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2º Ano - Língua Inglesa - 4º Período | 1


Área de linguagens


4º Período
2º Ano - Língua Inglesa - 4º Período | 2

4º Período
Componente O que você vai estudar O que você vai aprender

LÍNGUA • Literatura Inglesa e Norte Americana. • Reconhecer a importân-

INGLESA cia da produção cultural
• Present Perfect. em inglês como repre-
sentação da diversidade
cultural e linguística.

• Compreender estruturas
gramaticais, a partir de

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2º Ano - Língua Inglesa - 4º Período | 4

A Literatura de Língua Inglesa engloba autores que são nativos da língua e está dividida
em períodos. Atualmente, existe um grande número de escritores de Língua Inglesa que
fazem muito sucesso, principalmente, com o grupo juvenil, a exemplo: J.K Rowling da saga
Harry Potter, Suzzane Collins de Jogo Vorazes, Jonh Gree , de A culpa é das estrelas, entre
outros. Suas obras ficaram muito conhecidas, principalmente, devido adaptações para o
cinema. Aqui veremos um autor pertencente ao período do Pós-Modernismo, que teve seu
reconhecimento ampliada devido a trilogia: O senhor dos Anéis, J. R. R. Tolkien. Sua obra
teve uma adaptação para o cinema. Vejamos abaixo um quadro com a divisão dos períodos
da Literatura de Língua Inglesa, de alguns escritores e suas obras.


LITERATURA ELIZABETANA William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Romeu e Ju-
ROMANTISMO Lord Bayron, Shelley,Keats, Edgar Allan
Poe, The Raven.
LITERATURA VITORIANA Charles Dickens , Arthur Conan Doyle, Sher-
llock Rolmes.
LITERATURA MODERNISTA  D.H. Lawrence, Ernest Hewingway Virginia
Woolf, Mrs Dalloway.
LITERATURA PÓS-MODERNISTA   J. R. R. Tolkien, O senhor dos Anéis, J.K
Rowling, Harry Potter.

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J.R.R. Tolkien was an English fantasy author and aca-
demic. Tolkien settled in England as a child, going on to
study at Exeter College. While teaching at Oxford Univer-
sity, he published the popular fantasy novels  The Hob-
bit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The works have had
a devoted international fan base and been adapted into
award-winning blockbuster filmsJohn Ronald Reuel Tolkien
was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa, on January 3, 1892,
to Arthur Tolkien and Mabel Suffield Tolkien. After Arthur
died from complications of rheumatic fever, Mabel settled
with four-year-old Tolkien and his younger brother, Hilary,
in the country hamlet of Sarehole, in Birmingham, England.

Mabel died in 1904, and the Tolkien brothers were sent to live with a relative and in bo-
arding homes, with a Catholic priest assuming guardianship in Birmingham. Tolkien went
on to get his first-class degree at Exeter College, specializing in Anglo-Saxon and Germanic
languages and classic literature. Continuing his linguistic studies, Tolkien joined the faculty
of the University of Leeds in 1920 and a few years later became a professor at Oxford Uni-
versity. While there he started a writing group called The Inklings, which counted among its
members C.S. Lewis and Owen Barfield. It was also at Oxford, while grading a paper, that he
spontaneously wrote a short line about “a hobbit.”

The award-winning fantasy novel The Hobbit — about the small, furry-footed Bilbo Ba-
ggins and his adventures — was published in 1937, and was regarded as a children’s book,
though Tolkien would state the book wasn’t originally intended for children. He also created
more than 100 drawings to support the narrative.

Over the years, while working on scholarly publications, Tolkien developed the work that
would come to be regarded as his masterpiece — The Lord of the Rings series, partially ins-
pired by ancient European myths, with its own sets of maps, lore and languages.
Disponível em: https://www.biography.com/writer/jrr-tolkien. Acesso em: 21 de agosto de 2020.

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Some questions

1-A literatura de J.R.R Tolkien caracteriza-se, principalmente, por?


2-Que formação J.R.R Tolkien tinha?


3- Comente sobre a obra The Hobbit.


4-Além do a obra The Lord of the Rings, que outro livro do autor acima você conhece? Caso
conheça, cite alguns, caso não conheça, faça uma pesquisa e escreva sobre algumas obras

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QUESTÃO 01 FUVEST (2014). Com adaptações.

To live the longest and healthiest life possible, get smarter. Institute for Health Metrics and
Evaluation (IHME) data show that past a certain threshold, health and wealth are just weakly
correlated. However, overall health is closely tied to how many years people spend in scho-
ol. Mexico, for instance, has a fifth the per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of the United
States, but, for women, more than 50 percent of the latter’s schooling.
In line with the trend, Mexico’s female adult mortality rate is only narrowly higher. Viet-
nam and Yemen have roughly equivalent per capita GDP. Yet Vietnamese women average 6.3
more years in school and are half as likely to die between the ages of 15 and 60. “Economic
growth is also significantly associated with child mortality reductions, but the magnitude of
the association is much smaller than that of increased education,” comments Emmanuela
Gakidou, IHME’s director of education and training. “One year of schooling gives you about
10 percent lower mortality rates, whereas with a 10 percent increase in GDP, your mortality
rate would go down only by 1 to 2 percent.”
Discover, May 31, 2013. Adaptado.

No texto, ao comparar o México aos Estados Unidos, afirma-se que, no México:

(A) os índices de mortalidade adulta vêm crescendo.
(B) as mulheres representam 50% da população escolarizada.
(C) as políticas educacionais são insuficientes e defasadas.
(D) as taxas de mortalidade de mulheres adultas são superiores as das norte-americana.
(E) o produto interno bruto é equivalente a 50% do produto interno bruto dos Estados Uni-

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Disponível em: http://1.bp.blogspot.com. Acesso em: 30 jul. 2012.

Implementar políticas adequadas de alimentação e nutrição é uma meta prioritária em vá-

rios países do mundo. A partir da campanha If you can´t read it, why eat it?, os leitores são
alertados para o perigo de:
(A) consumirem alimentos industrializados sem o interesse em conhecer a sua composição.
(B) acessarem informações equivocadas sobre a formulação química de alimentos empaco-
(C) desenvolverem problemas de saúde pela falta de conhecimento a respeito do teor dos
(D) incentivarem crianças a ingerirem grande quantidade de alimentos processados e com
(E) ignorarem o aumento constante da obesidade causada pela má alimentação na fase de
desenvolvimento da criança.


2º Ano - Língua Inglesa - 4º Período | 9

Disponível em: http://www.globalwarming.org. Acesso em: 31 jul. 2012 (adaptado).
A emissão de gases tóxicos na atmosfera traz diversas consequências para nosso planeta.
De acordo com o gráfico, retirado do texto Global warming is an international issue, obser-
va-se que:
(A) os maiores emissores de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera são as usinas elétricas.
(B) os combustíveis utilizados nos meios de transportes poluem mais do que as indústrias.
(C) o processo de tratamento de água contribui para a emissão de gases poluentes no pla-
(D) as residências e comércios são os menores emissores de gases de efeito estufa na at-
(E) as queimadas poluem um pouco mais do que os combustíveis usados nos meios de

2º Ano - Língua Inglesa - 4º Período | 10



MARQUES, Amadeu. Learn and Share in English. Editora Ática, 2016.

MENEZES, Vera; Alive High: Inglês no Ensino Médio. SM editora, 2016.

EnglishOxford. Modern English Grammar (English Edition) 1ª Edição.

PAIVA, Vera Lúcia Menezes de Oliveira. Ensino de Língua Inglesa no ensino médio: teoria e prática. Ed: SM, São Paulo, 2012.

Tolkien, J.RR. O senhor dos anéis: a sociedade do anel. Trad: Lenita Maria Rímoli Esteves, Almiro Pisetta. Ed: Martins Fontes,
São Paulo, 2012.

Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKHmC8CmBeU. J.R.R Tolkien.

Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmBgBTMpC6A. O Senhor dos Anéis/ Comentário.

Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZZrE_4mysE. Sobre escritores Ingleses.

Disponível em: https://www.biography.com/writer/jrr-tolkien. Acesso em: 21 de agosto de 2020.

Disponível em: https://portal.ibeu.org.br/blog/britishliteratureeamericanliterature/os-10-maiores-escritores-de-lingua-

-inglesa-de-todos-os-tempos/. Acesso em: 21 de agosto de 2020.

Disponível em: https://cursoenemgratuito.com.br/interpretacao-textos-em-ingles/. Acesso em: 21 de agosto de 2020.

Disponível em: https://www.educacao.ma.gov.br/files/2019/03/Apostila-terceirao-nao-tira-ferias-2019-1.pdf. Acesso em: 21

de agosto de 2020.

Disponível em: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literatura_inglesa. Acesso em: 21 de agosto de 2020.

Disponível em: https://rachacuca.com.br/educacao/vestibular/tags/ingles/. Acesso em: 21 de agosto de 2020.

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2º Ano - Língua Inglesa - 4º Período | 12


É um tempo verbal que expressa ações influenciadas pelo presente, ou seja, essas ações
ainda estão acontecendo ou foram concluídas recentemente. O Present Perfect pode ser
usado para indicar ações que começaram no passado e se prolongam até o presente. O
“Present Perfect” de qualquer verbo é composto por dois elementos: a forma apropriada
do verbo auxiliar to have (no presente) e o “past participle” do verbo principal. A forma do
“Past Participle” de um verbo regular inclui o radical + ed (ex.: played, arrived, looked). No
caso dos verbos irregulares, cada um possui sua forma no Past Participle. No Present Perfect
utilizamos também advérbios, vejamos alguns exemplos no quadro abaixo:

• Already.

• yet .11

• ever.

• just .

• never.

• always.

• lately.

• often.

• She has never been to the States.

• I have always wanted to study German.

• He has been arriving early lately.

2º Ano - Língua Inglesa - 4º Período | 13

• My parents have visited Portugal three times.

• I have been living in Rio de Janeiro since 2010.

Disponível em: https://www.todamateria.com.br/present-perfect-simple/. Acesso em: 21 de agosto de 2020.


(UNIP) Things ___________ a lot since October.

(A) changed has
(B) are changing
(C) has changed
(D) change
(E) have changed

QUESTÃO 02 (UFV MG/2009)

Global Food Crisis

If you’ve been shopping for food lately, I don’t have to tell you that prices are going throu-
gh the roof. In 2some cases world prices have more than tripled in recent months, “going from,

2º Ano - Língua Inglesa - 4º Período | 14


in December, a price of $300 3a ton to just this week over $1,000 a ton.” 4 Robert Zeigler of the
International Rice Research Institute is talking about rice, a basic staple food across 5Asia, of
course. Prices surged dramatically after China, Vietnam, and India limited exports to ensure
they 6Asia, of course. Prices surged dramatically after China, Vietnam, and India limited exports
to ensure they 7The U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization, the FAO, says wheat prices have
doubled in Senegal. 8Bread prices doubled in Tajikistan. The cost of corn in Uganda rose 65 per-
cent in just six months. One 9reason: farmers are passing on their higher costs, particularly the
rising cost of energy. “Fertilizers become 10more and more unaffordable for the small farmers,
who are at the center of a response to the world food 11crisis,” notes Joachim von Braun, who
heads the International Food Policy Research Institute in  12Washington. “And transport costs
have become higher and higher, so the cost side of agriculture will keep  13food prices high,
even if we make major efforts to increase production.” 14Other reasons for the run-up in prices
include natural causes like drought and pest outbreaks and 15speculation in the commodities
market. 16And as world oil prices hover around $120 a barrel, more food crops are ending up
in fuel tanks. In the 17United States, about one-quarter of the corn crop is now being used to
make ethanol, which is blended with  18gasoline to make a motor fuel. Soybean farmers are
switching to corn, which drives up soy prices, and so 19on. 20Rising living standards also play a
role. Particularly in India and China, where hundreds of millions of 21people are having access
to the middle class, more people are buying more food higher up the food chain, 22says Carlos
Seré of the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi. 23“We know that consumers,
when they move, let’s say, from $2 to $10 a day per capita, they largely 24expand the consump-
tion of vegetables, oils, and animal products. This is happening in big countries around 25the
world. This has a big impact.” 26But in many cases the poorest of the poor are paying the price
for the good fortune of the emerging 27middle class. 28Analysts like Robert Zeigler of the Rice
Research Institute are starting to assess the damage. “Now what  29are the consequences of
this? Well, there are some estimates that say that if present trends continue for  30very long,
we can expect 100 million people to be pushed back into poverty.” And Joachim von Braun of
the  31Food Policy Research Institute says that higher food prices today can cause long-term
damage as people  32change their eating habits.  33“The high food prices lead poor people to
limit their food consumption and shift to even less balanced  34diets with harmful effects on
health in the short and long run. The child who is not appropriately nourished  35under the
age of three for a couple of months will be harmed for the rest of its life.” 36The three experts
spoke in a telephone conference organized by the International Agricultural Research 37Group,
whose research centers have some 8,000 scientists working on food issues.

(Adapted from http://www.voanews.com/english/Science/2008-05-09-voa21.cfm. Retrieved on May 13th, 2008).

All of the following alternatives are examples of the present perfect simple tense, EXCEPT:
(A) have more than tripled (ref. 2).
(B) have to tell (ref. 1).
2º Ano - Língua Inglesa - 4º Período | 15

(C) have doubled (ref. 7).

(D) have become (ref. 12).
(E) Have some (ref.38).

Global Thinking in the 21st Century

At the end of the 20th century, the world changed in important ways. Until recently na-
tions acted independently. Each did its business and tried to solve its problems alone. But
now, the economy is worldwide and communications technologies have connected people
all over the globe. Many problems are global too, and can no longer be solved by individual

Environmental destruction is one of these problems. As the world’s population has grown
and technology has developed, the environment has suffered. Some nations have begun to
try to stop the pollution and the environmental destruction. But the environment is global
– the atmosphere, the oceans, and many forms of life are all connected. Thus, the solutions
require global thinking.

The problem of ocean pollution is a good example. Since all the oceans of the world are
connected. Pollution does not stay where it begins. It spreads out from every river and every
harbor and affects bodies of water everywhere.

For centuries, people have used the oceans as a dumping place. Many cities take tons
of garbage out to sea and dump it there. Five million plastic containers are thrown into the
world’s oceans every day! Aside from plastics, many other dangerous substances are dum-
ped in oceans.

Some people believe that oceans are so large that chemicals and waste will disappear.
However, many things, such as chemicals and plastics, stay in the water and create problems.

Another global pollution problem concerns the atmosphere. Until recently, chloroflu-
orocarbons (CFCs) were used around the world in manufacturing refrigerators. Scientists
discovered that these CFCs were destroying the ozone layer in the atmosphere and this layer
helps protect the earth from the sun’s rays. Without this layer, most forms of life on earth –
including humans – probable would not be able to live. CFCs will soon be completely banned
in the United States and in most developed countries while many other countries still use
CFCs in manufacturing. Among these are some of the most populous on earth, such as India
and China, which need to change their refrigerator factories to non-CPC processes. But they
may not be able to make this change alone and will need help from the industrialized coun-
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tries. This is what global thinking means – working together for solutions.

Some examples of the use of the present perfect were extracted from the text (…commu-
nications technologies have connected people all over the globe,… the environment has
suffered, Some nations have begun to try…, … people have used the oceans as a dumping
place). This verb tense was used because:

(A) the development process is happening within a limited time span.

(B) the development process is happening at the time of speech.
(C) the development process is widespread.
(D) the development process is in the past.
(E) the development process is on-going.

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MARQUES, Amadeu. Learn and Share in English. Editora Ática, 2016.

MENEZES, Vera; Alive High: Inglês no Ensino Médio. SM editora, 2016.

Disponível em: ISL Collective https://en.islcollective.com/resources/printablesBritish Council: Teaching English. Acesso

em: 20 de agosto de 2020.

EnglishOxford Modern English Grammar (English Edition) 1ª Edição.

PAIVA, Vera Lúcia Menezes de Oliveira. Ensino de Língua Inglesa no ensino médio: teoria e prática. Ed: SM, São Paulo, 2012.

Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk4V0SbpSj0. Present Perfect. Acesso em: 20 de agosto de 2020.

Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eTQjSEJVG4. Present Perfect. Acesso em: 20 de agosto de 2020.

Disponível em: https://exercicios.brasilescola.uol.com.br/exercicios-ingles/exercicios-sobre-present-perfect.htm. Acesso
em: 21 de agosto de 2020.

Disponível em: https://www.todamateria.com.br/present-perfect-exercicios/. Acesso em: 21 de agosto de 2020.

Disponível em: https://blogdoenem.com.br/present-perfect-simulado-enem/. Acesso em: 21 de agosto de 2020.

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