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26 / 06 / 2021


1ª SÉRIE EM B MANHÃ Valdinar Lopes Pessoa Neto

Questão 1)

Mark the correct affirmative form of the simple future, according to the cartoon.
a) The real will Tony Abbott please stand up.
b) The real Tony Abbott will please stand up.
c) The real Tony Abbott please will stand up.
d) The real Tony will Abbott please stand up.
e) The real Tony'll Abbott please stand up.

Questão 2)

No ocidente, fortune cookies são associados à culinária chinesa, apesar de não serem um costume na China. Com
base na sua leitura e em seus conhecimentos sobre tempos verbais, indique qual o tempo verbal usado na
a) Future perfect.
b) Simple future.
c) Past simple.
d) Present continuous.
e) Present perfect.

Questão 3)
Sony reveals PlayStation Classic game lineup

Sony announced the full, 20-game lineup for its PlayStation Classic mini console on Monday, revealing that
games like the original Metal Gear Solid, GTA and Resident Evil will be included with the system. Sony plans to
launch the PlayStation Classic worldwide on Dec. 3 – the 24th anniversary of the PlayStation's release. The retro
console will retail for $99.99 in the U.S., €99.99 in Europe and 9,980 yen in Japan. The Japanese version of the
PlayStation Classic will have a different lineup, with a bigger focus on role-playing games.
MCWHERTOR, Michael. Sony reveals PlayStation Classic game lineup. Polygon. Disponível em:
<https://www.polygon.com>. Acesso em: 6 nov. 2018. (adaptado)

No texto, o Future Simple é usado com o objetivo de

a) mostrar que se trata de uma decisão tomada naquele momento.
b) apontar que o autor não tem certeza se a notícia é verdadeira.
c) assinalar que não há uma previsão para a realização da ação.
d) indicar, com base em fatos, algo que irá acontecer.
e) remeter a uma promessa feita anteriormente.

Questão 4)

O humor da tirinha decorre do fato de o(a)

a) pai destacar o amor da filha pelo príncipe.
b) filha se mostrar interessada nas riquezas do príncipe.
c) pai desencorajar a filha de casar com um príncipe rico.
d) filha demonstrar estar ansiosa para conhecer o príncipe.
e) pai apelar ao amor da filha por ele para que ela se case.

Questão 5)
Transforme em interrogativa as duas frases abaixo e assinale a alternativa que apresenta as respostas corretas.
(he/apply/for that job) _______________________________________________?
(what/you/do) ______________________________ about this?
a) 1. Is he going apply for that job? 2. What you are going to do
b) 1. Is he going to apply for that job? 2. What are you going to do
c) 1. Is he going apply for that job? 2. What are you going to do
d) 1. Is he going to apply for that job? 2. What you are going to do
e) 1. Is he going apply that job? 2. What you are going to

Questão 6)
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as respostas corretas quanto à forma do Going To nas frases a seguir.
I _______________ (take) some photos at the weekend.
We _______________ (not play) football tomorrow.
Paul _______________ (get) a summer job.
a) 1. am going take 2. are not (aren´t) going play 3. is going get
b) 1. am going to take 2. are going not to play 3. is going to get
c) 1. am going take 2. are not (aren´t) going to play 3. is going get
d) 1. am going to take 2. are not (aren´t) going to play 3. is going to get
e) 1. am going take 2. are not (aren´t) going play 3. is going got

Questão 7)
NASA is going to have to shell out more cash for less cargo room in future resupply missions to the International
Space Station. The information comes courtesy of a NASA audit which revealed that SpaceX is going to be hiking
up the prices for its services by a considerable margin. Future SpaceX resupply missions are going to cost around
50% more than the prices NASA has been paying for launches from 2012 through 2020, but that’s not the only reason
NASA’s bill is getting higher.
WEHNER, Mike. SpaceX is going to start charging NASA a lot more for ISS resupply missions. BGR. Disponível em:
<http://bgr.com>. Acesso em: 27 abr. 2018.
No texto, há várias ocorrências de going to, usado para expressar algo que ainda vai acontecer. A partir da leitura,
entende-se que
a) os preços pagos pela NASA poderão aumentar no futuro.
b) o aumento de 50% nos custos das missões já foi decidido.
c) a NASA irá decidir em 2020 se o preço das missões irá aumentar.
d) a NASA terá que pagar 50% a mais por cada missão realizada desde 2012.
e) a SpaceX irá decidir no futuro se deve ou não aumentar os preços.

Questão 8)
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:
My son _____ at the university next year.
a) will be studying
b) are going to study
c) has been studying
d) doesn’t study
e) will have studied

Questão 9)
What is a blue moon and how often do they occur?

A blue moon is an astrological phenomenon that occurs when two full moon happens in the same month. The second
full moon in the same month is called a blue moon.
There will be two blue moons in 2018, one in January and one on March 31. The next time this will occur is in
Disponível em: <http://metro.co.uk>. Acesso em: 4 dez. 2 017. (adaptado)

Com base na leitura do texto e em seus conhecimentos sobre frequency adverbs, é possível afirmar que o fenômeno
blue moon
a) sempre acontece, pois, a cada duas luas cheias, tem-se uma blue moon.
b) é esporádico, e 19 anos separam a próxima ocorrência.
c) nunca ocorreu antes, então não há como verificar sua frequência.
d) acontece a cada 19 anos, invariavelmente.
e) ocorre, no mínimo, duas vezes por ano.

Questão 10)

I am a nutty guy who likes dolphins.

I wonder what I, and the world, will be like in the year 2000.
I hear silence pulsing in the middle of the night.
I see a dolphin flying up to the sky.
I want the adventure of life before it passes me by.
I am a nutty guy who likes dolphins.

I pretend that I'm the ruler of the world.

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders.
I touch the sky, the stars, the moon, and all the planets as
representatives of mankind.
I worry about the devastation of a nuclear holocaust.
I cry for all the death and poverty in the world
I am a nutty guy who likes dolphins.

I understand the frustration of not being able to do something easily.

I say that we are all equal.
I dream of traveling to other points on the earth.
I try to reach out to poor and starving children.
I hope that mankind will be at peace and not die out.
I am a nutty guy who likes dolphins
O objetivo do autor do poema anterior é:
a) Mostrar que o seu animal de estimação é o golfinho.
b) Debater as consequências do holocausto nuclear.
c) Descrever sua identidade, ações, planos e preferências.
d) Incitar e incentivar o leitor a se colocar na posição dele.
e) Imaginar como seria o ano 2000 e suas particularidades.


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