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Test Disk

Bem-vindo ao Globetrotter TEST DISK. Ele traz para você questões, respostas e
comentários de diversas provas de vestibulares em vários pontos do Brasil. As
questões foram divididas em 3 seções: (1) Do these, uma série de questões para
você se preparar para os diversos tipos de perguntas freqüentes em provas de
vestibular; (2) Complement, questões extras para solidificar seu estudo e (3)
Challenge, uma seleção de questões de alto nível, para você se superar.
Bom trabalho e boa sorte!

Do These

(UFSM) Para responder às questões de números 1 a 6, leia o texto abaixo.


Research has shown that forward-facing car seats for children aged up to four are
often less safe than parents think.
The Head
Children have bigger heads than adults relative to their body weight. In an accident
they are more vulnerable to serious head and brain injury.

The bones of young people are weaker, break more easily and give less protection to
internal organs during a crash. They can be broken just by hitting seatbelt webbing
during an accident.

The Neck
A child's upper spine is relatively weak and violent movement can break its neck. In
America children have been decapitated by passenger airbags.

Children's bodies are very flexible, making it hard to design a harness to hold them. In
some crashes children have died after being flung out of loose or ill-fitting seatbelts.

Test Disk


In an impact at 30 miles per hour, a 25kg child

transforms into a one ton projectile. Forward-
facing seats offer less security. Children facing
backwards are safer because their heads are
supported. The seat is located in the middle of
the back seat – the safest part of the car.

The Sunday Times, April 19, 1998

1. Assinale a alternativa que melhor expressa o objetivo do texto.

a. Chamar a atenção dos pais para o número de acidentes automobilísticos
envolvendo crianças.
b. Questionar a segurança das cadeiras infantis nos carros.
c. Salientar a importância do uso do cinto de segurança.
d. Mostrar o resultado de pesquisas sobre acidentes automobilísticos envolvendo
e. Descrever as partes do corpo da criança que estão mais vulneráveis a ferimentos.

2. Considerando o subtítulo pesquisas indicam que:

I. os pais confiam na segurança de cadeiras infantis em que as crianças ficam
voltadas para a frente.
II. há cadeiras infantis que não são suficientemente seguras.
III. crianças acima de 4 anos estão mais seguras no banco dianteiro.

a. apenas I
b. apenas II
c. apenas III
d. apenas I e II
e. apenas II e III
Test Disk

3. No texto são destacadas partes do corpo da criança que estão mais sujeitas a
contusões em acidentes automobilísticos. Assinale a alternativa que indica essas
a. ombros – braços – cabeça
b. queixo – pescoço – órgãos internos
c. estrutura óssea – cabeça – pescoço
d. braços – cabeça – pés
e. ombros – cabeça – queixo

4. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta, respectivamente, os antônimos das

palavras sublinhadas, o que torna o enunciado de acordo com o texto.

“Most notably, children’s heads are proportionally much smaller and their necks
are stronger. As a result, these lower parts are less vulnerable to injuries.”

a. bigger – weaker – upper – more

b. more – weakest – up – as
c. bigger – more weak – upper – so
d. less – weaker – up – more
e. bigger – weakest – up – as

5. Selecione a alternativa que completa o enunciado a seguir.

“_____ researchers confirmed _____ children in forward-facing seats are more

likely _____ suffer serious injury than those _____ face backwards.”

a. The – which – to – who

b. Any – who – for – which
c. The – that – for – that
d. None – which – to – who
e. The – that – to – who

6. As palavras They (l. 6) e them (l. 12) referem-se, respectivamente, a:

a. children – crashes
b. young people – seat belts
c. organs – bones
d. bones – bodies
e. accidents – children

Test Disk

(FECEA) Para responder as questões de números 7 a 11, leia o texto abaixo.


Most people are unaware they possess a quite remarkable skill, which is usually
overlooked because it is exercised daily, and in the most ordinary contexts. But
without it, our lives would be unfulfilled and empty. It is the ability to relate to others,
to encourage them in conversation, to operate as social and sociable individuals and
to develop both short-term and long-term relationships ___(1)___. We are not born
with this ability. There is nothing wired into the human brain that provides us with set
responses to social situations. To perform effectively in a world ___(2)___,
encounters and relationships, we have to learn what to do.
Small babies, as any parent will remember, are among the least sociable beings
___(3)___. They are totally demanding, utterly selfish and scream with rage if their
every whim is not immediately satisfied. Somehow this unlikely raw material is
transformed over the years into a being which relies for its survival on being able to
form reciprocal bonds with others and to follow complex rules ___(4)___. The
monstrous infant becomes the caring, responsible adult whose life experiences
revolve around both the joys and pains, the giving and receiving, of friendships and
other relationships. It is this remarkable transformation which is the central
characteristic of being human.

7. As lacunas 1, 2, 3 e 4 completam-se respectivamente com as seguintes frases:

I. [...] that govern every aspect of its social life
II. [...] that relies so heavily on social interaction
III.[...] that you could imagine
IV.[...] which lies at the heart of our very existence as human beings

Assinale a alternativa que contém a seqüência obtida na associação:

a. IV – II – III – I
b. II – I – III – IV
c. I – II – III – IV
d. III – I – IV – II
e. IV – I – III – II

8. “Somehow this unlikely raw material is transformed over the years into a being...”
Esta frase refere-se:
a. aos bebês
b. aos pais
c. aos adultos
d. aos monstruosos adultos
e. aos egoístas

Test Disk

9. A palavra them na 4ª linha do texto refere-se:

a. nossas vidas
b. a habilidade
c. as outras pessoas
d. aos relacionamentos
e. ao desenvolvimento

10. De acordo com o texto a característica principal do ser humano é:

a. ser egoísta durante a infância e também na idade adulta.
b. ser exigente procurando obter tudo o que deseja.
c. ser capaz de seguir normas complexas desde a infância.
d. ser responsável ao atingir a idade adulta.
e. ser capaz de transformar-se ao longo de sua vida em um adulto capaz de
cultivar a amizade e outros tipos de relacionamento.

11. “We are not born with this ability”. A que habilidade o texto se refere?
a. A habilidade de compreender nosso cérebro.
b. A habilidade de relacionar-se socialmente com outras pessoas.
c. A habilidade de entender efetivamente o mundo.
d. A habilidade de praticar nossos talentos diariamente.
e. A habilidade de encontrar pessoas adequadas para nos relacionarmos.

12. “It is in the hands of Congress and the people of this country – ultimately in the
hands of God. There is nothing I can do.”
(President Clinton, on the House vote to begin an impeachment inquiry. In: Time, 19/10/98)
A sentença "There is nothing I can do." pode ser reescrita:
a. There isn't nothing I can do.
b. There isn't nothing I can't do.
c. There isn't anything I can do.
d. There isn't something I can do.
e. There isn't anything I can't do.

13. “The teacher isn’t going to repeat. He’ll say the words only ______.”
a. twice
b. once
c. four times
d. one
e. again
Test Disk

(UFCE) O texto abaixo refere-se às questões de números 14 a 22.


by Mary Jo Leddy

We tend to think of them as faceless statistics. They are the men and women and
children who have fled from countries riddled by seemingly incomprehensible, never-
ending political strife. Some question their motives, their legitimacy. Few ever get to
know them. Yet their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror imagine of our own –
and our response to them says a great deal about us as individuals, as a country.
Mary Jo Leddy knows many refugees, has lived with them, shared their pain and
admired their quiet sense of courage. Her five-year journey began at Romero House
in Toronto. First she listened to the stories: Mama Miriam, the elderly Eritrean woman
who left her life’s fortune in gold for safekeeping with a stranger in Harlem – and
manages to retrieve it years later; Cheeva, the Sri Lankan whose immigration
interrogation awakens unspeakable memories of his torture and inquisition; Natan,
the skilled craftsman whose battle with the Department of Immigration becomes a
bureaucratic nightmare of red tape, tragic waste, and unbelievable incompetence.
Then, she began to help, writing endless letters to immigration officials, faxes to
politicians, memos to lawyers and complaints to the law society. Her anger at what
she witnessed led to her role as a founding member of the Sanctuary Coalition, which
appealed directly to Prime minister Brian Mulroney on behalf of 23 families and
continues to challenge the “state-within-a-state” mentality of the Immigration Department.
At the Border Called Hope follows Mary Jo Leddy’s journey through a world of
tragedy, despair and hope. Written with compassion, humor and conviction, it will
touch the heart and awaken the conscience.
Harper Canada. ISBN 000255738X $26.00 (Can.)
Extracted from: http://www.harpercollins.com/canada/000255738x.htm

to flee fugir, escapar, procurar refúgio
riddled tomado de, cheio de, crivado de
strife luta, disputa, guerra
to retrieve reaver, recuperar
red tape burocracia, papelada
to witness testemunhar
to lead conduzir, guiar, levar
role papel
on behalf of em nome de, como representante de

Test Disk

Answer questions 14 to 22 according to the text “At The Border Called Hope: Where
Refugees Are Neighbors”.

14. The introductory sentence “We tend to think of them as faceless statistics.” (line1)
suggests that refugees:
a. have names and faces.
b. are not seen as individuals.
c. are particularly vulnerable.
d. do not want to be identified.
e. are a controversial topic of discussion.

15. The elements omitted IMMEDIATELY after SOME and FEW in the sentence
“Some question their motives, their legitimacy. Few ever get to know them.” (lines
3 and 4) are respectively:
a. of us – of us
b. of us – refugees
c. refugees – of us
d. refugees – refugees
e. neighbors – refugees

16. The sentence “Yet their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror image of our own
–..., as a country. “(lines 4-5 – paragraph 1) is equivalent in meaning to:
a. In other words, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror image of our own
–..., as a country.
b. As a result, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror image of our own –...,
as a country.
c. In addition, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror image of our own –...,
as a country.
d. Similarly, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror image of our own –...,
as a country.
e. Still, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror image of our own –..., as a country.

17. The Sanctuary Coalition is possibly:

a. a state agency created by the immigration officials.
b. a non-governmental organization created by the Prime Minister.
c. a special department to return refugees to their countries of origin.
d. a special law society created by the immigration officials.
e. a humanitarian Canadian organization.

Test Disk

18. The only alternative in accordance with the second paragraph is:
a. a refugee from a refugee in Sri Lanka returned involuntarily to
Eritrea his country
  
b. left her money with a was tortured in his home never had any problems
friend in Harlem country with the Department of
  
c. had trouble getting related important facts of a craftsman
her gold back his life to a writer
  
d. an old woman a man of unspeakable was unbelievably
memories incompetent
  
e. told her story to Mary never said a word to was repatriated
Jo Leddy anybody about his past in voluntarily
his country

19. The pejorative expression “state-within-a-state” (line 18 – paragraph 2) refers to

the Department of Immigration because of its:
a. competitive attitude
b. unspeakable compassion
c. influence and competence
d. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney
e. excessive multiplication of power

20. At the Border Called Hope is about:

a. factors and circumstances which affect a refugee’s life.
b. Mama Miriam’s five-year journey in Toronto.
c. an article written by Mary Jo Leddy.
d. a journey for travelers.
e. immigration systems.

21. One of the main objectives of the text is:

a. to encourage voluntary repatriation.
b. to start a campaign in favor of immigrants.
c. to get donations to repatriate Canadian immigrants.
d. to persuade people to buy and read a book about refugees.
e. to convince readers into accepting a refugee in their homes.
Test Disk

22. The quotation that may be related to the theme of this text is:
a. “It is a sweet and glorious thing to die for one’s country.” (Horace)
b. “Give me somewhere to stand, and I will move the earth.“ (Archimedes)
c. “There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one’s native land.”
d. “It is better to know some of the questions than to know all of the answers.”
(James Thurber)
e. “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV
will be fought with sticks and stones.“ (Einstein)

Now answer questions 23 and 24 according to the graphic below.

23. Choose the correct options according to the statistics above.

a. Oceania is an important area of refuge.
b. North America was the main area of refuge in 1998.
c. Asia was the principal world refugee destination in 1997.
d. The vast majority of the world’s estimated refugees were in Europe.
e. The statistics represented here cover the global refugees situation in the past
two years.

Test Disk

24. Decide if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE.

( ) North America accepted 19% less refugees than Europe.
( ) Europe had the second largest number of refugees in the world.
( ) The number of refugees in Oceania was the lowest in the world.
( ) The number of refugees in Latin America was the highest in the world.

The correct option is:

a. F–V–V–F
b. V–F–V–F
c. V–F–F–V
d. F–F–V–V
e. V–V–F–V

(UFPR) A questão 25 é somatória, ou seja, a resposta a ser dada é a soma dos

números das alternativas corretas.

25. According to the chart above:

01. The Northeast is the region which had the fewest executions in the United States.
02. There is no death penalty in the Northeast.
04. There were more executions in the Midwest than in the West.
08. Texas is the state with the lowest number of executions.
16. There were executions in five different regions.
32. Excluding the estate of Texas, the South is still the region where there were
the most executions in the United States.

Test Disk

26. De acordo com Fred Schaaf, os cometas têm três características que nos
emocionam. Extraia-as do texto junto com um exemplo para cada uma delas.


SPIRIT?” asks renowned astronomy writer Fred Schaaf. “Mystery, beauty, and danger.
And if that answer is correct, then comets are preeminently equipped to stir the spirit.”
Comets are the astronomical objects most capable of surprises and most likely to contain
secrets of the solar system’s birth. They can shine in gold and blue, with touches of red,
green, and even orange. They can out glow the Full Moon, become larger than the Sun,
crash into Jupiter with the biggest blasts ever witnessed by human eyes in our solar
system, eject a tail million of miles long overnight and grow a new one back just a
quickly, and reverse direction in hours while traveling in excess of million miles an hour.
In this lively new book, Schaaf offers a delightful illustrated history of all the greatest
comets ever recorded – the astonishing lore, and the even more astonishing science.
1. __________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. __________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
3. __________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .

Test Disk

Leia o texto dado a seguir e responda às questões de 27 a 30 de acordo com ele.
Television was conceived round 1875, but it was only in 1926 that a Scottish engineer turned the
idea into reality. His name was John L. Baird.
The first TV sets cost a lot of money and very few were sold. After the Second World War in the
late 40’s television boomed in The United States. In Brazil it started to get popular in the 50’s.
After the simple TV set there have more developments, such as video, satellite TV with many
new channels, cable TV, which not only provides even more channels, but also enables people
to communicate thought their TV, and more HDTV (high definition television), which offers a
clear and more realistic picture.
And what is the next step? The new idea called “hyper-media” – televisions will be linked to
computer data-banks. This will make it possible for viewers to ask questions about what they are
watching and get the answers on the screen.
In a short time television has come a long way and has become not only a way of entertainment,
but also an educational tool and a means of integrating the world. Sport events, shows, films,
international news and unfortunately even wars can be watched from your sofa at home.
But what effect does it have on society?
Does it make people more conscious, tolerant and peaceful or does it encourage some people
to be hopeless, frustrated and violent because of the programs shown?

27. PEACEFUL e HOPELESS são duas palavras que possuem sufixos. Elas significam:
a. prazeroso, feliz
b. em paz, esperançoso
c. pacífico, desesperançado
d. espirituoso, desesperado
e. tranqüilo, com esperança

28. TO CONCEIVE SOMETHING (“television was conceived”, no texto) é sinônimo de:

a. to write about something
b. to conceal something for later use
c. to imagine something for the first time
d. to find out what something is
e. to make something become real

29. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a uma das idéias colocadas no texto:
a. Os primeiros aparelhos de TV eram muito caros e poucos eram vendidos.
b. A televisão surgiu no Brasil no mesmo ano em que acabou a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
c. Os novos desenvolvimentos relacionados à televisão ainda não permitem que
as pessoas se comuniquem através dela.
d. Infelizmente a televisão não se tornou um instrumento com finalidade educacional.
e. Nenhuma das idéias anteriores aparece no texto.
Test Disk

30. Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as orações:

Listen! I believe somebody __________ the piano.
Yes, and he or she plays __________.
a. play, good
b. played, well
c. plays, better
d. is playing, well
e. was playing, very good

Responda as questões 31 a 35 indicando com um V, quando forem verdadeiras, e F, quando
falsas, de acordo o texto abaixo. Mais de uma alternativa é possível para cada teste.

Is this the most beautiful painting in the world? A lot of people think so. It is Leonardo da
Vinci’s La Gioconda, also known as the Mona Lisa. The most famous of all portraits,
painted around 1503, can be seen in the Louvre Museum, Paris.
They say that each time you look at her, you see something different...
Do you like La Gioconda? If so, why? If not, why not? Why do you think that this painting is
so famous and well liked? Is the secret – in her hands? – in her eyes? – in her smile?

31. No texto, most beautiful equivale a:

00 less beautiful than some
11 as beautiful as all the others
22 more beautiful than all the others
33 more beautiful than some
44 not so beautiful as all the others
Test Disk

32. A lot of people, no texto, equivale a:

00 many people
11 some people
22 all the people
33 a great number of people
44 nobody

33. Uma resposta possível à pergunta “Do you like La Gioconda?” seria:
00 Yes, I do.
11 Of course I do.
22 No, I’m afraid I don’t.
33 I like bananas.
44 No, I dislike paintings.

34. De acordo com o texto,

00 o quadro já esteve em vários museus do mundo.
11 o quadro está no Museu de Louvre.
22 dizem que cada vez que se olha o quadro, vê-se uma coisa diferente.
33 La Gioconda também é conhecida como a Mona Lisa.
44 poucos visitam esse quadro.

35. De acordo com o texto, o segredo do sucesso da Gioconda:

00 talvez esteja nas mãos, nos olhos, no sorriso.
11 foi revelado por Leonardo da Vinci.
22 não tem nada a ver com pintura.
33 é conhecido por todos.
44 é difícil de definir exatamente.

36. “It’s O.K. to use pronouns. There's no shortage of pronouns. Feel free to use
(Al Gore, U.S. Vice President and champion of plain language, awarding
workers for paring down a government report. In: Time, 05/10/98)
O pronome them destacado no texto refere-se a:
a. pronouns
b. shortage
c. free
d. to use
e. Al Gore

Test Disk

37. This is the description of a vegetable called onion. Make complete sentences by
matching the part of the sentence on the left with the part on the right.
1. This is one of the... ( ) several layers surrounding each other.
2. The ancient Greeks and Romans used... ( ) can be cooked or eaten.
3. They are round and made up of... ( ) oldest vegetables in history.
4. Their thin skin has to be removed before they... ( ) flavor to soups, sauces, and other dishes.
5. They have a very strong smell and are ( ) to eat them raw for breakfast, with a
often used to give... little salt.
The CORRECT sequence(s) from the top to the bottom is (are):
01. 5–3–1–2–4
02. 3–2–5–4–1
04. 1–5–3–4–2
08. 3–4–1–5–2
16. 2–5–4–1–3

On Wednesday, March 8, 1978, I, John Arthur Bates, went to see my sister, Mrs.
Elizabeth Brown. It was her birthday. She lives in Smithtown. I left my house on
Seventieth Street soon after 9 a.m. The mailman saw me. My car is a red Ford, license
number GP 144. I took the expressway from Manhattan to Long Island City where I
filled up with gas. I had some breakfast at the Sunshine Diner in Rego Park. The waiter
told me there had been an accident on the expressway near Fresh Meadows. Two
pilots were driving to Manhattan from the airport and they hit a truck. The road was still
blocked so I took the parkway to Westbury where I stopped at the Farmers' Market to
buy some flowers for my sister. Then I continued on the parkway on Smithtown. I
reached my sister's in time for lunch at 12 o'clock. It was a seventy-five-mile trip.
John A. Bates

38. O objetivo do autor do texto foi:

a. depor como testemunha de um acidente.
b. descrever sua rotina diária.
c. justificar seu atraso.
d. provar onde estava no dia 8 de março.
e. reclamar das condições do trânsito.

Test Disk

(UFES) Texto referente às questões 39 e 40.


The U.S. Forest Service received these actual comments from backpackers after wilderness
camping trips:
 "Trails need to be reconstructed. Please avoid building trails that go uphill."
 "Too many bugs and spiders. Please spray the area to get rid of these pests."
 "Chairlifts are needed so we can get to the wonderful views without having to hike to them."
 "A McDonald's would be nice at trail head.
 "Too many rocks in the mountains."
 "The coyotes made too much noise last night and kept me awake. Please eradicate these
annoying animals."
(REED GLENN, quoted by TOM FITZGERALD in San Francisco Chronicle)

39. A palavra omitida no título do texto é: 40. A palavra "Chairlifts" pode ser entendida
a. happy
b. hungry a. binóculos
c. lazy b. bússolas
d. noisy c. mapas
e. tired d. mirantes
e. teleféricos

(ITA) Leia este texto para responder às questões que seguem.

Are you hard-working, anxious, introverted and conscientious? If so, you're likely to be a
victim of workplace bullying. Researchers at Hull University have come up with a
personality test to recognize people at risk of being bullied. The study recommends that
companies give potential victims assertiveness training and social support at work so that
they can be spared feeling humiliated. A separate study at the University of Manchester
has found that working overtime can be good for one's health. Managers who voluntarily
stay an extra hour to catch up on work or organize themselves feel greater job satisfaction
and have better mental health than those leaving on time. But if managers put in more
than one hour a day extra or are forced to stay late, they are more likely to suffer anxiety.
Speak Up, Ano XIII, 158 – July, 2000

41. A expressão "catch up on work" significa:

a. colocar o trabalho em dia
b. finalizar um projeto
c. reorganizar um projeto
d. alcançar uma meta no trabalho
Test Disk

e. captar novos recursos para um projeto

Test Disk

42. Qual das opções abaixo melhor descreve aspectos das pesquisas realizadas em
cada uma das duas universidades mencionadas no texto?
a. Hull University: O capricho excessivo é uma das características de vítimas potenciais de
humilhação no trabalho.
University of Manchester: O cumprimento do horário de trabalho proporciona melhor
equilíbrio mental às pessoas.
b. Hull University: Pessoas calmas, porém que se posicionam firmemente, são menos
ignoradas no local de trabalho.
University of Manchester: A hora extra feita voluntariamente para ajudar colegas
contribui para a saúde dos administradores.
c. Hull University: Vítimas de trabalhos excessivo são também vítimas potenciais de
problemas mentais.
University of Manchester: Uma hora a mais de trabalho diário é muito saudável.
d. Hull University: Vítimas potenciais de provocações no trabalho devem receber
treinamento de assertividade.
University of Manchester: Administradores forçados a ficar no trabalho mais que uma
hora além do expediente podem sofrer de ansiedade.
e. Hull University: Foi elaborado um teste de saúde mental e física para detectar os efeitos
da hora extra no trabalho.
University of Manchester: Gerentes que não são obrigados a trabalhar muito todos os
dias têm problemas de saúde.

(UEM) Leia o texto abaixo, para responder às questões 43 a 47. A resposta a ser
dada é a soma dos números das alternativas corretas.


LONDON (Reuters) – Princess Diana's former lover James Hewitt is publishing his memoirs
but will not include any extracts from her love letters to him, the former British cavalry officer's
lawyer said Sunday.
Hewitt's book is due out early next year and Sunday tabloid newspapers accused him of
betraying the princess by planning to expose details of the letters from Diana, who was killed
in a Paris car crash two years ago.
His lawyer Michael Colman told Britain's Sky television that the autobiography would include
details of his relationship with Diana, but not the contents of her letters.
"The letters as such are not to appear in the book, James has always made it clear that
they're private. He will not disclose them and he will not for example sell them. That's been
the case since they were written to him by Diana 10 years ago," Colman said.
Hewitt, who Diana admitted was her lover, was publishing his memoirs "to let people form their
own view about him," rather than that which had been formed by the media, Colman said.
Sixty-four love letters which Diana wrote to Hewitt were returned to him earlier this year after
they were allegedly stolen from his home in southwestern England, later ending up with a
London law firm.

Test Disk

They were written between December 1990 and March 1991, when Hewitt was serving with
British forces in the Gulf.
Diana separated from heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles on December 9, 1992, 11 years
after their wedding in London's St Paul's Cathedral. They later divorced.
Sky said Hewitt was believed to have sold the newspaper rights to his memoirs to a British
paper for over 500,000 pounds ($793,100).
(Daily News, August 29, 1999)

43. O texto:
01. é uma biografia autorizada da princesa Diana.
02. faz uma crítica à ausência de cartas de amor na biografia de Lady Di.
04. tece um comentário sobre um livro.
08. é de autoria de James Hewitt.
16. faz um relato sobre as aventuras amorosas da princesa Diana.
32. trata do caso de amor entre um ex–oficial da cavalaria britânica e a princesa

44. Considere as seguintes afirmações a respeito do texto:

I – O vocábulo "former" (paragraph 1) é um adjetivo.
II – O vocábulo "form" (paragraph 5) é um substantivo.
III – O vocábulo "formed" (paragraph 5) é uma forma verbal, flexionada no
particípio passado.

Nessas condições, é correto afirmar que:

01. I é verdadeira.
02. II é verdadeira.
04. III é verdadeira.
08. I e II são verdadeiras.
16. I e III são verdadeiras.
32. II e III são verdadeiras.

45. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) em que ocorre a voz passiva, nos seguintes trechos
retirados do texto 1:
01. "... Diana, who was killed in a Paris car crash two years ago".
02. "... James has always made it clear that they're private".
04. "... since they were written to him by Diana...".
08. "Hewitt, who Diana admitted was her lover...".
16. "... rather than that which had been formed by the media...".
32. "They later divorced".
64. "Sky said Hewitt was believed to have sold the newspaper rights...".

Test Disk

46. De acordo com o trecho do texto, é correto afirmar que:

01. o advogado de Hewitt nega as acusações feitas ao seu cliente.
02. Hewitt não pretende publicar as cartas de amor enviadas por Lady Di.
04. o livro foi publicado há dois anos.
08. Hewitt é acusado de trair a princesa Diana enquanto estava com ela.
16. o autor considera as cartas pessoais.
32. as cartas foram vendidas a tablóides ingleses há dez anos.

47. Sobre as informações contidas no texto, é correto afirmar que:

01. Hewitt escreveu sessenta e quatro cartas de amor para a princesa.
02. as cartas foram supostamente roubadas e depois devolvidas.
04. uma firma londrina havia roubado as cartas.
08. Hewitt mora no sudoeste da Inglaterra.
16. as cartas foram escritas pela princesa durante um período de três meses.
32. Hewitt recebeu as cartas enquanto estava em missão no Golfo.

(ITA) Texto para as questões de números 48 a 50.

You've got mail... read it while you can "This message will self-destruct in five seconds," the tape
recorder in Mission: Impossible warned. Now an e-mail service has created the electronic
equivalent of the exploding tapes from the cult TV series. And the providers of the service are so
confident about their system's security they are offering $50,000 to anyone who can hack it.
Using 2048-bit public key encryption to keep the e-mail secure en route, Global Markets
Research, a London-based company, has given its 1on1mail service an added security feature.
Called autoshredder, the function allows the user to set the e-mail to delete itself from the
recipient's computer a specified amount of time after being opened.
The idea is to prevent e-mails that may contain confidential or embarrassing material coming back
to haunt you. This is what happened to Microsoft's Bill Gates last year when he was forced to
defend himself against his own private e-mails in an antitrust case.
To make sure the messages arrive safely, the company has designed the 1on1mail package as a
secure network within the wider network of the Internet – a "client-based application". This ensures
that the route is always secure, says technical director Steven James. And to guarantee that the
messages self–destruct as planned, the package also prevents recipients from performing certain
actions that would undermine security. "You can't just cut and paste out of it, that would be
pointless," says James.
The system also takes precautions to ensure that the e-mail is not stored anywhere within the
recipient's computer, and when it auto-deletes the message the system overwrites it so as not to
leave any trace that could be undeleted later.
(GRAHAM ROWE, D. In: New Scientist, August 28,1999)

Test Disk

48. De acordo com o texto:

01. a Global Markets Research criou o sistema mundial de e–mails.
02. os provedores oferecem uma soma em dinheiro para quem conseguir invadir
o novo sistema.
04. para que as mensagens cheguem ao destino com segurança, deve-se usar
sempre a mesma rota.
08. um novo sistema de segurança foi acrescentado aos serviços de e-mail da
Global Markets Research.
16. o computador do destinatário tem que ser aberto após algum tempo.
32. "Autoshredder" é uma função que permite que o e-mail seja "apagado".

49. De acordo com o texto, "Mission: Impossible":

01. é um novo software criado pela Global Markets Research.
02. é um novo sistema de e-mail.
04. foi criado para ser destruído em cinco segundos.
08. é uma função que permite que o e-mail seja "apagado".
16. é um sistema de segurança.
32. tem uma semelhança com o novo sistema de e-mail.
64. é o nome de uma série de TV.

50. De acordo com o trecho "And the providers of the service are so confident about
their system's security they are offering $50,000 to anyone who can hack it"
(paragraph 1), do texto, pode-se afirmar que:
01. "so" tem o mesmo significado de "conseqüentemente".
02. "so" tem a função de enfatizar a palavra "confident".
04. "so" significa o mesmo que "ainda".
08. "they" e "their" referem-se aos provedores.
16. "they" e "their" referem-se à expressão "exploding tapes", da linha 3.
32. "they" refere-se aos "hackers".


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