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Read the text below.

Thanksgiving Day (USA)
Dia de Ação de Graças(EUA)

Thanksgiving Day origin dates back in the 16th century when the first Thanksgiving dinner took place.
A origem do Dia de Ação de Graças remonta ao século 16, quando o primeiro jantar de Ação de Graças
According to historians, a sailing vessel called Mayflower crossed the Atlantic carrying about 102 pilgrims.
The journey was arduous because of terrible storms in the sea. The passengers comforted themselves by singing.
Segundo historiadores, um veleiro chamado Mayflower cruzou o Atlântico carregando cerca de 102
peregrinos. A viagem foi árdua por causa das terríveis tempestades no mar. Os passageiros se consolaram cantando.
After 66 days, they arrived in Plymouth and could not proceed to their initial intended destination, Virginia
because of bad weather. In fact, about 46 pilgrims died in the cold winter. The survivors learned how to grow food
from Squanto, a native Indian. However, a severe drought followed and the pilgrims dedicated themselves to fasting
and praying to ask God for a bountiful harvest. Their prayers were answered by rains that grew their corn, beans and
Após 66 dias, eles chegaram a Plymouth e não puderam prosseguir para o destino inicial previsto, Virgínia
por causa do mau tempo. Na verdade, cerca de 46 peregrinos morreram no inverno frio. Os sobreviventes
aprenderam a cultivar alimentos com Squanto, um índio nativo. No entanto, seguiu-se uma forte seca e os
peregrinos se dedicaram ao jejum e à oração para pedir a Deus uma colheita abundante. Suas orações foram
respondidas por chuvas que plantaram milho, feijão e abóboras
In the autumn of 1621, Governor William Bradford organized a 3-day feast to thank God for his favors.
Although there is no evidence provided, it is believed that this was the first Thanksgiving Day by the Pilgrims. In the
following years, such events became quite common and were celebrated every year. On October 3, 1789, the first
president of the United States, George Washington proclaimed the day of thanksgiving. The day was later declared a
public holiday in 1863 by the then President Abraham Lincoln.
No outono de 1621, o governador William Bradford organizou uma festa de três dias para agradecer a Deus
por seus favores. Embora não haja nenhuma evidência fornecida, acredita-se que este foi o primeiro dia de ação de
graças dos peregrinos. Nos anos seguintes, esses eventos se tornaram bastante comuns e foram celebrados todos os
anos. Em 3 de outubro de 1789, o primeiro presidente dos Estados Unidos, George Washington, proclamou o dia de
ação de graças. O dia foi posteriormente declarado feriado em 1863 pelo então presidente Abraham Lincoln
Americans observe Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November every year. The day is usually
preceded by the Black Friday. This makes an ideal time to start Christmas shopping. Why is Thanksgiving in
Os americanos comemoram o Dia de Ação de Graças na quarta quinta-feira de novembro de cada ano. O dia
geralmente é precedido pela Black Friday. Este é o momento ideal para começar as compras de Natal. Por que
Thanksgiving em novembro?
Thanksgiving Day falls on the first Thursday in the month of November. The day has been celebrated in
November ever since the observance of this holiday began. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed for the
day to be celebrated on the last Thursday of November. In 1939, President Roosevelt moved the day to the third
Thursday of the month with intentions of prolonging the Christmas shopping season. Finally, the Congress passed it
as law for the day to be observed on the fourth Thursday of November.
O Dia de Ação de Graças cai na primeira quinta-feira do mês de novembro. O dia é comemorado em
novembro, desde o início da observância deste feriado. Em 1863, o presidente Abraham Lincoln proclamou o dia a
ser celebrado na última quinta-feira de novembro. Em 1939, o presidente Roosevelt mudou o dia para a terceira
quinta-feira do mês com a intenção de prolongar a temporada de compras de Natal. Por fim, o Congresso aprovou
como lei o dia a ser celebrado na quarta quinta-feira de novembro.
Turkey is the most common food served during the Thanksgiving Dinner. For this reason, Thanksgiving Day is
also called the Turkey Day. American farmers raise millions of turkeys every year in preparation of the Thanksgiving
Holiday. Other common meals on this day include potatoes, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and an assortment of
vegetables. Why Thanksgiving is celebrated?
O peru é o alimento mais comum servido durante o Jantar de Ação de Graças. Por esse motivo, o Dia de
Ação de Graças também é chamado de Dia da Turquia. Os fazendeiros americanos criam milhões de perus todos os
anos em preparação para o feriado de Ação de Graças. Outras refeições comuns neste dia incluem batatas, torta de
abóbora, molho de cranberry e uma variedade de vegetais. Por que o Dia de Ação de Graças é comemorado?
It is a day to thank God for a bountiful harvest in the preceding year. The day also appreciates the labor of all
Americans in their various income generating activities and achievements as a nation. Families and friends meet to
share and celebrate their milestones as well as their accomplishments
É um dia de agradecimento a Deus pela abundante colheita do ano anterior. O dia também valoriza o
trabalho de todos os americanos em suas várias atividades geradoras de renda e realizações como nação. Famílias e
amigos se reúnem para compartilhar e comemorar seus marcos, bem como suas realizações.
The day is often full of pomp and color. It is a great time to exchange gifts with your loved ones and share
beautiful Thanksgiving messages. If you would like to please your family and friends, get a special Thanksgiving menu
and Turkey, potatoes and a variety of vegetables. If you are looking to travel out of town, you can attend Macy’s
Thanksgiving Parade in New York City and enjoy lively performances. Usually, the parades mark the official opening
of Christmas shopping.
O dia costuma ser cheio de pompa e cor. É um ótimo momento para trocar presentes com seus entes
queridos e compartilhar lindas mensagens de Ação de Graças. Se você gostaria de agradar sua família e amigos, peça
um menu especial de Ação de Graças e peru, batatas e uma variedade de vegetais. Se você está procurando viajar da
cidade, você pode assistir ao desfile de ação de graças da Macy's na cidade de Nova York e desfrutar de
apresentações animadas. Normalmente, os desfiles marcam a abertura oficial das compras de Natal
Adapted text. .ThanksgivingDay (USA).Disponível em: https://www.calendarlabs.com/holidays/us/thanksgi- ving-day.php. Acesso em: 01 Agosto 2020.

Responda às questões em português.

1- Qual a origem do Thanksgiving (Dia de Ação de Graças)?
Depois das colheitas terem sido gravemente prejudicadas pelo inverno rigoroso, os colonos tiveram uma boa
colheita no verão de 1621, a partir desta época foi celebrado o dia de ação de Graças como forma de agradecimento.
2- Como se chamava o barco que trouxe os Peregrinos para a América?
3- Os Peregrinos eram quantas pessoas?
102 peregrinos
4- Quantos dias durou a viagem de travessia do mar até chegar à América?
66 dias
5- Como se chamava o lugar em que eles desembarcaram?
6- Qual presidente dos Estados Unidos instituiu o Dia de Ação de Graças? Quando?
George Washington, Em 3 de outubro de 1789
7- Qual é o tipo de comida mais comum do Dia de Ação de Graças nos Estados Unidos?
Perus, batatas, torta de abóbora, molho de cranberry e uma variedade de vegetais.

8- Qual é o significado do Dia de Ação de Graças para os norte-americanos, de acordo com o texto?
É um dia de agradecimento a Deus pela abundante colheita do ano anterior. O dia também valoriza o trabalho de
todos os americanos em suas várias atividades geradoras de renda e realizações como nação.

Leia o texto a seguir. / Read the text below.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United

States and Canada; on the second Monday of October in Canada and
on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.
The Pilgrims had the first Thanksgiving, because they wanted to
give thanks to Squanto and the Native Americans for teaching them
how to do things and live life in different ways, not just the ways the
Pilgrims used to live like.
Thanksgiving Day in the United States is traditionally a holiday to
give thanks for the food collected at the end of the harvest. It is a time
when families and friends get together for a special meal which often
includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin
pie, and vegetables.
This is a part of the North American culture and tradition and has
been an annual holiday in the United States since 1863.

01- Traduza o texto. / Translate the text

02- Responda as perguntas / Answer the questions

A. Where is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
a. Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada.
B. Why did the Pilgrims have the first Thanksgiving?
b. Because they wanted to give thanks to Squanto and the Native Americans for teaching them how to do
things and live life in different ways, not just the ways the Pilgrims used to live like.

03- Mark Trueor false – Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Thanksgiving is a holiday only in the USA. (…..) a. False
B. It is a time to give thanks in cities like New York and Toronto. (…..) b. True
C. Families get together on Thanksgiving Day. (…..) c. True
D. Thanksgiving has been an annual holiday in the USA since 1863. (…..) d. True

04- Marque apenas a opção que NÃOse refere ao THANKSGIVING DAY.

a) É oDia de ação de graças.
b) É comemorado na última quinta feira de novembro.
c) É conhecido como Dia das bruxas.

Leia o texto a seguir. / Read the text below.

Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada;
on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the
United States.
The Pilgrims had the first Thanksgiving, because they wanted to give thanks to
Squanto and the Native Americans for teaching them how to do things and live life in
different ways, not just the ways the Pilgrims used to live like.
Thanksgiving Day in the United States is traditionally a holiday to give thanks for the
food collected at the end of the harvest. It is a time when families and friends get together
for a special meal which often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy,
pumpkin pie, and vegetables.
This is a part of the North American culture and tradition and has been an annual
holiday in the United States since 1863.
01- Traduza o texto. / Translate the text A. Thanksgiving is a holiday only in the USA. (…..)
B. It is a time to give thanks in cities like New York and
02- Responda as perguntas / Answer the questions
Toronto. (…..)
A. Where is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
C. Families get together on Thanksgiving Day. (…..)
B. Why did the Pilgrims have the first Thanksgiving?
D. Thanksgiving has been an annual holiday in the USA since
03- Mark Trueor false – Verdadeiro ou Falso 1863. (…..)
Leia o texto a seguir. / Read the text below.
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada;
on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the
United States.
The Pilgrims had the first Thanksgiving, because they wanted to give thanks to
Squanto and the Native Americans for teaching them how to do things and live life in
different ways, not just the ways the Pilgrims used to live like.
Thanksgiving Day in the United States is traditionally a holiday to give thanks for the
food collected at the end of the harvest. It is a time when families and friends get together
for a special meal which often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy,
pumpkin pie, and vegetables.
This is a part of the North American culture and tradition and has been an annual
holiday in the United States since 1863.
01- Traduza o texto. / Translate the text A. Thanksgiving is a holiday only in the USA. (…..)
B. It is a time to give thanks in cities like New York and
02- Responda as perguntas / Answer the questions
Toronto. (…..)
A. Where is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
C. Families get together on Thanksgiving Day. (…..)
B. Why did the Pilgrims have the first Thanksgiving?
D. Thanksgiving has been an annual holiday in the USA since
03- Mark Trueor false – Verdadeiro ou Falso 1863. (…..)
Leia o texto a seguir. / Read the text below.
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada;
on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the
United States.
The Pilgrims had the first Thanksgiving, because they wanted to give thanks to
Squanto and the Native Americans for teaching them how to do things and live life in
different ways, not just the ways the Pilgrims used to live like.
Thanksgiving Day in the United States is traditionally a holiday to give thanks for the
food collected at the end of the harvest. It is a time when families and friends get together
for a special meal which often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy,
pumpkin pie, and vegetables.
This is a part of the North American culture and tradition and has been an annual
holiday in the United States since 1863.
01- Traduza o texto. / Translate the text A. Thanksgiving is a holiday only in the USA. (…..)
B. It is a time to give thanks in cities like New York and
02- Responda as perguntas / Answer the questions
Toronto. (…..)
A. Where is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
C. Families get together on Thanksgiving Day. (…..)
B. Why did the Pilgrims have the first Thanksgiving?
D. Thanksgiving has been an annual holiday in the USA since
03- Mark Trueor false – Verdadeiro ou Falso 1863. (…..)
The history of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks, of family reunions and holiday meals. A time of
turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie.A time for Indian corn, holiday parades and giant balloons.
In 1621, after a hard and devastating first year in the New World, the Pilgrim’s fall harvest was very
successful and plentiful. There was corn, fruits, vegetables, along with fish and meat. They found they had enough
food to put away for the winter.
The Pilgrims had beaten the odds. They built homes in the wilderness, they raised enough crops to keep
them alive during the long winter, and they were at peace with their Indian neighbors. Their Governor, William
Bradford, proclaimed a day of thanksgiving that was to be shared by all the colonists and the Native American
The custom of an annually celebrated thanksgiving, held after the harvest, continued through the years.
During the American Revolution (late 1770’s) a day of national thanksgiving was suggested. In 1817 New York State
adopted Thanksgiving Day as an annual custom. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln appointed a national day of
thanksgiving, which is nowadays celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November all over the USA.
Adapted from http://www.holidays.net/thanksgiving/story.htm (Accessed on April 4, 2014.)
52 O texto acima traz algumas informações sobre um importante feriado nacional nos EUA: o Dia de Ação de Graças
(Thanksgiving). De acordo com o texto, podemos interpretar que:
a. o Dia de Ação de Graças é o dia em que as famílias norte-americanas se reúnem para agradecer aos bons
b. o prato principal do Dia de Ação de Graças é o peru e a torta de maçã.
c. o Dia de Ação de Graças é comemorado nos Estados Unidos na última terça-feira de todo mês de Novembro.
d. o Dia de Ação de Graças constitui feriado nacional desde 1621, época em que primeiros colonos chegaram ao solo
e. o Dia de Ação de Graças foi adotado como feriado nacional por influência dos índios americanos que já
celebravam essa festa.

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