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A partir de hoje entraremos no campo do idioma mais lindo e mais fascinante do mundo depois
do espanhol é claro!
Obrigada por confiar no meu trabalho e na minha capacidade em te ensinar, que por sinal é uma
coisa pela qual sou apaixonada e mega fascinada, mesmo porque quando ensinamos algo a
alguém aprendemos muito mais e é isso que eu quero que aconteça.

E vamos ao desbravamento do Inglês mais um pouco hahahahahahahaha!

1) Preencha com a letra que está faltando as seguintes palavras:
2) Faça esta atividade em 5 min. Depois de feita, procure seis palavras com
cada letra e escreva em seu caderno de atividades.
3) Qual letra vem antes e qual vem depois?
4) Tente encaixar cada palavra no seu lugar apropriado.
5) Qual letra está faltando em cada coluna?
6) Complete the sentences com BE, DO ou CAN:

a- The girl ______________ seven years old.

b- _____________ the teacher live here?
c- I think she ________________speak English very well.
d- How old _______________ the children?
e- My father ________________not work on Saturdays.
f- “What ______________ Paul do?” He ___________a doctor.”
g- “___________ you sure about this?” “Yes, I _____________.”
h- The man ______________ see the lake from the window.
i- The people ________________not afraid of darkness, but Paul ____________.
j- I ________________not like fish.
k- ___________ your friends study here?

7) Escreva as frases abaixo em inglês com o auxílio de um dicionário


a. Eu não tenho certeza se ela mora em Bauru.

b. Você fala inglês?
c. Ele não tem amigos.
d. Minha professora gosta de comida japonesa.
e. Sua mãe não trabalha aos domingos?
f. Eles não são irmãos.
g. Ele estuda comigo todo dia.
h. Ela tem 20 anos?
i. Eu não tenho medo de cachorro, mas a minha irmã tem.
j. Meu amigo não consegue correr rápido.
k. Você mora com seu pai?
8) Com o auxilio de um dicionário seja ele físico ou online procure as
seguintes palavras e escreva no caderno de vocabulário o significado de
cada uma tanto em inglês quanto em português.





Às vezes



Bolsas de costas


Salada grega

Salada mediterrânea

Guarda Costas






Ar condicionado



Lã de carneiro














Lápis de cor












Alfabeto fonético



9) Escolha algumas palavras e forme frases em inglês com as palavras que você

10) Coloque as palavras do exercício 8 em ordem alfabética e escreva como se fala

cada palavra, para isso procure na internet o alfabeto fonético.

11) Escreva o correspondente:

Eu sou/estou

Ele é/está

Ela é/está

Ele é/está ela é/está (para coisas e animais)

Tu (você) é/está

Nós somos/estamos

Vocês são/estão

Eles, elas são/estão.

12) Complete o seguinte diálogo clicando no link abaixo. Depois de ter

clicado no mesmo, elabore outro utilizando qualquer forma do verbo to

13) Forme frases com o verbo to be com qualquer forma dele. Quantas você

14) Complete com o verbo to be o seguinte texto:

My name (be) ________ (1) John. I (be) ________ (2) fifteen years old. I
live on a farm. It (be) ________ (3) in the country. It is quiet in the
country. It (be, not) ____ ____ (4) loud in the country. I wake up early.
Sometimes, I wake up before the sun rises. Sometimes, it (be) ________
(5) still dark when I wake up. But I don’t mind. I like waking up that
early. I like the way the country looks in the morning. The first thing I do
after I wake up is milk the cow. After I (be) ________ (6) finished
milking the cow, I bring the milk to my mom. I think she uses it to make
breakfast. She makes a delicious breakfast. My mom (be) ________ (7) a
really good cook. Next, I feed the pigs. One time, I asked my mom how
come my little sister doesn’t feed them. She said it is because my sister
(be, not) ____ ____ (8) strong enough. But I still don’t understand. She
is almost as strong as me! I guess my mom doesn’t want my sister to get
hurt. After all, the pigs can (be) ________ (9) pretty rough, especially
when they (be) ________ (10) hungry. The last thing I do (be) ________
(11) feed the chickens. That (be) ________ (12) easy. I just throw some
food down on the ground and they run out and eat it. While the chickens
(be) ________ (13) eating, I go into their house to collect their eggs.
Chicken eggs (be) ________ (14) really good to eat. They (be) ________
(15) easy to cook too. That is what I do in the mornings. I (be) ________
(16) pretty busy.

15) Clique no link e faça a atividade proposta:


16) Clique no link e resolva a atividade que está sendo pedida


17) Passe as frases afirmativas tanto para as negativas quanto para as


a) My mother is a bad person for me.

b) I am very sad today.
c) We are different people.
d) Maria Luiza is my beloved niece.
e) My father is missing me so much.
f) She is my friend.
g) They are playing soccer with their parents.
h) Today is cold here.

18) Forme frases utilizando as três formas do verbo to be. (15)

19) Você conhece alguns cumprimentos? Para que eles servem? Cite alguns
e tente classificá-los em formais e informais.

20) Procure, na internet, 30 cumprimentos em inglês e copie-os,

classificando em formais e informais, depois, forme quatro diálogos
utilizando tanto o verbo to be quanto os cumprimentos formais e

21) Ao clicar no link, você encontrará três atividades. Procure fazê-las em

algum caderno assim como todas outras atividades.

22) No diálogo abaixo há tanto cumprimento formal quanto informal.

Encontre - os e separe em duas colunas.

Tony: Hi, Fernanda. How are you?

Fernanda: Fine, thanks, Tony. How are you?
Tony: Fine. It’s good to see you.
Fernanda: You, too. I’m glad you have time today. Can you help me? I
need some advice.
Tony: Well, maybe I can help you.
Fernanda: I think of starting my own business – a boutique.
Tony: Oh, it’s a good idea!
Fernanda: I want a company with my name on it. I make the decisions
and control everything.
Tony: You need a lawyer and an accountant. I contact them for you, ok!
Fernanda: Thanks!

23) Clique no link e resolva a atividade. Depois elabore uma atividade

parecida e resolva no seu caderno.

24) Clique no seguinte link e faça as atividades que estão sendo pedidas:

25) Encontre e escreva em seu caderno os substantivos. Depois, separe-os

em classes gramaticais:

a. In the summer we go to the lake.

b. Last month was my birthday.
c. Many birds fly south in the winter.
d. My brother gave the best speech.
e. Her dog had four puppies.
f. At the park there were many ducks.
g. A light was shining in the window.
h. The teacher entered the classroom.
i. A large cat slept in front of the fireplace.
j. The man was known for his honesty.
26) Preencha as lacunas com um substantivo:

a) The _______________________________________has grown a foot

since last year.

b) The trip to ______________________________will take two


c) My teacher, ____________________________, has redecorated her


d) Bob rode to school on a


e) I gave my ____________________________ a
________________________for her birthday.

f) Many __________________________are grown in our


g) Tonight we are going to the


h) This homework assignment requires plenty


i) We’ll see ____________________________ at the


j) I think the _________________________will improve next


27) Acesse o seguinte link e faça a atividade que segue:


28) Ao acessar este link, você encontrará uma atividade para identificar qual
é o substantivo comum e qual é o próprio. Resolva-a e depois tente
elaborar 4 atividades em seu caderno, feito isso, tente resolvê-las.

29) Neste link você encontrará uma atividade que deverá ser feita em 20
30) Complete as seguintes frases com os artigos a, an ou the e com um –
quando não precisar de nenhum artigo.

_____________ modern life is stressful.

What’s _____________ capital of your country?

_____________ doctor earns more than _____________ teacher.

Do you know who invented _____________ computer?

Have you seen _____________ newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere.

Is this _____________ first time you’ve stayed at _____________ Hilton?

Is _____________ Nile or _____________ Amazon _____________ longest

river on _____________ earth?

Several million visitors _____________ year are attracted to

_____________ ski slopes of _____________ Alps.

I’ll meet you outside _____________ post office. I’ll be there in

_____________ quarter of _____________ hour.

_____________ young people tend to think that _____________ life was

more difficult in _____________ past.

In my opinion _____________ education should be free.

_____________ education I got at _____________ school was excellent.

In some cities, _____________ cars have been banned from the centre.

I went to _____________ Buckingham Palace today. It was great.

I took _____________ train to London and then _____________

underground to _____________Victoria Station.

It’s _____________ short walk from there.

Would you like to come with us to see _____________ Titanic at the cinema

I had _____________ experience at work today.

The car sped past at 100 miles _____________ hour.

_____________ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in _____________

_____________ Middle East is one of the world’s hot spots.

We lived in _____________ Netherlands before moving here.

If you ever go to London you must see _____________ Tower of London

and _____________ Tate Gallery.

We noticed _____________ strong smell coming from _____________


She lives in _____________ England, which is part of _____________ UK.

After his wife’s death he left _____________ home and joined

_____________ army.

He should have called me _____________ hour ago.

They visited grandmother in _____________ hospital.

_____________ history is an interesting subject, but what I like most is

_____________ history of the United States.

The Browns often watch _____________ television in the evening.

Munich lies in _____________ south of Germany

_______ moon goes round _______ earth every 27 days.

The Soviet Union was _______ first country to send a man into _____ space.

Did you see the film on _______ television or at _______ cinema?

I'm not very hungry, I had _______ big breakfast.

I never listen to _____. radio. In fact, I haven't got _______ radio.

What is _______ highest mountain in _______ world?

It was a long voyage. We were at _______ sea for four weeks.

Look at _______ apples on that tree. They're very large.

_______ women are often better teachers than _______ men.

In Britain _______ coffee is more expensive than _______ tea.

We had a very nice meal. _______ cheese was especially good.

They got married but _______ marriage wasn't very successful.

I know someone who wrote a book about _______ life of Gandhi.

_______ life would be very difficult without _______ electricity.

_______ Second World War ended in 1945.

Do you know _______ people who live next door?

Are you interested in _______ art or _______ architecture?

Don't stay in that hotel. _______ beds are very uncomfortable.

I hate _______ violence.

John himself doesn't go to _______ church.

After _______ work Ann usually goes home.

When Ann was ill, we went to _______ hospital to visit her.

_______ British Prime Minister lives in _______ Downing Street 10.

_______ Tate Gallery is the main modern art museum in London.

Have you ever visited _______ Tower of London?

Do you know _______ time? Yes, _______ clock in _______ hall has just
struck nine.

I am on _______ night duty. When you go to _______ bed, I go to _______


There will always be a conflict between _______ old and _______ young.
_______ young people want _____change but old people want _______
things to stay _______ same.

In the past _______ most young boys became a farmer or got another job in
their village.

_______ city life is very noisy, hectic and dirty.

The waste gases of cars and factories are the primary reasons for _______ air

People only have parks, where they can enjoy _______ nature.

At the beginning I spoke about _______ tourism in _______ towns.

It's right that there aren't so many ways of spending _______ daily life in
_______ suburbs but is it still true that the countryside is praised to be
_______ best place for living. But when you live in _______ solitude you
are not always happy.

31. Circule a melhor resposta para completar as frases:

1. He collects _______________. He’s got over two thousand!
a. books
b. the books

2. We’re going skiing in _______________ for New Year!

a. Alps
b. the Alps

3. She’s _______________ of a country in Europe.

a. a president
b. the president

4. Honey, could you feed _______________, please?

a. a dog
b. the dog

5. My sister loves _______________. She wants to be a vet.

a. animals
b. the animals

6. My mum wants to go to _______________ for her birthday.

a. a cinema
b. the cinema

7. The Gilbert and Ellis Islands are in _______________.

a. Pacific Ocean
b. the Pacific Ocean

8. They say _______________ makes the world go round.

a. money
b. the money

31) Complete o texto com os artigos a, an e the e com um – quando não

pedir artigo nenhum.

Mr. Coleman was (1) ___ very fastidious person. He lived three (2) ___ streets away
from us, in (3) ___ small house with (4) ___ beautiful garden.

Having taken early retirement from his (5) ___ job as (6) ___ button counter, he now
had plenty of time to worry, and this he did very successfully. He often spent sleepless
nights trying to figure out how he could successfully cook both sides of (7) ___ omelet
without it breaking, or how he might achieve better access to (8) ___ tins at (9) ___
back of his cupboard. (10) ___ most of his home was exceptionally neat and tidy, but
several loose cables behind (11) ___ television set bothered him, and he never quite
knew what to do with (12) ___ empty plastic bags.

Then, one day, his life changed, and he began to experience some relief from his
anguish. It seemed that other people underwent similar mental trials, for (13) ___ new
catalogue appeared on his doorstep. (14) ___ catalogue contained solutions for many of
his problems, and for others which had not yet given him any cause for concern.

There was (15) ___ set of three egg timers, for example, shaped like (16) ___ chickens
and designed to emit (17) ___ clucking sound at (18) ___ end of three, four and five
minutes respectively.

In this way he could cook (19) ___ eggs to suit each of his friends individually, and then
keep them warm with (20) ___ specially designed covers which went with the timer,
marked ‘3’, ‘4’ and ‘5’ for identification purposes.

And (21) ___ catalogue contained many other wonderful ideas, such as (22) ___ toaster
which could be adjusted to produce different degrees of brownness on (23) ___ four
slices toasted simultaneously, and (24) ___ photo frame that rotated pictures at (25) ___
touch of (26) ___ invisible button, so that visiting relatives would never be offended by
not seeing their pictures on display, unless, of course, they all turned up together – Mr.
Coleman eventually solved this problem too by ordering four frames.

32) Escreva um texto sobre você em inglês.


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