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Aspecto da recepção and o coreto mais correcto: teaching

Portuguese as a second language

Francisco Miguel Valada

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

International Conference The Lusophone World: Global and Local Communities

Universidade de Évora, Portugal, June 25-29, 2019
We’re very concerned about how our students are different, not how our students are the same.

Stephen Krashen (i)

– Mas, Filomena…

– Não tem mais nem meio mais, seu Nacib.

Jorge Amado, “Gabriela, Cravo e Canela” (ii)

Hoewel de politiek graag lippendienst bewijst aan de moedertaal, betekent die steun in de praktijk
te weinig.

Rik Vosters (iii)

Je ne peux plus rien y faire

Je ne sais plus comment faire

Claude François

Dedico o texto redigido para a conferência internacional O Mundo Lusófono:
Comunidades Globais e Locais à minha Mãe, Maria António Gonçalves, que foi de
propósito de comboio do Porto a Évora, para assistir à minha comunicação, apresentada
no dia 27 de Junho de 2019, na Universidade de Évora. Os meus agradecimentos a
António Emiliano, Francisco Belard, Irina Ribeiro, Joana Amaral, José Luís Costa,
Marie-Eve Michot, Marta Calheiros, Nelson Ferreira, Pedro Braga, Sara Jordão, Tiago
Alves e, obviamente, à Sofia. Este documento não contém o texto que ficou por ler (fiz
uma apresentação oral) e a ser publicado um dia, algures, em versão corrigida e
aumentada – aqui, apenas se encontram as citações utilizadas para contextualizar a
comunicação, os agradecimentos, o resumo (em inglês) enviado à organização e as
In order to carry out L2 classroom activities, teachers and pupils are formally and
explicitly constrained to a specific code. Differently from L1, where teachers and pupils
are aware from the outset of their respective codes and dialectal differences, L2 pupils
are inevitably permeable to the features taught or used, and not necessarily aware of the
existence of other codes or sensitive to their specificities. This may have an impact on L2
proficiency throughout pupils’ lives, in the way L2 features are internalized, internalized
L2 knowledge is modified and L2 knowledge is consolidated.
This paper draws on the recent memorandum of understanding for the teaching of
Portuguese at International School – United Nations, signed by Portugal and Brazil. One
assumption for the urgency of Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa de 1990
(AO90) was the “natural” confusion and “possible” disorientation of L2 pupils of
Portuguese, due to didactic materials where the same words appeared written in two
different forms of Portuguese (European and Brazilian), as emphasised by Lindley Cintra,
in 1981.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an outlook of different codes. The discussion
should not be restricted to a pre-AO90 (facto, fato; correcto, correto; aspecto, aspecto)
and post-AO90 (facto, fato; correto, correto; aspeto, aspecto) debate. Therefore, there is
a focus on grammatical structures and rules, lexical items, phonological features and
sociolinguistic and pragmatic characteristics. The questions are: (1) is alternation between
two codes something negative?; (2) does code-switching have any impact on the effects
and effectiveness of L2 instruction?

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