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"Format": "1.0.0",
"Changes": \[
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueElliott",
"Entries": {
    "Rainy\_Day\_0": "Está chovendo muito forte hoje, meu querido. Você vai ficar
bem? Seria bom descansar na cama o dia todo de vez em quando.$0#$e#Pelo menos a
chuva vem com o benefício de regar suas plantações, para que você não fique muito
cansado quando chegar em casa.$0#$b#Se você for para as minas hoje, por favor,
fique seguro, não quero vê-lo ferido.$s#",
 "Rainy\_Day\_1": "A chuva me deixa pensativo, o que? perfeito para escrever.
$0#$e#Se você for sair com esse tempo, coloque sua capa de chuva e botas. Não faria
nenhum bem a nenhum de nós se você acabasse doente, @.$s#Eu te amo.$l",
 "Rainy\_Day\_2": "Quando lhe disse que a chuva me deixa pensativo, perfeito para
escrever, suponho que me enganei. Sinto como se a chuva tivesse lavado toda a
inspiração que eu tinha.$s#$e#Acho que vou limpar a casa.$9#$b#Vou colocar minhas
mãos para trabalhar. Vejo você mais tarde, meu amor. Tenha um dia maravilhoso,
embora chuvoso.$h",
 "Rainy\_Day\_3": "Você ouve a tempestade caindo em nossa morada quente? Está
tentando forçar sua entrada, batendo em nossas janelas e paredes.$0#$b#Meu querido,
são as condições perfeitas para te aqueceres nos meus braços. Nossa cama é outra
opção bem-vinda.$l#$e#Oh, sim, você tem suas tarefas para fazer. Não se preocupe, a
oferta sempre é válida. Tenha um lindo, se não um dia chuvoso. Eu amo Você!$l",

 "Rainy\_Day\_4": "Receio que a umidade deixe meu cabelo bastante selvagem. Acho
que vou ficar em casa hoje, meu querido.$0#$b#Voc?, ? claro, fica bonito, n?o
importa o clima, @.^You, of course, look beautiful no matter the weather, @.$e#Voc?
vai me dar um beijo antes de ir?$l",
    "Rainy\_Day\_5": "Bom dia, @!\[395\]$0#$bEu fiz um caf? para n?s. H? poucas
coisas t?o ador?veis ??quanto beber esta magn?fica bebida enquanto observa a chuva
cair e ouvir seu tamborilar no telhado.$e#O conforto de voc? sentado ao meu lado,
no entanto, ? a coisa mais linda do mundo.$b#Eu amo Voc?, @.$l",
 "Rainy\_Day\_6": "\*cheirar\* Eu me sinto um pouco mal, querido. Era para ser t?o
frio? Ah, sinta minha pele, acho que estou queimando..$s#$e#Voc? est? certo, eu
deveria ir deitar. Acho que n?o consigo escrever muito hoje, minha cabe?a parece
que algu?m est? tentando abri-la. Ah, isso ? brilhante. Voc? poderia fechar as
cortinas$e#$b#Tsk, tsk, Eu tamb?m te amo, e porque eu te amo, n?o estou infectando
voc? com nenhuma doen?a horr?vel que eu possa ter. Aqui, um beijo em sua bochecha
em vez disso. E um pouco de ?lcool para limp?-lo.$s#$b#Oh, vou espirrar, afaste-se,
    "Rainy\_Day\_Elliot": "?s vezes, sinto falta do meu barraco ? beira-mar, o ar
fresco do mar me cumprimentando todas as manh?s e o sol escaldante queimando na
praia sem sombra enquanto escrevia em minha cabine. Eu sinto falta da expectativa
de te ver quando eu pudesse.$0#$e#Mas est? tudo bem, porque n?s dois podemos ir e
nos esconder no meu barraco e aproveitar o sol, o mar e o ar.$h#$b#E devo ser o
homem mais afortunado vivo por ter o privil?gio de sempre antecipar sua chegada em
casa depois de um dia de trabalho duro.$e#Eu te amo mais do que palavras podem
dizer, @.$l",
    "Rainy\_Night\_0": "@, voc? chegou! Voc? chegou bem na hora! Eu fiz uma sopa
para voc?. Espero que voc? goste.\[218\]$h#$e#Eu n?o tenho cozinhado o dia todo, ?
claro. Consegui escrever onze p?ginas. E as suas tarefas?$h#$e#Voc? se importaria
muito se eu me juntasse a voc? no banho mais tarde?$b#Claro que tenho segundas
inten??es escondidas por tr?s de minhas palavras floridas, meu querido, eu sou um
    "Rainy\_Night\_1": "Querido, voc? est? encharcado at? os ossos! Tire isso antes
de ficar doente. Venha, deixe-me te abra?ar.$b#Oh, voc? realmente ? frio como gelo!
Enquanto eu te ajudo a se aquecer, me conte como foi seu dia.$0#$e#O meu foi
tranquilo, exceto pelo esquilo que descobri em nosso s?t?o.$h#$e#Voc? est? mais
quente agora? Eu certamente n?o me importaria de levar isso para o nosso quarto.
Ficar aqui na cozinha com voc? em meus bra?os ? maravilhoso, mas n?o t?o
maravilhoso com voc? em meus bra?os enquanto descansamos na cama.$l",
    "Rainy\_Night\_2": "Boa noite, @. Voc? teve um bom dia?\[198 202 727
728\]$0#$b#Pensei em ir ? praia mais cedo, mas sabia que levaria muito tempo e
nunca iria querer que voc? voltasse para uma casa vazia, ent?o decidi cozinhar
alguns frutos do mar.$h#$b#Eu sei que voc? gosta de peixes grandes e pequenos,
mas ? bom deixar os mais novos irem para manter a popula??o est?vel, voc? n?o acha?
    "Rainy\_Night\_3": "Voc? parece positivamente exausto, querido. Venha, deixe-me
massagear seus ombros.$h#$b#Ah, voc? est? t?o tenso. Eu sei que voc? adora quando
eu brinco com as teclas de marfim, mas eu adoro quando voc? se torna t?o flex?vel
sob meu toque.$l#$b#Eu gostaria de ser um pintor, talvez ent?o eu pudesse pintar as
deliciosas express?es que esvoa?am em seu rosto.",
    "Rainy\_Night\_4": "Voc? parece et?reo, meu amor. Et?reo, mas muito cansado.
Voc? deve ter um momento para desacelerar e admirar o mundo sem preocupa??es.
$s#$b#A venda do meu pr?ximo romance contribuir? para umas f?rias muito desejadas.
$h#$e#Para onde vamos, querido? Acho que seria bom ver as Ilhas Fern, n?o?$h",
    "Rainy\_Night\_5": "Como foi seu dia, @?$0#$b#Passei a tarde mantendo meu f?
sico robusto. N?o sou t?o vaidoso quanto Alex nesse aspecto, mas tenho certeza de
que voc? o admira, n?o?$0#$b#N?o sou atleta e tenho que encontrar tempo no meu dia
para me exercitar. Eu n?o vou revelar nenhum dos meus segredos de fitness, mas voc?
certamente ? bem-vindo para descobrir por si mesmo, minha querida.$0#$b#Mas voc?,
claro, ? forte o suficiente para me carregar e ? por causa de todo o seu trabalho
duro aqui na fazenda.$l",
    "Rainy\_Night\_6": "Sente-se, meu amor. Tenho certeza de que nosso sof? n?o se
importaria se voc? relaxasse um pouco, e eu certamente n?o me importaria de lhe
fazer uma massagem.$0#$eAgora, onde est? aquele ?leo de massagem…?$0",
 "Rainy\_Night\_Elliot": "A ideia de tranquilidade total ? um pouco ir?nica, mas n?
o h? nada mais tranquilo do que uma noite tranquila e chuvosa com voc? em meus bra?
os, ouvindo o fogo crepitante e o tamborilar da chuva e seu batimento card?aco.$l",
    "patio\_Elliot": "Esta um belo dia para ler, minha querida. Voce n?o vai sentar
aqui comigo?$0#$b#Claro, voc? deve cuidar de suas tarefas agr?colas.$0#$b#Vou
escrever e, talvez, enquanto voce trabalha, vou tentar desenhar e tentar esbocar
sua beleza.$h#$b#A luz do sol aqui e revitalizante, nao e? Acho que vou roubar um
beijo antes de voce ir. Eu amo Voce!$l#",
 "Indoor\_Day\_0": "Estou cuidando muito melhor de mim agora que estamos juntos. A
vida de solteiro nao era particularmente saudavel para mim.$0#$b#Eu tinha esse
sentimento escondido em meu coracao que me fez doer com um desejo curioso. Palavras
sao minha paixao, mas eu nunca fui capaz de descrever esse sentimento ate te
conhecer. Eu estava… solitario, meu amor.$s#$b#Mas agora, há essa felicidade que
surge através de mim e se instala profundamente em meus ossos quando acordo na
minha… não, na nossa cama e a primeira coisa que vejo é seu lindo rosto. É como se
um pequeno sol brilhasse no meu peito sempre que eu te vejo.$h#$b#Temos nossas
brigas, nosso casamento não é perfeito, e nós também não. Mas acho que nunca amei
como te amo.$l#",
    "Indoor\_Day\_1": "Bom Dia, @. Você descansou bem?$0#$b\[395\] Acordei cedo
para te fazer uma xícara de café. Encontro-me desejando esta bebida terrosa, mas
certamente não tanto quanto desejo seu toque. \[402 418 421 591 593 595 597
376\]$l#$b#Oh, e aqui, uma flor para enfeitar seu look. Você parece requintado.
$h#$b#Um beijo antes de atender ao seu trabalho para o dia? Eu amo Você.$l",
    "Indoor\_Day\_2": "Se você encontrar uma aranha em casa, não a esmague! Deixe-
me levar a pobre coisa para fora.$0#$b#Eu tenho uma fraqueza por criaturas
inofensivas, especialmente criaturas inofensivas que ajudam a se livrar de alguns
insetos bastante irritantes, como moscas. E teias de aranha adicionam um ar
misterioso a uma sala, especialmente uma biblioteca.$n#$b#Oh, tudo bem, vou me
livrar das teias de aranha acima da minha estante. Eu não gostaria que você tivesse
outro ataque de espirros. Tenha um bom dia meu amor$l",
    "Indoor\_Day\_3": "Hoje vai ser um dia fantástico… Posso sentir!$h#$e#Eu tenho
esse sentimento especial no meu nariz…$0#$b#É estranho, mas é como um formigamento
muito leve e uma sensação no meu intestino. Não é um resfriado, meu amor.$h#$b#Você
acha que Yoba está tentando me dizer algo?$0",
    "Indoor\_Day\_4": "Eu tive esse pesadelo recorrente que você me deu um novo
corte de cabelo... Você nunca faria isso comigo, faria?$s#$e#Eu confio em você.
$0#$b#Além disso, tenho certeza de que você ama meu cabelo. Você está sempre
passando os dedos por ela. E eu deixo você trançar e amarrar o quanto quiser, mesmo
que deixe meu cabelo estranhamente ondulado depois.$0#$b#Mas onde você colocou a
    "Indoor\_Day\_5": "\*cheirar\* Eu me sinto um pouco mal, meu querido. Era para
ser tão frio? Ah, sinta minha pele, acho que estou queimando.$s#$e#Você está certo,
eu deveria ir deitar. Acho que não consigo escrever muito hoje, minha cabeça parece
que alguém está tentando abri-la. Ah, isso é brilhante. Você poderia fechar as
cortinas?$e#$b#Tsk, tsk, Eu também te amo, e porque eu te amo, não vou infectar
você com nenhuma doença horrível que eu possa ter. Aqui, um beijo na sua bochecha.
E um pouco de álcool para limpá-lo.$s#$b#Oh, eu vou espirrar, se afaste @.$8",
 "Indoor\_Day\_6": "Quando eu era menino, meus colegas de escola me provocavam por
causa do meu tom de pele pálido, naquela época.$s#$b#But that was then and this is
now, and now, I think I'm working up too dark of a tan. I think I'll stay inside
for today, my dearMas isso foi antes e isso é agora, e agora, acho que estou
ficando muito bronzeado.  Acho que vou ficar dentro de casa por hoje, querido.
$0#$e#Partindo tão cedo? Deixe-me roubar um beijo primeiro. Eu amo Você.$l",
 "Indoor\_Day\_Elliot": "Eu tenho mantido um diário desde que fomos morar juntos
agora que tenho tantas coisas bonitas para escrever.$l#$b#Podemos não viver para
sempre, mas com essas palavras, nosso amor vai.$l",
 "Indoor\_Night\_0": "Estou exausto.  Saí hoje para ver Robin sobre esse estranho
alçapão que encontrei atrás de nossa casa, e depois fui pescar para fazer uma
refeição, depois limpei a casa inteira e reescrevi uma seção do meu livro cerca de
treze vezes antes que parecesse remotamente natural.$s#$b#@Eu não sei como você
consegue fazer ainda mais todos os dias. Mas suponho que você se sinta melhor
quando me vê, não é? Porque é assim que me sinto quando meus olhos se deparam com
você. Oh, aqui está sua refeição!\[198 202 727 728\]$l#$b#E, oh…$b#… Quando você
aprendeu a fazer massagens nos ombros assim?$l",
    "Indoor\_Night\_1": "The crackling fire adds a cozy ambience to our home. It's
hypnotizing, watching the flames lick the ashy wood.$0#$b#When I was a boy, I went
camping with my father in a forest. I can't quite remember where. But I do remember
watching our bonfire blaze, the heat and the smell of burning cedarwood imprinting
itself on my heart.$0#$b#It would be nice to do it again sometime, even better with
    "Indoor\_Night\_2": "I've never had much success growing a plant in my old
beach house and I'm certainly no green thumb compared to you, my love.$0#$b#I'm
glad I have you around to tell me which plants to water with sea or fresh-
$0#$b#What? What do you mean you don't water any plants with salt water? Oh no!
$8#$b#My poor bonsai…$s",
 "Indoor\_Night\_3": "My love… I wouldn't trade you for 100 iridium bars.$e#Nor
1000…$e#Not even 10,000 bars, no.$a#$e#…$a#$e#No, not even 100,000 bars!$a#$e#…
$s#$e#Wa… one million bars of pure iridium…? Don't make me do this…$8",
    "Indoor\_Night\_4": "The sound of your familiar footsteps always makes me feel
lighter, my love.$h#$b#Tell me about your day.$0#$b#Oh, do you need any casks or
furniture moved? It would be nice to put these arms to use.$h#$b#Of course my arms
can move casks and furniture, it's not just for show.$h",
    "Indoor\_Night\_5": "What a day! My brain's been sapped of any sense and I
think I'm going mad, looking at my writing day in and day out. I need to do
something else…$s#$b…you, my dear, I could do all the time. You needn't worry about
that.$0#$b#Perhaps I'll try my hand at logging. Frankly, it looks exhausting. You
must have the strength of a god to do it so frequently, @.$0",
    "Indoor\_Night\_6": "I miss your touch everyday, @. When you come home, you are
so enticing. It's a miracle how you don't smell like animals and sticky sweat after
a hard day's work.$h#$b#You have this natural musk that's rather sweet and
delightful. And not to mention the earthy, robust smell of your crops.$0#$e#Go and
lie down, I'll give you a massage. You certainly deserve it, my love.$l",
 "Indoor\_Night\_Elliot": "@, you're home! You've arrived just in time! I've made
you some soup. I hope you enjoy it.\[218\]$l#$b#I haven't been cooking all day, of
course. I managed to write eleven pages. And what about your errands? You look
exhausted!$0#$b#Would you mind much if I joined you in the bath later?$l#$b#Of
course I have ulterior motives hiding behind my flowery words, my dear, I'm a
 "Outdoor\_0": "It's a magnificent day! it's my wildest dream come true, just look
at this incredible landscape, raw and natural and so… so you, @.$0#$b#I can see
your imprint on every inch of this farm, from the methodical crop squares to your
carefully nurtured orchard. It's a beautiful farm.$h#$b#But it's only a fraction of
your beauty, my dear.$l#$e#Oh, a kiss before you get to work? I love you.$l",
 "Outdoor\_1": "I attempted to cut down a fallen log down in Cindersap forest
before you awakened, but I only managed to get you a single piece of wood.\
[388\]$s#$b#It's certainly more difficult than I expected. You do have the strength
of a Titan, my dear.$0#$b#Perhaps I'll go foraging for fruit instead.$h#$e#A kiss
before you run off to attend to your duties and use your supernatural strength to
get on with the day?$0#$b#I love you.$l",
 "Outdoor\_3": "Forest air is different from sea air, but it's no less
invigorating.$0#$b#It's a gorgeous, cloudless sky, but not nearly as enchanting as
you. Perhaps, if you're not that busy later, we could have a picnic by the cliffs
in Cindersap Forest?$h#$b#Have an excellent day, my love.$l",
    "Outdoor\_4": "$d #Are you going to Calico Desert today, @? If you are, you
should bring a lot of water, the heat is dangerous! And… could you bring me a
coconut? I'm craving some Tom Kha soup…|Are you going to the Mines today, @? If you
are, you should bring a lot of food! And… could you bring me a prismatic shard? I
was thinking of making something with it…",
    "Outdoor\_5": "I drank too much coffee… my mouth feels about as dry as the
Calico Desert.$s#$b#Oh… sorry about the coffee breath.$0#$b#It's either you have a
penchant for coffee breath or you love me that much.$h#$b#I'll flatter myself with
the latter. I love you, too!$l",
    "Outdoor\_6": "Good morning, @. I'm sorry I left you alone in bed, I just
couldn't stand the sight of my writing desk. I needed to get away from it.$s#$b#Oh,
goodness, no, I love to write. I still love to write. But it's driving me mad and
I'm struggling with it. I can't sit there and wallow in my anger lest I associate
writing with it.$s#$b#Anyway, I don't think I can brood any longer now that you're
here. The sight of you makes me feel lighter.$b#I hope you have a wonderful day, my
dear. I love you.$l",
    "Outdoor\_Elliot": "I feel inspired! I'm going to write my new novel and what
better place to write than here on our lovely farm?$h#$b#You inspire me to write…
our long conversations by the fireplace, our nightly discussions… you motivate me.
Thank you, @.$h#$b#I hope you have a magnificent day. I love you.$l",
    "funLeave\_Elliot":"Ah, I'm going out to town and then to the beach. Do you
want anything?$0#$b#Today's a good day to go out, I feel like I've been forced into
a tiny box and forced to write as a miserbale little circus attraction is forced to
perform.$0#$b#…too much?$s#$b#I love you and our fantastic farm, don't worry. It's
just good to go to the beach for a breath of fresh air, don't you think?$0",
 "funReturn\_Elliot":"Today was excellent! I feel as though I'm on the cusp of a
breakthrough! I was brooding on the bridge, not too unlike the old times, when I
realized that I should be approaching the plot head-on instead of skirting around
it uncertainly.$h#$b#I watched the waves come and go as usual, but I saw this in
the water and I thought of you.\[392 394\]$l#$b#It was nice spending time by
myself, but it's even better to come home to you.$l",
 "OneKid\_0": "Oh, %kid1 is growing up so quickly… that makes us older, doesn't it?
$s#$b#I believe we're going about this the right way, aren't we? I certainly hope
we've put that entire shelf of baby books to good use…$h#$e#Have you had the time
to play with %kid1 yet? Maybe a second child might help.$h",
    "OneKid\_1": "Little %kid1 is lucky. Had I grown up on a farm as wonderful as
this, I think I would've been a much more well-rounded child. I wasn't very
athletic when I was younger, you know.$0#$b#I hope %kid1 grows up sweet. It's
difficult enough with a temperemental child, how much more an angsty teenager?
$s#$e#I was a bit of an angsty teenager, unfortunately.$s#$b#I hope they take after
you, @.$h",
    "OneKid\_2": "Caring for very small children… babies, really, isn't my strong
suit. But I'll be the best father I can. I want our child to know that my love is
unconditional.$h#$b#You've made a father out of a hermit, @. I love you and %kid1
so much.$l",
    "OneKid\_3": "Oh, my arms hurt. Babies become surprisingly heavy when you've
been rocking them to sleep for… two hours.$s#$b#While I'm no longer sure if I can
ever write again, there's something enchanting about holding a tiny human in your
arms, and the said tiny human is the product of our love.$l#$e#Oh, I smell like a
baby? Will you hold me close to your bosom, then?$0#$b#Ah! I know I'm a flirt,
there's no need to pinch me!$8",
    "OneKid\_4": "Do you think %kid1 will be happy as an only child? While my
childhood wasn't bad with my siblings, attention was hard to come by in such a
large family.$s#$b#I'm not proposing we have seven children, @! That's too many!
$8#$e#Tell me if you ever want another child. But I wouldn't mind if you never told
me that, too. I love you, @.$l",
    "OneKid\_5": "Sometimes, I miss the quiet of our house and waking up to the
sun's shining rays instead of a toddler trying to break my legs and my eardrums,
but I see you holding %kid1 in your arms, rocking back and forth on your heels,
blowing raspberries on soft, baby smooth cheeks, and… I still miss the quiet, but
with not a single regret.$l#$e#I've written so many poems and little stories about
you and %kid1 and if either of you ever find it, you'll see how corny I can get. I
can hear it already: \\"Dad, you're so corny! I can't believe it!\\"$h#$b#I love
you, @. Thank you.$l",
    "OneKid\_6": "I took %kid1 out exploring in the woods and we had a wonderful
time! If only you were there to see us, foraging fruit and splashing around on the
riverbank.$l#$b#Honestly, I'm glad I'm not any older, it would be harder to keep
up. All three of us should go together sometime! How about a picnic?$0#$e#Ah, I
smell like the woods? It's actually the smell of me running straight into a pine
tree, my love. Will you kiss me better, @?$h",
    "TwoKids\_0": "Darling, my most beloved @, can you guess what your brilliant
husband has done today?$0#$b#Well, in case you were wondering, I was listening to
%kid1 read to me.$0#$b#Yes! Can you believe it? %kid1 can read it! It's amazing and
I'm going to get them to read a classic next! Or how about my novel?$h#$b# You must
join the reading later, my love, we've been practicing all day.$0#$e#Amazing, isn't
    "TwoKids\_1": "I'm the father of two beautiful children and the husband of a
handsome, rugged farmer.^I'm the father of two beautiful children and the husband
of a beautiful, rugged farmer.$l#$b#Fate is kind to us, isn't it, my love?$h#$b#Oh,
I think %kid2 just woke %kid1 up, I must go see to that. I love you!$8",
    "TwoKids\_2": "I was carrying %kid1 earlier and I could've sworn I heard
a \\"Da…da\\"… I think I might just throw a celebration.$h#$b#No, I'm not becoming
senile and hearing things, my love. Just because you're younger doesn't make me
ancient! If I'm old, how about poor George, then?$h#$b# I love you and I love our
children so much. I mean it.$l",
    "TwoKids\_3": "I've fed %kid1 and %kid2 and they eat so much for small
creatures. No wonder they grow so fast! It seems that just yesterday, they were
both as long as my forearm.$h#$b#I'm becoming sentimental, my dear. You had better
get used to it!$h#$b#When our children are adults and they're doing what they love
and we're old and grey, I'll reminisce about these days like all old men.$0#$b#It
still astonishes me that my far, far future will have someone as wonderful as you
in it. I love you, @.$l",
    "TwoKids\_4": "I took both of our children exploring this time and, like the
first time I took %kid1 with me, we had a wonderful time. Thankfully, I didn't
break my nose on that tree.$h#$b#…well, I tripped on a tree root toady. Instead of
having clumsy children, you have a clumsy husband. Don't worry, I'm fine, just a
small bruise on my leg.$s#$b#…you could kiss it better, if you like.$0#$e#Oh, you
will? In that case, I'm bruised all over.$0",
    "TwoKids\_5": "…%kid1 spilled ink all over my writing and %kid2 wouldn't stop
crying.$a#$e#I snapped at them, @. I got angry and I'm terrible father.$s#$b#I made
them cry. I lost three and a half pages. I can't write that much anymore because I
must watch the children while you take care of the farm and run errands and I know
that you value my help around the house and I know I'm certainly not doing nothing,
but… I feel like I'm trying to do everything and nothing all at once.$s#$b#Please,
don't look at me like that. When you look sad, I just feel even worse. I need a
break. What if we switched every now and then?$s#$e#These are the times when I miss
our quiet house. But don't worry, I don't regret this! I just need to step away for
a moment and take a deep breath.$s$b#I know, I love you, too, @.$0",
    "TwoKids\_6" : "It would be nice to go dancing in the rain with you and %kid1!
Shame that %kid2 is still much too young.$0#$b#It's fine, we have years and years
together. There's no need to rush.$h#$e#Oh, of course I can handle my hair getting
soaked without my vanilla bean shampoo or pomegranate conditioner. I'm no drama
queen.$0#$b#Well, after standing around in the rain, we should give the children a
quick shower, you know how drowsy they get after bathtime. And we could have a
little time to ourselves. What do you think?$h",
    "Good\_0": "@, I'm so lucky to have you.$0#$b#You work tirelessly on our
beautiful farm, day in and day out.$0#$e#I love you.$l",
    "Good\_1": "I came to valley to seek my immortal muse, hoping to hide away in
my beach house as a hermit does with its shell. And so I slowly wasted away, my
joints turning to stone and my muse vanished from sight.$s#$b#But you came to my
beach house, carrying the spirit of my lost muse. When you left, you ended up
carrying my lonely heart with you.$l",
 "Good\_2": "I used to be afraid of chance. It's ironic because I'm a writer, but I
was afraid of the unknown. I used to have a solid, simple plan, but now…$0#$b#I'm
not afraid of the unknown anymore and chance, after all, is a synonym of luck and
fortune. You've made me braver, @.$l",
 "Good\_3": "Oh, @… you look breathtaking. You look like the Lord of the
Forest.^You look like the Lady of the Forest.$l#$b#Shall we dance, my Lord?^Shall
we dance, my Lady?$l",
 "Good\_4": "I make an attempt to try and feel every feeling there is in the world
so I can write it better and some feelings I've grown used to.$0#$b#But how can I
get used to feeling in love when I fall for you deeper and deeper everyday?$l",
 "Good\_5": "You should be careful out there, my love. There are unknown dangers
lurking in every corner and it pains me to see you hurt.$s",
    "Good\_6": "@? Oh, I just wanted your lovely eyes upon me. Your gaze is
hypnotizing, my dear.$l",
    "Good\_7": "I dream about you quite often, did you know? Sometimes, it's the
buzzcut dream. But most of the time, they're very, very good dreams, I promise.
$h#$b#Y-You hear me talk in my sleep?!$8",
 "Good\_8": "You give me such wonderful gifts often, so I thought I'd give you a
gift too!\[417 74 72 454\]$h#$b#I know how much you long for this and… I hope you
like it, my dear.$l",
 "Good\_9": "Darling, I wish you'd kiss me more often.$0#$b#I know you kiss me very
frequently and I mean exactly what I mean. One can never have too many kisses from
the love of their life.$h#$b#I'm glad you agree with me! We could do more than
kiss, too, if you'd like.$0",
    "Neutral\_0": "Today is a good day for writing. I hope you have a good day,
    "Neutral\_1": "You take good care of the farm. I wish you'd just come home
    "Neutral\_2": "It's okay if you have to tend to your farm duties late at night.
I don't mind much.$0",
    "Neutral\_3": "It would be nice to have some dinner at the Saloon. What do you
    "Neutral\_4": "I'm busy right now, @. Aren't you?$s#$b#Well, you always seem
busy. I'm sorry for being short with you.$s",
    "Neutral\_5": "@, I was wondering if you'd like to…$h#$b#Oh, nevermind. You're
busy the rest of the month, aren't you?$s",
    "Neutral\_6": "I plan on taking a walk today. I'm going into town then to the
beach.$0#$e#…if you choose to come home early, don't wait up for me.$s",
    "Neutral\_7": "…yes, @?$s",
    "Neutral\_8": "I've been really busy writing, I'm sorry I wasn't able to
completely clean up the house.$s",
    "Neutral\_9": "Have a nice day, @.$0",
    "Bad\_0": "I'm busy right now, @.$s",
    "Bad\_1": "@?$s#$b#I've been wanting to talk to you.$s#$b#I've been feeling a
little… lonely. I've been missing you too much for it to be normal, did you know?
$s#$b#I miss you even when I'm wide awake at the dead of night while you're deep
asleep beside me. And I miss you when you're right outside watering your plants.
$s#$b#Maybe I haven't been the best husband lately, but I'm trying to do better.
You've just been so busy and we've barely had any time together.$s#$e#Can we fix
this rift between us?",
    "Bad\_2": "I need to go to the library, @. I think it's good to get a breath of
fresh air.$0#$b#I feel stuck. I just want to get away from the farm right now.$s",
    "Bad\_3": "%Elliot doesn't respond.$e#…$s$b#What do you want, @?$s",
    "Bad\_4": "You're asking me to do the dishes again? I hardly thought I'd be
your maid when I married you, @.$a$e#…$s#$b#I apologize. That was harsh. I just
mean to say that we're in a partnership and that means we should treat each other
equally.$s#$e#We never really said I'd be delegated to dishwashing, I mean.
$s#$e#You're the farmer between the two of us, aren't you? I hardly expect you to
write out my novel!$a#$b#I can't stand the sight of you right now, @. I'd much
rather we talk later.$a",
    "spring\_1": "My New Year's resolution is to write, write, and write! One can
never stop improving their skills. And of course, I must actually work on my
resolution.$h#$b#What about you, @?$0#$e#I suppose we could both encourage each
other to stick to our resolutions, hm?$h#$e#Happy New Year's Day, my dear. I love
    "spring\_2": "Oh, you've caught me… Yes, I have been reading poetry… all day.
$h#$b#Shall I read you some?$0#$b#I stare up into my lover, her gaze calm against
my own. Steady, like a flagpole standing tall. She is steady, like a hardened tree
that refuses to bend to the bellowing storm.$0#$b#She has eyebrows that knot
together to judge, to express, and to question. Her eyebrows are dark and sleek,
like a black panther deep in the jungle, eyes gleaming against ink-colored wood.
$0#$b#She has cheeks that gleam, sharp and hard. Her bones are a statue as cold as
ice, frost blooming over her skin.$0#$b#She has mouth that smiles and frowns and
yells and laughs, every line clear against my taut skin. Her mouth is a compass,
every word falling from it pointing me home.$0#$b#And her eyes, her eyes, her eyes.
$0#$b#She has eyes that shine like gold in joy, glow as hot as furnace in anger,
and harden like tempered steel in contempt. But most of all, she has eyes that
become as sad as love.$0#",
    "spring\_12": "It's odd how I crave for pomegranates in the spring.$0#$b#Do you
have any, my dear?$0#",
    "spring\_19": "Your morning bedhead is adorable, my dear. You look so sweet and
warm, so peaceful.$0#$b#And what about mine?$h$b#It's a bird's nest?!$8#",
    "spring\_23": "@, will you dance with me tomorrow?$0#$b#At the Luau, of course!
$h#$b#I look forward to dancing with my husband.^I look forward to dancing with my
    "spring\_25": "A year may pass, and then another.$0#$b# I count the years, one
for each finger.$0#$b#I hope for the day that I must mark them down.$0#$b#I recount
and reminisce about flowers and speechess and husband and husband.^I recount and
reminisce about flowers and speechess and husband and wife.$0#$b#Our wedding was
held on a magnificent day and meant to mark the start of the rest of our lives.
$0#$b#Happy anniversary, @. I love you more and more everyday.$l",
 "summer\_1": "It's difficult to find myself in a foul mood, though, when the bees
are buzzing and butterflies flit around your head, trying to land on your beautiful
flower crown.$h#$b#You look like a forest god, my dear.^You look like a forest
goddess, my dear.$0#",
 "summer\_4": "Oh, you've caught me… Yes, I have been reading poetry… all day.
$h#$b#Shall I read you some?$0#$b#Sunrays burst from your eyes, casting the world
in light.$0#$b#Your skin is cool to the touch, a fountain of life.$0#$b#Your smile
is radiant, every tooth as pale as a pearl.$0#$b#Your beauty makes the world your
 "summer\_10": "I thought of heading down to the beach today, but since tomorrow's
the Luau, I figured it would be more prudent to finish some last-minute writing
before we fall into a festive haze.$h#$b#What are you bringing for the potluck, my
dear? Regardless of what it is, I'm certain your addition will make it even more
delicious than it was last year!$h#",
 "summer\_15": "Happy birthday, my love! I've made you a cake.\[221\]$h#$e#Do you
like it? Baking was a struggle, as you can tell by the mess, but I believe I
followed the recipe precisely.$0#$b#Will you let me have a taste? Oh, how about a
kiss?$0#$e#You really should take a day off on your birthday, but the crops don't
care much for birthdays, do they? Well, once you get home early, I'll have a
wonderful dinner and an… activity waiting for you.$0#$e#I love you, @. Another kiss
before you attend to your duties for the day?$l",
    "summer\_22": "Your morning bedhead is a delight, my dear. You look an
apparition from one of my dreams. Well, you do frequent my dreams… $l#$b#The way
you tangle yourself in those bedsheets no matter the weather is another sight to
behold, my love. But I would much rather see you in my arms.$l#$b#Are you going to
be home early?$0#$b#Oh, then you can daydream about what will be waiting for you
back in the bedroom.$h#$b#Have a wonderful day, @. I love you.$l",
    "summer\_28": "I'm not sure if I should miss or be glad to see summer go. I
will miss the hot sun and the sweetly cold water at the beach, but I will not miss
the heatwave. At least, now, we'll be able to lie in bed without sweaty skin.
$0#$b#Well, sweaty skin because of the weather, at least.$h#",
    "fall\_1": "My favorite season. It isn't because my birthday's soon, but it's
because there's something about the way leaves gently cascade off the trees, some
leaves in the shade of deep, blood red and others swirling down like a golden
shooting star.$0#$b#Fall is the season of change, my love. And change makes the
world go round.$0#",
    "fall\_5": "Good morning, my dear. I woke up early to make some soup, it's a
lovely birthday gift to myself.$h#$b#Here, have some. Gifts are best shared.\
[218\]$h#$e#Oh, you've got a birthday gift for me?$l#$b#…and the gift is me getting
kicked out of my own home before bedtime?$s#$b#I'm glad to know you'll let me back
in, @. Fall isn't the best season to go camping.$h#$e#Oh, I like the sound of your
gift!$h#$b#Before you run off, how about a kiss? I love you!$l#",
    "fall\_8": "Oh, you've caught me… Yes, I have been reading poetry… all day.
$h#$b#Shall I read you some?$0#$b#Today, the sun is bright, but tonight, the sun
will sink.$0#$b#And the moon rises tonight and tomorrow, the moon will sink.
$0#$b#The world turns on its axis and the curtain of stars swirl around us, but
every night, it returns.$0#$b#Yesterday, today, tomorrow, all that is certain is
change.$0#$b#Tomorrow, the sun will rise. The world will keep on turning.$0",
 "fall\_15": "I might set my pride aside and sink my teeth into a sloppy, saucy
barbeque sandwich tomorrow. Or how about a pumpkin pie?$0#$b#What shall you present
for our grange display tomorrow? I suggest our pomegranates and wine, both are
positively delightful.$h#",
 "fall\_20": "Your morning bedhead is a delight, my dear. You look an apparition
from one of my dreams. Well, you do frequent my dreams…$0#$b#The way you tangle
yourself in those bedsheets no matter the weather is another sight to behold, my
love. But I would much rather see you in my arms.$l#$b#Are you going to be home
early?$0#$b#Oh, then you can daydream what will be waiting for you back in the
bedroom.$h#$b#Have a wonderful day, @. I love you.$l",
 "fall\_26": "Would you still love me if I guzzled two gallons of pumpkin ale at
the Spirit's Eve festival? Sometimes a man has primitive urges…$0#$b#Oh, but if
both us get drunk on Spirit's Eve, how will we get home? We may have to crash
somewhere in the maze…$8#",
    "fall\_28": "Oh, I'm always eager to see the first snow of the year. There's a
superstition that says whoever you watch it with is your true love, but I don't
need to watch the snow fall to know it's you.$l#",
    "winter\_1": "Ah, winter. The perfect time of the year for some piano-playing,
days and days of writing, and hiding under the bedsheets with you. We finally have
a break.$h#$b#Shall we hide under the bedsheets right now, my dear?$0#$b#Oh, even
in winter, you're still as productive as ever. Good thing the days are shorter, I
get to spend more time with you.$h",
 "winter\_3": "Oh, you've caught me… Yes, I have been reading poetry… all day.
$h#$b#Shall I read you some?$0#$b#Inside my vast, cavernous heart, there hides a
secret. The secret flits around like a butterfly, making my heart beat and thump
with quick nervousness.$0#$b#A knock on the door to my heart and it swings open.
$0#$b#But there is no one there and the secret has let itself out, flying up my
throat and through my mouth.$0#$b#I love you, I love you, I love you. the secret
has let itself out.$l#",
    "winter\_7": "I'm a little out of practice, but I'm entering the fishing
contest tomorrow! You've got some stiff competition my dear.$0#$b#Oh, ho! Would you
like to wager?$h#$b#A kiss? There's no good in betting something like that, it's
    "winter\_12": "Oh, hello, @.$0#$e#My, my, is that mistletoe above our heads?
Shall we indulge in tradition?$0#$b#We may as well get mistletoe wallpaper on our
    "winter\_15": "Your morning bedhead is a delight, my dear. You look an
apparition from one of my dreams. Well, you do frequent my dreams… $0#$b#The way
you tangle yourself in those bedsheets no matter the weather is another sight to
behold, my love. But I would much rather see you in my arms.$l#$b#Are you going to
be home early?$0#$b#Oh, then you can daydream about what will be waiting for you
back in the bedroom.$h#$b#Have a wonderful day, @. I love you.$l",
    "winter\_25": "Happy Feast of the Winter Star, my love. This is my gift to
you.\[417 74 72 454\]$0$b#And you have given me the greatest gift of all: your
love.$l#$b#Oh, you've actually got me a present? Thank you, my dear!$h#$b#I know
I'm a tad sluggish in the morning but I hoped that we could go into town together
    "winter\_28": "Happy New Year's Eve, @. Shall we share this wine to celebrate?\
[348\]$0#$b#My love, I'm delighted I got to spend this year with you. We have had
our ups and downs, our petty fights and big arguments, and we have had each other
to love and cherish.$l#$b#You have brough light and joy to my life and it's an
honor and a privilege to know that I get to spend the rest of it with you.$l#$b#I
love you more than words can say, @.$l#",
 "spring\_Elliot": "Ah, spring! What a delightful season, new crops growing, bees
buzzing, fruit blooming! I'm honored to enjoy it with you, my love.$h#",
 "summer\_Elliot": "Summer is a pleasant delight but I sorely wish I could cuddle
with you without turning into a sticky, sweaty mess.$0#$b#Ah, but I am excited to
have a good swim and go fishing! Shall we tan at the beach, my love?$0#",
 "fall\_Elliot": "The days are crisp and cool, the leaves crunch under treading
feet, the air is heady and sweet with the smell of apples and pomegranates, and my
love for you is an evergreen pine, steady and constant in the season of change.
    "winter\_Elliot": "Winter brings me many fond memories. Did you know that the
lake is good for skating on particularly cold days? It freezes over whenever
someone heads there, surprisingly.$0#$b#It would be nice to be on the ice again.
$0#$e#If you don't know how to skate, I could always teach you, my dear. I'm
certain you're a natural!$h",
    "spouseRoom\_Elliot": "I feel inspired to write, but not inspired enough to
know what I want to write about. I'm going to attempt to figure that out.$0#$b#I
know you'll do wonderfully even without my help, but I'm always here to lift a keg
or two.$h#$e#A kiss before you attend to your duties? Have a wonderful day, my

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