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1 gema

1 colher (sopa) de fermento

1 colher (sopa) de açúcar
2 colheres (sopa) de leite
1 lata de leite condensado
1 e 1/2 copo de leite
1 lata de creme de leite
3 gemas
2 colheres (sopa) de maisena
1/2 colher (café) de essência de baunilha

Modo de preparo:
Para a massa, misture o trigo, o fermento e o
Abra um buraco no meio e acrescente a margarina,
1 gema e as 2 colheres de leite.
Misture bem com as mãos até dar o ponto.
Coloque em forminhas de empada e leve ao forno
por 15 minutos, a 205 °C.
Para o creme, em uma panela, coloque o leite
condensado, o leite, as 3 gemas, maisena e
Ingredientes: baunilha.
• 790g de leite condensado Leve ao fogo, mexendo sempre até formar um
• 450ml de Leite integral • 10 gemas creme.
• 2 Ovos inteiros Depois que o creme esfriar, acrescente o creme de
• 200g de Açúcar (para a calda) leite.
Retire as tortinhas da forma, coloque o creme e
Modo de Preparo: uma fruta (morango, uva, ameixa) por cima.
Adicione o leite, leite condensado e peneire as Leve à geladeira.
gemas e ovos. Mexa tudo até obter uma mistura
homogênea. Faça caramelo com açúcar e unte a
forma.  Mingau de sorvete de rubi
Agora é só colocar a mistura na forma untada e
assar em banho maria por 180ºC por 1h30. 

1 lata de leite condensado fake
1 lata de creme de leite⠀
1/2 copo (americano) de suco puro de limão
Modo de preparo 🍴⠀
No liquidificador, bata o leite condensado e o creme
de leite por 3 minutos.⠀
Acrescente aos poucos o suco de limão e continue
Despeje o mousse em um refratário e leve à


2 xícaras de trigo sem fermento
100 g de margarina com sal
1 xícara de sorvete de baunilha
(aproximadamente do tamanho de um copo)
3 copos de leite
Uma medida de açúcar
O amido preenche 6 colheres de sopa
Baunilha meia colher de chá
Rose 2 colheres de sopa
Creme de café da manhã 4 colheres de sopa
3 colheres de sopa de gelatina em pó
Gelatina vermelha um pacote
Geléia de aloe vera um pacote
Sementes de romã e fatias de pistache na
quantidade necessária
Como preparar:
Primeiro, dissolvemos um pacote de geléia de
romã em um copo e meio de água fervente e,
após a dissolução das partículas, despejamos um
pouco de gelatina vermelha em um recipiente
descartável que foi untado (para a romã na
sobremesa) e deixamos na geladeira.
Então eu fiz mingau de sorvete.
Para o mingau de sorvete, misture o leite, o
açúcar e o amido para dissolver o amido no leite
e coloque-o em fogo suave e mexa
constantemente até engrossar como um
mingau.Depois do fogo, retire-o e deixe esfriar
um pouco. Despeje um copo de água fria na
esponja e coloque em fogo indireto para dissolver
completamente.Após a mistura de leite, açúcar e
amido esfriar um pouco, adicione sorvete
derretido e creme de café da manhã, rosa,
baunilha e misture bem, depois gelatina em pó.
Adicione um pouco da temperatura à nossa
mistura, misture todos os ingredientes e passe
por uma peneira. Despeje metade dele no molde
e deixe-o fechar quase; em seguida, despeje o
restante da gelatina vermelha que foi resfriada na
primeira camada de sorvete e deixe-a fechar
quase. Em seguida, despeje o restante da mingau
de sorvete e coloque o molde na geladeira por
duas horas até que esteja completamente
fechado. Dissolva um pacote de aloe vera em um
copo e meio de água fervente, limpe-o no
samovar fervente e deixe esfriar. Moldamos com
cortador de romã e colocamos em aloe vera e
colocamos algumas sementes de romã e fatias de
pistache ao redor.

INGREDIENTES: 2 ovos inteiros, 3 colheres de
2 xícaras de chá de hibisco pronto sopa de açúcar, 1 xícara de chá de farinha de trigo,
1 laranja fatiada (cortar na hora) ½ colher de sopa de fermento em pó, 1 colher de
1 maçã grande, cortada em cubinhos (cortar na
chá de óleo (para untar as mãos), 100g de
1 limão fatiado (cortar na hora) goiabada cortada em cubos pequenos, 150g de
500ml de suco de uva integral queijo minas frescal em cubinhos, 3 xícaras de chá
500ml de suco de laranja natural de óleo (para fritar os bolinhos), açúcar e canela
2 paus de canela em pó a gosto.
8 cravos 1) Em uma tigela misture os ovos, farinha, açúcar
3 xícaras água gaseificada gelada e o fermento em pó. Misture até formar uma
massa homogênea.
Em uma jarra grande misture todos os ingredientes
menos a água gaseificada. Leve à geladeira por 2) Com as mãos untadas com óleo, recheie cada
pelo menos 2 horas. Antes de servir, misture água porção de massa com um cubinho de goiabada
gaseificada. Sirva em copos com gelo. queijo.
. 3) Feche e modele formando uma bolinha. Faça o
GELADINHO GOURMET DE mesmo com o restante da massa e o recheio.
MARACUJÁ 4) Em uma panela, aqueça o óleo e frite
rapidamente os bolinhos (4 por vez) até que
1 e 1/2 lata de leite condensado dourem de todos os lados.
1 lata de creme de leite 5) Escorra em papel absorvente e passe no açúcar
3 maracujás grandes com canela.
1/2 litro de leite 6) Sirva quente ou morno.
Sementes de maracujá para decorar

Retire a polpa dos maracujás e passe em uma

peneira para retirar as sementes. Guarde algumas
sementes para decorar seus sacolés.
Coloque todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e
bata por 5 minutos, quanto mais bate mais cremoso
Despeje em saquinhos próprios para sacolé.
Coloque algumas sementes de maracujá para
Leve ao freezer ou congelador por 6 horas.

Amasse as alcaparras, o alho e o aliche até fazer
uma pasta.



Passion Fruit Lemonade

2 colheres cebola picada
* 1 colher alho amassado
* 1 xícara chuchu picado
* 1 xícara cenoura picada
* 1 xícara inhame picado
* Água para cozimento
* Sal a gosto
* Cheiro verde * Azeite
Pique todos os ingredientes. Coloque em uma
panela a cebola e o alho, adicione os legumes e o
sal. Adicione a água e deixe os legumes cozinhar.
Quando estiver cozido, bata no liquidificador até
ficar cremosa. Volte para a panela, coloque o cheiro
verde e volte ao fogo. Coloque um fio de azeite e


Passion Fruit Lemonade Recipe - an easy and

delicious recipe that's perfect for serving on a hot
summer's day!
This recipe is a new take on my Brazilian limeade that
I shared here on the blog a while back. But this
lemonade is made with lemons (not limes) and tangy,
sweet passion fruit for an exotic vibe!

 3 lemons
 3 passion fruits
PREPARO  1 cup sugar (add more sugar for a sweeter
Transfira para o liquidificador, acrescente as  Optional garnishes: ice, passion fruit seeds,
azeitonas e o azeite de oliva e bata. Reserve na mint leaves
geladeira até a hora de servir.
1. Peel lemons and cut into chunks.
2. Add lemon peels to a saucepan with sugar + Brazilian Coconut Beijinho Truffle Recipe
1 cup of water. Bring to a medium heat until
the sugar has dissolved. Let it cool down
3. Add the lemons and passion fruit seeds into
a blender. 
4. Add the sieved cold sugar syrup.
5. Blend until smooth.
6. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve.
7. Top with cold water to obtain 1 litre of
8. Serve over ice and add garnishes to taste.

Brazilian Lemonade Limeade Recipe


* 1 can of 396 g of condensed milk

* desiccated coconut
* butter or margarine
* cloves for decoration (optional)

Brazilian Kibbe Croquettes Appetizer Recipe

Ingredients: For 4 people

* 3 limes, watched and with skins on

* 1x 396 g (14 oz) can of sweet condensed milk or
sweetener to taste
* cold water to make up 1 litre
* crushed ice to taste

Ingredients: Makes 15-18 Kibbe croquettes

* 500 g (1 lb) of lean minced beef (20% fat)
* 250g (1/2 lb) bulgur wheat (in most health food  3 large eggs
 1 tablespoon lemon juice
* 1 large onion
* 1/2 cup of mint leaves  1/2 cup vegetable oil
* 1/2 cup parsley
* 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin  1 cup blueberries cleaned and dried
* 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
* 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg  1/4 teaspoon all purpose flour
* 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper Glaze
* coarse seas salt and mint leaves for garnish
 zest of 1 lemon
Blueberry Lemon Pound Cake  1 cup powdered sugar
 1 and 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice can sub with
some half and half or heavy cream
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Spray loaf pan (mine
is 9x5) with baking spray and set aside.
2. In small bowl combine the lemon zest and sugar.
Mix together with your fingers until zest is coated
with sugar and mixture is fragrant (will smell like
3. In large bowl mix together the flour, salt, baking
powder, and sugar zest mixture. Whisk together to
4. In another medium bowl beat the eggs, add in the
greek yogurt, vanilla extract, lemon juice,
vegetable oil, stir until combined.
5 from 8 votes
20 minutes
PREP TIME 5. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir
COOK TIME50 minutes
gently to mix.
Blueberry Lemon Pound Cake! This pound cake is
made lighter by using greek yogurt, and is loaded 6. Toss the blueberries with the 1/2 tablespoon of
up with lemon flavor thanks to zest and fresh flour. Once batter is mostly mixed, gently fold in
lemon juice! Juicy blueberries are baked right in.
All drizzled with a luscious lemon glaze. the blueberries.
Ingredients 7. Pour the batter into the loaf pan. Using the back of

 1 cup white granulated sugar the spoon evenly spread the batter.

 1 tablespoon lemon zest 1 medium size lemon 8. Bake for approximately 50 minutes. Top will be

 1 and 1/2 cup all purpose flour browned and a toothpick inserted into the middle

 1/4 teaspoon salt will come out clean once done. Allow to cool in

 2 teaspoons baking powder pan for about 10 minutes then turn the pan upside

 1 cup vanilla greek yogurt down to remove the bread from the pan. Move

 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract loaf to wire rack to continue cooling.

9. While bread is cooling you can prepare the glaze. -50g de açúcar cristal

In small bowl add the powdered sugar, then the -15g de fermento biológico seco (fermix)
lemon zest. Pour in the lemon juice and stir. Start -40g de leite em pó
with 1 tablespoon and if the glaze is tasting tart
-1 ovo
enough (depends on the lemon used!) then use
-280ml de água
half and half or heavy cream to get the correct
consistency. The glaze will be smooth. Stir until -10g de sal
there are no clumps of sugar remaining. Add more -50ml de óleo de soja
sugar or more juice to obtain desired consistency.
Modo de preparo:
10. Pour the glaze over the cooled bread.
1. Em uma tigela, coloque farinha de trigo,
11. Serve immediately or store bread in sealed
açúcar, fermento biológico e o leite em pó.
container. I wrap mine in foil. Store at room
2. Faça um buraco no centro, junte o ovo e,
temperature for 3-4 days.
aos poucos, a água. Misture com as mãos 
e sove até a massa ficar lisa 10 minutos
Pão Delícia aproximadamente.

3. Logo depois, coloque o sal e o óleo e

misture bem. Continue sovando até o óleo
ser absorvido pela massa.

4. Deixe a massa descansar coberta por um

plástico por 30 minutos ou até dobrar de
volume, divida a massa em porções de 30g
e faça bolinhas. (Se preferir fazer a versão
doce, coloque um cubinho de goiabada
dentro).  Você pode fazer metade da massa
com recheio doce e metade com recheio

5. Distribua em uma assadeira untada e

enfarinhada e deixe descansar por 60
minutos até triplicar de volume 
*Obs: Antes de iniciar a receita, observe e
fique atento ao tempo de descanso de 6. Depois que as bolinhas descansarem
cada etapa para o fermento poder crescer. leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 160°C para
A fermentação Biológica ocorre lentamente assar por 10 a 15 minutos. Retire do forno
e em temperatura ambiente (30°C). Se na e deixe esfriar. 
sua região não estiver tão quente, deixe
7. Recheie cada pãozinho com o creme de
mais tempo descansando. 
queijo. Pincele a manteiga derretida,
  salpique queijo ralado e sirva.

Ingredientes da Massa: 8. Pincele manteiga e polvilhe leite ninho

nos pães doces que foram recheados com
-500g de farinha de trigo goiabada.
Para o creme de queijo misture 100g de  6 ounces fresh blueberries
queijo parmesão, 100g de cream cheese e
 2/3 cup granulated sugar, divided
100g de creme de leite. Pode misturar tudo
e rechear. Depois finalizar como no modo  3 tablespoons fresh orange juice (from
de preparo acima (pincelar manteiga 1 orange), divided
derretida e polvilhar mais queijo ralado). 
 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (from
1 lemon), divided
 1/4 teaspoon table salt, divided

Red, White, and Blue Poke Cake  1 cup chopped fresh strawberries
(from 1 3/4 cups whole strawberries)


 1 (8-oz.) container mascarpone cheese

 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
 1/2 cup (about 2 oz.) unsifted
powdered sugar, divided

 2 cups heavy cream

 Fresh blueberries and strawberries
 Cooking spray
GET INGREDIENTSPowered by Chicory
 1 cup (8 oz.) salted butter, softened
 2 cups granulated sugar
How to Make It
 4 large eggs, at room temperature
 3 cups (about 12 3/4 oz.) all-purpose
Step 1
 1 tablespoon baking powder Prepare the Cake: Preheat oven to
 1/2 teaspoon table salt 350°F. Generously coat a 9- x 13-inch
 1 cup whole milk baking pan with cooking spray. Line
bottom of baking pan with parchment
 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
paper; coat paper with cooking spray.
FILLINGS Beat butter with a stand mixer fitted with
a paddle attachment on medium speed
 1 teaspoon cornstarch, divided until creamy, about 1 minute. Gradually
 1 teaspoon water, divided add sugar, beating until light and fluffy,
about 2 minutes. Add eggs 1 at a time,
beating until just blended after each from heat; let cool 15 minutes. Process
addition. mixture using an immersion blender until
smooth, about 30 seconds. (Alternatively,
Step 2 transfer mixture to a blender, and blend

Whisk together flour, baking powder, and until smooth.) Pour mixture into a bowl;

salt in a bowl. Add flour mixture to butter cover and chill until cold, about 1 hour.

mixture alternately with milk, beginning Meanwhile, repeat procedure with

and ending with flour mixture, beating on remaining cornstarch, water, sugar,

low speed until just blended after each orange juice, lemon juice, and salt, using

addition. Stir in vanilla. Pour batter into chopped strawberries in place of the

prepared baking pan. blueberries.

Step 3 Step 5

Bake in preheated oven until a wooden Assemble the Cake: Place Cake on a

pick inserted in center of Cake comes out serving plate. Using a 1/4-inch-wide

clean, 30 to 40 minutes. Transfer Cake in wooden dowel or the round handle of a

baking pan to a wire rack; let cool 10 wooden spoon, poke holes spaced 1 inch

minutes. Invert Cake onto wire rack; let apart over the entire Cake surface, poking

cool completely, about 1 hour. at least three-quarters of the way through

the Cake, but not poking all the way to
Step 4 the bottom. Spoon blueberry and
strawberry Fillings alternately in
Prepare the Fillings: Stir together 1/2
lengthwise rows over Cake surface, being
teaspoon each of the cornstarch and water
sure to fill all holes. Chill, uncovered, 1
in a small bowl; set aside. Stir together
blueberries, 1/3 cup of the sugar, 1 1/2
tablespoons of the orange juice, 1 1/2 Step 6
tablespoons of the lemon juice, and 1/8
teaspoon of the salt in a medium Prepare the Frosting: Beat mascarpone

saucepan. Bring mixture to a simmer over cheese, vanilla, and 1/4 cup powdered of

medium, stirring constantly. Continue the sugar with a stand mixer fitted with a

simmering, stirring occasionally, until whisk attachment on medium speed until

sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes. Stir in just combined, about 30 seconds. Add

cornstarch-water mixture; simmer, heavy cream; beat on medium speed until

stirring constantly, until mixture thickens foamy, about 30 seconds. Increase speed

slightly, 30 seconds to 1 minute. Remove to medium-high; gradually add remaining

1/4 cup powdered sugar, beating until
stiff peaks form, about 1 minute, 30  1/4 cup light brown sugar
seconds. (Do not overbeat.)  3 eggs
 1/2 cup buttermilk
Step 7  1/3 cup vegetable oil

Spread Frosting evenly around sides of  2 teaspoons clear vanilla extract

chilled Cake. Dollop remaining Frosting
onto top of Cake, carefully spreading
over top. Garnish with fresh blueberries  1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, divided
and strawberries.  5 teaspoons milk, divided

 red and blue gel food coloring

GET INGREDIENTSPowered by Chicory

Firecracker Cake

How to Make It

Step 1

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour a

14-cup Bundt pan. In a medium sized
bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt,
and sprinkles. Set aside.

Step 2
Using the paddle attachment on a stand

CAKE mixer, cream together butter, shortening,

granulated sugar, and brown sugar on
 2 cups cake flour medium-high for 3 minutes. Scrape down
 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder sides of bowl, add eggs, and beat on
 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt medium high for another 2 to 3 minutes.
 6 tablespoons red, white, and blue Scrape down sides of bowl again.
sprinkle mix, plus more for decoration
 4 tablespoons butter, room Step 3
Change paddle to whip attachment on
 1/3 cup vegetable shortening
stand mixer. On low speed, stream in
 1 1/4 cup granulated sugar
liquid ingredients. Increase to medium-
high and whip for 4 minutes, until almost the cake using a back and forth motion
very airy and fully combined. from the outside of the cake to the inside
hole, working around the entire perimeter
Step 4 of the cake. Repeat process with red and

On very low speed, add the dry blue icings. Carefully transfer cake to a

ingredients. Mix until just combined, serving platter using two spatulas to slide

about 1 minute. Remove mixing bowl underneath the cake. Decorate cake with

from mixer and use a spatula to scrape additional sprinkles.

the bottom of the bowl and make sure

Hibiscus Margarita Recipe
everything is well incorporated.

Step 5

Pour batter into prepared pan and spread

around evenly.

Step 6

Bake until golden brown and until a

toothpick inserted comes out clean, about
40 minutes. Allow to cool completely
before inverting out of pan, about 1 1/2

Step 7

Icing the Cake: Measure out 1/2 cup of

powdered sugar into three small mixing
bowls. To one bowl, add 2 tsp. milk. To For The Margarita Cocktail
another bowl add 1 1/2 tsp. milk and red
 1 oz Tequila blanco
food coloring. To the third bowl, add 1  1/2 oz Lime juice
1/2 tsp. milk and blue food coloring. Mix  1/2 Cointreau
 1 oz Hibiscus syrup (recipe below)
the contents of each bowl with a clean
 Ice
spoon until smooth. Transfer each icing  To garnish: dried hibiscus flowers, lime and
into separate piping bags or a ziplock salt
For The Hibiscus Syrup
bag. Transfer Cake to a wire rack set over
 1 cup water
a rimmed baking sheet. Starting with the
 1 cup sugar
thinner white icing, drizzle the icing over  1 cup dried hibiscus flowers
Banana Pudding
INSTRUCTIONS: Served at The Cove
For The Margarita Cocktail Makes 4-6 servings

1. In a cocktail shaker add all the ingredients, Ingredients

except garnishes, then shake. 1 package (3.4 oz) instant vanilla pudding mix
2. Coat rim of margarita glasses with salt, then 1 cup whole milk
pour in your cocktail. 7 oz sweetened condensed milk
3. Garnish with lime and hibiscus flowers. ½ tablespoon lemon juice
For The Hibiscus Syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
8 oz heavy cream
1. Add all ingredients to a saucepan, then bring 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
to a boil.
Vanilla Wafers
2. Simmer gently for about 5 minutes until the Bananas, sliced as needed
water has reduced and you get a thick Extra sweetened whipped cream as needed
for topping
3. Let it cool, then cover and place in the fridge
Whip the heavy cream and powdered sugar
4. When ready to use, strain the flowers and into soft peaks. In a separate bowl, whisk
use the syrup for cocktails and desserts.
together the whole milk, condensed milk,
5. Use hydrated flowers as a cocktail garnish. lemon juice and vanilla extract. Slowly whisk
in the pudding mix and continue whisking for
2 minutes. Fold the whipped cream into the
pudding mixture 1/3 portions at a time. In the
bottom of a 9 x 9 casserole dish, spread an
even layer of vanilla wafers. Spread sliced
bananas on top of wafers. Spread half of
pudding mixture over the bananas. Repeat
wafers, bananas, and pudding.
Did you know that Cove Executive Director,
Will Graham’s, favorite Cove dessert is Top with sweetened whipped cream. For best
banana pudding? Well, our pastry chef, results, make 1 day ahead and chill
Natalie, is sharing her delicious recipe today. overnight.
We hope you will enjoy as much as Will and
our guests do.
Biscoito de Leite Ninho

 1/2 Lata de Leite condensado
 200g de Amido de Milho
 1/2 Xícara (Chá) de Manteiga (100g)
 1/2 Xícara (Chá) de Leite em Pó pan
 1 Lata de Leite condensado
 3/4 cup unbleached all-purpose flour,
 1 Colher (Chá) de Manteiga
 4 Colheres (Sopa) de Leite em Pó plus more for pan
 1 large egg plus 1 large yolk, room
Modo de Fazer temperature
1. Em uma tigela coloque o amido de milho,  1/4 cup whole milk, room temperature
o leite em pó, a manteiga sem sal e o  1/4 teaspoon pure pistachio or almond
leite condensado, misture tudo muito extract
bem até homogeneizar, se grudar ainda  1/4 teaspoon orange-flower water
nas mãos, acrescente um pouco de (optional)
amido de milho. 
 3/4 cup Sicilian pistachios, or blanched
Modele os biscoitinhos, enrole-os em
formato de brigadeiro e dê uma leve and peeled shelled pistachios, plus
achatada neles.  more,
Unte uma forma com manteiga e farinha
ou com papel manteiga.  coarsely chopped, for serving
Coloque-os na forma e leve ao forno pré- (optional)
aquecido em 180°graus por 20 minutos. 
Para o recheio, em uma panela coloque o
leite condensado, o leite em pó e a
 1 cup confectioners' sugar
manteiga, acenda o fogo em temperatura  3/4 teaspoon baking powder
baixa e mexa até desgrudar do fundo da  1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
Pegue um biscoito, coloque o recheio e Orange-Flower-Water Glaze
feche com outro biscoito, finalize
empanando o biscoito no leite em pó.  1 to 2 tablespoons whole milk
 1 cup confectioners' sugar, sifted
 1/8 teaspoon orange-flower water

Mini Pistachio  Dried rose petals, for serving (optional;

available at kalustyans.com)

Bundts Instructions Checklist

 Step1
For the Cake: Preheat oven to 325°F
with a rack in center. Brush the hollows
of a mini Bundt pan with butter. Dust
with flour, tapping out excess. Whisk
together egg and yolk, milk, nut
extract, and orange-flower water.
 Step2
Pulse pistachios in a food processor
until finely ground. Add confectioners'
sugar; pulse to combine. Transfer
mixture to the bowl of a mixer fitted
with the paddle attachment and add
Ingredients flour, baking powder, and salt. Beat on
low speed to combine.
Cake  Step3
Continue beating while gradually
 7 tablespoons unsalted butter, room adding butter until mixture is crumbly,
temperature, cut into pieces, plus more 1 to 2 minutes. Slowly add half of milk
for mixture; increase speed to medium and
beat until light and fluffy, 1 to 2
minutes. Slowly add remaining milk
mixture and beat, scraping down bowl
as needed, until incorporated, about 15
 Step4
Divide batter evenly among hollows of
prepared pan (using a piping bag fitted
with a coupler or a plain large tip
makes neat work of this). Bake until
tops are light golden and spring back
when lightly touched, about 30
 Step5
Let cool in pan on a wire rack 10
minutes, then turn out onto rack and let
cool completely, about 30 minutes.
(Cakes can be stored unglazed,
wrapped in plastic, at room temperature
up to 2 days.)
 Step6
For the Glaze: Whisk milk into sugar
until mixture has the consistency of Ingredients
thick white glue. Stir in orange-flower
water. Glaze can be stored in an airtight Ingredient Checklist
container at room temperature up to 1
week.  10 tablespoons unsalted butter, room
 Step7 temperature, plus more for pans
Spoon glaze over tops of cakes,  6 tablespoons sliced almonds
allowing it to drip down sides. Sprinkle  1/3 cup coarsely chopped almonds
with chopped pistachios and rose  5 tablespoons packed light-brown sugar
petals; let stand until set, about 30  1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
minutes.  1/8 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
Cook's Notes  1 teaspoon baking powder
 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
To blanch pistachios, bring a pot of  1/4 teaspoon salt
water to a boil. Add pistachios and  3/4 cup granulated sugar
return to a boil; drain. Rub skins to  1 large egg
remove. Spread in a single layer on a  1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
baking sheet and let dry completely, at  3/4 cup sour cream, or plain yogurt
least eight hours, or dry in a 200°F  2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
oven for one to two hours.
•3 to 4 tablespoons milk

Mini Almond Instructions Checklist

Bundt Cakes  Step1

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Generously butter six mini Bundt pans;
set aside. Spread sliced almonds out on
a baking pan, and toast until golden
brown. Transfer nuts to a bowl to cool.
 Step2
In a medium bowl, combine chopped
almonds, light-brown sugar, cinnamon,
and nutmeg; set aside. In another
medium bowl, sift together flour,
baking powder, baking soda, and salt;
set aside.
 Step3
In the bowl of an electric mixer,
combine 6 tablespoons butter and
granulated sugar. Beat on medium
speed until light and fluffy, about 3
minutes. Add egg; beat until combined.
Add 1 teaspoon vanilla, and beat until
smooth. Add 1/3 of reserved flour  I
mixture and half of sour cream; beat to
combine. Repeat. Add final third of  NGREDIENTES:
flour mixture, and beat to combine. MOLHO DE TOMATE
 Step4 * 700g de tomate cereja
Fill each Bundt pan with 3 tablespoons
batter, and spread evenly with a small  * 1 cebola pequena bem picada * 2
offset spatula or spoon. Sprinkle each dentes de alho picados
with 2 tablespoons of reserved almond- * azeite de oliva
spice mixture. Top with additional 3 * 10 folhas de manjericão
tablespoons batter; the batter should
 * Sal e pimenta preta a gosto
come to within 1/2 inch of the rims of
the pans.
 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
 Step5
Bake until cakes are golden brown and  TOMATE CEREJA CONFITADO *
a cake tester inserted into the center 150g de Tomate cereja
comes out clean, about 20 minutes. * açúcar mascavo a gosto
Transfer cakes to a wire rack to cool * Sal e pimenta preta a gosto
completely. Unmold cakes. Place
cakes, flat sides down, on a wire rack  * Azeite
placed over a baking pan.
 Step6  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Melt remaining 4 tablespoons butter
over medium-high heat until color turns  RISOTO
nut brown, about 5 minutes. Pour butter * 1 xícara ou 350g de de arroz Arborio
into a medium bowl, leaving behind * 1 colher de sopa de manteiga sem
any dark sediment. Stir in sal gelada
confectioners' sugar, remaining 2 * 100g de queijo parmesão para ralar
* 1/2 cebola picada
teaspoons vanilla, and 3 tablespoons
* 80ml de vinho branco seco
milk until smooth; add an additional
tablespoon milk, if necessary, so glaze
is pourable. Drizzle glaze over cakes, * 1 aipo (salsão) médio
and sprinkle with toasted almonds. * 1 Alho poró
Serve. * 1 cebola
* 3 cenouras pequenas
* 1 ramo de alecrim
* 1 ramo de Tomilho
Willie Mae’s mac and cheese
* salsinha à gosto
* 3 folhas de louro
* 5 grãos de pimenta preta
1. Corte os tomatinhos ao meio.
2. Refogue a cebola e na sequência o
alho em um pouco de azeite.
3. Adicione os tomates cortados,
tempere com sal e pimenta.
Willie Mae's Scotch House 
4. Cozinhe por uns 15 minutos em Classic mac and cheese from Willie Mae's
fogo médio e acrescente o manjericão. Scotch House in New Orleans.
5. Opcional: você pode processar o Ingredients
molho com auxílio de um mixer para 1 quart elbow macaroni
deixá-lo mais liso. 2 cups yellow mild cheddar cheese (shredded)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 2 cups white American cheese (shredded)
TOMATE CEREJA CONFITADO 1/4 lb melted unsalted butter
1. Corte os tomatinhos ao meio e 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
espalhe em uma assadeira com a 1 teaspoon of white pepper
parte cortada para cima. 1 teaspoon of salt
2. Tempere com sal, pimenta preta, 1/2 quart of heavy cream
azeite e açúcar mascavo. 1 1/2 cup of evaporated milk
3. Leve ao forno a 100 graus por 2h e 1/2 teaspoon parsley flakes dry or fresh
30 min. 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 2 teaspoon of all-purpose flour
RISOTO: Directions
1. Aqueça o azeite em uma panela e Bring 3 1/2 quarts of water to a rolling boil and
adicione a cebola picada. Refogue em then add pasta to the salt water. Boil for 12-15
fogo baixo. minutes until al dente. Drain the pasta saving
2. Adicione o arroz de risoto e refogue one cup of pasta water.
bem em fogo alto. Return pasta to pot with cheese, milk, heavy
3. Acrescente o vinho branco e assim cream and butter immediately, on a low fire
que evaporar, adicione a primeira stirring frequently until cheese is melted. 
concha de caldo de legumes. Add spices, flour, and drizzle in pasta water as
4. A dica principal de um bom risoto é needed while stirring. Pan the mac and cheese.
adicionar o caldo aos poucos (1 We use a steamer but you can place in the oven
concha de cada vez), mexendo for 15 mins on 350 degrees.
sempre em círculos, sem parar, para Mac and cheese should be creamy and cheesy.
que fique bem cremoso. Garnish with a sprig of parsley and enjoy!
5. Cozinhe por cerca de 8 minutos em
fogo baixo, coloque o molho de tomate
a gosto e cozinhe por mais 6 minutos
6. Experimente o ponto do arroz e
corrija o sal. Certifique-se de desligar
o fogo com o risoto ainda bem úmido.
Se necessário, acrescente mais caldo
no final do cozimento. 7. Junte a
manteiga gelada, o queijo parmesão e
mexa até derretê-los.
8. Coloque o risoto no prato.
Best-ever banana bread Pumpkin Rolls

10 grams dry yeast 
70 grams plus 1 tablespoon sugar 
90 mililiters lukewarm milk 
500 grams bread flour 
75 grams melted butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes 1 teaspoon ground ginger
Prep time: 15 minutes 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
Bake time: 1 hour 15 minutes 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Yield: one loaf (16 slices)  Pinch of salt 
Ingredients:  Orange zest (1/2 - 1 small orange) - optional 
1 and 3/4 cups all-purpose flour 240 grams pumpkin puree
1 and 1/2 cups sugar 1 egg
1 teaspoon baking soda Directions
1/2 teaspoon salt Making the dough: Mix the yeast with 1 TBL of
2 large eggs, room temperature sugar and 5 tsp of lukewarm milk (30gr).
2 medium ripe bananas, mashed (1 cup) Sieve 2/3 of the flour (335gr) into mixing bowl
1/2 cup canola oil and make a well in the center. 
1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon buttermilk Pour the yeast mixture into the well and sprinkle
1 teaspoon vanilla extract flour 1-inch thick over it. 
1 cup chopped walnuts Arrange the sugar, and melted lukewarm butter
Directions: on the flour around the well (try to avoid direct
In a large bowl, stir together flour, sugar, baking contact with the yeast mixture). As soon as the
soda and salt. flour on top of the yeast mixture shows deep
cracks mix together all the ingredients. 
Add the rest of the warm milk (60gr), pumpkin
In another bowl, combine the eggs, bananas, oil, puree, spices, and egg. Beat the dough to
buttermilk and vanilla; add to flour mixture, combine. 
stirring just until combined. Fold in nuts. Then add in the rest of the flour (165g) together
with the orange zest. If the dough should stick
Pour into a greased or parchment-lined 9-inch by add a little more flour. Knead until all flour has
5-inch loaf pan. been absorbed. 
Cover the dough loosely with plastic wrap, stand
in a warm place until doubled in size (about an
If desired, sprinkle with additional walnuts. hour depending on temperature). Then shape the
dough and egg wash the surface. 
Put bread on buttered pan and place in the oven
Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes to for a second proof, while the oven is heating to
1 hour and 30 minute or until a toothpick comes 400 degrees.
out clean.
Bake for about 20 - 25 minutes or until the crust 3. Roll out dough and cut into fun shapes
is golden, shiny and sounds hollow when
knocked. 4. Bake for 35 min, then store in the refrigerator.
Forming the bread: Divide dough into eight
sections. Knead gently to form smooth balls. Tie
strings across the dough to resemble a pumpkin.
Don't tie too tightly because the dough will
expand while baking. Place evenly on buttered
pan and egg wash.

Ingredients • 2 large very ripe bananas • 1/2

cup creamy peanut butter, unsweetened • 1/4
cup flax seed • 1 cup dried blueberries, no
added sugar • 1 1/2 cup rolled oats,
uncooked • ¾ cup sunflower seeds

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Line a baking

pan with parchment paper, or grease it with a
light coating of olive or coconut oil, so the
bars don’t stick. 3. In a food processor, puree
the bananas until smooth. Set aside. 4.
Microwave the peanut butter for 15-30
seconds until completely melted. 5. In a large
bowl, add the nuts, dried fruits, and rolled
oats. Add in the mashed bananas, and
melted peanut butter. Mix everything together
until it becomes a uniform batter (If the batter
is too wet, you can add a little more oats. If it
is too dry, you can add a bit more banana or
peanut butter). 6. Transfer the mixture to the
baking dish and use a spatula or spoon to
flatten and spread the mixture evenly in the
pan. 7. Bake for 20-25 minutes. 8. Let cool
completely before cutting into squares using
a knife or pizza cutter.

Drooling For Treats, Peanut

Ingredients Butter Carrot Cake for dogs
2.5 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup water
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
½ cup quick oats
2 tablespoon fresh mint, chopped
⅓ cup fresh parsley, chopped
10-12 drops green food coloring

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees

For my Birthday I made a scrumptious peanut
2. Mix all ingredients, then add food coloring butter cake! Try making one for your birthday!
Ingredients 1 egg 1/4 coconut oil 1/4 cut
peanut butter 1/3 cup honey 1 cup shredded
carrots 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 tsp baking
soda 1/2 cup peanut butter for frosting 1
Banana, blue berries and dog treats for

Pre heating your oven to 350 Combine all

ingredients grease a 9" pan and spread the
batter into the pan Put in the oven for 20
mins. Frost with equal parts peanut butter
and Greek Yogurt and decorate with blue
berries, bananas and dog treats.

Ingredients 1.1 cup flour 2.1 cup oats 3.1/3

cup coconut oil 4.2 eggs 5.½ cup peanut
butter For toppings 1 cup shredded carrots
Greek yogurt Pre heat oven to 375 and

Mix up all ingredients (top toppings). Fill

donut pan. Put in the oven for 14 minutes.
Ones cooled dip into greek yogurt and
sprinkle with shredded carrots. Store in
refrigerator. Please subscribe to learn to
make other fun dog recipes.

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