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Curso de Inglês

Apostila de inglês baseado no aplicativo Duolingo.

Esta apostila contém um vocabulário aproximado de 1400 palavras, e estão
divididos em 52 temas.

Tive a iniciativa de fazer este material, após ouvir inúmeras vezes, pessoas que
não conseguiam estudar pelo aplicativo, muitas se queixavam que poderia
haver um material físico com o conteúdo do aplicativo, que na minha opinião é
um dos melhores e alavancou meu inglês.
Finalizei o aplicativo uma vez, e a medida que fui completando a árvore,
realizava várias anotações em um caderno para poder consultar depois, juntei
essa ideia, e resolvi fazer este material, finalizando o aplicativo pela segunda vez
no inglês (já havia terminado uma no espanhol também).

Instrução para uso do material: Realizar a tradução das palavras, (recomendo

utilizar um dicionário físico para ter mais contato com o idioma). Após cada
tema estão os exercícios para aplicação das palavra em frases, nesta etapa tente
não utilizar o dicionário, pois as palavras são as mesmas que acabou de traduzir.
Os temas vão se acumulando nas frases, na medida em que você vai evoluindo.

Desenvolvido por Vitor de Oliveira, formado em Gestão de Produção Industrial,

pela Faculdade Pitágoras Jundiaí SP.

Meus contatos:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vitor-oliveira-4747b0b3/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vitor.oliveira.9847

Espero que este arquivo lhe seja útil, e compartilhe com quem desejar.

Críticas e sugestões, entre em contato através dos links acima.

Curso de Inglês
Pronouns – Pronomes
Subject pronouns: Têm a função de sujeito na oração
I – Eu
You – Você, Tu
He – Ele
She – Ela
It – Isto, isso, ele, ela (usado para coisas e animais)
We – Nós
You – Vocês, vós (plural e singular)
He is an actor – Ele é um ator
It is a pen – Isto é uma caneta
You and I will finish the lesson together – Você e eu vamos terminar a lição juntos
Object pronouns: Na oração tem como função de objeto direto ou indireto
Me – Mim, me
You – Te, ti, o, a, lhe
Him – o, lhe, ele
Her – a, lhe, ela
It – o, a (usado para coisas e animais)
Us – nos, nós, conosco
You – vos, lhes
Them – Os, as, lhes
Examples: I love him very much – Eu o amo muito

Tell her news – Conte-lhe a novidade

They never talk to us – Eles nunca conversam conosco

Possessive pronouns: É usado para substituir construção, possessive adjective vai depois do
Mine – Meu, minha, meus, minhas
Your – Seu, sua, seus, suas, teu, tua, teus, tuas,
His – Dele, seu, sua, seus, suas
Hers – Dela, seu, sua, seus, suas
Curso de Inglês
Ours – Nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas
They aren’t her books. They are mine. – Eles não são os livros dela. Eles são meus.
A teacher of mine is Italian. – Um de meus professores é italiano.
Possessive adjectives: adjetivos possessivos acompanham substantivos.
My – Meu, minha, meus, minhas
Yours – Teu, tua, teus, tuas, seu, sua, seus, suas
Its – Dele, dela, seu, sua, seus, suas (usado para coisas e animais)
Their – Deles, delas, seu, sua, seus, suas
Where are your parentes. – Onde estão seus pais.
He Always drives her cars. – Ele sempre dirige o carro dela.
She was in my car. – Ela estava em meu carro.
Common expressions
Good morning – Bom dia
Good afternoon – Boa tarde
Good evening – Boa noite (chegada)
Good night – Boa noite (saída)
Thanks – Obrigado
Thank you – Obrigado
You´re welcome – De nada
Please – Por favor
Hi – Oi
Hello – Olá, alô
How are you? – Como vai você?
Sorry – Desculpe
Excuse me – Com licença

Curso de Inglês
Exercise: Translate the verbs below=
Write _____________________________
Walk –_____________________________
Swim –____________________________
See – _____________________________
Cook – ____________________________
Sleep – ___________________________
Run – ____________________________
Want – ___________________________
Like – ____________________________
Pay – ____________________________
Goes – ___________________________
Play – ____________________________
Use – ____________________________
Love – ___________________________
Rain – ___________________________
Listen – __________________________
Say – ____________________________
Touch – __________________________
Hear – ___________________________
Need – ___________________________
Find – ____________________________
Know – ___________________________
Make – ___________________________
Support – _________________________
Feel – ____________________________
Work – ___________________________
Take –____________________________
Show – ___________________________
Design –__________________________

Curso de Inglês
Verbo TO BE
Com o conhecimento do verbo “To be”, que significa “ser” e “estar”, é o próximo passo para dominar a conjugação
de verbos no presente. A regra é basicamente a mesma para a maioria dos verbos. Exceto para a terceira pessoa do
singular (She, He e It), a conjugação no presente consiste em juntar o sujeito com o verbo sem o “To”.


1ª pessoa do singular – I I am Eu sou/estou

2ª pessoa do singular – you you are Você é/está

3ª pessoa do singular – he, she ou it he/she/it is Ele é/está – Ela é/está – Isto é/está

1ª pessoa do plural – we we are Nós somos/estamos

2ª pessoa do plural – you you are Vocês são/estão

3ª pessoa do plural – they (Eles, Elas) they are Eles são/estão

Verbo “To work” (Trabalhar)
I work here. (Eu trabalho aqui)
They work there. (Eles trabalham ali)
Já para a terceira pessoa do singular, em geral se acrescenta o “S” no final do verbo.
Verbo “To talk” (Falar)
She talks to me (Ela fala comigo)
He talks to you (Ele fala contigo)
Mas existem alguns casos diferentes para a terceira pessoa, algumas exceções: Se o verbo termina em S, SS, SH, CH,
X, Z ou O quando precedido por consoantes, deve ser acrescentado ES, não apenas S.
Wash – Washes / Dress – Dresses / Do – Does / Go – Goes / Buzz – Buzzes
O verbo Have é uma exceção. Na terceira pessoa do singular ele se torna HAS:
I have two brothers. (Eu tenho dois irmãos)
She has a pink dress. (Ela tem um vestido rosa)
E, por último, se o verbo terminar com Y e também for precedido por consoante, deve se substituir o Y por IES.
Cry – Cries / Try – Tries / Study – Studies
Importante lembrar que quando o Y é precedido por vogal, segue a regra básica. Como por exemplo “Play” é
conjugado como “Plays”.

Curso de Inglês

Eu vejo você She says, I listen

_________________________ _________________________
Ele escreve Eles nos pagam
_________________________ _________________________
Elas cozinham We make
_________________________ _________________________
She loves me Eu toco em você
_________________________ _________________________
Eu corro, ele caminha Nós jogamos
_________________________ _________________________
Ela dorme, eu trabalho Eu te mostro
_________________________ _________________________
Eu quero você! Nós ouvimos
_________________________ _________________________
Ela gosta dele Ela nada
_________________________ _________________________
I know her
I support you
She finds me
They need you
He goes
Curso de Inglês
Other basics words

Man – ____________________________ Read – ____________________________

Woman – _________________________ Book – ____________________________
Girl – ____________________________ Newspaper – ______________________
Boy – ____________________________ The – ____________________________
Child – ____________________________ An/a – ____________________________
Children – _________________________ And – ____________________________

Translate the foods

Fish – ____________________________ Tomato – _________________________

Orange – __________________________ Soup – ____________________________
Wine – ____________________________ Strawberry – ______________________
Coffee – __________________________ Lemon – __________________________
Egg – ____________________________ Salt – ____________________________
Chicken – _________________________ Dinner – __________________________
Plate – ____________________________ Meal – ____________________________
Sugar – __________________________ Meat – ____________________________
Lunch – __________________________ Corn – ____________________________
Juice – ____________________________ Onion – __________________________
Pasta – ___________________________ Rice – ____________________________
Breakfast – ________________________ Eat – ____________________________
Cheese – _________________________ Drink – ____________________________
Fruit – ____________________________ Sandwich – _______________________
Food – ____________________________ Bread – ___________________________
Beer – ____________________________ Milk – ____________________________
Beef – ____________________________

Curso de Inglês
Cat – ____________________________ Mouse – __________________________
Dog – ____________________________ Spider – ___________________________
Horse – __________________________ Snake – ___________________________
Bird – ____________________________ Lion – _____________________________
Elephant – ________________________ Tiger – ____________________________
Duck – ____________________________ Monkey – _________________________
Turtle – ___________________________ Pig – ______________________________
Bear – ____________________________ Cow –_____________________________
Crab – ____________________________ Butterfly –__________________________


Wear – ___________________________ Coat – ____________________________

Dress – ___________________________ Pants – ___________________________
Shoes –___________________________ Hat – ____________________________
Skirt – ____________________________ Suit – ____________________________
Shirt – ____________________________ Socks – ___________________________
Yellow – ____________________________
Red – ______________________________
Green – ____________________________
Black – _____________________________
White – ____________________________
Blue – ______________________________
Orange – ___________________________
Gray – ______________________________
Brown – ____________________________
Pink – ______________________________
Purple – ____________________________
Colorful – ___________________________

Curso de Inglês
Exercises: translate the sentences

They are girls My hats, your shoe

_________________________ _________________________
The boys have a ball She wears an orange dress
_________________________ _________________________
You are a man We have a suit
_________________________ _________________________
The girls have a dog I have a brown plate
_________________________ _________________________
We have a house The skirts are white
_________________________ _________________________
You love the elephant The elephant is gray
_________________________ _________________________
We hear an animal Vermelho e azul são cores
_________________________ _________________________
The girl hears the dog The hats are colorful
_________________________ _________________________
The cat likes the dog My shirt is orange
_________________________ _________________________
The boys have breakfast The cat is black
_________________________ _________________________
She eats fruit She wears a purple dress
_________________________ _________________________
We see the lemon Your color is purple
_________________________ _________________________
She eats a tomato He wants an apple
_________________________ _________________________
The meal has fish He cooks the food
_________________________ _________________________
He loves them She writes and I read
_________________________ _________________________
I like him

Curso de Inglês
If – ______________________________ When – ___________________________
Because – ________________________ While – ___________________________
Or – _____________________________ Whenever –_______________________
But – ____________________________ That – ___________________________

Exercises: translate the sentences

He eats chicken or fish The shirt is white or gray

_________________________ _________________________
But you like her If he walks, I walk
_________________________ _________________________
If you want I know that you know
_________________________ _________________________
He drinks, but not beer. I speak while I eat
_________________________ _________________________
We speak because we know Se você quer
_________________________ _________________________
He sleeps while I cook Nós falamos porque nós sabemos
_________________________ _________________________

Curso de Inglês
Mother –______________________
Father –_______________________
Parents –______________________
Son –__________________________
Daughter –_____________________
Brother –______________________
Sister –_______________________
Siblings –_______________________
Husband –_____________________
Wife –_______________________
Uncle –_______________________
Aunt –_______________________
Family –_______________________
Marriage –_____________________
Dad –_________________________
Grandmother –__________________
Grandfather –___________________
Name –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
Verbos presente 2
Sign – ________________________ Shows –_______________________
Open – ________________________ Remember –____________________
Think – ________________________ Stop –_________________________
Change – ________________________ Wish –________________________
Return – ________________________ Hope –_______________________
Call – ________________________ Searches –_____________________
Save –________________________ Fail –__________________________
Look –________________________ Include –_______________________
Live –_______________________ Pass –_________________________
Come –_______________________ Raise –________________________
Study –_______________________ Believe –_______________________
Offers –_______________________ Follow –_______________________
Give –_______________________ Returns –______________________
Offer –_______________________ Thank –_______________________
Needs –_______________________ Comes –_______________________
Try –__________________________ Consider –_____________________
Includes –_____________________ Takes –________________________
Ask –_________________________ Seems –_______________________
Present –______________________ Rest –_________________________
Works –_______________________ Answers –______________________
Talk –________________________ Starts –________________________
Mark –_______________________ Ends –________________________
Feel –________________________ Trust –________________________
Makes –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
Exercises: translate the sentences

The dad We look at the menu

_________________________ _________________________
The hat is for my husband I think about her
_________________________ _________________________
My mother goes to her house I wish for a son
_________________________ _________________________
Where is my sister? The girl comes with him
_________________________ _________________________
Father and daughter A mulher responde
_________________________ _________________________
Eu quero casamento e uma família He takes my food
_________________________ _________________________
My parentes eat rice Please consider it
_________________________ _________________________
What is your name? I offer her pasta
_________________________ _________________________
He and my mother are siblings A girl answers
_________________________ _________________________
Ele trabalha I think he is a doctor
_________________________ _________________________
Uma menina responde Eu desejo um filho
_________________________ _________________________

Curso de Inglês
I rest Eu acredito em você
_________________________ _________________________
Save the woman! She searches for her mother
_________________________ _________________________
Passar ou falhar? Pass me the sugar, please.
_________________________ _________________________
Come whenever you want Nós falhamos com você
_________________________ _________________________
They thank the family Eu acredito no meu pai
_________________________ _________________________
Ela procura por sua mãe I believe that she is at my house
_________________________ _________________________
It seems that he is fine We fail you
_________________________ _________________________
We save the animals

Curso de Inglês
Little –_______________________ Different –_____________________
Tired –_______________________ Left –_________________________
Bilingual –_____________________ Human –_______________________
Same –_______________________ Recent –_______________________
Next –_______________________ Legal –_______________________
General –______________________ Important –____________________
Real –_______________________ Professional –___________________
Local –_______________________ Available –_____________________
Special –_______________________ Future –_______________________
Own –_______________________ Possible –____________________
Personal –______________________ Popular –______________________
Main –_______________________ Living –_______________________
Private –_______________________ Official –_______________________
Clean –_______________________ Final –________________________
Dirty –_______________________ Whole –_______________________
Necessary –____________________
Military –______________________
Independent –__________________
Responsible –___________________
Excellent –_____________________
Perfect –_______________________
Beautiful –_____________________
Modern –______________________
Positive –______________________
Normal –_______________________
Minimum –_____________________
Traditional –____________________
Wrong –_______________________
Historical –_____________________
Cultural –_____________________
Curso de Inglês
Interesting –____________________
Religious –_____________________
Serious –_______________________
Famous –______________________
Negative –_____________________
Efficient –______________________
Expensive –_____________________
Familiar –______________________
Impossible –____________________
Alive –_______________________
Convenient –___________________
Opposite –_____________________
Afraid –_______________________
Sad –_______________________
Frequent –_____________________
Wooden –_____________________
Own –_______________________
Legal –_______________________
Living –_______________________
Independent –__________________
Responsible –___________________
Modern –______________________
Wrong –_______________________
Cultural –______________________
Interesting –____________________
Serious –_______________________
Efficient –______________________
Impossible –____________________
Frequent –____________________

Curso de Inglês
Exercises: translate the sentences

We are opposite
______________________ I like local food

The work is a whole day _______________________

______________________ O juiz diz que não é legal

I have my own cats _______________________

______________________ The boy has a wooden horse

He is a modern man _______________________

______________________ But they are expensive

I am not afraid _____________________

______________________ A resposta é negative

Yes, they are real _____________________

______________________ Are they legal?

The skirt is perfect _____________________

______________________ Positivo ou negativo

They are not human ______________________

______________________ We are apposite

It is cultural ______________________

_______________________ O trabalho é um dia inteiro

We use an efficient model _______________________

He is a professional writer

Curso de Inglês
From –______________________
In –________________________
On –_______________________
At –________________________
Of –________________________
Between –_____________________
By –_________________________
For –_______________________
About –_______________________
Without –______________________
With –________________________
To –__________________________
Like –________________________
As –__________________________
After –________________________
Out –_________________________
Under –_______________________
Off –__________________________
Among –_______________________
Behind –__________________________
Towards –______________________
Near –_______________________
Except –_______________________
During –_______________________
Over –_______________________
Against –_____________________

Curso de Inglês
I take off my coat
The shirt is under the pants
He swims like a fish
Please take off your shoes
I am against him
I walk after lunch
She walks by me
It rains over us
Not during dinner
Eles saem para jantar

Curso de Inglês
Datas e Tempo
Today –_______________________ June –_______________________
Tomorrow –____________________ July –_______________________
Tonight –______________________ August –_______________________
Night –_______________________ September –____________________
Morning –______________________ October –______________________
Afternoon –____________________ November –____________________
Time –_______________________ December –____________________
Calendar –_____________________ Season –_______________________
Monday –______________________ Winter –_______________________
Tuesdays –_____________________ Spring –_______________________
Wednesday –___________________ Summer –______________________
Thursday –_____________________ Fall –_______________________
Friday –_______________________ Period –_______________________
Day –_________________________ Minute –_______________________
Saturday –_____________________ Century –______________________
Sunday –_______________________ Party –_______________________
Year –_________________________ Stage –_______________________
Age –__________________________ Generation –___________________
Week –_______________________ Birth –_______________________
Month –_______________________ Moment –______________________
Hour –_______________________ Evening –______________________
January –______________________ Fair –_______________________
February –_____________________ Decades –______________________
March –_______________________ Second –_______________________
April –_______________________ Bit –_______________________
Date –_______________________ Until –_______________________
May –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
Em junho, chove dia após dia Do you have time

________________________ ________________________

See you at the fair The minutes of the hour

________________________ ________________________

Thursday afternoon I have time tomorrow morning

________________________ ________________________

As horas do dia Agosto e setembro são meses do ano

________________________ ________________________

Our generation likes coffee The month of April

________________________ ________________________

The birth of na animal Hoje é quarta-feira

________________________ ________________________

I sleep in the evening On Tuesdays I eat cheese

________________________ ________________________

Até amanhã February, March and April

________________________ ________________________

A escolha We read a bit of the book

________________________ ________________________

A etapa Uma maçã por criança

________________________ ________________________

Curso de Inglês
Student –_______________________
Doctor –_______________________
Work –_______________________
Author –_______________________
Job –_______________________
Models –_______________________
Staff –_______________________
Director –_______________________
Career –_______________________
Police –_______________________
Artist –_______________________
Secretary –_______________________
Workers –_______________________
Lawyer –_______________________
Professional –___________________
Judge –_______________________
Writer –_______________________
Officer –_______________________
Guard –________________________
Actors –________________________
Captain –_______________________
Soldiers –_______________________
Boss –______________________________
Profession –_____________________
Farmer –________________________
Architect –_______________________
Engineer –_______________________
Waiter –_______________________
Waitress –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
You are doctors
The man is an engineer
I am a waitress
He speaks with the guard
A sopa é para o capitão
Os policiais vestem camisas azuis
Nós somos os trabalhadores
He loves his career
What is her profession?
O capitão
É só um urso

Curso de Inglês
There –_______________________ Usually –_______________________
Very –_______________________ Far –_______________________
Too –_______________________ Currently –_____________________
Now –_______________________ Later –_______________________
More –_______________________ Enough –_______________________
So –_______________________ Soon –_______________________
As –_______________________ Almost –_______________________
Never –_______________________ Late –_______________________
Then –_______________________ Especially –_____________________
Here –_______________________ Finally –_______________________
Pretty –_______________________ Sometimes –____________________
Always –_______________________ Easily –_______________________
Also –_______________________ Generally –_____________________
Once –_______________________ Completely –___________________
Only –_______________________ Approximately –_________________
Just –_______________________ Exactly –_______________________
Well –_______________________ Clearly –_______________________
Even –_______________________ Anywhere –____________________
Much –_______________________ Twice –_______________________
Still –_______________________ Possibly –______________________
However –_____________________ Normally –_____________________
Really –_______________________ Neither –_____________________
Again –_______________________ Normally –_____________________
Yet –_______________________ Necessarily –___________________
Away –_______________________ Definitely –_____________________
Already –______________________ Slowly –_______________________
Least –_______________________ Perfectly –_____________________
Ever –_______________________ Together –_____________________
Else –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
A comida está cara como sempre I really like you
_________________________ _________________________
She drinks wine once a day No entanto, eu sempre vejo o soldado
_________________________ _______________________________
Nor black coffee Finally, it is Friday
_________________________ _________________________
They do not have much I sleep away from you
_________________________ _________________________
Nós precisamos pelo menos de uma hora O urso come o suficiente para o inverno
_________________________ ________________________________
She is not a doctor yet It is enough for me
_________________________ _________________________
She reads easily Ele é, no entanto, meu pai
_________________________ _________________________
It is possibly an elephant I am green, so what?
_________________________ _________________________
I love you too I am really sorry!
_________________________ _________________________
Ele nada como um peixe, mas não é necessariamente He is currently an actor
um peixe. _________________________
_______________________________________ Even the girls talk
Cats sleep anywhere _________________________
_________________________ Às vezes eu corro nas terças-feiras
He always plays well _________________________
_________________________ As meninas estudam juntas
She is still a girl _________________________
_________________________ Please walk more
See you soon _________________________
_________________________ Then what
I am not as tired as you _________________________
_________________________ Ela nada perfeitamente
It is not necessarily personal _________________________
_________________________ You write especially for us
They are normally brown _________________________
_________________________ I hear you perfectly
She is currently a secretary _________________________
_________________________ We need at least an hour
My hat is there _________________________

Curso de Inglês
House –_______________________ Front –_______________________
Restaurant –____________________ District –_______________________
Beach –_______________________ Bank –_______________________
Hotel –_______________________ Bar –_______________________
Yard –_______________________ Inside –_______________________
Bathroom –____________________ Station –_______________________
Kitchen –_______________________ Ground –_____________________
Airport –_______________________ Valley –_______________________
Street –_______________________ Museum –_____________________
City –_______________________ Coast –_______________________
Church –_______________________ Zone –_______________________
Castle –_______________________ Corner –_______________________
Country –_____________________ Avenue –______________________
Place –_______________________ Route –_______________________
Along –_______________________ Neighborhood –_________________
Into –_______________________ Border –_______________________
Home –_______________________ Tower –_______________________
Site –_______________________ Cinema –_______________________
Center –_______________________ Prison –_______________________
Office –_______________________ Palace –_______________________
Area –_______________________ Town –_______________________
Address –_____________________ Capital –_______________________
Department –__________________ Community –___________________
Property –______________________ Port –_______________________
Room –_______________________ Right –_______________________
Market –_______________________ Square –_______________________
Park –_______________________ Top –_______________________
Building –______________________ West –_______________________
Garden –_______________________ North –_______________________
Region –_______________________ Farm –_______________________
Island –_______________________ Zoo –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
What is your address? She is at the beach
____________________________ ____________________________
Sorry, where is the bathroom? The site
____________________________ ____________________________
Eu sou do departamento de polícia He walks on the street
____________________________ ____________________________
The inside O museu
____________________________ ____________________________
I see the churches Eu moro na costa oeste
____________________________ ____________________________
Ela leva comida para o escritório I have properties here
____________________________ ____________________________
O porto The is a duck in the yard
____________________________ ____________________________
O Banco O restaurante fica no topo do hotel
____________________________ ____________________________
A capital It is na importante avenue
____________________________ ____________________________
I cook for the community O centro
____________________________ ____________________________
As crianças brincam no bairro A prisão
____________________________ ____________________________
We know about our rights O edifício é perfeito
____________________________ ____________________________
The military zone is open They want a place
____________________________ ____________________________
A costa I live by the station
____________________________ ____________________________
Are you at the restaurant? He cooks in the kitchen
____________________________ ____________________________
They sleep in a hotel. Now I am at the airport
____________________________ ____________________________
A ilha é popular

Curso de Inglês
Table –_______________________ Wheel –_______________________
Bed –_______________________ Umbrella –_____________________
Chair –_______________________ Roof –_______________________
Bowl –_______________________ Cabinet –______________________
Spoon –_______________________ Letter –_______________________
Bottle –_______________________ Key –_______________________
Magazine –_____________________ Pool –_______________________
Window –_____________________ Sponge –_______________________
Television –____________________ Thing –_______________________
Computer –____________________ Bell –_______________________
Radio –_______________________ Phone –_______________________
Mirror –_______________________ Pan –_______________________
Clock –_______________________ Paper –_______________________
Cellphone –____________________ Engine –_______________________
Watch –_______________________ Object –_______________________
Sofa –_______________________ Machine –______________________
Lamp –_______________________ String –_______________________
Desk –_______________________ Piece –_______________________
Basket –_______________________ Sheet –_______________________
Battery –_______________________ Motor –_______________________
Soap –_______________________ Root –_______________________
Bedsheet –_____________________ Chain –_______________________
Wallet –_______________________ Flag –_______________________
Door –_______________________ Novel –_______________________
Box –_______________________ Powder –______________________
TV –_______________________ Comb –_______________________
Screen –_______________________ Through –______________________
Razor –_______________________ Fork –_______________________
Toothpaste –___________________ Knife –_______________________
Telephone –____________________ Toothbrush –___________________
Wall –_______________________ Cup –_______________________
Floor –_______________________ Scissor –_______________________
Bag –_______________________ Glass –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
The bag I use the spoon
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Where is the wheel Ela ouve rádio aos domingos
___________________________________ ___________________________________
The sheet is white Eu tenho uma tigela
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Where are the mirrors? A chave
___________________________________ ___________________________________
It is an object Our sofa is yellow
___________________________________ ___________________________________
I need batteries Thanks for the letter
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Eu nado na piscina My basket is under the table
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Do we have White bedsheets? There is a boy near the door
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Where is the toothpaste? Há um telefone aqui?
___________________________________ ___________________________________
O melhor homem venceu I do not have the keys
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Os muros I need a razor
___________________________________ ___________________________________
O motor The pan is yours
___________________________________ ___________________________________
A corda It is your desk
___________________________________ ___________________________________
I like your comb A bandeira é oficial
___________________________________ ___________________________________
O romance A cup of coffee
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Ela sempre diz a mesma coisa The bottle is green
___________________________________ ___________________________________
I see you through the window Are you a machine?
___________________________________ ___________________________________
The cabinet is red Where is my clock?
___________________________________ ___________________________________
I do not have walls Does she have paper?
___________________________________ ___________________________________
She goes to bed Nós estamos incluindo o Brasil
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Do you have a cellphone? We eat on the floor
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Curso de Inglês
Person –_____________________
Baby –_______________________
Friend –______________________
Boyfriend –____________________
Girlfriend –____________________
Public –_______________________
Enemy –_______________________
Human –_______________________
Committee –____________________
Conference –____________________
Culture –________________________
Foundation –_____________________
Population –_____________________
Youth –_________________________
Relationship –____________________
Village –_________________________
Individual –_______________________
Couple –_________________________
Lady –___________________________
Citizen –_________________________
Victim –__________________________
People –__________________________

Curso de Inglês
Hoje o jardim está aberto ao público We are not a foundation
______________________________ ______________________________
The summer is for the youth We go to the village
______________________________ ______________________________
The enemy Os indivíduos vivem aqui
______________________________ ______________________________
We are individuals It is open to the public
______________________________ ______________________________
We eat at the village They are an excellent couple
______________________________ ______________________________
Água é importante para humanos Eu estou aqui para a conferência
______________________________ ______________________________
Eles são um casal The humans are wrong
______________________________ ______________________________
She Works for a foundation The youth eat in the garden
______________________________ ______________________________
He does not have enemies They are not people
______________________________ ______________________________
They talk ate the conference I love my boyfriend
______________________________ ______________________________

Curso de Inglês
That –_______________________
This –_______________________
One –_______________________
These –______________________
Those –_______________________
No –_________________________
All –_________________________
Everybody –__________________
Every –_______________________
Any –_______________________
Other –_______________________
Another –_____________________
Each –_______________________
Something –___________________
Such –_______________________
Both –_______________________
Few –_______________________
Everything –___________________
None –_______________________
Someone –_____________________
Nothing –______________________
Anything –_____________________
Everyone –_____________________
Nobody –_______________________
Anybody –______________________
Thing –_________________________

Curso de Inglês
I eat fish every day Whose cups are those?
______________________________ ______________________________
These are people This is a kitchen
______________________________ ______________________________
Nobody wants that Each cat has a bell
______________________________ ______________________________
We do not have any property All the women
______________________________ ______________________________
None of them is alive I want another apple
______________________________ ______________________________
Which one is my window? Everybody hears me
______________________________ ______________________________
Who are these men with you? She is not afraid of anything
______________________________ ______________________________
Everyone loves milk This is your key
______________________________ ______________________________
I like such coffee Those are keys
______________________________ ______________________________
Estes são meus amigos Cada gato tem um sino
______________________________ ______________________________
Nós não temos qualquer cão I am not from this country
______________________________ ______________________________
Ninguém é perfeito We need that bottle
______________________________ ______________________________
Both are in the room The other coat is red
______________________________ ______________________________

Curso de Inglês
Não tem vinho naquela garrafa
They have few books
Is anybody home?
They tell me everything
The pool has no water
I want that all
Someone is at the door
Do you have other shoes?
This child eats fish
I like that dog
Ela fala com ele
Eu como peixe todos os dias

Curso de Inglês
Travel –_______________________ Adventure –____________________
Car –_______________________ Bridge –_______________________
Bicycle –_______________________ Plane –_______________________
Suitcase –_____________________ Journey –_____________________
Bus –_______________________ German –_____________________
Train –_______________________ Departure –____________________
Motorcycle –___________________ Tourist –_______________________
Boat –_______________________ Subway –_____________________
Airplane –______________________ America –______________________
Drive –_______________________ France –_______________________
Backpack –_____________________ England –______________________
Guide –_______________________ Germany –_____________________
Visit –_______________________ Europe –_______________________
Spanish –_____________________ China –_______________________
Portuguese –___________________ Abroad –_______________________
Map –_______________________ South –_______________________
Road –_______________________ Chinese –_____________________
Ship –_______________________ International –__________________
Vehicle –______________________ American –_____________________
Transportation –________________ European –_____________________
Trip –_______________________ Around –_______________________
French –_______________________ Turn –_______________________
Flight –_______________________ Passport –_____________________
Curso de Inglês
Eu sou da inglaterra O turista vai ao museu
______________________________ ______________________________
The wheel turns Are you Chinese?
______________________________ ______________________________
I drive the car The road
______________________________ ______________________________
Ela fala francês Here comes the bus!
______________________________ ______________________________
What is the departure time? The tourist does not have a guide
______________________________ ______________________________
Eles vêm em março para a visita A ponte
______________________________ ______________________________
My house is in France O avião
______________________________ ______________________________
I have a friend in England We are international
______________________________ ______________________________
The guide is available in English and A nossa viagem é em novembro
German ______________________________
______________________________ A mulher é francesa
When is the next departure? ______________________________
______________________________ Germany is his second home
O guia ______________________________
______________________________ O trem é vermelho
The flight ______________________________

Curso de Inglês
One –_______________________ Ninety –_______________________
Two –_______________________ Hundred –_____________________
Three –_______________________ Thousand –_____________________
Four –_______________________ Million –_______________________
Five –_______________________ Some –_______________________
Six –_______________________ More –_______________________
Seven –_______________________ Less –_______________________
Eight –_______________________ Many –_______________________
Nine –_______________________ First –_______________________
Ten –_______________________ Second –_______________________
Eleven –_______________________ Third –_______________________
Twelve –_______________________ Last –_______________________
Thirteen –______________________ Number –______________________
Fourteen –_____________________ Much –_______________________
Sixteen –_______________________ Amount –______________________
Seventeen –____________________ Enough –_______________________
Eighteen –_____________________ Sum –_______________________
Nineteen –_____________________ Majority –______________________
Twenty –_______________________ Fourth –_______________________
Thirty –_______________________ Meter –_______________________
Forty –_______________________ Pair –_______________________
Fifty –_______________________ Average –______________________
Sixty –_______________________ Half –_______________________
Seventy –______________________ Per –_______________________
Eighty –_______________________ Total –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
In forty years things change Ela tem dezenove amigos
______________________________ ______________________________
Nós somos cinco irmãos Eu tenho oitenta camisas
______________________________ ______________________________
Cinco, quarto, três, dois, um Eighteen, nineteen, twenty
______________________________ ______________________________
Thousands of years Quinze homens
______________________________ ______________________________
A year has twelve months We are eleven people
______________________________ ______________________________
I live on the first door The sum is negative
______________________________ ______________________________
It is total How much time do you have?
______________________________ ______________________________
Eu vou para a cama às onze She has many skirts
______________________________ ______________________________
My son is sixteen Um metro é suficiente
______________________________ ______________________________
The amount of food is enough He runs one meter per second
______________________________ ______________________________
Ninety-nine people live here Em um minute há sessenta segundos
______________________________ ______________________________
Nós corremos por quinze minutos I want less soup
______________________________ ______________________________
We have enough time She has a dog and six cats
______________________________ ______________________________
Twenty families live here Half of six is three
______________________________ ______________________________
Curso de Inglês
Verbos Presente 3
Use –_______________________ Present –______________________
Contain –______________________ Hate –_______________________
Get –_______________________ Assume –______________________
Respect –______________________ Tell –_______________________
Call –_______________________ Find –_______________________
Agree –_______________________ Serve –_______________________
Give –_______________________ Create –_______________________
Appear –_______________________ Believe –_______________________
Watch –_______________________ Add –_______________________
Count –_______________________ Talk –_______________________
Look –_______________________ Visit –_______________________
Miss –_______________________ Introduce –_____________________
Live –_______________________ Demand –______________________
Follow –_______________________ Fell –_______________________
Fill –_______________________ Open –_______________________
Produce –______________________ Explain –_______________________
Reserve –______________________ Arrive –_______________________
Sign –_______________________ Receive –______________________
Mix –_______________________ Win –_______________________
Dry –_______________________ Cut –_______________________
Fly –_______________________ Put –_______________________
Import –_______________________ Think –_______________________
Help –_______________________ Announce –____________________
Spend –_______________________ Wish –_______________________
Support –______________________ Fit –_______________________
Know –_______________________ Ask –_______________________
Continue –_____________________ Try –_______________________
Deliver –_______________________ Sing –_______________________
Leave –_______________________ Allow –_______________________
Begin –_______________________ Set –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
He fits in the bed A filha visita os pais.
______________________________ ______________________________
Reserve an afternoon Eu concordo
______________________________ ______________________________
The glass contains water
______________________________ He calls the lawyer
I spend time with her ______________________________
______________________________ Eles produzem pão.
My brother uses this bicycle ______________________________
______________________________ We all agree with you
He assumes we are wrong ______________________________
______________________________ Elas aparecem à noite
Please introduce me to the ______________________________
community I dry the plates
______________________________ ______________________________
Eles me apresentam seus pais I fly
______________________________ ______________________________
She serves me the food Ele acredita que a garrafa tem vinho
______________________________ ______________________________
Ela conta com sua família He knows women
______________________________ ______________________________
I hate sugar I deliver bottles of water
______________________________ ______________________________
She looks like her mother Ele demanda comida
______________________________ ______________________________
Eu sinto a sua falta They arrive in America
______________________________ ______________________________

Curso de Inglês
He helps his mother Ela deseja ter uma carreira
______________________________ ______________________________
O pai explica que ele está vivo Ele entrega comida
______________________________ ______________________________
He begins in America She sets the table
______________________________ ______________________________
He explains his book Ela deseja ter um castelo
______________________________ ______________________________
Eu voo. If your aunt allows it
______________________________ ______________________________
Ele conhece o menino She tells me everything
______________________________ ______________________________
You deliver the food He adds
______________________________ ______________________________
Ele começa na Amércia Eu encho a garrafa de óleo
______________________________ ______________________________
The dog helps the man
Ele acredita que a garrafa tem vinho
I sing
Ela recebe seu carro
Eu anuncio meu livro

Curso de Inglês
Study –_______________________ Presentation –__________________

Teacher –______________________ Preparation –___________________

Note –_______________________ University –___________________

Pen –_______________________ Lecture –_______________________

School –_______________________ Explanation –___________________

Program –____________________ College –_______________________

Education –_____________________ Objective –_____________________

Section –_______________________ Meaning –_____________________

Course –_______________________ Teaching –_____________________

Library –_______________________ Training –______________________

Test –_______________________ History –_______________________

Application –___________________ Page –_______________________

Example –_____________________ Report –_______________________

Class –_______________________ Document –____________________

Word –_______________________ Difficult –______________________

Knowledge –____________________
Chapter –______________________
Practice –______________________
Institute –______________________
Idea –_______________________
Professor –_____________________

Curso de Inglês
My mother has many ideas He studies day and night
______________________________ ______________________________
The knowledge I like teaching history
______________________________ ______________________________
This has an explanation Of course
______________________________ ______________________________
My horse needs more practice The difficulty
______________________________ ______________________________
Estes programas são para estudantes The example
internacionais ______________________________
______________________________ The training
I do not have practice ______________________________
______________________________ O estudo tem um objetivo
I read a study about markets ______________________________
______________________________ Os aplicativos estão na caixa
Aquela é a ideia ______________________________
______________________________ Eu tenho um objetivo
My pen ______________________________
______________________________ He goes to two universities
Sua educação é muito importante para ______________________________
mim I design the page
______________________________ ______________________________
A preparação está no calendário Ele vai a uma palestra no instituto
______________________________ ______________________________
My brother likes teaching He takes two classes
______________________________ ______________________________
Hoje eu tenho dois testes It is a sad chapter
______________________________ ______________________________
Onde é a apresentação? Write a report
______________________________ ______________________________
I read the words Ele trabalha no instituto
______________________________ ______________________________
A palestra
Curso de Inglês
Verbos Passado 1
Was –_______________________ Wrote –_______________________
Were –_______________________ Informed –_______________________
Ate –_______________________ Gave –_______________________
Drank –_______________________ Died –_______________________
Went –_______________________ Turned –_______________________
Cooked –_______________________ Tried –_______________________
Spoke –_______________________ Supported –______________________
Yesterday –_______________________ Decided –_______________________
Walked –_______________________ Returned –_______________________
Liked –_______________________ Looked –_______________________
Wanted –_______________________ Felt –_______________________
Loved –_______________________ Knew –_______________________
Rained –_______________________ Performed –______________________
Touched –_______________________ Kept –_______________________
Recently –_______________________ Beat –_______________________
Played –_______________________ Introduced –______________________
Heard –_______________________ Won –_______________________
Listened –_______________________ Happened –______________________
Saw –_______________________ Finished –_______________________
Had –_______________________ Reached –_______________________
Said –_______________________ Showed –_______________________
Born –_______________________ Entered –_______________________
Told –_______________________ Opened –_______________________
Made –_______________________ Seemed –_______________________
Used –_______________________ Appeared –_______________________
Found –_______________________ Explained –_______________________
Left –_______________________ Stopped –_______________________
Put –_______________________ Fell –_______________________
Called –_______________________ Answered –_______________________
Stared –_______________________ Stayed –_______________________
Thought –_______________________ Talked –_______________________
Lost –_______________________ Watched –______________________
Came –_______________________
Took –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
He ate at my house My wife cooked rice
_____________________________ _____________________________
We went to my house He thought about me
_____________________________ _____________________________
She was born in England Eu falei com meus pais sobre aquilo
_____________________________ _____________________________
He explained his book He felt tired
_____________________________ _____________________________
It rained yesterday O pássaro caiu
_____________________________ _____________________________
She aways knew He tried the shoes
_____________________________ _____________________________
Nobody listened to me Ela me apresentou ao seu namorado
_____________________________ _____________________________
Eu escrevi esta carta em francês He appeared in the church
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ela explicou aquilo She turned into a woman
_____________________________ _____________________________
Aqueles cachorros caminham I heard a person in my house
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ela teve um gato She used to have six dogs
_____________________________ _____________________________
He reached me A festa começou ontem
_____________________________ _____________________________
I thought you were a doctor I touched the cat
_____________________________ _____________________________
The child fell out of bed They started this
_____________________________ _____________________________
She performed well Ela me apresentou ao seu namorado na
_____________________________ festa
You spoke with my sister _____________________________
_____________________________ The boy beat on the window yesterday
She had a cat _____________________________
_____________________________ Aquela noite ela me apresentou para
Meus pais cozinham para meus amigos todo mundo
_____________________________ _____________________________
It seemed familiar He stopped the car
_____________________________ _____________________________
Curso de Inglês
I liked those women If she loved me
_____________________________ _____________________________
I called my mother Ele ficou no hotel
_____________________________ _____________________________
He put the book on the table Ele tomou água
_____________________________ _____________________________
I played with the cat They drank beer at my house
_____________________________ _____________________________
He came from far away They left this at the door
_____________________________ _____________________________
He entered my house Eu assisti a apresentação dele na quarta-
_____________________________ feira
I walked to the airport _____________________________
_____________________________ Ele informou o público
She returned _____________________________
_____________________________ He opened the window
Ele parou o carro _____________________________
_____________________________ He died
We liked that hotel _____________________________
_____________________________ She took out a knife
Ela voltou _____________________________
_____________________________ He informed the public
The girl answered the phone _____________________________
_____________________________ The party happened yesterday
She showed me her house _____________________________
_____________________________ Ela abriu a porta
He love his sister _____________________________
_____________________________ Nós achamos comida
O professor guardou a chave _____________________________
_____________________________ Ela deixou o carro naquela rua
I saw him recently _____________________________
_____________________________ He told me about her
Nós decidimos isto _____________________________
_____________________________ We found the car
He supported his children _____________________________
She already decided
Curso de Inglês
Verbos Infinitivo 1
Do –_______________________ Help –_______________________
Does –_______________________ Find –_______________________
Have –_______________________ Work –_______________________
Write –_______________________ Buy –_______________________
Walk –_______________________ Add –_______________________
Swim –_______________________ Need –_______________________
Be –_______________________ Set –_______________________
See –_______________________ Know –_______________________
Cook –_______________________ Take –_______________________
Sleep –_______________________ Show –_______________________
Run –_______________________ Open –_______________________
Want –_______________________ Think –_______________________
Like –_______________________ Change –_______________________
Pay –_______________________ Return –_______________________
Let –_______________________ Call –_______________________
Go –_______________________ Visit –_______________________
Speak –_______________________ Learn –_______________________
Play –_______________________ Look –_______________________
Use –_______________________ Live –_______________________
Love –_______________________ Start –_______________________
Close –_______________________ Come –_______________________
Rent –_______________________ Study –_______________________
Rain –_______________________ Give –_______________________
Touch –_______________________ Sell –_______________________
Hear –_______________________ Create –_______________________
Listen –_______________________ Offer –_______________________
Say –_______________________ Keep –_______________________
Place –_______________________ Enter –_______________________
Tell –_______________________ Try –_______________________
Get –_______________________ Ask –_______________________
Make –_______________________ Drive –_______________________
Exercise –______________________
Curso de Inglês
Verbos Infinitivo 1
Eu preciso colocar a mesa? I hate to make the bed
_____________________________ _____________________________
Às vezes você não dirige na Estrada How do you cook the fish?
_____________________________ _____________________________
They do not come today Do not touch me
_____________________________ _____________________________
Where do they keep the salt? I want you to give me a piece of bread
_____________________________ _____________________________
Why does it not rain? Ela não fala sobre esse assunto
_____________________________ _____________________________
Do you know how to drive? I do not run in October
_____________________________ _____________________________
I do not think about it Please do not speak to him
_____________________________ _____________________________
I do not swim in September Eu não pago para meu amigos
_____________________________ _____________________________
He wants us to take the bus He does not want to know
_____________________________ _____________________________
He does not change I try to go to the island
_____________________________ _____________________________
Você quer que eu faça café? I hope to get a job
_____________________________ _____________________________
Do not touch the pan! I do not use the computer
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ele quer alugar o barco I do not like to sleep
_____________________________ _____________________________
They do not give food Meu pai quer pagar o meu café da
_____________________________ manhã
I want to rent a car _____________________________

Curso de Inglês
She does not speak English Eu vejo a polícia
_____________________________ _____________________________
I do not run in the summer Does she work in this city?
_____________________________ _____________________________
I have to open everything I want to buy
_____________________________ _____________________________
Eles se apresentaram juntos She likes to write
_____________________________ _____________________________
You need to listen to this Do they sell books?
_____________________________ _____________________________
They do not like horses Prática é importante para aprender
_____________________________ português
She does not find her keys _____________________________
_____________________________ Do not enter the water
We have to start _____________________________
_____________________________ Ele precisa procurar um emprego
Do I need to add salt? _____________________________
_____________________________ I do not use forks
But I have to return _____________________________
_____________________________ They do not let me sleep
Do you live here? _____________________________
_____________________________ She does not look at me
Eu quero visitor outros paises _____________________________
_____________________________ Why does he show that?
Esta vila é um lugar bonito para se visitar _____________________________
_____________________________ We go to school because we want to
Who do you visit?
Do they write a book?
Você acha os pássaros?

Curso de Inglês
Verbos Passado 2
Did –_______________________
Did eat –_______________________
Did see –_______________________
Did go –_______________________
Did drink –_______________________
Did hear –_______________________
Did say –_______________________
Did like –_______________________
Did tell –_______________________
Did make –_______________________
Did answer –_______________________
Did do –_______________________
Did speak –_______________________
Did talk –_______________________
Did find –_______________________
Did want –_______________________
Did follow –_______________________
Did play –_______________________
Did know –_______________________
Did use –_______________________
Did ask –_______________________
Did add –_______________________
Did fell –_______________________
Did watch –_______________________
Did happen –_______________________
Did leave –_______________________
Did remember –____________________
Did have –_______________________
Did write –_______________________
Did love –_______________________
Did work –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
Eu não costumava beber café quando eu When did you want to go?
era criança _____________________________
_____________________________ What did he add?
He did not talk to me _____________________________
_____________________________ She did not look at me
Did they go to a castle? _____________________________
_____________________________ She did not know the number
Eles eram tão diferentes que eu não me _____________________________
senti em casa Which program did they watch
_____________________________ yesterday?
Did you see the lion? _____________________________
_____________________________ She did not tell me her address
I did not speak to him _____________________________
_____________________________ I did not say that
We did not like the chicken _____________________________
_____________________________ You did not find me
He did not have an answer _____________________________
_____________________________ At what time did he leave?
How did she feel yesterday? _____________________________
_____________________________ Did you make food today?
A ilha é popular _____________________________
_____________________________ She did not ask me
I did not remember it _____________________________
_____________________________ Na terça-feira eu não comi na minha casa
Did you follow your brother? _____________________________
_____________________________ How did it happen?
Quando meus pais contaram isso a você? _____________________________
_____________________________ She did not ask anything
Did you do anything today? _____________________________
_____________________________ Where did you eat yesterday?
She did not answer _____________________________
_____________________________ What did the students drink?
Nós assistimos TV ontem à noite? ____________________________
Curso de Inglês
Objetos Abstratos 1
Love –_______________________ Result –_______________________
Part –_______________________ Issue –_______________________
View –_______________________ Agreement –_____________________
Service –_______________________ Solution –_______________________
List –_______________________ Production –_____________________
System –_______________________ Protection –______________________
Review –_______________________ Construction –____________________
Order –_______________________ Entry –_______________________
Group –_______________________ Effect –_______________________
Way –_______________________ Mind –_______________________
Type –_______________________ Wish –_______________________
Design –_______________________ Hope –_______________________
Case –_______________________ Union –_______________________
Version –_______________________ Opportunity –_____________________
Member –_______________________ Choice –_______________________
Control –_______________________ Degree –_______________________
Change –_______________________ Matter –_______________________
Call –_______________________ Voice –_______________________
Account –_______________________ Evidence –_______________________
Profile –_______________________ Role –_______________________
Level –_______________________ Purpose –_______________________
Description –_____________________ Successes –_______________________
Image –_______________________ Award –_______________________
Content –_______________________ Introduction –_____________________
Value –_______________________ Charge –_______________________
Category –_______________________ Grade –_______________________
Act –_______________________ Rest –_______________________
Equipment –______________________ Subject –_______________________
Problem –_______________________ Dark –_______________________
Side –_______________________ Alternative –______________________
Performance –____________________ Kind –_______________________
Option –_______________________ Record –_______________________
Activity –_______________________ Edge –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
It was always this way I saw the image
_____________________________ _____________________________
The change Here is my version
_____________________________ _____________________________
O meu papel é cozinhar We are now five members!
_____________________________ _____________________________
Eu estou no departamento de produção I have an account at that bank
_____________________________ _____________________________
You are our hope Então nós temos um problema
_____________________________ _____________________________
I like that view This book is the result
_____________________________ _____________________________
He reads the wine list He wrote a positive review
_____________________________ _____________________________
I do not have the opportunity to see it O que é um sindicato?
_____________________________ _____________________________
Eu gosto daquela vista She has a beautiful voice
_____________________________ _____________________________
Nós precisamos de uma nova moeda That is not the issue
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ela é a encarregada da cozinha I do not have many options
_____________________________ _____________________________
There are many solutions They present the results
_____________________________ _____________________________
This is an order I did not do it on purpose
_____________________________ _____________________________
I am in third grade O acordo
_____________________________ _____________________________
Essa é uma parte do meu carro The teacher lost the control
_____________________________ _____________________________
The content I like this type of shoe
_____________________________ _____________________________
Há cinco categorias Eu preciso criar um perfil
_____________________________ _____________________________
Curso de Inglês
Flexões do Adjetivo-Grau
Big –_______________________ Tall –_______________________
Small –_______________________ Bad –_______________________
Good –_______________________ True –_______________________
Great –_______________________ Fast –_______________________
New –_______________________ Clear –_______________________
Old –_______________________ Simple –_______________________
Than –_______________________ Nice –_______________________
Young –_______________________ Happy –_______________________
Smaller –_______________________ Strong –_______________________
Bigger –_______________________ Deep –_______________________
Older –_______________________ Poor –_______________________
Younger –______________________ Fair –_______________________
Pretty –_______________________ Cold –_______________________
Less –_______________________ Rich –_______________________
Prettier –______________________ Sweet –_______________________
Free –_______________________ Sharp –_______________________
Best –_______________________ Pure –_______________________
Full –_______________________ Worse –_______________________
Long –_______________________ Worst –_______________________
Large –_______________________ Weak –_______________________
Cleaner –______________________ Alone –_______________________
Hot –_______________________ Ready –_______________________
Better –_______________________ Sure –_______________________
Hard –_______________________
Able –_______________________
Short –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
He is always full of ideas It is very hot today
_____________________________ _____________________________
You work hard She wears large pants
_____________________________ _____________________________
But this is not true Minha namorada é mais bonita que
_____________________________ outras mulheres
Ele é um grande amigo _____________________________
_____________________________ É mais barato ir de ônibus
The coa tis long _____________________________
_____________________________ Esta mesa é maior
Everyone is ready _____________________________
_____________________________ I am hot
They are not bad _____________________________
_____________________________ She is the worst student
My father is a great man _____________________________
_____________________________ I have three older sisters
I am smaller than you _____________________________
_____________________________ The night is Young
I go the fair every summer _____________________________
_____________________________ My dress is prettier than yours
O casaco é comprido _____________________________
_____________________________ Este país é rico em petróleo
Because I am a bad man _____________________________
_____________________________ Um é menos que dois
It is not necessarily true _____________________________
_____________________________ How old is your boyfriend?
A rua está cheia de carros _____________________________
_____________________________ Yes it is simple
I am younger than you _____________________________
_____________________________ Ela é a pior aluna
Curso de Inglês
He is big and Strong My house is cleaner yours
_____________________________ _____________________________
Eu sou baixo
Esta maçã é doce _____________________________
_____________________________ Todo mundo quer dirigir um carro
He is an able man mais limpo
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ela é legal O hotel era bonito
_____________________________ _____________________________
This country is rich in oil The water is deep and clear
_____________________________ _____________________________
Esta água é pura We eat on big table
_____________________________ _____________________________
It is very cold this morning Ela está sozinha
_____________________________ _____________________________
That red dress is short My Brothers are tall
_____________________________ _____________________________
É um objeto muito afiado It is better than nothing
_____________________________ _____________________________
They are poor Is my explanation clear?
_____________________________ _____________________________
I am sure She reads more books than me
_____________________________ _____________________________
The dog is small and weak Eu estou livre hoje
_____________________________ _____________________________
She was a bit sharp I am a free man
_____________________________ _____________________________
It is pure sugar The train is very fast
_____________________________ _____________________________
You are very pretty tonight
Curso de Inglês
Verbos Presente Perfeito
Have –_______________________ Lost –_______________________
Has –_______________________ Sent –_______________________
Read –_______________________ Developed –______________________
Been –_______________________ Presented –______________________
Cooked –_______________________ Closed –_______________________
Walked –_______________________ Changed –_______________________
Wanted –_______________________ Produced –_______________________
Previously –______________________ Met –_______________________
Rained –_______________________ Turned –_______________________
Played –_______________________ Tried –_______________________
Heard –_______________________ Felt –_______________________
Eaten –_______________________ Followed –_______________________
Spoken –_______________________ Gone –_______________________
Previous –_______________________ Prepared –_______________________
Seen –_______________________ Performed –______________________
Had –_______________________ Introduced –______________________
Since –_______________________ Forced –_______________________
Paid –_______________________ Reduced –_______________________
Told –_______________________ Won –_______________________
Left –_______________________ Opened –_______________________
Come –_______________________ Ordered –_______________________
Before –_______________________ Lived –_______________________
Given –_______________________ Stopped –_______________________
Become –_______________________ Arrived –_______________________
Put –_______________________ Missed –_______________________
Called –_______________________ Assumed –_______________________
Written –_______________________ Allowed –_______________________
Done –_______________________ Known –_______________________
Ago –_______________________ Finished –_______________________
Received –_______________________ Drunk –_______________________
Taken –_______________________ Said –_______________________
Asked –_______________________ Passed –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
Um carro de polícia parou ao lado da She has not heard you
estrada _____________________________
_____________________________ Eu conheço esta mulher há dois anos
She has presented her idea _____________________________
_____________________________ She has sent two boxes
I have become a woman _____________________________
_____________________________ Eu li quase todos os livros dela
She has gone to school _____________________________
_____________________________ I talked with her previously
I have told you my name _____________________________
_____________________________ I have known this woman for two
She has not been my teacher years
_____________________________ ____________________________
They have put their pants on Believe me, I have tried
_____________________________ _____________________________
We have played at this beach They have not paid
_____________________________ _____________________________
O guarda parou o carro She has prepared the bed
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ele sempre lê uma revista We have arrived
_____________________________ _____________________________
I have finished the report We have turned into doctors
_____________________________ _____________________________
Nós desenvolvemos um carro I have never drunk beer
_____________________________ _____________________________
He has changed I have not ordered this
_____________________________ _____________________________

Curso de Inglês
You have come from school Eu tenho caminhado todos os dias
_____________________________ até a sua casa
They have followed the order _____________________________
_____________________________ We have not said that
My previous house was small _____________________________
_____________________________ Eles vivem nesta cidade há dez anos
I have lost my cellphone _____________________________
_____________________________ We have never spoken
He has asked for a beer _____________________________
_____________________________ He has felt something
I have never called him _____________________________
_____________________________ My uncle has walked on that street
You have closed the window _____________________________
_____________________________ He has assumed I was in the office
I have left the house _____________________________
_____________________________ Eu recebi a sua carta
Nós permitimos que eles sejam _____________________________
amigos Eu conheci dois médicos
_____________________________ _____________________________
I have never done that I have written three letters
_____________________________ _____________________________
Meus outros irmãos comeram Não temos tido alunos suficientes
naquele lugar para abrir cursos
_____________________________ _____________________________
It has not rained all day I have never met him
_____________________________ _____________________________
I have missed my train
Curso de Inglês
Pronomes Relativos

Which –_______________________
Where –_______________________
Whose –_______________________
Who –_______________________
Find out –______________________

He is the boy who cooks We do not know who is human

_____________________________ _____________________________
I know which hat is mine She is the girl who swims
_____________________________ _____________________________
I do not know what to ask Here is where she lives
_____________________________ _____________________________
Eu conheço uma menina cujo pai é Please find out where he is
I know where he comes from

Curso de Inglês
Verbos infinitivo 2
Talk –_______________________ Count –_______________________
Meet –_______________________ Miss –_______________________
Feel –_______________________ Accept –_______________________
Cover –_______________________ Begin –_______________________
Choose –_______________________ Avoid –_______________________
Remember –____________________ Prevent –_____________________
Increase –______________________ Produce –_____________________
Stay –_______________________ Serve –_______________________
Build –_______________________ Wait –_______________________
Continue –_____________________ Define –_______________________
Apply –_______________________ Reach –_______________________
Stop –_______________________ Finish –_______________________
Believe –_______________________ Beat –_______________________
Leave –_______________________ Achieve –_____________________
Though –_______________________ Exist –_______________________
Answer –_______________________ Affect –_______________________
How –_______________________ Explain –_______________________
Allow –_______________________ Assume –______________________
Win –_______________________ Respond –______________________
Improve –______________________ Lose –_______________________
Cut –_______________________ Forget –_______________________
Repeat –_______________________ Prepare –______________________
Wake –_______________________ Hate –_______________________
Understand –___________________ Introduce –_____________________
Let –_______________________ Shut –_______________________
Consider –_____________________ Belong –_______________________
Let's –_______________________ Suffer –_______________________
Develop –______________________ Recover –______________________
Die –_______________________ Analyze –______________________
Agree –_______________________ Read –_______________________
Appear –_______________________ Eat –_______________________
Fit –_______________________ Drink –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
She knows how to cook Você tem que continuar a estudar
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ela tentou alcançar o trem Não beba água
_____________________________ _____________________________
He is here to stay I have to analyze that
_____________________________ _____________________________
Though she loves him Estou aqui para recuperar a minha filha
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ele não aparece de novo no romance He does not suffer
_____________________________ _____________________________
Como nós respondemos a estas cartas? How do you produce one?
_____________________________ _____________________________
You have to appear in person I like to meet new people
_____________________________ _____________________________
He wants to respond to her Eu preciso cumprir aquele objetivo
_____________________________ _____________________________
That sheet needs to cover the bed Do not miss this opportunity
_____________________________ _____________________________
Você come peixe? What do you choose?
_____________________________ _____________________________
Do you remember? I need to finish my work
_____________________________ _____________________________
He lets me think I am here to recover my daughter
_____________________________ _____________________________
We do not eat meat I need to achieve that objective
_____________________________ _____________________________
Anything else to consider? Eu preciso terminar este trabalho até a
_____________________________ próximo terço-feira
Ela não me apresenta o seu irmão _____________________________
_____________________________ They know how to count

Curso de Inglês
Try to cut the cheese Eu estou aqui para servir
_____________________________ _____________________________
They need to apply Tell me when to begin
_____________________________ _____________________________
A menina quer sempre ganhar Ela não entra no carro
_____________________________ _____________________________
Nós não queremos repetir nossas Eu preciso explicar de novo?
palavras _____________________________
_____________________________ The shoes do not fit
They do not let me develop _____________________________
_____________________________ Toda manhã ela ajuda sua mão a
I want to believe preparar o café da manhã
_____________________________ _____________________________
Do you want me to repeat it? I need to prepare the house
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ela decidiu deixar seu trabalho I wish to talk to her
_____________________________ _____________________________
Everybody wants to win What does he feel for her?
_____________________________ _____________________________
Let me wake him! Ela ama construir coisas
_____________________________ _____________________________
What do they leave? O marido não pertence ao grupo
_____________________________ _____________________________
I want to hate your for this He tried to shut the door
_____________________________ _____________________________
She does not affect me Nobody wants to die
_____________________________ _____________________________
How do they define that? Ela não quer aceitar o novo
_____________________________ computador
I do not agree _____________________________

Curso de Inglês
Verbos Passado Perfeito
Had –_______________________
Walked –_______________________
Heard –_______________________
Eaten –_______________________
Found –_______________________
Come –_______________________
Given –_______________________
Called –_______________________
Written –_______________________
Taken –_______________________
Lost –_______________________
Lost –_______________________
Cat –_______________________
Established –_____________________
Led –_______________________
Closed –_______________________
Died –_______________________
Tried –_______________________
Decided –_______________________
Felt –_______________________
Gone –_______________________
Opened –_______________________
Lived –_______________________
Discovered –______________________
Arrived –_______________________
Assumed –_______________________
Earned –_______________________
Known –________________________

Curso de Inglês
Ela tinha pegado o relógio He had gone home
_____________________________ _____________________________
You had cut the cheese You had come from the city
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ele tinha aberto a garrafa The museum had closed
_____________________________ _____________________________
They decided to stay They had tried to eat
_____________________________ _____________________________
I had tried She had called her friend
_____________________________ _____________________________
He had lost his wallet I had arrived at work
_____________________________ _____________________________
We had heard that We had known this artist
_____________________________ _____________________________
She had taken the clock They had led the country
_____________________________ _____________________________
You had opened a restaurant I had assumed the same
_____________________________ _____________________________
We had discovered the food Who had lived there?
_____________________________ _____________________________
You had cut the paper I had written a book
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ele tinha aberto a camisa We had given you love
_____________________________ _____________________________
O parque tinha fechado Eu tinha caminhado com você
_____________________________ _____________________________
I had tried everything I had walked with you
_____________________________ _____________________________
I had called the doctor Você tinha morado em um hotel
_____________________________ _____________________________
She had earned a car They had led the village
_____________________________ _____________________________
She had found my phone He had just eaten
_____________________________ _____________________________
She had established a family
Curso de Inglês
Objetos abstratos 2
Respect –_______________________ Strength –_______________________
Title –_______________________ Experience –_______________________
Benefit –_______________________ Shape –_______________________
Situation –_______________________ Relation –_______________________
Religion –_______________________ Fear –_______________________
Effort –_______________________ Permit –_______________________
Attention –_______________________ Doubt –_______________________
Interest –_______________________ Humor –_______________________
Competition –______________________ Hate –_______________________
Life –_______________________ Possibility –_______________________
Load –_______________________ Desire –_______________________
Permission –_______________________ Existence –_______________________
Faith –_______________________ Pleasure –_______________________
Truth –_______________________ Responsibility –_____________________
Failure –_______________________ Space –_______________________
Signal –_______________________ Consequence –_____________________
Character –_______________________ Surprise –_______________________
Reality –_______________________ Tradition –_______________________
Origin –_______________________ Conversation –_____________________
Damage –_______________________ Trend –_______________________
Secret –_______________________ Fault –_______________________
Direction –_______________________ Favor –_______________________
Lack –_______________________ Phrase –_______________________
Scene –_______________________ Attitude –_______________________
Aim –_______________________ Murder –_______________________
Behavior –_______________________ Smile –_______________________
Signature –_______________________ Danger –_______________________
Attempt –_______________________ Joy –_______________________
Instance –_______________________ Entrance –_______________________
Circle –_______________________ Shadow –_______________________
Exit –_______________________ Memory –_______________________
Symbol –_______________________ Mistake –_______________________
Position –_______________________ Honor –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
The entrance is on the right Os personagens vivem nos livros
_____________________________ _____________________________
That is a lie! Ele é jovem mas tem experiência
_____________________________ _____________________________
You have a good memory He never pays attention
_____________________________ _____________________________
The honor The situation is worse than we
_____________________________ thought
She has many memories _____________________________
_____________________________ Nós tivemos uma boa conversa
The elephant does not tell lies _____________________________
_____________________________ It is not my fault
Ele é um homem de honra _____________________________
_____________________________ Este foi o sinal para parar
On Tuesdays the entrance is free _____________________________
_____________________________ The titles
The fruit has many benefits _____________________________
_____________________________ As relações entre os dois países não
são boas
The pleasure is ours
They do not make mistakes
We had a good conversation
He has many possibilities
Nós não sabemos que atitude tomar
I do not like black humor
The results were a failure
People lost faith in banks
Curso de Inglês
The shape of the table was very That is not a new tradition
important _____________________________
_____________________________ This scene is beautiful
She does not make mistakes _____________________________
_____________________________ I do not like your behavior
The exit is on the right _____________________________
_____________________________ A aula é sobre religião
Thanks for the effort _____________________________
_____________________________ The boy has a fear of dog
I had discovered the reality _____________________________
_____________________________ A frase está errada
The is strength in numbers _____________________________
_____________________________ I have a surprise for you
Houve uma grande falta de arroz _____________________________
naquele ano
There was no damage
I have a desire to go to England
What are the consequences?
A saída é aqui
Ele foi na direção oposta
Eu darei esse livro a você
The origin of the banks
I need a favor
That is your responsibility
He always tells the truth
How do you show respect?
They need permission to play
Curso de Inglês
Flower –____________________ Wind –_____________________
Tree –_____________________ Heat –____________________
Grass –_____________________ Rose –____________________
Sky –_______________________ Planet –____________________
Sea –_____________________ Down –____________________
Moon –____________________ Climate –___________________
Sun –_____________________ Leaf –_____________________
World –____________________ Universe –__________________
Rain –_____________________ Leaves –____________________
Volcano –___________________ Landscape –_________________
Fire –_____________________ Soil –_____________________
Air –_______________________ Smoke –____________________
Field –_____________________ Crop –_____________________
Star –_____________________ Gas –_____________________
Land –____________________ Material –__________________
Weather –__________________ Plant –_____________________
Nature –____________________ Light –_____________________
River –_____________________ Dust –_____________________
Earth –_____________________ Sand –_____________________
Mountain –_________________ Garden –___________________
Wood –___________________
Up –_______________________
Forest –____________________
Stone –____________________
Curso de Inglês
They walk on the grass This flower is for your yard
_____________________________ _____________________________
I saw the sun after the rain A areia
_____________________________ _____________________________
Is the moon in the sky? I have soil for the plants
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ele retornou para a sua terra um I like the heat
homem diferente _____________________________
_____________________________ A poeria
You and I swim in the sea _____________________________
_____________________________ Here comes the sun!
Eu gosto de ver o vulcão à noite _____________________________
_____________________________ It is good material
A primeira grande mudança na _____________________________
cidade foi a paisagem
I am alone in this planet
I am alone in the universe
Today, I saw a star
Minhas flores são amarelas
Nature is the best teacher
This coffee plant
Arroz é a principal colheita
Turn the light on
The sand is white
A terra
Curso de Inglês
Pronomes Reflexivos
Himself –_______________________
Herself –_______________________
Itself –_______________________
Myself –_______________________
Youself –_______________________
Ourself –_______________________
Yourselves –_______________________
Themselves –_______________________

Eu me vejo
The dog hears itself
She talks to herself
You need to understand yourself
He loves himself
Ele faz todo mundo se sentir bem consigo mesmo
I present myself
I see myself in the mirror at night
Eu me vejo no espelho de manhã

Curso de Inglês
Having –_______________________ Reading –______________________
Speaking –_____________________ Writing –_______________________
Touching –_____________________ Raining –_______________________
Making –_______________________ Sleeping –______________________
Following –_____________________ Seeing –_______________________
Including –_____________________ Cooking –_____________________
Getting –_______________________ Running –______________________
Taking –_______________________ Playing –_______________________
Trying –_______________________ Working –______________________
Giving –_______________________ Starting –______________________
Thinking –______________________ Calling –_______________________
Talking –_______________________ Leaving –_____________________
Saying –_______________________ Sitting –_______________________
Waiting –_____________________ Paying –_______________________
Watching –_____________________
Wearing –_____________________
Happening –____________________
Studying –______________________
Coming –_____________________
Walking –_____________________
Eating –_______________________
Drinking –_____________________
Going –_______________________
Swimming –____________________
Looking –_____________________
Doing –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
I was trying to swim Ele está sempre estudando
_____________________________ _____________________________
He started running Ele está assistindo TV
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ele gosta de cozinha para sua família Ele quer evitar comer massa
_____________________________ _____________________________
O secretário pensa em deixar o It is always raining
escritório _____________________________
_____________________________ Thank you for calling
How is your wife doing? _____________________________
_____________________________ He is always studying
I am talking to you _____________________________
_____________________________ I am walking to the door
Está ficando tardem eu tenho que ir _____________________________
_____________________________ He is looking for a job
I am getting tired _____________________________
_____________________________ We like playing together
At what age do children start paying? _____________________________
_____________________________ Eu gosto de dormir no chão
Eu gosto de cozinhar e comer _____________________________
_____________________________ When does it start raining?
Where are we going? _____________________________
_____________________________ I am reading a letter
What is happening with him? _____________________________
_____________________________ You were not speaking to my mother
Ela está caminhando com ele that Tuesday
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ela continua comendo Era difícil para ele parar de trabalhar
_____________________________ _____________________________
It is not raining I saw a sleeping dog
_____________________________ _____________________________
He continues walking Eu estava lendo um livro
_____________________________ _____________________________
Curso de Inglês
Ele começou trabalhando como um What are they eating?
ator _____________________________
_____________________________ What is he saying?
We are drinking wine _____________________________
_____________________________ Where is this train going?
She is writing _____________________________
_____________________________ Ela está vestindo o mesmo vestido que
He is doing something there ela tinha vestido ontem
_____________________________ _____________________________
What were you eating that day? Who is swimming in the sea with him?
_____________________________ _____________________________
I am coming to the hotel I am waiting for my mother
_____________________________ _____________________________
Are you having a baby? Seeing you makes me happy
_____________________________ _____________________________
We are thinking about it Where are they swimming?
_____________________________ _____________________________
He is giving us rice We were following my friends
_____________________________ _____________________________
The writing is excellent She was wearing a black hat
_____________________________ _____________________________
Quem está comendo com você? We have to keep looking
_____________________________ _____________________________
They are writing letters Alguém tem tirado meu prato da mesa
_____________________________ _____________________________
I do not like having a car She is taking swimming classes
_____________________________ _____________________________
My friends stopped drinking The secretary was taking the
_____________________________ documents to the lawyer
The bus is coming _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
Ele está dando esperança
Curso de Inglês
Ball –_______________________
Walk –_______________________
Sport –_______________________
Team –_______________________
Player –_______________________
Step –_______________________
Path –_______________________
Goal –_______________________
Point –_______________________
Game –_______________________
Scored –_______________________
Football –_______________________
Basketball –_______________________
Tennis –_______________________
Racket –_______________________
Volleyball –_______________________
Kick –_______________________
Jump –_______________________
Coach –_______________________
Exercise –_______________________
Match –_______________________
Marathon –_______________________
Gym –_______________________
Championship –___________________
Athlete –_______________________
Swim –_______________________
Soccer –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
The dog jumps He opened a new path
_____________________________ _____________________________
When do you play volleyball? Ele é um bom atleta
_____________________________ _____________________________
We are soccer players They are a match
_____________________________ _____________________________
I exercise two hours a day She scored four points
_____________________________ _____________________________
The team has twenty members O jogador
_____________________________ _____________________________
Eu chuto a bola Quando você joga vôlei?
_____________________________ _____________________________
Nós saímos para uma caminhada How much is this racket?
depois do jantar _____________________________
_____________________________ Who is coach of the team?
I finished the marathon _____________________________
_____________________________ Eles gostam de basquete
What is the next step? _____________________________
_____________________________ Eu malho em uma academia duas ou
Nós jogamos vôlei juntos três vezes por semana
_____________________________ _____________________________
Eu pulo _____________________________
_____________________________ Are they at the gym?
It is only a game _____________________________
_____________________________ He exercises every day
The team has great athletes _____________________________
_____________________________ Who won the championship?
I go swimming once a week _____________________________
_____________________________ My father let me go swimming
My friend never exercises _____________________________

Curso de Inglês
Violin –_____________________ Painting –___________________
Flute –_____________________ Audience –__________________
Music –____________________ Collection –_________________
Camera –___________________ Band –_____________________
Photo –____________________ Actress –___________________
Movie –____________________ Musical –___________________
Picture –___________________ Paint –_____________________
Film –_____________________
Art –_______________________
Style –_____________________
Sound –____________________
Sound –____________________
Figure –____________________
Song –____________________
Photography –_______________
Dance –____________________
Instrument –________________
Literature –_________________
Fashion –__________________
Theater –___________________
Poetry –____________________
Concert –___________________
Contest –___________________
Opening –__________________
Curso de Inglês
A banda Eles gostam de escutar seu filho
____________________________ tocar flauta
I need to read more poetry ___________________________
____________________________ I want to learn these dances
Elas vêm com um instrumento ____________________________
musical? I did not play the violin
____________________________ ____________________________
What movie are you watching? Nossa geração gosta de café
____________________________ ____________________________
Your skirt is out of fashion I like his style
____________________________ ____________________________
Photography is art! Eu uso aquela câmera
____________________________ ____________________________
O relógio faz um som Este livro tem muitas imagens
____________________________ ____________________________
Era um centro para literatura e Você tem a tinta
teatro ____________________________
____________________________ O livro tem apenas uma figura
A foto ____________________________
____________________________ Thank you for seeing my film
A coleção tem seis modelos ____________________________
I like that song
He saw a famous actress

Curso de Inglês
Sick –_______________________ Vision –_______________________
Hand –_______________________ Pain –_______________________
Eye –_______________________ Drug –_______________________
Health –_______________________ Virus –_______________________
Care –_______________________ Brain –_______________________
Body –_______________________ Arm –_______________________
Head –_______________________ Leg –_______________________
Help –_______________________ Mouth –_______________________
Emergency –___________________ Dream –_______________________
Treatment –____________________ Accident –______________________
Heart –_______________________ Neck –_______________________
Face –_______________________ Sight –_______________________
Cancer –_______________________ illness –_______________________
Medicine –____________________ Finger –_______________________
Ambulance –___________________ Ear –_______________________
Blood –_______________________ Chest –_______________________
Disease –______________________ Tooth –_______________________
Hair –_____________________ Tongue –_______________________
Patient –_______________________ Nose –_______________________
Hospital –______________________ Lip –_______________________
Operation –____________________ Back –_______________________
Skin –_______________________ ill –_______________________
Foot –_______________________ Appointment –__________________
Diet –_______________________ Nurse –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
O dedo The disease has four stages
____________________________ ____________________________
O gato está doente O olho
____________________________ ____________________________
Eu trabalho em um hospital O corpo
____________________________ ____________________________
Listen to your heart Her vision is normal
____________________________ ____________________________
The skin The heart needs more blood
____________________________ ____________________________
She takes the medicine I thought you had felt pain
____________________________ ____________________________
O nariz Health is everything
____________________________ ____________________________
The back Este carro está em boa condição
____________________________ ____________________________
This animal has a brain A população tem direito a tratamento
____________________________ ____________________________
O pescoço O peito
____________________________ ____________________________
The sight Meu pé!
____________________________ ____________________________
The illness O braço
____________________________ ____________________________
O vírus Os dentes
____________________________ ____________________________
The dog feels my hand He sleeps and dreams
____________________________ ____________________________
The drugs Eu preciso da sua ajuda
____________________________ ____________________________
A operação já leva quatro horas He had an accident at work
____________________________ ____________________________
She takes care of the food Em caso de emergência, chame a polícia
____________________________ ____________________________
Do you need an ambulance? Os pacientes
____________________________ ____________________________
There is a hair in my soup Eu tenho algo a dizer
____________________________ ____________________________

Curso de Inglês
Search –______________________ Internet –______________________
Information –___________________ Message –_____________________
Comment –_____________________ New –_______________________
Network –______________________ Communication –________________
Press –_______________________ Channel –_____________________
Text –_______________________ Stamp –_______________________
Story –_______________________ Access –_______________________
Postcard –______________________ Journalist –_____________________
Language –_____________________

He speaks tem languages Eu tenho o texto

____________________________ ____________________________
Eu tenho acesso à biblioteca dele A rede
____________________________ ____________________________
There are no comments yet Those stories are real
____________________________ ____________________________
Você tem que apertar forte bem aqui This news is official
____________________________ ____________________________
There are no messages I am a journalist
____________________________ ____________________________
The text is in magazine Eu preciso de selos
____________________________ ____________________________
Ele não tem informação sobre vítimas Eu estou em busca de novo
ou danos conhecimento
________________________________ ____________________________
I need a postcard In search of knowledge
____________________________ ____________________________

Curso de Inglês
Will –_______________________ Will lose –_____________________
Will add –______________________ Will make –____________________
Will be –_______________________ Will miss –_____________________
Will break –____________________ Will offer –_____________________
Will change –___________________ Will pay –_____________________
Will choose –__________________ Will present –___________________
Will come –___________________ Will rain –_____________________
Will call –_____________________ Will read –_____________________
Will continue –__________________ Will receive –___________________
Will cook –____________________ Will recover –___________________
Will count –____________________ Will reduce –___________________
Will cover –____________________ Will remember –________________
Will drink –____________________ Will return –___________________
Will eat –_____________________ Will say –_____________________
Will exercise –__________________ Will see –_____________________
Will fall –_____________________ Will sell –______________________
Will feel –______________________ Will serve –____________________
Will find –______________________ Will show –____________________
Will finish –____________________ Will sleep –_____________________
Will follow –____________________ Will start –____________________
Will get –_____________________ Will stay –_____________________
Will arrive –____________________ Will swim –____________________
Will give –______________________ Will take –_____________________
Will go –_______________________ Will think –_____________________
Will Happen –__________________ Will touch –____________________
Will have –_____________________ Will try –_______________________
Will help –_____________________ Will use –_____________________
Will introduce –_________________ Will walk –_____________________
Will know –____________________ Will want –_____________________
Will learn –_____________________ Will watch –____________________
Will leave –____________________ Will write –____________________
Will let –_______________________ Will access –____________________
Will look –_____________________ Will register –___________________

Curso de Inglês
She will learn Will you leave the door open?
____________________________ ____________________________
He will make a soup I will not miss anything
____________________________ ____________________________
They will finish eating Will they fall off the roof?
____________________________ ____________________________
Eu virei a sua festa hoje à noite Eu vou apresentá-lo à minha família
____________________________ ____________________________
We will never be friends He will not say yes
____________________________ ____________________________
Elas vão pagar Eu caminharei com você
____________________________ ____________________________
Eles vão reduzir a carga Will they exercise tomorrow?
____________________________ ____________________________
Elas vão apresentar sete peças de Eu vou andar com minha avó
literatura ____________________________
____________________________ He will have to walk from here
Nós vamos aprender chinês ____________________________
____________________________ You will let the dog eat
Não é importante ____________________________
____________________________ I will call the police
Eles vão se matricular na escolar mês ____________________________
que vem
I will take a trip
We will sell the shoes
She will cover the baby
That will not help you
Curso de Inglês
Nós vamos chegar à cidade em duas Eu vou começar hoje
horas ____________________________
____________________________ That will not happen
We will cook fish tomorrow ____________________________
____________________________ Nós vamos voltar
I will arrive Saturday ____________________________
____________________________ I will start today
I will show the city to you ____________________________
____________________________ We will recover the truth
Eu vou chamar a polícia ____________________________
____________________________ I will get the food
She will show us her house ____________________________
____________________________ Eu vou perder o meu emprego
Will they cover the bed? ____________________________
____________________________ Eles vão lembrar de mim
People will look at you ____________________________
____________________________ A nova escola vai oferecer programas
They will offer their house para crianças
____________________________ ____________________________
You will remember me We will return
____________________________ ____________________________
He will know what to say I will find someone like you
____________________________ ____________________________
Nós vamos recuperar a verdade I will eat at that time
____________________________ ____________________________
I will lose my house We will see
____________________________ ____________________________

Curso de Inglês
We will think about you Nós vamos receber uma carta
____________________________ ____________________________
You will use the spoon They will stay at the hotel
____________________________ ____________________________
Will you choose the wine? Ele tentará novamente
____________________________ ____________________________
My friends will not see me eat their My husband’s friends will not drink
food at that place
____________________________ ____________________________
I will not watch too much TV She will try again
____________________________ ____________________________
This year we will eat less Ele beberá apenas água
____________________________ ____________________________
They will not touch you They will not feel well
____________________________ ____________________________
She will count on her family She will know how to swim
____________________________ ____________________________
Eu acharei emprego amanhã
My parents will drink beer tonight
If it rains, I will not go
We will follow you
Eu vou servir arroz

Curso de Inglês
Security –______________________ Congress –_____________________
Law –_______________________ Election –______________________
Government –__________________ Queen –_______________________
Tax –_______________________ Speech –_______________________
Court –_______________________ Violence –______________________
War –_______________________ Conflict –______________________
President –_____________________ Navy –_______________________
National –______________________ Candidate –____________________
Society –_______________________ Threat –_______________________
Safety –_______________________ Governor –_____________________
Advice –_______________________ Senator –______________________
Investment –___________________ Crisis –_______________________
Vote –_______________________ Parliament –____________________
Strategy –______________________ Strike –_______________________
Opinion –______________________ Mayor –_______________________
Debt –_______________________ Wealth –_______________________
Progress –______________________ Blame –_______________________
Peace –_______________________ Plan –_______________________
Economy –_____________________ Decision –______________________
Army –_______________________ King –_______________________
Demand –______________________ Cause –_______________________
Crime –_______________________ Weapon –______________________
Leader –_______________________ Arrest –_______________________
Freedom –_____________________ Prince –_______________________
Argument –____________________
Campaign –_____________________

Curso de Inglês
Cada voto conta Meu avô foi um soldado durante a
____________________________ guerra
Essa decisões são boas ____________________________
____________________________ The second objective of the
campaign was more traditional
O conflito
Eles vivem em paz
The safety
The army won the match
O trabalho está, agora em
andamento ____________________________
____________________________ A greve
He gets the blame ____________________________
____________________________ If possible, national apples
The senators are here today ____________________________
____________________________ Suas opiniões são boas
Eu tenho planos para sábado ____________________________
____________________________ O prefeito
He did not follow the plan ____________________________
____________________________ The woman is under arrest
The court ____________________________
____________________________ I am in debt to you
O presidente ____________________________
____________________________ The congress does not work
Eles tinham ido par eleição ____________________________
____________________________ The security
Nosso papel é servir bem à ____________________________
sociedade I am here to pay a debt
____________________________ ____________________________
Curso de Inglês
The truth is that journalists do not O líder
have freedom of speech ____________________________
____________________________ A economia está boa
A arma ____________________________
____________________________ Eu preciso de um bom conselho
O imposto ____________________________
____________________________ The violence needs to stop
He was a popular governor ____________________________
____________________________ But is it a crime?
A estratégia ____________________________
____________________________ Ele não é um membro do parlamento
O príncipe escuta o rei ____________________________
____________________________ They think about freedom
A causa ____________________________
____________________________ The treat was not real
The investiment ____________________________
____________________________ Não há violência naquela cidade
My father was in the navy ____________________________
Sua riqueza tornou-o um homem
Aquela era nossa estratégia
Ela fala exatamente como você
A rainha
Curso de Inglês
Verbos futuro imediato
Going –_______________________ Listen –_______________________
Achieve –_______________________ Look –_______________________
Add –_______________________ Offer –_______________________
Allow –_______________________ Open –_______________________
Apply –_______________________ Place –_______________________
Arrive –_______________________ Prepare –_______________________
Ask –_______________________ Present –_______________________
Assume –_______________________ Prevent –_______________________
Be –_______________________ Put –_______________________
Believe –_______________________ Rain –_______________________
Break –_______________________ Read –_______________________
Call –_______________________ Receive –_______________________
Close –_______________________ Recover –_______________________
Come –_______________________ Reduce –_______________________
Consider –_______________________ Remember –______________________
Continue –_______________________ Resolve –_______________________
Control –_______________________ See –_______________________
Define –_______________________ Sell –_______________________
Discover –_______________________ Sleep –_______________________
Drink –_______________________ Start –_______________________
Eat –_______________________ Support –_______________________
Establish –_______________________ Swim –_______________________
Fell –_______________________ Tell –_______________________
Find –_______________________ Think –_______________________
Finish –_______________________ Understand –_____________________
Follow –_______________________ Wait –_______________________
Forget –_______________________ Walk –_______________________
Going –_______________________ Want –_______________________
Have –_______________________ Win –_______________________
Help –_______________________ Write –_______________________
Introduce –_______________________ Transport –_______________________
Leave –_______________________

Curso de Inglês
Nós vamos chegar à noite They are going to close the window
____________________________ ____________________________
Nós vamos nos candidatar a I am going to consider you my teacher
professores ____________________________
____________________________ She is going to place the flower on the
Ele vai assumir que eu estou feliz table
____________________________ ____________________________
Nós vamos começar a comer Ela observa as meninas
____________________________ ____________________________
Is he going to help us? Are you going to prevent the crisis?
____________________________ ____________________________
Eu vou começar a caminhar It is going to rain on Saturday
____________________________ ____________________________
They are going to put the door here I am not going to ask again
____________________________ ____________________________
I am going to finish reading this letter Nós vamos continuar comendo
____________________________ ____________________________
I am never going to establish myself in I am going to control Europe
one place ____________________________
____________________________ Tomorrow it is going to rain
Nós vamos ajudar o meu irmão ____________________________
____________________________ Eu vou apresentar o novo chefe
Eu não vou me sentir responsável ____________________________
____________________________ Ela vai pensar que eu estou cansado
Você não vai acreditar nisto ____________________________
____________________________ She is going to break the door
He is going to listen to her advice ____________________________
____________________________ That is not going to reduce the violence
I am going to feel well ____________________________
____________________________ I am going to transport the computers
Who is going to believe that? to the office
____________________________ ____________________________

Curso de Inglês
O que ele tem a acrescentar? Where are we going to go on
____________________________ Wednesday?
We are going to win ____________________________
____________________________ Eles vão querer mais comida
Today you are going to walk more than ____________________________
yesterday I am going to want more food
____________________________ ____________________________
Is she going to remember me? What are you going to add?
____________________________ ____________________________
Eles vão se recuperar There is going to be a party
____________________________ ____________________________
Nós vamos receber as fotos She is going to offer wine
____________________________ ____________________________
Eles vão apoiar o governo Eu vou abrir a minha caixa
____________________________ ____________________________
Nós vamos entender o professor Eles vão apresentar o plano
____________________________ ____________________________
Nós vamos recuperar esta casa Nós vamos vender o violino
____________________________ ____________________________
What was I going to tell you? Nós vamos ver a sua casa
____________________________ ____________________________
What are we going to eat? Eu vou resolver o problema
____________________________ ____________________________
Where are we going to go tomorrow? I am going to sell my house
____________________________ ____________________________
Nós vamos descobrir a solução The ladies are going to arrive soon
____________________________ ____________________________
You are going to look at me Are you going to swim today?
____________________________ ____________________________
We are going to follow you
She is going to forget me
Curso de Inglês
Research –_____________________ Mass –_______________________
Line –_______________________ Task –_______________________
Detail –_______________________ Limit –_______________________
Technology –___________________ Quantity –______________________
Project –_______________________ Laboratory –____________________
Size –_______________________ Depth –_______________________
Article –_______________________ Height –_______________________
Science –_______________________ Physics –_______________________
Analysis –______________________ Philosophy –____________________
Energy –_______________________ Measure –_____________________
Edition –_______________________ Concept –_____________________
Unit –_______________________ Chemistry –____________________
Weight –_______________________ Discovery –_____________________
Method –_____________________ Formula –______________________
Speed –_______________________ Investigation –__________________
Volume –_____________________ Dot –_______________________
Length –_______________________ Scientist –_____________________
Sample –_______________________ Geography –____________________
Distance –_____________________ Electric –_______________________
Publication –____________________ Discover –______________________
Theory –_______________________ Cycle –_______________________
Surface –_______________________ Conclusion –____________________
Definition –_____________________ Reason –_______________________
Scale –_______________________ Decrease –_____________________
Temperature –__________________ Alcohol –_______________________
Technique –____________________

Curso de Inglês
O ponto Qual é a distância daqui até o
____________________________ museu?
Bebês são cheios de energia ____________________________
____________________________ I am going an investigation
The method ____________________________
____________________________ The temperature
A tecnologia durante aquela época ____________________________
era caneta e papel The surfasse is hot
____________________________ ____________________________
I want another weight Qual é a velocidade nova?
____________________________ ____________________________
Nós terminamos a tarefa Nós estudamos química porque
____________________________ isso nos ajuda a entender o mundo
We have time to prepare the ____________________________
research ____________________________
____________________________ This is the definition
O juiz chegou a uma conclusão ____________________________
____________________________ A linha
Café dá energia! ____________________________
____________________________ A edição
He turns up the volume ____________________________
____________________________ Eu diminuo a temperatura no
She starts the analysis quarto
____________________________ ____________________________
The length Nós temos que descobrir como
chegar até ela
Curso de Inglês
It is a good measure Please, give me more details
____________________________ ____________________________
Filosofia é um tipo de ciência? O descobrimento
____________________________ ____________________________
Are my shoes electric? We need to know geography
____________________________ ____________________________
The techniques I do not like your methods
____________________________ ____________________________
She Works at the laboratory Teoria e prática nem sempre
____________________________ andam juntas
Por alguma razão eu sinto mais ____________________________
vivo à noite They decrease the size of the mass
____________________________ ____________________________
Science has no limit
What is your height?
Eu bebo álcool
A profundidade
A unidade
How many samples?

Curso de Inglês
Verbos Futuro Perfeito
Will –_______________________
Have –_______________________
Found –_______________________
Called –_______________________
Received –_______________________
Created –_______________________
Taken –_______________________
Sent –_______________________
Died –_______________________
Decided –_______________________
Chosen –_______________________
Returned –_______________________

The animals will have died She will have decided to walk
____________________________ ____________________________
They will have returned Nós teremos chamado o médico
____________________________ ____________________________
I will have found the Keys We will have created a life
____________________________ ____________________________
He will have sent a letter Nós teremos chamado o guarda
____________________________ ____________________________
We will have chosen this desk Ele terá enviado uma caixa
____________________________ ____________________________

Curso de Inglês
Verbos Modais
Can –_______________________
Cannot –_______________________
May –_______________________
Could –_______________________
Must –_______________________
Would –_______________________
Should –_______________________

Can we? What would he think of Brazil?

____________________________ ____________________________
You cannot be parents Antonio cannot play the violin
____________________________ ____________________________
She said she would be back Eduardo should leave the building
____________________________ ____________________________
Could you speak slowly? I would be in Brazil in December
____________________________ ____________________________
I should go to sleep A phone call from Argentina would
change everything
From March until May
I must open the window
Você poderia falar devagar?
May I speak to Pedro?
Ele não pode sentir isto

Curso de Inglês
Sale –_______________________
Dollar –_______________________
Money –_______________________
Business –_______________________
Product –_______________________
Board –_______________________
Insurance –_______________________
Card –_______________________
Credit –_______________________
Industry –_______________________
Offer –_______________________
Gold –_______________________
Trande –_______________________
Risk –_______________________
Brand –_______________________
Contract –_______________________
Deal –_______________________
Buget –_______________________
Agent –_______________________
Worth –_______________________
Currency –_______________________
Advertising –_______________________
Cost –_______________________
Organization –_______________________
Lot –_______________________
Interview –_______________________
Meeting –_______________________
Company –_______________________
Price –_______________________
Check –_______________________
Curso de Inglês
It is global O orçamento
____________________________ ____________________________
The people want more money Estas pessoas são os funcionários da
É uma boa promoção
I saw the advertisement in the
He produces good products
She visits the company
Eles são famosos por sua indústria do
The clothes are on sale vinho
____________________________ ____________________________
A marca é um sucesso He won the first prize
____________________________ ____________________________
Leva tempo, mas os resultados valem During the interview
o esforço
The gold is mine!
I did well in the interview!
Do you need insurance?
O preço
These people are the staff of the
O ouro é meu! organization
____________________________ ____________________________
Este é um prêmio por bom ____________________________
What is the price?
Existem tipos diferentes de seguro
Curso de Inglês
The budget How much is this worth
____________________________ ____________________________
We made a trade A conta por favor
____________________________ ____________________________
Ela quer dólares I thought a lot about you
____________________________ ____________________________
The advertising Any operation has risks
____________________________ ____________________________
The board has ten members I write the contracts
____________________________ ____________________________
Quem é o agente? Nós decidimos fazer um acordo com
____________________________ ele
The business ____________________________
____________________________ Elas odeiam reuniões
Eu tenho que aceitar a sua oferta ____________________________
____________________________ The currency
Do you accept credit card? ____________________________
Who is the agent?
Eles pagam um dólar
A moeda
A firma

Curso de Inglês
Action –_______________________ Traffic –_______________________
Start –_______________________ Attack –_______________________
Delivery –______________________ Battle –_______________________
Discussion –____________________ Noise –_______________________
Death –_______________________ Occasion –_____________________
Stop –_______________________

I cannot avoid the traffic They won the battle

____________________________ ____________________________
Where is the next stop? O ataque
____________________________ ____________________________
I am going back to the start The occasion
____________________________ ____________________________
It is a family discussion Did you hear the noise?
____________________________ ____________________________
I do not think of death Eles perderam a batalha
____________________________ ____________________________
A entrega I saw you on that occasion
____________________________ ____________________________
A new cycle starts Eu não consigo dormir por causa do
____________________________ barulho
I do not like his actions ____________________________
____________________________ Ele vai ter um ataque do coração
Ai vem a entrega ____________________________
____________________________ We cannot sleep because of the
Curso de Inglês
Verbos Condicionais
Would –_______________________ Changed –_____________________
Have –_______________________ Managed –_____________________
Been –_______________________ Opened –_____________________
Had –_______________________ Discovered –____________________
Written –______________________ Returned –_____________________
Considered –___________________ Said –_______________________

I would have had a disease They would have discovered the

____________________________ explanation
She would have been a mother ____________________________
____________________________ I would have managed the company
I would have considered that dress ____________________________
____________________________ Ela teria dito alguma coisa
It would have changed my life ____________________________
____________________________ Eles teriam descoberto a casa
They would have written that letter ____________________________
____________________________ Ele teria aberto a escola
I would have had money ____________________________
____________________________ Eu teria administrado a biblioteca
I would have had information ____________________________
____________________________ Eu teria dito alguma coisa
I would have considered that university ____________________________
____________________________ Ele teria aberto a porta
They would have written that story ____________________________
____________________________ Eu teria administrado o instituto
That would have changed the example ____________________________
____________________________ He would have returned to Australia
I would have said something ____________________________
____________________________ I would have said no
He would have opened the car ____________________________
____________________________ Four days later, the two would have
She would have returned returned to Brazil
____________________________ ____________________________
Curso de Inglês
Power –_______________________ Identity –______________________
Quality –_______________________ Expression –____________________
Look –_______________________ Importance –___________________
Beauty –_______________________ Luck –_______________________
Force –_______________________ Personality –____________________
Difference –____________________ Advantage –____________________

Beauty is not everything What are the advantages?

____________________________ ____________________________
My wife has many qualities Really, it has no importance
____________________________ ____________________________
May the force be with you The expression
____________________________ ____________________________
What is the group identity? A sorte
____________________________ ____________________________
There is one big difference Ela tem uma personalidade forte
____________________________ ____________________________
The quality of service Você dá muita importância ao que
____________________________ ele diz
What are the differences? ____________________________
____________________________ She has a Strong personality
Ela tem uma beleza simples ____________________________
____________________________ What is the advantage of reading
You can take a look now these books?
____________________________ ____________________________
We cannot work without power
We like expressions of love


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