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Escola: ________________________________

Teste de Inglês Nível VI

Professor(a): __________________________ Data do teste: ___ /___ / ____

Conteúdos testados:
 Manual: Start-up: páginas ______ - ______.
 Apontamentos do caderno
 Fichas entregues

Matriz do Teste
Objetivos / Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
A. Produzir um Vocabulário Pergunta de 20 pontos 16-20 pontos: erros de ortografia irrelevantes;
enunciado escrito relativo ao tema desenvolvimento estrutura organizada e coerente.
livre. Young people in a 10-14 pontos: alguns erros de ortografia e
estrutura um pouco desorganizada.
new society 1-9 pontos: muitos erros de ortografia e estrutura
Gramática muito desorganizada.
estudada nos 0 pontos: frases incoerentes sem estrutura.
anos anteriores e
ao longo da
B. Compreender o Texto relacionado 1. Justificar a 12 pontos Frase correta: 3 ponto
sentido global de com a unidade afirmação com (4 x 3 = 12) Erros ortográficos:-1 ponto
um texto assim uma frase do Frase errada: 0 pontos
como detalhes do texto
mesmo. 2. Completar as 30 pontos 10 pontos: estrutura gramatical, ortografia e
frases com (3 x 10 = 30) significado devidamente contextualizado.
informação do 5-9 pontos: estrutura gramatical, ortografia e
significado correto mas não contextualizado.
texto 1-4 pontos: significado correto com erros
B. Compreender o 3. Explicar o 18 pontos 6 pontos: estrutura gramatical, ortografia e
significado de significado de (3 x 6 = 18) significado devidamente contextualizado.
palavras e expressões do 4 pontos: estrutura gramatical, ortografia e
significado correto mas não contextualizado.
expresses no texto. texto com 2 pontos: significado correto com erros
palavras suas gramaticais/ortográficos.
C. Aplicar Vocabulário Preencher 16 pontos Resposta certa: 2 ponto
vocabulário relacionado com o espaços com (8 x 2 = 16) Erros ortográficos: -1 ponto
relacionado com o tema Young palavras dadas Resposta errada: 0 pontos
tema. people in a new
D. Aplicar os itens Wh-question 1. Construir 40 pontos 8-10 pontos: erros de ortografia irrelevantes;
gramaticais tratados words perguntas para (4 x 10 = 40) estrutura organizada e coerente.
na unidade em respostas dadas 5-7 pontos: alguns erros de ortografia e estrutura
um pouco desorganizada.
questão. 1-4 pontos: muitos erros de ortografia e estrutura
muito desorganizada.
0 pontos: frases incoerentes sem estrutura.
Modal verbs 2. Reescrever 24 pontos 5-6 pontos: construção correta sem erros
uma frase (4 x 6 = 24) gramaticais ou ortográficos
alterando a 3-4 pontos: construção com erros gramaticais ou
estrutura 1-2 pontos: construção com erros gramaticais e
gramatical ortográficos
E. Produzir um Tema: Escrever um 40 pontos 32-40 pontos: erros de ortografia irrelevantes;
enunciado escrito Os jovens e a texto sobre o estrutura organizada e coerente.
guiado e livre. aventura, o tema 15-31 pontos: alguns erros de ortografia e
estrutura um pouco desorganizada.
desafio , 7-14 pontos: muitos erros de ortografia e estrutura
desportos muito desorganizada com muitos erros
1-6 pontos: muitos erros de ortografia e estrutura
muito desorganizada com muitos erros gramaticais
e frases sem sentido.
0 pontos: frases incoerentes sem estrutura.

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

Escola: ________________________________

Teste Auditivo de Inglês Nível VI

Professor(a): _________________________ Data do teste: ___ /___ / _____

Conteúdos testados:
 Manual: Start-up: páginas ______ - ______.
 Apontamentos do caderno
 Fichas entregues

Matriz do Teste

Objetivos / Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de

Competências classificação
Compreender um Texto e 1. Reconhecer 6 pontos 2 pontos: tema correto.

(3 x 2 = 6) 0 pontos: tema incorreto

texto oral na vocabulário temas
globalidade e em relacionados abordados no
detalhe com a texto
unidade 2. Reconhecer 2 pontos 1 ponto: tema correto.

(2 x 1 = 2) 0 pontos: tema incorreto

abordados no
3. Preencher 12 pontos 2 pontos: informação

(6 x 2 = 12) correta sem erros

gramaticais ou
1 ponto: informação
correta com alguns erros
gramaticais e

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

Version A
Escola: ________________________________

English Test – 10th Form Level VI

Name: _______________________ Class: 10th ______ Date: __ /__ /____
Teacher’s Signature: ________ Mark: ______ Parent’s Signature: ________

Before you begin:

 Read all the questions carefully.

 Check that you have answered all the questions.
 If you do not know the answer to a question, move on and come back to it at the end.
 Re-read your work once you have finished and look out for any silly mistakes.

A. Before reading the text, answer the questions below in no more than (20 marks)

40 words.
Do you like extreme sports? Do you practise or watch them live? Why


Part 1
To surfers young and old, Jay Moriarity, famous big-wave rider from Santa
Cruz, was a natural-born hero. And so it was all the more terrible when his
buddies learned that he had died last week at the age of 22, thousands of
miles away in a diving accident.
Even those who don’t particularly like surfing respected and valued Moriarity’s
attributes: a world-class athlete at the front lines of his sport, a fearless
adventurer who braved California’s biggest and worst waves, and a genuine,
kind-hearted person.
Moriarity did not die as some would have imagined or expected - on the
roaring edge of a colossal breaker. He died instead while diving alone in the
Maldives, a group of islands off the southern coast of India.
Part 2
Friends, acquaintances and admirers described Moriarity as having a special

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

touch of innocence and fearlessness. They said he was the product of a

strong, supportive family. Most importantly, they said, he lived life to
the fullest. Moriarity became an internationally acclaimed surfing star at the
age of 16 when a cover photo for Surfer Magazine caught his longboard being
lifted beneath him by a 25-foot wave - the most famous wipeout ever recorded
on film.
Part 3
Jeff Clark, the big-wave surfer who discovered Mavericks break off Pillar
Point, recalled seeing Moriarity try it for the first time.
“He will never be forgotten,” said Clark, his eyes welling up. “He was the
ultimate human being. He was compassionate. Man, he loved life and loved
everybody… You didn’t have to surf to know that Jay was special. He was the
kindest man I’ve ever met.”
“He lived a pretty exciting life as a youngster, but it’s a shame he wasn’t able
to finish it off,” said Tim Jordan. “That’s why you have to live every day as if
it’s your last…”
San Francisco Chronicles – 2001

B. (12 marks)

1. Re-read Part 1 carefully. Find evidence for the following statements.

Quote from the text.
a. Jay Moriarity became an icon for those who like surfing.
b. People were astounded by his precocious death.
c. The young surfer seemed to be cherished by all types of fans.
d. Paradoxically, he didn’t die when he risked his life the most.

2. Complete the following sentences according to the text. (30 marks)

a. Although Moriarity died so young, he …………………………………

b. ………………………………………………………. when his prowess
at Santa Cruz was immortalized by Surfer Magazine’s snapshots.
c. The wave he managed to conquer …………………………………….

3. Re-read Part 3 carefully. Explain the meaning of the following (18 marks)

expressions according to the text in your own words:

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

a. He was compassionate
b. It’s a shame….
c. That’s why you have to live every day as if it’s your last…

C. Complete the gaps with an appropriate word in the box below. (16 marks)

Chasing Mavericks (a place with the meanest waves on the planet) recreates
the 1._______________ true story of real life surfing phenomenon Jay
Moriarity. When 15-year-old Jay 2._____________ that the mythical
Mavericks surf break, one of the biggest 3.______________ on Earth, is not
only real, but exists just miles from his Santa Cruz home, he
4.______________ the help of local legend Frosty Hesson to train him to
survive the waves there. As Jay and Frosty 5.____________ on their quest to
accomplish the impossible, they form a unique friendship that
6.______________ both their lives, and their quest to tame Mavericks ends
up being far more than mere surfing.
Mavericks is a winter destination for some of the world’s best big wave
7.___________. Very few riders become big wave surfers; and of those, only
a select few are willing to 8.______________ the hazardous conditions at

transforms waves risk surfers enlists inspirational

embark discovers

1. Invent an appropriate question for each answer. The words in italics (40 marks)

should be the answers to the questions you invent.

a. They got married last year, I think.
b. John paid for the meal as I told him I had no money.
c. Mother bought an Art book for Lisa.
d. The box is made of wood and decorated with Art Nouveau paintings.

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

2. Rephrase the following sentences, by replacing the expression in (24 marks)

italics with a modal verb. Make any necessary changes to the
a. John, students are not allowed to take those books home.
John, ___________________________________________________
b. I refuse to go to that silly Halloween party.
c. It is possible for every generation to change the world.
Every ___________________________________________________
d. Parents have the duty to take care of their children in the park.
Parents _________________________________________________

E. Choose one of the following topics and write a composition of (40 marks)

about 120-140 words.

1. Young people shouldn’t risk their lives unnecessarily or without a valid
purpose. Do you agree with this statement? Refer to extreme sports,
adventure holidays, competitions, drinking habits or drugs.
2. Volunteering: is it worthwhile? Refer to the pros and cons of this

Good luck! 200 marks)

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

Version B
Escola: ________________________________
English Test – 10th Form Level VI
Name: _______________________ Class: 10th ______ Date: __ /__ /____
Teacher’s Signature: ________ Mark: ______ Parent’s Signature: ________

Before you begin:

 Read all the questions carefully.

 Check that you have answered all the questions.
 If you do not know the answer to a question, move on and come back to it at the end.
 Re-read your work once you have finished and look out for any silly mistakes.

A. Before reading the text, answer the questions below in no more than (20 marks)
40 words.
Do you like extreme sports? Do you practise or watch them live? Why

I ________________________ extreme sports so I ____________________.

The reason why I _______________________ is that __________________.
I think that extreme sports are _____________________________________.
If I could, I would _______________________________________________.


Part 1
To surfers young and old, Jay Moriarity, famous big-wave rider from Santa
Cruz, was a natural-born hero. And so it was all the more terrible when his
buddies learned that he had died last week at the age of 22, thousands of
miles away in a diving accident.
Even those who don’t particularly like surfing respected and valued Moriarity’s
attributes: a world-class athlete at the front lines of his sport, a fearless
adventurer who braved California’s biggest and worst waves, and a genuine,
kind-hearted person.
Moriarity did not die as some would have imagined or expected - on the
roaring edge of a colossal breaker. He died instead while diving alone in the

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

Maldives, a group of islands off the southern coast of India.

Part 2
Friends, acquaintances and admirers described Moriarity as having a special
touch of innocence and fearlessness. They said he was the product of a
strong, supportive family. Most importantly, they said, he lived life to
the fullest. Moriarity became an internationally acclaimed surfing star at the
age of 16 when a cover photo for Surfer Magazine caught his longboard being
lifted beneath him by a 25-foot wave - the most famous wipeout ever recorded
on film.
Part 3
Jeff Clark, the big-wave surfer who discovered Mavericks break off Pillar
Point, recalled seeing Moriarity try it for the first time.
“He will never be forgotten,” said Clark, his eyes welling up. “He was the
ultimate human being. He was compassionate. Man, he loved life and loved
everybody… You didn’t have to surf to know that Jay was special. He was the
kindest man I’ve ever met.”
“He lived a pretty exciting life as a youngster, but it’s a shame he wasn’t able
to finish it off,” said Tim Jordan. “That’s why you have to live every day as if
it’s your last…”
San Francisco Chronicles – 2001

1. Re-read Part 1 carefully. Find evidence for the following (12 marks)

statements. Quote from the text.

a. Jay Moriarity became an icon for those who like surfing.
b. People were astounded by his precocious death.
c. The young surfer seemed to be cherished by all types of fans.
d. Paradoxically, he didn’t die when he risked his life the most.

2. Complete the following sentences according to the text. (30 marks)

a. Although Moriarity died so young, he ………………………………….
b. He became famous when ……………………………………………….
c. Friends and colleagues describe Jay as ……………………………….

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

3. Refer to Part 3. Circle the correct explanation for the following (18 marks)
expressions in italics:
a. He was compassionate.
1. He was very kind.
2. He was very selfish.
b. It’s a shame…
1. It’s very embarrassing.
2. It’s a pity.
c. That’s why you have to live every day as if it’s your last…
1. You have to live your life to the fullest.
2. You have to live life carefully so that it won’t be your last day

(16 marks)
C. Choose an appropriate word in the box below for each gap.
Chasing Mavericks (a place with the meanest waves on the planet) recreates
the 1. inspirational / real true story of real life surfing phenomenon Jay
Moriarity. When 15-year-old Jay 2. forgets / discovers that the mythical
Mavericks surf break, one of the biggest 3. waves / beaches on Earth, is not
only real, but exists just miles from his Santa Cruz home, he 4. enlists / asks
the help of local legend Frosty Hesson to train him to survive the waves there.
As Jay and Frosty 5. end / embark on their quest to accomplish the
impossible, they form a unique friendship that 6. ends / transforms both their
lives, and their quest to tame Mavericks ends up being far more than mere
surfing. Mavericks is a winter destination for some of the world’s best big
wave 7. surfers / collectors . Very few riders become big wave surfers; and of
those, only a select few are willing to 8. risk / destroy the hazardous
conditions at Mavericks.

1. Invent an appropriate question with the question word in brackets (40 marks)
for each answer provided. The words in italics should be the
answers to the questions you invent.
a. They got married last year, I think. (When)

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

b. John paid for the meal as I told him I had no money. (Who)
c. Mother bought an Art book for Lisa. (What)
d. The box is made of wood. (What)

2. Rephrase the following sentences, by replacing the expression in (24 marks)

italics with the modal verb in brackets. Make any necessary

changes to the sentences.
a. John, students are not allowed to take those books home. (mustn’t)
John, ___________________________________________________
b. I refuse to go to that silly Halloween party. (won’t)
I _______________________________________________________
c. It’s possible for every generation to change the world. (can)
Every ___________________________________________________
d. Parents have the duty to take care of their children in the park.
Parents __________________________________________________

E. Choose one of the following topics and write a composition in of (40 marks)

about 120-140 words.

1. Young people shouldn’t risk their lives unnecessarily or without a valid
purpose. Do you agree with this statement?
Here are a few ideas that you can mention:
 Start off by agreeing/disagreeing with the statement.
 Give examples of cases when teens risk their lives: Refer to
extreme sports, adventure holidays, competitions, drinking
habits or drugs.
 Explain the possible consequences of this.
 Sum up by stressing your opinion again.
2. Volunteering: is it worthwhile? Refer to the pros and cons of this
Volunteering is when ____________________________________________.
Volunteering can be _____________________________________________.

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

However, volunteering can take up _________________________________.

So, it can be a good or a _________________________________________.
On the one hand, volunteering allows you to __________________________.
For example, young people can ___________________________________.
This is really good because _______________________________________.
On the other hand, volunteering can also be __________________________
For example, when ______________________________________________
If this happens then _____________________________________________
So volunteering can be both _______________ and ___________________.
It really depends on _____________________________________________.
In my opinion, it is definitely a _____________________________________

Good luck! 200 marks)

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

Escola: ________________________________

English Listening Test – 10th Form Level VI

Name: _______________________ Class: 10th ______ Date: __ /__ /____
Teacher’s Signature: ________ Mark: ______ Parent’s Signature: ________
Before you begin:

 Read all the questions carefully.

 Check that you have answered all the questions.
 If you do not know the answer to a question, move on and come back to it at the end.
 Re-read your work once you have finished and look out for any silly mistakes.

Extreme sports

1. Which of the following arguments does Sarah use to defend extreme (6 marks)
sports? You can choose more than one answer.
a. Young people should always try risky experiences in life.
b. You’ll keep fit if you do sports.
c. Crazy people do crazy things and that’s good.
d. You need adrenaline to keep on track.
e. It’s like a religious act and you feel better.

2. Which of the following alternatives does Mark suggest? (2 marks)

a. Watching a science fiction movie.

b. Cooking a new recipe for the whole family.
c. Reading an exciting thriller.
d. Chatting with her friends on the Net.
e. Going jogging on the beach.

3. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the gaps. (12 marks)
Sarah: “The sea is flat! A a._______________ for any surfer, Mark! And I
didn’t even have time to fix my bike to go mountain biking… damn.”
Mark: “Seriously Sarah, why don’t you b.________________ reading a book?
It’ll take your mind off everything.”

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

Sarah: “That’s your idea of an extreme sport, not mine, Mark. Sitting on the
c.___________ with your Kindle in your lap. I’ll pass on anything that doesn’t
get my d._____________ pumping. Long live Queen Adrenaline!”
Mark: “A great many e.________________ get your heart pumping – pick a
thrilling one, like a crime story or thriller. Maybe even a story about mountain
f.______________ or surfers!”

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

Answer Key

Version A
A. Personal answer.
a. “To surfers young and old, Jay Moriarity, famous big-wave rider from Santa Cruz,
was a natural-born hero”.
b. “And so it was all the more terrible when his buddies learned that he had died last
c. “Even those who don’t particularly like surfing respected and valued Moriarity’s
attributes: a world-class athlete at the front lines of his sport, a fearless
d. “Moriarity did not die as some would have imagined or expected- on the roaring
edge of a colossal breaker. He died instead while diving alone in the Maldives…”
a. Although Moriarty died so young, he already had lots of fans and admirers amongst
surfers all over the world.
b. He became an internationally charismatic idol when his prowess at Santa Cruz was
immortalized by Surfer Magazine’s snapshots.
c. The wave he managed to conquer was a 25-feet high wave.
a. He was very kind.
b. It’s a pity.
c. That’s why you have to live life to the fullest / as if each day could be your last.
1. inspirational
2. discovers
3. waves
4. enlists
5. embark
6. transforms
7. surfers
8. risk

a. When did they get married?
b. Who paid for the meal?
c. What did mother buy Lisa?
d. What is the box made out of?
a. John, students mustn’t take those books home.
b. I won’t go to that silly Halloween party.
c. Every generation can change the world.
d. Parents should take care of their children in the park.
E. Personal answer.

Version B
A. Personal answer.

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

a. “To surfers young and old, Jay Moriarity, famous big-wave rider from Santa Cruz,
was a natural-born hero”.
b. “And so it was all the more terrible when his buddies learned that he had died last
c. “Even those who don’t particularly like surfing respected and valued Moriarity’s
attributes: a world-class athlete at the front lines of his sport, a fearless
d. “Moriarity did not die as some would have imagined or expected- on the roaring
edge of a colossal breaker. He died instead while diving alone in the Maldives…”
a. Although Moriartiy died so young, he already had lots of fans and admirers
amongst surfers all over the world.
b. He became famous when a cover photo for Surfer Magazine caught his
longboard being lifted beneath him by a 25-foot wave - the most famous wipeout
ever recorded on film.
c. Friends and colleagues described Jay as having a special touch of innocence
and fearlessness.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 1
1. inspirational
2. discovers
3. waves
4. enlists
5. embark
6. transforms
7. surfers
8. risk

a. When did they get married?
b. Who paid for the meal?
c. What did mother buy for Lisa?
d. What is the box made out of?
a. John, students mustn’t take those books home.
b. I won’t go to that silly Halloween party.
c. Every generation can change the world.
d. Parents should take care of their children in the park.
E. Personal answer.

Listening test
1. b, d, e
2. c, e
a. nightmare
b. consider
c. beach
d. heart

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

e. books
f. climbers

Listening script
Sarah: “ARGH!!!! They’ve postponed our surf meeting again – the weather forecast got it
Mark: “Which means…”
Sarah: “The sea is flat! A nightmare for any surfer, Mark! And I didn’t even have time to fix my
bike to go mountain biking… damn.”
Mark: “Seriously Sarah, why don’t you consider reading a book? It’ll take your mind off
Sarah: “That’s your idea of an extreme sport, not mine, Mark. Sitting on the beach with your
Kindle in your lap. I’ll pass on anything that doesn’t get my heart pumping. Long live Queen
Mark: “A great many books get your heart pumping – pick a thrilling one, like a crime story or
thriller. Maybe even a story about mountain climbers or surfers!”
Sarah: “If I don’t do some kind of sport, I get fat.”
Mark (laughs): “Gee thanks!”
Sarah: “You’re not fat!”
Mark: Why don’t you go jogging by the sea? Why does it have to be an extreme sport?”
Sarah: “Because extreme sports blow all other sports out of the water. Sometimes I even feel
closer to God after I’ve jumped off a plane. I know I’m risking my life, but it’s a calculated risk,
not just craziness, as some people think.”
Mark: “Well, you wouldn’t catch me falling off a plane. Unless someone pushed me. And then
my adrenaline would turn to anger.” (laughs)

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

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