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Cultura, Língua e
Curso de Formação e Educação de Adultos
Nível Secundário
UNIDADES Língua Estrangeira Iniciação
LEI_1 2

LEI Língua estrangeira iniciação - Inglês Carga horária 50 horas

Competências de interpretação
Ouvir/Ver: compreensão de textos simples, breves e claros relacionados com aspetos da vida quotidiana e/ou com as áreas de
interesse dos adultos; compreensão das ideias gerais de um texto em língua corrente sobre aspetos relativos aos tempos livres,
bem como a temas atuais e assuntos do interesse pessoal e/ou profissional dos adultos, quando o discurso é claro, pausado e
adequado ao seu nível linguístico; compreensão do conteúdo informativo simples de material audiovisual (entrevista, conversa
telefónica, conversa informal entre pares, outros)
Ler: Compreensão de textos curtos e simples sobre assuntos do quotidiano, variando o grau de complexidade dos textos de
acordo com as competências evidenciadas pelos adultos; deteção de informação previsível concreta em textos simples de uso
comum (conversa telefónica, entrevista, outros); compreensão de textos simples em língua corrente sobre assuntos do
quotidiano e relacionados com as áreas de formação e/ou atividade profissional dos adultos; perceção de acontecimentos
relatados, assim como sentimentos e desejos expressos; comunicação em situações do quotidiano implicando troca de
informação simples e direta sobre assuntos e atividades correntes, variando o grau de complexidade dos textos de acordo com
as competências evidenciadas pelos adultos; participação em conversações curtas, com recurso a vocabulário circunscrito, sem
necessidade de sustentar, aprofundar ou prolongar os diálogos; participação, com preparação prévia, em conversas simples
sobre assuntos de interesse pessoal ou geral da atualidade

Competências de produção
Falar/Escrever: uso de frases simples e curtas para falar da família, dos outros e do seu percurso pessoal, variando o grau de
complexidade dos textos de acordo com as competências evidenciadas pelos adultos; produção, simples e breve mas
articulada, de enunciados para narrar, descrever, expor informações e pontos de vista; comunicação em situações do
quotidiano que exigem apenas troca de informação simples e direta sobre assunto e atividades correntes; participação em
conversações curtas, com recurso a vocabulário circunscrito, sem necessidade de sustentar, aprofundar ou prolongar os
diálogos; participação, com preparação prévia, em conversas simples sobre assuntos de interesse pessoal ou geral da
atualidade; escrita de textos curtos e simples relacionados com aspetos da vida quotidiana; escrita de textos simples e
estruturados sobre assuntos conhecidos e do seu interesse; intervir tendo em conta que os percursos individuais são afetados
pela posse de diversos recursos, incluindo competências ao nível da cultura, da língua e da comunicação; agir em contextos
profissionais, com recurso aos saberes em cultura, língua e comunicação; formular opiniões críticas mobilizando saberes vários
e competências culturais, linguísticas e comunicacionais; identificar os principais fatores que influenciam a mudança social,
reconhecendo nessa mudança o papel da cultura, da língua e da comunicação


Constitui patamar mínimo de avaliação:

 a realização de uma Ficha de Validação de Competências
 a realização de uma atividade de Listening
 uma atividade de speaking – produção oral orientada
 observação direta do trabalho realizado, empenho e motivação durante as sessões de
Great Britain and the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom

is England, Scotland,
Wales and a small part of
Ireland – Northern
Ireland. The Republic of
Ireland (Eire) is an
independent country.
England, Scotland and
Wales are Great Britain.

The capital city is

London. (London is the capital
of England too.)

The Monarchy: Elizabeth

Ⅱ is the Queen. She is married
to the Duke of Edinburgh. She
has four children: Charles, Anne,
Andrew and Edward.
The Alphabet

Read the following dialogues:

A: Hello. My name´s Jenny. What’s your name? 5

B: Anna.
A: Where are you from, Anna? PRACTICE:
B: I’m from New York. Complete the conversations:

A: Hello. My _______________
A : Hello! What’s your name? Thomas.
B: Suzanne. What’s ______ ______? What’s _______________ name?
A: My name ______ John. B: Johann.
Where _____ you ______, Suzanne? A: _______________ are you from,
B: I ___ from London.
______ ______you from?
A : ______ _______ New York. B: _______________ from Berlin.
Where _______________ you from?
A: _______________ _______________


Talk to the students in the class. Follow the example.

Hello! My name’s ……………..
What’s your name?

Where are you from, Anna? I’m from…

From: Headway Elementary, OUP

A. Read:
Polite phrases 6

Introducing Answering
- May I introduce myself? A: - How do you do. (formal)
I’m Paul Johnson. B: - How do you do.

- May I introduce a workmate/a friend A: - Pleased to meet you.

of mine? B: - Pleased to meet you too.
This is Mary Douglas. / Sir, this is
Mary Douglas. A: - Nice to meet you.
B: - Nice to meet you too.

- Welcome to Portugal! Leaving
- Goodbye. It was nice meeting you.
- Good night (it’s late)
- See you later (for a meeting later on
the same day).
B. Complete:
Hello and… Goodbye
Read the following dialogues:
A: Goodbye, Chris.
A: Hello, Mary. How are you?
B: Goodbye, Anne. Have a nice
B: Fine, thank you. And you? 7
A: I’m OK, thanks.
A: Thanks, Chris. See you
A: Hi, Dave! How are you?
B: Not bad, thanks. And you?
A: Very well. How are the
B: They’re fine.

Saying hello
- Hello! / Hi!
- Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! /Good night!
How are you?/ How do you do. How do you do.(formal)

I’m fine, thank you. I’m ok. I’m not very well.

Saying goodbye
Saying goodbye
- Goodbye! / Bye! / Bye-bye!
- See you (later/tomorrow/soon)!
- Goodbye! / Bye! / Bye-bye!
- Have
- Seea good day/evening!
you (later/tomorrow/soon)!
- Have a good day/evening!
Introducing yourself Introducing Someone
Introducing yourself Introducing Someone
- Hi! My name is… - Sam, this is…
- Hi!
- Nice toMy name
meet you.is… It’s nice
Julie. this
- Hi,- Sam, is… to meet you.
- Nice to meet
- Nice you,you.
to meet too. - Hi, Julie. It’s nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, too.

A- Look at the time and write the appropriate greeting.

1) 09h45 __________________ 2) 18h30 _____________________
2) 12h45 __________________ 3) 23h15 _____________________
B- Write the appropriate answer to the following question according to the symbol.
How are you?

1) _______________________
2) _______________________

3) _______________________

C- Match the questions/sentences with the answers.

Hello. 1) a) I’m fine, thank you. And you?

How are you? 2) b) My name is Sam.
I’m fine, too. I’m Tina. What’s your name? 3) c) Hi!
Sam, this is Julie. 4) d) Sorry, I have to go now. Goodbye!
Nice to meet you, too, Sam. 5) e) Hi, Julie. It’s nice to meet you.

D- Complete the dialogue with the sentences from the previous exercise.

Tina: Hello!
Sam: _____________________________________________________________
Tina: How are you?
Sam: _____________________________________________________________
Tina: I’m fine, too. I’m Tina. What’s your name?
Sam: _____________________________________________________________
Tina: Sam, this is Julie.
Sam: _____________________________________________________________
Julie: It’s nice to meet you, too, Sam.
Sam: _____________________________________________________________
Julie/ Tina: Bye!
Hello... Hi... / Hello... Louise: Hello! I’m Louise Boivin.

How are you? I’m fine, thanks. James: Hi! I’m James.
I’m OK, thanks.
Not too bad, thanks.
I’m very well, thank you. Louise: How are you, James?

What’s your name? My name is... James: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

Who are you? I am... Louise: I’m ok, thank you.

James: Nice to meet you!

Are you Paul? Yes, I am.
No, I’m not. Louise: Pleased to meet you, too!

James: Goodbye, Louise.

Goodbye... Goodbye...
Bye bye... Louise: Bye, James.
See you soon...

Nice to meet you... Nice to meet you, too.

Pleased to meet you, too.
E. Complete the interviews with the words full, first, surname or middle.

A: What’s your __________ name?

B: My __________ name is Hugh.
A: What’s your __________?
B: My __________ is Grant.
A: What’s your __________ name?
B: My __________ name is Hugh Grant.
A: What’s your __________ name?
B: My __________ name is Catherine.
A: What’s your __________ name?
B: My __________ name is Zeta.
A: What’s your __________?
B: My __________ is Jones.
Presentation – Read about Manuel and Mayumi.

My name’s Manuel Garcia and I’m a doctor. I’m

thirty. I’m married and I have two children. I live in a 10

house in Seville in the south of Spain. I want to learn

English for my job.

My name’s Mayumi Kimura and I’m a student. I am

nineteen years old. I’m not married. I have two brothers
and a sister. I live in a flat in Osaka, Japan. I want to
learn English because it’s an international language.

From: Headway Elementary, OUP

Complete the table with information from the texts above and about yourself.
Manuel Mayumi About yourself
Full name




Marital status


Type of house


for learning
Writing and Speaking
Write about you. Then read it to the class.

Personal Identification
Mr / Mrs / Miss/ Ms

First name: _____________________________________________

Surname: __________________________________________________

Marital Status: Single


Nationality: ____________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________

A. Answer the following questions about yourself.

1. How are you? ______________________________________________________
2. What is your name? _________________________________________________
3. How old are you? ___________________________________________________
4. Where are you from? ________________________________________________
5. Where do you live? _________________________________________________
6. What is your job? __________________________________________________
7. Are you married? ___________________________________________________ 12

B. Build questions for the following answers.

1. ___________________________________________________________?
I am fine.
2. ___________________________________________________________?
My name is John.
3. ___________________________________________________________?
I am 28 years old.
4. ___________________________________________________________?
I am from Canada.
5. ___________________________________________________________?
I live in Toronto.
6. ___________________________________________________________?
I am a shop assistant.
7. ___________________________________________________________?
No, I am not. I am single.

Subject Pronouns
We use subject pronouns as subjects of sentences. (Nós usamos os pronomes pessoais
(sujeito) como sujeito das frases para substituir os nomes.)

I am an English teacher. – (eu)

You are a student. – (tu)
Manuel is a doctor. He is from Spain. – (ele)
Mayumi is a student. She is from Japan. – (ela)
The cat is very nice. It is yellow.
We are all Portuguese. – (nós)
You are students. – (vós)
Manuel and Mayumi speak English. They speak English. - (eles;elas)


1. Fill in the spaces with he, she, it, I, you:

a. _______ is Mary.
b. _______ is a boy.
c. _______ are a man.
d. _______ is a dog.
e. _______ is a girl.
f. _______ a student.
g. _______ am Tom.
h. _______ is a table.

Go back to the texts about Manuel and Mayumi. STUDY:

What’s his name? Manuel.

Where’s he from? Spain.

What’s her name? Mayumi.

Where’s she from? Japan.

A. Now read about Mary Hopkins.

SURNAME: Hopkins
COUNTRY: England
JOB: Journalist
ADDRESS: 35, North Street, Bristol
PHONE NIUMBER: 0272 478 2209
AGE: 23

B. Complete the questions:

a. What’s ____________ surname? Hopkins.
b. ____________ her first name? Mary.
c. ____________ ____________ she ____________? England.
d. ____________ ____________ job? She’s a journalist.
e. What’s ____________ ____________? 35 North Street, Bristol.
f. ____________ ____________ phone number? 0272 478 2209.
g. How old ____________ ____________? Twenty-three.
h. Is she ____________? No, she isn’t.

C. Read about Anthony Peters.

COUNTRY: Scotland
JOB: Policeman
ADDRESS: 62, Church Street, Glasgow
AGE: 47

D. Complete the questions:

a. What’s his surname? Peters.
b. ____________ his first name? Anthony.
c. ____________ ____________ he from? Scotland.
d. ____________ ____________ job? He’s a policeman.
e. What’s ____________ ____________? 62, Church Street, Glasgow.
f. ____________ ____________ phone number? 972354.
g. How old ____________ ____________? Forty-seven.
h. Is he ____________? Yes, he is.

Source: Headway Beginner, OUP

A. Read, listen and repeat:

Object pronouns
Pronomes pessoais em forma de complemento.

Read the text and fill in the chart.

Susan is my best friend. I really like talking to her and walking in the park with her. Her brother
Tom is very nice but I rarely meet him because he is out of the country. Her parents often invite
me for dinner, which is really nice because they are lovely and so I love spending time with
them. This is a photo of us.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns

You You
It It
You You

Pay attention! Os pronomes pessoais em forma de complemento colocam-se

depois do verbo ou preposição com a função de complemento.
e.g. Look at Ann. Look at her.
Look at Steve and Tony. Look at them.

A. Replace the words in bold with the correct object pronoun.

1. This is for Mary. ____________________________________________
2. The books are for me and John. ___________________________________
3. Look at Ann and Mary. __________________________________________
4. Give this to Bob. ________________________________________________
5. Give this to Lynn and Stuart. ______________________________________
6. Give the atlas to John. ___________________________________________
7. Take the books. ________________________________________________
8. Listen to Mr. Smith. _____________________________________________

B. Underline the correct pronoun.

1. This is David. He / Him is eight. 5. Listen to they / them.
2. Give we / us the book. 6. They / Them are friends.
3. Is he / him a teacher? 7. Look at Paul. Look at he / him.
4. This is for she / her. 8. Could you tell me / I the way home?
A. Read the conversation below and fill in the gaps with the verb to be.

John: Hello, my name ______ John and this ______ my brother Peter. What ______ your
Clark: My name ______ Clark. How ______ you?
John: I ______ fine.
Peter: I ______ fine, too and you?
Clark: Great. Where ______ you from?
John: We ______ from Liverpool.
Clark: How old ______ you?
John: I ______ thirty-one years old.
Peter: And I ______ twenty-six years old.

B. Put the following sentences in the negative form.

1. I am English.
1. They are from London.
3. We are friends.
4. He is my husband.
5. She is my wife.
6. It is a cat.
7. You are in the shopping centre.

C. Put the following sentences in the interrogative form.

1. He is a doctor.
2. I am a student.
3. We are neighbours.
4. He is my boss.
Personal Information
Listening activity
A. Listen to the conversations. Complete the chart.

Name Giovanni Tomba Diana Black 18


Phone number
212 463 9145



Miguel and Glenna da Costa live in Rio de Janeiro. They are in New York. Miguel is from Brazil,
and Glenna is from Toronto in Canada. They are married. Glenna is a doctor. Her hospital is in
the centre of Rio. Miguel is a teacher. His school is in the centre of Rio, too.

A. Complete:
er. His school is in the centre of Rio, too.
1. Miguel is from _________________________ .
2. He’s a _________________________ .
3. His school is in the _________________________ of Rio.
4. Glenna is from _________________________ in Canada.
5. She’s a _________________________ .
6. Her _________________________ is in the centre of Rio.
7. They _________________________ from New York.
8. They are _________________________ .

Source: New Headway Beginner, OUP

A. Complete each sentence with a possessive
Possessive Adjectives
(Determinantes Possessivos)
1. I like basketball. It’s my favourite sport. My- meu(s), minha(s)
2. She is in my team. _______ name is Jill. Your- teu(s), tua(s)
3. We are at the sports field. ______ teacher is over
His- seu(s), sua(s), dele
Her- seu(s), sua(s), dela
4. He loves swimming. It’s ______ favourite hobby.
5. They are in the swimming pool. _______ sports bags Its- seu(s), sua(s), dele, dela

aren’t here. Our- nosso(os), nossa(s)

6. Do you like _____ school? Your- vosso(a), vossos(as)
7. It’s a good school. _____ classrooms are
Their- seus (as), deles ,delas
8. This is the new girl in our class. ____ name is Carla.
9. Carla and Tom live with _______ grandparents.

B. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with a possessive determiner.

Source: iTeen, Areal Editora

Personal Possessive Possessive
pronouns adjectives pronouns
I my mine 20

You your yours

He his his
She her hers
It its its
We our ours
You your yours
They their theirs

Examples: John is my friend. He lives in London. His name is John. (John = he)
A. Fill in the gaps with a possessive adjective.

1. I have a pencil. _______ pencil is yellow.

2. Guadalupe is Mexican. _______ family lives in Acapulco.
3. John Anderson lives in Sweden but _______ family is from Manchester.
4. Alex and I were late for _______ class.
5. They study in Oxford but _______ parents live in London.
6. George has a Playstation. _______ Playstation is new.
7. My family has a dog. _______ dog’s name is Uki.

B. Fill in the gaps with a possessive pronoun.

1. She loves animals. That dog is ________.

2. These are your books. They are ___________.
3. I went to the cinema with a friend of ____________.
4. They have my phone number but I haven’t got _________.
5. Paul collects pens. This collection is ________.
7. I gave you my address and you gave me ____________.
8. This is not my umbrella. ________ is yellow and blue.
9. Their garden is full of beautiful flowers. That bouquet is _________.
10. That is our car. It’s ____________.
A. Match the numbers to the correct picture.


1. carpenter; 2. pharmacist; 3. musician; 4. babysitter; 5. pilot ; 6. singer

1.- Carpenter 2.- Pharmacist 3.- Musician 4.- Babysitter 5.- Pilot 6.- Singer
7. fortune teller;teller
7.- Fortune 8. cook; 9. policeman;
8.- Cook 9.- Policeman10. electrician;
10.- Electrician 11. reporter /
journalist; 12. postman;
11.-Reporter/Journalist 12.-Postman13. 13.-
waiter; 14. 14.-Barber/hairdresser
Waiter barber / hairdresser;
15.-Secretary 16.- 16.
15. secretary; Bus bus
17.- Cashier 18.Inspector
cashier; 18. welder;19.-19.
20.-Painter 21.- Doctor 22.-Architect 23.-Dentist 24.-Airhostess
20. painter; 21. doctor; 22. architect; 23. dentist; 24. airhostess;
25.-Film Director 26.-Nurse 27.-Photographer
25. film director; 26. nurse; 27. photographer
Articles: a, an, the
a) city in India.
A. Match:
b) country in South Asia.
Hindi is an _________
c) capital of India. 22
1. New Delhi is the _________
2. Chennai is a _________ d) Indian language.
3. The rupee is the _________
e) currency of India.
4. India is a _________

B. Underline the correct word.

1. Tokyo is a / the capital of Japan.
2. Japanese is a / the language of Japan.
3. China is a / the country near Japan.
4. Kobe is a / the city near Osaka.
5. Japan is a / the country in Asia.
6. Japan is an / the island.

C. Complete the sentences with words from the boxes.

American car
French university
International city
a English camera
an Japanese drink
German language
Italian car

1. A Cadillac is _______________________________________.
2. Champagne is _____________________________________.
3. A Pentax is ________________________________________.
4. English is _________________________________________.
5. Milan is __________________________________________.
6. A Mercedes is _____________________________________.
7. Oxford is _________________________________________.
D. Complete the table.
Country Nationality Language(s) spoken
Egypt 23


E. Make true sentences.

1. In Brazil
2. In Canada
3. In France
4. In Germany German.
5. In Italy Italian.
6. In Japan Japanese.
7. In Mexico they speak Portuguese.
8. In Portugal Spanish.
9. In Spain English.
10. In Switzerland French.
11. In the United States

Cardinal Numbers from 0 to 20

0- Zero 11- eleven
1- One 12- twelve
2- Two 13- thirteen
3- Three 14- fourteen
4- Four 15- fifteen
5- five 16- sixteen
6- six 17- seventeen
7- seven 18- eighteen
8- eight 19- nineteen
9- nine 20- twenty

10- ten
Cardinal Numbers

20-twenty 100- a/one hundred

30-thirty 200-two hundred
40-forty 1000- a/one thousand
50-fifty 1987- nineteen eighty-seven 24
60-sixty 1876-eighteen seventy-six
70-seventy 2000- two thousand
80-eighty 1 000 000-a/one million
90-ninety 2 000 000-two million

A- Write the numbers.

21 ______________________ 40 ____________________________
22 ______________________ 33____________________________
23 ______________________ 98___________________________
24______________________ 76_______________________________
25 ______________________ 189______________________________

Asking the phone number

- What’s your phone number?

- My phone number is …. / It’s …. PHONE NUMBER

0 – oh 252 456 088

55 – double five
555 – five-double five Two-five-two-four-five-six-oh-double eight

A- Write the phone numbers in full.

1. 917 336 048; 216 856 440; 938 701 556; 229 654 857; 220 678 431

B- Write the phone numbers.

1. Nine-six-double one-two-three-oh-six

2. Nine-one-three-four-five-eight-seven-nine

3. Nine-three-double three-six-double nine-eight

4. Two-five-double three-six-nine-double six-five

5. Two-three-two-one-two-three-four-double five
Ordinal Numbers

1st – first 11th - eleventh 21st – twenty-first 31st – thirty-first

2nd – second 12th – twelfth 22nd – twenty-second 40th – fortieth 25

rd th rd th
3 – third 13 – thirteenth 23 – twenty-third 50 – fiftieth

4th – fourth 14th – fourteenth 24th – twenty-fourth 60th – sixtieth

5th – fifth 15th – fifteenth 25th – twenty-fifth 70th – seventieth

6th – sixth 16th – sixteenth 26th – twenty-sixth 80th – eightieth

7th – seventh 17th – seventeenth 27th – twenty-seventh 90th – ninetieth

8th – eighth 18th – eighteenth 28th – twenty-eighth 100th – one hundredth

9th – ninth 19th – nineteenth 29th – twenty-ninth 1000th – one thousandth

10th – tenth 20th - twentieth 30th - thirtieth 1.000.000th – one millionth

Pay attention:
Para formar os numerais ordinais até ao número 19, regra geral, acrescenta-se a
terminação –th ao número cardinal, excepto nos números 1 (first), 2 (second) e 3 (third).
A partir do número 20, acrescenta-se a terminação –ieth.

Days of the week

A. The days of the week are related with mythology. Try to find out
the origin of the days of the week.

Friday – Monday – Saturday – Sunday – Wednesday Thursday – Tuesday

1. This day is named after the sun. ______________________

2. This day is named after the moon. ____________________
3. This day is named after Saturn. _______________________
4. This day is named after Freya, the Teutonic goddess of love and beauty. __________________
5. This day is named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. ___________________________
6. This day is named after Tiu, the English and Germanic god of war and the sky. ______________
7. This day is named after Woden, the chief Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic god. ____________ _____
Months of the year: our calendar originated in Roman times. The names of
the months are Latin or are named after Roman gods. Try to find out the origin of
the months of the year.
April-August-December-February-January-July-June-March-May-November-October-September 26

1. This month is named after the Roman emperor Julius Caesar. _____________
2. This month is named after the Roman war god Mars. _____________
3. Before Julius Caesar decided that the year should begin in January (not March), this had
been the seventh month of the year (the Latin word for seven is septem). ____________
4. This used to be the tenth month of the year (the Latin word for ten is decem). ______
5. This month is named after the Roman god Janus. _____________
6. This used to be the eighth month of the year (8-octo). _____________
7. The name of this month stands for the opening of the buds in spring (open – aperire). ___
8. This month is named after the Roman emperor Augustus. _____________
9. This month is named after the Roman mother goddess, Maya. _____________
10. This month is named after the Roman festival of purification, Februa. _____________
11. In the old Roman calendar this used to be the ninth month (9-novem). ____________
12. This month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, Jupiter’s wife. _____________
SEASONS : Spring; Summer; Autumn or Fall; Winter

Writing the date

Sally’s family

This is Sally Milton.

She’s married, and this is her family. Their house is
in London. She’s a teacher. Her school is in the
centre of London.
Tom is Sally´s husband. He’s a bank manager. His
bank is in the centre of town, too.
“Our children are Kirsty and Nick. They’re students at Camden College.
We’re happy in London.”

A. Answer the questions:

1. Is Sally married?
2. Where’s their house?
3. What is Sally’s job?
4. Where’s her school?
5. What is Tom’s job?
6. Where is his bank?
7. Are their children doctors?
From: New Headway Beginner, OUP
B. Look at this family tree. Use the correct words to complete
the sentences.


1) Laura _____________Mike’s________________________________
2) Rose _____________Wendy and Mario’s______________________
3) Jane _____________ Mike’s________________________________
4) Ben and Lucy ______________ Laura’s_______________________
5) Jane _____________ Laura’s________________________________
6) Kate _______________Nick’s_______________________________
7) Ben ____________ Wendy’s_______________________________
8) John ___________Nick and Rose’s___________________________
9) Wendy ___________Laura and Bill’s _________________________
10) Mike ____________ Nick’s ________________________________
11) Ben is ___________________________________________ brother.
12) Bill ____________ Pete and Jane’s ___________________________
13) John ____________Jane’s__________________________________
14) Pete and Jane ___________ Laura and Bill’s____________________
15) Kate is _____________________________________________wife.

Source: eslprintables
Reading activity
Sally’s Brother
This is David Arnot and his family.
“We’re from Wales. I have a small farm. My wife’s name is Megan, and she has a job in town.
She’s a shop assistant. We have one child, Ben, and two dogs, Dylan and Dolly. My sister, Sally,
and her husband, Tom have a big house in London. They have two children. Tom has a very 29

good job.”

A. Are the sentences true or false?

1. David’s farm is in Wales. ________________
2. David is Sally’s brother. ________________
3. His wife has a job in a hospital. ________________
4. David and Megan have two children. ________________
5. Their farm is big. ________________
6. They have two dogs, Ben and Dolly. ________________

Grammar Spot – Verb to have

Complete the forms of the verb “have”:
I ______________
You have
He has
She ______________
We ______________
You ______________
They ______________

B. Complete the sentences. Use has or have.

1. I have two brothers and a sister.
2. My parents _____________ a house in the country.
3. My wife _____________ a Japanese car.
4. My sister and I _____________ a dog.
5. You _____________ a very nice family.
6. Our school _____________ fifteen classrooms.
7. We _____________ English classes in the evening.

C. Listen and write the sentences. Practise them.

1. I have a small farm in Wales.

2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________

Source: New Headway Beginner, OUP

Listening Activity

Hello! 1. __________ name’s Rachel, and I’m from the 2. _____________ . This is
a photo of my 3. ____________ . Our house is in San Diego. This is my 4.
___________. His name is Steve, and he’s 5. _____________ . He’s a 6. 30

______________ . This is my 7. ______________ . Her name’s Grace. She’s 8.

______________, and she’s a 9. _______________ . And this man is my 10.
______________, Bob. He’s 11. ______________, and he’s a 12.
________________ .


Describing somebody's appearance

Height He /She's short / tall / of average height
Build He/She's fat / thin / slim / muscular / well-built / plump
Hair He/She's got long / short / medium-length hair
wavy / curly / straight
dark / blond(e) / black / brown /fair
Eyes He /She's got eyes
round / almond-shaped
big / small
green / brown / blue
Nose He /She's got nose
big / small / upturned / hooked

Special He/She's got a moustache / a scar / a beard / freckles / dimples / a

features pony tail

Clothes He/She usually jeans / T-shirt / tracksuit / skirts


e.g. John is tall and well-built. He has got short, straight black hair, big green eyes and dimples. He
likes wearing jeans and training shoes.

Describing somebody's personality

He's Clever helpful talkative selfish
She's Intelligent sociable boring amusing
They're Funny patient friendly lazy
Happy polite arrogant strong
generous rude ambitious responsible
impatient shy hard-working honest

e.g. My brother is always very helpful to me. He helps me with my homework when I need it.

Describing people with the verb HAVE GOT (possessions) 31

A. Describe the person sitting next to you.

Describe one of the members of your family.

Match the words and the pictures.


A. Tick the things you like. Cross the things you don’t like.


Affirmative: I like tennis.

Negative: I don’t like football.


Question: Do you like…?

Short answers: Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

B. Ask and answer questions with a partner. Source: New Headway Beginner, OUP
Reading activity
Read about Gordon:


from Aberdeen

“Hello! My name’s Gordon Wilson. I come from

Aberdeen in Scotland, but now I live and work in
London. I have a very small flat near the centre. I’m a
waiter and I’m also a drama student. I work in an
Italian restaurant. I eat Italian food and I drink Italian
and French wine. I don’t drink beer. I don’t like it.
And I don’t play sports. I speak three languages –
English, French and a little Italian. I want to be an

A. Listen and repeat the questions. Then, ask and answer the questions with
a partner. Give true answers.
Questions Answers
1. Do you come from Scotland? Yes, I do.
2. Do you live in Aberdeen? No, I don’t. I ________ in London.
3. Do you live in a flat? Yes, I ________ . I ________ in a flat near the centre.
4. Do you work in a Chinese No, I ________ . I ________ in an Italian restaurant.
5. Do you like Italian food? Yes, I ________ . I ________ it a lot.
6. Do you like your job? No, I ________ . I want to be ________ ________ .
7. Do you drink beer? No, I ________ . I ________ like it.
8. Do you speak French and Spanish? I ________ French but I ________ speak Spanish.

Source: New Headway Beginner, OUP

Talking about you:
1. Where do you live? I live in a __________________ .
2. What’s your job? I’m a/an __________________ .
3. Where do you work? I work in __________________ . 34
4. What sports do you like? I like __________________ .
5. What drinks do you like? I like __________________ .
6. How many languages do you speak? I speak _____ languages - _____________ .

Social expressions


Daily Routine



13 –SHAVE 14 – COOK
19 – GO TO BED
A. Watch the video about Dennis Cook. Then read the text that follows.


Source: Grapevine, OUP

B. Complete the text with the words in the box.

lives listens leaves is watch comes

stops have gets up wakes up gets out cleans has 38

makes puts on drink goes

Dennis Cook ________ at 23 Primrose Avenue. Dennis

37. He’s married. His wife, Tricia, is 34. Dennis
usually ________at seven o’clock. He ________ and
goes to the bathroom. Dennis ________ his teeth, and
he shaves. Then he ________ a shower. He goes back
to the bedroom, and he ________ his clothes. Then
he________ downstairs, and goes into the kitchen. He ________ a cup of
tea. Then he takes a cup of tea upstairs to Tricia. They ________
breakfast. They eat cornflakes, and ________ orange juice. Dennis reads
The Times, and Tricia ________ to the radio. Dennis________ the house
at 8:15. He always kisses Tricia. Then he drives to work. He ________of
his car, and goes to work. He opens his case. He plays his guitar. He
usually has lunch at 12:30. In the afternoon, he plays the guitar again.
He usually ________ work at five o’clock. He ________ home at half past
five, and kisses Tricia. They usually have dinner at seven o’clock. In the
evening, they ________ television. And here ________ the nine o’clock
news… They usually go to bed at eleven o’clock. That’s another exciting
day in the life of Dennis Cook.
Source: Grapevine
C. Answer the following questions:
1. What time does Dennis usually wake up?
2. What does he do then?
__________________________________________________________________ 39

3. When does he have lunch?

4. What does he do at work?

D. Now, write about your own daily routine.

The Present Simple tense

I work I don’t work Do I work? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
You work You don’t work Do you work? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
He works He doesn’t work Does he work? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
She works She doesn’t work Does she Yes, she No, she doesn’t
It works It doesn’t work work? does. No, it doesn’t
We work We don’t work Does it work? Yes, it does. No, we don’t
You work You don’t work Do we work? Yes, we do. No, you don’t
They work They don’t work Do you work? Yes, you do. No, they don’t
Do they work? Yes, they do.
B. Change these sentences from the affirmative to the negative and interrogative forms.

1. She works very hard.

2. I like cereals for breakfast every morning.
3. Susan has lunch at noon every day.
4. Thomas drives very fast.
5. Jodie cooks delicious dishes.


never – seldom / rarely – sometimes – usually – often – always

A. Ask the person sitting next to you about his / her habits.
How often do you go to the cinema?
I never go to the cinema because I am always too tired.
Sports and Leisure
A. What are the activities in the photos? Write the activities in the correct column below.


play go + ing

Source: New Headway, OUP

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