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6.o ano – 2.o bimestre

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Cristina Valesin
Luciana Benassi
Márcia Cristina dos Santos
Maria Cecília Baptista Pereira
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Caderno do Professor
Unit 2
A unidade 2 tem como prioridade mostrar ao aluno vocabulário pertinente ao seu dia-a-dia (escola e casa)
e continuar incentivando que se comunique em LEM naturalmente.

Part 5 – At school!
Este módulo tem o propósito de intensificar o envolvimento do aluno com a LEM, apresentando assunto
pertinente à sua realidade. Partes da escola, objetos e algumas instalações escolares são vistos nesta parte
e o aluno deverá perceber e comparar diferenças e semelhanças entre sua escola e a de outras
Conteúdo programático a ser trabalhlado será:
– There is / There are (affirmative, negative and interrogative)
– Prepositions of place

Part 6 – Happy birthday!

Este módulo propõe-se a apresentar partes da casa, utensílios domésticos e alguns tipos de construção
comuns na Inglaterra, com olhar voltado para conciliar a comunicação em LEM com a realidade do mundo
em que vivemos.
Conteúdo programático a ser trabalhlado será:
– Demonstrative pronouns
– Whose
– Possessive case

Part 7 – On the track!

Este módulo é utilizado para ampliar, rever e consolidar o assunto sugerido na parte 5. São apresentados
textos com maior complexidade com o tema escola e casa e os objetos referentes aos mesmos. Os alunos
serão orientados a perguntar e responder sobre a localização de objetos em diferentes partes da escola e de
Conteúdo programático a ser trabalhlado será:
– Review Part 5

Part 8 – A geo class!

Neste módulo, além da consolidação do conteúdo apresentado na parte 6, há também textos que
descrevem “The White House”, ”The Buckingham Palace” e “ The Taj Mahal”, objetivando a compreensão
de textos e a aquisição de vocabulário, como itens facilitadores da comunicação da língua inglesa.
Conteúdo programático a ser trabalhlado será:
– Review Part 6

Música, filmes e puzzles são propostas diferenciadas com a intenção de aprimorar a abordagem
comunicativa, mantendo o clima prazeroso do processo de aprendizagem.
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Número de aulas sugeridas

Inglês – 6.o ano – 2.o Bimestre

Caderno Módulo Semana Aulas Programa

Listen to learn
At school!
13 Now, it’s your turn!
School supplies
9 New words
There is / There are Build your knowledge
5 14
(affirmative, negative and interrogative) Improve your knowledge
Build your knowledge
15 Prepositions of place
Improve your knowledge
Talking about school and classmates! Roundup
Holidays in May Holidays & Celebrations
Listen to learn
Happy birthday!
17 Now, it’s your turn!
Parts of a house
11 New words
Build your knowledge
18 Demonstrative pronouns
6 Improve your knowledge
Whose Build your knowledge
Possessive case Improve your knowledge
Family Roundup
Holidays in June and July Holidays & Celebrations
Listen to learn
On the track!
21 Now, it’s your turn!
Ordinal numbers
7 13 Improve your knowledge

22 British houses Roundup

Listen to learn
23 A geo class! Now, it’s your turn!
8 14 Improve your knowledge

The White House and the Buckingham

24 Roundup

Film “Mary Poppins” Learn more!
A song Learn more!
School Subjects Crossword puzzle
House Crossword puzzle

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Orientações didáticas
1. Leitura Suplementar

1) Cérebro aprende pelo afeto e pela emoção

Hoje, conhecer o funcionamento

do sistema nervoso central, é
trazer para o professor/educador
uma base de estudos científicos
de como a neurociência, a
aprendizagem e a educação
tornam-se interdisciplinares.
"Aprende-se com o cérebro, e todas as ações perpassam como um filme
na máquina fotográfica, ou comparando a um hardware, onde vários
softwares são “rodados” por meio de impulsos elétricos, e pela centelha
dos afetos ou desafetos existentes e recebidos ao longo de nossas vidas"

Neurociência na aprendizagem escolar é um tema muito pertinente com o nosso cotidiano de sala de aula.
Através de uma abordagem conceitual para essa fundamentação neurocientífica, o cérebro se torna, na
atualidade, um mediador importante para o conhecimento do professor, educador e pais para reconhecerem
potencialidades e até mesmo dificuldades no aprender.

“Aprendemos com a cognição, mas sem dúvida alguma, aprendemos pela emoção. O desafio é unir
conteúdos coerentes, desejos, curiosidades e afetos para uma prazerosa aprendizagem.”(Marta Relvas)

O cérebro é provavelmente o órgão mais fascinante do corpo humano. Ele controla tudo, da respiração
às nossas emoções, inclusive nosso aprendizado.

E para o professor, conhecimentos básicos de neurociência são essenciais para seu trabalho, já que seu
objetivo é proporcionar aprendizagem a seus estudantes e, de preferência, da forma mais otimizada possível.

A seguir estão alguns conceitos, dicas e curiosidades que serão extremamente úteis no momento de
planejar suas aulas.

Relação entre memória e aprendizagem

Um homem sem memória é um homem sem história. A memória é o brinquedo da aprendizagem.

Se você está lendo este artigo agora, ouvindo ruídos, sentindo cheiros... é por que você possui seus
sistemas biológicos integrados ao centro do cérebro, que recebe, interpreta e responde aos estímulos
provocados pelos ambientes, e sem dúvida, envolvidos pelas memórias construídas ao longo de nossas

A aprendizagem é um “mix” de memória, atenção, concentração, interesses, desejos, estímulos

intrínsecos (neurotransmissores/hormônios) e extrínsecos (informações externas do ambiente) que permeiam
a mente e o cérebro humano.

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Quanto mais aprendemos mais conexões neurais formamos...

A plasticidade cerebral é a capacidade do sistema nervoso de alterar o funcionamento do sistema motor

e perceptivo baseado em mudanças no ambiente, através da conexão e (re) conexão das sinapses nervosas,
organizando e (re) organizando as informações dos estímulos motores e sensitivos, sendo controladas por
grupos especiais de neurônios (células glias).

Somos o que vivenciamos, experimentamos e lembramos...

Aprende-se com o cérebro, e todas as ações perpassam como um filme na máquina fotográfica, ou
comparando a um hardware, onde vários softwares são “rodados” por meio de impulsos elétricos, e pela
centelha dos afetos ou desafetos existentes e recebidos ao longo de nossas vidas.

O cérebro sozinho não possui função nenhuma, ele só estabelece um funcionamento quando em conjunto
com outros sistemas que se interconectam, recebem e respondem aos estímulos para realizar um potencial
de atividades elétricas e químicas.

A forma de aprender está relacionada ao recebimento de estímulos que captamos pelos nossos sentidos,
esses nossos fiéis escudeiros e selecionadores de estímulos chamados canais sensoriais. Esses estímulos
conhecidos como informações (som, visão, tato, gustação, olfação) chegam ao tálamo, que é uma estrutura
no cérebro que tem a função de receber esses estímulos e reenviá-los para áreas específicas que são
responsáveis pela elaboração, decodificação e associação dessas informações. O tálamo funciona como um
“aeroporto” e junto com o hipotálamo, as amígdalas cerebrais (responsável pela emoção), e o hipocampo
(responsável pela memória de longo prazo), promovem as lembranças e a aprendizagem significativa.

A aula deverá ser reflexiva e não reprodutiva. O cérebro necessita de desafios coerentes, interação,
participação sempre. Por isso, o professor deverá ser um fazedor, instigador de curiosidades. O cérebro é
muito mais “fofoqueiro” e adora novidades. Com isso, torna-se fundamental que o ritmo da aula seja sempre
emoldurado por desafios e afetividades.

Aprender é promover novas conexões neurais, por isso sempre será necessário realizar um “up grade”
dos nossos neurônios para evitar o “empobrecimento” da qualidade dos nossos pensamentos e atitudes.

Portanto, o educador ético é aquele que está disponível. Aquele que não exige de seu estudante uma
única maneira de posicionar-se, a igual à sua, mas que aponta caminhos possíveis. Aquele que permite ao
estudante ocupar-se do seu ritmo de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento.

Por isso, concluo que o educador não deve ser o representante da verdade absoluta para seu estudante,
mas um incentivador de diversas possibilidades e potencialidades, considerando que o cérebro não é um
sistema fechado, mas um sistema aberto de possibilidades.


Relvas, Marta Pires. Neurociência e Educação, gêneros e potencialidades na sala de aula. Rio de Janeiro,
2ª ed. WAK Editora, 2010.

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Relvas, Marta Pires. Fundamentos Biológicos da Educação – Despertando Inteligências e Afetividade no

processo da Aprendizagem. Rio de Janeiro, 5ª edição. WAK Editora, 2010.


2) Como o cérebro humano aprende?

A aprendizagem se produz graças à ação simultânea de uma série de processos químicos e elétricos.
Qualquer “informação” que chega, agita cerca de 100 bilhões de neurônios, através de sinapses, que são
estruturas por meio das quais as células cerebrais se conectam.


A cada instante o cérebro é exposto a uma carga excessiva de informação e necessita processar,
selecionar e descartar as informações que não são relevantes e reter as que são relevantes, garantindo assim
sua sobrevivência.

Mas quais são as relevantes?

Algumas redes de células organizam as informações; comparando-as a outras lembranças já existentes

no cérebro, sempre privilegiando as relevantes. A maioria é esquecida e, as poucas que são retidas, são
guardadas para uso posterior. [...] Tudo que chega ao cérebro passa por alguns “filtros” que “censuram” o
que deve ou não ser guardado. Esses “filtros” defensores colocam a atenção no que realmente importa
Então, a questão é: como seduzir esses “filtros” tão importantes para a retenção da informação?
A Neurociência diz que é possível criar sistemas de aprendizagem que podem dominar esses “filtros”,
facilitando a aprendizagem. Dessa maneira, um ensino eficiente acontece mais ou menos como se
pudéssemos “seduzir” esses filtros levando-os a deixar passar as aprendizagens que queremos. Esses filtros
são conhecidos pela sigla RAD (Sistema Radicular – Amígdala – intervenção da Dopamina).


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Como “seduzir” o RAD?

Para que uma informação consiga passar pelo primeiro filtro “R”, precisa que se apresente como
novidade, portanto, que seja interessante. Toda informação que se considera “sem graça”, “chata” ou
“repetitiva” é imediatamente bloqueada no primeiro filtro. Se, ao contrário, é sugestiva, supera essa barreira
e passa para o segundo filtro “A” que é a amígdala, que também é conhecido como o filtro “afetivo” ou
“emocional”. [...] A informação é interessante, mas não é “agradável” ou “emocionante”, o segundo filtro
trata de bloqueá-la. Vencido os dois obstáculos, a informação “banha-se” de “D” dopamina que é o
neurotransmissor do prazer e é assim assimilada.

O primeiro e mais difícil passo para que o cérebro aprenda é, portanto, captar a atenção do sistema

Nesse aspecto, cabe ao professor tornar os conteúdos conceituais com que trabalha mais interessantes,
novos, surpreendentes, coloridos, grandes, criativos, desafiadores, etc. [...] Mas se a informação possui os
atributos descritos, necessita ainda conquistar a amígdala e, para tanto, a nova informação precisa ser
envolvida com afetividade e algum tipo de emoção. [...] Superada essas barreiras, a dopamina, em cérebros
saudáveis, encontra-se disponível e a aprendizagem significativa se consolida.

“Hoje, conhecer o funcionamento do sistema nervoso central, é trazer para o professor/educador uma
base de estudos científicos de como a neurociência, a aprendizagem e a educação tornam-se
(Marta Relvas)

SELBACH, S. Língua Estrangeira e Didática – Coleção Como Bem Ensinar, Editora Vozes, 2010.

2. A partir do caderno 2, antes de “homework”, encontramos a “review”. Ela é uma revisão do caderno
anterior e pode ser dada em classe, logo no início do bimestre ou como lição de casa. Salientamos a
importância do “self-assessment” nesta review, para que o aluno perceba como está iniciando o novo

3. Unidades Temáticas, Objetos de Conhecimento e Habilidades (BNCC)

A BNCC de Língua Inglesa para o Ensino Fundamental está organizada por eixos, unidades temáticas,
objetos de conhecimento e habilidades. As unidades temáticas, em sua grande maioria, repetem-se e são
ampliadas as habilidades a elas correspondentes. Para cada unidade temática, foram selecionados objetos
de conhecimento e habilidades a ser enfatizados em cada ano das séries finais do Ensino Fundamental,
servindo de referência para a construção dos currículos conforme as especificidades dos contextos locais.
Tal opção de apresentação da BNCC permite que determinadas habilidades possam ser trabalhadas em outros
anos, o que atende a uma perspectiva de currículo espiralado. Os códigos da BNCC encontram-se ao longo
dos cadernos.

Módulo Objetivo didático Objeto de conhecimento (BNCC) Habilidades (BNCC)
temáticas (BNCC)

Construção de laços afetivos e convívio (EF06LI01) Interagir em situações de intercâmbio oral,

5/6/7/8 Interação discursiva Promoção de situações de interação teatralizadas, simulando o cotidiano. Gênero textual oral: diálogo - Now it´s your turn!
social. demonstrando iniciativa para utilizar a língua inglesa.

Utilização de expressões para perguntar e responder sobre a residência e sobre a escola. (Where do you live? In a house. (EF06LI02) Coletar informações do grupo, perguntando e
Construção de laços afetivos e convívio
7 Interação discursiva Where is your house? It’s in … Where is your school?). Uso constante e contínuo da língua inglesa. Propiciar momentos de respondendo sobre a família, os amigos, a escola e a
interação dirigida, norteado por temas concretos e familiares ao educando. comunidade.

Utilização de textos curtos que fazem parte do cotidiano do educando com cognatos e palavras da Língua Inglesa já Estratégias de compreensão de textos orais: (EF06LI04) Reconhecer, com o apoio de palavras cognatas e
5/6 Compreensão oral incorporadas à Língua Portuguesa para facilitar a compreensão global do texto. (geography, American, playground) Treino do palavras cognatas e pistas do contexto pistas do contexto discursivo, o assunto e as informações
ouvir o inglês e busca do entendimento global do texto. Gênero textual oral: Diálogo discursivo. principais em textos orais sobre temas familiares.

(EF06LI05) Aplicar os conhecimentos da língua inglesa para falar

Aplicar os conhecimentos da língua inglesa para falar de si e de outras pessoas, explicitando preferências e rotinas. (What´s Produção de textos orais, com a mediação
5 Produção oral de si e de outras pessoas, explicitando informações pessoais e
Sue´s favorite part of the school?) do professor.
características relacionadas a gostos, preferências e rotinas.

Utilização de aprendizagens e vocabulários anteriormente aprendidos. Contemplando sempre situações significativas para o
educando. Gênero textual oral: Narrativa/Descrição. Utilização de texto com linguagem simples e cotidiana, que contenha
Produção de textos orais, com a mediação (EF06LI06) Planejar apresentação sobre a família, a comunidade
5/6/7/8 Produção oral várias palavras já vistas pelo educando. Pode-se utilizar o apoio de imagens. Utilização de textos curtos, com linguagem
do professor. e a escola, compartilhando-a oralmente com o grupo.
simples e cotidiana, que contenham palavras já vistas pelo educando. Preferencialmente utilizar textos originais e de fontes
confiáveis que possam servir como apoio para futuras produções textuais do educando no que se refere a gênero.

Estratégias de Utilização de meios digitais na busca de aplicação de repertório propiciando a pesquisa, além da natural ampliação do Compreensão geral e específica: leitura (EF06LI08) Identificar o assunto de um texto, reconhecendo sua
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leitura repertório lexical. Utilização de linguagem simples e cotidiana, que contenha várias palavras já vistas pelo educando. rápida (skimming, scanning) organização textual e palavras cognatas.

Estratégias de Compreensão geral e específica: leitura

5/6/7/8 Envolvimento do educando com assuntos do dia a dia. (EF06LI09) Localizar informações específicas em texto.
leitura rápida (skimming, scanning)

Práticas de leitura e Construção de repertório lexical e autonomia (EF06LI11) Explorar ambientes virtuais e/ou aplicativos para
8/ Appendix construção de Explorar ambientes virtuais e/ou aplicativos para construir repertório lexical na língua inglesa.
repertório lexical leitora. construir repertório lexical na língua inglesa.

Atitudes e
Partilha de leitura, com mediação do (EF06LI12) Interessar-se pelo texto lido, compartilhando suas
5/6/7/8 disposições Interessar-se pela informação trazido pelo colega, compartilhando suas ideias.
professor. ideias sobre o que o texto informa/comunica.
favoráveis do leitor

Estratégias de (EF06LI13) Listar ideias para a produção de textos, levando em

5/6/7/8 Apresentação de materiais de escuta e análise de materiais orais (vídeos, músicas e áudios) Planejamento do texto: brainstorming.
escrita: pré-escrita conta o tema e o assunto.

Estratégias de Planejamento do texto: organização de (EF06LI14) Organizar ideias, selecionando-as em função da

5/6/7/8 Organizar ideias, selecionando-as em função da estrutura e do objetivo do texto.
escrita: pré-escrita ideias. estrutura e do objetivo do texto.

(EF06LI15) Produzir textos escritos em língua inglesa (histórias

em quadrinhos, cartazes, chats, blogues, agendas,
Produzir textos escritos em língua inglesa sobre si mesmo, sua família, seus amigos, gostos, preferências e rotinas, sua Produção de textos escritos, em formatos
5/6/7/8 Práticas de escrita fotolegendas, entre outros), sobre si mesmo, sua família, seus
comunidade e seu contexto escolar. diversos, com a mediação do professor.
amigos, gostos, preferências e rotinas, sua comunidade e seu
contexto escolar.

Articulação com as propostas de produção e compreensão de textos orais e escritos, sendo importante a utilização de
(EF06LI16) Construir repertório relativo às expressões usadas
5/6/7 Estudo do léxico pronomes possessivos. Proporcionar a análise e a reflexão através do uso. Exemplificação da utilização dos adjetivos Construção de repertório lexical.
para o convívio social e o uso da língua inglesa em sala de aula.
possessivos com explicitação exemplificada de seu uso no cotidiano: My / Your / His / Her.

(EF06LI17) Construir repertório lexical relativo a temas familiares

Consolidação da habilidade pelas práticas de uso social, análise e reflexão da língua. Análise da influência das culturas dos
5/6 Estudo do léxico Construção de repertório lexical. (escola, família, rotina diária, atividades de lazer, esportes, entre
países de língua inglesa em nossa sociedade (National Teacher´s Day, Flag Day, Independence Day).

Presente simples e contínuo (formas (EF06LI19) Utilizar o presente do indicativo para identificar
5/6/7/8 Gramática Utilizar o presente do indicativo para identificar pessoas (profissões) e descrever ações diárias.
afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa). pessoas (verbo be) e descrever rotinas diárias.

(EF06LI21) Reconhecer o uso do imperativo em enunciados de

5/6/7/8 Gramática Uso do imperativo em enunciados de atividades e nas instruções (listen, run, go). Imperativo.
atividades, comandos e instruções.

(EF06LI22) Descrever relações por meio do uso de apóstrofo (’)

6 Gramática Descrever relações por meio do uso de apóstrofo (’) + s (Whose car is this?) Caso genitivo (‘s).
+ s.

(EF06LI23) Empregar, de forma inteligível, os adjetivos
5/6/7/8 Gramática Utilização dos adjetivos possessivos com explicitação exemplificada de seu uso no cotidiano: My / Your / His / Her. Adjetivos possessivos.
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Unit 2
Part 5 – At School ....................................................................................... 1
Part 6 – Happy Birthday! ............................................................................. 13
Part 7 – On the track!.................................................................................. 26
Part 8 – A geo class!.................................................................................... 30
Appendix ................................................................................................... 37
Review .................................................................................................... 43
Homework ................................................................................................. 45

Cristina Valesin
Luciana Benassi
Márcia Cristina dos Santos
Maria Cecília Baptista Pereira
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5 At School
A 13 DATE: _____/_____/_____
1. Listen to learn


Image 1

Lucca is an Italian boy. He is in the 6th grade and he is a new student

at Robinson Elementary School. Courtney and Sue are his new friends.
The school is very big and there are many things to see.

Courtney and Sue: Hi, Lucca! Are you OK today?

Lucca: Oh, yeah! I’m happy to be here!
Courtney: Let’s take a look around!
Lucca: Yes, I’m so curious.
Sue: Here is our geography classroom.
Courtney: There are a lot of maps on the wall and there is a globe on the table.
Lucca: And where’s the sports gym?
Sue: It’s over there, opposite the cafeteria.
Courtney: And beside it’s our locker room.
Lucca: It’s a wonderful school. I want to see more.
Courtney and Sue: Keep calm! We are in a very big school.

want – quero
Cultural Corner
2. Now, it’s your turn! Why do they have
Image 2

(EF06LI01/06/12) lockers at
A: Hello. American schools?
B: Hi. Are you _______________________?
OK today Because students
change classrooms.
A: Yes, I_____________________________.
So they don’t have
B: Let’s take a look around. to carry a lot of
A: Where is
the cafeteria

B: It’s behind the playground.

 Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Os alunos completarão o “dialogue” com base no ex. 1. Um aluno é o “A”, o outro é o “B”
e depois invertem as posições. Há inúmeras respostas possíveis.
 Teacher, explicar para os alunos que o professor de cada disciplina tem sua sala ambiente e, sendo assim, one 1
são os alunos que trocam de sala. (cultural corner)
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3. New words

1. Let’s do this crossword!

 Teacher, inicie a aula perguntando sobre os nomes dos
objetos escolares que os alunos conhecem. Coloque as
palavras na lousa. Depois peça para eles fazerem a palavra

2 B

F 3 R U L E R



N 5 4 N O T E B O O K

T S 7 B

6 W A S T E B A S K E T 8 C R A Y O N

N P 9 H I G H L I G H T E R



R 11 B O O K E

12 E R A S

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

1. 2. 5.
Image 6

Image 7

7. 10.

2 two
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Image 10
Image 8

Image 9
3. 4. 6.

Image 13
Image 11

Image 12

8. 9. 11.
Image 14


2. Match the columns and write the words below the correct picture:

a) Colored ( b ) case
b) Pencil ( c ) set
c) Square ( a ) pencils
Image 15

Image 17
Image 16

square set pencil case colored pencils

Homework 13 – School supplies

three 3
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A 14 DATE: _____/_____/_____
4. Build your knowledge
There is There are
There is / There are There isn’t There aren’t

Look at the picture…

 Teacher, inicie a aula levantando com os alunos todos os objetos que há na figura.

Image 18
Singular Plural

There is a backpack in it. _________________
There are two notebooks in it.

X There isn’t
______________________ an eraser in it. ______________________
There aren’t four rulers in it.

 Teacher, o quadro” Be
Careful!” é para chamar
a atenção para itens Be Careful!

There is a ball in the playground.

1. In pairs, look at the picture again and write four different new There are two balls in the
sentences: playground.

There is a glue tube.

There is a highlighter.

There aren’t three pairs of tennis shoes.

There is a blackboard.
 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis.

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Now, look at this picture:

 Teacher, reveja com os alunos os objetos que estão nesta figura. Is there?

Image 19
Are there?

? Singular

Is there a globe on the book? Yes, _____________
there ____________.

Is there a backpack on the table? No, _____________
there ____________.

? Plural

Are there two pencils on the table? Yes, _____________
there ____________.

Are there two books on the table? No, _____________
there ____________.

1. In pairs, look at the picture again. Ask and answer questions about the picture:
A: Is there a cat on the table?
B: No, there isn’t.

2. Now write two of your questions and answers:

a) Is there an alarm clock on the book? Yes, there is.

b) Are there twenty pencils on the table? No, there aren’t.

 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis.

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5. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

Are there two teachers in the classroom?
No, there aren’t. There is only one.
How many students are there in the classroom?
There are six students.
how many – quantos
Are there four students in the canteen?
No, there aren’t. There are three students.

How many teachers are there in the track and field?
There is one teacher.

c) Is there a yellow frog in the library?

No, there isn’t. There is a green frog.

Is there a teacher in the computer room?
No, there isn’t. There are three students.

e) Are there two girls in the science lab?

Yes, there are.

Homework 14 – On the desk!

No Portal Objetivo
Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO
(www.objetivo.br) e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F201.

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A 15 DATE: _____/_____/_____
6. Build your knowledge

Prepositions of Place

1. Look at the picture and circle the correct prepositions:

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para aumentar o vocabulário do seu aluno.

Image 20

Be Careful!

Image 21
a) There is a pencil on / under the desk.

b) Beth is behind / in front of Michael.

c) There is a cabinet under / behind the students.

d) There are two books in / on the cabinet.

e) Sally is sitting next to / behind Michael.

f) There is an alphabet on / in the wall.

There is a ball between the cats.

Image 21a

There is a teacher opposite the students.

 Teacher, o quadro” Be Careful!” é para chamar a atenção

para itens importantes.

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7. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the image below and complete the paragraph using the prepositions: (EF06LI19)

on in near opposite

This is a very peculiar classroom. It is _________

in a school bus. The students
are from Chile. They live _______________ the center of Santiago, the capital of

Chile. There are more than twenty students in it. The teacher is sitting
opposite the students and all of them are studying silently. The teacher’s
glasses are _________
on the table.
Image 22

live – moram
silently – silenciosamente

2. Use only prepositions of place to complete the paragraph:

This is a small classroom. The students are from Peru. There are boys and
girls _________
in the classroom. There are a lot of drawings _________
on the
Image 23

drawings – desenhos

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3. Complete the description of this American classroom. Pay attention! Do this part with a classmate!
next to in green
two American desks

Image 24
This is an ______________________ classroom. There is an American flag ___________________
next to the
desks two
There are a lot of ____________ along the classroom. There are __________ big windows and a
_________________ in
door ____________ it.

4. Now, write two sentences about your classroom. Use there is or there are, prepositions and school
a) free answer / There is a ruler on the desk.

b) free answer

on book Homework 15 – There’s a flag on the wall.

No Portal Objetivo
Para saber mais sobre o assunto,
Froggy is on the book acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO
(www.objetivo.br) e, em “localizar”, digite

 Teacher, peça aos alunos que completem o quadro usando preposição de lugar e objetos escolares. nine 9
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A 16 DATE: _____/_____/_____
8. Roundup

Talking about school and classmates (EF06LI04/05/13/16/17/23)

Image 25

Image 26

Image 27
Image 28

Image 29

Image 30
 Teacher, explique que “student” e “pupil” /ˈpjuːp(ə)l/ têm o mesmo significado.

Lucca: Hi! What’s up?

Courtney: Everything is OK!
Lucca: Fine!
Courtney: Let’s ask the English teacher to take us to the library!
Image 30a

Lucca: Good idea! I love reading!

Courtney: Where is Gregory?
Lucca: I bet he is in the sports gym.
Courtney: For sure, he loves playing soccer.
Lucca: And, where is Sue?
Courtney: Well, probably in the computer room, she loves surfing on the internet.
Lucca: We are classmates but each one of us has a favorite place at school.
Courtney: That’s it! By the way, let’s go and look for Martin.
Lucca: It’s not necessary. Take a look at the canteen, he is there.
Courtney: Yes, it’s lunch time.
Lucca: So, let’s hurry!

bet – aposto
probably – provavelmente
each one of us – cada um de nós
by the way – por falar nisso, a propósito
look for – procurar

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9. Improve your knowledge

1. Answer in English according to the dialogue:

a) What is Lucca's favorite part of the school?
It’s the library.

b) What is Sue’s favorite part of the school?

It’s the computer room.

c) What is Gregory’s favorite part of the school?

It’s the sports gym.

2. Give free answers in English:

a) What's your favorite part of the school?
free answer

b) What's your favorite subject?

free answer

c) Are there a lot of students in your classroom? How many?

Yes, there are. There are... / No, there aren’t.

d) How many teachers are there in the 6th grade?

free answer / There are...

e) When is your school term? In the morning or in the afternoon?

It’s in the morning. / It’s in the afternoon.

Image 31

term - período

3. Match the sentences properly:

a) My English teacher ( b ) is big with eight small windows.
b) My classroom ( a ) is very nice.
c) My classmates ( d ) is next to my house.
d) My school ( c ) are intelligent and cool. library

Now, it’s your turn!

Write a paragraph describing your school. Homework 16 – Your school

 Teacher, este exercício é uma oportunidade de os alunos desenvolverem a parte escrita “writing” com uma produção
própria. Caso queira, pode ser usado como avaliação. Os alunos podem filmar descrevendo a escola e apresentar para os
colgeas em formato digital.
eleven 11
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10. Holidays & Celebrations

Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling – May (EF06LI13/17/19)

Image 32
Location: Cooper’s Hill, Brockworth, England
Date: last Monday in May
They chase a small block of cheese down the hill. The cheese is rolled down the hill and a lot of people
chase down behind it. The first to reach the bottom of the hill or to grab the cheese is the winner.
 Teacher, vence a competição quem for o primeiro a chegar ao pé da colina ou quem pegar o queijo primeiro.

chase – perseguem
to reach – chegar
to grab – agarrar
National Teachers’ Day – May (EF06LI17)

Date – first Tuesday in May

National Teachers’ Day in the USA, is part of a week-long celebration honoring the teachers. On Teachers’
Day, be sure to honor the special teachers in your life for the hard work they do each day.

to honor – honrar

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6 Happy Birthday!
A 17
DATE: _____/_____/_____
1. Listen to learn

Image 33

Today is May, 3rd. It is Courtney’s birthday. She invites her

classmates to her party. Everybody is in the living-room.

Sue: Wow! What a wonderful house!

Lucca: Yeah, and the party is fantastic.
Peter: Listen to this music! I love this song!
Courtney: I’m so happy you are here.
Are you enjoying the party?
Derek: Awesome!
Courtney: How about dancing now?
Helen: Here?
Courtney: No, at the swimming pool. Come on!

awesome – impressionante / “demais”

2. Now, it’s your turn! Cultural Corner


Imagine it’s your birthday party!

A: Wow! Your party is__________________________!
happy you’re here
B: Thanks! I’m ________________________________!
How about dancing
A: Me too. ___________________________________?

B: Good idea! Let’s dance outside.

A: Yeah, let’s go! Published in 1893 for a classroom greeting song book:
“Good morning to All”; “Good morning to you” and then
 Teacher, o exercício 2 é oral e em duplas. Os alunos completarão
“Happy birthday to you”.
o “dialogue” com base no ex. 1. Um aluno é o “A” e o outro o “B”
e depois inverte. Há várias respostas possíveis.
 Teacher, explique para seus alunos a origem da canção
“Happy Birthday”.
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3. New words

1. Choose the words from the box and write them according to the picture:
office bathroom dining room bedroom
kitchen bedroom living room laundry

Image 34
a) office e) bedroom

b) dining room f) kitchen

c) laundry g) bathroom

d) bedroom h) living room

Now, tell me! Where is the mouse? It’s in the attic.

Image 35

Image 36

Image 37

garage attic garden

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para ensinar um novo vocabulário.

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sometimes Y

2. Where do you put these things? Pay attention! The vowels of the furniture are missing:
 Teacher, peça aos alunos que trabalhem em duplas.
Image 38

Image 39

Image 40

Image 41
a) b) c) d)
bunk beds d__
o __bl__
u e b__d
e dr__ss__r
e e st__ve

(bedroom) (___________________)
bedroom (___________________)
bedroom (___________________)
Image 42

Image 43

Image 44

Image 45
e) f) g) h)
i e m__cr__w__v__
i o a e s__nk
i b__tht__b
a u

kitchen (___________________)
kitchen (___________________)
bathroom (___________________)
Image 46

Image 47

Image 48

Image 49

i) j) k) l)
o e w__sh__ng
a i m__ch__n__
a i e dry__r
e m__ch__n__
a i e st__
e __m
a __r__n
i o

bathroom (___________________)
laundry (___________________)
laundry (___________________)
Image 50

Image 51

Image 52

m) n) o)
o __ch
u c__ff__
o e __
e t__bl__
a e __rmch__
a a __r

living room (___________________)
living room (___________________)
living room

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para ensinar um novo vocabulário. fifteen 15

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Cultural Corner

Image 52a

When we use the words bathroom, restroom and

bedside table
In the USA: we use bathroom anywhere (at home, airports, schools,
theaters…) and restroom just in public places (not at home).

Image 52b
In the UK: we use toilet anywhere (at home, airports, schools, theaters…)

and bathroom just when there is a bath.

Remember: never ask where the toilet is in the USA. There, toilet means. bedside lamp
Image 53

Image 54

couch / sofa sofabed

Be Careful!

The letter Y is sometimes considered

a sixth vowel because it can sound
like other vowels.
My name is Mandy. I am happy.

 Teacher, couch potato é a pessoa viciada em televisão.

16 sixteen Homework 17 – At home

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A 18 DATE: _____/_____/_____
4. Build your knowledge
this that



What’s this? What’s that?

It’s a car. It’s a bird.

This is a car. That is a bird.

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para ensinar um novo vocabulário.

Image 55

Be Careful!

 Teacher, o quadro “Be Careful” é para chamar a atenção para itens importantes.

seventeen 17
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5. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences by using this or that properly:
a) _______________
This is a modern kitchen and ___________
that is a simple kitchen.

Image 56

Image 57
b) _______________
That is a boy's bedroom and _______________
this is a girl's bedroom.
Image 58

Image 59

c) _______________
This is a baby's bedroom and ___________
that is a baby's bathroom.
Image 60

Image 61

18 eighteen
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d) _______________
That is an old living room and _______________
this is a modern living room.

Image 62

Image 63
2. Change sentences a and d from the first exercise into the plural form. You can work with a classmate.
a) These are modern kitchens and those are simple kitchens.

d) Those are old living rooms and these are modern living rooms.

3. Now, draw the favorite part of your house and make one sentence about it: (EF06LI14)

Homework 18 – My bedroom

No Portal Objetivo
Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO
(www.objetivo.br) e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F203.

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A 19 DATE: _____/_____/_____
6. Build your knowledge
‘s and’

Image 65
a) b)

Image 64
Whose bike is this? Whose computer is this?
It’s Giorgio’s bike. It’s Ellis’s computer.
Image 66

c) d)

Image 67
Whose dog is this? Whose house is this?
It’s the children’s dog. It’s my mom and dad’s house.
It’s the boys’ dog. It’s my parents’ house.

Image 68

Whose dogs are these?

They are Carol’s and Courtney’s dogs.
Image 69

Be Careful!

It is possible, especially with classical

names, to just add the apostrophe (‘).
Jesus’ life
Moses’ words

 Teacher, o quadro” Be Careful!” é para

chamar a atenção para itens importantes.
 Teacher, peça para os alunos assinalarem a alternativa correta (letra A).
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7. Improve your knowledge

Image 70

family tree

This is a happy Brazilian family. They are the Almeida’s.

Pedro and Isabela are the children. Beatriz is Matheus’s wife. Matheus is Beatriz’s husband. They are
Pedro and Isabela’s parents. They have lunch together on Saturdays and Sundays.
 Teacher, inicie a aula explicando a “family tree” e depois observe com os alunos a 1.a imagem, leia com eles o parágrafo e identifique
os personagens citados.
1. Now, look at the image below and complete the paragraph about the Sandwood’s family using
the words in the box:  Teacher, antes de iniciar o exercício 1, converse com os alunos fazendo-os identificar, mesmo que
seja em Português, os personagens desta imagem. Deste modo ficará bem mais fácil o
preenchimento dos espaços. Este exercício deverá ser feito em duplas.

Myrna's father Myrna's mother

Myrna’s parents house dining room
Image 71

This is a British-American family. They are the Sandwood’s.

dining room
They are in the ___________________ at lunchtime. Myrna and Gustav are Ann, Martin and Alice’s
Myrna’s parents
parents. ________________ are visiting them. They are the children’s grandparents. _________________
Myrna’s father

is an Englishman and _________________

Myrna’s mother is American.The Sandwood’s _______________
house is wide and

comfortable. They are happy together.

parents – pais
grandparents – avós
wide – ampla / espaçosa
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2. Write one sentence about this African family. They are the Kwanza's.

Image 72
3. Now, compare your answer with your classmate’s answer and read it too:
 Teacher, peça que cada aluno leia, em voz alta, a frase de seu colega.

Be Careful!

Father + Mother = Parents

Grandparents + uncles + aunts + cousins = Relatives

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para ensinar um novo


No Portal Objetivo
Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO (www.objetivo.br)
e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F204.

Homework 19 – Whose car is this?

22 twenty-two
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A 20 DATE: _____/_____/_____
8. Roundup

Image 72a

Teacher, explicar que granny e granddad/grandad

são formas carinhosas, assim como mum/mom e dad.


This is an English family. They are the

Windsor’s. They live near Kensington
Palace, in London. They have lunch
together on Sundays. They love each

9. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the picture, read the text and answer the questions:
a) Where is the father?
He is opposite the mother and the son. / He is beside the grandmother.

b) Where is the grandmother?

She is between the father and the grandfather.

c) Where is the grandson?

He is beside the mother. / He is opposite the sister.

d) Where is the grandfather?

He is between the grandmother and the mother.

e) Where is the sister?

She is opposite the brother. / She is beside the father.

f) Where are they from?

They are from England.

 Teacher, o quadro” Be Careful!” é para chamar a atenção para itens importantes.

Be Careful!

twenty-three 23
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Cultural Corner

Who are the in-laws? Who is my stepfamily?

Image 73

Image 75
Image 76
Image 74


 Teacher, explicar aos alunos: son-in-law(genro),daughter-in-law (nora), mother-in-law (sogra), father-in-law (sogro),
brother-in-law (cunhado), sister-in-law (cunhada) – in-law → por lei, pelo casamento e stepmother (madrasta),
stepfather (padrasto), stepson (enteado), stepdaughter (enteada), stepchildren (enteados).

Now, it’s your turn!

Write about your family. Draw your family tree and describe it.

 Teacher, este exercício é uma oportunidade dos alunos desenvolverem a parte escrita “writing” com uma produção própria.
Caso queira, pode ser usado como avaliação. Os alunos podem filmar suas familias descrevendo-as para apresentar para
os colegas em formato digital.
(EF06LI13/14/15) Homework 20 – A Moroccan family
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10. Holidays & Celebrations

Flag Day – USA (June)

 Teacher, o’er significa over.

On June, 14th, 1777, the Continental Congress approved the design of a national flag. Flag Day
was officially established to be celebrated on June 14th, 1916.

approved - aprovou
design - projeto
was - foi Independence Day – USA (July)
Image 77

Independence Day honors the birthday of the United States of America and the adoption of the
Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Image 78

The 4th of July is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night

of concerts and fireworks, and a reason to fly the American flag.

parades – desfiles
to fly the flag – hastear a bandeira

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A 21

7 On the track!
 Teacher, este Módulo 7 é revisão do Módulo 5.
DATE: _____/_____/_____
1. Listen to learn

2. Now, it’s your turn!


A: Look! __________, Peter
___________ Derek
and ____________ are on the track!
B: __________ is first!
Peter  Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Os alunos completarão o
A: No… ______________ is second! “dialogue” com base no ex. 1. Um aluno é o “A” e o outro o “B” e depois inverte.
Giorgio Os alunos podem trocar os nomes dos competidores.
B: Really? ____________ is second!
A: Come on, boys (or girls)! Look! _________
Derek comes in first!
A and B: Hurray!

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3. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the picture below and complete the sentences properly using:

Image 79
 Teacher, peça que os alunos façam este exercício em duplas.

There are
This is a very famous British school. ______________ a lot

There is
of students in the elementary and junior classes. ______________ only one in it, but

Image 80
there are
______________ hundreds of interesting books there.

Image 81

There is
_______________ a very wide and the students like to be there to celebrate

special days. Every year they celebrate the Environment Day singing songs and saying poems about the

Image 82

There is
______________ a where they go twice or three times a week to play different

kinds of sports.

there are there are

On the first floor ______________ the elementary classes and on the second floor ______________
the junior classes.
Image 83

There is
___________ a on the ground floor.
There are
______________ two different uniforms for the students, one for daily classes and the other for
physical education classes. It’s a great school!

hundreds – centenas
wide – amplo / largo
twice – duas vezes
floor – piso
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2. Now, write down the names of these places:

Image 80

a) L __
I __
B __
R __
A __
R __
Image 81

b) __
A __
U __
D __
I __
T __
O __
R __
I __
Image 82

c) __
S __
P __
O __
R __
T __
S G __
Y __
Image 83

d) __
C A __
N __
T __
E __
E __

3. What is there in this picture?

Image 84

a) Is there a teacher in the picture? No, there isn't.

b) Are there students in the picture? Yes, there are.

c) Is there a blackboard in the picture? No, there isn't.

d) Are there table and chairs in the picture? Yes, there are.

Homework 21 – There’s a book here.

28 twenty-eight
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A 22 DATE: _____/_____/_____
4. Roundup
Let's talk about British houses! (EF06LI02/19) Image 85 Image 86

Houses are usually made of stone or brick in England.

There are several types of houses .The most common British
houses are: detached (a house not joined to another one);
semi-detached (two houses together); terrace (a lot of or
a line of houses together) and flat (apartment).
Most people in England live in urban areas.
brick stone
usually - quase sempre

5. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the images below and classify the houses according to the descriptions from the text:

Image 88
Image 87

flat / apartment semi-detached

a) _____________________________________ b) _____________________________________
Image 89

Image 90

terrace detached
c) _____________________________________ d) _____________________________________

2. Think about the place where you live and answer the questions below:
a) Are there many houses or buildings in the street? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
b) Is it a calm or a busy street? It's a calm street. / It's a busy street.
c) Are there many trees in the street? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
d) Do you live in a house or in an apartment? I live in a house. / I live in an apartment.

buildings – prédios
busy – movimentada
Homework 22 – My school and
my classmates
Now, it’s your turn! Write about your house. Draw and describe it.
 Teacher, este exercício é uma oportunidade dos alunos desenvolverem a parte escrita “writing” com twenty-nine 29
uma produção própria. Caso queira, pode ser usado como avaliação. (EF06LI15) twenty-ninth
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A 23

8 A geo class!
 Teacher, este Módulo 8 é revisão do Módulo 6.
DATE: _____/_____/_____

1. Listen to learn

The students are in class now! They are in a geography class. The teacher is
Mrs. Reynolds.

Mrs. Reynolds: Good morning, class!

Children: Good morning!
Mrs. Reynolds: Today our class is about London! Where is London?
Derek: It’s in England.
Mrs. Reynolds: Good, Derek! And where is England?
Helen: It’s in Europe!
Mrs. Reynolds: That’s it, Helen! What can we visit in London?
Image 91

Sue: The Big Ben!

The United Kingdom

Image 92

Peter: The Tower of London!

Image 93

Courtney: The London Eye! Image 94

Martin: The Buckingham Palace!

Mrs. Reynolds: And who lives in the Buckingham Palace?

Children: Queen Elizabeth II.

 Teacher, nós dizemos “Queen
Mrs. Reynolds: Excellent, class! Elizabeth the second”.

2. Now, it’s your turn!


A: Where is _____________________________
São Paulo ? A: What can we visit in ___________________
São Paulo ?

B: It is in ________________________________.
Brazil B: ______________________________________.
The Masp

 Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Os alunos completarão o “dialogue” com base no ex. 1.
30 thirty Um aluno é o “A” e o outro o “B” e depois inverte. Há inúmeras respostas possíveis.
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3. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at these bedrooms. They are Pedro's and Isabela's bedrooms. They are the Almeida's children.
Let's describe Pedro's bedroom! What is there in it?
Image 95

a) ________________
There is one bed and ________________
there are three cushions on the bed.

b) ________________
There are two kites on the wall and ________________
there is one board game on the floor.

c) ________________
There are three cabinets and ________________
there is one chair in front of a desk.

d) ________________
There is a mirror on the wall.

e) This bedroom has yellow walls and ________________

there is a stripe of wallpaper with a lot of balls.

f) This bedroom is wide and clear because ________________

there is a glass door in it.
wide - amplo
clear - claro
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2. Now, work in pairs to describe Isabela's bedroom.

Do your best! And don't forget to use the words in the box:

Image 96
a) There is a little table in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom.

b) There are two small chairs in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom.

c) There is a bookshelf in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom.

d) There are colored drawers in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom.

e) There is a carpet in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom. / on the floor.

f) There is a hanger in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom. / on the wall.

 Teacher, há diversas respostas possíveis.

Image 98
Image 97

Teacher, no dia desta prática converse com os

alunos sobre os objetos que estão nos
quartos e certifique-se de que eles
entenderam o que devem fazer. Se preciso
for, dependendo do número de alunos na
sala, a atividade pode ser feita até em trios.

Homework 23 –
Different Families
hanger drawer

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A 24 DATE: _____/_____/_____
4. Roundup

Image 99
The WHITE HOUSE is the official residence of the USA President. It's very big! It is in Washington,
D.C.(*), the capital of the United States.
(*) District of Columbia Image 100

Washington, DC

This is the north side of the White House and that is the south side of it.
Image 101

 Teacher, aproveite o mapa para mostrar a localização de Washington e ampliar o vocabulário dos alunos.

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5. Improve your knowledge

1. Read about the several parts of the White House and write T (true) or F (false) to answer the
sentences below. But, please, correct the false ones!

Image 102
a) There are three swimming pools in the White House.
( F ) There are two.

b) There are a hundred and thirty-four rooms in the White House.

( F ) There are a hundred and thirty-two.

c) There are a hundred and forty-seven windows in the White House.

( T )

d) There are four hundred and twenty doors in the White House.
( F ) There are four hundred and twelve.

e) There isn't a movie theater in the White House.

( F ) There is a movie theater.

f) There is a tennis court in the White House.

( T )
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Image 103
The BUCKINGHAM PALACE is the Queen’s official London residence.
There are 1,514 doors, 760 windows and 775 rooms in it. These include 19 state rooms, 52 royal
and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms.
There are more than 350 clocks and watches in the Buckingham Palace, it’s one of the largest
collections of working clocks in the world.
The Buckingham Palace has a chapel, a post office, a swimming pool, a staff cafeteria, a cinema
and much more. It’s a famous and wonderful palace.
The Changing of the Guard occurs at the forecourt of the Buckingham Palace at 11:30 am.
All over the year thousands of people go to London to visit the Buckingham Palace.

staff - empregados
one of the largest - um dos maiores
forecourt – parte da frente

Image 105
Image 104

a view from the garden the Royal Guard

Image 106

thirty-five 35
the main entrance thirty-fifth
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2. Write T (true) or F (false) for the sentences about the text. Don’t forget to correct the false ones!

a) The Buckingham Palace is in London. ( T )

b) There is a church inside the Buckingham Palace. ( F ) a chapel

c) There are sixty-two royal and guest bedrooms in the Buckingham Palace. ( F ) fifty-two

d) There are sixty-eight bathrooms in the Buckingham Palace . ( F ) seventy-eight

e) The Guard Changing occurs at 11:30 am. ( T )
f) There is a marvelous garden in the Buckingham Palace. ( T )

3. Match the columns to form sentences:

a) There are ( b ) a post office in the Buckingham Palace.
b) There is ( a ) a lot of offices in the Buckingham Palace.

4. Read in Portuguese about the residences of the Argentinian and the Brazilian Presidents and
write the names of each residence: (EF06LI11)  Teacher, peça aos alunos que pesquisem na internet
sobre a “Casa Rosada” e o “Palácio da Alvorada”.

a) Argentinian Residence - __________________________________________________________________

Pink House / Casa Rosada

b) Brazilian Residence - _____________________________________________________________________

Palácio da Alvorada
Image 107a

Image 107b

Pink House Palácio da Alvorada

Homework 24 – The Taj Mahal

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Part 5

1. “Mary Poppins” The Movie – Watch it and… (EF06LI11)

1. Watch the segment of the movie “Mary Poppins”.
 Teacher, primeiro leia com os alunos as palavras do exercício 2, para, em seguida, exibir o trecho do filme “Mary Poppins” de 00:57:03
até 00:59:30.

2. Now, watch it again and tick () what you see in it:
Image 108

Image 109

Image 110
( ) ( ) ( )

flowers a ladybug hats

Image 111

Image 112

Image 113
( ) ( ) ( )

a violin merry-go-round horses a candy apple

Image 114

Image 115

Image 116
( ) ( ) ( )

dogs a drum a boy and a girl

Image 117

Image 118

Image 119

( ) ( ) ( )

a cat trees a tambourine

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3. What can you see in this movie? In pairs, write sentences starting with there is, there are, there
isn’t or there aren’t. Remember: use the words from exercise 2:
a) There is a tambourine.

b) There are candy apples.

c) There isn’t a cat.

d) There isn’t a ladybug.

e) There is a boy and a girl.

f) There are merry-go-round horses.

 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis. Depois, peça que os alunos leiam as frases dos colegas em voz alta.

4. Let’s sing along!

 Teacher, ensine aos alunos a palavra “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”
“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious e incentive-os a cantarem o refrão.

Even though the sound of it

Image 120
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You’ll always sound precocious

 Teacher, atrocious = atroz/cruel e precocious = precoce.

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Part 6

2. A song

Do a research! You are going to write down a song or a stanza of a song that you like. It must
contain the subject that you’ve learned this term. So it will have sentences with there is or there are.
Have a look on pages 4 and 5. Enjoy yourself!
 Teacher, a pesquisa será uma maneira de trazer o mundo do aluno para a sala de aula. O aluno deverá pesquisar uma música do seu
gosto e transcrevê-la sublinhando a matéria que foi pedida. O intuito é que ele perceba que o que ele está aprendendo está inserido no

seu mundo real, dando assim, uma relevância para tudo que está sendo aprendido. Poderá ser também um momento de troca, onde

eles terão a chance de conhecer as músicas dos colegas e votarem nas “Top 5”. No Portal há algumas sugestões que podem ser

trabalhadas além das trazidas por eles. Caso algum aluno não conheça nenhuma música que contenha a matéria dada, sugira que ele

pesquise uma das que estão no Portal. Havendo tempo, as músicas poderão ser trabalhadas como “listening”, peça que os alunos

ouçam as músicas e tentem identificar frases que contenham a matéria dada. O importante é que a atividade seja lúdica e prazerosa.

Importantíssimo: lembre os alunos que é proibido letras com palavras de baixo calão!

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3. Crossword puzzle:












40 forty  Teacher, ICT = information and communication technology e RE = religious education

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4. Crossword puzzle:










Across Down
2. a seat for two or three people 1. where you find the bath
6. a place to sleep 3. where the food is cooked
8. the entrance 4. you put the plates on this
9. floor covering 5. a big comfortable chair
10. the biggest room usually 7. you open it to enter

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 Teacher, a partir do segundo caderno as atividades devem ser iniciadas pela tarefa REVIEW.
1. Complete the sentences using Personal Pronouns according to the pictures:

Image 121
a) d)

Image 124
They are on a train.
Image 122

It is in a truck.


Image 125
He is on a plane.

Image 123

They are in a helicopter.

She is in a hot air balloon.

2. Complete the sentences with am, is or are:

a) My name ________
is Daniel. I ________
am ten years old. I can play the guitar very well.

b) My name ________
is Fiona. I ________
am thirteen years old. I can ride a bicycle very well.

c) We ________
are friends. We can swim very well.

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3. Substitute the underlined words by a Personal Pronoun:

a) The dog is under the bed. _________

It _______ is under the bed.
b) The students are in the classroom. _________
They _____ are in the classroom.
c) My father is an engineer. ______________
He is an engineer.
d) My sister is eleven years old. _________
She _____ is eleven years old.
e) Meg and I are good friends. ______________
We are good friends.

Image 126
4. Use is or are to complete the text:

My name ________
is Lisa and this ________
is Mrs. Boyle. She
is our math teacher. Joe, Ann and Robert ________
are my
My school ________
is cool!

 Teacher, aproveite a figura para ensinar um novo vocabulário.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 18 to 20 Excellent ( )
– from 13 to 17 Good ( )
– from 10 to 12 Average ( )
– below 10 Poor ( )

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HOMEWORK 13 School supplies

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

 Teacher, o símbolo # é conhecido como um
1. Observe the pictures and answer the questions: sinal de número (nº).

Where is the book?
The book is in the school bag.

a) Where is the pencil?

It’s on the _____________________________________________________

b) Where are the colored pencils?

They are beside the_____________________________________________
pencil case.

c) Where is the teacher?

She is opposite the______________________________________________

d) Where is the boy?

He is next to the________________________________________________
teacher. / table.

e) Where is the green book?

It’s on the blue__________________________________________________


f) Where are the cap erasers?

They are on the end of the_______________________________________

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2. Take a look at the image below. Write the names of the school objects that you can put in a pencil

a) eraser f) pen

b) colored pencils g) glue/glue tube

c) sharpener h) scissors
d) crayons i) clips

e) pencil j) ruler

3. Read the advertisement below and answer the question:

Image 126a
How much are these school supplies?

a) Five notebooks – $ 5 dollars

b) Three pencil cases – $ 3 dollars

c) One compass – $ 1 dollar

d) One pack of mechanical pencils – $ 1 dollar

how much - quanto

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HOMEWORK 14 On the desk

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Look and answer:

a) Are there many students in the classroom? Yes, there are.

b) Is there a teacher in the picture? No, there isn’t.

c) Are there pens and paper on the students’ desks? Yes, there are.
d) Is there an apple on the teacher’s table? No, there isn’t.

e) Are there books on the teacher’s table? Yes, there are.

2. Think about your classroom and answer the questions:

a) Are there boys and girls in your classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

b) Is there a map on the wall in your classroom? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

c) Is there a calendar in your classroom? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

3. Now, answer the questions about your school:

a) Is there a playground at your school?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

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Are there lockers at your school?
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

Is there an art room at your school?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.


Is there a music room at your school?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

Are there restrooms at your school?
Yes, there are.

 Teacher, explicar que nos EUA “restrooms” são banheiros públicos, ou seja, banheiros em aeroportos, escolas, teatros, etc.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 11 to 13 Excellent ( )
– from 8 to 10 Good ( )
– from 6 to 7 Average ( )
– below 6 Poor ( )

48 forty-eight
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HOMEWORK 15 There’s a flag on the wall.

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Complete the sentences according to the pictures. Use there is or there are:

a) ________________________
There are four colored rulers here.

b) ________________________
There is a book in front of my backpack.

c) ________________________
There are colored pencils in the pencil case.

d) ________________________
There is a boy under the desk.

e) ________________________
There is a glue tube next to the glasses.

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2. Complete the conversation between A and B using the words in the box:

there is are there there aren’t there are is there

A.Hi, tell me about your school.

Image 127
Are there Japanese girls studying there?
B. Yes, ______________________________________________
there are.

A.Great. And are there Australian boys?

B. No, ______________________________________________
there aren’t.

A.And __________________________________
is there a sports gym?
B. Yes, _____________________________________
there is a big one!
A.That s nice! Let’s go and play basketball!

3. Look at the picture and write affirmative sentences using there is or there are. Follow the

Image 128

Example: There is a flag on the wall.

a) There is a globe on the table.

b) There are six desks in the classroom.

c) There is a map on the blackboard.

d) There are books on the table.

e) There is a clock on the wall.

 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 12 to 15 Excellent ( )
– from 10 to 11 Good ( )
– from 7 to 9 Average ( )
– below 7 Poor ( )

50 fifty
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HOMEWORK 16 Your school

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Let’s check the main parts of your school! Complete the sentences by using the words in the box:



a) The ______________________
sports gym is a place where we play a lot of sports.
b) The ______________________
library is a place where we read and take books to read at home.
c) The ______________________
classroom is a place with a big blackboard and a lot of desks.
d) The _____________________
restroom is a place where we wash our hands and faces after a physical education
e) The ______________________
canteen is a place where we have healthy and light snacks at school.
f) The ______________________
teacher’s room is a place where our teachers go during the break.
g) The ______________________
auditorium is a place where we watch some interesting movies.
h) The ______________________
science lab is a place where we study the plants and the animals.

2. Complete the names of each school object and match them with the images:
a) __
P E __
N __

b) __
P E __
N __
C __
I __
L C __
A __
S __

c) __
N O __
T __
E __
B __
O __
O __

d) __
S H __
A __
R __
P __
E __
N __
E __

e) __
E R __
A __
S __
E __

f) __
G L __
U __

g) __
H I __
G __
H __
L __
I __
G __
H __
T __
E __
R __

h) __
C O __
L __
O __
R __
E __
D P __
E __
N __
C __
I __
L __

i) __
M A __

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Image 129

Image 130

Image 131
( d ) ( e ) ( h )

Image 132

Image 133

Image 134
( c ) ( b ) ( g )

Image 135

Image 136
( a ) ( f )

( i )

3. Give your opinion to complete the sentence using the words below:

history math science geography Portuguese

physical education English art Spanish computers

In my opinion, _________________________
free answer and ________________________ are more difficult than

_____________________ and ______________________.

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HOMEWORK 17 At home

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Look at the picture below and write the names of the parts of the house:

bathroom / toilet bathroom bedroom bedroom

Image 137
hall kitchen dining room living room

2. Look at the picture again and complete the

sentences using prepositions of place:
Image 138

a) There is a vase ___________

on the coffee table.

b) The sofa is _______________

in the living room.

c) There is a lamp _________________

between the beds.

d) There are pillows ___________

on _____ the beds.

e) There is a ball ___________________

in front of the bed. pillows

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3. Complete the sentences using there is or there are and prepositions of place:

a) ________________
There is a sofa ________________
between the men.

b) ________________
There is a chef _______________
behind the table.

c) ________________
There is some furniture ______________ the truck.

d) ________________
There is a pizza restaurant ________________
beside/next to the blue building.
 Teacher, para pizzaria existem
também os termos “pizza parlor”,
“pizza place” ou até mesmo
“pizza shop”.

4. Write TRUE or FALSE and correct the wrong sentences:

a) The church is beside the red house. (________

true )

b) The bags are in the car. (________

false )
The bags are on the car.

The dog is on the umbrella. (________

false )
The dog is under the umbrella.

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HOMEWORK 18 My bedroom

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Complete the paragraph about the picture properly:


This bedroom is untidy. There are trousers ______
on the
floor. There is a ____________
shirt on the _________________________
bedside table

next to a purple lamp. There are _____________

socks on the
dresser and a pair of _____________
sneakers hung in front of a big mirror. There are a lot of
______________ on a desk. The ________________
wardrobe door is open. It's really a big mess!

untidy – desarrumado
hung – pendurados

2. Pay attention to these pictures and answer the questions:

Image 139

a) Are there two chairs in picture A? ________________________________________________________

No, there aren't./No, there is one.

b) Are there two dolls in picture A? _________________________________________________________

No, there aren't./No, there is one.

c) Is there a little car in picture A? ___________________________________________________________

Yes, there is.

d) Is there a TV set in picture B? ____________________________________________________________

No, there isn't.

e) Are there four flowers in the vase in picture B? _____________________________________________

Yes, there are.

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3. Complete the sentences using the parts of this house:

Image 140
a) There are two ________________________________________
bedrooms upstairs.
b) There is one _____________________
bathroom upstairs and one _____________________
bathroom/toilet downstairs.
c) There is a fireplace in the ______________________________________
living room.

d) There is a stove in the _________________________________________


e) There is a bookshelf in the _____________________________________

library./office room.

4. Look at the picture below and answer the questions:

They are on the table. / next to the calculator.

a) Where are the keys?____________________________________________________________________
b) Where is the book?_____________________________________________________________________
It is on the bed. / between the sock and the bermuda shorts.

c) Where are the pencils?__________________________________________________________________

They are in the mug.

d) Where is the chair?_____________________________________________________________________

It is on the rug. / between the bed and the table.

e) Where is the red T-shirt?_________________________________________________________________

It is on the bed. / on the pillow.

 Teacher, há inúmeras respostas possíveis.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 20 to 24 Excellent ( )
– from 15 to 19 Good ( )
– from 12 to 14 Average ( )
– below 12 Poor ( )
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HOMEWORK 19 Whose car is this?

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. This woman is Beatriz. She is Isabela and Pedro's mother.

Image 141
Complete the sentences about this picture using the words in the box:

Beatriz is in the _________________.

kitchen She is cutting some vegetables with a _______________.

There are a lot of oranges and lemons __________________.
in the bowls The bowls are ______
on the counter.

There is a red kettle beside the sink. __________________
There are a lot of colored flowers

in a vase to the window.
Image 142

Image 143

Image 144

Image 145

kettle bowl counter sink

2. Answer the questions according to the pictures using family members:

Whose car is this?
Image 146

It’s my mother’s car. / my aunt’s car.

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Whose truck is this?
Image 147

It’s my father’s truck. / my uncle’s truck. / my brother’s truck.

Whose jump rope is this?
Image 148

It’s my sister’s jump rope. / my cousin’s jump rope.

Whose bedroom is this?
Image 149

It’s my parents’ bedroom. / It’s my grandparents’ bedroom.

Whose doll is this?
Image 150

It’s my sister’s doll. / my cousin’s doll.

Whose bike is this?
Image 151

It’s my brother’s. / my cousin’s bike.

Whose roller skates are these?
Image 152

They are my cousins’. / my brothers’ roller skates.

Whose guitar is this?
Image 153

It’s my grandfather’s guitar.

 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 13 to 16 Excellent ( )
– from 11 to 13 Good ( )
– from 8 to 10 Average ( )
– below 8 Poor ( )
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HOMEWORK 20 A Moroccan family

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Read the text and complete the chart: (EF06LI19)

Sara's family

Image 154
Sara is a doctor. She is thirty-seven years old. She lives in a small village near Rabat.

Her father is Moroccan. Her mother is Egyptian. She has two brothers and one sister. Sara is married.
Her husband’s name is Khalid. He is a teacher. He works at a high school. Sara and Khalid have one son
called Hamid. He is three years old. And two daughters, their names are Houda and Khadija. Khadija is
eleven and Houda is fourteen. They are students in a preparatory school. At the weekend, Khalid goes
to the sports club and plays tennis with his friend Hassan and Sara visits her parents or reads newspapers.

lives - mora
married - casada
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visiting her parents
SARA doctor 37
reading newspaper

going to the club

KHALID teacher –––––
and playing tennis

HAMID ––––– 3 –––––

HOUDA student 14 –––––

KHADIJA student 11 –––––

2. Answer these questions about Sara’s family:

a) Who is Sara?
She is Khalid’s wife. / She is Hamid, Houda and Khadija’s mother.

b) Who is Khalid?
He is Sara’s husband. / He is Hamid, Houda and Khadija’s father.

c) Who is Hamid?
He is Sara’s son. / He is Khalid’s son. / He is Houda and Khadija’s brother.

d) Who are Houda and Khadija?

They are Sara’s daughters. / They are Khalid’s daughters. / They are Hamid’s sisters.

Image 155

Sara, Houda and Khadija

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HOMEWORK 21 There’s a book here.

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

Image 156

a) Is there a notebook on the floor? No, there isn’t.

b) Are there two cups on the table? No, there aren’t.

Image 157

c) Are there glasses on the letters? Yes, there are.

d) Is there a pencil on the letters? Yes, there is.

e) Are there stamps on the letters? No, there aren’t.

Image 158

f) Are there books on the bed? Yes, there are.

g) Is there a backpack on the bed? No, there isn’t.

Image 160
Image 159


2. Look at the picture and answer the question: stamp

What is there inside the schoolbag?

a) There is a pencil.

b) There is an apple.

c) There is a book.

d) There is a ruler.
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3. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with: there is, there are, there isn’t or there aren’t:
 Teacher, primeiro peça que os alunos olhem atentamente a imagem e depois façam o exercício.

a) ___________________
There is a globe on the shelf.
Image 161

b) ___________________
There are schoolgirls in the classroom.

c) ___________________
There is a rug in the classroom.

d) ___________________
There isn’t a schoolboy on the desk.

e) ___________________
There aren’t crayons on the floor.

f) ___________________
There isn’t a map on the wall.

g) ___________________
There is a blackboard in the classroom.

h) ___________________
There is a teacher in the classroom.

i) ___________________
There isn’t a globe under the desk.
4. Pay attention to the image and answer the questions properly:

Image 163
Image 164 rug or carpet


a) Is there a teacher in this classroom? Yes, there is.

b) Are there students on their desks? No, there aren’t.

c) Are there musical instruments in this classroom? Yes, there are.

d) Are there students sitting on the floor? Yes, there are.

e) Is it an art room? Yes, it is.

f) Are they happy? Yes, they are.

Image 162

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HOMEWORK 22 My school and my classmates

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Complete the sentences using there is or there are and prepositions of place:

My name is Lisa and I am eight years

old. I live ______
in ___ Springfield with
my family. This is my school and I love

Image 165

Image 166
This is Ms. Hoover’s class, my geography teacher and my classmates.

There are twenty students _________in
Image 167

my classroom. My teacher is
between Mark and Joe and I am
in front of Mark.
There are five books ___________

near / beside
the cabinet and a globe __________________
the books.
There is a timetable ___________

the wall.

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2. Now, answer the questions according to the classroom picture on page 63:

a) How many boys are there in the classroom? There are eleven boys.
b) How many girls are there? There are nine girls.
c) How many windows are there? There is one window.
d) How many desks are there? There are twenty desks.
e) Where is Lisa? She is in front of Mark. / She is between a boy and a girl.

3. Complete the sentences using prepositions of place:

Image 168

a) The laptop is _________

on the books.
Image 169

b) Lisa is ___________________
near/beside/next to the books.
Image 170

c) Lisa is __________________
opposite a girl.
Image 171

d) Lisa is _________
in the classroom.
Image 172

e) The math book is ______________

under the red book.

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HOMEWORK 23 Different Families

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. These families represent all the world continents. Pay attention to this picture and answer the
questions about them:

Image 173

a) Are there three families dressed in typical clothes? Yes, there are.

b) Is there a family eating cookies? Yes, there is.

c) Are there more than three children in any of the families? No, there aren’t.
d) Is there a family whose mother is not in the photo? Yes, there is.
e) Are there grandparents in all the family photos? No, there aren’t.
f) Are all the families inside their houses? No, they aren’t.

2. Let’s complete the sentences about this American family. Use the words in the box:
Image 174

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a) Joseph is seventy-two years old. He is Ann and Rick's _______________________________.


b) Sally is sixty-eight years old. She is Ann and Rick's _______________________________.


c) Maggie is thirty-five years old. She is Ann and Rick's _______________________________.


d) Steve is thirty-seven years old . He is Ann and Rick's _______________________________.


e) Joseph and Sally are the children's _______________________________.


f) Steve and Maggie are the children's _______________________________.


g) Ann and Rick are Sally and Joseph's _______________________________.


h) This is a happy _______________________________.


3. Write the words on each person in the picture below:





Image 175

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HOMEWORK 24 The Taj Mahal

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #


Image 176

The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum located in Agra, India and it is one of the Seven
Wonders of the World. It was constructed from 1632 to 1653.

Image 177
It was built by the emperor Shah Jahan of the Mughal Empire, in memory of his
Image 178

third wife Mumtaz Mahal as her final resting place, as a symbol of love!

marble – mármore
was built – foi construído
Mughal Empire – Império Mogol

1. The map shows where the Seven

Wonders of Modern World are.
Look at the pictures and write the names of
them and the countries where they are:

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Image 179

a) Taj Mahal – India

Image 180

b) Petra – Jordan

 Teacher: A cidade de Petra, na Jordânia, foi esculpida nas pedras pelos Nabateus 600 anos A.C. e
era utilizada pelos comerciantes para cruzar o deserto.

Image 181

c) Christ the Redeemer Statue – Brazil

 Teacher: Ainda hoje, algumas pessoas dizem que o monumento foi um presente da França para
o Brasil, quando, na verdade, a obra foi erigida a partir de doações de fiéis de arquidioceses e
paróquias por todo o país, com o projeto de autoria e chefia do engenheiro Heitor da Silva Costa. Da
França, veio apenas uma réplica de quatro metros feita de pequenos moldes, assim como modelos
Image 182 das mãos feitos pelo colaborador Landowski.

d) Great Wall of China – China

 Teacher: A Grande Muralha foi construída por milhares de camponeses que, em troca do trabalho,
eram liberados do pagamento de impostos. Há registros que dizem que, por causa da má alimentação
e do frio, até 80% dos operários morriam trabalhando. É possível vê-la do espaço.

Image 183

e) Colosseum – Italy
 Teacher: Os relatos romanos referem-se a cristãos sendo martirizados em locais de Roma, quando
Roma tinha numerosos anfiteatros e arenas. Apesar de muito provavelmente o Coliseu não ter sido
utilizado para martírios, o Papa Bento XIV consagrou-o no século XVII à Paixão de Cristo e declarou
o lugar sagrado.
Image 184

f) Chichen Itza – Mexico

 Teacher: Chichén Itzá é uma cidade arqueológica Maia localizada no estado mexicano de Iucatã
que funcionou como centro político e econômico da civilização Maia.

Image 185

g) Machu Picchu – Peru

 Teacher, foi construída pelos Incas no século XV, antes da chegada dos europeus ao continente
americano. Foi construída numa região alta, pois os Incas acreditavam que assim estariam mais
próximos dos deuses.

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folhagem-70567/>. com/getty/article/148/194/89795336_XS.jpg?w=400&h=200&keep_ratio=1>.
Image 119 Image 142
Disponível em: <http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pandeiro_30-09-07.jpg>. Disponível em: <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/Bernadotte_
Image 120 Wasserkessel.jpg>.
Disponível em: <http://galleryhip.com/disney-mary-poppins-dvd.html>. Image 143
Image 121 Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/ta%C3%A7a-prato-amarela-cer%C3%A2
Disponível em: <http://cdn.mntm.me/11/d7/6b/Thats-the-Way-We-Roll-11d76b7 mica-lou%C3%A7a-469295/>.
c25f745b5bf8535a3b666344a.jpg>. Image 144
Image 122 Disponível em: <http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/photos/0,,20214737,00.html>.
Disponível em: <http://blogs.mydevstaging.com/blogs/parents-perspective/files/ Image 145
2013/12/boy-on-plane.jpg>. Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/pia-cozinha-torneira-a%C3%A7o-
Image 123 inoxid%C3%A1vel-208143/>.
Disponível em: <http://hotairballoon.smugmug.com/2013-hotairballoon-new- Image 146
Images/i-GHgzFJP/1/L/Hot-Air-Balloon-Gold-Coast-Brisbane-Young-woman-smiling- Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/carro-blue-transporte-ford-527817/>.
Image 124 Image 147
Disponível em: <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/HK_Shek_
Disponível em: INGIMAGE/FOTOARENA. Tong_Tsui_Des_Voeux_Road_West_Bus_KMB_MAN_FE360_A.JPG?uselang=pt-br>.
Image 148
Disponível em: <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/Girl_

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Image 149 Image 172

Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/quartos-arquitet%C3%B4nico-home- Disponível em: <https://mylittlecorneroftheverse.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/you-
interior-389258/>. have-been-warned.gif>.
Image 150 Image 173
Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=doll>. Disponível em: <http://mojoeducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/345132_
Image 151
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/menino-moto-equita%C3%A7%C3%A3o- Image 174
ciclo-264777/>. Disponível em: INGIMAGE/FOTOARENA.
Image 152 Image 175
Disponível em: <http://tri-countyrollerskatingrink.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/ Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/beb%C3%AA-caucasiano-crian%C3%A7a-
02/Four-Boys-A-985x1024.png>. filha-20674/,
Image 153 http://pixabay.com/pt/fam%C3%ADlia-mong%C3%B3lia-estepe-crian%C3%A7
Disponível em: as-487173/, http://pixabay.com/pt/fam%C3%ADlia-f%C3%A9rias-pessoas-feliz-
<http://storage.thedailyobserver.ca/v1/dynamic_resize/sws_path/suns-prod- natal-557100/, http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=family, http://commons.
images/1297460875365_ORIGINAL.jpg?quality=80&size=650x&stmp= wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Japanese_people_of_all_ages.jpg?uselang=pt-br>.
Image 154 Image 176
Disponível em: <http://www.roughguides.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/01/
83666740-1680x460.jpg>. Image 177
Disponível em: <http://www.artnindia.com/wp-
Image 155 content/uploads/2014/02/IMG1a.jpg>.
Disponível em: <http://blog.travel-exploration.com/category/morocco-travel-
Image 178
Disponível em: <http://www.artnindia.com/wp-
Image 156 content/uploads/2014/02/IMG1a.jpg>.
Disponível em: <http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photo-white-
Image 179
Disponível em: <http://shedexpedition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Taj-mahal-
Image 157 wallpaper.jpg>.
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/esta%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-trabalho-
Image 180
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/petra-jord%C3%A2nia-m%C3%A9dio-
Image 158 oriente-522532/>.
Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=bed,
http://pixabay.com/pt/ brasil-carimbo-jogos-ol%C3%ADmpicos-2014-154542/>.
Image 181
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/cristo-rio-de-janeiro-brasil-107824/>.
Image 159
Disponível em: <http://1hdwallpapers.com/letter_love-wallpaper.html>.
Image 182
Disponível em: <http://www.famous-historic-buildings.org.uk/images/Great_
Image 160 Wall.JPG?893>.
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/brasil-carimbo-jogos-ol%C3%ADmpicos-
Image 183
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/p-274895/?no_redirect>.
Image 161
Disponível em: <http://learningneverstops.wordpress.com/2012/12/02/practical-
Image 184
tips-to-make-your-classroom-autism-friendly/>. Disponível em: <http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chich%C3%A9n_Itz%C3%A1>.

Image 162 Image 185

Disponível em: <http://learningneverstops.wordpress.com/2012/12/02/practical- Disponível em: INGIMAGE/FOTOARENA
Image 163
Disponível em: <http://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Area-
Image 164
Disponível em: <http://ravistationery.com/Door%20mats.aspx>.
Image 165
Disponível em:
Image 166
Disponível em: <http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120428172249/simpsons/
Image 167
Disponível em: <http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110806080208/simpsons/
Image 168
Disponível em: <http://2.bp.blogspot.com/8_C_qbyKo1Y/UAQJvx9zabI/AAAA
Image 169
Disponível em: <http://deadhomersociety.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/fourpeo
Image 170
Disponível em: <http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130522160840/simpsons/
Image 171
Disponível em: <http://bestepisodeever.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/4f24a.

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6.o ano – 2.o bimestre

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Unit 2
Part 5 – At School ....................................................................................... 1
Part 6 – Happy Birthday! ............................................................................. 13
Part 7 – On the track!.................................................................................. 26
Part 8 – A geo class!.................................................................................... 30
Appendix ................................................................................................... 37
Review .................................................................................................... 43
Homework ................................................................................................. 45

Cristina Valesin
Luciana Benassi
Márcia Cristina dos Santos
Maria Cecília Baptista Pereira
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5 At School
A 13 DATE: _____/_____/_____
1. Listen to learn


Image 1

Lucca is an Italian boy. He is in the 6th grade and he is a new student

at Robinson Elementary School. Courtney and Sue are his new friends.
The school is very big and there are many things to see.

Courtney and Sue: Hi, Lucca! Are you OK today?

Lucca: Oh, yeah! I’m happy to be here!
Courtney: Let’s take a look around!
Lucca: Yes, I’m so curious.
Sue: Here is our geography classroom.
Courtney: There are a lot of maps on the wall and there is a globe on the table.
Lucca: And where’s the sports gym?
Sue: It’s over there, opposite the cafeteria.
Courtney: And beside it’s our locker room.
Lucca: It’s a wonderful school. I want to see more.
Courtney and Sue: Keep calm! We are in a very big school.

want – quero
Cultural Corner
2. Now, it’s your turn! Why do they have
Image 2

(EF06LI01/06/12) lockers at
A: Hello. American schools?
B: Hi. Are you _______________________?
OK today Because students
change classrooms.
A: Yes, I_____________________________.
So they don’t have
B: Let’s take a look around. to carry a lot of
A: Where is
the cafeteria

B: It’s behind the playground.

 Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Os alunos completarão o “dialogue” com base no ex. 1. Um aluno é o “A”, o outro é o “B”
e depois invertem as posições. Há inúmeras respostas possíveis.
 Teacher, explicar para os alunos que o professor de cada disciplina tem sua sala ambiente e, sendo assim, one 1
são os alunos que trocam de sala. (cultural corner)
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3. New words

1. Let’s do this crossword!

 Teacher, inicie a aula perguntando sobre os nomes dos
objetos escolares que os alunos conhecem. Coloque as
palavras na lousa. Depois peça para eles fazerem a palavra

2 B

F 3 R U L E R



N 5 4 N O T E B O O K

T S 7 B

6 W A S T E B A S K E T 8 C R A Y O N

N P 9 H I G H L I G H T E R



R 11 B O O K E

12 E R A S

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

1. 2. 5.
Image 6

Image 7

7. 10.

2 two
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Image 10
Image 8

Image 9
3. 4. 6.

Image 13
Image 11

Image 12

8. 9. 11.
Image 14


2. Match the columns and write the words below the correct picture:

a) Colored ( b ) case
b) Pencil ( c ) set
c) Square ( a ) pencils
Image 15

Image 17
Image 16

square set pencil case colored pencils

Homework 13 – School supplies

three 3
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A 14 DATE: _____/_____/_____
4. Build your knowledge
There is There are
There is / There are There isn’t There aren’t

Look at the picture…

 Teacher, inicie a aula levantando com os alunos todos os objetos que há na figura.

Image 18
Singular Plural

There is a backpack in it. _________________
There are two notebooks in it.

X There isn’t
______________________ an eraser in it. ______________________
There aren’t four rulers in it.

 Teacher, o quadro” Be
Careful!” é para chamar
a atenção para itens Be Careful!

There is a ball in the playground.

1. In pairs, look at the picture again and write four different new There are two balls in the
sentences: playground.

There is a glue tube.

There is a highlighter.

There aren’t three pairs of tennis shoes.

There is a blackboard.
 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis.

4 four
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Now, look at this picture:

 Teacher, reveja com os alunos os objetos que estão nesta figura. Is there?

Image 19
Are there?

? Singular

Is there a globe on the book? Yes, _____________
there ____________.

Is there a backpack on the table? No, _____________
there ____________.

? Plural

Are there two pencils on the table? Yes, _____________
there ____________.

Are there two books on the table? No, _____________
there ____________.

1. In pairs, look at the picture again. Ask and answer questions about the picture:
A: Is there a cat on the table?
B: No, there isn’t.

2. Now write two of your questions and answers:

a) Is there an alarm clock on the book? Yes, there is.

b) Are there twenty pencils on the table? No, there aren’t.

 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis.

five 5
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5. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

Are there two teachers in the classroom?
No, there aren’t. There is only one.
How many students are there in the classroom?
There are six students.
how many – quantos
Are there four students in the canteen?
No, there aren’t. There are three students.

How many teachers are there in the track and field?
There is one teacher.

c) Is there a yellow frog in the library?

No, there isn’t. There is a green frog.

Is there a teacher in the computer room?
No, there isn’t. There are three students.

e) Are there two girls in the science lab?

Yes, there are.

Homework 14 – On the desk!

No Portal Objetivo
Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO
(www.objetivo.br) e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F201.

6 six
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A 15 DATE: _____/_____/_____
6. Build your knowledge

Prepositions of Place

1. Look at the picture and circle the correct prepositions:

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para aumentar o vocabulário do seu aluno.

Image 20

Be Careful!

Image 21
a) There is a pencil on / under the desk.

b) Beth is behind / in front of Michael.

c) There is a cabinet under / behind the students.

d) There are two books in / on the cabinet.

e) Sally is sitting next to / behind Michael.

f) There is an alphabet on / in the wall.

There is a ball between the cats.

Image 21a

There is a teacher opposite the students.

 Teacher, o quadro” Be Careful!” é para chamar a atenção

para itens importantes.

seven 7
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7. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the image below and complete the paragraph using the prepositions: (EF06LI19)

on in near opposite

This is a very peculiar classroom. It is _________

in a school bus. The students
are from Chile. They live _______________ the center of Santiago, the capital of

Chile. There are more than twenty students in it. The teacher is sitting
opposite the students and all of them are studying silently. The teacher’s
glasses are _________
on the table.
Image 22

live – moram
silently – silenciosamente

2. Use only prepositions of place to complete the paragraph:

This is a small classroom. The students are from Peru. There are boys and
girls _________
in the classroom. There are a lot of drawings _________
on the
Image 23

drawings – desenhos

8 eight
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3. Complete the description of this American classroom. Pay attention! Do this part with a classmate!
next to in green
two American desks

Image 24
This is an ______________________ classroom. There is an American flag ___________________
next to the
desks two
There are a lot of ____________ along the classroom. There are __________ big windows and a
_________________ in
door ____________ it.

4. Now, write two sentences about your classroom. Use there is or there are, prepositions and school
a) free answer / There is a ruler on the desk.

b) free answer

on book Homework 15 – There’s a flag on the wall.

No Portal Objetivo
Para saber mais sobre o assunto,
Froggy is on the book acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO
(www.objetivo.br) e, em “localizar”, digite

 Teacher, peça aos alunos que completem o quadro usando preposição de lugar e objetos escolares. nine 9
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A 16 DATE: _____/_____/_____
8. Roundup

Talking about school and classmates (EF06LI04/05/13/16/17/23)

Image 25

Image 26

Image 27
Image 28

Image 29

Image 30
 Teacher, explique que “student” e “pupil” /ˈpjuːp(ə)l/ têm o mesmo significado.

Lucca: Hi! What’s up?

Courtney: Everything is OK!
Lucca: Fine!
Courtney: Let’s ask the English teacher to take us to the library!
Image 30a

Lucca: Good idea! I love reading!

Courtney: Where is Gregory?
Lucca: I bet he is in the sports gym.
Courtney: For sure, he loves playing soccer.
Lucca: And, where is Sue?
Courtney: Well, probably in the computer room, she loves surfing on the internet.
Lucca: We are classmates but each one of us has a favorite place at school.
Courtney: That’s it! By the way, let’s go and look for Martin.
Lucca: It’s not necessary. Take a look at the canteen, he is there.
Courtney: Yes, it’s lunch time.
Lucca: So, let’s hurry!

bet – aposto
probably – provavelmente
each one of us – cada um de nós
by the way – por falar nisso, a propósito
look for – procurar

10 ten
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9. Improve your knowledge

1. Answer in English according to the dialogue:

a) What is Lucca's favorite part of the school?
It’s the library.

b) What is Sue’s favorite part of the school?

It’s the computer room.

c) What is Gregory’s favorite part of the school?

It’s the sports gym.

2. Give free answers in English:

a) What's your favorite part of the school?
free answer

b) What's your favorite subject?

free answer

c) Are there a lot of students in your classroom? How many?

Yes, there are. There are... / No, there aren’t.

d) How many teachers are there in the 6th grade?

free answer / There are...

e) When is your school term? In the morning or in the afternoon?

It’s in the morning. / It’s in the afternoon.

Image 31

term - período

3. Match the sentences properly:

a) My English teacher ( b ) is big with eight small windows.
b) My classroom ( a ) is very nice.
c) My classmates ( d ) is next to my house.
d) My school ( c ) are intelligent and cool. library

Now, it’s your turn!

Write a paragraph describing your school. Homework 16 – Your school

 Teacher, este exercício é uma oportunidade de os alunos desenvolverem a parte escrita “writing” com uma produção
própria. Caso queira, pode ser usado como avaliação. Os alunos podem filmar descrevendo a escola e apresentar para os
colgeas em formato digital.
eleven 11
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10. Holidays & Celebrations

Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling – May (EF06LI13/17/19)

Image 32
Location: Cooper’s Hill, Brockworth, England
Date: last Monday in May
They chase a small block of cheese down the hill. The cheese is rolled down the hill and a lot of people
chase down behind it. The first to reach the bottom of the hill or to grab the cheese is the winner.
 Teacher, vence a competição quem for o primeiro a chegar ao pé da colina ou quem pegar o queijo primeiro.

chase – perseguem
to reach – chegar
to grab – agarrar
National Teachers’ Day – May (EF06LI17)

Date – first Tuesday in May

National Teachers’ Day in the USA, is part of a week-long celebration honoring the teachers. On Teachers’
Day, be sure to honor the special teachers in your life for the hard work they do each day.

to honor – honrar

12 twelve
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6 Happy Birthday!
A 17
DATE: _____/_____/_____
1. Listen to learn

Image 33

Today is May, 3rd. It is Courtney’s birthday. She invites her

classmates to her party. Everybody is in the living-room.

Sue: Wow! What a wonderful house!

Lucca: Yeah, and the party is fantastic.
Peter: Listen to this music! I love this song!
Courtney: I’m so happy you are here.
Are you enjoying the party?
Derek: Awesome!
Courtney: How about dancing now?
Helen: Here?
Courtney: No, at the swimming pool. Come on!

awesome – impressionante / “demais”

2. Now, it’s your turn! Cultural Corner


Imagine it’s your birthday party!

A: Wow! Your party is__________________________!
happy you’re here
B: Thanks! I’m ________________________________!
How about dancing
A: Me too. ___________________________________?

B: Good idea! Let’s dance outside.

A: Yeah, let’s go! Published in 1893 for a classroom greeting song book:
“Good morning to All”; “Good morning to you” and then
 Teacher, o exercício 2 é oral e em duplas. Os alunos completarão
“Happy birthday to you”.
o “dialogue” com base no ex. 1. Um aluno é o “A” e o outro o “B”
e depois inverte. Há várias respostas possíveis.
 Teacher, explique para seus alunos a origem da canção
“Happy Birthday”.
thirteen 13
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3. New words

1. Choose the words from the box and write them according to the picture:
office bathroom dining room bedroom
kitchen bedroom living room laundry

Image 34
a) office e) bedroom

b) dining room f) kitchen

c) laundry g) bathroom

d) bedroom h) living room

Now, tell me! Where is the mouse? It’s in the attic.

Image 35

Image 36

Image 37

garage attic garden

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para ensinar um novo vocabulário.

14 fourteen
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sometimes Y

2. Where do you put these things? Pay attention! The vowels of the furniture are missing:
 Teacher, peça aos alunos que trabalhem em duplas.
Image 38

Image 39

Image 40

Image 41
a) b) c) d)
bunk beds d__
o __bl__
u e b__d
e dr__ss__r
e e st__ve

(bedroom) (___________________)
bedroom (___________________)
bedroom (___________________)
Image 42

Image 43

Image 44

Image 45
e) f) g) h)
i e m__cr__w__v__
i o a e s__nk
i b__tht__b
a u

kitchen (___________________)
kitchen (___________________)
bathroom (___________________)
Image 46

Image 47

Image 48

Image 49

i) j) k) l)
o e w__sh__ng
a i m__ch__n__
a i e dry__r
e m__ch__n__
a i e st__
e __m
a __r__n
i o

bathroom (___________________)
laundry (___________________)
laundry (___________________)
Image 50

Image 51

Image 52

m) n) o)
o __ch
u c__ff__
o e __
e t__bl__
a e __rmch__
a a __r

living room (___________________)
living room (___________________)
living room

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para ensinar um novo vocabulário. fifteen 15

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Cultural Corner

Image 52a

When we use the words bathroom, restroom and

bedside table
In the USA: we use bathroom anywhere (at home, airports, schools,
theaters…) and restroom just in public places (not at home).

Image 52b
In the UK: we use toilet anywhere (at home, airports, schools, theaters…)

and bathroom just when there is a bath.

Remember: never ask where the toilet is in the USA. There, toilet means. bedside lamp
Image 53

Image 54

couch / sofa sofabed

Be Careful!

The letter Y is sometimes considered

a sixth vowel because it can sound
like other vowels.
My name is Mandy. I am happy.

 Teacher, couch potato é a pessoa viciada em televisão.

16 sixteen Homework 17 – At home

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A 18 DATE: _____/_____/_____
4. Build your knowledge
this that



What’s this? What’s that?

It’s a car. It’s a bird.

This is a car. That is a bird.

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para ensinar um novo vocabulário.

Image 55

Be Careful!

 Teacher, o quadro “Be Careful” é para chamar a atenção para itens importantes.

seventeen 17
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5. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences by using this or that properly:
a) _______________
This is a modern kitchen and ___________
that is a simple kitchen.

Image 56

Image 57
b) _______________
That is a boy's bedroom and _______________
this is a girl's bedroom.
Image 58

Image 59

c) _______________
This is a baby's bedroom and ___________
that is a baby's bathroom.
Image 60

Image 61

18 eighteen
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d) _______________
That is an old living room and _______________
this is a modern living room.

Image 62

Image 63
2. Change sentences a and d from the first exercise into the plural form. You can work with a classmate.
a) These are modern kitchens and those are simple kitchens.

d) Those are old living rooms and these are modern living rooms.

3. Now, draw the favorite part of your house and make one sentence about it: (EF06LI14)

Homework 18 – My bedroom

No Portal Objetivo
Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO
(www.objetivo.br) e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F203.

nineteen 19
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A 19 DATE: _____/_____/_____
6. Build your knowledge
‘s and’

Image 65
a) b)

Image 64
Whose bike is this? Whose computer is this?
It’s Giorgio’s bike. It’s Ellis’s computer.
Image 66

c) d)

Image 67
Whose dog is this? Whose house is this?
It’s the children’s dog. It’s my mom and dad’s house.
It’s the boys’ dog. It’s my parents’ house.

Image 68

Whose dogs are these?

They are Carol’s and Courtney’s dogs.
Image 69

Be Careful!

It is possible, especially with classical

names, to just add the apostrophe (‘).
Jesus’ life
Moses’ words

 Teacher, o quadro” Be Careful!” é para

chamar a atenção para itens importantes.
 Teacher, peça para os alunos assinalarem a alternativa correta (letra A).
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7. Improve your knowledge

Image 70

family tree

This is a happy Brazilian family. They are the Almeida’s.

Pedro and Isabela are the children. Beatriz is Matheus’s wife. Matheus is Beatriz’s husband. They are
Pedro and Isabela’s parents. They have lunch together on Saturdays and Sundays.
 Teacher, inicie a aula explicando a “family tree” e depois observe com os alunos a 1.a imagem, leia com eles o parágrafo e identifique
os personagens citados.
1. Now, look at the image below and complete the paragraph about the Sandwood’s family using
the words in the box:  Teacher, antes de iniciar o exercício 1, converse com os alunos fazendo-os identificar, mesmo que
seja em Português, os personagens desta imagem. Deste modo ficará bem mais fácil o
preenchimento dos espaços. Este exercício deverá ser feito em duplas.

Myrna's father Myrna's mother

Myrna’s parents house dining room
Image 71

This is a British-American family. They are the Sandwood’s.

dining room
They are in the ___________________ at lunchtime. Myrna and Gustav are Ann, Martin and Alice’s
Myrna’s parents
parents. ________________ are visiting them. They are the children’s grandparents. _________________
Myrna’s father

is an Englishman and _________________

Myrna’s mother is American.The Sandwood’s _______________
house is wide and

comfortable. They are happy together.

parents – pais
grandparents – avós
wide – ampla / espaçosa
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2. Write one sentence about this African family. They are the Kwanza's.

Image 72
3. Now, compare your answer with your classmate’s answer and read it too:
 Teacher, peça que cada aluno leia, em voz alta, a frase de seu colega.

Be Careful!

Father + Mother = Parents

Grandparents + uncles + aunts + cousins = Relatives

 Teacher, aproveite as figuras para ensinar um novo


No Portal Objetivo
Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO (www.objetivo.br)
e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F204.

Homework 19 – Whose car is this?

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A 20 DATE: _____/_____/_____
8. Roundup

Image 72a

Teacher, explicar que granny e granddad/grandad

são formas carinhosas, assim como mum/mom e dad.


This is an English family. They are the

Windsor’s. They live near Kensington
Palace, in London. They have lunch
together on Sundays. They love each

9. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the picture, read the text and answer the questions:
a) Where is the father?
He is opposite the mother and the son. / He is beside the grandmother.

b) Where is the grandmother?

She is between the father and the grandfather.

c) Where is the grandson?

He is beside the mother. / He is opposite the sister.

d) Where is the grandfather?

He is between the grandmother and the mother.

e) Where is the sister?

She is opposite the brother. / She is beside the father.

f) Where are they from?

They are from England.

 Teacher, o quadro” Be Careful!” é para chamar a atenção para itens importantes.

Be Careful!

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Cultural Corner

Who are the in-laws? Who is my stepfamily?

Image 73

Image 75
Image 76
Image 74


 Teacher, explicar aos alunos: son-in-law(genro),daughter-in-law (nora), mother-in-law (sogra), father-in-law (sogro),
brother-in-law (cunhado), sister-in-law (cunhada) – in-law → por lei, pelo casamento e stepmother (madrasta),
stepfather (padrasto), stepson (enteado), stepdaughter (enteada), stepchildren (enteados).

Now, it’s your turn!

Write about your family. Draw your family tree and describe it.

 Teacher, este exercício é uma oportunidade dos alunos desenvolverem a parte escrita “writing” com uma produção própria.
Caso queira, pode ser usado como avaliação. Os alunos podem filmar suas familias descrevendo-as para apresentar para
os colegas em formato digital.
(EF06LI13/14/15) Homework 20 – A Moroccan family
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10. Holidays & Celebrations

Flag Day – USA (June)

 Teacher, o’er significa over.

On June, 14th, 1777, the Continental Congress approved the design of a national flag. Flag Day
was officially established to be celebrated on June 14th, 1916.

approved - aprovou
design - projeto
was - foi Independence Day – USA (July)
Image 77

Independence Day honors the birthday of the United States of America and the adoption of the
Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Image 78

The 4th of July is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night

of concerts and fireworks, and a reason to fly the American flag.

parades – desfiles
to fly the flag – hastear a bandeira

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A 21

7 On the track!
 Teacher, este Módulo 7 é revisão do Módulo 5.
DATE: _____/_____/_____
1. Listen to learn

2. Now, it’s your turn!


A: Look! __________, Peter
___________ Derek
and ____________ are on the track!
B: __________ is first!
Peter  Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Os alunos completarão o
A: No… ______________ is second! “dialogue” com base no ex. 1. Um aluno é o “A” e o outro o “B” e depois inverte.
Giorgio Os alunos podem trocar os nomes dos competidores.
B: Really? ____________ is second!
A: Come on, boys (or girls)! Look! _________
Derek comes in first!
A and B: Hurray!

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3. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the picture below and complete the sentences properly using:

Image 79
 Teacher, peça que os alunos façam este exercício em duplas.

There are
This is a very famous British school. ______________ a lot

There is
of students in the elementary and junior classes. ______________ only one in it, but

Image 80
there are
______________ hundreds of interesting books there.

Image 81

There is
_______________ a very wide and the students like to be there to celebrate

special days. Every year they celebrate the Environment Day singing songs and saying poems about the

Image 82

There is
______________ a where they go twice or three times a week to play different

kinds of sports.

there are there are

On the first floor ______________ the elementary classes and on the second floor ______________
the junior classes.
Image 83

There is
___________ a on the ground floor.
There are
______________ two different uniforms for the students, one for daily classes and the other for
physical education classes. It’s a great school!

hundreds – centenas
wide – amplo / largo
twice – duas vezes
floor – piso
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2. Now, write down the names of these places:

Image 80

a) L __
I __
B __
R __
A __
R __
Image 81

b) __
A __
U __
D __
I __
T __
O __
R __
I __
Image 82

c) __
S __
P __
O __
R __
T __
S G __
Y __
Image 83

d) __
C A __
N __
T __
E __
E __

3. What is there in this picture?

Image 84

a) Is there a teacher in the picture? No, there isn't.

b) Are there students in the picture? Yes, there are.

c) Is there a blackboard in the picture? No, there isn't.

d) Are there tables and chairs in the picture? Yes, there are.

Homework 21 – There’s a book here.

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A 22 DATE: _____/_____/_____
4. Roundup
Let's talk about British houses! (EF06LI02/19) Image 85 Image 86

Houses are usually made of stone or brick in England.

There are several types of houses .The most common British
houses are: detached (a house not joined to another one);
semi-detached (two houses together); terrace (a lot of or
a line of houses together) and flat (apartment).
Most people in England live in urban areas.
brick stone
usually - quase sempre

5. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at the images below and classify the houses according to the descriptions from the text:

Image 88
Image 87

flat / apartment semi-detached

a) _____________________________________ b) _____________________________________
Image 89

Image 90

terrace detached
c) _____________________________________ d) _____________________________________

2. Think about the place where you live and answer the questions below:
a) Are there many houses or buildings in the street? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
b) Is it a calm or a busy street? It's a calm street. / It's a busy street.
c) Are there many trees in the street? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
d) Do you live in a house or in an apartment? I live in a house. / I live in an apartment.

buildings – prédios
busy – movimentada
Homework 22 – My school and
my classmates
Now, it’s your turn! Write about your house. Draw and describe it.
 Teacher, este exercício é uma oportunidade dos alunos desenvolverem a parte escrita “writing” com twenty-nine 29
uma produção própria. Caso queira, pode ser usado como avaliação. (EF06LI15) twenty-ninth
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A 23

8 A geo class!
 Teacher, este Módulo 8 é revisão do Módulo 6.
DATE: _____/_____/_____

1. Listen to learn

The students are in class now! They are in a geography class. The teacher is
Mrs. Reynolds.

Mrs. Reynolds: Good morning, class!

Children: Good morning!
Mrs. Reynolds: Today our class is about London! Where is London?
Derek: It’s in England.
Mrs. Reynolds: Good, Derek! And where is England?
Helen: It’s in Europe!
Mrs. Reynolds: That’s it, Helen! What can we visit in London?
Image 91

Sue: The Big Ben!

The United Kingdom

Image 92

Peter: The Tower of London!

Image 93

Courtney: The London Eye! Image 94

Martin: The Buckingham Palace!

Mrs. Reynolds: And who lives in the Buckingham Palace?

Children: Queen Elizabeth II.

 Teacher, nós dizemos “Queen
Mrs. Reynolds: Excellent, class! Elizabeth the second”.

2. Now, it’s your turn!


A: Where is _____________________________
São Paulo ? A: What can we visit in ___________________
São Paulo ?

B: It is in ________________________________.
Brazil B: ______________________________________.
The Masp

 Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Os alunos completarão o “dialogue” com base no ex. 1.
30 thirty Um aluno é o “A” e o outro o “B” e depois inverte. Há inúmeras respostas possíveis.
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3. Improve your knowledge

1. Look at these bedrooms. They are Pedro's and Isabela's bedrooms. They are the Almeida's children.
Let's describe Pedro's bedroom! What is there in it?
Image 95

a) ________________
There is one bed and ________________
there are three cushions on the bed.

b) ________________
There are two kites on the wall and ________________
there is one board game on the floor.

c) ________________
There are three cabinets and ________________
there is one chair in front of a desk.

d) ________________
There is a mirror on the wall.

e) This bedroom has yellow walls and ________________

there is a stripe of wallpaper with a lot of balls.

f) This bedroom is wide and clear because ________________

there is a glass door in it.
wide - amplo
clear - claro
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2. Now, work in pairs to describe Isabela's bedroom.

Do your best! And don't forget to use the words in the box:

Image 96
a) There is a little table in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom.

b) There are two small chairs in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom.

c) There is a bookshelf in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom.

d) There are colored drawers in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom.

e) There is a carpet in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom. / on the floor.

f) There is a hanger in the bedroom. / in Isabela’s bedroom. / on the wall.

 Teacher, há diversas respostas possíveis.

Image 98
Image 97

Teacher, no dia desta prática converse com os

alunos sobre os objetos que estão nos
quartos e certifique-se de que eles
entenderam o que devem fazer. Se preciso
for, dependendo do número de alunos na
sala, a atividade pode ser feita até em trios.

Homework 23 –
Different Families
hanger drawer

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A 24 DATE: _____/_____/_____
4. Roundup

Image 99
The WHITE HOUSE is the official residence of the USA President. It's very big! It is in Washington,
D.C.(*), the capital of the United States.
(*) District of Columbia Image 100

Washington, DC

This is the north side of the White House and that is the south side of it.
Image 101

 Teacher, aproveite o mapa para mostrar a localização de Washington e ampliar o vocabulário dos alunos.

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5. Improve your knowledge

1. Read about the several parts of the White House and write T (true) or F (false) to answer the
sentences below. But, please, correct the false ones!

Image 102
a) There are three swimming pools in the White House.
( F ) There are two.

b) There are a hundred and thirty-four rooms in the White House.

( F ) There are a hundred and thirty-two.

c) There are a hundred and forty-seven windows in the White House.

( T )

d) There are four hundred and twenty doors in the White House.
( F ) There are four hundred and twelve.

e) There isn't a movie theater in the White House.

( F ) There is a movie theater.

f) There is a tennis court in the White House.

( T )
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Image 103
The BUCKINGHAM PALACE is the Queen’s official London residence.
There are 1,514 doors, 760 windows and 775 rooms in it. These include 19 state rooms, 52 royal
and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms.
There are more than 350 clocks and watches in the Buckingham Palace, it’s one of the largest
collections of working clocks in the world.
The Buckingham Palace has a chapel, a post office, a swimming pool, a staff cafeteria, a cinema
and much more. It’s a famous and wonderful palace.
The Changing of the Guard occurs at the forecourt of the Buckingham Palace at 11:30 am.
All over the year thousands of people go to London to visit the Buckingham Palace.

staff - empregados
one of the largest - um dos maiores
forecourt – parte da frente

Image 105
Image 104

a view from the garden the Royal Guard

Image 106

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the main entrance thirty-fifth
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2. Write T (true) or F (false) for the sentences about the text. Don’t forget to correct the false ones!

a) The Buckingham Palace is in London. ( T )

b) There is a church inside the Buckingham Palace. ( F ) a chapel

c) There are sixty-two royal and guest bedrooms in the Buckingham Palace. ( F ) fifty-two

d) There are sixty-eight bathrooms in the Buckingham Palace . ( F ) seventy-eight

e) The Guard Changing occurs at 11:30 am. ( T )
f) There is a marvelous garden in the Buckingham Palace. ( T )

3. Match the columns to form sentences:

a) There are ( b ) a post office in the Buckingham Palace.
b) There is ( a ) a lot of offices in the Buckingham Palace.

4. Read in Portuguese about the residences of the Argentinian and the Brazilian Presidents and
write the names of each residence: (EF06LI11)  Teacher, peça aos alunos que pesquisem na internet
sobre a “Casa Rosada” e o “Palácio da Alvorada”.

a) Argentinian Residence - __________________________________________________________________

Pink House / Casa Rosada

b) Brazilian Residence - _____________________________________________________________________

Palácio da Alvorada
Image 107a

Image 107b

Pink House Palácio da Alvorada

Homework 24 – The Taj Mahal

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Part 5

1. “Mary Poppins” The Movie – Watch it and… (EF06LI11)

1. Watch the segment of the movie “Mary Poppins”.
 Teacher, primeiro leia com os alunos as palavras do exercício 2, para, em seguida, exibir o trecho do filme “Mary Poppins” de 00:57:03
até 00:59:30.

2. Now, watch it again and tick () what you see in it:
Image 108

Image 109

Image 110
( ) ( ) ( )

flowers a ladybug hats

Image 111

Image 112

Image 113
( ) ( ) ( )

a violin merry-go-round horses a candy apple

Image 114

Image 115

Image 116
( ) ( ) ( )

dogs a drum a boy and a girl

Image 117

Image 118

Image 119

( ) ( ) ( )

a cat trees a tambourine

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3. What can you see in this movie? In pairs, write sentences starting with there is, there are, there
isn’t or there aren’t. Remember: use the words from exercise 2:
a) There is a tambourine.

b) There are candy apples.

c) There isn’t a cat.

d) There isn’t a ladybug.

e) There is a boy and a girl.

f) There are merry-go-round horses.

 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis. Depois, peça que os alunos leiam as frases dos colegas em voz alta.

4. Let’s sing along!

 Teacher, ensine aos alunos a palavra “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”
“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious e incentive-os a cantarem o refrão.

Even though the sound of it

Image 120
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You’ll always sound precocious

 Teacher, atrocious = atroz/cruel e precocious = precoce.

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Part 6

2. A song

Do a research! You are going to write down a song or a stanza of a song that you like. It must
contain the subject that you’ve learned this term. So it will have sentences with there is or there are.
Have a look on pages 4 and 5. Enjoy yourself!
 Teacher, a pesquisa será uma maneira de trazer o mundo do aluno para a sala de aula. O aluno deverá pesquisar uma música do seu
gosto e transcrevê-la sublinhando a matéria que foi pedida. O intuito é que ele perceba que o que ele está aprendendo está inserido no

seu mundo real, dando assim, uma relevância para tudo que está sendo aprendido. Poderá ser também um momento de troca, onde

eles terão a chance de conhecer as músicas dos colegas e votarem nas “Top 5”. No Portal há algumas sugestões que podem ser

trabalhadas além das trazidas por eles. Caso algum aluno não conheça nenhuma música que contenha a matéria dada, sugira que ele

pesquise uma das que estão no Portal. Havendo tempo, as músicas poderão ser trabalhadas como “listening”, peça que os alunos

ouçam as músicas e tentem identificar frases que contenham a matéria dada. O importante é que a atividade seja lúdica e prazerosa.

Importantíssimo: lembre os alunos que é proibido letras com palavras de baixo calão!

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3. Crossword puzzle:












40 forty  Teacher, ICT = information and communication technology e RE = religious education

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4. Crossword puzzle:










Across Down
2. a seat for two or three people 1. where you find the bath
6. a place to sleep 3. where the food is cooked
8. the entrance 4. you put the plates on this
9. floor covering 5. a big comfortable chair
10. the biggest room usually 7. you open it to enter

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 Teacher, a partir do segundo caderno as atividades devem ser iniciadas pela tarefa REVIEW.
1. Complete the sentences using Personal Pronouns according to the pictures:

Image 121
a) d)

Image 124
They are on a train.
Image 122

It is in a truck.


Image 125
He is on a plane.

Image 123

They are in a helicopter.

She is in a hot air balloon.

2. Complete the sentences with am, is or are:

a) My name ________
is Daniel. I ________
am ten years old. I can play the guitar very well.

b) My name ________
is Fiona. I ________
am thirteen years old. I can ride a bicycle very well.

c) We ________
are friends. We can swim very well.

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3. Substitute the underlined words by a Personal Pronoun:

a) The dog is under the bed. _________

It _______ is under the bed.
b) The students are in the classroom. _________
They _____ are in the classroom.
c) My father is an engineer. ______________
He is an engineer.
d) My sister is eleven years old. _________
She _____ is eleven years old.
e) Meg and I are good friends. ______________
We are good friends.

Image 126
4. Use is or are to complete the text:

My name ________
is Lisa and this ________
is Mrs. Boyle. She
is our math teacher. Joe, Ann and Robert ________
are my
My school ________
is cool!

 Teacher, aproveite a figura para ensinar um novo vocabulário.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 18 to 20 Excellent ( )
– from 13 to 17 Good ( )
– from 10 to 12 Average ( )
– below 10 Poor ( )

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HOMEWORK 13 School supplies

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

 Teacher, o símbolo # é conhecido como um
1. Observe the pictures and answer the questions: sinal de número (nº).

Where is the book?
The book is in the school bag.

a) Where is the pencil?

It’s on the _____________________________________________________

b) Where are the colored pencils?

They are beside the_____________________________________________
pencil case.

c) Where is the teacher?

She is opposite the______________________________________________

d) Where is the boy?

He is next to the________________________________________________
teacher. / table.

e) Where is the green book?

It’s on the blue__________________________________________________


f) Where are the cap erasers?

They are on the end of the_______________________________________

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2. Take a look at the image below. Write the names of the school objects that you can put in a pencil

a) eraser f) pen

b) colored pencils g) glue/glue tube

c) sharpener h) scissors
d) crayons i) clips

e) pencil j) ruler

3. Read the advertisement below and answer the question:

Image 126a
How much are these school supplies?

a) Five notebooks – $ 5 dollars

b) Three pencil cases – $ 3 dollars

c) One compass – $ 1 dollar

d) One pack of mechanical pencils – $ 1 dollar

how much - quanto

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HOMEWORK 14 On the desk

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Look and answer:

a) Are there many students in the classroom? Yes, there are.

b) Is there a teacher in the picture? No, there isn’t.

c) Are there pens and paper on the students’ desks? Yes, there are.
d) Is there an apple on the teacher’s table? No, there isn’t.

e) Are there books on the teacher’s table? Yes, there are.

2. Think about your classroom and answer the questions:

a) Are there boys and girls in your classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

b) Is there a map on the wall in your classroom? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

c) Is there a calendar in your classroom? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

3. Now, answer the questions about your school:

a) Is there a playground at your school?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

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Are there lockers at your school?
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

Is there an art room at your school?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.


Is there a music room at your school?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

Are there restrooms at your school?
Yes, there are.

 Teacher, explicar que nos EUA “restrooms” são banheiros públicos, ou seja, banheiros em aeroportos, escolas, teatros, etc.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 11 to 13 Excellent ( )
– from 8 to 10 Good ( )
– from 6 to 7 Average ( )
– below 6 Poor ( )

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HOMEWORK 15 There’s a flag on the wall.

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Complete the sentences according to the pictures. Use there is or there are:

a) ________________________
There are four colored rulers here.

b) ________________________
There is a book in front of my backpack.

c) ________________________
There are colored pencils in the pencil case.

d) ________________________
There is a boy under the desk.

e) ________________________
There is a glue tube next to the glasses.

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2. Complete the conversation between A and B using the words in the box:

there is are there there aren’t there are is there

A.Hi, tell me about your school.

Image 127
Are there Japanese girls studying there?
B. Yes, ______________________________________________
there are.

A.Great. And are there Australian boys?

B. No, ______________________________________________
there aren’t.

A.And __________________________________
is there a sports gym?
B. Yes, _____________________________________
there is a big one!
A.That s nice! Let’s go and play basketball!

3. Look at the picture and write affirmative sentences using there is or there are. Follow the

Image 128

Example: There is a flag on the wall.

a) There is a globe on the table.

b) There are six desks in the classroom.

c) There is a map on the blackboard.

d) There are books on the table.

e) There is a clock on the wall.

 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 12 to 15 Excellent ( )
– from 10 to 11 Good ( )
– from 7 to 9 Average ( )
– below 7 Poor ( )

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HOMEWORK 16 Your school

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Let’s check the main parts of your school! Complete the sentences by using the words in the box:



a) The ______________________
sports gym is a place where we play a lot of sports.
b) The ______________________
library is a place where we read and take books to read at home.
c) The ______________________
classroom is a place with a big blackboard and a lot of desks.
d) The _____________________
restroom is a place where we wash our hands and faces after a physical education
e) The ______________________
canteen is a place where we have healthy and light snacks at school.
f) The ______________________
teacher’s room is a place where our teachers go during the break.
g) The ______________________
auditorium is a place where we watch some interesting movies.
h) The ______________________
science lab is a place where we study the plants and the animals.

2. Complete the names of each school object and match them with the images:
a) __
P E __
N __

b) __
P E __
N __
C __
I __
L C __
A __
S __

c) __
N O __
T __
E __
B __
O __
O __

d) __
S H __
A __
R __
P __
E __
N __
E __

e) __
E R __
A __
S __
E __

f) __
G L __
U __

g) __
H I __
G __
H __
L __
I __
G __
H __
T __
E __
R __

h) __
C O __
L __
O __
R __
E __
D P __
E __
N __
C __
I __
L __

i) __
M A __

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Image 129

Image 130

Image 131
( d ) ( e ) ( h )

Image 132

Image 133

Image 134
( c ) ( b ) ( g )

Image 135

Image 136
( a ) ( f )

( i )

3. Give your opinion to complete the sentence using the words below:

history math science geography Portuguese

physical education English art Spanish computers

In my opinion, _________________________
free answer and ________________________ are more difficult than

_____________________ and ______________________.

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HOMEWORK 17 At home

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Look at the picture below and write the names of the parts of the house:

bathroom / toilet bathroom bedroom bedroom

Image 137
hall kitchen dining room living room

2. Look at the picture again and complete the

sentences using prepositions of place:
Image 138

a) There is a vase ___________

on the coffee table.

b) The sofa is _______________

in the living room.

c) There is a lamp _________________

between the beds.

d) There are pillows ___________

on _____ the beds.

e) There is a ball ___________________

in front of the bed. pillows

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3. Complete the sentences using there is or there are and prepositions of place:

a) ________________
There is a sofa ________________
between the men.

b) ________________
There is a chef _______________
behind the table.

c) ________________
There is some furniture ______________ the truck.

d) ________________
There is a pizza restaurant ________________
beside/next to the blue building.
 Teacher, para pizzaria existem
também os termos “pizza parlor”,
“pizza place” ou até mesmo
“pizza shop”.

4. Write TRUE or FALSE and correct the wrong sentences:

a) The church is beside the red house. (________

true )

b) The bags are in the car. (________

false )
The bags are on the car.

The dog is on the umbrella. (________

false )
The dog is under the umbrella.

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HOMEWORK 18 My bedroom

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Complete the paragraph about the picture properly:


This bedroom is untidy. There are trousers ______
on the
floor. There is a ____________
shirt on the _________________________
bedside table

next to a purple lamp. There are _____________

socks on the
dresser and a pair of _____________
sneakers hung in front of a big mirror. There are a lot of
______________ on a desk. The ________________
wardrobe door is open. It's really a big mess!

untidy – desarrumado
hung – pendurados

2. Pay attention to these pictures and answer the questions:

Image 139

a) Are there two chairs in picture A? ________________________________________________________

No, there aren't./No, there is one.

b) Are there two dolls in picture A? _________________________________________________________

No, there aren't./No, there is one.

c) Is there a little car in picture A? ___________________________________________________________

Yes, there is.

d) Is there a TV set in picture B? ____________________________________________________________

No, there isn't.

e) Are there four flowers in the vase in picture B? _____________________________________________

Yes, there are.

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3. Complete the sentences using the parts of this house:

Image 140
a) There are two ________________________________________
bedrooms upstairs.
b) There is one _____________________
bathroom upstairs and one _____________________
bathroom/toilet downstairs.
c) There is a fireplace in the ______________________________________
living room.

d) There is a stove in the _________________________________________


e) There is a bookshelf in the _____________________________________

library./office room.

4. Look at the picture below and answer the questions:

They are on the table. / next to the calculator.

a) Where are the keys?____________________________________________________________________
b) Where is the book?_____________________________________________________________________
It is on the bed. / between the sock and the bermuda shorts.

c) Where are the pencils?__________________________________________________________________

They are in the mug.

d) Where is the chair?_____________________________________________________________________

It is on the rug. / between the bed and the table.

e) Where is the red T-shirt?_________________________________________________________________

It is on the bed. / on the pillow.

 Teacher, há inúmeras respostas possíveis.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 20 to 24 Excellent ( )
– from 15 to 19 Good ( )
– from 12 to 14 Average ( )
– below 12 Poor ( )
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HOMEWORK 19 Whose car is this?

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. This woman is Beatriz. She is Isabela and Pedro's mother.

Image 141
Complete the sentences about this picture using the words in the box:

Beatriz is in the _________________.

kitchen She is cutting some vegetables with a _______________.

There are a lot of oranges and lemons __________________.
in the bowls The bowls are ______
on the counter.

There is a red kettle beside the sink. __________________
There are a lot of colored flowers

in a vase to the window.
Image 142

Image 143

Image 144

Image 145

kettle bowl counter sink

2. Answer the questions according to the pictures using family members:

Whose car is this?
Image 146

It’s my mother’s car. / my aunt’s car.

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Whose truck is this?
Image 147

It’s my father’s truck. / my uncle’s truck. / my brother’s truck.

Whose jump rope is this?
Image 148

It’s my sister’s jump rope. / my cousin’s jump rope.

Whose bedroom is this?
Image 149

It’s my parents’ bedroom. / It’s my grandparents’ bedroom.

Whose doll is this?
Image 150

It’s my sister’s doll. / my cousin’s doll.

Whose bike is this?
Image 151

It’s my brother’s. / my cousin’s bike.

Whose roller skates are these?
Image 152

They are my cousins’. / my brothers’ roller skates.

Whose guitar is this?
Image 153

It’s my grandfather’s guitar.

 Teacher, há outras respostas possíveis.

Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark.
– from 13 to 16 Excellent ( )
– from 11 to 13 Good ( )
– from 8 to 10 Average ( )
– below 8 Poor ( )
58 fifty-eight
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HOMEWORK 20 A Moroccan family

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Read the text and complete the chart: (EF06LI19)

Sara's family

Image 154
Sara is a doctor. She is thirty-seven years old. She lives in a small village near Rabat.

Her father is Moroccan. Her mother is Egyptian. She has two brothers and one sister. Sara is married.
Her husband’s name is Khalid. He is a teacher. He works at a high school. Sara and Khalid have one son
called Hamid. He is three years old. And two daughters, their names are Houda and Khadija. Khadija is
eleven and Houda is fourteen. They are students in a preparatory school. At the weekend, Khalid goes
to the sports club and plays tennis with his friend Hassan and Sara visits her parents or reads newspapers.

lives - mora
married - casada
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visiting her parents
SARA doctor 37
reading newspaper

going to the club

KHALID teacher –––––
and playing tennis

HAMID ––––– 3 –––––

HOUDA student 14 –––––

KHADIJA student 11 –––––

2. Answer these questions about Sara’s family:

a) Who is Sara?
She is Khalid’s wife. / She is Hamid, Houda and Khadija’s mother.

b) Who is Khalid?
He is Sara’s husband. / He is Hamid, Houda and Khadija’s father.

c) Who is Hamid?
He is Sara’s son. / He is Khalid’s son. / He is Houda and Khadija’s brother.

d) Who are Houda and Khadija?

They are Sara’s daughters. / They are Khalid’s daughters. / They are Hamid’s sisters.

Image 155

Sara, Houda and Khadija

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HOMEWORK 21 There’s a book here.

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

Image 156

a) Is there a notebook on the floor? No, there isn’t.

b) Are there two cups on the table? No, there aren’t.

Image 157

c) Are there glasses on the letters? Yes, there are.

d) Is there a pencil on the letters? Yes, there is.

e) Are there stamps on the letters? No, there aren’t.

Image 158

f) Are there books on the bed? Yes, there are.

g) Is there a backpack on the bed? No, there isn’t.

Image 160
Image 159


2. Look at the picture and answer the question: stamp

What is there inside the schoolbag?

a) There is a pencil.

b) There is an apple.

c) There is a book.

d) There is a ruler.
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3. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with: there is, there are, there isn’t or there aren’t:
 Teacher, primeiro peça que os alunos olhem atentamente a imagem e depois façam o exercício.

a) ___________________
There is a globe on the shelf.
Image 161

b) ___________________
There are schoolgirls in the classroom.

c) ___________________
There is a rug in the classroom.

d) ___________________
There isn’t a schoolboy on the desk.

e) ___________________
There aren’t crayons on the floor.

f) ___________________
There isn’t a map on the wall.

g) ___________________
There is a blackboard in the classroom.

h) ___________________
There is a teacher in the classroom.

i) ___________________
There isn’t a globe under the desk.
4. Pay attention to the image and answer the questions properly:

Image 163
Image 164 rug or carpet


a) Is there a teacher in this classroom? Yes, there is.

b) Are there students on their desks? No, there aren’t.

c) Are there musical instruments in this classroom? Yes, there are.

d) Are there students sitting on the floor? Yes, there are.

e) Is it an art room? Yes, it is.

f) Are they happy? Yes, they are.

Image 162

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HOMEWORK 22 My school and my classmates

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. Complete the sentences using there is or there are and prepositions of place:

My name is Lisa and I am eight years

old. I live ______
in ___ Springfield with
my family. This is my school and I love

Image 165

Image 166
This is Ms. Hoover’s class, my geography teacher and my classmates.

There are twenty students _________in
Image 167

my classroom. My teacher is
between Mark and Joe and I am
in front of Mark.
There are five books ___________

near / beside
the cabinet and a globe __________________
the books.
There is a timetable ___________

the wall.

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2. Now, answer the questions according to the classroom picture on page 63:

a) How many boys are there in the classroom? There are eleven boys.
b) How many girls are there? There are nine girls.
c) How many windows are there? There is one window.
d) How many desks are there? There are twenty desks.
e) Where is Lisa? She is in front of Mark. / She is between a boy and a girl.

3. Complete the sentences using prepositions of place:

Image 168

a) The laptop is _________

on the books.
Image 169

b) Lisa is ___________________
near/beside/next to the books.
Image 170

c) Lisa is __________________
opposite a girl.
Image 171

d) Lisa is _________
in the classroom.
Image 172

e) The math book is ______________

under the red book.

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HOMEWORK 23 Different Families

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #

1. These families represent all the world continents. Pay attention to this picture and answer the
questions about them:

Image 173

a) Are there three families dressed in typical clothes? Yes, there are.

b) Is there a family eating cookies? Yes, there is.

c) Are there more than three children in any of the families? No, there aren’t.
d) Is there a family whose mother is not in the photo? Yes, there is.
e) Are there grandparents in all the family photos? No, there aren’t.
f) Are all the families inside their houses? No, they aren’t.

2. Let’s complete the sentences about this American family. Use the words in the box:
Image 174

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a) Joseph is seventy-two years old. He is Ann and Rick's _______________________________.


b) Sally is sixty-eight years old. She is Ann and Rick's _______________________________.


c) Maggie is thirty-five years old. She is Ann and Rick's _______________________________.


d) Steve is thirty-seven years old . He is Ann and Rick's _______________________________.


e) Joseph and Sally are the children's _______________________________.


f) Steve and Maggie are the children's _______________________________.


g) Ann and Rick are Sally and Joseph's _______________________________.


h) This is a happy _______________________________.


3. Write the words on each person in the picture below:





Image 175

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HOMEWORK 24 The Taj Mahal

Name: Date: ____/____/____ #


Image 176

The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum located in Agra, India and it is one of the Seven
Wonders of the World. It was constructed from 1632 to 1653.

Image 177
It was built by the emperor Shah Jahan of the Mughal Empire, in memory of his
Image 178

third wife Mumtaz Mahal as her final resting place, as a symbol of love!

marble – mármore
was built – foi construído
Mughal Empire – Império Mogol

1. The map shows where the Seven

Wonders of Modern World are.
Look at the pictures and write the names of
them and the countries where they are:

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Image 179

a) Taj Mahal – India

Image 180

b) Petra – Jordan

 Teacher: A cidade de Petra, na Jordânia, foi esculpida nas pedras pelos Nabateus 600 anos A.C. e
era utilizada pelos comerciantes para cruzar o deserto.

Image 181

c) Christ the Redeemer Statue – Brazil

 Teacher: Ainda hoje, algumas pessoas dizem que o monumento foi um presente da França para
o Brasil, quando, na verdade, a obra foi erigida a partir de doações de fiéis de arquidioceses e
paróquias por todo o país, com o projeto de autoria e chefia do engenheiro Heitor da Silva Costa. Da
França, veio apenas uma réplica de quatro metros feita de pequenos moldes, assim como modelos
Image 182 das mãos feitos pelo colaborador Landowski.

d) Great Wall of China – China

 Teacher: A Grande Muralha foi construída por milhares de camponeses que, em troca do trabalho,
eram liberados do pagamento de impostos. Há registros que dizem que, por causa da má alimentação
e do frio, até 80% dos operários morriam trabalhando. É possível vê-la do espaço.

Image 183

e) Colosseum – Italy
 Teacher: Os relatos romanos referem-se a cristãos sendo martirizados em locais de Roma, quando
Roma tinha numerosos anfiteatros e arenas. Apesar de muito provavelmente o Coliseu não ter sido
utilizado para martírios, o Papa Bento XIV consagrou-o no século XVII à Paixão de Cristo e declarou
o lugar sagrado.
Image 184

f) Chichen Itza – Mexico

 Teacher: Chichén Itzá é uma cidade arqueológica Maia localizada no estado mexicano de Iucatã
que funcionou como centro político e econômico da civilização Maia.

Image 185

g) Machu Picchu – Peru

 Teacher, foi construída pelos Incas no século XV, antes da chegada dos europeus ao continente
americano. Foi construída numa região alta, pois os Incas acreditavam que assim estariam mais
próximos dos deuses.

68 sixty-eight
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Image Credits

Image 1 Image 26
Disponível em: INGIMAGE/FOTOARENA. Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/universidade-de-kansai-jap%C3%A3o-
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Image 3 Sai_Wan_Ho_Playground_Slide_Korean_International_School.JPG>.
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/verde-quadro-negro-giz-borracha-307835/>.
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Image 52 Image 74
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/cadeira-ouvidos-poltrona-270980/>. Disponível em: <http://generationbsquared.com/not-quite-in-laws/>.
Image 52a Image 75
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/cadeira-ouvidos-poltrona-270980/>. Disponível em: <http://strongstepfamilies.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/07/Strong
Image 52b StepFamilies-31390.png>.
Disponível em: <http://slf24.co.uk/sofa-beds/dalan-sofa-brown-beige-2-seater-sofa- Image 76
bed.html>. Disponível em: <http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/markcassidycbm/news/
Image 53 ?a=111791>.
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Image 54 Image 78
Disponível em: <http://followthatcouch.wordpress.com/2013/01/11/red-couch-
Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=Fireworks>.
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Disponível em: <http://speakhut.com/demonstratives-distributives/>.
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Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/biblioteca-livro-leitura-
Image 57 educa%C3%A7%C3% A3o-488690/>.
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/cozinha-design-interior-quartos>. Image 81
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MAauHdEnE5IXSwFtusoLuQ751IStNdPgsk-w=s85>. Image 85
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Disponível em: <https://lh3.ggpht.com/pBemxOKKBMWOiSxCxaCPQ2fWg6Kt
MLXikznwIQSoDNIVxrhAojCZcwqQWMMo9x6nvHmoxw=s85>. Image 86
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Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/arquitet%C3%B4nico-sala-de-estar-
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Disponível em: <http://www.flanaganhomes.co.uk/media/images/CRW_0273-
Image 66 Image 91
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Image 68 Image 93
Disponível em: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:London-Eye-2009.JPG>.
Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=WOMAN%20WITH%
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c%C3%A3o-de-salsicha-53951/>. Disponível em: <http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_
Image 70 pictures/2008/may/bedroom_-_kids.jpg>.
Disponível em: INGIMAGE/FOTOARENA. Image 96
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Disponível em: <http://www.lamsao.com/han-che-tang-huyet-ap- room-for-children-and-kids-interior-design.jpg>.
p214a41568.html>. Image 97
Image 72 Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/cabide-tradicionais-madeira-de-faia-
Disponível em: <http://www.carmma.org/resource/family-planning-and-
demographic-dividend-africa acesso em 6/10/2014>. Image 98
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Disponível em: <http://www.publichealthnewswire.org/?attachment_id=5811>.
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Disponível em: <http://www.dodlive.mil/files/2011/08/720px-US-WhiteHouse-
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Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/photos/?q=white+house+USA&image_type= Disponível em: <http://www.policehelicopterpilot.com/static/512a82a2e4b01
&cat=&order=best>. fa6748df762/512ad858e4b048e93bd65fa1/512ad859e4b048e93bd66192/12405
Image 101 g/1000w>.
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type=&cat=&order=best>. Image 126
Disponível em: <http://ryanjacksonillustrations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/
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Disponível em: <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/White_
House_DC.JPG>. Image 126a
Disponível em: <http://www.staples.com.br/>.
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<http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Buckingham_ Disponível em:
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<http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Buckingham-palace.jpg>. school_eraser.jpg>.
Image 107 Image 131
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Image 108
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/flores-ver%C3%A3o-rosa-natureza-jardim- Image 132
482575/>. Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/notepad-notebook-espiral-forrado-
Image 109
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Image 110 Disponível em: <http://www.frenchblossom.com/1012-1963-thickbox/red-with-
Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=hats>.
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Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=violin>.
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Disponível em:
<http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=merry%20go%20round% 20horses>. Image 136
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Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=candy%20apple>. Image 137
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Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/huskies-husky-olho-azul-c%C3%A3o-neve-
273409/>. Image 138
Disponível em: <http://www.lnt.com/category/1958/1/bed-pillows.html>.
Image 115
Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=drum>. Image 139
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Image 116 AAAJ7k/hoW7RdUTn3c/s1600/find_the_differences.jpg>.
Disponível em:
<http://myliveactiondisneyproject.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/banks-children.jpg>. Image 140
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Image 117 AAAFY/c_mXdru3Rog/s640/hOUSE1.jpg>.
Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=cat>.
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Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/alemanha-natureza-%C3%A1rvores- Resize/photos.demandstudios.
folhagem-70567/>. com/getty/article/148/194/89795336_XS.jpg?w=400&h=200&keep_ratio=1>.
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Image 120 Wasserkessel.jpg>.
Disponível em: <http://galleryhip.com/disney-mary-poppins-dvd.html>. Image 143
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Disponível em: <http://cdn.mntm.me/11/d7/6b/Thats-the-Way-We-Roll-11d76b7 mica-lou%C3%A7a-469295/>.
c25f745b5bf8535a3b666344a.jpg>. Image 144
Image 122 Disponível em: <http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/photos/0,,20214737,00.html>.
Disponível em: <http://blogs.mydevstaging.com/blogs/parents-perspective/files/ Image 145
2013/12/boy-on-plane.jpg>. Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/pia-cozinha-torneira-a%C3%A7o-
Image 123 inoxid%C3%A1vel-208143/>.
Disponível em: <http://hotairballoon.smugmug.com/2013-hotairballoon-new- Image 146
Images/i-GHgzFJP/1/L/Hot-Air-Balloon-Gold-Coast-Brisbane-Young-woman-smiling- Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/carro-blue-transporte-ford-527817/>.
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Disponível em: <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/HK_Shek_
Disponível em: INGIMAGE/FOTOARENA. Tong_Tsui_Des_Voeux_Road_West_Bus_KMB_MAN_FE360_A.JPG?uselang=pt-br>.
Image 148
Disponível em: <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/Girl_

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Image 149 Image 172

Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/quartos-arquitet%C3%B4nico-home- Disponível em: <https://mylittlecorneroftheverse.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/you-
interior-389258/>. have-been-warned.gif>.
Image 150 Image 173
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Image 151
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/menino-moto-equita%C3%A7%C3%A3o- Image 174
ciclo-264777/>. Disponível em: INGIMAGE/FOTOARENA.
Image 152 Image 175
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02/Four-Boys-A-985x1024.png>. filha-20674/,
Image 153 http://pixabay.com/pt/fam%C3%ADlia-mong%C3%B3lia-estepe-crian%C3%A7
Disponível em: as-487173/, http://pixabay.com/pt/fam%C3%ADlia-f%C3%A9rias-pessoas-feliz-
<http://storage.thedailyobserver.ca/v1/dynamic_resize/sws_path/suns-prod- natal-557100/, http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=family, http://commons.
images/1297460875365_ORIGINAL.jpg?quality=80&size=650x&stmp= wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Japanese_people_of_all_ages.jpg?uselang=pt-br>.
Image 154 Image 176
Disponível em: <http://www.roughguides.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/01/
83666740-1680x460.jpg>. Image 177
Disponível em: <http://www.artnindia.com/wp-
Image 155 content/uploads/2014/02/IMG1a.jpg>.
Disponível em: <http://blog.travel-exploration.com/category/morocco-travel-
Image 178
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Image 156 content/uploads/2014/02/IMG1a.jpg>.
Disponível em: <http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photo-white-
Image 179
Disponível em: <http://shedexpedition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Taj-mahal-
Image 157 wallpaper.jpg>.
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/esta%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-trabalho-
Image 180
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/petra-jord%C3%A2nia-m%C3%A9dio-
Image 158 oriente-522532/>.
Disponível em: <http://www.morguefile.com/archive/#/?q=bed,
http://pixabay.com/pt/ brasil-carimbo-jogos-ol%C3%ADmpicos-2014-154542/>.
Image 181
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/cristo-rio-de-janeiro-brasil-107824/>.
Image 159
Disponível em: <http://1hdwallpapers.com/letter_love-wallpaper.html>.
Image 182
Disponível em: <http://www.famous-historic-buildings.org.uk/images/Great_
Image 160 Wall.JPG?893>.
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/pt/brasil-carimbo-jogos-ol%C3%ADmpicos-
Image 183
Disponível em: <http://pixabay.com/p-274895/?no_redirect>.
Image 161
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Image 184
tips-to-make-your-classroom-autism-friendly/>. Disponível em: <http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chich%C3%A9n_Itz%C3%A1>.

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Disponível em: <http://learningneverstops.wordpress.com/2012/12/02/practical- Disponível em: INGIMAGE/FOTOARENA
Image 163
Disponível em: <http://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Area-
Image 164
Disponível em: <http://ravistationery.com/Door%20mats.aspx>.
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Image 167
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Image 168
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Image 170
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Image 171
Disponível em: <http://bestepisodeever.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/4f24a.

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