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Ministério das Relações Exteriores

Oficial de Chancelaria

Estratégias de leitura: compreensão de tipos textuais diversos; reconhecimento de informações

específicas; capacidade de análise e síntese; inferência; reconhecimento de cognatos e falsos cognatos;
significação literal e contextual dos vocábulos e expressões; figuras de linguagem. Estratégias
discursivas: compreensão das práticas sociais de leitura e escrita em situações reais de comunicação;
função e estrutura discursiva; significação e uso de marcadores discursivos, reconhecimento de
elementos de coesão e coerência, formação de frases interrogativas e negativas, formulação de pedidos,
ofertas, sugestões etc. Aspectos gramaticais: artigos definidos e indefinidos; tempos e modos verbais;
preposições; conjunções; pronomes; advérbios; verbos modais; expressões idiomáticas e locuções
verbais; comparação; concordância nominal e verbal; formação e classe de palavras; sinonímia e
antonímia; relações de subordinação e coordenação; voz passiva; discurso direto e indireto .................. 1

Candidatos ao Concurso Público,

O Instituto Maximize Educação disponibiliza o e-mail professores@maxieduca.com.br para dúvidas
relacionadas ao conteúdo desta apostila como forma de auxiliá-los nos estudos para um bom desempenho
na prova.
As dúvidas serão encaminhadas para os professores responsáveis pela matéria, portanto, ao entrar em
contato, informe:
- Apostila (concurso e cargo);
- Disciplina (matéria);
- Número da página onde se encontra a dúvida; e
- Qual a dúvida.
Caso existam dúvidas em disciplinas diferentes, por favor, encaminhá-las em e-mails separados. O
professor terá até cinco dias úteis para respondê-la.
Bons estudos!

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1155938 E-book gerado especialmente para RICARDO LACERDA MARIUCCI

Estratégias de leitura: compreensão de tipos textuais diversos;
reconhecimento de informações específicas; capacidade de análise
e síntese; inferência; reconhecimento de cognatos e falsos
cognatos; significação literal e contextual dos vocábulos e
expressões; figuras de linguagem. Estratégias discursivas:
compreensão das práticas sociais de leitura e escrita em situações
reais de comunicação; função e estrutura discursiva; significação e
uso de marcadores discursivos, reconhecimento de elementos de
coesão e coerência, formação de frases interrogativas e negativas,
formulação de pedidos, ofertas, sugestões etc. Aspectos
gramaticais: artigos definidos e indefinidos; tempos e modos
verbais; preposições; conjunções; pronomes; advérbios; verbos
modais; expressões idiomáticas e locuções verbais; comparação;
concordância nominal e verbal; formação e classe de palavras;
sinonímia e antonímia; relações de subordinação e coordenação;
voz passiva; discurso direto e indireto

No Brasil, de um modo geral, o inglês instrumental é uma das abordagens do ensino do Inglês que
centraliza a língua técnica e científica focalizando o emprego de estratégias específicas, em geral,
voltadas à leitura. Seu foco é desenvolver a capacidade de compreensão de textos de diversas áreas do
conhecimento. O estudo da gramática restringe-se a um mínimo necessário normalmente associado a
um texto atual ou similar que foi veiculado em periódicos. O conhecimento de uma boa quantidade de
palavras também faz parte das técnicas que serão relacionadas abaixo.

Background knowledge (conhecimento prévio): para que um leitor consiga identificar e entender
certas informações em qualquer tipo de texto, torna-se extremamente importante que ele possua algum
conhecimento prévio sobre seu assunto. Podemos comparar esta situação com a de um estudante
tentando fazer uma prova de redação. Se ele nunca tiver lido, discutido, estudado ou ouvido falar do tema
daquela redação, como poderá dissertar? Suas ideias podem até ir para o papel, mas correrá um grande
risco de não ter o vocabulário necessário, consistência, profundidade, argumentos, conhecimento de
causa, exemplos a citar, etc. sua redação será pobre. Da mesma maneira, se o leitor de um texto técnico
em língua inglesa não tiver conhecimento de mundo, vivência, experiências variadas de vida,
conhecimento prévio sobre o assunto, seu nível de compreensão será mais superficial. Por isso, o ponto
de partida para uma leitura eficiente está sempre em você. Mas também não adianta buscar apenas
informação de coisas que te atraem, coisas que você gosta de saber. É preciso ampliar sua visão de
mundo. Se você for mulher, busque saber algo sobre futebol também, sobre carros, sobre coisas do
mundo masculino. Se você for homem, busque também conhecer assuntos do mundo feminino como
cosméticos e vestuário. Busquem ambos interessar-se por assuntos relacionados a crianças, idosos,
povos diferentes do seu, países variados, regiões do mundo sobre as quais que você normalmente não
sabe nada. Leia jornais, revistas, sites da internet, pesquise coisas curiosas, assista a programas de TV
jornalísticos, de variedades, de humor, de esportes, de ciência, de religião, de saúde, de entretenimento,
converse com pessoas de opiniões, idades e classes sociais diferentes da sua, dê valor a todos os
assuntos porque você nunca sabe qual tema será abordado num texto de uma prova. Esteja preparado
para todos eles. Desta forma podemos agilizar sua compreensão acerca de um texto. Desta forma você
terá mais prazer ao ler, pois compreenderá os mais variados textos. Desta forma você verá que é capaz
de adquirir conhecimento em uma língua estrangeira. Desta forma poderemos minimizar seus problemas
e aumentar suas chances de obter o sucesso.

Skimming (ler ou examinar superficialmente; desnatar; retirar aquilo de maior peso ou importância): é
uma técnica que permite rapidez e eficiência na busca de algum direcionamento inicial acerca do texto.
Realizar o skimming significa ler rapidamente o texto para saber o assunto principal trabalhado pelo
autor. Esta atividade de leitura nos proporciona um nível de compreensão geral, visando nos dar uma
visão global, aberta e ampla do texto. Ao realizarmos o skimming, não podemos nos deter em detalhes

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como palavras novas nem palavras das quais nos esquecemos. Estamos em busca do assunto principal
e do sentido geral do texto.

Prediction: Com esta estratégia o leitor lança mão do seu próprio conhecimento, através das
experiências de vida que possui, e da informação linguística e contextual. Após realizar o skimming, o
leitor precisa concentrar-se para tentar ativar as informações que já possui sobre o tema e prever que
tipos de palavras, frases ou argumentos podem estar presentes naquele texto. É um momento de reflexão.
É a hora de buscar na memória tudo o que foi lido, estudado, discutido, e visto na mídia a respeito daquele
tema. Além do mais, esta é uma estratégia de leitura que também permite ao leitor prever o que vem a
seguir em um texto. Trata-se do desenvolvimento sequenciado do pensamento. Isso só é possível porque
quem escreve, o faz de maneira organizada, porque as pessoas pensam de maneira semelhante e porque
alguns tipos de textos possuem estruturas previsíveis levando nós leitores a atingir certas formas de
compreensão. Quanto mais experiente for o leitor, maior será sua capacidade de prever. Nesta etapa,
passamos a associar o assunto do texto com as dicas tipográficas usadas pelo autor para transmitir

Grifo de palavras cognatas, das palavras já conhecidas pelo leitor e das repetidas: Muito comuns
entre as línguas inglesa e portuguesa, os cognatos são termos bastante parecidos tanto na escrita como
no significado em ambas as línguas. Grifar todas estas palavras em um texto é um recurso psicológico e
técnico que visa mostrar e provar visualmente para o leitor que ele tem conhecimento de muitas das
palavras daquele texto e de que, assim, ele é capaz de fazer uso dessas informações para responder às
questões propostas. Trata-se de um recurso que usamos para dar mais relevância e importância às
palavras que já sabemos em um texto, pois é nelas que nos apoiaremos para resolver exercícios e para
entender os textos. É muito mais inteligente voltar nosso foco para as palavras que têm algum significado
para nós do que destacar aquelas que não conhecemos. Além disso, ao grifar, você acaba relendo as
informações de uma maneira mais lenta, o que faz com que perceba certos detalhes que não havia
percebido antes. É uma forma de quantificar em porcentagem aproximada o quanto se sabe daquele
texto. É preciso lembrar que há um número muito grande de palavras repetidas nos textos e isso facilita
para o estudante, pois ele poderá grifar mais de uma vez a mesma palavra.

Scanning: esta técnica de leitura visa dar agilidade na busca por informações específicas. Muitas
vezes, após ler um texto, nós queremos reencontrar alguma frase ou alguma palavra já lida anteriormente.
Para efetuar esta busca não precisamos ler o texto inteiro de novo, podemos simplesmente ir direto ao
ponto aonde podemos encontrar tal informação. Isso é o scanning, significa encontrar respostas de uma
forma rápida e direta sem perder tempo relendo o texto todo. Esta técnica em geral deve ser aplicada
após uma ou mais leituras completas do texto em questão. Assim o leitor diminuirá o risco de confundir
informações, perder tempo ou de dar respostas erradas. Se desejar, o estudante pode ler o que os
exercícios pedirão antes de fazer o scanning, pois assim ele irá selecionar mais facilmente o que for mais
importante para responder àquelas questões direcionando-se melhor.

Lexical Inference (inferência lexical): Inferir significa deduzir. Às vezes será preciso deduzir o sentido
de um termo, decifrando o que ele quer dizer. Mas isso não pode ser feito de qualquer maneira. Para
inferirmos bem, é necessário entender o significado daquela palavra desconhecida através do contexto
no qual ela está inserida, observando as palavras vizinhas, as frases anteriores e posteriores, o parágrafo
onde ela está, as noções gerais que temos do texto, etc. Precisamos observar o meio no qual a palavra
está posta. Neste caso teremos de nos fazer valer de nossos conhecimentos de classes gramaticais
(substantivos, adjetivos, preposições, verbo, etc.), de afixos, de singular e plural, conhecimento sobre a
estrutura de textos, etc. Tudo isso em conjunto pode ajudar numa aproximação do sentido real daquele
termo que não sabemos.

Há estudos que relacionaram as palavras que mais aparecem em textos e livros técnicos em língua
inglesa. Desses estudos foram feitas diferentes listas com as 500 palavras mais comuns, ou as 700
palavras mais comuns. Para facilitar seu estudo, incluímos aqui as 318 mais comuns para serem
estudadas. Ao memorizar estas palavras você obterá um magnífico subsídio preparando-se para
enfrentar qualquer texto. Você verá que várias destas palavras já são conhecidas por você, assim, na
verdade, terá que memorizar bem menos destas. Um número bem significativo delas está presente em
qualquer tipo de texto. Quanto mais palavras você souber, mais poderá grifar! Apoie-se nelas e bom

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001 although embora 052 case caso
002 able capaz 053 certain certo
003 about sobre, aproximadamente 054 chapter capítulo
004 above acima 055 character caráter, personalidade
005 according to de acordo com 056 child criança
006 after depois, após 057 children crianças
007 again novamente, de novo 058 church igreja
008 against contra 059 city cidade
009 age idade 060 common comum
010 air ar 061 country país, zona rural
011 all tudo 062 course curso
012 almost quase 063 day dia
013 alone só, sozinho 064 dead morto
014 along ao longo de 065 death morte
015 already já 066 different diferente
016 also também 067 door porta
017 always sempre 068 down para baixo
018 among entre (3 ou mais coisas) 069 during durante
019 an um, uma 070 each cada
020 ancient antigo 071 earth terra (planeta)
021 and e 072 either... or ou... ou
022 another um outro 073 emperor imperador
023 any algum(a), qualquer 074 empire império
024 anything qualquer coisa 075 end fim
025 arm braço 076 enemy inimigo
026 army exército 077 England Inglaterra
027 around em torno de, perto de 078 enough suficiente
028 art arte 079 even mesmo
029 as como, assim como 080 ever em qualquer momento, já
030 at em, às 081 every cada, todo
031 authority autoridade 082 eye olho
032 away distante, longe 083 fact fato
033 back de volta, atrás 084 family família
034 because porque 085 far distanste, longe
035 before antes 086 father pai
036 behind atrás 087 fear medo
037 best melhor (superlativo) 088 few poucos(as)
038 better melhor (comparativo) 089 fire fogo
039 between entre (2 coisas) 090 first primeiro
040 beyond além 091 five cinco
041 big grande 092 foot/feet pé/pés
042 black preto(a) 093 footnote notas de rodapé
043 blood sangue 094 for para, por
044 body corpo 095 force força, forçar
045 both ambos(as) 096 four quatro
046 boy menino, garoto 097 France França
047 brother irmão 098 free livre, grátis
048 but mas, porém, exceto 099 French francês
049 by próximo a, perto de, por 100 friend amigo(a)
050 captain capitão 101 from de (origem)
051 care cuidado 102 full completo, cheio

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103 general geral 154 longer mais longo
104 girl menina, garota 155 love amor
105 God Deus 156 man/men homem/homens
106 gold ouro 157 manner maneira
107 good bom(ns), boa(s) 158 many muitos (as)
108 government governo 159 master mestre
109 great grande, maravilhoso 160 matter matéria
110 ground chão 161 me me, mim
111 half metade 162 miles milhas
112 hand mão/entregar 163 mind mente
113 he ele (pessoa) 164 mine meu(s), minha(s)
114 head cabeça, líder 165 moment momento
115 heart coração 166 money dinheiro
116 her dela (pessoa) 167 more mais
117 here aqui 168 morning manhã
118 high alto 169 most mais
119 him ele, o (pessoa) 170 mother mãe
120 himself ele mesmo (pessoa) 171 Mr. senhor
121 his dele (pessoa) 172 Mrs. senhora
122 history história 173 much muito(a)
123 home casa, lar 174 my meu(s), minha(s)
124 horse cavalo 175 myself eu mesmo
125 hour hora 176 name nome
126 house casa 177 nation nação
127 how como 178 natural natural
128 however entretanto 179 nature natureza
129 human humano 180 near próximo, perto
130 hundred cem, centena 181 neither...nor nem...nem
131 idea idéia 182 never nunca
132 if se 183 new novo(a)(s)
133 ill doente 184 next próximo, a seguir
134 in em, dentro (de) 185 night noite
135 indeed de fato, realmente 186 no não
136 into para dentro de 187 non não
137 it ele(a) (coisa, animal) 188 not não
138 its seu, sua, (coisa, animal) 189 nothing nada
139 itself a si mesmo (coisa, animal) 190 now agora
140 just apenas, justo 191 number número
141 kind tipo, gentil 192 of de
142 king rei 193 off afastado, desligado
143 knowledge conhecimento 194 often frequentemente
144 land terra 195 old velho(s), velha(s)
145 large largo, amplo, grande 196 on sobre, em cima
146 law lei 197 once uma vez
147 (at) least (pelo) menos 198 one um, uma
148 left esquerdo(a) 199 only apenas, único, somente
149 less menos 200 or ou
150 life vida 201 other outro(a)
151 light luz, leve 202 our nosso(a), nossos(as)
152 little pouco(a) 203 out fora
153 long longo 204 over acima, encerrado

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205 part parte 256 that aquele(a), esse(a)
206 peace paz 257 the o, a, os, as
207 people pessoas 258 their deles, delas
208 perhaps talvez 259 them eles, os
209 period período 260 themselves eles mesmos
210 person pessoa 261 then então, em seguida
211 place lugar 262 there lá
212 point ponto 263 therefore por esta razão
213 poor pobre 264 these estes(as)
214 power poder, força 265 they eles, elas
215 present presente 266 thing coisa
216 prince príncipe 267 thirty trinta
217 public público 268 this este(a), isto
218 quite completamente, muito 269 those aquele(as), esses(as)
219 rather preferencialmente 270 thousand mil, milhar
220 reason razão 271 three três
221 reign reino 272 through através
222 religion religião 273 time tempo, momento, vez
223 room cômodo, quarto 274 to para, em direção a
224 round redondo 275 together junto(a)(s)
225 same mesmo(a) 276 too também
226 sea mar 277 towards na direção de
227 second segundo 278 town cidade
228 set conjunto 279 true verdade
229 seven sete 280 truth verdade
230 several vários(as) 281 twenty vinte
231 she ela (pessoa) 282 two dois
232 short pequeno(a), curto(a)(s) 283 under sob
233 side lado 284 until/till até (que)
234 sight vista, visão 285 up para cima
235 since desde 286 upon sobre
236 sir senhor 287 us nos, a nós
237 six seis 288 very muito
238 small pequeno(s), pequena(s) 289 voice voz
239 so então 290 war guerra
240 some algum(a), alguns(mas) 291 water água
241 something algo, alguma coisa 292 way caminho, maneira, jeito
242 sometimes algumas vezes 293 we nós
243 son filho 294 well bem
244 soon logo, em breve 295 what o que, qual, quais
245 spirit espírito 296 when quando
246 state estado, situação 297 where onde
247 still ainda 298 whether se
248 street rua 299 which (o,a) qual, (os, as) quais
249 strength força 300 while enquanto
250 strong forte 301 white branco
251 subject assunto, sujeito 302 who/whom quem, a quem
252 such tão 303 whole complete, inteiro
253 sure certo (certeza) 304 whose de quem, cujo(a)(s)
254 ten dez 305 why por que?
255 than do que 306 wife esposa

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307 with com
308 within dentro de
309 without sem
310 woman/women mulher/mulheres
311 word palavra
312 world mundo
313 year ano
314 yes sim
315 yet ainda, já
316 you você(s)
317 young jovem
318 yours seu(s), sua(s)

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Vamos a um exemplo:

Fonte: http://goo.gl/R7fIJz

Neste caso temos uma antiga propaganda da cola cola que demonstra exatamente os passos da leitura
lexical. Primeiro vamos analisar as palavras grandes, o skimming. “Beverage”, “Men” e “Ladies”. Beverage
não é uma palavra tão comum, mas pelo contexto da Coca Cola talvez o estudante chegue a sua tradução
que é bebida. Já “men” e “ladies” a maioria das pessoas já conhece que são homens e mulheres. Aqui já
temos o contexto da propaganda, que novamente desde o começo era obvio por ser uma propaganda da
Coca Cola. Vamos as palavras menores, porém iremos citar apenas as cogntas ou as palavras que a
maioria das pessoas conheça.
Do lado esquerdo: “business and professional” Negócios e profissionais.
Do lado direito: “Students ... Athletes”. Estudantes e atletas.
No centro: “Favorite drink for ladies”. A bebida favorita das mulheres.
E nos cantos inferiores 5c que se refece a 5 centavos, ou seja, o preço.



Brazil’s Average Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low in 2012

By Down Jones Business News

January 31, 2013

Brazil’s unemployment rate for 2012 fell to 5.5%, down from the previous record low of 6.0%
recorded last year, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, or IBGE, said Thursday. In
December, unemployment fell to 4.6% compared with 4.9% in November, besting the previous
record monthly low of 4.7% registered in December 2011, the IBGE sad.
The 2012 average unemployment rate was in line with the 5.5% median estimate of economists
polled by the local Estado news agency. Analysts had also pegged December’s unemployment
rate at 4.4%.
Brazil’s unemployment rate remains at historically low levels despite sluggish economic
activity. Salaries have also been on the upswing in an ominous sign for inflation – a key area of
concern for the Brazilian Central Bank after a series of interest rate cuts brought local interest
rates to record lows last year. Inflation ended 2012 at 5.84%.
The average monthly Brazilian salary retreated slightly to 1.805,00 Brazilian reais ($908.45) in
December, down from the record high BRL 1.809,60 registered in November, the IBGE said. Wages
trended higher in 2012 as employee groups called on Brazilian companies and the government to

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increase wages and benefits to counter higher local prices. Companies were also forced to pay
more to hire and retain workers because of the country’s low unemployment.
The IBGE measures unemployment in six of Brazil’s largest metropolitan areas, including São
Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Porto Alegre. Brazil’s unemployment
rate, however, is not fully comparable to jobless rates in developed countries as a large portion of
the population is either underemployed or works informally without paying taxes. In addition,
workers not actively seeking a job in the month before the survey don’t count as unemployed
under the IBGE’s methodology. The survey also doesn’t take into account farm workers.

(www.nasdaq.com, Adaptado)

O trecho do terceiro parágrafo – a key area of concern – refere-se, no texto, a:

A) Inflation.
B) Salaries.
C) Brazilian Central Bank.
D) Interest rates.
E) Unemployment rate.

O trecho em questão vem depois do trecho que afirma que os salários tem aumentado por conta
inegável da inflação. Portanto a área de preocupação é justamente a inflação.



Brazil’s Average Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low in 2012

By Down Jones Business News

January 31, 2013

Brazil’s unemployment rate for 2012 fell to 5.5%, down from the previous record low of 6.0%
recorded last year, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, or IBGE, said Thursday. In
December, unemployment fell to 4.6% compared with 4.9% in November, besting the previous
record monthly low of 4.7% registered in December 2011, the IBGE sad.
The 2012 average unemployment rate was in line with the 5.5% median estimate of economists
polled by the local Estado news agency. Analysts had also pegged December’s unemployment
rate at 4.4%.
Brazil’s unemployment rate remains at historically low levels despite sluggish economic
activity. Salaries have also been on the upswing in an ominous sign for inflation – a key area of
concern for the Brazilian Central Bank after a series of interest rate cuts brought local interest
rates to record lows last year. Inflation ended 2012 at 5.84%.
The average monthly Brazilian salary retreated slightly to 1.805,00 Brazilian reais ($908.45) in
December, down from the record high BRL 1.809,60 registered in November, the IBGE said. Wages
trended higher in 2012 as employee groups called on Brazilian companies and the government to
increase wages and benefits to counter higher local prices. Companies were also forced to pay
more to hire and retain workers because of the country’s low unemployment.
The IBGE measures unemployment in six of Brazil’s largest metropolitan areas, including São
Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Porto Alegre. Brazil’s unemployment
rate, however, is not fully comparable to jobless rates in developed countries as a large portion of
the population is either underemployed or works informally without paying taxes. In addition,
workers not actively seeking a job in the month before the survey don’t count as unemployed
under the IBGE’s methodology. The survey also doesn’t take into account farm workers.

(www.nasdaq.com, Adaptado)

No trecho do quarto parágrafo – Companies were also forced to pay more to hire and retain
workers because of the country’s low unemployment. – because introduz uma:
A) Consequência.

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B) Razão.
C) Crítica.
D) Comparação.
E) Ênfase.

A palavra because é porque em português, anexando a razão, a explicação de algo a frase. No trecho,
As companhias foram forçadas a pagar mais para contratar e manter os trabalhadores (por conta) do
baixo índice de desemprego do pais.



Committee decides to lower the use of thermoelectric power generation

GTCIT Magazine

The Monitoring Committee of the Electric Sector (CMSE) decided on Monday (May 30, 2012), to
diminish the thermoelectric power generation in Brazil as of next week. According to the Ministry
of Mines and Energy, Márcio Zimmermann, the thermoelectric generation, which currently
averages 4.000 megawatts (MW), should now be reduced to 2.500 MW.
These plants are used in Brazil mainly to prevent a power outage in the country in times of
drought, when the reservoirs of the dams are low. But the ministry assured that the reservoir of
the hydroelectric plants are satisfactory, and that there will be no need to resort to the
thermoelectric resources.
According to the Minister Zimmermann, the Southeast has an average of 90% of its reservoirs
full, which is an excellent level for this time of year. Even the Northeast, whose reservoir levels are
a little lower, do not compromise system security.
“The system is operating perfectly within the current conditions, which safely allows us to
reduce the generation of thermoelectric energy. This will give us an economic surplus that can be
used towards system maintenance and in the implementation of new quality programs for the
energy sector”, he said.
He also explained that: “of course, this does not mean that the committee will not be flexible as
to this decision in case the current conditions take an unexpected turn.” They will be following the
reduction of the projection for the coming months and, if necessary, the plans will be changed
according to the demands vis-avis resources.

Available at: www.gtcit.com

According to the text, the reduction of the thermoelectric power generation is justified because:
A) Minister Zimmermann believes that the system security is a little fragile.
B) Minister Zimmermann is more worried about financial difficulties than about the power
C) The draught in the Northeast is worrying authorities.
D) The power system is operating with total security, granted the high levels of the reservoirs.
E) Nearly 90% of the total financial resources have already been used.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. De acordo com o texto, a redução na geração de energia
termoelétrica é justificada por. No segundo parágrafo o texto afirma que essas instalações são usadas
principalmente para prefinir a falta de energia no pais em tempos de seca, mas o ministro garante que os
reservatórios das hidroelétricas estão em um nível satisfatório.


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Generation Y

By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just
entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the
Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available
talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed
with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than
face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade
high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older
generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive,
Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family
over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes
of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have
high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to ask question
authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group
activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-
behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit
greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Fonte: legalcareers.about.com

Com base no texto, qual das afirmações abaixo é falsa?

A) A geração Y praticou esportes coletivos e uma série de atividades em grupo durante a
infância, o que, consequentemente, desenvolveu um senso forte de trabalho em equipe e
cooperação entre seus componentes.
B) Uma pessoa nascida na década de 90 pertence à geração Y.
C) A geração Y é confiante e está sempre procurando novos desafios no trabalho, sem medo
de questionar autoridade de seus superiores.
D) A geração Y não foi mimada por seus pais, pois estes não gostariam de repetir os erros da
geração anterior, que os mimou muito e, consequentemente, dificultou seu caminho
E) A geração Y está conectada o tempo todo.

No item -3- o texto afirma que a geração Y busca realizações: Nutrida e cuidada pelos pais que não
quiseram cometer os erros da geração anterior. Geração Y é confiante, ambiciosa e busca realizações.
Eles tem altas expectativas para seus empregados e buscam novos desafios (...)



Generation Y

By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just
entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as

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the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for
available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better.
Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text
messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional
lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to
trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While
older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and
drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and
prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the
mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-
oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not
afraid to ask question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other
group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-
person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may
benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Font: legalcareers.about.com

No trecho: “Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance”, a melhor
definição para o termo em destaque é:
A) To desire something strongly.
B) To state or demand forcefully, especially despite opposition.
C) To tell someone that you will hurt or harm him or her.
D) To do something as promised or intended.
E) To walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction.

O verbo crave quer dizer desejar algo com intensidade. Como se uma grávida estivesse querendo
comer algo.



Generation Y

By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just
entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as
the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for
available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better.
Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text
messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional
lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to
trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While

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older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and
drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and
prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the
mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-
oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not
afraid to ask question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other
group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-
person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may
benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Fonte: legalcareers.about.com

Com base no texto, qual das afirmações abaixo é falsa?

A) A geração Y praticou esportes coletivos e uma série de atividades em grupo durante a
infância, o que, consequentemente, desenvolveu um senso forte de trabalho em equipe e
cooperação entre seus componentes.
B) Uma pessoa nascida na década de 90 pertence à geração Y.
C) A geração Y é confiante e está sempre procurando novos desafios no trabalho, sem medo
de questionar autoridade de seus superiores.
D) A geração Y não foi mimada por seus pais, pois estes não gostariam de repetir os erros da
geração anterior, que os mimou muito e, consequentemente, dificultou seu caminho
E) A geração Y está conectada o tempo todo.

No item -3- o texto afirma que a geração Y busca realizações: Nutrida e cuidada pelos pais que não
quiseram cometer os erros da geração anterior. Geração Y é confiante, ambiciosa e busca realizações.
Eles tem altas expectativas para seus empregados e buscam novos desafios (...)



Generation Y

By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just
entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as
the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for
available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better.
Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text
messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional
lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to
trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While
older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and
drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and
prioritize family over work.

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1155938 E-book gerado especialmente para RICARDO LACERDA MARIUCCI
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the
mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-
oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not
afraid to ask question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other
group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-
person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may
benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Font: legalcareers.about.com

No trecho: “Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance”, a melhor
definição para o termo em destaque é:
A) To desire something strongly.
B) To state or demand forcefully, especially despite opposition.
C) To tell someone that you will hurt or harm him or her.
D) To do something as promised or intended.
E) To walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction.

O verbo crave quer dizer desejar algo com intensidade. Como se uma grávida estivesse querendo
comer algo.



Generation Y

By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just
entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as
the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for
available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better.
Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text
messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional
lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to
trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While
older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and
drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and
prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the
mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-
oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not
afraid to ask question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other
group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-
person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and

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1155938 E-book gerado especialmente para RICARDO LACERDA MARIUCCI
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may
benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Font: legalcareers.about.com

The best example of a possessive pronoun is:

A) Their in “Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering the
B) While in “While older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking
C) This in “As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs,
desires and attitudes of this vast generation.”
D) They in “They appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and
E) Committees in Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed
and wants to be included and involved.

Os pronomes possessivos adjetivos são: my, your, his, her, its, their, our.



Web content inventories of existing sites commonly take the form of a spreadsheet file with
multiple worksheets, containing long listings of every page in the site, along with such essential
characteristics as the page title, URL, people responsible for the content, and so on. Each page
typically gets a row on the spreadsheet, with columns listing such basic information as:
 Unique id number for project purposes.
 Page title.
 Page template or type.
 URL.
 General type of content.
 Person responsible for the content.
 Keep/revise/discard decisions.
 Create new content?
 Review status

Extraído de: webstyleguide.com

De acordo com o texto, informações como Título de uma página e URL, geralmente, ficam
armazenadas como em:
A) Bancos de dados distribuídos na rede.
B) Colunas de uma planilha.
C) Linhas de uma planilha.
D) Linhas e colunas de uma planilha.
E) Registros em um arquivo.

O texto afirma que todo o conteúdo da web é armazenado na forma de planilhas, contendo longas
listas para cada página em um determinado site (...). Cada página tipicamente recebe uma coluna na
planilha, as colunas listam informações básicas como (os itens abaixo).


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Two of the greatest technologies of our age are telecommunications and computer engineering.
Telecommunications is concerned with moving information from one point to another point or from
one point to many other points. I think it is no exaggeration to say that the telecommunications
industry is largely taken for granted by the vast majority of people. If you were to ask the average
person what the greatest technological feat of 1969 was, they would probably reply ‘The first
manned landing on the moon’. A much more magnificent achievement was the ability of millions
of people half a million kilometers away to watch what was taking place on the moon in their own
homes. However, if most people are not aware of the great developments in the
telecommunications industry, they will not have missed the microprocessor revolution. In the last
few years powerful computers have become even more powerful and minicomputers and
microprocessors have spread to industry education, research and the home.

Extraído de: The Principles of Computer Hardware, Alan Clements, International Student Edition, 2nd, 1991)

De acordo com o texto, a provável resposta “The first manned landing on the moon”, dada por
uma pessoa média, refere-se a uma determinada pergunta. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a
pergunta provável mencionada no texto.
A) A quem pertence a glória do feito em 1969?
B) Quem realizou um feito histórico em 1969?
C) Quem concretizou o maior sonho mundial em 1969?
D) Qual o maior desejo da população em 1969?
E) Qual a maior façanha tecnológica de 1969?

O texto afirma que. Se fosse pra você perguntar a uma pessoa comum qual foi a maior realização
tecnológica de 1969, ela provavelmente responderia, o primeiro pouso tripulado na lua.



Two of the greatest technologies of our age are telecommunications and computer engineering.
Telecommunications is concerned with moving information from one point to another point or from
one point to many other points. I think it is no exaggeration to say that the telecommunications
industry is largely taken for granted by the vast majority of people. If you were to ask the average
person what the greatest technological feat of 1969 was, they would probably reply ‘The first
manned landing on the moon’. A much more magnificent achievement was the ability of millions
of people half a million kilometers away to watch what was taking place on the moon in their own
homes. However, if most people are not aware of the great developments in the
telecommunications industry, they will not have missed the microprocessor revolution. In the last
few years powerful computers have become even more powerful and minicomputers and
microprocessors have spread to industry education, research and the home.

Extraído de: The Principles of Computer Hardware, Alan Clements, International Student Edition, 2nd, 1991)

Com base no texto, nos últimos anos, os computadores:

A) Ficaram ainda mais potentes.
B) Caminharam para uma miniaturização crescente.
C) Passaram a ser utilizados na previsão do tempo.
D) Revolucionaram a automação industrial.
E) Utilizaram intensivamente os microprocessadores.

O texto afirma na última frase que nos últimos anos computadores poderosos se tornaram ainda mais
poderosos (...)


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Diet Drinks “Link to depression” questioned

Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study
has found a link.

The US research in more than 250.000 people found depression was more common among
frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented all the
American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.
Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.
People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during
the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses
of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about
a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina,
said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drink or replacing them
with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”
But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be
involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might
not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively
tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.
Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called
‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result,
sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have
an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown
up a possible link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”


According to the text, the research is:

A) Supported by the British Health regulators.
B) Widely accepted among scientific community.
C) Considered unimportant by the consumers.
D) Focused on artificially sweetened beverage.
E) Sponsored by the British Dietetic Association.

O primeiro parágrafo do texto afirma que uma pesquisa americana com mais de duzentos e cinquenta
mil pessoas descobriu que depressão era mais comum entre os consumidores frequentes de bebidas
com adoçantes artificiais.



Diet Drinks “Link to depression” questioned

Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study
has found a link.

The US research in more than 250.000 people found depression was more common among
frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented all the
American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.
Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.
People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during
the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses
of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about
a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina,

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said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drink or replacing them
with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”
But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be
involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might
not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively
tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.
Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called
‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result,
sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have
an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown
up a possible link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”


According to the text, the research:

A) Relied on data from people living in different countries.
B) Held individuals from different age ranges.
C) Lacked accurate techniques and methodology.
D) Set net safety standards for sweeteners production.
E) Revealed depression traces in about 250.000 people.

No penúltimo parágrafo o texto afirma que são necessário mais estudos na área. Existem muitos outros
fatores que podem estar envolvidos. E as descobertas, de pessoas nos seus 50, 60, 70 e 80 anos (...)



Diet Drinks “Link to depression” questioned

Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study
has found a link.

The US research in more than 250.000 people found depression was more common among
frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented all the
American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.
Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.
People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during
the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses
of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about
a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina,
said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drink or replacing them
with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”
But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be
involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might
not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively
tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.
Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called
‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result,
sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have
an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown
up a possible link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”


In order to low depression risks, Dr Honglei Shen suggests:

A) Reducing the coffee consumption.
B) Increasing juice drinking.

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C) Drinking more fizzy drinks.
D) The consumption of organic sugar.
E) Avoiding sweetened diet drinks.

No segundo parágrafo Dr Honglei Chen afirma que nossa pesquisa sugere que cortar ou diminuir o
consumo de refrigerantes diet ou substitui-los por café sem açúcar pode naturalmente ajudar a diminuir o
risco de depressão.



In order for young people to do better in school, it helps if they actually are in school. Schools
basically have two options when it comes to fighting chronic truancy. There’s the positive
approach, in which students are rewarded with iPads, sneakers, gift cards, and other incentives
merely for showing up at school. Then there’s the flip side, in which students and parents are
penalized for unexcused absences. In the past, parents have been sentenced to jail time for failing
to get their children to school. Prosecutors have also suggested jail time as a penalty for missing
parent-teacher conferences. Now there’s a school system in the news because its superintendent
plans on fining families $75 for each day a student skips school.
In New Britain, Connecticut, a new superintendent of schools named Kelt Cooper wants to end
high truancy rates among public school students, and he’s proposing monetary penalties to get
the job done. A plan to fine students $75 per skipped school day is now being considered by New
Britain council members.
The concept of fining kids for skipping school may come as a shock, but it’s not new. In Ohio,
the guardians responsible for a student guilty of habitual truancy can be fined up to $500 and/or
be required to perform up to 70 hours of community service. Until recently, students in Los Angeles
could be hit with a $250 penalty for each count of truancy; in early 2012 the law was amended and
the expensive fines were removed, though a $20 penalty may still be handed out for the third

Internet. www.moneyland.com (adapted)

The article admits there are two ways of dealing with the problem of truancy.
A) Certo.
B) Errado.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. O artigo admite que existem dois modos de se lidar com
o problema de matar aulas. O texto afirma no primeiro parágrafo que existe a atuação positiva, onde os
estudantes são recompensados com iPads, tênis, vale compras, etc. O lado oposto é onde os alunos e
pais são penalizados pelo excesso de faltas.


Como redigir corretamente em inglês

De acordo com Ricardo Schütz enrolar, enfeitar a jogada, enfeitar a noite do meu bem, encher linguiça,
são expressões populares usadas para referir-se ao hábito do uso da retórica na linguagem. Esta
tendência, frequentemente observada em português, é um vício remanescente de séculos passados,
quando a linguagem escrita era uma arte dominada por poucos e a sua função era predominantemente
literária. Retórica era sinal de erudição, e por vezes a forma chegava a se impor sobre o conteúdo.

Nos tempos modernos, entretanto, com a internacionalização do mundo e com o crescente

desenvolvimento da tecnologia de comunicação, a funcionalidade dos idiomas como meios de
comunicação clara e objetiva se impõe a tudo mais, fato este reconhecido também pelos mais respeitados
representantes da língua portuguesa:

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"A diferença entre o escritor e o escrevedor está sobretudo na economia vocabular. Conseguir o
máximo com o mínimo - eis um sábio programa." (Celso Pedro Luft)

Especialmente no caso do inglês, hoje adotado como língua internacional, esta tendência é marcante.
O inglês moderno na sua forma escrita não tolera retórica. No comércio internacional, na imprensa escrita,
e nos meios acadêmicos exige-se cada vez mais clareza. Frases longas, adjetivação excessiva, tom vago,
textos que exigem maior esforço para serem compreendidos, falta de concisão, todas estas
características facilmente são consideradas pobreza de estilo. A beleza do inglês moderno está na
substância, na simplicidade, na clareza, na riqueza de detalhes e na integridade lógica.

Em paralelo a isso, a redação e editoração de textos via computadores está criando uma tendência à
padronização do inglês na sua forma escrita. Pelo fato de ter sido um país de língua inglesa (EUA) o
berço da informática, os softwares hoje existentes para processamento ou edição de textos oferecem
recursos avançados para verificação gramatical de textos em inglês. Estes "grammar checkers" seguem
todos os mesmos preceitos básicos, influindo de forma semelhante sobre quem redige, e conduzindo
lenta e gradativamente a uma maior padronização na forma de escrever.

Por tudo isso pode-se dizer que redigir bem em inglês é mais fácil do que se imagina. A primeira
condição, que apesar de elementar é muito pouco observada, é de que o texto seja sempre criado a partir
de uma ideia. Em qualquer língua, texto escrito deve ser sempre o reflexo de uma ideia, que por sua vez
origina-se em fatos do universo. A ideia é sempre anterior ao texto. Se a ideia não for clara, o texto
também não o será.

Outra condição é domínio sobre o idioma falado. A expressão comumente ouvida: "essa frase não me
soa bem" bem ilustra a importância da oralidade. Ou seja, não é o conhecimento gramatical, mas sim a
familiaridade com a língua falada que nos permite discernir o certo do errado, o bom estilo do estilo pobre.
É por isso que traduções ou versões a partir de um texto em português, feitas com a ajuda de dicionário,
normalmente produzem resultados desastrosos. A não ser quando se trata de documentos, e com
ressalvas, não deveria existir o que chamam de tradução literal. Todo texto precisa ser interpretado, isto
é: a ideia precisa ser entendida e então recriada, e diferenças culturais explicadas sob a nova ótica.


Há quem diga que esta tendência no português de se ser vago, de se valorizar uma linguagem afastada
dos fatos e maquiada pelas formas, é um hábito originado nos anos de regime militar, quando jornalistas
tinham que informar mas tinham receio de se comprometer. A "liberdade vigiada" daqueles anos de
regime de exceção exigia um subterfúgio, uma linguagem não-explícita, cuja mensagem ficasse por conta
da capacidade de imaginação do leitor.

Já outros acreditam serem as raízes mais profundas. Evocam o período colonial do Brasil, quando o
trabalho era responsabilidade da mão-de-obra escrava, e a classe letrada dedicava muito tempo burilando
textos que valorizavam a estética e o subjetivismo, num mundo que ainda se comunicava muito através
da literatura.

Outros vão mais longe ainda. Afirmam que, há mais de 20 séculos, diferenças sociais e culturais já
marcavam contrastes. Enquanto o Império Romano da língua latina mantinha seu apogeu pela força
militar, permitindo a existência de classes eruditas que podiam se dedicar às artes e às letras, quando
meio século antes de Cristo o orador Cícero já se dedicava à crítica literária e ao estudo de retórica e o
poeta Virgílio destilava seu lirismo profetizando com eloquência o destino de Roma no mundo; àquela
época os povos bárbaros de línguas germânicas encontravam-se ou guerreando ou trabalhando para
sobreviver e pagar impostos ao Império, sem tempo para as artes, e usando uma linguagem de
comunicação curta e objetiva, sintonizada em fatos concretos e nos afazeres de seu dia-a-dia.

Seja qual for a origem, o fato é que hoje, em pleno alvorecer da era da informação, num mundo que
se transforma numa comunidade cada vez mais interdependente e que se comunica cada vez mais,
diferenças idiomáticas representam um empecilho para ambos os lados. Nunca o mundo se comunicou
tanto, nunca o tempo foi tão curto para tanta informação, e portanto nunca a objetividade na linguagem
foi tão necessária.

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1. Organize suas ideias em itens, faça um outline.

Itemizar os pontos importantes da ideia possibilita disciplinar seu pensamento, estabelecendo uma
sequência lógica entre os elementos da ideia. Possibilita também relacionar todos os pontos importantes
e estabelecer uma hierarquia de importância entre eles. Um outline ou esboço normalmente contém uma
introdução, desenvolvimento da ideia com discussão de todos os elementos, e conclusão.

2. Certifique-se de que cada oração tenha um sujeito e que o sujeito esteja antes do verbo.

Em português frequentemente as frases não têm sujeito. Sujeito oculto, indeterminado, inexistente,
são figuras gramaticais que no português explicam a ausência do sujeito. Isto no inglês entretanto não
existe. A não ser pelo modo imperativo, toda frase em inglês normalmente tem sujeito. Na falta de um
sujeito específico, muitas vezes o pronome IT deve ser usado. Além disso, em português muitas vezes o
sujeito aparece no meio ou no fim da frase. Em inglês ele deve estar sempre antes do verbo (a não ser
no caso de frases interrogativas), e de preferência no início da frase. Observe os seguintes exemplos:

It's raining.
Está chovendo. (sujeito inexistente)
An airplane crashed yesterday.
Ontem caiu um avião.
A salesman came to the office the other
Esses dias apareceu lá na companhia um vendedor.
Acaba de fracassar uma estratégia publicitária das
One of the most creative publicity
mais criativas.
strategies has just failed.
Há cerca de dois meses, justamente quando a
The representative of our creditor banks
empresa passava por dificuldades de natureza
attended a directory meeting about two
financeira, compareceu à reunião da diretoria o
months ago to warn that our credit lines
representante dos nossos bancos credores para avisar
would have to be reduced, just when the
que nossas linhas de crédito teriam que ser reduzidas.
company was facing financial difficulties.

Ao formar uma frase, o aluno deve acostumar-se a pensar sempre em primeiro lugar no sujeito, depois
no verbo. O pensamento em inglês estrutura-se, por assim dizer, a partir do sujeito. A ordem natural e até
certo ponto rígida dos elementos da oração em inglês é: Sujeito - Verbo - Complemento. Comparando o
ato de escrever com a montagem de uma peça teatral, poderíamos dizer que no português há uma
tendência a se montar o cenário para então colocar-se o ator principal em cena. No inglês, a ordem normal
seria inversa: primeiro coloca-se o personagem principal (sujeito e verbo) para então completar com a
montagem do cenário (objetos, adjuntos adverbiais e adnominais e orações subordinadas).

3. Use frases curtas.

A ideia a ser comunicada deve ser dividida em partes na medida do possível. Uma frase
excessivamente longa, além de aumentar as chances de erro, é sempre mais difícil de ser lida e entendida
do que uma série de frases curtas. A tendência de se usar frases longas é comum no português. No inglês
este fenômeno é chamado de run-on sentence. Textos em inglês normalmente contêm mais pontos finais
e menos vírgulas do que em português. Exemplo:

Frases inadequadas: Formas mais adequadas:

This computer doesn't make sense to me, it This computer doesn't make sense to me. It
came without a manual. came without a manual.

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During my vacation in July, when I went to the Last July I went on vacation in the south of
south of France and other parts of central Europe, France and other parts of central Europe. I bought
I bought many souvenirs and I saw many many souvenirs and saw many interesting places.
interesting places, both the normal tourist sites Some of the places I visited were the normal tourist
and the lesser known locations. sites, and others were lesser known locations.

4. Seja breve e evite o uso de palavras desnecessárias.

Tanto no inglês como no português existem certas palavras que devido à forma abusiva com que são
usadas, deixaram de carregar qualquer significado. Tornaram-se modismos que servem apenas para
conferir um falso tom de intelectualidade e confundir. Exemplo disso no português são as expressões
realmente, evidentemente, efetivamente, a rigor, em termos de, etc. No inglês temos expressões como:
absolutely, as a matter of fact, actually, really, it seems to me, you know, etc., as quais pouco ou nada
acrescentam à mensagem. Observe o seguinte exemplo:

Impróprio: Correto:

As a matter of fact, I'm absolutely tired. Actually that's the I don't want to go to the movies
reason why I don't really want to go to the movies tonight. tonight because I'm tired.

Este princípio de economia em relação ao uso de palavras aplica-se também ao uso de formas
desnecessariamente complexas. Exemplos:

Complexo: Correto:

The multiplicity of functionality is really advantageous to The many functions of the product
the overall marketability of the product. will help its sales.

After liquidating her indebtedness she was still in After paying her debts, she still had
possession of sufficient resources to establish a small enough money to set up a small
commercial enterprise. business.

5. Seja objetivo; apresente fatos em vez de opinões.

Em qualquer idioma fatos sempre informam mais do que opiniões subjetivas. O texto deve se limitar o
mais possível a fatos, ficando a conclusão reservada para o leitor. Não imponha ao leitor o seu julgamento;
permita-lhe formar o seu próprio. É sempre desejável ser o mais claro e específico possível, substituindo
palavras de mero efeito ou de significado vago, pela respectiva explicação. Exemplo:

Subjetivismo vago: Correto:

The speaker was fascinating to The speaker presented his topic well, and the audience enjoyed
the audience. his analogies from daily life.

There is evidence that UFOs Several photographs, video tapes and testimonies show that
may actually exist. UFOs may actually exist.

Our language teachers Our language teachers are native speakers with college
are highly qualified. education.

I hate television. The effects of television can be very damaging. The soap
operas portray dishonesty, violence, ill emotions, all kinds of
negative social behavior, and the news is often biased.

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6. Cuidado com o uso de voz passiva.

Voz passiva consiste em trocar o sujeito e o objeto direto de posição. O objeto assume a posição do
sujeito, mas permanece inativo, isto é, passivo. Passa a ser um sujeito que não é autor de ação nenhuma.
O verdadeiro sujeito, por outro lado, assume o papel de agente da passiva, sendo que neste papel deixa
de ser essencial à oração, ficando frequentemente omitido. Exemplos:

The cat ate the mouse. O gato comeu o rato. Voz ativa.
The mouse was eaten by the cat. O rato foi comido pelo gato. Voz passiva.
The mouse was eaten. O rato foi comido. Voz passiva sem agente.

No português, o uso da voz passiva é extremamente comum e apropriado ao idioma. O tom vago de
uma voz passiva sem agente, assim como um sujeito indeterminado, são características típicas do
português. No inglês moderno, por outro lado, a voz passiva chega a ser quase proibitiva porque destoa
em relação à necessidade de clareza e de presença de fatos, limitando-se seu uso a casos em que o
agente da passiva é desconhecido, irrelevante ou subentendido. Ocorre também com alguma frequência
em trabalhos científicos. Exemplos:

The store was robbed last night. (desconhecido)

Toyotas are made in Japan. (irrelevante)
Clinton was elected President. (subentendido)
The sodium hydroxide was dissolved in water. This solution was then titrated with hydrochloric
acid. (texto científico)

Exemplo de um texto em O mesmo texto redigido

Como não deve ser redigido
português normal, abundante em inglês, de forma mais
em inglês:
em voz passiva: apropriada:

Ficou decidido que os débitos It has been decided that the

The company decided the
deverão ser saldados até o final do debts must be paid before the end
farmers must pay their debts
mês de novembro, a partir de of the month of November, being
before the end of November.
quando então serão cobrados com after then collected with interest
After that, interest and
juros e correção monetária. Os and monetary correction
monetary correction will be
plantadores em débito serão (inflation). The farmers in debt will
added. Our field personnel will
visitados pelo pessoal de campo e be visited by the field personnel
visit and notify the farmers of
serão avisados a respeito das and will be notified of the new
the new determinations.
novas determinações. determinations.

7. Mantenha uma conexão lógica entre as frases fazendo uso correto de Words of Transition.
Words of transition ou Words of connection são conjunções, advérbios, preposições, etc., que servem
para estabelecer uma relação lógica entre frases e ideias. O uso correto destas palavras de conexão
confere elegância ao texto e, mais importante, solidez ao argumento. Exemplos:

I went swimming in spite of the cold

It was cold. I went swimming.
weather. Although it was cold, I went swimming.

Many people watch TV. I don't like to

Although many people watch TV, I don't like to waste
waste my time watching television. The
my time watching television because the quality of the
quality of the programs is very poor. I'm
programs is very poor. Therefore I'm going to read
going to read books. I'm not going to watch
books instead of watching soap operas.
soap operas.

Fonte: Schütz, Ricardo. "Como Redigir Corretamente em Inglês." English Made in Brazil <http://www.sk.com.br/sk-write.html>. Retrieved
15 de junho de 2015.

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Artigos: definidos e indefinidos

Artigo Definido

THE = o, a, os, as

- Usamos antes de substantivos tomados em sentido restrito.


The coffee produced in Brazil is of very high quality.

I hate the music they’re playing.

The people you’ve just met are my neighbors.

- Emprega-se também antes de nomes de países no plural ou que contenham as palavras

Kingdom, Republic, Union, Emirates.


The United States

The Netherlands

The United Kingdom

The Dominican Republic

- Antes de adjetivos ou advérbios no grau superlativo.


John is the tallest boy in the family.

The best students will be awarded.

- Antes de acidentes geográficos (rios, mares, oceanos, cadeias de montanhas, desertos e ilhas
no plural), mesmo que o elemento geográfico tenha sido omitido.


The Nile (River)

The Sahara (Desert)

The Pacific (Ocean)

- Antes de nomes de famílias no plural.


The Smiths have just moved here.

The Browns are our friends.

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- Antes de adjetivos substantivados.


You should respect the old.

I feel sorry for the blind.

- Antes de numerais ordinais.


He is the eleventh on the list.

This is the third time I hear you say that.

- Antes de nomes de hotéis, restaurantes, teatros, cinemas, museus.


The Hilton (Hotel)

The British Museum

- Antes de nacionalidades.


The Dutch

The Chinese

- Antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais.


She plays the piano very well.

Can you play the guitar?

- Antes de substantivos seguidos de preposição.


The Battle of Trafalgar

The Houses of Parliament


- Antes de substantivos tomados em sentido genérico.

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Roses are my favorite flowers.

Salt is used to flavor food.

- Antes de nomes próprios no singular.


John didn’t come to the party yesterday.

She lives in South America.

- Antes de possessivos.


My house is more comfortable than theirs.

- Antes de nomes de idiomas, não seguidos da palavra language.


She speaks French and English. (Mas: She speaks the French language.)

- Antes de nomes de estações do ano.


Summer is hot, but winter is cold.

Casos especiais

- Não se usa o artigo THE antes das palavras church, school, prison, market, bed, hospital,
home, university, college, market, quando esses elementos forem usados para seu primeiro


She went to church. (para rezar)

She went to the church. (talvez para falar com alguém)

- Sempre se usa o artigo THE antes de office, cathedral, cinema, movies e theater.


Let’s go to the theater.

They went to the movies last night.

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Artigo Indefinido

A / AN = um, uma
Emprego do artigo A:

- Antes de palavras iniciadas por consoantes.


A boy
A girl
A woman

- Antes de palavras iniciadas por vogais, com som consonantal.


A uniform
A university
A European
Emprego do artigo AN:

- Antes de palavras iniciadas por vogais.


AN egg
AN orange
AN umbrella

- Antes de palavras iniciadas por H mudo (não pronunciado).


AN hour
AN honor
AN heir

Usa-se os artigos indefinidos para:

- Dar ideia de representação de um grupo, antes de substantivos.


A chicken lays eggs. (Todas as galinhas põem ovos.)

- Antes de nomes próprios no singular, significando “um tal de”.


A Mr. Smith phoned yesterday.

- No modelo:
WHAT + A / AN = adj. + subst.

What a nice woman! (Que mulher bondosa!)

What a terrible situation! (Que situação terrível!)

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- Em algumas expressões de medida e frequência.


A dozen (uma dúzia)

A hundred (uma centena, ou cem)

Twice a year (duas vezes ao ano)

- Em certas expressões.


It’s a pity (é um a pena)

It’s a shame (é uma vergonha)
It’s an honor (é uma honra)

- Antes de profissão ou atividades.


James is a lawyer.

Her sister is a physician.


- Antes de substantivos contáveis no plural.


Lions are wild animals.

I’ve seen (some*) good films lately.

- Antes de substantivos incontáveis.


Please, bring me (some*) bread.

Water is good for our health.

* Em alguns casos, podemos usar SOME antes dos substantivos.

Fonte: objetivo.br (com adaptações)

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Marque a alternativa adequada para cada questão abaixo, de acordo com as regras estudadas:

01. I love living in this __________ city.

(A) no article
(B) a
(C) the
(D) an

02. Generally speaking, __________ boys are physically stronger than girls.
(A) no article
(B) a
(C) the
(D) an

03. The boss gave me __________ hour to finish the report.

(A) no article
(B) a
(C) the
(D) an

04. Do you remember __________ girl that we saw last night?

(A) no article
(B) a
(C) the
(D) an

05. P1: Did you go to the Thai restaurant?

P2: No, I went to __________ place where you and I normally go.
(A) the
(B) a
(C) no article
(D) an

06. He is __________ really good person.

(A) the
(B) a
(C) no article
(D) an

07. My brother is __________ expert at fixing cars.

(A) the
(B) no article
(C) an
(D) a
08. __________ Paris is a beautiful city.
(A) no article
(B) a
(C) the
(D) an

09. My __________ teacher's name is William.

(A) no article
(B) a
(C) the
(D) an

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10. We got our son __________ dog for Christmas.
(A) the
(B) a
(C) no article
(D) an

01. A – “Amo morar nesta cidade”, não há necessidade de um artigo antes de cidade.

02. A – A frase cita meninos em geral, e nesse caso, não se usa artigo.

03. D - Usa-se antes de substantivo iniciando com som de consoante.

04. C - Trata-se de uma menina específica, logo, usa-se o artigo the.

05. A – Trata-se de um local específico, logo, usa-se o artigo the.

06. B - Usa-se antes de palavra iniciada com som de consoante.

07. C – Artigo indefinido, usado antes de palavra com som de vogal.

08. A – Antes de nome de cidade, não se usa artigo.

09. A – Trata-se de um teacher específico, portando, não se usa artigo.

10. B – Usa-se antes de substantivo iniciando com som de consoante.


Conjunções são palavras que ligam duas orações ou termos semelhantes, dentro de uma mesma
oração. Existem três tipos de conjunções: Coordinating conjunctions, Correlative conjunctions e
Subordinating conjunctions. A partir de agora estudaremos separadamente cada um dos tipos de
conjunções da Língua Inglesa.

Coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions ligam duas palavras ou duas orações independentes (independent clauses),
mas devem sempre ligar elementos com a mesma estrutura gramatical, por exemplo: subject + subject;
verb phrase + verb phrase; sentence + sentence; clause + clause. Uma coordinating conjunction
geralmente posiciona-se entre as orações e, antes dela, usamos vírgula (caso as orações sejam muito
pequenas e possuam o mesmo sujeito, a vírgula não é necessária). As coordinating conjunctions são as
que se encontram no quadro abaixo:

Conjunção Indicação / Função

for explicação
and adição
nor liga duas alternativas negativas
but oposição, contraste
or alternância
yet oposição, ressalva
mostra que a segunda ideia é o resultado
da primeira

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He lives in Cambridge, and (he)* studies at Harvard University.
(Ele mora em Cambridge e estuda na Universidade de Harvard.)

We stayed at home and (we)* watched television.

(Nós ficamos em casa e assistimos televisão.)

My sister is married and (she)* lives in London.

(Minha irmã é casada e mora em Londres.)

*Quando a coordinating conjunction "and" liga dois verbos que possuem o mesmo sujeito, não é
necessário repeti-lo. Isso também ocorre com artigos, pronomes, preposições e outras expressões.
Observe os exemplos do quadro:

She sings and she plays the violin. →She sings and plays the violin
He plays tennis and he plays football. → He plays tennis and football.
They have offices in Britain and in France. → They have offices in Britain and
We stayed with my brother and my sister. → We stayed with my
brother and sister.
The house and the garden were full of people. → The house and garden were full
of people.
I've been to Greece and I've been to Turkey. → I've been to Greece and Turkey.
I washed my shirt and I dried my shirt. → I washed and dried my shirt.

I went downstairs and (I) opened the door.

(Eu fui ao andar de baixo e abri a porta.)

Could I have a knife and (a) fork, please?

(Eu gostaria de um garfo e uma faca, por favor.)

When Robert went to the bookstore, he bought a notebook and several pens.
(Quando Roberto foi à livraria, ele comprou um caderno e várias canetas.)

- Podemos usar vírgula (,) diante de and quando esta conjunção for usada para adicionar o último
item de uma lista ou série. Esse tipo de construção é bastante comum no Inglês, contudo a série deve
conter pelo menos três ítens. Quando a construção não for longa, o uso da vírgula também é facultativo.
Observe os exemplos abaixo:

You had a holiday at Christmas, at New Year and at Easter. (Neste caso, não é necessário usar vírgula,
pois os ítens da série não são longos.)

I spent yesterday playing cricket, listening to jazz records, and talking about the meaning of life.

Claudia spent her summer studying basic math, writing, and reading comprehension.
Observe que, nestes dois últimos exemplos, os ítens são maiores, portanto a vírgula pode ser usada.

She bought carrots, lettuce, a pineapple, and a dozen eggs. (Como a lista contém mais de três ítens,
podemos usar vírgula antes da conjunção.)

He drinks beer, whisky, wine, and rum.*

He drinks beer, whisky, wine and rum.*

* Ambas estão corretas, a vírgula é opcional quando a conjunção and é usada com a última palavra
de uma lista.

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- A vírgula também pode ser usada antes de and quando liga duas orações independentes
(independent clauses) que não possuem o mesmo sujeito. Caso as orações sejam pequenas e
tenham o mesmo sujeito, não é comum usar vírgula. Observe:

Rachel decided to try the chocolate cake, and Peter ordered a strawberry pie. (Aqui a vírgula pode
ser usada, pois o sujeito das orações não é o mesmo.)

I bought a bottle of wine, and we drank it together. (Aqui a vírgula pode ser usada, pois o sujeito
das orações não é o mesmo.)

Rachel had a cake and Peter had a strawberry pie.

(Embora o sujeito das orações não seja o mesmo, a vírgula não foi usada, pois as duas orações
são pequenas. Lembre-se de que a construção com vírgula também seria aceitável neste caso.)


Grace was a serious woman, but a very sensitive person.

(Grace era uma mulher séria, mas uma pessoa muito sensível.)

My sofa isn't very soft, but it's comfortable.

(Meu sofá não é muito macio, mas é confortável.)

They tried, but did not succeed.

(Eles tentaram, mas não obtiveram sucesso.)

John is Canadian, but Sara is Irish. (João é canadense, mas Sara é irlandesa.)

Our players did their best but they lost the game. (Nossos jogadores fizeram o melhor que puderam,
mas perderam o jogo.)

- But é uma conjunção adversativa, ou seja, expressa um contraste. Assim como and,
usaremos vírgula(,) antes de but quando ela ligar duas orações independentes (independent clauses)
que sejam longas. Observe que, mesmo quando as orações possuem o mesmo sujeito, pode ocorrer
vírgula diante de but se as orações são longas. Compare os exemplos:

She had very little to live on, but she would never have dreamed of taking what was not hers. (Aqui,
embora o sujeito das duas orações seja o mesmo, a vírgula é usada, pois as orações são longas.)

She was poor but she was honest. (As orações são curtas e o sujeito é o mesmo, assim não se faz
obrigatório o uso da vírgula.)

Veja outros exemplos com but:

I like him, but I don't like her. (Gosto dele, mas não gosto dela.)

I wanted to phone you, but I didn't have your number.

(Queria ligar para você, mas não tinha o número do seu telefone.)

The child was found abandoned but unharmed. (A criança foi encontrada abandonada, porém ilesa.)

I got it wrong. It wasn't the red one but the blue one.
(Entendi tudo errado. Não era a vermelha, mas a azul.)

By the end of the day we were tired but happy. (No final do dia estávamos cansados, mas felizes.)

Observação: Além de significar mas ou porém, but também pode significar exceto:

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Everybody but Robert is trying out for the team.
(Todos, exceto Roberto, estão competindo para ficar no time)
I had no choice but to sign the contract. (Eu não tinha escolha, exceto assinar o contrato.)


A conjunção or indica alternância ou exclusão:

I could cook some supper, or we could order a pizza.

(Eu poderia fazer uma janta ou nós poderíamos pedir uma pizza.)

Do you want to go out, or are you tired? (Você quer sair, ou está cansado?)

He could go, or stay a little more. (Ele poderia ir ou ficar mais um pouco.)

Have you seen or heard the opera by Paul Richardson?

(Você assistiu ou ouviu a ópera de Paul Richardson?)

They must approve his political style or they wouldn't keep electing him mayor. (Eles decerto devem
aprovar seu estilo político, ou não continuariam o elegendo para prefeito.)

You can study hard for this exam or you can fail.
(Você pode estudar bastante para esta prova ou pode ser reprovado.)

We can broil chicken on the grill tonight, or we can just eat leftovers.
(Podemos fazer frango grelhado hoje à noite ou somente comer a comida que sobrou.)


A conjunção so (assim, portanto, por isso) expressa o que acontece / aconteceu /

acontecerá em razão de alguma coisa:
My grandmother was sick, so she went to the doctor.
(Minha avó estava doente, por isso foi ao médico.)

It was raining, so I took my umbrella.

(Estava chovendo, então peguei meu guarda-chuva.)
Laura does a lot of sport, so she's very fit.
(Laura pratica vários esportes, por isso tem uma ótima forma física.)

We didn't study, so we didn't pass.

(Não estudamos, por isso não passamos.)

I want to work as an interpreter in the future, so I am studying English at university.

(No futuro, quero trabalhar como intérprete, por isso vou estudar Inglês na universidade.)

The party was boring, so I went home. (A festa estava chata, então fui para casa.)
- A conjunção so também é usada no início de orações para introduzir algo novo, significando

So, the judge removed the child from the custody of his parents.
(Então, o juiz tirou dos pais a custódia da criança.)


A função da conjunção for é introduzir uma explicação. Nestes casos, for é sinônimo
de because. Hoje em dia, o uso de for neste sentido é usado, na maioria das vezes, na escrita literária.
Observe os exemplos:

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Eric tought he had a good chance to get the job in the company, for his father was one of the owners.
(Eric achou que tinha grande chance de conseguir o emprego na companhia, pois seu pai era um dos

We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families. (Escutamos avidamente, já que ele trouxe
notícias de nossas famílias.)

This movie is particularly interesting to feminist film theorists, for the screenplay was written by Diana
Lers. (Este filme é particularmente interessante para teóricos de filmes feministas, porque o roteiro foi
escrito por Diana Lers.)

I believed her, for surely she would not lie to me. (Acreditei nela porque tenho certeza de que ela não
mentiria pra mim.)

A conjunção nor liga duas alternativas negativas e é usada, na maioria das vezes, com neither e not.

That is neither what I said nor what I meant. (Isto não foi o que eu disse nem o que eu quis dizer.)

She seemed neither surprised nor worried. (Ela não parecia nem surpresa nem preocupada.)

Not a building nor a tree was left standing. (Nem um prédio nem uma árvore foi deixada em pé.)

- Nor também é usado antes de um verbo positivo concordando com algo negativo que recém foi

She doesn't like them nor does Jeff. [Ela não gosta deles e nem o Jeff (gosta deles).]

A. I'm not going. (Eu não vou.)

B. Nor am I. (Eu também não.)


A conjunção yet (contudo, mas, não obstante, porém, no entanto) indica oposição, ressalva:

It's a small car, yet it is surprisingly spacious.

(É um carro pequeno, todavia é surpreendentemente espaçoso.)

He has a good job, and yet he never seems to have any money.
(Ele tem um bom emprego, e apesar disso parece que nunca tem dinheiro.)

John plays basketball very well, yet his favorite sport is tennis.
(João joga basquete muito bem, contudo seu esporte favorito é tênis.)

OBSERVAÇÃO: Como conjunção, yet sempre aparece no início da oração.

Correlative Conjunctions

As Correlative conjunctions são sempre usadas aos pares, ou seja, elas nunca aparecem sozinhas.
No entanto, elas nunca aparecem uma logo do lado da outra. Assim como as coordinating conjunctions,
usamos as correlative conjunctions para ligar elementos com mesma função gramatical, por
exemplo: subject + subject; verb phrase + verb phrase; sentence + sentence; clause + clause. Veja
quais são as correlative conjunctions no quadro abaixo:

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not only...but also

Observe alguns exemplos de cada um dos pares:


I'd like to work with both animals and children. (Eu gostaria de trabalhar com animais e crianças.)

Both my grandfather and my father worked in the steel plant.

(Ambos meu avô e meu pai trabalhavam na fábrica de aço.)

She both sings and dances. (Ela canta e dança.)

She is both pretty and clever. (Ela é tão bonita e esperta.)

I spoke to both the director and her secretary.

(Falei com a diretora e com a secretária dela.)

Observação: Both...and sempre concordará com o verbo no plural:

Both David and Amanda know the importance of speaking another language.
(Ambos David e Amanda sabem a importância de falar outra língua.)

Joana plays both the trumpet and the violin.

(Joana toca trombeta e violino.)

Both his mother and his father will be there.

(O pai e a mãe dele estarão lá.)

For this job you will need a good knowledge of both French andSpanish.
(Para este trabalho você precisará de um bom conhecimento de francês e espanhol.)


"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
(Anatole France)
(Para realizarmos coisas grandes, precisamos não somente agir, mas também sonhar; não somente
planejar, mas também acreditar.)

The teacher is not only intelligent but also friendly.

(A professsora não é so inteligente, mas também simpática.)

We go there not only in the winter, but also in summer. (Vamos lá não apenas no inverno, mas
também no verão.)

She not only sings like an angel, but also dances divinely.
(Ela não apenas canta como um anjo, mas também dança divinamente.)

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Not only the bathroom was flooded, but also the rest of the house.
(Não só o banheiro estava alagado, mas também o resto da casa.)

The place was not only cold, but also damp.

(O lugar não estava só frio, mas também úmido.)

The explosion destroyed not only the school, but also the museum. (A explosão destruiu não só a
escola, mas também o museu.)

Clara wants not only money, but also fame.

(Clara não quer só dinheiro, mas também fama.)

Not only pode se posicionar no início da oração para dar ênfase ao que se quer dizer. Nesta
estrutura, not only deve ser seguido por auxiliary verb (and non-auxiliary have and be) + subject; do é
usado* caso não haja outro auxiliar:

Not only has she been late three times; she has also done no work.
(Ela não só chegou atrasada três vezes, como também não fez trabalho algum.)

*Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water.
(Eles não somente necessitam de roupas, mas também estão com falta d'água.)

Not only is the food in this restaurant awful, but also the prices are too high.
(Como se não bastasse a comida nesse restaurante ser terrível, os preços também são altos

Not only were you late for class, but also forgot to do the homework.
(Você não apenas se atrasou para a aula, mas também esqueceu de fazer a lição de casa.)

AS / SO...AS

If you are as/so intelligent as your father, it will not be difficult for you to run your family business. (Se
você é tão inteligente quanto seu pai, não vai ser difícil para você administrar os negócios da sua família.)

She is as/so beautiful as her mother.

(Ela é tão bonita quanto a mãe.)

He is not as/so bad as many think.

(Ele não é tão ruim quanto muitos pensam.)

She is as/so successful as her sister. (Ela é tão bem sucedida quanto sua irmã.)

The situation is not as/so difficult as people make out.

(A situação não está tão difícil quanto as pesoas dizem.)


Whether you win this race or lose it doesn't matter as long as you do your best.
(Não importa se você ganhar ou perder essa corrida, contanto que faça o melhor que pode.)

Have you decided whether you will come or not? (Você decidiu se virá ou não?)

The ticket will cost the same, whether we buy it now or wait until later.
(O ingresso custará o mesmo valor se comprarmos agora ou esperarmos até mais tarde.)

You need to decide whether you go to the movies or to the park today.
(Você precisa decidir se vai ao cinema ou ao parque hoje.)

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Whether we go by bus or train, it'll take at least six hours.
(Independente de irmos de ônibus ou trem, a viagem levará pelo menos seis horas.)

I don't know whether my father is arriving by the eight o'clock flight or nine o'clock fight.
(Não sei se meu pai vai chegar no voo das oito ou das nove horas.)

Whether he comes or not makes no difference.

(Se ele vem ou não, não faz diferença.)

I don't know whether I should stay or leave.

(Não sei se devo ficar ou ir embora.)

Subordinating Conjunctions

Assim como as Coordinating e Correlative Conjunctions, as Subordinating Conjunctions estabelecem

relação entre orações, frases ou termos semelhantes. Entretanto, diferentemente da primeira,
estabelecem relaçõesentre uma oração dependente (dependent clause)* e uma oração
independente (independent clause).

* Dependent clause: orações que não são completas em si mesmas. Observe o exemplo abaixo:

Because it was raining, I took my umbrella.

Este período contém duas orações, "Because it was raining" e "I took my umbrella". A primeira oração
é uma dependent clause, ou seja, não possui sentido em si mesma. Se dissermos apenas

"Because it was raining" e nada mais, as pessoas não compreenderão o que queremos dizer. Contudo,

"I took my umbrella" é uma independent clause, pois possui sentido em si mesma, ou seja,
compreendemos seu sentido mesmo se falarmos apenas "I took my umbrella".
Esses tipos de conjunções posicionam-se no início da oração dependente (dependent clause).
Porém, a oração dependente pode vir antes ou depois da oração independente.

Observe abaixo exemplos com as principais subordinating conjunctions da Língua Inglesa:

(depois, após)

I went home after the concert finished.

(Fui para casa depois que o concerto acabou.)

After the party, we started talking.

(Depois da festa, começamos a conversar.)


(apesar de (que), embora, ainda que)

Although it was raining, we went out.

(Saímos, embora estivesse chovendo.)

The weather was nice, although it was a bit cold.

(O tempo estava bom, embora estivesse um pouco frio.)

His clothes, though old and worn, looked clean and of good quality.
(As roupas dele, embora velhas e surradas, pareciam limpas e de boa qualidade.)

He bought me this ring, even though I had told him not to.
(Ele me comprou esse anel, muito embora eu o tenha avisado para não comprar.)

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Observação: A conjunção though é mais usada na linguagem falada.

AS (enquanto, assim que, logo que, como, porque, à medida que)

He left the bedroom, as he saw his daughter sleeping.

(Ele saiu do quarto assim que / logo que viu a filha dormindo.)

Leave the papers as they are. (Deixem os papéis como eles estão.)

As you were out, I left a message. (Já que /Como você não estava, deixei uma mensagem.)

As she grew older she gained in confidence.

(À medida que ficou mais velha, ficou mais confiante em si mesma.)

As you know, Julia is leaving soon. (Como você sabe, Julia está indo embora em breve.)

(como se)

She behaved as if/as though nothing had happened.

(Ela se comportou como se nada tivesse acontecido.)

She was acting as if/as though she was in a great movie.

(Ela estava agindo/atuando como se estivesse em um grande filme.)

Observação: Quando falamos sobre coisas que sabemos que não são verdades, podemos usar,
após asif/as though, o verbo no passado com significado futuro. Este uso enfatiza o fato de sabermos
que algo não é verdade. Compare:

He talks as if/as though he was very rich. (Ele fala como se fosse muito rico.)

No caso acima, temos certeza absoluta de que ele não é rico.

He talks as if/as though he is rich. (Ele fala como se fosse rico.)

Já neste exemplo, não temos certeza se ele é rico ou não.

Why is he looking at me as if/as though he knew me? I've never seen him before. (Por que ele está
olhando para mim como se me conhecesse? Eu nunca o vi antes.)

Na linguagem formal, podemos usar were ao invés de was quando fazemos esse tipo de comparação.
Este uso é comum no Inglês Americano:

He talks as if/as though he were rich.


(contanto que, desde que, com a condição de que)

We will go to the beach as/so long as the weather is good.

(Iremos para praia contanto que/ desde que o tempo esteja bom.)

You can take my car as/so long as you drive carefully.

(Você pode usar o meu carro contanto que / desde que dirija cuidadosamente.)

They can stay here provided that they behave well.

(Eles podem ficar aqui contanto que / desde que se comportem bem.)

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(porque, pois)

I went to England because my boyfriend was there.

(Fui para a Inglaterra porque meu namorado estava lá.)

I didn't buy the handbag because it was too expensive.

(Não comprei a bolsa porque era muito cara.)

- Because e a oração dependente podem vir tanto antes como depois da oração independente ou
principal. Observe:

I finished early because I worked fast. (Terminei cedo porque trabalhei rápido.)

Because I worked fast, I finished early. (Porque trabalhei rápido, terminei cedo.)

Não confunda: Because é uma conjunção, mas because of é uma preposição.

Veja a diferença:

We were late because it rained. (NOT ... because of it rained.)

(Estávamos atrasados porque choveu.)

We were late because of the rain. (NOT ... because the rain.)
(Estávamos atrasados por causa da chuva.)

I'm happy because I met you. (NOT ... because of I met you.)
(Estou feliz porque conheci você.)

I'm happy because of you. (NOT ... because you.)

(Estou feliz por causa de você.)

(antes de, antes que)

Before I have breakfast, I spend half an hour doing physical exercises.

(Antes de tomar café da manhã, passo meia hora fazendo exercícios físicos.)

Do it before you forget. (Faça antes que você esqueça.)

I'll telephone you before I get home.
(Vou ligar para você antes de chegar em casa.)

You can't go home before I have signed the letters.

(Você não pode ir para casa antes de eu assinar as cartas.)

He went out before I had finished my test. (Ele saiu antes de eu terminar minha prova.)

(apesar de)

Despite her efforts, she could not find a job.

(Apesar dos esforços, ela não conseguiu achar um emprego.)

Despite the traffic, we got there on time.

(Apesar do tráfego, chegamos na hora.)

In spite of the rain, we went for a walk in the park.

(Apesar da chuva, fomos dar uma volta no parque.)

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Observação: Os verbos que vierem imediatamente após despite / in spite of devem estar
no gerúndio:

Despite being a big star, she's very approachable.

(Apesar de ser uma estrela, ela é bastante acessível.)

In spite of having a headache, I enjoyed the film.

(Apesar de estar com dor de cabeça, gostei do filme.)


(Porém, entretanto, todavia, contudo, no entanto, não obstante)

He was feeling bad. However, he went to work and tried to concentrate. (Ele estava se sentindo mal.
Contudo, foi trabalhar e tentou se concentrar.)

I hadn't slept well that night. However, I was not sleepy during the following day. (Eu não tinha dormido
bem naquela noite. Entretanto, não estava com sono no dia seguinte.)

The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall solve them soon. (Os problemas não são graves.
Todavia, devemos resolvê-los logo.)

I haven't had lunch. Nevertheless, I'm not hungry. (Não almocei. Todavia, não estou com fome.)

Notwithstanding, the problem is a significant one. (Contudo, o problema é significativo.)

The man is, notwithstanding, sufficient. (O homem é, entretanto, suficiente.)

Observação: Notwithstanding também é sinônimo de despite e insipite of. Contudo, nestes casos,
funciona como uma preposição.


Ask her if she is staying at home tonight. (Pergunte se ela vai ficar em casa hoje à noite.)

If you meet my sister, give her this note. (Se você encontrar minha irmã, dê a ela este bilhete.)

You can stay for the weekend if you like. (Você pode ficar para o fim de semana se quiser.)

If I knew her name, I would tell you. (Se eu soubesse o nome dela, eu lhe diria.)

ONCE (uma vez que, já que, desde que, assim que...)

We didn't know how we would pay our bills once the money had gone. (Não sabíamos como
pagaríamos nossas contas uma vez que o dinheiro tinha acabado.)

Once he had gone... (Assim que ele saiu...)

Observação: Como conjunção, once é sinônimo de 'after', 'when' e 'as soon as' e na maioria das
vezes é usado com perfect tense. Veja:

Once you know how to ride a bike you never forget it.
(Depois que você aprende a andar de bicicleta, nunca mais esquece.)

Once you've passed your test I'll let you drive my car.
(Assim que / Quando você passar na prova, vou deixar você dirigir meu carro.)

Once he had found somewhere to live he started looking for work.

(Depois / Assim que encontrou um lugar para morar, ele começou a procurar trabalho.)

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- Observe também que depois de once não se usa that.

(senão, caso contrário, do contrário)

Be here before noon, otherwise you will not have lunch with your father.
(Esteja aqui antes do meio-dia, do contrário / senão você não almoçará com seu pai.)

You have to study hard, otherwise you won't pass the exam.
(Vocês devem estudar bastante, caso contrário / senão não vão passar na prova.)

Shut the window, otherwise it'll get too cold in here.

(Feche a janela, do contrário / senão vai ficar muito frio aqui.)

My parents lent me the money. Otherwise I couldn't have bought the house.
(Meus pais me emprestaram o dinheiro. Do contrário / Senão eu não poderia ter comprado a casa.)

SINCE (já que, visto que, como, desde)

Since you are here, help us, please! (Já que você está aqui, ajude-nos, por favor!)

Since she knows you well, she'll disagree with you.

(Visto que / Já que ela lhe conhece bem, não vai concordar com você.)

Since you don't mind, I'll leave now. (Visto que / Já que você não se importa, vou embora agora.)

Cath hasn't phoned since she went to Belfast. (Cath não ligou desde que foi para Belfast.)


(de modo que, a fim de que, para que)

She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time.

(Ela trabalhou muito para que / a fim de que tudo ficasse pronto a tempo.)

She's spending here for six months so that she can perfect her English.
(Ela vai ficar aqui seis meses para que / a fim de que possa aperfeiçoar seu Inglês.)

Mary talked to the shy girl so that she wouldn't feel left out.
(Mary falou com a menina tímida para que / a fim de que ela não se sentisse excluída.)

He got up early in order to have time to pack.

(Ele acordou cedo para / a fim de ter tempo de arrumar as malas.)
We send monthly reports in order that they may have full information.
(Mandamos relatórios mensais para que eles possam ter informações completas.)

(a menos que, a não ser que, salvo se)

Don't leave the room unless you receive permission.

(Não saia da sala a menos que / a não ser que receba permissão.)

Come tomorrow unless I phone (= ... if I don't phone / except if I phone.)

(Venha amanhã a menos que / a não ser que eu ligue.)

I'll take the job unless the pay is too low (= if the pay isn't too low / except if the pay is too low.)
(Ficarei com o emprego a menos que / a não ser que o salário seja muito baixo.)

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Let's have dinner out - unless you're too tired. (= if you aren't too tired.)
(Vamos jantar fora - a menos que / a não ser que você esteja muito cansada.)

Unless I'm mistaken, she was wearing a black dress.

(A menos que / a não ser que eu esteja enganado, ela estava usando um vestido preto.)

UNTIL / TILL (até, até que)

Essas duas palavras possuem o mesmo significado, porém o uso de till é considerado mais informal.

Do I have to wait unitl / till tomorrow? (Tenho que esperar até amanhã?)

You are not going out until / till you've finished your homework.
(Você não vai sair até que tenha terminado sua lição de casa.)

Until now I have always lived alone. (until now = so far = até agora, por enquanto)
(Até agora sempre vivi sozinho.)

You can stay on the bus until / till London. (= until you reach London.)
(Você pode ficar no ônibus até chegar a Londres.)



She left her job when she knew she was pregnant.
(Ela saiu do emprego quando soube que estava grávida.)

When we got to New York the shops were already closed. (Quando chegamos a Nova Iorque as lojas
já estavam fechadas.)

He'll phone you when he arrives. (Ele vai ligar para você quando chegar.)

By the time I leave work, the sun will be setting. (Quando eu sair do trabalho, o sol estará se pondo.)

By the time I arrive, they'll be eating dinner. (Quando eu chegar, eles estarão jantando.)

(quando, toda vez que, sempre que)

Come whenever you like. (Venha quando quiser / a hora que quiser.)

You can borrow my car whenever you want.

(Você pode usar meu carro sempre que quiser / toda hora que quiser.)

You can ask for help whenever you need it. (Você pode pedir ajuda sempre que precisar.)

Whenever she comes, she brings a friend. (Sempre que ela vem, traz um amigo.)

Observação: A conjunção whenever também é usada quando o momento em que algo ocorre não é

A. When do you need it by? (Para quando você precisa disso?)

B. Saturday or Sunday. Whenever. (Sábado ou Domingo. Tanto faz.)

It's not urgent - we can do it next week or whenever. (Não é urgente - podemos fazer isso na
semana que vem ou em qualquer outro momento.)

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Seat where I can see you, please. (Sente onde eu consiga lhe enxergar, por favor.)

This is where I live. (Aqui é onde eu moro.)

Stay where you are. (Fique onde está.)

(ao passo que, enquanto)

Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.

(Alguns dos estudos mostram resultados positivos, enquanto / ao passo que outros, não.)

She was crazy about him, whereas for him it was just another affair.
(Ela era doida por ele, ao passo que / enquanto que para ele aquilo era apenas mais um caso.)

He likes broccoli, whereas she hates it. (Ele adora brócolis, ao passo que / enquanto ela


They were burgled while they were out. (A casa deles foi assaltada enquanto eles estavam fora.)

You can go swimming while I'm having luch. (Você pode nadar enquanto eu almoço.)

While Andrew is very good at Biology, his brother doesn't know anything about that.
(Enquanto Andrew é muito bom em biologia, seu irmão não sabe nada sobre essa matéria.)

- No início de orações, while pode significar although, despite the fact that.... Observe:

While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available.

(Embora eu esteja com vontade de ajudar, não tenho muito tempo disponível.)

- Algumas vezes, while é sinônimo de until:

I waited while five o'clock. (Esperei até às cinco horas.)
Fonte: http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/Conjunctions1.php (Adaptado)



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famous fortress or huge cathedral that will give you a short-cut view of the city. Even Oxford’s famous
University is spread amidst a tangle of 35 different colleges and halls in various parts of the city centre,
flaunt its treasures; behind department stores lurk grand Palladian doorways or half-hidden crannies or
medieval architecture. The entrance to a college may me tucked down a narrow alleyway, and even then
it is unlikely to be signposted.
Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 135 (adapted)

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“Nor” (L.10) means “not either”
(OBS: Os números das linhas na questão podem variar por conta da diagramação do material.)
A) Certo.
B) Errado.


Brazil’s Average Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low in 2012

By Down Jones Business News

January 31, 2013

Brazil’s unemployment rate for 2012 fell to 5.5%, down from the previous record low of 6.0% recorded last
year, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, or IBGE, said Thursday. In December,
unemployment fell to 4.6% compared with 4.9% in November, besting the previous record monthly low of
4.7% registered in December 2011, the IBGE sad.
The 2012 average unemployment rate was in line with the 5.5% median estimate of economists polled by
the local Estado news agency. Analysts had also pegged December’s unemployment rate at 4.4%.
Brazil’s unemployment rate remains at historically low levels despite sluggish economic activity. Salaries
have also been on the upswing in an ominous sign for inflation – a key area of concern for the Brazilian
Central Bank after a series of interest rate cuts brought local interest rates to record lows last year. Inflation
ended 2012 at 5.84%.
The average monthly Brazilian salary retreated slightly to 1.805,00 Brazilian reais ($908.45) in December,
down from the record high BRL 1.809,60 registered in November, the IBGE said. Wages trended higher
in 2012 as employee groups called on Brazilian companies and the government to increase wages and
benefits to counter higher local prices. Companies were also forced to pay more to hire and retain workers
because of the country’s low unemployment.
The IBGE measures unemployment in six of Brazil’s largest metropolitan areas, including São Paulo, Rio
de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Porto Alegre. Brazil’s unemployment rate, however, is
not fully comparable to jobless rates in developed countries as a large portion of the population is either
underemployed or works informally without paying taxes. In addition, workers not actively seeking a job in
the month before the survey don’t count as unemployed under the IBGE’s methodology. The survey also
doesn’t take into account farm workers.
(www.nasdaq.com, Adaptado)

No trecho do último parágrafo – In addition, workers not actively seeking a job – a expressão in addition
pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por:
A) Otherwise.
B) Nevertheless.
C) However.
D) Furthermore.
E) Therefore.


Brazil’s Average Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low in 2012

By Down Jones Business News

January 31, 2013

Brazil’s unemployment rate for 2012 fell to 5.5%, down from the previous record low of 6.0% recorded last
year, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, or IBGE, said Thursday. In December,
unemployment fell to 4.6% compared with 4.9% in November, besting the previous record monthly low of
4.7% registered in December 2011, the IBGE sad.
The 2012 average unemployment rate was in line with the 5.5% median estimate of economists polled by
the local Estado news agency. Analysts had also pegged December’s unemployment rate at 4.4%.
Brazil’s unemployment rate remains at historically low levels despite sluggish economic activity. Salaries
have also been on the upswing in an ominous sign for inflation – a key area of concern for the Brazilian

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Central Bank after a series of interest rate cuts brought local interest rates to record lows last year. Inflation
ended 2012 at 5.84%.
The average monthly Brazilian salary retreated slightly to 1.805,00 Brazilian reais ($908.45) in December,
down from the record high BRL 1.809,60 registered in November, the IBGE said. Wages trended higher
in 2012 as employee groups called on Brazilian companies and the government to increase wages and
benefits to counter higher local prices. Companies were also forced to pay more to hire and retain workers
because of the country’s low unemployment.
The IBGE measures unemployment in six of Brazil’s largest metropolitan areas, including São Paulo, Rio
de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Porto Alegre. Brazil’s unemployment rate, however, is
not fully comparable to jobless rates in developed countries as a large portion of the population is either
underemployed or works informally without paying taxes. In addition, workers not actively seeking a job in
the month before the survey don’t count as unemployed under the IBGE’s methodology. The survey also
doesn’t take into account farm workers.
(www.nasdaq.com, Adaptado)

No trecho do quinto parágrafo – Brazil’s unemployment rate, however, is not fully comparable to jobless
rates in developed countries as a large portion of the population is either underemployed or works
informally – a palavra as pose ser substituida, sem alteração de sentido, por:
A) But.
B) Nor.
C) Such.
D) Likely.
E) Since.


An increased incidence of kidney stones and renal failure in infants has been reported in China, believed
to be associated with the ingestion of infant formula contaminated with melamine. It has been discovered
that melamine has been deliberately added to raw milk for a number of months in order to boost its
apparent protein content. In 2007 there was a large outbreak of renal failure in cats and dogs in the USA
associated with ingestion of pet food found to contain melamine and cyanuric acid. Melamine alone is of
low toxicity; ________ experimental studies have shown that combination with cyanuric acid leads to
crystal formation and subsequent kidney toxicity.
(World Health Organization, 30/10/2008)

Choose the alternative that fills in correctly the blank of the sentence below.

“Melamine alone is of low toxicity; ________ experimental studies have shown that combination with
cyanuric acid leads to crystal formation and subsequent kidney toxicity”.

A) Therefore.
B) So.
C) However.
D) Unless.
E) Since.


The alarm ________ Europe ________ the discovery ________ horsemeat ________ beef products
escalated again Monday, when the Swedish furniture giant Ikea withdrew an estimated 1.670 pounds
________ meatballs ________ sale ________ 14 European countries. Ikea acted after authorities in the
Czech Republic detected horsemeat in its meatballs. The company said it had made the decision even
though its tests two weeks ago did not detect horse DNA. Horsemeat mixed with beef was first found last
month in Ireland, then Britain, and has now expanded steadily across the Continent. The situation in
Europe has created unease among American consumers over ________ or not horsemeat might also find
its way into the food supply in the United States.
(The New York Times, 2/25/2013)

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According to the formal rule of the English language, choose the alternative that fills in correctly the blank
of the sentence below.

“The situation in Europe has created unease among American consumers over ________ or not horse
meat might also find its way into the food supply in the United States.”

A) Rather.
B) Whether.
C) Perhaps.
D) Either.
E) If.

1. (A)
A questão pede que o candidato determine. A palavra “nor” significa “not either”. Nós utilizamos “nor”
para frases negativas, especialmente após “neither” para introduzir uma segunda frase ou período em
uma série de negativas. “Not either” é utilizado da mesma maneira que “nor” quando temos várias frases
negativas que concordam.

2. (D)
No trecho em questão. Além (do fato exposto na frase anterior), trabalhadores que não procuram
ativamente por um emprego (...). Otherwise – caso contrário. Nevertheless – todavia, porém. Furthermore
– além disso, ademais. Therefore – portanto, por isso, assim.

3. (E)
No trecho em questão – A taxa de desemprego brasileira, entretanto, não é completamente comparável
com as taxas de desemprego dos países desenvolvidos (uma vez que) uma grande parte da população
é desempregada ou trabalha informalmente (...)

4. (C)
A questão pede que o candidato determine. Escolha a alternativa que melhor completa o espaço na
frase abaixo. A melanina sozinha é de baixa toxicidade. (Porém) estudos experimentais mostram que sua
combinação com ácido cianúrico leva a formação de cristais e subsequente intoxicação do rim.

5. (B)
A questão pede que o candidato determine de acordo com a regra formal da língua inglesa, escolha a
alternativa que completa corretamente o espaço na sentença abaixo. A situação na Europa tem criado
um desconforto entre os consumidores americanos (caso aconteça) ou não da carne de cavalo conseguir
entrar na fonte alimentícia dos Estados Unidos.


1. AT / ON / IN com expressões de tempo:

As regras para as preposições de tempo são mais claras e bem definidas. A ordem à seguir vai de
um tempo mais específico para um mais abrangente. Vamos a elas:
AT – usamos o “at” para horas e um tempo preciso.
IN – usamos o “in” para meses, anos, séculos e longos períodos.
ON – usamos o “on” para dias da semana e datas.

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Question: When do you study English?

Specific Times (horas específicas)


8 o’clock
AT 9 p.m


Month / Season / Year / Century

(Mês / Estações / Ano / Século)

IN Winter
the 20th century

The morning / afternoon / evening

ON May 16
(Days and Dates) Mother’s Day
(Dias e Datas) Saturday

2. AT / ON / IN com endereços:

Question: Where do you live?

Answer: I live...

621 State Street

Endereços 355 Wandermere Rd.

ON Hudson Street
Nomes de
Paulista Avenue
avenidas, etc

The United States

IN Europe
Nomes de
cidades, estados,
países, São Paulo
continentes, etc

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3. AT / ON / IN com localizações:


4. Preposições de Lugar:

As preposições de lugar, em geral, encontram um paralelo no português, o que facilita bastante. A

coisa só se complica um pouco quando temos que lidar com o in, on e at, mas vamos por partes:

As preposições de lugar mais simples seriam:

on – em cima
under – embaixo
behind – atrás
between – entre ( usado para algo que está posicionado entre duas coisas)
in front of – na frente

Aqui é importante ressaltar o uso do “in front of“ quando estamos numa rua. Se dissermos que
estamos “in front of the bank”, estamos na frente do banco, mas na mesma calçada. Se você quiser
dizer que está na frente do banco, mas do outro lado da rua, deve dizer: “I’m opposite the bank”.

next to – ao lado de
near – perto, próximo

Cuidado com esses dois últimos que costumam ser confundidos, se você está exatamente ao lado
de alguém ou algo, deve usar next to. Exemplo:

I am sitting next to Susan. (Eu estou sentada ao lado da Susan.)

Porém, se você estiver sentada próxima a algo ou alguém, mas não necessariamente ao lado, irá
dizer: “I am sitting near the door.” (Eu estou sentada próximo à porta.)

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Temos ainda:
over – sobre
below – abaixo

Outra questão importante é o uso das preposições into e onto. Muitas pessoas se perguntam: É a
mesma coisa que in e on? Definitivamente não. Usamos essas preposições quando queremos dar ideia
de movimento. Exemplos:

She is putting her keys into her purse. (Ela está colocando suas chaves dentro da bolsa.)
I saw the boy trying to climb onto the wall. (Eu vi o menino tentando subir no muro.)

Para finalizar, temos aqueles que considero um pouquinho mais complicados, que é o caso
do in, on e at. Embora em geral, in = dentro e on = em cima, nem sempre é assim quando estamos
falando da localização espacial de algo ou alguém e, para completar, não existe uma regra específica
para seu uso.

In em geral é para uma área mais fechada:

She is not here, she is in her room. (Ela não está aqui. Ela está no quarto dela.)

Contudo, dizemos “on the train”, “on the bus”, “on the ship” e “on the airplane”. Apesar de dizermos
“in the car”.

O on é mais usado para lugares mais abertos: on the farm, on the beach. O at é usado como
pensamos num lugar como sendo um ponto. Exemplo:
I’ll meet her at the airport. (Vou encontrá-la no aeroporto.)


5. Algumas Expressões:

6. Outras Preposições:



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7. Algumas especificações:

a) Preposição “FOR” – para / durante / por

Usada para indicar:

Finalidade – The feed is FOR the dog to eat. (A ração é PARA o cachorro comer)

Tempo – I have studied English FOR 2 years (Eu estudei Inglês DURANTE dois anos)

Favor ou benefício - Do it for me, please. (Faça isso por mim, por favor)

b) Preposição “TO” – para / a

Usada para indicar:

Movimento ou Posição – Turn TO the right (Vire PARA a direita) / Don’t go TO the other side of the
room. (Não vá PARA o outro lado da sala)


01. Complete com “in”, “on” ou “at” as frases abaixo:

a) We could go by car, but I’d rather go ............. foot.

b) I’ll be very busy ............ Monday, but I could meet you .......... the morning instead.

c) I’m free .............. lunchtime. Shall we meet then?

d) We live ............. Michigan Avenue, ................ Chicago.

e) Do you know the girl who lives ................... number 22?


Read the sentence below, considering the context of the text, and choose the alternative that best fills
in correctly and respectively the blanks.

“When we eat, the food is ________ down into glucose (blood sugar), the body’s main energy source.
As blood flows through the pancreas, this organ detects the high levels of glucose and knows to release
insulin, a hormone that it produces in order to allow the cells ________ the body to use the glucose. The
cells have insulin receptors that allow glucose to enter. Then the cell either uses the glucose to make
energy right away or ________ it as a future energy source.”

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(A) Fall / at / saves.
(B) Break / on / save.
(C) Turned / in / store.
(D) Fallen / out / restores.
(E) Broken / throughout / stores.


Welcome to Oxford

Many periods of English history are impressively documented in Oxford’s streets, houses, colleges and
chapels. Within one square mile alone, the city has more than 900 buildings of architectural or historical
interest. For the visitor this presents a challenge – there is no single building that dominates Oxford, no
famous fortress or huge cathedral that will give you a short-cut view of the city. Even Oxford’s famous
University is spread amidst a tangle of 35 different colleges and halls in various parts of the city centre,
flaunt its treasures; behind department stores lurk grand Palladian doorways or half-hidden crannies or
medieval architecture. The entrance to a college may me tucked down a narrow alleyway, and even then
it is unlikely to be signposted.
Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 135 (adapted)

The preposition “amidst” (L.8) can be synonymous with among.

(OBS: Os números das linhas na questão podem variar por conta da diagramação do material.)
(A) Certo.
(B) Errado.


Generation Y
By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering
the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is
the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers
cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed
with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-
to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high
pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may
view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal
professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of
the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high
expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to ask question authority.
Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group
activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-
behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit
greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.
Font: legalcareers.about.com

The word that best complete the gap -3- is:

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(A) Of.
(B) By.
(C) For.
(D) From.
(E) On.


The alarm ________ Europe ________ the discovery ________ horse meat ________ beef products
escalated again Monday, when the Swedish furniture giant Ikea withdrew an estimated 1.670 pounds
________ meatballs ________ sale ________ 14 European countries. Ikea acted after authorities in the
Czech Republic detected horse meat in its meatballs. The company said it had made the decision even
though its tests two weeks ago did not detect horse DNA. Horse meat mixed with beef was first found last
month in Ireland, then Britain, and has now expanded steadily across the Continent. The situation in
Europe has created unease among American consumers over ________ or not horse meat might also
find its way into the food supply in the United States.
(The New York Times, 2/25/2013)

Choose the alternative that fills in, correctly and respectively, the blanks of the sentence below.

“The alarm ________ Europe ________ the discovery ________ horse meat ________ beef products
escalated again Monday, when the Swedish furniture giant Ikea withdrew an estimated 1.670 pounds
________ meatballs ________ sale ________ 14 European countries.”

(A) In / from / of / of / from / for / in

(B) In / over / of / in / of / from / in
(C) From / over / of / of / of / to / from
(D) Of / with / in / in / from / on / in
(E) Over / with / in / of / of / on / from


a) Resposta ON
Expressão fixa “ON FOOT”.

b) Resposta ON – IN
Antes de dias da semana usa-se a preposição “on”.
Antes das expressões MORNING, AFTERNOON e EVENING precisa-se da preposição “in”

c) Resposta AT
Expressão fixa “AT LUNCHTIME”

d) Resposta ON – IN
“On” – preposição de lugar para nomes de ruas, avenidas, etc.
“In” – preposição de lugar para nomes de cidades estados, países, etc.

e) Resposta AT
“At” – preposição de lugar para endereços específicos.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. Leia as sentenças abaixo e escolha a alternativa que
melhor completa os espaços. Quando nós comemos, a comida é (quebrada) em glicose (...), um hormônio
que é produzido para permitir que as células (por toda a parte) do corpo usem a glicose (...) então as
células usam a glicose para fazer energia na hora ou (armazenam) ela como uma fonte de energia futura.

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A questão pede que o candidato determine a preposição “amidst” (entre, no meio de) é sinônimo com
“among” (entre, dentro de, no meio de)

A questão pede que o candidato determine. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço -3- é. No trecho
em questão. Buscam realizações: Nutridos e cuidados (por) pais que não querem cometer os mesmos
erros da geração anterior (...)

A questão pede que o candidato determine. Escolha a alternativa que completa, corretamente e
respectivamente, os espaços em branco na sentença abaixo. O alarme (na) Europa (sobre) a descoberta
(de) carne de cavalo (nos) produtos de carne aumentou novamente segunda, quando a gigante dos
móveis Sueca Ikea retirou aproximadamente 1.670 pounds (de) almondegas (das) prateleiras (em) 14
países europeus.


1. Pronomes Pessoais:
Em inglês existem dois tipos de pronomes pessoais, eles são: Subject Pronouns e Object Pronouns.

Subject Pronouns
(Usados como sujeito da frase)
I study English and Japanese.
She works in a big city.

Object Pronous
(Usados como objeto da frase) ME

They gave me the book.
She always see him at school.

2. Pronomes Possessivos:
Em inglês há, também, dois tipos de pronomes possessivos, os Possessive Adjectives e os
Possessive Pronouns.

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* Possessive Adjectives são usados antes de substantivos, precedidos ou não de adjetivos.

Her parents live in London.
I want your new dress.

* Possessive Pronouns são usados para substituir a construção possessive adjective +

substantivo, evitando, portanto, a repetição.
My car is red, but theirs is black.

3. Pronomes reflexivos: MYSELF


He hurt himself. (Ele se cortou)
I cut myself. (Eu me cortei)

Os pronomes reflexivos também possuem função enfática. Veja alguns exemplos:
They themselves built their houses. (Eles próprios construíram a casa)
We ourselves made this surprise to you. (Nós mesmos preparamos essa surpresa para você)

4. Pronomes Demonstrativos:

SINGULAR Tradução Exemplo

THIS esse / essa This is my favorite book.
THAT aquele / aquela That is my cat.

PLURAL Tradução Exemplo

THESE esses / essas These are my friends from school.
THOSE aqueles / aquelas Those are the English teachers.

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5. Pronomes Indefinidos:

Derivações do “SOME” – SOMETIME (alguma vez)

SOMEWHERE (algum lugar)
SOMEONE (alguém)
SOMETHING (alguma coisa / algo)

Derivações do “ANY” – ANYWHERE (em qualquer lugar, em algum lugar, em nenhum lugar)
ANYBODY (qualquer pessoa, alguém, ninguém)
ANYTHING (qualquer coisa, nada, algo)

6. Pronomes Interrogativos:

Pronomes Tradução Exemplos:

WHAT O que? What do you study? (O que você estuda?)

WHERE Onde? Where do you live? (Onde você mora?)

WHEN Quando? When did he come to Brazil? (Quando ele veio para o Brasil?)

WHO Quem? Who is your friend? (Quem é seu amigo?)

WHOSE De quem? Whose wallet is this? (De quem é essa carteira?)

WHY Por que? Why is she sad? (Por que ela está triste?)

HOW Como? How do you prepare lemon pie?


Preencha as frases com o pronome correto:

01. .......... and ........... mother are from Japan.

(A) I - my
(B) Me - my
(C) their - my
(D) I - mine
(E) She – hers

Resposta A
I – pronome sujeito
My – pronome possessivo usado antes do substantivo mother - mãe

02. ............. do they study here? Because they like our school.
(A) Where
(B) When
(C) Why
(D) Who
(E) What

Resposta C

03. She combs .....................

(A) himself
(B) yourself
(C) myself
(D) herself
(E) itself

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Resposta D


For taxpayer advocate, a familiar refrain

By Michelle Singletary, Published: January 15, 2013

It’s not nice to tell people “I told you so.” But if anybody has the right to say that, it’s Nina E. Olson, the
national taxpayer advocate. Olson recently submitted her annual report to Congress and top on her list of
things that need to be fixed in the complexity of the tax code, which she called the most serious problem
facing taxpayers. Let’s just look at the most recent evidence of complexity run amok. The Internal Revenue
Service had to delay the tax-filing season so it could update forms and its programming to accommodate
recent changes made under the American Taxpayer Relief Act.
The IRS won’t start processing individual income tax returns until Jan. 30. Yet one thing remains
unchanged – the April 15 tax deadline. Because of the new tax laws, the IRS also had to release updated
income-tax withholding tables for 2013. These replace the tables issued Dec. 31. Yes, let’s just keep
making more work for the agency that is already overburdened. Not to mention the extra work for
employers, who have to use the revised information to correct the amount of Social Security tax withheld
in 2013. And they have to make that correction in order to withhold a larger Social Security tax of 6.2
percent on wages, following the expiration of the payroll tax cut in effect for 2011 and 2012.
Oh, and there was the near miss with the alternative minimum tax that could have delayed the fax filling
season to late March. The AMT was created to target high-income taxpayers who were claiming so many
deductions that they owed little or no income tax. Olson and many others have complained for years that
the AMT wasn’t indexed for inflation. “Many middle- and upper-middle-class taxpayers pay the AMT, while
most wealthy taxpayers do not, and thousands of millionaires pay ..A.. income tax at all,” Olson said.
As part of the recent “fiscal cliff” deal, the AMT is now fixed, a move that the IRS was anticipating. It
had already decided to program its systems on the assumption that an AMT patch would be passed, Olson
said. Had the agency not taken the risk, the time it would have taken to update the systems “would have
brought about the most chaotic filing season in memory,” she said in her report.
The tax code contains almost 4 million words. Since 2001, there have been about 4,680 changes, or
an average of more than one change a day. What else troubles Olson? Here’s what:
- Nearly 60 percent of taxpayers hire paid preparers, and another 30 percent rely on commercial
software to prepare their returns.
- Many taxpayers don’t really know how their taxes are computed and what rate of tax they pay.
- The complex code makes tax fraud ..B.. to detect.
- Because the code is so complicated, it creates an impression that many taxpayers are not paying
their fair share. This reduces trust in the system and perhaps leads some people to cheat. Who
wants to be the sucker in this game? So someone might not declare all of his income, rationalizing
that millionaires get to use the convoluted code to greatly reduce their tax liability.
- In fiscal year 2012, the IRS received around 125 million calls. But the agency answered only about
two out of three calls from people trying to reach a live person, and those taxpayers had to wait, on
average, about 17 minutes to get through.
“I hope 2013 brings about fundamental tax simplification,” Olson pleaded in her report. She urged
Congress to reassess the need for the tax breaks we know as income exclusions, exemptions, deductions
and credits. It’s all these tax advantage breaks that complicate the code. If done right, and without reducing
revenue, tax rates could be substantially lowered in exchange for ending tax breaks, she said.

(Adapted from http://js.washingtonpost.com)

A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna ..A.. é:

(A) No.
(B) Any.
(C) Lots.
(D) Some.
(E) Little.

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Resposta A
No trecho em questão “Muitos contribuintes de média e média-alta classe pagam AMT, enquanto os
contribuintes mais ricos não, e milhares de milionários pagam (nenhum) imposto de renda”. Como o verbo
pay está na afirmativa, para fazer a negativa no sentido de nada, só podemos usar a palavra no.


Generation Y
By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering
the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is
the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers
cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed
with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-
to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high
pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may
view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal
professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of
the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high
expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to ask question authority.
Generation Y wants meaningful work and a solid learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group
activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-
behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit
greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.
Font: legalcareers.about.com

The best example of a possessive pronoun is:

(A)Their in “Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering the workforce.”
(B)While in “While older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment...”
(C)This in “As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and
attitudes of this vast generation.”
(D)They in “They appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance.”
(E)Committees in Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and
wants to be included and involved.

Resposta A
Os pronomes possessivos adjetivos são: my, your, his, her, its, their, our.


Committee decides to lower the use of thermoelectric power generation

GTCIT Magazine

The Monitoring Committee of the Electric Sector (CMSE) decided on Monday (may 30, 2012), to
diminish the thermoelectric power generation in Brazil as of next week. According to the Ministry of Mines
and Energy, Márcio Zimmermann, the thermoelectric generation, which currently averages 4.000
megawatts (MW), should now be reduced to 2.500 MW.

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These plants are used in Brazil mainly to prevent a power outage in the country in times of drought,
when the reservoirs of the dams are low. But the ministry assured that the reservoir of the hydroelectric
plants are satisfactory, and that there will be no need to resort to the thermoelectric resources.
According to the Minister Zimmermann, the Southeast has an average of 90% of its reservoirs full,
which is an excellent level for this time of year. Even the Northeast, whose reservoir levels are a little
lower, do not compromise system security.
“The system is operating perfectly within the current conditions, which safely allows us to reduce the
generation of thermoelectric energy. This will give us an economic surplus that can be used towards
system maintenance and in the implementation of new quality programs for the energy sector”, he said.
He also explained that: “of course, this does not mean that the committee will not be flexible as to this
decision in case the current conditions take an unexpected turn.” They will be following the reduction of
the projection for the coming months and, if necessary, the plans will be changed according to the
demands vis-avis resources.
Available at: www.gtcit.com

In the text, “They” (line 28) refers to the:

(OBS: Os números das linhas na questão podem variar por conta da diagramação do material.)

(A) Plans.
(B) Resources.
(C) Conditions.
(D) Demands.
(E) Committee.

Resposta E
A questão pede que o candidato determine. De acordo com o texto, o pronome “they” se refere à. No
último parágrafo o texto afirma que, claro que isso não quer dizer que o comitê não será flexível a sua
decisão caso as condições atuais mudem drasticamente. Eles irão seguir a redução (...). Eles se refere
aos membros do comitê que tomaram tal decisão.


FDA seems to take light approach to Allergan and LAP-BAND

In 1960, a young inspector for the Food and Drug Administration faced down a powerful drug company
by rejecting its application to sell a morning-sickness drug in the United States. The company, Richardson-
Merrell, griped about her repeated demands for more safety data. They complained to her superiors,
branding her as nitpicker. But she stood firm. The drug is question was thalidomide, and worldwide as
many as 12.000 children were born with severe birth defects after their mothers used it, in the U.S., where
Frances Kelsey blocked Merrell from disturbing the drug expect to a few doctors for ‘experimental’ trials,
the toll was 17. Today’s FDA isn’t that FDA.
Today’s FDA can be steamrolled. Today’s FDA just approved an application by Allergan to expand the
target market of its Lap-Band weight-loss device potentially by tens of millions of patients. How much
safety data did the FDA review before giving Allergan the green light? Mainly the results of one year of
study of 149 patients. Kelsey has said that she demanded more information form Merrell, thalidomide’s
U.S. manufacturer, because its history of conflicts with the agency made her suspicious. Is there any
reason to mistrust Allergan? Let’s look at the record. In September, Allergan pleaded guilty to one criminal
count and paid $600 million in fines and penalties to settle federal charges that it had illegally marketed
Botox for uses the FDA hadn’t approved. In accepting the plea bargain, the government charged that the
company had made under-the-table payments to doctors who used Botox to treat unapproved conditions,
created front groups and websites to push the broader uses of the drug while concealing Allergan’s
backing, and coached physicians to over-diagnose a condition for which Botox could be legally marketed
so it could sell more product. Allergan took these steps, the government contended, because the approved
uses had meager sales potential. The most prevalent condition for which Botox treatment was approved,
cervical dystonia, is a neck spasm that affects only about 27.000 people, Allergan wanted doctors to
prescribe Botox for headaches. Botox’s sales grew 1.407% and by 2007, total Botox sales exceeded $500
million. More than 70% of that was unapproved uses.

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This didn’t seem to enter into the FDA’s review of Allergan’s application to expand its marketing of the
Lap-Band, a device that’s surgically implanted around the stomach. So far, the approved use has been for
morbidly obese people. An FDA advisory panel, which gave preliminary approval to Allergan’s application,
wasn’t entirely happy with the company’s data supporting its safety and efficacy claims for the Lap-Band
– its own 149-patient study and six other studies, at least three of which conducted by researchers with
financial links to Allergan – but they felt that the Lap-Band’s benefits outweighed the risks.
(HILTZIKLOS, M., Adapted from Los Angeles Times, 22/02/2011)

Read the sentence below

“Botox’s sales grew 1.407% and by 2007, total Botox sales exceeded $500 million. More than 70% of
that was for unapproved uses.”

It is correct to affirm that the underlined word refers to:

(A) Botox.
(B) Million.

Resposta D
A questão pede que o candidato determine. Leia a sentença abaixo e afirme ao que a palavra
sublinhada se refere. As vendas de Botox cresceram 1.407% e em 2007 a venda total de Botox passou
de 500 milhões de dólares. Mais de 70% disso (vendas) foram para usos não aprovados.


FDA seems to take light approach to Allergan and LAP-BAND

In 1960, a young inspector for the Food and Drug Administration faced down a powerful drug company
by rejecting its application to sell a morning-sickness drug in the United States. The company, Richardson-
Merrell, griped about her repeated demands for more safety data. They complained to her superiors,
branding her as nitpicker. But she stood firm. The drug is question was thalidomide, and worldwide as
many as 12.000 children were born with severe birth defects after their mothers used it, in the U.S., where
Frances Kelsey blocked Merrell from disturbing the drug expect to a few doctors for ‘experimental’ trials,
the toll was 17. Today’s FDA isn’t that FDA.
Today’s FDA can be steamrolled. Today’s FDA just approved an application by Allergan to expand the
target market of its Lap-Band weight-loss device potentially by tens of millions of patients. How much
safety data did the FDA review before giving Allergan the green light? Mainly the results of one year of
study of 149 patients. Kelsey has said that she demanded more information form Merrell, thalidomide’s
U.S. manufacturer, because its history of conflicts with the agency made her suspicious. Is there any
reason to mistrust Allergan? Let’s look at the record. In September, Allergan pleaded guilty to one criminal
count and paid $600 million in fines and penalties to settle federal charges that it had illegally marketed
Botox for uses the FDA hadn’t approved. In accepting the plea bargain, the government charged that the
company had made under-the-table payments to doctors who used Botox to treat unapproved conditions,
created front groups and websites to push the broader uses of the drug while concealing Allergan’s
backing, and coached physicians to over-diagnose a condition for which Botox could be legally marketed
so it could sell more product. Allergan took these steps, the government contended, because the approved
uses had meager sales potential. The most prevalent condition for which Botox treatment was approved,
cervical dystonia, is a neck spasm that affects only about 27.000 people, Allergan wanted doctors to
prescribe Botox for headaches. Botox’s sales grew 1.407% and by 2007, total Botox sales exceeded $500
million. More than 70% of that was unapproved uses.
This didn’t seem to enter into the FDA’s review of Allergan’s application to expand its marketing of the
Lap-Band, a device that’s surgically implanted around the stomach. So far, the approved use has been for
morbidly obese people. An FDA advisory panel, which gave preliminary approval to Allergan’s application,
wasn’t entirely happy with the company’s data supporting its safety and efficacy claims for the Lap-Band

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– its own 149-patient study and six other studies, at least three of which conducted by researchers with
financial links to Allergan – but they felt that the Lap-Band’s benefits outweighed the risks.
(HILTZIKLOS, M., Adapted from Los Angeles Times, 22/02/2011)

Read the sentence below and choose the alternative that correctly links the underlined words to the
nouns they refer to.

An FDA advisory panel, (I) which gave preliminary approval to Allergan’s application, wasn’t entirely
happy with the company’s data supporting (II) its safety and efficacy claims for the Lap-Band – (III) its own
149-patient study and six other studies, at least three of (IV) which conducted by researchers with financial
links to Allergan.

(A) I. “which” refers to “panel”; II. “its” refers to “company”; III. “its” refers to “company”; IV. “which” refers
to “studies”.
(B) I. “which” refers to “DFA”; II. “its” refers to “Allergan”; III. “its” refers to “Allergan”; IV. “which” refers
to “claims”.
(C) I. “which” refers to “panel”; II. “its” refers to “data”; III. “its” refers to “Lap-Band”; IV. “which” refers to
(D) I. “which” refers to “FDA”; II. “its” refers to “company”; III. “its” refers to “Allergan”; IV. “which” refers
to “Studies”.
(E) I. “which” refers to “panel”; II. “its” refers to “data”; III. “its” refers to “company”; IV. “which” refers to

Resposta A
A questão pede que o candidato determine. Leia a sentença abaixo e escolha a alternativa que
corretamente ligue as palavras sublinhadas com os substantivos os quais elas se referem. O painel de
conselhos da FDA, o qual (painel) deu aprovação preliminar para a proposta da Allergan, não estando
totalmente feliz com os dados de apoio da empresa e suas (da empresa) alegações de eficiência e
segurança para o Lap-Band – seu (da empresa) próprio estudo com 149 pacientes e outros seis estudos,
os quais (os estudos) pelo menos três foram conduzidos por pesquisadores com ligações financeiras a



Committee decides to lower the use of thermoelectric power generation

GTCIT Magazine

The Monitoring Committee of the Electric Sector (CMSE) decided on Monday (may 30, 2012), to
diminish the thermoelectric power generation in Brazil as of next week. According to the Ministry of Mines
and Energy, Márcio Zimmermann, the thermoelectric generation, which currently averages 4.000
megawatts (MW), should now be reduced to 2.500 MW.
These plants are used in Brazil mainly to prevent a power outage in the country in times of drought,
when the reservoirs of the dams are low. But the ministry assured that the reservoir of the hydroelectric
plants are satisfactory, and that there will be no need to resort to the thermoelectric resources.
According to the Minister Zimmermann, the Southeast has an average of 90% of its reservoirs full,
which is an excellent level for this time of year. Even the Northeast, whose reservoir levels are a little
lower, do not compromise system security.
“The system is operating perfectly within the current conditions, which safely allows us to reduce the
generation of thermoelectric energy. This will give us an economic surplus that can be used towards
system maintenance and in the implementation of new quality programs for the energy sector”, he said.
He also explained that: “of course, this does not mean that the committee will not be flexible as to this
decision in case the current conditions take an unexpected turn.” They will be following the reduction of
the projection for the coming months and, if necessary, the plans will be changed according to the
demands vis-avis resources.
Available at: www.gtcit.com

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In the text, “They” (line 28) refers to the:
(OBS: Os números das linhas na questão podem variar por conta da diagramação do material.)


Resposta E
A questão pede que o candidato determine. De acordo com o texto, o pronome “they” se refere à. No
último parágrafo o texto afirma que, claro que isso não quer dizer que o comitê não será flexível a sua
decisão caso as condições atuais mudem drasticamente. Eles irão seguir a redução (...). Eles se refere
aos membros do comitê que tomaram tal decisão.


The Underwater Centre secures its biggest ever contract – worth $1.3 million – to train
Russian saturation divers

Your Oil and Gas News Magazine

The world’s leading commercial diver and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) training facility, based in
the Scottish Highlands and Australia, has secured its biggest contract – worth US$ 1.3millin – to train
Russian saturation divers. The award cements its reputation as a major service provider for the growing
worldwide oil and gas industry.
The men, already experienced air divers, were trained on saturation procedures and techniques and
will receive the Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) and the Closed Bell certification. More
advanced than the ADAS, the Closed Bell is the certification appropriate to deep water dives of 60 meters
/ 200 feet, using a trimix tank with 16 percent oxygen (O2).
During the training, divers lived in a chamber for up to 28 days, which was pressurized to the same
pressure of the sea, exactly at the depth that they will be working at. Living and working at pressure mean
that they can be transported quickly and efficiently to the work site under the water without decompression
stops, allowing divers to work in much greater depths and for much longer periods of time.
MRTS Managing Director Alexander Kolikov said: “Oil and gas firms in Russia are currently facing a
skills shortage due to the rapidly increasing amount of exploration work underway at the moment. By
investing in the training of our divers in saturation diving, we are addressing this need for experts in
maintenance and repair activities vital to maintaining Russia’s subsea infrastructure.”
Steve Ham, General Manager at the Fort William Centre said: “We were delighted when MRTS chose
The Underwater Centre to train its divers in saturation diving, and I think this is testament to the hard work
we have been putting in to ensure our reputation as a world-class training facility.
Available at: http://www.youroilandgasnews.com

The possessive pronoun its (line 6) refers to

(OBS: Os números das linhas na questão podem variar por conta da diagramação do material.)

(A) Commercial diver and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) training facility (lines 1-2)
(B) Scottish Highlands and Australia (line 3)
(C) Biggest ever contract (line 4)
(D) Russian saturation divers (line 5)
(E) Oil and gas industry (line 7)

Resposta A
A questão pede que o candidato determine a que o pronome possessivo “its” se refere. A primeira
parte do texto qualifica o centro de treinamento para mergulhadores e veículos operados remotamente.

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Em seguida (no trecho em que temos o pronome “its”) o texto fala que o prêmio cimenta sua reputação.
No caso esse “sua” se refere ao mesmo centro.


Ordem dos Advérbios


são colocados, de preferência, ANTES do verbo principal ou APÓS o verbo auxiliar ou o verbo to be.

They usually watch TV in the evenings.

She seldom eats sweets.

She is always late.

These curtains have never been cleaned.

Expressões adverbiais de frequência

são colocadas no final ou no início de
uma oração.

They watch TV every evening.

Once a week they go swimming.

- Advérbios de probabilidade (POSSIBLY, PROBABLY, CERTAINLY...) são colocados antes do

verbo principal mas após be ou um verbo auxiliar.

He probably knows her phone number.

He is certainly at home now.

- Perhaps e maybe (talvez) aparecem normalmente no começo de uma oração.

Perhaps I’ll see her later.

Maybe you’re right.

- Advérbios de tempo (TODAY, TOMORROW, NOW, SOON, LATELY...) são colocados no final ou
no início de uma oração.

He bought a new camera yesterday.

On monday I’m going to London.

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- Advérbios de modo (SLOWLY, QUICKLY, GENTLY, SOFTLY, WELL...) aparecem normalmente
no final da oração. Alguns advérbios podem também aparecer no início de uma oração se quisermos

She entered the room slowly.

Slowly she entered the room.
- Grande parte dos advérbios de modo é formada pelo acréscimo de LY (-mente) ao adjetivo.

serious – seriously
careful – carefully
quiet – quietly
heavy – heavily
bad – badly

- Porém, nem todas as palavras terminadas em LY são advérbios.

lonely =
lovely =
silly = tolo (adjetivo)
elderly =

- Advérbios de lugar (HERE, THERE, EVERYWHERE...) são usados no início ou no final de


You’ll find what you want here.

There comes the bus.


- A posição normal dos advérbios em uma oração é:




- Com verbos de movimento, a posição normal é:




1) FAST, HARD e LATE funcionam como adjetivos ou advérbios.

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John is a fast runner. (adjetivo)
John runs very fast. (advérbio)

The train is very late. (adjetivo)

Jill arrived very late. (advérbio)

This is a hard question. (adjetivo)

If you want to succeed, study hard. (advérbio)

2) Atenção para as traduções de HARDLY e LATELY.

I can hardly move my feet. (advérbio)

= mal, com dificuldade

I haven’t seen John, lately. (advérbio)

= ultimamente

3) GOOD = bom (adjetivo) BAD = mau (adjetivo)

WELL = bem (advérbio) BADLY = mal (advérbio)


01. (SEFAZ/RJ – Auditor Fiscal – FCC/2014)

Why Is Spain Really Taking Lionel Messi to Tax Court?

By Jonathan Mahler Sep 27, 2013

So Spain has decided to haul Lionel Messi into court for tax evasion, which strikes me as completely
insane on pretty much every level.
You may remember the story from a few months back: The greatest soccer player in the world and his
father were accused of setting up a bunch of shell companies in Belize and Uruguay to avoid paying taxes
on royalties and other licensing income.
Messi - who makes an estimated $41 million a year, about half from sponsors - reached a settlement
with Spain’s tax authorities earlier this summer, agreeing to pay the amount he apparently owed, plus
interest. The matter was settled, or so it seemed. Messi could go back to dazzling the world with his
athleticism and creativity.
Only it turns out that Spain wasn’t quite done with Messi. His adopted country - Messi is Argentine but
became a Spanish citizen in 2005 - is now considering pressing criminal charges against him.
Cracking down on tax-evading footballers has become something of a trend in Europe, where players
and clubs have been known to launder money through “image-rights companies” often set up in tax
havens. When you need money - and Europe needs money - go to the people who have it, or something
like that. Over the summer, dozens of Italian soccer clubs were raided as part of an investigation into a
tax-fraud conspiracy. A number of English Premier League clubs were forced last year to pay millions of
pounds in back taxes.
No one likes a tax cheat, and there’s little doubt that widespread tax fraud has helped eat away at the
social safety net in Spain and elsewhere, depriving schools, hospitals and other institutions of badly
needed funds. But Europe is not going to find the answers to its financial problems in the pockets of some
professional soccer players and clubs.
Messi’s defense, delivered by his father, seems credible enough to me. “He is a footballer and that’s
it,” Messi’s father Jorge said of his soccer-prodigy son. “If there was an error, it was by our financial adviser.
He created the company. My mistake was to have trusted the adviser.” Even if Messi is legally responsible

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for the intricate tax dodge he is accused of having participated in, it’s pretty hard to believe that he knew
much about it.
More to the point, Lionel Messi is probably Spain’s most valuable global asset. What could possibly
motivate the Spanish government to want to tarnish his reputation, especially after he’s paid off his alleged
debt? After four years of Great-Depression level unemployment, have anxiety and despair curdled into
Here’s another explanation: Maybe this whole case has less to do with money than it does with history.
Maybe it’s no coincidence that the target of the Spanish government’s weird wrath happens to play for FC
Barcelona, which is, after all, "mes que un club." It's a symbol of Catalan nationalism - and a bitter, longtime
rival of Spain’s establishment team, Real Madrid.
Too conspiratorial? Prove it, Spain. Release Cristiano Ronaldo’s tax return.

(Adapted form http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-09-27/why-is-spain-really-taking-lionel-messi-to-tax-court-.html)

A synonym for badly, as it is used in the text, is

(A) closely.
(B) evenly.
(C) much.
(D) almost.
(E) not.

02. (CODEVASF - Técnico em Informática – CONSULPLAN/2008)

The uses for oil

Oil is the largest source of liquid fuel and, in spite of attempts to develop synthetic fuels, world
consumption of oil products in increasing.
The oil industry is not much more than a hundred years old. It began when the first oil well was drilled
in 1859. In the early days, oil was used to light houses because there was no electricity and gas was very
scarce. Later, people began to use oil for heating too.
Most industries use machinery to make things. Every machine needs oil in order to run easily. Even a
small clock or watch needs a little oil from time to time.
The engines of many machines use oil fuels petrol, kerosene or diesel. Cars, buses, trucks, tractors,
and small aircraft use petroleum chemicals: synthetic rubber, plastics, synthetic fiber materials for clothes
and for the home, paints, materials which help to stop rust, photographic materials, soap and cleaning
materials (detergents), drugs, fertilizers for farms and gardens, food containers, and may others.
In 1900 the world’s oil production was less than 2 million tons a year. Today the oil industry is one of
the world’s largest and most important suppliers of raw materials.

In the sentence: “every machine needs oil in order to run easily”. Easily can be considered:
(A) an adverb.
(B) an adjective.
(C) a noun.
(D) a preposition.
(E) a conjunction.

03. (INB – Engenheiro eletrônico – CONSULPLAN/2006)


Tsali, an old chief of the Cherokees (a tribe of Noth American Indians that live in the Southwest of the
Unites States), often walks along the stream near the village with his grandson. They do that almost every
day. The old man knows a lot of stories full of adventure or wisdom and the boy loves to listen to them.
This morning Tsali decides to tell the boy about a battle that sometimes happens inside himself. The
old man says, “This battle is between two wolves. One is evil: cruelty, hate, anger, envy, despair, greed,
arrogance, guilt, lies, resentment, inferiority, superiority, and ego.”
The old Indian stops for a moment and then says, “the other is good: joy, peace, love, hope, empathy,
friendship, serenity, humility, kindness, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith…”

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The boy is filled with curiosity. He looks at his grandfather and asks, “What happens then? Which wolf
Tsali just smiles and answers, “The one I feed.”

They _________________ walk along the stream. They frequently do that.

(A) often
(B) sometimes
(C) every day
(D) always
(E) never


01. C – Um dos significados do advérbio badly é o seguinte de acordo com o dicionário

Macmillan: Se você precisa ou quer algo ‘badly’, você precisa disso ‘very much’ (muito).
Ex: How successful you are depends on how badly you want to succeed. (O quão bem-sucedido que
você seja, depende muito de quanto você quer ter sucesso).

02. A
Muitos advérbios são derivados de adjetivos ou possuem a mesma forma do adjetivo. Quando são
derivados de adjetivos, os advérbios são, na maioria dos casos, formados pelo acréscimo do sufixo -ly (
mente em português) a um adjetivo.
O advérbio "easily" vem do adjetivo "easy"
Ex: easy ou easily: His success came too easy. / His success came too easily.
(O sucesso dele veio fácil / facilmente.)
Portanto na sentença: "toda máquina precisa de óleo para funcionar facilmente". "Easily" pode ser
considerado um advérbio.

03. A – A tradução correta de often é frequentemente (um sinônimo para frequently)

Verbal tenses

Quanto à forma, podemos classificar os verbos ingleses em Regulares, Irregulares e Modais.

São chamados de regulares os verbos que geralmente seguem a mesma regra. No caso do presente,
verbos regulares são aqueles que recebem -s:

Play – plays, sing – sings

No caso do passado, verbos regulares são aqueles que recebem -ed:

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Play – played, cook – cooked

Verbos irregulares são aqueles que não seguem uma mesma regra.
Tanto no caso do presente ou do passado, os verbos sofrem modificações individuais.


have – has, do – does

Sing – sang, eat – ate

Os verbos irregulares não têm uniformidade quanto à escrita do passado simples e do particípio.
Confira os três últimos exemplos na tabela abaixo.

Infinitivo Simple Past tense Past Participle Tradução

to accept accepted accepted aceitar
to add added added adicionar, somar
to arrive arrived arrived chegar
to be was, were been ser, estar
to begin began begun começar, iniciar
to buy bought bought comprar

Abaixo segue uma tabela dos verbos mais utilizados na língua inglesa. Os verbos são parte
fundamental das frases. Quanto mais verbos o estudante souber – mais facilmente ele entenderá todas
as frases de um texto.

# Infinitive Simple Past Tradução

1 Accept Accepted Aceitar
2 Agree Agreed Concordar
3 Answer Answered Responder
4 Appear Appeared Aparecer
5 Arrive Arrived Chegar
6 Ask Asked Perguntar
7 Attack Attacked Atacar
8 Bake Baked Assar
9 Be Was, were Ser, estar
10 Become Became Tornar-se
11 Begin Began Começar
12 Believe Believed Acreditar, crer
13 Bet Bet Apostar
14 Bite Bit Morder, picar
15 Bleed Bled Sangrar
16 Borrow Borrowed Pedir emprestado
17 Break Broke Quebrar, interromper
18 Bring Brought Trazer
19 Build Built Construir
20 Burn Burned, burnt Queimar
21 Buy Bought Comprar
22 Call Called Ligar, chamar
23 Cancel Canceled Cancelar

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24 Carry Carried Carregar
25 Celebrate Celebrated Celebrar, comemorar
26 Change Changed Trocar, mudar
27 Chat Chatted Bater papo
28 Clap Clapped, clapt Bater palma
29 Clean Cleaned Limpar
30 Climb Climbed Subir, escalar
31 Close Closed Fechar
32 Come Came Vir, chegar
33 Complain Complained Reclamar
34 Cook Cooked Cozinhar
35 Cost Cost Custar
36 Broadcast Broadcast Transmitir
37 Create Created Criar
38 Cry Cried Chorar
39 Cut Cut Cortar
40 Damage Damaged Danificar, estragar
41 Dance Danced Dançar
42 Date Dated Sair para um encontro, namorar
43 Decide Decided Decidir
44 Deliver Delivered Entregar
45 Depend Depended Depender
46 Dive Dived, dove Mergulhar
47 Do Did Fazer, executar
48 Draw Drew Desenhar
49 Dream Dreamt, dreamed Sonhar
50 Drink Drank Beber
51 Drive Drove Dririgir (4 rodas)
52 Eat Ate Comer
53 End Ended Terminar
54 Enjoy Enjoyed Apreciar, desfrutar, gostar
55 Exercise Exercised Exercitar-se, fazer exercícios
56 Fall Fell Cair
57 Feed Fed Alimentar(se), alguém
58 Fight Fought Lutar
59 Find Found Encontrar
60 Finish Finished Terminar
61 Fish Fished Pescar
62 Fix Fixed Consertar, arrumar
63 Fly Flew Voar
64 Follow Followed Seguir
65 Forget Forgot Esquecer(se)
66 Fry Fried Fritar
67 Get Got Conseguir, ganhar
68 Get up Got up Levantar-se
69 Give Gave Dar, conceder
70 Go Went Ir
71 Grow Grew Crescer, cultivar

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72 Guess Guessed Adivinhar, supor
73 Happen Happened Acontecer
74 Hate Hated Odiar
75 Have Had Ter, possuir
76 Hear Heard Ouvir
77 Help Helped Ajudar
78 Hide Hid Esconder, ocultar(se)
79 Hit Hit Bater
80 Hunt Hunted Caçar
81 Hurt Hurt Machucar
82 Improve Improved Melhorar, aperfeiçoar
83 Interview Interviewed Entrevistar
84 Jog Jog Caminhar (exercício físico)
85 Jump Jumped Pular, saltar
86 Keep Kept Guardar, manter, permanecer
87 Kiss Kissed Beijar
88 Know Knew Saber, conhecer
89 Listen Listened Escutar
90 Live Lived Viver, ao vivo
91 Look Looked Olhar, parecer
92 Lose Lost Perder
93 Love Loved Amar
94 Make Made Fazer, produzir, fabricar
95 Marry Married Casar
96 Meet Met Encontrar-se com
97 Miss Missed Sentir saudades, perder a hora
98 Move Moved Mexer, mudar-se
99 Need Needed Precisar, necessitar
100 Offer Offered Oferecer
101 Open Opened Abrir
102 Paint Painted Pintar
103 Park Parked Estacionar
104 Pay Paid Pagar
105 Plant Planted Plantar
106 Play Played Tocar instrumento, brincar
107 Practice Practiced Praticar, treinar
108 Prefer Prefered Preferir
109 Pull Pulled Puxar
110 Push Pushed Empurrar
111 Quit Quit Desistir, sair, abandonar
112 Rain Rained Chover
113 Read Read Ler
114 Relax Relaxed Relaxar, descansar
115 Remember Remembered Lembrar, recordar
116 Repair Repaired Reparar, consertar
117 Repeat Repeated Repetir
118 Rescue Rescued Resgatar, socorrer
119 Respond Responded Responder

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120 Rest Rested Relaxar, descansar
121 Review Reviewd Revisar
122 Ride Rode Cavalgar (2 rodas)
123 Run Run Correr, administrar
124 Save Saved Salvar, economizar (dinheiro)
125 Say Said Dizer
126 Search Seached Pesquisar, procurer, buscar.
127 See Saw Ver
128 Sell Sold Vender
129 Send Sent Enviar
130 Sing Sang Cantar
131 Sink Sank Afundar, naufragar
132 Sit Sat Sentar
133 Skate Skated Patinar, andar de skate
134 Ski Skied Esquiar
135 Sleep Slept Dormir
136 Smell Smelt Cheirar
137 Snow Snowed Nevar
138 Speak Spoke Falar
139 Spell Spelled Soletrar
140 Spend Spent Gastar tempo ou dinheiro
141 Spill Spilled, spilt Derramar liquido
142 Start Started Iniciar, começar
143 Steal Stole Roubar
144 Stop Stopped Parar, deter
145 Study Studied Estudar
146 Suggest Suggested Sugerir
147 Swear Swore Jurar, falar palavrão
148 Sweat Sweat, sweated Suar
149 Sweep Swept Varrer
150 Swim Swam Nadar
151 Take Took Tomar, pegar
152 Talk Talked Falar
153 Teach Taught Ensinar
154 Tell Told Contar, dizer
155 Thank Thanked Agradecer
156 Think Thought Pensar, achar (opnião)
157 Throw Threw Jogar, arremessar.
158 Touch Touched Tocar
159 Travel Traveled Viajar
160 Try Tried Tentar
161 Turn Turn Girar, rodar, virar
162 Understand Understood Entender, compreender
163 Upset Upset Ficar nervoso, com raiva
164 Use Used Usar
165 Visit Visited Visitar
166 Wait Waited Esperar
167 Wake up Waked up, woke up Acordar

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168 Walk Walked Caminhar, andar
169 Want Wanted Querer
170 Wash Washed Lavar
171 Watch Watched Assistir, vigiar
172 Water Watered Regar
173 Wear Wore Vestir
174 Welcome Welcomed Dar boas vindas
175 Win Won Ganhar, vencer
176 Wish Wished Desejar
177 Work Worked Trabalhar, funcionar
178 Worry Worried Preocupar-se
179 Write Wrote Escrever


PRESENTE CONTÍNUO: indica algo que acontece no exato momento da fala. As frases neste tempo
verbal mostram o que alguém está fazendo (gerúndio). Necessita do verbo to be (am, is, are) e mais
algum outro verbo com terminação -ing (-ando, endo, -indo, -ondo):
I am writing a book.
Eu estou escrevendo um livro.

You are reading.

Você está lendo.
He is listening to music.
Ele está escutando música.

She is making lunch.

Ela está fazendo o almoço.

It is playing with a ball.

Ele/Ela está brincando com uma bola.

We are learning together.

Nós estamos aprendendo juntos.

You are studying English.

Vocês estão estudando Inglês.

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They are traveling.
Eles estão viajando.

*O pronome it é usado para coisas e animais. Pode referir-se a pessoas quando não se sabe o sexo.

Tudo o que foi descrito nestas frases está acontecendo agora, neste exato momento. Por isso usamos
o presente contínuo. Para tornar todas estas frases negativas, basta posicionar a palavra not após o to
be, ou fazer uma contração ente eles (am not, isn’t, aren’t).


I am not writing a book. (O to be am negativo não possui forma contraida)

You aren’t reading.

Você não está lendo.

He isn’t listening to music.

Ele não está escutando música.

She isn’t making lunch.

Ela não está fazendo o almoço.

It isn’t playing with a ball.

Ele/Ela não está brincando com uma bola.

We aren’t learning together.

Nós não estamos aprendendo juntos.

You aren’t studying English.

Vocês não estão estudando Inglês.

They aren’t traveling.

Eles não estão viajando.

Agora, para transformarmos as frases em interrogações, devemos mudar a posição do to be.

Precisamos posicioná-lo (am, is, are) antes dos sujeitos das frases. As outras palavras permanecem em
suas posições originais. Claro que não podemos esquecer do ponto de interrogação. Veja:

Am I writing a book?
Eu estou escrevendo um livro?

Are you reading?

Você está lendo?

Is he listening to music?
Ele está ouvindo música?

Is she making lunch?

Ela está fazendo o almoço?

Is It playing with a ball?

Ele/ela (animal) está brincando com a bola?

Are we learning together?

Nós estamos aprendendo juntos?

Are you studying English?

Você está estudando Inglês?

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Are they traveling?
Eles estão viajando?

PASSADO CONTÍNUO: se você quiser colocar todas as frases que acabamos de estudar no passado,
para relatar o que alguém estava fazendo, é muito simples. Basta trocar verbo to be que estava no
presente pelo to be no passado (was, were). Apenas tenha atenção na hora de saber qual pessoa usará
was e qual usará were. Exemplos:


I was writing a book.

Eu estava escrevendo um livro.

You were reading.

Você estava lendo.

He was listening to music.

Ele estava ouvindo musica.

She was making lunch.

Ela estava fazendo o almoço.

It was playing with a ball.

Ele/ela (animal) estava brincando com a bola.

We were learning together.

Nós estávamos aprendendo juntos.

You were studying English.

Você estava estudando Inglês.

They were traveling.

Eles estavam viajando.
Perceba que usamos was com I/He/She/It, e que usamos were com You/We/They. Agora, para formar
a negativa (wasn’t, weren’t) e a interrogativa (Was I...?, Were you...?), basta proceder da mesma forma
que vimos no caso do Presente Contínuo.

FUTURO CONTÍNUO: para relatar aquilo que alguém estará fazendo em um determinado momento
no futuro, é só utilizar will be e mais qualquer outro verbo terminado em -ing.

I will be writing a book tomorrow night.

Eu estarei escrevendo um livro amanhã a noite.

You will be reading when she arrives.

Você estará lendo quando ela chegar.

He will be listening to music this Saturday.

Ele estará ouvindo música este sábado.

She will be making lunch tomorrow at noon.

Ela estará fazendo o almoço amanhã ao meio dia.

It will be playing with a ball Monday.

Ele/ela (animal) estará brincando com a bola segunda-feira.

We will be learning together during the trip to Spain.

Nós estaremos aprendendo juntos durante a viagem para a Espanha.

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You will be studying English next semester.
Você estará estudando Inglês durante o próximo semestre.

They will be traveling to Germany next summer.

Eles estarão viajando para a Alemanha no próximo verão (férias).

Nas negativas, simplesmente posicionamos not logo após o auxiliar will, ou fazemos uma contração
com eles (will+not= won’t).
Para interrogar, faz-se a colocação do auxiliar will antes do sujeito das frases (Will I...?, Will you...?).

PRESENTE SIMPLES: este tempo verbal nos fala de situações que acontecem rotineiramente. Estas
situações não acontecem no exato momento da fala, mas usualmente durante o dia a dia. Por exemplo,
você pode dizer em português “eu trabalho”. Essas suas palavras indicam algo rotineiro para você, não
querem dizer que você esteja trabalhando agora, neste exato momento. É essa noção de que algo
acontece no presente mas como uma rotina é o que o presente simples indica. Vamos ver a conjugação
de alguns verbos no presente simples com frases afirmativas primeiro:

I work in the evening.

Eu trabalho a noite (no período da noite).

You like to dance.

Você gosta de dançar.

He sleeps a lot.
Ele dorme muito.

She cooks well.

Ela cozinha bem.

It barks too much.

Ele/ela* late muito. (Lembrando que o pronome it é utilizado como ele/ela quando se refere a animais
ou objetos, neste caso um cachorro ou cadela).

We speak English fluently.

Nós falamos Inglês fluentemente.

You drive fast.

Você dirige rapidamente.

They drink beer.

Eles bebem cerveja.

Perceba que basta seguir a ordem “sujeito + verbo no infinitivo sem to (+complemento)” para formar
algumas sentenças. É a ordem natural das palavras em Português também. Assim, se você souber uma
boa gama de verbos, poderá montar muitas frases para praticar.

Neste caso de sentenças afirmativas somente necessitamos tomar cuidado com os detalhes em
negrito e em sublinhado. Todas as vezes em que o sujeito da frase for a terceira pessoa do singular
(he/she/it), devemos acrescentar um -s no final do verbo. Em algumas situações será um -es, e no caso
do verbo ter (to have) a forma será has. Repito: só nas afirmativas com 3ª pessoa singular.

As negativas precisam fazer o uso dos verbos auxiliares do e does, acrescidos de not (do+not=don’t /
does+not=doesn’t). Doesn’t será usado somente com 3ª pessoa singular. Exemplos:

I don’t work in the evening.

Eu não trabalho a noite (no período da noite).

You don’t like to dance.

Você não gosta de dançar.

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He doesn’t sleep a lot.
Ele não dorme muito.

She doesn’t cook well.

Ela não cozinha bem.

It doesn’t bark too much.

Ele/ela* não late muito. (Lembrando que o pronome it é utilizado como ele/ela quando se refere a
animais ou objetos, neste caso um cachorro ou cadela).

We don’t speak English fluently.

Nós não falamos Inglês fluentemente.

You don’t drive fast.

Você não dirige rapidamente.

They don’t drink beer.

Eles não bebem cerveja.

Para fazermos perguntas, posicionaremos do e does antes do sujeito da frase e acrescentaremos o

ponto de interrogação.

Do I work in the evening?

Você trabalha a noite (no período da noite)?

Do you like to dance?

Você gosta de dançar?

Does he sleep a lot?

Ele dorme muito?
Does she cook well?
Ela cozinha bem?

Does it bark too much?

Ele/ela* late muito? (Lembrando que o pronome it é utilizado como ele/ela quando se refere a animais
ou objetos, neste caso um cachorro ou cadela).

Do we speak English fluently?

Nós falamos Inglês fluentemente?

Do you drive fast?

Você dirige rapidamente?

Do they drink beer?

Eles bebem cerveja?

Ótimo. Agora, para finalizarmos o presente simples, passemos ao principal verbo inglês: o to be. A
conjugação do presente do to be possui três formas: am, is e are. Este verbo significa duas coisas ao
mesmo tempo: ser e estar. Mas como identificar se numa frase ele quer se referir ao verbo ser ou se ao
verbo estar? Resposta: depende da frase, depende do contexto. Veja:

I am a teacher.
Eu sou um(a) professor(a).

You are a student.

Você é um(a) aluno(a).

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He is late.
Ele está atrasado.

She is early.
Ela está adiantada.

It is tall.
Ele/Ela é alto(a).

We are Brazilians.
Nós somos brasileiros.

You are busy.

Você(s) está(ão) ocupado(s).

They are happy.

Eles/Elas estão/são felizes.

Note que am é usado na primeira pessoa do singular, is na terceira do singular e are nas outras.

Para negarmos, usamos not logo após o to be ou fazemos contração entre eles.

I am not a teacher.
Eu não sou um(a) professor(a).
You aren’t a student.
Você não é um(a) aluno(a).

He isn’t late.
Ele não está atrasado.

She isn’t early.

Ela não está adiantada.

It isn’t tall.
Ele/ela não é alto(a).

We aren’t Brazilians.
Nós não somos Brasileiros(as)

You aren’t busy.

Você não é(são)/não está(estão) ocupado(a)(s).

They aren’t happy.

Eles não estão/são feliz(es).

Finalizando, para transformarmos estas frases em interrogações, temos que por o to be antes dos
sujeitos. Lembrete: ponto de interrogação! Assim:

Am I a teacher?
Eu sou um(a) professor(a)?

Are you a student?

Você é um(a) aluno(a)?

Is he late?
Ele está atrasado?

Is she early?
Ela está adiantada?

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Is it tall?
Ele/ela* é alto(a)?

Are we Brazilians?
Nós somos brasileiros?

Are you busy?

Você está ocupado?

Are they happy?

Eles estão felizes?

PASSADO SIMPLES: indica alguma ação completa no passado, ou seja, algo já finalizado. O passado
simples caracteriza-se pela adição da terminação -ed ao verbos REGULARES nas afirmativas. Nas
interrogativas, usamos Did antes dos sujeitos das frases e, nas negativas, did not ou didn’t. Vejamos:

I worked yesterday.
Eu trabalhei ontem.

You answered my e-mail.

Você respondeu ao meu e-mail.

He traveled a lot.
Ele viajou muito.

She watched the movie.

Ela assitiu o filme.
It barked all night.
Ele/Ela* latiu a noite toda.

We stayed here.
Nós ficamos aqui.

You played very well.

Vocês jogaram muito bem.

They parked far.

Eles estacionaram longe.
I didn’t work yesterday.
Eu não trabalhei ontem.

You didn’t answer my e-mail.

Você não respondeu ao meu e-mail.

He didn’t travel a lot.

Ele não viajou muito.

She didn’t watch the movie.

Ela não assistiu o filme.

It didn’t bark all night.

Ele/Ela* não latiu a noite toda.

We didn’t stay here.

Nós não ficamos aqui.

You didn’t play very well.

Vocês não jogaram muito bem.

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They didn’t park far.
Eles não estacionaram longe.

Did I work yesterday?

Eu trabalhei ontem?

Did you answer my e-mail?

Você respondeu ao meu e-mail?

Did he travel a lot?

Ele viajou muito?

Did she watch the movie?

Ela assistiu o filme?

Did it bark all night?

Ele/Ela* latiu a noite toda?

Did we stay here?

Nós ficamos aqui?

Did you play very well?

Vocês jogaram muito bem?

Did they park far?

Eles estacionaram longe?

Quanto aos verbos irregulares, procederemos da mesma forma. A única diferença é nas afirmações,
pois eles não recebem terminação -ed. É essencial memorizar as formas irregulares. Vejamos:

I went to the beach. (to go: ir)

Eu fui para a praia.

You left early. (to leave: sair, deixar)

Você saiu cedo.

He drank too much. (to drink: beber)

Ele bebeu demais.

She had a sister. (to have: ter)

Ela tinha uma irmã.

It slept under the bed. (to sleep: dormir)

Ele/Ela* dormiu embaixo da cama.

We ate pizza last night. (to eat: comer)

Nós comemos pizza ontem a noite.

You won together. (to win: vencer, ganhar)

Vocês venceram juntos.

They cut the meat. (to cut: cortar)

Eles cortaram a carne.

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FUTURO SIMPLES: Usamos o futuro simples para dizer que algo vai acontecer ou deverá acontecer,
para expressar ações que iremos fazer mas que não tínhamos planejado anteriormente, para fazer
previsões sobre o futuro, uma vez que não temos certeza se essa previsão irá mesmo se concretizar ou
não. Usamos também o futuro simples para promessas, ofertas e propostas. A estrutura é formado pela
utilização do auxiliar will após o sujeito seguido de algum verbo. A negativa é obtida com will not ou com
a contração won’t. Para perguntar no futuro simples, é só colocar will antes do sujeito. Exemplos:

I will buy a car.

Eu vou comprar um carro.

You will have a baby.

Você vai ter um bebê.

He will study abroad.

Ele irá estudar no exterior.

She will go to the park.

Ela irá para o parque.

It will stay at the veterinarian.

Ele/ela* irá permanecer no veterinário.

We will make a barbecue.

Nós iremos fazer um churrasco.

You will help me later.

Você irá me ajudar depois.

They will be partners.

Eles serão parceiros.

FUTURO IMEDIATO: Utilizamos o futuro imediato para expressar algo que já foi planejado e por isso
existe a certeza de que irá acontecer. Por ser algo que temos certeza que iremos fazer o futuro imediato
acaba sendo usado frequentemente para expressar ações que acontecerão num futuro bem próximo, por
isso chamado de imediato. A estrutura do futuro imediato é o sujeito + o verbo to be no presente (am, is,
are) + going to + verbo principal + complemento.

I’m going to visit my mother tonight.

Eu irei visitar minha mãe hoje a noite.

Jack is going to swim tomorrow.

Jack irá nadar amanhã.

It is going to rain in a few minutes.

Irá chover em alguns minutos.

Como o futuro imediato é composto do to be, para fazermos frases interrogativas e negativas, basta
utilizar as mesmas regras acrescentando not após o to be, ou colocando o mesmo antes do sujeito para
a interrogativa.

Steve is not going to dance samba.

Steve não irá dançar samba.

They aren’t going to play soccer.

Eles não irão jogar futebol.

Is he going to buy a new car?

Ele vai comprar um carro novo?

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Are you going to call Ann?
Você irá ligar pra Ann?

Apenas em conversas e diálogos informais o going to pode ser substituído pela expressão/abreviação

I’m gonna study tonight.

Eu irei estudar hoje a noite.

Are you gonna help me?

Você irá me ajudar?

PRESENTE PERFEITO: formado pela utilização do auxiliar have ou has (has para he, she, it) mais a
forma do particípio de outro verbo (conhecida como “a terceira forma do verbo”). Indica quando
descrevemos situações que já ocorreram, mas que não sabemos quando. O tempo é indefinido, não
interessa, ou simplesmente não importa, pois o que importa é o fato acontecido.

Mike has seen the ocean many times.

Mike viu o oceano muitas vezes.

Sheila and Susan have already been to New York.

Sheila e Susan já estiveram em Nova Iorque.

I have already made my bed.

Eu já arrumei minha cama.

As formas negativas serão:

I haven’t made my bed.

Eu não arrumei minha cama.

Mike hasn’t seen the ocean.

Mike não viu o oceano.

Sheila and Susan haven’t been to New York.

Sheila e Susan não estiveram em Nova Iorque.

Se quisermos, podemos acrescentar no final da frase a palavra yet, que significa tal ação “ainda” não
aconteceu. (apenas nas negativas)

I haven’t made my bed yet.

Eu ainda não arrumei minha cama.

Mike hasn’t seen the ocean yet.

Mike ainda não viu o oceano.

Sheila and Susan haven’t been to New York yet.

Sheila e Susan ainda não estiveram em Nova Iorque.

Para fazermos perguntas no present perfect, basta colocar have ou has antes do sujeito da frase. Às
vezes, fazemos uso da palavra ever, que significa “alguma vez”, em perguntas: (o uso da palavra ever é

Have you bought Milk for the baby?

Você comprou leite para o bebê?

Has he talked to the police officer?

Ele falou com o policial?

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Has Tina ever traveled to Salvador?
A Tina viajou para Salvador alguma vez?

Have you ever seen a famous person?

Você alguma vez viu uma pessoa famosa?

PRESENTE PERFEITO CONTÍNUO: formado pela utilização do auxiliar have ou has (has para he,
she, it) mais o presente perfeito do verbo be e o gerúndio do verbo principal. Esta forma verbal enfatiza
uma ação que começou no passado e que continua se repetindo até hoje.

I have been playing tennis for one hour.

Eu estou jogando tennis há uma hora.

Daniel has been waiting for two hours.

Daniel está esperando a duas horas.

Anna has been teaching in the university since April.

Anna tem lecionado na universidade desde Abril.

As formas negativas:

She has not been working at that company for three years.
Ela não tem trabalhado naquela companhia a três anos.

I haven’t been watching much television lately.

Eu não tenho assistido muita televisão ultimamente.

Roberto hasn’t been feeling well in the past few days.

Roberto não tem se sentido bem nos últimos dias.

Para fazermos perguntas no present perfect continuos, basta colocar have ou has antes do sujeito da

Has David been doing his homework everyday?

David está fazendo sua tarefa todos os dias?

Have Donald and Mike been training for the race?

Donald e Mike estão treinando para aquela corrida?

Have you been playing video games all day?

Você está jogando video games o dia inteiro?

PASSADO PERFEITO: usado para dizer que alguma coisa ocorreu antes de outra no passado.
Formado por had mais o particípio de algum verbo. Veja no próximo exemplo que há duas situações
acontecendo, mas, aquela que aconteceu primeiro está usando o past perfect. E aquela que aconteceu
em seguida está no passado simples. Ambas as orações estão unidas por when.

I had already left when my father called home.

Eu já tinha saído quando meu pai ligou para casa.

She had called a taxi when I told her I would pick her up.
Ela já tinha chamado um taxi quando eu disse a ela que a pegaria.

O passado perfeito não precisa acontecer obrigatoriamente com as duas situações em uma mesma

David had bought meat for the barbecue this morning.

David tinha comprado carne para o churrasco hoje de manhã.

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A negativa é formada com had not ou hadn’t. Para perguntar, devemos posicionar o had antes do

He hadn’t gone to the bar.

Ele não tinha ido ao bar.

Had you brought me those documents?

Você tinha me trazido aqueles documentos?



Coworking: Sharing How We Work

In the past, when trying to find places to work, independent workers, small businesses, and
organizations often had to choose between several scenarios, all with their attendant advantages and
disadvantages: working from home; working from a coffee shop, library, or other public venue; or leasing
an executive suite or other commercial space.
Is there a better way to work? Yes. Enter coworking.
Coworking takes freelancers, indie workers, and entrepreneurs who feel that they have been dormant
or isolated working alone at home or who have been migrating from a coffee shop to a friend’s garage or
languishing in a sterile business center – to a space where they can truly roost.
“We can come out of hiding,” a coworker tells us, “and be in a space that’s comfortable, friendly, and
has an aesthetic appeal that’s a far cry from the typical cookie-cutter office environment.”
For many, it might be puzzling to pay for a well-equipped space teeming with other people, even with
the chance of free coffee and inspiration. You might ask yourself, “Well, why pay for a place to work when
I’m perfectly comfortable at home and paying nothing?” Or, “Isn’t the whole point of telecommuting or
starting my own business a chance to avoid ‘going to the office’?”
Coworking may sound like an unnecessary expense, but let’s consider what you get from being a part
of the space.
At its most basic level, coworking is the phenomenon of workers coming together in a shared or
collaborative workspace or one or more of these reasons: to reduce costs by having shared facilities and
equipment, to access a community of fellow entrepreneurs, and to seek out collaboration within and across
fields. Coworking spaces offer an exciting alternative for people longing to escape the confines of their
cubicle walls, the isolation of working solo at home, or the inconveniences of public venues.
The benefits and cost-savings in productivity and overall happiness and well-being reaped from
coworking are also potentially huge. Enthusiasm and creativity become contagious and multiply when you
diversity your work environment with people from different fields or backgrounds. At coworking spaces,
members pass each other during the day, conversations get going, and miraculously idea-fusion happens
with everyone benefitting from the shared thinking and brainstorming.
Differences matter. Coworking hinges on the belief that innovation and inspiration come from the cross-
pollination of different people in different fields or specializations. Random opportunities and discoveries
that arise from interactions with others play a large role In coworking.
To see this in action on a large scale, think about Google. Google made the culture of sharing and
collaboration in the workplace legend. It deployed “grouplets” for initiatives that cover broader changes
through the organization.
One remarkable story of a successful Google grouplet involved getting engineers to write their own
testing code to reduce the incidence of bugs in software code. Thinking creatively, the grouplet came up
with a campaign based on posting episodes discussing new and interesting testing techniques on the
bathroom stalls. “Testing on the Toilet” spread fast and garnered both rants and raves. Soon, people were
hungry for more, and the campaign ultimately developed enough inertia to become a de facto part of the
coding culture. They moved out of the restrooms and into the mainstream.
Keith Sawyer, a professor of psychology and education at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, has
written widely on collaboration and innovation. In his study of jazz performances, Keith Sawyer made this
observation, “The group has the ideas, not the individual musicians.” Some of the most famous products
were born out of this mosh pit of interaction – in contrast to the romantic idea of a lone working genius
driving change. According to Sawyer, more often than not, true innovation emerges from an improvised
process and draws from trial-by-error and many inputs.

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Unexpected insights emerge from the group dynamic. If increasing interaction among different peer
groups within a single company could lead to promising results imagine the possibilities for solopreneurs,
small businesses, and indie workers – if only they could reach similar levels of peer access as those
experienced by their bigger counterparts. It is this potential that coworking tries to capture for its members.
Available: http://workawesome.com (adapted)

The boldfaced verb form conveys the idea of strong necessity in

(A) “independent workers, small businesses, and organizations often had to choose between several
scenarios” (lines 2-4)
(B) “To a space where they can truly roost.” (lines 14-15)
(C) “It might be puzzling to pay for a well-equipped space teeming with other people” (lines 20-21)
(D )“Coworking may sound like an unnecessary expense” (lines 28-29)
(E) “If increasing interaction among different peer groups within a single company could lead to
promising results”

A questão pede que o candidato determine. A palavra sublinhada que oferece a ideia de uma forte
necessidade. Had to – é utilizado quando somos obrigados a fazer algo, por exemplo em um regra ou lei.
Can – é utilizado para possibilidades. It might – é utilizado para uma probabilidade. May – é utilizado para
uma probabilidade, mas com menor chance que “might”. Pode ser usado também para se pedir permissão
para fazer algo. Could – é usado no sentido de poderia.



High turnover at large public accounting firms has long been a critical issue facing the profession.
Hiltebeitel and Leauby (2001) find that less than half of accounting graduates who choose public
accounting for their first positions remained in the field three years after the start. High turnover introduces
challenges for public accounting firms because hiring and training new employees is costly. Further, a
discussion paper by the British Financial Reporting Council suggests that failure to retain experienced and
skilled staff can pose threats to the skill of the audit team, and thus impair audit quality.
According to the Survey Report of Audit Firms in Taiwan published by the Financial Supervisory
Commission, high turnover and a shortage of experienced and skilled audit staff have constantly been
among the top five challenges facing public accounting firms. This suggests that the continuing loss of
young professional employees in accounting firms is a pervasive issue not only in the United States but
around the world. While factors such as gender, performance, and job satisfaction appear to explain the
turnover in general, limited evidence exists as to the relative significance of each factor in explaining
employee turnover. Further, differences in culture and educational requirements for accounting graduates
may result in different associations between personal and work-related factors and the turnover behavior
across countries.
Internet: http://onlinelibrarywhiley.com (adapted)

In “because hiring and training new employees is costly” (L. 6-7), the verb to hire means.

(OBS: Os números das linhas na questão podem variar por conta da diagramação do material.)

(A) To dismiss.
(B) To employ.
(C) To support.
(D) To provide.
(E) To displace.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. Em “because hiring and training new employees is costly”
(porque contratar e treinar novos empregados é custoso) o verbo “to hire” (contratar) significa. To dismiss
– dispensar. To employ – empregar. To support – suportar. To provide – fornecer. To displace – deslocar.

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High turnover at large public accounting firms has long been a critical issue facing the profession.
Hiltebeitel and Leauby (2001) find that less than half of accounting graduates who choose public
accounting for their first positions remained in the field three years after the start. High turnover introduces
challenges for public accounting firms because hiring and training new employees is costly. Further, a
discussion paper by the British Financial Reporting Council suggests that failure to retain experienced and
skilled staff can pose threats to the skill of the audit team, and thus impair audit quality.
According to the Survey Report of Audit Firms in Taiwan published by the Financial Supervisory
Commission, high turnover and a shortage of experienced and skilled audit staff have constantly been
among the top five challenges facing public accounting firms. This suggests that the continuing loss of
young professional employees in accounting firms is a pervasive issue not only in the United States but
around the world. While factors such as gender, performance, and job satisfaction appear to explain the
turnover in general, limited evidence exists as to the relative significance of each factor in explaining
employee turnover. Further, differences in culture and educational requirements for accounting graduates
may result in different associations between personal and work-related factors and the turnover behavior
across countries.
Internet: http://onlinelibrarywhiley.com (adapted)

The verb form “impair” (L.10) is synonymous with

(OBS: Os números das linhas na questão podem variar por conta da diagramação do material.)
(A) Amend.
(B) Strengthen.
(C) Enhance.
(D) Reduce.
(E) Improve.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. O verbo “impair” (prejudicar, diminuir, enfraquecer) é
sinônimo com. Amend – emendar, melhorar. Strengthen – fortalecer, fortificar. Enhance – aumentar,
elevar. Reduce – reduzir, diminuir. Improve – melhorar.



President Obama to Sleepy Air Controllers: ‘Better do Your Job’

Lisa Stark and Andrew Springer

President Obama lectured air traffic controllers in an exclusive interview with ABC News, impressing
on them the enormous responsibility of safeguarding flying passengers and telling them, “You better do
you job.”
The president spoke after several controllers were caught asleep on the job and the man in charge of
air traffic control, Hank Krakowski, resigned on Thursday.
“The individuals who are falling asleep on the job, that’s unacceptable,” the president told ABC News’
George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview on Thursday. “The fact is, when you’re responsible for
the lives and safety of people up in the air, you better do your job. So there’s an element of individual
responsibility that has to be dealt with.”
Five controllers have been suspended for apparently napping on the job while planes were trying to
land at their airports. The president said a full review of air traffic control work shifts is under way. “What
we also have to look at is air traffic control systems. Do we have enough back up? Do we have enough
people? Are they getting enough rest time?” Obama said. He added, however, “But it starts with individual
responsibility.” In March, two commercial airliners were forced to land unassisted at Washington, D.C’s
Reagan National Airport after a controller apparently fell asleep.

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Just days later, two controllers at the Preston Smith International Airport in Lubbock, Texas, did not
hand off control of a departing aircraft to another control center and it took repeated attempts for them to
be reached. On Feb. 19, an air traffic controller in Knoxville, Tenn., slept during an overnight shift. Sources
told ABC News that the worker even took pillows and cushions from a break room to build a make-shift
bed on the control room floor. And this month, there were two more incidents. A controller fell asleep on
the job in Seattle, and days later a controller in Reno was snoozing when a plane carrying a critically ill
passenger was seeking permission to land.
The FAA and the controller’s union have been studying the fatigue issue for over a year and their report
finds that “acute fatigue occurs on a daily basis,” and “fatigue can occur at any time, on any shift.”
Sleep experts suggest midshift naps
Some sleep experts said controllers are ripe for fatigue because they often bounce between day shifts
and night shifts. “When we’re constantly having to adjust to different work schedules, our body is always
playing catch up,” said Philip Gehrman, Director of the Behavioral Sleep Program at the University of
Pennsylvania. Controllers on the night shift have another hurdle: they often work in dim light conditions
with little stimulation between radio calls. “That’s exactly the kind of type of task that’s hardest to maintain,
when you’re at the wrong point in your biological rhythms,” said Gehrman.
One recommendation from the government study suggests allowing controllers to take scheduled naps,
with breaks as long as two and a half hours to allow for sleeping and waking up. Sleep experts said a long
break in the middle of an eight hour overnight shift would help, but it might be a tough sell politically. It has
taken decades to try to come up with a new fatigue rules for pilots and it may not be any easier when it
comes to controllers.
Available at abcnews.go.com

In the fragments of the text, “did not hand off control of a departing aircraft to another control center”
(lines 33-35) and “It has taken decades to try to come up with new fatigue rules for pilots” (lines 71-72),
the expressions hand off and come up with mean, respectively,
(OBS: Os números das linhas na questão podem variar por conta da diagramação do material.)

(A) Introduce - exclude

(B) Impose - produce
(C) Request - discard
(D) Transfer - create
(E) Assign - avoid

A questão pede que o candidato determine o que as expressões “hand off” e “come up with” querem
dizer. Hand off – transferir, passar de um para outro. Come up with – criar, inventar. Introduce – introduzir.
Exclude – excluir. Impose – Impor. Produce – produzir. Request – pedir. Discard – descartar. Transfer –
transferir. Create – criar. Assign – atribuir. Avoid – evitar.



President Obama to Sleepy Air Controllers: ‘Better do Your Job’

Lisa Stark and Andrew Springer

President Obama lectured air traffic controllers in an exclusive interview with ABC News, impressing
on them the enormous responsibility of safeguarding flying passengers and telling them, “You better do
you job.”
The president spoke after several controllers were caught asleep on the job and the man in charge of
air traffic control, Hank Krakowski, resigned on Thursday.
“The individuals who are falling asleep on the job, that’s unacceptable,” the president told ABC News’
George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview on Thursday. “The fact is, when you’re responsible for
the lives and safety of people up in the air, you better do your job. So there’s an element of individual
responsibility that has to be dealt with.”
Five controllers have been suspended for apparently napping on the job while planes were trying to
land at their airports. The president said a full review of air traffic control work shifts is under way. “What

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we also have to look at is air traffic control systems. Do we have enough back up? Do we have enough
people? Are they getting enough rest time?” Obama said. He added, however, “But it starts with individual
responsibility.” In March, two commercial airliners were forced to land unassisted at Washington, D.C’s
Reagan National Airport after a controller apparently fell asleep.
Just days later, two controllers at the Preston Smith International Airport in Lubbock, Texas, did not
hand off control of a departing aircraft to another control center and it took repeated attempts for them to
be reached. On Feb. 19, an air traffic controller in Knoxville, Tenn., slept during an overnight shift. Sources
told ABC News that the worker even took pillows and cushions from a break room to build a make-shift
bed on the control room floor. And this month, there were two more incidents. A controller fell asleep on
the job in Seattle, and days later a controller in Reno was snoozing when a plane carrying a critically ill
passenger was seeking permission to land.
The FAA and the controller’s union have been studying the fatigue issue for over a year and their report
finds that “acute fatigue occurs on a daily basis,” and “fatigue can occur at any time, on any shift.”
Sleep experts suggest midshift naps
Some sleep experts said controllers are ripe for fatigue because they often bounce between day shifts
and night shifts. “When we’re constantly having to adjust to different work schedules, our body is always
playing catch up,” said Philip Gehrman, Director of the Behavioral Sleep Program at the University of
Pennsylvania. Controllers on the night shift have another hurdle: they often work in dim light conditions
with little stimulation between radio calls. “That’s exactly the kind of type of task that’s hardest to maintain,
when you’re at the wrong point in your biological rhythms,” said Gehrman.
One recommendation from the government study suggests allowing controllers to take scheduled naps,
with breaks as long as two and a half hours to allow for sleeping and waking up. Sleep experts said a long
break in the middle of an eight hour overnight shift would help, but it might be a tough sell politically. It has
taken decades to try to come up with a new fatigue rules for pilots and it may not be any easier when it
comes to controllers.
Available at abcnews.go.com

In the fragment of Text II: “So, there’s an element of individual responsibility that “has to” be dealt with.”
(lines 15-16), the expression “has to” expresses an idea of

(OBS: Os números das linhas na questão podem variar por conta da diagramação do material.)

(A) Ability.
(B) Capacity.
(C) Obligation.
(D) Permission.
(E) Possibility.

A questão pede que o candidato determine a expressão “has to” expressa ideia do que. “has to” é tem
que (tem que fazer algo, deve fazer algo). Usamos esse tipo de estrutura por exemplo quando estamos
falando de uma lei, onde você é obrigado a fazer algo. A resposta não poderia ser outra pois para
habilidades e capacidades geralmente utilizamos “can”. Permissão geralmente se usa “may” e
possibilidade geralmente se aplica o “might”.



President Obama to Sleepy Air Controllers: ‘Better do Your Job’

Lisa Stark and Andrew Springer

President Obama lectured air traffic controllers in an exclusive interview with ABC News, impressing
on them the enormous responsibility of safeguarding flying passengers and telling them, “You better do
you job.”
The president spoke after several controllers were caught asleep on the job and the man in charge of
air traffic control, Hank Krakowski, resigned on Thursday.
“The individuals who are falling asleep on the job, that’s unacceptable,” the president told ABC News’
George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview on Thursday. “The fact is, when you’re responsible for

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the lives and safety of people up in the air, you better do your job. So there’s an element of individual
responsibility that has to be dealt with.”
Five controllers have been suspended for apparently napping on the job while planes were trying to
land at their airports. The president said a full review of air traffic control work shifts is under way. “What
we also have to look at is air traffic control systems. Do we have enough back up? Do we have enough
people? Are they getting enough rest time?” Obama said. He added, however, “But it starts with individual
responsibility.” In March, two commercial airliners were forced to land unassisted at Washington, D.C’s
Reagan National Airport after a controller apparently fell asleep.
Just days later, two controllers at the Preston Smith International Airport in Lubbock, Texas, did not
hand off control of a departing aircraft to another control center and it took repeated attempts for them to
be reached. On Feb. 19, an air traffic controller in Knoxville, Tenn., slept during an overnight shift. Sources
told ABC News that the worker even took pillows and cushions from a break room to build a make-shift
bed on the control room floor. And this month, there were two more incidents. A controller fell asleep on
the job in Seattle, and days later a controller in Reno was snoozing when a plane carrying a critically ill
passenger was seeking permission to land.
The FAA and the controller’s union have been studying the fatigue issue for over a year and their report
finds that “acute fatigue occurs on a daily basis,” and “fatigue can occur at any time, on any shift.”
Sleep experts suggest midshift naps
Some sleep experts said controllers are ripe for fatigue because they often bounce between day shifts
and night shifts. “When we’re constantly having to adjust to different work schedules, our body is always
playing catch up,” said Philip Gehrman, Director of the Behavioral Sleep Program at the University of
Pennsylvania. Controllers on the night shift have another hurdle: they often work in dim light conditions
with little stimulation between radio calls. “That’s exactly the kind of type of task that’s hardest to maintain,
when you’re at the wrong point in your biological rhythms,” said Gehrman.
One recommendation from the government study suggests allowing controllers to take scheduled naps,
with breaks as long as two and a half hours to allow for sleeping and waking up. Sleep experts said a long
break in the middle of an eight hour overnight shift would help, but it might be a tough sell politically. It has
taken decades to try to come up with a new fatigue rules for pilots and it may not be any easier when it
comes to controllers.
Available at abcnews.go.com

President Obama’s warning to air traffic controllers “You better do your job.” (lines 4-5) can be
rephrased as

(A) You should work in better jobs.

(B) You need to be present at your job.
(C) You should work better and more often.
(D) You had better work as expected of you.
(E) It would be better if you worked more intensely.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. O aviso do presidente Obama para os controladores de
voo “É melhor você fazer o seu trabalho” pode ser reescrita como.



Russia cleans up after meteor blast injures more than 1,000

CHELYABINSK, Russia – Residents of Chelyabinks, an industrial city 1,500 km (950 miles) east of
Moscow, heard an explosion, saw a bright light and then felt a shockwave that blew out windows and
damaged the wall and roof of a zinc plant. A fireball traveling at a speed of 30km (19 miles) per second
according to Russian space agency Roscosmos, blazed across the horizon, leaving a long white trail
visible as far as 200km (125 miles) away.
NASA estimated the meteor was 55 feet across before entering Earth’s atmosphere and weighed about
10,000 tons. It exploded miles above Earth, releasing nearly 500 kilotons of energy – about 30 times the
size of the nuclear bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in Word Ward Two, NASA added.
“We would expect an event of this magnitude to occur once every 100 years on average,” said Paul

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Chodas of NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
California. “When you have a fireball of this size we would expect a large number of meteorites to reach
the surface and in this case there were probably some large ones.”
Divers searched the lake near the city of Chelyabinsk, where a hole several feet wide had opened in
the ice, but had so far failed to find any large fragments, officials said. Search teams said they had found
small objects up to about 1 cm (half-an-inch) wide that might be fragments of a meteorite, but no longer
The Chelyabinsk regional governor said the strike caused about 1 billion roubles ($33 million) worth of
damage. Life in the city had largely returned to normal by Saturday although 50 people were still in hospital.
Officials said more than 1,200 people were injured, mostly by flying glass.
Repair work had to be done quickly because of the freezing temperatures which sank close to -20
degrees Celsius (-4 Fahrenheit) at night. Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov inspected the damage
after President Vladimir Putin sent him to the region. His ministry is under pressure to clean up fast
following criticism over the failure to issue warnings in time before fatal flooding in southern Russia last
summer and over its handling of forest fires in 2010.

In “Search teams said they had found small objects…” (lines 28-31), the verbs in bold are in the Past
Perfect Tense. The use of this tense is adequate in:

(A) When the meteor reached the Earth’s atmosphere, it had made a hole on the icy surface of a lake
near the city of Chelyabinsk.
(B) Many-injured people had gone to the hospital after they felt a shockwave that blew out windows and
damaged the wall and roof of a zinc plant.
(C) Because of the freezing temperatures, emergency workers had repaired the damages in
Chelyabinsk after Minister Vladimir Puchkov himself inspected the damages.
(D) The meteor had exploded miles above the Earth before people in Chelyabinsk felt a shockwave.
(E) Flying glasses had hurt a thousand people when the meteor exploded miles above our planet.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. No trecho o verbo sublinhado está no passado perfeito. O
uso adequado do tempo verbal na frases abaixo é. Revisando. O passado perfeito é quando uma ação
ocorre no passado para descobrirmos que outra ação no passado já tinha ocorrido antes. Um exemplo.
“When I arrived home my mother had made dinner.” (Quando eu cheguei em casa, minha mãe já tinha
feito o jantar.) A estrutura gramatical do passado perfeito é auxiliar had, seguido do verbo no particípio
passado. A alternativa correta é a letra “D”. O meteoro tinha explodido milhas acima da terra antes das
pessoas em Chelyabinsk sentirem a onda de choque. O detalhe é o antes, que justamente coloca a
primeira ação “had exploded” antes da ação no passado simples “felt”. Nas outras alternativa essa
sequência de fatos está trocada.



Generation Y
By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering
the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is
the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers
cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed
with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-
to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high
pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may
view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal
professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.

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Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of
the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high
expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to ask question authority.
Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group
activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-
behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit
greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.
Font: legalcareers.about.com
The word that best complete the gap -3- is:
(A) Of.
(B) By.
(C) For.
(D) From.
(E) On.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço -3- é. No trecho
em questão. Buscam realizações: Nutridos e cuidados (por) pais que não querem cometer os mesmos
erros da geração anterior (...)



Generation Y

By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering
the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is
the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers
cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed
with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-
to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high
pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may
view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal
professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of
the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high
expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to ask question authority.
Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group
activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-
behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit
greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.
Font: legalcareers.about.com

The word that best complete the gap -2- is:

(A) Will prefer.
(B) Preferred.
(C) Preference.

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(D) Prefer.
(E) Prefers.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço -2- é. No trecho
em questão. Esta geração prefere se comunicar através de e-mail e mensagem de texto do que face-a-
face e prefere webinars (...). Como neste caso o verbo prefere é executado pela geração, terceira pessoa
do singular, e a frase está no presente afirmativo, o verbo precisa conter um “S”.



Generation Y
By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering
the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is
the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers
cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed
with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-
to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high
pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may
view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal
professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of
the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high
expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to ask question authority.
Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group
activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-
behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit
greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.
Font: legalcareers.about.com

The word that best complete the gap -1- is:

(A) Knowing.
(B) Known.
(C) Knew.
(D) Know.
(E) Knowed.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço -1- é. No trecho
em questão a frase está na voz passiva, pois afirma que a geração Y (também “conhecida” como os
Milenares. Na voz passiva, o verbo fica na forma do particípio passado.



Which of the following alternatives has the same verb tense as the sentence: “Generation Y grew up
with technology”?

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(A) She will go to school by car.
(B) She goes to school by car.
(C) She has gone to school by car.
(D) She went to school by car.
(E) She had gone to school by car.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. Qual das sentenças abaixo tem o mesmo tempo verbal
que sentença entre aspas. Na frase temos o verbo grew up. Grew é o passado simples do verbo grow,
portanto a frase está no passado simples. A única alternativa no passado simples é a alternativa “D” pois
went é o passado simples do verbo go.



Generation Y
By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering
the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is
the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers
cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed
with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-
to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high
pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may
view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal
professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of
the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high
expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to ask question authority.
Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group
activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-
behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit
greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Font: legalcareers.about.com

Consider the passage: “The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y”. Where is the verb
or the verbal locution and what is its verb tense?

(A) Lost much – Simple past.

(B) Appeal – Simple Present.
(C) Has lost – Simple Present.
(D) Lost – Present Perfect.
(E) Has lost – Present Perfect.

No trecho em questão o verbo da frase é o verbo “lost”. “Lost” é o passado simple e o particípio passado
de “loose” que é perder. Como no trecho antes do verbo “lost” nós temos o auxiliar “has”, a frase então
está no presente perfeito.


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Generation Y
By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering
the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is
the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers
cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed
with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-
to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high
pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may
view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal
professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of
the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high
expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to ask question authority.
Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group
activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-
behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit
greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.
Font: legalcareers.about.com
The word that best complete the gap -2- is:
(A) Will prefer.
(B) Preferred.
(C) Preference.
(D) Prefer.
(E) Prefers.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço -2- é. No trecho
em questão. Esta geração prefere se comunicar através de e-mail e mensagem de texto do que face-a-
face e prefere webinars (...). Como neste caso o verbo prefere é executado pela geração, terceira pessoa
do singular, e a frase está no presente afirmativo, o verbo precisa conter um “S”.



Generation Y
By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980’s and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering
the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is
the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers
cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation.
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed
with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-
to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high
pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may

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1155938 E-book gerado especialmente para RICARDO LACERDA MARIUCCI
view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal
professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of
the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high
expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to ask question authority.
Generation Y wants meaningful work and a soli learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group
activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-
behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They
appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit
greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.
Font: legalcareers.about.com

The word that best complete the gap -1- is:

(A) Knowing.
(B) Known.
(C) Knew.
(D) Know.
(E) Knowed.

A questão pede que o candidato determine. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço -1- é. No trecho
em questão a frase está na voz passiva, pois afirma que a geração Y (também “conhecida” como os
Milenares. Na voz passiva, o verbo fica na forma do particípio passado.



How to determine your income tax bracket

By Elizabeth Rosen, Contributor
January 31, 2013

In forter to properly file your federal income tax return and pay any tax that you owe, it is necessary to
understand your income tax bracket, your filling status, and which income tax rate(s) apply to you. There
are currently six marginal income tax brackets and five federal filing statues. The amount of tax you owe
will depend on your filing status and how much taxable income you earn.

Marginal Income Tax Brackets

Your marginal income tax bracket basically represents the highest tax rate that you MODAL pay on
your income. There are currently six marginal income tax brackets for each federal filing status: 10, 15,
25, 28, 33 and 35 percent. The marginal tax bracket system is a gradual tax schedule, which essentially
means the more you earn, the more tax you pay. The amount of taxable income that you earn determines
which tax bracket(s) you fall into. It is important to realize that only the money you earn within a certain tax
bracket is taxed at that rate. In other words, if you earned more in 2012 than you did in 2011 and thus
moved into a higher tax bracket, only the money that falls within that higher tax bracket is taxed at the
higher rate. So, for example, if you move from the 25 percent tax bracket to the 28 percent tax bracket,
you may make the mistake of believing that all of your income is now taxed at that higher rate. However,
only the money that you earn within the 28 percent bracket is taxed at that rate.
The structure of federal income tax brackets was first implemented by the IRS in the early 1900s in an
attempt to create a progressive tax system that would demand less from lower-income individuals. This
system, plus a series of tax credits and tax deductions, have allowed nearly half of Americans to avoid
owing federal income tax altogether [Source: The Tax Foundation].

Federal Filing Statuses

Our filing status determines your filing requirements (whether or not you are required to file a tax return
and which return to file), your standard deduction amount, your eligibility for certain tax credits and tax
deductions, and your income tax. There are five federal filing statues based on marital status and other

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conditions: single, married filing separately, married filing jointly, head of household, and qualifying
widow(er) with dependent child.
When you fill out your federal income tax return, you must specify what your filing status is on the tax
form. Review each filing status carefully and choose the one that bests fits your situation. If you quality for
more than one filing status, you are allowed to choose the one that offers you the ADJECTIVE tax.

(Adapted from http://www.irs.com)

A synonym for “earn”, as the verb is used in the text, is

(A) Make.
(B) Win.
(C) Award.
(D) Gain.
(E) Rise.

A alternativa pede que o candidato determine. Um sinônimo parar “earn” como o verbo usado no texto.
Earn quer dizer ganhar no sentido de renda, fazer um salário. Make – fazer, criar. Win – vencer. Award –
premiar. Gain – ganhar. Rise – levantar, erguer.


Adjetivos: grau comparativo e superlativo

As formas comparativas e superlativas dos adjetivos ou advérbios na língua inglesa, são usadas de
acordo com a quantidade de coisas (objetos, pessoas, animais, cidades, etc.) que são comparadas.

Usamos o grau Comparativo para compararmos sempre duas coisas.

Usamos o grau Superlativo para destacarmos uma coisa dentro de um grupo de três ou mais.

Formas Invariáveis

As formas invariáveis são aquelas que o Adjetivo ou Advérbio não mudam a escrita, apenas
acrescentamos as formas de igualdade, superioridade ou inferioridade. Veja a tabela abaixo:

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As cold as tão frio quanto

NOT so (as) cold as não tão frio quanto

Less cold than menos frio que

the least cold o menos frio

as expensive as tão caro quanto

NOT so (as) expensive as não tão caro quanto

Less expensive than menos caro que

The least expensive o menos caro

Formas Variáveis

As formas variáveis são aquelas onde o adjetivo ou advérbio mudam a escrita. São aplicadas apenas
as palavras curtas, ou seja, aquelas com uma ou duas sílabas. Modificamos as terminações seguindo
algumas observações que serão estudadas abaixo:


1. Usamos os sufixos –ER ou –EST com adjetivos / advérbios de uma só sílaba.


taller than = mais alto que the tallest = o mais alto

bigger than = maior que the biggest = o maior

2. Usamos os sufixos –ER ou –EST com adjetivos de duas sílabas.


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happier than = mais feliz que

cleverer than = mais esperto que

the happiest = o mais feliz

the cleverest = o mais esperto

3. Usamos os prefixos MORE e MOST com adjetivos de mais de duas sílabas.


MORE comfortable than = mais confortável que

MORE careful than = mais cuidadoso que

THE MOST comfortable = o mais confortável

THE MOST careful = o mais cuidadoso

4. Usamos os prefixos MORE e MOST com advérbios de duas sílabas.


MORE afraid than = mais amedrontado que

MORE asleep than = mais adormecido que

THE MOST afraid = o mais amedrontado

THE MOST asleep = o mais adormecido

5. Usamos os prefixos MORE e MOST com qualquer adjetivo terminado em –ED, –ING, –FUL, –RE, –


tired – more tired than – the most tired (cansado)

charming – more charming than – the most charming (charmoso)

hopeful – more hopeful than – the most hopeful (esperançoso)

sincere – more sincere than – the most sincere (sincero)

famous – more famous than – the most famous (famoso)

Variações Ortográficas

1. Adjetivos monossilábicos terminados em uma só consoante precedida de uma só vogal, dobram

a consoante final antes de receberem –ER ou –EST.

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fat – fatter than – the fattest (gordo)

thin – thinner than – the thinnest (magro)

2. Adjetivos terminados em Y precedido de vogal trocam o Y para I antes do acréscimo de

-ER ou –EST.


angry – angrier than – the angriest (zangado)

happy – happier than – the happiest (feliz)

shy – shyer than – the shyest (tímido)

3. Adjetivos terminados em E recebem apenas –R ou –ST.


nice – nicer than – the nicest (bonito, simpático)

brave – braver than – the bravest (corajoso)
Formas Irregulares

1. Alguns adjetivos e advérbios têm formas irregulares no comparativo e superlativo de superioridade.

Good (bom / boa) Better than - the best

Well (bem)
Bad (ruim / mau) Worse than - the worst
Badly (mal)
Little (pouco) Less than - the least

2. Alguns adjetivos e advérbios têm mais de uma forma no comparativo e superlativo de superioridade.

Farther than – the farthest

Far (longe) (distância)
further (than) – the furthest
(distância / adicional)
older than – the oldest
Old (velho) elder – the eldest (só para elementos
da mesma família)
Late (tarde) the latest (o mais recente)
the last (o último da série)

Parallel Increase

Usamos a estrutura the + comparativo... the + comparativo

para dizer que uma coisa depende de outra.

The warmer the weather, the better I feel. (Quanto mais quente o tempo, melhor eu me sinto.)

The more expensive the hotel, the better the service. (Quanto mais caro o hotel, melhor o serviço.)

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The longer the phone call, the more you have to pay. (Quanto mais longo o telefonema, mais você
tem de pagar.)

Gradual Increase

Usamos dois comparativos juntos para indicar que algo está

mudando continuamente.

It’s becoming harder and harder to find a job. (Está ficando cada vez mais difícil achar um emprego.)

Traveling is becoming more and more expensive. (Viajar está ficando cada vez mais caro.)

The weather is becoming hotter and hotter. (A temperatura está ficando cada vez mais quente.)


ELDER é usado antes de substantivos.

Exemplo: My elder brother lives in Chicago.

Fonte: objetivo.br (com adaptações)


01. (STF – Analista Judiciário – CESPE/2013)

The aging process affects us all at different rates. Some people of fifty-three, like the esteemed author,
look a mere thirty-five, with sparkling brown eyes, a handsome gait and the virility of a steam train. Others,
like the author’s friend Colin, look like little middle-aged men at twenty-one with middle-aged outlooks of
set ways and planned futures. In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the
latter, being fired with the insatiable drive of ambition for either an independent and distinguished career
in a still male-dominated world, or a home and seven children by the time they are thirty followed by an
independent and distinguished career as a Cheltenham councillor or a public relations agent for Jonathan
Cape, in later life.
No such luck for Charles Charlesworth, who was born on the 14th of March, 1829, in Stafford. At the
age of four Charles had a beard and was sexually active.
In the final three years of his life his skin wrinkled, he developed varicose veins, shortness of breath,
grey hair, senile dementia and incontinence. Some time in his seventh year he fainted and never gained
The coroner returned a verdict of natural causes due to old age.

Hugh Cory. Advanced writing with english in use. Oxford University Press, p. 34.

According to the text above,

It is rather common for women to look older than they really are.


02. Lisa is staying home. Her cold is a lot ___________ today.

(A) bad
(B) worst
(C) worse and worst
(D) worse
(E) the worst

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03. We complained about the service in our hotel, but instead of improving, it got ______________.
(A) best
(B) the best
(C) worse
(D) the worst
(E) better and better

04. If you need any __________________ information, please contact our head office.
(A) far
(B) farther
(C) more far
(D) the furthest
(E) further

05. The more you practice your English, the _____ you’ll learn.
(A) faster
(B) farther
(C) fastest
(D) furthest
(E) more fast

06. The parcel seemed to get __________________ as I carried it along the avenue.
(A) more heavy
(B) heaviest
(C) heavier and heavier
(D) the heaviest
(E) most heavy

07. You look _______________. Have you put on weight?

(A) more fat
(B) more thin
(C) fatter
(D) the thinnest
(E) the fattest

08. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere _______?

(A) quietest
(B) most quiet
(C) quieter
(D) more and more quieter
(E) more and most quiet

09. “What time shall we leave?” “The ________, the _______.”

(A) earlier, best
(B) sooner, better
(C) sooner, worst
(D) earliest, worse
(E) sooner, worst

10. Ann’s younger sister is still at school. Her ________ sister is a physician.
(A) elder
(B) older than
(C) the eldest
(D) the oldest
(E) the older

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O item diz que: " É bastante comum para as mulheres parecerem mais velhas do que realmente são.

Nas linhas 4 e 5 podemos ler o contrário:

“...In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter...”

"... Nas mulheres a condição anterior é comum (quando diz que algumas pessoas com 53 anos,
parecem que têm 35) mas mulheres raramente sofrem da outra condição (onde diz que outros parecem
estar na meia idade aos 25) "

02. (D) – Estamos comparando o resfriado entre ontem e hoje. Bad – worse (comparativo irregular)

03. (C) – O serviço do hotel está sendo comparado entre antes e depois da reclamação. Bad – worse
(comparativo irregular).

04. (E) – Further é forma irregular de far(longe), mas tem sentido de algo adicional.

05. (A) - Essa estrutura é o Parallel Increase, usamos a forma comparativa, nesse caso de fast (faster).

06. (C) – Esta estrutura é o Gradual Increase, usamos o comparativo repetidamente (heavy – heavier).

07. (C) – A frase pede comparativo (fat – fatter), pois está sendo comparado o peso da pessoa antes
e agora.

08. (C) – A pessoa quer um lugar mais quieto do que onde ela está. Comparando dois lugares, usamos
logo, quieter.
09. (B) - Usamos o Parallel Increase para dizer que algo depende de outra coisa.

10. (A) – Ao falarmos de uma pessoa mais velha que outra, podemos usar a forma irregular de old

Discurso direto e indireto

No discurso indireto (Indirect ou Reported Speech), relatamos as palavras de uma pessoa, sem aspas,
fazendo algumas alterações.

Direct Speech
He said, “I study English”.

Indirect (Reported) Speech

He said that he studied English.

Alterações necessárias:
- Quando o verbo SAID for seguido de um objeto indireto, usa-se no REPORTED SPEECH told +
objeto indireto sem to.

Jane said to her sister, “The baby is crying”.
Jane told her sister that the baby was crying.

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- Se no DIRECT SPEECH uma pergunta for introduzida por um pronome interrogativo (who, when,
why, where, what, how etc.), esse pronome se mantém no INDIRECT SPEECH e mudamos os verbos

The teacher said, “Who broke the window?”
The teacher asked who had broken the window.

- Se não houver um pronome interrogativo no DIRECT SPEECH, usamos IF ou WHETHER no


The boss said, “Do you speak English?”
The boss asked IF (WHETHER) I spoke English.

- Se o DIRECT SPEECH indicar um pedido ou ordem, mudamos o verbo SAID para TOLD (ORDERED,

The mother said to her kids, “Behave yourselves!”

- Ao transformarmos um DIRECT SPEECH em REPORTED SPEECH, fazemos alterações nos tempos

verbais. Em geral, o tempo verbal muda para um tempo verbal anterior.

She said, “I am too busy”. (simple present)
She said (that) she was too busy. (simple past)
John said, “I am writing a letter”. (present continuous)
John said (that) he was writing a letter. (past continuous)
Peter said, “I have bought a car”. (present perfect)
Peter said (that) he had bought a car. (past perfect)
Peter said, “I bought a car in January”. (simple past)
Peter said (that) he had bought a car in January. (past perfect)
Ann said, “I will travel in July”. (future)
Ann said (that) she would travel in July. (conditional)
The teacher said, “Sit down!” (imperative)
The teacher told his students to sit down. (infinitive)
The teacher said, “Don’t open your books”. (imperative negative)
The teacher told his students not to open their books. (infinitive negative)

- Ao transformarmos um DIRECT SPEECH em REPORTED SPEECH, fazemos alterações nos

pronomes pessoais e possessivos.

Jennifer said: “Can I borrow your book?”
Jennifer asked if she could borrow my book.

- Ao transformarmos um DIRECT SPEECH em REPORTED SPEECH, fazemos alterações nos

demonstrativos e nos advérbios de tempo e de lugar.

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Jane said: “This castle was built four centuries ago”.
Jane said (that) that castle had been built four centuries before.

Principais alterações

now then

today that day

tonight that night

yesterday the day before

ago before

next month the following month

tomorrow the next day

this that

these those

here there

Fonte: objetivo.br (com adaptações)


01. Prefeitura de Aroeiras/PB – Professor de Inglês – ACAPLAM/2010)

She Said, “I’m not going to call you again!” In other words, she said:

(A) She was not going to call him again.

(B) She was not going to call you again.
(C) I am not going to call you again.
(D) She is not going to call him again.
(E) N. D. A.

02. "Do you play chess?"

(A) He asked me do I play chess.
(B) He asked me if I did play chess.
(C) He asked me did I play chess.
(D) He asked me if I played chess.

03. "Why don’t you start again?"

(A) He suggested me to start again.
(B) He suggested that I started again.
(C) He suggested why didn’t I start again.

04. "Can you help me, please?"

(A) John wanted me to help him.
(B) John wanted that I helped him.
(C) John wanted that I help him.

05. Do not tell her what I said.

(A) He begged me to not tell her what he had said.
(B) He begged that I didn’t tell her what he had said.
(C) He begged me not to tell her what he had said.

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01. A; 02. D; 03. B; 04. A; 05. C

Comentário: Em todos os casos, o Reported Speech pede, como regra, um tempo mais antigo
que o usado no Direct Speech. Logo, ao usarmos o presente simples, passamos as frases para o
passado simples.

Passive Voice

Diferentemente da voz ativa, em que a ênfase está em quem praticou a ação, ou seja, no sujeito, a
voz passiva se preocupa em enfatizar o objeto, ou seja, aquele que sofre a ação expressa pelo verbo.

George teaches biology to Cecilia. (active voice)

(sujeito) (obj. dir.) (obj. ind.)

Biology is taught to Cecilia by George. (passive voice)

(sujeito) (obj. ind.) (ag. da passiva)

John told me a story. (active voice)

(sujeito) (o. i.) (o. d.)

A story was told me by John. (passive voice)

(sujeito) (o. i.) (ag. da pas.)

1. Se o verbo na voz ativa for seguido de preposição, a

preposição deve acompanhar o verbo na voz passiva:
VOZ ATIVA: Everybody is talking about Jane’s car.
VOZ PASSIVA: Jane’s car is being talked about (by

2. Verbos com dois objetos (direto e indireto) admitem

duas formas de passiva:
Someone gave Jim (obj indireto) the money (obj direto).
- The money was given to Jim.
- Jim was given the money.

3. O agente da passiva é normalmente omitido quando

não for importante, desconhecido ou óbvio no contexto da
The new hotel will be opened in November.

Tempo na voz
Voz passiva Exemplos
Voz ativa: Bob writes letters. (Bob escreve cartas).
Presente simples are/ is + particípio
Voz Passiva: Letters are written by Bob. (Cartas são
escritas por Bob).
Voz ativa: Bob is writing a letter. (Bob está escrevendo
uma carta).
Presente is/are + being +
contínuo verbo no particípio
Voz passiva: A letter is being written by Bob. (Uma carta
está sendo escrita por Bob).

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Voz ativa: Bob wrote a letter. (Bob escreveu uma carta).
was/were + verbo no
Passado simples
particípio Voz passiva: A letter was written by Bob. (Uma carta foi
escrita por Bob).
Voz ativa: Bob was writing a letter. (Bob estava
escrevendo uma carta).
Passado was/were + being +
contínuo verbo no particípio
Voz passiva: A letter was being written by Bob. (Uma
carta estava sendo escrita por Bob).
Voz ativa: Bob will write a letter. (Bob escreverá uma
will be + verbo no
Futuro simples
Voz passiva: A letter will be written by Bob. (Uma carta
será escrita por Bob).
Voz ativa: Bob has written letters. (Bob tem escrito
has/have + been +
Presente perfeito
verbo no particípio
Voz passiva: Letters have been written by Bob. (Cartas
têm sido escritas por Bob).
Voz ativa: Bob had written letters. (Bob tinha escrito
had been + verbo no
Passado Perfeito
Voz passiva: Letters had been written by Bob. (Cartas
tinham sido escritas por Bob).
Voz ativa: Bob is going to write a letter. (Bob escreverá
am/is/are + going to uma carta).
Futuro com o
be + verbo no
“going to”
particípio Voz passiva: A letter is going to be written by Bob. (Uma
carta será escrita por Bob).
Fonte: http://www.brasilescola.com/ingles/passive-voice.htm

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