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Corporativismo e readequação do olhar midiático: uma abordagem preliminar do acontecimento

Giuliana Vallone

A mídia se constrói, em grande medida, em torno dos acontecimentos. Certa teoria do jornalismo
aponta, inclusive, que é tarefa dos jornalistas identificar e narrar acontecimentos, de modo que seria a
natureza intrínseca de uma ocorrência que a confere o estatuto de acontecimento. Outras perspectivas,
por sua vez, indicam ser justamente na transformação do fato em narrativa que algo surge como
acontecimento, de maneira que, numa versão radical desta visão, o acontecimento só existiria dentro da

Vera aponta que o acontecimento, contudo, acontece a alguém; não são suas características intrínsecas
que fazem seu destaque, mas sua capacidade de afetar um ou mais sujeitos. O acontecimento o é
porque interrompe o esperado, desvelando as possibilidades do antes tido como impossível e atuando
na organização da experiência humana. Apoiando-se na perspectiva de Louis Quéré, Vera aponta que ao
desorganizar nosso presente o acontecimento gera interrogações, fazendo pensar e suscitando sentido.
Ele nos faz olhar para o que o precedeu para que possamos compreender sua emersão, sendo dotado,
portanto, de um poder hermenêutico. Ainda, quando quebra nossas expectativas, nos faz agir para que
possamos recuperar a “normalidade” de antes, possuindo também uma dimensão pragmática.

Vera evita as perspectivas teóricas que autonomizam a mídia pensando-a como separada das práticas
sociais. A autora propõe pensar a mídia como um lugar possante de fala onde a sociedade fala de si
mesma. Nesse “monólogo”, o acontecimento assume o lugar central: os acontecimentos que emergem
na mídia e geram comoção falariam da experiência contemporânea, desvelando algumas das
construções e discursos em torno das práticas sociais, bem como o entrelaçamento entre o que a autora
chama de “realidade da vida cotidiana” e as “múltiplas realidades” que nos são apresentadas

Mídia e sociedade não constituem instâncias separadas; a mídia se insere no seio da sociedade reunindo
dispositivos que fazem produzir e circular informações e representações desta sociedade. Desse modo,
“a mídia constitui talvez a instituição que melhor caracteriza o cenário contemporâneo”, sendo “um
espaço privilegiado no qual a sociedade fala consigo mesma, a propósito de si mesma” (FRANÇA).

E os acontecimentos nos fazem falar. “Animais simbólicos” que somos, duplicamos e realizamos parte
substancial de nossas vidas a partir de construções e representações midiáticas, e com o acontecimento
não é diferente. Quando falamos deles, enquadrando-os em determinados formatos, o realizamos como
narrativa, conferindo-os do que Vera chama de “segunda vida”. Em grande medida, é como discurso e
representação que os meios de comunicação fazem circular os acontecimentos, fazendo-os dialogar
com a nossa experiência cotidiana.

O acontecimento está, portanto, intimamente ligado à experiência individual e coletiva das pessoas, e
para entender a potência que ele encerra é preciso atentar para a “convergência entre fato e sentido,
discurso e ação, afetando e sendo conformado pelos indivíduos”. Por se inserir no âmbito da experiência
(cujas condições são dadas socialmente), os acontecimentos impactantes, que fazem falar e agir, nos
dizem dos valores de uma sociedade e nos fornecem o seu retrato.

Jeffrey C. Alexander
- The mass media produce symbolic patterns that create the invisible tissues of society on the cultural

- The media is a functional substitute for the concrete group contact.

- The mass media have a atomizing effect on the perception of social life.

- The mass media produce essentials aspects of social integration.

- But even the most radically cognitive statements are bound to have evaluative or moral dimensions
which are significant.

- A major function of the news media is to produce “bias”, to create through the framework of cognitive
statements certain nom-empirical evaluations.

- What kind of evaluative judgments the news media produce, and under what conditions?

- An examination of news ‘leads’ indicates that they are not only cognitively oriented to the ‘five W’s’
but they invariably make a strong normative and moral point.

- The entire professional concentration on what is ‘newsworthy’ can be viewed as flowing from this
normative function.

- By performing this function of information-conduit and normative-organizer, the news media provides
the normative dimension of society with the greatest flexibility in dealing with social strains.

- The political party is more self-conscious than the news media and at the same time significantly less
flexible in response to social events; and in relation to the legal system, the party produces norms that
are more flexible while being less legitimate.

- Sometimes news became more friendly and, in a symbiotic fashion, contributed in turn to the
restructuring of public opinion concerning the facts.

- The facts about Watergate are not facts at all without the framework provided by notions of
‘constitutionalism’, ‘impersonal higher authority’, and some similar kinds of generalized value
commitments. Only the combination of these emergent definitions with the raw data of changing events
allowed the more critical normative conclusions to be drawn in the news.

- To maintain flexibility, the norms which are produced (the news) cannot be tied to any particular
sacred value or to any particular organizational form, despite the fact that either of these connections
would contribute to a greater sense of overall coherence.

- Because flexibility in creating evaluative judgment is diminished, the social control function of the
media is rigidified. Because opinion will be formed on the basis of partial information, efforts at reform
will be less successful, strain will be increasingly unresolved, and social polarization will be exacerbated.

- The media will be asked to perform, and may well accept, a political or cultural role, and because it
does not actually possess the functional resources for performing such task, it is bound to fail.

- The danger is that the news media will be expected to assume the permanent role, and will accept the
responsibility of value arbiter rather than norm-organizer.

Hallin & Mancini

The development of journalistic professionalism.

“There is a presumption that certain kinds of decisions can only be made by medical professionals and
that outside interference is inappropriate. Journalism has never achieved a comparable degree of

“The newspapers of Southern Europe, with their relatively low circulations, have not historically been
profitable business enterprises, and have often been subsidized by political actors, a fact that has
important implications for the degree of political parallelism and of journalistic professionalism”

“The ideal type of professionalization that has anchored most of the debate is based on the history of
the classic “liberal” professions, above all medicine and law. Journalism departs substantially from that
ideal type”.

“One of the central criteria of this model is that the practice of a profession is “based on systematic
knowledge or doctrine acquired only through long prescribed training”(Wilensky 1964: 138). Journalism
has no such systematic body of knowledge or doctrine.”

Professions, as Collins (1990) puts it, “are occupations which organize themselves ‘horizontally,’ with a
certain style of life, code of ethics, and self-conscious identity and barriers to outsiders.”

“We shall see that there are important variations in the degree to which distinctively journalistic norms
have evolved, the degree of consensus they enjoy among those who practice journalism, and their
relative influence on news-making practices.”

“Another important element of the concept of “professionalism” is the notion that professions are
oriented toward an ethic of public service.”

“A wave of revisionist scholarship beginning in the 1960s stressed against Parsons that the “altruism” of
the professions needed to be understood as an ideology that often concealed other ends, serving,
particularly, to justify the economic monopoly and social power of professionals”.

“would be naive in the extreme to accept the claims of journalists to serve the public purely at face

“Nevertheless, the adoption of an ideology of journalism as a “public trust” is an important historical

development and should not be dismissed as “mere ideology” anymore than it should be accepted as
pure altruism.”

“It is a historically specific conception of the journalist’s role in society with important consequences for
the practice of journalism and the relation of the media to other social institutions; and its differential
development in different societies needs to be explained”. Aí entra o Afonso.

Ombudsman: “One of the clearest manifestations of the development of an ethic of public service is the
existence of mechanisms of journalistic selfregulation”.
“One way to think about professionalization is in terms of differentiation theory: a high degree of
professionalization of journalism means that journalism is differentiated as an institution and form of
practice fromother institutions and formsof practice – including politics”.


“I sustain that the ‘Fourth Branch’ rhetoric has deep roots in Brazilian political history. (…)I suggest that,
mainly since the 1980s, the press has claimed to play that role, recurring to an American-like rhetoric to
justify its claims.”

“Brazilian journalists have appealed to the American ‘Fourth Branch’ rhetoric to legitimize their very
particular demands of political authority.”

“The American notion of a ‘Fourth Branch’ is inseparable from the ‘checks and balances’ doctrine of
division of power.”

“Given the differences between the separation of powers doctrine in the United States and in Brazil, it is
not surprising that the Fourth Branch rhetoric has been adapted in a very particular way by the Brazilian

“On many occasions in the following years, the Brazilian news media claimed authority to arbitrate
disputes between the three constitutional branches, in the name of political stability.”


“These differences are also manifested in the organization of journalistic labor,

with journalists in some systems moving fairly freely between the roles of reporter and
commentator – if indeed the distinction has meaning to them at all – while in others those roles
tend to be segregated”. 29. E quando novas formas de expressão jornalística surgem? E quando
um modelo entra em decadência?
“The key elements of journalistic professionalization are clearly present in
Frenkel’s statement: the notion of journalism as a “public trust,” the existence of shared
standards of professional practice (Frenkel’s “checks and balances”), and the emphasis on
journalistic autonomy.” Pg. 41. A Folha goza de todas essas características. O que explica sua
mudança de postura nas manifestações?
“At a very general level we could summarize the differences among these
systems by saying that in the Liberal countries the media are closer to the world of business, and
further from the world of politics”. Devo supor, então, que o mundo da política é apartado do
mundo dos negócios?
“In a modernizing and differentiating society, the media are a functional
substitute for concrete group contact, for the now impossible meeting of the whole”. Pg 78 apud
Jeffrey Alexander. O até então ‘impossível’ encontro do todo se faz possível, e à mídia restou
apenas seguir esse todo, não mais substituí-lo na esfera pública.
“The progressive differentiation of the news media, according to Alexander, is
the consequence a major force: demands for more universalistic information put forward by new
social groups against forms of advocacy journalism linked to the preexisting social order” pg. 79.
E quando surge um jornalismo advocatício de esquerda, em contraposição ao jornalismo liberal
do time Americano, ou seja, em contraposição a ordem social preexistente?
“Finally, the media themselves, consistent with Luhmann, Alexander et al., have
become more important in society – but with the consequence, according to Bourdieu, that other
cultural fields have lost autonomy, as they are increasingly influenced by the mass media”. A
mídia, contudo, se encontra hoje em desprestígio – tal qual a política – e novos e velhos atores
tem se empoderado. Pg. 82

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