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1 Questo: Escolha a opo que melhor completa as frases abaixo:
He left his job but he has ________ found another.
Mr. Green has _______ left his office.
Im expecting him but he hasnt turned up ______.

a) yet already yet
b) already just yet
c) already yet already
d) yet just already
e) already yet yet

2 Questo: Marque a opo que completa a frase I ________ my key yesterday, so I couldn't
get into the house. Eventually, I found it in my jacket pocket.

a) have found
b) have
c) lost
d) lose
e) have lose

3 Questo: Leia a tirinha abaixo e assinale a afirmao incorreta:

a) H somente uma frase com o verbo no Present Perfect.
b) A forma verbal told, no primeiro quadrinho, encontra-se no passado simples.
c) O infinitivo da forma verbal told to tell.
d) A forma interrogativa da frase Ive told you before... Have I told you before?
e) A forma negativa da frase Ive told you before I havent told you before.
- Confira sua prova. Nela devem constar 08 questes.
- Preencha todo cabealho sem deixar nada em branco.
- Leia todas as questes propostas com bastante ateno.
- Use para as respostas somente caneta de tinta azul ou preta.
- Escreva de forma legvel e evite rasuras. Em caso de erro, passe um trao sobre a palavra, expresso ou sinal grfico.
No use corretivos. O uso de corretivo ser considerado rasura e invalidar a resposta.
- Cuide da apresentao de sua prova.
- No empreste nem solicite emprestado qualquer material durante a prova.
- Faa a reviso de suas respostas antes de entregar a prova ao professor (a).
- Se as questes exigirem clculos apresente-os de forma clara e organizada. Coloque o resultado final a caneta.
- Em caso de questes de mltipla escolha marque apenas uma alternativa. Se forem marcadas duas ou mais, a questo ser anulada.
- No caso de carto-resposta, este deve ser preenchido a caneta e sem rasura.
Governo do Distrito Federal
Secretaria de Estado de Educao
Coordenao Regional de Ensino de Samambaia
Centro de Ensino Fundamental 404

Subject: INGLS Teacher: Danielle Samara
Student: ___________________________________ Grade: 8 ______ Valor: 3,0 Nota: _____

4 Questo: We ___________ for this seminar since last year. A forma verbal que complete essa
frase :

a) have wait
b) wait
c) has waited
d) have waited
e) waited

Leia o texto abaixo para responder s questes 5 e 6:
Tigers in Trouble

Governments and conservation groups are working to save the tigers. Is it too late? Tigers are a
symbol of power, courage and good fortune, but the big cats luck may be running out.
According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in 1998 there were about 6.000 tigers, now there are
about 3200. Scientists believe the decline is due to illegal hunting, climate change and loss of habitat.
Sybille Klenzendorf, a tiger expert , said that its startling how fast they can lose their habitat.
Tigers live in a wide range of areas, people move into tiger territory and destroy much of its habitat.
Today, tigers live in 7% of the habitat they occupied a hundred years ago.
2010 is the Year of the Tiger for the Chinese; many scientists hope people will take action to save
the tiger this year. Leaders from 12 Asian nations and Russia are cracking down on hunters and on the
sale of tiger products, theyre also looking for ways to protect the tiger habitat.
Scientists believe that with help from local communities, tigers can make a comeback.
(Adapted from TFK.com)

Vocabulary: luck: sorte; due to: devido a; loose for: procurer; hunting: caa; run out: acabar,
esgotar; loss: perda; startling: surpreendente; crack down: reprimir; comeback: retornar.

5 Questo: De acordo com as informaes do texto, marque a afirmao incorreta:

a) Local communities can help the tigers.
b) People are not destroying the tigers habitat.
c) Theres a decline in the number of tigers today.
d) Not only governments but also conservation groups are working to save the tigers.
e) Leaders from 12 Asian nations and Russia are trying to protect the tigers.

6 Questo: Marque a alternativa incorreta:

a) Tigres so smbolos de poder, coragem e boa sorte.
b) 2010 o ano do tigre na China.
c) O declnio do nmero de tigres acontece devido caa ilegal, mudana climtica e perda do habitat.
d) Hoje em dia o territrio habitado pelos tigres cresceu 7% em relao h cem anos atrs.
e) Lderes de 12 naes e a Rssia esto reprimindo os caadores de tigres

7 Questo: Escreva frases no Present Perfect:

a) We ______________________________ dinner. (prepare / already)
b) She _____________________________ yet. (arrive / not)
c) ______________________________ the tickets? (buy / he / already)

8 Questo: Complete as frases com SINCE ou FOR:
a) This house needs cleaning. We havent cleaned it ___________ months.
b) Ive studied Chinese ___________ two years.
c) I dont see my family very often. I havent seen them ___________ Christmas.

Os pais somente podem dar bons conselhos e indicar bons caminhos, mas a formao final do
carter de uma pessoa est em suas prprias mos (Anne Frank)

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