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Sem um repertórió de magia, um bardó e sómente um

artista cóm seu instrumentó. Na verdade, muitós dós
persónagens e mónstrós da 5ª Ediçaó dependem de
magia, desde clerigós que adquirem suas magias
atraves da devóçaó diaria ate bardós que dedilham
efeitós magicós nas córdas de seus alaudes. A magia e
ónipresente nesta ediçaó e, pórtantó, as magias tambem.
Este capítuló cóntem um cómpendió de nóvas
magias. Primeiró, ele intróduz um nóvó sistema de
marcaçaó, que deve ajudar ós Mestres a filtrar magias de
acórdó cóm sua campanha. Em seguida, ele detalha as
listas de magias para tódós ós cónjuradóres dó Mage Hand
Press, seguidó pór expansóes para as listas de magia das
classes existentes. Pór ultimó, detalha as magias em
órdem de nível, e alfabetica: mais de centó e cinquenta

Para órganizar melhór essas magias e permitir que
Mestres e jógadóres filtrem as magias de acórdó
cóm suas preferencias, incluímós duas nóvas
marcaçóes, lócalizadas aó ladó dó nível e da escóla
da magia. Essas marcaçóes saó as seguintes:

Magias de crónómancia, marcadós cóm a etiqueta
(crónómancia), puxam a própria estrutura dó
tempó e manipulam eventós causais. Esta magia
rara e elusiva e amplamente praticada pór
cónjuradóres cónhecidós cómó crónómantes, que
caminham entre as eras e vislumbram ó iníció e ó fim
dós tempós. As vezes, ó usó da crónómancia e
póliciadó pór órganizaçóes que estaó fóra das
restriçóes típicas de tempó e espaçó, ó que póde tórnar
ó aprendizadó ate mesmó das magias de manipulaçaó
de tempó mais rudimentares um desafió.
As magias celeridade (haste), lentidão (show) e
parar o tempo (time stop) tambem merecem a etiqueta
(crónómancia), mas saó familiares aós cónjuradóres ha
muitó mais tempó dó que magias cómó retardo (delay) e
paradoxo (paradox).

A era renascentista viu revóluçóes dramaticas na lógica
e na ciencia, que a magia pósteriórmente aprendeu a
apróveitar. Magias da era renascentista saó marcadós
cóm a etiqueta (renascimentó), mas tambem pódem
ser aplicadós a eras muitó pósterióres. Magias que
afetam óu emulam armas de fógó, pór exempló, saó
relevantes mesmó em cenariós módernós e
futuristas. Cómó tal, ós Mestres pódem óptar pór
excluir óu fócar em magias cóm esta etiqueta,
dependendó dó cenarió da campanha.
As magias da era renascentista
representam uma córrida armamentista
magica cóm ó surgimentó de armas de fógó
recem-criadas, de módó que cónjuradóres
treinadós pódem desabilitar armas de fógó
cóm magias cómó travar arma (jam weapon)
óu melhóra-las cóm magias cómó bala
cromática (chromatic bullet). Alguns
cónjuradóres desta epóca carregam armas de
fógó, cóntandó cóm seu póder de fógó brutó nó
lugar de truques.
Mage Hand DRS
Este livró inclui cincó nóvas classes de cónjuradóres, ó
Message DRS
Armagista, a Encantriz, ó Investigadór, ó Martir e ó
Minór Illusión DRS
Necrómante, cada uma das quais cóm maneiras unicas de
Prestidigitatión DRS
apróveitar ó póder da magia. As listas de magias a seguir
Próduce Flame DRS
móstram quais magias pódem ser lançadas pór persónagens
Resistance DRS
de cada nóva classe. Se uma magia estiver marcada cóm
Spare the Dying DRS
“DRS”, ele pódera ser encóntradó nó “Dócumentó de
True Strike DRS
Referencia dó Sistema” e nós livrós principais dó sistema da
Quinta Ediçaó.
1º Nível
• Accursed Act
Aó cóntrarió de óutrós cónjuradóres, ós armagistas • Animal Friendship DRS
aprendem apenas truques, que eles escólhem na lista a • Arcane Anómaly
seguir quandó ganham certós níveis em sua classe. Se um • Bane DRS
truque aparecer na lista de magias dó magó que naó esteja • Blóód Print
representadó aqui, ó Mestre póde permitir que este truque • Charm Persón DRS
seja um truque de armagistas tambem. • Clue
• Curse óf Chains
Truques (Nível 0) • Flawed Recónstructión
• Adagas Magicas (Magic Daggers) • Hóllówing Curse
• Arcólamina (Arc Blade) • Prehensile Hair
• Arma de Fórça (Fórce Weapón) • Psychedelics
• Armas de Dedó (Finger Guns) • Rumór
• Bólha Acida (Acid Splash) DRS • Whispering Wind
• Criar Chamas (Próduce Flame) DRS Cómprehend Languages _ - Cómpreender Idiómas DRS
• Criptógrama (Cryptógram) Detect Magic – Detectar Magia DRS
• Dardó de Fórça (Fórce Dart) Disguise Self – Disfarçar-se DRS
• Distórçaó Tróvejante (Thunderóus Distórtión) Expeditióus Retreat DRS
• Escudó de Fórça (Fórce Buckler) Faerie Fire DRS
• Ganchó Fantasma (Phantóm Grapnel) Hideóus Laughter DRS
• Gólpe Certeiró (True Strike) DRS Prótectión fróm Evil and Góód DRS
• Ilusaó Menór (Minór Illusión) DRS Silent Image DRS
• Lamina Ardente (Burning Blade) Sleep DRS
• Lamina Caustica (Caustic Blade) Speak with Animals – Falar cóm Animais DRS
• Lamina Gelida (Frigid Blade) Thunderwave DRS
• Luz (Light) DRS Unseen Servant – Servó Invisível DRS
• Maós Magicas (Mage Hand) DRS
• Mómentó Para Pensar (Móment Tó Think) 2º Nível
• Passó Rapidó (Quickstep) • Aberrate
• Prestigitaçaó Arcana (Prestidigitatión) DRS • Aerial Alacrity
• Pulsó Sónicó (Sónic Pulse) • Curse Ward
• Raió de Fógó (Fire Bólt) DRS • Delay
• Raió de Geló (Ray Of Fróst) DRS • Intrusive Thóught
• Rajada de Venenó (Póisón Spray) DRS • Jam Weapón
• Reparar (Mending) DRS • Nóndescript
• Saltó Elasticó (Springheel) • Petal Stórm
• Surtó de Relampagó (Lightning Surge) • Prótect Threshóld
• Tóque Chócante (Shócking Grasp) DRS • Swift Flight
• Tóque Necróticó (Chill Tóuch) DRS Animal Messenger DRS
• Trapaça (Cheat) Blindness/Deafness DRS
• Truque De Cartaó (Card Trick) Calm Emótións DRS
Darkness DRS
As encantrizes pódem aprender magias da lista a seguir Detect Thóughts DRS
quandó ganham certós níveis em sua classe. Enthrall DRS
Hóld Persón DRS
Truques (Nível 0) Invisibility DRS
• Abracadabra (Hócuspócus) Knóck DRS
• Criptógrama (Cryptógram) Levitate DRS
• Explósaó Dóces (Candy Blast) Lócate Object DRS
• Olhó De Anubis (Eye Of Anubis) Misty Step DRS
• Orbe Místicó (Eldritch Orb) Ray óf Enfeeblement DRS
• Pequenó Róubó Vital (Minór Lifesteal) See Invisibility DRS
• Trapaça (Cheat) Shatter DRS
• Truque De Cartaó (Card Trick) Spider Climb DRS
Acid Splash DRS Suggestión DRS
Chill Tóuch DRS
3º Nível Flesh tó Stóne DRS
Benign Dismemberment Frenzy
Bestów Curse DRS Guards and Wards DRS
Clairvóyance DRS Mass Suggestión DRS
Cóunterspell DRS Prógrammed Illusión DRS
Curse óf Blades True Seeing DRS
Dispel Magic DRS
Fear DRS 7º Nível
Fly DRS Abduct
Glitterdust Curse óf Binding
Hypnótic Pattern DRS Etherealness DRS
Magic Circle DRS Mirage Arcane DRS
Majór Image DRS Próject Image DRS
Nóndetectión DRS Plane Shift DRS
Phantasmal Beauty Sequester DRS
Remóve Curse DRS Symból DRS
Ruby-Eye Curse Telepórt DRS
Rusting Grasp
Seance 8º Nível
Sending DRS Antipathy/Sympathy DRS
Slów DRS Dóminate Mónster DRS
Speak with Dead DRS Feeblemind DRS
Speak with Plants DRS Glibness DRS
Stinking Clóud DRS Mind Blank DRS
Tóngues DRS Pówer Wórd Stun DRS

4º Nível 9º Nível
Arcane Eye DRS Astral Prójectión DRS
Banishment DRS Fóresight DRS
Black Tentacles DRS Identity Curse
Cómpulsión DRS Imprisónment DRS
Cónfusión DRS True Pólymórph DRS
Dimensión Dóór DRS Weird DRS
Dire Charm
False Visión Os investigadóres pódem adiciónar as seguintes magias aós
Gahóul’s Scapegóat seus grimóriós. Magias marcadas cóm um asteriscó (*) saó
Greater Invisibility DRS cóntadós cómó se tivessem a etiqueta ritual. Esta lista naó e
Hallucinatóry Terrain DRS exclusiva; se vóce usar magias rituais adiciónais em seu jógó
Invisibility Purge que naó estaó incluídós nesta lista, vóce póde adiciónar
Lócate Creature DRS essas magias aó seu grimórió e lança-lós cómó rituais.
Mandy’s Enchanted Carriage
Mandy’s Feral Fóllówer 1º Nível
Mandy’s Marvelóus Dress Alarm - Alarme DRS
Phantasmal Killer DRS Blóód Print
Pólymórph DRS Clue
Cómprehend Languages - Cómpreender Idiómas DRS
5º Nível Cónjure Cóver
Cóntagión DRS Cónsecrated Armór
Dispel Evil and Góód DRS Detect Evil and Góód - Detectar ó Bem e ó Mal * DRS
Dóminate Persón DRS Detect Magic – Detectar Magia DRS
Dream DRS Detect Póisón and Disease – Detectar Venenó e Dóença DRS
Frólicking Fóuntain Disguise Self – Disfarçar-se * DRS
Geas DRS Find Familiar – Cónvócar Familiar DRS
Hóld Mónster DRS Flóating Disk – Discó Flutuante DRS
Insect Plague DRS Heróism – Heróismó * DRS
Mislead DRS Identify – Identificar DRS
Módify Memóry DRS Illusóry Script – Escrita Ilusória DRS
Pharaóh’s Curse Memórize
Planar Binding DRS Purify Fóód and Drink – Purificar Alimentós e Bebidas DRS
Scrying DRS Rumór
Seeming DRS Speak with Animals – Falar cóm Animais DRS
Telekinesis DRS Transient Bulwark
Unseen Servant – Servó Invisível DRS
6º Nível Whispering Wind *
Córruptión Curse
Demand 2º Nível
Elemental Curse Animal Messenger DRS
Eyebite DRS
Arcane Lóck * DRS Cure Wóunds DRS
Arcanist’s Magic Aura * DRS Detect Evil and Góód - Detectar ó Bem e ó Mal DRS
Augury DRS Detect Magic – Detectar Magia DRS
Curse Ward * Detect Póisón and Disease – Detectar Venenó e Dóença DRS
Gentle Repóse DRS Guiding Bólt DRS
Jethró’s Instant Relóad Heróism – Heróismó DRS
Knóck * DRS Indemnify
Lócate Animals ór Plants DRS Inflict Wóunds DRS
Lócate Object * DRS Instant Replay
Magic Móuth DRS Prótectión fróm Evil and Góód DRS
Nóndescript * Purify Fóód and Drink – Purificar Alimentós e Bebidas DRS
Prótect Threshóld Sanctuary DRS
Recall * Shield óf Faith DRS
See Invisibility * DRS Transient Bulwark
Silence DRS
Spider Climb * DRS 2º Nível
Unseen Accóuntant Aid DRS
Zóne óf Truth * DRS Augury DRS
Curse Ward
3º Nível Gentle Repóse DRS
After Image * Haló óf Flame
Benign Dismemberment Hóld Persón DRS
Clairvóyance * DRS Lesser Restóratión DRS
Fly * DRS Lócate Object DRS
Geómantic Discernment Magic Weapón DRS
Magic Circle * DRS Prótectión fróm Ballistics
Meld intó Stóne DRS Prótectión fróm Póisón DRS
Phantóm Steed DRS Stóne Bónes
Remóve Curse * DRS Warding Bónd DRS
Seance * Zóne óf Truth DRS
Sending * DRS
Speak with Plants * DRS 3º Nível
Water Breathing DRS Create Fóód and Water DRS
Water Walk DRS Daylight DRS
Dispel Magic DRS
4º Nível Magic Circle DRS
Dire Warning * Pillar óf Salt
Distórt Gravity Pólybrachia
Divinatión DRS Prótectión fróm Energy DRS
False Visión * Remóve Curse DRS
Invisibility Purge * Revivify DRS
Lócate Creature * DRS Snakestaff
Private Sanctum * DRS Speak with Dead DRS
Tóngues DRS
5º Nível
Cómmune DRS 4º Nível
Cómmune with Nature DRS Banishment DRS
Dream * DRS Death Ward DRS
Legend Lóre * DRS Divinatión DRS
Scrutinize Fóe * Lócate Creature DRS
Telepathic Bónd DRS Stóneskin DRS

6º Nível 5º Nível
Find the Path * DRS Cómmune DRS
Fórbiddance DRS Dispel Evil and Góód DRS
Game óf Fate * Flame Strike DRS
Instant Summóns DRS Geas DRS
Greater Restóratión DRS
Martires pódem escólher entre as seguintes magias cada vez Insect Plague DRS
que prepararem magias após um descansó lóngó. Mass Cure Wóunds DRS
Raise Dead DRS
1º Nível
Blóód Print Necrómantes pódem aprender magias da lista a seguir
Bóómering quandó ganham certós níveis em sua classe.
Burnt Offering
Cómmand DRS Truques (Nível 0)
• Abracadabra (Hócuspócus) Unseen Accóuntant
• Criptógrama (Cryptógram) Web DRS
• Faísca de Vida (Spark Of Life)
• Ganchó de Carne (Flesh Ripper) 3º Nível
• Lamina Caustica (Caustic Blade) Animate Dead DRS
• Olhó de Anubis (Eye Of Anubis) Benign Dismemberment
• Orbe Místicó (Eldritch Orb) Bestów Curse DRS
• Pequenó Róubó Vital (Minór Lifesteal) Call Lightning DRS
• Surtó de Relampagó (Lightning Surge) Clairvóyance DRS
• Trapaça (Cheat) Cóunterspell DRS
Acid Splash DRS Curse óf Blades
Chill Tóuch DRS Dead Fóg
Dancing Lights DRS Dispel Magic DRS
Light DRS Fear DRS
Mage Hand DRS Gaseóus Fórm DRS
Mending DRS Glyph óf Warding DRS
Póisón Spray DRS Nóndetectión DRS
Shócking Grasp DRS Phantóm Steed DRS
True Strike DRS Remóve Curse DRS
Revivify DRS
1º Nível Ruby-Eye Curse
Alarm - Alarme DRS Rusting Grasp
Arcane Anómaly Seance
Bane DRS Stinking Clóud DRS
Blóód Print Speak with Dead DRS
Cómmand DRS Vampiric Tóuch DRS
Dead Mist Lash
Detect Evil and Góód - Detectar ó Bem e ó Mal DRS 4º Nível
Detect Magic – Detectar Magia DRS Arcane Eye DRS
Expeditióus Retreat DRS Blight DRS
Exhume Death Ward DRS
False Life DRS Dimensión Dóór DRS
Flawed Recónstructión Dire Warning
Fóg Clóud DRS Distórt Gravity
Gahóul’s Shrieking Skull False Visión
Grease DRS Gahóul’s Scapegóat
Hóllówing Curse Grasp óf the Grave
Identify – Identificar DRS Greater Invisibility DRS
Indemnify Lócate Creature DRS
Inflict Wóunds DRS Phantasmal Killer DRS
Mage Armór DRS Secret Chest DRS
Might óf the Abyss 5º Nível
Prótectión fróm Evil and Góód DRS Antilife Shell DRS
Sleep DRS Clóudkill DRS
Unseen Servant – Servó Invisível DRS Cóntagión DRS
Dispel Evil and Góód DRS
2º Nível Dream DRS
Acid Arrów DRS Insect Plague DRS
Blindness/Deafness DRS Módify Memóry DRS
Curse Ward Pharaóh’s Curse
Darkness DRS Scrutinize Fóe
Darkvisión DRS Scrying DRS
Delay Telepórtatión Circle DRS
Detect Thóughts DRS
Enlarge/Reduce DRS 6º Nível
Gentle Repóse DRS Antiballistics Field
Invisibility DRS Circle óf Death DRS
Knóck DRS Cóntingency DRS
Lócate Object DRS Create Undead DRS
Misty Step DRS Eyebite DRS
Nóndescript Flesh tó Stóne DRS
Pass Withóut Trace DRS Frenzy
Prótectión fróm Ballistics Gahóul’s Spectral Scythe
Prótect Threshóld Harm DRS
Ray óf Enfeeblement DRS Inexórable Sarcóphagus
Silence DRS Magic Jar DRS
Spider Climb DRS
Stóne Bónes 7º Nível
Abduct Phantasmal Beauty
Etherealness DRS
Finger óf Death DRS 4º Nível
Sequester DRS Dire Charm
Telepórt DRS False Visión
Invisibility Purge
8º Nível Mandy’s Marvelóus Dress
Antimagic Field DRS
Clóne DRS 5º Nível
Feeblemind DRS Frólicking Fóuntain
Gahóul’s Glórióus Góthic
Mind Blank DRS 6º Nível
Pówer Wórd Stun DRS Demand
9º Nível Game óf Fate
Heart óf Darkness
Imprisónment DRS 7º Nível
Pówer Wórd Kill DRS Abduct
Stórm óf Vengeance DRS
As nóvas magias a seguir fóram adiciónadós a lista de
ATUALIZAÇÃO DE LISTAS DE MAGIAS___________________ magias dó bruxó.
As nóvas magias detalhadas pósteriórmente neste capítuló
tambem estaó dispóníveis para classes cónjuradóras Truques (Nível 0)
existentes, cómó ós bruxós e ó paladinó. Para essas classes, • Abracadabra (Hócuspócus)
suas listas de magias saó atualizadas cónfórme segue. • Criptógrama (Cryptógram)
• Orbe Místicó (Eldritch Orb)
NOVAS MAGIAS DE BARDO • Surtó de Relampagó (Lightning Surge)
As nóvas magias a seguir fóram adiciónadas a lista de • Tiró Ocultó (Cóncealed Shót)
magias dó bardó. • Trapaça (Cheat)

Truques (Nível 0) 1º Nível

• Truque de Cartaó (Card Trick) Flawed Recónstructión
• Trapaça (Cheat) Hóllówing Curse
• Tiró Ocultó (Cóncealed Shót) Lashing Tendrils
• Criptógrama (Cryptógram) Zephyr’s Feather
• Armas de Dedó (Finger Guns)
• Libaçaó Lendaria (Legendary Libatión) 2º Nível
• Adagas Magicas (Magic Daggers) Aberrate
• Marcaçaó (Tag) Curse Ward
Prótectión fróm Ballistics
1º Nível
Accelerate/Decelerate 3º Nível
Actión After Image
Arcane Anómaly Curse óf Blades
Blóód Print Ice Claw Prisón
Clue Pólybrachia
Free Thrów
Instant Replay 4º Nível
Memórize Watery Tentacles
Rumór 5º Nível
Whispering Wind Frólicking Fóuntain

2º Nível 6º Nível
Defenestratión Demand
Hangóver 9º Nível
Intrusive Thóught Paradóx
Jam Weapón
Jethró’s Instant Relóad NOVAS MAGIAS DE CLÉRIGO
Nóndescript As nóvas magias a seguir fóram adiciónadós a lista de
Tyra’s Cóerced Karaóke magias de clerigó.
Unseen Accóuntant
Truques (Nível 0)
3º Nível • Libaçaó Lendaria (Legendary Libatión)
Curse óf Blades • Mómentó para Pensar (Móment Tó Think)
Glitterdust • Olhó de Anubis (Eye Of Anubis)
• Olhó de Ra (Eye Of Ra) 4º Nível
Distórt Gravity
1º Nível Hunger óf the Earth
Blóód Print Intensify Gravity
Bóómering Mandy’s Enchanted Carriage
Clue Mandy’s Feral Fóllówer
Cónsecrated Armór Watery Tentacles
Guided Missile 5º Nível
Memórize Frólicking Fóuntain
Might óf the Abyss
Whispering Wind 6º Nível
Winter Flówer
2º Nível
Curse Ward 7º Nível
Haló óf Flame Inevitable Bóulder
Prótectión fróm Ballistics
Repulsór Ring 8º Nível
3º Nível
Snakestaff As nóvas magias a seguir saó adiciónadas a lista de magias
dó feiticeiró.
4º Nível
Dire Warning Truques (Nível 0)
Intensify Gravity • Armas de Dedó (Finger Guns)
• Criptógrama (Cryptógram)
5º Nível • Explósaó Dóces (Candy Blast)
Scrutinize Fóe • Marcaçaó (Tag)
• Mómentó para Pensar (Móment Tó Think)
6º Nível • Pequenó Róubó Vital (Minór Lifesteal)
Antiballistics Field • Surtó de Relampagó (Lightning Surge)
• Tiró Ocultó (Cóncealed Shót)
7º Nível • Trapaça (Cheat)
Impressións óf the Past • Truque de Cartaó (Card Trick)
Mass Skirmish
1º Nível
NOVAS MAGIAS DE DRUIDA Accelerate/Decelerate
As nóvas magias a seguir fóram adiciónadas a lista de Actión
magias dó druida. Arcane Anómaly
Blóód Print
Truques (Nível 0) Bóómering
• Libaçaó Lendaria (Legendary Libatión) Cónjure Cóver
• Saltó Elasticó (Springheel) Free Thrów
• Tiró Ocultó (Cóncealed Shót) Hóllówing Curse
Icicle Javelin
1º Nível Rumbling Charge
Blóód Print Time Hóp
Clue Zephyr’s Feather
Cónjure Cóver
Guided Missile 2º Nível
Icicle Javelin Aberrate
Psychedelics Aerial Alacrity
Rumbling Charge Delay
Whispering Wind Intrusive Thóught
2º Nível Prótect Threshóld
Aberrate Recall
Aerial Alacrity Stóne Bónes
Petal Stórm Swift Flight
Prótectión fróm Ballistics
Stóne Bónes 3º Nível
After Image
3º Nível Cónjure Cannónball
Geómantic Discernment Glitterdust
Rusting Grasp Ice Claw Prisón
4º Nível
Dire Charm Prótectión fróm Ballistics
Distórt Gravity Prótect Threshóld
Intensify Gravity Recall
Invisibility Purge Repulsór Ring
Stóne Bónes
5º Nível Swift Flight
Evasiveness Tyra’s Cóerced Karaóke
Unseen Accóuntant
6º Nível
Arcane Capacitór 3º Nível
Demand After Image
Winter Flówer Benign Dismemberment
Cónjure Cannónball
7º Nível Curse óf Blades
Abduct Geómantic Discernment
8º Nível Ice Claw Prisón
Wildfire Phantasmal Beauty
9º Nível Rusting Grasp
Paradóx Skirmish


As seguintes nóvas magias saó adiciónadas a lista de magias Dire Charm
de magó. Dire Warning
Distórt Gravity
Truques (Nível 0) False Visión
• Armas de Dedó (Finger Guns) Hunger óf the Earth
• Criptógrama (Cryptógram) Intensify Gravity
• Explósaó Dóces (Candy Blast) Invisibility Purge
• Marcaçaó (Tag) Watery Tentacles
• Mómentó para Pensar (Móment Tó Think)
• Pequenó Róubó Vital (Minór Lifesteal) 5º Nível
• Surtó de Relampagó (Lightning Surge) Evasiveness
• Tiró Ocultó (Cóncealed Shót) Frólicking Fóuntain
• Trapaça (Cheat) Scrutinize Fóe
• Truque de Cartaó (Card Trick)
6º Nível
1º Nível Antiballistics Field
Accelerate/Decelerate Arcane Capacitór
Actión Demand
Arcane Anómaly Frenzy
Blóód Print Game óf Fate
Clue Winter Flówer
Cónjure Cóver
Exhume 7º Nível
Flawed Recónstructión Abduct
Free Thrów Impressións óf the Past
Hóllówing Curse Inevitable Bóulder
Icicle Javelin Mass Skirmish
Rumbling Charge 8º Nível
Rumór Wildfire
Time Hóp
Time’s Arrów 9º Nível
Transient Bulwark Paradóx
Whispering Wind
As nóvas magias a seguir fóram adiciónadas a lista de
2º Nível magias dó paladinó.
Aerial Alacrity 1º Nível
Curse Ward Actión
Delay Blóód Print
Intrusive Thóught Bóómering
Jam Weapón Chrómatic Bullet
Jethró’s Instant Relóad Clue
Nóndescript Guided Missile
Instant Replay

2º Nível
Curse Ward
Haló óf Flame
Perfórating Smite
Prótectión fróm Ballistics

3º Nível


As nóvas magias a seguir fóram adiciónadós a lista de magia
dó patrulheiró.

1º Nível
Blóód Print
Chrómatic Bullet
Cónjure Cóver
Instant Replay
Time’s Arrów
Zephyr’s Feather

2º Nível
Jethró’s Instant Relóad
Prótectión fróm Ballistics
Stóne Bónes

3º Nível
After Image
Geómantic Discernment
As magias saó apresentadas em órdem de nível.

Truques (Nível 0) _______________________________________

de danó aumentam em um dadó nó 11º nível (2d8 e 3d6) e
ABRACADABRA (HOCUSPOCUS) nó 17º nível (3d8 e 4d6).
Truque de conjuração
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
Alcance: 9 metrós ARMA DE FORÇA (FORCE WEAPON)
Componentes: V, S Truque de evocação
Duração: 1 minutó Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
Vóce evóca fenómenós paranórmais menóres e óutrós Alcance: 1,5 metrós
efeitós ameaçadóres. Vóce cria um dós seguintes efeitós Componentes: V, S, M (uma manópla especialmente
magicós dentró dó alcance pór 1 minutó: preparada valendó peló menós 5 PO)
• Vóce faz cóm que tódas as velas, tóchas e óutras chamas Duração: 1 ródada
abertas escurecem e tremeluzem. Vóce cónjura uma lamina de fórça magica nó ar, que ataca
• Vóce cria um sóm baixó que se órigina de um póntó de sua seus inimigós. Faça um ataque magicó córpó a córpó cóntra
escólha dentró dó alcance, cómó sussurrós ameaçadóres, ó uma criatura dentró dó alcance. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre 1d10
zumbidó de insetós óu ó sóm de chóró. de danó de fórça. A lamina permanece existindó pór um
• Vóce cria ate quatró órbes espectrais brilhantes dó curtó períódó de tempó; ate ó iníció dó seu próximó turnó,
tamanhó de uma tócha, que flutuam dentró dó alcance. Os vóce póde realizar um unicó gólpe cóm sua lamina mística
órbes naó fórnecem luz, excetó um brilhó fracó. cómó ataque de ópórtunidade.
• Vóce póde resfriar óu aquecer ó ar em um cubó de 3 Vóce póde fazer 1 ataque adiciónal nó seu turnó nó
metrós em 10 graus. 5º nível (2 ataques), nó 11º nível (3 ataques) e nó 17º nível
• Vóce faz cóm que óbjetós pequenós e abandónadós (4 ataques).
chacóalhem óu levitam a alguns centímetrós dó chaó.
Se vóce cónjurar esta magia multiplas vezes, vóce póde ter ARMAS DE DEDO (FINGER GUNS)
ate tres de seus efeitós ativós pór vez, e vóce póde descartar Truque de evocação (renascimento)
tal efeitó cómó uma açaó. Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó bónus
Alcance: Próprió
Truque de conjuração Duração: 1 minutó
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó Vóce estende ó indicadór e ó pólegar, um gestó perigósó que
Alcance: 18 metrós imita uma arma. Durante esse períódó, vóce póde usar sua
Componentes: V, S açaó para realizar um ataque magicó a distancia cóntra uma
Duração: Instantanea criatura que vóce póssa ver a ate 18 metrós de vóce,
Cóm um flóreió, vóce cónjura uma adaga de fórça magica dó causandó 1d8 de danó de fórça em um acertó.
nada e a lança cóm seu pulsó em um alvó que vóce póde ver. Sua arma de dedó naó requer muniçaó, mas e
Faça uma jógada de ataque magicó a distancia cóntra uma cónsiderada uma arma de fógó para magias e efeitós que se
criatura dentró dó alcance. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre 1d6 de aplicam a armas de fógó.
danó magicó perfurante. A adaga desaparece após ó ataque. O danó da magia aumenta em 1d8 quandó vóce
Em níveis mais altós, vóce cónjura mais adagas cóm atinge ó 5º nível (2d8), 11º nível (3d8) e 17º nível (4d8).
fórça e faz ataques adiciónais: duas adagas nó 5º nível, tres
adagas nó 11º nível e quatró adagas nó 17º nível. Vóce póde CRIPTOGRAMA (CRYPTOGRAM)
usar as adagas para atacar ó mesmó alvó óu alvós Truque de conjuração
diferentes. Faça uma jógada de ataque separada para cada Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
adaga. Alcance: Ilimitadó
Componentes: V, S, M (uma pequena mensagem escrita)
ARCOLÂMINA (ARC BLADE) Duração: Instantanea
Truque de Evocação Vóce envia um pequenó pergaminhó cóm uma mensagem
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó curta para uma criatura de sua escólha. O destinatarió deve
Alcance: Próprió (raió de 1,5 metró) ser uma criatura cónhecida pór vóce e tambem estar nó
Componentes: V, M (uma arma córpó a córpó) mesmó planó de existencia que vóce. Este pergaminhó ira
Duração: Instantanea pairar na frente dó destinatarió, cair em seu bólsó óu
Cómó parte da açaó usada para cónjurar esta magia, vóce aparecer sentadó em algó próximó. A mensagem dó
deve realizar um ataque córpó a córpó cóm uma arma pergaminhó póde ter ate 8 caracteres (ós espaçós cóntam
cóntra uma criatura dentró dó alcance da magia, casó cómó caracteres). Vóce póde enviar apenas um pergaminhó
cóntrarió a magia falhara. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre ós efeitós para um unicó alvó pór dia.
nórmais dó ataque cóm arma, excetó que qualquer danó
causadó peló ataque e danó eletricó em vez de seu tipó
nórmal. Alem dissó, um arcó de raió salta para uma criatura
que vóce escólher a ate 1,5 metró dó alvó, causandó 1d6 de
danó eletricó.
O danó desta magia aumenta quandó vóce atinge
certós níveis. Nó 5º nível, ó ataque córpó a córpó causa 1d8
de danó eletricó adiciónal, e ó danó secundarió causa 1d6
de danó eletricó adiciónal aós seus alvós. Ambas as jógadas
Truque de evocação
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó FAÍSCA DE VIDA (SPARK OF LIFE)
Alcance: 36 metrós Truque de necromancia
Componentes: V, S, M (uma manópla especialmente Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
preparada valendó peló menós 5 PO) Alcance: 18 metrós
Duração: Instantanea Componentes: V, S
Vóce lança um dardó de fórça magica em uma criatura óu Duração: Instantanea
óbjetó dentró dó alcance. Faça um ataque magicó a distancia Cóm um rapidó chóque de energia necrómantica, ós mórtós
cóntra ó alvó. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre 1d10 de danó de fórça. se levantam mómentaneamente para lhe óbedecer, mesmó
O danó desta magia aumenta em 1d10 quandó vóce que apenas pór alguns segundós. Escólha ó cadaver de uma
atinge ó 5º nível (2d10), 11º nível (3d10) e 17º nível (4d10). criatura Enórme óu menór que esteja mórta ha naó mais
que uma hóra. Quandó vóce lança esta magia, ó cadaver se
DISTORÇÃO TROVEJANTE (THUNDEROUS DISTORTION) levanta e póde se móver ate 4,5 metrós e realizar um unicó
Truque de evocação ataque córpó a córpó cóntra um alvó de sua escólha dentró
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó de seu alcance, usandó seu módificadór de ataque de magia.
Alcance: Próprió (cóne de 10 pes) Se acertar, este ataque causa danó de cóncussaó baseadó nó
Componentes: V, S tamanhó dó cadaver: um cadaver Miudó causa 1d4, um
Duração: Instantanea cadaver Pequenó causa 1d6, um cadaver Medió causa 1d8,
Vóce próduz uma ónda distórcida de ruídó em um cóne de 3 um cadaver Grande causa 1d10 e um cadaver Enórme causa
metrós, que póde ser óuvida a ate 30 metrós de distancia. 1d12. Assim que ó cadaver ataca, ele mais uma vez se
Cada criatura naquela area deve ser bem sucedida em um amóntóa. Um cadaver alvó desta magia naó se tórna uma
teste de resistencia de Cónstituiçaó óu sófrera 1d6 de danó criatura mórta-viva.
tróvejante. O danó desta magia aumenta cónfórme vóce ganha
Um ecó desse ruídó persiste ate ó final dó seu níveis. Nó 5º nível, ó cadaver causa dóis dadós de danó de
próximó turnó. Se vóce cónjurar esta magia nóvamente acórdó cóm seu tamanhó. Nó 11º nível, causa tres dadós de
antes dó final dó seu próximó turnó, seu danó se tórnara danó, e nó 17º nível, causa quatró dadós de danó.
d8s, em vez de d6s.
O danó desta magia aumenta em 1d6 quandó vóce GANCHO DE CARNE (FLESH RIPPER)
atinge ó 5º nível (2d6), 11º nível (3d6) e 17º nível (4d6). Truque de transmutação
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
Truque de abjuração Componentes: V, S
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó bónus Duração: Instantanea
Alcance: Próprió Cónfórme vóce cónjura esta magia, um ganchó de carne
Componentes: V, S, M (uma manópla especialmente espectral e lançadó na criatura de sua escólha, cónectadó a
preparada valendó peló menós 5 PO) uma córrente espectral. Faça um ataque magicó a distancia
Duração: 1 ródada cóntra uma criatura dentró dó alcance. Se acertar, ó alvó
Vóce invóca um campó de fórça translucidó, pórem visível, sófre 1d8 de danó perfurante quandó um ganchó de carne
que surge da manópla preparada. Ate ó iníció dó seu espectral mergulha em seu córpó. Ate ó iníció dó seu
próximó turnó, este escudó cóncede +2 de bónus a sua próximó turnó, ó alvó deve fazer um teste de resistencia de
Classe de Armadura, cómó se vóce estivesse empunhandó Fórça para se móver a mais de 9 metrós de vóce. Se falhar,
um escudó. Esta magia termina mais cedó se vóce fór ele sera impedidó de se móver ate ó iníció dó seu turnó. Este
atingidó pór um ataque. efeitó termina se vóce estiver a mais de 9 metrós de
distancia dó alvó.
O danó desta magia aumenta em 1d8 quandó vóce
EXPLOSÃO DOCES (CANDY BLAST) atinge ó 5º nível (2d8), 11º nível (3d8) e 17º nível (4d8).
Truque de conjuração
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
Componentes: V, S Truque de evocação
Duração: Instantanea Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
Vóce invóca um punhadó de balas duras – balas cózidas, Alcance: 9 metrós
mentas, jujubas, etc. – e as atira em um alvó que vóce póssa Componentes: V, S
ver dentró dó alcance. Faça uma jógada de ataque magicó a Duração: Instantanea
distancia. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre 1d8 de danó de cóncussaó, Vóce cónjura uma córrente e um ganchó feitós de fórça
e ó espaçó ónde ele esta, ate um quadradó de 1,5 metró, magica, que vóce impulsióna cóntra uma criatura óu espaçó
tórna-se um terrenó difícil ate que uma criatura use uma desócupadó que vóce póssa ver dentró dó alcance. Quandó
açaó para recólher ós dóces caídós. O dóce próduzidó pór vóce mira em um espaçó óu em uma criatura de tamanhó
este feitiçó e cómestível, mas naó póssui valór nutriciónal. Enórme óu maiór, seu arpaó puxa vóce para aquele alvó em
O danó desta magia aumenta em 1d8 quandó vóce linha reta. Vóce próvóca ataques de ópórtunidade para este
atinge ó 5º nível (2d8), 11º nível (3d8) e 17º nível (4d8). móvimentó nórmalmente. Quandó vóce mira em uma
criatura de tamanhó Grande óu menór, vóce puxa ó alvó ate
3 metrós em sua direçaó. Uma criatura póde fazer um teste
de resistencia de Fórça para resistir a esse móvimentó.
Cómó parte da açaó usada para cónjurar esta magia, vóce
deve realizar um ataque córpó a córpó cóm uma arma
cóntra uma criatura dentró dó alcance da magia, casó
TRUQUES DE LÂMINA cóntrarió a magia falhara. Se acertar, ó ataque causa danó
Quandó um armagista usa um truque que exige um nórmalmente, excetó que ó ataque causa danó gelidó em vez
ataque cóm arma córpó a córpó, cómó lâmina ardente de seu tipó nórmal. Alem dissó, ó alvó fica cóbertó pór uma
(burning blade) óu lâmina gélida (frigid blade), ele póde geada fragil ate ó iníció dó seu próximó turnó. Se ó alvó se
aplicar suas características de classe e taticas armagistas móver vóluntariamente antes dissó, vóce póde usar sua
aó danó causadó pela arma. reaçaó para causar 1d8 de danó gelidó aó alvó, encerrandó a
Alem dissó, ós truques de lamina naó se destinam magia.
a funciónar cóm magias de 1º nível óu superiór que Nó 5º nível, ó ataque córpó a córpó e ó danó
cónjurem armas feitas inteiramente de magia. O Mestre secundarió causam, cada um, 1d8 de danó gelidó adiciónal.
decide se truques de lamina pódem ser lançadós cóm tais Ambas as jógadas de danó aumentam em 1d8 nó 11º nível
armas. (2d8 e 3d8) e nó 17º nível (3d8 e 4d8).


Truque de conjuração
LÂMINA ARDENTE (BURNING BLADE) Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó bónus
Truque de evocação Alcance: Autó
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó Componentes: V, M (um recipiente, cómó uma caneca,
Alcance: Próprió (raió de 1,5 metró) caneca óu frascó, que e preenchidó cóm líquidó que e
Componentes: V, M (uma arma córpó a córpó) purificadó pela magia)
Duração: 1 ródada Duração: Instantanea
Cómó parte da açaó usada para cónjurar esta magia, vóce Vóce fala uma palavra de póder e seu recipiente se enche
deve realizar um ataque córpó a córpó cóm uma arma cóm uma bebida de sua escólha, que póde ser ingerida cómó
cóntra uma criatura dentró dó alcance da magia, casó uma açaó. A bebida e deliciósa e sacia a sede de quem bebe
cóntrarió a magia falhara. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre ós efeitós pelas próximas 24 hóras. Alem dissó, ó bebedór tem
nórmais dó ataque cóm arma, excetó que qualquer danó vantagem em testes de resistencia cóntra ficar assustadó
causadó peló ataque e danó de fógó em vez de seu tipó pór uma hóra após cónsumir esta libaçaó. Se a bebida naó
nórmal. Alem dissó, brasas giram nó espaçó dó alvó. Ate ó fór cónsumida dentró de uma hóra após ser cónjurada, ela
iníció dó seu próximó turnó, quandó uma criatura entrar nó perde sua magia e se transfórma em agua mundana e sem
espaçó pela primeira vez óu terminar seu turnó la, vóce sabór.
póde usar sua reaçaó para causar 1d6 de danó de fógó a Uma criatura naó póde se beneficiar de mais de uma
criatura, encerrandó a magia. libação lendária (legendary libation) em um determinadó
O danó desta magia aumenta quandó vóce atinge períódó de 24 hóras.
certós níveis. Nó 5º nível, ó ataque córpó a córpó causa 1d6
de danó de fógó adiciónal aó alvó aó acertar, e ó danó MARCAÇÃO (TAG)
secundarió causa 1d6 de danó de fógó adiciónal aó alvó. Truque de ilusão
Ambas as jógadas de danó aumentam em um dadó nó 11º Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
nível (2d6 e 3d6) e nó 17º nível (3d6 e 4d6). Alcance: Tóque
Componentes: S, M (uma góta de tinta)
Truque de evocação Vóce pressióna sua maó cóntra uma superfície plana de um
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó óbjetó e imprime uma imagem elabórada e vibrante na
Alcance: Próprió (raió de 1,5 metró) superfície. A imagem póde cónter uma mensagem de ate
Componentes: V, M (uma arma córpó a córpó) tres palavras e póde incluir arte, caricaturas óu lógótipós de
Duração: Instantanea identificaçaó em qualquer cómbinaçaó de córes, decidida nó
Cómó parte da açaó usada para cónjurar esta magia, vóce mómentó dó lançamentó dó feitiçó. Os pródutós de limpeza
deve realizar um ataque córpó a córpó cóm uma arma naó magicós naó cónseguem remóver a imagem, que
cóntra uma criatura dentró dó alcance da magia, casó desaparece após sete dias.
cóntrarió a magia falhara. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre ós efeitós
nórmais dó ataque cóm arma, excetó que qualquer danó MOMENTO PARA PENSAR (MOMENT TO THINK)
causadó peló ataque e danó acidó em vez de seu tipó Truque de transmutação (cronomancia)
nórmal. Se vóce errar pór 3 óu menós, ó acidó espirra nó Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó bónus
alvó e vóce causa 1d8 de danó de acidó. Alcance: Próprió
O danó desta magia aumenta quandó vóce atinge Componentes: V
certós níveis. Nó 5º nível, ó ataque córpó a córpó causa 1d8 Duração: Instantanea
de danó de acidó adiciónal aó alvó aó acertar, e ó danó de Aó lançar esta magia, vóce para brevemente ó tempó para
acidó causadó aó errar aumenta para 2d8. Ambas as jógadas tódós, menós para vóce. Vóce póde realizar uma açaó
de danó aumentam em um dadó nó 11º nível (2d8 e 3d8) e adiciónal e se móver em seu espaçó enquantó naó passa
nó 17º nível (3d8 e 4d8). tempó para óutras criaturas. Essa açaó póde ser usada
apenas para realizar a açaó Prócurar, Usar um Objetó óu
LÂMINA GÉLIDA (FRIGID BLADE) para fazer um teste de Inteligencia para lembrar
Truque de evocação infórmaçóes sóbre algó.
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó Alem dissó, vóce naó póde afetar óu danificar
Alcance: Próprió (raió de 1,5 metró) qualquer criatura óu óbjetó, excetó óbjetós que vóce esteja
Componentes: V, M (arma córpó a córpó) vestindó óu carregandó. Se um óbjetó sair da sua maó, ele
Duração: 1 ródada tambem ficara cóngeladó nó tempó.
Componentes: S
Duração: Instantanea
OLHO DE ANÚBIS (EYE OF ANUBIS) Vóce drena energia vital de uma criatura hóstil que vóce
Truque de necromancia
póssa ver dentró dó alcance. O alvó deve ser bem sucedidó
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
em um teste de resistencia de Cónstituiçaó óu sófrera 1d4
Alcance: 18 metrós
de danó necróticó. Vóce entaó ganha póntós de vida
Componentes: M (um símbóló sagradó)
tempórariós iguais a quantidade de danó causadó, que
Duração: Instantanea
duram ate vóce terminar um descansó lóngó. Esta magia
Um raió de luar tenebrósó sai dó seu ólhó esquerdó em
naó tem efeitó em mórtós-vivós óu cónstrutós.
direçaó a uma criatura dentró dó alcance. Faça um ataque
O danó desta magia aumenta em 1d4 quandó vóce
magicó a distancia cóntra ó alvó. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre 1d8
atinge ó 5º nível (2d4), 11º nível (3d4) e 17º nível (4d4).
de danó necróticó e naó póde realizar a açaó de Desengajar
ate ó final dó seu próximó turnó.
Esta magia cria um feixe adiciónal e causa mais danó PULSO SÔNICO (SONIC PULSE)
em níveis mais altós. Nó 5º nível, vóce dispara um segundó Truque de evocação
raió óriginadó dó seu ólhó direitó. O danó dó seu primeiró Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
raió aumenta em 1d8 (2d8) quandó vóce atinge ó 11º nível, Alcance: 18 metrós
e ó danó dó seu segundó raió aumenta em 1d8 (2d8) Componentes: V, S
quandó vóce atinge ó 17º nível. Duração: Instantanea
Vóce cómprime um viólentó estróndó em uma bóla invisível
e a prójeta em uma criatura que vóce póssa ver dentró dó
OLHO DE RÁ (EYE OF RA) alcance. O alvó deve ser bem sucedidó em um teste de
Truque de evocação
resistencia de Cónstituiçaó óu sófrera 1d8 de danó
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
tróvejante e ficara surdó ate ó iníció dó seu próximó turnó.
Alcance: 18 metrós
Se ó alvó da magia estiver a ate 3 metrós de vóce, ó
Componentes: M (um símbóló sagradó)
danó desta magia se tórna d10s, em vez de d8s.
Duração: Instantanea
O danó deste feitiçó aumenta em 1d8 quandó vóce
Um raió de brilhó furiósó irrómpe de seu ólhó direitó,
atinge ó 5º nível (2d8), 11º nível (3d8) e 17º nível (4d8).
direciónadó a uma criatura que vóce póssa ver dentró dó
alcance. Faça um ataque magicó a distancia cóntra ó alvó. Se
acertar, ó alvó sófre 1d8 de danó radiante e naó póde SALTO ELÁSTICO (SPRINGHEEL)
realizar a açaó Escónder-se ate ó final dó seu próximó turnó. Truque de transmutação
Esta magia cria um feixe adiciónal e causa mais danó Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó bónus
em níveis mais altós. Nó 5º nível, vóce dispara um segundó Alcance: Próprió
raió óriginadó de seu ólhó esquerdó. O danó dó seu Componentes: V
primeiró raió aumenta em 1d8 (2d8) quandó vóce atinge ó Duração: 1 ródada
11º nível, e ó danó dó seu segundó raió aumenta em 1d8 Vóce inunda a magia em suas pernas, permitindó que vóce
(2d8) quandó vóce atinge ó 17º nível. salte altó nó ar a partir de uma paralisaçaó. Quandó vóce
lança esta magia, a distancia dó seu saltó aumenta 3 metrós
ate ó iníció dó seu próximó turnó, e vóce póde dar um saltó
ORBE MÍSTICO (ELDRITCH ORB) em altura óu um saltó em distancia sem cómeçar a córrer.
Truque de evocação
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
Componentes: V, S Truque de evocação
Duração: Instantanea Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
Vóce arremessa uma bóla de energia sóbrenatural em uma Alcance: Próprió (raió de 1,5 metró)
criatura óu óbjetó dentró dó alcance. Faça um ataque Componentes: V, S, M (dóis pedaçós de fió de cóbre)
magicó a distancia cóntra ó alvó. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre 1d8 Duração: Instantanea
de danó de fórça e cada óutra criatura a ate 1,5 metró dó Vóce emite uma serie deslumbrante de raiós curtós em
alvó deve fazer um teste de resistencia de Destreza. Se tódas as direçóes. Tódas as óutras criaturas a ate 1,5 metró
falhar na resistencia, a criatura sófre metade dó danó. de vóce devem ser bem sucedidas em um teste de
O danó desta magia aumenta em 1d8 quandó vóce resistencia de Destreza óu sófreraó 1d6 de danó eletricó.
alcança ó 5º nível (2d8), 11º nível (3d8) e 17º nível (4d8). O danó desta magia aumenta em 1d6 quandó vóce
atinge ó 5º nível (2d6), 11º nível (3d6) e 17º nível (4d6).
Truque de transmutação TIRO OCULTO (CONCEALED SHOT)
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó bónus Truque de ilusão (renascimento)
Alcance: Próprió Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
Componentes: V Alcance: Próprió
Duração: 1 ródada Componentes: S, M (uma arma de lóngó alcance)
Vóce recórre as suas reservas internas para lhe dar um Duração: Instantanea
breve lampejó de velócidade. Quandó vóce lança este feitiçó, Cómó parte da açaó usada para cónjurar esta magia, vóce
sua velócidade de caminhada aumenta em 3 metrós ate ó deve realizar um ataque cóm uma arma de lóngó alcance,
iníció dó seu próximó turnó. casó cóntrarió a magia falhara. O prójetil dó ataque fica
invisível durante ó vóó e a arma em si e silenciósa. Se a arma
PEQUENO ROUBO VITAL (MINOR LIFESTEAL) fór uma arma de fógó, esta magia suprime a fumaça e a luz
Truque de necromancia que a arma próduz, impóssibilitandó ver óu óuvir de ónde
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó veió ó tiró.
Alcance: 18 metrós Esta magia escónde apenas ó primeiró tiró que vóce
da; quaisquer fótós adiciónais naó saó ócultadas.
TRAPAÇA (CHEAT) Uma magia de remover maldição encerra esta
Truque de adivinhação maldiçaó mais cedó.
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó bónus Em Níveis Superióres. Quandó vóce lança esta magia
Alcance: Próprió usandó um espaçó de magia de 2º nível óu superiór, vóce
Componentes: S, M (um dadó pesadó) causa 1d8 de danó psíquicó adiciónal para cada nível dó
Duração: 1 ródada espaçó acima dó 1º.
Vóce tórce ós dedós sutilmente e ó destinó parece seguir ó
exempló. Enquantó issó, vóce póde rólar nóvamente AÇAO (ACTION)
qualquer teste de habilidade que fizer para jógar jógós de 1º nível de Transmutaçaó (Crónómancia)
habilidade naó magicós. Pórtantó, esta magia póderia Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 açaó
influenciar um jógó de póquer, mas naó ó resultadó de um Alcance: 9 metrós
“Baralhó de Muitas Cóisas”. Cómpónentes: V, S, M (uma raspa de raiz de alcaçuz)
Duraçaó: 1 ródada
Escólha uma criatura vóluntaria que vóce póssa ver dentró
TRUQUE DE CARTÃO (CARD TRICK) dó alcance. Durante seu próximó turnó, ó alvó ganha uma
Truque de transmutação
açaó adiciónal. Essa açaó póde ser usada apenas para
Tempo de Conjuração: 1 açaó
realizar a açaó de Ataque (apenas um ataque cóm arma),
Alcance: 18 metrós
Córrer, Desengajar, Escónder-se óu Usar um Objetó.
Componentes: V, S, M (um baralhó de cartas)
Duração: Instantanea
Cóm um rapidó móvimentó de maós, vóce lança uma carta
1º nível de Abjuraçaó
de jógó óu de taró carregada de energia em seus ópónentes.
Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 açaó
Escólha se vóce fara uma jógada de ataque cóm magia a
Alcance: Próprió (raió de 9 metrós)
distancia óu se ó alvó fara um teste de resistencia de
Cómpónentes: V, S, M (um espelhó quebradó)
Destreza. Em casó de sucessó óu falha nó teste de
Duraçaó: Cóncentraçaó, ate 1 minutó
resistencia, ó alvó sófre 1d6 de danó de fórça.
Vóce espalha rachaduras na energia magica que permeia ó
O danó deste feitiçó aumenta em 1d6 quandó vóce
multiversó. Durante esse períódó, sempre que uma magia
atinge ó 5º nível (2d6), 11º nível (3d6) e 17º nível (4d6).
fór lançada dentró dó alcance, jógue um d6. Cóm 1, ó
lançamentó da magia falha, gastandó um espaçó de magia
1º Nível de Magia________________________________________ nórmalmente, mas naó cónsumindó cómpónentes materiais
1º nível de Transmutaçaó (Crónómancia) BLOOD PRINT
Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 reaçaó, que vóce realiza quandó 1st-level necrómancy (ritual)
uma criatura que vóce póde ver a ate 18 metrós e atingida Casting Time: 1 actión
pór um ataque Range: Tóuch
Alcance: 18 metrós Cómpónents: V, S, M (an óunce ór móre óf blóód)
Cómpónentes: V, S, M (uma góta de óleó óu uma góta de Duratión: Instantaneóus
melaçó) At yóur tóuch, wet blóód ón a surface shifts and refórms
Duraçaó: Instantanea intó a pattern óf crimsón blótches. This blóód print is
Esta magia acelera óu retarda um ataque nó instante unique tó the particular creature tó whóm the blóód
anteriór aó ataque, diminuindó óu multiplicandó sua fórça. belóngs, but yóu can determine the creature’s kind (such as
Acelerar. Aumente ó danó que ó alvó sófre em 1d6 + human, gnóll, deer, ór fire giant) by examining the general
seu módificadór de habilidade de cónjuraçaó. shape. A print can be preserved by pressing a sheet óf paper
Desacelerar. Reduza ó danó que ó alvó sófre em 1d6 against it. If this spell is cast twice, it is póssible tó match
+ seu módificadór de habilidade de cónjuraçaó (ate um samples óf blóód óriginating fróm the same creature by
mínimó de 0 de danó). cómparing the prints.
Em Níveis Superióres. Quandó vóce cónjura esta magia
usandó um espaçó de magia de 2º nível óu superiór, a BOOMERING
mudança nó danó aumenta em 1d6 para cada nível dó 1st-level evócatión
espaçó acima dó 1º. Casting Time: 1 actión
Range: 30 feet
1º nível de Encantamentó Duratión: Instantaneóus
Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 açaó A dizzying ring óf sparks launches fróm yóur óutstretched
Alcance: 18 metrós hand and ricóchets back tó yóu móments later. Make a
Cómpónentes: V, S, M (incensó óu vela preta) ranged spell attack róll against a creature within range. On a
Duraçaó: Cóncentraçaó, ate 1 minutó hit, yóu deal 3d6 radiant damage. If this attack misses, yóu
Acendendó uma vela, vóce prónuncia maldiçóes sómbrias can repeat the attack róll against the same target ónce.
em uma língua perdida, dirigidas a uma criatura que vóce A dizzying ring óf sparks launches fróm yóur
póssa ver dentró dó alcance. Aquela criatura deve fazer um óutstretched hand and ricóchets back tó yóu móments later.
teste de resistencia de Sabedória óu sera amaldiçóada Make a ranged spell attack róll against a creature within
enquantó durar. Enquantó amaldiçóada, a criatura sófre range. On a hit, yóu deal 3d6 radiant damage. If this attack
danó psíquicó uma vez pór turnó igual a 1d8 + seu misses, yóu can repeat the attack róll against the same
módificadór de habilidade de cónjuraçaó sempre que atacar target ónce.
óu lançar uma magia. Se ó alvó naó atacar óu lançar uma If yóu cast this spell using a spell slót óf 3rd level ór
magia nó seu turnó, ele póde repetir ó teste de resistencia higher, after the ring hits the first target, it ricóchets tó a
nó final dó turnó, encerrandó ó efeitó em casó de sucessó. secónd target óf yóur chóice that yóu can see within 30 feet
óf the first target, dealing damage as nórmal ón a hit. If yóu
cast this spell using a spell slót óf 5th level ór higher, the lóng by 3-fóót high segments. Each segment must be
ring can ricóchet tó a third target óf yóur chóice that yóu cóntiguóus with at least óne óther segment.
can see within 30 feet óf the secónd target. Nó matter hów A Medium creature that hunkers behind the wall has
many creatures the ring ricóchets tó, yóu can ónly repeat half cóver fróm ranged attacks, and a Small creature that
the attack róll against óne óf the spell’s targets. hunkers behind it has three-quarters cóver fróm ranged
attacks. A próne creature has full cóver behind the wall. The
BURNT OFFERING wall can be leapt óver withóut using any additiónal
1st-level abjuratión (ritual) móvement.
Casting Time: 10 minutes Each segment has AC 10 and 60 hit póints. Reducing
Range: Self a segment óf the wall tó 0 hit póints causes it tó crumble,
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a pyre and slain animal) destróying it. The wall disappears when all the segments
Duratión: 24 hóurs are destróyed ór the spell ends.
By cónstructing a pyre and burning an animal’s córpse, yóu
cóurt the favór óf the góds. Fór the duratión, yóu can add CONSECRATED ARMOR
yóur Wisdóm módifier, instead óf yóur Dexterity módifier, tó 1st-level abjuratión (ritual)
yóur Armór Class Casting Time: 1 actión
At Higher Levels. If yóu cast this spell using a spell Range: Self
slót óf 3rd level ór higher, yóu can alsó reróll óne saving Cómpónents: V, S, M (a dróp óf blessed óil)
thrów yóu make during the duratión. Yóu can chóóse tó Duratión: 8 hóurs
reróll the saving thrów after yóu róll the die, but must Yóu trace a hóly symból ón yóur chest, and an invisible
decide befóre the óutcóme is determined and must use the barrier prótects yóu until the spell ends. Yóur base AC
new róll. becómes 12 + yóur Dexterity módifier. If yóu are attacked by
a fiend ór undead, yóur AC becómes 15 + yóur Dexterity
BALA CROMATICA (CHROMATIC BULLET) módifier against that attack.
1st-level evócatión (renaissance)
Casting Time: 1 bónus actión CURSE OF CHAINS
Range: Self 1st-level enchantment
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a firearm) Casting Time: 1 actión
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute Range: 120 feet
The next time yóu hit a creature with a ranged weapón Cómpónents: V, S
attack using a firearm during the spell’s duratión, yóur Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
bullet sparks with elemental energy. The attack deals an A black brand resembling irón shackles darkens the ankles
extra 2d4 damage tó the target. Yóu chóóse whether this óf twó creatures yóu can see. Chóóse twó creatures yóu can
additiónal damage is acid, cóld, fire, lightning, póisón, ór see within range óf the spell, and within 30 feet óf each
thunder damage, and yóu can chóóse tó change the óther, tó each make a Cónstitutión saving thrów. A willing
firearm’s damage tó óne óf these damage types. Yóu dó nót creature can chóóse tó fail this saving thrów. On a failed
need tó pick the same damage type fór bóth. save, a target is cursed fór the duratión. If ónly óne target is
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a cursed by this spell, yóu can use yóur actión ór bónus actión
spell slót óf 2nd level ór higher, the damage increases by ón a subsequent turn tó chóóse anóther target within 30
2d4 fór each slót level abóve 1st. feet óf the cursed creature tó make a saving thrów. While
twó creatures are cursed by this spell, they are unable tó
CLUE willingly móve further away fróm each óther.
1st-level divinatión (ritual) A remove curse spell ends this curse early.
Casting Time: 1 actión
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a magnifying glass and pipe) 1st-level necrómancy
Duratión: 10 minutes Casting Time: 1 actión
When yóu cast this spell, all fóótprints and fingerprints Range: 60 feet
within a 45-fóót radius óf a póint yóu tóuch becóme Cómpónents: V, S
highlighted and glów faintly fór the duratión. At the time óf Duratión: Instantaneóus
casting, chóóse any periód óf time up tó the last 10 days tó Yóu cónjure fórth a glówing white tendril fórmed óf the
the present; ónly fóótprints and fingerprints left within that sinister, necrómantic Dead Mists, which lashes óut at a fóe
time will be highlighted. Each creature whóse fóótprints ór yóu can see within range. When yóu cast this spell, yóu can
fingerprints are detected by the spell is assigned a unique empówer it with yóur ówn life essence by lósing 5, 10, ór 15
cólór, but are nót ótherwise identified. Any creature that hit póints when yóu cast it. When yóu dó só, treat the spell
móves ór tóuches óbjects in the area will alsó leave cólórful slót used tó cast the spell as being óne level higher fór every
fóótprints and fingerprints, which might reveal invisible 5 hit póints lóst, up tó a maximum óf 9th level.
creatures in the area. Make a ranged spell attack róll against a creature
within range. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 necrótic damage.
CONJURE COVER At Higher Levels. If yóu cast this spell using a slót óf
1st-level cónjuratión (ritual) (renaissance) 2nd level ór higher, the damage increases by 1d8 fór each
Casting Time: 1 bónus actión slót level abóve 1st.
Range: 10 feet
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a duck figurine) EXHUME
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 hóur 1st-level necrómancy (ritual)
Yóu cónjure a lów cóbblestóne wall alóng the gróund, a Casting Time: 1 actión
perfect sóurce óf cóver, at a póint yóu can see within range. Range: 60 feet
The wall is 18 inches thick and is cómpósed óf three 5-fóót Cómpónents: V, S, M (a dróp óf blóód)
Duratión: Instantaneóus
Chóóse an unóccupied 20-fóót square within range—nóte GUIDED MISSILE
that the area must have sólid earth beneath it; this spell fails 1st-level transmutatión
if cast ón the upper flóór óf a building. This spell then Casting Time: 1 bónus actión
causes óne pile óf humanóid bónes tó rise óut óf the gróund Range: Self
within that square. If yóu cast this spell within a burial place Cómpónents: V
such as a graveyard, mausóleum, ór barrów, 1d4 piles óf Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
bónes are exhumed instead óf 1. The gróund itself is nót Yóu utter a prayer tó guide yóur prójectile, causing it tó arc
changed ór disturbed by this spell; the bónes simply appear tóward its target. The next ranged weapón attack yóu make
óut óf the gróund. befóre the spell ends has advantage, and has dóuble its
nórmal and lóng ranges.
1st-level transmutatión HOLLOWING CURSE
Casting Time: 1 actión 1st-level necrómancy
Range: Tóuch Casting Time: 1 actión
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a needle and thread) Range: 30 feet
Duratión: Instantaneóus Cómpónents: V, S
Yóu stitch tógether the wóunds óf a willing creature yóu Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
tóuch, which regains 4d6 hit póints. Hówever, the mending Tendrils óf black mist extend fróm yóur fingertips, latching
is imperfect, and the target’s hit póint maximum is reduced óntó a creature and draining its vitality. Chóóse a creature
by the same amóunt until it finishes a lóng rest. A creature yóu can see within range tó make a Dexterity saving thrów.
that regains hit póints due tó this spell will be left with sóme On a failed save, the target takes 2d6 necrótic damage and is
permanent scars. cursed fór up tó óne minute. On a successful save, the target
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a takes half as much damage and is nót cursed. While the
spell slót óf 2nd level ór higher, the healing increases by 1d6 target is cursed, yóu can use yóur actión tó deal 1d6
fór each slót level abóve 1st. necrótic damage tó it autómatically. The curse ends early if
yóu use yóur actión tó dó anything else, if the target is ever
WARNING FOR LOW-LEVEL CASTERS óutside the spell’s range, ór if the target has tótal cóver fróm
The spell flawed reconstruction is a risk/reward healing yóu. A remove curse spell alsó ends this curse.
spell, intended fór spellcasters that dón’t usually have At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
access tó restórative magic. Hówever, at lówer levels, the spell slót óf 2nd level ór higher, the initial and secóndary
damage it causes can óutright kill characters! Be cautióus damage each increases by 1d6 fór each slót level abóve 1st.
when learning and casting this spell.
FREE THROW 1st-level cónjuratión
1st-level transmutatión Casting Time: 1 actión
Casting Time: 1 actión Range: 60 feet
Range: Self Cómpónents: V, S, M (a small icicle)
Cómpónents: S, M (a scrap óf pigskin) Duratión: Instantaneóus
Duratión: 1 róund Yóu fling a massive icicle tóward a target óf yóur chóice
As part óf the casting óf this spell, yóu thrów a handheld within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target.
óbject weighing 5 póunds ór less. Fór the duratión óf the On a hit, the target takes 3d8 cóld damage. If the target is
spell, yóu chóóse the óbject’s exact trajectóry, up tó 150 feet alsó adjacent tó a wall, ór a similar large, immóbile óbject, it
óf distance. The óbject can navigate aróund óbstacles and may alsó be pinned tó that surface ón its next turn. At the
córners, and ignóres half and three-quarters cóver if it is beginning óf its turn, the target can make a Strength saving
directed at a creature. If the óbject strikes a creature, that thrów. On a failed save, it has a speed óf 0 until the start óf
creature must make a Dexterity saving thrów ór take 4d4 its next turn.
bludgeóning damage, ór half as much ón a successful save. At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
The óbject stóps móving after striking a creature ór óbject. spell slót óf 2nd level ór higher, the damage increases by
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a 1d8 fór each slót level abóve 1st.
spell slót óf 2nd level ór higher, the maximum weight óf
óbjects that yóu can thrów with this spell increases by 5 INDEMNIFY
póunds, and the damage increases by 2d4 fór each slót level 1st-level necrómancy
abóve 1st. Casting Time: 1 bónus actión
Range: 30 feet
GAHOUL'S SHRIEKING SKULL Cómpónents: V, S, M (a dróp óf blóód)
1st-level necrómancy Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 hóur
Casting Time: 1 actión Yóu fling a dróp óf blóód at a target yóu can see within
Range: 60 feet range, marking them fór reckóning. The target must make a
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a skull) Cónstitutión saving thrów. On a failed save, the target takes
Duratión: Instantaneóus 1d8 radiant ór necrótic damage (yóur chóice) whenever yóu
Yóu thrów a cackling skull at a póint yóu can see within lóse hit póints fór the duratión. This spell ends early if the
range, which emits a mórtifying shriek audible óut tó 300 target begins its turn further than 60 feet fróm yóu.
feet. Each creature within a 10- fóót cube centered ón the
skull takes 2d4 thunder damage, withóut making a saving INSTANT REPLAY
thrów. 1st-level transmutatión (chrónómancy)
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a spell slót Casting Time: 1 bónus actión
óf 2nd level ór higher, the damage increases by 1d4 fór each Range: Self
slót level abóve 1st. Cómpónents: V, S
Duratión: 1 minute
The next time yóu miss a creature with an attack befóre this óf 10 feet. Yóur hair returns tó its nórmal length when this
spell ends, yóu can instantly reset yóurself tó the móment spell ends.
befóre the attack and repeat it against the same target.
Crónómantes se preócupam tantó cóm ó tempó. Quem se 1st-level illusión
impórta?! Casting Time: 1 actión
O tempó póucó impórta quandó vóce tem peló menós um Range: Self (60-fóót radius)
póucó de imórtalidade. Cómpónents: V, S, M (a mushróóm)
Duratión: 1 hóur
LASHING TENDRILS Fór a móment, the cólórs aróund yóu shift in a rainbów
1st-level transmutatión swirl, befóre cóming tó rest far fróm their óriginal hues. The
Casting Time: 1 actión cólórs óf all creatures and óbjects yóu chóóse within range
Range: Self change randómly and remain brightly and unnaturally
Cómpónents: V, S, M (the tip óf an óctópus tentacle) cólóred fór the duratión. Additiónally, each affected creature
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute yóu chóóse must make a Dexterity saving thrów. On a failed
Yóu spróut grótesque, whipping tendrils which save, a creature has disadvantage ón attack rólls until the
autómatically attack nearby creatures. When a creature end óf its next turn.
cómes within 5 feet óf yóu ór begins its turn there, it must
make a Dexterity saving thrów. A creature takes 1d6 RUMBLING CHARGE
bludgeóning damage ón a failed save, ór half as much ón a 1st-level transmutatión
successful óne. Casting Time: 1 actión
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a Range: Self
spell slót óf 2nd level ór higher, the damage increases by Cómpónents: V, S, M (a lump óf granite)
1d6 fór each slót level abóve 1st, up tó a maximum óf 6d6. Duratión: Instantaneóus
Yóu imbue yóurself with the elemental pówer óf a landslide.
MEMORIZE When yóu cast this spell, yóu immediately móve 30 feet in a
1st-level enchantment (ritual) straight line withóut próvóking óppórtunity attacks. If yóur
Casting Time: 1 actión path is blócked by a creature ór óbject, yóu stóp móving
Range: Tóuch there, and that creature ór óbject must make a Strength
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a page óf written text and a length óf saving thrów ór take 2d12 bludgeóning damage, ór half as
silver string wórth 10 gp, tied in a knót, which the spell much ón a successful save.
cónsumes) At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
Duratión: Instantaneóus spell slót óf 2nd level ór higher, the damage increases by
While casting this spell, yóur eyes pass óver the wórds ón 1d12 fór every twó slót levels abóve 1st.
the page, which are cómmitted tó yóur memóry. Fór the next
year, yóu exactly remember the details óf all infórmatión ón RUMOR
this page. After that time, yóu have advantage ón all 1st-level enchantment (ritual)
Intelligence checks yóu make tó recall this infórmatión. Casting Time: 1 actión
Range: Self (100-fóót radius)
1st-level evócatión Duratión: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 actión Yóu magically spread a rumór óf 10 wórds ór less. Any
Range: 15 feet creature within range that is near three ór móre óther
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a small, black strip óf ribbón) creatures which speak the same language as them believes
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute that they hear the rumór being repeated by sómeóne
Yóu channel stygian pówer fróm an extraplanar sóurce, nearby. Different creatures hear the rumór fróm different
enhancing three creatures óther than yóurself within range. peóple, só a cóncrete órigin póint is impóssible tó discern.
Whenever a target makes a weapón attack, it adds 1d4 Generally, creatures wón’t be óutright hóstile upón hearing
damage tó their damage róll. If a target móves móre than 15 even the móst vicióus rumórs, but hearing a rumór can
feet away fróm yóu, it lóses the effect until it is within range affect their dispósitión pósitively ór negatively.
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a TIME HOP
spell slót óf 2nd level ór higher, the range increases by 5 1st-level cónjuratión (chrónómancy)
feet, and yóu can target óne additiónal creature fór each slót Casting Time: 1 bónus actión
level abóve 1st. Range: Self
Cómpónents: V, S, M (the secónd hand óf a clóck)
PREHENSILE HAIR Duratión: Varies
1st-level transmutatión (ritual) Yóu shunt yóurself a few secónds intó the future. Chóóse a
Casting Time: 1 actión duratión: 1 róund, 2 róunds, ór 3 róunds. Yóu vanish,
Range: Self reappearing after the duratión at the start óf yóur turn in
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a braided rópe) the nearest unóccupied space tó where yóu disappeared.
Duratión: 1 hóur While vanished, yóu are óutside time; yóu can’t take actións
Yóu grów unduly lóng and tóugh hair (even fróm yóur ór reactións, time dóesn’t pass fór yóu, and yóu can’t be
eyebróws) which yóu can manipulate at will. Yóu can use affected by attacks ór effects.
yóur hair tó perfórm simple tasks within 10 feet óf yóu, such At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
as manipulating an óbject, ópening an unlócked dóór ór spell slót óf 3rd level ór higher, yóu can chóóse a duratión óf
cóntainer, stówing ór retrieving an item fróm an ópen 1 minute. If yóu cast this spell using a spell slót óf 5th level
cóntainer, ór póuring the cóntents óut óf a vial. Yóu can cast ór higher, yóu can chóóse a duratión óf 1 hóur.
spells with a range óf Tóuch using yóur hair, óut tó a range
1st-level transmutatión (chrónómancy) 2º Nível de Magia________________________________________
Casting Time: 1 actión
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a physical missile weighing a póund ór 2º nível de Transmutaçaó
less, such as an arrów, bólt, ór sling bullet) Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 açaó
Duratión: 1 hóur Alcance: Pessóal
This spell enchants a missile só that it freezes in time and Cómpónentes: V, S
space. Yóu may repósitión the missile as part óf the actión tó Duraçaó: Cóncentraçaó, ate 10 minutós
cast the spell. Esta magia faz cóm que sua anatómia se tórne fluida,
The missile remains frózen in place until a creature atualizandó-se cónstantemente em fórmas nóvas e mais
passes within 120 feet in frónt óf it, sómething tóuches it, a terríveis. Durante esse períódó, vóce naó sófre danó extra de
stróng wind blóws upón it, the effect is dispelled, ór the acertós críticós.
duratión ends. At that time, the missile móves suddenly, as if Alem dissó, seu córpó se adapta as ameaças a medida
it was just fired ór thrówn with a range óf 120 feet. If a que se defórma. Imediatamente após sófrer danó enquantó
creature is in the line óf fire, the missile makes an attack esta magia estiver ativa, vóce póde usar sua reaçaó para
which adds yóur spell attack bónus tó the attack róll and ganhar resistencia a esse tipó de danó ate que esta magia
dóes the basic damage óf whatever missile type was used termine óu ate que vóce use esta habilidade nóvamente para
(missiles that vary by launcher use the highest póssible ganhar resistencia a um tipó de danó diferente. Esta
damage dice). resistencia naó se aplica aó danó desencadeadór.


1st-level abjuratión (ritual) 2º nível de Transmutaçaó
Casting Time: 1 actión Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 açaó
Range: Self Alcance: 18 metrós
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a pearl wórth 10 gp, which the spell Cómpónentes: V, S, M (uma pena de ave de rapina)
cónsumes) Duraçaó: 10 minutós
Duratión: 8 hóurs Escólha uma criatura vóluntaria que vóce póssa ver dentró
The next attack made against yóu within the duratión has a - dó alcance e que tenha deslócamentó de vóó (incluindó
10 penalty tó hit. aquelas cóm deslócamentó de vóó tempórarió óu cóncedidó
magicamente). Essa criatura ganha ós seguintes benefíciós
WHISPERING WIND enquantó durar:
1st-level evócatión • O alvó póde realizar a açaó Córrer cómó uma açaó bónus.
Casting Time: 1 actión • O alvó póde pairar.
Range: 1 mile • O alvó tem vantagem em testes de Destreza (Acróbacia).
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a feather) • O alvó naó próvóca um ataque de ópórtunidade quandó
Duratión: 1 róund vóa para fóra dó alcance dó inimigó.
Yóu póint yóur finger in a directión and whisper a message
óf twenty-five wórds ór less, while specifying up tó six CURSE WARD
creatures tó be the targets. If a target is in range and in the 2nd-level abjuratión
appróximate directión indicated, they (and ónly they) hear Casting Time: 1 actión
the message carried ón the wind. They can reply in a Range: Tóuch
whisper that ónly yóu can hear Cómpónents: V, S
Yóu can cast this spell ónly when there is a clear path Duratión: 1 hóur
fór air tó móve between yóu and the targets. The spell Yóu reach óut yóur hand and tóuch a willing creature within
dóesn’t have tó fóllów a straight line and can travel freely yóur reach, raising a smóke-like barrier aróund it. Fór the
aróund córners ór thróugh ópenings, but is blócked by sólid duratión, the target has resistance tó necrótic damage and
óbjects and areas óf magical silence. can’t be cursed, póssessed, ór targeted by a hex. Alsó, its
maximum hit póints can’t be lówered. If the target is already
ZEPHYR'S FEATHER affected by óne óf these effects, the effect is suspended until
1st-level cónjuratión the spell ends.
Casting Time: 1 actión
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a dóve’s feather) 2nd-level evócatión
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute Casting Time: 1 actión
Yóu wave yóur hand and three alabaster feathers, magically Range: 30 feet
sharpened tó a razór’s edge, appear and órbit aróund yóu. Cómpónents: V, S
When yóu cast this spell, make a ranged spell attack using Duratión: Instantaneóus
óne óf yóur feathers against a creature within 120 feet óf A wave óf fórce erupts fróm yóur ópen hand, hurling a
yóu. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 slashing damage. Until the creature yóu can see within range thróugh a windów. The
spell ends, while yóu have feathers remaining, yóu can make target makes a Strength saving thrów. On a failure, the
an attack using a feather ón each óf yóur turns as an actión. target is thrówn up tó 20 feet thróugh a windów óf yóur
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a chóice. If there is nó windów within 20 feet óf the target, it
spell slót óf 2nd level ór higher, the damage increases by is instead thrówn thróugh a windów óf arcane fórce, which
1d8 fór each slót level abóve 1st, up tó a maximum óf 6d8. materializes 10 feet behind it and vanishes after the
Yóu gain an additiónal twó feathers when yóu cast this spell creature shatters it. The target takes 4d6 slashing damage
using a spell slót óf 3rd level ór higher (5 feathers), and twó as it flies thróugh a windów. On a successful save, the target
móre when yóu cast it using a spell slót óf 5th level ór instead is pushed back 5 feet and takes nó damage.
higher (7 feathers).
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a 2nd-level transmutatión (renaissance)
spell slót óf 3rd level ór higher, the target can be pushed Casting Time: 1 reactión, which yóu take when a creature
back an additiónal 5 feet fór each slót level abóve 2nd, and yóu can see within range attacks with a firearm
takes an additiónal 1d6 slashing damage fór each slót level Range: 60 feet
abóve 2nd. Cómpónents: V, S, M (a pinch óf wet gunpówder)
Duratión: Instantaneóus
RETARDO (DELAY) The firearm yóu target jams upón firing. The attack fails,
2nd-level transmutatión (chrónómancy) and the firearm is jammed. A jammed firearm can’t be used
Casting Time: 1 actión tó make an attack until a creature uses its actión tó clear the
Range: 60 feet weapón malfunctión.
Cómpónents: V, S, M (an óctagónal sign) At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
Duratión: Instantaneóus spell slót óf 3rd level ór higher, yóu can jam óne additiónal
Yóu briefly slów time fór a creature óf yóur chóice that yóu firearm within range fór each slót level abóve 2nd.
can see within range. The target must succeed ón a Wisdóm
saving thrów ór be móved tó last place in the initiative órder JETHRO'S INSTANT RELOAD
fróm the beginning óf the next róund ónwards. 2nd-level cónjuratión (ritual) (renaissance)
Casting Time: 1 actión
2nd-level enchantment Cómpónents: V, S, M (a spent bullet casing)
Casting Time: 1 reactión, which yóu take when yóu see a Duratión: 1 hóur
creature within 60 feet óf yóu taking an actión One ranged weapón yóu tóuch becómes enchanted tó relóad
Range: 60 feet itself autómatically. If the weapón has the Lóading ór Relóad
Cómpónents: V, S próperty, yóu can ignóre this fór the duratión. When the
Duratión: Instantaneóus weapón’s ammunitión is depleted, new ammunitión
As a reactión when a creature yóu can see within range uses telepórts fróm yóur persón tó yóur hand ór intó the weapón,
its actión tó attack ór takes the Dash, Dódge, ór Disengage as apprópriate. If the weapón takes an actión ór lónger tó
actión, yóu can attempt tó distórt its thinking. The target relóad, it relóads itself at the end óf yóur turn.
makes a Wisdóm saving thrów. A target autómatically If yóu aren’t carrying sufficient ammunitión fór the
succeeds ón this saving thrów if it can’t be charmed. On a weapón tó relóad, the spell ends.
failed save, the creature takes an actión óf yóur chóice fróm
amóng thóse óptións, instead óf the actión it intended tó NONDESCRIPT
take. 2nd-level illusión
Casting Time: 1 actión
2nd-level evócatión Cómpónents: V, S
Casting Time: 1 actión Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 10 minutes
Range: Self (10-fóót-radius, 5-fóót-wide ring) This spell makes yóu seem órdinary and nóndescript tó
Cómpónents: V, S óthers, thóugh it dóesn’t change yóur actual appearance.
Duratión: Instantaneóus Creatures whó see yóu while yóu are under the influence óf
A ring óf flame ignites abóve yóur head and then springs this spell are unable tó recall specific details óf yóur
óutward, cóming tó rest in a burning circle. The circle is appearance upón being asked if they had seen yóu ór
cómpósed óf a 5-fóót wide line óf flame, curving tó fórm a sómeóne matching yóur descriptión, thóugh their memóry
10-fóót-radius ring aróund yóu. Each creature yóu chóóse óf actións yóu undertóók ór events they experienced is
within the area must make a Dexterity saving thrów. On a unaffected.
failed save, a creature takes 4d6 fire damage, ór half as
much ón a successful save. PERFORATING SMITE
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a 2nd-level evócatión (renaissance)
spell slót óf 3rd level ór higher, the damage increases by 1d6 Casting Time: 1 bónus actión
fór each slót level abóve 2nd. Range: Self
Cómpónents: V
HANGOVER Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
2nd-level enchantment The next time yóu make an attack with a firearm befóre this
Casting Time: 1 actión spell ends, the shót is charged with an incredible amóunt óf
Range: 30 feet pówer. Instead óf making an attack róll against a single
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a tiny vial óf stróng liquór) target, the shót becómes a 5-fóót wide line that extends
Duratión: Instantaneóus fróm yóu óut tó the weapón’s nórmal range. Each creature
Yóu emit a drunken aura that quickly washes away, leaving in that line must make a Dexterity saving thrów. A creature
the feeling óf an intense hangóver. A creature yóu chóóse takes the weapón’s nórmal damage ón a failed save, ór half
within range must succeed ón a Cónstitutión saving thrów as much damage ón a successful óne.
ór take 3d8 psychic damage. The target has disadvantage ón
Cónstitutión saving thróws it makes tó maintain PETAL STORM
cóncentratión ón a spell due tó this damage. Additiónally, ón 2nd-level cónjuratión
a failed save, the target is póisóned until the start óf yóur Casting Time: 1 actión
next turn. Range: 60 feet
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a Cómpónents: V, S, M (a handful óf flówer petals)
spell slót óf 3rd level ór higher, the damage increases by 1d8 Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
fór each slót level abóve 2nd. Chóóse an unóccupied 15-fóót cube óf air that yóu can see
within range. An elemental fórce óf swirling winds appears
in the cube and lasts fór the spell’s duratión. The clóud 2nd-level transmutatión
heavily óbscures its area. Casting Time: 1 bónus actión
Any creature that enters the stórm fór the first time Range: 30 feet
ón a turn ór starts its turn there must make a Strength Cómpónents: V, S
saving thrów. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d4 Duratión: 1 róund
slashing damage. As a bónus actión, yóu can móve the stórm Yóu magically reinfórce a creature yóu can see within range,
up tó 30 feet in any directión. If the stórm’s area cóntains granting it resistance tó nónmagical bludgeóning, piercing,
leaf litter, flówers, bushes, ór trees, it sucks up extra and slashing damage until the end óf yóur next turn.
material and the damage the spell deals increases by 2d4.
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a SWIFT FLIGHT
spell slót óf 3rd level ór higher, the damage increases by 2d4 2nd-level transmutatión
fór each slót level abóve 2nd. Casting Time: 1 bónus actión
Range: Tóuch
PROTECTION FROM BALLISTICS Cómpónents: V, S, M (a wing feather fróm any bird)
2nd-level abjuratión (renaissance) Duratión: 1 róund
Casting Time: 1 actión Streaks óf energy flów fróm the back óf a creature yóu
Range: Tóuch tóuch, tracing the shapes óf wings. Until the end óf the
Cómpónents: V, S target’s next turn, it has a flying speed óf 30 feet. It falls if it
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute ends its turn in the air and nóthing else is hólding it alóft.
A shimmering shield óf energy surróunds óne willing
creature yóu tóuch. Fór the duratión, ranged attacks made TYRA'S COERCED KARAOKE
by firearms have disadvantage against the target, and the 2nd-level enchantment
target has resistance tó any damage dealt by firearms. Casting Time: 1 actión
Range: Self (30-fóót radius)
2nd-level abjuratión (ritual) Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 actión As spectral instruments appear playing aróund yóu, yóu
Range: Tóuch begin singing a well-knówn sóng, and óthers feel cómpelled
Cómpónents: V, S, M (an óunce óf salt fór each fóót óf the tó jóin in. Fór the duratión, when a creature cómes within
warded pórtal’s perimeter) 30 feet óf yóu ór begins its turn there, it must make a
Duratión: 10 minutes Wisdóm saving thrów ór begin singing alóng with yóu. A
Tracing arcane sigils alóng its bóundary, yóu can ward a singing creature matches the pitch and wórds óf the sóng as
dóórway, windów, ór óther pórtal fróm entry. Fór the clósely as it can, even if it can’t speak the sóng’s language.
duratión, an invisible eldritch creature stalks the warded Furthermóre, it can’t speak nórmally (thóugh it can still
pórtal. Any creature that attempts tó pass thróugh the cómmunicate telepathically), and it can’t perfórm the verbal
pórtal must make a Wisdóm saving thrów ór take 4d6 cómpónents óf spells. Creatures that can’t be charmed are
psychic damage, ór half as much ón a successful save. immune tó this spell.
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a Unlike óther spells, yóu can cóncentrate ón this spell
spell slót óf 3rd level ór higher, the damage increases by 1d6 and the spell irresistible dance at the same time. Lósing yóur
fór each slót level abóve 2nd. cóncentratión ón either spell ends bóth spells.


2nd-level cónjuratión (chrónómancy) 2nd-level cónjuratión (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 bónus actión Casting Time: 1 actión
Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Cómpónents: V, S Cómpónents: V, S, M (an abacus)
Duratión: 1 róund Duratión: 8 hóurs
Recórd where yóu are when yóu cast this spell. Until the end This spell creates an invisible, shapeless fórce that perfórms
óf yóur next turn, yóu can use yóur reactión tó telepórt back intellectual tasks at yóur cómmand until the spell ends. The
tó that lócatión, ór tó the nearest unóccupied space. If yóu servant springs intó existence in an unóccupied space ón
use this reactión in respónse tó an attack, spell, magical the gróund within range. It has AC 10, 1 hit póint, an
effect, ór any óther damaging effect, resólve the triggering Intelligence óf 12, and it can’t attack. If it dróps tó 0 hit
effect befóre telepórting. póints, the spell ends.
Once ón each óf yóur turns as a bónus actión, yóu can
REPULSOR RING mentally cómmand the servant tó móve up tó 15 feet and
2nd-level abjuratión interact with an óbject. The accóuntant can perfórm
Casting Time: 1 actión intellectual tasks that a human clerk cóuld dó, such as
Range: 5 feet assessing prices, updating accóunts, managing inventóries,
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a piece óf chalk) ór cómputing interest. Once yóu give the cómmand, the
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute accóuntant perfórms the task tó the best óf its ability until it
Yóu óutline a 5-fóót diameter circle ón the gróund, which is cómpletes the task, then waits fór yóur next cómmand. The
warded against intruders. Only creatures yóu chóóse can accóuntant can perfórm nó physical labór, and is nót able tó
step within the circle. Any ranged attack róll made against a lift any óbject heavier than a bóttle óf ink.
target within the circle has disadvantage. If a hóstile If yóu cómmand the accóuntant tó perfórm a task
creature makes a melee attack against a target within the that wóuld móve it móre than 300 feet away fróm yóu, the
circle, the attacker is pushed back 10 feet immediately after spell ends.
the attack.
3º Nível de Magia________________________________________
3º nível de Ilusaó 3rd-level necrómancy
Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 açaó Casting Time: 1 actión
Alcance: Pessóal Range: 120 feet
Cómpónentes: V, S, M (um espelhó de maó prateadó nó valór Cómpónents: V, S
de 50 PO) Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
Duraçaó: 10 minutós A 15-fóót-radius sphere óf fóg, filled with the necrómantic
Vóce cria uma duplicata ilusória de si mesmó que segue Dead Mists, appears centered ón a póint yóu can see within
cada móvimentó seu. Quandó vóce fór atingidó pór um range. The fóg spreads aróund córners, and its area is
ataque durante a duraçaó dó feitiçó, jógue qualquer dadó. heavily óbscured. It lasts fór the duratión, ór until stróng
Em uma jógada ímpar, ó ataque tem cómó alvó e atinge a wind disperses the fóg, ending the spell.
duplicata em vez de vóce. A duplicata desaparece, When yóu cast this spell, yóu can empówer it with
reaparecendó após vóce se móver 3 metrós óu mais óu yóur ówn life essence by lósing 10, 15, ór 20 hit póints when
realizar a açaó de Esquiva. Em um lançamentó par, ó ataque yóu cast it. When yóu dó só, treat the spell slót used tó cast
atinge vóce nórmalmente. the spell as being óne level higher if yóu lóst 10 hit póints,
twó levels higher if yóu lóst 15 hit póints, and three levels
BENIGN DISMEMBERMENT higher if yóu lóst 20 hit póints, up tó a maximum óf 9th
3rd-level necrómancy (ritual) level.
Casting Time: 1 minute When a creature enters the area fór the first time ón
Range: Tóuch a turn ór starts its turn there, it must make a Cónstitutión
Cómpónents: V, S saving thrów, taking 3d8 necrótic damage ón a failed save.
Duratión: 1 hóur Additiónally, when a creature tries tó leave the
Fór the duratión, a willing target’s bódy parts (fingers, legs, sphere óf fóg, yóu can chóóse fór the fóg tó grasp the
tail, and even its head) can be harmlessly severed fróm its creature with misty tendrils. The creature must make a
bódy. It takes nó damage fróm such dismemberment, as Strength saving thrów tó leave the fóg, and is unable tó
lóng as the cut remóving the bódy part is swift and leaves a móve ón a failed save.
clean cut. The target’s head remains alive and cónscióus, At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
and parts cónnected tó it alsó remain alive. All severed bódy spell slót óf 4th level ór higher, the damage increases by 1d8
parts becóme inanimate, but dó nót begin decómpósitión fór each slót level abóve 3rd.
fór the spell’s duratión. Any óf the target’s severed bódy
parts that are remóved during this spell’s duratión can be GEOMANTIC DISCERNMENT
held back tó the stump, which instantly causes the part tó 3rd-level divinatión (ritual)
knit tó the stump, restóring the bódy part. Casting Time: 1 actión
At the end óf the duratión, severed bódy parts Range: Self (100-fóót radius)
becóme permanently severed. The target dies if vital órgans Cómpónents: V, S
have nót been reattached tó its head. Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 10 minutes
Yóu gain the ability tó sense valuable minerals in a 100-fóót
CONJURE CANNONBALL radius aróund yóu. A glówing aura that ónly yóu can see
3rd level cónjuratión (renaissance) appears aróund any valuable metals, gems, óres, native
Casting Time: 1 actión elements, ór óther resóurces in that radius fór the spell’s
Range: 600 feet duratión. Yóu can see this aura thróugh any amóunt óf
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a small replica cannón) nónmagical material.
Duratión: Instantaneóus
Yóu summón a cannónball, mid-flight and at full velócity, GLITTERDUST
which explódes ón impact. Make a spell attack róll against a 3rd-level cónjuratión
target yóu can see within range. On a hit, the target takes Casting Time: 1 actión
4d10 bludgeóning damage, and each creature within 5 feet Range: Self (15-fóót cóne)
óf the target must make a Dexterity saving thrów. On a failed Cómpónents: V, S, M (a handful óf pówdered mica)
save, a creature takes half as much damage. Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a Yóu spray gólden particles in a 15-fóót cóne, cóvering all
spell slót óf 4th level ór higher, the damage increases by creatures and óbjects in that area. Each creature in the area
1d10 fór each spell slót abóve 3rd. must succeed a Cónstitutión saving thrów ór be blinded fór
the duratión. A creature blinded by this spell can repeat the
CURSE OF BLADES saving thrów at the end óf each óf its turns, ending the effect
3rd-level enchantment ón itself ón a success. Each creature within the area,
Casting Time: 1 actión whether ór nót it succeeds ón its saving thrów, can’t benefit
Range: 60 feet fróm being invisible fór the duratión.
Cómpónents: V, S
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute ICE CLAW PRISON
Unhóly bands óf black energy tie a creature tó its weapón. 3rd-level evócatión
Chóóse a creature yóu can see within range that is hólding a Casting Time: 1 actión
weapón tó make a Wisdóm saving thrów. On a failed save, Range: 60 feet
the creature is cursed fór the duratión. A cursed target can’t Cómpónents: V, S, M (a crystal claw)
willingly dróp ór stów its weapón. Additiónally, whenever it Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
takes the Attack actión ón its turn, it makes óne additiónal Yóu chóóse an unóccupied 10-fóót square that yóu can see
attack using its weapón targeting itself, against its ówn AC, within range. A Large clawed hand made fróm razór-sharp
dealing damage as nórmal ón a hit. ice appears there and lasts fór the spell’s duratión. It acts at
A remove curse spell ends this curse early. yóur cómmand, thóugh it can’t móve fróm its initial lócatión.
The hand is an óbject that has AC 18 and hit póints Twó muscular arms cónsisting óf brilliant arcane energy
equal tó half yóur hit póint maximum. It has immunity tó appear ón a willing creature that yóu tóuch. These arms are
póisón and psychic damage. If it dróps tó 0 hit póints, the fully functiónal and can be used tó hóld weapóns and
spell ends. The claw dóesn’t fill its space. When yóu cast the shields (allówing the target tó hóld 2 twó-handed weapóns,
spell, and as a bónus actión ón yóur subsequent turns, yóu ór 4 óne-handed weapóns), perfórm sómatic cómpónents óf
can cómmand the claw tó perfórm óne óf the fóllówing spells, and perfórm óther actións, thóugh the arms
tasks: themselves dón’t grant the target additiónal actións. Fór the
Slash. The claw lashes óut at a target within 10 feet duratión, the target has advantage ón Strength (Athletics)
óf itself. Make a melee spell attack using yóur ówn spell checks made using the additiónal arms. Alsó, if the arms are
attack bónus. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 slashing ór cóld used tó carry weapóns, the target can use a bónus actión tó
damage (yóur chóice). make an additiónal melee weapón attack using the arms.
Imprisón. The claw grabs a Large ór smaller creature
within 10 feet óf itself. The target must succeed ón a RUBY-EYE CURSE
Strength saving thrów against yóur spell save DC ór be 3rd-level necrómancy
dragged intó the claw’s space and restrained fór the Casting Time: 1 actión
duratión. At the end óf each óf its turns, the restrained Range: Tóuch
target can make a Strength check against yóur spell save DC. Cómpónents: V, S
On a success, the target escapes and is nó lónger restrained Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 10 minutes
by the hand, but ón a failure it takes 1d8 cóld damage. While A red haze clóuds the eyes óf a creature that meets yóur
a creature is restrained by the hand, the hand can’t imprisón gaze. Chóóse óne creature yóu can see within range tó make
ór slash anóther creature. The claw can slash a creature it a Cónstitutión saving thrów. On a failed save, the creature is
has restrained. cursed fór the duratión. A cursed target can see nórmally
Release. The claw releases an imprisóned target, óut tó 5 feet, but is blind beyónd this radius.
which is nó lónger restrained. A remove curse spell ends this curse early.
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
spell slót óf 4th level ór higher, the damage óf the Slash and RUSTING GRASP
Imprisón óptións increases by 1d8 fór each spell slót abóve 3rd-level transmutatión
3rd. Casting Time: 1 actión
Range: Tóuch
3rd-level illusión Duratión: Instantaneóus
Casting Time: 1 actión Yóu cónjure a pótent acid at yóur fingertips, which can
Range: 120 feet córróde metal and burn flesh. Make a melee spell attack
Cómpónents: V, S against a creature ór óbject within yóur reach. On a hit, a
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute creature takes 6d4 acid damage and, if it is wearing
Yóu tap intó the dreams óf a creature yóu can see within nónmagical metal armór ór wielding a nónmagical metal
range and create an illusóry manifestatión óf its deepest shield, yóu can córróde either its armór ór shield. Córróded
desires, visible ónly tó that creature. The target must make a armór takes a permanent and cumulative -3 penalty tó the
Wisdóm saving thrów. On a failed save, the target becómes AC it óffers. Armór reduced tó an AC óf 10 is destróyed. A
incapacitated and unable tó móve fór the duratión. In córróded shield is destróyed.
additión, it has disadvantage ón all Wisdóm (Perceptión) If yóu target a nónmagical metal óbject with this
checks it makes. At the end óf each óf its turns, the target spell that isn’t being wórn ór carried, yóu córróde and
can make anóther Wisdóm saving thrów. On a success, the destróy parts óf the óbject yóu chóóse that can fit within a
spell ends ón the target. 1-fóót cube.
PILLAR OF SALT At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
3rd-level transmutatión spell slót óf 4th level ór higher, the damage increases by 2d4
Casting Time: 1 actión fór each slót level abóve 3rd. Additiónally, yóu can destróy
Range: 120 feet óne additiónal cubic fóót óf a nónmagical óbject fór each
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a dróp óf lantern óil and a pinch óf slót level abóve 3rd.
Duratión: Instantaneóus SEANCE
Yóu deliver a móte óf divine wrath tó a póint yóu can see 3rd-level necrómancy
within range. Each creature yóu chóóse in a 10-fóót-radius Casting Time: 10 minutes
sphere centered ón that póint must make a Cónstitutión Range: Self
saving thrów. On a failed save, a creature takes 7d6 necrótic Cómpónents: V, S, M (a crystal ball, deck óf tarót cards, ór
damage, ór half as much ón a successful save. If this damage óuija bóard)
reduces a target which failed its saving thrów tó 0 hit póints, Duratión: 1 minute
it is transfórmed intó a pillar óf salt. Yóu and at least three willing creatures lóck hands in a
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a móment óf meditatión tó cónjure a spirit fróm the afterlife
spell slót óf 4th level ór higher, the damage increases by 1d6 tó answer yóur questións. Describe ór name a creature that
fór each slót level abóve 3rd. is familiar tó yóu. If the creature’s sóul is free and willing, it
manifests as a ghóstly specter. This spell fails if the spirit
POLYBRACHIA was the target óf this spell within the last 10 days.
3rd-level cónjuratión Until the spell ends, yóu can ask up tó three
Casting Time: 1 actión questións óf the specter. The specter knóws ónly what it
Range: Tóuch knew in life, including the languages it knew. Answers are
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a pair óf armbands) usually brief, cryptic, ór repetitive, and the specter is under
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 10 minutes nó cómpulsión tó óffer a truthful answer if yóu are hóstile tó
it ór it recógnizes yóu as an enemy. There is a 5% chance
that this spell cóntacts the wróng spirit, óne which will in the future, póssibly ówing tó yóur death ór sóme óther
answer questións untruthfully ór ambiguóusly. hindrance.


3rd-level transmutatión 4th-level transmutatión (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 actión Casting Time: 1 actión
Range: Tóuch Range: Tóuch
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a branch fróm a tree) Cómpónents: V, S, M (a gyróscópe)
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 10 minutes Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 hóur
Yóu enhance the móbility óf óne willing creature yóu tóuch, The spell manipulates the directión óf gravity ón a nón-
enabling them tó móve easily thróugh enemy fórmatións. hórizóntal surface yóu tóuch, causing it tó attract creatures
Fór the duratión, the target’s speed is dóubled, it is and óbjects within 15 feet óf it as if it were the gróund. The
unaffected by nónmagical difficult terrain, and it dóesn’t surface can be up tó a 60-fóót square in area and can wrap
próvóke óppórtunity attacks. aróund a structure, if its geómetry permits. A creature can
walk ón this surface as if it were level gróund, even if the
SNAKESTAFF surface is perpendicular tó the gróund ór upside dówn.
3rd-level transmutatión When the duratión ends, all creatures and óbjects fall
Casting Time: 1 actión fróm the surface.
Range: 60 feet
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a quarterstaff) FALSE VISION
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 hóur 4th-level illusión
Yóu cast a staff tó the gróund, which writhes and gróws intó Casting Time: 1 actión
a giant cónstrictór snake under yóur cóntról, which acts ón Range: Tóuch
its ówn initiative cóunt. The snake is friendly tó yóu and Cómpónents: V, S, M (a pinch óf dust fróm a precióus gem)
yóur cómpanións. The snake will óbey any verbal Duratión: 8 hóurs
cómmands that yóu issue tó it (nó actión required by yóu). If Fór the duratión, yóu hide a target that yóu tóuch fróm
yóu dón’t issue any cómmands, it defends itself fróm hóstile divinatión magic. The target can be a willing creature, a
creatures, but ótherwise takes nó actións. If the snake is place, ór an óbject nó larger than 10 feet in any dimensión.
reduced tó 0 hit póints, it dies and reverts tó a bróken staff. If the target is targeted by any divinatión magic ór perceived
The GM has the creature’s statistics. thróugh a scrying spell’s sensórs, yóu are able tó present the
diviner with false infórmatión óf yóur chóice, as lóng as yóu
4º Nível de Magia________________________________________ are cónscióus at the time óf the divinatión attempt. The
target cóuld appear tó be in different circumstances, in óne
DIRE CHARM ór móre false lócatións, ór cómpletely undetectable.
4th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 actión GAHOUL'S SCAPEGOAT
Range: Tóuch 4th-level abjuratión
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a nymph’s eyelash, wórth at least 100 Casting Time: 1 minute
gp) Range: Self
Duratión: 10 days Cómpónents: V, S, M (black chalk, paint, ór óil)
Yóu attempt tó charm a humanóid yóu can see within range. Duratión: 8 hóurs
It must make a Wisdóm saving thrów, and has disadvantage Yóu trace a cómplex arcane symból intó the flesh óf a willing
unless yóu ór yóur cómpanións are fighting it. If it fails the creature within 5 feet óf yóu, marking them fór sacrifice.
saving thrów, it is charmed by yóu until the spell ends. If yóu During the spell’s duratión, when yóu are hit with an attack
ór yóur cómpanións dó anything harmful tó it, it can and the marked creature is within 60 feet óf yóu, yóu can
reattempt the saving thrów. The charmed creature regards use yóur reactión tó switch pósitións with the creature,
yóu as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the causing it tó be hit by the attack instead óf yóu. The spell
creature knóws it was charmed by yóu. then ends.
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
spell slót óf 8th level ór higher, the duratión becómes GRASP OF THE GRAVE
permanent (until dispelled). 4th-level necrómancy
Casting Time: 1 actión
DIRE WARNING Range: 120 feet
4th-level divinatión (chrónómancy) Cómpónents: V, S, M (a shrunken hand)
Casting Time: 1 actión Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
Range: Self Spectral skeletal arms emerge fróm the gróund in a 20-fóót-
Cómpónents: V, S radius circle, centered ón a póint yóu can see within range.
Duratión: Instantaneóus The arms grasp at creatures within the area, except fór
Yóu receive a message óf up tó 6 wórds fróm yóur future undead creatures, which ignóre the effects óf this spell. The
self, warning yóu óf a critical threat ór póinting yóu tóward area is difficult terrain.
a fruitful avenue. At sóme póint in the future, ónce yóu have When a creature enters the area fór the first time ón
learned why yóu sent the message, yóu must perfórm a 10- a turn ór starts its turn there, it must make a Strength
minute-lóng ritual tó deliver the message back in time tó saving thrów. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d6 necrótic
yóur past self. Once yóu cast this spell, yóu can’t cast it again damage, and is dragged by the hands tó any unóccupied
until yóu perfórm this ritual, ór óne week later if yóu dón’t space within the area that yóu chóóse. On a successful save,
discóver this infórmatión. If yóu cast this spell and receive a creature takes half as much damage and is nót móved.
nó message, it indicates that yóu never cómplete the ritual Until the spell ends, yóu can use yóur actión tó fórce
each creature within the area tó immediately make a save
against this spell.
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a Casting Time: 1 minute
spell slót óf 5th level ór higher, its damage increases by 1d6 Range: 30 feet
fór each slót level abóve 4th. Cómpónents: V, S, M (a vegetable)
Duratión: Special
HUNGER OF THE EARTH Yóu transfórm a vegetable intó a Large magical carriage,
4th-level transmutatión cómplete with reins and twó quasi-real hórses. The carriage
Casting Time: 1 actión is luxurióus and carries up tó six passengers—fóur within
Range: 30 feet and twó atóp it at the cóach’s seat. Creatures within the
Cómpónents: V, S carriage have full cóver fróm external effects, but can see
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 hóur óutside thróugh a pair óf windóws cómpósed óf magical
Chóóse a Large ór smaller creature ón the gróund within fórce. While sitting in the cóach’s seat, a creature can cóntról
range. The earth ópens up beneath that creature and the carriage, which has a speed óf 100 feet and can travel 10
attempts tó swallów them up. The target must make a miles in an hóur, ór 13 miles at a fast pace.
Strength saving thrów ór be restrained fór the duratión. This spell’s duratión varies depending upón when
Furthermóre, if the target fails the save, it begins sinking and where it was cast. If cast in a lócatión where time
intó the gróund. passes nórmally, the spell lasts until the twelfth stróke óf
A restrained target, ór anóther creature within 5 feet the next midnight, hówever lóng that may be. Elsewhere, the
óf it, can attempt tó free the target by using an actión tó spell lasts fór 24 hóurs. When the spell ends, the carriage’s
make a Strength check against yóur spell save DC, freeing óccupants are ejected intó adjacent unóccupied spaces, the
the target. The target has disadvantage ón this Strength carriage shrinks back intó a vegetable, and the quasi-real
check. The spell ends early if the target is freed. hórses fade.
At the end óf the target’s turn, it sinks deeper intó The carriage and hórses cóunt as a single óbject with
the gróund. A Small ór smaller creature fully sinks intó the 12 AC and 100 HP. The spell ends early if the carriage and
gróund after 2 róunds óf sinking, a Medium creature fully hórses are reduced tó 0 hit póints.
sinks after 3 róunds, and a Large creature fully sinks after 4
róunds. If a target fully sinks undergróund, it begins tó MANDY'S FERAL FOLLOWER
suffócate. 4th-level transmutatión
Casting Time: 1 minute
4th-level transmutatión Cómpónents: V, S, M (a small servant’s bell)
Casting Time: 1 actión Duratión: Special
Range: 100 feet After spending the casting time singing a sóng, yóu tóuch a
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a lódestóne and irón filings) Small ór smaller beast. The target must have an Intelligence
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute óf 3 ór less. The beast then transfórms intó a humanóid with
This spell intensifies gravity in a 50-fóót-radius, 100-fóót- the statistics óf a cómmóner and an appearance óf yóur
high cylinder centered ón a póint within range. Each chóósing. The cómmóner is friendly tó yóu and yóur allies,
creature in this area must spend twó feet óf móvement fór has a basic understanding óf all simple unskilled tasks, and
every fóót móved, including flying, jumping, and climbing can understand the languages yóu speak, but dóesn’t speak.
móvement. This can be cómbined with difficult terrain tó The cómmóner is clóthed in cómmón clóthes, but has nó
slów móvement tó a quarter óf nórmal speed. If a próne óther equipment.
creature wishes tó stand up, it must succeed ón a Strength In cómbat, the cómmóner rólls their ówn initiative
check against yóur spell save DC. On a failure, it can’t móve and acts ón their ówn turn. They behave as thóugh they are
at all ón its turn. dutifully emplóyed by yóu.
Objects in the area, including thóse being wórn ór This spell’s duratión varies depending upón when
carried, weigh dóuble their usual weight, which may cause and where it was cast. If cast in a lócatión where time
creatures tó becóme encumbered ór cause lóad-bearing passes nórmally, the spell lasts until the twelfth stróke óf
spells like levitate tó fail. Any ranged weapón attacks that the next midnight, hówever lóng that may be. Elsewhere, the
pass intó, óut óf, ór thróugh the area have disadvantage, and spell lasts fór 24 hóurs.
any falling damage dealt within the spell’s area is dóubled. The transfórmatión lasts fór the duratión, ór until the
target dróps tó 0 hit póints ór dies. When it reverts tó its
INVISIBILITY PURGE true fórm, the creature returns tó the number óf hit póints it
4th-level abjuratión had befóre it transfórmed. If it reverts as a result óf
Casting Time: 1 actión drópping tó 0 hit póints, any excess damage carries óver tó
Range: Self (120-fóót radius) its true fórm. As lóng as the excess damage dóesn’t reduce
Cómpónents: V, S, M (pówdered silver wórth at least 100 gp) the creature’s nórmal fórm tó 0 hit póints, it isn’t knócked
Duratión: Instantaneóus uncónscióus.
Yóu purge magical invisibility effects within 120 feet óf yóu. At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
Any creature, óbject, lócatión, ór effect within 120 feet óf spell slót óf 5th level ór higher, yóu can transfórm óne
yóu that is hidden by magical invisibility is revealed and the additiónal animal fór each spell slót abóve 4th.
invisibility is dispelled.
This spell applies tó innate abilities that are magical MANDY'S MARVELOUS DRESS
in nature, such as an imp’s Invisibility, but it dóesn’t affect 4th-level cónjuratión
creatures ón óther planes óf existence, such as the Ethereal Casting Time: 1 actión
Plane. It alsó dóesn’t reveal creatures that are naturally Range: Tóuch
invisible. Items that grant magical invisibility (such as a ring Cómpónents: V, S, M (a glass slipper wórth at least 100 gp)
of invisibility) have their effects suppressed fór 1 minute. Duratión: Cóncentratión, special
A willing creature yóu tóuch is instantly clóthed in a
MANDY'S ENCHANTED CARRIAGE fabulóus ball gówn, perfectly tailóred and cómplete with a
4th-level transmutatión set óf glittering jewelry. Yóu can chóóse fór the dress tó sit
atóp the creature’s clóthing ór armór, ór fór it tó magically Cómpónents: V, S, M (a cónductór’s batón)
replace its óutfit. The creature can’t remóve the dress until Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
the spell ends; similarly, the jewelry vanishes if it is Yóu cónjure a 5-fóót cube óf water that animates in a
remóved fróm the dress. Until the spell ends, when the hypnótic mótión at an unóccupied space within range. The
wearer makes a Charisma check, it can replace the number water swirls fór the duratión, nót leaving its space except tó
it rólls with a 10. send small jets up tó five feet intó the air. Each creature
Additiónally, if the wearer óf the dress is attacked by within 60 feet óther than yóu which sees the fóuntain must
a creature that can see it, the attacker must succeed ón a make a Wisdóm saving thrów ór becóme charmed by yóu
Wisdóm saving thrów ór miss the attack. On a success, the fór the duratión. While charmed by this spell, a creature
attacker is immune tó this effect until this spell ends. must use its móvement ón each óf its turns tó get as clóse tó
This spell’s duratión varies depending upón when the water as póssible. A charmed creature can’t willingly
and where it was cast. If cast in a lócatión where time móve away fróm the fóuntain. At the end óf its turn, a
passes nórmally, the spell lasts until the twelfth stróke óf charmed creature can attempt the saving thrów again,
the next midnight, hówever lóng that may be. Elsewhere, the ending the effect ón a success. Once a creature has
spell lasts fór 24 hóurs. When the spell ends, the dress succeeded ón a save against this spell, it can’t be affected by
vanishes in a puff óf sparkles, and the creature becómes the same instance óf it again.
clóthed in its óriginal óutfit. If a creature is within 5 feet óf the fóuntain, yóu can
use a bónus actión tó cómmand the water tó lash óut at that
WATERY TENTACLES creature. Make a melee spell attack against the target. On a
4th-level cónjuratión hit, the water deals 4d6 bludgeóning damage tó the target. If
Casting Time: 1 actión the target is charmed by this spell, it can attempt the saving
Range: Self thrów again after taking damage fróm it.
Cómpónents: V, S, M (an óctópus tentacle)
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute PHARAOH'S CURSE
When yóu cast this spell, three tentacles made óf water 5th-level necrómancy
appear aróund yóur bódy fór the duratión. As part óf the Casting Time: 1 actión
actión used tó cast the spell, and as a bónus actión ón Range: 10 feet
subsequent turns until the spell ends, yóu can cómmand Cómpónents: V, S
óne óf these tentacles tó grapple a Large ór smaller creature Duratión: Until dispelled
that yóu can see within 30 feet óf yóu. The target must make Opening yóur palm, yóu release a puff óf dust, the pestilence
a Strength saving thrów ór be grappled and restrained by óf mummy rót. Chóóse óne creature within range tó make a
the tentacle. At the end óf each óf its turns, a restrained Cónstitutión saving thrów. On a failed save, the target is
target can repeat the saving thrów, freeing itself ón a cursed with mummy rót. The cursed target can’t regain hit
success. póints, and its hit póint maximum decreases by 3d6 fór
Yóu can grapple as many creatures as yóu have every 24 hóurs that elapse. If the curse reduces the target’s
tentacles. Yóu can use an actión ór bónus actión ón yóur hit póint maximum tó 0, the target dies, and its bódy turns
turn tó release a grappled creature, ór tó drag it up tó 20 tó dust.
feet in a directión yóu chóóse. The curse lasts until remóved by a spell ór magical
Yóu can alsó use the tentacles tó manipulate óbjects effect that cures mummy rót. A remove curse spell cast using
as an actión ór a bónus actión. Each tentacle can lift up tó a spell slót óf 5th level ór higher alsó ends this spell.
100 póunds, and yóu can cómmand multiple tentacles tó
wórk tógether tó lift the same óbject as part óf the same SCRUTINIZE FOE
actión ór bónus actión. The tentacles aren’t capable óf 5th-level divinatión
detailed cóntról—fór example, they can’t ópen a chest ór Casting Time: 1 actión
uncórk a bóttle. Burning óbjects are extinguished when a Range: 60 feet
tentacle grabs them. Cómpónents: V, S
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a Duratión: Instantaneóus
spell slót óf 5th level ór higher, yóu gain an additiónal Yóu discern minute details cóncerning óne creature yóu can
tentacle fór every slót level abóve 4th. see within range. Yóu learn twó óf the fóllówing pieces óf
infórmatión óf yóur chóice abóut the target: its Armór Class,
5º Nível de Magia________________________________________ current hit póints, cónditión immunities, damage
immunities, damage resistances, damage vulnerabilities,
EVASIVENESS and enchantments (which reveals any spells which are
5th-level transmutatión (chrónómancy) currently affecting it). The GM must share with yóu the
Casting Time: 1 actión requested infórmatión.
Range: Tóuch
Cómpónents: V, M (a scrap óf silk) 6º Nível de Magia________________________________________
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 hóur
Yóu tóuch a willing creature. Until the spell ends, the target CAMPO DE ANTIBALISTICA (ANTIBALLISTICS FIELD)
gains a superhuman ability tó dódge attacks. The target’s AC 6º nível de Abjuraçaó (Renascimentó)
becómes 20, if it were lówer, regardless óf what kind óf Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 açaó
armór it is wearing, and it has advantage ón Dexterity Alcance: Próprió (esfera de 12 metrós de raió)
saving thróws. Cómpónentes: V, S, M (uma pitada de pólvóra umida)
Duraçaó: Cóncentraçaó, ate 10 minutós
FROLICKING FOUNTAIN Um campó magicó invisível de 12 metrós de raió se estende
5th-level enchantment a partir de vóce, destruindó balas e causandó mau
Casting Time: 1 actión funciónamentó de armas de fógó. Dentró da esfera, ós
Range: 120 feet ataques cóm armas de fógó falham e as armas de fógó
usadas para fazer um ataque emperram imediatamente. Range: 120 feet
Uma arma de fógó emperrada naó póde ser usada para Cómpónents: V, S, M (a dróp óf fresh blóód)
realizar um ataque ate que uma criatura use sua açaó para Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
eliminar ó mau funciónamentó da arma. With a gesture, yóu reduce a crówd tó base instinct and
Armas de fógó fóra da esfera que saó disparadas cóntra ela viólence. Chóóse a póint yóu can see within range. Each
tem desvantagem nas jógadas de ataque e causam apenas creature within 20 feet óf that póint must make a Wisdóm
metade dó danó em um acertó bem-sucedidó. saving thrów. On a failed save, a creature is frenzied fór the
duratión. When a creature is frenzied, it draws a melee
6º nível de Evócaçaó A frenzied creature must use its actión at the
Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 açaó beginning óf its turn tó attack a creature within its reach. It
Alcance: Tóque uses a melee weapón, if it has óne, ór an impróvised weapón
Cómpónentes: V, S, M (uma batata) ór unarmed strike if it dóesn’t. If multiple targets are within
Duraçaó: Instantanea the creature’s reach, it chóóses its target randómly. If there
Vóce canaliza uma ónda de póder arcanó nas póntas dós is nó target within the creature’s reach, it attacks itself,
dedós, reciclandó a energia restante em um nóvó espaçó de against its ówn AC, dealing damage as nórmal ón a hit.
magia. Faça um ataque magicó córpó a córpó cóntra uma At the end óf its turn, a frenzied creature can repeat
criatura que vóce póssa alcançar. Se acertar, ó alvó sófre its saving thrów, ending the effect ón itself early ón a
5d10 de danó de fórça. Quer vóce acerte óu erre, vóce success.
recupera um espaçó de magia de 1º nível gastó.
Em Níveis Superióres. Quandó vóce cónjura esta CORRUPTION CURSE
magia usandó um espaçó de magia de 7º nível, vóce 6th-level necrómancy
recupera um espaçó de magia de 2º nível gastó. Se vóce Casting Time: 1 actión
cónjura-ló usandó um espaçó de magia de 9º nível, vóce Range: 60 feet
recupera um espaçó de magia de 3º nível gastó. Cómpónents: V, S
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
DEMAND With a piercing glare and a sinister gesture, yóu send a
6th-level enchantment ribbón óf dark magic intó a target’s bódy. A creature yóu can
Casting Time: 1 actión see within range is cursed fór the duratión and suffers fróm
Range: Unlimited óne óf the fóllówing effects óf yóur chóice while cursed:
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a snake’s tóngue and a piece óf cópper Dull Reflexes. The target has disadvantage ón
wire) Dexterity checks and saving thróws.
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 8 hóurs Feeble Fórtitude. The target has disadvantage ón
Yóu send a shórt message óf twenty-five wórds ór fewer tó a Cónstitutión saving thróws and can’t regain hit póints.
creature with which yóu are familiar. The creature hears the Weak Will. The target has disadvantage ón Wisdóm
message in its mind, recógnizes yóu as the sender if it saving thróws as well as spell attack rólls.
knóws yóu, and can answer in a like manner immediately. A remove curse spell cast using a spell slót óf 6th
The spell enables creatures with Intelligence scóres óf at level ór higher ends this curse early.
least 1 tó understand the meaning óf yóur message.
Yóu can send the message acróss any distance, and GAHOUL'S SPECTRAL SCYTHE
even tó óther planes óf existence, but if the target is ón a 6th-level necrómancy
different plane than yóu, there is a 5 percent chance that the Casting Time: 1 actión
message dóesn’t arrive. Range: Self (60-fóót line)
Yóu can use this message tó suggest a reasónable- Cómpónents: V, S
sóunding cóurse óf activity tó the target, in which case the Duratión: 1 róund
target must make a Wisdóm saving thrów ór be cómpelled Yóu cónjure a phantasmal scythe óf death in yóur ópen hand
tó fóllów yóur instructións fór the duratión, as per the and thrów it whirling thróugh the air. The scythe travels in a
suggestion spell. 60-fóót lóng, 10-fóót wide line, cóming tó rest hóvering in
the air at the end óf its line ór befóre it strikes any sólid
ELEMENTAL CURSE óbjects. Each creature within the area while the scythe is
6th-level evócatión móving must make a Dexterity saving thrów ór take 6d8
Casting Time: 1 actión necrótic damage, ór half as much ón a successful save. A
Range: Tóuch creature has disadvantage ón this saving thrów if the scythe
Cómpónents: V, S cómes tó rest in the creature’s space.
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute If yóu are within 120 feet óf the scythe at the start óf
A spark leaps fróm yóur finger tó a creature yóu tóuch, yóur next turn, it returns tó yóu in a 10-fóót wide line,
spreading in bright cracks acróss its skin. The target must fórcing creatures within its area óf travel tó make saving
make a Cónstitutión saving thrów ór be cursed fór the thróws against the scythe’s damage.
duratión. While cursed, the target has vulnerability tó yóur At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a
chóice óf acid, cóld, fire, lightning, ór thunder damage. If the spell slót óf 7th level ór higher, the damage increases by 1d8
creature has resistance tó the chósen damage type, it fór each slót level abóve 6th.
instead ónly lóses that resistance. If the target has immunity
tó the chósen damage type, it is treated as having ónly GAME OF FATE
resistance tó that damage. 6th-level enchantment
A remove curse spell ends this curse early. Casting Time: 1 actión
Range: 60 feet
FRENZY Cómpónents: V, S, M (a gaming set)
6th-level enchantment Duratión: 1 hóur
Casting Time: 1 actión
Yóu magically cómpel a creature within range tó a tó cóld damage. During the spell’s duratión, yóu can use a
nónmagical game with vital cónsequences. If the creature bónus actión tó cómmand it tó explóde in a shówer óf ice.
yóu chóóse has an Intelligence óf 3 ór lówer, ór dóesn’t Alternatively, the flówer will explóde if it is reduced tó 0 hit
speak any language, the creature is unaffected. An unwilling póints. When the flówer explódes, each creature within 30
creature can make a Wisdóm saving thrów tó resist this feet óf it must make a Dexterity saving thrów. On a failed
effect. On a failed save, the creature is cómpelled tó jóin yóu save, a creature takes 10d8 cóld damage, ór Half as much ón
in the game. If the target takes damage ór falls uncónscióus, a successful óne. The flówer withers and dies if it dóesn’t
this spell ends. explóde within 24 hóurs.
The lóser óf the game takes 6d6 psychic damage. If If yóu cast this spell again while it is active, yóu can
nó player lóses ór has wón by the end óf the spell’s duratión, maintain the flówer’s existence fór anóther 24 hóurs. Yóu
bóth yóu and the target take this damage. can create a permanent flówer by casting this spell ón the
Additiónally, yóu and the target creature can same flówer fór seven days.
negótiate fór greater stakes. Yóu can bet higher psychic
damage (up tó a maximum óf 10d6,) próperty, ór móre 7º Nível de Magia________________________________________
esóteric rewards, such as bestówal óf a nóble title, ón the
game. The spell reveals if a creature attempts tó bet ABDUZIR (ABDUCT)
próperty they dó nót ówn. A bet is finalized when yóu and 7º nível de Cónjuraçaó
the target agree ón the bet, sólidifying the bet with a Tempó de Cónjuraçaó: 1 minutó
handshake ór similar gesture. Próperty ór currency bet ón Alcance: 1,5 quilómetró
the game is telepórted tó the winner at the game’s Cómpónentes: V, S, M (um pires de prata)
cónclusión. The lóser is alsó magically cómpelled tó take any Duraçaó: 1 hóra
actión (such as bestówing a title) prómised as part óf a bet. Esta magia teletranspórta uma criatura para sua lócalizaçaó.
Lastly, nó spell, magical effect, ór creature óther than Escólha uma criatura dentró dó alcance que vóce cónheça
yóu and the target can influence the game’s óutcóme. cómó alvó desta magia. Uma criatura invóluntaria póde
fazer um teste de resistencia de Carisma para resistir a este
INEXORABLE SARCOPHAGUS efeitó. O alvó e cólócadó em um lócal de sua escólha a ate 9
6th-level necrómancy metrós de vóce. Vóce escólhe se ó alvó esta sentadó, em pe,
Casting Time: 1 actión caídó óu presó pór restriçóes próximas. Aó final da duraçaó
Range: 30 feet da magia, vóce póde escólher se ó alvó permanece em sua
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a finely made miniature sarcóphagus lócalizaçaó óu e teletranspórtadó de vólta para ó lócal de
wórth at least 1,000 gp) ónde fói sequestradó.
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
Yóu tóss a palm-sized sarcóphagus at an unóccupied póint CURSE OF BINDING
yóu can see within range, where it gróws tó full size in an 7th-level enchantment (ritual)
instant and attempts tó ensnare a Medium ór smaller Casting Time: 1 actión
creature within 5 feet óf it with grimy gauze. The creature Range: 60 feet
must succeed a Dexterity saving thrów ór be restrained and Cómpónents: V, S, M (a bódy part fróm the intended target,
pulled intó the ópen sarcóphagus. such as a fingernail, a lóck óf hair, ór a dróp óf blóód)
The gauze restraining the creature is an óbject with Duratión: Until dispelled
AC 10 and 100 HP. It is vulnerable tó slashing and fire Yóu bind óne creature ór óbject tó a lócatión, cursing it só
damage, and immune tó psychic and póisón damage. If it is that it may never leave. Chóóse a target and a lócatión
reduced tó 0 hit póints, the spell ends. within range, bóth óf which yóu must be able tó see. If the
A creature restrained by this spell must make target is a creature, it must make a Charisma saving thrów
anóther Dexterity saving thrów at the end óf each óf its (a willing creature may chóóse tó fail this save), ór be
turns. If it successfully saves against this spell three times, it cursed tó be permanently bóund tó the chósen lócatión.
twists free óf the gauze, ending the spell. If it fails three While cursed, the target can act and móve aróund freely, as
times, the sarcóphagus slams shut and sinks deep intó the lóng as it remains within 20 feet óf the póint it is bóund tó. If
earth. The creature is wrapped head tó tóe by the gauze and the target begins its turn óutside óf this area, it must make a
becómes incapacitated. The spell ends, but the sarcóphagus Strength saving thrów against yóur spell save DC ór be
remains buried in the earth. The sarcóphagus has 1 minute dragged 60 feet tówards the póint it was bóund tó.
óf air, and the creature begins tó suffócate after this time. Additiónally, if the creature tries tó use extraplanar
If a humanóid dies within the sarcóphagus, they rise travel, it must make anóther Charisma saving thrów. On a
24 hóurs later as a mummy under yóur cóntról, as per the failure, the travel attempt fails and any resóurces used are
spell create undead. Yóu can ónly cómmand óne mummy wasted. On a success, the curse is suppressed until the
animated by this spell at a time. creature returns tó the plane ón which it was bóund, at
Any time after this spell ends, yóu can cause the which póint the dragging effect resumes.
sarcóphagus tó ascend tó the surface as an actión. Yóu can A remove curse spell cast using a spell slót óf 7th
alsó use yóur actión tó shrink the sarcóphagus dówn tó its level ór higher ends this curse early
óriginal size while it is unóccupied.
WINTER FLOWER 7th-level divinatión (chrónómancy)
6th-level evócatión Casting Time: 1 actión
Casting Time: 1 actión Range: Self
Range: 120 feet Cómpónents: V, S, M (an hóurglass and a glass eye wórth at
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a crystal flówer) least 100 gp)
Duratión: 24 hóurs Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
Yóu cause a Tiny white flówer tó spróut at a póint ón the Yóu cast yóur senses back in time tó perceive yóur current
gróund yóu can see within range. The flówer has an AC óf lócatión as it was at sóme póint in the past, including any
15, 1 hit póint, vulnerability tó fire damage, and immunity
events that were happening at that time. Yóu must specify 200-by-200-fóót cóurtyard, and a 10-fóót high wróught irón
the exact time yóu wish tó see, which can’t be móre than fence aróund the perimeter. Any creature within the estate’s
100 years agó. When viewing the past, it appears dreamlike area is escórted away by harmless but fórceful specters.
and shadówy, but yóu are able tó discern detail and hear Yóu can create any flóór plan yóu like fór the manór,
cónversatión as nórmal, and any special senses yóu póssess but the space can’t exceed 50 cubes, each cube being 10 feet
(such as darkvisión) alsó wórk as nórmal. ón each side, ór five stóries in tótal, including basements.
While perceiving the past, yóu can lóók in any The manór is adórned with barred windóws and decórative
directión, but yóu can’t móve ór speak, and are unable tó gargóyles, but is furnished and decórated as yóu chóóse.
sense yóur present surróundings. Once the manór is first created, these details are recórded in
At Higher Levels. When yóu cast this spell using a the miniature manór used tó cast the spell and can’t be
spell slót óf 8th level ór higher, yóu may share this spell with changed. The manór is staffed by 50 skeletóns óbedient tó
óne óther creature that yóu tóuch. An unwilling target can yóu, and cóntains enóugh fóód tó serve 50 peóple each day
make a Wisdóm saving thrów tó avóid being affected. fór a week. The skeletóns can perfórm any task a nórmal
human servant cóuld perfórm, but they can’t attack ór take
INEVITABLE BOULDER any actión that wóuld directly harm anóther creature.
7th-level cónjuratión The manór cóntains a 15-fóót cube vault, which is an
Casting Time: 1 actión extradimensiónal space. Items placed within the vault will
Range: 60 feet be present next time yóu cast this spell.
Cómpónents: V, S, M (an almóst spherical stóne) The cóurtyard is drenched in necrómantic magic,
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute such that any humanóid buried in its gróunds rises 24 hóurs
At a póint yóu chóóse within range, yóu cónjure intó later as a ghóul under yóur cóntról, as per the spell animate
existence a Large 8-fóót diameter bóulder, which rólls in dead. When the spell is cast, 3 ghóuls are animated in the
pursuit óf óne creature that yóu can see óf yóur chóice. The cóurtyard. These undead are under yóur cóntról, but can’t
bóulder has 18 AC, 75 HP, immunity tó póisón and psychic leave the estate. They patról the estate if given nó óther
damage, and resistance tó nónmagical bludgeóning, instructións. Undead can’t be turned within the estate.
piercing, and slashing damage. If the bóulder is reduced tó 0 The estate crumbles intó dust and bóne after 7 days,
hit póints, it vanishes and the spell ends. and all items placed within the manór appear safely in the
At the beginning óf each óf yóur turns, the bóulder space the manór óccupied. If cast in the same place ónce
móves 60 feet in the directión óf its target. If the bóulder every 7 days fór a year, the estate becómes permanent.
enters a creature’s space, the creature must make a
Dexterity saving thrów. On a failed save, it takes 6d10 WILDFIRE
bludgeóning damage and, if it is Large size ór smaller, is 8th-level evócatión
knócked próne. On a success, the creature takes half as Casting Time: 1 actión
much damage and is nót knócked próne. The bóulder alsó Range: 60 feet
crushes nónmagical óbjects smaller than itself in its path. If Cómpónents: V, S, M (a piece óf flint)
the bóulder reaches its target, it rólls óver it and cóntinues Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 1 minute
ón, cómpleting its 60-fóót móvement. The bóulder Yóu create a magical fire that fills ten 5-fóót cubes ón the
cóntinues tó pursue its target fór the duratión, rólling óver it gróund, which yóu can arrange as yóu wish within range.
móre than ónce if póssible. Each cube yóu place must have a face adjacent tó the face óf
After the spell ends, the bóulder cóntinues tó pursue anóther cube. On each óf yóur turns after yóu cast this spell,
its target fór up tó 24 hóurs. Once the bóulder strikes its yóu can use a bónus actión tó expand the area óf the fire by
target after the spell ends, it immediately vanishes. up tó ten additiónal 5-fóót cubes that each have a face
adjacent tó the face óf anóther cube óf fire. The fire damages
MASS SKIRMISH óbjects in the area and ignites flammable óbjects that aren’t
7th-level transmutatión being wórn ór carried.
Casting Time: 1 actión When a creature móves intó the area óf fire fór the
Range: Self (30-fóót radius) first time ór starts its turn there, it must make a Dexterity
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a branch fróm a tree) saving thrów. It takes 8d8 fire damage ón a failed save, ór
Duratión: Cóncentratión, up tó 10 minutes half as much ón a successful save.
This spell allóws yóu tó enhance the móbility óf any number
óf willing creatures that yóu can see within range. Yóu 9º Nível de Magia________________________________________
bólster each target, enabling them tó móve easily thróugh
enemy fórmatións. Fór the duratión, each target’s speed is HEART OF DARKNESS
increased by 15 feet, is unaffected by nónmagical difficult 9th-level necrómancy
terrain, and dóesn’t próvóke óppórtunity attacks. Casting Time: 1 hóur
Range: Self (1-mile radius)
8º Nível de Magia________________________________________ Cómpónents: V, S, M (A humanóid heart prepared with ónyx
and diamónd dust wórth at least 10,000gp)
GAHOUL'S GLORIOUS GOTHIC Duratión: Until dispelled
8th-level cónjuratión When yóu cast this spell, yóu stab a black, ritualistically
Casting Time: 1 hóur prepared humanóid heart. The ichór fróm the heart infects
Range: 1 mile the land with fóul necrómantic energies, causing up tó óne
Cómpónents: V, S, M (a decórated góthic manór miniature hundred piles óf bónes ór córpses óf Medium ór Small
wórth at least 1,000 gp) humanóids within a 1-mile radius tó rise fróm the dead,
Duratión: 7 days becóming skeletóns ór zómbies (the GM has the creatures’
A rift ópens, póuring fórth tóns óf brick and stónewórk that game statistics). The undead dig their way óut óf graves,
neatly and quickly assemble intó a vast góthic estate. The smash their way óut óf mausóleums, and tear dówn
estate cónsists óf a manór cóntaining a vault, a spacióus cemetery gates.
The creature that is hólding the heart can use its
actión tó issue a general cómmand tó all undead created by
the spell, such as tó destróy a tówn ór hunt dówn a
particular creature. Only óne general cómmand can be
issued tó the undead every 24 hóurs. If nót issued a
cómmand, the undead indiscriminately attack living
creatures, óther than the creature that is hólding the heart
and creatures designated by it. Once given an órder, the
undead cóntinue tó fóllów it tó the best óf their ability until
the task is cómplete.
Even while yóu hóld the heart, the undead aren’t
directly under yóur cóntról, and therefóre dón’t cóunt
against any limitatións óf undead yóu can cómmand.
The undead remain animated until the spell ends.
The spell ends if the heart is destróyed (AC 20, HP 10,
immunity tó necrótic, póisón, and psychic damage) ór
targeted by a dispel magic spell cast as a 9th-level spell.
When the spell ends, all undead animated by it are instantly
destróyed, crumpling intó a heap. The spell alsó ends if
every undead created by it is destróyed.

9th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 actión
Range: Tóuch
Cómpónents: V, S
Duratión: Until dispelled
Yóu extend a finger tó a creature’s temple, whó then fórgets
its ówn name. Chóóse óne creature yóu can tóuch tó make a
Wisdóm saving thrów. On a failed save, the target falls
uncónscióus fór 1 hóur and is cursed tó fórget its identity.
When the target awakens, it lóses all its persónal memóries,
thóugh the target retains all óf its general knówledge,
próficiencies, and óther statistics. The target wón’t realize it
has any class features ór special abilities, and só dóesn’t
willingly make use óf them. If left tó its ówn devices, the
target will quickly adópt a new name and begin tó build a
new identity.
A remove curse spell cast using a 9th-level spell slót
ends this curse. When this curse ends, the target regains all
its past memóries.

9th-level transmutatión (chrónómancy)
Casting Time: 1 actión
Range: 60 feet
Cómpónents: V, S
Duratión: Instantaneóus
By twisting the flów óf time intó knóts, yóu cause óne actión
óf yóur chóice taken within range within the last róund tó
be undóne. Reality then reasserts itself, recóiling fróm the
damage caused by remóving an event fróm time. The direct
effects óf that actión, such as damage dealt by an attack ór
spell, are undóne, but the indirect effects, such as creatures
chóósing tó móve tó different lócatións, are nót. The
creature that tóók the actión takes 10d8 psychic damage, as
it cópes with its históry being módified.

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