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Passive Voice / Tag Questions

Prof. Leonardo Pontes

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions


Passive Voice verb tenses transformation 5










AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
1. Introdução
Vamos, então, à nossa aula sobre alguns tópicos considerados complexos: passive voice (voz
passiva) e Tag questions.
A voz passiva (passive voice) é usada de várias maneiras, quando queremos enfatizar a ação
ao invés de quem a praticou e, assim, ter a possibilidade de omitir o autor. Geralmente, não sabemos
quem é o autor e queremos, desta forma, utilizar um tom mais impessoal. Você entenderá melhor
no decorrer da aula.
As Tag Questions, por sua vez, são aquelas perguntas do fim das frases, o famoso “né”, que
usamos para confirmar algo que estamos falando, que veremos um por um, já que em Inglês, há
regras específicas que, quando estudadas e compreendidas, fica mais fácil entender seu uso e, claro,
identificar e responder questões na prova.
No caminho até a aprovação, você vai resolver, no fim do material, exercícios de provas
anteriores bem como exercícios inéditos e, essas questões irão ajudar você a colocar em prática o
que aprende a cada dia. Além disso, você estará se testando e massificando seu conhecimento.
Vamos lá! Sempre focados na missão!

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
2. Passive Voice
Para que tenhamos um bom entendimento da voz passiva, é preciso primeiro o que é
a voz ativa e, para estudar ambas, iremos nos concentrar na estrutura de frases, ou seja, a
ordem das palavras. Frases na active voice (voz ativa) são aquelas em que o sujeito que
pratica alguma ação está em evidência, enquanto na passive voice (voz passiva) aquele que
sofre a ação é quem está em evidência.
A voz ativa é o modo mais utilizado para ser claro e direto. Como é o próprio sujeito
da oração que realiza a ação, o destaque é dado para o sujeito. Uma frase clássica na voz
ativa é composta por sujeito + verbo + objeto.
Por exemplo, na frase:

Pedro is washing the car – Pedro está lavando o carro.

Pedro é o sujeito da frase, is washing (to wash conjugado no presente continuous) é o

verbo e the car é o objeto. Como a frase está na voz ativa, queremos dar ênfase à Pedro, que
é quem está executando a ação de lavar o carro, tornando-o o agente principal da frase. Já
na voz passiva, queremos dar ênfase a quem está sofrendo a ação, e não ao agente. Veja:

The car is being washed by Pedro – O carro está sendo lavado por Pedro.

Para formar a voz passiva em inglês, o objeto da voz ativa passa a ser o sujeito da voz
passiva, e o sujeito da voz ativa passa a ser o agente da voz passiva.
Como a frase está na voz passiva, desta vez queremos dar ênfase à ação de o carro
estar sendo lavado, e não ao fato de que foi o Pedro eu lavou o carro.
A passive voice (voz passiva) é um tipo de construção frasal onde se expressa o que
acontece com o sujeito, sem obrigatoriamente enfatizá-lo. Nós nos expressamos,
normalmente, usando a voz ativa e, ao transformar em voz passiva, é preciso alterar a
estrutura da frase, como veremos.

VOZ ATIVA: I cleaned the garage this morning. - Eu limpei a garagem esta manhã.

VOZ PASSIVA: The garage was cleaned this morning by me – A garagem foi limpa esta
manhã por mim .

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A voz passiva pode ser utilizada em frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas. Sua
formação é expressa por um objeto (um substantivo) + verbo to be + particípio passado do
verbo principal + complemento da frase.
É importante notar que o verbo principal sempre estará no particípio, cabendo ao
verbo TO BE estabelecer o tempo verbal utilizado na voz passiva.
Veja, agora, cada uma delas em diferentes tempos verbais. Let’s go!!!

Passive Voice verb tenses transformation

Simple Present: am/is/are + particípio

Affirmative Form: The house is painted by Tom.
Negative Form: The house isn’t painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Is the house painted by Tom?

Present Continuous: am/is/are being + particípio

Affirmative Form: The house is being painted by Tom.
Negative Form: The house isn’t being painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Is the house being painted by Tom?

Present Perfect: has/have been + particípio

Affirmative Form: The house has been painted by Tom.
Negative Form: The house hasn’t been painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Has the house been painted by Tom?

Simple Past: was/were + particípio

Affirmative Form: The house was painted by Tom.
Negative Form: The house wasn’t painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Was the house painted by Tom?

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Past Continuous: was/were being + particípio
Affirmative Form: The house was being painted by Tom.
Negative Form: The house wasn’t being painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Was the house being painted by Tom?

Modal Verbs:
Modal verb + be + particípio

Past Perfect: had been + particípio

Affirmative Form: The house had been painted by Tom.
Negative Form: The house hadn’t been painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Had the house been painted by Tom?

Past Perfect: had been + particípio

Affirmative Form: The house had been painted by Tom.
Negative Form: The house hadn’t been painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Had the house been painted by Tom?

Simple Future: will be + particípio

Affirmative Form: The house will be painted by Tom.
Negative Form: The house won’t be painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Will the house be painted by Tom?

Future Perfect: will have been + particípio

Affirmative Form: By next week, the house will have been painted by Tom.
Negative Form: By next week, the house won’t have been painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Will the house have been painted by next week by Tom?

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
She won the model competition. The model competition was won by her.

Ao comparar as duas frases, percebemos que, diferentemente da voz ativa, onde a

ênfase está no elemento que praticou a ação, na voz passiva enfatiza-se o elemento que sofre
a ação expressa pelo verbo, como acima.
Exatamente assim:

She won the model competition. The model competition was won by her.

voz ativa voz passiva

Vimos que a voz passiva é utilizada para destacar a pessoa ou o objeto que sofre uma
ação, ao invés da pessoa ou objeto que realiza a ação. Agora, usando o verbo to clean
(limpar), conjugado no particípio, conforme pede a voz passiva, veja frases em todos os
tempos verbais com os devidos complementos. Preparei para você uma tabela com

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A melhor forma de fixar os conteúdos, não só sobre voz passiva, como qualquer tópico
estudado, é fazendo exercícios em que o conteúdo está inserido. Então, vamos lá.
Em outro texto, para treinar como pode aparecer em sua prova, vou mostrar como há
uma frase que remete à voz passiva e como isso poderia ter sido questionado:

Na frase “... the Red Cross produced a report…” na voz passiva, seria “ A report was produced
by the Red Cross” e poderia ser uma das perguntas da sua prova, veja:
Questão: A frase “the Red Cross produced a report …” na estrutura da voz passiva, seria:

A ( ) A report had produced by the Red Cross.

B ( ) A report was producing by the Red Cross.
C ( ) A report will be produced by the Red Cross.
D ( ) A report were produced by the Red Cross.
E ( ) A report was produced by the Red Cross.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Como sempre, devemos analisar cada alternativa, para encontrar o que melhor se encaixa.
Nesse caso, para a sentença transformada em voz passiva, de acordo com o que vimos no
capítulo agora estudado, para verbos no passado simples (Past Simple), a frase é preenchida
pelo verbo to be relativo ao sujeito e o verbo principal no particípio, lembra?
Na letra A, afirma-se que report, antes no fim da frase como objeto, foi para o começo como
sujeito, o que está correto.
Porém, foi colocado o verbo have no passado (had) antes do particípio de produce
(produced), enquanto deveria ter sido usado, de acordo com a regra que estudamos, o verbo
to be no passado, que seria “was” antes de “produced”. Falsa.
Na letra B, afirma-se que report, antes no fim da frase como objeto, foi para o começo como
sujeito, o que está correto. Porém, foi colocado, junto ao verbo to be conjugado no passado
– was - o verbo produce no gerúndio (producing), enquanto deveria ter sido usado, de
acordo com a regra que estudamos, o verbo to produce no particípio - produced. Falsa.
Na letra C, afirma-se que report, antes no fim da frase como objeto, foi para o começo como
sujeito, o que está correto. Porém, foi colocada a forma de futuro para falar de algo que já
aconteceu, portanto, está no passado e assim, precisamos do verbo to be no passado e o
verbo principal produce no particípio - produced. E por isso é falsa.
Na letra D, afirma-se que report, antes no fim da frase como objeto, foi para o começo como
sujeito, o que está correto. Porém, foi colocado, o verbo to be conjugado no passado no
plural – were - mas a palavra report é singular (relatório) e então, deveria-se usar was ao
invés de were.
A letra E, afirma-se que report, antes no fim da frase como objeto, foi para o começo como
sujeito, o que está correto. E, em seguida, foi colocado, o verbo to be conjugado no passado
no singular – was - concordando com a palavra report é singular (relatório) e então, a
estrutura está correta, a concordância também. Alternativa certa.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
3. Tag Questions
Bom, você sabe o que é uma Tag Question? É uma pergunta curta no fim de uma frase, feita
para se certificar de que o que foi dito está certo. Pode ser apenas uma pergunta retórica também.
Em Português, costumamos perguntar no fim da frase: “não é?”, “certo?” ou simplesmente
“né?” para fazer essa confirmação.
A primeira coisa importante a se lembrar é que uma Tag Question é formada com o mesmo
verbo auxiliar ou modal da frase principal e segue o mesmo tempo verbal dela.
Então a estrutura das tag questions é a seguinte:
Verbo auxiliar ou verbo modal + not (se for negativa) + sujeito?

Veja alguns exemplos para cada verbo/estrutura:

She is intelligent, isn’t she?
Ela é inteligente, não é?
They are from Brazil, aren’t they?
Eles são do Brasil, não são?
You were in my house earlier, weren’t you?
Você estava na minha casa mais cedo, não estava?
He was a great father, wasn’t he?
Ele foi um ótimo pai, não foi?

You have met her before, haven’t you?
Você já a encontrou antes, não encontrou?
It has been raining a lot since last month, hasn’t it?
Tem chovido muito desde mês passado, não tem?
He had gone to another city, hadn’t he?
Ele havia ido para outra cidade, não é?
We had been good friends, hadn’t we?
Nós havíamos sido bons amigos, não é?

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
You will study Medicine, won’t you?
Você vai estudar Medicina, não vai?
We will go to the beach on Sunday, won’t we?
Nós iremos à praia no domingo, não iremos?

She can speak Spanish, can’t she?
Ela consegue falar ESpanhol, não consegue?
The kids can play on the street, can’t they?
As crianças podem brincar na rua, não podem?

He should be an actor, shouldn’t he?
Ele deveria ser ator, não deveria?
We should go out more often, shouldn’t we?
Nós deveríamos sair mais vezes, não deveríamos?

I could help you, couldn’t I?
Eu poderia te ajudar, não poderia?
Those guys could leave us alone, couldn’t they?
Aqueles caras poderiam nos deixar em paz, não poderiam?

She would be an excellent mother, wouldn’t she?
Ela seria uma mãe excelente, não seria?
You would like a cup of coffee, wouldn’t you?
Você gostaria de uma xícara de café, não gostaria?

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Atenção: quando não houver nenhum verbo auxiliar ou modal na frase e ela estiver no
presente, use DO ou DOES. Se estiver no passado, use DID, veja:

You work in a school, don’t you?

Você trabalha em uma escola, não trabalha?
He eats French fries, doesn’t he?
Ele come batata frita, não come?
I said I love you, didn’t I?
Eu disse que te amo, não disse?
They went to the cinema, didn’t they?
Eles foram ao cinema, não foram?

Outro fator importante é que, assim como em Português, a tag question sempre será
oposta à frase principal. Então, se a primeira frase for positiva, a tag question será negativa. Mas
se a primeira frase for negativa, a tag question será positiva.
Por exemplo:

You like chocolate, don’t you?

Você gosta de chocolate, não gosta?
(Frase principal positiva / tag question negativa.)

You don’t like broccoli, do you?

Você não gosta de brócolis, gosta?
(Frase principal negativa / tag question positiva.)

Você aprendeu agora que as tag questions utilizam o mesmo verbo auxiliar da frase
principal, certo? Existe uma exceção para esta regra, referente ao pronome I. Quando a frase
estiver na primeira pessoa do singular na afirmativa, a tag question será feita com o verbo to
be “are”, não com o “am”.
Isto porque o am não pode ser contraído com o not.
Então fica assim, veja:

I’m your best friend, aren’t I?

Eu sou seu melhor amigo, não sou?
I am late, aren’t I?
Eu estou atrasado, não estou?

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Porém, se a frase principal estiver na negativa, a tag question mantém sua regra original pois,
nesse caso, não há a necessidade de contrair am + not.
Veja como fica a estrutura nesse caso.

I’m not your best friend, am I?

Eu não sou seu melhor amigo, sou?
I’m not late, am I?
Eu não estou atrasado, estou?

Existem também as tag questions imperativas. Você deve se lembrar que uma frase no
imperativo é uma ordem e pode soar um tanto rude.
Uma tag question pode então ser adicionada ao fim da frase no imperativo para “amenizá-
la”. O mais comum é usar WILL, não importando se a frase for positiva ou negativa. Nesse
caso, não exige uma resposta de fato, ela está ali só para deixar a frase mais “educada”, mais
Veja exemplos:

Open the door, will you?

Abra a porta, sim?
Don’t forget to call me later, will you?
Não se esqueça de me ligar mais tarde, sim?
Turn off the lights, will you?
Apague as luzes, sim?
Don’t smoke in this room, will you?
Não fume neste local, sim?
Don’t tell anyone, will you?
Não conte para ninguém, sim?

Vamos praticar exercícios variados inseridos nos textos de provas de anos anteriores.
Let’s do it!.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions

1. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016)

Select the alternative that contains the passive voice of the sentence below:
Somebody has hurt Ronaldo during the soccer match.
a) Ronaldo is hurt during the soccer match.
b) Ronaldo was hurt during the soccer match.
c) Ronaldo had been hurt during the soccer match.
d) Ronaldo has been hurt during the soccer match.

Read the text and answer question 2.

Iceberg ruptures in Patagonia raise alarm about global warming
Fabian Andres Cambero
Two new icebergs have broken off from the Grey Glacier in Chile’s Patagonia in recent weeks.
Scientists have linked the increased frequency ice breaks to rising temperature. According to Ricardo
Jana, researcher and member of the climate change area of the Chilean Antartic Institute (INACH)
“In recent years temperature rises above the normal average and intense rainfall were registered
with an increase in water level in the lake, factors that could explain the separation. Reseachers
from universities in Germany and Brazil, together with experts from INACH and other local entities,
have been studing the Grey Glacier since 2015.

2. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2020) What’s the active voice for “intense rainfall was
registered by scientists in the lake”?
a) Scientists register intense rainfall in the lake.
b) Scientists registered intense rainfall in the lake.
c) Scientists will register intense rainfall in the lake.
d) Scientists were registering intense rainfall in the lake.

3. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

“I’m silly to trust a quack, __________ ? The correct QUESTION TAG to complete this sentence is:
a) am I not?
b) am I?
c) I’m not?
d) aren’t I?

Read the text and answer question 4.

“Cracolândia” drug addicts have already spread to more than 20 different areas in São Paulo
Five days after a police operation in Cracolândia (Crackland) in the center of São Paulo, drug
have spread to various parts of the region, such as Paulista avenue, as well as the space
underneath the João Goulart overpass, which is also known as the Minhocão.
The officers from the GCM (the Metropolitan Civil Guard) have accompanied the movement of
those who belonged to the “flow” (fluxo) – a term used to describe outdoor areas where people
negotiate and consume drugs.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional – 26/05/2017
overpass = viaduto, elevado

4. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

The sentence “People negotiate and consume drugs”, in the Passive Voice is:
a) Drugs are negotiated and consumed.
b) Drugs were negotiated and consumed.
c) Drugs will be negotiated and consumed.
d) Drugs had been negotiated and consumed.

Read the text and answer question 5.

Drug Lord Escapes Prison
Joaquin Guzman, Mexico’s notorious drug dealer commonly known as El Chapo, escaped from a
maximum-security prison in a mile-long tunnel.
Based on the height, width and extension of the tunnel, the estimated amount of earth removed
would have filled 379 lorries. The air-conditioned tunnel provided enough room for a speedy exit
during which Guzman disposed of a bracelet that only he and a few other high-risk inmates had to
wear. Authorities believe that there may have been a motorcycle waiting for his escape.
All of Mexico’s security forces coordinated to capture the drug lord, with a 3.8 million US dollar on
offer and 34 people being questioned within four days.

5. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita)

What’s the passive voice for “earth removed would have filled 379 lorries.” (paragraph 2)?
a) 379 lorries would have been filled with the earth removed.
b) The earth removed 379 lorries would have filled.
c) 379 lorries would have filled the earth removed.
d) 379 lorries have been filling the earth removed.

Read the comic strip and answer question 6

(Adapted from https://www.gocomics.com/pickles/2020/08/19)

6. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to what the grampa says, he ___________.

a) Lost his cell

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
b) Was looking for something to his grandson
c) Was trying to stretch
d) Forgot what he was looking for

Read the lyrics and answer questions 7 and 8


We couldn't turn around
'Til we were upside down
I'll be the bad guy now
But no, I ain't too proud
I couldn't be there
Even when I try
You don't believe it
We do this every time
Seasons change and our love went cold
Feed the flame 'cause we can't let go
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away
I dare you to do something
I'm waiting on you again
So I don't take the blame
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away, run away
(Adapted from https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SQJL_pt-

7. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the lyrics

a) The song is about a relationship that didn’t work

b) The song is about a race
c) The songwriter was not having love problems with the other person
d) The song is about a single person

8. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The underlined expression “our love went cold”, in
the text, means that their love

a) Multiplied
b) Is not the same
c) Is over
d) Never existed

Read the text and answer questions 9 and 10

Want an Uber? You may have to send a masked selfie first

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Since mid-May, Uber has required drivers to take selfies to verify they are wearing a mask or face
covering before they are able to pick up riders. Soon, certain riders will also be required to take a
selfie prior to ordering a ride.
The company said Tuesday that passengers who have previously been reported by a driver for not
wearing a mask will be required to take a selfie for mask verification purposes when requesting
their next ride.
The passenger mask verification feature is slated to roll out in the US and Canada by the end of
the month, and will expand to Latin America and other countries thereafter, the company said in a
blog post Tuesday.
Enforcement of mask use, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to
help slow the spread of the coronavirus, has proven to be difficult, in both public and private
spaces. In Ubers and Lyfts, riders have had to confirm they are wearing a mask or face covering
before hailing a ride for several months now, but enforcement has come down to being reported
by a driver.
Now, there will be an added layer once a rider violates the policy.
"We firmly believe that accountability is a two-way street," wrote Sachin Kansal, Uber's global
head of safety product, in the blog post.
If a passenger's next ride goes off without a hitch, they will not have to take a selfie again the
next time they go to request a ride.
The mask verification selfie, for both drivers and riders, uses object detection technology to
determine whether a person is wearing a mask.
Kansal told CNN Business that the company has done "a lot of optimizations" to detect things like
if someone is trying to cover their mouth with their hand, for instance, instead of a mask. "It has to
be a real-time picture of a face wearing a mask." In the instances where a person orders an Uber
for a friend or family member with their account, "the person who is actually requesting the ride is
the person who will have to go through the face verification process."
For both riders and drivers, repeated violations of Uber's policies could lead to deactivation, but
the company declined to go into detail regarding how many violations contribute to a removal.
"We have definitely taken action, including taking people off the platform, both from the rider
and driver side," Kansal said, referring to mask-related violations.
The company said on July 1 that its mask requirement in the US and Canada would be in effect
(Adapted from https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/01/tech/uber-rider-mask-selfie/index.html)

9. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the best alternative according to the text

a) Uber asked drivers to notify them by message if they are wearing a mask so they can run a
b) All passengers must notify uber if they are wearing a mask
c) Only previously reported passengers must justify the use of a mask
d) Uber did not take a position on security measures in the midst of a pandemic

10. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the text, all sentences are correct, except

a) The passenger mask verification feature will be launched in all countries, soon

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
b) Application of the use of mascara is well regarded by the Centers for Disease Control and
c) Passenger mask verification will be released, first, in the US and Canada
d) The use of mask in public or private spaces is not an easygoing situation

Read the text and answer questions 11 and 12

ESPN to Lay Off 300 Employees
ESPN will lay off 300 employees, about 6 percent of its worldwide staff, and let 200 open
positions go unfilled, Jimmy Pitaro, the network’s chairman, told employees in a memo on
“Prior to the pandemic, we had been deeply engaged in strategizing how best to position ESPN
for future success amidst tremendous disruption in how fans consume sports,” Pitaro ____ in a
memo that was obtained by The New York Times. “The pandemic’s significant impact on our
business clearly accelerated those forward-looking discussions.”
The cuts will affect most divisions across the company, but are concentrated in broadcast
Like many companies, ESPN’s business has been ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic. ESPN will
pay more than $7 billion for the rights to show live sports in 2020, the lifeblood of ESPN’s nine
cable channels. But for four months this year, from March to July, there were almost no games to
show. Even with the resumption of most professional and college sports, ESPN has faced low
viewership and a sluggish advertising market.
This is the latest in a string of layoffs for ESPN in recent years. About 300 employees were laid off
in 2015, and about 250 were laid off in two waves in 2017, including a number of high-profile on-
air employees.
The layoffs come as ESPN continues to confront the long-term decline of pay television. The
number of households paying for television peaked at 100.5 million in 2014; today that number is
close to 80 million. While the timing and severity of the layoffs were driven by the pandemic, they
are also a further reorientation toward a fully digital and streaming future.
“Placing resources in support of our direct-to-consumer business strategy, digital, and, of course,
continued innovative television experiences, is more critical than ever,” Pitaro wrote in the memo.
In 2018, ESPN started ESPN+, a sports streaming service that costs $5 a month. At the end of June,
ESPN+ had 8.5 million subscribers.
(Adapted from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/05/sports/espn-layoffs.html?action=click&module=Latest&pgtype=Homepage)

11. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank

a) Write
b) Wrote
c) Writed
d) Was writing

12. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “confront” underlined in the text is

a) A verb
b) An adverb

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
c) A noun
d) An adjective

Leia o trecho abaixo e responda a questão 13.

Mark Zuckerberg’s 650 Million Friends (and counting)

Back in June 2009, the globe’s potpourri of social-networking sites was extremely diverse:
Google’s Orkut dominated India and Brazil; Central and South America preferred Hi5; Maktoob
was king in the Arab world. The Vietnamese liked Zing, the Czechs loved Lidé, South Koreans
surfed Cyworld. Two years after that, and Facebook has stolen users away from its rivals very fast.
It’s completely knocked Hi5 off the map in former strongholds such as Peru, Mexico, and Thailand.
After a tense back-and-forth with Orkut in India, Facebook has emerged victorious. And it’s
becoming more popular in Armenia, Georgia, and the Netherlands, where local providers are
making a desperate last stand.
There are some glaring exceptions to Facebook’s colonization kick. Russians continue to use
Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, with Facebook a distant fourth in the rankings. China remains highly
committed to domestic sites such as Qzone and Renren. But for the rest of us, we’re living in
Zuckerberg’s world.
(endereço eletrônico omitido propositadamente)

13. (Estratégia Militares 2020– EsPCEx/2011) Which alternative represents the main idea of the
text ?

[A] Facebook dominates the world of social networks.

[B] Orkut is the most popular site in Latin America.
[C] Facebook is used by people all over the world except in China.
[D] Orkut won the battle in India.
[E] Facebook is one of the top three in popularity in Russia.

Directions: answer question 14 according to TEXT I

The World Health Organization Declares Africa Polio-Free
Nobody will ever know the identity of the thousands of African children who
were not killed or paralyzed by polio this year. They would have been hard to keep track of
no matter what because in ordinary times, they would have followed thousands last year
and thousands the year before and on back in a generations-long trail of suffering and
Instead, no African children were claimed by polio this year or last year or the year before.
It was in 2016 that the last case of wild, circulating polio was reported in Nigeria—the final
country on the 54-nation African continent where the disease was endemic. And with a
required multi-year waiting period now having passed with no more cases, the World
Health Organization today officially declared the entirety of Africa polio-free. A disease that
as recently as the late 1980s was endemic in 125 countries, claiming 350,000 children per
year, has now been run to ground in just two remaining places, Pakistan and Afghanistan,
where there have been a collective 102 cases so far in 2020. That’s 102 too many, but there
is no denying the scope of the WHO announcement.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
“Today’s victory over the wild poliovirus in the African region is a testament to what can
happen when partners from a variety of sectors join forces to accomplish a major global
health goal,” says John Hewko, general secretary and CEO of Rotary International. “[It is]
something the world can and should aspire to during these turbulent times.”
It was Rotary, an international nonprofit service organization, that kicked off the polio
endgame in 1988 with the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). That
program aimed to leverage the power of Rotary’s 35,000 clubs and 1.22 million members in
200 countries and territories worldwide to make polio only the second human disease—
after smallpox—to be pushed over the brink of extinction. The job was made easier by the
partners Rotary immediately attracted: the WHO, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and UNICEF. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation joined in 2007,
followed by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, just last year. The 32-year initiative has depended on
volunteer workers and charitable donations, which together have produced an army of 20
million field workers administering vaccines to over 2.5 billion children at a cost of $17
Some countries were a lighter lift than others. In the U.S. the disease was eradicated in
1979, well before the GPEI even began its work. Other nations followed: In 1994 the
Americas were declared polio-free. Europe as a whole got a clean bill of health in 2002,
when all 53 countries in the WHO’s designated European region were declared free of the
virus. Massive vaccination efforts began in India in 1997, which eradicated the virus in

How Polio Was Eradicated from the African Continent

But Africa, with its vast sprawl of village populations, long distances to urban hospitals,
spotty infrastructure like adequate roads and reliable “cold chains”—refrigerated transport
networks to keep vaccines viable—was always going to present special challenges. In 1996,
when the case count on the continent regularly reached 75,000 victims every year, South
African President Nelson Mandela partnered with Rotary to launch the “Kick Polio Out of
Africa” Campaign, and the group scrambled fast—or as fast as was possible with so many
children to vaccinate on so vast a land mass. In 2000, the first synchronized campaigns
began in 17 countries, with 76 million children being vaccinated by tens of thousands of
volunteers. The work fanned out across the continent from there, including an especially
heavy push from 2008 to 2010, when an outbreak in 24 countries in western and central
Africa was met by a large-scale, multi-national vaccination of 85 million children.
Finally, Nigeria stood alone as the only African nation where the disease was still endemic,
in part because of resistance by religious leaders in the northern part of the country who
objected western interference in local affairs and claimed that the vaccine was unsafe. That
opposition broke down, partly thanks to Muhammad Sanusi II, the Emir of the city of
Kano—a hereditary leader descended from a ruling family—who appeared at a public
ceremony before the kick off of a seasonal vaccination campaign in 2016, called for a vial of
polio vaccine to be brought to the stage, and with the audience watching, broke its seal and
drank down its entire contents. That year, the country recorded its last case of polio, and
this year, Nigeria’s WHO certification is the reward for its efforts.
“The polio eradication program in Nigeria has gone through some difficult times, but I
never once doubted that this day would come,” says Dr. Tunji Funsho, a former cardiologist
who is the chair of Rotary International’s Polio-Plus Committee in Nigeria. “Any time that
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
we’ve experienced a setback, Rotary and our partners have been able to find solutions and
develop new strategies for reaching vulnerable children.”
(Adapted from https://time.com/5883233/africa-declared-polio-free/)

14. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the text, mark the correct option

a) This year, thousands of African children were affected by the poliovirus

b) The poliovirus has already affected severely affected the African population
c) In ordinary times, it would be easy to identify the children who were not infected by the
d) The poliovirus emerged this year in Africa

Read Text II to do question 15 based on it

Does Wearing Glasses Protect You From Coronavirus?
When researchers in China were analyzing hospital data of patients with Covid-19, ___(I)___
noticed an odd trend: Very few of the sick patients regularly wore glasses.
In one hospital in Suizhou, China, 276 patients were admitted over a 47-day period, but only 16
patients — less than 6 percent — had myopia or nearsightedness that required them to wear
glasses for more than eight hours a day. By comparison, more than 30 percent of similarly aged
people in the region needed glasses for nearsightedness, earlier research had shown.
Given that the rate of nearsightedness appeared to be so much higher in the general population
than in the Covid ward, the scientists wondered: Could wearing glasses protect a person from
becoming infected with coronavirus?
“Wearing of eyeglasses is common among Chinese individuals of all ages,” wrote the study
authors. “However, since the outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan in December 2019, ___(II)___
observed that few patients with eyeglasses were admitted in the hospital ward.”
The observation “could be preliminary evidence that daily wearers of eyeglasses are less
susceptible to Covid-19,” the authors speculated.
Experts say it’s too soon to draw conclusions from the research — or recommend that people
start wearing eye protection in addition to masks in hopes of lowering their risk for infection.
It may be that eyeglasses act as a partial barrier, protecting eyes from the splatter of a cough or
sneeze. Another explanation for the finding could be that people who wear glasses are less likely
to rub their eyes with contaminated hands.
The current study, published in JAMA Ophthalmology, was accompanied by a commentary from
Dr. Lisa Maragakis, an infectious disease specialist and associate professor of medicine at Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, who urged caution in interpreting the results.
The study was small, involving fewer than 300 cases of Covid-19, a tiny fraction of the nearly 30
million reported cases of coronavirus infection around the world. Another concern is that the data
on nearsightedness in the comparison group were gleaned from a study that took place decades
And Dr. Maragakis noted that any number of factors could confound the data, and it may be that
wearing glasses is simply associated with another variable that affects risk for Covid-19. For
example, it could be that people who wear glasses tend to be older, and more careful and more
likely to stay home during a viral outbreak, than those who do not wear glasses. Or perhaps people

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
who can afford glasses are less likely to contract the virus for other reasons, like having the means
to live in less crowded spaces.
“It’s one study,” Dr. Maragakis said. “It does have some biological plausibility, given that in health
care facilities, we use eye protection,” such as face shields or goggles. “But what remains to be
investigated is whether eye protection in a public setting would add any protection over and above
masks and physical distancing. I think it’s still unclear.”
Health care workers wear protective equipment over their eyes to protect them from droplets
that can fly from coughs and sneezes, as well as aerosolized particles that form when patients
undergo medical procedures, such as intubation. But for the vast majority of people, that extra
level of protection probably isn’t needed if a person is wearing a mask and keeping physical
distance in public spaces. There’s also the possibility of introducing risk by wearing glasses — some
people might touch their faces more when they put on glasses, rather than less, noted Dr.
That said, more study is needed to see if the trend holds up in other study populations, said Dr.
Thomas Steinemann, a spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology and professor of
ophthalmology at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland.
“I think it’s provocative, and it’s extremely interesting,” Dr. Steinemann said.
(Adapted from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/16/well/live/does-wearing-glasses-protect-you-from-coronavirus.html?surface=home-

15. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the text, mark the INCORRECT option

a) Most Covid-19 patients in China do not wear glasses

b) From the data analysis, scientists were intrigued by a possible new daily protection against
c) Daily wearers of eyeglasses may be more protected from covid-19
d) Despite the data, it is still not possible to affirm the effectiveness of glasses in protecting
against covid-19
e) The low number of covid-19 patients who wear glasses is due to the fact that most Chinese
do not wear glasses

Directions: Read the text below and answer question 16 according to it.
The Pandemic Is Forcing Everyone to Face the Digital Divide
AS THE NUMBER of Covid-19 cases in the US continues to rise, many parents in the country are
getting ready for a fall semester based entirely on remote learning. Attempting to teach and learn
from home has put a tremendous strain on all parents, teachers, and students, but for families
without access to high-speed broadband or the (proper number of) devices for kids to work off of,
the upcoming school year poses the possibility that those children will fall even farther behind. On
Tuesday, WIRED editor in chief Nicholas Thompson sat down with reporters Adrienne So and Pia
Ceres to discuss the how the digital divide may worsen inequality in the socially distanced school
year ahead.
When the coronavirus outbreak first began shutting down schools in March, all parents were left
scrambling—some to homeschool as they attempted to work from home themselves, and others
to find care for their children as they went to essential jobs. It wasn't an easy situation for anyone,
but higher-income families were better positioned to navigate the precarious situation, whether

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
through the help of private tutors, homeschooling pods, access to better equipment, or some
combination of those things. Now, as parents and educators launch into the second leg of this
national experiment, little has changed as far as resource allocation is concerned. And while many
school districts are doing all that they can to provide students with internet access and a stable
environment to learn in, a lack of federal resources has made it difficult to guarantee these things.
As Ceres notes during the conversation, education experts worry that vast differences in
educational experiences during this time will widen the gulf between students from high- and low-
income families in the US.
But many schools have learned much from the spring shutdowns, using technology to mitigate
some of the issues that have surfaced. Now, armed with experience, they are getting creative. In
Seattle, as Thompson points out, school buses have been repurposed as moveable wifi hotspots.
The private sector is chipping in as well, with initiatives like the one from Microsoft and Land
O'Lakes, which are partnering to improve connectivity in rural areas. And with time, some children,
like those who learn differently, are even seeing benefits from this more flexible method of
schooling. "For those students, it's actually been a little bit of a relief for people to come up with
creative solutions to serve different student needs," So says. Teachers, too, are growing more
comfortable with the new set-up and working together to navigate the new technological tools
available to them.
The pandemic didn't create the digital divide, but it has certainly exacerbated it. And though the
current schooling predicament has its challenges, it has also forced difficult—and long overdue—
conversations around addressing educational inequality.
(Adapted from https://www.wired.com/story/the-pandemic-is-forcing-everyone-to-face-the-digital-divide/)

16. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the alternative which rewrites the sentence
below correctly, in the passive voice

“…many school districts are doing all that they can…” (paragraph 2)

a) All that could be done by the school districts is being done by them
b) All the school districts are doing all they can
c) Lots of school districts are doing all they can
d) All that could be done by they, it’s being done

Directions: Read the text below and answer question 17 according to it.
5 thoughts on the tragedy of Minneapolis
The killing of George Floyd is a tragedy that is now compounding into other tragedies. It's almost
impossible to see clearly at a time of such confusion, but here are five thoughts on what's
happening in Minneapolis and across the US.
1. There's desperation across America, but it's most acute in urban black America, which has been
hit hardest by our twin catastrophes. COVID-19 infection and death rates are highest there, and
so are job losses.
2. The apparent inability of police to treat black and white protesters the same is a genuine
problem. It's great that police handled the provocative, heavily armed anti-lockdown protestors
a few weeks ago with such restraint. Nothing escalated and no one was hurt. Those protesters

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
were almost all white, and the cops they encountered were too. The Minneapolis protests,
meanwhile, included lots of black protesters —and lots of young black men — and were met by
mostly white cops. These protests began peacefully but quickly got out of control. Now there's
looting and a police station on fire. The protesters' violence is inexcusable, but a calmer police
response aimed at defusing the situation might have worked. It's worth asking why cops seem
to have a harder time soothing tense situations with black crowds.
3. Crowds make people into their worst, dumbest selves. The looting, arson, and violence are
tragically stupid: They help no one and improve nothing. But the mania of crowds can bring out
the ugliest in us.
4. Urban rioting in America is often set off by the clumsy and often slow legal response to police
violence. It's not necessarily the violence itself. It's the inability of the legal system to address the
violence in a way that feels fair to communities. Minneapolis fired the four cops involved in the
death of George Floyd immediately, which was a swift and direct response. The violent protests
occurred when prosecutors took their time in deciding whether to charge the officers. Even
though videos of this appalling incident made a criminal charge seem warranted, the
prosecutors' caution and care was understandable. The stakes are high: Charge cops too hastily
or recklessly and risk breakdown between police and prosecutors. Never charge bad cops and
sacrifice justice and lose the public trust.
5. It's a tragedy that we have a president who doesn't know how to calm a situation like this, and
in fact wants to inflame it.
(Adapted from https://www.insider.com/tragedies-of-minneapolis-george-floyd-2020-5)

17. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

The tragedy of Minneapolis
a) was caused by the President Trump.
b) only happened because Geoge Floyd attacked the police.
c) only happened because the prosecutors were too slow.
d) could have been handled in a less violent way by the police.

Read Text I to do question 18 and 19 based on it.

Text 1
Galwan Valley: China accuses India of 'deliberate provocation'
China has accused Indian troops of a "deliberate provocation" in its first official comments on
Monday's deadly clash at a disputed Himalayan border.
Foreign ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao said the troops had crossed into Chinese territory and
attacked, triggering "fierce physical conflicts".
However he did not give details of any Chinese casualties.
On Friday Indian PM Narendra Modi said no foreign soldiers had crossed India's borders and no
territory had been lost.
Mr Modi vowed that India would defend its border with military force if necessary.
Twenty Indian soldiers were killed in the clash in the Galwan Valley. India has said that both sides
suffered losses during the fighting.
What is China's version of events?
In a series of tweets, Mr Zhao said the Galwan Valley was on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual
Control (LAC), the poorly demarcated border between the two nuclear-armed powers.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
He said the clash occurred at a time when tension had been easing after India demolished
infrastructure it had built on the Chinese side of the LAC in May and withdrew personnel, following
an agreement between Chinese and Indian officers.
But on 15 June Indian troops "once again crossed the Line of Actual Control for deliberate
provocation when the situation in the Galwan Valley was already easing", Mr Zhao said.
"India's front-line troops even violently attacked the Chinese officers and soldiers who went there
for negotiation, thus triggering fierce physical conflicts and causing casualties," he said.
India has been building "roads, bridges and other facilities" at the LAC in Galwan Valley since April,
Mr Zhao said.
What did PM Modi say about it?
In a televised statement on Friday, Mr Modi said there had been no incursion into Indian territory.
"Nobody has intruded into our border, neither is anybody there now, nor have our posts been
captured," he said.
India's armed forces had been "given a free hand to take all necessary steps" to protect Indian
territory, he added.
"The entire country is hurt and angry at the steps taken by China," he said, adding: "India wants
peace and friendship, but upholding sovereignty is foremost."
His government had previously blamed China for the clash, with the foreign ministry releasing a
statement on Wednesday saying it had been sparked after "the Chinese side sought to erect a
structure in Galwan valley on our side of the LAC".
What happened in the Galwan Valley?
Media reports said troops clashed on ridges at a height of nearly 4,300m (14,000 ft) on steep
terrain, with some soldiers falling into the fast-flowing Galwan river in sub-zero temperatures.
At least 76 Indian soldiers were reportedly injured in addition to the 20 dead. China has not
released any information about Chinese casualties.
The fighting took place without any firearms because of a 1996 agreement barring guns and
explosives from the area.
An image that emerged on Thursday purportedly showed some of the crude weapons used in the
The photograph, which appears to show iron rods studded with nails, was passed to the BBC by a
senior Indian military official on the India-China border, who said the weapons had been used by
the Chinese.
The image was widely shared on Twitter in India, prompting outrage from many social media
users. Neither Chinese or Indian officials have commented on it.
(Adapted from: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53118473)

18. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

Read the extract from the text.
“India has said that both sides suffered losses during the fighting”.
What’s the correct question referring to the underlined information?
a) Who suffered losses during the fight?
b) How were losses suffered during the fight?
c) Why has India said there were losses?
d) When has India said there were losses?
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
e) When did both sides suffer losses?

19. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

The Indian Prime Minister
a) said Indian soldiers had reacted to a Chinese incursion in Indian territory.
b) had given armed forces a free hand to take all necessary steps to protect Indian territory.
c) said Indian posts have been captured by Chinese troops during the clash.
d) said that the whole country is hurt and angry because China wants a war against India.
e) said India wants peace and friendship, but not with China.

Observe the comic strip to do item 20.


20. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) It’s correct to say that the boy
a) is not capable of understanding what his Grandfather is talking about.
b) got happy due to his Grandfather’s new acquisition.
c) is proud of his Grandfather because he knows how to use technology.
d) agrees that his Grandfather made a good choice by buying a top technology phone.
e) doesn’t get why his Grampa got a new phone if he doesn’t know how to use its features.

21. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)Read and complete the sentence below.

______ minister declared that ______ UK will be on an “irreversible path” to eliminating “high-risk
vendors” such as ______Huawei in 5G by ______ time of ______ next general election in 2024, in
attempt to placate some MPs.
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jul/14/huawei-to-be-stripped-of-role-in-uk-5g-network-by-2027-dowden-

Mark the option which best completes the blanks respectively.

a) the / X / the / X / X
b) the / the / the / X / the
c) the/ X / the / X / the
d) X / X / the / X / the
e) the / the / X / the / the

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Read Text I to do question 22 based on it.
Text 1
Thinking of traveling in the U.S? These states have travel restrictions.
Nearly half of the states have measures in place for visitors, from mandatory testing to
quarantine requirements.
In the United States, gas prices are down while the number of coronavirus cases are up, making
the decision of how to vacation during this unprecedented summer a complex one. Meanwhile,
state restrictions on travelers are constantly evolving, with some requiring mandatory testing and
others imposing quarantine requirements.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that travel increases a person’s chance of
getting and spreading the virus. “Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from
Covid-19,” the federal agency cautions.

For those who do take a trip, the C.D.C. notes that each mode of transportation has its own risks,
and offers a series of recommendations for safety: that people wear a face mask in public, wash
hands frequently, avoid touching their face, keep six feet from others, cover coughs and sneezes,
and use drive-through service and curbside pickup at restaurants and stores.
Here is a summary of current restrictions in the United States for leisure travelers, although some
requirements do not apply to those spending less than a day in the state. Many states also have
exemptions for essential workers who are on the job, including health care workers, members of
the military and others, but even they are subject to some restrictions.

With the number of coronavirus cases surging across the country, check the areas you plan to
visit before you travel. Some municipalities or counties may have more stringent regulations than
issued by their state.

(Adapted from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/10/travel/state-travel-restrictions.html)

22. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)What can we infer from the text? Mark the correct
a) Travelers should ignore the restrictions and keep doing their travels
b) C.D.C made the restrictions in order to mitigate the spread of the virus
c) People shouldn’t check the areas in U.S that they are planning to visit
d) Making the decision of how to vacation got easier
e) U.S was not affected by the coronavirus pandemic

Read the text II to do item 23.

Robert Trump: brother of president Donald Trump dies aged 71
President confirms his younger brother has died after being taken to hospital in New York
Donald Trump’s younger brother, Robert Trump, died on Saturday night aged 71 after being
hospitalised in New York, the president said in a statement.
Trump on Friday visited his brother in hospital after White House officials said Robert
had become seriously ill. Officials did not immediately release a cause of death.
“It is with heavy heart I share that my wonderful brother, Robert, peacefully passed away
tonight,” Donald Trump said in a statement. “He was not just my brother; he was my best friend.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
He will be greatly missed, but we will meet again. His memory will live on in my heart forever.
Robert, I love you. Rest in peace.”
Robert Trump had reportedly been hospitalised in the intensive care unit for several days that
same month. He took blood thinners and had recently experienced brain bleeds after a fall,
according to the New York Times.
Both longtime businessmen, Robert and Donald had strikingly different personalities. Donald
Trump once described his younger brother as “much quieter and easygoing than I am” and “the
only guy in my life whom I ever call ‘honey’”.
Robert Trump began his career on Wall Street working in corporate finance but later joined the
family business, managing real estate holdings as a top executive in the Trump Organization.
“When he worked in the Trump Organization he was known as the nice Trump,” Gwenda Blair, a
Trump family biographer, told the Associated Press. “Robert was the one people would try to get
to intervene if there was a problem.”
Robert Trump was born in 1948, the youngest of New York City real estate developer Fred
Trump’s five children.
“I have a wonderful brother,” the president during a news conference at the White House on
Friday, the same day he had visited him in hospital. “We’ve had a great relationship for a long
time, from Day 1,” he said.
But their relationship could be turbulent. The president, more than two years older than Robert,
admitted bullying his brother in their younger years, even as he praised his loyalty and laid-back
“I think it must be hard to have me for a brother but he’s never said anything about it and we’re
very close,” Donald Trump wrote in his 1987 bestseller The Art of the Deal.
“Robert gets along with almost everyone,” he added, “which is great for me since I sometimes
have to be the bad guy.”
In the 1980s Donald Trump tapped Robert to oversee an Atlantic City casino project, calling him
the perfect fit for the job. When it cannibalised his other casinos, though, “he pointed the finger of
blame at Robert”, said Blair, author of The Trumps: Three Generations that Built an Empire.
“When the slot machines jammed the opening weekend at the Taj Mahal, he very specifically and
furiously denounced Robert, and Robert walked out and never worked for his brother again,” Blair
A Boston University graduate, Robert later managed the Brooklyn portion of father Fred Trump’s
real estate empire, which was eventually sold.
Once a regular boldface name in Manhattan’s social pages, Robert had kept a lower profile in
recent years. “He was not a newsmaker,” Blair said.
Before divorcing his first wife, Blaine Trump, more than a decade ago, Robert Trump had been
active on Manhattan’s Upper East Side charity circuit.
He avoided the limelight during his elder brother’s presidency, having retired to the Hudson
Valley. Robert and Donald reportedly reconciled at that time, with Robert describing himself as a
big supporter of the White House run in a 2016 interview with the New York Post.
“I support Donald one thousand percent,” Robert Trump said.
In early March of 2020, he married his longtime girlfriend, Ann Marie Pallan.
The eldest Trump sibling and Mary’s father, Fred Trump Jr, struggled with alcoholism and died in
1981 at the age of 43. The president’s surviving siblings include Elizabeth Trump Grau and
Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired federal appeals judge.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Authors Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher described Robert Trump as soft spoken but cerebral in
Trump Revealed: The Definitive Biography of the 45th President: “He lacked Donald’s charismatic
showmanship, and he was happy to leave the bravado to his brother, but he could show flashes of
Trump temper.”
(Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/16/robert-trump-brother-of-president-donald-trump-dies-aged-71)

23. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, mark the INCORRECT option
a) Robert Trump passed away in New York
b) Even if unstable sometimes, Robert and Donald’s relationship was great
c) Robert was married twice
d) Donald Trump described his brother as a big supporter in the 2016 elections
e) Robert and Donald were very close, but they had very different personalities

24. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct
a) The teacher is responsible for the class during class time
b) My mother are the best in the world
c) I make my bed later, today
d) The president live in the white house
e) I’ll do a surgery this week. I will have to skip work for a few days

Directions: Answer questions 25 and 26 according to TEXT I.

How to Make Homemade Face Masks More Effective
Five months after coronavirus took root in the U.S., face masks remain one of the most
controversial and confusing parts of the pandemic.
Changing public-health messaging hasn’t helped. In March, when personal protective
equipment (PPE) was running short, top U.S. public-health officials told Americans that the
general public did not need masks because they don’t fully block respiratory particles that
spread COVID-19, such as those in a sick person’s cough or sneeze. Most masks are best at
preventing particles from getting into the air where others might inhale them, so, at first,
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that only sick
people wear them.
But as research progressed, studies showed compelling evidence that even asymptomatic
people could infect others with coronavirus—which meant anyone could be unknowingly
contagious, and everyone should be trying not to breathe on other people. As science
evolved—and a dire PPE shortage eased—the CDC revised its guidance to suggest that
everyone wear fabric masks in public.
President Donald Trump has also sent mixed messages on masks. He has called wearing
masks “patriotic,” but has also opted not to wear them during public appearances or
require them at his rallies. Other politicians have also resisted mandates on mask wearing—
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp even sued Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms after she
required them in public. (He later dropped the lawsuit.)
As a result, many people are understandably confused about how masks work and when
they should be worn. The science continues to evolve, but here are experts’ latest
recommendations about masks and coronavirus.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
How can I make homemade masks more effective?
“The more layers, the better,” says Raina MacIntyre, an infectious disease expert from the
University of New South Wales who has studied mask efficacy. In a recent study, MacIntyre
and her colleagues recommend a minimum of three layers of fabric. (That said, any face
covering is better than none. If all you’ve got is a bandana or t-shirt, wear that.)
While the layers closest to your face can be something soft, like cotton, the outer layer
should be a water-resistant fabric, like polyester, that can repel droplets. “There’s an easy
way to test any fabric,” MacIntyre says. “Take a piece of fabric and drop one drop of water
on it and see what happens.” If it soaks in, it’s not repellent enough for the outer layer. If it
beads up, you’re in business.”
Fit is also important. You can easily breathe in germs if there are gaps between the edges
of your mask and your face, MacIntyre says. For that reason, she recommends a face mask
over a face shield, which is typically open at the bottom.
Finally, your nose should be inside your mask at all times, says Ben Abbott, an
environmental sciences professor at Utah’s Brigham Young University who recently
compiled a guide to masks. “The droplets are produced as you breathe out of your nose just
as easily as when you breathe out of your mouth,” he says.
But aren’t medical masks better?
N95 masks, the fitted respirators doctors wear when caring for contagious patients, are
better than cloth masks at blocking viral particles from coming in. Cloth masks offer some
protection via a physical barrier—which gets more effective with more layers—but N95s
offer better filtration. However, the general public is urged not to buy N95 masks so there
are enough for health care workers and the highest-risk individuals.
Studies do show that multi-layered cloth masks are about as good as surgical masks at
containing the spray of respiratory particles when the wearer sneezes, coughs or talks. That
means if everyone wore a cloth mask in public, there would be far less virus circulating and
a much lower chance of anyone getting sick. “My mask protects you, your mask protects
me,” Abbott says.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5880867/face-masks-coronavirus/)

25. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, mark the correct alternative
a) People were confused by instructions from political authorities
b) Political authorities stated that people shouldn’t wear masks
c) The use of masks helps in the spread of the coronavirus
d) Wearing masks protects only the person wearing it

26. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Mark the option that shows the appropriate question
tag for the sentence
“President Donald Trump has also sent mixed messages on masks”, ___? (paragraph 4)
a) Isn’t he
b) Hasn’t he
c) Is he
d) Isn’t there

Directions: Answer questions 27 to 29 according to TEXT I.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
We Need a COVID-19 Vaccine. We Also Need Transparency About Its Development
The authorization of an effective vaccine will mark perhaps the biggest turning point in the
battle against coronavirus, but only if enough people are willing to get vaccinated. There
have been substantial declines in public willingness to get vaccinated against COVID-19,
despite immense, unprecedented public investments in vaccine development. In one
survey, barely half of Americans said they would get the vaccine as soon as it was available,
numbers that will undermine the benefits of even a highly effective vaccine.
It is no mystery why trust in a potential vaccine has plummeted. Operation Warp Speed,
the Trump Administration’s $10 billion vaccine initiative, and other vaccine efforts have
compressed processes that usually take years into months. This speed alone can raise
concerns, but to date, that pace has been matched with strict adherence to the basic
principles of scientific integrity. However, increasing politicization of key regulatory bodies
and unexplained decisions in trial procedures threaten to undermine the entire project. We
need a lot more transparency in this process to ensure that only a vaccine proven by data to
be safe and effective will be approved.
Unlike medical treatments given to the sick, vaccines are given to healthy people.
Historically, vaccines have been very safe and highly effective due to the rigor and care of
both the scientists conducting the trials, and the regulators deciding whether to approve
vaccines for public use. Even rare adverse events are carefully identified and studied. For
vaccinations to work, we must be able to trust our doctors when they tell us it is time for a
The coronavirus vaccine approval process has consequences that extend well beyond the
pandemic. Driven by misinformation, so-called “vaccine hesitancy” has been growing for
years. But as long as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be trusted to rigorously
follow the science, most of us continued to get vaccinated. That has changed in the
pandemic. The politicization of the FDA—apparent in the handling of the authorization of
hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma, amongst others—has substantially damaged
faith in the FDA. If the FDA again acts politically in approving a vaccine, it will further
increase vaccine hesitancy. If safety concerns emerge after the vaccine has been approved,
confidence in vaccines could be destroyed for a generation, in a single stroke, undoing a
century of public health gains.
But restoring trust in FDA alone will not be enough. We need the companies making the
vaccines, and the researchers studying the data, to act differently as well. Recently, one of
the major trials—for the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, supported by more than $1 billion in
public funds from Operation Warp Speed—was paused following a possible adverse
reaction to the virus in a trial participant. But while the leadership of AstraZeneca
mentioned the event in a private phone call with investors, they did not share the details
with the public. A few days later, the trials resumed again, with little information of what
changed. This will not do. Given that the American taxpayer has invested billions of dollars
into these trials, and will foot the bill for billions more when the vaccine is released, the
American people have a right to know much more.
Beyond more fully disclosing safety events, the pharmaceutical companies working to
develop a vaccine should publish the protocols of their clinical trial protocols, as Moderna
did on Thursday, so we understand how the trials are structured, if changes have been
made, and why. This is essential. Further, they should publish their analysis plan so the
public can see what subgroups of patients the investigators had planned to study, why, and
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
whether their approach is sound. Each time a trial is paused tell the public what happened,
how it was investigated, and why the trial was allowed to continue.
Making these critical documents public would be unusual—they usually aren’t made public
until a trial is published. However, these are extraordinary times and failure to secure
confidence in a COVID-19 vaccine would have disastrous consequences.
With just weeks until the election, the pressure on the FDA to quickly approve a
vaccine will mount. But the more the timeline is politicized, the more vaccine hesitancy will
grow. Transparency can stem the tide of skepticism, even if it cannot entirely extinguish the
persistent current of misinformation and mistrust of science. We must practice aggressive
transparency, and let the FDA’s career scientists, not political appointees, make the
decisions about approvals and explain those decisions to the American people.
The public’s faith in the vaccine development process is a critical component of the
vaccine, because vaccines don’t save lives, vaccinations do. For a vaccine to help bring this
pandemic under control, hundreds of thousands of healthy Americans must undergo
vaccination. We need to assure them that the vaccines work—and that they are safe. These
are unprecedented times. They need unprecedented transparency.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5890216/transparency-covid-vaccine-development/)

27. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the INCORRECT alternative, according to the
second paragraph

a) The reason why there is not much confidence in an effective vaccine, regarding the
population, is known
b) There have been many efforts by the authorities to speed up the vaccine production
c) The acceleration of vaccine production was well regarded and desired by the
d) Despite efforts, the covid-19 vaccine production process must be openly shared with
the population

28. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the option that shows the appropriate question
tag for the sentence

“If safety concerns emerge after the vaccine has been approved, confidence in vaccines
could be destroyed for a generation”, ___? (paragraph 4)

a) Can it
b) Can’t it
c) Couldn’t it
d) Isn’t it

29. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the statement that is in DISAGREEMENT with
the text

a) Trust in the FDA is not just what is needed to ensure an effective vaccine for the

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
b) Whoever is producing the vaccine must act differently to ensure a safe process and a
reliable result
c) The causes of an adverse reaction to one of the main vaccines in production, have not
been made available to the public
d) The American people's right to information cannot be justified by the fact that these
people are a major contributor to research

Directions: Answer question 30 according to TEXT I.

Over 100,000 Flamingos Reportedly Descend on Mumbai Amid India's Strict Coronavirus
As people around the world stay inside to fight the spread of coronavirus, wild animals have
begun to enjoy the newfound space. That appears to be what’s happened in the metropolitan
region of Mumbai, India, where a record-breaking number of flamingos have migrated, painting
the wetlands pink, according to local reports.
The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) estimates that around 25% more flamingos have
migrated to the region compared to last year, likely caused by the decrease in human activity, the
Hindustan Times reports. The Science Times calculates around 150,000 flamingos have come to
the area.
India has been under a strict lockdown since March 25, which has required over a billion people
to stay home and shutter all but essential services, in an attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19,
the disease caused by novel coronavirus. On May 1, the Indian government extended the
lockdown through May 18.
Flamingos typically migrate to wetlands of the metropolitan region of Mumbai from November to
May, Rhul Khot, the assistant director of the BNHS, told the Times. But this year’s lockdown “is
giving these birds peace for roosting, no disturbance in their attempt to obtain food and overall
encouraging habitat,” Deepak Apte, the director of the BNHS, explained, per Times. He added that
the increase is also likely tied to a successful breeding season two years ago, as well as the
destruction of wetlands on India’s eastern seafront that could be pushing the birds to the Mumbai
region, per the Times.
Khot also told the Times that an increase in “domestic sewage” from people staying at home
during the lockdown “is helping the undisturbed formation of planktons, algae and microbenthos
formation, which forms the food for flamingos and other wetland birds.”
As the coronavirus pandemic has continued, animals have been spotted throughout the world in
places that are usually dominated by humans. CNN reports that dolphins have swam in India’s
Ganges river for the first time in years, and hundreds of monkeys have “descended” on Delhi as
the city remains under lockdown. Cougars were reportedly spotted prowling the streets in
Santiago, Chile, in April; wild Kashmiri goats meandered through on the town of Llandudno, Wales,
in March.
“Residents are cooped up at home spending their mornings and evenings at their balconies
taking photographs and videos of these relaxed birds,” Sunil Agarwal, a resident of Seawoods in
Navi Mumbai, told the Times about the flamingos. “The lockdown will at least prompt people to
focus on what is around them, which they had been taking for granted, and hopefully this site will
be declared a flamingo sanctuary soon.”
(Adapted from https://time.com/5831198/flamingos-coronavirus/)

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
30. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read the sentences and mark the correct option.
I. Lockdown has been good to people and animals, who can have the city for themselves.
II. People being cooped up at home is a good thing for animals that can enjoy new spaces.
III. This number of flamingos migrating to the region of Mumbai was only possible due to humans
destroying their original habitat.
The only correct sentence(s) is(are)
a) II.
b) III.
c) I and II.
d) I and III.

31. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “ at the party yesterday?” Complete the
space with the correct form of the verb and the pronoun.

a) Are you
b) Where you
c) Did you go
d) You went
e) Were you

Read text II and answer question 32


Coronavirus crisis unlikely to be over by the end of the year, WHO warns

Despite the spread of Covid-19 being slowed in some countries due to lockdowns and vaccination
programs, it is “premature” and “unrealistic” to the think the pandemic will be over by the end of
the year, the World Health Organization’s executive director of emergency services has said.
Speaking at a press briefing Geneva, Dr Michael Ryan said while vaccinating the most vulnerable
people, including healthcare workers, would help remove the “tragedy and fear” from the
situation, and would help to ease pressure on hospitals, the “virus is very much in control”.
“It will be very premature, and I think unrealistic, to think that we’re going to finish with this virus
by the end of the year,” Ryan said.
“If the vaccines begin to impact not only on death and not only on hospitalisation, but have a
significant impact on transmission dynamics and transmission risk, then I believe we will accelerate
toward controlling this pandemic.”
(Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/02/coronavirus-crisis-unlikely-to-be-over-by-the-end-of-the-year-who-warns)

32. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) It is FALSE to say that

a) The spread of coronavirus is being partially contained in some places

b) Considering vaccination and lockdown, the pandemic is likely to end in a few months
c) Most vulnerable people should be a priority in vaccination
d) It is misleading to think that the pandemic will end by the end of the year

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
e) Decreasing numbers of death and hospitalization are not the only thing to think about to end
the pandemic

Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 33 to 36 according to it.

TEXT Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not ‘learning styles’ by Valerie Strauss

The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when we now
worldrenowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence that went
beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized
Gardner’s theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic, logical-
mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later added an
eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The theory became highly
popular with K-12¹ educators around the world seeking ways to reach students who did not
respond to traditional approaches, but over time, ‘multiple intelligences’ somehow became
synonymous with the concept of ‘learning styles’. In this important post, Gardner explains why the
former is not the latter.
It’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’. I have been gratified by
the interest shown in this idea and the ways it’s been used in schools, museums, and business
around the world. But one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction and that’s the
tendency of many people, including persons whom I cherish, to credit me with the notion of
‘learning styles’ or to collapse ‘multiple intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’. It’s high time to relieve
my pain and to set the record straight.
First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including the study of
how human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea that each of us has a
number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be termed our ‘multiple
intelligences’. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence assumes that we
have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines how well we perform in every sector of
life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences assumes that human beings have 7 to 10 distinct
Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the term ‘learning styles’ was being bandied about in
educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all children (indeed all of
us) have distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it makes sense to find out about learners
and to teach and nurture them in ways that are appropriate, that they value, and above all, are
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning styles’ is itself not coherent. Those who use this term
do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are recognized/
assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is ‘impulsive’. Does that
mean that Johnny is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How do we know this? What does this imply
about teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, or should we compensate by ‘teaching
reflectively’? What of learning style is ‘right-brained’ or visual or tactile? Same issues apply.
Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently with those
styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the learning style analysis
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
produces more effective outcomes than a ‘one size fits all approach’. Of course, the learning style
analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the mark, the fact that one intervention
did not work does not mean that the concept of learning styles is fatally imperfect; another
intervention might have proved effective. Absence of evidence does not prove non-existence of a
phenomenon; it signals to educational researchers: ‘back to the drawing boards’.
Here’s my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain: Intelligence: We
all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where the
person has considerable computational power. Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how an
individual approaches the range of materials. If an individual has a ‘reflective style’, he/she is
hypothesized to be reflective about the full range of materials. We cannot assume that
reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in one’s interaction with the others.
Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ learner or an ‘auditory’ learner. The implication is
that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This notion is incoherent.
Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they make use of entirely different
cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental computer, the intelligence that acts
upon that sensory information once picked up.
These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about ‘an impulsive style’ or a ‘visual
learner’, that’s their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may be unhelpful, at
best, and ill-conceived at worst.
In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and that
strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in any other
intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are common sense ways of
assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can take a more formal test
battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or selfassessors, we can decide how best to make use of
this information.
(Adapted from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet)


1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for teaching
with objects.

33. (AFA – 2017) The text

a) aims at highlighting distinctive mind barriers related to learning.
b) provides the reader with a bird’s-eye-view of Gardner’s landmark publication.
c) develops a considerable set of psychological and mental implications.
d) concerns about spending 30 years to measure people’s intelligence.

34. (AFA – 2017) Mark the option which shows the appropriate question tag for the sentence
“one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction”.

a) Hasn’t driven it?

b) Not has it?
c) Has it?
d) Hasn’t it?

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
35. (AFA – 2017) Choose the best option to change the sentence “human capacities are
represented in the brain” (4th paragraph) , into the active form.

The brain _______________ human capacities.

a) has represented
b) represents
c) has been represented
d) representing

36. (AFA – 2017) In the fourth paragraph, it’s said that

a) a single intelligence (SI) concept leads to the assumption of computers which control 7 to 10
distinct intelligences.
b) MI theory believes that instead of a central computer mastering various sectors, there are a
larger amount of them relatively autonomous.
c) MI theory estimates the existence of a central computer responsible for 7 to 10 distinct
d) a SI determines people’s performance in different sectors of life through autonomous

Read the text and answer question 37.

Oil contaminating Brazil's beaches very likely from Venezuela
Anna Jean Kaiser
Thick crude oil that has stained hundreds of miles of pristine Brazilian beach in recent weeks
probably originated in Venezuela, the Brazilian government has said, in an accusation likely to
further strain relations between the two countries.
Brazilians authorities have been investigating the growing disaster for more than a month, as
the oil has spread to more than 130 beaches across nine states.
Ricardo Salles, the country’s environment minister, told that a study by Petrobrás had
concluded that the oil “is very likely from Venezuela. He said that a foreign ship near Brazil’s
coastline appeared to have caused the spill.
There was no immediate response from Venezuela
Social media users have shared shocking images of the spill, showing kilometers of white sand
stained with oil blotches and dead, oil-covered turtles and dolphins. One video shows thick black
oil lapping up against a rocky jetty.
Adapted from The Guardian

37. (EEAR – BCT – 2021) According to the text, we can infer that ________________________.
a) The spill was caused by a domestic ship near Brazilian beaches
b) No dolphins and turtles died according to the images shared by the media
c) A dense and natural oil marked hundreds of miles of clean beaches recently
d) The government is investigating to discover how many beaches are involved in the disaster

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions

38. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Choose the correct alternative to complete the
paragraph below.

Protesters in Beirut have stormed government ministries during a fresh demonstration over
Tuesday's huge explosion that left at least 158 dead.
Several thousand people _______ to the streets protesting. Police have fired tear gas at stone-
throwing demonstrators. Sounds of gunfire have also _______ from central Martyrs' Square. In a
televised address, Lebanese PM Hassan Diab _______ he would ask for early elections as a way out
of the crisis. "We can't exit the country's structural crisis without holding early parliamentary
elections," he said. The issue will be discussed in cabinet on Monday.
Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-53704998

a) have taken / heard / have said

b) has taken / hear / has said
c) took / been heard / said
d) taken / been heard / had said
e) had taken / heard / was said

Based on the text below, answer question 39.

Why some people like wearing masks

Some people welcome face coverings for reasons ranging from the convenient and expedient
to the more complex and psychological. But is this a helpful coping mechanism?

Sheltering in place hasn’t been too hard for Jay Lee; watching a film at home and ordering a
takeaway has always been his idea of a good night. Lee, a 32-year-old small business owner in
Leicester, identifies as an introvert. And although 2020 had its hardships – in the spring, he was
made redundant from his job at a large bank – one perk for him has been the widespread
adoption of face masks.
Lee has always dreaded run-ins with old friends and acquaintances around town, finding these
spontaneous interactions “extremely awkward”. He used to time his shopping trips to minimise
the possibility of bumping into someone he knew, waiting until almost closing time before
heading out. “Since I've been wearing the mask, my awkward interactions with friends and
family have significantly reduced,” he says. Now, he goes to the shops whenever he wants,
without worrying about whom he might see. He hopes that, even after the pandemic ends, it
will still be socially acceptable to wear a mask.
Wearing a mask is, for most of us, an annoying but worthwhile sacrifice: it’s one of the most
effective ways to slow the spread of Covid-19. Still, most of us look forward to the day when we
can bare our faces in public again. Face-coverings fog our glasses and clog our pores; they make
it harder to smile at strangers and recognise friends.
Yet some are secretly relishing the new mask-wearing mandates, for reasons ranging from the
convenient and expedient to the more complex and psychological. Some welcome the way face
coverings reduce or change interactions that might otherwise spark social anxiety.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
‘Anonymity carries power’
At the lighter end of the scale, some people have found that masking offers a welcome relief
from the pressures to uphold strict standards of grooming and appearance. They have ditched
their old makeup and shaving routines and are saving money, time and stress. Others have
discovered that hiding their mouths affords them unexpected freedoms. Some restaurant
servers and retail workers say they no longer feel obliged to fake-smile at customers,
potentially lifting the burden of emotional labour.
(Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210115-why-some-people-like-wearing-masks)

39. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) It is possible to infer from the text that

a) The safety measure related to the masks is well accepted depending on the personality of the
b) Face coverings is an inconvenience for everyone
c) Introverted people ended up not adapting to the context of a pandemic
d) Wearing a mask is a pointless sacrifice at the present time
e) Wearing masks does not interfere with the aesthetic pressure exerted by society

40. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option is correct to complete the sentences

1- My father heard him ___ down the street.

2- He heard men ___.
3- The mother saw the kitten ___ on the chair.
4- Democracy must be done legally, and it must be ___.
5- I got to see my wife ___ birth.

a) Running / shooting / lying / seen / giving

b) Runs / shooting / lays / saw / giving
c) Running / shooting / laying / saw / gave
d) Ran / shooting / laying / seen / giving
e) Running / shooting / laying / seen / gave

41. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Choose the correct alternative to complete the
paragraph below.
In the last few weeks a spate of American stores _______ headlines after putting up signs
_______ customers who wear masks they will be denied entry. On Thursday, Vice reported on a
Kentucky convenience store that put up a sign reading: “NO Face Masks ______ in store. Lower
your mask or go somewhere else.
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/22/us-stores-against-face-masks

a) have made / telling / allow

b) made / told / allowed
c) have made / telling / allowed
d) made / have told / allow
e) has made / told / allowed

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
42. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph
SUS ______ in 1988 by the Brazilian Federal Constitution, which states that it is the duty of the
State to guarantee health to the entire Brazilian population. It ______ in the 70s and 80s, when
several groups ______ in the health movement, with the objective of ______ about a public
system to solve the problems found in the care of the population defending the universal right to

a) has been created / has started / engaged / thought

b) has been created / had started / engage / thought
c) was created / started / were engaged / thinking
d) was created / started / was engaged / thinking
e) has been created / has started / were engaged / think

43. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the dialogue below

Ana: What are you going to do today?

John: I have a lot of work to do. It needs to _____ by the end of the day.

a) Be done
b) Have done
c) Have been doing
d) Do
e) Does

44. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below

He's done a great job, _____?

a) Hasn’t he
b) Has he
c) Isn’t he
d) Didn’t he
e) Haven’t he

Based on the text below, answer the question that follow it.
Jacob Blake: father refuses to ‘play politics with my son’s life’ amid furor over Trump visit
Jacob Blake Sr has said he ‘has no interest in speaking’ with the president on a visit that local
officials have urged Trump not to make
The father of Jacob Blake, the man shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, said on Monday
that the family has received threats and that he refused to “play politics with my son’s life” amid
tensions over Donald Trump’s planned visit to the city on Tuesday.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Jacob Blake Sr is the father of Jacob Blake Jr, a 29-year-old Black man and father, who is in
hospital in Kenosha, paralyzed from the waist down, after a white police officer fired seven shots
at his back last Sunday. Blake Sr said he had to take his other son, 20, to hospital because he was
depressed. Blake Sr told CNN: “I received some threats and it affected my son.”
He declined to give further details. He said: “It’s sad to me how people don’t understand
the kind of pressure this family is under.” And he talked of his son, Jacob Jr, as being an individual
who, a few weeks ago “was running around laughing, and now that individual cannot move his
Local officials have urged the president not to visit Kenosha or at least to postpone his trip.
Trump has talked about violent protests in a way that implies ongoing chaos in Kenosha. In fact,
daily and nightly marches and demonstrations have been entirely peaceful there since
That followed a bout of unrest straight after the police shooting, where some businesses
and public property were badly damaged and many stores are now boarded up, then a spiral into
chaos last Tuesday night when armed, white agitators turned up on the streets, were given water
and encouragement by police in an armored vehicle despite being out after curfew, and then
ended up confronting protesters.
A 17-year-old, Kyle Rittenhouse, from Antioch, Illinois, had an assault rifle and shot dead a
man, then walked away as others tried to give first aid, then was chased and shot dead another
man and badly wounded a third.
He then walked through police lines without being apprehended and was arrested the next
day in his home town in Illinois. Ben Crump, a civil rights lawyer acting for the Blake family,
condemned “two justice systems in America: one for white, one for Black”.
Both the police shooting of Jacob Blake Jr and parts of the incidents with Rittenhouse were
caught on tape, including Rittenhouse walking through police lines after the killings, which his
lawyer has argued were in self defense.
Blake Sr told CNN the fact Rittenhouse was able to return home clearly illustrated the
“That man went home to his house in Antioch, Illinois … he went to another state,” he said.
“[While] My son is in a state of being paralyzed.”
“The two justice systems were [there] in stark contrast, right there in front of your eyes, on
At a White House press briefing on Monday evening, Trump defended his supporters who
fired paintballs and pepper spray at protesters in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday. He also defended
police shootings when asked about Blake, by saying that police “choke sometimes” and make a
Asked about Kyle Rittenhouse, Trump said: “That was an interesting situation.” He
characterized Rittenhouse’s being chased by men after the fatal shooting as “trying to get away
from them”, adding “they very violently attacked him.”
He also said that Rittenhouse, who has been charged with intentional homicide and other
felonies “probably would’ve been killed” if he had not been armed. Wisconsin governor Tony Evers
wrote to Trump on Sunday asking him to reconsider his visit, as the city continues to grapple with
the aftermath of those events.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Jacob Blake’s uncle, Justin Blake, told CNN that, “President Trump is a racist who stokes
racial tensions. He has been stirring racial tensions since he got in the White House. Why, as
Jacob’s uncle, would I want to talk to him? Our focus is on Jacob and healing the community.”
He said Jacob Blake’s father has told him he “has no interest in speaking with President
Trump” and instead is focused on his son’s health and getting justice. Democratic presidential
candidate Joe Biden and his vice presidential pick, Kamala Harris, have both spoken extensively to
the Blake family by telephone. Biden is reportedly considering visiting Wisconsin.
On Monday evening, he issued a statement that said, in part: “Tonight, the president
declined to rebuke violence. He wouldn’t even repudiate one of his supporters who is charged
with murder because of his attacks on others. He is too weak, too scared of the hatred he has
stirred to put an end to it.”
(Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/31/jacob-blake-trump-visit-kenosha)

45. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text which option is correct?

(A) Police actions were praised by the population for being efficient and quick.
(B) President trump spoke harshly on the police actions against Jacob Blake.
(C) Joe Biden said that President Trump refused to reprimand violence.
(D) Kamala Harris spoke in public about what happened in Kenosha.
(E) Jacob Blake’s uncle is willing to talk to President Trump as soon as possible.

46. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below correctly?
Great things have been done be corageous people in history, _______?
(A) aren’t they
(B) don’t they
(C) haven’t they
(D) hasn’t they
(E) didn’t they

Based on the text below, answer the three questions that follow it.
The current pandemic is forcing much of the world’s population to stay at home and take it easy.
But we may not be wired that way.
You may be among the more than three million people who’ve seen a short film issued by the
Governor of California’s office. It’s all over social media. In the video, the comedian Larry David, in
his trademark sardonic style, urges people to follow the official advice and stay at home to stop
the spread of Covid-19. What’s the matter with you "idiots", he says, you’re passing up a fantastic
opportunity to sit in an armchair and watch TV all day!
We’re used to health warnings that urge us to do things that we don’t really have a great urge to
do: to exercise more, to eat five or eight or even 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. But for
once the official advice sounds easy; loaf on the sofa, binge-watch box sets, stay at home. This all
sounds as though it should appeal to our lazier sides.
In fact, it is not as simple as that, as you’ve probably already found out, after a few weeks of
lockdown. It turns out we are not biologically programmed to do as little as possible. Indeed, we
thrive on activity. Or at least, a good balance between being busy and being able to rest.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
It’s true that we often look for the easy option, the path of least resistance, the shortcut to
success. If you have a remote control, why get up and switch channels on the TV itself? If you have
a car why cycle to the supermarket? If you can get away with doing half as much work than a
colleague, then why not?
Any sort of work or effort involves mental and physical strain, so it makes sense to avoid it where
possible. And sometimes we do just that. This is sometimes known as the principle of least effort
or Zipf’s Law, a law you might think no one is ever tempted to break. Except that we break it all the
Do you ever dream of doing absolutely nothing? Lying in a hammock for a whole afternoon. Just
staring at the ceiling, listening to the silence. It may sound like a lovely idea, but in fact we can find
doing nothing at all – and take sleep out of the equation – very hard to do. In a famous study
conducted a few years ago at the University of Virginia, participants were led one at a time into a
completely bare room with all distractions removed. They had no phone, no books, no screens –
and they weren’t allowed to take a nap. Electrodes were fitted to their ankles and they were left
alone for 15 minutes. It was an opportunity to kick back and relax for a short while.
So, how did it go? Well, before being left alone, participants were shown how to press a computer
key which was wired up to a machine that delivered an electric shock. You might suppose that
having tried it once no one would want to do it again. Wrong. In fact, 71% of the men and 25% of
the women gave themselves at least one electric shock during their time in solitary – and one man
shocked himself a shocking 190 times. It turns out that having nothing to do was so excruciating,
that many of the participants preferred to, in effect, torture themselves rather than put up with no
distractions whatsoever.
This experiment is an extreme example, but we know from everyday life that people constantly
choose to do things they don’t need to do and which are sometimes painful. Think of all of your
friends who run marathons or have punishing regimes at the gym. They go way beyond what is
required for health and fitness. And what about the people who trek across the ice to reach the
poles of the Earth or sail around the world?
Michael Inzlicht from the University of Toronto calls this the paradox of effort. Sometimes we take
the easy route and do as little as we can get away with, but at other times we value situations
more if we have to expend considerable effort. The intrinsic joy of the effort gives us so much
pleasure that we don’t take the short cut. We might spend hours puzzling over a cryptic crossword
instead of using a search engine to find the solution.
We learn this early in life. As children we are taught through experience and persuasion that effort
leads to reward and over time this conditions us to enjoy effort for its own sake. This is known as
learned industriousness.
All of this means, that while we stay home and self-isolate, lying on the sofa and watching TV will
form only a part of how we pass the time. We might think it is fun to laze around for a few weeks,
but in fact it will drive us to distraction. Enforced and extended rest, unless we are ill and our
bodies demand it, leads not to feelings of being relaxed but of restlessness and irritability. We
need to find ways during lockdown to replicate as far as we can the rhythms and sense of balance
we achieve, at our best, in ordinary life.
So, taking exercise, setting ourselves tasks, doing things that are effortful and difficult are
important. And we should all be looking for activities or experiences that promote what the
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls flow, in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal
Experience. These are tasks, such as painting or gardening or doing jigsaws, which so absorb us
that we don’t notice time passing and we stop worrying about everything else.
In normal times, most of us don’t take rest seriously enough. So during this exceptional period, we
should embrace the opportunity to rest more if we can – and indeed take those more balanced
rhythms of rest and busyness into our lives post shutdown. But during this difficult time, we will
find that we are not instinctively lazy creatures. Indeed in a weird way we might find that doing
less, and resting more, initially requires quite a lot of effort.
(Adapted from: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200602-are-human-beings-naturally-lazy)

47. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, which option is correct?
(A) Most people find it difficult to stay home doing nothing for a long period of time.
(B) After a few weeks of lockdown, we realize that we are programmed to do as little as possible.
(C) Most people are happy to stay at home during this pandemic.
(D) The pandemic is allowing people to find a good balance between being busy and being able to
(E) We always follow the principle of least effort while doing any activity in our lives.

48. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, which option is correct?
(A) Doing nothing for a while just staring at the ceiling and listening to the silence is proven to be a
great experience to any person.
(B) The paradox of effort consists in people always choosing the easiest path to do things.
(C) Sometimes we avoid any kind of effort at all costs, and sometimes we choose the harder way of
doing things.
(D) People will always choose to cycle to the supermarket because it’s healthier.
(E) We have always lived in good balance between being busy and being able to rest.

49. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text which option is correct?
(A) People found out they are lazy because they are enjoying staying at home and doing nothing for
weeks now.
(B) We are never tempted to break Zipf’s law. We only break it when we need to.
(C) A study conducted at University of Virginia showed that many people can’t stand inactivity.
(D) A study conducted at University of Virginia showed we all enjoy having 15 minutes to relax.
(E) Michael Inzlicht was the person responsible for conducting the famous study at the University of

50. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below correctly?

Dreams might be made from the thoughts we have during the day, _______?
(A) aren’t they
(B) don’t they
(C) mightn’t they
(D) not might they
(E) didn’t they

51. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Nadiya Hussain _____ that her anxiety has reached new heights during the coronavirus crisis and
she is "really struggling" with life in lockdown. The former Great British Bake Off winner, who
famously _____ the Queen's 90th birthday cake, spoke out about the stress of _____ her worries
head on in isolation.
Adapted from (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/04/10/nadiya-hussain-battle-anxiety-coronavirus-crisis/)

(A) had revealed / has been making / having to face

(B) revealed / were making / had been faced
(C) revealed / made / faced
(D) has revealed / had made / has been facing
(E) has revealed / made / having to face

52. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below correctly?
One of the most interesting projects handed over more than a ton of tin cans, glass bottles,
and old climbing tools to artists in Nepal, _______?
(Adapted from: https://ngl.cengage.com/assets/downloads/grex_pro0000000538/grex2_su8.pdf)

(A) doesn’t it
(B) hasn't it
(C) didn’t it
(D) don't they
(E) didn’t they

Limits on coronavirus testing in Brazil are hiding the true dimensions of Latin America’s largest
Atop a shaded hill at the edge of São Paulo, the gravedigger thinks he knows the truth. No
matter how bad it appears in Brazil — the country hit hardest by the coronavirus in the Southern
Hemisphere — the reality is significantly worse.
Manoel Norberto Pereira watched another body being wheeled in, accompanied by what
has by now become a familiar set of details. Sex: female. Age: 77 years. Cause of death: insufficient
Every day brings more. The cemetery now receives around 50 bodies every day — double
the average in normal times. Many are marked as confirmed cases of covid-19, the disease caused
by the virus. But many more cite only an unidentified respiratory ailment. To Pereira, they’re the
unseen toll of the coronavirus in Brazil, which has officially infected 51,000 people and killed 3,400
— but unofficially many times more than that.
Imprecise and insufficient testing is a global problem, but in Brazil, it's on an entirely
different scale. Latin America's largest country is testing people at a rate far lower than any other
nation with at least 40,000 cases. It tests 12 times fewer people than Iran, and 32 times fewer than
the United States. Hospitalized patients aren't being tested. Some medical professionals aren't
being tested. People are dying in their homes without being tested.
Researchers at the Federal University of Minas Gerais have suggested Brazil has eight times
more coronavirus cases than the official numbers indicate. A research team at the University of
São Paulo thinks it has 16 times more — more than 800,000 cases.
According to government statistics, nearly 37,300 people have been hospitalized this year
with respiratory ailments — four times the number at this point last year — but only half have
received test results. In São Paulo, nearly 1,300 people have died of unidentified respiratory

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
problems. Amazonas state has reported 193 deaths from covid-19. But its capital city is burying so
many people — three times the average — that it’s digging trenches for mass graves.
“The big conclusion is that we don’t know what the real scenario is,” said Leonardo Costa
Ribeiro, an economist at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. “It gives the sensation that it is
more controlled, when the reality is very different.”
Domingos Alves, a data scientist at the University of São Paulo, did little to hide his anger at
the chasm between how government officials talk about the virus and what the data shows.
“As a researcher, I look at the data and make analyses for the government,” he said. “But as
a citizen, I’m frustrated. The government is trying to control the epidemic without the elements of
how to control it, because of their lack of knowledge about how serious it is.
“It will get much worse. There will be lines at the hospitals. There will be lines at the
cemeteries. The next few weeks will be very dark.”
The new health minister, Nelson Teich, named by Bolsonaro to replace Mandetta, has made
increased testing a pillar of the country’s response to the pandemic. He said this week that the
government intends to purchase 46 million tests, enough for just over a fifth of the population. He
hasn’t specified when the tests will arrive or when they’ll be used.
“We are not talking about testing the entire country,” Teich said. “We are going to use the
tests so that people tested will reflect the Brazilian population.”
But the obstacles will be enormous — and could portend the struggles that await much of
the developing world as the coronavirus moves deeper into Latin America and Africa. A variable as
basic as reliable data could become a distinguishing factor between poor and wealthy countries.
Analysts say Brazil has neither the manufacturing nor the purchasing capacity to meet the
demand for tests. Its laboratories, already overwhelmed by a testing backlog, aren’t equipped to
process them at scale. And in the international scrum for supplies and testing equipment, the
country is losing out to wealthier nations that can pay more or leverage closer ties with China.
“Brazil could be thought of as a barometer of what could be expected in other countries,”
said Marcelo Gomes, a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, a scientific institution.
“Information is paramount. The more we have, the more we can make the population aware of
what it is exactly that we are facing.”
A gravedigger at São Paulo’s Vila Formosa Cemetery, one of Latin America’s largest, said he
started noticing strange deaths in early March — weeks before Brazil’s first confirmed coronavirus
death. The causes of death — pneumonia, respiratory failure — were what he would expect to see
during the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, not peak summer.
“One day, I saw on the news that in all of São Paulo there had been 20 burials of
coronavirus victims,” said the man, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he didn’t
have permission to give an interview. “But I knew at my cemetery alone, there had been 27.”
Pereira feels the same frustration. Some days, he can’t believe the number of people out in
the street. If they were seeing what he saw, no way would they be outside. No way would there be
a national debate over reopening the economy. No one would be listening to claims that the
pandemic had been overblown.
Bodies don’t lie, he said. And here came another one.
Adapted from (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/coronavirus-brazil-testing-bolsonaro-cemetery-

53. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, which option is correct?
A) The figures of coronavirus in Brazil are as close to reality as they can possibly get.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
B) The cemetery used to receive around 40 bodies every day in normal times.
C) People dying due to an unidentified respiratory ailment are the unseen toll of COVID-19 in
D) Brazil has around 60,000 people unofficially infected by the coronavirus.
E) Researchers at Federal University of Minas Gerais suggested Brazil has more than 800,000

54. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?
Brazil ______(become) one of the global epicenters of the pandemic, recently surpassing China in
the number of reported cases. President Jair Bolsonaro ______(be) notoriously dismissive of the
virus, ______(say) earlier this week the number of deaths ______(be) declining, when in fact it was
A) becomes / has been / saying / were
B) had become / was / said / were
C) has become / has been / said / were
D) becomes / was / saying / was
E) has become / has been / saying / was

Coronavirus: White House weighs plan to keep out US citizens and legal residents
The US is weighing new rules that would temporarily bar US citizens and legal residents from
entering the US to control a surge in coronavirus cases.
US media say the proposal would affect people suspected of having been exposed to or infected
with the virus.
President Donald Trump has often touted his travel bans on foreigners as key to curbing the
spread of the virus.
But US citizens and lawful residents have so far been exempt from travel restrictions regarding
entering the US.
It is unclear whether the proposed measures will move forward.
What's in the draft proposal?
The draft memo, first reported by the New York Times, would seek to use public health powers to
expand the administration's legal authority.
The proposed rule would affect all entry points, including airports and borders with Canada and
Mexico, though it particularly references the virus outbreak in Mexico, according to the Times.
It notes that any order applying to US citizens and permanent residents should protect individuals'
constitutional rights and would only apply in "the rarest of circumstances".
Is this legal?
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has the power to detain and examine individuals
travelling in and around the US if they are suspected of carrying certain diseases, like tuberculosis
or Sars.
It is unclear whether this would legally allow the government to deny entry to citizens or residents,
however, or how long they might be prohibited from returning.
The CDC and US Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to a request for
comment from the BBC.
American Civil Liberties Union Immigrant Rights Project director Omar Jadwat said preventing US
citizens from their country would be unconstitutional.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
"The Trump administration has rolled out one border ban after another - most recently on children
and asylum seekers - using Covid-19 as an excuse, while failing abysmally to get the virus under
control in the United States. The rumoured order would be another grave error in a year that has
already seen far too many."
How bad is the virus situation in the US?
The US has over five million confirmed Covid-19 cases and 163,500 deaths - the highest in the
world, according to Johns Hopkins University. Cases have surged in recent months across states in
the southern and western regions as lockdown measures were lifted.
Currently, cases are on the decline in Mexico.
Since March, the White House has used public health laws to limit the number of immigrants
entering the US and to deport migrants, including children, at the border.
Mr Trump has sought to partly pin the blame for rising cases in the US on Mexico while defending
his push for the nation to reopen.
Discussing the spikes in the southern US at a briefing last month, he told reporters: "We're also
sharing a 2,000 mile border with Mexico, as we know very well, and cases are surging in Mexico,
Many Americans living along the US-Mexico border cross back and forth frequently for
recreational and commercial reasons. In July, the US ambassador to Mexico said 90% of those
crossing the southern border were US citizens or permanent residents.
Non-essential travel has been restricted across the border since March, but it does not apply to
those travelling for work, humanitarian aid efforts, medical reasons or family emergencies.
Medical experts have said travel bans do not work in cases where there is already significant
community spread, as is the situation in the US.
Adapted from (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53740840)

55. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, which option is correct?
A) The US administration has the constitutional right to prevent US citizens and permanent
residents from entering US borders.
B) US citizens and lawful residents have been blocked from entering US borders since March.
C) The administration will try to use public health to extend its legal authority to ban Citizens from
entering the country borders.
D) US CDC will hold US citizens at the borders and impede them from entering the country.
E) COVID-19 cases are surging in the US because of the disease outbreak in Mexico.

NATO ships, helicopters hunt down 7 pirates

NAIROBI, Kenya - NATO warships and helicopters pursued Somali pirates for seven hours after
they attacked a Norwegian tanker, NATO spokesmen said Sunday, and the highspeed chase only
ended when warning shots were fired at the pirates’ skiff. Seven pirates attempted to attack the
Norwegian-flagged MV Front Ardenne late Saturday but fled after crew took evasive maneuvers
and alerted warships in the area, said Portuguese Lt. Cmdr. Alexandre Santos Fernandes, aboard a
warship in the Gulf of Aden, and Cmdr. Chris Davies, of NATais maritime headquarters in England.
"How the attack was thwarted is unclear, it appears to have been the actions of the tanker,"
Davies said. Fernandes said no shots were fired at the tanker.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Davies said the pirates sailed into the path of the Canadian warship Winnipeg, which was
escorting a World Food Program delivery ship through the Gulf of Aden. The American ship USS
Halyburton was also in the area and joined the chase.
"There was a lengthy pursuit, over said. The pirates hurled weapons into Canadian and U.S.
warships closed in. NATais anti-piracy mission.
"The skiff abandoned the scene and tried to escape to Somali territory," Fernandes said. "It was
heading toward Bossaso but we managed to track them. Warning shots have been made after
several attempts to stop the vessel."
Both ships deployed helicopters, and naval officers hailed the pirates over loudspeakers and
finally fired warning shots to stop them, Fernandes said, but not before the pirates had dumped
most of their weapons overboard. NATO forces boarded the skiff, where they found a
rocketpropelled grenade, and interrogated, disarmed and released the pirates.
The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian
citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory.
"When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national authorities,"
Fernandes said. "It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue."
The pirates' release underscores the difficulties navies have in fighting rampant piracy off the
coast of lawless Somalia. Most of the time, foreign navies simply disarm and release the pirates
they catch due to legal complications and logistical difficulties in transporting pirates and
witnesses to court.
Pirates have attacked more than 80 boats this year alone, four times the number assaulted in
2003, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based International Maritime Bureau. They now hold at least
18 ships - including a Belgian tanker seized Saturday with 10 crew aboard - and over 310 crew
hostage, according to an Associated Press count.
(Adapted from: www.ap.org, 04/19/09)

56. (EFOMM - 2010) According to the text, the crew members of the Somali ships seized CANNOT
be held in custody because:

(A) Their guns are hurled into the seas and no proof of their status as pirates can be found on
board of their ships.
(B) International Law forbids NATO members to arrest crewmembers of other nationalities.
(C) Somalia is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and therefore its ships are only
subjected to that country's national legal persecution.
(D) NATO members cannot make arrests abroad under a number of circumstances, such as when
their nationals are not directly affected.
(E) Piracy is not a crime NATO countries are allowed to fight or prevent in the national waters of
non-NATO countries.

57. (EFOMM - 2010) "The economic downturn has affected many households in the United
States. U.S. homeowners have continued investing their money in the stock market though".
The underlined connective expresses the idea of:
(A) conclusion
(B) time
(C) emphasis
(D) contrast
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
(E) addition

58. (EFOMM - 2010) Choose the option in which the prepositions complete the verb phrases with
accuracy, respectively:

I - The ship is bound _____ Africa.

II - We set sail _____ a tour of the Caribbean.
III- The captain was responsible _____ the incident.
IV - Attention has to be given _____ the weather conditions.
V - Crew members are expected to comply _____ safety regulations.

(A) for / to / for / for / with

(B) in / for / for / to / to
(C) to / for / for / to / with
(D) to / for / to / to / to
(E) for / to / to / for / with

59. (EFOMM – 2021) Chose the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below.

Charter, Sail,Repeat: New ventures and old favorites in the Greek Isles
By Zuzana Prochazka
On our first day, we sailed southwest nearly 50 miles on a nice beam reach, winding through
Kolpos Idras, or the Hydra Gulf. By the end, we were running out ______ daylight, so we pulled
________ the miniscule harbor on Spetses Island. I read the guides twice, but the most I got was a
warning about the inner harbor being only 4ft deep, which made me suck on my stomach as we
crept in. The harbor turned ______ to be a mix of private yaschts, comercial boats and fishing
craft, and as we were looking round I happened to notice black clouds ________ the horizon. The
horizon. The wind was also now picking ______, so out we went again, making a U-turn back to the
bay to drop anchor with the other cruisers who’d opted to skip the draft headaches. We made it
just before the gale overtook us.
(Adapted from: Sail Mazazine, March 2020).
a) of / into / out / on / up
b) towards / over / up / along / over
c) off / along / into / at / out
d) from / on / off / in / on
e) to / in / along / over / off

60. (EFOMM – 2021) Which is the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below?
Many of the same questions that _________ about coal-powered propulsion _______ of the
Internet of Things (IoT) today: What’s wrong with the traditional way; how will this benefits my
fleet: why do we need to make this change? They ______ all good questions, and they
_________ a very natural human interest in the three areas that should matter most in deciding
whether to use any maritime technology: safety, effectiveness and cost. The biggest challenges
to IoT adoption _________. In large part, this is due to the ready availability of high-
performance data collection.
(Adapted from: Sea Technology, December 2018)

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
(A) have been asked / could be asked / were / show / have already overcome
(B) will be asked / are asked / were / are being / shown / already overcome
(C) had been asked / were asked / might be / showed / had already been overcome
(D) could be asked / were asked / will be / will show / have already overcome
(E) were asked / are being asked / are / show / have already been overcome


1. D 16. A 31. E 46. C

2. B 17. D 32. B 47. A
3. D 18. E 33. B 48. C
4. A 19. B 34. D 49. C
5. A 20. E 35. B 50. C
6. D 21. E 36. B 51. E
7. A 22. B 37. C 52. C
8. B 23. D 38. C 53. C
9. C 24. A 39. A 54. E
10. A 25. A 40. A 55. C
11. B 26. B 41. C 56. D
12. A 27. C 42. C 57. D
13. A 28. C 43. A 58. C
14. B 29. D 44. A 59. C
15. E 30. A 45. C 60. E


1. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016)

Select the alternative that contains the passive voice of the sentence below:
Somebody has hurt Ronaldo during the soccer match.
a) Ronaldo is hurt during the soccer match.
b) Ronaldo was hurt during the soccer match.
c) Ronaldo had been hurt during the soccer match.
d) Ronaldo has been hurt during the soccer match.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A alternativa A está incorreta. A frase do enunciado etá escrita no tempo verbal present perfect,
então a voz passiva da frase também deveria estar no present perfect. O erro da alternativa é que
ela traz a voz passiva no present simple.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A frase do enunciado etá escrita no tempo verbal present perfect,
então a voz passiva da frase também deveria estar no present perfect. O erro da alternativa é que
ela traz a voz passiva no past simple.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A frase do enunciado etá escrita no tempo verbal present perfect,
então a voz passiva da frase também deveria estar no present perfect. O erro da alternativa é que
ela traz a voz passiva no past perfect.
A alternativa D está correta. A alternativa traz a voz passiva corretamente construída no present
perfect, mesmo tempo verbal utilizado na voz ativa no enunciado.

Read the text and answer question 2.

Iceberg ruptures in Patagonia raise alarm about global warming
Fabian Andres Cambero
Two new icebergs have broken off from the Grey Glacier in Chile’s Patagonia in recent weeks.
Scientists have linked the increased frequency ice breaks to rising temperature. According to Ricardo
Jana, researcher and member of the climate change area of the Chilean Antartic Institute (INACH)
“In recent years temperature rises above the normal average and intense rainfall were registered
with an increase in water level in the lake, factors that could explain the separation. Reseachers
from universities in Germany and Brazil, together with experts from INACH and other local entities,
have been studing the Grey Glacier since 2015.

2. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2020) What’s the active voice for “intense rainfall was
registered by scientists in the lake”?
a) Scientists register intense rainfall in the lake.
b) Scientists registered intense rainfall in the lake.
c) Scientists will register intense rainfall in the lake.
d) Scientists were registering intense rainfall in the lake.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está no fato de não manter o tempo verbal da
frase original, que está no past simple, enquanto a alternativa está no simple present.
A alternativa B está correta. A alternativa mantém, corretamente, o past simple ao passar a frase da
voz passiva para a voz ativa.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está no fato de não manter o tempo verbal da
frase original, que está no past simple, enquanto a alternativa está no future simple.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está no fato de não manter o tempo verbal da
frase original, que está no past simple, enquanto a alternativa está no past simple continuous.

3. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)

“I’m silly to trust a quack, __________ ? The correct QUESTION TAG to complete this sentence is:
a) am I not?
b) am I?
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
c) I’m not?
d) aren’t I?
As question tags (ou tag questions) são usadas no final das frases para questionar ou
confirmar uma informação. É preciso sempre usar o mesmo sujeito (usa-se, normalmente, o
pronome correspondente) e o mesmo tempo verbal da oração principal na tag question.
Assim, por exemplo, se a oração principal estiver no presente, a tag question também estará
no presente. Outra dica essencial: a tag question vem sempre “com o sinal trocado”, ou seja,
se a oração principal estiver afirmando, a tag question fica na negativa e vice-versa. Porém,
fique atento: quando a sentença principal for afirmativa com “I am” (I’m), a tag question será
sempre um pouco diferente: “aren’t I?”. Assim, apenas a letra D preenche corretamente a
lacuna, estando as demais incorretas.
Gabarito: D

Read the text and answer question 4.

“Cracolândia” drug addicts have already spread to more than 20 different areas in São Paulo
Five days after a police operation in Cracolândia (Crackland) in the center of São Paulo, drug
have spread to various parts of the region, such as Paulista avenue, as well as the space
underneath the João Goulart overpass, which is also known as the Minhocão.
The officers from the GCM (the Metropolitan Civil Guard) have accompanied the movement of
those who belonged to the “flow” (fluxo) – a term used to describe outdoor areas where people
negotiate and consume drugs.
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional – 26/05/2017
overpass = viaduto, elevado

4. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)

The sentence “People negotiate and consume drugs”, in the Passive Voice is:
a) Drugs are negotiated and consumed.
b) Drugs were negotiated and consumed.
c) Drugs will be negotiated and consumed.
d) Drugs had been negotiated and consumed.
A alternativa A está correta. O enunciado diz que as pessoas negociam e consomem drogas. A voz
passiva desse trecho seria: drogas são negociadas e consumidas. É exatamente isso que se observa
na alternativa.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está no fato de trocar o tempo verbal de
presente para passado, como observado na palavra “were” usada na alternativa.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O erro da alternativa consiste no fato de que ela troca o tempo
verbal do trecho do presente para o futuro. Isso é observado pelo uso do auxiliar “will”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Esta alternativa troca o tempo verbal do presente para o “Past
Perfect”, quando deveria manter-se no presente, como na sentença original.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Read the text and answer question 5.
Drug Lord Escapes Prison
Joaquin Guzman, Mexico’s notorious drug dealer commonly known as El Chapo, escaped from a
maximum-security prison in a mile-long tunnel.
Based on the height, width and extension of the tunnel, the estimated amount of earth removed
would have filled 379 lorries. The air-conditioned tunnel provided enough room for a speedy exit
during which Guzman disposed of a bracelet that only he and a few other high-risk inmates had to
wear. Authorities believe that there may have been a motorcycle waiting for his escape.
All of Mexico’s security forces coordinated to capture the drug lord, with a 3.8 million US dollar on
offer and 34 people being questioned within four days.

5. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita)

What’s the passive voice for “earth removed would have filled 379 lorries.” (paragraph 2)?
a) 379 lorries would have been filled with the earth removed.
b) The earth removed 379 lorries would have filled.
c) 379 lorries would have filled the earth removed.
d) 379 lorries have been filling the earth removed.
O trecho do enunciado diz que a terra removida teria enchido 379 caminhões. Portanto, na voz
passiva, devemos dizer que 379 caminhões teriam sido enchidos com a terra removida, pois o
caminhão sofre a ação de ser enchido. Sendo assim, a melhor alternativa para construir a voz
passiva do trecho do enunciado é a letra A.

Read the comic strip and answer question 6

(Adapted from https://www.gocomics.com/pickles/2020/08/19)

6. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to what the grampa says, he ___________.

a) Lost his cell

b) Was looking for something to his grandson
c) Was trying to stretch
d) Forgot what he was looking for

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com o que o avô disse, não é correto afirmar que ele
perdeu seu celular, mas sim, que ele esqueceu o que ele estava procurando.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o que o avô disse, não é correto afirmar que ele
estava procurando algo para seu neto, mas sim, que ele esqueceu o que ele estava procurando.
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com o que o avô disse, não é correto afirmar que ele
estava tentando se alongar, mas sim, que ele esqueceu o que ele estava procurando.
A alternativa D está correta. De acordo com o que o avô disse, é correto afirmar que ele
esqueceu o que ele estava procurando, assim como esta opção indica.

Read the lyrics and answer questions 7 and 8


We couldn't turn around
'Til we were upside down
I'll be the bad guy now
But no, I ain't too proud
I couldn't be there
Even when I try
You don't believe it
We do this every time
Seasons change and our love went cold
Feed the flame 'cause we can't let go
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away
I dare you to do something
I'm waiting on you again
So I don't take the blame
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away, run away
(Adapted from https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SQJL_pt-

7. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the lyrics

a) The song is about a relationship that didn’t work

b) The song is about a race
c) The songwriter was not having love problems with the other person
d) The song is about a single person
A alternativa A está correta. A musica é sobre um relacionamento que não deu certo, assim
como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Seasons change and our love
went cold”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A música não é sobre uma corrida, mas sim, sobre um
relacionamento que não deu certo. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Seasons change
and our love went cold”.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A alternativa C está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que o compositor não estava tendo
problemas amorosos com a outra pessoa, mas sim, que ele estava. Isso pode ser confirmado
com o trecho “Seasons change and our love went cold”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A música não é sobre uma pessoa solteira, mas sim, sobre uma
pessoa que estava tendo problemas amorosos com outra. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “Seasons change and our love went cold”.

8. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The underlined expression “our love went cold”, in
the text, means that their love

a) Multiplied
b) Is not the same
c) Is over
d) Never existed
A alternativa A está incorreta. A expressão “our love went cold”, no texto, não significa que o
amor deles se multiplicou, mas sim, que esfriou, ou seja, não é mais o mesmo.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A expressão “our love went cold”, no texto, significa que o amor
deles esfriou, ou seja, não é mais o mesmo, assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A expressão “our love went cold”, no texto, não significa que o
amor deles acabou, mas sim, que esfriou, ou seja, não é mais o mesmo.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A expressão “our love went cold”, no texto, não significa que o
amor deles nunca existiu, mas sim, que esfriou, ou seja, não é mais o mesmo.

Read the text and answer questions 9 and 10

Want an Uber? You may have to send a masked selfie first
Since mid-May, Uber has required drivers to take selfies to verify they are wearing a mask or face
covering before they are able to pick up riders. Soon, certain riders will also be required to take a
selfie prior to ordering a ride.
The company said Tuesday that passengers who have previously been reported by a driver for not
wearing a mask will be required to take a selfie for mask verification purposes when requesting
their next ride.
The passenger mask verification feature is slated to roll out in the US and Canada by the end of
the month, and will expand to Latin America and other countries thereafter, the company said in a
blog post Tuesday.
Enforcement of mask use, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to
help slow the spread of the coronavirus, has proven to be difficult, in both public and private
spaces. In Ubers and Lyfts, riders have had to confirm they are wearing a mask or face covering
before hailing a ride for several months now, but enforcement has come down to being reported
by a driver.
Now, there will be an added layer once a rider violates the policy.
"We firmly believe that accountability is a two-way street," wrote Sachin Kansal, Uber's global
head of safety product, in the blog post.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
If a passenger's next ride goes off without a hitch, they will not have to take a selfie again the
next time they go to request a ride.
The mask verification selfie, for both drivers and riders, uses object detection technology to
determine whether a person is wearing a mask.
Kansal told CNN Business that the company has done "a lot of optimizations" to detect things like
if someone is trying to cover their mouth with their hand, for instance, instead of a mask. "It has to
be a real-time picture of a face wearing a mask." In the instances where a person orders an Uber
for a friend or family member with their account, "the person who is actually requesting the ride is
the person who will have to go through the face verification process."
For both riders and drivers, repeated violations of Uber's policies could lead to deactivation, but
the company declined to go into detail regarding how many violations contribute to a removal.
"We have definitely taken action, including taking people off the platform, both from the rider
and driver side," Kansal said, referring to mask-related violations.
The company said on July 1 that its mask requirement in the US and Canada would be in effect
(Adapted from https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/01/tech/uber-rider-mask-selfie/index.html)

9. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the best alternative according to the text

a) Uber asked drivers to notify them by message if they are wearing a mask so they can run a
b) All passengers must notify uber if they are wearing a mask
c) Only previously reported passengers must justify the use of a mask
d) Uber did not take a position on security measures in the midst of a pandemic
A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que a Uber pediu para
que os motoristas avisassem a eles por mensagem se eles estavam usando máscara para poderem
efetuar uma corrida, mas sim, que a Uber pediu que eles tirassem uma selfie para comprovar. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Uber has required drivers to take selfies to verify they are
wearing a mask…”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que todos os
passageiros deverão notificar a Uber se estão usando máscaras, mas sim, apenas alguns
passageiros deverão fazer isso. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “…certain riders will also be
required to take a selfie prior to ordering a ride.”
A alternativa C está correta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que apenas passageiros
previamente reportados deverão justificar o uso de máscara, assim como esta opção indica. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “…that passengers who have previously been reported by a
driver for not wearing a mask will be required to take a selfie for mask verification purposes when
requesting their next ride”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que a Uber não se
posicionou sobre medidas de segurança em meio a uma pandemia, mas sim, que a empresa
começou a obrigar o uso de máscaras em seus serviços. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“Uber has required drivers to take selfies to verify they are wearing a mask…”.

10. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the text, all sentences are correct, except

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
a) The passenger mask verification feature will be launched in all countries, soon
b) Application of the use of mascara is well regarded by the Centers for Disease Control and
c) Passenger mask verification will be released, first, in the US and Canada
d) The use of mask in public or private spaces is not an easygoing situation
A alternativa A está correta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que o recurso de
verificação de máscara de passageiro será lançado em todos os países, em breve, mas sim, que
esse recurso será primeiramente lançado nos EUA e no Canadá. Isso pode ser confirmado com
o trecho “The passenger mask verification feature is slated to roll out in the US and Canada by
the end of the month, and will expand to Latin America and other countries thereafter…”. O
que faz com que esta seja uma alternativa com informações incorretas.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que a aplicação do uso
de máscara é bem vista pelo Centros de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “Enforcement of mask use, as recommended by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention…”. O que faz com que esta seja uma alternativa com
informações corretas.
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que a verificação de
máscara de passageiro vai ser lançada, primeiramente, nos EUA e no Canadá. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “The passenger mask verification feature is slated to roll out in the US
and Canada by the end of the month, and will expand to Latin America and other countries…”.
O que faz com que esta seja uma alternativa com informações corretas.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que o uso de máscar
em locais públicos ou privados, não é uma situação fácil. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “Enforcement of mask use …has proven to be difficult, in both public and private
spaces”. O que faz com que esta seja uma alternativa com informações corretas.

Read the text and answer questions 11 and 12

ESPN to Lay Off 300 Employees
ESPN will lay off 300 employees, about 6 percent of its worldwide staff, and let 200 open
positions go unfilled, Jimmy Pitaro, the network’s chairman, told employees in a memo on
“Prior to the pandemic, we had been deeply engaged in strategizing how best to position ESPN
for future success amidst tremendous disruption in how fans consume sports,” Pitaro ____ in a
memo that was obtained by The New York Times. “The pandemic’s significant impact on our
business clearly accelerated those forward-looking discussions.”
The cuts will affect most divisions across the company, but are concentrated in broadcast
Like many companies, ESPN’s business has been ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic. ESPN will
pay more than $7 billion for the rights to show live sports in 2020, the lifeblood of ESPN’s nine
cable channels. But for four months this year, from March to July, there were almost no games to
show. Even with the resumption of most professional and college sports, ESPN has faced low
viewership and a sluggish advertising market.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
This is the latest in a string of layoffs for ESPN in recent years. About 300 employees were laid off
in 2015, and about 250 were laid off in two waves in 2017, including a number of high-profile on-
air employees.
The layoffs come as ESPN continues to confront the long-term decline of pay television. The
number of households paying for television peaked at 100.5 million in 2014; today that number is
close to 80 million. While the timing and severity of the layoffs were driven by the pandemic, they
are also a further reorientation toward a fully digital and streaming future.
“Placing resources in support of our direct-to-consumer business strategy, digital, and, of course,
continued innovative television experiences, is more critical than ever,” Pitaro wrote in the memo.
In 2018, ESPN started ESPN+, a sports streaming service that costs $5 a month. At the end of June,
ESPN+ had 8.5 million subscribers.
(Adapted from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/05/sports/espn-layoffs.html?action=click&module=Latest&pgtype=Homepage)

11. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank

a) Write
b) Wrote
c) Writed
d) Was writing
A alternativa A está incorreta. O tempo verbal correto não é simple present – presente simples
– (write – escreve), mas sim, simple past – passado simples – (wrote – escreveu).
A alternativa B está correta. O tempo verbal correto é simple past – passado simples – (wrote –
escreveu), assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O tempo verbal correto não é wroted, pois este verbo é irregular
e não se deve adicionar -ed ao final; mas sim, simple past – passado simples – (wrote –
A alternativa D está incorreta. O tempo verbal correto não é past continuous –passado
contínuo – (was writing – estava escrevendo), mas sim, simple past – passado simples – (wrote
– escreveu).

12. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “confront” underlined in the text is

a) A verb
b) An adverb
c) A noun
d) An adjective
A alternativa A está correta. A palavra “confront” (confrontar) é um verbo, assim como esta
opção indica.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “confront” (confrontar) não é um advérbio, mas sim,
um verbo.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “confront” (confrontar) não é um substantivo, mas sim,
um verbo.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “confront” (confrontar) não é um adjetivo, mas sim,
um verbo.

Leia o trecho abaixo e responda a questão 13.

Mark Zuckerberg’s 650 Million Friends (and counting)

Back in June 2009, the globe’s potpourri of social-networking sites was extremely diverse:
Google’s Orkut dominated India and Brazil; Central and South America preferred Hi5; Maktoob
was king in the Arab world. The Vietnamese liked Zing, the Czechs loved Lidé, South Koreans
surfed Cyworld. Two years after that, and Facebook has stolen users away from its rivals very fast.
It’s completely knocked Hi5 off the map in former strongholds such as Peru, Mexico, and Thailand.
After a tense back-and-forth with Orkut in India, Facebook has emerged victorious. And it’s
becoming more popular in Armenia, Georgia, and the Netherlands, where local providers are
making a desperate last stand.
There are some glaring exceptions to Facebook’s colonization kick. Russians continue to use
Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, with Facebook a distant fourth in the rankings. China remains highly
committed to domestic sites such as Qzone and Renren. But for the rest of us, we’re living in
Zuckerberg’s world.
(endereço eletrônico omitido propositadamente)

13. (Estratégia Militares 2020– EsPCEx/2011) Which alternative represents the main idea of the
text ?

[A] Facebook dominates the world of social networks.

[B] Orkut is the most popular site in Latin America.
[C] Facebook is used by people all over the world except in China.
[D] Orkut won the battle in India.
[E] Facebook is one of the top three in popularity in Russia.
A alternativa A está correta. A ideia principal do texto é a expansão e dominação do Facebook no
mercado das redes sociais pelo mundo. Isso coincide com o que é dito pela alternativa.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A ideia principal do texto é a expansão e dominação do Facebook no
mercado das redes sociais pelo mundo, enquanto a alternativa fala sobre o Oekut ser o site mais
popular na América latina.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A ideia principal do texto é a expansão e dominação do Facebook no
mercado das redes sociais pelo mundo, enquanto a alternativa fala sobre o Facebook ser usado
por pessoas em todo o mundo, menos na China.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A ideia principal do texto é a expansão e dominação do Facebook no
mercado das redes sociais pelo mundo, enquanto a alternativa fala sobre o Orkut ter vencido a
batalha por esse mercado na Índia, o que não é verdade segundo o texto.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A ideia principal do texto é a expansão e dominação do Facebook no
mercado das redes sociais pelo mundo, enquanto a alternativa fala sobre estar entre os três sites
mais populares na Rússia, o que não é verdade segundo o texto, já que o mesmo diz que o
Facebook ocupa o quarto lugar na Rússia.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Directions: answer question 14 according to TEXT I
The World Health Organization Declares Africa Polio-Free
Nobody will ever know the identity of the thousands of African children who
were not killed or paralyzed by polio this year. They would have been hard to keep track of
no matter what because in ordinary times, they would have followed thousands last year
and thousands the year before and on back in a generations-long trail of suffering and
Instead, no African children were claimed by polio this year or last year or the year before.
It was in 2016 that the last case of wild, circulating polio was reported in Nigeria—the final
country on the 54-nation African continent where the disease was endemic. And with a
required multi-year waiting period now having passed with no more cases, the World
Health Organization today officially declared the entirety of Africa polio-free. A disease that
as recently as the late 1980s was endemic in 125 countries, claiming 350,000 children per
year, has now been run to ground in just two remaining places, Pakistan and Afghanistan,
where there have been a collective 102 cases so far in 2020. That’s 102 too many, but there
is no denying the scope of the WHO announcement.
“Today’s victory over the wild poliovirus in the African region is a testament to what can
happen when partners from a variety of sectors join forces to accomplish a major global
health goal,” says John Hewko, general secretary and CEO of Rotary International. “[It is]
something the world can and should aspire to during these turbulent times.”
It was Rotary, an international nonprofit service organization, that kicked off the polio
endgame in 1988 with the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). That
program aimed to leverage the power of Rotary’s 35,000 clubs and 1.22 million members in
200 countries and territories worldwide to make polio only the second human disease—
after smallpox—to be pushed over the brink of extinction. The job was made easier by the
partners Rotary immediately attracted: the WHO, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and UNICEF. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation joined in 2007,
followed by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, just last year. The 32-year initiative has depended on
volunteer workers and charitable donations, which together have produced an army of 20
million field workers administering vaccines to over 2.5 billion children at a cost of $17
Some countries were a lighter lift than others. In the U.S. the disease was eradicated in
1979, well before the GPEI even began its work. Other nations followed: In 1994 the
Americas were declared polio-free. Europe as a whole got a clean bill of health in 2002,
when all 53 countries in the WHO’s designated European region were declared free of the
virus. Massive vaccination efforts began in India in 1997, which eradicated the virus in

How Polio Was Eradicated from the African Continent

But Africa, with its vast sprawl of village populations, long distances to urban hospitals,
spotty infrastructure like adequate roads and reliable “cold chains”—refrigerated transport
networks to keep vaccines viable—was always going to present special challenges. In 1996,
when the case count on the continent regularly reached 75,000 victims every year, South
African President Nelson Mandela partnered with Rotary to launch the “Kick Polio Out of

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Africa” Campaign, and the group scrambled fast—or as fast as was possible with so many
children to vaccinate on so vast a land mass. In 2000, the first synchronized campaigns
began in 17 countries, with 76 million children being vaccinated by tens of thousands of
volunteers. The work fanned out across the continent from there, including an especially
heavy push from 2008 to 2010, when an outbreak in 24 countries in western and central
Africa was met by a large-scale, multi-national vaccination of 85 million children.
Finally, Nigeria stood alone as the only African nation where the disease was still endemic,
in part because of resistance by religious leaders in the northern part of the country who
objected western interference in local affairs and claimed that the vaccine was unsafe. That
opposition broke down, partly thanks to Muhammad Sanusi II, the Emir of the city of
Kano—a hereditary leader descended from a ruling family—who appeared at a public
ceremony before the kick off of a seasonal vaccination campaign in 2016, called for a vial of
polio vaccine to be brought to the stage, and with the audience watching, broke its seal and
drank down its entire contents. That year, the country recorded its last case of polio, and
this year, Nigeria’s WHO certification is the reward for its efforts.
“The polio eradication program in Nigeria has gone through some difficult times, but I
never once doubted that this day would come,” says Dr. Tunji Funsho, a former cardiologist
who is the chair of Rotary International’s Polio-Plus Committee in Nigeria. “Any time that
we’ve experienced a setback, Rotary and our partners have been able to find solutions and
develop new strategies for reaching vulnerable children.”
(Adapted from https://time.com/5883233/africa-declared-polio-free/)

14. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the text, mark the correct option

a) This year, thousands of African children were affected by the poliovirus

b) The poliovirus has already affected severely affected the African population
c) In ordinary times, it would be easy to identify the children who were not infected by the
d) The poliovirus emerged this year in Africa
A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que esse ano,
milhares de crianças foram afetadas pelo poliovírus, mas sim, que não foram afetadas; em
uma situação normal, elas teriam sido afetadas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“…they would have followed thousands last year and thousands the year before and on
back in a generations-long trail of suffering and death”.
A alternativa B está correta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que o poliovírus já
afetou severamente a população africana, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “…they would have followed thousands last year and thousands
the year before and on back in a generations-long trail of suffering and death”.
A alternativa C está correta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que em tempos
normais, seria fácil identificar as crianças que não foram infectadas pelo poliovírus, mas sim,
que seria difícil. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “They would have been hard to
keep track of no matter what because in ordinary times…”.
A alternativa D está correta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que o poliovírus
surgiu esse ano na África, mas sim, que ele não existe mais hoje em dia, no território. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “…in ordinary times, they would have followed
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
thousands last year and thousands…”, neste trecho, podemos inferir que não é mais
normal ter crianças infectadas pelo poliovírus, ou seja, ele não surgiu esse ano na África.

Read Text II to do question 15 based on it

Does Wearing Glasses Protect You From Coronavirus?
When researchers in China were analyzing hospital data of patients with Covid-19, ___(I)___
noticed an odd trend: Very few of the sick patients regularly wore glasses.
In one hospital in Suizhou, China, 276 patients were admitted over a 47-day period, but only 16
patients — less than 6 percent — had myopia or nearsightedness that required them to wear
glasses for more than eight hours a day. By comparison, more than 30 percent of similarly aged
people in the region needed glasses for nearsightedness, earlier research had shown.
Given that the rate of nearsightedness appeared to be so much higher in the general population
than in the Covid ward, the scientists wondered: Could wearing glasses protect a person from
becoming infected with coronavirus?
“Wearing of eyeglasses is common among Chinese individuals of all ages,” wrote the study
authors. “However, since the outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan in December 2019, ___(II)___
observed that few patients with eyeglasses were admitted in the hospital ward.”
The observation “could be preliminary evidence that daily wearers of eyeglasses are less
susceptible to Covid-19,” the authors speculated.
Experts say it’s too soon to draw conclusions from the research — or recommend that people
start wearing eye protection in addition to masks in hopes of lowering their risk for infection.
It may be that eyeglasses act as a partial barrier, protecting eyes from the splatter of a cough or
sneeze. Another explanation for the finding could be that people who wear glasses are less likely
to rub their eyes with contaminated hands.
The current study, published in JAMA Ophthalmology, was accompanied by a commentary from
Dr. Lisa Maragakis, an infectious disease specialist and associate professor of medicine at Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, who urged caution in interpreting the results.
The study was small, involving fewer than 300 cases of Covid-19, a tiny fraction of the nearly 30
million reported cases of coronavirus infection around the world. Another concern is that the data
on nearsightedness in the comparison group were gleaned from a study that took place decades
And Dr. Maragakis noted that any number of factors could confound the data, and it may be that
wearing glasses is simply associated with another variable that affects risk for Covid-19. For
example, it could be that people who wear glasses tend to be older, and more careful and more
likely to stay home during a viral outbreak, than those who do not wear glasses. Or perhaps people
who can afford glasses are less likely to contract the virus for other reasons, like having the means
to live in less crowded spaces.
“It’s one study,” Dr. Maragakis said. “It does have some biological plausibility, given that in health
care facilities, we use eye protection,” such as face shields or goggles. “But what remains to be
investigated is whether eye protection in a public setting would add any protection over and above
masks and physical distancing. I think it’s still unclear.”
Health care workers wear protective equipment over their eyes to protect them from droplets
that can fly from coughs and sneezes, as well as aerosolized particles that form when patients
undergo medical procedures, such as intubation. But for the vast majority of people, that extra
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
level of protection probably isn’t needed if a person is wearing a mask and keeping physical
distance in public spaces. There’s also the possibility of introducing risk by wearing glasses — some
people might touch their faces more when they put on glasses, rather than less, noted Dr.
That said, more study is needed to see if the trend holds up in other study populations, said Dr.
Thomas Steinemann, a spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology and professor of
ophthalmology at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland.
“I think it’s provocative, and it’s extremely interesting,” Dr. Steinemann said.
(Adapted from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/16/well/live/does-wearing-glasses-protect-you-from-coronavirus.html?surface=home-

15. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the text, mark the INCORRECT option

a) Most Covid-19 patients in China do not wear glasses

b) From the data analysis, scientists were intrigued by a possible new daily protection against
c) Daily wearers of eyeglasses may be more protected from covid-19
d) Despite the data, it is still not possible to affirm the effectiveness of glasses in protecting
against covid-19
e) The low number of covid-19 patients who wear glasses is due to the fact that most Chinese
do not wear glasses
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto afirma que a maioria dos pacientes da Covid-19 na China
não usam óculos. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Very few of the sick patients
regularly wore glasses”. O que faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações corretas.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto afirma que a partir da análise de dados, os cientistas
ficaram intrigados com uma nova possível proteção diária contra a Covid-19. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “Could wearing glasses protect a person from becoming infected with
coronavirus?”. O que faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações corretas.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto afirma que usuários diários de óculos podem estar mais
protegidos da Covid-19. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “…could be preliminary
evidence that daily wearers of eyeglasses are less susceptible to Covid-19”. O que faz com que
esta seja uma opção com informações corretas.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto afirma que apesar dos dados, ainda não é possível
afirmar a eficácia dos óculos na proteção contra a Covid-19. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “Experts say it’s too soon to draw conclusions from the research — or recommend that
people start wearing eye…”. O que faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações corretas.
A alternativa E está correta. O texto não afirma que o baixo número de pacientes da Covid-19
que usam óculos se dá pelo fato da maioria dos chineses não usarem óculos, mas sim, que se
dá por conta do alto número de usuários diários de óculos, provavelmente. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “’Wearing of eyeglasses is common among Chinese individuals of all
ages,’ wrote the study authors. ‘However, since the outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan in December
2019, we observed that few patients with eyeglasses were admitted in the hospital ward’”. O
que faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações incorretas.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Directions: Read the text below and answer question 16 according to it.
The Pandemic Is Forcing Everyone to Face the Digital Divide
AS THE NUMBER of Covid-19 cases in the US continues to rise, many parents in the country are
getting ready for a fall semester based entirely on remote learning. Attempting to teach and learn
from home has put a tremendous strain on all parents, teachers, and students, but for families
without access to high-speed broadband or the (proper number of) devices for kids to work off of,
the upcoming school year poses the possibility that those children will fall even farther behind. On
Tuesday, WIRED editor in chief Nicholas Thompson sat down with reporters Adrienne So and Pia
Ceres to discuss the how the digital divide may worsen inequality in the socially distanced school
year ahead.
When the coronavirus outbreak first began shutting down schools in March, all parents were left
scrambling—some to homeschool as they attempted to work from home themselves, and others
to find care for their children as they went to essential jobs. It wasn't an easy situation for anyone,
but higher-income families were better positioned to navigate the precarious situation, whether
through the help of private tutors, homeschooling pods, access to better equipment, or some
combination of those things. Now, as parents and educators launch into the second leg of this
national experiment, little has changed as far as resource allocation is concerned. And while many
school districts are doing all that they can to provide students with internet access and a stable
environment to learn in, a lack of federal resources has made it difficult to guarantee these things.
As Ceres notes during the conversation, education experts worry that vast differences in
educational experiences during this time will widen the gulf between students from high- and low-
income families in the US.
But many schools have learned much from the spring shutdowns, using technology to mitigate
some of the issues that have surfaced. Now, armed with experience, they are getting creative. In
Seattle, as Thompson points out, school buses have been repurposed as moveable wifi hotspots.
The private sector is chipping in as well, with initiatives like the one from Microsoft and Land
O'Lakes, which are partnering to improve connectivity in rural areas. And with time, some children,
like those who learn differently, are even seeing benefits from this more flexible method of
schooling. "For those students, it's actually been a little bit of a relief for people to come up with
creative solutions to serve different student needs," So says. Teachers, too, are growing more
comfortable with the new set-up and working together to navigate the new technological tools
available to them.
The pandemic didn't create the digital divide, but it has certainly exacerbated it. And though the
current schooling predicament has its challenges, it has also forced difficult—and long overdue—
conversations around addressing educational inequality.
(Adapted from https://www.wired.com/story/the-pandemic-is-forcing-everyone-to-face-the-digital-divide/)

16. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the alternative which rewrites the sentence
below correctly, in the passive voice

“…many school districts are doing all that they can…” (paragraph 2)

a) All that could be done by the school districts is being done by them
b) All the school districts are doing all they can
c) Lots of school districts are doing all they can

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
d) All that could be done by they, it’s being done
A alternativa A está correta. Esta opção reescreve a frase dada (muitos distritos escolares estão
fazendo tudo que eles podem) corretamente, na voz passiva; ou seja, “tudo que pode ser feito
pelos distritos escolares, está sendo feito por eles.”
A alternativa B está incorreta. Esta opção não reescreve a frase dada (muitos distritos escolares
estão fazendo tudo que eles podem) corretamente, na voz passiva. Neste caso, a frase diz
“todos os distritos escolares estão fazendo tudo que eles podem”, na voz ativa.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Esta opção não reescreve a frase dada (muitos distritos escolares
estão fazendo tudo que eles podem) corretamente, na voz passiva. Neste caso, a frase diz
“muitos distritos escolares estão fazendo tudo que eles podem”, na voz ativa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Esta opção não reescreve a frase dada (muitos distritos escolares
estão fazendo tudo que eles podem) corretamente, na voz passiva. Neste caso, a frase diz
“tudo que pode ser feito por eles, está sendo feito”, na voz passiva. Porém não cita os distritos
escolares, ou seja, o “they” fica sem sentido.

Directions: Read the text below and answer question 17 according to it.
5 thoughts on the tragedy of Minneapolis
The killing of George Floyd is a tragedy that is now compounding into other tragedies. It's almost
impossible to see clearly at a time of such confusion, but here are five thoughts on what's
happening in Minneapolis and across the US.
6. There's desperation across America, but it's most acute in urban black America, which has been
hit hardest by our twin catastrophes. COVID-19 infection and death rates are highest there, and
so are job losses.
7. The apparent inability of police to treat black and white protesters the same is a genuine
problem. It's great that police handled the provocative, heavily armed anti-lockdown protestors
a few weeks ago with such restraint. Nothing escalated and no one was hurt. Those protesters
were almost all white, and the cops they encountered were too. The Minneapolis protests,
meanwhile, included lots of black protesters —and lots of young black men — and were met by
mostly white cops. These protests began peacefully but quickly got out of control. Now there's
looting and a police station on fire. The protesters' violence is inexcusable, but a calmer police
response aimed at defusing the situation might have worked. It's worth asking why cops seem
to have a harder time soothing tense situations with black crowds.
8. Crowds make people into their worst, dumbest selves. The looting, arson, and violence are
tragically stupid: They help no one and improve nothing. But the mania of crowds can bring out
the ugliest in us.
9. Urban rioting in America is often set off by the clumsy and often slow legal response to police
violence. It's not necessarily the violence itself. It's the inability of the legal system to address the
violence in a way that feels fair to communities. Minneapolis fired the four cops involved in the
death of George Floyd immediately, which was a swift and direct response. The violent protests
occurred when prosecutors took their time in deciding whether to charge the officers. Even
though videos of this appalling incident made a criminal charge seem warranted, the
prosecutors' caution and care was understandable. The stakes are high: Charge cops too hastily

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
or recklessly and risk breakdown between police and prosecutors. Never charge bad cops and
sacrifice justice and lose the public trust.
10. It's a tragedy that we have a president who doesn't know how to calm a situation like this, and
in fact wants to inflame it.
(Adapted from https://www.insider.com/tragedies-of-minneapolis-george-floyd-2020-5)

17. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

The tragedy of Minneapolis
a) was caused by the President Trump.
b) only happened because Geoge Floyd attacked the police.
c) only happened because the prosecutors were too slow.
d) could have been handled in a less violent way by the police.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto não diz nada sobre o presidente ter causado a situação ou
a morte de George Floyd. O texto apenas critica a falta de capacidade dele de acalmar esse tipo de
situação, mas não o responsabiliza pelo ocorrido.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto não diz nada sobre George Floyd ter atacado a polícia.
Portanto, isso é algo que não se pode afirmar.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto diz que os promotores foram lentos, mas diz que era
compreensível que eles fossem cautelosos e não os responsabiliza pelo ocorrido.
A alternativa D está correta. O texto afirma que a violência dos manifestantes é injustificável,
mas que a polícia poderia ter lidado com a situação de forma diferente. O texto diz ainda que uma
abordagem diferente poderia ter funcionado para solucionar a crise.

Read Text I to do question 18 and 19 based on it.

Text 1
Galwan Valley: China accuses India of 'deliberate provocation'
China has accused Indian troops of a "deliberate provocation" in its first official comments on
Monday's deadly clash at a disputed Himalayan border.
Foreign ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao said the troops had crossed into Chinese territory and
attacked, triggering "fierce physical conflicts".
However he did not give details of any Chinese casualties.
On Friday Indian PM Narendra Modi said no foreign soldiers had crossed India's borders and no
territory had been lost.
Mr Modi vowed that India would defend its border with military force if necessary.
Twenty Indian soldiers were killed in the clash in the Galwan Valley. India has said that both sides
suffered losses during the fighting.
What is China's version of events?
In a series of tweets, Mr Zhao said the Galwan Valley was on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual
Control (LAC), the poorly demarcated border between the two nuclear-armed powers.
He said the clash occurred at a time when tension had been easing after India demolished
infrastructure it had built on the Chinese side of the LAC in May and withdrew personnel, following
an agreement between Chinese and Indian officers.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
But on 15 June Indian troops "once again crossed the Line of Actual Control for deliberate
provocation when the situation in the Galwan Valley was already easing", Mr Zhao said.
"India's front-line troops even violently attacked the Chinese officers and soldiers who went there
for negotiation, thus triggering fierce physical conflicts and causing casualties," he said.
India has been building "roads, bridges and other facilities" at the LAC in Galwan Valley since April,
Mr Zhao said.
What did PM Modi say about it?
In a televised statement on Friday, Mr Modi said there had been no incursion into Indian territory.
"Nobody has intruded into our border, neither is anybody there now, nor have our posts been
captured," he said.
India's armed forces had been "given a free hand to take all necessary steps" to protect Indian
territory, he added.
"The entire country is hurt and angry at the steps taken by China," he said, adding: "India wants
peace and friendship, but upholding sovereignty is foremost."
His government had previously blamed China for the clash, with the foreign ministry releasing a
statement on Wednesday saying it had been sparked after "the Chinese side sought to erect a
structure in Galwan valley on our side of the LAC".
What happened in the Galwan Valley?
Media reports said troops clashed on ridges at a height of nearly 4,300m (14,000 ft) on steep
terrain, with some soldiers falling into the fast-flowing Galwan river in sub-zero temperatures.
At least 76 Indian soldiers were reportedly injured in addition to the 20 dead. China has not
released any information about Chinese casualties.
The fighting took place without any firearms because of a 1996 agreement barring guns and
explosives from the area.
An image that emerged on Thursday purportedly showed some of the crude weapons used in the
The photograph, which appears to show iron rods studded with nails, was passed to the BBC by a
senior Indian military official on the India-China border, who said the weapons had been used by
the Chinese.
The image was widely shared on Twitter in India, prompting outrage from many social media
users. Neither Chinese or Indian officials have commented on it.
(Adapted from: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53118473)

18. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

Read the extract from the text.
“India has said that both sides suffered losses during the fighting”.
What’s the correct question referring to the underlined information?
a) Who suffered losses during the fight?
b) How were losses suffered during the fight?
c) Why has India said there were losses?
d) When has India said there were losses?
e) When did both sides suffer losses?

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Who” é usado para se perguntar quem fez algo algo, mas para
obter como resposta o trecho sublinhado, precisamos perguntar em qu emomento algo
aconteceu, e não quem fez algo.
A alternativa B está incorreta. “How” é uma palavra usada para se perguntar como algo
aconteceu, mas para obter como resposta o trecho sublinhado, precisamos perguntar em que
momento algo aconteceu, e não como aconteceu.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Why” é uma palavra usada para se perguntar por que algo
acontece, mas para obter como resposta o trecho sublinhado, precisamos perguntar quando
aconteceu, e não por que acontece.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A pergunta feita pela alternativa não tem como resposta o trecho
sublinhado no enunciado, mas sim quando foi que a Índia declarou que os dois lados sofreram
A alternativa E está correta. A pergunta feita na alternativa está correta. Quando os dois lados
sofreram baixas? Durante a luta (during the fighting). A resposta seria exatamente o trecho
sublinhado no enunciado.

19. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)

The Indian Prime Minister
a) said Indian soldiers had reacted to a Chinese incursion in Indian territory.
b) had given armed forces a free hand to take all necessary steps to protect Indian territory.
c) said Indian posts have been captured by Chinese troops during the clash.
d) said that the whole country is hurt and angry because China wants a war against India.
e) said India wants peace and friendship, but not with China.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto diz que o primeiro ministro afirmou, em um discurso
televisionado, que não houve nenhuma incursão em território indiano.
A alternativa B está correta. O texto diz que o primeiro ministro afirmou que as forças armadas
receberam carta branca para tomar todos os passos necessários para proteger o território indiano.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto diz que o primeiro ministro indiano afirmou que nenhum
dos postos indianos foram capturados, enquanto a alternativa diz que tropas chinesas capturaram
postos indianos.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto diz que todo o país está machucado e com raiva por conta
dos passos adotados pela China, mas não diz, em momento algum, que a China que travar uma
guerra com a Índia.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto afirma que o primeiro ministro indiano quer paz e amizade
exatamente com a China, diferentemente do que diz a alternativa.

Observe the comic strip to do item 20.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions

20. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) It’s correct to say that the boy
a) is not capable of understanding what his Grandfather is talking about.
b) got happy due to his Grandfather’s new acquisition.
c) is proud of his Grandfather because he knows how to use technology.
d) agrees that his Grandfather made a good choice by buying a top technology phone.
e) doesn’t get why his Grampa got a new phone if he doesn’t know how to use its features.
A alternativa A está incorreta. Não se pode afirmar que o menino não é capaz de entender do que
o avô está falando, pois não há nenhum indicativo disso na tirinha.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Não podemos dizer que o menino fica feliz com a aquisição do avô,
pois não há nenhuma fala dele que remeta a isso, e sua linguagem não verbal também não sugere
A alternativa C está incorreta. Não podemos dizer que o está orgulhoso de seu avô por ele saber
mexer nas funcionalidades do telefone, pois o texto da tirinha nos mostra que, na verdade, ele não
A alternativa D está incorreta. Não se pode dizer que o menino acha que o avô fez uma boa
escolha ao comprar o telefone novo, já que ele pergunta se o avô sabe usar as funções do telefone
e o avô diz que não.
A alternativa E está correta. É correto dizer que o não entende muito bem por que seu avô
comprou o telefone se ele não sabia usar as funções contidas no aparelho. A linguagem não verbal
contida na tirinha corrobora essa conclusão.

21. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)Read and complete the sentence below.

______ minister declared that ______ UK will be on an “irreversible path” to eliminating “high-risk
vendors” such as ______Huawei in 5G by ______ time of ______ next general election in 2024, in
attempt to placate some MPs.
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jul/14/huawei-to-be-stripped-of-role-in-uk-5g-network-by-2027-dowden-

Mark the option which best completes the blanks respectively.

a) the / X / the / X / X

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
b) the / the / the / X / the
c) the/ X / the / X / the
d) X / X / the / X / the
e) the / the / X / the / the
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. É obrigatório o uso do artigo definido “the”
porque ele define o substantivo “minister” como um ministro específico.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. Há a necessidade do uso do artigo definido na
segunda lacuna pelo fato de que o artigo definido é obrigatório antes de países com nomes
compostos ou suas siglas.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “X”. Não se pode usar o artigo definido “the” nessa
lacuna, pois a palavra seguinte é um substantivo próprio, e não se usa artigo definido antes de
substantivos próprios.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. O uso do artigo é necessário nesta lacuna pelo fato
de que trata-se de uma expressão específica “by the time”.
A quinta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. O artigo é necessário para específicar as eleições
das quais se fala. Trata-se da próxima eleição geral em 2024.
Temos a sequência: the / the / the / the / the

Read Text I to do question 22 based on it.

Text 1
Thinking of traveling in the U.S? These states have travel restrictions.
Nearly half of the states have measures in place for visitors, from mandatory testing to
quarantine requirements.
In the United States, gas prices are down while the number of coronavirus cases are up, making
the decision of how to vacation during this unprecedented summer a complex one. Meanwhile,
state restrictions on travelers are constantly evolving, with some requiring mandatory testing and
others imposing quarantine requirements.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that travel increases a person’s chance of
getting and spreading the virus. “Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from
Covid-19,” the federal agency cautions.

For those who do take a trip, the C.D.C. notes that each mode of transportation has its own risks,
and offers a series of recommendations for safety: that people wear a face mask in public, wash
hands frequently, avoid touching their face, keep six feet from others, cover coughs and sneezes,
and use drive-through service and curbside pickup at restaurants and stores.
Here is a summary of current restrictions in the United States for leisure travelers, although some
requirements do not apply to those spending less than a day in the state. Many states also have
exemptions for essential workers who are on the job, including health care workers, members of
the military and others, but even they are subject to some restrictions.

With the number of coronavirus cases surging across the country, check the areas you plan to
visit before you travel. Some municipalities or counties may have more stringent regulations than
issued by their state.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
(Adapted from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/10/travel/state-travel-restrictions.html)

22. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)What can we infer from the text? Mark the correct
a) Travelers should ignore the restrictions and keep doing their travels
b) C.D.C made the restrictions in order to mitigate the spread of the virus
c) People shouldn’t check the areas in U.S that they are planning to visit
d) Making the decision of how to vacation got easier
e) U.S was not affected by the coronavirus pandemic
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto não nos infere que os viajantes devem ignorar as
restrições de viagem e continuar fazendo-as normalmente, mas sim que os mesmos devem
seguir as restrições caso queiram continuar viajando.
A alternativa B está correta. O C.D.C criou as restrições com o intuito de amenizar a
disseminação do vírus, assim como o texto nos infere.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto não nos infere que as pessoas não deveriam checar as
áreas que querem visitar nos Estados Unidos, mas sim, exatamente o contrário.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto não nos infere que tomar a decisão de como viajar ficou
mais fácil, mas sim, exatamente o contrário.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto não nos infere que os Estados Unidos não foram
afetados pela pandemia, mas sim, que foi, e muito.

Read the text II to do item 23.

Robert Trump: brother of president Donald Trump dies aged 71
President confirms his younger brother has died after being taken to hospital in New York
Donald Trump’s younger brother, Robert Trump, died on Saturday night aged 71 after being
hospitalised in New York, the president said in a statement.
Trump on Friday visited his brother in hospital after White House officials said Robert
had become seriously ill. Officials did not immediately release a cause of death.
“It is with heavy heart I share that my wonderful brother, Robert, peacefully passed away
tonight,” Donald Trump said in a statement. “He was not just my brother; he was my best friend.
He will be greatly missed, but we will meet again. His memory will live on in my heart forever.
Robert, I love you. Rest in peace.”
Robert Trump had reportedly been hospitalised in the intensive care unit for several days that
same month. He took blood thinners and had recently experienced brain bleeds after a fall,
according to the New York Times.
Both longtime businessmen, Robert and Donald had strikingly different personalities. Donald
Trump once described his younger brother as “much quieter and easygoing than I am” and “the
only guy in my life whom I ever call ‘honey’”.
Robert Trump began his career on Wall Street working in corporate finance but later joined the
family business, managing real estate holdings as a top executive in the Trump Organization.
“When he worked in the Trump Organization he was known as the nice Trump,” Gwenda Blair, a
Trump family biographer, told the Associated Press. “Robert was the one people would try to get
to intervene if there was a problem.”

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Robert Trump was born in 1948, the youngest of New York City real estate developer Fred
Trump’s five children.
“I have a wonderful brother,” the president during a news conference at the White House on
Friday, the same day he had visited him in hospital. “We’ve had a great relationship for a long
time, from Day 1,” he said.
But their relationship could be turbulent. The president, more than two years older than Robert,
admitted bullying his brother in their younger years, even as he praised his loyalty and laid-back
“I think it must be hard to have me for a brother but he’s never said anything about it and we’re
very close,” Donald Trump wrote in his 1987 bestseller The Art of the Deal.
“Robert gets along with almost everyone,” he added, “which is great for me since I sometimes
have to be the bad guy.”
In the 1980s Donald Trump tapped Robert to oversee an Atlantic City casino project, calling him
the perfect fit for the job. When it cannibalised his other casinos, though, “he pointed the finger of
blame at Robert”, said Blair, author of The Trumps: Three Generations that Built an Empire.
“When the slot machines jammed the opening weekend at the Taj Mahal, he very specifically and
furiously denounced Robert, and Robert walked out and never worked for his brother again,” Blair
A Boston University graduate, Robert later managed the Brooklyn portion of father Fred Trump’s
real estate empire, which was eventually sold.
Once a regular boldface name in Manhattan’s social pages, Robert had kept a lower profile in
recent years. “He was not a newsmaker,” Blair said.
Before divorcing his first wife, Blaine Trump, more than a decade ago, Robert Trump had been
active on Manhattan’s Upper East Side charity circuit.
He avoided the limelight during his elder brother’s presidency, having retired to the Hudson
Valley. Robert and Donald reportedly reconciled at that time, with Robert describing himself as a
big supporter of the White House run in a 2016 interview with the New York Post.
“I support Donald one thousand percent,” Robert Trump said.
In early March of 2020, he married his longtime girlfriend, Ann Marie Pallan.
The eldest Trump sibling and Mary’s father, Fred Trump Jr, struggled with alcoholism and died in
1981 at the age of 43. The president’s surviving siblings include Elizabeth Trump Grau and
Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired federal appeals judge.
Authors Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher described Robert Trump as soft spoken but cerebral in
Trump Revealed: The Definitive Biography of the 45th President: “He lacked Donald’s charismatic
showmanship, and he was happy to leave the bravado to his brother, but he could show flashes of
Trump temper.”
(Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/16/robert-trump-brother-of-president-donald-trump-dies-aged-71)

23. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, mark the INCORRECT option
a) Robert Trump passed away in New York
b) Even if unstable sometimes, Robert and Donald’s relationship was great
c) Robert was married twice
d) Donald Trump described his brother as a big supporter in the 2016 elections
e) Robert and Donald were very close, but they had very different personalities

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto afirma que Robert Trump faleceu em Nova Iorque, sendo
assim, uma opção com informações corretas.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto afirma que mesmo com momentos de instabilidade,
Robert e Donald tinham uma ótima relação, sendo assim, uma opção com informações corretas.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto afirma que Robert foi casado duas vezes, sendo assim,
uma opção com informações corretas.
A alternativa D está correta. O texto afirma que Robert Trump o descreveu como um grande
apoiador das eleições em 2016, e não Donald Trump, sendo assim, a opção com informações
A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto afirma que Robert e Donald eram muito próximos,
porém, com personalidades muito diferentes, sendo assim, uma opção com informações corretas.

24. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct
a) The teacher is responsible for the class during class time
b) My mother are the best in the world
c) I make my bed later, today
d) The president live in the white house
e) I’ll do a surgery this week. I will have to skip work for a few days
A alternativa A está correta. Essa é a estrutura correta para se dizer que a professora é a
responsável pela turma em horário de aula.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na conjugação do verbo to be, que
deveria estar no singular “is” para se referir a apenas uma mãe.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na falta do “will” depois do eu (I), há
um erro de conjugação.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na conjugação do verbo live, que
deveria ser “lives” para o presente do indicativo.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na expressão “I will do a surgery”. Em
inglês se diz que você irá sofrer uma cirurgia, e não fazer uma cirurgia, ou seja, deveria ser “I
will have a surgery”.

Directions: Answer questions 25 and 26 according to TEXT I.

How to Make Homemade Face Masks More Effective
Five months after coronavirus took root in the U.S., face masks remain one of the most
controversial and confusing parts of the pandemic.
Changing public-health messaging hasn’t helped. In March, when personal protective
equipment (PPE) was running short, top U.S. public-health officials told Americans that the
general public did not need masks because they don’t fully block respiratory particles that
spread COVID-19, such as those in a sick person’s cough or sneeze. Most masks are best at
preventing particles from getting into the air where others might inhale them, so, at first,
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that only sick
people wear them.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
But as research progressed, studies showed compelling evidence that even asymptomatic
people could infect others with coronavirus—which meant anyone could be unknowingly
contagious, and everyone should be trying not to breathe on other people. As science
evolved—and a dire PPE shortage eased—the CDC revised its guidance to suggest that
everyone wear fabric masks in public.
President Donald Trump has also sent mixed messages on masks. He has called wearing
masks “patriotic,” but has also opted not to wear them during public appearances or
require them at his rallies. Other politicians have also resisted mandates on mask wearing—
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp even sued Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms after she
required them in public. (He later dropped the lawsuit.)
As a result, many people are understandably confused about how masks work and when
they should be worn. The science continues to evolve, but here are experts’ latest
recommendations about masks and coronavirus.
How can I make homemade masks more effective?
“The more layers, the better,” says Raina MacIntyre, an infectious disease expert from the
University of New South Wales who has studied mask efficacy. In a recent study, MacIntyre
and her colleagues recommend a minimum of three layers of fabric. (That said, any face
covering is better than none. If all you’ve got is a bandana or t-shirt, wear that.)
While the layers closest to your face can be something soft, like cotton, the outer layer
should be a water-resistant fabric, like polyester, that can repel droplets. “There’s an easy
way to test any fabric,” MacIntyre says. “Take a piece of fabric and drop one drop of water
on it and see what happens.” If it soaks in, it’s not repellent enough for the outer layer. If it
beads up, you’re in business.”
Fit is also important. You can easily breathe in germs if there are gaps between the edges
of your mask and your face, MacIntyre says. For that reason, she recommends a face mask
over a face shield, which is typically open at the bottom.
Finally, your nose should be inside your mask at all times, says Ben Abbott, an
environmental sciences professor at Utah’s Brigham Young University who recently
compiled a guide to masks. “The droplets are produced as you breathe out of your nose just
as easily as when you breathe out of your mouth,” he says.
But aren’t medical masks better?
N95 masks, the fitted respirators doctors wear when caring for contagious patients, are
better than cloth masks at blocking viral particles from coming in. Cloth masks offer some
protection via a physical barrier—which gets more effective with more layers—but N95s
offer better filtration. However, the general public is urged not to buy N95 masks so there
are enough for health care workers and the highest-risk individuals.
Studies do show that multi-layered cloth masks are about as good as surgical masks at
containing the spray of respiratory particles when the wearer sneezes, coughs or talks. That
means if everyone wore a cloth mask in public, there would be far less virus circulating and
a much lower chance of anyone getting sick. “My mask protects you, your mask protects
me,” Abbott says.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5880867/face-masks-coronavirus/)

25. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, mark the correct alternative
e) People were confused by instructions from political authorities
f) Political authorities stated that people shouldn’t wear masks
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
g) The use of masks helps in the spread of the coronavirus
h) Wearing masks protects only the person wearing it
A alternativa A está correta. O texto afirma que as pessoas ficaram confusas com instruções de
autoridades políticas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “As a result, many people are
understandably confused about how masks work…”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto não afirma que autoridades políticas afirmaram que as
pessoas não deveriam usar máscaras, mas sim, o contrário, porém algumas atitudes dos mesmos,
as confundiram. Isso pode ser afirmado com o trecho “President Donald Trump has also sent mixed
messages on masks.”
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto não afirma que o uso de máscaras ajuda na disseminação do
corona vírus, mas sim, o contrário. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “…studies
showed compelling evidence that even asymptomatic people could infect others with coronavirus …
the CDC revised its guidance to suggest that everyone wear fabric masks in public.”
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto não afirma que usar máscara protege apenas a quem
está usando, mas sim, que protege a todos. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “’My
mask protects you, your mask protects me,’ Abbott says.”

26. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Mark the option that shows the appropriate question
tag for the sentence
“President Donald Trump has also sent mixed messages on masks”, ___? (paragraph 4)
e) Isn’t he
f) Hasn’t he
g) Is he
h) Isn’t there
A alternativa A está incorreta. A frase dada está no passado por conta do verbo to have
no passado, “has”, ou seja, a pergunta também deve ser escrita no passado, por causa
da concordância. Isn’t he, está no presente, por isso não pode ser utilizado
A alternativa B está correta. A frase dada está no passado por conta do verbo to have no
passado, “has”, ou seja, a pergunta também deve ser escrita no passado, por causa da
concordância, como por exemplo “hasn’t he”; assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A frase dada está no passado por conta do verbo to have
no passado, “has”, ou seja, a pergunta também deve ser escrita no passado e da forma
correta (hasn’t he). Is he, nos infere que algo a mais vem depois da expressão, como “is
he doing ok?”, por isso, não pode ser utilizado.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A frase dada está no passado por conta do verbo to have
no passado, “has”, ou seja, a pergunta também deve ser escrita no passado (hasn’t he).
“Isn’t there” está no presente e não faz relação com Donald Trump, pois não utilizou o
pronome “he” (ele).

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Directions: Answer questions 27 to 29 according to TEXT I.
We Need a COVID-19 Vaccine. We Also Need Transparency About Its Development
The authorization of an effective vaccine will mark perhaps the biggest turning point in the
battle against coronavirus, but only if enough people are willing to get vaccinated. There
have been substantial declines in public willingness to get vaccinated against COVID-19,
despite immense, unprecedented public investments in vaccine development. In one
survey, barely half of Americans said they would get the vaccine as soon as it was available,
numbers that will undermine the benefits of even a highly effective vaccine.
It is no mystery why trust in a potential vaccine has plummeted. Operation Warp Speed,
the Trump Administration’s $10 billion vaccine initiative, and other vaccine efforts have
compressed processes that usually take years into months. This speed alone can raise
concerns, but to date, that pace has been matched with strict adherence to the basic
principles of scientific integrity. However, increasing politicization of key regulatory bodies
and unexplained decisions in trial procedures threaten to undermine the entire project. We
need a lot more transparency in this process to ensure that only a vaccine proven by data to
be safe and effective will be approved.
Unlike medical treatments given to the sick, vaccines are given to healthy people.
Historically, vaccines have been very safe and highly effective due to the rigor and care of
both the scientists conducting the trials, and the regulators deciding whether to approve
vaccines for public use. Even rare adverse events are carefully identified and studied. For
vaccinations to work, we must be able to trust our doctors when they tell us it is time for a
The coronavirus vaccine approval process has consequences that extend well beyond the
pandemic. Driven by misinformation, so-called “vaccine hesitancy” has been growing for
years. But as long as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be trusted to rigorously
follow the science, most of us continued to get vaccinated. That has changed in the
pandemic. The politicization of the FDA—apparent in the handling of the authorization of
hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma, amongst others—has substantially damaged
faith in the FDA. If the FDA again acts politically in approving a vaccine, it will further
increase vaccine hesitancy. If safety concerns emerge after the vaccine has been approved,
confidence in vaccines could be destroyed for a generation, in a single stroke, undoing a
century of public health gains.
But restoring trust in FDA alone will not be enough. We need the companies making the
vaccines, and the researchers studying the data, to act differently as well. Recently, one of
the major trials—for the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, supported by more than $1 billion in
public funds from Operation Warp Speed—was paused following a possible adverse
reaction to the virus in a trial participant. But while the leadership of AstraZeneca
mentioned the event in a private phone call with investors, they did not share the details
with the public. A few days later, the trials resumed again, with little information of what
changed. This will not do. Given that the American taxpayer has invested billions of dollars
into these trials, and will foot the bill for billions more when the vaccine is released, the
American people have a right to know much more.
Beyond more fully disclosing safety events, the pharmaceutical companies working to
develop a vaccine should publish the protocols of their clinical trial protocols, as Moderna
did on Thursday, so we understand how the trials are structured, if changes have been
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
made, and why. This is essential. Further, they should publish their analysis plan so the
public can see what subgroups of patients the investigators had planned to study, why, and
whether their approach is sound. Each time a trial is paused tell the public what happened,
how it was investigated, and why the trial was allowed to continue.
Making these critical documents public would be unusual—they usually aren’t made public
until a trial is published. However, these are extraordinary times and failure to secure
confidence in a COVID-19 vaccine would have disastrous consequences.
With just weeks until the election, the pressure on the FDA to quickly approve a
vaccine will mount. But the more the timeline is politicized, the more vaccine hesitancy will
grow. Transparency can stem the tide of skepticism, even if it cannot entirely extinguish the
persistent current of misinformation and mistrust of science. We must practice aggressive
transparency, and let the FDA’s career scientists, not political appointees, make the
decisions about approvals and explain those decisions to the American people.
The public’s faith in the vaccine development process is a critical component of the
vaccine, because vaccines don’t save lives, vaccinations do. For a vaccine to help bring this
pandemic under control, hundreds of thousands of healthy Americans must undergo
vaccination. We need to assure them that the vaccines work—and that they are safe. These
are unprecedented times. They need unprecedented transparency.
(Adapted from https://time.com/5890216/transparency-covid-vaccine-development/)

27. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the INCORRECT alternative, according to the
second paragraph

a) The reason why there is not much confidence in an effective vaccine, regarding the
population, is known
b) There have been many efforts by the authorities to speed up the vaccine production
c) The acceleration of vaccine production was well regarded and desired by the
d) Despite efforts, the covid-19 vaccine production process must be openly shared with
the population
A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com o segundo parágrafo, é correto afirmar que
a razão de não haver muita confiança em uma vacina eficaz, em relação à população, é
conhecida, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “It is no
mystery why trust in a potential vaccine has plummeted”, o que faz com que esta seja
uma opção com informações corretas.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o segundo parágrafo, é correto afirmar que
tem havido muitos esforços por parte das autoridades para acelerar o processo de
produção da vacina, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“Operation Warp Speed, the Trump Administration’s $10 billion vaccine initiative…”, o que
faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações corretas.
A alternativa C está correta. De acordo com o segundo parágrafo, não é correto afirmar
que a aceleração do processo de produção de vacina foi bem visto e almejado pela
população, mas sim, que houve uma queda na confiança em uma vacina eficaz, por conta
da rapides. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “It is no mystery why trust in a

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
potential vaccine has plummeted”, o que faz com que esta seja uma opção com
informações incorretas.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o segundo parágrafo, é correto afirmar que
apesar dos esforços, o processo de produção da vacina da Covid-19 deve ser abertamente
compartilhado com a população, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado
com o trecho “We need a lot more transparency in this process to ensure…”, o que faz
com que esta seja uma opção com informações corretas.

28. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the option that shows the appropriate question
tag for the sentence

“If safety concerns emerge after the vaccine has been approved, confidence in vaccines
could be destroyed for a generation”, ___? (paragraph 4)

a) Can it
b) Can’t it
c) Couldn’t it
d) Isn’t it
A única opção possível, nesse caso, é “couldn’t it?” pois é a única opção que faz relação
com a palavra citada anteriormente na frase, “could”, ou seja, é etiqueta de pergunta que
melhor se encaixa ao se referir a confiança nas vacinas.

29. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the statement that is in DISAGREEMENT with
the text

a) Trust in the FDA is not just what is needed to ensure an effective vaccine for the
b) Whoever is producing the vaccine must act differently to ensure a safe process and a
reliable result
c) The causes of an adverse reaction to one of the main vaccines in production, have not
been made available to the public
d) The American people's right to information cannot be justified by the fact that these
people are a major contributor to research
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto afirma que a confiança na FDA não é a única coisa
necessária para garantir uma vacina eficaz para a população. Isso pode ser confirmado
com o trecho “We need the companies making the vaccines, and the researchers studying
the data, to act differently as well”, o que faz com que esta opção esteja de acordo com
o texto.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto afirma que quem está produzindo a vacina deve
agir de forma diferente para garantir um processo seguro e um resultado confiável. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “We need the companies making the vaccines, and the

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
researchers studying the data, to act differently as well”, o que faz com que esta opção
esteja de acordo com o texto.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto afirma que as causas de uma reação adversa a uma
das principais vacinas em produção, não foram disponibilizadas ao público. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “...they did not share the details with the public”, o que faz com
que esta opção esteja de acordo com o texto.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto não afirma que o direito à informação do povo
americano, não pode ser justificado pelo fato deste povo ser um grande contribuidor para
pesquisa, mas sim, que isso é uma das justificativas para uma maior transparência com o
povo. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Given that the American taxpayer has
invested billions of dollars into these trials, and will foot the bill for billions more when
the vaccine is released, the American people have a right to know much more”, o que faz
com que esta opção não esteja de acordo com o texto.

Directions: Answer question 30 according to TEXT I.

Over 100,000 Flamingos Reportedly Descend on Mumbai Amid India's Strict Coronavirus
As people around the world stay inside to fight the spread of coronavirus, wild animals have
begun to enjoy the newfound space. That appears to be what’s happened in the metropolitan
region of Mumbai, India, where a record-breaking number of flamingos have migrated, painting
the wetlands pink, according to local reports.
The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) estimates that around 25% more flamingos have
migrated to the region compared to last year, likely caused by the decrease in human activity, the
Hindustan Times reports. The Science Times calculates around 150,000 flamingos have come to
the area.
India has been under a strict lockdown since March 25, which has required over a billion people
to stay home and shutter all but essential services, in an attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19,
the disease caused by novel coronavirus. On May 1, the Indian government extended the
lockdown through May 18.
Flamingos typically migrate to wetlands of the metropolitan region of Mumbai from November to
May, Rhul Khot, the assistant director of the BNHS, told the Times. But this year’s lockdown “is
giving these birds peace for roosting, no disturbance in their attempt to obtain food and overall
encouraging habitat,” Deepak Apte, the director of the BNHS, explained, per Times. He added that
the increase is also likely tied to a successful breeding season two years ago, as well as the
destruction of wetlands on India’s eastern seafront that could be pushing the birds to the Mumbai
region, per the Times.
Khot also told the Times that an increase in “domestic sewage” from people staying at home
during the lockdown “is helping the undisturbed formation of planktons, algae and microbenthos
formation, which forms the food for flamingos and other wetland birds.”
As the coronavirus pandemic has continued, animals have been spotted throughout the world in
places that are usually dominated by humans. CNN reports that dolphins have swam in India’s
Ganges river for the first time in years, and hundreds of monkeys have “descended” on Delhi as
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
the city remains under lockdown. Cougars were reportedly spotted prowling the streets in
Santiago, Chile, in April; wild Kashmiri goats meandered through on the town of Llandudno, Wales,
in March.
“Residents are cooped up at home spending their mornings and evenings at their balconies
taking photographs and videos of these relaxed birds,” Sunil Agarwal, a resident of Seawoods in
Navi Mumbai, told the Times about the flamingos. “The lockdown will at least prompt people to
focus on what is around them, which they had been taking for granted, and hopefully this site will
be declared a flamingo sanctuary soon.”
(Adapted from https://time.com/5831198/flamingos-coronavirus/)

30. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read the sentences and mark the correct option.
I. Lockdown has been good to people and animals, who can have the city for themselves.
II. People being cooped up at home is a good thing for animals that can enjoy new spaces.
III. This number of flamingos migrating to the region of Mumbai was only possible due to humans
destroying their original habitat.
The only correct sentence(s) is(are)
a) II.
b) III.
c) I and II.
d) I and III.
A sentença I está incorreta. O texto afirma que o confinamento das pessoas foi bom para os
animais, mas não afirma que as pessoas também se beneficiam do confinamento.
A sentença II está correta. O fato de as pessoas estarem confinadas em casa é bom para os
animais, pois eles têm muito mais liberdade para explorar novos lugares na cidade sem ter
contato com humanos.
A sentença III está incorreta. O texto não afirma que os flamingos só vão pra região de Mumbai
porque o habitat original deles foi destruído pelos humanos. O texto apenas diz que esse é um
dos fatores que contribuem para o aumento da migração das aves para essa região.
Somente a sentença II está correta.

31. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “ at the party yesterday?” Complete the
space with the correct form of the verb and the pronoun.

a) Are you
b) Where you
c) Did you go
d) You went
e) Were you
A lacuna deve ser preenchida com “were you” (você estava?) pois é a forma correta de se
começar uma pergunta que indica passado, ou seja, “você estava na festa ontem?”.

Read text II and answer question 32

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions

Coronavirus crisis unlikely to be over by the end of the year, WHO warns

Despite the spread of Covid-19 being slowed in some countries due to lockdowns and vaccination
programs, it is “premature” and “unrealistic” to the think the pandemic will be over by the end of
the year, the World Health Organization’s executive director of emergency services has said.
Speaking at a press briefing Geneva, Dr Michael Ryan said while vaccinating the most vulnerable
people, including healthcare workers, would help remove the “tragedy and fear” from the
situation, and would help to ease pressure on hospitals, the “virus is very much in control”.
“It will be very premature, and I think unrealistic, to think that we’re going to finish with this virus
by the end of the year,” Ryan said.
“If the vaccines begin to impact not only on death and not only on hospitalisation, but have a
significant impact on transmission dynamics and transmission risk, then I believe we will accelerate
toward controlling this pandemic.”
(Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/02/coronavirus-crisis-unlikely-to-be-over-by-the-end-of-the-year-who-warns)

32. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) It is FALSE to say that

a) The spread of coronavirus is being partially contained in some places

b) Considering vaccination and lockdown, the pandemic is likely to end in a few months
c) Most vulnerable people should be a priority in vaccination
d) It is misleading to think that the pandemic will end by the end of the year
e) Decreasing numbers of death and hospitalization are not the only thing to think about to end
the pandemic
A alternativa A está incorreta. É verdadeiro dizer que a disseminação do coronavírus está sendo
parcialmente contida em alguns lugares. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Despite the
spread of Covid-19 being slowed in some countries due to lockdowns and vaccination
A alternativa B está correta. É falso dizer que considerando a vacinação e o bloqueio, a
pandemia provavelmente terminará em alguns meses, mas sim, que é irreal pensar que a
pandemia vai acabar até o fim do ano. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “It will be very
premature, and I think unrealistic, to think that we’re going to finish with this virus by the end
of the year”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. É verdadeiro dizer que pessoas mais vulneráveis devem ser uma
prioridade na vacinação. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...said while vaccinating the
most vulnerable people, including healthcare workers, would help remove the…”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. É verdadeiro dizer que é enganoso pensar que a pandemia
terminará no final do ano. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “…it is ‘premature’ and
‘unrealistic’ to the think the pandemic will be over by the end of the year…”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. É verdadeiro dizer que a diminuição do número de mortes e
hospitalizações não é a única coisa a se pensar para acabar com a pandemia. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “If the vaccines begin to impact not only on death and not only on

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
hospitalisation, but have a significant impact on transmission dynamics and transmission risk,
then I believe we will accelerate toward controlling this pandemic”.

Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 33 to 36 according to it.

TEXT Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not ‘learning styles’ by Valerie Strauss

The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when we now
worldrenowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence that went
beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized
Gardner’s theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic, logical-
mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later added an
eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The theory became highly
popular with K-12¹ educators around the world seeking ways to reach students who did not
respond to traditional approaches, but over time, ‘multiple intelligences’ somehow became
synonymous with the concept of ‘learning styles’. In this important post, Gardner explains why the
former is not the latter.
It’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’. I have been gratified by
the interest shown in this idea and the ways it’s been used in schools, museums, and business
around the world. But one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction and that’s the
tendency of many people, including persons whom I cherish, to credit me with the notion of
‘learning styles’ or to collapse ‘multiple intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’. It’s high time to relieve
my pain and to set the record straight.
First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including the study of
how human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea that each of us has a
number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be termed our ‘multiple
intelligences’. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence assumes that we
have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines how well we perform in every sector of
life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences assumes that human beings have 7 to 10 distinct
Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the term ‘learning styles’ was being bandied about in
educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all children (indeed all of
us) have distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it makes sense to find out about learners
and to teach and nurture them in ways that are appropriate, that they value, and above all, are
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning styles’ is itself not coherent. Those who use this term
do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are recognized/
assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is ‘impulsive’. Does that
mean that Johnny is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How do we know this? What does this imply
about teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, or should we compensate by ‘teaching
reflectively’? What of learning style is ‘right-brained’ or visual or tactile? Same issues apply.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently with those
styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the learning style analysis
produces more effective outcomes than a ‘one size fits all approach’. Of course, the learning style
analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the mark, the fact that one intervention
did not work does not mean that the concept of learning styles is fatally imperfect; another
intervention might have proved effective. Absence of evidence does not prove non-existence of a
phenomenon; it signals to educational researchers: ‘back to the drawing boards’.
Here’s my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain: Intelligence: We
all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where the
person has considerable computational power. Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how an
individual approaches the range of materials. If an individual has a ‘reflective style’, he/she is
hypothesized to be reflective about the full range of materials. We cannot assume that
reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in one’s interaction with the others.
Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ learner or an ‘auditory’ learner. The implication is
that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This notion is incoherent.
Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they make use of entirely different
cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental computer, the intelligence that acts
upon that sensory information once picked up.
These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about ‘an impulsive style’ or a ‘visual
learner’, that’s their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may be unhelpful, at
best, and ill-conceived at worst.
In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and that
strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in any other
intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are common sense ways of
assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can take a more formal test
battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or selfassessors, we can decide how best to make use of
this information.
(Adapted from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet)


1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for teaching
with objects.

33. (AFA – 2017) The text

a) aims at highlighting distinctive mind barriers related to learning.
b) provides the reader with a bird’s-eye-view of Gardner’s landmark publication.
c) develops a considerable set of psychological and mental implications.
d) concerns about spending 30 years to measure people’s intelligence.
Na letra A, há um erro ao afirmar que o texto tem como objetivo (o verbo aims indica objetivo)
destacar (highlight) diferentes barreiras mentais relacionadas ao aprendizado (aims at highlighting
distinctive mind barriers related to learning.) Na realidade, o texto foca no trabalho de Howard

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A letra B representa exatamente a ideia do texto: provides the reader with a bird’s-eye-view of
Gardner’s landmark publication. Ele fornece (provides) ao leitor uma visão geral da publicação de
Gardner. Alternativa correta.

A alternativa C erra ao dizer que o texto desenvolve implicações mentais e psicológicas: develops a
considerable set of psychological and mental implications. Na verdade, o texto trata da diferença
entre múltiplas inteligências (multiple intelligences) e estilos de aprendizado (learning styles).
A alternativa D está incorreta porque diz que há preocupações (concerns) pelo fato de serem
necessários 30 anos para medir a inteligência de alguém: concerns about spending 30 years to
measure people’s intelligence. Na realidade, o trabalho de Gardner foi publicado
aproximadamente 30 anos atrás. Portanto, o texto relaciona “30 anos” com a publicação do
trabalho de Gardner, e não com o tempo de mensuração da inteligência.

OBS.: note que os verbos são utilizados no presente e que todas as alternativas se iniciam com
verbos acrescidos de “S”, pois o sujeito text pode ser substituído pelo termo it, pronome que
estudaremos adiante, numa outra aula para aprimorar esses conceitos também. Sabemos que os
verbos cujos sujeitos sejam HE/SHE/IT são acrescidos de “S” no tempo verbal simple present,
conforme a teoria estudada nessa aula.


34. (AFA – 2017) Mark the option which shows the appropriate question tag for the sentence
“one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction”.

a) Hasn’t driven it?

b) Not has it?
c) Has it?
d) Hasn’t it?
É importante entender que as “question tags” tem uma estrutura específica. Elas servem para o
interlocutor pedir uma confirmação da ideia apresentada. Essa confirmação precisa ser dada
utilizando a mesma estrutura apresentada na afirmação.
Ex.: you are a doctor, aren’t you? (você é um médico, não é?)
A alternativa A está incorreta. O verbo principal “driven” não deveria estar dentro da estrutura da
“question tag”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “not” não pode aparecer antes de “has” na estrutura de
uma pergunta. Isso torna a estrutura incorreta.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A “question tag” deve aparecer sempre negando a afirmação. Se a
frase é afirmativa, a “question tag” deve vir na negativa. Já quando a frase é negativa, a “question
tag” deve vir na afirmativa.
A alternativa D está correta. “Hasn’t it” é a “question tag” correta para acompanhar a frase do
enunciado. Podemos substituir o sujeito da oração “one unanticipated consequence” por “it” e,
então, teríamos a frase: It has driven me to distraction. A “question tag” apropriada para esta frase
seria: It has driven me to distraction, hasn’t it?.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
35. (AFA – 2017) Choose the best option to change the sentence “human capacities are
represented in the brain” (4th paragraph) , into the active form.

The brain _______________ human capacities.

a) has represented
b) represents
c) has been represented
d) representing
O enunciado pede que transformemos uma frase da voz passiva para a voz ativa. A frase no
enunciado diz: As capacidades humanas são representadas no cérebro. Devemos, então, dizer: O
cérebro representa as capacidades humanas.
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Has represented” daria a ideia de “tem representado”, e não de
“representa”. O problema está, portanto, no tempo verbal empregado
A alternativa B está correta. “Represents” dá a ideia de “representa”, que é exatamente o tempo
verbal adequado para transformar esta frase na voz ativa. O “S” adicionado ao final do verbo é
necessário, pois trata-se de um verbo conjugado na terceira pessoa do singular (IT) do “Simple
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Has been represented” tem a ideia de “tem sido representado”, e
não de “representa”. O erro está no tempo verbal empregado.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Representing” tem a ideia de “representando”, e não de
“representa”. O tempo verbal é inadequado.

36. (AFA – 2017) In the fourth paragraph, it’s said that

a) a single intelligence (SI) concept leads to the assumption of computers which control 7 to 10
distinct intelligences.
b) MI theory believes that instead of a central computer mastering various sectors, there are a
larger amount of them relatively autonomous.
c) MI theory estimates the existence of a central computer responsible for 7 to 10 distinct
d) a SI determines people’s performance in different sectors of life through autonomous
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto diz que o conceito de inteligência múltipla diz que humanos
tem de 7 a 10 inteligências distintas, não o conceito de inteligência única.
A alternativa B está correta. É exatamente isso que diz o texto, o cérebro não funciona como um
único computador que comanda todas as nossas aptidões e habilidades, mas sim como vários
deles relativamente autônomos comandando as diferentes habilidades que possuímos.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Não há um computador único que comanda todas as inteligências.
De acordo com o parágrafo, essas inteligências são distintas e relativamente independentes.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A alternativa define o conceito de múltiplas inteligências mas atribui
essa definição ao conceito de inteligência única. Este é, portanto, o equívoco da alternativa.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Read the text and answer question 37.
Oil contaminating Brazil's beaches very likely from Venezuela
Anna Jean Kaiser
Thick crude oil that has stained hundreds of miles of pristine Brazilian beach in recent weeks
probably originated in Venezuela, the Brazilian government has said, in an accusation likely to
further strain relations between the two countries.
Brazilians authorities have been investigating the growing disaster for more than a month, as
the oil has spread to more than 130 beaches across nine states.
Ricardo Salles, the country’s environment minister, told that a study by Petrobrás had
concluded that the oil “is very likely from Venezuela. He said that a foreign ship near Brazil’s
coastline appeared to have caused the spill.
There was no immediate response from Venezuela
Social media users have shared shocking images of the spill, showing kilometers of white sand
stained with oil blotches and dead, oil-covered turtles and dolphins. One video shows thick black
oil lapping up against a rocky jetty.
Adapted from The Guardian

37. (EEAR – BCT – 2021) According to the text, we can infer that ________________________.
a) The spill was caused by a domestic ship near Brazilian beaches
b) No dolphins and turtles died according to the images shared by the media
c) A dense and natural oil marked hundreds of miles of clean beaches recently
d) The government is investigating to discover how many beaches are involved in the disaster
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto diz que o vazamento foi causado por um navio estrangeiro,
e não doméstico.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto diz que golfinhos e tartarugas foram encontrados mortos e
cobertos de óleo, contrariamente ao que diz a afirmativa.
A alternativa C está correta. O texto diz óleo cru sujou centenas de milhas de praias limpas
recentemente, exatamente como diz a alternativa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto diz que o governo tem investigado o crescente incidente
por mais de um mês, mas não diz que investiga quantas praias estão envolvidas no desastre.


38. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Choose the correct alternative to complete the
paragraph below.

Protesters in Beirut have stormed government ministries during a fresh demonstration over
Tuesday's huge explosion that left at least 158 dead.
Several thousand people _______ to the streets protesting. Police have fired tear gas at stone-
throwing demonstrators. Sounds of gunfire have also _______ from central Martyrs' Square. In a
televised address, Lebanese PM Hassan Diab _______ he would ask for early elections as a way out
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
of the crisis. "We can't exit the country's structural crisis without holding early parliamentary
elections," he said. The issue will be discussed in cabinet on Monday.
Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-53704998

a) have taken / heard / have said

b) has taken / hear / has said
c) took / been heard / said
d) taken / been heard / had said
e) had taken / heard / was said
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “took”, pois o evento ocorre num momento específico
pós explosão. O past simple é o tempo verbal ideal nesse tipo de situação.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “been heard” porque o auxiliar “have” já indica o uso
do present perfect. Além disso, a frase está na voz passiva. Sons de tiros foram ouvidos, por isso o
uso de “been” antes do verbo principal “heard”.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “said”, pois o texto está introduzindo um discurso
indireto. Por isso, torna-se necessário o uso do past simple.
Temos a sequência “took / been heard / said”

Based on the text below, answer question 39.

Why some people like wearing masks

Some people welcome face coverings for reasons ranging from the convenient and expedient
to the more complex and psychological. But is this a helpful coping mechanism?

Sheltering in place hasn’t been too hard for Jay Lee; watching a film at home and ordering a
takeaway has always been his idea of a good night. Lee, a 32-year-old small business owner in
Leicester, identifies as an introvert. And although 2020 had its hardships – in the spring, he was
made redundant from his job at a large bank – one perk for him has been the widespread
adoption of face masks.
Lee has always dreaded run-ins with old friends and acquaintances around town, finding these
spontaneous interactions “extremely awkward”. He used to time his shopping trips to minimise
the possibility of bumping into someone he knew, waiting until almost closing time before
heading out. “Since I've been wearing the mask, my awkward interactions with friends and
family have significantly reduced,” he says. Now, he goes to the shops whenever he wants,
without worrying about whom he might see. He hopes that, even after the pandemic ends, it
will still be socially acceptable to wear a mask.
Wearing a mask is, for most of us, an annoying but worthwhile sacrifice: it’s one of the most
effective ways to slow the spread of Covid-19. Still, most of us look forward to the day when we
can bare our faces in public again. Face-coverings fog our glasses and clog our pores; they make
it harder to smile at strangers and recognise friends.
Yet some are secretly relishing the new mask-wearing mandates, for reasons ranging from the
convenient and expedient to the more complex and psychological. Some welcome the way face
coverings reduce or change interactions that might otherwise spark social anxiety.
‘Anonymity carries power’

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
At the lighter end of the scale, some people have found that masking offers a welcome relief
from the pressures to uphold strict standards of grooming and appearance. They have ditched
their old makeup and shaving routines and are saving money, time and stress. Others have
discovered that hiding their mouths affords them unexpected freedoms. Some restaurant
servers and retail workers say they no longer feel obliged to fake-smile at customers,
potentially lifting the burden of emotional labour.
(Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210115-why-some-people-like-wearing-masks)

39. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) It is possible to infer from the text that

a) The safety measure related to the masks is well accepted depending on the personality of the
b) Face coverings is an inconvenience for everyone
c) Introverted people ended up not adapting to the context of a pandemic
d) Wearing a mask is a pointless sacrifice at the present time
e) Wearing masks does not interfere with the aesthetic pressure exerted by society
A alternativa A está correta. De acordo com o texto, é correto inferir que a medida de
segurança relacionada às máscaras é bem aceita dependendo da personalidade do usuário,
assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...identifies as an
introvert. And although 2020 had its hardships – in the spring, he was made redundant from his
job at a large bank – one perk for him has been the widespread adoption of face masks”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto inferir que coberturas
faciais são um incômodo para todos, mas sim, que, para alguns, foi um alívio. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “...one perk for him has been the widespread adoption of face
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto inferir que pessoas
introvertidas acabaram não se adaptando ao contexto de uma pandemia, mas sim, que se
adaptaram por não precisarem se expor ao contato com outras pessoas. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “Since I've been wearing the mask, my awkward interactions with
friends and family have significantly reduced”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto inferir que usar uma
máscara é um sacrifício inútil no momento, mas sim, que é necessário e útil. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “Wearing a mask is, for most of us, an annoying but worthwhile
sacrifice: it’s one of the most effective ways to slow the spread of Covid-19”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto inferir que o uso de
máscaras não interfere na pressão estética exercida pela sociedade, mas sim, que interfere.
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “At the lighter end of the scale, some people have found
that masking offers a welcome relief from the pressures to uphold strict standards of grooming
and appearance”.

40. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option is correct to complete the sentences

1- My father heard him ___ down the street.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
2- He heard men ___.
3- The mother saw the kitten ___ on the chair.
4- Democracy must be done legally, and it must be ___.
5- I got to see my wife ___ birth.

a) Running / shooting / lying / seen / giving

b) Runs / shooting / lays / saw / giving
c) Running / shooting / laying / saw / gave
d) Ran / shooting / laying / seen / giving
e) Running / shooting / laying / seen / gave
A sentença 1 deve ser preenchida com o verbo “to run” (correr) no past continuous, ou seja,
“running” (correndo), ou seja, “Meu pai o ouviu correndo pela rua”.
A sentença 2 deve ser preenchida com o verbo “to shoot” (atirar) no no past continuous, ou
seja, “shooting” (atirando), ou seja, “Ele ouviu homens atirando”.
A sentença 3 deve ser preenchida com o verbo “to lay” (deitar) no no past continuous, ou seja,
“lying” (atirando), ou seja, “A mãe viu o gatinho deitado na cadeira”.
A sentença 4 deve ser preenchida com o verbo “to see” (ver) no no past participle, ou seja,
“seen” (visto), ou seja, “A democracia deve ser feita legalmente, e deve ser vista”.
A sentença 5 deve ser preenchida com o verbo “to give” (dar) no no past continuous, ou seja,
“giving” (dando), ou seja, “Eu vi minha esposa dando à luz”.

41. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Choose the correct alternative to complete the
paragraph below.
In the last few weeks a spate of American stores _______ headlines after putting up signs
_______ customers who wear masks they will be denied entry. On Thursday, Vice reported on a
Kentucky convenience store that put up a sign reading: “NO Face Masks ______ in store. Lower
your mask or go somewhere else.
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/22/us-stores-against-face-masks

a) have made / telling / allow

b) made / told / allowed
c) have made / telling / allowed
d) made / have told / allow
e) has made / told / allowed
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “have made”, pois o texto é escrito no passado e
conta uma história se iniciou e permanece acontecendo no presente.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “telling” porque as outras opções disponíveis
exigiriam outra partícula para que o texto fizesse sentido.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “allowed”, pois a outra opção não se encaixa de forma
adequada no texto, já que usar “allow” seria como dizer que nenhuma mácara autoriza na loja.
Ficaria completamente sem sentido.
Temos a sequência “have made / telling / allowed”

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
42. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph
SUS ______ in 1988 by the Brazilian Federal Constitution, which states that it is the duty of the
State to guarantee health to the entire Brazilian population. It ______ in the 70s and 80s, when
several groups ______ in the health movement, with the objective of ______ about a public
system to solve the problems found in the care of the population defending the universal right to

a) has been created / has started / engaged / thought

b) has been created / had started / engage / thought
c) was created / started / were engaged / thinking
d) was created / started / was engaged / thinking
e) has been created / has started / were engaged / think
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “was created”. A criação do SUS é algo que já foi
iniciado e encerrado no passado. O SUS permanece até hoje, mas a sua criação já está terminada.
Por isso, devemos usar o verbo no simple past e não no present perfect.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “started”. O texto conta a história de quando o SUS
passou a ser uma demanda da população, mas como o SUS já foi criado, trata-se de uma ação
iniciada e encerrada no passado. Portanto, deve-se usar o simple past.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “were engaged”. O texto quer dizer que muitos grupos
já estavam engajados no movimento pela saúde. Portanto, devemos usar “were engaged”, já que a
ação já está encerrada.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “thinking”. A preposição of exige que o verbo venha no
Temos a sequência: was created / started / were engaged / thinking.

43. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the dialogue below

Ana: What are you going to do today?

John: I have a lot of work to do. It needs to _____ by the end of the day.

a) Be done
b) Have done
c) Have been doing
d) Do
e) Does
A lacuna deve ser preenchida com o verbo to do (fazer) no past participle (particípio passado),
ou seja, “be done” (ser feito), para que a frase se complete em “It needs to be done by the end
of the day” (Precisa ser feito até o fim do dia.).

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
44. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below

He's done a great job, _____?

a) Hasn’t he
b) Has he
c) Isn’t he
d) Didn’t he
e) Haven’t he
A alternativa A está correta. É correto usar “hasn’t he?” pois esta tag está relacionada ao “has
done” utilizado na frase.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Não é correto usar “has he” pois a tag deve estar relacionada ao
“has done” utilizado na frase.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Não é correto usar “isn’t he” pois a tag deve estar relacionada ao
“has done” utilizado na frase.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Não é correto usar “didn’t he” pois a tag deve estar relacionada
ao “has done” utilizado na frase.
A alternativa E está incorreta. Não é correto usar “haven’t he” pois a tag deve estar relacionada
ao “has done” utilizado na frase.

Based on the text below, answer the question that follow it.
Jacob Blake: father refuses to ‘play politics with my son’s life’ amid furor over Trump visit
Jacob Blake Sr has said he ‘has no interest in speaking’ with the president on a visit that local
officials have urged Trump not to make
The father of Jacob Blake, the man shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, said on Monday
that the family has received threats and that he refused to “play politics with my son’s life” amid
tensions over Donald Trump’s planned visit to the city on Tuesday.
Jacob Blake Sr is the father of Jacob Blake Jr, a 29-year-old Black man and father, who is in
hospital in Kenosha, paralyzed from the waist down, after a white police officer fired seven shots
at his back last Sunday. Blake Sr said he had to take his other son, 20, to hospital because he was
depressed. Blake Sr told CNN: “I received some threats and it affected my son.”
He declined to give further details. He said: “It’s sad to me how people don’t understand
the kind of pressure this family is under.” And he talked of his son, Jacob Jr, as being an individual
who, a few weeks ago “was running around laughing, and now that individual cannot move his
Local officials have urged the president not to visit Kenosha or at least to postpone his trip.
Trump has talked about violent protests in a way that implies ongoing chaos in Kenosha. In fact,
daily and nightly marches and demonstrations have been entirely peaceful there since
That followed a bout of unrest straight after the police shooting, where some businesses
and public property were badly damaged and many stores are now boarded up, then a spiral into
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
chaos last Tuesday night when armed, white agitators turned up on the streets, were given water
and encouragement by police in an armored vehicle despite being out after curfew, and then
ended up confronting protesters.
A 17-year-old, Kyle Rittenhouse, from Antioch, Illinois, had an assault rifle and shot dead a
man, then walked away as others tried to give first aid, then was chased and shot dead another
man and badly wounded a third.
He then walked through police lines without being apprehended and was arrested the next
day in his home town in Illinois. Ben Crump, a civil rights lawyer acting for the Blake family,
condemned “two justice systems in America: one for white, one for Black”.
Both the police shooting of Jacob Blake Jr and parts of the incidents with Rittenhouse were
caught on tape, including Rittenhouse walking through police lines after the killings, which his
lawyer has argued were in self defense.
Blake Sr told CNN the fact Rittenhouse was able to return home clearly illustrated the
“That man went home to his house in Antioch, Illinois … he went to another state,” he said.
“[While] My son is in a state of being paralyzed.”
“The two justice systems were [there] in stark contrast, right there in front of your eyes, on
At a White House press briefing on Monday evening, Trump defended his supporters who
fired paintballs and pepper spray at protesters in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday. He also defended
police shootings when asked about Blake, by saying that police “choke sometimes” and make a
Asked about Kyle Rittenhouse, Trump said: “That was an interesting situation.” He
characterized Rittenhouse’s being chased by men after the fatal shooting as “trying to get away
from them”, adding “they very violently attacked him.”
He also said that Rittenhouse, who has been charged with intentional homicide and other
felonies “probably would’ve been killed” if he had not been armed. Wisconsin governor Tony Evers
wrote to Trump on Sunday asking him to reconsider his visit, as the city continues to grapple with
the aftermath of those events.
Jacob Blake’s uncle, Justin Blake, told CNN that, “President Trump is a racist who stokes
racial tensions. He has been stirring racial tensions since he got in the White House. Why, as
Jacob’s uncle, would I want to talk to him? Our focus is on Jacob and healing the community.”
He said Jacob Blake’s father has told him he “has no interest in speaking with President
Trump” and instead is focused on his son’s health and getting justice. Democratic presidential
candidate Joe Biden and his vice presidential pick, Kamala Harris, have both spoken extensively to
the Blake family by telephone. Biden is reportedly considering visiting Wisconsin.
On Monday evening, he issued a statement that said, in part: “Tonight, the president
declined to rebuke violence. He wouldn’t even repudiate one of his supporters who is charged
with murder because of his attacks on others. He is too weak, too scared of the hatred he has
stirred to put an end to it.”
(Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/31/jacob-blake-trump-visit-kenosha)

45. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text which option is correct?

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
(A) Police actions were praised by the population for being efficient and quick.
(B) President trump spoke harshly on the police actions against Jacob Blake.
(C) Joe Biden said that President Trump refused to reprimand violence.
(D) Kamala Harris spoke in public about what happened in Kenosha.
(E) Jacob Blake’s uncle is willing to talk to President Trump as soon as possible.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto diz que as pessoas estão protestando contra as ações
policiais, e não as elogiando por ser rápida e eficiente.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está em dizer que o presidente falou de forma
áspera em relação as ações da polícia contra Jacob Blake, já que ele não o fez.
A alternativa C está correta. O texto diz que Joe Biden falou que o presidente Trump se recusou a
repreender a violência, exatamente como diz a alternativa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto não diz que Kamala Harris falou em público sobre o assunto,
apenas que ela falou ao telefone com a família de Blake.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O tio de Jacob diz que não há motivo para querer falar com Donald
Trump, dizendo que o foco da família está na recuperação de Jacob e em curar a comunidade.

46. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below correctly?
Great things have been done be corageous people in history, _______?
(A) aren’t they
(B) don’t they
(C) haven’t they
(D) hasn’t they
(E) didn’t they
A alternativa A está incorreta. Não podemos usar “aren’t they” pelo fato de que essa tag tem de
estar associada ao verbo “have been done” que encontramos na sentença.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Não podemos usar “don’t they” porque essa tag tem de estar
associada ao verbo “have been done” que encontramos na sentença.
A alternativa C está correta. O uso de “haven’t they” é perfeito nesse caso, já que a frase está
estruturada em torno do verbo “have been done”. Trata-se da question tag mais indicada nessa
A alternativa D está incorreta. “hasn’t they” está errado, pois o “hasn’t” deveria deveria ser
substituído por “haven’t” na question tag.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Didn’t they” estaria incorreto nessa situação porque a frase está
conjugada no present perfect, e não no past simple.

Based on the text below, answer the three questions that follow it.
The current pandemic is forcing much of the world’s population to stay at home and take it easy.
But we may not be wired that way.
You may be among the more than three million people who’ve seen a short film issued by the
Governor of California’s office. It’s all over social media. In the video, the comedian Larry David, in
his trademark sardonic style, urges people to follow the official advice and stay at home to stop

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
the spread of Covid-19. What’s the matter with you "idiots", he says, you’re passing up a fantastic
opportunity to sit in an armchair and watch TV all day!
We’re used to health warnings that urge us to do things that we don’t really have a great urge to
do: to exercise more, to eat five or eight or even 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. But for
once the official advice sounds easy; loaf on the sofa, binge-watch box sets, stay at home. This all
sounds as though it should appeal to our lazier sides.
In fact, it is not as simple as that, as you’ve probably already found out, after a few weeks of
lockdown. It turns out we are not biologically programmed to do as little as possible. Indeed, we
thrive on activity. Or at least, a good balance between being busy and being able to rest.
It’s true that we often look for the easy option, the path of least resistance, the shortcut to
success. If you have a remote control, why get up and switch channels on the TV itself? If you have
a car why cycle to the supermarket? If you can get away with doing half as much work than a
colleague, then why not?
Any sort of work or effort involves mental and physical strain, so it makes sense to avoid it where
possible. And sometimes we do just that. This is sometimes known as the principle of least effort
or Zipf’s Law, a law you might think no one is ever tempted to break. Except that we break it all the
Do you ever dream of doing absolutely nothing? Lying in a hammock for a whole afternoon. Just
staring at the ceiling, listening to the silence. It may sound like a lovely idea, but in fact we can find
doing nothing at all – and take sleep out of the equation – very hard to do. In a famous study
conducted a few years ago at the University of Virginia, participants were led one at a time into a
completely bare room with all distractions removed. They had no phone, no books, no screens –
and they weren’t allowed to take a nap. Electrodes were fitted to their ankles and they were left
alone for 15 minutes. It was an opportunity to kick back and relax for a short while.
So, how did it go? Well, before being left alone, participants were shown how to press a computer
key which was wired up to a machine that delivered an electric shock. You might suppose that
having tried it once no one would want to do it again. Wrong. In fact, 71% of the men and 25% of
the women gave themselves at least one electric shock during their time in solitary – and one man
shocked himself a shocking 190 times. It turns out that having nothing to do was so excruciating,
that many of the participants preferred to, in effect, torture themselves rather than put up with no
distractions whatsoever.
This experiment is an extreme example, but we know from everyday life that people constantly
choose to do things they don’t need to do and which are sometimes painful. Think of all of your
friends who run marathons or have punishing regimes at the gym. They go way beyond what is
required for health and fitness. And what about the people who trek across the ice to reach the
poles of the Earth or sail around the world?
Michael Inzlicht from the University of Toronto calls this the paradox of effort. Sometimes we take
the easy route and do as little as we can get away with, but at other times we value situations
more if we have to expend considerable effort. The intrinsic joy of the effort gives us so much
pleasure that we don’t take the short cut. We might spend hours puzzling over a cryptic crossword
instead of using a search engine to find the solution.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
We learn this early in life. As children we are taught through experience and persuasion that effort
leads to reward and over time this conditions us to enjoy effort for its own sake. This is known as
learned industriousness.
All of this means, that while we stay home and self-isolate, lying on the sofa and watching TV will
form only a part of how we pass the time. We might think it is fun to laze around for a few weeks,
but in fact it will drive us to distraction. Enforced and extended rest, unless we are ill and our
bodies demand it, leads not to feelings of being relaxed but of restlessness and irritability. We
need to find ways during lockdown to replicate as far as we can the rhythms and sense of balance
we achieve, at our best, in ordinary life.
So, taking exercise, setting ourselves tasks, doing things that are effortful and difficult are
important. And we should all be looking for activities or experiences that promote what the
psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls flow, in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal
Experience. These are tasks, such as painting or gardening or doing jigsaws, which so absorb us
that we don’t notice time passing and we stop worrying about everything else.
In normal times, most of us don’t take rest seriously enough. So during this exceptional period, we
should embrace the opportunity to rest more if we can – and indeed take those more balanced
rhythms of rest and busyness into our lives post shutdown. But during this difficult time, we will
find that we are not instinctively lazy creatures. Indeed in a weird way we might find that doing
less, and resting more, initially requires quite a lot of effort.
(Adapted from: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200602-are-human-beings-naturally-lazy)

47. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, which option is correct?
(A) Most people find it difficult to stay home doing nothing for a long period of time.
(B) After a few weeks of lockdown, we realize that we are programmed to do as little as possible.
(C) Most people are happy to stay at home during this pandemic.
(D) The pandemic is allowing people to find a good balance between being busy and being able to
(E) We always follow the principle of least effort while doing any activity in our lives.
A alternativa A está correta. O texto diz que nós temos dificuldade em ficar em casa sem fazer
nada por um período prolongado.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Não se pode dizer somos programados para fazer o mínimo
possível, pois o texto afirma que nós quebramos a lei do menor esforço o tempo todo.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto fala da dificuldade que a maioria das pessoas enfrentam ao
ficar em casa sem poder fazer nada por um período prolongado. O texto não nos permite
entender que a maioria das pessoas está feliz por ficar em casa de maneira forçada durante essa
A alternativa D está incorreta. Não podemos dizer que a pandemia está nos permitindo encontrar
um equilíbrio entre atividade e descanso. O texto diz que antes da pandemia, as pessoas não
descansavam de maneira adequada, e agora têm de ficar em casa de maneira forçada e
prolongada. Não há equilíbrio nisso.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto diz o contrário da alternativa, que estamos o tempo todo
contradizendo e quebrando o princípio do menor esforço.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
48. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, which option is correct?
(A) Doing nothing for a while just staring at the ceiling and listening to the silence is proven to be a
great experience to any person.
(B) The paradox of effort consists in people always choosing the easiest path to do things.
(C) Sometimes we avoid any kind of effort at all costs, and sometimes we choose the harder way of
doing things.
(D) People will always choose to cycle to the supermarket because it’s healthier.
(E) We have always lived in good balance between being busy and being able to rest.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto diz que essa experiência de ficar sem fazer nada
simplesmente olhando para o teto e escutando o silêncio não é uma experiência tão boa quanto
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto diz que o paradoxo do esforço consiste no fato de que, às
vezes, nós tomamos a rota mais curta e fácil para fazer o mínimo esforço, mas outras vezes, nós
valorizamos mais determinadas situações se tivermos que fazer um considerável esforço. A
alternativa diz que o paradoxo consiste no fato de que as pessoas sempre escolhem o caminho
mais fácil para fazer as coisas.
A alternativa C está correta. O texto diz que, por vezes, escolhemos poupar todo o esforço possível
ao fazer algo e, por vezes, escolhemos o caminho mais difícil para fazer algo, exatamente o mesmo
que diz a alternativa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto diz que não há porque pedalar até o mercado se você tem
um carro, e não que é melhor ir pedalando porque faz bem para a saúde.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto não diz que sempre vivemos em um bom equilíbrio entre
períodos de atividade e descanso, ele diz o contrário disso.

49. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text which option is correct?
(A) People found out they are lazy because they are enjoying staying at home and doing nothing for
weeks now.
(B) We are never tempted to break Zipf’s law. We only break it when we need to.
(C) A study conducted at University of Virginia showed that many people can’t stand inactivity.
(D) A study conducted at University of Virginia showed we all enjoy having 15 minutes to relax.
(E) Michael Inzlicht was the person responsible for conducting the famous study at the University of
A alternativa A está incorreta. O texto diz que nós não somos naturalmente preguiçosos e que
many people are not enjoying staying at home during this pandemic.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está em dizer que nós nunca nos sentimos
tentados a quebrar a lei do menor esforço, porque o texto diz que nós quebramos essa lei o tempo
A alternativa C está correta. O texto diz que 71% dos homens e 25% das mulheres se aplicaram
choques durante os 15 minutos de experiência em que deveriam permanecer no silêncio e sem
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto diz que muitas pessoas não suportaram 15 minutos de
inatividade sem distrações e se aplicaram choques elétricos durante esses 15 minutos. Por isso,
não se pode dizer que todos aproveitaram seus 15 minutos para relaxar.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto não diz que Michael Inzlicht conduziu o estudo da
Universidade de Virginia. O texto diz que ele é da Universidade de Toronto e chamou a situação
ocorrida no estudo de paradoxo do esforço.

50. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below correctly?

Dreams might be made from the thoughts we have during the day, _______?
(A) aren’t they
(B) don’t they
(C) mightn’t they
(D) not might they
(E) didn’t they
A alternativa A está incorreta. Não podemos usar “aren’t they” pelo fato de que essa tag tem de
estar associada ao modal “might” que encontramos na sentença.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Não podemos usar “don’t they” porque essa tag tem de estar
associada ao modal “might” que encontramos na sentença.
A alternativa C está correta. O uso de “mightn’t they” é perfeito nesse caso, já que a frase está
estruturada em torno do modal “might”. Trata-se de uma question tag pouco comum, mas correta
gramaticalmente e a mais indicada nessa situação.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “not might they” está errado, pois o “not” deveria estar posicionado
após o modal “might” na question tag.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Didn’t they” estaria incorreto nessa situação porque a frase está
conjugada no presente, e não no passado, já que “thoughts” não é o verbo “think” conjugado no
passado, mas sim um substantivo.

51. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?
Nadiya Hussain _____ that her anxiety has reached new heights during the coronavirus crisis and
she is "really struggling" with life in lockdown. The former Great British Bake Off winner, who
famously _____ the Queen's 90th birthday cake, spoke out about the stress of _____ her worries
head on in isolation.
Adapted from (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/04/10/nadiya-hussain-battle-anxiety-coronavirus-crisis/)

(F) had revealed / has been making / having to face

(G) revealed / were making / had been faced
(H) revealed / made / faced
(I) has revealed / had made / has been facing
(J) has revealed / made / having to face
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “has revealed”. O present perfect é o tempo verbal
adequado para preencher a lacuna, tendo em vista que não há um momento definido de quando
essa declaração foi feita. Além disso, podemos perceber que a revelação foi feita recentemente, e
esse tipo de situação pede o uso do present perfect.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “made”. Nesse caso, temos o uso do Simple Past, já que
o fato de ela ter feito o bolo é um acontecimento passado como uma data específica. Esse
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
momento específico nem sempre virá na forma de “yesterday, last week, last year...” . Esse
momento foi descrito como o aniversário de 90 anos da Rainha.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “having to face”. O verbo no gerúndio é necessário por
conta do fato de que o verbo vem depois da preposição “of”. Nessa situação, o verbo precisa vir no
Temos a sequência: has revealed / made / having to face

52. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below correctly?
One of the most interesting projects handed over more than a ton of tin cans, glass bottles,
and old climbing tools to artists in Nepal, _______?
(Adapted from: https://ngl.cengage.com/assets/downloads/grex_pro0000000538/grex2_su8.pdf)

(A) doesn’t it
(B) hasn't it
(C) didn’t it
(D) don't they
(E) didn’t they
A alternativa A está incorreta. Não podemos usar “doesn’t it” pelo fato de que essa tag é usada em
frases conjugadas no presente, enquanto a frase apresentada está no passado, como podemos
observar pelo verbo “handed over”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Não podemos usar “hasn’t it” porque a frase está conjugada no
Simple Past. Apenas se usa “hasn’t it” quando a frase está conjugada no Present Perfect.
A alternativa C está correta. O uso de “didn’t it” é perfeito nesse caso, já que a frase está
conjugada no tempo verbal Simple Past e na afirmativa. Logo, a question tag precisa usar o auxiliar
“did” e estar na negativa (didn’t).
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Don’t they” só pode ser utilizado quando a frase está conjugada no
presente, o que não acontece nesse caso, já que a frase está no Simple Past.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Didn’t they” estaria incorreto nessa situação porque a expressão
“one of the...” indica que estamos falando de apenas um projeto, e não de vários. Portanto, não
podemos usar o pronome “They” na question tag, mas sim o pronome “it”, pois estamos falando
de um único projeto.

Limits on coronavirus testing in Brazil are hiding the true dimensions of Latin America’s largest
Atop a shaded hill at the edge of São Paulo, the gravedigger thinks he knows the truth. No
matter how bad it appears in Brazil — the country hit hardest by the coronavirus in the Southern
Hemisphere — the reality is significantly worse.
Manoel Norberto Pereira watched another body being wheeled in, accompanied by what
has by now become a familiar set of details. Sex: female. Age: 77 years. Cause of death: insufficient
Every day brings more. The cemetery now receives around 50 bodies every day — double
the average in normal times. Many are marked as confirmed cases of covid-19, the disease caused
by the virus. But many more cite only an unidentified respiratory ailment. To Pereira, they’re the
unseen toll of the coronavirus in Brazil, which has officially infected 51,000 people and killed 3,400
— but unofficially many times more than that.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Imprecise and insufficient testing is a global problem, but in Brazil, it's on an entirely
different scale. Latin America's largest country is testing people at a rate far lower than any other
nation with at least 40,000 cases. It tests 12 times fewer people than Iran, and 32 times fewer than
the United States. Hospitalized patients aren't being tested. Some medical professionals aren't
being tested. People are dying in their homes without being tested.
Researchers at the Federal University of Minas Gerais have suggested Brazil has eight times
more coronavirus cases than the official numbers indicate. A research team at the University of
São Paulo thinks it has 16 times more — more than 800,000 cases.
According to government statistics, nearly 37,300 people have been hospitalized this year
with respiratory ailments — four times the number at this point last year — but only half have
received test results. In São Paulo, nearly 1,300 people have died of unidentified respiratory
problems. Amazonas state has reported 193 deaths from covid-19. But its capital city is burying so
many people — three times the average — that it’s digging trenches for mass graves.
“The big conclusion is that we don’t know what the real scenario is,” said Leonardo Costa
Ribeiro, an economist at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. “It gives the sensation that it is
more controlled, when the reality is very different.”
Domingos Alves, a data scientist at the University of São Paulo, did little to hide his anger at
the chasm between how government officials talk about the virus and what the data shows.
“As a researcher, I look at the data and make analyses for the government,” he said. “But as
a citizen, I’m frustrated. The government is trying to control the epidemic without the elements of
how to control it, because of their lack of knowledge about how serious it is.
“It will get much worse. There will be lines at the hospitals. There will be lines at the
cemeteries. The next few weeks will be very dark.”
The new health minister, Nelson Teich, named by Bolsonaro to replace Mandetta, has made
increased testing a pillar of the country’s response to the pandemic. He said this week that the
government intends to purchase 46 million tests, enough for just over a fifth of the population. He
hasn’t specified when the tests will arrive or when they’ll be used.
“We are not talking about testing the entire country,” Teich said. “We are going to use the
tests so that people tested will reflect the Brazilian population.”
But the obstacles will be enormous — and could portend the struggles that await much of
the developing world as the coronavirus moves deeper into Latin America and Africa. A variable as
basic as reliable data could become a distinguishing factor between poor and wealthy countries.
Analysts say Brazil has neither the manufacturing nor the purchasing capacity to meet the
demand for tests. Its laboratories, already overwhelmed by a testing backlog, aren’t equipped to
process them at scale. And in the international scrum for supplies and testing equipment, the
country is losing out to wealthier nations that can pay more or leverage closer ties with China.
“Brazil could be thought of as a barometer of what could be expected in other countries,”
said Marcelo Gomes, a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, a scientific institution.
“Information is paramount. The more we have, the more we can make the population aware of
what it is exactly that we are facing.”
A gravedigger at São Paulo’s Vila Formosa Cemetery, one of Latin America’s largest, said he
started noticing strange deaths in early March — weeks before Brazil’s first confirmed coronavirus
death. The causes of death — pneumonia, respiratory failure — were what he would expect to see
during the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, not peak summer.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
“One day, I saw on the news that in all of São Paulo there had been 20 burials of
coronavirus victims,” said the man, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he didn’t
have permission to give an interview. “But I knew at my cemetery alone, there had been 27.”
Pereira feels the same frustration. Some days, he can’t believe the number of people out in
the street. If they were seeing what he saw, no way would they be outside. No way would there be
a national debate over reopening the economy. No one would be listening to claims that the
pandemic had been overblown.
Bodies don’t lie, he said. And here came another one.
Adapted from (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/coronavirus-brazil-testing-bolsonaro-cemetery-

53. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, which option is correct?
A) The figures of coronavirus in Brazil are as close to reality as they can possibly get.
B) The cemetery used to receive around 40 bodies every day in normal times.
C) People dying due to an unidentified respiratory ailment are the unseen toll of COVID-19 in
D) Brazil has around 60,000 people unofficially infected by the coronavirus.
E) Researchers at Federal University of Minas Gerais suggested Brazil has more than 800,000
A alternativa A está incorreta. Segundo o texto, os números reais de infectados e mortos pelo
coronavírus no Brasil estão muito longe da realidade, e não o mais próximo possível da realidade,
como afirma a alternativa.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto afirma que o cemitério tem recebido por volta de 50 corpos
por dia, o que equivale ao dobro da média diária em tempos normais. Portanto, o número médio
de corpos recebidos diariamente em tempos normais é de aproximadamente 25, e não 40 como
afirma a alternativa.
A alternativa C está correta. O texto diz que um coveiro afirma que há várias pessoas morrendo
por problemas respiratórios e, segundo esse coveiro, essas pessoas representam o verdadeiro
quantitativo de mortes causadas pelo coronavírus.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto apenas afirma que o número não oficial de pessoas
infectadas pode ser muitas vezes maior que o real, mas não estabelece o número de 60.000 casos
como o possível número não oficial.
A alternativa E está incorreta. No texto, quem sugere que o Brasil tem mais de 800.000 casos da
doença é a Universidade de São Paulo, não a Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.

54. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?
Brazil ______(become) one of the global epicenters of the pandemic, recently surpassing China in
the number of reported cases. President Jair Bolsonaro ______(be) notoriously dismissive of the
virus, ______(say) earlier this week the number of deaths ______(be) declining, when in fact it was
A) becomes / has been / saying / were
B) had become / was / said / were
C) has become / has been / said / were
D) becomes / was / saying / was

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
E) has become / has been / saying / was
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “has become”. O texto continua após o trecho da
lacuna dizendo que o Brasil ultrapassou recentemente a China em número de casos relatados. Isso
nos indica que a lacuna deve ser preenchida pelo verbo no present perfect, já que é um fato
passado que aconteceu recentemente, mas sem uma data específica.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “has been”. O texto coloca uma situação que acontece
no passado, mas vem se desenrolando até o momento. Por isso o uso do present perfect é
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “saying”. Na continuação do trecho com o uso do
present perfect, não seria adequado usar o past simple, pois a frase perderia coerência e teria seu
sentido prejudicado. Por isso, o uso do gerúndio é indicado para dar continuidade ao raciocínio no
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “was”. Devemos usar “was” ao invés de “were”, pois o
verbo deve concordar com “number”, e não com “deaths”.
Temos a sequência: has become / has been / saying / was

Coronavirus: White House weighs plan to keep out US citizens and legal residents
The US is weighing new rules that would temporarily bar US citizens and legal residents from
entering the US to control a surge in coronavirus cases.
US media say the proposal would affect people suspected of having been exposed to or infected
with the virus.
President Donald Trump has often touted his travel bans on foreigners as key to curbing the
spread of the virus.
But US citizens and lawful residents have so far been exempt from travel restrictions regarding
entering the US.
It is unclear whether the proposed measures will move forward.
What's in the draft proposal?
The draft memo, first reported by the New York Times, would seek to use public health powers to
expand the administration's legal authority.
The proposed rule would affect all entry points, including airports and borders with Canada and
Mexico, though it particularly references the virus outbreak in Mexico, according to the Times.
It notes that any order applying to US citizens and permanent residents should protect individuals'
constitutional rights and would only apply in "the rarest of circumstances".
Is this legal?
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has the power to detain and examine individuals
travelling in and around the US if they are suspected of carrying certain diseases, like tuberculosis
or Sars.
It is unclear whether this would legally allow the government to deny entry to citizens or residents,
however, or how long they might be prohibited from returning.
The CDC and US Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to a request for
comment from the BBC.
American Civil Liberties Union Immigrant Rights Project director Omar Jadwat said preventing US
citizens from their country would be unconstitutional.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
"The Trump administration has rolled out one border ban after another - most recently on children
and asylum seekers - using Covid-19 as an excuse, while failing abysmally to get the virus under
control in the United States. The rumoured order would be another grave error in a year that has
already seen far too many."
How bad is the virus situation in the US?
The US has over five million confirmed Covid-19 cases and 163,500 deaths - the highest in the
world, according to Johns Hopkins University. Cases have surged in recent months across states in
the southern and western regions as lockdown measures were lifted.
Currently, cases are on the decline in Mexico.
Since March, the White House has used public health laws to limit the number of immigrants
entering the US and to deport migrants, including children, at the border.
Mr Trump has sought to partly pin the blame for rising cases in the US on Mexico while defending
his push for the nation to reopen.
Discussing the spikes in the southern US at a briefing last month, he told reporters: "We're also
sharing a 2,000 mile border with Mexico, as we know very well, and cases are surging in Mexico,
Many Americans living along the US-Mexico border cross back and forth frequently for
recreational and commercial reasons. In July, the US ambassador to Mexico said 90% of those
crossing the southern border were US citizens or permanent residents.
Non-essential travel has been restricted across the border since March, but it does not apply to
those travelling for work, humanitarian aid efforts, medical reasons or family emergencies.
Medical experts have said travel bans do not work in cases where there is already significant
community spread, as is the situation in the US.
Adapted from (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53740840)

55. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) According to the text, which option is correct?
A) The US administration has the constitutional right to prevent US citizens and permanent
residents from entering US borders.
B) US citizens and lawful residents have been blocked from entering US borders since March.
C) The administration will try to use public health to extend its legal authority to ban Citizens from
entering the country borders.
D) US CDC will hold US citizens at the borders and impede them from entering the country.
E) COVID-19 cases are surging in the US because of the disease outbreak in Mexico.
A alternativa A está incorreta. Segundo o texto, a administração do país terá de usar manobras
para tentar impedir seus próprios cidadãos de entrar no país. Portanto, não se pode dizer que a
administração tem o direito constitucional de fazer isso.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto afirma que cidadãos de outros países têm sofrido restrições
para entrar no país desde março, e não os cidadãos americanos.
A alternativa C está correta. O texto diz que a administração vai tentar usar a saúde pública para
expandir sua autoridade legal e impedir a entrada de seus próprios cidadãos no país, exatamente
como diz a alternativa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto diz que o CDC pode deter e examinar indivíduos viajando
para ou pelos Estados Unidos se esses indivíduos forem suspeitos de ter algumas doenças

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
específicas, como tuberculose ou Sars, mas o texto não afirma que o CDC vai fazer a mesma coisa
com pessoas suspeitas de ter COVID-19.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto afirma que o presidente americano tentou imputar a culpa
no novo surto da doença nos Estados Unidos, mas isso não é dito como certo pelo texto, apenas
relatando o que o presidente americano disse.

NATO ships, helicopters hunt down 7 pirates

NAIROBI, Kenya - NATO warships and helicopters pursued Somali pirates for seven hours after
they attacked a Norwegian tanker, NATO spokesmen said Sunday, and the highspeed chase only
ended when warning shots were fired at the pirates’ skiff. Seven pirates attempted to attack the
Norwegian-flagged MV Front Ardenne late Saturday but fled after crew took evasive maneuvers
and alerted warships in the area, said Portuguese Lt. Cmdr. Alexandre Santos Fernandes, aboard a
warship in the Gulf of Aden, and Cmdr. Chris Davies, of NATais maritime headquarters in England.
"How the attack was thwarted is unclear, it appears to have been the actions of the tanker,"
Davies said. Fernandes said no shots were fired at the tanker.
Davies said the pirates sailed into the path of the Canadian warship Winnipeg, which was
escorting a World Food Program delivery ship through the Gulf of Aden. The American ship USS
Halyburton was also in the area and joined the chase.
"There was a lengthy pursuit, over said. The pirates hurled weapons into Canadian and U.S.
warships closed in. NATais anti-piracy mission.
"The skiff abandoned the scene and tried to escape to Somali territory," Fernandes said. "It was
heading toward Bossaso but we managed to track them. Warning shots have been made after
several attempts to stop the vessel."
Both ships deployed helicopters, and naval officers hailed the pirates over loudspeakers and
finally fired warning shots to stop them, Fernandes said, but not before the pirates had dumped
most of their weapons overboard. NATO forces boarded the skiff, where they found a
rocketpropelled grenade, and interrogated, disarmed and released the pirates.
The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian
citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory.
"When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national authorities,"
Fernandes said. "It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue."
The pirates' release underscores the difficulties navies have in fighting rampant piracy off the
coast of lawless Somalia. Most of the time, foreign navies simply disarm and release the pirates
they catch due to legal complications and logistical difficulties in transporting pirates and
witnesses to court.
Pirates have attacked more than 80 boats this year alone, four times the number assaulted in
2003, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based International Maritime Bureau. They now hold at least
18 ships - including a Belgian tanker seized Saturday with 10 crew aboard - and over 310 crew
hostage, according to an Associated Press count.
(Adapted from: www.ap.org, 04/19/09)

56. (EFOMM - 2010) According to the text, the crew members of the Somali ships seized CANNOT
be held in custody because:

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
(A) Their guns are hurled into the seas and no proof of their status as pirates can be found on
board of their ships.
(B) International Law forbids NATO members to arrest crewmembers of other nationalities.
(C) Somalia is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and therefore its ships are only
subjected to that country's national legal persecution.
(D) NATO members cannot make arrests abroad under a number of circumstances, such as when
their nationals are not directly affected.
(E) Piracy is not a crime NATO countries are allowed to fight or prevent in the national waters of
non-NATO countries.
A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os tripulantes dos
navios somalis apreendidos não podem ser mantidos sob custódia porque suas armas são lançadas
ao mar e nenhuma prova de sua condição de piratas pode ser encontrada a bordo de seus navios,
mas sim, porque os membros da NATO não podem fazer detenções no estrangeiro em várias
circunstâncias, como quando os seus nacionais não são diretamente afetados. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did
not attack Canadian citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory
‘When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national authorities,’
Fernandes said. ‘It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue.’”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os tripulantes dos
navios somalis apreendidos não podem ser mantidos sob custódia porque o Direito Internacional
proíbe os membros da NATO de prender tripulantes de outras nacionalidades, mas sim, porque os
membros da NATO não podem fazer detenções no estrangeiro em várias circunstâncias, como
quando os seus nacionais não são diretamente afetados. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian
citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory ‘When a ship is part of
NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national authorities,’ Fernandes said. ‘It stops
being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue.’”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os tripulantes dos
navios somalis apreendidos não podem ser mantidos sob custódia porque a Somália é membro da
Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte e, portanto, seus navios estão apenas sujeitos à
perseguição legal nacional desse país, mas sim, porque os membros da NATO não podem fazer
detenções no estrangeiro em várias circunstâncias, como quando os seus nacionais não são
diretamente afetados. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The pirates cannot be prosecuted
under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian citizens or interests and the crime was
not committed on Canadian territory ‘When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a
matter for the national authorities,’ Fernandes said. ‘It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a
national issue.’”.
A alternativa D está correta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que os tripulantes dos
navios somalis apreendidos não podem ser mantidos sob custódia porque os membros da NATO
não podem fazer detenções no estrangeiro em várias circunstâncias, como quando os seus
nacionais não são diretamente afetados, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado
com o trecho “The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack
Canadian citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory ‘When a
ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national authorities,’ Fernandes
said. ‘It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue.’”.
AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A alternativa E está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os tripulantes dos
navios somalis apreendidos não podem ser mantidos sob custódia porque a pirataria não é um
crime. Os países da NATO estão autorizados a combater ou prevenir nas águas nacionais de países
não pertencentes à NATO, mas sim, porque os membros da NATO não podem fazer detenções no
estrangeiro em várias circunstâncias, como quando os seus nacionais não são diretamente
afetados. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The pirates cannot be prosecuted under
Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian citizens or interests and the crime was not
committed on Canadian territory ‘When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a
matter for the national authorities,’ Fernandes said. ‘It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a
national issue.’”.

57. (EFOMM - 2010) "The economic downturn has affected many households in the United
States. U.S. homeowners have continued investing their money in the stock market though".
The underlined connective expresses the idea of:
(A) conclusion
(B) time
(C) emphasis
(D) contrast
(E) addition
A alternativa A está incorreta. O conectivo “though” significa “apesar” e não expressa a ideia de
conclusão, mas sim, de contraste. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “A desaceleração
econômica afetou muitas famílias nos Estados Unidos. Apesar disso, os proprietários dos EUA
continuaram investindo seu dinheiro no mercado de ações”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O conectivo “though” significa “apesar” e não expressa a ideia de
tempo, mas sim, de contraste. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “A desaceleração
econômica afetou muitas famílias nos Estados Unidos. Apesar disso, os proprietários dos EUA
continuaram investindo seu dinheiro no mercado de ações”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O conectivo “though” significa “apesar” e não expressa a ideia de
ênfase, mas sim, de contraste. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “A desaceleração
econômica afetou muitas famílias nos Estados Unidos. Apesar disso, os proprietários dos EUA
continuaram investindo seu dinheiro no mercado de ações”.
A alternativa D está correta. O conectivo “though” significa “apesar” e expressa a ideia de
contraste, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “A desaceleração
econômica afetou muitas famílias nos Estados Unidos. Apesar disso, os proprietários dos EUA
continuaram investindo seu dinheiro no mercado de ações”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O conectivo “though” significa “apesar” e não expressa a ideia de
adição, mas sim, de contraste. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “A desaceleração
econômica afetou muitas famílias nos Estados Unidos. Apesar disso, os proprietários dos EUA
continuaram investindo seu dinheiro no mercado de ações”.

58. (EFOMM - 2010) Choose the option in which the prepositions complete the verb phrases with
accuracy, respectively:

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
I - The ship is bound _____ Africa.
II - We set sail _____ a tour of the Caribbean.
III- The captain was responsible _____ the incident.
IV - Attention has to be given _____ the weather conditions.
V - Crew members are expected to comply _____ safety regulations.

(A) for / to / for / for / with

(B) in / for / for / to / to
(C) to / for / for / to / with
(D) to / for / to / to / to
(E) for / to / to / for / with
A primeira sentença deve ser preenchida com “to” (para/à), pois a frase deve ser escrita da
seguinte forma: “The ship is bound to Africa” (O navio tem como destino a África).
A segunda sentença deve ser preenchida com “for” (para), pois a frase deve ser escrita da seguinte
forma: “We set sail for a tour of the Caribbean” (Partimos para um tour pelo Caribe).
A terceira sentença deve ser preenchida com “for” (para/pelo), pois a frase deve ser escrita da
seguinte forma: “The captain was responsible for the incident” (O capitão foi o responsável pelo
A quarta sentença deve ser preenchida com “to” (para/às), pois a frase deve ser escrita da
seguinte forma: “Attention has to be given to the weather conditions” (Atenção deve ser dada às
condições climáticas).
A quinta sentença deve ser preenchida com “with” (com), pois a frase deve ser escrita da seguinte
forma: “Crew members are expected to comply with safety regulations” (Os membros da
tripulação devem cumprir as normas de segurança Os membros da tripulação devem cumprir as
normas de segurança).

59. (EFOMM – 2021) Chose the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below.

Charter, Sail,Repeat: New ventures and old favorites in the Greek Isles
By Zuzana Prochazka
On our first day, we sailed southwest nearly 50 miles on a nice beam reach, winding through
Kolpos Idras, or the Hydra Gulf. By the end, we were running out ______ daylight, so we pulled
________ the miniscule harbor on Spetses Island. I read the guides twice, but the most I got was a
warning about the inner harbor being only 4ft deep, which made me suck on my stomach as we
crept in. The harbor turned ______ to be a mix of private yaschts, comercial boats and fishing
craft, and as we were looking round I happened to notice black clouds ________ the horizon. The
horizon. The wind was also now picking ______, so out we went again, making a U-turn back to the
bay to drop anchor with the other cruisers who’d opted to skip the draft headaches. We made it
just before the gale overtook us.
(Adapted from: Sail Mazazine, March 2020).
a) of / into / out / on / up
b) towards / over / up / along / over
c) off / along / into / at / out
d) from / on / off / in / on

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
e) to / in / along / over / off
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “of”. A preposição “of” é necessária por se tratar da
estrutura de um phrasal verb (run out of), que significa estar no fim, ou acabando algo, nesse
caso a luz do dia estava acabando.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “into”. A preposição “into” é ideal neste caso porque
eles estavam direcionando o navio para dentro do porto minúsculo. Essa preposição é indicada
quando queremos indicar movimento para dentro de algo.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “out”. A preposição “out” é necessária por se tratar da
estrutura de um phrasal verb (turn out), que significa acabou sendo, mostrou ser.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “on”. A preposição “on” é necessária neste caso porque
quando dizemos “no horizonte”, em inglês, usa-se “on the horizon”.
A quinta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “up”. A preposição “up” é necessária por se tratar da
estrutura de um phrasal verb (pick up), que, neste caso, significa que o vento estava

60. (EFOMM – 2021) Which is the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below?
Many of the same questions that _________ about coal-powered propulsion _______ of the
Internet of Things (IoT) today: What’s wrong with the traditional way; how will this benefits my
fleet: why do we need to make this change? They ______ all good questions, and they
_________ a very natural human interest in the three areas that should matter most in deciding
whether to use any maritime technology: safety, effectiveness and cost. The biggest challenges
to IoT adoption _________. In large part, this is due to the ready availability of high-
performance data collection.
(Adapted from: Sea Technology, December 2018)

(A) have been asked / could be asked / were / show / have already overcome
(B) will be asked / are asked / were / are being / shown / already overcome
(C) had been asked / were asked / might be / showed / had already been overcome
(D) could be asked / were asked / will be / will show / have already overcome
(E) were asked / are being asked / are / show / have already been overcome
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “were asked”. Quando analisamos o trecho, vemos
que o past simple é o tempo verbal ideal para preencher a lacuna, pois perguntas foram feitas
quanto à propulsão a carvão, mas essas perguntas não são mais feitas, já que a propulsão a
carvão não é mais usada.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “are being asked”. As mesmas perguntas que foram
feitas no passado, estão sendo feitas hoje. Portanto, o uso do present continuous é perfeito
para se encaixar nessa situação específica.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “are”. O trecho quer estabelecer que as perguntas são
boas, e não que elas foram boas no passado, mas não são mais. Portanto, devemos usar o
present simple para preencher a lacuna.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “show”. A continuação do trecho fala sobre mostrar a
um interesse natural humano. Ao se falar dessa forma, estamos estabelecendo que isso é algo
atemporal e, por isso, devemos usar o present simple.

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
A quinta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “have already been overcome”. Nessa lacuna,
precisamos encaixar algo que dê a noção de passado, mas que também esteja estruturado na
voz passiva, já que os desafios foram superados. O present perfect se encaixa perfeitamente
nessa situação.


Caro aluno! Para garantir que o curso esteja atualizado, sempre que alguma mudança no
conteúdo for necessária, uma nova versão da aula será disponibilizada.




AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Caro(a) aluno(a),
Parabéns por mais uma aula concluída, você está um passo mais próximo da sua
Uma vez concluída esta aula, é importante que você tenha em mente que revisões são
necessárias em intervalos regulares para garantir a melhor assimilação. Grife as partes que você
julgar mais relevantes de cada aula. Dessa forma, você facilitará muito seu processo de revisão e
assimilará a matéria de forma otimizada.
A dinâmica que você observou nesta aula será utilizada em todas as demais do nosso curso.
Assim, você terá sempre uma explicação clara, objetiva e direto ao ponto de todos os assuntos
abordados, além de muitos, muitos exercícios para que você possa praticar e evoluir em sua
Daremos sempre muitos bizus de prova para facilitar seu caminho até a aprovação!

Eu estou à disposição no nosso Fórum de Dúvidas! Lá, eu ou

outros membros da nossa equipe responderemos suas dúvidas em até
24 horas! Não leve dúvidas para a sua prova! Estamos aqui para te dar
todo o suporte necessário para que você alcance seu objetivo!
Estamos juntos nessa caminhada, ok?

Espero que você tenha gostado da aula e, acima de tudo, que esta aula tenha enriquecido
seus conhecimentos.
Descanse e se prepare para o nosso próximo encontro!

Forte abraço,
Leonardo Pontes


Leonardo Pontes

AULA 08 – Passive Voice / Tag Questions

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