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Marrocos inaugura superusina solar

18 dezembro 2015 Atualizado pela última vez 10:48 BRST 12:48 GMT

The World Bank has confirmed that Morocco is about to become a solar superpower by opening the
world's biggest solar plant. The plant on the edge of the Sahara will create electricity for a million
homes using these giant mirrors to capture energy from the sun and to generate steam. But the really
clever thing about this particular plant is that it can store energy to generate solar power even while
it's dark.
Now let's take you to South Africa, and Zimasa Mabela has been on her first patrol after she became
the first African woman to command a navy vessel. She broke new ground when she took charge
of a de-mining ship based in Cape Town last month. The 38-year-old mum of two says she wants to
be judged on her ability to command and not her gender.
And finally to Dallas, Texas, and a building which was a piece of the city's history… This, the first
hospital in Dallas to perform a successful heart transplant. That was 1985. It didn't take long for that
demolition to bring the building down. Apparently it would have been just too expensive to
renovate it.

Transcrição em português
O Banco Mundial confirmou que o Marrocos está perto de se tornar uma superpotência solar ao
inaugurar a maior usina solar do planeta. A usina à beira do deserto do Saara criará eletricidade para
milhões de lares usando esses espelhos gigantes para captar energia do Sol e gerar vapor. Mas a
coisa realmente especial nessa usina é que ela pode armazenar e gerar energia solar mesmo quando
está escuro.

Agora levamos você a África do Sul, onde Zimasa Mabela realizou sua primeira patrulha depois de
se tornar a primeira mulher africana a comandar uma embarcação da Marinha. Ela estabeleceu o
marco ao assumir um navio varredor de minas atracado na Cidade do Cabo no mês passado. Aos 38
anos, a mãe de dois filhos disse que gostaria de ser avaliada pela sua habilidade de comandar e não
por seu gênero.

E finalmente a Dallas, no Texas, a um edifício que foi parte da história da cidade...o primeiro
hospital em Dallas a realizar com sucesso um transplante de coração. Isso foi em 1985. Não
demorou muito para que essa demolição derrubasse o prédio. Aparentemente teria sido caro demais

Words, phrases and definitions

broke new ground did something nobody has ever done before
to renovate to improve its condition

Watch the video online: http://bbc.in/1P6EjHy

Use one of the words or phrases from Lingohack to complete each of these sentences. Note that you
may have to change the form of a word or phrase to complete the sentence correctly.

plant / broke new ground / to renovate

1. An international team of scientists expects to __________ in their research to cure cancer.

2. The town was in darkness after lightning struck the power __________.

3. The mayor has set aside funds __________ the old palace. He hopes it will increase tourism in
the town.

1. An international team of scientists expects to break new ground in their research to cure cancer.

2. The town was in darkness after lightning struck the power plant.

3. The mayor set aside funds to renovate the old palace. He hopes it will increase tourism in the

O caso dos leões envenenados no Quênia

11 dezembro 2015 Atualizado pela última vez 14:10 BRST 16:10 GMT
Syrian rebels have begun leaving the last areas they've been holding in the city of Homs. A localceasefire agreed
with the government is allowing them to leave. It's a deal which means that the entire city is now back in
government hands.
An opportunity to arrest the suspected ringleader of last month's attacks in Paris may have been missed.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud slipped through an international operation to capture him in January, while he was in the
Greek capital, Athens.
Two Maasai farmers have been charged after allegations that they poisoned a famous pride of lions in Kenya.
Eight lions from the Marsh Pride in the Maasai Mara National Reserve are being treated for poisoning. Two others
have been found dead. It's thought that the lions had killed three of the farmers' cows.

Transcrição em português

Rebeldes sírios começaram a deixar as últimas áreas que tinham tomado na cidade de Homs. Um acordo de
cessar-fogo fechado com o governo está permitindo que eles partam. É um acordo que significa que a cidade
inteira está de volta às mãos do governo.

Uma oportunidade para prender o líder dos ataques em Paris no mês passado pode ter sido perdida. Abdelhamid
Abaadoud conseguiu escapar de uma operação internacional para prendê-lo em janeiro, quando estava em Atenas,
capital da Grécia.

Dois fazendeiros da etnia maasai foram indiciados após alegações de que teriam envenenado uma famosa alcateia
de leões no Quênia. Oito leões da alcateia Marsh na Reserva Nacional de Maasai Mara estão recebendo
tratamento para envenenamento. Dois outros foram encontrados mortos. Acredita-se que os leões tenham matado
três vacas dos fazendeiros.

Words, phrases and definitions

ringleader leader of a criminal group
allegations statements that haven't been confirmed

Watch the video online: http://bbc.in/1NGjzHu


Use one of the words or phrases from Lingohack to complete each of these sentences. Note that you may have to
change the form of a word or phrase to complete the sentence correctly.

ceasefire / ringleader / allegations

1. Peter was suspended from work. There had been __________ of bullying in the company.

2. A __________ will give both sides the opportunity to negotiate.

3. It was a daring robbery. The __________ was sentenced to ten years in prison.

1. Peter was suspended from work. There had been allegations of bullying in the company.

2. A ceasefire will give both sides the opportunity to negotiate.

3. It was a daring robbery. The ringleader was sentenced to ten years in prison.

Hungria ergue cerca de arame farpado para

conter imigrantes
18 setembro 2015 Atualizado pela última vez 08:08 (Brasília) 11:08 GMT

Large crowds of frustrated, exhausted people are spending the night at the Serbian border with Hungary, where
Hungarian authorities have completed a new razor wire fence and closed off unofficial crossing points.

In California this is the sound of summer – they call it the 'valley fire' and no one here can remember anything like
it. It has already consumed an area twice the size of San Francisco, and still it burns.

The ocean is on the brink of collapse, according to a WWF report released today. The study into the health and
habitats of marine species has found that populations more or less halved between 1970 and 2012. The report says
the declines may be steepest in the fish we need for the global food supply.

Transcrição em português

Grandes multidões de pessoas exaustas e frustradas estão passando a noite na fronteira da Sérvia com a Hungria,
onde as autoridades completaram uma nova cerca de arame farpado e selaram pontos de passagem não oficiais.

Na Califórnia este é o som do verão - eles o chamam de 'fogo do vale' e ninguém aqui se lembra de algo parecido
no passado. Ele já devastou uma área duas vezes o tamanho de San Francisco, e continua queimando.

O oceano é à beira do colapso, segundo um relatório do WWF. O estudo sobre a saúde e habitats de espécies
marinhas concluiu que a população de animais caiu pela metade entre 1970 e 2012. O relatório diz que o declínio
pode ser ainda maior entre os peixes da cadeia global de alimentos.

Words, phrases and definitions

frustrated feeling annoyed and upset because you can't achieve what you want to
spending the night staying or sleeping at a particular location
consumed (here) completely destroyed
on the brink of close to or at a point in time when something good or bad is about to happen


frustrated / spending the night / consumed / on the brink of

1. The huge tidal wave _______ much of the beach and the village behind it.

2. Since I've had kids, I find it so _______ that I can't go out to the pub any more.

3. Scientists are _______ discovering a cure for certain types of cancer.

4. Because we missed our connecting flight, we had to _______ at the airport.


1. The huge tidal wave consumed much of the beach and the village behind it.

2. Since I've had kids, I find it so frustrating that I can't go out to the pub anymore.
3. Scientists are on the brink of discovering a cure for certain types of cancer.

4. Because we missed our connecting flight, we had to spend the night at the airport.

'Branco demais': Spike Lee anuncia boicote a

cerimônia do Oscar
22 janeiro 2016 Atualizado pela última vez 13:06 BRST 15:06 GMT


The European Commission is considering new plans to distribute migrants more evenly across the EU, including
changing the rule that refugees have to register for asylum in the first European country they arrive in.

Women with an irregular heartbeat are more likely to suffer from fatal heart disease than men who have the same
condition. It's a conclusion that comes from new research which covered more than four million people around the

Film director Spike Lee says he'll boycott this year's Oscars because of the exclusively white list of nominees in
the acting categories. The head of the body which awards the Oscars said she is 'heartbroken' by the lack of
diversity there.

Transcrição em português

A Comissão Europeia está considerando novos planos para distribuir imigrantes de forma mais equitativa pela
União Europeia, incluindo mudando a regra de que refugiados têm de fazer o pedido de asilo no primeiro país em
que chegam.

Mulheres com batimento cardíaco irregular têm mais chances de sofrer infarto fatal do que homens com a mesma
condição. Essa é a conclusão de um estudo que acompanhou mais de 4 milhões de pessoas mundo afora.

O cineasta Spike Lee disse que boicotará a cerimônia do Oscar deste ano por causa da lista exclusivamente branca
dos indicados nas categorias de atores e atrizes. A presidente da academia que entrega os prêmios disse estar 'de
coração partido' pela falta de diversidade na lista.

Words, phrases and definitions

evenly in equal amounts

condition illness or disease

boycott refuse to take part as a protest

Watch the video online: http://bbc.in/1Nk2ttV


Use one of the words or phrases from Lingohack to complete each of these sentences. Note that you may have to
change the form of a word or phrase to complete the sentence correctly.

evenly / condition / boycott

1. In clinical trials, a particular drug is given to people who have a medical __________to see if it does indeed
help them.

2. Police unions want to __________ Director Quentin Tarantino's films after he spoke at a rally against police

3. Some restaurants distribute tips collected from customers__________ through the staff, giving most of it to the
waiters, and some to kitchen staff.

1. In clinical trials, a particular drug is given to people who have a medical condition to see if it does indeed help

2. Police unions want to boycott Director Quentin Tarantino's films after he spoke at a rally against police

3. Some restaurants distribute tips collected from customers evenly through the staff, giving most of it to the
waiters, and some to kitchen staff.

A difícil tarefa de fazer censo de elefantes

15 janeiro 2016 Atualizado pela última vez 14:34 BRST 16:34 GMT


President Obama has set out the vision he hopes will define his legacy in his final State of the Union address. He
vowed to continue targeting terrorist networks, accelerate the switch from fossil fuels and also launch a new drive
to cure cancer. He called for Congress to be less partisan in order to make real progress.

The elephant population in Africa is continuing to decline despite an international ban on the trade of ivory tusks.
Counting the remaining animals is certainly a difficult task – they roam through vast areas, across 20 countries but
that is the bold ambition of the great elephant census. It's a continent-wide initiative started by the co-founder of
Microsoft, Paul Allen, to keep an account of Africa's elephants and to do it from the sky.
Thousands of Elvis Presley fans descended on a town in Australia over the weekend for an annual outback festival
dedicated to the iconic US singer. The celebrations in Parkes coincided with what would have been Elvis's 81st
birthday. The festival was first held in 1993 and includes lookalike competitions, an Elvis-themed gospel service
and large street parades as well.

Transcrição em português

O presidente Barack Obama apresentou a visão do que espera ver como seu legado em seu último discurso sobre o
Estado da União. Ele prometeu seguir com o combate a redes terroristas, acelerar a transição de combustíveis
fósseis para outras alternativas e promover uma nova iniciativa em busca de cura para o câncer. Ele apelou ao
Congresso por menos sectarismo para que fosse permitido um avanço verdadeiro.

A população de elefantes na África está continuando a declinar apesar dos esforços internacionais para banir o
comércio de marfim. Contar os animais que ainda existem é uma tarefa difícil - eles vagueiam por áreas enormes,
por 20 países, mas essa é a ambição do grande censo dos elefantes.

Milhares de fãs de Elvis Presley invadiram uma cidade na Austrália no fim de semana para um festival dedicado
ao icônico cantor americano. As celebrações em Parkes coincidem com o que seria o 81º aniversário de Elvis. O
festival foi realizado pela primeira vez em 1993, e inclui competições de sósias, um culto gospel temático em
torno de Elvis e vários desfiles de rua.

Words, phrases and definitions

partisan supporting the political views of just one party

bold ambition big or difficult aim, requiring lots of effort

census official count and collection of information about a population

iconic famous person or object which is thought to represent an idea or style from a particular time

Watch the video online: http://bbc.in/1OqBC18


Use one of the words or phrases from Lingohack to complete each of these sentences. Note that you may have to
change the form of a word or phrase to complete the sentence correctly.

vowed / partisan / bold ambition / census / iconic

1. The latest _______ shows that there are more people living in London than ever before.

2. Staff at the factory weren't convinced by the manager's _______ to improve working conditions and improve

3. One of the world's most _______ railway locomotives, the Flying Scotsman, has taken its first public test run
after ten years of repairs and rebuilding work.
4. Some people thought John's _______ to row across the Pacific Ocean in one month as completely mad.

5. The prime minister thought ________ differences got in the way of real progress.


1. The latest census shows that there are more people living in London than ever before.

2. Staff at the factory weren't convinced by the manager's vow to improve working conditions and improve wages.

3. One of the world's most iconic railway locomotives, the Flying Scotsman, has taken its first public test run after
ten years of repairs and rebuilding work.

4. Some people thought John's bold ambition to row across the Pacific Ocean in one month as completely mad.

5. The prime minister thought partisan differences got in the way of real progress.

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