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Casta dos Mercadores de Escravos

Caste of Slavers

Aqui estão as referências relevantes dos Livros onde a Casta dos Mercadores de Escravos é
Isso não significa nada além dos fatos sobre o assunto.
Chegue às suas próprias conclusões.
Here are relevant references from the Books where the Caste of Slavers is mentioned.
It is not meant to be anything other than the facts of the matter.
Arrive at your own conclusions.

Eu desejo-lhe o bem,
I wish you well,

Referências de Suporte
Supporting References

Eu vi que a cobertura do vagão tharlarion, que estava enrolada, era de seda azul e amarela.
Era o acampamento de um mercador de escravos.
I saw that the cover of the tharlarion wagon, which had rolled back, was of blue and yellow silk.
It was the camp of a slaver.
Foragido de Gor – Livro 2 – Página 185

Quando um indivíduo captura uma garota para seu próprio uso, nem sempre a marca, embora isso
seja usualmente feito. Por outro lado, o mercador de escravos profissional, como prática de
negócios, quase sempre marca suas mercadorias e é raro que uma garota não marcada suba no
When an individual captures a girl for his own uses, does not always mark her, though it is
commonly done. On the other hand, the professional slaver, as a business practice, almost always
brands his chattels, and it is seldom that an unbranded girl ascends the block.
Foragido de Gor – Livro 2 – Páginas 186 / 187
“Ela é barulhenta,” ele disse envergonhado. Então, com um encolher de ombros em minha direção,
como se pedisse o meu perdão, ele foi até a garota e pegou um punhado do seu longo cabelo. Ele o
embolou em uma pequena, apertada bola e subitamente o enfiou em na boca da garota. Ele
imediatamente se expandiu e antes que ela conseguisse cuspir o cabelo, ele havia enrolado mais do
seu cabelo em volta de sua cabeça e o amarrado, de maneira a manter a bola expandida de cabelo na
sua boca. A garota sufocava silenciosamente, tentando cuspir a bola de cabelo de sua boca, mas é
claro que ela não podia. Esse era um velho truque de mercador de escravos.
"She's a loud one," he said, shamefacedly. Then, with a shrug in my direction, as if to ask my
pardon, he went to the girl and took a handful of her long hair. He wadded it into a small, tight ball
and suddenly shoved it in her mouth. It immediately expanded, and before she could spit the hair
out, he had looped more of her hair about her head and tied it, in such a way as to keep the
expanded ball of hair in her mouth. The girl choked silently, trying to spit the ball of hair from her
mouth, but of course she could not. It was an old slaver's trick.
Foragido de Gor – Livro 2 – Página 188

Muitas delas eram um encanto, e eu pensei que a corrente, embora pequena, era valiosa, e que quase
todo homem poderia achar ali uma mulher para o seu gosto. Elas eram cheias de vida, esplêndidas
criaturas, muitas delas sem dúvida primorosamente treinadas para deliciar os sentidos de um mestre.
E muitas das cidades de Gor estavam representadas naquela corrente, algumas vezes chamada de
Colar do Mercador de Escravos.
Many of them were beauties, and I thought that the chain, though small, was a rich one, and that
almost any man might find thereon a woman to his taste. They were vital, splendid creatures, many
of them undoubtedly exquisitely trained to delight the senses of a master. And many of the cities of
Gor were represented on that chain, sometimes spoken of as the Slaver's Necklace
Foragido de Gor – Livro 2 – Páginas 194 / 195

Normalmente uma garota que faz o que você fez é mutilada e jogada aos sleen ou kaiila, e o fato
dele a ter tocado com o chicote, o Carinho do Mercador de Escravos foi apenas para me mostrar, e
talvez a você, que você é uma fêmea.
Normally a girl who does what you did is maimed or thrown to sleen or kaiila, and that he touched
you with the whip, the Slaver's Caress, that was only to show me, and perhaps you, that you were
Nômades de Gor – Livro 4 – Página 281
Ele havia percebido, é claro, pela vestimenta em seda azul e amarela, que o homem era um
mercador de escravos.
He had known, of course, from the gown of blue and yellow silk that the man was a slaver.
Assassino de Gor – Livro 5 – Página 18

Ho-Tu lançou um olhar para dentro da sala, viu Elizabeth e sorriu, um sorriso de mercador de
Ho-Tu glanced into the room, saw Elizabeth and smiled, a slaver's smile.
Assassino de Gor – Livro 5 – Página 85

Ela era, é claro a maior e mais opulenta das casas de escravas em Ar. A Casa de Cernus tinha mais
de trinta gerações de idade. Ela havia criado escravos assim como lidado com eles por mais de vinte
e cinco gerações. As linhas de criação da Casa de Cernus eram reconhecidas, junto com as da Casa
de Portus, e certamente outras grandes casas de escravos, através de todo o Gor conhecido. Para um
mercador de escravos, certas garotas podem ser reconhecidas em um olhar, como sendo de certas
variedades desenvolvidas por certas casas.
It was, of course, the largest and most opulent of the slave houses in Ar. The House of Cernus was
more than thirty generations old. It had bred slaves as well as handled them for more than twenty-
five generations. The breeding lines of the House of Cernus were recognized, with those of the
House of Portus, and certain other of the large slave houses, throughout known Gor. To a slaver,
certain girls can be recognized at a glance, as being of certain varieties developed by certain houses.
Assassino de Gor – Livro 5 – Página 110

O mercador de escravos Goreano conhece o seu negócio.

The Gorean slaver knows his business.
Assassino de Gor – Livro 5 – Página 137

Os Mercadores de Escravos, a propósito, são da Casta dos Mercadores, embora, em virtude de sua
mercadoria e práticas, suas vestimentas sejam diferentes. Ainda assim, se um deles procurasse
Santuário de Casta, ele seguramente o procuraria com os Mercadores de Escravos, e não com os
Mercadores comuns. Muitos Mercadores de Escravos pensam em si mesmos como uma casta
independente. A lei Goreana, contudo, não os encara assim. O Goreano médio pensa neles
simplesmente como Mercadores de Escravos, mas, se questionado, sem hesitação os colocaria com
os Mercadores.
The Slavers, incidentally, are of the Merchant Caste, though, in virtue of their merchandise and
practices, their robes are different. Yet, if one of them were to seek Caste Sanctuary, he would
surely seek it from Slavers, and not from common Merchants. Many Slavers think of themselves as
an independent caste. Gorean law, however, does not so regard them. The average Gorean thinks of
them simply as Slavers, but, if questioned, would unhesitantly rank them with the Merchants.
Assassino de Gor – Livro 5 – Página 208

((Nós começamos a andar por uma longa, lentamente curvado passadiço. Eu havia visto o Curulean
pelo lado de fora antes, mas eu nunca havia entrado. De fora ele lembra várias plataformas de
discos, cercadas por um pórtico circular com altas, caneladas colunas; as cores predominantes são
azul e amarelo, as tradicionais cores do mercador de escravos Goreano; em volta do exterior existe
um grande número de bem forjados mosaicos colocados nas paredes e no chão do pórtico circular;
várias cenas, estórias e eventos são retratados, principalmente tendo a ver com, como seria
esperado, o comércio do Mercador de Escravos e sua mercadoria; existem cenas de caçadas, por
exemplo, e aquelas de captura, escravização, treinamento, venda, dança, submissão, e assim por
diante. Um surpreendente conjunto de mosaicos detalha uma captura de escravas desde as fases
iniciais de planejamento, até o retorno bem-sucedido dos Mercadores de Escravos, nas costas de
tarns, até Ar com suas estonteantes vítimas; outro capta essa estória do registro e treinamento das
capturas até o bloco do próprio Curulean; outro registra a hipotética história de certas dessas
capturas, afortunadas o bastante para serem vendidas para homens de Ar, que acham o eventual
arrebatamento nos braços de seus mestres, de Ar naturalmente. Existe um outro conjunto de
interessantes mosaicos, cada um retratando uma beleza acorrentada, identificada como sendo de
uma determinada cidade, ajoelhada diante de um Guerreiro, identificado como sendo de Ar.))
We began to walk down a long, slowly bending passageway. I had seen the Curulean from the
outside before, but I had never been inside. From the outside it resembles several tiers of disks,
surrounded by a circling portico with lofty, fluted columns; the predominant colors are blue and
yellow, the traditional colors of the Gorean slaver; around the outside there are large numbers of
well-wrought mosaics set in the walls, and on the floor of the circling portico; various scenes,
stories and events are depicted, primarily having to do with, as would be expected, the trade of the
Slaver and his merchandise; there are hunting scenes, for example, and those of capture,
enslavement, training, the sale, the dance, submission, and so on. One striking set of mosaics details
a slave raid from its initial planning phases through the successful return of the Slavers, on
tarnback, to Ar with their stunning victims; another picks up this story from the registration and
training of prizes to the block of the Curulean itself; another records the theoretical history of
certain of these prizes, fortunate enough to be sold to men of Ar, who find eventual rapture in the
arms of their masters, of Ar naturally. There is another set of interesting mosaics, each portraying a
chained beauty, identified as being of a given city, kneeling before a Warrior, identified as being of
Assassino de Gor – Livro 5 – Páginas 285 / 286

Então pegando o chicote do escravo chicoteador, o leiloeiro andou até a desconsolada garota;
subitamente, sem aviso, ele administrou nela o carinho do Mercador de Escravos, o carinho do
chicote, e sua resposta foi absolutamente e incontrolavelmente selvagem, impotente.
Then taking the whip from the whip slave the auctioneer stepped to the disconsolate girl; suddenly,
without warning, he administered to her the Slaver's caress, the whip caress, and her response was
utterly, and uncontrollably, wild, helpless.
Assassino de Gor – Livro 5 – Páginas 294 / 295

Eu vi que mesmo Targo ria, segurando a sua barriga em seus robes azul-e-amarelo de mercador de
I saw that even Targo laughed, holding his belly in his blue-and-yellow slaver's robes.
Cativa de Gor – Livro 7 – Página 104

E então subitamente eu me virei e, atrás de mim, a uns oito ou dez pés de distância, em pé, sem
falar, alto em seus robes azul-e-amarelo de mercador de escravos, ainda parcialmente encoberto
pelo capuz, a tira de couro sobre o seu olho esquerdo, estava Soron de Ar.
And then suddenly I turned and, behind me, some eight or ten feet away, standing, not speaking, tall
in the blue and yellow robes of the slaver, still partially hooded, the band of leather across his left
eye, was Soron of Ar.
Cativa de Gor – Livro 7 – Página 204

Samos vestia os robes azul-e-amarelo do Mercador de Escravos.

Samos wore the blue and yellow robes of the Slaver.
Caçadores de Gor – Livro 8 – Página 7

A candidate ideal para a armadilha do mercador de escravos Goreano é uma altamente inteligente,
linda, imaginativa mulher, uma fortemente decidida, orgulhosa e livre. São tais mulheres que
Goreanos gostam de fazer escravas.
The ideal candidate for the Gorean slaver's snare is a highly intelligent, beautiful, imaginative
woman, one who is strong willed, proud and free. It is such women that Goreans enjoy making
Caçadores de Gor – Livro 8 – Página 154

De forma semelhante, escravas tentando fugir podem ser separadas das mulheres livres, até mesmo
quando todas estão veladas e usando robes de encobrimento. Novamente, os testes podem ser
simples. Uma vez, em Ko-ro-ba, eu vi um mercador de escravos, diante de um magistrado,
distinguir tal garota, nem mesmo uma dele próprio, no meio de onze mulheres livres. A cada uma,
por sua vez, foi pedido que servisse a ele um copo de vinho e então se retirasse, nada mais. No final,
o mercador de escravos levantou o seu pé e apontou para uma das mulheres. “Não!” Ela gritara. “Eu
sou livre!” Oficiais da corte, por ordem do magistrado, removeram as suas vestes. Se ela fosse livre,
o mercador de escravas seria empalado. Quando sua última vestimenta havia sido retirada, houve
aplausos na corte. A garota permaneceu ali. Na sua coxa estava uma marca. Ela foi algemada e
amarrada e dada ao mercador de escravos. Ele a conduziu, chorando, para a sua corrente escrava.
Similarly, slave girls, attempting to escape, can be separated out from free women, even when all
are veiled and wear the robes of concealment. Again, the tests may be simple. Once, in Ko-ro-ba, I
saw a slaver, before a magistrate, distinguish such a girl, not even one of his own, from eleven free
women. Each, in turn, was asked to pour him a cup of wine, and then withdraw, nothing more. At
the end, the slaver rose to his feet and pointed to one of the women. "No!" she had cried. "I am
free!" Officers of the court, by order of the magistrate, removed her garments. If she were free, the
slaver would be impaled. When her last garment had been torn away, there was applause in the
court. The girl stood there. On her thigh was the brand. She was braceleted and leashed, and given
to the slaver. He led her, weeping, away to his slave chain.
Caçadores de Gor – Livro 8 – Página 156

De um dos caixotes abandonados, descartado agora por causa do seu peso e de sua suposta falta de
utilidade, eu entornei uma quantidade de correntes na grama. Elas eram anéis de Harl, nomeados
assim por causa do mercador de escravos Harl de Turia, que é reconhecido por primeiro tê-los
usado. Eles consistem, com efeito, em quarto partes. Primeiro há um anel de tornozelo de metal,
que encaixa ao redor do tornozelo da garota. Segundo, por trás do anel, soldada há uma argola
fechada. Terceiro, na frente do anel, presa através de outra argola fechada, está uma corrente de
algo em torno de uma jarda. Quarto, essa corrente termina em um dispositivo de trancamento, que
pode ser então encaixado e fechado, se assim for desejado, através da soldada argola fechada na
parte de trás do segundo anel de tornozelo. O anel de Harl é uma versátil peça de equipamento de
prisão. Ele pode ser usado para acorrentar uma garota a qualquer coisa, o anel de tornozelo fechado
no seu tornozelo, e o dispositivo de trancamento no final do equipamento sendo facilmente preso,
ligado, digamos, em volta de uma árvore, ou pilar, ou ao tornozelo de outra garota, e então trancado
em volta de sua própria corrente, ou através de um dos elos da própria corrente. A corrente, é claro,
pode também ser enrolada, digamos, em volta de uma árvore, ou um pular em um prédio público, e
o dispositivo de trancamento preso dentro do anel soldado na parte de trás do anel de tornozelo da
própria garota. Isso é chamado de uma Volta de Hup fechada. Um dos mais frequentes usos do anel
de Harl, é claro, é formar um segmento na corrente escrava, que pode então ser de qualquer
comprimento, adicionando ou retirando garotas, tão curta ou tão comprida quando deseje o
mercador de escravos.
From one of the abandoned crates, discarded now because of its weight and its putative lack of
utility, I spilled a quantity of chains to the grass. They were Harl rings, named for the slaver Harl of
Turia, who is reported to have first used them. They consist, in effect, of four portions. First, there is
a metal ankle ring, which snaps about the girl's ankle. Second, to the back of the ring, there is
welded a closed loop. Third, to the front of the ring, fastened through another closed loop, is about a
yard of chain. Fourth, this chain terminates in a locking device, which may then be snapped shut, if
one wishes, through the welded, closed loop on the back of a second ankle ring. The Harl ring is a
versatile piece of custodial hardware. It may be used to chain a girl to anything, the ankle ring
closed on her ankle, and the locking device at the termination of the device being easily fastened,
looped, say, about a tree, or stanchion, or the ankle of another girl, and then locked about its own
chain, or through one of the links of its own chain.The chain, of course, may also be looped about,
say, a tree, or a pillar in a public building, and the locking device snapped into the welded ring on
the, back of the girl's own ankle ring. This is called a closed Harl Loop. One of the most frequent
uses of the Harl ring, of course, is to form a segment in a slave chain, which may then be of any
length, adding or removing girls, as short or as long as the slaver wishes
Caçadores de Gor – Livro 8 – Página 208

Até mesmo um mercador de escravas que tenha capturado uma mulher livre frequentemente a trata
com grande solicitude até que ela seja marcada. Então o seu comportamento em relação a ela é
imediatamente e completamente transformado. Ela então é meramente um animal e tratada como
Even a slaver who has captured a free woman often treats her with great solicitude until she is
branded. Then his behavior toward her is immediately and utterly transformed. She is then merely
an animal, and treated as such.
Caçadores de Gor – Livro 8 – Página 311

Samos riu desagradavelmente, a risada de um mercador de escravas.

Samos laughed unpleasantly, the laugh of a slaver.
Tribos de Gor – Livro 10 – Página 13

Ela era nova no colar, mas ela tinha incríveis potencialidades. Qualquer mercador de escravos podia
determinar isso.
She was new to the collar, but she had incredible potentialities. Any slaver could determine that.
Bestas de Gor – Livro 12 – Página 140

Um mercador de escravos normalmente expressa a sua insatisfação com suas garotas usando um
A slaver normally expresses his dissatisfaction to his girls with a whip.
Bestas de Gor – Livro 12 – Página 241

“Uma certificação do ardor de uma garota, em certas cidades,” eu disse, “é algumas vezes
fornecida, com a garantia do mercador de escravos, entre os documentos de venda. O grau de ardor
dela, em tal situação também seria listado, é claro, entre suas outras propriedades, na sua ficha de
venda, afixada nas proximidades das gaiolas de exibição, disponível vinte Ahn antes de sua venda.
Esse grau poderia também ser anunciado, é claro, em tal situação, durante sua pesagem e medida de
colar, e tais coisas, ou do bloco, durante sua venda.”
"A certification of a girl's heat, in certain cities," I said, "is sometimes furnished, with the slaver's
guarantee, among the documents of sale. Her degree of heat, in such a situation would also be listed
of course, among her other properties, on her sales sheet, posted in the vicinity of the exhibition
cages, available twenty Ahn before her sale. It would also be proclaimed, of course, in such a
situation, along with her weight and collar size, and such things, from the block, during her sale."

“Isso é o tipo de coisa feito em muitas cidades?” Ela perguntou.

"Is that sort of thing done in many cities?" she asked.
“Em muito poucas,” eu disse, “e por uma razão muito boa.”
"In very few," I said, "and for a very good reason."
“Falta de respeito pelas garotas?” Ela perguntou.
"Out of respect for the girls?" she asked.
“É claro que não,” eu disse. “É raramente feito em poucas cidades por causa da possibilidade de
fraude por parte do comprador. Ele pode usar a garota por um mês e então reclamar um reembolso
em virtude da garantia. Mercadores de Escravos preferem que suas vendas sejam definitivas.”
"Of course not," I said. "It is rather done in few cities because of the possibility of fraud on the part
of the buyer. He might use the girl for a month and then claim a refund in virtue of the guarantee.
Slavers prefer for their sales to be final.
Bestas de Gor – Livro 12 – Páginas 242 / 243

Usualmente garotas, se não marcadas por um mercador de escravas, são marcadas na oficina de um
trabalhador em metal.
Usually girls, if not marked by a slaver, are marked in the shop of a metal worker.
Exploradores de Gor – Livro 13 – Página 38

“Não são o azul e amarelo as cores dos mercadores de escravos?” Ela perguntou.
"Are blue and yellow not the colors of the slavers?" she asked.
“Sim,” eu disse. Azul e amarelo são frequentemente usados para a as tentas dos pavilhões de
escravos, e na decoração das casas de leilão. Os vagões dos mercadores de escravos frequentemente
têm lonas em azul e amarelo. Algumas vezes eles amarram suas garotas com cordas em azul e
amarelo. Algumas vezes suas garotas usam colares esmaltados de amarelo; e esmaltados em
amarelo, anéis de pulso e anéis de tornozelo, com correntes de elos azuis. No seu melhor, um
mercador de escravos usualmente vestirá robes azul-e-amarelo, ou robes onde essas cores sejam
predominantes. Ele normalmente vestirá, nos seus negócios do dia-a-dia, pelo menos uma divisa, ou
barras, em azul e amarelo na parte baixa de sua manga esquerda.
"Yes," I said. Blue and yellow are often used for the tenting of slave pavilions, and in the decor of
auction houses. The wagons of slavers often have blue and yellow canvas. Sometimes they bind
their girls with blue and yellow ropes. Sometimes their girls wear yellow-enameled collars; and
yellow-enameled wrist rings and ankle rings, with chains with blue links. In his best, a slaver will
usually wear blue and yellow robes, or robes in which these colors are prominent. He will,
normally, in his day-to-day business, wear at least chevrons, or slashes, of blue and yellow on his
lower left sleeve.
Exploradores de Gor – Livro 13 – Página 335

Em toda mulher existe uma escrava, em todo homem um mercador de escravos.

In every woman there is a slave, in every man a slaver.
Escravo de Luta de Gor – Livro 14 – Página 36

De maneira semelhante, as linhas de casta tendem algumas vezes a serem vagas, e a relação entre
castas e subcastas. Mercadores de Escravos, por exemplo, algumas vezes pensam em si mesmos
como sendo dos Mercadores e algumas vezes como uma casta separada. Eles têm suas próprias
cores, azul e amarelo, sendo que as dos Mercadores são branca e ouro.
Similarly, caste lines tend sometimes to be vague, and the relation between castes and subcastes.
Slavers, for example, sometimes think of themselves as being of the Merchants, and sometimes as
being a separate caste. They do have their own colors, blue and yellow, those of the Merchants
being white and gold.
Escravo de Luta de Gor – Livro 14 – Página 211

Ela é uma peça de propriedade,” ele disse, “ um item de comércio. Eu não sou um mercador de
escravos de captura. Eu sou um mercador de escravos negociante. Eu não posso simplesmente
retira-la de suas dependências.”
"She is a piece of property," he said, "an item of merchandise. I am not a raiding slaver. I am a
business slaver. I cannot simply remove her from your premises."
Escravo de Luta de Gor – Livro 14 – Página 299

Ronald, de um lado, carregava a caixa do mercador de escravos, com suas correntes e anéis, e
braceletes e colares, com ele.
Ronald, in one hand, carried the slaver's case, with its chains, and rings, and bracelets and collars,
with him.
Escravo de Luta Gor – Livro 14 – Página 302
“Você pensa que isso fará diferença para ele,” eu perguntei, “quando, com desapaixonada
objetividade do mercador de escravos, ele a colocar sobre a plataforma de avaliação e estimar a sua
qualidade como carne escrava?”
"Do you think that will make a difference to him," I asked, "when, with the dispassionate
objectivity of the slaver, he stands you upon his assessment platform and assesses your quality as
slave meat?"
Escravo de Luta de Gor – Livro 14 – Página 361

Podem existir muitos perigos envolvidos para um mercador de escravos na captura de mulheres
para o mercado escravo. Assim, geralmente, de qualquer forma, ele não deseja correr riscos que não
sejam justificados.
There can be many dangers involved for the slaver in the capture of women for slave markets.
Accordingly, generally, at any rate, he wishes to take no risks which are not justified.
Além disso, é claro, ele tem sua reputação a considerar. Quando ele conduz a sua corrente para o
mercado, ele a quer uma corrente de beldades. Também, é claro, obviamente, ele está lá para fazer
dinheiro com essas mulheres. É então do seu maior interesse colocar a venda a mais alta qualidade
de mercadoria que ele possa obter.
Too, of course, he has his reputation to consider. When he leads his chain to market he wants it to
be a chain of beauties Too, of course, obviously, he is out to make money on these women. It is thus
in his best interest to put up for sale the highest quality merchandise he can obtain.
Gardas de Gor – Livro 16 – Páginas 210 / 211

O cabelo dele estava amarrado com cordões de retorcido, azul-e-amarelo tecido. Sua casta mesmo
na pequena cidade de Kailiauk, era a dos mercadores de escravos.
His hair was bound back with strands of twisted, blue-and-yellow cloth. His caste, even in the town
of Kailiauk, was that of the slavers.
Selvagens de Gor – Livro 17 – Página 100

Eu voltei minha atenção da aparentemente adorável jovem mulher, embora ela estivesse totalmente
vestida, que estava amarrada pelos pulsos perto do bloco central. Seus tornozelos haviam também
sido cruzados e amarrados, um truque de mercador de escravos para acentuar as doces curvas dos
seus quadris e pernas.
I turned my attention from the apparently lovely young woman, though she was fully clothed, who
was strung up by the wrists near the central block. Her ankles had also been crossed and bound, a
slaver's trick to accentuate the sweet curvatures of her hips and legs.
Selvagens de Gor – Livro 17 – Página 106
“Eu sentei atrás do fogo, observando-os atentamente. Era agora tarde da noite. Grunt havia
encurtado os grilhões por dois colares e comprimentos de corrente. Eu havia colocado a nova garota
no lugar de Margaret, depois de Priscilla e antes de Hobarts. Essa era a posição de “Última Garota,”
que, apropriadamente, sem contar Hobarts, ele ocuparia, sendo a mais nova garota nos grilhões. A
arrumação do grilhão, a propósito, raramente é arbitrária. Um princípio comum da arrumação é
ordenar por altura, com as garotas mais altas vindo primeiro; isso cria um adorável grilhão.
Algumas vezes, também, grilhões são arrumados em ordem de beleza ou preferência, as mais
bonitas ou mais preferidas garotas vindo primeiro. Cor r tipo de corpo também podem ser
importantes. É por tais razões, talvez, que o grilhão é muitas vezes conhecido como o colar do
mercador de escravos. Estratégias de venda, também, podem entrar na formação de um grilhão
como, por exemplo, quando uma garota é colocada entre duas garotas mais comuns para acentuar a
sua beleza, ou uma soberba garota é guardada por último, e muitas outras considerações, também
podem entrar na formação de um grilhão.
I sat back from the fire, watching them closely. It was now late at night. Grunt had shortened the
coffle by two collars and chain lengths. I had put the new girl in Margaret's place, after Priscilla and
before the Hobarts. This was the position of "Last Girl," which, fittingly, not counting the Hobarts,
she would occupy, being the newest girl on the coffle. Coffle arrangements, incidentally, are seldom
arbitrary. One common principle of arrangements is in order of height, with the tallest girls coming
first; this makes a lovely coffle. Sometimes, too, coffles are arranged in order of beauty or
preference, the most beautiful or the most preferred girls coming first. Coloring and body type can
also be important. It is for such reasons, perhaps, that the coffle is sometimes spoken of as the
slaver's necklace. Sales strategies, too, can enter into the formation of a coffle, as, for example,
when a girl is put between two plainer girls to accentuate her beauty, or a superb girl is saved for
last, and many other considerations, as well, can enter into the formation of a coffle.
Selvagens de Gor – Livro 17 – Página 240

Os mais experimentados mercadores de escravos, a propósito, podem usualmente dizer os tamanhos

de pulso, tornozelo e colar de uma mulher quase que com apenas um olhar. Eu recebi um anel de
tornozelo número dois e um anel de pulso número dois. Eu recebi um colar de dez hort. Esses são
comuns e tamanhos padrão. Os mais usualmente usados anéis de pulso e tornozelo são os de
números dois e três. Os mais comuns tamanhos de colar são os de dez, onze e doze hort.
An experienced slaver, incidentally, can usually tell a woman's wrist, ankle and collar sizes almost
at a glance. I took a number-two ankle ring and a number-two wrist ring. I took a ten-hort collar.
These are common and standard sizes. The most commonly worn wrist and ankle rings are the twos
and threes. The most common collar sizes are the ten-, eleven- and twelve-hort sizes.
Kajira de Gor – Livro 19 – Páginas 308 / 309

“Não é prudente apostar contra um mercador de escravas em tais assuntos,” disse Publius. “Nós
podemos falar sobre tais assuntos com apenas um olhar.”
"It is not wise to wager against a slaver in such matters," said Publius. "We can tell such matters at a
“Eu havia pensado, então, ao menos, que ela era diferente,” disse Drusus Rencius.
"I had thought, then, at least, that she was different," said Drusus Rencius.
“Ela é tão cheia de vida, saudável e tem também fortes estímulos para ser diferente,” disse Publius.
"She is too vital and healthy, and has too strong drives to be different," said Publius.
Eu ajoelhei na grande escada, envergonhada, segurando a seda escrava sobre mim. Na mesma
escada, e um degrau abaixo, e na superfície do próprio estrado, diante da longa, baixa, pequena
mesa, eu havia sido ordenada a me contorcer com a música. Então eu havia sido ordenada a
levantar, meus joelhos flexionados, com minhas mãos agarradas atrás do meu pescoço. Então um
soldado havia sido ordenado para me tocar. Eu havia estremecido e quase gritado pelo seu toque.
I knelt on the broad stair, embarrassed, holding the slave silk about me. On this same stair, and on
the floor below, and on the surface of the dais itself, before the long, low, small table, I had been
ordered to writhe, to the music. Then I had been ordered to stand, my knees flexed, with my hands
clasped behind my neck. Then a soldier had been ordered to feel me. I had jerked and almost
screamed from his touch.
O homem havia cheirado a sua mão e rira.
The man had smelled his hand, and laughed.
“Você está cerdo,” dissera Drusus Rencius para Publius, “ela é uma escrava, e uma natural.”
"You are right," had said Drusus Rencius to Publius, "She is a slave, and a natural one."
Tais coisas podem ser ditas a partir dos movimentos, propensões e reflexos.
Such things may be told from movements, dispositions and reflexes.
Kajira de Gor – Livro 19 – Página 404

Eu então verifiquei o colar dela e os pontos de ligação da corrente, ambos no colar e no gancho
duplo onde ela estava presa em torno do eixo.
I then checked her collar, and the attachment points of the chain, both at the collar and at the double
loop where it was fastened about the axle.

"I am perfectly secured," she said, angrily.

"I am sorry if chain check distresses you," I said. "You comprehend its rationale, of course."
"Yes," she said, angrily.
"It is procedurally recommended by the caste of slavers," I said.
Players of Gor Book 20 Page 214
There are penalties, incidentally, for a slaver passing off a girl for an auburn slave when she is not
truly so. Auburn hair, as I have indicated, is prized in slave markets.
Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 44

A slaver's joke, one which free women are likely to hear with apprehension, has it that there is
always room for another female on the chain.
Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 161

"You are members of the caste of slavers!" she said.

"No," I said.
"But you are slavers!" she said.
"Do not concern yourself with the matter," I said.
"Yes Master," she said.
The distinction, of course, is between belonging to the caste of slavers and being a slaver. Whereas
members of the caste of slavers are slavers, not all slavers are members of the caste of slavers. For
example, I am not of the slavers, but in Port Kar I am known as Bosk, and he known as many
things, among them pirate and slaver. Too, both Marcus and myself were of the warriors, the scarlet
caste, and as such were not above taking slaves. Such is not only permitted in the codes, but
encouraged by them. "The slave is a joy and a convenience to the warrior." Neither of us, of course,
was a member of the caste of slavers. It, incidentally, is sometimes regarded as a subcaste of the
merchants, and sometimes as an independent caste. It does have its own colors, blue and yellow,
whereas those of the merchants are yellow and white, or gold and white.
Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 315

There are some ambiguities in the caste structure. For example, some rank the Merchants as a high
caste, and some do not; and some rank the Slavers with the Merchants, and some see them as a
separate caste, and so on.
Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 225

Slaves are not permitted to move with the rigidity, the awkwardness, of free woman. Indeed, it is
said that a skilled slaver can tell the difference between a free woman in the robes of concealment
and a slave in them merely by having them walk about.
Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 394
A slaver's practice is often to put binding fiber, or binding leather, about a girl's waist, snugly, and
tire her hands behind her back. This, of course, narrows her waist, rounds her belly, and contributes
to the accentuation of the bosom. This is not really a slaver's "trick" because it is obvious what is
being done.
Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 437

Blue and yellow are the colors of the caste, or subcaste, as the case may be, of the Slavers. Some, as
noted earlier, regard the Slavers as a caste independent of the Merchants, some regard it as a
subcaste of the Merchants. The colors of the merchant caste itself are white and yellow, or white
and gold. Needless to say, caste members do not always wear the caste colors. For example, a scribe
would normally wear his blue when working but not always when at leisure. Goreans are fond of
color and style in their raiment. They tend to be careful of their appearance and often delight in
looking well. Not all slave papers are bound in blue and yellow, of course. I had seen copies in the
pens which were in plain folders, in envelopes, and such. Indeed, some had been merely clipped
Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 519

To be sure, she knew that already her bondage had irremediably infused her entire being. Even now
she was sure that a slaver, without regard to her brand or collar, could pick her out from free
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 169

Some bracelets are fitted with lock rings, which can be snapped into one another, if and when
desired. This resembles the leather slave cuffs worn by some girls in paga taverns. Similarly, some
collars, leather or otherwise, have rings to which such snap rings may be conveniently fastened. To
be sure, something as simple as leather binding fiber, such as commonly belts the common camisk,
well serves for the general purposes of ready tethering. Common, too, are leashes. The style, grace,
attractiveness, and lightness of slave bracelets does not detract from their utility. They are more
than adequate to hold a female, and with perfection. Not all slave bracelets are pretty, and such, of
course. Some are quite plain, and these might be preferred by some men for their slaves, perhaps for
reasons of instruction, or economy, or to avoid an appearance of ostentation, or such. Too, warriors,
tarnsmen, slavers, and such, might prefer plainer custodial devices for early captures, transportation,
simple holding, and so on. Sometimes no more than a string, nose-ring and thumb cuffs are used.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 172

That Earth women are seldom veiled is taken by most Goreans, at least those familiar with the
second knowledge, as evidence that we are slaves. Too, there is little doubt that the fact that women
on Earth, particularly in Western cultures, do not veil themselves is welcomed by Gorean slavers,
and certainly facilitates their selections amongst us.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Pages 221 - 222
"Targo is a minor slaver, of little account," said the girl. "Once, perhaps, he was well off, but not
now. He claims to have once, albeit unwittingly, sold the very tatrix of Tharna. The Cosians have
robbed him of girls, some say his best, claimedly for taxes, time and time again. He must guard
every tarsk-bit, as an urt its last sa-tarna seed. Targo is poor. He is nearly destitute. He is nothing."
Prize of Gor Book 27 Pages 228 - 229

One of the girls in the coffle, she who was last on the chain, or slaver's necklace, turned about to
cast a last contemptuous glance at the shelf, but the guardsman behind her struck her a sharp,
stinging blow with the flat of his hand below the small of her back, which resounded throughout the
market, and she, sobbing with humiliation, with a jangle of chain, hurried forward.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 235

Too, on the second day, no new jewels were added to the slaver's necklace, as had been Jill that
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 262

Throughout most of human history, the "slaver's necklace," a coffle of chained beauties, was a
familiar sight.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 291

She did not know if this was because those of Earth, both men and women, tended to live
unwittingly in eccentric, unnatural cultural prisons, products of monstrous, lingering historicalities,
denying themselves and their natures, submitting mindlessly, uncritically, to pathological, stunting,
life-shortening conventions, fearing to live, or if it merely referred to Earth as a welcome,
vulnerable resource for the predations of slavers, a world where lovely animals, perhaps rather such
as she herself now was, might be netted with impunity, and chained, or crated, and brought to
distant markets for their sale.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 300

"I think she is rather pretty," said the officer. "I think she would look well, chained by the neck,
being marched in a slave coffle. I do not think she would be the worst bead on a slaver's necklace."
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 328

"I will send a man here tonight, a slaver, or slaver's man, to pick her up," said the officer to Portus
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 330

Cosians would presumably be less suspicious if some tarns remained in the loft. Business,
presumably, might have taken the others on their various ways. There might be problems, of course,
when a slaver, or slaver's man, came to collect a slave. Selius Arconious, of course, a lowly
employee, could not be expected to be of much help in such matters. Too, what would the slaver, or
slaver's man, when he arrived with his whip and leash, know? Orders might have been
countermanded. Or perhaps Portus might have been ordered to deliver the slave himself to some
designated location. It was hard to know about such things. The important thing was to be
courteous, and as helpful as possible.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 338

That would be in most cities something like one hundred tarsk-bits altogether. It would be
something like fifty tarsk-bits for each lad. Presumably they would not have so many coins at one
time until they were responsible for their own fields, and the sale of their own crops. This was, we
may remember, the price for which Mirus had allegedly sold her to Targo. It was not much, but it
was surely something, and Targo, a professional slaver, had paid it, and so, doubtless, had hoped to
make a profit on her, perhaps of as much as five tarsks.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 374

Among these visitors, and citizens of Brundisium, too, she knew, would be slavers, professional
slavers. These were men who dealt shrewdly in wares such as she.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 381

Ellen then began to grasp how easily a woman of Earth, and with so little awareness, thinking
herself superior and safe, might court the collar of a slave. A movement, a glance, a word, a gesture
which might cause no more than a moment's irritation or disgruntlement to a typical male of Earth,
used to such abuse, might have different consequences altogether with another sort of man, a man
less tolerant and less accommodating than those on whom she was accustomed to inflict her
pettiness and disdain with impunity. "We will come back for her," might say a Gorean slaver. "That
one does not know it but she has just made herself an appointment with the slaving iron." How
differently would a woman of Earth behave before a man, thought Ellen, if she realized that one day
she might find herself at his feet, on her belly, stripped and chained, his slave.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 420

And Ellen, whom I think we may accept as intelligent, perhaps even quite intelligent, forgive me,
Masters, given the selection criteria of Gorean slavers, of which we may take Mirus to be one, had
this understanding of herself.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 427
One of the interesting things from the Gorean point of view about most of the women of Earth is
that they do not veil themselves; most go about, even in public, with bared features. This tends to be
incomprehensible to the average Gorean. On Gor, on the other hand, as you have doubtless by now
gathered, this omission, or this practice, that of not wearing the veil, is common with, and, indeed,
is usually imposed upon, and in many cities by law, slaves. Such are commonly denied the veil, as
they are other garments of free women. Indeed, the donning of the garments of a free woman by a
slave can be a capital offense. The failure of most women of Earth to veil themselves is regarded as
shameless. It is one of several reasons, such as the failure to speak Gorean, which tends to make
Goreans regard Earth females as barbarians, as natural slaves, as slave stock. Going about so
brazenly, is it not their intention to offer themselves for the scrutiny of slavers; is it not a way to
court the collar, to beg for it? Certainly Gorean slavers on Earth are grateful for the custom, as it
considerably facilitates their assessment of the slave wares of Earth.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 441 - 442

More coercively, perhaps, we might note that intelligence ranks high among the selection criteria of
Gorean slavers, of which, as noted earlier, we may assume that Mirus was one.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 451

There were many professional slavers in attendance, of course. They, clearly, on the whole, were
interested in picking up cheap girls for training and subsequent resale, the first buys in the festival
camp being understood largely as speculations or investments.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 461

"Stand as you were before," she was told.

She did so.
"Hot and needful," she heard.
She tossed her head, a bit angrily, a bit insolently. Did they have to know that? Could that not be
left as her secret, to be revealed only, whether she willed it or not, in the arms of a dominant male?
She wondered at the knowledge of the slavers. How could they know such things? It seemed they
could see in a woman what she could scarcely admit to herself, even in her most secret dreams.
Doubtless there were subtle cues in a woman's body, in her movements, in her discourse, her
carriage, her expressions and such. She had been told that slavers on Earth occasionally passed by
beautiful women, to take as prey women perhaps less beautiful, but more intelligent, more latently
passionate, those who, in their view, would make better slaves.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 486
Although the caste of Mirus might be unclear from the particular nature of his garmenture, Ellen
supposed him of the slavers, which would be a subcaste of the Merchants, which caste was
doubtless the wealthiest on Gor, and one which was often wont to view itself, perhaps in virtue of
its wealth, if not as well in virtue of its influence and power, as a high caste, a tendency which,
however, was not widely shared, save perhaps, at least publicly, by its clients and sycophants.
Goreans respect wealth but tend to value other attributes more highly, and, indeed, to the credit of
the Merchants, it should be noted that they usually do so, as well. One such attribute is fidelity;
another is honor. Gor is not Earth.
In any event, aside from any cultural ambiguity which might attend the station or status of the
Merchants, Mirus would presumably concede nothing in caste merit to the fellow who had just, it
seemed, dared to gainsay him.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Pages 491 - 492
It was a simple arousal tie, the sort of tie which well reminds a woman she is a slave. To be sure, it
was perhaps a bit more severe, or cruel, than was necessary, and scarcely one in which one would
be likely to place a beloved slave. But we must remember that the feelings of Selius Arconious
toward his recent purchase were rather ambivalent. It is a tie, incidentally, not unfamiliar to slavers,
particularly with captured free women, whom they are endeavoring to begin to acquaint with what
is to be the nature of their new life, that of a sexual creature, that of a man's plaything and chattel.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 506

Many Goreans buy women on speculation. That is not uncommon. And, indeed, do not many
slavers do just this, those who buy them, rather than hunting them down, say, like horses. To be
sure, it is not unusual, as I understand it, that a slaver will note and then pick out a particular woman
for himself, keeping her at least for a time.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 516

Perhaps a word might be here inserted, briefly, as a "beauty bestowed by bondage" might seem to
some an unfamiliar concept. First, as I think has been clearly indicated from time to time men,
slavers, for example, have criteria. Not every woman is regarded as "collar worthy." Not every
woman is "slave desirable."
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 553

"The best thing about free women is that they may be made slaves," said Mirus.
"Yes," said the spokesman.
"I had known her long ago, and had seen the slave of her."
"I think that would have required no great feat of perception," smiled the spokesman.
Ellen jerked at the bonds on her wrists, and then subsided.
She had been bound by a Gorean male.
"True," said Mirus. "Sometimes such things are obvious."
"It would have required no great feat of perception, I should have said," said the spokesman, "- for a
Mirus nodded, acknowledging the compliment.
Ellen had heard that a good slaver could discern the needful, waiting slave even in cases in which,
prima facie, it might seem unlikely. Behind the brandished facades of freedom, concealed within
painstakingly erected ideological fortresses of denial, the victims of self-imposed starvations, a
slaver might detect the ready, yearning slave. Ellen had heard of the case of a particularly lovely,
young, if somewhat arrogant and condescending, psychiatrist, who believed herself to be treating an
alarmingly virile male patient. Unbeknownst to herself the patient was a Gorean slaver, who was
scouting her. While she was uneasily, because of her fascination with him, and the unsettling,
disturbing stirring in her belly which he produced, attempting to cure him of his masculinity, he was
considering if she might do, say, on a slave block or stripped at a man's feet in slave chains. While
she thought herself to be treating him, then, he was, so to speak, measuring her for the collar. He
easily pierced, it seems, the facades of falsification and fabrication within which she had attempted
to hide the slave of her. A slaver, he easily saw her slave. The question then was was it good
enough to be brought to Gor. Yes, he considered her acceptable. Rather than simply schedule her
for acquisition, however, he decided that he would force her to face her own deepest feelings. On
what would be their last session, while she was earnestly, somewhat pathetically, somewhat
desperately, propounding her theories, that he should repudiate his masculinity, theories dictated by
policy preferences and much at odds with the insights of seminal depth psychologists, he removed
an object from his jacket and threw it on the desk before her.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 587 - 588

"He is well thonged," said a soldier.

"Bound by a warrior," said one.
"Or a slaver," said another.
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 632

Too, we may suppose, being healthy, each had the needs and desires of a healthy female, and,
considering their selection, may have had these drives, and such, in an acute fashion, even
uncomfortably so, which would render them particularly sexually vulnerable. Gorean slavers, for
example, often pay close attention to such things. After all, most men buy women for pleasure.
Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 23

To make this matter more clear, and to be fairer to the customs of Gor, it should be noted that any
woman, any woman whatsoever with whom one does not share a Home Stone, is understood to be
fair game for the capture loop. This does not entail, of course, that one is under any obligation to
bring them within one's chain, but only that one is entitled to do so. The cities need not be at war.
They need only be different. To be sure, some deference is usually accorded to allied cities, which,
however, are few, as Gorean polities tend to be mutually suspicious of, and often hostile to, one
another. Accordingly, slave raids are a common pastime amongst young men, raids in which not
only slaves, but free women, as well, may be taken as booty.
A common Gorean saying has it that all women are slaves. It is only that some are in collars and
others are not.
Free women hear such sayings with trepidation.
And there are, of course, slavers, who specialize in these matters, and brigands, and bands of
brigands, who frequently engage in these activities.
Kur of Gor Book 28 Pages 55 - 56

The English girl, despite the strange, unfamiliar feelings in his presence, feelings which frightened,
warmed and delighted her, did not understand, of course, that she had been selected out for him,
that she had been chosen for him with great care, that she had been matched to him most
exquisitely, as slave to master. And, indeed, so naive was she that she was not even fully aware that
she was such as, in general, aside from the specifics of a given situation, are rightfully put to the
feet of men, as properties.
To the practiced, discriminating eye of the professional slaver, who is skilled in reading women,
their beauty and their needs, it was clear she belonged in a slave collar.
Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 61

"You are a professional slaver, are you not?" said Cabot.

"Yes," said Peisistratus.
"What do you think of her?" asked Cabot.
"Less than a half tarsk," he said.
"So little?" said Cabot.
"She is a barbarian," he said. "She knows little Gorean. She is new to her condition. She is ignorant,
untutored, untrained. She does not yet know how to drive a man out of his mind with pleasure."
"But we are thinking in terms of silver, I trust."
"Yes, silver."
"Then you think she has promise?"
"They all have promise," he said. "The collar brings out their beauty. Her slave curves could be
Kur of Gor Book 28 Pages 120 - 121
With a swirl from the czehar and kalikas, and a pounding of the tabors, the dancers prostrated
themselves in the sand, as slaves, and then, as Peisistratus struck his hands sharply together, they
leapt up, and fled from the room, exiting through a portal, it curtained with dangling strands of blue
and yellow beads, the caste colors of the slavers.
Kur of Gor Book 28 Pages 164 - 165

It is interesting to see a slaver take a free female, complacent in her sexual inertness, even one
arrogantly proud of her frigidity, and transform her into a needful, helpless, vulnerable, begging
slave, zealous to serve, that she may be rewarded with even the least touch of a male.
Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 167

"Free women may be raped, of course," he said, "by raiders, by warriors of foreign cities, by
slavers, and such, for women are generally recognized on Gor as loot. But the rape of such women
is usually no more than a prelude to their collaring."
Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 323

"Slavers," said Cabot, "often take a woman in her sleep, and bind her. She retired the night before,
as usual, considering, if anything, only the prosaic routines of her next day's quotidian existence.
She retires, anticipating nothing, suspecting nothing. Then, later, she awakens, doubtless to her
consternation and horror, to find herself bound helplessly."
Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 363

"And they are, as you may recall," she said, "slavers, professionals in the assessment of slaves."
Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 384

He did not have the blue and yellow chevrons which sometimes characterizes the lower-left-hand
sleeve of the slavers, different, of course, from their more formal regalia, or robes, commonly blue
and yellow, their colors. Some view the Slavers as a caste, others as a subcaste of the Merchants.
Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 25

An obvious inducement, or partial inducement, to certain Goreans, for example to certain members
of the caste of slavers, for their assistance, in a variety of tasks, would be something all males
understand, women. On Gor, women, that is, slaves, are negotiable items of value, a currency of
sorts. Indeed, on Gor a salary may be paid in women.
Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 247
"I would put you in the middle range of slaves," I said. "You would not likely be either the first nor
the last put on the block." It is not unusual for slavers to save the best merchandise for late in the
sale, when late comers are present, the audience is settled in, interest has been whetted, emotions
are running high, purses are most open, and so on. This is not a universal practice, however, as one
is likely to make less on early sales.
Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 82

"That it was done easily and efficiently," said the tarnsman, "her neutralization, her removal from
the game, from the board, so to speak, the straightforward gagging and hooding, suggests that they
are proficient in such things, are perhaps slavers or raiders, or others, accustomed to the acquisition
and management of women. This gives us some information. Also, that there were clearly two men
involved is worth noting."
Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 209

Indeed, most seemed at, or near, ideal block measurements, those measurements sought by
professional slavers before bringing their merchandise to the large, sawdust-covered pedestal from
which they would be vended.
Mariners of Gor Book 30 Pages 273 - 274

Pierced ears, too, tend to improve a girl's price. For that reason, even in the absence of discipline,
slavers sometimes pierce a girl's ears, to her misery and horror, before putting her on the block, a
pierced-ear girl.
Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 300

Her body, its deliciousness, its vitality, its movements, its pressings and brushings, its piteous
closures with, and its desperate touchings against, the master, its pleadings, did not suggest white
silk. To be sure, there is a simple test for such things, often conducted by slavers.
Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 524

Now, as I was being marched through streets I could not see, naked, back-braceleted, a bead
fastened in this small slaver's necklace, the wind and sunlight on my bared body, I knew I was
being taken, for the first time, to market, a market where I would not buy but be bought as much as
a verr, or a basket of suls.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 95
I saw a small, wiry fellow with a straggly beard, in soiled blue and yellow robes, approaching. He
wiped his mouth with a dirty sleeve. In his right hand he held an implement I recognized well. It
was a switch.
"It is he who will auction us," said the girl from Tabor.
That seemed likely to me.
Certainly he wore the colors of the Slavers.
The small fellow, at the foot of the platform, conferred briefly with the slaver's man.
I did not know if the small fellow owned the market, or owned us, or both. For all I knew I was still
owned by the house, and I was merely being vended through this outlet, and the small fellow might
be merely a professional auctioneer, hired for each sale. I supposed, beside his fee, he might receive
some sort of commission on the sales. That meant he would be likely to do his best to get a good
It also suggested to me that he might then, be quick with his switch.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Pages 124 - 125

"The finest beads drawn from the finest of the slavers' necklaces, each worthy of the central block
of the Curulean, each fit for the Pleasure Garden of a Ubar," said the auctioneer.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 127

How dare she so display herself, I thought. But, if she were not sold, I thought, she would be
whipped. Slavers are seldom lenient with their goods. They are not out to coddle them, but to make
coin on them.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 130

The auctioneer stood on the surface of the platform. A small breeze moved the blue-and-yellow
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 134

Interestingly, to me at least, a slaver who misrepresents merchandise, for example, claiming former
high caste for a girl who was actually formerly of low caste, or who tries to pass off a dyed blonde
for a natural blonde may be banished and ruined, his goods confiscated, his house burned to the
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 136
When I better learned your language, I was surprised to learn that you tend to regard the women of
my world as natural slaves, and thus legitimate and appropriate prey for slavers.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 137

I did learn, for the first time, that I had been brought from the House of Tenalion, apparently a
slaver of Ar.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 142

I had not had such a sweet since Earth, since my "harvesting" as one of the ill-protected, exposed,
dangling fruits so easily available to slavers in the "slave orchard of Earth," no, not since my
acquisition, my capture, my routine snaring, merely another sleek, defenseless animal, ignorant and
unsuspecting, easily taken as the prize of methodical hunters.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 171

When the transaction had been completed, I dared to look up at Menon. "It is a shame," said
Menon, looking down upon me, "that the slavers consider little more than intelligence, beauty, and
helpless, latent passion. Perhaps they should concern themselves more with the character of their
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 176

I did not know how long he had been with us. Perhaps he had noted, for all I knew, several times,
the tiny lifting of the canvas. If the wagons were in the care of slavers, I supposed girls might be
punished for such things. Slavers like to keep the girls in their wagons ignorant of their
surroundings, their destinations, and such. Indeed, even in coffles the destination of the coffle is
seldom made explicit to, so to speak, the "beads on the slaver's necklace."
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 299

Far below, on the broad, level area, inside the rail, I saw two girls, in tunics of yellow and blue the
Slaver's colors,
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 315

I think all there were surprised, the Lady Bina Master Desmond, Astrinax, and Lykos, and the
keeper of the pair on the chain, with his switch, who was in his holiday regalia that of the Slavers.
Often enough, they wear dark robing or tunics, with only a small pair of chevrons visible, one blue,
one yellow on the left sleeve of their robe, near the wrist, to indicate their caste. Sometimes they do
not identify their caste, as when, say, approaching free women.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 331

"I assure you that they are competent in Gorean," said the slaver.
"I trust so," said the Lady Bina.
"It is certified," said the slaver.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 336

"Will Lady Bina accompany us?" I asked. "Certainly not," he said. "Free women are not permitted
in paga taverns." "Oh?" I said. "Rejoice," he said, "it is one place kajirae need not fear free women."
"I do not fear free women," I said. "That is because you have never been owned by one," he said,
"that is, a typical free woman." "I see," I said. "It is dangerous for a free woman to enter such a
place," he said. "They may be marked by slavers.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 341

For example, it is my supposition that, in the markets, and on the boulevards, and elsewhere,
handsome slavers, perhaps disguised in the robes of rich Merchants, do not encounter with you in
fact the difficulties which one might expect them to encounter in theory. Forgive me, Mistresses.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 367

Slavers, and conquerors, will often tie a free woman's hands behind her before removing her veil.
How helpless she is then, unable to prevent her face-stripping.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 409

Of the Kur girls housed in the quarters only Chloe could read. She had been a free woman of Cos,
captured at sea by a corsair from Port Kar, as had been the girl from Tabor with whom I had been
sold in the Metellan district, though much farther from shore, had been sold to rencers in the delta
of the Vosk, who had sold her at a profit to a camp of slavers at the delta's edge with its wooden
cages, a camp transient seasonal, in nature, by means of which slaves from Thassa might be brought
eastward into the Vosk basin, and slaves from the Vosk basin might be brought westward, through
the delta to Thassa.
Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 487

I was in robes suitable for my caste, dark, with the small blue and yellow chevrons low on the left
sleeve. Within them was concealed the gladius.
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 18
Then casually, unexpectedly, the auctioneer, behind the slave, his left hand in her hair, holding her
head back a bit, gently, but firmly, with the blades of the coiled whip subjected her to the "slaver's
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 20

"I am of the Merchants," I said.

"The Slavers," he said.
I shrugged.
"The Slavers," he said.
"Very well, the Slavers," I said. We regard ourselves as a subcaste of the Merchants. Do we not
acquire, and buy, and sell? What difference is there, other than the nature of the goods handled?
"Slavers," said he, "are cunning, and skilled with weapons."
"Much like the scarlet caste," I said.
"Or the black caste," he said.
"I am not an assassin " I said. I wondered if he were.
"Slavers must plan, and raid, and seize," he said. "Often they must fight their way into a house, or
pleasure garden, and fight their way free."
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 44

"You, and your kind," he said, "may be more valuable than you suspect."
"Men who ask few questions?" I said.
"Assassins, slavers, and such," he said, "men who are open to unusual opportunities, who will do
much for gold, and ask no questions."
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 87

Coffles are sometimes spoken of as "the slaver's necklace."

Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 93

"My caste has something to do with these matters," I said.

"Yours, and perhaps some others," he said.
"I am a mere Merchant," I said.
"A Slaver," he said.
"A Merchant," I said.
"I suppose," said he, "it is merely a matter of the goods, of one sort or another, with which one
"One supposes," he said, "one might expect courage from one of such a caste, perhaps a
willingness, under certain conditions, to accept risks, perhaps serious risks, if the end in view might
justify such an acceptance. One supposes one of such a caste must be able to plan, to follow through
with plans, or, if it seemed wise, to depart from a plan, even suddenly, to change or alter plans, even
to withdraw, and plan anew, that one such must be not only bold, but subtle and shrewd, that one
such must understand the value of deception, of surprise, of patience, of discretion, of secrecy."
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 133

"I am of the Merchants," I said.

"I have heard, the Slavers," he said.
"Very well," I said.
"A dangerous occupation," he said, "but one with its pleasures."
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 259

It is well known," he said, "that barbarians are selected for stupidity, passion, and beauty."
"Not at all," I said. "And I am of the Slavers."
"Of the Slavers, yes," he said, "but surely you did not deal with barbarians, but with superior stock,
Gorean girls, civilized, intelligent, lovely creatures to be captured, marked, and collared."
"I have had some dealings with barbarians," I said.
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 355

"For millennia, without sleen," I said, "men have trailed women, the most delectable of quarries."
"You have had some experience in this?" he said.
"It is in my caste training," I said.
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 435

I had anticipated difficulty in picking up the foolish slave's trail, which might have begun anywhere,
but, eventually, from stirred leaves, a dislodged stone, a broken twig, a bent branch, such things, I
had expected to be able to do so. As trackers went I was not inept, and I had had training in such
matters, common for those of my caste.
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 444

"Tassa powder," said Axel.

I had heard of Tassa powder in my slave training. The instructresses had delightedly informed us of
its properties. It is a powder which may be undetectably added to any beverage, most commonly
Ka-la-na, with the result that the individual who partakes of the beverage is soon rendered
unconscious. The length of the unconscious state is partly determined by the individual involved
and partly by the amount of the drug administered. The approximated weight of the individual
involved and the desired length of the unconscious state are used to determine the dosage. It is a
favorite of slavers. The delight of my instructresses, in regaling us with accounts of its effects, had
to do largely with its administration to free women, who might sip it discreetly behind their veil in
some assignation or tête-à-tête, in their rich robes of concealment, and later awaken naked and in
chains, perhaps in sight of some flaming brazier from whose burning coals protrude marking irons.
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 521

"Do you know my caste?" he asked.

"The Slavers," I said. "Surely Master is of the caste of Slavers."
"I am of the Merchants," he said. "The Slavers is a subcaste of the Merchants. It is merely a
question of the goods with which one deals. The Slavers deal with soft, living goods."
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 546

"You may have labored in the tasks of the Slavers for the pleasantries of the merchandise, but I
think there was more involved, for you seem now to be thinking of dealing with other goods.
Indeed, I suspect I know why you followed the Slavers' trade, a dangerous trade surely, with its
alarming hazards, and even to another world."
Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Pages 546 - 547

Sometimes the indications of caste were subtle, marked by a pair, or trio, of short ribbons on the left
sleeve, near the wrist. For example, the colors of the Slavers were blue and yellow, but these colors
were often displayed, when the slaver was not hunting, merely on the left sleeve, rather than in a
full regalia.
Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 103

"You carry a whip," said the dealer. "May I inquire your caste?"
"The blue-and-yellow caste," he said.
Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 130
"I have never, to my knowledge, seen him," he said.
"Surely he may be traced through the caste of Slavers," I said.
"There are elements in the caste of Slavers," he said, "bands that are secret, that proceed covertly,
even having recourse to vehicles forbidden by the laws of Priest-Kings."
Plunder of Gor Book 34 Pages 216 - 217

The Slavers' colors are blue and yellow. Usually, however, these are worn, if worn, as a pair of
chevrons, low on the left sleeve, usually of a darker garmenture. Slavers are often not forward in
displaying their caste colors. Such an arrogance might prove indiscreet, and might well put free
women ill at ease.
Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 591

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