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Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Ttulo: Reconhecendo estratgias de persuaso em comercias em lngua inglesa *


Tema: Ensino de estratgias de persuaso em comerciais Durao das Atividades: 2 aulas (de 50 minutos cada)

Pblico Alvo: Ensino Mdio

- conhecer e identificar as estratgias de persuaso em comerciais; - fazer inferncia de sentidos com base no co-texto; - utilizar informaes no verbais para interpretao de texto.

Contedo: 1) Estratgias de persuaso em comerciais.

Descrio das Atividades:

1 aula Warm up Previso de durao: 5 minutos. No primeiro momento, o professor pergunta aos alunos questes como: 1) vocs prestam ateno em comerciais de televiso, de rdio ou da Internet? 2) Quais tipos de comerciais vocs costumam prestar ateno? Comerciais de roupa, de comida, de aparelhos eletrnicos, etc.?

Paying attention to the advertisement Previso de durao: 30 minutos Aps esse momento, o professor pede aos alunos para prestarem ateno ao comercial que ele apresentar (Anexo A). Aps isso, questiona sobre o que os alunos entenderam ao assistir ao comercial, se a mensagem vinculada positiva ou negativa. Durante a discusso, o professor pode ajudar os estudantes a inferirem o significado com base nas informaes no verbais do vdeo (imagens, tom do locutor, etc.)

* Produzido por Jferson F. Belo e Melissa Ariadne T. A. Rodrigues (PIBID-Lngua Inglesa)

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Em seguida, o professor entrega o texto do comercial transcrito (Apndice A) para os alunos. No texto, h dez pares de palavras com pronncia semelhante para que os alunos, ao escutarem o comercial, escolham a correta. Depois de passar o comercial novamente, o professor pode tirar dvidas sobre vocabulrio.

Understanding the advertisement Previso de durao: 15 minutos O professor far perguntas oralmente aos alunos. 1) Qual a vantagem o comprador vai ter se ele adquirir o produto? 2) Para convencer o consumidor a comprar seu produto, o anunciante faz apelo emoo ou razo?

2 aula

Getting to know three main persuasive strategies Previso de durao: 15 minutos O professor apresentar slides com os conceitos de pathos, logos e ethos (Apndice B) e os exemplos de comerciais que utilizam essas estratgias. O professor pode explicar que o primeiro comercial (Anexo B) um exemplo de pathos, pois so mostradas imagens de pssaros mortos e isso tem o objetivo de provocar uma resposta emocional no espectador. Alm disso, esse comercial no pretende vender nenhum produto, mas engajar os espectadores numa causa ambiental. A interpretao pode ser mais aprofundada utilizando-se as transcries da msica e do texto (Anexo C). No segundo comercial (Anexo D), apresentada a forma como o produto funciona e quais as vantagens que a espectadora tem ao utiliz-lo e por isso um exemplo de logos. A transcrio (Anexo E) tambm pode ser utilizada para uma interpretao mais profunda. J no terceiro comercial (Anexo F), a imagem e a voz de uma cantora famosa (juntamente com o que ela representa para um determinado grupo de pessoas, nesse caso, os adolescentes) so relacionadas a uma marca de refrigerante para que assim se consiga convencer os espectadores a compra-la. E isso um exemplo de ethos. A letra da msica (Anexo G) pode ser utilizada para uma melhor compreenso do comercial.

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Identifying the strategies Previso de durao: 35 minutos. O professor apresentar trs comerciais (Anexos H, I e J), cada um utilizando predominantemente uma estratgia de persuaso. Para facilitar sua compreenso, suas transcries (respectivamente, Anexos K, L e M) podem ser utilizadas. Ao final de cada vdeo, os alunos respondem a perguntas de interpretao dos vdeos (respectivamente, Apndice C, D e E). Recursos: - projetor multimdia; - giz; -quadro; - hand-out

Referncias PERSUASIVE techniques in advertising. Disponvel em: <http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson1166/PersuasiveTechniqu es.pdf>. Acesso em: 06 ago. 2013.

THE Art of Rhetoric. Disponvel em: <http://courses.durhamtech.edu/perkins/aris.html>. Acesso em: 06 ago. 2013.

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsXRj89cWa0

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo B http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7Uxaw6YoRw

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo C Teenage Crime Adrian Lux We don't sleep when the sun goes down We don't waste no precious time All my friends in the loop Making up for teenageText: Plastic bottles are killing our sea birds. Coke is fighting legislation that will solve the problem. Tell our politicians to stand up for our wildlife.

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNG56vjuHKQ

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo E What does your morning look like? Mine used to be like my friend next door. Now, I have my mornings back! Just seven shampoos ago, my hair was supper frizzy and unmanageable. Let me show you how all that changed, with just one application of Blow Dry Perfector from Garnier Fructis Style. Inside the box is the 20 minutes smooth-it serum, heat activated perfectit cream and protective gloves. First, I shampoo my hair, now I apply the smooth-it serum and comb it through with a wide teeth comb. I leave thin on for 20 minutes, and let the frizz taming begin! Oh, and it smells, that tells me its working. Times up! Now I rinse it out, no shampoo necessary. I apply the heat activated perfect-it cream and I work through thoroughly, then something magical happens! Blow drying and flat ironing is so easy. Its so silky and smooth and its so shiny and not a frizz in sight! Fast forward seven shampoos and it still looks amazing. I feel bad for my poor neighbor, still struggling with her frizzes, so I got her Blow Dry Perfector, so she can take back her mornings too. Why keep it a secret? Help your friends to take back their mornings with Blow Dry Perfector from Garnier Fructis Style. Get at your local retailer and share with a friend.

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo F http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7fEWkWRB00

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo G Man: You hear something new at fountains today People who think young say Pepsi, please Britney: The lively crowd today agrees Those who think young say Pepsi, please Pepsi For those who think young Come alive, come alive Youre in the Pepsi generation Youre in the Pepsi generation Youre in the Pepsi generation Tastes that beats the others cold Pepsi pours it on Pepsi's got that special taste Created for the cold Youve got a lot to live And Pepsi's got a lot to give Simply irresistible Simply irresistible Turn me up Come feel the joy all around Each generation has found Theyve got their own under sound Its time to shout it out Bah bah bah bah Bah bah bah bah Flip that joy of Pepsi Pepsi For those who think young

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo H http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQbGjSZnDt0

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehmjg_ZFuz4

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo J http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yotq4zr0dRc&list=SP37084B359A503137

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo K Im doctor Cheryl Karcher, board certified dermatologist. I love my job. I help people feel better and look better, thats why I like being part of Avon. Avon takes inspiration from the fields of dermatology and makes it accessible to women everywhere. As a dermatologist, its very exciting to meet the Avon is bringing this ground breaking technology to the market. The key ingredient Anew Clinical Pro Line Eraser is A-F33. This new skincare ingredient is a huge game changer. AF-33 was developed in an exclusive partnership with NeoStrata Company. The same visionaries who pioneered alpha hydroxy acids, the close collaboration between NeoStrata and Avon, uncovered the remarkable effects this molecule could have on the skin. I saw the before and after picture of the clinical trial from Anew Clinical Pro Line Eraser treatment and they were amazing! A hundred per cent of women showed improvement in fine wrinkles within two weeks. Thats an incredible result, the most Ive heard of. A-F33 is going to set a new bold standard for anti-aging. Im over the moon about it. Im really over the moon about it. Its unbelievable!

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo L Everyday dirt pollution and residues can get trapped in your scalp, making it unhealthy, leading to dandruff. New Clear Men Deep Cleanse with powerful dirt absorb activated carbon, it cleans and eliminates dirt trapped deep in the scalp, giving your scalp a deep clean for zero dandruff. New Clear Men Deep Cleanse for zero dandruff.

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Anexo M I think this is a good time to tell you: Youre doing Ok, mom. I can call you mom, right? I know we havent known each other very long. But you seem like a real keeper. Youre not perfect. There was that strained carrots incident. But youre trying. You pick up my bottle every time I toss it out of my stroller. That's high comedy to an 8-month-old.You hum The Barber of Seville when you wash my hair. So cool! And your rubdowns are out of this world. Anyway, I wanted you to know how much I appreciate you. You know, right? How much I love you? Youre doing Ok, mom.

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Apndice A 1) Listen to the advertisement and choose the right word in parenthesis. Greatness. Its just something we (made up break up). Somehow we've come to (perceive believe) that greatness is a (list gift) reserved for a chosen fewfor prodigies, for superstarsand the rest of us can only stand by (watching wanting). You can (correct forget) that. Greatness is not some (bear rare) DNA strand. Its not some (precious suspicious) thing. Greatness is no more (unique weak) to us than (breathing believing). We're all (capable incapable) of it. All of us.

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Answer: Greatness. Its just something we made up. Somehow we've come to believe that greatness is a gift reserved for a chosen fewfor prodigies, for superstarsand the rest of us can only stand by watching. You can forget that. Greatness is not some rare DNA strand. Its not some precious thing. Greatness is no more unique to us than breathing. We're all capable of it. All of us.

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Apndice B Apresentao de slides Persuasive strategies in advertising

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Apndice C 1) What is the main persuasive strategy used in the Anew Clinical Pro Line Eraser advertisement by AVON? a) appeal to emotion (pathos) b) appeal to logic or reason (logos) c) appeal to credibility or character (ethos) d) none of the above

2) What is the profession of the woman talking about the product? a) pharmacologist b) physiologist c) cardiologist d) dermatologist 3) For whom is this product advertised? a) men b) children c) women d) babies

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Answers: 1-b 2-d 3c

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Apndice D 1) What is the main persuasive strategy used in the New Clear Men Deep Cleanse advertisement? a) appeal to credibility or character (ethos) b) appeal to emotion (pathos) c) appeal to logic or reason (logos) d) none of the above 2) Why is Cristiano Ronaldo advertising this product? a) Because he is a soccer player. b) Because he is a model. c) Because he is famous. d) Because he has dandruff.

3) For whom is this product advertised? a) children b) men c) babies d) women

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Answers: 1-a 2-c 3-b

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Apndice E 1) What is the main persuasive strategy used in the Youre doing Ok, mom advertisement? a) appeal to logic or reason (logos) b) appeal to credibility or character (ethos) c) appeal to emotion (pathos) d) none of the above 2) What feeling is explored by the advertisement ? a) anger b) love c) happiness d) pity

3) For whom is this product advertised? a) teenagers b) men c) women d) babies

Endereo: Avenida Getlio Guarit, 159 - Uberaba-MG

Answers: 1-c 2-b 3-d

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