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Colégio Nossa Senhora de Fátima

Aluno(a): Nº:
Data: ____/____/


Instrução: Leia a tira para responder à questão

Helga said she’s sick and tired of smelling beer on my breath! Are you going to
stop drinking beer? No… I’m going to start eating peppermint candy on the way
home (www.hagardunor.net)

1-A personagem de barba, Hagar,

a) quer que Helga, sua esposa, prepare comida condimentada.

b) aprecia petiscos apimentados para acompanhar a cerveja.

c) vai disfarçar o hálito de cerveja com balas de menta.

d) reclamou, pois seu amigo recomendou que ele parasse de beber.

e) vai parar de beber cerveja

2-Em diferentes épocas e lugares, compositores têm utilizado seu espaço de
produção musical para expressar e problematizar perspectivas de mundo. Paul
McCartney, na letra dessa canção, defende:

a) aprendizado compartilhado.
b) a necessidade de donativos.
c) as manifestações culturais.

d) bem em relação ao mal.

e) respeito étnico.

GLASBERGEN, R. Disponível em: <www.glasbergen.com>. Acesso em: 3 jul.

2015. Adaptado.

3-No cartum, a crítica está no fato de a sociedade exigir do adolescente que

a) se aposente prematuramente.
b) amadureça precocemente.
c) estude aplicadamente.
d) se forme rapidamente.
e) ouça atentamente. 

4- Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras,

respectivamente: Big and Good.
a) Biger/ The Bigest // Goodier/ The Goodiest
b) Big/ The Bigger // Best/ The best
c) Bigger/ The Bigest // Best/ The best
d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best
e) more big/ most big // more good/ most good


That table is __________ than this one.
a) long
b) more long
c) longest
d) longer
e) most long

6- Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras,

respectivamente: Large and Small.
a) Larger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smallest
b) Largger/ The larger // Smaler/ The Smallest
c) Larger/ The larggest // Smaler/ The Smalest
d) Largger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smalest

7-Mark the correct sentence according to the use of the superlative degree of
the adjectives.

a) My best friend is the most thin person I know.

b) Paula Fernandes is the elegantest singer in Brazil.
c) Fernanda Montenegro is one of the most old actresses on TV.
d) I am the friendliest person my friends know.
e) That baby is the most cute baby I have ever seen.
8-Mark the correct sentence according to the use of the superlative degree of
the adjectives.

a) Trump is one of the richest men in America.

b) It is the most bad movie ever!
c) She is always smiling, she seems to be the most smiling person.
d) I used to be the most young granddaughter but there is a new baby in my
e) Math is the most easy subject for me.
9- Complete with comparative or superlative:
1. April is ----------------------------------------- (warm) January.
2. August is the ----------------------------------------- (hot) month of the year.
3. November is----------------------------------------- (cold) September.
4. It is the ----------------------------------------- (old) tree in this park.

10- Correct the mistakes:

1. I have the heavier bag.
2. Tom is best in our group.
3. Helen is thin than Pam.
4. Mona is happiest than Liz.
B- Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja empregando incorretamente os graus
dos adjetivos.
a. ( ) Can Bob run as fast as Jack?
b. ( ) A table is usually less heavy than a chair.
c. ( ) Portuguese is the lest difficult subject I have.
d. ( ) She was the most popular than girl in school.

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