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Questão 1/56

Os sólidos ABCD e H GF D, mostrados na figura a seguir, são semelhantes.

Sabendo que  DG

 e o volume do sólido H GF D é 200 ml, então o volume do sólido ABCD, em litros, é igual a:

A 6, 4

B 5, 4

C 0, 4

D 0, 8

E 3, 2

Questão 2/56

Considere uma matriz  A3x3, formada por elementos  aij  que representam os logaritmos decimais de  (i + j), isto é, 
aij = log  (i + j). Se log  2 = 0, 301 e log  3 = 0, 477, a soma dos elementos da diagonal principal da matriz A equivale a:

A 1, 778

B 1, 681

C 1, 431

D 1, 380

E 1, 143

Questão 3/56

Uma caixa contém apenas duzentas bolas, sendo  99% vermelhas e o restante pretas. Acrescentando-se mais  P  bolas pretas
nessa caixa e não havendo nenhuma retirada de bolas, o percentual de bolas vermelhas passa a ser de 40% do total de bolas da
caixa. A soma dos algarismos de P  é igual a:

A 13


B 14

C 15

D 16

E 17

Questão 4/56

Seja α uma circunferência cuja equação é (x − 1)2 + (y + 5)2 = 2 . A equação da circunferência que é simétrica a α em relação
ao eixo das ordenadas é:

A x
+ y
− 2x − 10y − 24 = 0

B x
+ y
+ 2x + 10y + 24 = 0

C x
+ y
+ 2x − 10y − 24 = 0

D x
+ y
− 10x + 2y − 24 = 0

E x
+ y
− 10x + 2y + 24 = 0

Questão 5/56

Seja  S  o conjunto solução da inequação  x4–20x2 + 64 ≤ 0 para  x pertencente ao conjunto dos números reais. A quantidade
total de números inteiros que pertencem ao conjunto S  é igual a:

A 0

B 2

C 4

D 6

E 8

Questão 6/56

A função polinomial do segundo grau f (x) = ax

+ bx + c  tem como gráfico uma parábola que corta o eixo  x nos pontos 
A(x1,  0)  e B(x2,  0), sendo x1 e x2 números reais positivos e x2 > x1 . Se o vértice V  dessa parábola possui ordenada igual a 
(x2– x1) , o valor de (b2–4ac) é igual a:

A 25

B 16

C 9

D 4

E 1


Questão 7/56

A figura abaixo representa um círculo inscrito num quadrado  ABCD  cujo lado mede  2 m  e um segmento  DM   que liga o
vértice D ao ponto médio do lado BC .

O comprimento, em metros, da corda H M  determinada na circunferência é igual a:

A √5

B 2√ 5

C 3√ 5

D 4√ 5

E √5


Questão 8/56

Um cubo ABCDEF GH  foi seccionado por um plano M N GB, sendo M  e N  respectivamente os pontos médios das arestas 
AE  e EH . A figura abaixo representa o cubo e a secção.

Se a medida de cada aresta desse cubo é 2 cm, a área, em cm2, do quadrilátero M N GB é igual a:

A 4, 5

B 4, 8

C 5, 0

D 5, 2

E 5, 6

Questão 9/56

1 1
⎡ ⎤
f (i),  se j = 2
Na matriz A = 3 2  cada elemento está definido da seguinte forma: aij = { , onde f  e g são funções reais
g(i),  se j = 1
⎣ ⎦
2 3

bijetoras. Assim, f (g(2)) e g−1(3) são, respectivamente, iguais a

A 3  e 2.
B 2  e 3.
C 2  e 2.
D 3  e 3.

Questão 10/56

Considere a expressão
∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘
(sen 300 +.tg 1 ⋅tg 2 ⋅tg 3 ….tg 88 ⋅tg 89 ⋅cos 120 )
5 5

O seu valor é

A √3


B √3

C 1

D 3

Questão 11/56

Seja ABCD o retângulo indicado a seguir.

Qual é o maior valor inteiro que pode ser atribuído à base maior x do trapézio sombreado na figura, de modo que sua área seja
inferior a 60% da área desse retângulo?

A 6.

B 7.

C 8.

D 9.

Questão 12/56

Na tabela de  8  colunas e infinitas linhas numeradas, indicada na figura, podemos formar infinitos quadrados coloridos  3 × 3
 como mostra um exemplo.

Nessa tabela, o quadrado colorido 3 × 3 cuja soma dos 9 elementos é igual a 4. 806 ocupa três linhas, sendo uma delas a linha


A 71 .
B 67 .
C 53 .
D 49 .
E 41 .

Questão 13/56

O total de números de cinco algarismos que possuem pelo menos dois dígitos consecutivos iguais em sua composição é igual a

A 6. 581 .
B 9. 590 .
C 18. 621 .
D 27. 930 .
E 30. 951 .

Questão 14/56

Uma parábola  P1  de equação  y = x2 + bx + c, quando refletida em relação ao eixo  x, gera a parábola  P2. Transladando
horizontalmente P1 e P2 em sentidos opostos, por quatro unidades, obtemos parábolas de equações y = f (x) e y = g(x). Nas
condições descritas, o gráfico de y = (f + g)(x) necessariamente será

A uma reta.
B uma parábola.
C uma hipérbole.
D uma exponencial.
E um círculo.


Questão 15/56

A figura abaixo mostra o esboço dos gráficos das funções f  e g, definidas por f (x) = 2
 e g(x) = log (x + 1)

A área do quadrilátero OBCD é, em unidades de área, igual a

A 1

B 2

C 5

D 1

E 1

Questão 16/56

Considere os gráficos das funções f : R → R  e g : R → R  e, a seguir, assinale a alternativa verdadeira.


A g(f (
)) < g(
8 2

B f (f (a)) > g(g(a))

C g(f (0)) < g(g(


D g(g(f (
))) = f (g(
4 2

E 3a a

f (g(f ( ))) = g(g( ))

4 2

Questão 17/56

Sendo A e B duas matrizes quadradas de ordem 3. Sabendo que o determinante da matriz A é igual a 4 e 2A ⋅ At = 4B ⋅ A

. O valor do determinante de B é igual a:

A 8


B 16

C 32

D 64

E 128

Questão 18/56

As arestas laterais de uma pirâmide regular de 12 faces laterais têm comprimento l. O raio do círculo circunscrito ao polígono da
base desta pirâmide mede  2
. Então o volume desta pirâmide vale:

A 3√ 2l

B 2l

C √3 3

D √ 2l

E √2 3

Questão 19/56

Num sistema de coordenadas cartesianas ortogonais, considere a circunferência x2 + y2 + 2x + 4y–20 = 0 e o ponto (−2, 5).
Determine os possíveis valores do coeficiente angular da reta que passa pelo ponto e é tangente a circunferência.

A 4
 e − 43

B −
 e  4

C 4
 e − 34

D −
 e  34

E −
 e − 34

Questão 20/56
x −x 7

Seja f (x) =
e −e
e +e
 definida em R. Se g for a função inversa de f , o valor de eg( 25

A 4

B 7e

C log
e 7

D (
e 25

E 7


Questão 21/56

Os impactos ambientais provocados pela expansão da cultura da soja nas áreas do cerrado brasileiro constitui um assunto
polêmico entre os ambientalistas. Nesse sentido, considere os itens:
I- Apesar dos solos de má qualidade, a rica flora do cerrado quase não depende dos nutrientes do subsolo da região, pois as
plantas nutrem-se diretamente da enorme quantidade de húmus que elas mesmas produzem.
II- O desmatamento do cerrado não é um fenômeno atual, pois o Planalto Central brasileiro sempre foi uma das regiões mais
populosas do país.
III- A expansão da soja no cerrado consome bilhões de litros d'água para irrigação e também causa graves impactos ambientais
no Pantanal Mato-Grossense.
Está(ao) correto(s) o(s) item(ns):

A I e II
B I, II e III 

Questão 22/56

É sabido que o Pantanal Mato-grossense é uma região que apresenta um dos ecossistemas mais diversificados do mundo.
Acerca desse ecossistema, julgue os itens a seguir:
I. A cobertura vegetal possui formações diversificadas que se apresentam sob a fisionomia de campos, cerrados ou matas.
II. É uma região bem individualizada e diferenciada no contexto do Centro-Oeste brasileiro.
III. É constituído por formas de relevo antigas, erodidas e, consequentemente, de baixas altitudes.
Está(ão) certo(s) o(s) item(ns):

A I e II

Questão 23/56

João adquiriu um terreno com as seguintes características:  

Formato retangular.
Em uma planta cadastral em escala 1 : 500, o terreno apresenta base com 5 centímetros e a altura de 10 centímetros.
Está situado na cidade de Teresópolis-RJ.

De acordo com o fragmento apresentado, conhecimentos sobre cartografia e regionalização do Brasil, o terreno de João

A apresenta área de 75 m2 e está a leste do estado de São Paulo.

B apresenta área de 1250 m2 e está localizado no Complexo Regional do Centro-Sul.


C apresenta área de 12. 500. 000 m2 e está ao Sul do Amapá.

D apresenta área de 0, 125 km2 e está inserido na região Sudeste.
E apresenta área de 1, 25 km2 e está localizado no Complexo Regional Concentrado.

Questão 24/56

As placas litosféricas podem ser de natureza oceânica ou mais comumente compostas por crosta continental e crosta oceânica,
como a Placa Sul-Americana. Seus limites podem ser de três tipos distintos. O limite onde as placas deslizam lateralmente uma
em relação a outra, como na Falha de San Andreas, é definido como

A limite divergente.
B limite convergente.
C zona de subducção.
D limite conservativo.
E zona de dobra sinclinal.

Questão 25/56

"Parte de falésia desaba e mata casal e bebê de 7 meses em Pipa Um casal e um bebê morreram após parte de uma falésia
desabar no início da tarde desta terça-feira (17/11) praia de Pipa, um dos principais destinos turísticos do Rio Grande do Norte”.
A notícia faz referência à falésia que, geomorfologicamente, é descrita como

A cristas ou colinas sustentadas por camadas mais resistentes à erosão e que mergulham com ângulos médios de modo que o
gradiente topográfico seja aproximadamente igual dos dois lados da crista, mas com o lado do mergulho da camada,
coincidente com a superfície topográfica, apresentando-se mais plano e liso que o lado oposto.
B escarpa, acompanhando a linha costeira esculpida por processos erosivos marinhos de alta energia. Ocorre no limite entre as
formas continentais e a praia atual, em trechos de costas altas.
C morro ou elevação topográfica que se destaca em uma superfície de aplainamento como um relevo residual não aplainado,
com formação granítica ou granitoide e que apresenta, muitas vezes, formas de pães de açúcar.
D feição estuarina marinha formada em antigos vales e que se caracteriza pela extensa entrada do mar ladeado por costões
com paredes abruptas do antigo vale em U e que apresenta extensos afloramentos de rochas expostas pela ação erosiva do
gelo durante períodos glaciais com nível do mar rebaixado estaticamente.
E espécie de barra ou restinga arenosa desenvolvida pela deposição de correntes litorâneas entre a costa e uma ilha e que
pode ser submersa em maré alta

Questão 26/56

O domínio morfoclimático é um conjunto espacial de grande extensão, podendo variar entre milhares a milhões de quilômetros
quadrados, e que apresenta feições de relevo, tipos de solos, formas de vegetação e condições climáticas e hidrológicas que
resultam em condições paisagísticas e ecológicas integradas. Sobre o assunto, assinale a alternativa correta.

A O domínio das Araucárias ocorre predominantemente em áreas elevadas do Centro-oeste do país.

B O Chernossolo, maior grupo de solo do domínio do Cerrado, é originado pela decomposição do calcário.
C O domínio dos mares de Morros localiza-se em boa parte da faixa litorânea do Brasil, abrangendo a floresta Mata Atlântica,
embora essa vegetação tenha sido quase que totalmente dizimada, restando apenas alguns pontos de conservação
D O domínio do Pantanal é caracterizado como coxilhas subtropicais com pradarias mistas.


E O domínio das Matas dos Cocais é o mais extenso do Nordeste e apresenta grande concentração de palmeiras nativas, como
o buriti e o coqueiro.

Questão 27/56

“Quando a China abandonou a planificação econômica, e a Índia diminuiu a substituição de importações,  1/3  da população
mundial foi arrancada de décadas de isolamento econômico e arremessada na corrente da economia global. Evoluções
semelhantes, no antigo bloco soviético e na América Latina, afetaram mais um bilhão de pessoas.”  
(FRIEDEN, Jefrei. Capitalismo global: história econômica e política do século XX. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Zahar. 2008, p. 435.)

O fator convergente no recente processo de crescimento econômico da China e da Índia foi o

A crescimento da ética confuciana.

B afastamento do neoliberalismo.
C incremento do agronegócio.
D amadurecimento da democracia.
E Pouca oferta de mão de obra.

Questão 28/56

O processo de pedogênese varia de acordo com a presença ou a combinação peculiar de alguns fatores, como clima, organismos
(fração orgânica do solo), material originário, relevo e tempo. Trata‐se de fenômeno profundamente complexo estudado por
geólogos, geomorfólogos, pedólogos, agrônomos, mineralogistas, entre outros. Em relação, particularmente, ao mecanismo de
transformação do material originário ou parental, são partes integrantes dessa etapa do processo pedogenético:

A As adições de matéria orgânica e de água.

B Os intemperismos físico e químico.
C As erosões pluvial e eólica.
D A lixiviação e a eluviação.
E A erosão glacial e marítima.


Questão 29/56

Um professor provocou um alvoroço entre alunos de sua turma ao pendurar na parede um mapa‐múndi de forma diferente da
Em seguida escreveu a seguinte frase:  
“Pensar o mundo não é mais um privilégio europeu e a reelaboração do mapa do planeta é uma forma de libertação do
(Trecho da entrevista de Milton Santos, disponível em http://www2.uefs.br/geotec/cartografia/cartografia.htm.)  

A opção que apresenta, respectivamente, um aspecto natural e outro cultural de maior relevância na representação cartográfica
que o professor desejou ressaltar é

A a concentração de terras emersas no Hemisfério Norte / os interesses dos países dominantes.

B a forma esferoide do planeta / a ideologia da representação cartográfica.
C a forma geoide do planeta / a representação terceiro‐mundista.

D a concentração de massas líquidas no Hemisfério Sul / a representação terceiro‐mundista.

E o formato plano do planeta / a representação terceiro‐mundista.

Questão 30/56

“A competição força os capitalistas individuais e as corporações a buscarem lugares melhores para produzir, assim como os força
a buscar tecnologias superiores. Na medida em que novos locais com menores custos se tornam disponíveis, os capitalistas sob a
mira da concorrência têm de responder mudando-se, se puderem. Os produtores de Ohio movem-se para o delta do Rio das
Pérolas, os da Califórnia, para as fábricas maquiladoras de Tijuana, os de Lancashire, para a Turquia, por exemplo.”  
HARVEY, David. O enigma do capital e as crises do capitalismo. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2011, p. 135.  

O trecho acima lança luzes sobre a emergência do modelo de produção flexível, fortemente marcado pela fragmentação do
processo produtivo e com consequências sensíveis na complexificação da Divisão Internacional do Trabalho (DIT). Assinale a
alternativa que expressa uma dualidade espacial inerente à atual configuração da DIT.

A Estagnação da agroexportação nas periferias e desindustrialização nas economias centrais.


B Dispersão global da produção material e concentração espacial dos processos de gestão.

C Fragilização do circuito inferior da economia e consolidação do circuito superior.
D Regulamentação do capital financeiro e desregulamentação do capital produtivo.
E Atualmente, no comércio internacional, as operações de importação e exportação independem do Estado.

Questão 31/56

“Se for possível, um dia, imaginar uma teoria das cidades amazônicas ribeirinhas, dificilmente se poderá omitir as duas origens
longínquas mais prováveis: as fortificações militares ou a estratégia do rei, e as missões religiosas ou a geopolítica da fé. Já o
dinheiro, e outras causas mais profanas, são recentes e ainda não completaram meio século.”
(CARUSO, Mariléa M. Leal . Jesuítas, caras‐pálidas e a geopolítica da selva em 1750. In.: Amazônia, a valsa da galáxia: o abc da grande planície. Florianópolis: Ed. da
UFSC, 2000, pp. 368‐372.)

Sobre a constituição e desenvolvimento da rede urbana amazônica, é correto afirmar que

A o papel hegemônico da Metrópole Belém permanece inalterado desde a gênese da rede urbana regional até hoje.
B os canais dendríticos da Bacia Amazônica condicionaram inicialmente o crescimento da rede urbana regional.
C os grandes eixos rodoviários que rasgaram a Amazônia não modificaram o padrão espacial da rede urbana anteriormente
D a ascensão de Manaus à categoria metropolitana suavizou a rivalidade já existente com Belém.
E Belém se consagra como uma terra inóspita devido à grande Floresta Equatorial presente em seu território.

Questão 32/56

“A China se tornou a maior potência emergente do mundo contemporâneo, tendo recentemente superado o Japão como segunda
economia do mundo e com previsões de que poderá ultrapassar os Estados Unidos até o final da década de 2020 – já tendo
superado este país em termos, mais estritos, da produção industrial.”
HAESBAERT, R. Globalização e fragmentação no mundo contemporâneo. 2. ed. Niterói: UFF, 2013, v 1, p. 113.

Uma das evidências mais claras da ascensão da China como potência na atualidade está relacionada com o(a)

A retomada dos investimentos nos combustíveis fósseis, integrando uma intensa rede de gasodutos com a Austrália, além do
controle militar da sua periferia imediata na região da Ásia Central.
B sua importância no desenvolvimento de novas fontes de energia alternativa na África, devido ao custo elevado de
exploração dos reduzidos estoques de petróleo e gás na região do Sudão do Sul, da Argélia e da Líbia.
C seu papel comercial cada vez mais incisivo em relação às periferias mundiais, ampliando suas parcerias e seus investimentos
em vários setores da atividade econômica, particularmente no continente africano.
D seu novo papel na divisão internacional do trabalho, já que exporta para a América Latina suas commodities como o ferro e a
soja, além de importar dessa mesma região os produtos manufaturados que atendem ao mercado consumidor chinês em
processo de expansão.
E o modelo de economia planificada que, promovendo crescimento econômico com equilibrada distribuição de renda, amplia o
mercado consumidor interno chinês, um dos mais gigantescos do mundo, e elimina as desigualdades sociais.

Questão 33/56

A famosa portaria 113 da SUMOC, Superintendência da Moeda e do Crédito, do Ministério da Fazenda, na gestão de Café Filho,
foi uma das bases para a implantação dos "cinquenta anos em cinco" de JK porque:


A possibilitou a ampliação das exportações brasileiras para atrair divisas.

B atraiu investimentos estrangeiros para o setor agroindustrial, que precisava modernizar-se.
C inseriu o Brasil no mercado econômico internacional, por alterar as taxas cambiais.
D possibilitou a atração do capital estrangeiro associado ao capital nacional.
E diminuiu a oferta de moedas e dificultou a concessão de empréstimos para conter a inflação.

Questão 34/56

O período regencial brasileiro (1831/1840) foi marcado por revoltas em quase todas as províncias do Império, em meio às lutas
políticas entre os membros da classe dominante. Uma das tentativas de superação desses conflitos foi a aprovação, pelo
Parlamento, do Ato Adicional de 1834, que se caracterizava por:

A substituir a Regência Una pela Regência Trina.

B fortalecer o Conselho de Estado.
C conceder maior autonomia às Províncias.
D extinguir a Regência
E estimular o desenvolvimento econômico regional.

Questão 35/56

A concepção de política de Hitler se apoiava sobre a necessidade histórica de assegurar ao povo alemão seu “espaço vital”. O
“espaço vital” evocado na Alemanha nazista referia-se:

A a territórios localizados a leste da Alemanha e às áreas cedidas à França pelo Tratado de Versalhes.
B ao território alemão, que deveria ser defendido das investidas expansionistas de franceses, poloneses e eslovacos.
C aos territórios localizados na África, onde minorias alemãs eram oprimidas pelas elites locais.
D aos territórios e países controlados por regimes fascistas como Espanha, Portugal e Itália.
E às terras dos judeus, em toda a Europa, que deveriam ser incorporadas aos domínios alemães. 

Questão 36/56

O ano de 1968 foi marcado por intensa mobilização social, sendo chamado de “ano que não acabou”. Sobre os acontecimentos
daquele ano, considere as seguintes afirmações:
I. A intensidade política vivenciada em 1968 pode ser explicada pela diversidade de movimentos contestatórios ligados às lutas
de negros, mulheres e jovens que tinham como pano de fundo as tensões da Guerra Fria e a emergência da contracultura.
II. A contestação política e social do ano de 1968 ocorreu em países submetidos a regimes ditatoriais, tanto no bloco capitalista
quanto no bloco comunista.
III. A valorização da cultura jovem e contestatória ocorreu em meio à intensificação da ação direta e à diversificação criativa de
formas de propaganda e de atuação políticas.
Está correto o que se afirma em:

A I, II e III.
B II e III, apenas.
C I, apenas.
D I e II, apenas.


E I e III, apenas.

Questão 37/56

A baixa Idade Média representou tanto o ápice quanto a crise do sistema feudal de produção, sobre o qual faz-se as seguintes
I. Os tributos feudais eram pagos pelos servos aos nobres e à Igreja em dinheiro.
II. A Igreja cristã fragmentou-se em várias religiões após o chamado “Cisma do Oriente”.
III. A nobreza feudal era constituída por comerciantes que enriqueceram e destacaram-se socialmente.
IV. A sociedade era ruralizada e estratificada, cabendo aos servos trabalho e tributação.
Estão corretas:

A I e IV
D apenas I
E Apenas IV

Questão 38/56

Leia atentamente as seguintes afirmações sobre as eleições presidenciais brasileiras ocorridas após 1988.
I. As eleições de 1989 foram marcadas por uma acirrada polarização ideológica, sobretudo no segundo turno, disputado por
Fernando Collor de Mello e Luís Inácio Lula da Silva.
II. As eleições de 1994 ocorreram sob o impacto do sucesso do Plano Cruzado, que permitiu a eleição, em primeiro turno, do
candidato do PMDB José Sarney.
III. Nas eleições de 1998, as principais forças oposicionistas articularam-se em torno da chapa Lula e Brizola, mas foram
derrotadas, ainda no primeiro turno, por Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
IV. Nas eleições de 2002, todas as forças oposicionistas de esquerda participaram da coligação que elegeu Luís Inácio Lula da
Silva no primeiro turno, contra a candidatura do tucano José Serra.
V. Nas eleições de 2006, PT, PMDB e PSDB firmaram uma vitoriosa coligação, que permitiu a reeleição de Lula e a articulação da
mais ampla maioria parlamentar da história política do Brasil.
Está correto apenas o que se afirma em:

A I, II, III e IV.

B I e III.
C II, III e V.
E I.

Questão 39/56

Sobre a Guerra Civil Americana (1861-1865), pode-se afirmar que:

A opôs os estados do litoral atlântico aos territórios recém-anexados do Oeste e encerrou-se com a vitória da costa pacífica.
B derivou das lutas contra os ingleses pela independência, que só foi alcançada após a união entre os exércitos do Sul e do
C foi provocada pelo declínio das exportações sulistas de borracha, que enfrentavam a concorrência das colônias holandesas
no Caribe.


D teve início com a tentativa secessionista do Norte, que contava com o apoio da Inglaterra e da França.
E opôs o Norte industrialista ao Sul agrário e encerrou-se com a vitória nortista e a preservação da União. 

Questão 40/56

O século XVIII foi denominado “século das Luzes” porque foi marcado pelo movimento intelectual denominado Iluminismo, que
estabeleceu as bases para a crítica ao Absolutismo. São palavras essenciais do século das Luzes:

A internacionalismo, razão, messianismo e cientificismo.

B progresso, obscurantismo, cientificismo, teocentrismo.
C superstição, empirismo, sensualismo, messianismo.
D socialismo, razão, progresso, superstição.
E racionalismo, cientificismo, progresso, esclarecimento.

Questão 41/56

O governo Juscelino Kubitschek, enfatizando um modelo de desenvolvimento econômico industrial, estabeleceu as seguintes
prioridades: estradas, transportes e energia. Sobre esse período, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I - Com a participação ativa do Estado na economia, as multinacionais promoveram a internacionalização do mercado brasileiro.
II - Por não atender às necessidades reais da população, tal modelo econômico apresentou várias distorções, representadas pelo
desequilíbrio social e pela concentração de renda.
III - A crescente oposição dos setores conservadores à política econômico-financeira de Juscelino Kubitschek levou-o a perder o
apoio do Congresso Nacional, o qual passou a exercer pressão sobre o presidente, obrigando-o a renunciar.
Está(ão) correta(s) a(s) afirmativa(s):

A I, apenas.
B II, apenas.
C III, apenas.
D I e II, apenas. 
E I e III, apenas.

Questão 42/56

O sistema feudal caracterizava-se:

A pela inexistência do regime de propriedade da terra, predomínio da economia de comércio e organização da propriedade
B pelo cultivo da terra por escravos com produção intensiva e grandes benefícios para os vassalos.
C pela aplicação do sistema assalariado e trabalho forçado dos vilões nas pequenas propriedades senhoriais.
D pela divisão da terra em pequenas propriedades e utilização de técnicas avançadas de cultivo.
E pela propriedade senhorial da terra, regime de trabalho servil e bases essencialmente agrárias.


Questão 43/56

No final do século XIX e início do século XX o Nordeste foi assolado pelos cangaceiros, bandos armados que roubavam,
sequestravam e matavam em seu próprio benefício ou a serviço de chefes políticos. Contribuíram para o aparecimento desse
grande contingente de marginalizados:

A os movimentos revolucionários republicanos dos fins do Império.

B a grande migração de nordestinos para a colheita da borracha na Amazônia.
C a propaganda da guerrilha comunista entre os camponeses.
D o processo de urbanização e industrialização que expulsou muitos camponeses de suas terras.
E a concentração da propriedade, o aumento demográfico e os efeitos da seca.

Questão 44/56

A escravidão indígena adotada no início da colonização do Brasil foi progressivamente abandonada e substituída pela africana
entre outros motivos, devido:

A ao constante empenho do papado na defesa dos índios contra os colonos.

B à bem-sucedida campanha dos jesuítas em favor dos índios.
C à completa incapacidade dos índios para o trabalho.
D aos grandes lucros proporcionados pelo tráfico negreiro aos capitais particulares e à Coroa.
E ao desejo manifestado pelos negros de emigrarem para o Brasil em busca de trabalho.


Questão 45/56

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970
World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement
said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25
October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in
Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes
after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto
became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been
appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team
regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world."It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho,
Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Brazilian captain's armband. I'm
very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team." Dazzling performance Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil,
scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the
Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974
tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977.
Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the
greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told
CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency.
The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-
respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of
official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol." Outstanding
defender Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling,
ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving
briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year
at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited
with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a
year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said:
"We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of
the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also
coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.
Adaptado de:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/25/football/carlosalberto-brazil-soccer-1970-worldcup-final/index.html. acesso em 09/11/2016

Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentence below.

John wanted_____find a new apartment_______the city center but it was not_____ him.

A to - in - in
B for to - on - into
C for - in - onto
D to - in - for
E to - on - on


Questão 46/56

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970
World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement
said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25
October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in
Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes
after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto
became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been
appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team
regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world."It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho,
Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Brazilian captain's armband. I'm
very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team." Dazzling performance Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil,
scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the
Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974
tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977.
Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the
greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told
CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency.
The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-
respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of
official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol." Outstanding
defender Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling,
ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving
briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year
at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited
with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a
year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said:
"We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of
the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also
coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.
Adaptado de:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/25/football/carlosalberto-brazil-soccer-1970-worldcup-final/index.html. acesso em 09/11/2016

Write “T” if the sentence is grammatically correct, and “F” if it is grammatically incorrect. Then choose the alternative with the
correct sequence.
(  ) Many animals are disappearing because of the greenhouse effect.
(  ) Most of the dogs in the kennel are sick.
(  ) There are only a little monkeys in the zoo.
(  ) Birds need few water to live.
(  ) Dogs eat a lot of meat.



Questão 47/56

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970
World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement
said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25
October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in
Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes
after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto
became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been
appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team
regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world."It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho,
Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Brazilian captain's armband. I'm
very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team." Dazzling performance Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil,
scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the
Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974
tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977.
Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the
greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told
CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency.
The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-
respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of
official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol." Outstanding
defender Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling,
ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving
briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year
at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited
with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a
year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said:
"We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of
the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also
coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.
Adaptado de:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/25/football/carlosalberto-brazil-soccer-1970-worldcup-final/index.html. acesso em 09/11/2016

According to the text, the word Dazzling means:

A More or less.
B Poor.
C Median.
D Terrible.
E Wonderful.


Questão 48/56

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970
World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement
said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25
October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in
Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes
after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto
became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been
appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team
regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world."It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho,
Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Brazilian captain's armband. I'm
very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team." Dazzling performance Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil,
scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the
Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974
tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977.
Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the
greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told
CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency.
The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-
respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of
official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol." Outstanding
defender Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling,
ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving
briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year
at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited
with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a
year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said:
"We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of
the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also
coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.
Adaptado de:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/25/football/carlosalberto-brazil-soccer-1970-worldcup-final/index.html. acesso em 09/11/2016

“Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender”. The word in bold is in the:

A Simple present.
B Present continuous.
C Past perfect.
D Present perfect continuous.
E Simple past.


Questão 49/56

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970
World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement
said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25
October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in
Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes
after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto
became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been
appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team
regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world."It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho,
Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Brazilian captain's armband. I'm
very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team." Dazzling performance Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil,
scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the
Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974
tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977.
Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the
greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told
CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency.
The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-
respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of
official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol." Outstanding
defender Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling,
ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving
briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year
at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited
with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a
year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said:
"We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of
the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also
coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.
Adaptado de:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/25/football/carlosalberto-brazil-soccer-1970-worldcup-final/index.html. acesso em 09/11/2016

According to the text, mark what is correct:

A Carlos Alberto died from lung cancer.

B Carlos Alberto was an amazing attacker in Brazilian team.
C Carlos Alberto were more famous than Pele.
D Carlos Alberto was coach only in Rio de Janeiro.
E Carlos Alberto retired in an American soccer team.


Questão 50/56

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970
World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement
said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25
October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in
Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes
after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto
became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been
appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team
regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world."It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho,
Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Brazilian captain's armband. I'm
very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team." Dazzling performance Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil,
scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the
Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974
tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977.
Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the
greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told
CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency.
The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-
respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of
official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol." Outstanding
defender Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling,
ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving
briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year
at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited
with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a
year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said:
"We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of
the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also
coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.
Adaptado de:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/25/football/carlosalberto-brazil-soccer-1970-worldcup-final/index.html. acesso em 09/11/2016

Why did Carlos Alberto miss the 1974 tournament?

A Because he had an important meeting with FIFA´S President.

B Because he had a headache and did not go.
C Because he had a knee injury before the competition.
D Because he had a knee injury during the competition.
E Because he was playing outside the country.


Questão 51/56

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest movement

(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video
of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned
into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led
movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai,
the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in
Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning
of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am
concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in
public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time.
The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer,
that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back
with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a
whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of
the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being
influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was
impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is
education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a
loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend
the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of
the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing
today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and
unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they
chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state
are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education,
315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a
debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was
approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on
November 29.
Adaptado de: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/01/world/brazil-teenana-julia-ribeiro/index.html acesso em 09/11/2016.

According to the text Lawmakers accused the students of being influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer
government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in August. Took office is the past of take
office that has the meaning of:

A Assume an office, duty, or title.

B Give up or retire from a position.
C Assume a position in Brazilian government.
D Assume a position because another person was fired.
E Open a new office to work as President.


Questão 52/56

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest movement

(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video
of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned
into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led
movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai,
the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in
Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning
of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am
concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in
public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time.
The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer,
that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back
with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a
whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of
the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being
influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was
impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is
education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a
loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend
the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of
the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing
today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and
unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they
chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state
are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education,
315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a
debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was
approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on
November 29.
Adaptado de: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/01/world/brazil-teenana-julia-ribeiro/index.html acesso em 09/11/2016.

Ana Julia says: "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am concerned about
the future." The word concerned means:

A Relaxed.
B Happy.
C Upset.
D Worried.
E Sad.


Questão 53/56

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest movement

(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video
of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned
into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led
movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai,
the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in
Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning
of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am
concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in
public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time.
The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer,
that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back
with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a
whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of
the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being
influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was
impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is
education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a
loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend
the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of
the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing
today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and
unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they
chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state
are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education,
315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a
debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was
approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on
November 29.
Adaptado de: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/01/world/brazil-teenana-julia-ribeiro/index.html acesso em 09/11/2016.

Analyze this piece from the text: "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." The expression in bold in this
context means:

A That they killed Lucas Mota.

B That they are directly responsible for his death.
C That they allowed his death.
D That they are indirectly responsible for his death.
E That they have no guilt.


Questão 54/56

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest movement

(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video
of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned
into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led
movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai,
the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in
Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning
of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am
concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in
public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time.
The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer,
that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back
with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a
whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of
the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being
influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was
impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is
education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a
loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend
the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of
the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing
today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and
unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they
chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state
are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education,
315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a
debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was
approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on
November 29.
Adaptado de: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/01/world/brazil-teenana-julia-ribeiro/index.html acesso em 09/11/2016.

The text exposes the main reasons why students are protesting. One of them is:

A They are against Temer´s government.

B They are not against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer.
C The education has a lack of financial resources.
D They are not fighting in favor of the proposed constitutional amendment, created by Michel Temer.
E They want an increase in class time.


Questão 55/56

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest movement

(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video
of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned
into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led
movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai,
the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in
Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning
of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am
concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in
public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time.
The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer,
that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back
with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a
whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of
the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being
influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was
impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is
education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a
loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend
the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of
the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing
today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and
unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they
chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state
are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education,
315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a
debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was
approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on
November 29.
Adaptado de: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/01/world/brazil-teenana-julia-ribeiro/index.html acesso em 09/11/2016.

Why did Ana Julia make a comparison with Malala Yousafzai?

A Because they have the same physical characters.

B Because Malala was a symbol in favor of education in her country.
C Because she is a woman.
D Because she is from Middle East.
E Because she won the Nobel Peace Prize.


Questão 56/56

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest movement

(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video
of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned
into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led
movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai,
the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in
Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning
of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am
concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in
public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time.
The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer,
that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back
with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a
whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of
the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being
influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was
impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is
education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a
loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend
the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of
the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing
today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and
unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they
chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state
are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education,
315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a
debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was
approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on
November 29.
Adaptado de: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/01/world/brazil-teenana-julia-ribeiro/index.html acesso em 09/11/2016.

The text can be classified as

A News.
B Recipe.
C Announcement.
D Abstract.
E Medical Recipe.



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