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Usamos o “SimplePresent” para dizer que alguma coisa acontece em determinado tempo, ourepetidamente, quando é
alguma verdade, ou ainda, para contar histórias. É importante lembrar que a ação pode ou não acontecer no
momento da fala. Exemplos:

The earth goes round the sun.

My husband wakes up at 5:30 am.

Water boils at 100º Celsius.

I work for MGM Studios.

Também usamos o “SimplePresent” para falar com qual frequência fazemos algo. Exemplo:

I wake up at 8:00 every morning.

Hanna always looks happy.

Jonathan usually comes later.

Em geral acrescenta-se “s” ao final do verbo quando acompanhados das 3º pessoas do singular (HE, SHE, IT). Exemplo:

speak = speaks = _______________cook = cooks = ________________ live = lives = __________________eat = eats

work = works = ________________make = makes = ______________ read = reads = ________________write = writes
Quando o verbo termina em consoante + y, você troca o “y” por “i” e acrescenta “es”. Exemplo:
study = studies = ___________________cry = cries = ______________________ apply = applies
fly = flies = _______________________ try = tries = _______________________reply = replies
Quando o verbo termina em vogal + y, o “y” permanece e acrescenta-se “s” no final.Exemplo:

enjoy = enjoys = __________________buy = buys = _____________________ say = says

play = plays = ____________________ destroy = destroys = _______________pray = prays
Quando o verbo termina em “o, s, ss, sh, ch, x”, acrescenta-se “es”.Exemplo:
cross = crosses = _______________dismiss = dismisses = ______________ fix = fixes=_____________teach = teaches
go = goes = _________________do = does = ________________ brush = brushes = ___________wash = washes

Para formar frases negativas, iremos precisar dos auxiliares “DO” e “DOES”. As partículas chamadas de auxiliares não
têm tradução.Elas servem apenas para nos auxiliar na formação de estruturas negativas e interrogativas. Exemplo:
I don’t live in Orlando.
Bárbara and Ken do not have children.
Andrew does not work in Canada.
Alice doesn’t get home early.

Você pode também usar a forma contraída de DO + NOT = DON’T. E para as 3º pessoas do singular DOES + NOT =
DOESN’T.Mas,lembre-se que isso é permitido apenas em situações mais informais, como bilhetes,mensagens a
amigos, etc.Lembre-se que para formar frases negativas e interrogativas em Inglês nas 3º pessoas do singular (SHE, HE
e IT) você sempre vai utilizar DOES. (e o verbo volta para a forma do infinitivo sem o “to”).

Para fazer perguntas colocamos os auxiliares antes do sujeito, e após ele colocamos o verboprincipal. Exemplo:
Does Nina like soccer?
Do you speak English?
Where do they live?
How often does Alison cook in her home?
Does the cat play with the ball?
1) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box.
to live (2X) – to speak (2X) – to cook – to study – to drink – to play – to eat – to believe – to have (2X)

a. My uncle ____________ in an apartment.

b. _______ you ___________ German?

c. My mother ____________ very well.
d. I _________ English.
e. Jason _____ _________ alcoholic drinks.
f. _____ David _______ the piano?
g. Vegetarians _______ _______ meat.
h. An atheist _______ _______ in God.
i. I _____ _________ a car, but I ________ a bike.
j. Where _______ your parents ___________?

2) Read about Sarah’s vacation and answer the questions:

Hi, my name is Sarah. I’m 30 years old. I am anurse and I live in Chicago. My parents live in LosAngeles. Every year I go
to L.A. to visit them. I lovethat city. We sit in front of the sea every night andtalk about everything. I like to visit my
parents inmy free time. My brother lives in Miami. His name is Joseph. He is a doctor. He’s single and he has adog.

a. Where does Sarah live? _______________________________________________________

b. What does she do ___________________________________________________________
c. Who does she visit when she goes to Los Angeles?______________________________________________________
d. Who lives in Miami? _________________________________________________________
e. Is Sarah’s brother married? ____________________________________________________
f. What does he do? ____________________________________________________________
g. Does he have a pet? __________________________________________________________
h. How old is Sarah? ___________________________________________________________
i. How often does Sarah go to L.A.? _______________________________________________
3) Fill in the blanks whit do or does following the examples:
Where do you live?
What does your sister study?
a. Where _____ you buy this book?
b. _____ your aunt work in a bank?
c. _____ your brother speak Japanese:
d. _____ Marc and Elysa play guitar?
e. Where _____ your father live?
f. What ______ Kevin work?
g. _____ you have a car?
h. _____ your husband cook?
i. _____ your mother work?
j. _____ Diogo speak Spanish?
k. _____ you play piano?
l. _____ people in your city like dance?
m. _____ Adam like animals?
n. ______ Sam and Lisa study at university?
o. What kind of music ______ Jenny like?
p. ______ your brother have a computer?
4) Change the sentences in affirmative (+), negative (-) or interrogative (?).
a. I listen to the radio today. (-)___________________________________________________
b. He lives in a flat. (?) __________________________________________________________
c. Does she like fast food? (+) ____________________________________________________
d. Bianca and John have two children. (?) ___________________________________________
e. Peter wakes up at 8:00 every morning. (-) _________________________________________
f. I don’t watch TV. (+) __________________________________________________________
g. Does your mother paint? (-) ____________________________________________________
h. My father likes to wake up early. (-) ______________________________________________
i. Jane doesn’t live in New York. (?) _________________________________________________
j. Paul plays soccer every weekend. (?) ____________________________________
5) Match the columns, and then answer the questions:
a.To listen i.To paint q.To sing
b.To make up j.To smile r.To work
c.To play k.To eat s.To walk
d.To watch l.To drive t.To talk
e.To brush (teeth) m.To sleep u.To read
f.To cycle n.To study v.To fly
g.To teach o.To drink w.To go
h.To smell p.To dance
( ) makes up
( ) reads ( ) walks ( ) smiles
( ) talks ( ) works ( ) paints
( ) dances ( ) listens ( ) brushes
( ) drinks ( ) sings ( ) smells( ) makes up
( ) goes ( ) flies ( ) teaches
( ) smiles
( ) studies ( ) watches ( ) cycles( ) paints
( ) sleeps ( ) plays ( ) brushes
( ) drives ( ) eats ( ) smells
( ) teaches

( ) Ouvir ( ) Tocar/Brincar/Jogar ( ) Sorrir

( ) Andar/Caminhar ( ) Assistir ( ) Ensinar
( ) Maquiar-se ( ) Andar de Bicicleta ( ) Cheirar
( ) Conversar ( ) Escovar (dentes) ( ) Voar
( ) Ir ( ) Beber ( ) Dirigir
( ) Trabalhar ( ) Dormir ( ) Estudar
( ) Cantar ( ) Comer ( ) Dançar
( ) Pintar ( ) Ler

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