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Colégio Curso Pensi
Teacher Thelma
2nd grade
What is a
It can be a project or the undertaking of solidarity actions aimed
at improving one or more aspects of a society in which it exists,
thus strengthening the sense of citizenship, or the social
understanding of citizens.
https://www.igi-global.com/dictionary/the-attractiveness-of-extreme-wind-sports-linked-to-social-responsibility/92194#:~:text=1.,the%20social%20understanding%20of%20citizens .

It means a project related with the public services that the

government provides to the public free of charge or at nominal
charge and include education, health, potable water and road
projects, for example.
Those actions and ideas that are interrelated and carried out in a
coordinated way with the intention of achieving a goal make up
what is known as a project.

Social, on the other hand, is an adjective linked to a society (the

community formed by individuals who share a culture and who
interact with each other).

A social project, therefore, is one that aims to change the living

conditions of the people. The intention is that the project improves
the daily life of society as a whole or, at least, of the most
disadvantaged social groups.
Projeto é um plano para a realização de um ato e também pode
significar desígnio, intenção, esboço. Esta é uma palavra oriunda do
termo em latim projectum que significa “algo lançado à frente”. Por
esse motivo, projeto também pode ser uma redação provisória de uma
medida qualquer que vai ser realizada no futuro.

Projeto social - um projeto social é um plano ou um esforço solidário

que tem como objetivo melhorar um ou mais aspectos de uma
sociedade. Estas iniciativas potenciam a cidadania e consciência
social dos indivíduos, envolvendo-os na construção de um futuro
Um Projeto está relacionado à consecução de objetivos, ou a frações
de objetivos maiores, que se relacionam com o planejamento
estratégico da instituição ou a determinada área do poder público.
Salvo nos casos em que projetos sejam elaborados para cobertura de
alguma situação emergencial a ser enfrentada pela instituição.

Em resumo, o projeto em particular deve se relacionar aos objetivos

elencados no planejamento estratégico, e consequentemente estará
afinado à missão e visão institucional, em congruência de valores.
What can be the
purpose of a social
It is important to bear in mind that social projects can be
promoted by the State, but also by non-governmental
organizations, associations or even private companies or

Typically, a social project aims to satisfy a basic need of

people. Most of these projects, in this way, seek to promote
improvements in the fields of education, housing, health or
employment, for instance.
The concept of social project seeks to maintain the balance
between three fundamental points that give meaning to its
existence: the fragility of the individual, which can lead to a
lack, which must be resolved through the responsibility of the
social worker.
As one of its extremes increases, the other decreases.
What is needed for
the success of a
social project?
A significant effort is necessary to carry out a social project,
combining various elements and resources. In the first place,
a system must be developed that allows the identification and
ordering of priorities, so that there are clear objectives and
that it is possible to meet all of them. Then you must proceed
to get the right tools to solve each problem, since it is useless
to act without firmness or with the inappropriate solutions.
Although it may seem unfair to some people, it is very
important to know how to choose the problems that have a
possible solution with the energies and resources that are
available, in the same way that doctors and rescuers must
face the difficult decision to save those who have a better
chance of surviving.
In addition to action and observation of society, social
workers should reserve a moment for reflection and self-
criticism. Only if we learn from our mistakes and are able to
resolve them will we be in a position to offer a helping hand
to others. Evaluating one's own performance is a sign of
humility, one of the fundamental values ​of any person who
wants to dedicate his life to the implementation of social
Some social
causes that can
inspire a project
● 1 – Combating child abuse and supporting victims;
● 2 – Children and teenagers’ education;
● 3 – Finding missing people;
● 4 – Supporting women victims of violence;
● 5 – Female empowerment;
● 6 – Combating racial inequality;
● 7 – Supporting homeless people;
● 8 – Combating poverty;
● 9 – Supporting refugees;
● 10 – Including people with disabilities;
● 11 – Supporting drug addicts;
● 12 – Welcoming and improving the quality of life of
older people;
● 13 – Defending indegenous peoples rights;
● 14 – Environment preservation;
● 15 – Helping abandoned animals;
Examples of social
https://www.bndes.gov.br/SiteBNDES/bndes/bndes_en/Institucional/Press/Noticias/2010/20100923_BNDES_Reforestation.html http://www.amazonfund.gov.br/en/home/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLqAr-qsehM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EASqF1BwXk4 http://livingononedollar.org/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLqAr-qsehM http://livingononedollar.org/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLqAr-qsehM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EASqF1BwXk4 http://livingononedollar.org/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLh5CRUecfY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOlH8txduYk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kneRw6dMlE

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLt4yA4ExbU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI6f5d7cyks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyYWmIRb_pA

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