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DISCIPLINA: inglês AULA Nº: 1 PROFESSOR (A): José Miranda

ASSUNTO: Verbos Modais SÉRIE: 3º ano Turmas ABCFG


Há vários verbos em inglês que tem mais de uma função e são conhecidos geralmente de verbos auxiliares, pois os
mesmos têm como missão transmitir a maneira com que o verbo principal age ou atua. Nesta primeira abordagem
iremos ver apenas os verbos moldais SHOULD e WOULD. Vamos começar com os SHOULD e come ele é empregado:
O SHOULD transmite a ideia de sugestão, conselho, dica. Vamos começar com um exemplo prático abaixo em
português e despois em inglês:
Exemplo 1:
Katia deviria ir ao médico. (em inglês) Katia should go to a doctor.
Note que SHOULD passa o modo de sugestão ao verbo principal GO.
O WOULD transmite ao verbo principal um modo condicional do futuro distante WILL e mais educado quando se quer
algo sem ser rude.
Exemplo 2
Katia gostaria de bolo de chocolate. (em inglês) Katia would like chocolate cake.
Nesta sentença, se poderia corretamente gramaticalmente Katia quer ou precisa de bolo de chocolate, mas ficaria
rude, então se usa um verbo modal para transmitir uma ideia de preferência de forma mais educada para o verbo
Exemplo 3
O reporte do tempo disse que o dia seria ensolarado esta manhã, mas chuvoso a tarde. The weather report said (that)
it would be sunny this morning but rainy this afternoon.
Exemplo 4
Eu me mudaria para Inglaterra se eu soubesse falar bem o inglês britânico. I would move to England if I spoke British
English well.
Observe que a sentença depois do IF que significa “SE” é a condição futura incerta que me impossibilita para que eu
me mude para Inglaterra e o verbo dessa sentença condicional deve estar no passado simples SPOKE.
Leia a frase atentamente e marque a opção correta para o uso de WOULD / SHOULD

1. She _______ go to the doctor.


2. Mark and Luna _______ like to eat roasted biff


3. Louis ________ pay off his bill.


4. They _____ travel to Paris if the tickets were lower


5. He ______ study more if he really intends to be a scientist



Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões subsequentes

Unlikely in north hemisphere countries with low temperatures, Brazil has tropical and equatorial climate throughout its entire
territory. In addition, a very long seashore is available during the whole year. Because of that, summer sessions demand
Brazilian beach goers to be in a good shape especially for women who are always seeking for the perfect body in order to fitting
in those very tiny bikinis. Everything starts before the summer comes by doing hard physical workouts in gyms for modeling the
perfect body. Brazilian women are concerned in their bodies often doing anything to achieve a good shape. Another vibe that
comes with good shape is the nourishment that have forced these perfect body seekers to change their eating habits. Less fat,
more fruits and vegetables have been lead many people to rethink their eating habits. The healthy food and physical exercises
for a good shape are also due to a long time perspective of living for Brazilians and it has shown an increasing rate for old people
who want to live longer doing workouts combined with good nourishment are showing that the answer does not depend on
medicine or surgery intervention anymore. Now, let us check out a suggestion of a healthy food list according to Brazilian

Fruits: Avocado, apple, orange, banana, acai, mango, tomato, coconut.

Vegetables: lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, onion, garlic, beetroot, beans.
Cereals and grains: corn, peanut, chestnut.

Answer the question below:

1- What do Brazilian beach goers do before the summer session comes?

2- Where do perfect body seekers usually work out?
3- Why have Brazilian people decided to do physical exercises and changing their eating habits?
4- How do Brazilian beach goers get to be in a good shape?
5- When do Brazilian perfect-body seekers do their workouts in gym?




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