drop Ratio", "RPM Drop Lockout Time", and "RPM Drop Reset Channel" parameters
for drag-racing RPM-based gear detection. (Adjust | Functions | Gear Detection | Setup)

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Knock Control

Added "Activate Throttle Pos" and "Activate Full Throttlle Time" parameters. (Adjust | Functions |
Knock Control | Setup)

The "Adavance Rate Long-Term" parameter can now have a zero value

Lambda Control

Added "Lambda Lo" and "Lambda Hi" parameters for Narrow-band Lambda Control. (Adjust |
Functions | Lambda Control | Setup)


The "Activate RPM" and "Minimum Throttle" parameters now apply to all Request Methods.

Fixed Stage indication and "Stage Levels" table operation for Sequential and Cumulative Output

Stage Attack, Delay and Decay parameters moved into separate menu. (Adjust | Functions |
Nitrous | Stage Timing Setup)

Added "RPM Limit Shutdown Offset" parameter. (Adjust | Functions | Nitrous | Setup)

Added "Gear Upshift Time" channel.

Auxiliary Functions

The "Polarity" parameter for functions Cam Control 1 and Cam Control 2 has been renamed
"Polarity and Output Mode" and now has additonal options for high-side drive.

The Knock Window function can now be used on Injector Output 8

New function:

138 Fuel Pressure Control 100Hz

Ref Sync Setup

Improved engine operation under error conditions for Ref/Sync Modes 38, 44, 49, 53, 52 and 55

Modified mode 50 (BMW V10 M5-M6) to handle 6° offset tooth.

New modes

62 - Yamaha SHO PWC

63 - Dodge Viper 2008
64 - Honda S2000
65 - Kawasaki

General Setup

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Load / Load Z Calc Methods

New calculation methods

14 : TC Slip Aim Error

15 : TC Slip Aim Value
16 : TC Ign Retard


Constrained table values to the allowable range when loading a table via CSV file

Fixed scaling of E8xx AV7 and AV8

Fixed 4D Ignition tables when using alternate sized tables. (Load4D set to a negative value.)

Version 3.50L4 Release - 4th September 2008


Component Version Date

ECU Manager (WinEMP.exe) 4 September 2008
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.50L 1 August 2008
E6Unload 17 July 2008
Emp 17 July 2008

Changes in this release:

Gear Shift

Added "Down Cut Duration", "Down Cut Level", "Down Cut Terminate" and "Down Shift Cut Delay"
parameters. (Adjust | Functions | Gear Shift | Down Shift)

Added "Up Shift Cut Delay" parameter. (Adjust | Functions | Gear Shift | Up Shift)

Gear Detection

Added RPM based detection method (for Drag Racing only). (Adjust | Functions | Gear Detection |

Gear Change Ignition Cut

Added "Next Gear Terminate" Parameter. (Adjust | Functions | Gear Change Ignition Cut | Setup)

Boost Control

Reduced "Activation Pressure" lower limit from 40.0 to 0.0

Knock Control

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Implemented Knock Control. (Adjust | Functions | Knock Control)

Added 'Knock' tab to View Screen.

Traction Control

Added "Power Reduction Delay" and "Power Reduction Decay" parameters. (Adjust | Functions |
Traction Control | Additional Setup)

Drive By Wire

Added "Fail-safe RPM Limit" parameter and "Feedback Source" parameters. (Adjust | Functions |
Drive By Wire | Setup)

Sensor Zero

Added Gear Shift Force Sensor Zero. (Adjust | Sensor Setup | Sensor Zero)

Auxiliary Functions

New functions:

134 Alternator Voltage Control

135 Traction Control Power Reduction
136 Gear Cut Voltage
137 Blip Shift Down

Digital Input Functions

Added function 30: Pulse Measurement (Scaled) - same as function 3 (Pulse Measurement) but
with a scaling factor applied.

RPM Limiting


Added Low RPM Limit setup parameters. (Adjust | General Setup | RPM Limit | Setup)
Added Seamless Fractional Prime cutting sequence. (Adjust | General Setup | RPM Limit |
Setup | RPM Limit Randomizer)

Ref Sync Setup

Added modes:

52 - Subaru 3R 6 Cylinder
53 - Suzuki Swift
54 - Porsche Tag F1
55 - Nissan VQ35 Alternate - time based sync (not active over 6500rpm)
56 - Dodge Viper V10
57 - Mitsubishi 4B11
58 - Chrysler SRT8
59 - VW Audi
60 - Ducati (48-2/720) and Triumph (24-2/360)
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61 - One tooth per firing (no sync required).

Ref/Sync mode 30 has been confirmed as suitable for Volvo V8 (by Yamaha) engines.

Engine Log

Using this version of ECU Manager will cause the Engine log to be upgraded. Earlier versions of
ECU Manager will then be unable to view/modify the Engine Log.


Fixed MoTeC UTC communications problem

Added 500 kbit CAN Data rate option. (Tools | Options). Note: ECU firmware can only be upgraded
using the default (1 mbit) CAN Data rate.

ECU Manager Changes

Optimized the sending of changes to the ECU - allows some operations to complete more quickly.

The abbreviated channel name can now be set for user channels. (The abbreviated name is often
displayed. For example, on the table when a channel is on an axis.)

The Test Outputs dialog has been updated to allow the testing of outputs connected via an
E888/816 expander

Inputs measuring Pressure can now be calibrated (and hence will displayed) in "bar"


Fixed problem where ECU Manager was not always resetting the ECU when it needed to

Fixed Multi-pulse Injection on Ignition Outputs 5 and 6

Fixed problem on Aux 5 to 8 when function used Polarity of 1 (Output Hi when Active) and Output
mode 2 (Both)

Improvements to Ignition Cut response time on "angle-based" engines.

Version 3.41G2 Release - 23rd July 2007


Component Version Date

ECU Manager (WinEMP.exe) 11 July 2007

Changes in this release:

Fix for ECU Manager crash on startup when configuration had sites that were "Set with *"

Version 3.41G Release - 5th July 2007

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Component Version Date

ECU Manager (WinEMP.exe) 26 June 2007
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.41G 22 June 2007
E6Unload 30 March 2007
Emp 30 March 2007
Communications Drivers 1.02 12 February 2007

Changes in this release:

Important Notes

Some manual adjustment of existing configurations may be required. Please see the Nitrous
and Accel Setup notes below
MoTeC UTC users: The UTC firmware may require updating for ECU communications with
this release. See Communications below
There are limitations on the use of specific Auxiliary functions on Ignition/Injector Outputs.
See Ignition/Injector Outputs below
Multi-config setup: The active configuration is reset to the Adjust Configuration during an
ECU upgrade

General Changes

ECU Manager and General Changes

Maximum specifiable RPM raised to 30000

Added support for 7 and 9 cylinder engines

Support for LSU 4.9 Wideband Lambda Sensors

Improved keyboard handling on non-English versions of Windows

Fixed Quick Lambda operation when using PLM with a custom calibration

Fixed condition under which fuel used is incremented


Improved exporting of communications templates

The device communications layer has been updated. As a result, the firmware in the MoTeC UTC
may require updating before ECU Manager will connect. If affected, ECU Manager will display the
following message:

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To upgrade:

Exit any running MoTeC "manager" applications.

Click: Start -> Programs -> MoTeC -> USB to CAN Adapter - >Upgrade UTC Firmware

MoTeC SLM (Shift Light Module) Support

The ECU can configure up-to four individual shift patterns. (Setup in Adjust | General Setup |
Communications | SLM) The ECU must also be configured to transmit data via CAN to the SLM.
(See Adjust | General Setup | Communications | CAN Setup)


An 'Idle Control' parameter has been added to DBW4 Setup

Use of on-board servo will no longer generate DBW aim errors

Fuel Injection

Added Secondary Injection Primary/Secondary Balance On/Off parameters - allows control over
when the primary/secondary injectors are turned on/off. (Adjust | General Setup | Fuel | Secondary

Added Fuel | Bank Trims - allows trimming of fuel to an entire bank of cylinders. (Configure banks
in Adjust | General Setup | Fuel | Setup)


Gear Detection

Speed Sensor Cal parameter renamed Tailshaft Speed Cal to more accurately reflect its purpose.

Gear Speed Channel moved from Gear Ratios to Gear Detection Setup and renamed Tailshaft
Speed Source to more accurately reflect its purpose.

Added Reverse Gear Voltage parameter. (Adjust | Gear Detection | Gear Voltages)

Gear Shift

The Up DBW Position, Up DBW Duration, Down DBW Position and Down DBW Duration
parameters are now 3D tables

Will now shift to gears lower than first if stopped (Speed Lockout Channel < 4.0) and the clutch is

Increased range of Up DBW Duration, Down DBW Duration and Down DBW Delay parameters

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Overrun Fuel Cut

Now uses TPD (Throttle Position Driver) as its source when Drive By Wire is configured.

Overrun Boost

Added Boost Maximum ET parameter. (Adjust | Functions | Boost Enhancement (Anti Lag) | Setup)

Lambda Control

Lambda Control is now stopped when tuning 4D Fuel tables

Lambda Control now takes into consideration Ignition Cut due to Gear Change

Traction Control

Fixed non-zero cut level when in Launch Mode

Fixed negative ignition cut levels when using 'Retard then cut' Control Method

The Traction Control Driven Wheel Balance parameter is ignored (effectively becomes 100%) if
one of the drive speed sensors reads zero

Drive By Wire

Can now have 4D Position translation tables - turned on in Adjust | Main Setup

The allowable table range of values in the position translation tables is now -100% to 100%

Idle Control

Stepper Idle Control now obeys Idle Control Activate Ground Speed parameter


Added Nitrous Activation RPM. (Adjust | Functions | Nitrous | Setup)

Please check and adjust (if applicable) the following parameters in existing configurations:

Nitrous Output Method parameter - the help text listed incorrect values for each of the output
Nitrous Minimum Throttle parameter - moved from Dual RPM to main Nitrous Setup as it
must always be set for Ground Speed based request methods

Auxiliary Functions

Added function 133 :Thermo Fan Table. Allows fan operation to be determined by the table

Added Hysteresis parameter to Aux table (function 3)

Increased range of Tacho (function 4) Calibration parameter

Added Scale and Filter parameters to Fuel Pressure Control (function 124)
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Digital Inputs

Speed Measurement

Added Noise Window, Noise Increment & Noise Limit parameters

Switch Inputs
Switch Inputs (AT) can now be configured to use CAN communications inputs as their source.
(Adjust | Digital Input Functions | Sw In x | Setup)

Ignition/Injector Outputs

Auxiliary functions requiring a table cannot be used on spare Injector/Ignition outputs under the
following circumstances:

On Ignition Output 3 when Ignition Rotary Split is configured

When more than 6 Ignition Individual Cylinder tables are in use, Ignition Outputs (starting
from 1) become unavailable for each Individual Cylinder above 6


If 7 Ignition Individual Cylinder tables are in use, then Ignition Output 1 does not have a table
If 8 Ignition Individual Cylinder tables are in use, then Ignition Outputs 1 and 2 do not have
If 9 Ignition Individual Cylinder tables are in use, then Ignition Outputs 1, 2 and 3 do not have

On Injector Outputs when a MoTeC E888/816 Expander is used and when a table is not
assigned to the output.
(See online help for the Expander Outputs | Table Assignment parameter for more
information on table assignment.)

ECU Manager will no longer allow these functions to be configured under these circumstances.
However, when an existing configuration is upgraded, ECU Manager may be unable to determine
the validity of function assignments. It is therefore recommended that you manually check your
Injector/Expander/Ignition function assignments to ensure they are valid.

Expander Outputs

When a MoTeC E888/816 expander is configured, the new Table Assignment parameter (Adjust |
Expander Output Functions | Setup) controls the allocation of tables to expander outputs

General Setup

4D Axis Setup

Efficiency, Efficiency 2, Efficiency Z, Load, and Load Z calculations can now be based on Gear,
User 1, User 2,  DBW Throttle Position Required or DBW4 TP a/b/c/d

Accel Setup

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Accel Source can now be based on Efficiency Z, Load Z, DBW Throttle Position Required or DBW
4 TP a/b/c/d

Accel Threshold parameter - when converting from version 2, this parameter will now default to a
value of 50 - please check and adjust (if applicable) in existing configurations

CAN Communications Setup

Added parameters to control CAN telemetry data transfer rate. (Adjust | General Setup |
Communications | CAN Setup)

Ref / Sync Setup

New Ref Sync Modes

Mode 45 - GM 6+1

Mode 46 - Mitsubishi Colt CZ3

Mode 47 - Lamborghini Gallardo

Mode 48 - GM V6 360 degree mode

Mode 49 - GM V6 720 degree mode (full sequential)

Mode 50 - BMW V10 (M5-M6)

Mode 51 - Nissan Titan (VK56DE) and Nissan Armada


Ref/Sync mode 22 has been confirmed as suitable for select Honda motorcycle engines.

Fixed Cam position measurement in Ref/Sync mode 35 (Nissan VQ35)

Ref/Sync mode 37 (Mazda Miata) now only rejects teeth on the inlet cam

Fixed Single-cylinder sync problem

Version 3.32E Release - 18th July 2006


Component Version Date

ECU Manager (WinEMP.exe) 17 July 2006
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.32E 23 June 2006

Changes in this release:

Minor Enhancements

Added "Shift Lockout" and "Disable Type" Traction Control parameters. (Adjust | Functions |
Traction Control | Additional Setup)
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Increased maximum value of Idle Control - "Activate TP" parameter

Lambda Was function now available on 4D Fuel Tables

Over Boost now cuts 100% fuel

Increased allowable range of values in Fuel Temp Compensation Table

Launch Control and Nitrous RPM Limit Types can now be set to use the main RPM Limit Type

Added "Zero" parameter to Sync CAM Position. (Adjust | Sensor Setup | REF/SYNC Sensor Setup
| Sync CAM Position)

The SDC Telemetry Set now sends Efficiency instead of MAP


Conversion from Version 2.x of:

Injector Current parameter when set for Indy Injectors

Custom TP/TP2, TPD/TPD2 & DC/Stepper Servo calibrations

Adjust menu incorrectly identified some tables as being different in compare mode

Fixed Nitrous Low RPM Limit operation

Fixed Fuel/Ignition Outputs tests on M400/M600

Fixed Incorrect naming and/or scaling of User Channels when logged data was unloaded without
the config open in ECU Manager

Fixes to Diff controller communications

Traction Control Multiplexer Drive speeds will now show zero

Version 3.31D Release - 17th March 2006


Component Version Date

ECU Manager (WinEMP.exe) 17 March 2006
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.31D 17 March 2006

Changes in this release:

Critical Bug-fixes

The ECU was incorrectly using the Launch Control RPM Limit Control Range, Type and
Randomiser parameters (instead of the main ones) when out of Launch Mode

Corrected conversion from Version 2 of:

Ignition Air Temp Comp and Ignition Eng Temp Comp tables. (The table values produced by
version 331B were only half of the required values)

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Fuel Accel Enrichment Accel Decay and Accel Sensitivity tables, when the Version 2
configuration used an Accel Sensitivity value > 0

Version 3.31B Release - 9th March 2006


Component Version Date

ECU Manager (WinEMP.exe) 8 March 2006
ECU Firmware (Hex) 3.31B 8 March 2006
E6Unload 10 January 2006
Emp 10 January 2006

Changes in this release (since 2.30T):

Configuration Upgrading

Due to the significant differences in version 3, it may not be possible to automatically upgrade
some older configurations.

The upgrade process will approximate older settings and/or produce a warning indicating any
manual steps that may be required.

Key Features Summary

The following is a list of some of the key features available in this release:

Ref / Sync Capture (Built in Oscilloscope function)

User Assignable Axis Channels on all Tables

4D Fuel Tables

4D Ignition Tables

Multiple configurations within the ECU

Engine Log

New Input Setup System

New Traction Control system

New Nitrous system

MoTeC DBW4 support - Control up to four Drive by Wire motors

Up to eight additional outputs by using a MoTeC E888 or E816 Expander

Many other new features and enhancements (see below)

General Changes

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ECU Manager and General Changes

Configuration comments are now stored in the ECU

User channels may be renamed (Rename in the Input Setup)

The raw input values may be viewed (View | Raw Input Values)

Added user-configurable adjust step sizes for Fuel & Ign tables. (Tools | Options)

Fixed display of Lap Distance channel

Any channel can now be used as a secondary channel on Chart Recorders

Logging images may be converted (File | Convert Logging Image)

Ref/Sync Capture

This feature provides a built-in Oscilloscope for capturing the Ref & Sync waveforms. (Utilities | Ref
Sync Capture)

Multi Configs

Multiple configurations can be stored in the ECU with support for on-the-fly switching (File | Multi-
Config Setup)

Engine Log

New Engine Log Feature. (Utilities | Engine Log)


Unloading and Clearing of Logged Data can now be password protected. (Utilities | Set Access

General Purpose Timers

Two general purpose timers are available. The timer channels may be used by any table. (Adjust |
General Setup | Timers)

BR2 Beacon

Receive of BR2 Lap Beacon over CAN  (General Setup | Communications | CAN Setup)


Support for transmission of a 2nd Data Set over CAN. (See: Adjust | General Setup |
Communications | CAN Setup | CAN 1 Device)

Support for connecting two ECUs via CAN - ECU Manager can set and use a secondary CAN
address, allowing the ECUs to co-exist on the CAN bus and also allowing ECU Manager to
connect to either of two ECUs. (Tools | Options)

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Support for up to four Drive by Wire motors using a MoTeC DBW4. (Adjust | General Setup |
Communications | DBW4 Setup)

Tables / Site Setup

User Assignable Axis Channels and Values

Almost any channel from the list of channels that can be logged (no error/status channels) can be
assigned to the axis of any table. The axis points can also be set individually for almost all tables.
To set the axis channels and values select "Axis Setup" from the Tools menu (or press 'A')

More Tables / Axis Selection

Many tables have been upgraded from 2D to 3D tables to give more flexible tuning, however in
many cases this added complexity is not needed and the 3D table can be used as a 2D table by
turning off the Y Axis.

Also some single value setup parameters have been converted to either a 2D or 3D table. In this
case they can still be used as a single parameter by turning both the X and Y axis off.

Axis Import

When importing a table the axis values and axis channel settings will be imported also.

Input Setup

All New Input Setup System

The channel assignments, calibration, warning alarm levels, defaults, filtering, min/max diagnostics
and calibration tables are now incorporated into one setup screen.

Added min/max diagnostic levels for all channels.

Added filtering for all channels.

The input system can now accept data from sources other than the analog inputs as follows: Digital
Inputs, TCM, E888/816 Expander, ADL, MDD Wheel, 12xPLMs or a 2nd ECU


Ability to use a MoTeC E888 or E816 Expander to increase the number of outputs (up to eight

Fuel Injection

4D Fuel Tables

4D Fuel Tables can be used to map the fuel against any three channels - typically RPM, Throttle
and Manifold Pressure.

The 4D fuel tables are turned on in General Setup | Main Setup

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Fuel: Injector Battery Comp

The Injector battery compensation has been moved to the “General Setup | Fuel” menu - NOTE:
The battery comp table MUST be filled in as this replaces the old single parameter setup value.

Accel / Decel

Accel and Decel tables are now 3D.

The two setup parameters have been removed - use the tables instead.

Accel or Decel may cause either Enrichment or Enleanment (General Setup | Fuel)

The accel source channel may be selected (General Setup | Miscellaneous Setup)

Cold Start

Removed all cold start parameters. These have been replaced with the new Cranking & Post Start
comp tables (and the existing ET Comp). Cold Accel enrich can be achieved using the 3D Accel
tables and setting one of the axis to Engine Temp.

When an old configuration file is upgraded these tables are initialised with values that provide an
approximation of the old cold start parameters.


4D Ignition Tables

4D Ignition Tables can be used to map the fuel against any three channels - typically RPM, Throttle
and Manifold Pressure.

The 4D ignition tables are turned on in General Setup | Main Setup

Ignition: Dwell

The Ignition dwell table has been moved to the “General Setup | Ignition” menu - NOTE: The dwell
table MUST be filled in as this replaces the old single parameter setup value.

Ignition: Accel & Decel

New - same operation as Fuel Accel & Decel


Left & Right Ground Speed & Drive Speed

These channels must now be calibrated in the new Input Setup screen. This allows them to be fed
from sources other than the Digital Inputs - for example the E888.

New Channels: Run Time, Crank Time, Full Throttle Time, Closed Throttle Time

These new timer channels can be used as an axis to any table.

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Typically Crank Time is used with the new Fuel - Cranking Comp table and Run Time is used with
the new Fuel - Post Start Comp table. The Full Throttle Timer could be used to change the fuelling
on a long straight.

New Channels: General Purpose Timers

These new general purpose timer channels can be used as an axis to any table.

Timer 1 and Timer2  (Configured in General Setup | Timers)

New Channels: Fuel

Fuel Primary Actual Pulse Width, Fuel Secondary Actual Pulse Width, Fuel Primary Effective Pulse
Width, Fuel Secondary Effective Pulse Width

New Channels: Cam Control

Cam Inlet Aim Error, Cam Exhaust Aim Error, Cam Left Inlet Aim Error, Cam Left Exhaust Aim
Error. Cam Right Inlet Aim Error, Cam Right Exhaust Aim Exhaust

New Channels: Aim Errors

Slip Aim Error, Idle Aim Error, DC servo Aim Error, Step Servo Aim Error, OMP stepper Aim Error,
Fuel Pressure Aim Error, DBW aim error

New Channels: Misc

Gear Change Cut Time.

Active Configuration (for multiple configuration system)

Gear Channel

Rescaled gear channel to one decimal place


Warning Alarms

The Warning Alarms have been moved to the Input Setup screen.

Boost Control

There is now only one boost control type (Auxiliary Output Function #1) which can be use for PID
or Duty Cycle control.

All boost control tuning parameters have been moved out of the Aux Out parameters into a setup
menu in the Boost function.

Added “Controlled Channel" setup parameter (Normally set to Manifold Pressure)

Added Aim Filter and MAP Filter setup parameters.

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Added Activation Pressure setup parameter.

Over Boost setup parameter moved from Misc Setup to Boost Setup.

Gear Change Ignition Cut

Recovery Time, Cut Level and Retard parameters changed to a 3D table. (Note that a 3D table can
be used as a 2D table or single parameter if desired by turning off the X and/or Y axis)

Change Delays now implemented as a 3D table.

Added Gear Change Timeout table.

Setting the Min Throttle Pos parameter to zero now disables the Throttle Position check (i.e. Cut
regardless of Throttle Position.)

Added Gear Change Cut Time channel.

Improved Gear Change Ignition Cut Lambda recovery timing

Increased resolution of Gear Change Ignition Cut recovery and delay parameters

Gear Shift

Improved Gear Shift function

Added throttle blip using drive by wire (Gear Shift Setup)

Gear Detection

Added Down Shift RPM Limiting to assist down shift throttle blipping (Functions | Gear Detection)

 Top gear now determined by the higher of Gear Ratio or Gear Voltage settings.

Gear Detection: a value of zero in the Delay Time parameter now means zero. (Previously meant

Lambda Control

New parameter: Activate Engine Temp - replaces Lo/High Engine Temp parameters

Lambda Rate, Lambda Step, Lambda Inc (Narrowband only) - replaces the Lambda Low Control
Rate, High Control Rate and Max Duty Cycle parameters

Narrowband closed loop Lambda Control disabled while nitrous active

Resultant Aim Lambda (after compensations applied) no longer allowed to go negative

Aim Lambda values less than 0.500 will disable closed loop Lambda Control

Traction Control

All new Traction Control system . New power reduction methods: DBW or Ignition Retard + Ignition
cut. Uses PID control with table control of the gain. Note: For simple proportional control set the

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Integral and Derivative to zero. Includes 2 x 3D tables for aim slip compensation - these could be
used for: driver adjustment, gear comp, lateral acceleration comp etc.

Includes RPM Control Range, RPM Limit Type and RPM Limit Randomiser parameters

Includes Cut Type parameter (Selects Fuel or Ignition cut)

Includes Launch Activate Throttle Pos and Launch Retard Throttle Pos parameters

Idle Speed Control

All new Idle speed control with tables for aim speed allowing compensation for various channels eg

New Fuel and Ignition comp tables that affect the fuel and ignition based on the current idle motor

Note that the main setup of this function has moved from the Aux Outputs to Functions menu
although the function for the Auxiliary Output must still be configured in the Auxiliary Outputs menu.


All new Nitrous system using 3 stages with fade in and out and a start timer for each stage. Stages
can be triggered by throttle, ground speed or digital inputs.

Note that the main setup of this function has moved from the Aux Outputs to Functions menu
although the function for the Auxiliary Output must still be configured in the Auxiliary Outputs menu.

Drive By Wire

Integration with ORB system.

TPR clamp increased - can now be 2 x TPD + 10%.

Note that the main setup of this function has moved from the Aux Outputs to Functions menu
although the function for the Auxiliary Output must still be configured in the Auxiliary Outputs menu.

Wide Band Lambda Control

New Aim Lambda Comp table - Allows driver adjustment etc.

Rate, Step and Increment parameters are now tables.

Overrun Fuel Cut

Added overrun boost lockout.

Ground Speed Limiting

Disabled dual rpm limiting when ground speed limit activated by user.


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Integration with the Drive by Wire system.

Overrun Boost deactivated whenever RPM goes to 0

CAM Control

Added Cam Control Actuator Normal Position and Duty Correction tables and channels. (Functions
| Cam Control)

Added “Cam Control Ref Duty” and “Cam Control Duty Deviation” channels. The Ref Duty channel
shows the part of the PID control due to Integral & Normal Position. The Duty Deviation channel
shows the Derivative & Proportional parts.

Cam solenoid now shuts down one second after no-cam signal received.

Cam measuring Ref/Sync modes no longer read relative sync position.

Digital Inputs

Speed Measurement

Speed measurement no longer feeds the Dig Speed 1..4 channels (these channels have been
deleted). Instead the Digital Inputs are assigned to channels in the new input calibration system.
for example the Left Ground Speed channel might be assigned to the Dig Input 1 source. This
allows channels such as the wheel speed channels to be used more generically - for example they
may come from a source such as the E888.

Pulse & Period Measurement

Changed as per speed measurement above

MAF Measurement

Changed as per speed measurement above

TCM (Traction Control Multiplexer)

Similar changes to speed measurement except that the speeds are assigned to the TCM input
sources. Note that the TCM only provides three sources:- the fastest of the two rolling wheels plus
the two driven wheels.

CAM Position Measurement

Added Zero parameter to Cam Position Digital Input function.

Ground Speed Limit Enable

Added 'Activate Speed' and 'Activate Throttle Position' parameters.

Monitor Function

Added Digital Input function 29 for simple monitoring of the Input Pin
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General Setup


New setup parameter sets the changeover RPM from cranking to run mode. This affects the
change over point between the Cranking and Post Start timer channels which are normally used by
the new Fuel Cranking Comp and Fuel Post Start Comp tables. (General Setup | Miscellaneous

Full Throttle and Closed Throttle Timers

New Full Throttle and Closed Throttle Timers. These channels could typically be used to affect fuel
or ignition by using  them on the axis of a comp table. (General Setup | Miscellaneous Setup)

Accel / Decel Setup

Added setup item for the accel /decel source channel to (General Setup | Miscellaneous Setup)

Added setup items to select enrich / enlean to the (General Setup | Fuel).

Added setup items to select retard / advance to the Ignition Setup (General Setup | Ignition).

Injector Battery Comp - NOTE: This table MUST be filled in

Battery Comp now always uses the table - there is no separate setup parameter. The table has
been moved from the fuel menu to the setup menu because of its new importance. (General Setup
| Fuel)

A number of standard injector tables have been provided. Select Load Table from the Tools menu
to select an appropriate table.

Dwell - NOTE: This table MUST be filled in

Ignition Dwell Time now always uses the table - there is no separate setup parameter. The table
has been moved from the ignition menu to the setup menu because of its new importance.
(General Setup | Ignition)

Injector Peak Hold Ratio

Added new parameters to set the injector current peak hold ratio (for both primary & secondary
injectors) This should be set to 4 for almost all injectors (this was fixed at 4 in previous versions)
(General Setup | Fuel)

RPM Limit

Added 3D RPM Limit Table. This allows the RPM to be adjusted at various channel values - e.g.
gear, wheel speed etc.

Added RPM Limit Recovery Rate parameter

CAN Communications Setup

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Setup added for CAN receive communications. Data can now be received from a number of Motec
devices: PLM, E888/E816, MDD/Steering Wheel, 2nd ECU, ADL, BR2. (General Setup |
Communications | CAN Setup)

Custom CAN Data sets

Setup of custom Data sets for communications (General Setup | Communications | Setup Custom
Data Sets)

Ref / Sync Setup

Ref Sync Filter Tables

The filter tables MUST be filled out - there is no longer a single parameter.

Old Main Setup Parameters

A number of parameters have moved from the main setup to the Ref Sync setup.

Crank Ref Teeth

Any number of teeth can be specified up to 360.

New Ref Sync Modes

Mode 44 - 2006 Mazda MX-5.

Wide Band Lambda Measurement

The Characteristic Table MUST be filled in (previously an internal table could be used)

Improvements to NTK wide band lambda sensor transient response

NTK Air cal will now show 1 if a negative resistance is needed.

Fixed Operation of Single Lambda Sensor on LA2 when ECU only has Single Lambda option

Lambda Sensor Pressure Comp table is now a 3D table

Improved reporting of Wideband Lambda Sensor Status


Added Auxiliary function 131 : Clutch Down Shift

Added Auxiliary function132 : Thermo Pump

Redução da duração da detecção de parada do motor para modos Ref/Sync baseados em ângulo
(aqueles modos com dentes adicionais/ausentes)

Configuração de Ignição: Novo parâmetro: Fonte de Corrente de Ignição

Primeira Injeção, Injeção Interrompida (anteriormente eram parâmetros únicos) (Combustível |

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Adicionadas calibrações integradas (nº 85 a nº 108) para sensores de pressão VDO e TI.

Informação de revisão antiga

Para o histórico de revisões de versões mais antigas do gerenciador de ECU, consulte o arquivo
history.rtf no diretório de instalação (c:\motec\m800-v35\history.rtf)

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