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Colégio Estadual Perilo Rodrigues de Moura - 2023

Avaliação de Língua Inglesa 2.º Bimestre

9.º Ano Ensino Fundamental Valor: 10,0
Professor(a): Lidiana Martins de Oliveira Data: ___/ ____/ 2023
Aluno(a): _______________________________________ Nota: __________
Baseado no filme Divertida Mente trabalhado neste bimestre responda às questões:

1. Match the emotions and the feelings.

1) When I feel sadness … ( ) I am angry.
2) When I feel joy… ( ) I am sick/disgusted.
3) When I feel fear… ( ) I am afraid/scared.
4) When I feel anger… ( ) I am sad.
5) When I feel disgust… ( ) I am happy.

Marque corretamente de acordo com o filme INSIDEOUT (Divertidamente):

2. O que são as bolas coloridas?

( ) Riley's emotions
( ) Riley's fears
( ) Riley's memories

3. O que é a “Imagination land”?

( ) an amusement park
( ) the studio of dreams
( ) a reserve of emotions

4. O que é “brain freeze”?

( ) a kind of ice cream
( ) brain freeze
( ) a wave of fear

5. Complete COM os nomes dos personagens (use os nomes do Quadro abaixo):


a) Medo: é o personagem purple.____________________
b) Raiva: é o personagem red ______________________
c) Alegria: é a personagem yellow. _____________________
d) Nojinho: é a personagem green. ____________________
e) Tristeza: é a personagem Blue. _____________________

Responda em Português:

6. Remy’s love of food stems from his innate ability to smell ingredients in
food. How are the five senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, sound) used in
cooking? In your opinion, which is the most important?

7. Various gourmet dishes are prepared by Remy and Linguini in the

movie. Which did you find the most and least appealing? Why?

8. Do you have a favorite dish that represents your culture or

heritage? Describe it and why it’s important to your family

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