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Versão Online ISBN 978-85-8015-079-7

Cadernos PDE

Produções Didático-Pedagógicas
Ficha para identificação da Produção Didático-pedagógica – Turma 2014




Disciplina/Área: LÍNGUA INGLESA

(ingresso no PDE)

Escola de Implementação do COLÉGIO ESTADUAL TEREZINHA

Projeto e sua localização: RODRIGUES DA ROCHA

Município da escola: CLEVELÂNDIA - PR

Núcleo Regional de Educação: PATO BRANCO - PR


Instituição de Ensino Superior: UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL CENTRO


Relação Interdisciplinar:
(indicar, caso haja, as diferentes Língua Portuguesa, Ciências
disciplinas compreendidas no

Por meio deste projeto propõem-se
(descrever a justificativa, objetivos estabelecer relações interdisciplinares com a
e metodologia utilizada. A Língua Estrangeira, através da abordagem de
informação deverá conter no gêneros textuais, focalizando a temática Meio
máximo 1300 caracteres, ou 200 Ambiente, no contexto sócio econômico da
palavras, fonte Arial ou Times New comunidade escolar. Particularizando a
Roman, tamanho 12 e aplicação dessa proposta com alunos do 9º
espaçamento simples) ano no Colégio Terezinha Rodrigues da
Rocha – EFM. Neste caso, a língua
Inglesa pode trabalhar conteúdos e assuntos
de outras disciplinas sendo significativas para
o educando, fazendo uma releitura da
realidade que os cerca. Desta forma objetiva-
se desenvolver uma compreensão integrada
da qualidade ambiental, como um valor
inseparável do exercício da cidadania.
Espera-se com esse trabalho conscientizar
alunos e comunidade sobre a necessidade de
mudança de atitude e comportamento no
Palavras-chave: Meio Ambiente; poluição; preservar
(3 a 5 palavras)

Formato do Material Didático: Unidade Didática

(indicar o grupo para o qual o 9º ano – Ensino Fundamental
material didático foi desenvolvido:
professores, alunos,

O presente trabalho é composto de uma Unidade Didática, combinando

atividades em aulas de Língua Inglesa, com o objetivo de ampliar o entendimento e
conscientização dos alunos com a temática Meio Ambiente, e também com a
intenção de que eles estejam mais em contato com o assunto, não só na sala de
aula mas também, no seu dia a dia, tornando-os mais alertas para os problemas e
benefícios de ações que preservem o maio Ambiente. Os temas a serem aqui
abordados foram selecionados, justamente para que ele possa incitar reflexões,
discussões e considerações a respeito do tema que tem sido atualmente uma
preocupação mundial. No entanto, percebe-se que ainda existe uma falta de
preocupação por parte das pessoas, talvez a falta de conhecimento e informações
sobre as principais conseqüências ou os valores sejam o real motivo que leva as
pessoas a não cuidarem do meio ambiente como deve ser.
O que se pretende fazer é que estas reflexões possam ser ampliadas em
atividades a serem desenvolvidas dentro do contexto da escola, estendendo a
atenção e reflexões para o seu entorno buscando desenvolver ações e
considerações socio-educativas a esse respeito.
Espera-se que o interesse e a motivação do aluno do ensino fundamental
frente às aulas de língua inglesa possam ser aprimoradas e ampliadas envolvendo-
os em ações de cuidados e preservação do Meio Ambiente, dando ao aluno a
possibilidade de desenvolver palestras e gerenciar ações, dentro da própria escola
como também na comunidade tornando-se assim um potencial disseminador e
defensor das idéias de proteção e preservação da natureza em geral.
De acordo com as DCEs “a aula de LEM deve ser um espaço em que se
desenvolvam atividades significativas, as quais explorem diferentes recursos e
fontes, a fim de que o aluno vincule o que é estudado com o que o cerca” (Diretrizes
Curriculares da Educação Básica do Paraná, 2008, p. 64),
Esta citação vem legitimar a viabilidade do presente trabalho com a temática
Meio Ambiente nas aulas de Língua Inglesa, levando o aluno a usufruir das
ferramentas lingüísticas destinada a desenvolver habilidades de percepção e
reflexão dos temas abordados, relacionando-os assuntos/problemas, discutidos em
sala de aula, com os que permeiam sua vivência no cotidiano, o que motivará muito
mais os alunos, como um canal de transformação efetiva, podendo ser também a
reprodução de um viés conservador de educação e sociedade.
De acordo com Zanella (1997 p.26) há quatro condições para que a
aprendizagem ocorra, dentre elas, as psicológicas que "dizem respeito à motivação
do indivíduo, ou seja, à forma como este se mobiliza e direciona sua ação na
aprendizagem". Assim, a motivação seria um processo interno que se constitui em
resposta pessoal frente à determinada situação.
Para Lieury e Fenouillet (2000 p. 09), a motivação é o conjunto dos
mecanismos biológicos e psicológicos que possibilitam o desencadear da ação, da
orientação, da intensidade e da persistência, e os autores diferenciam a intrínseca
da extrínseca: a primeira significando que um indivíduo efetua uma atividade
unicamente pelo prazer que ela lhe proporciona e a segunda referindo-se a todas as
situações em que ele faz alguma coisa para obter algo prazeroso. Indivíduos,
intrinsecamente motivados, tendem a atribuir a si mesmos a causa do seu sucesso,
logo, um aluno motivado, anseia pelo aprimoramento de seu conhecimento,
reconhecendo como essencial a sua interação com o ambiente em que vive e com
as relações psico-sociais.
Assim através de uma análise reflexiva sobre as práticas de ensino de LEM,
delineada pela visão sóciointeracionista, a qual pressupõe uma prática diferenciada
para as aulas de inglês como língua estrangeira.
Essa visão teórica também implica repensar o papel do professor e o uso do
livro didático para que este possa ter melhor aproveitamento, de acordo com o
conceito amplo de sociointeracionismo visto como conjunto de práticas sociais,
cotidianas e culturais de uso da língua e nos processos investigativos da construção
do conhecimento. Ainda de acordo com as DCEs “as discussões poderão acontecer
em Língua Materna, pois nem todos os alunos dispõem de um léxico suficiente para
que o diálogo se realize em Língua Estrangeira”. (PARANÁ, 2008, p. 64).
Este trabalho está elaborado por uma Seqüência Didática, composta de 7
unidades, com um numero de aulas nas unidades variando de 3 a 7, o que vêm a
contemplar com suas fases o total trinta e duas aulas.
Com essa perspectiva, a realização desta implementação didático-
pedagógica, junto aos alunos, busca conhecer as necessidades e os anseios que
estes possuem em relação à Educação Ambiental e se constituiu na base da
construção deste trabalho.
A primeira Unidade compõe-se de uma “Avaliação Diagnóstica” a qual,
corresponde a um exercício introdutório com a intenção de situar os alunos dentro
da temática ambiental. A atividade é de grande valia, para perceber o conhecimento
prévio e a interação dos participantes. A Primeira Unidade é composta por
atividades pertinentes à interação entre alunos com questões sobre meio ambiente.
Esta unidade também é composta por atividades correspondentes a um vídeo
– “A Terra Pede Socorro Urgente – Earth Cries for Help”, onde são apresentados de
forma destacada as palavras – Descaso – indiferença – Desrespeito – Covardia –
Ganância , acompanhado das mensagens – “O Planeta está em nossa Mãos” – que
nortearão desde os primeiros momentos deste trabalho dentro de uma unidade
didática, até a sua parte final, numa abordagem significativa que incluem os
aspectos discursivos e lingüísticos, fomentado pelos gêneros textuais oral e escritos
sobre a temática Meio Ambiente.
A Segunda Unidade apresenta dois textos: um sobre o Ecossistema e o outro
Meio Ambiente, que possibilitarão ao aluno, com o auxilio do professor, uma
percepção coerente e interativa entre dos dois termos. Esta unidade também inclui
como atividades verificar a diferença entre preservação e conservação, visando a
conscientização dos alunos para a preservação, numa abordagem de protecionista
da natureza, quer ela apresente valor econômico ou não, apontando o homem como
o causador dos problemas que ocasionam o desequilíbrio ambiental. E também
visando a conscientização dos alunos para a conservação, esta voltada para o
amor à natureza, aliando uso racional e manejo criterioso das nossas espécies da
flora e fauna.
A Terceira Unidade é composta por uma atividade reflexiva sobre o trailer do
filme “Wall-E”, momento que se espera uma grande concentração e participação na
interpretação do mesmo, incluindo comentários relativos ao filme, que possibilita um
paralelo com o meio ambiente em que estamos vivendo, apoiado pelo aspecto de
meio ambiente mostrado pelo trailer, que assegura - nos que o mundo realmente
está em péssimas condições ambientais devido as agressões contra o meio
ambiente causados pelo homem, destacando que uma dessas agressões é a
poluição. Na sequência, apresenta-se ainda, uma atividade de leitura reflexiva de
um texto sobre a poluição, com exercícios relacionados ao tema.
A Quarta Unidade inicia-se com uma leitura sobre a Lei estabelecida pela
Constituição Federal do Brasil, que regula as agressões contra o meio ambiente.
Em seu Art. 225, está estabelecido que “Todos têm direito ao meio ambiente
ecologicamente equilibrado, bem de uso comum do povo e essencial à sadia
qualidade de vida, impondo-se ao Poder Público e à coletividade o dever de
defendê-lo e preservá-lo para as presentes e futuras gerações”, numa reflexão
voltada para a responsabilidade de cada um de nós. Ainda nesta unidade,
voltaremos para uma revisão dos pontos condutores do nosso trabalho que é sobre
a ultima mensagem do vídeo – “A Terra Pede Socorro Urgente – Earth Cries for
Help”, quando este coloca “Pense a respeito! O que você tem feito no meio em que
você vive? E destaca – Evite, Reduza, reutilize, recicle, repense – trazendo a
tona, a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, ou seja a Política dos 5 R's,
estabelecidos pela Lei 12305/2010(BRASIL, 2010), determinando que se deve
priorizar a redução do consumo e o reaproveitamento dos materiais em relação à
sua própria reciclagem.
Na Quinta Unidade o enfoque está voltado para o um quadro reflexivo sobre
“R´s” – ontem – Hoje – Amanhã, com um enfoque gramatical que engloba os
tempos passado, presente, e futuro, com discussões e exercícios relacionados as
ações humanas e suas expectativas para o futuro.
A Sexta Unidade apresenta um vídeo e a música “I Need To Wake UP”, de
Melissa Etheridge, com vários exercícios de interpretação e reflexão sobre a música
relacionada ao Meio Ambiente.
A Sétima e ultima Unidade, inicia-se com uma reflexão sobre o que
desejamos para o nosso futuro, com ênfase na palavra REINVENTAR, o que os
motivará a começar suas ações protecionistas do meio ambiente, através de uma
observação dos alunos dos entornos da escola e lugares que eles frequentam
observando e fotografando as possíveis intervenções no Meio Ambiente. O
observado será apresentado em forma de relatório e exposição oral a turma. E para
ilustrar o trabalho serão feitos cartazes com as fotografias retratando o local por eles
Sabemos das dificuldades, facilidades, obstáculos, resistências e formas de
superação para a elaboração, execução e concretização dos nossos sonhos.
Contudo, considerando as especificidades deste trabalho, e os conteúdos aqui
apresentado, espera-se que ele surta os efeitos objetivados e que a sua utilização
seja de grande eficácia para o aprimoramento do ensino-aprendizagem, não se
resumindo somente aos bancos escolares, mas especialmente estenda seus
reflexos aos âmbitos sócio-educacionais, estendendo-se nos mais diversos meios e
formas de comunicação e convívio entre alunos e outros elementos da sociedade.

NAME: ___________________________________________GRADE:__________

SCHOOL: _________________________________________________________



1- What is environment?

2-What do you understand for Environment problem?


3- What does the Environment mean to you?

4- Write some Environmental Problems that we are facings today?

5- How is the Environment where you live?


6- How is the Environment around our school?


7- Write five example of environmental problem in our city?


8- Is it important to do something for the environment? Why?


9- What can we do to save the Environment?


10- Why is it important to preserve the environment for the generations to come?
Fonte: <http://www.h2brasil.com/meio-ambiente.php>

1-What is your vision about the enviroment?


2- What does the environment have with you?


3 aulas
Fonte: Youtube - A TERRA pede socorro...urgente!


1- What is the name of this video?

2- What is the focus of the video?
3- What do you think about this?

1 - Pay attention and write, how you say the words bellow in English:
a- Descaso____________________ d- Covardia_________________
b- Indiferença__________________ e-Ganância________________
c- Desrespeito_________________

2- Why do you think the video emphasizes such words?

3- There is a music during this parte of the video. Do you know the name of this

The name of this music is Carmina Burana “Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi - O Fortuna” – a latim
expression, that in portugues means, "Canções da Beuern", considering that "Beuern" is an
abreviation of Benediktbeuern, name given to the poems and DRAMATIC texts during the
XIII century.

4- Why do you think this music introduces the video?

5- The first parte of the video finishes with the message

“Do not leave for tomorrow what can be done

today” todaytoday”

6- What does this message mean to you?


1- What´s the first change in the video?

2- The music here is so lively, isn´t it?

The name of this song is “He Melo No Lilo”

“He Melo No Lilo” This song, performed by Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu - meaning
“THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD” - it has five versus, each one about an element in
nature: Above, Birds of Heavens, Below, Flowers of the earth, In the mountaisn, the
forest, In the sea, the fish of the ocean.

1- How is the nature here?

2- What about the animals?
3- Why do you think the producer of the video used these two songs here?

Have you noticed that in this part of the video, there are also some words in
evidence. Pay attention and write, how you say the words bellow in English:

a) Preserve_________________ d) Admire __________________

b) Respeite _________________ e) Agradeça _________________
c) Ame ____________________

2- What´s the most beautiful and important scene in the video for you?

3- At the end there was a message

“The Planet Earth is in our Hands”

4- What does this message mean to you?

Do you remember what was the last message of the video?

Pense a respeito! O que você tem feito no meio em que você vive?
Evite, Reduza, reutilize, recicle, repense.
Começe com pequenas atitudes e verá grandes mudanças....
Think about it.
Avoide, reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink.

6- Now, let´s write a message to help save our planet.


Well students, in the video they say: “The Planet Earth is in our Hands” they
are making us aware of the responsibility for our actions, because they are worried
with the enviroment and asking us to Avoide, reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink, in
order to help keeping enviroment / ecosystem loudable place to live in, because it is
the condition that provides us a healthy quality of life.

5 aulas
Ok Students, today we are going to talk about environment, and acosystem:

1- Do you know what a environment is ?


2- How about ecosystem ?



What is an Ecosystem?

Ecosystem is a complex set of relationship among the living resources,

habitats and residents of an area. An ecosystem includes all of the living things (plants,
animals and organisms) in a given area, interacting with each other, and also with their non-living
environments (weather, earth, sun, soil, climate, and atmosphere). In an ecosystem, each
organism has its' own niche, or role to play.
In an ecosystem, each organism has its' own niche, or role to play.
Consider a small puddle at the back of your home. In it, you may find all sorts of living
things, from microorganisms, to insects and plants. These may depend on non-living
things like water, sunlight, turbulence in the puddle, temperature, atmospheric
pressure and even nutrients in the water for life.


It is a term that encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally
on Earth or some region thereof.
The concept of the natural environment can be distinguished by components:
Complete ecological units that function as natural systems without massive
human intervention, including all vegetation, animals, microorganisms, soil, rocks,
atmosphere and natural phenomena that occur within their boundaries.
Universal natural resources and physical phenomena that lack clear-cut
boundaries, such as air, water, and climate, as well as energy, radiation, electric
charge, and magnetism, not originating from human activity.

The natural environment, is commonly referred as simply environment.

The natural environment is always contrasted with the built environment,

which comprises the areas and components that are strongly influenced by humans.

1- Underline the words in both texts that are new for you then write them down.
2- Now what is the main relationship between the two texts?

3- What are the differences between text 1 and text 2?


4- Are the two texts closely connected? How?


5- Who takes part in the environment?

3 aulas

Let´s see some themes related with Environmental


Note that : Environmental preservation is different from conservation;

conservation allows for sustainable development, where as preservation is
complete restriction.

Preservation is to set aside of natural resources to prevent the use or contact by

humans or by human intervention. In terms of policy making, this often means setting
aside areas as nature reserves, (otherwise known as wildlife reserves), parks, or
other conservation areas. These areas usually restrict or prohibit activities that may
cause damage to habitat or wildlife.
Such activities may include: logging, hunting, fishing, mining and so on..
Conservation means that the environment and its resources should be used by
humans and managed in a responsible manner. These types of people see the value
of the environment as the goods and services that it can provide to people.



A specific species that is at risk for extinction due

endangered species
to natural and human forces.

The idea that all things living developed from very

evolution few simple life forms through several physical

When something is completely gone and doesn't


The retention of radiation from the sun into the

greenhouse effect earth's atmosphere that creates a rise in the
temperature of the earth's surface.

habitat A specific dwelling place where an animal lives.

insecticide Something that eliminates insects.

atmosphere The specific gas that surrounds the earth.

A type of oxygen that is produced by electricity

and is in the air, mostly after a thunderstorm.

A person who trespasses, usually to hunt or fish


pollution The process or act of defiling.

smog The combination of smoke and fog in the air.

The area that surrounds the earth that may

support life.

The act of preserving; to keep from being used up

or lost

1. extinct ( ) A type of oxygen that is produced by electricity and is

in the air, mostly after a thunderstorm.

2. pollution ( ) A specific dwelling place where an animal lives.

3. ozone ( ) The process or act of defiling.

4. endangered ( ) The idea that all things living developed from very few
species simple life forms through several physical changes.

( ) A specific species that is at risk for extinction due to

5. poacher
natural and human forces.

6. conservation ( ) The combination of smoke and fog in the air.

7. evolution ( ) The specific gas that surrounds the earth.

8. smog ( ) Something that eliminates insects.

9. habitat ( ) A person who trespasses, usually to hunt or fish


( ) When something is completely gone and doesn't

10. atmosphere

( ) The retention of radiation from the sun into the earth's

atmosphere that creates a rise in the temperature of the
earth's surface.
11. insecticide

1. Contamination of Drinking Water:

Contamination of fresh water used for household needs


2. Water Pollution:
Related issues include acid rain, ocean dumping, urban
runoff, oil spills, ocean acidification, and wastewater.

3. Soil Contamination:
Soil erosion, soil conservation, soil salination, and soil
contamination by waste, pesticides.

4. Wildlife Conservation:
Such as endangered species, animal and plant extinction,
introduction of invasive species, and loss of natural animal.

5. Air pollution:
About indoor and outdoor air quality, carbon emissions,
particulate matter, sulfur oxides, volatile organic, and
methane emissions.

6. Biological pollutants:
Including bacteria, viruses, molds, mildew, dander,
dust, mites, pollen, ventilation and infection.

7. Carbon footprint:
Including the use of renewable energy sources (solar
power, geothermal heat pumps), recycling, and sustainable

Answer :_______________________________________
8. Climate change:

Such as the greenhouse effect, global dimming, and the

gradual rise in sea level.

Answer: _______________________________________
9. Consumerism:
Over-consumption and their effect on the planet.

Answer: ______________________________________
10. Dams:
The impact of dams on the environment.

Answer: ______________________________________
11. Ecosystem:
Destruction such as aquaculture, estuaries, shellfish
protection, landscaping, wetlands, and ecological

Answer: ______________________________________
12. Energy conservation:
Including renewable energy for home and business,
energy efficiency.
Answer _______________________________________
13. Fishing:
And its effect on marine ecosystems, blast fishing, cyanide
fishing, bottom trawling, whaling, and over-fishing.

Answer: _______________________________________
14. Food safety:
Concerns and the effects of hormones, antibiotics,
preservatives, toxic contamination, and lack of quality
control on health.
15. Genetic engineering:
Including concerns about genetically modified foods and
genetic pollution.
Fonte: shutterstock
16. Intensive farming:
Irrigation, overgrazing, monoculture, methane emissions.
17. Land degradation:
Related problems, such as desertification and soil and land
18. Land use:
Urban sprawl, lack of free space, and habitat destruction
and fragmentation.
19. Logging:
Deforestation, clear-cutting, destruction of wildlife habitats.

20. Mining:
Acid mine drainage, and soil and air pollution resulting
from toxic emissions and heavy metals.

21. Nanotechnology:
The future effects of nanopollution and nanotoxicology.

22. Natural disasters:
Their impact on all aspects of the environment.

23. Nuclear issues:
Nuclear meltdown, radioactive waste, and the population's
reliance on nuclear power.
24. Other pollution:
Such as light pollution and noise pollution.

25. Overpopulation:
Concerns such as continued building and burial.

26. Ozone depletion:
Damage to the Earth's ozone layer caused by CFC.

27. Resource depletion:
Cleaner energy sources, and exploitation of natural

28. Sustainable communities:
Encouraging green practices and building, and adoption of
mass transportation and cleaner methods of commuting.

29. Toxins:
Heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, toxic waste, PCB,
DDT, bioaccumulation, endocrine disruptors, asbestos.

30. Waste:
Recycling, incineration, marine debris, E-waste, and
contamination of water and soil caused by improper
disposal and leaching toxins.


5 aulas


Filme de 2008

2. WALL·E é um filme de
animação americano de 2008
produzido pela Pixar Animation
Studios e dirigido por Andrew
Data de lançamento: 27 de
junho de 2008 (EUA)
Direção: Andrew Stanton
Música composta por: Thomas
Canção original: Down to
Personagens: BURN-E, Shelby
Forthright, WALL·E, mais
Fonte: cinegarimpo

1- Have you ever seen this film ?

2- What do you think this film is about?
1-What is the name of the movie?
2-When was it lauched?
3-Who is the director of the movie?
4- Who are the characters of the movie?
5-What is the name of the song?
8- Do you know the difference between music and song
in English?
Fonte: pitadadecinema

Do you Know What is the meaning of “Wall E”? It is (Waste Allocation Load
Lifters - Earth – Levantador de Carga para Alocação de Lixo – Classe 'Terra')

Ok, Let´s enjoy it?


1- What was the message of this movie for you? Write it down:

2- What was the function of robots that as Wall-E?


03-How could Wall-E still work after so much time?


04- In the first scenes, the film shows the Earth planet without inhabitants. What did
it take the planet to be uninhabited?

05-What is the intention of Wall-E when he select some items from the trash he


06-At the beginning Wall-E was really afraid of EVA. What happened to make him
face her?

07-How was the behavior of the people who live in the spacecraft?

08- Which functions were kept totally active in the humans?

a- fala b- audição c- locomoção d- paladar

09-Which are the positive and negative points of being so much time at the

10 -Why was the plant found by Wall-E so important to the development of the film?



The film assures us that the world is in a poor condition, because of some
aggressions against the environment caused by people.
One of these aggressions is pollution.
Pollution is the degradation of natural environment by external substances
introduced directly or indirectly. Human health, ecosystem quality and aquatic and
terrestrial biodiversity may be affected and altered permanently by pollution.

Pollution occurs when ecosystems can not get rid of substances introduced
into the environment. The critical threshold of its ability to naturally eliminate
substances is compromised and the balance of the ecosystem is broken.

Fonte: myenglishpages

The sources of pollution are numerous. The identification of these different

pollutants and their effects on ecosystems is complex. They can come from natural
disasters or the result of human activity, such as oil spills, chemical spills, nuclear
accidents ... These can have terrible consequences on people and the planet where
they live: destruction of the biodiversity, increased mortality of
the human and animal species, destruction of natural habitat,
damage caused to the quality of soil, water and air.

Preventing pollution and protecting the environment

necessitate the application of the principles of sustainable
development. we have to consider to satisfy the needs of today without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. This means that
we should remedy existing pollution, but also anticipate and prevent future pollution
sources in order to protect the environment and public health. Any environmental
damage must be punishable by law, and polluters should pay compensation for the
damage caused to the environment.


1- Identify of the cognates words in the text above.

2- Choose the best alternative for the statements about Pollution (exercises)

a- The Pollution:

a- is never caused by humans.

b- may sometimes be caused by natural disasters.
c- we are protect the environment from pollution.

b- The damage caused by pollution might be irreversible

a- True b- False

3-Choose and complete the correct words:

1- The energy generated by the…………………is both very efficient and clean.

a- gases
c- windmill
b- protection
d- effect

2- The earth`s resources are being………………………..at an alarming rate.

a- recycle c- biodiversity
b- used up d- warming

3- The Japanese………………….more than half their waste paper.

a- pollution
b- recycle
c- effect
d- clean

01- Earth 02- air pollution 03- deforestation 04- alternative energy
05- sunlight 06- noise pollution 07- organic food 08- global warming
09- flood 10- visual pollution 11- reforestation 12- plastic bags

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ ____________________

____________________ ______________________ _____________________

____________________ ______________________ ____________________

6 aulas
Well, we have been working with a lot of problems about Environment even though,
we have rules to regulate the aggressions against it. This rules are established in the
Federal Constitution on art. 225, where it is said that:

“We are all entitled to an ecologically balanced environment, common good of

people use, and essential to a healthy quality of life, imposing on the public powers
and the community, the duty to defend it and preserve it, for present and future

1- Did you know that we have a law to protect the environment?

2- What is the Federal Constitution?
3- Have you already read it?
4- What do you understand about “...common good of people use and essential to a
healthy quality of life?

Common Good. The basic requirements for staying alive: food,

water, and shelter — that are always good for all people.

5- Do you think that - food, water, and shelter- are good for all people?
6- Are they essential for us? Why?
7- Is it necessary to have a law to protect the environment?
8- Does everybody respect the laws?
9- In your opinion is the law sufficient to make the people conscious about the
environment importance?

So students.... now tell me.

1- What have you done in the place where you live to help protect the environment?
2- What has been done to motivate people to take care of the environment?
3- What is the video asking us to do? Let´s remember? Write them down, and check at the
bottom of the page.
______________ ______________
______________ ______________

2- How many R`S do we have here? __________________________________________

Well students! We also have these 5 R’s

Mas o que são os 5 R’s?

A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, Lei 12305/2010(BRASIL, 2010), após

vinte anos de discussões veio para dar uma base de veracidade às discussões
relacionadas aos Resíduos Sólidos e determinar situações importantes. Uma delas é a
não geração de resíduos. Então a política dos 5 R's deve priorizar a redução do consumo
e o reaproveitamento dos materiais em relação à sua própria reciclagem.

Os 5 R’s são formados pelas práticas de:


The first step to the Waste Reduction Hierarchy is rethink! The more you do of this step,
the less you have to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Start Here!

Sometimes you should just say no! Making better everyday choices, learning how to shop
smarter and other alternatives will all help our planet!

There are many ways to reduce your eco-footprint, and to reduce the amount of waste
going from your house to your local landfill. Learn more here!

Is that junk or not? Can it be loved by someone else? Do you really need to purchase
that? Find helpful tips on how to reuse everyday products here.

If you couldn't rethink it, refuse it, reduce it, reuse it... Well then hopefully you can recycle
it! Start here to learn everything about recycling in the Peace Region.
Fonte: prrrdy

3- Read the board above and complete:

1)What is Rethink for you ?


2) How could you Refuse to help environment?


3) How could you help the community around you, Reduce, in order to reduce your eco-
footprint, and also amount of waste, from your and other people houses?

4) How could you Reuse everydays products ?


5) How could you Recycle in a sorrounding place where you live?

5 aulas


3 R’s 5 R’s 7 R’s DESEJADO
1- Reduzir 1- Reduzir 1- Reduzir O mais importante de tudo:
2- Reutilizar ou 2- Reutilizar 2- Reutilizar
Reaproveitar 3- Reaproveitar 3- Reaproveitar REINVENTAR uma nova maneira de:
3- Reciclar 4- Reciclar 4- Reciclar viver,
5- Repensar 5- Repensar consumir,
6- Recusar produzir,
7- Recuperar transportar,
e até prestar serviços financeiros.
Fonte: Sites do google


1- What did people do in the past (ontem – yesterday )?

2- How do you say – reduzir – reutilizar – reciclar in English?

3- How many R´s did we have yesterday?

4- What do we do in the present (hoje – today )?

5- How do you say – reduzir – reutilizar – recusar – reciclar e repensar in English?

6- How many R´s do we have today?

7- What will we do in the future (amanhã – tomorrow )

8- How do you say – reduzir – reutilizar – reaproveitar – reciclar – repensar – recusar
– recuperar in English?

9- How many R´s will we have tomorrow?


Ok. Now let´s analize the board again.

In the first moment of the board we have a specific moment. What
moment is that? Great it is (ontem) it is past
Now observe the bords bellow

3 R’s What did people do in the
1- Reduzir
2- Reutilizar ou DID past (ontem – yesterday )?
3- Reciclar What did you do yesterday?

1- Did you realize that to ask a question in the past we use “did”?

So, when should I use ´did´ ?

a) Devo usar did nas frases interrogativas - em que eu quero dizer algo no
passado e que eu menciono, mencionei o tempo ou já sei quando a ação, fato ou
situação ocorreu. Por isso, é comumente usado com expressões de tempo no
passado, como: yesterday, last week, last night, 3 days ago, one year ago, when I
was a child, when I called you, etc.

Did you see that? (Você viu isso?)

Why did you sell it? (Por que você o vendeu?)
Did she tell you that? (Ela lhe disse isso?)

b) Devo usar o did + not nas frases Negativas:

(ONTEM) I did not call you this morning.(Eu
3 R’s não te liguei hoje de manhã.)
1- Reduzir
2- Reutilizar ou DID NOT
Reaproveitar He did not take vacations last
3- Reciclar
year(Ele não tirou férias ano

Other examples:

- We did not protect the environment from pollution.

- Helen did not go to the movies alone.
- I did not work yesterday.

Great! How many R´s did we have yesterday? _______________________________

In the second moment of the board we have another specific

moment. What moment is that? Great it is (today) it is present. Now
observe the bords bellow
2- 1- What do we do in the present
5 R’s
1- Reduzir DO/ DOES (hoje – today )?
2- Reutilizar DOES 2- What does she study ?
3- Reaproveitar
4- Reciclar
5- Repensar

1- Did you realize that to ask a question in the present we use “do/

So when should I use ´DO/DOES”?

O Do/Does é o auxiliar mais forte do inglês. É usado para frases negativas e

interrogativas. Para o tempo verbal ( Simple Present).

Do, é a conjugação usada para as pessoas: I, You, We, They.

Does é a conjugação para as pessoas He,She, It.

a) Complete the questions with do or does.

1- ___________ they usually eat pizza?
2- ___________ Lisa study English?
3- ___________ you go to school by car?
4- ___________ he watch TV on Sundays?

Interrogativas: O Do/Does vem sempre no começo da frase:

Ex: Do you like blue?
Ex: Does she like blue (Aqui, como o "S" já está no Does, o Like fica normal).

a) Complete this exercise with negative form:

1- We_____________to work too much. ( like )
2- John_____________ on Sundays. ( work )
3- The cat is a feline. It_____________vegetables. (eat ).
4- Alice and Mary_________________ in the same school. (study)
(HOJE) 1-We do not travel to Curitiba.
5 R’s
1- Reduzir DO/ DOES
2- Reutilizar DOES 2- Sheila does not a teacher.
3- Reaproveitar
4- Reciclar
5- Repensar

Ex: I don't (do + not) like blue
Ex2: She doesn't (does + not) like blue (Igual o exemplo de cima).

O Do também pode ser o verbo fazer:

I do my homeworks everyday (Eu faço minhas lições de casa todos os dias)

Great! How many R´s do we have Today? ______________________________

In the third moment of the board we have another specific

moment. What moment is that? Great ! it is (amanhã-tomorrow) it
is future. Now observe the bords bellow

7 R’s
1- Reduzir 4- 1- You will travel tomorrow.
2- Reutilizar
3- Reaproveitar 5-
4- Reciclar
6- 2- Jane will help her mother.
5- Repensar
6- Recusar
7- Recuperar
1- Did you realize that to ask a question in the future we use “WILL”?

So when should I use “WILL”?

1- Usa-se WILL or ´ll:

 Para prever fatos e acontecimentos. Com expressões como “I THINK”,


 I think you´ll do well on the test. (Acho que você irá bem na prova.)
 Maybe I´ll go to the movies tonight. (Talvez eu vá ao cinema hoje à
 I´m sure everything will be all right. (Tenho certeza de que tudo ficará

 Para se oferecer a fazer algo ou indicar decisões tomadas no momento

da fala.
 The phone´s ringing! (O telefone está tocando.)

 Don´t worry, I´ll get it. (Não se preocupe, eu atendo.)

 Oferecer ajuda ou fazer um pedido:


 Sir, will you have red wine or white wine? (O senhor aceita vinho tinto ou

 Mmm, I´ll have red wine. (Mmm, aceito o vinho tinto)

Great!... How many R´s will we have Tomorrow? _____________________________


What do you do to help the environment?

Fill in the questionnaire yourself:


01- Do you re-use plastic carrier bags?

02- Do you buy organically-grown vegetables?
03- Do you buy glass (not plastic) bottles?
04- Do you take empty bottles to a ´bottle bank?
05- Do you buy CFC-free sprays?
06- Do you buy rechargeable batteries?
07- Do you try to save energy in the home?
08- Do you try to use public transport or ride a bicycle?
09- Do you keep paper or aluminum cans for recycling?
10- Do you try to avoid using chemicals to kill garden pests?
11- Do you prefer organic food?
12- Do you take short showers?
13- Do you avoid using plastic bags from supermarket?

2-Write 3 sentenses about what people did yesterday to help Keep enviroment


3- Write 3 sentenses about what people will do tomorrow to help Keep enviroment
4 - Search in the computer, how long it takes for the following products to
decompose in the environment:

a- Paper j- Glass
b- Cloth k- Steel can
c- Cigarette butts l- Plastic bottle
d- Bubble-gum m- Plastic cup
e- Paint wood n- Waste radioactive
f- Nylon o- Cardboard box
g- Plastic p- Aluminium can
h- Metal q- Nylon line
i- Rubber

5- Unscreblow the words and than find products that can´t be recycle:

a- rdovi atrfeáiror =_______________ k- qtaieuet eadivsa= ______________

b- heolsep= ___________ _________ l- lepic= ________________________
c- çlone ed eplpa =______________ m- mpgroa= ___________________
d- aplep icinhiêgo=_______________ n-omadta= _____________________
e- evasrnebto imfinone =___________ p- auitsub ed riagorc= ___________
f- darfla sceltárdeva =_____________ q- aofsrogtaif= _________________
g- çaolu= ______________________ r- oluósc= ____________________
h- abodaerbr evaltrásdce= _________ s-épiasp ondsudgroear= ________
i- apelp noacbor= ________________ t- oroips= _______________
j- paseonj ed çoa= _______________ u- baoc ed alpnae=___________

6-Complete the sentences with the correct words, as adequate:

a- The……………………………. Is the natural world, including the land, the water, air,
plants, and animals.
a- resource b- environment c- stocks of fish d- topsoil e- surface

b- All the verbs bellow express negative ideas, except one. Which is it?
a- destroy b- waste c- burn d- cut down e- live
c- What isn´t source of global warming pollution?
a- tree b- factories c- cars d- planes e- burn coal

d- What is air pollution cause?

a- Human activity b- Precious resources d- global warming

Well students !!
You have been Great !!!

Let´s watching and listen to a song Now?????


I Need To Wake Up
Melissa Etheridge

Have I been sleeping? I’ve been asleep

I’ve been so ……… And I ………… to wake up
Afraid of crumbling Now
Have I been careless?
Dismissing all the distant rumblings And as a child
Take me…………..I am supposed to I danced like it was 1999
be My …………… were wild
To comprehend the things that i can’t The promise of this new world
see Would be mine
Now I am throwing off the
………… I need to move carelessness of youth
I need to wake up To listen to an inconvenient truth
I need to …………….
I need to shake up …………. I need to …………..
I need to speak out I need to wake up
Something’s got to break up
I need to ……………. I need to …………
I need to shake up I need to shake up
I need to speak out
Something’s got to break up
I need to speak out I’ve been asleep
Something’s got to break up And I ………… to wake up
I’ve been ……………. Now
And I need to wake up
Now I want to change
I need to shake up
I am not an island I need to speak out
I am not ……………… Oh, something’s got to break up
I am my intentions I’ve been asleep
Trapped here in this flesh and bone And I …………. To wake up
……….. I need to move
I need to wake up

10-Listen and order the following lines correctly :

( ) I need to speak out

( ) Now
( ) I need to shake up
( ) And I need to wake up
( ) That I need to move
( ) I´ve been asleep
( ) I need to change
( ) Something´s got to break up
( ) I need to wake up

11-Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box :

Truth - listen - flesh - alone - afraid - bone - asleep

a- I am not…………………
b- To…………………..to an inconvenient ……………..
c- ……………………of crumbling
d- I´ve been………………
e- Trapped here in this…………………..and………………………..

12-Listen and match the lines correctly:

1- And as a child ( ) were will

2- My dreams ( ) off the carelessness of youth.
3-The promise of this new world ( ) to an inconvenient truth
4- Now I am throwing ( ) I danced like it was 1999.
5- To listen ( ) would be mine.
13-Thinking about the music.

1-Why do I need to wake up ?

2-Feelings and places evoked by this music. This music makes me feel.......



7 aulas

Congratulation to all of you. You have really been great.

Now, that we have been working a lot about the environmental
problems, it is time to do something, isn´t it?

Then, let´s return to the “5R´s” bord and rethink about the last part
of it .

O mais importante de tudo: The most important of all

REINVENTAR uma nova maneira de: REINVET- a new way to:

viver, live,
consumir, consume,
produzir, produce,
transportar, transport,
armazenar store
e até prestar serviços financeiros. even even provide financial services.
1- What is the first thing we have to do according to the board?

2- How do you say “observação in English”?


3- What do we “desejamos “ para o futuro?


4- What is the most important of all?


So we need to REINVENT. We need to reinvent a new way to live, to consume, to

produce, to transport, to store and even to provide financial services.

And how could we start this reinvention ...???

We could start it detecting the enviromental problems around us and trying to make the
people conscious of the need to save the Earth that Cries for Help.
1- Use your creativity and think about the environment theme. Take your cameras
and go around takeing your photos. Look at the negative and positive environment

a) Use this board to insert your photos, and your comments

b) Use this board to prepare a presentation for other students and also for your parents.


2- Let´s now prepare our T-shirts for the presentations?

3 aulas
"Carmina Burana: Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: O Fortuna" por Robert Shaw (Google
Play • iTunes)

Lieury, A. & Fenouillet.. Motivação e aproveitamento escolar. São Paulo: Edições

Loyola, 2000.

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Fundamental. Orientações Curriculares de Língua Estrangeira. Curitiba:

Zanella, L.. Aprendizagem: uma introdução. Em J. La Rosa (Org.). Psicologia e

Educação: o significado do aprender. Porto Alegre: EIPUCRS, 1997.


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