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A Liga BSW apresenta

Regra Brasil
Versão 5.0
Oficial para todos os jogos,
torneios e campeonatos da Liga BSW


Clãs Oficiais da Liga BSW
Regra Brasil 5.0
Oficial para todos os jogos, torneios e campeonatos da Liga BSW

Estão presentes aqui as regras de cartas:

Resource 5.0;

Cúpulas 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015 e 2016;

Pesquisa Brasil 2010;

Promos TSR;

Promos BSW;

1ª Edição em Português;

1ª, 2ª, 3ª e 4ª edição em inglês;

Séries: Ravenloft, Dragonlance, Artefatos; Forgotten Realms, Powers,

Runes & Ruins, NightStalkers, Draconomicon, Dungeons,
BirthRights e Underdark;

Boosters Online: Inquisition, Milleniun, Chaos e Conquest;

Série Mitos e Lendas

Boosters Online BRASIL: IQBR – MIBR – CHBR - CQBR

Erratas e Bluelines originais da 2.0

Decisões do Conselho da Liga BSW sobre Conflitos de Regras (ROC’s)


REGRAS DO JOGO ....................................................................................................................... 5

REGRAS CAMPEONATOS LIGA BSW ....................................................................................... 21
PESQUISA BRASIL E CÚPULAS ................................................................................................ 24
Spellfire® Reference Guide Volume II Errata - Version 1.1 ....................................................... 30
COUNTERS .................................................................................................................................. 30
CARTAS PROMO ........................................................................................................................ 34
PRIMEIRA EDIÇÃO EM INGLÊS ................................................................................................. 48
ESPECIAIS DA PRIMEIRA EDIÇÃO ............................................................................................ 75
PRIMEIRA EDIÇÃO EM PORTUGUÊS ........................................................................................ 79
TERCEIRA EDIÇÃO ................................................................................................................... 104
QUARTA EDIÇÃO ...................................................................................................................... 128
RAVENLOFT .............................................................................................................................. 188
DRAGONLANCE........................................................................................................................ 194
FORGOTTEN REALMS ............................................................................................................. 203
ARTIFACTS ............................................................................................................................... 213
POWERS .................................................................................................................................... 224
UNDERDARK ............................................................................................................................. 236
RUNES & RUINES ..................................................................................................................... 247
BIRTHRIGHT .............................................................................................................................. 255
DRACONOMICON ..................................................................................................................... 268
NIGHT STALKERS .................................................................................................................... 294
DUNGEONS ............................................................................................................................... 324
INQUISITION ONLINE................................................................................................................ 339
MILLENIUM ONLINE ................................................................................................................. 359
CHAOS ONLINE ........................................................................................................................ 380
CONQUEST ONLINE ................................................................................................................. 389
MITOS E LENDAS ..................................................................................................................... 395
INQUISITION BR ........................................................................................................................ 421
MILLENIUM BR .......................................................................................................................... 428
CHAOS BR................................................................................................................................. 433
CONQUEST BR ......................................................................................................................... 436
BLUELINES .............................................................................................................................. 439
COMBOS PREMIAÇÃO AOS CORAJOSOS ............................................................................. 444
O QUE SÃO ESTAS REGRAS? Darkness Together ao final do turno corrente, exceto se o
Essas são regras para o jogo SPELLFIRE muito similares às da jogador substituir a carta destruída pela mesma carta, o que
última edição do jogo (4ª Edição). Essas regras trazem as só poderá ser efeito após o término do jogo em andamento.
modificações adotas pela Liga BSW (Brazilian Spellfire De modo semelhante, não existe a chamada “regra do toque”
Warriors) em seus torneios oficiais, o que inclui comentários em torneios. Se um campeão lança um feitiço ofensivo em
adicionais sobre diversas cartas e situações, já que aqui não outro que é imune, via de regra é permitido que ele redirecione
há a limitação de espaço como nas regras publicadas como o o feitiço para um outro alvo válido (a exceção seria o campeão
jogo. lançar um feitiço em outro virado para baixo que seja imune,
caso em que o feitiço seria desperdiçado). Da mesma
REGRAS maneira, se um jogador inadvertidamente ataca com um
SPELLFIRE é um jogo de cartas colecionáveis para dois ou campeão contra outro que possui a habilidade de matá-lo
mais jogadores. A idéia é que cada jogador construa um automaticamente (um exemplo seria atacar com um monstro
baralho próprio utilizando as cartas que possui. Muitas cartas estando a Adorável Collen no poço do defensor), é permitido
possuem poderes estranhos que alteram ou quebram as que ele volte o seu ataque, exceto nos casos em que o
regras do jogo. Em todos os casos, o poder da carta prevalece campeão adversário está virado para baixo. Lembre-se que o
sobre as regras aqui descritas. objetivo do jogo é que todos se divirtam!
Essas regras são um pouco diferente daquelas descritas na 4ª
Edição. Em qualquer caso, essas regras prevalecem sobre MAS O QUE É TUDO ISSO?
todas as demais publicadas. As maiores mudanças incluem: A idéia do jogo é a construção de um império. Para isso, cada
jogador compra e joga cartas de seus próprios baralhos. Por
• Quando um jogador ficar sem cartas para sacar, ele ser um jogo de cartas colecionáveis, cada jogador tem o seu
reembaralha a sua pilha de descartes para formar uma nova próprio baralho. Cartas do baralho de um jogador jamais se
pilha de saque no final de seu turno corrente. misturam com as cartas do baralho de outro jogador.
Enquanto cada jogador tenta construir o seu próprio império,
• Ancient Kalidnay, juntamente com o evento Caravana, não os demais tentam destruí-lo. Cada jogador usa campeões de
podem ser utilizados até que todos os jogadores tenham fantasia (clérigos, heróis, magos, monstros e outros) para
jogado o seu primeiro turno (ou tenham passado o seu turno). atacar e defender seus impérios. Feitiços, itens mágicos,
O último jogador do ciclo pode utilizar ambas as cartas artefatos, eventos, aliados e outras cartas especiais ajudam
livremente. esses campeões. Se o ataque for bem-sucedido, parte do
império do defensor é arrasada ou o campeão defensor é
• É permitido a todos incluir um avatar “grátis” em seus derrotado. “REINO ARRASADO” é um termo que aparece
baralhos; isso significa que o nível da carta não contará para o frequentemente nesse conjunto de regras.
cálculo do limite de campeões no baralho, porém ele ainda Como em qualquer jogo, o objetivo é se divertir. Não se
conta como uma carta no limite total permitido para a apegue a tecnicidades ou jogue com a “regra de toque”.
construção do baralho. Ninguém se diverte quando alguém banca o advogado das
regras. Jogue franca e honestamente. Seja compreensivo e
• As regras blueline apresentadas nos dois guias de referência permita que o oponente refaça algumas jogadas quando ele
(SG1 e SG2) são válidas e obrigatórias em jogos de torneio. A não entender bem o que está acontecendo. Lembre-se que
Regra Brasil contém todas as regras blueline publicadas isso é apenas um jogo.
nesses dois documentos.
• Houve esclarecimentos sobre situações como término da Cada carta possui formato e aparência parecidos. Pare uns
pilha de saque do jogador, campeões que possuem a instantes para observar as cartas. As cartas horizontais
habilidade de lançar “todas ou qualquer” de um tipo de carta geralmente possuem imagens de mapas; elas são os reinos
específico, cópia de poder de outras cartas, a área das cartas que formarão o seu império. O restante das cartas são
fora do jogo e pegando cartas emprestado. Para mais posicionadas na vertical. No canto superior esquerdo está o
informações, procurar a seção correspondente. símbolo que identifica o tipo da carta. O símbolo do campeão
mago e do feitiço de mago possuem o mesmo formato, porém
• Eventos jogados são mandados para o Void (área para as as cores são diferentes. O mesmo vale para os símbolos de
cartas fora do jogo). Eventos descartados antes de serem campeão clérigo e feitiço de clérigo, o símbolo de campeão
jogados são mandados para o Abismo. psciônico e poder psciônico, etc. Os símbolos de feitiços e
poderes são de um tom amarelo pálido.
Além disso, saiba que essas regras foram exaustivamente Sete desses símbolos pertencem a um único tipo de carta:
debatidas por seus companheiros jogadores de SPELLFIRE. campeão. Clérigos, heróis, monstros, magos, psciônicos,
Quando possível, esclarecimentos e exemplos foram ladrões e regentes são todos campeões. Regras sobre
acrescentados visando tornar as regras o mais simples e claro campeões em geral se aplicam a quaisquer desses tipos,
possível. Como espaço não é problema nessa versão das porém há algumas regras que se aplicam exclusivamente a
regras, procurou-se discutir amplamente os pontos mais um único tipo de campeão.
complicados das regras. Alguns dos símbolos possuem um número. A maior parte dos
campeões possuem um número como nível. O número
PROTOCOLO PARA TORNEIOS representa o nível da carta. Quanto mais alto o nível, mais
Não há nenhum tipo de ante ou sideboard nos torneios que poderosa é a carta. A maioria das cartas é de níveis que
utilizam a Regra Brasil (para exceções, procure a seção de variam de 0 a 9, porém algumas cartas, notadamente os
variantes de estrutura de torneio). Os jogadores são avatares e os seletos campeões “GIB”, possuem níveis muito
encorajados a criar o baralho mais competitivo possível mais altos.
levando em conta as diversas estratégias que podem ser Alguns campeões e aliados possuem uma "?" como nível. Isso
utilizadas contra a sua criação. Não é permitido aos jogadores significa que o nível base é desconhecido até que as
trocar de baralho ou adicionar cartas ao baralho após o início condições que a carta estabelece sejam cumpridas,
de um torneio a menos que existam regras especiais para garantindo assim um nível ou o bônus para a carta.
aquele torneio específico. A única exceção a essa regra é a
reposição de uma carta destruída pelo efeito do evento Enter

Regras da Jogo - Página 5

MUNDOS Itens Mágicos 0–15 Combate Desarmado qualquer
Na parte inferior da carta há uma caixa na cor de mármore Eventos 0–13 Feitiços de Mago qualquer
que contem quatro elementos, sendo o mais óbvio o logotipo Total 75
do mundo. Os logotipos são ADVANCED DUNGEONS &
DRAGONSÆ, BIRTHRIGHTÆ, DARK SUNÆ, DRAGONLANCEÆ, *A soma dos níveis dos campeões em um baralho deve ser
FORGOTTEN REINOSÆ, GREYHAWKÆ e RAVENLOFTÆ. Somente igual ou inferior a 125 níveis. Use o número que aparece no
campeões, artefatos, reinos e fortalezas possuem um logotipo símbolo da carta para determinar o nível de um campeão. Se
que identifica a que mundo pertencem, e esses logotipos houver mais de um número, use o primeiro. Note que cada
identificam quais cartas podem ser jogadas em conjunto. Por jogador pode incluir um avatar em seu baralho de graça; seu
exemplo, um campeão AD&DÆ pode usar apenas artefatos do nível não conta para o cálculo dos 125 níveis, mas ele conta
mundo AD&D. Reinos AD&D somente podem ter como anexo como um campeão para o limite do total de cartas.
fortalezas do mundo AD&D.
PODERES ESPECIAIS Este é o maior baralho sancionado para uso me torneios
A caixa cor de mármore na parte inferior de uma carta de oficiais de SPELLFIRE. Esses grandes baralhos normalmente
SPELLFIRE contém o seu poder especial. Esse poder é uma são bem orientados estrategicamente, já que a chance de
habilidade ou função que foge às regras normais do jogo. uma carta específica ser comprada é metade da chance se
Características raciais e de movimento não são consideradas comparado a um baralho comum. O torneio de campanha
parte do poder especial da carta. Um elfo sempre será um clássico geralmente utiliza baralhos de 110 cartas.
elfo, um voador continuará sendo um voador e um morto-vivo
sempre será um morto-vivo. Cartas que retiram o poder Cartas-regra 0–5 Aliados qualquer
especial de uma carta nunca cancelam essas características. Reinos 15–30 Hab. Sangue qualquer
Cartas com poderes que retiram especificamente uma Fortalezas 0–10 Feitiços de Clérigo qualquer
característica de um campeão (como por exemplo ser voador, Campeões* 4–40 Poderes Psciônicos qualquer
morto-vivo, entre outras) funcionam normalmente. Artefatos 0–15 Hab. Ladrão qualquer
Os Guias de Referência fazem alguns esclarecimentos que Itens Mágicos 0–20 Combate Desarmado qualquer
não foram impressas nas cartas em si. Isso garante que Eventos 0–17 Feitiços de Mago qualquer
aqueles campeões possuam as características especificadas, Total 110
fazendo-os voadores, nadadores, mortos-vivos, etc. Essas são
as chamadas regras blueline, e elas NÃO são opcionais em *A soma dos níveis dos campeões em um baralho deve ser
torneios oficiais de SPELLFIRE — elas são parte das regras. igual ou inferior a 180 níveis. Use o número que aparece no
símbolo da carta para determinar o nível de um campeão. Se
O BARALHO houver mais de um número, use o primeiro. Note que cada
Um baralho padrão de SPELLFIRE contém uma combinação de jogador pode incluir dois avatares em seu baralho de graça;
reinos, fortalezas, campeões, aliados, eventos, feitiços, itens, seus níveis não contam para o cálculo dos 180 níveis, mas
artefatos e outras cartas. A combinação exata depende do eles contam como dois campeões para o limite do total de
baralho e do jogador. Cada tipo de carta tem o seu propósito e cartas.
valor dentro do jogo.
Nenhuma carta pode aparecer mais de uma vez no baralho, a Nos torneios sempre deveria ser avisado quais regras
menos que a carta especifique que ela pode aparecer mais de opcionais e condições de vitória serão aceitas de maneira que
uma vez em um mesmo baralho, como a carta Besouros permita aos jogadores criar baralhos que se adequem às
Shaqat (329/3ª) ou War Party (54/3ª). A carta é considerada a intenções do evento. Se não houver nenhuma aviso, presume-
mesma se ela possuir ao mesmo tempo o mesmo nome e o se que se está jogando pela modalidade padrão de vitória ao
mesmo símbolo. se completar um império com seis reinos. Se se está
Há três diferentes tamanhos de baralhos de SPELLFIRE que planejando um tipo específico de torneio, os jogadores
podem ser usados em torneios, todos com diferentes limites deveriam conhecer as regras específicas para aquele torneio
para cada tipo de carta que se pode incluir em cada um. antes de construírem os seus baralhos.
Os participantes de um torneio não podem escolher quais
BARALHO DE 55 CARTAS (PADRÃO) regras opcionais irão usar durante a partida,mesmo que todos
Cartas-regra 0–3 Aliados qualquer na mesa concordem com isso. O responsável pelo torneio é
Reinos 8–15 Hab. Sangue qualquer quem decide sobre o uso de uma regra opcional.
Fortalezas 0–6 Feitiços de Clérigo qualquer
Campeões* 1–20 Poderes Psciônicos qualquer CARTAS DUNGEON
Artefatos 0–10 Hab. Ladrão qualquer Estas cartas especiais são consideradas uma carta grátis na
Itens Mágicos 0–12 Combate Desarmado qualquer construção do baralho; elas não contam como parte do
Eventos 0–10 Feitiços de Mago qualquer baralho, desse modo atualmente o tamanho dos baralhos são
Total 55 56, 76 ou 111 cartas. Originalmente introduzida na coleção
Dungeons, a carta dungeon garante ao jogador vantagens
*A soma dos níveis dos campeões em um baralho deve ser especiais. Essas vantagens podem ser de qualquer tipo,
igual ou inferior a 90 níveis. Use o número que aparece no desde acionar regras que normalmente seriam opcionais até
símbolo da carta para determinar o nível de um campeão. Se proteger o seu baralho contra inspeção.
houver mais de um número, use o primeiro. Note que cada A menos que seja especificado nas regras do evento, todos os
jogador pode incluir um avatar em seu baralho de graça; seu torneios permitem o uso de cartas dungeon. Observe que
nível não conta para o cálculo dos 90 níveis, mas ele conta algumas regras opcionais podem estar em vigor para o
como um campeão para o limite do total de cartas. torneio, portanto tenha as regras em mente durante a
construção do seu baralho.
Estes baralhos são usados com frequência em torneios com COMO FUNCIONAM AS CARTAS DUNGEON
regras opcionais como Jogo dos Bárbaros ou quando se opta Os jogadores não embaralham suas cartas dungeon com as
pela formação de 10 reinos para se chegar à vitória. demais como é feito com uma carta-regra comum. No início do
jogo, cada jogador coloca sua carta dungeon no jogo.
Cartas-regra 0–4 Aliados qualquer Há somente três maneiras de se remover uma carta dungeon.
Reinos 10–20 Hab. Sangue qualquer O primeiro é através de um feitiço Wish. Se o feitiço Wish é
Fortalezas 0–7 Feitiços Clérigo qualquer lançado com sucesso, tanto o feitiço quanto o conjurador são
Campeões* 3–27 Poderes Psciönicos qualquer removidos de jogo, bem como a própria carta dungeon. Veja
Artefatos 0–12 Hab. Ladrão qualquer

Regras da Jogo - Página 6

as notas abaixo sobre a área para as cartas fora do jogo são descartados são enviados para o Abismo; as demais
(void). cartas vão para a pilha de descartes.
Gib Kcir (16/RR Chase) tem como poder especial colocar
qualquer carta não-reino no Abismo. Isso também remove a CARTAS SACADAS E TAMANHO DA MÃO EM JOGOS DE
carta dungeon do jogo, mas Gib Kcir permanece no Abismo, BARALHOS DE 110 CARTAS
então há a possibilidade que ela seja devolvida ao jogo mais Cada jogador compra sete cartas para formar a primeira mão.
tarde. No início do turno do jogador, ele compra cinco cartas. O jogo
A última maneira de remover uma carta dungeon é através de prossegue em sentido horário.
um ataque propriamente dito à carta dungeon. Este acontece No final do seu turno, um jogador somente pode ter doze
no passo 4 do turno do jogador ao invés de um ataque a um cartas em sua mão; as demais devem ser descartadas.
reino do oponente. Para uma carta dungeon ser atacada, no Eventos que são descartados são enviados para o Abismo; as
entanto, o dono da carta precisa ter uma formação, ou seja, demais cartas vão para a pilha de descartes.
ele precisa ter ao menos um reino em jogo, seja ele normal ou
arrasado. O MULLIGAN
Se o ataque é bem-sucedido e a carta dungeon é “arrasada,” Se o jogador não jogou um reino e não tiver um reino que ele
o campeão vitorioso é removido de jogo. Cartas anexadas ao possa jogar em sua mão no fim de seu segundo turno, o jogo
campeão são enviadas para a pilha de descarte. O atacante deve ser recomeçado. Ninguém ganha ou perde. O jogador
recebe então um ESPÓLIO DE DUNGEON. Se o defensor derrota que pedir mulligan deve ter jogado qualquer evento benéfico
o atacante, o defensor também recebe um espólio de que lhe dê a chance de conseguir um reino, como o evento
dungeon, não podendo haver mais nenhum ataque contra a Boa Sorte, e ele deve revelar a sua mão para provar que ele
carta dungeon. não possui reinos.
Um espólio de dungeon é um tipo especial de espólio da Pode ocorrer de um jogador sacar um reino, porém ser
vitória. O vitorioso compra uma carta, revelando-a a todos os obrigado a descartá-lo pelo poder de uma carta., o que lhe
demais jogadores. Se a carta comprada é um reino, o espólio daria o direito de pedir mulligan. Se no entanto o jogador
de dungeon é enviado para o Abismo e o vitorioso pode descartar o reino voluntariamente, ele não poderá pedir
embaralhar sua pilha de descartes com a sua pilha de saque. mulligan.
Se a carta sacada for de qualquer outro tipo, ele pode jogá-la Um jogador pode pedir mulligan desde que ele não tenha tido
como se fosse um espólio normal, seja colocando-a em jogo a chance de jogar um reino. Se um jogador tiver reinos em sua
no momento do saque, seja colocando-a em sua mão. mão, mas outros jogadores já os tiverem jogado, ele pode
Uma vez que a carta dungeon é removida de jogo, ela não pedir mulligan.
pode voltar ao jogo de nenhuma maneira. O único momento Mulligan só pode ser pedido por um jogador duas vezes em
em que você pode jogar uma carta dungeon é no início do uma partida. Na terceira tentativa, aquele jogador é obrigado a
jogo. continuar jogando com as cartas que ele sacou. Quando
iniciar um novo jogo por causa de mulligan, os jogadores
COMEÇANDO O JOGO precisam determinar novamente quem iniciará a partida.
Para descobrir quem será o primeiro a jogar, cada jogador
compra ao acaso uma carta ou corta o baralho, observando o VITÓRIA
último dígito do número da carta. O jogador que tirar o maior Uma partida de SPELLFIRE termina quando as condições de
número joga primeiro. Em caso de empate, os jogadores vitória são alcançadas. Em partidas de baralhos com 55 e 75
repetem o processo até que haja o desempate. Cada jogador cartas, a vitória é alcançada quando um jogador possui seis
então volta a reembaralhar o baralho e o coloca de cabeça reinos não arrasados em sua formação.
para baixo sobre a mesa. O jogador a sua direita deve então Jogos com baralhos compostos de 110 cartas terminam
cortar o seu baralho antes que o jogador que iniciará a partida quando um jogador possui 10 reinos não arrasados em sua
compre qualquer carta. Cada jogador possui a sua própria formação.
pilha de saque e nunca compra qualquer carta de outra pilha Alguns torneios com baralhos de 75 cartas utilizam como
de saques. regra opcional para alcançar a vitória que o jogador tenha uma
O tamanho do baralho utilizado determina o número de cartas formação com 10 reinos não arrasados, porém isso estará
compradas e o número máximo de cartas na mão de cada descrito nas regras do torneio.
jogador, o que será detalhado abaixo. Todos os jogadores
sempre compram o número indicado de cartas no primeiro Cúpula BSW 2016: visando compensar a vantagem que um
turno, independentemente de haver qualquer carta em jogo jogador possui ao ser o primeiro a jogar durante um duelo, a
que limite o número de cartas sacadas pelos oponentes. Por Regra do Protetor deve ser aplicada apenas ao primeiro
exemplo, se o Jogador A joga a carta-regra Taxation antes do jogador, de forma que o jogo termine caso o segundo jogador
seu primeiro turno, todos os jogadores ainda compram três coloque o sexto reino construído em sua formação.
cartas em seu primeiro turno. Após o primeiro turno, as regras
voltam a funcionar normalmente, logo, continuando o exemplo SEQUÊNCIA DO JOGO
acima, todos os jogadores obedeceriam normalmente a carta- Todo o jogador precisa seguir a seqüência de etapas corretas
regra após o seu primeiro turno. em seu turno. As etapas 1, 5, e 6 são obrigatórias; já as
etapas 0, 2, 3, e 4 são opcionais.
Cada jogador compra cinco cartas para formar a primeira mão. Além de jogar uma carta-regra, nessa etapa também
No início do turno do jogador, ele compra três cartas. O jogo acontecem as ações que devem ser executadas no início do
prossegue em sentido horário. turno de um jogador. Por exemplo, Marco Volo permite ao
No final do seu turno, um jogador somente pode ter oito cartas jogador olhar e descartar a carta do topo da pilha de saque do
em sua mão; as demais devem ser descartadas. Eventos que oponente no início do turno daquele jogador (etapa 0).
são descartados são enviados para o Abismo; as demais
cartas vão para a pilha de descartes. ETAPA 1: COMPRE TRÊS CARTAS DE SUA PILHA DE
CARTAS SACADAS E TAMANHO DA MÃO EM JOGOS DE Algumas cartas permitem que o jogador compre cartas
BARALHOS DE 75 CARTAS adicionais todo o turno. A menos que especificado na carta,
Cada jogador compra seis cartas para formar a primeira mão. todas as cartas que permitem a compra de cartas extras o
No início do turno do jogador, ele compra quatro cartas. O fazem nessa etapa.
jogo prossegue em sentido horário.
No final do seu turno, um jogador somente pode ter dez cartas
em sua mão; as demais devem ser descartadas. Eventos que

Regras da Jogo - Página 7

Apenas um de cada pode ser jogado a cada turno, mesmo ETAPA 6: BATA NA MESA PARA TERMINAR O SEU
que você tenha mais de um em sua mão. Passos A e B TURNO
podem ser executados em qualquer ordem. O jogador a sua esquerda será o próximo a jogar.


REINO Apenas um de cada carta campeão, artefato, reino ou
Você só pode executar uma dessas três opções. Se um fortaleza pode estar em jogo de cada vez. Enquanto um
reino é jogado, o jogador não pode reconstruir um reino jogador tem um campeão, artefato, reino ou fortaleza
no mesmo turno. Para mais detalhes sobre reconstrução específico em jogo, nenhum outro jogador pode ter aquela
e substituição de reinos, veja a seção Reinos carta em jogo. Por exemplo, se um jogador tem Elminster em
arrasados. seu poço ou em combate, nenhuma outra carta Elminster
pode ser trazida para o jogo.
B) JOGUE UMA FORTALEZA Se o nome da carta e o seu símbolo forem idênticos, a Regra
Fortalezas devem ser anexadas a reinos do mesmo do Cosmo previne que uma segunda carta seja jogada.
mundo. Uma vez anexadas, elas não podem ser Reinos arrasados são considerados em jogo e evitam que
rearrumadas. outro jogador jogue o mesmo reino em sua formação.
Campeões no Limbo não são considerados em jogo. Para
ETAPA 3: JOGUE CARTAS NO POÇO E USE FEITIÇOS, saber os efeitos de se jogar campeões no seu poço enquanto
PODERES PSCIÔNICOS, HABILIDADES DE SANGUE OU a versão de outro jogador encontra-se presa no Limbo, veja a
Você não é obrigado a executar os passos A e B desta etapa
na ordem correta; você pode executá-los livremente o quanto REINOS
desejar. Apenas o jogador titular do turno pode executar Reinos representam domínios que são leais ao jogador. Eles
ações nessa etapa. são o foco dos ataques e defesas. Cada reino é um reino,
A) COLOQUE QUALQUER NÚMERO DE CAMPEÕES, nação, cidade-estado ou império fundado em um dos mundos
Artefatos e itens mágicos devem ser anexados a Durante a etapa 2, um jogador pode jogar apenas um novo
campeões. Uma vez anexados, Eles não podem ser reino. Esse novo reino deve ser jogado na posição mais à
rearrumados. Um único artefato pode ser colocado em frente na formação ou sobre um reino arrasado; ele não pode
um campeão do mesmo mundo; qualquer número de substituir um reino ativo (com a face para cima). A reino
itens mágicos pode ser anexado a qualquer campeão. arrasado é descartado se um novo reino é jogado sobre ele.
Você pode continuar anexando itens mágicos e artefatos Lugares vazios na formação devem ser preenchidos em uma
nos seus campões durante esse passo. ordem específica. O topo da pirâmide (carta A) deve estar
ocupado, mesmo que com um reino arrazado, antes que um
B) USE QUAISQUER FEITIÇOS, PODERES reino seja jogado no meio (cartas B e C) ou na última fileira
PSCIÔNICOS, HABILIDADES DE SANGUE OU (cartas D, E, e F). A fileira do meio deve ter cartas em todas
HABILIDADES DE LADRÃO DE PASSO 3 as duas posições antes que uma carta possa ser jogada na
Deve haver no poço um campeão apto a lançar feitiços, última fileira. Não há uma ordem correta sobre qual posição
poderes psciônicos, habilidades de sangue ou deve ser ocupada primeiro em uma fileira.
habilidades de sangue. Outros jogadores podem usar Se um jogador não tiver reinos em sua formação, arrazados
cartas para negar as cartas que você está tentando ou não, todo os campeões em seu poço são descartados no
jogar. Você só pode jogar cartas de etapa 3 durante final do turno corrente. Um jogador que houver recebido
essa parte do turno. espólios de vitória (veja abaixo) e saque um reino pode salvar
seus campeões de serem descartados desde que ele jogue o
ETAPA 4: ATAQUE UM REINO DE OUTRO JOGADOR reino em sua formação.
Uma vez que o reino é escolhido, o atacante não pode mudar
o ataque para um reino diferente, mesmo que ele use um A FORMAÇÃO
campeão diferente. Campeões atacantes podem vir da mão À medida que os reinos são jogados, eles formam um
do jogador ou de seu poço. Para mais detalhes sobre ataque triângulo cuja base fica voltada para o jogador. O primeiro
a reinos, veja a seção Combate. reino jogadodo corresponde ao topo do triângulo. A segunda
fila deve ser preenchida antes que qualquer reino seja jogado
ETAPA 5: USE CARTAS DE ETAPA 5 E AJUSTE O na terceira fila.
TAMANHO DA MÃO Se uma carta em jogo force um reino a ser descartado, é
Nesta etapa do turno, não é mais possível colocar campeões possível haver um espaço vazio na primeira posição havendo
em seu poço, anexar itens mágicos ou executar qualquer reinos na segunda posição, ou haver um espaço vazio na
outra ação típica da etapa 3 a menos que a carta seja obtida segunda fileira havendo reinos na terceira. Nestes casos,
através de espólio da vitória. novos reinos devem ser jogados para preencher esses
espaços primeiro.
A) JOGUE QUALQUER CARTA CUJO USO SEJA Por exemplo, se os reinos de A a E estiverem na formação,
AUTORIZADO NA ETAPA 5 mas A e B forem descartados por eventos, o jogador deve
Para isso, deve haver no poço um campeão apto a usar baixar seu próximo reino na posição A. Ele não pode baixá-lo
a carta. Somente jogador titular do turno pode jogar nas posições B ou F.
cartas na etapa 5. Cada reino protege os reinos de trás evitando que eles sejam
atacados. Um reino não pode ser atacado se estiver atrás de
B) DESCARTE CARTAS DA MÃO ATÉ QUE O um reino não arrasado, exceto se o campeão atacante possuir
NÚMERO MÁXIMO DE CARTAS NA MÃO SEJA algum poder especial que o permita atacar ali. Um reino
ALCANÇADO arrasado não oferece proteção. Reinos que estejam expostos
Algumas cartas possuem poderes que permitem ao por um reino arrasado podem ser atacados normalmente.
jogador ter mais cartas em sua mão que a quantidade
regular, enquanto outras limitam o número de cartas a REINOS ARRASADOS
um número menor que o regular. Um reino arrasado é virado com a face para baixo. Ele não é
removido de sua posição na formação ou descatado. Se uma
fortaleza estiver anexada àquele reino, ela é descartada
quando o reino for arrazado. Durante a etapa 2, o jogador

Regras da Jogo - Página 8

pode substituir um reino arrasado por outro. O reino arrasado Abismo. Uma vez que uma carta seja enviada para o Abismo,
é então descartado. ela não pode ser trazida de volta para o jogo exceto por cartas
Uma vez que o reino seja arrasado, quaiquer poderes que indiquem que elas podem recuperar cartas do Abismo,
especiais que o reino proveja são eliminados. Ele não é como Gatekeeper ou Karlott, o Shaman.
considerado um reino de um mundo em particular e não
possui poderes especiais (a menos que seus poderes REMOVIDO DE JOGO (O VOID)
especiais sejam ativados quando o reino for arrasado). Um Algumas cartas especificam que uma carta deve ser removida
reino arrasado pode ser reconstruído (virado com a face para de jogo. Comumente conhecido como o Void, esta é uma área
cima) se o jogador descartar três cartas de sua mão durante a especial fora do jogo da qual as cartas jamais retornam. Ela
etapa 2. O jogador só pode reconstruir um reino a cada turno pode ser a caixa que você normalmente guarda suas cartas
e, ao fazê-lo, ele não pode baixar um novo reino. Quando o de SPELLFIRE; somente se certifique que elas não se misturem
reino reconstruído é virado com a face para cima, seus coma as cartas de sua pilha de descartes, Abismo, Limbo, ou
poderes especiais são reativados. pilha de saque. Atualmente, há poucos meios que fazem uma
No diagrama, o reino A protege os reinos B e C. Se A é carta ser permanentemente removida de jogo. Uma dungeon
arrasado, B e C podem ser atacados. Se A e B são arrasados, removida de jogo é permanentenmente removida de jogo. Um
C e D podem ser atacados. Reinos E e F ainda estão campeão que arrase uma dungeon é permanentemente
protegidos. Um reino retém sua posição na formação mesmo removido de jogo. Se um campeão lança Wish para remover
que outros reinos sejam descartados. Por exemplo, se os uma dungeon, tanto o campeão e o feitiço Wish são
reinos A, B, e C são todos descartados, os reinos D, E, e F permanentemente removidos de jogo. Finalmente o aliado
não são movidos para ocupar os espaços vazios. Bottomless Horror (54/DU) tem a habilidade de transferir
cartas do Abismo para fora do jogo. Uma vez que a carta é
O POÇO enviada para o Void, ela nunca pode ser trazida de volta para
O poço é somente o espaço do lado direito da formação. Na o jogo.
etapa 3 do seu turno, um jogador pode colocar qualquer
número de campeões de sua mão em seu poço. Ele pode COMBATE
anexar artefatos e itens mágicos a esses campeões. Essas Durante a etapa 4 de um turno, o jogador titular do turno pode
cartas são consideradas em jogo, não contando contra o limite atacar um reino de outro jogador. Todos os ataques contra um
de cartas na mão daquele jogador. As cartas no poço ficam lá único reino são conhecidos como batalha; o ato de mandar um
até serem usadas em batalha ou até que uma carta jogada campeão para a batalha constitui um round de combate. Um
forcem-nas a serem descartadas. Se um campeão é enviado ataque segue a seguinte sequência:
para a pilha de descartes, Limbo, ou para o Abismo, todas as
suas cartas anexadas são colocadas na pilha de descartes. A) O ATACANTE INDICA QUAL REINO DEVE SER
EM JOGO O reino escolhido deve ser passível de ser atacado pelo
Uma carta é considerada "em jogo" quando estiver no poço, campeão a ser escolhido, ou por estar exposto (na
na formação, ou envolvida em uma batalha. Cartas-regra que posição A, por exemplo) ou porque ele tenha algum
estiverem na mesa e eventos com duração indicada também poder especial que o permita atacar o reino escolhido.
são considerados "em jogo." Uma carta que é removida de Um jogador pode escolher atacar um reino de qualquer
jogo normalmente é enviada para a pilha de descartes, exceto jogador, exceto os seus próprios.
se o poder da carta enviá-la para um local específico, como
para o Limbo ou para o Abismo. Uma carta que não esteja B) O ATACANTE ESCOLHE UM CAMPEÃO DE SEU
“em jogo” não produz mas efeitos na partida. Lembre-se que POÇO OU MÃO E O APRESENTA COMO CARTA
quando um evento é descartado, ele é colocado no Abismo. ATACANTE
O jogador não pode adicionar artefatos, itens mágicos,
O LIMBO ou outras cartas ao campeão neste momento. No
O Limbo é um lugar especial para o qual as cartas são entanto, se o campeão atacante vier do poço do
mandadas às vezes, seja como resultado da perda de um jogador, ele pode já ter cartas anexadas. Se aquele
combate ou através do poder de alguns reinos, eventos ou campeão estiver atacando um reino do mesmo mundo,
outras cartas. Enquanto uma variedade de cartas pode ser ele adiciona 3 ao seu nível ajustado (veja Bônus de
mandada para o Limbo, somente campeões podem Mundo abaixo). Cada campeão só pode estar envolvido
tipicamente voltar; todas as suas cartas anexas são em apenas um round de combate (a menos que seus
descartadas. A exceção ocorre quando um campeão é poderes especiais especifiquem o contrário), seja como
mandado para o Limbo fora de combate; nesse caso, todos os atacante, como defensor ou como aliado.
anexos retornam com ele.
O Limbo geralmente fica ao lado esquerdo da formação de C) O DEFENSOR ESCOLHE UM CAMPEÃO DE SUA
cada jogador. Todas as cartas no Limbo não são consideradas MÃO OU POÇO E O APRESENTA COMO CARTA
em jogo. Se um outro jogador colocar um campeão idêntico DEFENSORA
em seu poço, o campeão no Limbo é enviado para a pilha de O jogador não pode adicionar nenhuma carta ao
descartes quando deixar o Limbo. Jogadores não podem campeão defensor neste momento. Contudo, se o
escolher deixar seu campeão no Limbo para evitar que ele defensor vier do poço do jogador, ele pode já ter cartas
seja descartado. anexadas. Se não houver defesa, o reino é arrasado. Se
A menos que seja especificado de maneira diversa, todo o o campeão defensor for do mesmo mundo que o reino
campeão enviado para o Limbo permanece lá até o final do atacado, ele adiciona 3 ao seu nível ajustado (veja
próximo turno daquele jogador. Bônus de Mundo abaixo). Um campeão pode estar
Se um jogador comprar cartas de sua pilha de descartes ou envolvido em apenas um round de batalha (a menos
embaralhar suas cartas de volta em sua pilha de saques, que seus poderes especiais especifiquem o contrário),
cartas no Limbo não são afetadas. seja como atacante, como defensor ou como aliado.

CúpulaBSW 2015: Via de regra, um campeão retorno da D) O PODER ESPECIAL DO ATACANTE E DE SUAS
Limbo no final do passo 5 do próximo turno de seu CARTAS ANEXAS ATIVAM PRIMEIRO, SEGUIDO
controlador, não podendo realizar ações durante esta etapa. PELO PODER DO DEFENSOR E DE SUAS CARTAS
O ABISMO Procure a seção Ordem de Ativação para saber a
O Abismo é o lugar onde os eventos são colocados quando ordem correta na qual as cartas ativam. Se um atacante
descartados sem serem utilizados. Além disso, alguns feitiços, vencer um round de batalha através do uso de seu
reinos, fortalezas e outras cartas podem colocar uma carta no poder especial (antes que o defensor ative o seu poder

Regras da Jogo - Página 9

especial), o defensor é descartado e aquele round está cause uma vitória automática, o adversário é derrotado, salvo
encerrado. se puder jogar uma carta (qualquer uma, mesmo que não seja
anytime) que possa mudar a condição de vitória (ex.: Monstro
E) COMPARE O NÍVEL TOTAL DE CADA LADO x Adorável Coleen - para evitar uma derrota, o jogador do
Leve em consideração qualquer reino, fortaleza, itens monstro poderia usar um Chest of Many Things para mudar o
mágicos, artefatos, eventos, feitiços, etc. que afetem o tipo do campeão).
combate. O lado com o maior total está vencendo. Um Mudar a condição de vitória só é possível se a carta for usada
empate significa que o defensor está vencendo. no campeão afetado ou negando o poder do campeão que
está causando a vitória automática. Não é possível Derrotar
F) O JOGADOR QUE ESTÁ PERDENDO PODE ou descartar o campeão que está causando vitória automática.
JOGAR UMA CARTA No ataque, o campeão ativa o poder antes do defensor,
Compare o nível total novamente. O jogador que está mesmo se o defensor tiver um poder de vitória
perdendo continua jogando cartas uma de cada vez até automática/instantânea (por exemplo, se um jogador ataca
que ele esteja vencendo. O jogador vencedor pode jogar com Gib Irod e o adversário defende com um Living Wall, o
eventos ou cartas jogáveis a qualquer momento. O atacante pode usar o poder do Gib Irod para trocar as três
procedimento continua até que o jogador que estiver cartas).
perdendo não possa ou não queira jogad mais nenhuma Campeões que possuem a habilidade de pegar outras cartas
carta. Este round de combate terminou. O jogador que emprestadas, como Gib Aklem ou Drawmij, só podem usar o
estiver vencendo não pode jogar nenhuma carta, não seu poder na etapa em que, após a comparação entre o nível
importa o quanto ele queira. dos campeões, cartas podem ser jogadas pelo de menor nível.
Por consequência disso, seus poderes NÃO podem ser
G) O JOGADOR COM O MAIOR NÍVEL AJUSTADO usados para evitar uma vitória automática do campeão
VENCE ESTE ROUND oponente, mesmo quando atacando. Caso Gib Aklem, quando
O defensor sempre vence em caso de empate. atacando, seja defendido por Living Wall, ele seria
automaticamente derrotado, pois o seu poder de pegar um
H) O VENCEDOR COLOCA O SEU CAMPEÃO E campeão como aliado não pode ser usado na etapa de
TODAS AS CARTAS EM ANEXO EM SEU POÇO ativação dos poderes e também não se enquadra na regra de
Ele descarta todos os aliados, feitiços, e outras cartas uso de cartas que mudam a condição de vitória automática.
não permanentes usadas no combate; itens mágicos e
artefatos são tipicamente tudo o que permanece. O BEFORE COMBATE
perdedor descarta todas as suas cartas usadas em É o poder de campeão ativado antes do poder de campeão
combate, incluindo o campeão e respectivas cartas oponente e de qualquer cartas anexas em ambos os lados.
anexadas. Para ser ativado necessita da apresentação do campeão
Se o atacante venceu o round, mas o reino atacado não Significa que o poder do campeão é ativado obrigatoriamente
foi arrasado, ele pode escolher um novo campeão e no momento que os campeões são apresentados, porém
atacar novamente exceto se indicado de maneira segue a ordem de ativação normalmente.
diversa. Ele não pode usar o mesmo campeão para
atacar mais de uma vez em um mesmo turno. Ele deve WHEN ATTACKING
atacar o mesmo reino; ele não pode mudar o ataque O poder do campeão atacando é ativado antes da
para um novo reino. O jogador defensor deve então apresentação do defensor e antes da ordem de ativação.
escolher um novo defensor (mas ele nunca é obrigado a
Se o atacante foi derrotado ou o reino defendido foi O poder do campeão defensor é ativado antes da ordem de
arrasado ou descartado, a batalha está encerrada. O ativação do combate.
atacante não pode atacar novos reinos, mesmo que
tenha campeões que não tenham participado da batalha INSTANT-WIN
ocorrida neste turno. Este poder é ativado assim que apresentados os campeões
em batalha, porém, depois da ordem de ativação normal de
Espólios de vitória é uma carta da pilha de saque do Quando um campeão ataca ou defende um reino do mesmo
jogador. O atacante saca espólio de vitória quando o mundo que o seu, o nível ajustado do campeão é aumentado
reino atacado é arrasado ou descartado. O defensor em 3.
saca espólio de vitória quando o campeão atacante é
derrotado em combate e descartado (ou enviado para o Cúpula BSW 2015: O bônus de sinergia por atacar ou
Limbo, Abismo ou Void). defender um reino de mesmo mundo do campeão escolhido
deve ser adicionado no início da batalha.
No início da batalha, só se pode jogar qualquer tipo de carta, ORDEM DE ATIVAÇÃO
incluindo cartas any time (Cataclisma, Wish, etc), depois da Quando o round de combate começa, as cartas ativam em
ativação dos poderes de campeões. uma ordem particular. Na maioria das vezes, a ativação das
Assim determina a regra: “If cardplay causes the attacked cartas do atacante ocorre na ordem em que elas estão
realm to be razed or discarded (such as by a Cataclysm! anexadas não causa nenhum problema. Algumas vezes, no
event) during combat, the battle is over. The attacking player entanto, a ordem precisa de ativação pode ser importante.
gets spoils of victory and both attacker and defender return to A lista abaixo descreve a ordem precisa de ativação das
their respective pools. Both champions must be selected (and cartas. Note que essa lista só deve ser usada para resolver
their special powers must have activated) before combat is conflitos. Na maioria das vezes, o campeão atacante e todas
considered to have started”. as cartas anexas ativam primeiro sem causar problemas.
Tanto o atacante, quanto defensor ativam seus poderes antes
que QUALQUER carta possa ser jogada (antes disso, não há
batalha, logo não há espólio de vitória). Caso algum deles

Regras da Jogo - Página 10

1) CARTA-REGRA considerado vencedor, não havendo espólio de vitória para
2) DUNGEON nenhum dos lados. O atacante nunca é obrigado a continuar
3) PODER DE REINO um ataque.
5) FEITIÇOS, PODERES PSIÔNICOS E OUTRAS • Se os poderes de uma carta jogada fizerem com que o reino
CARTAS EM JOGO ANTES DA BATALHA (NA ORDEM seja arrasado ou descartada (como o evento Cataclisma)
EM QUE FORAM JOGADAS) durante o combate, a batalha termina. O jogador atacante
6) PODERES QUE ATIVAM “ANTES DO COMBATE” saca espólios de vitória, e tanto o campeão atacante quanto o
defensor retornam aos respectivos poços. Ambos os
campeões devem ter sido escolhidos (e seus poderes
especiais devem ter sido ativados) antes que o combate seja
A) Artefatos*
considerado iniciado.
B) Aliados*
C) Itens mágicos*
• Se os poderes de uma carta faz com que ambos os
D) Habilidades de sangue*
campeões sejam descartados (ambos os campeões sejam
E) Habilidades de ladrão*
monstros e o evento Tesouro é jogado). A batalha termina
F) Cartas de combate desarmado*
sem vencedores ou perdedores.
G) Cartas de poder psiônico*
H) Feitiços*
• Se os poderes de uma carta fazem com que o campeão
8) PODER ESPECIAL DO CAMPEÃO DEFENSOR E atacante seja descartado, a batalha termina. O jogador
CARTAS ANEXADAS (NA MESMA ORDEM DO defensor saca espólios da vitória. Um exemplo seria jogar o
ATACANTE) evento Tesouro durante a defesa de seu reino contra um
*Múltiplas cartas do mesmo tipo atival por ordem decrescente campeão monstro.
de nível, ou, em caso de empate, por ordem alfabética Note que algumas cartas na verdade fazem com que o
(começando com a primeira letra do nome da carta). Para oponente seja descartado após o combate e não possuem o
determinar o bônus, use use apenas o número indicado no poder de alterar um ataque ou defesa bem-sucedidos.
ícone da carta. No caso de cartas de mesmos nome e nível, a Exemplos incluem Assassions (252/edição em português) e o
carta de número mais baixo ativa primeiro. Aurak Draconians (50/DL). Algumas cartas até mesmo
descartam um campeão atacante bem-sucedido, mas esses
Poderes de campeão (e cartas anexadas) ativam efeitos ocorrem fora da batalha e não afetam o espólio da
completamente quando entram em combate. Isso inclui todas vitória ou a prerroagativa de o jogador atacar novamente com
as cartas que ajustam o nível do campeão atacante ou um novo campeão.
defensor (como os reinos Triumvirate ou itens mágicos como o
Estandarte do Deus Ciclope [103/edição em português]). CAMPEÕES REINOS
Cartas cujo poder especial na verdade tragam outra carta para Alguns reinos (e fortalezas) podem defender-se como
a batalha (como Gib Aklem [23/NS Chase], que pode usar campeões de um determinado tipo. Por exemplo, Malatra, A
outro campeão como um aliado), apenas podem ativar estes Selva Viva (432/3ª ed) estatui que ela pode defender-se como
poderes quanto o jogador puder legalmente jogar uma carta um monstro nível 6.
na batalha. Estes reinos podem defender-se em a ajuda de um campeão
Algumas cartas permitem que outras cartas sejam jogadas de seu poço ou de sua mão, pois o reino (ou a fortaleza
imediatamente fora da ordem de ativação. Estas cartas são anexada) provê um campeão para isso. Se o reino não
exceção a esta regra. especifica o tipo do campeão (quando o texto diz
simplesmente campeão ao invés de herói, monstro, etc.), ele é
Cúpula BSW 2015: Cartas com o termo combate têm seu considerado um herói. Aliados podem ser jogados
poder ativado quando o passo 4 inicia. normalmente com campeões de reino, assim como feitiços -
mas apenas se o reino (ou sua fortaleza anexada) puder
Quando o reino onde aparecem os termos attacking/ lançar feitiços ou garantir ao defensor esta habilidade. O
defending player e attacking/defending champion não deixa mesmo vale para outros tipos de carta-suporte (cartas de
claro a que eles referem-se, os seus poderes só podem ser poder psiônico, habilidades de sangue, habilidades de ladrão,
usados quando ele estiver sob ataque. cartas de combate desarmado, etc.).
Campeões de reino só podem ser usados durante uma rodada
TERMINANDO A BATALHA de batalha em que o reino com este poder esteja envolvido,
A batalha termina se o reino defendido for arrasado ou eles não servem a qualquer outro propósito fora do passo 4.
descartado ou se um dos campeões atacantes for derrotado Infelizmente o uso deste poder especial não permite que itens
ou descartado. Contudo, há algumas circunstâncias especiais. mágicos ou artefatos sejam jogados por campeões de reino,
Todos os possíveis resultados de um rond de combate estão exceto se o poder do reino especificar o contrário.
listados abaixo (veja também Feitiços de Muralha). Alem disto, se o campeão de reino (ou da fortaleza anexada)
for derrotado durante uma rodada de batalha, aquele reino é
• Se o defensor derrotar um campeão atacante durante o arrasado, e o atacante recebe espólios de vitória.
round de combate, a batalha está terminada. O atacante não
pode continuar o ataque com outro campeão. O defensor saca HABILIDADES DE ÍCONE
espólio de vitória se o campeão atacante for descartado (não A maioria das cartas tem algum tipo de habilidade especial
retornar ao seu poço). que lhes é outorgada pelo seu ícone. Magos, por exemplo,
ganham a habilidade de lançar feitiços de mago, psionicistas
• Se o atacante vencer o round derrotando o campeão ganham a habilidade de lançar cartas de poder psiônico,
defensor, ele pode continuar o ataque. O campeão vitorioso regentes podem usar habilidades de sangue, e assim vai.
retorna ao poço do atacante, e o jogador pode enviar um Qualquer carta que remove o poder especial do campeão não
campeão que ainda não tenha sido usado nesta batalha e nega a sua habilidade de ícone. Qualquer carta que mude o
iniciar um novo round de combate contra o mesmo reino. tipo do campeão, na verdade muda a habilidade de ícone
daquele campeão, que perde a habilidade de ícone da classe
• Se o defensor recusar-se a defender o reino, ele é arrasado anterior.
e a batalha termina. O atacante saca espólio de vitória.
• Se o atacante recusar-se a enviar um campeão para o Todos os feitiços são ofensivos (eles afetam uma carta do
combate, a batalha está terminada. Nenhum dos lados é oponente diretamente) ou defensivos (só afetam o campeão
lançador ou cartas daquele jogador). Enquanto alguns

Regras da Jogo - Página 11

campeões são imunes a feitiços ofensivos, muito poucos são regra de derrota instantânea. Assim um campeão de nível 8
imunes a feitiços defensivos. que confronta um atacante com Cetro de Orcus é derrotado,
Feitiços podem ser lançados somente nas etapas descritas na um campeão de nível base cinco ou menos sempre é
carta durante o seu turno, a menos que a carta especifique o descartado por um Devorador do Intelecto, e Lobo-Garou
contrário. Além disso, todos os feitiços precisam ter um alvo. sempre derrota um campeão que não pode jogar um item
Por exemplo, você não pode lançar Dispersar Magia com o mágico. Somente cartas como Dervixe Giratório (20/MIBR) ou
seu campeão se não há nenhum feitiço ou efeito a ser negado Arami de Tusmit (IQ/19) e eventos que removem a fonte da
pelo uso dessa carta. derrota instantânea podem ajudar em situações como essas
(como Barco Voador para poderes relacionados a aliados e
FEITIÇOS DE MURALHA Levando na Conversa para remover itens mágicos e
Se os efeitos de uma carta previnem que um campeão
atacante continue atacando, aquele campeão é derrotado,
mas retorna ao poço, e a batalha está terminada. Como o
Um campeão cujo poder especial garanta imunidade a um tipo
campeão não foi descartado, o defensor não recebe espólio
de carta o faz somente aos seus efeitos ofensivos, salvo se a
de vitória. Exemplos incluem os feitiços Muralha de Fogo,
imunidade a efeitos defensivos esteja expressa na carta. Para
Muralha de Ferro, Muralha de Pedra, Muralha de Força e
a maioria das cartas, basta observar a notação da carta
Muralha de Espinhos.
(Off/Def) e fazer os ajustes necessários para a batalha.
De nada vale derrotar um campeão voador ou cavador com
Artefatos (e alguns ítens mágicos e outras cartas) complicam
um dos feitiços acima, já que ele está preso atrás do muro
o problema ao garantir ao campeão anexo imunidade ou
onde seus aliados não voadores não poderão ajudá-lo. Um
movimentação especial além dos demais poderes da carta.
campeão atacante sempre tem a oportunidade de jogar uma
Nesses casos, qualquer bônus de nível adquirido pelo item é
carta para continuar o combate (independentemente do total
perdido, mas a imunidade ou a concessão de movimentação
de níveis), como o feitiço Voar.
especial permanecem. Resumindo, se o poder ou habilidade
Se o efeito da carta evitar que o campeão defensor continue a
afetatar somente o campeão anexado, ele não é negado pela
lutar, o round de combate termina. O campeão defensor
imunidade do campeão anexado.
retorna ao poço do seu jogador. O jogador atacante pode
As imunidades de um campeão estão sempre ativadas,
escolher um campeão que ainda não tenha sido usado nesta
independentemente da ordem de ativação das cartas
batalha e iniciar um novo round de combate contra o mesmo
(detalhada acima). Isso se aplica a todas as cartas que estão
em jogo, mas não às cartas que estão no Limbo, Abismo ou
DISPERSAR MAGIA, CONTRA-FEITIÇO E REFLECTION na mão. Um campeão imune a itens mágicos ofensivos é
sempre imune a estes itens, independentemente de estar
Estes feitiços podem ser lançados a qualquer momento em
atacando, defendendo ou no poço.
resposta ao lançamento de um outro feitiço. Contra-Feitiço e
Reflection funcionam somente contra feitiços ofensivos;
Dispersar Magia é efeitivo contra feitiços ofensivos ou
Alguns campeões (bem como outros tipos de carta) têm o
defensivos. O poder especial de Reflection, onde ela continua
poder especial de pegar cartas emprestado de outros
a refletir de volta ao conjurador os feitiços lançados por ele,
jogadores. Cartas emprestadas sempre retornam à fonte
funciona somente se usada na etapa 4 (do contrário, ela
original ao final do round de combate em que ocorre o
funciona exatamente como o Contra-Feitiço).
empréstimo. As únicas exceções ocorrem quando uma carta
especificamente declara o que ocorre com a carta
emprestada, ou se a carta emprestada é descartada em
O feitiço Wish é o feitiço mais poderoso do jogo. Ele ignora
todas as imunidades e proteções a feitiços de todas as cartas
exceto se propriamente imunes ao feitiço Wish.
Independentemente das imunidades ou poderes especiais de
Quando copiando o poder especial de uma outra carta
um campeão, Wish pode descartá-lo.
somente o poder real de uma carta é copiado, raças e
Uma vez lançado, o lançador é incapaz de realizar qualquer
habilidade de movimento não são copiados. Nomes e
ação, incluindo lançar outros feitiços e usar quaisquer anexos
características do ícone expressos no texto são considerados
(exceto os de efeito contínuo, como itens que provejam
partes explicativas, não fornecendo a carta que copia suas
imunidade). Além disso, se o feitiço Wish for refletido ao
habilidades e não obrigando o jogador a cumprir suas
lançador, um outro campeão capaz de lançar feitiços
exigências (Cúpula BSW 2010); O poder especial de qualquer
precisaria lançar um Contra-Feitiço ou um Dispersar Magia
carta marcada como Avatar não pode ser copiado. Os
para salvar o lançador original.
poderes blueline são adquiridos também. A habilidade de
copiar acontece no momento em que a carta é jogada.
Quando uma carta declara que pode copiar o poder de uma
Algumas cartas no jogo SPELLFIRE instantaneamente
outra, seu dono pode escolher copiar uma carta diferente a
derrotam cartas de um tipo específico. Exemplos incluem a
cada etapa 3 de seu turno, exceto se descrito diferentemente
habilidade de Adorável Coleen de matar monstros, a
na carta. A cópia da carta dura até indicado no texto da carta
habilidade do Pergaminho Vivo de derrotar instantaneamente
que produz a cópia, ou até a etapa 3 do próximo turno
heróis e clérigos, e outros.
daquele jogador quando nada for especificado.
A qualquer momento que uma vitória instantânea ocorrer por
poderes de campeão durante o combate (passo 4), o jogador
que estiver prestes a ser derrotado tem a oportunidade de
Alguns campeões e aliados possuem a habilidade de usar
jogar uma única carta no intuito de evitar a derrota. Não faz
cartas de um determinado tipo. A habilidade de usar todas ou
diferença quem estiver ganhando ou perdendo <leve em
qualquer carta de um tipo particular permite ao campeão usar
consideração apenas os níveis>. Cartas como o Baú das
todas as cartas daquele tipo, mesmo aquelas que possuam
Muitas Coisas (que permite ao jogador mudar o tipo do
restrições adicionais (como "usável apenas por heróis"). Por
campeão) podem assim mudar o rumo da batalha.
exemplo, um herói que tenha a a habilidade de "lanlar
A carta jogada precisa mudar as condições de derrota (como
qualquer feitiço" pode lançar o feitiço Dragon's Calm, que
mudar o tipo do campeão de monstro para herói). Cartas não
normalmente só pode ser usado por dragões.
podem ser jogadas para funcionar após a causa da derrota
(como jogar Lança Certeira para destruir o Pergaminho Vivo).
Os poderes especiais de feitiços, fortalezas, poderes
Em jogos intensos, a sensação é a de que existe uma
psiônicos, cartas de combate desarmado, habilidades de
verdadeira corrida para jogar as cartas antes que alguém mais
ladrão, aliados, artefatos, itens mágicos, etc, não entram na
a jogue. Sempre que você puser uma carta em jogo, todos os

Regras da Jogo - Página 12

jogadores têm uma chance de responder a sua ação. Isso não Guias de Referência de SPELLFIRE (pela Cúpula BSW 2010,
precisa ser uma "pausa para jogar", mas significa que jogar nadadores também podem atacar reinos que possuam rios).
cartas rapidamente não é a solução. Um campeão cavador pode mover-se pelo subsolo para
Se você tiver acabado de colocar uma carta em jogo, todos os alcançar reinos que de outra maneira estariam protegidos.
jogadores tem uma chance de responder. Após isso, você Cavar é uma habilidade especial que permite ao campeão
pode continuar. Por exemplo, se você joga Gib Kcir (16/RR atacar qualquer reino que não tenha restrições especiais de
Chase) em seu poço, você deve dar aos demais jogadores a movimento ou esteja limitado por tipo de campeão (como o
chance de responder. Se ninguém o fizer, então você pode poder em que “somente clérigos podem atacar” ou “somente
ativar o seu poder e enviar uma outra carta ao Abismo. voadores/nadadores/monstros podem atacar”).
Um jogador que ativar uma carta já em jogo durante o seu Um voador não pode escolher não voar. Um nadador não
turno tem prioridade sobre os demais jogadores. A carta já pode escolher não nadar. Um cavador não pode escolher não
estava em jogo, logo sua ativação não é surpresa para cavar. Se um reino não pode ser atacado por um voador, um
ninguém. Se houver dúvidas sobre quem jogou uma carta campeão designado como voador não pode atacá-lo, mesmo
primeiro, então o jogador titular do turno tem a preferência que o reino esteja exposto e ele não precise voar para
sobre os demais. alcançá-lo. O mesmo vale para voadores, nadadores,
cavadores ou qualquer outra habilidade semelhante. Qualquer
FICANDO SEM CARTAS tipo de campeão e aliado pode defender contra voadores,
Quando a pilha de saque de um jogador termina, a pilha de nadadores ou cavadores.
descartes é reembaralhada para formar uma nova pilha de
saque ao final do turno corrente. Cartas que supostamente EVENTOS
deveriam ser sacadas durante o período em que o jogador A maioria dos eventos pode ser jogada a qualquer momento,
não tiver pilha de saque são perdidas. mesmo durante o turno de outro jogador. Aqueles que não
podem descrevem especificamente o momento em que
ESPÓLIOS DE VITÓRIA podem ser jogados. Em geral, eventos funcionam na ordem
Se um reino atacado é arrasado ou descartado durante o em que são jogados. Se outro jogador está baixando uma
combate, o atacante compra um espólio de vitória de sua carta de sua mão para jogá-la, é considerado rude interrompê-
pilha de saque. Isso acontece mesmo que uma carta fora de lo jogando um evento rapidamente antes que ele possa
combate seja jogada e force o reino a ser arrasado ou terminar de descer a sua carta.
descartado. A carta sacada pode ser jogada imediatamente, Eventos podem ser Maléficos ou Benéficos. Um evento
ficar na mão ou ser recolocada no topo da pilha de saque. A maléfico pode ser ignorado por um jogador que jogue o evento
habilidade de jogar espólios permite ao jogador jogar uma Serenidade ou descarte Delsenora de seu poço. Um evento
carta que normalmente não poderia ser jogada (como jogar ignorado ainda funciona contra os demais jogadores, contudo.
um feitiço Desintegrar como espólio, colocar um campeão no Qualquer evento pode ser negado completamente pelo uso
poço ou jogar um reino, por exemplo). A única restrição ao uso dos feitiços Limited Wish ou Intercession, pelo uso do feitiço
de espólios de vitória se aplica à trazer um avatar para o jogo. Dragon’s Calm ou pelo descarte do campeão Helm de seu
O avatar pode ser jogado como espólio, porém o custo para poço. O feitiço Wish somente pode negar um evento cuja
fazê-lo ainda precisa ser pago. duração esteja descrita no poder da carta (como cartas cujos
Se o atacante é derrotado e descartado durante o combate, o efeitos sejam “Até o final do próximo turno deste jogador”).
defensor compra uma carta de sua pilha de saque. Mais uma Eventos benéficos afetam apenas o jogador que os lança e
vez, isto acontece mesmo que não seja a defesa em si que podem apenas ser negados pelos demais jogadores pelo uso
faça com que o campeão seja descartado, mas qualquer carta de Limited Wish, Intercession ou descartando Helm de seu
em jogo. poço. Permitir ao oponente jogar um turno extra pelo uso do
Na hipótese de uma carta-regra, poder de campeão ou evento evento A Caravana pode ser indesejável, porém não é
permitir que mais de uma carta seja sacada como espólio de considerado maligno.
vitória, apenas a primeira carta comprada pode ser jogada Eventos são colocados na área de cartas Removidas do jogo
imediatamente. As demais podem ficar na mão ou retornar à (Void) após serem jogados; eles nunca podem retornar a mão
pilha de saque. de um jogador após o uso. Eventos que são descartados da
Um espólio de vitória pode ser jogado, ficar na mão ou mão antes de serem jogados (como pelo poder do evento
retornar ao topo da pilha de saque à escolha do jogador. Transformação) são mandados para o Abismo, onde cartas
como Karlott o Xamã tem a chance de recuperá-los. Algumas
TRAZENDO AVATARES PARA O JOGO cartas, como Guerreiros Sagrados, permitem a um jogador
Um jogador somente pode trazer um Avatar para o jogo reembaralhar sua pilha de descartes em sua pilha de saque.
durante a etapa 3 de seu turno. Existem somente duas Como os eventos estão no Abismo ou na área para cartas
exceções a essa regra porque as cartas assim o indicam: Removidas do Jogo (Void), essas cartas não os afetam.
Great Mother (479/4ª) e Gib Drawesmaj (22/NS Chase). Além Nenhum jogador pode jogar o evento A Caravana ativar o
disso, todas as condições necessárias para se colocar um poder especial do reino Ancient Kalidnay até que todos os
avatar em jogo (descritas em cada carta) precisam ser jogadores tenham tido seu primeiro turno. Quando isso tiver
seguidas cada vez que o Avatar é colocado em jogo. As acontecido, A Caravan pode ser jogada normalmente, e
únicas exceções a isso são o evento Titans Walk the Earth Ancient Kalidnay pode ser arrasado para conferir um turno
(158/4ª), a carta-regra Avatar's Edict (20/PO Chase) e o clérgo extra.
Nenioc (284/4th).
VOADORES, NADADORES E CAVADORES Quando um evento é jogado, seu lançador dá aos demais
Um campeão voador pode atacar qualquer reino, jogadores a chance de tomar uma das seguintes atitudes:
independentemente de sua posição. Se ele atacar um reino
protegido (como um reino na posição B quando o reino na  NEGAR O EVENTO* (LIMITED WISH, HELM, ENTER
posição A estiver construído), todos os aliados deste campeão DARKNESS TOGETHER, ETC.)
devem ser voadores, nadadores ou cavadores para poder  DUPLICAR O EVENTO** (BELL OF MIGHT, ONAD
alcançá-lo. A habilidade do campeão de voar, nadar ou cavar THE WEASEL, ETC.)
não é transmitida automaticamente a seus aliados.  SERENIZAR O EVENTO* (SERENIDADE,
Um campeão nadador pode atacar qualquer reino que possua DELSENORA, DRAGON’S CALM, ETC.)
costa, mesmo que protegido. Reinos que não possuam costa  DEFLETIR O EVENTO (DEFLECTION, HIJACKING,
podem ser atacados por nadadores somente se estiverem ETC.)
expostos (como reinos na posição A ou atrás de reinos
arrasados). Rios e lagoas não contam como costa; a lista
completa dos reinos com costa pode ser encontrada nos

Regras da Jogo - Página 13

*A decisão de serenizar ou negar um evento começa no Prateado (31/RR) tem o poder que garante que os itens
sentido horário a partir do jogador do evento. Uma vez que mágicos anexados a ele não possam ser removidos de
ele tenha aberto mão de fazê-lo, ele não pode mais nennhum modo. No entanto, se Falx quiser queo Blamblower
escolher serenizar ou negar o evento. anexado funcione, o Blamblower deve ser descartado.
**Um evento que tenha sido negado não pode ser duplicado Somente assim o item mágico pode ser usado.
pelo uso de Onad, o Fuinha, Bell of Might ou cartas Qualquer campeão, item mágico ou artefato que seja
similares. voluntariamente removido de jogo e depois seja trazido de
volta no mesmo turno perde seu poder especial “voluntário”
Uma vez que o evento seja jogado, a primeira ação de um até o final do turno corrente. Imunidades, raça e outras
jogador deve aplicar-se ao evento ou ele funcionará habilidades especiais continuam funcionando normalmente.
normalmente. Por exemplo, um jogador com Bell of Might em
seu poço é alvo do evento Cataclisma. O jogador pode CARTAS-RESPOSTA
escolher serenizar ou negar o evento, desse modo A regra padrão do jogo SPELLFIRE é que o efeito das cartas
cancelando-o, ou escolher duplicar o evento contra uma outra jogadas acontece na ordem em que elas entram em jogo. Em
pessoa. Ele não pode fazer ambos; só lhe é permitido fazer outras palavras, quando uma carta é jogada, todos os seus
uma única ação em resposta. poderes devem ser satisfeitos antes que outra carta seja
Um jogador que tente negar um evento pode ainda escolher jogada.
serenizar esse evento se o método para negá-lo falhar. Do Há uma notável exceção a essa regra. Algumas cartas, como
mesmo modo, um jogador que tenha tanto um Limited Wish, o evento Serenidade, são especificamente designadas para
quanto um Intercession em sua mão pode fazer duas serem cartas-resposta. Quando uma carta-resposta é jogada,
tentativas para negar o evento (desde que outro jogador ela nega os poderes da carta jogada antes dela. Em todos os
disperse seu Limited Wish, já que seria como se ele ainda não casos, ela deve ser a próxima carta jogada pelo jogador
tivesse tomado nenhuma ação em relação ao evento; seu afetado. Por exemplo, se um jogador abaixa o evento
primeiro feitiço nunca ocorreu). Mesmo que todos os métodos Cataclisma, o reino escolhido é descartado. No entanto, o
para negar o evento falhem, o jogador ainda pode serenizar evento Serenidade nega o Cataclisma. Se o jogador baixar
ou duplicar um evento (ações efetuadas por um jogador para qualquer outra carta antes de responder com Serenidade ou
parar um evento que sejam canceladas não contam como outra carta similar, o evento Cataclisma não é negado.
ações contra a carta).
EVENTOS E SERENIDADE Algumas cartas têm a habilidade de poderem ser usadas “uma
Um evento que seja serenizado ainda existe para os demais vez por turno”. Na maioria dos casos, isso significa que aquele
jogadores. Por exemplo, se um jogador sereniza o sevento jogador pode usar aquele poder durante a etapa 3 do seu
Dragões de Bronze, ele não funciona contra o jogador. O turno. Ele pode então usar o poder novamente durante a
Dragões de Bronze ainda previne que os demais jogadores etapa 3 de seu próximo turno.
ataquem, contudo. Algumas cartas precisam esperar uma outra ação antes que
seus poderes sejam ativados. Por exemplo, o Bell of Might
O FEITIÇO WISH pode ser usado “uma vez por turno” para duplicar os efeitos de
O feitiço Wish não é um feitiço do tipo counter como Limited um evento. Em situações como essa, o item pode ser usado
Wish; ele não pode negar a maior parte dos eventos. Ele uma vez entre a etapa 3 de seu turno e a etapa 3 de seu
somente pode ser usado para negar um evento com duração próximo turno. Lembre-se que turnos extras adquiridos pelo
determianda (como eventos que duram “até o final do próximo evento A Caravana, ou pela destruição de Ancient Kalidnay
turno deste jogador”). Ele não pode ser usado para cancelar não contam.
eventos como Cataclisma ou A Caravana já que os efeitos Ítens que duplicam os poderes ou habilidades de um campeão
dessas cartas são instantâneos. ou carta precisam ser ativados durante a etapa 3 do turno
corrente ou imediatamente quando jogados (como durante a
PODERES ESPECIAIS E CONFLITOS etapa 4 quando o item é jogado diretamente da mão). Um
Muitos reinos, campeões, e aliados tem poderes especiais jogador não pode esperar pelo início da batalha, enviar um
relacionados ao combate. Esses somente acontecem caso a campeão ao combate e então decidir o poder ou habilidade a
carta esteja envolvida no round de batalha, exceto se a carta ser copiado.
especificar o contrário. Poderes de reinos e fortalezas
funcionam quando o reino for atacado. EVENTOS E FEITIÇOS DUPLICADOS
Algumas vezes há conflitos entre habilidades, em que uma Feitiços e eventos que sejam cópias de cartas recém-jogadas
habilidade contradiz completamente uma outra. Na maioria são tratados como feitiços e eventos normais, possuindo todos
dos casos, uma cuidadosa reflexão dos jogadores pode os benefícios e malefícios da carta original. Eles podem ser
resolver como será o funcionamento das cartas. Se não dispersados, devolvidos ao lançador original, serenizados e
houver consenso, a primeira carta jogada usa seu poder negados normalmente. Trate cada efeito como uma carta em
primeiro. No caso de campeões em combate, o atacante usa separado para efeitos de cartas-resposta.
seu poder primeiro, já que ele entra em combate antes. O
mesmo é válido para os itens mágicos e artefatos anexados ESCLARECIMENTOS
que são trazidos para o combate do poço do jogador. Algumas cartas e regras causaram alguma confusão em
Por exemplo, um jogador ataca um reino com Adorável relação ao seu funcionamento correto. Enquanto baralhos de
Colleen. O defensor escolhe o campeão Pergaminho Vivo. O 4ª edição não incluem essas cartas, jogadores mais antigos
poder da Colleen imediatamente destrói um campeão podem ainda estar usando-as em seus baralhos. Os
monstro. O poder do Pergaminho imediatamente destrói comentários abaixo prevalecem sobre o texto literal da carta.
qualquer herói. Contudo, como Colleen foi jogada primeiro, o
jogador atacante usa primeiro o poder de seu campeão. CARTAS FORA DO JOGO
Nesse caso, Colleen derrotaria o Pergaminho Vivo e retorna Cartas retiradas da área considerada “em jogo” não mais
ao seu poço vitoriosa. Para mais informações, procure a possuem qualquer efeito (de longa ou curta duração) no jogo.
seção Ordem de Ativação.
Algumas cartas tem poderes especiais que ativam somente ALARM (85/NS)
quando algumas condições são atingidas. Por exemplo, o Esse feitiço pode agora ser lançado a qualquer momento para
feitiço Arrasar (BR/59) requer que o lançador seja descartado cancelar uma habilidade de ladrão (Defensivo). Ele pode
para que o feitiço funcione, e Blamblower (DL/56) requer que a também ser lançado na etapa 4 em um campeão adversário
carta seja descartada para que seu poder funcione. Em todos para previnir que o campeão use qualquer outra habilidade de
os casos, estas condições devem ser seguidas; de outro modo ladrão durante o round de combate (Ofensiva/4).
o poder não funcionará. Por exemplo, Falx, o Dragão

Regras da Jogo - Página 14

ANCIENT KALIDNAY (92/AR) 381/Portuguese Edition) permite que um campeão tenha
Esta carta permite a um jogador jogar um novo turno ao artefatos de qualquer mundo. Alguns artefatos podem ser
arrazar este reino na etapa 5 de seu turno corrente. Quando anexados a reinos do mesmo mundo (durante a etapa 3 ou
jogado pela primeira vez, Ancient Kalidnay é colocado na na etapa 4 se o reino estiver defendendo a si próprio).
vertical na formação. Ume vez que seu poder especial de Artefatos não são considerados ítens mágicos.
garantir um turno extra seja ativado, ele é colocado na
formação na horizontal, assim como os demais reinos Cartas anexadas: Ítens mágicos e artefatos são
arrasados. Se reconstruído, ele deve ser jogado na horizontal normalmente anexados a campeões (raramente também a
e retém apenas o poder especial de ser consdireado um reino reinos) durante a etapa 3 ou 4 do turno de um jogador. Outras
RAVENLOFT. Ancient Kalidnay pode gerar apenas um turno cartas (como feitiços, habilidades de sangue, habilidades de
extra por jogo. ladrão, cartas de combate desarmado, entre outras) podem
também ser anexadas a um campeão (normalmente durante a
AVANIL (5/BR) etapa 4 - combate). Ítens mágicos e artefatos normalmente
Quando Avanil é descartado para gerar o saque de cinco retornam da batalha com o campeão vitorioso; outras cartas
cartas extras, ele é enviado para o Abismo ao invés de para a anexadas são normalmente descartadas ao final do round de
pilha de descartes. Esta regra especial se aplica apenas a batalha. Durante o combate, uma carta anexada é aquela que
torneios. permanece no combate até o seu fim. Isso não inclui cartas
que apenas “vêm e vão”.
Essa carta de poder psiônico confere ao jogador e seus Anexos: Algumas vezes, o poder de uma carta refere-se aos
campeões imunidade aos efeitos defensivos de feitiços, anexos do campeão oponente. Na maioria das vezes, isso
eventos benéficos e poderes benéficos de um campeão além significa todas as cartas anexadas ao campeão oponente
de protegê-los de tais cartas de outros jogadores. Logo, naquele momento. Algumas vezes, contudo, o termo pode ser
enquanto o jogador beneficiado por Control Wind não teme os refererir apenas a ítens mágicos e artefatos.
efeitos de um evento maléfico, ele também não pode se
beneficiar de eventos benéficos como Boa Sorte e Caravana Avatares: Estas cartas representam os deuses do jogo de
durante a duração do poder. Um feitiço Wish pode passar pela cartas SPELLFIRE. Cada um deles normalmente requer o
proteção de Control Wind, contudo. sacrifício (descarte) de outras para ser trazido ao jogo. Nenioc
(284/4a edição) pode ser sacrificada para trazer um avatar
O poder de Poor Oriental Lord se aplica a cartas marcadas em
seu verso com a expressão “Primeira Edição”. Cartas sem Nível Base: Este é o nível impresso na carta. Em alguns
uma edição não são afetadas pelo poder de Poor Oriental casos, o nível base de uma carta pode mudar devido ao
Lord. horário da partida ou a outras circunstâncias. Raistlin Majere
(31/DL) é um exemplo de uma carta cujo nível base pode
Algumas vezes pode ser difícil determinar realmente o que um É possível que uma outra carta afete o nível base de um
determinado termo quer dizer. O glossário a seguir serve para campeão, como, por exemplo, Orcus (44/NS). Tais ajustes são
ajudar a resolver essa confusão. Entradas em negrito indicam sempre aplicados diretamente ao nível base do campeão
que o termo usado está definido em algum outro ponto do (independentemente da Ordem de Ativação). Em outras
glossário. palavras, o nível ajustado do campeão se torna o seu novo
nível base enquanto a carta que provocou o ajuste
Abismo: Este é o lugar onde as cartas são enviadas quando permanecer em jogo.
afetadas por feitiços como Estate Transference (437/3 rd),
Takhisis’ Abyssal Gateway (13/DL Chase) ou Mindkiller Batalha: Este termo refere-se a um ataque a um único reino
(56/UD). Eventos descartados sem uso são enviados durante a etapa 4 do turno de um jogador. A batalha pode
também para o Abismo. Cartas podem ser recuperadas do durar por vários rounds, com novos atacantes e defensores a
Abismo pelos poderes de cartas como Gatekeeper (422/3rd) ou cada round. A batalha termina quando o jogador atacante
Karlott the Shaman (63/3rd). Um campeão com poder usado arrazar ou descartar o reino atacado, quando o defensor
“uma vez por turno” recuperado do Abismo ainda precisaria descartar (derrotar) um campeão atacante ou quando o
aguardar um turno para que seu poder seja usado (salvo se campeão atacante não vencer um round de batalha. A batalha
ele estivesse já fora do jogo por mais de um turno). pode terminar também por vontade do jogador atacante após
um round de batalha. Na mairia das vezes, quando a carta
Nível ajustado: Este é o nível atual de um campeão (seu menciona o termo "batalha," ele se refere ao round de batalha
nível base (impresso) mais os bônus das cartas anexadas). Se em que estiver envolvida.
uma carta se refere ao nível do campeão sem especificar nível
base ou nível ajustado, considera-se que a referência é ao Habilidades de sangue: Este tipo de carta pode ser usado
nível ajustado. por campeões regentes como parte se sua habilidade de
ícone. Todas as habilidades de sangue são classificadas
Aventureiros: Este é um tipo de carta que adquire poderes de como defensivas ou ofensivas, assim como os feitiços.
acordo com o número de aventureiros no mesmo poço. Um
aventureiro retém seus poderes como se estivesse no poço. Bluelines: Estas são regras adendas que estabelecem algum
tipo de classificação à carta, como, por exemplo, estabelecer
Aliados: Estas cartas são adicionadas a um campeão que um campeão em particular seja morto-vivo ou voador
(normalmente durante a etapa 4 - combate) para aumentar o pela aparência do desenho em sua carta. Bluelines são
seu nível ajustado. Eles não devem ser considerados como sempre obrigatórias em torneios e costumam ser aceitas pela
um tipo de campeão (herói, mago, monstro, etc.) mesmo que maioria dos grupos de jogadores.
suas imagens induzam a isso. Alguns aliados são
considerados mortos-vivos, dragões, voadores, cavadores Serenizar (Calm): Este termo significa ignorar os efeitos de
ou possuem algum outro tipo de classificação relacionado à um evento maléfico para um determinado jogador. O evento
movimentação ou raça. ainda afeta os demais jogadores em jogo, mas o jogador que
sereniza o evento continua a jogar como se o evento não
Artefatos: Estes poderosos ítens podem ser anexados estivesse ali.
somente a um campeão do mesmo mundo que o artefato.
Cada campeão pode ter anexado apenas um artefato de cada Cancelar: Este termo refere-se ao método usado para
vez, porém a Moeda da Megalomania (419/2nd ou remover-se uma determinada carta do jogo ou cancelar o seu

Regras da Jogo - Página 15

poder especial. Por exemplo, Limited Wish cancela um evento, cartas fazem com que a pilha de descartes seja
removendo-o do jogo e o enviando ao Void antes que seus reembaralhada com a pilha de saque do jogador ou permitem
efeitos ocorram. Algumas cartas não podem ser canceladas, que uma carta seja comprada diretamente da pilha de
como Genie Bottle (436/3ª edição). descartes durante o jogo. A pilha de descartes deve ficar
separada das demais áreas do jogo (o Abismo, Limbo, o Void
Lançador: O campeão capaz de lançar um feitiço de mago ou e a pilha de saque).
de clérigo. Também pode ser chamado de spellcaster
(lançador de feitiço). Dispersar: Este termo normalmente refere-se ao uso dos
feitiços Dispersar Magia ou Dispel em um outro feitiço.
Campeão: Uma carta com o ícone de mago, herói, clérigo, Campeões cujos feitiços não possam ser afetados pelo feitiço
psionicista, regente, ladrão ou monstro em seu canto superior Dispersar Magia não podem ter seus feitiços dispersados
esquerdo. dessa maneira.

Clérigos: Estes campeões podem lançar feitiços de clérigo Dragões: Campeões e aliados designados como dragons
como parte de suas habilidades de ícone. Clérigos são imunes (dragões) ganham bônus ou penalidades baseados nos
à regra Medo de Mortos-Vivos. poderes especiais de outras cartas. Muitos dragões são
campeões monstros, porém eles podem ser de qualquer tipo.
Costa: Esta é a designação para reinos que tenham oceanos
ou mares em alguma parte de seu desenho. Reinos costeiros Pilha de saque: Esta é a pilha de cartas de onde um jogador
podem ser atacados por campeões e aliados nadadores, saca suas três cartas no início de seu turno. Quando um
independentemente de sua posição na formação. Alguns jogador pega a última carta de seu baralho, ele não tem o
reinos (como Doc's Isle [5/RR]) possuem figuras que retratam direito a sacar novas cartas até que ele crie uma nova pilha de
água, mas ainda são considerados reinos costeiros. Pela saque. Ao final do turno em que o jogador fique sem cartas em
Cúpula BSW 2010, reinos com rios (embora não propriamente sua pilha de saque, ele reembaralha sua pilha de descartes,
costeiros), também podem ser atacados por campeões e que se torna sua nova pilha de saque.
aliados nadadores independentemente de sua posição na
formação. Dungeons: Estas cartas especiais são consideradas uma
carta grátis na construção de um baralho; elas não contam
Cúpula BSW 2016: com o lançamento de novas cartas e como parte de um baralho, desse modo criando tamanhos de
aumento da quantidade de campeões com o poder de baralho de 56, 76 ou 111 cartas. Dungeons garantem
movimentação e/ou de burlar restrições de ataque, retorna-se vantagens especiais a um jogador. Estas vantagens variam
ao entendimento original da expressão coastal realm/reino desde a ativação de regras opcionais do jogo a evitar que a
costeiro, proibindo o ataque de reinos protegidos que pilha de saque do jogador seja espionada.
contenham apenas rios por campeões nadadores.
Anão: Campeões e aliados designados como dwarves
Combate: veja Batalha. Cúpula BSW 2015: Cartas com o (anões) ganham bônus ou penalidades baseados nos poderes
termo combate têm seu poder ativado quando o passo 4 especiais de outras cartas. Cartas designadas como sendo
inicia. duergar são também consideradas anões.

Round de combate: Este seria a etapa de uma batalha em Cavando: Um campeão com a habilidade de cavar pode viajar
que um campeão atacante enfrenta um campeão defensor. por baixo da terra para atacar qualquer reino na formação de
um jogador. Cavadores não podem atacar reinos que sejam
Derrotado: Um campeão é considerado derrotado se ele for imunes especificamente a cavadores ou cujo texto declare que
forçado a ser descartado em batalha devido ao poder de uma não podem ser atacados por cavadores. Cavadores também
carta ou se seu nível ajustado for menor que o de seu não podem atacar reinos que especificamente só podem ser
oponente, e ele não puder ou não quiser mais jogar cartas que atacados por outros tipos de campeão (como "Pode ser
aumentem o seu nível. Exceto se o poder do campeão atacado somente por clérigos" ou "Pode ser atacados
especificar o contrário, campeões derrotados são enviados somente por voadores ou nadadores"). A habilidade de cavar
para a pilha de descartes. Se o poder de uma carta especifica não se extende aos aliados a menos que especificado no
que o campeão derrotado por ela deve ser necessariamente texto do campeão cavador.
descartado, então o campeão vai para a pilha de descartes
independentemente de seus poderes especiais. Elfo: Campeões e aliados designados como elves (elfos)
ganham bônus ou penalidades baseados nos poderes
Defensivo: Esta designação quer dizer que o poder da carta especiais de outras cartas. Qualquer tipo de campeão pode
afeta somente a si mesma (não um campeão adversário). Por ser elfo. Quaisquer cartas designadas como half-elves (meios-
exemplo, o feitiço Mirror Image (386/4th) dobra o nível do elfos) são consideradas elfos.
campeão lançador. A menos que especificado o contrário, um
campeão nunca é imune a cartas defensivas. Elfo (Drow): Campeões e aliados Elf (Drow) são considerados
elfos e elfos (drow) para fins de poderes especiais de cartas.
Descartado: Cartas de Spellfire são descartadas como Campeões e aliados designados como elf (drow) (elfo [drow])
resultado de uma derrota em batalha ou pelo poder especial ganham bônus ou penalidades baseados nos poderes
de uma carta usada em outras etapas do jogo, como feitiços especiais de outras cartas.
usados no poço do adversário. A menos que o contrário seja
especificado, cartas que são descartadas vão para a pilha de Events (Eventos): Estas cartas podem ser jogadas a
descartes do jogador. Cartas descartadas são sempre qualquer momento, a menos que haja um tempo específico
enviadas para a pilha de descartes do seu dono mesmo que para jogar a carta. Cada uma tem um poder especial que tem
elas estejam sendo usadas por outro jogador através do poder efeito imediatamente. Uma vez jogado, um evento é colocado
especial de uma carta. Termos equivalentes a “descartado” no Void e não pode ser jogado novamente. Se de alguma
incluem killed (morto), swallowed (engolido), devoured maneira é descartado sem ser usado, é colocado no Abismo.
(devorado) e slain (assassinado). Lembre-se que ser
descartado sempre causa uma derrota, mas ser derrotado não Exposed Realm (Reino Exposto): O reino dianteiro é o único
implica sempre em ser descartado. que um campeão pode atacar se ele não é voador, nadador,
ou cavador, ou possua um outro poder especial. Quando o
Pilha de descartes: Quando uma carta é descartada através reino de um jogador é arrasado e virado para baixo, são
de combate ou pelo poder especial de uma carta, ela é expostos outros atrás dele que podem ser atacados. Na
colocada na pilha de descartes daquele jogador. Algumas pirâmide da formação, cada reino da fila do meio protege dois

Regras da Jogo - Página 16

reinos da última fila. O reino do centro na última fila é In Play (Em jogo): Este termo recorre a cartas que estão na
protegido por ambos os reinos da fila do meio. mesa, não contam a mão do jogador, pilha de descarte, limbo,
ou o abismo. Cartas no poço, reinos e fortalezas na formação,
Flyers (Voadores): Campeões e aliados com habilidade para e qualquer carta que é usada em batalha é considerada em
voar podem atacar qualquer reino, independente de sua jogo. Até mesmo reinos arrasados são considerados em jogo.
posição, intervindo o vôo em cima dos reinos. Se uma carta Cartas com um estado de duração declarado em efeito na
não especifica que é um voador, não é, até mesmo se a figura mesa são considerados em jogo.
mostra que há asas ou o nome da carta insinua a habilidade
de voar. Voadores não podem atacar reinos que tenham o Kender (Kender): Veja Halfling.
específico estado de imunidade a voadores ou que voadores
não possam atacar. A habilidade para voar não é concedida Limbo (Limbo): Cartas temporariamente removidas do jogo
automaticamente a aliados a menos que esteja especificado pelos poderes especiais de outras cartas, mas não
na carta do voador. descartadas ou enviadas ao Abismo ou Void, são
instantaneamente enviadas ao Limbo. Cartas no Limbo
Formation (Formação): O padrão das cartas na mesa é retornam ao jogo no final do turno do jogador delas. Se um
chamado a formação. A formação padrão é uma pirâmide de oponente pôe um reino ou campeão em jogo que está
seis cartas com a base voltada ao dono. atualmente no Limbo, a Regra do Cosmos descarta o
campeão do Limbo quando voltar ao jogo. Um campeão que
Gnome (Gnomo): Os campeões e aliados designados como for enviado ao Limbo durante combate perde todos os seus
gnomos ganham bônus e penalidades baseado nos poderes anexos. Um campeão enviado ao Limbo fora de combate
especiais de outras cartas. retém os anexos dele.

Halfling: Os campeões e aliados designados como halfling Magical Items (Itens Mágicos): Estes dispositivos tem
ganham bônus e penalidades baseado nos poderes especiais poderes especiais inerentes e são anexados a um campeão
de outras cartas. Cartas designadas como kender são durante o passo 3 ou 4 (combate). Um campeão pode ter
consideradas Halfling. qualquer número de itens mágicos. Cada item mágico lista se
é defensivo (só afeta o seu lado) ou ofensivo (afeta o lado
Hand (Mão): Isto se refere as cartas seguradas (mas não oponente). Todos os itens mágicos de um campeão podem
estão em jogo) por este jogador. ser usados quando atacando ou defendendo um reino (a
menos que o contrário seja indicado).
Harmful (Maléfico): Maléfico é uma designação para as
cartas de evento que têm efeitos prejudiciais a um ou mais Monsters (Monstros): Monstros podem usar itens mágicos e
jogadores no jogo. Estes tipos de eventos podem ser negados artefatos normalmente, além de quaisquer outros poderes
com o uso de Calm (400/4ª), ou qualquer outra carta cujo especiais que eles possuam. O ícone vermelho do monstro
poder especial nega eventos prejudiciais. não possui um poder de ícone.

Helpful (Benéfico): Benéfico é uma designação para cartas Negate (Nega): Este termo se refere a um método para
de evento que têm efeitos benéficos para um ou mais remover do jogo um tipo particular de carta ou tirar o poder
jogadores no jogo. Este tipo de evento não pode ser negado especial de uma carta. Algumas cartas poderiam ser imunes
pelo uso de Calm, entretanto eles podem ser negados por ao poder de negação relatado. Por exemplo, “negando um
outras cartas cujos poderes especiais negam eventos feitiço recém jogado” se refere a estar dispersando um feitiço.
benéficos. Helm (255/4ª), Intercession (48/RR), e Limited Wish Assim, um campeão que não pode ter o feitiço dele
(382/4ª) podem parar todos os eventos benéficos. dispersado seria imune ao poder.

Heroes (Heróis): Este é um tipo de campeão cujo ícone lhe Offensive (Ofensivo): Esta designação significa que a carta
dá a habilidade para usar cartas de combate desarmado. tem um poder que afeta diretamente outra carta. Por exemplo,
Vorpal Blade (56/FR) imediatamente derrota um campeão
Holdings (Fortalezas): Uma fortaleza é anexada a um reino adversário se o jogador saca um “3” ou menos, sendo um item
durante o passo 2 do turno do jogador. Uma fortaleza precisa ofensivo.
ser do mesmo mundo do reino, a menos que seja por um
poder especial. Por exemplo, uma fortaleza DARK SUN só Opponent (Oponente): Isto normalmente significa o jogador
pode ser colocada em um reino de DARK SUN. Não pode ser ou campeão que você está enfrentado na batalha. Alguns
colocada com um reino com logo de qualquer outro mundo. poderes especiais podem ser usados contra qualquer
Na maioria dos casos, o poder da fortaleza só pode ser usado oponente, enquanto que alguns só podem ser usados contra o
quando o reino em que está anexado está sendo atacado. jogador adversário ou campeão.

Icon (Ícone): O ícone é o símbolo no canto esquerdo superior Phase (Fase): O jogo de Spellfire é dividido em fases
da carta, designando o tipo da carta. Dentro do ícone está o (passos) crescentes que dividem a ordem do jogo. Fase 1 é
nível ou nível bônus da carta, se possuir. quando você saca cartas, fase 2 é quando você joga reinos,
etc. Recorra a seção Jogando o Jogo das regras para uma
Ignore (Ignorar): É um meio termo entre Imunidade e Negar, listagem completa.
onde o jogador cancela para si o poder e nível de cartas
ofensivas e o nível de cartas defensivas, permitindo que Player (Jogador): Isto se refere a pessoa que joga o jogo; o
poderes defensivos ou que não afetem ao jogador que controla as ações para um grupo particular de campeões
permaneçam agindo para o oponente. e outras cartas. Quando uma carta tem como alvo o jogador,
ela normalmente se refere a sua mão de cartas.
Immunity (Imunidade): Cartas de Spellfire com uma
imunidade não podem ser afetadas por um tipo específico de Played against in combat (Jogado contra em combate):
carta ou efeito da carta. Isto inclui níveis e poderes de tais Isto se refere a cartas jogadas dentro do combate; cartas que
cartas. Cartas imunes a feitiços ofensivos são imunes à já estavam anexadas não contam para ativar um poder
feitiços de mago e clérigo; cartas imunes a psiônicos são especial com esta estipulação. Por exemplo, a Rod of 7 Parts,
imunes a cartas de poder psiônico ofensivo, e o poder Part 7 (27/AR) permite que o possuidor ignore uma carta
especial ofensivo de campeões psiônicos, etc. A menos que jogada contra ele em combate. Qualquer carta que entre em
esteja especificado na carta, uma imunidade nunca se aplica a combate depois que os poderes especiais do atacante e
cartas defensivas. defensor (e seus itens anexados) foram ativados pode ser

Regras da Jogo - Página 17

cartas dele. Estas cartas mudam as regras do jogo de uma
Pool (Poço): Campeões, itens mágicos, e artefatos que foram maneira muito específica. Esta mudança afeta todos os
postos em jogo estão no poço. Quando um campeão ataca ou jogadores a partir do momento em que a carta regra está em
defende, não é considerado que ele esteja no poço. Não jogo. Se outro jogador puser uma carta regra em jogo, a
podem ser devolvidos a mão, cartas que estejam no poço, anterior é descartada e seu poder já não tem efeito no jogo.
exclua-se quando por poderes especiais de cartas. Cartas no
poço não contam no limite de tamanho da mão do jogador. Special Powers (Poderes Especiais): A maioria das cartas
Um jogador pode colocar qualquer número de campeões no no jogo de Spellfire tem poderes especiais que podem ser
poço dele. Jogador sem reinos (incluindo arrasados) tem que vistos na caixa de texto da carta. Poderes especiais entram
descartar o poço inteiro ao término do turno do jogador atual. em vigor sempre que uma carta é usada durante o jogo ou se
As cartas são jogadas no poço tipicamente no passo 3 do seu ela é alvo do poder especial de outra carta. Quando os
turno ou como resultado de espólios de vitória. poderes especiais de uma carta tem por base um tipo de carta
(veja Ordem de Ativação). Outro termo para poderes especiais
Psionic Attack (Ataque Psíônico): Isto se refere a qualquer é habilidades especiais.
poder psiônico ofensivo ou habilidade de campeão psiônico.
Pro exemplo, Agis (261/1ª) pode psionicamente destruir um Spells (Feitiços): Magos e clérigos podem lançar feitiços
monstro oponente. Cartas com imunidade a psiônicos como parte de suas habilidades de ícone. Magos podem
ofensivos (ou ataque psiônico) seriam imunes ao poder dele. lançar apenas feitiços de mago e clérigos lançam apenas
feitiços de clérigo. Cada feitiço marca se é defensivo ou
Psionic Power Cards (Cartas de Poder Psíônico): Estas ofensivo. Não tem nada a ver com quem está atacando ou
cartas são utilizáveis por campeões psíônicos como parte de defendendo. Podem ser usados feitiços ofensivos quando
sua habilidade de ícone (do mesmo modo um mago pode usar atacando ou defendendo um reino, assim como feitiços
feitiço de mago). Como feitiços, cartas de poder psíônico são defensivos. Cada feitiço também marca o passo do turno em
ofensivas ou defensivas e podem ser canceladas pelos que o jogador pode lançá-lo (por exemplo, Off/4). Só o jogador
poderes especiais de outras cartas. corrente pode lançar feitiços de passo 3 e 5. O atacante e o
defensor podem lançar feitiços no passo 4. Há também feitiços
Psionicist (Psíônico): Este tipo de campeão pode usar cartas que podem ser lançados a qualquer momento, contanto que
de poder psíônico como parte de sua habilidade de ícone. haja no poço um campeão capaz de lançá-los. Alguns feitiços
Psíônicos também podem ter um poder especial que é podem ser lançados a qualquer momento para conter outros
ofensivo ou defensivo (veja entrada individual de cartas) este feitiços ou eventos (como Dispel Magic ou Limited Wish).
pode ser negado pelos poderes especiais de outras cartas.
Psíquicos também podem usar aliados, itens mágicos, Sword (Espada): Certos itens mágicos tem na caixa de
artefatos do mesmo mundo, e outras cartas (como feitiços) poderes especiais da carta um designação como sendo uma
dependendo dos poderes especiais deles. espada. Tais itens mágicos ganham bônus baseado nos
poderes especiais de outras cartas, como um campeão que
Rarity (Raridade): Esta é a freqüência na distribuição das adquire níveis adicionais ao usar uma espada. Itens mágicos
cartas. Os quatro tipos de raridade são Comuns, Incomuns, que são espadas também são armas.
Raras e Chases. Cartas chase são as mais raras de todas as
cartas de Spellfire. Se a raridade de uma carta é referida como Swimmers (Nadadores): Um campeão ou aliado nadador
um Reino, isto indica que esta é uma carta comum. pode atacar qualquer reino em uma formação oponente que
mostre um litoral em sua figura. Por exemplo, Raven’s Bluff
Razed Realm (Reino Arrasado): Quando um campeão ataca (11/3ª) mostra um litoral na figura, e assim é vulnerável a
um reino e um jogador defendendo não coloca um campeão nadadores. Isto inclui também reinos com desenhos que
para defendê-lo, o reino é arrasado. A carta reino é virada com descrevam costas ao invés de mapas, como Doc’s Island
a face para baixo, mas continua na formação (prevenindo que (5/RR). A habilidade para nadar não é conferida
outros jogadores joguem o mesmo reino na formação deles). automaticamente a outras cartas, assim um campeão que
Os poderes do reino não funcionam mais. Qualquer fortaleza ataca um reino costeiro protegido tem que ter meios para levar
anexada ao reino será descartada. Reinos arrasados são seus aliados até lá se ele pretender usar os mesmos no round
descartados quando um novo reino é colocado naquela parte de batalha. Segundo a Cúpula BSW 2010, reinos que
da formação. Durante o passo 2 do turno de um jogador ele contenham rios em sua imagem também podem ser atacados
pode descartar 3 cartas de sua mão para reconstruir um reino por nadadores independentemente de sua posição na
arrasado ao invés de jogar um da sua mão. formação.

Realms (Reinos): Tipicamente um reino, nação, ou império, Cúpula BSW 2016: com o lançamento de novas cartas e
reinos são colocados na formação do jogador. A menos que aumento da quantidade de campeões com o poder de
declarasse nos poderes especiais da carta, os poderes de um movimentação e/ou de burlar restrições de ataque, retorna-se
reino só podem ser usados quando o reino é atacado. Reinos ao entendimento original da expressão coastal realm/reino
são colocados na formação voltados para o oponente assim costeiro, proibindo o ataque de reinos protegidos que
ele pode ler os poderes especiais do reino. contenham apenas rios por campeões nadadores.

Regents (Regentes): Este tipo de campeão pode usar cartas Thieves (Ladrões): Este tipo de campeão pode usar
de habilidade de sangue como parte das habilidades de ícone habilidade de ladrão como, parte de sua habilidade de ícone
do campeão (do mesmo modo que um clérigo pode lançar do campeão (do mesmo modo que um clérigo pode lançar
feitiços de clérigo). Os regentes também podem usar itens feitiços de clérigo). Ladrões podem usar aliados, itens
mágicos, artefatos do mesmo mundo, e qualquer outra carta mágicos, artefatos do mesmo mundo, e qualquer outra carta
permissível pelos seus poderes especiais. que seus poderes permitam.

Removed from Game (Removido do Jogo): Veja Void. Thief Skills (Habilidades de Ladrão): Estas cartas podem
seu usadas por campeões ladrões como parte de sua
Round: Um round é um combate simples de campeão versus habilidade de ícone do campeão. Habilidades de ladrão ou
campeão, um de ataque, e um de defesa. Pode incluir são ofensivas ou defensivas e são usáveis apenas durante um
qualquer número de feitiços, aliados, e itens mágicos. Uma certo passo do turno do jogador (por exemplo Def/4). Estas
batalha frequentemente dura multiplos rounds. cartas também podem ser usadas por outros tipos de
campeões cujos poderes especiais designem que eles podem
Rule Cards (Carta Regra): Cartas regras são jogadas no usar habilidades de ladrão.
início do turno de um jogador (passo 0), antes de sacar as três

Regras da Jogo - Página 18

Trademark (Marca Registrada): Veja Mundo. Campeonatos diferentes são válidos. Se você criar um novo
tipo de campeonato, mande nos as regras que
Cartas de Combate Desarmado: São cartas que podem ser consideraremos em colocar em nossa lista de opções.
usadas especificamente por um tipo de campeão, geralmente Maiorias destas regras funcionam bem para decks de todos os
heróis, mortos-vivos ou dragões. Estas cartas são tanto tamanhos. Em todas as regras são adotados o “melhor de 3 “.
defensivas quanto ofensivas e geralmente são usadas no O primeiro jogador a vencer 2 partidas passa para próxima
passo 4. fase

Morto-Vivo: Campeões ou aliados mortos-vivos são tipos CAMPEONATO (Intermediáio)

especiais de cartas e esta especificação vem no texto da Este é um torneio regular de Spellfire. Cada jogador constrói
carta. O campeão só é considerado morto-vivo quando estiver um deck baseado apenas no número de cartas (55,75,110) e
escrito “morto-vivo” no texto da sua carta mesmo que o nome duelam até estabelerecem as condições de vitória (6 ou 10
e a aparência pareçam o contrário. reinos) Note que a carta Dungeon não faz parte da contagem.

Usuário: Usuário é o campeão (não o jogador) quem usa um JOGO DOS CONQUISTADORES (AVANÇADO)
poder psionico, carta de combate desarmado, etc. A não ser O primeiro jogador a destruir quarto reinos em combate e ter
que seja especificado estas cartas quando são retornadas três reinos intactos ganha o jogo.
voltam a estes campeões usuários. Reinos arrasados fora de combate (devido a poderes de
campeões, eventos etc) não contam Um reino é somente
Void: O Void é a palavra que no jogo nignifica “fora do considerado arrasado se for atacado com sucesso ate ser
jogo”.Todos os eventos jogados (com sucesso ou não) são arrasado.
enviados para o Void. Cartas no Void não podem ser Mesmo que o reino arrasado seja reconstruído não se reduz a
retornadas. contagem de reinos arrasados do oponente. Isto significa que
você pode ganhar o jogo destruindo quatro vezes o mesmo
Weapon (Arma): Certos itens mágicos são considerados reino!! Todo reino que for descartado durante o combate não
armas pois eles dão bônus baseados nos poderes especiais conta pontos também
de outras cartas como campeões que ganham niveis
adicionais quando usa uma arma. DECRETO DO REI (INTERMEDIÁRIO)
Todos os campeões podem atacar qualquer reino
Quando Atacando: É ativado logo quando o atacante e independente de sua posição, restrição e poderes especiais.
colocado a frente para atacar. Não precisa de defensores para Toda vez que um reino for arrasado em combate, o vitorioso
a ativação. Ela entra antes que a Ordem de ativação comece pega aleatoriamente uma carta da mão do oponente e a
Quando Defendendo: É ativado quando o defensor é
colocado para frente para defender um reino. Ela entra antes DECK LACRADO (INICIANTE)
que a Ordem de ativação comece Este e o melhor torneio para os iniciantes em Spellfire Cada
jogador usa um deck fechado da 4 edição.
Magos: Estes campeões podem lançar feitiços de mago de O deck só é legal se dentro dele todas as cartas forem
acordo com a habilidade do ícone utilizáveis .

Mundo: Isto se refere à origem do reino, Fortaleza, campeão, ESTRATÉGIAS DO MESTRE (INTERMEDIÁRIO)
ou artefato. E é vista no logo da carta logo depois do seu Este é um típico torneio de deck lacrado com uma mudança.
nome. O nome que vem abaixo da carta é se refere ao set da Depois do primeiro jogo cada jogador pega um booster
coleção e não interfere em nada durante o jogo. O logo AD&D fechado de uma coleção qualquer e substitui as 12 cartas se
é o mundo inteiro; ele não é um mundo genérico cujo artefatos quiser.
AD&D possam ser usados por todos campeões
Cartas-Suporte (support cards): cartas cujo uso é permitido Nesta variável, decks legais não podem ter cartas que tem o
pelo ícone de um campeão, como se fossem as habilidades numero X nelas (0-9). Por exemplo “Sem 9”. Nenhuma carta
de uma classe no universo D&D. Atualmente temos feitiços de com 9 no seu numero de série pode ser incluída (9, 19 , 192,
mago, feitiços de clérigo, cartas de poder psiônico, cartas de 98 etc).
combate desarmado, habilidades de sangue, habilidades de
ladrão e habilidades de monstro. O “GRIND” (INTERMEDIÁRIO)
Cada jogador constrói um deck baseado no número de cartas
Índios: “raça” introduzida na coleção Mitos & Lendas, (55 , 75 ou 110) e os jogadores batalham pelas condições de
representando os primeiros povos habitantes das américas. vitória (6 ou 10 reinos ). Note que a carta Dungeon não
participa da contagem.
DO QUE EU PRECISO ? Todos os reinos exceto aqueles jogados em qualquer
Para organizar um campeonato de Spellfire , tudo que você momento (Menzoberranzan), não podem ser jogados durante
precisa é : a fase 2 em turnos ganhos por cartas como Caravana e
Ancient Kalidnay. Reinos podem ser reconstruídos
 Ao menos 6 jogadores (para um campeonato com normalmente, descartando 3 cartas durante a fase 2 ou em
pontos) qualquer momento pelo poder de outras cartas, em todos os
 Uma cópia do Guia das regras de Spellfire turnos.
 E um coordenador, que é a pessoa que interpretará
as regras durante o campeonato. Campeonatos RULE LAWYER'S DELIGHT
grandes precisarão de mais de um juiz. O jogo inicia com a carta regra Lawyer's Delight (491/4th) em
jogo. Esta carta regra pode ser removida do jogo pelo meios
normais de remover cartas regras; mas tendo efeitos para
TIPOS DE CAMPEONATO todos os jogadores. Todos outras cartas regras no jogo serão
Contando com as regras normais existem outras opções de aplicáveis somente para seu possuidor.
regras para campeonatos de Spellfire. Uns são de nível
intermediário enquanto outros desafiam até mesmo jogadores TERRAS DIVIDIDAS (AVANÇADO)
experientes. Todos os jogadores criam decks que usam reinos, campeões,
fortalezas e artefatos do mundo de DarkSun.

Regras da Jogo - Página 19

A regra do cosmos é dobrada, permitindo até 2 cartas iguais O DESCARTE DA CARTA DUNGEON
em jogo, (respeitando o limite de uma carta de cada nos A qualquer momento de seu turno o jogador pode tirar sua
decks). O jogador que colocar uma terceira carta igual as 2 já carta Dungeon do jogo para forçar qualquer carta adversária
existentes na mesa escolhe qual delas será descartada. que esteja na pilha de descartes para também ser removida
do jogo
Este tipo de jogo requer três times de dois jogadores cada o REGRA DO MELÃO
primeiro time a ter 10 reinos intactos no inicio do turno de Qualquer jogador que trouxer um melão maduro para a mesa
algum membro ganha o jogo. do campeonato força os outros jogadores a comprar uma
Os times não podem se sentar seguidamente uma regra de carta a menos por turno. A Regra do Melão não é acumulativa
permutação de jogadores deve ser adotada. apenas uma carta pode ser “perdida” por turno por causa
Eventos e cartas regras que afetam o oponente não afetam o desta regra. A pessoa que traz o melão não é afetada; mas se
parceiro de dupla. dois jogadores trazem melões, todos jogadores (incluído os
dois que trouxeram os melões) sacam uma carta a menos
REGRA DOS GUERREIROS (INTERMEDIÁRIO) cada turno. Um mínimo de uma carta é escada cada turno.
Quando um campeão ganha um round de batalha atacando Sem exceção.
um reino, este é arrasado automaticamente, independente do
poder especial do campeão defensor. ADIVINHA
E campeões que perdem o combate são também descartados Durante o passo 2 do seu turno, você pode escolher virar com
independente dos seus poderes. a face para baixo um dos campeões em seu poço, este deve
ser um campeão que possa atacar ou defender no turno e que
DESAFIO DOS MAGOS (AVANÇADO) não esteja sobre o efeito de eventos ou feitiços. Este campeão
Todos jogadores devem construir decks com campeões de então não poderá atacar nem defender até seu próximo turno.
qualquer mundo e apenas feitiços de mago de passo 4 ou que Relembrando que turnos ganhos com Caravana ou Ancient
possa ser lançado em qualquer momento . Não são permitidos Kalidnay não contam como turno real.
aliados, cartas de combate desarmado ,”habilidades de Durante a fase 2 de seu turno, pegue a primeira carta do topo
sangue” e cartas de poder psiônico. do deck de um oponente e a descarte. Exceto se esta carta for
um campeão que então é jogado em um confronto de um
WORLDWAR- GUERRA MUNDIAL (INTERMEDIÁRIO) contra um com o seu campeão virado. Neste combate
Esta variação força todos os decks a serem formados com nenhuma carta pode ser usada nem mesmo eventos. É
cartas fortaleza, reinos campeões e artefatos de apenas um contado apenas o nível e o poder dos campeões. O campeão
mundo. Itens que são genéricos como artefatos que podem que estiver virado é considerado atacante e a carta sacada o
ser usados por qualquer campeão não são permitidos. O defensor (o defensor automaticamente vence em empates) o
mundo deve ser o mesmo para o deck inteiro. Os diferentes vitorioso da batalha retorna ao seu poço. Note que avatars
mundos são AD&D, BIRTHRIGHT DARK SUN, DRAGONLANCE, podem ser colocados em jogo sem cartas requeridas sejam
Cada jogador só pode colocar um campeão por turno.
Estas regras adicionam uma dinâmica diferente ao SITE BOARD -CARTAS RESERVAS
campeonato. Tenha certeza que as regras tenham sido Esta variável de jogo permite que cada jogador traga cartas
bastante explicitas antes de iniciar o torneio reservas para serem substituídas no decorrer do campeonato.
Decks que não contenham 55 cartas, uma carta dungeon
ALIADOS (opcional), ou Site Board contendo mais ou menos 7 cartas
Com esta variante, o jogador é permitido de ajudar com cartas não são campeonatos legais. O uso de decks e/ou Side
qualquer lado de uma batalha que não esteja participando boards ilegais podem resultar na expulsão do jogador do
mas nunca pode ajudar ambos lados. campeonato. O jogador pode optar por não ter cartas
Aliados e feitiços usados nesta contribuição são descartados reservas.
após o combate, e itens mágicos e artefatos apenas se o Os organizadores dos campeonatos podem exigir que os
campeão ajudado for descartado ou derrotado. Se o campeão jogadores registrem seus decks e quais são suas cartas
ajudado vencer estes itens mágicos e artefatos voltam paras reservas. Uma vez que o registro tenha sido feito os jogadores
as mãos de seu possuidor. Cada ítem mágico e artefato não somente podem alterar seus decks com autorização do juiz de
pode aparecer mais uma vez por round de batalha. campeonato.
Se o campeão atacante tiver que comprar um espólio todos Após cada partida o jogador pode optar por trocar de 1 a 7
jogadores que o ajudaram também compram espólios mais cartas do seu deck pelas suas cartas reservas, sempre
não podem jogá-las imediatamente. respeitando o número máximo de eventos e a soma de níveis
dos campeões. O jogador pode trocar quantas vezes quiser já
MUNDOS DESTRUÍDOS que deve trocar de uma em uma então a carta retirada é uma
Qualquer reino que for enviado para a pilha de descarte ou carta reserva para a próxima troca..Sempre deve haver 7
para o abismo é permanentemente removido do jogo; não cartas na pilha das cartas reservas. Qualquer irregularidade
pode ser retornado por qualquer meios. Este somente se nestas condições podem levar a desclassificação do jogador
aplica a reinos que já estejam em jogo, reinos descartados da do torneio.
mão ou pilha de saque não colocados na pilha de descarte.
(vai para o Void). CONDIÇÕES DE VITÓRIA
Reinos que forem descartados sem entar em jogo vao para a São três condições de vitória diferentes para um torneio. Se
pilha de descarte normalmente. nada for explicificado elas serão consideradas as regras
Mortos-Vivos podem ser poderosas fontes de campeões e CONDIÇOES PADRÕES
aliados no jogo de Spellfire. Qualquer campeão ou aliado O Primeiro jogador a ter 6 reinos intactos no inicio do seu
morto-vivo de nível 4 ou maior automaticamente assusta turno é o vencedor
aliados de nivel 1 ou 2 do adversário (aliados mortos-vivos são
imunes a este efeito). Clérigos e seus aliados são imunes a CONDIÇOES AMPLIADAS
este efeito e suas cartas (como no item mágico Banner of the O Primeiro jogador a ter 10 reinos intactos no inicio do seu
One-Eyed God) pode aumentar o nível bônus dos aliados turno é o vencedor
reservando para os campeões mortos-vivos oponentes.

Regras da Jogo - Página 20

CONDIÇÕES BARBÁRIAS (Regra do Protetor) É proibida a utilização da carta Poor Oriental Lord (20/DU
O jogo só acaba quando o jogador tem 6 reinos intactos em chase).
sua formação no inicio do seu turno. Turnos extras não Cartas das edições alemã, francesa, espanhola e italiana
contam poderão ser utilizadas, desde que seus poderes sejam os
mesmos da edição brasileira lançada pela Editora Abril.
Cúpula BSW 2016: visando compensar a vantagem que um
jogador possui ao ser o primeiro a jogar durante um duelo, a - Promos BSW: As promos BSW são cartas promocionais da
Regra do Protetor deve ser aplicada apenas ao primeiro Liga BSW, distribuídas a cada realização do Campeonato
jogador, de forma que o jogo termine caso o segundo jogador Brasileiro de Spellfire para os jogadores participantes.
coloque o sexto reino construído em sua formação. As castas Promos BSW são aceitas para jogos em todos os
campeonatos oficiais da Liga BSW, porém as promos
FORMAS DE ESPECIFICAÇÃO distribuídas no ano em que ocorrer o campeonato não
Dadas várias variações de jogo para um campeonato de poderão ser utilizadas naquele mesmo Campeonato
Spellfire também será adotado um sistema para especificar as Brasileiro.
regras que serão adotadas nos mesmos que será feita da
seguinte forma. - Pontuação: A seguinte pontuação será concedida aos
Spellfire < Nome do torneio > -- < Condiçoes de vitória > participantes do Campeonato Individual 2015 para o Ranking
[Tamanho do deck ] BSW 2015:

EXEMPLOS 1º lugar – 50 pontos

Spellfire : Campeonato Regional – Barbárias [55] 2º lugar – 35 pontos
Um campeonato regional de 55 cartas 3º lugar – 25 pontos
Spellfire :Decreto do Rei (Adivinha) – Ampliadas[75] 4º lugar – 20 pontos
Isto indica um campeonato Decreto do rei com 75 cartas 5º lugar – 15 pontos
usando a variavel (adivinha) como condiçoes de vitoria 6º lugar – 12 pontos
7º lugar – 10 pontos
Se espaço não for o problema , tente detalhar o máximo as 8º lugar – 8 pontos
especificações e regras do torneio : Demais participantes – 5 pontos

Spellfire Campeonato Mundial – padrão[55] - Início do Campeonato: Os jogadores inscritos que não se
As regras deste torneio é a Lei da Terra! Entre na batalha para encontrarem no local do evento ou não estiverem aptos a
saber quem é o melhor dos melhores. Será adotado iniciar a partida no momento do início do torneio estão sujeitos
pontuação dupla neste torneio. às seguintes penalidades:

Preparando um torneio Até cinco minutos de atraso – sem penalidade.

Há dois tipo de torneios que podem ser feitos, os pontuados e De cinco a quinze minutos de atraso – o jogador será
os não pontuados. Os não pontuados geralmente são para considerado derrotado em seu primeiro duelo e poderá jogar
poucas pessoas que se juntam para um dia ou dois de jogos. apenas o segundo.
Para iniciar um torneio não pontuado , não há nada que você Mais de quinze minutos de atraso – o jogador será
precise fazer além de escolher o tipo de regras. considerado derrotado por 2 x 0, podendo participar das
Torneios pontuados são completamente diferentes. Para demais rodadas normalmente.
iniciar um torneio pontuado você deve:
Jogadores não inscritos que compareçam ao local do evento
1) Ter no mínimo 9 pessoas após o início do torneio poderão participar do evento, mas
estão sujeitos às penalidades acima previstas não só para a
2) Divulgar a Competição . Uma mensagem no seu grupo de rodada corrente, como para todas as anteriores.
contados de spellfire é o suficiente para torneios menores.
Mas se for em uma convenção ou algo do tipo todas as - Organização do Campeonato Individual: O torneio será
informações devem estar contidas nesta mensagem. organizado na modalidade emparelhamento suíço, no qual os
jogadores enfrentar-se-ão pelos seguintes critérios:
3) Organizar o torneio usando as regras mais atuais. Isto
permite a todos os participantes saberem a expectativa para o - O emparelhamento em cada rodada ocorrerá dos jogadores
torneio. Também, o torneio é somente legal tendo jogos de de maior pontuação para os de menor;
três jogadores ou mais e nove jogadores ou mais. Jogos de - Dois jogadores não poderão enfrentar-se mais de uma vez
dois jogadores ou torneios com menos de 9 participantes não durante o evento;
são permitidos nos rankings. - Em caso de número ímpar de participantes, aquele que tiver
menos pontos na rodada anterior não participará da rodada
REGRAS ESPECIAIS DE TORNEIOS DA LIGA BSW corrente e receberá dois pontos (que não contarão como uma
Spellfire: Campeonato Brasileiro – Barbárias [55] vitória para efeitos de desempate);
- O emparelhamento da primeira rodada será efetuado
1) TORNEIOS INDIVIDUAIS aleatoriamente;
- Critérios de desempate:
- Regras de Campeonato: Será utilizada a Regra Brasil a) maior número de vitórias de três pontos;
atualizada, onde estão presentes as regras Spellfire b) maior número de vitórias de dois pontos;
Resource 5.0, as Cúpulas BSW e as Pesquisas Brasil. c) maior número de empates;
d) confronto direto;
- Deck: O deck deverá ter o tamanho padrão de 55 cartas, e) classificação no Ranking Brasileiro 2014;e
mais uma carta dungeon, de uso opcional, respeitando os f) número de inscrição.
limites de cada tipo de carta previstos na última versão da
Regra Brasil. A pontuação de cada rodada obedecerá aos seguintes
Para o campeonato serão aceitas todas as cartas originais da critérios:
TSR, cartas em português lançadas no Brasil pela Editora
Abril, cartas Promo BSW (exceto a promo 17 - Holly Shit!);e - Vitória por 2x0: concedidos 3 pontos para o jogador
boosters Brasil (Mitos e Lendas, Inquisition BR, Millenium vencedor;
BR, Chaos BR e Conquest BR). Não serão aceitos boosters - Vitória por 2x1 ou 1x0: concedidos 2 pontos para o jogador
online não impressos pela Liga BSW. vencerdor;

Regras da Jogo - Página 21

- Empate: concedidos 1 ponto para cada jogador. - Enter Darkness Together (10/DU chase): Se ambos os
jogadores estiverem de acordo, o EDT, ao invés de obrigar o
Obs. Resultado de uma partida não concluída antes do oponente a rasgar uma carta, pode ter seu poder impedido
término do tempo: Será declarado vencedor o jogador que caso o adversário doe a carta para o jogador da EDT.
obtiver o maior resultado nos seguintes critérios em ordem Caso o evento afetado seja uma impressão caseira, seu
decrescente: 1) total de reinos construídos, 2) total de reinos possuidor NÃO poderá rasgá-la para negar o poder de EDT,
arrasados, 3) total de fortalezas, 4) total de campeões no poço podendo apenas responder com o evento Deflection.
ou 5) total de artefatos e itens anexados.
- Cartas da mão: Um jogador deve informar corretamente a
Cada rodada será composta por um duelo em melhor de três, quantidade de cartas em sua mão sempre que solicitado pelo
com duração de 60 minutos. Após o 50º minuto, não se jogador adversário.
poderá iniciar uma nova partida.
Após cada rodada, haverá um intervalo de 10 minutos para - Voltar jogada: Um jogador poderá retornar uma carta
descanso, e a cada 3 rodadas haverá um intervalo de, no jogada desde que não tenha ativado a carta ou nenhuma
mínimo 30 minutos, a critério da organização do evento. outra carta tenha sito jogada. Ex: baixar um reino e se
arrepender: é possível retornar a carta para sua mão e baixar
O evento terá a duração de 10 rodadas, 6 no primeiro dia e 4 outro; anexar um item a um campeão e se arrepender: é
no segundo. O total de rodadas poderá ser alterado a critério permitido retornar o item para a mão ou anexá-lo a outro
da organização do evento em virtude do número de jogadores campeão.
presentes. Porém se a carta foi ativada, o jogador não poderá mais
voltar atrás. Ex: um jogador ativa o poder de Gib Kcir (16/RR
Será considerado vencedor o jogador com o maior número de chase) e envia uma carta não reino para o Abismo. Neste
pontos após a última rodada. Em caso de empate, serão caso, não é possível refazer a jogada e escolher uma nova
utilizados os mesmos critérios de desempate do carta no lugar da primeira.
emparelhamento das rodadas. ATENÇÃO! Esta regra não se aplica a passos! Se o jogador
pular um passo ao jogar uma carta, ele não poderá desfazer a
- Abandono do evento: caso algum jogador abandone o jogada para voltar ao passo anterior (ex.: o jogador baixa um
evento antes de seu término, o pareamento deverá prosseguir campeão antes de baixar um reino, caso em que ele não
entre os jogadores restantes, sendo mantidos os resultados poderia voltar o campeão para sua mão e baixar um reino).
das rodadas das quais ele houver participado. O jogador
receberá apenas metade dos pontos devidos por sua - Cartas da coleção em português: Subentende-se que as
participação no evento. cartas da coleção em português têm o mesmo nome e poder
das cartas da segunda edição em inglês, portando não
- Premiação aos Corajosos: Ao realizar a inscrição, cada poderiam ser usadas em um mesmo baralho, exceto as cartas
jogador deverá declarar se deseja participar de alguma das 85, 97, 143, 168, 178, 179, 182, 191, 197, 218, 219, 238, 239,
modalidades da Premiação aos Corajosos, cujos critérios 267, 326, 339, 345, 381 e 399, que possuem nomes e
são descritos a seguir: poderes diferentes que suas contrapartes, cartas 401 a 420 da
segunda edição.
1) Premiação pelo deck com menos chases: consiste na Para fins desta regra, equiparam-se à coleção em português
premiação para o deck que contiver menos cartas do tipo as edições em alemão, em espanhol, em francês e em
chase ou promo BSW. Será considerado vencedor o jogador italiano.
de melhor classificação cujo deck contenha até 11 dessas
cartas. - Cartas com mudanças de poder entre edições: Em jogos
da Liga, a carta possui o poder descrito em seu texto (mais
2) Premiação pelo combo mais inovador: consiste na eventuais bluelines contidas na Regra Brasil), não tendo seu
premiação do jogador que inscrever o combo mais inovador e poder atualizado pelas novas edições do jogo. P.E. o Rings of
eficiente. Por ocasião da inscrição, o jogador não precisa All-Seeing da primeira edição não pode descartar uma carta
declarar qual é o combo, mas apenas que deseja participar da da mão do adversário no passo 0 como a sua contraparte da
premiação. Combos que constam nas regras ou que foram 4ª edição.
premiados em anos anteriores não podem ser inscritos
novamente. Será considerado vencedor o jogador com maior - Saque e cartas da mão: Durante o passo 1, considera-se
número de vitórias nas quais o combo foi utilizado. Em que o jogador instantaneamente comprou suas cartas
caso de empate, o jogador de melhor classificação será permitidas naquela etapa do turno, não havendo qualquer tipo
considerado vencedor. de intervalo durante este ato, ainda que, na prática, o jogador
pegue uma carta de cada vez em sua pilha de saque.
3) Premiação por deck temático: consiste na premiação do Cabe lembrar ainda que a ação de comprar cartas no passo 1
melhor deck temático, composto de uma das três alternativas é obrigatória, não podendo o jogador prescindir do saque por
abaixo: qualquer razão.
Mundo: baralhos compostos com um mínimo de 20
cartas de um mesmo mundo dentre os tipos - Encerramento do Passo 0: O passo 0 é considerado
artefato, campeão, fortaleza e reino. encerrado quando o jogador retira ao menos uma carta de
Raça/Designação: baralhos montados com ao sua pilha de saque ou ainda quando ele olha qual será a
menos 10 campeões de uma mesma próxima carta a ser sacada.
raça/designação (dragão, morto-vivo, anão, gigante,
elfo, aventureiro, etc). - Two-Draw Mulligan: Não é permitido ao adversário efetuar
Classe: baralhos montados com ao menos 10 qualquer tipo de jogada em resposta ao pedido de mulligan de
campeões de uma mesma classe (mago, clérigo, um jogador.
regente, psiônico, monstro, herói ou ladrão).
- Intervenção do Juiz: Um juiz só poderá arbitrar jogos em
O jogador melhor colocado será o vencedor. que não esteja participando como jogador e somente poderá
Um jogador pode competir nas três categorias, porém caso intervir na partida quando solicitado.
receba a premiação por mais de uma categoria, ela será dada
ao segundo colocado que tiver a melhor classificação geral no - Resposta a Evento: Uma resposta a eventos não
campeonato. necessariamente precisa ter um alvo válido para que ela
funcione. Ex: um jogador sem reinos em sua formação lança o
evento Cataclisma (99/port ed) em um reino do seu oponente,

Regras da Jogo - Página 22

e este responde com um evento Deflection (137/4th ed). Neste Os parceiros poderão usar cartas para ajudarem-se contra
caso, o adversário apenas não é afetado pelo evento jogadas dos adversários, como eventos, feitiços, etc. Note que
originário, que exaure seu poder e é colocado no Void. os requisitos para utilização das cartas, como passos ou
Para maiores informações sobre resposta a eventos, consultar existência de um lançador de feitiços, devem ser respeitados
a Regra Brasil, p.13. normalmente;

2) TORNEIOS DE DUPLAS Os parceiros poderão ajudar-se também em combate (tanto

O torneio será organizado na modalidade round robin, onde no ataque, quanto na defesa), com o empréstimo de
todas as duplas enfrentam-se uma única vez, definido pelos quaisquer cartas legalmente usadas no passo 4. Cartas-
seguintes critérios: suporte (magias, cartas de poder psiônico, cartas de combate
desarmado, etc.) só podem ser emprestadas se o beneficiário
- O emparelhamento em cada rodada ocorrerá dos jogadores puder utilizá-las. Ao final da rodada de batalha, todas as
de maior pontuação para os de menor; cartas emprestadas são enviadas para as pilhas de descarte
- Em caso de número ímpar de participantes, aquele que tiver de seus donos, mesmo que, em situações normais, elas
menos pontos na rodada anterior não participará da rodada permanecessem anexadas ao campeão beneficiado. Por fim,
corrente e receberá dois pontos (que não contarão como uma vale lembrar que uma carta que beneficie apenas os
vitória para efeitos de desempate); campeões de um jogador não afetam os campeões de seu
- O emparelhamento da primeira rodada será efetuado por parceiro (p.e. reinos Triumvirate; Garibaldi, o Herói de Dois
sorteio; Mundos, etc.).
- Critérios de desempate:
a) saldo de reinos; Proibições
b) confronto direto. NÃO é permitido o ataque ao parceiro em uma partida.
NÃO é permitido usar o evento Espionage! (18/BR) em seu
Cada rodada será composta por um único duelo, com parceiro.
duração de 60 minutos, no qual não se aplicará a Regra do
Protetor. A partida termina quando o somatório de reinos na Comunicação durante as partidas.
formação de cada componente da dupla atingir 10 reinos. Os parceiros só podem comunicar-se sobre a partida corrente
Na hipótese de um elevado número de participantes, pode ser durante o passo 4 após o campeão atacante ter sido
necessário alterar a modalidade do evento de round robin apresentado. O conteúdo da conversa deve limitar-se à
para emparelhamento suíço com número fixo de rodadas, prestação de ajuda mútua durante aquela rodada de batalha.
caso em que se utilizará os mesmos critérios para fins de A violação desta regra será penalizada com a compra de
emparelhamento de jogadores. uma carta extra pelo jogador oponente envolvido na batalha
em seu próximo passo 2.
Será considerada vencedora a dupla com o maior número de
pontos após a última rodada. Em caso de empate, serão Pontuação
utilizados os mesmos critérios de desempate do A seguinte pontuação será concedida aos participantes do
emparelhamento das rodadas. Campeonato de Duplas 2015 para o Ranking BSW de duplas
- Montagem dos baralhos: Os baralhos de cada jogador da 1º lugar – 30 pontos
dupla deverá obedecer os mesmos critérios utilizados no 2º lugar – 20 pontos
campeonato individual, não podendo haver cartas repetidas 3º lugar – 15 pontos
nos decks de cada componente da dupla, de modo que cada 4º lugar – 12 pontos
dupla utilize 112 cartas diferentes (caso ambos os jogadores 5º lugar – 10 pontos
utilizem dungeons). Cartas de edições diferentes são 6º lugar – 7 pontos
consideradas a mesma carta, mesmo que tenham desenhos Demais participantes – 5 pontos

- Regras Especiais para Jogos de Duplas:

Cartas que afetem apenas jogadores oponentes não farão
efeito no jogador parceiro do lançador da carta, afetando
somente a dupla oponente. Por conseguinte, o parceiro
sofreráos efeitos de cartas que afetem todos os jogadores ou
ainda todos os demais jogadores.

Regras da Jogo - Página 23

Os documentos completos de cada Cúpula de Discussão, podem ser consultados diratamente no site www.spellfiire.org, na seção
Regras Oficiais.

Abaixo constam somente o extrato das decisões ocorridas nas reuniões da Cúpulas BSW que implicaram mudança nas regras do jogo.

Na hipótese de atualização das resoluções de Cúpulas antigas em reuniões posteriores, serão postadas abaixo apenas as suas
versões mais recentes.


The Fates e Sure Things: Podem ser usadas no mesmo deck, porém uma não se beneficia do poder da outra

Runes of Future: Deverá ir para o abismo após seu uso.

Cartas uma vez por turno: Uma mesma carta só poderá ser usada uma vez por turno, mesmo que retorne ao jogo.

Bag of Holding: Não pode descartar a si mesma para ter seu poder.

The Forest Oracle: Foi tornado uma carta counter, podendo usar seu poder a qualquer momento


4º Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire – Vitória/ES
- Desintegrar, Cataclisma e Psionic Disintegration (73/DU): não poderão afetar reinos destruídos (virados). Seu efeito somente
funcionará em reinos inteiros/construídos (unrazed). Para efeito de "destruir", compreendemos que o termo "destroy" ou "destroyed"
(destruir, destruído) equivale a "raze" (arrazar), portanto, a palavra destruir, expressa nessas cartas, cumpre o requisito de arrasar
quando for necessário. Revogado pela Cúpula BSW 2016

- Enter Darkness Together (10/25 DU): Ela pode ser defletida, o que faz com que o jogador de EDT, caso ainda queira cancelar o
evento/feitiço, precise rasgar a própria EDT para fazê-lo. Ex: Jogador A lança Cataclisma, jogador B lança EDT, jogador A usa
Deflection, se o jogador B quiser que o Cataclisma ainda seja cancelado terá que rasgar o EDT para fazê-lo surtir efeito.

- The Azure Tower of the Onad Fallen (24/100 DU): Esta Dungeon deixa seus eventos benéficos imunes de serem cancelados ou

- Spell-Turning: Caso utilizado em um feitiço que não afete o lançador (campeão) a exemplo de Desintegrar, ao retornar para o
lançador original não trará qualquer efeito e simplesmente se dissipará.

- Antimagic Cloud: Esta carta NÃO nega o ÍCONE de campeões, ou seja, não inabilita o campeão de ser mago, clérigo, regente,
ladrão, etc...

- Chernevik (347/500 4th): Caso receba o efeito de uma Con Game (82/100 DU), Chernevik vai para a pilha a ser dividida e caso
esteja no lado a ser descartado ele voltará ao seu poço e não será descartado. Cartas anexas a ele vão para o descarte normalmente.

- Unusually Good Fortune (11/25 FR): Pode ser lançada sobre Good Fortune quando Azure Towers the Onad Fallen estiver em jogo,

- Estate Transference (437/440 1ª ed): Se retornado, o jogador que a lançou tem um de seus reinos e seu campeão lançador
enviados para o abismo.
Se Estate é retornada (spell-turning, re-target, etc), independente de seu lançador disperse ou reflita novamente, seu lançador é
enviado para o abismo. O lançador é enviado para o abismo ao final do efeito de Estate Transference, ou seja, ele ainda pode ser
usado para usar um Dispersar Magia se necessário. Caso o lançador seja imune a feitiços ofensivos ele não é enviado para o abismo.
Ex: Pelath lança Estate no jogador B, jogador B usa Re-target, Pelath é enviado para os abismo mesmo que seu possuidor cancele ou
reflita novamente o Estate. Revogado pela Cúpula BSW 2015.

- Weasel Attack (428-1st): Quando defletido o usuário de Deflection escolhe outro jogador a ser atacado e receber os efeitos do evento
maléfico. O usuário de Weasel que fará todas as ações contra si mesmo, caso seja ele o escolhido. Quem utilizou o Weasel pode
realizar novos ataques ainda neste turno.
Se copiado Weasel o jogador pode guardar a cópia somente até seu próximo turno e será obrigado a utilizá-lo.

- Quill Pen of the Planes: Mesmo que o Quill Pen seja descartada por efeito de uma magia, carta de poder psiônico ou poder de
campeão psiônico, seu possuidor pode copiar e usar o poder da cópia antes de ser descartado.

- Necba the Wrathmaker: Se o jogador possuidor do mesmo não tiver reinos a serem atacados, seu adversário ao final do seu turno
deverá descartar o campeão de maior nível e o dono do Necba deverá descartá-lo também no mesmo instante. Revogado pela Cúpula
BSW 2015.

- Combo Renovação + Serenidade + Hijacking: Este não é permitido, pois não se pode dar duas respostas para uma mesma carta

Pesquisa Brasil e Cúpulas - Página 24

- Cartas anexas ao campeão: São consideradas partes do campeão, logo, conservam suas imunidades.

- Poder de campeão uma vez por turno: Poder de campeão que faça com que ele seja retirado do poço ou mão pelo seu possuidor
para realizar um efeito, só poderá utilizar seu poder uma vez por turno, mesmo que o mesmo retorne ao jogo, a exemplo de Gib Kcir e
Gatekeeper. Eles ainda podem utilizar de seu ícone para lançar cartas.

- Foram tornadas cartas Counter-effects e Just-cast: Wyrm's Decree (19/100 DR), The Boss Wants a Cut (21/100NS) e Nullification
(35/100 PO), portanto podem ser utilizadas a qualquer momento para obter os efeitos descritos nelas.


5º Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire - Belo Horizonte/MG
- Verificar a pilha de descarte oponente: Só é permitido verificar a pilha de descarte oponente se o jogador tiver uma carta que lhe
dê esta opção, não necessariamente para usar o poder da carta;

- Turnos extras seguidos: Não é possível usar dois turnos extras seguidos ou intermediados por seu turno normal, em resumo não é
permitido ter 3 turnos seguidos.

- Uso Imediato: Se uma carta não diz expressamente que seu uso é imediato durante a batalha, por uma regra geral ela deve ter de
uso imediato;

- Mastter Illithid (DU 53): Este aliado pode pegar cartas oponentes mesmo se estiver vencendo;

- Skull Tumor (DU 49): Os campeões anexados nele não podem ser usados para baixar Avatar;

- Cartas que chequem a pilha de saque e colocam cartas em cima, devem embaralhar as cartas restantes;

- Alvo Válido: Se é lançado ou rebatido em um jogador cartas que ele mesmo escolhe o alvo, este deve escolher um alvo válido para
receber seus efeitos ele não pode escolher alvos imunes;

- Celestial Emperor (DR 43): Fornece seu poder a si mesmo;

- Orcus (NS 44): Adiciona nível a si mesmo, porém ele só fornece nível para campeões e não para aliados, por que ele adiciona ao
nível base e aliados não tem nível base;

- Lareth, King of Justice (DR 31): Ele não é Imune ao poder de campeões psiônicos;

- Ethereal Champion (4th 508): Ele não é Imune ao poder de campeões psiônicos quando no poço;

- Turnos Extras: Qualquer turno extra concedido por Caravana/Ancient Kalidnay não é considerado turno normal, portanto qualquer
carta que seja utilizada uma vez por turno não pode ser usada no mesmo;

- Final do Turno: Deve ser considerado passo 5 como o fim do turno, passo 6 é somente para passar o turno;

- Ativação no fim do Turno: Deve haver ordem de ativação no passo 5, de mesmo modo como em batalha;

- Aliados Triumvirates: São como cartas geradas, do tipo ícone Aliados, eles sofrem as mesmas conseqüências de qualquer carta
anexada ao campeão, ou seja, podem trocar de lado, ser descartados, enviadas ou limbo, abismo, etc;

- Earthquake: Os campeões envolvidos na batalha também são descartados;

- Defensor Imobilizado: Não é possível se escolher um defensor que esteja impossibilitado de defender; Ex: Trapped, Pavor, Stryck

- Wish: Mesmo um campeão imune a Wish deve ficar paralisado após usar esta magia;

- Deflection (4th 137): Não dá o direito do jogador usar o poder da carta defletida, ele somente escolhe o jogador alvo, e este escolhe
um alvo válido para sofrer os efeitos da carta.
Texto revisto pela Cúpula BSW 2013: Se Espionage (BR 18) é defletida, seu poder é perdido caso seja defletida para o jogador
original, pois é expresso no texto que deve ser outro jogador a receber seus efeitos e não seu lançador, se defletida para outro jogador
o lançador original usará o poder no alvo escolhido.

- Montagem de Deck: A partir desta Cúpula de Discussão, em todos os decks de campeonatos deverá haver somente uma ou outra
das cartas citadas abaixo, não podendo haver as duas no mesmo deck:

 Avanil ou Boa Sorte

 Ancient Kalidnay ou Caravana
 Templo da Maldade Elemental ou Hurricane

- Foram tornadas cartas Counter-effects e Just-cast: Blight (BR 51), Invulnerability (BR 45) e
Dark Negation (PO 37) – Se usado em cartas que são enviadas para abismo, limbo ou void, as mesmas devem ir para o descarte. Se
usado em cartas que são destruídas, descartadas ou saem de jogo, estas ainda precisam cumprir seu pré-requisito ou conseqüência

Pesquisa Brasil e Cúpulas - Página 25

se necessário. (Ex: Avanil, Ancient Kalidnay, Helm, Kogunard, etc). Se a carta afetada retornar ao jogo ela poderá ter seu poder


6º Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire – Curitiba/PR
- Lady of Fate, Avatar of Istus (42 PO): Poderá ter seu poder tanto no ataque quanto na defesa;

- Aliados fornecidos por reinos Triumvirates: Não entrarão automaticamente em batalha, devendo ser anexados somente se forem

- Imunidade de Campeão durante a Batalha: Cartas ofensivas lançadas pelo campeão em batalha, que afetem poço, pilha de saque,
descarte ou mão, se o campeão oponente for imune NÃO podem ter efeito;

- Aliados usados como eventos: (Write Weird / Crime Lord / Indios Terenas, entre outros possíveis): Serão enviados para o descarte
normalmente após serem usados como eventos;

- Cartas que devem ser consideradas anexadas ao campeão durante a batalha: itens mágicos, artefatos, aliados e cartas que
sejam lançadas ou usadas e fiquem em jogo (Ex.: magia, carta de poder psiônico, habilidades de ladrão, de sangue, etc) cartas que
sejam usadas durante a batalha e não fiquem em jogo, não são consideradas anexas ao campeão; (ROC 6 – 2011)

- Limite de saques entre turnos: Não deverá haver limite de saques entre turnos;

- Olhar dígito sem pilha de saque: Cartas que olham o dígito, se não houver pilha de saque estas não terão poder.

- Ataque de Nadadores: Nadadores poderão atacar qualquer reino que tenha rios ou mar. Revogado pela Cúpula BSW 2016

- Lançamento de cartas durante a batalha: Qualquer carta anytime poderá ser lançada por campeões durante a batalha, estando no
poço ou em combate, desde que possa lançar a mesma;

- Cópia de Poder: Somente o poder real de uma carta é copiado, raças e habilidade de movimento não são copiados. Nomes e
características do ícone expressos no texto são considerados partes explicativas, não fornecendo a carta que copia suas habilidades e
não obrigando o jogador a cumprir suas exigências;

- Turno Extra 1: Cartas que tem efeito uma vez por turno, mas, que não estão expressos em seu texto o mesmo, NÃO poderão ser
usados no turno extra, mesmo que tenham sido baixadas durante o turno extra. Exemplo: Tyr, Necba, Marco Volo, Hetman, Pelath,
Remnis, Taxation, entre outras;

- Turno Extra 2: Cartas que foram usadas no turno normal e saíram do jogo, se retornarem, NÃO poderão ser usadas no turno extra.
Ex: bloods abilities, Gib Kcir, cartas retornadas com Remnis, entre outras;

- Labyrinth of Castle GreyHawk (06 DU): Protege os reinos deste jogador de serem descartados também para o abismo fora de

- Ancient Arms of Furyondy - 146/3rd: Foi tornada Counter-effect, portanto pode ser baixada a qualquer momento para obter seu
poder de refletir eventos maléficos e feitiços ofensivos para qualquer reino em jogo a escolha de seu possuidor. Esta carta só afeta
eventos e feitiços lançados contra os reinos;


7º Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire – Rio de Janeiro/RJ
- BAG OF HOLDING (28/AR): Toda e qualquer carta que estiver no poço do jogador, pode ser descartada por Bag of Holding, inclusive
aquelas que pertencem a outros jogadores, desde que essas últimas estejam sobre o controle daquele jogador, como, por exemplo,
um campeão roubado pelo evento Curse of Azure Bonds (4/FR) ou pelo evento Tyranthraxus, The Possessing Spirit (55/RR).

- RESTRIÇÕES DE REINO: Deve ser considerada restrição de reino qualquer poder especial que dificulte o ataque, sem distinção
entre restrições de movimento (voador, nadador e cavador), de classe (mago, clérigo, herói, etc.), de raça (gigantes, mortos-vivos.
etc.) ou qualquer outra. As restrições de reinos devem ser tratadas como parte do poder do reino, sem qualquer distinção de raça ou
classe, podendo ser copiadas ou negadas normalmente. Restrições de reinos não são classificadas como ofensivas ou defensivas.

- ARTEFATOS QUE ANEXAM A REINOS: Todos os poderes dos artefatos anexos a reinos só funcionam quando o reino em anexo é

- CARTAS USADAS “UMA VEZ POR TURNO”: Poderes de cartas usadas uma vez por turno que impliquem uma ação repetitiva
precisam ser ativadas pelo jogador a cada turno ou seu uso é perdido, a exemplo de Horned Society (117/3rd edition), Necba (14/DU
Chase), Johydess Mask, Staf of Mimicry, etc.

- IMUNIDADES DE REINOS: Imunidades de reinos funcionam para as cartas a ele anexadas, assim como as imunidades dos

- ATIVAÇÃO PARA USO DE PODER DE CARTAS: Somente cartas que indicam uma escolha (cartas que possuam os verbos can ou
may ou textos semelhantes) tem uso facultativo. Nas demais, o uso é obrigatório.

Pesquisa Brasil e Cúpulas - Página 26

- CAMPEÕES QUE VOLTAM PARA O POÇO DERROTADOS: Campeões cujo poder permite que, ao serem derrotados, voltem ao
poço ao invés de serem descartados, como Seluna Darkenstar (20/PW) e Minerva (333/4th edition), retornam com seus itens
anexados, desde que não haja nenhuma ressalva no texto da carta. Campeões que são descartados durante a batalha (Wish,
Mindkiller, etc), NÃO podem usar seu poder de retornar derrotados ao poço estes perdem a chance de usar o seu poder e são
descartados normalmente (Seluna Darkenstar, Minerva, etc.)

- TURNOS SEM REINOS: Se um jogador não tiver reinos inteiros ou destruídos após o passo 2, ele automaticamente vai para o passo
4, não podendo realizar nenhuma ação de passo 3.

- DESCARTE DE CARTAS: O descarte voluntário de CHERNEVIK (347/4th edition) ou de qualquer outra é possível para a ativação do
poder especial da própria carta ou de uma outra que aquele jogador possua ou controle.

- WISH (384/4th edition): Pode descartar qualquer carta independente de imunidades e poderes especiais, incluindo Chernevik.
Excetua-se a regra quando a imunidade é declarada a carta Wish.

- A ORDEM DE ATIVAÇÃO DAS CARTAS NO PASSO 4: NÃO deve ser aplicada às demais etapas do turno, excetua-se quando
houver regra específica para aquela etapa.

- Cartas cujo poder especial é ativado como resultado de um combate: como Amaril (280/4th edition) e Pergaminho de Acesso a
Outros Mundos (191/portuguese edition), deve respeitar a ordem de ativação das cartas no passo 4.

- UNARMED COMBAT CARDS: Quando não especificado o tipo de campeão no texto da carta, as unarmed combat cards devem ser
usadas por Heróis.

- VITÓRIA AUTOMÁTICA: A ordem de ativação prevalece sobre a vitória automática, permitindo que campeões como Gib Irod (21/NS
Chase) e Lyr of the Mists (23/PO) ativem seu poder normalmente quando atacando e em batalha contra campeões Instant Win.

- CARTAS USADAS PARA EVITAR VITÓRIA AUTOMÁTICA: Cartas que neguem o poder de campeão ou deixem o campeão ou
jogador imune ao poder do campeão Instant Win, como Blessing of Bahamut (58/DC) e Control Wind (74/PO), entre outras, podem ser
usadas para evitar vitória automática, seguindo a regra abaixo:

Any time an instant-win due to champion powers is indicated during combat (phase 4), the player about to suffer the defeat
gains the opportunity to play a single card in an effort to avoid defeat. It makes no difference who is winning or losing.
Revogada pela Cúpula BSW 2016

- NEGAR PODER DE CAMPEÃO: Cartas que negam poderes de campeão, NÃO afetam suas características de raça, movimento
(voador, nadador, cavador, elfo, awnshegh, morto-vivo) ou sua habilidade de lançar cartas inerentes a sua classe (magos e clérigos
deixam de lançar feitiços, psiônicos, etc.)

- NEGAR PODER DE REINO: Cartas que negam poderes de reino também negam suas restrições caso isso NÃO seja especificado
na carta

- RE-TARGET (389/4th edition): Quando usado em feitiços defensivos, o jogador toma posse da carta afetada pelo Re-target usando
da maneira como preferir, inclusive nas próprias cartas. Pode ser jogado para rebater um feitiço defensivo para o mesmo alvo
escolhido pelo lançador original (Re-target em Hallucinatory Terrain [42/FR] para escolher copiar a mesma fortaleza, beneficiando o
lançador do Re-Target).

- Literalidade da condição: Para que o poder de uma carta condicionado a alguma circunstância ocorra, essa circunstância não
necessita ocorrer literalmente, pois o poder de uma outra carta pode amenizar a circunstância. Caso o Throne of Mountain God esteja
em jogo, Gib Kcir pode ser enviado para o Limbo para enviar uma carta não-reino para o Limbo, ou Runes of Future pode usar seu
poder mesmo que Manshoon of the Zhentarim use seu poder para permanecer no poço.

- Pré-requisito x conseqüência: Apesar da diferença de grafia, ambos devem ser tratados da mesma maneira em jogo. Tanto Mask
como Portinari podem se beneficiar do poder de Mintarn (3/NS) para não ir para o Abismo.

- TANTELEAR (9/PO Chase): Tantelear não pode copiar o poder do campeão a ele anexo.

- DRAGON'S CALM (47/DN): Ele funciona da mesma maneira que o evento Serenidade (400/portuguese edition), afastando os efeitos
de um evento maléfico para o jogador lançador da carta.

- THE SPHINX (43/4TH EDITION) Seu uso é entre o passo 3 do turno do possuidor do reino e o passo 3 de seu próximo turno,
podendo o poder da carta ser usado durante o turno de outro jogador.

- QUILL PEN OF THE PLANES (8/PO): Pode copiar o poder de campeões psiônicos de qualquer jogador, inclusive os seus, podendo
copiar o poder de campeão psiônico a qualquer momento, mesmo se ele não tiver usado.

- TOUCH OF DECAY (41/BR): Se utilizado em um jogador com Herald of Mei Lung (54/NS) o possuidor fica imune somente a retirar
cartas de sua mão, o jogador da Blood pode descartar um item mágico ou artefato do poço.

- DISINTEGRATE (393/2ª ed), CATACLYSM! (119/4ª ed) E PSIONIC DISINTEGRATION (73/DU): Devem continuar sendo usados
somente em reinos inteiros, pois o entendimento de que destroy, em termos de jogo, é sinônimo de raze deve permanecer o mesmo
(vide Cúpula BSW 2008). Revogado pela Cúpula BSW 2016

- USO DOS BOOSTERS ONLINE: O uso dos boosters online em torneios oficiais deverá ser restrito às impressões oficiais da Liga

Pesquisa Brasil e Cúpulas - Página 27

9º Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire – Rio de Janeiro/RJ
- Poderes de campeões psiônicos devem ser tratados como qualquer outro tipo de campeão, não existindo mais a partir desta
cúpula a definição de Ofensivo ou Defensivo para seus poderes. Como todas as outras classes o poder deles será definido por afetar
ou não ao adversário.

- Cartas que afetem ao oponente que estejam baixadas em um poço encoberto, o jogador possuidor NÃO precisa avisar da presença
desta carta ao adversário. Ex.: Necba [14/DU Chase], Rings of All-Seeing [171/4th edition], etc.)

-Qualquer carta usada uma vez por turno (once per turn) deve ser ativada no passo 3 do turno do jogador, com exceção quando o
passo ou maneira de utilização, estiver especificado no texto ou regra da carta.

- ELEMENTAL SWARM (52/UD) – O modo de sua utilização seguirá a regra presente no Spellfire Reference Guide 2, que estabelece
que TODAS as cartas individualmente, cujos ícones sejam inferiores à metade do nível ajustado do campeão lançador devam ser

(...) The Elemental Swarm then sweeps through one player's pool causing all champions, allies, magical items,
and artifacts with a level bonus less than or equal to the spell's to be discarded.
(Spellfire Reference Guide 2, p. 306)

- Cartas Canceladas: Quando uma carta suporte, evento, etc é cancelada, o custo ou consequência do seu uso/lançamento devem
ser cumpridos. Com exceção quando a maneira de utilização estiver especificada no texto ou regra da carta. (Ex.: Wish, Estate
Transference, Desintegrar, Sabotador Suicida.etc.)

-Cartas que encerram automaticamente uma batalha, porém que não sejam expressas em seu texto que são cartas de vitória
automática (Wish, Mind Killer, Tyranthraxus, Cataclsym, etc...), devem ser consideradas cartas de vitória automática, quando usadas
em batalha.

-Cartas que possuam o termo “oponente” em seu texto, quando refletidas, tem seu efeito normal no lançador original
(ConGame/Rebater – Espionage/Deflection, etc.)

- BUMBLING IDIOT [MI-BR/1] - Este aliado quando jogado em um campeão no poço, deve permanecer em jogo somente até o round
de batalha terminar.

- INDIANARA, A PRINCESA INDÍGENA [111/ML] - Quando a pilha de saque do jogador que vai comprar cartas extras não possui a
quantidade total de cartas a serem sacadas, a exemplo de Boa Sorte em que a pilha de saque só tem 3 cartas, O jogador deve
descartar a quantidade total de cartas descridas no texto da carta que originou o poder de saque, independente de quantas existirem
na pilha de saque.

- VITÓRIA AUTOMÁTICA – Regra de vitória automática utilizada para campeões, não deve ser utilizada para outro tipos de cartas de
vitória automática.

- PROTEÇÃO DO CAIPORA (86/ML) - A restrição imposta a cartas DEFENSIVAS e BENÉFICAS pela regra deve ser retirada.

- USO DE CAMPEÂO DUAS VEZES EM UM MESMO PASSO 4 (uma como atacante/defensor e outra como aliado) – devem
permanecer como na regra não podendo ser utilizado duas vezes em uma mesma batalha.

- GIB RECNEPS (Promo BSW 15) – A texto original da carta foi revalidado, impedindo que qualquer carta que gere cartas extras
imediatamente ou posteriormente a sua entrada em jogo, estejam impedidas de ser jogadas ou baixadas. (Ex.: Gib Irod, Redbelt,
Avanil, Templo da Maldade Elemental, Bag of Holding, entre outras).


11º Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire – Rio de Janeiro/RJ
- Promos BSW Estrangeiras: As promos BSW criadas em campeonatos estrangeiros NÃO SERÃO ACEITAS nos campeonatos
brasileiros anuais da Liga BSW (Campeonato Brasileiro BSW – Individual ou de Duplas).

- Desafio aos corajosos – deck com menos chases: As promos BSW (inclusive dungeons) serão consideradas chase para fins de
determinação do vencedor do Desafio aos Corajosos – Deck com Menos Chases.

- Not So Fast (CHBR 20/20): Ao responder a uma tentativa do adversário de comprar cartas extras, reconstruir um reino ou jogar um
turno extra, Not So Fast afeta apenas a ação de comprar cartas extras, reconstruir um reino ou jogar um turno extra. Caso a carta
respondida tenha outros poderes, eles funcionam normalmente.
Ao responder uma das ações acima descritas, a fortaleza nega a ação afetada.
Not so Fast não pode afetar eventos protegidos pela dungeon Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen (24/DU).

- Bônus de Reino: O bônus de sinergia por atacar ou defender um reino de mesmo mundo do campeão escolhido deve ser adicionado
no início da batalha.

- Retorno do campão do Limbo: Via de regra, um campeão retorno da Limbo no final do passo 5 do próximo turno de seu
controlador, não podendo realizar ações durante esta etapa.

Pesquisa Brasil e Cúpulas - Página 28

- Marius (CHBR 4/20): Um campeão que seja derrotado por Marius não é colocado no poço de seu controlador se ele tiver sido
enviado para o Abismo, Limbo ou Void.

- Termo Combate: Cartas com o termo combate têm seu poder ativado quando o passo 4 inicia.

- Mastter Illithid (53/DU): O poder do aliado pode ser usado para roubar cartas antes da ativação de seus poderes.

- Matinta (118/ML): O primeira parte do poder desta carta (Ao enfrentar Matinta em combate o oponente deve doar uma carta usável a
ser utilizada por ela. Caso o oponente não coopere na doação, ele fica paralisado de medo, não poderá usar seu poder e habilidades
de seu ícone. A carta é embaralhada depois do combate.) é considerado do tipo Before Combate.

- Hero Slayer (50/DU): Este aliado pode ser jogado para negar uma carta de combate desarmado recém-jogada apenas durante o
passo 4.

- Termos attacking/defending player e attacking/defending champion em poderes de reino: Quando a carta onde aparecem não
deixa claro a que eles referem-se, os poderes de um reino só podem ser usados quando ele estiver sob ataque.

- Recife (Promo BSW 26): Devido ao grande potencial para criação de loops, seu poder deve ser usado apenas uma vez por partida,
de modo semelhante ao funcionamento do reino Ancient Kalidnay (97/AR).

- Rebater (74/ML): Rebater pode ser jogado mesmo sem um alvo válido, nos moldes de outros counters (Deflection, Contrafeitiço,

- Estate Transference (437/3rd ed): Quando refletida, porém dispersada pelo jogador original, o campeão que lançou o feitiço não
deve ir para o Abismo, revogando o que foi decidido na Cúpula BSW de 2008.

- Necba the Wrathmaker (14/DU): Se não houver reinos a serem atacados pelo jogador oponente, como quando o adversário só
possui reinos arrasados, Necba não deve ser descartado ao ativar o seu poder, revogando o que foi decidido na Cúpula BSW de 2008.

- Breshkll Logon (26/PO): Breshkll Logon é considerado dwarf (mul).

- The Lost Caverns of Tsojcant (3/RR): É considerado um reino de Underdark.

- Mur-Kilad (8/BR): É considerado um reino de Underdark.

- Baruk-Azhik (9/BR): É considerado um reino de Underdark.


12º Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire – Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Uso de cartas impressas: O uso de cartas criadas pela Liga BSW impressas em casa deve ser permitido em campeonatos oficiais da
Liga BSW.

Impressão das Promos BSW: a partir de 2016, as promos BSW deverão ser impressas em português ou inglês, à escolha do
participante do Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire, devendo ser impressas apenas em quantidade suficiente para atender aos
participantes do evento e encomendas anteriores à sua realização, passando a ser permitido aos jogadores utilizar impressões
caseiras destas cartas para uso em campeonatos oficiais.

Prêmio aos Corajosos – Menos Chases: para disputar a referida premiação, a quantidade de promos e chases em um baralho passa
a ser de 11 cartas (20% do baralho).

Necba the Wrathmaker (14/DU chase): o poder do Necba NÃO é ativado quando todos os reinos do adversário estiverem arrasados
ou então quando ele não tenha reinos, arrasados ou construídos, em sua formação.

Pinguela (28/ML): quando o reino do adversário afetado pela poder da fortaleza for arrasado, o poder da fortaleza é perdido, mesmo
que o reino seja reconstruído posteriormente.
A fortaleza NÃO contorna as restrições de ataque impostas pelos reinos afetados por seu poder.

Colossal Turtle (Promo BSW 28): em virtude da decisão da Cúpula BSW 2011, na qual, sem reinos na formação, o jogador não
poderia realizar ações de passo 3 em seu turno, quando os campeões de um jogador permanecem no poço em função do poder deste
monstro, aplica-se a Cúpula normalmente, e o jogador torna-se incapaz de realizar ações de passo 3 em seu turno até que jogue um
reino em sua formação.

Ancient Kalidnay (92/AR): é permitido ao último jogador do ciclo (em um torneio individual, o segundo jogador) arrasar Ancient
Kalidnay e jogar seu turno extra ainda no primeiro ciclo do jogo.

Heaven & Earth (18/MIBR): o usuário desta carta pode cancelar o poder de qualquer carta jogada por um campeão de nível base
inferior, ainda que ela não tenha qualquer poder no momento em que ela é jogada.

Reincarnate (33/FR): esta carta NÃO pode ser ativada descartando-se um campeão da mão do jogador.

Convocação (97/Port ed):

Pesquisa Brasil e Cúpulas - Página 29

O jogador deve examinar sua pilha de saque para saber qual aliado será convocado no momento em que o campeão for jogado, seja
no passo 3 ou no passo 4.
Se ele for jogado no passo 3, o aliado é convocado sempre que o campeão for escolhido como atacante ou defensor. Se ele for jogado
no passo 4, o aliado passa a ser convocado a partir da próxima vez em que o campeão for escolhido como atacante ou defensor.
O aliado convocado é sempre o mesmo, mesmo após a sua primeira utilização.
Se o aliado convocado não estiver mais na pilha de saque, o poder do campeão pode trazê-lo para a batalha, independentemente do
local onde ele esteja.
Após a sua convocação, o aliado é enviado à pilha de descartes.
O nível ajustado do campeão é o nível do aliado, desde que ele é escolhido.

Pawnmaster (16/COBR): o poder deste campeão pode ser ativado apenas durante o passo 3 do turno de seu controlador, conforme a
Cúpula BSW 2013, ao contrário do que ocorre com o poder de Vaerhirmana, por exemplo, que possui uma complementação de
significado no próprio poder da carta.

Efeito de Redirecionamento de Saque de Cartas Extras: quando o saque de cartas extras é redirecionado para outro jogador pelo
uso de cartas como Hijacking e Frevo, a carta que provocou a mudança não passa a ser considerada a fonte das cartas extras,
funcionando de forma análoga a Deflection e Re-Target, não podendo ser afetada pelo aliado Block Golem ou pela fortaleza Not So

Drake: quando o poder deste aliado é usado para prevenir que um campeão dragão seja descartado, as cartas anexadas permanecem
com o campeão afetado.

Not So Fast (CHBR 20/20): devido à enorme dificuldade em oferecer uma resposta ao poder desta carta, seu poder deve ser ativado
apenas se ela for descartada da formação.

Regra do Protetor: visando compensar a vantagem que um jogador possui ao ser o primeiro a jogar durante um duelo, a Regra do
Protetor deve ser aplicada apenas ao primeiro jogador, de forma que o jogo termine caso o segundo jogador coloque o sexto reino
construído em sua formação.

King’s Peace (Promo BSW 24): devido à enorme proteção conferida por esta carta, seu poder fica restrito aos eventos maléficos
jogados por jogadores oponentes.

Desintegrar (392/2nd ed), Cataclysm! (119/4th ed) e Psionic Disintegration (73/DU): o termo destroy/destruir NÃO deve continuar
sendo entendido como sinônimo de arrasar, mas sim de DESCARTAR, de forma que as cartas acima (e outras que contenham o
referido verbo) passem a afetar reinos arrasados.

Unusually Good Fortune (11/FR chase): quando jogada em resposta ao evento Boa Sorte, a ação provocada por Unusually Good
Fortune é classificada como deflexão da compra de cartas, assim como Hijacking e Frevo, podendo portanto ser jogada mesmo contra
um jogador protegido pela dungeon The Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen.

Ataque a reinos com rios: com o lançamento de novas cartas e aumento da quantidade de campeões com o poder de movimentação
e/ou de burlar restrições de ataque, retorna-se ao entendimento original da expressão coastal realm/reino costeiro, proibindo o ataque
de reinos protegidos que contenham apenas rios por campeões nadadores.

Uso de Cartas que Negam o Poder de Campeões como Resposta à Vitória Automática: com o lançamento de novas cartas e o
aumento de cartas que evitam e/ou respondem uma vitória automática, como Arena of Dori the Barbarian (2/IQBR), Morte Renegada
(113/ML), Whirling Dervish (20/MIBR), entre outras, volta-se ao entendimento original sobre a regra abaixo, que permite que uma carta
seja jogada para evitar uma vitória automática quando ela for capaz de mudar as condições de vitória, NÃO se podendo mais jogar
cartas que negam o poder do campeão adversáro.

Caso algum deles cause uma vitória automática, o adversário é derrotado, salvo se puder jogar uma carta (qualquer uma, mesmo que
não seja anytime) que possa mudar a condição de vitória (ex.: Monstro x Adorável Coleen - para evitar uma derrota, o jogador do
monstro poderia usar um Chest of Many Things para mudar o tipo do campeão).

Year of Plenty (98/AR): tornado carta-resposta, podendo ser jogado para negar um evento, evitando que outros sejam jogados até o
fim do próximo turno deste jogador.

Ashathra (225/4th ed): o poder desta carta NÃO é considerado carta-resposta.

Caos do Tempo (71/ML): passa a ser considerado um evento benéfico.

Awnshegh: apesar de sua origem no universo Birthright/Dungeons and Dragons, as cartas awnshegh NÃO são capazes de usar
habilidades de sangue se isto não estiver escrito em seu texto.

Pesquisa Brasil e Cúpulas - Página 30

SPELLFIRE® Reference Guide
Volume II Errata - Version 1.1

The vast number of cards in the SPELLFIRE game can sometimes cause even the most dedicated game designer to make an error when
detailing a card’s powers. This document serves to correct such oversights, and it will be used in conjunction with the two Reference
Guides at sanctioned tournaments.

I’d like to thank John Danovich, Dori Hein, Kevin Melka, Brian Mikula, Bruce Nesmith, Bill Olmesdahl, and Jim Ward for all of their work
on helping make the SPELLFIRE game even more enjoyable!

If you see errors in this document (or even those that we’ve missed from the Reference Guide Volume II), please drop me an e-mail at
oracle@wizards.com so I can include them in any future errata release.


Don’t forget that the Tournament Rules (available on TSR’s web page at www.tsr.com) supersede the rules published in the Reference
Guide Volume II. Those rules are more comprehensive, since we didn’t have to worry about page counts and such for the electronic
release. Here is some other helpful advice on determining a card’s special power.

Base Level vs. Adjusted Level: Some cards have special powers that activate based on the level of the opposing champion. If a
card’s special power refers to a “champion’s level,” it normally means the champion’s adjusted level. If a card’s power refers to a
champion’s base level, it normally states so on the card, though there are exceptions.
For example, the Living Wall’s power doesn’t state base level, so some players take that to mean that his power works against the
adjusted level of the champion. But his power is base level, because he couldn’t be defeated in combat otherwise. A good rule to follow
in all cases is that if a card’s power seems unstoppable, you’re probably looking at it in the wrong way.
Some champions and allies can change their “base” levels as well. Any time a card states that it can “become” a larger level, consider
that its base level (the number printed in the icon) has increased.

Spells and powers before Combat: A spell, blood ability, thief skill, psionic power card, or unarmed combat card played in phase 3
that has a stated duration retains that bonus when it enters combat.

Spells in Combat: Most phase 4 spells can only be cast against the champion opposing your champion in that round of combat. Some
spells, however, can be cast from combat into the pool of another player. Examples include cards like the Death Spell, Slay Living, and
Cone of Cold.
When determining whether a spell can be cast from combat into the pool, look at the wording on the card. If the wording refers to “the
opposing champion,” then that spell can’t be cast into the pool. If the card states things like “any champion” or “a champion,” then allow
the spell to affect a pool champion.
Note that a phase 4 spell cast at a target outside of the current round of battle doesn’t grant the casting champion any bonuses

Reflecting and Spell Turning: Spells that effect all players cannot be Spell Turned or Reflected, just like events that effect all players
cannot be Deflected.

Defeated versus Discarded: An attacking champion who is defeated is normally sent to the discard pile, but there are certain times
when a card’s special powers defeat a champion and send him back to his pool. Examples include cards like Rand the Bowyer and the
Storm Giant.
If an attacking champion is defeated but not discarded, that player’s turn moves into phase 5. He can no longer bring forward attacking
champions since he didn’t win the round of combat. Some cards, like Word of Recall (FR/37), allow the battle to continue, but in most
cases the battle is ended in a draw.

Phase 3 Cards With Lasting Effects: Cards played during phase 3 that grant a numerical bonus stay with that champion until the spell
effect or power ends. If no duration is stated, assume that the power ends at the end of the current turn.

Card Powers: A card only has its special powers when it is in play. A card in the hand or in Limbo has no power whatsoever (unless its
power specifically applies to being in Limbo or being in the hand). This means that Delsenora cannot be discarded from the hand to
negate an event; she must be in play first. Onad the Weasel can’t duplicate an event unless he is in play.

Note: Allies gained from the Triumvirate realms are considered to be separate allies

TSR grants permission to distribute this errata in paper and electronic form as long as it remains unchanged.


What is a Counter Card?: A counter card is defined as any card played or discarded from hand that cancels/negates one or more
effects of a just played card or that cancels/negates a just played card itself. In addition, counter cards ignore printed phase
requirements for being played/discarded from hand provided that the appropriate effect that they would counter has occured. Note that
allies must still be played into battle unless otherwise stated.

What about cards that are in play?: Any card that is already in play is subject to the "I'm in play first so I get to use my power first" rule
and is not considered a counter card, though its abilities may have one or more effects that are "counter card-like."
What about cards that redirect, replace, retarget or prevent an effect? Cards that redirect, replace, retarget or prevent the effect of
another card are normally not counter cards because they do not cancel/negate a card that is granting the effect. In these cases, the

SRG2 Errata/Counters - Página 31

card granting the effect is considered to have been played and resolved successfully, though the outcome of its effect is modified from
what the card intends.


Cancels a just-played thief skill and prevents the opposing champion
Alarm (85/NS) Thief Skills from using any more skills for this round of combat. (Off/4) Bluelined
useable at any time
Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes. This maneuver
Block (99/RR) Unarmed Combat counters any just-played offensive unarmed combat card, negating
its effect and sending it to the discard pile. (Def/4)
Can be played directly into the pool, but still considered as an ally.
Can be used in a future battle and, at the end of it, can absorb
Cartas que geram o saque de (Discard) a champion from any pool. Can be sent from the pool to the
Block Golem (Promo BSW 14)
cartas extras (exceto espólios) abyss to make a player reshuffle a just-used card that grant him any
number of extra cards to his draw pile, before the activation of it´s
Play this event to cancel a just-used psionic card or psionic ability or
Brain Drain (2/RR Chase) Psionics play on an opponent's pool to prevent the use of psionics by
champions until the end of this player's next turn. (Harmful)
Play any time to prevent a thief skill from taking effect. The champion
Busted! (3/NS Chase) Thief Skills
using the skill is immediately discarded. (Harmful)
This magical calm undoes the harmful effect of an event, but only for
Calm (400/3rd ed) Harmful Events
the player of this card. (Helpful)
Play to cancel the Caravan event card just after it is played. This
Caravan Raiders (38/PW) Caravan player may also randomly draw and discard one card from each
opponent's hand.
Usable by all champions. This unarmed combat card negates a just-
Counter (437/4th ed) Unarmed Combat
played unarmed combat card. (Def/4)

All Spells, Blood Abilities, Can be cast at any time to cancel the effects of an existing or just-
Dispel (400/4th ed)
Psionic Power Cards cast spell, blood ability, or psionic power card. (Def)

This spell may be cast at any time. This spell prevents a card from
being played (return it to the players hand). The card is considered
Dispel Illusion (83/IQ) Any card
to have been "not played", and cannot be played again until that
players next turn. (Off)

Can be cast at any time to cancel the effects of a just-cast spell or to

Dispel Magic (370/4th ed) All Spells
cancel an existing spell. (Def)

This spell can be cast at any time to negate the effects of a psionic
Dispel Psionics (17/RR Chase) Psionics power card or a psionicist's special power. Negated special powers
cannot be used again until the end of that player's next turn. (Def)
Play to instantly counter one unarmed combat card or ignore one
Dodge (12/RR Chase) Unarmed Combat opposing ally's special power. If played to counter an unarmed
combat card, this player draws two cards. (Helpful)

Castable only by dragon champions. Can be cast at any time to

Dragon's Calm (47/DR) Harmful Events
cancel the effects of a harmful event. (Def)

Play this card to cancel the effects of any just-played event or spell.
This event cannot be calmed, and it may only be negated by tearing
Enter Darkness Together (10/DU chase) All events and spells
up the card which this event was played on. If this happens, the
original event or spell works normally. (Harmful)
Play at any time to cancel a just played thief skill and send its user to
Entrapment (96/IQ) Thief Skills the discard pile. (def) Can be played during phase 3 or 5 to send
one thief champion to Limbo. (Off)

This holding may be discarded from either hand or formation to

Fortification: Bailey (85/4th ed) Wish, Limited Wish
cancel a wish or limited wish spell.

Any Card Played by a Usable only by heroes, adventurers or giants. It can be played at any
Heaven & Earth (18/MIBR) Champion of Lower Base time in response to any card played by a champion of lower base
Level. level. That card is negated and this player draws a card. (Def)
Giant. This ally negates a just played unarmed combat card or
Hero Slayer (50/DU) Unarmed Combat Cards
instantly slays an opposing hero of base level 4 or less.
Play on another player’s event card. If played on a helpful event,
Helpful Events & Unusually negate the event. If played on “Unusually Good Fortune”, negate the
Insanely Good Fortune (8/MIBR)
Good Fortune event. Both players then draw 6 cards, and the other player then
randomly discards his hand down to 2 cards. (Harmful)

Counters - Página 32
Can be cast at any time. This spell cancels the effects of any just-
Intercession (48/RR) All Events
played event card. (Off) (bluelined Def)
Playable at any time to cancel a just played thief skill. The player of
Law & Order (33/MI) Thief Skills the thief skill must discard one card from hand, pool, or formation for
each thief in his pool. (Def)
This spell can be cast at any time to negate the effects of any event
Limited Wish (382/4th ed) All Events
card. (Def)
May be attached at any time to a champion to absorb any blood
ability as it is played. The blood ability is then put under this card and
Mace of Blood Drain (8/CQBR) Blood Abilities
its bonus is added to the mace. When in play still absorbing any
blood ability played against this champion. (Def)

Can be played at any time to negate all spells in play, including a just
Magic Draining Field (74/DU) All Spells cast spell. No more spells may be cast until the end of this player's
next turn. (Def)

This champion may be sent to the Void from pool or hand to stop any
Events or Spells that Raze or
Mij Reltub, the Spellfire Oracle (14/IQ) event or spell that razes or discards realms. The card stopped is
Discard Realms
also put into the Void.
This card cannont be included in a deck that includes The Caravan
Opponent's attempt to draw
or Good Fortune. May be discarded from hand or formation when an
extra cards (other than spoils),
Not So Fast (20/CHBR) opponent attempts to draw extra cards (other than spoils), rebuild a
rebuild a realm, or attempts to
realm, or attempts to take an extra turn. If discarded in this manner,
take an extra turn.
counter that action.
This magic item may be discarded from the hand or pool to cancel a
Ogre's Horned Helm (67/IQ) Counter Effect Cards just played counter effect card. This power even works on Enter
Darkness Together, but then it goes to the abyss. (def)

Passwall (388/3rd ed) Wall Spells Negates any wall spell. (Def/4)

Phase Door (20/FR chase) Wall Spells Negates any wall spell.

Can be cast at any time to negate a thief skill. If used on a just

Repentance (75/IQ) Thief Skills played thief skill, the thief attempting to use the skill is discarded.
Usable only by non-spell casting champions. This maneuver disrupts
Spells, Blood Abilities, Psionic
Slap! (19/IQBR) the concentration of any champion, canceling the effects of a just
Powers, or Thief Skills
played spell, blood ability, psionic power, or thief skill.
Can be discarded from combat or hand to cancel a just played thief
Solrac (18/MI) Thief skills or blood abilities
skill or blood ability.
May be cast at any time to counter any just played unarmed combat
Stoneskin (71/IQ) Unarmed Combat card, and makes the champion immune to unarmed combat cards for
the duration of that combat round.

Use this power at any time to cancel an offensive psionic power card
Synaptic Static (71/DR) Psionics
when it is first played. (Off)

If an Underdark realm is played adjacent to this realm in the player's

The Dispossessed (7/TU Chase) Spell or Psionic Power formation, he may discard an ally from his hand at any time to cancel
any spell or psionic power card.
All spells in play are dispelled, including a just-cast spell, and all
The Genie Bottle (436/1st ed) Only if used to Counter a Spell holdings and rule cards are removed from play. Can be Calmed by
individual players but cannot be canceled. (Harmful)
Usable by any champion. Sends one of the opposing champion's
Trip (97/MI) Opposing Champion's Allies allies to the discard pile, regardless of immunities and before its
powers activate. (Off 4)
Blood ability. This champion is immune to the effects of offensive
psionic power cards and the special powers of psionicists. Play
Unreadable Thoughts (42/BR) Psionic Powers
anytime to negate the effects of any just played psionic power card.
(Off/3/4) (Bluelined Def)
Played on another player's event card, this player draws 3 cards. If
Unusually Good Fortune (11/FR Chase) Good Fortune played upon 'Good Fortune,' this player draws 5 cards and the other
player draws none.
Usable by any Champion. The using champion ignores any instant
Instant Defeat in Combat by
Whirling Dervish (20/MIBR) defeat conditions and must be defeated by level alone. May be
any Reason
played as a counter to an instant defeat. (Def/4)
Todas as cartas que Until this player's next turn, cards cannot be drawn by another player
Wyrm's Decree (19/DR)
descartem cartas da mão e da from your draw deck, discard pile, or hand, and opposing players
(Cúpula BSW 2008)
pilha de saque cannot force you to draw or discard cards.

Counters - Página 33
Until the end of this player’s next turn, all realms, holdings, and
The Boss Wants a Cut (21/NS) Reinos, fortalezas e artefatos artifacts that give another player extra cards are instead given to the
(Cúpula BSW 2008) que gerem cartas extras event player. (drawn from this player’s draw pile) This event cannot
be copied or negated. (Harmful)
Nullification (35/PW) All spells in play must be discarded. No more can be cast until this
Qualquer feitiço
(Cúpula BSW 2008) player's next turn, including Limited Wish. (Harmful)

Blight (51/BR) Reinos, artefatos e fortalezas All realms, artifacts and holdings that grant extra cards are negated
(Cúpula BSW 2009) que gerem cartas extras while this spell is in play, which lasts until dispelled. (Off/3)

Dark Negation (37/PW) Negates the special power of one champion or one realm (this
Campeões e reinos
(Cúpula BSW 2009) player's choice) until the end of this player's next turn. (Harmful)
Blood ability. This champion ignores the special powers of offensive
Invulnerability (45/BR)
Habilidades de Sangue magical items of less than +4 enchantment or cancels one offensive
(Cúpula BSW 2009)
blood ability card. (Def/4)
This player's realms that show trees are protected from being razed
The Forest Oracle (24/TU) Eventos e feitiços que arrasem
or destroyed by spells and events until the end of his next turn.
(Pesquisa Brasil 2010) ou descartem reinos
Ancient Arms of Furyondy (146/3rd ed) The attached realm deflects all offensive spells and harmful events
Eventos e feitiços
(Cúpula BSW 2010) directed at it to any other realm of the player's choice.

Year of Plenty (98/AR) No events can be played, including Calm, until the end of this
(Cúpula BSW 2016) player's next turn. (Harmful)

Counters - Página 34
The Legendary Artifact
GenCon Promo #1
This artifact can be attached to any champion, and increases his level to 10. Limit one per deck.

Geneva Conclave
GenCon Promo #2
This holding can be attached to any realm. The realm can cast any spell and is never affected by events. Limit one per deck.

The Wardmeister Strategy

GenCon Promo #3
When played at the start of another player's turn, this event eliminates either phase 3 or phase 4 (chosen by the event player) of the
current player's turn. Limit one per deck.

Let Slip the Dogs of War!

GenCon Promo #4
When this Event is played all players place their card hands on the table and shift seats one place right or left (event players choice)
and play resumes with cards found at that seat. Immune to Calm, Delsonora and Dragon Calm.


(tecla CTRL precionada)


PROMO BSW 1 - Ano: 2007

Nome: Lucal, the Giant’s Abiss

Referencia: Promo 1/2007
Quantidade Fabricada: 10 unidades
Ícone/Características: Campeão Psiônico de nível 9 do mundo de Durk Sun.

História: Luiz Cláudio, também chamado Lucal, foi o campeão do 1º Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire, organizado por membros da
Liga BSW em 01 de julho de 2006, na cidade de São Paulo/SP.

Resumo Campeão: Formado em Design de Projeto de Produto, casado, com 1,93m, aos 29 anos partiu com um conterrâneo de
Vitória/ES, para 14 horas de viagem, indo competir no campeonato Brasileiro. Com o objetivo de vencer duas partidas, teve sorte
quando por uma única vitória de 2x0, na primeira fase, passou para a fase final como o lanterninha. Com um deck sem as cartas mais

Cartas Promo - Página 35

raras, contando com uma tática própria, um combo de blood abilities e sorte, venceu os 3 jogadores seguintes e se tornou o primeiro
campeão Brasileiro dos torneios da Liga BSW.

Personagem: Psiônico nascido em DarkSun, utiliza seus machados para efetivar seus ataques, tem 7 metros de altura

Imagem: Fotomontagem do próprio Lucal segurando dois machados.

Texto: Giant. Earthwalker. Can cast wizard spells. Lucal can be placed to abyss to send any card from any abyss to the void as

Tradução: Lucal o Gigante do Abismo.

Gigante. Cavador. Pode lançar feitiços de mago. Lucal pode ser enviado para o Abismo para mandar qualquer carta de qualquer
Abismo para fora do jogo (Void).

Regra: Lucal pode ser enviado para o abismo a qualquer momento do jogo. A carta escolhida pode ser qualquer uma que esteja no
abismo, tanto do jogador quanto do oponente. Lucal é um “Celestial Warrior”.

PROMO BSW 2 - Ano: 2007

Nome: Do you know the Tournament Champion?

Referencia: Promo 2/2007
Quantidade Fabricada: 10 unidades
Ícone/Características: Evento
História: Carta criada com o objetivo de divulgar o símbolo da Liga BSW.
Imagem: Símbolo da Liga BSW.

Texto: Play this event when attacking, just after that the opponent has sent a defender forward. He must say the name of the last
Tournament Champion, if he guesses, the battle continues, but if he doesn't know, then he loses the round and his champion is
discarded. (Harmful)

Tradução: Você conhece o Campeão do Torneio? Jogue este evento quando atacando, depois do oponente escolher o defensor. Ele
deve dizer o nome do último Campeão do Torneio, se ele acertar a batalha continua, se não, ele perde o round e seu campeão é

Regra: O nome a ser dito é o do campeão atual do campeonato Brasileiro e deve ser o nome oficial completo. Este muda a cada
campeonato Brasileiro.

PROMO BSW 3 - Ano: 2007

Nome: The Celestial Warriors

Referencia: Promo 3/2007
Quantidade Fabricada: 15 unidades
Ícone/Características: Aliado de nível 7.
História: Gelson Lozer, Campeão do 2º Campeonato Brasileiro de SpellFire, além de grande jogador de Spellfire é também Campeão
Capixaba 2006 e Campeão Carioca 2007/1.

Resumo Campeão: Residente em Vitória/ES, este capixaba é capitão da policia militar, ele desempenha importante função dentro da
Liga BSW atuando junto na organização do campeonato de seu estado. Trazendo consigo sua esposa Glauce Santiago, que também
joga, estando presentes em todos os campeonatos oficiais da Liga.

Personagem: Os Guerreiros Celestiais são formados de honra e glória, seu poder divino os torna capazes de grandes feitos, quando
descem a terra sua presença é notada por todos os mortais. Sua linhagem é eterna trazendo sempre novos membros a presença do
seleto grupo dos vencedores.

Imagem: Fotomontagem do próprio Gelson Lozer, segurando uma espada européia com cabo foliado a ouro, trazida por ele próprio de
uma viagem a este continente. De capa, Lucal o Vice-Campeão e ao fundo Glauce Santiago esposa de Gelson.

Texto: Flyer. During a round of battle, the Celestial Warriors rearrange the seven top cards of any draw pile.

Tradução: Voador. Durante um round de batalha, The Celestial Warriors rearranja sete cartas do topo de qualquer pilha de saque.

Regra: Pode rearranjar o topo de qualquer pilha de saque, em qualquer ordem desejada, mesmo se for utilizado como campeão por
Gib Hcinonad. Este aliado não afeta o campeão em si, portanto os campeões não são imunes aos seus efeitos.

PROMO BSW 4 - Ano: 2007

Nome: Triple Fortune

Referencia: Promo 4/2007
Quantidade Fabricada: 30 unidades
Ícone/Características: Artefato nível +3
Imagem: Três esferas reflexivas, onde a central contém o brilho com as letras do símbolo da Liga BSW.

Cartas Promo - Página 36

Texto: Triple Fortune. Each time that one of your card is duplicated, copied or reflected, you can look at the three cards from the top of
your draw pile. If anyone of that can cancel the opposing action, so you can use that being it of any type. Then your draw pile must be
reshuffled and the card used must be discarded.

Tradução: Sorte Tripla. Em cada tempo que uma de suas cartas for duplicada, copiada ou refletida, você pode olhar três cartas do
topo de sua pilha de saque. Se qualquer uma das cartas puder cancelar a ação oponente, você pode usá-la sendo esta de qualquer
tipo. Sua pilha de saque deve ser embaralhada e a carta usada deve ser descartada.

Regra: A carta a ser procurada pode ser tanto para cancelar a carta que copia/duplica quanto a carta gerada na cópia/duplicata. (Ex:
Quill Pen copia um feitiço, você pode olhar e sacar um Dispel para dispersar a cópia, o mesmo se aplica a eventos por Bell of
Might e Onad the Weasel)
A carta sacada somente pode ser uma carta “Counter Effect”.
A pilha de saque deve ser embaralhada independentemente de se achar uma carta ou não. Também no caso de uma cópia que não
possa ser cancelada pode-se checar e embaralhar a pilha de saque.
O campeão anexado pode utilizar a carta sacada sendo ela de qualquer tipo, porém respeitando-se imunidades já existentes em jogo.
Refletir se aplica também a Deflection, Re-target, Reflection, Spell-Turning e outras cartas que gerem este tipo de poder.

PROMO BSW 5 - Ano: 2008

Nome: Amar Bori

Referencia: Promo 5
Quantidade Fabricada: 30
Ícone/Características: Herói de nível 5
Imagem: Desenho Vencedor do 1º Concurso de Desenhos da Liga BSW de SpellFire

Detalhes: Quem o conhece acredita que já tenha nascido com a alma contaminada. Ele elimina inimigos sem reconhecer rostos ou
vidas, enxerga apenas mais uma vitória para um deus obscuro, que tanto murmura em seus monólogos... como Vecna.
Ele é uma mistura de sacerdote e guerreiro. Com ombros largos e músculos grandes escondidos debaixo de um gibao de couro sem
mangas para deixar à mostra seus braços fortes e exibir as cicatrizes de batalha, que para ele são como pequenos troféus de
O rosto de feições bruscas é enfeitado por olhos negros. Com longos cabelos loiros em grandes tranças e cachos, não deixa dúvidas
sobre sua origem nórdica.
Entre tantas armas e objetos, carrega consigo a "Caçadora de Almas" uma espada larga dedicada ao seu deus, e que sempre a usa
nos combates e principalmente na eliminação de seus inimigos.

Texto: Champions defeated by Armar Bori become his slaves, all cards attached to them are discarded. The slave champions remain
attached and giving him their levels and powers. If Amar Bori is defeated or discarted the attached champions is then discarded.

Tradução: Campeões derrotados por Amar Bori tornam-se seus escravos, todas as cartas anexadas a eles são descartadas. Os
campeões escravos permanecem anexados a ele fornecendo a ele seus níveis e poderes. Se Amar Bori é derrotado ou descartado os
campeões anexados são descartados.

Regra: Campeões derrotados subentende-se que fizeram face contra Amar Bori em combate, campeões mortos por Amar Bori no
poço não se tornam seus escravos.
Se Amar Bori for derrotado ou descartado de alguma forma do jogo, todos os escravos devem ir para as pilhas de descarte
pertencentes aos seus possuidores.
O poder de Amar Bori nega os poderes de todas as caras que impeçam o campeão derrotado de se tornar seu escravo.

PROMO BSW 6 - Ano: 2008

Nome: Sakatas Range

Referencia: Promo 6
Quantidade Fabricada: 25
Ícone/Características: Carta de combate desarmado de nível 7
Imagem: Desenho Vencedor do 1º Concurso de Desenhos da Liga BSW de SpellFire

Texto: Can not be used by undead. When played, discard all attached cards of the opposing champion, Cards attached after it have
only its level. (Off/4)

Tradução: Não pode ser usado por mortos-vivos. Quando jogada, descarta todas as cartas anexadas ao campeão oponente, cartas
anexadas depois, tem somente nível. (Ofe/4)

Regra: Como toda carta de combate desarmado, em sua íntegra, só pode ser utilizada por heróis.
Cartas anexadas subentende-se cartas já existentes em jogo e não cartas recém lançadas.

PROMO BSW 7 - Ano: 2008

Nome: Village of Vitoria

Referencia: Promo 7
Quantidade Fabricada: 20
Ícone/Características: Reino
Imagem: Foto aérea da cidade de Vitória Capital do Espírito Santo, sede do 4º Campeonato Brasileiro de SpellFire

Cartas Promo - Página 37

Detalhes: O nome da carta se deve aos primórdios da história da capital capixaba, quando Vasco Fernandes Coutinho, descobridor
destas terras tentou invadir a ilha, hoje capital, e foi impedido por índios que ali habitavam, depois de vários dias de batalhas eis que
conseguiu a famosa “vitória”, e assim batizou a ilha que logo foi habitada e era chamada “Vila da Vitória” e em homenagem a esta
batalha e a cidade sede do campeonato, criou-se à carta de nome Village of Vitoria.

Texto: Village of Vitoria can redirect an offensive/harmful effect cast against any other realm of this player to itself, absorbing
(canceling) it completely. After that, if this power is used a second time or if the realm is affected by an offensive/harmful effect it is then
sent to the abyss.

Tradução: Village of Vitória pode redirecionar um efeito ofensivo/maléfico lançado contra qualquer outro reino deste jogador para si,
absorvendo-o completamente. Depois disto, se o poder é usado uma segunda vez ou se o reino é afetado por um efeito
ofensivo/maléfico ele é enviado para o abismo.

Regra: Se Village of Vitoria for atingida por uma carta maléfica/ofensiva antes de usar o seu poder, o reino sofre o efeito normal da
carta lançada.
Uma carta que atinge simultaneamente os reinos deste jogador e outros reinos em jogo, Village também pode ser usada para cancelá-
Village Of Vitoria só retém poderes de cartas lançáveis ou eventos, outros tipos de cartas não são retidas por seu poder.

PROMO BSW 8 - Ano: 2009

Nome: Borella, the Shadow’s Warrior

Referencia: Promo 8
Quantidade Fabricada: 24
Ícone/Características: Monstro de nível 10, mundo AD&D

História: Everton Borella, também conhecido como Borys, colecionador e jogador de Spellfire, foi campeão do 4° Campeonato
Brasileiro de Spellfire organizado pela Liga BSW realizado nos dias 23 e 24 de Agosto de 2008 na cidade de Vitória-ES. Também foi
vice-campeão Brasileiro no campeonato de 2006 realizado em São Paulo-SP e terceiro lugar no Brasileiro de 2007 realizado na cidade
do Rio de Janeiro-RJ.

Resumo Campeão: Natural de São Carlos, interior de São Paulo, 27 anos, solteiro, formado em Administração, trabalha com E-
Commerce no segmento de informática e tecnologia, encarou sozinho uma viajem de 16 horas até Vitória-ES para poder jogar com os
melhores jogadores do Brasil. Sabendo das dificuldades de um torneio de Spellfire aliados ao tempo que é outro fator de peso, fui com
um deck bem preparado com muitas cartas de peso e uma estratégia anti-magias e focando na força dos campeões.
Acredito que devido aos ares do Espírito Santo, consegui realizar ótimas partidas, chegando a semi-final tendo uma sequência de 5
partidas sem derrota, o que me garantiu na final, além de ter conseguido se consagrar campeão deste torneio de alto nível, consegui
jogar contra meus maiores rivais de jogo, o Sr. Gelson e o Sr. Luiz Claudio (Lucal) que nos torneios anteriores foram meus carrascos,
joguei com o Gelson uma partida muito dura logo no inicio da segunda fase, consegui vencê-lo com muito custo, depois enfrentei 2
vezes, isso mesmo, 2 vezes o Luiz e consegui vencer ambas as partidas, o que realmente deu um tempero maior a minha suada vitória
e novamente mostrando que nosso duelo já é o mais tradicional nos nacionais.

Personagem: O Guerreiro das Sombras é um herói de AD&D que não aceita injustiças, detentor da temível força das sombras, aliado
aos seus poderes mágicos, vive sua vida em função das batalhas para acabar com todo o mal e para trazer a glória e a vitória para
todos que o seguem, sempre mantendo o espírito guerreiro que é a lenda de seu nome.

Imagem: Montagem da face do Campeão em uma imagem medieval.

Texto:. Underdark. Can use wizard spells. This warrior and his allies loves the battles and can attack any realm ignoring any
restrictions. The first card played against him in combat is lose in the shadows (is discarded), the enemy must play other card, if he
does not play, his champion is defeted and he must raze one of his realms, (enemy´s choice). No more attacks can be made by this
player in this turn.

Tradução: Borella, o Guerreiro das Sombras. Underdark. Pode lançar feitiços de mago. Este guerreiro e seus aliados amam a batalha
e podem atacar qualquer reino ignorando quaisquer restrições. A primeira carta jogada contra ele em combate é perdida nas sombras
(é descartada), o inimigo deve jogar outra carta, se ele não jogar, seu campeão é derrotado e ele deve destruir um de seus reinos (a
escolha do inimigo). Nenhum outro ataque pode ser feito por este jogador neste turno.

Regra: Cartas anexadas no oponente antes do combate não podem ser descartadas por Borella. Somente se o oponente não tiver
cartas para jogar que seu reino é destruído, caso ele perca normalmente nenhum reino é destruído pelo poder de Borella.
Somente se o poder de Borella for usado para destruir um reino que o seu possuidor não poderá mais atacar naquele turno.
A escolha do reino a ser destruído é feita pelo oponente que está sendo atacado.

PROMO BSW 9 - Ano: 2009

Nome: Azalin's Grave Mistake

Referencia: Promo 9
Quantidade Fabricada: 36
Ícone/Características: Dungeon

Detalhes: Desesperado para sair da prisão que é o Semiplano de Ravenloft, Azalin, o poderoso lich Lorde de Darkon, acaba por
explodir uma bomba de energia negativa que mata todas as pessoas comuns do domínio e transforma as demais em mortos-vivos.
Conhecido como Réquiem, este foi possivelmente o pior cataclisma da história de Ravenloft, e não poderia faltar em Spellfire. Fora

Cartas Promo - Página 38

que, atendendo a pedidos de fãs do chamado necrodeck, é uma carta que finalmente torna um deck morto-vivo competitivo para
campeonatos.(Gustavo Costa-ES)

Texto: This player's champions (except clerics and avatars) become undead. All champions of base level 3 or less played in this pool
are discarded at the end of the current turn.

Tradução: O Grave Engano de Azalin. Os campeões deste jogador (exceto clérigos e avatars) tornam-se mortos-vivos. Todos os
campeões de nível base 3 ou menor jogados no posso são descartados no final do turno atual.

Regra: Esta carta Dungeon atinge somente os campeões de seu possuidor. O turno atual se refere tanto do jogador quanto de seu
As Brumas de Ravenloft só afetam campeões em jogo, campeões que estejam na mão, pilha de descarte, limbo, abismo ou void não
são tornados mortos-vivos por esta Dungeon.

PROMO BSW 10 - Ano: 2009

Nome: Belo Horizonte

Referencia: Promo 10
Quantidade Fabricada: 36
Ícone/Características: Reino de AD&D
Imagem: Foto da igreja de São Francisco popularmente chamada de igreja da Pampulha, ícone da cidade de Belo Horizonte.

Detalhes: Todo o estado de Minas Gerais é dotado de muitas riquezas e sua história remonta ao descobrimento do país, buscando a
era dourada deste estado, sua capital Belo Horizonte é homenageada com esta carta.

Texto: Immune to events. Famous for its wealth, this realm gives two spoil cards when successfully defended. If Village of Vitoria is in
the same formation, the effect of this card is also applied to all realms of this player.

Tradução: Imune a eventos. Famoso por suas riquezas, este reino concede duas cartas de espólio quando defendido com sucesso.
Se Village of Vitoria estiver na formação, o espólio duplo vale para todos os reinos deste jogador.

Regra: O sucesso da defesa segue a regra normal de espólios concedidos em defesa, onde somente se o campeão oponente for
descartado (descarte, abismo ou limbo) o possuidor de Belo Horizonte terá direito aos espólios.

PROMO BSW 11 - Ano: 2010

Nome: Lord Nizeref – the Paladin

Referencia: Promo 11
Quantidade Fabricada: 15
Ícone/Características: Regente nível 9

Imagem: Imagem de um rei empunhando sua espada

Detalhes: Natural de São Paulo, Samuel Ferezin, foi campeão do 5º Campeonato Brasileiro em 2009 na cidade de Belo Horizonte-MG,
seu deck era basicamente formado por regentes por isso a idealização de sua carta como um campeão desta classe. O nome Nizeref
vem de seu sobrenome, Ferezin, invertido.

Texto: Lord Nizeref is imune ofensive blood abilities. All regents must be ask for his permission to cast blood abilities. If the permission
is conceded his player can draw one extra card or destroy one magical item/artifact on a opponent`s poll. The act of choosing is the
opponent but the target of Lord Nizeref.

Tradução: Lord Nizeref, o Paladino – Lord Nizeref é imune a habilidade de sangue ofensivas. Todos os regentes devem pedir
permissão para lançar habilidade de sangue. Se a permissão é concedida este jogador pode sacar uma carta extra ou destruir um item
mágico ou artefato no poço oponente. A ação é de escolha oponente mas o alvo é de Lord Nizeref.

Regra: O poder de Lord Nizeref é diferente dos outros campeões estilo Guild Master ou Deusa da Magia, que existem praticamente
para proibir o uso das cartas para o seu oponente, este regente pode sim dar permissão para o uso de habilidades de sangue, porém
isso tem um custo por parte do seu possuidor onde deverá escolher entre deixar o dono de Lord Nizeref comprar uma carta extra ou
deixá-lo descartar de seu poço um item mágico ou artefato, a escolha de Nizeref.
Somente outros jogadores pedem pedir permissão para usar habilidades de sangue; os regentes no poço de Lord Nizeref não
precisam (ou podem) fazê-lo.

PROMO BSW 12 - Ano: 2010

Nome: Mestre Coruja

Referencia: Promo 12
Quantidade Fabricada: 30
Ícone/Características: Herói nível 5 - FR

Imagem: Ilustrativa de um homem negro jogador de capoeira.

Detalhes: Carta idealizada pelo jogador Gustavo Costa-ES.

Cartas Promo - Página 39

Texto: In his Phase 3 he can take one Capoeira's unarmed combat card from his discard pile and bring to hand. Mestre Coruja can
learn to cast any card of a class (spells, psionic power card, blood ability, etc), since he was in the pool when any other champion casts
it. This ability is cumulative.

Tradução: Em sua fase 3 ele pode pegar uma carta de combate desarmado de capoeira de sua pilha de descarte e trazer para a mão.
Mestre Coruja pode aprender a lançar qualquer carta de uma classe (magias, cartas de poder psiônico, habilidade de sangue, etc)
desde que ele esteja no poço quando qualquer outro campeão lançar. Este habilidade é acumulativa.

Regra: Como Mestre Coruja aprende a lançar as determinadas cartas, ele não esquece, acumulando assim cada uma delas, ou seja,
ele pode aprender a lançar quantas forem utilizadas em jogo enquanto ele estiver no poço. Se ele for descartado deverá aprender tudo
novamente, perdendo as já conhecidas.

PROMO BSW 13 - Ano: 2010

Nome: Curitiba
Referencia: Promo 13
Quantidade Fabricada: 30
Ícone/Características: Reino de Dark Sun

Imagem: O Jardim Botânico de Curitiba foi inaugurado em 1991, com uma área de 245 mil m². Seus jardins geométricos e a estufa de
três abóbadas tornaram-se um dos principais cartões postais de Curitiba.
A estufa abriga plantas características da floresta atlântica do Brasil. Sua arquitetura, em estrutura metálica e estilo art-noveau, foi
inspirada em um palácio de cristal que existiu em Londres, no século XIX.

Detalhes: Carta idealizada pelo jogador Samuel Ferezin-SP.

Texto: When defending Curitiba, all psionicists use their powers first. In Phase 3, this player can discard two realms or champions from
his hand to automatically play a psionic power card that's in his discard pile, sending the caster to limbo until the end of this player's next
turn. The discard pile is then reshuffled.

Tradução: Quando defendendo Curitiba, todos os psionicos usam seu poder primeiro. Na fase 3, este jogador pode descartar dois
reinos ou campeões de sua mão para automaticamente jogar uma carta de poder psionico que esteja em sua pilha de descarte, sendo
o lançador enviado para o Limbo até o final do próximo turno deste jogador. A pilha de descarte é re-embaralhada.

Regra: A pilha de descarte é re-embaralhada somente se for usada uma carta de poder psiônico.

PROMO BSW 14 - Ano: 2011

Nome: Block Golem

Referencia: Promo 14
Quantidade Fabricada: 30
Ícone/Características: Aliado

Imagem: Fantasia

Detalhes: Natural de São Paulo, Samuel Ferezin, se tornou bi-campeão Brasileiro vencendo o 6º Campeonato Brasileiro em 2010 na
cidade de Curitiba-PR.

Texto: Can be played directly into the pool, but still considered as an ally. Can be used in a future battle and, at the end of it, can absorb
(Discard) a champion from any pool. Can be sent from the pool to the abyss to make a player reshuffle a just-used card that grant him
any number of extra cards to his draw pile, before the activation of it´s power.

Tradução: Pode ser jogado diretamente no poço, mas é considerado um aliado. Pode ser usado em uma batalha futura e ao final
desta, pode absorver (descartar) um campeão em qualquer poço. Pode ser enviado do poço para o abismo para fazer um jogador
reembaralhar uma carta recém jogada que garanta qualquer número de castas extras para sua pilha de saque, antes da ativação do

Regra: Con Game não afeta aliados, portanto esta Carta Counter não é embaralhada com os campeões. Cartas como Renovação,
Hijacking, The Boss Wants a Cut, Frevo, entre outras, também são afetados por Block Golem e perdem todo o seu efeito. The Fates,
Redebelt, Gib Irod, Tyr, entre outras do mesmo tipo de poder, só são afetados se gerarem compra extra de cartas. Templo da Maldade
Elemental (124/1ª Ed), quando afetado por Block Golen, o jogador perde o passo 2 e não pode mais baixar reinos neste turno. Se
Menzoberranzan (1/4th) é baixada com Duchy of Tenh (139/3rd) em jogo, Block Gólem atua sobre Duchy of Tenh embaralhando-o.
Taxation não é afetada pelo poder de Block Golem.

PROMO BSW 15 - Ano: 2011

Nome: Gib Recneps, The Tax Collector

Referencia: Promo 15
Quantidade Fabricada: 45
Ícone/Características: Ladrão, nível 4 de Birthright
Imagem: Fantasia
Detalhes: Homenagem a Bud Spencer, famoso ator de filmes comédia dos anos 80. Carta idealizada pelo jogador Rafael Heller-RS.

Cartas Promo - Página 40

Texto: Immune to harmful events. While in play, all cards that grant extra cards from players' draw piles are negated and no more of
such cards can be played.

Detalhes: Carta idealizada pelo jogador Rafael Heller-RS

Tradução: Gib Recneps, o Coletor de Impostos. Imune a eventos maléficos. Quando em jogo, todas as cartas que garantam cartas
extras da pilha de saque são negadas e não mais podem ser jogadas.

Regra: Espólios não são considerados cartas extras. Taxation não é afetada pelo poder de Gib Recneps. Cartas como Gib Irod,
Redbelt, Avanil, Templo da Maldade Elemental, Bag of Holding, entre outras, PODEM ser jogadas quando Gib Recneps já estiver em
jogo, porém seu poder de gerar cartas extras é negado. Eventos, Magias, Habilidades de Sangue, Cartas de Poder Psiônico, Cartas de
Combate Desarmado, Habilidade de Ladrão, entre outras cartas deste tipo que geram cartas extras não podem ser jogadas. Ex: The
Fates, Renovação, etc.
Texto grifado alterado pela Cúpula BSW 2013: A texto original da carta foi revalidado, impedindo que qualquer carta que gere cartas
extras imadiatamente ou posteriormente a sua entrada em jogo, estão impedidas de ser jogadas ou baixadas. (Ex.: Gib Irod, Redbelt,
Avanil, Templo da Maldade Elemental, Bag of Holding, entre outras).

PROMO BSW 16 - Ano: 2011

Nome: Rio de Janeiro

Referencia: Promo 16
Quantidade Fabricada: 45
Ícone/Características: Reino

Imagem: Imagem do séc XIX.da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Detalhes: Rio de Janeiro, cidade maravilhosa, sedia pela segunda vez o Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire.

Texto: When this realm is in play, no more psionic power cards, spells and events outside combat have any effect. This realm can be
attacked by any opposing champion regardless of their position or current restrictions provided by other cards of this player."

Tradução: Quando este reino está em jogo, não mais cartas de poder psiônico, magias e eventos jogadas fora de combate tem
qualquer efeito. Este reino pode ser atacado por qualquer campeão oponente independente de sua posição ou restrições atuais
provindas de outras cartas deste jogador.

Regra: Rio de Janeiro pode ser atacada por qualquer campeão oponente em qualquer posição que esteja, independente de qualquer
outras cartas que estejam em jogo que possam impossibilitar o ataque, a exemplo de Border Garrison, Song of Dragonlance, entre
outras. Eventos, magias e cartas de poder psiônico lançadas fora de combate, são anuladas e descartadas normalmente. Cartas que
permaneçam em jogo podem ser jogadas, porém somente tem efeito durante o passo 4.

PROMO BSW 17 - Ano: 2011

Nome: Holly Shit!

Referencia: Promo 17
Quantidade Fabricada: 70
Ícone/Características: Evento

Detalhes: Em comemoração aos seus 5 anos de existência a Liga BSW lançou uma promo extra, a de número 17 de sua série, esta
foi dada gratuitamente a todos os jogadores que participam de alguma forma de jogos e campeonatos em todo o país.
A imagem na carta tem um simbolismo marcante, uma guerreira que vence um dragão, fera esta que representa o grande desafio
destes 5 anos vencidos a duras batalhas, mas, com grandes conquistas e com um crescimento que a deixa cada vez mais forte.
O “V” no centro representando o 5 em algarismo romano, marca esta grande fase de 5 anos de dura caminhada, porém com grande
mérito, tendo conquistado a cada dia novos jogadores, tendo grandes vitórias com 7 campeonatos nacionais, com campeonatos em 7
estados, 4 séries brasileiras lançadas e outras 2 já em produção, 17 cartas promos, mais de 1000 acessos/mês ao site, mais de 2000
acessos/mês no fórum, mais de 250 jogadores cadastrados, e muito, mais muito mais grandes vitórias que nos permitem buscar a
cada dia, tornar spellfire mais e mais ativo.

Texto: This card cannot be used on tournaments (except if it's allowed on the tournament rules). Each player moves to the next seat to
the right. The game restarts, and each player uses the deck found on the new seat. This event cannot be negated, calmed or EDTed.
Holly Cheat cannot be used on the new match.

Tradução: Esta carta não pode ser udada em campeonatos (exceto se permitido nas regras da competição). Cada jogador move-se
para o próximo lugar a sua direita. O jogo se reinicia, e cada jogar usa o deck encontrado no novo assento. Este evento não pode ser
negado, calmado ou parado por EDT. Holly Shit não pode ser usada novamente neste jogo.

PROMO BSW 18 - Ano: 2012

Nome: Gib Elminster

Referencia: Promo 18
Quantidade Fabricada: 50
Ícone/Características: Mago

Cartas Promo - Página 41

Detalhes: Promo criada a partir da proposta do tricampeão Brasileiro de Spellfire (2009, 2010 e 2011), Samuel Ferezin, com o objetivo
de homenagear os grandes ícones do universo Dungeons and Dragons não favorecidos em suas versões para Spellfire. No caso, o
escolhido foi o mago Elminster, famoso no universo Forgotten Realms.

Texto: Immune to offensive Spells (including Wish) and psionics. May use psionic power cards. Gib Elminster may attack any realm,
regardless of position or special powers. He ignores any restrictions to cast spells and use psionic power cards. Champions whose
adjusted level is equal or less than his base level don't have immunities to spells and psionic power cards used by him.3

Tradução: Imune a feitiços ofensivos (incluindo Wish) e poderes psiônicos ofensivos. Pode usar cartas de poder psiônico. Gib
Elminster pode atacar qualquer reino, independentemente de posição ou poderes especiais. Ele ignora quaisquer restrições para usar
magias e cartas de poder psiônico. Campeões de nível ajustado menor que o seu nível base não possuem imunidades a magias e
cartas de poder psiônico por ele utilizadas.

Regra: Gib Elminster é um campeão muito versátil, que estará presente em diversos tipos de baralhos diferentes que utilizam as regras
da Liga BSW. Suas imunidades garantem que ele permaneça na mesa por algum tempo, possibilitando a um jogador em dificuldades
mudar o rumo de uma partida. Seu poder de atacar qualquer reino independentemente de posição ou poderes especiais permitem que
ele supere as mais diversas barreiras, como Anytown, Anywhere (70/4th edition), Nightmare Lands (64/4th edition), The Lost City
(16/RR), entre outros. Vale ressaltar apenas que, apesar de ignorar as restrições de ataque, ele ainda deve submeter-se aos poderes
especiais dos reinos atacados, quando possível, de modo que, ao atacar Anytown, Anywhere, ele deve enviar um feitiço da mão ou da
pilha de descartes ao Abismo, porém não fica impedido de atacar caso não tenha um.
A última parte de seu poder é, de longe, a mais poderosa. Campeões de nível ajustado igual ou inferior ao nível base de Gib Elminster
não possuem imunidades contra magias e cartas de poder psiônico por ele utilizadas, possibilitando a ele eliminar campeões chatos,
como Necba the Wrathmaker (14/DU chase).
Por fim, vale ressaltar que apenas os campeões são afetados pelo poder de Gib Elminster. Qualquer outro tipo de carta afetada pelas
magias e cartas de poder psiônico usadas por ele mantêm as suas imunidades normalmente.

PROMO BSW 19 - Ano: 2012

Nome: Deadly Pact

Referencia: Promo 19
Quantidade Fabricada: 70
Ícone/Características: Evento

Detalhes: Carta criada para auxiliar em jogos de duplas

Detalhes: Carta idealizada pelo jogador Lucal-ES

Texto: Play Deadly Pact in your pool. Your partner must sacrifice a card in play of any icon type and attach it to the event. All opposing
players must sacrifice all cards in play with the same icon. Those who don't must skip phases 2 and 3 of their next turn. All sacrificed
cards are discarded. This event cannot be negated. It can only be calmed by individual players. (Harmful)

Tradução: Jogue Pacto Mortal em seu poço. Seu parceiro deve sacrificar uma carta em jogo do qualquer tipo de ícone e anexar ao
evento. Todos os jogadores oponentes devem sacrificar todas as cartas em jogo com o mesmo ícone. Aqueles que não quiserem
devem pular suas fase 2e 3 do próximo turno. Todas as cartas sacrificadas são descartadas. Este evento não pode ser negado. Ele
pode somente ser “calmado” individualmente pelos jogadores. (Maléfico)

Regra: o termo “calmado” refere-se a carta Calm (400/1st) e Serenidade(400/1ª Ed), porém cartas como Delsenora e Dragon Calm
também podem ser usadas. Todos os jogadores oponentes devem descartar todas as castas em jogo do mesmo tipo ícone da carta
sacrificada anexa em Pacto Mortal, ou perder os passos 2 e 3 de seu próximo turno.

PROMO BSW 20 - Ano: 2012

Nome: São Paulo

Referencia: Promo 20
Quantidade Fabricada: 70
Ícone/Características: Reino

Detalhes: Carta homenageando a cidade de São Paulo, sede pela terceira vez de um campeonato Brasileiro.

Texto: The city's pollution halves the adjusted level of all attacking non-monster champions (rounded down). Its skyscrapers and its
polluted river prevent the attacks from flyers and swimmers. The city's underground allows this player's partner to send him any cards to
be used in the defense of his realms, which return to its owner's hand after a victorious battle.

Tradução: A poluição da cidade reduz o nível ajustado de todos os campeões atacantes não monstros (arredondados para baixo). O
céus e a poluição dos rios previnem o ataque de voadores e nadadores. O subterrâneo da cidade permite ao parceiro enviar qualquer
carta para ser usadas na defesa deste reino, estas retornam a sua mão depois da vitória da batalha.

Regra: O nível ajustado de todos os campeões é reduzido pela metade, arredondado para baixo, incluindo todas as cartas já anexadas
no início do combate, cartas anexadas posteriormente mantém seu nível normalmente.

PROMO BSW 21 - Ano: 2013

Nome: Schubert Convention

Cartas Promo - Página 42

Referencia: Promo 21
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Thief Skill

Detalhes: Carta em honra ao campeão Brasileiro 2012, Maycon Schubert, do Rio Grande do Sul

Texto: Usable only by a thief during the opponent's turn and if there are 2+ thieves in this player's pool. This player steals one phase
from the opponent's turn (except phase 1) and plays it immediately. The affected player must skip the stolen phase. If sucessfully
played, this card and its user are sent to the Abyss. (Off/0)

Tradução: Usável somente por um ladrão durante o turno oponente e se existir 2 ou mais ladrões no poço deste jogador. Este jogador
rouba uma fase do turno oponente (exceto fase 1) e a joga imediatamente. O jogador afetado deve pular a fase roubada. Se jogada
com sucesso, esta carta e o usuário são enviados para o abismo. (Ofe/0)
Regra: Esta habilidade de ladrão rouba uma fase inteira do jogador oponente, fazendo com o que o jogador alvo, não tenha a mesma
dentro do seu turno. Ex: se o jogador roubar a fase 2, o jogador afetado não poderá baixar reinos ou fortalezas e nem mesmo
reconstruir, a fase é totalmente furtada e o jogador alvo deve pular esta fase ignorando-a.
O jogador que usou Schubert Convention usa a fase roubada no exato momento que a carta é lançada, se não for cancelada, ele usa a
fase completamente e somente esta, Ex. se roubar a fase 3, ele poderá baixar cartas, lançar cartas, porém, não poderá atacar ou usar
cartas que tenham efeito em outras fases.

PROMO BSW 22 - Ano: 2013

Nome: Sotsab, Master of Artifacts

Referencia: Promo 22
Quantidade Fabricada: 50
Ícone/Características: Clérigo – lv 7 - Dragonlance

Detalhes: Carta criada por João Paulo Bastos-RJ e escolhida entre 53 opções para ser tornar uma promo 2013. Imagem fantasy.

Texto: When Sotsab is played, he can copy the special powers of any artifact in play. The power remains until Sotsab be discarded.

Tradução: Quando Sotsab é jogado, ele pode copiar o poder especial de qualquer artefato em jogo. O poder permanece até Sotsab
ser descartado.

Regra: Somente quando jogado, mesmo que em batalha, o Mestre dos Artefatos pode usar seu poder e copiar um artefato em jogo.
Mesmo que o artefato que foi copiado saia do jogo, o poder permanece até que Sotsab seja descartado ou saia do jogo de alguma
maneira. Somente o poder do artefato é copiado, mundo e nível são desconsiderados.

PROMO BSW 23 - Ano: 2013

Nome: Spartan Weapons

Referencia: Promo 23
Quantidade Fabricada: 50
Ícone/Características: Artefato – Forgothen Realms

Detalhes: Carta criada por José Otterço-SP e escolhida entre 53 opções para ser tornar uma promo 2013. Imagem criada por Lucal,
arte elaborada em uma fotomontagem das armas típicas utilizadas no filme 300 de Esparta.

Texto: The presence of the Spartan Weapons make all cards activate their powers only during phase 4. To deserve these weapons, its
player must attack every turn (if possible), or will have to discard this card. No card has immunity against the Spartan Weapons.

Tradução: A presença de Spartan Weapns faz todas as cartas ativarem seus poderes somente durante a fase 4. Para merecer estas
armas, este jogador deve atacar todo turno (se possível), ou terá que descartar esta carta. Nenhuma carta tem imunidade contra
Spartan Weapons.

Regra: Depois que Spartan Weapon entra em jogo, nenhuma outra carta, a não ser Spartan Weapon, tem poder fora do passo 4,
qualquer poder ativado em qualquer outro passo é anulado pelo artefato. Cartas podem ser baixadas normalmente, porém ficarão sem
poder até que o passo 4, de qualquer jogador, seja iniciado. Qualquer carta suporte (magia, UCC, habilidade de sangue. Etc) ou evento
lançado fora da fase 4, será descartado sem ter qualquer efeito. Cartas suportes ou eventos que permaneçam em jogo podem ser
jogados, porém, somente terão poder na fase 4.
O jogador possuidor deste artefato é obrigado atacar todo turno, se possível, um reino oponente. Ataque a cartas Dungeons não é
obrigatório para efeito de Spartan Weapons.
Nenhum jogador é imune ao seu poder, para evitar combos muitos fortes como com Bonemaster em deck de undead.

PROMO BSW 24 - Ano: 2014

Nome: The King’s Peace

Referencia: Promo 24
Quantidade Fabricada: 30
Ícone/Características: Dungeon

Detalhes: Carta em homenagem em Campeão Brasileiro 2013 Laert Paiva.

Cartas Promo - Página 43

Texto: This player and all his cards are immune to harmful events.

Tradução: Este jogador e todas as suas cartas são imunes a eventos maléficos.

Regra: Esta dungeon protege mão, poço, formação e pilhas deste jogador, contra qualquer evento maléfico.

Cúpula BSW 2016: devido à enorme proteção conferida por esta carta, seu poder fica restrito aos eventos maléficos jogados por
jogadores oponentes.

PROMO BSW 25 - Ano: 2014

Nome: Black Hole

Referencia: Promo 25
Quantidade Fabricada: 30
Ícone/Características: Evento
Detalhes: Carta criada por Lucal-ES e escolhida entre 23 opções para ser tornar uma promo 2014.

Texto: When this card is played, all cards in all discard piles, Limbo and Abyss are sent to the Void, even if this card is negated. This
card remains in play, sending to the Void all new cards that would be discarded or sent to Limbo and Abyss. Black Hole can't be calmed
individually by any player, only negated. (Harmful)

Tradução: Quando esta carta é jogada, todas as cartas em todas as pilhas de descarte, Limbo e Abismo são enviadas para o Void,
mesmo se esta carta é negada. Esta carta permanece em jogo, enviando para o Void todas novas cartas que sejam descartadas ou
enviadas para o Limbo e Abismo. Black Hole não ser poder calmada individualmente por qualquer jogador, somente negada. (Maléfico)

Regra: Somente o destino das cartas é mudado, o efeito do poder das cartas que enviam para o descarte, limbo e abismo funciona
normalmente. O envio para o Void (fora do jogo) é imediato ao efeito das cartas, não existindo tempo para efeito de outras cartas.
Herald of Mei Lung não protege deste evento.

PROMO BSW 26 - Ano: 2014

Nome: Recife & Olinda, The Sibling Cities

Referencia: Promo 26
Quantidade Fabricada: 30
Ícone/Características: Reino - Greyhawk

Detalhes: Carta idealizada pelos Campeões de Dupla 2013, Gelson Lozer-ES e Vitor Dutra-RJ, junto com os vencedores do prêmio Os
Corajosos do mesmo ano.

Texto: After this card comes into play, this player can, at any given time, exchange this realm for any other realm in his own discard or
draw piles. Put the new realm in play immediately in place of R&O (consider it as if it was just played). Recife is put in the same place
where the exchanged realm was taken from. If put into the draw pile, reshuffle it.

Tradução: Depois que esta carta estiver em jogo, este jogador pode, a qualquer momento, trocar este reino por qualquer outra reino
em sua pilha de descarte ou pilha de saque. Coloque o novo reino em jogo imediatamente e coloque R&O em seu lugar (é consideredo
como recém jogado). Recife é colocado no lugar onde o reino trocado estava. Se colocado na pilha de saque, reembaralhe.

Regra: No momento que este reino é alvo do poder de outra carta, não é possível utilizar o seu poder. (ex. Se jogado Cataclisma sobre
Recife, primeiro tem que se cancelar o evento para que possa utilizar o poder do reino). O reino trocado pelo poder de Recife & Olinda
é considerado recém jogado e pode ativar qualquer poder existente, se aplicável. Se o jogador procurar por um reino na pilha de saque
e não encontrar um para fazer a troca, a pilha deverá ser embaralhada. O reino buscado na pilha de saque deve ser um reino que não
exista em jogo, inteiro ou destruído, caso busque um já existente o jogador poderá escolher outro na pilha de saque ou descarte.

Cúpula BSW 2015: Devido ao grande potencial para criação de loops, seu poder deve ser usado apenas uma vez por partida, de
modo semelhante ao funcionamento do reino Ancient Kalidnay (97/AR).

PROMO BSW 27 - Ano: 2015

Nome: Necronomicon
Referencia: Promo 27
Quantidade Fabricada: 50
Ícone/Características: Artefato - Ravenloft

Detalhes: Criada pelo campeão Brasileiro 2014, Pedro Henrique, de Recife/PE.

Texto: This player can search for a champion from any world in any discard pile, and put it into play with Necronomicon attached.
Powers and levels remain, but the champion becomes undead. If this artifact is removed, the champion will return to its original discard

Tradução: Este jogador pode procurar por um campeão de qualquer mundo em qualquer pilha de descartes e coloca-lo em jogo com
Necronomicon anexado. Poderes e nível permanecem, mas o campeão torna-se morto-vivo. Se o artefato for removido, o campeão
retorna para a sua pilha de descartes de origem.

Cartas Promo - Página 44

Regra: o jogador de Necronomicon pode escolher qualquer campeão em qualquer pilha de descartes para trazer para o jogo,
tornando-o morto-vivo. Caso o artefato seja removido de jogo por qualquer razão, o campeão retorna para a pilha de origem. Um
combo interessante seria usar este artefato e Cromlin (7/NS) no mesmo baralho, permitindo que este jogador possa sempre trocar o
campeão recuperado da pilha de descartes, bastando para isso retornar o artefato para a sua mão com o poder do reino.

PROMO BSW 28 - Ano: 2015

Nome: Colossal Turtle

Referencia: Promo 28
Quantidade Fabricada: 50
Ícone/Características: Monstro - Dragonlance

Detalhes: Criada pelo jogador Leonardo Almeida e aprovada pela Comissão das Promos de 2015 dentre as 75 propostas

Texto: Swimmer. While in the pool, it is immune to offensive cards and events. May cast wizard spells. While Colossal Turtle is in play,
this player’s champions aren’t discarded if he has no realms in the formation.

Tradução: Nadador. Enquanto estiver no poço, ela é imune a cartas ofensivas e eventos maléficos. Pode lançar feitiços de mago.
Enquanto Tartaruga Colossal estiver em jogo, os campeões deste jogador não são descartados se não houver reinos em sua

Regra: o fato de o jogador manter seus campeões no poço mesmo que não haja reinos em sua formação não lhe permite jogar o
passo 3 de seu turno por conta da Cúpula BSW 2011.

Cúpula BSW 2011: Se um jogador não tiver reinos inteiros ou destruídos após o passo 2, ele automaticamente vai para o passo 4, não
podendo realizar nenhuma ação de passo 3.

Cúpula BSW 2016: em virtude da decisão da Cúpula BSW 2011, na qual, sem reinos na formação, o jogador não poderia realizar
ações de passo 3 em seu turno, quando os campeões de um jogador permanecem no poço em função do poder deste monstro, aplica-
se a Cúpula normalmente, e o jogador torna-se incapaz de realizar ações de passo 3 em seu turno até que jogue um reino em sua

PROMO BSW 29 - Ano: 2015

Nome: Scalding Sun

Referencia: Promo 29
Quantidade Fabricada: 50
Ícone/Características: Carta-Regra

Detalhes: Criada pelo jogador Arthur Guerreiro da Fonseca e aprovada pela Comissão das Promos de 2015 dentre as 75 propostas

Texto: Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any other
rule card is played. Cards with the words (including inflectional forms) ‘coast’ and ‘swimmer’ have this terms ignored from their special
powers. Scalding Sun negates the special powers of all reams and holdings that are not from Dark Sun.

Tradução: Jogada no início do turno do jogor, esta cata não é descartada. Ela afeta todos os jogadores até que outra carta-regra seja
jogada. Cartas com as palavras (incluindo formas flexionadas) “costa” e “nadador” têm estes termos ignorados de seus poderes
especiais. Sol Escaldante nega os poderes especiais de todos os reinos e fortalezas que não sejam de Dark Sun.

Regra: as únicas partes dos poderes de uma carta que são ignorados são os termos “nadador” e “costa”, portanto o restante do poder
funciona normalmente. Por exemplo, mesmo com esta regra em jogo, Pelath the Bronze Dragon (28/DR) mantém seu poder de
retornar um item mágico da pilha de descartes de seu controlador e anexá-lo a ele no passo 5 de seu turno. Os poderes de reinos e
fortalezas, contudo, são completamente negados caso eles não pertençam ao mundo Dark Sun.

PROMO BSW 30 - Ano: 2015

Nome: Shrine of Light

Referencia: Promo 30
Quantidade Fabricada: 50
Ícone/Características: Reino – Forgotten Realms

Detalhes: Criada pelo jogador Luis Carlos Fellows e aprovada pela Comissão das Promos de 2015 dentre as 75 propostas

Texto: Cannot be attacked by undead, fiends, or awnshegh. This player’s clerics become immune to harmful events and offensive
magical items. Once per turn, during phase 3, this player may return a cleric (non-avatar) from his discard pile to his hand.

Tradução: Não pode ser atacado por mortos-vivos, demônios e awnshegh. Os clérigos deste jogador são imunes a eventos maléficos
e itens mágicos ofensivos. Uma vez por turno, no passo 3, este jogador pode retornar um clérigo (não-avatar) da sua pilha de
descartes para a sua mão.

Cartas Promo - Página 45

Regra: trata-se de um bom reino para um baralho com muitos clérigos, que pode inclusive receber ter anexada a fortaleza Mulmaster
(73/4th ed), o que aceleraria ainda mais a velocidade do baralho.

PROMO BSW 31 - Ano: 2016

Nome: Invictus, Ioannes Pavlvs

Referencia: Promo 31
Quantidade Fabricada: XX
Ícone/Características: Herói– Greyhawk

Detalhes: Criada pelo campeão Brasileiro 2015, João Paulo Bastos, do Rio de Janeiro/RJ, que venceu o torneio sem ser derrotado
nenhuma vez.

Texto: Can cast any spell and use any unarmed combat card. While Invictus is in play, all holdings have their special powers negated.

Tradução: Pode lançar qualquer feitiço e usar qualquer carta de combate desarmado. Enquanto Invictus estiver em jogo, todas as
fortalezas têm o seu poder negado.

Regra: um bom campeão, capaz de usar vários tipos de carta-suporte, inclusive aquelas com algum tipo de restrição, como Elemental
Swarm (52/TU), Breath of Death (63/TU) e Breath Weapon III (96/DR). A segunda parte de seu poder também afeta fortalezas cujo
poder é ativado quando ela entra em jogo, como Not So Fast (20/CHBR) e Fortification: Bailey (85/4th ed).

PROMO BSW 32 - Ano: 2016

Nome: Colonization
Referencia: Promo 32
Quantidade Fabricada: XX
Ícone/Características: Habilidade de Sangue

Detalhes: Criada pelo jogador Rubens Bruno e aprovada pela Comissão das Promos de 2016 dentre as 124 propostas apresentadas.

Texto: Play on an opponent’s realm, which then becomes your realm and is put in your formation. You can only play this blood ability if
you haven’t played a realm this turn. If this card is negated after being successfully used, send it to the Void. Lasts until negated. (Off/2)

Tradução: Jogue em um reino do adversário, ganhando controle sobre ele e colocando-o em sua formação. Jogue esta carta apenas
se você não houver baixado um reino neste turno. Se esta carta for cancelada após ter sido jogada com sucesso, envie-a para o Void.
Dura até ser cancelada. (Ofe/2)

Regra: esta carta não pode ser usada no primeiro turno de um jogador, já que ela é usada no passo 2, quando o jogador ainda não
terá tido oportunidade de baixar seu primeiro campeão da partida. Caso a carta seja cancelada ao ser recém-jogada, ela é enviada
para a pilha de descartes normalmente.

PROMO BSW 33 - Ano: 2016

Nome: Primitive Blood

Referencia: Promo 33
Quantidade Fabricada: XX
Ícone/Características: Item mágico

Detalhes: Criada pelo jogador Luiz Cláudio Melo e aprovada pela Comissão das Promos de 2016 dentre as 124 propostas

Texto: The attached champion becomes undead. Once per turn, this player can look at an opponent’s hand and shuffle a card of his
choice at that player’s draw pile. (Off)

Tradução: O campeão anexado torna-se morto-vivo. Uma vez por turno, este jogador pode olhar a mão do oponente, escolher uma
carta e embaralhá-la com a sua pilha de saque. (Ofe)

Regra: o poder desta carta é ativado no passo 3 do turno de seu controlador. Assim como Rings of All-Seeing (171/4th ed) e Ren’s
Crystal Ball (451/4th ed), a melhor forma de defender-se dos poderes desta carta é o uso do artefato Herald of Mei Lung (54/NS). A
ação de reembaralhar a carta não equivale à ação de descartar uma carta, portanto Wyrm’s Decree (19/DR) e Paredão Zeca Diabo
(13/ML) não podem ser usados para defender-se da ação de Primitive Blood.

PROMO BSW 34 - Ano: 2016

Nome: Gib Odraude

Referencia: Promo 34
Quantidade Fabricada: XX
Ícone/Características: Regente - Birthright

Detalhes: Criada pelo jogador Rubens Bruno em homenagem ao falecimento do jogador Eduardo Barreto, do Rio de Janeiro/RJ.

Cartas Promo - Página 46

Texto: Can cast cleric spells. Immune to harmful events. Also considered a Birthright realms for all purposes (except victory conditions
and attacks’ target).

Tradução: Pode lançar feitiços de clérigo. Imune a eventos maléficos. Também é considerado um reino Birthright para todos os
propósitos (exceto vitória ou para alvo de ataques de outros jogadores).

Regra: o poder desta carta permite algumas ações interessantes, como ter uma fortaleza Birthright anexada e manter os campeões
deste jogador no poço caso não haja reinos na sua formação. Ao contrário do que ocorre com Colossal Turtle (Promo BSW 28), este
jogador mantém o passo 3 de seus turnos mesmo que não haja reinos em sua formação, já que o campeão conta como um reino para
este propósito.

Cartas Promo - Página 47

- Promos BSW Estrangeiras: As promos BSW criadas em campeonatos estrangeiros NÃO SERÃO ACEITAS nos campeonatos
brasileiros anuais da Liga BSW (Campeonato Brasileiro BSW – Individual ou de Duplas).

PROMO BSW FRANÇA 01 - Ano: 2014

Nome: The Hell Fighting

Referencia: Promo 01
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Feitiço de Clérigo

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 1º Campeonato Francês pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 18 de abril de 2014 na cidade de
Texto: Opposing player draws and discards a card, noting its last digit. The opposing player must discard that many cards from his
hand. Undead are never immune to this spell. (Off/4)

Tradução:.O jogador oponente saque e descarta uma carat, notando o último dígito. O jogador oponente deve descartar o mesmo
número de cartas de sua mão. Mortos vivos nunca são imunes a esta magia. (ofe/4)

Regra: Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.

PROMO BSW FRANÇA 02 - Ano: 2014

Nome: The Caravan Master

Referencia: Promo 02
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Herói – Dark Sun

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 1º Campeonato Francês pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 18 de abril de 2014 na cidade de

Texto: All players must ask permission from the Caravan Master to play The Caravan. Once per turn, this merchant allows this player to
discard a magical item from his hand or his pool to search for another magical item in his draw pile.

Tradução:.Todos os jogadores devempedir permissão a Caravan Master para jogar A Caravana. Uma vez por turno, o mercador
permite a este jogador descartar um item mágico de sua mão ou poço e pesquisar por um outro item mágico em sua pilha de saque.

Regra: The Caravan de qualquer edição é afetada pelo poder deste campeão. Ancient Kalidnay não é afetada pelo poder de The
Caravan Master. O poder de The Caravan Master quanto a itens magicos é ativado no passo 3.
Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.

PROMO BSW FRANÇA 03 - Ano: 2015

Nome: The Vineyard

Referencia: Promo 03
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Reino – Dark Sun

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 2º Campeonato Francês pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 1º de agosto de 2015 na cidade de

Texto: Any champion who attack this realm get drunk. A second champion must come with him. Only the level and the power of the
second champion are usable during the fight. If victorious both champions return to their pool and this player draw two spoils of victory if
the realm is razed. If defeated, both champions are discarded.

Cartas Promo - Página 48

Tradução:.Qualquer campeão que ataque este reino fica bêbado. Um segundo campeão deve ser enviado com ele. Apenas o nível e o
poder do segundo campeão são usáveis durante a batalha. Se vitoriosos, ambos os campeões retornam ao seu poço, e este jogador
compra dois espólios de vitória se o reino for destruído. Se derrotados, ambos os campeões são descartados.

Regra: O simples fato de uma dupla de campeões atacante vencer uma rodada de batalha não faz com que o reino seja
automaticamente destruído.
Tanto o campeão bêbado quanto o segundo campeão atacante não podem ser novamente utilizados durante o passo 4 corrente.
Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.

PROMO BSW FRANÇA 04 - Ano: 2015

Nome: Cyrinishad
Referencia: Promo 04
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Artefato – AD&D

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 2º Campeonato Francês pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 1º de agosto de 2015 na cidade de

Texto: May be attached to any champion in any pool with two or more attached item and/or artifact (regardless of immunities). The
champion comes into your pool without other attached cards.

Tradução:.Pode ser anexada a qualquer campeão em qualquer poço com dois ou mais itens mágicos e/ou artefatos anexados
(independentemente de imunidades). O campeão vai para o seu poço sem as cartas anexadas.

Regra: Esta carta pode ser anexada a um campeão imune a arrefatos e/ou que não pertença ao mundo de AD&D.
Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.

PROMO BSW FRANÇA 05 - Ano: 2016

Nome: Vagabon
Referencia: Promo 05
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Aliado

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 3º Campeonato Francês pela Liga BSW, realizado em maio de 2016 na cidade de Lyon.

Texto: This ally cannot switch side. Take the level and the power of the first champion from the top of any discard pile.

Tradução:.Este aliado não pode mudar de lado. Seus nível e poder são os do primeiro campeão encontrado na pilha de descartes, do
topo para o fundo.

Regra: Para evitar problemas durante uma partida com este aliado, é recomendável que ambos os jogadores evitem manipular suas
pilhas de descartes, mantendo a posição das cartas na ordem em que elas foram colocadas na pilha.
Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.

PROMO BSW FRANÇA 06 - Ano: 2016

Nome: Dispel Slyly

Referencia: Promo 06
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Habilidade de Ladrão

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 3º Campeonato Francês pela Liga BSW, realizado em maio de 2016 na cidade de Lyon.

Texto: Can be used at any time to cancel the effect of an existing of just cast spell, unarmed combat card, thief skill or blood ability.

Tradução:.Este aliado não pode mudar de lado. Seus nível e poder são os do primeiro campeão encontrado na pilha de descartes, do
topo para o fundo.

Regra: Esta carta possui grande sinergia com Slap! (18/IQBR), já que a maioria dos usuários de habilidades de ladrão não lançam
Vale lembrar que Dispel Slyly, ao contrário de Slap!, pode ser usada em cartas-suporte que já estejam em jogo.
Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.

Cartas Promo - Página 49


Nome: Philly GamesCon

Referencia: Promo 01
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Evento

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 1º Campeonato Americano pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 19 de abril de 2015 na cidade de

Texto: The fans gather in celebration! Play during combat. The event player’s champion gets an ally this round of combat who’s level is
equal to the number of cards played on both sides, including the champions. If played at Philly GamesCon, place in the discard pile if
discarded or the Abyss if used. (Helpful)

Tradução:.Os fãs unem-se em celebração! Jogue durante o combate. O campeão do jogador do evento ganha um aliado para esta
rodada de batalha, cujo nível é igual ao número de cartas jogadas em ambos os lados, incluindo os campeões. Se jogada na Philly
GamesCon, coloque o evento na pilha de descarrtes se descartado ou no Abismo se usado. (Benéfico)

Regra: Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.


Nome: Bell of Liberty

Referencia: Promo 02
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Item Mágico

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 1º Campeonato Americano pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 19 de abril de 2015 na cidade de

Texto: Let freedom ring! Once per turn, this player may copy one Ally card played by another player, and use it in combat before this
player’s next phase 3 If played in Pensylvania, USA, this card gets shuffled into the draw pile when discarded. (Off)
Tradução: Que a liberdade soe! Uma vez por turno, este jogador pode copiar o poder de um aliado jogado por outro jogador e o usar
até o seu próximo passo 3. Se jogado na Pensilvânia, EEUU, esta carta é reembaralhada na pilha de saque quando descartada. (Off)

Regra: Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.


Nome: Necba’s Big Brother

Referencia: Promo 01
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Ladrão – AD&D

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 1º Campeonato Colombiano pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 9 de agosto de 2015 na cidade de

Cartas Promo - Página 50

Texto: When this champions enters combat it can use any thief champion in play as an ally, if NBB wins the battle the ally returns
without attachments, otherwise the champion is discarded.

Tradução:.Quando este campeão entra em combate, ele pode usar qualquer ladrão em jogo como aliado; se NBB vencer a batalha, o
aliado retorna para o poço sem anexos, do contrário o campeão é descartado.

Regra: Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.
Caso o NBB seja derrotado em batalha após usar o seu poder, ele é descartado juntamente com o ladrão utilizado como aliado.


Nome: ...And justice for all.

Referencia: Promo 02
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Carta-Regra

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 1º Campeonato Colombiano pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 9 de agosto de 2015 na cidade de

Texto: Played at the beginning of the player’s turn, this card is not discarded. It affects all players and remain in effect until any other
rule card is played. While this rule card is in play all promo cards (Except for this one) lose their powers and no more can be played.

Tradução: Jogada no início do turno do jogador, esta carta não é descartada. Ela afeta todos os jogadores e permanece em efeito até
que outra carta-regra seja jogada. Enquanto esta carta-regra estiver em jogo, todas as cartas-promo (exceto esta) perdem seus
poderes, e nenhuma outra pode ser jogada.

Regra: Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.


Nome: Berlin
Referencia: Promo 01
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Reino – AD&D

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 1º Campeonato Alemão pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 20 de setembro de 2015 na cidade de

Texto: When played, this player can rebuild a realm in game.

Tradução:.Quando jogado, este jogador pode reconstruir um reino em jogo.

Regra: Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.


Nome: Gutembreg, The Invention Of Printing

Referencia: Promo 02
Quantidade Fabricada: 35
Ícone/Características: Evento

Cartas Promo - Página 51

Detalhes: Promos entregues durante o 1º Campeonato Alemão pela Liga BSW, realizado no dia 20 de setembro de 2015 na cidade de

Texto: Choose one card from your draw pile and take it to your hand. Then reshuffle the draw pile. (Helpful)

Tradução:.Escolha uma carta de sua pilha de saque e a coloque em sua mão. Então reembaralhe a sua pilha de saques. (Benéfico)

Regra: Carta oficial para qualquer jogo e campeonato que permita o uso da mesma.

Cartas Promo - Página 52

Waterdeep Cormyr
1/1st 5/1st
Realm Realm
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Special Realm Special Realm
Coast Coast
Any champions can use wizard spells when defending
Waterdeep. Sembia
This card cannot be used to cast step 3 or 5 spells. 11' Realm
Disrupted Magic (27/RL) is in effect, this card allows defending Forgotten Realms
champions to cast cleric spells instead. Waterdeep is best Special Realm
used in decks that have wizard spells, but do not have many Coast
champions capable of casting wizard spells. If Arabel (36/lst) is
attached to Waterdeep, its monster can cast wixard spells.
Moonshae Isles
Mulmaster (33/lst) is a good holding to attach lo Waterdeep.
Moonwell (23/FR) is a good holding for this realm, allowing the 7/1st
defending champion to cast both types of spells. Berdusk Realm
(31/lst), Tantras 2
(32/lst), Suzail (35/lst) and the Geneva Conclave (Promo 2) Forgotten Realms
are poor choices. Special Realm
The City of Splendors is the most important and influential city The Moonshaes can defend themselves as a level 2 hero. All
in the northern reaches, and perhaps in all Faerun. The defending allies gain 3 levels.
metropolis is the hub of trading from the mineral-rich lands to
the north to the merchant kingdoms to the south. Thay
Menzoberranzan Realm
2/1st Forgotten Realms
Realm Special Realm
Forgotten Realms Any champion can use wizard spells when defending Thay.
Special Realm
Underdark Calimshan
Can be played at any time. Immune to flyers. 9/1st
As with an event, Menzoberranzan can be played at any time, Forgotten Realms
even if a realm has already been played in phase 1. This Special Realm
makes Menzoberranzan a "must have" card in all decks. Coast
Menzoberranzan cannot be played while Map of Life is in play.
Menzoberranzan is immune to flyers, and therefore cannot be Pirate Isles
attacked by flyers. However, the ally White Weird, which is a 10/1st
flyer, can be played as an event to remove a holding from Realm
Menzoberranzan. Because of the phrasing on the card, Forgotten Realms
Menzoberranzan may be attacked by flyers if Takhisis's Special Realm
Helmet of Power is in play. Coast
Although Menzo may be played at any time, the player with Flyers cannot attack this realm.
priority must be allowed to play first during this "Menzo pause".
Ravens Bluff
Card Combo: If the holding Border Forts is attached to
Menzoberranzan it becomes almost impossible to attack. 11/1st
Forgotten Realms
Zhentil Keep
Special Realm
3/1st Coast
Realm Any champions can use wizard spells when defending Ravens
5 Bluff.
Forgotten Realms
The Great Rift
Zhentil Keep can defend itself as a level 5 cleric. 12/1st
Forgotten Realms
Special Realm
4/1st Flyers cannot attack this realm.
Forgotten Realms
Myth Drannor
Special Realm
Any champion can cast cleric and wizard spells when 13/1st
defending Shadowdale. Realm
Forgotten Realms

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 53

Any champion can use wizard spells when defending Myth Special Realm
Drannor. Increases player's maximum hand by one. Coast
Any defending monster gains 4 levels.
14/1st Rashemen
Realm 22/1st
Forgotten Realms Realm
Special Realm Forgotten Realms
Coast Special Realm
Jungles of Chult
15/1st Damara
Realm 23/1st
5 Realm
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Special Realm Special Realm
Coast Double the level of a defending Forgotten Realms champion.
Chult can defend itself as a level 5 monster.
This realm is not vulnerable to swimmers unless it is exposed.
The High Forest There appears to be a small bit of coastline showing at the
16/1st bottom of the card.
Realm However, examining the FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign
Forgotten Realms world map shows that this is a tiny lake, high in the Earthspur
Special Realm Mountains. It hardly qualifies as coastline. This card doubles
the level of the champion as it enters into the battle, even
champions provided by holdings, such as Arabel (36/lst). This
Sword Coast
means that magical items and artifacts brought with ihe
17/1st champion from the pool are also doubled. Magical items,
Realm Forgotten Realms artifacts, allies, spells and any other cards played afterward
Special Realm are not doubled. If Berdusk OI/ 1st), Hillsfar (36/lst) or either
Coast Fortifications (37 & 38/lst) holdings are attached, their level
The defending player can return one ally to his hand after each bonuses add to the Champion after Damara doubles them.
round of battle. This realm is valuable enough to be worth protecting with the
Geneva Conclave (Promo 2) holding.
18/1st Narfell
Realm 24/1st
Forgotten Realms Realm
Special Realm Forgotten Realms
All attackers lose one level. Special Realm
Each champion and ally loses 1 level when attacking
Dragonspear Castle
19/1st Forgotten Realms
Realm Special Realm
1 All allies of a defending monster gain 2 levels.
Forgotten Realms
Special Realm
All champions and allies who defend Impiltur gain 1 level. 26/1st
Forgotten Realms
Icewind Dale
Special Realm
20/1st Allies cannot be used when attacking this realm.
Forgotten Realms
Special Realm
Coast 27/1st
The attacking champion must discard one magical item chosen Realm
by the defender. Forgotten Realms
Special Realm
The attacking champion must discard a magical item, if he has All defenders of Darkhold gain 2 levels if Zhentil Keep is in play
one. The power does not necessarily have to be used at the anywhere.
start of battle. The defender may hold this power in reserve
and force the attacker to discard an item later in the battle. If Haunted Hall of Eveningstar
the attacking champion does not have a magical item at the 28/1st
start of battle, the defender may choose to discard an item Realm
played later in the battle. Forgotten Realms
The High Moor Coast
21/1st Draw one card and place it in your hand when this realm is
Realm played or rebuilt.
Forgotten Realms

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 54

This card was replaced with 421 in the 3rd edition. Fortifications
Evermeet Holding
29/1st Forgotten Realms
Realm Uncommon
Forgotten Realms Each defender of the attached realm gains 2 levels.
Special Realm
Any champion can use wizard spells when defending Fortifications
Evermeet. Flyers cannot attack. 38/1st
The Trollmoors Forgotten Realms
30/1st Uncommon
Realm Each defender of the attached realm gains 3 levels.
Forgotten Realms
Special Realm Selune
Berdusk Holding
31/1st Forgotten Realms
Holding Uncommon
Forgotten Realms Undead cannot attack the attached realm.
A wizard or cleric gains 3 levels when defending the attached Peasant Militia
realm. 40/1st
Tantras Forgotten Realms
32/1st Uncommon
Holding Each champion and ally attacking the attached realm loses 1
Forgotten Realms level.
No spells can be cast when attacking or defending Tantras. Alias the Sell-Sword
Mulmaster Hero
33/1st Holding 6
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Uncommon
Draw another card every time a spell card is played. Immune to offensive spells.

This is a very powerful card, and should be included in any King Azoun IV
deck that can use it (i.e. has realms from Forgotten Realms 42/1st
world). If a Disintegrate spell is used to destroy a realm with Hero
Mulmaster attached, the player may still draw a card. If the 7
card drawn is Dispel Magic (wizard spell), Dispel Magic (cleric Forgotten Realms
spell), Spell Turning, etc., he may play the card to save the Rare
realm. If a spell is dispelled, the player with Mulmaster still All allies of King Azoun IV gain 1 level.
draws a card for the original spell, and also for the Dispel
Maligor the Red
34/1st 3
Holding Forgotten Realms
Forgotten Realms Rare
Uncommon Once per battle Maligor can shift one opposing ally to his own
Any champion gains 3 levels when defending the attached side.
Elminster the Mage
35/1st Wizard
Holding 9
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Uncommon
Any champion can cast wizard spells when defending the Immune to offensive spells.
attached realm. If attached to Cormyr all defenders also gain 4
Drizzt Do'Urden
36/1st 8
Holding Forgotten Realms
Forgotten Realms Common
Uncommon Elf (drow)
The attached realm can defend itself as a level 4 monster. If When defending Drizzt must be defeated twice in one battle
attached to Damara, the level is doubled to 8. before he is discarded.

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 55

Drizzt's special power makes him a very effective defender. The Harpers may cast any type of spell (wizard or cleric)
Because this power activates upon defeat in battle, the power except during battle, at which time the player must select only
is negated by the Ring of Reversion and Thought Eater. one type of spell to cast.

Midnight, Goddess of Magic Gnomes of Samek

46/1st 52/1st
Wizard Hero
7 4
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Rare Uncommon
If only one Midnight is in play, wizards cannot cast spells
without her permission. She also destroys all magical items Adventurers!
held by the opposing champion. 53/1st
Wizards must ask Midnight's permission to cast spells, even 3
cleric spells. Once a wizard receives Midnight's permission, Forgotten Realms
that permission cannot be revoked until the start of the next Common
player's turn. Wizards may ask permission before playing a Can use cleric and wizard spells.
spell card. Only Wizards need to ask permission. Other
champions capable of casting wizard spells do not need
War Party
Midnight's permission. Midnight Copying Midnight's permission
power actually copies the text as it is written. So, by copying 54/1st
her power Drawmij merely duplicates the command that Ally
wizards must ask the original Midnight for permission to cast 4
spells. The copying is therefore redundant. Common
Torg Mac Cei, the Ironlord
Crime Lord
Hero 55/1st
6 Hero
Forgotten Realms 7
Uncommon Forgotten Realms
Dwarf Uncommon
Torg's level is doubled when defending or attacking the Great Harmful
Rift. The Crime Lord can also be played as an event to destroy one
holding. The destroyed holding and the Crime Lord are
The Pereghost
48/1st When played as an event, Crime Lord is considered a harmful
Monster event.
Forgotten Realms
Flyer 56/1st
All the pereghost's allies gain 2 levels. Hero
Forgotten Realms
Bruenor Battlehammer
49/1st All allies of these adventurers gain 1 level.
The Jotunslayers
Forgotten Realms
Rare 57/1st
Dwarf Hero
Bruenor gains 2 levels when fighting a monster. 4
This card was replaced with 422 in the 3rd edition. Forgotten Realms
Marco Volo
The Jotunslayers are level 8 if the opposing champion is a
50/1st monster.
Armies of Bloodstone
Forgotten Realms
Uncommon 58/1st
At the start of the players turn, he can look at the top card of Ally
any draw pile and discard it if he wants. 4
The Harpers
The Iron Legion
Hero 59/1st
6 Ally
Forgotten Realms 3
Common Common
The harpers can cast wizard and cleric spells, but the player
must choose one type (wizard of cleric) in each battle when Tergoz Tenhammer
this card is used. 60/1st

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 56

5 Cleric
Greyhawk 5
Common Forgotten Realms
Myrmidons Cleric of Mask
61/1st 70/1st
Ally 4 Cleric
Rare 4
When the Myrmidons are discarded, the player shuffles all Forgotten Realms
discards back into the draw deck. Rare
This card and attached magical items and artifact are kept face
After being used in battle, the Myrmidons are discarded like down, and revealed only in battle.
any other ally. The entire discard pile, including the
Myrmidons, is then shuffled back into the draw pile. Only the champion, attached magical items, and an attached
The Myrmidons' power is not triggered if the card is sent to artifact are kept face down. Any other attached cards remain
Limbo or the Abyss. face up. Faces down cards are revealed once an opposing
champion is selected.
The Magister
62/1st Drow Matron
Wizard 71/1st
4 Wizard 5
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Rare Uncommon
Elf (drow)
Karlott the Shaman The drow matron gains 3 levels when defending
63/1st Menzoberranzan.
4 Dracolich
Forgotten Realms 72/1st
Uncommon Monster
King Halvor II Forgotten Realms
64/1st Rare
Hero Dragon
5 Can use wizard spells. Undead. Flyer.
Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Vasos Flameslayer
Pteranadon Hero
65/1st 5
Ally Forgotten Realms
2 Rare
Common Dwarf
Flyer Vasos gains 3 levels when fighting monsters.
The pteranadon gains 3 levels when defending Chult.
Allisa of the Mist
Gorgosaurus 74/1st
66/1st Hero
Ally 5
3 Forgotten Realms
Rare Common
The Gorgosaurus gains 3 levels when defending Chult. Allisa gains 3 levels when fighting monsters.

Greater Feyr Grypht the Saurial

67/1st 75/1st
Monster Wizard
5 4
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Rare Uncommon
The first enemy ally played against the feyr in each battle is
discarded immediately. Worden Ironfist
Cleric of Gond Hero
68/1st 5
Cleric Forgotten Realms
4 Rare
Forgotten Realms Dwarf
Rare Worden gains 3 levels when fighting monsters.

This card was replaced with 402 in the 2nd edition.

Cleric of Torm 77/1st
69/1st Cleric

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 57

3 Intellect Devourer
Forgotten Realms 86/1st
Uncommon Ally
If Amarill is defeated, the player can pull one other champion 1
from his discards and return it to his hand. Uncommon
Immediately destroys an opposing champion of level 5 or less.
Joliet the Rash
78/1st Shandrill
Hero 87/1st
4 Hero
Forgotten Realms 3
Common Forgotten Realms
Once in play, must attack on the player's turn, every turn, or be Common
discarded. Immune to offensive spells.

Dwarf of Earthfast Triceratops

79/1st 88/1st
Hero Ally
2 3
Forgotten Realms Rare
Common Triceratops gains 6 levels when defending Chult.
Gains 4 levels if the opposing champion is a monster.
This card was replaced with 423 in the 3rd edition.
The Black Courser
80/1st Cleric of Malar
Monster 89/1st
4 Cleric
Forgotten Realms 4
Rare Forgotten Realms
The Black Courser's level is 8 when fighting dragons or Common
undead. This cleric gains 2 levels when attacking realms from outside
the Forgotten Realms.
Hornhead Saurial
81/1st Airship
Ally 90/1st
3 Event
Common Uncommon
Dagrande Destroys any two allies, chosen by this card's player.
Hero Airship's power to destroy two allies need not be used all at
4 once. It can destroy one ally, and then later in the same round
Forgotten Realms of battle, destroy a second ally. Airship can be used as a
Uncommon counter-effect card against allies. For example, if Loup-Garou
Dwarf is played, Airship can be immediately played to discard the
Loup-Garou without having to play a magical item. Because
Mind Flayer Airship is an event, it may be played at any time. This includes
83/1st players not involved in the current combat.
3 Bad Omens
Rare 91/1st
When played, the mind flayer can immediately shift one Event
opposing ally to its own side for that round of battle. The ally Common
loses 1 level. Harmful
All allies and champions lose one level until the player's next
Noble Djinni turn.
Ally Fortunate Omens
4 92/1st
Rare Event
The opponent cannot play flyers this round and all opposing Common
flyers already in the battle are discarded. Helpful
All allies gain 3 levels until the player's next turn.
85/1st This is not a particularly powerful card, since all allies, not just
Hero the player’s allies, are increased 3 levels.
Forgotten Realms Rod of Shapechange
Rare 93/1st
Flyer. Artifact
Forgotten Realms
This card was replaced with 405 in the 2nd edition. Uncommon

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 58

Select any champion from the discard pile and use it in battle palavra destruir, expressa nessas cartas, cumpre o requisito
in place of this champion. After winning the battle, this de arrasar quando for necessário.
champion and artifact return to the pool: the substitute is
discarded. Cúpula BSW 2016: o termo destroy/destruir NÃO deve
continuar sendo entendido como sinônimo de arrasar, mas sim
The Rod of Shape Change conveys all the powers of the de DESCARTAR, de forma que as cartas acima (e outras que
imitated champion, including powers that are invoked after contenham o referido verbo) passem a afetar reinos
battle, such as Iuz the Evil's ability to raze a realm. The arrasados.
champion from the discard pile may not use any items
attached to the champion with the Rod. Good Fortune
If the substitute champion is defeated, the champion with the 100/1st
Rod is discarded. If the champion with the Rod is discarded, Event
powers invoked after battle may not be used, since the Uncommon
champion with the Rod never participated in the battle. Helpful
The player of this card draws five cards immediately.
Dwarven Hammer
94/1st Surprise Raid
Magical Item 101/1st
3 Event
Rare Common
Weapon Helpful
The player's champion and allies are doubled in level for one
Staff of Striking round of battle.
Magical Item The champion's modified level at the time the event is played
3 is doubled. Cards that modify the champion’s level (e.g.
Rare artifacts, magical items, spells, etc.) that are played
Weapon subsequent to the event are not doubled. Allies are doubled
The bonus becomes +5 if attached to a cleric. regardless of when played.

Horrors of the Abyss Banner of the One-Eyed God

96/1st 102/1st
Wizard Spell Magical Item
5 1
Uncommon Common
All of this champion's allies gain 1 level.
97/1st Viperhand
Magical Item 103/1st
2 Magical Item
Rare Uncommon
Sword Any champion with the Viperhand can cast wizard spells.

This card was replaced with 408 in the 2nd edition. Orb of Doom
Figurine of Wondrous Power Magical Item
98/1st 2
Magical Item Common
Common Staff of Conjuring
Cataclysm! Magical Item
99/1st 5
Event Common
Harmful Spell of Formless Horror
Destroys one realm of the player's choice; that realm is 106/1st
discarded. Wizard Spell
A "must have" card for all decks. This is a very powerful event, Uncommon
since it forces an opponent's realm to be discarded. If a Cast on opposing champion to reduce its level by 3. Spell
player's last realm is discarded, he must discard his pool at the remains until dispelled
end of the current turn. Immediately playing Menzoberranzan .
or Caer Allison will prevent loss of the pool.
Safe Harbor!
If Cataclysm! is played by the attacking player during a battle
(known as Ward's Cataclysm!), the battle is over and the 107/1st
attacker is entitled to Spoils of Victory. Each champion returns Event
to its pool. Rare
Cúpula BSW 2008: não pode afetar reinos destruídos Every player can immediately rebuild one razed realm.
(virados). Seu efeito somente funciona em reinos
inteiros/construídos (unrazed). Para efeito de "destruir", Labor of Legend
compreendemos que o termo "destroy" ou "destroyed" 108/1st
(destruir, destruído) equivale a "raze" (arrazar), portanto, a Event

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 59

Common Special Realm
Helpful Coast
One razed realm is rebuilt by a champion from the pool: the
champion is discarded. The Wolf Nomads
Any champion in the pool can be discarded, including a Realm
Trapped! champion. Greyhawk
Special Realm
Wand of Light Coast
Magical Item Sterich
3 119/1st
Uncommon Realm
Elf Galleon Greyhawk
110/1st Special Realm
Ally Any monster defending Sterich gains 5 levels.
Rare Nyrond
The Free City of Greyhawk Realm
111/1st Greyhawk
Realm Special Realm
Rare Veluna
Coast 121/1st
Any champion defending Greyhawk can cast cleric and wizard Realm
spells. Greyhawk
Special Realm
The Lands of Iuz Any champion defending Veluna can use cleric spells.
Realm Furyondy
Greyhawk 122/1st
Uncommon Realm
Coast Greyhawk
Any champion defending the Lands of Iuz can cast wizard Special Realm
spells. All defenders gain 3 levels if anyone has Iuz in play. Coast

The Pomarj The Great Kingdom

113/1st 123/1st
Realm Realm
Greyhawk Greyhawk
Special Realm Rare
Coast No undead can attack the Great Kingdom. The player's
A monster defending the Pomarj gains 3 levels. maximum hand increases by two.

Hold of the Sea Princes Temple of Elemental Evil

114/1st 124/1st
Realm Realm
1 Greyhawk
Greyhawk Uncommon
Special Realm Draw three cards immediately when the temple is played.
The realm can defend itself as a level 1 champion.
Greyhawk Ruins
The Yeomanry
115/1st Greyhawk
Realm Uncommon
Greyhawk All Greyhawk champions of this player gain 2 levels.
Special Realm
116/1st Realm
Realm Greyhawk
Greyhawk Special Realm
Uncommon Coast
All magical items and artifacts defending Blackmoor gain 2
The Horned Society
117/1st Special Realm

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 60

Celene Any defending hero gains 4 levels.
Realm Principality of Ulek
Greyhawk 137/1st
Special Realm Realm
The Bright Desert Common
129/1st Coast
Greyhawk County of Sunndi
Special Realm 138/1st
Coast Realm
Cannot be attacked by heroes. Greyhawk
Theocracy of the Pale
130/1st Duchy of Tenh
Realm 139/1st
Greyhawk Realm
Special Realm Greyhawk
The Bone March
131/1st Burneal Forest
Realm 140/1st
Greyhawk Realm
Special Realm Greyhawk
Coast Common
Heroes cannot be played in defense of this realm. Any champion and allies who attack Burneal Forest lose 2
The Duchy of Urnst
132/1st Castle Hart
Realm 141/1st
Greyhawk Holding
Special Realm Greyhawk
The Sea Barons Any champion and allies defending Castle Hart gain 2 levels.
Realm Arms of the Horned Society
Greyhawk 142/1st
Special Realm Holding
Coast 5 Greyhawk
Any holding attached to the Great Kingdom also applies to this Rare
realm. The attached realm can defend itself as a level 5 hero.

Any holding affecting Great Kingdom also affects the Sea Arms of Iuz
Barons. This includes the Shield Lands if used to rebuild the 143/1st
Great Kingdom. Holding
Bissel Rare
134/1st Any champion defending the attached realm can cast cleric
Realm spells.
Common This card was replaced with 401 in the 2nd edition.
Any champion can use cleric spells while defending Bissel.
Arms of Greyhawk
The Scarlet Brotherhood 144/1st
135/1st Holding
Realm Greyhawk
Greyhawk Rare
Uncommon No Greyhawk realms with holdings of any player can be
Coast attacked by monsters or flyers.
Player can eliminate one champion from any pool at the start
of his turn. This realm is then razed. Arms of the Great Kingdom
The Scarlet Brotherhood's power can be used by a player Holding
using the dungeon card Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk, but the Greyhawk
player must still raze the Scarlet Brotherhood, voluntarily Rare
ignoring the power of the dungeon card. All undead allies of this player are doubled in level, whether
attacking or defending.
136/1st Arms of Furyondy
Realm Greyhawk 146/1st
Special Realm Holding

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 61

Greyhawk Skeletal Horde
Common 155/1st
The attached realm is unaffected by all harmful event cards. Monster
Arms of Nyrond Greyhawk
147/1st Common
Holding Greyhawk Undead.
Monsters cannot attack the attached realm. Eye and Hand of Vecna
Skull Keep Artifact
148/1st 5/2
Holding Greyhawk
4 Uncommon
Greyhawk The attached champion gains 5 levels when attacking, 2 when
Common defending.
Any champion defending the attached realm gains 4 levels.
For purposes of determining a champion's level while in the
Fortification pool, the Eye and Hand of Vecna adds 2 levels.
Holding Orb of Dragonkind
Greyhawk 157/1st
Common Artifact 4
The attached realm and all its defenders are immune to Greyhawk
offensive wizard and cleric spells. Uncommon
This player's GREYHAWK realms and their defenders cannot
Siege! be attacked by dragons or monsters
Event Baba Yaga's Hut
Uncommon 158/1st
Harmful Artifact
Razes the first realm of every player, regardless of special Greyhawk
powers. If a player's first realm is already razed, he ignores Uncommon
this event. The attached champion and its allies are all considered flyers.

Siege! functions on realms that are immune to events, due to Chariot of Lyrx
the wording "regardless of special powers." 159/1st
Artifact 3
War Banner Greyhawk
151/1st Rare
Magical Item The attached champion gains 3 levels and becomes a flyer; all
1 allies can also fly.
Every champion and ally of this player gains 1 level. (Def) Cup of Al'Akbar
Adding this magical item to a champion immediately adds 2 Artifact
levels, one for the magical item's level (icon) and one for its Greyhawk
special power (text). Uncommon
If the player discards three cards from his hand at the end of
Codex of the Infinite Planes his turn he can return any one card from the discard pile to his
152/1st Artifact hand.
Common Rary the Traitor
All of this player's champions are immune to offensive magical 161/1st
items and spells. (Def) Wizard
Crystal of the Ebon Flame Greyhawk
153/1st Common
Magical Item Rary gains 3 levels when fighting a wizard and/or 3 levels
6 when defending a realm with an attached holding.
The champion who holds this crystal must attack on his turn or Mordenkainen
be discarded. (Off) 162/1st
If the rules prohibit this champion from attacking, he is still 7
discarded. Greyhawk
Hordes of Castle Greyhawk
154/1st Tysiln San
Ally 163/1st
5 Wizard
Rare 5

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 62

Uncommon mesmo se o campeão defensor tenha um nível menor do que
Elf (drow) o de Iuz!

Otto Mutiny!
164/1st 168/1st
Wizard Event
6 Rare
Greyhawk Harmful
Rare No battles can be fought until the player's next turn. A battle in
Otto can cast both wizard and cleric spells. progress stops immediately with no victor; allies are discarded.
Mika the Wolf-Nomad This event is useful if you are winning the game, or if you are
165/1st unable to defend yourself. If you are winning, play it
Wizard immediately after your turn. That wav no other player can
7 collect spoils of victory and perhaps play an extra realm. If you
Greyhawk are vulnerable, save this card until someone allacks you, then
Rare play il Lo end the battle. A Calm (400/106 or Delsenora (10/lst
Mika gains 3 levels when the opponent uses allies against him. Chase) played to cancel this event will allow a player to attack
or continue an attack.
This card was replaced with 407 in the 2nd edition.
Lolth, the Spider Queen
9 169/1st
Greyhawk Ally
Rare 4
Lolth can cast both wizard and cleric spells. If Lolth is Rare
defeated, shuffle her back into the draw deck. Undead.

Iuz the Evil Sysania

167/1st 170/1st
Monster Cleric
8 4
Greyhawk Greyhawk Uncommon
Uncommon Flyer.
Iuz can cast wizard spells. If defeated, Iuz forces one razed
enemy realm to be discarded, or razes one realm. Kiara
When defeated in battle, Iuz gets to raze any realm (player's Hero
choice) or discard any razed realm. Iuz can choose to affect a 2
realm of a player not involved in the battle. Once Iuz enters Greyhawk
battle, his power can be triggered. Thus if an opponent plays Uncommon
Treasure or Wish to remove Iuz before putting forth a Elf
defender, Iuz can still raze a realm. Because Iuz's power Kiara can destroy one magical item being used against her.
activates upon defeat in battle, the power is negated by the The affected item is discarded.
Ring of Reversion and Thought Eater.
Iuz never gets spoils of victory when losing, even if he razes Hettman Tsurin
the realm he was attacking. 172/1st
If Iuz is attacking a Greyhawk realm whose player is using the Hero
dungeon card Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk, Iuz may choose 2
to raze that realm, but no other Greyhawk realms of the player Greyhawk
with the Labyrinth. Rare
If Hettman does not attack, at the end of his turn the player can
Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II): If randomly draw one card from another player's hand and
the Winged Boots is attached to Iuz, he can attack, lose the discard it.
round, use his special power to raze a realm or discard a razed
realm, and then return to the pool to attack again on the next
turn. Note, however, that this strategy will not work if Iuz's
opponent is a flyer. 173/1st
Magical Item
Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide): Known as 2
Butler's Blinking Iuz, when Iuz is losing a battle, he can cast Rare
Blink, which causes the caster (Iuz) to lose the battle (and The attached champion becomes a flyer.
therefore raze a realm) but the caster returns to the pool. This
allows Iuz to use his power again in another battle. This card was replaced with 424 in the 3rd edition.
Similar to the above combo, the Ring of Regeneration can be
attached to Iuz. When Iuz is defeated, he razes a realm, but Sea Zombie
thanks to the Ring, he goes to Limbo instead of the discard 174/1st
pile. Iuz can then return to the pool to again enter battle, lose, Ally
and raze another realm. This combo works only once, since 4
the Ring of Regeneration is discarded at the first defeat. Rare
Card Combo (from Liga BSW Forum): O combo Iuz, o
Maligno com Sabotador Suicida é válido, desde que o reino This card was replaced with 425 in the 3rd edition.
arrasado não seja o reino que está sendo atacado. Desta
forma Iuz arrasa não um, mas dois reinos de seu adversário,

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 63

Mist Wolf Trystan
175/1st 184/1st
Event Ally
Rare 2
Harmful Common
No allies can be played until this player's next turn. Allies in
play are discarded immediately. Thorvid
185/1st Hero
Tyrinon 5
176/1st Greyhawk
Hero Rare
5 Thorvid gains 3 levels when fighting monsters, undead, or
Greyhawk flyers.
Flyer. Fairy Madness
Quagmiela the Dragon Event
177/1st Rare
Monster Fairy madness affects one champion (not currently in battle).
5 That champion is turned face down and cannot be used until
Greyhawk after its next turn.
Flyer. This card was replaced with 426 in the 3rd edition.

Seragrimm the Just Nenioc

178/1st 187/1st
Hero Cleric
5 5
Greyhawk Greyhawk
Rare Uncommon
Undead. Seragrimm can only defend, but never attack.
Young Gold Dragon
This card was replaced with 410 in the 2nd edition. 188/1st
Skulk 4
179/1st Greyhawk
Ally Common
1 Flyer. The Dragon can use wizard spell.
This player can now play allies face down; their value is not Arch-Druid
revealed until both players pass and the winner is determined. 189/1st
This card was replaced with 403 in the 2nd edition. 4
Berserk Fury! Rare
180/1st If only one arch-druid is in play, clerics cannot cast spells
Event without his permission.
All heroes gain 5 levels until the current player's next turn. Hell Hound
Wolf Nomads Ally
181/1st 5
Hero Uncommon
4 All cards friendly to the hell hound are immune to fireball
Greyhawk spells.
The nomads gain 2 levels if Mika is in the player's pool. Griffon
Zadoc Monster
182/1st 4
Ally Greyhawk
2 Rare
Rare Flyer.

This card was replaced with 406 in the 2nd edition. This card was replaced with 412 in the 2nd edition.

Miles Giant Skeleton

183/1st 192/1st
Ally Ally
2 3
Uncommon Rare
Undead. Any magic sword or spear used by the opposing
champion must be discarded immediately.

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 64

Skeleton This card strikes all players equally, but there are ways to
193/1st skew the effects in your favor. If you can't play this event so it
Ally hurts an opponent while helping you, it is no better than Good
1 Fortune (100/ 1st) and possibly worse. Calm (400? 1st) is
Common effective against Transformation.
Undead. One use for Transformation is to save it for battle: Once you
have used your other cards attacking or defending, play this
event to replenish your hand. Ideally, play the card when your
Winged Horror
opponent has more than five cards. This is more likely in a
194/1st multiplayer game, when you have depleted your hand
Monster defending against several attacks.
7 The card can also be used offensively If you have depleted
Greyhawk your hand, wail until your opponent draws cards to begin a turn
Uncommon (or has just played Good Fortune). Before he can play any of
Flyer the just-drawn cards, play Transformation! Transformation also
depletes a deck faster, possibly ending a game sooner.
Treants of the Grandwood
195/1st Enslaved!
Ally 202/1st
5 Event
Uncommon Uncommon
The treants and all cards in the player's force are immune to all Harmful
offensive wizard spells except fireball. All players must discard one champion from their pool.

Rangers of Hornwood Siege

196/1st 203/1st
Hero Event
4 Common
Greyhawk Harmful
Common All players must discard one realm from their front rank. The
next realm played must go into the front position.
Magical Barding
197/1st Players discard their frontmost realm, either razed or unrazed.
Magical Item
2 Bribery!
Rare 204/1st
(Def) Event
This card was replaced with 411 in the 2nd edition. Harmful
Play immediately after champions are selected. The bribed
Border Forts champion returns to the owner's pool and that player must
198/1st select another champion or lose the battle.
Forgotten Realms Charge!
Common 205/1st
Only flyers can attack the attached realm. Event
Card Combo: With Border Forts attached, Menzoberranzan Helpful
becomes almost impossible to attack. All of this player's champions gain 3 levels until the end of the
player's next turn.
Ren's Crystal Ball
199/1st Magic Sword
Artifact 206/1st
Greyhawk Magical Item
Common 2
At the beginning of his turn, the owner of Ren's crystal ball can Common
inspect the top three cards of any deck and discard one. +5 vs. undead. (Off)

Falcon Figurine Enlarge

200/1st 207/1st
Magical Item Wizard Spell
2 3
Uncommon Rare
(Off) Champion can attack flyers with an additional +3. (Def/4)

Transformation! This card was replaced with 427 in the 3rd edition.
Event Ring of Shooting Stars
Common 208/1st
Harmful Magical Item
All players must discard their hands and immediately draw five 4
cards. Rare

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 65

Hero can "lend" +1 to a champion in a combat where he is not Discard after one use. (Off)
involved. (Off)
This card was replaced with 429 in the 3rd edition.
The power of the Ring can be used in each round of battle.
This card was replaced with 428 in the 3rd edition. Arms of the Shield Lands
Arms of Veluna Holding
209/1st Greyhawk
Holding Common
Greyhawk Attach this holding to a razed Greyhawk realm to rebuild it
Common instantly.
Resurrect one ally which just participated in successful Net of Entrapment
defense of the realm. Resurrected card returns to hand. 217/1st
Magical Item
Fast Talking! Uncommon
210/1st This champion's opponent cannot play allies. (Off)
Uncommon The Net prohibits an opponent from playing allies. Any allies
Harmful played before the Net is played are discarded.
Everyone is convinced all artifacts and magical items in play
no longer work. All players discard all magical items and Johydee's Mask
artifacts. 218/1st
Only magical items and artifacts in play are discarded. Greyhawk
Flight The wearer assumes the level or gains the special power (but
211/1st not both) of any champion in play.
Wizard Spell
Common A player using Johydee's Mask may choose each turn, during
Champion and all allies become flyers for this battle. (Def/4) phase 3, to imitate the power or level of any other champion in
play. The Mask imitates the power of a particular champion,
Shapechange but the holder of the Mask does not become that champion.
212/1st For example, if a player uses the Mask to imitate the power of
Wizard Spell Midnight there is still only one Midnight in play. The holder of
6 the Mask can destroy magical items, but cannot stop wizards
Rare from casting spells.
(Def/4) If the champion being imitated is discarded, the champion with
Joydee's Mask continues to assume that champion's powers
until phase 3 of the player's next turn. At that time a champion
Barbarian Raiders!
currently in play must be selected to be imitated.
213/1st If the Mask is discarded but then brought back into play, a new
Event champion must be selected to be imitated.
Harmful This card was replaced with 413 in the 2nd edition.
All players must discard one realm, from their hand or from the
Helm of Teleportation
As with Siege (203/lst), this is an event that is as likely to hurt 219/1st
you as it is to hurt na opponent. If you play with a lot of realms, Magical Item
or if you happen to have a Calm (400/lst), feel free to play the Rare
Barbarian Raiders! event. Don't play this card unless you have One other champion (belonging to the same player) can join
a realm in your hand that you don't mind losing, a realm on the this champion as an ally. That champion returns to the pool
table that you want to get rid of, or a Calm or other card to after this round, but cannot be used again this battle.
prevent Barbarian Raiders from affecting you. Of course, it's
ideal to play this event when you have no cards either in your This magical item allows a player to use a champion from his
hand or on the table. hand or pool to aid the champion with the Helm in a round of
As with Siege, you might have good luck with this card battle. The champion being used as an ally cannot have
very early in the game, when another player has only one previously participated as a champion in a round during this
realm down and you have none. While Siege is almost sure to battle. Similarly, it cannot participate as a champion in a later
be effective, Barbarian Raiders might only take a realm from round of the current battle. If the player is victorious, the
the other player's hand. champion used as an ally returns to the pool. If defeated, the
champion used as an ally is discarded.
When a champion is drawn into battle as an ally through use of
Treasure Fleet
the Helm, that champion retains all its powers and attached
214/1st cards. For example, if Colleen is brought into battle as an ally,
Event an opposing monster would be automatically defeated. These
Rare powers are not affected by an opponent's Ring of Reversion
Helpful since that card only affects opponent's champions (not allies).
All players draw three cards. Because the Champion drawn into battle is functioning as an
ally, it is susceptible to cards affecting allies, such as Airship
Potion of Fire-Breathing and Brine Dragon. The Helm can only be used once in a
215/1st round, so if a champion/ally is destroyed, another champion
Magical Item cannot be brought into battle in its place.
Rare This card was replaced with 415 in the 2nd edition.

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 66

Rod of Dispel Magic Balic
220/1st 227/1st
Artifact Realm
Greyhawk 4
Uncommon Dark Sun
A champion with this rod can cancel one magical spell when Special Realm
attacking or defending. All attacking allies are halved (rounded up). Balic can defend
itself as a level 4 hero.
Realm The Mud Palace
Dark Sun 228/1st
Special Realm Holding
Nonflying attackers lose 2 levels. Dark Sun
Raam The Mud Palace increases hand size by two cards.
Realm North Ledopolus
1 229/1st
Dark Sun Holding
Special Realm Dark Sun
All defenders of this realm gain 1 level. Uncommon
One card can be drawn and played immediately in defense of
Urik the attached realm.
Realm When the realm to which North Ledopolus is attached is
4 attacked, the defender draws a card. He may play it
Dark Sun immediately or put it in his hand.
Special Realm
Allies cannot be played to attack Urik. Urik can defend itself as South Ledopolus
a level 4 champion. 230/1st
Urik defends itself as a hero, since no particular type of Dark Sun
champion is specified on the card. Uncommon
The attached realm can use an ally as a champion. The ally is
Tyr still discarded after the battle.
Realm Any ally can be used as a champion to defend the realm with
5 South Ledopolus attached. The ally is considered a hero. The
Dark Sun ally retains any special powers.
Special Realm
Owner draws one extra card per turn. Tyr can defend itself as Altaruk
a level 5 hero. 231/1st
The extra card is drawn during phase 1, so no extra card is Dark Sun
drawn on the turn in which Tyr is first played. Common
Any champion defending the attached realm can cast cleric
Gulg spells.
Realm Salt View
7 232/1st
Dark Sun Holding
Uncommon Dark Sun
The first ally to attack Gulg itself each battle is destroyed. Gulg Common
can defend itself as a level 7 hero. Monsters cannot attack the attached realm.

Nibenay Ogo
226/1st 233/1st
Realm Holding
Dark Sun Dark Sun
Uncommon Uncommon
This card is not flipped face down unless Nibenay is razed Any champion and allies attacking the attached realm lose one
twice in a row. level for fear of Ogo's cannibal halflings.

This card would more properly have been worded "In order to Makla
be razed, Nibenay must be defeated twice in one battle". The 234/1st
defeats do not have to come in successive rounds. The Holding
attacker does not receive spoils of victory until the realm is Dark Sun
defeated twice and flipped over. Uncommon
Nibenay's power is combat - related. Razings from spells, such Makla adds 1 level to all defenders of the attached realm.
as Creeping Doom, or champion powers, such as Iuz the Evil
are not affected by Nibenay's power.

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 67

Holding The oasis acts as a permanent +5 ally to any champion who
Dark Sun defends the attached realm.
Any monster defending the attached realm gains 4 levels. Silver Spring
Arkhold Holding
236/1st Dark Sun
Holding Common
Dark Sun If the attached realm is razed, one other opponent's realm of
Common the defender's choice is razed also.
Allows owner to draw one extra card per turn. Card Combo (from Scavenger's Spellfire Corner ): If the Silver
Spring holding is attached to Ancient Kalidnay, razing Ancient
Salt View Kalidnay to gain another turn also razes another realm.
Holding Bitter Well
2 245/1st
Dark Sun Holding
Common Dark Sun
Defending champion gains 2 levels Common
This oasis destroys any flyers that attack the attached realm.
238/1st Black Waters
Holding 246/1st
Dark Sun Holding
Rare Dark Sun
The attached realm cannot be attacked by flyers and spells Common
cannot be used against its defenders. No were-creature or monsters can attack any realm held by
this player.
This card was replaced with 404 in the 2nd edition.
Fort Melidor
Bodach 247/1st
239/1st Holding
Holding Dark Sun
Dark Sun Common
Rare Allies defending every Dark Sun realm held by this player gain
A champion attacking the attached realm can have only one 1 level.
Dungeon of Gulg
This card was replaced with 414 in the 2nd edition. 248/1st
Giustenal Dark Sun
240/1st Common
Holding Any champion and allies attacking the attached realm lose 1
Dark Sun level.
A champion attacking the attached realm cannot play more Ziggurat
than three allies per round. 249/1st
Yaramuke Dark Sun
241/1st Uncommon
Holding The level bonus (number in icon) of any wizard spell cast in
Dark Sun defense of the attached realm is doubled.
Poisoned water destroys one of the attackers allies as it is Temple
played (defender's choice). 250/1st
Lost Oasis Dark Sun
242/1st Common
Holding The attached realm can cast cleric spells.
Dark Sun
Common Mogadisho's Horde
The owner can draw one card and play it immediately when 251/1st
the attached realm is attacked. Ally
Any card drawn can be played, including a realm or a spell Common
normally castable only in another phase. If this card is on the losing side of a battle, all holdings of the
opponent are discarded.
Grak's Pool
243/1st All holdings in play are discarded, not holdings in the
Holding opponent's hand.
Dark Sun Assassins
Common 252/1st

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 68

Ally Agis
2 261/1st
Uncommon Hero
Halfling 5
If this card is on the losing side of the battle, it destroys one Dark Sun
champion anywhere in play chosen by the losing player. Uncommon
When attacking, can psionically destroy one monster in the
One of the best of the "avenging allies" cards that exact defender's pool before battle begins.
vengeance after a loss in battle. This card allows the player to
choose one champion to be destroyed. Note that the champion Agis' power is considered an offensive psionic power. Agis can
is destroyed, not defeated in battle. Therefore special powers use his power as soon as a defending champion is chosen. If
such as those of Iuz the Evil, Strahd Von Zarovich, and Drizzt an opponent chooses not to defend the realm being attacked,
Do'Urden are not triggered. Agis cannot use his power.
The power of the Assassins is triggered when the battle is
over, and the player has lost.
Halfling Mercenaries
253/1st 2
Ally Dark Sun
1 Rare
Common When attacking, psionically negates the power of all enemy
holdings for the duration of battle.
War Band
254/1st Anavias negates the power of holdings for the entire battle, not
Ally just the round in which she participates.
3 Anavias' power is considered a defensive psionic power.
orc Vaerhirmana
Kank Lancers Wizard
255/1st 4
Ally Dark Sun
6 Rare
Uncommon Half-elf

Nomad Mercenaries Herminard

256/1st 264/1st
Ally Hero
2 4
Common Dark Sun
Dwarf Common

Gladiators T'kkyl
257/1st 265/1st
Ally Hero
9 3
Uncommon Dark Sun
258/1st Azhul
Hero 266/1st
6 Hero
Dark Sun 4
Uncommon Dark Sun
Rikus can attack twice; if he wins his first round, he can attack Uncommon
again with new allies.
Neeva 267/1st
259/1st Hero
Hero 2
7 Dark Sun
Dark Sun Rare
Rare Halfling
Flyer Chividal can psionically destroy one opposing ally at any point
during the round.
260/1st This card was replaced with 416 in the 2nd edition.
4 Bagual
Dark Sun 268/1st
Common Cleric
Dark Sun

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 69

Common Silt Stalkers
Rowan Ally
269/1st 3
Ally Common
1 Elf
Elf Night Runners
Shayira Ally
270/1st 2
Cleric Uncommon
3 Elf
Dark Sun
Common So-ut
Ashathra Ally
271/1st 3
Ally Rare
2 This card was replaced with 430 in the 3rd edition.
Cistern Fiend
Stug 282/1st
272/1st Monster
Ally 2
2 Common Dark Sun
Ka'Cha Enemy allies cannot be used against this fiend.
Ally Sloth
3 283/1st
Uncommon Ally
Galek Common
Ally Mul Savage
2 284/1st
Common Monster
Half-elf 6
Dark Sun
Wind Dancers Rare
Event Inhuman
Uncommon 285/1st
Harmful Ally
All flyers in play are destroyed immediately. 2
Water Hunters
276/1st Pyreen
Event 286/1st
Common Ally
Harmful 3
All undead in play are destroyed immediately. Rare
This card was replaced with 431 in the 3rd edition.

Silver Hands Cha'thrang

277/1st 287/1st
Event Ally
Uncommon 1
All champions killed in the last battle are restored to the Uncommon
players' pools. Play only after a battle is completely resolved.
Spirit of the Land
Only the champions are restored to the pool. Allies, spells, and 288/1st
any attached items are discarded. Event
Sky Singers Prevents one Dark Sun realm or holding from being razed or
278/1st discarded or restores one razed realm from any world. An
Event attacker gets no spoils of victory and the battle is over.
Harmful The attacker does not receive spoils if attacking a Dark Sun
Destroys all magical items in play. realm, on which Spirit of the Land is played to avoid the razing.

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 70

Spirit of the Land can be played on any other realm to rebuild 9
it, but the attacker would receive spoils. Dark Sun
Spirit of the Land can also prevent a Dark Sun realm from Rare
going to the Abyss, such as with Estate Transference. Destroys one magical item held by the opposing champion at
any time during the battle round.
289/1st Dlasva
Ally 300/1st
3 Hero
Rare 3
Dark Sun
Wijon Uncommon
290/1st Dlasva can psionically destroy one opposing ally during a
Ally round of battle.
Common Tithian
Mikor Hero
291/1st 5
Ally 3 Dark Sun
Uncommon Rare
If Tithian attacks and wins a round of battle, the defending
realm is razed immediately.
292/1st Tithian immediately razes the realm when he wins a round of
Ally battle. This power is triggered regardless of how he wins the
3 battle. For example, if Tithian is in battle with a monster, and
Rare Treasure is played, the monster is discarded and Tithian wins
the round and the realm is razed. If Pit Trap! is played on
This card was replaced with 432 in the 3rd edition. Tithian, he loses the ability to raze a realm.
Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide): Known as
Zurn Butler's Balderdash!, if the spell Thrice Hearty Cup of Balder
293/1st the Red is cast on Tithian in phase 3, he automatically wins the
Ally round and thus razes the realm being attacked.
1 Card Combo (from Desafio dos Corajosos 2016): Esta é uma
Uncommon versão melhorada do combo Butler's Balderdash, permitindo
que o jogador potencialmente possa arrasar um reino por
Powell turno, ja que, ao vencer o combate automaticamente graças
294/1st ao feitiço Thrice Hearty Cup, Tithian arrasa o reino atacado.
Ally Jerome então retorna o feitiço no passo 5 para que o combo
1 persista indefinidamente.
Barber 302/1st
295/1st Ally
Ally 2
3 Uncommon
This card was replaced with 433 in the 3rd edition. Defiler
Wachter Wizard
296/1st 6
Ally Dark Sun
2 Common
Common If the Defiler casts one or more spells, one friendly realm is
razed or one friendly holding is shuffled back into the draw pile.

Foucault Dragon King

297/1st 304/1st
Ally Monster
3 8
Uncommon Dark Sun
Can cast wizard spells.
Stef'fa Naf'ski
5 305/1st
Dark Sun Monster
Rare 9
Dark Sun
Captain Kazhal
299/1st Can cast wizard and cleric spells.

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 71

Preserver Shield of Devastation
306/1st 315/1st
Wizard Magical Item
6 2
Dark Sun Common
Common (Def)
307/1st Shield of Wickedness
Ally 3 316/1st
Common Magical Item
Gith One enemy ally, chosen by the shield's owner, is forced to
308/1st switch sides and fight for the shield's owner for one round of
Ally battle. (Off)
Uncommon If the Shield of Wickedness is used in combat to steal an ally,
and is then destroyed, the ally returns to its original owner.
Shield of Gore
Ally 317/1st
1 Magical Item
Common 3 Uncommon
Orb of Power
The Heartwood Spear
Magical Item 318/1st
Common Artifact
Offensive spells and magical items have no effect against the Dark Sun
champion with this orb. (Def) Common

The Orb of Power negates offensive spells and offensive Kills any opposing dragon or monster in the battle
magical items played against the champion with the Orb. automatically.
Spells and items are negated even if they were played before
the Orb was played, although their effects may continue. For The Caravan
example, a Lightning Bolt that was cast before the Orb of 319/1st
Power was brought into play would no longer count as +5, but Event
any magical item or ally it may have discarded does not return. Common
Play only between two players' turns. The player of this event
Rings of All Seeing can take a turn immediately. Afterward, play resumes where it
311/1st left off.
Magical Item
Uncommon Caravan cannot be played until every player has had their first
Allows the owning player, at the beginning of his turn, to look turn.
at one player's hand. (Def) The Caravan Caravan is played between two player's turns.
Multiple Caravans cannot be played in succession; as soon as
one is played you are no longer "between turns". Thus, all
other Caravan's must be held in hand until the current Caravan
312/1st turn ends. Note that the active player (the one who just ended
Event his turn) gets priority to play his or her Caravan before other
Common players.
All monsters are bribed to desert; discard all monsters in battle
or in pools.
The Necklace
If used in battle, this event causes both sides to end the battle 320/1st
with no winner. The spells, allies, and other cards are Magical Item
discarded with the monsters. The battle is ended and another Uncommon
battle cannot be started. That attacker's combat options are Defensive
finished. Allows the attached champion to cast wizard spells.

Shield of Destruction Elemental Cleric

313/1st 321/1st
Magical Item Cleric
1 2
Common Dark Sun
(Def) Common
The elemental is immune to offensive wizard spells.
Shield of Annihilation
Elven Archer
Magical Item 322/1st
2 Ally
Uncommon 3
(Def) Rare

The Outcast

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 72

Hero Lightning Bolt
5 332/1st
Dark Sun Wizard Spell
Rare 5
Can use cleric or wizard spells. Common
Immediately destroys one opposing ally of level 4 or less or
Thugs one magical item of caster's choice. (Off/4)
Ally Paralyze
1 333/1st
Uncommon Wizard Spell
Desert Warrior Cast on a champion before battle to prevent that card from
325/1st defending. Cast during a battle to eliminate one ally of the
Hero caster's choice. (Off/3/4)
Dark Sun Magic Missile
Rare 334/1st
The desert warrior's first ally each round is considered a +4, Wizard Spell 3
regardless of the ally's actual level. Common
This card was replaced with 434 in the 3rd edition.
Wall of Fire
Desert Warrior
326/1st Wizard Spell
Hero Common
3 Only flyers can attack across the wall. (Off/4)
Dark Sun
Wall of Iron
The desert warrior's first ally each round is considered a +3,
regardless of the ally's actual level. 336/1st
Wizard Spell
This card was replaced with 417 in the 2nd edition. 3
Only flyers can attack across the wall. Use on defense only.
Desert Warrior
Wall of Stone
4 Dark Sun
Rare 337/1st
All allies played on the desert warrior gain an additional +1. Wizard Spell
This card was replaced with 435 in the 3rd edition. Common
Only flyers can attack across the wall. Use on defense only.
Wall of Force
3 338/1st
Common Wizard Spell
5 Common
Only flyers can attack across the wall. (Def/4)
Shaqat Beetles
1 339/1st
Common Wizard Spell
An invisible champion can bypass a defending hero (not a
monster, wizard, or cleric) and destroy the realm. The
330/1st defending hero returns to the pool.
3 In the case of this card, "destroy" means raze a realm. The
Dark Sun realm is not discarded. The battle is over and the attacker
Uncommon takes spoils of victory.
The opponent cannot use allies for defense or offense. This card was replaced with 418 in the 2nd edition.
Tembo's power prohibits opponents from using allies while in
Cone of Cold
combat with Tembo.
Wizard Spell
331/1st Common
Wizard Spell (Off/4)
Destroys immediately all opposing allies of level 4 or less.

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 73

341/1st Common
Wizard Spell (Def/4)
Eliminates up to three opposing allies of level 1 or 2 chosen by Sticks to Snakes
the caster. (Off/4) 351/1st
Cleric Spell
Shield 4
342/1st Common
Wizard Spell (Off/4)
Common Blade Barrier
(Def/4) 352/1st
Cleric Spell
Fly Rare
343/1st Destroys all opposing allies of level 5 or less. Cast only when
Wizard Spell defending. (Off/4)
Common One champion or ally becomes a flyer. (Def/4)
Crushing Fist 353/1st
344/1st Cleric Spell
Wizard Spell Common
4 The champion and each of its allies gain 1 level this round.
Rare (Def/4)
The crushing fist adds 4 levels or destroys one magical item, at
the choice of the caster. (Off/4) Sanctuary
Anti-Magic Shell Cleric Spell
345/1st Rare
Wizard Spell The cleric who casts sanctuary loses this round of battle, but is
Rare not discarded; it returns to the pool instead. (Def/4)
Makes one champion immune to all offensive spells and
prevents him from casting any spells himself. (Def/4) Wind Walk
This card was replaced with 419 in the 2nd edition. Cleric Spell
Dispel Magic The champion and all his allies this round are treated as flyers.
346/1st (Def/4)
Wizard Spell
Common Bark Skin
Cancels the effect of any spell. (Def/3/4) 356/1st
Cleric Spell
Dispel Magic cancels the effect of any spell, offensive or 2
defensive, including another Dispel Magic spell. The 3rd Common
edition rules make it clear that Dispel Magic, Spell Turning, Adds 2 levels to a single defender. (Def/4)
and Reflection may be cast at any time to dispel or turn a just-
cast spell. A player must have a champion in the pool or in
battle capable of casting the spell and must specify which
champion is casting the spell. 357/1st
Wizard Spell
Improved Phantasmal Force
Opponent loses one ally of the caster's choice, chosen
347/1st immediately. (Off/4)
Wizard Spell
Dispel Magic
(Off/4) 358/1st
Cleric Spell
Cancels the effect of any spell. (Def/3/4)
348/1st Wizard Spell
Rare Dispel Magic cancels the effect of any spell, offensive or
Attach to any enemy champion in a pool; that card cannot defensive, including another Dispel Magic spell. The 3rd
attack or defend until the fear is dispelled. (Off/3) edition rules make it clear that Dispel Magic, Spell Turning,
and Reflection may be cast at any time to dispel or turn a just-
Cure Light Wounds cast spell. A player must have a champion in the pool or in
349/1st battle capable of casting the spell and must specify which
Cleric Spell champion is casting the spell.
Common Darkness
(Def/4) 359/1st
Cleric Spell
Cure Serious Wounds Common
350/1st This battle ends immediately with no victor or loser; champions
Cleric Spell return to their pools, allies to the players' hands, spells are
2 discarded. Darkness has no effect against monsters. (Def/4)

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 74

This spell provides protection from any cards with lightning in
Protection the name for the entire battle, not just the round in which the
360/1st spell is cast. Cards affected are Lightning Bolt, Chain
Cleric Spell Lightning, Call Lightning, and Lightning Glyph.
The opponent cannot use undead in this battle round; any
already played as allies are discarded. An undead champion Silence
loses the battle but returns to the pool. (Def/4) 369/1st
Cleric Spell
Chariot of Sustarre Uncommon
361/1st The opposing champion cannot cast any spells in this battle.
Cleric Spell (Off/4)
One champion or two allies can fly for one round of battle. Silence works for one round and the opposing champion can't
(Def/4) cast spells for the rest of that round. If the opposing champion
becomes immune to magical spells for some reason (e.g. Orb
of Power) then the opposing champion can again cast spells in
that round. This spell only affects the champion in the battle.
362/1st The opposing player could use another champion in its pool to
Cleric Spell cast Dispel Magic or Spell Turning.
The sunray kills all undead in one player's pool. (Off/3)
Invisibility to Undead
This card was replaced with 436 in the 3rd edition. 370/1st
Cleric Spell
Wall of Thorns
This champion ignores undead opponents.
Cleric Spell
Wall of Fog
Common 371/1st
Cast only when defending. Only attackers of level3 or higher Wizard Spell
can cross the wall. (Def/4) Common
No attacks are allowed against any player until the caster's
next turn. (Off/3)
Wall of Fire
Cleric Spell
1 372/1st
Uncommon Wizard Spell
Cast only when defending. Only attackers of level 4 or higher Common
can cross the wall. (Off/4) One ally forgets to attack or defend this turn; discard the ally.
Holy Word
Cleric Spell 373/1st
Common Wizard Spell
Destroys all undead allies on both sides of a battle instantly. Common
(Off/4) Destroys any opposing allies of level 3 or less already in play.
Raise Dead
Cleric Spell 374/1st
Rare Wizard Spell Common
Any one defeated champion can be selected from the player's A champion who is about to lose a round of battle escapes to
discard pile and placed back in his hand. (Def/3/5) the player's pool, but the battle is still lost. (Def/4)

Note that the wording on the card specifies a defeated Hold Undead
champion (i.e. a champion discarded through battle) can be 375/1st
brought back to the hand with Raise Dead. Wizard Spell
Flame Strike Opposing undead allies have no effect on the outcome of this
367/1st battle. (Off/4)
Cleric Spell
Uncommon Charm Monster
Destroys any number of opposing allies with levels totaling 6 or 376/1st
less, selected by the caster. Discard immediately. (Off/4) Wizard Spell
Protection From Lightning An opposing monster returns to its pool; the caster wins this
368/1st round of battle. (Off/4)
Cleric Spell
Common Wind of Disenchantment
Lightning cannot harm the caster or his allies in this battle. 377/1st
(Def/4) Event

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 75

An anti-magic storm sweeps across the cosmos, destroying all An opposing spellcaster cannot cast any spells for the rest of
magical items in play. this round.

Black Tentacles Magic Jar

378/1st 386/1st
Wizard Spell Wizard Spell
Uncommon Common
All champions of level 4 or less die, regardless of whether they If the defender is defeated, the current attacking champion
are in battle or in pools. (Off/3/4) becomes the defending champion in the next round of this
battle and then is discarded.
Fire Shield
379/1st If there is no further round of battle, the attacker is discarded
Wizard Spell immediately.
Uncommon Faithful Hound
(Off/4) 387/1st
Ice Storm Common
380/1st Only flyers can attack any realm until the player's next turn.
Common Passwall
Destroys all champions and allies of level 4 or less in play 388/1st
anywhere. Wizard Spell
Phantasmal Killer Negates any wall spell.
Wizard Spell Rock to Mud
+? 389/1st
Rare Wizard Spell
The champion gains one level for each ally played against him. Common
(Off/4) Only flyers can attack this player's realms until the player's
next turn.
This card was replaced with 420 in the 2nd edition.
Chain Lightning
Solid Fog 390/1st
382/1st Wizard Spell
Event 5
Common Common
Unearthly fog prevents all attacks against all players until this
player's next turn. Death Fog
This event prevents all attacks. If played during battle, the Wizard Spell
battle is ended. Champions return to their pools with no spoils Common
of victory. Spells and allies are discarded. Because this is a Kills all champions of level 5 or less in one player's pool and
harmful event, a player may play Calm or discard Delsenora prevents survivors from attacking until after that player's next
(10/1st Chase) and attack another player. turn.

Animate Dead Death Spell

383/1st 392/1st
Wizard Spell Wizard Spell
Common Common
A wizard who casts this spell can fight again in the next round Kills any one champion or ally of the caster's choosing of level
of battle, regardless of whether he won or lost the previous 7 or less. (Off/3/4)
round. (Def/4)
Death Spell kills one champion or ally, chosen by the player, of
This does not prevent a champion who loses from being level 7 or less. When determining level, all adjustments (such
discarded, just postpones the discarding for one round. During as artifacts, magical items, spells, and events) are counted.
that one round, the wizard who cast the spell can fight again. If The opponent may not play additional cards after Death Spell
an attacking wizard casts this spell, but loses the round, it is in an attempt to raise the level of the target champion or ally
discarded immediately, since the battle is over. above 7. Because the card states "any one champion or ally of
the caster's choosing," this spell can be used to destroy a
Cloudkill champion not involved in the current battle.
Wizard Spell Disintegrate
Common 393/1st
Opposing allies of level 3 or less are discarded and no more Wizard Spell
can be played this round. Rare
Destroys one realm, regardless of position. The destroyed
Feebleminded realm must be discarded. This player can make no attacks this
385/1st turn.
Wizard Spell

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 76

Disintegrate may be cast if drawn as Spoils of Victory, 398/1st
assuming the player has a champion capable of casting the Wizard Spell
spell, even if the player attacked on his turn. Common
This card was replaced with 437 in the 3rd edition. Turn a just-cast spell back at its caster, as if the original target
Remember that once this spell is cast, the player cannot attack had cast it. (Def/3/4)
any realm during his turn. If the optional Dispel Magic rules are
being used, a Disintegrate that has been dispelled still Spell Turning turns an offensive spell back against its caster.
prevents the casting player from attacking. A spellturned Spell Turning must be played immediately after the spell being
Disintegrate has no effect against the caster. turned, although events may be played between the original
Cúpula BSW 2008: não pode afetar reinos destruídos spell and Spell Turning. The 3rd edition rules make it clear that
(virados). Seu efeito somente funciona em reinos Dispel Magic, Spell Turning, and Reflection may be cast at any
inteiros/construídos (unrazed). Para efeito de "destruir", time to dispel or turn a just-cast spell. A player must have a
compreendemos que o termo "destroy" ou "destroyed" champion in the pool or in battle capable of casting the spell
(destruir, destruído) equivale a "raze" (arrazar), portanto, a and must specify which champion is casting the spell.
palavra destruir, expressa nessas cartas, cumpre o requisito
de arrasar quando for necessário. Cúpula BSW 2008: Caso utilizado em um feitiço que não
afete o lançador (campeão) a exemplo de Desintegrar, ao
Liga BSW (ROC2-2011): mesmo estando com Control Wind retornar para o lançador original não trará qualquer efeito e
em seu poço, o jogador que usa o feitiço Desintegrar perde simplesmente se dissipará.
seu passo 4.
Ancient Curse
Cúpula BSW 2013: Quando uma carta suporte, evento, etc é 399/1st
cancelada, o custo ou consequência do seu uso/lançamento Event
devem ser cumpridos. Com exceção quando a maneira de Rare
utilização estiver especificada no texto ou regra da carta. Choose one champion with an attached artifact or magical item
to be killed immediately. Discard the champion and his
Cúpula BSW 2016: o termo destroy/destruir NÃO deve possession.
continuar sendo entendido como sinônimo de arrasar, mas sim
de DESCARTAR, de forma que as cartas acima (e outras que Ancient Curse discards any champion with one or more
contenham o referido verbo) passem a afetar reinos attached artifacts or magical items. Ancient Curse cannot be
arrasados. used to discard a realm with an attached realm artifact, even if
that realm has a realm champion and is defending itself.
394/1st This card was replaced with 409 in the 2nd edition.
Wizard Spell
Common Calm
The affected champion can neither attack nor defend until after 400/1st
the owner's next turn. Event
Banishment This magical calm undoes the harmful effect of an event, but
395/1st only for the player of this card.
Wizard Spell
Common Calm cancels the effect of a harmful event for the player of the
Destroys one monster of the caster's choice. Calm card. Calm does not eliminate the event. Calm has no
effect on helpful events.
Control Undead
396/1st Sakornia
Wizard Spell 1/1st Chase
Common Hero
The caster can ask any player for his largest undead ally card 6
and use it in this round of battle. The ally is discarded AD&D
afterward. Rare
Sakornia gains 3 additional levels when using an artifact.
This spell allows the caster to use any player's largest undead
ally in the current battle. The ally card may be in play or come Edormira, Red Dragon
from a player's hand. The caster may not take an undead ally 2/1st Chase
from any deck. Monster
Finger of Death AD&D
397/1st Rare
Wizard Spell Flyer. No monster can defend against Edormira.
Kills any one champion or ally of level 5 or less. (Off/3/4) Gloriana
3/1st Chase
Finger of Death kills one champion or ally, chosen by the Wizard
player, of level 5 or less. When determining level, all 6
adjustments (such as artifacts, magical items, spells, and AD&D
events) are counted. The opponent may not play additional Rare
cards after Finger of Death in an attempt to raise the level of Gloriana can cause a gust of wind to blow all flyers out of the
the target champion or ally above 5. Because the card states battle; no flyers can be played against her.
"any" champion, this spell can be used to destroy a champion
not involved in the current battle. Any flyers in battle with Gloriana are immediately discarded. If
Gloriana is attacking, flyers cannot defend.
Spell Turning

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 77

Gib Ekim This creature is so magic-resistant that magical items and
4/1st Chase spells have no effect against it; only artifacts can hurt it.
5/7 Dori the Barbarian
AD&D 12/1st Chase
Rare Hero
Gib can fight as either a wizard (5) or a hero (7); the player 6
must choose at the start of the round. AD&D
Neirgral, Green Dragon Dori gains 2 levels when fighting a cleric or a wizard.
5/1st Chase
Monster Gib Htimsen
7 13/1st Chase
AD&D Monster
Rare 9
Flyer. Neirgral is so frightening that no allies of level 4 or less AD&D
can be played on either side. Rare
This nether monstrosity is immune to all spells, events,
magical items, and artifacts.
Dagaronzie, Green Dragon Gib Htimsen is immune to opponents spells, events, magical
6/1st Chase items, and artifacts. He may use his own events, magical
Monster items, and artifacts.
8 Gib Htimsen is named for TSR staffer Bruce Nesmith.
Rare Darbee
Flyer. Dagaronzie can instantly destroy any two allies played 14/1st Chase
against it in a round of battle. Hero
Fejyelsae AD&D
7/1st Chase Rare
Hero Darbee gains 4 levels when fighting a monster.
AD&D Aurum, Gold Dragon
Rare 15/1st Chase
If any allies are played with Fejyelsae, she drops to level 7. Monster
Dragon Rage! AD&D
8/1st Chase Rare
Event Flyer. Aurum gains 1 extra level per friendly ally (in addition to
Rare the ally's bonus).
All creatures fear the dragon rage! Every player must discard
one champion from his pool or hand. Halcyon
16/1st Chase
Shalbaal, Red Dragon Cleric
9/1st Chase 7
Monster AD&D
6 Rare
AD&D Every time Halcyon wins a round of battle, the player can
Rare return one card from the discard pile to his hand.
Flyer. Every time Shalbaal wins a round of battle, the player
randomly draws one card from the defeated player's hand and If Halcyon attacks, but no champion is put forth to defend, she
discards it. The player must laugh while doing this. is still considered to have won a round of battle, and may thus
retrieve a card from the discard pile. Assuming a realm was
razed, the player would also get spoils of victory.
10/1st Chase Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II):
Cleric Halcyon can enter battle, cast Mindkiller on the opposing
7 champion to win the battle, and then retrieve Mindkiller from
AD&D the discard pile. If the Boots of Fharlaghn is attached, Halcyon
Rare can continue attacking, repeating the cycle.
Delsenora is also an oracle. She can cancel the effect of one
event card for this player, but must be discarded afterward.
Delsenora functions just like Calm (400/1st), negating the 17/1st Chase
effect of harmful events for the player. Delsenora can be Monster
discarded at any time, even in battle, to "calm" an event. 7
Gib Evets
11/1st Chase When Stryck attacks, she gets to pick her opponent from those
Monster champions in the defender's pool.
Dragon 18/1st Chase

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 78

Wizard Rare
8 All monsters are awed by her beauty. Colleen wins the round
AD&D automatically if the opposing champion is a monster.
Alicia's protective spells give her complete immunity against Card Combo (from the Sussman Zone): If Bloodstone's
magical items; opponents' magical items have no effect. Spectral Steed is cast on Colleen, only monsters can enter
combat with her.
Alicia is the only champion immune to defensive magical items
as well as offensive magical items. The Spellfire Reference Card Combo (from the Sussman Zone): When Colleen is
Guide incorrectly indicates Alicia has immunity to spells. defending a realm with the Pristine Tower attached, the
Red Zeb attacking champion is automatically defeated.
19/1st Chase
Monster Ember, the Red Dragon
9 23/1st Chase
AD&D Monster
Rare 9
Dragon AD&D
No allies of level 3 or less can be played against the horrid Rare
Zeb. Flyer. If Ember is defeated, the victor can draw two spoils of
The Avatar victory cards (the dragon's hoard).
20/1st Chase
Event Andra the Wise
Rare 24/1st Chase
The Avatar instantly destroys all undead champions and/or Cleric
allies. 8
Smolder, Red Dragon Rare
21/1st Chase Andra carries an enchanted staff that prevents any undead
Monster allies from being played against her.
AD&D Karm, Black Dragon
Rare 25/1st Chase
Flyer. If Smolder loses a round of battle, he destroys one of his Monster
owner's holdings for revenge. 10
Lovely Colleen Rare
22/1st Chase Flyer. Karm can cast wizard spells but is excessively proud; no
Hero allies can be played to aid him.

Primeira Edição em Inglês - Página 79

Discovery of Spellfire The Living Scroll defeats a hero or cleric automatically. But it is
401/1st automatically defeated by a wizard or monster.
Chase Ren's Bell of Death
The user can examine all other players' hands and discard one 409/1st
card from each. Artifact
This card was replaced with 438 in the 3rd edition. Forgotten Realms
Magical Champion Allies of level 4 or higher cannot be used against the champion
402/1st who carries Ren's Bell of Death.
Magical Item
Chase Labyrinth Map of Shuuc
Attach this item to an ally from your hand. The ally becomes a 410/1st
champion (hero) until discarded for any reason. Its level is Artifact
unchanged. (Def) 4
Forgotten Realms
While this magical item is only useful when attached to an ally, Chase
it may be attached to a champion. A champion with this map is never discarded; if defeated, he
escapes into the labyrinth and returns to the player's pool at
Traitor the end of the player's next turn.
Event If a champion with the Labyrinth Map of Shuuc is defeated in
Chase battle it is put in Limbo. The champion then returns to the
One ally of this player's choice switches sides for the duration player's pool at the end of the player's next turn. If at that time
of this round. the champion cannot return to the pool for any reason (such as
the Rule of the Cosmos), the champion is discarded. This
This card was replaced with 439 in the 3rd edition. includes a Rule of the Cosmos conflict because another player
has played a Labyrinth Map of Shuuc.
Unlike most other circumstances in which a champion goes to
Chaos Shield
Limbo, a champion with the Map does not lose attached items.
404/1st Note that the champion must be defeated in battle. If a
Artifact champion is discarded for some other reason, it stays
1 discarded. For example, if the Labyrinth Map of Shuuc is
Forgotten Realms attached to Helm, and he is discarded to cancel an event, he is
Chase discarded.
A champion with this shield gains 1 level for every ally
currently opposing him.
Slave Realm of Tulek
405/1st 3
Realm Dark Sun
Dark Sun Chase
Chase At the beginning of its owner's turn, this helm of telepathy
No cleric or wizard can attack this realm. (fashioned from a mummified illithid's head) allows the player
to examine an opponent's hand.
Phorbes's Scrolls
406/1st Scroll of 7 Leagues
Wizard Spell 412/1st
7 Magical Item
Chase 7
Besides adding 7 levels, the scrolls force the largest enemy Chase
ally played so far to be discarded. (Off/4) The possessor of this scroll (and allies) can attack any realm
without flying. (Def)
Mercenary Gold
407/1st The Scroll allows an attacker to "teleport" to any realm to
Ally attack regardless of movement restrictions. The Scroll does
8 not negate other restrictions, such as limitations on what type
Chase of champion can attack a realm. For example, a monster with
One opposing ally of level 1 or 2, chosen by this player, is the Scroll still cannot attack Bright Desert (can only be
discarded. attacked by heroes).

Living Scroll Map of Life

408/1st 413/1st
Monster Event
0 Chase
Forgotten Realms No player can play a realm or rebuild a realm until this player's
Chase next turn.

Especiais da Primeira Edição - Página 80

Map Of Life prevents any realm, including Menzoberranzan return to the pool to do it again next turn. Of course, this only
from being played. works if the opponent is not a flyer.

Card Combo (from WarIndx@aol.com): After playing Map of Ego Coin

Life, play Biding Your Time before your next turn. This forces 419/1st
your opponents to go two turns without playing a realm, then Magical Item
allows the player to take two turns once Map of Life is no Chase
longer in effect. An alternative is to play the Map, then play A champion with this coin can have any number of attached
Calm to allow the player to play realms, and cast Extension I to artifacts, and of any world.
prolong the effect of Map of Life.
Event Wheel can also be used to prolong the Map of Life.
Chest of Many Things
Supernatural Chill
Magical Item
414/1st 5
Event Chase
Chase The champion with this chest can fly, and can function as a
Unnatural winter strips 2 levels from every champion and ally hero, wizard, cleric, or monster; the player chooses which type
until this player's next turn. Any card reduced to level 0 is of champion before each round
discarded immediately. .
The player chooses what type (hero, wizard, cleric, monster)
Card Combo (from Shadowlord's Spellfire Page): With the his champion will be during phase 3 of his turn. The champion
rule card Brandobaris's Inversion (All champions of base level retains that type until phase 3 of the next turn, at which time a
6 and above are reduced to level 2...) in play, play new type may be chosen.
Supernatural Chill. All champions with a base level of 6 and
above (before Brandobaris's Inversion is played) are Card Combo: Attach the Chest of Many Things to Joliet the
discarded. Rash and choose for Joliet to become a cleric. Then attach the
Boots of Fharlanghn. Now Joliet may make unlimited attacks
Map to Mercenary Army on an opponent's realm and draw a spoils after each victory.
Ally Gelatinous Cube
8 421/1st
Chase Monster
Offensive wizard spells have their levels (if any) halved 0
(rounding up) when used against this ally. AD&D
Pit Trap! If the opposing champion loses in combat, his attachments are
416/1st transferred to the cube. It receives all bonuses from the items
Event while under its control. When the cube is defeated, the cards
Chase go to their owner's discard pile.
Traps a winning champion so a realm is not razed. The
champion is discarded as if he had lost the battle. Gatekeeper
Pit Trap! is used when a realm is not defended to avoid razing Monster
the realm. Because Pit Trap! affects winning champions, 1
champions that have special powers triggered upon defeat, AD&D
such as Iuz the Evil and Erital Kaan-Ipzirel cannot use their Chase
powers. Undead
Because there is no defender, there are no Spoils of Victory Immune to events and offensive spells. Can be sent to the
when Pit Trap! is played. Abyss to send home all champions (champions return to the
If Pit Trap! is calmed or negated, the realm is razed. player's hand).
Pit Trap! cannot be used during an attack on a dungeon card.
The Gatekeeper can be discarded (sent to the Abyss) during
Mind Flayer Lord phase 3 and in return all of the player's champions in the
417/1st Abyss can be returned to the player's hand. The Gatekeeper
Monster must be in the pool at the time it is discarded.
Forgotten Realms Age of Entropy
Chase 423/1st
The illithid immediately destroys all opposing allies of level 3 or Rule
less. The illithid can only be joined by allies of at least level 4. AD&D
Aurak Draconian Lord At the end of each player's turn (after discarding down to
418/1st maximum hand size), that player must discard a card from his
Monster hand or pool, or raze a realm.
Dragonlance Orb of Green Dragonkind
Chase 424/1st
If the aurak is defeated, it also forces the champion who killed Artifact
it to be discarded. AD&D
Card Combo (from Scavenger's Spellfire Corner): If Winged Once per turn can duplicate the level and special powers of
Boots is attached to the Aurak Draconian Lord, the Lord can any dragon in play. The orb cannot be used again until the
lose the round, discard the opposing champion, and then player's next turn.

Especiais da Primeira Edição - Página 81

The dragon to be duplicated is selected in phase 3 of the Cúpula BSW 2008: Quando defletido o usuário de Deflection
player's turn. This choice and the duplicated powers remain in escolhe outro jogador a ser atacado e receber os efeitos do
effect until phase 3 of the player's next turn. evento maléfico. O usuário de Weasel que fará todas as ações
When as a part of the duplication of a dragon's power, the contra si mesmo, caso seja ele o escolhido. Quem utilizou o
champion with the Orb is considered a dragon. The champion Weasel pode realizar novos ataques ainda neste turno.
is affected by cards that target dragons, and the champion can Se copiado Weasel o jogador pode guardar a cópia somente
use spells and unarmed combat cards that can only be used até seu próximo turno e será obrigado a utilizá-lo.
by dragons.
The Barbarian's Decree
The Undead Htimsen 429/1st
425/1st Rule
Monster Greyhawk
3 Chase
AD&D The glory of combat demands that all players attack each turn
Chase (if possible). Any who do attack are rewarded by the gods:
Undead. Flyer. If played between 6 PM and 6 AM, his level Their champions may attack twice each round unless defeated
rises to 10. Spiritual kin to the Gib Htimsen, this vampire in combat or the realm is razed.
automatically defeats psionicists.
The Abyssal Vortex
Tapestry of the Stag 430/1st
426/1st Rule
Artifact Greyhawk
5 Chase
Greyhawk Wish and Limited Wish spells cannot be cast. All spells and
Chase allies played while this card is in effect are discarded into the
This player's champions are immune to the special powers Abyss.
(but not the level) of all Ravenloft champions and allies.
Prismal the Outrageous
Dori the Barbarian's Cape 431/1st
427/1st Wizard
Artifact 8
5 Forgotten Realms
AD&D Chase
Chase Can cast wizard and cleric spells and is immune to offensive
Champion cannot be discarded by harmful events, offensive magical items. Prismal and his allies can attack any Forgotten
spells, or psionic powers. Once per turn, he can cancel one Realms realm, regardless of position or powers, and he gains
helpful event played. He must attack every turn, if possible or two spoils of victory if he razes it.
be discarded.
Malatra, the Living Jungle
The Cape can cancel one helpful event each turn. For this 432/1st
purpose, turn is defined as running from phase 3 of the Realm
player's turn to phase 3 of the player's next turn. 6
The Cape also requires the champion to attack each turn, if Forgotten Realms
possible under the rules. This includes attacks on an Chase
opponent's dungeon card. If the player cannot attack an Malatra can defend itself as a level 6 monster. It cannot be
opponent's realm (because, for example, they are all razed), attacked by any champion or ally that is a swimmer. The level
he must attack an opponent's dungeon card or discard the of attacking champions and allies that are not flyers is halved.
champion with the cape. The Cape may be attached to
champions that can only defend, such as Ambassador
Mayor Charles Oliver O'Kane
Carrague (with the Ego Coin) and Lurker in the Deep.
If it is possible for the champion with the Cape to attack, but 433/1st
the player sends forward another champion, and the opponent Hero
does not defend and razes the realm, the champion with the 6
Cape must be discarded. Forgotten Realms
His allure and charm are beyond compare, and all female
Weasel Attack
heroes, wizards, and clerics who face him in battle return to
428/1st their pools, defeated. He gains 3 levels when defending a
Event Forgotten Realms realm
Chase .
When attacking, this player can choose an opponent's The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
champion to take his champion's place in combat. That player O'Kane's base level is increased by 3 when defending a
must fight with his own cards. If he wins, the realm is Forgotten Realms realm. Because the card does not specify
automatically razed; both he and the even player draw spoils. base level, the bonus is to O'Kane's adjusted level.
If he loses, his champion is discarded and his foremost realm
is razed; the event player draws spoils. (Harmful)
Bengoukee the Witch Doctor
After a player puts forth a champion to attack, he may play 434/1st
Weasel Attack and substitute another player's champion for his Wizard
own. 7
The substitute champion does not need to meet movement Forgotten Realms
requirements of the realm being attacked. The original Chase
attacker, however, must have been able to reach the realm. Can cast wizard and cleric spells and is immune to all spells
cast in phase 3. Phase 4 spells cast by the witch doctor are a
twice the level bonus.

Especiais da Primeira Edição - Página 82

Big Chief Bagoomba Cúpula BSW 2013: Quando uma carta suporte, evento, etc é
435/1st cancelada, o custo ou consequência do seu uso/lançamento
Hero devem ser cumpridos. Com exceção quando a maneira de
5 utilização estiver especificada no texto ou regra da carta.
Forgotten Realms
Chase Cúpula BSW 2015: Quando refletida, porém dispersada pelo
Bagoomba is a figurehead of great charisma. When defending, jogador original, o campeão que lançou o feitiço não deve ir
the levels of his allies are doubled, and opposing allies of level para o Abismo, revogando o que foi decidido na Cúpula BSW
3 or less cannot be played. de 2008.

The Genie Bottle Starshine

436/1st 438/1st
Event Cleric
Chase 8
All spells in play are dispelled, including a just cast spell, and AD&D
all holdings and rule cards are removed from play. Can be Chase
Calmed by individual players but cannot be canceled. Starshine and her allies can attack any realm regardless of its
(Harmful) position or powers. If defeated, she can be placed beneath a
realm to duplicate the effects of any opposing holding in play.
The Genie Bottle event negates all spells in play. For example,
Disintegrate is cast, Reflection is played to counter the first The Starving Artist
spell, then Dispel Magic is played to counter the Reflection. If 439/1st
Genie Bottle is then played, all spells (Disintegrate, Reflection, Ally
Dispel Magic) are negated. (Counter-effect spells are 3
considered to be played simultaneously with the original spell.) Chase
The event cannot be negated. However, if a player plays Calm If on the losing side of a battle, no one gains a spoils of victory,
or discards Delsenora (10/1st Chase), his holdings and spells and one opponent (this player's choice) must discard his hand
are not discarded. Rule cards have no owner, so are still down to two.
The reference to being on the losing side of a battle means
Estate Transference losing a round of battle.
Wizard Spell The King of the Elves
Chase 440/1st
This spell places a realm and any attached holding in the Hero
Abyss. If spell-turned or reflected, the caster of this spell is 9
placed in the Abyss. This player can make no attacks this turn. AD&D
Limit one per deck. (Off/3) Chase
Automatically defeats any wizard played against him but is
If Re-target or The Last Sea is used to redirect the spell, the instantly defeated by an undead champion. If defeated in
new target, not the caster, is sent to the Abyss. battle, all wizards of base level 7 or higher are discarded from
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II indicates the player every player's pool.
casting Estate Transference loses his phase 4 and will
"automatically move on to phase 5." However, the caster is still If The King of the Elves attacks, and an undead wizard, such
in phase 3, and may play other cards as allowed in phase 3, as Gib Irod or Winslow the Lich, defends, both champions are
before moving on to phase 5. discarded. The battle may continue with another champion
brought forward.
Liga BSW (ROC2-2011): mesmo estando com Control Wind If The King of the Elves is defending against an undead
em seu poço, o jogador que usa o feitiço Estate Transference wizard, both champions are discarded, the player draws spoils,
perde seu passo 4. and the battle is over.
That's the Spellfire Oracle, Jim Butler, pictured on the card.

Especiais da Primeira Edição - Página 83

Waterdeep Calimshan
Portuguese Edition 1 of 400 Portuguese Edition 9 of 400
Realm Realm
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Costa Costa
Qualquer campeão pode usar feitiço de mago ao defender
Waterdeep. Ilhas piratas
Portuguese Edition 10 of 400
Menzoberranzan Realm
Portuguese Edition 2 of 400 Forgotten Realms
Realm M
Forgotten Realms Costa
M Voadores não podem atacar este reino.
Pode ser colocado na mesa a qualquer momento. Imune a
voadores. Raven Bluff
Portuguese Edition 11 of 400
Zhentil Keep Realm
Portuguese Edition 3 of 400 Forgotten Realms
Realm M
5 Qualquer campeão pode usar feitiços de mago ao defender
Forgotten Realms Ravens Bluff. Costa
Costa O Grande Despenhadeiro
Zhentil Keep pode se defender como um clérigo de nível 5. Portuguese Edition 12 of 400
Shandowdale Forgotten Realms
Portuguese Edition 4 of 400 M
Realm Voadores não podem atacar este reino
Forgotten Realms
M Myth Drannor
Qualquer campeão pode lançar feitiço de mago e de clérigo Portuguese Edition 13 of 400
ao defender Shadowdale. Realm
Forgotten Realms
Cormyr UC
Portuguese Edition 5 of 400 Qualquer campeão pode usar feitiços de mago ao defender
Realm Drannor. Aumenta o número máximo de cartas do jogador em
Forgotten Realms 1 nivel.
Costa Vaasa
Portuguese Edition 14 of 400
Sembia Realm
Portuguese Edition 6 of 400 Forgotten Realms
Realm M
Forgotten Realms Costa
Costa Selvas de Chult
Portuguese Edition 15 of 400
Ilhas MoonShae Realm
Portuguese Edition 7 of 400 5
Realm Forgotten Realms
2 M
Forgotten Realms Costa
M As selvas de Chult podem defender a si mesma como um
Costa monstro de nível 5.
As Moonshae podem se defender a si mesmas como um
monstro de nível 2. Todos os aliados ganham 3 níveis ao A Floresta Alta
defender as Moonshae. Portuguese Edition 16 of 400
Thay Forgotten Realms
Portuguese Edition 8 of 400 M
Forgotten Realms Costa de Espada
M Portuguese Edition 17 of 400
Qualquer campeão pode usar feitiços de mago ao defender Realm
Thay. Forgotten Realms

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 84

O jogador defensor pode retornar um aliado à sua mão depois Darkhold
de cada round de batalha. Costa Portuguese Edition 27 of 400
Anauroch Forgotten Realms
Portuguese Edition 18 of 400 M
Realm Todos os defensores de Darkhold ganham 2 níveis se Zhentil
Forgotten Realms Keep estiver em jogo.
Todos os atacantes perdem um nível. Os Salões Assombrados de Eveningstar
Portuguese Edition 28 of 400
Impiltur Realm
Portuguese Edition 19 of 400 Forgotten Realms
Realm R
Forgotten Realms Costa
M Saque uma carta para sua mão quando este reino for jogado
Costa ou reconstruido.
Ao defender Impiltur, todos os campeões e aliados ganham 1
nível. Evermeet
Portuguese Edition 29 of 400
Icewind Dale Realm
Portuguese Edition 20 of 400 Forgotten Realms
Realm M
Forgotten Realms Qualquer campeão pode usar feitiços de mago ao defender
M Evermeet. Voadores não podem atacar.
O Campeão atacante deve descartar um item mágico Charco dos Trolls
escolhido pelo defensor. Portuguese Edition 30 of 400
Os Charcos Elevados Forgotten Realms
Portuguese Edition 21 of 400 M
Forgotten Realms Berdusk
M Portuguese Edition 31 of 400
Costa Holding
Qualquer monstro defensor ganha 4 níveis. Forgotten Realms
Rashemen Um mago ou clérigo ganha 3 níveis ao defender o reino em
Portuguese Edition 22 of 400 anexo.
Forgotten Realms Tantras
M Portuguese Edition 32 of 400
Costa Holding
Forgotten Realms
Damara UC
Portuguese Edition 23 of 400 Nenhum feitiço pode ser usado para atacar ou defender
Realm Tantras.
Forgotten Realms
M Mulmaster
Dobra o nível de um campeão defensor do mundo de Portuguese Edition 33 of 400
Forgotten Realms
Narfell UC
Portuguese Edition 24 of 400 Saque uma carta cada vez que uma carta de feitiço for jogada.
Forgotten Realms Hillsfar
M Portuguese Edition 34 of 400
Costa Holding
Forgotten Realms
Castelo Gragonspear UC
Realm Qualquer campeão ganha 3 níveis ao defender o reino em
Portuguese Edition 25 of 400 anexo.
Forgotten Realms
M Suzail
Todos os aliados de um monstro ganham 2 níveis. Portuguese Edition 35 of 400
Daggerdale Forgotten Realms
Portuguese Edition 26 of 400 UC
Realm Qualquer campeão pode lançar feitiço de mago ao defender o
Forgotten Realms reino unido. Se unido a Cormyr, todos os defensores ganham
M 4 níveis.
Aliados não podem der usados para atacar este reino.

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 85

Arabel Drizzt Do' Urder
Portuguese Edition 36 of 400 Portuguese Edition 45 of 400
Holding Hero
4 8
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
O reino unido pode defender a si mesmo como um monstro de Ao defender Drizzt deve ser derrotado duas vezes em uma
nível 4. mesma batalha para ser descartado. Elfo.

Fortificações Deusa da Magia

Portuguese Edition 37 of 400 Portuguese Edition 46 of 400
Holding Wizard
Forgotten Realms 7
UC Forgotten Realms
Cada defensor do reino em anexo ganha 2 níveis. R
Se apenas uma Midnight estiver no jogo, magos não podem
Fortificações lançar feitiços sem sua permissão. Ela pode também destruir
Portuguese Edition 38 of 400 todos os itens mágicos unidos ao adversário.
Forgotten Realms Torg Mac Cei, o Senhor do Ferro
UC Portuguese Edition 47 of 400
Cada defensor do reino em anexo ganha 3 níveis. Hero
Selune Forgotten Realms
Portuguese Edition 39 of 400 UC
Holding Dwarf
Forgotten Realms O nível de Torg é dobrado quando defendendo ou atacando o
UC Grande Despenhadeiro.
Mortos-vivos não podem atacar o reino em anexo.
O Pereghost
Milícia Camponesa Portuguese Edition 48 of 400
Portuguese Edition 40 of 400 Monster
Holding 7
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Cada campeão e aliado atacando o reino em anexo perde 1 Todos o aliados de Pereghost ganham 2 níveis.
Bruenor, Martelo-de-Batalha
Alias, A Mercenária Portuguese Edition 49 of 400
Portuguese Edition 41 of 400 Hero
Hero 5
6 Forgotten Realms
Forgotten Realms R
UC Dwarf
Imune a feitiços ofensivos Bruenor ganha 2 níveis ao lutar contra um monstro.

Rei Azoun IV Marco Volo

Portuguese Edition 42 of 400 Portuguese Edition 50 of 400
Hero Hero
7 3
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Todos os aliados do Rei Azoun IV ganham 1 nível. No inicío do turno, o jogador pode olhar a carta no topo de
qualquer pilha de saque e, se quiser, descarta-la.
Maligor, O Vermelho
Os Harpistas
Portuguese Edition 43 of 400
Wizard Portuguese Edition 51 of 400
3 Hero 6
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Em batalha pode trazer um aliado adversário para seu próprio Os Harpistas podem lançar feitiço de mago e de clérigo, mas o
lado. jogador deve escolher um tipo (mago ou clérigo) em cada
batalha em que essa carta for usada.
Elmister, o Mago
Gnomo de Samek
Portuguese Edition 44 of 400
Wizard Portuguese Edition 52 of 400
9 Hero
Forgotten Realms 4
UC Forgotten Realms
Imune a feitiços ofensivos. UC

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 86

Aventureiros! Quando os Guerreiros Sagrados são descartados, o jogador
Portuguese Edition 53 of 400 pode devolver todas as cartas descartadas (exeto eventos) de
Hero volta à sua pilha de saque, embaralhando bem.
Forgotten Realms O Arcano Supremo
C Portuguese Edition 62 of 400
Podem lançar feitiços de mago e de clérigo. Wizard
Grupo de Guerra Forgotten Realms
Portuguese Edition 54 of 400 R
+4 Karlott, o Shaman
AD&D Portuguese Edition 63 of 400
C Cleric
Senhor do Crime Forgotten Realms
Portuguese Edition 55 of 400 UC
7 Rei Halvor II
Forgotten Realms Portuguese Edition 64 of 400
UC Hero
Maléfico 5
O Senhor do Crime também pode ser jogado como um evento Forgotten Realms
e destruir uma fortaleza. A fortaleza destruida e o Senhor do UC
Crime são descartados.
Aventureiros Portuguese Edition 65 of 400
Portuguese Edition 56 of 400 Ally
Hero +2
4 AD&D
Forgotten Realms C
C O Pteranodonte ganha 3 níveis ao defender Chult.
Todos os aliados deste aventureiros ganha 1 nível.
Os Assassinos de Jotun Portuguese Edition 66 of 400
Portuguese Edition 57 of 400 Ally
Hero +4
4 AD&D
Forgotten Realms R
C O Gorgossauro ganha 3 niveis ao defender Chult.
Os Assassinos de Jotun são de nível 8 se o campeão Grande Feyr
adversário é um monstro. Portuguese Edition 67 of 400
Exercito de BooDStone 5
Portuguese Edition 58 of 400 Forgotten Realms
Ally R
+4 O primeiro adversário aliado jogado contra o Grande Feyr em
AD&D cada batalha será descartado imediatamente.
Câmara Espiritual
A Legião de Ferro Portuguese Edition 68 of 400
Portuguese Edition 59 of 400 Magical Item
Ally AD&D
+3 R
AD&D Vocâ pode descartar o campeão que possui a Câmara
C Espiritual no lugar de qualquer outro dos seus campeões.

Tergoz Tenhammer Clérigo de Torm

Portuguese Edition 60 of 400 Portuguese Edition 69 of 400
Hero Cleric
5 5
Greyhawk Forgotten Realms

Guerreiros Sagrados Clériga de Mask

Portuguese Edition 61 of 400 Portuguese Edition 70 of 400
Ally Cleric
+4 4
AD&D Forgotten Realms
Esta carta e todas anexadas a ela permanecem com as faces
para baixo e são reveladas apenas em batalha.

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 87

Matriarca Drow Forgotten Realms
Portuguese Edition 71 of 400 C
Wizard Dwarf
5 Ganha 4 níveis ao enfrentar um monstro.
Forgotten Realms
UC O Andarilho Negro
Elf Portuguese Edition 80 of 400
A Matriarca Drow ganha 3 niveis ao defender Monster
Menzoberranzan. 4
Forgotten Realms
Dracolich R
Portuguese Edition 72 of 400 O nível do Andarilho negro é oito ao enfrentar dragões ou
Monster mortos-vivos.
Forgotten Realms Sáurio de ChiFRes
R Portuguese Edition 81 of 400
Pode usar feitiço de mago. Morto-vivo.Voador. Ally
Vasos Flameslayer AD&D
Portuguese Edition 73 of 400 C
5 Dagrande
Forgotten Realms Portuguese Edition 82 of 400
R Hero
Dwarf 4
Vasos ganha 3 níveis ao lutar contra um monstro. Forgotten Realms
Allisia da Névoa Dwarf
Portuguese Edition 74 of 400
Hero 5 Devorador de Mentes
Forgotten Realms Portuguese Edition 83 of 400
C Ally
Allisia ganha 3 níveis ao lutar contra um monstro. +3
Grypht, o Sáurio R
Portuguese Edition 75 of 400 Quando em jogo, o Devorador de Mentes pode imediatamene
Wizard trazer um aliado para seu proprio lado durante um round da
4 batalha. O aliado perde 1 nível.
Forgotten Realms
UC Nobre Djinn
Portuguese Edition 84 of 400
Wonder Punho de Ferro Ally
Portuguese Edition 76 of 400 +4
Hero AD&D
5 R
Forgotten Realms O oponente não pode jogar voadores neste round, e todos os
R voadores na batalha são descartados.
Wonder ganha 3 níveis ao lutar contra um monstro. Antiga Sothligor
Portuguese Edition 85 of 400
Amarill Realm
Portuguese Edition 77 of 400 Dark Sun
Cleric R
3 Esta antiga cidade-estado perdida pode ser jogada durante o
Forgotten Realms turno de qualquer jogador, imediatamente depois que
UC qualquer reino de DARK SUN em jogo seja destruido.
Se Amarill for derrotado, o jogador pode puxar um outro
campeão de sua pilha de descarte e trazâ-lo de volta à sua Devorador de Intelecto
mão. Portuguese Edition 86 of 400
Joliet, o Audacioso +1
Portuguese Edition 78 of 400 AD&D
Hero UC
4 Destroi imediatamente um campeão de nível 5 ou menor.
Forgotten Realms Considerar apenas os bônus de itens mágicos e artefatos ao
C determinar o nível do adversário.
Uma vez em jogo, deve atacar no turno do jogador, todos os
turnos, ou ser descartado. Shandrill
Portuguese Edition 87 of 400
Anão de Earthfast Hero
Portuguese Edition 79 of 400 3
Hero Forgotten Realms
2 C

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 88

Imune a feitiços ofensivos. AD&D
Triceratops (Ofe/4)
Portuguese Edition 88 of 400
Ally Convocação
+3 Portuguese Edition 97 of 400
AD&D Monster
R ?
O Triceratops ganha 6 níveis quando defendendo Chult. Forgotten Realms
Clérigo de Malar O jogador examina sua pilha de saque, de baixo para cima. O
Portuguese Edition 89 of 400 primeiro aliado que aparecer é convocado se esta carta for
Cleric usada outra vez.
Forgotten Realms Cúpula BSW 2016:
C O jogador deve examinar sua pilha de saque para saber qual
Este clérigo ganha 2 níveis ao atacar reinos que não sejam de aliado será convocado no momento em que o campeão for
FORGOTTEN REALMS. jogado, seja no passo 3 ou no passo 4.
Se ele for jogado no passo 3, o aliado é convocado sempre
que o campeão for escolhido como atacante ou defensor. Se
Barco Voador
ele for jogado no passo 4, o aliado passa a ser convocado a
Portuguese Edition 90 of 400 partir da próxima vez em que o campeão for escolhido como
Event atacante ou defensor.
AD&D O aliado convocado é sempre o mesmo, mesmo após a sua
UC primeira utilização.
Destrói dois aliados quaisquer, escolhidos pelo jogador desta Se o aliado convocado não estiver mais na pilha de saque, o
carta. Maléfico. poder do campeão pode trazê-lo para a batalha,
independentemente do local onde ele esteja.
Maus Presságios Após a sua convocação, o aliado é enviado à pilha de
Portuguese Edition 91 of 400 descartes.
Event O nível ajustado do campeão é o nível do aliado, desde que
AD&D ele é escolhido.
Todos os campeões e aliados perdem 1 nível até o próximo Estatueta do Poder Assombroso
turno do jogador. Maléfico. Portuguese Edition 98 of 400
Magical Item
Bons Presságios +3
Portuguese Edition 92 of 400 AD&D
Event C
AD&D (Ofe)
Todos os aliados ganham 3 níveis até o próximo turno do Cataclisma!
jogador. Benéfico. Portuguese Edition 99 of 400
Bastão de Transformação AD&D
Portuguese Edition 93 of 400 UC
Artifact Destrói um reino á escolha do jogador, o reino é descartado.
Forgotten Realms Maléfico.
Escolha qualquer campeão da pilha de descarte e use-o em Boa Sorte
batalha no lugar deste campeão. Depois de vencer a batalha, Portuguese Edition 100 of 400
este campeão e o artefato retornam à mesa; o substituto é Event
descartado. AD&D
Marterlo dos Anões O jogador desta carta pode sacar 5 cartas imediatamente.
Portuguese Edition 94 of 400 Benéfico.
Magical Item
+3 Ataque Surpresa
AD&D Portuguese Edition 101 of 400
R Event
(Ofe) AD&D
Cajado de Ataque Este campeão e seus aliados dobram de nível durante um
Portuguese Edition 95 of 400 round de batalha. Benéfico.
Magical Item
+3 Estandarde do Deus Ciclope
AD&D Portuguese Edition 102 of 400
R Magical Item
Este item transforma-se em +5 quando anexado a um clérigo. +1
Horrore d'O Abismo C
Portuguese Edition 96 of 400 Todos os aliados deste campeão ganham 1 nível.
Wizard Spell

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 89

Mão da Vibora Qualquer campeão GREYHAWK defendendo pode lançar
Portuguese Edition 103 of 400 feitiço de mago e clérigo.
Magical Item
AD&D As Terras de Iuz
UC Portuguese Edition 112 of 400
Qualquer campeão com a mão da Vibora pode lançar feitiços Realm
de mago. (Def) Greyhawk
Esfera do Poder Qualquer campeão defendendo as Terras de Iuz pode lançar
Portuguese Edition 104 of 400 feitiço de mago. Todos os defensores ganham 3 níveis se
Magical Item qualquer jogador tiver Iuz em jogo. Costa
AD&D O Pomarj
C Portuguese Edition 113 of 400
(Ofe) Realm
Cajado da Conjuração M
Portuguese Edition 105 of 400 Costa
Magical Item Um monstro defendendo o Pomarj ganha 3 níveis.
AD&D Forte da Princesa do Mar
C Portuguese Edition 114 of 400
(Ofe) Realm
Feitiço do Horror Disforme Greyhawk
Portuguese Edition 106 of 400 M
Wizard Spell Costa
-3 Este reino pode defender a si mesmo como um campeão de
AD&D nível 1.
Lançado contra um campeão adversário para reduzi-lo em 3 O Ycomanry
níveis. O feitiço permanece até ser dispersado. (Ofe/4) Portuguese Edition 115 of 400
Porto Seguro! Greyhawk
Portuguese Edition 107 of 400 M
AD&D Charco Negro
R Portuguese Edition 116 of 400
Cada jogador pode recostruir um reino destruido. Benéfico. Realm
Ato Heróico UC
Portuguese Edition 108 of 400 Costa
Event Todos os artefatos e itens mágicos defendendo o Charco
AD&D Negro ganham 2 níveis.
Um reino destruido pode ser reconstruido por um campeão da A Sociedade dos Chifres
mesa do jogador; o campeão é descartado. Benéfico. Portuguese Edition 117 of 400
Cúpula BSW 2013: Quando uma carta suporte, evento, etc é Greyhawk
cancelada, o custo ou consequência do seu uso/lançamento M
devem ser cumpridos. Com exceção quando a maneira de Costa
utilização estiver especificada no texto ou regra da carta.
Os Nômades Lobos
Vareta da Luz Portuguese Edition 118 of 400
Portuguese Edition 109 of 400 Realm
Magical Item +3 Greyhawk
UC Costa
Galeão Elfo Portuguese Edition 119 of 400
Portuguese Edition 110 of 400 Realm
Ally Greyhawk
+3 M
AD&D Qualquer monstro defendendo Sterich ganha 5 níveis.
A Cidade Livre de Greyhawk Portuguese Edition 120 of 400
Portuguese Edition 111 of 400 Realm
Realm Greyhawk
Greyhawk M

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 90

Veluna A Fronteira do Osso
Portuguese Edition 121 of 400 Portuguese Edition 131 of 400
Realm Realm
Greyhawk Greyhawk
Qualquer campeão defendendo Veluna pode lançar feitiços de Costa
clérigo. Heróis não podem ser usados em defesa deste reino.

Furyondy O Ducado de Urnst

Portuguese Edition 122 of 400 Portuguese Edition 132 of 400
Realm Realm
Greyhawk Greyhawk
Os Barões do Mar
O Grande Reino Portuguese Edition 133 of 400
Portuguese Edition 123 of 400 Realm
Realm Greyhawk
Greyhawk M
R Costa
Mortos-vivos não podem atacar o Grande Reino. A mão Qualquer fortaleza unida a este reino se aplica também ao
máxima do jogador é aumentada em 2. Grande Reino.

Templo da Maldade Elemental Bissel

Portuguese Edition 124 of 400 Portuguese Edition 134 of 400
Realm Realm
Greyhawk Greyhawk
Saque 3 cartas imediatamente quando o Templo da Maldade Qualquer campeão pode usar feitiços de clérigo ao defender
for jogado. Bissel.

Ruínas de Greyhawk A Irmandade Escarlate

Portuguese Edition 125 of 400 Portuguese Edition 135 of 400
Realm Realm
Greyhawk Greyhawk
Todos os campeões do mundo de GREYHAWK deste jogador Costa
ganham 2 níveis. Este jogador pode eliminar um campeão de qualquer mesa no
início de seu turno. Este reino é destruido.
Portuguese Edition 126 of 400 Portal de Ferro
Realm Portuguese Edition 136 of 400
Greyhawk Realm
M Greyhawk
Costa M
Keoland Qualquer herói defendendo o Portal de Ferro ganha 4 níveis.
Portuguese Edition 127 of 400
Realm Principado de Ulek
Greyhawk Portuguese Edition 137 of 400
M Realm
Celene C
Portuguese Edition 128 of 400 Costa
Greyhawk Condado de Sunndi
M Portuguese Edition 138 of 400
O Deserto BRilhante Greyhawk
Portuguese Edition 129 of 400 C
Greyhawk Ducado de Tenh
M Portuguese Edition 139 of 400
Costa Realm
Não pode ser atacada por heróis. Greyhawk
Theocracia de Pala
Portuguese Edition 130 of 400 Floresta Burneal
Realm Portuguese Edition 140 of 400
Greyhawk Realm
M Greyhawk

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 91

Castelo Hart O reino em anexo e todos os seus defensores são imunes a
Portuguese Edition 141 of 400 feitiços ofensivos de mago e feitiços de clérigo.
Greyhawk Cerco!
C Portuguese Edition 150 of 400
Qualquer campeão e aliado defendendo o Castelo Hart ganha Event
2 níveis. AD&D
Brasão da Sociedade do Chifre Destua o primeiro reino de qualquer jogador, independente de
Portuguese Edition 142 of 400 seus poderes especiais; se o primeiro reino já estiver
Holding destruído, ignore este evento. Maléfico.
Greyhawk Flâmula de Guerra
R Portuguese Edition 151 of 400
O reino em anexo pode defender a si mesmo como um herói Magical Item
de nível 5. +1
Cada campeão e aliado deste jogador ganha 1 nível. (Def)
Traças de Livros
Portuguese Edition 143 of 400 Codex dos Planos Infinitos
Event Portuguese Edition 152 of 400
AD&D Artifact
R Greyhawk
Deve ser jogado contra um jogador que, então, não poderá C
jogar qualquer carta de feitiço até o final de seu próximo turno. Todos campeões deste jogador são imunes a itens mágicos
Maléfico. ofensivos e feitiços afensivos.

Brasão de Greyhawk Cristal do ébano Flamejante

Portuguese Edition 144 of 400 Portuguese Edition 153 of 400
Holding Magical Item
Greyhawk +6
Nenhum Reino De GREYHAWK com fortaleza, de qualquer UC
jogador, pode ser atacado por monstros ou voadores. O campeão que tiver o cristal deve atacar em seu turno ou ser
descartado. (Ofe)
Brasão do Grande Reino
Portuguese Edition 145 of 400 Hordas do Castelo Greyhawk
Holding Portuguese Edition 154 of 400
Greyhawk Ally
R +5
Todos os aliados mortos-vivos deste jogador dobram de nível, AD&D
atacando ou defendendo. R

Brasão de Furyondy Horda de Esqueletos

Portuguese Edition 146 of 400 Portuguese Edition 155 of 400
Holding Monster
Greyhawk 5
C Greyhawk
O reino não pode ser afetado por eventos. C
Brasão de Nyrond
Portuguese Edition 147 of 400 Mão e Olho de Vecna
Holding Portuguese Edition 156 of 400
Greyhawk Artifact
C +5/+2
Monstros não podem atacar o reino em anexo. Greyhawk
Fortaleza de Crânios O campeão em anexo ganha 5 níveis quando atacando, e 2
Portuguese Edition 148 of 400 quando defendendo.
+4 Esfera dos Dragões
Greyhawk Portuguese Edition 157 of 400
C Artifact
Qualquer campeão defendendo o reino em anexo ganha 4 +4
níveis. Greyhawk
Fortificação Os reinos de GREYHAWK deste jogador e seus defensores
Portuguese Edition 149 of 400 não podem ser atacados por dragões ou monstros.
Greyhawk Cabana da Vovó Yaga
C Portuguese Edition 158 of 400

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 92

Greyhawk Iuz, o Maligno
UC Portuguese Edition 167 of 400
O campeão em anexo e seus aliados são considerados Monster
voadores. 8
Carruagem de Lyrx UC
Portuguese Edition 159 of 400 Iuz pode lançar feitiçode mago. Se derrotado, as forças de Iuz
Artifact podem destruir um reino adversário ou fazâ-lo descartar um
+3 reino destruído.
R Card Combo (from Liga BSW Forum): O combo Iuz, o
O campeão unido ganha 3 níveis e torna-se voador; todos os Maligno com Sabotador Suicida é válido, desde que o reino
seus aliados também podem voar. arrasado não seja o reino que está sendo atacado. Desta
forma Iuz arrasa não um, mas dois reinos de seu adversário,
Cálice de Al'Akbar mesmo se o campeão defensor tenha um nível menor do que
Portuguese Edition 160 of 400 o de Iuz!
Greyhawk Pagamento no Campo de Batalha
UC Portuguese Edition 168 of 400
Se o jogador descartar trâs cartas de sua mão até o fim deste Ally
turno, ele pode retornar qualquer carta (não evento) de sua +3
pilha de descarte para sua mão. AD&D
Rary, o Traidor R
Portuguese Edition 161 of 400 Cada aliado colocado em jogo depois desta cartas, pelo
Wizard mesmo jogador, ganha 3 níveis.
Greyhawk Aparição-Espadachim
C Portuguese Edition 169 of 400
Rary ganha 3 níveis ao enfrentar um mago e/ou oa defender Ally
um reino em anexo a uma fortaleza. +4
Mordenkainen R
Portuguese Edition 162 of 400 Morto-vivo.
7 Sysania
Greyhawk Portuguese Edition 170 of 400
R Cleric
Tysiln San Greyhawk
Portuguese Edition 163 of 400 UC
Wizard Voadora.
Greyhawk Kiara
UC Portuguese Edition 171 of 400
Elf Hero
Otto Greyhawk
Portuguese Edition 164 of 400 UC
Wizard Halfling
6 Kiara pode destruir um item mágico que seja usado contra ela.
Greyhawk O item afeado é descartado.
Otto pode lançar tanto feitiços de mago como de clérigo. Hettman Tsurin
Portuguese Edition 172 of 400
Mika, o Nômade-Lobo Hero
Portuguese Edition 165 of 400 2
Wizard Greyhawk
7 R
Greyhawk Se Hettman não atacar, no final de seu turno o jogador pode
R escolher ao acaso uma carta da mão de outro jogador, e
Mika ganha 3 níveis quando o oponente usa aliados contra descartá-la.
Lloth, a Rainha das Aranhas Portuguese Edition 173 of 400
Portuguese Edition 166 of 400 Magical Item
Monster +2
9 AD&D
Greyhawk R
R O campeão unido torna-se voador. (Def)
Lloth pode lançar feitiço de mago e de clérigo. Se Lloth for
derrotada, recoloque-a na pilha de saque e embaralhe. Zumbi do Mar
Portuguese Edition 174 of 400

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 93

+4 Miles
AD&D Portuguese Edition 183 of 400
R Ally
Morto-vivo. +2
Lobo da Névoa UC
Portuguese Edition 175 of 400
Event Trystan
AD&D Portuguese Edition 184 of 400
R Ally
Nenhum aliado pode ser jogado até o próximo turno do +2
jogador. Aliados em jogo são descartados imediatamente. AD&D
Portuguese Edition 176 of 400 Thorvid
Hero Portuguese Edition 185 of 400
5 Hero
Greyhawk 5
UC Greyhawk
Voador. R
Thorvid ganha 3 níveis ao lutar contra monstros, mortos-vivos
Quagmiela, o Dragão ou voadores.
Portuguese Edition 177 of 400
Monster 5 Loucura das Fadas
Greyhawk Portuguese Edition 186 of 400
UC Event
Dragon AD&D
Voador. R
Loucura das Fadas afeta um campeão (não envolvido em
Pergaminho do Exílio Espiritual batalha). Este campeão é virado com a face para baixo e não
Portuguese Edition 178 of 400 pode ser usado até o seu próximo turno. Maléfico.
+4 Nenioc
Forgotten Realms Portuguese Edition 187 of 400
R Cleric
Um campeão derrotado pelo possuidor deste pergaminho é 5
removido do jogo; não pode deixar a pilha de descarte e voltar Greyhawk
ao jogo em nenhuma circunstância. UC

Assassino Jovem Dragão

Portuguese Edition 179 of 400 Portuguese Edition 188 of 400
Event Monster
AD&D 4
R Greyhawk
Jogue este evento apenas durante um round de batalha, C
depois que ambos os campeões tiverem sido selecionados. Voador. O Dragão Dourado pode usar feitiço de mago.
Nenhuma outra carta pode ser jogada neste turno. Maléfico. Dragão.

Fúria Indomável! Arquidruida

Portuguese Edition 180 of 400 Portuguese Edition 189 of 400
Event Cleric
AD&D 4
R Greyhawk
Todos os heróis ganha 5 níveis até o próximo turno deste R
jogador. Benéfico. Se apenas um Arquidruida estiver em jogo, clérigos não
podem lançar feitiços sem sua permissão.
Portuguese Edition 181 of 400 Cão-do-Inferno
Hero Portuguese Edition 190 of 400
4 Ally
Greyhawk +5
Os Nômades ganham 2 níveis se Mika estiver na mesa. UC
Todas as cartas do mesmo lado do cão-do-inferno são imunes
Pergaminho da Fúria a feitiços de Bola-de-fogo.
Portuguese Edition 182 of 400
Wizard Spell Pergaminho de Aceso a Outros Mundos
+8 Portuguese Edition 191 of 400
AD&D Magical Item
R +2
O mago que usar este pergaminho não pode jogar qualquer AD&D
outra carta neste round. (Off/4) R

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 94

Se um campeão com este pergaminho for derrotado, o jogador Estatueta do Falcão
pode renovar sua mão com 8 cartas da pilha de saque. (Def) Portuguese Edition 200 of 400
Magical Item
Liga BSW: Esta é uma carta de saque extra, portanto pode +1
ser contida por cartas que impessam essa ação e englobem AD&D
itens mágicos, como Frevo [ML/66] e Not So Fast [CHBR/20). UC
Esqueleto Gigante
Portuguese Edition 192 of 400 Renovação!
Ally Portuguese Edition 201 of 400
+3 Event
Morto-vivo. Qualquer espada mágica ou lança usada pelo Todos os jogadores devem descartar suas mãos
campeão adversário deve ser descartada imediatamente. imediatamente e sacar outras cinco cartas. Maléfico.

Esqueletos Enslaved!
Portuguese Edition 193 of 400 Portuguese Edition 202 of 400
Ally Event
+1 AD&D
C Todos os jogadores devem descartar um campeão de sua
Morto-vivo. mão. Maléfico.

Horror Alado Cerco

Portuguese Edition 194 of 400 Portuguese Edition 203 of 400
Monster Event
7 AD&D
Greyhawk C
UC Todos os jogadores devem descartar um reino de sua posição
Voador. frontal. O próximo reino a ser jogado deve ser colocado no
lugar vago. Maléfico.
Entes da Floresta Antiga
Portuguese Edition 195 of 400 Suborno!
Ally Portuguese Edition 204 of 400
+5 Event
Todas as cartas do jogador são imunes a todos os feitiços Jogue este evento logo depois que os campeões forem
ofensivos de mago, exceto Bola de fogo. escolhidos para a batalha. O campeão subornado retorna à
sua mesa, e o jogador deve escolher outro campeão ou perder
Rangers da Floresta dos Espinhos a batalha. Maléfico.
Portuguese Edition 196 of 400
Hero Carga!
4 Portuguese Edition 205 of 400
Greyhawk Event
A Cabeça de Gulothku Todos os campeões do jogador ganham 3 niveis até o fim de
Portuguese Edition 197 of 400 seu próximo turno. Benéfico.
Artifact +3
Dark Sun Espada Mágica
R Portuguese Edition 206 of 400
Esta temida relíquia afeta qualquer aliado jogado com ou Magical Item
contra o campeão que tiver o artefato, reduzindo seu nível em +2
2 pontos - exeto se o campeão for um clérigo. AD&D
Forte da FRonteira Sword
Portuguese Edition 198 of 400 +5 contra mortos-vivos. (Ofe)
Forgotten Realms Aumentar
C Portuguese Edition 207 of 400
Apenas voadores podem atacar o reino em anexo. Wizard Spell +3
Bola de Cristal de Ren R
Portuguese Edition 199 of 400 O campeão ganha 3 niveis ao atacar voadores.
Greyhawk Anel das Estrelas Cadentes
C Portuguese Edition 208 of 400
No início de seu turno, o possuidor da bola de Cristal de Ren Magical Item
pode examinar as trâs primeiras cartas de qualquer pilha de +4
saque, e descartar uma delas. AD&D

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 95

O Herói pode emprestar i nível a um campeão em combate se Ponte Arco-íris
não estiver envolvido. Portuguese Edition 218 of 400
Brasão de Veluna AD&D
Portuguese Edition 209 of 400 R
Holding O jogador com esta carta pode redirecionar um ataque contra
Greyhawk qualquer reino (exeto um dos reinos do atacante) Benéfico.
Sempre que conseguir defender o reino em anexo, traga de Ataque Pelos Flancos
volta para sua mão um aliado da pilha de descarte. Portuguese Edition 219 of 400
Levando na Conversa! +3
Portuguese Edition 210 of 400 AD&D
Event R
AD&D O oponente deve jogar um aliado em resposta a esta carta, ou
UC perder o round.
Qualquer um pode ser convencido que seus itens mágicos
não funcionam bem. Todos os jogadores descartam todos os Bastão de Dispersar Magia
seus itens mágicos e artefatos. Maléfico. Portuguese Edition 220 of 400
Voo Greyhawk
Portuguese Edition 211 of 400 UC
Wizard Spell Um campeão com este bastão pode cancelar um feitiço
AD&D quando atacando ou defendendo.
O campeão e seus aliados tornam-se voadores durante uma Draj
batalha. (Def/4) Portuguese Edition 221 of 400
Transformação Dark Sun
Portuguese Edition 212 of 400 M
Wizard Spell +6 Atacantes não-voadores perdem 2 níveis.
R Raam
(Def/4) Portuguese Edition 222 of 400
Atacantes Bárbaros! Dark Sun
Portuguese Edition 213 of 400 M
Event Todos os defensores deste reino ganham 1 nível.
R Urik
Cada jogador deve descartar, à sua escolha, um reino mesa Portuguese Edition 223 of 400
ou de sua mão. Maléfico. Realm
Frota de Tesouro Dark Sun
Portuguese Edition 214 of 400 M
Event Aliados não podem ser usados para atacar Urik. Urik pode se
AD&D defender como um campeão de nível 4.
Todos os jogadores sacam trâs cartas. Benéfico. Tyr
Portuguese Edition 224 of 400
Poção do Hálito de Fogo Realm
Portuguese Edition 215 of 400 5
Magical Item Dark Sun
+6 M
AD&D O jogador saca uma carta extra por turno. Tyr pode se
R defender como um héroi de nível 5.
Descarte apos um uso. (Ofe)
Brasão das Shield Lands Portuguese Edition 225 of 400
Portuguese Edition 216 of 400 Realm
Holding 7
Greyhawk Dark Sun
Ao ser anexado a esta carta, um reino de GREYHAWK O primeiro aliado a atacar Gulg em cada batalha é destruído.
destruido é reconstruído instantaneamente. Gulg pode se defender como um herói de nível 7.

Rede-Armadilha Nibenay
Portuguese Edition 217 of 400 Portuguese Edition 226 of 400
Magical Item Realm
AD&D Dark Sun
O oponente deste campeão não pode jogar aliados. (Ofe) Esta carta não é colocada com a face para baixo a menos que
o reino seja destuído duas vezes em uma batalha.

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 96

Balic Arkhold
Portuguese Edition 227 of 400 Portuguese Edition 236 of 400
Realm Holding
4 Dark Sun
Dark Sun C
M O jogador pode sacar um carta extra por turno.
Todos os aliados atacantes perdem metade de seus níveis
(arredondados para baixo). Balic pode se defender como um Salt View
herói de nível 4. Portuguese Edition 237 of 400
O Palácio da Lama Dark Sun
Portuguese Edition 228 of 400 C
Holding Campeões defensores ganham 2 niveis
Dark Sun
UC Escudo do Crepúsculo
O Palacio de Lama aumenta a mão do jogador em 2 cartas. Portuguese Edition 238 of 400
Ledopolus Norte +4
Portuguese Edition 229 of 400 Forgotten Realms
Holding R
Dark Sun Este escudo pode er unido apenas a um campeão monstro ou
UC morto-vivo.
Uma carta pode ser sacada e jogada e jogada imediatamente
em defesa do reino em anexo. Campanha de Inverno
Ledopolus Sul Portuguese Edition 239 of 400
Portuguese Edition 230 of 400 Event
Holding AD&D
Dark Sun R
UC Jogue contra um jogador no passo 4. Até o fim deste passo, o
O reino em anexo pode usar qualquer aliado como se fosse jogador afetado não pode jogar mais que um aliado por round.
um campeão. O aliado é descartado depois da batalha. Benéfico.

Altaruk Giustenal
Portuguese Edition 231 of 400 Portuguese Edition 240 of 400
Holding Holding
Dark Sun Dark Sun
Qualquer campeão defendendo o reino em anexo pode usar Um campeão atacando o reino em anexo não pode jogar mais
feitiço de clérigo. que trâs aliados por turno.

Salt View Yaramuke

Portuguese Edition 232 of 400 Portuguese Edition 241 of 400
Holding Holding
Dark Sun Dark Sun
Monstros não podem atacar o reino em anexo. A água envenenada destrói um aliado atacante assim que ele
for jogado (à escolha do defensor).
Portuguese Edition 233 of 400 Oásis Perdido
Holding Portuguese Edition 242 of 400
Dark Sun Holding
UC Dark Sun
Qualquer campeão e aliado atacando o reino em anexo C
perdem 1 nível pelo medo dos halflings canibals de Ogo. O jogador pode sacar uma carta e joga-la imediatamente
quando o reino em anexo é atacado.
Portuguese Edition 234 of 400 Lagoa de Grak
Holding Portuguese Edition 243 of 400
Dark Sun Holding
UC +5
Malka adiciona 1 nível a todos os defensores do reino em Dark Sun
anexo. C
A lagoa funciona como um alido de nível 5 para o campeão
Kalidnay que defenda o reino em anexo.
Portuguese Edition 235 of 400
Holding Silver Spring
Dark Sun Portuguese Edition 244 of 400
C Holding
Qualquer monstro defendendo o reino em anexo ganha 4 Dark Sun
níveis. C
Se o reino em anexo é destruído, um reino do oponente (à
escolha do defensor) é destruido também.

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 97

Poço Amargo Bando de Guerra
Portuguese Edition 245 of 400 Portuguese Edition 254 of 400
Holding Ally
Dark Sun +3
Este oásis destrói qualquer voador que ataque o reino em C
Lanceiros Kank
Águas Negras Portuguese Edition 255 of 400
Portuguese Edition 246 of 400 Ally
Holding +6
Dark Sun AD&D
Nenhum licantropo ou mosntro pode atacar qualquer reino
deste jogador.
Mercenários Nômades
Forte Portuguese Edition 256 of 400
Portuguese Edition 247 of 400 Ally
Holding +2
Dark Sun AD&D
Aliados defendendo qualquer reino de DARK-SUN deste
jogador ganham 1 nível. Gladiadores
Portuguese Edition 257 of 400
Masmorra de Gulg Ally
Portuguese Edition 248 of 400 +9
Holding AD&D
Dark Sun UC
Quaiquer campeão e aliado atacando o reino em anexo perde Rikus
1 nível. Portuguese Edition 258 of 400
Ziggurat 6
Portuguese Edition 249 of 400 Dark Sun
Holding UC
Dark Sun Rikus pode atacar duas vezes; se vencer o primeiro round, ele
UC pode atacar de novo com novos aliados.
O nível de bônus (número no ícone) de qualquer feitiço de
mago usado em defesa deste reino é dobrado. Neeva
Portuguese Edition 259 of 400
Templo Hero
Portuguese Edition 250 of 400 7
Holding Dark Sun
Dark Sun R
O reino em anexo pode lançar feitiços de clérigo. Sadira
Portuguese Edition 260 of 400
Horda de Mogadisho Wizard
Portuguese Edition 251 of 400 4
Ally Dark Sun
+1 C
C Agis
Se esta carta estiver no lado perdedor de uma batalha, todas Portuguese Edition 261 of 400
as fortalezas do oponente são descartasdos. Hero
Assassinos Dark Sun
Portuguese Edition 252 of 400 UC
Ally Quando atacando, pode psionicamente destruir um monstro
+2 no poço do defensor antes da batalha.
UC Anavias
Se esta carta estiver no lado perdedor da batalha, ela destrói Portuguese Edition 262 of 400
qualquer campeão adversário à escolha do perdedor. Hero
Mercenários Halflings Dark Sun
Portuguese Edition 253 of 400 R
Ally Quando atacando, pode negar psionicamente o poder de
+1 todas as fotalezas inimigas durante a batalha.
C Vaerhirmana
Portuguese Edition 263 of 400

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 98

Wizard C
Dark Sun Ka'Cha
R Portuguese Edition 273 of 400
Half-Elf Ally
Herminard AD&D
Portuguese Edition 264 of 400 UC
4 Galek
Dark Sun Portuguese Edition 274 of 400
C Ally
T'kkyl AD&D
Portuguese Edition 265 of 400 C
3 Dançarinos do Vento
Dark Sun Portuguese Edition 275 of 400
C Event
Azhul UC
Portuguese Edition 266 of 400 Todos os voadores em jogo são destruidos imediatamente.
Hero Maléfico.
Dark Sun Caçadores Aquáticos
UC Portuguese Edition 276 of 400
Sabotador Suicida Event
Portuguese Edition 267 of 400 AD&D
Event C
AD&D Todos os mortos-vivos são destruidos imediatamente.
R Maléfico.
Descartando um campeão, o jogador pode destruir um reino
qualquer. Maléfico. Mãos Prateadas
Portuguese Edition 277 of 400
Cúpula BSW 2013: Quando uma carta suporte, evento, etc é Event
cancelada, o custo ou consequência do seu uso/lançamento AD&D
devem ser cumpridos. Com exceção quando a maneira de UC
utilização estiver especificada no texto ou regra da carta. Todos os campeões mortos na última batalha são devolvidos
à mesa dos jogadores. Este evento deve ser jogado apenas
Bagual quando uma batalha estiver terminado. Benéfico.
Portuguese Edition 268 of 400
Cleric Cantores Celestes
2 Portuguese Edition 278 of 400
Dark Sun Event
Rowan Todos os itens mágicos no jogo são destruidos. Maléfico.
Portuguese Edition 269 of 400
Ally Caçadores da Areia
+1 Portuguese Edition 279 of 400
AD&D Ally
UC +3
Elf AD&D
Portuguese Edition 270 of 400 Corredores Noturnos
Cleric Portuguese Edition 280 of 400
3 Ally
Dark Sun +2
Ashathra Elf
Portuguese Edition 271 of 400
Ally So-ut
+2 Portuguese Edition 281 of 400
AD&D Ally
C +3
Stug R
Portuguese Edition 272 of 400
Ally Demônio da Cisterna
+2 Portuguese Edition 282 of 400

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 99

Monster Salicia
2 Portuguese Edition 292 of 400
Dark Sun Ally
C +3
Aliados não podem ser usados contra esse demônio. AD&D
Portuguese Edition 283 of 400 Zurn
Ally Portuguese Edition 293 of 400
+1 Ally
AD&D +1
Mul Selvagem
Portuguese Edition 284 of 400 Powel
Monster Portuguese Edition 294 of 400
6 Ally
Dark Sun +1
Portuguese Edition 285 of 400 Baber
Ally Portuguese Edition 295 of 400
+2 Ally
AD&D +3
Portuguese Edition 286 of 400 Visitante
Ally Portuguese Edition 296 of 400
+3 Ally
AD&D +2
Portuguese Edition 287 of 400 Foucault
Ally Portuguese Edition 297 of 400
+1 Ally
AD&D +3
Espírito da Terra
Portuguese Edition 288 of 400 Stef'fa Naf'ski
Event Portuguese Edition 298 of 400
AD&D Monster
R 5
O Espírito da Terra evita que um reino ou fortaleza de DARK- Dark Sun
SUN seja destruido ou descartado, ou restaura um reino R
destruído de qualquer mundo. O atacante não ganha espólios
pela vitória e a batalha termina. Benéfico.
Capitão Kazhal
Portuguese Edition 299 of 400
Portuguese Edition 289 of 400 9
Ally Dark Sun
+3 R
AD&D Destrói um item mágico do campeão advesário durante um
R round de batalha.

Wijon Dlasva
Portuguese Edition 290 of 400 Portuguese Edition 300 of 400
Ally Hero
+2 3
AD&D Dark Sun
Dlasva pode destruir psionicamente um aliado adversário
Mikor durante um round de batalha.
Portuguese Edition 291 of 400
Ally Tithian
+3 Portuguese Edition 301 of 400
AD&D Hero
UC 5
Dark Sun

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 100

Se tithian atacar e vencer um round de batalha, o reino do
defensor é destruido imediatamente. Esfera do Poder
Portuguese Edition 310 of 400
Card Combo (from Desafio dos Corajosos 2016): Esta é uma Magical Item
versão melhorada do combo Butler's Balderdash, permitindo AD&D
que o jogador potencialmente possa arrasar um reino por C
turno, ja que, ao vencer o combate automaticamente graças Feitiços ofensivos e itens mágicos não tem efeito contra o
ao feitiço Thrice Hearty Cup, Tithian arrasa o reino atacado. campeão que tiver esta esfera.
Jerome então retorna o feitiço no passo 5 para que o combo
persista indefinidamente.
Anel de Tudo Ver
Portuguese Edition 311 of 400
Magical Item
Portuguese Edition 302 of 400 AD&D
Ally UC
+2 No início de seu turno, vocâ pode olhar as cartas da mão de
AD&D um adversário. (Def)

Portuguese Edition 312 of 400
Portuguese Edition 303 of 400 Event
Wizard AD&D
6 C
Dark Sun Todos os monstros são subornados para desertar; descarte
C todos os monstros em batalha ou em poço. Maléfico.
Se a Profanadora lançar um ou mais feitiços, um reino do
jogador é destruido ou uma fortaleza do jogador é
Escudo da Destruição
embaralhadode volta à pilha de saque.
Portuguese Edition 313 of 400
Magical Item
Rei Dragão
Portuguese Edition 304 of 400 AD&D
Monster C
8 (Def)
Dark Sun
Escudo da Aniquilação
Pode lançar feitiços de mago.
Portuguese Edition 314 of 400
Magical Item
Portuguese Edition 305 of 400 AD&D
Monster UC
9 (Def)
Dark Sun
Escudo da Devastação
Pode lançar feitiços de mago e de clérigo. Portuguese Edition 315 of 400
Magical Item
Portuguese Edition 306 of 400 C
Wizard (Def)
Dark Sun
Escudo da Perversidade
Portuguese Edition 316 of 400
Magical Item
Portuguese Edition 307 of 400 C
Ally Um aliado adversário, escolhido pelo possuidor do escudo,
+3 pode ser forçado a trocar de lado e lutar com o possuidor do
AD&D escudo. (Ofe)
Escudo de Gore
Portuguese Edition 317 of 400
Portuguese Edition 308 of 400 Magical Item
Ally +3
+1 AD&D
UC (Ofe)

Tigre A Lança Certeira

Portuguese Edition 309 of 400 Portuguese Edition 318 of 400
Ally Artifact
+1 Dark Sun

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 101

Mata qualquer dragão ou monstro adversário em batalha, Dark Sun
automaticamente. R
Todos os aliados do Guerreiro do Deserto ganham 1 nível.
A Caravana
Portuguese Edition 319 of 400 Saqueador
Event Portuguese Edition 328 of 400
AD&D Ally
C +3
Jogue esta carta apenas entre os turnos de dois jogadores. O AD&D
jogador deste evento pode ter seu turno imediatamente. C
Depois o jogo reassuma sua ordem normal. Benéfico.
Besouro Shaqal
O Colar Portuguese Edition 329 of 400
Portuguese Edition 320 of 400 Ally
Magical Item +1
O campeão que tiver este colar pode lançar feitiços de clérigo.
(Def) Tembo
Portuguese Edition 330 of 400
Clérigo Elemental Monster
Portuguese Edition 321 of 400 3
Cleric Dark Sun
2 UC
Dark Sun O oponente não pode usar aliado para defender ou atacar
C contra o Tembo.
O Clérigo é imune a feitiços ofensivos de mago.
Arqueiro Elfo Portuguese Edition 331 of 400
Portuguese Edition 322 of 400 Wizard Spell
Ally AD&D
+3 C
AD&D Destrói imediatamente todos os aliados adversários de nível 4
R ou menos.

O Pária Raio
Portuguese Edition 323 of 400 Portuguese Edition 332 of 400
Hero Wizard Spell
5 +5
Dark Sun AD&D
Pode lançar feitiços de mago e clérigo. Destrói imediatamente um aliado adversário de nível 4 ou
menor, ou um item mágico, à escolha do jogador.
Portuguese Edition 324 of 400 Paralisar
Ally Portuguese Edition 333 of 400
+1 Wizard Spell
Se lançado sobre um campeão antes de uma batalha, ele não
Guerreiro do Deserto poderá defender. Se lançado durante a batalha, elimina um
Portuguese Edition 325 of 400 adversário a escolha do jogador.
2 Projétil Mágico
Dark Sun Portuguese Edition 334 of 400
R Wizard Spell
O primeiro aliado do Guerreiro do Deserto em cada round é +3
considerado +4, idependente de seu nível atual. AD&D
Guloth'katra (Ofe/4)
Portuguese Edition 326 of 400
Monster Muralha de Fogo
4 Portuguese Edition 335 of 400
Forgotten Realms Wizard Spell
R +3
Este filho de Guloth ganha 4 níveis ao enfrentar qualquer AD&D
campeão de um jogador que tenha a Cabeça de Guloth em C
jogo. Apenas voadores podem atacar através da muralha. (Ofe/4)

Guerreiro do Deserto Muralha de Ferro

Portuguese Edition 327 of 400 Portuguese Edition 336 of 400
Hero Wizard Spell
4 +3

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 102

AD&D Portuguese Edition 345 of 400
C Magical Item
Apenas voadores podem atacar através da muralha. Só pode +5
ser usada para defesa. (Def/4) AD&D
Muralha de Pedra Este item Mágico nunca pode ser destruído ou descartado; se
Portuguese Edition 337 of 400 o campeão é descartado, o baú retorna à mão do jogador.
Wizard Spell (Def)
AD&D Dispersar Magia
C Portuguese Edition 346 of 400
Apenas voadores podem atacar através da muralha. Só pode Wizard Spell
ser usada para defesa. (Def/4) AD&D
Muralha de Força Cancela os efeitos de qualquer feitiço. (Def/3/4)
Portuguese Edition 338 of 400
Wizard Spell Força-Fantasma
+5 Portuguese Edition 347 of 400
AD&D Wizard Spell
C +6
Apenas voadores podem atacar através da muralha. (Def/4) AD&D
Espadachim Aurak (Ofe/4)
Portuguese Edition 339 of 400
Monster Pavor
7 Portuguese Edition 348 of 400
AD&D Wizard Spell
Quando atacar um reino, o espadachim escolhe o defensor no R
poço do aponente para um combate simples; aliados não Esta carta é anexada a qualquer campeão inimigo na mesa;
podem ser usados em nenhum dos lados. ele não poderá mais atacar ou defender até o feitiço seja
dispersado. (Ofe/3)
Cone de Frio
Portuguese Edition 340 of 400 Cura de Ferimentos Leves
Wizard Spell Portuguese Edition 349 of 400
+5 Cleric Spell
AD&D +1
(Ofe/4) C
Portuguese Edition 341 of 400 Cura de Ferimentos Graves
Wizard Spell Portuguese Edition 350 of 400
AD&D Cleric Spell
C +2
Elimina até 3 aliados adversários de nível 1 ou 2, escolhidos AD&D
pelo jogador. (Ofe/4) C
Portuguese Edition 342 of 400 De Bastão Para Serpente
Wizard Spell Portuguese Edition 351 of 400
+2 Cleric Spell
AD&D +4
(Def/4) C
Portuguese Edition 343 of 400 Barreira de Lâminas
Wizard Spell Portuguese Edition 352 of 400
AD&D Cleric Spell
Um campeão ou um aliado torna-se voador. (Def/4) R
Destrói todos os aliados de nível de nível 5 ou menos. Só
Punho Esmagador pode ser usado para defender. (Ofe/4)
Portuguese Edition 344 of 400
Wizard Spell Benção
+4 Portuguese Edition 353 of 400
AD&D Cleric Spell
O Punho Esmagador dá 4 níveis a um campeão ou destrói um C
item mágico, à escolha do jogador. (Ofe/4) O campeão e cada um de seus aliados ganham 1 nível neste
round. (Def/4)
Baú Místico de Nystul

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 103

Portuguese Edition 354 of 400 Muralha de Espinhos
Cleric Spell Portuguese Edition 363 of 400
AD&D Cleric Spell
R +2
O clérigo que lança este feitiço perde este round de batalha AD&D
mas não é descartado; em vez disso, ele retorna à mesa. C
(Def/4) Use este feitiço apenas para defesa. Só atacantes de nível 3
ou mais podem cruzar a Muralha. (Def/4)
Caminhar nos Ventos
Portuguese Edition 355 of 400 Muralha de Fogo
Cleric Spell Portuguese Edition 364 of 400
AD&D Cleric Spell
R +1
O campeão e seus aliados são tratados como voadores neste AD&D
round. (Def/4) UC
Apenas atacantes de nível 4 ou maior podem atravessar a
Pele de Cortiça muralha. Só pode ser usado para defesa. (Ofe/4)
Portuguese Edition 356 of 400
Cleric Spell Palavra Sagrada
+2 Portuguese Edition 365 of 400
AD&D Cleric Spell
Um único defensor ganha 2 níveis. (Def/4) C
Destrói todos os aliados mortos-vivos em ambos os lados da
Encantar batalha imediatamente. (Ofe/4)
Portuguese Edition 357 of 400
Wizard Spell Ressuscitar
AD&D Portuguese Edition 366 of 400
C Cleric Spell
O oponente perde um aliado à escolha do jogador que lança o AD&D
feitiço. (Ofe/4) R
Qualquer campeão derrotado pode ser ressuscitado da pilha
Dispersar Magia do descarte e retornar à mão do jogador. (Def/3/4)
Portuguese Edition 358 of 400
Cleric Spell Ataque Flamejante
AD&D Portuguese Edition 367 of 400
C Cleric Spell
Cancela os efeitos de qualquer feitiço. AD&D
Escuridão Destrói quaisquer aliado adversário cujos níveis somem 6 ou
Portuguese Edition 359 of 400 menos, escolhidos pelo jogador que lança o feitiço. Descarta-
Cleric Spell se mediatamente. (Ofe/4)
C Proteção contra Raios
A batalha termina imediatamente, sem vencedor ou perdedor; Portuguese Edition 368 of 400
campeões retornam às suas mesas, aliados são descartados. Cleric Spell
Escuridão não tem efeito contra monstros. (Def/4) AD&D
Proteção Raios não podem afetar o campeão que lança o feitiço nem
Portuguese Edition 360 of 400 seus aliados nesta batalha. (Def/4)
Cleric Spell
AD&D Silêncio
C Portuguese Edition 369 of 400
O oponente não pode usar mortos-vivos neste round de Cleric Spell
batalha; aliados são descartados. Um campeão morto-vivo AD&D
perde a batalha, mas retorna à mesa. (Def/4) UC
O campeão adversário não pode lançar qualquer feitiço nesta
Carruagem de Sustarre batalha. (Ofe/4)
Portuguese Edition 361 of 400
Cleric Spell Invisibilidade aos mortos-vivos
AD&D Portuguese Edition 370 of 400
C Cleric Spell
Um campeão ou dois aliados podem voar por um round de AD&D
batalha. (Def/4) C
Este campeão ignora oponentes mortos-vivos.
Raio de Sol
Portuguese Edition 362 of 400 Muralha de Neblina
Cleric Spell Portuguese Edition 371 of 400
AD&D Wizard Spell
O Raio de Sol mata todos os mortos-vivos na mesa de um C
jogador. (Ofe/3)

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 104

Nenhum ataque pode ser feito por qualquer jogador até o Destrói todos os campeões e aliados de nível 4 ou menos em
próximo turno do jogador que lança o feitiço. (Ofe/3) jogo, em qualquer lugar.

Esquecimento Moeda da Megalomania

Portuguese Edition 372 of 400 Portuguese Edition 381 of 400
Wizard Spell Magical Item
Um aliado "esquece" de atacar ou defender neste turno; o Um campeão com esta moeda pode ter qualquer número de
aliado é descartado. (Ofe/4) artefatos unidos, e de qualquer mundo. (Def)

Teia Neblina Sólida

Portuguese Edition 373 of 400 Portuguese Edition 382 of 400
Wizard Spell Event
Destrói qualquer aliado adversário de nível 3 ou menos. Evita todos os ataques contra todos os jogadores até o
(Ofe/4) próximo turno do jogador que lança o feitiço. Maléfico.

Pisacr de Olhos Animar Mortos

Portuguese Edition 374 of 400 Portuguese Edition 383 of 400
Wizard Spell Wizard Spell
Um campeão que está para perder um round de batalha Um mago que lança este feitiço pode lutar outra vez no
escapa para a mesa; a batalha é perdida, mas o campeão não próximo round de batalha, tenha perdido ou não o round
é descartada. anterior. (Def/4)

Paralisar Mortos-Vivos Nuvem Assassina

Portuguese Edition 375 of 400 Portuguese Edition 384 of 400
Wizard Spell Wizard Spell
Aliados mortos-vivos adversários não podem ser usados nesta Aliados adversários de nível 3 ou menos são descartados e
batalha. (Ofe/4) nenhum outro pode ser jogado até o final deste round. (Ofe/4)

Encantar Monstros Mente Enfraquecida

Portuguese Edition 376 of 400 Portuguese Edition 385 of 400
Wizard Spell Wizard Spell
Todos os monstros adversários à mesa de origem; o campeão Um adversário não pode lançar feitiços pelo resto do round.
que lança o feitiço vence este round de batalha. (Ofe/4) (Ofe/4)

Ventos Arcanos Recipiente Arcano

Portuguese Edition 377 of 400 Portuguese Edition 386 of 400
Event Wizard Spell
Esta tempestade anti-magia atravessa o cosmo e destrói Se o defensor é derrotado, o campeão atacante torna-se
todos os itens mágicos em jogo. Maléfico. defensor no round seguinte da batalha - e então é descartado.
Tentáculos Negros
Portuguese Edition 378 of 400 Cão Fiel
Wizard Spell Portuguese Edition 387 of 400
AD&D Event
Todos os campeões de nível 4 ou menor são mortos, estejam C
em batalhas ou poços. (Ofe/3/4) Apenas voadores podem atacar um reino até o próximo turno
do jogador. Maléfico.
Escudo de Fogo
Portuguese Edition 379 of 400 Passa-Muralha
Wizard Spell Portuguese Edition 388 of 400
+5 Wizard Spell
(Ofe/4) Anula um feitiço de muralha. (Def/4)

Tempestade de Gelo De Rocha Para Lama

Portuguese Edition 380 of 400 Portuguese Edition 389 of 400
Event Wizard Spell

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 105

Apenas voadores podem atacar os reinos deste jogador até o AD&D
seu próximo turno. (Def/4) C
O campeão afetado não pode atacar ou defender até o fim do
Corrente de Raios próximo turno de seu possuidor.
Portuguese Edition 390 of 400
Wizard Spell
+5 Exílio
AD&D Portuguese Edition 395 of 400
C Wizard Spell
(Ofe/4) AD&D
Neblina Mortal Destrói um monstro à escolha do jogador que lança o feitiço.
Portuguese Edition 391 of 400 (Ofe/3/4)
Wizard Spell
AD&D Controlar Mortos-Vivos
C Portuguese Edition 396 of 400
Mata todos os campeões de nível 5 ou menor, na mesa de um Wizard Spell
jogador; os sobreviventes não podem atacar até o final do AD&D
próximo turno do jogador. (Ofe/4) C
O jogador pode pedir a qualquer outro jogador sua carta de
Feitiço Mortal aliado morto-vivo mais poderoso, e traze-la para seu próprio
Portuguese Edition 392 of 400 lado neste round de batalha. O aliado é descartado depois.
Wizard Spell (Ofe/4)
C Dedo da Morte
Mata qualquer campeão ou aliado de nível 7 ou menor, à Portuguese Edition 397 of 400
escolha do jogador que lança o feitiço. (Def/4) Wizard Spell
Desintegrar C
Portuguese Edition 393 of 400 Mata qualquer campeão ou aliado de nível 5 ou menor. (Ofe/4)
Wizard Spell
AD&D Contra-Feitiço
R Portuguese Edition 398 of 400
Destrói um reino, independente de sua posição. O reino Wizard Spell
destruido deve ser descartado. O jogador não pode fazer AD&D
ataques neste turno. (Ofe/3) C
Envia um feitiço de volta àquele que o lançou, se o alvo
Disintegrate may be cast if drawn as Spoils of Victory, original puder usar este feitiço. (Def/3/4)
assuming the player has a champion capable of casting the
spell, even if the player attacked on his turn. O Sino de Percival
This card was replaced with 437 in the 3rd edition. Portuguese Edition 399 of 400
Remember that once this spell is cast, the player cannot attack Artifact
any realm during his turn. If the optional Dispel Magic rules are +3
being used, a Disintegrate that has been dispelled still Forgotten Realms
prevents the casting player from attacking. A spellturned R
Disintegrate has no effect against the caster. Se o campeão com o sino de Percival destrói um reino, ele
pode também destruir qualquer fortaleza que esteja em jogo.
Cúpula BSW 2008: não pode afetar reinos destruídos
(virados). Seu efeito somente funciona em reinos
inteiros/construídos (unrazed). Para efeito de "destruir",
compreendemos que o termo "destroy" ou "destroyed" Portuguese Edition 400 of 400
(destruir, destruído) equivale a "raze" (arrazar), portanto, a Event
palavra destruir, expressa nessas cartas, cumpre o requisito AD&D
de arrasar quando for necessário. C
Anula os efeitos de uma carta de evento, mas apenas para o
Liga BSW (ROC2-2011): mesmo estando com Control Wind jogador desta carta. Benéfico.
em seu poço, o jogador que usa o feitiço Desintegrar perde
seu passo 4. Sakornia
Portuguese Edition 1 of 25
Cúpula BSW 2013: Quando uma carta suporte, evento, etc é Hero 6
cancelada ou dispersada, o custo ou consequência do seu AD&D
uso/lançamento devem ser cumpridos. Com exceção quando VR
a maneira de utilização estiver especificada no texto ou regra O nível de Sakonia é de 9 se tiver um item mágico unido.
da carta.
Edormira, O Dragão Vermelho
Cúpula BSW 2016: o termo destroy/destruir NÃO deve Portuguese Edition 2 of 25
continuar sendo entendido como sinônimo de arrasar, mas sim Monster
de DESCARTAR, de forma que as cartas acima (e outras que 7
contenham o referido verbo) passem a afetar reinos AD&D
arrasados. VR
Confusão Voador. Nenhum monstro pode enfrentar Edormira.
Portuguese Edition 394 of 400
Wizard Spell Gloriana

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 106

Portuguese Edition 3 of 25 Delsenora é também um oráculo; ela pode cancelar o efeito de
Wizard um evento para este jogador, mas deve ser descartada
6 depois.
VR Gib Evets
Gloriana pode cauasr uma ventania oara soprar todos os Portuguese Edition 11 of 25
voadores para longe da batalha; nenhum voador pode ser Monster
usado contra ela. 8
Gib Ekim VR
Portuguese Edition 4 of 25 Dragon
Hero Esta criatura é imune a todas as magias ofensivas; tanto
5/7 feitiços quanto itens mágicos. Apenas artefatos tem efeito.
VR Dori, a Bárbara
Gib pode lutar como maga (5) e como heroina (7); o jogador Portuguese Edition 12 of 25
deve escolher no inicio do round. Hero
Neirgral, o Dragão Verde AD&D
Portuguese Edition 5 of 25 VR
Monster Dori ganha 2 níveis quando enfrenta um clérigo ou mago.
AD&D Gib Htimsen
VR Portuguese Edition 13 of 25
Dragon Monster
Voador. Neigral é tão assustador que nenhum aliado de nível 9
4 ou menor pode ser unido a ele. AD&D
Dagaronzie, o Dragão Verde Este nonstro é imune a feitiços ofensivos, itens mágicos e
Portuguese Edition 6 of 25 artefatos.
8 Darbee
AD&D Portuguese Edition 14 of 25
VR Hero
Dragon 6
Voador. Dagaronzie pode instantaneamente destruir dois AD&D
aliados jogados contra ele em um round de batalha. VR
Darbee ganha 4 níveis quando enfrentar um monstro.
Portuguese Edition 7 of 25 Aurum, o Dragão Dourado
Hero Portuguese Edition 15 of 25
10 Monster
AD&D 7
Se qualquer aliado for unido a Fejyelsae, ela cai para nível 7. VR
Fúria do Dragão Voador. Aurum ganha 1 nível extra para cada aliado unido a
Portuguese Edition 8 of 25 ele (em adição ao bônus do aliado).
AD&D Halcyon
VR Portuguese Edition 16 of 25
Todas as criaturastemem a fúria do dragão! Todos os Cleric
jogadores devem deascartar um campeão de sua mão ou 7
poço. Maléfico. AD&D
Shalbaal, o Dragão Vermelho Cada vez que Halcyon vencer um round de batalha, o jogador
Portuguese Edition 9 of 25 pode retornar uma carta da pilha de saque para sua mão.
6 Stryck
AD&D Portuguese Edition 17 of 25
VR Monster
Dragon 7
Voador. Cada vez que Shalbaal vence um round de batalha, o AD&D
jogador saca ao acaso uma carta da mão do jogador VR
derrotado e a descarta. O jogador deve rir enquanto faz isso. Dragon
Quando Strick ataca, ela pode escolher seu próprio oponente
Delsenora entre os campeões no poço do defensor.
Portuguese Edition 10 of 25
Cleric Alicia
7 Portuguese Edition 18 of 25
AD&D Wizard
VR 8

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 107

Os feitiços protetores de Alicia lhe dão completa imunidade VR
contra itens mágicos. Todos os monstros são encantados pela beleza de Collen. Ela
vence o round automaticamente se o adversário é um
Zeb, o vermelho monstro.
Portuguese Edition 19 of 25
Monster Ember, o Dragão Vermelho
9 Portuguese Edition 23 of 25
AD&D Monster
VR 9
Nenhum aliado de nível 3 ou menos pode ser usado contra o AD&D
horrível Zeb. Dragão. VR
Avatar Voador. Se Ember é derrotado, o vitorioso pode saquar duas
Portuguese Edition 20 of 25 cartas como espolio pela vitória (o tesouro do dragão).
AD&D Andra, a Sábia
VR Portuguese Edition 24 of 25
O Avatar destrói instantaneamente todos os campeões e Cleric
aliados mortos-vivos. Maléfico. 8
Smolder, o Dragão Vermelho Andra carrega um bastão encantado que impede qualquer
Portuguese Edition 21 of 25 aliado morto-vivo de ser jogado contra ela.
8 Karm, o Dragão Negro
AD&D Portuguese Edition 25 of 25
VR Monster
Dragon 10
Voador. Se Smolder perde um round de batalha, ele destrói AD&D
uma fortaleza de seu próprio jogador por vingança. VR
Adoravel Colleen Voador. Karm pole lançar feitiços de mago, mas ele é
Portuguese Edition 22 of 25 excessivamente ousado; nenhum aliadopode ser unido a ele.

Primeira Edição em Português - Página 108

Waterdeep Can cast any Wizard spell.
Realm Cormyr can cast spells during phase 3 and 5 of that player's
Forgotten Realms turn. This realm can also cast spells such as Dispel Magic
Coast (346/358/3rd) or Spell Turning (398/3rd) during another
Any champion can use wizard spells when defending player's turn as if it were a champion in that player's pool.
Waterdeep. Spells that are turned back upon Cormyr may or may not affect
it. Death Spell (392/3rd) would do nothing if spell turned to
Menzoberranzan Cormyr, but Creeping Doom (28/FR) would cause the realm to
be razed unless dispelled or otherwise negated. Cormyr is a
good realm to use when casting spells that would affect your
champions if turned back upon them, such as Wish (46/FR).
Forgotten Realms
Can be played at any time. Immune to flyers. Sembia
As with an event, Menzoberranzan can be played at any time, Realm
even if a realm has already been played in phase 1. This Forgotten Realms
makes Menzoberranzan a "must have" card in all decks. Coast
Menzoberranzan cannot be played while Map of Life is in play. Attacking players must discard a card from their hand or pool
Menzoberranzan is immune to flyers, and therefore cannot be for each champion sent forward.
attacked by flyers. However, the ally White Weird, which is a
flyer, can be played as an event to remove a holding from The card must be discarded by the attacking player as soon as
Menzoberranzan. a champion is brought forward to attack, regardless of whether
Because of the phrasing on the card, Menzoberranzan can be or not the defender chooses to defend the realm.
attacked by flyers if Takhisis's Helmet of Power is in play. Each time an opponent brings forth na attacker to attempt to
Although Menzo may be played at any time, the player with raze Sembia, he must discard a card from his hand. The only
priority must be allowed to play first during this "Menzo pause". time this power does not function is if the attacking champion
is immune to the special powers of the realm it's attacking, like
Card Combo: If the holding Border Forts is attached to Jarl the Frost Giant (40/RR) or a champion with Ihe Crown Of
Menzoberranzan it becomes almost impossible to attack. Souls (67/RL).
Playing this realm in the front of a formation may make it a
Ruins of Zhentil Keep target for opposing players' spells and events to raze or
discard it without attacking. Cards that can be attached to
Sembia to help defend against these cards include the Geneva
Conclave (Promo 2), the Moonwell (23/FR), and Daren's
Instant Fortress (29/AR).
Forgotten Realms
Other good cards to play with this realm include Drizzt
Do'Urden (45/3rd) and Erital Kaanipzirel (81/AR).
Can defend itself as a level 5 monster and can only be
attacked by clerics. Moonshae Isles
This FORGOTTEN REALMS realm is a good choice for the Realm
front of a player's formation, since its special power limits Forgotten Realms
which champions can attack it. Since only clerics can attack Coast
the Ruins of Zhentil Keep, this realm teamed wish the Living The Moonshaes can defend themselves as a level 2 hero. All
Scroll (408/3rd, automatically defeats heroes and clerics) is a defending allies gain 3 levels.
deadly combination. Champions defending this realm who are
immune to ollensive spells are also good choices when facing Thay
an attacking champion. 8/3rd
The Ruins of Zhentil Keep can defend itself as level 5 Realm
monster champion. This realm champion can have only allies Forgotten Realms
attached during a round of combat, no magical items or Any champion can use wizard spells when defending Thay.
artifacts can be used. If the realm champion is defeated, the
realm is then razed. Other good cards to play with Ruins of Calimshan
Zhentil Keep include the holding Border Forts (198/3rd) and
the event Crossed Blades (8/DL Chase).
Forgotten Realms
Shadowdale Coast
4/3rd Defending champions gain +1 for each magical item they own.
Forgotten Realms This FORGOTHEN! REALMS realm is a good one in have if a
Any champion can cast cleric and wizard spells when player has a maximum number of magical items in their deck
defending Shadowdale. (12 under 4th Edition rules). For each magical item a
defending Champion possesses, he gains one additions level.
Cormyr A good choice for a Champion to defend this realm is
5/3rd Mordenkainen (162/3rd), since no magical items attached to
Realm him can be removed by any means.
Forgotten Realms

Terceira Edição - Página 109

Calimshan liff fur to the south of the Heartlands of the The riders of Narfell add 3 levels to all defending champions
FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign worlit. II /s a hoibed of and allies.
intrigue and double crosses.
Composed of dozens of warring city-states, the nation has 'the Narfell is an excellent realm for decks with high level
potential to outshine all others, Sadly, the political struggles of champions and allies. The defending champion and each ally
Calimshan are out done only by the conflicts between its played gain 3 levels when fighting to protect Narfell against an
merchant lords. attacker. Holdings mat work well with this FORGOTTEN
REALMS realm include Hillsfar (34/3rd), Blackstaff Tower
Pirate Isles (19/FR), and Kestrel's Keep (63/AR).
10/3rd Other good cards to use when defending Narfell include
Realm multiple War Party (54/3rd) allies, the event Surprise Raid
Forgotten Realms (101/3rd), and the Champion Rig Chief Bagoomba (435/3rd).
Flyers cannot attack this realm. Dragonspear Castle
Vaasa Realm
14/3rd Forgotten Realms
Realm All allies of a defending monster gain 2 levels.
Forgotten Realms
Coast Daggerdale
Vaasa is populated by fierce roving bands of monsters and 26/3rd
barbarians. Heroes of base level 3 or less cannot attack it. Realm
Forgotten Realms
Champions with potent special powers, such as Dr. Allies cannot be used when attacking this realm.
Mordenheim (97/RL or Tasslehoff Burr font (39/DL), cannot
attack this realm. This card works well with the rule card Time Darkhold
of Troubles (99/FR), or other cards which force low 27/3rd
level champions to attack. Because of the small piece of water Realm
in the topleft corner of this realm, it is vulnerable to attacks Forgotten Realms
from swimming champions and allies. All defenders of Darkhold gain 2 levels if Zhentil Keep is in play
The High Forest
16/3rd The special power of Darkhold cannot be used unless the
Realm Ruins of Zhentil Keep (3/3rd) is in play somewhere. If uins of
Forgotten Realms Zhentil Keep is anywhere else in play (your formation or the
Defenders of the High Forest are immune to offensive magical formation of an opponent), champions and allies defending
items. Darkhold each gain 3 levels. Ruins of Zhenlil Keep does not
have to be unrated for this power to be used.
The High Forest is na excellent realm if a defender wants to be Holdings that work well with this FORGOTTEN REALMS realm
immune to offensive magical items held by opposing include Hillsfar (34/3rd), Blackstaff Tower (19/FR), and
champions. Powerful items such as the Shield of Wickedness Kestrel's Keep (63/AR).
(316/3rd) and the Sword of the High King (5/PO) do not affect Other good cards to use when defending Darkhold include
any champion defending the High Forest. This power is only multiple War Party (54/ 3rd) allies, the event Surprise Raid
good against offensive magical items, and does nothing to the (101 /3rd), and the Champion Big Chief Bagoomba (435/3rd).
powers or bonuses of defensive magical items. Champions
that are proof against the special Evermeet
power of this realm include Jar! the Frost Giant (40/RR), and a 29/3rd
champion with the artifact Crown of Souls (67/RL). Realm
Forgotten Realms
Rashemen Special
22/3rd Realm
Realm Any champion can use wizard spells when defending
Forgotten Realms Evermeet. Flyers, swimmers and earthwalkers cannot attack it.
Red Wizard champions may not attack Rashemen. All other The Trollmoors
wizards lose 2 levels when attacking. 30/3rd
Good cards to play with Rashemen include the holdings Castle Forgotten Realms
Draw (37/3rd) and Keep of the Dead (64/AR), or lhe champion The Trollmoors regenerate and must be defeated twice in one
The Living Scroll (408/3rd) and the event The Apple of His Eye turn before being razed.
(12/FR chase),
To become razed and flipped down, Trollmoors must be
Damara defeated twice in a row during one battle. These defeats need
23/3rd not be on consecutive rounds of a battle, but must be during
Realm the attacking player's turn. The realm cannot be
Forgotten Realms razed once by one player, then again by a second; it must be
Special done by one player in one battle. When the realm is first
Double the level of a defending Forgotten Realms champion. defeated but not flipped, the attacker does not gain a spoils of
Narfell A good tactic to use with this realm is to allow it to be razed
24/3rd once by a champion that is too powerful to be defeated. This
Realm allows a defender to Lxmore selective in which attacking
Forgotten Realms champions he thinks he can defeat.

Terceira Edição - Página 110

Good cards to play with this realm include the holding Border Fortification
Forts (198/3rd), the champions Drizzt Do'Urden (45/3rd) and 38/3rd
Erital Kaan-lp/irel (81/AR), and the artifact the Shield of Huma Holding
(53/DL). Forgotten Realms
Berdusk Each defender of the attached realm gains 3 levels.
Holding Selune
Forgotten Realms 39/3rd
UC Holding
A wizard or cleric gains 3 levels when defending the attached Forgotten Realms
realm. Common
Undead cannot attack the attached realm.
32/3rd Peasant Militia
Holding 40/3rd
Forgotten Realms Holding
UC Forgotten Realms
No spells can be cast when attacking or defending Tantras. Common
Each champion and ally attacking the attached realm loses 1
Mulmaster level.
Holding Alias the Sell-Sword
Forgotten Realms 41/3rd
UC Hero
Draw another card every time a spell card is played. 6
Forgotten Realms
Hillsfar UC
34/3rd Immune to offensive spells.
Forgotten Realms King Azoun IV
UC 42/3rd
Any champion gains 3 levels when defending the attached Hero
realm. 7
Forgotten Realms
Suzail R
35/3rd All allies of King Azoun IV gain 1 level.
Forgotten Realms Maligor the Red
UC 43/3rd
Any champion can cast wizard spells when defending the Wizard
attached realm. If attached to Cormyr, all defenders also gain 4 4
levels. Forgotten Realms
Arabel Once per battle Maligor can shift one opposing ally to his own
36/3rd side.
Forgotten Realms Elmister the Mage
UC 44/3rd
The attached realm can defend itself as a level 4 monster. Wizard
Castle Draw Forgotten Realms
37/3rd R
Holding Immune to offensive spells.
Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Drizzt Do'Urden
The foul air of Castle Draw causes each attacking champion to 45/3rd
become ill. All champions, even if victorious, are discarded. Hero
An attacking Champion is even discarded if the champion has Forgotten Realms
the Power to withdraw from combat, such as Erital Kaan-Ipzirel Common
(81/AR) or Seluna Darkenstar (20/PO). Simply attacking the Elf (drow)
realm causes the champion to be discarded at the end of When defending Drizzt must be defeated twice in one battle
combat. If successful , that player can bring another champion before he is discarded.
to continue the battle.
Champions that are immune to the effects of holdings include Drizzt's special power makes him a very effective defender.
Oonga the Ape (30/RR) and Ankhtepot (84/RL). Other cards Because this power activates upon defeat in battle, the power
that can counter Castle Draw include the Horn of Blasting is negated by the Ring of Reversion and Thought Eater.
(53/FR) and Tuigan Invasion (36/PO). Good choices for realms
to attach Castle Draw include The Trollmoors (30/3rd) and The
Midnight, Goddess of Magic
Coral Kingdom (11/FR).

Terceira Edição - Página 111

Forgotten Realms 4
Rare Common
If only one Midnight is in play, wizards cannot cast spells Orc
without her permission. She also destroys all magical items If more than two of this card are involved in one round of
held by the opposing champion. combat (on either side), each war party receives an additional
+4 for each war party in play. No limit per deck.
Wizards must ask Midnight's permission to cast spells, even
cleric spells. Once a wizard receives Midnight's permission, This 3rd edition ally is one of only a few cards that circumvents
that permission cannot be revoked until the start of the next the core SPELLFIRE game rules. This card's special power
player's turn. Wizards may ask permission before playing a allows a player to put more than one of this particular ally in a
spell card. Only Wizards need to ask permission. Other 55 card deck.
champions capable of casting wizard spells do not need This power does not apply to 1st or 2nd Editions of War Party,
Midnight's permission. since neither of those versions has the special power of no
limit per deck. Because of this ruling, it is possible to have 1st
Torg Mac Cei, the Ironlord or 2nd and 3rd editions of this card in one deck; but those
47/3rd cards are limited to one per deck.
Hero The effect this ally has in battle come into play only if multiple
6 War Parties are played during one round of combat. Each War
Forgotten Realms Party played after the first two gains a large bonus. Three
Uncommon totals +48, four +80, and so on. This applies to War Parties on
Dwarf both sides of the battle.
Torg's level is doubled when defending or attacking the Great Other cards that make War Party even deadlier include
Rift. Surprise Raid (101 /3rd) and The Forbidden City (2/RR).

The Pereghost Crime Lord

48/3rd 55/3rd
Monster Hero
7 7
Forgotten Realms Common
R Harmful
All the pereghost's allies gain 2 levels. The Crime Lord can also be played as an event to destroy one
holding. The destroyed holding and the Crime Lord are
Marco Volo
3 56/3rd
Forgotten Realms Hero
UC 4
At the start of the player's turn, he can look at the top card of Common
any draw pile and discard it if he wants. All allies of these adventurers gain 1 level.

The Harpers The Jotunslayers

51/3rd 57/3rd
Heroe Hero
3 4
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
UC Common
The Harpers can cast wizard and cleric spells, but the player Dwarf
must choose one type (wizard or cleric) in each battle when The Jotunslayers are level 8 if the opposing champion is a
this card is used. monster.

Gnomes of Samek Armies of Bloodstone

52/3rd 58/3rd
Hero Ally
4 4
Forgotten Realms Uncommon
Uncommon This ally can "save" a champion - the player can withdraw his
Gnome champion from combat and continue with a new one (allies
Gnome. Earthwalker. The gnomes' armor gives them the and spells are discarded). The "rescued" champion cannot
ability to ignore one ally, magical item, or offensive spell each attack or defend until this player's next turn.
The Iron Legion
Adventurers! 59/3rd
53/3rd Ally
Hero 3
3 Common
Forgotten Realms This ally instills fear in all opposing heroes, reducing their base
Uncommon level to 0 in battle.
Can use cleric and wizard spells.
Tergoz Tenhammer
War Party 60/3rd
54/3rd Hero
Ally 5

Terceira Edição - Página 112

Common May be discarded at any time from a player's pool to eliminate
Tergoz's mighty hammer has slayed ten men with one blow! any ally from play.
Allies are so terrified they cannot be played against Tergoz.
Cleric of Mask
Myrmidons 70/3rd
61/3rd Cleric
Ally 5
4 Forgotten Realms
Rare R
When the Myrmidons are discarded, the player shuffles all This card and attached magical items and artifact are kept face
discards back into the draw deck. down, and revealed only in battle.

After being used in battle, the Myrmidons are discarded like Drow Matron
any other ally. The entire discard pile, including the 71/3rd
Myrmidons, is then shuffled back into the draw pile. Wizard
The Myrmidons' power is not triggered if the card is sent to 5
Limbo or the Abyss. Forgotten Realms
The Magister Elf (drow)
62/3rd The drow matron gains 3 levels when defending
Wizard Menzoberranzan.
Forgotten Realms Dracolich
Rare 72/3rd
Immune to psionicists. The magister and all attached items can Monster
be moved from the player's pool to his hand during his phase 6
5. Forgotten Realms
Karlott the Shaman Can use wizard spells. Undead. Flyer.
Cleric Vasos Flameslayer
4 73/3rd
Forgotten Realms Hero
Uncommon 5
Must remain in his pool for one turn; after that, he may be Forgotten Realms
discarded to the Abyss to retrieve a used event to the player's Rare
hand Dwarf
Vasos gains 3 levels when fighting monsters.
Acording do the game’s current rules, Karlott can be sent to
the Abyss to bring an event found there to his player’s hand Allisa of the Mist
(and not an used event, since they’re put in the Void, not into
the Abyss), which makes the card much weaker than its
original special power.
Forgotten Realms
King Halvor II C
64/3rd Allisa gains 3 levels when fighting monsters.
5 Grypht the Saurial
Forgotten Realms
The king has a permanent +5 magical item (flaming sword)
attached to him that cannot be removed by any means
Forgotten Realms
Pteranadon Negates the levels and special powers of all offensive magical
65/3rd items of less than +4 enchantment.
+2 This champion is extremely effective against offensive magical
The Pteranadon gains 3 levels when defending Chult. items of less than +4 enchantment. This immunity includes
offensive magical items that have no level bonus, such as the
Freater Feyr Shield of Wickedness (316/3rd) or Coibhniu's Warhammer
66/3rd (32/UD). Grypht is, however, affected by the level bonus of
Monsters defensive magical items, such as the Necklace of Protection
5 (34/UD) or Midnight's Mask of Disguise (16/AR). This
Forgotten Realms champion works well with other cards that offer some type of
The first enemy ally played against the feyr in each battle is immunity. Such cards include the All-Knowing Eye of Yasmin
discarded immediately. Sira flO/AR), the Net of Entrapment (217/3rd), and the Figurine
of Wondrous Power (98/3rd). Since Grypht is a wizard
Cleric of Torm champion, his ability to use spells like Wish (46/FR) and
Limited Wish (43/FR) can protect him from other powerful card
Cleric combinations.
5 Saurials are not considered dragons.
Forgotten Realms

Terceira Edição - Página 113

Worden Ironfist Forgotten Realms
76/3rd Uncommon
Hero Dwarf, Earthwalker. Particularly proud of his ability to cleave
5 through an opponent, Dagrande gets twice as many Spoils of
Forgotten Realms Victory if victorious.
Dwarf Dagrande must meet the normal conditions required for Spoils
Worden gains 3 levels when fighting monsters. of Victory, but can draw two cards if spoils are earned

Dagrandc is another dwarf hero with the ability of earth Will

king, making him an excel Ion I choice as an attacking
77/3rd champion. What makes this champion extra special when
Cleric attacking is the power to draw twice as many cards if he is to
3 get a spoils of victory. Unlike Tithian (301 /3rd) or Joilet the
Forgotten Realms Rash (7H/3rd), Dagrande does not gain a spoils simply for
If Amarill is defeated, the player can pull one other champion winning a battle, unless he is defending a realm. When
from his discards and return it to his hand. attacking, he must actually raze the realm before obtaining a
spoils. If some other Si'P i MKI; card gives Dagrande the ability
Joliet the Rash to draw more than one spoils of victory, such as The Golden
78/3rd Age (22/DL Chase), then that amount is doubled. Hence, if he
Hero is supposed to draw one spoils, He would draw two; two spoils
4 equals four, and so on. Unless otherwise stated, any of the
Forgotten Realms spoils drawn can be played immediately.
Once in play, Joliet must attack each turn, if possible, or be Mind Flyer
discarded. If victorious when attacking, Joliet gets a spoils of 83/3rd
victory, even if a realm is not razed. Ally
If Joilet wins a round of battle, he draws and can play a spoils When played, the mind flayer can immediately shift one
of victory. The battle may continue, and if the realm under opposing ally to its own side for that round of battle. The ally
attack is ultimately razed, the player may draw and play loses 1 level.
another card as spoils of victory.
Noble Djinni
The beneficial results of using Joliet the Rash in combat are
better lli.in normal — but not without a price. Each round that 84/3rd
this champion is in a player's pool, he must attack or be Ally
discarded. If Joliet cannot attack for reasons beyond his 4
player's control, he is not discarded. Possible reasons for Joliet Rare
not being able to attack include a realm's power, such as Doc's The opponent cannot play flyers this round and all opposing
Island (5/RR), or an event that prevents attacks, such as Solid flyers already in the battle are discarded.
Fog(382/3rd). If Joliet is victorious when attacking, even IF the
realm is not razed, that player draws a spoils of victory. Cards If played against a flying champion or ally, the Noble Djinni
that aid this champion in battle, such as the Sword of the High causes the card to be discarded.
King (5/PO) or the Net of Entrapment (217/3rd), work well as However, it is important to note that the Noble Djinni itself is
attached items. not a flyer. Since there are a fair number of flying champions
and allies, the Noble Djinni becomes one of the more powerful
instant defeat allies in the SPELLFIRE game.
Dwarf of Earthfast
The use of the Noble Djinni can also be preventative, keeping
79/3rd an opponent from playing flying allies during the course of a
Hero battle. It can also be used in conjunction with the Staff of
2 Conjuring (105/3rd) to keep flyers out of more than one round
Forgotten Realms of combat.
Gains 4 levels if the opposing champion is a monster.
Intellect Devourer
The Black Courser
80/3rd 1
Monster Uncommon
4 Immediately destroys an opposing champion of level 5 or less.
Forgotten Realms
The Black Courser's level is 8 when fighting dragons or Though this ally's level bonus is only +1, its special power is
undead. devastating given the right circumstances. The power of the
Intellect Devon rer discards any opposing Champion of base
Hornhead Saurial level 5 or less, regardless of the level bonuses of attached
81/3rd items,
Ally allies, or levels gained from events. This ally is best saved as a
3 special surprise for an attacking low level champion.
Common Cards that work well with this ally include rule cards
The attached champion and all his allies are immune to Brandobaris Inversion (65/PO) and the Time of Troubles
magical items of +3 or less. (99/FR), forcing lower level champions to be played. Since
lower level champions are forced to face off against the Living
Dagrande Wall (58/PO), the Intellect Devourer is also a good ally for that
82/3rd champion.

Terceira Edição - Página 114

Shandrill Weapon
87/3rd The bonus becomes +5 levels if attached to a cleric. (Off)
3 Horrors of the Abyss
Forgotten Realms 96/3rd
Immune to offensive spells. Wizard Spell
Cleric of Malar Uncommon
89/3rd After the round of battle is concluded (win or lose), this spell
Cleric and the opposing champion are sent to the Abyss. (Off/4/5)
Forgotten Realms Figurine of Wondrous Power
This cleric gains 2 levels when attacking realms from outside 98/3rd
the Forgotten Realms. Magical Item
Airship Common
90/3rd The bearer is immune to psionic attacks. If on the losing side
Event of a battle, he can eliminate one magical item in play. (Off)
Harmful Cataclysm!
Destroys any two allies chosen by this card's player; choice 99/3rd
does not have to be immediate. (Harmful) Event
Airship's power to destroy two allies need not be used all at Harmful
once. It can destroy one ally, and then later destroy a second Destroys one realm of the player's choice; that realm is
ally. Because of the additional wording on the 3rd edition card, discarded.
Airship remains in play until the second ally is destroyed, even
if the current battle is over. A "must have" card for all decks. This is a very powerful event,
Airship can be used as a counter-effect card against allies. For since it forces an opponent's realm to be discarded. If a
example, if Loup-Garou is played, Airship can be immediately player's last realm is discarded, he must discard his pool at the
played to discard the Loup-Garou without having to play a end of the current turn. Immediately playing Menzoberranzan
magical item. or Caer Allison will prevent loss of the pool.
Because Airship is an event, it may be played at any time. This If Cataclysm! is played by the attacking player during a battle
includes players not involved in the current combat. (known as Ward's Cataclysm!), the battle is over and the
attacker is entitled to Spoils of Victory. Each champion returns
Bad Omens to its pool.
Event Cúpula BSW 2016: o termo destroy/destruir NÃO deve
Uncommon continuar sendo entendido como sinônimo de arrasar, mas sim
Harmful de DESCARTAR, de forma que as cartas acima (e outras que
All champions and allies, other than the event player's, lose 2 contenham o referido verbo) passem a afetar reinos
levels until the player's next turn. (Harmful) arrasados.

Fortunate Omens Good Fortune

92/3rd 100/3rd
Event Event
Uncommon Uncommon
This player's allies gain 3 levels until his next turn. (Helpful) Helpful
The player of this card draws five cards immediately.
Rod of Shapechange
Surprise Raid
Artifact 101/3rd
Forgothen Realms Event
Uncommon Common
Select any champion from the discard pile and use it in battle Helpful
in place of this champion. After winning the battle, this The player's champion and allies are doubled in level for one
champion and artifact return to the pool; the substitute is round of battle.
The champion's modified level at the time the event is played
is doubled. Cards that modify the champion’s level (e.g.
Dwarven Hammer
artifacts, magical items, spells, etc.) that are played
94/3rd subsequent to the event are not doubled. Allies are doubled
Magical Item regardless of when played.
Banner of the One-Eyed God
The mighty hammer of the dwarves slays any giant opposing 102/3rd
the attached champion. (Off) Magical Item
Staff of Striking
All of this champion's allies gain 1 level. (Def)
Magical Item

Terceira Edição - Página 115

Viperhand The Free City of Greyhawk
103/3rd 111/3rd
Magical Item realm
Uncommon Greyhawk
Any champion with the Viperhand can cast wizard spells. (Def) Rare
Orb of Doom Any champion defending Greyhawk can cast cleric and wizard
104/3rd spells.
Magical Item
2 The Lands of Iuz
Common 112/3rd
The attached champion may attack again this round if realm
victorious. If he razes a realm, the champion and all Greyhawk
attachments are discarded (Def) UC
The Orb of Doom allows a champion a second attack in the Any champion defending the Lands of Iuz can cast wizard
same battle. The champion may only attack two times. spells. All defenders gain 3 levels if anyone has Iuz in play.

Staff of Conjuring The Pomarj

105/3rd 113/3rd
Magical Item Realm
5 Greyhawk
Common M
Can retrieve an ally from the discard pile during each battle the Coast
attached champion is in. If defeated, the staff is broken and A monster defending the Pomarj gains 3 levels.
sent to the Abyss. (Def)
Hold of the Sea Princes
The retrieved ally may be placed in the hand. Whether or not 114/3rd
the retrieved ally is taken to the hand, the ally cannot be realm
brought into play until the player is losing the round of battle, Greyhawk
just as cards cannot be played unless a player is losing the M
round. Coast.
This realm can defend itself as a level 1 champion.
Spell of Formless Horror
106/3rd The Yeomanry
Wizard Spell 115/3rd
3 Realm
Uncommon Greyhawk
Cast on opposing champion to reduce its level by 3. Spell Special
remains until dispelled. Earthwalkers gain 2 levels when defending the Yeomanry.

Safe Harbor Blackmoor

107/3rd 116/3rd
Event Realm
Rare Greyhawk
Helpful UC
Every player can immediately rebuild one razed realm. Coast
All magical items and artifacts defending Blackmoor gain 2
Labor of Legend levels.
Event The Horned Society
Common 117/3rd
Helpful Realm
One razed realm is rebuilt by a champion from the player's Greyhawk
pool; the champion is discarded. Special
Wand of Light At the start of this player's turn, send one champion to Limbo
109/3rd until the end of that player's next turn.
Magical Item
3 The Wolf Nomads
Uncommon 118/3rd
Any undead, werecreature, or vampire loses 2 levels against Realm
the wand. (Off) Greyhawk
Elf Galleon Coast
110/3rd The Wolf Nomads are immune to the power of Iuz the Evil. But
Ally they are fearful of dragons, and dragons gain 1 level when
3 attacking this realm.
Flyer. Swimmer. All allies played after the elf galleon in this
battle are also flyers and swimmers.

Terceira Edição - Página 116

Sterich Celene
119/3rd 128/3rd
Realm Realm
Greyhawk Greyhawk
Realm Special
Any monster defending Sterich gains 5 levels. Monsters cannot attack or defend Celene. Elves gain 2 levels
when defending this realm.
120/3rd The Bright Desert
Realm 129/3rd
Greyhawk Realm
Elves, gnomes, and halflings gain 3 levels when defending Greyhawk
Nyrond. Special
Veluna Cannot be attacked by heroes.
121/3rd Theocracy of the Pale
Realm 130/3rd
Greyhawk Realm
Special Greyhawk
Any champion defending Veluna can use cleric spells. Special
Clerics refuse to attack the Theocracy; clerics who defend the
Furyondy realm, however, double their base level.
Realm The Bone March
Greyhawk 131/3rd
Special Realm
Coast Greyhawk
When first played, Furyondy can remove one wizard from play Special
(the wizard is discarded). Coast
Heroes cannot be played in defense of this realm. Undead
The Great Kingdom defenders gain 4 levels.
Realm The Duchy of Urnst
Greyhawk 132/3rd
No undead can attack the Great Kingdom. The player's Realm
maximum hand increases by two. Greyhawk
Temple of Elemental Evil The naval fleet of the duchy is so powerful that the realm is
124/3rd immune to swimmers.
Greyhawk The Sea Barons
Uncommon 133/3rd
Draw three cards immediately when the temple is played. Realm
Greyhawk Ruins Special
125/3rd Coast
Realm Any holding attached to the Great Kingdom also applies to this
Greyhawk realm.
All Greyhawk champions of this player gain 2 levels. HookHill
Perrenland Realm
126/3rd Greyhawk
Realm Common
Greyhawk This player's Geryhawk realms are immune to offensive spells
Special and harmful events if Bissel is also in play anywhere.
Maximum hand size for all opposing players is reduced by one. The special power of this GREYHAWK realm functions only if
the realm Bissel (!34/2nd) is somewhere in play (held either by
the same player or an opponent).The difficulty here is that
Bissel was a 1st and 2nd Edition SPELLFIRE card, and was
127/3rd replaced with Hookhill in 3rd Edition. Hence, the realm Bissel
Realm is no longer in print and may be hard to find.
Greyhawk If both Hookhill and Bissel are in play at the same time, all
Special GREYHAWK realms held by the owner of Hookhill are immune
Can defend itself as a level 0 hero and use allies and magical to offensive wizard and cleric spells and harmful events. This
items. If this hero successfully defends the realm, he can keep combination protects against cards like Creeping Doom
one ally or magical item. (28/FR), Estate Transference (437/3rd), and Cataclysm!
This special power protects only realms, and not defenders or
other champions in that player's pool. However, this immunity
is transferred to any holdings attached to that player's
GREYHAWK realms.

Terceira Edição - Página 117

The Scarlet Brotherhood If Iuz the Evil is in play, this player's undead are doubled in
135/3rd base level.
Greyhawk Ancient Arms of the Great Kingdom
Uncommon 145/3rd
Coast Holding
Player can eliminate one champion from any pool at the start Greyhawk
of his turn. This realm is then razed. Rare
All undead allies of this player are tripled in level, when
Irongate attacking or defending.
Realm If the Ancient Arms of the Great Kingdom is copied using
Greyhawk Hallucinatory Terrain, the player's undead allies' levels are
Special multiplied by nine.
This player's Geryhawk champions are immune to offensive Ancient Arms of Furyondy
spells and harmful events if Irongate is also in play anywhere. 146/3rd
Principality of Ulek Greyhawk
137/3rd Common
Realm The attached realm deflects all offensive spells and harmful
Greyhawk events directed at it to any other realm of the player's choice.
Coast Cúpula BSW 2010: Foi tornada Counter-effect, portanto pode
This realm has coastal fortifications and is immune to all ser baixada a qualquer momento para obter seu poder de
swimmers. refletir eventos maléficos e feitiços ofensivos para qualquer
reino em jogo à escolha de seu possuidor. Esta carta só afeta
eventos e feitiços lançados contra os reinos.
County of Sunndi
Ancient Arms of Nyrond
Greyhawk 147/3rd
Common Holding
Any champion can use wizard spells when defending the Greyhawk
County of Sunndi; spells are doubled in level. Common
This player's monsters have the ability to fly, swim, or
earthwalk as needed.
Duchy of Tenh
Skull Keep
Greyhawk 148/3rd
Common Holding
If Menzoberranzan is played or razed while this realm is in 4
play, this player draws 3 cards. Greyhawk
Any champion defending the attached realm gains 4 levels.
Burneal Forest
Greyhawk 149/3rd
Common Holding
Any champion and allies who attack Burneal Forest lose 2 Greyhawk
levels. The attached realm and all its defenders are immune to
offensive wizard and cleric spells.
Castle Hart
Holding 150/3rd
Greyhawk Event
Common Uncommon
Any champion and allies defending Castle Hart gain 2 levels. Razes the first realm of every player, regardless of special
powers; if a player's first realm is already razed, he ignores this
event. (Harmful)
Ancient Arms of the Horned Society
War Banner
5 151/3rd
Greyhawk Magical Item
Rare +1
This player's Greyhawk monsters all have the ability to Common
earthwalk, as do their allies. Every champion and ally of this player gains 1 level. (Def)

Ancient Arms of Greyhawk Codex of the Infinite Planes

144/3rd 152/3rd
Holding Artifact
Greyhawk Greyhawk
Rare Common

Terceira Edição - Página 118

All of this player's champions are immune to offensive magical Mordenkainen's special power refers to removal of magical
items and spells. (Def) items against the player's will. Magical items whose power is
triggered by voluntarily discarding the item, such as
Crystal of the Ebon Flame Blamblower and Well of Many Worlds can still be discarded
153/3rd and used normally.
Magical Item When Drawmij is in battle, he cannot borrow a magical item
+6 from Mordenkainen.
The champion who holds this crystal must attack on his turn or Tysiln San
be discarded. (Off) 163/3rd
Hordes of Castle Greyhawk 5
154/3rd Greyhawk
Ally Uncommon
5 Elf (drow). This champion hates Dragonlance heroes and
Rare automatically wins any battle against them.
If used in the victorious defense of a Greyhawk realm, these
allies remain with the realm until it is razed. Iuz the Evil
Lich Conclave Monster
155/3rd 8
Monster Greyhawk
5 Uncommon
Greyhawk Iuz can cast wizard spells. If defeated, Iuz forces one razed
Common enemy realm to be discarded, or razes one realm.
Undead. Can cast wizard and cleric spells. All allies played
with it become undead. When defeated in battle, Iuz gets to raze any realm (player's
choice) or discard any razed realm. Iuz can choose to affect a
realm of a player not involved in the battle. Once Iuz enters
Eye and Hand of Vecna
battle, his power can be triggered. Thus if an opponent plays
156/3rd Treasure or Wish to remove Iuz before putting forth a
Artifact defender, Iuz can still raze a realm. Because Iuz's power
5/2 activates upon defeat in battle, the power is negated by the
Greyhawk Ring of Reversion and Thought Eater. Iuz never gets spoils of
Uncommon victory when losing, even if he razes the realm he was
The attached champion gains 6 levels when attacking, 2 when attacking.
Card Combo (from Liga BSW Forum): O combo Iuz, o
For purposes of determining a champion's level while in the Maligno com Sabotador Suicida é válido, desde que o reino
pool, the Eye and Hand of Vecna adds 2 levels. arrasado não seja o reino que está sendo atacado. Desta
forma Iuz arrasa não um, mas dois reinos de seu adversário,
Orb of Dragonkind mesmo se o campeão defensor tenha um nível menor do que
157/3rd o de Iuz!
4 Avatar’s Bane
Greyhawk 169/3rd
Uncommon Ally
This player's GREYHAWK realms and their defenders cannot 4
be attacked by dragons or monsters Rare
Undead. If on the losing side of a battle, this ally destroys one
Baba Yaga's Hut avatar in play anywhere, chosen by this player.
Artifact Sysania
Greyhawk 170/3rd
Uncommon Cleric
All of this player's allies are considered flyers. 4
Chariot of Lyrx Uncommon
159/3rd Flyer. Sysania confers the ability to fly on all allies played with
Artifact her.
Greyhawk Kiara
Rare 171/3rd
The attached champion gains 3 levels and becomes a flyer; all Hero
allies can also fly. 2
Mordenkainen Uncommon
162/3rd Elf
Wizard Kiara can destroy one magical item being used against her.
7 The affected item is discarded.
Rare This card’s special powers only affects an opposing champion.
Any magical item attached to Mordenkainen cannot be
removed by any means.

Terceira Edição - Página 119

Hettman Tsurin Thorvid
172/3rd 185/3rd
Hero Hero
2 Thorvid gains 3 levels when fighting monsters, undead, or
Greyhawk flyers.
If Hettman does not attack, at the end of his turn the player can For further information see SFGR 1, p. 158.
randomly draw one card from another player's hand and
discard it. Nenioc
Mist Wolf Cleric
175/3rd 5
Event Greyhawk
Rare Uncommon
Harmful Nenioc may be sacrificed to bring out an avatar, but she is
No allies can be played until this player's next turn. Allies in shuffled back into the player’s draw pile rather than discarded.
play are discarded immediately.
Young Gold Dragon
Tyrinon 188/3rd
176/3rd Monster
Hero 4
5 Greyhawk
Greyhawk Common
Uncommon Flyer. The Dragon can use wizard spell.
Tyrinon's allies all become flyers. They are strengthened by his Arch-Druid
presence, and each gains 2 levels. 189/3rd
Quagmiela the Dragon 4
177/3rd Greyhawk
Monster Rare
5 All other clerics must ask the arch-druid for permission to cast
Greyhawk spells. While the arch-druid is in play, no avatars may be
Uncommon played.
Alone of monsters Quagmiela can stand against the Lovely Hell Hound
Colleen (perhaps because he attacks from behind); combat is 190/3rd
resolved normally. Ally
Berserk Wrath! Uncommon
180/3rd All cards friendly to the hell hound are immune to fireball
Event spells.
Only this player’s heroes gain 5 levels until the end of his next Skeleton Commander
turn. 192/3rd
Wolf Nomads 3
181/3rd Rare
Hero Undead. Level rises to 6 if played from 6 pm to 6 am. Any
4 magical item weapons held by the opposing champion are
Greyhawk discarded and no more can be played.
The nomads gain 2 levels if Mika is in the player's pool. Skeleton
Miles Ally
183/3rd 1
Ally Common
2 Undead. The skeleton multiplies: it gains 4 levels for each
Uncommon additional undead ally played with it.
If played against a champion who has 4 or more attached
cards, Miles strips the champion of all but one card (chosen by Winged Horror
the opposing player). 194/3rd
Trystan 7
184/3rd Greyhawk
Ally Uncommon
2 Undead. Flyer. Any magical item weapons attached to the
Common horror are doubled in level.
This ally negates the special power of one ally (chosen by this
player). Treants of the Grandwood

Terceira Edição - Página 120

Uncommon Bruce's Revenge
The treants and all cards in the player's force are immune to all 203/3rd
offensive wizard spells except fireball. Event
Rangers of Hornwood This player can swap two of his opponent's realms with each
196/3rd other in their formations; any attached holdings are discarded.
Hero (Harmful)
Greyhawk Bribery!
Common 204/3rd
This ranger automatically defeats all Forgotten Realms heroes. Event
Border Forts Harmful
198/3rd Play immediately after champions are selected. The bribed
Holding champion returns to the owner's pool and that player must
Forgotten Realms select another champion or lose the battle.
Only flyers can attack the attached realm. Charge!
Card Combo: With Border Forts attached, Menzoberranzan Event
becomes almost impossible to attack. Uncommon
All of this player's champions gain 3 levels until the end of the
Ren's Crystal Ball player's next turn.
Artifact Kevin's Blade of Doom
Greyhawk 206/3rd
Common Magical Item
At the beginning of his turn, the owner of Ren's crystal ball can 2
inspect the top three cards of any deck and discard one. Common
Falcon Figurine If the combat level of the attached hero or monster is greater
200/3rd than 20 (after all modifiers), the champion automatically wins
Magical Item the battle. (Off)
Uncommon Ancient Arms of Veluna
Confers the ability to teleport; the attached champion and all 209/3rd
allies can attack any realm, regardless of powers. (Def) Holding
Transformation! Common
201/3rd All allies played in the successful defense of any Greyhawk
Event realm held by this player are resurrected (returned to his hand)
Common instead of discarded.
All players must discard their hands and immediately draw five
cards. (Harmful) Flight
This card strikes all players equally, but there are ways to Wizard Spell
skew the effects in your favor. If you can't play this event so it Common
hurts an opponent while helping you, it is no better than Good Champion and all allies become flyers for this battle. (Def/4)
Fortune (100/1st) and possibly worse. Calm (400/1st) is
effective against Transformation.
One use for Transformation is to save it for battle: Once you
have used your other cards attacking or defending, play this 212/3rd
event to replenish your hand. Ideally, play the card when your Wizard Spell
opponent has more than five cards. This is more likely in a 6
multiplayer game, when you have depleted your hand Rare
defending against several attacks. (Def 3/4)
The card can also be used offensively If you have depleted The caster can choose to become a different champion type
your hand, wail until your opponent draws cards to begin a turn (cleric, wizard, hero, monster, or psionicist) for this round of
(or has just played Good Fortune). Before he can play any of battle.
the just-drawn cards, play Transformation! Transformation also
depletes a deck faster, possibly ending a game sooner. Barbarian's Revenge
Slave Revolt! Event
202/3rd Rare
Event All players who have four or more unrazed realms in play must
Uncommon discard a realm from their formation or two realms from their
All opposing players must discard one champion from their hand. This event is immune to Limited Wish. (Harmful)
pool (chosen by this player). (Harmful)
Storm at Sea

Terceira Edição - Página 121

All players draw three cards face up. Any realms drawn must Allies cannot be played to attack Urik. Urik can defend itself as
be discarded immediately. All other cards are kept in hand. a level 4 champion.
Urik defends itself as a hero, since no particular type of
This is an event used to prevent opponents from getting champion is specified on the card.
realms, though it can affect the event player as well. Storm at
Sea is also an event that can be played to draw cards into a Tyr
player's hand (though you do have to discard any realms you 224/3rd
draw). Realm
If the event player has ample realms in his hand, or another 5
card to negate this event for him, Storm at Sea is a good event Dark Sun
to have. This event could also be one of desperation, playing it Special
if you're in dire need of cards for battle or another situation. Owner draws one extra card per turn. Tyr can defend itself as
This event can be Calmed (400/3rd) for individual players, or a level 5 hero.
can be canceled all together with Limited Wish (43/ FR),
Intercession (48/RR),and similar cards. The extra card is drawn during phase 1, so no extra card is
Cards drawn through the use of Storm at Sea are not drawn on the turn in which Tyr is first played.
considered spoils of victory, and cannot be put into play out of
Ancient Arms of the Shield Lands
216/3rd 7
Holding Dark Sun
Greyhawk Uncommon
Common The first ally to attack Gulg itself each battle is destroyed. Gulg
Attach this holding to a razed Greyhawk realm to rebuild it can defend itself as a level 7 hero.
instantly, causing one other Greyhawk realm in play to be
razed (chosen by this player). Limit one per deck.
The player of the Ancient Arms of the Shield Lands should be 226/3rd
careful; if no other player has an unrazed Greyhawk realm, the Realm
player must raze one of his own Greyhawk realms. If there are Dark Sun
no unrazed Greyhawk realms in play, the realm rebuilt with the Uncommon
Ancient Arms of the Shield Lands must be razed. This card is not flipped face down unless Nibenay is razed
twice in a row.
Net of Entrapment
This card would more properly have been worded "In order to
217/3rd be razed, Nibenay must be defeated twice in one battle". The
Magical Item defeats do not have to come in successive rounds. The
Uncommon attacker does not receive spoils of victory until the realm is
This champion's opponent cannot play allies. (Off) defeated twice and flipped over.
Nibenay's power is combat - related. Razings from spells, such
The Net prohibits an opponent from playing allies. Any allies as Creeping Doom, or champion powers, such as Iuz the Evil
played before the Net is played are discarded. are not affected by Nibenay's power.

Rod of Dispel Magic Balic

220/3rd 2273rd
Artifact Realm
Greyhawk 4
Uncommon Dark Sun
A champion with this rod can cancel one magical spell when Special Realm
attacking or defending. All attacking allies are halved (rounded up). Balic can defend
itself as a level 4 hero.
221/3rd The Mud Palace
Realm 228/3rd
Dark Sun Holding
Special Dark Sun
Nonflying attackers lose 2 levels. Uncommon
The Mud Palace increases hand size by two cards.
222/3rd North Ledopolus
Realm 229/3rd
1 Holding
Dark Sun Dark Sun
Special Uncommon
All defenders of this realm gain 1 level. One card can be drawn and played immediately in defense of
the attached realm.
223/3rd When the realm to which North Ledopolus is attached is
Realm attacked, the defender draws a card. He may play it
4 immediately or put it in his hand.
Dark Sun
Special Realm

Terceira Edição - Página 122

South Ledopolus Yaramuke
230/3rd 241/3rd
Holding Holding
Dark Sun Dark Sun
Uncommon Common
The attached realm can use an ally as a champion. The ally is Poisoned water destroys one of the attackers allies as it is
still discarded after the battle. played (defender's choice).

Any ally can be used as a champion to defend the realm with Lost Oasis
South Ledopolus attached. The ally is considered a hero. The 242/3rd
ally retains any special powers. Holding
Dark Sun
Altaruk Common
231/3rd The owner can draw one card and play it immediately when
Holding the attached realm is attacked.
Dark Sun
Common Any card drawn can be played, including a realm or a spell
Any champion defending the attached realm can cast cleric normally castable only in another phase.

Mekillot Mountains Grak's Pool

232/3rd 243/3rd
Holding Holding
Dark Sun 5
Common Dark Sun
Avatars cannot attack any realm held by this player. Common
The oasis acts as a permanent +5 ally to any champion who
Ogo defends the attached realm.
Holding Silver Spring
Dark Sun 244/1st
Uncommon Holding
All champions and allies who attack the attached realm lose 3 Dark Sun
levels – any reduced to 0 are discarded immediately. Common
If the attached realm is razed, one other opponent's realm of
Makla the defender's choice is razed also.
Holding Card Combo (from Scavenger's Spellfire Corner): If the Silver
Dark Sun Spring holding is attached to Ancient Kalidnay, razing Ancient
Uncommon Kalidnay to gain another turn also razes another realm.
Makla adds 1 level to all defenders of the attached realm.
Bitter Well
Kalidnay 245/3rd
235/3rd Holding
Holding Dark Sun
Dark Sun Common
Common This oasis destroys any flyers that attack the attached realm.
Any monster defending the attached realm gains 4 levels.
Black Waters
Arkhold 246/3rd
236/3rd Holding
Holding Dark Sun
Dark Sun Common
Common No werecreature or monsters can attack any realm held by this
Allows owner to draw one extra card per turn. player.

Salt View Fort Melidor

237/3rd 247/3rd
Holding Holding
2 Dark Sun
Dark Sun Common
Common Allies defending any Dark Sun realm held by this player are
Defending champion gains 2 levels doubled in level.

Giustenal Dungeon of Gulg

240/3rd 248/3rd
Holding Holding
Dark Sun Dark Sun
Uncommon Common
A champion attacking the attached realm cannot play more All champions (if defeated) and allies who attack this realm are
than three allies per round. sent to the Abyss at the end of the battle.

Terceira Edição - Página 123

Ziggurat 2
249/3rd Common
Holding Dwarf
Dark Sun Can be played any time to participate in another player’s
Uncommon battle; level rises to 6. Regardless of the outcome, the
The level bonus (number in icon) of any wizard spell cast in mercenaries return to this player, who receives no spoils. Limit
defense of the attached realm is doubled. 3 per deck.

Temple Gladiators
250/3rd 257/3rd
Holding Ally
Dark Sun 9
Common Uncommon
The attached realm can cast cleric spells. If played with a Dark Sun champion, the gladiators remain with
that champion until he is defeated or discarded.
Mogadisho's Horde
Ally 258/3rd
1 Hero
Common 6
If this card is on the losing side of a battle, all holdings of the Dark Sun
opponent are discarded. Uncommon
Rikus can attack twice; if he wins his first round, he can attack
All opposing holdings in play are discarded, not holdings in the again with new allies.
opponent's hand.
Assassins 259/3rd
252/3rd Hero
Ally 7
2 Dark Sun
Uncommon Rare
Halfling Flyer. When defending a Dark Sun realm, her level is doubled.
If this card is on the losing side of the battle, it destroys one
champion anywhere in play chosen by the losing player. Sadira
One of the best of the "avenging allies" cards that exact Wizard
vengeance after a loss in battle. This card allows the player to 4
choose one champion to be destroyed. Note that the champion Dark Sun
is destroyed, not defeated in battle. Therefore special powers Common
such as those of Iuz the Evil, Strahd Von Zarovich, and Drizzt Sadira can use any psionic power. Psionicists must ask her
Do'Urden are not triggered. permission to use psionic powers, though they can still use
their stated special powers abilities.
Halfling Mercenaries
253/3rd For the SPELLFIRE player that fears the use of psionics in a
Ally game, Sadira is a must-have champion. Opposing psionicist
1 champions must ask permission from the player with Sadira to
Common use psionic power cards.
Strip any existing artifact and magical items from an opponent; This restriction applies to psionicists only (designated by the
do not affect any played after the mercenaries are in play. psionicist icon), and not other types of champions whose
special powers may include the use of psionic power cards;
The Halfling's powers affect only the opponent in combat. such as the Kirre (56/PO) or Acererak the Eternal (38/RR). In
253—Halfling Mercenaries: This card’s special powers only addition, Sadira has no effect on a champion's special power
affects an opposing champion. that is psionic in natural (see individual champion entries,
mainly psionicists).
A good combination to use with Sadira would be the Ego Coin
War Band
(419/3rd) and either the icon of Magic (19/RR Chase) or the
254/3rd Nectar of the Gods (20/RR Chase). This would have several
Ally types of champions asking permission from Sadira to use their
3 powers.
+8 vs undead.
Kank Lancers
255/3rd Dark Sun
Ally Uncommon
6 When attacking, can psionically destroy one monster in the
Uncommon defender's pool before battle begins.
All opposing swimmers (champions and allies) are discarded
immediately; no more can be played against it. Agis' power is considered an offensive psionic power. Agis can
use his power as soon as a defending champion is chosen. If
Nomad Mercenaries an opponent chooses not to defend the realm being attacked,
256/3rd Agis cannot use his power.

Terceira Edição - Página 124

Erellika 2
262/3rd Dark Sun
Hero Common
2 Once during each combat round, Bagual can retrieve and cast
Dark Sun a cleric spell from this player's draw pile. Reshuffle the pile
Rare after each draw.
Can cast wizard and cleric spells. When defending, negates all
psionic powers for that battle. When attacking, negates the Bagual can only cast phase 4 spells with his power.
powers of all enemy holdings for the duration of that battle.
Though her level is low, Erellika is a good choice for a multi- 269/3rd
purpose champion. This champion is not only able to cast both Ally
wizard and cleric spells, but gains other special powers 1
depending on whether she's attacking or defending. Uncommon
When attacking, Erellika and any attached items are immune Elf. Rowan can send one opposing ally of magical item to the
to the special powers of all opposing holdings. This does not Abyss.
affect the special powers of the realm the champion is
attacking. Shayira
When defending, Erellika negates the use of offensive psionic 270/3rd
power cards and a champion's special (offensive & defensive) Cleric
psionic powers for that round of battle. Consult individual 3
champion's (psionicist) entries to see if a special power is Dark Sun
psionic in nature. Other cards that work well with this Common
Champion include Brandobaris'.s Inversion (65/PO), Time of Negates the special powers (but not level bonuses) of all cards
Troubles (99/FR), The Psychometron of Nerad (3/AR Chase), played against her.
and The Heartwood Spear (3l8/3rd).
"Cards played" means cards played after combat has begun.
Vaerhirmana Shayira does not negate the opposing champion or any cards
263/3rd attached to the opposing champion before combat begins.
4 Ashathra
Dark Sun 271/3rd
Rare Ally
Elf 2
Vaerhirmana can negate one psionic power per turn, Common
regardless of whether in a pool or in combat. Can be discarded at any time to discard one opposing ally.
Vaerhirmana can cancel a psionic champion power or a Cúpula BSW 2016: o poder desta carta NÃO é considerado
psionic power card. "Once per turn" means from phase three carta-resposta.
of the player's turn to phase three of the player's next turn.
264/3rd Ally
Hero 2
4 Common
Dark Sun If on the losing side of a battle, Stug can rob a victorious player
Common of his spoils of victory, allowing a player not involved in the
Herminard has a death wish and if he dies while defending a battle to draw spoils instead.
Dark Sun realm, the opposing champion (though victorious)
must be discarded too. Stug is an ally whose singular use involves robbing an
opposing player of his spoils of victory. For optimum use, Stug
T'kkyl should be played only in a threeplayer game by an attacking
265/3rd champion wanting to prevent a defender from receiving spoils.
Hero If played at any other time, the card's effects are limited.
3 The special power of this ally can be used only if Stug is
Dark Sun present at the end of the battle; ie. has not been discarded as
Common a result of card-play sometime during the round of combat.
Although allies may be played against T'kkyl, if successful, the The special power of Stug is written specifically for a three or
thri-keen eats them. (They are sent to the Abyss and not the more player game; however, if Stug is used in a two-player
discard pile.) game it can prevent the drawing of spoils altogether.
Because Stug's level bonus is rather low, its best to use this
Azhul the Hasty ally only for its special power.
Hero Ka'Cha
4 273/3rd
Dark Sun Ally
Uncommon 3
Azhul may attack with new allies as many times as he wants Uncommon
every turn until he razes a realm or is defeated. Negates the power of all +1 or +2 allies played against him.

Bagual Galek
268/3rd 274/3rd
Cleric Ally

Terceira Edição - Página 125

Common 2
Half-elf Uncommon
Can draw a card from the opposing playe’s draw pile, playing it Attached champion and allies are immune to ally powers for
on this player’s side if applicable, otherwise discarding it. this round of combat.

Wind Dancers Cha'thrang

275/3rd 287/3rd
Event Ally
Uncommon 1
All flyers in play are destroyed immediately.(Harmful) Uncommon
All nonflying allies opposing Cha’thrang lose 4 levels.
Water Hunters
276/3rd Spirit of the Land
Event 288/3rd
Common Event
Harmful Rare
All undead in play are destroyed immediately. (Harmful) Prevents one Dark Sun realm or holding from being razed or
discarded or restores one razed realm from any world. An
Silver Hands’ Revenge attacker gets no spoils of victory and the battle is over.
277/3rd The attacker does not receive spoils if attacking a Dark Sun
Event realm, on which Spirit of the Land is played to avoid the razing.
Uncommon Spirit of the Land can be played on any other realm to rebuild
This player’s champions killed in the last battle are restored to it, but the attacker would receive spoils.
his pool. Play only after a battle is completely resolved. Spirit of the Land can also prevent a Dark Sun realm from
(Helpful) going to the Abyss, such as with Estate Transference.

Silt Stalkers Thri-kreen

279/3rd 289/3rd
Ally Ally
3 3
Common Rare
Elf All nonhuman allies (elves, dwarves and halflings) lose 2 levels
If on the losing side of a battle, all magical items in play are from fear of the thri-kreen.
shuffled back into the draw pile.
Night Runners 290/3rd
280/3rd Ally
Ally 2
2 Common
Uncommon Wijon can double the level of one ally played after him (choice
Elves.If on the losing side of a battle, this player can choose need not be immediate).
one magical item, artifact, or rule card in play anywhere to be
discarded. Mikor
Cistern Fiend Ally
282/3rd 3
Monster Uncommon
2 If on the losing side of a battle, Mikor transfers all non-event
Dark Sun cards in this player’s Abyss to his discard pile.
Immune of offensive and defensive spells. Enemy allies cannot Zurn
be used against this fiend. 293/3rd
Sloth 1
283/3rd Uncommon
Ally Zurn can ally himself with any victorious champion, returning
1 with that champion to the pool.
When played in battle, the opposing player must immediately Powell
discard one card from his hand. 294/3rd
Mul Savage 1
284/3rd Common
Monster Powell can be discarded to the Abyss during phase 3 to
6 retrieve a magical item.
Dark Sun
Rare The magical item can be retrieved from either the discard pile
Immune to offensive and defensive magical items. or the Abyss.

Inhuman Wachter
285/3rd 296/3rd
Ally Ally

Terceira Edição - Página 126

2 Verrasi
Common 302/3rd
Wachter's bonus increases to +8 if played from 6 AM to 6 PM. Ally
Foucault Uncommon
297/3rd No magical items with a bonus greater than +3 can be played
Ally after Verrasi joins the battle.
Uncommon Rogue Defiler of Tyr
Elf. Foucault and all other attached cards are immune to all 303/3rd
spells and magical items with the words "fire" or "flame" in their Wizard
title. 6
Dark Sun
Stef'fa Naf'ski Common
298/3rd Each time the defiler casts a spell during combat, her player
Monster discards one card from his hand and draw a replacement from
5 his draw pile.
Dark Sun
Rare The Lion of Urik
Psionically negates the special power of an opposing 304/3rd
champion in battle. If defeated, he negates the special power Monster
of a champion in any pool until Dispel Magic is cast on the 8
affected champion. Dark Sun
Stef'fa Naf'ski's first power is clearly psionic. However, his Dragon
second special power, negating a champion's special power Can cast wizard spells and use psionic powers.Immune to
after Stef'fa Naf'ski is defeated, is not considered a psionic psionic attack.
power, since a Dispel Magic will negate the power. Dispel and
Magic Draining Field will not negate Stef'fa Naf'ski's power.
Borys the Dragon
Captain Kazhal
299/3rd 9
Hero Dark Sun
9 Rare
Dark Sun Flyer. Can cast wizard and cleric spells and use psionic
Rare powers. Immune to psionic attack.
Destroys one magical item held by the opposing champion at
any time during the battle round.
300/3rd 6
Hero Dark Sun
3 Common
Dark Sun If defeated by a Dark Sun champion, the preserver is sent to
Uncommon Limbo until his end of this player’s next turn, when he returns
Dlasva can psionically destroy one opposing ally during a to his pool.
round of battle.
301/3rd Ally
Hero 3
5 Common
Dark Sun If on the losing side of a battle, the punisher returns to the
Rare player's hand instead of being discarded.
If Tithian attacks and wins a round of battle, the defending
realm is razed immediately.
Tithian immediately razes the realm when he wins a round of 308/3rd
battle. This power is triggered regardless of how he wins the Ally
battle. For example, if Tithian is in battle with a monster, and 1
Treasure is played, the monster is discarded and Tithian wins Uncommon
the round and the realm is razed. If Pit Trap! is played on If two gith are played in the same round of combat, each
Tithian, he loses the ability to raze a realm. increases to a +7.

Card Combo (from Desafio dos Corajosos 2016): Esta é uma Tiger
versão melhorada do combo Butler's Balderdash, permitindo 309/3rd
que o jogador potencialmente possa arrasar um reino por Ally
turno, ja que, ao vencer o combate automaticamente graças 1
ao feitiço Thrice Hearty Cup, Tithian arrasa o reino atacado. Common
Jerome então retorna o feitiço no passo 5 para que o combo If played during defense, this shape-changed druid remains
persista indefinidamente. with the realm until it’s razed.

Terceira Edição - Página 127

Orb of Power Shield of Gore
310/3rd 317/3rd
Magical Item Magical Item
Common 3
Offensive spells and magical items have no effect against the Uncommon
champion with this orb. (Def) Allies of less than +4 cannot be played against the attached
champion and allies of +1 or +2 currently in battle are
The Orb of Power negates offensive spells and offensive discarded. (Off)
magical items played against the champion with the Orb.
Spells and items are negated even if they were played before The Heartwood Spear
the Orb was played, although their effects may continue. For 318/3rd
example, a Lightning Bolt that was cast before the Orb of Artifact
Power was brought into play would no longer count as +5, but Dark Sun
any magical item or ally it may have discarded does not return. Common
The Orb's power is considered an immunity, so the Orb has no Kills any opposing dragon or monster in the battle
effect if an opposing champion has the Wand of Negation. automatically.

Rings of All Seeing The Caravan

311/3rd 319/3rd
Magical Item Event
Uncommon Common
Allows the owning player, at the beginning of his turn, to look Play only between two players' turns. The player of this event
at one player's hand. (Def) can take a turn immediately. Afterward, play resumes where it
left off.
312/3rd Caravan cannot be played until every player has had their first
Event turn.
Common Caravan is played between two player's turns. Multiple
All monsters are bribed to desert; discard all monsters in battle Caravans cannot be played in succession; as soon as one is
or in pools. (Harmful) played you are no longer "between turns". Thus, all other
Caravan's must be held in hand until the current Caravan turn
If used in battle, this event causes both sides to end the battle ends. Note that the active player (the one who just ended his
with no winner. turn) gets priority to play his or her Caravan before other
The spells, allies, and other cards are discarded with the players.
monsters. The battle is ended and another battle cannot be
started. That attacker's combat options are finished. The Necklace
Shield of Destruction Magical Item
313/3rd Uncommon
Magical Item Allows the attached champion to cast wizard spells and
1 confers immunity to psionic powers. (Def)
Absorbs the effects of one offensive spell played against the Elemental Cleric
attached champion (this player’s choice) once per turn. (Def) 321/3rd
Shield of Annihilation 2
314/3rd Dark Sun
Magical Item Common
2 The elemental is immune to offensive wizard spells.
Instantly annihilates one opposing enemy ally played against Elven Archer
the attached champion (this player’s choice). (Off) 322/3rd
Shield of Devastation 3
315/3rd Rare
Magical Item The elven archer’s skill with the bow is such that it can kill,
2 instantly, one enemy ally of its choice.
Negates the power of one offensive magical item used against The Outcast
the attached champion (this player’s choice) once per turn. 323/3rd
(Def) Hero
Shield of Wickedness Dark Sun
316/3rd Rare
Magical Item Can use cleric or wizard spells.
One enemy ally, chosen by the shield's owner, is forced to Thugs
switch sides and fight for the shield's owner for one round of 324/3rd
battle. (Off) Ally
If the Shield of Wickedness is used in combat to steal an ally, Uncommon
and is then destroyed, the ally returns to its original owner. Can be attached to any realm during phase 3 as a permanent

Terceira Edição - Página 128

Wall of Stone
Marauder 337/3rd
328/3rd Wizard Spell
Ally 4
3 Common
Common Only flyers can attack across the wall. Use on defense only.
Can be discarded at any time to negate an event created by (Def/4)
using the Bell of Might.
Wall of Force
Shaqat Beetles 338/3rd
329/3rd Wizard Spell
Ally 5
1 Common
Common Only flyers can attack across the wall. (Def/4)
If defeated in combat, these parasites attach themselves to the
victorious champion, reducing his level to 1. Cone of Cold
Tembo Wizard Spell
330/3rd 5
Monster Common
3 Destroys one artifact, chosen by the caster. (Off/4)
Dark Sun
Uncommon The artifact chosen does not have to be attached to the
The opponent cannot use allies for defense or offense. opponent in combat, but may also come from any pool.
This spell can be used to remove an artifact from anywhere in
Fireball play, even another player’s pool.
Wizard Spell Sleep
Common 341/3rd
Destroys immediately all opposing allies of level 4 or less. Wizard Spell
(Off/4) Common
Lightning Bolt Eliminates up to three opposing allies of level 1 or 2 chosen by
332/3rd the caster. Can be cast during any battle, including those
Wizard Spell between opponents. (Off)
5 Shield
Common 342/3rd
Immediately destroys one opposing ally of level 4 or less or Wizard Spell
one magical item of caster's choice. (Off/4) 2
Paralyze Negates the Magic Missile spell. (Def/4)
Wizard Spell Fly
Common 343/3rd
Cast on a champion before battle to prevent that card from Wizard Spell
defending. Cast during a battle to eliminate one ally of the Common
caster's choice. (Off/3/4) One champion and/or ally becomes a flyer. (Def/4)

Magic Missile Crushing Fist

334/3rd 344/3rd
Wizard Spell Wizard Spell
3 4
Common Rare
The level bonus is increased to +5 if cast by a level 7 or 8 The crushing fist adds 4 levels or destroys one magical item, at
champion, or +9 if cast by a champion of level 9 or higher. the choice of the caster. (Off/4)
Dispel Magic
Wall of Fire 346/3rd
335/3rd Wizard Spell
Wizard Spell Common
Common Can be cast at any time to cancel the effects of a just-cast
Only flyers can attack across the wall. (Off/4) spell or to cancel an existing spell. (Def)

Wall of Iron Dispel Magic cancels the effect of any spell, offensive or
336/3rd defensive, including another Dispel Magic spell. The 3rd
Wizard Spell edition rules make it clear that Dispel Magic, Spell Turning,
3 and Reflection may be cast at any time to dispel or turn a just-
Common cast spell. A player must have a champion in the pool or in
Only flyers can attack across the wall. Use on defense only. battle capable of casting the spell and must specify which
(Def/4) champion is casting the spell.

Improved Phantasmal Force

Wizard Spell

Terceira Edição - Página 129

6 Charm
Common 357/3rd
If cast by an undead champion, he can bypass a defending Wizard Spell
wizard or cleric and raze a realm. The defending champion Common
returns to his pool. (Def/4) Opponent loses one ally of the caster's choice, chosen
immediately. (Off/4)
348/3rd Dispel Magic
Wizard Spell 358/3rd
Rare Cleric Spell
Attach to any enemy champion in a pool; that card cannot Common
attack or defend until the fear is dispelled. (Off/3) Can be cast at any time to cancel the effects of a just-cast
spell or to cancel an existing spell. (Def)
Cure Light Wounds
349/3rd Dispel Magic cancels the effect of any spell, offensive or
Cleric Spell defensive, including another Dispel Magic spell. The 3rd
1 edition rules make it clear that Dispel Magic, Spell Turning,
Common and Reflection may be cast at any time to dispel or turn a just-
Can be cast to retrieve an ally of level 1 or 2 who was cast spell. A player must have a champion in the pool or in
discarded during this battle. (Def/4) battle capable of casting the spell and must specify which
champion is casting the spell.
Cure Serious Wounds
350/3rd Darkness
Cleric Spell 359/3rd
2 Cleric Spell
Common Common
Can be cast to retrieve an ally of level 3 or 4 who was This battle ends immediately with no victor or loser; champions
discarded during this combat. (Def/4) return to their pools, allies to the players' hands, spells are
discarded. Darkness has no effect against monsters. (Def/4)
Sticks to Snakes
351/3rd Protection
Cleric Spell 360/3rd
4 Cleric Spell
Common Common
Increases to +6 if cast by a level 7 or 8 champion, and The opponent cannot use undead in this battle round; any
increases to +8 if cast by a level 9 or higher champion. (Off/4) already played as allies are discarded. An undead champion
loses the battle but returns to the pool. (Def/4)
Blade Barrier
352/3rd Chariot of Sustarre
Cleric Spell 361/3rd
Rare Cleric Spell
Destroys all opposing allies of level 5 or less. Cast only when Common
defending. (Off/4) One champion or two allies can fly for one round of battle.
353/3rd Wall of Thorns
Cleric Spell 363/3rd
Common Cleric Spell
The champion and each of its allies gain 1 level this round. 2
(Def/4) Common
Cast only when defending. Only attackers of level 3 or higher
Sanctuary can cross the wall. (Def/4)
Cleric Spell Wall of Fire
Rare 364/3rd
The cleric who casts sanctuary loses this round of battle, but is Cleric Spell
not discarded; it returns to the pool instead. (Def/4) 1
Wind Walk Cast only when defending. Only attackers of level 4 or higher
355/3rd can cross the wall. (Off/4)
Cleric Spell
Rare Holy Word
The champion and all his allies are considered flyers for this 365/3rd
round. (Def/3/4) Cleric Spell
Bark Skin Destroys all undead allies on both sides of a battle instantly.
356/3rd (Off/4)
Cleric Spell
2 Raise Dead
Common 366/3rd
Adds 2 levels to a single defender. (Def/4) Cleric Spell

Terceira Edição - Página 130

Any one defeated champion can be selected from the player's Hold Undead
discard pile and placed back in his hand. (Def/3/5) 375/3rd
Wizard Spell
Flame Strike Common
367/3rd Opposing undead allies have no effect on the outcome of this
Cleric Spell battle. (Off/4)
Destroys any number of opposing allies with levels totaling 6 or
less, selected by the caster. Discard immediately. (Off/4) Charm Monster
Protection from lightning Wizard Spell
368/3rd Common
Cleric Spell An opposing monster returns to its pool; the caster wins this
Common round of battle. (Off/4)
Lightning cannot harm the caster or his allies in this battle.
(Def/4) Wind of Disenchantment
This spell provides protection from any cards with lightning in Event
the name for the entire battle, not just the round in which the Rare
spell is cast. Cards affected are Lightning Bolt, Chain An anti-magic storm sweeps across the cosmos, destroying all
Lightning, Call Lightning, and Lightning Glyph. magical items in play. (Harmful)

Silence Black Tentacles

369/3rd 378/3rd
Cleric Spell Wizard Spell
Uncommon Uncommon
The opposing champion cannot cast any spells in this battle. All champions of level 4 or less die, regardless of whether they
(Off/4) are in battle or in pools. (Off/3/4)
Silence works for one round and the opposing champion can't This card is missing from the Reference Guide Volume II, even
cast spells for the rest of that round. If the opposing champion though it should be there.
becomes immune to magical spells for some reason (e.g. Orb
of Power) then the opposing champion can again cast spells in
Fire Shield
that round. This spell only affects the champion in the battle.
The opposing player could use another champion in its pool to 379/3rd
cast Dispel Magic or Spell Turning. Wizard Spell
Improved Invisibility to Undead
The caster and his allies are immune to all spells with the
370/3rd words “fire” or “flame” in the name. (Def/3/4)
Cleric Spell
Ice Storm
If on the losing side of a battle with an undead, this champion
can slip by and return to his pool. He is not defeated, and may 380/3rd
defend or attack again this battle. (Def/4) Event
Destroys all champions and allies of level 4 or less in play
Wall of Fog
anywhere. (Harmful)
Wizard Spell
Solid Fog
No attacks are allowed against any player until the caster's 382/3rd
next turn. (Off/3) Event
Unearthly fog prevents all attacks against all players until this
player's next turn. (Harmful)
Wizard Spell This event prevents all attacks. If played during battle, the
Common battle is ended. Champions return to their pools with no spoils
One ally forgets to attack or defend this turn; discard the ally. of victory. Spells and allies are discarded. Because this is a
(Off/4) harmful event, a player may play Calm or discard Delsenora
(10/3rd Chase) and attack another player.
373/3rd Animate Dead
Wizard Spell 383/3rd
Common Wizard Spell
Destroys any opposing allies of level 3 or less already in play. Common
(Off/4) A wizard who casts this spell can fight again in the next round
of battle, regardless of whether he won or lost the previous
Blink round. (Def/4)
Wizard Spell This does not prevent a champion who loses from being
Common discarded, just postpones the discarding for one round. During
A champion who is about to lose a round of battle escapes to that one round, the wizard who cast the spell can fight again. If
the player's pool, but the battle is still lost. (Def/4) an attacking wizard casts this spell, but loses the round, it is
discarded immediately, since the battle is over.

Terceira Edição - Página 131

The opponent may not play additional cards after Death Spell
Cloudkill in an attempt to raise the level of the target champion or ally
384/3rd above 7. Because the card states "any one champion or ally of
Wizard Spell the caster's choosing," this spell can be used to destroy a
Common champion not involved in the current battle.
Opposing allies of level 3 or less are discarded and no more
can be played this round. (Off/4) Geas
Feebleminded Wizard Spell
385/3rd Common
Wizard Spell The affected champion can neither attack nor defend until after
Common the owner's next turn. (Off/3)
An opposing spellcaster cannot cast any spells for the rest of
this round. (Off/4) Banishment
Magic Jar Wizard Spell
386/3rd Common
Wizard Spell Destroys one monster of the caster's choice. (Off/3/4)
If the defender is defeated, the current attacking champion Control Undead
becomes the defending champion in the next round of this 396/3rd
battle and then is discarded. (Off/4) Wizard Spell
If there is no further round of battle, the attacker is discarded The caster can ask any player for his largest undead ally card
immediately. and use it in this round of battle. The ally is discarded
afterward. (Off/4)
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound
387/3rd This spell allows the caster to use any player's largest undead
Event ally in the current battle. The ally card may be in play or come
Common from a player's hand.
After an opponent puts forward a champion in attack, this The caster may not take an undead ally from any deck.
playe’s hound sounds a warning. The defender can put his
champion on the battlefield first thus activating his special Finger of Death
powers first. (Helpful) 397/3rd
Passwall Wizard Spell
388/3rd Common
Wizard Spell Kills any one champion or ally of level 5 or less. (Off/4)
Negates any wall spell. Finger of Death kills one champion or ally, chosen by the
player, of level 5 or less. When determining level, all
adjustments (such as artifacts, magical items, spells, and
Rock to Mud
events) are counted. The opponent may not play additional
389/3rd cards after Finger of Death in an attempt to raise the level of
Wizard Spell the target champion or ally above 5. Because the card states
Common "any" champion, this spell can be used to destroy a champion
Only flyers can attack this player's realms until the player's not involved in the current battle.
next turn.
Spell Turning
Chain Lightning
390/3rd Wizard Spell
Wizard Spell Common
5 Can be cast at any time to return a just-cast spell back at its
Common caster as if the original target had cast it. (Def)
This spell bonus increases to +7 if cast by a champion of level
7 or higher. (Off/4) Spell Turning turns an offensive spell back against its caster.
Spell Turning must be played immediately after the spell being
Death Fog turned, although events may be played between the original
391/3rd spell and Spell Turning. The 3rd edition rules make it clear that
Wizard Spell Dispel Magic, Spell Turning, and Reflection may be cast at any
Common time to dispel or turn a just-cast spell. A player must have a
Kills all champions of level 5 or less in one player's pool and champion in the pool or in battle capable of casting the spell
prevents survivors from attacking until after that player's next and must specify which champion is casting the spell.
turn. (Off/3)
Death Spell 400/3rd
392/3rd Event
Wizard Spell Chase
Common This magical calm undoes the harmful effect of an event, but
Kills any one champion or ally of the caster's choosing of level only for the player of this card. (Helpful)
7 or less.(Off/3/4)
Calm cancels the effect of a harmful event for the player of the
Death Spell kills one champion or ally, chosen by the player, of Calm card. Calm does not eliminate the event. Calm has no
level 7 or less. When determining level, all adjustments (such effect on helpful events.
as artifacts, magical items, spells, and events) are counted.

Terceira Edição - Página 132

Spellfire Reference Guide, Volume III
Part 4 - 4th Edition

# Name Type Level World Blueline

1 Menzoberranzan Realm FR Underdark
2 Ruins of Zhentil Keep Realm 5 FR Coast
3 Sembia Realm FR Coast
4 Myth Drannor Realm FR
5 Icewind Dale Realm FR Coast
6 Damara Realm FR
7 Daggerdale Realm FR
8 Evermeet Realm FR
9 The Trollmoors Realm FR
10 The Coral Kingdom Realm FR Coast
11 Raurin Realm FR
12 The Vilhon Reach Realm FR Coast
13 Giant’s Run Mountains Realm FR
14 Sterich Realm GH
15 Nyrond Realm GH
16 Furyondy Realm GH Coast
17 Temple of Elemental Evil Realm GH
18 Greyhawk Ruins Realm GH
19 Perrenland Realm GH Coast
20 Duchy of Tenh Realm GH
21 Hell Furnaces Realm GH Coast
Free and Independent City of
22 Realm GH Coast
23 Spindrift Islands Realm 8 GH Coast
24 Stonefist Hold Realm GH Coast
25 Ull Realm GH
26 Valley of the Mage Realm 9 GH
27 Urik Realm 4 DS
28 Tyr Realm 5 DS
29 Gulg Realm 7 DS
30 Euripis Realm DS
31 New Giustenal Realm DS Coast
32 Ur Draxa Realm DS
33 Shault Realm 6 DS
34 The Forest Ridge Realm DS
35 Celik Realm DS
36 Lake Island Realm 5 DS
37 The Jagged Cliffs Realm 3 DS
38 The Last Sea Realm DS Coast
39 Dragon’s Crown Mountains Realm 7 DS
40 Realm of the White Witch Realm BR

Quarta Edição - Página 133

41 The Battle-Fens Realm BR
42 The Giantdowns Realm BR
43 The Sphinx Realm BR
44 The Mistmoor Realm BR
45 Tarvan Waste Realm BR
46 Black Spear Tribes Realm BR
47 Thurazor Realm 7 BR
48 The Sielwode Realm BR
49 The Five Peaks Realm BR
50 Cariele Realm BR
51 Boeruine Realm 6 BR
52 Rhuobhe Realm BR
53 Reorxcrown Mountains Realm DL
54 Shining Lands Realm DL
55 The Delving Realm 5 DL
56 Estwilde Realm DL
57 Blood Sea of Istar Realm DL Coast
58 Enstar Realm DL Coast
59 Bluet Spur Realm RL Coast
60 Arak Realm 4 RL
61 Borca Realm RL
62 Gundarak Realm 5 RL
63 Sithicus Realm RL
64 Nightmare Lands Realm RL
65 Council Aerie Realm 9 AD&D Coast
66 Milborne Realm AD&D Coast
67 The Isle of Beacon Point Realm AD&D Coast
68 Lair of the Eye Tyrant Realm 15 AD&D Underdark
69 Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga Realm AD&D
70 Anytown, Anywhere Realm AD&D
71 Haven of the Undead Realm AD&D
Monastery of Perdien the
72 Realm AD&D
73 Mulmaster Holding FR
74 Blackstaff Tower Holding 3 FR
75 Candlekeep Holding FR
76 Mithral Hall Holding FR
77 Moonwell Holding FR
78 Nagawater Holding 4 FR
79 Tilverton Holding FR
80 Lhespenbog Holding FR
81 Adderswamp Holding FR
82 Fortification: Rampart Holding GH
83 Fortification: Bastion Holding GH
84 Fortification: Parapet Holding GH
85 Fortification: Bailey Holding GH
86 Fortification: Curtain Wall Holding GH
87 Fortification: Inner Wall Holding GH
88 Fortification: Bulwark Holding GH
89 Fortification: Barricade Holding GH
90 Fortification: Breastwork Holding GH

Quarta Edição - Página 134

91 The Mud Palace Holding DS
92 South Ledopolus Holding DS
93 Ogo Holding DS
94 Arkhold Holding DS
95 Lost Oasis Holding DS
96 Grak’s Pool Holding 5 DS
97 Silver Spring Holding DS
98 Black Waters Holding DS
99 Dungeon of Gulg Holding DS
100 The Celestial Jewel of Sarimie Holding BR
101 Points East Trading Company Holding BR
102 The Thorn Throne Holding BR
103 Peaceful Seas of Nesirie Holding BR
104 Sarimie’s Temple of Fortune Holding BR
105 Boeruine Trading Guild Holding BR
106 Taeghan Outfitters Holding BR
107 Straits of Aerele Shipping Holding BR
108 Grovnekvic Forest Holding BR
109 Madding Springs Holding DL
110 Shark Reef Holding DL
111 Barter Holding DL
112 Dance of the Red Death Holding RL
113 Red Jack Holding 2 RL
114 Red Tide Holding 6 RL
115 Treasure Vault Holding AD&D
116 Kestrel’s Keep Holding AD&D
117 Keep of the Dead Holding AD&D
118 Airship Event
119 Cataclysm! Event
120 Good Fortune Event
121 Surprise Raid Event
122 Labor of Legend Event
123 Siege! Event
124 Mutiny! Event
125 Transformation! Event
126 Slave Revolt! Event
127 Bruce’s Revenge Event
128 Fast Talking! Event
129 The Barbarian’s Revenge! Event
130 Treasure Event
131 The Caravan Event
132 Ice Storm Event
133 Solid Fog Event
134 Tarrasque Event
135 Black Bess Event
136 Dead Magic Zone Event
137 Deflection Event
138 Temporal Stasis Event
139 Dragons Rebellious Event
140 Hurricane! Event
141 Call to Arms Event

Quarta Edição - Página 135

142 Phantasmal Wolf Event
143 Land Ho! Event
144 Provocation Event
145 Balance of Power Event
146 Assault of Magic Event
147 Psionic Contrition Event
148 Monstrous Intervention Event
149 The Land Rebels Event
150 Elven Rebirth Event
151 The Death of a Hero Event
152 Ambush Event
153 Brave Heart Event
154 The Torments of Sisyphus Event
155 Secret War Event
156 Covert Aid Event
157 Wrath of the Immortals Event
158 Titans Walk the Earth Event
159 Bess’s Revenge Event
160 Foreign Wars Event
161 Gales at Sea Event
162 Escape from the Abyss Event
163 Banner of the Two-Eyed God Magic Item 3
164 Staff of Striking Magic Item 3 Weapon
165 Staff of Conjuring Magic Item 5
166 War Banner Magic Item 1
167 Falcon Figurine Magic Item 1
168 Ghost Crystal Magic Item 5
169 Net of Entrapment Magic Item
170 Orb of Power Magic Item
171 Rings of All Seeing Magic Item
172 Shield of Destruction Magic Item 2
173 Shield of Annihilation Magic Item 2
174 Shield of Devastation Magic Item 2
175 Shield of Wickedness Magic Item
176 The Necklace Magic Item
177 Dragonslayer Magic Item 4 Sword
178 Gauntlets of Swimming Magic Item 2
179 Horn of Blasting Magic Item 3
180 Wand of Wonder Magic Item +? (Off)
181 Drow Slippers Magic Item 3
182 Midnight’s Mask of Disguise Magic Item 2
183 Girdle of Storm Giant Strength Magic Item 9
184 Hammer of the Gods Magic Item 5 Weapon
185 Gauntles of Golem Strength Magic Item 6
186 Winged Boots Magic Item 2
187 Badge of the Wolf Nomads Magic Item 4
188 Dark Haven Magic Item -0,5
189 Spellbook Magic Item
190 Pan’s Pipes Magic Item 4
191 The Bagpipes of Drawmij Magic Item 2
192 Ailarond Horn Magic Item 2

Quarta Edição - Página 136

193 Lyre of Arvanaith Magic Item 3
194 The Harp of Kings Magic Item 5
195 The Leviathan Horn Magic Item 4
196 Chimes of Chelerie Magic Item 4
197 Xeno-Xylophone Magic Item 2
198 Dragon Drums Magic Item 6
199 Scarab of Protection Magic Item 3
200 Arrow of Slaying Magic Item 2 Weapon
201 Crossbow of Accuracy Magic Item 4 Weapon
202 Dagger of Venom Magic Item 1 Weapon
203 Javelin of Lightning Magic Item 2 Weapon
204 Mace of Disruption Magic Item 4 Weapon
205 Scimitar of Speed Magic Item 3 Sword
206 Trident of Fish Command Magic Item 2 Weapon
207 Holy Avenger Magic Item 7 Sword
208 Armies of Bloodstone Ally 4
209 The Iron Legion Ally 3
210 Myrmidons Ally 4
211 Hornhead Saurial Ally 3
212 Mind Flayer Ally 3
213 Intellect Devourer Ally 1
214 Elf Galleon Ally 3
215 Tyrol Ally 4
216 Hell Hound Ally 5
217 Skeletal Lord Ally 7
218 Skeletal Minion Ally 3
219 Treants of the Grandwood Ally 5
220 Mogadisho’s Horde Marches On Ally 2
221 Assassins Ally 2 Halfling
222 Halfling Mercenaries Ally 1
223 Gladiators Ally 9
224 Rowan Ally 1
225 Ashathra Ally 2
226 Stug Ally 2
227 Galek Ally 2 Half-Elf
228 Silt Stalkers Ally 3
229 Night Runners Ally 2
230 Athasian Sloth Ally 8
231 Wijon Ally 2
232 Elven Archer Ally 3
233 Marauder Ally 3
234 Shaqat Beetles Ally 1
235 Flesh Golem Ally 5
236 Loup-Garou Ally 2
237 Brine Dragon Ally 6
238 Flaming Fist Ally 9
239 Ninjas Ally 1
240 Pseudodragon Ally 3 Flyer
241 Roc Ally 8
242 Marilith Tanar’ri Ally 7
243 Thought Eater Ally -2

Quarta Edição - Página 137

244 Ogre Mage Ally 6
245 Mermaid Ally 4
246 The Dreaded Ghost Ally 9
247 Clay Golem Ally 4
248 Ki-Rin Ally 3
249 Troll Ally 6
250 Selkie Ally 3
251 Rust Monster Ally 4
252 Displacer Beast Ally 6
253 Drizzt Do’Urden Hero 8 FR
254 The Harpers Hero 6 FR
255 Helm Hero 6 FR
256 Thorvid Hero 5 GH
257 Hettman Tsurin Hero 2 GH
258 Tyrinon Hero 5 GH
259 Rikus Hero 6 DS
260 Captain Kazhal Hero 9 DS
261 Neeva Hero 7 DS
262 Pereghost Monster 7 FR
263 Dracolich Monster 6 FR
264 Stone Giant Monster 6 FR
265 Lich Conclave Monster 5 GH
266 Winged Horror Monster 5 GH
267 Mature Gold Dragon Monster 8 GH
268 Borys the Dragon Monster 9 DS
269 Athasian Cistern Fiend Monster 8 DS
270 Korgunard the Avangion Monster 8 DS
271 Elminster the Mage Wizard 9 FR
272 Vangerdahast Wizard 6 FR
273 Ambassador Carrague Wizard 7 FR
274 Mike the Wolf Nomad Wizard 7 GH
275 Mordenkainen Wizard 7 GH
276 Drawmij Wizard 7 GH
277 Sadira Wizard 4 DS
278 Rogue Defiler of Tyr Wizard 6 DS
279 Kalid-na Wizard 9 DS
280 Amaril Cleric 3 FR
281 Clerics of Malar Cleric 4 FR
282 Adon Cleric 5 FR
283 Sysania Cleric 4 GH
284 Nenioc Cleric 5 GH
285 Arch-Druid Cleric 4 GH
286 Shayira Cleric 3 DS
287 Elemental Cleric Cleric 2 DS
288 Klik-Ka’Cha Cleric 7 DS
289 Photed Hero 7 AD&D
290 Sharla Wizard 5 AD&D
291 Migrane Cleric 8 AD&D
292 Vitralis Hero 3 AD&D
293 Larn Wizard 4 AD&D
294 Livekor Monster 9 AD&D

Quarta Edição - Página 138

295 Shayla Hero 3 AD&D
296 Ssilcroth Monster 5 AD&D
297 Rumples Wizard 8 AD&D
298 Diamond Wizard 3 GH
299 Emerald Wizard 6 GH
300 Topaz Wizard 9 GH
301 Ruby Hero 4 DL
302 Jacinth Hero 6 DL
303 Amethyst Hero 8 DL
304 Pearl Cleric 3 RL
305 Amber Cleric 5 RL
306 Aquamarina Cleric 7 RL
307 Cyclops Monster 7 AD&D
308 Ettin Monster 5 AD&D
309 Formorian Giant Monster 6 AD&D
310 Fire Giant Monster 8 AD&D
311 Yumac the Cold Wizard 7 AD&D
312 Pellgrade the Inexorable Wizard 9 AD&D
313 Nernal Cleric 5 AD&D
314 Gloaranor Cleric 6 AD&D
315 Moralin Cleric 7 AD&D
316 Borin Moradinson Cleric 5 FR
317 Mallin Dimmerswill Cleric 6 FR
318 Arden Glimrock Cleric 8 FR
319 Drider Monster 4 FR
320 Eye Tyrant Monster 6 FR
321 Roper Monster 9 FR
322 Malleyahl Hero 4 FR
323 Malaruat Hero 6 FR
324 Maleficent Hero 8 FR
325 Isika Hero 4 FR
326 Merika Hero 3 DS
327 Funerea Hero 8 DS
328 Salurana Psionicist 3 DL
329 Jella Psionicist 5 DL
330 Myalasia Psionicist 3 DL
331 Kit’Kit’Kin Psionicist 6 DS
332 Beala Psionicist 5 DS
333 Minerva Psionicist 7 DS
334 Iserik Hero 5 FR
335 Merik Hero 4 DS
336 Pyre Hero 7 DS
337 Ansalong Psionicist 2 DL
338 Jarek Halvs Psionicist 6 DL Elf
339 Moraster Psionicist 3 DL
340 Kai’Rik’Tik Psionicist 8 DS
341 Talcon Psionicist 4 DS
342 Minervan Psionicist 9 DS
343 Apocalypse Monster 7 BR
344 The Harpy Regent 5 BR
345 The Magian Regent 9 BR

Quarta Edição - Página 139

346 Serpent Regent 6 BR
347 Chernevik Regent 8 BR
348 Cidre Bint Corina Regent 4 BR
349 Adan El-Mesir Regent 5 BR
350 Rahil the Falcon Regent 7 BR
351 Arlando El-Adaba Regent 8 BR
352 The Ancient Dead Monster 7 RL
353 Madman Enraged Hero 5 RL
354 Ting Ling Cleric 8 RL
355 The Death Ship Monster 4 RL
356 The Lesser Mummy Cleric 3 RL
357 Bride of Malice Wizard 9 RL
358 The Vulture of the Core Monster 6 RL
359 Fleeing Adventurers Hero 3 RL
360 The Bog Monster Monster 8 RL
361 Flight Wizard Spell
362 Shapechange Wizard Spell 6
363 Fireball Wizard Spell 4
364 Lightning Bolt Wizard Spell 5
365 Magic Missle Wizard Spell 3
366 Wall of Fire Wizard Spell 3
367 Wall of Force Wizard Spell 5
368 Cone of Cold Wizard Spell 5
369 Crushing Fist Wizard Spell 4
370 Dispel Magic Wizard Spell
371 Wall of Fog Wizard Spell
372 Fear Wizard Spell
373 Blink Wizard Spell
374 Charm Monster Wizard Spell
375 Black Tentacles Wizard Spell
376 Death Fog Wizard Spell
377 Death Spell Wizard Spell
378 Power Word, Stun Wizard Spell
379 Spell Turning Wizard Spell
380 Power Word, Silence Wizard Spell
381 Death Link Wizard Spell 2
382 Limited Wish Wizard Spell 1
383 Time Stop Wizard Spell
384 Wish Wizard Spell
385 Reverse Gravity Wizard Spell
386 Mirror Image Wizard Spell
387 Elminster’s Evasion Wizard Spell
388 Prismatic Sphere Wizard Spell 4
389 Re-target Wizard Spell
390 ESP Wizard Spell
391 Leomund’s Trap Wizard Spell
392 Misdirection Wizard Spell
393 Ray of Enfeeblement Wizard Spell
394 Stinking Cloud Wizard Spell
395 Sepia Snake Sigil Wizard Spell
396 Armor Wizard Spell

Quarta Edição - Página 140

397 Sticks to Snakes Cleric Spell 4
398 Sanctuary Cleric Spell
399 Wind Walk Cleric Spell
400 Dispel Cleric Spell
401 Raise Dead Cleric Spell
402 Creeping Doom Cleric Spell
403 Earthquake Cleric Spell
404 Shadow Engines Cleric Spell
405 Faith-Magic Zone Cleric Spell
406 Ward of Sleep Cleric Spell
407 Ward of Peace Cleric Spell
408 Ward of Erebus Cleric Spell
409 Ward of Lancoon Cleric Spell
410 Ward of Laius Cleric Spell
411 Ward of Freedom Cleric Spell
412 Ward of Ironguarding Cleric Spell
413 Ward of Ruin Cleric Spell
414 Ward of the Erinyes Cleric Spell
415 Animal Friendship Cleric Spell +?
416 Command Cleric Spell
417 Shillelagh Cleric Spell +?
418 Aid Cleric Spell 4
419 Enthrall Cleric Spell
420 Fire Trap Cleric Spell
421 Heat Metal Cleric Spell
422 Locate Object Cleric Spell
423 Negative Plane Protection Cleric Spell 2
424 Switch Personality Psionic Power
425 Superior Invisibility Psionic Power
426 Mindlink Psionic Power 4
427 Precognition Psionic Power 4
428 Phobia Amplification Psionic Power
429 Body Weaponry Psionic Power 6
430 Lend Health Psionic Power
431 Metamorphosis Psionic Power 5
432 Mindwipe Psionic Power
433 Jab Unarmed Combat 1
434 Boot to the Head Unarmed Combat 1
435 Reversal Unarmed Combat
436 Choke Hold Unarmed Combat
437 Counter Unarmed Combat
438 Rake! Unarmed Combat 3
439 Tail Slap Unarmed Combat 2
440 Blind Side! Unarmed Combat 4
441 Heroic Effort Unarmed Combat
442 Elemental Control Blood Ability 2
443 Fear Blood Ability 3
444 Healing Blood Ability
445 Resistance Blood Ability
446 Bloodform Blood Ability 5
447 Charm Aura Blood Ability

Quarta Edição - Página 141

448 Major Resistance Blood Ability
449 Wither Touch Blood Ability 5
450 Persuasion Blood Ability
451 Ren’s Crystal Ball Artifact GH
452 Codex of the Infinite Planes Artifact GH
453 Eye and Hand of Vecna Artifact 2,5 GH
454 Cup of Al’Akbar Artifact GH
455 The Ring of Winter Artifact FR
456 Wand of Orcus Artifact 9 AD&D
457 Axe of Dwarvish Lords Artifact 3 AD&D
458 Guenhwyvar Artifact 5 FR
459 Obsidian Man of Urik Artifact 6 DS
460 The Throne of the Gods Artifact 10 AD&D
461 Nature’s Throne Artifact 6 AD&D
462 Throne of Bone Artifact 4 AD&D
463 The Medusa Throne Artifact 5 AD&D
464 Throne of Ice Artifact 4 AD&D
465 Throne of the Seas Artifact 5 AD&D
466 Throne of the Pharaohs Artifact 3 AD&D
467 The Emerald Throne Artifact 5 AD&D
468 Throne of the Drow Artifact 4 AD&D
469 Elemental Avatar of Earth Cleric 15 DS
470 Elemental Avatar of Air Cleric 15 DS
471 Elemental Avatar of Water Cleric 15 DS
472 Elemental Avatar of Fire Cleric 15 DS
473 Garl Glittergold Hero 13 AD&D
474 Urdlen Monster 14 AD&D
475 Yondalla the Provider Hero 16 AD&D
476 Brandobaris Hero 13 AD&D
477 Corellon Larethian Wizard 18 AD&D
478 Bahgtru Monster 14 AD&D
479 Great Mother Monster 16 AD&D
480 Annam Cleric 16 AD&D
481 Remnis Monster 15 AD&D
482 Cegilune Monster 17 AD&D
483 Kanchelsis Wizard 16 AD&D
484 Ferrix Wizard 17 AD&D
485 Titania Wizard 20 AD&D
486 Verenestra Cleric 16 AD&D
487 Midnight, Goddess of Magic Wizard 15 FR
488 Iuz, Avatar of Evil Monster 14 GH
489 Lolth, the Spider Avatar Monster 21 GH
490 Nobody Wins! Rule Card
491 Rule Lawyer’s Delight Rule Card
492 Time of Troubles Rule Card
493 The Power of Faith Rule Card
494 Forbidden Knowledge Rule Card
495 Circle of Life Rule Card
496 Fair Fight! Rule Card
497 The Event Wheel Rule Card
498 The Backwaters Rule Card

Quarta Edição - Página 142

499 Master the Magic Rule Card
500 The Master Strategist Rule Card

Chase Cards:

# Name Type Level World Blueline

501 Flash Flood Event
502 Netherese Symbol of Power Wizard Spell
503 Rengarth Oracle Cleric Spell
504 Sea of Dust Realm GH
505 Caves of Mystery Holding AD&D
506 The Living Earth Event
507 The Painted Hills Realm 5 DS
508 Ethereal Champion Hero 7 AD&D
509 Agis’s Cairn Holding 4 DS
510 Throne of the Mountain God Artifact 5 AD&D
Between a Rock and a Hard
511 Event
512 Barbaric Allies Ally 7
513 The Sylvan Pool Holding AD&D
514 Poor Man’s Fort Holding 3 AD&D
515 The Crystal Dome Event
516 Towers of Menzoberranzan Holding FR
517 Mystic Passage Psionic Power
Blingdenstone Symbol of
518 Cleric Spell
519 Dragon’s Eye Symbol of Power Wizard Spell
520 The Winner’s Cape Artifact 10 AD&D

Quarta Edição - Página 143

Menzoberranzan This card is a reprint of Ruins of Zhentil Keep (3/3rd) with an
1/500 altered text, but the same special power. In the 1st and 2nd
Realm edition the card was named Zhentil Keep and has another
Forgotten Realms power.
Uncommon The Ruins of Zhentil Keep is an excellent choice for any deck,
Underdark since its power allows only one the current seven champion
Menzoberranzan can be played at any time. The realm is types to attack it. Thus, it functions best if played in the lead
immune to flyers. position of the formation.
Cards that work well with the Ruins of Zhentil Keep include the
This card is a reprint of Menzoberranzan (2/1st-3rd) with an Living Scroll (408/3rd), which automatically defeats clerics, and
altered text, but the same special power. Mayor Charles Oliver O'Kane (433/3rd), who defeats all female
This realm is an excellent choice for any deck, since its ability clerics (among others) that face him. In addition, holdings and
to be played at any time allows a player to put more realms other cards that further restrict the type of champions who can
down in his formation faster than his opponent. The drawback attack it are also excellent choices, such as Border Forts
is that this realm is so popular, that there is a chance of (198/3rd), and The Triton Throne (65/DU).
opponents putting it in play first. When the realm is used to defend itself, only allies can be
Menzoberranzan's power prohibits both champions and allies played with it. Therefore, some choice instant win allies would
who are flyers from attacking it. Consequently, it functions best be best to play with the realm, such as Loup-Garou (236/4th)
when played in the second or third rank of a formation, behind and Ki-Rin (248/4th).
other realms so that an attacking champion must have a For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 123.
special movement power to get to it. This usually restricts all
attacks on the realm solely to earthwalkers, since flyers cannot The city of Zhentil Keep was a walled city on the Moonsea that
attack, and the realm has no coast for swimming champions to housed a large temple dedicated to Bane, Lord of Strife, until
get there. he was destroyed during the Time of Troubles and Cyric the
Cards that work well with Menzoberranzan are ones that Mad assumed his position. The temple worked with the corrupt
further hamper champions based upon their movement Zhentish government, alongside the insidious Black Network,
capabilities. The holding Border Forts (198/3rd) stipulates that in attempts to control the lands and trade routes in the region.
only flyers can attack the realm to which it is attached, so if Cyric's mad obsessions finally took their toll on the city, and in
attached to Menzoberranzan, the realm is impossible for a plan that backfired against him, Zhentil Keep was destroyed
almost anyone to attack it. This combination is best used when by the very giant, dragon, and orc forces that he himself had
Menzoberranzan is in the lead position, thereby blocking gathered together. The survivors of this once-powerful city now
attacks on the realms in the back ranks. The Triton Throne struggle to rebuild it.
(65/DU) is also a good choice to attach to the realm. The Song
of the Dragonlance (24/DU) dungeon card also works well with Sembia
Menzoberranzan, once again restricting attacks against the 3/500
realm to earthwalkers, although swimmers could attack it if it Realm
were exposed in the formation. Uncommon
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 97 and SFRG 2, p. Forgotten Realms
122. Coast
Menzoberranzan is the Underdark drow city that famed ranger Attacking players must discard a card from their hand or pool
Drizzt Do'Urden (253/4th) hails from, and is also the home for each champion sent forward.
base for the drow mercenary Jarlaxle (94/UD). It is a city beset
with chaos as all of its leading drow houses compete for power This card is a reprint of Sembia (6/3rd). Sembia (6/1st-2nd)
and for the favor of Lolth, the Spider Queen (166/3rd). has no special power.
As with an event, Menzoberranzan can be played at any time, Sembia is an excellent realm for a player to have in his lead
even if a realm has already been played in phase 1. This formation, since every time an opponent chooses a champion
makes Menzoberranzan a "must have" card in all decks. to attack the realm, he must discard a card. This realm will
Menzoberranzan cannot be played while Map of Life is in play. serve a player best if he can find ways to defend the realm
Menzoberranzan is immune to flyers, and therefore cannot be several times without having to discard the defenders, or by
attacked by flyers. However, the ally White Weird, which is a choosing defenders that can defend twice. Champions who
flyer, can be played as an event to remove a holding from would work well with this include Drizzt Do'Urden (253/4th),
Menzoberranzan. Minerva (333/4th), Flame (27/DR), and Selune Darkenstar
Because of the phrasing on the card, Menzoberranzan may be (20/PO). Magical items that have the same effect as these
attacked by flyers if Takhisis's Helmet of Power is in play. champions include the Scimitar of Speed (205/4th) and the
Menzoberranzan Although Menzo may be played at any time, Winged Boots (186/4th). This strategy forces opponents to
the player with priority must be allowed to play first during this retain hardly any cards in the hand or pool if an attack persists.
"Menzo pause". Additionally, other cards that affect an opponent's card quantity
work well with this realm. Having the Ring of Winter (455/4th)
Card Combo: If the holding Border Forts is attached to in the pool and the Perrenlands (19/4th) in the formation
Menzoberranzan it becomes almost impossible to attack. behind Sembia can make it very hard for opponents to
successfully attack. Couple Sembia with a holding like Castle
Ruins of Zentil Keep Draw (37/3rd) or the Forgotten Crypt (13/NS) and an opponent
2/500 must discard even more cards from his possession.
Realm For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 123.
Forgotten Realms
Rare Myth Drannor
Coast 4/500
The Ruins of Zhentil Keep can be attacked only by clerics. It Realm
can defend itself as a level 5 monster. Forgotten Realms

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Any champion can use wizard spells when defending Myth This card is a reprint of Damara (23/1st-3rd) with an altered
Drannor. Increases this player's maximum hand size by one. text, but the same special power.
The Power of Damara is only useable in combat, and
This card is a reprint of Myth Drannor (13/1st-3rd) with an consequently is ideal for the front rank in the formation. This
altered text, but the same special power. realm gives a defender a huge advantage when combat victory
Although Myth Drannor does not have any dramatic offensive is determined by total point levels. Note that this doubling
effects to damage an attacker, the realm serves two versatile effect doubles the adjusted level of the champion, which
purposes for the owning player. First, by allowing any means the totals of any and all attachments are included as he
defending champion to use wizard spells, it increases the is sent out. This doubling also affects the world bonus of +3
number of cards playable in combat by non-wizard defenders, given to all Forgotten Realms champions, as well as any
these cards perhaps being the deciding factor for a victorious bonuses in levels granted by holdings such as Hillsfar (34/3rd)
defense. Second, this realm allows a player to hold more than and Fortifications (38/3rd) and any bonuses granted from an
the eight card maximum in his hand at the end of his turn. attached realm artifact such as the Net of Ensnaring (57DU).
Having an extra card in the hand might make the difference One combination would be to defend with Belwar Dissengulp
between winning and losing a round of combat; additionally, a (91/UD), who doubles all magical items attached to him. Have
player may now more judiciously decide whether or not a card two or three items previously attached (like the +8 Clockwork
should be played into his pool, rather than being forced to put Ogre (71/DU) and the +5 Staff of Conjuring (165/4th) as he is
cards in the pool because of the eight card limit. put forward, and his total is incredibly high (in this example,
Since the realm is benign in its effects on other players, and Belwar is level 4, he gains +3 for the world bonus, +16 and
the realm has no attack restrictions, it will probably be less +10 for each respective magical item, for a grand total level of
likely a target for destruction with events like Cataclysm 66)! The only pitfall with this strategy is that an opponent will
(119/4th) and spells like Disintegrate (393/2nd) than realms usually get to play the first card in combat, and he could play
like The Ruins of Zhentil Keep (2/4th). Rather, it will probably instant defeat cards (such as Intellect Devourer (213/4th).
be a focus of combat attacks. So, holdings that punish players For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 104.
for attacking it will work well with it, such as Castle Draw
(37/3rd) and the Forgotten Crypt (13/NS). Another good Daggerdale
attachment that punishes attackers is the Net of Ensnarement 7/500
(57/DU). Realm
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 101. Forgotten Realms
Myth Drannor was the fabled city of elven glory in the heart of Uncommon
the woods of Cormanthor. Unfortunately, great evils arose from Allies cannot be used when attacking Daggerdale.
within its own walls, and today all that remains of this city are
monster-infested ruins. This card is a reprint of Daggerdale (26/1st-3rd) with an altered
text, but the same special power.
Icewind Dale Daggerdale is another realm whose power is only a benefit in
5/500 combat. Limiting an opponent to the type of cards that can be
Realm played in combat is an excellent way to increase the odds of
Forgotten Realms winning. This realm power works best when used with other
Uncommon champions and items that further restrict the type of playable
Coast cards. If the Dungeon card Bats in the Belfry (23/DU) is in the
The attacking champion must discard one magical item chosen defender's deck, the attacker can also no longer use offensive
by the defender. magical items in the attack. Then, put up a defender such as
This card is a reprint of Icewind Dale (20/1st-3rd). Adon (282/4th), who is immune to offensive spells and
artifacts, or Dregoth, Undead Dragon King (74/AR), who is
This realm is a good realm to have in the lead of the formation, immune to offensive spells and psionics; now the cards an
since its power works only in phase 4 when other players' attacker can play are severely limited.
champions attack it. For each champion sent forward, the For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 105.
defender can choose to discard any one magical item that the Daggerdale is one of the small towns in the Dalelands that
attacking champion has attached to it. If the attacking constantly suffers under the vile schemes of Zhentil Keep and
champion does not have an attached magical item, whether the Zhentarim. Now that Zhentil Keep lies in ruins,
attached when he attacked or added during the battle, the Daggerdale's fight against treachery has eased, and Randal
power is then unusable. A good combination to use with Morn, the rightful ruler of Daggerdale, can now openly take
Icewind Dale is to play the Loup-Garou ally (236/4th) when action to strengthen his town's presence in Faerun.
defending; if the opponent has a good magical item hidden in
his hand, he must play it, and consequently lose the item, or Evermeet
he will lose the battle. 8/500
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 103. Realm
The attacking champion must discard a magical item, if he has Forgotten Realms
one. The power does not necessarily have to be used at the Uncommon
start of battle. The defender may hold this power in reserve Any champion can use wizard spells when defending
and force the attacker to discard an item later in the battle. If Evermeet. Flyers, swimmers, and earthwalkers cannot attack
the attacking champion does not have a magical item at the this realm.
start of battle, the defender may choose to discard an item
played later in the battle. This card is a reprint of Evermeet (29/3rd) with an altered text,
but the same special power. Evermeet (29/1st-2nd) prevents
Damara only flyers from attacking.
Realm While Evermeet's power to allow any defending champion to
Forgotten Realms use wizard spells in the defense of the realm is quite helpful,
Uncommon its best power lies in its strong defense: only champions who
Doubles the level of a defending Forgotten Realms champion do not have special movement capabilities can attack it. It
as he is sent forward; cards subsequently played are not functions well anywhere in the formation, but it is virtually
doubled. unattackable if in a protected rank. A good attachment to this is
Border Forts (198/3rd), which limits attackers to flyers, and
since the realm cannot be attacked by flyers, the realm cannot

Quarta Edição - Página 145

be attacked. Other choice cards that make demands for flyers, For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 328.
swimmers or earthwalkers that Evermeet will not allow (and The Coral Kingdom lies deep beneath the waves of the
thus guarantee combat victories) include Rand the Bowyer Trackless Sea around the Moonsea Isles. It is the home to a
(13/PO), Wall of Iron (336/3rd) and other "wall" spells, Control horde of sahuagin, the evil fish-man race that terrorizes sea
Weather (53/BR), and Reverse Gravity (385/4th). Remember, travelers. At one time, the sea devils actually held King Tristan
however, that victories won in the above ways as a defender Kendrick of the Moonseas hostage in its murky abode, but he
garner no spoils of victory, because the defeated attacker is was eventually rescued by his daughter Alicia and her
not discarded, but just returns to his pool. adventuring friends.
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 106. This is an excellent realm to have in the first position, since
Evermeet is the secluded island of the elves. It is the place that only swimmers can attack. If the holding Border Forts is
all elves of Faerun aspire to journey to at the twilight of their attached, the realm becomes even more difficult to attack.
lives. It is also the last elven refuge against invading races and Only champions that are both flyers and swimmers, such as
encroaching civilization, harboring elves driven from their Mykell and Deathstream are able to attack. In addition to the
native forests. It is a place of wondrous beauty, and strongly attackers discussed above, the Coral Kingdom can be
protected from any intruders who might seek access to the attacked by a champion with the Scroll of 7 Leagues.
land. Coral Kingdom is bluelined as a coastal realm.

The Trollmoors Raurin

9/500 11/500
Realm Realm
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Uncommon
The Trollmoors regenerate and must be defeated twice in one If Raurin is razed, the attacking champion must be discarded.
turn before being razed.
This card is a reprint of Raurin (17/FR).
This card is a reprint of The Trollmoors (30/3rd). The This vengeful realm is an excellent choice for the front rank,
Trollmoors (30/1st-2nd) has no special power. because the attacking champion that actually causes the realm
This realm is a good defensive realm in that it requires two to be flipped must be discarded. It makes attackers think twice
successful razes by attacking champions in order for it to be before attacking. Plus, it gives the defender a chance to
flipped down. The successful razes need not be consecutive, remove a tough, troublesome champion from the game if that
but the two razes must all occur in the player's current phase champion is sent forward to attack Raurin. Consequently, the
4. Any holding that is attached to the Trollmoors is removed realm might be the target of events and spells that destroy or
after the first successful raze, even though the realm is not yet raze it out of combat, so a holding like Hellgate Keep (17/NS).
flipped face down. This realm offers two distinct benefits when For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 330.
it is the subject of an attack: First, the defender may allow a
more formidable attacking champion the first raze, hoping to The Vilhon Reach
get an easier foe for the next attack. Secondly, it forces the 12/500
opponent to attack one extra time, and if that player is low on Realm
champions, he might not be able to continue the attack. Good Forgotten Realms
cards to use in conjunction with the Trollmoors are champions Uncommon
that can defend twice before being discarded or defend but Coast
return safely to the defender's pool, such as Drizzt Do'Urden If the Vilhon Reach is razed, this player can discard one razed
(253/4th), Seluna Darkenstar (20/PO), and Minerva (333/4th). realm from another player's formation.
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 126.
The Trollmoors are a dark, dangerous place, but especially so This realm functions as an excellent, defensive counter-
at night, for it is then that the legion of trolls inhabiting these measure against opponents who seek to raze the realm,
moors congregate in force. These hideous, regenerating whether through combat or other means. Note that if the realm
monsters fear no one, attack any they encounter on sight. is destroyed without being razed (such as Cataclysm
(119/4th)), then its power to discard an opponent's razed realm
The Coral Kingdom does not activate. If the owner of this realm does not mind it
10/500 being razed, then some nice havok can be wrought on
Realm opposing players. For example, the owner of this realm might
Forgotten Realms play Horde (8/FR) or Earthquake (403/4th) which can cause all
Rare players to raze a realm; then, when this player razes The
Coast Vilhon Reach, he can discard one of his opponents' realms
The Coral Kingdom can be attacked only by swimmers. that just became razed. A Tarrasque (134/4th) could also
cause the same effect, but only if the other players play the
This card is a reprint of The Coral Kingdom (11/FR) with an Tarrasque on The Vihon Reach. If the owner of the reach can
altered text, but the same special power. hold cards that let him rebuild realms (Labor of Legend
The Coral Kingdom is an excellent defensive realm, and is an (122/4th), Korgunard the Avangion (270/4th)) and also play a
obvious choice for the front rank. Since the realm is so difficult few of the aforementioned cards in phase three of one turn, he
to raze in combat, it will be the target of spells and events that could cause the discard of three of his opponents' realms!
destroy or raze it without having to be in combat. Therefore, The Vilhon Reach is a hot, fertile land comprised of many
three good holdings to attach to the realm that make it immune nations and independent cities all aspiring for dominance in
to events and offensive spells include The Geneva Conclave the region. The druids of the reach, the probable true rulers of
(Promo #1), Moonwell (77/4th), and Hellgate Keep (17/NS). the land, make sure that the whims of the Reach's nations do
Additionally, if the realm is the target of swimming attacks, not despoil these lands.
cards that destroy swimmers or prohibit their use in combat are
invaluable, such as Aquilla (98/UD), Poisioned Water (17/PO Giant's Run Mountains
Chase), Gales at Sea (161/4th), Pelath the Bronze Dragon 13/500
(28/DR), and Habbakuk Interferes (92/DL). Two other good Realm
holdings to attach to this realm are Border Forts (198/3rd), Forgotten Realms
which consequently makes the realm unattackable, and Rare
Nagawater (78/4th), which instantly destroys all swimming

Quarta Edição - Página 146

The Giant's Run Mountains can be attacked only by flyers or Furyondy
giants. Its defenders are immune to offensive unarmed combat 16/500
cards. Realm
This realm's restrictions on attackers makes it an excellent Rare
choice for a realm in the front rank, although its defensive Coast
powers make it a probable target for cards like Creeping Doom When first played, Furyondy can remove one wizard from play
(402/4th) and Disintegrate (393/2nd). Cards that work well in (the wizard is discarded).
defense of the realm include those that instantly defeat flyers,
such as Gloriana (3/1st Chase), Storm Giant (77/FR), and This card is a reprint of Furyondy (122/3rd) with the same
Noble Djinni (84/3rd), as well as cards that instantly defeat special power, the older editions have no power.
giants, such as the Sword of Cymrych Hugh (62/FR). Although this realm has no benefits to the player for defense or
The immunity to offensive unarmed combat cards it confers to combat, its power to send any wizard in play to the discard pile
its defenders is also a nice defense. If coupled with holdings can be invaluable. There are very few ways that another player
like Hellgate Keep (17/NS), the defenders now become could save his wizard champion from being discarded; this is a
immune to offensive spells and harmful events played while good way to remove an annoying wizard champion that is
the realm is being attacked. The Mist Caves (14/DR) is also a immune to many things. The player of this realm is not forced
good holding to attach, because it says flyers or swimmers to discard a wizard, but if he does not, the power is wasted.
cannot attack the realm to which it is attached, leaving only This power does not work when the realm is rebuilt, but if it
giants left to attack. ever gets discarded and shuffled back into the draw deck, and
the player draws it, the power may once again be used. Since
Sterich the realm is easy to attack, a holding like Fortification: Curtain
14/500 Wall (86/4th) and Fortification: Inner Wall (87/4th) would be a
Realm good choice to attach to it, which severely limit who can attack
Greyhawk it.
Uncommon For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 140.
Any monster defending Sterich gains 5 levels.
Temple of Elemental Evil
This card is a reprint of Sterich (119/1st-3rd). Realm
This realm is obviously only effective in a deck that contains Greyhawk
several monsters. The gain in levels affects the monster's Uncommon
adjusted level. This extra bonus might prove to be that extra 17/500
little bit needed to get a monster's total high enough so that the Draw three cards immediately when the Temple is played.
champion can use the instant win power of Kevin's Blade of
Doom (206/3rd); or if the defending monster is a dragon This card is a reprint of Temple of Elemental Evil (124/1st-3rd).
champion, then the extra 5 levels might be what the champion This card might be considered a "must-have" for any deck
needs to play the instant-win card Swallow Whole (97/DR). because the player gets three more cards to add to his hand
Since this realm power is designed to aid in combat, support when the realm is played on the table. This power does not
cards should include powers that protect monsters during work if the realm is rebuilt. Since the realm is so popular, a
battle, such as the Codex of the Infinite Planes (452/4th) or player will want to protect the Temple from being removed
The Winner's Cape (520/4th). Some good holdings to attach to from play so that another player cannot play it in his own pool.
this realm include Tenser's Castle (26/RR) that only allows This can be accomplished through the dungeon card Labyrinth
heroes or wizards to attack, the Ancient Arms of the Horned of Castle Greyhawk (6/DU), which prevents all of the owning
Society (142/3rd) which allows all Greyhawk monsters and player's Greyhawk realms from being razed or discarded
their allies to earthwalk, in addition to granting 5 more to his except through combat. Then, cards should be attached to it
adjusted level, and the Ancient Arms of Furyondy (146/3rd) that make it harder or less desirable to attack, such as
which deflects all harmful spells and events away from the Fortification: Inner Wall (87/4th) and Boiling Oil (55/DU).
realm. Additionally, attaching the Greyhawk artifact Boiling Oil For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 138.
(55/DU) will make an opponent think twice before attacking
because of its punitive effect.
Greyhawk Ruins
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 136.
15/500 Uncommon
Realm All Greyhawk champions of this player gain 2 levels.
Uncommon This card is a reprint of Greyhawk Ruins (125/1st-3rd).
Elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings gain 3 levels when This realm's power is a nice way to protect one's Greyhawk
defending Nyrond. champions from spells, psionics, and other powers that affect
champions whose level is lower in number, such as Death
This card is a reprint of Nyrond (120/3rd). Nyrond (120/1st- Spell (377/4th) and Drain Will (75/DU). This level gain is added
2nd) has no special power. to the champions' adjusted levels, and applies to them at all
This realm is best used in a deck specializing in a demi-human times as long as they are in play. This realm is best played
theme. The three levels added to the defender's level are deeper in the formation, hidden from attacks from champions
added to the adjusted level, and this bonus applies to both without special movement restrictions.
champions and allies who are elves, dwarves, gnomes, and For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 138.
halflings. Some good holdings to attach to the realm that will The ruins of Castle Greyhawk is an enormous dungeon loaded
grant additional numerical bonuses to defenders or penalties with treasure but plagued by many monsters. Adventurers who
to attackers include Fortification: Bulwark (88/4th) and made it out alive eported a horrible level filled with the stinging
Fortification: Barricade (89/4th). The rule card The Shadow followers of the demonic bee-queen, and a level full of demons
World (72/BR) will protect all halflings who defend the realm, abuzz about a wedding.
should they lose the battle. Good champions to use when
defending the realm include Drizzt Do'Urden (253/4th), Jamlin
(38/NS), and Simpkin "The Weasel" Furzear (36/NS).
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 140. 19/500

Quarta Edição - Página 147

Realm Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk (6/DU). Note that if the Triton
Greyhawk Throne is attached with the Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk
Uncommon dungeon card in play, no way exists for the realm to be razed
Coast or removed in any direct way. If this realm is in the front of the
Maximum hand size for all opposing players is reduced by one. formation, this is quite powerful. Opponents' only recourses
would be to attack realms in the back ranks, or attack the
This card is a reprint of Perrenland (126/3rd). The 1st and 2nd dungeon card, or find a way to remove the Triton Throne from
edition cards have no power. the realm.
This realm is sure to be one attacked by opponents if they can, For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 235.
because it decreases by one the number of cards they can
hold in their hand by one. Most of the time, this total will be Free and Independent City of Dyvers
seven, which could force opponents to discard cards if they 22/50
have too many in hand at the end of their respective turns. If Realm
the realm is in play but razed, the power does not function. Greyhawk
This realm is otherwise defenseless, so cards that protect it Uncommon
from attack, offensive spells, or events are most desirable to Coast
attach to it. The Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk (6/DU) is also a This realm allows the player to trade up to 3 realms and/or
good card to have in a deck with this card, forcing opponents champions from his hand for an equal number of cards from
to attack the realm and raze it through combat to eliminate its his draw pile during phase 0. The realm is then razed.
power. It is best placed in the second or third rank of the
formation, helping protect it from attacks. While the drawback of using this realm's special power is
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 140. significant, in that a realm is razed and champions or realms
must be discarded, the realm still has some uses. First, if a
Duchy of Tenh player has cards that can instantly rebuild realms, such as the
20/500 Arms of the Shield Lands (216/2nd), then the act of razing the
Realm realm becomes less of a detriment when obtaining the extra
Greyhawk cards. Secondly, quite often other players might be blocking
Rare this player from playing realms or champions because they
If Menzoberranzan is played or razed while the Duchy of Tenh have put a realm in champion in play first (per the rule of the
is in play, this player draws three cards. cosmos). By discarding these champions and or/realms from
his hand, this player at least now gets cards to replace the
This card is a reprint of Duchy of Tenh (139/3rd) with an unplayable cards, instead of typically discarding them to
altered text, but the same special power. Duchy of Tenh rebuild a razed realm in phase 2 or discarding them to get
(139/1st-2nd) has no special power. down to legal hand size in phase 5. Near the end of a game
Since Menzoberranzan (1/4th) is such a popular card that most that this player is losing, it might be quite beneficial to sacrifice
players will have in their decks, the Duchy of Tenh is an realms and champions in order to possibly draw a card that
excellent choice to place in a deck since the odds are so great can change the course of the game, such as Cataclysm
for its power to be used. The hardest part is playing the Duchy (119/4th) or Tarrasque (134/4h). Note that this realm is not a
before Menzoberranzan itself is played. However, since the good choice to play with the dungeon card Labyrinth of Castle
player draws three cards if Menzoberranzan is also razed, it is Greyhawk (6/DU), since the dungeon card does not allow
a good idea to have cards that can easily raze a realm, such Greyhawk realms to be razed outside of combat.
as Creeping Doom (402/4th). Extra cards are not drawn if the The cards are drawn from the top of the draw pile.
realm is destroyed without being razed, such as with the Lair of
the Shadow Drake (3/DR). This realm is best placed in a back Spindrift Isles
rank where it is protected from most attackers; attaching a 23/500
holding that makes it difficult to attack is also prudent, such as Realm
The Mistmarsh (13/DR) and Fortification: Inner Wall (87/4th). Greyhawk
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 144. Uncommon
Hell Furnaces The Spindrift Isles can be attacked only by flyers or swimmers.
21/500 It can defend itself as a level 8 elf wizard.
Rare This realm is an excellent choice for placement in the front
Coast rank, because it severely limits the number of champions who
The level of any dragon defending the Hell Furnaces is can attack the realm. If one attaches The Mistmarsh (13/DR)
doubled. Swimmers cannot attack this realm. holding, now only swimmers can attack the realm.
Consequently, two good champions to have in the deck to
This card is a reprint of Hell Furnaces (89/AR) with altered defend this realm would be Gloriana (3/1st Chase) and Aquilla
special powers. (98/UD), who defeat flyers and swimmers respectively. An
This is an excellent realm to place in a deck with a dragon added bonus is that the realm can defend itself if need be, and
theme, because it doubles the adjusted level of any dragon as an elven wizard. Now spells can be used in addtion toallies,
champion as he is brought out to defend the realm. Cards as well as events that are benefical to elves, such as Drow
subsequently added in battle are not doubled. For example, if Justice (21/UD). Since this realm is likely to be the target of
the level 10 Fire Dragon (38/DU) had the +8 Clockwork Ogre spells, events, and psionic powers that will instantly destroy it
(71/DU) magical item attached, and the +4 artifact Boiling Oil outside of combat, it would be wise to have the Labyrinth of
(55/DU) were attached to the realm, his total entering battle Castle Greyhawk (6/DU) in play as well.
would be a formidable 44, not to mention that he destroys all
attachments on an opposing champion at the start of battle. Stonefist Hold
The second power which prevents swimmers from attacking is 24/500
also a nice bonus. If one can attach the Triton Throne (65/DU), Realm
which states that the attached realm can only be attacked by Greyhawk
swimmers, then the realm becomes unattackable! In this case, Uncommon
it is good to protect the realm from spells and events that could Coast
destroy it outside combat, such as the Ancient Arms of
Furyondy (146/3rd), Fortification: Parapet (84/4th) and The

Quarta Edição - Página 148

Any hero defending Stonefist Hold gains 4 levels. This realm the Domain, not that many outside of the valley are able to
may be razed to prevent another player from gaining an extra refer to him as such. The Valley of the Mage is a secluded and
turn. well protected land, and few have returned from journeying
there. Whether these adventurers decided to remain or were
While the benefit to add 4 levels to a defending hero's adjusted eliminated are pure speculation on the part of the bards and
level is respectable, the best power of the realm is to stop an sages.
opponent from receiving those annoying extra turns. As of this
writing, the only two cards that directly give extra turns are The Urik
Caravan (131/4th) and Ancient Kalidnay (92/AR). A Bell of 27/500
Might (18/FR Chase) that copied The Caravan could also be Realm
canceled by this realm power as well. Even though razing the Dark Sun
realm is a costly action, preventing a player from getting those Uncommon
extra cards can be very strategic. Allies cannot attack Urik. This realm can defend itself as a
This realm's biggest drawback is being able to get it into play level 4 hero.
before these cards that grant extra turns get used. Additionally,
it would be useless (except for the power of adding 4 to a This card is a reprint of Urik (223/1st-3rd) with an altered text,
defending hero's level) to put this card in a deck containing but the same special power.
The Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk (6/DU), because that card This Dark Sun realm is a good choice for any deck based
does not allow Greyhawk realms to be razed outside of around the Dark Sun setting. Not only does it afford the player
combat. Since it could be the target of spells to raze or destroy an extra defender in it's level 4 hero champion, but it also
it, holdings such as Fortification: Bastion (83/4th) would be restricts the attacker from playing any allies. This is especially
good a god attachment to it or another realm in the formation. useful against decks that contain a lot of allies, or at least
several of the more dangerous ones, like The Dreaded Ghost
Ull (246/4th).
25/500 It is not a good choice to defend Urik with a champion that
Realm gains bonuses when the opponent plays allies, like Mika the
Greyhawk Wolf-Nomad (274/4th) unless necessary. Champions with lots
Uncommon of immunities, like Gib Htimsen (13/1st Chase), are great
When other players draw extra cards through events, this choices, since the attacker will have even fewer choices to use
player can examine the extra cards and discard one. against your defender.
There are several good choices for holdings, including Arkhold
This card is an excellent deterrent that could make opponents (94/4th) Mud Palace (91/4th) and Silver Spring (97/4th).
think twice about laying events such as Good Fortune For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 171.
(120/4th), Unusually Good Fortune (11/FR Chase), or The city of Urik is known for it's huge standing army. When
Hurricane! (140/4th). As such, it will probably be the focus of confronted with some danger, the ruler of Urik has to simply
attacks or cards that could instantly destroy it, such as Psionic summon this army to squelch any uprising or invasion. It is not
Disintegration (73/DU) or Cataclysm (119/4th). Therefore, it is unheard of that the sorcerer-king himself would lead this army
a good idea to place it in a back rank to limit who can attack it, on occasion.
as well as by having the dungeon card Labyrinth of Castle
Greyhawk (6/DU) in play, which prevents it from being razed or Tyr
discarded outside of combat. A good strategy is to play events 28/500
that force other players to draw extra cards, so that the owner Realm
of Ull can then discard one of these cards. Such events include Dark Sun
Transformation! (125/4th), Treasure Fleet (214/2nd) and Uncommon
Festival (21/BR Chase). Note that in the case of Festival, the Tyr's player draws one extra card per turn. This realm can
owner of Ull gets a free card, while the other players' one card defend itself as a level 5 hero.
can be discarded!
Ull's power applies to the new hand of five cards received after This card is a reprint of Tyr (224/1st-3rd) with an altered text,
a Transformation! event. but the same special power.
This is a must for any Dark Sun deck, as well as any other
Valley of the Mage deck that isn't world specific. The ability to draw an extra card
26/500 per turn is just too useful to pass up. When Tyr is originally
Realm played (or unrazed) the player can draw one extra card
Greyhawk immediately. Thereafter, the player must remember to draw an
Rare extra card during phase 1. If that player has moved on to
Monsters cannot attack the Valley of the Mage. This realm can phase 2, he must forgo the extra card for that round.
defend itself as a level 9 wizard. Tyr is also able to defend itself as a level 5 hero, so it gives an
extra boost to decks that have a low number of champions, or
This Greyhawk realm is a good choice for a deck that when one just can't seem to keep enough champions in their
specializes in limiting the types of attackers. All champions pool.
designated as monsters are not allowed to attack this realm. The Mud Palace (91/4th) is a great holding for Tyr, as it makes
Holdings that further limit the attacker, like Fortification: Curtain extra room for the extra cards in the player's hand. Another
Wall (86/4th) and Fortification: Inner Wall (87/4th) are good good choice is Arkhold (94/4th), because then the player gets
attachments to the Valley of the Mage. This realm also has the 2 extra cards per turn. Be careful when using these
ability to defend itself as a level 9 wizard; which is one of the combinations, as Tyr will become targeted by other players.
highest realm champions in the game. This realm champion Try to place Tyr in one of the back ranks in your formation, and
only exists to defend the Valley, and therefore cannot be used be prepared for the Cataclysm! (119/4th) or the Estate
to cast spells in phase 3 or when the Valley is not being Transference (437/3rd).
defended by the realm champion. For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 171.
If you have Valley of the Mage in your front ranks, you can The gladiator arena in Tyr is famous for it's champions. Many
further inhibit attacks on your formation (if only for one turn) by great fighter have risen from it's brutality to become legends in
playing Apple of his Eye (12/FR Chase). the city; even if only for a short time. One warrior, L'tor Blazon,
The Valley of the Mage is named after it's self-proclaimed is famous for being victorious in every match while refusing to
guardian and ruler, Jaran Krimeeah. His official title is His Most use any weapons at all. It is this type of brute strength that
Magical Authority, the Exalted Mage of the Valley and Laird of helps defend Tyr from it's enemies.

Quarta Edição - Página 149

Gulg Giustenal. This is very effective against those dragon decks, or
29/500 any other deck with a lot of flyers.
Realm New Giustenal's secondary power is that if it is razed for any
Dark Sun reason, it can be rebuilt by discarding only one card instead of
Uncommon the normal three. This is done only during phase 2, and only in
The first ally to attack Gulg each battle is destroyed. Gulg can the stead of placing a realm on that turn. This ability not only
defend itself as a level 7 hero. reduces the value of New Giustenal as a target (since it's
easier to unraze this, compared to most other realms), it can
This card is a reprint of Gulg (225/1st-3rd) with altered special also be used to your advantage. When confronted with cards
powers. like the Flaming Fist (238/4th), it might be advantageous to
This Dark Sun realm can defend itself as a level 7 hero, which raze New Giustenal. Then later, when you don't have a realm
is rather high for a realm champion. Gulg's other ability is to to play, you only need to discard one card to bring it back into
instantly destroy the first ally played against this realm or it's play. If you plan on using this realm in this fashion, try to attach
defender. This is automatic, and does not allow the ally to use Silver Spring (97/4th) to it. That way you can force an
it's special powers unless they are triggered when destroyed. opponent to raze one of his realms also.
The player with Gulg does not get a choice as to which ally, it For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 235.
is just the first one played in any battle. Note that this does not
mean any round of battle; therefore if an attacker uses an ally Ur Draxa
(which gets discarded) and subsequently wins, the next 32/500
champion can play an ally without any reprisal from the realm's Realm
power. When Gulg is attacked again for the first time, this Dark Sun
power re-instates itself. Uncommon
Players may try to get around this power by throwing a low- This player and his champions are immune to offensive psionic
level ally first, but since many of the low level allies have powers. Champions with attached artifacts or magical items
nastier powers, like the Assassins (221/4th), it pays to get cannot attack this realm though, they can be added during
them out of the way before they can do any real harm. battle.
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 171.
Gulg is one of the few city-states on Athas that is a forest-city. This card is a reprint of Ur Draxa (93/AR) with an altered text,
This extra cover gives the defenders of Gulg the ability of but the same special power.
surprise, thereby eliminating the first wave of attackers before When a player has this Dark Sun realm in play and it is
they are aware of the danger hidden within the trees. unrazed, all of his champions in play are immune to offensive
psionic powers. This includes psionic power cards and
Euripis offensive psionic abilities of champions and allies. Therefore,
30/500 as long as Ur Draxa is unrazed, all monsters in the player's
Realm pool are safe from Agis's (261/3rd) special power. This can be
Dark Sun very useful for any deck that is heavily weighted with monsters.
Uncommon This realm can also almost completely disable a psionicist-
Only champions able to cast spells can attack Euripis. based deck.
Swimmers cannot attack this realm. In addition to this immunity, Ur Draxa also limits the potential
attackers. Any champion that already has an attached magic
This card is a reprint of Euripis (90/AR) with an altered special item or artifact cannot attack this realm. Once a champion has
power. started the attack on Ur Draxa, items can be attached
This Dark Sun realm is another that limits the type of champion normally. This restriction on attachments extends to include
that can attack. Instead of picking a champion type however, it champions that are brought into a battle via something like the
limits attackers to those who have the ability to cast spells. Helm of Teleportation (219/1st).
Besides wizards and clerics, any champion with the special This is one of the few Dark Sun realms that does not have it's
power of spellcasting, like Cyric (92/FR) can attack Euripis. It is own realm champion, but if you attach Silver Spring (97/4th) to
not necessary to actually cast spells, so if Dearlyn Ambersong it, you can increase it's dangerousness.
(44/DU) attacked Euripis without the permission of Midnight For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 236.
(46/3rd), she would be able to attack, but not be able to cast
any spell during the battle. Also champions that have an Shault
attachment that enables spellcasting, like the Necklace 33/500
(176/4th), can also attack this realm. These attachments must Realm
already be in place before they attack Euripis, although if Dark Sun
removed during battle, they do not automatically lose. Uncommon
Euripis has a further restriction in that no swimmers can attack Shault can be attacked only by monsters or flyers. The realm
this realm. This includes champions and allies. Therefore can defend itself as a level 6 champion of any type, chosen by
Drawmij (276/4th) could not attack, even though he is a this player when attacked.
spellcaster, because he is also a swimmer.
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 235. This card is a reprint of Shault (94/AR) with an altered text, but
the same special power.
New Giustenal Shault is yet another Dark Sun realm that puts a limit on the
31/500 type of champions that can attack. For this realm, only
Realm champions designated as monsters or flyers may attack. Of
Dark Sun course, if this designation gets changed after combat has
Rare begun, as with Reverse Gravity (56/AR) against a flyer, the
Coast attacker continues as normal, because the champion has
New Giustenal cannot be attacked by flyers (except Dregoth). already arrived at the realm. Several different holdings can be
If razed, this realm can be rebuilt by discarding only one card. attached to increase these restrictions. These include Black
Waters (98/4th), Salt View (232/3rd), and Waverly (238/1st).
This card is a reprint of New Giustenal (91/AR) with an altered Shault is also one of the many Dark Sun realms that has it's
text, but the same special power. own realm champion. This realm champion has an advantage,
This realm is yet another from the Dark Sun campaign that however. The player can choose what type of level 6 champion
limits the potential attackers. With the exception of Dregoth, he wants defending Shault. This choice is made when Shault
Undead Dragon-King (74/AR) no flyers can attack New is attacked and the defender decides to use the realm

Quarta Edição - Página 150

champion. Not only does this include clerics, wizards, heroes Lake Island
and monsters, but also regents, psionicists and thieves. 36/500
(Designations like undead or dragon that are not related to an Realm
icon type are invalid as choices.) This is a great advantage Dark Sun
because you already know what cards you have available, and Uncommon
can pick a champion accordingly. Imagine, for example, that Lake Island can be attacked only by flyers or earthwalkers. It
you only have clerics in your pool, and Shault is attacked by can defend itself as a level 5 monster.
the Living Scroll (408/3rd). Your opponent may think he has an
easy win as long as you aren't holding any champions in your This card is a reprint of Lake Island (97/AR) with an altered
hand, but you could defend Shault with a wizard realm text, but the same special power.
champion and beat the Scroll outright. This can work on This Dark Sun realm restricts attackers to only those
several automatic kill champions. designated as flyers or earthwalkers. This applies to both
Remember that when you choose the champion type, you can champions and allies. Because this restriction is not against an
then make use of it's special abilities: i.e. spells, unarmed icon type, it can be useful against almost all types of deck
combat cards, psionic power cards, etc. configurations. Attaching a holding that prohibits flyers, like
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 236. Waverly (238/1st), can make this realm almost impossible to
attack, unless your opponent(s) have several earthwalking
The Forest Ridge champions.
34/500 Lake Island can also defend itself, if necessary, as a level 5
Realm champion designated as a monster. This monster champion is
Dark Sun subject to all cards that help or hinder this card type.
Rare Since this realm states that it can only be attacked by
If the Forest Ridge is razed through combat, the attacking earthwalkers, it is subject to the powers of Volcanic Eruption
champion is consumed by feral halflings and is discarded. (64/RR), so it isn't recommended to play this card yourself
when you have Lake Island in your formation.
This card is a reprint of The Forest Ridge (95/AR) with an For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 237.
altered text, but the same special power. As the name suggests, Lake Island is one of the few places on
The Forest Ridge is one of the few Dark Sun realms that does the desert-swept land of Athas that actually has a continual
not have a realm champion or limitations on the attackers. water source. Because of this, many dangerous creatures tend
Instead it has a vindictive power that enacts only once the to gather here, including giant beast-headed monsters of
realm is razed through combat. If the realm is razed outside of exceptional strength. The waters of Lake Island seem to simply
combat, it's special power has no effect. Also, if during combat bubble up from below, without explanation.
the Forest Ridge is discarded (as opposed to just being razed),
it's special powers also have no effect. If this realm is The Jagged Cliffs
successfully razed during combat however, the champion that 37/500
razed the realm is discarded, along with any attachments. This Realm
can be quite useful if there is one champion you'd like to get rid Dark Sun
of. When your opponent attacks with this champion, simply Uncommon
declare no defense, raze the realm and send the offending Any halflings played in defense of the Jagged Cliffs are tripled
champion to the discard pile. in base level. The realm can defend itself as a level 3 halfling
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 237. hero.
The greatest danger found in the Forest Ridge has got to be
it's population of feral halflings. This tribal group consider the This Dark Sun realm is a must for any deck that focuses on
Forest Ridge their home and hunting grounds, and will hunt halflings. All cards designated as halflings, champions and
down and eat just about anything they can find in it; including allies, are tripled in base level when defending this realm. This
unsuspecting adventurers. includes, but is not limited to such cards as Yondalla the
Provider (475/4th), Brandobaris (476/4th), Halfling, Inc.
Celik (66/FR), and Halfling Mercenaries (222/4th). Good cards to
35/500 use with the defense of this realm are cards that multiply the
Realm defender's adjusted level. For example, if Brandobaris was
Dark Sun used to defend the Jagged Cliffs, and Complete Surprise
Uncommon (25/NS) was added, the defending champion would already be
Champions attacking Celik must discard all attached magical a whopping level 78!
items or artifacts (attacker's choice) and cannot add more of The Jagged Cliffs can defend itself as a level 3 hero, but since
the type chosen during battle. it is designated as a halfling, in combat it would start with a
base level of 9 (level 3 x 3). This tripling of halfling levels only
This card is a reprint of Celik (96/AR) with an altered text, but functions when the halflings are defending the Jagged Cliffs.
the same special power. Because the realm champion is a halfling, it is tripled. Jagged
Celik causes all attached cards of either artifacts or magical Cliffs can therefore defend itself at level 9.
items to be discarded upon attacking, and no more of the
chosen type can be add during battle. This is a great power The Last Sea
against those decks that rely heavily on these types of cards. It 38/500
does have it's drawback in that the attacker, not the defender, Realm
gets to choose what type is restricted. If the attacking Dark Sun
champion has no artifacts and the attacker doesn't plan on Uncommon
using any for the battle, nothing is stopping her from choosing The Last Sea can be razed to act as a modified spell turning
artifacts as the restricted type. spell, redirecting any offensive spell to a target of this player's
Even with this drawback, Celik can be exploited for the choice.
defender's benefit. Whenever the attacker chooses to prohibit
magical items for his champion, respond by playing the Loup- Hence the name "Sea" this card should be bluelined as Coast,
Garou (236/4th) and you will have a successful defense. IMO (Sascha).
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 237. This Dark Sun realm is a must for any deck that is going to
The ancient city of Celik is riddled with long-forgotten confront opponents with spellcasting abilities. When this realm
labyrinths and tombs. Many foul creatures and long-lost riches is in play, the owner can choose to raze the realm voluntarily in
are rumoured to lie beneath the surface of this aged city. order to turn any just-cast offensive spell. This can be done at

Quarta Edição - Página 151

any time, and the spell affected can be re-directed to any The Battle-Fens
target as if this player had cast the original spell. The spell 41/500
affected does not even have to have been cast on the owner Realm
of the Last Sea. This modified spell turning spell can be Birthright
dispelled, and if it is, the realm remains razed. Rare
This power can even be used if the realm is the target of the Spells and magical items cannot be used by a champion
original spell. For example, if the Last Sea is targeted by a attacking the Battle-Fens. Spells and magical items used by
Disintegrate (393/2nd), the Last Sea can be razed to re-direct defenders of this realm are doubled in level.
this spell before it takes effect. When this power is used,
anyone with a card like Mulmaster (73/4th) does not get to The Battle-Fens is an excellent realm to be used against any
draw a card, because the Last Sea is not a spell card itself. deck that relies on either spells or magical items. This
The Last Sea is a large body of water in the mostly arid land of Birthright realm prohibits the use of any spells or magical items
Athas. Many kinds of aquatic wildlife can be found here, that by any of it's attackers. This means that no spells or magical
cannot be found anywhere else on this vast world. items, offensive or defensive, can be used at all when
The Last Sea's power is treated as a Re-target spell. The new attacking this realm. If spells or magic items are already
target of the redirected spell must be a legal target for that attached to the attacking champion, they simply do not
spell. For example, if Disintegrate is redirected, the new target function. Once combat has been initiated, no spells or magical
must be a realm. items can be played by the attacker, even if in response to
such cards as the Loup-Garou (236/4th).
Dragon’s Crown Mountains In addition to this ability, the Battle-Fens double in level all
39/500 spells and magical items used by the defenders. This doubling
Realm only applies to spells and magical items that have some type
Dark Sun of level bonus. Cards such as The Necklace (176/4th) or
Rare Reverse Gravity (385/4th) are not affected by this ability. Good
All dragon champions of this player are immune to offensive choices for cards in the defense of the Battle-Fens are
spells and offensive psionic power cards. The realm can champions that can cast spells, and magical items with high
defend itself as a level 7 monster (dragon). bonuses, like the Girdle of Storm Giant Strength (183/4th) or
the Libram of Ineffable Damnation (8/BR Chase). One of the
This Dark Sun realm has a level 7 realm champion that is best champions to use if casting spells while defending the
designated as a monster (dragon). As such, it is subject to all Battle-Fens is Bengoukee the Witch Doctor (434/3rd), because
restrictions and benefits granted by other cards. Since this is a now all spells cast by the Witch Doctor would be multiplied by
high level champion, it is quite useful. 4.
Dragon's Crown Mountain also bestows immunity to offensive If the optional Aiding the Attacker or Defender rule is being
spells and offensive psionic power cards upon all of this used, these restrictions and bonuses also apply to those
players dragon champions. This includes the dragon realm helping in the battle.
champion. This immunity extends to the champions, whether
they are in the pool, attacking or defending. This immunity can The Giantdowns
be passed along to all of this player's champions if Dragon's 42/500
Crown (15/DR) is attached to this realm. If the Codex of the Realm
Infinite Planes (452/4th) can be placed in this player's pool, Birthright
immunity to magical items can be added to all of this player's Uncommon
champions. Giants defending this realm are doubled in base level.
Monsters defending the Giantdowns gain 3 levels.
Realm of the White Witch
40/500 This Birthright realm works best in a deck with a lot of giants.
Realm All giants, champions and allies, used in defense of this realm
Birthright are doubled in base level. Monsters that are used in defense
Uncommon of the Giantdowns gain 3 levels. These two powers can be
Monsters and wizards gain 3 levels when defending this realm. cumulative, so if Jarl the Frost Giant (40/RR) were defending
This player's champions are immune to the phase 0 special this realm, it's level would be 17. (Base 7 doubled because of
powers of realms. being a giant, then 3 added because of being a monster.) To
really make this a nasty realm to attack, add an ally that is
This Birthright realm is a nice choice for any Birthright deck, designated as a giant, like Hero Slayer (50/DU). The adjusted
but because of it's secondary special power, it could be useful level would be 29, and if you follow this by playing Surprise
in almost any deck. It's foremost power is being able to grant 3 Raid (121/4th) you'd have an adjusted level of 58. Whenever
extra levels to any monsters or wizards that defend this realm. you have the capability to get high levels like this in just three
Naturally, this is most useful if you have several of these types cards, you'd better consider adding Kevin's Blade of Doom
in your deck. (206/3rd) to your deck.
The second power of the Realm of the White Witch is to grant Although cards like Giant Raid! (59/RR) would be useful in a
immunity to any phase 0 special powers of realms for all of this deck containing the Giantdowns, it would not help it's
player's champions. Phase 0 powers are those that take place defenders, as Giant Raid! only gives bonuses to attacking
at the beginning of a player's turn, before any cards are drawn, giants, not defending ones.
like the special power of the Scarlet Brotherhood (135/3rd).
Players should keep in mind that even though this realm grants The Sphinx
immunity to all of the player's champions, it does not grant any 43/500
immunity to the realm. Any special powers that target the Realm
realm are completely unaffected. Birthright
Good choices as defenders of the Realm of the White Witch Uncommon
are any wizard or monster champion from the Birthright This player may look at another player's hand once per turn.
campaign, as they would gain an additional +3 in accordance
with the world bonus rule. Cards such as All Hallow's Eve This realm is a great choice for any deck, but The Sphinx is the
(25/RL) or any of the Moon Waxes (98-100/DL) events would perfect realm for any deck in which you plan on attacking at all.
also be helpful in the defense of this realm. Since this realm enables you to look at another player's hand,
you can see if attacking that person would be conceivable or
not. This ability to look at a player's hand can be used once

Quarta Edição - Página 152

per turn, but it does not have to be used in any specific phase. be used at any time, this realm is placed in the Abyss and all
The player of the Sphinx can look at one another player's hand cards that are not events or champions are removed from the
once anytime from phase 3 of his current turn until phase 3 of Abyss and put in the discard pile instead. This card can be
his next turn. This means that if this ability isn't used until helpful to get back high-power cards like the Arrow of Slaying
phase 2 of this player's turn, he could look at another player's (200/4th) and the Staff of Conjuring (165/4th). It is also useful
hand during phase 3, thereby actually seeing two player's when your opponent(s) have cards that can send your
hands in one round. attachments into the Abyss, like the Rowan (224/4th) or the
This realm is perfect to use in conjunction with cards such as Mace of Disruption (204/4th).
the Ebony Cup of Fate (8/FR Chase) and the Loup-Garou It is best to use the power of the Tarvan Waste when you are
(236/4th), not to mention champions like Lovely Colleen about to shuffle your discards back into your draw pile, or
(22/1st Chase), the Living Scroll (408/3rd) and the King of the when you have some card that can retrieve cards from the
Elves (440/3rd). discard pile, like Remnis (481/4th). Since this realm gives no
Champions or realms that have immunities against a realm's support in it's defense, attaching a holding that would
special powers would have no effect on the special power of strengthen it, like Grovnekevic (108/4th), is suggested. Putting
the Sphinx, unless the power specifies that it includes the cards like Karlott the Shaman (63/3rd) and Escape from the
player or the player's hand. Abyss (162/4th) into a deck with the Tarvan Waste can make
your Abyss pile very accessible indeed.
Cúpula BSW 2011: Seu uso é entre o passo 3 do turno do
possuidor do reino e o passo 3 de seu próximo turno, podendo Black Spear Tribes
o poder da carta ser usado durante o turno de outro jogador. 46/500
The Mistmoor Birthright
44/500 Rare
Realm An attacking champion loses 1 level from his base level for
Birthright each card attached to him and for each card he plays in battle.
Uncommon If his base level is reduced to 0, he is defeated and discarded.
The fogs of the Mistmoor are particularly dense, allowing a
defeated defender to escape back to his pool with This is a very dangerous realm to attack, and as such works
attachments, rather than being discarded. great in just about any deck. Whenever a champion attacks
this Birthright realm, he loses 1 level from his base level for
The Mistmoor is a great realm for decks that are geared for every card attached or played during combat. This includes
defense, or decks in which you plan on attacking a lot, as all any events that actually affect combat, but not those that do
that attacking usually comes back around. This Birthright realm not. Therefore, Balance of Power (145/4th) would cause the
allows defenders that are defeated the ability to return to their level loss, but Good Fortune (120/4th) would not.
pool instead of being discarded. This includes all attachments Furthermore, if the attacking champion's base level is reduced
that do not normally get discarded at the end of a victorious to 0 or below, he is automatically defeated and discarded. The
battle; i.e. magical items, artifacts, and certain spells and allies. defender can then draw his spoils of victory. Playing cards that
Allies that remain with their champion when victorious are force your opponent to play cards, like the Loup-Garou
obviously not retained in the pool. If the result of combat would (236/4th) work great when defending this realm. A really nasty
have resulted in the defender being sent to the Abyss, the combination to use in conjunction with the Black Spear Tribes
Mistmoor offers no protection and the champion would go to is to put it in a deck with a lot of undead champions and get
the Abyss as normal. Only champions that would be discarded the Negative Planar Energy rule card (73/NS) into play. Then
can be saved through the fogs of the Mistmoor. play Spacewarp (57/UD) and choose Black Spear Tribes as
There are many great champions that can be used to their the realm in question. Now any attacks must be against this
utmost in defense of the Mistmoors. Champions with the ability realm, and you can subtract both your champion's level and 1
to defend more than once, like Ochimo (95/FR) and Drizzt for each attachment from your opponent's base level. Having
Do'Urden (253/4th) are excellent because they can defend something like Orcus (44/NS) in your pool doesn't hurt, as you
twice and still end up in the pool. Also any champions that get to add 5 to the base level of all your undead, which in turn
have vindictive powers when they are defeated, like Iuz the will increase the number you can subtract from your attackers.
Evil (167/3rd) and Kelaser Redbelt (25/PO), can use their
powers when defeated without having to be discarded. Players Thurazor
should remember that even though a champion returns to the 47/500
pool when defeated, that champion is not eligible to defend Realm
again in the current battle, unless his special power states so, Birthright
like the cards mentioned above. Uncommon
Even though elevation and geography play a large part in the Thurazor can defend itself as a level 7 monster. If the realm
creation of the fogs surrounding the Mistmoors, many people champion is defending, it may play the first card in defense,
believe it is caused by the things that dwell with in it's borders. regardless of whether winning or losing.
Many people have disappeared and never been heard from
again once entering the Mistmoors, although rumors that the Thurazor has a level 7 realm champion that is designated as a
fogs reach into another plane (or demi-plane) are unconfirmed monster. Cards that hinder or benefit monsters apply to this
at the present time. champion when defending. This is a pretty high level realm
champion, but it gains one additional power. Whenever the
Tarvan Waste realm champion itself is defending, the player defending
45/500 Thurazor can play the first card in defense, regardless of who's
Realm winning the battle. This may not seem like a major feat, but if
Birthright the defending player has a card that he would like to activate
Uncommon right away, like Cannon Ball (60/DU) or Troglodyte (46/DU), he
This realm can be sent to the Abyss from the formation to could do so without waiting until he is on the losing side of the
transfer all nonevent and nonchampion cards in the Abyss to battle. Better yet, he could play a card before his opponent can
the discard pile. do the same thing.
Other good cards to use in defense of this realm include Flesh
This Birthright realm has a special power that few cards in Golem (235/4th), Clay Golem (247/4th), and Marilith, Tanar'ri
Spellfire possess. It can get cards out of the Abyss. When this (242/4th).
player chooses to use the power of Tarvan Waste, which can

Quarta Edição - Página 153

The Sielwode like; Cariele is perfect for your deck. It's best to place it in the
48/500 second rank so that it's hander to attack, but gives you it's
Realm benefit for the longest time.
Birthright If you are playing with a 75 card or 110 card deck, this realm is
Uncommon a must, since the games last longer and the more cards you
All spells, allies, psionic power cards, unarmed combat cards, can hold, the better. This realm also is great for countering the
and blood abilities used in the attack and defense of this realm effects of the Perrenlands (19/4th). Combine this realm with
are sent to the Abyss. cards that increase your draws per turn to get the maximum
The Sielwode has a very powerful special ability. It causes all benefit out of this ability. Suggestions include Tyr (28/4th),
spells, allies, psionic power cards, unarmed combat cards and Arkhold (94/4th), and the Medallion of Faith (25/DL Chase).
blood ability cards used in attack and defense of this realm to A great holding for Cariele is the Geneva Conclave (Promo
be sent to the Abyss after they are used instead of being #2), because this keeps Cariele from being a target of those
discarded. This also includes cards that would normally not be nasty Cataclysms (119/4th). Another good choice as a holding
discarded due to other cards powers, like any spells cast by a is the Maze of Maalvar the Minotaur (17/BR) since it limits
champion with Spellbook (30/AR) attached. Even though attackers to flyers and earthwalkers.
normally the champion could retain up to two spells, the
powers of Sielwode override this and force the cards to the Boeruine
Abyss. 51/500
This Birthright realm works best in a deck with little or none of Realm
the cards that are affected by the Sielwode. For example, a Birthright
deck made up mainly of thieves, with magical items and Uncommon
artifacts, could defend Sielwode well, even using their thieving Any champion defending Boeruine can cast wizard spells and
abilities without losing any cards to the Abyss when the battle use blood abilities. This realm can defend itself as a level 6
was over. Of course, this works for the attacker, too. Thief regent.
decks should have very little qualms about attacking this
realm. Rhuobhe
Good choices for holdings include Proudglaive (14/BR) 52/500
because it can triple a champion's base level if he doesn't use Realm
allies, which you wouldn't want to use anyway. Also holdings Birthright
that benefit a player's pool, like Kal-Saitharak (15/BR), Rare
because the Sielwode will scare a lot of people away from When Rhuobhe is first played, this player can send any regent
attacking it , and that should keep those holdings a little more to the Abyss.
Reorxcrown Mountains
The Five Peaks
49/500 Realm
Realm Dragonlance
Birthright Uncommon
Uncommon The Reorxcrown Mountains can be attacked only by flyers or
The Five Peaks can be attacked only by flyers or earthwalkers. dwarves and is immune to offensive wizard spells.
This Birthright realm is a great choice, because it limits the This card is a reprint of Reorxcrown Mountains (15/DL) with an
attackers drastically. Only champions and allies that have the altered text, but the same special power. It has also a new
ability to earthwalk or fly can attack this realm. All other picture on it.
champions simply cannot attack the Five Peaks. Cards that For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 286.
work well against these types of champions/allies are great to
use when defending. Noble Djinni (84/3rd), Gloriana (3/1st
Shining Lands
Chase) and Wind Dancers (275/3rd) are all great examples of
cards that would be useful in the defense of the Five Peaks. 54/500
Because of this restriction to attackers, this realm is a great Realm
choice for your front ranks, as so few champions will be able to Dragonlance
attack. Rare
Since this realm states that it can only be attacked by The Shining Lands can be attacked only by flyers or
earthwalkers, it is subject to the powers of Volcanic Eruption earthwalkers. The realm and its defenders are immune to
(64/RR), so it isn't recommended to play this card yourself offensive spells.
when you have the Five Peaks in your formation. If you know
your opponent has Volcanic Eruption in his or her deck, either This card is a reprint of The Shining Lands (87/AR) with altered
hold off on playing it, or keep a Calm (400/3rd) or the like special powers. The Artifacts' edition had also the power that
ready in your hand. any holding could be attached.
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 234.
The Delving
Realm 55/500
Birthright Realm
Uncommon Dragonlance
Run by the guilds of the North to make a profit, Cariele Rare
increase this player's maximum hand size by three. The Delving is home to a band of dwarves, who act as a +5
ally to any champion defending this realm. Because of the
Do you find yourself discarding cards often to get down to the dwarves, the Delving is immune to attack via Underdark
maximum number held? If so, then here is the answer to your realms.
problems. Unlike the other realms that increase hand size, like
Myth Drannor (4/4th), this Birthright realm increases your hand Estwilde
size by three. This is great in decks that allow you to draw a lot 56/500
of extra cards. If your deck contains Good Fortune (120/4th), Realm
Mulmaster (73/4th), Imperial City of Anuire (12/BR) and the Dragonlance

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Uncommon Sithicus sends to the abyss all cards currently in battle. Since
Flyers, swimmers, and earthwalkers who defend this realm are realms are not normally part of combat (not battling), they
immune to offensive spells. would not be sent to the abyss.
Card Combo (from Philip D. Cornett): If Dark Prophesy is
Blood Sea of Istar played while Sithicus is in play, Sithicus can be discarded to
57/500 force both combatants to the Abyss. Since the battle ends with
Realm no winner, the player can draw a total of four cards.
Uncommon Nightmare Lands
Coast 64/500
Only swimmers can attack this realm. Its whirlpool destroys all Realm
swimming allies. Champions attacking via Underdark realms Ravenloft
are halved in base level. Rare
Combat over the Nightmare Lands takes place in the Abyss,
Enstar with each player using only the non-event cards contained
58/500 there. The victor draws two spoils of victory, but must choose
Realm one to send to the Abyss.
Rare Attacking and defending champions, along with their attached
Coast cards, come from the players' pools. All additional cards
At the heart of Enstar is a sinkhole. Defeated champions played in the round must come from the Abyss.
(whether attacking or defending) are sent to the Abyss. If this Cards played from the Abyss during battle go to the discard
realm is razed, this player draws a card. pile, so that they cannot be used repeatedly.

Bluet Spur Council Aerie

59/500 65/500
Realm Realm
Ravenloft Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Rare Uncommon
Coast Coast
Bluet Spur cannot be attacked by flyers. It can defend itself as Dragon champions can defend this realm twice per turn.
a level 6 monster that can cast wizard spells and use psionic Opponents' dragons cannot attack this realm. Council Aerie
power cards. can defend itself as a level 9 monster (dragon).

This card is a reprint of Bluet Spur (88/AR) with altered special This card is a reprint of Council Aerie (86/AR) with an altered
powers. special power.
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 234. For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 234.
Council Aerie is an excellent realm for decks that have a lot of
dragon champions. If a dragon champion is defeated while
defending Council Aerie, it may defend again. The dragon
60/500 champion is discarded after the second defense, even if
Realm victorious.
Ravenloft Even though the realms champion is considered a dragon, if
Uncommon the realms champion is defeated once, the realm is razed.
All drow defending Arak are immune to offensive spells,
psionic power cards, and blood abilities. A +4 drow ally aids
each defending champion.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
61/500 Rare
Realm Coast
Ravenloft This sleepy village's defenders are immune to offensive spells,
Rare and swimming defenders are doubled in base level.
A Ravenloft champion defending Borca may use any other
Ravenloft champion as an ally. If the defense is successful, the
The Isle of Beacon Point
ally-champion returns to his pool; otherwise, he is discarded.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
62/500 Uncommon
Realm Coast
Ravenloft Champions defending this realm can use any card types
Uncommon (spells, psionic power cards, unarmed combat cards, blood
The ghost of Lord Gundar, assassinated dark lord of abilities, etc).
Gundarak, haunts this realm, acting as a level 5 undead hero.
Any allies played with him are considered undead.
Lair of the Eye Tyrant
63/500 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Realm Rare
Ravenloft This realm is defended by a beholder of monstrous size. The
Uncommon level 15 monster can cast wizard spells and is immune to
Sithicus may be discarded from the formation during any offensive magical items. No other champion can defend this
combat where this realm is not involved to send all those realm.
currently in battle to the Abyss. This player then draws a card.

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This realm should be bluelined as Underdark, since it's the This card is a reprint of Candlekeep (20/FR).
home of beholders. (IMO - Sascha) For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 331.

Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga Mithral Hall

69/500 76/500
Realm Holding
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Uncommon
At the beginning of this player's turn, he can exchange places Each time the attached realm is successfully defended, search
between this realm and one other realm in his formation. Any the draw pile for the first artifact or magical item and place it in
holdings remain attached. pool or hand. Reshuffle the draw pile.

Anytown, Anywhere This card is a reprint of Mithral Hall (22/FR) with an altered
70/500 text, but the same special power.
Realm For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 331.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Rare Moonwell
All champions attacking this realm are "taxed." The player 77/500
must take one spell from either his discard pile or his hand and Holding
place it in the Abyss. If he can't pay the tax, he cannot attack. Forgotten Realms
The "tax" must be paid by the attacking player as soon as a The attached realm can cast cleric spells and is immune to
champion is brought forward to attack, regardless of whether offensive cleric spells and harmful events.
or not the defender chooses to defend the realm.
This card is a reprint of Moonwell (23/FR) with an altered text,
Haven of the Undead but the same special power.
71/500 For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 332.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Nagawater
Uncommon 78/500
This player's undead champions and allies are immune to Holding
offensive spells and magical items and harmful events. Forgotten Realms
Monastery of Perdien the Damned The waters of this lake contain a vicious naga, which acts as a
72/500 +4 ally to champions defending the attached realm. The naga
Realm instantly destroys all swimming allies.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Uncommon Tilverton
Clerics refuse to attack this realm. Avatars who attack this 79/500
realm are halved in base level. Holding
Forgotten Realms
Mulmaster Uncommon
73/500 If this player has more than his maximum hand size at the end
Holding of his turn, he can place magical items underneath the holding
Forgotten Realms instead of discarding them. They are attached to the first
Uncommon defending champion and are discarded if the realm is razed or
Draw a card every time a spell is played. the holding lost.

This card is a reprint of Mulmaster (33/1st-3rd) with an altered Lhespenbog

text, but the same special power. 80/500
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 107 and SFRG 2, p. Holding
126. Forgotten Realms
Blackstaff Tower This bog surrounds the attached realm, reducing all attacking
74/500 champions and allies to half their base levels (rounded up).
Forgotten Realms Adderswamp
Uncommon 81/500
This holding counts as a +3 ally. No offensive wizard spells Holding
may be played against champions defending the attached Forgotten Realms
realm. Defending wizards gain 3 levels. Uncommon
The swamp surrounding the attached realm contains deadly
This card is a reprint of Blackstaff Tower (19/FR) with an adders, which leech away 2 levels from attacking champions
altered text, but the same special power. and allies; any reduced to 0 are discarded instantly.
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 330.
Fortification: Rampart
Candlekeep 82/500
75/500 Holding
Holding Greyhawk
Forgotten Realms Uncommon
Uncommon This player's allies, whether attacking or defending, cannot be
Whenever an opponent plays an event, the owner of this forced to switch sides for any reason.
holding may immediately examine that player's hand.

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Fortification: Bastion South Ledopolus
83/500 92/500
Holding Holding
Greyhawk Dark Sun
Uncommon Uncommon
This player's Greyhawk champions are immune to spells cast The attached realm can use any ally to defend as a hero
in phase 3. champion. The ally is discarded after battle.

Fortification: Parapet This card is a reprint of South Ledopolus (230/1st-3rd) with an

84/500 altered text, but the same special power.
Holding For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 173.
Uncommon Ogo
This player's Greyhawk realms are immune to offensive spells. 93/500
Fortification: Bailey Dark Sun
85/500 Uncommon
Holding All champions and allies who attack the attached realm lose 3
Greyhawk levels - any reduced to 0 are discarded immediately.
This holding may be discarded from either hand or formation to This card is a reprint of Ogo (233/3rd). Ogo (233/1st-2nd) has
cancel a wish or limited wish spell. a different power.
For further information, see SFRG 2, p. 158.
Fortification: Curtain Wall
Holding 94/500
Greyhawk Holding
Uncommon Dark Sun
Only flyers can attack the attached realm. Uncommon
Draw one extra card per turn.
Fortification: Inner Wall
This card is a reprint of Arkhold (236/1st-3rd) with an altered
87/500 text, but the same special power.
Holding For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 175.
Lost Oasis
Only earthwalkers can attack the attached realm.
Fortification: Bulwark
Dark Sun
88/500 Uncommon
Holding This player can draw one card and play it immediately
Greyhawk whenever this realm is attacked.
Allies defending any Greyhawk realm held by this player each This card is a reprint of Lost Oasis (242/1st-3rd) with an
gain 3 levels. altered text, but the same special power.
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 177.
Fortification: Barricade
89/500 Grak's Pool
Holding 96/500
Greyhawk Holding
Uncommon Dark Sun
The base level of all champions and allies attacking the Uncommon
attached realm is halved (rounded down). The pool acts as a +5 ally to any champion defending the
attached realm.
Fortification: Breastwork
90/500 This card is a reprint of Grak's Pool (243/1st-3rd) with an
Holding altered text, but the same special power.
Greyhawk For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 177.
Draw a card every time you play an event. Silver Spring
The Mud Palace Holding
91/500 Dark Sun
Holding Uncommon
Dark Sun If the attached realm is razed, one opponent's realm of this
Uncommon player's choice is also razed.
The Mud Palace increases maximum hand size by two cards.
This card is a reprint of Silver Spring (244/1st-3rd) with an
This card is a reprint of The Mud Palace (228/1st-3rd) with an altered text, but the same special power.
altered text, but the same special power. For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 178.
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 172.
Black Waters

Quarta Edição - Página 157

Holding the battle. He is then entitled to a free draw from his card pile.
Dark Sun Win or lose, the card(s) played is discarded.
No werecreature or monster can attack any realm in this Taeghan Outfitters
player's formation. 106/500
This card is a reprint of Black Waters (246/1st-3rd) with an Holding
altered text, but the same special power. Birthright
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 178. Uncommon
During phase 3, this player may rearrange magical items and
Dungeon of Gulg artifacts between champions in his pool.
Holding Artifacts must still be legally attached to champions after use of
Dark Sun the Taeghan Outfitters power.
All champions (if defeated) and allies who attack this realm are Straits of Aerele Shipping
sent to the Abyss at the end of battle. 107/500
This card is a reprint of Dungeon of Gulg (248/3rd). Dungeon Birthright
of Gulg (248/1st-2nd) has a different power. Uncommon
For further information, see SFRG 1, p. 179. During a battle he is not involved in, this player can make an
attacking player's champions and allies swimmers. In return,
The Celestial Jewel of Sarimie this player gets to draw a card from his draw pile if the attack
100/500 results in a razed or discarded realm. The attacker receives no
Holding spoils.
Uncommon When this holding is in play, all attackers become swimmers
Draw a card every time a cleric spell is cast. Negates any and the card's owner draws a card whenever an attacker wins
Mulmaster holding in play. a battle and razes or discards the realm. However, the card
drawn is not spoils of victory, and therefore cannot be played
Points East Trading Guild immediately.
Holding Grovnekevic Forest
Birthright 108/500
Uncommon Holding
This players draws one extra card per turn. Negates any Birthright
Arkhold holding in play. Uncommon
Any elf defending the attached realm gains 3 levels. Heroes,
The Thorn Throne wizards, and clerics who are not elves cannot attack the
102/500 attached realm.
Birthright Madding Springs
Uncommon 109/500
Elf champions defending the attached realm may cast wizard Holding
spells and use blood abilities. Dragonlance
Peaceful Seas of Nesirie Healing waters contained in the springs aid champions
103/500 defending the attached realm. Once each battle, the player
Holding can retrieve one ally from his discard pile to play immediately.
Uncommon Shark Reef
Swimming champions in this player's pool are protected from 110/500
all harmful events. Holding
Sarimie's Temple of Fortune Uncommon
104/500 The attached realm must show water or coastline. Hungry
Holding sharks guard the waters; at this player's option, they can
Birthright devour (discard) swimming allies played in any battle.
If one of this player's champions or realms is the target of a Barter
phase 3 spell, all players draw a card, noting its last digit. The 111/500
player with the lowest number becomes the recipient instead, Holding
and the caster selects a new target if necessary. (If a tie, those Dragonlance
players redraw until one is the lowest.) Uncommon
If the attached realm is attacked, this player can barter with a
Boeruine Trading Guild player outside the combat. Players swap hands for the battle,
105/500 and both draw spoils if victorious in the realm's defense.
Birthright Dance of the Red Death
Uncommon 112/500
If the attached realm is attacked, this player may ask help from Holding
a player outside the combat. If that player accepts, he must Ravenloft
play one or more allies or magical items on this player's side of Uncommon

Quarta Edição - Página 158

If the attached realm is razed through combat, the victorious Airship
champion is stricken with the plague. That player must draw a 118/500
card for each champion in his pool, comparing the card's last Event
digit against each champion's base level. Any whose level is Uncommon
higher than the digit are discarded. Destroys any two allies chosen by this card's player; choice
does not have to be immediate. (Harmful)
Red Jack This card is a reprint of Airship (90/3rd). The earlier edition
113/500 cards had a somewhat unclearer text.
Holding For further information see SFRG 1, p. 126 and SFRG 2, p.
Ravenloft 135.
Uncommon Airship's power to destroy two allies need not be used all at
This player's Ravenloft champions all gain a +2 werecreature once. It can destroy one ally, and then later destroy a second
as an ally, whether attacking or defending. ally. Because of the additional wording on the 4th edition card,
Airship remains in play until the second ally is destroyed, even
Red Tide if the current battle is over.
114/500 Airship can be used as a counter-effect card against allies. For
Holding example, if Loup-Garou is played, Airship can be immediately
Ravenloft played to discard the Loup-Garou without having to play a
Uncommon magical item.
The Red Tide is a +6 undead (vampire) ally to all champions Because Airship is an event, it may be played at any time. This
defending the attached realm. It can be discarded from the includes players not involved in the current combat.
formation to kill a realm champion of base level 6 or less being
used anywhere in combat. Cataclysm!
Treasure Vault Event
115/500 Uncommon
Holding Destroys one realm of the player's choice; that realm is
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons discarded. (Harmful)
An artifact from any world can be attached to this holding, and This card is a reprint of Cataclysm! (99/3rd) with an altered
any champion defending the attached realm can use the text, but the same special power. Cataclysm! (99/1st-2nd)
artifact. missed the "(Harmful)" in the text box.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 129 and SFRG 2, p.
This card is a reprint of Treasure Vault (61/AR) with a lesser 136.
special power. In the AR version, it can also be attached to any A "must have" card for all decks. This is a very powerful event,
realm. since it forces an opponent's realm to be discarded. If a
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 225. player's last realm is discarded, he must discard his pool at the
end of the current turn. Immediately playing Menzoberranzan
or Caer Allison will prevent loss of the pool.
Kestrel's Keep
If Cataclysm! is played by the attacking player during a battle
116/500 (known as Ward's Cataclysm!), the battle is over and the
Holding attacker is entitled to Spoils of Victory. Each champion returns
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons to its pool.
This player's champions and allies each gain 1 level when Cúpula BSW 2016: o termo destroy/destruir NÃO deve
defending any realm in this player's formation. This holding continuar sendo entendido como sinônimo de arrasar, mas sim
stays attached and in play even if the attached realm is razed. de DESCARTAR, de forma que as cartas acima (e outras que
contenham o referido verbo) passem a afetar reinos
This card is a reprint of Kestrel's Keep (63/AR) with a lesser arrasados.
special power.
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 226.
Good Fortune
Keep of the Dead
117/500 Uncommon
Holding The player of this event draws five cards immediately. (Helpful)
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Uncommon This card is a reprint of Good Fortune (100/1st-3rd) which
If something forces the attached realm to be discarded, this missed the "(Helpful)" in the text.
holding is discarded instead, and the realm remains in play. For further information see SFRG 1, p. 130 and SFRG 2, p.
The Keep of the Dead helps protect the attached realm against
cards that discard realms from play. If a card such as
Surprise Raid
Cataclysm! (99/3rd) is played on a realm with the attached
Keep of the Dead, the holding is sent to the discard pile 121/500
instead of the realm, and the realm stays in play. This holding Event
does not protect a realm from cards that "ra/,e" a realm, only Uncommon
those that discard i t . Cards such as Creeping Doom (28/FR) This player's champion and allies are doubled in levels for one
and Siege (150 /3rd) raw the target realm normally, causing round of battle. (Helpful)
the Keep of the Dead to be discarded. This holding does not
counter the effects of Estate Transference (437/3rd), or other This card is a reprint of Surprise Raid (101/1st-3rd).
cards which affect both the realm and the holding. For further information see SFRG 1, p. 130 and SFRG 2, p.
This card is a reprint of Keep of the Dead (64/AR) with a lesser 137.
special power.
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 226. Labor of Legend

Quarta Edição - Página 159

Event Everyone is convinced all artifacts and magical items in play
Uncommon no longer work. All players discard all magical items and
One razed realm is rebuilt by a champion from the player's artifacts. (Harmful)
pool; the champion is discarded. (Helpful)
This card is a reprint of Fast Talking! (210/1st-3rd).
This card is a reprint of Labor of Legend (108/1st-3rd). For further information see SFRG 1, p. 166.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 132.
Any champion in the pool can be discarded, including a The Barbarian's Revenge!
Trapped! champion. 129/500
Siege! Uncommon
123/500 All players who have four or more unrazed realms in play must
Event discard a realm from their formation or two realms from their
Uncommon hand. This event is immune to limited wish. (Harmful)
Razes the first realm of every player, regardless of special
powers; if a player's first realm is already razed, he ignores the This card is a reprint of The Barbarian's Revenge! (213/3rd).
event. (Harmful) For further information see SFRG 2, p. 156.

This card is a reprint of Siege! (150/3rd). Treasure

For further information see SFRG 1, p. 146. 130/500
Siege! functions on realms that are immune to events, due to Event
the wording "regardless of special powers." Uncommon
All monster are bribed to desert; discard all monsters in battle
Mutiny! or in pools. (Harmful)
Event This card is a reprint of Treasure (312/1st-3rd).
Uncommon For further information see SFRG 1, p. 200.
No battles can be fought until the player's next turn. A battle in If used in battle, this event causes both sides to end the battle
progress stops immediately with no victor; allies are discarded. with no winner. The spells, allies, and other cards are
(Harmful) discarded with the monsters. The battle is ended and another
battle cannot be started. That attacker's combat options are
This card is a reprint of Mutiny! (168/1st). finished.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 152.
The Caravan
Transformation! 131/500
125/500 Event
Event Uncommon
Uncommon Play only between two player's turns. The player of this event
All players must discard their hands immediately and draw five can take a turn immediately. Afterward, play continues where it
new cards. (Harmful) left off. (Helpful)

This card is a reprint of Transformation! (201/1st-3rd). This card is a reprint of The Caravan (319/3rd). The older
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 163. editions have a different text, but the same power.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 203 and SFRG 2, p.
Slave Revolt! 175.
126/500 Caravan cannot be played until every player has had their first
Event turn.
Uncommon Caravan is played between two player's turns. Multiple
All opposing players must discard one champion from their Caravans cannot be played in succession; as soon as one is
pool (chosen by this player). (Harmful) played you are no longer "between turns". Thus, all other
Caravan's must be held in hand until the current Caravan turn
This card is a reprint of Slave Revolt! (202/3rd) with a different ends. Note that the active player (the one who just ended his
picture. In the first two edition card #202 was named turn) gets priority to play his or her Caravan before other
"Enslaved!" with the power: "All players must discard one players.
champion from their pool."
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 154. Ice Storm
Bruce's Revenge Event
127/500 Uncommon
Event Destroys all champions and allies of base level 4 or less in
Uncommon play anywhere. (Harmful)
This player can swap two of an opponent's realms with each
other in their formation; any attached holdings are discarded. This card is a reprint of Ice Storm (380/1st-3rd).
(Harmful) For further information see SFRG 1, p. 223.

This card is a reprint of Bruce's Revenge (203/3rd) with an Solid Fog

altered text, but the same special power. 133/500
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 154. Event
Fast Talking! Unearthly fog prevents all attacks against all players until this
128/500 player's next turn. (Harmful)
Uncommon This card is a reprint of Solid Fog (382/1st-3rd).
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 224.

Quarta Edição - Página 160

Tarrasque Event
134/500 Uncommon
Event Until the end of this player's next turn, all dragons can cast
Uncommon wizard spells, stealing this power from wizards, who now
Play on a realm. The victim may discard his pool to banish the cannot cast spells. (Harmful)
tarrasque. If he discards nothing, however, the realm is razed
and he sends the tarrasque to another player's realm, Hurricane!
continuing the cycle. (Discard the tarrasque if no realms 140/500
remain.) (Harmful) Event
This card is a reprint of Tarrasque (1/FR) with an altered text, This player draws three cards. All other players must discard
but the same special powers. one card. (Harmful)
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 324.
Deflection cannot be used against Hurricane, since it does not
Black Bess target a single player.
Event Call to Arms
Uncommon 141/500
Each player must draw and discard a card, noting the last digit Event
of the card number. Discard all champions in play whose base Uncommon
level is greater than this number. (Harmful) Until the end of this player's next turn, his heroes may all use
psionic power cards and blood abilities. (Helpful)
This card is a reprint of Black Bess (2/FR) with an altered text,
but the same special powers. Phantasmal Wolf
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 325. 142/500
Dead Magic Zone Uncommon
136/500 Until the end of this player's next turn, only allies may be used
Event to attack or defend. Any magical items or artifacts may be
Uncommon attached to the allies, but all cards must be discarded when the
Until the end of this player's next turn, no spells may be cast, event is over. (Harmful)
and all artifacts and magical items are ignored. (Harmful)
Card Combo (from Desafio aos Corajosos 2011): If Event
This card is a reprint of Dead Magic Zone (7/FR). Wheel (497/4th ed) is in play, you can prolong the duration of
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 326. Phantasmal Wolf indefinitely. It’s a good way to obtain free
Dead Magic Zone is not a counter-effect card, and cannot be spoils of victory, specially if you use a lot of champions that are
used to dispel an already-cast spell. immune to harmful events.

Deflection Land Ho!

137/500 143/500
Event Event
Uncommon Uncommon
This player can deflect a harmful event affecting only him onto Until the end of this player's next turn, all players may play a
any other player. (Helpful) realm currently in play, causing the original realm to be
discarded. (Harmful)
This card is a reprint of Deflection (54/AR) with an altered text,
but the same special powers. This event allows a realm to be played despite the Rule of the
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 223. Cosmos. The realm already in play is discarded.
Events that affect everyone cannot be deflected.
Cúpula BSW 2009: Deflection Não dá o direito do jogador 144/500
usar o poder da carta defletida, ele somente escolhe o jogador Event
alvo, e este escolhe um alvo válido para sofrer os efeitos da Uncommon
carta. Se Espionage (BR 18) é defletida, seu poder é perdido, Any one player (including the event player) is forced to
pois é expresso no texto que deve ser outro jogador a receber reshuffle his discards into his draw pile. (Harmful)
seus efeitos e não seu lançador.
Balance of Power
Temporal Stasis
138/500 Event
Event Uncommon
Uncommon Until the end of this player's next turn, only his allies retain
In a multiplayer game, this event can be played to prevent one their special abilities. All other allies have only their level
player's turn. In two player games, this event can prevent an bonus. (Harmful)
extra turn gained from another card, such as the Caravan.
Assault of Magic
This card is a reprint of Temporal Stasis (53/AR) with an 146/500
altered text, but the same special powers. Event
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 223. Uncommon
Temporal Stasis is played between players' turns & emdash; Until the end of this player's next turn, all spells cast by his
like Caravan & emdash; and before the turn to be skipped. champions are double in level. (Helpful)

Dragons Rebellious Psionic Contrition

139/500 147/500

Quarta Edição - Página 161

Event Event
Uncommon Uncommon
Until the end of this player's next turn, no psionic power cards Place any number of allies face down beneath a champion in
can be used, and champions' psionic powers don't work. battle. These secret allies remain face down in battle until the
champion's opponent decides not to play any more cards. The
Monstrous Intervention allies are then revealed and a winner is determined. (Helpful)
Event Wrath of the Immortals
Uncommon 157/500
Until the end of this player's next turn, only monsters can Event
attack. (Harmful) Uncommon
Played on a champion, its base level is reduced to 1, and it
The Land Rebels loses any special powers it has. This champion must be used
149/500 first to attack or defend, and the event lasts until negated or
Event the champion is discarded. (Harmful)
The event player can rearrange all realms in each player's When Wrath of the Immortals is played on a champion, that
formation, including his own. All holdings remain attached. champion must be used first to attack or defend, if it is able. If
(Harmful) some other card play will not allow the affected champion to
attack or defend, for example if Phantasmal Wolf has been
played, another champion (or ally in the case of Phantasmal
Elven Rebirth
Wolf) can be used.
150/500 Avenging powers of a champion (powers triggered upon
Event defeat) do not function if Wrath of the Immortals has been
Uncommon played on the champion, since Wrath stays with the champion
All elves in all discard piles are brought back to life! They are until discarded.
added back to their draw pile, which is reshuffled. (Helpful)
Titans Walk the Earth
The Death of a Hero
151/500 Event
Event Uncommon
Uncommon Until the end of this player's next turn, one avatar may be
One hero (chosen by this player) is killed and discarded. In freely played into each player's pool, ignoring the requirements
homage, all other players (including the event player) must for bringing out avatars. (Helpful)
discard a card. (Harmful)
Bess's Revenge
152/500 Event
Event Uncommon
Uncommon Each player must draw and discard a card, noting the last digit
If on the losing side of a battle, this event allows this player to of its card number. Discard all champions in play whose base
lay down enough cards to defeat the opposing champion. That level is lower than this number. (Harmful)
champion is automatically defeated and is discarded. (Harmful)
Each player discards his own champions with base level less
When Ambush is used to end and win the battle, opposing than the last digit of the card he has drawn.
champions that can escape back to the pool, such as with
Winged Boots, cannot use their powers and are discarded.
Foreign Wars
Brave Heart
153/500 Uncommon
Event All heroes in pools are placed in Limbo until the end of their
Uncommon owner's next turn. (Harmful)
Buoyed by dreams of freedom, this player's champions are
immune to offensive spells and magical items until the end of
Gales at Sea
this player's next turn. (Helpful)
The Torments of Sisyphus
154/500 All swimmers in combat are swept away to the Abyss. All other
Event swimmers are sent to Limbo until the end of their owner's next
Uncommon turn.
Played during combat, the champions involved must discard all
attached cards. Combat begins again between the same
Escape From the Abyss
champions. (Harmful)
Secret War
155/500 This event can be played during phase 3 to allow a champion
Event in the Abyss to make an attack against a chosen champion.
Uncommon The losing champion is placed in the Abyss, and the winner
This player's champions are turned face down and are returns to his pool.
revealed only during combat. Once turned over, they remain
face up, as are new champions added to the pool. (Helpful) When this event is played, one of the event-player's
champions from the Abyss can attack another champion. This
Covert Aid is played as a phase 4 within phase 3. Phase 4 spells can be
156/500 used, phase 3 spells cannot be used during the combat.

Quarta Edição - Página 162

During the true phase 4, the event player can attack a realm This card is a reprint of Net of Entrapment (217/1st-3rd) with
normally. the second sentence added.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 169 and SFRG 2, p.
Banner of the Two-Eyed God 157.
Magic Item Orb of Power
Common 170/500
The attached champion's allies each gain 2 levels and are Magic Item
immune to offensive spells. (Def) Common
Staff of Striking Offensive spells, offensive magical items, and harmful events
164/500 have no effect against the attached champion. (Def)
Magic Item
Common This card is a reprint of Orb of Power (310/1st-3rd) with an
Weapon added special power.
The bonus becomes +8 if attached to a cleric. (Off) For further information see SFRG 1, p. 200 and SFRG 2, p.
This card is a reprint of Staff of Stricking (95/1st-3rd) with an The Orb of Power negates offensive spells, offensive magical
altered special power. The older editions grant a +5 bonus, items, and harmful events played against the champion with
when this item is attached to a cleric. the Orb. Spells and items are negated even if they were played
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 128. before the Orb was played, although their effects may
continue. For example, a Lightning Bolt that was cast before
the Orb of Power was brought into play would no longer count
Staff of Conjuring
as +5, but any magical item or ally it may have discarded does
165/500 not return.
Magic Item
Rings of All Seeing
The attached champion can retrieve an ally from the discard
pile during each battle it is in. If defeated, the staff is broken 171/500
and sent to the Abyss. (Def) Magic Item
This card is a reprint of Staff of Conjuring (105/3rd) with an At the beginning of his turn, this player can look at one player's
altered text, but the same special powers. hand and discard a card. (Off)
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 137.
The retrieved ally may be placed in the hand. Whether or not This card is a reprint of Rings of All Seeing (311/1st-3rd) with
the retrieved ally is taken to the hand, the ally cannot be an added special power.
brought into play until the player is losing the round of battle, For further information see SFRG 1, p. 200.
just as cards cannot be played unless a player is losing the
round. Shield of Destruction
War Banner Magic Item
166/500 Common
Magic Item Absorbs the effects of one offensive spell of this player's
Common choice played against the attached champion in combat. (Def)
Each champion and ally of this player gains 1 level. (Def)
This card is a reprint of Shield of Destruction (313/3rd) with an
This card is a reprint of War Banner (151/1st-3rd). altered text, but the same special powers.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 147. For further information see SFRG 2, p. 174.

Falcon Figurine Shield of Annihilation

167/500 173/500
Magic Item Magic Item
Common Common
Confers the ability to teleport; the attached champion and its Instantly annihilates one opposing enemy ally of this player's
allies can attack any realm, regardless of position or powers. choice played against the attached champion in combat. (Off)
This card is a reprint of Shield of Annihilation (314/3rd) with an
This card is a reprint of Falcon Figurine (200/3rd) with an altered text, but the same special powers.
altered text, but the same special powers. For further information see SFRG 1, p. 201 and SFRG 2, p.
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 154. 174.

Ghost Crystal Shield of Devastation

168/500 174/500
Magic Item Magic Item
Common Common
During phase 3 the attached champion can retrieve one Negates the power of one offensive magical item of this
undead ally from the discard pile to the player's hand. (Def) player's choice used against the attached champion in combat.
Net of Entrapment
This card is a reprint of Shield of Devastation (315/3rd) with an
169/500 altered text, but the same special powers.
Magic Item For further information see SFRG 2, p. 175.
This champion's opponent cannot play allies. Any already in
Shield of Wickedness
play are discarded. (Off)
Magic Item

Quarta Edição - Página 163

Common Common
One enemy ally chosen by the shield's owner is forced to The attached champion is considered a drow and all allies
switch sides and fight for the attached champion for one round played with him are also considered drow. (Def)
of battle. (Off)
Midnight's Mask of Disguise
This card is a reprint of Shield of Wickedness (316/1st-3rd) 182/500
with an altered text, but the same special powers. Magic Item
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 202. Common
f the Shield of Wickedness is used in combat to steal an ally, The attached champion can be put into play with this magical
and is then destroyed, the ally returns to its original owner. item, even if that champion is already in play somewhere. The
champions powers are unchanged. (Def)
The Necklace
176/500 This card is a reprint of Midnight's Mask of Disguise (16/AR)
Magic Item with an altered text, but the same special powers.
Common For further information see SFRG 2, p. 210.
The attached champion can cast wizard spells and is immune
to offensive psionic power cards. (Def)
Girdle of Storm Giant Strength
This card is a reprint of The Necklace (320/3rd) with an altered 183/500
text, but the same special powers. Magic Item
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 176. Common
Attached champion is considered a giant. (Def)
177/500 Hammer of the Gods
Magic Item 184/500
Common Magic Item
Sword Common
Cancels the powers of any dragon champion or ally opposing Usable only by clerics, the attached champion is immune to
the attached champion in battle. (Off) offensive cleric spells. (Def)
This card is a reprint of Dragonslayer (48/FR) with an altered This card should be bluelined as a Weapon (IMO - Sascha).
text, but the same special powers.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 340. Dragonslayer
Gauntlets of Golem Strength
cancels the powers of any dragon champion or dragon ally that
is opposing the attached Champion in battle. 185/500
Magic Item
Gauntlets of Swimming
If the attached champion is victorious in an attack, all holdings
178/500 in that player's formation are discarded. (Off)
Magic Item
Winged Boots
The attached champion and its allies become swimmers that
can attack any realm with a coastline, regardless of its 186/500
position. (Def) Magic Item
This card is a reprint of Gauntlets of Swimming (51/FR) with an The attached champion becomes a flyer. If he is defeated in
added special power. battle by a nonflying champion, he can retreat from combat to
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 341. his pool instead of being discarded. (Def)

This card is a reprint of Winged Boots (20/AR) with an altered

Horn of Blasting
text, but the same special powers.
179/500 For further information see SFRG 2, p. 212.
Magic Item
Badge of the Wolf Nomads
The holding of any realm the attached champion attacks is
immediately discarded. (Off) 187/500
Magic Item
This card is a reprint of Horn of Blasting (53/FR) with an Common
altered text, but the same special powers. All cards used by this player that contain the word "wolf" are
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 342. double in level. (Def)

Wand of Wonder Dark Haven

180/500 188/500
Magic Item Magic Item
Common Common
Draw and discard a card each time the wand is used in The attached champion is protected from all offensive spells,
combat, noting the last digit of the card's number. The wand's magical items, psionics, unarmed combat cards, and blood
level bonus is equal to that digit. (Def) abilities. But his base level is halved (rounded down). (Def)

This card is a reprint of Wand of Wonder (57/FR) with an Spellbook

altered text, but the same special powers. For further 189/500
information see SFRG 1, p. 43. Magic Item
Drow Slippers The spellcaster with this item can retain up to two spells after
181/500 winning a round of combat to use in another battle. Only phase
Magic Item 4 spells can be saved. (Def)

Quarta Edição - Página 164

This card is a reprint of Spellbook (30/AR). Usable only by clerics, the attached champion is immune to
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 215. cards that instantly kill clerics. (Def)
Only phase 4 spells can be saved with the Spellbook. Spells
that can be cast at any time, such as Wish, cannot be saved. Xeno-Xylophone
Card Combo (from bendiks@IFI.UIO.NO): If a champion with Common
the Spellbook retains Unnerving Aura, the champion wins Magic Item
future battles instantly, although the opposing champion is Usable only by psionicists, the attached champion is immune
sent back to the pool, not discarded. to cards that instantly kill psionicists. (Def)

Pan's Pipes Dragon Drums

190/500 198/500
Magic Item Magic Item
Common Common
Usable only by monsters, the attached champion is immune to Usable only by dragons, the attached champion is immune to
cards that instantly kill monsters, flyers, or swimmers. (Def) cards that instantly kill dragons. (Def)

The Bagpipes of Drawmij Scarab of Protection

191/500 199/500
Magical Item Magic Item
Common Common
Usable only by wizards, the attached champion is immune to The attached champion is immune to the special powers of
cards that instantly kill wizards. (Def) realms and undead champions. (Def)
The Bagpipes protect the attached wizard from all cards that This magical item provides immunity to all realm powers. For
instantly kill wizards, including the realm Furyondy. example, when attacking or defending Nightmare Lands, a
player whose champion has the Scarab of Protection plays
Ailarond Horn cards from the hand, not the Abyss.
Magic Item Arrow of Slaying
Common Magic Item
Usable only by heroes, the attached champion is immune to Common
cards that instantly kill heroes. (Def) This item can be used during combat to discard a champion in
the pool of a player other than the opponent's. The arrow is
Lyre of Arvanaith then placed in the Abyss. (Off)
Magic Item This item should be bluelined as a Weapon (IMO - Sascha)
Usable only by elves (including drow), the attached champion Crossbow of Accuracy
is immune to cards that instantly kill elves or drow. (Def) 201/500
Magic Item
The Harp of Kings Common
194/500 Once per turn, the attached champion may add 4 levels to any
Magic Item combat he is not involved in. (Def)
Usable only by regents, the attached champion is immune to This item should be bluelined as a Weapon (IMO - Sascha)
cards that instantly kill regents. (Def)
Dagger of Venom
This is a very powerful magic item. Any card which would kill 202/500
(i.e. discard) the champion to whom the Harp of Kings is Magic Item
attached, doesn't work. Common
The card doesn't have to specifically target a regent in order Win or lose, the opposing champion is discarded at the end of
for the immunity to activate. If playing the card would result in a round of combat with the attached champion. Undead
an instant discarding of the regent, then the champion is champions are immune to this power. (Off)
immune. Thus, the regent would be immune to cards like
Death Spell, Takhisis's Abyssal Gateway, Blamblower (if it This item should be bluelined as a Weapon (IMO - Sascha)
would cause the regent to be discarded, it wouldn't work; if it The champion with the Dagger is only discarded if defeated.
would cause an ally to be discarded, it would work),
Tighmaevril Sword, Vorpal Blade, Rhuobhe, Con Game,
Javelin of Lightning
Headless Horseman, etc. This is a great magic item for a
regent-themed deck. 203/500
Magic Item
The Leviathan Horn
This javelin can create a +7 offensive wizard spell (in addition
195/500 to its normal +2) for one round of combat. If so used, the item
Magic Item is the discarded. (Off)
Usable only by giants, the attached champion is immune to This item should be bluelined as a Weapon (IMO - Sascha)
cards that instantly kill giants. (Def)
Mace of Disruption
Chimes of Chelerie
196/500 Magic Item
Magic Item Common

Quarta Edição - Página 165

+8 vs undead. Undead champions and allies killed by the Hornhead Saurial
mace are placed in the Abyss instead of the discard pile. (Off) 211/500
This item should be bluelined as a Weapon (IMO - Sascha) Common
The attached champion and his allies are immune to offensive
Scimitar of Speed magical items of +3 or less.
Magic Item This card is a reprint of Hornhead Saurial (81/3rd) with an
Common altered text, but the same special power.
If defending a realm, the item's level rises to 6, and the For further information see SFGR 2, p. 133.
attached champion must be defeated twice in one battle before
he is discarded. (Def) Mind Flayer
This item should be bluelined as a Sword (IMO - Sascha) Ally
Trident of Fish Command When played, the mind flayer can immediately shift one
206/500 opposing ally to its own side for that round of battle. The ally
Magic Item loses 1 level.
The attached champion becomes a swimmer, and swimming This card is a reprint of Mind Flayer (83/1st-3rd).
allies cannot be played against him. (Def) For further information see SFGR 1, p. 124.

This item should be bluelined as a Weapon (IMO - Sascha) Intellect Devourer

Holy Avenger Ally
207/500 Common
Magic Item Immediately destroys an opposing champion of base level 5 or
Common less.
This sword is +10 vs. any champion with a base level of 8 or
higher. (Off) This card is a reprint of Intellect Devourer (86/3rd).
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 134.
This item should be bluelined as a Sword (IMO - Sascha)
Elf Galleon
Armies of Bloodstone 214/500
208/500 Ally
Ally Common
Common Flyer. Swimmer. All allies played after the elf galleon in this
The ally can "save" a champion - the player can withdraw his battle are also flyers and swimmers.
champion from combat and continue with a new one (allies
and spells are discarded). The "rescued" champion cannot This card is a reprint of Elf Galleon (110/3rd).
attack or defend until this player's next turn. For further information see SFGR 2, p. 138.

This card is a reprint of Armies of Bloodstone (58/3rd). Tyrol

For further information see SFGR 2, p. 129. 215/500
The Iron Legion Common
209/500 Tyrol can be played at any time to negate an offensive
Ally unarmed combat card. He gains 2 levels if played with a
Common regent.
This ally instills fear in all opposing heroes, reducing their base
level to 0 during that round of combat. Hell Hound
This card is a reprint of The Iron Legion (59/3rd) with a clearer Ally
text. Common
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 129. The hell hound and all cards in this player's force are immune
to offensive spells.
210/500 This card is a reprint of Hell Hound (190/3rd) with an altered
Ally special power.
Common For further information see SFGR 2, p. 152.
When the Myrmidons are discarded, their player shuffles all
discards back into his draw pile. Skeletal Lord
This card is a reprint of Myrmidons (61/1st-3rd) with an altered Ally
text, but the same special power. Common
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 117 and SFGR 2, p. Undead. This ally strikes fear in all opposing champions
130. (except clerics), reducing their base level to 0.
After being used in battle, the Myrmidons are discarded like
any other ally. The entire discard pile, including the
Skeletal Minion
Myrmidons, is then shuffled back into the draw pile.
The Myrmidons' power is not triggered if the card is sent to 218/500
Limbo or the Abyss. Ally

Quarta Edição - Página 166

Undead. This ally and any other undead allies played with it Ashathra
cannot be forced to switch sides. 225/500
Treants of the Grandwood Common
219/500 This ally can be discarded at any time to discard one ally in
Ally play anywhere.
Common This card is a reprint of Ashathra (271/3rd) with an altered
The treants and all cards in this player's force are immune to special power.
all offensive wizard spells except fireball. For further information see SFGR 2, p. 164.

This card is a reprint of Treats of the Grandwood (195/1st-3rd) Liga BSW (fórum BSW): Pode ser descartada a qualquer
with an altered text, but the same special power. momento da mão, do poço (Gib Hcivonad) ou em batalha para
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 161. ter o seu poder.

Mogadisho's Horde Marches On Cúpula BSW 2016: o poder desta carta NÃO é considerado
220/500 carta-resposta.
Common Stug
If this card is on the losing side of a battle, all holdings of every 226/500
player are discarded. Ally
Assassins Elf. If on the losing side of a battle, Stug can rob a victorious
221/500 player of his spoils of victory by allowing a player not involved
Ally in the battle to draw spoils instead.
Halfling This card is a reprint of Stug (272/3rd) with the addition of the
If this card is on the losing side of the battle, it destroys one Blueline "Elf."
champion anywhere in play, chosen by this player. For further information see SFGR 2, p. 165.
Stug is an "avenging ally," which means his special power is
This card is a reprint of Assassins (252/1st-3rd) with an altered triggered upon defeat in battle to punish a victorious opponent.
special power. Stug's power allows the player, if defeated, to select another
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 180 and SFGR 2, p. player not involved in the battle to receive the spoils of victory,
158. if any. Stug's power is useless if there are no spoils of victory
One of the best of the "avenging allies" cards that exact as a result of the current round of battle, so Stug is best used
vengeance after a loss in battle. This card allows the player to by an attacking player who expects to lose the round.
choose one champion to be destroyed. Note that the champion The special power of this ally can be used only if Stug is
is destroyed, not defeated in battle. Therefore special powers present at the end of the battle; i.e. has not been discarded as
such as those of Iuz the Evil, Strand Von Zarovich, and Drizzt a result of card-play during the round of combat.
Do'Urden are not triggered. The special power of Stug is written specifically for a multi-
The power of the Assassins is triggered when the battle is player game; however, if Stug is used in a two-player game it
over, and the player has lost. prevents any drawing of spoils.
Stug appeared in 1st edition, but lacked a special power. In the
3rd edition, he gained the power shown above
Halfling Mercenaries
Common 227/500
This ally strips any existing artifact and magical items from an Ally
opponent but has no effect on those played after them. Common
This card is a reprint of Halfling Mercenaries (253/3rd) with an This ally can draw a card from the opposing player's draw pile,
altered text, but the same special power. playing it on this player's side if applicable or discarding it
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 159. otherwise.

This card is a reprint of Galek (274/3rd) with an altered text,

but the same special power.
223/500 For further information see SFGR 2, p. 165.
Ally When this ally is played during a round of combat, the player
Common using Galek draws a card from the opposing player's draw pile
If played with a Dark Sun champion, the gladiators remain with and plays it on his side of the battle, if applicable. If the card is
that champion until he is defeated or discarded. not one that can be played during a round of combat (such as
realm or a spell that cannot be cast in phase 4) or cannot be
This card is a reprint of Gladiators (257/3rd). used by the champion (such as an unarmed combat card with
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 160. a wizard), the drawn card is discarded. If an event is drawn it
may be played.
Rowan Galek appeared in 1st edition, but lacked a special power. In
224/500 the 3rd edition, the card gained the power shown above,
Ally although it was worded slightly differently.
Common Galek is a half-elf and is not affected by cards whose effects
Elf. Rowan can send one opposing ally or magical item to the target elves.
Silt Stalkers
This card is a reprint of Rowan (269/3rd). 228/500
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 164. Ally

Quarta Edição - Página 167

Elves. If on the losing side of a battle, all magical items in play Elven Archer
are shuffled back into their respective draw piles. 232/500
This card is a reprint of Silt Stalkers (279/3rd) with an altered Common
text, but the same special power. The elven archer's skill is such that it can instantly kill one
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 166. enemy ally of its choice.
An "avenging ally" with a twist, Silt Stalkers also affects the
card's player. Because of this power, Silt Stalkers is best used This card is a reprint of Elven Archer (322/3rd) with an altered
in a deck with few magical items. text, but the same special power.
The special power of this ally can be used only if Silt Stalkers For further information see SFGR 2, p. 176.
is present at the end of the round of battle; i.e. has not been While Elven Archer's level bonus (+3) is relatively low, its
discarded as a result of card-play during the round of combat. ability to destroy an opposing ally makes it a valuable card in
Silt Stalkers appeared in 1st edition, but without a special combat.
power. In the 3rd edition, the card gained the power shown Elven Archer's power may be used at any time during the
above. Only the 4th edition card indicates that the Silt Stalkers round of combat. Because the power is lost if Elven Archer is
are elves. Previous editions of the card are considered blueline discarded before the power is used, it is best to utilize the
elves. card's power immediately. Airship can be played against Elven
Archer as a counter-effect, discarding Elven Archer before its
Night Runners power can be used.
229/500 Elven Archer appeared in 1st edition, but lacked a special
Ally power. In the 3rd edition, the card gained the power shown
Common above, although it was worded slightly differently.
Elves. If on the winning side of a battle, this player can choose
one magical item, artifact, or rule card in play anywhere to be Marauder
discarded. 233/500
This card is a reprint of Night Runners (280/3rd). Common
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 166. This ally can be discarded at any time to negate a secondary
The special power of this ally can be used only if Night event (one that is played immediately after another event),
Runners is present at the end of the battle; i.e. has not been such as Calm following Cataclysm.
discarded as a result of card-play during the round of combat.
Night Runners appeared in 1st edition, but without a special This card is a reprint of Marauder (328/3rd) with a different
power. In the 3rd edition, the card gained the power shown special power.
above. Only the 3rd and 4th edition cards indicate that the For further information see SFGR 2, p. 177.
Night Runners are elves. Previous editions of the card are Marauder can be discarded at any time, including from the
considered blueline elves. hand, to negate a secondary event. Negating an event cancels
the event for all players.
Athasian Sloth A secondary event is either a duplicated event, as might arise
230/500 through the power of Bell of Might or Onad the Weasel, or an
Ally event whose play is dependent on a previous event, such as
Common Caravan Raiders following Caravan, Unusually Good Fortune
When played in battle, the opposing player must immediately following Good Fortune, or Calm following Cataclysm.
discard two cards from his hand. Marauder appeared in 1st edition and 2nd edition, but lacked a
special power. In the 3rd edition, the card gained the power to
Athasian Sloth is an excellent ally, with a high level bonus and negate an event, but only those created by using the Bell of
nasty special power. when played, Athasian Sloth forces the Might. The 4th edition expanded the cards power to negate all
opponent to discard two cards. the opponent decides which secondary events.
cards to discard.
This card appeared in 1st edition and was titled "Sloth." The Shaqat Beetles
1st and 2nd edition Sloth is a +1 ally with no special power. 234/500
The 3rd edition Sloth has a power similar to 4th edition, but the Ally
opposing player only discards one card. The card was Common
renamed "Athasian Sloth" in the 4th edition, its level bonus If defeated in battle, this ally attaches itself to the victorious
became +8, and its power was increased to force the opposing champion, reducing his base level by 1 for each beetle
player to discard two cards. attached. No limit per deck.

Wijon This card is a reprint of Shaqat Beetles (329/3rd) with a

231/500 different special power.
Ally For further information see SFGR 2, p. 177.
Common The Shaqat Beetles is an "avenging ally," meaning its power is
Dwarf. Wijon can double the level of one ally played after him triggered upon defeat in combat. Once Shaqat Beetles is
(choice need not be immediate). defeated, the card is difficult to remove from the attached
champion. Among the limited ways to remove the card are
This card is a reprint of Wijon (290/3rd) with the addition of the Wish, Airship (118/4th), and Gib Kcir.
Blueline "Dwarf." The Shaqat Beetles' special power can be used only if it is
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 169. present at the end of the battle; i.e. has not been discarded as
Wijon's power to double the level of one ally played into battle a result of card-play during the round of combat.
after him makes the card a good choice for decks that feature Shaqat Beetles appeared in 1st edition and 2nd edition without
many allies. Allies with high level bonuses, such as The Dream a special power. The 3rd edition of Shaqat Beetles is the most
Team, Gladiators, Flaming Fist, and Giant Troll, benefit most powerful. Like the 4th edition, it attaches itself to a victorious
when used with Wijon. opposing champion, but reduces the champion's base level to
Wijon appeared in 1st edition, but without a special power. In 1.
the 3rd edition, the card gained the power shown above. Only
the 4th edition card indicates that Wijon is a dwarf. Previous
editions of the card are blueline dwarf.

Quarta Edição - Página 168

Flesh Golem good edition to any deck. Brine Dragon's special power takes
235/500 effect upon being played, immediately discarding an opposing
Ally ally of the player's choice.
Common Brine Dragon's power can be avoided if the opponent plays
The flesh golem rips away magical items from the opposing Airship, which functions as a counter-effect for allies, or has a
champion; who must discard all attached magical items. The card that destroys allies, such as the Ankheg, provided that the
ally continues to rip away any more played. card is in play before the Brine Dragon is played and that its
power has not already been used. Likewise, if your opponent
This card is a reprint of Flesh Golem (73/RL) with an altered has the Stone Giant in his pool, its power to destroy an ally can
special power. be activated before Brine Dragon's power.
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 271 and SFRG 2, p. Brine Dragon first appeared in the Dragonlance booster set
197. (45/DL) with slightly different wording, allowing the Brine
Dragon's power to be used at any time during the round of
combat. By deferring use of the 1st edition Brine Dragon's
power, it can be used against an ally played after the Brine
236/500 Dragon. The 4th edition Brine Dragon's power can only be
Ally used against an ally already in play.
Werebeast. The opposing champion is automatically defeated
Flaming Fist
unless he has or can play a magical item.
This card is a reprint of Loup-Garou (79/RL) with an altered Ally
text, but the same special power. Common
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 273 and SFRG 2, p. After a round of combat is resolved when using this ally, the
197. losing player must immediately discard one magical item or
Loup-Garou is a powerful ally, despite its low level bonus. artifact from his pool or hand, or raze one of his realms.
When played, the opposing champion must have, or
immediately play, a magical item. Loup-Garou's power can be This card is a reprint of Flaming Fist (65/FR) with an altered
avoided if the opponent plays Airship, which functions as a text, but the same special power.
counter-effect for allies, or has a card that destroys allies, such For further information see SFGR 1, p. 346.
as the 1st edition Brine Dragon or Ankheg, provided that the Flaming Fist is a powerful ally &emdash; but a risky one.
card is in play before the Loup-Garou is played and that its Flaming Fist has a high level bonus and a strong special
power has not already been used. Likewise, if your opponent power. However, if the player does not win the round, Flaming
has the Stone Giant in his pool, its power to destroy an ally can Fist's power works against the player.
be activated before Loup-Garou's power. The special power of this ally can be used only if Flaming Fist
Loup-Garou can be used in many nasty combinations. The set is present at the end of the battle; i.e. has not been discarded
of combinations known as Peek's Loup-Garou Two-Step calls as a result of card-play during the round of combat.
for playing a card that destroys magical items prior to playing Flaming Fist first appeared in the Forgotten Realms booster
the Loup-Garou. These magical item-destroying cards include set.
the champions Midnight, Goddess of Magic, Kiara, Captain
Kazhal, Harkon Lukas; events Wind of Disenchantment, Sky Ninjas
Singers, Fast Talking!; and the realm Icewind Dale. 239/500
Flesh Golem is an excellent card to use with the Loup-Garou in Ally
combat, since it destroys magical items. If the Flesh Golem is Common
played first, the opponent may still play a magical item to When used in combat, this player can draw one card at
satisfy the Loup-Garou, but is discarded immediately after random from his opponent's hand, playing it against the
being played. opponent if possible, discarding it otherwise.
Playing Loup-Garou can backfire if the opponent plays a
magical item that causes the Loup-Garou to switch sides, such This card is a reprint of Ninjas (70/FR) with an altered text, but
as Shield of Wickedness or Amulet of the Beast. the same special power.
Loup-Garou first appeared in the Ravenloft booster set. For further information see SFGR 1, p. 347 and SFRG 2, p.
Card Combo (from zuse2@webtv.net): In battle, cast ESP, Ninjas have a low level bonus, but they make up for it with their
which requires that the cards played into battle by the special power. When played, a card is drawn at random from
opponent are played face down. If the player guesses the card the opponent's hand.
type, it is discarded. After ESP is in play, play a card that Ninjas first appeared in the Forgotten Realms booster set.
requires the opponent to play a certain type of card, such as
Melt Bone (requires the opponent play an ally), Loup-Garou Pseudodragon
(opponent must have or play a magical item), Ki-Rin (opponent 240/500
must have or play an ally). These cards make it rather easy to Ally
guess the next card to be played, ensuring it will be discarded Common
and the opponent will be defeated. Flyer
If played with a wizard, the pseudodragon becomes a familiar,
Brine Dragon remaining with the champion until he is defeated. No event,
237/500 magical item, spell, or ally's ability can cause it to switch sides
Ally or be discarded.
Swimmer. One enemy ally already played is swallowed by the This card is a reprint of Pseudodragon (74/FR) with an altered
brine dragon (this player's choice), instantly defeated. text, but the same special power.
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 349.
This card is a reprint of Brine Dragon (45/DL) with an altered Though Pseudodragon has a relatively low level bonus, it
text, but the same special power. remains with a victorious wizard champion until that wizard is
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 296 and SFRG 2, p. discarded. Pseudodragon cannot be discarded or forced to
198. switch sides by an event, magical item, spell, or ally power.
Brine Dragon's ability to discard an opposing ally, combined However, it can be discarded through other cards, including
with its fairly high level bonus and ability to swim, makes it a realms such as Urik.

Quarta Edição - Página 169

Pseudodragon first appeared in the Forgotten Realms booster realms, such as Kozakura, Spine of Taladas, Isle of Selasia,
set. and The Lendore Isles.
Mermaid first appeared in 4th edition.
241/500 The Dreaded Ghost
Ally 246/500
Common Ally
Flyer. Flying allies cannot be played against the roc and any Common
already in play must be discarded. Undead. This ally drains the adjusted level of an opposing
champion (except cleric) by 9; any that drop below 0 are
This card is a reprint of Roc (41/AR) with an altered text, but instantly defeated.
the same special power.
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 219. The Dreaded Ghost is one of the most powerful allies in the
The Roc is a powerful ally, with a high level bonus and an game. Its special power results in an instant win if the
excellent special power. Roc's ability to discard any flying allies opposing champion's adjusted level is 9 or less. Even if an
played before or after the Roc, gives the player protection instant win is not achieved, the Dreaded Ghost's effective level
against many powerful allies, such as bonus is +18, since it increases its champion's adjusted level
Roc is a good addition to a deck that features hard to attack by 9 and simultaneously reduces the opposing champion's
realms, such as Kozakura, Spine of Taladas, Isle of Selasia, adjusted level by 9.
Doc's Island, The Barrier Peaks, and Isle of Dread, that The Dreaded Ghost's special power does not work if the
encourage an opponent to play flying allies. opposing champion is a cleric, but the ally retains its +9 level
bonus. If after being played and having the opponent's level
Marilith, Tanar'ri reduced, the Ghost is discarded or otherwise removed from
242/500 the battle, the opponent's level remains at the reduced level.
Ally The Dreaded Ghost first appeared in 4th edition.
The opposing player cannot play any events for the rest of this Card Combo: If the ally Dreaded Ghost is brought into play as
round of battle, including Calm. a champion using Gib Hcivonad's power, and then the Wand
of Orcus is attached, opposing champions up to level 17 are
This card is a reprint of Marilith, Tanar'ri (52/AR). instantly defeated.
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 222.
Clay Golem
Thought Eater 247/500
243/500 Ally
Ally Common
Common The clay golem rips away allies from the opposing champion,
When this ally is played, the opposing champion can no longer who must discard any already played. The ally continues to rip
cast spells, and his allies' special powers are negated. away any more played.

This card is a reprint of Thought Eater (99/AR) with an altered Clay Golem is particularly effective if used in combination with
special power. Ki-Rin. Clay Golem is played first to remove any opposing
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 238. allies in play. Then Ki-Rin is played. If the opponent has no
more allies to play, the player is victorious. If the opponent can
play an another ally, he avoids immediate defeat, but the ally
Ogre Mage
played is immediately discarded.Clay Golem first appeared in
244/500 4th edition.
Giant. This ally can cast wizard spells.
Ogre Mage is a good ally for inclusion in a deck featuring Ally
wizard spells, since this ally can cast wizard spells, even if the Common
attached champion cannot. Because the Ogre Mage is not a The opposing champion is automatically defeated unless he
wizard, it is not affected by 1st edition Midnight, Goddess of has or can play an ally.
Magic. Furthermore, the Ogre Mage need not ask permission
to cast spells if the 4th edition Midnight, Goddess of Magic is in Ki-Rin is particularly effective if used in combination with Clay
play, since it is not the champion that is using the wizard spell, Golem. Clay Golem is played first to remove any opposing
but the Ogre Mage, an ally. allies in play. Then Ki-Rin is played. If the opponent has no
Because the Ogre Mage is a giant, it is well matched with the more allies to play, the player is victorious. If the opponent can
cleric Tyvorg the Frost Giant. Since Tyvorg's special power play an another ally, he avoids immediate defeat, but the ally
increases his base level by 10 for each giant ally played with played is immediately discarded.
him, Tyvorg's total level is 26 after the Ogre Mage is played. A good combination is to use Ki-Rin with the magical item Net
Ogre Mage first appeared in 4th edition. of Entrapment. The Net prohibits the play of allies, resulting in
an instant win. Similarly, if Ki-Rin is used to defend Urik, the
opponent is automatically defeated, since the attacker cannot
play allies.
245/500 Ki-Rin first appeared in 4th edition.
Common Card Combo (from zuse2@webtv.net): In battle, cast ESP,
Swimmer. This ally's level is doubled when defending a realm which requires that the cards played into battle by the
showing a coastline. opponent are played face down. If the player guesses the card
type, it is discarded. After ESP is in play, play a card that
The Mermaid's special power is activated whenever this ally is requires the opponent to play a certain type of card, such as
defending a coastal realm, resulting in level bonus of +8. Melt Bone (requires the opponent play an ally), Loup-Garou
Mermaid is a great addition to a deck with many coastal (opponent must have or play a magical item), Ki-Rin (opponent
must have or play an ally). These cards make it rather easy to

Quarta Edição - Página 170

guess the next card to be played, ensuring it will be discarded Elf (drow). If defending a realm, Drizzt must be defeated twice
and the opponent will be defeated. in one battle before he is discarded.

Troll This card is a reprint of Drizzt Do'Urden (45/1st-3rd) with an

249/500 altered text, but the same special power.
Ally For further information see SFRG 1, p. 111 and SFGR 2, p.
Common 127.
All attacks targeting a specific ally in a player's force must first Drizzt's special power makes him a very effective defender.
target the troll. This ally regenerates, however, and it cannot Because this power activates upon defeat in battle, the power
be discarded by any means unless its champion is defeated. is negated by the Ring of Reversion and Thought Eater.
The Sphere of Annihilation's power works on Drizzt, sending
During combat, any opposing cards that target a specific ally him immediately to the Abyss.
must first target the Troll. This includes cards such as Airship
and Shield of Wickedness. The Troll's power to act as a The Harpers
lightning rod for all allies in a player's force makes the card a 254/500
good choice for decks that feature many allies. Hero
Any cards that target allies must first target the Troll. It is 6
essentially immune to all attacks, since it can regenerate. Wish Forgotten Realms
has no effect on the Troll or any other allies in the force with Common
the Troll, but Wish would be effective against the Troll's The Harpers can cast either wizard or cleric spells, but at the
champion. similarly, Blamblower discards the Troll, but it beginning of each battle this champion is in, their player must
regenerates, satisfying the Blamblower but remaining in play. choose which type will be cast.
Cards that prevent allies from being played, such as Net of
Entrapment and Clay Golem, are not affected by the Troll's This card is a reprint of The Harpers (51/1st-3rd) with an
power and continue to function normally. Because these cards altered text, but the same special power.
prevent allies from being played, the Troll cannot regenerate For further information see SFGR 1, p. 113.
and is discarded. The Harpers may cast any type of spell (wizard or cleric)
The Troll first appeared in the 4th edition. except during battle, at which time the player must select only
one type of spell to cast.
250/500 Helm
Ally 255/500
Common Hero
Swimmer. The selkie can charm the opposing champion into 6
discarding one card in its force (chosen by that player). Forgotten Realms
Selkie has a relatively low level bonus, but an interesting Helm can cast wizard and cleric spells. He can be discarded
special power. Selkie forces the opponent to discard one card from his pool to cancel one event, whether helpful or harmful.
in its force. The wording on the card indicates that it is the
champion that does the discarding, therefore Selkie's power This card is a reprint of Helm (89/FR) with an altered text, but
cannot be used to discard the opposing champion, just an the same special power and a new picture.
attached card. The opposing player selects which card is For further information see SFGR 1, p. 354 and SFRG 2, p.
discarded. 203.
Because the opponent chooses which card is discarded,
Selkie is best used early in the combat round, when the Thorvid
opposing player has few choices as to which card to discard. If 256/500
Selkie is played before the opposing champion has any Hero
attached cards, its power is activated once the opponent adds 5
a card to his force. Greyhawk
The Selkie first appeared in the 4th edition. Common
Thorvid gains 3 levels when fighting monsters, undead, or
Rust Monster flyers.
Ally This card is a reprint of Thorvid (185/1st-3rd).
Common For further information see SFGR 1, p. 158.
Underdark. This ally devours all magical items of +3 or less.
The items are discarded instantly, and any more such played Hettman Tsurin
are also devoured. 257/500
Displacer Beast 2
252/500 Greyhawk
Ally Common
Common At the end of this player's turn, if Hettman hasn't attacked, this
This ally can use its displacement power once during a battle, player can randomly draw one card from another player's hand
sending both champions back to their respective pools. Only and discard it.
the displacer beast remains. Combat can continue with each
player selecting new champions. This card is a reprint of Hettman Tsurin (172/1st-3rd) with an
altered text, but the same special power.
Drizzt Do'Urden For further information see SFGR 1, p. 154.
Hero Tyrinon
8 258/500
Forgotten Realms Hero
Common 5

Quarta Edição - Página 171

Greyhawk Stone Giant
Common 264/500
Flyer. Tyrinon's allies all become flyers. They are strengthened Monster
by his presence, and each gains 2 levels. 6
Forgotten Realms
This card is a reprint of Tyrinon (176/3rd) with the addition of Common
the Blueline "Flyer." If in a player's pool, the stone giant may destroy one enemy
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 150. ally of level 4 of less during each round of combat.

Rikus This card is a reprint of Stone Giant (82/FR) with an altered

259/500 text, but the same special power.
Hero For further information see SFGR 1, p. 351.
Dark Sun Lich Conclave
Common 265/500
Rikus can attack twice a turn, provided he wins his first round Monster
of combat. 5
This card is a reprint of Rikus (258/1st-3rd) with an altered text, Common
but the same special power. Undead. The Conclave can cast wizard spells, and all allies
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 182 and SFRG 2, p. played with it become undead.
This card is a reprint of Lich Conclave (155/3rd) with an lesser
Captain Kazhal special power.
260/500 For further information see SFGR 2, p. 146.
9 Winged Horror
Dark Sun 266/500
Common Monster
The Captain destroys one magical item held by the opposing 5
champion at any time during the battle. Greyhawk
This card is a reprint of Captain Kazhal (299/1st-3rd) with an Dragon; undead; flyer. Any magical item weapons attached to
altered text, but the same special power. the Horror are doubled in level. This monster can use unarmed
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 169. combat cards usable by dragons.

Neeva This card is a reprint of Winged Horror (194/3rd) with added

261/500 special powers.
Hero For further information see SFGR 2, p. 153.
Dark Sun Mature Gold Dragon
Common 267/500
Flyer. If defending a Dark Sun realm, Neeva's base level is Monster
doubled. 8
This card is a reprint of Neeva (259/3rd) with an altered text, Common
but the same special power. Flyer. Goldie can cast wizard spells and use unarmed combat
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 161. cards usable only by dragons. She gains 4 levels if her
younger self is in play anywhere.
262/500 Borys the Dragon
Monster 268/500
7 Monster
Forgotten Realms 9
Common Dark Sun
Flyer. Allies played with this champion each gain 2 levels. The Common
pereghost can use unarmed combat cards usable by dragons. Flyer. Borys can cast wizard and cleric spells and use psionic
power cards. He is immune to psionic attack.
This card is a reprint of The Pereghost (48/1st-3rd) with an
added same special power. This card is a reprint of Borys the Dragon (305/3rd) with an
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 112. altered text, but the same special power.
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 172.
263/500 Athasian Cistern Fiend
Monster 269/500
6 Monster
Forgotten Realms This hideous monster devours points' worth of allies up to its
Common base level, and it is immune to offensive psionic power cards.
Dragon; undead; flyer. The dracolich can cast wizard spells
and use unarmed combat cards usable by dragons.
Korgunard the Avangion
This card is a reprint of Dracolich (72/1st-3rd) with added 270/500
special powers. Monster
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 120. 8

Quarta Edição - Página 172

Dark Sun For further information see SFGR 2, p. 148.
Common Mordenkainen's special power refers to removal of magical
Flyers. Korgunard can cast wizard spells and is immune to items against the player's will. Magical items whose power is
psionic attack. He can be discarded from his pool to rebuild a triggered by voluntarily discarding the item, such as
razed realm. Blamblower and Well of Many Worlds are still discarded and
used normally.
This card is a reprint of Korgunard the Avangion (75/AR) with
an altered text, but the same special power. Drawmij
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 230. 276/500
Elminster the Mage 7
271/500 Greyhawk
Wizard Common
9 Swimmer. In battle, Drawmij can borrow any magical item in
Forgotten Realms play, returning it when the round ends. He can also imitate the
Common power of any wizard in play.
The renowned wizards is immune to offensive spells and
offensive psionic power cards. This card is a reprint of Drawmij (76/AR) with an altered text,
but the same special power.
This card is a reprint of Elminster the Mage (44/1st-3rd) with For further information see SFGR 2, p. 230.
an added special power.
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 111. Sadira
Vangerdahast Wizard
Wizard 4
272/500 Dark Sun
6 Common
Forgotten Realms Sadira can use psionic power cards. Psionicists must ask her
Common permission to use psionic power cards.
When Vangie is played in defense of a realm, his player may
immediately look at the attacker's hand. This card is a reprint of Sadira (260/3rd) with an altered text,
but the same special power.
This card is a reprint of Vangerdahast (91/FR) with an altered For further information see SFGR 2, p. 161.
text, but the same special power.
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 354. Rogue Defiler of Tyr
Ambassador Carrague Wizard
273/500 6
Wizard Dark Sun
7 Common
Forgotten Realms Each time the Defiler casts a spell during combat, her player
Common discards one card from his hand and draws a replacement
The Ambassador can only defend, never attack. When he card from his draw pile.
needs a card, draw a card and play it, if appropriate, discarding
it if not. Once three cards have been discarded, no more can This card is a reprint of Rogue Defiler of Tyr (303/3rd) with an
be drawn for that battle. altered text, but the same special power.
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 171.
This card is a reprint of Ambassador Carrague (88/FR) with an
altered text, but the same special power. Kalid-na
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 353. 279/500
Mika the Nomad Wolf 9
274/500 Dark Sun
Wizard Rare
7 The ancient sorcerer-king can use psionic powers cards and is
Greyhawk immune to psionic attack. While he is in play, the realm
Common Ancient Kalidnay may not be played.
Mika gains 3 levels when the opponent uses allies against him.
He can also use hero unarmed combat cards. While Kalid-na is in play, Ancient Kalidnay may not be played.
If Tyranthraxus (which removes Kalid-na's special power) is
This card is a reprint of Mika the Wolf-Nomad (165/1st-3rd) played on Kalid-na, Ancient Kalidnay may be played. Ancient
with an added special power. Kalidnay remains in play if Tyranthraxus is later negated.
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 151.
Mordenkainen 280/500
275/500 Cleric
Wizard 3
7 Forgotten Realms
Greyhawk Common
Common If Amarill is defeated in combat, his player can retrieve one
Any magical item attached to Mordenkainen cannot be champion from his discard pile and return it to his hand.
removed by any means.
This card is a reprint of Amarill (77/1st-3rd) with an altered text,
This card is a reprint of Mordenkainen (162/3rd). but the same special power.

Quarta Edição - Página 173

For further information see SFGR 1, p. 122. Common
This champion negates the special powers (but not the level)
Clerics of Malar of all cards played against her.
Cleric This card is a reprint of Shayira (270/3rd) with an altered text,
4 but the same special power.
Forgotten Realms For further information see SFGR 2, p. 164.
This champion gains 2 levels when attacking realms outside Elemental Cleric
the Forgotten Realms. They can use unarmed combat cards 287/500
usable by heroes. Cleric
This card is a reprint of Cleric of Malar (89/1st-3rd) with an Dark Sun
added special power. Common
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 126. Immune to offensive wizard spells, the elemental cleric can
also cast any wizard spells containing the words earth, air, fire,
Adon or water.
Cleric This card is a reprint of Elemental Cleric (321/1st-3rd) with an
5 added special power.
Forgotten Realms For further information see SFGR 1, p. 203.
Adon is immune to offensive spells, offensive magical items, Klik-Ka'Cha
and artifacts. If Midnight is in play, Adon gains 5 levels. 288/500
This card is a reprint of Adon (84/FR) with an altered text, but 7
the same special power. Dark Sun
For further information see SFGR 1, p. 352. Common
When Klik enters combat as a defender, he can destroy one
Sysania magical item in play anywhere. He can use hero unarmed
283/500 combat cards.
4 This card is a reprint of Klik-Ka'cha (77/AR) with an added
Greyhawk special power.
Common For further information see SFGR 2, p. 231.
Flyer. Sysania confers the ability to fly on all allies played with
her. She can use unarmed combat cards usable by dragons. Photed
This card is a reprint of Sysania (170/3rd) with an added Hero
special power. 7
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 149. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Nenioc Orc; adventurer. When Photed is in a pool with one or more
284/500 other adventurers, each adventurer gains 1 to his base level.
5 Sharla
Greyhawk 290/500
Common Wizard
Nenioc may be sacrificed to bring out an avatar, but she is 5
shuffled back into her player's draw pile rather than discarded. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
This card is a reprint of Nenioc (187/3rd). Elf; adventurer. When Sharla is in a pool with three or more
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 151. other adventurers, each adventurer becomes immune to
Nenioc can be used to bring any avatar into play, regardless of offensive wizard spells.
the avatar's requirements.
Arch-Druid 291/500
285/500 Cleric
Cleric 8
4 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Greyhawk Common
Rare Elf; adventurer. When Migrane is in a pool with three or more
All other clerics must ask the Arch-Druid for permission to cast adventurers, each adventurer becomes immune to offensive
spells. While the Arch-Druid is in play, no avatars may be cleric spells.
This card is a reprint of Arch-Druid (189/3rd). 292/500
For further information see SFGR 2, p. 152. Hero
Shayira Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
286/500 Common
Cleric Adventurer. When Vitralis is in a pool with two or more other
3 adventurers, each adventurer gains a +3 ally whether attacking
Dark Sun or defending.

Quarta Edição - Página 174

Larn Topaz
293/500 300/500
Wizard Wizard
4 9
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Greyhawk
Common Common
Elf; adventurer. When Larn is in a pool with two or more other Topaz can come to the aid of her sisters, Diamond and
adventurers, all phase 4 spells cast by an adventurer are Emerald, and act as an ally. Win or lose, she returns to her
doubled in level. pool with all of her attached cards.

Livekor Ruby
294/500 Hero
Monster 301/500
9 4
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Dragonlance
Common Common
Dragon; flyer; adventurer. Livekor can cast cleric spells. When Ruby can put one hero unarmed combat card beneath her in
he is in a pool with five or more other adventurers, all monsters the pool. She can use the card during her own combat, or she
in that pool can become heroes at the start of this player's turn. can play the card for her sisters, Jacinth and Amethyst, when
they are in combat.
295/500 Unarmed combat cards can be placed under Ruby during
Hero phase 3.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Jacinth
Common 302/500
Adventurer. When Shayla is in a pool with four or more other Hero
adventurers, all adventurers in that pool are immune to 6
offensive magical items. Dragonlance
Ssilcroth Jacinth can put two hero unarmed combat cards beneath her
296/500 in the pool. She can use the cards during her own combat, or
Monster she can play them for her sisters, Ruby and Amethyst, when
5 they are in combat.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Unarmed combat cards can be placed under Jacinth during
Common phase 3.
Adventurer. When Ssilcroth is in a pool with four or more other
adventurers, allies cannot be used to defend against an attack Amethyst
by this player's adventurers. 303/500
Rumples 8
297/500 Dragonlance
Wizard Common
8 Amethyst can use any unarmed combat cards and can put two
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons such cards beneath her in the pool. She can use the cards
Common during her own combat, or she can play them for her sisters,
Gnome; adventurer. When Rumples is in a pool with five or Ruby and Jacinth, when they are in combat.
more other adventurers, this player may deflect harmful events
targeting him at any other player. Unarmed combat cards can be placed under Amethyst during
phase 3.
Any harmful event targeting the player's hand, pool, formation,
discard pile, Abyss, or Void may be deflected. Pearl
Diamond Cleric
298/500 3
Wizard Ravenloft
3 Common
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Pearl can bless all allies played with her or her sisters, Amber
Greyhawk and Aquamarina, giving each ally a +2 bonus.
Diamond can come to the aid of her sisters, Emerald and
Topaz, and can act as an ally. Win or lose, she is discarded. Amber
Emerald Cleric
299/500 5
Wizard Ravenloft
6 Common
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Amber can magically enhance all magical items held by her or
Greyhawk her sisters, Pearl and Aquamarina, giving each item a +2
Emerald can come to the aid of her sisters, Diamond and bonus.
Topaz, and act as an ally. Win or lose, she returns to her pool
minus any attached cards. Aquamarina

Quarta Edição - Página 175

7 Giant; swimmer. Neranal has a pet shark as a +4 swimming
Ravenloft ally that devours (discards) the first swimming ally played
Common against this champion.
Swimmer. An artifact attached to Aquamarina also functions
for her sisters, Pearl and Amber. Gloaranor
Cyclops Cleric
307/500 6
Monster Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
7 Common
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Giant. Gloaranor can attack any realm showing trees,
Common regardless of position or special powers.
Giant. The cyclops gains 2 levels for each magical item
attached to him. Moralin
Ettin Cleric
308/500 7
Monster Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
5 Common
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Giant. When Moralin attacks, any allies the defender wishes to
Rare use during that round of combat must be shown to this player.
Giant. Being of two minds, the ettin may have two AD&D Only those allies may be played.
artifacts attached to him.
Borin Moradinson
Formorian Giant 316/500
309/500 Cleric
Monster 5
6 Forgotten Realms
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Common
Common Dwarf. Claiming to be an offspring of the god Moradin, Borin
The formorian is so repulsive that no allies can be played in can never be discarded through combat if the avatar is in play.
combat against him. If defeated, he merely returns to his pool with his attachments.

Fire Giant Mallin Dimmerswill

310/500 317/500
Monster Cleric
8 6
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms
Common Common
This giant gains an additional 4 levels when fighting swimming Dwarf. This champion gains 3 levels against all Underdark
champions. monsters and can use hero unarmed combat cards.

Yumac the Cold Arden Glimrock

311/500 318/500
Wizard Cleric
7 8
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms
Rare Common
Giant. A master of elemental magical, all spells cast during Dwarf. No drow can stand against this mighty leader; drow
phase 3 that affect champions "of X level or less" have that allies are instantly killed, and drow champions return to their
level increased by 2. pools, defeated.

Pellgrade the Inexorable Drider

312/500 319/500
Wizard Monster
9 4
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms
Common Common
Giant; flyer; swimmer. During battle, Pellgrade can cast a +7 Underdark. This nasty monster can use offensive blood
lightning bolt offensive spell that destroys one of his abilities and is immune to offensive hero unarmed combat
opponent's magical items or artifact. cards.

Card Combo (from bluntaxe@GATEWAY.NET): If the Eye Tyrant

Spellbook is attached to Pellgrade, he can store his lightning 320/500
bolt spell, having two for the next battle, and then three for the Monster
battle after that. 6
Forgotten Realms
Neranal Common
313/500 Underdark. This beholder can cast wizard spells and is
Cleric immune to offensive magical items.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Roper
Common 321/500

Quarta Edição - Página 176

Monster Giant. Allies flock to Funerea's side, abandoning their
9 champion to join her.
Forgotten Realms
Common Salurana
Underdark. Only offensive spells and magical items that have Psionicist
the word "fire" in their title have any effect on this monster. It is 3
immune to psionic attack. Dragonlance
Malleyahl 328/500
322/500 Elf (drow). Salurana psionically polymorphs all allies played
Hero with her, changing them to elves or drow, as desired. (Def/4)
Forgotten Realms Jella
Common 329/500
Elf (drow). Malleyahl gains 3 levels when defending an Psionicist
Underdark realm and can use offensive psionic power cards. 5
Malaruat Common
323/500 Jella can Raise Object, lifting a magical item away from a
Hero champion in an opponent's pool and discarding it during phase
6 3. (Off)
Forgotten Realms
Common Myalasia
Elf (drow). Malaruat can corrupt a monster in the pool of a 330/500
player not involved in the current combat to act in his stead. Psionicist
That player must provide the champion, but this player may 3
only use the cards in his own hand. Dragonlance
Malaruat can select a monster in the pool of a player not Dwarf. During combat, Myalasia can Locate Object, randomly
involved in combat to take his place. This means Malaruat's drawing one card from the opposing player and discard it. (Off)
power is only usable in multi-player games. After selecting a
monster and replacing Malaruat in combat, the player
continues the battle using his own hand.
If victorious, only Malaruat's player receives spoils, not the 331/500
player who contributed the substitute champion. If defeated, Psionicist
only the substitute champion, not Malaruat, is discarded. 6
If the Throne of the Drow is attached to Malaruat, another Dark Sun
champion can be selected to attack a champion in an Common
opponent's pool. Kit'Kit'Kin has a Fortress of Iron Will in effect at all times unless
she drops to level 0; while the fortress is in effect, she is
immune to psionic attack. (Def)
8 332/500
Forgotten Realms Psionicist
Common 5
Elf (drow). Maleficent can cast wizard spells and use blood Dark Sun
abilities. She commands such power that one avatar not Common
involved in combat must aid her in any way its special powers Dwarf (mul). This dwarf's focus is undead, and her hatred is so
can. intense that she doubles her base level whenever in battle with
Hero 333/500
4 Psionicist
Forgotten Realms 7
Common Dark Sun
Allies are sympathetic to Isika; those played with her gain 2 Common
levels and those played against her lose 2 levels. Flyer. Minerva has Danger Sense. If she is about to lose a
battle, she can retreat back to her pool, though the battle is still
lost. (Def)
3 334/500
Dark Sun Hero
Common 5
Elf. Merika can use blood abilities. Forgotten Realms
Islerik is immune to offensive magical items. When defending,
he can reflect the special power of the attacking champion,
327/500 causing it to affect the attacker.
8 When defending, Islerik is immune to the attacking champion's
Dark Sun special power. He reflects (uses) the opponent's special

Quarta Edição - Página 177

power. Champions with instant defeat powers, such as Living The borrowed champion is discarded after combat as with any
Wall, are themselves defeated instantly when Islerik is ally, despite the wording on the card, which seems to infer that
defending against them. Living Scroll is also instantly defeated. borrowed champion is only discarded if Kai'Rik'Tik is defeated.
If Islerik is defending against Lady of Fate, Avatar of Istus, the A careful reading of the card gives no indication as to what
attacker does not need to discard two cards, since the Lady of happens if Kai'Rik'Tik wins. Absent specific directions on the
Fate's power is optional. card, borrowed champions used as allies are discarded.
Islerk's power makes him a great addition to defense-oriented
decks or speed decks. Talcon
Merik Psionicist
335/500 4
Hero Dark Sun
4 Rare
Dark Sun Dwarf (mul). If defeated in combat, Talcon can psionically Fate
Common Link to bring another champion from any pool to the discard
Elf. Merik can cast cleric spells. He can pass through the earth pile with him. (Off)
at will, allowing him and his allies to earthwalk.
Talcon's power will not work on his opponent, since the
Pyre opponent is not in a pool.
Hero Minervan
7 342/500
Dark Sun Psionicist
Common 9
Giant. Pyre can cast wizard spells. He gains 7 levels when in Dark Sun
combat with nonspellcasting champions. Common
Flyer. Minervan's Flesh Armor power adds 4 to his base level
Ansalong when attacking or defending. (Def)
Psionicist Apocalypse
2 343/500
Dragonlance Monster
Common 7
Elf (drow). Ansalong negates the special powers of all Birthright
offensive cards attached to an opposing champion. Common
Awnshegh; flyer. Apocalypse can cast wizard spells and use
Jarek Halvs blood abilities. It automatically defeats a realm champion.
Psionicist The Harpy
6 344/500
Dragonlance Regent
Common 5
During combat, Jarek can psionically Reverse Gravity, causing Birthright
all opposing flyers to become nonflyers and nonflyers to Common
become flyers. (Off) Awnshegh; flyer. The Harpy can cast wizard spells. No flying
allies can be played against this champion.
Because of his pointed ears this card should be bluelined
being an Elf (IMO - Sascha) The Magian
Moraster Regent
339/500 9
Psionicist Birthright
3 Rare
Dragonlance Awnshegh; undead. The Magian can cast wizard and cleric
Common spells. He and his allies are immune to the special powers of
Dwarf. If this player chooses not to attack on his turn, Moraster opposing realms and holdings.
can use his Create Object power to search though the draw The special powers of realms include restrictions, such as that
pile for any magical item and place it on the top of his deck. the realm can only be attacked by flyers or swimmers. The
(Def) Magian can ignore such restrictions.

Kai'Rik'Tik Serpent
340/500 346/500
Psionicist Regent
8 6
Dark Sun Birthright
Common Common
This thri-kreen can psionically Summon Planar Creature to use Awnshegh. The Serpent can cast cleric spells. In battle, it can
a monster champion from any pool as an ally. If Kai'Rik'Rik is turn into a giant constrictor snake (monster, base level 12), but
defeated, the monster is discarded. (Off) can no longer cast cleric spells.

Kai'Rik'Tik's power allows it to use another champion as an Chernevik

ally, utilizing that champion's level, special powers, and 347/500
attached cards. Regent

Quarta Edição - Página 178

8 Arlando cannot use his power until battle has begun (i.e. both
Birthright an attacker and defender have been selected.) The card draw
Common by using Arlando is not considered Spoils of Victory.
Chernevik can cast cleric spells. He can employ his Iron Will
blood ability to resist being removed from his pool for any The Ancient Dead
reason. 352/500
It would seem that Chernevik is discarded if a player has no 7
realm in play, since there can be no pool in that situation, Ravenloft
however, the Spellfire Oracle has ruled otherwise. Even if a Common
player has no realms in play and therefore has no pool, Undead. This monster's touch causes mummy rot,
Chernevik is not discarded. permanently subtracting its base level from the base level of
While the card states Chernevik's power is a blood ability, any champion who defeats it.
cards that negate blood ability cards, such as Dispel, do not
stop Chernevik's special power.
Madman Enraged
Cúpula BSW 2008: Caso receba o efeito de uma Con Game 353/500
(82/100 DU), Chernevik vai para a pilha a ser dividida e caso Hero
esteja no lado a ser descartado ele voltará ao seu poço e não 5
será descartado. Cartas anexas a ele vão para o descarte Ravenloft
normalmente. Ele não sai do poço mesmo se não houver Common
reinos na formação. Undead. During combat, this ghoul goes into a berserk rage
and destroys one of the opposing player's holdings (this
Cúpula BSW 2011: player's choice).
Wish (384/4ª ed) pode descartar qualquer carta independente
de imunidades e poderes especiais, incluindo Chernevik. Ting Ling
Excetua-se à regra a imunidade declarada à carta Wish. 354/500
O descarte voluntário de Chernevik (347/4ª ed) ou de qualquer 8
outra é possível para a ativação do poder especial da própria Ravenloft
carta ou de uma outra que aquele jogador possua ou controle. Common
Flyer. Ting Ling can use blood abilities. He confers the power
Cidre Bint Corina to fly on his allies, allowing them to attack with him.
Regent The Death Ship
4 355/500
Birthright Monster
Common 4
Elf. When attacking a realm showing trees, Cidre's allies Ravenloft
cannot be forced to switch sides or discarded for any reason. Common
Undead; swimmer. This inanimate object is the home of evil
Adan El-Mesir spirits. Only swimming allies may be played against this
349/500 champion.
5 The Lesser Mummy
Birthright 356/500
Common Cleric
Adan is charismatic and used to the burdens of command. Any 3
allies played with him gain 2 levels and are immune to Ravenloft
offensive spells. Common
Undead. This apparition drains 3 levels from the attacking
Rahil the Falcon champion, adding them to itself. Lycanthropes fear it, and no
350/500 werecreature will attack it.
7 If a werecreature attacks and the Lesser Mummy defends,
Birthright both champions return to their pools and the battle is over. If
Common the Lesser Mummy attacks and a werecreature defends, the
Rahil can cast wizard spells. He can employ his Blood History round continues normally, since the werecreature is defending,
ability to look at the top five cards on any opponent's draw pile. not attacking.

Rahil's Blood History ability is used in phase 3 of the player's Bride of Malice
turn. 357/500
Arlando El-Adaba 9
351/500 Ravenloft
Regent Common
8 Undead (vampire). This wizard is immune to psionic attack and
Birthright offensive unarmed combat cards. She can use blood abilities
Common and unarmed combat cards usable by dragons.
Arlando is a master diplomat. He can be discarded to end a
battle between any two players. Champions return to their The Vulture of the Core
pools without declaring a winner. No further attacks this turn 358/500
are allowed. This player gets to draw a card. Monster

Quarta Edição - Página 179

Ravenloft Common
Common The level bonus increases to +5 if cast by a level 7 or 8
Flyer. When defending a Ravenloft realm, the vulture can opt champion or to +9 if cast by a champion of level 9 or higher.
to draw five cards from his draw pile. He can use only those (Off/4)
cards for the battle, and all are discarded at the end of the
round. This card is a reprint of Magic Missile (334/3rd).
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 177.
Fleeing Adventurers
359/500 Wall of Fire
Hero 366/500
3 Wizard Spell
Ravenloft Common
Common Only flyers can attack across the wall. (Off/4)
If defeated by a psionicist or regent, this champion can flee
back to its pool rather than being discarded. This card is a reprint of Wall of Fire (335/1st-3rd).
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 208.
The Bog Monster
Monster Wall of Force
360/500 367/500
8 Wizard Spell
Ravenloft Common
Common Only earthwalkers can attack across the wall. (Def/4)
Four allies must be played against this champion before any of
their powers or levels take effect. Once four are played, the This card is a reprint of Wall of Force (338/1st-3rd) with an
result is totaled and applied. altered special power.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 209.
361/500 Cone of Cold
Wizard Spell 368/500
Common Wizard Spell
This player's champions and allies put forward in battle Common
become flyers for this turn. (Def/3/4) Destroys one artifact, chosen by the caster. If cast during
phase 3, the caster does not receive a level bonus. (Off/3/4)
This card is a reprint of Flight (211/3rd).
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 155. This card is a reprint of Cone of Cold (340/3rd) with an added
special power.
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 178.
362/500 Crushing Fist
Wizard Spell 369/500
Uncommon Wizard Spell
The caster can choose to become any other type of champion Common
(cleric, hero, regent, etc.) until the end of this players turn. The crushing fist adds 4 levels or destroys one magical item,
(Def/3/4) chosen by the caster. (Off/4)

This card is a reprint of Shapechange (212/3rd) with an altered This card is a reprint of Crushing Fist (344/1st-3rd).
text, but the same special power. For further information see SFRG 1, p. 211.
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 156.
Dispel Magic
Fireball Wizard Spell
363/500 370/500
Wizard Spell Common
Common Can be cast at any time to cancel the effects of a just-cast
Destroys immediately all opposing allies of level 4 or less. spell or to cancel an existing spell. (Def)
This card is a reprint of Dispel Magic (346/3rd).
This card is a reprint of Fireball (331/1st-3rd) with an reversed For further information see SFRG 2, p. 179.
picture and the additional +4 level. Dispel Magic cancels the effect of any spell, offensive or
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 207. defensive, including another Dispel Magic spell. The 3rd
edition rules make it clear that Dispel Magic, Spell Turning,
Lightning Bolt and Reflection may be cast at any time to dispel or turn a just-
364/500 cast spell. A player must have a champion in the pool or in
Wizard Spell battle capable of casting the spell and must specify which
Common champion is casting the spell.
Immediately destroys one opposing ally of level 4 or less, or
one magical item, of the caster's choice. (Off/4) Wall of Fog
This card is a reprint of Lightning Bolt (332/1st-3rd). Wizard Spell
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 207. Common
No attacks are allowed against any player until this player's
Magic Missile next turn. (Off/3)
Wizard Spell This card is a reprint of Wall of Fog (371/1st-3rd) with an
altered text, but the same special power.

Quarta Edição - Página 180

For further information see SFRG 1, p. 220. Wizard Spell
Fear Can be cast at any time to negate the special power of an
372/500 attacking champion before his power can activate. (Off)
Wizard Spell
Common Spell Turning
Attach to any enemy champion in a pool; that champion cannot 379/500
attack or defend until the fear is dispelled. (Off/3) Wizard Spell
This card is a reprint of Fear (348/1st-3rd) with an altered text, Can be cast at any time to turn a just-cast offensive spell back
but the same special power. upon its caster as if the original target had cast it. (Def)
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 212.
This card is a reprint of Spell Turning (398/3rd) with an altered
Blink text, but the same special power.
373/500 For further information see SFRG 2, p. 183.
Wizard Spell Spell Turning turns an offensive spell back against its caster.
Common Spell Turning must be played immediately after the spell being
A champion who is about to lose a round of battle, escapes to turned, although events may be played between the original
the player's pool but the round is still lost. (Def/4) spell and Spell Turning. The 3rd edition rules make it clear that
Dispel Magic, Spell Turning, and Reflection may be cast at any
This card is a reprint of Blink (374/1st-3rd) with an altered text, time to dispel or turn a just-cast spell. A player must have a
but the same special power. champion in the pool or in battle capable of casting the spell
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 221. and must specify which champion is casting the spell.

Charm Monster Power Word, Silence

374/500 380/500
Wizard Spell Wizard Spell
Common Common
An opposing monster returns to its pool; the caster wins this The opposing champion cannot cast spells for this round of
round of battle. (Off/4) combat. (Off/4)

This card is a reprint of Charm Monster (376/1st-3rd). Note Death Link

that there is another Charm Monster (76/DL) with another 381/500
power. Wizard Spell
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 222. Uncommon
If the casting champion is defeated, the opposing champion is
Black Tentacles also discarded. (Def/4)
Wizard Spell Limited Wish
Common 382/500
All champions of level 4 or less die, regardless of whether they Wizard Spell
are in battle or in pools. (Off/3/4) Uncommon
This spell can be cast at any time to negate the effects of any
This card is a reprint of Black Tentacles (378/1st-2nd). Black event card. (Def)
Tentacles (378/3rd) kills all champions of base level 4 or less.
Note that this card contains a typo: the number is "375 of 400," This card is a reprint of Limited Wish (43/FR) with an altered
but should be "375 of 500." text, but the same special power.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 222. For further information see SFRG 1, p. 338 and SFRG 2, p.
Death Fog Limited Wish can be cast at any time. This means that during a
376/500 battle, champions in a pool can cast the spell.
Wizard Spell
Common Time Stop
Kills all champions of level 5 or less in one player's pool and 383/500
prevents survivors from attacking until after that player's next Wizard Spell
turn. (Off/3) Uncommon
Take any one wizard spell from your draw pile and play it
This card is a reprint of Death Fog (391/1st-3rd). immediately. Then, reshuffle the draw pile. (Def/3/4/5)
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 227.
This card is a reprint of Time Stop (44/FR) with an altered text,
Death Spell but the same special power.
377/500 For further information see SFRG 1, p. 339. Time Stop You
Wizard Spell may not "Time Stop" to successfully counter a instant kill card.
Uncommon A successful counter requires that the next card played stop
Kills any one champion or ally of the caster's choosing of level the instant kill. Since "Time Stop", itself, doesn't counter, the
7 or less. (Off/3/4) instant kill activates before the next card can be played.

This card is a reprint of Death Spell (392/1st-3rd). Wish

For further information see SFRG 1, p. 227 and SFRG 2, p. 384/500
183. Wizard Spell
Power Word, Stun Discard any one card in play (except a realm) regardless of its
378/500 immunities. This spell can be cast at any time, but the casting

Quarta Edição - Página 181

champion cannot be used again until its owner's next turn. Wizard Spell
(Off) Common
A wizard who casts this spell can sacrifice another wizard from
This card is a reprint of Wish (46/FR) with an altered text, but his pool to escape defeat, but the opponent still gains spoils (if
the same special power. applicable). (Def/4)
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 339 and SFRG 2, p.
202. Prismatic Sphere
Wish can be canceled with Dispel Magic. It can be turned with 388/500
Spell Turning or Reflection, in which case the champion Wizard Spell
casting the Wish is discarded. The caster, now the target of the Common
turned Wish, can take no further action. Only another This spell may only be cast by a defending champion and lasts
champion can cast Dispel Magic or another Spell Turning. until the beginning of this player's next turn. The attached
Wish cannot be used to cancel an event, unless that event has champion is immune to harmful events and the special powers
a lasting effect. Likewise, only spells with a lasting effect can of all cards. (Def/4)
be canceled with Wish.
Wish can be cast at any time. This means that during a battle,
champions in battle or in a pool can cast the spell. If Wish is
cast on an attacking champion, that champion is defeated and 389/500
the defender is entitled to spoils of victory. If a champion casts Wizard Spell
Wish during battle, and the Wish is cancelled, the attacker is Common
defeated, since he can take no further action. Allows this caster to redirect a just-cast offensive or defensive
Because Wish is not affected by immunities, it is effective on spell at any card in play. This spell may be cast at any time.
cards normally immune to offensive spells, such as Elminster, (Def)
and is effective against an opponent with the Codex of Infinite
Planes. The spell that is subject to the Re-target spell must be
Wish can be used to discard a dungeon card. If so used, both redirected to another target. Re-target can only be cast on
the Wish and the caster of the Wish are removed from the Dispel Magic if there is another spell in play to which the Dispel
game (sent to the Void). If Wish is Retargeted to a dungeon Magic can be redirected.
card, the original caster of the Wish and Wish itself, are
removed from the game. Cúpula BSW 2011: Quando usado em feitiços defensivos, o
The Wish spell is the most powerful spell in the game. It jogador toma posse da carta afetada pelo Re-target usando da
ignores all cards that state they are immune or otherwise maneira como preferir, inclusive nas próprias cartas. Pode ser
unaffected by spells unless they state an immunity to the Wish jogado para rebater um feitiço defensivo para o mesmo alvo
spell. Regardless of a champion’s immunities or special escolhido pelo lançador original (Re-target em Hallucinatory
powers, Wish can discard them. Terrain [42/FR] para escolher copiar a mesma fortaleza,
beneficiando o lançador do Re-Target).
Cúpula BSW 2009: Mesmo um campeão imune a Wish deve
ficar paralisado após usar esta magia. ESP
Cúpula BSW 2011: Pode descartar qualquer carta Wizard Spell
independente de imunidades e poderes especiais, incluindo Common
Chernevik. When this player's opponent plays a card into the battle, it is
Excetua-se a regra quando a imunidade é declarada a carta played face down. This player then guesses the card type (ally,
Wish. wizard spell, etc). If correct, that card is discarded. (Off/4)

Cúpula BSW 2013: Quando uma carta suporte, evento, etc é Card Combo (from zuse2@webtv.net): In battle, cast ESP,
cancelada ou dispersada, o custo ou consequência do seu which requires that the cards played into battle by the
uso/lançamento devem ser cumpridos. Com exceção quando opponent are played face down. If the player guesses the card
a maneira de utilização estiver especificada no texto ou regra type, it is discarded. After ESP is in play, play a card that
da carta. requires the opponent to play a certain type of card, such as
Melt Bone (requires the opponent play an ally), Loup-Garou
Reverse Gravity (opponent must have or play a magical item), Ki-Rin (opponent
385/500 must have or play an ally). These cards make it rather easy to
Wizard Spell guess the next card to be played, ensuring it will be discarded
Common and the opponent will be defeated.
All flyers become non-flyers and vice-versa until the beginning
of this player's next turn. Swimmers and earthwalkers are Leomund's Trap
unaffected by this spell. (Off/3/4) 391/500
Wizard Spell
This card is a reprint of Reverse Gravity (56/AR) with a Common
reversed picture (funny, eh ?). Hide under any realm in your formation; expose when the
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 224. realm is attacked. Any champion of base level 4 or less is
immediately discarded before the battle begins. (Off/3)
Mirror Image
386/500 Misdirection
Wizard Spell 392/500
Common Wizard Spell
This spell doubles the caster's current level. (Def/4) Common
Play just after an opponent has announced an attack on any
This card is a reprint of Mirror Image (58/AR) with an altered realm. Choose another realm in the same formation for the
text, but the same special power. champion to attack instead, which he and his allies may,
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 224. regardless of position or restrictions. (Off)

Elminster's Evasion Ray of Enfeeblement

387/500 393/500

Quarta Edição - Página 182

Wizard Spell Raise Dead
Common 401/500
Reduces the target's base level by half (round down) until the Cleric Spell
end of that player's next turn. (Off/3/4) Common
Any one defeated champion can be selected from this player's
Stinking Cloud discard pile and placed back in his hand. (Def/3/5)
Wizard Spell This card is a reprint of Raise Dead (366/1st-3rd) with an
Common altered text, but the same special power.
All opposing allies of level 3 or less are discarded. Opposing For further information see SFRG 1, p. 218.
allies of level 4 or higher lose their special powers. (Off/4)
Creeping Doom
Sepia Snake Sigil 402/500
395/500 Cleric Spell
Wizard Spell Uncommon
Common Immediately razes one realm with no holding. (Off/3)
Hide under any realm in your formation; expose when the
realm is attacked. An attacker is sent to Limbo until the end of This card is a reprint of Creeping Doom (28/FR).
that player's next turn. Discard spell after use. (Def/3) For further information see SFRG 1, p. 333 and SFRG 2, p.
396/500 Earthquake
Wizard Spell 403/500
Common Cleric Spell
Until the end of this champion's next combat, increase the Uncommon
caster's base level by 1 if cast by a champion level 5 or less; All cards currently in battle are discarded, and combat ends
by 3 if level 6-9; or by 5 if level 10+. (Def/3/4/5) with no victor. Every player must raze one of his own realms or
discard a holding in play. (Off/3/4)
Sticks to Snakes
397/500 This card is a reprint of Earthquake (29/FR).
Cleric Spell For further information see SFRG 1, p. 334.
Increases to +6 if cast by a level 7 or 8 champion, and Shadow Engines
increases to +8 if cast by a level 9 or higher champion. (Off/4) 404/500
Cleric Spell
This card is a reprint of Sticks to Snakes (351/3rd). Common
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 180. Discard any holding of an opponent. (Off/3/4)

Sanctuary This card is a reprint of Shadow Engines (35/FR).

398/500 For further information see SFRG 1, p. 336.
Cleric Spell
The cleric who casts Sanctuary loses the round of battle but is Faith-Magic Zone
not discarded; it returns to the pool instead. (Def/4) 405/500
Cleric Spell
This card is a reprint of Sanctuary (354/1st-3rd) with an altered Common
text, but the same special power. Also, the picture on this card Only cleric spells can be cast until the end of this player's next
is reversed. turn. (Def/3/4/5)
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 214.
This spell can be countered immediately with the wizard spell
Wind Walk Dispel Magic. However, if Faith-Magic Zone is not immediately
399/500 countered, only the cleric spells Dispel Magic or Dispel can
Cleric Spell remove it from play before its normal expiration.
The champion and his allies are considered flyers for this Ward of Sleep
round of battle. (Def/3/4) 406/500
Cleric Spell
This card is a reprint of Wind Walk (355/3rd) with an altered Common
text, but the same special power. This spell can be cast to place one champion from any player's
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 181. discard pile to the Abyss. (Off/3/4/5)

Dispel Ward of Peace

400/500 407/500
Cleric Spell Cleric Spell
Common Common
Can be cast at any time to cancel the effects of an existing or This spell serves as a protector for a player's pool. Any spell
just-cast spell, blood ability, or psionic power card. (Def) directed at the player's pool must be first directed at the ward,
who is considered a level 8 hero in a pool all his own. (Def/3)
This card is a reprint of Dispel Magic (358/3rd) with added
special powers (i.e the older edition card can only cancel If the entire pool or any card in the pool is targeted by a spell,
spells). that spell is redirected to the Ward of Peace.
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 181. The Ward remains in place until dispelled, wished, or
otherwise removed, such as being defeated in combat. The
ward is considered a hero, and may have attached magical

Quarta Edição - Página 183

items. It can be used by Princess Amber as an ally. The Ward Until the end of this player's next turn, no rule cards can be
is also vulnerable to Curse of the Azure Bonds and played. The owner of any rule card currently in play must
Tyranthraxus, the Possessing Spirit. discard either a realm, holding, or champion. (Off/3)

Ward of Erebus Animal Friendship

408/500 415/500
Cleric Spell Cleric Spell
Common Common
Until the end of this player's next turn, all clerics discarded by This spell adds a permanent ally to the caster equal to half his
any means are sent to Limbo instead of the discard pile. They base level (round up). (Def/3/4)
return to players' pools at the end of their next turns. (Def/3)
Ward of Laocoon 416/500
409/500 Cleric Spell
Cleric Spell Common
Common An opposing player must attack with the targeted champion (if
The special powers of all dragons and swimmers are negated possible) during his next turn. If he does not, the champion is
until the end of this player's next turn. (Off/3) discarded and the player must discard two cards from his hand
or pool. (Off/3)
Ward of Laius
410/500 Shillelagh
Cleric Spell 417/500
Common Cleric Spell
Until the end of this player's next turn, all players "elevate" one Common
of their pool champions to King. Their King is the first to attack Shillelagh creates a magical weapon equal to half the caster's
or defend and is immune to harmful events. If defeated in base level (round down) that lasts until the end of this player's
combat, the highest level champion remaining in the pool is next turn. (Def/3/4)
also discarded. (Off/3/5)
The King is selected from among eligible champions. For 418/500
example, a champion immune to offensive spells cannot be Cleric Spell
selected as King. If for some reason the King becomes unable Common
to attack or defend (e.g the King is discarded), another Cast by a champion in the pool into a combat, this spell adds 4
champion may be chosen. to the base level of the affected champion. (Def/4)
If the King is defeated, the highest level champion in the pool
is discarded along with the King. If the highest level champion
is immune to offensive spells, the next highest level champion
is discarded. 419/500
Cleric Spell Cleric Spell
Prevents all champions in one player's pool from attacking or
Ward of FReedom
defending until after that player's next turn. This player can
411/500 make no attacks this turn. (Off/3)
Cleric Spell
Fire Trap
This spell can be cast to recall any champion from Limbo back
to the player's pool or from the Abyss to the discard pile. 420/500
(Def/3) Cleric Spell
Card Combo (from Desafio aos Corajosos 2013): Jerome Hide under any realm in your formation; expose when the
Kasinskaia (8/IQBR)’s special powers can be used to retrieve realm is attacked. Any champion of base level 5 or less is
Ward of Freedom and Divine Intervention (81/DL) from the immediately discarded before the battle. Discard spell after
discard pile to this player’s hand, allowing him to use Gib Kcir use. (Off/3)
(16/RR chase)’s special powers many times during a match!
Heat Metal
Ward of Ironguarding 421/500
412/500 Cleric Spell
Cleric Spell Common
Common Opposing champion is stripped of all magical items and
Until the end of this player's next turn, this player's draw pile is artifacts. Items are sent to Limbo until the end of the player's
immune to the special power of other cards that try to look at next turn and then return to their original champion (if possible)
or discard cards from the draw pile. (Def/3/5) or are discarded. (Off/3/4)

Ward of Ruin Locate Object

413/500 422/500
Cleric Spell Cleric Spell
Common Common
Until the end of this player's next turn, any realm that is razed Allows this player to search his draw pile for any magical item
in combat is also discarded. (Off/3) or artifact and place it on the top of his draw pile. (Def/3/5)

Ward of the Erinyes Negative Plane Protection

414/500 423/500
Cleric Spell Cleric Spell
Common Common

Quarta Edição - Página 184

Lasts until dispelled or until the champion is involved in combat An opposing champion cannot cast any spells or use psionic
with an undead champion. The protected champion is immune power cards for the rest of this round of battle. (Off/4)
to the special powers of all undead champions. (Def/3/4)
Switch Personality 433/500
Psionic Power Unarmed Combat Card
424/500 Common
Common Usable only by heroes. Draw one card at random from the
May be used during a round of battle to exchange this opposing player, playing it if possible but discarding it
champion for one in your pool. The pool champion may have otherwise. (Off/4)
already attacked or defended this battle. (Def/4)
The card is drawn from the opponent's hand. A player with the
Superior Invisibility Herald of Mei Lung is immune to Jab.
Psionic Power Boot to the Head
Common 434/500
An invisible champion can bypass a defending wizard or cleric Unarmed Combat Card
of base level 4 or less and raze the realm. The defending Common
champion returns to his pool. (Def/4) Usable only by heroes. An opposing wizard, cleric, thief, or
regent draws and discards a card, noting its last digit. If the
Mindlink digit is a 0 or a 1, the opponent is defeated. (Off/4)
Psionic Power Reversal
Common 435/500
Allows the champion to cast cleric and wizard spells, use blood Unarmed Combat Card
abilities, and use unarmed combat cards for this round of Common
battle. (Def/4) Usable by all champions. This maneuver turns a just-played
offensive unarmed combat card back upon its user. (Def/4)
427/500 Choke Hold
Psionic Power 436/500
Common Unarmed Combat Card
The opposing player must reveal the next two cards he plans Common
to play in this combat. (Off/4) Usable only by heroes. An opposing spellcaster cannot cast
spells for this round of combat. (Off/4)
Phobia Amplification
428/500 Counter
Psionic Power 437/500
Common Unarmed Combat Card
The base level of this champion is subtracted from the base Common
level of the target. If the opponent is reduced below level 0, he Usable by all champions. This unarmed combat card negates
remains in combat at a negative total. (Off/4) a just-played unarmed combat card. (Def/4)
Psionic Power
Body Weaponry 438/500
429/500 Unarmed Combat Card
Psionic Power Common
Common Usable only by undead champions. The opposing champion
Discards any unarmed combat cards in play and prevents must discard one card from the current round of combat.
further unarmed combat cards from being used this round. (Off/4)
If the opposing champion has no attached cards, Rake! has no
Lend Health effect.
Psionic Power Tail Slap
Common 439/500
This power is played by a champion in the pool to lend its base Unarmed Combat Card
level to another champion in combat. If the aided champion Uncommon
loses, this champion is discarded as well. (Def/4) Usable only by dragons. All nonflying opponents lose two
levels. If reduced to level 0 or less, they are discarded. (Off/4)
431/500 Blind Side!
Psionic Power 440/500
Uncommon Unarmed Combat Card
This champion can choose to become a different type of Common
champion type (hero, wizard, etc) for this round of battle. Usable only by elf (drow) champions. This can be played at
(Def/4) any time to discard the highest ally, spell, or psionic power
card played during this round of combat. (Off/4)
432/500 Because the wording of this card indicates it can be played at
Psionic Power any time, Blind Side! can be played by a champion in the pool,
Common just like Dispel Magic or Wish.

Quarta Edição - Página 185

Heroic Effort Persuasion
441/500 450/500
Unarmed Combat Card Blood Ability
Common Common
Usable only by heroes. The attached hero can discard any Attached champion draws and discards a card, noting the last
single card attached to an opposing champion. Win or lose, the digit of the card number. This is the number of opposing allies
hero is discarded at the end of the battle. (Off/4) (chosen by the opponent) which are persuaded not to fight.
Allies are sent to the discard pile. (Off/4)
Elemental Control
442/500 Ren's Crystal Ball
Blood Ability 451/500
Common Artifact
The attached champion is immune to all offensive spells Common
containing the words "fire, flame, air, wind, water, or earth." During phase 0 of each turn, the owner of Rens's Crystal Ball
(Def/4) can inspect the top three cards of any deck and discard one
443/500 This card is a reprint of Ren's Crystal Ball (199/1st-3rd) with an
Blood Ability altered text, but the same special power.
Common For further information see SFRG 1, p. 163.
All opposing allies whose plus is less than the last digit of the
attached champion's card number are immediately discarded. Codex of the Infinite Planes
(Off/4) 452/500
The "attached champion" referred to in the card text is the Common
opposing champion, to which the opposing allies are attached. All of this player's champions are immune to offensive magical
items and offensive spells.

Healing This card is a reprint of Codex of the Infinite Planes (152/1st-

444/500 3rd) with an altered text, but the same special power.
Blood Ability For further information see SFRG 1, p. 147 and SFRG 2, p.
Common 146.
This ability can be used after a combat to return up to two just-
discarded allies from the discard pile to your hand. (Def/5) Eye and Hand of Vecna
Resistance Artifact
445/500 Common
Blood Ability The attached champions gains 5 levels when attacking, but
Common only 2 levels when defending.
The attached champion is immune to offensive magical items
until the end of this round of battle. (Def/4) This card is a reprint of Eye and Hand of Vecna (156/1st-3rd)
with an altered text, but the same special power.
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 148 and SFRG 2, p.
Blood Ability
Cup of Al'Akbar
Attached champion becomes a monster and is now considered 454/500
an awnshegh. Lasts until the attached champion is discarded. Artifact
(Def/3/4/5) Common
If this player discards three cards from his hand during phase
5, he can return any one card from the discard pile to his hand.
Charm Aura
447/500 This card is a reprint of Cup of Al'Akbar (160/1st-3rd) with an
Blood Ability altered text, but the same special power.
Common For further information see SFRG 1, p. 150.
All opposing allies of +5 or less are forced to switch sides.
Allies played after this blood ability are unaffected. (Off/4)
The Ring of Winter
Major Resistance
448/500 Common
Blood Ability While this card is in play, all opponents draw one fewer card
Common then normal on their turns (minimum of one card).
Attached champion is immune to offensive magical items and
offensive spells until the end of this player's next turn. This card is a reprint of The Ring of Winter (61/FR).
(Def/3/4/5) For further information see SFRG 1, p. 344.

Wither Touch Wand of Orcus

449/500 456/500
Blood Ability Artifact
Common Common
Any champion defeated by the attached champion is sent to This wand can be attached to any undead monster champion.
the Abyss rather than the discard pile. (Off/4) When the wand is used in battle against an opposing

Quarta Edição - Página 186

champion of level 8 or less, the opponent is instantly slain The Medusa Throne
(discarded). 463/500
This card is a reprint of Wand of Orcus (1/AR) with an altered Common
text, but the same special power. Usable by a champion from any world. An opponent's special
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 205. powers that activate upon defeat ("avenging" champions and
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords allies) are negated and "avenging" champions and allies are
457/500 sent to the Abyss when defeated.
Common The Medusa Throne's power is only effective against opposing
The Axe can be attached to any champion. In addition to the (i.e. opposing in battle) champions and allies. it's power does
listed bonus, the Axe also gives the attached champion a +8 not work while in the pool.
Throne of Ice
This card is a reprint of Axe of the Dwarvish Lords (2/AR) with 464/500
an altered text, but the same special power. Artifact
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 206. Common
Can be attached to a champion from any world. The Throne of
Guenhwyvar Ice allows a champion to attack a rule card as if it were a
458/500 realm. Any player can defend the rule card like a normal realm,
Artifact but if the attack is successful, the rule card is "razed" and
Common removed from play.
If the attached champion is defeated, Guenhwyvar may be
attached to any other Forgotten Realms champion in the Throne of the Seas
player's pool. 465/500
This card is a reprint of Guenhwyvar (59/FR). Common
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 344. Can be attached to a swimming champion from any world. All
swimming champions of this player are immune to harmful
Obsidian Man of Urik events and offensive magical items. Swimming champions and
Artifact allies gain 2 levels.
Common Throne of the Pharaohs
If the attached champion is discarded, the artifact returns to 466/500
the player's pool as a monster. Instead of attaching this artifact Artifact
to a champion, the player can play the Obsidian Man as a Common
monster. Usable by a champion from any world. When brought into play,
all events in play are negated and no more can be played as
This card is a reprint of Obsidian Man of Urik (14/AR). long as the Throne of the Pharaohs remains in play.
For further information see SFRG 2, p. 210.
Handmine will not function while Throne of the Pharoahs is in
Throne of the Gods play.
Artifact The Emerald Throne
The Throne of the Gods can be used by a champion of any 467/500
world. It is not subject to the Rule of the Cosmos, but any Artifact
champion with the Throne attached must immediately battle Common
any other champion who also claims the Throne. The winner Usable only by an elf champion from any world. All elves of
receives a spoils of victory. this player can use unarmed combat, psionic power, and blood
ability cards.
Nature's Throne
Throne of the Drow
Artifact 468/500
Common Artifact
Usable by any champion from any world. Nature's Throne Common
strips any special movement requirement (swimmers, flyers, Usable only by elf (drow) champions from any world. Instead of
etc) from any realm that this player's champions attack. attacking a realm during a turn, the attached champion can
attack a champion in another player's pool. If successful this
The power of Nature's Throne refers to specific restrictions on player draws a card (but not as spoils) and the defender is
the realm. Protected realms can still only be attacked by flyers, discarded.
earthwalkers, and swimmers (if a coastal realm).
The artifact only removes movement requirements, not The champion with the Throne attached can attack either an
restrictions. As an example, Menzoberranzan still cannot be opponent's champion or realm. However, the player with the
attacked by flyers. Throne may still attack a realm in the same turn before or after
using the Throne's power to attack a champion. The player
must use other champions to attack the realm.
Throne of Bone Only one champion may be attacked per turn using the powers
462/500 of the Throne. Thus Zaknafein's power is not helpful, since
Artifact only one champion can be attacked.
Can be used by an undead champion from any world. All of Elemental Avatar of Earth
this player's undead are immune to offensive psionic power
cards, unarmed combat cards, and blood abilities. 469/500

Quarta Edição - Página 187

15 Brandobaris
Dark Sun 476/500
Rare Hero
Avatar. Two Dark Sun champions must be discarded to bring 13
this avatar into play. All champions of this player are granted Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
the earthwalking ability. Rare
Avatar. Halfling. A hero with an attached magical item must be
Elemental Avatar of Air discarded to bring Brandobaris into play. Once per turn, this
470/500 player can select one champion in another player's pool to
Cleric take magical items and artifacts from. The magical items and
15 artifacts are then redistributed to other champions in that
Dark Sun player's pool.
Avatar. Two flying champions from any world must be Artifacts must be redistributed so as to be legally used (i.e.
discarded to bring this avatar into play. All flying champion of worlds of champion and artifact must match).
this player are immune to cards that directly target flyers.
Corellon Larethian
Elemental Avatar of Water 477/500
471/500 Wizard
Cleric 18
15 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Dark Sun Rare
Rare Avatar. Elf. An elf champion of level 16 or higher must be
Avatar. A Dark Sun cleric of level 12 or higher must be discarded to bring Corellon into play. Corellon is immune to
discarded to bring this avatar into play. Once per turn, this offensive wizard spells and rule cards have no effect against
player can look at the top card of each player's draw pile and elf champions of this player.
discard any champions or allies that are swimmers.
Elemental Avatar of Fire 478/500
472/500 Monster
Cleric 14
15 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Dark Sun Rare
Rare Avatar. Orc. A hero level 13 or higher must be discarded to
Avatar. A monster (dragon) champion must be discarded to bring Bahgtru into play. All allies of this player gain a +4 bonus
being this avatar into play. All Dark Sun champions of this and are immune to offensive spells, blood abilities, and
player gain a +5 fire elemental as an ally that cannot be forced magical items.
to switch sides or be discarded through cardplay.
Great Mother
Garl Glittergold 479/500
473/500 Monster
Hero 16
13 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Rare
Rare Avatar. Beholder. Another player's wizard must be defeated in
Avatar. Gnome. A hero of level 8 or higher must be discarded combat to bring the Great Mother into play (at the time of the
to bring Garl into play. All champions of this player are victory). Once per turn, the Great Mother can surround one
considered gnomes. All champions and all "true" gnomes are pool in an antimagic shell that prevents all spellcasting.
immune to offensive wizard spells.
During each phase 3, the Great Mother selects which pool
Urdlen cannot cast spells. This effect lasts until the player's next
474/500 phase 3.
Monster Champions are only affected while they are in the pool. If a
14 champion enters battle, he may cast spells.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Rare Annam
Avatar. An earthwalking monster of level 7 or more must be 480/500
discarded to bring Urdlen into play. Urdlen devours all Cleric
earthwalking allies that oppose any of this player's champions. 16
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Yondalla the Provider Rare
475/500 Avatar. Giant. A giant of level 14 or higher must be discarded
Hero to bring Annam into play. At the start of this player's turn,
16 Annam can discard one card at random from another player
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons who has a hand of eight cards or more.
Avatar. Halfling. A monster of level 12 or higher must be Remnis
discarded to bring Yondalla into play. Yondalla can only 481/500
defend, never attack. If defeated in combat (or discarded for Monster
any reason) she forces both the opposing champion and one 15
other champion of her choice to be discarded. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Avatar. One or more flyers totaling 16 levels or more must be
discarded to bring Remnis into play. At the end of each turn,

Quarta Edição - Página 188

Remnis can fly into this player's discard pile and retrieve one cards Domain of Takhisis, Queen of Darkness, The Belly of the
non-champion card, eturning it to this player's hand. Beast, Pit of the Mind Lord, The Torture Room, and Return of
the Dwarven King.
Remnis is bluelined as a flyer.
Since Remnis' power is used at the end of the player's turn, it Midnight, Goddess of Magic
can return from Limbo and use its power in the same turn. 487/500
Remnis is a great addition to any deck, particularly in games Wizard
played with Enhanced (ten realm) victory conditions, since 15
these games last longer and it becomes more important to Forgotten Realms
recycle your best cards. Rare
Avatar. Two level 9+ wizards must be discarded to bring
Cegilune Midnight into play. While in play, all champions that use wizard
482/500 spells must ask her permission to cast them. She destroys all
Monster magical items held by the opposing champion.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons This card is a boosted version of Midnight, Goddess of Magic
Rare (46/1st-3rd).
Avatar. Three magical items with a least a +3 bonus each (or For further information see SFRG 1, p. 112 and SFRG 2, p.
three elf champions) must be discarded to bring Cegilune into 127.
play. When attacking, she causes all magical items held by the
opposing player to be discarded. Iuz, Avatar of Evil
When Cegilune attacks, all magical items held in the Monster
opponent's hand are discarded. Magical items attached to 14
champions in the opponent's pool are not discarded. Greyhawk
Kanchelsis Avatar. Undead. 10+ levels of undead champions must be
483/500 discarded to bring Iuz into play. Iuz can cast wizard spells.
Wizard Once per turn, this player may raze one of his realms to force
16 an opponent to discard a razed realm or raze one unrazed
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons realm.
Avatar. Undead, flyer, elf. An undead champion with a magical This card is a boosted version of Iuz the Evil (167/1st-3rd).
item or artifact must be discarded to bring Kanchelsis into play. For further information see SFRG 1, p. 152 and SFRG 2, p.
Each time Kanchelsis wins a round of combat, he can force 148.
one attached card anywhere in play to be discarded (excluding
realms and champions). Card Combo: If a player with Iuz, the Avatar of Evil, razes one
of his own realms, Iuz can raze an opponent's realm, or
Ferrix discard an opponent's razed realm, once per turn. By razing
484/500 Mithas, which is automatically rebuilt, a player with Iuz can
Wizard raze a realm each turn.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Lolth, the Spider Avatar
Rare 489/500
Avatar. Weretiger. A monster champion of level 12 or higher Monster
must be discarded to bring Ferrix into play. In combat, Ferrix 21
forces her opponent to discard one artifact or holding from their Greyhawk
hand, pool, or formation, or else lose the round of combat. Rare
Avatar. Elf (drow). Two drow champions must be discarded to
Titania bring Lolth into play. Can use wizard and cleric spells and
485/500 psionic power cards. If Lolth is defeated, shuffle her back into
Wizard the draw deck along with the drow used to summon her.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons This card is a boosted version of Lolth, the Spider Queen
Rare (166/1st-3rd).
Avatar. Three champions must be discarded to bring Titania For further information see SFRG 1, p. 152.
into play. This player can choose one type of champion at the
start of each of his turns that is immune harmful events and Nobody Wins!
offensive psionic power cards. 490/500
Rule Card
Verenestra Common
486/500 Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not
Cleric discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
16 other rule card is played.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons At the start of this player's turn, he may guess a type of card
Rare (realm, holding, wizard, cleric spell, etc.) and flip over the top
Avatar. A wizard immune to offensive spells must be discarded card of one player's draw pile. If he guessed correctly, the card
to bring this avatar into play. Once per turn, Verenestra can is placed in the Abyss, otherwise it is discarded.
negate a defensive spell. If discarded from play for any reason,
all cards with the words "immune" or "immunity"' on them are Only the player of the card uses this rule card's power at the
likewise discarded. start of his turn.
While the subject of some controversy, the literal wording of
Verenestra's power to discard cards with immune or immunity the card indicates that on an incorrect guess, the card is
on them extends to over 300 cards, including the dungeon discarded. Therefore, if an event is drawn and some other card

Quarta Edição - Página 189

type was guessed, the event is discarded, which means it is Rule Card
placed in the Abyss. Common
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not
Rule Lawyer's Delight discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
491/500 other rule card is played.
Rule Card All instant-kill cards lose their special powers, retaining only
Common their icon bonus. This includes all champions, allies, and
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not events that cause a particular type of champion to be
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any discarded.
other rule card is played.
This rule card allows every player to have a rule card in play Only Instant Defeat cards that affect a particular type of
(this player may have one in addition to this one). Only the champion are negated by this rule card. For example, the
player who plays a rule card is affected by its powers. Living Wall, because it effects all champion types of level 6 or
The Ultimate Rule Card removes all rules from play. higher, retains its special powers. Cards like the event Water
Hunters (All undead in play are destroyed immediately.) do not
Rule cards played after the Rule Lawyer's Delight only affect function if Fair Fight! is in play.
the player of the card. Despite the wording of the first Only the card types indicated are affected by this rule card.
paragraph of text, subsequent rule cards do not replace this Other instant-kill cards work normally.
card. The only rule card that removes Rule Lawyer's Delight is
the Ultimate Rule Card. Rule Lawyer's Delight can also be The Event Wheel
removed with Genie Bottle, Wish, or Ellorelloran. 497/500
Rule Card
Time of Troubles Common
492/500 Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not
Rule Card discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
Common other rule card is played.
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not Events that have a stated duration remain in effect. After two
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any events have been played, a third event forces the first event
other rule card is played. played to be discarded. Events continue to cycle through, with
No champion of base level 7 or greater (before magical items a third event always replacing the event that has been active
and other attached modifiers) may be involved in combat. All the longest.
Forgotten Realms champions and allies gain 1 level.
The Backwaters
This card is a reprint of Time of Troubles (99/FR) with an 498/500
altered text, but the same special power. Rule Card
For further information see SFRG 1, p. 357. Common
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not
The Power of Faith discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
493/500 other rule card is played.
Rule Card At the end of this player's turn, razed realms in the C, D, or E
Common position are discarded. Razed realms in the A or B position
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not remain in the formation.
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
other rule card is played. Master the Magic
All champions except clerics battle undead champions at half 499/500
their base level, and allies of less than +4 cannot be played Rule Card
against undead champions by non-clerics. Common
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not
Forbidden Knowledge discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
494/500 other rule card is played.
Rule Card Allies and psionic power cards cannot be played. Any such
Common cards already in play are discarded when this rule card is
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not played.
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
other rule card is played. The Master Strategist
Only Ravenloft champions can cast offensive wizard spells. 500/500
Only Dark Sun champions can use psionic power cards. Only Rule Card
AD&D champions can use unarmed combat cards. Only Common
Birthright champions can use offensive blood abilities. Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
Circle of Life other rule card is played.
495/500 Spells and blood abilities cannot be played. Any such cards
Rule Card already in play are discarded when this rule card is played.
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not Flash Flood
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any 501/520
other rule card is played. Event
The game cannot end by a player running out of cards. Any Chase
time a player depletes his draw pile, he simply reshuffles his All players' pools fill with water, negating the special powers of
discards to form a new draw pile. Cards in the Abyss remain in all magical items and artifacts attached to nonswimmers. Items
the Abyss. function normally in combat. This event lasts until negated.
Fair Fight!

Quarta Edição - Página 190

Netherese Symbol of Power this player's pool can be turned face down while the Ethereal
502/520 Champion is in play.
Wizard Spell
Chase Note that the Ethereal Champion is immune to opposing
Place face down beneath a realm until it is attacked. This champions' special powers. For there to be an opposing
realm's defenders get to use their special powers before that of champion, the Ethereal Champion must be in combat. The
the attacker. Discard after use. (Def/3/5) Ethereal Champion is therefore affected by other champions'
special powers when not in combat.
The Ethereal Champion (and Cyric) have the power to hide a
Rengarth Oracle
player's pool from other players. Cards in the pool are turned
503/520 face down so that other players won't know what champions
Cleric Spell are in the pool (or not know the specific location of a face-
Chase down champion who was in the pool before Ethereal
Look at the top six cards of your draw pile and arrange the Champion was brought into play).
cards in any order. When finished, send this card to the Abyss. If an opponent plays a card with a power that effects one of the
(Def/3/5) cards in the pool, the opponent chooses blindly from among
the possible targets.
Sea of Dust For example, an opponent targets the players pool with the
504/520 Wand of Telekinesis, which can only affect magical items. The
Realm opponent selects a card in the pool as the target. If the card is
Greyhawk not a magical item, another card is selected. If, however, a
Chase magical item is selected that is attached to a champion
Cannot be attacked by swimmers. If razed in combat, this immune to magical items, the power of the Wand is used with
player can raze any other realm in play. If razed or discarded no effect.
outside of combat, this player can cause one swimming As another example, when Agis attacks, he can psionically
champion anywhere in play to be discarded. destroy a monster in the defender's pool. The attacker selects
a card to target with Agis' power. If he chooses a card other
Caves of Mystery than a monster, he chooses another card, since Agis' power
505/520 has not been used. If he chooses a monster immune to psionic
Holding powers, then Agis' power is wasted and no other cards can be
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons selected.
Chase Because Wish is effective against any card type, the first card
Can be attached to any realm. Attacking champions of base selected as the target of Wish is discarded. If the card selected
level 9 or higher draw and discard a card, noting the last digit. is immune to Wish, such as through the power of the Winner's
If that number is 3 or less, they have underestimated the Cape, the Wish spell is wasted. No new targets can be
danger and are discarded. This player draws spoils. selected.
If there are two pools with cards turned face down, players
Card Combo (from Tim Barth, barth@twcny.rr.com): Play the must announce champions and artifacts played into the pools,
holding Caves of Mystery on the Spiderfell. This allows all in order to follow the Rule of the Cosmos.
attacking champions to have a chance at being discarded. If If the Ethereal Champion cannot use its power, for example if it
the player has also put A Sure Thing in play, the opponent's goes to Limbo, has cast Wish, or has been Trapped!, the pool
champion must be discarded. is turned face up until the Champion can once again use its
Cúpula BSW 2009: Ethereal não é Imune ao poder de
The Living Earth
campeões psiônicos quando no poço;
Agis's Cairn
Until the end of this player's next turn, realm champions can 509/520
attack opposing realms (regardless of position or restrictions) Holding
and use magical items and artifacts. If defeated in combat, the Dark Sun
realm of the realm champion is discarded. Magical items and Chase
artifacts are discarded at the end of the event. (Helpful) Defenders of the attached realm can choose to negate
defensive spells and defensive magical items for the duration
If defeated in combat, the realm of the realm champion is of the battle.
discarded. Magical items and artifacts are discarded at the end
of the event. (Helpful) Throne of the Mountain God
The Painted Hills Artifact
507/520 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Realm Chase
Dark Sun Limbo becomes the Abyss and the Abyss becomes Limbo for
Chase as long as this card is in play. Nonevent cards normally sent to
This realm's champion can be of any type, chosen each time it Limbo are removed from play; nonevent cards normally sent to
is attacked. Unarmed combat cards cannot be used when the Abyss return at the end of that player's next turn.
attacking this realm.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Ethereal Champion 511/520
508/520 Event
Hero Play during the first round of a realm's defense as a defender.
7 If this realm is razed or discarded in this battle, all razed
Advanved Dungeons and Dragons realms in play are also discarded. (Harmful)
Can cast wizard and cleric spells. Immune to all offensive Barbaric Allies
cards and opposing champions' special powers. All cards in 512/520

Quarta Edição - Página 191

Ally Chase
Chase If attached to Menzo, the realm cannot be razed or discarded
These allies can be played in combat regardless of cards that except through combat. If attached to another realm, that
prohibit allies from being played. If played during a successful realm is immune to attacks via the Underdark or by
defense of a realm, one of the attacker's realms is razed earthwalkers.
(chosen by the attacker).
Mystic Passage
The Sylvan Pool 517/520
513/520 Psionic Power
Holding Chase
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Play if about to lose a round of combat. You escape into the
Chase - Can be attached to any realm. Each time a realm or corridor of your mind, returning to your pool defeated but not
holding is removed from play, this player draws one card. discarded. (Def/4)

This card's power is activated whenever a realm or holding is Blingdenstone Symbol of Power
removed from play, which includes being discarded, sent to the 518/520
Abyss, or removed from the game. A razed realm that is Cleric Spell
replaced in the formation is considered removed from play. Chase
Place face down beneath a realm. If a Forgotten Realms
Poor Man's Fort champion defends the attached realm, its base level is doubled
514/520 and it is immune to offensive cards. (Def/3/5)
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Dragon's Eye Symbol of Power
Chase 519/520
This holding can be attached to an existing realm for the +3 Wizard Spell
ally or it can be played directly into the pool as a realm during Chase
phase 2. While in the pool, it cannot be attacked through Place face down beneath a realm. If a realm in this player's
combat, nor does it count as a realm for victory conditions. formation is targeted by a spell that could raze or destroy it,
While in play, champions of this player do not require a realm discard the Dragon's Eye charm instead. (Def/3/5)
in their formation to remain in play.
The Winner's Cape
The Crystal Dome
520/520Artifact - TSR
515/520 Chase
Event This mighty artifact is the Grand Prize in the 1996 World
Chase Championship at the GenCon Game Fair. All of this player's
Cosmic rays cause crystals in the ground to grow, which in champions are immune to offensive spells (including Wish)
turn surround this player's pool. His champions all age, and the attached is also immune to harmful events. This
doubling their base levels until the end of this player's next artifact can be used by any champion.
turn. (Helpful)
The Winner's Cape increases a champion's adjusted level by
Towers of Menzoberranzan 10.
516/520 Although this artifact can be attached to any champion, its
Holding world is unique (TSR) and it
Forgotten Realms
cannot be included in any deck in a World War tournament.

Quarta Edição - Página 192

Barovia Verbrek
1/RL 8/RL
Realm Realm
Ravenloft 3
Uncommon Ravenloft
Defending champion can cast wizard spells and can discard Common
one enemy ally each round. Wolves are a +3 ally to defending champions.

Darkon Invidia
2/RL 9/RL
Realm Realm
Ravenloft Ravenloft
Rare Rare
In a victorious defense, a maximum of one ally remains with If razed in combat, draw two cards at random from attacker's
the realm card and becomes undead. hand and discard them.

Lamordia Nova Vaasa

3/RL 10/RL
Realm Realm
Ravenloft Ravenloft
Common Common
Mordent 11/RL
4/RL Realm
Realm Ravenloft
Ravenloft Uncommon
Common Coast
Coast Defender can change the attacking champion to any other
champion in the attacker's pool.
5/RL The defender can change the attacking champion, but only
Realm once per round, and it must be done at the start of the round of
Ravenloft battle (i.e. after the attack is announced).
Common The new attacker selected must be capable of attacking. Thus
Werebeast champions and allies cannot attack this realm. a champion who has already been in combat cannot be
selected. Similarly, a champion that has recently cast Wish
Keening cannot be chosen. If Dementlieu is protected, the attacker can
only be switched to another champion capable of reaching the
realm (e.g. flyer, swimmer, earthwalker).
If the original attacking champion was taken from the player's
Ravenloft Uncommon
hand, that champion returns to the hand. If the original attacker
Each round Keening is attacked, one living enemy ally is
has powers that can be invoked before combat begins (i.e.
discarded each round.
upon attack), those powers may still be used. For example,
Agis may still destroy a monster in a pool, even if the defender
Keening's power does not function against undead allies, but
forces Agis to be exchanged for another attacking champion.
any other ally can be affected. Keening's player may determine
If the original attacker is replaced, he can attack again later in
when to use the power. It may be used at any time during
the round.
battle to discard the ally of the defender's choice.
Keening's power works on allies, not just ally cards. Allies such
as those provided by Axe of the Dwarvish Lords and the Valachan
Triumvirate realms can be discarded by Keening's power. 12/RL
Tepest 5
Can defend itself as a level 5 undead champion (vampire).
If razed in combat, look at top six cards of opponent's deck. Har'Akir
Place one at the bottom of his draw pile. 13/RL
The realm's power to place a card at the bottom of the draw Ravenloft
pile is used before Spoils of Victory is drawn. Common
Cleric spells lose 2 levels when attacking Har'Akir.

Ravenloft - Página 193

Souragne All champions can attack any realm regardless, of its position,
14/RL until the end of this player's next turn.
Ravenloft Harvest Moon
Common 24/RL
Sri Raji Rare
15/RL Double the level of all werebeasts and undead until the end of
Realm this player's next turn.
Uncommon Only champions with an unmodified level of 6 or All Hallow's Eve
higher can attack this realm. 25/RL
Castle Ravenloft Common
16/RL All monster champions gain 3 levels until the end of this
Holding player's next turn.
Rare Quirk of Fate
The attached realm and its defenders are immune to offensive 26/RL
spells. Event
Azalin's Graveyard All champions use the first digit of their card number for their
17/RL level until the end of this player's next turn.
6 Disrupted Magic
Ravenloft 27/RL
Rare Event
Can call upon a +6 zombie horde as an ally to defend the Common
attached realm for one round of battle. Champions that can cast wizard spells now cast only cleric
spells and vice versa, until the end of this player's next turn.
Kargat Mausoleum
18/RL Power of the Land
Holding 28/RL
4 Event
Ravenloft Uncommon
Common All champions gain 1 level for each Ravenloft realm and
The attached realm can defend itself as a level 4 undead holding in their player's control until the end of this player's
champion (vampire). next turn.

Paridon Spell Book of Drawmij

19/RL 29/RL
Holding Rule
Ravenloft Greyhawk
Uncommon Rare
If the attached realm is attacked, a doppelganger imitates any Victorious Greyhawk champions may keep one spell used that
one of the attacker's allies each round. round that they can cast normally when they return to the pool.
The spell is automatically cast again the next time that
Pharaoh's Rest champion fights. Any dispel magic card can be used to remove
20/RL the spell.
Ravenloft Common Card Combo (from Shadowlord's Spellfire Page): A Greyhawk
The power of the ancients subtracts 3 levels from champion champion in combat casts Wish on the opposing champion to
attacking the attached realm. win the round. Wish then remains with the champion and is
used again in that champion's next battle.
City States
Event 30/RL
Common Rule
All players can rearrange their realms and holdings. Dark Sun
One Dark Sun holding can be counted as a realm for the
Dark Powers
purpose of victory conditions.
Islands of Terror
All players shuffle their discard piles and place on top of their 31/RL
decks. Rule
Grand Conjunction
Play Ravenloft realms face down, but vertically. (Holdings are
23/RL still face up, as are other realms.) Reveal the realm only when
Event it is attacked. If one of his Ravenloft realms is razed, the player
Common can rearrange all his Ravenloft realms.

Ravenloft - Página 194

Eyes of the Undead All undead enemy allies with levels equal to or less than the
32/RL champion must be discarded. (Off/4)
Cleric spell
Common Imbue with Spell Ability
If an opponent has an undead champion or ally, player can 42/RL
look at the opponent's hand. (Def/4) Cleric spell
Living Ward A cleric in a player's pool can cast this on any champion,
33/RL allowing him to cast cleric spells for this round. (Def/3)
Cleric spell
Uncommon Insect Plague
All of the opponent's living allies (not undead) in play are 43/RL
discarded. (Off/4) Cleric spell
Binding Curse Common
34/RL (Off/4)
Cleric spell
Common Plane Shift
If defeated, this champion can curse its opponent to lose 3 44/RL
levels until a dispel magic removes this card. (Off/4) Cleric spell
Conjure Grave Elemental Player can substitute any unrazed realm's power, but not its
35/RL attached holding, for this round. (Off/4)
Cleric spell
8 Heal
Rare 45/RL
Casting this spell creates a +8 ally for the duration of the Cleric spell
round. (Off/4) Rare
Player may retrieve any champion or ally from his discard pile
This spell creates an ally subject to all cards affecting allies. and return to his hand. (Def/3)
For example, Brine Dragon can swallow it and Shield of
Wickedness can cause it to change sides. The card is also Shadow Magic
subject to cards that affect spell s. It can be canceled with 46/RL
Dispel Magic, but is not affected by Spell Turning. Wizard spell
Animate Rock Common
36/RL (Off/4)
Cleric spell
6 Shades
Uncommon 47/RL
(Off/4) Wizard spell
4 Common
Word of Recall Casting this spell creates a +4 ally. (Def/4)
Cleric spell Vampiric Touch
Common 48/RL
Pick one opposing ally card and discard it. (Off/4) Wizard spell
Glyph of Warding Common
38/RL Has no effect on undead champions. (Off/4)
Cleric spell
Common Hold Person
All opposing allies lose 1 level. (Off/4) 49/RL
Wizard spell
Call Lightning Rare
39/RL Reduces opposing champion's level to 0 for this round. (Off/4)
Cleric spell
4 Hold Person reduces the adjusted level at the time the spell is
Common cast to zero. Cards subsequently played by the opponent are
(Off/4) not affected.

Prayer Detect Magic

40/RL 50/RL
Cleric spell Wizard spell
Common Uncommon
This champion's allies all gain 2 levels. (Def/4) Opponent lays all spells and magical items in his hand face up
on the table for this round. (Off/4)
Turn Undead
41/RL Augment Undead
Cleric spell 51/RL
Uncommon Wizard spell

Ravenloft - Página 195

Undead champions and allies gain 2 levels for this round. Blood Coin
(Def/4) 60/RL
Magical item
Strahd's Malefic Meld Common
52/RL If defeated, put card on opponent's champion. Opponent's
Wizard spell hand size is reduced by one until dispel magic is cast or the
Uncommon new owner is defeated. (Off)
Multiply the levels of the two weakest allies and add to the
total. If only one ally is present, it is now a 0. (Def/4) Staff of Mimicry
This spell multiplies the levels of the two weakest allies. The Magical item
product is then added to the champions level. The original Uncommon
level of the allies is ignored. Once cast, the melded allies Imitates one magical item attached to any other champion this
cannot be changed. If another ally of lower level is played, it player's pool. (Def)
does not change the meld or the melded allies. However, the
allies may still be destroyed, as with Brine Dragon or caused to The Staff of Mimicry can duplicate the powers of one other
switch sides, as with Shield of Wickedness. If one ally is magical item in the player's pool. If the imitated item is
removed, the other becomes level 0.Playing another ally will discarded or otherwise removed from play, a different magical
not change the level. Only the original allies can be melded. item may be selected for the Staff of Mimicry to duplicate.
The meld can be canceled with Dispel Magic, in which case The Staff of Mimicry is considered an offensive magical item
the allies return to their original levels. Spell Turning has no when duplicating the powers of an offensive magical item.
effect. The Staff of Mimicry can be used to duplicate one of the most
powerful magical items, the Bell of Might, allowing the Staff to
Misty Summons duplicate events. However, an individual player can only
53/RL duplicate an event once. For example, the player may only
Wizard spell duplicate an opponent's Caravan once, using either the Bell or
Rare Staff of Mimicry, but not both on the same event.
From any pool, use a champion (level only) not immune to
spells as an ally. Win or lose, champion is returned to its pool. Soul Searcher Medallion
(Def/4) 62/RL
Magical item
Neverending Nightmare Common
54/RL Before combat, the player can look at one other player's hand.
Wizard spell If used, the attached champion cannot attack this turn. (Def)
Common Ring of Reversion
Player adds 1 level to this champion for each realm and 63/RL
holding he has in play. (Def/4) Magical item
Chill Touch The opposing champion cannot use his power or cast spells.
55/RL (Off)
Wizard spell
3 The Ring of Reversion cancels all powers as shown in the box
Common on the opposing champion's card. This includes flying,
Does not affect undead monsters. (Off/4) swimming, earth-walking, and use of psionics. The Ring of
Reversion only negates a champion's power until the end of
Tarokka Deck the combat round. This includes powers that are triggered
56/RL upon defeat, such as the powers of Iuz the Evil (167/1st) and
Magical item Strahd von Zarovich.
When used in battle, the player may look at the top six cards of Amulet of the Beast
his opponent's deck and discard one. (Def/4) 64/RL
Magical item
Timepiece of Klorr Common
57/RL Used in combat, one enemy ally (except undead) is turned into
Magical item a werebeast, causing him to switch sides.
If victorious, this champion may make one extra attack on the Cat of Felkovic
same realm before being put in his pool. (Def) 65/RL
Magical item
Ring of Regeneration +?
58/RL Common
Magical item If victorious, champion keeps up to six ally cards face down
Uncommon with it. These are dead allies; however, champion gains 1 level
If this champion is defeated, he is returned to his pool at the for each card.
end of the player's next turn. (Def)
Sun Sword 66/RL
59/RL Artifact
Magical item Ravenloft
2 Rare
Common Player borrows any champion (level only) from any pool as an
The sword becomes +5 if the opposing champion is undead. ally. Win or lose, champion is returned to its pool.

Ravenloft - Página 196

Crown of Souls switched to another player's realm. The attack can only be
67/RL switched once and can only be switched at the time the card is
Artifact played. When the attackers move to another realm, the
Ravenloft defending champion returns to the pool and any allies or spells
Rare played during the round are discarded. The defender must
When used to attack, defender's realm power (but not attached choose a different champion to defend the new realm.
holding) is ignored.
Strahd Zombies
This magical item provides immunity to all realm powers. For 75/RL
example, when attacking or defending Nightmare Lands, a Ally
player whose champion has the Scarab of Protection plays 4
cards from the hand, not the Abyss. Common
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind
68/RL Fiend
Artifact 76/RL
Ravenloft Ally
Uncommon 6
Opponent cannot use undead champions or allies, OR card Rare
can be discarded to force Strahd to be discarded permanently. Flyer. Opposing clerics lose 3 levels against this ally.

The Holy Symbol can be discarded to remove an opposing Spectre

Strahd, either Strahd Von Zarovich or Young Strahd. In either 77/RL
case, Strahd is sent to the Abyss. Ally
Tapestry of Dark Souls Uncommon
69/RL Flyer. Undead. All enemy champions and allies (except
Artifact undead) lose 1 level when opposing this ally.
Uncommon Vistani
When used in combat, opponent can have only one ally. Any 78/RL
extras are discarded. Ally
Fang of the Nosferatu Common
70/RL If opposing champion is victorious, he loses his power until
Artifact dispel magic is cast on him. Keep this card with the champion.
Rare Loup-Garou
Attached champion can substitute the powers of any champion 79/RL
from any pool other than its own. Ally
Kargat Vampire Uncommon
71/RL Werebeast. Opposing champion is automatically defeated
Ally unless he has or can play a magical item.
Common Flyer. Undead. Becomes +7 if defending a realm with Loup-Garou is a powerful ally, despite its low level bonus.
a mausoleum or graveyard holding. When played, the opposing champion must have, or
immediately play, a magical item. Loup-Garou's power can be
Wolf Pack avoided if the opponent plays Airship, which functions as a
72/RL counter-effect for allies, or has a card that destroys allies, such
Ally as the 1st edition Brine Dragon or Ankheg, provided that the
4 card is in play before the Loup-Garou is played and that its
Common power has not already been used. Likewise, if your opponent
has the Stone Giant in his pool, its power to destroy an ally can
be activated before Loup-Garou's power.
Flesh Golem
Loup-Garou can be used in many nasty combinations. The set
73/RL of combinations known as Peek's Loup-Garou Two-Step calls
Ally for playing a card that destroys magical items prior to playing
5 the Loup-Garou. These magical item-destroying cards include
Uncommon the champions Midnight, Goddess of Magic, Kiara, Captain
Rips magical items from its opponent, who must discard all Kazhal, Harkon Lukas; events Wind of Disenchantment, Sky
attached magical items. Singers, Fast Talking!; and the realm Icewind Dale.
Flesh Golem is an excellent card to use with the Loup-Garou in
Ghost Ship combat, since it destroys magical items. If the Flesh Golem is
74/RL played first, the opponent may still play a magical item to
Ally satisfy the Loup-Garou, but is discarded immediately after
1 being played.
Rare Playing Loup-Garou can backfire if the opponent plays a
Champion and allies become flyers. When attacking, can magical item that causes the Loup-Garou to switch sides, such
switch attack to a different realm. as Shield of Wickedness or Amulet of the Beast.

The Ghost Ship allows a player to switch his attack to another Card Combo (from zuse2@webtv.net): In battle, cast ESP,
realm when it is played. Because it makes the champion and which requires that the cards played into battle by the
allies flyers, any realm can be attacked. The attack can also be opponent are played face down. If the player guesses the card

Ravenloft - Página 197

type, it is discarded. After ESP is in play, play a card that If facing Strahd, he returns to his pool; that player must select
requires the opponent to play a certain type of card, such as another champion or lose the battle.
Melt Bone (requires the opponent play an ally), Loup-Garou
(opponent must have or play a magical item), Ki-Rin (opponent Dr. Rudolph Van Richten
must have or play an ally). These cards make it rather easy to 86/RL
guess the next card to be played, ensuring it will be discarded Hero
and the opponent will be defeated. 3
Werebat Common
80/RL Opponent must lay his hand face up for this round. Level 6 vs.
Ally any Ravenloft champion.
Common Harkon Lukas
Flyer. Werebeast. 87/RL
Mysterious Stranger 5
81/RL Ravenloft
Hero Uncommon
3 Werebeast. When in combat, he picks one magical item,
Ravenloft artifact, spell or ally of the opponent to be discarded.
One card from the player's hand is kept hidden under this one. Headless Horseman
Use it in his next battle, then hide a new card. 88/RL
If the Mysterious Stranger attacks, the card hidden under him 4
activates before the defender's power. Any card can be hidden Ravenloft
under the Mysterious Stranger, but only combat cards may be Rare
used during battle.The new card to be hidden underneath the Undead
stranger must always come from your hand. You are never Flyer. If attacking, it can choose to automatically win the round,
forced to place a card underneath it. You can play non-combat but card must then be discarded.
cards, such as holdings, under it, but they are immediately
discarded when the stranger is used in combat. If the stranger The Headless Horseman may use his power at any time during
is used to attack, the card hidden with him is activated before the round of combat.
any card of your opponent Therefore it gets to use its power
first. For example, if a Flesh Golem is hidden under the
stranger and your opponent defends with a champion that
already has the Net of Entrapment (217/lst) attached, the 89/RL
golem rips away the net first. Monster
82/RL When attacking, picks which champion from his opponent's
Monster pool will face him.
Ravenloft Arijani's power activates as soon as he attacks. The attacking
Rare player selects the defender.
Undead. Casts wizard spells. If victorious in battle, takes one
ally with him into the pool.
Wilfred Godefroy
83/RL 4
Monster Ravenloft
7 Common
Ravenloft Undead. Flyer. Any undead allies gain 2 levels.
Immune to offensive spells and magical items.
Adam is incorrectly bluelined as undead in Spellfire Reference
Guide Volume I. 91/RL
84/RL Common
Monster Undead. Casts cleric spells.
Sir Hiregaard
Undead. Casts cleric spells. Ignores the effects of opposing 92/RL
holdings. Hero
Ireena Kolyana
85/RL When defending, he turns into a level 6 monster.
Gabrielle Aderre
Common Level 5 vs. undead. 93/RL
Wizard 3

Ravenloft - Página 198

Ravenloft Sergei Von Zarovich
Common 98/RL
If defeated, looks at opponent's hand and places one card on Hero
the bottom of that player's draw pile. 6
Hags of Tepest Common
94/RL Undead. Sergei is immune to all event cards, even beneficial
Monster ones.
Ravenloft Lord Soth
Common 99/RL
Cast wizard spells. When in combat, player can take one Monster
wizard spell from his deck and play it. Reshuffle the deck. 7
The spell selected using the Hags special power must be Rare
legally castable during phase 4. Undead
Immune to offensive wizard spells. Opposing DRAGONLANCE
Sir Edmund Bloodsworth champions cannot use their powers.
Monster Strahd Von Zarovich
2 100/RL
Ravenloft Monster
Common 9
Doppelganger. Imitates the level or power of his opponent, but Ravenloft
not both. Uses power second (after opponent). Rare
Flyer. Undead. Casts wizard spells. If defeated in combat and
High Master Illithid no other Strahd is in play, her returns to his pool at the end of
96/RL the player's next turn.
8 If a Strahd is defeated in battle he is put in limbo. Strahd then
Ravenloft returns to the player's pool at the end of the player's next turn.
Uncommon If at that time Strahd cannot return to the pool for any reason
Can look at opponent's hand after declaring which realm he is (such as the Rule of the Cosmos), he is discarded. Strahd's
attacking. special power only activates upon defeat. If he wins the battle,
Dr. Mordenheim but is discarded for another reason, such as the playing of Pit
97/RL Trap! or Aurak Draconians, Strahd is discarded.
Can use one ally from his discard deck.

Ravenloft - Página 199

Mithas Dragonlance
1/DLRealm Coast
Dragonlance Any Dragonlance champion defending Sancrist gains 2 levels.
Coast Cristyne
If Mithas is razed, it is automatically rebuilt at the beginning of 8/DL
its player's next turn. If Mithas is attacked a second time while Realm
it is razed, it is discarded. Dragonlance
Mithas must be razed a second time, not just attacked, for it to Coast
be discarded.
The rebuilding of Mithas is in addition to playing or rebuilding a Northern Ergoth
realm normally in phase 1.
Card Combo: If a player with Iuz, the Avatar of Evil, razes one
of his own realms, Iuz can raze an opponent's realm, or
discard an opponent's razed realm, once per turn. By razing
Any cleric defending Northern Ergoth gains 3 levels.
Mithas, which is automatically rebuilt, a player with Iuz can
raze a realm each turn.
Southern Ergoth
Nordmar 10/DL
Any elf (champion or ally) attacking Southern Ergoth loses 2
Plains of Dust
Any champion attacking the Plains of Dust loses 2 levels.
Any elf (champion or ally) defending Silvanesti gains 2 levels.
Spine of Taladas
Goodland 12/DL
This realm can only be attacked by flyers or swimmers.
Any kender or gnome (champion or ally) defending Goodland
gains 2 levels. Isle of Selasia
Khur Realm
This realm can only be attacked flyers or swimmers.
Coast Thorin
Khur can defend itself as a level 4 hero. 14/DL
Solamnia Dragonlance
Any dwarf (champion or ally) defending Thorin gains 2 levels;
any dwarf attacking loses 2 levels.
If Solamnia is razed, the attacker must discard his hand Reorxcrown Mountains
(including his victory card, if not playable), shuffle his discard 15/DL
pile into his deck, and draw a new hand of 5 cards. Realm
Sancrist Dragonlance
This realm can only be attacked by flyers or dwarves and is
immune to offensive wizard spells.

Dragonlance - Página 200

Tower of Wayreth Kaz, the Minotaur
16/DL 25/DL
Holding Monster
Dragonlance 4
Rare Dragonlance
The attached realm cannot be attacked by wizards. At the Common
beginning of this player's turn, this holding must shift to
another realm or be discarded. Crysania
Lost Citadel, The Cleric
17/DL 6
Holding Dragonlance
Dragonlance Common
Any wizard defending the attached realm gains 2 levels; any Maquesta Kar-Thon
wizard attacking loses 2 levels. 27/DL
Shoikan Grove 3
18/DL Dragonlance
Holding Rare
Dragonlance Elf
Common Maquesta gains 4 levels when attacking a realm that has a
Only flyers or earth-walkers can attack the attached realm. coast.

Inn of the Last Home Ladonna, Black Robes

19/DL 28/DL
Holding Wizard
Dragonlance 3
Common Dragonlance
The attached realm cannot be attacked by dragons. Uncommon
Ladonna is level 7 if she is played from 6PM to midnight. If the
Altar of Mishakal Moon Nuitari Waxes event card is in play, all spells cast by her
20/DL gain 2 levels.
Dragonlance Justinian, Red Robes
Uncommon 29/DL
Any dwarf (champion or ally) who is defeated while defending Wizard
or attacking the attached realm is not discarded but reshuffled 4
into its deck. Dragonlance
Skie, Blue Dragon Justinian is level 8 if played from 6 PM to dawn. If the Moon
21/DL Lunitari Waxes event card is in play, all spells cast by him gain
Monster 2 levels.
Dragonlance Dargent, Silver Drag
Common 30/DL
Flyer. The first ally played with Skie is treated as a flyer. Monster
Governor E. Flowston Dragonlance
22/DL Rare
Cleric Flyer. Can cast wizard and cleric spells.
Dragonlance Raistlin Majere, Wizard of the Black Robes
Common 31/DL
Dwarf. Wizard
Tika Waylan Majere Dragonlance
23/DL Rare
Hero Raistlin gains 2 levels if played from 7 PM to 2 AM; he gains 4
5 levels if played against Caramon. If the Moon Nuitari Waxes
Dragonlance event card is in play, his spells gain 2 levels.
If defending a realm that has the holding Inn of the Last Home Fizban the Fabulous
attached to it, Tika gains 3 levels. 32/DL
Lord Gunthar, Solamnic Knight 9
24/DL Dragonlance
Hero Rare
5 Fizban can also cast cleric spells. He can only defend, never
Dragonlance attack. All spells cast by him are at the level of the card's last
Uncommon digit.
If used to defend a realm, Lord Gunthar gains 2 levels.

Dragonlance - Página 201

Takhisis, Queen Dark Phudge, the Great Highbulp
33/DL 40/DL
Monster Hero
8 2
Dragonlance Dragonlance
Rare Common
Takhisis can cast wizard spells if she is played from 6 pm to Dwarf. Because attacking champions always underestimate
dawn. She can only attack, never defend. Phudge, they lose 2 levels if he defends a Dragonlance realm.

Par-Salian, Wizard of the White Robes Gully Dwarves

34/DL 41/DL
Wizard Ally
6 2
Dragonlance Common
Uncommon Become +5 if allied with any dwarf champion.
Par-Salian is level 10 if played from dawn to 6 PM. If the Moon
Solinari Waxes event card is in play, all spells cast by him gain Night of the Eye
2 levels. 42/DL
Pyrite, the Ancient Gold Dragon Dragonlance
35/DL Rare
Monster Up to three Dragonlance event cards remain in effect at any
7 given time. If a fourth Dragonlance event card is played, that
Dragonlance player chooses which Dragonlance event it replaces.
Flyer. Can cast wizard and cleric spells. Krynn Minotaurs
Tanis Half-Elven Ally
36/DL 3
Hero Uncommon
6 Become +9 if allied with Kaz the Minotaur. Can be kept in the
Dragonlance player's pool with Kaz until used in battle; discard after use.
Tanis gains 3 levels if defending a Dragonlance realm. He is Solamnic Knights
not subject to adjustments applied to elves. 44/DL
Flint Fireforge 3
37/DL Common
Hero Become +4 if used to defend a Dragonlance realm. Become
3 +5 if allied with Lord Gunthar.
Common If Solamnic Knights defend a Dragonlance realm their level
Dwarf. Flint has the earth-walking ability, letting him strike at bonus becomes +4. If attached to the champion Lord Gunthar,
any realm. the level bonus becomes +5. If attached to Lord Gunthar while
defending a Dragonlance realm, the level bonus is +5.
Caramon Majere If, after being played with Lord Gunthar or in defense of a
38/DL Dragonlance realm, the Solamnic Knights are forced to switch
Hero sides, the card's level bonus returns to +3.
Dragonlance Brine Dragon
Rare 45/DL
Caramon can inspire allies, adding +3 to a single ally or adding Ally
+1 to all his allies. Must decide when first ally is played. 6
Tasslehoff Burrfoot Swimmer. One enemy ally (this player's choice) is swallowed
39/DL by the brine dragon, instantly defeated.
Hero Kagonesti Elves
3 46/DL
Dragonlance Ally
Common 5
Kender. Each turn, Tasslehoff can either retrieve any magical Common
item from the player's discard pile or rearrange the magical Wild elves.
items held by heroes in his pool.
Dimernesti Elves
Tasslehoff's power can be used once per turn and is used in 47/DL
phase 3. The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume I incorrectly Ally
states that recovered magical items can be returned to the 3
hand. However, recovered magical items can only be attached Common
to Tasslehoff. On the players next turn, a magical item Swimmer. Sea elves. If this player's champion is a swimmer,
attached to Tasslehoff can be transferred to another hero in the elves can switch the attack to any other coastal realm.
the player's pool. Nonswimming attacking allies are discarded.
Note that Tasslehoff only can rearrange magical items among

Dragonlance - Página 202

Sivak Draconians Blamblower
48/DL 56/DL
Ally Magical item
4 Common
Common This gnomish invention explodes after one use and is
Can be a +4 ally or can assume the level and ability of a single discarded. It sends at least 6 levels of enemy champions and
opposing ally. allies (opponent's choice) to the discard pile.

If the Sivak Draconians choose to assume the ability of an Blamblower is often an instant win, since the requirement to
opposing ally, the Draconians' use of that power is secondary discard at least 6 levels will usually mean that the opposing
to the ally being imitated. champion must be discarded. If no allies are attached to a
champion, the Blamblower can instantly defeat that champion
Kapak Draconians unless it is immune to magical items.
49/DL When the Blamblower is used, at least six levels of your
Ally opponent's champions and allies are immediately discarded
4 from the battle. Only ally and champion levels are counted; an
Uncommon opponent's magical items, artifacts, and spells do not adjust
Become +5 if played from dawn to 6 PM. Kapaks turn to acid if the champion's level (though events do). If you play the
defeated, destroying any player's lead holding. Blamblower against a level 4 champion with a +5 ally attached,
both are discarded, because otherwise, the total levels would
be less than six. If your opponent has one ally of level six or
Aurak Draconians
better, discarding it satisfics the card's conditions.
50/DL The Blamblower does not work against champions below level
Ally 6, discarding them.
When played, this player can look at the top three cards in any
opponent's deck. Auraks explode if defeated, sending the 57/DL
opposing champion to its discard pile. Magical item
A champion wearing this ignores attacks from all magical
weapons. (Def)
Bupu's Emerald
Dragonlance 58/DL
Uncommon Magical item
Usable only by heroes, the Dragonlance is +7 vs. dragon 7
champions. Common
Usable only by dwarves, gnomes, kender, and halflings, the
emerald works only against monsters. (Def)
Staff of the Magius
Inflatable Flotilla
5 59/DL
Dragonlance Magical item
Uncommon Common
Usable only by wizards. This gnomish invention cannot be used the turn it is first
played. A champion and all allies can attack a coastal realm,
each gaining 2 levels. They are treated as swimmers. No effect
Shield of Huma
on landbound realms. (Off)
Brooch of Imog
Common 60/DL
The attached champion must be defeated twice when Magical item
defending before being discarded. Dragon champions lose 3 Uncommon
levels if attacking this champion. Usable only by wizards, the brooch creates a shield
surrounding the champion, allowing him to ignore the effect of
one spell per battle. (Def)
Nightjewel, The
Solamnic Armor
Dragonlance 61/DL
Common Magical item
The attached champion can ignore the effects of up to three Rare
spells per battle if played from 6 PM to dawn or two spells if All attacking champions and allies are lowered in level by 1 or
from dawn to 6 PM. by 3 if the armor is worn by Lord Gunthar. (Def)

Only offensive spells may be ignored. Dalamar's Ring Healing

Hammer of Kharas Magical item
55/DL Rare
Artifact At the end of every other turn, the player can bring one wizard
5 from the discard pile and place that card on top of his draw
Dragonlance pile. (Def)
The hammer is +7 if wielded by a dwarf.

Dragonlance - Página 203

Wand of Telekinesis Moonlight Madness
63/DL 72/DL
Magical item Wizard spell
Rare Common
Each turn, this player can send one of his opponent's magical If played from 6 PM to dawn, this spell reduces an opponent's
items to the discard pile. champions and allies by 2 levels for one battle. (Off/3)

The Wand is used during phase 3 of each of the owning Switch

player's turns, or, if it has not already been used, during 73/DL
combat involving the champion bearing the wand. Wizard spell
Flute Wind Dancing When attacking, this player can switch his champion with
64/DL another champion form either his pool or his discard pile.
Magical item (Off/4)
Creates a strong force of wind, keeping at least 6 levels of The card incorrectly indicates it is an offensive spell. This spell
allies (opponent's choice) out of a battle. (Off) is considered blueline defensive, since it does not affect the
opposing champion.
Dagger of Night When used, all cards already played in this round and all
65/DL attached magical items and artifacts become attached to the
Magical item new champion. If an artifact cannot be attached to the new
2 champion, it is discarded. Artifacts and magical items remain
Rare with the new champion after the battle. The switch can be
The dagger is +4 if played from 6 PM to dawn. It gains an made with any champion, even a champion that has already
additional +1 for each Moon Waxes event card in play. (Off) participated in the current battle. If the new champion was
previously in the discard pile, the old champion goes to the
discard pile.
Time Shift: Night into Day
Switch cannot be used to retrieve an Avatar from the discard
66/DL pile without meeting the requirements for bringing the Avatar
Wizard spell into play.
If played 6 PM to dawn, it is now considered day. This spell
reverses the effect of a day into night card. Remains in effect
until countered or dispelled. (Def/3) 74/DL
Wizard spell
Time Shift: Day into Night
All spells in this player's discard pile are returned to his deck
67/DL and reshuffled. (Def/3/5)
Wizard Spell
Rare When Recall is cast, all spells in the discard pile, but not Recall
If played dawn to 6 PM, it is now considered night. This spell itself, are shuffled back into the draw deck.
reverses the effect of a night into day card. Remains in effect
until countered or dispelled. (Def/3)
Tenser's Transformation
Antimagic Barrier
Wizard spell
68/DL Uncommon
Wizard spell The wizard who casts this becomes a level 9 hero for one
Uncommon round. He can still cast wizard spells. (Off/3)
Champion can ignore all spells and magical items used by an
opponent for one round of battle. (Def/4) If Midnight is in play, a wizard who wishes to cast this spell
must ask her permission to cast it. However, once the spell is
Unnerving Aura cast, the wizard (now a hero) no longer needs to ask
69/DL permission to cast additional spells.
Wizard spell
Common Charm Monster
An opponent's champion loses its nerve in battle. It must return 76/DL
to its pool and is considered defeated. (Off/4) Wizard spell
Strength From 1 to 6 levels of an opponent's allies join this player's side
70/DL (caster's choice) (Off/3)
Wizard spell
4 Despite the card's wording, this spell is cast in phase 4, not
Common phase 3.
(Off/4) Fire Rain
While the card indicates Strength is an offensive spell, it is Wizard spell
bluelined as defensive. Common
All flyers (champions and allies) lose 2 levels. (Off/4)
71/DL Stone Water
Wizard spell 78/DL
Common Wizard spell
Adds +2 to all magic swords, axes, spears, and hammers on Common
this player's side for all battles played in a single turn. (Off/3)

Dragonlance - Página 204

Swimmers are held in place, preventing them from attacking or Despair
defending.(Off/3) 86/DL
Cleric spell
Protection From Draconians Common
79/DL The allies of an opponent falter and do not fight this round. Any
Cleric spell in battle return to their player's hand. (Off/4)
Champion is +2 against draconians and is immune to their Return
effects when defeated. (Off/4) 87/DL
Cleric spell
Mishakal's Insistence Common
80/DL This player's allies and magical items currently under the
Cleric spell control of an opponent return to their original deck and are
Rare reshuffled. (Def/5)
All champion immune to spells and magical items are now
vulnerable for this player's turn. (Def/3) Despite the wording of the card, it is cast in phase 4, not phase
Divine Intervention
81/DL Hazy Image
Cleric spell 88/DL
Rare Cleric spell
This player can retrieve one champion and one ally from his Common
discard pile, which must be put into his hand. (Def/5) This player can withdraw his champion or one ally from a battle
and return it to the top of his draw pile. He loses the round.
Card Combo (from Desafio aos Corajosos 2013): Jerome (Def/4)
Kasinskaia (8/IQBR)’s special powers can be used to retrieve
Ward of Freedom (411/4th ed) and Divine Intervention from the Peace
discard pile to this player’s hand, allowing him to use Gib Kcir 89/DL
(16/RR chase)’s special powers many times during a match! Cleric spell
Summon Griffon The attacking force has a change of heart. That force's
82/DL magical items and spells are discarded. Champions and allies
Cleric spell return to the opponent's pool or hand. (Off/4)
Common Double Trouble
One champion and up to two allies can fly for one round. 90/DL
(Def/3/4) Cleric spell
Reflection Select a spell or magical item and double its effectiveness for
83/DL one round. (Off/3)
Cleric spell
Uncommon Double Trouble doubles the effectiveness of a spell or magical
All spells cast at this champion by an opponent are directed item, but not the number of targets. For example, if Death Spell
back at that opponent or at any other champion (this player's (Kills any one champion or ally of the caster's choosing of level
choice). (Def/4) 7 or less) is doubled, one champion of level 14 or less is killed.
Double Trouble can be cast in phase 3 to double the effect of a
Like Dispel Magic, Reflection can be cast at any time. If cast in magical item to be used in phase 4 (combat).
battle, it remains in effect for the round. Reflection affects
offensive spells. Mishakal Intervenes
Earth Walking Event
84/DL Common
Cleric spell One Dragonlance champion or ally in each player's discard
Common pile is returned to the top of its respective deck.
A champion and two allies gain the ability to move through the
earth, attacking any realm. (Def/3) Habbakuk Interferes
Borrow Event
85/DL Uncommon
Cleric spell The god of animal life and the seas is watching. Until the
Common player's next turn, no coastal realm can be attacked.
Select an opponent's magical item to use with any champion
this round. Return the item to the original player after use. Kiri Jolith Arrives
(Def/3) 93/DL
The item returns to the original player's hand after phase 4 of Uncommon
your turn. It does not have to be used in battle. The Spellfire The war god has taken an interest in the affairs of men. All
Reference Guide incorrectly states that the item is discarded if nonspellcasting champions gain 3 levels until this player's next
the player's champion is defeated (discarded). As the card turn.
indicates, it is returned to the original player after use (battle).

Dragonlance - Página 205

Reorx Walks the Land 3
94/DL The sword is a +6 weapon if the Axe of the Brotherhood is in
Event play anywhere. (Off)
All dwarves, gnomes, and kender (champions and allies) gain Knights of the Crown
2 levels until the end of this player's turn. 4/DL
Morgian Strikes Hero
95/DL 3
Event Dragonlance
Common Becomes a level 8 hero when fighting a monster; immune to
Only Dragonlance allies may be played until this player's next offensive spells cast by monsters.
Knights of the Sword
Zeboim enraged 5/DL
96/DL Chase
Event Hero
Common 4
Zeboim lends her might to all champions and allies attacking a Dragonlance
coastal realm. These attackers gain 1 level until this player's Becomes a level 9 hero when fighting a wizard immune to
next turn. offensive wizard spells.

Bronze Dragons Knights of the Rose

97/DL 6/DL
Event Chase
Rare Hero
A force of bronze dragons rallies to this player's side, 6
preventing all attacks against his realms until his next turn. Dragonlance
Becomes a level 10 hero when fighting a monster; immune to
If Bronze Dragons is played after an attacker has come offensive magical items.
forward, the attacker returns to his pool.
Shield of Huma
Moon Solinari Waxes 7/DL
98/DL Chase
Event Magical item
Rare 3
All wizards gain 1 level until this player's next turn; wizards of Plus 2 additional levels when fighting a monster; immune to
the white robe gain 3 levels. offensive spells cast by monsters. (Def)

Moon Lunitari Waxes Crossed Blades

99/DL 8/DL
Event Chase
Rare Event
All wizards gain 1 level until this player's next turn; wizards of Only heroes can attack or defend until the end of this event
the red robe gain 3 levels. player's next turn.

Card Combo (from Desafio aos Corajosos 2011): If Event

Moon Nuitari Waxes
Wheel (497/4th ed) is in play, you can prolong the duration of
100/DL Crossed Blades indefinitely. It’s a good way to obtain free
Event spoils of victory, specially if you use a lot of champions that are
Rare immune to harmful events.
All wizards gain 1 level until this player's next turn; wizards of
the black robe gain 3 levels.
Spirit of the Que-Shu
Call to Arms!
1/DL Event
Chase Defending Dragonlance champions gain 5 levels and can cast
Event clerical spells until the end of this event player's next turn.
All allies of Dragonlance champions gain 3 levels until the end
Skull of Fistandantilus
of this event player's next turn.
Axe of Brotherhood
2/DL 4
Chase Dragonlance
Magical item Attached champion can cast wizard spells and doubles the
2 level (number in icon) of spells he casts. Only a wizard or
The axe is a +6 weapon if the Sword of Friendship is in play monster can be played in defense against the skull.
anywhere. (Off)
Card Combo: If the Skull of Fistandantilus (only wizards or
Sword of Friendship monsters can defend) is combined with the Sword and Helm of
3/DL Garion (only psionicists, clerics, and heroes can defend), only
Chase champions with immunities to artifacts and magical items can
Magical item defend.

Dragonlance - Página 206

Takhisis's Mirror and Staff Chase
11/DL Magical item
Chase Chase
Magical item No card has immunity to anything when this mirror is in play.
Plus 2 additional levels if attached to a monster. (Off) Because this is a defensive magical item, only Alicia (18/1st
Chase) is immune to the Helmet of Power.
Takhisis's Mirror and Sword
Tower of High Sorcerer
Chase 19/DL
Artifact Chase
1 Rule
Dragonlance Dragonlance
The opponent's unmodified level (printed on the card) is halved Chase
and rounded down. All wizards gain 4 levels.

Takhisis's Abyssal Gateway Blessing of the Gods

13/DL 20/DL
Chase Chase
Wizard spell Rule
Forces any one champion in a pool to the abyss (champion is Dragonlance
removed from game). (Off/3) The gods grant that all undead opposing clerics are instantly
Takhisis's Mirror of Life Trapping
Age of Dreams
Chase 21/DL
Event Chase
Place this on any champion. That card is out of play until dispel Rule
magic is cast on it. Dragonlance
All monsters are immune to defensive spells and walls.
A Trapped champion is considered to be in Limbo until the
event is dispelled. Golden Age, The
If the Mirror is played on an attacking champion before a 22/DL
defender is chosen, the attacking player can choose another Chase
champion with which to attack. Rule
Takhisis's Mirror of Underworld Minions Chase
15/DL Heroes who draw spoils of war draw two cards; the first can be
Chase treated normally, the second can only be held or discarded.
2 Haste Spell
The attached champion wins a round automatically if any of 23/DL
the opposing force is undead. Chase
Wizard spell
Takhisis's Mirror of Revenge! For one round the champion's original level (printed on card) is
16/DL doubled. (Def/4)
Magical item Flute Wind of Dancing
Chase 24/DL
When the attached champion loses a round, the mirror is Chase
broken and this card becomes a level 6 monster in the owner's Magical item
pool. (Def) 1
The attached champion and all allies become swimmers able
Takhisis's Mirror of the Abyssal Warlord to attack any realm with a visible coastline, regardless of the
17/DL realm's position in the formation. (Def).
Monster6 Medallion of Faith
Dragonlance 25/DL
Level 10 vs. any Dragonlance champion or allies. Chase
Takhisis's Helmet of Power Dragonlance
18/DL The
attached champion can
cast cleric spells. The player draws one extra card
per turn and increases maximum hand size by 1.

Dragonlance - Página 207

Tarrasque this fashion into an opponent's formation, resulting in a razed
1/FR realm being discarded. Caer Allison remains in the opponent's
Event formation until the end of the event player's next turn.
Play on a realm. The victim may discard his pool to discard the Curse of Azure Bonds
tarrasque. If he discards nothing, the realm is razed and he 4/FR
plays the event on another player's realm, continuing this Event
cycle. (Discard if no realms remain.) Rare
Control any one enemy champion until the end of your next
If no player's have an unrazed realm, the Tarrasque is turn, treating it as a champion from your own pool. Return it to
discarded. If the Tarrasque is played on the realm of a player the owning player's pool or discard pile, as appropriate.
without a pool, the realm is razed and he can play the event on
another player's realm. When played on another player's champion, a player takes
If a player Calms the Tarrasque, the Tarrasque is discarded. It total control of that champion. This event must be played on a
cannot be Calmed and then played on another player. champion in a pool. When another champion is controlled, all
attached cards come with the champion. The champion can be
Black Bess discarded to trigger any special powers. For example, Helm
2/FR can be discarded to cancel an event; Korgunard the Avangion
Event can be discarded to rebuild a realm.
Each player must draw and discard a card, checking the last Cyrinishad
digit of its number. Discard all the player's champion in play 5/FR
whose unadjusted level is greater than this number. Event
This event is as likely to affect you as an opponent, unless
Until the end of this player's next turn, no priest spells may be
played when you have no champions in your pool.Each player
cast. Only Cyric is immune to this effect.
draws a card from his own draw pile; the player notes the last
digit of the card's number, then discards the card.
Darkwalker War
Then, the player discards from his pool every champion with 6/FR
an unadjusted level (the number in the champion's icon) higher Event
than the number from the card. Thus, if the last digit of the Uncommon
card's number is 0, all champions of level 1 and higher—thus Draw and discard a card, noting the last digit of its number.
far, all champions but the Living Scroll 408/lst)—are Until the end of your current turn, all monsters and undead
discarded. If the last digit of the card number is a 9, only gain a number of bonus levels equal to that digit.
champions of level 10 or more—thus far, only Fejyelsae (7/lst
Chase) and Karm, Black Dragon (25/lst Chase) are discarded. Dead Magic Zone
Even if you use only lowlovel champions, you could be hurt,
unless you remove all cards with low last digits from your deck. 7/FR
Card Combo (from Jones' Spellfire Page): Play the rule card Uncommon
A Sure Thing. Then play Black Bess. All of the opponents' Until the end of this player's next turn, no spells may be cast,
champions of base level 1 or more are discarded (so only and all artifacts and magic items are ignored.
Living Scroll and Gelatinous Cube survive). The downside is
that you will have to discard your champions of level 10 or Dead Magic Zone is not a counter-effect card, and cannot be
more, so keep these to a minimum when using this combo. used to dispel an already-cast spell.

Caer Allison Horde

3/FR 8/FR
Rare Common
May be played as a temporary realm at any time. (Only one Each player must immediately raze one of his own realms or
discard two champions from his pool and/or hand.
can be in play at the same time.) At the end of the owner's
next turn, this card must be discarded.
If a player does not have an unrazed realm, he must discard
two champions. If he only has one champion in his pool or
Caer Allison is typically played as the sixth realm, or to prevent
another player from playing Caer Allison as the sixth realm. hand, he must discard that one champion.
Caer Allison can be attacked, razed, and rebuilt just like a
realm. Holdings may be attached to Caer Allison, but are Lady Luck
discarded with Caer Allison. Also, Caer Allison is subject to the 9/FR
Rule of the Cosmos and therefore cannot be duplicated by the Event
Bell of Might or Onad the Weasel. Caer Allison is affected by Rare
Wish since it is an event that has a lasting effect. The player and one opponent each draw a card and compare
When played as a sixth realm, Caer Allison may still be card numbers. Discard the card with the lower last digit; play
cancelled, such as by casting Limited Wish or Intercession, or the other immediately or keep it in hand. Ties are both played
discarding Helm. (discard both if identical).
Caer Allison may not be played when Map of Life is in play.
Caer Allison may be played on a razed realm, in which case Wild Magic Surge
the razed realm is discarded. Caer Allison may be played in 10/FR

Forgotten Realms - Página 208

Event Raurin
Rare 17/FR
Play at the end of any other player's turn. The order of play Realm
immediately reverses (clockwise to counter clockwise, and vice Forgotten Realms Common
versa). If this realm is razed, the attacking champion must be
If this event is Calmed be any player, it is effectively negated.
However, it must be calmed or negated immediately, since it
Shou Lung
does not have a duration. Wild Magic Surge instantly and
permanently changes the order of play. 18/FR
Forgotten Realms
Coral Kingdom, The
11/FR Coast
Realm All artifacts uses in defense of this realm gain +3 levels.
Forgotten Realms
Blackstaff Tower
This realm can only be attacked by swimmers. 19/FR
This is an excellent realm to have in the first position, since 3
only swimmers can attack. If the holding Border Forts is Forgotten Realms
attached, the realm becomes even more difficult to attack. Uncommon
Only champions that are both flyers and swimmers, such as This holding counts as a+3 ally. No wizard spells may be
Mykell and Deathstream are able to attack. In addition to the played against champions defending the attached realm, and
attackers discussed above, the Coral Kingdom can be defending wizards gain +3 levels.
attacked by a champion with the Scroll of 7 Leagues.
Coral Kingdom is bluelined as a coastal realm. Candlekeep
Halruaa Holding
12/FR Forgotten Realms
Realm Uncommon
Forgotten Realms Whenever an opponent plays an event, the owner of this
Common holding may immediately examine that player's hand.
All wizards defending this realm gain 2 levels. Any champion Candlekeep's power extends to players that duplicate events
defending this realm may cast wizard spells. through Bell of Might and Onad the Weasel.

Kozakura High Horn

13/FR 21/FR
Realm Holding
Forgotten Realms 5
Common Forgotten Realms
Coast Uncommon
This realm can be attacked only by flyers or swimmers. The garrison of High Horn is a +5 ally.

Luiren Mithril Hall

14/FR 22/FR
Realm Holding
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Common Uncommon
Coast Each time the attached realm is successfully defended, search
All halfling champions and allies gain +3 when defending this the draw pile for the first magical item or artifact, and play it
realm. immediately into pool or hand, then reshuffle the draw pile.

Maztica Moonwell
15/FR 23/FR
Realm Holding
Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms
Common Uncommon
Coast The attached realm can cast cleric spells and is unaffected by
When this realm is first played, no heroes of level 6 or higher harmful cleric spells and events.
may attack or defend until the beginning of this player's next
turn. Pook's Palace
Mulhorand Holding
16/FR Forgotten Realms
Realm Uncommon
Forgotten Realms When the attached realm is successfully defended, draw two
Common cards a spoils of victory.
Any champion defending this realm may cast wizard spells. Yulash
Clerics defending the realm gain +2 levels. 25/FR
Forgotten Realms

Forgotten Realms - Página 209

Uncommon Resurrection
Monsters defending the attached realm gain 2 levels for each 34/FR
ally used to attack it. Cleric Spell
Tower of Ashaba Return any champion or ally from your discard pile to your
26/FR hand. (Def/3/4/5)
Forgotten Realms Shadow Engines
Uncommon 35/FR
When the attached realm is attacked, draw and discard a card, Cleric Spell
noting the last digit of its number. For the duration of the round, Common
all defending allies of level 4 or higher gain a number of levels Discard any holding of an opponent. (Off/3/4)
equal to that digit.
Symbol Hopelessness
Aerial Servant
27/FR Cleric Spell
Cleric Spell Uncommon
Common Ends the current battle immediately. All allies and spells are
Play as a +4 flying ally, or give a champion and all allies flying discarded, and the attacking champion may not attack again
ability for one turn. (Def/4) this battle. (Off/4)

Creeping Doom Word of Recall

28/FR 37/FR
Cleric Spell Cleric Spell
Uncommon Common
Immediately razes one realm with no holding. (Off/3) The current battle round ends with no winner or loser, though
spells and allies are still discarded. A new attacker may
Earthquake continue the battle. (Def/4)
Cleric Spell Zone of Truth
Common 38/FR
All cards currently in battle are discarded, and combat ends Cleric Spell
with no victor. Every player must raze one of his own realms or Common
discard a holding in play. (Off/3/4) All players must keep their hands face up on the table until the
end of this player's next turn. (Off/3)
Cúpula BSW 2009: – Os campeões envolvidos na batalha
também são descartados
Death Link
Illusory Fortification
Wizard Spell
30/FR 2
Cleric Spell Common
Common If the casting champion is defeated, the opposing champion is
Creates a holding that adds 7 levels to a defending champion. also discarded. (Def/4)
Lasts until the beginning of the player's next turn. (Def/3/4)
Find Familiar
31/FR Wizard Spell
Cleric Spell 3
Common Common
No champions of unadjusted level 5 or higher may be played This spell creates an ally which remains with the caster until he
or enter battle until the beginning of this player's next turn. is defeated. No event, magic item, spell, or ally's ability can
(Off/3) cause it to change sides or be discarded. (Def/3/4)

Succor Great Shout

32/FR 41/FR
Cleric Spell Wizard Spell
Uncommon +?
Return a discarded ally to your hand on the same turn it was Common
defeated. (Def/4/5) Draw and discard an opponent's card, noting the last digit of its
number. Add that digit to the caster's level for this round of
Reincarnate battle. (Def/4)
Cleric Spell Hallucinatory Terrain
Rare 42/FR
Discard any champion and replace it with any champion of the Wizard Spell
same level or lower from your draw pile. Then reshuffle the Common
draw pile. (Def/3/5) Play as a holding permanently duplicating the effects of any
one holding in play. The illusory holding remains even if the
Cúpula BSW 2016: esta carta NÃO pode ser ativada copied holding is discarded.
descartando-se um campeão da mão do jogador.
Hallucinatory Terrain can imitate any holding in play, and can
be played on any realm, regardless of world of the imitated
holding or the realm on which the Hallucinatory Terrain is

Forgotten Realms - Página 210

played. Hallucinatory Terrain can also imitate another Cúpula BSW 2011: Pode descartar qualquer carta
Hallucinatory Terrain already in play. independente de imunidades e poderes especiais, incluindo
Limited Wish Excetua-se a regra quando a imunidade é declarada a carta
43/FR Wish.
Wizard Spell
1 Cúpula BSW 2013: Quando uma carta suporte, evento, etc é
Uncommon cancelada, o custo ou consequência do seu uso/lançamento
Cancel the effects of any event card. This spell can be cast at devem ser cumpridos. Com exceção quando a maneira de
any time. (Off) utilização estiver especificada no texto ou regra da carta.

Limited Wish can be cast at any time. This means that during a Deck of Many Things
battle, champions in a pool can cast the spell. 47/FR
Magical Item
Time Stop 2
44/FR Rare
Wizard Spell Defensive
Uncommon Each time the attached champion attacks or defends, draw a
Take any one wizard spell from your draw pile and play it card. If it is a spell, ally, artifact, or magic item the champion
immediately (if legal). Then reshuffle the draw pile. (Def/3/4/5 can use, play it at once, otherwise discard it
You may not "Time Stop" to successfully counter a instant kill Dragonslayer
card. A successful counter requires that the next card played 48/FR
stop the instant kill. Since "Time Stop", itself, doesn't counter, Magical Item
the instant kill activates before the next card can be played. 4
Water Breathing Sword, offensive
45/FR Cancels the powers of any dragon champion or allies opposing
Wizard Spell this champion in battle.
All of this player's champions and allies become swimmers for Flametongue
this turn. They may attack any realm with a coastline, 49/FR
regardless of its position. (Def/3/4) Magical Item
Wish Rare
46/FR Sword, offensive
Wizard Spell Attached hero may cause this sword to flame as a +6 magic
Rare item for one round of battle, but it must be discarded
Discard any one card in play, regardless of its immunities, immediately afterward.
except a realm. This spell can be cast at any time, but the
casting champion cannot be used again until it's owner's next Flametongue is an offensive magical item.
Wish can be canceled with Dispel Magic. It can be turned with 50/FR
Spell Turning or Reflection, in which case the champion Magical Item
casting the Wish is discarded. The caster, now the target of the 3
turned Wish, can take no further action. Only another Rare
champion can cast Dispel Magic or another Spell Turning. Sword, offensive
Wish cannot be used to cancel an event, unless that event has Attached hero may create intense cold with this sword for one
a lasting effect. Likewise, only spells with a lasting effect can round of battle, causing it to act as a +7 magic item, but it must
be canceled with Wish. be discarded immediately afterward.
Wish can be cast at any time. This means that during a battle,
champions in battle or in a pool can cast the spell. If Wish is Frostbrand is an offensive magical item.
cast on an attacking champion, that champion is defeated and
the defender is entitled to spoils of victory. If a champion casts Gauntlets of Swimming
Wish during battle, and the Wish is cancelled, the attacker is
defeated, since he can take no further action.
Magical Item
Because Wish is not affected by immunities, it is effective on
cards normally immune to offensive spells, such as Elminster,
and is effective against an opponent with the Codex of Infinite
Attached champion becomes a swimmer and may attack any
Wish can be used to discard a dungeon card. If so used, both
realm with a coastline, regardless of its position.
the Wish and the caster of the Wish are removed from the
game (sent to the Void). If Wish is Retargeted to a dungeon
card, the original caster of the Wish and Wish itself, are Helm Water Breathing
removed from the game. 52/FR
The Wish spell is the most powerful spell in the game. It Magical Item
ignores all cards that state they are immune or otherwise 1
unaffected by spells unless they state an immunity to the Wish Common
spell. Regardless of a champion’s immunities or special Defensive
powers, Wish can discard them. Attached champion becomes a swimmer and may attack any
Cúpula BSW 2009: Mesmo um campeão imune a Wish deve realm with a coastline, regardless of its position.
ficar paralisado após usar esta magia.

Forgotten Realms - Página 211

Horn of Blasting The Ring of Winter
53/FR 61/FR
Magical Item Artifact
3 Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Rare
Offensive While this card is in play, all opponents draw one fewer card
The attached champion immediately discards the holding of than normal on their turns (minimum of one card).
any realm it attacks.
Sword of Cymrych Hugh
Ring of Jumping 62/FR
54/FR Artifact
Magical Item 6
2 Forgotten Realms
Common Rare
Defensive Sword
The attached champion is not stopped by walls. When this card is used in combat, discard all undead and
giants involved in the battle.
Slippers Spider Climbing
55/FR Bloodriders
Magical Item 63/FR
1 Ally
Common 7
Defensive Common
The attached champion and his allies ignore walls of stone or Undead.
Vorpal Blade 64/FR
56/FR Ally
Magical Item 4
3 Rare
Rare Dragonclaw gains +4 levels if defending Kozakura or Shou
Sword, offensive Lung. May not ally a champion allied with Mad Monkey.
Opponent in combat must draw and discard a card, noting the
last digit of its number. If that digit is 3 or less, the opponent's Flaming Fist
champion is defeated. 65/FR
Wand of Wonder 9
57/FR Uncommon
Magical Item When the Flaming Fist is used in combat, the losing player
+? must immediately discard one magical item or artifact from
Rare pool or hand, or else raze one of his own realms.
Draw and discard a card each time the wand is used in a The player that loses the round must choose to discard a
battle, noting the last digit of the card's number. For that magical item, discard an artifact, or raze one of his realms. If
combat, the attached champion gains bonus levels equal to two Flaming Fists are played, the loser must discard or raze
that digit. two times.

Dragon Throne Halfling, Inc.

58/FR 66/FR
Artifact Ally
Forgotten Realms 3
Rare Uncommon
All allies of this champion gain +2 and the player may look at When this card is used in combat, immediately discard one of
one opponent's hand at the beginning of each of his turns. the opposing champions magical items or artifacts. Halfling.

Guenhwyvar Halfling, Inc. cannot be played against a champion with the Net
59/FR of Entrapment.
5 Kuo Toa
Forgotten Realms 67/FR
Rare Ally
If the attached champion is defeated, Guenwyvar may be 5
attached to any other Forgotten Realms champion in the Common
player's pool. Swimmer. May attack any realm with a coastline, regardless of
its position.
Hammer of Tyr
60/FR Locathah
Artifact 68/FR
6 Ally
Forgotten Realms 5
Rare Common
When this card is used in combat, discard all undead involved Swimmer. May attack any realm with a coastline, regardless of
in the battle. its position.

Forgotten Realms - Página 212

Mad Monkey Darkenbeast
69/FR 78/FR
Ally Monster
4 4
Rare Forgotten Realms
Gains +4 levels when defending Kozakura or Shou Lung Common
Flyer. When this card is first played, discard all familiars in
Ninjas play.
Ally Firbolg
1 79/FR
Uncommon Monster
When used in combat, draw one card at random from the 6
opponent's hand, playing it against the opponent if possible, Forgotten Realms
discarding it otherwise. Common
Eliminate first opposing ally of level 4 or less. Giant.
Olive Ruskettle
71/FR Iron Golem
Ally 80/FR
3 Monster
Uncommon 7
When Olive is involved in combat, no magical items or artifacts Forgotten Realms
function anywhere in play. Halfling. Common
Owner may discard the iron golem from his pool to discard one
Orcs of Dragonspear wall in play. When attacking or defending, the iron golem is
72/FR immune to walls.
1 The Iron Golem can be discarded to discard one wall, which
Common can be either a wall spell or the Living Wall champion.
Gains +2 for each additional orc allied to the champion. Orc.
Storm Giant
Orcs, Savage Frontier 81/FR
73/FR Monster
Ally 7
2 Forgotten Realms
Common Common
Gains +2 for each additional orc allied to the champion. Orc. When the storm giant is used in combat, no opposing
champion or ally can fly.
Stone Giant
Ally 82/FR
3 Monster
Common 6
Flyer Forgotten Realms
If played with a wizard champion, the pseudodragon becomes Common While in a pool, if not used in combat, each combat
a familiar, remaining with the caster until he is defeated. No round the stone giant may destroy one enemy ally of level 4 or
event, magic item, spell, or ally's ability can cause it to change lower in play.
sides or be discarded.
The Storm Giant may use his power if he has not participated
in the current battle. In multi-player games, the Storm Giant
Red Wizards
may use his power during abattle between two other players.
Common 83/FR
Allows the allied champion to cast wizard spells. Monster
Forgotten Realms
76/FR Any champion who defeats the werewolf must draw and
Ally discard a card, noting the last digit of its number. If that digit is
4 4 or less, the champion contracts lycanthropy and is discarded.
Swimmer. May attack any realm with a coastline, regardless of
its position.
77/FR Forgotten Realms
Ally Common
5 No spells, magic items, or artifacts can be used against this
Common champion. If Midnight is in play, Adon gains +5 levels.
Gains +4 if defending Shou Lung or Kozakura.
Adon is immune to all offensive magical items.

Forgotten Realms - Página 213

Erixitl Cyric (and the Ethereal Champion) have the power to hide a
85/FR player's pool from other players. Cards in the pool are turned
Cleric face down so that other players won't know what champions
6 are in the pool (or not know the specific location of a face-
Forgotten Realms down champion who was in the pool before Cyric was brought
Common into play).
This champion gains +4 levels if defending Maztica. If an opponent plays a card with a power that effects one of the
cards in the pool, the opponent chooses blindly from among
the possible targets.
Fzoul Chembryl
For example, an opponent targets the player’s pool with the
86/FR Wand of Telekinesis, which can only affect magical items. The
Cleric opponent selects a card in the pool as the target. If the card is
6 not a magical item, another card is selected. If, however, a
Forgotten Realms Common magical item is selected that is attached to a champion
Fzoul gains +4 levels if Cyric is in play. immune to magical items, the power of the Wand is used with
no effect.
Young Robyn As another example, when Agis attacks, he can psionically
87/FR destroy a monster in the defender's pool. The attacker selects
Cleric a card to target with Agis' power. If he chooses a card other
6 than a monster, he chooses another card, since Agis' power
Forgotten Realms has not been used. If he chooses a monster immune to psionic
Common powers, then Agis' power is wasted and no other cards can be
Robyn gains +5 levels if defending a realm with an attached selected.
Moonwell. Because Wish is effective against any card type, the first card
selected as the target of Wish is discarded. If the card selected
Ambassador Carrague is immune to Wish, such as through the power of the Winner's
88/FR Cape, the Wish spell is wasted. No new targets can be
Wizard selected.
7 If there are two pools with cards turned face down, players
Forgotten Realms must announce champions and artifacts played into the pools,
Uncommon in order to follow the Rule of the Cosmos.
Use Ambassador Carrague only in defensive combat. When If Cyric cannot use his power, for example if he goes to Limbo,
he needs a card,play the top card from the draw pile, if legal, has cast Wish, or has been Trapped!, the pool is turned face
discarding it if not. Once three cards total have been up until Cyric can once again use his power.
discarded, draw no more for the combat round.
Helm 93/FR
89/FR Hero
Hero 4
6 Forgotten Realms
Forgotten Realms Common
Uncommon Once during each defensive battle, if he does not participate,
Casts cleric and wizard spells. If discarded from the pool Dragonbait may save any one defeated champion or ally of
cancels one event, even if the event does not affect this player. level 4 or lower from being discarded.

Dragonbait can use his power once in each battle in which the
Simbul of Aglarond
player is defending. Dragonbait can return one of the defeated
90/FR defending champions to his pool, as long as Dragonbait does
Wizard not participate in the defense. Champion must be of base level
8 4 or lower, and any attachments that raise the champion's
Forgotten Realms adjusted level above 4 must still be discarded.
Simbul gains +4 levels when battling Maligor the Red or Red
Khelben Arunsun
91/FR Forgotten Realms
Wizard Common
6 Blackstaff gains +4 levels when defending Waterdeep.
Forgotten Realms
When Vangerdahast is played in defense of a realm, the player
may immediately look at the attacker's hand. 95/FR
Forgotten Realms
92/FR Common
Hero Ochimo gains +4 levels when defending Kozakura. He must be
9 defeated twice in a row before being discarded.
Forgotten Realms
Rare Despite the literal wording of the card, Ochimo need only be
Cyric can cast wizard and priest spells. All cards in his player's defeated twice in one battle, not necessarily twice in a row
pool may be turned face down when Cyric is in play. (successive battles) before being discarded.
Champions and their items must combat face up, however. The Sphere of Annihilation's power works on Ochimo, sending
them immediately to the Abyss.

Forgotten Realms - Página 214

Ochimo's second power is much better: He must be defeated Tithian, whose special power allows him to raze a realm
twice before being discarded. It is similar to the powers of whenever he wins a round of battle.
Drizzt Do'Urden (45/1 st) and Rikus (258/lst). Unlike the other
heroes, Ochimo must be defeated twice whether he is Card Combo (from Desafio dos Corajosos 2016): Esta é uma
attacking or defending. versão melhorada do combo Butler's Balderdash, permitindo
que o jogador potencialmente possa arrasar um reino por
Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II): If turno, ja que, ao vencer o combate automaticamente graças
Barab's Goblet of Dissolution is attached to Ochimo, he can ao feitiço Thrice Hearty Cup, Tithian arrasa o reino atacado.
attack, lose the round, use the Goblet's power to send a Jerome então retorna o feitiço no passo 5 para que o combo
victorious opponent to the Abyss, and then return to the pool, persista indefinidamente.
since Ochimo must be defeated twice before being discarded.
Cold Cup of Calamity
Prince Tristan 2/FR
96/FR Chase
Hero Event - Harmful
6 This player may examine one other player's hand and discard
Forgotten Realms it down to 5 cards.
Prince Tristan gains +5 levels against giants, and when Once Cold Cup has been played, the opponent may not play
defending the Moonshaes. any cards, including events, except for counter-effect cards
(such as Limited Wish or Calm) played to counter the Cold
Princess Alusair Cup.
97/FR If Cold Cup is deflected, the original player of the Cup does the
Hero discarding from the hand targeted by the Deflection. This may
4 be the player's own hand.
Forgotten Realms
Common Vessel Vaporous Stones
Princess Alusair can use any Forgotten Realms champion 3/FR
(level only) from any pool as an ally when defending. If Chase
victorious, that champion returns to its pool after the combat Event
round. Helpful
Until the end of this player's next turn, the lowest total wins all
Princess Alusair cannot bring another champion into play as battles. Allies (but not spells or other cards) are subtracted
an ally until the player is losing the round of battle, just as from the total in battle.
cards cannot be played unless a player is losing the round.
If one of the combatants is immune to events, the highest total
Randal Morn wins that round.
98/FR Allies with a negative level bonus, for example Thought Eater,
Hero are added to the level total.
Forgotten Realms Mug of the Earthbound
Common 4/FR
All of this player's allies gain +1 level when Randal is in play. Chase
Wizard spell
Time of Troubles Flying champions are grounded and unable to fly for the
99/FR duration of this combat. Opposing flyer loses 2 levels. (Off/3/4)
Forgotten Realms Hawksflight Grail
Uncommon 5/FR
No champion of level 7 or greater (before magical items, Chase
artifacts, events, and other modifiers) may be involved in Artifact
combat. All Forgotten Realms champions and allies gain +1 Forgotten Realms
level. Another champion from this player's pool can be brought into
combat (add their levels). If either is forcibly discarded, the
Tablets of Fate other keeps all magic items and one artifact, and continues the
100/FR combat.
Forgotten Realms Vessel of Misty Passage
Rare 6/FR
Only Forgotten Realms champions, realms, holdings, and Chase
artifacts retain any powers of immunity. No others may have Event - Helpful
immunity to anything while this card is in play. This vessel allows the player to attack any realm via a secret
passage. The passage lasts until the end of this player's turn.
Thrice Hearty Cup of Balder the Red
1/FR Teapot of Golden Tempest
Chase 7/FR
Cleric spell Chase
Chase Magical item
Cast on a hero, the champion automatically wins its next Once during combat, the player can switch hands with his
battle. (Def/3) opponent. At the end of combat, switch the hands back. All
draws and discards use the original owner's piles.
Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide): Known as
Butler's Balderdash!, the Thrice Hearty Cup can be cast on

Forgotten Realms - Página 215

Ebony Cup of Fate
8/FR Apple of His Eye
Chase 12/FR
Artifact Chase
Forgotten Realms Event
The player may examine his opponent's hand. If it contains an Harmful
artifact, the player automatically loses the battle. If it contains Only one type of champion, chosen by this player, can attack
no artifacts, he automatically wins the battle. or defend until the end of this player's next turn.
The card text incorrectly says, “battle;" it should say "round." Champion types are hero, wizard, cleric, monster, psionicist,
The champion with the Cup only wins the round, not the entire regent, and thief.
battle. If a second Apple is played, and the player chooses a different
Use of this artifact's power is optional for the player ("may champion type than the first Apple, no champions can attack or
examine"). So if a player knows the opponent has an artifact, defend.
he can opt not to invoke the Cup's power. This power is only
used when the attached champion is in battle. Card Combo (from Desafio aos Corajosos 2011): If Event
The Ebony Cup is particularly useful when attached to Ochimo. Wheel (497/4th ed) is in play, you can prolong the duration of
Thanks to Ochimo's power (He must be defeated twice in a Apple of His Eye indefinitely. It’s a good way to obtain free
row before being discarded), even if the opponent has an spoils of victory, specially if you use a lot of champions that are
artifact in his hand, Ochimo and the Ebony Cup return to the immune to harmful events.
Golden Touch, The
Hero's Chalice 13/FR
9/FR Chase
Chase Wizard spell
Magical item For this player's turn, all magical items in his pool or played in
10 battle gain 2 levels. (Def/3/4)
Usable only by heroes, the attached champion gains 10 levels Feather Flight
when defending, but only 5 when attacking. 14/FR
The Chalice can only be attached to heroes, but if a hero is Wizard spell
later changed to another champion type, the Chalice remains. If defeated, this champion and his allies fly back to their pool.
His allies remain with him until their next battle. (Def/4)
Day Live Infamy, The
10/FR Golden Barter
Chase 15/FR
Event Chase
The gods of revenge are in ascendance! Discard all wizards in Wizard spell
battle or in pools. For each magical item discarded from his pool, the player can
draw one card. (Def/3/4)
Unusually Good Fortune
11/FR This spell exacts a stiff price. Discarding magical items is a lot
Chase to ask for the chance to draw new cards. However, since a
Event player could conceivably have ten magical items in his pool, by
Played on another player's event card, this player draws 3 discarding them all he could draw ten new cards!. The player
cards. If played upon "Good Fortune," this player draws 5 cannot discard an artifact to get a magical item. There are no
cards and the other player draws none. magical items that do anything special when discarded.
Otherwise they. would work well with this spell. The best way
Unusually Good Fortune is considered a helpful event, unless to make this spell work for you, is to make sure that Tasslehoff
it is played on Good Fortune, in which case is harmful. Burrfoot (39/DL) is in your pool. He has the ability to retrieve
Therefore Unusually Good Fortune cannot be calmed or one magical item from your discard pile each turn. Dispel
deflected unless played on Good Fortune. Magic (346 & 358/lst) can stop this spell, but Spell Turning
If Unusually Good Fortune is played on Good Fortune, and (398/lst) does nothing.
then the player of Good Fortune plays Deflection on the
Unusually Good Fortune, the player of Good Fortune draws Dagger of Deception
five cards and the player of Unusually Good Fortune draws 16/FR
three cards. Chase
Magical item
Cúpula BSW 2008: Pode ser lançada sobre Good Fortune If an opponent wants to playa card in combat, this player
quando Azure Towers the Onad Fallen estiver em jogo, draws it randomly. Noncombat cards are returned to the
player's hand after being revealed. (Off)
Cúpula BSW 2016: quando o saque de cartas extras é
redirecionado para outro jogador pelo uso de cartas como Wyrm of Earthwalking
Hijacking e Frevo, a carta que provocou a mudança não passa
a ser considerada a fonte das cartas extras, funcionando de
forma análoga a Deflection e Re-Target, não podendo ser
Magical item
afetada pelo aliado Block Golem ou pela fortaleza Not So Fast.
Attached champion and all allies have the earthwalking ability.
Cúpula BSW 2016: quando jogada em resposta ao evento
Boa Sorte, a ação provocada por Unusually Good Fortune é
classificada como deflexão da compra de cartas, assim como Bell of Might
Hijacking e Frevo, podendo portanto ser jogada mesmo contra 18/FR
um jogador protegido pela dungeon The Azure Tower of Onad Chase
the Fallen. Magical item

Forgotten Realms - Página 216

This item can duplicate another player's event card for this Negates any wall spell.
player. (This player's use is secondary.) The bell cannot be
used again until this player's next turn. (Def) Phase Door is a counter-effect card for wall spells.
Wine of Eternity
The player with the Bell of Might can either calm or cancel the 21/FR
event, or use the power of the Bell to duplicate the event, but Chase
not both. If an event, such as Ancient Curse, is used to Event
eliminate the champion with the Bell of Might, that event can Puts one champion to sleep. At the beginning of his turn, the
still be duplicated before the champion is discarded. player may draw and discard a card. If the card's last digit
A duplicated event cannot be duplicated with the Bell, but matches or exceeds the champion's unadjusted level, he
multiple Bells can duplicate the original event, if used by awakens.
different players. However, an individual player can only
duplicate an event once. For example, if a player has the Bell For a champion with ? as icon level, any card drawn will
and the Staff of Mimicry, which is copying the Bell, he may only awaken the champion.
duplicate an opponent's Caravan once, using either the Bell or
Staff of Mimicry, but not both on the same event.
The Bell of Might can duplicate another player's event card. If
the Bell is used to duplicate a Caravan, then the duplicated 22/FR
Caravan is considered played at the same time the original Chase
Caravan is played. Thus, the duplicated Caravan is not in play Magical item
during the initial Caravan turn. Instead, it is waiting to happen 5
as soon as that turn ends. Usable only by heroes and monsters. User is immune to the
first two offensive spells cast in any combat.
Liga BSW: Somente pode duplicar eventos recém lançados,
não podendo duplicar eventos que já estejam em jogo. Netheril
Muragh Brilstagg Chase
19/FR Realm
Chase 7
Ally Forgotten Realms
6 Wizards, magic items, artifacts, and wizard spells used in
Undead. This magical skull subtracts 2 levels from all cards defense of this realm are doubled in level. Netheril can defend
played against its champion. But it may not be played with any itself as a level 7 wizard.
other allies.
Lure of Undermountain
When used, each card played against you loses two levels. 24/FR
Spells, magical items, and artifacts with no stated level are not Chase
reduced to a -2 level, but remain at 0. This effect ignores spells Rule
cast in step 3 that may affect combat. Events played to affect Forgotten Realms
combat do not subtract two more levels. Every time a Forgotten Realms monster champion is
If this ally is stolen by a Shield of Wickedness (31 6/ 1 st) or discarded, its owner may force another player to chose one
the Amulet of the Beast (64/RL), it may end up with other nonmonster champion of any world, from that player’s hand or
allies. In that case the skull is completely neutralized. It gives pool to be discarded.
the player no level bonus, and its special power is ignored.
Mitragh Brilstagg was a máster thief in life. Now all that Zhentarim Intrigue
remains is his skull. Some undead can drain life levels with n 25/FR
touch. Mitragh drains it with his mere presence. Fortunately for Chase
his enemies, they regain their lost vitality within a few hours. Rule
Forgotten Realms
Phase Door Whenever a player's Forgotten Realms realm is razed, he may
20/FR draw a card and add it to his hand.
Wizard spell

Forgotten Realms - Página 217

Wand of Orcus In combat, one enemy ally (chosen by this player) is forced to
1/ART switch sides. The levels of all friendly allies are doubled.
9 Machine Lum the Mad
Rare Artifact
This Wand can be attached to any undead monster champion. 8
When the Wand is used in battle against an opposing Greyhawk
champion of level 8 or less, the opponent is instantly slain Rare
(discarded). Limit one per deck. The attached champion can cast any spell, but only in defense;
it can never attack. The champion uses the last digit of his card
This artifact can be attached to any AD&D champion or an number as his level.
undead champion from any world. It instantly defeats any
opposing champion with an adjusted level of 8 or less. Queen Ehlissa Nightingale
Card Combo: If the ally Dreaded Ghost is brought into play as Artifact
a champion using Gib Hcivonad's power, and then the Wand Greyhawk
of Orcus is attached, opposing champions up to level 17 are Common
instantly defeated. When the attached champion enters combat, the player can
choose to prevent the opposing champion from playing allies
Axe of Dwarvish Lord or spells.
Artifact Sword of Kas
3 7/ART
AD&D Artifact
Common 8
The Axe can be attached to any champion. In addition to the Greyhawk
listed bonus, the Axe also gives the attached champion a +8 Uncommon
ally in combat. The base level of an opposing champion is halved (round up).
This artifact does not function when used against a champion
The ally that comes with this artifact does not need to be a with the Eye and Hand of Vecna.
swimmer, flyer, or earthwalker for the purposes of battle, as
long as the champion
Talisman of Al'Akbar
itself possesses the power. The ally is considered to be linked
to the champion through the Axe. The ally is, however, 8/ART
vulnerable to powers that affect normal allies, if the Artifact
psionic power Banishment (96/PO) is played against a Greyhawk
champion with the Axe, the ally is forced from the battle. The Common
ally returns again for subsequent battles. This artifact can be attached to a champion with the Cup of
Al'Albar. The attached champion can dispel one spell while
involved in a round of battle. Monsters cannot use this
Iron Flask Tuerny Merciless
Teeth of Dalhvar-Nar
Uncommon 9/ART
The Flask gives the attached champion a +6 tanar'ri ally that Artifact
can earthwalk and cast wizard spells. If the artifact is Greyhawk
discarded, the attached champion is also discarded. Uncommon
The attached champion is a flyer and is immune to offensive
spells. If the champion wins a round of battle, an opposing
Jacinth Inestimable Beauty
holding is immediately discarded.
All-Knowing Eye Yasmin Sira
Uncommon 10/ART

Artifacts - Página 218

Forgotten Realms
The attached champion is immune to offensive spells and once
per battle can cast a +5 spell (Def/4). Once per turn, the player
can examine one opponent's hand.

Artifacts - Página 219

Coin Jisan Bountiful Hammer of Thunderbolts
11/ART 18/ART
Artifact Magical Item
Forgotten Realms 5
Common Rare
The champion can negate either the power of level (but not Can only be attached to a champion who carries gauntlets of
both) of each magical item and artifact used against him in ogre power or a girdle of storm giant strength. The first ally
combat. used against the attached champion is discarded. (Off)

The champion with the Coin can only choose to negate Gauntlets Ogre Power
offensive magical items and the offensive powers of artifacts. 19/ART
Defensive powers cannot be negated. Magical Item
Seal of Lost Arak Rare
12/ART Champion breaks down walls, allowing him to ignore all such
Artifact cards. Can be played on a champion even after combat is
3 ended by a wall spell. Combat must continue.
Rare Winged Boots
Once per turn, the player can flip the top card of any other 20/ART
player's draw deck. He can use it only if it is a spell or ally that Magical Item
is legal for that step. The card is reshuffled into the player's 2
draw deck. Common
The attached champion becomes a flyer. If he is defeated in
The Seals' power can be used once from a player's phase 3 to battle against a non-flying champion, he can retreat from
phase 3 of the player's next turn. The Seal can be used during combat back to his pool. (Def)
another player's turn.
Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II): If
Crystal of Ebon Flame the Winged Boots is attached to Iuz the Evil, he can attack,
13/ART lose the round, use his special power to raze a realm or
Artifact discard a razed realm, and then return to the pool to attack
2 again on the next turn. Note, however, that this strategy will not
Ravenloft work if Iuz's opponent is a flyer.
Attached champion becomes undead. The opposing Card Combo (from Scavenger's Spellfire Corner): If Winged
champion's base level is considered to be a zero, unless it its a Boots is attached to the Aurak Draconian Lord, the Lord can
cleric or undead. Opposing undead allies switch sides. lose the round, discard the opposing champion, and then
return to the pool to do it again next turn. As with the previous
Obsidian Man of Urik combo, this only works if the opponent is not a flyer.
Artifact Card Combo (from Scavenger's Spellfire Corner): If Winged
6 Boots also works well attached to Gloriana. If her opponent is
Dark Sun a flyer, she automatically wins the round. If her opponent is not
Rare a flyer, she can return to the pool if defeated.
If the attached champion is discarded, the artifact returns to
the player's pool as a monster. Instead of attaching this artifact Card Combo (from Mark Towse): Attach Winged Boots to Lyr
to a champion, the player can play the Obsidian Man as a of the Mists, allowing her to use her power, lose the battle, and
monster. then return to the pool (as long as the opposing champion is
not a flyer) to do it again next turn.
Rod of Teeth
Rod of 7 Parts, #1
Artifact 21/ART
2 Magical Item
Dark Sun 1
Uncommon AD&D
An opposing wizard cannot cast spells. Before battle, the Uncommon
player can discard the attached champion and examine all Champion is a swimmer. If combined with any other parts of
other players' hands, discarding any spell cards. the rod, the rod counts as an artifact and gains an additional
+1 for each part. (Off)
Midnight's Mask Disguise
Rod of 7 Parts, #2
Magical Item 22/ART
2 Magical Item
Common 2
A champion can be played into the player's pool with this AD&D
magical item, even of the champion is already in play Rare
somewhere. The champion's powers are unchanged. (Def) Champion is immune to events. If combined with any other
parts of the rod, the rod counts as an artifact and gains an
additional +1 for each part. (Off)
Girdle Giant Strength
Rod of 7 Parts, #3
Magical Item
7 23/ART
Common (Off) Magical Item

Artifacts - Página 220

AD&D Card Combo: This card is best used with cards that can
Uncommon recover other cards from the discard pile, such as Tasslehoff
Champion is immune to offensive magical items. If combined Burrfoot, which can retrieve a magical item from the discard
with any other parts of the rod, the rod counts as an artifact pile once per turn. A magical item can be discarded, in order to
and gains an additional +1 for each part. (Off) draw an additional card. Tasslehoff can then recover the
discarded magical item, and the process can be repeated next
Rod of 7 Parts, #4 turn.
Magical Item Pesquisa Brasil 2010: Não pode descartar a si mesma para
4 ter seu poder.
Rare Cúpula BSW 2011: Toda e qualquer carta que estiver no poço
Flyers cannot be played against the attached champion. If do jogador, pode ser descartada por Bag of Holding, inclusive
combined with any other parts of the rod, the rod counts as an aquelas que pertencem a outros jogadores, desde que essas
artifact and gains an additional +1 for each part. (Off) últimas estejam sobre o controle daquele jogador, como, por
exemplo, um campeão roubado pelo evento Curse of Azure
Card Combo (from the Sussman Zone): Attaching the Rod of Bonds (4/FR) ou pelo evento Tyranthraxus, The Possessing
7 Parts, #4 to Rand the Bowyer makes him nearly impossible Spirit (55/RR).
to defeat.
Daern's Instant Fortress
Rod of 7 Parts, #5 29/ART
25/ART Magical Item
Magical Item 5
5 Rare
AD&D The Fortress can be played as a magical item or as a holding.
Uncommon The realm or champion is immune to events and offensive
At the beginning of his turn, this item's owner can examine an spells during other player's turns. (Def)
opponent's hand. If combined with any other parts of the rod,
the rod counts as an artifact and gains an additional +1 for Spellbook
each part. (Off) 30/ART
Magical Item
Rod of 7 Parts, #6 Rare
26/ART The spellcaster with this item can retain up to two spells after
Magical Item winning a round of combat to use in another battle. Only step 4
6 spells can be saved. (Def)
Rare Plentiful Psionics
The attached champion becomes an earthwalker. If combined 31/ART
with any otherc parts of the rod, the rod counts as an artifact Rule
and gains an additional +1 for each part. (Off) Dark Sun
Rod of 7 Parts, #7 Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not
27/ART discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
Magical Item other rule card is played. All champions are able to read minds
7 and predict the future. Each player's hand is divided; all DARK
AD&D SUN cards are concealed, but all other cards are revealed by
Uncommon placing them face up on the table. The face-up cards are still
The champion can ignore one card played against him in part of the hand until played
combat. If combined with any other parts of the rod, the rod .
counts as an artifact and gains an additional +1 for each part. Sorcerer-Kings
(Off) 32/ART
During battle, a champion with the Rod of 7 Parts, part 7 can Dark Sun
ignore any one card played after the battle begins. The Common
opposing champion cannot be ignored. If a player chooses to Each Dark Sun realm can be defended once per battle by a
ignore a defensive magical item, any level bonuses are lost, monster that can cast any spell. The level is equal to the
but the power of the item, because it is defensive in nature, number of Dark Sun realms and holdings the defender has in
remains. play. If the sorcerer-king is defeated, the realm is razed.
The player may ignore an event played in battle, such as
Cataclysm! Dark Lords
An avenging ally can also be ignored, although its power may 33/ART
be used against another player. Rule
Bag of Holding Common
28/ART If any Ravenloft champion or undead champion of any world is
Magical Item defeated in battle, that champion returns to the player's pool at
1 the end of that player's next turn.
Once per turn the player may discard one card from his pool or This rule card prevents a player's RAVENLOFT or undead
his hand, and then draw one card from his draw pile. (Def) champions (of any world) from being discarded as a result of
combat. After being defeated in battle, a RAVI-NI.OFT or
The Bag of Holding is used during phase 3 of the player's turn. undead champion is placed in Limbo, returning to the player's
pool at the end of their next turn. All magical items, artifacts,
spells, and allies with the champion do not go to Limbo, but are

Artifacts - Página 221

instead discarded because the champion was defeated. This When another rule card is put into play, this card must be
rule card works well in a deck containing either many discarded. Rule cards must be played before cards are drawn
RAVENLOFT or undead champions. at the beginning of a player's turn, or as spoils. This rule card
is designed to l i m i t the number of cards that can be played
The Walking Dead during the course of a battle, as well as eliminating the playing
34/ART of event cards. Events currently in play when this rule card
Rule comes out are discarded. This card limits the number of
Ravenloft magical items that can be attached to a champion. Only one
Uncommon ally,
Undead champions and Ravenloft monsters can attack razed magical item, artifact, and wizard or cleric spell can be
realms. Allies need not be undead. If a razed realm is attached to a champion. If a champion already had one of
defeated, it is discarded and the attacker again draws spoils of these cards attached when he entered combat, the player
victory. cannot attach another of that type of item. If for any reason a
champion ends up with more of a card type than he's allowed,
A player receives spoils of victory both when a realm is razed one must immediately be discarded
and when it is discarded under the Walking Dead rule card.
However, there can be only one spoils of victory in a single Forbidden Lore
turn. As soon as a realm is razed, the player's turn moves to
phase 5. On a subsequent turn, the same realm can be
attacked and discarded, resulting in another spoils of victory.
Artifact Vault Only Ravenloft champions may cast offensive wizard spells.
Rule Cosmic Justice
Rule Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is
not discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until
any other rule card is played. The player can choose to place
All realms that have no special powers can borrow the powers
any GREYHAWK Artifacts face-down in a pile called the
of one other realm in play, but only when attacked. All
Artifact Vault. In step 3 of the turn, when cards are played into
champions that have no special powers can steal the power of
the pool, the player can distribute the GREYHAWK artifacts to
the opposing champion in combat. All allies that have no
the Artifact Vault. Cards in the vault are in play, but are not
special powers are unaffected by the special powers of
active and cannot be used. GREYHAWK artifacts cannot be
champions and allies.
discarded by any means so long as this rule card is in play; if a
champion is discarded, or if any card calls for a GREYHAWK
artifact to be discarded, it returns to the player's Artifact Vault. Roc
Artifact Champions Ally
Flyer. Flying allies cannot be played against the roc. The
opponent must discard any already in play.
Greyhawk Artifacts with numerical bonuses can be played as
champions. Artifact-champions are not considered monsters, Kinsle the Druid
wizards, clerics, or heroes. Any ability normally given by the 42/ART
artifact to a champion is possessed by the artifact-champion. Ally
Isolated Worlds Common
Flyer. In battle, Kinsle can cast cleric spells to aid the attached
Dark Sun
Common Dragonbane
Dark Sun cards (champions, artifacts, realms) are immune to 43/ART
the Rule of the Cosmos. If this rule card is discarded, the Cleric spell
owner of the card chooses which cards are discarded to 2
enforce the rule of the Cosmos again. Common
Any dragon champion is automatically defeated, but returns
No Funny Business unharmed to the player's pool. Dragon and draconian allies are
discarded. (Off/4)
AD&D Ship of the Sky
Rare 44/ART
No event can be played. All events currently in play are Wizard spell
immediately discarded. In addition, no more than one magical 2
item can be attached to any champion. In battle, no more than Rare
one of each type of card can be attached to each champion. Remains with the champion until dispelled. Champion and
allies become flyers and swimmers. (Def/3/4)
This rule card allows only one of each type of CARD to be in
the battle. However, special powers of cards do not count Pegasus
toward this limitation. For example the artifact card Axe of the 45/ART
Dwarvish Lord conveys a +8 ally, but an ally card can still be Ally
played. 3

Artifacts - Página 222

Flyer. Cúpula BSW 2009: Deflection não dá o direito do jogador usar
o poder da carta defletida, ele somente escolhe o jogador
Windrider alvo, e este escolhe um alvo válido para sofrer os efeitos da
46/ART carta. Se Espionage (BR 18) é defletida, seu poder é perdido,
Ally pois é expresso no texto que deve ser outro jogador a receber
6 seus efeitos e não seu lançador.
Flyer. Help!
Erica of Dark Watch Event
47/ART Rare
Ally Choose another player to defend your realm. You choose
7 which champions are used. If he loses a round, his champion
Common is discarded; he draws a card for each round he wins.
Only champions from the opponent's pool can be chosen to
defend the realm. Help! remains in effect throughout the battle.
Dimock the Sprite
Reverse Gravity
3 56/ART
Common Wizard spell
Flyer. Dimock fights invisibly and cannot be discarded or Uncommon
switch sides during battle for any reason. All Flyers become non-flyers and vice versa until the beginning
of this player's next turn. Swimmers and earthwalkers are
unaffected by this card. (Off/3/4)
Flying Carpet
Shift Earth
Magical Item
3 57/ART
Common The champion can choose to be a flyer or non-flyer Cleric spell
at the beginning of combat. (Def) Common
The player can freely rearrange his realms and holdings, but
must fill from the top down. (Def/3)
Ariel Anjelique
Mirror Image
5 58/ART
Common Wizard spell
Flyer. Ariel flies psionically and is immune to spells, allies, and 3
events that harm other flyers. Uncommon
This spell doubles the caster's level. (Def/4)
Dragon Slayer
Event 59/ART
Uncommon Cleric spell
All dragons in combat or in pools are immediately discarded. Common
The champion can immediately elude an opposing cleric or
hero, ending the round of battle. Both champions go back to
Marilith Tanar'ri
their pools. (Def/4)
Prismatic Spray
Common 60/ART
The opposing player cannot play any events for the rest of this Wizard spell
round of battle, including Calm. 7
Opposing allies of level 4 or less are immediately discarded.
Temporal Stasis
Treasure Vault
In a multi-player game, this card can be played to prevent one 61/ART
player's turn. In a two-player game, this event can prevent an Holding
extra turn gained form another card, such as the Caravan. AD&D
Temporal Stasis is played between players' turns; like Caravan This holding can be attached to any realm. Any artifact of any
and before the turn to be skipped. world can be attached to this holding. Any champion defending
the attached realm can use the artifact.
Event 62/ART
Rare Holding
This player can deflect a harmful event affecting only him onto AD&D
any other player. (Helpful) Common
This holding can be attached to any realm. When this holding
Events that affect everyone cannot be deflected. is first played, all champions with the name "Gib" are

Artifacts - Página 223

Kestrel's Keep after one use. The attacking champion must discard all
63/ART attached magical items. (Def/3)
AD&D This spell is bluelined as offensive
This holing can be attached to any realm. Each of this player's Curse Glyph
champions and allies gain +1 when defending any realm. This 69/ART
holding stays attached and in play even if the attached realm is Cleric spell
razed. 3
Keep of the Dead Offensive
64/ART Hide under the lead realm; expose when the realm is attacked.
Holding Only one glyph can be placed under a realm; it is discarded
AD&D after one use. An attacking champion with an attached magical
Common item is defeated. (Def/3)
This holding can be attached to any realm. If something forces
the attached realm to be discarded, this holding is discarded in This spell is bluelined as offensive
place of the realm, and the realm stays in play.
Death Glyph
The Keep of the Dead helps protect the attached realm against 70/ART
cards that discard realms from play. If a card such as Cleric spell
Cataclysm! (99/3rd) is played on a realm with the attached 2
Keep of the Dead, the holding is sent to the discard pile Common
instead of the realm, and the realm stays in play. This holding Offensive
does not protect a realm from cards that "ra/,e" a realm, only Hide under the lead realm; expose when the realm is attacked.
those that discard i t . Cards such as Creeping Doom (28/FR) Only one glyph can be placed under a realm; it is discarded
and Siege (150 /3rd) raw the target realm normally, causing after one use. An attacking champion without an attached
the Keep of the Dead to be discarded. This holding does not artifact or magical item is defeated. (Def/3)
counter the effects of Estate Transference (437/3rd), or other
cards which affect both the realm and the holding. This spell is bluelined as offensive

Spellfire Citadel Dragon Turtle

65/ART 71/ART
Holding Monster
AD&D 6
Uncommon Dragonlance
This holding can be attached to any realm. This player can, at Common
the end of each turn, rearrange his holdings. Holdings must Swimmer; can attack any realm that shows coastline on the
still be attached to realms legally. card.

Fire Glyph Deathstream, Black Dragon

66/ART 72/ART
Cleric spell Monster
AD&D 7
Rare Dragonlance
Offensive Common
Hide under the lead realm; expose when the realm is attacked. Flyer, swimmer; can attack any realm that shows coastline on
Only one glyph can be placed under a realm; it is discarded the card. One opponent's magical item is discarded.
after one use. The attacking champion cannot play allies in this Deathstream can cast wizard spells.
round of battle. (Def/3)
Zielesch, Ancient. Green Dragon
This spell is bluelined as offensive 73/ART
Weakness Glyph 9
67/ART Greyhawk
Cleric spell Uncommon
1 Swimmer; can attack any realm that shows coastline on the
Uncommon card. When Zielesch enters battle, the player can draw a card.
Offensive If the card is usable, it can be played; otherwise, the card goes
Hide under the lead realm; expose when the realm is attacked. into the player's hand.
Only one glyph can be placed under a realm; it is discarded
after one use. The attacking champion's base level is a 1 for Dregoth, Undead Dragon
this round of battle. (Def/3) 74/ART
This spell is bluelined as offensive 10
Dark Sun
Lightning Glyph Rare
68/ART Undead flyer. Can cast any spell. Immune to psionics and
Cleric spell offensive spells. If Dregoth attacks, his level drops to 6.
Offensive Korgunard the Avangion
Hide under the lead realm; expose when the realm is attacked. 75/ART
Only one glyph can be placed under a realm; it is discarded Monster

Artifacts - Página 224

8 losing side of a battle, it returns to the player's pool at the end
Dark Sun of his next turn.
Flyer. Can cast wizard spells. Immune to psionic attack. Can Erital Kaan-Ipzirel
be discarded to rebuild a razed realm. 81/ART
Korgunard may be discarded to rebuild a razed realm at any 7
time during the player's turn except phase 4. Korgunard can Greyhawk
rebuild any razed realm, even that of an opponent. Common
Discarding Korgunard docs not save a realm with an attached This cleric of St. Cuthbert is immune to offensive spells and
holding from being razed, thus saving the holding. In this case, magical items. When in battle, she can choose to use a
the holding would still be discarded, then Korgunard could be dimension door to return to her pool, ending the round of
discarded to unraze the realm. combat; if she does, all attached cards are discarded.

Drawmij Because Erital's power activates upon defeat in battle, the

76/ART power is negated by the Ring of Reversion and Thought Eater.
Wizard Her power is not a spell.
Greyhawk Yagno Petrovna
Uncommon 82/ART
Swimmer; can attack any realm that shows coastline on the Cleric
card. In battle, he can borrow any magical item in play, 8
returning it when the round ends. Drawmij can imitate the Ravenloft
power of any other wizard in play. Common
When used in combat, this player can place any two cards
Drawmij cannot borrow a magical item from Mordenkainen, from his opponent's discard pile on top of his draw pile.
even if both champions belong to the same player.
Drawmij's major power is that he can imitate the special power Yagno Petrovna is highest level Ravenloft champion able to
of any other wizard in play. This can only be done during that use cleric spells, and is the only Ravenloft cleric presented so
player's turn, or if Drawmij is used in defense of a realm. far. This champion's power is used before champions have
Drawmij can change the power he imitates each time he is been pushed forward for a combat challenge. Before any cards
used. arc played, Yagno's player can take two cards from his
opponent's (in combat) discard pile and place them on the top
Klik-Ka'cha of his draw pile. The strategy behind using Yagno's power is to
77/ART control cither what your opponent draws for spoils of victory or
Cleric two of the next three cards drawn on his turn. This may
7 prevent your opponent from drawing a realm on his turn, or
Dark Sun return to his hand a card that has no effect on you. You must
Common move two cards (not just one) in this manner For example, if
When he enters battle as a defender, Klik can destroy one you're playing a deck without spells, then returning a discarded
magical item in play anywhere. Spell Turning (398/3rd) to the opponent is an excellent move.

Mykell, Amethyst Great Wyrm Goldmoon

78/ART 83/ART
Monster Cleric
10 9
AD&D Dragonlance
Common Common
Dragon; flyer, swimmer; can attack any realm that shows Once per turn, in any step, she may cast any cleric spell from
coastline on the card. Can cast wizard spells. Mykell an opponent's discard pile, and then place it on the top or
psionically destroys any one ally played against him in a round bottom of his draw pile.
of battle.
Although Goldmoon can use her power at any time, she must
Hornung the Anarch abide by the phase restriction of the spell being cast. If
79/ART Goldmoon casts a spell with a duration, it goes to the
Wizard opponent's draw pile (top or bottom) when the spell expires.
6 Spells without duration are immediately (after the round of
AD&D combat) placed at the top or bottom of the draw pile.
Each spell cast by Hornung has a level equal to the card Princess Amber
number's last digit.Hornung never need ask permission to cast 84/ART
a spell. Hero
When Hornung casts Mirror Image, his level is first doubled, AD&D
then +6 is added (the last digit of Mirror Image). Rare
Invisible Stalker Heroes cannot resist helping the princess. When entering
80/ART battle, Amber can use any hero in play as an ally; after battle,
Monster win or lose, the hero returns to its owner's pool.
Ravenloft Amber's power is used during battle, which means a defender
Uncommon must be put forth before the power is used. Any hero other
The invisible stalker can also be played as a +4 ally to any than the defender can be selected as an ally.
champion able to cast spells. If the invisible stalker is on the

Artifacts - Página 225

The hero-ally only returns to its pool if it is still in play at the Common
end of the round of battle. If discarded during battle, if the Only champions able to cast spells can attack this realm. Any
opponent plays Brine Dragon for example, the hero remains holding can be attached to Euripis.
New Guistenal
Darsson Spellmaker 91/ART
85/ART Realm
Wizard Dark Sun
7 Common
Forgotten Realms Coast
Common Cannot be attacked by flyers, except Dregoth. If razed, this
When attacking or defending, Darson can play any card as a realm can be rebuilt by discarding only 1 card.
defensive spell card, using the last digit of the card number as
the spell's level. Due to the body of water on the card picture, New Guistenal is
considered a coastal realm.
The number of cards Darsson can play as defensive spells is
limited only by the number of cards available to the player, Ancient Kalidnay
typically the cards in the player's hand. 92/ART
When Darsson is involved in a round of combat (attacking or Realm
defending) he can play any card as a defensive spell, using Dark Sun
the last digit of the card number as the level of the spell. Cards Common
like the Tiger (309/3rd) would be played as a +9 defensive This realm is also considered a Ravenloft realm. This realm
spell using this power. Spells such as Spell Turning (398/3rd) can be voluntarily razed by the player at the end of his turn,
would now have a level bonus of +8. allowing the player to take another turn immediately.

Council Aerie This card allows a player to take another turn by razing this
86/ART realm during phase 5 of his turn. When first played, Ancient
Realm Kalidnay is placed vertically in the formation. Once its special
9 power to grant an extra turn has been used, it is placed
Forgotten Realms horizontally in the formation, just like other razed realms. If
Uncommon rebuilt, it is still played horizontally, indicating its power has
Coast been used.
Dragon champions may defend this realm twice per turn. Ancient Kalidnay can provide only one additional turn per
Opponent's dragons may not attack. Any holding may be player per game. Temporal Stasis allows Ancient Kalidnay's
attached to Council Aerie. special power to activate and then negates it. Rebuilding the
realm won't allow the player to gain an extra turn.
Council Aerie can defend itself as a level 7 hero. Council Aerie
is an excellent realm for decks that have a lot of dragon Card Combo (from Scavenger's Spellfire Corner): If the Silver
champions. If a dragon champion is defeated while defending Spring holding is attached to Ancient Kalidnay, razing Ancient
Council Aerie, it may defend again. Kalidnay to gain another turn also razes another realm.

Shining Lands Cúpula BSW 2016: é permitido ao último jogador do ciclo (em
87/ART um torneio individual, o segundo jogador) arrasar Ancient
Realm Kalidnay e jogar seu turno extra ainda no primeiro ciclo do
Dragonlance jogo.
The Shining Lands can be attacked only by flyers or Ur Draxa
earthwalkers. The realm and its defending champion are 93/ART
immune to offensive spells. Any holding can be attached to the Realm
Shining Lands. Dark Sun
Bluet Spur This player's champions are immune to psionic attacks.
88/ART Champions with attached artifacts or magical items cannot
Realm attack this realm, although they can be added during battle.
AD&D Ur Draxa protects a player's champions from all psionic
Uncommon attacks, whether champions' special powers or psionic power
Coast cards.
Cannot be attacked by flyers and can defend itself as a level 6
monster that can cast wizard spells. Any holding can be Shault
attached to Bluet Spur. 94/ART
Hell Furnaces 6
89/ART Dark Sun
Realm Common
Greyhawk Shault can be attacked only by monsters or flyers. The city can
Common defend itself as any type of level 6 champion, chosen by the
The level of any dragon defending the Hell Furnaces is player when attacked.
doubled. Any holding can be attached to this realm.
Forest Ridge
Euripis 95/ART
90/ART Realm
Realm Dark Sun
Dark Sun Common

Artifacts - Página 226

If the Forest Ridge is razed by an attacking champion, feral Mace of Cuthbert
halflings eat the winning champion, causing the card (and any 1/ART
possessions) to be discarded. Chase
Celik 5
96/ART Greyhawk
Realm The level bonus (if any) of each opponent's spell is reduced by
Dark Sun 2. Undead cannot be used against the attached champion.
Rare The Mace is discarded when the attached champion enters
Any champion attacking Celik must discard all attached battle against Iuz.
magical items or artifacts, and cannot add more during battle.
Death Rock
A nasty combination is to play the ally Loup-Garou when 2/ART
defending Celik. Loup-Garou requires the opponent play a Chase
magical item, while Celik prevents magical items from being Artifact
played. The attacker is thus defeated. Ravenloft
When a champion of this player dies in battle, a champion
Lake Island with this artifact can keep the dead champion as an undead +2
97/ART ally without special powers. These allies return to the pool with
Realm a winning champion.
Dark Sun Psychometron Nerad
Common 3/ART
Can be attacked only by flyers or earthwalkers. Lake Island Chase
defends itself as a level 5 monster. Artifact
Dark Sun
Year of Plenty The attached champion is immune to psionics. When the
98/ART attached champion is discarded, the Psychometron psionically
Event destroys one other champion.
No events can be played, including Calm, until the end of this The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly indicates
player's next turn. that the artifact's power to destroy a champion can be used
when the Psychometron is discarded. However, the attached
Year of Plenty prevents events from being played, but does not champion must be discarded for the Psychometron's power to
affect any events with a duration that are currently in play. be used. For purposes of the Psychometron's power, being
sent to the Abyss is considered being discarded.
Cúpula BSW 2016: tornado carta-resposta, podendo ser This artifact’s special power to discard any champion in play
jogado para negar um evento, evitando que outros sejam only works if the champion who it is attached to is discarded.
jogados até o fim do próximo turno deste jogador.
Silencer of Bodach
Thought Eater 4/ART
99/ART Chase
Ally Artifact
-2 5
Common Dark Sun
Prevents all special powers and spell casting ability of the If the attached champion is defeated in battle, all of one other
opponent's champion, allies, spells, and magical items. player's holdings are discarded. If one of this player's realms is
attacked, the attached champion must be used first in defense.
The effect of the Thought Eater is similar to that of the Ring of
Reversion, the opponent's special powers are negated during Barab's Goblet of Dissolution
the round of battle. This includes powers activated upon 5/ART
defeat, such as those of Drizzt Do'Urden, Iuz the Evil, and Chase
Ochimo. It also includes the powers of avenging allies such as Artifact
Assassins and Starving Artist. 3
The level bonuses of an opposing champion’s attached cards AD&D
are not affected by Thought Eater, only the special powers and This artifact can be attached to any champion. When the
spell casting abilities. champion with this item is defeated, the winning champion is
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly indicates sent to the Abyss, permanently removed from play.
that clerics opposing the Thought Eater can still cast spells.
While icon abilities are not negated by the Thought Eater, all If a realm champion wins a round of battle against a champion
spellcasting is prevented. with Barab's Goblet of Dissolution, the realm is not sent to the
The text detailing an example of the card’s power is in error, Abyss (Technically, the realm champion is sent to the Abyss,
since the Thought Eater’s power prevents spellcasting. It but the realm supplies a new champion the next time it is
should read that icon abilities are not lost, so a hero could still attacked).
play unarmed combat cards and psionicists could still play
psionic power cards. Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II): If
Barab's Goblet of Dissolution is attached to Ochimo, he can
Deja Vu attack, lose the round, use the Goblet's power to send a
100/ART victorious opponent to the Abyss, and then return to the pool,
Cleric spell since Ochimo must be defeated twice before being discarded.
Take any three cards form an opponent's discard pile and Onad the Weasel
place them on top of his draw pile. (Off/3) 6/ART

Artifacts - Página 227

Wizard Monster
7 8
Greyhawk Ravenloft
Onad can imitate the effects of any event, by being discarded Undead. This spectral bagpiper can cast wizard spells. He and
just after that event is played. The use of Onad in this manner any attached cards are immune to the special powers of allies.
is secondary to the use of the actual event.
At any time during a game Onad can be discarded from his 11/ART
pool to duplicate the effects of an opponent's event. The Chase
duplicated event takes place after the first event has Cleric spell
concluded. For example, if Onad is used to copy a The No attack can be made against any of this player's realms until
Caravan (319/ 3rd), the duplicated event occurs after the first after this player's next turn. (Def/5)
free turn is taken. Onad cannot be used to copy your own
events. Copied events can be negated by Calm (400 /3rd) or
Bigby's Clenched Fist
Intercession (48/RR). If the original event is canceled, Limited
Wish (43/FR), it cannot be duplicated by Onad; however, 12/ART
calmed events can still be copied. Chase
Only one event can be copied by one player at one time. If Wizard spell
both Onad and The Bell of Might (18/FR Chase) are in one This spell summons a magical fist as a +4 ally. The fist can
pool, only one can be used lo duplicate an event. cause one enemy ally to be discarded. (Off/4)

Lord Blacktree Fire Charm

7/ART 13/ART
Chase Chase
Hero Wizard spell
8 The special power of an opposing champion or ally is
Forgotten Realms neutralized until the end of the current battle. (Off/4)
At the beginning of a battle, Lord Blacktree can imitate the
powers of any single realm or holding in play. Only powers Thunder Staff
usable during a round of battle can be imitated. 14/ART
>Player 1 attack using a non-swimmer champion; Wizard spell
>Player 2 defend using Lord Blacktree and copy Coral 4
Kingdom; Chase
> What happens? When this spell is played, all the opponent's allies are
Since the attacking champion is already there, he stays, but discarded. (Off/4)
anybody else that wants to come into this fight (namely allies)
must be able to get there. Spectral Hand
The OGRE (http://oracle.wizards.com/scripts/wa.exe 15/ART
?A2=ind0110B&L=spellfire-l&P=R2062) Chase
Wizard spell
Young Strahd 4
8/ART Chase
Chase This spell can be cast by a champion in the pool to aid a
Hero champion in battle. After casting it, the champion in the pool
8 can cast other spells into the same round of battle. (Off/4)
Can cast wizard spells. While in play all Ravenloft champions Ariel's Feather Charm
except Strahd Von Zarovich are turned face down and cannot 16/ART
act. Must defend if Strahd Von Zarovich attacks. Chase
Magical Item
Young Strahd does not "kill" an opposing Ravenloft champion, 5
they just can't face him. When Young Strahd is played as a The attached champion becomes an agile flyer. The champion
defender from the hand, all Ravenloft champions are turned is not affected by cards that normally cause harm specifically
facedown. If the attacker was a Ravenloft champion, he is to flyers. (Def)
returned to his pool and the attacker gets to select another
Amulet of Spell Protection
While Strahd is in play, Ravenloft champions cannot act, but
their immunities still function. You may attach magical items 17/ART
and artifacts to Ravenloft champions, but they cannot be used. Chase
Magical Item
The attached champion is immune to offensive spells. If this
9/ART item is in the pool when a spell is cast, the amulet can be
Chase discarded to prevent the effects of the spell. (Def)
8 Once attached to a champion, this item may be discarded to
AD&D cancel any spell cast by any player. This item is especially
Immune to offensive spells. This swashbuckler is the captain of handy if a player does not have access to spells such as
a ship; he and his allies are considered swimmers and can Dispel Magic (346/358/3rd) or Spell Turning (398/3rd), allowing
attack any coastal realm. you to cancel one of the more deadly spells coming your way.

Ghostly Piper Amelior's Restraint

10/ART 18/ART
Chase Chase

Artifacts - Página 228

Magical Item 5
When this card is used in battle, flip one card from the
Before battle, choose one opponent's champion; that opponent's draw pile. The last digit of that card's number is an
champion's special abilities are negated until the end of your additional bonus for the attached champion. (Off)
turn. (Off)
The opponent's card is flipped as soon as the Smoke Powder
Amelior’s Restraint is a useful magical item for a Spellfire deck Pistol enters battle, regardless of which champion is currently
that is built around combat, and the use of this item's power winning the battle. The card that is flipped is discarded.
commits a player to an attack. If a player cannot or does not
attack, this item's power cannot be used. Dragon Font
In phase 3, just before the player attacks, the owner of 20/ART
Amelior's Restraint can choose one opposing champion and Chase
negate their special power. This does not affect a champion's Magical Item
level bonus, only the powers listed in the card's text box. This Draw one less card than usual when beginning your turn. In
negation of an opposing champion's power lasts until the end addition, look at the bottom 5 cards in your draw pile. Place
of thai player's turn. one in your hand and return the others to the bottom of the
Note: The use of this item does not negate a champion's icon draw pile. (Def)
If Dragon Font is copied with Staff of Mimicry, the two magical
Smoke Powder Pistol items are used one after the other, which results in two less
19/ART cards being drawn from the top of the deck and two cards
Chase taken from the bottom six cards.
Magical Item

Artifacts - Página 229

Adjatha, the Spell Drinker Sword of the High King
1/PW 5/PW
Magical Item Magical Item
2 4
Uncommon Rare
Sword Cannot be used by monsters. In battle, this mighty weapon
Cannot be attached to a wizard or a cleric. For one round of causes fear. The opposing champion becomes level 1, and his
battle, Adjatha drains all magical items of the opposing allies are each reduced to a +1 bonus. (Off)
champion, rendering them useless. Add +2 to Adjatha for each
item drained. (Off) Dragonsbane
Adjatha's power negates all of the opposing champions
Magical Item
magical items, including defensive magical items.
Abhorrence of Shapechangers Sword
2/PW During battle, Dragonsbane destroys all dragons. (Off)
Magical Item
3 Dragonsbane destroys all opposing dragon champions and
Rare allies. It does not affect the champion holding the
Sword Dragonsbane.
Cannot be used by monsters. Against all shapechangers
(werebeasts, Strahd von Zarovich, and the Kargat Vampire) Post-Hypnotic Suggestion
Abhorrence becomes a +7 weapon. (Def)
Psionic Power
Sword of the Avoreen 2
3/PW Common
Magical Item Offensive
1 Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. If the psionic
Rare champion with this power is defeated, the opposing champion
Cannot be used by monsters. This sword automatically defeats may not attack this player's realms for the rest of the game.
giant champions, and it reduces opposing undead and
werebeasts to level 0. (Off) Sword of the Black Rose
The Sword of Avoreen reduces an opposing undead or
Magical Item
werebeast champion's adjusted level to 0 at the time it is
played. Any additional cards other than undead or werebeasts
that are played by the opponent increase the champion's level
Only usable by monster champions. This sword becomes a +7
weapon when used by an undead champion or werebeast.
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly indicates
that base level is reduced to 0. It is in fact the adjusted level
that is reduced to 0. In the example given in the Guide, the
Ghostly Piper (a level 8 undead monster) with the Amulet of Davron Parscall
Spell Protection (+5 magical item) attached would be reduced 9
to level 0 at the time the Sword of Avoreen is played. Dark Sun
This card reduces the level of undead and werebeasts to level Elf. Female
0 at the time it is played. Thus, a level 4 monster with a +6 Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Davron's
magical item and a +2 ally is reduced to level 0 at the time the psionic Death Field can destroy the opposing champion
card is played. Other non-undead and non-werebeast cards automatically. Davron is sent to the Abyss (taken out of play) if
add to the level after that, however. the power is used.

Sword of Blackflame Davron Parscall is a psionicist champion able to use psionic

power cards. This champion's special psionic power of death
field is offensive in nature, and can be negated by a Dispel
Magical Item
Psionics (17/RR Chase) spell. Davron's level of 9 is one of the
highest available to a psionicist
At any time during a round of combat, Davron can elect to use
During battle, the Sword of Blackflame reflects all spells back
his death field power to destroy an opposing champion, who is
at the caster. Can be played in combat to reflect a spell just
sent to the discard pile.Davron is sent to the Abyss if this is
cast. (Def)
If the opposing champion is discarded as a result of this
Sword of Blackflame reflects all offensive spells back at the
special power, Davron is considered to have won the battle,
caster. It has no effect on defensive spells. Its power is only
usable during combat.

Powers - Página 230

even though he was sent to the Abyss. If defending, Davron's Liga BSW (ROC 2-2011): o poder do campeão Rand the
player would draw a spoils of victory. Bowyer não funciona contra campeões imunes a poder de
Champions that are immune to psionics are campeão, como Ethereal Champion ou Celestial Emperor.
immune to this power.
Seveia Shadowmaster
Yorgia Sandow 14/PW
10/PW Psionicist
Psionicist 7
3 Dark Sun
Dark Sun Common
Common Defensive
Defensive Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. If defeated
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Discard when attacking, Seveia can employ her Shadow-form to return,
one magical item from your pool to activate Yorgia's invisibly, to her owner's pool. The defender still gets the spoils
Metamorphosis, allowing her to imitate the power of any of victory.
monster in play and add its level to her own.
Seveia's Psionic Power is defensive.
Yorgia's power can be activated in phase 3 or in combat.
When borrowing powers and levels, Yorgia at all times remains Rafe Racker
a psionicist. Her special power lasts until the beginning of the 15/PW
owning player's next turn. Psionicist
Roghal Baen Dark Sun
11/PW Uncommon
Psionicist Offensive
8 Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Rafe can
Dark Sun psionically Cause Decay, instantly destroying all of the
Uncommon opposing champion's magical items or an artifact of +4 or less.
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. When Rafe's Psionic Power is offensive.
used in defense, Roghal can employ his Precognition, forcing
the attacker to lay face up all cards he intends to use in this Jacenelle Traen
battle. The attacker can use only those cards. 16/PW
If Good Fortune is among the cards placed down at the start of 6
battle, it may be played and any of the five cards drawn may Forgotten Realms
be played. Roghal's Psionic Power is offensive. Common
Kelsur Brighteye Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. While in
12/PW the pool, Jacenelle can psionically double another psionicist
Psionicist champion's level during battle.
Greyhawk Jacenelle can use her power once per turn (from phase 3 of
Common one turn until phase 3 of her next normal turn). Jacenelle
Offensive doubles the champions adjusted level at the time he enters
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Kelsur can battle. Cards attached after the start of battle are not doubled.
employ his Telekinesis to steal a single magical item or artifact
from the opposing champion for the duration of the battle. The Bilago Lumen
item can be of any world. Kelsur's Psionic Power is offensive. 17/PW
Rand the Bowyer 5
13/PW Dragonlance
Psionicist Uncommon
7 Offensive
Dark Sun Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. At the start
Uncommon of a battle, Bilago can employ his Mindwipe to subtract his
Defensive adjusted level from the opposing champion's adjusted level. A
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Rand can champion reduced to level 0 is discarded.
employ his Levitation, preventing all but flyers from battling
him. Bilago's mindwipe power is used at the start of battle, before
the effects of any other cards that may adjust the opponents
Rand's levitation power is similar to a wall spell. Upon using level. Bilago's Psionic Power is offensive.
Rand's power, the round is over and champions return to their The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly describes
pools. The attacking player may continue the battle with a new a combination of Bilago Lumen and the Sword of the High
champion. Rand's Psionic Power is defensive. Rand is not King. Bilago's mindwipe power is used before the powers of
considered a flyer. any attached cards are activated. The power of the Sword of
the High King thus reduces the opposing champion's adjusted
Card Combo (from the Sussman Zone): Attaching the Rod of level to 1 after Bilago uses his mindwipe power.
7 Parts, #4 (Flyers cannot be played against the attached
champion) to Rand makes him nearly impossible to defeat. Dawn d'Ereath
Rand’s power works exactly like that of a Wall spell. This 18/PW
means that if Rand’s power is used as a defender, the battle Psionicist
ends unless the attacker can fly. If used while an attacker, the 6
defender returns to his pool and the battle is over. Dark Sun

Powers - Página 231

Common Lyr of the Mists
Defensive 23/PW
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Through Psionicist
psionic Ejection, Dawn is automatically immune to all Psionic 5
Powers. Greyhawk
Dawn is only immune to offensive Psionic Powers. Dawn’s Offensive
Psionic Power is defensive. Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. When in
battle, Lyr may employ her Banishment power to discard one
Phridge champion in any pool.
Psionicist When attacking, the power is used immediately after a
6 defender is put forward. Lyr cannot banish the opponent in the
Dark Sun current battle, since that champion is not in a pool. Lyr's
Common Psionic Power is offensive.
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Can also
cast wizard and cleric spells. Card Combo (from Mark Towse): Attach Winged Boots to Lyr,
allowing her to use her power, lose the battle, and then return
Phridge's Psionic Power is offensive. to the pool (as long as the opposing champion is not a flyer) to
do it again next turn.
Seluna Darkenstar
20/PW Liga BSW (ROC 3/2011): o poder da Lyr segue a ordem de
Psionicist ativação normalmente, mesmo quando defendendo.
Dark Sun Colum Calder
Uncommon 24/PW
Defensive Psionicist
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Seluna 5
can employ her Appraise power, allowing her owner to look at Dark Sun
the opponent's hand. She can then withdraw from combat Uncommon
(treat as a defeat), returning to the pool. Defensive
Seluna's Psionic Power is defensive. Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. When
attacking, Colum may employ All-Round Vision, allowing his
If it looks as if Seluna is going in loose the battle based on the1 owner to examine the hands of all other players before
opponent's hand, she can then choose to return to her pool. deciding which realm to attack.
Any attached allies are discarded, but magical items and
artifacts remain. Colum's power is used in phase 4 before he enters a battle. If
The choice to withdraw from combat after examining an the player chooses to use Colum's power, he must attack. A
opponent's hand must occur before any further cards are player with a champion such as Erillika (262/3rd; When
played. If Seluna elects to remain in combat, she cannot later defending she can negate all Psionic Powers for the battle.) is
choose to return to her pool. Seluna is defeated when she still subject to Colum's power because battle has not yet
returns to her pool, but not discarded. Hence, no spoils of begun. Colum's power is stopped by either Psychic Storm or
victory is gained. Psionatrix. Colum's Psionic Power is defensive.

Kerm of Tyr Kelaser Redbelt

21/PW 25/PW
Psionicist Psionicist
5 4
Dark Sun Dark Sun
Common Uncommon
Offensive Offensive
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Kerm can Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. When
employ his Ultrablast to halve the opposing champion's level defeated in battle, Kelaser may psionically Detonate an
(round up) and discard all allies in play. If victorious, he returns opponent's hand. The opponent must discard the cards and
to his pool at the end of his player's next turn. draw a new hand of five.

Kerm's Psionic Power is offensive. Kelaser's Psionic Power is offensive. Any other player's hand
can be detonated, not necessarily the opponent in battle.
Havrum Riddle Hijacking can be played on the target of Kelaser's power to
22/PW take the five cards and leave the target player with no cards.
Psionicist This champion’s power can be used against any opponent in
5 the game, not necessarily the opposing champion’s player.
Dark Sun
Uncommon Card Combo (from Desafio aos Corajosos 2012): Not So Fast
Defensive (20/CHBR) can be played on the target of Kelaser's power to
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. When in a leave the target player with no cards. It’s not as good as
battle, Havrum may employ his Stasis Field power to end the Hijacking but at least it’s harder to negate this action.
battle with no victory or spoils for either side. The opposing
champion returns to his pool, and Havrum is discarded. Breshkll Logon
Havrum's Psionic Power is defensive. Psionicist
Dark Sun

Powers - Página 232

Defensive Necromantic Wave
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. In battle, 31/PW
Breshkll may be used as a champion or an ally. He may Event
psionically Cannibalize, adding his opponent's level to his won, Common
but then must be discarded after battle. Offensive spells, magical items, and artifacts have no effect on
undead champions and allies until the end of this player's next
Breshkll can be used as either an ally or a champion. If used turn.
as an ally, he is discarded after battle just like any other ally.
Breshkll's "cannibalize" power can be used regardless of
Night of the Blue Moon
whether Breshkll is acting as a champion or an ally. Breshkll's
Psionic Power is defensive. 32/PW
This champion's special psionic power is defensive in nature, Rare
and can be negated by a Dispel Psionics (17/RR Chase) spell. All werebeasts triple their levels and are immune to offensive
Breshkll's special psionic power of cannibali/ e makes his base spells, magic items, and artifacts until the end of this player's
level of 4 deceptive. Once engaged in a round of battle, he can next turn.
add his opponent's current total level to his own at any time
during the combat This works well against high level The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly indicates
champions. Using Breshkll's power causes him to be that base level of werebeasts is tripled. It is the adjusted level
discarded. Hence, it is best not to attach magical items or that is tripled.
artifacts to him, since they'll be lost. Breshkll can also be This event triples the adjusted level of all werebeasts in play.
played from the hand or pool as an ally into another battle. His
power is unchanged. No matter how you use him, Brwhkll's s t Zepherwind
i l l a champion. He can't be pulled into a battle with the Staff of 33/PW
Conjuring (105/3rd), even when used as an ally. Breshkll can Event
still use psionic power cards when used as an ally. Rare
Play during the step 2 of an opponent’s turn. The Zephirwind
Cúpula BSW 2015: pertence à raça dwarf (mul). carries its victim forward in time forcing the opponent to skip
steps 3 and 4 of his current turn.
Masara d'Will
27/PW Zephyrwind is an extremely vicious event when played on an
Psionicist opposing player. This event is played during phase 2 of an
4 opponent's turn while they're playing either realms or holdings
Dragonlance into their formation. It does not prevent the playing of realms or
Common holdings.
Defensive Victims of Zephyrwind must skip phase 3 and 4 of their turn,
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. Masara preventing them from playing cards into their pool or attacking
can be used as an ally or a champion. She psionically projects opposing players. About the only thing left for victims of this
Invincible Foes, adding +4 levels to each of her allies. event is to cast phase 5 spells, then end their turn — unless
they can negate Zephyrwind with a spell or event.
Masara's Psionic Power is defensive. Playing this event is an excellent tactic if an opponent has
more than eight cards in their hand, as it will cause them to
discard precious cards they cannot play into their pool. This is
Rayden Valers
also a good event to play if you're about to win the game with
28/PW your sixth realm, preventing opponents from attacking to stop
Psionicist your win.
Dark Sun
Avangion's Protection
Offensive 34/PW
Psionicist Champion; can use Psionic Power cards. When Cleric Spell
involved in battle, Raydan can use Mindlink to use the level 4
and power of psionicist in another player's pool. Common
Grants this player's champions immunity to Psionic Power
Rayden's Psionic Power is offensive. cards and psionicist champion powers until the start of this
player's next turn. (Def/3/4)
Psychic Storm
The +4 bonus granted by the spell remains until the stated
29/PW duration has expired, regardless of what phase that the spell
Event was cast. This makes it a good card for increasing the adjusted
Common level of a champion before entering combat.
No Psionic Powers may be used and all psionicists are
reduced in level by half (round up). The effects of this card last
until another event card is played.
30/PW All spells in play must be discarded. No more can be cast until
Event this player's next turn, including Limited Wish.
All flyers are grounded and cannot attack or defend. All earth- Limited Wish may be immediately played as a counter-effect
walkers battle at half their normal levels (round up). These card to negate Nullification. If not immediately played, Limited
effects last until the end of this player's next turn. Wish cannot be played until Nullification expires.

Cúpula BSW 2008: Tornada uma carta resposta (Counter

Effect), podendo usar seus efeitos a qualquer momento.

Powers - Página 233

Tuigan Invasion Lady of Fate, Avatar of Istus
36/PW 42/PW
Event Cleric/Avatar
Rare 16
All holdings in play are destroyed (discarded). Greyhawk
Dark Negation Avatar. A cleric must be discarded to bring Lady Fate into play.
37/PW Before combat, her owner can examine an opponent's hand
Event and discard any two cards.
Negates the special power of one champion or one realm (this The Lady of Fate's power requires combat, which means that if
player's choice) until the end of this player's next turn. she is attacking, a defender must be brought forward. If the
opponent chooses not to defend, the Lady's power cannot be
Cúpula BSW 2009: Tornada uma carta resposta (Counter used.
Effect), podendo usar seus efeitos a qualquer momento. The Lady's power, once activated by combat, can be used
against any opponent, not necessarily the opponent in combat.
When attacking with Istus, if your opponent does not choose to
Caravan Raiders
put forth a defending champion, battle does not occur. Without
38/PW battle, Istus may not force your opponent to discard two cards.
Common Cúpula BSW 2010: Pode usar o seu poder quando
Play to cancel the Caravan event card just after it is played. ATACANDO ou DEFENDENDO.
This player may also randomly draw and discard one card from
each opponent's hand. Regra Before Combate: Para ativar seu poder, quando
atacando, é necessária a apresentação do defensor.
Caravan Raiders can only be played when another player
plays Caravan.
Misfortune, Avatar of Ralishaz
Icedawn, Avatar of Auril
39/PW 17
Cleric/Avatar Greyhawk
12 Rare
Forgotten Realms Avatar. A cleric must be discarded to bring Misfortune into
Rare play. Misfortune can replace this player's champion in combat
Avatar. A cleric must be discarded to bring Icedawn into play. at any time. But after that combat, the avatar must be
Icedawn is immune to events, walls, and offensive cleric spells. discarded. Limit one avatar per pool.
Limit one avatar per pool.
Tempest, Avatar of Zeboim
Nightsinger, Avatar of Shar
40/PW Cleric/Avatar
Cleric/Avatar 18
13 Dragonlance
Forgotten Realms Rare
Rare Swimmer
Avatar. A cleric must be discarded to bring Nightsinger into Avatar. A cleric must be discarded to bring Tempest into play.
play. Nightsinger can create darkness, halving the levels of the Tempest makes this player's swimmers immune to offensive
opposing champion and his allies (round down). spells, magical items, and artifacts. If the Sea Queen is in play,
Tempest cannot be.
Bonemaster, Avatar of Nerull
41/PW Sirrion, Avatar
Cleric/Avatar 45/PW
15 Cleric/Avatar
Greyhawk 19
Rare Dragonlance
Undead Rare
Avatar. A cleric must be discarded to bring Bonemaster into Avatar. A cleric must be discarded to bring Sirrion into play.
play. Bonemaster makes this player's undead immune to Immune to offensive spells. In battle, Sirrion forces the
offensive spells, magical items, artifacts, and events. opposing champion's magic items and artifacts to be
This avatar is a must for a player with na undead deck.
Bonemaster's special power makes all undead in that player's
Mirror, Mirror
pool immune to offensive spells, offensive magical items,
artifacts, and events. However, the avatar itself is not granted 46/PW
these immunities, and is vulnerable to spells and events that Cleric Spell
may cause it to be discarded. Hence, items that grant immunity Common
lo spells and other items, such as the Orb of Power (310/3rd), This spell remains in effect until the end of this player's next
are a good choice to attach to this avatar. The immunity to turn. Mirror, mirror turns all spells against their casters.
offensive spells, offensive magical items, events, and artifacts (Off/3/4)
for undead is conferred to both champions and allies used by
that player. Mirror, Mirror functions like a long-lasting Spell Turning. It is
not a counter-effect card. Unlike Spell Turning, it can only be
Liga BSW: O poder de Bonemaster se aplica a ele mesmo. cast during phase 3 or 4. Like Spell Turning, only offensive
spells are affected.

Powers - Página 234

Rope Trick 5
47/PW Forgotten Realms
Cleric Spell Common Uncommon
Enables this player to end his attack at any time, counting it as Swimmer. Gains 4 levels when opposing another swimmer in
a loss, but returning his champion and allies to his hand. battle. Can cast clerical spells. When attacking or defending a
(Def/4) coastal realm, can cast wizard spells.

Stasis Kirre
48/PW 56/PW
Cleric Spell Monster
Common 5
Play immediately after both champions have been chosen. No Dark Sun
more cards can be played in this round of battle. (Off/4) Uncommon
Psionicist; may use Psionic Power cards. If Kirre is defeated,
Once Stasis is played, only champions (in battle or in pools) his owner may draw one card and add it to his hand.
that are immune to offensive spells can continue to play cards.
Stasis can be dispelled if played immediately as a counter Locathah Champion
effect card. Wish cannot be played on Stasis since it does not 57/PW
have a lasting effect. Monster
Because events are played by the player, not the champion, 4
event cards may continue to be played. Forgotten Realms
Giant Space Hamster Swimmer. All opposing allies lose their special powers.
Ally Living Wall
3 58/PW
Uncommon Monster
Every friendly ally played after this one gains 3 levels. 10
Forgotten Realms
Polymorph Other Rare
50/PW This monster absorbs (discards) all champions and allies of
Wizard Spell level 6 or higher. It is immune to artifacts and offensive spells
Common and magical items. Champions, offensive Psionic Powers, and
Replace an opposing champion's power with the power of any allies must be level 5 or less to attack it.
other champion in play. Lasts until dispelled. (Off/3/4)
Only champions and allies with unadjusted levels of 5 or less
can battle the Living Wall. Champions of base level 6 or
Phase Out
greater are automatically defeated. If Living Wall defends
51/PW against Lovely Colleen (22/1st Chase), it automatically loses,
Wizard Spell since the attackers power is activated first. Living Wall is also
Common defeated by the Iron Golem.
This player may not e attacked again until after his next turn. Tyvorg has the power to instantly defeat the Living Wall.
(Def/5) Tyvorg's power takes effect when he is played, so if Tyvorg is
played from the hand to defend against the Living Wall, the
Gith Living Wall is instantly destroyed. Because combat has not
52/PW begun, the attacking player may put forth another champion,
Monster but Tyvorg must continue to defend.
Dark Sun Tako
Uncommon 59/PW
Earth-walker. Psionicist; may use Psionic Power cards. Monster
Crabman Forgotten Realms
53/PW Uncommon
Monster Swimmer. In combat, the Tako multiplies its level times the
5 level of its lowest ally.
Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Tako multiplies his adjusted level (base level plus magical
Swimmer. In battle, the crabman can force one other player to items and artifacts) at the time the first ally is played by the
contribute an ally to his side. If he has none the power is lowest level ally played with him. Any cards played after the
wasted. After combat, the ally is discarded. first ally are added to Tako's adjusted level.

Aquatic Elf Card Combo: The Ogre loves to combine Tako with the Axe of
54/PW the Dwarvish Lords, which supplies a +8 ally in addition to the
Monster Axe's +3 bonus. Tako's adjusted level with the Axe is 72
4 [(6+3)x8=72].
Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Earth Elemental
Swimmer. No elf champion or ally can oppose him in battle. 60/PW
Becomes level 9 if attacking a coastal realm. Monster
Ixitxachitl Dark Sun
55/PW Uncommon

Powers - Página 235

Earth-walker. In battle, the earth elemental automatically Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. A psionicist
defeats any champion whose card number has a last digit of 3 with this power can be used as an ally. (Off/3/4)
or less.
If the champion is used as an ally, it is discarded after battle
The Earth Elemental defeats any champion with a last digit of just like any other ally.
3 or less, including realm champions.
Brandobaris's Inversion
Skriaxit, Composite Elemental 65/PW
61/PW Rule
Monster AD&D
8 Rare
Forgotten Realms All champions of base level 6 and above are reduced to level
Rare 2. The levels of all others are doubled.
Earth-walker. In battle, Skriaxit forces the opposing champion
and all his allies to fight at half their normal levels (rounded The changes brought about by Brandobaris's Inversion are to
down). champions' base levels. The new levels are base levels.

Mountain Giant Card Combo: With Brandobaris's Inversion in play, cast

62/PW Spectral Dragon. All champions with a base level of 6 and
Monster above (before Brandobaris's Inversion is played) are
5 discarded.
Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Card Combo: Sword of Sharpness is very effective with
Earth-walker. Reflects all Psionic Powers back to the projector. Brandobaris's Inversion in play, instantly defeating champions
with a base level of 3 or less.
The Mountain Giant reflects Psionic Powers back at the
original projector. This reflection only occurs when the Card Combo (from Shadowlord's Spellfire Page): With
Mountain Giant is the target of the Psionic Power. Brandobaris's Inversion in play, play Supernatural Chill. All
champions with a base level of 6 and above (before
The special power of the Mountain Giant is similar to the cleric Brandobaris's Inversion is played) are discarded.
spell Psionic Reflection (IH/RR Chase). Whenever a psionic
power card or champion's special psionic power is used Card Combo (from The Dragon's Horde - Spellfire Home
against this giani, ii N reflected back at the user. Page): With Brandobaris's Inversion in play, the following
cards are particularly effective:
Grippli  The Midas Orb: No one of a base level 3 or lower
63/PW can face the attached champion
Monster  Wearbear: The champion is immune to the powers
3 of champion’s base level 6 or less, as well as their
Forgotten Realms attached cards.
Uncommon  Nemon Hotep: The champion discards all
Swimmer. The Grippli can use any magical item, with its champions base level 5 or less, win or lose.
highest level bonus.
 Inertial Barrier: Champions base level 6 or lower
can't attack the player's realms.
When Grippli uses a magical item with different level bonuses
depending on certain conditions, the Grippli always gets the  Sri Raji: Same as above, but only for one realm.
highest possible bonus. Examples of such magical items are  Bilago Lumen: The champion kills anyone equal or
Sword of the Black Flame (+3, +7 if attached to undead), Staff lower than his adjusted level. Since he is level 5, he
of Striking (+3, +5 if attached to a cleric), and the Axe of already has an advantage.
Friendship (+2, +6 if the Sword of Friendship is in play). In
each of these cases, Grippli would get the higher bonus. The new levels assigned to champions are considered to be
Grippli always gets the full +10 bonus from Hero's Chalice, not new base levels.
just when defending.
Magical items with variable bonuses also carry the maximum Energy Containment
possible level when attached to Grippli. For example, the 66/PW
Wand of Wonder calls for the player to draw and discard a Psionic Power
card. The last digit of the drawn card is the level bonus of the 3
Wand. When attached to Grippli, a card is still drawn and Common
discarded, but the level bonus of the Wand is always +9. Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Until the end
Grippli can use any magical item, regardless of restrictions, of the turn, the psionicist with this power is immune to all cards
such as Sword of the High King. calling for a reduction of level(s). (Def/4)
Since the Grippli always receives the highest possible level
bonus, assume that any card designated as “?” grants him the
Complete Healing
maximum possible level bonus. Likewise, if a magical item’s
special power requires a “draw and discard” to determine its 67/PW
level, assume that the card drawn is the most beneficial (a “9” Psionic Power
in most instances). Note that the card is still drawn, even Common
though the numerical bonus indicated by the card is not Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. The psionicist
followed. champion using this power may retrieve three allies from his
discard pile and return them to his hand. (Def/3/4)
Chameleon Power
Wheel of Fate
Psionic Power 68/PW
1 Rule
Common AD&D

Powers - Página 236

At the start of this player's turns, all players draw a card and Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. For this round
discard it, except for the card with the lowest first digit. Upon of battle, change all of an opponent's magical item and artifact
drawing his last card, each player shuffles his discards to form levels to +1 and negate all of their special powers. (Off/4)
a new draw pile.
Teleport Trigger 76/PW
69/PW Psionic Power
Psionic Power 4
2 Common
Common Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Used in battle,
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Place this this power forces all allies of the opposing champion to join the
card under one of your realms; it acts as a holding. When this user's side. (Off/4)
realm is attacked, you may switch it with any other in your
formation. Switched realms remain in their new places This power card forces all opposing allies to switch sides
afterward. (Def/3) during a battle. This only includes allies playc-d up to that point
in battle, and not any played after Repugnance. The addition
Molecular Rearrangement to the switched allies and the +4 bonus of the power card, this
70/PW psionic power is formidable against someone who plays many
Psionic Power allies. I f the opposing champion is immune to the.' effects of
Common psionics, this immunity is conferred to his allies and
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Discard all Repugnance has no effect. This card can also be play to
magical items and artifacts in play. (Off/3/4) switch back allies' that have already been stolen by such cards
as the Shield of Wickedness (316/3rd), the Amulet of the Beast
(64/RL), or another Repugnance power card.
Mind Thrust
Psionic Power
4 77/PW
Common Psionic Power
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. The wielder 4
may steal the use of one magical item or one artifact in play Common
anywhere. That card returns to its owner's hand afterward. Offensive
(Off/3/4) Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions.

Mind Shield Sea Queen, Avatar of Zeboim

72/PW 78/PW
Psionic Power Cleric/Avatar
3 11
Common Dragonlance
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. When cast, it Rare
makes its player immune until the end of his next turn to all Swimmer
cards that look at his draw pile or hand. (Def/3/4/5) Avatar. Discard a cleric to bring the Sea Queen into play. She
The +3 bonus granted by this card lasts until the stated makes swimmers of all this player's champions and allies and
duration has expired, regardless of when the power is used. may reclaim one magical item each turn as it is discarded. If
Tempest is in play, the Sea Queen cannot be.
Molecular Agitation
Kiri, Avatar of Kiri-Jolith
Psionic Power 79/PW
3 Cleric/Avatar
Common 14
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. All magical Dragonlance
items and artifact of the opposing champion are discarded. Rare
(Off/4) Avatar. A cleric must be discarded to bring Kiri into play. In
combat, Kiri negates all special powers of all champions in
play. Limit one avatar per pool.
Control Wind
74/PW Kiri's power activates immediately upon entering combat, even
Psionic Power before an opposing attacker's special power activates. Kiri can
4 therefore defend against champions such as the Living Wall,
Common that would normally instantly defeat an opposing champion.
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Negates for Kiri retains his own special power while in combat.
this player the effect of all spells, events, champion powers,
and rule cards until the end of his next turn. (Def/3/4/5)
Shadair Mesker
All spells, events, champion powers, and rule cards are 80/PW
negated for this player. Unfortunately, defensive spells, helpful Cleric
events, and beneficial champion powers are also negated for 9
this player. Control Wind is subject to Wish. Dark Sun
Control Wind is not a counter-effect card. Uncommon
Shadair can use wizard spells, and Psionic Power cards.
Cause Decay
Mental Barrier
Psionic Power 81/PW
3 Psionic Power
Common 1

Powers - Página 237

Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. For the Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Doubles the
remainder of this battle, all offensive Psionic Powers used levels of all allies played on this champion. (Def/4)
against this champion become +2 and have no extra abilities.
(Def/4) Summon Planar Creature
Tower of Iron Will Psionic Power
82/PW 1
Psionic Power Common
3 Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. The user may
Common search his draw deck for one champion of level 6 or less to aid
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. User becomes him in this battle. Reshuffle the draw deck afterward. (Def/4)
immune to offensive Psionic Powers until the beginning of his
next turn. The champion selected is treated as an ally and is discarded
after battle, win or lose.
Intellect Fortress
83/PW Graft Weapon
Psionic Power 91/PW
1 Psionic Power
Common 4
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Until the end Common
of his next turn, the user of this power is immune to all Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. In combat, the
offensive spells, magical items, and Psionic Powers except user of this power can use the level and effects of one magical
those of avatars. (Def/3) item or artifact in another player's pool. (Def/4)

The +1 bonus granted by this card lasts until the stated Melt Stone
duration has expired, regardless of when the power is used. 92/PW
Cleric Spell
Control Flames 3
84/PW Common
Psionic Power The opposing champion is reduced in level to +3, and his allies
4 to +1, for the duration of this combat. (Off/4)
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. This champion The powers of Melt Stone apply to cards played before and
may force the discard of one non-champion card with the word after Melt Stone has been played.
flame or fire in its title. (Def/4)
Psionic Blast
Psychic Storm 93/PW
85/PW Psionic Power
Rule 8
AD&D Common
Rare Offensive
No Psionic Power cards or artifacts may be played. Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions.

While prohibiting the play of new Psionic Power cards, Psychic Psionic blast is an offensive Psionic Power.
Storm does not affect powers already in play.
Nullify Magic 94/PW
86/PW Psionic Power
Rule 1
AD&D Common
Rare Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. A champion
No wizard or clerical spells may be played. using this power doubles his level for the duration of this battle.
Mind of the Avatar
87/PW The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly indicates
Rule that base level is doubled. It is the adjusted level that is
AD&D doubled.
Rare A champion who uses this Psionic Power doubles his adjusted
All avatars can use Psionic Power cards. level at the time the power is played.

Gift of the Avatar Probability Travel

88/PW 95/PW
Rule Psionic Power
AD&D 4
Rare Common
Only clerics may use Psionic Power cards. Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. This power
allows its user and his allies to attack any realm, regardless of
its position. (Def/3)
Psionic Power
1 96/PW
Common Psionic Power

Powers - Página 238

2 Chase
Common Realm
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. No allies can AD&D
be played against a psionicist champion using this power. Any psionicist champion defending the Crystal Sphere doubles
(Off/3/4) his level.

When this card is played, any opposing allies are discarded Rock of Bral
and the opponent can play no more allies for the remainder of 2/PW
the round. Chase
Create Object AD&D
97/PW Can be attached to any realm. Any defender is considered a
Psionic Power psionicist champion. If attached to the Crystal Sphere, it adds
1 +6 to the defender's level.
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. The user can Unipsi
look through his draw pile and select any single magical item 3/PW
or artifact to play immediately. Reshuffle the draw pile Chase
afterward. (Def/3/4) Artifact
Psychic Lock Usable by any avatar. An avatar with this artifact attached can
98/PW use any number of artifacts from any worlds.
Psionic Power
Common This artifact allows an avatar to avoid the world restrictions of
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Ends combat. artifacts, but any other restrictions must still be met.
Both champions return to their pools; all other cards are
discarded. The battle is a draw; there are no spoils. (Off/4) The Inverter
In the case of one champion being immune to offensive Chase
Psionic Powers, the Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II Artifact
incorrectly indicates that the battle is over with no victor. AD&D
However, if Psychic Lock is played by a defender against an Usable by any wizard. This artifact enables wizards to use
attacker who is immune to offensive psionics, the defender Psionic Power cards.
returns to his pool and the attacker is victorious and may
continue the battle with another champion. If Psychic Lock is
Royal Conscription/Tax Levy
played by an attacker against a defender who is immune to
psionics, the battle ends and the attacker's turn moves to 5/PW
phase 5. Chase
If Psychic Lock is played by a defender against an attacker Event
who is immune to offensive psionics, the defender returns to All opponents of this player must skip step 3 of their turns until
his pool and the attacker is victorious. If played by an attacker the beginning of this player's next turn.
against a defender who is immune to psionics, the battle ends
and the attacker’s turn moves to phase 5. Fate's Promise
Life Draining Chase
99/PW Magical Item
Psionic Power 6
2 This sword negates all spells cast by the opposing champion.
Common (Def)
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Automatically
defeats undead champions and allies. (Off/4) Fate's Promise negates all spells, including defensive spells,
cast by an opposing champion in combat.
Dimensional Door
Bando's Whitestone
Psionic Power 7/PW
Common Chase
Psionic Power. Usable by psionicist champions. Forces the Artifact
attacker to redirect his attack to any other realm in play, AD&D
ignoring its placement and special powers during the battle. Usable by any psionicist champion. This artifact enables
(Off/4) psionicists to cast wizard spells.

Dimensional Door is played by a psionicist in the defending Quill Pen of the Planes
player's pool after an attacking champion comes forward. The 8/PW
round then continues with the same attacker and any attached Chase
cards. If the attack is shifted to a realm in another player's Artifact
formation, a defender must be brought forward by the player +4
whose realm is now under attack or the realm is razed. AD&D
The card states that the attack may be shifted "to any other The attached champion may duplicate the effect of any one
realm in play," however; the attack cannot be redirected to one spell, Psionic Power card, or psionicist champion power in play
of the attacker's realms.
The Quill Pen of the Planes can be used once per turn to
Crystal Sphere duplicate the effects of any OPPONENT'S spell, psionic power
1/PW card, It operates in a similar fashion to the way Bell of Might
duplicates events the use of this artifact is secondary to that of

Powers - Página 239

the effect it is trying to copy. Quill Pen continues to duplicate a Any monster with this shawl is immune to all offensive spells,
particular spell, psionic power card, or psionicist champion offensive magical items, and artifacts specifically directed at
power until phase 3 of the player's turn, at which time a new monsters. (Def)
spell, power, or psionicist can be copied. If the Quill Pen is not
used during a player's phase 3 to copy a champion power, it Sirrion's Brooch
may be used later to copy a spell or psionic power card when 12/PW
such card is played. Chase
If the Quill Pen is used to duplicate a spell, a player with Magical Item
Mulmaster in play can draw a card for both the original spell 1
and the duplicated spell. Usable only by clerics. Grant immunity from all offensive
The Quill Pen cannot be used to duplicate a player's own spell. spells, offensive magical items, and artifacts. (Def)
When used to duplicate a psionicist's power, it is considered
defensive in nature. The copied power can therefore be used
Psionicist Bracelet
against a champion that is immune to artifacts. Only one
psionicist can be copied at a time. 13/PW
The artifact's +4 bonus remains after it has been used to copy Chase
a spell or power. Magical Item
If the Quill Pen is used to duplicate Wish, and the target of the Usable only by a psionicist champion. No wizard spells may be
duplicated Wish is a dungeon card, the Quill Pen and the cast during any combat with this champion. (Off)
champion to which it is attached are removed from the game
(sent to the Void). Psionicist Anklet
The Quill pen allows you to copy any one card in play. If you 14/PW
choose to copy a spell or Psionic Power card, you may Chase
reselect what Quill Pen is copying each turn. Magical Item
Usable only by psionicist champion. No cleric spells may be
Cúpula BSW 2008: Mesmo que o Quill Pen seja descartada cast during any battle with this champion. (Off)
por efeito de uma magia, carta de poder psiônico ou poder de
campeão psiônico, seu possuidor pode copiar e usar o poder Psionatrix
da cópia antes de ser descartado. 15/PW
Cúpula BSW 2011: Pode copiar o poder de campeões Rule
psiônicos de qualquer jogador, inclusive os seus, podendo AD&D
copiar o poder de campeão psiônico a qualquer momento, The Psionatrix reduces all psionicists to half their normal levels
mesmo se ele não tiver usado. (round down) and prevents the use of their powers and Psionic
Liga BSW (ROC 5-2011): Quill Pen funciona como o feitiço Power cards.
Double Trouble (90/DL) onde se copiar o poder do campeão Antimagic Cloud
de seu próprio jogador no momento que utilizá-lo agirá sobre 16/PW
o mesmo alvo duas vezes. Ex: Lyr of the Mistis, quando Chase
atacando se duplicado seu poder durante o ataque descartará Rule
o mesmo campeão duas vezes. AD&D
While the antimagic cloud is in effect, all spells, magical items,
The Tantelear artifacts, and champion abilities (except psionicists') are
9/PW nullified.
Artifact If Ellorelloran is brought into play while Antimagic Cloud is in
AD&D play, the rule card is discarded.
Usable by any champion. This artifact generates a wild talent. While in play, this card negates the use of all spells (offensive
It allows the attached champion to duplicate the power of any or defensive), magical items, artifacts, and champion's special
one psionicist champion currently in play. powers — with the exception of psionicists. This card does not
affect unarmed combat cards or blood abilities, though it may
Powers gained through the Tantelear are in addition to the prevent certain champion's from using them, if that ability is
attached champion's own powers. listed in the champion's text box. Because Antimagic Cloud
negates spells and .special powers, neither Wish (46/FR) nor
Cúpula BSW 2011: Não pode copiar o poder do campeão a Ellore!loran (93/UD) can be used to discard the rule card.
ele anexo However, the event Genie Bottle (436/3rd) does rid the game
of Antimagic Cloud.
Champions like the Gith and Kirre from this set retain their
Boragh's Ring
powers since they are marked Psionicist.
Chase Cúpula BSW 2008: Esta carta NÃO nega o ÍCONE de
Magical Item campeões, ou seja, não inabilita o campeão de ser mago,
2 clérigo, regente, ladrão, etc...
Allows monsters to use Psionic Power cards, but the psionic
card's levels are all reduced to +2. (Def)
Poisoned Water
A Psionic Power card of bonus level +1 or with no bonus does
not change. 17/PW
Shawl of Mordenheim
11/PW Discard all swimmers in pools; no new swimmers may be put
Chase into play.
Magical Item
The Ultimate Rule Card

Powers - Página 240

Chase AD&D
Rule Chase
AD&D Play at the beginning of your turn to cancel the Ultimate Rule
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not Card. Both cards are sent to the Abyss (taken out of play).
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until the Limit one per deck.
end of the game.
No new rule card can be played. Avatar's Edict
Note the different wording in the first paragraph of this rule 20/PW
card. Even if the Ultimate Rule Card is removed from play, Chase
such as with Wish, Ellorelloran, or Gib Kcir, no new rule card Rule
can be played for the remainder of the game. AD&D
A player can play Control Wind, which negates a rule card, and Avatars can be played without discarding clerics.
then play another rule card to remove the Ultimate Rule Card.
Cosmic Intervention This rule card allows avatars to be played without discarding a
19/PW cleric.
Avatars such as Shar that require cards in addition to a cleric
to be discarded still have these other requirements.

Powers - Página 241


UnderAthas This realm extends under opponents' DRAGONLANCE

1/TU realms, allowing them to be attacked by this player's
Realm champions and allies, regardless of position or restrictions.
Dark Sun
Common This realm allows the player to attack an opponent's
This realm extends under opponents' DARK SUN realms, Dragonlance realms that could otherwise not be attacked due
allowing them to be attacked by this player's champions and to movement restrictions (e.g. only flyers or swimmers can
allies, regardless of position or restrictions. attack). This realm does not allow a player to circumvent other
restrictions, such as champion type (e.g. only dragons can
This realm allows the player to attack an opponent's Dark Sun attack), of a realm being attacked.
realms that could otherwise not be attacked due to movement
restrictions (e.g. only flyers or swimmers can attack). This Cúpula BSW 2011: Deve ser considerada restrição de reino
realm does not allow a player to circumvent other restrictions, qualquer poder especial que dificulte o ataque, sem distinção
such as champion type (e.g. only dragons can attack), of a entre restrições de movimento (voador, nadador e cavador),
realm being attacked. de classe (mago, clérigo, herói, etc.), de raça (gigantes,
mortos-vivos. etc.) ou qualquer outra.
Cúpula BSW 2011: Deve ser considerada restrição de reino
qualquer poder especial que dificulte o ataque, sem distinção The Bipolar Triumvirate
entre restrições de movimento (voador, nadador e cavador), 4/TU
de classe (mago, clérigo, herói, etc.), de raça (gigantes, Realm
mortos-vivos. etc.) ou qualquer outra. AD&D
The Unipolar Triumvirate Adds a +6 underdark ally to all champions of this player when
2/TU attacking and negates the ally gained from the Unipolar
Realm Triumvirate. This ally is negated by the Tripolar and Ultimate
AD&D Triumvirates unless in the same player's formation.
Each Triumvirate realm in a player's formation provides a
Adds a +3 Underdark ally to all champions of this player when separate ally. Each Triumvirate realm provides its ally, as long
attacking. The ally is negated by any other Triumvirate realm in as there is not a more powerful Triumvirate realm in an
play unless in the same player's formation. opponent's formation. If there is a more powerful Triumvirate
realm in an opponent's formation, the player's Triumvirate
Each Triumvirate realm in a player's formation provides a realm allies are negated.
separate ally. Each Triumvirate realm provides its ally, as long All Triumvirate allies are negated if Lair of the Shadowdrake is
as there is not a more powerful Triumvirate realm in an in play.
opponent's formation. If there is a more powerful Triumvirate The three Cavern holdings are useful additions to decks with
realm in an opponent's formation, the player's Triumvirate Triumvirate realms. The Unipolar Cavern holding makes the
realm allies are negated. ally provided by the realm to which it is attached to immune to
All Triumvirate allies are negated if Lair of the Shadowdrake is offensive spells. The Bipolar Cavern holding allows the
in play. attached realm's ally to have any racial or movement
The three Cavern holdings are useful additions to decks with characteristics the player chooses. This is very helpful for
Triumvirate realms. The Unipolar Cavern holding makes the attacks on realms with movement restrictions. The Tripolar
ally provided by the realm to which it is attached to immune to Cavern holding allows Triumvirate allies to be used for
offensive spells. The Bipolar Cavern holding allows the defense. Unlike the Unipolar and Bipolar Caverns, the Tripolar
attached realm's ally to have any racial or movement Cavern affects allies provided by all of a player's Triumvirate
characteristics the player chooses. This is very helpful for realms, not just the Triumvirate realm to which it is attached.
attacks on realms with movement restrictions. The Tripolar
Cavern holding allows Triumvirate allies to be used for Cúpula BSW 2009: Aliados Triumvirates, são como cartas
defense. Unlike the Unipolar and Bipolar Caverns, the Tripolar geradas, do tipo ícone Aliados, eles sofrem as mesmas
Cavern affects allies provided by all of a player's Triumvirate conseqüências de qualquer carta anexada ao campeão, ou
realms, not just the Triumvirate realm to which it is attached. seja, podem trocar de lado, ser descartados, enviadas ou
limbo, abismo, etc.
Cúpula BSW 2009: Aliados Triumvirates, são como cartas
geradas, do tipo ícone Aliados, eles sofrem as mesmas Cúpula BSW 2010: Aliados fornecidos por reinos
conseqüências de qualquer carta anexada ao campeão, ou Triumvirates, não entram automaticamente em batalha,
seja, podem trocar de lado, ser descartados, enviadas ou devendo ser anexados somente se forem necessários.
limbo, abismo, etc.
Cúpula BSW 2010: Aliados fornecidos por reinos The Underdark
Triumvirates, não entram automaticamente em batalha, 5/TU
devendo ser anexados somente se forem necessários. Realm
UnderKrynn Rare
3/TU This realm extends under all opponents' realms that have
Realm attached holdings, allowing the realms to be attacked by this
Dark Sun player's champions and allies, regardless of position or
Common restrictions.

Underdark - Página 242

This realm allows the player to attack an opponent's realms UnderOerth
with holdings that could otherwise not be attacked due to 8/TU
movement restrictions (e.g. only flyers or swimmers can Realm
attack). This realm does not allow a player to circumvent other Greyhawk
restrictions, such as champion type (e.g. only dragons can Common
attack), of a realm being attacked. This realm extends under opponents' GREYHAWK realms,
allowing them to be attacked by this player's champions and
Cúpula BSW 2011: Deve ser considerada restrição de reino allies, regardless of position or restrictions.
qualquer poder especial que dificulte o ataque, sem distinção
entre restrições de movimento (voador, nadador e cavador), This realm allows the player to attack an opponent's Greyhawk
de classe (mago, clérigo, herói, etc.), de raça (gigantes, realms that could otherwise not be attacked due to movement
mortos-vivos. etc.) ou qualquer outra. restrictions (e.g. only flyers or swimmers can attack). This
realm does not allow a player to circumvent other restrictions,
The Tripolar Triumvirate such as champion type (e.g. only dragons can attack), of a
6/TU realm being attacked.
AD&D Cúpula BSW 2011: Deve ser considerada restrição de reino
Rare qualquer poder especial que dificulte o ataque, sem distinção
Adds a +9 Underdark ally to all champions of this player when entre restrições de movimento (voador, nadador e cavador),
attacking and negates the ally gained from the Unipolar and de classe (mago, clérigo, herói, etc.), de raça (gigantes,
bipolar Triumvirates. This ally is negated by the ultimate mortos-vivos. etc.) ou qualquer outra.
Triumvirate unless in the same player's formation.
Each Triumvirate realm in a player's formation provides a 9/TU
separate ally. Each Triumvirate realm provides its ally, as long Realm
as there is not a more powerful Triumvirate realm in an Ravenloft
opponent's formation. If there is a more powerful Triumvirate Common
realm in an opponent's formation, the player's Triumvirate This realm extends under opponents' RAVENLOFT realms,
realm allies are negated. allowing them to be attacked by this player's champions and
All Triumvirate allies are negated if Lair of the Shadowdrake is allies, regardless of position or restrictions.
in play.
The three Cavern holdings are useful additions to decks with This realm allows the player to attack an opponent's Ravenloft
Triumvirate realms. The Unipolar Cavern holding makes the realms that could otherwise not be attacked due to movement
ally provided by the realm to which it is attached to immune to restrictions (e.g. only flyers or swimmers can attack). This
offensive spells. The Bipolar Cavern holding allows the realm does not allow a player to circumvent other restrictions,
attached realm's ally to have any racial or movement such as champion type (e.g. only dragons can attack), of a
characteristics the player chooses. This is very helpful for realm being attacked.
attacks on realms with movement restrictions. The Tripolar
Cavern holding allows Triumvirate allies to be used for Cúpula BSW 2011: Deve ser considerada restrição de reino
defense. Unlike the Unipolar and Bipolar Caverns, the Tripolar qualquer poder especial que dificulte o ataque, sem distinção
Cavern affects allies provided by all of a player's Triumvirate entre restrições de movimento (voador, nadador e cavador),
realms, not just the Triumvirate realm to which it is attached. de classe (mago, clérigo, herói, etc.), de raça (gigantes,
mortos-vivos. etc.) ou qualquer outra.
Cúpula BSW 2009: Aliados Triumvirates, são como cartas
geradas, do tipo ícone Aliados, eles sofrem as mesmas
The Burning Cavern
conseqüências de qualquer carta anexada ao campeão, ou
seja, podem trocar de lado, ser descartados, enviadas ou 10/TU
limbo, abismo, etc. Holding
Dark Sun
Cúpula BSW 2010: Aliados fornecidos por reinos Uncommon
Triumvirates, não entram automaticamente em batalha, Ancient magic from Athas's Blue Age decrees that this player's
devendo ser anexados somente se forem necessários. allies are immune to psionic power cards.

UnderToril The Unipolar Cavern

7/TU 11/TU
Realm Holding
Forgotten Realms AD&D
Common Common
This realm extends under opponents' FORGOTTEN REALMS If attached to any Triumvirate realm, the Underdark ally gained
realms, allowing them to be attacked by this player's from the realm is immune to offensive spells.
champions and allies, regardless of position or restrictions.
While this holding can be attached to any AD&D realm, it is
This realm allows the player to attack an opponent's Forgotten only useful if attached to a Triumvirate realm (Unipolar
Realms realms that could otherwise not be attacked due to Triumvirate, Bipolar Triumvirate, Tripolar Triumvirate, or
movement restrictions (e.g. only flyers or swimmers can Ultimate Triumvirate).
attack). This realm does not allow a player to circumvent other The Unipolar Cavern makes the ally provided by the attached
restrictions, such as champion type (e.g. only dragons can Triumvirate realm immune to offensive spells. Only the ally
attack), of a realm being attacked. from the attached realm is immune. Allies from any other
Triumvirate realms in the player's formation are not immune,
Cúpula BSW 2011: Deve ser considerada restrição de reino so the Cavern should be attached to the most powerful
qualquer poder especial que dificulte o ataque, sem distinção Triumvirate realm in the player's formation.
entre restrições de movimento (voador, nadador e cavador),
de classe (mago, clérigo, herói, etc.), de raça (gigantes, Subterranean Seas
mortos-vivos. etc.) ou qualquer outra. 12/TU

Underdark - Página 243

Dark Sun Uncommon
Uncommon The dark powers, in a twist of fate, decree that this player's
The stormy underdark of Krynn grants this player's allies the attacking champions are immune to the powers of all
ability to become swimmers. RAVENLOFT allies.

The Bipolar Cavern God's Plague

13/TU 19/TU
Holding Event
AD&D Rare
Uncommon All avatars in pools are destroyed. Immune to Limited Wish.
If attached to any Triumvirate realm, the Underdark ally gained (Harmful)
from the realm can be dwarves, elves, earthwalkers, flyers,
swimmers, or undead, as needed. When God's Walk
While this holding can be attached to any AD&D realm, it is Event
only useful if attached to a Triumvirate realm (Unipolar Rare
Triumvirate, Bipolar Triumvirate, Tripolar Triumvirate, or All avatars must attack until this player's next turn: avatars
Ultimate Triumvirate). must be used first in defense. If unable to attack they are
The Bipolar Cavern gives the ally provided by the attached discarded. (Harmful)
Triumvirate realm the racial or movement power to reach
virtually any opposing realm. Only the ally from the attached
Drow Justice
realm is affected, so the Cavern should be attached to the
most powerful Triumvirate realm in the player's formation. 21/TU
The North Wind
Played during combat, all champions and allies in the battle
14/TU who are not elves (including drow) or dragons are discarded. If
Artifact both champions are slain, the battle is over with no victors.
AD&D (Harmful)
Common Note the wording of the card, Drow Justice can only be played
Usable only by an AD&D avatar. The attached champion and during combat.
its allies can attack any realm, regardless of position or
restrictions. If victorious, the realm is automatically razed.
Memory Moss
The Tripolar Cavern
15/TU Rare
Holding This creeping fungus purges a spell caster of its spells. All
AD&D spells currently held by the targeted player are discarded, and
Uncommon the affected champion cannot cast spells until the event is
If attached to any Triumvirate realm, this player's Underdark removed.
allies gained from Triumvirate realms can also be used to
The East Wind
While this holding can be attached to any AD&D realm, it is 23/TU
only useful if attached to a Triumvirate realm (Unipolar Artifact
Triumvirate, Bipolar Triumvirate, Tripolar Triumvirate, or Dark Sun
Ultimate Triumvirate). Common
If attached to any Triumvirate realm, the Tripolar Cavern allows Usable only by a DRAGONLANCE avatar. The attached
the allies provided by all Triumvirate realms in player's champion and its allies can attack any "eastern" realm (to this
formation to be used to defend, as well as attack. Because the player's right), regardless of position or restrictions.
allies from all of the player's Triumvirate realms are affected,
the Cavern can be attached any Triumvirate realm in the The Forest Oracle
player's formation. 24/TU
Echoes From the Deep Uncommon
16/TU This player's realms that show trees are protected from being
Holding razed or destroyed by spells and events until the end of his
Forgotten Realms next turn. (Helpful)
The magic of the Deep seeps upward, rendering this player's Pesquisa Brasil 2010: Foi tornado uma carta counter,
allies immune to psionic power cards. podendo usar seu poder a qualquer momento

Cavern of the Gods Mika's Magic Ban

17/TU 25/TU
Holding Event
Greyhawk Uncommon
Uncommon All spellcasting champions (except Mika the Wolf Nomad)
The ancient power of the gods bestows immunity to this cannot cast spells until the end of this player's next turn.
player's defending allies against the special powers of (Harmful)

The Dread Chamber Mika's Dragon Charm

18/TU 26/TU
Holding Event
Ravenloft Common

Underdark - Página 244

Until the end of his next turn, only this player may attack or The helmet of Selnor is a magical item used to "steal" one
defend with dragons. (Harmful) opposing champion to use as an ally at any time during a
battle where this magical item is present. Whether the
Mika's Undead Ward champion with the Helmet wins or loses, the "stolen" hero or
27/TU cleric returns to his pool; however, any attached magical items
Event or artifacts are discarded. This is a great way to get items
Common discarded from opposing champions not immune to offensive
This player's undead champions and allies are protected until magical items.
the end of this player's next turn. Cards that specifically harm A champion borrowed as an ally lends both its level bonus and
the undead have no effect. (Harmful) special powers to a round of battle. For example, if the Lovely
Colleen (22/1st Chase) was borrowed she would lend a +7
bonus to combat, and any opposing monster would be
Amulet of Protection From Artifacts
instantly defeated. In addition, any magical items attached to
28/TU Colleen that can also be used, though they would be discarded
Magical Item afterwards. A player can borrow one of his own champions
2 with this magical item.
The attached champion is immune to the effects of all artifacts.
Necklace of Protection
The champion with the amulet is not effected by opponent's 34/TU
artifacts. Opponent's artifacts retain their defensive powers. Magical Item
Armor of Dispel Magic
The attached champion (but not its allies) is immune to the
29/TU special powers of all avatars.
Magical Item
3 The champion with the necklace is immune to any avatar
Common powers that effect the champion.
Once per turn, the attached champion can dispel one spell
cast against another player. The champion must then attack on
Black Snail of Shnai
its turn or be discarded.
The power of this item functions just like a Dispel Magic spell. Magical Item
It can in turn be dispelled. Uncommon
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly infers that Cannot be played on an undead champion. If the attached
the Armor can be used to dispel a spell directed at the owning champion is killed in battle, it returns at the end of the player's
player. As the card states, the Armor's power only works on next turn as an undead champion. Powers and abilities remain
spells directed at another player. unchanged.

The Black Snail is discarded after it is used to bring back a

Cloak of the Gargoyle
defeated champion as an undead champion, since the Snail
30/TU cannot be attached to an undead champion.
Magical Item
Shovel of Gravedigging
The attached champion is immune to wizard spells. If defeated 36/TU
in battle, the champion returns to its pool, stripped of all Magical Item
attachments. 2
If used by an undead champion, its allies gain an additional +2.
Dori's Obsidian Steed of Wondrous Power
If the allies are also undead, they gain +4.
Magical Item
Hornung's Guess
Uncommon 37/TU
Created by Dori's friend Drawmij, this item lets the attached Wizard Spell
champion and its allies attack any realm. Uncommon
The might of Hornung is such that this spell can be cast at any
time. Thisplayer can look at one other player's hand and
Goibhniu's Warhammer
discard one realm.
Magical Item
Hornung's Baneful Deflector
Usable only by champions of level 12 or higher, the hammer 38/TU
automatically kills any wizard or psionicist. If the champion's Wizard Spell
level falls below 12, the hammer is discarded. Common
This player's champion and its allies are immune to the special
powers of allies for this round of combat.
Helmet of Selnor
Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
Magical Item
Rare 39/TU
Once per turn, may charm a hero or cleric into acting as an ally Wizard Spell
to the attached champion. Regardless of outcome, the Common
charmed champion returns to its pool stripped of attachments. Cast only on a hero. The affected champion cannot attack or
defend until the end of its owner's next turn.
The target of the charm must be in a pool. An opponent in
battle cannot be charmed. Shattered Glass

Underdark - Página 245

Wizard Spell A player with the Herald of Mei Lung is immune to Summon
Rare Undead.
Opponent cannot play one specified type of card (cleric or Summoned champions use their level bonus and special
wizard spells, psionic power cars, allies, magical items, powers in addition to those of any attached cards.
artifacts, or events) for this round of battle. Any already in play
are discarded. Warband Quest
Lorloveim's Creeping Shadow Cleric Spell
41/TU Common
Wizard Spell Cast only by champions of level 13+. Each champion in one
Common pool gains 4 levels until the player's next turn. The spell may
The caster's shadow creeps around the table, letting him see be continued each turn by discarding a realm.
all cards concealed under realms or face down in pools.
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly indicates
Locate Creature that the champion's base level is increased. It is the adjusted
42/TU level that is increased.
Wizard Spell The levels added to the champions in a single pool increase
Uncommon those champions’ adjusted levels.
Allows the caster to see all allies of a specific type
(earthwalkers, flyers, swimmers, or undead) held in players' Wolf Spirits
hands. Discard one card of that type from each opponent. 48/TU
Cleric Spell
Summon Lycanthrope Uncommon
43/TU Cast only by champions level 13+, this spell creates an ally
Wizard Spell equal to the base level of the caster. The wolf spirits devour an
Common equal number of points of opposing allies.
All cards in players' hands that specify werebeasts or
lycanthropes (except realms and holdings) must be played to Stalker
aid the caster. Discard summoned cards after use. 49/TU
Cleric Spell
Werebeast or lycanthrope champions that are summoned are Rare
treated like allies during battle and are discarded after the Cast only by champions of level 13+, this spell creates a
round. permanent ally to guard one realm. The stalker's level is equal
Champions can be summoned by the spell. In this case, they to the number of champions in the caster's pool If the player's
work as allies and are discarded along with other cards at the pool is discarded, the ally is lost. (Def/3/4)
end of the round of battle.
The South Wind
Mind Fog 50/TU
44/TU Artifact
Wizard Spell Forgotten Realms
Uncommon Common
Cast on one player's pool. All spellcasters and psionic power Usable only by a FORGOTTEN REALMS avatar. The attached
card users in that pool cannot cast spell or use psionic power champion and its allies can attack any "southern" realm
cards until the end of that player's next turn. (opposite this player), regardless of position or restrictions.
This artifact is only useful if there is an opponent directly
Mind Fog must be immediately dispelled or turned (counter- across from you.
effect), otherwise its power takes effect and the affected player
can no longer cast spells. Animal Horde
Dispel Magic can only be played if it is played immediately in 51/TU
response to this spell. Once this “Spell Pause” has passed, a Cleric Spell
player cannot choose to play a Dispel Magic to negate the Rare
effects of the spell. Cast only by champions of level 13+. All allies in an opponent's
hand come to the aid of this spellcaster. Discard allies after
Bloodstone's Spectral Steed use. (Off/4)
Wizard Spell Elemental Swarm
Common 52/TU
Only monsters can enter combat with this champion. The Cleric Spell
champion and its allies become flyers for one round of combat. Uncommon
Cast only by champions of level 13+. This spell creates a
Card Combo (from the Sussman Zone): If Bloodstone's swarm that sweeps through one player's pool. The swarm
Spectral Steed is cast on Lovely Colleen, only monsters can discards any cards equal in icon points to half the level of the
enter combat with her, which are instantly defeated. caster (rounded down). (Off/3)

Summon Undead The Elemental Swarm then sweeps through one player's pool
46/TU causing all champions, allies, magical items, and artifacts with
Cleric Spell a level bonus less than or equal to the spell's to be discarded.
Uncommon (Spellfire Reference Guide 2, p. 306)
Cast only by champions of level 13+. All undead champions
and allies from players' pools and hands come to the aid of the Cúpula BSW 2013: O modo de sua utilização seguirá a regra
caster. Allies are discarded: champions return to pools. presente no Spellfire Reference Guide 2, que estatui que
TODAS as cartas cujos ícones sejam inferiores à metade do
Champions summoned from pools use their attached cards, in nível ajustado do campeão lançador devam ser descartadas:
addition to level and special powers.

Underdark - Página 246

Preservation Common
53/TU Usable only by a GREYHAWK avatar. The attached champion
Cleric Spell and its allies can attack any "western" realm (to this player's
Common left), regardless of position or restrictions.
Cast only by champions of level 13+ on a realm, this spell
remains in effect until dispelled or negated. The realm is Tentacle Walls
immune to offensive spells. (Def/3/5) 60/TU
Cleric Spell
Ward Matrix Common
54/TU Cast on a realm, this spell creates a permanent ally that
Cleric Spell devours all nonflying allies. The spell remains in effect until
Common negated or dispelled.
Cast only by champions of level 13+, this spell connects the
first realm of each player in a matrix, allowing each to be Timelessness
attacked (regardless of restrictions) until the end of this 61/TU
player's next turn. (Off/3) Cleric Spell
Age Dragon Discard cards equaling in icon points to the level of the
55/TU targeted champion, who is sent to the Abyss.
Cleric Spell
Rare Hovering Road
Cast only on dragons, the spellcaster can double the age 62/TU
(base level) of a dragon or halve the age (base level, rounded Cleric Spell
down) and take away its special powers. This spell lasts until Common
dispelled. (Def/3/4) or (Off/3/4) Creates a permanent one-way path to a chosen realm until
dispelled.Regardless of the realm's restrictions, this player's
Mindkiller champions and allies can attack that realm.
Cleric Spell The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly indicates
Rare that the Hovering Road can be spell turned or reflected and
The caster can send one champion to the Abyss or send one used against one of the caster's realms. However, because
avatar to Limbo.The avatar remains in Limbo until the end of Spell Turning and Reflection turn the spell back against the
its owner's next turn. (Off/3/4) caster (as opposed to one of the caster's realms), the Hovering
If cast in combat, Mindkiller need not be cast on the opposing Road has no effect if turned or reflected.
champion. If this spell is Spell Turned or Reflected, there is no effect.
If cast by an attacker in combat with a realm champion, the
realm is razed. Breath of Death
Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II): Cleric Spell
Halcyon can enter battle, cast Mindkiller on the opposing Common
champion to win the battle, and then retrieve Mindkiller from Cast only by level 13+ champions. Kills all champions of level
the discard pile. If the Boots of Fharlaghn is attached, Halcyon 6 or less in one pool and prevents survivors from attacking
can continue attacking, repeating the cycle. until after that player's next turn.

Cúpula BSW 2013 - Cartas que encerram automaticamente The Unnamed, Avatar of Gruumsh
uma batalha, porém que não sejam expressas em seu texto 64/TU
que são cartas de vitória automática (Wish, Mind Killer, Avatar19
Tyranthraxus, etc...), devem ser consideradas cartas de vitória AD&D
automática, quando usadas em batalha. Orc
Spacewarp Avatar: a cleric of level 8 or higher must be discarded to bring
57/TU the Unnamed into play. All players must ask Gruumsh each
Cleric Spell battle for the number of allies they can use. Limit one avatar
Rare per pool.
All attacks until the end of this player's next turn must be made
against one realm chosen by the caster; if the realm is razed, a Liga BSW (ROC 5-2011): Seguindo a história RPGística do
successful attack by the next player discards it. No further personagem este campeão foi bluelineado para Orc, podem
attacks can be made. (Off/3/5) se beneficiar e sofrer conseqüência quaisquer desta raça.

If this spell is Spell Turned or Reflected, there is no effect. The Faceless One, Avatar of Jubilex
Spirit of Power Avatar
58/TU 20
Cleric Spell AD&D
Common Uncommon
Any 4 clerics (excluding avatars) may band together to send Avatar; two clerics equaling 12 points or more must be
an avatar to the Abyss. Each player who participates must discarded to bring the Faceless One into play. It and any
discard a magical item, either from his hand or pool. (Off/3/4/5) AD&D champions in the player's pool are immune to magical
items of less that +3 enchantment and offensive spells. Limit
one avatar per pool.
The West Wind
59/TU The immunity is only to offensive magical items.

Underdark - Página 247

Moradin's Avatar Avatar; can cast wizard spells; a Greyhawk wizard and one
66/TU Greyhawk realm must be discarded to bring the Uncaring into
Avatar play. At the beginning of this player's turn, the Uncaring can
21 discard one razed Greyhawk realm in play.
Common The Avatar Shar
Dwarf 72/TU
Avatar; two dwarf champions or the Reorxcrown Mountains Avatar
realm must be discarded to bring Moradin's Avatar into play. 17
All realms held by this player can be attacked only by flyers or Forgotten Realms
earthwalkers (or via Underdark realms). Limit one avatar per Uncommon
pool. Avatar; a cleric and one Forgotten Realms holding must be
discarded to bring Shar into play. She absorbs all offensive
Per the Spellfire Oracle, the Spellfire Reference Guide Volume spells cast against this player's Forgotten Realms champions
II should have indicated Moradin's Avatar as a blueline dwarf. and realms, dispelling or deflecting them as she wishes.

Invasion of the Undead Shar's power works like the spell Re-target, allowing Shar to
67/TU select the new target of the spell. This power effectively makes
Rule her immune to Wish, since she can deflect the spell.
Greyhawk Shar's power is considered a spell, in that her dispelling power
Uncommon can be negated with Dispel Magic and her deflecting can be
The undead rise up in wrath! Any undead champions killed in negated or deflected back with Dispel Magic, Spell Turning,
battle are not discarded, but are sent to Limbo. They return to Magic Draining Field, Re-target, etc.
their pool at the end of their next turn, without attachments.
Any undead allies lost in battle remain with them. This rule Baelnorn
card is immune to Wish. 73/TU
The Red Death 5
68/TU Common
Avatar Elf
19 Undead. If used in the successful defense of a realm, they
Ravenloft remain with the realm until it is razed.
Undead Chitine
Avatar; RAVENLOFT champions totaling 10+ must be 74/TU
discarded to bring the Red Death into play. On its turn, if can Ally
corrupt a champion of base level 5 or less. The player can 4
allow his champion to be the avatar's ally, or he can discard Common
the champion instead. If used, the champion returns to its pool, If played against a drow champion, it is +8. If played with Lolth,
minus attached cards. The Red Death may be used once per the Spider Queen, it remains with her and is shuffled back into
turn, but only during the player's turn. the deck if Lolth is defeated.

Things that Go Bump in the Night Crypt Servant

69/TU 75/TU
Rule Ally
AD&D 6
Uncommon Common
All champions and allies native to the Underdark have Undead. Can be attached to any Underdark holding, where it
infravision. All other champions and allies do not; they cannot becomes a permanent defending ally until the holding is
see and their special powers don't work. discarded.

This rule card affects all champions and allies other than Foulwing
Underdark champions and allies. Underdark champions and 76/TU
allies have either the Underdark designation in the card text or Ally
are part of the Underdark booster set. 6
Common Flyer. Devours (discards) all opposing flying allies.
Sargonnas Can be played during another player's combat to devour one
70/TU flying ally, returning to its player's hand after battle instead of
Avatar being discarded.
Dragonlance Gnasher
Common 77/TU
Avatar; a cleric of level 8 or higher must be discarded to bring Ally
Sargonnas into play. All cards with the word "fire" or "red" in 4
their title are doubled in level when played with Sargonnas. Rare
Limit one avatar per pool. Flyer. When played, devours one psionicist champion in any
The Uncaring, Avatar of Boccob
71/TU Magebain
Avatar 78/TU
21 Ally
Greyhawk 1
Rare Rare

Underdark - Página 248

If defeated by a wizard, this ally remains with the winning Monster
champion. Whenever he casts a spell, draw a card. The spell 3
is only successful if the card's last digit is 8 or 9. AD&D
Sword Slug This foul minion of Jubilex becomes level 10 and can cast
79/TU cleric spells if the Faceless One is in play anywhere.
5 Umber Hulk
Common 87/TU
Reduces the level of all magical items played against it to 0, Monster
though it does not negate any special powers. 6
Skum Common
80/TU This monster and its allies can attack any Underdark realm,
Ally regardless of position.
Rare Mind Flayer
Card Text : Cancels all psionic power cards played against the 88/TU
attached champion in combat; additional power cards cannot Monster
be played. 7
Fey Dwarf Common
81/TU Can use psionic power cards and cast wizard spells. This
Ally monster and its allies can attack any Underdark realm,
7 regardless of position.
Common Undead. If played in the successful defense of a
realm, this ally stays with the champion. If defeated when Myconid
attacking, it returns to the player's hand. 89/TU
Corpse Dragon 2
82/TU AD&D
Monster Common
9 If attacking and Underdark realm, its level rises to 7. If
AD&D defending an Underdark realm, it can defend twice before
Uncommon being discarded.
Flyer. Can cast wizard spells. Undead champions and allies
will not face this horrid creature. Monster of the Lake
Earth Weird Monster
83/TU 10
Monster AD&D Rare
5 Undead; swimmer. Can cast cleric spells; immune to offensive
AD&D cleric spells. Its bite is poisonous to avatars, negating special
Common powers and halving their levels (rounded down) in battle. If
Earthwalker used to defend, the realm must show water.
Immune to offensive magical items. If defeated in combat, it
regenerates and returns to its pool at the end of the player's Belwar Dissengulp
next turn. Attached cards are discarded. 91/TU
Gorynych 4
84/TU Forgotten Realms
Monster Common
7 Gnome (svirfneblin). This hero's magical items are doubled in
AD&D level, as are all dwarf and gnome allies played with him.
Flyer. Can attack twice per turn if it wins its first round. On its Jarlaxle
second attack, it can wishbone, automatically razing the realm 92/TU
if it wins the battle, but must then be discarded. Hero
Noran Forgotten Realms
85/TU Common
Monster Elf (drow). When defending Menzoberranzan or any Underdark
5/9 realm, Jarlaxle's level is doubled.
Common Ellorelloran
When defending, its level rises to 9 and it can spit rocks, 93/TU
instantly destroying all allies of level 3 or less. Wizard
Noran's use of its special power ("can split rocks") is optional. 9
This card’s special powers can be activated on a whim; it Greyhawk
doesn’t automatically destroy all allies of less than +3. Common
Elf (drow)
Gibbering Mouther Can cast cleric spells and is immune to psionics. When
86/TU Ellorelloran is first played, she can discard any rule card in

Underdark - Página 249

play. She may be discarded to remove a subsequent rule card 7
from play. Ravenloft
Ellorelloran is blueline elf (drow). Iseult may have two artifacts attached to her. When attacking,
Ellorelloran's power activates when the card is played. Thus her opponentmust hold out all spells and psionic power cards;
even if Ellorelloran is played from the hand directly into battle Iseult randomly draws one to be discarded.
as a defender, Ellorelloran's power to discard a rule card takes
effect before any powers of the attacking champion. If Iseult has two artifacts attached, one of which is the Fang of
Nosferatu, and uses the Fang to substitute for the power of
Zaknafein, the Weapons Master another champion, one of the artifacts must be discarded.
Hero Xontra
9 100/TU
Forgotten Realms Psionicist
Common 6
Elf (drow). Zaknafein can attack up to 3 times per turn. On the Dark Sun
second attack, he is level 6; on the third he is level 3. Common
Psionicist; can use psionic power cards. If held by a player
If Barbarian's Decree is in play, Zaknafein can attack twice at who has no Dark Sun realms in his formation, Xontra and her
level 9, once at level 6, and once at level 3. allies can attack any Dark Sun realm, regardless of position;
otherwise, she must attack normally.
Baldar Dwellardon
95/TU Lazarus, the Drow
Cleric 1/TU
8 Chase
Forgotten Realms Psionicist
Common 4
Dwarf (duergar). Immune to offensive spells. Baldar and his Forgotten Realms
allies can attack any Underdark real, regardless of position. Elf (drow). All psionic power cards used by Lazarus are
doubled in level. His allies are immune to psionics.
Fowron, the Giant
96/TU Inflict Pain
Cleric 2/TU
3 Chase
Greyhawk Psionic Power
Common Playable only on an avatar or psionicist, this power inflicts pain
Fowron gains one level for each giant in play. Once per turn, on a champion, stripping away its powers and reducing its
he can duplicate the special ability of any other giant in play. level to 1 until the end of this player's next turn (Off/3)
(This player's use is secondary.)
The Hoof of Auroch
Because Fowron is a giant himself, he gains one level even if 3/TU
no other giants are in play. Chase
Card combo (from jones@ond.jupiter.vein.hu): If the Girdle of 5
Storm Giant Strength is attached to another champion while Greyhawk
Fowron is in play, Fowron can imitate that champion's power, This player's champions are immune to psionics.
even if not a giant.
The Ring of Gaxx
Chantal the Banshee
97/TU Chase
Monster Artifact
7 3
Ravenloft Greyhawk
Common The attached champion can only be discarded as a result of
Undead; can cast cleric spells and is immune to psionics. battle.
Because of the fear this banshee instills, any allies played with
or against her are at -1. The champion with the Ring cannot be discarded except as a
result of battle. The champion therefore is not discarded by
Allies in combat with Chantal have their icon levels reduced by Wish, unless Wish is cast while the champion with the Ring of
1. Gaxx is in combat.

Aquilla The Deep

98/TU 5/TU
Wizard Chase
4 Realm
Dragonlance 7
Uncommon AD&D
Elf This realm can defend itself as a level 7 hero who can cast
Swimmer. Aquilla poisons all swimmers played against her, wizard and cleric spells in phase 4 only. The deep is immune
causing these champions and allies to be discarded. to offensive spells and psionics.

Iseult The Ultimate Triumvirate

99/TU 6/TU

Underdark - Página 250

Chase Chase
Realm Event
AD&D Played after an opponent has chosen an Underdark realm to
Adds a +12 Underdark ally to all champions of this player attack, the event player can change the attack to any other
when attacking and negates the ally gained from all other unrazed realm in play, regardless of position or restrictions.
Triumvirates unless in the same player's formation. At the start (Harmful)
of this player's turn, he may discard this realm from his
formation to send one avatar to the Abyss. This event is played after an opponent puts forth an attacking
champion and selects a realm to be attacked, but before a
Each Triumvirate realm in a player's formation provides a defender is chosen. The event player may not select one of the
separate ally. Each Triumvirate realm provides its ally, as long attacker's realms as the new realm to be attacked, but may
as there is not a more powerful Triumvirate realm in an select another player's realm in a multi-player game.
opponent's formation. If there is a more powerful Triumvirate The new realm's restrictions, such as "can only be attacked by
realm in an opponent's formation, the player's Triumvirate swimmers," need not be met throughout the battle. The
realm allies are negated. Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly indicates that
All Triumvirate allies are negated if Lair of the Shadowdrake is the realms restrictions again take effect after the first round of
in play. battle.
The three Cavern holdings are useful additions to decks with The realm that is the target of the attack doesn’t gain use of its
Triumvirate realms. The Unipolar Cavern holding makes the position or restrictions until the event has expired.
ally provided by the realm to which it is attached to immune to
offensive spells. The Bipolar Cavern holding allows the The Triumphant Barbarian
attached realm's ally to have any racial or movement 11/TU
characteristics the player chooses. This is very helpful for Chase
attacks on realms with movement restrictions. The Tripolar Event
Cavern holding allows Triumvirate allies to be used for All psionicists and clerics in play may not use power cards or
defense. Unlike the Unipolar and Bipolar Caverns, the Tripolar cast spells until the end of this player's next turn. (Harmful)
Cavern affects allies provided by all of a player's Triumvirate
realms, not just the Triumvirate realm to which it is attached.
The Minotaur Attacks!
The Ultimate Triumvirate is the most powerful Triumvirate
realm, providing a +12 ally and negating the allies provided by 12/TU
opponent's Triumvirate realms. Chase
Cúpula BSW 2009: Aliados Triumvirates, são como cartas This player's monsters that attack from Underdark realms are
geradas, do tipo ícone Aliados, eles sofrem as mesmas doubled in base level until the end of this player's next turn.
conseqüências de qualquer carta anexada ao campeão, ou (Helpful)
seja, podem trocar de lado, ser descartados, enviadas ou
limbo, abismo, etc. Cave-in!
Cúpula BSW 2010: Aliados fornecidos por reinos Chase
Triumvirates, não entram automaticamente em batalha, Event
devendo ser anexados somente se forem necessários. Forces one player to discard an Underdark champion or
holding from his pool or formation. If he has none, the event
The Dispossessed player may choose one of the player's Underdark realms to
7/TU raze. (Harmful)
Realm The Mandate of Dori the Barbarian
AD&D 14/TU
If an Underdark realm is played adjacent to this realm in the Chase
player's formation, he may discard an ally from his hand at any Event
time to cancel any spell or psionic power card. All champions whose card number is "# of 25" (chase cards)
gain 6 levels and become earthwalkers until the end of this
The Cavernous Hall player's next turn. (Helpful)
Chase Chase cards from Artifacts (# of 20) and chase cards from full
Realm editions (401-440 and 501-520) are not affected by the
AD&D Mandate.
This realm can defend itself by duplicating the level and This event only affects those champions whose number
powers of one psionicist in play. This player's use is designation is “# of 25.” Champions from the Artifact booster (#
secondary. of 20) and those chase cards from the full Editions (401–440
and 501–520) are not affected.
The example given for an instant-defeat is in error, since
Gnasher can only destroy a psionicist champion in a pool (and The Demi-Lich Zyenj
the holding is in the formation). A better example would be the 15/TU
Undead Htimsen. Chase
Underground River 8
Chase Undead. Only magical items and artifacts of +4 or higher
Event enchantment have any effect against the Demi-Lich. Allies
This mighty river rushes through each player's pool, sweeping cannot be played against it.
away all psionicists into the discard pile. (Harmful)
The Demi-Lich's immunity extends only to offensive magical
items and artifacts. Teh Demi-Lich is affected by the Wand of
The Way Out

Underdark - Página 251

This card’s ability to ignore magical items applies only to The Sword and Helm of Garion
offensive magical items. 21/TU
The Minotaur Magical Item
16/TU 5
Chase If the attached champion is attacking, only psionicists, clerics,
Monster and heroes can defend against it. (Off)
AD&D Card combo: If the Sword and Helm of Garion is combined
Gains 3 levels when attacking and Underdark realm, and/or with the Ring of Human Influence, only psionicists and clerics
gains 3 levelswhen attacking from and Underdark realm. All can defend.
magical items attached to the Minotaur gain +1.
Card Combo: If the Skull of Fistandantilus (only wizards or
Piercer monsters can defend) is combined with the Sword and Helm of
17/TU Garion (only psionicists, clerics, and heroes can defend), only
Chase champions with immunities to artifacts and magical items can
Monster defend.
AD&D Scourge of Mika
Gains 1 additional level for every Underdark realm in play. If 22/TU Chase
used to defend an Underdark realm, automatically defeats a Magical Item
champion of base level 6 or less. 3
If the attached champion is undead and is defeated in battle,
Lurker in the Deep this item goes with the winning champion until dispelled. The
18/TU scourge becomes a -4 and that champion cannot cast spells or
Chase use psionic powers. (Off)
5 Drow Assassin
AD&D 23/TU
Can only be used to defend and Underdark realm. Engulfs all Chase
psionicists, magical items, and nonswimming allies, causing Ally
them to be discarded. 3
When played in battle, this ally can also instantly kill one
The Lurker cannot attack, and can only defend Underdark champion of base level 5 or less anywhere in play if this player
realms. has an unrazed Underdark realm in his formation.
Broken Arrow
Oogly the Half-Orc 24/TU
19/TU Chase
Chase Event
Hero Play only during combat where this player is not involved.
6 Peace is declared and the champions return to their pools;
Greyhawk combat is over. The event player is victorious and draws
Oogly is so ferocious he scares away all opposing allies of less spoils. (Harmful)
than +6 (+5 and lower allies cannot be played against him).
The Marble Orb 25/TU
20/TU Chase
Chase Cleric Spell
Magical Item Attach to any enemy champion in a pool; the champion
3 becomes catatonic and cannot take any action until the card is
If used by a monster, the attached champion is immune to dispelled. (Off/3/4)
harmful events. (Def)

Underdark - Página 252

Runes and Ruins
Isle of the Ape The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
1/RR Phlan's immunity to offensive cleric spells carries over to an
Realm attached holding. Attached holdings are not immune.
9 An attached holding does not share in the realm’s immunity.
Rare The Barrier Peaks
Can defend itself as a level 9 monster. Cannot be attacked by 7/RR
heroes or clerics. Defenders are immune to offensive spells Realm
and offensive psionic power cards. AD&D
The Forbidden City Can only be attacked by flyers or earthwalkers. Defending
2/RR dwarves double their base levels and are immune to offensive
Realm psionics.
Common Tomb of Horrors
Cannot be attacked by earthwalkers. Allies defending this 8/RR
realm are doubled in base level. Realm
The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth Common
3/RR Cannot be attacked by flyers. Defending monsters are immune
Realm to offensive spells and the special powers of avatars.
Common Demonweb Pits
Cannot be attacked by flyers or swimmers. Defenders of this 9/RR
realm are immune to offensive spells. Realm
Cúpula BSW 2015: Underdark. Common
Any elf (drow) defending this realm is doubled in base level
White Plume Mountain and is immune to offensive spells. Spells cast by defending
4/RR drow during a round of battle cannot be dispelled.
AD&D Under normal circumstances, a spell cannot be cast by a
Uncommon champion outside the battle. If such a situation arises, though,
Players attacking this realm must discard a card from their the special power of the realm remains in effect.
hand during each round of battle.
The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
The card must be discarded by the attacking player as soon as 10/RR
a champion is brought forward to attack, regardless of whether Realm
or not the defender chooses to defend the realm. AD&D
Doc's Island Clerics defending this realm are immune to offensive psionic
5/RR power cards. Defending avatars are not discarded if defeated,
Realm but return to their pool at the end of this player's next turn.
Common The Depths of the Earth
Coast 11/RR
Can only be attacked by swimmers or flyers. Magical items AD&D
and artifacts of attackers lose their bonuses but not heir Common
powers. Cannot be attacked by fliers or swimmers. Defending
swimmers are doubled in base level. If razed, the attacking
The City of Phlan champion must discard all attached magical items and
6/RR artifacts.
Forgotten Realms Isle of Dread
Rare 12/RR
Coast Realm
Cannot be attacked by monsters unless Zhentil Keep is 7
somewhere in play. Immune to offensive cleric spells. AD&D

Runes - Página 253

Can defend itself as a level 7 monster. Can only be attached Palace of the Silver Princess
by flyers or swimmers. 20/RR
Desert of Desolation AD&D
13/RR Common
Realm Champions attacking this realm are halved (rounded down) in
AD&D total levels and cannot use allies.
Cannot be attacked by swimmers. Defending undead gain 4 The adjusted level of the attacking champion is halved at the
levels. time it comes forward to attack. Additional cards played in
battle are at normal levels.
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
defending undead increase their base level by 4. Because the Labyrinth of Madness
card does not specify base level, it is the adjusted level that is 21/RR
increased. Holding
Undead defenders gain +4 to their adjusted levels. AD&D
The Glacial Rift Champions attacking the attached realm must draw and
14/RR discard a card, noting the last digit of its number. If the number
Realm is higher than the attacker's base level, the champion is sent to
AD&D Limbo. The attacker may continue.
Cannot be attacked by swimmers. Defending giants gain 2 Village of Hommlet
levels and are immune to offensive spells and offensive 22/RR
magical items. Holding
The Lendore Isles Uncommon
15/RR The attached realm must be razed twice during one player's
Realm turn to earn spoils of victory. The holding is not discarded until
AD&D the realm is razed twice.
Coast Oasis of the White Palm
Cannot be attacked by monsters or heroes. If this realm is 23/RR
razed, this player may return the bottom card from his discard Holding
pile to his hand. AD&D
The Lost City Events cannot be played when attacking the attached realm.
Realm Ghost Tower of Inverness
AD&D 24/RR
Uncommon Holding
Cannot be attacked by flyers or swimmers. Only AD&D AD&D
champions can attack this realm; champions from other worlds Common
cannot attack. The attached realm cannot be attacked by a champion of base
level 6 or less.
Village of Orlane
17/RR Vault of the Drow
Realm 25/RR
AD&D Holding
Uncommon AD&D
Defending heroes double their base levels. Attacking monsters Common
are at half their base levels (rounded down) and lose their Defending elf (drow) champion can cast spells and use psionic
special powers. power cards.

Sunderhan, Isle of the Slave Lords Tenser's Castle

18/RR 26/RR
Realm Holding
7 AD&D
AD&D Uncommon
Rare The attached realm can only be attacked by heroes or wizards,
Can defend itself as a level 7 hero. Champions (and any and all attacking allies must be flyers or swimmers.
attached items) and their allies who are defeated while
attacking this realm are sent to the Abyss.
The Temple of Death
Keep on the Borderlands
19/RR AD&D
Holding Common
AD&D The attached realm can only be attacked by clerics. Offensive
Rare spells cast in defense of the attached realm are doubled in
When this holding is played, choose one type of champion that level.
cannot attack the attached realm (hero, monster, etc).

Runes - Página 254

Bigby the Great Swimmer. If defeated in battle, Phoebus's allies return to the
28/RR player's hand. Opposing champions' magical items are
Wizard discarded at the end of battle, win or lose.
Greyhawk The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
Rare allies used with Phoebus return to the player's hand, win or
Bigby can cast one spell turning spell during one other player's lose. As the card states, allies only return to the player's hand
turn. He is immune to offensive spells and psionic power cards if Phoebus is defeated.
when defending a Greyhawk realm. Allies only return to the player’s hand if they are on the losing
side of the battle.
Bigby's spell turning works just like the card Spell Turning. It
can be played to turn any offensive spell. Bigby's spell can be Vecna the Arch Lich
dispelled, and a player with Mulmaster can draw a card when 34/RR
Bigby uses this power. Wizard/Avatar
Tenser the Arch Mage Greyhawk
29/RR Rare
Wizard Undead
8 Avatar. A Greyhawk champion with the Eye and hand of Vecna
Greyhawk must be discarded to bring Vecna into play. Vecna is immune
Uncommon to offensive spells, psionics, and unarmed combat cards.
Tenser can elect to be a hero able to cast cleric spells during
any one battle, chosen before combat begins. Tenser can cast All allies played with the lich are considered undead; they
wizard spells during another player's phase 4 to aid a player in return to the player's hand after a victorious battle.
Kas the Terrible
Oonga the Ape 35/RR
30/RR Hero
Monster 9
10 Greyhawk
AD&D Uncommon
Rare Undead. Immune tot the effects of harmful events while in
Ignores the effects of any holding in play. The attached holding combat. If opposing Vecna in battle with the Sword of Kas,
of any realm he attacks is discarded at the beginning of the Vecna's base level is 0.
Grimslade the Gray
Falx the Silver Dragon 36/RR
31/RR Hero
Monster 4
6 Greyhawk
AD&D Common
Common Can cast wizard spells. Whenever Grimslade attacks, his
Flyer. Can cast wizard spells. Any magical items attached to player draws and discards a card, noting the last digit. If it is 3
Falx cannot be discarded by any means. Gains 1 additional or less, the opponent can play no more cards during battle.
level for each attached magical item.
The card is draw immediately after the defending champion is
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that selected.
Falx gains 1 to his base level for each attached magical item.
Because the card does not specify base level, it is the adjusted Ren o' The Blade
level that is increased. 37/RR
Falx's special power refers to removal of magical items against Hero
the player's will. Magical items whose power is triggered by 7
voluntarily discarding the item, such as Blamblower and Well Forgotten Realms
of Many Worlds can still be discarded and used normally. Rare
Falx gains one to his adjusted level for each magical item. Ren can be sent to the Abyss to retrieve a realm from the
discard pile, placing it in the player's formation during phase 2
Lord Robilar instead of playing a realm from his hand.
Hero Acererack the Eternal
7 38/RR
Greyhawk Monster
Common 8
Robilar's mechanical steed grants him the ability to earthwalk. AD&D
He is immune to offensive cleric spells and the special powers Rare
of avatars. Undead. Can cast wizard spells and use psionic power cards.
Can summon one undead ally from any discard pile to aid him
Phoebus the Lizard Man in battle, which returns to its original discard pile afterward.
Monster Wulfgar
5 39/RR
AD&D Hero
Common 8
Forgotten Realms

Runes - Página 255

Dwarves and halflings cannot stand against Wulfgar in battle. AD&D
Because of his hammer, the Aegis-fang, Wulfgar's base level Common
is doubled against giant and dragon champions. Ombi gains earthwalking if any player has a giant in play. He
can be used as an ally for any giant in battle, returning to his
Jarl the Frost Giant pool afterward unless discarded during battle.
Monster Mordenkainen's Disjunction
7 46/RR
AD&D Wizard Spell
Common Rare
Earthwalker. Jarl ignores the special powers of all realms. He Destroys all magical items and artifacts in one pool unless the
gains 6 levels when defending the Glacial Rift. affected player can draw a card with a last digit of 2 or less.
(Drawn card is discarded). (Off/3)
King Snurre the Fire Giant
41/RR This spell affects all magical items and artifacts in a pool,
Monster unless the champion to whom the magical item or artifact is
7 attached is immune to offensive wizard spells.
Common Slay Living
Earthwalker. If King Snurre doesn't attack on his turn, at the 47/RR
beginning of another player's turn he can order an opponent' Cleric Spell
champion not to attack that turn. Common
Kills any opposing champion or ally of base level 5 or less.
King Snurre's power can only be used against one other Undead are immune to this spell. (Off/3/4)
opponent until the player's next turn. The player announces his
use of King Snurre's power at the start of the targeted Intercession
opponent's turn. The opponent then cannot attack during his 48/RR
phase 4. After the player has taken another turn, and not Cleric Spell
attacked with King Snurre, the player may target the same or Uncommon
another opponent with King Snurre's special power. Can be cast at any time. This spell cancels the effects of any
King Snurre’s power to order a champion not to attack occurs just-played event card. (Off)
when specified on the card, not in phase 3 of the owning
player’s turn as is normal. Intercession is the cleric version of Limited Wish (43/FR),
being able to cancel an opposing event, helpful or harmful.
Queen Frumpy the Fire Giant Only events that actually disallow spellcasting prevent the
42/RR casting of this spell, such as Dead Magic Zone (7/FR)and
Monster Nullification (35/PO), unless Intercession is played immediately
5 to negate that even!.
AD&D Playing Intercession negates the effects of an event for all
Common players, removing it entirely from the game, unlike the event
Can cast cleric spells. Queen Frumpy gains 2 levels when Calm (400/3rd) which negates the event only for that player.
defending a realm. She is so repulsive, allies of +4 or less An event canceled by this spell cannot be duplicated by cards
cannot be played against her. such as Onad the Weasel (6/AR Chase) or the Bell of Might
(18/FR Chase}. Intercession can be cast at any time, even
The Keeper during another player's turn . Remember that clerics in play
43/RR must still have the permission of the Arch-Druid (189/3rd) to
Monster cast this spell.
5 Despite the wording of the card, it can be used to cancel an
AD&D event that remains in play, such as Bronze Dragons.
Giant. This deformed hill giant is immune to offensive psionics. Conjure Earth Elemental
One artifact of any world can be attached to him; it is never 49/RR
discarded, returning instead to the player's hand. Cleric Spell
Nosnra the Hill Giant Uncommon
44/RR The +6 ally summoned with this spell stays with the casting
Monster champion until the beginning of this player's next turn.
6 Opposing earthwalking allies are immediately discarded.
AD&D (Off/4)
Nosnra can attack any AD&D realm, regardless of position or The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
powers. Nosnra is level 10 if no allies are played with him. this spell cannot be turned or reflected. However, because the
spell is labeled offensive (it probably should have been labeled
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that defensive), it has been ruled that this spell can be turned or
Nosra gains 4 to his adjusted level if no allies are played with reflected. If it is turned or reflected, the champion casting the
him in battle. However, it is Nosra's base level that is Spell Turning or Reflection gains the benefit of the conjured
increased to 10 when no allies are played. ally.
Nosnra gains his base level increase whether he is attacking These spells can be Spell Turned or Reflected normally.
or defending and not using allies.
Conjure Fire Elemental
Ombi the Renegade Dwarf 50/RR
45/RR Cleric Spell
Hero 5
4 Common

Runes - Página 256

The +5 ally summoned with this spell stays with the casting with the type of champion (e.g. psionicist's ability to use
champion until the beginning of this player's next turn. psionic powers, clerics ability to cast cleric spells) are lost.
Opposing allies of +2 or less are incinerated (discarded). Any cards attached to the champion when Tyranthraxus is
(Off/4) played remain attached. Similarly, if the event is removed
(such as with Limited Wish, or Wish), the champion returns to
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that its original pool with all attached cards, whether they were
this spell cannot be turned or reflected. However, because the attached before or after Tyranthraxus was played.
spell is labeled offensive (it probably should have been labeled If Tyranthraxus is played on a champion with the Bell of Might,
defensive), it has been ruled that this spell can be turned or the Bell may duplicate the event so that the champion stays in
reflected. If it is turned or reflected, the champion casting the his player's pool.
Spell Turning or Reflection gains the benefit of the conjured If a player plays Tyranthraxus on an opponent's champion, and
ally. the opponent plays Deflection, directing the Tyranthraxus
These spells can be Spell Turned or Reflected normally. event to one of the original player's champions, that champion
remains in the player's pool, but loses its special powers and
Conjure Air Elemental becomes a monster that can cast wizard spells.
51/RR When an opponent attacks, Tyranthraxus can be played on the
Cleric Spell opposing champion. If played before a defender is chosen, the
4 opponent may attack with another champion. If played after the
Uncommon defender is chosen, the battle is over.
The +4 ally summoned with this spell stays with the casting
champion until the beginning of this player's next turn. Cúpula BSW 2013 - Cartas que encerram automaticamente
Opposing flying allies are immediately discarded. (Off/4) uma batalha, porém que não sejam expressas em seu texto
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that que são cartas de vitória automática (Wish, MindKiller,
this spell cannot be turned or reflected. However, because the Tyranthraxus, etc...), devem ser consideradas cartas de vitória
spell is labeled offensive (it probably should have been labeled automática, quando usadas em batalha.
defensive), it has been ruled that this spell can be turned or
reflected. If it is turned or reflected, the champion casting the Coming of the Phoenix
Spell Turning or Reflection gains the benefit of the conjured 56/RR
ally. Event
These spells can be Spell Turned or Reflected normally. Common
Retrieve one champion (excluding avatars) from the discard
Conjure Water Elemental pile and put into play. (Helpful)
Cleric Spell The Forgotten King
3 57/RR
Common Event
The +3 ally summoned with this spell stays with the casting Rare
champion until the beginning of this player's next turn. If the first attack is successful, all heroes can make an
Opposing swimming allies are immediately discarded. (Off/4) additional attack until the end of this player's next turn. All
heroes are considered earthwalkers during this event.
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
this spell cannot be turned or reflected. However, because the Elixir of Life
spell is labeled offensive (it probably should have been labeled 58/RR
defensive), it has been ruled that this spell can be turned or Event
reflected. If it is turned or reflected, the champion casting the Common
Spell Turning or Reflection gains the benefit of the conjured Play on a champion who is about to be defeated. He returns to
ally. his pool instead of being discarded. If the player was attacking,
These spells can be Spell Turned or Reflected normally. he can continue with another champion. No spoils of victory
are drawn for the champion's defeat. (Helpful)
53/RR Giant Raid!
Wizard Spell 59/RR
Common Event
Destroys one magical item anywhere in play. (Off/3/4) Uncommon
All giants in play double their total levels when attacking until
Energy Drain their player's next turn. (Helpful)
Wizard Spell The Vampire Attacks
Uncommon 60/RR
Draw and discard a card when this spell is cast, noting the last Event
digit. Subtract that number from the target champion's level. If Uncommon
the level reaches 0, the champion is discarded. Undead are All attacking undead are immune to opposing champions'
immune to this spell. (Off/3/4) special powers until this player's next turn. (Helpful)

Tyranthraxus, The Possessing Spirit Undead Guardian

55/RR 61/RR
Event Event
Rare Rare
Play on an opponent's champion, who then becomes a Creates an undead level 5 monster until the beginning of this
monster able to cast wizard spells. The champion remains player's next turn. It is the first to defend this player's realms
under control of the event player until canceled. (Harmful) during attacks by all other players. Any spoils obtained by it
are doubled. (Helpful)
The target of this event becomes a monster able to cast wizard
spells. It also loses any special powers. Powers associated

Runes - Página 257

Barbarian Charge! Tenser's Crystal Ball
62/RR 68/RR
Event Artifact
Common AD&D
Attacking champions who do not use spells or psionic power Common
cards are doubled in base level until the beginning of this Can only be attached to wizards of any world. At the beginning
player's next turn. (Helpful) of this player's turn, inspect the draw deck of an opposing
player. At any time, the player can discard the Crystal Ball to
Psionic Shield shuffle an opponent's draw pile.
Event Albruin
Uncommon 69/RR
This player's realms, champions, and allies are immune to Artifact
offensive psionic power cards 5
Forgotten Realms
This event cannot be played as a counter effect card for Common
psionic powers. The event provides immunity only to future Cannot be attached to clerics or wizards. Any monster
psionic power cards. opposing the attached champion is at half its base level
(rounded down). Opponents cannot use psionic power cards.
Volcanic Eruption
64/RR Blackrazor
Event 70/RR
Uncommon Artifact
This event razes all realms that can only be attacked by 4
swimmers or earthwalkers. (Harmful) AD&D
All realms that can only be attacked by swimmers, only be The attached champion must attack during his turn or discard
attacked by earthwalkers, and only be attacked by swimmers one champion from his pool. Allies attached to this champion
or earthwalkers, are razed. The specific realms that are during battle are immune to offensive spells, psionics, and the
affected are Coral Kingdom and Blood Sea of Istar, as well as special powers of champions and allies.
a realm with the holding Fortification: Inner Wall or the magical
item Triton's Throne attached. Wave
This event's effect is not limited to opponents' realms. A 71/RR
player's own realms fitting the card's descriptive language are Artifact
also razed. 5
This event razes any realm that can only be attacked by Uncommon
swimmers and any realm that can only be attacked by Can only be attached to swimming champions of any world.
earthwalkers. The realm doesn’t have to have both of these Nonswimming allies played with the attached champion are
qualifications on it to get razed. If it has either one, it is subject considered swimmers. Allies who are already swimmers are
to the power (even if additional requirements, like “only flyers doubled in level.
and swimmers,” exist on the card).
The Midas Orb
65/RR Artifact
Artifact 6
2 Rare
AD&D Can only be attached to dwarf champions of any world. This
Common weapon automatically defeats giants. Whelm returns to the
Champions of base level 3 or less cannot defend against a player's hand if the attached champion is discarded.
champion with the Midas Orb. The Orb changes one opposing
ally to gold, sending it to the Abyss.
Girdle of Dwarvenkind
Invulnerable Coat of Arnd
Magical Item
66/RR Rare
Artifact The attached champion is considered a dwarf for the purposes
AD&D of card play, gaining earthwalking ability.
Star Gem of Martek: Opal
Can only be attached to heroes of any world. Heroes wearing
this artifact ignore the levels and powers of all magical items, 74/RR
and opposing allies' levels are halved (rounded down). Magical Item
Ipsissimo's Black Goose
The attached champion can use psionic power cards. If joined
67/RR with another Star Gem, the attached champion is immune to
Artifact offensive psionics. (Def)
Star Gem of Martek: Sapphire
Can only be attached to clerics of any world. When the 75/RR
attached cleric is in this player's pool, it an all other clerics in Magical Item
the pool are immune to harmful events. 3
Allies played with the attached champion cannot be removed
by any means. If joined with another Star Gem, the attached
champion gains an additional 5 levels. (Def)

Runes - Página 258

Star Gem of Martek: Ruby This magical item works just like its lesser cousins, in that the
76/RR owner of the Huge Giant’s Rock gets to choose which ally is
Magical Item discarded.
Common Enormous Giant's Rock
Undead cannot use their special powers when opposing the 81/RR
attached champion. If joined with another Star Gem, the Magical Item
attached champion is immune to harmful events. (Def) 9
Star Gem of Martek: Clear Crystal Usable only by giants. Destroys one opposing ally and artifact
77/RR when played in battle, and no further allies can be played by
Magical Item the opponent. (Off)
Rare Hypnosnake
Spells cast by the attached champion cannot be dispelled. If all 82/RR
five Star Gems are joined, the attached champion can choose Ally
to win any battle, automatically razing the realm. If this power 3
is used, the Star Gems are discarded. (Def) Common
This ally hypnotizes one opposing ally chosen at any time
This magical item is one of five Star Gems, and when some or during the battle,causing that ally to switch sides.
all are brought together they gain additional special power.
This Star Gem is an excellent choice for any SPELLFIRE deck The Rahaisa
containing spellcasting champions. Any spell cast by the 83/RR
attached champion cannot be dispelled. This includes the use Ally
of Dispel Magic (346/358/3rd) and Genie Bottle (436/3rd), but 2
not the effects of the Amulet of Spell Protection (AR Rare
Chase/17). This doesn't allow a champion to cast spells when If the attached champion is defeated in battle, the opposing
they normally cannot, like under Nullification (35/PO). player must discard all champions and events in his hand.
If all five of the Star Gems are joined together, the champion
can win any one battle and automatically raze the realm. If this
special power is used, discard all five of the attached Star
Gems. Since this special power is defensive, realms and 84/RR
champions immune to offensive magical items are not exempt Ally
from this effect. 6
This ally is +8 if played with a giant. Any additional allies
Star Gem of Martek: Amethyst
played by this player are immune to offensive psionics for this
78/RR round of battle.
Magical Item
4 Uncommon
The Incantrix
If the attached champion is discarded as a result of combat,
the opposing champion is sent to the Abyss. If joined with 85/RR
another Star Gem, the attached champion gains an additional Ally
5 levels. (Def) 3
Being discarded as a result of combat means being defeated. Immune to offensive spells. When this ally is played, all spells
For example, if the Headless Horseman uses its power to in play are dispelled.
automatically win a battle, it is then discarded. However, if the
Horseman has the Star Gem of Martek: Amethyst attached, Winter Wolf Pack
the opposing champion does not go to the Abyss. The 86/RR
Horseman was discarded due to the use of its special power, Ally
not as a result of combat. 4
Big Giant's Rock Increases to +8 when allied with giants. Doubles the base level
79/RR of any champion defending the Glacier Rift.
Magical Item
3 Hydra
Common 87/RR
Usable only by giants. Opposing champions must discard one Ally
ally of level 4 or less if this item is played during a battle. (Off) 4
Huge Giant's Rock Gains 2 levels for reach additional ally played by this player
80/RR during a round of battle. Immune to the powers of opposing
Magical Item allies.
Common Red Dragon
Usable only by giants. Opposing champions must discard one 88/RR
ally of level 7 or less if this item is played during battle. Ally
Opponents cannot add magical items in battle. (Off) 5
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that Flyer. This ally's level increase to +7 if played with a dragon
the opponent selects the ally to be discarded. The ally is champion. All allies played after the red dragon may be
selected by the player, not the opponent. considered flyers (player's choice).

Runes - Página 259

If Red Dragon is played with a dragon champion, its special 3
power is activated and its level bonus becomes +7. If the ally is Rare
later forced to switch sides, its level bonus remains +7, even if Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes. The opposing
the new champion is not a dragon, since its special power had player must discard a card from his hand before he can play
already been activated. any more cards in battle. Undead are immune to this
maneuver. (Off/4)
Rampaging Oni
89/RR Bear Hug
Ally 96/RR
4 Unarmed Combat
Common 5
When played, all psionic power cards in play are canceled and Common
no more can be played during this round of battle. Oni Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes. This maneuver
becomes +7 if played with a Forgotten Realms champion. halves the levels (rounded down) of an opposing champion
and one ally chosen by this player. Undead are immune to this
Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly indicates that effect. (Off/4)
Oni is +11 if played with a Forgotten Realms champion. As the
card indicates, Oni is +7 with a Forgotten Realms champion. Knockdown
The Live Ones Unarmed Combat
90/RR 3
Ally Common Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes.
Rare When this card is played, the opposing champion must draw
Playing this ally cancels the special powers of any opposing and discard a card, noting the last digit. If the number is 4 or
wizard for one round of combat. This ally returns to the player's less, the opponent returns to his pool defeated. (Off/4)
hand at the conclusion of a victorious battle.
Flying Kick 98/RR
91/RR Unarmed Combat
Unarmed Combat 3
5 Uncommon
Common Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes. Any unarmed
Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes. This maneuver combat cards played by this champion after this one are
can either count as +5 in any battle or it can destroy (discard) doubled in level. (Def/4)
an ally or magical item of +5 or less (this player's choice).
(Off/4) Block
Haymaker Unarmed Combat
92/RR Common
Unarmed Combat Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes. This maneuver
7 counters any just-played offensive unarmed combat card,
Rare negating its effect and sending it to the discard pile. (Def/4)
Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes. Opponent must
draw and discard a card, noting the last digit. If the opposing The Monty Haul Campaign
champion's base level is equal to or less than the digit, the 100/RR
opponent is defeated. Undead are immune to this maneuver. Rule Card
(Off/4) AD&D
The example given in the text is incorrect, since only a card All champions in play can cast any type of spell, use psionic
that affects the base level of the opposing champion will help power cards, andattach artifacts from any world. Only legally
the champion who plays the Haymaker card. allowable artifacts remain if this rule card is removed from play.
Uppercut The Dream Team
93/RR 1/RR
Unarmed Combat Chase
4 Ally
Uncommon 10
Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes. Victims of this Playing this ally during a round of battle discards all other allies
maneuver cannot cast spells or use psionic power cards during in play. Further allies played by opponents cannot use their
this round of battle. (Off/4) special powers.

Disarm Allies played after the Dream Team cannot use their special
94/RR powers, including special powers that are triggered upon
Unarmed Combat defeat, such as Assassins.
Common Brain Drain
Unarmed combat card; usable only by heroes. This maneuver 2/RR
strips away (discards) one magical item or artifact of an Chase
opposing champion (this player's choice). (Off/4) Event
Play this event to cancel a just-used psionic power card or
Kidney Punch psionic ability or play on an opponent's pool to prevent the use
95/RR of psionics by champions until the end of this player's next
Unarmed Combat turn. (Harmful)

Runes - Página 260

The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that Undead avatars retrieved from the pool must still have the
when played on an opponent's pool, Brain Drain only prevents normal conditions met for bringing the avatar into play.
psionic power cards and offensive psionic abilities form being
used. As the card states, Brain Drain prevents all psionics from The Dark Lens
being used. 8/RR
The event stops defensive psionic powers as well as those of Chase
an offensive nature, as stated in the card text. Artifact
Dark Sun
The Toad Can only be attached to psionicists. Adds 3 levels to any
3/RR psionic power card bonus. Can be discarded to use a psionic
Chase power card that cannot be canceled or countered by any
Magical Item means. Opposing champions cannot use psionic power cards.
Play this magical item during a round of battle to reduce an Book of the Damned
opposing wizard's or cleric's base level to 0. If attached to a 9/RR
monster, the champion gains an additional 4 levels. (Off) Chase
Magical Item
Lost Treasure Can only be attached to wizards. If successful during a round
4/RR of combat, one friendly ally remains with the wizard, becoming
Chase undead; its level and powers are unchanged. (Def)
Play this event to retrieve a magical item or artifact from the Horn of Change
discard pile or to send a magical item or artifact to the Abyss. 10/RR
(Helpful/Harmful) Chase
Magical Item
Holy Sword Chrysomer Can only be attached to monsters. Once per round of battle
5/RR this item forces an opponent to discard a just-played card and
Chase replace it with another. If he cannot legally play another card,
Artifact he automatically loses the battle. (Off)
AD&D The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
Can only be attached to heroes of any world (excluding cards affected by the Horn return to the player's hand, in
undead). Destroys up to 10 levels of opposing undead allies. exchange for another card. As the card states, a card targeted
Undead champions of level 8 or less cannot enter battle by the Horn is discarded.
against the attached champion Cards attached to the champion before combat or before the
Horn is played are immune to the power of the Horn.
If the Holy Sword is played after battle begins with an undead The explanatory text is incorrect. A just-played card is
champion of level 8 or less, it functions like a wall spell. The discarded, not returned to the hand.
opponent returns to its pool but is considered defeated.
Kuroth's Quill
Manshoon of the Zhentarim 11/RR
6/RR Chase
Chase Artifact
Wizard Greyhawk
8 Once per round of combat the attached champion can choose
Forgotten Realms to ignore the level bonus or power of any card.
If Manshoon is about to be discarded for any reason (including
through combat but excluding being sent to the Abyss), his Like the Rod of 7 Parts, Part 7, this artifact can ignore the level
player can discard a card from his hand instead. Manshoon of an opposing champion, making it level 0 for the round.
returns to his pool; he cannot be used again until his player's
next turn. Dodge
If Manshoon has recently cast Wish, he may not be saved by Chase
discarding a card, since he cannot use his special power. Event
If Manshoon is defeated in battle while the Libram of Ineffable Play to instantly counter one unarmed combat card or ignore
Damnation is attached, he is sent to the Abyss. one opposing ally's special power. If played to counter an
Manshoon's power can be used to keep him from going to unarmed combat card this player draws two cards. (Helpful)
Limbo or the Void. While this event's nature is actually harmful (countering a card
played by an opponent) it is considered helpful, and therefore
Card Combo (from Shadowlord's Spellfire Page): Use is not affected by Calm.
Manshoon of the Zhentarim to cast Raze, then discard a card
from the hand to keep Manshoon from being discarded. If cast
Runes of the Future
on a realm Manshoon is attacking, the player draws Spoils of
Victory. 13/RR
Magical Item
Undead Regeneration
7/RR The attached champion can be discarded at the end of his
Chase player's turn to search his draw deck for any one card. Place
Event this card so it is the first or second card drawn on the next turn.
Retrieve all undead from the event player's discard pile. (Def)
Champions go directly to the pool, and allies to his hand.
(Helpful) Unfortunately, to do this the player must discard the champion
carrying the Runes of the Future.

Runes - Página 261

When discarding a champion to use this card's special powers, special powers cannot be used again until the end of that
it must be done at the end of a player's turn (after phase 5). player's next turn. (Def)
One card is moved in the draw pile to be the first or second
card in the pile. This action is last in phase 5, done Just before This is a counter-effect card, usable to negate psionics.
knocking and passing the turn along.
A good combination for this magical item is to piny cards like Psionic Reflection
Good Fortune (100/3rd) or Treasure Fleet (214/2nd) to 18/RR
immediately gain the card that was just placed at the top. Chase
Placing the chosen card second from the top is also a good Cleric Spell
tactic, as it protects it from being discarded by special powers This spell can be cast at any time to reflect back the effects of
such as those of Marco Volo . a just-played offensive psionic power card upon the original
user. (Def)
Pesquisa Brasil 2010: Deverá ir para o abismo após seu uso.
This is a counter-effect card, able to reflect psionic power
Cursed Idol cards.
14/RR This spell can only be used to reflect back an offensive psionic
Chase power card that has been cast at the player of this spell. Just
Magical Item like with Spell Turning and Reflection, a player cannot “turn
1 back” a spell that is not aimed at him. A champion outside the
If the attached champion is discarded as a result of combat, battle can aid a fellow champion, just like Dispel Magic and
the idol transfers to the opposing champion and inflicts a similar spells.
terrible curse. The cursed champion must attack every round.
If he cannot, his player must raze his foremost realm. (Off) Icon of Magic
A champion cursed with the Idol must attack or the player must Chase
raze his foremost realm. If for any reason the champion cannot Artifact
attack, including realm restrictions or another player casting AD&D
Fear, the player must raze a realm. All champions in play must ask this player's permission to use
If a cursed champion is subsequently defeated in battle, the offensive wizard spells.
Cursed Idol would transfer to the next winning champion – and
so on. All champions must ask permission of the holder of the Icon
before casting offensive wizard spells. Realms and holdings
Tower of Spirits capable of casting spells do not have to ask permission.
15/RR Similarly, items such as the Quill Pen of the Planes that can
Chase duplicate spells do not have to ask permission to duplicate a
Holding spell, as long as the original spell was allowed.
Only undead may attack the attached realm. Nectar of the Gods
The strategy described in the text is incorrect, since any Chase
champion selected to attack must be legal in all respects (you Artifact
can’t choose a champion unable to attack in an effort to end AD&D
the battle). All champions in play must ask this player's permission to use
offensive cleric spells.
Gib Kcir
16/RR Boots of Fharlanghn
Chase 21/RR
Hero Chase
5 Magical Item
AD&D Defensive
Immune to harmful events. Discard this champion from her The champion wearing these boots gains earthwalking and
pool to the Abyss to send any nonrealm card in play to the swimming abilities as needed. A cleric wearing these boots
Abyss as well. can make unlimited attacks upon an opponent's realm until it is
Gib Kcir's power can be used in phase 3 to remove a nonrealm razed or the cleric is defeated. (Off)
card from play. The Boots of Fharlanghn is incorrectly identified as an
If Gib Kcir is used to remove a Dungeon card from play, she offensive magical item. It has no effect on the opponent, so is
goes to the Abyss. The Dungeon card goes to the Void. actually a defensive magical item.
Liga BSW: a título de esclarecimento, Gib Kcir é um campeão Card Combo (from Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II):
fêmea. Halcyon can enter battle, cast Mindkiller on the opposing
champion to win the battle, and then retrieve Mindkiller from
Card Combo (from Desafio aos Corajosos 2013): Jerome the discard pile. If the Boots of Fharlaghn is attached, Halcyon
Kasinskaia (8/IQBR)’s special powers can be used to retrieve can continue attacking, repeating the cycle.
Ward of Freedom (411/4th ed) and Divine Intervention (81/DL)
from the discard pile to this player’s hand, allowing him to use Card Combo: Attach the Chest of Many Things to Joliet the
Gib Kcir’s special powers many times during a match! Rash and choose for Joliet to become a cleric. Then attach the
Boots of Fharlanghn. Now Joliet may make unlimited attacks
Dispel Psionics on an opponent's realm and draw a spoils after each victory.
Chase The Crystal Cave
Cleric Spell 22/RR
This spell can be cast at any time to negate the effects of a Chase
psionic power card or a psionicist's special power. Negated Realm

Runes - Página 262

Only spells can be used when attacking this realm by combat. Portal to Limbo
Allies magical items, and artifacts have no effect. 25/RR
The Fair Princess Event
23/RR Play this event on an opponent's champion, who must draw
Chase and discard a card noting the last digit. The affected champion
Hero is sent to Limbo for a number of turns equal to the digit.
AD&D (Harmful)
In combat, this champion banishes opposing dragons to Limbo
until the end of their owner's next turn. Dragon allies cannot be This event may be negated by any player, but may only be
played against her. calmed by the attacker, not the defender, since it is only
The Phylactery harmful to the attacker.
24/RR Broken Arrow is played during combat, which means that the
Chase special powers of the attacker and defender have already
Magical Item activated. Therefore Broken Arrow will prevent an instant
(Def) defeat caused by one of the champion's special powers.
Can only be attached to a spellcasting undead champion. If
this champion is defeated as a result of combat, send this item
to the Abyss to return him to his pool instead.

Though not marked on the card, this magical item is

considered defensive.
If this item is attached to Strahd Von Zarovich, he immediately
returns to his pool upon defeat, rather than going to Limbo.
Any undead capable of casting spells can use the Phylactery;
they do not have to be a wizard or cleric.

Runes - Página 263

Roesone attack. Finally, Avanil may not be used to counter cards. Thus
1/BR you cannot discard Avanil, draw five cards, and use one of
Realm those cards to stop a Cataclysm, Estate Trasference, etc.
Common Ghoere
Can defend itself as a level 5 hero who can use blood abilities. 6/BR
Ilien Birthright
2/BR Rare
Realm Any ally may be played in defense of Ghoere as a hero. If
4 successfully defended, the ally remains, acting as a hero
Birthright champion for future attacks against the realm.
Coast In addition to using allies as heroes to defend Ghoere, normal
Can defend itself as a level 4 wizard. Any champion can cast champions may be used.
wizard spells when defending Ilien.
The Spiderfell 7/BR
3/BR Realm
Realm Birthright
Birthright Common
Uncommon Doubles the base level of any defending elves (champions and
Before a defender is chosen, the attacking champion must allies). Any champion defending Tuarhieval can cast wizard
draw and discard a card, noting the last digit of the card spells and use blood abilities.
number. If it's higher than or equal to his base level, he has
been poisoned and is discarded. Combat ends with no spoils. Mur-Kilad
Card Combo (from Tim Barth, barth@twcny.rr.com): Play the 8/BR
holding Caves of Mystery on the Spiderfell. This allows all Realm
attacking champions to have a chance at being discarded. If Birthright
the player has also put A Sure Thing in play, the opponent's Common
champion must be discarded. Cannot be attacked by flyers or swimmers. Defending
earthwalkers gain 2 levels.
The Gorgon's Crown
4/BR Cúpula BSW 2015: Underdark.
Birthright Baruk-Azhik
Rare 9/BR
Defending monsters are doubled in base level and can use Realm
blood abilities. This realm is immune to offensive spells and Birthright
harmful events. Rare
Cannot be attacked by flyers. Bazuk-Azhik prevents this
Avanil player's realms from being attacked via the Underdark realms.
Realm Cúpula BSW 2015: Underdark.
Uncommon The Impregnable Heart of Haelyn
Coast 10/BR
If unrazed, may be discarded from the player's formation at Realm
any time to draw five cards. Birthright
Avanil can be discarded at any time to draw five cards. When Coast
Avanil is discarded in order to draw five cards, it is sent to the Defending champions can cast cleric spells and use blood
Abyss. abilities. Defending clerics are immune to offensive blood
If Avanil is discarded while being attacked, the attacker draws abilities.
spoils. However, if a defender has not yet been chosen (i.e.
combat has not begun), the attacker does not draw spoils and Tower of the Sword Mage
may choose another realm to attack.
If Avanil is targeted with a card that forces it to be discarded,
such as Cataclysm! or Disintegrate, cards may not be drawn.
Avanil may be discarded at any time (during any phase) to
draw five cards and it is then placed in the abyss. Note that if
Cannot be attacked by awnsheghlien. Defending champions
Avanil is discarded during battle, the attacker gets spoils. If no
can cast wizard spells.
defender is put forward and Avanil is discarded, then no battle
has occurred and an attacker may choose another realm to

Birthright - Página 264

Imperial City of Anuire Investiture Ceremony
12/BR 20/BR
Holding Event
Birthright Common
Uncommon Play on one champion to allow him to use blood abilities. Lasts
Draw a card whenever an opposing player plays an event until negated or champion is discarded. (Helpful)
Forge Ley Line
The Heartland Outfitters 21/BR
13/BR Event
Holding Rare
Birthright Negates for this player any champion's immunity to offensive
Common spells until the end of this player's next turn. (Harmful)
This player's Birthright champions can fly, swim, or earthwalk
as needed. Biding Your Time
Proudglaive Event
14/BR Uncommon
Holding Player can skip his turn and use it later in the game between
Birthright any two players' turns. This event remains in play until used or
Uncommon canceled. (Helpful)
The base level of a hero defending the attached realm is
doubled or the base level of a defending champion is tripled if In Search of Adventure
he doesn't use allies. 23/BR
Kal-Saitharak Uncommon
15/BR Send one of your champions to Limbo until the beginning of
Holding your next turn. When he returns, draw a card from the draw
Birthright pile and add the last digit of the card number to the champion's
Rare base level as a permanent increase. (Helpful)
The base level of a defending monster is doubled. Monsters in
this player's pool are immune to psionic power cards. Revolution!
Magical Source Event
16/BR Common
Holding Until the end of this player's next turn, no realm champions
Birthright may be used to defend. (Harmful)
Phase 4 spells cast by champions of this player gain a +4 level The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
bonus. if Revolution is played during a battle with a realm champion,
the round is over but the realm is not razed. Any time a realm
The Maze of Maalvar the Minotaur champion is defeated, as would be the case if Revolution! is
17/BR played during a battle with a realm champion, the realm is
Holding razed.
Birthright Any time a realm is defeated in combat, it is razed.
Only flyers or earthwalkers can attack the attached realm. The Kraken Attacks!
Espionage! Event
18/BR Rare
Event Razes two realms in one player's formation that have
Common coastlines. The kraken can be satisfied (negated) by
Examine another player's draw pile and place four cards of discarding champions totaling 8 levels or more from hand or
your choice on the top. (Harmful) pool. (Harmful)

Cúpula BSW 2013: Cartas que possuam o termo “oponente” Crown of Regency
em seu texto, quando refletidas, tem seu efeito normal no 26/BR
lançador original (Con Game/Rebater – Espionage/ Deflection, Magical Item
etc.). Common
When the attached champion is used in defense, the crown
Chaos! copies the powers of any holding in play for the defending
19/BR realm. (Def)
Rare Armor of The High King
All players (starting with the event player) take turns playing 27/BR
event cards until all event cards in all hands have been played. Magical Item
Events which state they can only be played at certain times 4
(Caravan, Weasel Attack, etc.) are played with no effect. Common
(Harmful) During phase 3, the attached champion can retrieve one blood
ability card from his discard pile to his hand. (Def)
While it make take a while for the effects of Chaos! to be
played out, this event does not have a lasting effect, and thus Card Combo (from Bluntaxe's Spellfire Page): Use Armor of
is not affected by Wish. the High King to recover Create Minion each time it is used to

Birthright - Página 265

retrieve a champion from the discard pile. If the Staff of The attached champion can attack twice if he wins on his first
Mimicry is used to duplicate the Armor, two champions can be round, but doesn't raze a realm. He uses new allies. (Def)
recovered each turn. This combo is very effective to recover
champions like Korgunard the Avangion that are often Alertness
intentionally discarded. 35/BR
Blood Ability
Combo inválido devido a Pesquisa Brasil 2010 pag 22. Uncommon
Uma mesma carta não pode ser usada duas vezes no mesmo Blood ability. This champion can use his special power first,
turno. when defending. Alertness lasts until the end of this player's
next turn and can be dispelled. (Def/3/4)
Dragon's Teeth
28/BR Animal Affinity
Magical Item 36/BR
+? Blood Ability
Common Common
Draw and discard a card each time the Teeth are used in Blood ability. Creates a +4 ally which remains with the user
battle, noting the last digit of the card's number. For that round, until he is defeated. This ally cannot be forced to switch sides
the attached champion gains an undead ally equal to that digit. for any reason. (Def/3/4)
Bracers of Brachiation
29/BR Blood Ability
Magical Item Rare
Common Blood ability. Double the affected champion's current total level
Allows the attached champion and his allies to attack any until the end of this player's next turn. Can be dispelled.
realm showing trees, regardless of position or special powers. (Off/3/4)
This card should be marked as Defensive.
Ring of Human Influence
30/BR Courage
Magical Item 38/BR
Uncommon Blood Ability
Heroes cannot defend against the attached champion (Off) Common
Blood ability. Allies of this champion cannot be discarded
Card combo: If the Sword and Helm of Garion is combined during battle or made to switch sides. (Off/3/4)
with the Ring of Human Influence, only psionicists and clerics
can defend. This card should be marked as Defensive.

Ring of Spell Storing Divine Wrath

31/BR 39/BR
Magical Item Blood Ability
Rare Common
Up to three spells playable in phase 4 may be stored in this Blood ability. All opposing allies are instantly discarded. No
item, remaining until used or dispelled. These spells may be new allies can be played against this champion. Lasts until the
cast during any battle, including combat where this champion end of this player's next turn. (Off/4)
is not involved. New spells may be attached during phase 3
only. (Def) Card Combo (from Tim Barth, barth@twcny.rr.com): Play
Divine Wrath so that your opponent cannot play allies. Then
Stored spells are kept face up with the Ring, unless the player follow with Melt Bone, which requires the opponent to play an
has Cyric or Ethereal Champion in play. Only phase 4 spells ally or be defeated.
can be stored and they must be used in phase 4 (combat).
Rod of Lordly Might
32/BR Blood Ability
Magical Item Uncommon
4 Blood ability. The attached champion is not discarded when
Common defeated in battle; instead it goes to Limbo until the end of this
Can only be attached to heroes. This champion and attached player's next turn, when it returns to its pool. (Def/4)
allies are considered flyers. Allies of level 5 and lower cannot
be used against this hero. (Off)
Touch of Decay
Amulet of Plane Walking
Blood Ability
33/BR Uncommon
Magical Item Blood ability. Examine an opponent's hand and pool. Discard
Common one magical item or artifact from either one. (Off/3/4)
The attached champion and its allies may attack any realm,
regardless of position or special powers, ignoring the effect of The Touch of Decay allows the player to examine an
an attached holding. (Def) opponent's hand and all cards in his pool, including any cards
face down.
Cloak of Displacement Cúpula BSW 2011: Se utilizado em um jogador com Herald of
34/BR Mei Lung (54/NS) o possuidor fica imune somente a retirar
Magical Item cartas de sua mão, o jogador da Blood pode descartar um
Uncommon item mágico ou artefato do poço.

Birthright - Página 266

Unreadable Thoughts Bless Land
42/BR 50/BR
Blood Ability Cleric Spell
Common Uncommon
Blood ability. This champion is immune to the effects of All realm champions are doubled in level and are immune to
offensive psionic power cards and the special powers of the special powers of allies until the end of this player's turn.
psionicists. Play anytime to negate the effects of any just (Def/3/4)
played psionic power card. (Off/3/4)
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
This card should be marked as Defensive. if Bless Land is played during a battle with a realm champion,
only the realm champion is doubled, not attached cards.
Death Touch Because base level is not specified on the card, it is the
43/BR adjusted level (which includes attached cards) at the time
Blood Ability Bless Land is played that is doubled.
Rare When this spell is cast, it doubles the current adjusted levels of
Blood ability. all realm champions in play.
Blood ability. Opposing champion must draw a card from his
draw pile and note the last digit of the card number. If it is Blight
equal to or greater than his base level, he is instantly 51/BR
discarded. Can be dispelled. (Off/4) Cleric Spell
Detect Life All realms, artifacts and holdings that grant extra cards are
44/BR negated while this spell is in play, which lasts until dispelled.
Blood Ability (Off/3)
Blood ability. An opponent must display his hand for this round Cúpula BSW 2009: Tornada uma carta resposta (Counter
of combat. (Def/4) Effect), podendo usar seus efeitos a qualquer momento.

Invulnerability Investiture
45/BR 52/BR
Blood Ability Cleric Spell
Uncommon Common
Blood ability. This champion ignores the special powers of Cast at any time. Discard a regent champion from your pool to
offensive magical items of less than +4 enchantment or transfer the power to use blood abilities to another champion.
cancels one offensive blood ability card. (Def/4) (Def)

Cúpula BSW 2009: Tornada uma carta resposta (Counter Control Weather
Effect), podendo usar seus efeitos a qualquer momento. 53/BR
Cleric Spell
Tighmaevril Sword Uncommon
46/BR No flyers or swimmers can be involved in combat until the end
Artifact of this player's next turn without this player's permission.
Birthright (Off/3/4/5)
The attached champion can use blood abilities and instantly Transmute Metal to Wood
defeats regent. 54/BR
Cleric Spell
Wintering Common
47/BR Destroy one magical item or artifact in any player's pool.
Birthright Part Water
Rare 55/BR
The attached champion is immune to either the special power Cleric Spell
of a champion or the special powers of his allies. The choice Common
must be made at the start of the player's turn and remains the This player's champions and allies can attack any realm
same until his next turn. showing a coastline until the end of this turn. (Def/3)

Emperor's Crown of Anuire Speak with Monsters

48/BR 56/BR
Artifact Cleric Spell
Birthright Common
Rare Instantly ends a battle with a monster. Both champions return
No Birthright champions can attack this player's realms or cast to their pools. No spoils of victory are drawn. (Off/4)
offensive spells against those realms.
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that
Kingstopper if Speak with Monsters is played by a defender, the opponent
49/BR can continue the battle with another champion. In fact, in this
Artifact situation, the battle is over.
Birthright The explanatory text is incorrect. If an attacking monster is
Rare defeated, that player can make no further attacks and his turn
Protects the attached champion and all monsters in this moves into phase 5.
player's pool from harmful events.

Birthright - Página 267

Summon Insects This spell can be cast at any time (even during another
57/BR player’s turn) to allow a player to play a champion from his
Cleric Spell hand into his pool.
Creates a +7 ally for the caster that devours (discards) one Drawmij's Instant Summons
opposing ally. (Off/4) 63/BR
Wizard Spell
Legion of Dead Uncommon
58/BR Take any ally, magical item, or artifact from your draw pile and
Wizard Spell play it immediately. Reshuffle the draw pile. (Def/3/4)
Creates an undead monster equal to the adjusted level of the This wizard is a must have for any deck with a combination of
casting champion. The spell acts as a champion and may allies, magical item, and artifacts — but remember to include a
attack or defend, lasting until the end of this player's next turn. champion that can cast the spell.
Attachments may be added normally, though are discarded !f played during phase 3 of the caster's turn, Drawmij's Instant
when the spell ends. (Off/3) Summons can bring either one magical item or artifact from the
draw pile to play immediately into the pool. Allies cannot be
retrieved in phase 3 because they're playable only during
combat. If played during phase 4 (must be cast by the
59/BR Champion in battle), the retrieved card can be played directly
Wizard Spell into a round of combat. In bolh cases, the retrieved card must
Rare be able to be legally attached to a champion. This spell does
This spell razes an opponent's realm that has no attached not allow a GREYHAWK artifact to be attached to a
holding, chosen by this player. The caster is immediately FORGOTTEN REALMS champion, nor does it allow a monster
discarded. (Off/3/4) to use a cards usable only by heroes.
The caster of Raze is discarded, regardless of whether the
The Gorgon
spell is successful or not. For example, if the opponent plays
Dispel Magic or Spell Turning, the caster of Raze is still 64/BR
discarded. Similarly, if the target realm is in a formation that Monster
has the spell Dragon's Eye Symbol of Power under one of the Birthright
realms, the realm is not razed, but caster of Raze is still Rare
discarded. Awnshegh. Can use blood abilities and wizard spells. This
If the caster is immune to offensive spells, he is still discarded. creature is so horrible that no allies can be played against him.
The caster being discarded is a requirement for use of the Immune to harmful events.
If an attacking champion casts Raze on the realm being The Spider
attacked, both the attacker (since the realm is razed) and the 65/BR
defender (since the attacking champion is discarded) draw Monster
Spoils of Victory. Birthright
Card Combo (from Shadowlord's Spellfire Page): Use Awnshegh. Can use blood abilities. Immune to offensive cleric
Manshoon of the Zhentarim to cast Raze, then discard a card spells. The Spider can attack a razed realm. If victorious, the
from the hand to keep Manshoon from being discarded. If cast realm is discarded.
on a realm Manshoon is attacking, the player draws Spoils of
Victory. The Spider only needs to win its one round of battle, and the
realm is discarded and the player draws spoils.
Blood Drain Unlike normal battles, where a realm has to be undefended to
60/BR be razed, if the Spider is victorious in her battle, the realm is
Wizard Spell removed from play. This includes both defended and
Common undefended realms.
The affected champion can no longer use blood abilities. Lasts
until dispelled. (Off/3/4) Banshegh
Otto's Irresistible Dance Monster
61/BR Birthright
Wizard Spell Rare
Common Awnshegh. Between 6 pm and 6 am the Banshegh is a level
Cast on any enemy champion in a pool; he cannot attack or 10 monster that can use blood abilities. Between 6 am and 6
defend until the Dance is dispelled. (Off/3) pm the Banshegh is a level 5 wizard capable of also casting
cleric spells. In either form the Banshegh is immune to
offensive spells.
The Lamia
Wizard Spell
Rare 67/BR
Cast at any time to allow this player to bring a champion Monster
currently in play elsewhere into this player's pool. The Birthright
champion's powers are unchanged. (Def) Rare
Awnshegh. Immune to psionics. Can use blood abilities.
Clone, which may be cast at any time, allows a player to bring Wizards and clerics are a half their base level (rounded down)
a champion into play when that champion is already in play. In against the Lamia.
other words, this spell negates the Rule of the Cosmos. The
spell stays with the champion. If dispelled at any time, the Rule The Siren
of the Cosmos is restored and the champion is discarded if the 68/BR
original champion is still in play. Monster

Birthright - Página 268

Birthright Flyer. The Nightmare becomes +8 vs. clerics or wizards.
Swimmer. Awnshegh. Can use blood abilities. Can be sent to If Nightmare is played against a cleric or wizard, its special
Limbo to forcLe another player to attack this player's formation. power is activated and its level bonus becomes +8. If the ally is
The Siren is returned at the end of this player's next turn. later forced to switch sides, its level bonus only remains +8 if it
is still opposing a cleric or wizard, since the wording of the card
The Siren's power is used in phase 3 of the player's turn. indicates the bonus is increased "vs" (i.e. when opposing)
clerics or wizards.
The White Witch
69/BR Unicorn
Monster 77/BR
7 Ally
Birthright 6
Common Common
Awnshegh. Immune to offensive spells and harmful events The attached champion can cast wizard or cleric spells.
except those that have the word "fire," "flame," or "flaming" in
the title. Wraith
The Hag Ally
70/BR 4
Monster Uncommon
Birthright Flyer. Undead. Reduces an opposing champion's base level
Uncommon by 2. If the reduced base level is 0 or less, the champion is
Awnshegh. Can cast wizard spells. Immune to psionics. If discarded.
defeated in combat, the Hag can "curse" an opposing player,
forcing him to discard a holding in play. Stirge Swarm
Cerilian Dragon Ally
71/BR +?
Monster Rare
Birthright Flyer. Draw and discard a card from any opponent's draw pile
Uncommon when the Stirge Swarm is played, noting the last digit of the
Flyer. Can cast cleric spells. When attacking, the Cerilian card number, which is the bonus for this ally.
Dragon may use its breath weapon to destroy any holding in
the defender's formation. Ankheg
The Shadow World Ally
72/BR +7
Rule Card Common
Birthright Earthwalker. Destroys one opposing nonflying ally.
If defeated in combat, all halfling champions and allies can Wood Nymph
dimension door away, returning to their player's hand instead 81/BR
of being discarded. Ally
Divine Right Common
73/BR The Wood Nymph becomes +6 if defending a realm showing
Rule Card trees.
Common Giant Squid
All heroes in play may use blood ability cards. 82/BR
Orogs +8
74/BR Uncommon
Ally Swimmer. Instantly destroys (discards) any opposing Brine
2 Dragons, ignoring their special power.
Orogs are +4 when attacking and/or +6 if attached to an
awnshegh. Lord Cronal
Green Slime Regent
75/BR 9
Ally Birthright
4 Common
Rare Can use blood abilities and hero unarmed combat cards.
The Green Slime destroys the first magical item or ally played Inspires confidence in all allies played with him, who each gain
after it enters battle. 2 levels.

Nightmare Grimm Graybeard

76/BR 84/BR
Ally Regent
4 6

Birthright - Página 269

Birthright 3
Common Birthright
Dwarf. Earthwalker. Can use blood abilities and can cast cleric Common
spells. Immune to offensive magical items of less than +2 Can use blood abilities. He can "borrow" one monster from any
enchantment. pool to act as an ally. If defeated, the monster ally is stripped
of attachments and returned.
Grimm's immunity extends to magical items with no icon level,
since these items have a bonus of less than +2. The Noble Outlaw
Teodor Profiev Regent
85/BR Birthright
Regent Rare
7 Can use blood abilities and hero unarmed combat cards. Once
Birthright per turn, he can prevent a player from receiving a spoils of
Common victory, giving it to a third player instead. (In a two-player
Can use blood abilities. Gains 5 levels against monsters. game, no one collects spoils.)

Darien Avan The Noble Outlaw can only shift spoils to a third player, not to
86/BR the player owning the Noble Outlaw.
Birthright High Mage Aelies
Rare 92/BR
Can use blood abilities and hero unarmed combat cards. Can Regent
attack twice; if he wins his first round and doesn't raze a realm, 6
he can attack again, retaining one of his allies form the Birthright
previous round of battle. Uncommon
Elf. Can use blood abilities and cast wizard spells. Gains +2 to
Caliedhe Dosiere his base level for every unrazed Birthright realm in play.
Regent The Sword Mage
Birthright 93/BR
Common Regent
Can use blood abilities. When attacking, he can cast cleric 7
spells; when defending, he can cast wizard spells. Birthright
Tomkin Dross Can use blood abilities and cast wizard spells. Gains 4 levels if
88/BR spells are used against him.
Birthright The Wizard
Common 94/BR
Halfling. Can use blood abilities. Tomkin and his allies may Regent
attack any realm in play, regardless of position or special Birthright
power. Uncommon
Can use blood abilities and cast wizard spells. The Wizard can
The Elf Prince Fhileraene discard a realm in his player's formation to instantly win a
89/BR round of battle.
Birthright The realm discarded to activate The Wizard's power can be
Rare razed or unrazed. Because of its name, the Wizard is affected
Elf. Can use blood abilities and cast wizard spells. When by cards affecting wizards.
attacking, he can call upon his archers to destroy (discard) a
monster in player’s pool once per battle. The special power of this regent champion allow her to win any
round of battle by discarding a realm from her player's
The Elf Prince is a regent champion, and can use blood ability formation.
cards as part of his champion type's special powers. Regents The realm can be either razed or unrazed to activate this
are unique to the BIRTHRIGHT setting, and cannot be found special power, and must go to the discard pile.
on any other world. This special power is best used with razed realms.
This BIRTHRIGHT champion is best used when attacking, If the opposing champion is immune to a champion's special
especially when an opponent has monster champions in his powers, then a battle cannot be won in this manner.
pool. Much like the DARK SUN hero Agis (261/3rd), The Elf
Prince causes a monster champion in any opponent's pool to Nadia Vasily
be discarded when he is attacking. This special power occurs 95/BR
as the Prince is coming over to attack, but before a defending Regent
champion is chosen. Only those immune to a champion's 9
special powers can avoid this effect. Birthright
This potent special power is great to use on powerful monster Common
champions such as the Living Wall (58/ PO), The Gorgon Can use blood abilities and cast cleric spells. Clerics facing
(64/BR), or Oonga the Ape (30/RR). However, this champion's Nadia are at half their base level (rounded down).
special power will likely make him a target for players with
monsters. Moergan
Tie'skar Graecher the Goblin King Regent
90/BR 6

Birthright - Página 270

Birthright to offensive spells, magical items, and events that specifically
Common target undead or monsters. (Helpful)
Can use blood abilities and cast cleric spells. Once per any
battle, Moergan can summon rains that force flying allies from Forced Conscription
the sky. They are discarded instantly. 3/BR
The Spellfire Reference Guide Volume II incorrectly states that Event
Moergan's power can be used once per turn. As the card All players must donate an ally to the event player's side in
states, the power is usable once per battle. battle, if they have one. All allies are discarded at the end of
This regent’s power is usable once per battle, not once per combat. (Harmful)
turn as stated in the Reference Guide.
Donated allies come from players' hands. Allies already in play
Barak the Dark are not affected.
Regent Sphere of Annihilation
Birthright 4/BR
Common Chase
Can use blood abilities and cast cleric spells. Gains 3 levels if Magical Item
using a magical item weapon; gains 2 levels if allies are used +5
against him. Opposing champions defeated by the attached champion are
sent to the Abyss instead of being discarded. (Off)
Jana Orel
98/BR The Sphere of Annihilation's power only works were the
Regent opposing champion would normally be discarded. For
2 example, the Sphere does not work on champions such as
Birthright Drizzt Do'Urden and Ochimo that return to the pool after one
Uncommon defeat. Strahd Von Zarovich still goes to Limbo after defeat.
Can use blood abilities and cast cleric spells. Immune to Similarly, an opposing champion with Winged Boots returns to
offensive cleric spells. If Jana is to receive a spoils, this player its pool if the champion with the Sphere is not a flyer. The
can look at the top two cards in his draw pile and choose the realm Mistmoor also saves a defending champion from the
one he wants. effects of the Sphere.
Only defeated champions that would normally go to the discard
The Flower of Roesone pile upon defeat are sent to the Abyss as a result of the
99/BR Sphere's power. Thus, Strahd still goes to limbo (limbo is not a
Hero type of discard) and Tiamat's dragon's return to the pool.
Birthright Vacuous Grimoire
Common 5/BR
This foppish fighter tends to be underestimated in combat. Chase
Allies played against him lose 3 levels. Allies may have Magical Item
negative levels. If the attached champion is defeated by a champion able to
cast spells, the book is attached to that champion, subtracting
Gwenyth the Bard 5 from his base level. If the base level is now 0 or less, the
100/BR champion is discarded. (Off)
3 Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms
Birthright 6/BR
Uncommon Chase
Elf. Gwenyth's music is so enchanting she can prevent a Magical Item
champion in another pool from attacking her player's The attached hero may make an extra attack if he win his first
formation. The music lasts until the start of this player's next round and doesn't raze a realm. (Def)
turn, at which time she can select a different champion to be
affected. Book of Infinite Spells
It's Good to be the King Chase
1/BR Magical Item
Chase The attached champion can cast wizard and cleric spells.
Event Phase 4 spells cast by the attached champion cannot be
Until the beginning of his next turn, this event player chooses dispelled. (Def)
which champions are able to attack. Even if negated, all
players must still address the event player as "Sir" or Libram of Ineffable Damnation
"Madam." (Harmful) 8/BR
The event player may choose any champion(s) or champion Magical Item
type to be able to attack, or may choose no champions to be Can only be attached to a wizard, who is now immune to
able to attack. offensive spells. If defeated in combat, this champion is sent to
Because this event has a duration, it can be removed with the Abyss. (Def)
The Count of Muden
The Shadow World
2/BR Chase
Chase Regent
Event 8
Until the end of this player's next turn, all undead are immune

Birthright - Página 271

Birthright Birthright
Swimmer. Can use blood abilities and psionic power cards. Can use blood abilities and cast cleric spells. Gains 5 levels
The Count controls the most powerful navy in Cerilia. All vs. awnshegh.
attached swimming allies of this champion are doubled in level.
Adara Addlepate
The Wizardess Carrie 16/BR
10/BR Chase
Chase Regent
Regent 4
4 Birthright
Birthright Can use blood abilities and cast wizard spells. Instantly
Can use blood abilities and cast wizard spells. Carrie can defeats any champion with a card number of "# of 25" (chase
summon a djinni to aid her in battle, which acts as a +8 flying cards), but must then be discarded herself.
The Blood of Azrai
The Pontifex of the Southern Coast 17/BR
11/BR Chase
Chase Event
Regent Adds 5 levels to any monster and makes it an awnshegh, who
Birthright can now use blood abilities. The event lasts until negated or
Can use blood abilities and cast cleric spells. The Pontifex can the champion is discarded. (Helpful)
be discarded in phase 5 to call for a crusade against another
player. Until the end of this player's next turn, all clerics in Taxation
pools must attack that player, if possible. 18/BR
When the Pontifex orders a crusade, all clerics must attack on Rule Card
their turn. Clerics may not be voluntarily discarded (such as Birthright
discarding a cleric to bring an avatar into play or sending Instead of drawing three cards at the beginning of a turn, each
Karlott to the Abyss to retrieve an event) to avoid attacking. player draws one card plus a card for each Birthright realm in
his formation. A minimum of one card is drawn; nothing can
Olaf the Sly reduce the draw below one.
Chase Liga BSW (fórum 2011): As cartas geradas por Taxation não
Regent são consideradas cartas extras.
Can use blood abilities and hero unarmed combat cards. In Diplomacy
combat, Olaf can "borrow" any magical item in play. At the end 19/BR
of the battle the item can be discarded or returned to the Chase
player; if returned, this player draws one card. Event
Playable only when first being attacked, the event player
Olaf can borrow one magical item during each round of battle requests that the attacker attack someone else's realm
in which he participates. instead. If he chooses to ignore the event, he must discard two
cards from his hand to continue his initial attack. (Harmful)
Targoth the Unclean
13/BR Blood Challenge!
Chase 20/BR
Regent Chase
4 Event
Birthright Play at any time to make an attack directly against a champion
Can use blood abilities and cast wizard spells. All non- cleric in any pool. Combat lasts for one round and the loser is
champions are halved in base level (rounded down) against discarded. The winner receives a spoils of victory, even though
Targoth. no realm was razed. (Harmful)

Rhuobhe the Manslayer Blood Challenge interrupts the current turn and phase, so if the
14/BR event is played during the event player's turn, the player may
Chase still attack a realm during phase 4.
Birthright Festival
Elf; Awnshegh. Can use blood abilities and cast wizard spells. 21/BR
When attacking, Rhuobhe can imitate the special power of any Chase
champion in any pool. Gains 4 levels against non- monster Event
champions. No combat can occur until the start of the player's next turn.
Each player draws a card when this event is played. (Harmful)
Rhuobhe's power is triggered as soon as he comes forward to
attack. However, the power copied is subject to normal rules
Child's Play
for the power. If it is a power only used in battle, Rhuobhe
cannot use the power until a defender is chosen. Once the 22/BR
battle is over, Rhuobhe loses the imitated power. Chase
Subtract the age of the youngest player from the age of the
Kaeriaen Whiteheart
oldest player in the game. That number is counted as a bonus
15/BR to your side in this round of combat. (Helpful)

Birthright - Página 272

The Fates Only champions in pools are affected by this event. If a
23/BR player's champions in his pool are immune or otherwise not
Chase affected by the event, but the player has champions in his
Event hand that are not immune, he does not need to attack.
Each player draws and discards a card, noting its last digit. If
it's even, lose that many cards from hand, pool, or formation. If Mebhaigl Surge
it's odd, draw that many cards. 25/BR
If forced to discard cards, they must come from hand, pool, or Event
formation. A dungeon card or may not be discarded to meet All players may return their defensive spells from their discard
the requirement of the Fates. piles to their hand. (Helpful)

Pesquisa Brasil 2010: Pode ser usadas no mesmo deck que

Sure Thing, porém uma não se beneficia do poder da outra

War Declared!
Until the end of this player's next turn, all players must attack
on their turn if they have champions in their pools. All
champions and allies can fly, swim, or earthwalk as needed.

Birthright - Página 273


Rauglothgor's Lair The major advantage of this realm is that it is difficult to attack,
#1 of 100 since only flyers or earthwalkers and reach the realm. The
Forgotten Realms realm's power to double Infyrana the Dragon's base level is of
Realm limited usefulness, since it is so specific.
Any nondragon champions attacking this realm are at half their
base level (rounded down). Undead defending this dragon's What can be more dangerous than trying to sneak into a
lair are immune to harmful events. dragon's lair? Trying to assault one that used to be a Dwarven
stronghold, defended by magic-wielding kobolds, and having
Rauglothgor's Lair is an excellent realm to add to your deck. the dragon know you're coming. Beware the Dragon Mountain.
Unless you are up against a dragon deck, most
opponents will start at half their base level. This alone makes it Lair of the Shadowdrake
worthwhile. Once you add in the fact that defending undead AD&D
are immune to harmful events, it becomes a must to any Realm
undead theme deck. Be aware that only the undead defenders #3 of 100
are immune to the events, not the realm itself, so although If Menzoberranzan is in play when this realm is played, Menzo
Nemon Hotep [NS-67] would be immune to the effects of any is discarded. While this realm is in play, the Underdark allies
harmful events while defending this realm, Rauglothgor's Lair gained by the Triumvirate realms are negated.
could still be affected by Cataclysm! [4th-119]. One of the best
ways to make the most out of Rauglothgor's Lair is to put it in Lair of the Shadowdrake is an excellent response to someone
the front rank of your realms and put down the rule card using Menzoberranzan [4th-1]. Not only do you get a new
Negative Planar Energy [NS-83]. Now, not only are realm when you put it down, you can discard another. This
nondragons at half base level, your undead defenders can first power only works when Menzoberranzan is already in play, so
subtract their base level from the attacker's base level. If if you put the Lair of the Shadowdrake down before Menzo is
reduced to 0 or less, they are discarded, and the spoils is in play, it has no effect on that realm. Be careful that you don't
yours. You can make this even more deadly by having Powers put this realm down while Menzo is in your own formation, or
of the Land [DR-12] attached to another realm in your you will discard your own realm. If multiple players wish to play
formation, (Powers of the Land is a Ravenloft holding, so it Menzoberranzan after the Lair discards it, the option to play
cannot be attached to Rauglothgor's Lair) and have all of your the realm start with the active player (most likely the one
defending undead double their base levels. Rauglothgor is the playing the Lair) and moves around the table in the order of
dracolich that Shandril defeated with spellfire in the novel that play (clockwise, unless Wild Magic Surge [FR-10] is in effect).
is Spellfire's namesake. The additional power of negating the Underdark allies gained
Only undead defenders are immune to the events, not the by the Triumvirate realms can make this a very powerful target
realm itself. For example, Rauglothgor's Lair is affected by for your opponents. Again, beware, for this realm can cancel
Cataclysm!. out your own Triumvirates if you choose to include them in the
same deck.
Card Combo (from Tony Novello): Put Rauglothgor's Lair in
the front rank of your formation and play the rule card Negative Dragonspine Mountains
Planar Energy. Now not only are nondragons at half base #4 of 100
level, your undead defenders can first subtract their base level Forgotten Realms
from the attacker's base level. If reduced to 0 or less, they are Realm
discarded, and the spoils is yours. You can make this even 6
more deadly by having Powers of the Land (12/DR) attached Dragons defending this realm are immune to offensive spells,
to a Ravenloft realm in your formation. Now all of your psionics, and blood abilities. This realm can defend itself as a
defending undead double their base levels. level 6 dragon champion.

Dragon Mountain This realm is a coastal realm. This realm allows all defending
#2 of 100 dragons immunity to offensive spells, psionics, and blood
AD&D abilities. This immunity extends to include special powers that
Realm fall under these three categories, like the ultrablast power of
Can only be attacked by flyers or earthwalkers. Infyrana the Kerm of Tyr [PO-21], but only those that affect the defender,
Dragon's base level is doubled when defending this realm. not the defender's pool or hand. Keep in mind that the level 6
realm champion is a dragon, and therefore is also entitled to
This realm is very similar to several other realms, in that it can the immunities. This realm should be considered for dragon
only be attacked by flyers or earthwalkers. If you are theme decks, but does not give a lot of benefits to decks with
constructing a deck that limits the number of possible attackers few dragons in them. It should be remembered that the realm
that an opponent may use, this one should be considered. The has none of these immunities except when defending itself in
ability of doubling Infyrana's base level when defending is a battle. If you are considering a deck whose realms all possess
nice touch, but not altogether practical, because it means you realm champions, keep Dragonspine Mountains in mind, for
must rely on having that one card in your hand or pool when the added immunity to the champion makes this realm
attacked. Although not a bad realm, if you're debating over one champion quite a challenge.
realm of this sort, Shining Lands [AR-87] is a better choice, as This realm has to powers that make it a good addition to any
it also adds spell immunity and the ability to have any holding deck. Since Menzoberranzan appears in virtually every deck,
attached to it. In addition to the Shining Lands, Dragon the Lair's power to discard Menzo is very useful.
Mountain is a fine choice. While Triumvirate realms are not seen nearly as much as
Menzo, negating Triumvirate allies is a nice additional benefit

Draconomicon - Página 274

to this realm. But this power is a double-edged sword, since it cards can effect the outcome of the battle, including events
also negates a player's own Triumvirate allies. and the special powers of the champions involved. So if the
Living Wall [PO-58] was defending, and drew Perrenland [4th-
This mountain range separates the Moonsea from the Ride, 19], the Living Wall would be at level 19, but would not be able
and is home of the Citadel of the Raven. In it's shadow sits the to absorb any opposing champion, regardless of their level. As
once-powerful ruins of Zhentil Keep, now slowly being rebuilt. an interesting side effect, since Mt. Nevermind doesn't actually
say to discard the drawn card, Perrenland would go to the
Griff Mountains hand of the Living Wall's owner. This realm can be exploited
#5 of 100 by using a card that allows you to re-arrange or place cards on
Greyhawk top of someone's draw pile, thereby knowing what variable
Realm they will receive. Of course, this must be done before combat
Defending dragons and giants are doubled in base level and is declared on Mount Nevermind. Since rule cards are the only
are immune to offesive magical items. Attacking champions cards that activate before a realm's power, someone with A
and allies that are not flyers lose their special powers. Sure Thing [NS-74] would still benefit from this rule's power
This is a coastal realm. The Griff Mountains is an excellent and make this realm practically automatic victory for the rule
realm for those dragon and giant theme decks, and a good card's owner.
choice for many other decks. The doubling of base level and
immunity to offensive magical items only benefits the Palanthis
defending dragons and giants, but this will affect both #8 of 100
champions and allies that are designated as dragons or giants. Dragonlance
The Griff Mountains will cancel all non-flying attackers special Realm
powers, regardless of whether the defender is a dragon/giant Dragons and wizards cannot attack this realm. Defending
or not. Having something in the pool that adversely affects dragons and wizards are immune to offensive spells and
flyers, such as Gloriana [1st-3] will help insure that any harmful events.
attackers of the Griff Mountains will not be using their powers.
This is a coastal realm. Any realm that reduces the range of
The Griff Mountains divide the Hold of Stonefist from the possible attackers is worth considering. Palanthas takes two
Duchy of Tenh, and from the Theocracy of the Pale below. champion types out of the running. This restriction applies to
Very few humans are sturdy enough to live in the Griff all champions that bear the wizard icon, and all cards
Mountains, although there is a rumor of a tiny realm hidden in designated as dragons. The connection of wizards and
the heart of the range that overflows with gold and jewels. dragons continue, as defending dragons and wizards are
granted immunity to offensive spells and harmful events. Note
Vesve Forest that this immunity does not apply to the realm, only the
#6 of 100 dragons and wizards that defend it. Remember that defending
Greyhawk wizards and dragons become immune to events, so those
Realm targetted by stealing events (such as Cure of the Azure Bonds
Swimmers cannot attack this realm. For each magical item and [FR-4]) will be immediately freed, with both the attacker and
artifact attached to an attacking champion, subtract 2 levels defender going to their pools. If Palanthas is your front realm,
from his total. The champion's level cannot drop below 1. you can reduce your chances of attack for a turn by using The
Apple of His Eye [FR-c12] to limit attackers and defenders to
This is a coastal realm. The Vesve Forest has two separate wizards (since you can't specify champion characteristics like
powers that can affect the attacking champion. First, it restricts being a dragon).
swimmers from attacking this realm. This includes both
champions and allies, and is always in effect, even if in the Mount Deismaar
front ranks where the champion wouldn't have to swim to #9 of 100
reach the Vesve Forest. It's second power is that for every Birthright
magic item and artifact attached to the champion, 2 levels Realm
must be subtracted from the attackers adjusted level. This player's champions are immune to offensive blood
Therefore, if Merika [4th-326] attacked the Vesve Forest with abilities. Any champion defending this realm can use wizard
the Shield of Devastation [4th-174] and the Wand of Magic spells and blood abilities.
Detection [DR-76], her adjusted level would be 1 (3 + 2 + 0 = 5
- 2 for each magic item, so 5 - 4 = 1). If she decided to add This realm's powers are pretty straight forward. As long as
The Necklace (176/4th), her level would stay at 1, (because it Mount Deismaar remains unrazed, all of this player's
cannot drop below 1) but if another card, like a spell or ally, champions are immune to offensive blood abilities, whether
were added later, the -2 for the necklace would have to be attacking, defending, or in their pool. This is an excellent
factored in. immunity for someone going up against any Birthright or regent
The Vesve Forest is the largest hardwood forest in the based deck. As long as a champion is defending this realm, he
Flanaess. It is renowned for it's variety of excellent woods and also has the ability to use blood abilities and cast wizard spells.
other commodities, including a fungi unique to the forest that is This does not give the realm itself the ability to cast spells, nor
used in the creation of several magical oils. does it extend this ability to champions in the pool, so a spell
like Shadow Engines [4th-404] could not be countered by a
Mt. Nevermind Dispel Magic [4th-370], unless a champion in your pool already
#7 or 100 had the ability to cast spells, because it would come during
Dragonlance phase 3, and there wouldn't be a defending champion yet. The
Realm best way around this card is the dungeon The Torture Room
Champions cannot use other cards (even events) or special [DU-12], which strips all opponents of their immunity to blood
powers when attacking or defending this realm. Instead, each abilities, making this realm much weaker.
champion draws one card and adds the last digit to the
champion's level. The champion with the hight total wins the Dragon's Horde
battle. #10 of 100
This is a coastal realm. Mount Nevermind is a very potent Holding
Dragonlance realm. This realm causes each combatant Dragons attacking this player's formation can attack only the
(attacker and defender) to draw a card and add the last digit of attached realm; else they cannot attack.
it's series number to that champion's base level. No other

Draconomicon - Página 275

This holding is an AD&D holding and can only be attached to are trapped and must answer to the powers of the land, and
AD&D realms, or realms that allow any holding to be attached. the ever-present Ravenloft Mists
This is quite the risky holding to include in your deck. The
power only limits cards designated as dragons, and if your The Mistmarsh
opponent(s) have none in their deck, it will be worthless. #13 of 100
However, if your opponent(s) have dragons, it can be quite Greyhawk
devastating. This holding forces all dragons (champions and Holding
allies) to attack only the attached realm when attacking this 5
player's formation. Exploit this by attaching it to a realm that Flyers cannot attack the attached realm, and defending
puts further limits on the attacker. A good choice is The Lost swimmers return to their pool if defeated. This holding can
City [RR-16], because now the only dragons that can attack defend the attached realm as a level 5 monster.
are non-flying, non-swimming AD&D dragons. An even more
effective approach would be to have it attached to any realm in This holding is a Greyhawk holding and can only be attached
your formation except Border Garrison [DU-31], because now to Greyhawk realms, or realms that allow any holding to be
dragons could not attack any of your realms until Border attached. This is a very nice holding if you're looking for
Garrison is razed or discarded. The same effect can be had by defensive abilities. The Mistmarsh prohibits flyers from
attaching the Dragon's Horde to Council Aerie [AR-86], which attacking the attached realm, and this includes both champions
prevent dragons from attacking it. A dragon deck must have a and allies. Any defending champions that are swimmers return
good way to defeat this holding if it wishes to attack. to their pool instead of being discarded. This means it works
well with Song of the Dragonlance [DU-22], since it allows all
Dark Depths your champions to be swimmers. The Mistmarsh also is able to
#11 of 100 defend the realm as if it had a realm champion of it's own. If
AD&D the attached realm has a realm champion, like Isle of the Ape
Holding [RR-1], the Mistmarsh defender can still defend the realm.
A realm with this holding is immune to the special powers of However, if the Mistmarsh OR the realm champion is defeated,
Underdark realms. the realm will be razed. It doesn't matter which way the realm
This holding is an AD&D holding and can only be attached to defends itself. An excellent way to use the Mistmarsh is to
AD&D realms, or realms that allow any holding to be attached. attach it to the Shining Lands [AR-87], because then only
Although any time you see the word immune you may feel earthwalkers would be able to attack the realm.
inclined to include that card, don't be fooled by this holding. It
confers immunity to the attached realm, but this immunity is The Mist Caves
only from the special powers of Underdark realms. Only six #14 of 100
Underdark realms would be affected by Dark Depths if it is Forgotten Realms
attached to an AD&D realm (TU-2, TU-4, TU-5, TU-6, TU-c6, & Holding
IQ-5). This does include the Triumvirate realms, however, and The attached realm cannot be attacked by flyers or swimmers.
for that reason should not be completely dismissed. Its value Giants defending this realm are immune to offensive magical
increases slightly if your deck contains several realms that can items.
have any holding attached to it.
This holding is a Forgotten Realms holding and can only be
This magical land was once deep beneath the City of attached to Forgotten Realms realms, or realms that allow any
Greyhawk. Filled with giant mushrooms and roaming Trolls, holding to be attached. This is a great holding, because there
the Dark Depths were deemed to dangerous and the Circle of are several realms that it can be attached to that already limit
Eight estate transferrenced the entire area to the nether world. the attackers to flyers and/or swimmers, and by attaching the
Mist Caves, it effectively makes it almost impossible to attack
Powers of the Land the attached realm without magical aid. Some of these realms
#12 of 100 include Kozakura [FR-13], and the Coral Kingdom [4th-10].
Ravenloft This restriction also extends to the champion's allies. The
Holding ability to give defending giants immunity to offensive magic
The base level of undead champions defending any realm of items is more of a secondary power, but if you have any giants
the player is doubled. Undead champions defeated while in your deck, it's just an added bonus to an already efficient
defending the attached realm return to their pool instead of holding.
being discarded.
Dragon's Crown
This holding is a Ravenloft holding and can only be attached to #15 of 100
Ravenloft realms, or those realms that allow any holding to be Dark Sun
attached. Powers of the Land is a must card for any undead Holding
themed deck. This holding doubles the base level of all If attached to the Dragon's Crown Mountains, this player's
defending undead (champions and allies), but not just for the champions all become dragons. If attached to other realms,
attached realm, but for all of this player's formation. Note that the defending champion is immune to offensive spells.
this doubling only takes place during defense of a realm, so
spells and powers that affect champions of a given base level This holding is a Dark Sun holding and can only be attached
will work normally against this player's pool, but will have to to Dark Sun realms, or realms that allow any holding to be
take the base level adjustment into consideration when attached. When this holding is attached to any realm but
affecting an undead defender in combat. As an added bonus, Dragon's Crown Mountains [4th-39], it bestows offensive spell
any undead champions defeated while defending the attached immunity to it's defending champions. When it is attached to
realm are returned to their pool with any attachments. They Dragon's Crown Mountains, it causes all of this player's
keep their attachments because they are not really discarded, champions to be considered as dragons. In turn, this grants
just defeated. Other cards that benefit undead work well with immunity from offensive spells and offensive psionic power
Powers of the Land. Cards like Negative Planar Energy [NS- cards to all of this player's champions (see the Dragon's Crown
73] and Ancient Arms of the Great Kingdom [3rd-145] are great Mountains). The only hindrance this bestows is that now all of
choices. her champions can be affected by cards (not counting
offensive spells and psionic cards of course) that affect
All of Ravenloft can feel the presence, but none can control it. dragons specifically. Dragon avatars such as The Celestial
Even those who are considered Lords in the lands of Ravenloft Emperor [DR-43], Tiamat, God of Evil Dragons [DR-44], or
Bahamut, God of Good Dragons [DR-45] would be a good

Draconomicon - Página 276

addition to decks containing both the Dragon's Crown and helpful event, cards such as Calm [3rd-400] have no effect,
Dragon's Crown Mountains, for their special powers affect all although it could still be canceled by a card such as Limited
of this player's dragon champions which could possibly affect Wish [4th-382].
all of this player's champions. It is important to remember that
this power only effects champions in play, and not in your The Dragon's Graveyard is a legend as old as the dragons
hand, discard pile, deck, Limbo or the Abyss. This important themselves. Said to be located somewhere in the Hell
due to cards like Dragon's Graveyard [DR-18]. Furnaces, this massive graveyard is covered with the remains
of hundreds of Wyrms.
Council of Wyrms
#16 of 100 Wyrm's Decree
Event #19 of 100
Dragons meet to discuss war and peace! Players may draw a Event
card for each dragon in their pool; these champions may not Until this player's next turn, cards cannot be drawn by another
attack or defend until the beginning of the event player's next player from your draw deck, discard pile, or hand, and
turn. opposing players cannot force you to draw or discard cards.

This event is useful in decks with a lot of dragon champions, This event stops all opponents from drawing cards from your
because it allows you to draw a card for each dragon in your hand, draw or discard piles, or forcing you to do the same. This
pool. This does come with a penalty. For each card you draw, protects your deck from many different cards, including Great
one of these dragon champions cannot attack or defend until Shout [FR-41], Deja Vu [AR-100], Ninjas [4th-239], and many
the event player's next turn. This event can affect all players, others. It can partially affect some cards, such as Discovery of
but is considered helpful because each player has the option Spellfire [2nd-401]; whose player would still be able to look at
to draw cards; they are not forced. You also have the choice the hand of the player protected under the Wyrm's Decree, but
as to how many cards you draw. If you have three dragon would not be able to discard a card. As this is a helpful event,
champions in your pool, you could draw from 0 to 3 cards, but cards such as Calm [3rd-400] and Delsenora [1st-c10] have no
for each card drawn, you must designate a dragon that is effect, but Wyrm's Decree can still be canceled by Limited
taking place in the Council of the Wyrms. Since it is a helpful Wish [4th-382] or Intercession [RR-48]. A useful time to use
event, cards such as Calm [4rd-400] have no effect, although it Wyrm's Decree is when you know your opponent has cards
could still be canceled by a card such as Limited Wish [4th- that force you to draw or discard cards. If your opponent
382]. attacks with a champion that has the Vorpal Blade [FR-56]
attached to it, put down Wyrm's Decree before you bring
Once every hundred years the dragons meet. What is forward your defender. You can also make it work on the
discussed is unknown to outsiders, but it is believed that they offensive, by using one of the cards that enable you to
exchange information and gossip from their respective corners examine another's hand, such as Discovery of Spellfire, and if
of the world. This must also be a time of truce for these ancient someone has several spells, events, allies, etc. that will be
creatures, as even bitter enemies are said to exchange affected by the Wyrm's Decree, play it before you attack.
Cúpula BSW 2008: Tornada uma carta resposta (Counter
Dragon Magic Effect), podendo usar seus efeitos a qualquer momento.
#17 of 100
Event Dragon Raid!
Until the end of this player's next turn, only dragons can cast #20 of 100
spells. Event
Until the end of this player's next turn, all dragons can attack
This event creates a large limit on who is able to cast spells. as many times as they wish (if successful) until a realm is
Only cards designated as dragons can cast spells, but this razed.
does not confer spell-casting ability onto non-spellcasting
dragons. Therefore, while Dragon Magic is in effect, Sharla Here is another event that mainly benefits those decks that
[4th-290] could not cast spells, but neither could Flashburn focus on dragons. This event allows all dragons the ability to
[DR-32], even though he is a dragon, unless he had an repeatedly attack a realm, as long as they are victorious, until
attachment that allowed him to cast spells, such as Viperhand the realm is razed or the attacker wishes to call off the attack.
[3rd-103]. Dragon Magic can be stopped by Calm [3rd-400] for This event does affect all players, but only when attacking,
individual players, or canceled for everyone with Limited Wish therefore your dragon champions could not defend more than
[4th-382] or Intercession [RR-48]. Such spells can be cast by once a battle, unless it has been granted that power by
non-dragons to counter Dragon Magic when first played, but something else. A wonderfully nasty way to use this card is to
not once the event has fully taken effect. Coupling this event do so in conjunction with Apple of His Eye [FR-c12], so that
with another, such as Dragon Raid! [DR-20] can make a only monsters can attack or defend (since you cannot choose
dragon deck even more dangerous for a short time. dragons), and then attack with Edormira, Red Dragon [1st-c2];
now only non-monster champions immune to events can
Dragon's Graveyard defend. It would work also if you attacked with the Dragon
#18 of 100 Hatchling [DR-c8]. As this is a helpful event, cards such as
Event Calm [3rd-400] and Delsenora [1st-c10] have no effect, but this
Return one dragon champion and one dragon ally from the event can still be canceled by Limited Wish [4th-382] or
discard pile to your hand. Intercession [RR-48].

This event is most useful in a deck with a lot of dragons, so "The dragon raid of Mulmaster 2 winters ago was a terrible
that you can take full advantage of this event and retrieve both sight indeed. The great red beast came again and again,
a champion and an ally. This is more useful than several other slaying all in it's path. When the dragon had it's fill of feast and
cards that retrieve champions from the discard pile, because it booty the city lay in ruin."
is not restricted by being a spell, therefore you don't need a - Lord Bo the Champion
champion in the pool to cast the spell, or conform to turn phase
restrictions. This event does cause you to return the cards to Dragon Fear
your hand, so make sure you don't use this right before you #21 of 100
have to discard down to the maximum number, unless you Event
have room for two more cards. Since Dragon's Graveyard is a All champions of base level 5 or less suffer from dragon fear

Draconomicon - Página 277

and cannot act (attack or defend, cast spell, use psionics, etc.) This event targets neither allies or a champion. The choice
unti the end of this player's next turn. goes to the person who had the event played on him. If he
chooses allies, he must discard all allies in his hand, and if he
This event stops all champions of base level 5 or less from any has no allies, or chooses a champion, he must discard one
activity at all until it expires. This includes any champions champion (and his attachments, if applicable) from his pool.
entering into play from the hand. This event is very effective in Although getting rid of an opponent's allies is great, disposing
keeping at bay those pesky low-level champions with of a champion can be even better. Try to control the selection
devastating special powers, like Hettman Tsurin [4th-257]. This process by waiting until your opponent's pool has just a few
event lasts until the event player's next turn, so is most champions, or better yet, only the one you want to get rid of.
effective if played during his turn. This event can be quite Then hit him with the Forced Revolt. If he hasn't any allies,
catastrophic to all players if coupled with the rule card Time of you've knocked off your target, otherwise, he no longer has
Troubles [FR-99]. While both of these cards are in play, only any allies, and is more vulnerable to attack. This event can be
champions of base level 6 are able to attack or defend. Dragon canceled by Calm [3rd-400], Limited Wish [4th-382], or
Fear can be stopped by Calm [3rd-400] for individual players, Intercession [RR-48]. If your opponent chooses to discard a
or canceled for everyone with Limited Wish [4th-382] or champion, he must choose any champion from his pool.
Intercession [RR-48]. Champion immunity to events means nothing for this event,
since the event does not target the champion, but the player.
Only the strongest can withstand the Dragon Fear. The sight of The Forces Revolt event is played on a player, not a champion
a great Wyrm in all it's glory has caused many young or pool. However, if the target player has no allies, and all
adventurers to seek a career change. champions in his pool are immune to events, nothing is
- Athena Fernwood, halfling mercenary annd collector of many discarded.
fine baubles.
Favorable Winds
Trapped! #24 of 100
#22 of 100 Event
Event Must be played immediately upon being drawn. Each player
Play on an opposing player's champion, who can do nothing draws one card for each flyer in his pool. (Helpful)
until this event is negated. A trapped champion remains in his
pool while imprisoned. (Harmful) Upon first glance, this sounds like a good card for a flyer deck.
You get a free card for each flyer in your pool. But this card
Trapped! is a very powerful event, as it remains in effect until it doesn't always work out the way one might like. First of all, it
is negated. This event can be played on any champion not affects all players, so you can just as likely give your
immune to events, and it stops that champion from performing opponent(s) more cards then you can get. Secondly, and more
any actions at all. This includes attacking, defending, casting important, Favorable Winds must be played as soon as it's
spells, psionics, blood abilities, etc. If this event is played on a drawn. If this event comes up early in a game, you could end
champion while in battle, he returns to his pool with any up with no extra cards and an event wasted in your Void.
attachments, defeated, and any allies or power cards are sent Unless you like the gamble of possibly being able to get a lot of
to the discard pile. It cannot be played on realm champions. cards, stick with one of the other cards that grant you extra
Because this event has an extended duration, it can be cards, like Good Fortune [4th-120]. As a theme deck idea
removed by Wish [4th-384], although the trapped champion though, Favorable Winds combined with Council of Wyrms
could not cast the spell. Calm [3rd-400], Limited Wish [4th-382] [DR-16] are mainstays in the "Liquid Dragon" deck. This deck
and Intercession [RR-48] can all also cancel Trapped! This is filled with flying dragon champions and can result in huge
event works best on those champions that make everyone card draws from the above two events. This is still risky, as you
nervous, like the Living Wall [PO-58], but is most effective might draw Favorable Winds too early to be put to good use.
when it cannot be quickly canceled. Wait until you know your
opponent has no way of countering it, either by inspecting his Blessing of Zorquan
hand, or waiting until after he plays a Calm or the like. The #25 of 100
most effective use of Trapped is with the card Wrath of the Event
Immortals [4th-157]. Since the Wrath states that the targeted Until the end of this player's next turn, cards specifically
champion must attack or defend first, and Trapped means it designed to harm dragons or monsters do not function agtainst
cannot attack or defend, that player can be attacked with no this player's champions. (Helphful)
hope of defense without a counter. If this event is played on a
champion that grants other champions abilities, like many of Here is an event that is a good defensive card for those
the avatars, it may not cancel all special powers. Bahamut, monster and dragon decks. This causes all types of cards that
God of Good Dragons [DR-45], for example, would not be able specifically target monsters or dragons to not function in that
to attack or defend, but that player's defending champions capacity. Therefore, Agis [3rd-261] could still attack, but could
would still be doubled in base level, because this power not destroy a monster from the pool of the event player, and a
doesn't take any action on the part of Bahamut, just his card like Dragon Slayer [AR-51] would have no effect against
presence in the pool. Cards may be attached to a trapped this player, but would affect all others normally. This is a
champion while in the pool. For example, the magical item helpful event, and cannot be effected by Calm [3rd-400] or
Runes of the Future [RR-c13] can be attached, allowing the Delsenora [1st-c10], but this event can still be canceled by
trapped champion to be discarded so that a selected card can Limited Wish [4th-382], Intercession [RR-48] or Wish [4th-384].
be placed on top of the draw pile.
Trapped! cannot be played on a realm champion.
Infyrana the Dragon
Cards can be attached to a trapped champion while in the
pool. For example, the magical item Runes of the Future can #26 of 100
be attached, allowing the trapped champion to be discarded so AD&D
that a selected card can be placed on top of the draw pile. Monster
Flyer. Infyrana can cast wizard spells and is immune to the
Forced Revolt
special powers of heroes and allies. If discarded as a result of
#23 of 100 combat, she can destroy one magical item or artifact in play.
An opposing player must either discard all allies in his hand or Infyrana is loaded with special powers. First of these is that
may discard one champion from his pool. If he has no allies, she is a dragon (by her title), allowing her access to the
he must discard a champion from his pool. (Harmful) dragon-only spells and unarmed combat cards. This power

Draconomicon - Página 278

also allows her to be targeted by cards that do bad things to rather then a monster is rare for a dragon and is a huge plus if
dragons of course. Next is Infyrana's power of being a flyer, playing a dragon theme deck, because so many cards target
giving you access to attack realms in the rear of your monsters to be discarded or limit their attacking choices, such
opponent's formation(s). The most powerful of her powers are as Black Waters [4th-98] or Treasure [4th-130]. It is Pelath's
the immunities to Heroes and allies, this includes all allies, not last power, to get back a magic item in phase 5 that makes this
just allies of heroes. Infyrana is immune to the 'special powers' champion a good choice for a tournament deck. The magic
of heroes, not heroes themselves, so your opponent's heroes item taken from the discard pile must be attached to Pelath,
can still face her in battle. Being the only non-avatar immune to which quickly makes this champion a target. A good combo for
Gib Kcir [RR-c16] is a good thing (though being immune to this card is the realm Cromlin [NS-7] and Tasslehoff Burrfoot
Bahamut [DR-45] is not)! What makes this champion great for [DL-39]. This allows you to recycle much needed magic items
combat decks is her immunity to allies coupled with the like Blamblower [DL-56] and place them on the champion of
avenging power of discarding a magical item or artifact if she is your choice on your next phase 3.
discarded in battle. Your opponent's The Winner's Cape [4th- When Pelath attacks, swimmers may not be selected to
520] would be a great choice to use this power on. All in all, defend. If a swimmer attacks and Pelath is chosen to defend,
Infyrana is a great choice for a wide range of decks. From the attacking champion returns to his pool, the battle is over,
dragon themes to combat to even tournament decks. With all and there is no Spoils of Victory.
of this card's powers you would find many uses for her. If you
intend to use her, you also might consider using Dragon Maldraedior, Great Blue Wyrm
Mountain, which boosts Infyrana nicely if she defends it. #29 of 100
If Infyrana is in your deck, you may want to add Dragon AD&D
Mountain. When Infyrana defends Dragon Mountain, its base Wizard
level is doubled to 16. 9
Dragon; flyer. Maldraedior can cast any spell. Phase 4 spells
Flame cast by him during combat are shuffled back into the draw pile
#27 of 100 instead of discarded.
AD&D Maldraedior is one of the few dragon wizards to date.
Monster Maldraedior is well suited to combat, as many of his powers
9 are geared to phase 4. Being a dragon able to cast allows this
Dragon; flyer. Flame must be defeated twice while defending champion the use of the dragon-only spells and unarmed
before being discarded. Allies of +3 or less cannot be played combat cards like Dragon's Calm [DR-47]. Also being a flyer
against him. gives you a greater choice of realms to attack. It is this
champions other 2 powers that need some clarifying. The
Flame is an all combat champion. Being one of the few ability to cast any spell lets this champion cast both wizard and
dragons that cannot cast spells makes him a little one cleric spells. Reshuffling phase 4 spells cast by Maldraedior
dimensional, but if combat is your goal Flame is a good choice. means that spells cast during phase 4 that also have a phase
Being a dragon allows him the use of the dragon-only combat 4 casting time are shuffled into the draw pile. Spells like Wish
cards like Swallow Whole [DR-97] and being able to fly almost [4th-384], which can be cast at any time, that are cast in phase
guarantees you chance to use Flame in combat. Flame really 4 are not shuffled into the draw pile as they do not have a
comes into his own when defending. Having to be defeated phase 4 casting time. Spells that have multiple casting times,
twice in one battle makes him a great choice to defend against including phase 4, are only reshuffled if cast during phase 4.
instant win cards like the Living Wall [PO-58] and Headless This may seem restrictive, but there are many phase 4 wizard
Horseman [RL-88] without having to give anything up. A viable and cleric spells to choose from. One of the best for
and fun theme for Flame is the 'Energizer Champion' theme Maldraedior is Stasis [PO-48], considering his high base level.
using Drizzt Do'Urden [4th-253] and Ochimo [FR-95], who
have similar special powers. This makes it very difficult to get a Tamarand, Great Gold Wyrm
spoils off of you as each champion gets a free defense before #30 of 100
having to worry about losing them to the discard pile. Add to all Forgotten Realms
this that +3 and smaller allies cannot be played against Flame Cleric
and he can be a tough nut to crack, since many of the more 8
powerful avenging allies are +3 and under. Still, Flame is Dragon; flyer. While Tamarand is in play all flying monsters
difficult to put into a high powered tournament deck as he lacks must ask his permission to fly. Allies of +3 or less cannot be
the ability to cast spells or use psionic power cards. In an all played against him.
combat format though this champion is a winner.
Tamarand is rare in that this card is both a dragon and a cleric
Pelath the Bronze Dragon but not an avatar. This alone makes this card a great choice
#28 of 100 for a dragon theme deck. As with most dragons, he is also a
Forgotten Realms flyer. Since the majority of flyers are also monsters, Tamarand
Wizard is a very powerful card. Opponents that want to use their flying
7 monsters to attack realms that they could not reach without
Flyer; swimmer. Swimming champions an allies cannot face flying must ask this player's permission to fly to that realm in
this dragon in combat. At the end of this player's turn, Pelath order to attack it. This power does not cover allies and non-
can retrieve one magical item from the discard pile, which is monster flyers. Flying monsters need not ask permission if
then attached to him. they can get to the realm in question without flying, i.e. it is
unprotected or the attacking champion has some other card in
One of the best champions to come out of the Draconomicon play that allows him to reach the realm. Lastly, not being able
set. Pelath has many advantages for both phase 3 and to play +3 or lower allies against Tamarand takes many of the
combat. He can fly and swim giving a great range of choice more powerful avenging allies out of the running in combat
when attacking. The lesser combat power of opposing against him. Allies like the Assassins [4th-221] and the
swimmers (champions and allies) not being able to face Pelath Starving Artist [3rd-439] will just have to wait for another
in combat is an added bonus to a great card. This means when champion to put the screws to.
attacking, swimmers may not defend, and when defending Flyers only need Tamarand's permission to fly, not to attack. If
against a swimmer, the opponent goes back to their pool flying ability is not necessary to reach the target realm, no
defeated, with no spoils of victory awarded. Also, being a permission is necessary. For example, Mykell, who is both a
dragon and a caster allows Pelath to use the dragon-only flyer and swimmer, does not need Tamarand's permission to
unarmed combat cards and spells. Being a wizard champion

Draconomicon - Página 279

attack Kozakura, which can only be attacked by flyers or by cards that discard allies however, such as the Net of
swimmers. Entrapment [4th-169] or The Living Wall [PO-58]. The orc ally
is also affected by cards that affect orcs, such as Orcs of
Lareth, King of Justice Dragonspear [FR-72].
#31 of 100 Flashburn's ally cannot be brought into play until the player is
Forgotten Realms losing the round of battle, just as cards cannot be played
Wizard unless a player is losing the round.
Dragon; flyer. All dragons must ask Lareth's permission to cast Fi Lendicol
wizard spells. Lareth never needs permission to cast spells. He #33 of 100
is immune to cards designated as offensive. Forgotten Realms
This level 10 wizard is a great card for many decks, both for 7
combat and phase 3. Being a dragon and a flyer allows Lareth Dragon. Fi Lendicol can teleport with his allies to attack any
to use the dragon-only wizard spells and unarmed combat realm. He can use any unarmed combat card and is immune to
cards. Being a flyer also opens up the range of realms you can offensive cleric spells and offensive psionics.
attack a great deal. Lareth's permission granting power is his
weakest as it affects only dragons casting wizard spells, Fi Lendicol has been a bluelined Flyer in many places, but he
although the dragon need not be a wizard, just trying to cast a is not a flyer. Being able to teleport with allies to attack any
wizard spell will do to activate this power. Not needing to ask realm in play makes Fi Lendicol a great addition to any combat
permission himself to cast spells is a very positive power. This deck, especially one that uses lots of allies. Fi can also use
means Lareth can cast wizard spells even if an opponent has any unarmed combat card, even those restricted to champion
out Midnight, Goddess of Magic [3rd-46] or the Icon of Magic types other then wizards and dragons. Fi Lendicol is also
[RR-c19] or any other card that would force Lareth to have to immune to all offensive cleric spells, offensive psionic power
ask permission to cast. This would also work for cleric spells if cards, and the offensive psionic powers of champions. A good
Lareth somehow got the ability to cast them. The most potent example of the latter would be Davron Parscall's [PO-9]
of Lareth's power is his immunity to all cards designated as psionic death field power. Again, if you want your deck to
offensive. This includes unarmed combat cards like Fighting attack, then Fi Lendicol is a prime choice. Some other good
Dirty! [DU-c3] as well as spells, blood abilities, psionic power choices for an attack deck containing this champion would be
cards, thief skills, and magic items. Since immunities are the Net of Entrapment [4th-169] and the Triumvirate realms
always in affect, Lareth is protected from such cards even from the Underdark Set. Also consider the Scroll of 7 Leagues
while in the pool. What Lareth's immunity doesn't protect [3rd-412] and the Amulet of Plane Walking [BR-33]. These two
against are the powers of artifacts, allies, rule cards and items give a teleport ability similar to Fi Lendicol so you could
champions as well as harmful events or any card marked bring many champions to attack otherwise protected realms.
(Def). It is important to note that some early editions of
champions or artifacts are marked as being (Off). Lareth is not Rauglothgor
immune to these champions as these are typos. #34 of 100
Lareth's immunity to offensive cards (spells, psionic powers, Forgotten Realms
unarmed combat cards, blood abilities, thief skills) includes Monster
cards designated as offensive through blueline rules. 7
Champions and allies are never designated as offensive or Dragon; undead. Rauglothgor can cast wizard spells and is
defensive (although some champion and ally powers are immune to offensive spells. His total level is doubled if
offensive), therefore Lareth has no immunities to champions or defending Rauglothgor's Lair.
Rauglothgor is a bluelined Flyer. This champion is a good
Cúpula BSW 2009: Ele não é Imune ao poder de campeões choice for an undead theme deck. Being able to cast wizard
psiônicos spells and fly makes Rauglothgor an excellent attacking
champion. He also has access to the dragon-only spells and
Flashburn unarmed combat cards. Add to this his immunity to offensive
#32 of 100 spells (both wizard and cleric) and Rauglothgor is a well
AD&D rounded champion with many uses. However, his final power is
Hero much more difficult to achieve. When defending the realm that
9 bears his name [DR-1], Rauglothgor's adjusted level is
Dragon; flyer. Flashburn has access to a non-flying +9 orc ally doubled. This is in addition to any other multipliers already
that cannot be forced to switch sides during battle. affecting him. So his level can get very high very fast! Some
other cards to think about if playing with Ruaglothgor would be
Flashburn is a combat orientated champion that will find little Negative Planar Energy [NS-73], Haven of the Undead [4th-
use in a non-combat deck. Being a hero dragon is rare and 71], and Bonemaster, Avatar of Nerull [PO-41].
makes him a good choice for a dragon combat deck when
coupled with his flying ability. Flashburn can use all hero Rauglothgor was a powerful dracolich featured the Forgotten
unarmed combat cards as well as the dragon-only unarmed Realms novel Spellfire, for which this game is named.
combat cards. He cannot, however, use the dragon-only
wizard spells because he is not able to cast wizard spells. If he Sparkle, Crystal Dragon
somehow gains the ability to cast wizard spells, then these #35 of 100
cards become available to him as well. Flashburn's +9 orc ally AD&D
has two options for when it can be played. It may be played Psionicist
immediately when Flashburn's power activates, to help protect 6
against a Blamblower [DL-56]. If not used immediately, it can If an opponent wishes to play an ally in battle against Sparkle,
only be summoned when Flashburn is down in levels. It may she psionically inspects the player's hand and chooses which
not be played as a counter in battle (such as if the Blamblower ally to play; no more allies can be played by that player. (Off)
were played after Flashburn's power activates). Once the ally
is brought into play it may not be forced to switch sides and Sparkle is a popular card for many reasons. First is her special
join the opposing champion, even if the opposing champion power to look at an opponent's hand in battle and choose the
had some card that would cause this to happen such as the one ally the opponent can play in that round of battle. You can
Shield of Wickedness [4th-175]. The ally can still be discarded only activate this power if your opponent is going to play an

Draconomicon - Página 280

ally against Sparkle. If your opponent chooses not to play an Flare
ally against Sparkle, you do not get to inspect your opponent's #38 of 100
hand. This will often be the case as your opponent would Dragonlance
rather keep his hand hidden most of the time, but he has to Monster
waive the chance to play any allies, including allies gained 7
from other cards already in play like Axe of the Dwarvish Lords Dragon; flyer. One Dragonlance champion in play can be used
[4th-457] and the Triumvirate realms from the Underdark set. as an ally (base level only). Win or lose, the borrowed
When Sparkle chooses which ally can be played she may champion returns to his pool.
choose from allies gained by these other cards as well as
those in the opponent's hand. It is also important to note that The ally Flare gains from her special power only adds his base
Sparkle's special power is psionic and therefore affected by level to Flare's. No other attachments or special powers are
cards that affect psionics. Her power is also offensive when figured into the battle. The attachments of the borrowed
determining immunities to psionics. One of the other reasons champion still remain with that champion. No matter if Flare
you may encounter Sparkle often, is that she is one of few wins or losses, the borrowed champion would be returned to
AD&D psionic champions and is a great choice for an AD&D his original pool with his attachments at the end of the battle. If
world deck. Some other great cards to play with Sparkle are some card would discard the borrowed champion before the
Highmaster Illithios [DU-c21], bunches of psionic power cards battle is resolved however, he would be discarded along with
and The Tantelear [PO-c9] for high speed fun! his attachments. A card that would do this would be the ally
Sparkle's power works only against the player she is opposing Clay Golem [4th-247]. This is a strategy commonly used in
in combat. If the optional rule, Aiding the Attacker or Defender tournament play to get rid of pesky champions and it is fun too!
is being used, other players can play allies normally. In Flare can borrow a Dragonlance champion from anywhere in
addition, the player opposing Sparkle can play the event play, including her own pool. Once a champion has been
Forced Conscription, and other players must contribute allies. involved in a battle, either as an ally or a champion, it cannot
be used to attack or defend again in that same combat. This is
Shadow Dragon another strategy that can leave your opponent champion short
#36 of 100 in battle. Once you use his champion as an ally, it cannot
AD&D attack or defend again in that battle.
7 Sleet
This dragon and his allies can attack any realm in a formation. #39 of 100
Opposing champions are at half their base level (rounded Dragonlance
down) with lost levels being added to the Shadow Dragon's Monster
total. He is immune to the special powers of Underdark 6
champions. Dragon; flyer. Sleet's numbing cold prevents nonflying allies
from being played against him. If instantly defeated by a card's
Shadow Dragon is another excellent fighting champion. His special powers, he returns to his pool instead of being
power to attack any realm and bring allies is a must for an discarded.
attacking deck. This power allows Shadow Dragon to attack When Sleet is instantly defeated by a card's special power,
any realms that he would normally have to fly, swim or such as Lovely Colleen [1st-c22] or the Living Wall [PO-58], he
earthwalk to reach such as the Shining Lands [4th-54]. This gets to return to his pool with attachments instead of being
power does not negate any realm restrictions based on discarded, even if the card says discard instead of defeat.
champion type, world logo, or any restriction other then Since many of the instant defeat cards are popular, it is worth
movement restrictions. So a realm that had a 'no monster can considering Sleet for a combat deck. Some cards end the
attack' restriction is still protected from the Shadow Dragon, battle early, but are not considered instant defeats for Sleet's
like a formation with Black Waters [4th-98] in it. Shadow power. A good example of this would be Stasis [PO-48], which
Dragon's second power, being immune to the special power of ends the battle, but doesn't instantly defeat Sleet because you
Underdark champions, is somewhat less useful because there still determine the winner normally. A good rule of thumb for
are few Underdark champions that have offensive special Sleet's power to activate is if the opposing card states in the
powers. This immunity covers all champions from the text box that Sleet is "defeated" or "discarded", thus ending the
Underdark booster set as well as those marked Underdark in combat and causing Sleet to be discarded. Sleet's power also
their text box. This power is very useful if you ever run up works against instant defeats that would send him to the Abyss
against an opponent playing with The Unnamed, Avatar of or the Void, such as Davron Parscall [PO-9], so he is returned
Gruumsh [TU-64] though! to the pool instead. It is also important to remember that
Sleet's power only works in battle, so she's open game against
Greyhawk Dragon Banishment [1st-392].
#37 of 100 Sleet's power is only used in battle. Sleet's power saves him
Greyhawk from instant defeat by the Heartwood Spear.
6 Khisanth
Flyer. This dragon brethes a toxic gas at the beginning of the #40 of 100
battle, preventing an opposing champion from using spells, Dragonlance
unarmed conbat cards, and blood abilities. Monster
The special power only stops the opposing champion from Dragon; flyer. If Khisanth razes an opponent's realm in
playing any spells, unarmed combat cards and blood abilities combat, one other unrazed realm anywhere in play is sent to
into battle against Greyhawk Dragon. These cards are not Limbo until the end of the defender's next turn. Realms return
discarded by the Greyhawk Dragon, they are just treated as if from Limbo to any place in that player's formation.
they didn't exist. Good examples of this would be Find Familiar
[FR-40] and Battlewise [BR-37]. The player of Khisanth chooses which realm goes to Limbo,
this can be devestating in a close game. This card is also a
There are rumors along the Savage Coast of a wandering two-edged sword because if you have the only unrazed realms
dragon sage, moving from village to village in that war torn in play when Khianth's power activates, then you must choose
land. Some believe this creature to be a mighty spellcaster or one of your own realms to send to Limbo. Any realm sent to
adviser to some lord in the Pomarj or possibly both. Whatever Limbo by Khisanth returns to that player's formation during
the case, it does not bode well for the folk that live there. phase 5 of the next turn of the player whose realm Khisanth

Draconomicon - Página 281

razed in combat. The realm sent to Limbo losses it's place in champion is considered an ally for all cards that affect allies.
the formation, so if it were in the A slot of the formation the Verminaard gains the 4 levels for having Tiamat, God of Evil
next realm played by that player must go into the A slot. When Dragons [DR-44] or Takhisis, Queen of Darkness [DL-33] in
the realm returns from Limbo it still may go into the formation play no matter who has them in play. If both are in play,
into any open slot. Also, if another player has the same realm Verminaard still gains just 4 levels. Remember that champions
in play by the time the realm returns from Limbo, it is can be involved in combat only once a player turn, no matter if
discarded. As you can see, this is a good way to get your own used as champions or allies. This is a good way to leave your
realms in to play that may be blocked by the Rule of the opponent champion short in combat. You must wait until you
Cosmos. All this aside, it is often difficult to activate Khisanth's can legally play an ally (i.e. you are losing and can play a card)
power, since it only takes effect when Khisanth attacks AND before you can activate Verminaard's power. Verminaard is not
razes a realm, which only happens when the opponent doesn't considered a dragon for cards that affect dragons. His name is
defend. Otherwise, you need to find a way to raze the realm in Dragonmaster, all one word.
that round, such as using Tithian [1st-301] as an ally with the If both Tiamat and Takhisis are in play, Verminaard still only
Helm of Teleportation [1st-219]. gains 4 levels in total.
When the realm returns from Limbo, the owner of the realm When Verminaard uses a dragon champion as an ally, he only
can place it anywhere in the formation, even a position that gains the level bonus of the champion/ally, including any
would not normally be allowed. For example, if the only realm attached cards. Verminaard does not benefit from any special
in the formation is in position A, the player could place the powers of the champion/ally or any attached cards. The
realm in the third row. champion/ally does retain any immunities it may have, but
these immunities are not transferred to Verminaard.
Cyan Bloodbane The borrowed champion only returns to its pool if it is still in
#41 of 100 play at the end of battle. Cards that destroy allies during battle,
Dragonlance such as Airship or Brine Dragon, would cause the borrowed
Monster champion to be discarded immediately and not return to the
7 owning player's pool.
Dragon; flyer. Cyan can use wizard spells. Magical items Verminaard cannot bring an ally into play until the player is
attached to him cannot be removed by any means. losing the round of battle, just as cards cannot be played
Draognlance allies attached to this champion are doubled in unless a player is losing the round.
level and cannot be removed or forced to switch sides.
The Celestial Emperor
Cyan is another awesome champion to consider for a combat #43 of 100
deck, especially one that uses lots of magical items and allies. AD&D
When a magical item is attached to Cyan, your opponent may Cleric
not discard (or send to the Abyss or Void) that magical item 23
short of discarding Cyan Bloodbane. The only exception to this Avatar; dragon. Discard 15+ levels of dragons to bring the
is the Wish spell [4th-384]. Your opponent may not use Jella Emperor into play. Immune to offensive spells and the special
[4th-329] or the Wand of Telekinesis [DL-63] to discard any powers of champion and allies. When this player's dragons
magical item attached to Cyan. When playing with Cyan it is attack, the Emperor chooses which of the opponent's
usually best to attach your most important magical items to champions will defend. Limit one avatar per pool.
him. Cyan's special power does not stop you from discarding
magical items attached to him however. Magical items that You need only discard a single dragon, so long as it's adjusted
must be discarded to activate, such as Well of Many Worlds level is 15 or greater, to bring the Celestial Emperor into play.
[DR-77], are still discarded when you activate them. Check out This only is dragons from play, so allies can only be used if
Flax the Silver Dragon [RR-31] and Mordenkainen [4th-275] for they stay in the pool (such as with Azalin [RV-82]). One of only
powers similar to Cyan and are a good basis for a theme deck 3 printed champions immune to Gib Kcir [RR-16], when this
using lots of magical items. Any Dragonlance allies attached to champion is combined with The Winner's Cape [4th-520] it is
Cyan are protected in a similar manner to his magical items, extremely difficult to discard. Being immune to offensive spells
they may not be discarded or removed from him by your (cleric and wizard) and the special powers of allies makes this
opponent with such cards like Net of Entrapment (169/4th) and card very tough, well worth the avatar restriction. Note
Shield of Wickedness (175/4th). Dragonlance allies are defined however, that the Celestial Emperor is immune the special
as any allies from the Dragonlance set (picturing the DL logo powers of champions and allies, not to their icon level. This
near the card number) or any ally from later sets with means that if he is in play when the Poor Oriental Lord [DU-
Dragonlance as its designated world. c19] is played, the Celestial Emperor can still play first edition
Dragonlance allies are those from the Dragonlance booster cards, though the Emperor can't be played if the POL is in play
set, with the small Dragonlance logo at the bottom of the card. first. It is still possible to defeat this champion in combat
through sheer adjusted level, your opponent just has to get at
Verminaard the Dragonmaster least 23 for this to happen when you are attacking. When your
#42 of 100 dragons (The Celestial Emperor included) attack, you get to
Dragonlance choose which champions defend from among those in the
Cleric opposing player's pool. The Celestial Emperor may not choose
7 a realm champion to defend. So long as the opposing player
Once per battle Verminaard can use any dragon champion in has champions in his pool that have not yet been involved in
play as an ally (level only). The borrowed champion returns to the current battle, he may not play any champions from his
its pool. He gains 4 levels if Tiamat or Takhisis is in play. hand to defend. Once the pool has been exhausted, he may
then play champions from the hand. The opposing player may
The dragon champion borrowed by Verminaard adds its choose not to defend his attacked realm at any time, therefore
adjusted level to Verminaard's like a normal ally, however it's saving his champions for better uses. Needless to say, the
special powers do not function for Verminaard. This does not Celestial Emperor is powerful card. If played in a deck filled
negate any immunities that the borrowed champion has, the with flying dragons, your opponents will be hard pressed to
immunities just do not extend to Verminaard and any of his keep many realms face up. To complete the already
other attached cards. Win or lose, the borrowed champion staggering immunities of this champion try to attach The
returns to its original pool at the end of the battle. If the Winner's Cape [4th-520] and Pearl Pegasus [DU-70]. The
borrowed champion is somehow discarded before the battle is Celestial Emperor cannot be played if you already have
resolved however, it is discarded. A good example of a card another avatar in your pool, and once he is played you may
that would do this is Clay Golem [4th-247]. The borrowed

Draconomicon - Página 282

not play another avatar while he remains in your pool. This is an avatar in your pool, and so long as Bahamut is still in play
rarely a problem, given the high levels of avatars. you may not play another avatar.
The attacking player with the Celestial Emperor gets to choose
which of the champions in the defending player's pool will Astral Spell
defend (when a dragon is attacking). The player being #46 of 100
attacked can still choose not to defend, in which case the Wizard Spell
realm is razed. If the player being attacked has no champions Cast at any time to create an astral duplicate of the caster
in his pool, he may play a champion of his choice from his (level and special powers) to defend this player's realms once
hand. an attacker comes forward. Cards can be attached as normal
If the realm being attacked has a realm champion, the but are discarded with the duplicate at the end of that round of
Celestial Emperor still gets to choose among champions in the battle. (Def)
pool. The Emperor cannot select the realm champion to
defend. This spell is cast when an attacking champion is pushed
Celestial Emperor's immunity to champion powers allows it to forward to attack any of your realms. It can be cast at anytime
play first edition cards into battle or cast spells while the Poor an attacking champion is pushed forward, even if the casting
Oriental Lord is in play. However, Celestial Emperor may not champion has already been involved in the combat. Once the
be brought into play while the POL is in play. Astral Spell enters combat you may attach other cards to it as
if it were a champion, such as allies, magical items and any
Cúpula BSW 2009: Celestial Emperor fornece seu poder a si support cards the caster could have used. Once the battle
mesmo. involving the Astral Spell is finished, the spell and all cards
attached to it are discarded. This happens no matter if the
Tiamat, God of Evil Dragons Astral Spell won of lost the battle. A good time to use this spell
#44 of 100 is if your opponent has attacked you with a champion that
AD&D would instantly defeat any of your other champions. A good
Wizard example of this would be if your opponent attacked with Lovely
20 Colleen [1st-c22] and you had only Strahd [RL-100] in your
Avatar; flyer. Discard two spellcasting dragons to bring Tiamat pool. Strahd can cast Astral Spell to fight the battle for you,
into play. She is immune to offensive psionics, unarmed and even though the Astral Strahd would be discarded (since
combat cards, and blood abilities. If this player's dragons lose the spell champion is vulnerable both as a monster and as a
in battle, they return to their pool instead. Limit one avatar per spell), your original Strahd would be unharmed.
Dragon's Calm
Tiamat is a dragon. Tiamat is immune to offensive psionic #47 of 100
power cards, offensive blood ability cards, and offensive Wizard Spell
unarmed combat cards as well as the offensive psionic power Castable only by dragon champions. Can be cast at any time
and offensive blood ability of opposing champions. Any dragon to cancel the effects of a harmful event. (Def)
champion of Tiamat's player that is defeated in battle is
returned to the pool with attachments, instead of being The casting dragon must have the ability to cast wizard spells
discarded (or sent to the Abyss or Void). This makes Tiamat a to cast this spell. Dragon's Calm completely negates a harmful
good choice for a dragon combat deck. Tiamat may not be event, causing it to be discarded when this spell is cast. This is
played if you already have an avatar in your pool, and so long different from the card Calm [3rd-400] which just protects the
as Tiamat is still in play you may not play another avatar. player. You can cast Dragon's Calm at any time after a harmful
Although Tiamat is a solid avatar, you are much more likely to event comes into play; you need not always cast it
encounter the Celestial Emperor when facing dragon decks. If immediately. So if one of your opponents plays Map of Life
you are playing a dragon deck and expect to play against one [3rd-413] you can wait until the event would effect you to cast
then this avatar may be a good choice to avoid a Rule of the Dragon's Calm, possibly subjecting other players to the
Cosmos problem. harmful event's effects but saving yourself. Events are the
most powerful cards in the game, which makes Dragon's Calm
Bahamut, God of Good Dragons a very useful card and a great addition to any deck that uses
#45 of 100 dragon champions.
AD&D Dragon's Calm works just like the Calm event, canceling the
Hero harmful effect of an event for the player.
#45 of 100
21 When the really powerful Wyrms travel the world, its as if even
Avatar; flyer. Discard two spellcasting dragons to bring nature itself stands in awe
Bahamut into play. He is immune to the special powers of - Athena Fernwood, Halfling mercenary annd collector of many
champions and allies. Champions in Bahamut's pool are fine baubles.
doubled in base level when defending, as are all dragon allies.
Limit one avatar per pool. Cúpula BSW 2011: Ele funciona da mesma maneira que o
evento Serenidade (400/portuguese edition), afastando os
Bahamut is a dragon. Being immune to the special powers of efeitos de um evento maléfico para o jogador lançador da
champions is one of the rarest and most powerful immunities carta.
in the game. Add this to his high level (21) and immunity to
allies of Bahamut, and he is clearly a worthy avatar. Bahamut's Humanoid Familiar
immunity does not negate the level of opposing champions #48 of 100
and allies in battle, so he may still be defeated by adjusted Wizard Spell
level in combat. This power also does not negate an opponent Castable only by dragon or monster champions. Cast this spell
champion's special power; Bahamut (and his attachments) on a hero not involved in combat to bring him in as an ally. The
simply cannot be the target of that special power. Once caster gains the hero's special power and level, and the hero is
Bahamut is in play, all of your defending champions, not just discarded after the battle. (Off/4)
your dragon champions, have their base level doubled. Your
dragon allies are doubled in level also when defending (not The casting dragon or monster must have the ability to cast
when attacking). This makes Bahamut a good avatar for AD&D wizard spells to cast this spell. You may target almost any hero
world decks. Bahamut may not be played if you already have not involved in combat for this spell, except your own
champions (since you can't cast offensive spells at your own

Draconomicon - Página 283

champions). You also cannot target a hero that has already by such cards as Mind Killer [TU-56] this spell can keep them
been involved in the current combat, not just the current round from going to the Abyss, sending them to the discard pile
of battle. The caster gains the total adjusted level of the instead. Note that the champion is not discarded but is kept
borrowed hero as well as the special powers of the hero and from going to the discard pile. This becomes important for such
any attached cards. Once the battle is resolved, the hero and events as discarding champions to bring out an avatar - like
his attached cards are placed in the discard pile. This happens Bahamut, God of Good Dragons [DR-45] who can only be
even if the caster of Humanoid Familiar won the round of brought out if two spellcasting dragons are discarded. Since
battle. While the borrowed champion is attached to the caster, this spell prevents the dragon from being discarded it cannot
he is considered an ally for all cards that affect allies. be used in conjunction with an avatar to bring out the avatar
Because this is an offensive spell, cannot be cast on a player's and save a dragon. Also any cards attached to the dragon are
own champions. Humanoid Familiar cannot be used if the saved as well since he was never discarded. So cards that
opposing champion is immune to spells, and it cannot target a work upon being discarded will not activate until they are
hero that is immune to spells. actually discarded. Finally the caster cannot be the dragon
being discarded, it must be another dragon caster because the
What do you mean? Flax the Silver Dragon is a stalwart friend! dragon being discarded is considered out of play since he is
What danger could come from having one such as he for a "going" to the discard pile. Allies cannot be saved in this
friend? Why I never.....uuhh. I suddenly feel the urge to travel manner since the card does state champions. To make sure
to Flax's aid. I shall return!! - Some unknown knight never this spell will have any effect a player must have two dragon
seen again. casters in their pool at all times that they have the spell, he
should not hold any dragons in his hand for protection or
Venomdust otherwise he will find one of his dragons being discarded
#49 of 100 without any one to cast the spell. This is especially true since it
Wizard Spell only saves dragons in play, not ones being discarded from the
Castable only by dragons, this spell slays one champion of hand or deck. Also a player should consider attacking more
base level 5 or less, or slays one opposing ally. (Off/3/4) with this card in their hand since even a lost battle generally
will not end up in giving the opponent a spoils (since the
The casting dragon must have the ability to cast wizard spells attacking champion isn't likely to be discarded.
to cast this spell. A champion targeted by this spell must have This spell may be cast by a dragon that is losing in combat. If
a base level of 5 or less, the champion's adjusted level doesn't the spell is used to prevent a defeated attacking dragon from
matter. So Tasslehoff Burrfoot [DL-39](base level 3) with the being discarded, the defender does not receive spoils of
Girdle of Storm Giant Strength [4th-183] (+9) would still be victory.
slain by Venomdust. You may instead choose to slay an ally of This spell prevents a dragon champion in play from being
any level that is in play when you cast this spell. It is important discarded. It does not prevent a dragon champion from being
to remember that the World Bonus rule adds +3 to the base discarded from the hand (such as through the use of Hettman
level of any champion attacking or defending a realm with the Tsurin).
same world logo. So a base level 3 Ravenloft champion
defending a Ravenloft realm becomes a base level 6 champion Cold Curtain
and could not be targeted by Venomdust. For this reason it #52 of 100
may be better to use the spell in phase 3. Wizard Spell
Castable only by dragons. This spell creates a wall of dragon
Firetail ice that instantly ends combat. Champions return to their pools
#50 of 100 and phase 4 of the attacker's turn is over with no spoils of
Wizard Spell victory. (Def/4)
Castable only by dragons, this spell destroys any one holding
in play. (Off/3) Castable only by champions able to cast wizard spells and
designated as dragons. This spell ends combat with no victor.
The casting dragon must have the ability to cast wizard spells Both champions return to their pools and phase 4 is over for
to cast this spell. When Firetail is cast the player picks a the attacker. Immediately go to phase 5 if this spell is not
holding in play and it is placed in the discard pile. The player countered. A Spell Turning would not work on this card since it
may even pick one of his own holdings to discard. This is very is defensive. If a champion is specifically immune to defensive
similar to Shadow Engines [FR-35], except for the type of spell spells, they remain in battle, and win the combat (no spoils).
and a lack of restriction. In most situations, that spell should No matter whether cast by the attacker or defender neither
work easier for this spell. Prime holdings to destroy include player gets a spoils of victory. This is a must have mage spell
Black Waters [1st-246] or Dragon Horde [DR-10]. for decks containing dragon casting champions. With the
defensive nature of this card it is very hard to counter it,
The beast appeared out of the noon sun and rained hell down leaving an attacker with no recourse but to end their turn. A
on us. Ash, smoke and debris flew in every direction! I barely very good tactic with this card is to let an attacker charge
got my family out in time. There is nothing left now but charred forward with a full hand of nine plus cards, then play Cold
earth and smoking ruin. Curtain in defense. If it works correctly the attacker will have
- Refugee from the City of Mulmaster. no other choice but to decide which cards they want to discard
to bring their hand size down to eight, and end the current turn.
This is another good spell to give a dragon deck the ability to
Dragon's Death Door
attack head long with little concern for losing a battle. If the
#51 of 100 attacking dragon starts to lose he may cast this spell and flee
Wizard Spell battle safely and give the defender no spoils of victory. Also a
Castable only by dragons. Cast at any time to save a dragon great card to halt the nasty Weasel Attack! [3rd-428] since
champion from going to the discard pile for any reason, or to neither side wins the weaseling player gets nothing out of the
send it to the discard pile instead of the Abyss. (Def) deal except the loss of his thwarted event.
This wizard spell is castable only by champions able to cast
Summon Dragon
wizard spells and designated as dragons either in the text box,
champion name or if they have been blueline ruled. Also by #53 of 100
using Talisman of the Beast [DR-75] a non-dragon champion Wizard Spell
may cast this spell as well. Cast this spell at any time to save a May also be cast by any dragon. This spell summons a dragon
dragon champion from going to the discard pile for any reason, champion from any pool to act as an ally (level only). Win or
such as battle, a spell, etc. If the dragon is sent to the Abyss lose, the summoned champion returns to his pool. (Def/4)

Draconomicon - Página 284

Bluelining has changed this spell to (Off/4), meaning it can only be immediate (he cannot wait until one is played) to be
summon dragons not immune to offensive spells. This card is discarded. This spell has a nice +6 bonus that rivals many
an interesting spell in the fact that it may be cast by all wizard mage spells in the game and a power similar to but much
casters and all dragons, no matter if they can normally cast better than Lightning Bolt [4th-364]. A solid spell that is great
wizard spells or not. This spell summons a dragon champion for a wizard battle deck, or a multi-casting battle deck. This
from any pool to act as an ally. The dragon puts forth his level spell is good at foiling nasty magic items such as the
only not any special powers it possesses, but it is considered a Clockwork Ogre [DU-71], discarding it so it cannot go back to
dragon ally for cards that may effect dragons such as the event the pool. A powerful artifact like the Wand of Orcus [4th-456]
Dragon Slayer [AR-51]. No matter if the summoned dragon's would be great to get rid of. Even the little +3 or less allies, like
side wins or loses the dragon goes to its original pool. If during the notorious Assassins [4th-221] or the dragon doubling Cult
combat the opponent discards an ally they may discard the of the Dragon [DU-80], are good to destroy since many low
summoned dragon since it is considered an ally for the level allies have good powers. To get the most from this spell
duration of battle. In that case the dragon is discarded and save it till late in battle making sure the opponent has played
does not go back to the pool. This spell goes great in any most of the cards he plans on putting into battle, then drop
dragon deck. The preferred method of summoning dragons Meteor Swarm getting the best choice of items to discard and
would be to use the opponent's dragons, but to make this card allies to destroy. The Greyhawk Dragon [DR-37] would be a
more usable it would be wise to put a few dragons within the great wizard to use this spell, as well as Maldraedior, Great
same deck to make sure a dragon could be summoned into Blue Wyrm [DR-29].
battle. A player must also be careful of summoning their own The player of the spell chooses which magical item or artifact
dragons since they might get discarded during battle by the is destroyed (discarded).
opponent. This card, though not too powerful, may lend a nice
high level ally to battle with most dragons levels being eight or Enchanted Flight
higher. Good champions to summon with this spell are Tiamat, #56 of 100
God of Evil Dragons [DR-44], Fire Dragon [DU-38], or Borys Cleric Spell
the Dragon [4th-268]. Cast to make a champion and its allies flyers or to make a flyer
The dragon summoned as an ally remains a dragon. The immune to any card's special powers that directly affect flyers.
Summon Dragon spell overcomes all movement restrictions in (Def/3/4)
bringing the summoned ally to the battle.
This card has two powers depending how the player wishes it
Dragon Mark to act. Enchanted Flight may be cast to make a champion and
#54 of 100 his allies for the current battle, or it may make a flyer immune
Wizard Spell to cards' special powers that directly affect flyers, like the
Castable only by dragon champions. Cast on an opposing holding Mistmarsh [DR-13] that states a flyer cannot attack the
champion to prevent him from defending against dragon attached realm. A champion using this spell's second power
champions attacking this turn. (Off/3) still could. This may be cast during phase three or four of the
player's turn. If cast during phase three it can still allow allies to
This is another card castable only by dragon casting fly once battle begins. This spell lasts until the end of this
champions, not any other type of wizard casting champion. player's turn, once they have knocked the spell ends. If this
This spell may prevent an opponent's champion from spell is cast to make a champion and his allies fly the
defending against any attacking dragon for the duration of the champion is not immune to cards that affect flyers. The spell
casting player's turn. The spell ends as soon as this player's only makes champions that already fly immune, and if the spell
turn ends, even if he gets an extra turn from cards such as a is cast to make a champion immune to cards that affect flyers it
The Caravan [4th-131]. Champions that are hit by this spell can not make allies fly at the same time. This is a good
may still do actions outside of battle. This includes champions addition to a cleric spell based deck giving a player a way to
like the Stone Giant [4th-264], who could still discard an ally in protect his flyers or to make one of his non-flyers fly if need be.
battle even though he could not enter battle against a dragon, A good trick to keep the opponent off guard would be to attack
or The Hapless Halfling [DU-42], who would still give levels to a realm that only flyers can attack then during the battle make
adventurers and halflings. This spell is a dragon only spell, and one of your non-flying champions a flyer by casting this spell
should not be put in a deck that does not contain many dragon from battle onto a champion in the pool.
champions. In conjunction with other debilitating spells, such
as Otto's Irresistible Dance [BR-61], a player could leave a The art for this card is featured on the cover of the campaign
defender's pool full of useless champions and open for dragon expansion Elminister's Ecologies and made by Fred Fields.
attack. This spell's power comes from the ability to stun a
particularly nasty champion that could stop an attack upon it's Blessing of Tiamat
realms, giving the attacking dragons a better chance of razing #57 of 100
a realm. Use this spell on a champion with either a high level Cleric Spell
or a power that could stop an attacker cold in its tracks, such May also be cast by any dragon. Cast on a dragon champion
as a champion with the Net of Entrapment [4th-169] when the to ignore the levels or special powers of any opposing allies
casting player's support is mainly allies, or Lovely Colleen [1st- until the end of this player's next turn. (Def/3/4)
c22]. With careful selection this spell could win a close battle
that might be lost otherwise. This cleric spell can be cast by any caster of cleric spells or
any champion designated as a dragon either in the text box,
Meteor Storm their name, or blueline ruled since blueline rules are official
#55 of 100 rulings on all cards. Blessing of Tiamat may only be cast upon
Wizard Spell a dragon champion allowing that champion to ignore the levels
+6 or special powers of any opposing allies until the casting
This spell destroys one magical item or artifact of an opposing player's next turn. The caster must choose either the levels or
champion as well as any opposing allies of +3 or less in the special powers of opposing allies, this spell does not grant
combat. (Off/4) immunity to both in the same casting. With the ability for any
dragon to cast this spell, there is little reason for not putting it
Meteor Swarm can destroy either a magic item or an artifact in a dragon based deck. With nasty allies like the Master Illithid
attached to an opposing champion, and all allies of +3 or less [DU-53], Zombie Horde [NS-79], Undead Dragonrider [DR-81],
in combat. Allies of +3 or less maybe played after the spell is and The Dreaded Ghost [4th-246] this spell could stop many
cast, but any in battle when the spell is cast are discarded. The powerful allies in combat. Although it would seem obvious to
caster may chose a magic item or artifact, but the choice must stop the special powers of allies it should not be overlooked

Draconomicon - Página 285

that many allies have a high bonus with numerous ones well cards and are usually key champions in a multi-support deck. If
over +5. If an opponent cannot defeat you with special powers, an opponent plays with few casters this spell might make them
levels can work just as well. The number of champions to reevaluate their decks, but against a well thought out deck this
protect with this spell is great, but a few good choices would be card might have limited uses.
Infyrana the Dragon [DR-26] who is already immune to ally The Blessing of Bahamut allows a dragon champion to ignore
powers, Flashburn [DR-32], or Shadow Dragon [DR-36]. Bad the powers of a champion it is opposing in battle.
choices for this spell to protect would be Sparkle, Crystal
Dragon [DR-35] because few allies enter battle with him Symbol of Persuasion
leaving the spell unused. In a dragon deck, this spell is great #60 of 100
protection, and with it being easily playable by dragons there is Cleric Spell
little reason this card should not be considered. Cast during battle to force two opposing allies (caster's choice)
to switch sides. Allies must be present when the spell is cast.
Blessing of Bahamut (Off/4)
#58 of 100
Cleric Spell This cleric spell will allow a champion to switch two allies from
May also be cast by any dragon. Cast on a dragon champion the opposing player's force as long as the allies are already
to ignore the levels or special powers of any opposing present. Any allies with a one time power do not use their
champions until the end of this player's next turn. (Def/3/4) powers again. Once an ally is in play and their power has been
used it is used up, an example would be the Cat Burglar [NS-
This spell is castable by any dragons and cleric casters, its evil 78], after the opponent uses the Cat Burglar to discard cards,
counter part being The Blessing of Tiamat (57/DR). The player another player cannot switch the ally and then discard even
may choose to ignore either the levels or the special powers of more cards. If during the course of battle this spell is
any champions facing the protected dragon in combat. The discarded, the switched allies move back to their original
spell does not make a dragon immune to both, only one or the champion. Also, with so many cards that can switch cards from
other. The spell lasts until the end of casting player's next turn. one side to another, it is important to remember that if a card
If the dragon is immune to the special powers of a champion that is controlling other cards is the cards that it controls go
that includes offensive powers and not defensive ones. This back to the original owner. An example is if the ally Master
can be tricky since champions do not have offensive or Illithid [DU-53] has shifted two magic items from an opponent
defensive designations. An example of an offensive power and the opponent plays this symbol, then the ally switches
would be the Fire Dragon [DU-38], its breath weapon destroys sides and the magic items also switch sides since that player
all cards attached to an opposing champion. Since it affects no longer controls the Master Illithid. Even though this spell
the protected dragon, he would ignore the Fire Dragons power. does not have a bonus, it still could lend some aid during a
A defensive power from a champion - like Eye Tyrant [4th-320] heated battle. Good allies to steal with this spell are The White
would still work since the champion's special power does not Weird [DU-51], Ancient Dracolich [NS-81], FireDrake [DR-84],
directly affect the protected dragon. This is a more powerful and the Clay Golem [4th-247]. This is a good card to help mix
spell than the Blessing of Tiamat since champions usually up a deck filled with allies and magic items, too many cards of
have better special powers, and battle does not happen the same type in one deck can sometimes spell defeat when
without an opposing champion, this spell will be sure to aid the opponent has all the counters for that support card type.
during any encounter on the battlefield. Some great powers to
stop would be The Living Wall [PO-58], El-Hadid [NS-40], or Symbol of Death
the spell casting Pellgrade the Inexorable [4th-312] who's #61 of 100
lightning bolt would be ignored even though it is a spell, it is Cleric Spell
still a champion special power. Any dragon can benefit from This spell destroys up to 10 levels of opposing allies or
this spells protection, and a good combination is to play this on prevents an opponent from playing magical items in this round
a dragon that will get multiple attacks with the aid of other of battle. Any already attached are unaffected. (Off/4)
dragon enhancing cards - like Dragon Raid! [DU-20]. This card This symbol has two powers depending on the casters
is a must for any deck built around dragon champions, the choosing. This spell destroys up to ten levels of an opposing
ability to ignore a champion's special power is too good to player's allies or may stop a player from playing magic items
pass up, even if for just one or two turns. for the rest of the battle. Magic items already in the battle are
not affected by this spell. The level of the allies destroyed by
Symbol of Pain this spell uses the adjusted level; a champion that increases
#59 of 100 an allies level such as Adan El-Mesir [4th-349], who increases
Cleric Spell the level of an ally by two, can make this spell's power for
This spell inflicts terrible pain on a champion, preventing destroying allies a little weaker. When this spell is stopping
casting spells or using psionic power cards. Lasts until magic items, a player cannot put a magic item into play that
dispelled. makes a champion immune to offensive spells as long as this
card is in battle, since no magic items can be played. If an ally
This cleric spell stops a champion from casting spells or from has more levels than the spell can destroy, the ally is safe from
using psionic power cards until it is dispelled. The spell is only the Symbol, since allies cannot be partially discarded. Since
discarded if the champion is discarded or if another card this spell can only do one power at a time the caster should
removes spells from play - like Magic Draining Field [DU-74], have an idea of what the opponent is going to play next either
The Master Strategist [4th-500], Dispel Magic [4th-370], or by watching what support they have already played or by just
Dispel [4th-400]. To rid the pained champion of this spell, knowing the opponents tactics. For this reason (and others), it
another caster will be needed if a Dispel Magic is to be used is not favored in tournaments.
since the affected champion cannot cast (except when the Allies destroyed are chosen by the caster of the spell. The total
Symbol is first cast). This card is nice in the fact that to take of allies chosen may be less but may not be more than 10
the spell away a player must use a card to dispel the Symbol, levels.
but a well built deck should have many champions able to cast
spells or use psionic power cards if they are using that type of Confusion
support. Also take into consideration that an opponent might #62 of 100
not want to dispel the symbol since they probably already have Cleric Spell
another champion able to use spells or psionic power cards Cast on an attacking champion who must choose another
even if the opponent can get rid of the symbol. Good targets player's realm to attack. If he cannot attack another realm, or
for this spell would be multi-purpose champions such as it's a two-player game, the champion returns to his pool
Shadair Mesker [PO-80] who can use spells and psionic power defeated. (Off/4)

Draconomicon - Página 286

This spell is cast on an attacking champion, and has no effect With this spell a player may look at an opponent's hand or the
on a defender. The attacker must choose another player's next three cards of one draw pile, but not both. The player
realm to attack, they have no choice other than which realm to casting this spell is the only one to look at the cards, and he
attack. If they cannot attack another realm, or there are no may not show anybody else another players cards. If a player
other player to attack, then the champion goes home defeated. inspects the top three cards of a draw pile the cards must be
A champion defeated in this manner does not give the put back in the order they were found. Using this card to
defender a spoils of victory since the attacker was not inspect a players hand can be dangerous since it leaves a
discarded. The way this card is worded gives it a unique player open to be hit by the event Handmine [DU-c16]. The
power, even though battle has begun and an attacker and a Herald of Mei Lung [NS-54] makes a player immune to this
defender have been chosen the attacker may be forced at card's powers. This is a good spell to give a player the ability
anytime during the battle to attack another player or go home to examine a player's hand before he decides to attack or play
defeated. It could be the first, second, or third attacker this a particular card. Although other cards have similar powers
battle, but if this spell is played the attack must continue on and stay in play longer - like All-knowing Eye of Yasmin Sira
another players realm. The attacker moves to the new realm [AR-10] or the very powerful Rings of All Seeing [4th-171] - this
with all their current support and continues the attack. This spell has another unique power allowing the player to inspect a
card can be very devious to either repel an attack or to just to player's top three cards. With this ability a player may look to
make the opponents fight it out using up support they would see if an opponent would get a spoils of victory or plan a nasty
rather be using on the casting player. In a multi-player game, battle strategy. It can be used with cards like Use Poison [NS-
this spell works best on flyers, earthwalkers, or other 63], Galek [4th-227], The Fates [BR-c23], or The Guildhall
champions able to attack many different types of realms. A [DU-27] dungeon card to find a ways to steal and kill an
killer combinations to use with this card would be Drow Justice opponent's champion.
(21/UD), forcing an opponent to attack another player then This spell gives the recipient the ability to see all things as they
killing both the defender and attacker. Or to really confuse the truly are, no matter if magically altered. The power of this spell
opponent, play Confusion and then once they attack another is so great that it is said a person can even detect a creature's
player drop Broken Arrow [TU-c24] onto the table declaring alignment just by his aura, and adjacent planes of existence
peace thus gaining a spoils of victory. Even if this card is just are even within the enchanted caster's sight.
used to stop an attack, it has a place in any deck able to cast
cleric spells, but in a multi-player game being able to force the Plague
opponents to fight makes this card a deadly addition. #65 of 100
Cleric Spell
Find the Path When this spell is cast on an opposing champion, that player
#63 of 100 must draw and discard a card, noting the last digit. If the
Cleric Spell number is higher than the champion's base level, he is
This player's champions and allies can attack any opposing discarded. (Off/4)
realm, regardless of position or restrictions, until the end of this
turn. (Def/3) The opponent that this spell is cast upon must draw and
discard a card, noting the last digit of the card. If the number is
The casting player's champions and allies can attack any higher than the champion's base level, he is killed and put in
opposing realm, regardless of formation position or restrictions the discard pile, ending battle. The card the opponent draws
placed on a realm. If a realm can discard an ally (like Gulg must be discarded and cannot be used; if an event is drawn, it
[4th-29]), the ally is still discarded. Any realm that states that a goes to the Abyss unless that player is using the dungeon card
champion type cannot attack - like Ruins of Zhentil Keep [4th- The Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen [DU-24]. This card is
2] – can’t be attacked by this player's champions or allies for better used on lower level champions giving a player a better
the duration of this spell. A realm stating allies cannot attack - chance of discarding them. A good combinations to make sure
like Daggerdale [4th-7] - still prevents allies from attacking; that a champion dies is use another cleric spell True Seeing
Find the Path only allows the cards to get there. If the spell is [DR-64] to check the cards they will draw, giving you the ability
suddenly ended by an opponent the current battle must be to predict the outcome. Or, to make sure a champion dies, play
adjusted accordingly. If allies cannot be played, as with the rule card A Sure Thing [NS-74] to automatically kill a
Daggerdale, then no more can be added, but the ones in battle champion of base level eight or less. The only down side to
remain. If the current champion type cannot attack the realm - this spell is it can only be used during battle, so the choice of
like a monster attacking Valley of the Mage [4th-26], the battle who you can use it upon is limited. A crafty player can
is finished as normal, but no more champions of that type can manipulate things to their favor by using the cleric spell
attack this round. If the realm can only be attacked by a certain Command [4th-416] to make a player attack with a certain
type of champion as Mintarn [NS-3] (which can only be champion. Other ways to help this spell kill a champion would
attacked by flyers or swimmers), then the current battle be to lower the opponent's base level with nasty cards like Ray
finishes as normal, but then only flyers or swimmers can of Enfeeblement [4th-393], Negative Planar Energy [NS-73], or
continue attacking. Find the Path is a good cleric spell to allow the wicked unarmed combat card Level Drain [NS-97]. With no
the whole pool to attack an opponent, especial when their land bonus this spell is either a hit or miss card; if a player cannot
is almost impossible to reach, and the opponent's pool is well manipulate things into their favor they probably should look at
stocked with defenders. This card should not be put in a deck other ways to defeat their opponent.
with champions able to attack a variety of different realms, in
such a deck an offensive card usable in battle would be more Inertial Barrier
preferable. #66 of 100
This powerful priest spell is bestowed by the gods to give a Psionic Power
faithful priest the ability to find the shortest path to what he Until the beginning of this player's next turn, champions of
seeks. Given extra sensory perception, the priest enchanted base level 6 or less cannot attack this player's realms. (Def/5)
can find the correct direction, steering away from danger and
through mazes created to deter trespassers. This psionic power prevents champions of base level six or
less from attacking this player's realms, until his turn.
True Seeing Adjustments do not count when looking at a champion's base
#64 of 100 level unless it specifically states their base level, such as
Cleric Spell Tower by the Sea [DU-33], Orcus [NS-44], or the event The
This spell can be cast at any time to inspect an opponent's Crystal Dome [4th-515]. Champions over level six may attack
hand or the next three cards of one draw pile. (Off) this player's realms as normal, but still must follow normal
restrictions when attacking. Champions that enter battle as

Draconomicon - Página 287

allies, by another cards power - like the champion Kai'Rik'Tik affects the defender or realm only. This card works well with
[4th-340] - must still abide by this cards power since the ally is Combat Mind [DR-67] giving the attacker multiple attacks and
still a champion. This card is only playable in step five of the making them immune to a realm can be devastating to the
player's turn and lasts until the beginning of his next turn, defender. Be on the lookout for nasty spells that can destroy
giving a player just one turn of protection. A great combination this card during battle, like Dispel [4th-400]. There is nothing
to go with this card is using the rule card Time of Troubles [4th- worse than entering the Falkovnia [NS-5] realm with at
492] that prevents champions of base level seven or higher powerful champion just to find out he might die if the realm is
from attacking or defending. This would leave an opponent no razed since he just lost his phase protection.
way to attack this player's realms for one turn. Death Field
[DU-81], or The Living Wall [PO-58] are some other great Death Field
cards to have in the hand to kill those high level champions #69 of 100
that could attack this player. Bilago Lumon [PO-17] would be a Psionic Power
great champion to combo with this, since he can use psionic +3
power cards and can instantly destroy opposing champions of Usable only during combat, the opposing champion can no
level 5 or less (or more with attachments). Just remember that longer use spells, psionic power cards, blood abilities, or
Bilago affects adjusted level, not base like this card does. unarmed combat cards. (Off/4)

Combat Mind Death Field renders an opposing champion without the ability
#67 of 100 to use spells, psionic power cards, blood abilities, or unarmed
Psionic Power combat cards. The affected champion cannot use either
Until the end of this turn, the champion using this power can defensive or offensive support cards of this nature during the
attack an opposing realm multiple times until he is either current battle. Any spells, psionic power cards, blood abilities,
defeated or the realm is razed. (Def/3) or unarmed combat cards already in play remain after this
psionic power card enters battle. The +3 bonus of this card is
A champion with this psionic power attached may attack an minimal for a psionic power card, but the ability to shut down
opposing realm as many times has they wish, until either it is four different types of support cards makes this a worthy card
defeated or the realm is razed or discarded. When attacking for any deck with psionic power card users. Just the ability to
multiple times, after each round of battle the champion must stop blood abilities, and unarmed combat cards is great since
discard all cards that would normally be discarded after a few cards can stop these devastating support cards currently.
round of battle such as allies, spells, psionic powers, etc. This card will weaken many decks based upon undead
Combat Mind cannot be added to a champion after battle champions, dragon champions, regents, psionisist champions,
begins due to its phase three designation so playing this card or casting champions since many of these decks are based
is a must before a player engages in battle. This can be a upon the support cards stopped by Death Field. Good cards to
devastating card if put upon a champion built up to defeat any team with this psionic power are cards that limit an opponents
champion the opponent could send forward. This card can also ability to play their support into battle, such as the unarmed
make it easier for a player to weed through a large pool of combat card Claw [DR-91], or the mighty magic item, Orb of
champions when the user only has a few champions to bring to Power [4th-170]. With the dungeon card Powers from the
battle. Other good cards to attach to such an attacker would be Savage Land [DU-20] the bonus will rise to a nice plus six. A
Energy Containment [PO-66], Control Wind [PO-74] (If your player that can limit options in battle will strangle his opponents
champion's power isn't that good), Tower of Iron Will [PO-82], deck and hopefully beat it, and this psionic power card is one
Intellect Fortress [PO-83], or Phase [DR-68] since they would that can tighten the grip bringing an opponent closer to defeat
stay with the champion from round to round. Good Psionisist's during battle.
to attach this power to are Lyr of the Mists [PO-23] who would
kill a champion in a player's pool for each attack she got, or Ultrablast
Bilago Lumen [PO-17] who could chip away at the opposing #70 of 100
force weakening them with his level draining power,which is Psionic Power
espeically deadly with other large icon bonus cards attached. +5
One way to foil this card would be to use the event Spirit of the When this card is used, the opponent must draw and discard a
Land [1st-288] if defending a Dark Sun realm, or use a nasty card, noting the last digit. If the number is 2 or less, the
avenging card to kill the psionisist that is attacking such as the opposing champion is discarded. (Off/4)
magic item Dagger of Venom [4th-341].
After the opponent draws and discards a card, checking the
Phase last digit for a zero, one, or two. If he or she find one of these
#68 of 100 numbers they must discard their champion to the discard pile.
Psionic Power If the card number is higher than a two, the psionic power only
Before attacking, a champion can use this power to ignore any gives a plus five during the course of battle, but with the
realms special power. (Def/3) Dungeon card Powers from the Savage Land [DU-20] it would
become a mighty +10 bonus. This card is a weaker form of the
When this power is attached to a champion, that champion famous Vorpal Blade [FR-56], which is more likely to behead,
may ignore any realm's special power that it attack's for the and can be used in more than one battle. If a two or less is
current turn. This psionic power is discarded as soon as this drawn the champion dies and the battle is over. Good cards to
player ends his turn. The champion must still abide by use with this are the champion Marco Volo [3rd-50], or Ren's
formation restrictions, they cannot attack a realm in the back of Crystal Ball [4th-451] since they can do some recon work on
the formation unless they have other means of getting to it. an opponent's deck to make sure the opponent will draw a two
Only offensive powers are ignored by the champion, defensive or less when in battle. The rule card A Sure Thing [NS-74] will
abilities of a realm still function normally. An example of an also ensure a victory in battle without making them draw a
offensive special power would be in the Griff Mountains [DR-5], card. With this card's nice plus and the ability to instantly win a
champions and allies that are not flyers lose their special battle it fits well in a deck based around psionic powers, or
powers attacking this realm. A defensive power also on the support cards looking for a quick and easy win in combat.
Griff Mountains is, defending dragons and giants are double in Cards that negate the affect of this power are the Herald of Mei
base level, and immune to offensive magical items. Since Lung [NS-54], Wyrm's Decree [DU-19], and Mind Shield [PO-
realms do not have offensive or defensive designation each 72] since they protect a player from cards that examine or
player will have to judge the cards in question. A good rule to discard cards from the draw pile. In the event this psionic
follow is that offensive special powers are ones that directly power is put into battle with one of these protective cards in
affect an attacker, and a defensive special power is one that play only its bonus has any affect.

Draconomicon - Página 288

Synaptic Static This psionic power lasts until the end of this player's turn, and
#71 of 100 doubles the level of all magical items used by this player. This
Psionic Power doubles all the magic items used, not just the ones attached to
Use this power at any time to cancel an offensive psionic the champion using this psionic power. Magic items without
power card when it is first played. (Off) level bonuses are not affected by this card unless they gain a
level due to another special power such as Blackmoor [1st-
This psionic power card cancels an offensive psionic power 116] that give levels to magic items. With many magic items
card, not a defensive one, when it is played. The psionic power having pluses of five or higher this card can really boost a
card must be canceled as it is played, otherwise it will be too magic item heavy deck. Some magic items such as Girdle of
late to remove it with this psionic power card even though it Storm Giant Strength [4th-183], Holy Avenger [4th-207], Maul
might stay in play for awhile. Cards that might be canceled are of the Titans [DR-79], Dancing Sword [NS-46], and the
Chameleon Power [PO-64], Molecular Rearrangement [PO- Clockwork Ogre [DU-71] have a +7 or higher bonus, bringing
70], Psionic Blast [PO-93], Body Weaponry [4th-429], and them to over +14 with this psionic power card. A good card to
Ultrablast [DR-70]. Some cards that cannot be affected by this combine with this psionic power card is the wizard spell Steel
psionic power are Combat Mind [DR-67], Superior Invisibility [DL-71] since it increases a magic items bonus. A very good
[4th-425], and Lend Health [4th-430]. Even though Mindwipe, tactic with this psionic power card is to place it on a champion
and Death Field state that no more psionic power cards can be that will either enter battle last or does not plan on going into
played, Synaptic Static may still be played as a counter card. battle at all, because once the champion with the Psychic
This breaks the general rule of first in play, first power to be Blade attached dies this psionic power is lost. An interesting
used. A player that knows the opponent uses a lot of psionic twist is that the Dancing Sword becomes a 14th level
power cards should consider this card as long as they can find champion during the Psychic Blades duration, its base level is
some champions able to use Synaptic Static. Even if a player still seven.
is not sure what to expect this is still good protection from
those nasty psionics. This card is also unique, in that it is an Gauntlets of Combat
offensive counter, meaning it can not be used to counter a #74 of 100
psionic power card used by a champion immune to psionic Magic Item
power cards. Other cards that help stop the playing of psionic +4
power cards are Sadira [4th-277], Vaerhirmana [3rd-263] and The attached champion can use any type of unarmed combat
for cleric casters, Dispel [4th-400] can be used in the same card. (Def)
manner as Synaptic Static. Finally for a player looking for
protection from psionics altogether check out the Dark Sun This magic item will allow any champion the ability to use all
realm Ur Draxa [4th-32]. types of unarmed combat cards, from hero unarmed combat
cards to undead unarmed combat cards to dragon unarmed
Daydream combat cards to the only elf (drow) unarmed combat card Blind
#72 of 100 Side! [4th-440]. This card has a small +4 bonus, but its real
Psionic Power power is in the ability to let one champion use any type of
A champion using this power cannot act agian until the end of unarmed combat card. Building a deck with this card in mind a
his player's next turn. At the beginning of this player's next player can mix the unarmed combat cards to come up with a
turn, he may draw five cards instead of three if the deadly combination of using Undead unarmed combat cards
daydreaming champion is still in play. with Dragon unarmed combat cards. An example is to weaken
an opponent with Level Drain [NS-97] and then go in for the kill
A champion in the Daydream cannot act, they may not enter with Breath Weapon III [DR-96]. This magic item goes well on
battle, aid in battle, use attachments, or use their special high level champions giving them more of an advantage with
powers in any way until the end of this players next turn, even dragon and undead unarmed combat cards since there are a
though the Daydream gives its bonus at the beginning of the few that double the base level, like Supernatural Strength [DU-
turn. At the start of the player's next turn, he or she may draw 78]. Before a player goes wild trying to use all the unarmed
two more cards on this turn as long as the champion combat cards in Spellfire, there have been a few counter cards
Daydreaming is still in play. In play means that the champion is created to halt these nasty support cards, like Body Weaponry
in the pool, not the discard pile, Limbo, Abyss, or Void. The [4th-429], Amulet of the Wyrm [DR-86], and Concealed
card states they may draw five cards this turn instead of three. Weapon [NS-64] to name a few. A great champion to attach
If a player draws more than three on his turn due to a realm or this magic item to is Shan, Karate Master [DU-c15]. He
holding, like Point East Trading Guild [4th-101], then they doubles the level of unarmed combat cards, this would allow
would get six cards this turn since the card grants two bonus him to use the big bonuses of the dragon unarmed combat
cards. If in Limbo on the turn the champion is to come out of cards like Bite [DR-93] that normally has a plus six, but with
the Daydream, the psionic power is wasted, it must be used on Shan is a +12. Another card like this is Belly of the Beast [DU-
the next turn and cannot wait until the champion returns from 10], which grants this same power to all monsters one player
Limbo, making the Horned Society [3rd-117] a good way to has.
battle this card. This is a nice little boost to a player's turn if The champion with the Gauntlets can use any unarmed
they can keep the champion alive for one full round. Even if he combat cards, including those usable only by dragons.
loses the champion during the round it still made the opponent
play a card to kill him. A good tactic is to put the Daydream on Talisman of the Beast
a weaker champion in hopes that the opponent will use a nasty #75 of 100
card to kill the Daydreaming champion instead of more Magic Item
powerful champions in the pool. The event Trapped! (22/DU) +3
has no affect upon the Daydreaming champion for purposes of A champion wearing the talisman can fly and is considered a
foiling this card, since the champion is still in play it has fulfilled dragon. (Def)
is obligation and grants the two cards anyway. Any card that
gives a player more cards is always welcome. The wearer of the talisman gains the ability to fly and is
designated a dragon until the Talisman is removed. The
Psychic Blade attached champion gains all the benefits and hindrances of
#73 of 100 being a dragon, as well as flying benefits and hindrances. In a
Psionic Power well constructed deck this item can make a normal champion
Until the end of this player's turn, all magical items used by this extra powerful. A deck built with a few dragons and a mixture
player's champions are doubled in level. (Def/3) of regular champions can turn into a deadly combination. The
benefits of being a dragon are the champion can, use dragon

Draconomicon - Página 289

unarmed combat cards like Swoop [DR-90], use allies only many unwary adventurers have dumped their treasure
playable on dragons such as the Cult of the Dragon [DR-80], inadvertently into another dimension.
the rule card Age of the Dragon [DR-99] would protect the
attached champion, and the use of all the spells castable only Wand of Negation
by dragons. Hindrances come in the fashion of champions that #78 of 100
affect dragons, like Uldo Dracobane [NS-43] who would Magic Item
ironically discard this magic item that made the champion a During combat only, this wand negates all the immunities of an
dragon in the first place, and cards that kill dragons, like opposing champion (including immunity to offensive magical
Dragonsbane [PO-6] and the event Dragon Slayer [AR-51]. A items). (Off)
good way to protect a champion with this magic item would be
the spell Enchanted Flight [DR-56] making it immune to cards The Wand of Negation is pretty straight forward. It cancels all
that affect flyers. Good champions to attach this magic item to immunities granted to the opposing champion, even if that
are Caller in Darkness [NS-70], Nemon Hotep [NS-67], Tyvorg immunity comes from a source other than the opposing
the Frost Giant [DU-45], and Kalid-na [4th-279]. With so many champion or his attachments. In other words, a pool with the
ways to create a beneficial deck around dragons this is a great Codex of the Infinite Planes [4th-452] in it would not grant
card to aid those nice champions that are not dragons to a immunity to a Greyhawk champion that was opposing a
dragon based deck. champion holding the Wand of Negation. Because the Wand
A champion with the Talisman is considered a dragon in all specifically mentions that it negates immunity to offensive
respects, including use of unarmed combat cards usable only magic items, the order of activation for this item is skewed.
by dragons. Simply consider it's effects first, before all other cards.
Because this card causes no hindrances, this out-of-order
Wand of Magic Detection activation will not unbalance a combat. The wand even
#76 of 100 overpowers opposing attachments which grant immunity, such
Magic Item as the Orb of Power [4th-170]. This wand has no effect on
Use this wand in phase 3 of your turn to force all opponents to cards that hinder the play of certain cards without a stated
show you all magical items and artifacts in their hand and face immunity; i.e. Flesh Golem [4th-235] would not be affected by
down in pools. (Off) this wand, and the Golem would in turn discard the wand,
because the Flesh Golem does not grant immunity to magic
This magic item does not affect combat in any way, except to items, just removes them.
satisfy a requirement like on the Loup-Garou [4th-236]. The Wand of Negation functions against champions with
Instead, it is used during phase 3, and does nothing more then immunity to magical items, and against champions with the
allow the owner of the Wand of Magic Detection to see all Orb of Power.
magic items and artifacts in everyone's hand and pool. This
may, at first, seem like kind of a mundane power, but when Maul of the Titans
applied properly, can have devastating results. When #79 of 100
combined in a deck with such cards as the Loup-Garou, or the Magic Item
Ebony Cup of Fate [FR-c8] the ability to know whether +9
someone has a magic item or artifact can determine where Usable only by giants. The attached champion ignores the
one will attack. This wand also works well with Drawmij [4th- special powers of opposing realms, holdings, and allies. (Def)
276] and his special power, especially when someone's pool
contains champions that can remain face down. Although this The Maul of the Titans is very potent, being a +9 magic item.
is an offensive magic item and is affected by champions that This is balanced by the fact that only those champions
have immunities against it, the Wand will still allow the owner designated as giants can use it. Because of this restriction, this
to look at another player's magic items and artifacts in the magic item would be most useful in a deck with several giants,
hand. or even better, a giant theme deck. Having the Maul of the
Titans allows the attached giant to ignore opposing realm,
Well of Many Worlds holding, and ally special powers. Note that this is not the same
#77 of 100 as negate. Simply put, any special powers of these types that
Magic Item would affect the attached champion, don't. If the special
Discard this card from the attached champion during a round powers target or affect something other than the champion
of combat to send two cards attached to the opposing with the Maul or his attachments, the power is unaffected by
champion to the Abyss. (Off) the Maul. Therefore, Yumac the Cold [4th-311] with the Maul
would not be affected by the Rust Monster [4th-251], as long
This magic item has the ability to send two cards attached to as the Maul was in play first. If the Incantrix [RR-85] were then
an opposing champion to the Abyss. When this power is played against Yumac, all spells would still be dispelled,
activated, this card is discarded. This is a very powerful card, except for any that Yumac had cast.
and may become a target for magic and events if left attached
to someone in the pool. It can be best used if you keep it in Cult of the Dragon
your hand until you wish to use it, then attached it to your #80 of 100
champion, discard it, and send two cards to the Abyss. As long Ally
as the opponent isn't immune to offensive magic items, or has +2
some power that inhibits magic items from being played Playable only with a dragon champion. This ally doubles the
against him, this card is difficult to defend against. This card base level of the attached dragon. It is discarded if forced to
can be most effective when used in a deck that has several switch sides.
cards able to retrieve items from the discard pile, like Halcyon
[1st-c16], Remnis [4th-481], and Tasslehoff Burrfoot [DL-39]. This +2 ally is pretty good for a dragon deck, but won't be very
Attaching the Well of Many Worlds to Halcyon makes it easier useful if you don't have a lot of dragon champions in your
for her to win her round of battle; but beware, because once deck. This ally doubles the base level of the attached dragon
you've sent four or more cards to the Abyss, your cards that champion, then all adjustments are added onto this new base
enable you to get the Well back will become targets, too. level. If Cult of the Dragon is used in conjunction with other
This strange magic item is an excellent way to travel to other cards that increase the base level of the champion, these
planes of existence, but not without a price. Any movement of increases are cumulative. This ally has one bonus ability, it
the Well can change the destination through the Well. A Well cannot be used against it's original champion. If a card were to
of Many Worlds looks remarkably like a portable hole, and force it to switch sides for any reason, it is discarded instead.

Draconomicon - Página 290

The Cult of the Dragon is a group of extremists trying to your opponent has cards such as the Net of Entrapment [4th-
convert all of the dragons of Faerun into dracoliches. The Cult 169] or the Clay Golem [4th-247], this ally will resist their
is feared by dragonkind and humankind alike. Rumors of cultist powers, as long as the Faerie Dragon is played first.
attempts to travel into other worlds populated by dragons are Faerie Dragons are peaceful creatures, opting to play pranks
unfounded, but disturbing. in the company of pixies and sprites over almost any other
lifestyle. They can become invisible at will, and often times
Undead Dragonrider their victim's only clue to the source of some mischief is their
#81 of 100 chime-like laughs and giggles.
+5 Firedrake
Dragon; undead; flyer. All opposing allies that are not undead #84 of 100
or flyers are level 0 and have no special powers. Ally
This +5 ally has a very unique ability. It causes all opposing Dragon; flyer. The base level of an opposing nondragon
allies that are not undead or flyers to be 0 level allies with no champion is reduced to 2 for this round of battle.
powers. Undead Dragonrider has no effect on flying or undead
allies. This ally is considered a dragon, a flyer, and undead, Depending upon the opposing decks, this ally can be quite
and as such gains any bonus or penalty granted by cards that powerful. Although it is already a +6 ally, it's true power lies
affect these types of cards. For example, with Orcus [NS-44] in when it's opponent is a nondragon. In this case, the opposing
the pool, the player of the Undead Dragonrider gets to add 5 to champion's base level is reduced to 2 for this battle. Note that
each undead's base level, including this ally. One card that can this takes place at the time of play of the Firedrake; so if Topaz
increase the usefulness of this ally is Dragon's Graveyard [DR- [4th-300] has already cast Armor [4th-396], her base level
18], because this is a dragon ally, so you can bring it back and would be 12, but after the Firedrake is played, it would be 2. If
use it again. Topaz waited to play armor after the Firedrake, her base level
would only be 3. Dragons and champions that can ignore the
What unholy power merged these two diabolical powers I can special abilities of allies are immune to this effect, but it
only guess at. I do know that the very sight of the undead on remains a +6 ally. As a flyer and dragon, it is subject to all the
dragonback will cause the most stalwart man-at-arms to freeze benefits and hindrances that these designations entail. This
in sheer terror. ally is very strong with the Sword of Sharpness [DU-64], which
- Athena Fernwood, Halfling mercenary annd collector of many would kill the opposing champion reduced to base level 2 if not
fine baubles. immune to this ally's power, or to the sword.
The Firedrake's blood is very volatile, in fact, it literally burns
Dragonne within their veins. More than once an unsuspecting swordsman
#82 of 100 attacked a firedrake, only to be killed by the resulting spray of
Ally burning blood.
Dragon; flyer. This ally can use unarmed combat cards usable Drake
only by dragons. Playing this ally discards an opposing ally of #85 of 100
+2 or less already in play. Ally
When this ally is brought into play, one ally of +2 or less that is Dragon; flyer. This ally can be discarded from a player's hand
already in play for the other player can be discarded (this to prevent a dragon champion from going to the discard pile for
player's choice). The Dragonne also has the ability to use all any reason.
unarmed combat cards that can only be used by dragons. This
is different than granting the champion the ability to use these Possibly one of the best dragon allies to date, the Drake has a
cards. If the opposing champion has restricted a champion tremendous power. This +5 ally has the ability to stop any
from playing unarmed combat cards, this ally attached to the dragon champion from being sent to the discard pile, by
restricted champion could still play unarmed combat cards substituting the Drake instead. This includes losing a battle or
(usable only by dragons, not others) unless the ally was being affected by spells or special powers. A dragon champion
included in the hindrance. saved this way gets to keep his attachments, even if losing the
The Dragonne is a solitary creature, and at a distance is often battle would normally make them be lost. An attacking dragon
mistaken for a large lion. This creature seems to be a blend of saved this way prevents the defender from getting spoils of
a lion and a brass dragon; a deadly combination indeed. It's victory. The Drake's power does not include fulfilling the
roar is deafening, and can send the most stalwart of troops requirements of cards like avatars or Labor of Legend [4th-
fleeing in fear. 122], since negating the discard means the special power was
not fullfilled, and therefore does not complete. It also doesn't
Faerie Dragon cover dragons discard from outside play, like Limbo or the
#83 of 100 hand, OR save the dragon from other discards (like to the
Ally Abyss). Of course, this only works for dragon champions, but if
+3 used in conjunction with Dragon's Crown Mountains [4th-39]
Flyer. This ally can cast wizard spells. The faerie dragon and Dragon's Crown [DR-15], this ability would work on any
cannot be forced to switch sides or be discarded in combat for champion. Cards able to bring back allies from the discard pile,
any reason. like Dragon's Graveyard [DR-18], Heal [RV-45] and Divine
Intervention [DL-81] help further this card's usefulness.
This +3 ally is considered a flyer, therefore it is subject to such Even if defeated in combat, a champion retains his attached
cards. It has the ability to cast wizard spells, so it is best used items if rescued by the Drake. If the Drake is used to prevent a
in a deck that has some spells. As this is an ally, it need never defeated attacking dragon from being discarded, the defender
ask permission to cast spells, except from Lareth, King of does not receive Spoils of Victory.
Justice [DR-31]. The Faerie Dragon can cast all spells The Drake does not prevent a dragon champion from being
designated as only castable by dragons. The Faerie Dragon discarded from the hand (such as through the use of Hettman
also has the ability to resist being discarded or forced to switch Tsurin). It also does not prevent a dragon champion from being
sides for any reason. Any attempts to do so upon the Faerie sent to the Abyss.
Dragon simply fail. Once in play, this ally is only discarded at
the end of battle. This ally works well against an opponent who
you know has cards that restrict allies in his hand. If you know

Draconomicon - Página 291

Cúpula BSW 2016: quando o poder deste aliado é usado para someone who only has dragon champions in his pool, or has a
prevenir que um campeão dragão seja descartado, as cartas dragon champion and some champion he normally wouldn't
anexadas permanecem com o campeão afetado. want to bring into battle, like Hettman Tsurin [4th-257]. Even
can even save a dragon deck against the horrors of the
Amulet of the Wyrm Dragon Hatchling [DR-c8].
#86 of 100
Artifact Mighty Servant of Leuk-o
+4 #89 of 100
This artifact can only be attached to a dragon champion of any AD&D
world. The champion can cast any spell and is immune to Artifact
offensive unarmed combat cards. +8
A champion with this artifact is immune to the special powers
This +4 AD&D artifact can only be attached to dragons, of champions and allies of level 5 or less.
although they can be from any world. The power of this artifact
grants immunity to all offensive unarmed combat cards, and The Mighty Servant of Leuk-o is an AD&D artifact, and can
the attached champion can cast any spell. This spell-casting only be attached to AD&D champions. This artifact grants to
ability includes spells that can only be cast by a specific type of the attached champion immunity to the special powers of both
champion, like Minions of Darkness [DU-97] and spells that champions and allies of base level 5 or less. This can be very
require a minimum adjusted level to cast, like Preservation useful against those low-level allies with devastating powers.
[TU-53]. Although this artifact is limited to just dragon This immunity does not apply to special powers that do not
champions, when combined with cards like Talisman of the target the champion or his attachments. The Assassins [4th-
Beast [DR-75], almost any champion can take advantage of 221], for example, would still be able to kill a champion if on
these abilities. To gain the most out of this card, attach it to a the losing side, as long as it wasn't the champion with the
champion that cannot normally cast spells, like Flare [DR-38] Mighty Servant. This immunity works for the attached
or Zielesch, Ancient Green Dragon [AR-73]. champion whether he's engaged in battle or in the pool. This is
very valuable since champions chosen with low levels tend to
Fang of the Dragon be very powerful, and this card is one of only a few ways to
#87 of 100 stop champions such as the Headless Horseman [RV-88],
Artifact since immunity transends the order of activation. Cards that
+4 work well with this artifact are the Tablets of Fate [FR-99] and
This artifact can only be attached to a dragon champion of any the Living Wall [PO-58] if it uses the Ego Coin [3rd-419] to
world. The champion can use any psionic power card or blood attach the Mighty Servant.
This +4 AD&D artifact can only be attached to dragons, #90 of 100
although they can be from any world. The Fang grants it's Unarmed Combat Card
wearer the ability to use all psionic power cards and blood Usable only by dragons. This maneuver doubles the base level
ability cards, including ones that limit the users. Naturally, this of an attacking dragon if the opposing champion cannot fly.
artifact is most effective in a deck with several dragon (Def/4)
champions. If your deck also includes cards that can make
other champions into dragons, like the Talisman of the Beast This unarmed combat card can only be used by dragons, or a
[DR-75], it can greatly increase the Fang's usefulness to a champion using an item like the Gauntlets of Combat [DR-74].
deck that is not completely made up of dragon champions. If This card has no inherent bonus, instead it doubles the users
the Fang of the Dragon is teamed up with the Amulet of the base level, but only if the opponent cannot fly. This card has a
Wyrm [DR-86] via the Ego Coin [3rd-419], this champion could nice effect, but must be played carefully. If it is used against
use almost all of the supportr cards (not including thief skills or someone who can fly, or someone who gains the ability to fly,
unarmed combat cards, which the original champion might by playing cards like Winged Boots [4th-186] for example,
have the power to do). Of course, unless your deck has Swoop becomes useless. Swoop can be made more effective
several psionic power cards or blood ability cards, this artifact if coupled with cards that discourage flying, like the Noble
will prove to be a poor choice. Also, these other powers could Djinni [3rd-84], when defending realms like Menzoberranzan
be picked up with other cards, like Cities of the Sun [DU-29], [4th-1], or with a Reverse Gravity [4th-385] spell ready.
making the Fang even more pointless. Strangely, this card does not require the using dragon to have
the ability to fly. This card can be countered with cards such as
Orb of the Eternal Dragon Evade [DR-98], but not Block [RR-99] because it is a defensive
#88 of 100 card.
This artifact can only be attached to dragon champions of any Claw
world. The level bonus of all cards attached to this dragon are #91 of 100
doubled. Opposing dragons cannot enter battle against this Unarmed Combat Card
champion. +4
Usable only be dragon champions. Victims of this maneuver
Even though this AD&D artifact has no level bonus, it is still can play no further allies or magical items in this battle. (Off/4)
quite a potent artifact. This potency is balanced by the fact that
it can only be attached to dragon champions, although they This unarmed combat card can only be played by dragon
can be from any world. The main power this conveys is that all champions, or a champion using an item like the Gauntlets of
cards attached to this champion with a level bonus are doubled Combat [DR-74]. Not only is this a +4 maneuver, but it also
in level. This includes magic items, allies, spells, unarmed prohibits the opposing player from using any new allies or
combat cards, etc. This doubling effect does not affect cards magic items. Magic items and allies already in play function
without an icon bonus or events, nor does it refer to any normally, unless their power involves adding allies or magic
special powers granted by any attached cards. For example, items to the champion. For example, if the Hypnosnake [RR-
the Javelin of Lightning [4th-203] would be a +4 magic item 82] were in play before Claw was played, it would still be a +3
(normally +2) but the Orb would have no effect on +7 offensive ally, but after the Claw had been played, the Hypnosnake
spell that can be cast through the Javelin. An added bonus to would not be able to make an ally switch sides. This card
this artifact is the fact that no dragons can enter battle with the works best with cards that already limit the opponent or have
attached champion. This can be very effective against some immunities; like Rauglothgor [DR-34] or Fi Lendicol [DR-

Draconomicon - Página 292

33], or with another unarmed combat card, like Tail Sweep dragon decks. This card can be countered with cards such as
[DR-92]. Another useful combination is to use Claw, and then Evade [DR-98] or Block [RR-99].
play Loup-Garou [4th-236], leading to instant victory. This card
can be countered with cards such as Evade [DR-98] or Block Breath Weapon II
[RR-99]. #95 of 100
Unarmed Combat Card
Tail Sweep +6
#92 of 100 Usable only by dragon champions. Discards an opposing
Unarmed Combat Card champion or ally of base level 4 or less. (Off/4)
Usable only by dragon champions. Victims of this maneuver This is a +6 unarmed combat card that is only usable by
can play no further spells, psionic power cards, or blood dragons champions. When this card is played, the player of
abilities in this battle. (Off/4) this card can choose to have the opposing champion or one
ally discarded as long as it is of level 4 or less. If the champion
This unarmed combat card can only be played by dragon is base level 4 or less and is discarded, the round of combat is
champions, or a champion using an item like the Gauntlets of over. If used by the attacker, he may attack again with another
Combat [DR-74]. The +5 level adjustment is large enough to champion. If used by the defender, he may draw his spoils of
warrant adding this to a dragon deck, but it is its additional victory. If instead an ally is discarded, combat continues as
power that truly makes it worthy. As soon as Tail Sweep is usual. Note that this card affects allies or champions with base
played, the opponent can no longer play any spells, psionic level of 4 or less. Also, this cannot affect a champion that is in
power cards, or blood abilities during this battle. This restriction a pool, only the champion in combat. Any card that reduces an
does not apply to other champions who can help in combat opponent's base level will work well with this card. The
from their pool. Any good dragon deck with several unarmed Skeletal Lord [4th-217] and Sword of the High King [PO-5] are
combat cards is sure to include this one, and when coupled good examples. This card can be countered with cards such
with any number of the other unarmed combat cards for as Evade [DR-98] or Block [RR-99].
dragons, can severely restrict the opponents. However, if the
opponent is playing the theme without using these cards, this Breath Weapon III
card is merly a +5. This card can be countered with cards such #96 of 100
as Evade [DR-98] or Block [RR-99]. Unarmed Combat Card
Bite Usable only by dragon champions. Discards an opposing
#93 of 100 champion of base level 5 or less or any two opposing allies.
Unarmed Combat Card (Off/4)
Usable only by dragons. Victims of this maneuver must discard This +8 unarmed combat card is a more powerful version of
an attached magical item or discard the first one they play if Breath Weapon II [DR-95]. It also can force the opponent to
they have none attached. (Off/4) discard a champion or ally. Breath Weapon III is more powerful
in that you can choose to discard a champion of base level 5
This +6 unarmed combat card can only be played by or less. If you opt to not discard the champion, or it is too high
champions designated as dragons. This card causes the a level, you can force any two opposing allies to be discarded,
opposing champion to discard one attached magic item, or if regardless of their level. The allies to be discarded are your
he has none, discard the first one attached. If the affected choice, but this card will not affect allies that have a special
champion has more than one attached magic item, he gets to power that prevents their removal from combat, like the Faerie
choose which one he has to discard. This card can be used to Dragon [DR-83]. Even without this power, the +8 bonus makes
get rid of those nasty magic items, like Bell of Might [FR-c18] this card worthwhile. Cards that reduce an opponent's base
or Net of Entrapment [4th-169]. As long as Bite is played level are good combination choices with Breath Weapon III.
before any other magic items are added to a champion, you Another card that works very well with this card is Time of
can be assured which one will be discarded. To be able to get Troubles [FR-99], because then only level 6 champions would
to the champion with the magic item you're after, attack with a not be affected by this Breath Weapon. This card can be
dragon like Stryck [1st-c17] who can choose her opponent countered with cards such as Evade [DR-98] or Block [RR-99]
from the pool. If Stryck has a lower level then her chosen (though the though of picturing a block of a Breath Weapon is
opponent, you can play Bite before your opponent can do a funny sight).
anything. This also works well with Loup-Garou [4th-236], to
guarentee either a magic item is discarded or the opposing Swallow Whole
champion loses. Bite can be countered with cards such as #97 of 100
Evade [DR-98] or Block [RR-99]. Unarmed Combat Card
Usable only by dragon champions. Play once a dragon's total
Breath Weapon I level exceeds 24 to swallow (discard) the opposing champion
#94 of 100 and automatically win the round of battle. (Off/4)
Unarmed Combat Card
+4 This unarmed combat card can only be used under very
Usable only by dragon champions. Instantly destroys all allies specific circumstances, but if you can satisfy the requirements,
of +3 or less. (Off/4) you get results. This card can only be used by dragon
champions, and that champion has to have an adjusted level
Breath Weapon I is a +4 unarmed combat card usable only by of at least 25 (exceeding level 24). Once this has happened,
dragon champions. When this card is played, all opposing Swallow Whole can be played, and unless it is immediately
allies of +3 or less are instantly discarded. Allies of level 4+ or countered, the opponent is discarded. This card works very
allies played after Breath Weapon I are unaffected. An much the same as Kevin's Blade of Doom [3rd-206], except
excellent card to use in conjunction with Breath Weapon I is that this card works against those champions that are immune
the Sword of the High King [PO-5] or the spell Melt Stone [PO- to offensive magic items, while the Blade of Doom does not.
92] because they reduces all allies to +1, in which case this This card is great in a deck that also contains Kevin's Blade of
card could remove all attached allies. A bad choice would be to Doom, and plays well in conjunction with such cards as
use this card with Tamarand, Great Gold Wyrm [DR-30] as Surprise Raid [4th-121], Complete Surprise [NS-25], and Age
allies of +3 or less cannot be played against him. Genberally, Dragon [TU-55]. When in combat with another dragon
much better cards can be chosen for any deck, especially champion, be careful. If that champion gets over 24 first, make

Draconomicon - Página 293

sure you raise your level just enough to satisfy this cards level of you who just can't get enough out of the play (as opposed to
requirements, without going over your opponent's level. just being the winner), you had better include this rule card in
Otherwise, she will be able to play the next card, and you may all of your decks. To help keep this rule intact, it has immunity
find yourself swallowed whole. This card can be countered with to all spells and events, and remains in effect until the end of
cards such as Evade [DR-98] or Block [RR-99]. the game, even if another rule card is played. This means that
even if this rule card is removed from play it's effects continue
Evade until the game ends, as if it were still in play. When this rule
#98 of 100 card is in play in a 110-card game in which ten realms are
Unarmed Combat Card required to win, the ten-realm victory condition remains, but a
Usable by any champion. Play at any time to cancel the effects player must have ten unrazed realms at the start of his turn to
of an unarmed combat card. (Def) win. A way to circumvent this card's power a little is to play
Menzoberranzan [4th-1] or Caer Allison [FR-3] as your sixth
This should be a standard in many Spellfire decks, especially if realm during your phase 0, thus fulfilling the requirements of
you don't know what type of deck you're going to be going up The Battle Must Go On! without subjecting all six realms to
against. Evade can be used by all champions, and it works to your opponent's attacks. Another way is to play Caravan at the
cancel the effects of any unarmed combat card. This works on end of your turn, which gives you another turn, and if not
both offensive and defensive combat cards, and since it can be canceled, victory.
played at any time, all one needs to use it is have a champion Note the different wording in the first paragraph of this rule
in play anywhere (in combat or in the pool). This fits right in card. Even if this rule card is removed from play, if a new rule
with the other cards used as canceling agents, like Limited card is played or with Wish , Ellorelloran, or Gib Kcir, the
Wish [4th-382], Helm [4th-255], Dispel [4th-400], and Dodge revised victory conditions remain in effect.
[RR-c12]. Although similar in power to Dodge, Evade is not an When this rule card is in play in a 110-card game in which ten
event, and therefore can be played even when cards such as realms are required to win, the ten-realm victory condition
Year of Plenty [AR-98] are in effect. Just like Dispel and Dispel remains, but a player must have ten unrazed realms at the
Magic [4th-370], an Evade can even be used to cancel another start of his turn to win.
Evade; as long as it is played immediately after the first, thus The victory conditions can be met at the beginning of any turn,
allowing the original combat card first evaded to take effect. including turns gained through Caravan or Ancient Kalidnay.

Age of the Dragon T'chaar, Dragon of Flame

#99 of 100 #1 of 25
Rule Card AD&D
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not Monster
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any 12
other rule card is played. All dragon champions and dragon Flyer. T'chaar thrives on destruction and may use any
allies in play are immune to offensive spells, magical items, offensive card (spells, psionic powers, unarmed combat, blood
and psionic power cards." abilities, etc.). Defensive cards played against T'chaar are
doubled in icon level.
When another rule card is put into play, this card must be
discarded. Rule cards must be played before cards are drawn T'chaar is a dragon and a flyer, and is affected by cards that
at the beginning of a player's turn, or as spoils of victory. This target dragons and flyers. T'chaar is a great champion for
rule card is a good choice for all those dragon theme decks out offensive-themed decks, especially when cards of many types
there. The immunities granted by this card extend to both are used together. Aside from being one of the highest level
champions and allies designated as dragons, but remember non-avatars, T'chaar can use any offensive card, regardless of
that this applies to your opponent's dragons as well, and most type, in or out of combat. This means that he can fill the roles
decks have one or two. These immunities are understood to be of several champion types when you are looking to use certain
offensive spells, offensive magical items, and offensive psionic cards in your deck. However, offensive cards with
power cards, even though it doesn't specify "offensive" in front requirements still must be fullfilled. Therefore, T'chaar still can't
of the last two. This immunity covers cards in battle as well as use the Sword of the High King, since T'chaar is a monster.
the pool. If you don't have all dragon champions, but are able Any card marked (Def) and bearing an icon level is doubled in
to get Dragon's Crown Mountain [4th-39] in play with the level when played against T'chaar in combat. Allies and
Dragon's Crown [DR-15] attached, all of your champions will artifacts are neither offensive nor defensive, and are not
be covered by the Age of the Dragon. doubled; cards that do not have an icon level are also not
affected. Goibhniu's Warhammer [TU-32] is a good choice for
T'chaar, as he is already level 12. Horn of Change [RR-c10] is
The Battle Must Go On!
also a good choice, as protection against defensive cards with
#100 of 100 high icon bonuses.
Rule Card T'chaar's power allows him, generally, to use offensive cards.
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not However, specific requirements of the card must still be met.
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until the For example, the magical item Sword of the High King cannot
end of the game. It is immune to spells and events. A player be used by monsters, so T'chaar cannot use this card.
must have six unrazed realms at the start of his turn in order to
win. Further, any player who runs out of cards must shuffle his
Lair Raid
discard pile and use that as his new draw pile.
#2 of 25
Rule cards must be played before cards are drawn at the Event
beginning of a player's turn, or as spoils of victory. This rule Until the end of this player's next turn, all dragons are halved in
card has two separate powers, but one of them is now level when in combat with nondragon champions. While this
repetitive of the current rules, unless you are playing under event is in play, all dragons lose their special powers.
some rules variant. Currently, whenever a player runs out of (Harmful)
draw cards, they must re-shuffle their discard pile and use it as This event is useful if your opponent uses several dragons in
a new draw pile, so this rule is not all that impressive. The their deck. It is especially useful when playing against
other power of The Battle Must Go On! is what really gives it champions like T'chaar [DR-c1], Lareth [DR-31], and the
it's name. In order to win, a player must have six unrazed dragon avatars. The best time to play this event is during your
realms at the beginning of his turn. In other words, he must be own turn for maximum effect. The adjusted level of all dragons,
able to defend all of his realms through everybody else's turn. including your own, are halved while in combat with nondragon
This can drastically extend the length of the game, so for those champions. Note that the halving does not affect champions in

Draconomicon - Página 294

the pool nor dragons fighting other dragons. The more useful Greyhawk
part of this event is in the removal of special powers of Monster
dragons. For instance, the Celestial Emperor [DR-43] would 10
not be able to choose opponents for that player's dragons or Dragon; flyer; swimmer. During combat, Cron's powerful acid
be immune to champion and ally powers until the end of your breath can destroy any single attachment of an opposing
next turn. A useful combination with this event is the rule card champion.
The Event Wheel [4th-497], which can keep it in play until two
further events that remain in play are played. This champion is a dragon, flyer, and swimmer, and is affected
by cards that target those qualities. Cron is a powerful
I only ever pulled one lair raid, it is a risky business. But once champion in combat, able to destroy any one card attached to
we made off with the goods I almost felt sorry for the wyrm. an opposing champion. This power does not have to be used
The poor beast was so distraught over it's missing horde that at the beginning of combat; it can be used on any card
he just laid there and cried, go figure! subsequently played if the power has not yet been used. This
- Athena Fernwood, Halfling mercenary annd collector of many is a great champion to use when your opponent likes
fine baubles. defending with instant victory attachments, like Blamblower
[DL-56]. However, it doesn't help in defense, since those
Boreas attachments can activate first. Cron's high level (10) and ability
#3 of 25 to fly and swim make him a great choice for an attacking deck.
AD&D Some good cards to play with Cron are Undead Dragonrider
Monster [DR-81], Loup-Garou [4th-236], and Ki-Rin [4th-248].
Dragon; flyer. Boreas can cast wizard spells. He can charm Draconic Allies
opposing champions, forcing them to give him an attached #6 of 25
item (this player's choice). At the end of the battle, the Event
attachement is shuffled into the owning player's draw pile. Until the end of this player's turn, his champions may attack
This champion is a dragon and flyer, and is affected by cards any realm, regardless of restrictions. These champions attack
that target dragons and flyers. Boreas is a good combat with surprise, preventing the opposing player from playing
champion. Once per round of combat that he is involved in, he cards other than allies in the battle. (Harmful)
may force the opposing champion to give him an attached card
(not just magic items, as it says attachment later in the power). This event is good for decks with powerful attacking
The choice need not be immediate, if so desired. If the champions that have no special movement abilities, like the
attachment is usable by Boreas, it adds to his current total. If Living Wall [PO-58]. The champion may attack any realm
the attachment that Boreas chooses is not usable, such as an regardless of restrictions. Allies must still be able to fulfill any
artifact from another world, it is set aside and shuffled back restrictions. The second part of this event is even more useful,
into the owning player's draw pile at the end of the battle. preventing an opposing champion from playing any cards other
Good cards to use with Boreas are the Loup-Garou [RL-79] than allies during battle. Cards already attached to the
and Ki-Rin [4th-248], which force the opponent to play a card, opposing champion function normally. This also is interesting,
which Boreas can then steal if he has not yet used his power. since the opponent can play no counter cards during this time,
If Boreas does not use his power immediately, and an instant- as it restricts the player from playing those cards into the battle
defeat card is played (such as the Loup-Garou), he may steal (not just the opposing champion). A good item to use when this
the card before its powers are activated, forcing his opponent event is in play is Net of Entrapment [3rd-217], so that no
into that position instead. cards may be played by the opposing champion during
combat, or Loup-Garou [RV-79], which leads to instant victory
Morcanth Dragontamer as the opponent can't play magic items.
#4 of 100
Forgotten Realms Lernaean Hydra
Hero #7 of 25
6 AD&D
Flyer. Dragons cannot opose Morcanth in battle. In combat, Monster
she can force any dragon champion to act as her ally, adding ?
its level and special power to her own. If she is defeated, the The Lernaean Hydra has a base level equal to the adjusted
dragon champion allied with her is also discarded. level of the champion opposing it when combat is first entered.
When in the player's pool, it is immune to offensive spells,
This champion is a flyer, and is affected by cards that target psionic power cards and harmful events.
flyers. Dragons cannot oppose Morcanth in battle. If Morcanth
defends against a dragon, it returns to its pool, and the battle This is an unusual champion, and very useful in defense
may not continue with a new champion (since the attacker was against opponents who use artifacts and magic items. The
defeated, however, no spoils may be drawn). If Morcanth is base level of the Hydra in combat is the adjusted level of its
attacking, a dragon champion cannot be brought out in opponent when first put into the battle. This means that a
defense unless they are immune to Morcanth's special power. defending Lernaean Hydra will never play the first card into
Morcanth can also use any dragon champion as an ally. That battle. While in the pool, the Hydra has no level, which is not
champion is now vulnerable to all cards that target allies. If the same as a level of zero (though it is counted as such for
Morcanth is defeated (not necessarily discarded), the dragon deck creation). Cards that rely on affecting champions of a
champion is discarded. This is a good way to remove powerful certain level do not affect this champion if it is not in combat
dragon champions. A good card to use with Morcanth is with another champion, as it has no level to compare to the
Winged Boots [AR-20]; if Morcanth is defeated by a non-flyer, effect. For instance, the Spiderfell [BR-3] would force the
she returns to her pool, while any dragon champion she has player using the Hydra to discard a card, but since there is no
used as an ally is still discarded. Scimitar of Speed [4th-205] is opposing champion yet to provide a level, the Hydra is not
also useful in this regard. discarded by the realm. The Hydra's immunities only take
If a dragon attacks and Morcanth defends, the attacking effect while in the pool, so it makes an excellent champion to
dragon returns to its pool and the battle is over. since the attach potent magic items or artifacts to that shouldn't go into
attacker was not discarded, no Spoils of Victory is drawn. combat, like the Bag of Holding [AR-28], or the Throne of the
Mountain God [4th-510]. The Lernean Hydra is not immune to
Cron the Black cards while in combat, so cards like the Orb of Power [4th-170]
#5 of 25 are useful to make the Hydra a powerful champion in combat.

Draconomicon - Página 295

If the Hydra goes into combat, gets a level, and then can't act Rule Card
(ala Time of Troubles [FR-99]), then the Hydra returns to his Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not
pool and another champion must be chosen. discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
If the Hydra enters a battle, has its base level determined, and other rule card is played. During phase 2, a player can opt to
for some reason (such as Time of Troubles being in play) raze one of his own realms, in addition to playing a realm or
cannot be in battle due to its level, the Hydra returns to its holding. While this rule is in effect, the first player to have six
pool. Another champion may be selected for the battle. razed realms in his formation for one full turn wins, instead of
the normal winning conditions. Players may attack razed
Dragon Hatchling realms in another player's formation to discard them, if
#8 of 100 successful.
Monster This is a sneaky card to play in a game. It is also a card to
2 build deck strategy around; don't include this card unless you
Dragon champions will not fight against the Dragon Hatchling. plan your deck around it. In phase 2, a player may raze one of
If defeated in battle, the discard piles of all players are shuffled his own realms. They may also play a realm or holding; note
back into their draw piles. that the rule card prevents the playing of one of each. A player
This champion is useful against dragon champions, but it must have six razed realms for one full turn around the table to
should only be included in your deck if you plan to use the win, turns gained by Caravan [4th-131] or Ancient Kalidnay
second part of its special power. This champion is a dragon, [AR-92] do not count for victory purposes, like they do for in
and is affected by cards that target dragons. The Hatchling is a the Barbarian's Rule varient. A razed realm may be discarded
champion that will almost certainly lose any combat with its in the same fashion that unrazed realms may be razed; if a
level of 2, so the use of its special power is virtually assured. It champion attacks and there is no defense, the realm is
shuffles all players' discard piles back into their draw piles, discarded. Realm champions of razed realms cannot defend. A
including the discarded Dragon Hatchling (if he was good card to include in a deck using Playing to Lose is Iuz, the
discarded). If you play in a style that uses cards quickly, or Avatar of Evil [4th-488] as well as any of the realms that can
uses cards such as allies that are one use only, this card is be raised to activate that realm's special power, such as
useful in the same way as the Myrmidons [3rd-61]. The Ancient Kalidnay or the Scarlet Brotherhood [3rd-135].
Hatchling also provides an easy defense against powerful A player must have six razed realms in his formation for a full
champions. There are many times you will want a low level turn (phase 2 to phase 2) in order to meet the victory
champion to fight combat with. Either to aviod certain level conditions of Playing to Lose.
restrictions, like opposing the Living Wall [PO-58], or to allowe
yourself to be the first to play support cards, like Fight Dirty! Wyvern
[DU-c3], in combat. The Dragon Hatchling fills this description #11 of 25
nicely, especially when considering that there are few dragon AD&D
champions under level 5. Monster
When defeated, the Dragon Hatchling is also reshuffled into 4
the draw pile. The Wyvern's poisonous sting is extremely deadly. Each ally
played with it reduces the opposing champion by half that
Dragon Cultist many levels. (rounded down
#9 of 25
Forgotten Realms The Wyvern has been bluelined a flyer. It is NOT a dragon.
Cleric This champion can be useful if the deck includes many allies.
8 Each time an ally is played with the Wyvern, the opposing
The Dragon Cultist can raise dragons from the dead. Every champion loses half as many levels as that ally (rounded
turn that this champion doesn't attack, his player may return down). That means if the Wyvern has Ancient Dracolich [NS-
one dragon champion from his discard pile to his hand. 81] played with it (level 9), then the opposing champion loses 4
levels, for a total of 13 levels swung to your side of the battle.
This card has been the bane of the Spellfire Mailing List for Anything that enhances the allies level as it is played (such as
years, because of the old ruling that any champion with the the Banner of the Two-Eyed God [4th-163]) also increases the
single word "Dragon" in it's name is a dragon, so this Cultist is amount the opposing champion is reduced in level. The
a dragon for all card effects. This card is a must for any deck Wyvern needs ligh level allies to win combat. A useful item for
featuring dragons. By placing this champion in a pool with the Wyvern to have is the Staff of Conjuring [3rd-105], to more
dragons, it assures a player that champions will be available. fully utilize its power.
Do not attack with this champion; he is there only to revive
your lost dragons. This champion can quickly become a target, Wyvern's bear a close resemblance to dragons, but are
and has no inherent immunities; so provide him with actually very different creatures. They lack the devastating
protection, like the Orb of Power [4th-170] or Pearl Pegasus breath weapon of dragonkind, but do not let this disarm you!
[DU-70]. The Dragon Cultist can retrieve both dragon The poisonous stinger of the Wyvern has sent many
champions and dragon allies, which makes this card a adventurers to an early grave.- Raz-goul, alchemist and sage.
cornerstone of most dragon decks. His power is always used
during phase 5, after all attacking is done, due to the restriction Charm, the Crystal Dragon
based on his attacking. Orb of Green Dragonkind [3rd-424] is a #12 of 25
good card to add to a dragon deck using the Cultist, thus AD&D
doubling your recycling power. Cleric
The Dragon Cultist's power is used in phase 5. 9
The Dragon Cultist can retrieve both dragon champions and Flyer. Charm can cast wizard spells and use psionic power
dragon allies, which makes this card a cornerstone of most cards. If opposed when she attacks, her dazzling breath
dragon decks. Orb of Green Dragonkind (424/4th) is a good weapon destroys all holdings in that player's formation.
card to add to a dragon deck using the Cultist, thus doubling
your recycling power. Charm is a dragon and flyer, and is affected by cards that
Per Jim Butler, the Spellfire Oracle, the Dragon Cultist is target dragons and flyers. Charm is a versatile champion, able
considered a dragon, because it has "dragon" in the name. to use wizard and cleric spells, and psionic power cards. This
is useful in decks where many types of cards are included, to
Playing to Lose help ensure those cards are playable once in your hand. If
#10 of 25 Charm attacks, and a champion is used to defend, all holdings

Draconomicon - Página 296

in that formation are destroyed. If no champion defends, the from the hand, and a player who cannot discard a realm from
special power is not used. Charm's user can take advantage of her hand must discard all attached items (artifacts and magic
this by attacking the realm with the annoying holding with items). Sapphire can be a game saving champion if the
Charm. That way, whether or not the realm is defended, the opponent is forced to discard what would have been the
holding can be destroyed, which is a great way to get rid of winning realm. Since Sapphire's power activates at the start of
Mulmaster [1st-33]. battle (before the order of activation), cards that steal magic
items (like Drawmij [4th-276]) can't help deal with Sapphire's
Chimera power. This makes Sapphire a popular champion in any deck
#13 of 25 using dragons. Sapphire is also one of the few AD&D
Ally champions able to use psionic power cards, which again
+9 makes this a popular champion in AD&D based decks that use
Flyer. When played in combat, the Chimera uses its fiery the Highmaster Illithios [DU-c21]. Interestingly, the oft forgotten
breath to blast away one card in the opposing champion's spell Protection from Lightning [3rd-368] will function as a
force (excluding the champion). prevention card for Sapphire's lightning breath.

The Chimera is a flyer, and is affected by cards that target Glimmer the Brass Dragon
flyers. The Chimera is a powerful ally, with a special power #16 of 25
worthy of most champions (in fact, most similar to Cron the AD&D
Black [DR-c5]). When played, the Chimera discards one card Hero
attached to the opposing champion, including cards like 7
unarmed combat cards. Flyer; earthwalker. Glimmer can cast cleric spells. He has a
This ally is a good candidate for use with Giv Hcivonad [NS- large hoard and is constantly adding to it. Whenever he is
c19], to turn into a champion. The Chimera uses its power victorious in battle, his player can return a magical item or
immediately upon being played, and may not be held for later artifact from his discard pile and attach it to Glimmer.
use (meaning it also must be used at the start of the battle if Glimmer is a dragon, flyer, and earthwalker, and is affected by
Chimera is made a champion). It should also be remembered cards that target those qualities. Glimmer may retrieve one
that the Chimera only destroys cards, not support bonuses magic item or artifact from the discard pile each time he is
from other cards (like the allies given by the Triumverate victorious in battle (this does not require spoils to be drawn.
realms). The Chimera is a great addition to any attacking deck. These items must be attached to Glimmer. Artifacts must still
Some other allies that have similar powers are the Ancient be attached legally. The Ego Coin [2nd-419] is a good choice
Dracolich [NS-81] and the Brine Dragon [4th-237]. for Glimmer, to allow him to retrieve artifacts from any world
and attachment, as well as the Wand of Orcus [4th-456], since
Red Dragon Figurine Glimmer is AD&D and this would help him win the battle.
#14 of 25 Another great combo for Glimmer is the Blamblower [DL-56].
Magic Item At the start of battle, you blow up the Blamblower (discarding
+5 and defeating the opponent unless he started the battle with a
This magical item can be attached to a champion to add 5 +6 or greater ally in battle), then retrieve it with Glimmer's
levels or may be played as a level 5 monster (dragon) power. This would be especially nasty with Dragon Raid! [DR-
champion. (Def) 20] in play. Since Glimmer's power activates after winning a
battle, there must be a battle, i.e. if Glimmer is unopposed
This is a useful magical item. If you receive a bad draw, and when he attacks, his power does not activate. Glimmer can be
are short on champions, this magic item can serve as a a good addition to a recycling theme deck. Other cards that
substitute. It is similar to the powers of the Obsidian Man of have similar powers would be Halcyon [1st-c16] and Remnis
Urik [AR-14]. Note, however, that once this magic item is [4th-481].
attached to a champion, it cannot be used as a champion
itself. Since most dragons are very high in level many dragon Treasure Horde
decks have fewer champions then you might like, the Figurine #17 of 25
gives you an extra dragon champion (though the champion Event
cannot fly). When played as a champion the Red Dragon Rumors of a great treasure lure dragons from their lairs.
Figurine is considered an AD&D monster and dragon for all Dragon champions in play are sent to Limbo and cannot return
cards that effect AD&D champions, monsters, and dragons. until their owner discards one magical item for each champion.
You may even attach an AD&D artifact to the Figurine (Harmful)
This is a very effective way to remove dragon champions from
Perhaps the rarest Figurine of Wondrous Power, The red the game, at least temporarily. It affects all dragons in play,
dragon figurine will actually transform into a young red dragon. including your own, so this event is best played in decks
The advantages of this are readily apparent and any person in without dragon champions. One magical item must be
possession of one of these rare items is lucky indeed! discarded for each champion in Limbo to return them from
- Raz-goul the alchemist and sage. play. Magical items discarded for other reasons, such as for
Bag of Holding [AR-28] do not count towards this requirement,
Sapphire the Blue Dragon but the magic items can be discarded at any time for the
#15 of 25 champion to return. If you know one of your opponents is
AD&D playing a dragon deck this card is an easy choice for you own
Psionicist deck. However, if you do not know ahead of time what your
6 opponents are playing it is probably better to pass on this card
Flyer. Sapphire can use wizard spells. At the start of battle, he in favor of one with a broader scope, such as Treasure [4th-
may breath lightning on the opposing champion, who must 130]. If you do decide to play with Treasure Hoard, a good
discard all attached items or a realm from his player's hand. card to play with it would be Throne of the Mountain God [4th-
510] to put your opponent's dragons in the Abyss.
Sapphire is a dragon and flyer, and is affected by cards that
target dragons and flyers. At the beginning of combat, Dragon's Bones
Sapphire can give the opposing champion a choice: discard all #18 of 25
attached items, or the player must discard a realm from the Magic Item
hand. If the opposing champion does not have any items at the +4
start of combat his player is then forced to discard a realm

Draconomicon - Página 297

The attached champion can discard this item at any time to Dragon's Breath
end a battle involving a dragon champion. The combat ends #22 of 25
without a victor. (Off) Rule Card
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not
This magic item is best attached to a dragon champion, to discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
ensure that its special power can be used. Combat is ended, other rule card is played. Only dragon champions may attack.
and both champions return to their pools. The entire combat is
over; the attacker cannot continue with a new champion. The This is a must-have card for any deck featuring dragons. This
Bones do not have to be in the battle to be used. Since the card hinders all other types of champions, and is great
power affects both champions in battle, if only one is immune, protection from champions such as Gib Aklem [NS-c23] and
then the battle must continue. This is because champions the Living Wall [PO-58]. This does not prevent opponents from
cannot voluntarily be affected by something to which they are defending with such champions, only from attacking with them.
normally immune. If only one champion were effected, the You may also wish to include in your deck a couple of ways to
power would be incorrect ("combat ends without a victor"), thus discard Dragon's Breath. This rule card will tend to protect the
it is simply not effective. person currently winning the game by stopping opponents
other than yourself from attacking and razing the leaders
Dragon Skirmish realms, and if you are not the leader this can be bad. It will
#19 of 25 usually halt most attacks against you, which may not be
Event beneficial if you use avenging allies or other cards that punish
A power struggle among dragonkind leads to a brutal war. In attacking champions. With a well thought out strategy Dragon's
one pool chosen by this player, all dragon champions - except Breath can lock up many games for a dragon deck player. It
for the one with the highest level - are discarded. (Harmful) has even been known to be used by non-combat decks just to
prevent players from attacking.
This event is of very limited use against any deck except one
that plays with many dragon champions. There are many Ancient Draconic Magic
events and other cards that can remove a champion from a #23 of 25
pool, such as Slave Revolt [4th-126], which would also be able Rule Card
to kill the highest level dragon. This event would only be more Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not
effective if there were three or more dragons in a pool, and in discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
that case, you don't get to choose which dragon dies. The other rule card is played. Spells cast by dragon champions
dragon with the highest adjusted level in the pool on which this cannot be dispelled.
event is played remains. If any dragons are immune to events, As a rule card, this card is played during phase 0 of your turn.
they also remain after the event. Spells cast by any dragon champion, including those of other
players, cannot be dispelled. Spell Turning [4th-379], Retarget
Wyrmblight [4th-389], and similar cards continue to work as normal. This
#20 of 25 card is useful if you play with a high number of spellcasting
Magic Item dragons. Star Gem of Martek: Clear Crystal [RR-77] is more
+5 useful in other situations, since any champion may use it, and
Sword; may only be attached to nondragon heroes. The you only need one spellcaster. If you do play with spells and
attached champion is immune to the special powers of all dragons this rule card is a must. Since Spellturning only works
dragons and the special powers of any cards attached to them. on offensive spells any defensive spells you use will nearly
(Def) always work. This can be a huge benefit if playing against a
This magic item is useful against dragon champions, but is spell loving opponent, as you can dispel his spells and he can't
restrictive in its use. Only heroes who are not dragons may use dispel your dispels, a common occurrence with spell heavy
Wyrmblight. The hero using Wyrmblight is immune to the decks against one another.
special powers of all dragons and the cards attached to them,
even if not in combat. For instance, Wand of Telekinesis [DL- Underground Lair
63] would not work against Wyrmblight if held by a dragon. #24 of 25
Wyrmblight does not cancel out the dragon's powers, nor does AD&D
it affect those parts of a dragon's power that does not affect Realm
this champion. For instance, T'chaar's [DR-c1] ability to use Cannot be attacked by flyers or swimmers. Defending dragons
any offensive card would not be affected; however, the can take any one card from their discard pile and play it
champion would be immune to any effect of those cards immediately.
played with this power. To turn a Dark Sun hero into a real
dragonslayer, give him Wyrmblight and the Heartwood Spear This is a very good realm, especially if it is not in the front rank,
(318/3rd), which kills dragons and monsters. Most of the time, as only earthwalkers and those who bypass restrictions would
a card better used would be Dragonsbane [PO-6], which then be able to attack this realm. Defending dragons can play
instantly kills dragons, and has a higher bonus against non- any one card from their discard pile that can be legally played
dragons. by that champion. For instance, a realm cannot be played; nor
can an artifact from a different world. Decks with many allies
Wyrms' Conclaive and magic items benefit the most from this realm's power. To
#21 of 25 clarify, the card taken by the defending dragon needs to be a
Event card normally playable by the defending champion. If a non-
Until the end of this player's next turn, no dragon champions or dragon champion defends the Underground Lair, then the
allies may be involved in combat. (Harmful) Lair's card retrieving power does not activate. Any card
This event is of some use against decks with several dragon retrieved by a defending dragon is played immediately; the
champions. It is also effective against dragon allies. Dragon retrieved card is not placed into the hand. This is somewhat
champions cannot be put forward to attack or defend until the similar to the phase breaking power of a spoils of victory. You
end of this player's next turn; this affects all players, even the may retrieve an ally and play it if you are already winning the
event player. The limited nature of this event makes it a poor battle. Depending on what is in your discard pile at the time,
choice for your deck if you don't know ahead of time that your this realm can break an opponent. Therefore, this realm is a
opponent will be playing dragons. Some more useful events wise pick in any dragon theme deck.
with similar powers are Apple of his Eye [FR-c12] and Fool's Only cards playable in combat by the defending dragon can be
Paradise [DU-7]. taken from the discard pile and played.

Draconomicon - Página 298

Dragon's Scale one useful part of this item is that there are few protections
#25 of 25 against unarmed combat cards. It may be useful against decks
Magic Item with many dragons, or just a few with nasty dragon unarmed
The attached champion is immune to both offensive wizard combat cards.
spells and offensive unarmed combat cards - though only if
played by dragon champions. (Def) Dragon scales are one of the few substances that can
withstand the devastating breath or claw of a dragon. Many
This magic item is of limited use. Its protection seems useful, dragons are also a bit squeamish when confronted with armor
but it only works against those offensive wizard spells and or shields constructed of the skin of their kind. Wouldn't you
unarmed combat cards played by dragon champions. Orb of be? - Raz-goul the alchemist and sage.
Power [4th-170] is more useful as an item of protection. The

Draconomicon - Página 299

Night Stalkers
Inventory Name Type Level World Blueline
1 The Vast Swamp Realm 9 GH
2 The Bandit Kingdoms Realm GH
3 Mintarn Realm FR Coast
4 Nelanther Realm FR Coast
5 Falkovnia Realm RL
6 Richemulot Realm 7 RL
7 Cromlin Realm DS
8 UnderCerilia Realm BR
9 The Vampire’s Realm Realm BR
10 Thieves' Guild Holding GH
11 Haunted Graveyard Holding 6 RL
12 Guild Shop Holding GH
13 Forgotten Crypt Holding FR
14 Assassin’s Guild Holding GH
15 The Pristine Tower Holding DS
16 Guistenal Ruins Holding DS
17 Hellgate Keep Holding FR
18 Cavern of Ancient Knowledge Holding AD&D
19 Paying Your Dues Event
20 Moonlight Madness Event
21 The Boss Wants a Cut Event
22 Dawn of the Dead Event
23 The Long Arm of the Law Event
24 Wail of the Banshee Event
25 Complete Surprise Event
26 Black Death, The Event
27 Three Card Monte Event
28 The Guildmaster Thief 10 GH
29 Artemis Entreri Thief 8 FR
30 Daryth of Calimshan Thief 3 FR
31 Storm Silverhand Thief 9 FR
32 Jacqueline Renier Thief 7 RL
33 Ratik Ubel Thief 5 RL
34 Julio, Master Thief of Haslic Thief 2 RL
35 Turin Deathstalker Thief 8 GH
36 Simpkin The Weasel Furzear Thief 7 GH
37 Phostrek Thief 4 DS
38 Jamlin Thief 5 DS
39 Donval Thief 8 DS
40 El-Hadid Thief 4 BR
41 Kelda Auslawsen Thief 3 BR
42 Moriad Thief 3 BR

Night Stalkers - Página 300

43 Uldo Dracobane Thief 7 AD&D
44 Orcus Monster ? AD&D
45 Mask Thief 17 FR
46 Dancing Sword Magic Item 7
47 Rod of Zombie Mastery Magic Item 3
48 Whip of Disarming Magic Item 3
49 Gauntlets of Dexterity Magic Item 3
50 Wand of Bone Magic Item 4
51 Book of the Dead Artifact 4 GH
52 Heart of Darkness Artifact 5 AD&D
53 Trumpet of Doom Artifact GH
54 Herald of Mei Lung Artifact FR
55 Back Stab Thief Skill
56 Pick Pockets Thief Skill 2
57 Move Silently Thief Skill 2
58 Set Traps Thief Skill
59 Hide in Shadows Thief Skill
60 Climb Walls Thief Skill 4
61 Detect Noise Thief Skill 2
62 Read Languages Thief Skill 2
63 Use Poison Thief Skill 3
64 Concealed Weapon Thief Skill 4
65 Werebear Monster 9 AD&D
66 Crawling Claws Monster 1 FR
67 Nemon Hotep Cleric 12 RL
68 Shera the Wise Wizard 6 RL
69 Winslow the Lich Wizard 9 GH
70 Caller in Darkness Psionicist 12 DS
71 The Vampire Regent 8 BR
72 Wereshark Monster 6 DL
73 Negative Planar Energy Rule Card
74 A Sure Thing Rule Card
75 Kaisharga Ally 6
76 Guild Master Ally 5
77 Raaig Ally 4
78 Cat Burglar Ally 3
79 Zombie Horde Ally 5
80 Beggar Ally 3
81 Ancient Dracolich Ally 9
82 Loric the Fence Ally 2
83 Bigby’s Dexterous Digits Wizard Spell 3
84 Guardian Mist Wizard Spell
85 Alarm Wizard Spell 2 Special (see text)
86 Corruption of the Flesh Wizard Spell 4
87 Power of Faith Cleric Spell 3
88 Find Traps Cleric Spell
89 Blessed Abundance Cleric Spell (Def/3/4)
90 Monster Mount Cleric Spell
91 Aging Unarmed Combat Card 4
92 Cause Despair Unarmed Combat Card 2

Night Stalkers - Página 301

93 Cause Fear Unarmed Combat Card 3
94 Cause Paralysis Unarmed Combat Card 1
95 Constitution Drain Unarmed Combat Card 2
96 Strength Drain Unarmed Combat Card 3
97 Level Drain Unarmed Combat Card 5
98 Magic Resistance Unarmed Combat Card 2
99 Rapid Regeneration Unarmed Combat Card 4
100 Cause Disease Unarmed Combat Card 6


# Name Type Level World Blueline

1 Good Truimphs in the End Rule Card
2 Crime Does Not Pay Rule Card
3 Busted Event
4 Confused Hunchback Event
5 Dark Prophesy Event
6 Dark Dreams Event
7 Celestial Lights Event
8 Mirror of Corruption Artifact AD&D
9 Amulet of Undead Aura Magic Item
10 Arcane Formula for a Lich Magic Item 5
11 Bag of Beans Magic Item
12 Shadowcloak Magic Item 5
13 Pavlov’s Bell Magic Item
14 Ring of Lycanthropy Magic Item 4
15 Zombie Hero 2 AD&D
16 Varney the Vampire Wizard 7 RL
17 Moonbeast Monster 8 AD&D
18 Gib Lhadsemlo Monster 10 RL
19 Gib Hcivonad Hero 6 AD&D
20 Gib Reltub Thief 8 FR
21 Gib Irod Wizard 13 GH
22 Gib Drawsemaj Cleric 20 DL
23 Gib Aklem Psionicist 9 DS
24 Den of Thieves Realm AD&D
25 Mad Scientist’s Laboratory Realm RL

Spellfire Booster set #11. There are 100 cards and 25 chase cards in this set. Named for the theme of the set, Night Stalkers
will fill your decks with creatures out of nightmares. Here you will find that evil is good.

Night Stalkers introduced a new champion type, the thief, and support cards to go with it, thief skills. The affect of these new
cards is still being felt today as new combos and strategies using these cards are appearing with greater and greater frequency at
tournaments around the world.

The 25 chase cards in this set are considered among the very best as a group, rivaling the power of the Forgotten Realms
and Artifacts chase cards. Many of the very best chase feature the Spellfire design team in their alter egos.

As one of the most sought after sets in Spellfire to date, Night Stalkers also features many powerful cards aimed at juicing up
Undead Decks, by adding new allies and many unarmed combat cards useable only by undead. Players armed these cards have made
Undead Theme decks a force to be reckoned with in pick-up games and lifted Ravenloft to contention in World War Tournaments.

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The Vast Swamp powers such as the Coral Kingdom (10/4th), which restricts
1/NS attackers to only swimmers.
Realm The second power is much more conditional and powerful
GH when those conditions are met. Whenever this player’s thieves
Can defend itself as a level nine undead wizard. Nonflying are discarded outside of combat they go to Limbo instead. This
attackers are at half their adjusted level (rounded down). includes being sent to the Discard Pile, Abyss or Void. As you
can see this card is a must for any Thief Theme deck.
The realm champion of The Vast Swamp is both undead and a This power does not save a thief you discard yourself to
wizard and subject to cards that affect those types of activate another card’s power, such as Runes of the Future
champions in combat. (13/RR chase). Since the payment to activate cards like Runes
The second power of this realm makes this a great realm to of the Future has to be paid to use them. A good rule of thumb
have out front where nonflying champions can attack it. This here is if you are the one discarding your own thieves, then
power remains in affect for the entire combat, so cards they may be discarded outside of combat.
attached to the nonflying attacker after a battle has begun are
also cut in half. The exception is if the opposing champion Nelanther
were to attach flying allies, which are not affected by the 4/NS
Swamp’s power. Realm
This realm is a great addition to an undead theme deck. The FR
level 9 undead wizard is powerful in both level and casting Coastline
ability, about the only thing you can’t do is attach magic items Can only be attacked by flyers and swimmers. Nelanther has a
and artifacts to the realm champion. powerful pirate navy. All champions and allies attacking any
A great card to play with The Vast Swamp is the rule card realm by swimming must discard a magical item from their
Negative Planar Energy (73/NS). This combo gives the realm hand or pool or return to their pool immediately.
champion an almost instant win ability and any opposing
champions not defeated instantly are further reduced if they do A magic item must be discarded for every champion and ally
not fly. Also, any deck based on the Dungeon card Spells from who uses the swimming ability to attack a realm in this player’s
the Grave (19/DU) is a ready fit for the Vast Swamp. formation. If a swimmer attacks a realm without swimming (i.e.
You might see The Vast Swamp in quite a few World War and front rank) then the bribe need not be paid.
Theme decks, but it will appear infrequently in standard If the attacker cannot pay the Nelanther pirate navy it’s bribe,
tournament decks. This realm’s power is combat only and the attacking champion returns to his pool. Combat can
lacks the all purpose powers found in realms such as Tyr continue with a different champion, but he must reach the
(28/4th) and Menzo (1/4th). defending realm by some means other then swimming or also
The adjustment applies to a champion's adjusted level. pay the bribe.
Attached cards, even if played after the attack begins, are The attacking player chooses which magical item, if any, to
halved. discard in order to attack.
Nelanther is a good realm to use if many of your realms can
The Bandit Kingdoms only be attacked by swimmers. Swimming, however, is the
2/NS least used movement ability and you may find that
Realm Nelandther’s special power is used infrequently. With
GH popularity of Song of the Dragonlance (22/DU), which makes
Thieves defending this realm gain 2 levels for every attached all of a player’s champions swimmers, Nelanther might see
card. more use.
Another point in Nelanther’s favor is that only flyers and
This realm’s use is very specific. It works well in a Thief Theme swimmers can attack. This restriction applies to both
deck and is virtually powerless anywhere else. champions and allies, giving you the chance to use it’s special
Defending Thieves gain 2 levels for each card attached to power in defense of itself.
them. This would include allies, magic items and artifacts as Nelanther's power takes effect whenever any realm in play is
well as many spells, thief skills, blood abilities and psionic attacked by swimming. This means that the attackers
power cards. If a card used by the defending thief is not (champions and allies) are swimmers and need their swimming
attached, such as Death Spell (377/4th), the defender does not ability to reach the realm being attacked. Swimmers may
gain 2 levels. attack unprotected realms without triggering Nelanther's
special power.
The names of the lords of The Bandit Kingdoms change as The wording of the card indicates Nelanther's power affects all
often as the borders separating them. The lords fight almost champions, including champions and allies belonging to the
ceaselessly over their ill gotten booty. I say almost, they are player with Nelanther in his formation.
quick to band together against any organized invasion and The required magical item may be discarded by the attacking
fight as one when needed. – Flynn, Cleric of St. Cuthbert and champion, since he is the pool prior to combat.
sage of Furundy.
Mintarn 5/NS
3/NS Realm
Realm RV
FR Because of the poisonous nature of this realm, if Falkovnia is
Coastline razed, all the champions who attacked it that turn must be
Can only be attacked by flyers or swimmers. Whenever a thief discarded.
in this player’s pool to be discarded outside of combat, it
instead goes to Limbo, returning at the end of this player’s next Falkovnia is a great realm to have in the front rank. The power
turn. of this realm will often discourage an opposing player from
attacking, especially knowing that he will need multiple
Mintarn has 2 great powers if you are playing a Thief deck. If champions to raze the realm.
you are not playing with many Thieves you will most likely pass If an attacker does indeed raze the realm, all of the attacking
this realm over. player’s champions who participated in the combat are placed
The first power is more general in nature, restricting attackers in the discard pile when the realm is razed. If one or more of
to only flyers and swimmers. If you are not playing with many the attacking champions are already in the Discard Pile, Abyss
thieves you may want to look elsewhere for realms with similar or Void when Falkovnia is razed, they will remain there.

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This realm is a great edition to a Revenge Theme deck as well in the front rank of it’s formation. This realm also lifts
as a Ravenloft World deck. Some other revenge cards you restrictions concerning movement ability, such as Mur-Kilad’s
might consider in a deck with Falkovnia are Assassins (8/BR) restriction against flyers and swimmers.
(221/4th), Lyr of the Mists (23/PO) and Iuz, the Evil (167/3rd). UnderCerilia does not lift restrictions against the type of
Since you plan to lose the combat anyway, the damage champion that may attack. Awnsheghlien still would not be
inflicted on your opponent will leave him with a hollow victory able to attack Tower of the Sword Mage (11/BR), even with
indeed. UnderCerilia in play.
This realm is a great addition to the other Underdark realms
Richemulot that have similar powers, giving the player many choices to
6/NS attack. UnderCerilia is considered both Birthright and
Realm Underdark for world decks built using either world.
RV In an attacking deck you can do much worse then the Under-
Can defend itself as a level 7 werebeast (monster) that can realms. In this type of deck you may also wish to include
use thief skills. Nature’s Throne (461/4th), which has a power similar to the
Under-realms. This gives you the ability to attack again just
Richemulot’s realm champion is considered a monster for about anywhere you choose, and causes your opponents
cards that affect monsters and is also a werebeast for cards numerous headaches.
that affect werebeasts and shapeshifters. The realm champion
can use thief skills, but is not an actual thief for cards that Cúpula BSW 2011: Deve ser considerada restrição de reino
target thief champions. qualquer poder especial que dificulte o ataque, sem distinção
This realm is a good fit for decks themed around Ravenloft, entre restrições de movimento (voador, nadador e cavador),
werebeasts or thieves. Richemulot is also a good choice for de classe (mago, clérigo, herói, etc.), de raça (gigantes,
the famous “championless” deck. The level 7 realm champion mortos-vivos. etc.) ou qualquer outra.
is moderately high and with the ability to use thief skills in
combat gives the player a greater choice when defending. The Vampire’s Realm
This realm is a poorer choice for standard deck construction as 9/NS
the special power affects only the realm champion, and Realm
therefore only activates when the realm defends itself. If you BR
use this realm make sure to include many allies and some thief This realm is protected by a great swarm of bats that attack all
skills usable in phase 4. An interesting card to play with nonearthwalking champions, reducing their adjusted levels by
Richemulot is the thief skill Intimidation (89/DU) which may half (rounded down).
allow you to attach magical items and artifacts to the realm
champion, or even spells. When a champion without the earthwalking ability attacks The
Vampire’s Realm his adjusted level is reduced by half. This
Cromlin includes cards played after the battle has begun, including
7/NS allies played that have the earthwalking ability. This realms
Realm power target the champion, who must be the one with the
DS earthwalking ablity.
While Cromlin is in play, this player may freely exchange items This is a good realm to have in the front rank of your formation,
and artifacts between the champions in his pool and his hand since few champions have the earthwalking ability.
in phase 3. This realms somewhat limited power makes it a tough choice
for most decks, even Birthright World decks. If you can cause
Cromlin is one of the most useful realms in Spellfire. In phase your opponent to attack this realm via Dimension Door
3 the player is free to rearrange all of the magical items and (100/PO) or similarly powered card, this realm becomes more
artifacts in his pool, attaching them to different champions or useful. Even then there are better defensive realms to choose
returning them to his hand for use later. However, Artifacts can from.
still only be attached to champions of the same world and any
other resrtictions still apply. i.e. Shan the Karate Master still Thieves’ Guild
may not use magical items or artifacts, even if you have 10/NS
Cromlin in play. Holding
Any deck that uses magical items and artifacts is a great GH
choice to use Cromlin in. Tasslehoff Burrfoot (39/DL) is a solid Draw a card whenever a thief skill card is played.
combo with Cromlin, using Tas’s power to retrieve magical
items from the discard pile and then attaching them to any This card is a virtual cornerstone of the Thief theme deck.
champion in your pool with Cromlin. Runes of the Future When any player plays a thief skill card, this player draws a
(13/RR chase) added to the above combo gives you great card and adds it to his hand. Thieves’ Quild is a Greyhawk
draw deck manipulation. holding and must be attached to a Greyhawk realm, or a realm
Quill Pen of the Planes (8/PO chase) works well with Cromlin that allows any holding to be attached.
also. Once you have used the Quill’s power bring it back to An actual thief skill card must be played to activate the Special
your hand with Cromlin and play it anew, resetting the Quill’s power of Thieves’ Guild. Thief champion abilities and other
power for another turn. Once the Quill (or any magic item or cards that act like thief skill cards will not activate the power of
artifact) is brought to the hand Cromlin’s power has been used this holding.
and the Quill may not be returned to the hand again until your Thieves’ Guild works well in any deck that uses many thief
next phase 3. skills, allowing you to fill you hand with new cards to play while
inflicting terrible damage on your opponent. If you play with this
UnderCerilia holding you should also consider using Hallucinatory Terrain
8/NS (42/FR), which will double your card drawing power.
BR I was a member of the Guild many years ago in Daggerdale.
Underdark. This realm extends under opponents’ Birthright The skills that were taught there have saved my life and the
realms, allowing them to be attacked by this player’s lives of my companions many times since. – Athenea
champions and allies, regardless of position or restrictions. Firnwood, Halfling Mercenary and collector of many fine
This realm allows the player to attack Birthright realms in other
players’ formations, even if the realm you wish to attack is not

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Haunted Graveyard Sometimes battle is ended by a means that leaves no clear
11/NS winner or looser, such as a Wall Spell. In these cases the
Holding attacking champion is still discarded unless he has someway
RV to escape.
Acts as a +6 ally (undead). This ghost is so terrifying that only The Forgotten Crypt is usually best placed on your lead realm,
undead allies may be played to attack the attached realm after since it is the most likely target of attack. This holding becomes
the attacking champion has been sent forward. Items attached even more crueling if you are able to combine it with a realm
before battle function normally. that is restrictive to attackers like Coral Kingdom (10/4th). This
Once a champion has been brought forward to attack the combo leaves your opponent with few attacking champions to
attached realm, only undead allies may be added to that start and can quickly bleed them to the discard pile leaving you
champion. This restriction applies to magical items, artifacts, free from attack on later turns.
spells and any other card that could normally be attached to All in all, the Forgotten Crypt is a good holding for a Forgotten
the attacking champion during the combat. Realms theme deck, but is a weak choice in a standard
Cards attached to the attacking champion before it was tourney deck. If you are using many low level champions as
pushed forward to attack function normally, even if a living ally cannon fodder and have several Forgotten Realms realms in
was somehow attached before combat began. This holding will your deck, you may consider this holding, especially if you are
not prevent the opposing player from using events and spells using a Revenge theme.
cast by champions outside of the combat, such as Wish
(384/4th), Since these cards are not attached to the attacking Assassin’s Guild
champion and happen outside of battle, even though they may 14/NS
affect the combat. Holding
The +6 ghost ally is present for every battle that takes place GH
over the attached realm, meaning that if the attacking player When the Guild is in play, each turn this player may discard a
keeps attacking the +6 ally is there for each attack. Any card champion from his pool, forcing an opposing player to discard
that would discard the ghost ally will function by removing the a champion from pool or hand to the Abyss.
ghost ally and not the Haunted Graveyard card itself (such as
the Living Wall (58/PO), thereby negating the ally for that This is one of the most under-rated cards in Spellfire. Once
round of combat. If the attacking player pushes forward each turn you may send one of your champions from the pool
another champion a new +6 ghost ally will emerge to take part to the discard pile to force one of your opponents to place one
in the defense of the realm. of his champions in the Abyss. You choose which opponent
suffers the affect, but the opponent chooses which champion
Guild Shop to place in the abyss from among those in his hand and pool.
12/NS The opponent must choose a legal target.
Holding The Guild is activated during your phase 3 and your opponent
GH must answer the power immediately.
This player’s thieves can swim or earthwalk as needed. They The Assassin’s Guild really comes into it’s own in 75 and 110
ignore all wall spells. card tourneys. The longer lasting games give the player many
more opportunities to bleed off enemy champions. It also
The Guild Shop allows your thief champions to attack most works very well in Greyhawk theme decks, since the Greyhawk
realms in your opponents’ formations. With many of the thief world has many good low level champions that can be
skill cards being combat orientated this becomes a useful discarded.
ability. When you push your thief champion forward to attack Some cards to play with the Assassin’s Guild are, Gib Kcir
you declare wiether he is earthwalking or swimming if needed. (16/RRch), Mind Killer (56/UD) and Takhisis’s Abyssal
Thieves in your pool are not affected by this ability and cannot Gateway (13/DLch). Follow these Abyss filling cards with a low
be targeted by cards that target swimmers or earthwalkers. level attack and play Bottomless Horror (54/DU) and your
You do not have to declare you are swimming or earthwalking opponent will see many of his dearest champions sent to the
if you could reach the defending by some other means, such Void. This is nearly a theme unto itself.
as the realm being in the front rank. If you decide to play the Assassin’s Guild you may also wish to
When you do attack and declare a movement ability your use a few cards that allow you to return champions from you r
attacking thief becomes subject to cards that affect swimmers discard pile back to your hand or pool, thus lessening the
or earthwalkers, depending on the movement type you heavy payment to activate the Guild. Cards such as Heal
declare. (45/RL), Resurrection (34/FR), or Create Minion (79/DU).
This holding is a good chioce for a thief deck aimed at fighting After the player discards a champion and chooses which
combat, especially if combined with the dungeon card The opponent must discard a champion, the opponent chooses
Guildhall (27/DU) which gives thieves in combat the ability to which champion to discard and whether from hand or pool.
play with your opponents’ cards.
The Pristine Tower
Forgotten Crypt 15/NS
13/NS Holding
Holding DS
FR Champions attacking the attached realm are considered
Any champion attacking this realm is discarded at the end of monsters for each round of combat.
combat, wither he wins or losses. Undead are immune to this
holding. When an attacking champion is pushed forward to attack the
realm with The Pristine Tower attached that champion
Forgotten Crypt causes all attacking champions to be placed in becomes a monster champion. A non-monster champion
the discard pile at the end of the round of battle, even if the looses the ability to play icon related support cards of its
attacker won the round. Undead are unaffected by this power, former type. i.e. Regents can’t use Blood Abilities, Wizards
and battle ends normally. can’t use wizard spells, ect. Monsters are unaffected by this,
Attacking champions that are able to retreat to their pool to being monsters to start with.
escape defeat, such as Erital Kaan-Ipzirel (81/AR), can avoid The Pristine Tower effectively changes the attacking
the power of the Forgotten Crypt by activating their power champions icon to that a monster for the duration of the battle,
before the battle is over. This is possible because the Crypt’s making the champion subject to all cards that target monsters.
power does not activate until the battle is over. The attacker returns to its normal icon type once the round of
battle is ended.

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One of the best cards to use with the Pristine Tower is the Despite the penalty of giving an opponent a possible extra
artifact Heartwood Spear (318/3rd) if you are using a Darksun card draw, this holding works very well in any deck with many
theme. The Pristine Tower works very well with another Dark Forgotten Realms realms.
Sun holding, Black Waters (98/4th). Which would end any
battle at The Pristine Tower before it even began. Cavern of Ancient Knowledge
On the whole, The Pristine Tower can cause many interesting 18/NS
card plays but really doesn’t have the umpf to make the cut in Holding
most tournament decks. This card can be quite fun if you have AD&D
designed your deck around killing monsters, but it won’t win May be attached to any Underdark realm. While the Cavern is
you a lot of games. in play, all offensive spells cast at this player are reflected back
at the casting player. This Holding can be attached at any time
Card Combo (from the Sussman Zone): When Lovely Colleen to reflect a just-cast spell.
is defending a realm with the Pristine Tower attached, the
attacking champion is automatically defeated. You can force Cavern of Ancient Knowledge may be attached to any AD&D
the opponent to attack by sending The Siren to Limbo. realm as well as any Underdark realm. Underdark realms are
those realms from the Underdark booster set and any realm
Giustenal Ruins listed as Underdark either in the text box of the card or in the
16/NS blueline rules.
Holding The Cavern may also be attached at any time to counter a just
DS cast offensive spell that targets the player. This includes spells
This player’s realms cannot be attacked by psionists or that target the owner's formation, pool and hand. But does not
champions able to use psionic power cards. include Rule Cards and support cards outside of the pool or
formation, such as the event Map of Life (413/3rd).
Once Giustenal Ruins is placed in your formation opposing A spell that is reflected back to the casting player affects that
players may not attack any of your realms with Psionist player as if he were the target. If the Cavern reflected Estate
champions, or champions that use Psionic Power Cards. They Transference (437/3rd), the casting player must choose one of
may still defend their own realms with these champions. his own realms to send to the Abyss. The choice must be a
With the emergence of Psionic champions in many tournament legal target (not immune). The Cavern is not a re-target and
decks this realm is a good choice if you do not wish to engage does not give the owner the ability to choose a new target for
in much combat. The instant kill and revenge powers of many the just reflected spell, the original caster must choose a legal
psionic champions makes Giustenal well worth the slot in any target from among his own cards. If there is no legal target
deck. then the reflected spell dissipates and is wasted.
Giustenal Ruins does not confer any immunity to psionic The Cavern may only reflect a given spell once, if the spell is
powers. Lyr of the Mists (23/PO) may still discard one of your again re-targeted by the original caster this player must now
champions when in combat. Lyr could not be used however, to come up with a new way to stop the spell. Also, a reflected
attack any realm in your formation. Giustenal can also be spell that is Spell Turned or reflected back is now targeting the
targeted and destroyed by Psionic Disintegrate. Cavern. If the Cavern is not a legal target for the spell, the
This holding also prevents the player from having to face such spell is lost.
instant wins like Davron Parscall (9/PO) and a high level Bilago The reflecting power of the Cavern is not itself a spell and can
Lumen (17/PO). This tends to confound an opponent who not be Dispelled or negated like a spell.
relies on instant wins and the spoils that come with the instant Use of this holding can get complicated, especially if the spells
win. Don’t forget thoguh, Giustenal only protects you from are bounced back and forth many times. It is important to be
these champions attacking and not defending. willing to retrace any steps if someone becomes confused.
This is one of the most powerful Holdings in Spellfire and can
Edited from the Original By Todd Myers be found in many tournament decks. If you are using a spell
heavy deck you want to make sure you have some way of
Hellgate Keep dealing with this card. Cataclysm! (119/4th) and Gib Kcir
17/NS (16/RRchase) are good solutions.
Holding The Cavern of Ancient Knowledge may be attached to any
FR Underdark realm, in addition to any AD&D realm. An
The attached realm, this holding, and its attached defenders Underdark realm is any realm from the Underdark booster set,
are immune to harmful events and offensive spells. If the Keep as well as any realms indicating Underdark on the card or
is discarded during battle but the realm isn’t razed, the bluelined, such as Menzoberranzan.
attacking champion may draw a card. If a spell reflected by the Cavern is then turned by the
opponent, the original target is impacted by the spell. For
Harmful events and offensive spells cannot target any realm example, if Disintegrate is turned back at the opponent by the
with Hellgate Keep attached. This includes any cards attached Cavern, and the opponent plays Spell Turning, the Disintegrate
to the realm besides just this holding, such as an artifact or discards whichever realm it originally targeted.
ally. The immunity provided by this holding also covers any The Cavern's power works on all offensive spells, but only
champion defending the attached realm in combat and that once per spell. Thus if an offensive spell is reflected back
champion’s attachments. Thus a champion defending a realm using the Cavern's power, and is spell turned by the opponent,
that has Hellgate Keep attached could not have its allies the Cavern cannot again reflect the spell.
destroyed by the event Airship (118/4th).
The card provided by discarding Hellgate Keep is not Paying Your Dues
considered spoils and may not be played unless the drawn 19/NS
card is one that may be played legally. If the attached realm is Event
razed when Hellgate Keep is discarded the extra card for All players who have a thief in battle or in pools must discard
discarding it is lost. one magical item from their hand. If they cannot, they must
Hellgate Keep is a great choice for a World War deck or any discard all thieves in their pool. (harmful)
immune heavy theme, since it is one of the few cards that
provide a realm with immunity to both spells and events. Some When this event is played all players, including the event
other cards with similar powers include Geneva Conclave player, who have any thieves in their pool or in battle must
(Promo 2), Moonwell (77/4th), The Deep (5/UDchase) and The discard a magical item from their hand. If they do not have a
Gorgon’s Crown (4/BR). magical item in their hand then they must discard all thieves in
their pool.

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A thief in combat when Paying Your Dues is played is not The Boss Wants a Cut is not a counter-effect card, so it must
discarded if the owner does not have a magical item to be in play before the card that gives another player extra
discard. Only thieves in the pool are affected by this power. cards.
Any magical items discarded must come from the hand not the The Boss has not effect on Ancient Kalidnay, since Ancient
pool or anywhere else. If a player has a magical item in the Kalidnay provides an extra turn, not extra cards.
hand he must discard it, there is no choice given.
Due to the fact that there are so few counter cards for thief Cúpula BSW 2008: Tornada uma carta resposta (Counter
skills this event is very useful when played correctly. Paying Effect), podendo usar seus efeitos a qualquer momento.
Your Dues is one of the few defenses against Con Game
(82/DU) and Hijacking (86/DU). It is best played as soon as Dawn of the Dead
your opponent lays a thief to his pool, hopefully leaving him no 22/NS
one able to play thief skills against you, at least for the time Event
being. Although it is hard to justify using an event slot for such Until the end of this player’s next turn, undead champions and
an unlikely result, unless you know ahead of time that your allies discarded for any reason are immediately shuffled back
opponent uses many thieves. into their draw pile. (Helpful)

Moonlight Madness Dawn of the Dead lasts from the time played to the end of the
20/NS player’s next turn. Undead champions and allies that are
Event discarded for any reason, including going to the Abyss or Void,
Until the end of this player’s nest turn, all undead and are shuffled back into the draw pile immediately.
werebeasts gain 5 levels and can attack any realm, regardless This power activates when the undead champion or ally is
of position or restrictions. (helpful) actually discarded. Any cards that require a champion or ally to
be discarded to activate will still function since Dawn of the
This event lasts from the time played until the end of the Dead does not take affect until after the champion or ally is
player’s next turn. All undead and werebeasts in play have 5 discarded.
levels added to their total adjusted level, both champions and Dawn of the Dead is one of the most powerful events around
allies. They may also be used to attack any unrazed realm on for Undead Theme decks, and works well with most Ravenloft
the table regardless of position in a formation or restrictions World decks as well. It is best to play this card at the beginning
against attacking. of your turn to get the longest possible use. You will also want
Moonlight Madness is a great addition to an Undead Theme to play this event at a time when you expect to be discarding a
deck or a Ravenloft World deck. It is important to remember lot of champions or allies, like right before a major assault on
that opponents undead and werebeasts benefit from this event your opponent’s formation. Consider using Extension I (91/DU)
as well. It is usually best to play this event early in your turn, at with this event for a longer lasting effect.
least before phase 4, to get the longest benefit. The short duration of Dawn of the Dead keeps it out of most
standard tournament decks, but you could much worse in your
It was a full moon that night… you know the one I mean. They Undead Theme deck.
call it the Night of Madness in these parts. Every foul creature
of hell came out then. We were just outside Irongate camping The Long Arm of the Law
on a little knoll when a group of Ghouls attacked. Never have I 23/NS
seen Ghouls that strong. They stood up under Lord Bo’s Event
mightest blows and our cleric was at a loss to turn them. Many All thieves in play are immediately sent to Limbo until their
died before the Morning Lord cast his light that next morning. players post bail by discarding a card to the Abyss to retrieve
Yeah…It was a full moon that night, just like this one… each thief. (Harmful)
- Athena Firnwood, Halfling Adventurer.
When this event is played all thieves in play, including this
The Boss Wants a Cut player’s thieves, are sent to Limbo. During phase 3 of their turn
21/NS Players may discard a card from their hand to the Abyss to
Event retrieve a thief from Limbo. If multiple thieves are in Limbo then
Until the end of this player’s next turn, all realms, holdings, and that player must discard a card to the Abyss for each thief.
artifacts that give another player extra cards are instead given The Long Arm of the Law is an excellent defense against a
to the event player. (drawn from this player’s draw pile) This thief heavy deck. With few thief skill stoppers it also works to
event cannot be copied or negated. (Harmful) prevent normally unstoppable cards like Con Game (82/DU) by
getting your opponent's thieves out of play before they can
From the time this event is played until the end of the player’s damage you with thief skills. This second use is not very
next turn, all extra card draws given by realms, holdings and efficient, but does offer an avenue of defense against thief
artifacts to any player are given instead to this player. This skills.
event cannot be copied or negated, but may be calmed by This card works well in a thief deck if you can Calm (400/3 rd) it
individual players. for yourself. By sending all other thieves to Limbo you should
The Boss Wants a Cut is not a counter card, so cards that have little problem with the Rule of the Cosmos. If your are
allow a onetime extra draw like Temple of Elemental Evil playing a thief deck you will also want to be on guard against
(17/4th) are not affected unless this event was already in play this event, so be sure to include at least a couple of event
beforehand. stoppers.
Cards drawn for The Boss Wants a Cut are drawn at the time
that the original drawer would have drawn them, usually that Running afoul of the Town Guard is a real danger in the
player’s phase 2. Some popular cards affected by this event Profession. If you find yourself on the wrong side of the
are Tyr (28/4th), Points East Trading Guild (101/4th) and the Baron’s moat you’d best have a full purse or you will have a lot
Medallion of Faith (25/DLchase). This event does not affect of time on your hands!
extra card draws from events and rule cards or any source – Athenea Firnwood, Halfling Adventurer
other then those stated above.
The Boss Wants a Cut is a limited effect anti-speed card. It’s Wail of the Banshee
short duration offsets any real speed stopping power, but can 24/NS
give you a much needed boost if your own deck has bogged Event
down. All in all there are much better anti-speed cards and All players must discard a champion from their pool; undead
much better events then this one. are immune to this event. If a player has no champions in his
pool, he must discard two cards from his hand. (Harmful)

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When Wail of the Banshee is played all players select a legal opponents. The Black Death also can help out a combat theme
target champion in their own pool and place it in the discard deck by helping to clear out some of those low level ‘canon
pile. Champions immune to events are not considered legal fodder’ champions that many players rely on to avoid giving up
targets. If a player has no champions (legal or otherwise) in his razed realms or fighting extended combat.
pool then that player must discard 2 cards from his hand. If a
player has only immune champions in his pool he completely Three Card Monte
escapes the effect of Wail of the Banshee. 27/NS
This event works well in any Undead Theme or Ravenloft Event
World deck. Add some similar cards such as Slave Revolt! All players draw three cards face up. Realms go to the Abyss.
(1264th), Death Spell (377/4th), Death Fog (376/4th), Mind Killer The icon level of all other cards are tallied for each player. The
(56/UD) or Elemental Swarm (52/UD) and watch as your player with the highest number gets to keep his cards; all
opponents scramble to keep champions on the table. others are discarded. (Harmful)
I have heard that the Banshee is the restless spirit of an elven The three cards are drawn face up with any realms going
maiden. I do not know the truth of this, but I have heard the immediately to the Abyss. The remaining cards are checked
greatest elven bards of Evermeet and there is no doubt in my for icon levels. Each player then adds the icon levels of the
mind that the wail of the Banshee has much in common with cards drawn and the player with the highest total places the
those minstrels. Both can break a man’s heart, but only one cards in his hand, all other players discard the remaining
will steal his life. —Lord Bo, Barbarian knight of Icewind Dale. cards. If there is a tie for highest total icon levels all players
discard the cards drawn. Cards drawn form Three Card Monte
Complete Surprise may not be played until after they are added to the hand.
25/NS One of the most fun cards to play in all of Spellfire, Three Card
Event Monte can also be devastating to your opponents. Combined
Played during combat, this player’s champion is doubled in with the event Espionage! (18/BR) your opponent can quickly
level and no cards other than events can be played by the be dealt a near fatal blow by placing his 3 best realms on the
opposing player. (Harmful) top of his draw pile and then sending them to the Abyss. Be
warned though, there are few ways to protect yourself from
Complete Surprise can only be played during a combat that disaster too, your objective here is to do more damage to your
this player is involved in, either attacking or defending. Once opponent then yourself.
played, this event prevents the opposing player from playing Some cards that that can help protect you are Marco Volo
any cards other then events from his hand into the combat. (50/3rd) and Ren’s Crystal Ball (451/4th) to help you time
Complete Surprise has no affect on any cards already playing the event and Calm (400/3rd) to eliminate any risk at all.
attached to the opposing champion, and a champion immune Of course, if you Calm the event you also negate the possibility
to events will also be unaffected. The player’s champion is of adding extra cards to your hand.
doubled in adjusted level. Complete Surprise does not double In the case of a tie, each player with the highest number keeps
the level of other cards attached to the player’s champion. his cards.
A good card to combine with Complete Surprise is the ally
Marilith, Tanar’ri (52/AR) which would deprive your opponent The Guildmaster
from playing events as well. A similar affect can be achieved 28/NS
with the cleric spell Stasis (48/PO), giving the player 2 quick Thief
victories in combat. GH
With so many instant defeat combinations available Complete Thieves cannot use thief skills without the Guildmaster’s
Surprise will not see a lot of use in tournament decks. This permission. He is immune to unarmed combat cards.
event has many uses in combat theme decks and can be quite
fun to play, but I would pass on this one for any of my Player’s wishing to have their thieves use thief skills must ask
tournament decks. the permission of the Guildmaster to do so. If the Guildmaster
Complete Surprise is a harmful event, because of its effect on refuses permission the opponent cannot play the thief skill
the opposing player. It can therefore be calmed, however, the card. Permission must be asked for each skill card played.
helpful aspects of the card (i.e. the doubling in level) remain in Even if permission is given the Guildmaster’s player may not
effect after a Calm or Dragon's Calm is played. If the event is be targeted by harmful thief skills unless he wishes to be. A
canceled (i.e. Limited Wish or Helm is used) all the cards non-thief champion able to use thief skill cards does not have
effects are eliminated. to ask the Guildmaster’s permission to play them, and that
champion may target anyone he chooses.
The Black Death The Guildmaster is currently the most efficient defense against
26/NS thief skill cards like Con Game (82/DU) and Hijacking (86/DU).
Event This is still not very efficient, but it is the best defense so far.
All players must draw and discard a card, noting its last digit. The high level (ten) and no casting ability keeps this champion
That many base levels or more of champions must be out of many decks but the overwhelming power of thief skills is
discarded from each pool. Players with an undead champion in enough to make the Guildmaster a tournament deck regular.
their pool are immune to this event. (Harmful) Being immune to Fighting Dirty! (3/DUch) also makes this card
popular with combat decks.
When played, each player draws a card from the top of their A relatively new theme deck built around permission has
draw pile and notes the last digit of the first number. At least shown promise in many tournaments. Midnight (46/3rd), the
that many base levels of champions must be discarded from Arch-Druid (285/4th), Sadira (277/4th), Icon of Magic
their own pool. Champions immune to events are not (19/RRch), Nectar of the Gods (20/RRch) and the Guildmaster
considered when discarding base levels. are staples of this theme, designed to deprive opponents of
You may be forced to discard more then the minimum levels in powerful phase 3 support cards. While still a couple cards
order to get at least the number drawn. If there are not enough away from being dominant, this theme may become prevalent
levels in a pool to satisfy the minimum level required the player in the future.
must discard as many non-immune base levels as possible. A
single undead champion in a pool confers immunity to the Artemis Entreri
entire pool for The Black Death. 29/NS
This card fits well into any Undead Theme or Ravenloft World Thief
deck. The Black Death is also tailor made for the rule card A FR
Sure Thing (74/NS), forcing the worst outcome on your

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Artemis can use unarmed combat cards usable by heroes, and Your opponents will learn quickly and add Handmine
he gains 5 levels if the opposing champion plays no allies. (16/DUch) to their decks.
Storm also works well in a Forgotten Realms World deck. You
Artemis can use any unarmed combat cards that are usable by can keep tabs on your opponent’s hands while attacking his
heroes. If the unarmed combat card does not state what type realms with judicious use of the Living Wall (58/PO) and
of champion may use it, then it is usable by heroes. Artemis blasting him from afar with realm destroying spells when he is
also gains a +5 to his adjusted level in combat (only) so long unable to counter them.
as the opposing champion has no allies attached. Once the Because Limbo is considered out of play, if Storm is used to
opposing champion plays an ally the +5 is lost for the look at an opponent's hand, and the hand contains Handmine,
remainder of the combat, even if the ally played is some how Storm is not discarded.
This champion’s powers are very strait forward and work well Jacqueline Renier
in any thief or combat deck. Artemis is also a good choice for a 32/NS
Forgotten Realms World deck if you wish to use thief skills. A Thief
good combo for Artemis is the magical item Net of Entrapment RV
(217/3rd) to help him keep his +5 in combat. Werebeast. Opposing champion is automatically defeated
In the over all picture of things Artemis is too weak to get into unless ha can cast spells, or has or can play a magical item or
most decks. But with the low number of thieves in general and artifact.
Forgotten Realms thieves in particular you may bump into this
champion in a World War tournament. This champion is a werebeast and is affected by cards that
target werebeasts or shape shifters. Any champion opposing
Daryth of Calimshan Jacqueline in battle is instantly defeated unless that champion
30/NS can cast spells or a magical item or artifact is attached. Once
Thief this power activates the opposing champion must react to this
FR power to avoid being discarded. This means the opposing
Daryth wears a pair of magical gloves that give a +2 bonus to champion may play a magical item or artifact to satisfy
any thief skills used by him. Jacqueline’s power, but it must be the next card played. If the
opposing champion cannot satisfy the power it is defeated and
The magical gloves special power of Daryth is treated as a discarded.
defensive magical item for champions immune to such things. Jacqueline has become popular in many Ravenloft decks due
The +2 modifier only applies to thief skills used in combat by to her instant win ability and being one of the few Ravenloft
Daryth. champions able to play thief skills. When played in a deck with
This champion’s low level (three) makes him an easy addition the Loup-Garou (236/4th) the player can quickly draw out
to many thief decks as well as Forgotten Realms World decks. magical items out of an opponent’s hand. If the opponent has
Daryth can also find a place in many combat decks that use none, then instant defeats pave the way to victory. Also,
phase 4 thief skills. His weak special power will keep Daryth Moonlight Madness (20/NS) both increases Jacqueline’s level
out of Standard Tournament decks though. and allows her to attack any realm, a powerful affect for an
Perhaps the best way to use this champion is as ‘cannon instant win champion.
fodder’ against instant defeat champions, saving more Jacqueline’s power is too easily avoided in Standard
powerful champions for use in later combats. With his low level Tournament decks due to the fact that most other champions
Daryth is a good match for powerful allies like The Dreaded in those decks are able to cast spells. So you may want to
Ghost (246/4th) and avenging allies like The Starving Artist save her for that Ravenloft World War deck where her power is
(239/3rd). Also due to his low level he is a good choice to use much more likely to succeed, especially against Dark Sun and
Use Poison (63/NS) with because very few champions are Birthright decks.
immune to thief skills.
Card Combo (from the Sussman Zone): With the Ring of
Yes, I remember Daryth of Calimshan. He came along on the Reversion attached, the opposing champion cannot cast
assault of Hellgate Keep with us. A useful fellow…or rather he spells.
was until we encountered Orcus. One swat from the demon’s
unholy wand and we had to bury the poor lad. As I recall he Card Combo: The above combination can be further improved
had a fondness for those magical gloves of his. At any rate, I by playing the ally Flesh Golem, eliminating an opponent's
am sure he was sorely missed! – Silvanos, High Elf Mage of magical items.
Silvery Moon.
Ratik Ubel
Storm Silverhand 33/NS
31/NS Thief
Thief RV
FR Undead. Immune to offensive spells and harmful events. Ratik
Storm can be sent to Limbo at any time, allowing her player to can ignore any one magical item played against him.
look at an opponent’s hand. She returns to the pool at the end
of her player’s next turn. Ratik gets to ignore any magical item played from the hand
against him in combat. Magic items already attached to the
The special power of Storm Silverhand can be activated opposing champion before battle begins may not be ignored
whenever the player chooses, even during an opponent’s turn. as they are not ‘played’ against him.
The best time to use Storm’s power is just before the Ratik’s impressive immunities make him an easy choice for
beginning of your turn, this reduces the time she will spend in Undead and Ravenloft decks. He is a great champion to attach
Limbo and deprives your opponents of playing their copy of the important magical items and artifacts to because he is much
champion. more difficult to discard outside of combat then most
Storm is a great addition to any attacking deck, allowing you champions. This makes him a sure fire choice for holding such
check your opponent’s every turn to be sure you can punch powerful cards as the Bell of Might (18/FRch), Dragon Font
threw his defenses. This prevents you from sending your (20/Arch) or Amulet of Spell Protection (17/Arch). Ratik is
champions on a suicide attack and often your opponent will rather weak in combat, so you will want to use him sparingly
forego his defense knowing that he has no surprises to offer, there, although his level (5) makes him a good choice to face
giving you free spoils. Be careful of using this trick too often. the Living Wall (58/PO).

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You will want to pass on Ratik in your Standard deck. There Halfling. Any magical items attached to champions who
are other more useful champions who have the same oppose Simpkin become Simpkin’s for that round of battle.
immunities such as Necba the Wrathmaker (14/DUch) and the Afterwards they are discarded.
Gate Keeper (422/3rd). These are both good choices with Ratik
though if you want to try out an all-immune theme deck. Any magical items borrowed with Simpkin’s special power are
Again, You can expect to see Ratik in several Raveloft World discarded after combat, regardless of who wins. Any magic
decks, but he will be hard to find in other formats. items added to an opposing champion during combat become
Simpkin’s instantly, before they activate.
Julio, Master Thief of Haslic Simpkin is a great champion to play the Loup-Garou (236/4th)
34/NS with. Your opponent must play a magic item to avoid instant
Thief defeat only to have Simpkin snatch it away before it can be
RV used.
If victorious in battle, Julio can return one nonspell card from Simpkin is also one of very few champions who do not return
the discard pile to his player’s hand. borrowed magic items. This can be very useful in ridding your
opponent of powerful magic items like the Blamblower (56/DL)
When Julio wins a round of combat the player may search or Bell of Might (18/FRch). For this reason Simpkin is an
through his discard pile and place any one non-spell card excellent choice for many combat decks and opponents who
found there into his hand. use many magic items will be going to extra lengths to avoid
Julio is one of the strongest cards in the Night Stalkers set, facing this champion in battle.
although most players pass him over. His low level gives Julio There are few tournament formats where Simpkin is an easy
the appearance of being weak when in actuality his low level is fit, despite a relatively strong special power. You may
the reason he is so powerful. encounter him from time to time, but not often enough to make
Being only a level two allows this player to be the first to play a special arrangements to deal with his thieving power.
card into combat nearly every time. Now combine this with
powerful support cards like the Blamblower (56/DL) or The Phostrek
Dreaded Ghost (246/4th) for an instant defeat. Then use Julio’s 37/NS
power to return the instant win card to your hand for further Thief
instant wins later. This one combo can completely shut down DS
any attacking against your formation. Halfling; can use psionic power cards. Phostrek is a savage
Julio is nearly a standard addition to any Ravenloft World deck warrior – against nonmonster champions his base level rises to
and he shows up in many winning Standard Tournament decks 8.
as well. His ability to recycle cards from the discard pile added
to his low level will have your opponents looking elsewhere for Phostrek’s adjusted level rises to 8 when facing non-monster
their spoils. champions in battle.
Phostrek is one of very few champions able to use both thief
Turin Deathstalker skills and psionic power cards, making him a popular choice in
35/NS many different decks. Add to this the fact that thief skills and
Thief psionic power cards are among the most powerful support
GH cards and you have a ready made killer champion.
Undead. Turin carries a dagger of venom that instantly Phostrek’s best use maybe in phase 3 where you can hurl
discards allies of +4 or less. He is immune to unarmed combat crushing support cards at your opponents, such as Con Game
cards and the special powers of all Forgotten Realms (82/DU) and Psionic Disintegration (73/DU). Although
champions. Phostrek’s combat power is not spectacular, it may be enough
to ward off a couple of attacks.
Allies of +4 or less icon level may be played against Turin, Any deck that uses both thief skills and psionic power cards
though they are immediately discarded without their powers will fit this champion in easily and you get his combat power as
ever activating. Turin’s immunity to the special powers of an added bonus.
Forgotten Realms champions applies even if that power is
being copied by a non-Forgotten Realms Champion and used Phostrek may be short and ugly, be he sure is handy in fight!
against Turin. Thus if Rhoubhe Manslayer (14/BRch) attacks Just don’t ask what he is having for dinner, if you know what I
and copies the power of the Living Wall (58/PO), Turin mean. – Hutek the Mul Savage.
Deathstalker can still defend and would be unaffected by the
instant defeat power. Don’t forget that immunities are always in Jamlin
effect, even when in the pool. 38/NS
Turin packs quite load of special powers aimed at combat. No Thief
allies under level 5 and immunity to powerful cards like DS
Fighting Dirty! (3/DUch) and the Living Wall cause this Elf. Jamlin must be beaten by 10 or more points in combat to
champion to be a favorite in Greyhawk Wolrd decks. You can be discarded; if not, he returns to his pool with attached cards.
also find Turin in many Standard Tournament decks due to the
added popularity of Con Game (82/DU) and Hijacking (86/DU). Jamlin must be defeated by at least 10 levels in combat in
Undead combat decks are another good place to put Turin order to be discarded. If Jamlin is defeated by less then 10
Deathstalker. levels he returns to his pool with all attachments that would
Turin is a good choice to lead an attack with. His immunities legally remain after combat. Allies and combat-only support
negate many powerful combat cards and will often lead your cards would still be discarded.
opponent to just throw up a handy champion to die hoping you Jamlin is basically a free defender. Bring him forward to defend
will attack again with a champion not so immune. and then opt to lose as soon as you are within 10 levels of the
Turin's immunity to champion powers allows it to play first attacker (usually right at the beginning of battle), then return
edition cards into battle or cast spells while the Poor Oriental Jamlin to your pool. This forces an attacking player to burn up
Lord is in play. However, Turin may not be brought into play one of his attacks for nothing.
while the POL is in play. With the way Jamlin’s power works and his low level he is a
great champion to attach avenging allies to, like the Assassins
Simpkin “The Weasel” Furzear (221/4th), or The Starving Artist (239/3rd). Any card that would
36/NS punish the attacker is a good choice to attach to Jamlin.
Thief Jamlin is also a good choice to lead an attack with, causing
GH your opponent possibly use instant defeat cards against him

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that will not work as well as they would against other Kelda’s adjusted level may increase up to 8 points if she is
champions. opposing a hero while defending a Birthright realm.
Kelda has a straight forward if somewhat weak power. A
Jamlin? Well all I have to say about him is that you haven’t Birthright World deck set up on the basis of lots of low level
seen fast until you’ve seen him run away from a fight. – Hutek ‘cannon fodder’ type champions would suit this card well. Due
the Mul Savage. to the fact that there are few Birthright thieves to date Kelda
may find use in some decks using thief skills and Birthright
Donval champions.
39/NS In a tournament setting you will most likely want to pass this
Thief champion over for more a more powerful one.
Dwarf; earthwalker. Donval can have any number of attached Moriad
artifacts from any world. However, he may not use magical 42/NS
items. Thief
Donval may have an unlimited number of artifacts from any Halfling. Moriad is immune to the special powers of undead
world attached. He may not have any magical items played to champions.
him. This includes magical items that your opponent may wish
to attach to Donval as well, such as Cursed Idol (14/RRch). Moriad is immune to the special powers of all champions that
In decks with multiple artifacts from different game worlds this are undead. He is not immune to undead allies.
champion is worth some consideration. But with the large Moriad’s power is pretty simple and easy to follow. It is
number of powerful magic items that are found in most decks important to remember that there are many cards that return
Donval is unlikely to see much use. champions from the discard pile to the pool and make that
If you are interested in building decks with lots of artifacts there champion undead, like Create Minion (79/DU). Moriad would
are some cards with powers similar to Donval’s, The Keeper then become immune to this champion.
(43/RR) and Ego Coin (419/3rd) are but two of these. Unless you know ahead of time that your opponent(s) will be
using undead there is not much call for this champion. If your
El-Hadid opponent is using undead then Moriad will cause him fits to
40/NS say the least.
BR Uldo Dracobane
El-Hadid can use blood abilities. In combat his opponent must 43/NS
choose up to 4 cards to use that round and place them face up Thief
in front of him. Only cards from this “minihand” may be used in AD&D
the battle. Elf (drow); earthwalker. If not involved in battle at the end of
this player’s turn, Uldo may send all cards attached to a
When El-Hadid enters battle with an opposing champion the dragon champion to the bottom of that player’s draw pile. He
opponent choose up to 4 cards from his hand and lay them on must attack his next turn or be discarded.
the table face up for all to see. Only these cards may be used
by the opponent in the battle against El-Hadid, the rest of the If Uldo has not been involved in battle during your turn you
opponent’s hand is set off to the side and may not be used may activate his power in phase 5. The next turn after you
until the battle with El-Hadid is resolved. Any cards played with have activated Uldo’s power you must attack with him or he is
El-Hadid that effect the opponent’s hand will effect only the discarded in phase 5. If some action of your opponent causes
minihand, such as the Athasian Sloth (230/4th) or Ninjas Uldo to lose his chance to attack, such as having Fear
(239/4th). Any cards that affect the hand after battle is over, like (372/4th) cast on him, he would still be discarded.
the Starving Artist (439/3rd), will work as normal. Uldo’s power can be devastating, but is so restricted that you
El-Hadid is a potent Birthright champion as well as thief and will rarely get to use it. If you expect to face a deck loaded with
works well in both types of decks. His low level will usually dragon champions this card is a sure fire success, but in just
allow the player to lay the first card in battle. This makes El- about any tournament it falls short. When you do get to
Hadid especially powerful when combine with allies that activate his power your first target might be the Dragon Font
discard cards from your opponent’s minihand. El-Hadid can (20/ARch), thus depriving your opponent of the ability to pull
even be found in a small number of Standard Tournament cards from the bottom of his draw pile.
decks and has been found to be very effective for players that
enjoy attacking and use a combination of thief skills and blood Orcus
abilities. 44/NS
When El-Hadid is facing a champion that can draw cards Monster
during battle, such as Ambassador Carrague or Zielesch, the AD&D
Ancient Green Dragon, those cards may still be drawn and are Avatar. Undead. Two undead champions must be discarded to
added to the mini-hand. Cards that allow more cards to be bring Orcus into play. This player’s undead gain 5 levels to
drawn, such as Good Fortune, may be included in the mini- their base levels; they may attack at half their adjusted level to
hand. Additional cards drawn go to the mini-hand. discard a realm instead of razing it. Orcus’s base level is equal
A player opposing El-Hadid may still play cards from his hand to the sum of the base levels of the undead discarded to bring
that do not affect the battle. For example, if a player's realm is him into play. Limit one avatar per pool.
targeted with Cataclysm while in battle against El-Hadid, the
player may still play Calm, or have a pool champion (but not You must declare at the beginning of your phase 4 if you are
the champion in battle with El-Hadid) cast Limited Wish. attacking to raze or discard the defending realm. You may
attack razed realms to discard them, but the realm must have
Kelda Auslawsen already been razed before combat began. You cannot raze a
41/NS realm and discard one in the same phase 4. Once you have
Thief razed or discarded a realm your turn moves to phase 5 as
BR normal. You draw spoils for razing or discarding the defending
Kelda gains 5 levels against heroes and/or 3 levels if realm as normal. Once Orcus is in play all of your undead add
defending a Birthright realm. 5 to their base level. This is important when facing the Living
Wall (58/PO). Orcus may not be played if you have one or

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more avatars already in your pool, and you may not play The Dancing Sword may be brought forward as a champion in
another avatar to your pool if you have Orcus already in play. combat from either the hand or pool. The sword returns to the
Orcus can turn a good undead deck into a living nightmare for place it came from after combat if victorious. If defeated, it is
your opponents. The ability to attack realms to discard them is discarded as a normal champion would be. The sword may be
very powerful. For this reason Orcus must be given some involved in 2 rounds of battle, once as a magic item attached
consideration when building any undead deck, especially if you to a champion and once as a champion itself. The order of
have some combat in mind. Outside of an undead deck Orcus these appearances is up to the player. Note however that the
is severly less powerful and should most likely be passed over sword must be on the winning side in the first combat to not be
in favor of another avatar. discarded in order to come back for a second combat later.
As a virtual cornerstone of many successful undead decks, The sword is considered a Hero when fighting as a champion,
Orcus has several cards that work well in combination with and is affected by cards that target Heroes at that time.
him. The Timepiece of Klorr (57/RL), Headless Horseman Dancing Sword is a great addition to any combat deck, giving
(88/RL), Negative Planar Energy (73/NS) and Undead the player a free champion. When using the Dancing Sword it
Regeneration (7/RRch) will have your opponent in tears in is usually better to defend with the sword as a champion first,
short order when Orcus is around. forcing your opponent to use up his instant defeat and support
Orcus's base level is considered 0 for purposes of deck cards against your free champion. When attacking you may
construction. wish to hold the Dancing Sword back for use a magic item to
It is the base level of an undead champion that is increased. boost an attacking champion to victory then bring the sword up
The gain in levels applies only to champions. the sword on it’s own in a latter round. This gives you a better
chance of draining off your opponent’s defenders and leaving
Cúpula BSW 2009: Adiciona nível a si mesmo, porém ele só the way clear to raze the realm.
fornece nível para campeões e não para aliados, por que ele Cards to strongly consider when playing with the Dancing
adiciona ao nível base e aliados não tem nível base. Sword are Tasslehoff Burrfoot (39/DL), Pelath the Bronze
Dragon (28/DR), Moraster (339/4th) and Drawmij’s Instant
Mask Summons (63/BR), and of course lots of allies.
45/NS If the Dancing Sword is used as a champion and is victorious,
Thief it may be returned to either the player's hand or pool (player's
FR choice). If used as a magical item and the attached champion
Avatar. A thief must be discarded to bring Mask into play. This is victorious, the Sword remains with the attached champion
player’s thieves gain 3 to their base levels. Mask may be sent and cannot be returned to the hand.
to the Abyss at any time to force all magical items, artifacts,
spells, and allies in one player’s discard pile to be sent to the Rod of Zombie Mastery
abyss. Limit one avatar per pool. 47/NS
Magic Item
Once you have Mask in play you may not play another avatar A champion defeated by the rod wielder is not discarded.
to your pool. If you already have another avatar in your pool Instead it is used as an undead ally in this champion’s next
you may not play Mask there. At any time during the game you battle and is discarded afterward. (off)
may opt to discard Mask to the Abyss to send all of the magic
items, artifacts, spells and allies in one player’s discard pile to When a champion is defeated in battle by an opposing
the Abyss, you select the player whose discard pile is affected. champion with this magic item attached, the losing champion is
You may even select your own discard pile, although this then attached to the victor as an undead ally with a level bonus
would be counter-productive to say the least! Once Mask is in equal to the adjusted level of the losing champion. Items
play all of your Thiefs gain 3 levels to their base level. This is attached to the losing champion remain with the new zombie
important to remember when opposing the Living Wall ally to assist the winning champion in it’s next combat. The
(58/PO). special powers of the losing champion and it’s attached cards
Mask has one of the most powerful special powers in Spellfire, will now function for the holder of the Rod of Zombie. If the
but the price is a costly one. Sending all of one opponent’s Rod is somehow discarded before the holder is able to use the
spells, magic items, artifacts and allies from his discard pile o undead ally in combat, the ally and it’s attachments are
his Abyss can cripple most Standard Tournament decks. returned to their owner and placed in his discard pile
Losing Mask to the Abyss is very expensive though. If you immediately.
intend to use Mask make sure to include the Gate Keeper Many powerful combinations can be made using the Rod of
(322/3rd) and at least 2 thieves to give you the ability to get him Zombie Mastery. One of the best is to attach the Rod to and
back and replay him. instant win champion such as the Living Wall (58/PO) and then
You will want wait to activate Mask’s power until one of your use the event Blood Challenge (20/BRch). Then attack one of
opponents has filled his discard pile with a few of his more your opponent’s more powerful champions. The instant defeat
powerful support cards. Once this has happened you don’t will then attach the losing champion to your Rod holder. You
want to waste any time in sending them to the Abyss though, may want to keep the Rod holder out of further battle to
as most players will try to recycle their powerful cards as deprive your opponent of his champion and attachments from
quickly as possible. recycling back into play from the discard pile. With this in mind
Mask is on the short list of avatars you can expect to see in a you may wish to target opposing champions that have powerful
Standard Tournament deck, and he will be the avatar of choice support cards attached like the Bell of Might (18/FRch) or
in most thief decks. Dragon Font (20/ARch), then keep those support cards out of
Mask may only be sent to the Abyss after the card is brought your opponent's reach for as long as possible.
into play by discarding a thief in phase 3. Once in play, Mask's Be warned however, that many champions are immune to
power can then be used at any time. Mask may not be sent offensive magical items and your opponent will quickly work to
directly to the Abyss from the hand. return any powerful support cards you are keeping from him.
This makes the holder of the Rod of Zombie Mastery a major
Dancing Sword target for cards like Wish (384/4th) and Gib Kcir (16/RRch).
Magic Item Whip of Disarming
May also be used as a level 7 hero champion for one round of 48/NS
combat. If so used, only allies may be played with it. If Magic Item
victorious, it returns to this player’s hand or pool. The dancing All magical items and artifacts attached to the opposing
sword can be involved in two rounds of battle, once as a champion are instantly discarded; no more may be added.
magical item, once as a champion. (Def) (Off)

Night Stalkers - Página 312

All magic items held by the opposing champion when the Whip in the pool. The Wand of Bone makes it nearly impossible to
of Disarming enters combat are placed in their owner’s discard separate this ally from Azlin outside of combat.
pile. After the Whip of Disarming enters the combat the
opposing champion cannot have any new magic items Book of the Dead
attached. 51/NS
With so many powerful magical items that affect combat, the Artifact
Whip of Disarming can win a lot of combats for the player. This GH
item works well in any combat deck and especially one with a All undead (and any attached cards0 in this player’s pool are
denial theme. Include cards like Net of Entrapment (217/3rd), immune to harmful events and the Wish spell.
Clay Golem (247/4th), Midnight (46/3rd) and Marilith, Tanar’ri
(52/AR) to drive your opponents nuts in battle. The This artifact is a must for most undead decks. Being a
combination of Whip of Disarming and Loup-Garou (236/4th) is Greyhawk artifact, it can be attached to many of the best
an easy instant defeat. The Whip also works well when undead champions and has a nice +4 bonus for any champion
attached to any champion immune to allies such as Gib Irod you attach it to. The best feature of the artifact though, is its
(21/NSch) or champions that allies cannot be used against like protection of all of your undead champions from cards of mass
Cistern Fiend (282/3rd). destruction such as the events Treasure (130/4th), Water
Nearly any combat deck will benefit from the inclusion of the Hunters (276/3rd), and Avatar (20/1st chase), all of which play
Whip of Disarming, but the true forte’ of this card comes when havoc with your average undead deck. This card also protects
facing other combat decks as your opponents scramble for your undead champions and their attachments from the most
support cards that will work against you. powerful card in the game – Wish (384/4th).
Note that these protections only work for cards in the pool. If
Gauntlets of Dexterity you have your best undead champion involved in a battle with
49/NS a little level 3 adventurer who wants to wish you to the discard
Magic Item pile, you’re out of luck. Attaching this to a low level undead
The attached champion can use thief skills. If attached to a champion you don’t necessarily want to involve in battle is a
thief, anytime there are three thief skills in his discard pile, the good strategy. For example, if you attach the book to the Lich
player may shuffle his discards back into his draw pile. (def) Conclave (265/4th), you bring the champion’s level up to 8.
This puts him out of Death Spell (377/4th) range and gives you
Note that if this card is attached to a non-Thief able to use thief a champion who can just sit in your pool and toss wizard spells
skills it becomes redundant. When attached to a thief, the around while he protects your other undead.
Gauntlets of Dexterity allows the player to shuffle his discard If a champion who is in a pool with the Book of the Dead, but
pile back into his draw pile at any time when there are at least does not have the Book attached, leaves the pool for combat,
3 thief skills in the discard pile, even during an opponent’s turn. he is no longer immune to harmful events and Wish.
The player may opt to activate this power whenever he
desires, it need not be immediate. The Book of the Dead was last in the possession of Iuz the Evil
Gauntlets of Dexterity is one of the cornerstones of many thief during the height of the Greyhawk Wars. Rumor says it was
decks. When playing with the Gauntlets it is best to wait to stolen from him by a band of thieves and is now hidden in the
reshuffle your discard pile until you have one or more cards Bandit Kingdoms. – Tensor the Arch Mage.
that are ‘key cards’ for your deck.
When the Gauntlets are in play you may wish to try to get 3 Heart of Darkness
thief skills into the discard pile as soon as you are able. This 52/NS
will allow you to instantly reshuffle powerful cards like counter- Artifact
affect cards back into your draw pile before drawing from the AD&D
pile again. As with most cards that manipulate the draw deck, If attached to an undead champion, the bonus becomes +10.
timing is crucial to the success of Gauntlets of Dexterity. This champion can cast wizard spells, and undead champions
Due to the powerful reshuffling ability of this card you will wish and allies cannot be used to defend against him.
to attach it to a thief as often as possible, although if you have
no thieves in play and a hand filled with thief skills it may be a This artifact is a good one for decks that have undead
tough choice of weather to wait or not. To utilize both powers champions, but are not “undead decks” since the artifact works
of this card you should consider including the realm Cromlin with any AD&D champion. While it confers a much larger icon
(7/NS) and possibly Tasslehoff Burrfoot (39/DL). bonus to undead champions, a +5 is still a good boost since
Any deck that uses at least 3 thief skills and 3 thieves is a artifacts are harder to ignore or dispose of than many other
viable deck for this card. things that increase levels.
The best feature of this artifact, though, (and it works for both
Wand of Bone undead and non-undead) is its offensive special power. When
50/NS attacking, the champion with this artifact cannot be defended
Magic Item against with any type of undead champions and/or allies. For
Usable only by undead. The attached champion gains 1 level example, if you attack with the Heart and your opponent has
for every undead champion in play. His undead allies cannot one champion and it is undead, you’ve raised the realm. Or,
be discarded or forced to switch sides for any reason. (def) when you attack with the Heart, your opponent cannot use
many of the best allies such as Undead Dragonrider (81/Drac),
The Wand of Bone grants a+1 to the adjusted level of the the Dreaded Ghost (246/4th), or Ancient Dracolich (81/NS).
attached champion for every undead champion currently in
play, including undead champions in opponents’ pools. Any Trumpet of Doom
undead allies attached to the champion holding the Wand of 53/NS
Bone cannot be discarded or forced to switch sides by another Artifact
card such as the Net of Entrapment (217/3rd) or Master Illithid GH
(53/DU). However allies are still discarded at the conclusion of Each turn, draw and discard a card, noting its last digit.
battle normally. Corresponding to the digit, discard all of the following in play: 1
Wand of Bone is a decent combat card for Undead Theme – magical items; 2 – artifacts; 3 – razed realms; 4 – holdings; 5
decks. If your undead deck is not designed to engage in a lot – rule cards; 6 – flyers, swimmers, earthwalkers; 7 – elves,
of combat, you may wish to pass this card over. dwarves, halflings; 8 – dragons, awnshegh; 9 – undead,
Azlin (82/RL) is a good champion to attach the Wand of Bone werebeasts; 0 – events.
to. When Azlin is victorious in battle one ally remains with Azlin

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This card is not for everybody. If you’re building a fun chaos Black Hand Thieves' Guild in their decks. Because Black Hand
deck to be used to induce headaches in multi-player games, Thieves' Guild affects the player, in addition to opponents, it's
though, you can’t pick a better one. Note that the trumpet’s a good idea to include the Herald in any deck that includes the
power affects everyone on play including yourself - it is entirely Black Hand Thieves' Guild.
possible for the trumpet to discard itself. Another
disadvantage is that you have to discard a card out of your Backstab
draw pile to use the trumpet. For example, you could draw 55/NS
and discard your Caravan (131/4th) and wind up discarding all Thief Skill
of your own magic items in play to boot. Doubles the attached thief’s base level for one round. (def/4)
The trumpet must be used each phase three. It is not an Thieves can be effective in battle and thief skills are hard to
optional use - you must blow it each turn. There are several counter, but this card is not the best battle card you could put
strategies you can use to minimize the damage to yourself. in your deck. Thief skills in battle are better used to
First, and most obvious, do not load up your deck with the accomplish tricky unexpected defeats, not winning by piling up
types of cards that the trumpet discards. Second, when you high numbers.
first put the trumpet into play, use it at the start of phase three, Doubling your champion’s base level can be a good strategy if
before you lay down any more cards into your pool that the you have a low level champion and you know your opponent
trumpet might affect. Last, use it in conjunction with the rule has an Intellect Devourer (213/4th) or some other card that
card A Sure Thing (74/NS). You don't have to discard a card affects your base level, but in most instances you don’t know
out of your draw pile to use it, you would instead choose the it’s coming. Unless you play with several thieves of high level
desired result. The result still applies to all players, including such as the Guildmaster (28/NS) or Mask (45/NS) there are
yourself. This allows you to inflict maximum damage on your better cards than Backstab to play with.
opponent if you are willing to suffer the same affect.
You won’t win many games with the Trumpet of Doom, but you The backstap is one of the first lessons taught in the
will get many games worth remembering. profession. It may not be entirely honorable, but against an
adversary twice your size and thirsty for your blood, it may be
Card Combo: When Trumpet of Doom is combined with A the difference between seeing the next dawn and seeing the
Sure Thing, the player decides which type of card all players outer planes, if you know what I mean. – Athenea Firnwood,
will discard. Halfling Adventurer.

Herald of Mei Lung Pick Pockets

54/NS 56/NS
Artifact Thief Skill
FR Use another player's magical item for this round of combat. At
This player is immune to all cards that force cards to be the end of combat, the item's owner draws and discards a
discarded from his hand and to all cards that examine his draw card, noting its last digit. If it is higher than the thief's base
pile and discard or rearrange cards found there. level, the item is returned; if not, it is discarded. (Off/4)
This card should be included in the initial deck building stages This thief skill is a pretty good one. It gives you a plus two in
of about any deck you’re constructing. There are too many battle, you can borrow a magic item that the own er may or
cards in Spellfire that can devastatingly pluck a Caravan may not get back, and it forces the owner to lose a card. Pick
(131/4th), Good Fortune (120/4th) or any other must have card Pockets probably won’t outright win lots of battles for you, but it
out of your hand or draw pile. could turn the tide of the game if an opponent was killing you
Note that the Herald makes you immune to the entire card with one or two powerful magic items such as Bell of Might
when it protects you. A good example is when you’re staring (18/FRc) or Tarokka Deck (56/RL).
at a card like Vorpal Blade (56/FR). Not only do you not have There are two strategies for this thief skill. If your opponent
to draw and discard a card to keep your head, but your has a good battle-oriented magic item such as Rod of Seven
opponent does not get the +3. Parts (27/ART), and you have a high level thief and a hand full
The Herald is probably more useful outside of battle though, of powerful support cards, go win the battle. Or, you can play
where you don’t have to waste precious resources like casting to lose, with your only objective being the loss of an
Wish (384/4th) on a little weasel champion like Hettman Tsurin opponent’s good magic item. You would want to use a high
(257/4th) or Marco Volo (50/3rd). A good strategy for the level champion to maximize the chances of the offending
Herald is to load up your hand with events that make everyone magic item being discarded. You might also want to attach the
draw a card and suffer the consequences. You can throw Winged Boots (186/4th) to your champion to reduce your
down Black Bess (135/4th) and then Bess’s Revenge (159/4th) losses.
with complete impunity. Note that though this card has an after-battle effect, it does not
A popular deck seen at some tournaments uses the work if Pick Pockets was nullified or discarded in battle by a
combination of the Herald, Black Hand Thieves Guild (5/DUch) card such as Rod of Seven Parts (27/ART).
and What Goes Around Comes Around (100/DU). This
combination has been known to makes opponents cry!
Move Silently
Because the Herald provides immunity to offensive powers,
Dragon Font and Runes of the Future still function for the 57/NS
player. The Herald provides immunity to the Black Hand Thief Skill
Thieves' Guild. Attached champion ignores realm champions, instantly
A player with the Herald is not affected by Transformation!, defeating them. This skill lasts until this champion is discarded.
even if the player plays the card. The player is also not (off/3/4)
affected by Black Bess or Bess's Revenge. Takhsis Helmet of
Power does not remove the immunity conferred by the Herald, This is not a bad thief skill. It adds a small plus in battle, but it
since it is the player that is immune. The Helmet removes stays with the champion until the champion is discarded. Thus
immunities from cards. it is useful if you have too many cards and need to play
The Herald provides immunity to cards that only borrow cards something to avoid discarding due to hand size, plus it can
from the hand if they are ultimately to be discarded, such as work again and again.
Summon Undead. Although this thief skill can be played in phase three, it is
The Herald is an excellent addition to 75- and 110-card decks. probably better used as a surprise when attacking - wear a
Games with these deck sizes have maximum hand sizes of 10 defender down until he has to defend with his realm champion
and 12 cards, respectively, so players will often include the and then lay it down with a big grin on your face.

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You should consider this skill in any thief deck. The +2 bonus Once again, this is a fair card to put in your deck, but not a
applies at all times, not just when attacking a realm champion. great one. Although it has a nice +4, it only lasts for one turn
The long term affect of this card makes it very easy to (as opposed to other mobility cards such as Nature’s Throne
eventually force a combat with against a realm champion. (461/4th), Dori’s Obsidian Steed of Wondrous Power (31/UD)
or the Scroll of Seven Leagues (412/2nd)). Climb Walls does
While many in the profession will neglect certain skills in favor allow a champion to ignore the Living Wall (58/PW) so long as
of others, none will neglect this one. The secret to remember is Climb Walls was in play before the champion is defeated by
that an opponent unaware of your presence is not really an the Living Wall.
opponent at all. – Athenea Firnwood, Halfling Adventurer. Note that in all instances this card’s power works for the
attached champion only, not other champions and not any
Set Traps allies attached to the champion.
58/NS As noted above, there are many cards that allow an attacker to
Thief Skill reach realms normally unreachable. However, there are few
Draw a card and place it face down under the lead realm. cards that allow a champion to bypass Wall spells. This makes
When that realm is attacked, discard the card, noting its last Climb Walls a neat choice if you want to build a deck theme
digit. Attackers with a base level equal or less than this number around mobility.
are discarded immediately. (def/3)
Walls are the most common obstacles that practitioners of the
Put this card in your deck only if you are a gambler. Any card profession will encounter. Many members make a respectable
that requires you to blindly throw away one of your own cards living practicing this skill in the service of various military
to give you a plus in battle is a dubious one at best. Set Traps groups and local militias. – Athenea Firnwood, Halfling
might act as a deterrent to keep opponents away from your Adventurer.
lead realm if you are playing a deck that is not battle oriented,
though. Detect Noise
Set Traps works before a defender is chosen. Therefore, if the 61/NS
trap discards the attacker, the player does not get a Spoils of Thief Skills
Victory since he did not defend his realm. This skill may be played any time and lasts until the beginning
Note that attacking champions use only their base level when of this player’s next turn. This champion can use his special
determining the result of Set Traps. For example, if Azalin powers first when defending. (def)
(82/RL) attacks with the Loup-Garou (236/4th) ally already
attached and the trap card has a last digit of 5, it affects only If a thief could use this skill on another champion, it would be a
those attackers with a base level (champion only). Azalin hugely valuable card. However, there just aren’t enough
survives the trap and the defender has to answer to the Lou- Thieves with powers that lend themselves to this skill. Here is
Garou. a short list of Thiefs (in order of usefulness) who would benefit
You may be interested in building a deck using many similar from this skill, but in most instances, under very specific
cards, such as the Glyphs (68-70/AR), Fire Trap (420/4th), and circumstances. Skulker (40/DUN), Simpkin “The Weasel”
Leomund’s Trap (391/4th). All those face down cards hidden Furzear (36/NS), Jacqueline Renier (12/NS), and Phostrek
under your realms will have many opponents looking (37/NS).
elsewhere for their Spoils. A good strategy for this card is to put Isle of Beacon Point
(67/4th) realm in your deck, which allows a defending
Hide in Shadows champion to use any type of card. Also, put in Gauntlets of
59/NS Dexterity (49/NS) which allow any champion to use thief skills.
Thief Skill Now your non-Thiefs who steal or destroy magic items, etc.
This champion can retreat from a battle back to his pool. He is can use their powers first.
defeated but not discarded. (def/4) Note that the skill affects only the champion’s powers (not the
ability to play a card first) and any champion power that
This is a fair card to play with, but not a great card since it activates at a specific time still activates at that time. For
goes away after you use it. There are plenty of champions and example, Julio, Master Thief of Haslic (34/NS) has a power
at least one magic item that do the same thing and don’t waste that activates if he is victorious. He still has to win the battle to
a card, such as Winged Boots (186/4th) and Erital Kaan-Ipzirel use the power. Another example involves Donval (39/NS).
(81/AR). His power is that he can have two artifacts attached to him. If
When Hide in Shadows is used while attacking, the victorious he plays Detect Noise, that does not mean he can lay down an
defender does not get a Spoils of Victory, but the combat has artifact into the battle if he is ahead in numbers.
ended and the player’s turn advances to phase 5. Note that
this card does not work as a counter in an instant defeat Read Languages
situation. It does not change the condition of defeat in the 62/NS
case of a champion (the champion is still defeated, there was Thief Skill
no change) and it is not a card that can be played at any time This champion can cast wizard spells. This skill may be played
in the instance of an instant defeat involving an ally, magic any time and lasts until the champion is discarded. (def)
item, etc. Your champion can avoid being discarded so long as
Hide in Shadows was in play before the instant defeat This is a nice skill that allows a player building a thief deck to
occurred. add some wizard spells. There are not too many attachments
Hide in Shadows is a good card to play after Use Poison in Spellfire that grant this ability, so this is a welcome addition.
(63/NS) if the poison didn’t work. You’ve made the opponent Note that although the skill may be played at any time, it
throw away a card and hiding will give you the opportunity to cannot be used as part of a counter effect combination. For
do it again. example, someone casts Disintegrate (393/2nd) at your lead
realm and you have no spell casters in your pool. You cannot
Climb Walls throw down Read Languages, then Dispel Magic (370/4th).
60/NS Counter effect cards must be the next card played.
Thief Skill The long lasting effect of this card makes it a wise choice in
Until the end of this player’s next turn, this champion ignores any thief deck that uses wizard spells. Since it lasts until the
all walls and can attack realms normally attacked only by flyers champion is discarded you will most likely try to place this card
or swimmers. (def/3/4) in play as soon as possible.

Night Stalkers - Página 315

Use Poison to protect against things like Lyr of the Mists (23/POW) and
63/NS Agis (261/3rd).
Thief Skill As with nearly all cards, the Werebear must be in play for his
The opposing champion must draw and discard a card, noting immunity to activate. This means that the Werebear card is not
its last digit. If that digit is 3 or less, that champion is defeated. immune if it is in the hand, discard pile, Abyss, Void or Limbo.
Lasts until a champion has been defeated by the poison. Hettman Tsurin (257/4th) can still pluck the Werebear from an
(off/4) opponent’s hand with his special power since cards are
considered to have no special power until played.
This is probably the best thief skill out of the Night Stalkers
booster set. Not only does the skill last until it kills a champion Crawling Claws
in battle, it adds 3 levels to your champion in and out of the 66/NS
pool and there are not many counters to thief skills. The best Monster
feature of Use Poison however, is that your opponent has to FR
blindly throw away his own card and may to do so over and Undead. Immune to offensive spells and psionic power cards.
over again (assuming your champion is winning battles without Crawling Claws gain 1 base level for every champion in this
the poison discarding opponents). player’s pool.
This thief skill gets nasty if used in conjunction with either the
Winged Boots (186/4th), the rule card A Sure Thing (74/NS), or This champion isn’t all that bad, it’s just not that great. If you
Jamlin (38/NS). You may also consider adding the magic item play with decks that wind up with pools that look like the
Vorpal Blade (56/FR) which has a similar power, to double the Mongol horde, this might not be a bad card for you to add.
card draining power of your pool. You also have the advantage of it only taking up one level out
of your total. Being immune to offensive spells and psionic
Card Combo (from Victor Leung): While A Sure Thing is in power cards is an okay immunity, but not a great one unless
play, Use Poison will instantly defeat any champion not you transform this champion into a 300 pound Gorilla everyone
immune to thief skills. is trying to get rid of.
Note that dreaded Claws gain base levels if you get them out
Concealed Weapon into combat. This is important when you face cards like the
64/NS Intellect Devourer (213/4th) which kills any champion base
Thief Skill level 5 or less or the Living Wall (58/PO) that kills any
Negates all unarmed combat cards played during this round of champion over base level 5.
combat. No further unarmed combat cards can be played. Crawling Claws is a decent addition to an undead deck, as
(off/4) those decks tend recycle champions easily and always seem
to have a large pool that the Claws would benefit from. Don’t
With the expansion of unarmed combat cards to Hero, Dragon expect to encounter this champion very often in any
and Undead, this is pretty handy card in battle. It adds 4 levels tournament format, but it does regularly appear in the many
to your champion and can keep you from getting Kidney pick-up games found whenever 2 Spellfire players meet for
Punched (95/RR), Swallowed Whole (97/DN) or Level Drained fun.
(97/NS). If you have an idea your opponent may play unarmed
combat cards into battle, you will want to lay this card down Nemon Hotep
early. If it is played on unarmed combat cards already in battle, 67/NS
it will negate their plusses, but not any effects that have Cleric
already taken effect, such has discarding cards from your hand RV
for Fighting Dirty! (3/DUch). Undead. Immune to offensive spells except those with the
Note that this card lasts for one ROUND of battle only and is name “flame” or “fire” in the title. Opposing champions base
not a counter effect card. So try to lay Concealed Weapon out level 5 or less are discarded after combat, win or lose.
as soon as you are able.
Even in a thief deck this card is rather weak. The protection Nemon Hotep is a pretty good Spellfire champion and his
offered is small and lasts only a short period of time. If you are photo on the card is a pretty cool one. Undead champions
trying to avoid opposing unarmed combat cards you may wish who aren’t monsters allow necromancer players who build
to include a couple of unarmed combat cards yourself; Evade undead decks a variety that makes their decks less vulnerable
(98/DR), Reversal (435/4th) and Counter (437/4th) will all offer to the very commonly used event Treasure (130/4th).
similar protection. Nemon’s immunity is a good one too, because there are a
couple of things your can do with Nemon that will have people
Werebear throwing cards like Wish (384/4th) at him. Because of his very
65/NS high base level, if you have Negative Planar Energy (73/NS) in
Monster play, he will be almost unstoppable in combat (this is almost
AD&D cheating it’s so unfair). If you put the artifact Crystal of Ebon
Werebeast. The Werebear is immune to the special powers of Flame (13/ART) on Nemon, you’re not going to win any friends
champions base level 6 or less and their attached cards. at the table either. With the Crystal, if you already have it
attached and you’re attacking, all of your attached cards go
Any card that has the word “immune” on it is worth considering first so your opponent’s champion will end up being discarded
for your deck. The Werebear ranks right up there with the best after combat, win or lose, no matter what level he is.
of the immune champions. There are plenty of annoying low The several killer combos that can be made with Nemon make
level champions like Bilago Lumen (17/PW) or Sparkle, Crystal him a popular champion in Ravenloft World decks as well as
Dragon (35/DN) that make this a very worthwhile card to play the more general Undead Theme decks. His high level and
with. weak immunity keeps him from serious consideration in
Not only is the Werebear immune to champions, but he is also Standard Tournament decks though.
immune to any and all cards attached to them including spells,
unarmed combat cards, allies, psionic powers, blood abilities, Shera the Wise
magic items, etc! The Wearbear does not protect against 68/NS
events played into battle, though, because they are not Wizard
“attached” to the champion. Even an event such as Complete RV
Surprise (25/NS) would still affect the Wearbear. This Werebeast; flyer. Shera is such a masterful flyer that she is
immunity is not just a battle immunity - it works in the pool also immune to harmful events and allies that affect flyers.

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Shera is an okay champion in most any deck, but is a must earthwalks. The fear of the undead rule makes his ally
have in a werebeast deck. affecting power a good one also.
Between her two immunities, Shera has all of the advantages This champion is loaded with special powers! Although his
of being a werebeast and a flyer but with few of the liabilities. best advantage comes from being a non-thief able to use thief
Note that Shera’s ability to fly is not conferred to her allies, skills. This allows him to circumvent the Guildmaster’s (28/NS)
although her immunities are. permission power as well as cards aimed at stopping thieves
Shera’s immunities apply only to events and allies that from playing thief skills, such as Alarm (85/NS), Crime Does
specifically target flyers, such as the Noble Djinni (84/3 rd) and Not Pay (2/NSch) and The Long Arm of the Law (23/NS).
Wind Dancers (275/3rd), not just events and allies in general. There are also many powerful decks built using thief skills and
If you play a Ravenloft deck, seriously consider this champion blood abilities, these being the 2 most difficult to stop support
in conjunction with the dungeon card Under Castle Strahd cards. The Vampire is a central figure in these decks.
(7/DUN) which makes all of your Ravenloft undead. Shera can It is important to note that the allies played with him are
then use undead unarmed combat cards and gain other considered undead and are affected by cards that target
undead advantages. undead allies.

Winslow the Lich Wereshark

69/NS 72/NS
Wizard Monster
Undead. All cards with icon bonuses played against Winslow Werebeast; swimmer. The Wereshark is immune to swimming
lose 2 levels because of his freezing cold touch. allies and discards any played against him.

From the endless hordes of really good undead champions If you have found a way to make this card an indispensable
comes Winslow, with his high level and great battle power. part of your deck, pat yourself on the back. This is another
Note that this card reads icon bonuses. A card in most cases card that adds depth to the game of Spellfire, but not power.
has to have a plus sign in the card icon for Winslow to drain If you’re making a lycanthrope deck, you’ll have to add this
two levels and champions don’t have the plus sign. The champion, but his power and level probably make him
exception to this is when a champion borrows another ineffective in any other kind of deck - there just aren’t enough
champion to use as an ally in battle. When something is used swimming allies that you need to have protection specifically
as an ally, it has an invisible plus sign before the icon number. against them.
For example, you are facing Winslow in battle with a champion Only swimming allies played from the hand are discarded
who wears the Helmet of Selnor (33/TU) which allows you against the Wereshark, any that were somehow already in play
borrow Helm (255/4th) from a pool. Helm is now a level 6 ally before battle are simply ignored but do remain play.
who then loses 2 levels to Winslow to become a level 4 ally.
Combine Winslow’s power with that of Negative Planar Energy Negative Planar Energy
(73/NS) and watch the opposing champion’s adjusted level 73/NS
really drop. Winslow also works well in a deck using the Rule Card
dungeon card Spells from the Grave (19/DU), giving a combat Played at the beginning of the player’s turn, this card is not
option to an otherwise spell heavy deck. discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
other rule card is played.
Caller in the Darkness Undead champions subtract their base levels from the base
70/NS level of opposing champions. If the opposing champion is
Psionicist reduced to 0 or less, it is immediately discarded. Clerics and
DS avatars are immune to this rule.
Undead. Immune to offensive psionic power cards and
offensive spells. Psionicists defeated by the Caller are sent to This card is a must for any undead deck, but if you play with it,
the Abyss. you’ll probably experience some feelings of guilt because this
rule card is almost unfair. Since base level is subtracted from
The Caller in Darkness is a pretty good champion. His power base level, your opponent cannot load up his champions in the
is not great, but his high level makes him a good champion to pool with artifacts and magic items to help them survive
play with the rule card Negative Planar Energy (73/NS). clashes with your undead. Even low level undead are to be
Unless you are building an undead psionicist deck, the best feared with this card in play since even if they don’t outright kill
use for Caller in the Darkness is in a deck themed around the an opponent by reducing his level below zero, they still
abyss. Add him to a deck loaded with cards that send people probably have at least halved the level of their opponent.
to the abyss like Mindkiller (56/TU) and Takhisis’s Abyssal Negative Planar Energy does not activate until after a defender
Gateway (13/DLc), then use the Bottomless Horror (54/DUN) is brought forward. If an attacking champion, such as the
to remove them from the game. Living Wall (58/PO), would instantly defeat the defender before
The Caller in the Darkness is an excellent choice for any the defender’s power activates then this rule card doesn’t
undead deck using psionic power cards, since so few undead activate.
are able to use psionic power cards. You may also encounter Strategy then should be to use high level undead champions
this champion in a Dark Sun World deck based on just its like Nemon Hotep (67/NS), Winslow the Lich (69/NS), or Caller
immunities and high level. in Darkness (70/NS). This can eat up your champion level total
when building your deck, though, so look for champions who
The Vampire gain levels (before combat, not during) like the Undead
71/NS Htimsen (425/1st).
Regent Another good strategy is to play with cards that create undead
BR like Corruption of the Flesh (86/NS) which even adds four
Awnshegh; undead; earthwalker. Can use blood abilities and levels (although it is adjusted level, not base level for the rule
thief skills. All allies played with this champion are considered card), Black Sail of Schnail (35/TU), or the dungeon card
undead. Under Castle Strahd (7/DUN). Imagine champions like the
Living Wall (58/POW) draining levels. Also, cards played
The Vampire is a pretty good all around champion because of before battle that affect base levels can add interesting twists
the number of attachments he can use. Besides the normal to this rule card - playing Bad Omens (91/3rd) when your
ones like magic items and allies, he can use blood abilities, undead are immune to harmful events, for instance.
thief skills, and undead unarmed combat cards and he

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Liga BSW (ROC 5-2011): Campeões com poder de matar This is an ally worth consideration when building a deck. It is
automaticamente quando atacando tem seus poderes of moderately high level, confers the ability to cast spells on
ativados antes da ativação da regra, a exemplo de Living Wall, your champion, and it is immune to that bane of battle decks,
The Wizard, Bilago Lumen etc. Net of Entrapment (169/4th).
Remember that although champions pass along their
A Sure Thing immunities to their attachments, attachment’s immunities are
74/NS not given to their champions. For example, if you have a
Rule Card champion in battle with Kaisharga attached to him and your
Played at the beginning of the player’s turn, this card is not opponent plays the Vorpal Blade (56/FR), your champion is
discarded. It affects all players and remains in affect until any still affected.
other rule card is played. Kaisharga would be an ideal card to put in a deck themed
Instructions to draw and discard a card, noting it’s last digit, are around winning battles with allies and phase four wizard spells.
ignored. All opponents receive the worst possible outcome (0 if The draw back of this card is that allies are played only in
high is good, 9 if low is best). This player receives the battle and both of this ally’s powers affect the battle only
opposite. indirectly.

This is a very interesting rule card that is powerful enough to Guild Master
build an entire deck around. There are plenty of cards of all 76/NS
types in the game of Spellfire that require you to draw and Ally
discard a card, noting its last digit, and they tend to affect Halfling. The attached champion may use thief skills. He may
everyone at the table, not just one person. One weakness of also use one magical item from any pool for this round of
this rule card is that your opponents no longer have to throw combat.
away their cards, but it’s a trade-off that is in your favor.
Here is a list of some good cards to put into a deck with this The special power of this ally makes it a good one to have in a
rule card: Lady Luck (9/FR) - this is like a free Spoils of deck that has lots of thief skills in it.
Victory!, Black Bess (135/4th), Bess’s Revenge (159/4th) (play It has the main benefit of allowing a champion who normally
these two back to back if possible), Vorpal Blade (56/FR), couldn't use thief skills, to use them and at the same time, also
Great Shout (41/FR), Wand of Wonder (180/4th), Werewolf borrowing a potentially powerful magic item for use in the
(83/FR), Wine of Eternity (21/FRc), Smoke Powder Pistol battle. You can borrow a magic item from any pool, including
(19/ARTc), Grimslade the Gray (36/RR), Mordenkainen’s your own. The borrowed item is returned to its owner after
Disjunction (46/RR), Mount Nevermind (7/DN), The Black combat is over, regardless of whether you win or lose.
Death (26/NS), Trumpet of Doom (53/NS), Boot to the Head It is important to note that the ally is not the one using the thief
(434/4th), and Extension I (91/DUN) (this could be a nasty skills, the champion is. Therefore, if the opposing player plays
one). a counter card like the event Busted! (3/NS Chase), it affects
Note that there are several cards in the Dungeons booster set the champion and not the ally.
that read something like: “cut the owner’s draw pile & check A good item to use is the Staff of Conjuring (105/3rd). This
the last digit.” These cards are unaffected by A Sure Thing allows you to bring this ally back over and over again.
because they are not discarded, merely looked at.
Possibly the most powerful combination in Spellfire is A Sure Raaig
Thing and The Fates (23/BRch). Games are won and lost on 77/NS
this combination and entire decks have been set up around it Ally
and won with great success. If you see an opponent play out A Undead. Immune to harmful events and offensive magical
Sure Thing, be assured that The Fates are right behind it. items. The attached champion may use cleric spells.
When card play directs to draw and discard a card, noting its
last digit, no cards are actually drawn. The player of the Sure This resilient ally is a good choice for a spellcasting or undead
Thing receives the best possible outcome. Opponents receive deck. Its special power of being immune to harmful events
the worst possible outcome. and offensive magical items makes it very difficult to get rid of
this ally in a battle. At the same time it confers the ability to
Card Combo (from Jones' Spellfire Page): Play the rule card A cast cleric spells to the champion it is attached to.
Sure Thing. Then play Black Bess. All of the opponents' It does not pass its immunities on to the attached champion in
champions of base level 1 or more are discarded (so only any way.
Living Scroll and Gelatinous Cube survive). The downside is The fact that this ally is undead can be a huge advantage.
that you will have to discard your champions of level 10 or Cards such as the Skeleton (193/3rd), the Shovel of
more, so keep these to a minimum when using this combo. Gravedigging (36/TU), provided that the attached champion is
already undead, and/or the holding Ancient Arms of the Great
Card Combo: When Trumpet of Doom is combined with A Kingdom (14/3rd) can be utilized to greatly increase this ally's
Sure Thing, the player decides which type of card all players level in battle.
will discard. You can use the Ghost Crystal (168/4th) or the Staff of
Card Combo (from Victor Leung): While A Sure Thing is in Conjuring (105/3rd) to retrieve this ally for later use.
play, Use Poison will instantly defeat any champion not
immune to thief skills.
Cat Burglar
Card Combo (from Victor Leung): While A Sure Thing is in 76/NS
play, Death Touch will instantly defeat any champion of level 9 Ally
or less. If the player has Armor of the High King, he can Elf. When played in combat, discard a card at random from all
retrieve Death touch from the discard pile and use it each turn. players’ hands.

Pesquisa Brasil 2010: Pode ser usada no mesmo deck que The Cat Burglar is a must have for any discard deck. Its power
The Fates, porém uma não se beneficia do poder da outra. allows you to randomly discard a card from all your opponents'
hands when it is played in combat.
This might seem comparatively harmless to most people at
first, but used with such cards as Athasian Sloth (230/4th), the
75/NS Ninjas (70/FR), Lady of Fate, Avatar of Istus (42/PO), Fighting
Ally Dirty (3/DU Chase), or Beggar (80/NS), it becomes quite
Undead. Immune to offensive magical items. Attached significant. Other non-combat cards that complement this one
champion may cast wizard spells. are Hettman Tsurin (172/3rd), Marco Volo (50/3rd), and Ren's

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Crystal Ball (199/3rd). These cards are all very effective at opposing champion has no allies in play when the Dracolich
forcing opponents to discard their cards before they can use enters the battle, it’s power is wasted.
them. Other cards with similar powers include the Brine Dragon
(45/DL), and the Ankheg (80/BR).
Zombie Horde
79/NS Loric the Fence
Ally 82/NS
Undead. Gains an additional 2 levels for each ally or spell Ally
played against it. When this ally is used in battle, you may discard up to 3
This mid-level undead ally has the very effective power of magical items from your pool or hand and draw two cards for
gaining 2 levels for each ally or spell played with it. This each.
makes it a good choice for either a spellcasting or undead
deck (or a combination thereof). It is important to exploit this The choice must be made when Loric is first played as to how
ally's special ability to its fullest, either by casting lots of spells many (0-3) magic items and artifacts the player wishes to
during combat, or playing allies. discard. No cards are drawn until all the chosen magic items
Good allies to play with this card are Skeleton (193/3rd), and and/or artifacts are placed in the discard pile.
Ancient Dracolich (81/NS). This ally's relatively low level is more than made up for by its
Really, any ally works well here, but with the Skeleton's ability special power. At first, discarding any magic items or artifacts
to gain +4 levels with each additional undead ally, it is a good seems a high price to pay for drawing extra cards.
idea to concentrate on playing undead allies, thereby gaining However, if you have cards like Tasslehoff Burrfoot (39/DL) or
+6 for each one. Pelath the Bronze Dragon (28/DR) in your pool, you can
Other cards similar to this one include Gauntlets of Dexterity retrieve discarded magic items with their special powers.
(49/NS), Bigby’s Dexterous Digits (83/NS) and Shadowcloak This makes Loric a good choice for any deck with many magic
(8/NS Chase). items in it. The ability to draw extra cards in Spellfire is a huge
advantage and can definitely turn the tide during combat.
Beggar This ability works especially well with a thief deck, where it is
80/NS important to draw lots of thief skills. It also works well with
Ally spellcasting decks, which count on many spells being available
Ask each player not involved in combat for a card playable in to cast.
the battle. Play any given immediately. If they refuse and you
win the round, look at their hand and discard one card of your Bigby’s Dexterous Digits
choice. 83/NS
Wizard Spell
This ally more than makes up for its low level with its very Until dispelled, thischampion can use thief skills. (def/3/4)
powerful ability. Forcing every other player (except the
opposing player) to contribute a card to your side in combat This spell is highly specialized, and is a good choice only for
can be very beneficial. It can also backfire on you. decks with a large number of thief skills.
Its all too easy for other players to either give you a card that In most decks, there will usually be one or two (or more)
proves harmful to your champion or just directly aid your champions, without the ability to utilize certain card types (i.e.
opponent through the use of spells and/or events. Spells, Psionic powers, Blood abilities). This spell allows
Most players as a rule, refuse to give you a card, therefore it is greater access to your thief skills.
a good idea to have some sort of instant win capability in your There are bound to be times when you have a champion
hand, before you play the Beggar. (Helm (89/FR) for instance) ready for combat and only thief
That way, when you win the battle, you can utilize the even cards in your hand for support in combat. Using this spell
more powerful second ability of this ally, which allows you to provides greater flexibility to your deck.
look at the hand of whoever didn't help you and discard a card Other cards similar to this one include Gaunlets of Dexterity
of your choice. (49/NS), the Guild Master (76/NS) and Shadowcloak (8/NS
This is comparable to having and playing one of the rarest Chase).
cards in the game, the Discovery of Spellfire (401/1st).
If you happen to have the Discovery and can play it, it makes Guardian Mist
the taste of victory all the sweeter, being able to discard 2 84/NS
cards instead. Wizard Spell
Cards given come from players' hands. Prevents either flyers, swimmers, or earthwalkers from
attacking this players formation (caster’s choice) until the end
Ancient Dracolich of his next turn. (Off/3/4/5)
Ally Guardian Mist is an excellent defender spell designed to
Undead; flyer; dragon. One opposing ally of this player’s protect your realms from attack.
choice is instantly discarded. When it is cast you must choose which type of champion that
is unable to attack your realms from earthwalkers, swimmers
The Ancient Dracolich is one of the most powerful allies or flyers.
around. Possessing both an extremely high level (the 2nd Unfortunately, choosing one of these types leaves you open
highest there is for an ally) and a very effective power. It is a for attack by champions possessing one or both of the other
must have for nearly any deck that utilizes allies. two movement abilities.
This ally's flying ability allows it to attack the vast majority of In order to form a complete barrier against attack, you have to
realms in the game and being able to discard an opposing ally utilize another card in conjunction with this one. A good choice
instantly makes it a very effective battle card. would be Rand the Bowyer (13/PO) and the dungeon card
It is especially powerful in discarding those pesky "playing to Song of the Dragonlance (22/DU)
lose" allies, like the Starving Artist (439/1st) or to discard an You can cast Guardian Mist and say that flyers cannot attack
opposing high level ally, thereby dramatically impacting the your realms, then you can use Rand in defense.
score of the combat. This spell has a duration that lasts only until the end of your
It is important to remember that if you are going to destroy an next turn. This means that it is best to wait to use it when you
opposing ally, it has to be done instantly. In other words, as are near to completing your formation and winning the game.
soon as the Ancient Dracolich is played. You may not wait until
later in the round to declare the Dracolich’s power. If the

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If you don't want to wait for this condition, a way of lengthening opposing champion from using any more unarmed combat
this is to cast Extension I (91/DU). This will prolong your cards.
defense structure. Other cards with similar functions are Reversal (435/4th),
Other cards with similar functions include, Solid Fog (133/4th), Counter (437/4th) and Dodge (12/RR Chase).
Festival (21/BR Chase) and Wall of Fog (371/4th). It is important to note that Power of Faith will work as an
effective negation card, but still may only be cast during phase
Alarm 3 or by a champion in battle. Since nearly all unarmed combat
85/NS cards are useable only in combat Power is still very effective. If
Wizard Spell your opponent is cruel enough however, to play an undead or
Cancels a just played thief skill and prevents the opposing dragon unarmed combat card outside of the casting times for
champion from using any more thief skills for this round of Power of Faith you will need to search elsewhere for a stopper.
combat. (off/4)
Find Traps
Alarm is now considered to read: 88/NS
Cleric Spell
Can be cast at any time to cancel a just played thief skill. (def) The affected champion and his allies can attack a realm,
May also be used in battle to prevent an opposing champion regardless of its special powers. The champion also ignores
from using thief skills. (Off/4) the power of attached holdings, spells, or thief skills. (def/3/4)

If Alarm is used in combat both of its powers function. That is, Find Traps is a very useful spell, which provides powerful
Alarm will both, cancel a just played thief skill and prevent the offensive and defensive abilities to an attacking champion.
opposing champion from playing any further thief skills. When When cast, the affected champion and any allies can attack
used to cancel a thief skill the spell is considered defensive, any realm, ignoring the realm's power and placement.
when used to deprive an opposing champion from playing thief This power alone, makes this spell quite useful as many
skills it is offensive. players like to build their formation using hard to attack realms
Alarm is also now considered a counter affect card for thief (i.e. movement restrictions).
skills. To work as such, it must be the very next card played. However, this spell also protects the champion against any
(see the Dispel Magic rule in the tournament rules for further holdings, spells, or thief skills that happen to be attached to the
details on counter affect cards in general.) realm in question.
With the wide use of such powerful thief skills as Con Game With the benefits that this spell provides, it is a good choice for
(82/DU) and Hijacking (86/DU) it was clear that a counter any deck and a virtual must have, for an attacking theme deck.
affect card was needed. A good combination would be to cast this spell on the Living
Nearly every deck should have a place for this card, as nearly Wall (58/PO), allowing this relentless champion to attack
every opponent’s deck will contain the high powered thief skills anywhere.
listed above. Similar cards include, Scroll of 7 Leagues (412/2nd), Dori's
Consistent with other counter-effect spells like Dispel Magic, Obsidian Steed of Wondrous Power (31/TU) and the Wyrm of
Alarm is now playable at any time and is considered defensive. Earthwalking (17/FR Chase).
The champion ignores holdings, spells, or thief skills attached
Corruption of the Flesh to the realm at the start of combat, not spells or thief skills
86/NS played once combat has begun.
Wizard Spell
The affected champion becomes undead; this spell lasts until Blessed Abundance
negated or dispelled. (Def/3/4/5) 89/NS
Cleric Spell
This spell causes a champion to become undead. It can have Def/3/4
a number of uses, both offensive and defensive. This card For this round of combat all cards attached to the affected
would be primarily in a deck which has an undead theme, champion are doubled in level bonus. (Def/3)
however, it has uses in any deck.
An excellent combination for this card is to cast it upon a This powerful cleric spell doubles the level of all cards attached
powerful high level champion like the Living Wall (58/PO) and to the affected champion.
use the rule card Negative Planar Energy (73/NS) for an It is important to note that the champion's base level remains
unstoppable champion in battle. unaffected. Only attached cards are doubled in level.
An effective offensive combination is to use this spell in That said, this spell is an absolute must have for a cleric deck
conjunction with the ally, Takhisis Mirror of Underworld Minions and is a good choice for any deck with a large number of
(15/DL Chase) or the event Water Hunters (276/3rd) in battle champions able to cast cleric spells.
against an non-undead champion. An interesting combination for this card, is to cast it upon Tako
You can cast this spell on the opposing champion, turning (59/PO) and then play a single high level ally with him in battle.
them undead and then play your anti-undead card, instantly Other cards that have similar powers include, Surprise Raid
winning the battle. This spell becomes offensive when cast at a (101/3rd), Complete Surprise (NS/25) and The Crystal Dome
champion you don’t own, thus champions immune to offensive (515/4th).
spells would be immune to Corruption.
Monster Mount
Power of Faith 90/NS
87/NS Cleric Spell
Cleric Spell Any monster in an opposing pool may be used as an ally for
Negates the effect of all unarmed combat cards playable only this round of battle. Win or lose, that champion returns to his
by dragons or undead and prevents any more from being pool at the end of combat.(Off/4)
played in this round. (Off/3/4)
Monster Mount allows you to use any monster from an
The Power of Faith is a defense spell, useful when playing opposing pool as an ally for the current round of combat.
against either an undead or dragon theme deck. There are three important items of note with this card. One is
With the many unarmed combat cards available exclusively to that you gain only the level and the power of the monster in
dragons and undead champions, this is an effective counter question, along with any attachments the monster has. The
card. Especially powerful, is the ability to prevent the second is, you must use an opponent's monster. You cannot
take one from your own pool.

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The third important point about this card, is that while the Other cards with similar abilities include Airship (118/4th),
monster is returned at the end of combat, it can be discarded Tembo (330/3rd), Fireball (363/4th) and Ren’s Bell of Death
during combat like any other ally (i.e. by any card that destroys (409/3rd).
This spell is a good choice for a deck that has either few or no Cause Paralysis
allies in it. In this way, you can "manufacture" allies on the fly. 94/NS
It is also a good choice for a deck with a large number of ally Unarmed Combat Card
support cards, like Intensify (89/PO) or Surprise Raid (121/4th). Usable only by any undead. An opposing champion of base
A popular tactic to use with Monster Mount, is to use it early in level 5 or less immediately returns to his pool, defeated. (Off/4)
the combat to get one of the defending player’s monsters
before he chooses to bring it forward. Since a champion can Cause Paralysis is an unarmed combat card playable by
only be involved in a single round of combat on any one turn, undead champions or champions with the special power
even when the monster returns to its owner it will not be able allowing them to play undead unarmed combat cards.
to come forward as a defender in a later round of the same When played in combat, this card forces any opposing
combat. champion of level 5 or less to immediately return to his pool
Aging This card is an excellent choice for an undead deck. The fact
91/NS that it affects a large number of champions in the game,
Unarmed Combat Card coupled with the fact that few decks have adequate defense
Usable only by any undead. Opponent’s base level is halved against unarmed combat cards, make this one particularly
(rounded down). (Off/4) powerful.
It is important to note that the opposing champions' base level
Aging is an unarmed combat card playable by undead as opposed to his adjusted level is the number used to
champions or champions with the special power allowing them determine whether he or she is defeated.
to play undead unarmed combat cards. Cards similar to this one include the Sword of Sharpness
In addition to the respectable +4 level of this card, it causes (64/DU), Broad Jump (85/DU), the Intellect Devourer (213/4th)
the base level of an opponent to be halved. and Invisibility (339/1st).
This is an extremely powerful card when used against a high
level champion as you are in effect taking half their level and The mere touch of certain undead will cause all but the
using it against them. strongest of heart to become paralyzed. Leaving a tasty meal
If this card is used in conjunction with a card like The Dreaded for the foul creature to eat at its leisure. Send only your
Ghost (246/4th) or Negative Planar Energy (73/NS) it can strongest warriors against these creatures or you will find your
provide an instant win in battle. lands defenseless, filled with the frozen meals of the undead. –
Cards similar to this one include, the Sword of Kas (7/AR), Lord Bo, Barbarian Knight of Icewind Dale.
Targoth the Unclean (13/BR Chase), The White Weird (51/DU)
and Takhisis Mirror and Sword (12/DL Chase). Maybe the best Constitution Drain
combination with Aging is the artifact Wand of Orcus (456/4th). 95/NS
This combo will instantly defeat nearly every champion in the Unarmed Combat Card
game. Usable only by any undead. An opposing champion is
discarded at the end of this round of combat, win or lose.
Cause Despair (Off/4)
Unarmed Combat Card Constitution Drain is an unarmed combat card playable by
Usable only by any undead. Opposing allies of +3or less are undead champions or champions with the special power
immediately removed from combat. (Off/4) allowing them to play undead unarmed combat cards.
A good revenge card, Constitution Drain causes the opposing
Cause Despair is an unarmed combat card playable by champion to be discarded at the end of battle, win or lose. It is
undead champions or champions with the special power important to note that if the opposing champion is attacking
allowing them to play undead unarmed combat cards. and manages to win, even though he is discarded, that player
When this card is played in battle, opposing allies of +3 or less may continue the battle.
are immediately removed from combat and placed in the This card is one of many in the game that punish the opposing
discard pile. champion with powers that activate after the round of combat
It is important to note that this card is very similar to Cause ends.
Fear (93/NS), however, while this card seems less powerful, it Constitution Drain is particularly effective against champions
is a good choice for any undead theme deck. It can be utilized with the ability to attack multiple times, like Zaknafein the
just as effectively as Cause Fear on the many low level allies Weapons Master (94/TU), or Rikus (259/4th).
available in Spellfire, like Loup Garou (236/4th), the Assassins Other cards with similar powers include Aurak, Draconian Lord
(221/4th) or Vistani (78/RL). (418/3nd), Aurak Draconians (50/DL), Castle Draw (37/3rd),
This saves the other cards’ power for allies of higher level. Magic Jar (386/3rd), Yondalla the Provider (475/4th) and
Barab's Goblet of Dissolution (5/ARch).
Cause Fear
93/NS Strength Drain
Unarmed Combat Card 96/NS
Usable only by any undead. All opposing allies are discarded. Unarmed Combat Card
No more may be played this round. (Off/4) Usable only by any undead. Discard a card from your draw
pile, noting it’s last digit. Subtract this number from the
Cause Fear is an unarmed combat card playable by undead opposing champion'’ level. If reduced to 0 or less, that
champions or champions with the special power allowing them champion is discarded. (Off/4)
to play undead unarmed combat cards.
This is an extremely powerful anti-ally card, comparable to a Strength Drain is an unarmed combat card playable by undead
Net of Entrapment (169/4th). When played, this card discards champions or champions with the special power allowing them
all opposing allies and prevents any more from being played. to play undead unarmed combat cards.
Like Cause Despair (92/NS), this card is also useful to get rid This card is a good choice for any undead deck. When played
of revenge allies. you draw and discard a card, noting the last digit. The
This card is a very good choice for any undead theme deck. opposing champion then loses that number from his adjusted

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level. If the opposing champion is reduced to 0 or less, he is Cause Disease
discarded. 100/NS
A good combination for this card is to have the rule card A Unarmed Combat Card
Sure Thing (74/NS) in play before combat. Another Usable only by any undead. If this champion is defeated in
approach is to cast Rengarth Oracle (503/4th) before battle, combat, attach this card to he opposing champion. His base
ensuring you have a high level card available to be discarded. level is reduced to 1 until negated. (Off/4)
Using this card in conjunction with Negative Planar Energy
(73/NS), the Dreaded Ghost (246/4th), the Skeletal Lord Cause Disease is an unarmed combat card playable by
(217/4th), or Level Drain (97/NS) also makes it very effective undead champions or champions with the special power
indeed. allowing them to play undead unarmed combat cards.
Another form of "revenge" card, in addition to adding a
Level Drain formidable 6 levels to your champion, it also guarantees an
97/NS unpleasant fate to the opposing champion, should you lose the
Unarmed Combat Card round of combat.
Usable only by any undead. Subtract the base level of the Due to the fact that many decks in the game tend to be short
attached champion form the base level of the opposing on defense against unarmed combat cards, this card can be
champion. If reduced to 0 or less, that champion is discarded. quite effective in curbing an opposing champion's level.
(Off/4) A champion with this card affecting them becomes extremely
vulnerable to cards like Negative Planar Energy (73/NS) and
Level Drain is an unarmed combat card playable by undead the Dreaded Ghost (246/4th).
champions or champions with the special power allowing them When this card is attached to a victorious opposing champion,
to play undead unarmed combat cards. that champion does not receive the +6 bonus.
Level Drain is an excellent choice for any undead deck. Its
power is similar in nature to Strength Drain (96/NS), however it Good Triumphs in the End
does not require you to draw and discard a potential realm in 1/NS
order to play it in battle. It uses your champions' base level Chase
instead of the last digit of the card, as well as adding 5 to the Rule Card
adjusted level of the attached champion. Played at the beginning of the player’s turn, this card is not
When used with a high level undead champion in conjunction discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
with Negative Planar Energy (73/NS), this card can provide an other rule card is played.
instant win for a player. Another card which is good to play with Players without undead or werebeast champions in play gain 2
Level Drain is Crystal of Ebon Flame (13/AR). to the base levels of their champions and are immune to
A card with similar abilities is Amulet of Undead Aura (9/NS harmful events played by players who have undead champions
Chase). in their pools.

Magic Resistance When another rule card is put into play, this card must be
98/NS discarded. Rule cards can only be played before cards are
Unarmed Combat Card drawn at the beginning of a player's turn, or as a spoils of
Usable only by any undead. Attached champion is immune to victory.
offensive spell, magical items, artifacts and blood abilities until This rule card is designed to work against decks that rely on
the end of this player’s next turn. (Def/3/4) undead and werebeasts. Any player who does not have any
werebeast or undead champions in play gain 2 levels to the
Magic Resistance is an unarmed combat card playable by base levels of all their champions. Since rule cards activate
undead champions or champions with the special power first, any additional adjustments to a champion's base level
allowing them to play undead unarmed combat cards. takes place after this adjustment. If a player brings an undead
This card makes the attached champion immune to all or werebeast champion into play, all of that player's champions
offensive spells, magic items, artifacts and blood abilities until lose the bonus levels until the offending champion in out of
the end of this players' next turn. play.
With the multi-purpose defense that this card provides, it is a In addition to the level increase, all players eligible for the level
virtual must have for any undead deck. It is especially effective bonus also is granted immunity to all harmful events played by
against a Birthright deck as there are limited cards that impart players who have undead champions in their pools. This part
immunity to blood abilities in the game. is a little more tricky. If a player has a werebeast in his pool,
Cards with similar powers include Arak (60/4th), Dark Haven he does not get any level bonuses, but his events will affect
(188/4th) and the Throne of Bones (462/4th). those who do. Also if a player has an undead champion in
battle, but not in his pool, this rule card grants no immunity.
Rapid Regeneration These restrictions only apply to champions classified as
99/NS undead or werebeasts, not allies; unless the ally is being a
Unarmed Combat Card champion through something like the Magical Champion
Usable only by any undead. Attached champion gains 2 levels (402/3rd). One final clarification; this event immunity is
for every card attached to an opposing champion for this round bestowed only upon the champions and their attachments, it
of combat. (Def/3/40) does not extend to a player's realm formation, hand or draw
Rapid Regeneration is an unarmed combat card playable by
undead champions or champions with the special power Crime Does Not Pay
allowing them to play undead unarmed combat cards. 2/NS
The attached champion gains 2 levels for every card attached Chase
to the opposing champion. This ability is unusual in that you Rule Card
are counting on your opponent to play many attachments in Played at the beginning of the player’s turn, this card is not
order to boost your score.Your opponent will definitely think discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
twice before playing cards that aren’t at least level 3 or higher. other rule card is played.
By limiting your opponent’s choice of playable cards, you can Players who have thieves in play must discard a card at the
gain a big advantage. beginning of their turn in order to use thief skills or Thiefs’
Rapid Regeneration is a good choice for an undead deck that special powers that turn.
has an attack theme.
When another rule card is put into play, this card must be

Night Stalkers - Página 322

discarded. Rule cards can only be played before cards are owner.
drawn at the beginning of a player's turn, or as a spoils of Remember that since Confused Hunchback is a harmful event,
victory. it cannot be played on champions who are immune to them.
This is a very specialized rule card created to hinder the However, a champion who is immune to events could still be
powerful potential of the Thief. Any player who has thieves in attacked by a monster under the influence of the Confused
play and wishes to use either their special powers or any thief Hunchback, as the event is not directly affecting the champion
skill cards must discard a card from their pool or hand. This under attack.
must be done in phase 0 (before any cards are drawn for that One of the best ways to use this card is to attach it to a
turn) and if not done or forgotten, that player cannot use any champion whose level is lower than the one you want it to
thief skill or thief special power for the entire turn. Once this attack. That way you can get first pick from your opponent's
rule card is in place, the only way around this power, aside hand. Go ahead and use the card you wouldn't want coming
from removing the rule card, is to not have any Thiefs in play at at you, like that Cataclysm! (119/4th). Another good reason to
the beginning of your turn. Then you are free to make use of choose the lower level is because your opponent can choose
thief skills and powers until the beginning of your next turn, to lose right away without playing a card otherwise, and you're
where you'll have to make a discard to be able to use those guaranteed to use at least one of his cards. Note that even if
cards. the affected player can declare a loss right away, he still must
Since this rule card only affects one type of champion, it could lay his entire hand face up.
prove to be useless in many games. Although having this rule Stan Brown is the confused Quasimodo.
card still enables you to get rid of another unwanted rule card,
and if you hate being suckered by the Con Game (82/DU), put Dark Prophesy
this rule card in your deck. 5/NS
Busted! Event
3/NS Play before any combat you’re not involved in, just after a
Chase defender comes forward. Write down who you think will win. If
Event you’re correct or the battle ends with no winner, draw three
Play any time to prevent a thief skill from taking effect. The cards or discard the top three cards from any draw pile. If
champion using the thief skill is immediately discarded. you’re wrong, raze or discard a realm in your formation.
(Harmful) (Helpful)

This event must be played after a thief skill card is played, Dark Prophesy is a Helpful event that can end up being
otherwise it will have no effect. When Busted! is played, it Harmful to the player of the event. This card is only useful in
cancels the effect of the targeted thief skill, and it also forces multi-player games, as you cannot be involved in the
the champion using the thief skill to be immediately discarded. impending combat. As combat is being initiated by the
This event is very nice when you need to stop those pesky defender, play this event and write down (or somehow secretly
thief skills, and being able to get rid of the champion is a nice indicate) which side will win this particular battle. If you are
added bonus. Be careful about using this event in a deck right or it ends without a victor, you can either draw three cards
where you also have thief skills, because if your opponent gets from your draw pile, or discard the top three cards from any
a hold of it via something like the Ninjas (239/4th), you could draw pile. If your Prophesy was wrong, you must raze or
face being Busted! yourself. discard a realm from your formation immediately.
Busted! has an added use in a particular situation. If you are This card may seem like a potentially double-edged sword, but
attacking a realm whose realm champion is or can be a Thief, it can be used quite effectively. Try to use it when the outcome
and the realm champion uses a thief skill, you could use of the battle is obvious; when a champion has the Thrice
Busted! to cancel the skill card and discard the champion. As a Hearty Cup of Balder the Red (1/FR Chase) cast on him, or
realm champion, once it's discarded, you've had a successful when Lovely Colleen (22/1st Chase) is facing a monster. This
attack. As long as Busted! isn't canceled, you'd be eligible for a strategy takes a lot of the guesswork out, and basically gives
spoils of victory. you three extra cards, or a chance to mess with your
A Thief immune to harmful events will escape being sent to the opponents draw pile.
discard pile, but that immunity does not extend to the just Since this is a Helpful event, it cannot be deflected or calmed,
played thief skill, unless the thief skill is attached to the but can still be canceled by the likes of Helm (255/4th) or
champion. Thus Gib Retlub (20/NSch) would not be discarded Limited Wish (382/4th).
Busted!, but the thief skill Con Game (82/DU) that was played The prediction made is for the current round, not the entire
by Retlub would be. battle.

Confused Hunchback Card Combo (from Philip D. Cornett): If Dark Prophesy is

4/NS played while sithicus is in play, Sithicus can be discarded to
Chase force both combatants to the Abyss. Since the battle ends with
Event no winner, the player can draw a total of four cards.
Play on any monster to force it to attack another player in its
own pool. The opposing player lays down his own hand face Dark Dreams
up and you both play cards from it until one side wins and 6/NS
draws a card, it may be played immediately. (Harmful) Chase
This is an excellent event, and it's downright nasty. The Play at the end of a round of combat you’ve lost. Replay the
Confused Hunchback must be directed at a monster champion round of combat with the same champions, except that the
in any pool. That monster comes under the control of the winner’s attachments are discarded; you get to keep yours.
event player, who can now attack any other champion in the The previous round of battle never happened and this one is
same pool as the affected monster. Once the monster's target decisive. (Harmful)
has been selected, the affected player must lay down his hand,
face up. Combat is conducted normally, with both sides using This event is great, especially if you seem to lose combat
cards from the open hand. The loser is discarded and the because you run out of cards just one card too soon. This
winner gets to draw a card, which can be played immediately, card must be played immediately after you've lost a round of
like a spoils. Once the battle is over, the Confused Hunchback combat. At that point, you re-conduct the previous combat.
is sent to the Void, and if the monster champion was Your defeated champion gets to keep all the cards he had
victorious, it remains in it's own pool, now back in control of it's attached to him during the last round, including allies, spells,

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and spell-like support cards. The winning champion must face subject to an Elemental Swarm) all other cards would be
you, but all of his current attachments are discarded. Combat affected normally, while the champion with the Mirror could
then continues as normal. The winner of this round is the transfer his effect to any other champion, as if that champion
winner, and the previous round is simply forgotten. were in his place.
This event is very powerful, because it can stop a lot of actions Miranda Horner is gazing into the mirror, but that's not really
that took place. For example, if you were defending and the her reflection.
attacker used Cataclysm! (119/4th) to win the battle, you could
play Dark Dreams and effectively ignore the Cataclysm!, The Mirror of Corruption is not an evil artifact, although it has
because all cards played by the opponent (besides the been described as one. This magical mirror of neutral
champion itself) is simply discarded and never really alignment shows in it’s reflection the true essence and nature
happened. This also works great to get rid of those nasty of whomever looks into it. It is only Harmful to the onlooker
attachments, like Kevin's Blade of Doom (206/3rd) or the North when that person is not truthful to himself. Many a "good" man
Wind (14/UD). has been "corrupted" by gazing into this mirror.
This is a Harmful event, and can be affected by Calm (400/3rd)
or any other card that can cancel an event. Amulet of Undead Aura
Celestial Lights Chase
7/NS Magic Item
Chase Subtract the base level of the attached champion from the
Event adjusted level of the opposing champion. (off)
Destroys all undead champions in one player’s pool and
prevents any undead champions from being involved in This magical item has all the benefits of some of the powerful
combat until the end of this player’s next turn. (Harmful) undead without the drawbacks. The attached champion is
able to subtract his base level from any opposing champion's
Celestial Lights is one of the many events that are able to wipe adjusted level. This is accomplished, and the attached
out undead champions. However, this event is a little more champion is not even considered undead, unless it already
selective than something like The Avatar (20/1st Chase). This was designated as such.
single event has two separate powers that come into effect. If the opposing champion's level goes below 0, he continues to
The first is that it destroys (discards) all undead champions in fight at the negative number, although probably not for long.
one player's pool, chosen by the event player. Secondly, no This card works exceptionally well with other cards that
undead champions anywhere can be involved in combat until subtract from the opposing champion's level. Good champion
the event player's next turn is over. choices include the Lesser Mummy (356/4th) and Winslow the
Normally when an event affects everyone it cannot be Lich (69/NS), not to mention any avatars, as their levels tend to
deflected, but Celestial Lights is a little different. A person can be much higher. Lady of Fate, Avatar of Istus (42/PO) wearing
play Deflection (137/4th) on this event only if his pool is the this Amulet can be devastating to all opponents. Also effective
target of the first effect. This effect can be re-directed as per is to use the Amulet of Undead Aura in conjunction with cards
the Deflection card. The rest of the event's power, prohibiting that increase the attached champion's base level. One nasty
undead in combat, continues to function for all players, example of this is attack or defend with Tiamat, God of Evil
including the Deflection player. Calm (400/3rd) could still be Dragons (44/DR), and play Cult of the Dragon (80/DR). Now
used to ignore this event as normal. attach the Amulet of Undead Aura and you can subtract your
One excellent use for this event is to play it right before you base level 40 from your opponent's adjusted level.
bring out/attack with a champion that has a weakness to Opposing champions whose level is reduced to zero or below
undead, like the King of the Elves (440/3rd). It can also give are not discarded, but may continue in battle.
you a fighting chance to attack when cards that favor undead, That's Anne Brown's neck on the card.
like Negative Planar Energy (73/NS) are in effect.
These amulets were first created by a mage named Malador
Mirror of Corruption the Black in order to help a force infiltrate an evil
8/NS necromancer's keep. This amulet effectively shielded the
Chase wearers from attack by mindless undead, because they were
Artifact no longer viewed as any type of threat. As an unexpected side
Offensive spells, psionic power cards, blood abilities, and effect, the wearers of these amulets would have a chilling
Harmful events are reflected away from the attached champion touch for up to ten days after taking off this item.
and affect the champion of this player’s choice, regardless of
immunities. Arcane Formula for a Lich
The Mirror of Corruption is an AD&D artifact, and can only be 10/NS
attached to AD&D champions, or through special powers, like Chase
using the Ego Coin (419/3rd) or the Gelatinous Cube Magic Item
(421/3rd). Can only be attached to a wizard. The attached champion
Here is an artifact that can really do some damage. Although becomes undead and gains 5 levels to his base level. This
this artifact grants no icon bonus to its attached champion, it item remains attached to him until he’s discarded; it cannot be
can reflect all offensive spells, offensive psionic power cards, discarded in any other way. (def)
offensive blood abilities and Harmful events that are directed at
this champion. The reflected effects are directed at any other This +5 magical item is only effective with champions
champion, chosen by the owner of the Mirror. This artifact also designated as wizards. All other champions, even those
has the ability to overcome any immunity that a target may capable of casting wizard spells, cannot use this card at all.
have, so that all cards reflected by the Mirror affect the new The +5 granted by the Arcane Formula for a Lich is added
target as if it has no immunities at all. This will even affect directly to the champion's base level, and that champion is
champions that have immunities to artifacts, so champions like now considered undead. Once attached, this magical item
Gib Htimsen (13/1st Chase) have reason to fear the Mirror of cannot be removed by any means except through causing the
Corruption. Being able to harm those champions with champion to be discarded. Not only does this mean that it is
immunities without having to rely on something like Mishakal's not affected by cards like Crystalbrittle (53/RR), but it also
Insistence (80/DL) makes this a must for any deck, as long as cannot be borrowed by Drawmij (276/4th) and the like.
you have a few AD&D champions. Since this magical item will have a limited number of potential
If the attached champion is not the only card affected by a champions in a deck with many champion types, it's
particular card, (for example, a pool containing the Mirror was recommended that you have several wizards in a deck with

Night Stalkers - Página 324

this item. Combining it with other magical items, like the
Amulet of Undead Aura (9/NS Chase) can make for a deadly Pavlov’s Bell
combination. Especially if they are attached to a high level 13/NS
wizard like Kanchelsis (483/4th) Chase
This magical item increases the base level by 5 and increases Magic Item
adjusted level by an additional 5. Each turn, select any realm in any formation. If players attack
that realm on their turn, every one of their champions and
Many high-level mages have tried to perform the ritual that will allies receives a +1 bonus. If not, each champion and ally is at
lead to lichdom, but few have any real success. The process –1. This player is not affected. (off)
is long and expensive, and if done incorrectly, usually results in
irreversible death. Some wizards, however, still feel this is a This is another magical item that has no bonus and is of no
chance they're willing to take to continue their quest for power use during combat. In fact, this magical item does not affect
and knowledge. the player with it at all, but that's a good thing. Each turn, the
owner of Pavlov's Bell selects any realm in play. All other
Bag of Beans players that attack the chosen realm gain +1 to all of their
11/NS champions and allies during the attack. If they chose to attack
Chase any other realm, all of their champions and allies receive a -1
Magic Item to their levels during their attacks.
During phase 3 you may cut your draw pile and take the card The player who has Pavlov's Bell gets neither the bonus nor
you cut to. If it is a realm, discard it immediately. Any other penalty, no matter where her champions attack. When this
type of card may be held, put in the pool, or played as desired. magical item is first brought into play, the player should decide
(def) on a targeted realm. After this selection, the player can
change the targeted realm only during phase 3 of her turn. If
This magical item grants no bonus and is of no use during no new realm is selected, the original realm is still considered
combat. Instead, it allows the player to cut his draw pile during the target, unless it has been discarded; in which case, no
phase 3 of his turn. He then takes the card cut to and replaces realm is targeted until the owner declares a new one.
the top half of the deck as normal. If the card cut is a realm, it This magic item can be used in many different ways. The
is discarded. All other cards can be put into the player's hand, owner could target a realm that she wanted to get rid of, so
pool, or, if playable during phase 3, played. All cards not that she could bring her own into play. The player with the
normally playable during phase 3 must go into the player's most realms could become the recipient, so as to keep that
hand. person from winning. It can also be used to help protect other
The Bag of Beans has the potential of hurting a player, through realms in your formation. Perhaps your Tyr (28/4th) has lately
discarding a realm, but the odds are against that. An average been under attack. Designate a stronger realm in your
55 card deck during the third round of play has only a 22% formation, like the Spiderfell (3/BR). Now if anyone wishes to
chance of cutting to a realm, although that rate changes as the attach Tyr, you can benefit from the -1 to their levels, and if
draw pile dwindles. The benefit of this card, of course, is that they choose to attack the Spiderfell, the bonus will not help
you get one extra card per turn, as long as you use it every them unless they can get by the realm's special power.
Because of the nature of this item, it is probably best attached Pavlov Lodestonn was a sage and wizard famous for his
to a champion that you don't plan on using in battle. Hettman research with hellhounds, death dogs, and blink dogs. Many
Tsurin (257/4th) comes to mind. If a player also has the of his experiments involved illusions and mind control spells,
Dragon Font (20/AR Chase) in his pool, he can use the and their effects on the magically-enhanced canine species.
knowledge of the last few cards to his advantage when cutting Through his research, many spells were speculated upon and
his deck for the Bag of Beans. Using these two cards in created. It is this mage's work that was the foundation of the
conjunction will almost guarantee an extra card each turn wizard spell Blink in its original manifestation. This can be
without fear of discarding a realm. recognized because when the mage blinks, a small ringing of a
The Bag of Beans is used during phase 3 of a player's turn. bell can be heard.
The player should reveal the card cut so that other players
may see whether or not it is a realm. Ring of Lycanthropy
I was told that hand pictured on the card belongs to Shawn 14/NS
Costa. Chase
Magic Item
Shadow Cloak The attached champion becomes a werebeast and is immune
12/NS to offensive magical items of +4 or less enchantment. (def)
Magic Item This ring grants the wearer a +4 level bonus, and bestows
Attached champion can use thief skills. If attached to a thief immunity to all offensive magical items whose bonus is +4 or
the shadowcloak becomes a +8 and allows the thief to bypass less. Offensive magical items with no icon bonus whatsoever
a defending cleric or wizard and automatically raze a realm. are included in this immunity, while items of +5 or higher
The defending champion returns to his pool. (def) function normally. In addition to this power, the champion is
now considered a werebeast for as long as the Ring of
The Shadowcloak is a +5 magical item that grants its wearer Lycanthropy is attached.
the ability to use thief skills as if he were a Thief. If this is Being considered a werebeast is a two-edged sword. while
attached to a champion that is already a thief, the bonus raises the champion can now benefit from such cards as Moonlight
to +8. In addition to the +8, a thief wearing the Shadowcloak Madness (20/NS) and Harvest Moon (24/RL), it can also be
can bypass a defending cleric or wizard in battle and raze the affected by cards that specifically target lycanthropes, like
realm. This player would draw spoils of victory, and the Summon Lycanthrope (43/UD) and Good Triumphs in the End
defending champion would return to his pool. (1/NS Chase).
Because the Shadowcloak allows the thief to bypass the One important point to consider: offensive magical items that
defender, any special powers activated upon defeat would not have a icon bonus of less than +5 with powers that increase
take effect. The defending champion returns to his pool as if their level may or may not work against the champion wearing
the battle just ended, or was stopped by a wall. Allies whose this ring. Items like Javelin of Lightning (203/4th) would not
vindictive powers work when on the losing side of battle would work, because the +7 increase is a separate power and not an
still function, since the realm was razed. The defending addition to its original icon bonus, so neither would work. A
champion just wasn't defeated, that's all. card like Staff of Striking (164/4th), however, would work

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against a champion wearing the Ring of Lycanthropy so long allies played with the Moonbeast are immune to offensive
as the opposing champion was a cleric, thereby making the magical items, and become werebeasts also. It is important to
staff's level +8 instead of the +3. note that even though the Moonbeast's allies are immune to
offensive magical items, the Moonbeast himself is not. Here
Zombie are a few examples to help illustrate this point. If the
15/NS Moonbeast was attacking a champion who had the Horn of
Chase Change (10/RR Chase) attached, the defending champion
Hero could use the horn to force Moonbeast to switch any card but
Undead. The Zombie is immune to offensive psionic powers an ally, since the ally is immune. If the opponent tries to use
and the special powers of psionicists. It negates the level the horn when Moonbeast only has allies attached, the power
bonus of magical items and spells used by opposing is wasted. If a champion with the Net of Entrapment (169/4th)
champions. is combating Moonbeast, he can still play allies, since the allies
are immune to the item. Any magical item that does not target
The Zombie is a level 2 AD&D hero that is considered undead. the allies in any way will work normally against this champion.
It can use unarmed combat cards, including those only usable Cards that help all lycanthropes at the same time are good
by undead. This champion has immunity to all offensive cards to play with the Moonbeast, as they'll also benefit his
psionic powers and the special powers of all psionicist allies. Good examples are Moonlight Madness (20/NS), Night
champions. This immunity works whether the Zombie is in of the Blue Moon (32/PO), and Harvest Moon (24/RL). When
battle, or in a player's pool. When in combat, this champion using events like these, it's a good idea to include a Dungeon
also negates the level (icon) bonus of all magical items and card to protect them. The Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen
spells used by the opposing champion. This includes both (24/DU) or Purveyor of Events (16/DU) would both be
offensive and defensive items, but it does not include any effective.
special powers that the item might have. For example, if a
champion cast Fireball (363/4th) against the Zombie, it would The Moonbeast is a common name for one particular type of
not grant the +4 bonus, but all of the Zombie's allies of level 4 lycanthrope. The characteristics of this type of werecreature
or less would still be destroyed. focus on the fact that the afflicted person has no control over
Although quite strong in power, the Zombie can still be his shape-shifting abilities. Instead, it is driven by the phases
overtaken on sheer power, so it is useful to attach items that of the moon. Whenever the moon is full, and in many cases a
will greatly increase this champion's level. Cards like few days before and after, the afflicted Moonbeast will change
Legendary Artifact (Promo1), Girdle of Storm Giant Strength into it's animal form and hunt throughout the night. While in
(183/4th), and the Heart of Darkness (52/NS) are all good this form, it has only an animal intelligence, and possesses a
choices to use with the Zombie. This is a good champion to voracious appetite. When the moon sets, the Moonbeast
add to any undead theme deck, and since it's level is low, will reverts back into it's original shape, retaining no memory of the
still allow you room to add some of the higher level ones night's feeding frenzy. Persons who have this type of
without going over the level limit for your deck. lycanthropy tend to develop a fear of whatever animal type
they turn into during the full moon.
Varney the Vampire
Gib Lhadsemlo
Chase 18/NS
Wizard Chase
Undaed; flyer. Can use his charm gaze to force one ally to his Monster
side during combat. If defeated in battle, he can change to mist This fearsome flesh golem is immune to offensive spells
and escape to Limbo, returning at the end of his player’s next (including Wish), magical items, psionic powers, blood abilities,
turn. unarmed combat cards, thief skills, and Harmful events.
Varney is a level 7 wizard champion from Ravenloft. He is
considered both undead and a flyer; and is affected by all This Gib champion is a great addition to any deck. Not only
cards that help or hinder both of these types. When in battle, does this Ravenloft monster possess a base level of 10, it also
he can force one ally to switch sides. The ally is chosen by has the largest range of immunities to date. Gib Lhadsemlo
this player, and can be chosen at any time, even before the and his attachments are immune to spells, magical items,
ally's special power, if any, has a chance to take effect, unless psionic powers, blood abilities, unarmed combat cards, and
that special power includes the fact that it cannot be forced to thief skills. This immunity only applies to the offensive
switch sides, like Dimock the Sprite (48/AR). varieties of these cards, not the defensive. Gib Lhadsemlo is
If Varney the Vampire is defeated in battle, he can go to limbo also immune to all Harmful events and the wish spell.
instead of being discarded. At the end of this player's next Basically, this means that this Gib champion can only be
turn, Varney returns to his pool. If another player has put their affected by allies, champions, artifacts, rule cards, and the
own Varney into play while the first one is in limbo, the original special powers of realms and holdings.
Varney is discarded instead of returning to the pool. It is with this thought in mind that you should consider what to
Even though Varney can go to limbo, he does not have to. If include in a deck with this Gib. Any cards that will allow Gib
this champion has the Winged Boots (186/4th) and was extra abilities (spell use, psionic power cards, etc.) will greatly
defeated by a non-flying champion, he could return to his pool increase his effectiveness. Other good choices are those that
immediately instead of going to limbo. Also, if the player would focus on his few weaknesses. Examples include: Amulet of
just rather have him discarded for one reason or another (like Plane Walking (33/BR), Amelior's Restraint (18/AR Chase),
when the Throne of the Mountain God (510/4th) is in play), he and Breath Charm (69/DU). And of course, if you attach the
is free to do so. Net of Entrapment (169/4th) to this champion, your opponent
That's Colin McComb as Varney. will only be able to play artifacts against you.
This card is not without it's weaknesses. Champions like
Lovely Colleen (22/1st ch), Young Strahd (8/ARch), and the
Living Wall (58/PO) all can still put Gib Lhadsemlo in his place.
17/NS Chase Being so powerful when in combat, he becomes an obvious
Monster target for the special powers of cards such as the Assassins
Werebeast. All allies played with this champion become (221/4th) and The Scarlet Brotherhood (135/3rd).
werebeasts and are immune to offensive magical items. The handsome man on the card is Bill "Stomper" Olmsdahl.
The Moonbeast is an AD&D monster champion who is
Gib Hcivonad
classified as a werebeast. He is a high level champion, with a
base level of 8, and works best when played with allies. All 19/NS

Night Stalkers - Página 326

Chase Hcivonad (19/NSch) already in play.
Hero The Spellfire Oracle, otherwise known as Jim Butler, makes
While this champion is in a player’s pool, any ally can be another appearance on this card.
played as an undead monster champion (base level equal to
its level bonus). It retains any special powers. If Gib Hcivonad Gib Irod
is discarded, no more ally champions can be played, but those 21/NS
in pool remain. Chase
If you are the type of player who has enjoyed using the Undead. Can cast cleric spells. This reanimated horror is
Phantasmal Wolf (142/4th) in their deck, this champion is a immune to Harmful events, the Wish spell, and the special
must have. Gib Hcivonad is a level 6 AD&D hero. While he is powers of allies. In combat, her player may discard up to 3
in a player's pool, that player can bring any ally into his pool as cards from his hand and draw replacements.
if it was a champion. The ally retains its special powers, and
its icon bonus becomes its base level. Once in the pool, these This undead wizard is a level 13 Greyhawk champion. In
allies are considered undead AD&D monster champions. If addition to wizard spells, Gib Irod can also cast cleric spells.
Gib Hcivonad is discarded for any reason, no more allies can She possesses immunity to all Harmful events, the wish spell,
become champions for the player, but all those already in the and the special powers of all allies. These allies still retain
pool retain their champion status. their icon bonus.
Because these allies become undead AD&D monsters, cards When in combat, Gib Irod allows her player the chance to
that are geared to help these types should be a focus. Good discard up to 3 cards from her hand and draw a replacement
choices include Wand of Orcus (456/4th), Negative Planar card for each one discarded. This can be very useful in
Energy (73/NS) and many of the unarmed combat cards from combat when a player has no more useful cards, either
the Nightstalkers booster. Consider the Belly of the Beast because they aren't usable by Irod, or they’re restricted by the
(10/DU) when looking for a good dungeon card. opponent. This way, the player has a chance on getting
A deck containing this champion should rely pretty heavily on something useful. This power to trade a discard for a new card
allies. That way you can make full use out of this card. There has to be used all at once. If Gib Irod wanted one right after
are many good choices, but some to consider right away are attacking, she could not draw 2 more later in the combat. The
the Dreaded Ghost (246/4th), Loup-Garou (236/4th) and the number of cards traded cannot exceed 3.
Athasian Sloth (230/4th). You'll want to consider other Cards that recycle the discard pile are Helpful with this Gib.
attachments based on which allies you choose. Imagine what Myrmidons (210/4th) and Recall (74/DL) are two good
you can do with the Assassins (221/4th) wearing the Winged examples. Because of her high level and undead status,
Boots (186/4th). Negative Planar Energy (73/NS) and Orcus (44/NS) are great
Once these allies have entered this player's pool as cards to have in play with Gib Irod. With these two cards in
champions, they are now vulnerable to cards that target play, this champion would automatically defeat all non-cleric or
monsters and/or undead; and this should be considered when non-avatar champions of base level 18 or less.
choosing cards for the defensive. An excellent artifact to attach to Irod is the Book of the Dead
That's John Danovich on the card. (51/NS), because she can extend most of her immunities to
the rest of this player's undead.
Card Combo: If the ally Dreaded Ghost is brought into play as Behind all that makeup is Dori "the Barbarian" Hein.
a champion using Gib Hcivonad's power, and then the Wand
of Orcus is attached, opposing champions up to level 17 are
Gib Drawsemaj
instantly defeated.
22/NS Chase
Gib Reltub
Avatar. Can be brought into play just after this player causes
20/NS an opponent’s realm to be discarded. When he appears, his
Chase player chooses the special powers of any two non-avatar
Thief champions to be his for that game. Limit one avatar per pool.
Elf; earthwalker. Can cast wizard spells. Gib Retlub is immune
to the effects of all events and may choose to ignore rule This Dragonlance champion is a level 20 cleric avatar. To
cards. Any Wish spells cast by him cannot be spell turned. bring Gib Drawsemaj into play, the player must cause an
opponent's realm to be discarded. This does not mean razed,
Here's a champion to help boost those thief or elf theme the realm has to be discarded to allow this avatar to come into
decks. Gib Retlub is a level 8 Forgotten Realms Thief. He can play. Any method to cause a realm to be discarded will work,
therefore use all thief ability cards. He is also considered an including things like Invisibility (339/1st), Cataclysm (119/4th)
earthwalker, and can attack any realm, regardless of position; and the Barbarian's Revenge (129/4th). This is one of the few
unless it specifically states some restriction to attackers. As an champions that can be brought into play at any time, during
elf, he gains any bonus or hindrance brought on by that anyone's turn, as long as the requirements are met.
distinction. When Gib Drawsemaj is first brought into play, the owner of
Gib Retlub can cast wizard spells, and any Wish spells this Gib must choose the special powers of two non-avatar
(384/4th) cast by him cannot be spell turned, although they can champions in play. If there is only one champion available for
be dispelled. He is immune to all events (Harmful and Helpful) this Gib to emulate, then he will lose the chance to copy a
and can choose to ignore any rule cards in play. The ability to second champion. You may only have one avatar at a time in
ignore a rule card is not the same as immunity to rule cards. your pool.
Retlub can decide when the rule card is played to ignore it or Because the special powers of Gib Drawsemaj must already
not. be in play, it's a good idea to have several champions that
A deck containing this champion must have a Wish (384/4th) you'd like to imitate already in your deck. Don't rely on copying
spell, just because you can cast it without repercussions. Thief just your opponent's champions. Many great combinations
abilities and other wizard spells would also extend his can exist for this champion. One set of powers worth copying
usefulness. Good dungeon card choices include Dungeon of would be Gib Lhadsemlo (18/NSch) and the Living Wall
the King (2/DU), and the Guildhall (27/DU). (58/PO). This champion is perfect for using items like
Cards like Spellbook (189/4th), Time Stop (383/4th), and the All- Goibhniu's Warhammer (32/UD), because his level is already
Knowing Eye of Yasmin Sira (10/AR) are all good choices to above the minimum. Drawsemaj is also a great cleric to have
use with Retlub. Another great card to use is Phantasmal Wolf cast Elemental Swarm (52/UD), since even without any
(142/4th), because Gib Retlub isn't affected, and can attack attachments, the swarm would be attacking all icons of level 10
normally. Just make sure your opponent doesn't have Gib or less in the targeted pool.

Night Stalkers - Página 327

It is important to note that avatars may not have their special AD&D or that can be attached to any realm.
power copied by any other champion, including another avatar. The Den of Thieves is a very powerful realm when you plan on
The two champions whose powers are selected must be in defending a lot. Because its power affects all the realms in a
play at the time Gib Drawsemaj is put in play. These powers formation, it may be wise to place it in the second rank or
are Drawsemaj's for the remainder of the game. If Drawsemaj farther back, so it isn't easily attacked. Also, any holding that
is discarded and then brought back into play, he chooses two can protect it from events and/or spells would help keep this
new powers of champions currently in play. realm safe.
The player must be the direct cause of the discarding of an When the Den is in play and unrazed, any player that attacks
opponent's realm. Redirecting another player's Cataclysm! with this player's formation must discard one card from either his
Deflection will not allow the player of Deflection to play Gib hand or pool for each and every champion and ally that is used
Drawsemaj. But the player of Cataclysm! can play Drawsemaj on his side of the battle. Because this affects the entire
if the realm of an opponent of that player is discarded. Siege! formation, realms that can defend twice, like The Trollmoors
can be used to bring Gib Drawsemaj into play. (9/4th) and Nibenay (226/3rd) are excellent choices to include in
A realm in play must be discarded. A realm discarded from an a deck containing the Den of Thieves. The same thing goes
opponent's hand will not allow Gib to be brought into play. for champions that can defend twice.
In order to get the most use out of this realm, attach a holding
Gib Aklem like Geneva Conclave (Promo2) and use Beneath Castle
23/NS Drawmij (25/DU) dungeon card to protect the holding. This
Chase basically protects the realm from any non-combat effects. Now
Psionicist combine these cards with any other cards that force your
Elf. This powerful mentalist can invoke his Telekinesis power opponent to discard cards. Examples include the Athasian
during combat, causing any champion to become his ally Sloth (230/4th), the Cat Burglar (78/NS), and Lady of Fate,
during that round. If he loses the round, the ally is discarded Avatar of Istus (42/PO). Add the Ring of Winter (455/4th) to
instead of him. (off/4) one of your champions, and you can keep your opponents’
hands down to almost nothing.
This Dark Sun Psionicist has a base level of 9. He is This realm’s power applies to any allies sent forward. Thus
considered an elf, and can be affected by cards that allies gained through the use of other cards, like the Axe of the
specifically target elves. Although this champion has a high Dwarvish Lords (457/4th), are still required to pay the fee when
level, and can use all psionic power cards, his real power is used.
displayed when he is involved in combat.
When in combat, he can use his Telekinesis power to force Mad Scientist’s Laboratory
any champion in play (that is not immune to offensive psionic 25/NS
powers) to become his ally for the current round of combat. Chase
Any attachments come with the new "ally". If Gib Aklem is Realm
victorious in battle, the ally returns with his attachments to his This player can reanimate champions and allies from and
original pool. If Gib Aklem is defeated, however, the ally discard pile. Each acts as a +1 undead ally. At the end of the
(including attachments) is discarded in his place, and Aklem battle, all cards used in this manner are placed in the Abyss.
returns to his own pool. Aklem has still been defeated, and
cannot attack or defend again that round unless granted by This is a Ravenloft realm, and can only have holdings that are
some other card, like the Scimitar of Speed (205/4th). designated as Ravenloft, or that can be attached to any realm.
One of the nastiest tricks you can do with Gib Aklem is to use The Mad Scientist's Laboratory can arguably be considered
your opponent's special powers against themselves. For the best realm in the Spellfire game to date. When in play and
example, keep Gib in your hand, and when you're attacked, unrazed, this realm grants the player the ability to reanimate
defend with Gib and force someone like Iuz the Evil (167/3rd) any discarded champions and allies. He can do this whether
to be your ally. Now lose. You get rid of Iuz, you can raze an he is attacking or defending, but only when he is involved in
opponent's realm, and you still have your champion for next When this player reanimates a champion or ally, it becomes a
time. You still must wait until you can legally play an ally (i.e. +1 undead ally for this player's champion in combat. They
you are on the losing side) before activating Aklem’s power. retain none of their original powers or levels. If the opponent
Gib Aklem's power is used during combat, which means a has some restriction that prohibits the playing of undead or
defender must be put forth before the power is used. Any allies, this player cannot use this power. When the battle is
champion other than the defender (or a champion immune to over, all cards reanimated by the Mad Scientist's Laboratory
psionics) can be selected as an ally. Gib Aklem's power can be are sent to the abyss.
used when in combat with a champion immune to psionics. It is There is no limit to the number of cards that can be affected in
only the "borrowed" champion that must not be immune to this manner, and through the use of this realm, this player can
psionics. effectively force all champions and allies in everyone's discard
A champion can only be used once in any battle, so Gib piles into the abyss. Since there are very few cards that can
Aklem's power cannot be used on a champion that has already retrieve champions and allies from the abyss, the player
participated in the current battle. Likewise, a champion used as possessing the Mad Scientist's Laboratory will soon be at a
an ally by Gib Aklem cannot later be used as a champion in great advantage. This player can reanimate cards from his
another round of the same battle. own discard pile, but they, too, will be sent to the abyss.
If for some reason Gib Aklem's ally is removed or forced to Since this realm itself has no immunities, it will probably
change sides, and Gib Aklem loses, Gib Aklem is discarded. In become the target for Cataclysm (119/4th), Disintegrate
addition, if an opposing card's power discards a champion, (393/2nd), Estate Transference (437/3rd), and the like. Having
rather than defeating him (such as Davron Parscall), Gib Limited Wish (382/4th), Calm (400/3rd), or Helm (255/4th) would
Aklem is discarded help contain this threat.
The best defense against this realm is to keep your champions
Den of Thieves out of the discard pile, either through cards like the Winged
24/NS Boots (186/4th), or by not losing. Otherwise, expect to have a
Chase really full abyss by the end of the game.
Realm The player of the Laboratory chooses which discard pile he will
When attacking any realm in this player’s formation, the draw on for the realm’s power at the beginning of combat.
attacking player must discard a card from his hand for each During that combat, the chosen discard pile is the only one he
champion and ally sent forward. is allowed to drain of champions and allies.
This realm allows the player to select one discard pile and use
This is an AD&D realm, and can only have holdings that are the champions and allies in that pile as +1 undead allies in any

Night Stalkers - Página 328

battle. The allies are +1 undead allies, without their special Allies can only be added when allowed, that is, when the
powers.The player can use the Laboratory's power whenever a player with Mad Scientist's Laboratory is losing the battle.
realm in the same formation of the Mad Scientist's Laboratory Once losing, the player may add allies until he is no longer
is being attacked. Also, the power can be used in each round losing the battle. If the opponent regains the lead in the
of battle, using a different discard pile for each round of combat, the player may add more allies from the same discard
combat. pile.

Night Stalkers - Página 329


Name Type Level World Blueline

1 Mausoleum of the Zombie Master Dungeon AD&D
2 Dungeon of the King Dungeon BR
3 Lair of Dregoth, the Undead Dragon-King Dungeon DS
4 Domain of Takhisis, Queen of Darkness Dungeon DL
5 Undermountain Dungeon FR
6 Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk Dungeon GH
7 Under Castle Strahd Dungeon RL
8 Palace of the Celestial Light Dungeon AD&D
9 Field of the Battle Lord Dungeon AD&D
10 The Belly of the Beast Dungeon AD&D
11 Pit of the Mind Lord Dungeon AD&D
12 The Torture Room Dungeon BR
13 Maze of the Guild Dungeon AD&D
14 Carrock of High Magicks Dungeon AD&D
15 The Enchanted Land Dungeon DL
16 Purveyor of Events Dungeon AD&D
17 Spells of the Archmage Dungeon AD&D
18 Spells of the Friar Dungeon FR
19 Spells from the Grave Dungeon GH
20 Powers from the Savage Land Dungeon DS
21 Might of the Blood Right Dungeon BR
22 Song of the Dragonlance Dungeon DL
23 Bats in the Belfry Dungeon RL
24 The Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen Dungeon AD&D
25 Beneath Castle Drawmij Dungeon AD&D
26 Return of the Dwarven King Dungeon AD&D
27 The Guildhall Dungeon AD&D
28 The Dragon’s Refuge Realm AD&D
29 Cities of the Sun Realm BR
30 Border Post Realm 5 GH
31 Border Garrison Realm 10 GH
32 The Ruins of Lololia Realm RL
33 Tower by the Sea Realm FR
34 The Forgotten Ruins Realm DS
35 The Hidden Village Realm 8 FR
36 The Bitter Knoll Realm AD&D
37 The Ogre Hero 7 BR
38 Fire Dragon Monster 10 DL
39 Zaranda Star Regent 7 BR
40 Skulker Thief 5 AD&D
41 Jasper Hero 4 FR
42 The Hapless Halfling Thief 5 DL
43 Feral Halfling Hero 9 DS
44 Dearlyn Ambersong Wizard 6 FR
45 Tyvorg the Frost Giant Cleric 10 GH

Dungeons - Página 330

46 Troglodyte Ally 5
47 Hook Horror Ally 6
48 Lurker in the Earth Ally 9
49 Skull Tumor Ally 3
50 Hero Slayer Ally 6
51 The White Weird Ally 7
52 Psion Sucker Ally +?
53 Master Illithid Ally 7
54 Bottomless Horror Ally +?
55 Boiling Oil Artifact 4 GH
56 Siege Ladder Artifact 5 DS
57 Net of Ensnaring Artifact 3 FR
58 Battering Ram Artifact +? GH
59 Ballista Artifact 5 DL
60 Cannon Ball Artifact 3 BR
61 Borer Artifact 7 RL
62 Catapult Artifact 6 AD&D
63 Siege Machine Artifact AD&D
64 Sword of Sharpness Magic Item 3
65 The Triton Throne Magic Item 4
66 Flask of Curses Magic Item 5
67 Crystal Dragon Figurine Magic Item 3
68 Amulet of the Dragon King Magic Item
69 Breath Charm Magic Item 7
70 Pearl Pegasus Magic Item 5
71 Clockwork Ogre Magic Item 8
72 Amulet of Spell Turning Magic Item 3
73 Psionic Disintegration Psionic Power
74 Magic Draining Field Psionic Power
75 Drain Will Psionic Power
76 Eat Dirt! Unarmed Combat Card
77 Vital Blow Unarmed Combat 5
78 Supernatural Strength Unarmed Combat
79 Create Minion Blood Ability
80 Melt Bone Blood Ability 6
81 Death Field Blood Ability
82 Con Game Thief Skill
83 Legal Loophole Thief Skill
84 Tumble Out of Danger Thief Skill
85 Broad Jump Thief Skill 4
86 Hijacking Thief Skill
87 Fortune Telling Thief Skill
88 Gather Information Thief Skill
89 Intimidation Thief Skill
90 Trailing Thief Skill 5
91 Extension I Wizard Spell AD&D
92 City Shield Wizard Spell BR
93 Spectral Dragon Wizard Spell DL
94 Ball Lightning Wizard Spell +? FR
95 Drawmij’s Beneficent Polymorph Wizard Spell GH

Dungeons - Página 331

96 Animate Gargoyle Wizard Spell RL
97 Minions of Darkness Wizard Spell AD&D
98 Conjure Greater Fire Elemental Wizard Spell +? DS
99 Divine Assistance Cleric Spell AD&D
100 What Comes Around Goes Around Rule Card

Chase Cards

Name Type Level World Blueline

1 Winner’s Trophy Artifact 5 AD&D
2 Pretty Magical Ring Magic Item 6
3 Fighting Dirty! Thief Skill +?
4 Dissolution Wizard Spell
5 Black Hand Thieves’ Guild Holding AD&D
6 Elminster’s Intuition Event
7 Fool’s Paradise Event
8 Aliki Thief 6 GH
9 Lilac Hesabon Hero 5 FR
10 Enter Darkness Together Event
11 Recorder of Yé Cind Artifact 3 AD&D
12 Telarie Willowind Hero 7 GH
13 The Llama King Hero 9 AD&D
14 Necba the Wrathmaker Thief 5 DL
15 Shan, Karate Master Hero 7 FR
16 Handmine Event
17 The Builder Hero 5 GH
18 Slorath’s Gloves Artifact 2 AD&D
19 Rary’s Apprentice Wizard 4 GH
20 Poor Oriental Lord Thief 10 FR
21 Highmaster Illithios Psionicist 10 AD&D (Def)
22 Chaos Lord Regent 9 BR
23 Giant Troll Ally 10
24 Elyk the Bard Thief 5 AD&D
25 Dor Amberglow Hero 5 FR

Dungeons - Página 332

Mausoleum of the Zombie Master If a Greyhawk realm of a player with the Labyrinth is being
1/100 attacked, another player, even a player not involved in the
Dungeon battle, can play Cataclysm on that realm. Likewise, during
Common combat, the realm being attacked can be affected by
This player's champions can never enter the Abyss. If sent Tarrasque.
there by an opposing player's action, the champion instead Because razed realms have no powers & endash; and do not
goes to the discard pile. If sent there by this player's action, it retain a "Grehyhawk" nature & endash; they are not protected
is removed permanently from the game. by the Labyrinth.

The Mausoleum causes any champion sent to the Abyss by Cúpula BSW 2010: Protege os reinos deste jogador de serem
another player to be sent to the discard pile instead. If the descartados também para o abismo fora de combate.
player's own action causes one of his champions to go to the
Abyss (such as Karlott the Shaman or the Gatekeeper), the Under Castle Strahd
card instead goes to the Void. 7/100
Dungeon of the King Common
2/100 This player's Ravenloft champions all become undead, and
Dungeon Young Strahd's special power has no effect on this player's
Common champions.
This player's champions do not need to ask permission to use
spells, psionic powers, unarmed combat cards, blood abilities, Palace of the Celestial Light
or thief skills. 8/100
Lair of Dregoth, the Undead Dragon-King Common
3/100 This player's clerics need never ask permission to cast spells.
Dungeon Avatars may not attack this player's realms, nor may they
Uncommon defend against this player's cleric champions.
This player may discard a Dark Sun champion from his pool or
hand to psionically turn a just-cast spell back at its original Field of the Battle Lord
caster. 9/100
This dungeon's power is considered a psionic power, and can Rare
be negated with Brain Drain, Dispel Psionics, and Psionic This player's heroes do not discard unarmed combat cards at
Reflection. Similarly, the dungeon's power does not function if the end of combat. Instead, they are retained for future
Psychic Storm is in play. combat, adding the cards' bonuses but ignoring their special
Domain of Takhisis, Queen of Darkness
4/100 The Belly of the Beast
Dungeon 10/100
Common Dungeon
This player's monster (dragon) champions are immune to all Common
events, spells, artifacts, and magical items that instantly This player's monsters are immune to hero unarmed combat
discard or defeat them. cards. They may also use any unarmed combat card
themselves (hero, dragon, undead, etc), regardless of
Only champions that are both monsters and dragons benefit restrictions.
from this rule card.
A player with the Belly of the Beast is immune to any unarmed
Undermountain combat cards that do not specifically indicate they are usable
5/100 by certain types of champions other than heroes (e.g. "usable
Dungeon only by dragons").
Each time this player is entitled to draw spoils of victory, he Pit of the Mind Lord
may also take the bottom three cards of his draw pile. Any 11/100
monster champions there may be placed into his pool. Any Dungeon
other cards are placed on the top of his draw pile. Common
This player's realms and his psionicist champions are immune
Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk to all spells cast in phase 3.
Dungeon The Torture Room
Rare 12/100
This player's Greyhawk realms may only be razed or discarded Dungeon
through combat. Common
This player may reshuffle his discard pile into his draw pile any
Cataclysm can be used in combat to discard the realm being time there are three or more blood abilities in his discard pile.
attacked. Similarly, Tarrasque and Raze can be played during No champions have immunity to this player's blood abilities
combat on the realm being attacked. while this dungeon card is in play.
Although the power of Iuz the Evil takes effect after combat
has ended, because Iuz's power is combat-related, Iuz can Maze of the Guild
raze the realm being attacked, even if protected by the 13/100
Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk. Dungeon
The player with the Labyrinth may voluntarily choose to raze a Common
Greyhawk realm, such as in using the power of Scarlett

Dungeons - Página 333

This player's thief champions can use stealth to attack any This player's champions are all considered regents and can
realm, regardless of powers or restrictions. Allies must still use blood abilities.
follow movement restrictions.
Song of the Dragonlance
A player with the Maze can attack the realms of a player using 22/100
the dungeon card Song of the Dragonlance. Dungeon
Carrock of High Magicks This player's realms can only be attacked by flyers, swimmers,
14/100 or earthwalkers. His champions and allies all have the ability to
Dungeon swim as needed.
This player can keep a spellbook. Each time this player is Jim Butler says: “The player's champions would only be
entitled to draw spoils of victory, he may instead search swimmers when it was time for them to be swimmers, such as
through his draw pile and retrieve any spell; the spell cannot when they were attacking a coastal realm (or one that was
be played immediately. otherwise protected). During those times, they'd be subject to
all of the normal nastiness that swimmers would be subject
The Enchanted Land to.(http://oracle.wizards.com/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind9803E&L=
15/100 spellfire-l&P=R2224)
Dungeon And I also think that the ruling that Volcanic Eruption affects all
Common the realms of a player that has Song of Dragonlance is a really
This player's champions and allies become elves, elves cheap shot. There isn't any other card in Spellfire that will
(drow), dwarves, or halflings as the player chooses. Selection automatically razes ALL the realms a player has. And I don't
must be made in phase 3 and lasts until the player's next think there should be now. You should have to fight and win
phase 3. battles and if getting there is part of the requirement then that's
part of the strategy for fighting the battle.
Different choices may be made for different champions and Liga BSW (ROC 5-2011): Se dois jogadores que possuem
allies. esta dungeon ambos podem atacar sem restrição somente ao
primeiro reino da formação de cada um, desde que este não
Purveyor of Events tenha restrição ao ataque de nadadores. Song of the
16/100 Dragonlance habilita este jogador a tornar seus campeões
Dungeon nadadores quando necessário, seja este passo 3 ou 4.
This player's helpful events cannot be negated or cancelled by Bats in the Belfry
any card. 23/100
Unusually Good Fortune can still be used normally against a Rare
player using Purveyor of Events, since Unusually Good No offensive magical items can be used by opponents when
Fortune does not negate or cancel the Good Fortune on which attacking this player's realms. The items remain behind in the
it is played. attacker's pool. If the champion returns, they are reattached; if
not, the items are discarded.
Spells of the Archmage
17/100 Champions with special powers that do not allow magical
Dungeon items to be removed, such as Mordenkainen and Falx the
Common Silver Dragon, must still leave their magical items behind if
Any wizard spells with a stated duration that are cast by this they choose to attack an opponent with Bats in the Belfry.
player's AD&D champions are doubled in duration.
The Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen
Spells of the Friar 24/100
18/100 Dungeon
Dungeon Rare
Common This player's helpful events cannot be negated, and his
Any cleric spells with a stated duration that are cast by this harmful events cannot be copied. Events that are discarded
player's Forgotten Realms champions are doubled in duration. without being used are placed in the discard pile instead of the
Spells from the Grave
19/100 Cúpula BSW 2008: Esta Dungeon deixa seus eventos
Dungeon benéficos imunes de serem cancelados ou negados.
Any defensive spells cast by this player's undead Greyhawk Beneath Castle Drawmij
champions cannot be dispelled or turned. 25/100
Powers from the Savage Land Uncommon
20/100 This player's holdings cannot be discarded except by razing
Dungeon the attached realm. This player can ignore the Rule of the
Common Cosmos when playing holdings.
Psionic power cards used by this player's Dark Sun champions
are doubled in bonus level. Return of the Dwarven King
Might of the Blood Right Dungeon
21/100 Common
Dungeon This player's dwarf champions are immune to all events
Common (helpful and harmful). This player's dwarves add 3 to their
adjusted levels.

Dungeons - Página 334

The Guildhall Due to a printing error, the Ravenloft logo is not shown on
27/100 some of the cards. However, even without the logo, Iolonia is
Dungeon considered a Ravenloft realm.
Each time this player's thief champions are in combat, their Tower by the Sea
player may take the top card from any other player's draw pile. 33/100
If it can be legally played, do so. Otherwise it goes to its Realm
owner's hand. Cards used are returned to the bottom of the Dragonlance
owner's draw pile after combat is resolved. Rare
The lighthouse is a haven, letting this player increase or
The Dragon's Refuge reduce his swimming champions' and allies' base level by 3.
Realm The Forgotten Ruins
AD&D 34/100
Uncommon Realm
If an opposing player's dragon champion is defeated in Common
combat, this player may attach the dragon to this realm and A powerful psionic shield emanates from this realm, protecting
use it as an ally (level only) the next time the realm is attacked. this player's champions from unarmed combat cards.

The power of the Dragon's Refuge takes effect after any The power of The Forgotten ruins is considered an immunity. It
opposing player's dragon champion is defeated, even if the is therefore affected by cards like Takhisis' Helmet of Power
combat does not involve an attack on the Dragon's Refuge. (which negates all immunities).
By making a player's champions immune to unarmed combat
Cities of the Sun cards, this realm's power protects the player from Fighting
29/100 Dirty, since champions' immunities protect the player during
Realm combat.
Common The Hidden Village
This player's champions may all use blood abilities. 35/100
Border Post Common
30/100 The treant ally guarding this realm is immune to all cards
Realm played by or attached to an opposing champion except those
5 that contain the word "fire" or "flame."
Uncommon Bitter Knoll
This realm can defend itself as a level 5 hero. If it is in the 36/100
same formation as the Border Garrison, its level adds to that Realm
realm. Common
Any realm played into the formation after the Bitter Knoll is
Border Garrison converted into an AD&D realm. If this realm is razed or
31/100 discarded, all converted realms return to their original
Realm trademarks.
Greyhawk The Ogre
Rare 37/100
This realm can defend itself as a level 10 wizard. Regardless Hero
of where it is in the formation, it must be attacked first. 7
If a player wishes to attack a formation containing the Border Common
Garrison, he must attack the Border Garrison. Movement Awnshegh; can use blood abilities and all unarmed combat
restrictions remain in effect, so if the Border Garrison is cards. In combat this player may take the top three cards from
protected, only flyers or earthwalkers can attack. any opponent's draw pile. Any monsters join the Ogre's side as
allies; all other cards are placed at the bottom of the owner's
Card Combo: To make your formation nearly impossible to draw pile. At the end of combat, the monster-allies go to their
attack, place Border Garrison in a protected location in the owner's pool.
formation (at least one realm is in front of it in the formation).
Then attach the Triton Throne. Any attack must first target Fire Dragon
Border Garrison. Triton's Throne allows only swimmers to 38/100
attack. Border Garrison is protected and does not show Monster
coastline, so swimmers cannot attack. Only a champion that is 10
both flyer and swimmer, such as Deathstream, Black Dragon Dragonlance
and Mykell, Amethyst Great Wyrm, can attack. Rare
Flyer. This monster's searing breath weapon destroys all cards
The Ruins of Iolonia attached to a champion when it first enters combat. Other
32/100 cards can be attached subsequently.
Ravenloft Zaranda Star
Rare 39/100
These ruins are so forlorn that only undead champions and Regent
allies will attack this realm. 7
The world logo is missing on this card, but it is considered a Common
Ravenloft realm.

Dungeons - Página 335

Adventurer. Zaranda can store blood abilities face down Troglodyte
beneath her in the pool, using whichever ones she wishes in 46/100
combat. Ally
Skulker Common
40/100 Underdark. This creature's odor is such that all cards in an
Thief opposing player's force of icon level 4 or less are discarded
5 (including the champion, if applicable).
Rare The Troglodyte's power causes all cards in the opponent's
Swimmer. Leader of a band of undersea pirates, Skulker can force of icon level 4 or less to be discarded. This includes
plunder any opponent's discard pile during combat, using any cards with no icon level.
allies, magical items, or artifacts (if legal) found there. At the The Troglodyte's power continues throughout the battle. Any
end of the round, the cards are returned to their owner's draw new cards of icon level 4 or less that are played by the
pile, which is reshuffled. opponent are immediately discarded.

Jasper Hook Horror

41/100 47/100
Hero Ally
4 +6
Forgotten Realms Common
Uncommon Underdark. Because of this creature's acute hearing, it can
Adventurer. Cautious and wary, Jasper deflects unarmed "hear" the next card to be played by an opposing player (the
combat cards played against him to a champion in any pool. card is shown but not played) and choose to scuttle back to its
pool along with the attached champion.
The Hapless Halfling
42/100 The Hook Horror's power applies to the first card to be played
Thief by the opposing player after the Hook Horror has been played.
5 If the Hook Horror's power is used, the Hook Horror returns to
Dragonlance the pool and remains attached to the champion. It can be used
Common with the champion in its next battle.
Adventurer. A morale booster, the halfling adds 2 levels to all
fellow adventurers and halfling champions and allies played by Liga BSW (ROC 2-2011): o campeão que retorna ao poço
this player. não é considerado derrotado.

Feral Halfling Lurker in the Earth

43/100 48/100
Hero Ally
9 +9
Dark Sun Uncommon
Uncommon Underdark; earthwalker. The Lurker can be played at any time
Can use all unarmed combat cards and defensive psionic as a harmful event to burrow over to a player's pool and
powers. An opposing champion defeated by the feral halfling is devour (discard) any earthwalking champion of level 6 or less
eaten (sent to the Abyss.) or it can be played in combat to discard one opposing ally
already played.
Dearlyn Ambersong
The Lurker functions as an event to discard a champion, and
44/100 functions as an ally to discard an opposing ally in combat.
Skull Tumor
Forgotten Realms
Common 49/100
Adventurer. Especially distrustful of thieves, Dearlyn can Ally
choose to negate one thief skill played against her or a fellow +3
adventurer in combat once per turn. Rare
Underdark. This ally may be played directly into a pool; this
player's discarded champions are attached to the Tumor,
Tyvorg the Frost Giant
which increases in level only and may be used in any future
45/100 combat. Immune to events.
10 Cúpula BSW 2009: Os campeões anexados nele não podem
Greyhawk ser usados para baixar Avatar;
Can cast wizard spells. Tyvorg instantly slays the Living Wall
Hero Slayer
when he is brought into play. For each giant ally played with
him, Tyvorg's base level increases by 10. 50/100
Tyvorg's power takes effect when he is played, so if Tyvorg is +4
played from the hand to defend against the Living Wall, the Common
Living Wall is instantly destroyed. Because combat has not Giant. This ally negates a just played unarmed combat card or
begun, the attacking player may put forth another champion, instantly slays an opposing hero of base level 4 or less.
but Tyvorg must continue to defend.
Cúpula BSW 2015: Este aliado pode ser jogado para negar
uma carta de combate desarmado recém-jogada apenas
durante o passo 4.

Dungeons - Página 336

The White Weird Uncommon
51/100 Underdark; earthwalker. This horrid creature can reach into
Ally any player's Abyss when in combat. The icon levels of all
+7 cards there are totaled to become the Horror's bonus. The
Rare cards used are removed from the game.
Underdark; flyer. The White Weird can be played at any time
as a harmful event to fly over to a player's formation and Only cards with icon numbers are affected by the Horror and
poison (discard) one holding or it can be played in combat to then removed from the game.
halve (round down) an opposing champion's adjusted level.
Boiling Oil
Because the White Weird is played as an event when used to 55/100
discard a holding, it can be used against a holding attached to Artifact
Menzoberranzan, which is normally immune to flyers. +4
Psion Sucker Rare
52/100 This artifact can only be attached to a Greyhawk realm. Any
Ally attacking champions are destroyed in a vat of boiling oil after
+? the battle (win or lose) and discarded.
When this dreaded ally appears in combat, all psionicists in Realm artifacts can be played (attached to a realm) in phase 3
play are reduced by 2 levels, which are added to the Psion or in phase 4 if the realm is defending itself.
Sucker. The level reductions last until this player's next turn.
Siege Ladder
Master Illithid 56/100
53/100 Artifact
Ally +5
+7 Dark Sun
Uncommon Uncommon
Underdark. When played, this ally can shift any two cards of This artifact can only be attached to a Dark Sun realm. Any
one type in the opposing player's force to this side. Choice cards attached to attacking champions are discarded after the
need not be immediate. battle (win or lose).

During a round of battle, the Master Illithid can shift up to two Realm artifacts can be played (attached to a realm) in phase 3
cards of the same type (e.g. ally, magical item, thief skill, or in phase 4 if the realm is defending itself.
wizard spell, etc.) that are attached to the opposing champion
to the player's side. This can include cards not normally usable Net of Ensnaring
by the Master Illithid or its champion, such as artifacts from a 57/100
different world. Artifact
The Master Illithid need not use its full power all at one time. +3
For example, the Master may choose to take one ally, and Forgotten Realms
then take another ally later in the round of battle. However, Rare
once the card type to be taken is chosen (e.g. when the first This artifact can only be attached to a Forgotten Realms realm.
ally is taken), the card type cannot be changed. Any cards played by attacking champions during combat are
If a card's power has already activated, it does not reactivate sent to the Abyss after the battle is resolved.
once the Master Illithid has moved it to his side. For example, if
the Master Illithid is used to shift Fighting Dirty after its power Realm artifacts can be played (attached to a realm) in phase 3
has been used, it retains its level bonus but cannot be used or in phase 4 if the realm is defending itself.
again to discard the opponent's cards.
If the Master Illithid tries to shift cards whose powers have Battering Ram
already been "used up", the attempt is legal, however, the 58/100
cards will not be useable by him. If ever the Master Illithid Artifact
takes a card that is unuseable, he is just preventing your +?
opponent from using it which is a perfectly legal action. Greyhawk
Se Master Illithid muda de lado em uma batalha, as cartas This artifact can only be attached to a Greyhawk realm. Its
puxadas mudam de lado juntamente com ele. bonus is equal to the number of Greyhawk realms and
holdings in play.
Regra existente na carta Symbol of Persuasion [60-DR]
“An example is if the ally Master Illithid [DU-53] has shifted two Realm artifacts can be played (attached to a realm) in phase 3
magic items from an opponent and the opponent plays this or in phase 4 if the realm is defending itself.
symbol, then the ally switches sides and the magic items also
switch sides since that player no longer controls the Master
Cúpula BSW 2009: Este aliado pode pegar cartas oponentes Artifact
mesmo se estiver vencendo. +5
Cúpula BSW 2015: O poder do aliado pode ser usado para Rare
roubar cartas antes da ativação de seus poderes. This artifact can only be attached to a Dragonlance realm. If
this realm is attacked, it can target an opposing player's pool
and destroy one artifact or magical item.
Bottomless Horror
54/100 Realm artifacts can be played (attached to a realm) in phase 3
Ally or in phase 4 if the realm is defending itself.

Dungeons - Página 337

Cannon Ball This magical item may only be attached to any realm. Its +4
60/100 bonus adds to any champion defending the realm and only
Artifact swimmers may attack the attached realm. (Off)
Birthright The Triton Throne may be attached to a realm during phase 3
Rare or 4. Attaching the throne to a realm makes is vulnerable to
This artifact can only be attached to a Birthright realm. If this Volcanic Eruption.
realm is attacked, it can fire into an opposing player's pool and
kill one champion. Card Combo: To make your formation nearly impossible to
attack, place Border Garrison in a protected location in the
Realm artifacts can be played (attached to a realm) in phase 3 formation (at least one realm is in front of it in the formation).
or in phase 4 if the realm is defending itself. Then attach the Triton Throne. Any attack must first target
Border Garrison. Triton's Throne allows only swimmers to
attack. Border Garrison is protected and does not show
coastline, so swimmers cannot attack. Only a champion that is
61/100 both flyer and swimmer, such as Deathstream, Black Dragon
Artifact and Mykell, Amethyst Great Wyrm, can attack.
Flask of Curses
This artifact can only be attached to a Ravenloft realm. It 66/100
instantly destroys all opposing allies and magical items of less Magic Item
than level 7. +5
Realm artifacts can be played (attached to a realm) in phase 3 The attached champion becomes a swimmer. If the champion
or in phase 4 if the realm is defending itself. with this item is defeated in combat, the flask is attached to the
victor, becoming a -5 item that negates the attached
champion's special powers. (Off)
Crystal Dragon Figurine
+6 67/100
AD&D Magic Item
Common +3/+9/+18
This artifact can only be attached to an AD&D realm. At any Uncommon
time during a round of combat, this player can choose to This figurine can be used to add a +3 in battle; or can add a
catapult the attacking champion to the Abyss. This realm is +9, but it is then discarded; or can add a mighty +18, but then
razed and the artifact discarded, but no one gains spoils. both the magical item and the attached champion are
discarded. (Def)
Realm artifacts can be played (attached to a realm) in phase 3
or in phase 4 if the realm is defending itself. If the Crystal Dragon figurine is used as a +18 bonus magical
item, the champion must be discarded, regardless of any
special powers of the champion or any attachments. For
Siege Machine
example, if Rary the Traitor uses the Figurine at its full +18
63/100 bonus while Rary's Apprentice is in play, Rary must still be
Artifact discarded, since the player must voluntarily forego the
AD&D Apprentice's power in order to use the full Figurine bonus.
This artifact can only be attached to an Underdark realm. It
Amulet of the Dragon King
protects all holdings in the player's formation, allowing a
holding to be moved to another realm if its attached realm is 68/100
razed or discarded; the holding is discarded if it cannot be Magic Item
attached to a new realm. Uncommon
This magical item can only be attached to any realm. For each
Realm artifacts can be played (attached to a realm) in phase 3 attacking champion defeated while defending the attached
or in phase 4 if the realm is defending itself. realm, 1 dragon champion can be returned from the discard
pile to this player's pool or hand. (Def)
Sword of Sharpness
Breath Charm
Magic Item 69/100
+3 Magic Item
Common +7
This weapon easily pierces the strongest armor, instantly Common
defeating champions of base level 3 or less. (Off) This powerful charm makes the attached champion immune to
the special powers of an opposing dragon. (Def)
Card Combo: Sword of Sharpness is very effective with
Brandobaris's Inversion (All champions of base level 6 and Pearl Pegasus
above are reduced to level 2...) in play, instantly defeating 70/100
champions with a base level of 3 or less. Magic Item
The Triton Throne Rare
65/100 This figurine of wondrous power causes its owner to become a
Magic Item flyer. The figure's flight is so dexterous that the owner is
+4 immune to all offensive spells, psionic powers, blood abilities,
Common unarmed combat cards, and thief skills that affect a single
target. (Def)

Dungeons - Página 338

The Pearl Pegasus gives the attached champion immunity to Can be played at any time to negate all spells in play, including
psionicist's powers, including powers such as Davron Parscall a just cast spell. No more spells may be cast until the end of
's death field. this player's next turn. (Def)

Clockwork Ogre
Magic Item
Uncommon Drain Will
If the attached champion is discarded in battle, this mechanical 75/100
marvel returns to the pool and is instantly attached to another Psionic Power
champion. If there are no champions in the pool it returns to Uncommon
this player's hand. (Def) Discards one champion of adjusted level 9 or less in one pool.
No champions in that pool may attack until after that player's
Amulet of Spell Turning next turn. (Off/3)
Magic Item Eat Dirt!
+3 76/100
Rare Unarmed Combat Card
Whenever an offensive spell is cast at the attached champion Common
or his pool, this player cuts his draw pile and checks the last Opposing champion returns to his pool with his attachments.
digit of the card number of the card revealed. If it is 0-7 the The battle may continue with a new champion. (Off/4)
spell is turned back at the caster. On an 8 or 9 the spell takes
effect normally. (Def) Vital Blow
The Amulet is effective against spells cast at the attached Unarmed Combat Card
champion, spells cast generally against the player's pool (such +5
as Death Fog), and spells cast at other champions and Uncommon
attached cards in the pool. The opposing champion is sent to the Abyss if defeated,
Because of the wording on the card "Whenever an offensive regardless of any special power he may have. (Off/4)
spell is cast...," the Amulet can only be used once per
offensive spell. If an offensive spell is successfully spell-turned,
Supernatural Strength
and then the original caster plays Spell Turning, the Amulet
cannot be used again, since a second offensive spell has not 78/100
been cast. Unarmed Combat Card
Usable only by any undead or dragon champion. The base
Psionic Disintegration
level of this champion is doubled until the end of this round of
73/100 combat. (Off/4)
Psionic Power
Create Minion
Cannot be used in a deck containing Disintegrate (393/2nd).
Destroys one realm, regardless of position. The destroyed 79/100
realm must be discarded. This player can make no attacks this Blood Ability
turn. (Off/3) Common
Return one champion from your discard pile to your pool. The
Despite the specific notation on the card, Psionic restored champion is now considered undead. (Def/3/5)
Disintegration cannot be used in a deck with any edition of
Disintegrate. Card Combo (from Bluntaxe's Spellfire Page): Use Armor of
the High King to recover Create Minion each time it is used to
Cúpula BSW 2008: não pode afetar reinos destruídos retrieve a champion from the discard pile. If the Staff of
(virados). Seu efeito somente funciona em reinos Mimicry is used to duplicate the Armor, two champions can be
inteiros/construídos (unrazed). Para efeito de "destruir", recovered each turn. This combo is very effective to recover
compreendemos que o termo "destroy" ou "destroyed" champions like Korgunard the Avangion that are often
(destruir, destruído) equivale a "raze" (arrazar), portanto, a intentionally discarded.
palavra destruir, expressa nessas cartas, cumpre o requisito
de arrasar quando for necessário. Melt Bone
Cúpula BSW 2013: Quando uma carta suporte, evento, etc é Blood Ability
cancelada, o custo ou consequência do seu uso/lançamento +6
devem ser cumpridos. Com exceção quando a maneira de Uncommon
utilização estiver especificada no texto ou regra da carta. Opposing champion must immediately play an ally or return to
his pool defeated (discard all attachments). The battle may
Cúpula BSW 2016: o termo destroy/destruir NÃO deve continue with a different champion. (Off/4)
continuar sendo entendido como sinônimo de arrasar, mas sim
de DESCARTAR, de forma que as cartas acima (e outras que If this card is played by an attacker and the defending player
contenham o referido verbo) passem a afetar reinos chooses not to bring forward another defender, the realm is
arrasados. razed.

Magic Draining Field Card Combo (from Tim Barth, barth@twcny.rr.com): Play
74/100 Divine Wrath so that your opponent cannot play allies. Then
Psionic Power follow with Melt Bone, which requires the opponent to play an
Common ally or be defeated.

Card Combo (from zuse2@webtv.net): In battle, cast ESP,

which requires that the cards played into battle by the

Dungeons - Página 339

opponent are played face down. If the player guesses the card Cards such as Death Fog, that target a pool rather than a
type, it is discarded. After ESP is in play, play a card that particular champion, cannot be redirected using Tumble Out of
requires the opponent to play a certain type of card, such as Danger.
Melt Bone (requires the opponent play an ally), Loup-Garou
(opponent must have or play a magical item), Ki-Rin (opponent
must have or play an ally). These cards make it rather easy to
guess the next card to be played, ensuring it will be discarded
and the opponent will be defeated.

Death Field Broad Jump

81/100 85/100
Blood Ability Thief Skill
Uncommon +4
One champion of base level 6 or higher is discarded. (Off/3) Rare
When played in combat, this skill allows the attached thief to
Card Combo (from Bluntaxe's Spellfire Page): Use Armor of bypass a defending wizard, cleric, or psionicist and
the High King to recover Death Field each time it is used to automatically raze a realm. The defending champion returns to
discard a high level champion. If the Staff of Mimicry is used to his pool. (Off/4)
duplicate the Armor, two champions can be discarded each
turn This card cannot be played when attacking a dungeon card,
only when attacking a realm.
Con Game Hijacking
82/100 86/100
Thief Skill Thief Skill
Rare Rare
All champions and their attachments in one opponent's pool This skill may be played any time that another player is to
are shuffled together. This player deals out the shuffled cards receive cards from his draw pile as the result of an event,
between he and their owner. This player then discards the realm, artifact, champion, or holding's power. You may take an
cards dealt to him. The other player may immediately place the equal number of cards from your draw pile, and the other
cards he was dealt back into his hand or into his pool. (Off/3) player must immediately discard his draws. (Off)

The cards are dealt first to the opponent, then to the player. If What Goes Around Comes Around is in play, Hijacking can
This means that if there is an odd number of cards in the pool, only be used against the player that initially drew extra cards,
the opponent will get one more card than the number since Hijacking does not work on extra cards drawn as a result
discarded. of a rule card.
Cards that remain with the opponent may be freely rearranged Hijacking cannot be played from the hand after
among hand and pool. For example, magical items may be Transformation! has been played, since the hand must be
attached to a different champion after the Con Game. discarded as a result of Transformation!
If the opponent has a borrowed champion in the pool, such as Hijacking can be played on the target of Kelaser Redbelt's
through Curse of the Azure Bonds or Tyranthraxus, the power to take the five cards and leave the target player with no
Possessing Spirit, and the event is discarded, the champion cards.
returns to its original pool. If the champion is discarded, all
cards attached to that champion are discarded, regardless of Liga BSW: Hijacking redireciona a compra de cartas para o
how they were dealt. Also, if the champion is discarded, the seu possuidor, logo cartas como Herald of Mei Lung e Wyrms’
Curse or Tyranthraxus may be returned to the hand (assuming Decree anulam completamente seu poder, pois se não há
the event was not discarded in the Con Game deal. descarte de cartas, não pode haver compra.

Cúpula BSW 2013: Cartas que possuam o termo Cúpula BSW 2016: quando o saque de cartas extras é
“oponente” em seu texto, quando refletidas, tem seu efeito redirecionado para outro jogador pelo uso de cartas como
normal no lançador original (ConGame/Rebater – Hijacking e Frevo, a carta que provocou a mudança não passa
Espionage/Deflection, etc.) a ser considerada a fonte das cartas extras, funcionando de
forma análoga a Deflection e Re-Target, não podendo ser
Legal Loophole afetada pelo aliado Block Golem ou pela fortaleza Not So Fast.
Thief Skill Fortune Telling
Common 87/100
This skill may be attached to any thief to allow all of this Thief Skill
player's thieves to ignore the effects of any rule cards in play. Common
Lasts until the attached thief is discarded. (Def/3) Play this skill on a champion in any opponent's pool and call
odd or even. Then cut the owner's draw pile and check the
Tumble Out of Danger card's last digit. If you are correct, the champion is sent to
84/100 Limbo until his owner discards a champion with a base level
Thief Skill equal to or higher than the champion's. If you are wrong, your
Uncommon opponent gets the card that you cut to and may play it
This skill may be played at any time to redirect a spell or event immediately (if legal). (Off/3)
that targets the champion using this skill. It can be redirected
at any champion in any pool or in battle. (Def) Gather Information
The redirected spell or event must target the champion using Thief Skill
this skill, but it may also target other champions. For example, Common
Slave Revolt targets a champion from each opposing pool. If a Look at the top 5 cards in any opponent's draw pile. If you
thief is targeted, he could use Tumble Out of Danger to choose, you may discard the champion using this skill to place
redirect the effects of Slave Revolt to another champion. the cards on the bottom of their draw pile. (Off/3)

Dungeons - Página 340

Intimidation The effect of each lightning ball (add 3 levels or destroy one
89/100 ally) must be declared immediately when Ball Lightning is
Thief Skill played.
Tell your opponent to break off the attack. If he does, the battle Drawmij's Beneficent Polymorph
ends without spoils and nothing is razed. If he presses the 95/100
attack, you may take the top 5 cards from your draw pile. Place Wizard Spell
any realms or holdings on the bottom of your draw pile. Any Greyhawk
other cards may be played into the battle, regardless of Uncommon
restrictions (ie, multiple artifacts may be attached, spells may Castable only by Greyhawk champions. This spell allows the
be used by nonspellcasters, etc). After combat is resolved, caster to fly, swim, or earthwalk, as desired. This champion
only legal cards may remain attached. (Def/4) may also copy the special powers of any champion in his pool.
Lasts until the start of this player's next turn. (Def/3/4)
The cards usable in battle are played immediately. Only spells
usable in phase 4 can be played. If this spell is Retargeted, the original caster determines which
champion in his pool is duplicated by the new target champion.
90/100 Animate Gargoyle
Thief Skill 96/100
+5 Wizard Spell
Common Ravenloft
The attached thief can "follow" a champion that has just Rare
attacked a realm that has special movement or other Castable only by Ravenloft champions. This spell creates a
restrictions. This champion may ignore those restrictions. Lasts flying monster champion whose base level is equal to twice the
until the attached champion is discarded. (Def/3) caster's adjusted level. This champion flies immediately to his
pool and is in all ways treated as a normal monster. This spell
Extension I may only be dispelled or negated when it is first cast. (Def/3/4)
Wizard Spell
Common Minions of Darkness
Castable only by AD&D champions. Can be cast to extend the 97/100
duration of any spell or event that lasts until the start or end of Wizard Spell
your next turn. Draw and discard a card, noting the card Common
number's last digit. This is the number of additional turns Castable only by drow or Underdark champions (UD). Cast
added to the duration. (Def/3/4/5) when defending an Underdark realm, this spell allows this
player's Triumvirate allies to be used in defense. They may not
City Shield be discarded or forced to switch sides for any reason. (Def)
Wizard Spell Conjure Greater Fire Elemental
Birthright 98/100
Uncommon Wizard Spell
Castable only by Birthright champions. This spell prevents +?
offensive spells from affecting any of your realms. Lasts until Dark Sun
dispelled. (Def/3) Castable only by Dark Sun champions. This spell creates an
ally equal in bonus to the base level of the caster. The greater
Spectral Dragon fire elemental causes all magical items held by an opposing
93/100 champion to be sent to the Abyss. (Off/4)
Wizard Spell
Dragonlance Divine Assistance
Common 99/100
Castable only by Dragonlance champions. This spell creates a Cleric Spell
monstrous illusory dragon that sweeps through all opposing Common
player's pools, sending all champions of base level 4 or less to This spell negates the effects of all dungeon cards in play until
the discard pile. (Off/3) dispelled. (Off/3/4)

Card Combo: With the rule card Brandobaris's Inversion (All What Goes Around Comes Around
champions of base level 6 and above are reduced to level 2...) 100/100
in play, cast Spectral Dragon. All champions with a base level Rule Card
of 6 and above (before Brandobaris's Inversion is played) are Common
discarded. Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
Ball Lightning other rule card is played.
94/100 All cards that allow a single player to draw extra cards into his
Wizard Spell hand (such as events, realms, artifacts, holdings, etc) allow all
+? players to draw an equal number of cards instantly.
Forgotten Realms This rule can only be removed by playing another rule card. It
Uncommon is immune to champion powers, events, and the Wish spell.
Castable only by Forgotten Realms champions. This spell
increases in power; a champion gets 1 lightning ball for every 2 When What Comes Around Goes Around is in play, if any
base levels he has, to a maximum of 4. Each lightning ball can players receive extra cards, regardless of the source, all
add 3 to the caster's level or can destroy one opposing ally. players receive the same number of cards under the same
(Off/4) conditions. For example, if one player plays Good Fortune, all
players receive five cards. If a player uses Bag of Beans, all
players cut their draw piles and take a card, discarding any

Dungeons - Página 341

realms. When the power of Gib Irod or the Bag of Holding is
used, all players may draw a card, but each must discard a Elminster's Intuition
card, as the card powers require. 6/25
If Hijacking is played on a Good Fortune while this rule card is Event
in play, all players draw five cards, but only the player of Good Chase
Fortune must discard his cards. Name a card out loud. Immediately search an opponent's draw
pile for that card. If you find it, send the card to the Abyss. If
Winner's Trophy you don't find it, immediately send your foremost realm to the
1/25 Abyss instead. (Harmful)
+5 Fool's Paradise
AD&D 7/25
Chase Event
May be attached to a champion of any world. In combat, the Chase
attached champion may use any type of card playable in This charming fool distracts all of one player's nonmonster
phase 4. champions, preventing them from performing any actions until
this player's next turn. (Harmful)
That's Adam Kowalke, winner of the sealed deck tournament,
on the card.
Pretty Magical Ring
2/25 6
Magic Item Greyhawk
+6 Chase
Chase Halfling. Aliki can cast wizard spells. During combat, this
The attached champion and his allies can fly, swim, or cunning rogue can steal one magical item from an opposing
earthwalk as desired. This champion and his allies are immune champion. The item returns to its owner at the end of battle.
to all cards that specifically target fliers, swimmers, or
earthwalkers. (Def) Emily Forester made this card at GenCon. The face paint is by
Fighting Dirty! Jon Lamkin.
Unarmed Combat Card Lilac Hesabon
+? 9/25
Chase Hero
Usable by any champion. Opposing player draws and discards 5
a card, noting its last digit. The opposing player must Forgotten Realms
immediately discard that many cards from his hand. (Off/4) Chase
Adventurer; elf; swimmer. Lilac's dog, Lightning, acts as a +3
When the opposing player draws and discards a card noting its ally to her or a fellow adventurer. Lightning can be discarded in
last digit, that digit is also the level bonus of the Fighting Dirty combat to negate one offensive card.
thief skill, as well as how many cards are discarded.
If this card changes sides in a battle, such as through the The girl pictured is Maggie Forester. Lilac Hesabon is her
power of Master Illithid, the current bonus remains. The card Living City character.
power does not reset when it changes sides.
That's Gib Ted (Ted Forret) administering the punch below the
Enter Darkness Together
belt. The victim is an unnamed TSR designer.
4/25 Play this card to negate a just-played event or spell. This event
Wizard Spell cannot be calmed, and can only be negated by tearing up the
Chase card which this event was played on. If this happens the
One razed realm (this player's choice) is discarded. (Off/3/5) original event or spell works normally.

Black Hand Thieves Guild Enter Darkness Together can be Deflected, but another Enter
5/25 Darkness Together cannot be used to cancel this event.
Holding That's Chuck Carey on the card.
Chase Cúpula BSW 2008: Ela pode ser defletida, o que faz com que
May be attached to any realm. While this holding is in play all o jogador de EDT, caso ainda queira cancelar o evento/feitiço,
players must discard down to five cards any time they have precise rasgar a própria EDT para fazê-lo. Ex: Jogador A lança
nine or more cards in their hand. Cataclisma, jogador B lança EDT, jogador A usa Deflection, se
o jogador B quiser que o Cataclisma ainda seja cancelado terá
When drawing cards for any reason, all cards must be drawn que rasgar o EDT para fazê-lo surtir efeito.
first. Then, if the player has nine or more cards, the player
discards down to five. Recorder of Yé Cind
This holding is an excellent addition to 75- and 110-card 11/25
decks. Games with these deck sizes have maximum hand Artifact
sizes of 10 and 12 cards, respectively, so the power of the +3
Black Hand Thieves' Guild will be triggered often. AD&D
Because this holding affects the player, in addition to Chase
opponents, it's a good idea to include the Herald of Mei Lung Usable by any champion. At any time, this player may look at
in any deck that includes the Guild. The Herald grants any cards which are in play face down. Once per turn, this
immunity to all cards, including the Guild, that force cards to be player may randomly pull half the cards from any player's hand
discarded from the hand. and look at them.

Dungeons - Página 342

When looking at half of any player's hand, the number of cards
pulled is rounded down. Cúpula BSW 2015: Se não houver reinos a serem atacados
pelo jogador oponente, como quando o adversário só possui
Telarie Willowind reinos arrasados, Necba não deve ser descartado ao ativar o
12/25 seu poder, revogando o que foi decidido na Cúpula BSW de
Hero 2008.
Greyhawk Cúpula BSW 2016: o poder do Necba NÃO é ativado quando
Chase todos os reinos do adversário estiverem arrasados ou então
Can cast cleric spells. Talerie's unicorn steed acts as a +4 ally. quando ele não tenha reinos, arrasados ou construídos, em
If defending, she can teleport out of battle back to her pool with sua formação.
her attachments, though the realm is then razed.
Shan, Karate Master
Forgotten Realms
The Llama King Chase
13/25 Doubles the bonus of any unarmed combat card. This
Hero champion hates magic and cannot use magical items or
9 artifacts. Gains 2 levels for each spell, magical item, or artifact
AD&D used against him.
During battle, the Llama King may summon an army of llamas Shan doubles the bonus of any attached unarmed combat
to aid him. The llamas act as a +9 ally that can trample one cards. Shan can only use unarmed combat cards usable by
opposing ally (discarding it). heroes.
This card was created by George Isele at the 1996 GenCon
game fair.
Necba the Wrathmaker
5 16/25
Dragonlance Event
Chase Chase
Halfling (Kender). Immune to offensive spells and harmful Keep this event in your hand. A player who looks into your
events. Opposing players must attack and raze a realm each hand and finds this card must immediately discard his entire
turn, or discard their highest level champion while Necba is in hand and the card that allowed him to look. (Harmful)
The Handmine is kept in a player's hand. If an opponent looks
An opposing player who does not attack and raze a realm in the player's hand, the Handmine is activated forcing the
discards his highest level champion in phase 5, after combat opponent to discard his hand, as well as the card that allowed
(phase 4) is completed. The champion discarded is the highest the opponent to look at the player's hand. The Handmine is
level champion in the pool at that time. If a player has two or then placed in the Void.
more champions with the highest total, the targeted player The card that allowed the opponent to look in the player's hand
decides which of his highest level champions he will discard. still functions, it is just discarded. Thus, if an opponent plays
If a player's highest level champion is immune to Necba's Cold Cup of Calamity, the player must still discard down to five
power, no champion is discarded. A champion like Manshoon cards. The opponent's hand is completely discarded by the
of the Zhentarim or Chernevik can be the target of Necba's Handmine.
power, but then use its own power (discarding a card in the Handmine does not affect cards that call for some of the hand
case of Manshoon) to avoid being discarded. to be displayed, such as El Hadid, Dr. Rudolph von Richten,
Even if a player cannot attack, due to realm restrictions for and Plentiful Psionics.
example, the player must still discard his highest level Because Handmine is a harmful event, it can be deflected, and
champion. another player, chosen by the player of Deflection, must
If Necba is in a player's pool and an opponent destroys all the discard his hand.
player's realms, Necba will be discarded at the end of the Handmine will not function while Throne of the Pharaohs is in
current turn. However, Necba's power still functions, and the play.
opposing player must attack and raze a realm or discard his
highest level champion. The Builder
A realm need not be razed through combat to satisfy Necba's 17/25
power. For example, a player could cast Creeping Doom Hero
during phase 3 and then attack in phase 4. That player would 5
not have to discard a champion, since the requirements of Greyhawk
Necba's power (attack and raze a realm) have been met. Chase
A realm must be razed, not discarded (e.g. through Dwarf; earthwalker. When in a pool, this champion allows a
Disintegrate) to satisfy Necba. razed realm to be rebuilt by discarding only one card, instead
If Necba's power is copied by another champion (such as Gib of the normal three.
Drawsemij), only one realm need be raised to satisfy the
powers of both champions. If a realm is not razed the two The power of the Builder applies only to the player whose pool
highest champions must be discarded (or three highest the Builder is in.
champions, if three Necbas are in play, etc.). Once the original
Necba is discarded, the copied powers no longer work, since Slorath's Gloves
the wording of the card says "while Necba is in play." 18/25
Card Combo: While Necba is in the pool, playing a card that +2
prohibits combat, such as Wall of Fog and Solid Fog, ensures AD&D
that opponents will discard their highest level champions.

Dungeons - Página 343

Chase Chaos Lord
At the start of this player's turn, he draws a card from an 22/25
opponent's hand and sends it to Limbo. All such cards Regent
selected remain in Limbo while the Gloves are in play, 9
returning to the player's hand when the Gloves are discarded. Birthright
Rary's Apprentice Can cast wizard and cleric spells. This champion is immune to
19/25 harmful events and rule cards. Chaos Lord may be sent to the
Wizard Abyss to rearrange all realms in all formations (this player's
4 choice).
Chase This card was created by Tony Novello at GenCon 1996.
Immune to harmful events. While this champion is in play, Rary
cannot be discarded for any reason. If Rary loses a battle, he Giant Troll
returns to his pool with his attachments. Rary can use all items 23/25
attached to his apprentice, gaining 2 levels for each used. Ally
Giant. This ally regenerates and remains in play for an entire
attack on a realm; it is discarded only after the realm is razed
or the attack discontinued.
The Giant Troll can be played on attack or defense, but it
Poor Oriental Lord remains for each round only when attacking. when defending,
20/25 it is discarded at the end of the round like a any other ally.
Thief If the Giant Troll is animated by Gib Hcivonad to become a
10 champion, he may only attack once per battle.
Forgotten Realms
While this champion is in play, no cards marked "First Edition" Elyk the Bard
can be played. All those already in play remain, but no new 24/25
ones may be played. Thief
Because it is immune to the special powers of opposing AD&D
champions, Ethereal Champion can play any cards while in Chase
combat with Poor Oriental Lord. It cannot, however, be put into At the beginning of this player's turn, Elyk can choose to
play while the POL is in play, since Ethereal Champion is a change into a wizard or hero. Elyk's legend lore ability confers
first edition card. Similarly, the Celestial Emperor and Turin immunity to the effects of any one artifact (chosen at the start
Deathstalker cannot be brought into play, but can play cards of of this player's turn) to this player.
any edition, while POL is in play.
Dor Amberglow
Highmaster Illithios
21/25 Hero
Psionicist 5
10 Forgotten Realms
AD&D Chase
Chase Adventurer. Dor can cast wizard spells and is immune to
Underdark. Immune to offensive spells, magical items, and offensive psionics. He can act as an ally for any other
artifacts. Draw a card whenever a psionic power card is adventurer, returning to his pool after the battle.
That's me, Mike Forester, in the picture. Dor Amberglow is my
His power is (Def) Living City character.
The player with Highmaster Illithios draws a card whenever a
psionic power card is played. The player does not draw when a
psionic power is used, only if a card is played.

Dungeons - Página 344

Castle Arborgate AD&D
1/99 This realm is the home of combat. In phase 4, in place of
Realm attacking a realm, any player during their turn, may attack
This realm is immune to offensive spells, psionics, and harmful another champion in an opponent's pool. The winner of this
events. If discarded from any hand or deck by an opponent's fight gets spoils. The loser goes to the discard pile, regardless
action, put this realm into play and place all other Castle of special powers.
Arborgates in play in the Void regardless of any other cards
special power. This is my personal pick for the most powerful card in
Inquisition, edging out Slap [IQ-78], The Apocalypse [IQ-78],
Castle Arborgate is a strong realm that is built around fighting and Etarkine [IQ-31]. This AD&D realm allows you to attack the
many of the strongest tournament strategies available. First pool, not just realms. Not just that, but the opponent must
off, this Greyhawk realm has very strong immunities. Being defend and not just grant spoils, so speed rebuilding never
immune to spells, psionics, and events, this knocks out every comes into effect. This makes it possible to remove some of
current method of destroying the realm from the pool aside the most hated champions from the game, like Necba the
from Castle Arborgate's other power. Since realm destruction Wrathmaker [DU-c13] and Manshoon of the Zhentarim [RR-
is one of the most popular methods of winning in tournament c6]. This especially strong with good instant win champions,
level Spellfire, these immunities carry immense power, with my personal favorites being the Living Wall [PO-58] and
especially as no other realm carries all of these immunities. the Earth Elemental [PO-60]. Other good combos with the
The other strong method is the "touchy-feely" approach, Arena of Dori the Barbarian include Lovely Colleen [1st-c22],
destroying realms from hand or deck so they can't get to play. the Living Scroll [2nd-408], The Undead Htimsen [3rd-425],
Castle Arborgate has Mayor Charles Oliver O’Kane [3rd-433], The King of the Elves
a strong defense against this also. If the opponent does this, [3rd-440], Bilago Lumen [PO-17], Lyr of the Mists [PO-23],
even on accident, Castle Arborgate jumps into play (outside of Corpse Dragon [TU-82], Rhuobhe Manslayer [BR-c14], and
when realms may normally be played) and send to the Void all Dragon Hatchling [DR-c8]. Remembering that opponent’s don’t
other Castle Arborgates in play, regardless of other powers. have a choice to fight or not means all cards that send them
This is very heavy and severely hurts those using this strategy back defeated means discarded. Not only does this card give
by using it to gain advantage, a mechanic that hopefully be you a chance to wipe out the opponent’s most annoying
used more often in future sets. It is for these reasons that champions quickly, it also gives you many spoils, boosting
Castle Arborgate will see play in many tournaments. However, card advantage. This is definitely a very high power card that
I doubt it will see much fun deck play, as it is only strong in work its way into many strong tournament decks.
games where the most evil of tactics are used.
Land of Legends
The Shadowlands 4/99
2/99 Realm
Realm AD&D
AD&D When this realm is played, it may copy the world designation
When played or rebuilt, this realm steals the power of any and special powers of any realm an opponent's formation,
other realm in an opponent's formation, which is now except Ancient Kalidnay, Menzoberranzan, or Avanil.
considered to have no special power until this realm is razed or
discarded. This card is a great challenge for any judge to deal with. The
key part to remember for judging this card is that the realm is
In many ways, this card is very much like the Lands of Legend first played, and then it can imitate the power and world of
[IQ-4]. However, it is more offensive, by not only copying a another realm in play. Therefore, it wouldn't work to let the
realms power, but also removing the power from the target realm be played immediately even if Menzo [1st-2] weren't
realm. It should be remembered that this power only activates banned on the card (I think that was just done for clarity). For
when the realm is played or rebuilt, so powers such as the same reason, powers that activate only upon being played
Menzoberranzan [1st-2], Temple of Elemental Evil [1st-124], (like the Temple of Elemental Evil [1st-124] or Furyondy [3rd-
and Ancient Kalidnay [AR-92] after it has been used for the 122]) are worthless to imitate, because the Land of Legends is
extra turn are useless, as those powers have been fully used, already in play. Ancient Kalidnay [AR-92] and Avanil [BR-5]
or activate too quickly to be stolen. Since many decks carry were restricted because of speed issues. It is also very
realms that work well against them to prevent the opponent important to note that it can only imitate opponents' realms, so
getting a chance to play (like Mount Deismaar [DR-9] in a it is only as effective as your opponents are (especially since
blood ability deck), this would be the best way to turn that razed realms for the most part are considered to have no
strategy against them. This is strongest in a one-on-one special powers). The question of when to play this realm is a
match, as in a large multiplayer game, while a player may be tough one, as by the time you have a good realm to imitate, it
willing to take an opponent copying their realm (like with the will be well back in your formation. The best time to use this
Lands of Legend), they will mercilessly target a player who is card is immediately after playing Siege [1st-203], into the front
holding their realm's power hostage. Even with this minor place in the formation and imitate the opponents' most
problem, this card will find itself in many strong tournament defensible realm. However, this is the best combination you
decks. Combinations with cards like Oasis of the White Palm can come up with this card, as when you imitate another
[RR-23] or Cavern of Ancient Knowledge [NS-18] help protect realms power, you also take on its world designation, so it's
this realm well, and, unlike the Lands of Legend, this realm near impossible to have a holding ready to attach to it. Finally,
does not copy the opposing realm's world. remember that even if the copied realm is razed or removed
from play, the Land of Legends keeps this power until being
removed from play.
Arena of Dori the Barbarian

Inquisition Online - Página 345

Hollow World power is even an option. However, the price of this card is
5/99 high. Bastion must be sent to the Void, and you also must raze
AD&D another realm you own to activate this power. With this cost, it
Realm may only happen once per game, so building a deck around a
Underdark. This realm extends under all opponent's AD&D combo using Bastion is very difficult to near impossible. This
realms, allowing them to be attacked by this player's card might work well for a sideboard (for such tournaments
champions and allies, regardless of position or restrictions. that allow them), but other than that, the cards cost makes it
not worth carrying most often.
This realm is a nice addition to the underdark set, allowing now
any realm to be attacked via an underdark realm. This will be Thorbardin
very useful for attacking some of the hardest to attack realms, 8/99
including the Lost City [RR-16] or any realm turned AD&D by Realm
the Bitter Knoll [DU-36]. This does not allow attackers free Dragonlance
reign through holdings (like the Temple of Death [RR-27] or Thorbardin is immune to offensive spells and can only be
through requirements (such as with Anytown, Anywhere [4th- defended by dwarves. Any dwarf defending this realm can be
70]). This completes the set for Under________ realms, but sent to the abyss to seal its mighty gates. The attacker returns
isn't one of the strongest, since AD&D realms are not as to its pool and the battle ends with no spoils.
popular or as hard to attack as some other worlds. Outside of
pure Underdark world decks, I wouldn't expect to see this Thorbardin is a decent realm for a dwarf themed deck, but
realm often used. should never be used for any other reason, as only dwarves
(champions and allies!) can be used to defend it. Thorbardin
The Oracle at Delphi does have some nice abilities. The first is being immune to
6/99 offensive spells. While that immunity doesn't pass on to its
Realm defenders, that does mean the realm is safe from Disintegrate
10 [1st-393], Estate Transferance [3rd-437], and Creeping Doom
AD&D [FR-29]. The other interesting power of Thorbardin is very
Can defend itself as a level 10 cleric that is immune to the defensive. Any dwarf defending the realm may be sent to the
powers of opposing champions. If this realm is razed, the Abyss to immediately end the attack on this realm (unless the
attacker may search his draw pile and put any rule card into attacker is immune to realm powers) with no victor. Now, this
play. If successfully defended, the defender may do so instead isn't typically the dwarven way, but heroic martyrdom doesn't
hurt. The best way to use this card is do dump a defending
The Oracle at Delphi is a very powerful card. First off, being dwarf ally to seal the gates (the power doesn't state champion,
able to defend itself at level 10 (13 with world bonus) and but since it says defending, the ally must be in battle), or to
being immune to champion powers (being powerful due to send a dwarf about to die anyway to the abyss to use this
immunity activating before the attackers power) makes the power (like when the defender no longer has support cards left
Oracle one of the strongest realms able to defend itself. It to continue the battle). This is a pretty solid defensive realm
would also work well with the Living Earth [4th-506]. There is that will be very difficult for the opponent to get rid of, but
an advantage to someone who can attack and raze this realm, again, unless the deck is at least mostly dwarven, the risk isn't
in getting a rule card into play. Someone wanting to take worth the gain.
advantage of this power should attack with Tithian [1st-301], or
use Tarrasque [FR-1] or Raze [BR-59] to raze the realm with Quasqueton
little conflict. However, for a defender who is successful (note, 9/99
they don't need to earn spoils, just win, like with Unnerving Realm
Aura [DL-69]), victory brings sweet reward, as the realm 1
defender (not necessarily the realm owner, as with Weasel Greyhawk
Attack [3rd-428]) may search her deck and put any rule card This realm can only be attacked by champions of base level 5
into play. This card should be used in any deck that focuses on or less. If the attacking champion is defeated, all attached
Rule Cards to win, such as City States [RV-30], Nullify Magic magic items and artifacts stay with this realm (until it is razed
[PO-86], Antimagic Cloud [PO-16], Things That Go Bump in or discarded) and can be used by its future defenders
the Night [TU-69], Taxation [BR-c18], Nobody Wins! [4th-490], (regardless of world designations for artifacts).
Negative Energy Protection [NS-73], A Sure Thing [NS-74], or
Out of Phase [IQ-54]. Any holding that would make this realm Quasqueton is an interesting card for many reasons, giving
hard to attack probably shouldn't be used, as it in the combat additional strength to many decks, particularly those using the
that the Oracle shines. This realm will find a home in almost Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk [DU-6]. First off, Quasqueton
any deck that uses a rule card to move to victory! can defend itself as a level 1 champion (level 4 with world
bonus), which, while minor, is still another level of defense for
Bastion the realm. New, and probably most significantly, only
7/99 champions of base level 5 or less can attack. This makes
Realm probably the best defender for this realm Bilago Lumen [PO-
7 17], who drains his adjusted level from the opponent's. Since
AD&D Bilago starts at level 5, this could mean many instant wins for
During this players phase 0, this player can send any other this realm. The only way to protect attacking champions is to
non-realm card in play to the Void by razing another realm in use many attachments, and that leads nicely into the third
this players formation and discarding this realm to the Void. power of this realm. If an attacking champion is defeat (not just
discarded), any magic items or artifacts stay with the realm
Bastion is an interesting realm with a very high price. This (regardless of whether the attachments would be going to the
AD&D realm may defend itself as a level 7 hero (10 with world discard pile, hand, or pool). Every future defender may use
bonus), which is fairly good. Bastions power is very strong; you those attachments, making this snowball especial tough to
may send any non-realm card to the void. Just using this raze through combat after one successful defense. A defender
power needs to at a well chosen moment. You will want to MAY use multiple artifacts held by this realm, but only if the
discard a card central to the opponent's them, such as a rule defender does not have any artifacts already attached. Some
card, dungeon, or a champion the opponent wishes to imitate good holdings to attach to Quasqueton would include the
(such as Highmaster Illithos [DU-c21]). Also remember that Ancient Arms of Furyondy [3rd-146] or Fortification: Parapet
using this power is during phase 0, and must be used from [4th-84]. This very tough to beat realm will see play time in
play, so it must be protected for a full turn before using its

Inquisition Online - Página 346

many good decks in many different settings, and should be similar to using Photed [4th-289] and Dearlyn Ambersong [DU-
considered for many of your own decks. 44] (with the exception that the Adventurers' Guild protects
against Con Game [DU-82], thought by some as enough
Village of Nulb reason to carry the card), and thus are not very consequential.
10/99 In practice, you will find the best time to discard this holding,
Realm but I find it worth it at about when about 5 or more adventurers
Greyhawk are in the discard pile (my Adventurer deck has almost 19 or
While this realm is in play, the Temple of Elemental Evil cannot 20 champions, so adjust your cut off line based on your total).
be played. If played when the Temple of Elemental Evil is This is a great addition to the adventurers' arsenal, and should
already in play, that player must immediately discard 3 cards at be used whenever possible for such decks.
random from his hand.
Castle Moovania
As any veteran Spellfirer knows, the Temple of Elemental Evil 12/99
seems to get into many decks and almost every deck. Now, AD&D
there is this good alternative. So lets see how it works. First Holding
off, aside from being Greyhawk (which means it can be This holding can be attached to any realm. Draw 2 extra cards
protected by things like The Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk during your draw phase, but your hand size is reduced by 4.
[DU-6]), this realm offers you no defensive power, so most In many ways, this card is just waiting to be abused by any
often you want it in a protected position if possible. To use it's speed deck. Drawing two extra cards is a huge advantage (it
powers to best effect, we need to figure out when it is best nearly doubles the card advantage. The reduction of hand size
played. If played early in the game, it does prevent opponents is painful, but can be overcome, making realms like Myth
(and yourself) from playing the Temple. This takes the entire Drannor [1st-13], The Great Kingdom [1st-123], and Cariele
reason away from playing with the Temple, unless, of course, if [4th-50] good candidates to be played in the same decks or
the Village of Nulb is razed. However, to beat the Temple into even to get Castle Moovania attached to it. Drawing the extra
play, it usually needs to be played so quickly that it's not cards is usually worth it, since card advantage is often what
protected in the formation. Therefore, it is easy to lose the tournament level Spellfire is all about. The feature of being
benefit of the card, as the Village's power doesn't renew upon able to be attached to any realm also means it is appropriate to
unrazing. put in many different decks. The biggest penalty of having a
The other time to play the card is when the Temple is in play. If reduce hand is the inability to carry surprise combat card and
that happens, the temple's owner (even if the Temple is razed) counter cards. To account for this, counters that work from in
loses three cards from their hand, and more importantly, the play only, like Delsenora [1st-c10], Vaerhirmana [3rd-263], and
lose is random. Random card lose is very bad, as any player Bigby [RR-28], to name just a few. Any deck looking for
who played against Hettman Tsurin can tell you. This can often tournament power, or any speed deck will find with a welcome
kill important counter cards waiting for the right start. however, addition, but most combat decks (often having large and
it should also be noted that many players have very little in loaded hands) would avoid this holding.
their hands after their turn, or keep a lot of junk in their hand.
The power is strong, but I'm not sure it's enough reason not to Trojan Horse
play the Temple (which one would obviously not do in the 13/99
same deck as the Village). I find that in tournaments, getting Holding
the cards fast usually out weighs the penalty of losing cards -1
later. In casual play, people love to hammer on speed cards, AD&D
so this one is a great choice (or reason to play neither, as not Attach this holding to any realm belonging to another player.
playing a realm because it is also out often happens too for The realm may be attacked by any player, regardless of
popular realms). Either way, players of the Temple now must position or restrictions, and each defending champion defends
be more wary then ever. at a -1 from his adjusted level. The attacker chooses who will
Adventurers' Guild
11/99 Trojan Horse is a very interesting holding. As of Inquisition, it is
Birthright the only holding a player may attach to an opponent's realm,
Holding and he must do this during phase 2 (just like any other
During this players phase 0, this player may return all holding). Attaching this to an opponent's realm has three
adventurers from his discard pile to his hand by sending this effects. The first and least is that every champion is at adjusted
holding to the Abyss. All of adventurers in play gain 1 level and level -1. This actually won't help much, and more often will
are immune to thief skills. allow the defender to play the first card into battle. The second
is more useful. It allows any player (not just the one playing the
This support card can be very strong for an adventurer themed holding) to attack the realm. Position and restrictions are moot,
deck. First off, it is important to note that it is a Birthright making realms like the Ruins of Zhentil Keep [3rd-3] very
holding, and therefore any adventurer deck needs to carry a vulnerable. However, the second power does NOT remove
few to possibly use this card, since it must be discarded from requirements. Therefore, realms like the Spiderfell [BR-3] and
play. Being able to get all adventurers from the discard pile to Anytown, Anywhere [4th-70] are still as difficult to attack, and
hand is an incredible power, and can potentially change the make a great defense against this card (of course, rarely does
shape of the game, especially if played late. The biggest a player only have realms with requirements in play). The final
disadvantage of the card is that it must stay in play for a full power is by far the best. The attacking player may choose who
round of the table (since you can only play it in phase 2, and defends it. Therefore, this is an excellent way to be able to
only use it in phase 0). Therefore, the best way to play this remove problem champions, like Tasslehoff Burrfoot [DL-39] or
card is just before you use a card to gain an extra turn, as with Necba the Wrathmaker [DU-c14]. This works particularly well
Caravan (1st-319) or Ancient Kalidnay [AR-92]. It might even with instant win champions to give the opponent no chance to
be a decent enough reason to use Biding Your Time [BR-22], win the battle. However, it should be noted that the defender
though that event is most often too risky to bother carrying. To doesn't need to defend, and can just allow the attacking
help protect this holding until you can retrieve your champion to raze the realm, removing the holding. Also, once
adventurers, consider attaching it to The Gorgon's Crown [BR- could defend against the Trojan Horse by having all his realms
4] or the Shining Lands [AR-87], which both have great have holdings, allowing no place for this holding to get played.
immunities. If attached to a safer realm such as these, you However, one card to assure spoils of victory is a good card
might actually leave it in play long enough that the other play. Finally, the best revenge against someone playing this
powers can come into effect. However, those powers are very holding on you is to turn it back upon them by using

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Hallucinatory Terrain [FR-42]. This is a very good card for a Enchantress. Will she win the battle for you quickly? No, but
combat deck that hates facing the unattackable realms. she'll give you a fighting chance, and that's all most decks
Mij Reltub, the Spellfire Oracle Saldon the White
14/99 17/99
Hero Wizard
0 2
AD&D Dragonlance
This champion may be sent to the Void from pool or hand to This champion can double the level of any card in play once
stop any event or spell that razes or discards realms. The card per combat round, even in a combat where he is not involved.
stopped is also put into the Void. Between 6AM and 6PM, he can double the level of any one
additional card in a combat in which he is involved.
This is a nice card that will help counter the "camping and
killing from a distance" type decks. The Oracle's level makes Like many Dragonlance wizards, Saldon's effectiveness is tied
him usable in any deck that has less than 20 champions. This to the time of day for the game. Because of this, this is a great
counter can also be used if an opponent has him in play, since card to put in you decks for relaxing games on the weekends
he may be discarded from hand. This power may only be used or early tournaments. Saldon's low level is balanced by his
once, but can be very useful. Stopping common tournament power to double the icon level of any card in play, and the fact
cards like Cataclysm! [1st-99] or Disintegrate [1st-393] could that it can meddle every round means he is a great card for
mean the difference for many decks, but it should be noted support heavy decks (ally, war spells, etc.). Also, this is a great
that the cards he affects are quite limited, and popular cards card for team play or decks meddling with opponent battles
he has no effect on include Estate Transferance [3rd-437] (working well with cards like Foulwing [TU-76] or Nomad
(since it doesn't discard, but sends to the Abyss) and Psionic Mercenaries [3rd-256]). The biggest problem with Saldon
Disintegrate [DU-73]. Even with Mij's restrictiveness, he will get decks is that it requires additional cards, and other additions,
himself into many tournament and fun decks, due to the impact like those of the Triumverate Realms or the automatic ally of
and popularity of the cards he affects. While he can only be the Orcish Shaman [IQ-18]. Therefore, the most effecive decks
used once, that one time will often be enough to be the for Saldon would be large format (75 or 110 card decks).
difference between victory and defeat.
Orcish Shaman
Tagor Migor 18/99
15/99 Cleric
Psionicist 4
6 AD&D
Dark Sun Orc. Can cast wizard spells. This champion's Orc tribe counts
In combat, this champion may use his chameleon power to as a permanent +5 ally for this champion.
make his allies (only) immune to the special power of opposing
allies for the remainder of this combat round. While there are not many orcs in Spellfire, many of them
become stronger when others are played. If you are trying to
Tagor is an interesting champion, but not appropriate for most play an orc deck, this champion is useful because it can give
decks. This psionicist isn't fitting for most psionic decks, but you two in battle (champion and ally), as opposed to the
couples well with some psionic powers, like Complete Healing regular one. However, if you are not using an orc deck, the
[PO-67] and Intensify [PO-89]. Primarily useful for decks Shaman's only usefulness is being able to cast both wizard
focused on allies. This defensive ability isn't useful against and cleric spells. The +5 tribe can be useful, but not greatly so,
non-ally decks, so Tagor's power will often not be used. as it isn't a strong enough bane against the evil Blamblower
However, being able to protect yourself from cards like Brine [DL-56], which requires 6 levels be discarded from battle. This
Dragon [DL-45] or Master Illithid [DU-53] could be very useful. champion doesn't stand out as extremely useful, but makes
Not saving the champion though still makes this champion less nice filler for a deck that can think of nothing better than a 4th
useful that ones the restrict allies from being played (like level champion to cast most spells that is a little stronger in
Cistern Fiend [3rd-282] or Tergoz Tenhammer [3rd-60]) or combat. However, I'd avoid it for tournament decks; you will
makes the champion, and therefore his allies, immune to ally want a stronger card.
powers (like the Ghostly Piper [AR-10]). In other words, you
should be able to find another card better than Tagor unless Aramil of Tusmit
you really want to couple psionics and allies. 19/99
The Enchantress 5
16/99 Greyhawk
Regent This champion is immune to psionic power cards. During
5 combat, Aramil may use his superior mind control powers to
Birthright steal a just played opposing ally.
Can cast wizard spells. Before combat, only when defending,
she can enchant the opposing champion, causing the Aramil is a quiet, unassuming champion that could be very
champion to lose its special powers for the duration of this useful. His level makes him useful in a variety of situations,
combat round. and makes a good defender against the Living Wall [PO-58].
Arami's immunity is relatively minor, since most decks don't
The Enchantress is a good champion for many decks. Being carry many psionic power cards, but his immunity does make
able to use both blood abilities and wizard spells, she is him a nice combo card with Control Winds [PO-74], as his
immediately a good candidate for a deck that focuses on either immunity means he could keep his champion powers. The
and dabbles in the other. Her power is a little confusing, so more interesting power is the one that lets him steal an ally as
here is the break down. Before combat means it activate first in it is played. Since many allies that are played in tournament
battle, usually before the attacker (though Agis [1st-261] would decks are instant defeats, this counter power could be very
be able to use his power first as it also is before combat). useful for giving his player a better chance of winning.
When defending (realm or otherwise), she negates the However, the choice of when to use the power is rough, as
attacking champion's power, including immunities (unless the often an opponent will not play her best ally first since that
immunity is to champion powers), and therefore the strongest power is waiting to activate. I would save the power to either
offensive cards would be good attachments for the any point where you've run out of support cards to use, or

Inquisition Online - Página 348

when the opponent plays an ally that would instantly defeat 5
you (such as the Dreaded Ghost [4th-246] or Intellect AD&D
Devourers [3rd-86]. He is a good champion that will be seen in If this champion wins a round of combat while attacking, he
a variety of decks and situations. may look through his draw pile and put into play any
(obviously) female champion as a "groupie". If he successfully
Dragon Mountain Kobold defends a realm, he gets a number of spoils equal to the
20/99 number of "groupies" in his pool.
? While Mij Draw, yet another card based upon the legendary
AD&D Jim Ward, can be a fun card to build a deck around, I could
Limit per deck: Up to the Maximum number of champions per never recommend it to any deck. Until Mij wins an attack, he is
deck. Immune to Rule of the Cosmos. Adjusted level is equal just a card with a negative power. His second power only
to the number of Dragon Mountain Kobolds in play. If Infryana works for those cards designated groupies, and thus, if he wins
and Dragon Mountain are in play and belong to the same a defensive battle with no groupies in play, his player gets no
player, all Dragon Mountain Kobolds in play go to that players spoils (worse than a champion with no power). If he wins a
pool. If either leave play, then all Kobolds in play are round attacking, and can get a groupie, he is average when
discarded. defending, and only gets beyond Dagrande [3rd-82] once he's
won three or more rounds attacking. Also, remember that the
Dragon Mountain Kobolds are one of the most fun decks to opponent doesn't defend when Mij attacks, Mij doesn't get a
play with. You don't just use one of them, you make it the groupie, as he never wins a round of combat. Add this to the
entire focus of the deck, as they grow stronger when together, fact that he has no powers to help him actually win the battles,
just like adventurers. However, there are some major worries and Mij Draw doesn't shake up well. However, if you do decide
when playing with a DMK deck. Another player can steal all to use him, the best combo with him is the Cloak of
your Kobolds if they have both Infryana [DR-26] and Dragon Displacement [BR-34], to let him attack more than once a
Mountain [DR-2] in play at the same time, something not to battle and build up a bigger following. His uselessness fits this
rare if your opponents play dragon decks, which is a common champion, as he is a epitome of purity, but uses groupies to
theme. However, the best solution (to destroy one before the his advantage :)
other comes out) isn't an option, because if either leaves play
(regardless if both were in play or not) all DMK in play are Karistyne
discarded. This is the best reason NOT to put Infryana or 23/99
Dragon Mountain into the deck, because if you need to play Hero
them, you expose your deck's Achilles' Heel, and if you carry 8
them in your deck and don't play them, you are just left with Greyhawk
dead cards in your hand. Therefore, don't put those two cards Adventurer. Can use cleric spells. If owned by a player with at
in the deck, regardless of how well it fits the theme. Fit in a few least 3 other adventurers, none of this player's adventurers
other champions just in case the worst happens, but try to fit can be sent to the abyss for any reason by any player (even
as many as you can. Can this theme make a good tournament this one).
deck? Not likely, as the DMK have no immunity to the
opponent, and only have a truly notable level when you get at This adventurer should only be considered for a tightly themed
least eight of them in the pool at the same time. However, if adventurer deck, as Karistyne requires other adventurers to
you are truly in a fun mood, a DMK/War Party [3rd-54] deck activate. However, Karistyne's power is immediately more
will keep you reaching for a calculator :) useful than most adventurer's in 4th edition, as her power does
not require her to be in the pool to keep in active. If Karistyne's
Luccia player has at least 3 other adventurers in play, this card is very
Hero similar to the dungeon Mausoleum of the Zombie Master [DU-
5 1]. Her power protects all adventurers the player owns from
21/99 being sent to the Abyss for any reason. While this prevents
AD&D you from doing this also, so far no adventurer needs to be
Adventurer. Flyer. Can use thief skills. Luccia has a +7 flying discarded to the Abyss to activate it's power. As long as you
griffin mount as her ally and makes Luccia a flyer. She is a don't include any cards that require you to sacrifice a
great scout, thus when she is in the pool, all adventures may champion to the Abyss, this would be a perfect addition to any
use their special powers (and those of attached cards) first adventurer only deck and supports the adventurer theme well.
when defending. Outside of an adventurer deck, you should never see or use
this card.
Luccia is another solid adventurer for an adventurer deck.
Being a hero able to use thief skills, she is not restricted by the Silversun
Guildmaster [NS-28]. She may summon her griffin ally to make 24/99
her a flyer (she is not a flyer without the ally, so when she Cleric
attacks a realm by flying, the ally has automatically been 9
summoned) any time during battle. While her power doesn't AD&D
require any other adventurers in her pool, in only works for Silversun was driven insane in her quest for a balance
other adventurers (thus only being suitable for an adventurer between good and evil. If she attacks and wins a round of
deck), and only works when Luccia is in the pool (not when combat, the realm is razed, but she is discarded.
she is in combat). Her defensive power works very well in an
adventurer deck though, allowing adventurers use their powers Silversun is an interesting card. Being a level 9 cleric, she is
first. More importantly, it allows the adventurer's attachments one of the most powerful clerics in the game, behind Nemon
activate first, so this card combos well with instant win Hotep [NS-67], Jerome Kazinskaia [IQ-25], and many avatars.
attachments, such as the Vorpal Blade [FR-56] or Ebony Cup Her purely offensive power (she's just a random schmuck
of Fate [FRc8], among many others. I'd recommend this card when defending) is a use it and lose it type power. If she wins
for any adventurer deck. when attacking a realm (note: attacking anywhere but a realm
does not activate Silversun's power), she MUST be discarded
Mij Draw, the Epitome of Purity and Might and the realm razed (unless the realm negates her power, like
22/99 Griff Mountains [DR-5], in which case her power doesn't
Hero activate at all). For an instant win deck (using cards like
Dreaded Ghost [4th-246] or Blamblower [DL-56]) this can be

Inquisition Online - Página 349

very useful, getting spoils to hopefully get another realm. bigger totals in games. An interesting card, but only really
However, most decks like to keep high level champions in shines in certain settings and times.
play, so a deck hoping to make maximal use of this card needs
cards to bring her back from the discard pile, like Coming of Aria Kyra
the Pheonix [RR-56]. I'd only suggest using Silversun in a deck 27/99
that focused on instant wins and has lots of other champions to Hero
fill in the gap when Silversun is discarded. 7
Dark Sun
Jerome Kazinskaia Halfling. Can use thief skills. Champions of base level 6 or
25/99 higher cannot defend against this champion.
10 Aria is a very interesting champion for a combat deck, or for a
Greyhawk "kill 'em in the pool" deck. Able to prevent champions 6 or
Jerome does not need permission to cast any cleric spell. higher from combat often makes gathering spoils much easier.
During this players turn, Jerome may do one of the following: To make her even more strong, combo her with another card
During phase 3, he may retrieve from his discard pile any non- that restricts opponents from facting her, or specific instant win
undead/werebeast ally. Or, during phase 5, he may retrieve cards. Examples of these include the Heartwood Spear [1st-
any one defensive cleric spell from the discard pile. 318], the Sword and Helm of Garion [TU-21], or, my favorite,
the Sword of Sharpness [DU-64, which means only base
Jerome is an interesting card with many options available to champions base level 4 & 5 can oppose without instant death.
him. The first line has the feature that he is immune to the Her level does usually give the opponent the opportunity to
power for the Arch-Druid [1st-189], allowing him to cast any play the first card into battle, which is often telling, so her focus
spell he may normally do. This immunity also extends to should be on winning battle before it has a chance to truly
putting the Talisman of the Beast [DR-75] and still be immune begin. The best ways to defeat Aria are all the standard
to the Lareth, King of Justice [DR-31]. This does not protect his champion slaying methods, as she has no immunity. Someone
wizard spells (if she attaches something like the Viperhand wanting to protect her would do well to use Dark Haven [4th-
[1st-103]), as it specifies cleric spells. The second part of his 188], to both grant large immunities, and to lower her level to
power is a choice between two options each turn. For an ally be able to throw the first card in combat. She would be a good
deck, during phase 3 (including right when he is first played choice for combat decks that focus on spoils, since high level
into the pool), he may retrieve an ally without either the undead champions can't even be sacrificed to her, as they can for the
or werebeast attribute. There are many good allies available Living Wall [PO-58]. Defensively, she is a very poor champion,
for this and makes Jerome a good addition for any ally deck (or so a deck builder needs to include other defensive measures.
deck that uses a few good battle stopping allies). The other
power can be even more useful, in that during phase 5 (after Sarana
combat), he may retrieve a defensive cleric spell from the 28/99
discard pile. Good examples spells to get include: Divine Cleric
Intervention [DL-81] (to get both a champion and any ally), 7
Thrice Heart Cup of Balder the Red [FRc1], Intercession [RR- Greyhawk
48] (bluelined to defensive), Dispel [4th-400], Locate Object Immune to offensive wizard spells. This champion can be sent
[4th-422], or Atonement [IQ-69]. Any deck that uses these to Limbo until the end of this player's next turn to prevent one
often could do well carrying this card (and with Dispel there, non-event card from going to the Abyss.
many tournament decks should be expected to carry it).
Sarana is a very interesting counter card/champion. She may
Card Combo (from Desafio dos Corajosos 2016): Esta é uma be sent to Limbo to prevent a card from going to the Abyss,
versão melhorada do combo Butler's Balderdash, permitindo and this could be very useful with cards like Estate
que o jogador potencialmente possa arrasar um reino por Transferance [3rd-437], Mindkiller [TU-56], and Nobody Wins!
turno, ja que, ao vencer o combate automaticamente graças [4th-490] seeing play often. The only ways to negate her power
ao feitiço Thrice Hearty Cup, Tithian arrasa o reino atacado. are events, such as Wrath of the Immortals [4th-157] or
Jerome então retorna o feitiço no passo 5 para que o combo Unavailing Sacrifice [IQ-42], making her more useful.
persista indefinidamente. Therefore, Sarana could be a very useful, especially as she
could be used more than once. However, since she is level 7,
The Grim Reaper she might be tough to fit into most decks. Therefore, be careful
26/99 when you work her into the deck that more focus theme cards
Monster can cover those levels.
Ravenloft Kiri Allavesse
Undead. The number of champions and allies currently in all Cleric
discard piles and abyss's determines this champion's level. 6
As anyone could tell you, this could be a good card to slip into Elf. Can cast wizard spells. If Kiri razes a realm, this player can
any deck (as it doesn't require any champion levels), choose to retrieve (and play) a non-realm card from his discard
especially ally decks, or those for multiplayer games. This card pile, instead of taking normal spoils.
is similar to the Bottomless Horror [DU-54], whose level is the
icon bonuses of all cards in someone's abyss, and Crawling At first glance, Kiri Allavesse is probably one of the few cards
Claws [NS-66], whose level is equal to the number of that I would consider dead-weight in this deck. The only place
champions in your pool. However, The Grim Reaper surpasses it would fit is in an all elf deck. Being able to cast wizard and
them both. This card would be a good addition for many cleric spells is nice, especially in the current tournament
undead decks, or for large games. However, otherwise I might environment, but many champions can do that. Kiri's power
shy away from it, unless you are low on champions due to could be useful in a deck with lots of powerful spells (like
large level champions, because it only has a level and undead Disintegrate [1st-393]), but it requires Kiri to raze a realm.
status. It has no special power aside from the level, which will While not explicit, Kiri's power only works when she razes a
only put only into avatar range (usually) in multiplayer games. realm in combat (because of the last clause of the text), so a
Also, this card would be nice in a 75 or 110 card format, as key part of using her power is to allow her to raze a realm.
those have more champions and allies usually, leading to even Also, any power that would prevent Kiri from getting spoils
(such as Stug [3rd-272]) prevents using her power, as her

Inquisition Online - Página 350

power can only happen if she would normally receive spoils. oriented deck. His power, preventing any spells (wizard or
Kiri could be powerful if she used Johydee's Mask [1st-218] to cleric) from being cast at him or his pool, is very strong, and is
imitate Tithian [1st-301] or Silversun [IQ-24] to insure a razing one of the few ways to protect yourself from Wish [4th-384],
if she is victorious in her attack. However, without this combo, because Gib Ergo doesn't use immunity. It should be noted
there is little reason to use her, as she has effectively no that if Gib Ergo goes into combat, his power no longer protects
special power without razing a realm the pool because he is not "currently" occupying it. Gib Ergo
also has the unique property that he requires you to attack
each turn, but allows you to attack with any champion of your
Vargas choosing. While the attacker from Gib Ergo's pool may not be
30/99 grants Ergo's immunity (since it is not in the pool), there are
Cleric many ways to satisfy Ergo's condition with little to no harm.
5 Good attacking champions include Jamlin [NS-38], Ochimo
Forgotten Realms [FR-95] or Seveia Shadowmaster [PO-14], as their loss would
Dwarf. Earthwalker. Vargas is accompanied by an result in no loss of champion, and therefore, no granting of
earthwalking earth elemental ally whose level is twice the spoils. The best ways to negate Ergo's advantage is killing him
number of unrazed realms in play. This ally is immune to the in the pool, using the Scarlet Brotherhood [1st-135] or Death
powers of flyers and all their attached cards. Field [DU-81], just remember that events and spells won't do
the job. While Gib Ergo's high level makes him difficult to fit
Vargas is a nice addition to any dwarf or earthwalker based into a deck, particularly in he is meant only to sit in the pool, he
deck. Vargas is especially strong in large multiplayer games, will be worth it if you find the room.
as his ally is more powerful with more players (thus more
unrazed realms in play). To protect this strong level support, a Adamar Session
good attachment for Vargas would be Star Gem of Martek: 33/99
Sapphire [RR-75], preventing the ally from being discarded. Hero
His immunity can also be very useful, as it goes beyond battle 7
and into the pool (so Vargas's magic items are safe if the Forgotten Realms
opponent's Wand of Telekinesis [DL-63] if it is attached to a Can use any cleric from any pool as an ally in battle. If
flyer. While Vargas is not a ground shaking (so to speak) victorious in combat, Adamar may retrieve one card from the
champion in the Spellfire game, he does help fill the gap in owning player's discard pile or abyss. Both Adamar and the
many theme decks. recovered card are then shuffled into the draw pile.

Etarkine Adamar is very similar to other cards available, with a twist that
31/99 makes him an interesting choice for a wide variety of decks.
Hero First off, one will find that there aren't that many good combat
1 clerics, thus the first power isn't that great. After the round of
AD&D combat, the cleric ally returns to the owner's pool unless
Adventurer. Halfling. Etarkine is immune to offensive magic destroyed during battle. The second power is a twist of a
items. Before combat, you must play "rock, paper, scissors" victory based power found now on many cards, such as
with the opponent. The winner wins the round of battle and the Halcyon [1st-c16]. If victorious in any combat (regardless of
loser is discarded. If the game is a draw, the battle continues how he got into that combat), the owning player (NOTE: Not
normally. the controlling player, but the owning player) can pick a card in
the discard pile or abyss to get back to the deck. If a card is
This is probably the most broken card in the entire Inquisition retrieved, it and Adamar both are shuffled into the owner's
deck, and should be added to any deck with the card room deck. Compared to Halcyon, it is an interesting connection.
(which isn't that difficult with the low level of 1). Being both an One could say that Halcyon is better because it retrieves a
adventurer and a halfling, you can give Etarkine additional card from the discard pile into the hand, with Halcyon returning
powers with cards such as Vitralis [4th-292] or the Shadow to the pool, helping card advantage. However, it could be said
World [BR-72], fitting especially well into decks with those Adamar is better because he can get cards back from the
themes. Etarkine's power gives you a 33% chance to win any Abyss (which Halcyon can't do, and can include unused
combat round, even one you should be automatically defeated, events), but both cards go to the deck, hurting card advantage.
such as opposing the Living Scroll [2nd-408]. This is because I'll leave that choice up to the deck builder, but if you choose to
Etarkine's power activates before combat, therefore before the use Adamar, remember not to attach long term magic items or
rest of the order of activation, making it a very powerful artifacts to him, as they would be discarded when he gets
defensive champion. The best way to deal with an opponent shuffled back into the deck. The best combo with him is
using Etarkine is to use "poison pill" type champions against Blamblower [DL-56], as it is discarded to work, and would be
her, such as Iuz [1st-167] or Auruk Draconian Lord [2nd-418], discarded when Adamar retrieves a card. Also, note if he gets
where you are ahead in levels in case of a tie. Aside from that, Halcyon (as she is a cleric), you may retrieve cards using both
other methods of killing low level champions (like Death Fog of their powers, as neither is required to be the champion (also
[1st-391]) are also very effective against Etarkine. If at all making Adamar a great champion to borrow with another
possible, I'd suggest slipping this wonderful defensive card's special powers).
champion into your deck. I'd avoid using Etarkine offensively,
as you automatically start with a 33% chance of giving the The Devourer
opponent spoils. 34/99
Gib Ergo Monster
32/99 9
Hero This champion must attack on the owning players’ turn or be
10 sent to the abyss. It is immune to all cards that prevent attacks
Greyhawk from occurring and the powers of all realms and holdings. If the
Immune to events. No spell may be cast at this champion or at Devourer wins a round of combat, the owning player may send
any pool he currently occupies. This player must attack each one champion in any players’ pool to the abyss.
turn (at least once), or raze one of his own realms.
The Devourer is a champion very fitting for many combat
This champion, named for Mike "The Ogre" Heubbe, is very decks. It must attack every turn or leave play for the Abyss, but
strong, especially with lots of players and a very combat it has the advantage that pretty much nothing can stop it from

Inquisition Online - Página 351

attacking. Being immune to realms and holding even lasts to important, in that it lets you possibly play another realm.
outside combat, so the Devourer never has to be worried However, this power really shines when Morgan attacks. Even
about the Horned Society [3rd-117] or having to discard for the if you let the champion back to their pool, it will not be able to
Den of Thieves [NSc24]. Also, since immunity passes down, participate in the same battle again. If it is a champion that
his allies also may attack regardless of realm of holding saves itself (or will be saved by another card), such as Drizz't
powers. Therefore, a good way to use the Devourer is to use it Do'Urden [1st-45], Ochimo [FR-95], or Jamlin [NS-36], there is
in an ally focused combat deck. These free attack powers no reason not to activate this power. The power doesn't
works very nicely with his last power, in which winning a round specify that the power may only be used when the champion
of combat lets you send one champion in any player's pool to would go somewhere not the pool, so letting a champion
the Abyss. This can help you get rid of troubling pool retreat when it would ordinarily retreat is not that bad of an
champions, like Necba the Wrathmaker [DUc24] or Tasslehoff idea (except if it already has tons of allies you'd rather see
Burrfoot [DL-39]. This can be maximized by cards that let you discarded, as it is an all or nothing option). To decide if you
attack multiple times, such as the Cloak of Displacement [BR- want to Morgan, decide based upon your own play style if you
34]. It should be noted that this last power does not active if would use her power often. If so, use her. If not, you can get a
the opponent just lets you raze the realm (since there is no better level 7 regent able to use blood abilities.
round of combat for the Devourer to win. However, the
Devourer is not to hard to defend against. Instant win cards Otiluke
such as the Living Wall [PO-58], Lovely Colleen [1st-c22], or 37/99
the Heartwood Spear [1st-318] mean this Devourer won't Wizard
come to you, or it will give you free spoils. I'd consider this for 5
any combat heavy deck with multi-purpose support cards Greyhawk
(allies and magic items), but I'd shy away from using him in Gains 4 levels after being declared as an attacker or defender.
one-on-one games, as most decks have a way to instantly kill All spells cast by Otiluke with a numerical bonus are doubled in
a monster in combat. In multiplayer, it shouldn't be hard to find level. If Otiluke draws a wizard spell as spoils, he may cast that
at least on victim unprepared. spell and then draw the next card as spoils also.

Ba'Thrang Otiluke is a great champion for a combat wizard deck. When

Psionicist defending or attacking a Greyhawk realm, he is one of very
6 few champions who could stand against the Living Wall [PO-
Dark Sun 58] and be higher in initial adjusted level. The ability to double
If this champion attacks a realm that has the capability to the icon level of any spell he casts is great, such as Prismatic
defend itself, he can psionically force the realm champion to Spray [AR-60] a +14, which is huge. His third power can be
defend against him in battle. (off) useful too, and can even chain, going on indefinitely until
finding a non-spell spoils or drawing out the deck. This last
This card has a very unique power, and it is a power that power needs a few things to work completely though. First off,
screams combo. There are lots of ways to effectively use this the spell must be castable from the pool, so a solely battle
to gain spoils in a number of situations. First off, there are only spell (such as the Prismatic Spray) won't active the power, but
a few ways of countering this card. The first and best is Ur a good mixed spell such a Cone of Cold [4th-368] would work
Draxa [4th-32], which makes you and your champions immune optimally for this kind of deck. Also, he must be the champion
to offensive psionic powers, meaning that realm champions to earn the spoils, so it can only be planned for when you are
are immune as well and therefore not forced to be used. The pretty sure that the opponent does not have any champions
another way would be if the realm champion were immune to left when attacking, or when defending a realm. Otiluke is a
psionics, but as of this set, no realms exist with this power. great battle mage, but a deck without a combat focus could
Finally, Dispel Psionics [RR-17] can stop this power. The few find better uses for the champion levels.
ways of stopping Ba'Thrang make him powerful, as do his
combo opportunities. The best way is to summon a instant-win Nystul
champion to him (using things like the Helm of Teleportation 38/99
[1st-219]), specifically Apocalypse [4th-343], who instantly Greyhawk
defeats any realm champion. This can also be done using the Wizard
Ego Coin [2nd-419] to attach Johdee's Mask [1st-218] or the 9
Fang of Nosferatu [RV-70] to imitate the power. Other cards Once per turn, Nystul may cast a +7 Radiant Arch (4/off) into
that are good single card combos include Sword of Sharpness battle to aid another champion, discarding one ALREADY
[DU-64], Blamblower [DL-56], and the Sword and Helm of attached card of Nystul's choice. Nystul's ability at disguise
Garion [TUc21]. Definitely a good card for players who love allows him to ignore any cards that defeat or discard wizards.
Nystul is one of the most battle ready mages in Spellfire.
Morgan Rynes Starting at level 9, few mages start higher. The +7 Radiant
36/99 Arch is powerful, but can only be used to support another
Regent champion, not himself. The addition of destroying a card
7 already in combat (most likely a magic item or artifact) makes it
Birthright even better. The best way to deal with it is using a champion
May cast defensive cleric spells. After a winning a round of immune to offensive spells whenever you expect Nystul to
combat, Morgan may choose to show mercy upon the meddle (The Winner's Cape [4th-520] or Codex of the Infinite
defeated champion, letting the champion return to his pool with Planes [1st-152] are very effective counters). Nystul's
all attached cards. Morgan then may draw one card for each secondary power only works against cards that specify
card the goes back to the opponents pool (not as spoils). wizards. Right now, that only includes The Day That Will Live
in Infamy [FRc10], The Elf Prince [3rd-440], and Goibhniu's
This card is a very interesting card. First off, her ability to use Warhammer [TU-32]. Therefore, while the secondary power
blood abilities and defensive cleric spells is nice, especially as really isn't that strong, the primary power takes over. This card
the best cleric spells are defensive (Dispel [4th-400], will be seen in many different tournament types and would be
Intercession [RR-48], and Raise Dead [1st-358] are good a good choice for any battle mage deck.
examples). The intriguing power is her power of mercy. In most
situations, it is not the best power to use when defending. It Jallazari Sallavarian
may let you draw lots of cards (especially in large deck, more 39/99
battle oriented variants), but usually getting spoils is more Greyhawk

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Wizard This is very interesting, and seems like a combination of Gib
8 Hcivonad [NSc19] and Strahd's Malefic Meld [RV-52]. This
During combat over a Greyhawk realm, she may use any sets itself up very well for combos. A few include: Ninja [FR-70]
Greyhawk champion as an ally. Jallazari goes to limbo if & Galek [3rd-274], Assassins [1st-252] & The Starving Artist
defeated defending a Greyhawk realm, returning at the end of [3rd-439], Flesh Golem [RV-73] & Loup-Garou [RV-79],
the owning players next turn. Flaming Fist [FR-65] & Dream Team [RRc1] (this one is
especially bad with Kevin's Blade of Doom [3rd-206] attached),
Well, it should be clear that this card would only be regularly Skeletal Lord [4th-217] & Troglodyte [DU-46], and Clay Golem
useful in a Greyhawk world deck. In combat in anything not a [4th-247] & Ki-Rin [4th-248]. Other allies that would be
Greyhawk realm (including Dungeons or cards that cause powerful in this situation include Nobel Djinni [1st-84], Intellect
combat outside the formation), Jallazari has no special power, Devourer [3rd-86], Kank Lancers [3rd-255], Barbaric Allies
being a random 8th level wizard. When attacking a Greyhawk [4th-512], Undead Dragonrider [DR-81], Chimera [DRc13], The
realm, she can get any Greyhawk champion in play as her ally Dreaded Ghost [4th-246], and Master Illithid [DU-53].
that returns after combat unless discarded from battle. This Immunities might also be useful, as using this card often
can be useful, as there are many Greyhawk champions that doesn't help in terms of card advantage. While strong, I would
see regular play, but it still requires that your opponent puts a only use this card in large deck formats in decks with tons of
Greyhawk realm available to you (unless you are using allies, as waiting for combos (which is what this card lends
UnderOerth [TU-3]). When defending a Greyhawk realm, she itself to) could delay a player from playing at their best.
shines, being able to use a Greyhawk champion as an ally and
return after losing battle against the attacker. However, there Unavailing Sacrifice
many champions with similar powers, and many magic items 42/99
that grant similar powers (like the Ring of Regeneration [RV- Event
58]) with fewer limitations. Overall, unless you are playing a Play this event after a player has discarded or put a card into
Greyhawk world deck, and need another spellcaster, I would the abyss in order to perform or activate a special power. The
avoid using this card. power granted by the "discard" is wasted. (Harmful)

Treemon Crosse This silver bullet type card was made to nail some cards that
40/99 can be very useful or powerful. Specific cards this even foils
Greyhawk include Myrmidons [1st-61], Gatekeeper [3rd-422], Delsenora
Wizard [1st-c10], Helm [FR-89], Yorgia Sandow [PO-10], Ellorelloran
8 [TU-93], Manshoon of the Zhentarim [RRc6], Gib Kcir [RRc16],
Elf. Can use Hero unarmed combat cards and thief skills. Bag of Holding [Ar-19], Well of Many Worlds [DR-77], and the
Treemon, a master infiltrator, can always see any pool that is Assassin's Guild [NS-14]. When used against many of these
face down. Before battle as a defender only, Treemon can cards, this is a simple counter effect card, but sometimes it can
send the attacking champion back to its pool and choose a be quite aggressive and annoying, like in the case of
different champion to attack instead. Myrmidons, or if used to make the discards for an avatar
wasted. This is a very good card in many different situations,
This is a very interesting card that work itself into many decks. so you will find a use for it in most games, especially in
First off, it is one of the highest level elf champions a person tournament level matches. However, it won't be used in all
could find, therefore making it a good idea of a fun elf theme. matches, and in multiplayer games stopping one effect of one
Something that will make it better for most tournament quality player just earns you an enemy. The use of this card is very
decks is his ability to use many different kinds of support much dependent on your style of play. If you want to focus on
cards: wizard spells, UCC's, and thief skills (before IQ, only 3 yourself and defense, there are good cards, but if you like
champions could use both thief skills and wizard spells). Also meddling and annoying other players, this is definitely a card to
add to this fact that he can see can see face down pools (such add!
as those caused by Cyric [FR-92] and the Etherial Champion
[4th-508]), and he can be an excellent sniper against the The Gathering
opponent's pool with spells like Wish [FR-42] or Otto's 43/99
Irresistible Dance [RR-67]. Finally, she can be the ultimate Event
defender. In any deck with instant defeat cards, she can be When played, this player may search his deck for up to 10
strong, in that she can stop an attacker. The obvious thing to levels of non-avatar champions (4 maximum) and place them
use are instant defeat items (like Sword of Sharpness [DU-64]) in his hand. (Helpful)
or allies (like Nobel Djinni [1st-84]). However, this can be
especially strong by either imitating other champions or pulling This card is the key for many decks. Any deck that requires a
them into battle. Good example of this would be Helm of non-avatar champion (under level 11) for a combo can use this
Teleportation [1st-219], Johdee's Mask [1st-218], or Drawmij's card, being the ultimate search and recover card for
Beneficial Polymorph [DU-93]. This could be instant victory if a champions. For instance, an annoyance deck might go get
player has both the Living Wall [PO-58] and Bilago Lumen Hettman Tsurin, Marco Volo, and Necba the Wrathmaker.
[PO-17] sitting in his pool ready, even if they can't come Adventurer decks could easily help their champions activate
forward into combat. Anyway, this card will find itself into many their powers requiring other adventurers in the pool. A magic
different decks (both combat and non-combat decks), so one item deck may require Chernevik [4th-347] to keep them safe.
needs to know it well to defeat it's many uses. But best of all, the champions go to your hand, allowing you to
keep them secret from your opponents when you play this
Torgo, the Mad Scientist's Assistant card. Also, with a huge 4 champion limit, level 1 or 0
41/99 champions are easy to thrown in. A complete list of those
AD&D champions are Living Scroll (0) [2nd-408], Gelatinous Cube (0)
Cleric [3rd-421], Gatekeeper (1) [3rd-422], Lernaean Hydra (0)
6 [DRc7], Orcus (0) [NS-44], Crawling Claws (1) [NS-66], and Mij
During phase 3, while this champion is in play, any two allies Reltub, the Spellfire Oracle [IQ-14]. Also, remember the ? level
can be combined (levels added together) into a single monster champions count as zero, so one could get 4 Dragon Mountain
champion. This champion keeps the powers of the allies as its Kobolds [IQ-20]. Finally, this card is perfect for an instant win
own. Any champions formed this way stay in play even if Torgo deck. The ability to get the Living Wall [PO-58], Lovely Colleen
leaves play. [1st-c22], or even the Elf King [3rd-440] usually will earn you
spoils and is worth this event slot to be used. Don't use this

Inquisition Online - Página 353

card having no idea what you might get, but if you have a plan, good event as it can be used in any game (since it doesn't look
this card is one of the best for many different styles of deck. at phases, you can even use it as a response to cards in
battle. If you have the spare event slot, I would recommend
Pangea Effect this card for any deck.
Event The Apocalypse
All dungeon cards in play move clockwise one player. Players 47/99
may discard a wizard during their phase 3 to move them again Event
in the same direction. This event remains in play until Each player chooses one of each card type that they have in
canceled. (Harmful) play, if any. All other cards in play are discarded regardless of
any special powers that they may have (including Chernivik).
When this event is finally canceled, unless it is one when the Players then reshuffle their hands, draw piles and discard piles
event is first played, the dungeons stay where they are moved into a new draw pile and draw 5 new cards. Cannot be
to, making this an interesting permanent effect. This event is canceled, calmed, duplicated, or EDT'd. (Harmful)
best used after someone has already disposed your dungeon, First off, it must be noted that the Ogre has added "Playable
but the person to your right still has a dungeon (because that only once per game" to the card text. This is so the games
will be the one you get). Obviously, if you need your dungeon, don't last too long as all players carry a copy of this card and
or it tightly fits your theme (like Return of the Dwarven King play it. Also, for those not in the loop, the "or EDT'd" refers to
[DU-26] or Enchanted Land [DU-15], you wouldn't want to use Enter Darkness Together [DUc10]. That said, it must be said
this card, but if you have a deck that doesn't fit any dungeon that this is the most powerful event to hit the Spellfire scene,
(like a normal undead deck), you can't lose by carrying this shooting down the evil Fates [BRc23] and the Horrible
card). While I'm not sure I would recommend this for any Tarrasque [FR-1]. This one card simply resets the game. Each
specific deck (this on really is a case by case card), I am sure player keeps one of each icon type in play (Champions,
that it will show up in tournaments, so you need to know it is Artifacts, Magic Items, Allies, Realms, Holdings, Rule Cards,
out there and has the potential to truly annoy you. Dungeons, and each individual support card type), meaning
that no one have more that 1 realm in play. All other cards
Dragons Turn the Tide anywhere except those in the Abyss and Void, are shuffled
45/99 together into a new draw pile and a new hand is drawn. Since
Event all drawing happens simultaneously, these card may not be
If a dragon razes a realm though combat, that player's Hijacked [DU-86]. Immunity is ignored with respect to this
champion may immediately rebuild one of his own realms. This event, so coming out of it better than others is tough to do. The
event lasts until the end of the event player's next turn. only ways to avoid this event is to delay it with Dispel Illusion
(Helpful) [IQ-83] or destroy it from a player's hand before they have a
chance to use it. This ultimate reset button can be good for any
This is another of the cards not worth the material it's printed deck. The decks most likely hurt are speed decks that use lots
on. Let me explain why: For a dragon deck to make it worth events, as the Abyss/Void doesn't come back. I would
while, it needs to be more powerful than the standard: Spirit of recommend this card for any deck that is good, but sick of
the Land [1st-288]. Spirit unrazes any one realm (or at least speed winning every game, using it to hammer people when
that is the important part of the card). Therefore, for this card to they get ready to win. The biggest reason not to play it is the
be better, you need to unraze at least two realms. However, restriction to once per game, so if you draw it after it has been
since it only lasts until the end of this player's next turn, you played, it's a dead card. However, in most cases, just having
only get two attacks, so both must earn you spoils of victory the option to push the reset button is worth that risk.
against a realm. You can give yourself more chances for
victories by extending this, by use of the spell Extension I [DU- Update: This card has been adjusted in March of 2003 to only
91] (maybe even with Permanancy [IQ-78] cast on it) or by be playable if every player has gotten 3 realms into play at
getting more phase 4's with the rule card Out of Phase [IQ-54]. some time in the game. This means it can no longer just be a
With these adaptations, a combat heavy deck may be able to safety button for players just trying to win but found somebody
make this card worth it. However, a combat heavy deck isn't faster. Instead, it is meant to be played only if one player
likely to get many of its realms razed, so you still could be jumps ahead of the other players. The only way a fast, but not
limited by not having a decent situation. So, in 99% of decks fastest player can abuse this card is preventing the third player
out there, I would recommend not using this card. Otherwise, from gaining his third realm on the table (and if that energy is
try to have fun with this one if fun games. used that way, they aren't likely to knock back the leader and
get victory).
An Eye for an Eye!
A Good Defense
Event 48/99
An opponent who just forced a discard of one (or more) of this Event
players champions or realms, must now discard the same This event cannot be used by a player with the Azure Tower of
amount and same type as those discarded, chosen by this Onad the Fallen in play. All abilities and cards owned by this
player. This card may not be duplicated, deflected, or player are considered defensive (or helpful). This event lasts
canceled. (Harmful) until negated. (Helpful)

This event is for the players out there who are of the revenge This is one of the few good reasons to play the Purveyor of
school as opposed to prevention. If you lose one or more Events [DU-16]. This nice event can't be countered or negated
champions or realms, then you force the person who caused with the Purveyor out, and that also works with any event
you to do that with a same effect with very little counter (only played after it (including horrible ones like The Fates [BRc23]
Enter Darkness Together [DUc10] stops this event). In most or Cataclysm! [1st-99]), as every event would be protected. It
cases, this will just be used after you have been hit by a Wish is for this reason that the Azure Tower [DU-24] was not
[FR-46] or Estate Transferance [3rd-437] (yes, abyssalizing is allowed to be used with this card (as the Tower is one of the
covered by this event as well, but any discards from this event most picked dungeons ever used). However, the Purveyor had
go to the discard pile), but there are a few situation where no reason to play without this card. This combo will make it
more cards can be forced out. For instance, if you were forced into many decks in many different settings, and the only way to
to discard a lot of champions and realms due to a Fates/ Sure get rid of it is to go after the Dungeon. Should it be used in
Thing combo, this can destroy the person who pulled it off, decks other than those with the Purveyor? Not likely, as it is
making it almost an Apocalypse [IQ-47] situation. This is a too easy to counter to base a strategy upon it, except that it

Inquisition Online - Página 354

can sometimes be used to get around immunities (remember, Djinni [1st/86]), the most potent allies still can target you (like
unless the immunity specifically targets defensive cards, it only the Dreaded Ghost [4th/246] or the Master Illithid [DU-53]).
effects offensive cards). A good card to keep with this one is While this dungeon gives a giant deck a few perks, Level the
Karlott the Shaman [3rd-63], as it can get this event from the Playing Field [IQ-51], Song of the Dragonlance [DU-22], or
Abyss if someone discards it before you have a chance to even
draw and use it. Mausoleum of the Zombie Master are all better than this
dungeon in most games except for the purest of fun settings.

Cheat!!! Level Playing Field

49/99 51/99
Event Dungeon
The player of this event can choose one of the following 3 AD&D
effects: This player is not effected by any cards that cause instant
a) Draw 2 cards. (Helpful) defeats or by any cards that require permission to use cards.
b) Look at all hands and discard 1 card from each (even his
own). (Harmful) This dungeon is much like Dungeon of the King [DU-2] which
c) All players may unraze one realm, then this player can lets this player not ask for permission to use support cards.
unraze another of his choosing, but only if everyone unrazes a There is now no reason to ever play that card, as this one is
realm. (Helpful) clearly better. Firstly, this card broadly says any card that
requires permission while Dungeon of the King lists each type
What makes good Spellfire cards is either extreme power or of support card separately, so new card types can be protected
versatility, and this card definitely is versatile. However, this as well. The other part that puts this card a step above if the
card trades away a lot of it's power to have that versatility. So first part, that makes this player immune to instant defeats. The
lets look at each of those three powers. Power A lets you draw definition of "instant defeats" is very important to the use of this
two cards, but that only gives you one card in terms of card card. The working definition is "a card played in phase 4 (in
advantage (you drew this card, meaning the first card you draw combat) that would cause a champion to be defeated or
is just a replacement for putting this card in your deck). Only discarded from battle for any reason other than levels". This
one card in advantage is not usually worth it, especially means that you can completely ignore any card that would
compared to other card drawing events. Power B lets you look instantly kill you, so it can be very dependent on timing of the
at every hand and discard one from each. This is very similar play. For instance, say you are using Level the Playing Field
to the card Discovery of Spellfire [2nd/401], but not as good, as and an adjusted level 8 champion, and the opponent plays a
it forces you to discard a card even from your own hand. So Dreaded Ghost [4th-246], which drains 9 levels and discards
playing this card looses two cards in card advantage (Cheat!!! an opponent if reduced to 0 or below. Because the Dreaded
and the card you discard from yourself). This can be lessened Ghost would kill you, you ignore it completely (you don't get
by using this card only when it is your last card in your hand, drained AND you ignore the allies level). Why does this work?
but that's not that often. To balance the card lose, you need to Because the card says "not effected BY ANY CARDS that
discard two opponents cards. However, in a three or more cause instant defeats...". Since it would cause an instant
player game, this splits even, as even if someone negates it defeat, the card is completely ignored. However, if you were
with a Calm [1st/400] or Delsenora [1st/c10], it still is a card using, say, a adjusted level 14 champion, the Dreaded Ghost
from advantage, so usually you'll get this back (plus, if would drain the levels and give the +9 bonus to the opponent,
someone negates it completely with a Limited Wish [FR-43] or because in that situation it is not a card that would cause
Intercession [RR-48], you don't lose card advantage to that instant defeats. This card can save you from many of the
player as you lose one card (Cheat!!) and they lose one (the nastiest cards in the game, such a Loup-Garou [RV-79],
counter)). Finally, power C can be useful, but usually works Takhisis's Mirror of Underworld Minions [DL-15], Vorpal Blade
like Safe Harbor! [1st/107]. Usually, one only carries realm [FR-56], Mindkiller [TU-56] (if cast in battle), or Wand of Orcus
rebuilders to win the game, and this card could allow a tie by [AR-2]. The best way to deal with this is to play cards that
allowing multiple players gets to 6 at the same time. The restrict cards your opponent can play (anything that doesn't
addition of a second realm could be useful, but only when say permission) or cards that are high level that help insure
each other player has a razed realm to unraze, and if every battle. Examples include Tail Sweep [DR-91], Master Illithid
player decides to take advantage of the power (since it is [DU-53], and the always horrible Fighting Dirty! [DUc3]. This
optional). Overall, this card is the watered down version of does not extend to cards you are playing. For instnace, if you
other events with many options. You will see it in many are using the Ebony Cup of Fate [FR-c8], and are defeated
tournament decks, as versatility is a prime thing experienced when you find an artifact in the opponent's hand, you do lose.
card players look for. However, I personally think this card I'd recommend this for almost any deck expecting battle. I'd
gives up all power for that versatility, and while it'll never be a expect to see it in many tournament decks in coming years.
completely dead card in your hand, it won't be the power card
to save your butt in a game. The Guild of Adventurers
Hall of King Snurre the Fire Giant Dungeon
50/99 AD&D
Dungeon If this player has an adventurer discarded outside of combat,
AD&D he may replace it by searching for any adventurer in his deck
All of this player's giants gain 4 levels. Allies of icon level +4 or and put it into his pool.
less cannot be played against this player's giants.
This was a card badly needed; a dungeon for adventurers.
Giants have been a theme that has needed a dungeon, Now the question is "is it better than other dungeons an
however, this dungeon isn't worth it, even for an all giant deck. adventurer deck might use?" This card doesn't provide your
It gives all your giants +4 levels, but since to be truly significant adventurers any protections against discard, but it might have
the bonus usually needs to be +5, all this does is give the an even better power. If one is discarded outside of battle
opponent the chance to play their cards into battle first, which (note: being sent to Limbo or the Abyss doesn't activate the
can sometimes be all that is needed. Therefore, this bonus of dungeons power), you may search your deck for any
levels does not make it worth playing. The second part of the adventurer in there. Some of the best adventurers to get might
power restricts allies of +4 or less from being played. While include Sharla [4th-290], Rumples [4th-297], Dearlyn
this does protect this player from some annoying allies (like Ambersong [DU-44], Etarkine [IQ-31], or Dor Amberglow
Intellect Devourer [3rd/86], Loup-Garou [RV-79], and Noble [DUc25]. However, I think the best card to combine with this

Inquisition Online - Página 355

dungeon and should be the first to get would be Karistyne [IQ- 93]. I'd recommend this for any combat focused deck,
23], as she prevents any adventurers from being sent to the especially in larger formats.
Abyss, therefore making the dungeon more useful. Another
card that would combine well with this dungeon would be Tymora's Coin
spells or effects to bring champions back from the discard pile. 55/99
That would stop almost anyone from going after your pool Artifact
outside of combat. The best way to get around this dungeon is +3
to kill champions in the pool during combat, using cards like Forgotten Realms
Lyr of the Mists [PO-23] or Arrow of Slaying [4th-200]. This can This player is immune to 'A Sure Thing' rule card. When forced
also be abused, as the dungeon doesn't require the discard is to draw and discard noting the last digit, this player may look at
caused by the opponent, so it can be used to bring out an his top 3 cards of his draw pile and choose which one to use.
avatar or feed a Bag of Holding [AR-28] (to get a replacement
champion AND the BoH card). I think this is a very good This coins is a very interesting silver bullet. Silver bullets are
dungeon that supports an adventurer theme. cards that are meant to target a single card that is causing
trouble, in this case, A Sure Thing [NS-74]. This player can not
Spite and Malice be affected by the rule card. In this case, it means that if a
53/99 player plays Black Bess [FR-2], since this player is to be
Rule Card affected, a card must be drawn and discarded for its effect of
When played, all players name one other card. The named you (all other players still get the Sure Thing effect. Therefore,
cards have no special power while this rule card is in play. if player C has the Coin, and player A attacks player B with a
Vorpal Blade [FR-56] and Sure Thing in play, the combo has
First off, it has been officially noted that you can't say "Spite normal effect. The second part of the power lets you
and Malice" for the card you want to negate, so you have to manipulate the draw and discard by looking at the top three
resort to standard methods to get rid of this rule card (other cards. This can help in two ways. The first and most obvious is
rule cards, Ellorelloran [TU-93], etc.). This card allows you that you can choose the most advantageous of the card
negate the burr in your saddle (the card that causes you the numbers for the situation. The other means you can look at the
most trouble). There are two philosophies about what cards to three cards and choose which one it would hurt you least to
name. The simple method is just name the card that's causing lose (I always believed that destroying a card before the
you personally the most trouble in play. Common targets for opponent can draw it was a great side effect from the random
this philosophy include the Etherial Champion [4th-508], Necba cards). So, would I suggest using this card a lot? I'm really not
the Wrathmaker [DUc14], Mulmaster [1st-33] or even sure. I can see many people carrying it so they are not stung
Blamblower [DL-56]. The other philosophy is to name a card by the vicious Sure Thing/Fates [BRc23] combo, but generally,
you expect your opponent to play, but they haven't player or I'm against single faceted silver bullet cards. Therefore, unless
even drawn yet. This can include Caer Allison [FR-3], Caravan you strongly expect to see a Sure Thing deck, or have a fun
[1st-319], or even Estate Transference [3rd-437]. Personally, I random play deck in mind, I wouldn't use this card.
can see both types used in different situations. For instance, if
you are the first person to play your Caravan, then play Spite Staff of Mishakal
and Malice and name Caravan. If your opponent is running a 56/99
copying theme, negate the copied cards. Copies will lose their Artifact
powers because the copied card is still in play, but has no +3
powers. This is not a bad card to carry in almost any deck, but Dragonlance
a word of caution in using it; you opponents each get to name Usable only by clerics of any world. During phase 5, if this
cards, so YOU need to make sure your deck doesn't run on a champion did not attack, the staff resurrects one champion
certain combo that is likely to be named. Opponents who are from either the Abyss to the discard pile, or from the discard
used to your deck will name your key cards, and your own rule pile to the draw pile, which is then reshuffled.
card will work against you. Therefore, use this card in any deck
that doesn't require any particular cards to work. This artifact is interesting because it is the only artifact with a
world other than AD&D that can be used by a champion of any
Out of Phase world. My guess for the reasoning for this is that this way it can
54/99 still be used by a Dragonlance world deck. This artifact is the
Rule Card only one that can bring champions out of the Abyss (though it
(normal rule card text here) Each player may exchange up to 2 only goes to the discard pile), or put a champion from your
phases of his current turn (phases 1, 2, and/or 3 only) for an discard pile into the deck. Overall, this can be useful, but I'm
additional phase 4 for each phase given up. Each phase 4 not sure it's worth only being able to be used by clerics. The
ends when a spoils is drawn by the acting player, the attacking best use I can think of for this artifact is in combination with
champion is defeated in combat, or card play causes the round another card to get a card from the Abyss. For instance,
of combat to end in a draw. Spoils are drawn normally during attached to the Dragon Cultist [DRc9], you can get a dragon
each phase 4. from the Abyss, then from the discard pile to the hand every
turn. Or it can be combined with the spell Resurrection [FR-34]
For a combat based deck, this is wonderful. Rarely would a or event Coming of the Phoenix [RR-56] to get any champion
player skip phase 1 (drawing), but if the deck is a "Dori Deck" from the Abyss directly into play. The use of putting a
(running with only 8 or 9 realms), there is a decent chance not champion back into the deck should only be used if there are
to have a realm, so you can spend the realm playing phase (2) no champions in the Abyss (or the focus of your deck is in the
in an attack, and possible skip phase 3 if there is nothing you discard pile), as the discard pile gets shuffled back if you go
want to do in the pool. Besides the normal phase 4, this could through the draw pile anyway. I'd use this only if you expect an
be three to four spoils, all playable. That's great! This would be opponent to send your champions to the Abyss and have
particularly good in a deck with lots of combat magic items, or enough clerics, or if you set it up as a combo card where you
cards that let you use cards from the discard pile, so you can send your own champions to the Abyss.
maintain the attack. Cards like this include: Skull of
Fistandantilus [DLc10], Wyrm of Earthwalking [FRc17], Rod of The Shield Tree
7 Parts, Part 7 [AR-27], Sword of the High King [Po-5], Staff of 57/99
Conjuring [4th-165], Whip of Disarming [NS-48], Murlynd's Artifact
Spoon [IQ-65], or the Clockwork Ogre [DU-71]. The standard +6
methods of rule card removal are the best ways of dealing with Dragonlance
this card, such as Genie Bottle [3rd-436] or Ellorelloran [TU-

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May only be attached to any Dragonlance realm. During this just Cleric of Mask [3rd-70], Cyric [FR-92], and the Etherial
players phase 0, you MUST discard a champion or ally from Champion [4th-508], but the latter two often find their way into
your pool or hand or the Shield Tree is discarded. The tournament decks. This is the only item with the power to
attached realm and any champion defending this realm is pierce this veil of secrecy. This Forgotten Realms artifact is
immune to the special powers of all offensive cards. built to stay in the pool, so it is best to attach to champions not
likely to go into combat or champions that uses support cards.
This is an interesting, if extremely greedy, artifact. As Examples include Cyric himself, Marco Volo [1st-50], or Pelath
Dragonlance realms still haven't got the bite other worlds have, the Bronze Dragon [DR-28]. The best reason to use this card
right off the bat, I'd consider this artifact ONLY in a (aside from knowing to avoid instant defeats hiding in the
Dragonlance world deck. The cost required by the Shield Tree hidden pools) is to keep clear targets for support cards such as
is very high, but at least can be fueled by cards that can't get in Drain Will [DU-75], Death Field [DU-81], or Death Spell [1st-
play because of the Rule of Cosmos. So there are two 392]. The secondary effect of the Monacle is also slightly
questions you have to ask anytime you have a card with a interesting, though only effective in three or more player
negative power; (1) Is this card worth the punishment I have to games. The ability to take away 1-6 levels (half of base level,
take to keep it in play, and (2) is it better than another card I on the average) can be crucial in a battle, and would a fun
could put in its place. Now, I must admit, it's got a great power. card in a team tournament. Also, for those who like to play
Besides being a tasty +6 which can be huge in many battles, politics, it can be a very useful tool to barter deal with other
any champion defending the realm, and the realm itself, are players. All in all, a pretty good card, but only if it fits your
immune to all offensive cards. That is huge. It also means only support cards (pool destruction) or if you love player politics.
allies, champion powers, or events can remove this card, so
it'll last for a long time. The biggest problems with this card The Tomes of Spellfire
(besides the cost, which I would consider too much for any 60/99
non-ally focused deck) is the the same set of problems for any AD&D
realm artifact: it is only defensive and only helps defending one Artifact
realm. Personally, I wouldn't use this very much because of +2
these restrictions, but for an ally based Dragonlance world Usable by champions of any world. When the attached
deck, this would be good. Otherwise, I'd replace it with a multi- champion is victorious in a round of battle, this player may
use type card, like a strong magic item or a good ally. shuffle and cut any players draw pile, then look at the top three
cards and remove one of them to the abyss. (Off)
Holy Symbol
58/99 The Tome is an interesting "improved victory" card. This
Magic Item artifact, useable by any champion, lets you send an opponent's
+1 card to the Abyss without the opponent have any chance to
Usable only by any cleric. During combat, subtract the base play it. Adding the shuffling effect is very important to stopping
level of this champion from the base level of any one undead people from going after a certain card that the opponent
in play. If the undead champion or ally drops below level 0 it is moved to a place in their deck with cards like Runes of the
discarded. (Off) Future [RRc13] or Rengarth Oracle [4th-503], but it also stops
the effectiveness of those cards (as shuffling means the
This intriguing cleric-only magic item has many options open to desired card is no longer where placed. The Tome is also one
it. At first glance, it looks the like reverse of the rule card of the few cards that lets you shuffle any opponent's deck
Negative Planar Energy [NS-73], draining an opposing undead (most cause your opponent to shuffle their deck), and therefore
champion just like the undead would drain others. However, is not a bad though if you have real worry that your opponent is
this item is much nastier than it looks. The key part is that you cheating (though I find Spellfire players as a group rarely does
can drain levels from ANY undead in play, so it can target that sort of thing). You can choose one of three cards after the
undead hiding in the pool (The Gatekeeper [3rd-421] is a cut to send to the Abyss, and this would be a great way to
particularly tasty looking target for this power) of your abyssalize more realms, especially if combine with other
opponent, or even an undead champion belonging to a player realms to the Abyss cards like Estate Transference [3rd-437],
not involved in the combat. To work, the item has to get into or the Espionage! [BR-18] / Three Card Monte [NS-27] combo.
battle. Some champions are particularly nice to be combined However, there is one large requirement to using this power;
with this card, including Klik-Ka'cha [AR-77], Halcyon [1st-c16], you have to win a round of combat. With only a negateable +2
Verminaard the Dragonmaster [DR-42], Nemon Hotep [NS-67], bonus, you need to have very strong support cards to let you
Tyvorg the Frost Giant [DU-45], or any clerical avatar. It should use the Tomes' power. Therefore, I'd only use this deck as the
also be noted that if not used right away, it can be used to get only "improved victory" card in a deck with some good instant
rid of an undead during battle, including an opposing ally defeat allies or spells, and only for the idea of abyssalizing
before it takes effect. OR you can wait until you use another realms (or key cards like A Sure Thing).
draining power, like the Amulet of Undead Aura [NS-9] or
Sword of the High King [AR-5], then activate the Holy Symbol Wand of Enemy Detection
(which you can do because it's already in play) to finish the 61/99
undead destruction. I would suggest using this in any combat Magic Item
deck that uses many clerics (granted, that's not a lot of decks, +2
but I know there are a few out there...). In a combat round, this enchanted wand allows the attached
champion to activate his powers and attachments first. (Def)
Monacle of Bagthalos
59/99 This is another of the cards that are out there that allow you to
Artifact go first, ignoring the order of activation. It is important to
+3 remember that if multiple of them are in the same round, they
Forgotten Realms cancel each other out and the attacker goes first. This can
No pool is considered hidden for this player. Any choices at a happen if both champions have a Wand of Enemy Detection.
"face down" pool are made face up to this player. Once during Other cards with similar effects include: Alertness [BR-35] and
each opposing players turn, this champion can halve the base Improved Initiative [IQ-95]. This card is more useful than those
level (round down) of any champion during a combat in which cards as it is a general card that can be used by any
this player is not involved. (Off)" champion. The +2 bonus is negateable most times, so only
use this card for when activation order is important: instant
This monacle is a very useful artifact. Its primary focus is to defeat cards. It should be attached to champion with instant kill
negate cards that hide the cards in the pool. Currently, that's powers like the Living Wall [PO-58], Lovely Colleen [1st-c22],

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or the Living Scroll [2nd-408], or used in conjunction with an able to play these type of cards until the Amulet is discarded,
instant defeat item, like the Sword of Sharpness [DU-64], there is still no reason not to play them.
Tighmaevril Sword [BR-46], or the Vorpal Sword [FR-56].
Otherwise, the order of activation usually doesn't matter that Bandage
much. Thus, I'd only use this deck with lots of instant win 64/99
cards. Magic Item
This magic item may also be played onto a champion that has
Scarab of Death just lost a combat for any reason. The attached champion goes
62/99 back to its pool with all attachments (including allies). Then this
Magic Item magic item is discarded. (Def)
When the attached champion is defeated, this magic item This can be a very useful card, but not the most unique we've
attaches to the opposing champion. That champion's player ever seen. This card is truly not blockable by counter cards
draws and discards a card, noting the cards last digit. The (just cards already in play that might restrict playing magic
opposing champion is discarded to the abyss after that many items, such as Flesh Golems [RV-73]), and it lets you save
turns (or immediately if the player doesn't or cannot draw and your defeated champion by attaching this item, then discarding
discard a card), unless he can discard the scarab. This magic it. The biggest twist to this card is the saving of all
item returns to the original owners discard pile when attachments, including any lasting support card, like allies.
discarded. (Def) Plus, it is a counter card itself, so you don't have to play this
card first. This makes it one of the most useful cards. This
This is one of the most intriguing "poison-pill" cards out there. would be particularly good in large deck formats, where battle
Upon defeat, this magic item transfers to the winning champion isn't usually decided by the first card into the round (could be
to eventually discard the champion (depending on the discard, especially nice if a Dragon Mountain Kobald/War Party Deck).
it could be immediate sending to the Abyss to happening in 9 So why don't I recommend this card for every deck? I feel the
turns, which is likely to be longer than the rest of the game). card slot might be more useful for a card to let you win the
This questionable discard time is one of the things that makes battle, not let you escape. Therefore, I recommend this deck
this card questionable to put in a deck. Obviously, this card is for any defensive deck with low champion counts, or any deck
better with a way to manipulate the discard, such as A Sure that is sick of playing it's cool cards only to be killed by a cheap
Thing [NS-74], but you shouldn't rely on combos like that, instant victory card.
unless you're already focused around the Sure Thing theme.
Champions to attach this card to include Iuz the Evil [1st-267], Murlynd's Spoon
Gabrielle Aderre [RV-93], or Ochimo [FR-95]. This card is very 65/99
similar to the Cursed Idol [RRc14], in that the level bonus Magic Item
actually boosts the champion it transfers to (making it higher) +10
and that if it is transferred once, it can be transferred many This magic item cannot be discarded by an opponent, or by
times until it does its dirty work. Since usually there will be a any card an opponent controls. (Def)
time delay before the champion is discarded, it's easy to find a
way to kill the champion early to avoid the Abyss, like bring out For any player interested in making sure they can win by
an avatar, powering a Labor of Legend [1st-108], or other levels, this is one of the greatest cards ever made (completely
useful idea. Unless used in a Sure Thing deck, or a large un-fitting with the D&D magic item, but still good). Ten levels
format poison pill deck, I would avoid playing this card. can me the world in battle. While it isn't my style (I still believe
restriction powers and instant wins are the most powerful type
Nosredna's Amulet of attachments, but I can see this making it's way into many
63/99 decks. This, attached to any cleric spellcaster, allows any deck
Magic Item to use the "quest" spells of the Underdark set that require high
While this magic item is in play, no card maybe duplicated, level casters. Ten levels that can not be removed by
copied, or imitated. (Def) opponents (you can still sack it for something like a bag of
holding or as a side product of any card you play) can often be
This card can definitely screw with opposing players. The too much for some decks to deal with. The only other
biggest question is if it will be used. When in play, it stops all items/artifacts with this kind of power boost are the Throne of
copying of powers or effects from any source. The top cards the Gods [4th-460], Axe of the Dwarvish Lords [AR-2/4th-457],
stopped by this card include the Bell of Might [FRc18], Onad Hero's Chalice [FRc5], and the Winner's Cape [4th-520]. I'd
the Weasel [ARc6], Hallucinatory Terrain [FR-42], Johydee's recommend this for any deck that has multiple spells that are
Mask [1st-217], Drawmij [AR-76], Staff of Mimicry [RV-61], based on casting champions level or any raw battle deck.
Yorgia Sandow [PO-10], Quill Pen of the Planes [POc8],
Drawmij's Beneficent Polymorph [DU-95], and Land of Mystical Orb of the Black Eight
Legends [IQ-4]. Many of these cards have found their ways 66/99
into tournaments. This is especially true of the magic items in Artifact
the above list, as they tend to find their ways into many +8
different themes, and the champion power copiers find their AD&D
way into many speed themes, like the Mulmaster theme or Can be attached to any champion regardless of world
Highmaster Illithios [DUc21] theme. The biggest problem with restrictions. This artifact of random answers also gives an
this card is that if your opponent doesn't use any copying, this opposing champion a level bonus equal to the last digit of the
is a wasted card, as it gives no other bonus. Therefore, if you last card played into battle, on either side. This power and the
are in an environment that allows sideboards, this would be an level bonus are defensive in nature.
excellent addition to that, or against people who you expect to
copy, this could really be useful. However, I personally This silly card inspired by the Magic 8 Ball toy is wasted card in
wouldn't add this to a tournament deck as it's not too tough to most decks. It's effective bonus (it's level minus the opposing
get rid of (with things like the Wand of Telekinesis [DL-63]) and champion's boost from this artifact) goes from +8 (on a 0) to -1
would just slow down the speed deck. This card slot might be (on a 9). Since you could just as easily us Throne of the Gods
better used for a counter card. Will this silver-bullet-type card [4th/460] or even Muryland's Spoon [IQ-65], there is no reason
kill copying? I don't think so, but it might slow it down. Since to play with this card except to show that you like dumb cards.
most copying comes from speed decks, they are likely to get I challenge anyone to find me a truly valuable combination with
their system going before this comes out. Aside from not being this card.

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Ogre's Horned Helm well in such a themed deck (usually to get back the
67/99 Gatekeeper when the Abyss is full, so that the gatekeeper can
Magic Item get back the caster and all the other champions in there and
+5 get the whole cycle going again). Outside of these uses (or
This magic item may be discarded from the hand or pool to getting back a particularly important champion who was a
cancel a just played counter effect card. This power even target of a Mindkiller [TU-56] or Takhisis's Abyssal Gateway
works on Enter Darkness Together, but then it goes to the [DLc13]), I can think of no good reason to use this card.
abyss. (Def)

This is a very interesting new card. First off, it is the only way Reincarnate
to cancel the effect of Enter Darkness Together [DUc10], 70/99
something that has already won the hearts of many Wizard Spell
tournament players (it's better than choosing between This spell returns any one non-avatar champion from your
canceling the target or ripping up the card). Next, being a discard pile to your pool, but changes the icon of the returned
magic item, you don't need to worry about what champions champion to that other than the one shown on the card. The
can use it. Heck, with being able to be discarded from hand, it casting player chooses the new icon. The other abilities of the
can even be safe from a Wand of Telekinesis [DL-63]. The returned champion are unchanged.
defensive +5 can also be useful in battles when you don't have
a better card handy, making it one of the most useful counter This is a very useful spell. First off, it should be noted that this
cards available. The biggest question if your deck needs the is a wizard spell, thus making this card useable with
countering ability. It cancels any counter card, whether that Reincarnate [FR-33], a cleric spell. This spell lets you return a
counter is stopping an event, spells, power, ability, or champion in to play, much like Heal [RV-45], Resurrection [FR-
whatever. The decks that won't get much use out of it are 34], and Coming of the Phoenix [RR-56], however this wizard
defensive speed decks. Decks that focus around a support spell also lets you grant that card a new ability. Now, this could
card (such as the Phase Out/Forbiddance/Permanancy be annoying for a wizard in a wizard spell deck, as they
theme) could use this to ensure their key cards get used. The couldn't cast wizard spells any more, but could be VERY good
other type would be a very offensive deck that focuses on for a deck that uses a sprinkling of other cards. If a deck just
winning by blowing apart the enemies. This would let your dabbles in spells, thief skills, or psionics (as many good decks
most destructive cards get through tough defenses. I can see have been known to do), the ability to bring back a combat
this card showing up in lots of different tournament and vicious focused card like the Living Wall [PO-58] or a pool only card
fun decks. like Hettman Tsurin [4th-257] to use those power cards could
be VERY useful. Many cards exist to give champions ability to
Orb of Delight use a support card type, but few are general enough for a
68/99 "mongrel" deck, and no others let you get a champion back at
Magic Item the same time. Therefore, I would recommend this card for any
+6 deck built around using powerful support cards where not
During phase 3 or 5 (but not both in the same turn), this player every champion can use every card (or even decks where they
can return to his hand from the discard pile any two non- use many champion types to use the same support card, like
undead allies. Wizard Spell decks that use other champion who say "may use
wizard spells" in their powers).
For a combat based deck, this card could be extremely
powerful. Similar to the Ghost Crystal [4th-168], this allows you Stoneskin
to get allies back to your hand. However, the Ghost Crystal 71/99
works only for undead allies, like the Dreaded Ghost [4th-246] Wizard Spell
and Ancient Dracolich [NS-81], and the Orb of Delight works May be cast at any time to counter any just played unarmed
only for non-undead allies. Some of the best allies to get with combat card, and makes the champion immune to unarmed
this card include: War Party [3rd], Intellect Devourer [4th-213], combat cards for the duration of that combat round.
Assassins [4th-221], Flesh Golem [RV/4th], Brine Dragon [DL-
69], Chimera [DRc13], and Master Illithid [DU-53]. There is While this is the only wizard spell that protects specifically
also another great advantage of the orb; it can work in phase against unarmed combat cards, it isn't that powerful. Currently,
5, after combat (The Ghost Crystal works only in phase 3), so 3 cards exist that negate a UCC: Reversal [4th-435], Counter
you can return the allies that let you win the attack (or died in a [4th-437], and Evade [DR-98]. All of these are usable by any
feeble attack). This works very well in formats with large deck champion, which by itself can make them more useful.
sizes, so allies are easier to fit in. It would also work well in any Stoneskin's biggest advantage over these cards is that it
deck that uses some instant win allies. I highly recommend this protects you from any further UCCs for the round of battle.
card for any deck that has room an the allies to make it useful. This could be useful for a spell deck (with Mulmaster [1st-33]
to let you draw a card from this counter), but not in most
Atonement tournaments. Typically, the only UCCs people see in
69/99 tournaments, specifically 55-card environments, are Slap! [IQ-
Cleric Spell 78], Fighting Dirty [DUc3], and SOMETIMES Breath Weapon
Place this card and the caster into the abyss, then take any III [DR-96]. Very rarely in a tournament would you see more
other card from your abyss and put it into play. (Def) than one of these used in a combat round, therefore making
Reversal the card of choice. The times to use this card is in
This card definitely has some uses, but most are very combo more fun settings where dragon, undead, and hero decks
related. The only time to use to use this as a general card is show up more often. In those cases, this card will see more
when you know you are facing a deck focused on sending use and be most effective.
things to the abyss, especially realms. However, even this
silver bullet type solution isn't a great one (though, since it Gen
doesn't list phase, one could in phase 1 or 2 realize they have 72/99
no realm, and use this card to get a realm sent to the Abyss by Ally
an opponent's Estate Transference [3rd-437]). Therefore, the +1
best combo to work for focuses around Gir Kcir [RRc16]. Many Can only be attached to a wizard, to whom it becomes a
cards have been used to let a player use her power often, familiar. Once attached, Gen MAY search this players draw
including copying cards, the Gatekeeper [3rd-426] and copiers, pile for any spell that can be cast during phase 4. The spell
and the Ward of Freedom [4th-411]. This card could be used

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must be shown to all players. After retrieving the spell, the Gen both to have more options and longer games, but not for the
is then shuffled back into the draw pile. standard 55-card format. However, I can definitely see it
showing up in a few decks that you come across.
This is an interesting card for a wizard deck. First, it must be
noted that it can only be used by a wizard, not just anyone Repentance
able to cast wizard spells. That must be taken into account for 75/99
deck building. Now, it can allow you to search your deck for a Cleric Spell
wizard or cleric (as it doesn't say only wizard spells) spell to be Can be cast at any time to negate a thief skill. If used on a just
cast in battle. For the most part, you'd want to use it only to get played thief skill, the thief attempting to use the skill is
a combat ending spell, including wall spells on defense, Wish, discarded. (Def)
Mindkiller, Death Spell, or even Blink (Run away!). This can be This is another card in the growing area of thief skill counters,
a very useful ability, allowing you usually to win a round of along with Alarm [NS-85], Double Cross [IQ-77], and Slap! [IQ-
combat. Optimally, it would work very well for a defensive 78]. However, this defensive cleric spell has a few differences.
spellslinger deck (IF it carries enough pure wizards). Since, as It can cancel a long standing power after it's been in effect
an ally, it can only be played in phase 4, it's familiar ability (which Double Cross and Slap! don't do). Also, it has the rare
shouldn't matter, as it's shuffled in immediately after it retrieves privilege to be able to discard a champion while being a
a spell. Therefore, use this if you carry battle ending spells defensive card. Of all the specifically thief skill counters, this
spells, but otherwise, an actual phase 4 spell or other combat one is the best, as it not only stops the skill, but, catching the
card might fill it's slot better. thief red handed, discards the user. This type of ability is
unmatched in the other fields, and really gives cleric spells a
The King's Justice little bite. True, you can't kill a thief out right, but have to wait
73/99 for them to commit the crime. However, who hasn't wanted to
Blood Ability kill the bugger that sent the evil Con Game [DU-82] their way.
Lasts until dispelled. If a thief skill is used while this ability is in Therefore, if you play in a setting that often have thief skills,
play, the thief using the skill is sent to limbo until this ability is this is a card to carry if you've even got just a few possible
dispelled. casters. In tournaments, it's not a bad card to carry, but usually
you need a spell that is more useful, like Slap!. However, if
This interesting power can shut a thief deck down completely. Spellfire had card reserves to switch cards in or out, it would
While it doesn't counter a Thief Skill as it's played, it requires a be a decent reserve to have.
heavy price; a champion is consumed with each use. There
are two important angles to look at this card. First is how to Time Travel
deal with it, and that's tough. Currently, very few cards exist to 76/99
deal with this blood ability. The complete list is: Dispel [4th- Psionic Power Card
400] (Cleric Spell), Wish [FR-46, 4th-384] (Wizard Spell, after This player can take another turn after his current turn is
play), and Slap! [IQ-84] (UCC, only as played). Realisticly, a finished, starting with his phase 3 (skipping phases, 0, 1, and
thief deck should carry Slap!, but other than that, there is no 2). This card is placed in the Void after its successful use. If
defense against it without spells. Now, this is pretty nasty. The canceled, it goes to the discard pile. (Def/5)
worst thief skills, like Con Game [DU-82] or Hijacking [DU-86]
would be worth sacking a champion for in the best situations, For a battle intensive deck, this is a great card. This extra turn
but most other ones, especially the ones in combat, would be may not be a full turn, but it allows extra phase three powers
pointless to play. Therefore, any Birthright/Regent/Bllod Ability and spells (this also may be good if used in a Mulmaster deck
deck should carry this if they expect a heavy thief skill deck, that has phase 3 and 4 spells). Giving you another phase 3, 4,
but for the dabbler (carrying only the nastiest Thief Skills), this and 5 can be very useful, but the best reason to do that is if
card only kills champions, which many other cards can do. you draw more cards in those phases (thus not having a
Therefore, unless you expect a nasty thief deck, I wouldn't chance to play those cards into play). Phase 3 will only matter
recommend carrying this card except for surprise value. That for those extra cards, or for preparing for your next battle.
would answer the "Should I use this card?" question (question Battle decks obviously get the most use, as it allows you to
#2, referred to above). take advantage of an opponent you just beat to attack while
they are down, or work your way through a tough surprise
Gate defense. The best kind of deck to use it with is a psionic power
74/99 intensive deck with a Highmaster Illithios [DUc21], so that you
Cleric Spell can get another card from the power that can be played in your
The caster can use any champion (except an avatar) from new phase 3. Only one other card lets you have more than one
another player's draw or discard pile as an ally for this round of battle per turn; Out of Phase [IQ-54], which works well with this
combat. At the end of the round, this champion/ally is sent to power. Other cards that combos well with this card is the Orb
Limbo until the end of the actual owner's next turn. (Off/4) of Delight [IQ-68] and the Ghost Crystal [4th-168], both of
which let you get back allies in phase 3, to battle again. Similar
This is a very interesting card. You trade tomorrow for today. It cards would work well also.
lets you go through any ONE player's deck and discard pile,
get to know what is coming, and pick a champion to help you Double Cross
win the battle. This is particularly useful against an opponent 77/99
who likes instant win champions. Optimally, the best champion Thief Skill
to get would be Headless Horseman [RV-88] while you attack. Usable by any champion. Play in response to another
That is one of the few situations where you wouldn't be giving offensive thief skill to turn that skill back upon the original
your opponent something. You see, that is why this card can player.
be dangerous to use. Say you take the Living Wall [PO-58] and
instantly destroy your opponent. However, at the end of your This can be a very useful card in some games, and a very
opponent's next turn, the Living Wall would be in their pool, wasted one in others, as is the way with most counter cards in
and you have a new danger to deal with. This may end up Spellfire. If an opponent uses thief skills heavily, or just enough
being either a Resurrection or a Runes of the Future for your for the big ones like Hijacking or Con Game [both from
opponent, which can be very dangerous. so you need to Dungeons], this can save your life (though against Hijacking
decide if one battle is worth this danger. On the whole, this is a this isn't the best). However, in most games, it will just sit their
great late game card, where your opponent won't be able to in your hand while more useful ones like Slap! [IQ-78].
use it against you, but probably poor if played early in the Generally, very specific cards shouldn't be played, as good
game. Therefore, I'd recommend in setting with larger decks, generalist cards seemed to be used very often (like Wish [FR-

Inquisition Online - Página 360

46] or Dispel [4th-400]). This is usually the best advice, defender, even if it looks like you'd be meeting an ugly end.
especially since this counter requires you use thief skills as Good examples would include Banishment [1st-398],
well. So unless you're sure your regular opponents will be Unnerving Aura [DL-69], Mindkiller [TU-56] (it doesn't say it
using thieves, this is just another wasted card. BTW, in only gets a wizard spell), or any wall spell. This nasty treat that
response to questions, you can't Double Cross a Double Cross goes before the order of activation makes a nice treat against
since DC is a defensive skill. anyone trying to get a quick victory with a Headless Horseman
[RV-88]. Also, since the card doesn't state where it "retrieves"
Slap! the card from, you can use it to get it from your deck, hand, or
78/99 discard pile (or even the Abyss!), so it can be a nice recycling
Unarmed Combat Card card. However, there is some risk in this card. If it is dispelled
Usable by non-spell casting champions. This maneuver or negated, you lose both it and the retrieved spell, wasting a
disrupts the concentration of any champion, canceling the card away from card advantage. All in all, I would use this in a
effects of a just played spell, blood ability, psionic power, or defensive spell/Mulmaster type deck (casting this spell in
thief skill. phase 3, as it is supposed to be, allows Mulmaster [1st-33] to
activate) and maybe with a set combo. However, outside of
This is my personal pick for the best card in the set! Even the that setting, this isn't that great of a card.
most spell focused deck carries a nice champion for another
purpose, even if it's just a Living Wall for defense, Necba for Tankity-Tankity-Tank
taunting opponents, or Lernaean Hydra for a champion that 81/99
costs no levels for deck building. Therefore, more often than Unarmed Combat Card
not, a player has enough champions to validate having this Usable by any champion of level base level 7 or higher. This
counter in the deck. It's ability to counter practically any type of card allows the using champion (if victorious in this round of
support card can be invaluable to stop the most deadly cards combat) to steam-roll over the defeated champion to raze the
in the game, including Estate Transference [3rd-437], Death attacked realm. (Def)
Field [DU-81], Psionic Disintegration [DU-73], or Con Game
[DU-82]. The only major support cards not stopped by this This oddly-named UCC is meant to refer to the heavily
UCC are events (which are usually separate), UCC's (very few armored fighter almost every party of adventurers has.
of which are used outside of battle), and allies (ditto). The only Assuming that it has to be used in phase 4, this card can be
similar card is Dispel (4th-400), and it has two significant very useful in many situations. The best time to use it for
problems. One, it doesn't stop thief skills, which means you situations where you are likely to get an instant defeat, but if
need to carry another method to stop the most nasty cards like you do that, you can't use it in battle then because the battle is
Con Game or Hijacking [DU-86], such as Alarm [NS-85] or over. Therefore, the best time to use it is with support cards
King's Justice [IQ-73]. The other problem is that it is a spell, likely to end the battle quickly. To make sure you get to that
and there are tons of ways of dealing with spells. Stopping point, it's a good idea to have a champion who will get a
unarmed combat cards, especially outside of combat, is much chance to play it; remember that if you start with a high level
harder (the only counters I can think of are Reversal [4th-435], champion, you probably won't play the first card into battle.
Counter [4th-437], Evade [DR-98], and Stoneskin [IQ-71],. all Therefore, champions with good immunity sets work well here,
of which only stop UCC's) . Therefore, this card will find uses such as Erital Kaan-Ipzirel [AR-81], The Gorgon [BR-64], or
against practically any deck and users in almost any deck. Gib Ergo [IQ-32]. Good follow-ups after this card to end battle
Thus, I rate it the most useful card in Inquisition! quickly include Mindkiller [TU-56], Level Drain [NS-97], The
Dreaded Ghost [4th-246], or any of the many killing events.
Permanency This card can work very well in any deck that focuses on
79/99 instant kill support cards and big champions, as it requires no
Wizard Spell special champion type to play (like Fighting Dirty! [DUc3]
Cast this spell on a spell with a stated duration, which then
becomes permanent. The original spell cannot be dispelled Imaginary Friend
until this spell is dispelled. Permanency can always be 82/99
dispelled, regardless of special powers. The caster of this spell Wizard Spell
cannot be used again until the end of the owning players next +?
turn. (Def) This spell creates an ally equal to the base level of the casting
champion. This ally may not be stolen or discarded by any
In a defensive spell deck, this card can be a true terror to a means. The ally stays with the champion until dispelled or until
deck not carrying enough counters. Of the spells with lasting the champion is discarded. (Def 3/4)
durations, some stand out well for this theme, including Wall of
Fog [1st/4th 371], Forbiddance [ARc11] (it doesn't say it only This improved version of Find Familiar [FR-40] will usually
affects wizard spells), Phase Out [PO-51], Guardian Mist [NS- grant a spellcaster a bonus of 5 to 9 levels until they are
84], or City Shield [DU-92] . Other interesting uses that can be discarded. This ability can be useful, and can give you
fun include targeting Quest [FR-31] (only champions below something to discard to a Blamblower [DL-56] (while
level 5 can attack for the game?!?), Zone of Truth [FR-38], Blamblower can't force the ally to be discarded, the owner
Mind Fog [TU-44], Blight [BR-51], Divine Assistance [DU-99], CAN choose to discard it to satisfy the evil gnomish invention).
or Enthrall [4th-419] (this is for the truly evil). The best way to However, I'm still firmly in the belief that card powers, not
deal with this defensive kind of play is to play cards that levels, win battles. Therefore, I can't recommend this card to
destroy all spells in play (various rule cards or events, like most decks, as higher levels and better powers can be found
Nullification [PO]). in other allies or wizard spells. The best use of this card is with
a high level caster, such as Lareth, King of Justice [DR] or an
Contingency avatar champion.
Wizard Spell Dispel Illusion
When this spell is cast, this champion can retrieve any spell 83/99
that can be cast in phase 4 and place it underneath the Wizard Spell
retrieving champion. When he enters a round of combat, this This spell may be cast at any time. This spell prevents a card
spell is considered cast before combat begins. (Def) from being played (return it to the players hand). The card is
considered to have been "not played", and cannot be played
This card can be very useful, especially in a defensive wizard again until that players next turn. (Off)
deck. It is easy to set up with a spell that lets you win as a

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This counter card is a great one, adding to the power of wizard +7
spells. Being able to put off the card an opponent gives you Dragon. Flyer. Can use dragon unarmed combat cards. This
time to find counters to it, destroy it in the hand, or even ally's breath weapon, a cone of cold, causes all magic items
prolong the game (by preventing the sixth realm from being currently in the battle to break and be discarded.
played). To me, this can be the best use, but it basically lets
you counter ANY card. This is a great power. Even if it only This ally can be very useful in some decks, but not the most
stalls the target from playing the card until later in the game, it powerful card ever created. Being a dragon and a flier, it fits
can stop any game killing combo (like Sure Thing/The Fates) well into decks of either theme, being the second highest level
and give you a chance to think. This card can be especially dragon ally (behind the Ancient Dracolich [NS-81]). Granting
potent if combined with cards that discard from your the ability to play dragon UCC's is only matched by a few
opponent's hands, such as Discovery of Spellfire (2nd/401), cards (including the Gauntlets of Combat [DR-74] and
Rings of All Seeing (4th), or even Hornung's Guess (TU-37). Dragonne [DR-82]). However, in most decks where this would
I'd recommend this for any deck that can find enough casters, be very useful have mostly dragon champions already
as it has game changing power. While it may not fully destroy (however, if the champion can't play them because of another
the card of an opponent, it is the next best thing. card, it can be useful). The best card to combo with it is a
champion that is good for a dragon deck like Verminaard the
Curse Dragonmaster [DR-42] and then using the most powerful
84/99 dragon UCC's, like Breath Weapon III [DR96] or Tail Sweep
Cleric Spell [DR-92]. The White Dragon's last power (that of destroying
This spell causes a magic item or artifact to be cursed. The magic items already in battle to be destroyed) can be very
cursed item no longer has any special powers and any level useful, but for the best impact, it should be saved for then end
bonus granted by it is now subtracted from the champion's of a battle. That, in addition to it's level (a meaty +7), can often
base level. Any champion reduced to 0 or below are discarded. win a battle. All in all, this is a good card for a theme deck, or
(Off 3/4) one that uses a smattering of dragon cards to enable good
This offensive spell is unique in that it targets an item or artifact
without discarding it. However, negating an item like this is the Soth's Steed
weakest use of this card. The best is to discard a champion or 87/99
reduce base level to force the discard via another card's Ally
power. While it can be annoying in battle, it should only be +8
used in a cleric spell focus deck. There are far better ways to Dragonlance
discard champion (the best being Mindkiller [TU-56]), so I Undead. Flyer. May breathe fire to discard one ally or magic
wouldn't recommend this most times. However, cleric decks of item of +5 or less currently in combat. If played with Lord Soth,
more than 55 cards would probably be the best time. this ally doubles in level and cannot be discarded or forced to
switch sides, returning to the pool with Lord Soth at the end of
I Know What You are Thinking!!! combat.
Psionic Power Card This ally can be very useful. First, it has a nice +8 bonus,
While this power is in play, all opponents must now play with which makes it the second highest level undead ally out there
their hands face up on the table. This power lasts until (the first being Ancient Dracolich (Nightstalkers)), making it a
negated. great choice for a undead deck. It's flying ability also makes it
very useful. The ally and magic item destroying power is only
Before this card, the closest cards to this was Zone of Truth effective when it is first played, so optimal use would be a few
[FR-38] and Plentiful Psionics [AR-31], being the only card that cards into combat to get rid of a choice one. However, to get
lets you look at multiple people's hands. However, this is the the greatest use of this ally, you need to have Soth. Lord Soth
only one that means you don't have to reveal your cards as (RV-99) was bluelined as undead, so both of these cards fit
well. This is a very useful card, and able to be put into play into the same deck well. The +16 bonus with Soth is huge,
from the pool, allowing it to be used when you only have a few especially as it can destroy an ally or item in every battle (the
psionic champions in play. Combined with cards that let you best way to attack a player with a Blamblower in his pool).
remove cards from hands (like Ninjas [FR-70] or Rings of All Now, I'm not a big believer in combos, so I'd only put this in a
Seeing [4th]), you can effectively neuter opponents during your themed undead deck in the 75 or 110 card categories so it
turn, so that you can do whatever your evil plans are (nasty could gain from all the multipliers you can give to undead
spells are prepared by discarding counters, attacks prepared allies. I'd also keep Soth around to deal with a few DL dragons
killing support cards, etc). There is little reason not to use this (Soth's power), so the combo could come up. However, aside
card, however, one of them is the best counter to this card: from this and fun play, I wouldn't recommend this card.
Handmine (DUc16). This event, when in any player's hand (or
drawn while I Know What You are Thinking!!! is in play) can Mimic
counter this card, destroying the offender's hand in the 88/99
process. That is by far the best defense against IKWYaT!!!. Ally
However, this is also only a one time thing, and therefore might +?
not be what you want to use, especially if you have plans for During combat, this ally can copy any one magical item or
those very valuable event slots. The Herald of Mei Lung [NS- artifact attached to the opposing champion.
54] is not the best defense, but it does help against cards
comboed with IKWYaT, as it prevents cards from being This card can be very useful, but there are many times it won't
discarded from your exposed hand (it doesn't actually prevent help. The most potent items to copy would be the ones to
someone from looking at your hand). All in all, IKWYaT is a instantly win battles, but most of those have discarded your
solid card that will find itself into many tournament decks and champion already, such as a Blamblower. The most likely
decks of all shapes and sizes. It should also note that if cards to copy and get strong value would include the Winner's
multiple copies of this card are in play (via multiple players), all Cape (4th-520), Vorpal Sword (FR), or any item the opponent
hands are face up, as the power doesn't give your hand any stole from you. However, this card does have one major heel.
special protection, just doesn't affect the users hand. The opponent must play a magic item or artifact into the battle,
or even have a battle worthy. Many decks these days are pure
White Dragon outside of combat use, such as the Rings of All Seeing (4th),
86/99 the Dragonfont (ARc20), or the Bag of Beans (NSc18).
Ally However, in fun play, this card will usually be useful. Note, it

Inquisition Online - Página 362

can choose to play this ally before it has something to copy, for an offensive deck (especially with it's flying subability), for
but it won't help until one is played against it. Therefore, not a keeper for a solid defensive deck.
usually it is a bad idea to play it before your opponent plays Knights of Neraka
one. 92/99
Mina's Knights +?
89/99 Dragonlance
Ally This army is equal in level to the attached champion's base
+5 level.
May play hero unarmed combat cards. If played with a cleric,
this ally cannot be forced to switch sides and are only This ally can have few big bonuses. For the most part, unless
discarded if the cleric is discarded also. this card is played with an avatar, this card will have a bonus of
+3 to +9. However, there are lots of cards that can do that, and
Cards like this are good for decks that use multiple types of even more that double total level (like Complete Surprise or
support cards, in this case clerics (spells) and heroes (UUCs). Mirror Image), so why play this card? The only reason that I
However, to tell the truth, I'm not a big supporter of decks built can come up with is to use it with the event Morgian, God of
this way for any format smaller that 110-card decks. Therefore, Disease, Strikes (DL-95). That's why it is a Dragonlance ally.
this card will see some useful play in fun games, but very few However, this one combo does not an evil card make, and
in tournaments. However, a +5 bonus that may last for multiple therefore there are much better allies to use.
battles (if played with a cleric, it's there until the cleric is
discarded from play) could be very useful, especially when Improved Initiative
used with a champion with many immunities (so that first card 93/99
played in battle is less likely to be lethal). Examples would Thief Skill
include Nemon Hotep (Nightstalkers), Adon (Forgotten +5
Realms/4th ed.) and Shayira (4th ed). I'd include Erital Kaan- Play this card when both attacker and defender have been
Ipzirel (AR 81) in this list too, but her escaping power would chosen. The player of this card activates all of their cards first.
get rid of the ally (activating is a choice, thus the Knights' (Def/4)
power has no effect).
This is another primarily defensive thief skill. The main reason
Stool Pigeon to use it to avoid an attacker's instant defeat, or have an
90/99 instant defeat in before the attacker's nastiness. However,
Ally aside from cool attachments, not many thieves have instant
+1 defeat powers. However, combine with attachments such as
When played in combat, an opposing thief champion is Vorpal Blade, Wand of Orcus, or the always nasty Blamblower,
defeated and sent to the abyss. this card could give the heaviest loaded attacker a horrible
surprise. This gives a defensive thief deck a nice option.
In most 55 card tournaments, it seems most people are However, it can also give the strong offensive thief deck a way
obsessed with instant kill cards. This is one making it at least a to steal back initiative to the attacker. If two cards both sieze
thought for a tourney deck, or at least for a bigger deck battle intitive, then they negate each other and you go back to the
(like 75 or 110 card settings). Plus, the addition of sending that original order of activation. Therefore, this could be a boon for
champion to the Abyss is very nice. However, thieves are not an attacking deck. Plus, the +5 bonus is significant for battle.
the most combative class of champions usually. It's their Overall, good for a thief deck (for either offensive or defensive)
assisting cards that makes them so nasty. While I could and for a deck with lots of instant win attachments, but
definitely see this card having a place in a deck focused on otherwise it's not a great card. Since the user must be a thief,
attacking champions in the pool (using cards like the Arena of it's best with fighting thieves, like the Guildmaster (NS-28) or
Dori the Barbarian or Drow Throne), I'm not sure I would put it Jacqueline Reneir (NS-32).
in most tourney decks. It would definitely see more use in fun
games, except people tend to target players who win using just Hostage
instant killers by just blowing up their realms. Plus, this card is 94/99
useless against a non-thief (+1 bonus is practically nothing). Thief Skill
Overall, unless you've got a great stategy to just attack specific Play on any champion in any opponent's pool before a
champions, I wouldn't use this card in most games. defender is chosen. If the attacker doesn't halt the attack, the
hostage is sent to the discard pile. (Off/4)
91/99 This card is a very interesting Thief Skill, in that it is an almost
Ally entirely defensive card, while most thief skills are about either
+3 gaining a skill or hamstringing an opponent. In this one, after
Flyer. Because of its shimmering markings, an opposing an attacker has declared the attacker, any user of thief skills
champion is confused and loses the use any special abilities and targets a champion in the opponent's pool. Usually the
and its icon ability during this round of combat. target is either (1) another truly deadly attacker, or more likely
(2) a champion that never goes into battle because of their
I can see where this card could be truly evil. Powers are the value in the pool (like Necba, Hettman, or others). This could
main reasons to choose your champions, and stripping those often be a means to get an attacker to call off an attack and
of people in combat (including immunity nasties, like the end a battle. Halting calls back the champion to the pool and
Etherial Champion or Lareth, King of Justice) could be very fully ends the battle (no more rounds of battle are allowed). As
useful to clear the way for your own nasty cards. That is the nice as it is, I would only play this card in a thief focused deck
only reason to choose this card (a +3 bonus is usually not that that was focused on speed. However, it might be useful to
significant in a battle). If you are playing a primarily defensive most decks in the setting you play in is very combat oriented,
deck with no instant kills, DON'T choose this card, as it will not and your deck is a speed, defensive focused deck. One needs
stop instant kills against you by the Order of Activation. You to look at their home environment to decide if you need it. I
would want cards that end combat quickly, and this one by usually thrive in combat, so I wouldn't play it, and most often
itself won't do that. However, if you are a battle focused deck wouldn't care if I lost the attack. The times it'll be the most
annoyed at how restrictions in play and immunities block your effective is against a person who just goes for combat's where
every turn, this card is definitely for you. Overall, this is great spoils seem guaranteed (like a really built up Tithian or Living
Wall attacking).

Inquisition Online - Página 363

a deck focused on attacking) and can negate magic items. The
Mercenaries key part to remember about the last part of the Behir's power is
95/99 that in only effect magic items that are in play when it activates
Ally it's lightning power (note: this power can be held for a vicious
+9 late round magic item). The +10 should put you ahead in
One card from this player's hand must be discarded to levels, so wait until another item hits the table before you have
purchase the service of the mercenaries. When played, the the Behir "light" it up. With good timing, this card could be a
player can choose any one type of support card that can be worth edition to any combat deck, or might even be really good
played by them. defensively.

Not many Spellfire cards have a cost, so ones that do need to Claws of the Wolf
be examine carefully. This one forces you to discard any card 98/99
(your choice) from your hand. That means that this card needs Blood Ability
to be worth two cards to play it for you. The +9 is great and +4
significant, and the ability to use any one support type you Stays with the champion until dispelled or the champion is
didn't already have access to is nice, but most decks won't defeated. This champion can discard one opposing ally of level
need this. Unless you are going with a complete mongrel 7 or less. (Off /3/4)
theme (only the most powerful cards of all types), this one
shouldn't be needed. The best use for this one is actually in This blood ability has a lot in common with another Blood
Sealed deck competitions (ironic, ain't it?), as you often need Ability: Animal Affinity (BR-36). Both grant a +4 (AA with a non-
to use cards you can't always count on using, and often have removable ally) that stays until removed. The advantage in this
something else you can discard. Other than those types of card is that it can once in the game discard one opposing ally
situations, I don't think a good, focused theme deck should from the game (making it a better choice than AA). However,
ever need this card. since that power only works once (otherwise it would say it
works every battle), it's still not a great card, as one doesn't
Entrapment know if the opponent is using allies or even low enough level
96/99 ones.
Thief Skill
Play at any time to cancel a just played thief skill and send its A Piece of the Action
user to the discard pile. (def) Can be played during phase 3 or 99/99
5 to send one thief champion to Limbo. (Off) Thief Skill
Play only when another player is to draw a spoils of victory.
One thing that every Spellfire master loves is a good That player must draw and discard his spoils, while this player
multipurpose card. This one has a few nice ones. First of, the draws a card showing it to all players. If it is a realm card, it is
ability to negate a thief skill as it's played is very important, sent to the Abyss. Otherwise it may be played just like a spoils
especially against skills like Con Game or Hijacking. However, of victory.
not that many decks carry Thief Skills, and those that dabble
usually only card those two, so this card wouldn't always get This is an interesting card for those interested in using thief
used every game. The other use does seem to make it worth skills. When an opponent razes a realm (or does something
it, as you can temporarily get rid of a thief in any pool, which else to earn a spoils of victory), you may force that person to
can be very useful. The best use of this card would be if you discard that spoils (note: a person can't just wait to see if the
have a thief to bring into play, but can't due to the Rule of spoils is played and THEN use the card; using this card
Cosmos. While there are few champions immune to offensive happens just as the spoils is drawn and before it is played).
thief skills, since you can only use it against thieves, it can be This can be powerful, but there are lots of cards to discard
limiting. In tournaments, the most common targets you would cards from hand or play. Killing one isn't a huge deal (aside
find are Necba the Wrathmaker, The Guildmaster, and Gib from angering whoever just got hit by this card).
Retlub. If you are working with a major thief concept, this isn't It also lets you draw a spoils of victory. However, if it is a
a bad to carry, or if you are carrying only a few key ones to realm, it is sent to the Abyss. This prevent people from stealing
your deck, it's pretty decent. However, I wouldn't recommend spoils like they can with the Noble Outlaw. The chance of
this to most decks. losing one of the few realms in your deck to the Abyss,
especially when many good combos can send many more
Behir realms to the Abyss is a huge danger and may just be doing
97/99 your opponents' work for them. All in all, this is too much risk
Ally for just one cards in card advantage (1 they discard and 1 you
+10 draw, but minus this one card).
Earthwalker. During combat, this ally can release a bolt of
lightning that renders the opposing champions magical items
powerless for this round of combat.

Starting at a +10, this puts the Behir into a presigous class of

highest level ally, tied with the Dream Team (RRc-1). Not only
that, but it also has the Earthwalking ability (very important for

Inquisition Online - Página 364

Duergar No more than one card of any type can be played against the
#01 of 99 attached champion.
+2 This bluelined Elf can be an interestings card that can truly
Dwarf. The next card played by the opponent that is not annoy an opponent. The Ranger of the Highlands' +5 bonus is
defensive, loses its special power and level bonus (discarding enough to usually sway a battle, but won't overpower it.
Duergar). May also be discarded from hand to negate the However, in a long battle, it could be the deciding factor. After
effects of the Blamblower. the Ranger has been played, the opposing player can not play
into battle any card which is the same type as one they already
This dwarven ally is very low in level, but can none the less have in play (if the opponent has an ally and a magic item
cause major annoyance for an opponent. When played into already on their champion, they can not play either of those
battle, when the opponent has to play another card (not when two types during the battle). If the Ranger is player after
they use cards already in play), the next card must be labeled multiple of a card type is played (for instance, the opponent
defensive or have its level and special power lost. This means already has 3 allies in the battle), those cards are allowed to
that the next card, to be effective, can not be an artifact or an stay, but not more can be played by the opponent. This can be
ally, since VERY few of those cards are labeled offensive or very annoying to fun decks with support themes (since most
defensive. If the card isn't defensive and loses its power and combat cards are of the same type), but will have little affect in
level, the Duergar is discarded (though the effect remains, tournaments, since battle there is most often short with victory
against the normal rules). More important is its second power. using instant victory cards.
It is the only card that can be discarded or played from hand to
stop Blamblower [DL-56] from destroying cards after it is Olive Slime
discarded aside from Unavailing Sacrifice [IQ-42]. Normally, if #04 of 99
the Blamblower is discarded from combat and the opponent Ally
doesn't have at least 6 levels of allies IN PLAY,. the +2
Blamblower destroys the opposing champion. Duergar is the When played into combat, discard all the attached cards
solution to that, and for that reason alone, some will use it in currently in battle on both sides, and only Olive Slime remains.
tournament decks. However, most silver bullet cards (those
targetting just a single problem card) don't get played since The Olive Slime is an interesting ally that completely resets
they are near useless if drawn late in the game (after the battle. Very similar to the Torments of Sisyphus, this ally
targetted card has been used) and very weak when not discards all other cards from battle except for the two
affecting the targetted card. Therefore, hard core opponents of champions. This in itself can end battle (as an inventive way to
the Blamblower will use this in almost any setting, but others defeat a Magical Champion [2nd-402]), but most often starts
will never use this card. Use of this ally, as with any silver the battle anew. However, when used with a high level
bullets, is based on how often you are used to having this card champion without attachments, bis can be great, wasting the
hose you. other player's card from battle. This can not be used as a
counter card, so if an opponent's card kills your champion, this
Mountain Dwarf card is not help. However, it can be a nice card to get card
#02 of 99 advantage over an opposing player. The only reason to play
Ally this ally is the resetting power, as the +2 bonus is usually
+6 insignificant. This advantage can be maximized with a
Earthwalker. Automatically defeats a monster if attached to a champion immune to ally powers (since he would not be
hero. Automatically defeats an undead if attached to a cleric. required to discard from battle), such as the Ghostly Piper [AR-
c10]. This ally will see itself in many different fun settings, but
The Mountain Dwarf is a good theme support ally. This dwarf not often in tournaments, since most combat cards in major
is an earthwalker, allowing it to attack many realms, and its +6 tournaments aim to end combat quickly with instant victory.
bonus is enough to easily sway a battle. Additionally, it can
instantly defeat some champion types. It can destroy a Locust Plague
monster or any undead if attached to the right type of #05 of 99
champion. This supports the dwarf theme well, since the most Ally
common champion types (in order) are heroes (to defeat +5
monsters) and clerics (to defeat any undead champions or Earthwalker. Play on an opposing realm during phase 3. Acts
destroy undead allies). This could be useful for some as an ally for any champion attacking the realm. Stays with
tournament decks, since it can end combat quickly and razed realm if not discarded through combat. A razed realm
efficiently, and has a decent bonus when it can't instantly win, cannot be rebuilt while Locust Plague is attached to it.
but its iffy nature (since you must combo it with the right type of
champion) will make many people shy away from this card in The Locust Plague in a very unique ally. First off, it is not
tournaments. As such, aside from the occasional tournament, played into battle normally; it must be played during phase 3.
it will likely only see use in dwarf fun decks (or hero or cleric The Plague must be attached to an opponent's realm, though
decks), since other themes are less likely to choose this ally, this realm doesn't have to be one it can attack (can still be
because most fun decks love long combat, not instant victory. attached to a realm restricting earthwalkers), and can even be
Don't let the recycled art fool you. This ally can be quite razed. Any champions attacking that realm (including
effective for the right deck. champions attacking when the realm is razed, like the Spider
[BR-65]) get the benifit of having this +5 ally help (unless the
Ranger of the Highlands Plague is restricted from attacking there). However, in battle is
#03 of 99 when the ally is the most risky, as it is vulnerable to any
Ally method of destruction while in battle. The most important facet
+5 of the Plague is that a razed realm it is attached to cannot be
rebuilt (in can, however, be replaced). This is a great method

Millenium Online - Página 365

to stop someone from rebuilding their realms with events to Earthwalker. For each card played into combat by the
win the game. Therefore, since rebuilding is a very common opponent, roll 2d4 and add that number to the level of this ally.
sight in tournament games, this card will show up in
tournaments. This can also show up in fun decks, though its This is an interesting ally that can be good if you plan to play
weakness in combat means it won't be as strong. I only wish it few cards, but still win by level. The Aurumvorax is a nice +6
could be attached in phase 5, after razing a realm :) ally that can earthwalk, making it a decent card to attack
hidden realms with. Better yet, the more the opponent fights
Bumbling Idiot against it, the stronger it becomes. For each card (note, not
#06 of 99 ally, or spell, but physical card) played after it into combat, the
Ally Aurumvorax's player rolls 2d4 and adds the level the the
–5 Aurumvorax. This can range from 2-8, and averages at +5.
Can be played into any combat on any champion. The This means after the opponent playes 1 card, it will be a +8 to
champion and all of its attached cards (except this one) lose all +14 (average of +11), 2 cards will cause it to be +10 to +22
abilities. (average of +16), and 3 cards means it will be a +12 to +30
(averaging at +21). This is a pretty heafty bonus for a single
This ally can fit into many different themes and cause all sorts card from your hand. Therefore, it is a good card to protect
of havoc. First off, this champion can be played into any with champions that protect their allies (like Tagor Mijor [IQ-
combat on any champion, which makes him great for 15]). This will show up in many fun decks, but very rarely in
multiplayer games. You want him to be on any champion but tournament decks, since most tourney decks win combat very
your own. Then, after he has been attached, all the champions quickly using instant victory cards (not levels).
attached cards except for the Idiot) lose their special powers.
Also, since this ally is "helping" the targetted champion, any Crypt Thing
power to discard an opposing ally can't get rid of the Idiot. The #09 of 99
targetted champion loses 5 levels (as per the Idiot's bonus), Ally
and loses all powers. This includes the powers of all attached +4
cards already attached and all future cards the champion's Can only be attached during phase 3 to a realm with a holding.
player adds. This can spell a quick victory, especially in Cannot be discarded during combat by another player. May be
tournament quality games where special powers and instant discarded at any time to send an opposing champion attacking
victory cards rule battle. Worse yet, keeping the idiot away the attached realm to Limbo.
battle is very tough. Some events can help (like Mist Wolf [1st-
175] or Airship! [3rd-90]), but few cards can prevent this ally Suprisingly, this card has no bluelines (it is not undead).
being played (except for the target not being allowed to use However, it can be a very potent card. Firstly,.it can not be
allies by things like the Net of Entrapment [1st-217]). That played into combat normally. Instead, it is played during phase
makes the Bumbling Idiot very strong and a hidden gem in the 3 attached to a realm with a holding. Since it can only be
Millenium set. This card can be seen in almost any setting, and attached to a realm with a holding, if the holding is discarded
will eventually work itself into tournament decks for players by any method (such as Tuigan Invasion [PO-36]), this ally is
sick of seeing quick instant combat. also discarded. However, in a deck with a few holdings, this is
a very powerful card. During combat, it can not be discarded
Death Knight by the other player, which means ally destroying champions
#07 of 99 (like Dagaronzie, Green Dragon [1st-c6]) can not stop the
Ally Crypt Thing. It combat, it should almost always be discarded
+8 from combat to send the opposing champion to Limbo (except
When played, discards an ally already in play. If attached to an when it seems the opponent wants you to do so). Because the
attacking champion who is defeated in combat, Death Knight opposing champion was sent to Limbo from play, the defender
becomes a level 8 undead monster champion who returns to gets to gain spoils. Now this can't be done when the attacking
its controller’s pool. champion wins instantly (like with a Living Wall [PO-58]), but it
can be very effective. If this power is not used, it is just a +4
Death Knight is a strong ally that is very useful for undead ally that comes back every round the realm is attacked (since it
themed decks, since it has been bluelined as Undead by Ogre. is attached to the realm, not the defending champion). The
First off, this +8 ally (a significant bonus) destroys an ally Crypt Thing is most effective when combined with a holding
already in play, very similar to Lurker in the Earth [DU-48]. This that has protections (such as the Geneva Conclave [Promo
will often help you win a battle. If the Death Knight doesn't win #2]), or when combined with the Throne of the Mountain God
the round, it has a nice side effect. If attached to an attacking [4th-510], which means the Crypt Thing sends the attacking
champion (not defending) that is defeated, the ally becomes a champion to the Abyss. This is an effective card that will show
base level 8 monster champion with the characteristic of up in all settings, but be rare in the tournament setting since so
undead. This champion otherwise has no special power (it can few holdings are used.
no longer destroy allies), but still can be very effective for
decks focusing on an undead theme. This power is not unique Shrieker
(it is similar to the Red Dragon Figurine [DR-c14]), and not #10 of 99
special enough to use outside of an undead theme deck. Ally
However, when working with other undead supporting cards +1
such as the Haven of the Undead [4th-71] or Ancient Arms of Can only be attached during phase 3 to an Underdark realm.
Greyhawk [3rd-144], this can be very nasty, and can be This fungus alerts defenders, allowing them to activate their
recycled with the Barracks of the City of Greyhawk [MI-49] or powers first. “When attacking” and “Before combat” powers of
Ghost Crystal [4th-168]. The best way to stop the Death champions owned by opponents do not work while this ally is
Knight's transformation into a champion is to discard him from in play.
combat before the champion loses with cards like Lurker in the
Earth or Net of Entrapment [1st-217]. This card will show up in The shrieker has been officially bluelined as "Underdark." This
many undead fun decks, but not in other settings except large card is nearly worthless if not in a Underdark themed deck (or
(110) undead tournament decks. at least with a significant Underdark flavor), becoming a just a
+1 ally, which is the same thing it is whenever played into
Aurumvorax battle from hand. What makes the Shrieker worth playing is
#08 of 99 that it can be attached to an Underdark realm during phase 3.
Ally Once "planted", the Shrieker has two powers. First off, this
+6 player becomes immune to powers that activate "When

Millenium Online - Página 366

attacking" or "Before Combat". Examples of this kind of power Any of the standard methods for removing allies work well to
include Agis [1st-261] and The Elf Prince Fhileraene [BR-89]. remove the Reef Giant's sometimes annoying level.
This even stays in effect for when the Shrieker's owner attacks
(but not affecting his cards), and even when the Shrieker's Desert Giant
owner isn't involved. Also, when the Shrieker's realm is #13 of 99
attacked, defenders can use their powers first, which is very Ally
important when using or fighting instant win cards. As most of +5
the "Before Combat" type powers aren't that common in Gains 5 levels if in combat over a Dark Sun realm. All
tournaments and the Shrieker's attachment requirement, the swimming champions and allies in combat against the Desert
Shrieker won't be seen in many tournament settings, but it is a Giant lose 2 levels.
great support card for fun decks using enough Underdark
realms. This giant ally is minorly interesting, but decent theme support.
In a Dark Sun deck, or attacking one, this ally becomes a +10
Blink Dog ally (5+5). That's pretty good, but not the best. Better is the fact
#11 of 99 that it is a giant, and therefore useable for that theme as well,
Ally and works with cards supporting that theme (like the Hall of
+? King Snurr the Fire Giant [IQ-50]). Additionally, swimming
May be played into a combat where this player is not involved. champions and allies lose 2 adjusted levels, but this bonus is
When played into combat, roll 2d4 for the level of this ally. Can very minor except against a swimming theme deck. It is just
blink back to its owner’s hand at any time, before combat ends. meant to put in higher levels and batter the opponent. For the
concept, it is well done, but will only find a home in some fun
This is a very interesting ally card. It's level is equal to the roll decks, not any tournament quality decks, and those tourney
of 2d4 (averaging +5), and can be maximized to a +8 using decks that try to do so will find they could have had much
Rigged Dice [MI-22] (however, the average gain of 3 levels is better support.
hardly worth using the card). However, it has two other
features that can make it very useful. First off, it can be played Feinoue, Void Shaper
into any round of battle, even when you are not involved, #14 of 99
which makes this a wonderful support card for theme Wizard
tournaments like team partner games, or just when you want to 10
influence other players' battles. This can be very useful, but AD&D
can be done by other cards, like Foulwing [TU-76], so isn't that If Feinoue wins a round of battle, he can either randomly draw
special. However, any time during a battle, this ally can blink one card from the opponent’s draw pile to send to the Void and
(return) to its owner's hand. This can be incredibly useful, then he goes to limbo for 1d10 turn; or he can search the
especially if it is in play first, and then the opponent plays a opponent’s deck for one card, sending it and himself to the
card that allows instant victory. Since the Blink Dog was in play void.
first, it can activate its power and get out of the battle before
certain death. This also works well when the ally if going to be This wizard of too many vowels was one of the most argued
destroyed by the enemy anyway (however, the Dog can only cards on the Spellfire Mailing List when Millenium was first
activate this way when the card is play. Once the counter- published, and those discussions created this version of the
effect time is done, the Dog can be killed by cards in play, and card. Feinoue's high level dictates that if you plan to use him,
once that destruction is declaired, the blink cannot be used as you must have a plan for him. The strongest combo with him is
a counter effect. This card can show up in many fun decks, but the Arena of Dori the Barbarian [IQ-3] or Blood Challenge [BR-
not most tournament decks, since bonuses higher than the c20]. This allows him better chances for victory, since his
maximum +8 can be found, many with better powers that help power doesn't help him win. However, once he wins, his power
win, not just recover from loss. However, this is definitely a comes into affect and he has a choice. He can either randomly
very fun card to play with. draw a card from the opponent's deck and sending it to the
Void (requiring a reshuffling after he acts, but not before,
Reef Giant making Ren's Crystal Ball [1st-199] useful before attacking)
#12 of 99 and then the Void Shaper goes to Limbo for 1-10 turns (since a
Ally d10 can not give a 0 result), or he can search the deck, and
+4 send a card of choice to the Void, going along with it. This is a
Gains 6 levels if in combat over a coastal realm. All non- high price, but can be useful to get rid of particularly nasty
swimming champions and allies in combat against the Reef cards, like the Fates [BR-c23] or A Sure Thing [NS-72]. It
Giant lose 2 levels. works best when coupled with instant win allies or spells, but
not magic items or artifacts, as he is sent to the Void or Limbo
Reef giant is a decent theme card for support of good fun from battle (removing attachments). This card will find itself
decks, but not strong enough for tournament decks. This ally into many different decks, including tournament decks, so be
(bluelined as a swimmer) is strong for any swimming themed prepared to stop it, or at least have a Ring of Reversion [RV-
deck, since most realms set to defend with it have the coastal 63] handy.
picture, making the Reef Giant a +10 ally. Additionally, for
each non-swimming champion or ally played by the opponent, Cooshie
this giant effective gives the player another two in balance #15 of 99
(since the opponent's lose them). Since most champions and Ally
allies are not swimmers, this bonus can be significant as well +3
(woking much better than the similar power granted by the Gains 6 levels if allied with an elf. Can be attached during
Desert Giant [MI-13]). The Desert and Reef Giants together phase 3 to any elf champion, staying with the champion until
cause all opposing champions and allies to lose 2 levels, and defeated or discarded during combat.
thuse are not a bad combination together. However, the Reef
Giant only gives level modifiers, and while that is great in non- The Cooshie is a nice support ally for some elf decks, but
tournament games, most allies found in tournaments have otherwise is a waste. When not attached to an elf, this is only a
even bigger bonuses or special powers that allow victory. This, +3 ally with no power, so is only possibly worth it in an elf
in addition to the fact that this ally doesn't give himself or the deck. When attached to an elf, the bonus is +9, much more
attached champion any additional defense or immunity, means worth while, and stays with the champion until discarded in
this is rarely an ally that the opponent needs to worry about. combat or the attached champion is defeated (in which case
the ally is discarded, even if the champion was saved. This is

Millenium Online - Página 367

very similar to Gladiators [3rd-257], which have the same blodd ability. It has not effective against those support card
effect when attached to Dark Sun champions. The icon bonus types after they are initially played (such as Bloodform [4th-
of the Cooshie is very nice for elf decks, but still not the best 446]), but that is a minor penalty. The best part about this
available, and usually won't validate this card. The only times counter is that there is only one way to negate this counter:
you will see this card in elf fun decks, and even then it is not Unavailing Sacrifice [IQ-42]. This is additionally stronger since
guarenteed. there are no cards that can prevent thief skills or blood abilities
from being countered/ Therefore, any deck expecting to face
Phoenix these support cards would do well to use this card. Plus, if you
#16 of 99 don't end up facing thief skills or blood abilities, then you still
Ally have a +5 ally, which is a significant bonus. All in all, this is a
+8 very good card, and has been showing up in fun decks and
Flyer. During phase 0, if this ally is in the discard pile you may, tournament decks alike. This is one of the best cards from
roll 2d6. If doubles are rolled, put this ally into the abyss, Millenium!
otherwise return this ally to its owner’s hand.
Defilers Crown
The pheonix is an interesting ally for decks focusing on #19 of 99
combat. The +8 icon bonus is definitely significant. Other than Artifact
the bonus and being a flyer (which is very useful for many +1
combat decks), this card has no other combat powers. Then, Dark Sun
during the phase 0 of the next turn, there is an 83% chance of Whenever any player casts an offensive spell, he must raze a
returning to its owner's hand. The other 17% of the time it will realm in his own formation. If a realm cannot be razed, then
instead be sent to the Abbys, probably never to return. The roll the spell may not be cast.
to come back is optional and is not required, making it only
worth doing if you don't have another way to return the ally to Defilers Crown is one of the few champion names with a type
your hand (like Jerome Kazinskaia [IQ-25] or Orb of Delight (should be Defiler's Crown), and is an interesting non-spell
[IQ-68]). This is a nice bonus, but allies are usually chosen for card. Worthy of being put in any Dark Sun deck not using
their nasty powers, not icon bonus. Therefore, this very fun spells, it ties a high cost to casting spells. However, there are
card will show up in non-tournament decks, but not often in two ways to use this. In a speedy Dark Sun deck, you can
tournament decks, as the Pheonix will not defeat any force the opponent to use spells when they don't like the cost.
champion by itself. It is a solid support card though a definitely But my favorite combo for this card is to use it in a Playing to
be seen in fun decks. One could use Rigged Dice [MI-22] to Lose [DR-c10] deck. Then, just before your turn, you can cast
insure the return of this ally, but it usually isn't worth the waste a flurry of spells to raze all you realms before your turn begin,
of the card (since it doesn't help card advantage). including Limited Wish [FR-43], Wish [FR-46], and Hornung's
Guess [TU-37]. This can be a great victory method. However,
Cockatrice outside of this, I find that cards forcing no spells to be cast (like
#17 of 99 Nullify Magic [PO-38] or Master Strategist [4th-500]) are more
Ally effective, especially since the Defilers Crown doesn't have any
+4 effect on defensive spells. This card will show up in all sorts of
Flyer. When this ally is played, roll 2d6. If the roll is higher than fun decks, but not many times in tournament settings.
the opposing champion’s base level, that champion is turned to
stone and sent to the abyss. If equal to the opponent’s base Gamblin’
level, this ally is turned to stone and sent to the abyss. #20 of 99
Thief Skill
Cockatrice is one of the strongest, if very random, allies in the Choose 3 champions of a single opponent and shuffle them,
Millenium set. This +4 ally can send an opposing champion to leaving the attachments behind. Have that opponent name one
the Abyss, giving instant victory to the using player. This is of the champions, who must be selected by picking a card at
more likely when the champion level is low (better than 50% random. If correctly picked, all three are returned, if not, the
chance of Abyssalizing when champion level is 6 or less). two non-selected champions are discarded. (Off/3)
However, there is also the chance of losing the Cockatrice
permanently to the Abyss if the roll is exactly equal to the Gamblin' is an interesting card that can be used to deal with
opponent's level. This is most likely to occur when the large pools. When you play it, the target opponent must have
opposing champion's base level is 7 (a 16% chance). This risk three champions in play. Then, he or she may be able to save
is still very low, and only destroys the ally, not the allied all his or her champions that are targeted if he or she chooses
champin, and therefore makes this card very worthy. The only the champion he or she named. If the wrong champion is
other card the is better against low level champions is the picked, the non-picked champions are discarded. The best
Intellect Devourer [3rd-86], which instantly kills champions of way around this card is to use champions of different editions.
base level 5 or less. If Cockatrice is combine with Rigged Dice If you have champions of different editions, you can look at the
[MI-22], this spells instant victory against all champions base card backs (which Ogre has stated is allowed for random
level 11 or less not immune to ally powers. The best defenses draws) and pick the correct editioned card. Of course, this is
against this evil lizard-bird include immunity (like Inyrana the only legal if the cards aren't in card protectors, so this card is
Dragon [DR-26]), preventing the ally from being played (like one of the few that is helped by not using card protectors.
Net of Entrapment [1st-217]), or destroying it before its power However, if champions of all the same edition are picked, then
can activate (like with Airship! [3rd-90]). This card will show up you have the fair 33% chance of getting all your champions
in many tournament and non-tournament decks, since it is very back. In fair chances, over time using this card will get rid of
powerful and can be used by any champion. 1.33 champions, not the best rate. For pool destruction, the
goto card for thief skills is Con Game [DU-82], which is
Solrac guarenteed to get rid of cards. One final bit of advice of
#18 of 99 opposing this card; if there is one very important champion you
Ally want to keep, DON'T make it the champion you name. That
+5 way, if you select, you get to keep it, and if you select the
Can be discarded from combat or hand to cancel a just played named card, you still get to save it (making it 67% likely to get
thief skill or blood ability. the key champion back instead of 33%). Unless you are
making a fun deck, and intelligent opponent should realize that
Solrac is an interesting and very effective counter. Discarding Gamblin' ain't so bad a bet after all.
Solrac from hand or play can counter a just played thief skill or

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Doomgrinder This Ravenloft artifact has some interesting possibilities. First
#21 of 99 off, any champion with it attached, becomes gains the
Artifact attributes flying and undead (vampire), though the vampire
Greyhawk addition currently means nothing in the game. These same
When Doomgrinder is in play, any cards that make any player effects can be gained with magic items (Flying Carpet [AR-49]
draw more (or less) cards than anyone else are discarded and is perfect if all you need is the flying ability). The better ability
none more may be played either. takes effect when attached to Strahd Von Zarovich [RV-100],
The Doomgrinder is the most effective anti-speed card ever which makes all champions in the pool (and battle) flying
created. While in play, no cards that allow any player to draw undead (vampires). This can work very well when combined
more cards than anyone else may not be played. This includes with cards like Haven of the Undead [4th-72], Throne of Bone
realms (like Tyr [1st-224]), holdings (like Mulmaster [1st-33]), [4th-462], or Favorable Winds [DR-24]. However, cards set
artifacts (like Medallion of Faith [DL-c25]), magic items (like the against any of these types (like Wind Dancers [1st-275], Water
Bag of Holding [AR-28]), events (like Good Fortunes [1st-100]), Hunters [1st-276], and Gloriana [1st-c3]) will now be able to
and other cards. Additionally, if any of those cards are in play, crush you. Therefore, one must look very closely before
they are immediately discarded (even if their effect has already deciding to use this card. This will show up in some attack
been used, like with Temple of Elemental Evil [1st-123], or decks to grant the flying ability, but this would be better using
could be used, like Duchy of Tenh [3rd-139]). Even more Nature's Throne [4th-461]. Therefore, the best defense against
impressive is that is also gets rid of cards that reduce a this is a good anti-flying card, like the Rod of 7 Parts, Part 6
player's draw, like the Ring of Winter [FR-61], the Dragonfont [AR-26].
[AR-c20], and even Two-Fisted Player [MI-51], sending the
dungeon to the void. Overall, this effect is huge, and can fully Jail Break
shape a game. The only problem it has is that it is a Greyhawk #24 of 99
artifact, making it more difficult to play. A deck using this Thief Skill
strategy should avoid all cards that stay in play for the effect May be played at any time to return all champions and allies
(Tyr is out, but Good Fortunes isn't a bad choice), and find that are controlled by another player, back to their original
enough solid champions to attach it to, especially if they can owners. Discard any cards that are attached to them. (Def)
get solid immunity. Good examples include Erital Kaan-Ipzirel This card was made to fight the strongest card stealers from
[AR-81] (if you don't plan to use her escaping power), Bigby affecting you for long. Good examples of card stealers include
the Great [RR-28], The Keeper [RR-43], Gib Irod [NS-c21], or Borrow [DL-85], Curse of the Azure Bonds [FR-2], Drawmij
Rary [1st-161] / Rary's Apprentice [DU-c19], and Gib Ergo [IQ- [AR-76], Corruption [MI-29], and Turncoat!!! [MI-46]. This
32]. The best counter for this are the same cards that can be counter effect can be strong, but is very much a silver-bullet
used to destroy any artifacts, like Fast Talking! [1st-210] or type card that is worthless if the opponent does not try to steal
Cone of Cold [4th-368]. Otherwise, be prepared for a slow, fair your cards. Also, it only stops it once, and doesn't protect your
game, some players' worst nightmares. Because of this, this champions from being abducted in the future (a definite
card will show up in many settings, and all speed decks need concern versus a Corruption / Armor of the High King [BR-27]
to be ready to nail it. combo). Plus, it is a thief skill, enabling your user to be
targeted by cards like Law and Order [MI-33]. Unless you know
Rigged Dice your opponent is trying to steal your cards before you begin,
#22 of 99 Jail Break isn't worth it, and even then, it might be better to use
Thief Skill more generalized counter cards.
Playable at anytime before there is a die (or dice) roll to be
made. The player of this skill chooses the results of the roll Egg of Emulation
instead of an actual roll. (Off) #25 of 99
This card has lots of potential for use, especially as future sets AD&D
make more dice rolling possible. The completely list of cards The Egg may be used at any time to negate any event
affected by this include Aurumvorax [MI-8], Blink Dog [MI-11], (sending the egg to the discard pile). If the negated event was
Pheonix [MI-16], Cocktrice [MI-17], Treasures of Netheril [MI- harmful, this player may smash the Egg (sending it to the
27], Desperate Consultation [MI-35], Turncoat!!! [MI-46], Great abyss instead) to make a copy of the negated event.
Depression [MI-53], Teleport Other [MI-67], Hornung's
Randomness [MI-78] (affecting then any card with a draw and The Egg of Emulation is an interesting artifact that gives a little
discard), Entropy Shield [MI-82], Melf's Acid Arrow [MI-84], extra power to the AD&D world. The primary use of the egg is
Polymorph Any Object [MI-88], Headbutt [MI-95], and discarding it from play to negate an event, much like Helm [FR-
Roundhouse [MI-96]. The most effective that Rigged Dice can 89]. This, all by itself, makes the egg worth playing. However, it
work with are Cocktrice (to insure victory), Desperate has an additional ability that makes it even more useful. If you
Consultation (to draw extra cards), and Roundhouse (for choose to send it to the Abyss instead of the discard pile, not
obscene icon bonuses). This will continue to grow as more only is the original event negated, but you then get to play a
sets are produced. However, to insure proper use of this card, copy of that event upon someone else. This is the ONLY way
put it in a deck where you intend to use a combination. Without currently available to both negate and copy an event (normally
that plan, Rigged Dice won't help you much, especially as it is you must choose between the two), and makes this artifact
a thief skill and open you up to disasterous counters from the well worth carrying if you have enough champions to use it.
opponent, such as Law & Order [MI-33]. Therefore, look for Since it does not help in battle at all, it is best to keep it on a
this card anytime anyone plays a card requiring dice rolls is champion who isn't likely to go into battle, or has strong
played. It should be noted that this card can't interact with immunities, like Bigby the Great [RR-28], The Keeper [RR-43]
Louie the Pit Boss [MI-74], because he can't force a re-roll if a (the egg still must be discarded to work), Etherial Champion
real roll was never made. [4th-508], Lernaean Hydra [DR-c7], Gib Hcivonad [NS-c19], or
Highmaster Illithios [DU-c21]. The countering of the Egg's
Strahd’s Medallion negation power doesn't exist, but the egg is vulnerable to
#23 of 99 destruction by any artifact destruction of method (like the Cone
Artifact of Cold [4th-368]). Negating of the copied event can happen
+3 any number of regular methods, plus by using Marauder [4th-
Ravenloft 233]. Expect to see this artifact in play in many settings,
This artifact transforms the attached champion into a flying, including tournament settings, as its power remains quite
undead vampire. If attached to Strahd, all of this players strong.
champions become flying, undead vampires.

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Under Handed Deal This is an interesting artifact for a dragon deck. In addition to
#26 of 99 the significant +5 icon bonus, it also give the user immunity to
Thief Skill spells (except Wish [FR-46]), blood abilities, and thief skills, a
Playable when this player is forced to discard cards by an very unique set of immunities. The only major support card
opponent. Instead, this player now draws the amount of cards types not protected against are psionic powers and unarmed
that would have been discarded. (Def) combat cards. This, all by itself, is a good reason to use this
This is an interesting card that is one of the best defences card and why it should be considered. However, it has an
against people playing with and destroying cards from your additional power when combined with a dragon avatar, which
hand. When someone would have discarded a card or more allows the immunity to go to all of this player's dragon
from your hand, you can play Under Handed Deal instead. champions (which can be all your champions in a dragon
Then, after you figure out how many cards that action would deck). Is this strong enough to warrent waiting for the avatar in
have discarded, you draw that same amount. The more that the deck to be drawn? It depends on your gaming group. If you
the opponent would done to you, the better it works out for have opponents who truly enjoy many of these support types,
you. For instance, if you have 8 cards in your hand and your it is a good choice. If not, it is just a +5 icon bonus with
opponent plays the Cold Cup of Calamity [FR-c2]. You can restrictions. However, a serious dragon deck at tournament
respond with Under Handed Deal, which would save you the level should consider this card, especially if they use one of the
three cards you would have discarded, and draw 3 cards three dragon avatars. It is a good support card and should
instead. Subtracting this card after figuring how many cards have a place in most dragon theme decks, whether they are
are drawn, this still gives you a card advantage of 5 (+1 for the fun or serious. It is a fairly strong card, and the only sure ways
wasted opposing card). This is most effective when other of getting rid of it if you are using one of those support card
players go to destroy you whole hand or multiple cards (the types are Wish and The Torture Room [DU-12].
card advantage isn't that good when it only affects one card,
like with the Discovery of Spellfire [2nd-401] or Hettman Tsurin Corruption
[1st-172], so the best cards to stop that are often seen in #29 of 99
tournaments include The Cold Cup, Starving Artist [3rd-439], Blood Ability
or Handmine [DU-c16] (And becoming immune to Handmine Usable only by Awnshegh. Place a champion in another
means your own poking into other people's hands). This card player’s pool in yours with this card attached. The corrupted
will be in lots of situations where Touchy-Feely themes hurt the champion remains under this players control until either it or
most. Therefore, it will be found in many decks that have Corruption is discarded. (Off/3)
enough users for the thief skills. Be ready to negate this card if
you intend to destroy cards in your opponent's hand. Corruption is one of the most interesting cards in the Millenium
set. This is the only restricted blood ability so far, in that only
Treasures of Netheril awnshegh can use it (only 11 champions or any champion
#27 of 99 using Bloodform [4th-446] can use it so far). However, it has a
Forgotten Realms portentially very nasty effect. You can steal any champion in
Artifact play (not immune to blood abilities), and use him as your own
During this player’s phase 0, this player must roll 1d4 and until the champion or the Corruption is discarded. This is very
perform the following: 1) Search for one ally in their draw pile. strong, and can potentially ruin any player's plan to destroy
Show it and place it into their hand. 2) As 1, but for a magic their opponent. The fact that the Corruption stays on the
item or artifact. 3) Move to phase 2 skipping phase 1. 4) champion until they are discarded means that only one
Shuffle any one card in any discard pile into its owners draw champion can be corrupted at a time (recycling with the Armor
pile. of the High King [BR-27] was the major concern causing this).
However, this still is a very powerful card. The strongest card
The Treasures of Netheril is an interesting chaos card that combo to use with Corruption is Armor of the High King and
should never be used. First off, being a world focused artifact, the Assassins' Guild [NS-14], allowing you to force your
it is already limited by who can use it. Additionally, it only has opponent to lose 2 champions a turn with little to no lose in
effects during phase 0, so it takes a turn after it is played to personal card use. You can also use stolen champions to
have any effect what so ever. Also, you only have a 50% prepare a way for an avatar. This card advantage is great
chance of gaining a card on a fair roll (1 or 2). This can be very (especially when there are few players in the game), and is
useful, but not worth the other risks. 25% of the time, you worth considering for the strongest decks. Right now, there are
should skip your phase 1, meaning you lose the 3 (or more) few counters for blood abilities; these are Invulnerability [BR-
cards you could have drawn. Finally, on a roll of a 4, you take 45] and Dispel [4th-400]. The rest are though finding immunity,
a card in your (there is little to no reason to use this ability on but that can be overcome with the Torture Room [DU-12].
an opponent) discard pile to put one of the cards into your There isn't a really good way around this nasty card, except
draw pile. Assuming you roll fairly and have the average phase that few champions can use it. That's why you need to be
1 draw, overall the Treasure lose you card advantage, ready to accept losing a champion at any time. This will turn
especially when you consider the draw just to get the your best weapon against you, and will need to be considered
Treasures. It might be worth it if your deck is focused on a for any deck that has enough champions to use it.
particular magic item, artifact, or ally, and you had Rigged Dice
[MI-22] ready for the first turn (and than sacked the champion it Bloodstone of Fistandantilus
was on for something like an avatar), but if you want to do that, #30 of 99
better methods are available, like Lost Treasure [RR-c4] or Artifact
Moraster [4th-339] to get it quickly. Generally, the Treasures of Dragonlance
Netheril can remain buried forever for most deck construction. Can only be attached to any wizard. If the wizard using this
artifact wins a round of battle, he can take the special power of
Crown of Dragon Royalty the opposing champion, if it went to the discard pile. The
#28 of 99 power is additional to his own.
+5 This artifact has many interesting possibilities, but is hard to
AD&D get rolling. This artifact can be used only by a wizard from any
Usable only by any dragon champion. The crown grants the world (the Dragonlance designation is only important for World
wearer immunity to offensive spells, blood abilities, and thief War restrictions). The Bloodstone has effectively no special
skills. If used by a dragon avatar, the immunities extend to all power until its possessor defeats and discards an opposing
dragon champions in the player’s pool. champion. When this happens, the possessor steals the power
from the defeated champion and adds it to his own. This can

Millenium Online - Página 370

make nearly impossible immunity combinations and awesome Playable at any time to cancel a just played thief skill. The
power combinations. However, it doesn't really help its user player of the thief skill must discard one card from hand, pool,
until 2 extra powers are added (1 to make up for the or formation for each thief in his pool. (Def)
Bloodstone, and 1 to be truly extra), and thus it will be rarely
used. The Bloodstone is most useful if attached to a strong This is probably the most powerful counter against a thief deck
combat wizard with other attachments to allow easy victory. available. Played just after a theif skill, that skill is countered.
While the Bloodstone doesn't lend its wielder any protections, Then, the offending player must discard one card for each thief
if someone lets it build strength, by the time you want to in his pool (note, this doesn't include in battle). These discards
destroy it, it will be to tough to stop. Therefore, the best time to can come from hand, pool, or formation. Worse yet, this card is
try to destroy this artifact (if you feel you need to) is after 1 very hard to stop, as it is for some reason defensive, so the
victory, just when the opponent thinks they are getting strong best powers to stop it, like immunity through cards like Mount
value out of the card. However, with the initial weakness, it will Deismaar [DR-9], is worthless. Worse yet, there is no blood
only be found in fun games. ability counter for thief skills, so once this is played, a pure thief
deck is wasted. However, there are still many decks that won't
Absorb Spell carry this card. That is because unless the opponent plays a
#31 of 99 thief skill, this card is worthless and can't be used to hurt thief
Blood Ability champions. Therefore, this silver bullet will often not be used,
May be played at any time. This card makes the user of this especially since some tournament decks just dabble with
blood ability the target of an offensive spell. Both the user of champions able to use thief skills to use key cards like Con
this ability and the spell are sent to the abyss. (Def) Game [DU-82], and therefore won't be that effected by this
card. Expect to see it in fun environments when people get
This is a blood ability that would be very useful in some sick of evil thief skills destroying their themes.
situations, but not many. First off, it only works if the opponent
uses offensive spells, which care the only things Absorb Spell The Forgotten Idol
work on, and without spells, the blood ability are worthless. #34 of 99
Then, regardless of the power of the spell, this user and the Artifact
spell will be sent to the Abyss. Worse yet, this is the owners +3
choice, so cards like Masoleum of the Zombie Lord [DU-2] Ravenloft
don't help. However, this can be an effective way to remove a When entering combat, the attached champion may use the
spell from the opponent's use in a game (because recycling idol’s influence to have one champion from any pool battle
spells are a common tournament theme), and can save a instead. Win or lose, the stolen champion and the Idol are
realm from cards like Disintegrate [1st-392], Estate discarded after combat.
Transferance [3rd-437], or Creeping Doom [FR-29]. Therefore,
this may be an acceptable trade for a player sick of facing The Forgotten Idol, though often forgotten by much of the
nasty realm destroying spells, especially since there are no Spellfire Community, is one of the best champion destroyers in
blood abilities that counter spells. This might be seen in blood the game. The only problem with use, is that it is a Ravenloft
ability focused decks, but in very few other scenarious (other artifact, and thus few decks have enough proper champions to
support card types have better counters). validate carrying it. The Idol should never reach combat, so the
+3 level only helps when protecting a camping champion from
Madame Griselda’s Tarroka Deck phase 3 cards (like Drain Will [DU-75]. When an opponent
#32 of 99 pushs forward to attack you, use the Idol to steal any
Ravenloft champion not immune to artifacts for the battle. Since few
Artifact champions are immune to artifacts, this is a good way to pull
+2 non-combat champions into combat. Regardless of how the
Every time this artifact goes into battle, draw a card for a battle goes, the champion you have stolen is discarded, as it
bonus (place it underneath). If the last digit is a 9, discard the the Idol, with no lasting damage to the champion holding the
attached champion. Otherwise, the total bonus of the deck is Idol. This is a great way to kill champions like Chernivik [4th-
equal to 2 plus the sum of last digits of all cards under the 247] or Necba [DU-c14] who usually never enter combat.
deck. If the deck leaves play, all of the cards under it (including There are few good ways of protecting against this artifacts,
events) go to the discard pile. but those methods include either destroying it before the
artifact can be used (with cards like Fast Talking [1st-210] or
Madame Griselda's Tarroka Deck is a nice icon bonus for an Mordenkainen's Disjunction [RR-46]), or finding immunity (the
artifact, but that is all. When it goes into combat, you pull a only general method I know for this is the Amulet of Protection
card from your deck and add it to it. The last digit is added to from Artifacts [TU-28]). The best choice to fight this is just to
the icon bonus, with all other cards with it. If the last digit is a 9 accept that it will kill one of your champions and not rely on
(around 10% chance, depending on how the deck is built), the one to heavily.
champion, deck, and all associated cards go to the discard
pile. That means the icon bonus of this card starts between +2 Desparate Consultation
(draw is a 0) to a +10 (draw is an 8). If used multiple times, this #35 of 99
icon bonus is quite significant, but that also holds up a few of Blood Ability
your cards as powering hostages. Since most attachments +?
don't survive multiple battles, it would be better to get a large Roll 1d6 for the bonus of this card. If the die value is greater
icon bonus card of similar power without having to lose cards than the number of cards in your hand, draw that many cards.
from your deck. Good attachments that would work just as (Def/4)
well, if not better, include The Throne of the Gods [4th-460]
and Murlynd's Spoon [IQ-65]. As such, don't expect to see this Desperate Consultation is an effort to give blood abilities a
card played much, and thank the stars if your opponent's do, possible speed card. When you play it in battle (and therefore,
because he or she is more than likely hurting themselves by not very good for a camping-style deck), roll 1d6. Not only is
preventing themselves from drawing cards that may be this roll the icon value of the card (averaging at +3.5), but it
important to their theme. also have another affect. If the die roll is larger than the
amount of cards in your hand, you may draw the die's value in
Law & Order cards (if you have 3 cards, and roll a 5, you draw 5 more
#33 of 99 cards). Note that since dice are rolled only after counters can
Blood Ability be played, your opponent must choose whether to stop you
before he knows if you will draw any extra cards (and if you foil

Millenium Online - Página 371

his attemps to counter you, your hand is that much smaller and weakness. Any champion with spell immunity is still safe from
increases the odds of getting to draw cards). This can be very the Sacred Flame (since immunity negation is not explicitly
useful, especially when joined with other cards. This can be stated), so the perfect defense against Sacred Flame is the
quickly recycled after the battle with cards like the Torture Winner's Cape [4th-520], since it gives all of a player's
Room [DU-12] or the Armor of the High King [BR-27]. But the champions spell immunity. For this reason (and spell negation
best combo is when you have in your hand 7 or fewer cards, is a must for any tournament deck), this card won't see much
two of the being Desperate Consultation and Rigged Dice [MI- play in tournaments even with its very strong power. However,
22]. You play the Desperate Consultation (down to 6 in hand this would be a great card for any fun deck with enough
from a starting 7), and then play Rigged Dice from the pool or casters for it, and work well for settings banning realm
battle (putting you down to 5 cards in hand). You choose a 6, destroying spells (Disintegrate [1st-392] and Estate
and then draw six more cards. For two cards (if you aren't Transferance [3rd-437]).
countered), you get 6 cards (4 cards advantage), and an icon
bonus of +6 in battle. The only champions who can pull this Consequence
combo off all by themselves are El-Hadid [NS-40], The #38 of 99
Vampire [NS-71], or any champion carrying the Winner's Cleric Spell
Trophy [DU-c1]. There are a wide variety of counters for both -1
blood abilities and thief skills (though most are silver bullets) All cards that say "copy", "copies", "imitate", "imitates",
that can stop this combo. "mimic", "mimics", "duplicate" or "duplicates" are discarded.
(Off 3/4)
Ring of Displacement
#36 of 99 Consequence is a single use silver bullet against many
Artifact copying cards, but not all of them. The complete list of cards
AD&D affected by Consequence is: Staff of Mimicry [RV-61], Sir
Usable by any champion. Whenever any player draws extra Edmund Bloodsworth [RV-95], Bell of Might [FR-c18], Drawmij
cards (beyond the 3 allowed for their draw phase, and spoils), [AR-76], Onad the Weasel [AR-c6], Lord Blacktree [AR-c7],
they must also discard an equal number from hand, pool, or Yorgia Sandow [PO-10], Quill Pen of the Planes [PO-c8], The
formation. Tantelear [PO-c9], Crown of Regency [BR-26], Rhuobhe
Manslayer [BR-c14], Land of Legend [IQ-4], Mimic [IQ-88],
The Ring of Dispacement is an interesting anti-speed artifact. and, of course, Consequence (if a way to make it long lasting
Firstly, since it can be used by any champion, this gives the is found). However, there are many cards that are very much
Ring a lot of versitility for decks it can be involved in. When any like copying, but have wrong word tenses, or use different
player draws more than the base 3 cards during their turn wording. Those include: Fang of Nosferatu [RV-70], Sivak
(Note: If a card reduces the draw, like the Ring of Winter [FR- Draconians [DL-48], Hallucinatory Terrain [FR-42] (uses
61] or Two-Firsted Player [MI-51], even cards refilling that lose "Duplicating" and "Copied"), Cosmic Justice [AR-40], Rayden
(like Arkhold to negate Ring of Winter) are discarded), they Valers [PO-28], Graft Weapon [PO-91], Gib Drawsemaj [NS-
must discard an equal number of cards as drawn. Those c22], Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen [DU-24], The
discards can come from hand, pool, or formations. The best Shadowlands [IQ-2], and Nosredna's Amulet [IQ-63]. That list
way to deal with this card is to take it. Draw the extra cards, all talk about copying, or effectively copy other cards in play.
and find fun things to do with the discards. You can get rid of Unless you are a player who is sick of taking beatings of cards
cards affecting your cards (like Vistani [RV-78]), or discard on the first list, you might consider Consequence, but
cards you have stolen from other players (like with the Curse otherwise, dump it. It only hurts you (the -1 icon bonus), and
of the Azure Bonds [FR-4]). You can weed out special silver doesn't get rid of some of the cards you want to get rid of.
bullet cards from you hand with new cards. For those decks
this really hits hard (like Mulmaster [1st-33] themes, you can Animate Dead
get rid of this card with any champion slayer or artifact specific #39 of 99
destroyer (like Mordenkainen's Disjunction [RR-46]), since the Cleric Spell
Ring of Displacement gives it's wielder no immunities. Take any non-avatar champion in ANY discard pile, and place
Therefore, if you play with the Ring, you should attach it to a it into your pool with this spell attached. The attached
champion with notable immunities, like the Etherial Champion champion loses 2 levels. Discard this champion if this spell
[4th-508], Lareth King of Justice [DR-22], or Gib Lhadsemlo leaves play for any reason. (Off 3)
[NS-c18]. This can effectively slow down major speed decks,
but doesn't really hurt the casual speeder (just getting extra This card is very close to previous champion returning cleric
cards per turn) much, especially if you are using evil spells, including Raise Dead [1st-366], Heal [RV-45], Divine
attachments on your opponent. The better anti-speed card Intervention [DL-81] and Ressurection [FR-34]. Additionally, it
would be the Doomgrinder [MI-21], if you have the Greyhawk reduces the adjusted (not base) level by 2, making it
champion to attach it to. Expect to see this card in a variety of weaker.than the original version, which is why this card should
settings and evil plans. not be used for your own champions. However, the beauty and
power of this card is that it doesn't have to be used on your
Sacred Flame own champions; Animate Dead can pull a champion from any
#37 of 99 discard pile! This feat cannot be duplicated by any card in
Cleric Spell Spellfire (a few can steal champions, but not for this duration
The cleansing power of the fire allows this player to remove or from the discard pile). However, even this very cool power
any card currently attached to any champion, regardless of has a few problems. Most importantly, this is an offensive
special powers. (Off 3/5) spell. It is true that champions in the discard pile have no
special powers, but the second they get into play, if they are
This is an interesting card that can find use in many different normally immune to offensive spells (or have it granted by
settings. Sacred Flame must be cast from the pool, but has a another card, like a Winner's Cape [4th-520] in the
wide disversity of what it can destroy. It can discard any card spellcaster's pool), they are immediately discarded again, as
attached to a champion, be it a magic item, artifacts, or other they fight off the power pulling them from the grave. This is
card allowed to stay attached (like the Hook Horror ally [DU- most useful for combat decks, or slay from afar style decks
47]). This special power is even stronger than the protections (comboing very well after you cast a slaying spell such as Slay
against cards of its type. It can remove a Murlynd's Spoon [IQ- Living [RR-47]), where you can use your opponent's camping
65] from a champion, and pull magic items off Falx the Silver champions against them (thought the best ones, like Necba
Dragon [RR-31] with the Flame's power to work regardless of the Wrathmaker [DU-c13], are immune to spells). This card will
special powers. This can be very effective, but has a show up in many fun decks, and will show up in a few

Millenium Online - Página 372

tournament decks when players realize what makes this spell Dispel Evil
so powerful. #43 of 99
Cleric Spell
Magic Font Discard any monster in play, regardless of special powers. (Off
#40 of 99 3/4)
Cleric Spell
This spell stays in play until dispelled or negated. Pools cannot Dispel Evil is like many other spells, but just slightly more
be hidden from this player. (Def 3) powerful. Spells to get rid of monsters include Banishment
This card only directly affects three cards: The Cleric of Mask [1st-395], Speak with Monsters [BR-56], and Charm Monster
[1st-70], Cyric [FR-92], and the Etherial Champion [4th-508]. [4th-374]. This is in addition to all the general extermination
While the first one is not well noted (since it really only hides spells. However, the thing that seperates Dispel Evil from all
her attachments), the latter two are very commonly seen in others is that it works regardless of special powers. This
tournaments. Having a pool hidden from you can be very includes all special powers, including everything from immunity
deadly in tournaments, particularly if cards like Necba the for power, to strong spell immunity as provided by the Winner's
Wrathmaker [DU-c13] hiding. However, if your opponent Cape [4th-520]. This factor makes it worth considering for
carries none of these, then this card is worthless. Due to this many different decks, as monsters tend to be some of the most
(and the fact it only allows the casting player, not everyone, to powerful champions. Just a few that would be worth
see the pool), this card isn't seen in many tournament decks, considering as the target includes Iuz the Evil [1st-167], Gib
as cards that allow similar things but have other advantages, Htimsen [1st-c13], Stryck [1st-c17], Living Scroll [2nd-408],
such as the Monacle of Bagthalos [IQ-59], are better, Gatekeeper [3rd-422], Korgunard the Avangion [AR-75], Living
especially since Magic Font can easily be gotten rid of (unless Wall [PO-61], the Demi-lich Zyenj [TU-c15], The Gorgon [BR-
the Star Gem of Martek: Clear Crystal [RR-77] is being used). 64], Shadow Dragon [DR-36], Lernaean Hydra [DR-c7], Gib
This card will only really show up in tournament decks, as most Lhadsemlo [NS-c20], Fire Dragon [DU-38], The Grim Reaper
people don't put many hiding cards in their fun decks. If you [IQ-26], Kronos the Titan [MI-62], or any of a number of other
really count on hiding your pool, pack extra spell stoppers, but nasty monsters. This card will show up in decks expecting to
otherwise you can ignore the existance of the card. face any of these nasty monsters. It may even make a few
tournament decks, but the best way around it is any of the
Amish Nick multitude of spell counters for dispelling or spell turning.
#41 of 99
Cleric Unholy Word
5 #44 of 99
AD&D Cleric Spell
Can cast wizard spells. Because of his faith, he is immune to Send any hero to the abyss, regardless of special powers. (Off
the powers of all cards from booster sets made after Forgotten 3/4)
Realms. He cannot use them either.
This spell is very interesting, but weaker than previous cards.
Amish Nick is an interesting card, but not interesting enough to Compaired to Mindkiller [TU-56], it is more limited in most
use much. He is both immune to, and cannot play cards from ways. Mindkiller could send any champion to the Abyss in
Artifacts, Powers, Underdark, Runes & Ruins, Birthright, phases 3 & 4. Unholy Word is more restricted that Mindkiller, in
Draconomicon, Night Stalkers, Dungeons, Inquisition, that it only works against heroes. The only advantage Unholy
Millenium, and Third and Fouth Editions, leaving only Word has over Mindkiller is that the hero goes to the Abyss,
Ravenloft, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, and first and regardless of any special powers (including spell immunity).
second edition (plus no edition). The best combination with him This last factor makes it worth considering. The most worth
is Wealthy Oriental Vassal [MI-81]. Being immune to the card, targets of this spell (the most annoying heros) include: Marco
he can play cards beyong first edition, but not much extra (just Volo [1st-50], Hettman Tsurin [1st-172], Tithian [1st-301],
no and 2nd editions). However, aside from this combo, he's Lovely Colleen [1st-c22], Tasslehoff Burrfoot [DL-39], Helm
only useful with a solid attachment to raise his level, and [FR-89], Cyric [FR-92], Etherial Champion [4th-508], Etarkine
blocking opponents not used to playing with a few early cards. [IQ-31], or Gib Ergo [IQ-32]. A deck focused on spells that see
Not many high level cards exist still in that period of cards, but these heroes usually used against it would be wise to carry this
Blamblower [DL-56] works well, as does Vorpal Sword [FR-56]. spell. Unholy Word will often be found in fun decks, and in a
The best way to remove this annoyance is with old killer cards, few tournament decks that are sick of seeing these heroes
like Wish [FR-46], Takhisis's Abyssal Gateway [DL-c13], or used against it often.
Death Spell [1st-392]. This quirky champion won't show up
often, but is worth being prepared for (since even the instant Animate Object
defeat champions activate his immunity, except for the Living #45 of 99
Scroll [2nd-408]). Cleric Spell
Play with a magic item or artifact into your pool. The object is
Withdraw now a champion (hero) with a level equal to its icon bonus (no
#42 of 99 bonus is level 0). The champion keeps its special powers, but
Cleric Spell it is still considered a magic item or artifact. (Def 3)
If about to be defeated or discarded as the result of combat,
the champion may cast this spell to return to his controller’s This spell is very similar in effect to Artifact Champions [AR-
pool with all attached cards. (Def 4) 36]. It allows a magic item or artifact in your pool to become a
hero. Since it must target magic items or artifacts in the pool, it
Santuary [1st-354]. That's what this card with exception of the can not target any realm specific artifacts or magic items (like
fact it covers being discarded, not just defeated, in battle. The Tritan Throne [DU-65] or Boiling Oil [DU-55]) to become
Protecting a champion is okay, but it is better to go for the win champions . The hero's level equals the artifact or item's icon
with a good combat card, or at least pick a card able to save bonus. Then it is vulnerable to cards that kill heroes (like the
any champion, like the Elixer of Health [RR-58]. Otherwise Living Scroll [2nd-408] or Unholy Word [MI-44]), destroy magic
there is no difference. Therefore, if you think about using items or artifacts (like Crystalbrittle [RR-53]), or cards that
Sanctuary, pick this card instead. But otherwise, find a better counter spells (like Dispel [4th-400]). This works best for nasty
card. Definitely the least new / interesting card of the entire or persistant magic items and artifacts. Good examples
Millenium expansion. include: Staff of Conjuring [3rd-105], Kevin's Blade of Doom
[3rd-206] (since it is a hero), Labyrinth Map of Shuuc [2nd-
410], Vorpal Blade [FR-56], Rod of Seven Parts [AR-21-27]

Millenium Online - Página 373

(especially nasty when combined), Winged Boots [AR-20], be the only place one should expect to see this card. Finally, it
Fate's Promise [PO-c6], The Ring of Gaxx [TU-c4], Sword and should be obvious, but this event is harmful.
Helm of Garion [TU-c21], Tighmaevril Sword [BR-46], Scimitar
of Speed [4th-205], Wand of Orcus [AR-2], Pearl Pegasis [DU- Conspiracy!
70], or Orb of Delight [IQ-68]. However, the best combo, bar #48 of 99
none, for Animate Object is Murlynd's Spoon [IQ-65]. Since the Event
spoon can not be discarde by the oppoent or any card the All players write down a champion that they think should be
oppoent controls, it is safer than Chernivick [4th-347] in the discarded. The results are revealed and the champion with the
pool, and, if defeated in battle, only returns to the pool. The highest vote total is discarded (regardless of special powers). If
ONLY way to get rid of an animated spoon is dispelling the the results are tied, all champions in the tie are discarded.
spell, or sending it to the Abyss or Void (since that is stronger (Harmful)
than discarding). This card will see play in many different fun
decks, but it isn't strong enough to make most tournament Conspiracy! is an interesting card that is pretty dangerous in
decks, since magic counters are the rule in that setting. many different situations. When played, all players write down
the name of a champion in play. Then all votes are revealed. If
Turncoat!!! one champion has the most votes, that champion is discarded
#46 of 99 regardless of special powers (like Chernevik [4th-347]) or
Event immunity (like Necba the Wrathmaker [DU-c14]). In most
Choose a champion in play. The owner of that champion rolls cases (at least from play testing), each player will chose a
a 2d4. They must choose and discard that many cards from different champion and all those tied with one vote champions
hand, pool or formation to keep that champion. Otherwise, the will be discarded. This card is very fun in large multiplayer
owning player must place that champion into any other player’s games with greater than 3 players. With 3 players, it is best to
pool. (Harmful) get someone on your side before you play this card
Turncoat!!! is an interesting event that rarely results in exactly (discussing it after playing it is very non-kosher) to get rid of an
what the event player wants. To play it, the player picks one annoying champion like those named or others (like the Poor
champion in play. The champion's owner rolls 2d4, and then Oriental Lord [DU-c20]). In a two player game, it results usually
faces a choice. Discard the roll amount (2-8, average of 5) in in each player losing their most valuable champion, which is
cards from hand, pool, formation, or a combination of those sometimes acceptable. Note, this can't get rid of Wealthy
places, OR put that targetted champion into the pool of Oriental Vassal [MI-81], since on-line expansions are
another player (all attachments go with the champion, but considered to be no edition cards, not first edition. Since this
discarded champion and attachments go to the owner's card gets around immunity, a deck built around one specific
discard pile). It could be into the pool of the event player, but champion need to protect against this card by carrying extra
most often it will be into the pool of a third player not involved event counter cards.
in that action, as few players want to reward the person playing
the event (in a two player game, this can effectively steal a Barracks of the City of Greyhawk
champion for the event player if the opponent doesn't opt to #49 of 99
discard the 2d4 cards). Since this card takes away the card Dungeon
from your hand (when you play it) and often doesn't actually During combat, this player’s allies cannot be discarded or
help the person playing it (since other players usually get the forced to switch sides. If victorious, one ally used in battle can
champion), it is pretty poor for most games, and will only be be returned to the hand.
seen in fun decks.
This is one of the best dungeons for decks that currently don't
Insanely Good Fortune have one they like. Allies show up in most decks, as they can
#47 of 99 be used by nearly every champion. This protects those allies in
Event a number of ways. First off, allies that the Barracks' player
Play on another player’s event card. If played on a helpful uses cannot be discarded or forced to switch sides by the
event, negate the event. If played on “Unusually Good opponent. This helps protect those allies already in play, but it
Fortune”, negate the event. Both players then draw 6 cards, does not protect allies that never get to be played, like when
and the other player then randomly discards his hand down to prohibited by cards like Daggerdale [1st-7] or Tergoz
2 cards. Tenhammer [3rd-60]. Opposing the Net of Entrapping [3rd-
169], allies played before the Net entered play are safe, but no
This is an interesting silver bullet that leaves interesting new allies may be played. Additionally, if you steal you
possibilities for many uses. When Unusually Good Fortunes opponent's allies (with cards like Funerea [4th-327] or Master
[FR-c11] is not in the game, all Insanely Good Fortune does is Illithid [DU-53]), they are protected as soon as you as you gain
negate a helpful event, such as Caravan [1st-319] or Good control of them. The Barracks work very well protecting allies
Fortunes [1st-100]. This can be very useful in some games, from the Triumverate realms, especially since realms activate
but can be made completely useless if the opponent is using before almost all other card powers in battle. Additionally, if
The Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen [DU-24] or Purveyor of victorious in a battle (not just a round of battle), one ally used
Events [DU-16]. However, it becomes very useful if the in that battle can be returned to the owner's hand. This means
opponent uses A Good Defence [IQ-48]. For this measure, it it works very well when defending, as instant defeat champions
isn't too bad to carry except when you expect those dungeons like Dreaded Ghost [4th-246] or Nobel Djinni [1st-84] can come
used against you (like in many tournaments). The silver bullet back immediately after winning a battle for you, giving you a
part of the card is when Unusually Good Fortunes is in play. spoils card in terms of card advantage. There are still a few
This card has been used mostly for its card drawing capability, stronger general dungeons in many cases (like the Azure
and sometimes to neutralize the threat of the original Good Tower of Onad the Fallen [DU-24]), but this would be a good
Fortunes. If used on the target, both players have all previous choice when a few very good allies are being used. Therefore,
effects cancelled, and both players draw 6 cards, the most of this dungeon will show up often in various fun decks where no
any fixed event (Favorable Winds [DR-24] can be more if dungeon addresses the theme, and sometimes in a few
enough fliers are in play). Additionally, the opponent must tournament decks based on battle.
discard their hand down to 2 cards after drawing, slightly
nastier version of The Starving Artist [3rd-439]. This is very Kamikaze!
nasty, and can easily cause many events to go to the Abyss #50 of 99
without ever being played. Since Unusually Good Fortune is a Event
chase card, it is rarely seen outside of tournament settings and Usable only when attacking. The attacking champion charges
without fear, discarding all champions involved in the combat

Millenium Online - Página 374

to the discard pile, and razing the realm (with no spoils). champions to use with Kender Taunting are based on the
(Harmful) round of combat. For the first attack, using a champion who
activates upon defeat, like Aurak Draconian Lord [2nd-418] or
While this looks like a wierd card, this is a god-sent card for the Talcon [4th-341], are best, and the second round using an
defensive player. When you attack (a realm, not any other instant win champion or very powerful combat champion can
card), you play this event when you have a champion you don't add spoils to the champion slaying. The second, and more
mind losing in combat. That champion, and the champion vicious combination is coupling Kender Taunting with any
opposing it (assuming the defender didn't win by instant power that prevents someone from attacking you, such as
defeat, which is something that will prevent Kamikaze! from Solid Fog [1st-382], Bronze Dragons [DL-97], or Phase Out
being played) both will be sent to the discard pile. This can [PO-51]. Because the target champions cannot attack, both
even be improved if you use a champion in battle that is would be discarded immediately. This combo can be a great
immune to events, which cause the immune champion just to method to remove troublesome champions, but it can be
return to their pool (this can also backfire and save a defending stopped by any normal event stopping method, immunity, ot
champion who is immune). This result is often worth it when can be turned around horribly with An Eye for an Eye! [IQ-46],
you know the opponent will put out their best defender. In since this event would force the champions to be discarded,
addition, you get to raze the attacked realm, which can be very activating An Eye for an Eye! without giving you the combate
useful against an opponent on the cusp of victory. Not method out of it. This powerful combo will be found in many
something for the timid at heart, or those needing to keep all of decks in all sorts of settings, though probably not as often in
their champions, but it can be worth it if you don't expect you tournament decks (but still around).
opponent to be able to prevent the razing. This is a good card
for major defensive decks, especially those that bring Great Depression
champions back from the discard pile (like many cleric themed #53 of 99
decks). As always, and opponent used to such tactics can Event
either looks for more realms and champions immune to events, Each player must discard a 1d4 magic item(s) and/or
use standard event stoppers, or carry realm rebuilders. artifact(s), or discard all non-thieves in their pool. If there is a
regent in a pool, that pool requires a discard of 2d4 magic
Two Fisted Player item(s) and/or artifact(s) instead. (Harmful)
#51 of 99
Dungeon The Great Depression is a thief deck's dream. When played,
This player draws one less card per turn, but his hand size is players have two choices: discard all non-thief champions (and
increase to 12 and is immune to all cards and abilities that a deck of all thieves can just choose this option and be
would cause cards to be discarded from his hand. completely safe).or discard 1d4 magic items and/or artifacts
from play or hand (or 2d4 if a regent is in that player's pool).
This is an interesting dungeon that has a few interesting Note that Rigged Dice [MI-22] isn't very good for use with this
ramifications. First off, the dungeon starts with a huge penalty: card, as a choice is involved and, since each player rolls their
you draw one fewer card per turn. Starting behind all the other own dice, it can affect only one player. The nastiest part of this
players is often difficult to deal with, especially if you can't draw card is that the choice MUST be made before any dice are
the cards to keep up. Therefore, and deck planning on using rolled, so you can't wait to see how high the cost is before
this card needs to have enough extra card drawers to deal with choosing. Worse yet is that if you choose the magic item
the bad delay. Being able to keep 12 cards in hand (4 more and/or artifact choice, and roll higher than the magic items and
than normal) supports a deck focused on speed drawing of artifacts you have total, you still must discard the non-thieves
cards. However, the final power is the main reason to use this (though not the attachments). It all accounts for a very nasty
card. You hand is completely safe from any cards or abilties of effect, with the worse effect against decks using regents,
other players. Not just that, but you are completely immune to especially with the advent of magic item decks using
those cards, so, for instance, if you accidentally active a Chernevik [4th-347] to try to protect them (and Chernevik can't
Handmine [DU-c16], you don't need to discard the card be discarded by this card, but still requires the higher discard
allowing you to search, because you are completely immune to cost). For a true thief deck, this is a great card, but otherwise
the card, not just the hand affect. The best combination with it's nearly worthless. Therefore, you will find it in fun theme
Two Fisted Player is Castle Moovania [IQ-12], which results in decks, but practically no where else. The best ways to counter
a standard hand size, and protected hand, and drawing 4 this card are the standard event counters or champion event
cards pet turn. However, keeping both in play at the same time immunity (like Servei Von Zarovich [RV-98] isn't discarded by
is often very difficult, since most opponents see that as very Great Depression).
power and aim to destroy you. You will only see this card
where the most hideous card advantage takes place, meaning A Horrible Mistake
the tournament setting. Any deck with a theme of hand #54 of 99
destruction needs to plan a way around this card, the best Event
being attacking or Wish [FR-46]. Play whenever an opponent copies another card. Both cards
are discarded to the abyss. If the opponent owns both cards,
Kender Taunting then that player must also draw and discard two cards from
#52 of 99 their draw pile to the abyss. (Harmful)
Force two champions to attack you during their owners’ next A Horrible Mistake is a silver bullet card meant to destroy
phase 4. If they cannot attack, both champions are discarded. decks based upon copying one card, like Gib Kcir [RR-c16],
If the first champion to attack is defeated or razes the realm, Necba the Wrathmaker [DU-c14], or Highmaster Illithios [DU-
the second is not discarded. (Harmful) c21]. However, this card has many of the problems associated
with most silver bullet type cards; it's nearly useless when the
Kender Taunting is a great combo card to eliminate a couple target isn't there. A Horrible Mistake can kill any card, and then
champions. Kender Taunting is a good way to force certain kill what it was copying. Now this can be very useful, and even
pool based champions into attacking, a bane for many "destroy kill three cards when Gib Drawsemaj [NS-c20] is the target (but
from afar" decks. The opponent this is played on may not only when it is first played, because then it stops copying after
choose not to attack and just discard the champions, since the that). However, when the card being copied is yours (like with
second line of the card specifies "cannot", instead of choose Land of Legends [IQ-4], but not Shadowlands [IQ-2], since that
not to. Additionally, the opponent may not play cards to steals), you can have your card dumped just like your
prevent himself from attacking, like Disintegrate [1st-393], opponent's. Either way, those cards go to the Abyss, and the
unless they want to sacrifice both champions. The best ability to force the opponent to send two unknown cards from

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their deck (if you catch them copying their own card) is very Cloak of Protection
potent. Many decks carry some card that copies another, but #57 of 99
the risk of having a dead card in your deck is quite dangerous, Magic Item
as every card needs to count in a game. Some people will During phase 3, this player may elect the attached champion
decide this card is worth that risk, for the potential card to be immune to the powers of one card type (cleric spell,
advantage against a single opponent, but many won't. A player blood ability, ally, etc.). Cannot be used by a champion with
who intends to copy other cards must be aware of this card, the word immune in his power. (Def)
and figure out a good way to stop it (champions immune to
events, event stoppers, etc), because it could destroy your The Cloak of Protection is an interesting card that has some
theme. If you don't intend to play such a theme, only carry this use, but must be built into the correct deck. The biggest
if you've been hurt by said theme often. Otherwise, a more problem with the Cloak is its last line, which means it can not
generally useful card would serve your deck better. be attached to a champion with any immunity other than that
confered by other cards. This card is very versitile, which
Fedifensor normally qualifies it as a good card. Each phase 3, a card type
#55 of 99 may be prevented (only one at a time), plus an immunity can
Magic Item be named immediately when it is played (thus this card is not
+4 useless if playing into battle). The Cloak's protection extends
Sword. When in battle against a thief, the thief is halved in only to offensive or harmful cards in the chosen category
current level and may not play thief skills. May be discarded (since it does not specify defensive), but works well because
from the pool to counter a just played thief skill. (Off) few decks are built around multiple support card types. The
Cloak works best in attack style decks not focusing on
Fedifensor is the ultimate lawful sword, but that useage is immunity, or decks based around a card type to all get
pretty limited. The moderate +4 icon bonus of this sword is immunity from one card (an example of this includes most
only minorly significant, so to chose this item, you need its undead decks, which use the Haven of the Undead [4th-70],
power. In battle against a thief (note: not just a champion who Throne of Bone [4th-462], and Bonemaster, Avatar of Nerull
can use thief skills), the thief is half level and can't use thief [PO-41]). The best way around this magic item is item
skills. Even against the Guildmaster [NS-76], the level destruction of a type not the focus of the deck, especially Flesh
adjustment is 9 (plus half of the Guildmaster's attachament Golem [RV-73] or Whip of Disarming [NS-48].
icon bonuses, as Fedifensor targets adjusted level when
pushed forward), and the only big effect is not being able to Club of Bashing
use thief skills. The biggest effect is the power to be able to be #58 of 99
discarded from the pool (not from hand or from battle) to Magic Item
cancel a just played thief skill, such as Con Game [DU-82] or +5
Rigged Dice [MI-22]. This effect is very nice, but useless Usable only by giants. May be discarded during battle to
against any deck without thief skills. Therefore, Fedifensor is subtract the base level of the attached champion from the
only really worth it if you know you are going to face a thief adjusted level of the opposing champion. If the new adjusted
deck. Therefore, it won't see play much in tournaments, and level is below zero, the opposing champion is discarded. (Off)
very little play in fun games except by players that are sick of
being hit hard by the nastiest of the thief skills. The club of bashing is an interesting item, that is suprisingly
effective, even in non-giant focused decks. The club has a
Ariakan significant icon bonus, but is strongest when it never enters
#56 of 99 battle. Since it can only be attached only to a giant, at least
Hero three must be packed into any deck using the Club of Bashing.
8 The club's power works when discarded, thus making it of
Dragonlance limited usefulness. Also, since the magic item retrieval
All of this player’s realms can defend themselves as level 5 champions are not giants, no cycling combo can be used.
champions. If the realm can already defend itself, the realm However, when used from the pool, you can drain levels from
champion gets a +5 to its adjusted level. a champion opposing one of your champions. This is most
effectively attached to a high level giants who stay in the pool,
Ariakan is an interesting champion with limited useage. First such as Kronos the Titan [IQ-62] or Tyvorg the Frost Giant
off, being a level 8, it is the highest level hero for the [DU-45], which can drain significant amounts, and can be
Dragonlance world. This, and the propencity for having activated before the opponent has a champion to play new
Dragonlance realms unable to defend themselves mean he will cards (since it was in play first). This can cause discard of the
show up often in Dragonlance world deck. Ariakan's key power opposing champion, and can be useful. However, since there
is to make realms defend themselves as level 5 heroes are many ways around this penalty (magic item immunity or
(heroes, as it doesn't specify a different type of champion). triumverate allies being the simplist), it is not worth building a
This power is not incredibly strong, and only should be deck around. The card will very rarely see torunament play,
considered for decks that carry few champions, mostly high and only readily be found in giant theme fun decks.
level (especially since the realm champions are effectively
adjusted level 8, as they get the world bonus). Also, it can Sling of Seeking
empower realms that can already defend themselves, granting #59 of 99
an additional +5 bonus. This means some of the strongest Magic Item
realms are very tough. Examples include Lair of the Eye Tyrant +1
[4th-68] starting battle at an adjusted level 23, or the Oracle at When in pool, this champion can sling a rock that kills one
Delphi [IQ-6] at adjusted level 18. This works very well for giant (champion or ally) in any combat before its power
"championless" decks where all a player's realms defend activates.
themselves. However, outside of the mentioned themes,
Ariakan won't show up in many decks, as it is tough to use a The Sling of Seeking is a minor magic item that can be strong
level 8 champion specifically not to go into battle (since risking in certain situations. Any champion can use this item with a
his power means you may not have it when a realm is forced neglegable icon bonus. It only works from the pool, so putting it
to defend itself). This boosts the last ditch effort, which is how on a champion likely to stay outside of combat maximizes its
most players look at realms defending themselves, most prefer usefulness. This once per battle power can kill a giant
to use those 8 champion levels to win before it gets to that champion or ally. This is very strong. However, to find the
stage. Sling's usefulness, we have to look at who we are likely to kill.
The only giants likely to be found in tournaments are The

Millenium Online - Página 376

Keeper [RR-43] (who often doesn't enter combat), Kronos the Kronos the Titan
Titan [MI-62] (ditto), or Hero Slayer [DU-50]. Since even the #62 of 99
lowest of the three (the most likely one to go into combat) is Monster
not likely to see play in big tournament play, this will very rarely 11
see tournament play. Even in fun play, unless you expect to AD&D
oppose a deck with many giants, this card sees little play. Giant. Earthwalker. Swimmer. Can use wizard spells, cleric
Better choices would include the Sword of Cymrych Hugh [FR- spells, and psionic power cards. Whenever a monster attacks,
62] or Sword of the Avoreen [PO-3]. Giant decks need a it must ask Kronos permission to use its special powers.
defence against cards like this, and the best option is the
Codex of the Infinite Planes [1st-152]. When the Millenium set first debuted, Kronos was one of the
most debated cards as having too much power. First off, this
Necklace of Fangs very high level champion (highest base level giant,
#60 of 99 earthwalker, or swimmer non-avatar) has many movement
Magic Item abilities that would make him a skilled attacker. However, most
+6 tournament decks find better use out of the second section,
Usable only by clerics. During Phase 4, may enslave any which specifies that Kronos can use almost all spells and
undead champion in play to attack and defend for this player. psionics, and helps any deck built on any of those themes, and
The champion returns to its owner’s pool only if it survives the especially shines whith regards to decks that dabble with more
combat. (Off) than one of those. However, it is Kronos's last line that caused
the most problems. Anytime a monster attacks, it must ask
The Necklace of Fangs can be a very powerful item in certain Kronos's owner if it can use it's special power. Power doesn't
situations, but those situations can be quite limited. First off, it include movement abilities (champion characteristics cannot
can only be used by clerics (not just champions able to cast be taken away unless specified, as with Tamarand, Great Gold
cleric spells), and thus only fits into decks of similar themes, Wyrn [MI-30]), but this still knoxcks out most combat worthy
but otherwise is useless. Also, even though not clearly stated, monsters from going forward, such as Living Wall [PO-58] or
this item only works once per battle, thus even an undead deck Stryck [1st-c17]. However, powers that activaten after combat
is not completely handcuffed by this card. Finally, it only works are safe, since they are after Kronos's sphere of influence, so
if your opponent has an undead champion in play for you to Iuz the Evil [1st-168] is not affected by Kronos. Kronos is very
summon (and those running all undead decks usually take strong and has many different uses. The best was to negate
advantage of immunity cards like the Throne of Bone [4th- him is to force his discard with cards like Banishment [1st-395],
462]). All this adds up to a card that can be strong in very since Kronos has no immunities, or negate or steal his power
limited situations, but isn't strong enough to build around it, like (like with Mind alteration [MI-65]. This card will show up in
it needs. This card could be seen in fun cleric decks, but other tournaments, but will have minimal effect against decks low in
than that, don't expect to see it often. An undead deck would monsters, especially as Kronos has no sway over defending
be wise, however, to carry a method of magic item immunity monsters.
just in case.
Chaos Wand
Cupid’s Arrows #63 of 99
#61 of 99 Magic Item
Magic Item Whenever an opponent in combat with the attached champion
+3 wants to play a card, the wand’s owner picks it randomly from
Can be discarded at any time from play to send two champions their hand, discarding any cards that are unusable. (Off)
in combat on a romantic trip to limbo. The battle may continue
with new champions. (Off) This magic item is great for the combat deck sick of opponents
sitting back and avoiding combat. Most decks that try to avoid
This novel magic item pulls on Greek mythology, just like combat pack a few cards to end combat quickly, such as
Kronos the Titan [MI-62]. This card is purely a +3 icon bonus Dreaded Ghost [4th-246] or Cockatrice [MI-17], and have their
until it is discarded. When it is discarded, the two champions in hands full of realms or cards to destroy from afar. The Chaos
battle goes to Limbo, returning at the end of their owner's next Wand targets that player, forcing them to probably lose cards
turn. The magic item, and even the using player, do not need by attriction from the hand, since you randomly discard from
to be involved in the combat, just the item must be in play the hand. Since the discard is specified as Random, cards that
(Cupid's Arrows cannot be used by discarding them from the expose the hand, like I Know What Your Thinking [IQ-85], tell
hand). This can be effective in many ways, but works best you your odds of getting to discard cards with Chaos Wand,
when used to discard champions of two other players while but you can't discard specific cards. This strategy is very
they combat. Attached cards (magic items, artifacts, etc) stay strong, however, there are some nasty ways to make it work
with the champions, while other support cards like allies and against the user. The obvious one is Handmine [DU-c16],
spells are discarded. Overall, the effect is still fairly weak, which destroys the user's hand and the Chaos Wand, and the
possibly earning you spoils or a repreave from attack, but it other best way is Castle Arborgate [IQ-1], which, when
can be made stronger. The best combination with Cupid's discarded, instead enters play immediately instead. Also, the
Arrows is Throne of the Mountain God [4th-510], which forces Herald of Mei Lung [NS-54] works well for this. Even with these
the "loving champions" to the Abyss instead of Limbo. While risks, this no-icon card still can win you matches, and a
this reduces its effectiveness when used to stall an attack devoted non-combat deck would rather give you the razing and
against you (the other decent use of the magic items), it is still the spoils than give you the chance to discard their cool cards.
very strong, especially when you consider it can be brought Expect to see this card opposing you in many game settings
back with Tasslehoff Burrfoot [DL-39] or Pelanth the Bronze by combat decks.
Dragon [DR-28] every turn and used again. While this combo
is very strong, the most effective counter is using champions
immune to magic items when the arrows show up. This counts
for the person using the arrows, as using the arrows from
outside combat while using a champion immune to magic
items leads to easy victory. Don't expect to see this card to Aversion
often in tournament play, but any deck that likes sending stuff #64 of 99
to the Abyss should seriously consider the Arrows/Throne/Tas Psionic Power
combo to lock combat. Can only be played by a player who attacked and was
defeated. Play onto winning defender. While this power is

Millenium Online - Página 377

attached, the champion cannot enter combat with any of this combination or to protect the single power champion, this card
player’s champions. (Off 5) is not worth it and one shouldn't expect to see it much in
This power is a difficult power to have activate, or even to plan. Teleport Other
It is similar to Post Hypnotic Suggestion [PO-7], except this #67 of 99
has a stronger effect (but requires you to attack and lose, Psionic Power
giving spoils). It requires that you attack, be defeated, and the Usable only when one of your realms is attacked. Each player
defender survived, blocking many common strategies found in rolls 1d6 for each unrazed realm in his formation. The highest
winning decks. Champions who could survive such a situation total roll has their front-most realm attacked instead for this
work well to setup this power, such as Ochimo [FR-95] (since battle, regardless of movement restrictions or special powers.
the defeated attacker doesn't have to be psionic), Seveia (Off)
Shadowmaster [PO-14] (though it gives the opponent spoils), This psionic power whould only be defensively used, and when
or Minerva [4th-333] (removing spoils). Being able to use this you know you are only being beaton on because you are
card after losing battle and just having another psionicist use nearly defenseless. When played, all players a number of six
the power after the defeat is very useful, but still requires sided dice equal to the number of unrazed realms in their
losing, and few decks plan to lose. Don't expect to see this formation. The player with the highest total roll becomes the
card too often in tournaments, but this would be a very worthy new target of the attack, at mis or her front realm. Starting off.
addition to a poison-pill theme deck with just a sprinkling of the random effect can result in problems, including possibly
psionic champions. doing nothing (if the power's user rolls highest), or causing a
player to atack himself (often leading to quick defensive spoils
Mind Alteration for the attacking player). Defending players will use this most
#65 of 99 often when down in the entire game, as they will often need
Psionic Power this to escape a beating and cause two other opponents to
This champion may switch the power of any 2 champions in wear each other down. An advantage for using this while
play. This power lasts until it is negated, or if the champions attacking, if you can fix the results (like Rigged Dice [MI-22]), is
face each other in battle. (Off 3) that you could get to a nearly unatackable "red-hat" realm for
the battle, robbing the realm of monement or other attack
Mind alteration is an interesting power that can be used to restrictions. The only deck I see this card doing very well in
suprise decks fouced on a single champion. For example, (because few players plan to be losing) is a Playing to Lose
many decks have shown up that focus on copying the power of [DR-c10] theme deck, since only razed realms are counted for
Nebra the Wrathmaker [DU-c14]. If you switched Necba's rolling. Finally, if multiple players roll the same result, the
power with that of any champion in your pool, not only do all results are rerolled by the players tying for the highest result,
those copies all instantly imitate Necba's current power, but until a final high roller is found. This card shouldn't show up
you suddenly get the advantage of having the original Necba's much in tournaments, but is definitely a nice fun card to have
power. Not just that, but if the original Necba is discarded, your around.
champion with a switched power keeps Necba's power until
discarded. If both champions who have switched powers leave Poisoned Oasis
play, the Mind Alteration also goes to the discard pile. The final #68 of 99
line about negation of this power means that for maximum use Holding
of this power, the switched power should not be combat based, Dark Sun
unless it should only be used defensively, because the May be attached to any realm. May be played at any time to
opponent would just defend against the attacker stilling his skip phases 0 through 5 (inclusive) of a turn following a
best power by defeding with the other switched champion, Caravan.
negating the Mind Alteration. This card has potential to show
up in almost any setting, and is more likely to find a home This holding has the power to effectively take away any extra
when a player expects to play against non-combat oriented turn a player may want, without the chance of being countered.
decks, and often found in tournaments. The best defense When another plays a card to give themselves an extra turn
against this card is not basing yourself around a single (currently just Caravan [1st-319] and Ancient Kalidnay [AR-92]
champion (with exception of maybe POL or WOV), or carrying {the AK isn't stopped by this card}), this part does not counter
proper counter cards, like Slap! [IQ-78], Ur Draxa [AR-93], and the card (thus not protecting a Caravan played by a person
Dispel [4th-400] using Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen [DU-24]). Instead, it
forces that person to skip phase 0 (before drawing) to phase 5
Absorb Disease (discarding down and after battle actions), meaning the only
#66 of 99 part of the turn the extra turn player gets is rapping to end his
Psionic Power or her turn. Effectively, it negates an extra turn for most intents
Can be played at any time to redirect the effect of any spell, and purposes. An interesting foible of this card is that it is a
event or blood ability directed at any other champion of this Dark Sun holding that can be attached to any realm, so it helps
player, whether in pool or in battle, to the champion using this a person if City States [RV-29] enters play. Late in the game, a
power. (Def) player with City States may choose to play this as a normal
holding with the only power being able to be attached to any
This card is used to redirect, or even defeat an incoming spell, realm to go for victory. The biggest problem is the same
event, or blood ability. This retargets an incoming card and problem for most anti-speed cards; a player must draw it to
pulls it to the champion, regardless of the situation. However, use it. Thus, if both of your opponents play their Caravans, the
this champion doesn't need to take the effect on that becomes a dead card in hand. Even with that problem, expect
champion, and would drain away with no effect, if the to see this card fairly often in both tournament and fun settings,
champion using Absord Disease is immune to the incoming as everyone hates when speed is used against them.
card. Therefore, good champions to use Absorb Disease
include Caller in the Darkness [NS-70], Highmaster Illithios
[DU-c21], or champions using immunity attachments, such as
Dark Haven [4th-188] or Pearl Pegasus [DU-70]. However,
without the immunity to effectively allow Absorb Disease to Body Control
become a counter, this allows you only to choose to change #69 of 99
the target of the spell, ability, or event, therefore only being Psionic Power
useful if your deck resolves around a single champion like
Highmaster Illithios. Unless you are working for the

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The using champion gains the special powers and abilities of [AR-93], or single use counters like Dispel [4th-400] or Slap!
the opposing champion until the end of this player’s next turn. [IQ-78].
(Def 4)
This defensive psionic power is very useful, but sometimes #72 of 99
comes just a little bit late. Much like Sir Edmund Bloodstone Psionic Power
[RV-80], a champion using Body Control can imitate the All champions in your pool lose 2 levels until the end of the
opposing champion's special power. This power can come a current turn. The using champion gains 2 levels for each
bit late, and instant win champions often are victorious before champion in your pool until the end of the current turn. (Def 4)
you can play this power. However, often instant wins work on Cannibalize is an interesting power that can equal lots of
the champion with the power, so a low level psionic champion levels, but can also be dangerous to play. The power starts by
could make a Living Wall [PO-58] absorb itself. This also works taking away 2 levels from each champion in this player's pool,
exceptionally well against champions with great immunities, which can be a serious pain, especially as it only drains
especially notable nasties like Etherial Champion [4th-508] or adjusted level, so it doesn't make more champions available to
Gib Irod [NS-c21]. However, this card is often undependable, fight the Living Wall [PO-58]. This card is a gamble. While it
as you have no idea what the opponent will push forward hurts all but one champion you own, it makes that champion
against your psionicist. Therefore, don't exect to see this card fairly big, if your pool is large. As such, this is a card you'll want
much in most tournaments, but it is a fun card for fun decks, or to use with your first champion in a multiround battle. Being
very large deck tournaments. defensive, very few champions are immune to the power,
making it even more dependable. However, when compaired
Awe to Murlynd's Spoon [IQ-65], it would be wiser to use the non-
#70 of 99 removable spoon unless you have at least 7 champions in play
Psionic Power (1 in battle, 6 in pool, +12 bonus). If one has that many
Roll 2d6 when this power is used. If the roll is lower than the champions, usually the player is enough of control to have
using champions base level, the opposing champion loses this better combat cards. Therefore, this is not the best card to use,
round of combat and returns to its pool stripped of all attached and should probably be avoided for better iconic and special
cards, regardless of special powers. (Off 4) power cards unless you MUST focus on psionic power cards
(such as for a deck built around the High Master Ithillos [DU-
Awe is like some key spells from Dragonlance, but has a c21]).
random feature that could make it difficult to use. It starts with
the using champion rolling 2d6. If the roll is equal to or greater Gellidus, Dragon of Ice
than the using champion's base level, the card is worthless, #73 of 99
granting no level or any other bonus. Therefore, it should be Monster
used only by high level champions, and only users of level 8 or 12
greater have even a greater than 50% chance of success. The Dragonlance
only champios that can use it and guarantee activation is Flyer. Gellidus thrives on creation and may use any defensive
Bansmareton [MI-79] (needs a base level of 13 or greater). card. Offensive cards played against Gellidus are doubled in
Therefore, the power must be great for such a all or nothing level. If in the same pool as T’chaar, both may use any
risk. The power is fairly strong, but one questions if the risk is offensive and defensive cards and the penalties for doubling
worth not killing the opponent. The opposing champion runs cards used against them is negated.
back to his pool just like Unnerving Aura [DL-69], and the
champion loses all attached cards, regardless of special Gellidus is a very useful card, with some very interesting
powers, which is very similar to Peace [DL-89], yet stronger. properties. First off, being a dragon and a flyer, Gellidus can
The effect is strong, but the combination of risk of uselessness use and is affected by cards targetting either. Gellidus's first
and non-lethal power, means this card will very rarely see power is VERY useful for most tournament decks. Gellidus's
tournament play. Even in fun play, you shouldn't worry much power to use any defensive card means he can be prepared to
about opposing players using it, and is best foiled the same use practically any counter, the most powerful being
way all offensive psionics are dealt with: Ur Draxa [AR-93]. Intercession [RR-48, bluelined defensive], Dispel [4th-400],
Re-target [4th-389], Limited Wish [FR-43, bluelined as
Ballista Attack defensive], Invulnerability [BR-45], Dragon's Calm [DR-47],
#71 of 99 Magic Draining Field [DU-74], Tumble Out of Danger [DU-84],
Psionic Power and Slap! [IQ-78]. Also, strong powers that grant protection
Discard an opposing ally already in play, or any champion in (like Forbiddance [ARc13]), or bring back champions (like
any pool. (Off 4) Create Minion [DU-79]) are very useful with Gellidus. His
weakness against offensive cards means you shouldn't use
This is a great power. Useable only in combat, this is one of him in combat. While this seems a waste of a level 12
the few recommended cards that don't help you win the champion, the level means little when the high bonus offensive
combat at all. It can be used to discard an ally already in play, cards enter battle, being doubled in icon level. The last part of
however, in tournament decks, the ally lock the opponent down Gellidus's power refers to T'chaar, Dragon of Flame [DR-c1],
or instantly defeat the opponent. The biggest power is the who's power mirrors Gellidus's, switching offensive and
ability to kill cany champion in any pool. Without the level defensive throughout the text. Having both in play and
restriction found in Drain Will [DU-75], this can notably take out negating their weaknesses is very useful, especially as it
most annoying non-combat champions, such as Marco Volo allows you to use any offensive and defensive card. However,
[1st-50] or Necba the Wrathmaker [DU-c14]. This also gets rid the dragon twins cost 24 champio levels from your deck, and
of champion granting immunity, or avatars sitting back in pools. the desire to keep the power would mean avoiding putting
That is remarkable in flexability, and doesn't even require either into combat, making it very hard to defend your realms
targetting the player who holds the champion that you desire to with sufficent champions. If one must be chosen, I'd suggest
kill. The best champions to use this power are the ones whos Gellidus for the ability to use so many good counters, though it
natural power allows them to retreat from combat, meant to needs to be chosen based on how the rest of the deck works.
lose, or who's power will let them will innately. Examples Gellidus will usually be seen in tournament decks, as few fun
include: Davron Parscall [PO-9], Seveia Shadowmaster [PO- decks have the chase cards to spare to add T'chaar, but it's
15], Seluna Darkenstar [PO-20] (use this power before using use will not be widespread, and both Gelludus and T'chaar are
the innate Appraise), Havrum Redbelt [PO-25], and Minerva farily easy to deal with, and neither card provides and
[4th-333]. The best way to stop this card is using Ur Draxa defensive or immunity power.

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Louie the Pit Boss protecting previously played realms. This means that each
#74 of 99 realm is exposed when it is played, making a good target for a
Thief combat deck. The best way to use this advantage is for the
4 combat deck to attack right away, as future realms will block
AD&D access. Another key factor is that a deck wanting to defend
Cannot be the target of any card or power designated as itself is that each realm must be defensible, as each realm is
harmful or offensive. May be sent to limbo at any time to have exposed when first played. However, some interactions with
any die (or dice roll) be re-rolled. Inverted Pyramid are interesting. Siege! [1st-150] razes the
This card is a nice support for decks fully endorsing "front realm", and each player may choose what is their front
Millenium's new theme: dice. However, just his immunities realm. As the card states, if the "front realm" is razed, that
makes him worthwhile. Louie, not being able to be targeted by player is immune to the event. However, Siege [1st-203]
offensive or harmful cards is potent, though with weakness, requires that one realm from the front rank being discarded,
leaving him vulnerable to cards that can kill him but not target and that rank is whichever is closest to the front row. However,
him, like Wail of the Banshee [NS-24], or Con Game [DU-82]. any one of those realms can be chosen by the formation
Even with this gap in his immunity, Louie's defense is quite owner. Inverted Pyramid is an interesting rule card, and it will
strong and therefore useful for attachments. When he uses his show up fairly often in fun decks. In tournaments, it might show
second power, the attachements go with him to L:imbo, up in more combat based decks, but it is more likely to be
therefore not lost to the discard pile. The power to be sent to replaced by a stronger restriction rule card. This tactics has
Limbo to force a re-roll is interesting, but not without its risks, been seen for most combat decks seen in tournaments.
as the second rolled result could be worse than the first. The
strongest cards affected by Louie include Phoenix [MI-16], Humility
Cockatrice [MI-17], Treasures of Netheril [MI-27], Turncoat!!! #77 of 99
[MI-46], Hornung's Randomness [MI-78], Wealthy Oriental Rule Card
Vassal [MI-81], Entropy Shield [MI-82], and Roundhouse [MI- Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not
96]. Just like all dice cards, the danger of rolling worse or discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until
making the same roll makes Louie undependable, but often another rule card is played. This card is immune to events and
woth using. This will show up in the decks of all players that the wish spell. All extra cards that are granted by any means
enjoy these risks and games, but most top level tournament (except spoils) are send to limbo and cannot be used while this
decks deplore such randomness. rule card is in play. If this rule card leaves play, each player
who lost one or more cards may roll 1d10 and retrieve all cards
Gib Nedyah with a last digit matching the roll (return those cards to hand).
#75 of 99 All other cards are not retrieved and send to the discard pile.
6 Humility is an interesting anti-speed card that is quite difficult to
Dark Sun remove from play. Two of the most favored methods of
Cannot attack. Can use any unarmed combat card. While removing rule cards aren't affective against Humility: Wish [FR-
defending, may use any one unarmed combat card from any 46] and Genie Bottle [3rd-436] both can't get rid of Humility, as
discard pile. Immune to all events (even helpful ones), thief it is immune to those measures. However, other methods,
skills, and blood abilities. such as playing another rule card, or Ellorelloran [TU-93], are
very effective. All cards aside from the basic three drawn in
Named after designer Hayden William Courtland, Gib Nedyah phase 1 and spoils drawn after phase 4 are pulled from the
starts with a fairly large restriction, in that it may never attack, deck and sent to Limbo. They stay there (outside of normal
immediately making it less versitile. However, the ability to use rules for Limbo) until Humility is discarded. Then, each player
any unarmed combat is also fairly strong, sharing the power who lost cards may roll a d10, and get to retrieve all cards
only with Amethyst [4th-303], or a champion using Gauntlets of ending with the same number, the others going to the discard
Combat [DR-74]. Also, whenever he is defending (since he can pile. Since every 0 rolled on a d10 is a 10, no cards ending
only get into combat defensively), he may use any unarmed with zero can be saved from the discard pile. Also, since it
combat card from any discard pile, after which they go back to specified the discard pile, even events go there. For the most
the same discard pile. That means once anyone uses a crotch part, the cards sent to Limbo will go to the discard pile
shot (AKA Fighting Dirty [DU-c3]), no one will want to attack a eventually, but most cards granting extra cards will avoid being
player with Gib Nedhay in his pool. This is probably why the played until the rule card leaves play. This is a fairly effective
attack restriction was put in. Last but not least, Gib Nedyah method of shutting down speed, but has the same problem
has some major immunities, including events, thief skills, and most anti-speed cards; they must be drawn and played, which,
blood abilities. Therefore, he makes a great champion to put in a deck without speed, is difficult to count on. It will show it's
valuable attachments you don't want to risk in combat, such as ugly little face in tournament play, and any deck based on card
a Bag of Holding [AR-28]. For these reasons, Gib Nedyah will advantage (which will be most good decks) needs to think of
find his way into tournament decks and fun decks alike. The non-event, non-Wish counters to this card.
best ways to take out Nedyah is using what he isn't immune to,
like spells, psionics, or even unarmed combat cards, and as Hornung’s Randomness
such, cards to add those immunities are good attachments for #78 of 99
him. Rule Card
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not
Inverted Pyramid discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until
#76 of 99 another rule card is played. All cards that require a “Draw and
Rule Card discard noting the last digit”, now require that a die roll of 1d10
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not be used instead.
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until
another rule card is played. All formations are inverted when Hornung's Randomness is an interesting card that can do what
this rule card comes into play. The front row now has three was originally intended with making cards random in the
realms, the middle row has two, and the back has one. Forgotten Realms set, and make them also more dangerous.
Inverted Pyramid is a good rule card for some combat decks, Any card requiring checking the last digit of a randomly draw
but difficult to use to its best advantage. While in play, the (or drawn and discarded number) instead requires a roll of a
formation of each player changes, such that position A is in the ten sided die. Therefore, many combos from deck
third row, behind all other realms played after it. Players fill manipulation are no longer effective, such as Moraster [4th-
their formation from the back forward, with each new realm 339] with The Fates [BR-c23]. A roll of a d10 could add a

Millenium Online - Página 380

rondomness to those cards that were getting back to the get to use this power more than once, as he, like all
original intent of the cards. However, the roll of the d10 has champions, may only have 1 artifact attached. The only way
another interesting effect. It has been ruled that any 0's rolled around this is the Ego Coin [2nd-419], as it becomes an artifact
on a d10 are counted as 10's. Most cards are designed with 0- to be attached, but then all any number of artifacts to be
9 as possible options, and making it 1-10 makes some cards attached to it's owned, making Kalator more useful, as he can
nastier (average roll is 5.5, versus the regular 4.5 average). take away more magic items from the opponent's use. Outside
Examples include The Fates (having to discard 10 cards!), of tournament play, Kalator is just too restrictive to make him
Bess's Revenge [4th-159] (higher level likely to kill), and The worth using, as using only one magic item means you can't
Black Death [NS-26]. However, some cards also get weaker, play all possible cards, but isn't useful in a deck without magic
like Vorpal Blade [FR-56] or Use Poison [NS-63], since it is items. All in all, unless you rely on magic items that you know
harder to hit a certain number or lower. I wouldn't expect to your opponent uses, it isn't worth carrying this card.
see this card in tournaments often, since most tournament
quality players need to trust their cards will work, and will Wealthy Oriental Vassal
usually use the random cards with a fixing agent of some kind. #81 of 99
However, this will probably pop up in lots of fun games, and Hero
the chaos this card is likely to cause make fun games even 8
more so. The standard methods of removing rule cards are Forgotten Realms
effective counter measures to this card. Immune to harmful events. When in play, only cards marked
as “First Edition” can be played. If the Poor Oriental Lord and
Bansmareton this champion are in play at the same time, both go to limbo for
#79 of 99 1d10 turns (each champion’s owner rolls for their champion).
17 This card was probably the most argued card in the entire
AD&D Millenium set on the Spellfire Mailing List when it first came
Avatar. Discard a psionic champion to bring into play. Each out. The WOV (Wealthy Oriental Vassal) is a card every player
opponent draws a card when Bansmareton enters play. needs to be aware of, and have a strategy to deal with it.
Immune to psionic attack. Bansmareton psionically teleports all When the WOV is in play, only cards with first edition on the
of this players champions and allies, allowing them to attack back can be played, banning cards from 2nd through 4th
any realm regardless of position or movement restrictions. editions, and all on-line boosters (since they are considered no
edition). This is the opposite number of the Poor Oriental Lord
Bansmareton is the only psionic avatar champion thus far in [DU-c20], which is a first edition card that prevents all other
Spellfire. It is very useful, but at the same time, isn't worth it. cards printed as first edition. As both cards allow the other to
The price for Bansmareton is discarding a psionic champion be played, the provision added was that if both are in play,
from play, meaning any champion able to use psionic powers both are sent to Limbo. Each player rolls for his card, so it is
cards, not necessarily as psionicist, which works very well with unknown which one will come back first, and how long before
his champion type. Each opponent being able to draw a card they beam each other away again. Both WOV and POL (Poor
when Bansmareton enters play is very bad for card advantage, Oriental Lord) strategies can work, but are weak against the
and thus needs a very powerful power to balance. other. The best way to plan for both possibilities for a deck
Bansmareton's power is very strong and should be considered, using neither of these cards is to mix your realms and
as he acts as if he was every Underdark realm, allowing all of champions between editions, as Mike "Ogre" Heubbe did in
his player's champions (not just the psionic ones) to attack any the finals of the 2002 World Championship against a deck
realm regardless of position or movement restrictions using WOV and a deck using POL. If you don't have a way to
(including requirements required by other cards, like Song of play the WOV against POL, you need a way to kill the WOV
the Dragonlance [DU-22]. It doesn't get around "requirements" before you get locked. Because the WOV is immune to events,
type cards (Den of Thieves [NS-c24] or Anytown, Anywhere prefered methods include spells (such as Wish [FR-46]),
[4th-70]) or non-movement requitrements (like the Ruins of psionics (like Drain Will [DU-75]), blood abilities (like Death
Zhentil Keep [3rd-3] requiring clerics to attack). Each deck Field [DU-81]), or allies (like Assassins [1st-252]). Either way,
must choose for itself whether the card advantage loss is worth be ready to deal with this card in some way. It has forever
this nice advantage of attack. You should expect to see this changed tournament setting.
card in psionic based fun decks, but it will be suprising to see it
in tournaments. Its lack of defensive powers means finding Entropy Shield
ways to protect Bansmareton are highly recommended if you #82 of 99
intend to use him. Wizard Spell
For every card attached to the opposing champion, the
Kalator opponent must roll a d10. If the number rolled is even, the
#80 of 99 attached card is discarded. (Off 4)
7 The Entropy Shield is an interesting wizards spell. It provides
Forgotten Realms no icon bonus, and is very unstable, possibly not doing
Can cast cleric spells. Immune to offensive thief skills. Any anything in the round of combat. However, there is a 50%
magical item attached to Kalator becomes a Forgotten Realms chance that any card played after it will be discarded without
artifact, discarding from play any magical items with the same ever activating. Rigged Dice [MI-22] can be used to guarantee
name (no more can be played). a specific card dies, but that should only be used if the
opponent plays a card that would end the battle immediately.
Kalator is an interesting card, but might only make an impact in Because the power only activates for cards played after
tournament level matches. His ability to cast cleric spells help Entropy Shield, any battle you don't expect to win outright with
defensively, and his immunity to thief skills makes his the first card should start with your spellcaster casting it. No
attachments safe from cards like Con Game [DU-82], but those other card could be as effective as Entropy Shield, but Entropy
aren't the reason to use Kalator. He can turn any magic item Shield also has the same chance as being totally worthless. I
into an artifact as it is attached to him, preventing copies of wouldn't expect to to see Entropy Shield in most tournament
those cards from being used by opponents. Most people who quality decks, but it could be very common in fun decks. If you
use this effect are looking to cut down speed items, like Bag of love to gamble, this is a great card. Otherwise, pass on it and
Holding [AR-28], Dragonfont [AR-c20], or Bag of Beans [NS- find something dependable.
c11], all of which are commonly seen in tournaments.
However, since each item is turned into an artifact, he doesn't Dark Cloud

Millenium Online - Página 381

#83 of 99 of some weasel cards, like Blamblower [DL-56]. The second
Realm power is more conditional. If you (or anyone else) can get
AD&D Mordenkainen [3rd-162] into play and keep him there,
This realm negates the powers of Tyr, Arkhold, and Mulmaster. defenders of the Yatils get a nice bonus. The ability for
defenders to cast both wizard and cleric spells is nice, but
Dark Cloud is an okay realm, that becomes stronger in a most decks focusing on spells require almost all of their
tournament setting. Most speed cards show their ugly head in champions to be spellcasters, so this bonus is very small and
tournaments, and this card hurts three of the most common. can probably be ignored. If you need a realm to give
Tyr [1st-224] has no other counter, and this realm works well spellcasting ability, choose something like The Free City of
for it. Arkhold [1st-236] can be countered by name by Points Greyhawk [1st-111] instead of a conditional realm like this.
East Trading Guild [4th-101], as well as by Dark Cloud, but However, this realm is unique, in that "defender' really means
neither shuts down the other reason it is found in tournament "defending champion", as the other common defenders, allies,
decks - City States [RV-30]. In the case of both Tyr and don't summon more allies. With Mordenkainen in play, this is a
Arkhold, the most effective way to slow them down is the Ring pretty decent realm, but without, leave it outside of your game
of Winter [FR-61], since it cuts all opponents down by a card in plan.
the draw, and only doesn't negate Tyr and Arkhold if both are
in play by the same player. However, the most important cut Control Weather
down is Mulmaster [1st-33], which has been known to fuel #86 of 99
world champion decks (especially the 1996 world champion Wizard Spell
Tim Tracy's spell deck), and make a strong tournament Until the end of this player’s next turn, your realms can only be
showing. It can be shut down by The Celestial Jewel of attacked by earthwalkers, “teleporters”, or through Underdark
Sarimie [4th-100], but that only works for decks with significant realms. (Def 5)
numbers of Birthright or any holding realms. Dark Cloud works
very well for this, and to protect it from such decks, a good This is another in the line of "camper's" spells. This hurts many
attachment for it might be Keep of the Dead [AR-64] or Cavern decks based on combat in that they can't go after you, except
of Ancient Knowledge [NS-18], which makes it harder for spell for a few ways, and must focus on the other opponent. This is
decks to destroy or raze the realm. Outside tournament very similar to Wall of Fog [1st-371], Forbiddance [PO-c11],
settings, most decks don't focus on speed, and therefore you and Phase Out [PO-51], and combos very well with Extension I
might want a more combat based realm, as Dark Cloud has no [DU-91] and Permanancy [IQ-79]. This card is used especially
defensive powers. well by "camper" style decks (those with champions sitting in
the pool, never going into combat), or Underdark decks (as
Melf’s Acid Arrow you can get around the restrictions like this played by others,
#84 of 99 but the regularly defenseless Underdark realms can restrict
Wizard Spell attackers). There is a danger when playin this card. While you
+? have this actively in play, if another person has Volcanic
May be played into a combat where this player is not involved. Eruption [RR-64], they can use it to raze all of your relams, as
Roll 2d6 for the level of this spell when it is cast. If the roll is the group restricted to specifically names earthwalkers.
less than the caster’s base level, destroy one ally already in Therefore, for defensive purposes, the similar cards above are
play. (Off 4) stronger, but having all of them improves your chances of
pulling off the combo. Otherwise, Control Weather is not worth
This spell has only one thing that separates itself from similar carrying in your deck.
spells, and that is given in the first line. This spell can be
played into a battle by this player, only requiring this player to Assembre
have a champion able to cast spells. It can even go into a #87 of 99
battle where neither combatant can cast spells. Similar effects Realm
can be created with any spell by using Tenser the Arch Mage AD&D
[RR-29] to cast the spells. The level bonus will average at +7, This realm has a gate to Krynn hidden within its vineyards.
but can range from +2 to +12 (best if used with Rigged Dice Once per battle, you may search your deck for a Dragonlance
[MI-22]), but usually not worth it for the minor level champion and place it into your pool.
adjustment), and the level adjustment has another effect. If the
roll is lower than the caster's base level, you may also discard When you first look at this realm, the first though it that its
an ally in play. As such, it is best to use this with a high level usefulness depends on what champion you could pull, and at
champion, and still only discards an ally more often than not if first thought, no Dragonlance champions jump out. Once a
the caster base level is 8 or greater. The odds can be defender goes forward for this realm and battle begins, you
increased if used with cards that raise base level, such as may search for a DL champion (meaning the pulled champion
Armor [4th-396], but usually it isn't worth it. If you intend only to can't be used they were pulled), and some of the best
use it for yourself in battle, there are better spells, guaranteed possibilities include Tasslehoff Berrfoot [DL-39], Deathstream
to kill allies, such as Lightning Bolt [1st-332], Meteor Swarm [AR-72], Goldmoon [AR-83], Bilago Lumen [PO-17], Aquilla
[DR-55], or Phorbes's Scrolls [2nd-406]. It's not a bad card, but [TU-98], Jella [4th-329, Moraster [4th-339], Cyan Bloodbane
being based upon dice makes it unreliable, and therefore not [DR-41], Verminaard the Dragonmaster [DR-42], Fire Dragon
useful in most tournament settings. Fun settings will see it [DU-38], and Necba the Wrathmaker [DU-c14]. As might be
more often though, especially as it is fun to meddle in relaxed guessed, not all of these need to be carried to use Assembre,
or team settings. but the general rule of thumb is that a searcher shouldn't be
added unless there are three strong cards worth getting. The
The Yatils key is to pick your champions to match your theme, and then
#85 of 99 see if Assembre is appropriate for the deck. However, there is
Realm one good exploitable loophole to Assembre; It does not restrict
Greyhawk avatars. Since Assembre puts the champion directly into play,
Magical items cannot be used when attacking this realm. If while you do have to pay the cost, avatars can be brought into
Mordenkainen is anywhere in play, each defender of this realm play outside of phase 3. The top prospects are Sirron, Avatar
gains a +9 ally able to cast wizard and cleric spells. [PO-45], Kiri, Avatar of Kiri-Jolith [PO-79], and Gib Drawsemaj
[NS-c22] (here, you keep the card in your hand, since you
The Yatils realm is a very interesting card that has potential. haven't just discarded a realm). This can greatly swing the
The first power should not be dismissed, because magic items battle to your side, once a person has this used against them,
tend to be the strength of many decks for combat, and gets rid they will think twice before attacking Assembre again.

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Therefore, if this realm fits your theme, exploit it fully, but if not, raze the realm, or aided by any attachment that could prevent
pass on it; the avatar combo isn't strong enough to make it it (like Keep of the Dead [AR-64]).
worth playing just for that.
Leomund’s Secure Shelter
Polymorph, Any Object #90 of 99
#88 of 99 Wizard Spell
Wizard Spell This player’s pool cannot be the target of harmful events or
Change any one attachment (anywhere in play) into an offensive spells. Lasts until dispelled or negated. (Def 3)
attachment with a +1d4 and no special abilities. Lasts until This wizard spell is the "camper's" dream, and one of the best
dispelled or negated. (Off 3/4) protections available for decks that keep vital cards in the pool.
This card protects the pool from harmful events (something
At first glance, this card looks very repeat of many previous carried in practically every deck) and offensive spells (very
cards that destroy items or artifacts, except weaker, as the common in tournament decks). Without a listed duration, it
card stays and even grants an icon bonus. However, this card cannot be Extensioned [DU-91] or made Permanent [IQ-79],
is a diamond in the rough for the dedicated player and careful but it still is quite powerful and protective. When coupled with
reader. This card affects any attachment, not just magic items an Extended or Permanent attack blocker (like Forbiddance
and artifacts. Allies able to return to pools can be targeted, as [AR-c14] or Phase Out [PO-51]), this can make a player
can any held card. The value of not destroying a magic item or virtually untouchable. The best defense to this card are non-
artifacts while rendering it near useless should not be forgotten event, non-spell pool destroyers (such as Drain Will [DU-75],
either. Many decks that focus on magic item manipulation Death Field [DU-81], or Wand of Telekinesis [DL-53]), or those
(using things like Bag of Holding [AR-28], Bag of Beans [NS- that go through it, such as Wish [FR-46]. However, the normal
c11], Armor of the High King [BR-27], or Staff of Mimicry [RV- spell defenses work also against this, and worry about this
61]) usually have a free way to get such items back (like card can greatly be reduced if you focus on a non-spell theme.
Tasslehoff Burfoot [DL-39] or Pelanth the Bronze Dragon [DR- This card will show up fairly often in standard tournament
28]) and return them like new just one turn later. By not decks, but will not show up in most other settings, as most fun
destroying it, you make it less accessable to those decks. Plus, and interesting situations involve combat, not camping in the
few things hurt artifacts, so negating the powers of the Throne pool with cards like Necba the Wrathmaker [DU-c14]. If you
of the Pharaohs [4th-466], Ring of Winter [FR-61], or Slorath's expect to play in a tournament using a spell deck, you need to
Gloves [DU-c18] works well also. Finally, as Polmorph Any figure out a good way around this card, but if you play another
Object doesn't specify champions or pool, it can depower theme, if you have enough spellcasters to be able to dabble
attachments on other cards, most notably realms. You can use this card in, do so, and you usually won't be sorry.
it for the most annoying holdings (like Mulmaster [1st-33] or
Black Hand Thieves Guild [DU-c5]) or realm artifacts (like Knee to the Groin
Cannon Ball [DU-60]). This, coupled with it's ability to hose #91 of 99
cards in combat as well, makes it very versitile, and should not Unarmed Combat Card
be ignored in any deck using many wizard spells, even in the Usable by any champion. May not be used on dragons. The
tournament level matches. I don't believe many decks you face opposing champion must either retreat to his pool from battle
will use it (as most spellfirers seem to have dismissed this card (treat as a defeat) or continue at half of his base level
as a repetition of previous cards), but I believe you will find it a (opponent’s choice). (Off 4)
gem in most games you play!
This any champion unarmed combat card in a funny concept
Elven Towers and amusing photograph art, but isn't the greatest card. First
#89 of 99 off, your opponent inadventantly has control over if you can
Realm use this card, as you never know when the opponent will use a
AD&D dragon champion., so sometimes you will find this a dead card
This realm can never be rebuilt. Due to its high resistance to in your hand (something usually avoided by "any champion"
magic, this player is immune to the effects to other player’s UCCs). Then, this card gives the opponent gets a choice of
dungeon cards. how to respond to it, and most. especially in tournament
settings, will choose to retreat safely to the pool. This can be
This realm is an interesting one, that has great power, but also reduced by using it with a champion with special powers that
carries with it danger. The danger comes in the short first activate upon victory (like Tithian [1st-301], Silversun [IQ-24],
sentence, as the Elven Towers cannot be rebuilt if razed. The Halcyon [1st-c16], or Feinoue, Void Shaper [MI-14]) or that
realm still occupies its current place in the formation until negate the safe option (like the Sphere of Annihilation [BR-
replaced, and thus this power only helps if used with a Playing c4]), forcing someone to stay in combat at half level. When you
to Lose [DR-c10] theme. Since many tournament decks are have one of these situations, Knee to the Groin still isn't that
built around rebuilding realms after getting them in play with great, as it only halves an opponent's BASE level, rounding
events and characters, this will reduce its play in tournaments. down (cutting usually 1-5 levels unless used against an
However, its second power is very interesting, as it makes this avatar). A different card with a higher icon bonus will usually
player (and his formation, champions, hand, and deck) be a better choice than this in practically all situations.
immune to the dungeon cards. This includes primarily
defensive type powers; for all practical purposes, opponent's Stomp!
don't have dungeons in play in regards to this dungeon's #92 of 99
owner. Some examples include Level the Playing Field [IQ-51] Unarmed Combat Card
(this player may use instant defeat cards to beat their +5
champions), Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk [DU-6] (this player Usable only by giants. Kills all allies in play of icon level 5 or
may raze and discard that player's Greyhawk realms outside of less. (Off 4)
combat), and The Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen [DU-24]
(you can stop that player's helpful events and copy their This is the first giants only unarmed combat card, and I hoped
harmful events). This type of power is very useful, and unique for better. This card has the potential to wipe out multiple
currently to the Elven Towers. Therefore, there are many allies, but in most situations, it won't. It also is the only card
settings in which this realm will be very useful. If you never that kills all allies of a type IN PLAY (including those strong
intend to fix razed realms, this card is a great choice for any enough to keep in the pool or formation). However, the best
deck where it doesn't disrupt its theme. Even then, this card reason to play low level allies is their powers, often instant
will find playtime, and can be countered by any card that could defeat powers. When they are played, you die before being
able to step on them, as this isn't a counter card. Giants have

Millenium Online - Página 383

access to much better cards, and thus deserve better than this. +?
Since giants are not a viable tournament theme (regardless of Usable by any champion. Roll 2d6 for the bonus of this card,
format), this card will rarely see play, and you shouldn't worry and 1d4 for a bonus to the opposing champion if the user is
about it, even if the opponent is pack Stomp! not a monster. Spells and psionics cannot be used by either
champion for the remainder of this round of combat. (Off 4)
Heaven & Earth
#93 of 99 This is the weakest unarmed combat cards in the Millenium
Unarmed Combat Card set. While it can be used with cards like Rigged Dice [MI-22],
+? this card really isn't worth it, as it grants just a bonus of +11 to
Usable also by any adventurer. Roll 1d6 for the bonus of this +8 (or +12 with a monster). However, for the most part, the
card. (Off 4) May also be played at any time in response to any icon bonus will average at +7 (or +4.5 if used by a non-
card played by a champion of lower base level. That card is monster), which is a useful bonus, but nothing worth writing
negated and this player draws a card. home about. Headbutt can be used by any champion, bu not
every deck, since the final line restricts the user, as well as the
This hero unarmed combat card is usable by adventures as victim, from using spells or psionics, it should never be
well as by heroes. If used for its initial abilty, the user is included in any deck that uses either of those types of cards.
wasting this card for an average offensive bonus of 3.5. Similar unarmed combat cards include Slap! [IQ-78] (for non-
However, if used by a high level champion, this counter card spellcaster to counter a psionic power or spell as it is played),
can be one of the best counters available. It negates a card Uppercut [RR-93] (for heroes), Chokehold [4th-436] (for heroes
played by the opponent of any type, and still allows you to against spells), and Tail Sweep [DR-92] (for dragons). These
draw a card to fill in its place. Therefore, card advantage works cards are often not as strong as Headbutt if you don't intend to
nicely, as you spend one card to get a card and discard an play spells or psionics, but Headbutt's varying icon bonus (that
opponent's card. You can't always count on this card, as it is feasably could even be negative) doesn't make Headbutt worth
affected by the opponents' play, but if used with a level 9 or the risk, except maybe in an all monster deck.
greater champion, it will usually work, and hero avatars could
gain well from this card greatly. I wouldn't expect to see this Roundhouse
card pop up often in games, but this card could be used in all #96 of 99
settings and situations. Aside from immunity (best by the Unarmed Combat Card
Forgotten Ruins [DU-34]), there is no best method on dealing +?
with this card, but since it won't be in all decks, the best Usable by any champion. Roll 3d6 for the bonus of this card.
strategy is not to lead off with your best combat card, so they This champion may not play any more cards that are
waste this card on that and not you big guns. designated as Defensive. (Off 4)

Tsuki Kotegaeshi Roundhouse potentially is the largest single non-event bonus

#94 of 99 card except for the Crystal Dragon Figurine [DU-67], which
Unarmed Combat Card only gets that high by discarding the attached championn after
–4 battle. This card couples nicely with Ridded Dice [MI-22],
Usable also by any adventurer. Play on an opposing champion insuring a +18 bonus. This card also couples nicely with Field
whose player must draw (face up) the top two cards from their of the Battlelord, as you re-roll the bonus every time (getting
draw pile. If neither can be played into battle, discard the cards over bad rolls), and can play defensive cards again. Normally,
along with the opposing champion. (Off 4) cards that just grant levels don't win battles (usually it is card
special powers), but level bonuses like this (averaging
This card is unusual, not least in name. This unarmed combat between a +10.5) really can swing the battle. However, without
card, one of only two specifies adventurers (something new in the nice combos, this is an iffy card to use, as it is just as likely
Millenium), yet heroes can also use this card (since they to be a +3 as a +18. However, when well prepared for, this
included the word also, and UCC's can be used by heroes card works excellently and fits well into appropriate theme
unless sepcified against it). It is also unusual in that it is the decks. However, even though it can be used by any champion,
only negative icon bonus unarmed combat card, attached to I don't think this card will see much play in tournaments, as the
the opponent and not the using champion. This card can most skilled tournament players focus on card advantage and
eliminate an opposing champion, but the likelyhood of that ending battle quickly, which most high level cards don't do.
depends on the setting. In most fun setting, this card won't
work, as more decks tend to be battle oriented. However, there Trip
are ways of hedging the bet for this card. The key fact is that #97 of 99
the champion is discarded if niether card can be played into Unarmed Combat Card
the CURRENT round of battle. Therefore, setting up Tsuki Counter
Kotegaeshi with cards that restrict others from being played Usable by any champion. Sends one of the opposing
(champions restricting allies, or Rangers of the Highland [MI- champion’s allies to the discard pile, regardless of immunities
3]) can allow victory. For instance, if Tergoz Tenhammer [3rd- and before its powers activate. (Off 4)
60] with the Gauntlets of Combat [DR-74] plays Tsuki
Kotegaeshi, and the two cards are a realm and an ally, since This is a very useful counter which will see use in many decks.
Tergoz restricts allies from being played, both drawn cards, Currently, players still see the only counter effect ally card that
and the opposing champion are discarded. This card is can be played after the ally in tournament decks (that card
actually better in a tournament setting then most other settings, being Airship [3rd-90]), and being an unarmed combat card, it
as the trend in tournament decks is shying away from combat can be recycled and countered less easily then Airship. This
and destroying realms from afar, which means that champion can be used by any champion and stop an instant killer ally,
discard is more likely. However, even in tournament settings, and such allies tend to be often found in tournament quality
unless you have a good method of playing the card (for decks. Top allies to target with this effect include the Dreaded
instance, mostly adventurer champions), shy away from this Ghost [4th-246], Noble Djinni [1st-84], Master Illithid [DU-53]
card, as usually you want cards that are more versitile and (this works because Trip is a counter), and Cockatrice [MI-17].
usable by any champion. While not every deck will carry it (as many care more about
card advantage than winning battles), don't be suprised when
your opponent whips it out just when you think you've won the
Headbutt battle. I'd recommend this card even more in any setting then
#95 of 99 emphasizes battle (Warriors Rule, Extended Play, and larger
Unarmed Combat Card deck formats).

Millenium Online - Página 384

Unarmed Combat Card
Stunning Fist +5
#98 of 99 The using champion ignores any instant defeat conditions and
Unarmed Combat Card must be defeated by level alone. May be played as a counter
+10 to an instant defeat. (Def 4)
If this champion is winning by more than 8 immediately after
this card is played into battle, then the opposing champion is Since this card doesn't specify who can use it, this is a heroes
instantly defeated. (Off 4) only unarmed combat card. This interesting counter is a very
This high level hero unarmed combat card is very strong, and strong card, but will often not make the cut for most
can lead to instant defeats, but will most often just be a nice tournament decks. The power works well with itself, since it
+10 card. The +10 is very nice and works well for anyone prevents any instant defeat played by an opponent into battle.
using the dungeon Field of the Battle Lord [DU-9], keeping the However, it the card doesn't specificly say "instant defeat" or
+10 around round after round (this combo works espeically some variation, this card doesn't work. This includes cards like
well on multi-attack heroes, like Rikus [1st-258], Azhul the Blamblower [DL-56], Sword of Cymrych Hugh [FR-62], or
Hasty [3rd-266], and Zaknafein the Weapon Master [TU-94]). Cockatrice [MI-17], since these specify discard, not defeat. The
To use the instant victory part of the power, a champion must +5 is a significant bonus, and factors well into having to be
be down by only 2 or fewer levels when they play this card, so defeated by level alone, but the "discard loophole" means
careful timing is usually required. The best ways to counter this many of the cards to be protected against (like the Dreaded
card are Reversal [4th-435] and Whirling Dervish [MI-99]. In a Ghost [4th-246]) can still get through. This problem, along with
mostly hero deck, this is a strong and worthy addition, but the hero restriction, will probably prevent it from being used in
otherwise it is a waste. Don't expect to see this card in too many tournament decks, and most fun decks avoid instant
tournaments except a few varients, as for the most part, hero defeats for more fun play, and therefore isn't the strongest
support isn't nearly as strong as spell, psionic, or blood ability choice for that setting either. In other words, find better cards
support. for most decks than this.

Whirling Dervish
#99 of 99

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Aonia Sunblaze chosen at random from an opponent's hand. This ally cannot
#1 of 72 be forced to switch side or discarded.
9 This champion is a good one, though a bit of a gambler. When
AD&D in combat, the Beastmaster's player chooses one opponent
Can use hero unarmed combat cards. Immune to unarmed (not nessessarily the one he is attacking, but often that player
combat cards useable only by undead, and the "Negative is a good choice). The opponent hold up all of his or her allies
Planar Energies" rule card. May not use undead allies and is in hand, and the Beastmaster draws it and plays into battle
discarded if in the pool with an undead champion. immediately. Even if that ally could not normally be used by the
Beastmaster (like Cult of the Dragon [DR-80]), the
Aonia is one of the best champions against undead decks. Beastmaster can use it. This ally is safe for the battle, being
She can use cleric spells and hero unarmed combat cards unable to switch sides or be discarded. This power may only
(though few good combos come to mind with her). She is be used once per round of battle. Good cards to use with the
immune to undead unarmed combat cards, which is useful Beastmaster include Rings of All Seeing [4th-171] (to see who
considering cards like Level Drain [NS-97] or Cause Fear [NS- has good allies) and Intensify [PO-89] (to double the level of
93]. She is also immune to Negative Planar Energy [NS-73], the stolen ally). After battle, the ally goes to its owner's discard
but she was already immune because she is a cleric. This pile, regardless of special powers. This champion could be
power could be made useful when combined with a Chest of useful in tournaments, when many instant win allies are used.
Many Things [2nd-420], but otherwise is pointless. However, However, since you may play against decks without any allies
Aonia's restriction against being in a pool with an undead ready, it is a gamble many tournament players may want to
champion drastically makes her less useful. The same can be avoid.
said for the inability to use undead allies like the Dreaded
Ghost [4th-246] or the Ancient Dracolich [NS-81]. In short, she Murtha the Gypsy
is only udeful when you know you are facing an undead deck, #4 of 72
since her 9 levels are too much just for the support cards she Psionicist
can use. Additionally, an undead deck can get rid of her by 6
casting Corruption of the Flesh [NS-83] on any champion in Dragonlance
her pool (including herself) Immune to all thief skills. While in pool, negates the effects of
Necba the Wrathmaker, Poor Oriental Lord, and Wealthy
Dark Cleric Oriental Vassal for all players.
#2 of 72
Cleric This champion was one that was changed after the release of
5 Chaos, because her power negated the powers of the listed
Ravenloft champions for just this player, not all, and thus this player
Can use undead unarmed combat cards. Every turn that this could lock the game, but safely play his cards. Murtha is one of
champion doesn't attack, his player may return one a few champions immune to thief skills (most obviously, Con
undead/werebeast champion from his discard pile to his draw Game [DU-82]), and thus is valuable for just that immunity.
pile, which is then reshuffled. Gains 5 levels if played from However, when she is in the pool (where she should stay,
6PM to 6AM since she's nearly powerless in combat), three nasty
champions are completely neutered: Necba the Wrathmaker
Dark Cleric is a good card for any undead or werebeast [DU-c14], the Poor Oriental Lord [DU-c20], and the Wealthy
themed deck. The Dark Cleric's ability to use undead unarmed Oriental Vassal [MI-81]. All players may play cards regardless
combat cards means he should be able to use any support of edition, and don't have to attack or lose a champion while
cards usually found in a deck, so he won't be defenceless in Murtha is in play. Any deck built around these champions (and
the pool from attacks like Blood Challenge! [BR-c20] or Arena there are many in tournament level games) will try to kill this
of Dori the Barbarian [IQ-3]. Each turn the Dark Cleric doesn't champion quickly, so good protection cards like the Orb of
attack (which he should almost never do), you can shuffle an Power [4th-170] or the Winner's Cape [4th-520] are essential if
undead or werebeast champion from the discard pile to your you want to be safe from these cards. Murtha's power is very
draw pile. This card play doesn't help card advantage much, similar to that of Playing Fair [CH-64], except it also stops
and is far weaker than Undead Regeneration [RR-c7], but can Necba. This cards do not work for you well when you try to use
be useful to keep the pressure of attacks up. Realize this also these cards either, so don't build a deck using Murtha and one
means that you are less likely to draw a realm each turn this is of the cards she stops. This card will be in many tournament
done, since there are more non-realm cards in the deck, but decks, and needs to be planned for for any deck that plans to
this is relatively minor for decks with 12 or more realms. The 5 use Necba, POL, or WOV.
level boost for night play is nice, but not the main feature of the
card. Note that the power boost only cards when the card was Gib Cram
played, not at the moment of use (playing the champion down #5 of 72
at 5:56 PM means he stays level 5 after 6 o'clock rolls around. Regent
Dark Cleric is a good support card for undead or werebeast 7
themes, but not overly powerful. Birthright
This player's champions and attached cards are immune to the
Beastmaster special powers/abilities of realms and realm champions.
#3 of 72
Psionicist Gib Cram gives all of his player's champions a very nice
6 power. Immunity to special powers of realm champions doesn't
AD&D mean a lot, since most don't have special powers, but the
When in combat, the Beastmaster may summon any ally immunity to realm powers is huge. With Gib Cram in your pool
(or even in battle), your champions and attachments may

Chaos Online - Página 386

attack realm regardless of restrictions placed by the realms (so Foot Long, Avatar Of Mimic
a monster could attack the Ruins of Zhentil Keep [3rd-3], or #8 of 72
allies can attack Daggerdale [1st-26]). This does not get Hero
around holding powers (like Black Waters [1st-246]), or powers 13
of dungeons (like the Song of the Dragonlance [DU-22]). It also AD&D
doesn't negate "defensive" realm powers. For instance, with "Avatar. A Spoon, Knife (sword), and Fork, must be discarded
Gib Cram in your pool, a wizard or dragon could attack to bring this avatar into play. While this avatar is in play all
Palanthas [DR-8], but defending dragons and wizards are still players must attack on their turns or discard their lowest level
immune to offensive spells and harmful events. Gib Cram champion in play.
would make a good addition to any attacking deck. The only
cards with similar powers are Crown of Souls [RV-67] and Jarl This is a very unique avatar. Swords are easy to find
the Frost Giant [RR-40]. throughout all sets, however, there is only one spoon
(Murlynd's Spoon [IQ-65]) and only one fork (Fork of Defence
Gib Thiaf [CH-45]). This makes this particular avatar very difficult to get
#6 of 72 into play without cards like Titans Walk the Earth [4th-158].
Hero This card is very similar to Necba the Wrathmaker [DU-14],
10 except the attach doesn't have to result in a razed realm, and
AD&D the champion discarded is the lowest level champion, so low
May use any support card. May use Dragonlance artifacts. level champions you want to save like Hettman Tsurin [1st-
When in combat, her attachments activate first, regardless if 172] can be saved by giving them high icon bonus
attacking or defending. attachments. You will still lose a champion if you do not attack,
but the champion you want to save just has to be higher than
This high level hero has many things going for her. First off, one other in your pool. It targets the lowest level champion so
she may use any support card. This is still very good for a deck it is less likely to discard itself. This avatar is not meant for
using lots of different types of support cards. She can attach combat (even though it requires all players, including its owner,
either AD&D or Dragonlance artifacts (I believe the main to attack every turn). Because of the high requirements on its
purpose of this was so she could use the Medalion of Faith owner (3 magic items and attacking every round), this card will
[DL-c25]). However, the strongest part of her power is that her rarely see play in tournaments.
attachments activate first in battle, regardless of whether she is
attacking or defending. This makes her a great champion to The Brewmaster
put "instant victory" type cards on her, like the Vorpal Blade #9 of 72
[FR-56] or a held Use Poison [NS-63] (it would not allow these Hero
cards to be played from the hand immediately). This early 4
activation makes her versatility with support cards and artifacts Dragonlance
much more useful. Gib Thiaf will see play in many different Dwarf. In phase 0, this champion may either recover one
settings, including tournaments, because of this wonderful magic item with the words ‘oil’ or ‘potion’ in the title from the
adaptability. discard pile, or pull one such card from his deck, and play it
Gib Thiaf was created to honor Brenda "Faith" Reeves, who immediately upon himself.
was one of the top female players the game has had, who was
fanatical about the game. She has since given up the game. This dwarf is set for a theme of potion and oil magic item
cards. Besides the cards in this set, there is only one other
Pirate potion: Potion of Fire Breathing [1st-215]. The Brewmaster,
#7 of 72 during phase 0 (so not on the turn he is played) can either
Hero search his deck for an oil or potion, or can pull back an oil or
5 potion from the discard pile. Either way, the potion is attached
AD&D to the Brewmaster. Good choices for the Brewmaster to search
Swimmer. Can use thief skills. During phase 3 the pirate may for include the Potion of Disenchantment [CH-32] and the
send all magic items and artifacts attached to any one Potion of ESP [CH-36] (both of which go to the Abyss after
champion in play to Limbo. The attachments are returned to play), and the Potion of Super-Heroism [CH-40]. Nectar [CH-
the champion the next time he enters battle. 34] and Ambrosia [CH-35] are not formally potions (though
they are used the same way), so the Brewmaster may not get
Pirate is a great card for fighting "sit and destroy from far them. Coupled with Tasslehoff Burrfoot [DL-39] and Pelanth
away" decks. During phase 3, pick a champion in play. All his the Bronze Dragon [DR-28], this could make some awesomely
magic items and artifacts go to Limbo. This is a great way to dangerous magic item decks. The only cards that can do
get rid of annoying magic items that never see battle, like the similar searching at Create Object [PO-97] (which puts the
Bell of Might [FR-c18], Dragonfont [AR-c20], or the Bag of item into play) or Moraster [4th-339] (which puts the magic
Holding [AR-29]. This also is a good way to weaken a pool item on the top of the deck). Since the Brewmaster has no
champion to destroy him (for instance, sending the Winner's immunities and a low level, nearly any method of champion
Cape [4th-520] to Limbo, then Wish [FR-46] the champion destruction is effective on him.
away). If the champion is discarded, the attachments stay in
Limbo, because the champion hasn't gone into battle. This is a Tyr, Avatar of Justice
great way to stop magic item recyclers like Tasslehoff Burrfoot #10 of 72
[DL-39]. However, sending magic items that help in battle to Hero
limbo is pointless, since the champion gets them back the 14
instant he enters combat (unless, of course, you kill the Forgotten Realms
champion before he goes into battle. Because the Pirate's Avatar. Two heroes must be discarded to bring Tyr into play.
power is not battle related, he shouldn't go into battle unless The player and all his cards are immune to all offensive thief
he absolutely must, and should be protected with attachments skills. All champions in play can only be sent to the abyss
since he has no immunity. The best ways to kill the Pirate is to through combat. Limit one avatar per pool.
force him into battle (like with Arena of Dori the Barbarian [IQ-
3]) or summon him as an ally (such as with Humanoid Familiar Tyr is the avatar for any player sick of underhanded things
[DR-48]). This card will be seen in many tournament decks as happening to his champions. To bring Tyr into play, two heroes
magic item manipulation is quite popular. It won't see much must be discarded from in play, so any deck using Tyr should
play in varients when battle is common. have many heroes or items to change their icon type (like the
Chest of Many Things [2nd-420]). Tyr's owner and all his cards

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are completely immune to thief skills. This does not stop discard one ally used against him. However, what really
defensive skills, like Legal Loophole [DU-83], but definitely seperated Marius from other champions is victory power. Any
puts the hurt on any player intent on using thief skills. Also, champion defeated by Marius is automatically under Marius's
while Tyr is in play, all champions in play (not just in Tyr's pool) player's control. This includes champions who wouldn't
can only be sent to the Abyss through combat. Therefore, if normally be discarded after on defeat, like Ochimo [FR-88].
Mindlkiller [TU-56] is cast during phase 3, it has no affect. Additionally, that champion become undead (vampire), making
However, if cast in battle, the opposing champion will go to the it even more useful for an undead theme, especially when
Abyss if a counter card is not played. This avatar would work using Negate Planar Energy [NS-73]. This power makes him
well for battle heavy decks with lots of heros. Combined in a worth it for combat based decks, especially ones that attack
pool with Gib Ergo [IQ-32], the Forgotten Ruins [DU-34] and Ur specific champions using cards like the Arena of Dori the
Draxa [4th-32], this player's pool would be nearly unassailable Barbarian [IQ-3] or Blood Challenge [BR-c20]. The best use for
outside of combat, and pretty deadly in combat. Tyr will not Marius is to attach powerful combat cards to him, like the
show up in many tournament decks except those for single Wand of Orcus [AR-2] or even Blamblower [DL-56]. The
champion types, even with his usefulness. Remember his strongest combo thus far found with him involves using the
restriction against the Abyss outside of combat when building a Spellbook [AR-30] magic item with the spell Unnerving Aura
deck with him in it. [DL-60], allowing you to steal and corrupt any opposing
champion not immune to spells. Marius will find his way into
Cai, Amateur Dragonslayer may combat based undead decks, and even a few tournament
#11 of 100 quality decks.
Hero Cúpula BSW 2015: Um campeão que seja derrotado por
5 Marius não é colocado no poço de seu controlador se ele tiver
Cai's bravado amuses dragons of base level 6 or higher. sido enviado para o Abismo, Limbo ou Void.
Before combat, the opponent rolls 1d10. If the roll is 3 or less,
the dragon returns to his pool laughing hysterically. The battle Shadow Drake
can continue with new champions. #14 of 72
Cai is a fairly worthless card. First off, it has no power unless 10
(1) the opposing player is using a dragon, (2) the dragon is has Ravenloft
a base level equal to or greater than 6, and (3) the opponent Dragon, Flyer, Earthwalker. Immune to harmful events. This
uses said champion against Cai. Even if all this happens, what champion and his allies may attack any Underdark realm,
does it earn you? A 30% chance that the dragon goes back to regardless of position or restrictions. Shadowdrake gains 5
its pool, and the opponent can choose a new opponent to face levels when facing an Underdark champion.
Cai. It is truly pathetic, and this card should never have been
made. This dragon is unique in many ways. First off, it is the first
dragon that is an earthwalker, making him very strong for an
The Chronomancer attacking dragon deck. He also is the only Ravenloft dragon,
#12 of 100 being a useful tool for a Ravenloft world deck when facing
Dark Sun cards that only support dragons. He is also immune to events,
Wizard working well for the Adkinson event domination theme. His
5 power to attack underdark realms is fairly inconsequential,
Players must ask the Chronomancer permission to get extra since all of them, before holdings, can already be attacked by
turns. Once you take a free turn or deny a free turn, at the him. However, moving the allies is nice. The Shadow Drake's
beginning of your next phase 3 choose an opponent. That last power is fairly weak, especially since he starts at out a
player immediately gains control of the Chronomancer as if it high level and Underdark champions aren't very common.
was their champion. Overall, this makes the Shadow Drake a decent card for many
theme decks, but not great, and not good enough for most
The Chronomancer is an interesting champion, but will find tournament decks, especially without the ability to use most
little real use in games. Currently, there are only two ways to support cards.
get free turns: Ancient Kalidney [AR-92] and Caravan [1st-
319]. Both of these can be delayed in use until you get the Hextor
Chronomancer into play, or can be played faster than others #15 of 72
can get the Chronomancer into play. If you do get to use the Monster
power (usually only by suprising someone with your hidden 20
pool), you have to give up the Chronomancer on your next Greyhawk
turn. As this champion has no innate abilities, and it would be Avatar. Two Greyhawk monster must be discarded to bring
foolish to load him up with attachements since he could easily Hextor into play. While in the pool, Hextor doubles the levels of
be m oved to another player, he is easy to kill by any player monsters of this player and make them immune to offensive
wanting to get an extra turn. All in all, he doesn't slow down a spells. Limit 1 avatar per pool.
game much, is very easily lost, and only effects two cards. This
silver bullet should be left in the ammo box and never loaded. Hextor is an interesting diety for a monster themed deck. His
high level makes him very dangerous, though his power
Marius doesn't affect him while he is in battle (since he would no
#13 of 100 longer be in the pool). While hiding in the pool, all monsters
Wizard controlled by his player have their adjusted level doubled when
8 they go into battle. Thus, a magic item attached to the monster
Ravenloft before battle begins has its level doubled; ie. The Storm Giant
Undead. Elf. Vampire. Any opposing champion who is [FR-81] with a Vorpal Blade [FR-56] (+3) is level 20 when
defeated by Marius becomes undead vampire champion, with entering battle. Also, all of the players monsters (including
no special powers, under the control of this player. May kill one Hextor) are immune to offensive wizard and cleric spells while
opposing ally during a combat where he is involved. Hextor is in the pool. However, the existance of only 13 non-
avatar greyhawk monsters, many of which not worth playing,
Marius is a champion for many theme decks. This champion is severely limits a player from using Hextor. Additionally, Hextor
an elf and undead (vampire) champion, and is affected by all does not protect from the most powerful and dangerous threat
cards targetting either attribute. Each round of combat, it may to a monster deck: Treasure! [1st-312]. These limitations and

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relatively weak power means that Hextor will rarely be seen in 5
decks, and only in those mostly built around him. Try to avoid Birthright
him if you can. Can use hero unarmed combat cards. Every time this
champion has an ally card played with him in battle, this player
Tummbutt, the Faerie Dragon may draw a card. This champion gains 2 levels for each ally
#16 of 72 currently in play.
Monster The Warmonger is an outstanding champion for any deck
3 using many allies. First off, he can use blood abilities and hero
Tummbutt can be sent to Limbo at any time, allowing this unarmed combat cards, making him useful for any deck using
player to rearrange all attachments in one player's pool. All either ability. However, he really shines when allies are used.
attachments must still be legally attached. Tummbutt returns to When an ally card is played with the Warmonger, his player
his pool at the end of this player's next turn. may draw an additional card from his deck. This does not
include allies gotten from cards like the Axe of the Dwarvish
Tummbutt has unique power that can be useful for many Lords [AR-2] or the Ultimate Triumverate [TU-c6], since those
different situations. First off, Tummbutt can use his power at aren't ally cards, but does include allies recovered with cards
any time, which is very useful. He can be sent to Limbo to like the Staff of Conjuring [3rd-105], since an actual ally card is
reorganize all the attachments legally in any pool (an played. Cards that work well for this includes War Party [3rd-
opponent's or that of his player). Most often this will be used 54]. Additionally, using Gib Drawsemaj [NS-20] to copy his
on an opponent's pool to either spread all the magic items from power and a card that recovers allies like Dr. Mordenheim [RV-
one powerhouse around to several weaker champions, to take 99] or Skulker [DU-40] can be a major card drawing engine.
them off a champion with an undersirable power (like immunity Finally, he also gains 2 levels for each ally in play. This
or the power of Chernevik [4th-347, or as a preperation for includes his allies, his opponent's allies, and even allies in
another card (for instance, putting all the magic items on one people's pools (like Skull Tumor [DU-49]. This makes him a
champion, then casting Wish [FR-46] on that champion). All of good champion for moist extended formats or combat based
these uses, especially the later two, make him a decent choice varients, since any champion can use allies. Expect to see this
for a tournament deck. However, this won't happen all the champion in many different decks. The best ways to deal with
time, since he can cast no spells or use other support cards. this champion is either kill him in the pool (where he has no
Another good use of Tummbutt is to put him into combat immunities) or early in combat with an instant win card (before
defensively, then use his power, saving him and forcing he has a chance to use many allies).
another champion to attack. This should not be done while
attacking however, since the opponent would be able to draw Avatar of Osprem
spoils with Tummbutt leaving play. Overall, Tummbutt is not a #19 of 72
bad card that will find a niche in the tournament setting, but Monster
generally not so much if general fun games. 18
Doppelganger Avatar. Discard 12 levels of swimming champions to bring the
#17 of 72 Avatar of Osprem into play. All champions and allies of this
Monster player become swimmers, and receive +4 to their base levels
4 when attacking. When attacking coastal realms, one opposing
AD&D ally is discarded per battle. This player's champions are not
At the start of each turn and/or before combat, this champion affected by card powers that target swimmers. Limit one avatar
can become any type of champion (regent, hero, thief, ect...). per pool.
Immune to offensive cards usable by his current champion
type. Osprem joins Tempest, Avatar of Zeboim [PO-44] and The
Seas Quess, Avatar of Zeboim [PO-78] and best choices for a
The Doppleganger is a very flexible champion who works very swimmer deck, so must be compared to them. First off, the
well in many combat settings. First off, the Doppleganger can Avatar of Osprem is harder to bring into play, since the others
change his champion type at the begining of each of his only require any cleric to be discarded. However, The Sea
player's turns (phase 0), which can be very useful for a deck Queen loses, since all it does is make all of this player's
with lots of support types, especially those used from the pool. champions swimmers and pull back a magic item, while the
He also has this option whenever he enters combat for any Avatar of Osprem adds more levels to all those swimming
reason, making him an instant killer against champions like the champions, hurts allies, and gives a twisted immunity.
Living Scroll [2nd-408]. This only includes champion icon types However, I'll take Tempest over those for two reasons; The
like cleric, wizard, and psionicist. He may not choose to be a first is that Tempest gives lots of immunities (spells, items, and
dragon, halfling, or elf. This morphing power has a very useful artifacts) to all swimming champions. This protects them more
additional power, as each champion type can give him than the Avatar of Osprem's ability which only protects against
immunity to certain cards until he changes form. This means cards that specifically state they target swimmers (like Stone
he can be immune to wizard spells (when a wizard), cleric Water [DL-78], but not Death Spell [1st-392]). Also, to bring out
spells (when a cleric), psionic powers (psionicist), thief skills the Avatar of Osprem, you need to already have swimmers. If
(thief), blood abilities (regent), hero unarmed combat cards you have swimmers already, why do you need to the power to
(hero), or offensive magic items or other cards only usable by turn them into swimmers. Additionally, general cards that
a certain type of champion (like immunity to the bonus of the specifically state swimmers can help or hurt a player using
Gen [IQ-72]). Since the Doppleganger may not choose to Tempest. The Avatar of Osprem stops card like the Tower By
become undead, a dragon, or a giant, he may not become The Sea [DU-33] from affecting his champions as much as
immune to unarmed combat cards useable only by those types nasty cards like Kank Lancers [3rd-255]. Since you would
of champions. This immunity flexability can be very useful always be able to use the support cards in your deck, and
when you find out the opponent's deck is focused around one most opposing decks don't carry many swimmer stoppers. A
support or icon type. This flexability shows makes the better combo to get the same effect is Song of the
Doppleganger fitting for many different decks, and thus will Dragonlance [DU-25], which allows your champions to swim as
show in many different tournament and fun games. needed (in other words, only when you want them to, and not
when most of the nastiest swimmer killers are played) with
Tempest. Also, it should be a given that this card would only
The Warmonger
be fore a fun swimmer deck, since there are much nastier
#18 of 72

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avatars to use, and this card requires to many swimmers for a the ally regardless of any restrictions (Rule of Cosmos, world,
non-swimmer deck to use. race, etc.). If discarded, all cards with the same name as card
on the Henchman are discarded also.
Lurker Above
#20 of 72 This wonderful card features the character of Nodwick, done
Monster by the very skillful artist Aaron Williams. First off, this ally may
3 be played only in battle legally, but thereafter, stays with the
AD&D allied champion until discard is forced. Interestingly, in battle
Can only defend. Attackers below base level 8 mistake the and after, magic items may be attached to either the
Lurker Above for the ceiling and are surprised. The opponent Henchman or his allied champion. Magic items and artifacts of
rolls 1d10. If the die roll is greater than attacker's base level, any sort can be attached to the Henchman, regardless of what
the attacker is discarded. The Lurker Above is immune to the artifact or magic item says. The main reason to do this is
cards that specifically harm monsters. that is the last line of the henchman's power; if the henchman
is discarded (including sent to the Abyss or the Void), all
The Lurker Above is severly limited by the fact it can never be copies of all attachments to him are also discarded. This
used to attack, only defend. Additionally, it has no special means you should use magic items you expect opponents to
powers aside from its weak immunity (if the card doesn't use (often including cards like the Bag of Holding [AR-28] or
precisely say monsters, the immunity is worthless) if the the Ring of All Seeing [4th-171]) on the Henchman. This way,
attacking champion is base level 8 or above. However, it has a your oppoent will only try to destroy Nodwick if he is willing to
chance to beat any opposing champion of base level 7 or less give his own cards up. This will let the Henchman find his way
as long as it's power doesn't kill it first (since attackers' powers into major tournament decks (which often seem to be magic
activate first). These odds are not bad (30% versus a base item or artifact heavy). The best way to deal with the
level 7 champion, 50% versus a base level 5, and even better Henchman is not to let him into play (discarding him from the
for lower level champions), especially considering the rule that hand or deck early) or to destroy him quickly before he gets
every 0 on a d10 roll counts as a 10. This instant defeat power attachments matching any of yours. Also, if you happen to play
can be enhanced by using cards like Rigged Dice [MI-22] (to very light on magic items and artifacts, or use ones that are
support more instant kills) or Wand of Enemy Detection [IQ-61] rarely seen in tournaments, leave the Henchman alone. He is
to allow the Lurker Above to use its power first in combat. The likely to annoy other opponents more than you, and save you
best way to defeat the Lurker is to kill it before combat (not both the effort and from being the target of that opponent's
hard to do to a level 3 champion with almost no immunity), to firepower.
place dice games with cards like Rigged Dice or Louie the Pit
Boss [MI-74], or simply attack with champions of base level 8 Servants of Faith
or higher. Being an instant defeat champion, this card will see #23 of 72
action in both serious tournament decks and fun decks (I Ally
mean, seriously, who doesn't love rolling dice). +6
Can cast priest spells. May be attached to a cleric in pool
Piranhas during phase 3. While attached to a cleric, than the champion's
#21 of 72 base level is doubled. This ally cannot be forced to change
Ally sides during combat, and returns with the cleric in a victorious
+1 combat.
Hide this ally under a realm indicating water and reveal when
an attack occurs. The opponent rolls 1d6. If the number is This ally works well for cleric themed decks. Firstly, this ally
even, the attacking champion and the piranhas are discarded. may cast cleric spells. Note that this is not the same as
The piranhas cannot be discarded through combat by any allowing the attached champion to cast cleric spells, which is
means, and remains with the realm until its power is useful when facing cards that strip abilities away from
successful. opposing cards. Additionally, this card gains a lot more when
attached to a cleric. The attached cleric doubles its base level,
Piranhas can not be played into combat in a normal way. which can be very effective with cards like Nemon Hotep [NS-
Strangely not a swimmer, this ally is placed under any realm 67], can never be forced to change sides during combat, and
that shows any water; this includes realms that aren't coastal, returns with the attached cleric if that cleric was victorious in
but do show a river or lack, so even a few Dark Sun realms battle. All this plus the ally's significant +6 bonus makes this a
may use this ally. The ally is placed during phase 3. When the solid card for any deck based on clerics. This ally can still be
realm is attack, this ally is revealed. It must be revealed when discarded normally in battle, so any type of ally destruction
an attack happens, even if it would have no effect. Then, there works very well to counter the servants of faith. Because of this
is a 50-50 chance the opposing champion will be discarded and strong theme support, the Servants of Faith will rarely be
through the Piranha's power. If the power isn't success, it waits seen in tournaments, but will see lots of play in fun holy decks.
to try to feed again on the next champion put forward. If this ally returns with a cleric champion to the pool, it can cast
Generally, it will succeed by the third champion sent forward cleric spells from the pool without risking any of your
(87.5%), not accounting for allies immune to ally powers or champions to Spell Turning [1st-398].
adjusting the dice rolls. This power is fairly strong, and will be
popular for some players. However, its limitations (only Chain Master
defensive, can die with realms without use, not always #24 of 72
succeeding) will keep the top decks from using it (especially Ally
since it is currently popular to destroy realms from a distance), +9
and it won't often get used in fun games and generally instant When played, immediately discards all allies of level 5 or
defeats aren't that fun. However, for a nasty suprise and a higher. While the Chain Master is in play, no further allies may
somewhat effective destroyer, it isn't bad and should be be played.
considered for decks with mostly realms that can house them.
This ally is the ultimate trump in game featuring ally battles.
Henchman With a large +9 bonus, it is one of the highest icon bonus
#22 of 72 allies. When it is played, it discards all other allies of level 5 or
Ally higher in play (on both sides of combat and in pools). Further,
+2 no more allies of any level can be played while the Chain
Once played, this ally remains with the attached champion. Master is still in play. Usually, this only means to the end of the
Any number of magic items and artifacts may be attached to round of combat, but if somehow kept in play (by cards like

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Azalin [RV-82]), this ally is an ultimate ally stopper for as long every turn or be discarded regardless of special powers.
as it stays in play. This can be very effective for decks built on (Off/3)
other themes like combat spells, since you effective prevent
the play of any allies against you. The biggest weakness of this Oil of Impact
power is that it also restricts the ally's owner. Thus it should #30 of 72
only be used in ally decks as a last trump card to play (since it Magic Item
may hose your allies), or more likely, in a deck that hates All other attached magic item and artifact weapons are tripled
allies. For this reason, the Chain Master will see play in in icon bonus. (Def)
tournaments of all kinds and many fun games. Just be careful
when you use it that you hurt the opponent more than yourself.
Oil of Fumbling
The best defense for this card is any way to kill it in battle
(aside from allies) since it has no defensive powers, or major #31 of 72
ally stoppers like Mist Wolf [1st-175]. Magic Item
Attach to any champion in any pool. The attached champion
discards all other magic items and artifacts currently attached
#25 of 72 to him, and may not play any more until Oil is removed. May
Cleric Spell be dispelled by any dispel spell (Off)
Castable at anytime. Search your draw pile for any rule card.
Put that card into play then discard the casting champion and
Oil of Disenchantment
this spell to the abyss.
#32 of 72
This card just screams out for combos. Able to be cast at any Magic Item
time (including other people's turns), it should be saved either Discard from the pool to the Abyss to send any magic item to
to work with your combo (like A Sure Thing [NS-74] just before the abyss, or any artifact to the discard pile. (Off)
you play your Vorpal Blade [FR-56] or The Fates [BR-c23]) or
to disrupt another player's combo (like using it just after an Potion of Alter Self
opponent plays A Sure Thing). You can search for any Rule #33 of 72
Card in your deck, and should only be used to pull off a Magic Item
specific combo or for a foundation card for a deck, such as +1
Negative Planar Energy [NS-73], Taxation! [BR-c18], or Event Discard from the attached champion at any time to make the
Wheel [4th-497]. This awesome power comes with a major attached champion a flyer; or swimmer; or earthwalker; or may
drawback; the casting champion must immediately be sent ot change champion type. The potion's effect lasts for 1d4 turns.
the Abyss with this spell. The best way to get around this
penalty is with the Throne of the Mountain God [4th-510], Nectar
which means that both cards go to limbo and return on your #34 of 72
next turn. This defensive spell may be dispelled in any regular Magic Item
way, and a deck counting on the spell working needs to find a Discard to the abyss during your phase 3 to give your
way to defend against this. If the spell is dispelled, the casting champion +1d6 levels and can only be killed in combat by an
champion and spell don't go to the Abyss, since that was an opponent's action. If the same champion discards Ambrosia to
effect of the spell and not listed as a cost. the abyss, your champion cannot be discarded from your pool
by any means and becomes an avatar. Limit one avatar per
Chant pool.
#26 of 72
Cleric Spell Ambrosia
+8 #35 of 72
Castable only by clerics. The champion is immune to offensive Magic Item
magic items and spells. If the caster wins a round of battle, the Discard to the abyss during your phase 3 to give your
spell may be used by each champion for the duration of the champion +1d6 levels and can only be killed in combat by an
combat. The spell is then reshuffled into the draw pile. If the opponents actions. If the same champion discards Nectar to
cleric loses the round, the spell is sent to the abyss. the abyss, your champion cannot be discarded from your pool
by any means and becomes an avatar. Limit one avatar per
Watahh! pool.
#27 of 72
Unarmed Combat Card Potion of ESP
+2 #36 of 72
Played at any time during combat, this player can choose to Magic Item
discard any 2 cards of the opposing player's force (excluding When discarded from the pool, opponents must then play with
the champion), or to deflect the special power of any just their hands face up for 1d4 turns OR send the potion to the
played card back at the opposing player's force before it Abyss to discard one card from each opponent's hand. (Off)
activates. (Off)
Potion of Heroism
Know What You Are Hiding!!!
#37 of 72
#28 of 72 Magic Item
Psionic Power When discarded from battle, the champion gains 3d4 levels
While this power is in play, all players must keep all pools face until the end of the current turn. (Def)
up regardless of immunities. This power lasts until dispelled.
Potion of Invulnerability
#38 of 72
Curse of Wolves Blood
Magic Item
#29 of 72 +2
Blood Ability Discard from attached champion at any time. To make this
Play on any non-Werebeast champion, the champion becomes champion is immune to all offensive magic items and artifacts
a Werewolf immune to magical items of less than + 4 for 1d4 turns.
enchantment. However, the attached champion must attack

Chaos Online - Página 391

Potion of Undead Control Blackjammer's Cutlass
#39 of 72 #48 of 72
Magic Item Artifact
May be discarded from battle to summon any undead +6
champion from any pool as an ally. If champion is defeated or AD&D
discarded, then the undead goes to owner's discard pile. May be attached to a champion of any world. This champion
is now considered worldless, but gets a world bonus in any
Potion of Super-Heroism combat over a realm. While in combat, this champion is
#40 of 72 immune to artifacts attached to a champion from a world
Magic Item different from its own.
May be only used by Heroes. When discarded from battle, this
hero gains 5d6 levels and is immune to offensive unarmed Nuclear Free Zone
combat cards until the end of the current turn. #49 of 72
Potion of Glibness All spells, psionic power, and event cards that can discard a
#41 of 72 realm are sent to the Abyss from all hands, discards or draw
Magic Item piles, regardless of any immunity or special power. Each
When discarded from combat, retrieve any one thief skill from player may then draw a card for each card sent to the Abyss.
the discard pile directly to combat. (Def/4) This event may only be negated; it cannot be calmed by
individual players. (Harmful)
Potion of Healing
Shapeshifters Invade!
#42 of 72
Magic Item #50 of 72
When discarded from battle, any non-undead, non-werebeast Event
ally in the discard pile or Abyss may be immediately played Until the end of this player's next turn, all players can ignore
into battle. (Def) the Rule of Cosmos in regard to champions. All duplicate
champions in play when this event expires fight their
“duplicate” to see which champion stays in play. (Harmful)
Loaf of Smiting
#43 of 72
Planar Refugee
Magic Item
+2 #51 of 72
Weapon. Negates icon bonus of 1 offensive magic item use Event
by opponent. Roll 2d10. If either die roll comes up with a 0, Target champion has his world designation changed to event
opponent is knocked out and is put under the attacked realm. player's choice. Lasts until negated or discarded. (Harmful)
If doubles are rolled, the loaf breaks and is immediately
discarded. If 00 is rolled, the champion is sent to the Abyss. Spanish Inquisition
Knocked out champions return to their pools when the realm is #52 of 72
razed or discarded. (Off) Event
All champions able to cast cleric spells are sent to limbo until
Badge of Honour the end of the owner's next turn. (Harmful)
#44 of 72
Magic Item Blackjack
The attached champion is considered an adventurer for the #53 of 72
purposes of card play. (Def) Event
Play during a round of battle. Each player plays 21, discarding
Fork of Defence a card from the top of the draw pile and tallying the last digit for
#45 of 72 each card 'dealt'. They may 'hit' as many times as desired.
Magic Item The player closest to 21 (with out going over) wins the battle,
+5 all cards are discarded regardless of game play. If both
This charmed eating utensil allows a defender to block the use players tie the battle is over with no victor, all cards are still
of any swords. Their bonuses are negated as well as any discarded. (Harmful)
powers they have. (Def)
False Sense of Security
Bag of Devouring #54 of 72
#46 of 72 Event
Magic Item Roll 1d4. All immunities are cancelled, including immunities to
-2 events, for that many turns. This event may only be negated; it
This bag may be sent to the void from the hand or pool at any cannot be calmed by individual players. (Harmful)
time to send all other "bag’s in play to the abyss, regardless of
immunities. (Def) Burned at the Stake
#55 of 72
Metal Detector Event
#47 of 72 Play on any champion that does not have the ability to cast (ie.
Artifact Hero, Monster, etc) just after they cast a spell. That champion
+1 is sent to the Abyss or the player may discard 3 cards, at
AD&D random, from hand to save the champion. (Harmful)
Can only be attached to any champion of level 5 or less. Once
per turn, this artifact can be used to move a card from the
discard pile, chosen at random, to the owner's deck. The deck
is then shuffled.

Chaos Online - Página 392

High Tide Cloud Giant's Castle
#56 of 72 #63 of 72
Rule Card Dungeon
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not This players Giants may attack any realm, regardless of
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until position or restriction.
another rule card is played. All swimmers can attack any
realm regardless of position or restriction. All swimmers gain Playing Fair
+3 to their base levels. #64 of 72
Welcome to the Dojo This player can play any card from any set/series regardless of
#57 of 72 any card that an opponent has in play that prohibits said cards
Rule Card from being played. If this dungeon leaves play, any cards that
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not prohibit card play are sent to the abyss.
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until
another rule card is played. This card is immune events and Raistlin's Library
the wish spell. Unarmed combat cards are reshuffled into the #65 of 72
draw pile after use. Dungeon
Whenever this player casts any spell, roll 1d10. On a roll of 1-
Keep it on the Battlefield 4, the spell may not be turned or retargeted. On a roll of 5-8,
#58 of 72 the spell may not be dispelled. On a 9-0, the spell is
Rule Card retargeted at a legal target that this player owns.
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until The Pack
another rule card is played. The Weasel Attack! Event cannot #66 of 72
be played. Cards in play but not in battle cannot affect a battle. Dungeon
Cards involved in battle can only affect other cards in the All of this player's champions are afflicted with lycanthropy and
battle. Powers that take effect after a battle has ended can are considered were-beasts who are immune to offensive
only target the cards that were involved, the attacked realm, or magical items of less than +4 enchantment, while this dungeon
the players involved. card is in play.

Logistics Amish Nick's Farm

#59 of 72 #67 of 72
Rule Card Realm
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not AD&D
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until One holding of each world may be attached to this realm. If
another rule card is played. While this rule card is in play, this realm is razed or discarded, all attached holdings are
realms which place restrictions on attacking card types or force reshuffled into their player's draw pile.
cards to be discarded to attack have these conditions placed
on defenders instead.
Picque Moi
#68 of 72
Rain of Colorless Fire
#60 of 72 AD&D
Rule Card Underdark. This realm may have any holding attached and
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not must be the first targeted in the formation by cards played
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any outside of combat.
other rule card is played. All events, spells, and psionic
powers that cause the razing/discarding of realms outside of
The Desolation
combat now come with a cost. To play the spell, event, psi
power a card of the same type must be discarded. If the #69 of 72
player can not discard a similar card type then the initial card Realm
can not be played. Dragonlance
Attacking champions lose 4 base levels. If this realm is razed
or discarded, no spoils of victory are drawn for it.
Speed Kills
#61 of 72
Mountain Lookout Tower
Rule Card
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not #70 of 72
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any Holding
other rule card is played. When a player draws the last card of AD&D
their deck, the discard pile is NOT reshuffled to make a new May be attached to a realm showing mountains of any world.
draw pile. The special powers of all cards that return or Any flyer defending the attached realm has their attachments
reshuffle cards from the discard pile to the draw pile are activate first during combat, and may play one card into
negated. combat first, regardless of who is winning the battle.

King of Nothing Darkmoon

#62 of 72 #71 of 72
Dungeon Holding
All of this player’s blood abilities gain an additional bonus 5
equal to the current number of cards in this player's hand. Ravenloft
Each attacking champion must roll 2d10. If it is doubles, the
attacking champion is discarded, if not the champion attacks
normally. Can defend the realm as a level 5 monster champion

Chaos Online - Página 393

Not So Fast extra. Caso a carta respondida tenha outros poderes, eles
#72 of 72 funcionam normalmente.
AD&D Ao responder uma das ações acima descritas, a fortaleza
This card can not be included in a deck that has The Caravan nega a ação afetada
or Good Fortune. May be discarded from the hand or Not so Fast não pode afetar eventos protegidos pela dungeon
formation when an opponent attempts to draw extra cards Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen (24/DU).
(other than spoils), rebuild a realm, or attempts to take an extra
turn. If discarded in this manner, cancel that action. Cúpula BSW 2016: devido à enorme dificuldade em oferecer
uma resposta ao poder desta carta, seu poder deve ser
Cúpula BSW 2015: Ao responder a uma tentativa do ativado apenas se ela for descartada da formação.
adversário de comprar cartas extras, reconstruir um reino ou
jogar um turno extra, Not So Fast afeta apenas a ação de
comprar cartas extras, reconstruir um reino ou jogar um turno

Chaos Online - Página 394

Glass Golem Corruption of Soul
1/81 7/81
Ally Cleric Spell
8 AD&D
AD&D Castable only by clerics. The corruption runs so deep that the
Counts as a magical item. All spells cast at this golem (and the targeted non-avatar champion loses their immunity to offensive
attached champion) are reflected back at the caster. If spells and is sent to the Abyss. The casting cleric is sent to
defeated in combat, it shatters, sending the victorious Limbo for 1d6 turns. (Off/3/4)
champion to the discard pile. If defeated in combat as an ally, it
returns to pool as a level 8 monster. Earth to Earth
Stone Golem Cleric Spell
2/81 AD&D
Ally Castable only by clerics. If cast immediately after a realm is
6 razed or discarded, the realm remains in the formation,
AD&D unrazed. The casting cleric is then sent to the Abyss. (Def)
Earthwalker. Counts as a magical item. Immune to offensive
spells. If defeated in combat, all spells in all discard piles are Extension II
sent to the Abyss. If defeated in combat as an ally, it returns to 9/81
pool as a level 6 monster. Wizard Spell
Wood Golem Can be cast only during combat to make a phase 4 spell
3/81 without a duration last for that entire phase 4. All of this
Ally player's champions involved during the combat gain the level
5 bonus and special powers of the extended spell immediately
AD&D upon entering battle. (Def/4)
Swimmer. Counts as a magical item. Immune to blood abilities
and thief skills. If defeated in combat, all artifacts in play are Burning Hands
sent to the discard pile. If defeated in combat as an ally, it 10/81
returns to pool as a level 5 monster. Wizard Spell
Sand Golem AD&D
4/81 Fire spell. The opposing champion has his hands burned,
Ally preventing him from casting spells and using thief skills. Stays
6 with the opposing champion until the champion is discarded or
AD&D this spell is dispelled. (Off/4)
Earthwalker. Counts as a magical item. Immune to magic
items of less than +6 enchantment. If defeated, all magic items Delayed Fireball
in play are sent to the Abyss. If defeated in combat as an ally, 11/81
it returns to pool as a level 6 monster. Wizard Spell
Coral Golem Cast on a player's pool. When that player reaches phase 5 of
5/81 his next turn, roll 2d6. All champions of less than the rolled
Ally level are sent to the discard pile. (Off/3/4)
AD&D Tampering
Swimmer. Counts as a magical item. In combat, discards any 12/81
one opposing swimming ally. If defeated in combat, Thief Skill
attachments on all non-swimming champions are discarded. If AD&D
defeated as an ally, it returns to pool as a level 5 monster. Playable only after a champion activates a magical item to use
its effects during phase 3. Instead of working, the champion
Bone Golem and the magical item are sent to the Abyss regardless of card
6/81 play and immunities. (Off)
4 False Arrest
AD&D 13/81
Counts as a magic item. Immune to the power of undead Thief Skill
champions. If defeated in combat, all undead champions and AD&D
allies in all discard piles go to the Abyss. If defeated as an ally, Can be used by any champion. Arrest (send to Limbo) any
it returns to pool as a level 4 undead monster. champion who has at least one attachment for 2d6 turns. At
the start of that player's turn, the champion may pay a fine
(discard all attachments) to return to their pool. (Off)

Conquest Online - Página 395

Assassination! Concussing Blow
14/81 22/81
Thief Skill Unarmed Combat Card
Usable only by a thief. No champion is safe (immune) from Raises this champion’s adjusted level to one greater than the
Assassination! Discard any one champion in play and the thief level of the opposing champion. If played immediately after
using Assassination! (Off/3) 'Ambush' (152/4th), both cards are shuffled back into the
player's draw pile after the battle instead of being discarded.
Bribe (Def/4)
Thief Skill Humiliation
AD&D 23/81
Play when a champion attacks this player. The attacking player Unarmed Combat Card
may choose to continue the attack, or place the top 3 cards of AD&D
his draw pile off to the side and put them into his hand during Play on any champion in play. He is so humiliated that he
the NEXT phase 0 and immediately move to phase 5. (def) hides under any realm in that player's formation and cannot
take any action. He is the first to defend this realm and is
Framed! brought back into play, if victorious. If the realm is
16/81 razed/discarded outside of combat, he returns to the pool.
Thief Skill (Off/3)
Play only when one of your champions is targeted by any Blood of Azhul
action by an opponent. Choose another champion in any 24/81
player's pool, that champion is now the target of the action and Blood Ability
is affected regardless of special abilities or immunities. (Def) AD&D
The user may attack again until the realm is razed as long as
Raise! each previous round of the battle was a victory for the user.
17/81 (Def/4)
Psionic Power Card
AD&D Gatekeeper’s Lost Foon
Can only be played during another player’s phase 0. This 25/81
power can rebuild a razed realm, which does not count Magic Item
towards victory conditions until the end of the current turn. The 4
using champion cannot attack or defend realms until the end AD&D
this player's next turn. (Def) Counts as a spoon and a fork. While in play, cards cannot
leave the Abyss. (Def)
Destroy Thought
18/81 Kinetic Armor
Psionic Power Card 26/81
AD&D Magic Item
Play this card after an attack is declared on one of your 5
realms. The attacking champion returns to the pool an cannot AD&D
attack or defend until this power is dispelled. (Off) Not usable by thieves or wizards. Turns offensive unarmed
combat cards back at the user. Can be played in combat to
Domination turn a just played unarmed combat card. (Def)
Psionic Power Card Mace of Blood Drain
AD&D 27/81
Play on a champion in an opposing player’s pool and place Magic Item
that champion into your pool. The affected champion may not 4
act while this power is in play. (Off/3) AD&D
Weapon. +8 if used by any undead. May be attached at any
Finishing Move time to a champion to absorb any blood ability as it is played.
20/81 The blood ability is then put under this card and its bonus is
Unarmed Combat Card added to the mace. (Off)
Useable by any champion. Play only if you have just won a The Apocalypse Stone
round of combat. You may continue to play cards into the 28/81
battle. If at any time your champion’s level is at least double Artifact
that of the opposing champion, you may send the opposing AD&D
champion (and all attached cards) to the Abyss (regardless of Can only be attached to any realm. If this realm is razed or
special powers) and draw a card. (Off/4) discarded outside of combat by another player, 1d4 of the
opposing player's realms are instantly razed.
21/81 Palace of the Battle Lord
Unarmed Combat Card 29/81
AD&D Dungeon
May only be played by a giant with an attached magical item or Dark Sun
artifact. The opposing champion is squished into goo, going In combat, this player's heroes can only be defeated by total
directly to the Abyss. (Off/4) levels or cards that cause the battle to end without a victor.

Conquest Online - Página 396

All Hail the King! another rule card is played. While in play, all champions have
30/81 their base level changed to 10 minus their printed base level.
In combat, this player's heroes and regents are doubled in Sheriff’s in Town
base level and cannot be stripped of their special powers by 38/81
any other card. Event
The Adventure Path No thief skills maybe played for 1d4 turns. (Harmful)
Dungeon Breath to Death
AD&D 39/81
All of this player's adventurers can use thief skills and any Event
unarmed combat card. AD&D
The player of this event rolls 3d10. Every player must discard
at least that many levels of champions from their pool.
The Sands of Time Freeze (Harmful)
32/81 Underground Railroad
Rule Card 40/81
AD&D Event
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not AD&D
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any All of this player's allies are considered earthwalkers until the
other rule card is played. All cards (except rule cards) with a end of this player's next turn. (Helpful)
stated duration cannot be played, any already in play when
this rule card is played are discarded regardless of any Double Up
circumstances. 41/81
Unified Universe AD&D
33/81 Play immediately after a card that calls for a dice roll. All
Rule Card players who are rolling dice must now roll 2 times, and add the
AD&D totals together (1d4 becomes 2d4, etc.). (Helpful/Harmful)
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until Tag Team
another rule card is played. The world designation of all cards 42/81
in play is changed to AD&D. Event
The Grim Harvest This player can now assist any player currently in combat as if
34/81 it were his phase 4. If played during this players combat, the
Rule Card player may use any champion in any pool as an ally who is
AD&D reshuffled into their owner's draw pile at the end of combat.
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not (Harmful)
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until
another rule card is played. All players must attack on their Tactical Retreat
turn or discard a card from their pool. All realms can be 43/81
attacked, regardless of position, restrictions, or holdings. Event
Champions defeated in battle go to the Abyss. AD&D
This player's champion retreats, leading the opposing
What Madness is This?! champion into an ambush. Battle starts over retaining only
35/81 allies, magical items, and artifacts. This player can then
Rule Card discard any one card attached to the opposing champion.
AD&D (Harmful)
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until Romeis Gianthammer
another rule card is played. This rule card is immune to events 44/81
and the Wish spell. Phases 0-5 of each player's turn are now Hero
played in reverse order. When first played, the player's phase 6
becomes phase 5. Greyhawk
Giants in combat with Romeis are discarded. If Romeis and
Cannon Fodder Tergoz Tenhammer are in play, all Greyhawk champions are
36/81 immune to the special powers of opposing non-Greyhawk
Rule Card champions.
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not Dungeon Master
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until 45/81
another rule card is played. Only the lowest adjusted level Hero
champion eligible for combat may be used in battle. 13
No world
Blessed are the Meek When in pool, the controlling player has their dungeon put into
37/81 Limbo until the Dungeon Master leaves his pool. While in play
Rule Card all players must ask the dungeon master permission to use the
AD&D powers of their dungeons.
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until

Conquest Online - Página 397

Gib Occav Being a control freak, all players must ask Gib Suan
46/81 permission to begin their turns (the turn cannot be prevented
Hero by this permission). If they don’t ask, this player may send any
7 champion in that players pool to Limbo.
Forgotten Realms
Can cast wizard spells, immune to harmful events. When in
combat, Gib Occav can use any one legally playable card from Gib Remuab, the Chase Hunter
any discard pile. The card, when discarded, is reshuffled back 54/81
into its owners draw pile. Cleric
Ecneps the Bounty Hunter Greyhawk
47/81 Elf. Immune to harmful events. All chase cards and the
Hero Wealthy Oriental Vassal lose their special powers.
Dark Sun Lady Marie
Can use psionic power cards. During any battle that Ecneps is 55/81
winning (before the opponent can play another card), he can Cleric
choose to end the battle. He then escorts the opposing 2
champion to jail (both champions go to Limbo) for 1d4 turns. Forgotten Realms
Combat can continue with new champions. Flyer. While in play, all players may have up to 3 avatars per
pool, regardless of restrictions. If she leaves play, players must
Gib Igoy discard any extra avatars.
Hero Cleric
8 56/81
Forgotten Realms Cleric
While in play, all players must skip phase 3 of their turns. 5
When first played, this player’s phase 3 ends. No world
Immune to the Rule of the Cosmos. If this champion is to be
Weredragon sent to the discard pile or Abyss through any means other than
49/81 losing combat, place into Limbo instead. This champion
Hero returns at the beginning of the player’s next turn.
Dragonlance Son of Tasselhoff
Werebeast. Between 6 PM and 6 AM, this champion becomes 57/81
a level 10 flying dragon monster who is immune to all cards Thief
with no icon bonus. 2
Hero Halfling (Kender). Magical items attached to this champion
50/81 may not be discarded, even by this player. Tasslehoff Burrfoot
Hero must attach items from the discard pile to his son instead of
5 himself, even if he is in another pool.
No world
Immune to the Rule of the Cosmos. If this champion is to be Thief
sent to the discard pile or Abyss through any means other than 58/81
losing combat, place into Limbo instead. This champion Thief
returns at the beginning of the player’s next turn. 5
No world
Krijeydif Immune to the Rule of the Cosmos. If this champion is to be
51/81 sent to the discard pile or Abyss through any means other than
Regent losing combat, place into Limbo instead. This champion
9 returns at the beginning of the player’s next turn.
Can use any unarmed combat card. Only blood abilities and Gib Sinned
unarmed combat cards that have an icon bonus can be played 59/81
against Krijeydif. Thief
Regent Dragonlance
52/81 While this champion remains in play, Menzo, Caer Allison, and
Regent Ancient Kalidnay do not count as realms for the purpose of
5 victory.
No world
Immune to the Rule of the Cosmos. If this champion is to be Pawnmaster
sent to the discard pile or Abyss through any means other than 60/81
losing combat, place into Limbo instead. This champion Thief
returns at the beginning of the player’s next turn. 9
Gib Suan Once per turn, this player may place a card from hand into the
53/81 Abyss to negate the special power of a champion in play until
Regent the beginning of this player's next turn.
Birthright Cúpula BSW 2016: o poder deste campeão pode ser ativado
apenas durante o passo 3 do turno de seu controlador,

Conquest Online - Página 398

conforme a Cúpula BSW 2013, ao contrário do que ocorre Cannot be attacked by earthwalkers. Tanith's defenders are
com o poder de Vaerhirmana, por exemplo, que possui uma immune to the special powers of heros and allies
complementação de significado no próprio poder da carta.
The Mad Scientist's Secret Lab
Dalamar 69/81
61/81 Realm
Wizard AD&D
6 Golem champions may defend this realm twice before being
Dragonlance discarded. When this realm first comes into play, this player
Elf. Wizard of the Black Robes. Gains 3 levels between the may either search his deck for any golem card, show it to all
7pm and 5am. When played, this player may go through his players and put it into hand, or shuffle all golems from his
draw pile and retrieve and play Mordenkainen and/or discard pile back into his deck.
Wizard 70/81
62/81 Realm
Wizard 12
5 AD&D
No world Can defend itself as a level 12 hero, which can use cleric
Immune to the Rule of the Cosmos. If this champion is to be spells and blood abilities. If this realm is attacked, the defeated
sent to the discard pile or Abyss through any means other than champion goes to Limbo. If this realm is razed, it cannot be
losing combat, place into Limbo instead. This champion rebuilt, it goes to the Void and no other player can put Elysium
returns at the beginning of the player’s next turn. in play again this game.

Zakhata, the False God Gehena

63/81 71/81
Monster Realm
? 13
Ravenloft AD&D
Zakhata's base level is equal to the total levels of avatars in Can defend itself as a level 13 monster, which can use wizard
play. Avatars have no powers as long as Zakhata remains in spells and thief skills. If this realm is attacked, the defeated
play. champion is sent to the Abyss. If this realm is razed, it cannot
be rebuilt, it goes to the Void and no other player can put
Mistress of Destruction Gehenna in play again this game.
Psionicist The Shackled City
6 72/81
Dark Sun Realm
If this champion razes a realm in phase 4, she may psionically 7
raze an additional realm anywhere in play instead of drawing AD&D
spoils. Can defend itself as a level 7 Hero. After a successful defense
of this realm, one enemy ally, chosen by the defending player,
Psionicist remains with the realm. It is used in the next defense of this
65/81 realm, and is discarded afterwards.
5 Castle Strahd
No world 73/81
Immune to the Rule of the Cosmos. If this champion is to be Realm
sent to the discard pile or Abyss through any means other than 7
losing combat, place into Limbo instead. This champion Ravenloft
returns at the beginning of the player’s next turn. Cannot be attacked by flyers or clerics. This realm strips any
special movement requirements (swimmers, flyers, etc.) from
Realm any realm that this players Ravenloft champions or allies
66/81 attack. Undead vampire bat allies help to defend this realm
Realm each round it is attacked.
No world
Immune to the Rule of the Cosmos. Cannot be discarded from Front Lines
formation outside of phase 4. 74/81
Blode AD&D
67/81 Front Lines must be placed as the lead realm, replacing the
Realm current lead realm whether razed or not. Can only be
Dragonlance discarded during any phase 4. While this realm is in play this
Cannot be attacked by swimmers. Defenders of Blode fight player may have a 2nd phase 4 if a spoils of victory is gained
with such tenacity that opposing allies less than +3 can not be by razing a realm during the 1st phase 4.
played. One defending ally (even if stolen) of this player's
choice remains with this realm. Maerimydra, City of the Spider Queen
Tanith Realm
68/81 Forgotten Realms
Realm Underdark. Can only be attacked by earthwalkers, Forgotten
Dragonlance Realms champions, or Underdark champions. Champions
defending this realm may use cleric spells.

Conquest Online - Página 399

Civil War
The Frozen Forest AD&DThis holding may be attached to any realm in any
76/81 player's formation. The attached realm loses all powers while
Realm this holding is attached. Defenders of the attached realm
Forgotten Realms subtract 2 from their base level. Allies cannot be used in
A bitter cold emanates from this realm, stripping all champions defense of this realm.
in play of any protection granted by the special powers of
realms. Mercenary's Guild
The Wetwoods AD&D
77/81 May be attached to any realm. If any of this player's
Realm champions wins a round of combat while attacking, that player
Forgotten Realms may reveal the top card of his/her draw pile. If it is a champion
The swamps of the Wetwoods keep their dead. Defeated or ally, it may be taken into hand, otherwise it is placed at the
champions and allies go to the Abyss. Attached magical items bottom of the deck.
and artifacts remain with the realm can be used, if legal, by the
next defender and are discarded if the realm is razed or

The Black-Isle
Dark Sun
Cannot be attacked by flyers. The look-outs of the Black-Isle
can see attackers from great distances, thus the defenders
special powers always activate first.

Dark Sun
Narchek is immune to offensive spells. Narchek may be razed
to retarget any just played psionic power card to any legal
target in play.

Conquest Online - Página 400

Amazônia, Lar de Todas as Criaturas Foz do Iguaçú
1/130 3/130
Reino Reino
Todos os campeões e aliados naturalmente Gigantes, Anões, Devido à força das Cataratas este reino é imune a nadadores.
Drows, Gnomos, Kenders, Índios, Halfings, Aventureiros, Todos os campeões e aliados deste jogador tornam-se
Awnsheghs e Elfos deste jogador são imunes às cartas nadadores e podem atacar qualquer reino que tenha água ou
ofensivas durante o combate. Amazônia pode se defender costa.
como uma Índia Amazona de nível 7 conhecedora da mata
fechada, descartando o primeiro aliado jogado contra ela. Estado: Paraná

Estado: todo o norte do país Detalhes: A palavra Iguaçu significa "água grande", na
etimologia tupi-guarani. As Cataratas são formadas pelas
Detalhes: A Amazônia é uma região natural da América do quedas do rio Iguaçu. Dezoito quilômetros antes de juntar-se
Sul, definida pela bacia do rio Amazonas e coberta em grande ao rio Paraná. Sua formação geológica data de
parte por floresta tropical - a Floresta Amazônica possui 60% aproximadamente 150 milhões de anos.
de sua cobertura em território brasileiro. O rio Amazonas é O rio Iguaçu mede 1200 m de largura acima das cataratas.
considerado o rio mais volumoso do mundo. É chamado Abaixo, estreita-se num canal de até 65m. A largura total das
também de Amazônia o bioma que, no Brasil, ocupa 49,29% Cataratas no território brasileiro é de aproximadamente 800m
do território, sendo o maior bioma terrestre do país. e no lado argentino de 1900m. Dependendo da vazão do rio, o
Uma área de seis milhões de hectares no centro de sua bacia número de saltos varia de 150 a 300 e a altura das quedas
hidrográfica, incluindo o Parque nacional do Jaú, foi varia de 40 a 82 metros resultando numa largura de 2.700
considerada pela UNESCO, em 2000 (com extensão em metros, com formato semicircular.
2003), Patrimônio da Humanidade. As quedas isoladas podem chegar a quase 300, dependendo
do volume de água do rio, reduzindo para menos de 20 em
Regra: O termo “Naturalmente” se refere a campeões e tempo de cheia. Os grandes saltos são 19, três deles do lado
aliados com a descrição das raças citadas em seu poder. A brasileiro (Floriano, Deodoro e Benjamin Constant) e os
índia amazona é considerada um herói. demais no lado argentino. A disposição dos saltos-a maior
As cartas ofensivas citadas no texto são aquelas já utilizadas parte deles no lado argentino e voltados para o Brasil -
com a extensão ofe, como cartas lançáveis (magias, blood, proporciona a melhor vista para quem observa o cenário a
skills, etc) e ítens mágicos. E se estendem às cartas lançadas partir do Brasil.
por outro oponente que esteja fora do combate corrente. Pesquisas arqueológicas realizadas pela Universidade
A imunidade não se estende à poderes de campeões, a Federal do Paraná no espaço brasileiro do reservatório de
exemplo de Lareth que também tem este determinação em Itaipu, antes de sua formação, situaram em 6.000 a.C. os
seu texto e ele também não é imune a este tipo de cartas. vestígios da mais remota presença humana na região; vários
grupos humanos sucederam-se ao longo dos séculos
Pantanal, o Refúgio das Raças
2/130 Regra: Todos os campeões em JOGO no poço deste jogador,
Reino tornam-se verdadeiramente nadadores, podendo usufruir e ser
DL alvo de cartas para este meio de locomoção.
Este jogador pode durante a fase 5 de seu turno, descartar
uma carta da mão para trazer de volta da sua Pilha de Lençóis Maranhenses
Descarte qualquer um campeão ou aliado Morto-vivo, Gigante, 4/130
Anão, Drow, Orc, Beholder, Gnomo, Índio, Awnshegh ou Elfo Reino
e colocá-lo em sua mão. DS
As dunas de Lençóis Maranhenses fornecem vitalidade aos
Estado: Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul seus guerreiros. Durante a batalha, qualquer campeão de
DarkSun deste jogador pode usar como aliado outro campeão
Detalhes: A origem do Pantanal é resultado da separação do de DarkSun em jogo. O poder e o nível do campeão
oceano há milhões de anos. Animais que estão presentes no permanecem, mas as cartas anexadas ao aliado perdem o
mar também existem no pantanal, formando o que se pode poder. O aliado retorna para a mesa de seu possuidor no fim
chamar de mar interior. Atraído pela existência de pedras e do combate.
metais preciosos (que eram usados por indígenas, que já
povoavam a região, como adornos), entre eles o ouro. O Estado: Maranhão
português Aleixo Garcia, em 1524, acabou sendo o primeiro a
visitar o território, Detalhes: Não existe nada comparável aos fascinantes
É considerado pela UNESCO Patrimônio Natural Mundial e Lençóis Maranhenses. O Pólo Parque dos Lençóis, situado no
Reserva da Biosfera sendo uma das maiores extensões litoral oriental do Maranhão, envolve os municípios de
úmidas contínuas do planeta Humberto de Campos, Primeira Cruz, Santo Amaro e
Barreirinhas, este último sendo o principal portão de entrada
para esta fantástica beleza natural.
Seu maior atrativo é o Parque Nacional dos Lençóis
Maranhenses, às margens do Rio das Preguiças, no

Mitos e Lendas - Página 401

Maranhão. São 155 mil hectares de paisagem deslumbrante, Espinhaço, a partir de uma série de extensas depressões que
cheio de altas dunas com até 40 metros de altura e lagoas de foram preenchidas com materiais expelidos de vulcões, areias
água doce, cujas águas variam entre os tons de verde e azul. sopradas pelo vento e cascalhos caídos de suas bordas.
Os Lençóis Maranhenses assemelham-se um grande deserto,
se não chovesse aqui 300 vezes mais do que no Saara Chapada dos Araripes
africano. São estas águas que, aprisionadas entre as dunas, 7/130
formam verdadeiros oásis tropicais, paradas obrigatórias para Reino
quem caminha nas dunas. Algumas lagoas chegam até a ter FR
peixes. Os fósseis da região de Araripes guardam muitos mistérios
As águas pluviais formam lagoas que se espalham em ainda a serem desvendados. O primeiro campeão dragão
praticamente toda a área do parque formando uma paisagem atacante deste jogador pode escolher o defensor no poço
inigualável, sendo um raro fenômeno geológico formado ao adversário. Aliados voadores recebem bônus de +5 quando
longo de milhares de anos através da ação da natureza. atacando.

Fernando de Noronha Estado: Ceará, Piauí e Pernambuco

Reino Detalhes: A Chapada do Araripe é um planalto localizado na
DL divisa dos estados brasileiros do Ceará, Piauí e Pernambuco.
Somente voadores e nadadores podem atacar este reino. Ao A chapada abriga uma Floresta Nacional (1946), uma Área de
defender com sucesso Fernando de Noronha, o jogador pode Proteção Ambiental (1997) e um Geoparque (2006).
escolher uma das cartas usadas em combate que iria para a Floresta Nacional do Araripe - Datada de 120 milhões de
pilha de descarte e retorná-la para mão. anos, a floresta possui mil metros de altitute e abriga fósseis
de dinossauros e peixes. As relíquias podem ser encontradas
Estado: Pernambuco no Museu de Paleontologia em Santana do Cariri (cidade a
cerca de 60 km do Crato).
Detalhes: A ocupação de Fernando de Noronha é quase tão Um dos mais importantes depósitos mundiais de fósseis de
antiga quanto a do continente. Em decorrência da sua posição uma fase do Cretáceo que vai de 140 milhões a 100 milhões
geográfica, o arquipélago foi uma das primeiras terras de anos atrás, se encontra na Chapada do Araripe, um
localizadas no Novo Mundo, registrada em carta náutica no tabuleiro de 160 quilômetros de extensão por 50 de largura
ano de 1500 pelo cartógrafo espanhol Juan de La Cosa e em que se ergue a 900 metros de altitude no sul do Ceará e se
1502 pelo português Alberto Cantino, neste com o nome espalha, a leste, para Pernambuco e, a oeste, para o Piauí.
"Quaresma". Nas minerações de calcário e gesso dessa região, foram
"O paraíso é aqui", disse Vespúcio quando abordou aquela encontrados fósseis de outras três espécies de dinossauros.
ilha deserta em l0 de agosto de 1503, logo após o naufrágio Duas delas integram o grupo dos espinossaurídeos, répteis
da principal nau das seis que compunham a expedição. A bípedes de até 10 metros de comprimento, em cujo dorso
carta que escreveu, a LETTERA, é o primeiro documento sobressaía uma espécie de crista. Um desses
relativo à Ilha, a qual chamava de São Lourenço, fala de espinossaurídeos é o Angaturama limae, que viveu há cerca
"infinitas águas e infinitas árvores; aves muito mansas, que de 110 milhões de anos.
vinham comer às mãos; um boníssimo porto que foi bom para
toda a tripulação". Em decorrência da descoberta, em 1504, Chapada dos Guimarães
foi doada a Fernão de Loronha, que havia financiado a 8/130
expedição. Foi a primeira Capitania Hereditária do Brasil, Reino
porém jamais ocupada pelo seu donatário. GR
Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha é formado por vinte e Destrua este reino para ter uma fase de combate adicional,
uma ilhas, numa extensão de 26 km², tendo uma principal - a caso o reino atacado não seja destruído e nenhum atacante
maior de todas também chamada "Fernando de Noronha" tenha perdido a batalha. Todos os campeões deste jogador
O Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha é o principal e mais utilizados na primeira fase de ataque podem entrar em
belo parque marinho brasileiro, sendo considerado como um combate novamente.
dos melhores lugares para a prática de mergulho do mundo.
Aqui, de um modo geral, pode-se desfrutar de uma visibilidade Estado: Mato Grosso
de até 50 metros.
Detalhes: A Chapada dos Guimarães, palco de uma
Regra: Cartas que foram descartadas antes do final da paisagem fantástica e muito misticismo. Os fósseis de
batalha ou cartas que foram descartadas pelo poder das conchas marinhas encontrados no alto das escarpas de
mesmas, não podem ser recuperadas. arenito parecem provar que a Chapada, há 500 milhões de
Cartas que podem ser recuperadas do descarte: Aliados, anos, era fundo de oceano. Ao longo da existência da Terra, o
magias, cartas de poder psionico, habilidade de ladrão e de local também já foi coberto por florestas tropicais e habitat de
sangue e carta de combate desarmado. dinossauros, até adquirir a paisagem atual.
Para proteger essa importante amostra de fauna e flora do
Chapada Diamantina cerrado brasileiro foi criado, em 1989, o Parque Nacional da
6/130 Chapada dos Guimarães. Ali estão cachoeiras, grutas,
Reino cavernas, morros e formações rochosas em meio a cânions
DS de arenito com até 350m de altura. Seu cartão postal é a
Todos os campeões voadores deste jogador podem usar Cachoeira do Véu da Noiva, com 86m de queda.
cartas de poder psiônico. Mirantes naturais proporcionam vistas incríveis das planícies
do Centro Oeste brasileiro e até do Pantanal. Esse cenário
Estado: Bahia exuberante tem sido um dos lugares preferidos de místicos
em busca de energias positivas.
Detalhes: A Chapada Diamantina é uma região de serras, Dentro dos 33 mil hectares do Parque Nacional da Chapada
situada no centro da Bahia, alguns atrativos naturais causam dos Guimarães existem verdadeiras preciosidades. Além do
espanto e êxtase, como a Cachoeira da Fumaça e seus 380 importante ecossistema que é o Cerrado, ali foram
metros de queda livre ou o deslumbrante Poço Encantado catalogados 46 sítios arqueológicos contendo ossos de
A Chapada Diamantina nem sempre foi uma imponente dinossauros, fósseis de animais e conchas e pinturas
cadeia de serras. Há cerca de um bilhão e setecentos milhões rupestres.
de anos, iniciou-se a formação da bacia sedimentar do

Mitos e Lendas - Página 402

Regra: Campeões que foram descartados (limbo, abismo ou Ouro Preto
Void) não podem ser novamente utilizados. Todos os 11/130
campeões no poço e na mão podem ser utilizados nesta nova Reino
fase de combate. BR
Quando Ouro Preto é colocado na formação ou reconstruído,
Vale da Lua este jogador pode anular o poder de um reino em jogo. O
9/130 reino ficará sem poder até que Ouro Preto seja destruído ou
Reino descartado.
Os magos deste jogador podem ter acesso aos pergaminhos Estado: Minas Gerais
sagrados dos grandes sábios. Quando atacando, qualquer
mago deste jogador pode descartar um item mágico ou Detalhes: Ouro Preto é um município brasileiro do estado de
artefato em jogo. Se o mago perder a batalha, o campeão que Minas Gerais, famoso por sua magnífica arquitetura colonial.
teve seu item descartado pode buscar em sua pilha de Localiza-se a uma latitude 20º23'08" sul e a uma longitude
descarte um novo item e anexá-lo (se legal). 43º30'29" oeste, estando a uma altitude de 1179 metros. Sua
população estimada em 2004 era de 68 208 habitantes.
Estado: Goiás Foi a primeira cidade brasileira a ser declarada pela UNESCO,
Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural da Humanidade, no ano de
Detalhes: É um conjunto de formações rochosas cavadas nas 1980.
pedras pelas corredeiras de águas transparentes do rio São
Miguel. Está fora do Parque Nacional, na Serra da Boa Vista, Regra: O reino afetado por Ouro Preto ficará sem o poder
num vale que se torna muito perigoso na época da chuva mesmo que saia do jogo e retorne, enquanto Ouro Preto
devido às repentinas trombas d'água. O nome Vale da Lua estiver inteiro (não destruído) na formação o poder do reino
vem da aparência que lembraria uma paisagem lunar, com afetado estará anulado.
pequenas crateras escavadas pelo atrito da areia levada pela
água com as rochas, nas curvas onde as corredeiras são mais Ópera de Arame
fortes, dando origem a pequenos rodamoinhos e funis. 12/130
O Vale da Lua está incluso no sítio Parque Nacional da Reino
Chapada dos Veadeiros, Património Mundial da UNESCO. FR
Os pergaminhos dos sábios curitibanos permitem que este
Regra: A carta descartada pode ser a qualquer momento jogador descarte Ópera de Arame da formação para trazer 2
durante a batalha. campeões dragões (não Avatar) da pilha de descarte
O item a ser buscado pelo campeão afetado pelo poder de diretamente para o poço deste jogador. Este poder pode ser
Vale da Lua, pode ser qualquer item mágico ou artefato que usado a qualquer momento.
possa ser anexado ao mesmo.
Estado: Paraná
Rio de Piranhas Detalhes: É um dos principais cartões postais de Curitiba.
10/130 Inaugurado em 1992, no Parque das Pedreiras, próximo ao
Reino Espaço Cultural Paulo Leminski.
BR A Ópera de Arame foi construída em estrutura tubular e teto
Não pode ser atacado por voadores e nadadores. Ao atacar de policarbonato transparente. O projeto é do arquiteto
este reino, o atacante deve optar pelo nível ou poder do Domingos Bongestabs. Tem capacidade para 2.400
campeão e dos aliados. Este reino protege todos os outros espectadores e um palco de 400m² destinado a
que estão atrás dele na formação, ampliando as suas apresentações artísticas e culturais.
restrições para eles. O cenário externo da Ópera de Arame é igualmente belo. Era
o local onde funcionava uma antiga pedreira. Hoje, pode-se
Detalhes: A Piranha é um peixe muito voraz, predador e com apreciar a mata nativa, um lago com carpas, uma cascata de
mandíbulas fortíssimas, a força da mordida da Piranha é 10 metros e várias espécies de aves.
considerada como proporcionalmente a de um BulDog. As
piranhas são um grupo de peixes carnívoros de água doce Paredão Zeca Diabo
que habitam alguns rios da América do Sul. 13/130
O nome piranha vem de uma idioma híbrido formados das Reino
línguas Tupi-guarani; pode ter sido originado da composição GR
das palavras 'pirá', significando 'peixe', e 'sanha' or 'ranha', Pode ser destruído a qualquer momento para deixar este
significando 'dente'. Alternativamente, ele pode ser sido jogador imune a cartas que olhem ou descartem cartas de sua
originado do Tupi 'pirá' ('peixe') e 'ánha' ('corte'). mão ou pilha de saque até o final de seu próximo turno (pode
Boi de piranha é uma expressão popular brasileira que ser usado como resposta).
designa uma situação onde um bem menor e de pouco valor é
sacrificado para que em troca outros bens mais valiosos não
Ruínas de São Miguel
sofram ameaça. A expressão vem do meio rural, onde
criadores de gado, ao atravessar um rio infestado de piranhas, 14/130
abatia um dos touros, já velho e/ou doente, e atirava seu Reino
corpo, sangrando, ao rio, para atrair os peixes carnívoros FR
enquanto ele próprio e o resto da manada conseguiria passar Não pode ser atacada por ladrões. A Proteção divina deste
a outra margem sem serem incomodados. reino permite que ele seja destruído para cancelar uma
habilidade de sangue, habilidade de ladrão ou carta de poder
Regra: Somente reinos totalmente atrás de Rio de Piranhas é psiônico. Este poder pode ser utilizado somente uma única
que são protegidos por seu poder, ex: Se Rio de Piranhas vez por jogo.
estiver na posição A da formação todos os reinos B, C, D, E e
F estarão protegidos,porém se ele estiver na posição B, Estado: Rio Grande do Sul
somente os reinos das posições D e E estarão protegidos.
As restrições ampliadas são todo o poder do reino, quando há Detalhes: O Sítio Arqueológico de São Miguel Arcanjo é um
não ser atacada por nadadores e voadores e escolha de nível conjunto de ruínas da antiga redução de São Miguel Ancanjo,
e poder. e um dos principais vestígios do período das Missões
Jesuíticas dos Guarani em todo o mundo, localizado no

Mitos e Lendas - Página 403

pequeno município de São Miguel das Missões, no Noroeste de Ema, Guardião, Galeria dos Órgãos, Pia Batismal, Branca
do Rio Grande do Sul. de Neve, Cemitério, Perfil de Buda, Reis Magos, Templo
O sítio, comumente chamado de ruínas de São Miguel das Perdido, Caldeirão do Diabo e Torre de Pisa.
Missões, é considerado Patrimônio Mundial pelo UNESCO, Outras coisas fascinantes podem ser vistas lá em baixo, num
juntamente com as ruínas no lado argentino de San Ignacio percurso, ora dentro das águas do ribeirão, ora nas rochas.
Miní, Santa Ana, Nossa Senhora de Loreto e Santa María São cachoeiras, lençóis de água e o lago do Silêncio, no
Mayor, desde 1983. interior da caverna encontra-se a imagem da carta, imagem
A construção foi edificada no século XVIII, entre 1735 e 1745 que deu origem ao nome da caverna.
O lugar é visitado por turistas de todo mundo, especialmente
da Argentina, Paraguai, Uruguai e países da Europa. O sítio Tribal
faz parte do roteiro internacional Iguassu-Missões. 17/130
Gruta Azul GR
15/130 Quando este reino está em alguma formação, todos os
Reino monstros em jogo possuem uma fúria tribal que os torna
RL capazes, quando atacando, de subtrair seu nível base do nível
Underdark. A Gruta Azul é um refúgio dos seres do ajustado adversário sem descartá-lo. Este poder funciona
submundo, emanando uma aura que transforma todos os antes da ativação dos poderes de campeões.
monstros deste jogador em Mortos-vivos. Todos os morto-
vivos deste jogador podem usar qualquer Carta de Combate Regra: Todos os monstros do possuidor de Tribal e do
Desarmado. adversário são beneficiados pelo poder de Tribal.

Estado: Mato Grosso do Sul Favela

Detalhes: Descoberta por um índio Terena em 1924, a Reino
caverna possui em seu interior umlago azul com dimensões DS
que a tornam uma das maiores cavidades inundadas do Não pode ser atacada por Regentes. Quando Favela está em
planeta. Em 1992 um expedição Franco-Brasileira de jogo, todos os campeões deste jogador podem usar habilidade
espeleomergulhadores, encontrou uma série de fósseis de de ladrão em batalha. Campeões do mundo de DarkSun e
mamíferos - como o tigre de dente de sabre e preguiça Ravenloft deste jogador possuem um aliado +2 capaz que
gigante - que viveram durante o período geológico do invadir a pilha de descarte oponente e afanar qualquer item
Pleistoceno - 6.000 a 10.000 anos atrás. mágico, aliado ou artefato e usá-lo (se legal). A carta é
Após uma descida de 100 m, depara-se com um lago de embaralhada depois da batalha.
águas intensamente azuladas, cuja profundidade estima-se
ser de 90 m. Com suas formações geológicas - não só o teto Estado: Rio de Janeiro
como o piso da gruta são repletos de espeleotemas de várias
formas e tamanhos - desperta a atenção dos turistas e Detalhes: Se notarem a imagem da carta está propositalmente
pesquisadores do mundo inteiro. Ninguém sabe ao certo de de cabeça para baixo, utilizada assim em uma propaganda
onde vêm suas águas, acredita-se na existência de um rio tentando demonstrar o descaso da sociedade para este povo
subterrâneo, que alimenta o lago. tão necessitado.
Regra: Somente os monstros em jogo são afetados pelo Regra: O aliado fornecido pelo reino pode ser usado pelos
poder deste reino, ou seja, que estejam no poço ou em campeões de DarkSun e Ravenloft deste jogador, tanto para
combate. ataque quanto para defesa de qualquer reino em jogo. A carta
pega é embaralhada com a pilha de SAQUE após o término
Caverna do Diabo de seu uso.
Reino Forte Ratones
RL 19/130
Underdark. Qualquer Lobsomem, Vampiro ou Morto-vivo Fortaleza
deste jogador atacando via um reino de Underdark é GR
influenciado pelo mistério natural deste reino e se torna capaz Forte Ratones pode, durante a fase 2, deixar este jogador
de atacar duas vezes no mesmo turno (se vitorioso). Aliados imune ao poder de um reino oponente até seu próximo turno.
concedidos por reinos Triunvirate deste jogador não podem
mudar de lado, ou ser descartados por nenhuma razão. Estado: Santa Catarina
Estado: São Paulo Detalhes: A Forteleza de Santo Antônio de Ratones,
inaugurado em 1744 na ilha de Ratones Grande, o forte
Detalhes: Caverna do Diabo é uma caverna existente no remete a construções medievais, incluindo ponte levadiça,
Parque Estadual de Jacupiranga, município de Eldorado fonte d´água e aqueduto. Nos arredores, trilhas conduzem a
Paulista. caminhada em meio à Mata Atlântica e também pela orla.
Desde sua descoberta, sua história é povoada pelas mais Foi a terceira fortaleza construída, pelo Brigadeiro José da
incríveis lendas. Justamente por isso, a Caverna do Diabo é Silva Paes para fechar o sistema triangular de defesa contra
um lugar que merece ser visitado pessoalmente. A apenas os ataques dos espanhóis, em conjunto com as fortalezas de
280 quilômetros de São Paulo, no município de Eldorado, não Santa Cruz do Anahtomirim e São José da Ponta Grossa. Em
é totalmente aberta à visitação pública. Dos 3 mil e 200 sua construção foram utilizadas pedras extraídas da própria
metros de extensão da caverna, apenas 400 metros estão Ilha de Ratones, sendo uma das unidades mais íntegras da
livres para os turistas. Esta área dispõe de sistema de som e arquitetura militar do Sul do Brasil. Após a invasão espanhola
luz, passarelas, escadas e corrimãos. Curiosas estalactites, em 1777 foi abandonada, sendo usada como local de
estalagmites, cortinas de pedras e cascatas de calcita intrigam tratamento de doenças contagiosas. Em 1990, em ruínas,
especialistas. iniciou-se sua restauração.
As formações mais interessantes podem ser vistas no salão
conhecido como Catedral. A beleza do lugar dá asas à Regra: Forte Ratones ANULA o poder de qualquer reino
imaginação. Talvez, por isso, algumas dessas formas ficaram durante o passo 2 e seu efeito fica até o próximo passo 2.
eternizadas com nomes um tanto quanto estranhos: Cabeça Pode ser renovado a cada turno.

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Forte Ponta Grossa Regra: “Qualquer poder de camuflagem” se refere a cartas
20/130 viradas de cabeça para baixo a exemplo de Ethereal
Fortaleza Champion, Ciric, etc.
Avatares perdem o poder quando atacando este jogador. O Pedra Furada
reino em anexo pode ser destruído para descartar um avatar 22/130
em jogo. Fortaleza
Estado: Santa Catarina A mística desta pedra reduz os efeitos maléficos usados
contra este jogador, deixando seus campeões imunes a cartas
Detalhes: Como outras fortalezas, São José da Ponta Grossa de derrota instantânea. Campeões de Ravenloft podem cavar
foi projetada pelo brigadeiro militar português José da Silva se necessário.
Paes. Construída com alvenaria e pedras, possui arquitetura
renascentista, e edifícios, como a Casa do Comandante, Casa Estado: Ceará
da Guarda, Quartel da Tropa, Capela, Calabouço, Paiol da
Pólvora, e guaritas. Segundo historiadores o forte não foi Detalhes: Rica em rochas, essa praia abriga uma das
efetivamente utilizado, e após a invasão espanhola em 1777 o grandes atrações de Jericoacoara: a Pedra Furada, que é um
sistema de defesa, que nunca funcionou, entrou em arco no meio de gigantescas rochas formado naturalmente
descrédito. O forte foi quase todo depredado e foi restaurado pela erosão. Atravessando até a pedra, na maré baixa, é
somente em 1991 e 1992. possível atravessar e curtir, do outro lado, um belíssimo pôr-
do-sol. E, se o mês em questão for julho, o espetáculo será
Monte Roraima uma festa para os olhos. É que nesse mês o pôr-do-sol é
21/130 melhor visto através da pedra furada, e o que se vê feixe
Fortaleza luminoso saindo bem do meio da pedra.
Esta fortaleza eleva este jogador acima das nuvens, Pedra Azul
permitindo que ele possa ver além de seus domínios. 23/130
Qualquer poder de camuflagem fica suspenso enquanto essa Fortaleza
fortaleza estiver em jogo. DL
Estado: Roraima Possui um lagarto monstro +8 que pode ser usado na defesa
do reino em anexo. A mística mudança de cores da Pedra
Detalhes: Os índios Macuxi contam que antigamente, no local Azul permite que ela seja jogada a qualquer momento para
onde hoje existe o Monte Roraima, existiam apenas terras refletir todas as habilidades de sangue de volta ao seu
baixas e alagadiças, cheias de igapó. As tribos que viviam lançador. Ela continua refletindo até ser descartada. Pode ser
naquela área não precisavam disputar comida, pois a caça e a usada como resposta.
pesca eram fartas. Uma vez, nasceu um belo pé de
bananeira. A estranha planta cresceu muito rápido e deu Estado: Espírito Santo
belíssimos e apetitosos frutos. Os pajés avisaram a todos que Detalhes: O pico Pedra Azul é um afloramento de gnaisse
aquele vegetal era um ser sagrado e que como tal seus frutos com 1822m, localizado dentro do Parque Estadual da Pedra
eram proibidos para qualquer pessoa da tribo. Eles disseram Azul, no distrito de Aracê, em Domingos Martins, Espírito
ainda que caso alguém desobedecesse a regra e tentasse Santo.
comer uma fruta daquelas, desgraças terríveis aconteceriam: A Pedra Azul muitas vezes adquire uma coloração azul, verde
a caça se tornaria rara, as frutas secariam e até a terra iria ou até amarela, graças aos líquens que crescem na pedra,
tomar um formato diferente. Era permitido comer de tudo, sendo que esta muda de cor 31 vezes por dia, dependendo da
menos os frutos da bananeira sagrada. Todos passaram a incidência de luz solar.
temer e a respeitar as ordens dos pajés. Mas houve um dia É um dos principais cartões postais do estado, a região atraí
em que, ao amanhecer, todos correram para ver com espanto muitos turistas, principalmente da capital Vitória, por causa da
a primeira desgraça de muitas que ainda estavam por vir: um beleza e do clima frio (considerado o 3° melhor do mundo),
cacho da bananeira havia sido decepado. Todos se tanto que na região se localizam alguns dos melhores hotéis
perguntavam, mas ninguém sabia dizer quem poderia ter feito de todo o Espírito Santo.
aquilo. Antes que tivessem tempo para descobrir o culpado, a
previsão dos mais velhos começou a acontecer. A terra Regra: O lagarto é utilizado com o um CAMPEÃO monstro de
começou a se mover e os céus tremiam em trovões. Todos os nível 8 sem poder, funciona do mesmo modo como os
animais, da terra ou do céu, bateram em retirada. Um dilúvio campeões reinos, e se perder a batalha é descartado.
começou a despencar e um enorme monte começou a brotar
rasgando aquelas alagadas terras. E foi assim que nasceu o Pico da Neblina
Monte Roraima. É por tudo isso que, até os dias de hoje, 24/130
acredita-se que o monte Roraima chora quando de suas Fortaleza
pedras caem pequenas gotas de água cristalina. GR
O Monte Roraima faz parte de um terreno montanhoso com A imponência deste pico sobre toda a nação transforma todos
centenas de outras montanhas e montes chamados de Tepuis os campeões, não monstros, que estejam no poço deste
localizado ao Sul da Venezuela (área escalável), extremo jogador ou em combate, em Gigantes, podendo usar
Norte do Brasil e Oeste da Guiana constituindo a tripla quaisquer cartas desta raça.
fronteira, com 2.739,3 metros de altitude.
O Roraima destaca-se por possuir características únicas. Estado: Amazonas
Estima-se que tenha se erguido há mais de 2 bilhões de anos,
período em que nem sequer os continentes tinham se Detalhes: O Pico da Neblina, localizado no norte do
separado e adquirido a forma que possuem atualmente. Umas Amazonas, na Serra do Imeri, é o ponto mais alto do Brasil
das peculiaridades que mais o diferenciam de quaisquer com 2993,78 metros de altitude (medição revista por
outros montes é o fato de se parecer com uma imensa satélite/GPS pelo IBGE em 2004). Dá nome ao Parque
"mesa", ou seja, seu topo é plano (e possui cerca de 90 km de Nacional do Pico da Neblina, onde está situado.
extensão). Além disso, escorrem do monte milhões de litros O início da trilha acontece na boca do Igarapé Tucano,
de águas formando várias cachoeiras; na Venezuela os índios próximo à aldeia ianomâmi de Maturacá, a cerca de 800 km
a chamam de "mãe das águas". de Manaus. É necessário subir o rio Cauaburi em voadeiras

Mitos e Lendas - Página 405

(velozes canoas de alumínio com motor de popa), até o Remanescentes
Igarapé Tucano, início da caminhada. Depois de quatro dias 27/130
de caminhada, andando uma média de 4 a 5 horas por dia, Fortaleza
chega-se ao ponto mais alto do relevo brasileiro, onde se AD&D
encontram várias espécies endêmicas, principalmente plantas Pode ser anexado a qualquer reino. Estes índios que vivem
de pequeno porte. O nome "Pico da Neblina" deve-se ao fato isolados do mundo moderno, defendem qualquer reino deste
do mesmo se encontrar praticamente o ano todo coberto de jogador, fornecendo até três aliados de +3 cada, imunes a
nuvens. poder de campeão. São considerados como cartas anexadas.
O Pico da Neblina teria sido descoberto na década de 1950 Estado: Acre
pelo então comandante Mário Jucá, da Panair do Brasil, ao
sobrevoar o pico num raro momento em que ele não estava Detalhes: Foto de tribo indígena isolada em meio a mata
encoberto pela neblina, numa época que se acreditava ser o atlântica, nesta mostra índios empunhando arco e flecha em
Pico da Bandeira o ponto mais alto do Brasil. forma de defesa. Demonstra também suas ocas feitas de
Toca da Boa Vista
25/130 Regras: Os aliados são adicionados a batalha a medida que
Fortaleza forem sendo necessários, ou seja, quando seu usuário estiver
DS perdendo. Estes aliados são considerados cartas anexas e
Esta fortaleza e o reino em anexo são considerados de podem ser descartados, mudar de lado ou sofrer quaisquer
Underdark. Os aliados triumvirates deste jogador podem conseqüências como um aliado normal.
nadar, voar ou cavar se necessário.
Estado: Bahia 28/130
Detalhes: Em uma só região estão as duas maiores cavernas AD&D
brasileiras, a Toca da Boa Vista e a Toca da Barriguda, com Pode ser anexada a qualquer reino. Cria uma ponte ligando
105 e 30 km, respectivamente. Sem dúvida o fenômeno que este reino a um reino na formação oponente, ambos
formou essas cavidades gigantes atuou em uma faixa muito jogadores são obrigados a atacar estes reinos independente
mais ampla do que imagina ou se conhece. de poderes de outras cartas em jogo. A única maneira de
Sua gênese é tão particular que estimula pesquisadores de vitória é por nível, qualquer outro modo de vitória é anulado.
várias partes do mundo a desenvolver estudos específicos
sobre a sua evolução. Sua estrutura é tão complexa e a sua Detalhes: Ponte improvisada com troncos, sem proteção e
temperatura tão elevada que inviabiliza totalmente as já estreita.
consagradas técnicas de topografia e exploração. A Toca da Imagem ilustrativa
Boa Vista muda drasticamente os nossos conceitos de
tamanho, dificuldades e sistematização. Seu conhecimento e Regra: Poderes dos reinos afetados não são mudados
exploração certamente vão além da nossa existência, ficando permanecem os mesmos. Se o reino oponente afetado for
para as futuras gerações de espeleólogos, o compromisso destruído ou descartado outro reino poderá ser escolhido pelo
com a continuidade dos trabalhos. possuidor de Pinguela. Se Pinguela sair do jogo os dois reinos
são libertos de seu poder.
Regra: O reino em anexo é considerado de Underdark podem Border Garrinson, Tratado de Tordesilhas, entre outras não
se utilizado com cartas que usem este tipo de definição, a tem efeito nesta carta devido a ela ignorar este tipo de
exemplo de Dispossessed (Ch 7/UD). poderes.
Se o reino adversário afetado pela fortaleza for arrasado, este
Carajás jogador fica liberado para atacar outros reinos na formação
26/130 oponente, mesmo que o reino afetado inicialmente seja
Fortaleza reconstruído. O adversário, contudo, deve continuar a atacar
DS sempre o reino anexado a Pinguela.
Enquanto está fortaleza estiver em jogo nenhuma carta pode
ser refletida, redirecionada ou copiada. Cúpula BSW 2016: quando o reino do adversário afetado pela
poder da fortaleza for arrasado, o poder da fortaleza é
Estado: Pará perdido, mesmo que o reino seja reconstruído posteriormente.
A fortaleza NÃO contorna as restrições de ataque impostas
Detalhes: A Serra dos Carajás no Pará é onde viviam os pelos reinos afetados por seu poder.
indígenas Carajás. Há extração de minérios, que são
transportados pela Estrada de Ferro Carajás. A Serra dos Índios Terenas
Carajás é a base de um programa de mineração Grande 29/130
Carajás. Aliado
A Serra dos Carajás fica localizada no Parque Ecológico de +4
Carajás, no município de Parauapebas, sul do Pará. Na serra Pode ser jogado a qualquer momento da mão como um
está localizada a maior mina de ferro a céu aberto do mundo, evento maléfico pra descartar uma Carta Regra em jogo. Em
explorada hoje pela Companhia Vale do Rio Doce. combate, se estiver do lado perdedor, o jogador pode enviar
A mina de ferro de Carajás não é conhecida apenas pelo seu uma carta aleatoriamente da mão do oponente para o
tamanho, mas também pela qualidade do minério de ferro descarte.
extraído, que é hoje considerado o mais puro do mundo.
Além do ferro, esta grande província mineralógica contém Estado: Mato Grosso do Sul
grandes reservas de manganês, cobre, ouro e minérios raros.
Detalhes: Os Terena são um grupo indígena brasileiro que
Regras: Todas as cartas que façam este efeito de refletir, pertencem ao subgrupo dos guanás.
defletir, redirecionar ou copiar são negadas enquanto esta Vivem principalmente no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul
fortaleza estiver em jogo. (Áreas Indígenas Aldeinha, Buriti, Dourados, Lalima, Limão
Verde, Nioaque, Pilade Rebuá, Taunay/Ipegue e Terras
Indígenas Água Limpa e Cachoeirinha, a oeste da Reserva
Indígena Kadiwéu, na Área Indígena Umutina e a leste do rio
Miranda). Podem ser encontrados também no interior do

Mitos e Lendas - Página 406

estado brasileiro de São Paulo (Áreas Indígenas Araribá e +7
Icatu). Além disso, situam-se ainda na margem esquerda do Nadador. Quando entra em combate o Boto Rosa
alto rio Paraguai, em Mato Grosso.Vivem também no Norte de automaticamente descarta um campeão fêmea e um aliado
Mato Grosso entre os Municípios de Peixoto de Azevedo, fêmea em jogo. Entre 18h e 6h Boto pode ser usado como um
Matupá e Guarantã do Norte na Terra Indígena Gleba Irirí herói.
Novo nas Margens do Rio Irirí nas Aldeias Kopenoty,
Kuxonety Poke'é, Inamaty Poke'é, Turipuku. Estado: Amazonas
São índios "agricultores", ou seja, possuem a cultura do
plantio. Um aspecto interessante a ser destacado sobre eles, Detalhes: Na mitologia amazônica encontramos o mito do
é a adaptabilidade que essa etnia tem em relação a outras. "Boto Rosa" que possui a qualidade de emergir das águas do
Eles possuem a capacidade de se adaptar a condições de Rio Amazonas à noite e adquirir forma humana. De peixe,
trabalho, por exemplo, dos brancos, como na construção da transforma-se em um rapaz cuja beleza, fala meiga e
ferrovia Noroeste no MS. Outro fato que demonstra essa sedutora, magnetismo do olhar atraem irresistivelmente todas
capacidade, é o fato de eles constituirem as aldeias indigenas as mulheres. Por isso, toda a donzela era alertada por suas
urbanas, principalmente na regiao de Dourados e Campo mães para tomarem cuidado com flertes que recebiam de
Grande.São índios com grande grau de integração com a belos rapazes em bailes ou festas. Por detrás deles poderia
sociedade abrangente. estar a figura do Boto, um conquistador de corações, que
pode engravidá-las e abandoná-las. Ele também se insere na
Regra: Índios Terenas são descartados normalmente para a comunidade, perseguindo as moças, surpreendendo-as na
pilha de descarte, mesmo se usados como evento. roça, nos banhos, onde quer que estejam e acabam a maioria
das vezes, por lhe atribuir o primeiro filho. Seduzidas, as
Bonecos de Olinda mulheres mantém encontros furtivos com esta entidade, que
30/130 ao amanhecer retorna ao fundo dos rios, onde reside.
Aliado Dizem que o boto tornado homem poderia ser reconhecido por
+6 andar sempre de chapéu na cabeça, escondendo o buraco
Gigante. Se Runes of the Future estiver em qualquer pilha de respirador; único traço de sua forma animal que não consegue
descarte, esse aliado pode ser descartado para enviá-la para disfarçar.
o abismo. Se derrotado, o jogador pode descartar a primeira
carta de sua pilha de saque para que todas as cartas Regra: Se Boto Rosa for utilizado de 6 horas da tarde a 6
utilizadas neste round de batalha retornem para a mão deste horas da manhã ele pode ser usado no poço ou em combate
jogador. Só tem efeito se a carta for descartada. como um campeão herói. Se ele estiver no poço como
campeão e o poder que o permita ficar ali acabar, ele é
Estado: Pernambuco descartado normalmente.
A fêmea que ele descarte pode ser em qualquer lugar do jogo,
Detalhes: Boneco de Olinda são bonecos gigantes usados em inclusive o adversário se aplicável.
eventos festivos em Olinda, Pernambuco. Geralmente são
feitos de pano, madeira e pape. Negrinho do Pastoreiro
Foi criado em 1932, o primeiro personagem do carnaval, e até 33/130
hoje um dos mais conhecidos em todo Brasil. O Homem da Aliado
Meia-Noite tem a função de abrir o carnaval olindense. +4
Expressa um sorriso com um dente de ouro, e traja terno Este aliado pode atacar qualquer reino de Dark Sun
verde e cartola. independente da posição. Negrinho do Pastoreiro pode
durante a batalha pegar uma carta da pilha de descarte e
Mamulengo anexar no campeão, se legal, após a batalha a carta
31/130 recuperada é descartada.
+5 Estado: Rio Grande do Sul
Só pode ser jogado por um campeão de nível base maior que
5. Se o campeão opositor tiver nível base menor ou igual a 5, Detalhes: O Negrinho do Pastoreio é uma lenda do folclore
esse jogador toma posse do campeão, usando como aliado brasileiro surgida no Rio Grande do Sul. De origem africana,
até o final de round de combate. Outro campeão deve ser esta lenda surgiu no século XIX, período em que ainda havia
escolhido para continuar a batalha. escravidão no Brasil. Esta lenda retrata muito bem a violência
e injustiça impostas aos escravos.
Estado: Pernambuco De acordo com a lenda, havia um menino negro escravo, de
quatorze anos, que possuía a tarefa de cuidar do pasto e dos
Detalhes: Mamulengo é um tipo de fantoche típico do cavalos de um rico fazendeiro. Porém, num determinado dia, o
nordeste brasileiro, especialmente no estado de menino voltou do trabalho e foi acusado pelo patrão de ter
Pernambuco[1]. A origem do nome é controversa, mas perdido um dos cavalos. O fazendeiro mandou açoitar o
acredita-se que ela se originou de mão molenga - mão mole, menino, que teve que voltar ao pasto para recuperar o cavalo.
ideal para dar movimentos vivos ao fantoche. Após horas procurando sem sucesso, voltou novamente a
Para o folclorista Câmara Cascudo, o mamulengo é o mesmo fazenda onde foi mais uma vez castigado pelo fazendeiro.
que o guignol francês e o pupazzi italiano. Em todos eles há Desta vez, o patrão, para aumentar o castigo, colocou o
uns panos à frente, atrás dos quais se escondem um ou mais menino pelado dentro de um formigueiro. No dia seguinte, o
manipuladores que dão voz e movimento aos bonecos. patrão foi ver a situação do menino escravo e ficou surpreso.
Suas apresentações eram em praça pública, em geral nos O garoto estava livre, sem nenhum ferimento e montado no
arrabaldes durante os festejos religiosos, apresentando cavalo baio que havia sumido. Atrás dele, era possível divisar
temática em geral bíblica ou sobre atualidades. a silhueta de Nossa Senhora Aparecida. Conta a lenda que foi
O mamulengo faz parte da cultura popular nordestina, sendo um milagre que salvou o menino, que foi transformado em
praticada desde a época colonial. Retrata situações cotidianas anjo.
do povo que a pratica, geralmente situações cômicas e O Negrinho do Pastoreio é considerado, por aqueles que
sátiras. acreditam na lenda, como o protetor das pessoas que perdem
algo. De acordo com a crença, ao perder alguma coisa, basta
pedir para o menino do pastoreio que ele ajuda a encontrar.
Boto Rosa
Em retribuição, a pessoa deve acender uma vela ao menino
32/130 ou comprar uma planta ou flor.

Mitos e Lendas - Página 407

O gato preto é constantemente associado às bruxas. Lendas
Regra: A carta pega pode ser aliado, item mágico ou artefato. dizem que bruxas podem transformar-se em gatos. Algumas
Cartas de magia, carta de poder psionico, habilidade de ladrão pessoas acreditavam que os gatos eram os espíritos dos
ou regente, carta de combate desarmado, etc, somente se mortos. Muitas superstições estão associadas aos gatos
puderem ficar anexadas ao campeão. pretos. Uma das mais conhecidas é a de que se um gato preto
cruzar seu caminho, você deve voltar pelo caminho de onde
veio, pois se não o fizer, é azar na certa.

Muiraquitã Onça Pintada

34/130 36/130
Aliado Aliado
+2 +7
Só pode ser jogado com campeões machos. Quando jogado Cavador. Onça Pintada pode se camuflar e invadir
este jogador pode procurar um campeão fêmea no deck e sorrateiramente durante a batalha um poço oponente,
colocá-lo na mão, embaralhando o deck em seguida. Caso descartando uma carta anexada a outro campeão. Recebe +3
não haja campeão fêmea no deck, um campeão macho níveis de bônus se defendendo reinos de Mitos e Lendas.
deverá ser descartado do deck.
Detalhes: A onça-pintada (Panthera onca), também
Estado: Amazonas conhecida por jaguar ou jaguaretê, é um mamífero da ordem
dos carnívoros, encontrada nas regiões quentes e temperadas
Detalhes: A Lenda – Segundo a lenda mais comum, os do continente americano, desde o sul dos Estados Unidos até
verdadeiros Muiraquitãs são filhos da Lua retirados do fundo o norte da Argentina. É um símbolo da fauna brasileira. Os
de um imaginário lago denominado Espelho da Lua, Iaci- vocábulos "jaguar" e "jaguaretê" têm origem no termo guarani
uaruá, na proximidade das nascentes do rio Nhamundá, perto "jaguarete". Na mitologia maia, apesar ter sido cotada como
do qual habitavam as índias Icamiabas, nação das um animal sagrado, era caçada em cerimônias de iniciação
legendárias mulheres guerreiras que os europeus chamaram dos homens como guerreiros.
de Amazonas (mulheres sem marido). O lago era consagrado No Brasil, os estados em que a onça-pintada existe são: AC,
à Lua, pelas Icamiabas, onde anualmente realizavam a Festa AM, AP, BA, ES, GO, MA, MG, MS, MT, PA, PI, PR, RJ, RO,
de Iaci, divindade mãe do Muiraquitã, que lhe oferecia o RR, RS (Parque Estadual do Turvo, aproximadamente de 4 a
precioso amuleto retirado do leito lacustre. A festa durava 6 exemplares), SC, SP e TO.
vários dias, durante os quais as mulheres recebiam índios da
aldeia dos Guacaris, tribo mais próxima das Icamiabas, com Anaconda
os quais mantinham relações sexuais e procriavam. A lenda 37/130
também diz que, se dessa união nascessem filhos Aliado
masculinos, estes seriam sacrificados, deixando sobreviver +4
somente os de sexo feminino. Depois do acasalamento, pouco Gigante. Nadador. No ataque engole (descarta) um campeão
antes da meia-noite, com as águas serenas e a Lua refletida oponente vencendo automaticamente. Sendo enviada para o
no lago, as índias nele mergulhavam até o fundo para receber abismo junto com o campeão anexado. Enquanto estiver no
de Iaci os preciosos talismãs, com a configuração que abismo pode enviar 2 campeões ou aliados do abismo para o
desejavam, recebendo-os ainda moles, petrificando-se em Void para ser embaralhada de volta no deck.
contato com o ar, logo após saírem d’água. Então os
presenteavam aos Guacaris com os quais se acasalavam, o Detalhes: A sucuri, também conhecida como anaconda, é
que os faria serem bem recebidos onde os exibissem, além de uma cobra sul-americana da família Boidae, pertencente ao
dotar outros poderes mágicos ao amuleto. género Eunectes. Tem a fama de ser uma cobra enorme e
perigosa . Existem quatro espécies, das quais as três
Regra: Campões machos refere-se a qualquer campeão que primeiras ocorrem no Brasil, Eunectes notaeus, a sucuri-
seja do sexo masculino, seja ele de qualquer espécie for, se amarela, menor e endêmica da zona do pantanal; Eunectes
não tiver como definir entende-se como macho. murinus, a sucuri-verde, maior e mais conhecida, ocorrendo
Deck aqui citado no texto refere-se a Pilha de Saque. em áreas alagadas da região do cerrado e da amazônia,
sendo que, neste último bioma, os animais costumam
Gato Negro alcançar tamanhos maiores; Eunectes deschauenseei, a
35/130 sucuri-malhada, endêmica da Ilha de Marajó; e a Eunectes
Aliado beniensis, a sucuri-da-bolívia.
+2 São ainda conhecidas como arigbóia, boiaçu, boiçu, boiguaçu,
Morto-vivo. Quando Gato Negro entra em batalha o azar paira boioçu, boitiapóia, boiuçu, boiuna, sucuriju, sucurijuba,
no ar fazendo com que todas as cartas utilizadas em batalha, sucuriú, sucuruju, sucurujuba e viborão.
exceto campeões, tenham seus poderes afetando seus A sucuri pode viver até 30 anos, e é a segunda maior serpente
próprios jogadores. Níveis permanecem fazendo efeito contra do mundo; perdendo apenas para a piton reticulada. As
o oponente. Pode ser usado como resposta contra itens fêmeas são maiores que os machos, atingindo maturidade
mágico ou artefatos. sexual por volta dos seis anos de idade. Há muitos contos
sobre ataques destas serpentes a seres humanos, no entanto,
Detalhes: Tal crendice surgiu na Inglaterra, no século 16, a maioria dos casos são fictícios, principalmente no que se diz
quando um repentino aumento da população de gatos respeito ao seu tamanho real. Muitos admitem terem sido
desencadeou uma perseguição aos animais. Numa noite de atacados por espécies com mais de 10 metros. Os registros
1560, um gato preto foi ferido a pedradas. Encurralado, confirmados das maiores chegam em torno de 8 metros. A
refugiou-se na casa de uma velhinha, que por sinal costumava maior sucuri que se tem registro por fonte confiável, foi a
dar abrigo a gatos de rua. No dia seguinte, a velhinha encontrada no início do século XX, pelo explorador, Marechal
apareceu toda machucada, o que fez a população achar que Cândido Rondon, que media 11 metros e 60 centímetros.
ela era uma bruxa e o gato, um disfarce noturno. O episódio Quanto aos ataques, existem alguns registros de vítimas fatais
bastou para condenar os gatos pretos. A matança se espalhou humanas; a exemplo, o famoso caso de um índio de 12 anos
pela Europa e só diminuiu a partir de 1630, quando o rei Luís que foi devorado na década de 80 por uma sucuri de grande
13 proibiu a prática. porte, bem como alguns adultos nativos que estavam

Mitos e Lendas - Página 408

embriagados a beira do rio, e foram sufocados ou afogados O poder de Arara não é renovável, se ela permanecer em
antes de serem devorados. Estes casos foram fotografados e jogo, permanecerá com o poder copiado até que seja
hoje as imagens são vendidas como souvenir na rodoviária de descartada.
Mico Leão Dourado
Regra: Se o campeão oponente for imune ao poder de 40/130
Aliados, Anaconda e o campeão que a utilizou serão enviados Aliado
para o abismo da mesma maneira. +2
Por estar em perigo de extinção o adversário se sente
obrigado a ajudá-lo fornecendo uma carta da mão, a escolha
oponente, para o lado de Mico Leão, a qual é usada sem
Jacaré restrição. Se o oponente não contribuir, este jogador pode
38/130 olhar sua mão e descartar uma carta. A carta doada é
Aliado descartada após seu uso.
Nadador. Cavador. Gigante. Pode devorar um aliado de +4 ou Detalhes: O Mico-leão-dourado (Leontopithecus rosalia) é um
menos em jogo, descartando-o. Se um item mágico é jogado primata encontrado originariamente na Mata Atlântica, no
contra este campeão em batalha, Jacaré pode descartar um sudeste brasileiro. Encontra-se em perigo de extinção.
reino destruído em jogo. O mico-leão é conhecido popularmente por sauí, sagüi, sagüi-
piranga, sauí vermelho, mico e outras denominações
Detalhes: Os jacarés são répteis carnívoros muito regionais.
semelhantes ao crocodilo. O que os diferencia é que os Animal monógamo, uma vez formado o casal, mantém-se fiel.
jacarés possuem a cabeça mais curta e larga e também Entre os micos-leões, pequenos primatas americanos, o
possui membranas interdigitais nos polegares traseiros. recém-nascido não passa mais que quatro dias pendurado ao
Podem pesar até 80 kg e atingir 5m de comprimento. ventre materno. Depois disso, é o pai que o carrega, cuida
Possui cerca de 80 dentes, mas só os usa quando a presa é dele, limpa-o e o penteia. A mãe só se aproxima na hora da
grande, pois segura a presa e sacode até que se despedace. mamada. Ele estende os braços e o pai lhe entrega o filhote,
Quando a presa é pequena, o jacaré apenas engole. Há no que mama durante uns quinze minutos. mas, mesmo nessa
Brasil cinco espécies de jacarés espalhadas em várias hora, o pequeno não gosta que o pai se distancie.
regiões. Atualmente, resta apenas um único local de preservação
Durante o dia os jacarés se juntam em bandos para tomar sol deste animal, (restam cerca de 1000 no mundo, metade dos
e saem à noite para caçar. Normalmente a caça é feita dentro quais em cativeiro) a Reserva Biológica de Poço das Antas,
d’água. Alimentam-se de peixes, aves, moluscos e pequenos que representa cerca de 2% do habitat original da espécie.
mamíferos que ficam nas margens dos rios.
Para reproduzir, o jacaré curva o corpo com a cauda para Regra: Se o jogador oponente não tiver uma carta para doar,
baixo da fêmea até encostar a coacla na dela. As fêmeas então o jogador possuidor de Mico Leão poderá olhar a mão
põem seus ovos nas margens dos rios usando folhas soltas deste jogador e descartar uma carta.
para esconder o ninho. Os jacarés atacam o homem quando
sentem que seu ninho está ameaçado. Os filhotes, após Colibri
aproximadamente 80 dias, nascem parecidos com os pais, 41/130
porém com 25 cm de comprimento. Chegam à fase adulta aos Aliado
cinco anos de idade onde terá aproximadamente 1,8m de +1
comprimento. Voador. Se jogado ao lado de um lançador de magias, Colibri
pode voar em direção a qualquer pilha de descarte e roubar
Arara uma carta de feitiço, a carta deve imediatamente ser jogada. A
39/130 carta deve ser embaralha com a pilha de saque original.
+3 Detalhes: Os beija-flores são aves de pequeno porte, que
Voador. Em batalha começa a grasnar e imita (copia) uma medem em média 6 a 12 cm de comprimento e pesam 2 a 6
carta oponente que esteja em combate, uso secundário. gramas. O bico é normalmente longo, mas o formato preciso
varia bastante com a espécie e está adaptado ao formato da
Estado: Amazonas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Pará e flor que constitui a base da alimentação de cada tipo de beija-
Tocantins. flor. Uma característica comum é a língua bifurcada e
extensível, usada para extrair o néctar das flores.
Detalhes: A arara-azul-grande (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) O esqueleto e constituição muscular dos beija-flores estão
é uma ave da família Psittacidae, que ocorre nos biomas da adaptados de forma a permitir um vôo rápido e extremamente
Floresta Amazônica e, principalmente, no do Cerrado. ágil. São as únicas aves capazes de voar em marcha-ré e de
Possui uma plumagem azul com uma pele nua amarela em permanecer imóveis no ar. O batimento das asas é muito
torno dos olhos e fita da mesma cor na base da mandíbula. rápido e as espécies menores podem bater as asas 70 a 80
Seu bico é desmesurado parecendo ser maior que o próprio vezes por segundo. Em contraste, as patas dos beija-flores
crânio. Sua alimentação, enquanto vivendo livremente, são pequenas demais para a ave caminhar sobre o solo. As
consiste de sementes de palmeiras (cocos), especialmente o fêmeas são em geral maiores que os machos, mas
licuri (Attalea phalerata). apresentam coloração menos intensa.Vivem em média 12
Pode ser encontrada no Complexo do Pantanal onde projetos anos e seu tempo de gestação é de 13 á 15 dias.
de preservação garantiram no ano de 2001 uma população de
3.000 exemplares. Essa ave está atualmente ameaçada de Regra: A carta pega obrigatoriamente tem que ser usada pelo
extinção, sendo as principais causas a caça, o comércio campeão utilizando Colibri.
clandestino, no qual as aves são capturadas enquanto
filhotes, ainda no ninho e a degradação em seu habitat natural Tamanduá Bandeira
através da destruição atrópica. 42/130
Regra: O poder de Arara funciona como uma cópia. +5
Arara só pode copiar cartas anexas ao campeão oponente. Se Nadador. Pode ser descartado para salvar um nadador de sair
a carta copiada tem poder após a batalha, o poder de Arara de jogo durante a batalha, retornando o mesmo para a mão do
permanece do mesmo modo. jogador. Descarte cartas anexadas.

Mitos e Lendas - Página 409

Detalhes: Piúma é o maior produtor de artesanato de conchas
Detalhes: O tamanduá-bandeira, urso-formigueiro-gigante ou do Brasil. Cerca de 95% do artesanato em conchas produzido
papa-formigas-gigante (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) é um e consumido no Brasil é de Piúma.
mamífero xenartro da família dos mirmecofagídeos, A produção local de artesanato de conchas se perde no tempo
encontrado nas Américas Central e do Sul. e é considerada uma herança da cultura dos nativos das
Um tamanduá-bandeira adulto pode atingir 40 kg de peso e nações Purí e Tupiniquim, que tinham suas aldeias na região.
um comprimento de 1,80 m, incluindo a cauda. Possui Os primeiros colares eram de pequeninos búzios, chamados
coloração cinza acastanhada, com uma banda preta que se “arrozinhos”, que até hoje são produzidos, e são considerados
estende do peito até a metade do dorso, cauda comprida e os mais genuínos produtos do artesanato local. E no bairro de
peluda, focinho longo e cilíndrico, pés anteriores com três Itaputanga, a tradição é, desde tempos imemoriais, a
grandes garras e pés posteriores com cinco garras pequenas. produção de um colar de sementes de linhaça, muito
Alimenta-se de formigas e cupins, capturados pela língua apreciados pelos turistas.
comprida e aderente. Também é conhecido pelos nomes de Mas a produção atualmente se sofisticou: os artesãos locais
iurumi, jurumim, tamanduá-açu e tamanduá-cavalo. importam matérias primas de diversas partes do mundo. São
produtos cerâmicos do Peru, búzios de belas formas e cores
Tuiuiú da África, e pegoaris e búzios da lama, milhares deles,
43/130 comprados em Salvador.
Aliado Alguns produtores incorporaram couro, bambus, palhas, ouro
+5 e prata e outras matérias primas, e o resultado final é
Gigante. Voador. A maior ave brasileira, durante a batalha, artesanato de alta qualidade, vendido na melhores butiques
pode ser trocada por um campeão da pilha de descarte deste do país e que ilustram catálogo de lojas sofisticadas nos
jogador, para continuar o round de combate no lugar do grandes centros urbanos. Um artesanato rico e variado
campeão anexado, que retorna ao poço com suas cartas
anexadas (se legal). Tuiuiu vai para o descarte. Pode ser Regra: Se a carta sacada for usada, mesmo sendo evento,
usada como resposta para evitar vitória automática. O ela é enviada para a pilha de descarte adversária. A carta
campeão trocado é descartado no final do round de combate. pega por Artemãos não é considerada em jogo até ser usada,
logo, Wish, Gib Kcir entre outras não podem ser usadas nela.
Detalhes: Jabiru Mycteria, ave típica e símbolo do Pantanal Herald of Mey Lung, torna seu possuidor imune a Artemãos.
mato-grossense, chega a 2,50 m de envergadura e 8 kg, foi A carta pega por Artemãos, só pode ser usada direto do poço
certificada pelo RankBrasil como a "Maior Ave Voadora do se não necessitar de requisitos para o mesmo, se a carta for
Brasil" um item mágico, artefato ou qualquer outra carta que
Tuiuiú a maior ave voadora do Brasil, encontra-se em algumas necessite estar anexada para ter seu poder, a mesma deverá
regiões do norte do país, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, ser anexada antes para ser considerada em jogo.
Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul, desde o México até o Só se pode pegar uma carta por vez com o poder de
Paraguai, o Uruguai e o norte da Argentina, sendo que as Artemãos.
maiores populações estão no Pantanal e no Chaco oriental,
no Paraguai. Berimbau
Tuiuiú nome usado para designar o cabeça-seca (Mycteria 45/130
americana), uma ave ciconiforme da família Ciconiida também Artefato
conhecido como jaburu, tuim-de-papo-vermelho (no Mato +5
Grosso) e cauauá (no Amazonas). Ele é conhecido DS
principalmente como jabiru no sul do Brasil. Durante o round de combate o campeão, unido através da
É uma ave pernalta, ele chega a ter 1,4m de comprimento e melodia do Berimbau, se torna um exímio guerreiro marcial se
mais de um metro de altura, e pesar 8Kg. A envergadura (a esquivando (ficando imune) a qualquer carta de magia, poder
distância entre as pontas das asas, abertas) pode chegar a psiônico, habilidade de sangue e de habilidade de ladrão.
quase três metros. O bico tem 30cm, é preto e muito forte, a
fêmea, geralmente, é menor que o macho. Detalhes: O berimbau é um instrumento de corda usado
Seu habitat é as margens dos rios, em árvores esparsas. A tradicionalmente para fazer percussão na Capoeira, para
fêmea forma seus ninhos com a ajuda de seu companheiro, marcar o ritmo da luta. No Brasil é ainda conhecido pelos
no alto de árvores com ramos secos. Os ninhos são feitos em seguintes nomes: urucungo, urucurgo, orucungo, oricungo,
grupos de até seis, às vezes compartilhados a garças e outras uricungo, rucungo, ricungo, berimbau metalizado, gobo,
aves.A fêmea põe de 2 a 5 ovos brancos. marimbau, bucumbumba, bucumbunga, gunga, macungo,
Sua alimentação é basicamente composta por peixes, matungo, mutungo, aricongo, arco musical e rucumbo. No sul
moluscos, répteis, insetos e até pequenos mamíferos. de Moçambique, este instrumento tradicional tem o nome de
Também se alimenta de pescado morto, ajudando a evitar a xitende. Em Angola chamado hungu ou m'bolumbumba.
putrefação dos peixes que morrem por falta de oxigênio nas O berimbau é constituído de um arco feito de uma vara de
épocas de seca. madeira (verga) de comprimento aproximado de 1,50m a
1,70m e um fio de aço (arame) preso nas extremidades da
Artemãos vara. Em uma das extremidades do arco é fixada uma cabaça
44/130 que funciona como caixa de ressonância. O tocador de
Artefato berimbau utiliza uma pedra ou moeda (dobrão), a vareta e o
FR caxixi para produzir os sons do berimbau.
Campeão com item mágico não é capaz de usar este artefato.
Durante a fase 3 do turno deste jogador ele pode sacar a Regra: Quando em jogo (no poço ou em combate), Berimbau
primeira carta da pilha de saque do oponente; reinos, anula para este jogador a necessidade de se ter Ginga para
fortalezas, campeões e cartas regras são embaralhados utilizar todos os benefícios de golpes de Capoeira (cartas de
imediatamente, demais cartas ele pode deixar viradas em seu combate desarmado apresentadas neste booster).
poço e pode utilizar até o final de seu próximo turno, após
usada a carta é descartada, se não usada ela vai para a mão Mito ou Lenda
do jogador alvo deste efeito. 46/130
Estado: Espírito Santo +4
Deve ser usado a cada passo 3 ou perderá seus efeitos
naquele turno. Este jogador deve clamar por Mito ou Lenda

Mitos e Lendas - Página 410

cortando seu deck, ele examina e descarta uma carta,
verificando o número, Se for par o jogador pode mitificar Detalhes: Localizado a 9 km de Lavras Novas, a Cachoeira
qualquer campeão em jogo copiando seu ícone e poder, bem do Falcão possui uma queda com cerca de 10 m de altura e
como usar as cartas da classe. Se ímpar, ele se torna uma 2,5 m de largura. Ela se localiza fora da cidade sentido
Lenda podendo copiar o poder de qualquer uma carta Vilarejo da Chapada. Chegando ao primeiro trevo vire à
oponente, não campeão, em jogo. Somente se a carta for esquerda, o atrativo está do lado direito da estrada, a cerca de
descartada que o poder tem efeito. cinco minutos de caminhada.

Estado: Espírito Santo

Detalhes: Máscara feita para festividades da festa do Ticumbi.

Regra: A carta examinada obrigatoriamente deverá ser Armas de Guerra

descartada para que MITO OU LENDA tenha efeito. Mito ou 51/130
Lenda só faz efeito no poço oponente, qualquer carta fora do Item Mágico
poço não pode ser afetada por ela. +5
Eventos descartados deverão ir para o abismo Só pode ser unida em campeões de Dark Sun. Em combate
normalmente,excetua-se a regra caso haja The Azure Tower destrói imediatamente campeões cavadores. Se o campeão
of the Onad Fallen (24/100 DU) no poço. oponente não portar itens mágicos ou artefatos, esse é
reduzido a nível 1 sem poderes especiais. Ativa o seu poder
Garrucha antes do combate. (Ofe)
Artefato Regra: O poder é ativado no início da batalha e permanece
+2 mesmo se o oponente anexar itens mágicos ou artefatos no
BR decorrer da batalha. Destruir um cavador significa descartá-
Garrucha pode descartar um item mágico anexado ao lo.
campeão oponente por round de batalha ou pode ser
descartada para enviar para o descarte um artefato anexado a Peixeira
qualquer campeão em jogo, no passo 3. 52/130
Item Mágico
Arapuca +1
48/130 Em combate, mata automaticamente qualquer ladrão. Pode
Artefato ser descartada do poço a qualquer momento para eliminar um
+4 campeão que tenha acabado de lançar uma habilidade de
RL ladrão. A habilidade tem efeito normalmente. (Ofe)
Este campeão pode aprisionar um aliado oponente por round
de batalha, ficando anexado a ele até Arapuca ser descartada, Detalhes: Faca grande normalmente usada para trabalhos
podendo usar níveis e poderes. Se anexado a um mago este com peixes, de onde deriva seu nome, é normalmente
jogador pode descartar o aliado aprisionado a qualquer encontrada nos povos do norte e nordeste.
momento para cancelar uma magia em jogo.
Regra: o campeão eliminado por Peixeira é enviado para o
Detalhes: Arapuca (arataca ou urupuca) é um artefato, de descarte.
origem indígena no Brasil, que consiste numa armadilha, feita
de paus, destinada a pegar vivos aves, pequenos mamíferos, Casaca
ou outros animais de caça. 53/130
Item Mágico
Regra: No poço os aliados aprisionados não tem poder ou +3
nível. Arapuca pode prender aliados já em jogo ou recém Age como um amuleto sonoro afastando qualquer criatura,
jogados. fazendo com que monstros, dragões e mortos-vivos não
possam defender contra este campeão. Se anexada no meio
Esfera de Todos os Mundos da batalha o campeão oponente volta ao poço derrotado.
49/130 (Ofe)
+3 Estado: Espírito Santo
Pode ser anexada em campeões de qualquer mundo. O Detalhes: Casaca é um instrumento musical que surgiu há
mundo deste campeão se torna o mundo de todos os muito tempo, pela influência dos negros. Eles, os negros, para
campeões deste jogador e artefatos anexados podem ser descontar a raiva que sentiam dos patrões, criaram a casaca.
transferidos de um campeão para outro a escolha deste OBS.: a história também informa que a casaca é instrumento
jogador no passo 3. Se este artefato for descartado, somente criado pelos índios Tupiniquins, Espírito Santo. Há muitos
artefatos anexados em campeões de mesmo mundo podem registros nesse sentido.
permanecer anexados, outros são descartados. Artefatos de A casaca tem uma cabeça sobre um pedaço de madeira fino e
mundos diferentes já em jogo são descartados. abaixo tem um pedaço de madeira mais grosso, que se
parece com uma costela.
Cachoeira do Facão Diz a lenda então, que os escravos seguravam o pescoço,
50/130 como se estivessem enforcando os senhores que lhe tivessem
Artefato feito mal, e tocavam como se estivessem machucando a
+2 costela de seus patrões.
DS A casaca, é um instrumento muito conhecido nas regiões do
Enquanto este artefato estiver em jogo todas as cartas congo e também na cultura brasileira principalmente no
Dungeons e Cartas Regras perdem seus poderes. Se for estado do Espírito Santo.
descartado é embaralhado de volta a pilha de saque.
Regra: A segunda parte do poder descrito no texto da carta
Estado: Minas Gerais após o ponto, é apenas um complemento explicativo e não um
segundo poder.

Mitos e Lendas - Página 411

Durante a fase 3, este jogador pode descartar Potes do
Boneca Carajá Tempo para retornar, da pilha de descarte, um artefato e
54/130 colocar em jogo.(Def)
Item Mágico
+3 Regra: A pilha de descarte é do possuidor de Potes do
Esta boneca possui uma aura de intervenção muito antiga que Tempo.
permite que seu possuidor descartá-la para anular uma carta
resposta que cancele, ignore, reflita ou redirecione qualquer
tipo de efeito. Não pode ser usada em eventos. (Def)

Estado: Goiás e Tocantins

Detalhes: Os carajás (também karajás) são um grupo Arco e Flecha

indígena que falam uma língua alocada ao tronco linguístico 56/130
macro-jê, que também inclui as famílias jê e maxacali. Os Item Mágico
carajás habitam a região do rio Araguaia desde que deles se +5
tem notícia. Pode ser anexada apenas em índios, elfos ou heróis. Quando
Dividem-se em três subgrupos que também correspondem atacando, antes do combate, o campeão anexado pode matar
aos três dialetos por eles falados: os carajás propriamente um mago no poço oponente.(Ofe)
ditos, os javaés e os xambioás (por vezes referidos como
carajás-do-norte). Eles se auto-denominam inã, que é um Ginga
termo comum aos três sub-grupos. Algumas classificações 57/130
consideram os javaés como um grupo distinto, embora eles Carta de Combate Desarmado
partilhes a mesma cultura e a mesma vida ritual dos carajás e +2
xambioás, apenas se distinguindo por alguns Detalhes. Usável por qualquer campeão (exceto monstros), desde que o
Habitam tradicionalmente as margens do rio Araguaia, a partir poço tenha um campeão de Mitos e Lendas. O campeão se
da cidade de Aruanã no estado de Goiás, a Ilha do Bananal, torna imune a Cartas de Combate Desarmado. Ginga só pode
onde se concentra o maior número de aldeias, até as aldeias ser descartada quando este campeão for descartado. (Def
xambioás, já no estado de Tocantins, próximos do município /3/4)
de Santa Fé do Araguaia.
Viveram tradicionalmente da agricultura, da caça de animais Detalhes: A história da capoeira começa no século XVI, na
da região (caititu, anta) e principalmente da pesca. época em que o Brasil era colônia de Portugal. A mão-de-obra
Atualmente, devido à pressão da colonização brasileira e da escrava africana foi muito utilizada no Brasil, principalmente
criação de uma dependência quanto aos bens dos não-índios, nos engenhos (fazendas produtoras de açúcar) do nordeste
acabam por comercializar uma parte dos produtos da pesca, brasileiro. Muitos destes escravos vinham da região de
artesanato, entre outras atividades comerciais. Angola, também colônia portuguesa. Os angolanos, na África,
As aldeias carajás são formadas por uma ou mais fileira de faziam muitas danças ao som de músicas.
casas residencias ao longo do rio e, afastada delas e voltada Ao chegarem ao Brasil, os africanos perceberam a
para a mata, uma casa conhecida como "idjassó hetô", ou necessidade de desenvolver formas de proteção contra a
"casa de Aruanã". Pode também ser chamada de "casa dos violência e repressão dos colonizadores brasileiros. Eram
homens". Esta casa afastada é o centro da vida ritual. constantemente alvos de práticas violentas e castigos dos
O calendário ritual dos carajás intensifica-se com a cheia do senhores de engenho. Quando fugiam das fazendas, eram
rio Araguaia (entre dezembro e fevereiro). Pode ser dividido perseguidos pelos capitães-do-mato, que tinham uma maneira
em dois grandes ciclos rituais, o "Hetôhokã", ou "Festa da de captura muito violenta.
Casa Grande", quando se admitem os rapazes à "Casa do Os senhores de engenho proibiam os escravos de praticar
Homens", e o "Idjassó Anarakã", ou "Dança dos Aruanãs", que qualquer tipo de luta. Logo, os escravos utilizaram o ritmo e os
os coloca em contato com entidades espirituais que povoam o movimentos de suas danças africanas, adaptando a um tipo
cosmo. de luta. Surgia assim a capoeira, uma arte marcial disfarçada
Os carajás concebem o universo como formado por três de dança. Foi um instrumento importante da resistência
camadas: um mundo subaquático de onde surgiu a cultural e física dos escravos brasileiros.
humanidade e onde habitam os "idijaçós" -- entidades A prática da capoeira ocorria em terreiros próximos às
protetoras e antepassados míticos dos carajás --; o mundo senzalas (galpões que serviam de dormitório para os
terrestre, visível a qualquer um e morada dos atuais carajás; e escravos) e tinha como funções principais à manutenção da
o mundo das chuvas, onde moram entidades poderosas e cultura, o alívio do estresse do trabalho e a manutenção da
onde é o destino das almas dos xamãs. A comunicação com saúde física. Muitas vezes, as lutas ocorriam em campos com
esse mundo cósmico é assegurada pela existência do xamã, pequenos arbustos, chamados na época de capoeira ou
cuja atuação é reconhecida sempre como ambígua: traz as capoeirão. Do nome deste lugar surgiu o nome desta luta.
curas e as entidades, mas pode trazer a doença e a morte. Até o ano de 1930, a prática da capoeira ficou proibida no
Brasil, pois era vista como uma prática violenta e subversiva.
Regra: Pode ser descartada a qualquer momento, da mão ou A polícia recebia orientações para prender os capoeiristas que
do poço, para anular qualquer TIPO de carta resposta, não praticavam esta luta. Em 1930, um importante capoeirista
evento, recém usada. brasileiro, mestre Bimba, apresentou a luta para o então
Somente cartas que CANCELEM, IGNOREM, ANULEM, presidente Getúlio Vargas. O presidente gostou tanto desta
REFLITAM ou REDIRECIONEM podem ser anuladas. Não arte que a transformou em esporte nacional brasileiro.
funciona com cartas que NEGAM ou COPIAM efeitos. Cartas
que serenizam (Delsenora, Dragon’s Calm, etc.) não são Regra: Como toda carta de combate desarmado, esta
afetadas por essa carta. também é naturalmente usável por heróis, não necessitando
Uma Carta Resposta que entre em jogo, mas, não tenha sido haver no poço um campeão de MITOS E LENDAS.
usada como resposta, não pode ser anulada por Boneca Ginga é uma carta de esquiva que amplia o poder de outras
Carajá. neste booster. Um campeão com Ginga anexada pode usar
todos os benefícios escritos nas cartas de outros golpes da
Potes do Tempo capoeira.
55/130 A carta Berimbau (45 MT) supri o mesmo efeito de Ginga para
Item Mágico dar mais poder as outras cartas de combate desarmado desta

Mitos e Lendas - Página 412

Mortal e Rasteira Chapéu de Couro
58/130 62/130
Carta de Combate Desarmado Carta de Combate Desarmado
+3 +2
Usável por qualquer campeão (exceto monstros), desde que o Usável por qualquer campeão (exceto monstros), desde que o
poço tenha um campeão de Mitos e Lendas. Cancela qualquer poço tenha um campeão de Mitos e Lendas. A beleza deste
carta de Combate Desarmado ofensiva. Se utilizada com golpe engana o oponente fazendo com que descarte qualquer
Ginga, o campeão se torna imune a eventos durante o ítem mágico e artefato anexado. Se utilizado com Ginga, o
combate. (Def/4) adversário não pode usar magias nesta batalha. (Ofe/4)

Regra: Como toda carta de combate desarmado, esta Regra: Como toda carta de combate desarmado, esta
também é naturalmente usável por heróis, não necessitando também é naturalmente usável por heróis, não necessitando
haver no poço um campeão de MITOS E LENDAS. haver no poço um campeão de MITOS E LENDAS.
Ginga é a carta número 57 da série MITOS E LENDAS, que Ginga é a carta número 57 da série MITOS E LENDAS, que
se já estiver anexada ao campeão antes do uso de Mortal e se já estiver anexada ao campeão antes do uso de Chapéu de
Rasteira permite o uso do segundo poder. Couro permite o uso do segundo poder.

Au Rodado Martelo Armada

59/130 63/130
Carta de Combate Desarmado Carta de Combate Desarmado
+2 +9
Usável por qualquer campeão (exceto monstros), desde que o Usável por qualquer campeão (exceto monstros), desde que o
poço tenha um campeão de Mitos e Lendas. O campeão não poço tenha um campeão de Mitos e Lendas. Se utilizado com
pode ser morto instantâneamente em combate. Se utilizada Ginga, o bônus se torna +12 e força o oponente a sacar e
com Ginga, esta carta pode ser descartada para trazer do enviar para o abismo uma carta da pilha de saque. (Ofe/4)
descarte uma carta de Combate Desarmado. (Def/3/4)
Regra: Como toda carta de combate desarmado, este
Regra: Como toda carta de combate desarmado, esta também é naturalmente usável por heróis.
também é naturalmente usável por heróis, não necessitando Ginga é a carta número 57 da série MITOS E LENDAS, que
haver no poço um campeão de MITOS E LENDAS. se já estiver anexada ao campeão antes do uso de Martelo
Se usado com Ginga, Au Rodado pode trazer qualquer carta Armada permite o uso do segundo poder.
de Combate Desarmado de volta do descarte, e não apenas
da série Mitos e Lendas.
E o trecho "O campeão não pode ser morto instantaneamente Vôo do Morcego
em combate" significa que esta carta pode ser jogada em 64/130
resposta a um efeito que cause a morte do campeão lançador. Carta de Combate Desarmado
Ginga é a carta número 57 da série MITOS E LENDAS, que +3
se já estiver anexada ao campeão antes do uso de Au Usável por qualquer campeão (exceto monstros), desde que o
Rodado permite o uso do segundo poder. poço tenha um campeão de Mitos e Lendas. Este incrível
golpe derruba (descarta) qualquer campeão que não seja
Benção monstro ou tenha (ou possa jogar) um item mágico. Se
60/130 utilizado com Ginga, o adversário não pode usar aliados.
Carta de Combate Desarmado (Ofe/4)
Usável por qualquer campeão (exceto monstros), desde que o Regra: Como toda carta de combate desarmado, este
poço tenha um campeão de Mitos e Lendas. Descarta também é naturalmente usável por heróis.
qualquer um item mágico oponente. Se utilizado com Ginga, Vôo do Morcego obriga o campeão, não monstro, a ter ou
descarta qualquer artefato, carta de poder psiônico ou jogar um item mágico imediatamente ou ser descartado.
habilidade de ladrão que esteja em jogo. (Ofe) Ginga é a carta número 57 da série MITOS E LENDAS, que
se já estiver anexada ao campeão antes do uso de Vôo do
Regra: Como toda carta de combate desarmado, esta Morcego permite o uso do segundo poder.
também é naturalmente usável por heróis, não necessitando
haver no poço um campeão de MITOS E LENDAS. Samba e Folia
Ginga é a carta número 57 da série MITOS E LENDAS, que 65/130
se já estiver anexada ao campeão antes do uso de Benção Evento
permite o uso do segundo poder. O batuque do Samba é contagiante obrigando a todos a cair
na Folia. Todos os jogadores são obrigados a escolher e
Meia Lua de Compasso executar uma das seguintes ações. 1 - Comprar duas cartas
61/130 extras, porém deve ficar dois turnos sem colocar nenhuma
Carta de Combate Desarmado carta em jogo (exceto reino). 2 - Voltar uma carta da pilha de
+5 descarte, porém não pode lançar nada, até o final do seu
Usável por qualquer campeão (exceto monstros), desde que o próximo turno. 3 - Destruir um reino em jogo, porém deve
poço tenha um campeão de Mitos e Lendas. Bônus se torna descartar um campeão com carta anexada de seu poço.
+8 contra campeões não heróis. Se utilizado com Ginga, força (Maléfico)
o oponente a sacar e descartar uma carta, checando o último
dígito. Se 0,1 ou 2, é nocauteado (descartado). (Ofe/4) Detalhes: O Carnaval é um período de festas regidas pelo
ano lunar no Cristianismo da Idade Média. O período do
Regra: Como toda carta de combate desarmado, esta Carnaval era marcado pelo "adeus à carne" ou "carne vale"
também é naturalmente usável por heróis, não necessitando dando origem ao termo "Carnaval". Durante o período do
haver no poço um campeão de MITOS E LENDAS. Carnaval havia uma grande concentração de festejos
Ginga é a carta número 57 da série MITOS E LENDAS, que populares. Cada cidade brincava a seu modo, de acordo com
se já estiver anexada ao campeão antes do uso de Meia Lua seus costumes. O Carnaval moderno, feito de desfiles e
de Compasso permite o uso do segundo poder. fantasias, é produto da sociedade vitoriana do século XIX. A

Mitos e Lendas - Página 413

cidade de Paris foi o principal modelo exportador da festa somente dois jogadores, em saques de quantidades pares os
carnavalesca para o mundo. Cidades como Nice, Nova dois jogadores recebem quantidades iguais.
Orleans, Toronto e Rio de Janeiro se inspirariam no Carnaval
francês para implantar suas novas festas carnavalescas. Cúpula BSW 2016: quando o saque de cartas extras é
Em 2005 o Carnaval de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil está no redirecionado para outro jogador pelo uso de cartas como
Guinness Book como a maior festa de rua do mundo.[1] Hijacking e Frevo, a carta que provocou a mudança não passa
Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil possui o maior bloco de carnaval a ser considerada a fonte das cartas extras, funcionando de
do mundo, o Galo da Madrugada. forma análoga a Deflection e Re-Target, não podendo ser
afetada pelo aliado Block Golem ou pela fortaleza Not So
Regra: A opção 1 - Comprar duas cartas extras, porém deve Fast.
ficar dois turnos sem colocar nenhuma carta em jogo (exceto
reino). Nenhuma carta pode ser baixada ou jogada de nenhum Maracatu
tipo, nem mesmo para ataque ou defesa. 67/130
Opção 2 - Voltar uma carta da pilha de descarte, porém não Evento
pode lançar nada, até o final do seu próximo turno. Lançar Seu ritmo frenético coroa reis e rainhas da nação. Jogue
refere-se a magias, cartas de poder psiônico, habilidades de Maracatu em combate quando atacando com um regente. Se
sangue ou ladrão e cartas de combate desarmado. vencer a batalha, este jogador pode destruir o reino ou
Opção 3 - Destruir um reino em jogo, porém deve descartar descartar a Dungeon que estiver atacando. Maracatu é
um campeão com carta anexada de seu poço. As cartas descartado após seu uso. (Maléfico)
anexadas refere-se a ítens mágicos e artefatos, qualquer Estado: Pernambuco
outra carta anexada não habilita o campeão a ser descartado
para destruir o reino. Detalhe: Maracatu é uma manifestação cultural da música
folclórica pernambucana afro-brasileira. É formada por uma
Frevo percussão que acompanha um cortejo real. Como a maioria
66/130 das manifestações populares do Brasil, é uma mistura das
Evento culturas indígena, africana e européia. Surgiu em meados do
O ritmo hipnótico desta dança contagia a todos os jogadores século XVIII. Foi criado para formar uma critíca as cortes
fazendo com que todas as cartas extras sacadas sejam portuguesas.
divididas entre todos os jogadores. O jogador de Frevo recebe Os Maracatus mais antigos do Carnaval do Recife, também
a maior parte e o dono da carta alvo tem sua cota menor. conhecidos como Maracatu de Baque Virado ou Maracatu
Pode ser usada como resposta. Dura até o final do próximo Nação, nasceram da tradição do Rei do Congo, implantada no
turno deste jogador. (Maléfico) Brasil pelos portugueses. O mais remoto registro sobre
Maracatu data de 1711, de Olinda, e fala de uma instituição
Estado: Pernambuco que compreendia um setor administrativo e outra, festivo, com
teatro, música e dança. A parte falada foi sendo eliminada
Detalhes: A palavra frevo vem de ferver, por corruptela, lentamente, resultando em música e dança próprias para
frever, que passou a designar: efervescência, agitação, homenagear a coroação do rei: o Maracatu.
confusão, rebuliço; apertão nas reuniões de grande massa Parece que a palavra "maracatu" primeiro designou um
popular no seu vai-e-vem em direções opostas, como o instrumento de percussão e, só depois, a dança que se
Carnaval, O Frevo é um ritmo pernambucano derivado da dançava ao som deste instrumento. Os cronistas portugueses
marcha, do maxixe e da capoeira. Surgido no Recife no final chamavam aos "infiéis" de nação, nome que acabou sendo
do Século XIX, o frevo se caracteriza pelo ritmo extremamente assumido pelo colonizado. Os próprios negros passaram a
acelerado. Muito executado durante o carnaval, eram comuns autodenominar de nações a seus agrupamentos tribais. As
conflitos entre blocos de frevos, em que capoeiristas saíam à nações sobreviventes descendem de organizações de negros
frente dos seus blocos para intimidar blocos rivais e proteger deste tipo, e nos seus estandartes escrevem CCMM (Clube
seu estandarte. Da junção da capoeira com o ritmo do frevo Carnavalesco Misto Maracatu).
nasceu o passo, a dança do frevo.
Até as sombrinhas coloridas seriam uma estilização das Regra: Maracatu deve ser jogador antes do fim da batalha.
utilizadas inicialmente como armas de defesa dos passistas.
A dança do frevo pode ser de duas formas, quando a multidão Garantido
dança, ou quando passistas realizam os passos mais difíceis, 68/130
de forma acrobática. O frevo possui mais de 120 passos Evento
catalogados. Durante a batalha este jogador pode substituir o campeão
Pode-se afirmar que o frevo é uma criação de compositores adversário que está combatendo, por outro campeão em jogo,
de música ligeira, feita para o carnaval. Os músicos pensavam a escolha deste jogador, este será considerado como
em dar ao povo mais animação nos folguedos. No decorrer do oponente. A batalha continua normalmente. O campeão
tempo, a música ganha características próprias retorna ao poço de origem após o término da batalha.
acompanhadas por um bailado inconfundível de passos soltos (Maléfico)
e acrobáticos.
Estado: Amazonas
Regra: Esta carta reparte a QUANTIDADE de cartas que
seriam sacadas por um único jogador, entre todos os Detalhes: O Boi Garantido é uma das duas agremiações
jogadores, sendo que cada jogador sacará a quantidade de folclóricas que competem anualmente no Festival Folclórico
sua própria pilha de saque. de Parintins, no Amazonas.
O jogador de Frevo sempre recebe o maior número de cartas, O nome Garantido surgiu do próprio criador, Lindolfo
logo, se a quantidade de cartas sacadas for 1, só ele recebe, Monteverde, que em suas toadas sempre lembrava aos
se for ímpar ele receberá a maior quantidade, se for em jogos torcedores do Caprichoso que seu bumbá sempre saía inteiro
de múltiplos jogadores a partilha começa com ele, depois para dos confrontos de ruas que, na época, eram rotineiros. Dizia
o próximo jogador na ordem de jogo e por último o jogador Lindolfo que, nas “brigas” com os "contrários", a cabeça de
afetado por Frevo. Se o próximo jogador na ordem for o seu boi nunca quebrava ou ficava avariada, “isso era
jogador afetado, este será alternado com o próximo na ordem garantido”
de jogo. A brincadeira foi evoluindo e, em 1965, aconteceu o primeiro
Em caso de jogado com cartas que gerem saque de vários Festival Folclórico de Parintins, mas não houve participação
jogadores, o possuidor de Frevo receberá sempre a maior dos bumbás. A primeira disputa veio no segundo Festival,
parcela, das cartas dele e dos outros jogadores. Em jogos de quando o Garantido enfrentou o Caprichoso. Em 42 festivais,

Mitos e Lendas - Página 414

o Garantido conquistou 26 títulos e é o único que chegou a ser o poder de Caos do Tempo não pode ser cancelada ou
pentacampeão da disputa, nos anos 80. O primeiro empate da negada. (Maléfico) (Benéfico)
história do evento aconteceu no ano de 2000.
Em sua história, lhe foram atribuídos vários slogans Estado: Bahia
carinhosos, como: “Boi da Promessa”, “Boi do Coração”,
“Brinquedo de São João”, “Boi do Povão” e outros. O mais Detalhes: A Bahia oferece várias opções de artesanato, como
popular é “Brinquedo de São João”, de autoria de Lindolfo belas e originais peças indígenas, cerâmicas artísticas e
Monteverde para homenagear o santo a quem se apegou para utilitárias e até instrumentos musicais.
curar a doença que o ameaçava quando servia o exército. Os Regra: Entende-se como “cartas que foram utilizadas neste
dirigentes preservam até os dias atuais este slogan como turno e saíram do jogo” aquelas que tem o poder ativado
forma de reconhecimento a Lindolfo, o fundador do boi. mediante o descarte da mesma ou envio para o abismo, limbo
ou Void. Ex: Korgunard, the Avangion, Gib Kcir, habilidades de
Regra: O Campeão trocado retorna ao poço com suas cartas ladrão que saíram e voltaram, etc...
anexadas (itens mágicos e artefatos), demais cartas são Este jogador pode ter um novo passo 4 independente de estar
descartadas imediatamente (Aliados, magias, psionic powers impedido por cartas como Desintegrar ou Estate
cards, etc) o novo campeão assume a batalha do instante que Transference.
esta parou. Cartas anexadas ao atacante permanecem.
Cúpula BSW: passa a ser considerado um evento benéfico.

Caprichoso Mãe do Ouro

69/130 72/130
Evento Evento
Este jogador pode pegar um campeão em jogo para defender A Mãe do Ouro surge por entre as montanhas como um facho
seus reinos. Se vencer ele saca espólios e este campeão de luz amarela, indicando onde há ouro. Até o final do próximo
retorna ao poço de origem. Se perder este campeão é turno, todo Espólio de Vitória recebido por este jogador, lhe
descartado. (Maléfico) dará o direito de olhar as 5 últimas cartas de sua pilha de
saque e escolher uma e usar como Espólio de Vitória.
Estado: Amazonas (Benéfico)

Detalhes: O Boi Caprichoso, representado principalmente Detalhes: no folclore brasileiro, é uma bola de fogo que indica
pela cor azul, é uma das duas agremiações que competem os locais onde se encontram jazidas de ouro que não devem
anualmente no Festival Folclórico de Parintins, no Amazonas. ser exploradas. Às vezes, pela madrugada essa bola de fogo
O Boi-Bumbá Caprichoso tem sua história atrelada a uma se transformaria também em uma belíssima mulher com um
família. A professora e folclorista parintinense Odinéia vestido longo de seda e com cabelos dourados refletindo luz e
Andrade afirma que o bumbá foi fundado em 1913 pelos voando pelos ares. Em alguns locais do Brasil, toma a forma
irmãos Raimundo Cid, Pedro Cid e Félix Cid. Os três teriam de uma mulher bonita que habita cavernas, e, após atrair
migrado do município de Crato, no Ceará, passando pelos homens que maltratam as esposas, os faz largar suas
estados do Maranhão e Pará, até chegarem à ilha, onde famílias, mas trata de não deixar a mulher sofrendo, e coloca
fizeram uma promessa a São João Batista para obterem outra pessoa em seu caminho.
prosperidade na novo município. Isso foi motivado pelas
influências recebidas pelos Cid durante a trajetória até a ilha, Convocação
quando puderam conhecer vários folguedos juninos por onde 73/130
passaram. Duas manifestações folclóricas chamaram a Evento
atenção: o Bumba-Meu-Boi, maranhense, e a Marujada Todos os campeões deste jogador podem usar qualquer carta
paraense. Andrade (2006) afirma que o Boi Caprichoso de combate desarmado da série Mitos e Lendas. Permanece
assimilou elementos desses dois folguedos, uma vez que o em jogo até ser cancelado. (Benéfico)
bumbá adotou como cores oficiais o azul e o branco, usadas
nos trajes dos marujos, e denominou seu grupo de Detalhes: Imagem de uma pessoa tocando Berimbau
batuqueiros, responsáveis pelo ritmo na apresentação do boi
de Marujada de Guerra. Há outra versão, supostamente
verdadeira, de que o Caprichoso surgiu de uma dissensão do
Boi Galante, por volta de 1925 ou 1929, tendo assim 80 anos 74/130
de existência e não 95 como lhe é atribuído. Evento
Este jogador pode rebater uma carta ofensiva de habilidade
Regra: Este evento é jogado quando seu possuidor estiver de sangue, habilidade de ladrão ou combate desarmado
sendo atacado. Dura somente um round de combate. lançada contra seu poço, mão ou formação, para outro alvo
válido em jogo, a escolha deste jogador. (Benéfico)
Raça e Garra
Detalhes: Posição de Capoeira
Evento Regra: Para ser rebatida, obrigatoriamente precisa haver um
Anexe Raça e Garra a uma de suas cartas, todas as cartas alvo válido para receber os efeitos da carta ofensiva rebatida.
em jogo do mesmo ícone da carta anexada, exceto reino, são Não pode ser usada em cartas que afetem dois ou mais
enviadas para o limbo até o final do próximo turno deste jogadores.
jogador. Este jogador perde todas as imunidades enquanto
esta carta tiver efeito. (Maléfico) Cúpula BSW 2013: Cartas que possuam o termo
“oponente” em seu texto, quando refletidas, tem seu efeito
Caos do Tempo normal no lançador original (ConGame/Rebater –
71/130 Espionage/Deflection, etc.)
Este evento somente pode ser jogado no turno deste jogador. Cúpula BSW 2015: Rebater pode ser jogado mesmo sem
Este jogador recebe um novo passo 3,4 ou 5 extra um alvo válido, nos moldes de outros counters (Deflection,
independente do seu passo atual. Quaisquer cartas em jogo já Contrafeitiço, etc.).
utilizadas neste passo podem ser reutilizadas, cartas que
foram utilizadas neste turno e saíram do jogo, se retornarem, Mortal
não podem ser reutilizadas. Qualquer carta jogada para reter

Mitos e Lendas - Página 415

75/130 Regra: Os três primeiros reinos refere-se a reinos que estejam
Evento nas posições A, B e C.
Jogue Mortal em uma carta oponente, exceto reino, Dungeon Os reinos que estiverem nas posições D, E e F não podem ser
e Regra, ele terá que descartá-la, se o fizer, ele lança Mortal alvo de poderes de cartas ou serem atacados.
em uma carta de um outro jogador, que também irá descartá-
la. Mortal permanece fazendo efeito em múltiplos jogadores Nomeação de D. João VI
até que cada jogador destrua e descarte um reino para ficar 79/130
imune aos seus efeitos. (Maléfico) Evento
Todos os campeões deste jogador podem usar Habilidades de
Detalhe: Pulo executado durante roda de capoeira Sangue. Não pode ser copiado e fica em jogo até ser
Regra: Cada jogador só poderá lançar MORTAL em outro cancelado. (Benéfico)
jogador se sofrer os efeitos da mesma, caso contrário o efeito Detalhes: João Maria José Francisco Xavier de Paula Luís
de Mortal é anulado automaticamente. Caso não haja António Domingos Rafael - o futuro D. João VI - nasceu em 13
nenhuma carta no poço Mortal perde o seu efeito. de maio de 1767, no Palácio Real da Ajuda, nas cercanias de
Lisboa, e morreu em 10 de março de 1826, no Paço da
Bemposta, na mesma cidade,com quase 59 anos de idade.
Como príncipe ou rei, nos 34 anos de seu governo (1792-
1826), D. João foi personagem da história luso-brasileira em
diversos momentos significativos. Ele participou de vários
Abandonar o Navio acontecimentos, freqüentemente analisados pela historiografia
76/130 como: a transferência da Corte portuguesa para o Brasil e a
Evento abertura dos portos brasileiros às nações amigas (1808); a
Deve ser jogado imediatamente assim que um reino deste assinatura dos tratados de comércio com a Inglaterra (1810);
jogador for descartado por força oponente. O reino vai para o a elevação do Brasil a Reino Unido de Portugal e Algarves
limbo e no início do próximo turno ele retorna para a (1815); a repressão militar à Revolta Pernambucana (1817); o
formação. O reino não é considerado recém jogado. retorno da família real a Portugal (1821); o reconhecimento da
(Benéfico) independência política do Brasil (1825), proclamada em 1822,
Regra: Pode ser usado em reinos descartados durante a por seu filho, D. Pedro I.
batalha. entre 1767 e 1807, e é marcada por episódios como seu
casamento com a infanta da Espanha, D. Carlota Joaquina (8
Clamor de maio de 1785) e pela morte de seu irmão primogênito, D.
77/130 José - tornando D. João o herdeiro da Coroa com o título de
Evento Príncipe do Brasil. Em função da doença mental de sua mãe,
Só pode ser usado em jogos de 3 ou mais jogadores. Cada D. Maria I, ele assumiu a regência em nome da rainha em 10
jogador oponente deve ceder uma carta a ser usada por este de fevereiro de 1792. Posteriormente, em 13 de julho de 1799,
jogador em batalha. Aquele que não atender o Clamor deve tornou-se príncipe-regente em nome próprio,
descartar um campeão com carta anexada. (Maléfico)
Regra: somente cartas que possam ser usadas podem ser Os 300 Picaretas
cedidas. A escolha do campeão a ser descartado é de seu 80/130
próprio possuidor. Evento
Se não houver campeão com carta anexada, o jogador Todos os campeões deste jogador podem usar Habilidades de
atingido por Clamor ainda assim deve descartar um campeão Ladrão. Não pode ser copiado e fica em jogo até ser
do poço, se não houver campeão no poço deve descartar um cancelado. (Benéfico)
campeão da mão.
Entradas e Bandeiras
Tratado de Tordesilhas 81/130
78/130 Evento
Evento Qualquer campeão no poço deste jogador torna-se
Não pode ser copiado e fica em jogo até ser cancelado. Divide aventureiro. Poderes não são alterados. Todas as restrições
a formação deste jogador em duas. Somente os três primeiros ao ataque dos reinos oponentes são canceladas, permitindo a
reinos da formação podem ser explorados normalmente. Os este jogador atacar com quaisquer campeões e aliados. Não
outros são imunes a ser atacados, destruídos ou descartados. pode ser copiado e fica em jogo até ser cancelado. (Maléfico)
Clérigos podem atacar normalmente e Border Garrison não é Detalhes: A expressão Entradas e bandeiras é utilizada para
beneficiado por ele. (Benéfico) designar, genericamente, os diversos tipos de expedições
empreendidas à época do Brasil Colônia, com fins tão
Detalhes: O Tratado de Tordesilhas, assinado na povoação diversos como os de simples exploração do território, busca
castelhana de Tordesilhas em 7 de Junho de 1494, foi um de riquezas minerais, captura ou extermínio de escravos
tratado celebrado entre o Reino de Portugal e o recém- indígenas ou mesmo africanos.
formado Reino de Espanha[1] para dividir as terras Ainda de maneira geral, considera-se que as chamadas
"descobertas e por descobrir" por ambas as Coroas fora da Entradas tinham a finalidade de expandir o território, eram
Europa. Este tratado surgiu na sequência da contestação financiadas pelos cofres públicos e com o apoio do governo
portuguesa às pretensões da Coroa espanhola resultantes da colonial em nome da Coroa de Portugal, ou seja, eram
viagem de Cristóvão Colombo, que ano e meio antes chegara expedições organizadas pelo governo de Portugal. As
ao chamado Novo Mundo, reclamando-o oficialmente para Bandeiras eram iniciativas de particulares, associados ou não,
Isabel a Católica. O tratado definia como linha de demarcação que com recursos próprios buscavam obtenção de lucros.Ou
o meridiano 370 léguas a oeste do arquipélago de Cabo seja eram expedições organizadas por bandeirantes.
Verde. Esta linha estava situada a meio-caminho entre estas
ilhas (então portuguesas) e as ilhas das Caraíbas descobertas Regra: Tornar os campeões deste jogador em Aventureiros é
por Colombo, no tratado referidas como "Cipango"[2] e tida como benéfica.
Antília[3]. Os territórios a leste deste meridiano pertenceriam a Entradas e Bandeiras anula o poder das cartas que geram
Portugal e os territórios a oeste, à Espanha. O tratado foi restrições ao ataque para este jogador, ela não é uma carta
ratificado pela Espanha a 2 de Julho e por Portugal a 5 de “counter” e também não descarta as cartas afetadas.
Setembro de 1494.
Feitiço de Guerra

Mitos e Lendas - Página 416

Carta de Poder Psiônico Mapa da Vida
Esta poderosa ilusão faz com que os oponentes deste 85/130
campeão sejam encantados permitindo que este campeão Feitiço de Clérigo
tenha o seu poder e das cartas anexas primeiro que o Descarte o campeão lançador para colocar um Avatar em
atacante, tanto atacando quanto defendendo. Dura até ser jogo, ignorando seu custo. (Def/3)
cancelada. (Def 3/5)
Estado: Pernambuco
Pororoca Detalhes: Porto de Galinhas é uma conhecida praia do
83/130 nordeste brasileiro, localizada no município de Ipojuca, no
Carta de Poder Psiônico estado de Pernambuco. Sua fama se deve, principalmente, às
Este poder psiônico invoca uma força da natureza tão belezas naturais: piscinas de águas claras e mornas formadas
poderosa que envia um evento maléfico recém lançado para o entre corais, estuários, mangues, areia branca e coqueirais.
limbo pelo mesmo número de turnos que o último digito do Inicialmente, a praia era chamada de Porto Rico, e a madeira
evento, mínimo de 1 turno. Ao retornar o evento tem efeito de Pau Brasil era o principal produto comercializado. No auge
normalmente e não pode ser negado ou cancelado. (Ofe) da escravidão no Brasil, este porto era o principal ponto de
comércio de escravos ilegais no nordeste brasileiro, muitas
Estados: Amazonas, Pará e Amapá vezes os mesmos chegavam escondidos embaixo de
engradados de galinhas d'angola. A chegada dos escravos
Detalhes: A pororoca (do tupi "poro'roka", de "poro'rog", ilegais ao porto costumava ser anunciada pela frase "tem
estrondar) é um fenômeno natural produzido pelo encontro galinha nova no porto!". Desta forma, a praia de Porto Rico
das correntes fluviais com as águas oceânicas. ficou conhecida como Porto das "Galinhas".
Pororoca: Elevação repentina de grandes massas de água
junto a foz de grandes rios como o Amazonas;provocadas Regra: Se cancelada o campeão ainda assim deverá ser
pelo encontro de marés ou de correntes contrárias. Atinge a descartado.
altura de 3 a 6m.
É melhor percebido quando da mudança das fases da Lua, ou Proteção do Caipora
seja, desde dois dias antes até três dias após, particularmente 86/130
nos equinócios em cada hemisfério, e com maior intensidade Feitiço de Clérigo
quando das ocorrências de maré viva (sizígia), nas Lua Cheia Pode ser lançado a qualquer momento para evitar que
e Nova. qualquer carta entre em jogo, a carta retorna para a mão do
O fenômeno das marés, ao elevar o nível das águas seu possuidor e somente poderá ser jogada no próximo turno
oceânicas, faz com que as mesmas invadam a daquele jogador. (Ofe)
desembocadoura dos rios, podendo formar ondas de até
dezenas de metros de largura, pode chegar a medir de três a Detalhes: Imagem de entalhe de madeira de paisagem
seis metros de altura, e velocidades de até trinta a cinqüenta folclórica
quilômetros por hora (10 a 15 milhas por hora). Esta poderosa
onda pode durar de quinze á trinta minutos. Regra: Considera-se carta entrando em jogo, qualquer carta
O fenômeno manifesta-se, no Brasil, na foz do rio Amazonas e que seja jogada naquele momento, seja ela de qualquer tipo.
afluentes do litoral paraense e amapaense (rio Araguari, rio Re-Target não pode ser usada nesta carta. Não pode ser
Maiacaré, rio Guamá, rio Capim, rio Moju), e na foz do rio jogada em cartas resposta DEFENSIVAS OU BENÉFICAS.
Mearim, no Maranhão. Esse choque das águas derruba Proteção do Caipora não quebra passos, pois a carta não
árvores de grande porte e modifica o leito dos rios. chega a entrar em jogo, logo, se usada em reinos pode-se
jogar outro, desde que o jogador tenha o mesmo.
Regra: Os turnos a serem contados são do jogador afetado.
Quando o evento retornar nem mesmo seu lançador poderá Cúpula BSW 2013: A restrição imposta a cartas
cancelá-lo ou negá-lo. O evento obrigatoriamente tem que ser DEFENSIVAS e BENÉFICAS (Grifado) pela regra deve ser
usado no momento que retorna do limbo. retirada, valendo apenas o texto da carta.

Escravizar Ilha do Urubu

84/130 87/130
Carta de Poder Psiônico Feitiço de Mago
Descarte o campeão lançador para escravizar um campeão Ninguém necessita pedir permissão para atacar ou usar
com carta anexada em jogo e o colocar no poço deste magias. Nega todas as cópias enquanto esse feitiço estiver
jogador, poderes e níveis permanecem, o campeão é em jogo. Dura até o final do próximo turno. (Def 3/5)
devolvido ao poço no final do próximo turno deste jogador,
sem as cartas anexadas. (Ofe/3) Estado: Bahia
Detalhes: A escravidão, também conhecida como escravismo Detalhes: Para chegar à Ilha do Urubu o turista tem que
ou escravatura, foi a forma de relação social de produção passar por dentro de uma das Usinas e também por um
adotada, de uma forma geral, no Brasil desde o período parque ecológico. Primeiro é preciso parar no Bondinho para
colonial até o final do Império. A escravidão no Brasil é dar uma volta até o Estado de Alagoas - tudo isso com o
marcada principalmente pelo uso de escravos vindos do visual de uma ponte de ferro, várias cachoeiras e piscinas
continente africano, mas é necessário ressaltar que muitos naturais, sem contar com a vista pra Gruta do Morcego onde,
indígenas foram vítimas desse processo. diz a lenda, Lampião se escondia quando vinha pra essas
Os escravos foram utilizados principalmente em atividades bandas.
relacionadas à agricultura – com destaque para a atividade
açucareira – e na mineração, sendo assim essenciais para a
Caravela de Areia
manutenção da economia. Alguns deles desempenhavam
também vários tipos de serviços domésticos e/ou urbanos. 88/130
A escravidão só foi oficialmente abolida no Brasil com a Feitiço de Mago
assinatura da Lei Áurea, em 13 de maio de 1888. No entanto, Todos os nadadores ficam impedidos de atacar, defender e
o trabalho compulsório e o tráfico de pessoas permanecem usar seus poderes até o final do próximo turno deste
existindo no Brasil atual, a chamada escravidão moderna, que jogador.(Ofe/3/4/5)
difere substancialmente da anterior.

Mitos e Lendas - Página 417

Estado: Rio de Janeiro Pode ser jogada a qualquer momento. Cancela qualquer efeito
que force este regente a deixar o poço. (Def)
Detalhes: Em tempo de praia, construir um castelo na areia é
uma forma das crianças se divertirem e sociabilizarem. Detalhes: O Dia do Fico deu-se em 9 de janeiro de 1822
Contudo, esta brincadeira torna-se, por vezes, uma paixão, ou quando o então príncipe regente D. Pedro de Alcântara foi
uma especialidade dentro do desporto de construções na contra as ordens das Cortes Portuguesas que exigiam sua
areia, praticado quer por crianças quer por adultos. volta a Lisboa, ficando no Brasil.
As construções originais fazem-se, geralmente, com a própria Por volta de 1821, quando as Cortes Gerais e Extraordinárias
areia da praia, constituída por sedimentos de rocha, que é da Nação Portuguesa mostraram a idéia de transformar o
molhada para permitir a fixação de estruturas. Porém, com o Brasil de novo numa colônia, os liberais radicais se uniram ao
fascínio provocado pelas potencialidades deste passatempo, Partido Brasileiro tentando manter a autoridade do Brasil. As
surgiram campeonatos, festivais e mesmo espetáculos de Cortes mandaram uma nova decisão enviada para o príncipe
construções, que utilizam já misturas de areia com pequenas regente D. Pedro de Alcântara. Uma das exigências era seu
quantidades de argila para permitir construções ainda mais retorno imediato a Portugal.
audazes. Os liberais radicais, em resposta, organizaram uma
movimentação para reunir assinaturas a favor da permanência
do príncipe. Assim, eles pressionariam D. Pedro a ficar,
juntando 8 mil assinaturas. Foi então que, contrariando as
ordens emanadas por Portugal para seu retorno à Europa,
declarou para o público: "Se é para o bem de todos e
Maria Fumaça felicidade geral da Nação, estou pronto! Digam ao povo que
89/130 fico".
Habilidade de Ladrão A partir daí, D. Pedro entrou em conflito direto com os
Todos jogadores embaralham suas mãos com a pilha de interesses portugueses, para romper o vínculo que existia
saque e sacam uma nova mão de 5 cartas. Não é considerado entre Portugal e o Brasil.
carta extra. (Ofe/3) Este episódio prenunciou a declaração de independência do
Regra: Esta carta não descarta cartas nem faz comprar cartas Brasil que viria a ser proclamada em 7 de setembro de 1822.
extras, portanto ela não ativa cartas como Hijacking, Frevo,
entre outras. O jogador com Herald of Mei Lung fica imune a Regra: Somente regentes podem usar esta carta. Dia do Fico
todo o efeito de Maria Fumaça, porque o artefato impede que cancela qualquer carta que force o regente a deixar o poço.
a pilha seja rearranjada. Pode ser usada em cartas que afetem vários campeões ou
jogadores, desde que o regente a utilizá-la seja alvo da
mesma. Pode ser usada em ConGame, porém somente se o
campeão lançador for alvo do descarte após o embaralhar.
Habilidade de Ladrão
Grito do Ipiranga
Pode de ser jogada a qualquer momento, fora de combate,
para redirecionar uma carta maléfica jogada contra este 95/130
campeão para outro campeão no poço deste jogador. (Def) Habilidade de Sangue
Este grito de inspiração e que chama ao patriotismo duplica o
nível de todos os aliados não mortos-vivos. Esses aliados
jamais mudarão de lado na batalha. Só pode ser usado na
91/130 defesa. (Off/4)
Habilidade de Ladrão
Quando perdendo, este campeão pode atirar fogo em Detalhes: Denomina-se Independência do Brasil o processo
Carvoeiro explodindo tudo ao seu redor, descartando a si que culminou com a emancipação política desse país do reino
mesmo, o oponente e destruindo o reino que está sendo de Portugal, no início do século XIX. Oficialmente, a data
atacado. Ambos jogadores ganham espólio.(Ofe/4) comemorada é a de 7 de setembro de 1822, quando ocorreu o
episódio do chamado "Grito do Ipiranga". De acordo com a
Detalhes: Carvão vegetal é uma substância de cor negra história oficial, nesta data, às margens do riacho Ipiranga
obtida pela carbonização da madeira ou lenha. É muito (atual cidade de São Paulo), o Príncipe Regente D. Pedro
utilizado como combustível para aquecedores, lareiras, bradou perante a sua comitiva: Independência ou Morte!.
churrasqueiras e fogões a lenha. Determinados aspectos dessa versão, no entanto, são
contestados por alguns historiadores.
A moderna historiografia em História do Brasil remete o início
Espírito do Guerreiro do processo de independência à Transferência da corte
92/130 portuguesa para o Brasil (1808-1821), no contexto da Guerra
Habilidade de Ladrão Peninsular, a partir de 1808.
Pode ser jogada a qualquer momento. Quando este campeão
estiver prestes a ser descartado por qualquer razão, tal como Boitatá, o Devorador de Almas Penadas
em batalha, ele invoca o Espírito do Guerreiro para receber 96/130
estes efeitos, prevenindo o campeão de ser descartado, Monstro
retornando o mesmo ao poço. Esta habilidade não muda a 4
condição de derrota. (Def) RL
Uma vez por turno Boitatá pode vasculhar qualquer pilha de
Marcas da Escravidão descarte adversária escolhendo um campeão para devorar
93/130 seu poder e suas habilidades tomando-as para si. A carta
Habilidade de Sangue permanece sem poder ou habilidades enquanto Boitatá
Retorna uma carta deste jogador que esteja de posse de outro mantiver o seu poder que pode ser renovado em todo passo
jogador, fazendo com que a carta que a roubou seja 3.
descartada, exceto campeão. (Ofe 3/4)
Detalhes: O nome Boitatá é uma palavra de origem indígena.
Dia do Fico Uma contração das palavras Mboy, que significa Cobra e
94/130 Tatá, que significa fogo. É uma grande cobra, transparente
Habilidade de Sangue que incandescia como se estivesse queimando por dentro. É
um fogo de cor azul-amarelado, que não queima o mato seco

Mitos e Lendas - Página 418

e nem tampouco esquenta a água dos rios, o fogo Pedro Labatut, que esteve no Ceará (1832-1833) para
simplesmente rola, gira, corre, arrebentando-se e finalmente combater a insurreição de Joaquim Pinto Madeira, e que
apagando-se. terminou se rendendo com 1690 homens em armas. O
Diz a lenda que quem se depara com o boitatá geralmente fica monstro Labatut preferia comer as crianças por terem a carne
cego, pode morrer ou até ficar louco . Assim, quando alguém mais mole.
se encontrar com o boitatá deve ficar parado, sem respirar e
de olhos bem fechados. Regra: O poder de Labatut é ativado no passo 3. O campeão
Como a maioria das lendas e crendices populares que são transformado em morto-vivo recebe todos os benefícios e
passadas de geração em geração através do “ouvir e contar”, características desta raça.
a lenda do boitatá sofreu algumas modificações, sendo que Deve ser renovado a cada passo 3.
em muitas partes do Brasil a lenda é contada de forma
diferente. Em Santa Catarina, por exemplo, o boitatá é Mula Sem Cabeça
descrito como um touro de "pata como a dos gigantes e com 99/130
um enorme olho bem no meio da testa, a brilhar que nem um Monstro
tição de fogo". 6
Regra: O termo habilidades refere-se a características de raça Mula Sem Cabeça e seus aliados podem atacar qualquer
e movimento. Boitatá rouba somente o poder e habilidades reino. Em batalha este jogador pode descartar uma carta de
ele não pega nível ou ícone. sua mão para retirar o cabresto que prende Mula Sem
Cabeça, libertando-a de sua maldição, transformando a besta
Iara, a Deusa das Águas em uma princesa (regente) capaz de lançar uma habilidade de
97/130 sangue ofensiva que descarta uma carta anexada a um
Monstro campeão em jogo. Mula Sem Cabeça retorna a sua forma
9 original após o término da batalha.
Nadadora. Iara pode lançar feitiços de mago. Quando no poço Detalhes: Imagem criada por Fábio Rogério jogador de
ela pode, uma vez por turno oponente, nomear um campeão Maringá-PR
não fêmea do poço adversário, obrigando o mesmo a atacar, Segundo esta lenda, toda a mulher que mantivesse estreitas
se possível, um outro jogador a escolha de Iara. Se preferir ligações amorosas com um padre, em castigo ao seu pecado
não atacar, o campeão alvo é devorado e descartado por Iara. (aos costumes e princípios da Igreja Católica), tornar-se-ia
Tem seu poder ofensivo anulado se um índio habitar o poço uma Mula-sem-cabeça. Esta história tem cunho moral
do campeão afetado no momento em que poder é ativado. religioso, ou seja, é uma repreensão sutil ao envolvimento
amoroso com sacerdotes e também com compadres. Os
Detalhes: Segundo a lenda, Iara era uma índia guerreira, a compadres, eram tidos como pessoas da família, e qualquer
melhor da tribo e recebia muitos elogios do seu pai que era tipo de relação mantida entre eles, era considerada
pajé. incestuosa.
Os irmãos de Iara tinham muita inveja, resolveram matá-la à A metamorfose ocorreria na noite de quinta para sexta-feira,
noite enquanto dormia. Iara que possuía um ouvido bastante quando a mulher, em corpo de mula-sem-cabeça, corre veloz
aguçado, os escutou e os matou. e desenfreadamente até o terceiro cantar do galo, quando,
Com medo da reação de seu pai, Iara fugiu. Seu pai, o pajé da encontrando-se exaurida e, algumas vezes ferida, retorna a
tribo, realizou uma busca implacável e conseguiu encontrá-la, sua normalidade. Homens ou animais que ficarem em seu
como punição pelas mortes a jogou no encontro dos Rios trajeto seriam despedaçados pelas violentas patas. Ao
Negro e Solimões, alguns peixes levaram a moça até a visualizar a Mula-sem-cabeça, deve-se deitar de bruços no
superfície e a transformaram em uma linda sereia. chão e esconde-se "unhas e dentes" para não ser atacado.
Dizem também, que se alguém passar correndo diante de
Regra: O outro jogador escolhido para ser atacado pode ser o uma cruz à meia-noite, ela aparece.
dono de Iara. O termo NOMEAR significa que o seu possuidor A mula-sem-cabeça também é conhecida como a burrinha-do-
pode apenas dizer o nome do campeão afetado por seu padre, ou simplesmente burrinha.
poder, não precisa localizá-lo se o poço estiver escondido. A Mula-sem-cabeça, possuiria as seguintes características:
Iara escolhe um campeão não fêmea no poço do adversário
no passo 3, que deve ser o primeiro a atacar, se possível 1. Apresenta a cor marrom ou preta.
fazê-lo. Se o jogador não o fizer, o campeão escolhido deverá 2. Desprovida de cabeça e em seu lugar apenas fogo.
ser descartado no passo 5 (desde que Iara ainda esteja em 3. Seus cascos ou ferraduras podem ser de aço ou prata.
jogo). 4. Seu relincho é muito alto que pode ser ouvido por muitos
metros, e é comum a ouvir soluçar como um ser humano.
Labatut 5. Ela costuma aparecer na madrugada de quinta/sexta,
98/130 principalmente se for noite de Lua Cheia.
Monstro 6. Segundo relatos,felizmente existem maneiras de acabar
8 com o encantamento que fez a mulher virar Mula-Sem-
GR Cabeça, uma delas consiste em uma pessoa arrancar o
Morto-vivo. Cavador. Pode lançar habilidades de sangue. Uma cabresto que ela possui, outra forma é furá-la, com algum
vez por turno pode transformar um campeão em jogo em objeto pontiagudo tirando sangue (como um alfinete virgem).
morto-vivo. Outra maneira de evitar o encantamento é de que o amante
(padre) a amaldiçoe sete vezes antes de celebrar a missa.
Estado: Ceará e Rio Grande do Norte Para se descobrir se a mulher é amante do padre, lança-se ao
fogo um ovo enrolado em linha com o nome dela e reza-se por
Detalhes: É um monstro que tem forma humana e que vive na três vezes a seguinte oração:
região do Apodi, fronteira do Ceará com o Rio Grande do
Norte. É um bicho pior que o lobisomem, pior que a caipora e "A mulher do padre
o cão coxo. Ele mora no fim do mundo e, todas as noites, Não ouve missa
percorre a cidade procurando o que comer. Seus pés são Nem atrás dela.
redondos, as mãos são compridas, os cabelos são longos e Há quem fique ...
assanhados, seu corpo é cabeludo, só tem um olho na testa e Como isso é verdade,
seus dentes são como os do elefante. O nome do monstro é assa o ovo
uma lembrança das violências e brutalidades do General e a linha fica..."

Mitos e Lendas - Página 419

jogador capazes de cavar quando atacando. Psiônicos
Regra: Mula Sem Cabeça é Morto-Vivo. A habilidade de podem atacar com metade de seu nível base, ajustado para
sangue lançada pode ser cancelada, refletida, etc. baixo, para enviar o campeão oponente para o abismo quando
derrotá-lo. Limite de um avatar por poço.
Mulher do Algodão
100/130 Detalhes: Estranhos animais, de origem desconhecida, não
Monstro catalogados pelos meios oficiais, passaram a atacar diversos
3 tipos de animais terrestres e também seres humanos. Seu
RL principal objetivo é sugar todo o sangue do animal, levando-o
Morto-vivo. Voador. A Mulher do Algodão aterroriza a muitos à morte. Seu prato favorito envolvem as cabras e as ovelhas,
aparecendo toda ensanguentada coberta com algodão e mas também não dispensa as vacas, os porcos, as galinhas,
giletes. Somente os mais corajosos ousam enfrentá-la. Em os marrecos e os gansos. Só ataca à noite. Normalmente
combate, ela pode descartar uma carta anexada ao campeão ataca as fêmeas, principalmente quando estão prenhas.
oponente, de nível 5 ou menor. Quando o animal não morre, fica completamente anêmico e
muito machucado. Testemunhas que viram os estranhos
Detalhes: Na década de setenta, um fantasma com animais relatam criaturas altas como um homem, ora bípedes
característica muito particulares ganhou as manchetes dos ora quadrúpedes, peludos, alguns pretos outros marrons,
jornais. A aparição se apresentava como uma mulher loura olhos enormes, garras afiadas e dentes aguçados. Em muitos
com algodão na boca, ouvido e nariz. Aterrorizava as crianças povoados e em pequenas cidades, em diversos países, ao
que freqüentavam os banheiros de escolas públicas ou escurecer, as pessoas se trancam dentro de suas casas e só
particulares. Quem era estudante naquela época sabe que a saem ao amanhecer. Até agora, as autoridades não se
apavorante assombração também esteve presente em muitos manifestaram à respeito, sendo que os proprietários desses
pesadelos. animais atacados ficaram no prejuízo e a população em
No Espírito Santo a lenda conta que ela era coberta de pânico.
algodão em lâminas de barbear (giletes). A partir de agosto de 1977, na ilha de Colares, no Pará,
passou a ocorrer um estranho fenômeno, o qual foi batizado
Regra: A carta a ser descartada pode ser uma recém jogada, como chupa-chupa. Estranhos objetos luminosos apareciam
antes que a mesma faça efeito. sobrevoando os vários povoados da região. Eram comum
Mulher do Algodão descarta cartas de nível 5 ou menor esses objetos projetarem sobre as pessoas um pequeno filete
anexadas a campeões de qualquer nível. de luz. A pessoa desmaiava e quando acordava estava
anêmica. Acreditava-se que parte do sangue era retirada do
corpo dessas vítimas. A médica Dra. Wellaide Cecim Carvalho
atendeu várias pessoas atingidas pela estranha luz. Ela
101/130 informou que as vítimas apresentavam paralisia generalizada,
Monstro hipertemia, cefaléia, queimaduras superficiais, calor intenso,
6 náuseas, tremores no corpo, tontura, astenia e minúsculos
GR orifícios na pele. Aí também o pânico foi instalado. Após o
Nadador. Pode usar cartas de poder psiônico. Uma vez por anoitecer, toda a população se trancava em casa com medo
turno pode negar o poder de um campeão fêmea em jogo. Se do fenômeno. Muitas pessoas abandonaram Colares.
vencer na batalha pode usar seu "Corredor de Boi" para
enviar um campeão fêmea em jogo para o abismo, sendo ele
Estado: Piauí Psiônico
Detalhes: Cabeça de Cuia é uma lenda da região nordeste do AD&D
Brasil, mais precisamente criada no estado do Piauí. Trata-se Quilombola representa a força dos escravos. No início do
da história de Crispim, um jovem garoto que morava nas turno, ele pode ser enviado para o limbo para banir
margens do rio Parnaíba. Sua familia era necessitada. Um psionicamente uma Carta Dungeon também para o limbo.
certo dia, chegando para almoço, sua mãe lhe serviu, como Ambos retornam no final do próximo turno de cada jogador.
de costume, uma sopa rala, com ossos, já que faltava carne Cada vez que este poder é usado Quilombola perde 1(um)
na sua casa frequentemente. Nesse dia ele se revoltou, e no nível base. Se o seu nível base chegar a zero ele é enviado
meio da discussão com sua mãe, arremessou o osso contra para o abismo. Seu nível permanece alterado mesmo se
ela, atingindo-a na cabeça e matando-a. Antes de morrer sua descartado ou embaralhado, somente se retornar do abismo
mãe lhe amaldiçoou a ficar vagando no rio e também como que seu nível volta ao normal.
efeito da maldição, Crispim ficou com a cabeça muito grande,
do tamanho de uma cuia, daí o nome "cabeça de cuia". A mãe Detalhes: Um quilombo[1] era um local de refúgio dos
ainda lhe disse que sua perna penduraria até que ele se escravos no Brasil, em sua maioria afrodescendentes (negros
relacionase sexualmente com sete marias virgens. Dada essa e mestiços), havendo minorias indígenas e brancas. O mais
lenda, muitas garotas antigamente evitavam lavar as roupas famoso na História do Brasil foi o de Palmares.
às margens do rio Parnaíba. A palavra "quilombo" tem origem nos termos "kilombo"
A Prefeitura de Teresina instituiu, em 2003, o Dia do Cabeça (Quimbundo) ou "ochilombo" (Umbundo), presente também
de Cuia, a ser comemorado na última sexta-feira do mês de em outras línguas faladas ainda hoje por diversos povos
abril. Bantus que habitam a região de Angola, na África Ocidental.
Originalmente, designava apenas um lugar de pouso utilizado
Regra: Se usar o Corredor de Boi Cabeça-de-Cuia é por populações nômades ou em deslocamento;
descartado. Seu poder pode ser usado como resposta. posteriormente passou a designar também as paragens e
acampamentos das caravanas que faziam o comércio de cera,
escravos e outros itens cobiçados pelos colonizadores.
Foi no Brasil que o termo "quilombo" ganhou o sentido de
102/130 comunidades autónomas de escravos fugitivos. Havia
Psiônico escravidão, porém, em alguns quilombos.
17 Quilombolas é designação comum aos escravos refugiados
DS em quilombos, ou descendentes de escravos negros cujos
Avatar. Cavador. 10 níveis ou mais de psiônicos devem ser antepassados no período da escravidão fugiram dos
descartados para colocar Chupa-Cabras em jogo. O engenhos de cana-de-açúcar, fazendas e pequenas
ultrapoder de Chupa-Cabras torna todos os psiônicos deste

Mitos e Lendas - Página 420

propriedades onde executavam diversos trabalhos braçais 106/130
para formar pequenos vilarejos chamados de quilombos. Regente
Regra: Se o nível base de Quilombola é aumentado ele BR
poderá ir descontando -1 a cada vez que utiliza seu poder até Avatar. Um campeão regente de nível 15 ou mais deve ser
chegar a zero. exilado para o abismo como sacrifício para que Anhangá entre
em jogo. Pode usar feitiços de mago e clérigo, é imune a
Benta, a Contadora de Histórias todas as magias e habilidades de sangue. Essa criatura
104/130 ancestral pode, durante a fase 3, enviar um de seus
Psiônico campeões para o abismo, como as cartas anexadas, para
6 retirar do abismo uma carta não campeão, trazendo para a
DS mão. Enquanto Anhangá estiver em jogo nenhum campeão
Os contadores de histórias são hábeis ilusionistas. Durante o pode deixar o abismo.
passo 3 Benta pode enviar um reino em jogo, não destruído,
deste jogador para o limbo, para psionicamente iludir o Detalhes: Anhangá ou Anhangüera supostamente "Coisa
jogador oponente de que seus reinos não tem qualquer Ruim". Ele é o protetor da caça no campo e nas florestas;
restrições ao ataque, permitindo aos campeões deste jogador Anhangá protege todos os animais contra os caçadores e
atacar qualquer um reino naquela formação. O reino retorna quando a caça conseguia fugir os índios diziam que Anhangá
ao final do próximo turno deste jogador e não é reconhecido ou Anhangüera as havia protegido e ajudado a escapar.
como reino entrando em jogo. Para os jesuítas catequizadores, Anhangá era comparado ao
Detalhes: O Sítio do Picapau Amarelo é uma criação de demônio da teologia cristã.
Monteiro Lobato, escritor brasileiro. A obra é das mais Os jesuítas durante a catequese dos indígenas brasileiros,
originais da literatura infanto-juvenil no Brasil e o primeiro livro interpretaram equivocadamente "Anhangüera" com o
da série foi publicado em Dezembro de 1920. A partir daí, significado de "diabo velho" ao invés de "alma antiga". Dizem
Monteiro Lobato continuou escrevendo livros infantis de as lendas: No princípio Nhanderuvuçu criou a alma, que na
sucesso, com seu grupo de personagens que vivem histórias língua tupi-guarani diz-se "Anhang" ou "añã" a alma; "gwea"
mágicas: Emília, Narizinho, Pedrinho, Marquês de Rabicó, significa velho(a); portanto anhangüera "añã'gwea" significa
Conselheiro, Quindim, Visconde de Sabugosa, Dona Benta, alma antiga.
Tia Nastácia, Tio Barnabé, Cuca, Saci, etc. Os personagens Contudo, sabendo que alma tem o mesmo significado que
principais moram ou passam boa parte do tempo no sítio VIDA entende-se que "añã'gwea", era considerada uma VIDA
pertencente à avó dos garotos, batizado com o nome de ANTIGA. Ou seja, um ser com sabedoria e poder além
Picapau Amarelo, de onde vem o título da série. Esta carta é humano
em homenagem a este que foi um grande marco na infância
de muitos brasileiros, sendo retratado aqui a Dona Benta. Regra: O poder de não deixar campeões saírem do abismo é
válido para todos os jogadores.
Regra: O poder de Benta anula as restrições dos reinos
adversários, quanto a restrições de movimento de voadores, Ticumbi
nadadores ou cavadores e quanto a ser atacados por algum 107/130
tipo de campeão a exemplo de monstros, mortos vivos, etc. Regente
Karkaju, o Guerreiro Pataxó BR
105/130 Em homenagem aos reis enquanto Ticumbi estiver no poço
Psiônico todos campeões regentes, não avatar, deste jogador ganham
7 +5 em seu nível base e se tornam imunes ao poder de cartas
GR que matam automaticamente.
Índio. Nadador. As habilidades deste campeão lhe permitem
escapar de uma carta designada ofensiva jogada contra ele, Detalhes: Dança dramática, de origem africana, cultuada
se este jogador descartar um item mágico que esteja em especialmente no norte do Espírito Santo, principalmente nas
Karkaju, na mão ou no poço, em resposta, para cancelar o cidades de São Mateus e Conceição da Barra. Esta dança é
efeito da carta. composta por um determinado número de negros e se realiza
no dia de São Benedito. Da dança faz parte uma encenação
Detalhes: Os pataxós são um povo indígena de língua da que conta com os seguintes personagens: o rei Congo, o rei
família maxakali, do tronco macro-jê. Apesar de se Bamba, seus secretários respectivos e o corpo de baile de
expressarem na língua portuguesa, alguns grupos conservam cada nação, representando os guerreiros. O enredo do auto
seu idioma original, ensinando-o aos mais novos. se desenvolve em torno da disputa entre os dois reis que
Em 1990, os pataxós eram aproximadamente 1600. Vivem em querem fazer, separadamente, a festa de São Benedito.
sua maioria na Terra Indígena Barra Velha do Monte Pascoal, Segundo relato de Guilherme Santos Neves, "Há embaixadas
ao sul do município de Porto Seguro, a menos de um de parte a parte, com desafios atrevidos, declamados pelos
quilômetro da costa, entre as embocaduras dos rios Caraíva e secretários. Não sendo possível qualquer entendimento, trava-
Corumbáu. O território entre estes dois rios, o mar a leste e o se a guerra, agitada luta bailada entre as duas hostes. Dança-
Monte Pascoal a Oeste é reconhecido pelos Pataxó como se a primeira guerra de reis Congo, ou guerra sem travar, e
suas terras tradicionais. Abrangem uma área de 20.000 depois, a guerra travada. Desta última, participam os dois reis
hectares. que, no meio da roda dos "congos", batem as espadas,
Existem outros dois núcleos de povoamento: Terra Indígena cadenciadamente, junto com seus secretários. Vencido, afinal,
Imbiriba, próximo à foz do Rio dos Frades, a 20 Km ao Norte o Rei Bamba, submetem-se, ele e os seus guerreiros, ao
de Barra Velha, mais antigo; e a Terra Indígena Coroa batismo, terminando o auto com a festa em honra do Rei
Vermelha, ocupado mais recentemente, estimulado pelo fluxo Congo, quando, então, se canta e dança o Ticumbi, que dá
turístico, onde se desenvolvem atividades artesanais. Este nome à representação".
último povoamento está à margem da rodovia que liga Porto
Seguro a Santa Cruz de Cabrália. Regra: Ticumbi também recebe o bônus por ser regente. Se
Ticumbi estiver na batalha seu poder é anulado. Cartas que
Regra: Cartas já em jogo não podem ser canceladas com o matam automaticamente são cartas do tipo Dreaded Ghost e
poder de Karkaju. Living Wall.

Anhangá, Avatar dos Mistérios Negativos Rei Dragão

Mitos e Lendas - Página 421

108/130 Para descartar qualquer carta com indianara em jogo, o
Regente jogador tem que comprar igual número de cartas, logo, antes
7 de descartar a mão se compra 5 cartas.
BR Depois de sacadas são descartas as cartas que já existiam na
Índio. Voador. Quando no poço tem sua forma humana de mão antes da compra extra, pois são as cartas que são
nível 7 e pode usar cartas de poder psiônico. Em combate afetadas pelo poder do evento.
sofre uma metamorfose e se transforma em um dragão de Para comprar as 5 do evento o jogador tem que descartar 5
nível 10. Pode copiar o poder de qualquer dragão monstro em da mão, poço ou formação, logo em sequência comprar as 5
jogo em qualquer uma de suas formas. extras.
O total de cartas na mão podem variar de acordo com o
Regra: o poder de cópia do Rei Dragão deve ser renovado a descarte feito na mão, poço ou formação.
cada passo 3.
Cúpula BSW 2013: Quando a pilha de saque do jogador que
vai comprar cartas extras não possui a quantidade total de
cartas a serem sacadas, a exemplo de Boa Sorte em que a
pilha de saque só tem 3 cartas, O jogador deve descartar a
quantidade total de cartas descridas no texto da carta que
originou o poder de saque, independente de quantas existirem
na pilha de saque.
Salvador, o Mensageiro Natural Indiarull
109/130 112/130
Regente Clérigo
6 6
Pode lançar feitiços de clérigo. Enquanto em jogo este jogador Índio. Imune a habilidades de ladrão. Pode ser enviada ao
pode receber os espólios provindos de outros jogadores abismo para evitar que qualquer carta no poço deste jogador
pagando um tributo. Para cada espólio este jogador deve vá para o abismo por força oponente.
descartar 2 cartas da mão. Estes espólios são tratados como
espólios normais. Outros jogadores não sacam espólios. Morte Renegada
Detalhes: O uso de “magias, poções ou acordos” para Clérigo
conseguir o que deseja, seja para o bem quanto para o mal 9
fazem parte da cultura brasileira, muito mais do que se RL
imagina, seja UMBANDA, CANDOMBLÉ, as chamadas Gigante. Morto-vivo. Imune a eventos. Quando é baixado no
MACUMBAS entre outras, estão entrelaçadas em nosso meio poço cada jogador deve descartar um campeão morto-vivo de
de modo que não podemos mais ignorar, acreditando ou não, seu poço, se houver. Quando este campeão está no poço ou
fazem parte de nossa nação. em combate nega todas as cartas de vitória automática em
Indáu, o Tupiniquim
110/130 Regra:Todas as cartas que matam automaticamente são
Clérigo negadas enquanto Morte Renegada estiver em jogo. O efeito
18 de descartar um morto vivo não se aplica ao próprio Morte
DL Renegada.
Avatar. Índio. Gigante. Um gigante deve ser descartado para Cartas de “vitória automática” são todas as cartas que se
colocar Indáu em jogo. Imune ao poder de todas as cartas, enquadram na regra de “INSTANT-WIN”, ou seja, que tenham
não campeão, com nível menor que 4. Cada gigante deste os termos Automaticamente , instantaneamente ou algo do
jogador pode ser usado, uma vez por turno, por outro gigante gênero.
do mesmo poço como aliado durante o combate, utilizando
nível e poder do campeão e das cartas anexadas. O gigante Jaguarassá, a Mulher-Onça
aliado retorna ao poço depois da batalha com as cartas 114/130
anexadas. Clérigo
Regra: Indáu pode ser usado como aliado por outros gigantes. AD&D
Cada gigante pode ser usado uma vez como campeão e outra Imune ao poder de Mortos-vivos. Jaguarassá e seus aliados
como aliado. podem atacar qualquer reino de Underdark. Pode usar
O poder de outros campeões que também pegam como qualquer um ser da noite (Morto-vivo, Vampiro, Lobisomem...)
aliados a exemplo de Gib Aklem não interferem no poder de em jogo, como seu aliado em batalha permanecendo qualquer
Indáu. poder, nível e cartas anexadas, devolvendo o mesmo ao seu
Cada campeão gigante pode ser usado uma vez como poço depois da batalha. Se Mulher-Onça entra em combate
campeão e outra como aliado. contra um índio, ela perde seu poder.
Estado: Amazonas
Indianara, a Princesa Indígena
111/130 Detalhes: Lá por volta de 1700, num pequeno vilarejo , um
Clérigo índio e uma moça branca se apaixonaram . Mas o pai do
9 indígena , inconformado com o romance , pediu ao pajé da
DL tribo um feitiço contra a moça . Assim, o feiticeiro jogou a
Quando em jogo cartas extras, exceto espólios, só podem ser seguinte magia na pobre : de dia ela seria uma mulher normal
sacadas por qualquer jogador se o mesmo descartar antes , mas de noite ela viraria onça . A moça , ao se dar conta da
uma carta de sua mão, poço ou formação, para cada carta sua maldição se afastou do seu amado , para que ele não
sacada. Toda vez que alguém for forçado a descartar cartas sofresse . Esta é uma das lendas do pantanal .
da mão, este deverá comprar o mesmo número de cartas
descartadas em sua pilha de saque. O poder de Indianara não Dragão Leviano
é considerado como saque, descarte ou carta extra. 115/130
Regra: Poder de indianara com Renovação

Mitos e Lendas - Página 422

5 Detalhes: A Matinta Perera é uma ave de vida misteriosa e
GR cujo canto nunca se sabe de onde vem. Dizem que ela é o
Dragão. Voador. Em batalha Dragão Leviano envia um Saci Pererê em uma de suas formas.
dragão, não avatar, em jogo para o limbo até o final do Seu nome científico é Tapera naevia e se apresenta com duas
próximo turno, ele assume seu nível e poder permanecendo subespécies, uma das quais ocorre ao norte e leste e a outra
com ele até que o campeão afetado retorne. Este poder não é no sul do Brasil. Tem coloração geral pardo-amarelada, com
considerado como cópia. numerosas manchas escuras nas coberteiras das asas, topete
avermelhado, com manchas claras e escuras, garganta,
Detalhe: Alegoria do festival de Parintins sobrancelha e abdome brancos. Alimenta-se de insetos e
costuma pôr ovos em ninhos de joão-teneném Também
Regra: Se o dragão enviado para o limbo retornar ao jogo por assume a forma de uma velha vestida de preto, com o rosto
algum motivo, Dragão Leviano perde o poder assumido. parcialmente coberto. Prefere sair nas noites escuras, sem
lua. Quando vê alguma pessoa sozinha, ela dá um assobio ou
grito estridente, cujo som lembra a palavra: "Matinta Perera..."
Para os índios Tupinambás esta ave, era a mensageira das
coisas do outro mundo, e que trazia notícias dos parentes
mortos. Era chamada de Matintaperera. Para se descobrir
quem é a Matinta Perera, a pessoa ao ouvir o seu grito ou
assobio deve convidá-la para vir à sua casa pela manhã para
Parintins, o Matador de Dragões tomar café. No dia seguinte, a primeira pessoa que chegar
116/130 pedindo café ou fumo é a Matinta Perera. Acredita-se que ela,
Mago possua poderes sobrenaturais e que seus feitiços possam
10 causar dores ou doenças nas pessoas.
Imune a itens mágicos ofensivos. Dragões perdem Regra: A carta doada precisa ser uma carta usável por
automaticamente a batalha contra ele. Dragões em seu poço Matinta. O jogador pode usar ou não a carta doada.
podem ser descartados para enviar para a pilha de descarte
qualquer carta regra em jogo. Cúpula BSW 2015: O primeira parte do poder desta carta (Ao
enfrentar Matinta em combate o oponente deve doar uma
Detalhes: Tido atualmente como o 2º maior festival folclórico carta usável a ser utilizada por ela. Caso o oponente não
do país (perdendo apenas para o Carnaval), Parintins coopere na doação, ele fica paralisado de medo, não poderá
começou sua festa no formato atual em 1964, época aonde já usar seu poder e habilidades de seu ícone. A carta é
se destacava a rivalidade entre a torcida de Garantido e embaralhada depois do combate.) é considerado do tipo
Caprichoso. Before Combate.

Regra: Dragões em batalha contra Parintins perdem a batalha Mãe Natureza

automaticamente e são descartados. O descarte do dragão 119/130
pode ser a qualquer momento. Herói
Qualquer dragão campeão ou aliado no poço do jogador pode 21
ser usado para descartar cartas regras. AD&D
Avatar. Imune a eventos e habilidades de ladrão. Um herói
Guerreiro Águia com item mágico anexado deve ser descartado para colocá-la
117/130 em jogo. Esta divindade natural conserva a natureza de todos
Mago os seres tornando-a inalterável. Cada campeão em jogo só
9 pode usar as habilidades naturais de seus ícones enquanto
DL Mãe Natureza estiver em jogo, qualquer poder referente ao
Voador. Pode usar habilidades de ladrão. Não pode estar no uso de cartas de outras classes (mago, regente, ladrão. etc )
mesmo poço que Parintins. Uma vez por turno oponente, pode são negados. Limite de um avatar por poço.
escolher o campeão que poderá atacar uma carta Dungeon
em jogo. Sepé Tiarajú
Detalhe: Fantasia do Festival de Parintins. Herói
Regra: quando um jogador for atacar sua Dungeon você FR
escolherá qual o campeão que ele deverá usar, se ele não Índio. Imune a eventos. Pode usar feitiços de mago. Quando
usar este campeão não poderá atacar a mesma. O poder de Sepé Tiarajú está em jogo, todos os índios deste jogador
Guerreiro Águia só funciona uma única vez por turno devem ser derrotados duas vezes quando defendendo para
oponente, no caso, se o oponente atacar uma segunda vez serem descartados e se Ruínas de São Miguel estiver em
ele poderá escolher o campeão que lhe convier. jogo, Sepé também fica imune a qualquer carta ofensiva.

Matinta Detalhes: Sepé Tiarajú nasceu na Redução de São Luiz

118/130 Gonzaga, órfão de pai e mãe, foi adotado por um padre
Mago jesuíta e transferido para a Redução de São Miguel Arcanjo.
7 As reduções seguiam os moldes da legislação espanhola.
RL Primeiramente era demarcada a Igreja e a Praça Central e a
Morto-vivo. Voador. Ao enfrentar Matinta em combate o partir deste núcleo erigia-se as demais construções. Os índios
oponente deve doar uma carta usável a ser utilizada por ela. guaranis reduzidos, desenvolviam atividades como agricultura,
Caso o oponente não coopere na doação, ele fica paralisado pecuária, marcenaria, pintura, escultura, isto é, aprendiam um
de medo, não poderá usar seu poder e habilidades de seu ofício. Tais organizações permaneceram em atividade por
ícone. A carta é embaralhada depois do combate. Se Matinta mais ou menos um século e meio.
perder a batalha ela amaldiçoa o vencedor descartando todas As Ruínas de São Miguel, no Rio Grande do Sul, são o
as cartas anexadas nele. testemunho silencioso do intento missionário das "Reduções
índias", nos séculos XVII e XVII. Sepé Tiarajú, São Sepé, aos
olhos do povo, era o Alferes Real e Corregedor do Povo de
São Miguel, o quarto dos Sete Povos das Missões e o mais

Mitos e Lendas - Página 423

ilustre chefe guerreiro guarani, que foi assassinado, condenada a desaparecer, o presidente Bento Gonçalves
juntamente com 2500 outros guerreiros, pelos exércitos dispensou Garibaldi de suas funções, e ele então mudou-se
espanhóis e portugueses, nos campos de Caiboaté, às para Montevidéu, no Uruguai, com Anita e seu filho Menotti,
margens da Sanga da Bica em 7 de fevereiro de 1756. nascido em Mostardas, no litoral sul do estado do Rio Grande
Ficou decidido pelo Tratado de Madri, que a Espanha trocaria do Sul.
com Portugal sua possessão conhecida por Sete Povos das
Missões pela Colônia do Sacramento. Milhares de índios Regras: Garibaldi nega qualquer carta em jogo (reinos,
guaranis, catequizados e civilizados pelos jesuítas espanhóis, fortaleza, Dungeon, eventos,etc,) que forneça restrições aos
habitavam as Missões. Mas, conforme regia o tratado os reinos adversários.
habitantes das Missões deveriam deixar suas terras e mudar-
se para o território pertencente aos espanhóis. Guairacá, Lobo dos Campos e das Águas
Assim que Sepé soube, que a região em que campeava 122/130
trocaria de bandeira, resolveu, defender com o máximo ardor Herói
aquelas terras, barrando com heroísmo a entrada de intrusos 7
nos pagos dos seus antepassados. Confiado na fortaleza das FR
quatro peças de artilharia que confeccionara com cana brava, Indio. Nadador. Pode usar habilidades de sangue. É o mais
o índio julgava-se invencível. E, blasonando valentia, ele bravo guerreiro dos Guaranis, cada vez que ele vencer na
irradiava a confiança na vitória, que aumentava o espírito defesa recebe um tributo em sua honra e pode trazer uma
ofensivo da gente que lhe obedecia. carta da pilha de descarte e anexá-la em si mesmo. Artefatos
No dia 21 de setembro de 2009, foi publicada a Lei Federal precisam ser de mesmo mundo.
12.032/09, que traz em seu artigo 1º o texto "Em
comemoração aos 250 (duzentos e cinquenta) anos da morte Estado: Paraná
de Sepé Tiaraju, será inscrito no Livro dos Heróis da Pátria,
que se encontra no Panteão da Liberdade e da Democracia, o Detalhes: Guairacá, lobo dos campos e das águas, era o
nome de José Tiaraju, o Sepé Tiaraju, herói guarani cacique corajoso, aquele que defendia os guaranis e a terra
missioneiro rio-grandense." com denodo e bravura, desde o baixo Iguaçu até o
Como homenagem ao heroísmo e à coragem de Sepé Tiaraju, Paranapanema e do Tibagi ao Paranazão. Era uma região
a rodovia RS-344 recebeu o seu nome. ambicionada notadamente pelos castelhanos, que já haviam
Existe também no Rio Grande do Sul o município de São dominado os rio da Prata e Paraguai. Os castelhanos sempre
Sepé, nome que reflete a devoção popular pelo herói quiseram invadir essas terras. Mas sempre enfrentaram os
indígena. bravos de Guairacá, dos cem mil arcos vencedores.
Um outro guerreiro de grande valor o sucedeu quando de sua
Garibaldi, o Herói de Dois Mundos morte e comandou os guerreiros no agitado período daquele
121/130 pedaço do Brasil: Mbiaçá. Numa homenagem póstuma, ele
Herói chamou aquela região de Guairacá para que todos se
8 lembrassem daquele que rechaçara as tentativas dos homens
GR estranhos. Foi este fato que, por muitos e muitos anos, frente
Nadador. Pode usar artefato de Ravenloft. Garibaldi é a toda a sorte de inimigos impediu que a terra e a gente
destemido e encoraja todos os heróis deste jogador a atacar fossem avassaladas pelos estrangeiros, castelhanos e
qualquer reino da formação adversária ignorando suas portugueses, que abreviaram seu nome para Guairá, tendo
restrições. Todos os heróis deste jogador recebem bônus +5 sido cantado em prosa e verso:
ajustado quando atacando. “Andava Guairacá mui valeroso,
Astuto, sabio, artero e mui valiente
Estado: Rio Grande do Sul Compuzo una terrible palizada
De aguas y comidas abastada.
Detalhes: Giuseppe Garibaldi (Nice, 4 de julho de 1807 — El fuerte fué con mana fabricado
Caprera, 2 de junho de 1882) foi um guerrilheiro[1] italiano, A los lados con muchos torreones,
alcunhado de "herói de dois mundos" devido a sua Estaba a todas partes resguardado
participação em conflitos na Europa e na América do Sul. Uma Con sus trincheras, fosas y bastiones.
das mais notáveis figuras da unificação italiana, ao lado de Sin duda Satanás ha revelado
Giuseppe Mazzini e do Conde de Cavour, Garibaldi dedicou A Guairacá el modelo y invenciones.”
sua vida à luta contra a tirania. Nasceu em Nizza (hoje Nice,
na França), então ocupada pelo Império Francês e que Tiradentes, o Herói Nacional
retornaria ao reino de Sardenha-Piemonte, com a queda de 123/130
Napoleão Bonaparte, para ser em seguida cedida à França Herói
por Cavour. 8
No Brasil, aproximou-se dos republicanos que haviam DL
proclamado a República Rio-grandense (11 de setembro de Cavador. Imune a habilidade de sangue. Pode se sacrificar
1836), no Rio Grande do Sul e tornou-se uma figura pela causa, sendo enviado do poço para o Void, para impedir
importante na Guerra dos Farrapos, ou Revolução que um reino seja destruído ou descartado fora de combate.
Farroupillha, na qual os republicanos do sul combateram o Se defendendo Ouro Preto recebe +10 de bônus.
Império do Brasil. Ao lado do general Davi Canabarro, tomou
o porto de Laguna, em Santa Catarina, onde foi proclamada a Detalhes: TIRADENTES (Joaquim José da Silva Xavier)
República Catarinense (República Juliana). A marinha da (1746-1792), é considerado o grande mártir da independência
jovem República Riograndense estava bloqueada na lagoa do nosso país. Nasceu na Fazenda do Pombal, entre São
dos Patos, pois as forças imperiais dominavam a cidade de José ( hoje Tiradentes) e São João del Rei, Minas Gerais. Seu
Rio Grande, na saída da lagoa para o mar. Para levar as pai era um pequeno fazendeiro. Tiradentes não fez estudos
forças republicanas até a cidade de Laguna, Garibaldi levou das primeiras letras de modo regular. Ficou órfão aos 11 anos;
seus dois barcos através de um trecho de 86 quilômetros de foi mascate, pesquisou minerais, foi médico prático. Tornou-se
terra, utilizando enormes carretas puxadas por duzentos bois. também conhecido, na sua época, na então capitania, por sua
Em Laguna, Garibaldi conheceu Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro, habilidade com que arrancava e colocava novos dentes feitos
conhecida depois como Anita Garibaldi, com quem se casaria por ele mesmo, com grande arte. Sobre sua vida militar, sabe-
e que se tornaria sua companheira de lutas na América do Sul se que pertenceu ao Regimento de Dragões de Minas Gerais.
e depois na Itália. Quando, após quase uma década de luta, Ficou no posto de alferes, comandando uma patrulha de
ficou evidente que a República Rio-grandense estava ronda do mato, prendendo ladrões e assassinos.

Mitos e Lendas - Página 424

Em 1789 o Brasil-Colônia começava a apresentar algum Ladrão
progresso material. A população crescia, os meios de 4
comunicação eram mais fáceis a exportação de mercadorias RL
para a metrópole aumentava cada vez mais. Os colonos iam Morto-vivo. Pode voltar uma habilidade de ladrão ao final do
tendo um sentimento de autonomia cada vez maior, achando turno do jogador, se o poder é usado este campeão é enviado
que já era tempo de o nosso país fazer a sua independência para o abismo.
do domínio português.
Houve então em Vila Rica, atual cidade de Ouro Preto, no Detalhes: Imagem da carta chamada “Retirantes” Obra de
Estado de Minas Gerais, uma conspiração com o fim de 1944.
libertar o Brasil do jugo português e proclamar a República. Cândido Torquato Portinari[1] (Brodowski, 29 de dezembro de
Uma das causas mais importantes do movimento de Vila Rica 1903 — Rio de Janeiro, 6 de fevereiro de 1962) foi um pintor
foi a independência dos Estados Unidos, que se libertara do brasileiro. Portinari pintou quase cinco mil obras, de pequenos
domínio da Inglaterra em 1776, e também o entusiasmo dos esboços a gigantescos murais. Foi o pintor brasileiro a
filhos brasileiros que estudaram na Europa, de lá voltando alcançar maior projeção internacional.
com idéias de liberdade. Em 1928 conquistou o "Prêmio de Viagem ao Estrangeiro", da
Ainda nessa ocasião não era boa a situação econômica da Exposição Geral de Belas-Artes, de tradição acadêmica. Em
Capitania de Minas, pois as Minas já não produziam muito 1929 Portinari partiu para a Europa, viajou pela Itália,
ouro e a cobrança dos impostos ( feita por Portugal) era cada Inglaterra, Espanha e se fixou em Paris, onde permaneceu até
vez mais alta. 1930. Ía diariamente aos museus e lá descobriu a pintura
O governador de Minas Gerais, Visconde de Barbacena, moderna. Discutia sobre arte nos cafés e não tinha quase
resolveu lançar a derrama, nome que se dava à cobrança dos nenhum tempo para pintar. Foi em Paris que Portinari
impostos. Por isso, os conspiradores combinaram que a conheceu Maria Martinelli, com quem mais tarde se casou.
revolução deveria irromper no dia em que fossem cobrados Em 1932, Cândido Portinari expôs individualmente. Três anos
esses impostos. Desse modo, o descontentamento do povo, depois, seu quadro Café recebeu a segunda menção honrosa
provocado pela derrama, tornaria vitorioso o movimento. da Exposição Internacional do Instituto Carnegie, nos Estados
A conjuração começou a ser preparada. Militares, escritores Unidos. Em 1936 pintou o seu primeiro mural, para o
de renome, poetas famosos, magistrados e sacerdotes Monumento Rodoviário na Estrada Rio-São Paulo. Nessa
tomaram parte nos planos de rebelião. Os conspiradores época, foi nomeado professor de pintura do Instituto de Artes
pretendiam proclamar uma república, com a abolição imediata da Universidade do Distrito Federal. Em novembro de 1939
da escravatura, procedendo à construção de uma expôs 269 trabalhos no Museu Nacional de Belas-Artes. Antes
universidade, ao desenvolvimento da educação para o povo, havia executado três grandes painéis para o pavilhão
além de outras reformas sociais de interesse para a brasileiro na Feira Mundial de Nova Iorque. No mesmo ano
coletividade. nasceu seu único filho, João Cândido.
Uma das primeiras figuras da Inconfidência foi Tiradentes. O
movimento revolucionário ficou apenas em teoria, pois não Regra: o poder de Portinari não pode ser usado como
chegou a se realizar. Em março de 1789, o coronel Joaquim resposta.
Silvério dos Reis, que se fingia amigo e companheiro, traiu-os,
denunciando o movimento ao governador. Saci
Tiradentes achava-se , nessa ocasião no Rio de Janeiro. 126/130
Percebendo que estava sendo vigiado, procurou esconder-se Ladrão
numa casa da rua dos Latoeiros, atualmente Gonçalves Dias, 4
sendo ali preso. O processo durou 3 anos, sendo afinal lida a AD&D
sentença dos prisioneiros conjurados. No dia seguinte uma Imune a feitiços ofensivos. Pode usar cartas de combate
nova sentença modificava a anterior, mantendo a pena de desarmados. Em batalha Saci apronta de suas travessuras,
morte somente para Tiradentes. pegando sem ver as 5 primeiras cartas da pilha de saque de
Tiradentes foi enforcado a 21 de abril de 1792, no Largo da seu oponente e embaralhando elas entre si, anexando-as
Lampadosa, Rio de Janeiro. Seu corpo foi esquartejado, sua viradas para baixo, contando como bônus de +3 níveis cada.
cabeça foi erguida em um poste em Vila Rica, arrasaram a Para cada carta ofensiva ou maléfica que o oponente usar em
casa em que morava e declararam infames os seus batalha Saci pode aleatoriamente descartar uma dessas
descendentes. cartas. Ao final da batalha as cartas que sobrarem são
embaralhadas com a pilha de saque oponente.
Capitão Rodriguez
124/130 Detalhes: O Saci Pererê é conhecido por todo o Brasil pela
Herói figura de um meninote negro e travesso, portando sempre
5 uma carapuça vermelha na cabeça e uma piteira sempre
FR acesa na boca. Os Sacis são diabretes brincalhões, que
Pode usar habilidades do sangue. Contra campeões de nível fazem maldade grande, mas são os responsáveis por todas as
base maior que 5, Capitão Rodriguez triplica o nível de pequenas coisas ruins que acontecem na casa. São os Sacis
qualquer espada, faca ou chicote e os torna defensivos. que queimam o feijão da cozinheira, faz a pipoca virar piruá,
Detalhes: Rodriguez é o herói dos pampas gaúchos, de fala escondem as coisas quando a gente procura, colocam o
mansa, muito fanfarrão e galanteador. Bom no uso de prego virado de ponta pra cima só pra ver alguém pisar.
espadas e do chicote adora uma boa briga, de preferência Dizem que a carapuça é o seu ponto fraco, e aquele que a
contra adversários temidos e perigosos. tomar do Saci faz dele seu escravo. Para capturar um Saci, é
só esperar um dia com bastante vento e caçar um rodamoinho
Regra: O poder do Capitão funciona com qualquer arma com uma peneira de cruzeta. Então é só prender o diabinho
designada como espada, faca ou chicote. E mesmo que a em uma garrafa escura, com uma cruz desenhada na tampa.
carta não mencione, uma foto que se assemelhe a uma Desse modo, você terá um Saci todo seu, ainda que o
dessas armas já é suficiente para o poder de Rodriguez entrar diabrete só apareça quando se cai na modorra: aquele estado
em ação. Como o poder menciona “qualquer espada, faca ou nem dormindo e nem acordado.
chicote” mesmo artefatos são afetados, embora obviamente
não se beneficiem do fato de se transformarem em itens Regra: As cartas são pegas no início da batalha, estando ele
defensivos, ou seja, “apenas” tem o nível triplicado. perdendo ou ganhando, o bônus é contado o total (+15).
Essas cartas são consideradas como anexas e podem ser
Portinari descartadas, trocar de lado, ser enviadas para o limbo,

Mitos e Lendas - Página 425

abismo, Void ou descarte, porém contam apenas como bônus Detalhes: Imagem criada por Fábio Rogério jogador de
+3 cada. Maringá-PR
Quando a carta é descartada ela volta a ser a original, eventos Virgulino Ferreira da Silva, mais conhecido como Lampião,
irão para o abismo (ou descarte se o possuidor usar The nasceu em Floresta do Navio, Pernambuco, no dia 4 de
Azure Tower). As cartas que funcionam no descarte junhode 1898. Com três anos de escola aprendeu a ler e
(Guerreiros Sagrados por exemplo) mantem os seus poderes escrever. Antes de tornar-se assassino, com 17 anos de
normalmente. idade, Lampião era vaqueiro, amansador de cavalos e burros.
Saci somente pode usar Cartas de Combate Desarmado Nas horas vagas, fazia obras de couro (selas, arreios, etc.) e
usáveis por heróis ou somente por heróis. tocava sanfona de oito baixos. Quando seu pai faleceu,
Lampião já havia assassinado algumas pessoas e assaltado
Curupira muitas fazendas e pequenas cidades. Lampião não entrou no
127/130 cangaço por vingança. Conhecedor da região, Lampião sabia
Ladrão se esconder, em companhia de seu bando, das forças
9 policiais de quatro Estados que andavam à sua procura,
AD&D combatendo-o em batalhas das quais ele conseguia sempre
Aventureiro. Gnomo. Nadador. Antes do início da batalha o escapar. Ninguém sabe quantas pessoas Lampião matou.
oponente deve cortar seu deck e verificar o último dígito: se 1 Considerado violento, sádico, estuprador, incendiário,
ou 2 o oponente tem seu poder ignorado. Se 3 ou 4 seus Lampião escreveu uma das páginas mais sangrentas da
aliados se perdem nas matas e não podem ser jogados. Se 5 história dos sertões nordestinos. Rezava, tocava sanfona,
ou 6 seus itens mágicos e artefatos não tem poder. Se 7 ou 8 gostava de ler e de ser fotografado, fazia versos, era temido e
Curupira se torna imune a todas as cartas ofensivas. Se 9 ou respeitado durante os anos que dominou o sertão. Apesar de
zero, o campeão adversário consegue se libertar do feitiço e a cego de um olho (leucoma), tinha uma boa pontaria para
batalha prossegue normalmente. O deck oponente deve ser matar os soldados que lhe davam combate. Depois de muitas
embaralhado. lutas, cercos, fugas, Lampião foi abatido com um tiro de fuzil,
na cabeça, pelo soldado Antônio Honorato da Silva, da Força
Detalhes: O folclore brasileiro é rico em personagens Policial Alagoana, sob o comando do Capitão João Bezerra da
lendários e o curupira é um dos principais. De acordo com a Silva, que era pernambucano. Maria Bonita, que era sua
lenda, contada principalmente no interior do Brasil, o curupira amante e vivia no grupo, caiu morta ao seu lado, em
habita as matas brasileiras. De estatura baixa, possui cabelos companhia de mais nove cangaceiros. Com a morte de
avermelhados (cor de fogo) e seus pés são voltados para trás. Lampião, a paz recomeçou a reinar nos sertões nordestinos
A função do curupira é proteger as árvores, plantas e animais
das florestas. Seus alvos principais são os caçadores, Regra: Se o ladrão pego for descartado por alguma razão ele
lenhadores e pessoas que destroem as matas de forma não voltará para o poço adversário.
Para assustar os caçadores e lenhadores, o curupira emite Mimicole
sons e assovios agudos. Outra tática usada é a criação de 129/130
imagens ilusórias e assustadoras para espantar os "inimigos Ladrão
da florestas". Dificilmente é localizado pelos caçadores, pois 4
seus pés virados para trás servem para despistar os DL
perseguidores, deixando rastros falsos pelas matas. Além Mimicole durante a fase 3 pode dar vida a um campeão
disso, sua velocidade é surpreendente, sendo quase adversário em uma imagem de barro em seu poço, o jogador
impossível um ser humano alcançá-lo numa corrida. pode jogar uma carta de sua mão virada para baixo como uma
De acordo com a lenda, ele adora descansar nas sombras das réplica de um campeão adversário, sem poder, que será
mangueiras. Costuma também levar crianças pequenas para considerada um monstro de nível 1 que usa qualquer artefato.
morar com ele nas matas. Após encantar as crianças e Tendo 3 deles em seu poço Mimicole pode sacrificá-los para
ensinar os segredos da floresta, devolve os jovens para a matar um campeão de nível 5 ou menor em jogo a qualquer
família, após sete anos. momento.
Os contadores de lendas dizem que o curupira adora pregar
peças naqueles que entram na floresta. Por meio de Regra: Só pode ser feitas cópias se houver campeões em
encantamentos e ilusões, ele deixa o visitante atordoado e jogo e apenas uma cópia por campeão enquanto este estiver
perdido, sem saber o caminho de volta. O curupira fica no poço, se o campeão sair do jogo e retornar pode ser feita
observando e seguindo a pessoa, divertindo-se com o feito. nova cópia do mesmo.
Se Mimicole for descartada as cópias permanecem em jogo.
Regra: Não pode ser usado com A Sure Thing pelo fato que
de a Regra somente afeta cartas que olham e descartam Mímican
cartas, o que eu não é o caso de Curupira. 130/130
O poder do Curupira é considerado “before combat” (antes da Ladrão
ativação dos poderes normais dos campeões em batalha). 2
Se Mimicole estiver em jogo quando Mimican for jogado, ela é
Lampião, o Rei do Cangaço descartada independente de poderes especiais ou
128/130 imunidades. Quando entra em jogo, todos os jogadores
Ladrão devem pedir a permissão deste campeão para usar qualquer
16 carta que copie outra carta.
Avatar. Dois ladrões somando 12 níveis ou mais níveis devem Regra: O poder de Mimican é ativado quando ele é baixado e
ser descartados para colocar Lampião em jogo. Este continua valendo enquanto ele estiver em jogo.
cangaceiro, uma vez por turno, pode convocar um ladrão em
qualquer poço para a sua mesa, ele será tratado como Coitero
de suas tropas, podendo ser usado para ataque e defesa,
permanecendo qualquer poder e cartas anexadas. O ladrão é
devolvido no passo 5 do turno oponente sem as cartas
anexadas. Limite de um avatar por poço.

Mitos e Lendas - Página 426

Castle Arborgate

01/20 Arborgate in play in the Void regardless of any other cards

Realm special power.
This realm is immune to offensive spells, psionics, and harmful Texto em português:
events. If discarded from your hand or deck by an opponent's Castelo Arborgate
action put this realm into play and place any other Castle Este reino é imune a feitiços e poderes psiônicos ofensivos
e eventos maléficos. Se descartado de sua mão ou de sua Este reino torna possível a remoção de alguns dos campeões
pilha de saque por uma ação do oponente, coloque este reino mais odiados do jogo, como Necba the Wrathmaker [13/DU
em jogo e envie para o Void qualquer outro Castelo Arborgate Chase] e Manshoon of the Zhentarim [6/RR Chase].
em jogo, independentemente do poder especial de qualquer Note que, na Arena, a vitória só é alcançada apenas através
outra carta. da maior soma de níveis, portanto campeões como Living Wall
[58/PO] e Earth Elemental [60/PO] não poderão ser usados
Castelo Arborgate é um reino forte, feito para combater as com tanta facilidade. Lembre-se que o oponente não tem a
estratégias de torneio mais poderosas. Primeiro, este reino escolha se deseja lutar ou não.
Greyhawk tem imunidades muito fortes. Ser immune a feitiços, Todas as cartas que enviam o campeão de volta ao poço
psciônicos e eventos derrota todos os métodos de destruir-se derrotado agora fazem com que ele seja necessariamente
um reino no passo 3 exceto pelo outro poder do Castelo descartado. isto não apenas permite que você destrua
Arborgate. rapidamente os campeões do adversário que incomodam,
Como destruição de reinos é um dos métodos mais populares como também te dá muitos espólios, aumentando sua
de vencer-se partidas de Spellfire em nível de torneios, essas vantagem em número de cartas.
imunidades carregam um imenso poder, especialmente Esta é sem dúvida uma carta ponderosa, que encontrará seu
porque nenhum outro reino possui todas essas imunidades. lugar em muitos decks de torneio.
O outro método poderoso é a abordagem de “tocar
livremente”, destruir reinos na mão para que eles não entrem Land of Legends
em jogo. Castelo Arborgate tem uma boa defesa também 03/20
contra isso. Se o adversário utilizar essa estratégia, mesmo Realm
por acidente, Castelo Arborgate entra em jogo (mesmo que AD&D
fora do passo adequado para descer-se reinos) e manda as When this realm is played, it may copy the world designation
and special powers of any realm an opponent's formation,
demais cartas Castelo Arborgate para o Void, except Ancient Kalidnay or Avanil.
independentemente do poder de outras cartas. Isso é
realmente muito forte e causa grandes estragos naqueles que Texto em português:
usam essa estratégia para ganhar vantagem, uma mecância Terra de Lendas
que esperamos repetir em lançamentos futuros. Quando este reino é jogado, ele pode copiar a designação de
Por essas razões, o Castelo Arborgarte provavelmente mundo e os poderes especiais de qualquer reino na formação
aparecerá em muitos torneios futuros. No entanto, duvidamos de um oponente, exceto Ancient Kalidnay ou Avanil.
que ele apareça em muitos decks divertidos, já que somente
nos jogos de torneio as estratégias mais maléficas são Esta carta é um grande desafio para qualquer juiz. O principal
utilizadas a ser lembrado ao julgar esta carta é que o reino
primeiramente é jogado para depois copiar o poder e o mundo
Arena of Dori the Barbarian de um reino na formação de um adversário, portanto ele não
02/20 pode copiar o poder de Menzoberranzan [1/4ª ed] para ser
Realm jogado imediatamente, possibiltando ao jogador baixar um
AD&D outro reino em sua formação no passo 2. Pela mesma razão,
This realm is the home of combat. In phase 4, in place of poderes que ativam quando o reino é jogado (como Templo
attacking a realm, any player during their turn, can make an da Maldade Elemental [17/4ª ed] ou Furyondy [16/4ª ed]) são
attack directly against a champion in an opponent's pool. inúteis de se imitar porque Land of Legends já está em jogo.
Combat lasts for one round and the only way to win is by level. Ancient Kalidnay [92/AR] e Avanil [5/BR] foram restringidos
The winner of this fight gets spoils and the loser goes to the devido a seus poderes especiais.
discard pile, regardless of special powers. É muito importante ressaltar também que apenas reinos
adversários podem ser copiados, então a eficiência de seu
Texto em português: uso depende de seu oponente (especialmente porque reinos
Arena de Dori, a Bárbara destruídos normalmente são considerados como sem poder).
Este reino é o lar do combate. Na fase 4, no lugar de atacar Escolher o momento certo para baixar esse reino é
um reino, qualquer jogador, em seu turno, pode fazer um complicado, uma vez que, quando houver um reino bom a ser
ataque diretamente contra um campeão no poço do imitado, ele provavelmente será baixado na parte de trás da
adversário. O combate tem duração de um round, e a única formação. Um bom uso para esta carta é jogá-la logo apos o
maneira de vencer é por nível. O vencedor dessa batalha uso do evento Cerco [203/2ª ed], de modo que ele fique na
ganha espólios, e o perdedor vai para a pilha de descartes, primeira posição da formação, e imitar o reino adversário que
independente de seus poderes especiais. concede a melhor restrição possível.
Por fim, lembre-se que, mesmo que o reino copiado seja
Este reino AD&D permite que você ataque o poço, não arrazado ou removido de jogo, Land of Legends mantém o
apenas reinos. Não apenas isso, mas o oponente é obrigado a poder copiado até que ele seja retirado de jogo.
defender ao invest de apenas dar espólios, logo a
recuperação “speed” (estratégia na qual o jogador força o
saque de cartas para vencer) não funcionará.

Inquisition Brasil - Página 427

Ser capaz de retornar todos os aventureiros da pilha de
Descartes para a mão é um poder incrível, com potencial para
Village of Nulb mudar o jogo, especialmente quando usado próximo ao fim da
04/20 partida. A grande desvantagem desta carta é que ela precisa
Realm ficar em jogo até o início de seu próximo turno, já que seu
Greyhawk poder é usado no passo 0, mas ela só pode ser jogada no
While this realm is in play, the Temple of Elemental Evil cannot passo 2. Portanto, a melhor maneira de se usar essa carta é
be played. If played when the Temple of Elemental Evil is no turno que antecede o seu turno extra, seja com Caravana
already in play, the Temple’s owner must immediately discard (131/4ª ed) ou Ancient Kalidnay [92/AR]. Isso poderia ser
3 cards at random from his hand. ainda uma razão decente para se usar o evento Biding Your
Time [22/BR], já que o uso deste evento é muito arriscado
Texto em português: para valer a pena. Para ajudar na proteção dessa fortaleza até
Vila de Nulb que você possa recuperar os seus aventureiros, considere
Enquanto este reino estiver em jogo, Templo da Maldade anexá-la ao reino The Gorgon's Crown [4/BR] ou the Shining
Elemental não pode ser jogado. Se jogado quando o Templo Lands [87/BR], pois ambos possuem boas imunidades. Se
da Maldade Elemental já estiver em jogo, o possuidor do anexado a bons reinos como esses, você pode até mesmo
Templo deverá descartar 3 cartas de sua mão aleatoriamente. deixar a fortaleza em jogo por tempo suficiente para usar o
seu poder da melhor maneira possível.
Como qualquer veterano de Spellfire sabe, o Templo da Os poderes dessa fortaleza são bem similares aos de Photed
Maldade Elemental aparece em praticamente todos os decks [289/4ª ed] e Dearlyn Ambersong [44/DU] (exceto que a
de torneio. Agora, há uma boa alternativa. Vejamos então Adventurers' Guild protege contra Con Game [82/DU], que,
como ela funciona. Primeiramente, além de ser Greihawk (o para alguns, é razão suficiente para usar a carta), não tendo
que significa que el epode ser protegido por cartas como The muita conexão entre si.
Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk [6/DU]), este reino não oferece A prática dirá qual é o melhor momento para usar esta
nenhum poder defensivo, então geralmente você quererá que fortaleza, mas Jim Butler recomenda o uso quando houver
ele seja jogado em uma posição protegida. cinco ou mais aventureiros na pilha de descartes (baseando-
Se jogado no início da partida, ele previne os adversários (e se em um deck com 19 ou 20 aventureiros, logo ajuste sua
também a você) de jogar o Templo. Isso elimina todos os linha de corte de acordo com o total de campeões em seu
motivos de se jogar com o Templo, exceto, é claro, se Village deck).
of Nulb estiver arrazado. No entanto, para evitar que o Templo Essa carta é um grande acréscimo ao arsenal dos
seja jogado, geralmente há a necessidade de se jogar esta aventureiros e deveria ser usada sempre que possível em
carta em uma posição desprotegida da formação. Portanto, á decks com essa temática.
fácil perder o benefício da carta,já que o poder da Vila não se
renova quando ela é reconstruída. Luccia
O outra momento para se jogar essa carta é quando o Templo 06/20
já estiver em jogo. Se isso acontecer, o dono do Templo Hero
(mesmo que ele esteja arrazado) perde três cartas da mão, e 5
o mais importante, a perda é aleatória. Perder cartas AD&D
aleatoriamente é muito ruim, como qualquer um que tenha Adventurer. Can use thief skills. Luccia has a +7 flying griffin
jogado contra o Hettman Tsurin pode-lhe dizer. Isso sempre mount as her ally that makes her a flyer. She is a great scout,
pode eliminar cartas-resposta importantes, que estavam thus when she is in the pool, all adventurers may use their
apenas aguardando o momento certo para serem usadas. special powers (and those of attached cards) first when
Contudo, deve-se notar também que muitos jogadores ficam defending.
com muito pouco em suas mãos após o seu turno, ou mesmo
guardam muitas coisas inúteis. Texto em português:
É importante ressaltar ainda que, assim como o Hetman, é o Luccia
possuidor da Vila que escolhe aleatoriamente as cartas que Aventureira. Pode usar habilidades de ladrão. Luccia tem um
serão descartadas da mão do dono do Templo, quando for o grifo voador como montaria e aliado +7 que a torna voadora.
caso. Ela é uma excelente batedora. Estando ela no poço, todos os
aventureriros podem usar o seu poder (e de suas cartas
Adventurers' Guild anexadas) primeiro quando defendendo.
Holding Luccia é outra forte aventureira para decks com essa
Birthright temática. Por ser uma heroína capaz de lançar habilidades de
All adventurers in play gain 1 level and are immune to thief ladrão, ela não é afetada pelo poder de Guildmaster [28/NS].
skills. At the start of this player’s turn, he may return all Ela pode invocar seu aliado grifo para torná-la voadora (ela
adventurers from his discard pile to his hand by sending this não é considerado voadora sem o seu aliado, então, quando
holding to the Abyss. ela ataca um reino voando, seu aliado foi automaticamente
invocado) a qualquer momento durante a batalha. Apesar de
Texto em português: seu poder não necessitar da presença de nenhum outro
Guilda dos Aventureiros aventureiro no mesmo poço, ele só funciona para outros
Todos os aventureiros em jogo ganham 1 nível e se tornam aventureiros (logo se encaixando apenas em decks de
imunes a habilidades de ladrão. No início do turno deste aventureiros), e apenas quando Luccia estiver no poço (não
jogador, ele pode retornar todos os aventureiros da sua pilha enquanto ela está em combate).
de descarte para mão se enviar esta fortaleza para o Abismo. Seu poder defensivo funciona muito bem em decks de
aventuireiros, por permitir que os aventureiros usem seu poder
Esta carta de suporte é muito forte quando usada em decks primeiro. Mais importante, ele permite que os anexos desses
temáticos de aventureiros. aventureiros sejam ativados primeiro, portanto essa carta
Primeiramente, é importante esclarecer que todos os funciona bem com anexos que provocam vitória automática,
aventureiros em jogo (não só os seus) ganham um nível e se como a Vorpal Blade [56/FR] ou Ebony Cup of Fate [8/FR
tornam imunes a habilidades ofensivas de ladrão. Chase], entre muitos outros.
Note também que essa é uma fortaleza Birthright, logo, para
usar esta carta, qualquer deck de aventureiro precisaria usar
alguns reinos desse mundo, já que o poder da fortaleza só é
ativado se ela for enviada do Abismo vinda do jogo.

Inquisition Brasil - Página 428

Karistyne aliado), Thrice Heart Cup of Balder the Red 1/FR Chase],
07/20 Intercession [48/RR] (com errata de feitiço defensivo), Dispel
Hero [400/4ª ed], Locate Object [422/4ª ed], Atonement [17/IQBR],
8 entre outros. Qualquer deck que use esses feitiços often
Greyhawk poderia também usar esse clérigo (e com Dispel na lista,
Adventurer. Can use cleric spells. If owned by a player with at muitos decks de torneio provavelmente o usarão).
least 3 other adventurers, none of this player's adventurers
can be sent to the Abyss for any reason by any player (even Card Combo (from Desafio aos Corajosos 2013): Jerome’s
this one). special powers can be used to retrieve Ward of Freedom
Texto em português: (411/4th ed) and Divine Intervention (81/DL) from the discard
Karistyne pile to this player’s hand, allowing him to use Gib Kcir (16/RR
Aventureira. Pode lançar feitiços de clérigo. Se possuída por chase)’s special powers many times during a match!
um jogador com pelo menos 3 outros aventureiros, nenhum
aventureiro deste jogador pode ser enviado ao Abismo por Card Combo (from Desafio dos Corajosos 2016): Esta é uma
qualquer razão por qualquer jogador (inclusive este). versão melhorada do combo Butler's Balderdash, permitindo
que o jogador potencialmente possa arrasar um reino por
Esta aventureira só deveria ser considerada em decks turno, ja que, ao vencer o combate automaticamente graças
temáticos de aventureiros, já que Karistyne requer outros ao feitiço Thrice Hearty Cup, Tithian arrasa o reino atacado.
aventureiros para ativar o seu poder. Contudo, o poder de Jerome então retorna o feitiço no passo 5 para que o combo
Karistyne é bem mais útil que o poder da maioria dos persista indefinidamente.
aventureriros da 4ª edição, já que seu poder não necessita
que ela esteja no poço para ser ativado. Se o jogador de Aria Kyra
Karistyne controlar no mínimo três aventureiros, esta carta 09/20
torna-se bem similar a dungeon Mausoleum of the Zombie Hero
Master [1/DU]. Seu poder protege todos os aventureiros que 7
pertençam ao jogador que a controle de serem enviados ao Dark Sun
Abismo por qualquer razão. Mesmo que essa habilidade Halfling. Can use thief skills. Champions of base level 6 or
também o impeça de enviar seus aventureiros para o Abismo, higher cannot defend against this champion.
isso não chega a causar problemas, já que até agora não há
nenhuma carta aventureiro que precise ser enviada ao Abismo Texto em português
para ter seu poder ativado. Desde que você não inclua Aria Kyra
nenhuma carta que implique sacrifício de campeões ao Halfling. Pode usar habilidades de ladrão. Campeões de nível
Abismo, esta carta encaixa-se perfeitamente em qualquer base 6 ou maior não podem defender contra este campeão.
deck temático somente de aventureiros, dando um bom
suporte ao tema. Fora de um deck de aventureiros, você Aria é um campeão muito interessante para decks de
nunca verá ou deverá usar essa carta. combate, ou para decks de “matá-los no poço”. Seu poder de
prevenir que campeões de nível 6 ou mais combatam contra
Jerome Kazinskaia ele faz com que ele receba espólios com grande facilidade.
08/20 Para fazê-lo ficar ainda mais forte, combine-o com outras
Cleric cartas que restrinjam ainda mais os tipos de campeão que
10 podem combatê-lo ou com cartas específicas de vitória
Greyhawk automática. Exemplos incluem A Lança Certeira [318/3ª ed],
Jerome does not need permission to cast any cleric spell. Sword and Helm of Garion [21/UD], Sword of Sharpness
During this player’s turn, Jerome may do one of the following [64/DU], entre outros.
actions: during phase 3, he may retrieve from his discard pile Seu nível geralmente dá a oportunidade ao oponente de jogar
one non-undead/werebeast ally. Or, during phase 5, he may a primeira carta na batalha, logo seu enfoque deve ser vencer
retrieve any one defensive cleric spell from the discard pile. a batalha antes que ela realmente comece. O melhor meio de
derrotar Aria Kyra são os meios normais de derrotar um
Texto em português campeão, já que ele não possui nenhuma imunidade. Alguém
Jerome Kazinskaia que queira protegê-lo faria bem em usar Dark Haven [188/4ª
Jerome não precisa pedir permissão para lancer nenhum ed], tanto para imunizá-lo, como para baixar o seu nível,
feitiço de clérigo. Durante o durno deste jogador, Jerome pode fazendo com que ele seja o primeiro a usar cartas em
realizar uma das seguintes ações: durante o passo 3, ele pode combate.
retornar um aliado não morto-vivo e/ou não-licantropo da pilha Ele é uma boa escolha para decks de combate focados em
de descartes, ou, durante o passo 5, ele pode retornar um espólios, já que campeões de nível alto não podem sequer ser
feitiço de clérigo defensivo da pilha de descartes. sacrificados para defender seus ataques, evitando cartas
como Living Wall [58/PW]. Na defesa, esse é um campeão
Jerome é uma carta interessante, com muitas opções bem fraco, logo o deck deveria possuir outras fontes de
possíveis de uso. A primeira linha quer dizer que ele é defesa.
immune ao poder do campeão Arquidruida [285/4ª],
permitindo que ele lance qualquer feitiço de clérigo que ele The Devourer
normalmente lançaria. Esta habilidade não protege seus 10/20
feitiços de mago (se anexado a algo como a Mão de Víbora Monster
[103/3ª ed]), já que o texto especifica feitiços de clérigo. A 9
segunda parte de seu poder é uma escolha entre duas opções AD&D
a cada turno. Para um deck de aliados, durante o passo 3 This champion must attack on the owning player’s turn or be
(incluindo, é claro, o turno em que Jerome é jogado), el epode sent to the abyss. It is immune to all cards that prevent attacks
recuperar um aliado que não seja morto-vivo ou licantropo. Há from occurring and the powers of all realms and holdings. If
muitos bons aliados nessas condições, tornado Jerome uma the Devourer wins a round of combat, the owning player may
ótima opção para qualquer deck de aliados (ou um deck que send one champion in any player’s pool to the Abyss.
possui alguns bons aliados para interromper batalhas). O
outro poder pode ser ainda mais útil: durante o passo 5 (após Texto em português
o combate),el epode recuperar um feitiço de clérigo defensive O Devorador
da pilha de descartes. Bons exemplos de feitiços incluem: Este campeão deve atacar a cada turno deste jogador ou ser
Divine Intervention [81/DL] (para recuperar um campeão e um enviado para o Abismo. Ele é imune ao poder de todas as

Inquisition Brasil - Página 429

cartas que impeçam ataques de ocorrer e ao poder de todos Fang of Nosferatu [70/RV] para imitar o seu poder. Outras
os reinos e fortalezas. Se o Devorador vencer um round de cartas que são boas para fazer combo incluem Sword of
combate, seu possuidor pode enviar um campeão em Sharpness [64/DU], Blamblower [56/DL] e Sword and Helm of
qualquer poço para o Abismo. Garion [21/UD Chase]. Definitivamente uma boa carta para
jogadores que adoram combos.
O Devorador é um campeão que se encaixa em muitos decks
de combate. Ele deve atacar todo o turno ou ser mandado
para o Abismo, mas tem a grande vantagem de ser imune a
quase todas as cartas que o impedem de atacar. A imunidade Torgo, the Mad Scientist's Assistant
a poderes de reinos e fortalezas também funciona fora de 12/20
combate, logo o Devourer nunca precisa se preocupar com Cleric
Horned Society [117/3ª ed] ou com ter que descartar cartas 6
para a Den of Thieves [24/NS Chase]. Além disso, já que as AD&D
imunidades são transmissíveis, seus aliados também podem During phase 3, while this champion is in play, any two allies
atacar independentemente dos poderes de reinos e fortalezas. can be combined (levels added together) into a single monster
Portanto, uma boa maneira de usar o Devourer é colocá-lo em champion. This champion keeps the powers of the allies as its
um deck de combate focado em aliados. own. Any champions formed this way stay in play even if
Esse poder de atacar livremente funciona muito bem com seu Torgo leaves play.
último poder, de, ao vencer um round de batalha, permitir que
o seu controlador envie um campeão em qualquer poço para o Texto em português:
Abismo. Isso permite que ele se livre de campeões que Torgo, o Assistente do Cientista Maluco
causam problemas, como Necba the Wrathmaker [14/DU Durante a fase 3, enquanto este campeão estiver em jogo,
Chase] ou Tasslehoff Burrfoot [39/DL]. Isso pode ser este jogador pode combinar quaisquer dois aliados (níveis são
potencializado por cartas que permitam que ele ataque somados) em um único campeão monstro. Este campeão
diversas vezes como Cloak of Displacement [34/BR]. Note que mantém os poderes dos aliados como o seu próprio. Qualquer
seu último poder não é ativado quando o adversário permite campeão formado dessa maneira permanece em jogo mesmo
que o reino seja simplesmente destruído, já que o Devourer que Torgo seja descartado.
não terá vencido nenhum round de batalha. No entanto, o
Devourer não é tão difícil de defender . Cartas de vitória Isto é muito interessante e parece uma combinação de Gib
instantânea, como Living Wall [58/PW], Lovely Colleen [22/1ª Hcivonad [19/NS Chase] e Strahd's Malefic Meld [52/RV]. Este
ed Chase] ou A Lança Certeira [318/3ª ed] significam que o poder é muito útil para a elaboração de combos. Alguns
Devourer não virá até você, ou ele lhe dará espólios grátis. incluem: Ninja [70/FR] e Galek [274/3ª ed], Assassinos [221/4ª
Recomendamos o uso dessa carta em qualquer deck de ed] e The Starving Artist [439/3ª ed], Flesh Golem [73/RL] e
focado fortemente em combate com variadas opções de Loup-Garou [79/RL], Flaming Fist [238/4ª ed] e Dream Team
cartas suporte (aliados e itens mágicos), porém seu uso é [1/RR Chase] (este é especialmente terrível quando usado
pouco recomendado em jogos de um contra um, já que muitos com Kevin's Blade of Doom [206/3ª ed] anexada), Skeletal
decks possuem cartas de vitória instantânea contra monstros. Lord [217/4ª ed] e Troglodyte [46/DU], Clay Golem [247/4ª ed]
Em jogos de vários jogadores, não deverá ser difícil encontrar e Ki-Rin [248/4ª ed], entre outros. Outros aliados que seriam
jogadores despreparados. poderosos nessa situação incluem Nobre Djinni [84/3ª ed],
Devorador do Intelecto [213/4ª ed], Lanceiros Kank [255/3ª
Ba'Thrang ed], Barbaric Allies [512/4ª ed], Undead Dragonrider [81/DN],
11/20 Chimera [13/DN Chase], The Dreaded Ghost [246/4ª ed],
Psionicist Master Illithid [53/DU], entre outros.
6 Imunidades também podem ser úteis, já que usar esta carta
Dark Sun geralmente não ajuda em termos de proteção.
If this champion attacks a realm that has the capability to Embora forte, Jim Butler recomenda o uso desta carta apenas
defend itself, he can psionically force the realm champion to em decks de tamanhos maiores (75 ou 110 cartas) com
defend against him in battle. (Off) muitos aliados, já que esperar por combos (razão essa que
leva ao uso dessa carta) pode atrapalhar a performance do
Texto em português: jogador.
Se este campeão atacar um reino que possui a capacidade de The Gathering
defender-se, ele pode psionicamente forçar o campeão do 13/20
reino a defender contra ele na batalha. (Ofe) Event
This card can only be played in the opponent’s turn. This
Esta carta possui um poder único, facilmente usado para fazer player may search his draw pile for up to 10 levels of non-
combos. Há diversos modos de usá-lo de modo eficiente para avatar champions (4 maximum) and place them in his hand.
sacar espólios em muitas situações. Primeiro, há muito (Helpful)
poucas formas de anular o poder desta carta. A principal e
melhor é Ur Draxa [32/4ª ed], que torna você e seus Texto em português:
campeões imunes a cartas de poder psiônico, o que significa O Encontro
que campeões de reino também são imunes, logo não seriam Esta carta só pode ser jogada no turno do oponente. Este
forçados a defender. Uma outra forma seria o campeão do jogador pode procurar em sua pilha de saque por até 10 níveis
reino ser imune a poderes psiônicos, porém até agora não há de campeões não avatar (no máximo 4) e colocá-los em sua
nenhum reino com essa característica. Finalmente, Dispel mão. (Benéfico)
Psionics [17/RR Chase] e Vaerhimana [263/3ª ed] podem
parar esse poder. Esta carta é a chave para muitos decks. Mesmo sendo usável
As poucas maneiras de parar Ba'Thrang fazem-no poderoso, apenas no turno de seu oponente. qualquer deck que precise
assim como a facilidade de realizar combos. A melhor maneira de um campeão não avatar (abaixo de nível 11) para um
de usá-lo é convocar campeões com poderes de vitória combo pode usar essa carta, sendo a melhor carta de busca
automática para ajudá-lo (usando cartas como Helm of de campeões no deck. Por exemplo, um deck chato poderia
Teleportation [219/1ª ed]), especialmente Apocalypse [343/4ª pegar Hettman Tsurin, Marco Volo e Necba the Wrathmaker.
ed], que derrota instantaneamente campeões de reino. Isso Decks de aventureiros poderiam facilmente ajudar seus
também pode ser feito usando o Medalhão da Megalomania campeões a ativarem seus poderes que requerem a presença
[419/2ª ed chase] para anexar Johdee's Mask [218/1ª ed] ou de aventureiros no poço. Um deck de itens mágicos poderia

Inquisition Brasil - Página 430

pegar Chernevik [347/4ª ed] para mantê-los a salvo. Mas o Quando jogada, todos os jogadores nomeiam uma carta
melhor de tudo é que os campeões vão para a sua mão, qualquer. As cartas nomeadas ficarão sem poderes especiais
permitindo que você mantenha-os em segredo do oponente enquanto esta regra estiver em jogo.
quando joga essa carta. Primeiro, ficou decidido oficialmente que não se pode dizer
Além disso, com o enorme limite de 4 campeões, campeões "Spite and Malice" ao escolher a carta que se quer negar, logo
de nível 1 ou 0 são facilmente trazidos para a mão. A lista você tem que recorrer aos métodos regulares para ficar livre
completa desses campeões é Living Scroll (0) [408/2ª ed], desta regra (outras cartas-regra, Ellorelloran [93/UD], etc.).
Gelatinous Cube (0) [421/3ª ed], Gatekeeper (1) [422/3ª ed], Essa carta permite que você negue a pedra no seu sapato (a
Lernaean Hydra (0) [7/DN Chase], Crawling Claws (1) [66/NS] carta que mais lhe incomoda).
e Convocação (?) [378/Port ed]. Lembre-se também que Duas são as filosofias sobre a escolha das cartas a serem
campeões com nível “?” são considerados como tendo nível 0. negadas. O método mais simples é nomear a carta em jogo
Por fim, essa carta é perfeita para decks de vitória automática. que mais lhe incomoda. Alvos comuns usando essa opção
A possibilidade de trazer um Living Wall [58/PO], Adorável incluem Etherial Champion [508/4ª ed], Necba the
Colleen [22/1ª ed chase] ou mesmo The King of the Elves Wrathmaker [14/DU Chase], Mulmaster [73/4ª ed] um mesmo
[440/3ª ed] geralmente rende-lhe espólios, o que justifica o Blamblower [56/DL]. A outra opção é nomear uma carta que
espaço usado com esse evento. Não use esta carta sem ter você espere que o seu adversário jogue. Isso inclui Caer
idéia do que irá pegar, mas se você tiver um plano, essa carta Allison [3/FR], Caravan [131/4ª ed] ou mesmo Estate
é uma das melhores em muitos estilos de jogo. Transference [437/3ª ed]. Pessoalmente, Jim Butler admite o
uso das duas estratégias em situações diferentes. Por
The Guild of Adventurers exemplo, se você for o primeiro jogador a usar A Caravana,
14/20 então jogue Spite and Malice e nomeie A Caravana. Se o seu
Dungeon adversário está usando uma estratégia de copiar cartas,
AD&D negue as cartas copiadas. As cópias perderão o poder, pois
If this player has an adventurer discarded outside of combat, as cartas copiadas continuam em jogo, mas sem poderes.
he may replace it by searching for any adventurer in his deck Essa não é uma carta ruim de se carregar em quase qualquer
and put it into his pool. baralho, mas aqui vai um aviso: cada um de seus adversários
também pode nomear uma carta, logo VOCÊ precisa se
Texto em português: certificar que seu deck não funcione em apenas em função de
A Guilda dos Aventureiros um combo que provavelmente será nomeado. Oponentes
Se algum aventureiro deste jogador for descartado fora de acostumados ao seu deck nomearão as suas cartas chave, e
combate, ele pode substituí-lo procurando em sua pilha de então a sua própria carta funcionará contra você. No entanto,
saque por outro aventureiro e colocando-o em jogo. o uso dessa carta em um deck não requer uma outra carta
para funcionar.
Esta é uma carta que era muito desejada; uma dungeon para
aventureiros. Agora a pergunta é "Ela é melhor que outras The Tomes of Spellfire
dungeons que um deck de aventureiros poderia usar?" 16/20
Essa carta não provê a seus aventureiros quaisquer proteções Artifact
contra serem descartados, mas ela tem um poder que pode +2
ser ainda melhor. Se um deles for descartado fora de combate AD&D
(nota: ser mandado para o Limbo, Abismo ou Void não ativa o Usable by champions of any world. When the attached
poder da dungeon), você pode procurar em seu deck por um champion is victorious in a round of battle, this player may
aventureiro e o colocar em jogo. Alguns dos melhores shuffle and cut any players draw pile, then look at the top three
aventureiros para colocar no deck incluem Sharla [290/4ª ed], cards and remove one of them to the abyss. After the card is
Rumples [297/4ª ed], Dearlyn Ambersong [44/DU] e Dor removed, this artifact must be discarded.
Amberglow [25/DU Chase]. No entanto, Jim Butler entende
que a melhor carta para ser buscada com essa dungeon seria Texto em português:
Karistyne [7/IQBR], já que ela previne que quaisquer de seus Os Escritos do Spellfire
aventureiros sejam enviados ao Abismo, tornando a dungeon Usado por campeões de qualquer mundo. Quando o campeão
ainda mais poderosa. anexado vence um round de batalha, este jogador pode
Uma outra carta que combina bem com essa dungeon seria embaralhar e cortar a pilha de saque de qualquer jogador e
um feitiço ou efeito que trouxesse campeões de volta da pilha então olhar as três cartas do topo enviando uma delas para o
de descartes. Isso intimidaria qualquer um a investir contra o abismo. Após enviar uma carta para o abismo este artefato é
seu poço fora de combate. então descartado.
A melhor forma de anular o poder dessa dungeon é matar os
campeões no poço daquele jogador durante o combate, Os Escritos são uma interessante carta de "vitória melhorada".
usando cartas como Lyr of the Mists [23/PO] ou Arrow of Este artefato, usável por qualquer campeão, permite que você
Slaying [200/4ª ed]. envie uma carta do adversário para o Abismo sem lhe dar a
Você também pode abusar do poder da dungeon, já que a chance sequer de jogá-la. O efeito adicional de
dungeon não exige que os aventureiros sejam descartados embaralhamento é muito importante para impedir que um
por força do oponente, logo eles podem ser usados para jogador vá atrás das cartas que o adversário colocou no topo
trazer um avatar para o jogo ou para ativar a Bag of Holding de sua pilha de saque usando cartas como Runes of the
[28/AR] (para conseguir o campeão substituto E a carta da Future [13/ RR Chase] ou Rengarth Oracle [503/4ª ed], porém
BoH). isso também impede o funcionamento efetivo dessas cartas
Jim Butler entende que essa dungeon é uma ótima carta de (já que o reembaralhamento significa que a carta desejada
suporte a decks de aventureiro. não se encontra mais naquele lugar).
Os Escritos são uma das poucas cartas que lhe permitem
Spite and Malice embaralhar o deck do adversário (a maioria faz com que o
15/20 adversário embaralhe o próprio deck), logo não seria uma má
Rule Card idéia usá-la quando se tem sérias preocupações sobre se o
When played, all players name one other card. The named oponente está trapaceando.
cards have no special power while this rule card is in play. Você pode escolher uma das três cartas do topo da pilha de
saque após o corte para enviar ao Abismo, o que é uma
Texto em português: excelente maneira de enviar reinos para o Abismo,
Rancor e Maldade especialmente quando cominada com outras cartas que
produzem o mesmo efeito como Estate Transference [437/3ª

Inquisition Brasil - Página 431

ed] ou o combo com os eventos Espionage! [18/BR] + Three Ter passos 3, 4 e 5 extras pode ser útil, mas a melhor razão
Card Monte [27/NS]. para fazê-lo é se for possível sacar mais cartas nesses
No entanto, há um grande requisito para a ativação deste passos. O passo 3 só será útil para o uso dessas cartas extras
poder: você deve ganhar um round de batalha. Com apenas ou para prepará-lo para a próxima batalha. Decks de batalha
um desprezível bônus +2, você precisa ter fortes cartas de são os mais beneficiados pelo uso dessa carta, já que ela lhe
suporte para garantir a ativação do poder dos Escritos de permite tirar vantagem de um adversário que você tenha
Spellfire. Portanto, Jim Butler apenas usaria esta carta como a acabado de derrotar enquanto ele estiver fraco ou forçar o seu
única carta de "vitória melhorada" em um deck com alguns caminho por uma defesa surpreendentemente forte.
bons aliados ou feitiços de vitória automática e somente pela O melhor tipo de deck para usar essa carta é um deck com
estratégia de enviar reinos para o Abismo (ou cartas chave muitas cartas de poder psiônico e com Highmaster Illithios
como A Sure Thing). [21/DU Chase], possibilitando o saque de uma carta extra pelo
uso dessa carta, que poderá ser jogada no novo passo 3.
Atonement Apenas poucas cartas permitem que você tenha mais de uma
17/20 batalha por turno: Caos do Tempo (71/ML) e Chapada dos
Cleric Spell Guimarães (8/ML), que funcionam muito bem em conjunto
Place this card and the caster into the abyss, then take any com essa carta.
other card from your abyss and put it into play. (Def) Por fim, vale lembrar que a Cúpula BSW 2009 definiu que não
é possível jogar dois turnos extras consecutivos, portanto não
Texto em português: é possível usar esta carta imediatamente antes ou depois de
Expiação um turno extra concedido por The Caravan (319/1st) ou
Envie esta carta e o seu lançador para o Abismo; em seguida Ancient Kalidnay (92/AR). Por se tratar de um turno extra,
pegue qualquer carta em seu Abismo e a coloque em jogo. essa carta pode ser cancelada por cartas que cancelam
(Def) turnos extras, como Temporal Stasis (53/AR)

Esta carta definitvamente tem seus usos, a maioria deles Slap!

relacionado a combos. 19/20
O único momento para usar esse feitiço em uma carta Unarmed Combat Card
qualquer seria quando você sabe que está combatendo um Def
deck focado em enviar cartas para o Abismo, especialmente Usable only by non-spell casting champions. This maneuver
reinos. No entanto, essa não parece ser uma boa solução disrupts the concentration of any champion, canceling the
(apesar de, sendo o feitiço jogável a qualquer momento, effects of a just played spell, blood ability, psionic power, or
alguém poderia usá-lo nos passo 1 ou 2 quando não puder thief skill.
descer um reino para voltar um reino enviado ao Abismo por
um Estate Transference [437/3ª ed] usado pelo adversário). Texto em português:
Os melhores combos possíveis com essa carta devem utilizar Slap!
o campeão Gir Kcir [16/RR Chase]. Muitas cartas já foram Usado apenas por campeões não lançadores de feitiço. Esta
usadas para permitir que um jogador use o poder desse manobra perturba a concentração de qualquer campeão,
campeão várias vezes, como cartas que copiam o poder de cancelando os efeitos de qualquer feitiço, habilidade de
um campeão, Gatekeeper [426/3ª ed] (que também pode ser sangue, poder psiônico ou habilidade de ladrão, recém
copiado), Ward of Freedom [411/4ª ed], entre outras. Essa lançado.
carta poderia ser encaixada facilmente em um deck com essa
temática (geralmente para retornar o Gatekeeper quando o Para Jim Butler, esta é a melhor carta desta coleção. Mesmo
Abismo estiver cheio, trazendo de volta todos os campeões um deck bastante carregado de magia carrega um bom
que lá estiverem, reiniciando mais uma vez o combo). campeão para um propósito diverso, mesmo que seja apenas
Um outro combo interessante (para partidas de torneios) é um Living Wall [58/PW] para defesa, um Necba [14/DU Chase]
retornar Avanil do Abismo para o jogo no passo 3, podendo para provocar os seus oponentes ou um Tasselhoff para
sacar outras cinco cartas mesmo já tendo baixado um reino recuperar itens mágicos descartados. Portanto, na grande
nesse turno, uma vez que esse feitiço não possui passo para maioria dos casos, um jogador possui campeões aptos em
ser jogado. número suficiente para usar esta carta como counter.
Além desses usos (ou para retornar um campeão importante Sua habilidade de cancelar praticamente qualquer carta de
que tenha sido alvo de um Mindkiller [56/UD] ou de um suporte torna o seu valor incomensurável por afetar as cartas
Takhisis's Abyssal Gateway [13/DL Chase]), Jim Butler mais mortais do jogo, incluindo Estate Transference [437/3ª
entende que não há muita razão para usar esta carta em um ed], Death Field [81/DU], Psionic Disintegration [73/DU] e Con
deck. Game [82/DU].
As únicas cartas de suporte importantes não afetadas por
Time Travel essa carta de combate desarmado são eventos (que
18/20 geralmente são separados), cartas de combate desarmado
Psionic Power Card (muito poucas são usáveis fora de combate) e aliados (idem).
This player can take another turn after his current turn is A única carta similar a essa é Dispel (400/4ª), que possui dois
finished, starting with his phase 3 (skipping phases, 0, 1, and problemas significativos. Primeiro, ela não afeta habilidades
2). This card is placed in the Void after its successful use. If de ladrão, o que siginifica que você precisa de outro método
canceled, it goes to the discard pile. (Def/5) para cancelar cartas problemáticas como Con Game ou
Hijacking [86/DU], dos quais são exemplos Alarm [85/NS]
Texto em português: Busted! [3/NS Chase], Boneca Carajá [54/ML] e Rebater
Viagem no Tempo [74/ML]. O outro problema é que ele é um feitiço, tornando-o
Este jogador pode jogar um outro turno após o final de seu mais fácil de ser cancelado. Cancelar cartas de combate
turno atual, iniciando-o em sua fase 3. Esta carta é enviada desarmado, especialmente fora de combate, é muito mais
para o Void caso seja usada com sucesso. Se cancelada, ela difícil (os poucos counters existentes incluem Reversal [435/4ª
é enviada para a pilha de descarte. (Def/5) ed], Counter [437/4ª ed] e Evade [98/DN], que afetam apenas
cartas de combate desarmado) .
Para um deck focado em combates, esta é uma excelente Portanto encontrará utilidade e lançadores em praticamente
carta. O turno extra por ela concedido pode não ser um turno qualquer deck. É por isso que Jim Butler entende que ela é a
completo, mas ele permite o uso de poderes e feitiços de melhor carta da coleção IQBR.
passo 3 (muito útil quando usado em um deck de Mulmaster
com feitiços de passos 3 e 4).

Inquisition Brasil - Página 432

a partir do poço, é facilmente usada mesmo com apenas
poucos psiônicos no poço. Combinada com cartas que
permita que você remova cartas da mão (como Ninjas [70/FR]
ou Rings of All Seeing [171/4th]), você pode efetivamente
neutralizar os adversários em seu turno, permitindo a você
colocar em prática todos os seus planos malignos (feitiços
sórdidos são preparados descartando-se cartas-resposta,
ataques preparados ao descartar-se cartas suporte, etc)
I Know What You are Thinking!!! Há poucas razões para não se usar essa carta, no entanto
20/20 uma delas é a principal resposta a essa carta: Handmine
Psionic Power Card (16/DU Chase). Esse evento, quando na mão de qualquer
Ofe jogador (ou comprado enquanto essa carta de poder psiônico
While this power is in play, all opponents must now play with estiver em jogo) pode ser usado como resposta a essa carta,
their hands face up on the table. This power lasts until destruindo a sua mão no processo. Essa é de longe a melhor
negated. defesa contra essa carta, no entanto isso só acontece muito
raramente, por isso pode não ser a carta mais adequada a ser
usada, especialmente se você já tiver planos melhores para
Texto em português: os seus espaços de evento.
Eu sei o que você está pensando! O Herald of Mei Lung [54/NS] não é a melhor defesa, mas ele
Enquando este poder estiver em jogo todos os oponentes ajuda contra as cartas combinadas com IKWYaT, já que ele
devem jogar com as cartas da mão expostas. Permanece em previne que as cartas sejam descartadas de sua mão exposta
jogo até ser cancelada. (ele não previne que alguém olhe a sua mão apenas).
De qualquer modo, IKWYaT é uma excelente carta que será
Antes desta carta, as cartas com poderes mais próximos eram largamente utilizada em decks de torneio de todos os tipos e
Zone of Truth [38/FR] e Plentiful Psionics [31/AR], que são as tamanhos.
únicas cartas que permitiam a visualização da mão de Cabe notar ainda que se múltiplas cópias dessa carta
diversos jogadores. No entanto, essa é a única que permite estiverem em jogo (em jogos de vários jogadores, por
que você não tenha que revelar também as cartas em sua exemplo), todas as cartas na mão dos jogadores deverão ser
mão. Essa é uma carta muito útil e, por ser colocada em jogo dispostas sobre as mesa, já que seu poder não pr
ovê nenhum tipo de proteção especial; só não afeta seu
próprio usuário.

Inquisition Brasil - Página 433

Bumbling Idiot Lose [10/DR Chase]. Antes que seu turno se inicie, você pode
MIBR lançar várias magias para destruir seus reinos incluindo Wish
1/20 [384/4ª ed] e Hornung's Guess [37/UD]. Esse pode ser um
Ally ótimo método de vitória.
-5 Por outro lado, existem cartas que proíbem o uso de magias,
Can be played into any combat on any champion in play. The como Nullify Magic [38/PO] ou Master Strategist [500/4ª ed],
champion and all of its attached cards (except this one) lose all que são muito mais efetivas que esse artefato, especialmente
special powers. porque Defilrs Crown não tem qualquer efeito em magias
Texto em português:
Perfeito Idiota Gamblin'
Pode ser jogado durante qualquer combate em qualquer MIBR
campeão em jogo. O campeão e todas as suas cartas 3/20
anexadas (exceto esta) perdem todos os poderes especiais. Thief Skill
Choose 3 champions of a single opponent and shuffle them,
Este aliado pode caber em diferentes decks e causar toda a leaving the attachments behind. Have that opponent name one
sorte de estrago. Primeiro, este aliado pode ser jogado em of the champions, who must be selected by picking a card at
qualquer combate em qualquer campeão em jogo (mesmo no random. If correctly picked, all three are returned, if not, the two
poço), tornando-se uma grande escolha para jogos de múltiplos non-selected champions are discarded. (Off/3)
Você quer que ele esteja em qualquer campeão, menos nos Texto em português:
seus próprios, então, depois que ele for anexado ao alvo Apostando
escolhido, todas as cartas anexadas a ele, (exceto o próprio Escolha 3 campeões de um oponente e embaralhe-os,
Idiot) perdem seus poderes especiais. deixando os anexos de fora. Seu o oponente nomeia um dos
Além disso, como esse aliado está “ajudando” o campeão alvo, seus campeões, e deve selecionar uma das cartas
qualquer poder para descartar um aliado oponente não pode se aleatoriamente. Se estiver correto, todos os três são
livrar do Idiot. retornados, se não, os dois campeões não selecionados são
O campeão alvo perde 5 níveis (pelo bônus do aliado), além de descartados. (Ofe/3)
todos os seus poderes. Isso inclui os poderes de todas as Gamblin’ é uma carta interessante para ser usada em poços
cartas anexadas e todas as futuras cartas que possam ser cheios. Quando você jogá-la, o oponente alvo deve ter três
adicionadas. campeões em jogo. Ele deve ter a chance de salvar seus
Alguns eventos podem ajudar a se livrar dessa carta como Mist campeões escolhendo um deles para ser nomeado. Se errar,
Wolf [175/3ª ed] ou Airship! [118/4ª ed], enquanto outras cartas os campeões não selecionados são descartados. A melhor
podem prevenir que este aliado seja jogado, como Rede- maneira de burlar este carta é ter campeões de diferentes
Armadilha [169/4ª ed] edições. Se você tem campeões de edições diferentes, você
Cartas que tem efeito depois da batalha, como Iuz o Malígno, pode olhar no verso da carta e escolher pela edição da carta.
Starving Artist, entre outras, funcionam normalmente. Porém, isso só é possível se as cartas não estiverem com
protetores de cartas (sleeves). Entretanto se campeões de uma
Cúpula BSW 2013: Este aliado quando jogado em um mesma edição são escolhidos, você tem 33% de chance de ter
campeão no poço, deve permanecer em jogo somente até o seus campeões de volta.
round de batalha terminar. Para destruir poços de forma eficiente, use Con Game [82/DU]

Defilers Crown Egg of Emulation

2/20 4/ 20
Artifact Artifact
+1 Dark Sun
Dark Sun The Egg may be used at any time to negate any event (sending
Whenever any player casts an offensive spell, he must raze a the egg to the discard pile). If the negated event was harmful,
realm in his own formation. If a realm cannot be razed, then the this player may smash the Egg (sending it to the abyss instead)
spell may not be cast. to make a copy of the negated event.

Texto em português: Texto em português:

Coroa dos Corruptores Ovo da Emulação
Toda a vez que qualquer jogador lançar uma magia ofensiva, O Ovo pode se usado a qualquer momento para negar
ele deve destruir um reino em sua formação. Se um reino não qualquer evento (enviando o ovo para a pilha de descarte). Se
puder ser destruído, a magia não pode ser lançada. usado para negar um evento maléfico, este jogador pode
quebrar o Ovo (enviando-o para o Abismo imediatamente) para
Esta é uma interessante carta anti-magia. Digna de ser copiar o evento negado.
colocada em qualquer deck de Dark Sun que não utiliza
magias, ela faz com que seja preciso pagar um custo algo para O Egg de Emulation é um reforço às cartas do mundo de Dark
usar magias ofensivas. Entretanto existem duas maneiras de Sun, que possuem muito poucos artefatos usáveis.
usá-la. Em um deck rápido de Dark Sun, você pode forçar o O primeiro uso do Ovo é ser descartado do jogo para negar um
oponente a usar magias a um alto custo. Mas a combinação evento, da mesma forma que um Helm [255/4ª ed]. Entretanto
favorita de Jim Butler para este carta é usá-la com Playing to ele possui uma habilidade adicional que o torna ainda mais útil.

Millenium Brasil - Página 434

Se você escolher enviá-lo para o Abismo ao invés da pilha de uma gama única de imunidades, que exclui apenas os poderes
descarte, o evento não mais será somente negado, mas você psiônicos e as cartas de combate desarmados,o que é razão
poderá copiar o evento para usá-lo contra outro jogador, sendo suficiente para usar este carta.
essa a única carta do jogo que possibilita que um evento seja
negado e copiado ao mesmo tempo, pois a regra do jogo só Ring of Displacement
permite escolher uma das duas ações como resposta, copiar MIBR
ou negar, o que torna este artefato um Deflection aprimorado 7/20
para eventos maléficos, já que ele poderia copiar eventos que Artifact
afetam mais de um jogador, além de escolher o alvo do evento AD&D
copiado (e não somente o jogador que será alvo do evento Usable by any champion. Whenever any player draws extra
defletido). cards (beyond the 3 allowed for their draw phase, and spoils),
Como ele não poderá ajudá-lo na batalha, a melhor escolha é they must also discard an equal number from hand, pool, or
utilizá-lo em campeões que possuam imunidades formation.
O único counter existente contra essa carta é a Boneca Carajá
[54/ML], que pode ser descartada para anular uma carta Texto em português:
resposta que cancele, ignore, reflita ou redirecione qualquer Anel do Deslocamento
tipo de efeito. De qualquer modo, ele é vulnerável a cartas de Usável por qualquer campeão. Sempre que um jogador sacar
destruição de artefato como outro qualquer (por exemplo, Cone cartas extras (excetuando-se as 3 da fase de saque e
of Cold [368/4ª ed] ou Levando na Conversa [210/3ª ed]). espólios), ele deve também descartar igual número de cartas
Para responder ao evento copiado, podem ser usados de sua mão, poço ou formação.
quaisquer dos métodos normais existentes.
O Ring of Displacement é um interessante artefato “anti-speed”.
Underhanded Deal Primeiramente porque ele pode ser usado em qualquer
MIBR campeão, tornando o seu uso fácil para qualquer tipo de deck.
5/20 O poder do artefato é ativado quando qualquer jogador sacar
Thief Skill cartas extras, excetuando-se as 3 cartas de saque de turno ou
Playable when this player is forced to discard cards by an espólios, porém note que se o saque for reduzido por cartas
opponent. Instead, this player now draws the amount of cards como Ring of Winter [455/4ª ed] e complementado por cartas
that would have been discarded. (Def) como Arkhold [94/4ª ed], Ring of Displacement atua sobre
essas cartas extras, fazendo com que o jogador descarte igual
Texto em português: número de cartas de sua mão, poço ou formação.
Negócio Clandestino A melhor maneira de usar esta carta é ter cartas para descartar
Usada apenas quando este jogador for forçado por um que não sejam suas, como campeões roubados pelo evento
oponente a descartar cartas. Ao invés disso, esse jogador saca Curse of the Azure Bonds [4/FR]).
o mesmo número de cartas que seriam descartadas. (Def)
Insanely Good Fortune
Está é uma excelente carta e uma das melhores defesas contra MIBR
jogadores que utilizam com cartas de destruição de mão. 8/20
Quando alguém tentar descartar uma ou mais cartas de sua Event
mão, você pode jogar Underhanded Deal imediatamente. Play on another player’s event card. If played on a helpful
Desde modo, ao invés de descartar aquele número de cartas, event, negate the event. If played on “Unusually Good Fortune”,
você saca a mesma quantidade da pilha de saque. Estando negate the event. Both players then draw 6 cards, and the other
com 8 cartas na mão, se o oponente jogar Cold Cup of player then randomly discards his hand down to 2 cards.
Calamity [2/FR Chase], você pode responder com (Harmful)
Underhanded Deal e não só salvar sua mão do descarte, como
também compra 3 cartas imediatamente. Texto em português:
Essa carta é bem efetiva quando outros jogadores querem Sorte Insanamente Boa
destruir sua mão, porém ela não será de muita vantagem Jogue em uma carta de evento de outro jogador. Se jogado em
contra cartas que descartem somente uma carta, como um evento benéfico, nega o evento. Se jogado em “Unusually
Discovery of Spellfire [401/2ª ed] ou Hettman Tsurin [257/4ª Good Fortune”, nega o evento. Ambos os jogadores sacam 6
ed]. As melhores cartas para responder com essa habilidade de cartas, e o outro jogador aleatoriamente deve descartar cartas
ladrão são Cold Cup, Starving Artist [439/3ª ed] ou Handmine até ficar com duas em sua mão. (Maléfico)
[16/DU Chase].
Underhanded Deal anula completamente a carta afetada. Está carta possui usos e possibilidades bastante interessantes.
Quando Unusually Good Fortunes [11/FR Chase] não está em
Crown of Dragon Royalty jogo, Insanely Good Fortune é usada para negar eventos
MIBR benéficos, como A Caravana [131/4ª ed] ou Boa Sorte [120/4ª
6/20 ed]. Ela pode ter muita utilidade em alguns jogos, mas pode ser
Artifact +5 completamente inútil em outros se seu oponente usar a
Usable only by any dragon. The crown grants immunity to dungeon The Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen [24/DU] ou
offensive spells, blood abilities and thief skills to all this player's Purveyor of Events [16/DU].
dragon champions. O uso realmente interessante dessa carta acontece contra
Unusually Good Fortunes é jogada em Good Fortunes: o efeito
Texto em português: de UGF é cancelado (seja o saque de três cartas, seja o saque
Coroa da Realieza Dracônica de 5 cartas combinado com o cancelamento do evento Boa
Usável somente por qualquer campeão dragão. A coroa Sorte) e ambos os jogadores sacam 6 cartas, contudo o
concede imunidade a cartas ofensivas de feitiços, habilidades jogador de Unusually deve descartar cartas de sua mão
de sangue e habilidades de ladrão a todos os dragões deste aleatoriamente até ficar com somente 2 cartas, o que torna
jogador. essa carta uma versão ligeiramente mais devastadora de The
Starving Artist [439/3ª ed].
Trata-se de um interessante artefato para qualquer deck de
Além de um bônus significativo de +5, também dá a todos os
dragões deste jogador imunidade a magias (exceto Wish
[384/4ª ed]), habilidades de sangue e habilidades de ladrão,

Millenium Brasil - Página 435

A melhor defesa contra essa carta é usar cartas-resposta como
Slap! [19/IQBR] ou Dispel [400/4ª ed] ou cartas que conferem
imunidade a poderes psiônicos, como Ur Draxa [32/4ª ed].

Kronos the Titan Ballista Attack

9/20 11/20
Monster Psionic Power Card
AD&D Discard an opposing ally already in play, or any champion in
11 any pool. (Off/4)
Giant. Earthwalker. Swimmer. Can use wizard spells, cleric
spells, and psionic power cards. Whenever a monster attacks, it Texto em português:
must ask Kronos permission to use its special powers. Ataque de Balestra
Descarte um aliado oponente em jogo, ou qualquer campeão
Texto em português: em qualquer poço. (Ofe/4)
Kronos, o Titã
Gigante. Cavador. Nadador. Pode usar feitiços de mago, de Este é um grande poder. Usável somente em combate, é uma
clérigo e cartas de poder psiônico. Sempre que monstros das poucas cartas recomendadas que não o ajudam a vencer o
atacarem, eles devem pedir permissão a Kronos para usar uma batalha.
seus poderes especiais. Ela pode ser usada para descartar um aliado em jogo, o que
Quando a coleção Millenium (versão online) foi lançada, Kronos geralmente não faz tanta diferença em jogos de torneio. O seu
foi uma das mais debatidas cartas sobre exceço de poder. melhor poder está na habilidade de matar qualquer campeão
Primeiro, esse campeão de nível base alto (o maior para em qualquer poço. Sem restrição de nível como em Drain Will
campeões gigantes não-avatar nadadores ou cavadores) [75/DU], ela pode retirar campeões perturbadores não
possui muitas habilidades de movimento que o tornam um combatentes, como Marco Volo [50/3ª ed] ou Necba the
habilidoso atacante. Wrathmaker [14/DU Chase]. Essa também atua em campeões
Entretanto, o destaque vai para o seu segundo poder, pois com pouca imunidade ou atavares que estejam no poço.
Kronos pode usar quase todas magias e cartas de poder Os melhores campeões para usar este poder são os que
psiônico, o que ajuda decks de qualquer tema. entram em combate para perder ou aqueles que
Por fim, Kronos ainda tem um ultimo poder: quando qualquer inevitavelmente ganharão a batalha, a exemplo de Davron
monstro ataca, ele deve pedir permissão a Kronos para usar o Parscall [9/PO], Seveia Shadowmaster [14/PO], Seluna
seu poder especial. Isso não inclui habilidades de movimento Darkenstar [20/PO], Kelaser Redbelt [25/PO], Minerva [333/PO]
ou características de raça, mas ainda assim afeta a maior parte e Talcon [341/4ª ed].
dos monstros bons de combate, como Living Wall [58/PO] ou Como qualquer carta de poder psiônico ofensiva, as melhores
Stryck [17/1ª ed chase]. maneiras de parar essa carta são usar Ur Draxa [37/4ª ed] ou
Poderes ativados depois do combate não são afetados pelo outras cartas-resposta como Dispel [400/4ª ed] ou Slap!
poder de Kronos, como o caso de Iuz, O Maligno [16/3ª ed]. [19/IQBR].
Kronos é muito forte e tem muitos diferentes usos. A melhor
maneira de enfrentá-lo é forçá-lo a ser descartado por cartas Gellidus, Dragon of Ice
como Banishment [395/3ª ed], já que Kronos não têm MIBR
imunidades, ou então negar ou roubar seu poder com Mind 12/20
Alteration [10/MIBR]. Monster
Mind Alteration 12
MIBR Flyer. Gellidus thrives on creation and may use any defensive
10/20 card. Offensive cards played against Gellidus are doubled in
Psionic Power Card level. If in the same pool as T’chaar, both may use any
This champion may switch the power of any 2 champions in offensive and defensive cards and the penalties for doubling
play. This power lasts until it is negated, or if the champions cards used against them is negated.
face each other in battle. (Off/3)
Texto em português: Texto em português:
Alteração da Mente Gellidus, o Dragão de Gelo
Este campeão pode trocar o poder de quaisquer 2 campeões Voador. Gellidus prospera na criação e pode usar qualquer
em jogo. Este poder permanece em jogo até ser negado, ou carta defensiva. Cartas ofensivas jogadas contra Gellidus são
até que os campeões se enfrentem em batalha. (Ofe/3) dobradas em nível. Se no mesmo poço que T’chaar, ambos
podem usar qualquer carta ofensiva ou defensiva, e as
Mind Alteration é uma carta que pode ser usada para penalidade de dobrar o nível das cartas usadas contra eles são
surpreender decks baseados em um único campeão. Por negadas.
exemplo, qualquer deck que tenham o foco em copiar o poder
de Necba the Wrathmaker [14/DU Chase]. Se você trocar o Gellidus é uma carta muito útil, com muitas propriedades
poder de Necba com o de qualquer campeão em seu poço, interessantes. Primeiro, por ser dragão e voador, Gellidus pode
todas as cartas que copiam o poder do Necba usar e ser afetado por cartas que tenham que afetem alvos
instantaneamente irão copiar o poder atual de Necba, dando- com ambas as características. O primeiro poder de Gellidus é
lhe ainda a vantagem de usar o poder original de Necba. muito útil em decks de torneio, pois poder usar qualquer carta
Mesmo que o campeão original do poder seja descartado (no defensiva significa que ele pode usar praticamente todas as
exemplo,Necba), o campeão cujo poder foi trocado permanece cartas-resposta, como por exemplo Intercession [48/RR, com
com o mesmo até ser descartado. Se ambos campeões que errata para defensiva], Dispel [400/4ª ed], Re-target [389/4ª ed],
tenham trocado de poder saiam do jogo, Mind Alteration Limited Wish [382/4ª ed, como errata para defensiva],
também vai para a pilha de descarte. Invulnerability [45/BR], Dragon's Calm [47/DR], Magic Draining
A parte final do texto sobre a negação desse poder quando os Field [74/DU], Tumble Out of Danger [84/DU] e Slap! [19/IQBR].
campeões se enfrentam em combate faz com que não seja Poderes fortes que lhe dão proteção, como Forbiddance
interessante copiar poderes baseados em combate, a menos [13/AR Chase], ou que tragam de volta campeões, como
que ele seja usado somente na defesa, já que se os campeões Create Minion [79/DU] também são muito úteis com Gellidus.
cujos poderes foram trocados enfrentarem-se em combate, Sua fraqueza contra cartas ofensivas significa que você não
Mind Alteration é negada. deve utilizá-lo em combate. Pode parecer um desperdício de

Millenium Brasil - Página 436

um campeão de nível 12, porém o nível se torna pequeno um artefato de Forgothen Realms, descartando qualquer item
contra cartas ofensivas em batalha, pois estas têm o seu nível mágico em jogo que tenha o mesmo nome (que não mais pode
dobrado. ser jogado).
A ultima parte do poder de Gellidus refere-se a T'chaar, Dragon
of Flame [1/DR Chase], que possui o poder inverso ao de Kalator é uma interessante carta, já que sua habilidade de
Gellidus, trocando apenas o termo “defensivo” por “ofensivo” lançar feitiços de clérigo ajuda defensivamente, e sua
em seu texto. Quando ambos estão em jogo, são negadas imunidade a habilidades de ladrão faz com que seus anexos
suas fraquezas, tornando-os muito mais úteis, especialmente sejam salvos de cartas como Con Game [82/DU].
porque lhe permite usar qualquer carta ofensiva ou defensiva Mas essas não são as razões para usar Kalator. Sua principal
com ambos. Entretanto, isso consome 24 níveis de campeões função é tornar qualquer item mágico em um artefato quando
em seu deck, e o desejo de manter o novo poder de ambos anexado a ele, prevenindo que os oponentes também possam
afasta o seu uso em combate, o que prejudica muito a defesa usá-lo. A maioria das pessoas usa esse efeito para atrapalhar
de seus reinos com os campeões restantes. pessoas que usem itens que aceleram o deck, como Bag of
Holding [28/AR], Dragonfont [20/AR Chase] ou Bag of Beans
Humility [11/NS Chase]. Entretanto, como cada item mágico é tornado
MIBR um artefato, ele não pode usar mais de um (como todos os
13/20 campeões, ele só pode ter um artefato anexado). Uma boa
Rule Card maneira de utilizá-lo é com Moeda da Megalomania [419/2ª ed],
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not já que esse item mágico permite que o campeão utilize
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until qualquer número de artefatos anexados.
another rule card is played. This card is immune to events and
the wish spell.
All extra cards that are granted by any means (except spoils) Dark Cloud
are send to limbo and cannot be used while this rule card is in MIBR
play. If this rule card leaves play, each player who lost one or 15/20
more cards may draw and discard a card, noting its last digit Realm
and retrieve all cards with a last digit matching that number RL
(return those cards to hand). All other cards are not retrieved This realm negates the powers of all realms and holdings that
and send to the discard pile. provides extra cards.

Texto em português: Texto em português:

Humildade Nuvem Escura
Jogada no início de seu turno, esta carta não é descartada. Ela Este reino nega o poder de todos os reinos e fortalezas que
afeta todos os jogadores e funciona até outra carta regra ser gerem cartas extras.
jogada. Esta carta é imune a eventos e ao feitiço Wish.
Todas as cartas extras concedidas por qualquer meio (exceto Dark Cloud é um ótimo reino, permitindo parar várias cartas
espólios) são enviadas para o limbo e não podem ser usadas muito utilizadas como Tyr [28/4ª ed], Arkhold [94/4ª ed], Points
enquanto esta regra estiver em jogo. Se essa carta regra sair East Trading Guild [101/4ª ed], Mulmaster [73/4ª ed], entre
de jogo, cada jogador que perdeu uma ou mais cartas pode outras.
sacar e descartar uma carta, observando o último dígito, e Seu poder é potencializado quando usado em conjunto com
retirar todas as cartas com o mesmo último dígito (retorna as Ring of Winter [455/4ª ed] ou Taxation [18/BR Chase].
cartas para a mão). Todas as outras cartas não retiradas são Uma boa maneira de defender Dark Cloud é com Keep of the
enviadas para a pilha de descarte. Dead [64/AR] ou Cavern of Ancient Knowledge [18/NS].

Humility é uma interessante carta “anti-speed”, que é muito Assembre

difícil de remover-se do jogo. Dois dos melhores métodos para MIBR
remover cartas regras não tem efeito contra ela: Wish [384/4ª 16/20
ed] e Genie Bottle [436/3ª ed]. Ambos não afetam Humility Realm
devido a sua imunidade. Entretanto, outros métodos ainda são Dragonlance
muito eficazes, como Ellorelloran [93/UD]. This realm has a gate to Krynn hidden within its vineyards.
Todas as cartas sacadas, exceto as três básicas da fase 1 e Once per battle, you may search your deck for a Dragonlance
espólios, são enviadas para o Limbo, onde elas permanecem champion and place it into your pool.
até que Humility seja descartada. Quando ela sai do jogo, cada
jogador pode sacar e descartar uma carta de seu deck, Texto em português:
observando o último dígito da carta sacada, que deve ser Assembre
utilizado para salvar quaisquer cartas do Limbo que tenham o Este reino tem um portal para Krynn escondido em seus
mesmo último dígito, enquanto todas as demais pertencentes a vinhedos. Uma vez por batalha, você pode procurar em seu
cada jogador são enviadas para a pilha de descarte, mesmo deck por um campeão de Dragonlance e colocar em seu poço.
que sejam eventos.
À primeira vista, a impressão é que este reino não tem muito
Kalator uso dependendo de da escolha dos campeões de seu deck, já
MIBR que seu primeiro pensamento é “nenhum campeão de
14/20 Dragonlance é muito bom”.
Hero Uma vez que uma batalha que este jogador participe se inicia,
Forgotten Realms ele pode procurar por um campeão de DL em seu deck,
7 lembrando que o campeão pego não pode ser usado como
Can cast cleric spells. Immune to offensive thief skills. Any defensor. As melhores possibilidades de campeões são
magical item attached to Kalator becomes a Forgotten Realms Tasslehoff Burrfoot [39/DL], Deathstream [72/AR], Goldmoon
artifact, discarding from play any magical items with the same [83/AR], Bilago Lumen [17/PO], Aquilla [98/UD], Jella [329/4ª
name (no more can be played). ed], Moraster [339/4ª ed], Cyan Bloodbane [41/DR], Verminaard
the Dragonmaster [42/DR], Fire Dragon [38/DU] e Necba the
Texto em português: Wrathmaker [14/DU Chase].
Kalator É bom lembrar que Assembre não retira o custo para se buscar
Pode lançar feitiços de clérigo. Imune a habilidades de ladrão um avatar, logo, para colocar um em jogo, você ainda precisará
ofensivas. Qualquer item mágico anexado a Kalator torna-se pagar seu custo. Os melhores são, Sirron, Avatar [45/PO], Kiri,

Millenium Brasil - Página 437

Avatar of Kiri-Jolith [79/PO] e Gib Drawsemaj [22/NS Chase], sempre contar que essa carta irá funcionar, pois se a carta alvo
sendo que você poderá reter o Gib na mão caso não posso for lançada por um campeão de grande nível base (9 ou maior),
descartar um reino imediatamente. ela possui poucas chances de ser cancelada.
Elven Towers A melhor maneira de usar essa carta de combate desarmado é
MIBR com avatares, garantindo sua efetividade.
Realm Cúpula BSW 2016: o usuário desta carta pode cancelar o
AD&D poder de qualquer carta jogada por um campeão de nível
Underdark base inferior, ainda que ela não tenha qualquer poder no
This realm can never be rebuilt. Due to its high resistance to momento em que ela é jogada.
magic, it negates the special power [sic] other player’s dungeon
cards for this player. Stunning Fist
Texto em português: 19/20
Torres Élficas Unarmed Combat Card
Este reino nunca pode ser reconstruído. Devido a sua alta +10
resistência a magia, o poder das cartas dungeon dos Usable by any Champion. If this champion is winning by more
adversários é negado para este jogador. than 8 immediately after this card is played into battle, then the
opposing champion is instantly defeated. (Off/4)
Este é um reino interessante e com um grande poder, mas
também com um perigo. O perigo está na primeira linha, onde Texto em português:
diz que ele não pode ser reconstruído. Ele precisará ficar em Ataque Atordoante
seu lugar atual na formação até ser trocado por outro reino. Usável por qualquer campeão. Se este campeão estiver
Uma possível boa combinação com esse poder é a utilização vencendo por mais de 8 imediatamente depois que esta carta é
de Playing to Lose [10/DR Chase]. jogada em batalha, o campeão oponente é instantaneamente
Seu segundo poder é muito interessante: ele torna este jogador derrotado. (Ofe/4)
(e sua formação, campeões, mão e deck) imune a cartas
dungeons dos oponentes, pois ignora o seu poder O alto nível desta carta de combate desarmado é muito forte.
completamente. Alguns exemplos de boas aplicações para Apesar de poder causar uma vitória instantânea, a maioria das
esse poder: Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk [6/DU] (esse jogador vezes ela será usada apenas como uma carta de bônus +10.
pode destruir reinos GR fora de combate) e The Azure Tower of O seu bônus é muito bom e auxilia bem a qualquer um usando
Onad the Fallen [24/DU] (esse jogador poderá cancelar a dungeon Field of the Battle Lord [9/DU], que mantém o bônus
eventos benéficos). +10 durante toda a batalha, combinação essa que funciona
muito bem com herois de ataques múltiplos, como Rikus
Heaven & Earth [259/4ª ed], Azhul the Hasty [266/3ª ed] e Zaknafein the
MIBR Weapon Master [94/UD]).
18/20 Para ter uma vitória instantânea, o campeão deve ter a
Unarmed Combat Card diferença somente de 2 ou menos níveis quando esta carta é
+6 jogada.
Usable only by heroes, adventurers or giants. It can be played Boas maneiras de parar essa carta são Reversal [435/4ª ed] e
at any time in response to any card played by a champion of Whirling Dervish [20/MIBR].
lower base level. That card is negated and this player draws a
card. (Def) Whirling Dervish
Texto em português: 20/20
Céu e Terra Unarmed Combat Card
Usável somente por herois, aventureiros ou gigantes. Ela pode +5
ser jogada a qualquer momento como resposta a qualquer Usable by any Champion. The using champion ignores any
carta jogada por um campeão de nível base menor. A carta é instant defeat conditions and must be defeated by level alone.
negada, e este jogador saca uma carta. (Def) May be played as a counter to an instant defeat. (Def/4)

Regra: Esta carta de combate desarmado é usável somente Texto em português:

por heróis, aventureiros ou gigantes. Pode ser usada para Dervixe Giratório
conferir um bônus defensivo de +6, entretanto, sua melhor Usável por qualquer campeão. O campeão utilizando-a ignora
função é ser usada por um campeão de nível alto como carta quaisquer condições de derrota instantânea e deve ser
resposta, sendo possivelmente a melhor carta resposta já derrotado por nível somente. Pode ser jogada como resposta
criada. para uma derrota instantânea.
Ela nega uma carta de qualquer tipo (magias, UCC, aliados,
etc.) jogada a qualquer momento pelo oponente no poço ou em Esta interessante resposta é uma carta muito forte, prevenindo
combate e ainda lhe permite sacar uma carta extra, qualquer derrota automática causada pelo oponente em
consequentemente a vantagem da carta está ai: você cancela batalha.O +5 é um bônus significante e um bom fator para ser
uma carta e ainda compra uma carta extra. Você não pode derrotado por nível somente.

Millenium Brasil - Página 438

Gib Cram Tradução: Avatar. Imune a habilidades de sangue. Um herói
#1 of 20 deve ser descartado para colocar Tyr em jogo. O jogador e
Regent todas suas cartas são imunes a habilidades de ladrão
7 ofensivas. Todos os campeões em jogo podem somente ser
Birthright enviadas para o abismo em combate. Limite de um avatar por
This player's champions and attached cards are immune to the poço.
special powers/abilities of realms and realm champions.
Regra: Tyr torna o jogador e todas suas cartas imunes a thief
Tradução: Os campeões deste jogador e seus anexos são skills, logo, estão imunes mão, poço, formação, pilha de
imunes ao poder e habilidades de reinos e campeões reinos. saque, pilha de descarte e dungeons. Cartas regras não
pertencem a um jogador, logo, não são imunizadas por Tyr.
Regra: Quando Gib Cram está em jogo, seus campeões com Nenhum campeão em jogo, pode ser enviado ao abismo fora
suas cartas anexadas podem atacar qualquer reino de combate, seja por força oponente ou pelo próprio jogador
independente de restrições, monstros podem atacar Ruins of que o possui.
Zhenril Keep [3rd-3], ou aliados podem atacar Daggerdale Boas combinações com este avatar são: Forgotten Ruins [DU-
[1st-26]. Porém Gib Cram não anula poder de outras cartas 34] e Ur Draxa [4th-32].
em jogo, como Black Waters [1st-246], Song of the
Dragonlance [DU-22], entre outras. Poderes defensivos dos Marius
reinos também não são negados, por exemplo com Gib Cram #4 of 20
em seu poço, um mago ou dragão pode atacar Palanthas [DR- Wizard
8] , mas dragões e magos defendendo são imunes a feitiços 8
ofensivos e eventos maléficos. Ravenloft
Undead (vampire). Elf. Flyer. Any opposing champion who is
Pirate defeated by Marius becomes an undead vampire champion,
#2 of 20 with no special powers, under the control of this player (all
Hero attachments of this champion are discarded). She can discard
5 one opposing ally during combat.
Swimmer. Can use thief skills. During phase 3, the pirate may Tradução: Morto Vivo (Vampiro). Elfo. Voador. Qualquer
send all magic items and artifacts attached to any champion in campeão que for derrotado por Marius torna-se um campeão
vampiro morto vivo, sem poder especial, sobre o controle
play to Limbo. The attachments return to the champion the deste jogador (todos anexos do campeão são descartados).
next time he enters battle. Ela pode descartar um aliado oponente durante o combate.

Tradução: Nadador. Pode usar habilidades de ladrão. Regra: Qualquer campeão derrotado por Marius,
Durante a fase 3, Pirate pode enviar todos os itens mágicos e imediatamente passa a ser do seu controle, tornando-se um
artefatos anexados a qualquer campeão em jogo para o campeão morto-vivo vampiro, presente no poço deste jogador,
Limbo. Os anexos retornam ao campeão na próxima vez que mesmo que este possua poderes de retorno ao poço,
ele entrar em batalha. descarte, limbo ou abismo. O campeão não possui nenhum
poder especial, porém seu nível permanece. Cartas anexas a
Regra: Se o campeão alvo de Pirate sair do jogo, todos os estes campeões são descartadas. Estes campeões podem
anexos pertencentes a ele que estão no limbo são combar com cartas como Negative Planar Energy [NS-73] e
descartados ao final do turno do jogador atual (Passo 6). quaisquer outras que são utilizáveis por mortos-vivos e/ou
vampiros, estes campeões também são afetados por cartas
However, sending magic items that help in battle to limbo is que afetem estas raças.
pointless, since the champion gets them back the instant he
enters combat (unless, of course, you kill the champion before Cúpula BSW 2015: Um campeão que seja derrotado por
he goes into battle. Because the Pirate's power is not battle Marius não é colocado no poço de seu controlador se ele tiver
related, he shouldn't go into battle unless he absolutely must, sido enviado para o Abismo, Limbo ou Void.
and should be protected with attachments since he has no
immunity. The best ways to kill the Pirate is to force him into Tummbutt, the Faerie Dragon
battle (like with Arena of Dori the Barbarian [IQ-3]) or summon #5 of 20
him as an ally (such as with Humanoid Familiar [DR-48]). This Greyhawk
card will be seen in many tournament decks as magic item Monster
manipulation is quite popular. It won't see much play in 3
varients when battle is common. Flyer. Tummbutt can be sent to Limbo at any time, allowing
this player to rearrange all attachments in one player's pool. All
Tyr, Avatar of Justice attachments must still be legally attached. Tummbutt returns to
#3 of 20 his pool at the end of this player's next turn.
14 Forgotten Realms Tradução: Voador. Tummbutt pode ser enviado para o Limbo
Avatar. Immune to blood abillities. One hero must be a qualquer momento, permitindo a este jogador rearranjar
discarded to bring Tyr into play. The player and all his cards todos os anexos do poço de um jogador. Todos anexos
are immune to offensive thief skills. All champions in play can devem ser legalmente anexados. Tummbutt retorna ao poço
only be sent to the Abyss through combat. Limit one avatar per no final do próximo turno.
Regra: Chernevik [4th-347] não pode evitar o poder de

Chaos Brasil - Página 439

Doppelganger Watahh!
#6 of 20 #10 of 20
Monster Unarmed Combat Card
4 +2
AD&D Can be used by heroes or any champion with a
At the start of each turn and/or before combat, this champion race/species/designation (dragon, elf, adventurer, etc...).
can become any type of champion (regent, hero, thief, etc...) When played, this player can choose to discard any 2 cards of
and any kind of race/species/designation (elf, dragon, the opposing player's force (excluding the champion), or to
adventurer, etc...). Immune to offensive cards usable by his deflect the special power of any just played card back to the
current champion type and race/species/designation. opposing player's force before it activates. (Off/4)

Tradução: No início de cada turno e/ou antes do combate, Tradução: Pode ser usado por heróis ou qualquer campeão
este campeão pode tornar-se qualquer tipo de campeão com raça/espeícia/designação (dragão, elfo, aventureito,
(Regente, herói, ladrão, etc...) e qualquer tipo de etc...) quando jogado, este jogador pode escolher descartar
raça/espécie/designação (elfo, dragão, aventureiro, etc...). qualquer duas cartas da força oponente (excetuando o
imune a cartas ofensivas usáveis pelo campeão e campeão), ou pode refletir o poder especial de qualquer carta
raça/espécie/designação atuais. recém jogada de volta a força oponente antes da ativação.

Regra: Poder escolher uma nova classe/raça a cada passo Regra: Qualquer tipo de campeão que tenha uma raça,
zero e/ou 4. Também pode escolher uma nova classe/raça espécie ou designação, tanto em seu nome ou texto de poder
quando defendendo. Doppelganger não e imune ao poder de presente na carta, pode usar Watahh!
campeões que matem uma classe específica, como Adoravel Quando já está em jogo não pode mais descartar cartas. Seu
Collen ou Living Scroll. poder de descartar cartas não é Counter Effect.
Watahh não pode refletir o poder de cartas que já estão em
The Warmonger jogo, pois seu poder de refletir atinge somente cartas recém
#7 of 20 jogadas, desde modo também não pode refletir o poder de
Monster cartas já refletidas ou outro Watahh. Porém ele pode refletir o
5 poder de refletir ou escartar de outro Watahh.
Awnshegh. Earthwalker. Can use hero unarmed combat cards Curse of Wolves Blood
and blood abilities. Every time this champion has an ally card #11 of 20
played with him in battle, this player may draw a card. This Blood Ability
champion gains 2 levels for each ally currently in play. Play this card on any non-werebeast champion in play. That
champion becomes a werewolf immune to magical items of
Tradução: Awnshegh. Cavador. Pode usar cartas de combate less than + 4 enchantment. However, the attached champion
desarmada usáveis por heróis e habilidades de sangue. Cada must attack every turn or be discarded regardless of any card
vez que este campeão tem uma carta de aliado jogada com special powers. (Off/3)
ele em batalha, este jogador pode sacar uma carta extra. Este
campeão recebe 2 níveis para cada aliado atualmente em Tradução: jogue esta carta em qualquer campeão não
jogo. Lobisomem em jogo. O campeão torna-se um lobisomem
imune a itens mágicos de +4 ou menor. Entretanto, o
Regra: Somente cartas de aliados geram cartas extras para campeão anexado deve atacar todo turno ou ser descartado
Warmonger, Aliados fornecidos por reinos Triunvirates ou independente de quaisquer poderes especiais. (Ofe/3)
outras cartas não lhe permitem saque de cartas extras. Este
campeão ganha +2 níveis para qualquer aliado em jogo, tanto Regra: Esta carta pode ser anexada a campeões em qualquer
seu, quanto oponentes. poço.

Chain Master Oil of Fumbling

#8 of 20 #12 of 20
Ally Magic Item
+9 -4
Earthwalker. When played, immediately discards all allies of
Can be attached to any champion in any pool. The attached
level 5 or higher in play. While the Chain Master is in play, no
champion discards all other magical items and artifacts
further allies may be played.
currently attached to him and may not play any more until the
Oil is removed. Can be dispelled. (Off)
Tradução: Cavador. Quando jogador. Imediatamente descarta
todos os aliados de nível 5 ou maior em jogo. Quando Chain Tradução: Pode ser anexado a qualquer campeão em
Master está em jogo nenhum aliado pode ser jogado. qualquer poço. O campeão anexado descarta todos os itens
mágicos e artefatos atualmente anexados a ele e não pode
Regra: Aliados no poço também são descartados por Chain jogar qualquer mais até o Oil of Fumbling ser removido. Pode
Master ser dispersado.
Regra: Dispel Magic, Dispel e qualquer carta que cancele ou
disperse magias pode ser usada para cancelar o poder deste
#9 of 20 item mágico.
Cleric Spell
Castable at anytime. Search your draw pile for any rule card.
Oil of Disenchantment
Put that card into play then send the casting champion and this
spell to the Abyss. #13 of 20
Magic Item
Tradução: Lançável a qualquer momento. Pesquise sua pilha During phase 3 you may discard this Oil from your pool to the
de saque por qualquer carta regra. Coloque a carta em jogo e Abyss to send any magical item to the Abyss, or any artifact to
envie o campeão lançador e esta magia para o Abismo. the discard pile. (Off)

Chaos Brasil - Página 440

Tradução: Durante a fase 3 você pode descartar este Óleo de Playing Fair
seu poço para o Abismo para enviar qualquer item mágico #18 of 20 Dungeon
para o Abismo, ou qualquer artefato para a pilha de descarte. This player can play and use any card from any set/series
regardless of any card in play that ask permisson, negate or
Potion of Healing prohibits said cards from being played. If this dungeon leaves
#14 of 20 play, any cards that prohibit card in play are sent to the Abyss.
+5 Magic Item
Can be discarded from battle to retrieve any non-undead, non- Tradução: Este jogador pode jogar e usar qualquer carta de
werebeast ally in your discard pile or Abyss and play it qualquer série/edição independente de qualquer carta em jogo
immediately into battle. Allies go to the discard pile after que peça permissão, negue ou proíba cartas de serem
combat is over. (Def) jogadas. Se esta dungeon estiver em jogo, qualquer cartas
que proíbam cartas em jogo são enviadas para o abismo.
Tradução: Pode ser descartada da batalha para retirar
qualquer aliado, não morto vivo ou não lobisomem de sua Picque Moi
pilha de descarte ou Abismo e jogar imediatamente em #19 of 20
batalha. Aliados vão para a pilha de descarte depois do Realm
combate finalizado. AD&D
Underdark. This realm may have any holding attached to it and
Regra: Aliados recuperados do Abismo são enviados para o must be the first targeted in the formation by cards played
descarte depois do uso de Potion. outside of combat.

Nuclear Free Zone Tradução: Underdark. Este reino pode ter qualquer fortaleza
#15 of 20 Event anexada e deve ser o primeiro alvo na formanção para cartas
All spells, psionic power cards, and event cards that can jogadas fora de combate.
discard a realm are sent to the Abyss from all hands, discard
piles, or draw piles, regardless of any immunity or special Not So Fast
power. This event may only be negated; it cannot be calmed #20 of 20
by individual players. (Harmful) Holding
Tradução: Todas as magias, cartas de poder psiônico e This card cannot be included in a deck that has The Caravan
eventos que possam descartar um reino, são enviados para o or Good Fortune. May be discarded from the hand or formation
Abismo de todas as mãos, pilhas de descarte e pilha de when an opponent attempts to draw extra cards (other than
saquei, independente de imunidades ou poder especial. O spoils), rebuild a realm, or take an extra turn. If discarded in
evento pode somente ser negado, não pode ser calmado this manner, counter that action.
individualmente pelos jogadores. (Maléfico)
Tradução: Esta carta não pode ser incluída em decks
Regra: Nuclear Free Zone não afeta cartas que só destruam contendo Caravana ou Boa Sorte. Pode ser descartada da
reinos e não os descartem como Creeping Doon. mão ou formação quando o oponente saque cartas extras
(excelto espólios), reconstruir um reino, ou ter um turno extra.
Logistics Se descartado desta maneira, nega a ação.
#16 of 20 Rule Card
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not Regra: Cavarana e Boa Sorte de nenhuma edição pode ser
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until usada no mesmo deck de Not So Fast. Se Azure Tower
another rule card is played. estiver na formação oponente, Not So Fast não pode ser
While this rule card is in play, realms which place restrictions usada em eventos benéficos daquele jogador. Esta fortaleza
on attacking card types or force cards to be discarded to attack pode ser usada para cancelar a ação de descartar 3 cartas
have these conditions placed on defenders instead. para reconstruir um reino, as cartas serão descartadas
Tradução: Jogue no início do turno deste jogador, esta carta Not So Fast cancela a carta por inteiro no momento que é
não é descarada. Afeita a todos os jogadores e permanece ativada. The Fates, Renovação, Pergaminho de Outros
em efeito até outra carta regra ser jogada. Mundos, Kelaser Redbelt, etc, são negados completamente,
Enquanto esta regra estiver em jogo, reinos que impedindo inclusive o descarte das cartas. Cartas como Gib
ofereçam restrições às cartas atacantes ou que forcem Irod, Bag of Holding, Tyr, etc, que permanecem em jogo, tem
cartas a ser descartadas para atacar passam a aplicar seu pode negado somente no turno em questão, podendo ter
novamente seu poder no próximo turno.
essas condições aos defensores.

Speed Kills Card Combo (from Desafio aos Corajosos 2012): Not So Fast
can be played on the target of Kelaser Redbelt's (25/PO)power
#17 of 20 Rule Card to leave the target player with no cards. It’s not as good as
Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not Hijacking but at least it’s harder to negate this action.
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any
other rule card is played. Cúpula BSW 2015: Ao responder a uma tentativa do
When a player draws the last card of their deck, the discard adversário de comprar cartas extras, reconstruir um reino ou
pile is NOT reshuffled to make a new draw pile. The special jogar um turno extra, Not So Fast afeta apenas a ação de
powers of all cards that return or reshuffle cards from the comprar cartas extras, reconstruir um reino ou jogar um turno
discard pile to the draw pile are negated. extra. Caso a carta respondida tenha outros poderes, eles
funcionam normalmente. Ao responder uma das ações acima
Tradução: Jogue no início do turno deste jogador, esta carta descritas, a fortaleza nega a ação afetada.
não é descarada. Afeita a todos os jogadores e permanece Not so Fast não pode afetar eventos protegidos pela dungeon
em efeito até outra carta regra ser jogada. Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen (24/DU).
Quando um jogador saca a ultima carta de seu deck, a pilha
de descarte não é reembaralhada para formar uma nova pilha Cúpula BSW 2016: devido à enorme dificuldade em oferecer
de saque. O poder especial de todoas as cartas que retornam uma resposta ao poder desta carta, seu poder deve ser
ou reembaralham cartas da pilha de descarte para a pilha de ativado apenas se ela for descartada da formação.
saque são negados.

Chaos Brasil - Página 441

Stone Golem poderes de aliados (Assassinos), entre outros. Cartas que
CQ-BR afetem o jogador, mão, pilha de saque, descarte ou formação,
01/20 mesmo quando em combate não podem ser alvo de Framed!
Ally Somente pode ser usada em cartas que afetem a um único
6 campeão, cartas como Congame, Black Bess, entre outras,
AD&D não podem ser afetadas por Framed!
Earthwalker. Immune to offensive spells. If defeated in combat,
all spells in all discard piles are sent to the Abyss. If defeated Blood of Azhul
in combat as an ally, it returns to pool as a level 6 monster. CQ-BR
Tradução: Cavador. Imune a feitiços ofensivos. Se derrotado Blood Ability
em combate, todos as magias em todas as pilhas de descarte AD&D
são enviadas para o abismo. Se derrotado em combate como Can be used at any time in battle. The user may attack again
um aliado, ele retorna ao poço como um monstro de nível 6. until the realm is razed as long as each previous round of the
battle was a victory for the user. (Def/4)
Corruption of Soul
CQ-BR Tradução: Pode ser usado a qualquer momento em batalha.
02/20 O usuário pode atacar novamente até o reino ser destruído
Cleric Spell desde que tenho sido vitorioso no round anterior.
Castable only by clerics. The corruption runs so deep that the Regra: Se o reino inicial de ataque tenha sido destruído por
targeted non-avatar champion loses their immunity to offensive alguma razão a batalha se encerra e não pode mais continuar
spells and is sent to the Abyss. The caster is sent to Limbo atacando.
until the end of his next turn. (Off/3/4)
Gatekeeper’s Lost Foon
Tradução: Lançável somente por clérigos. A corrupção corre CQ-BR
tão profunda no alvo, campeão não-avatar, que este perde a 06/20
imunidade a feitiços ofensivos e é enviado para o Abismo. O Magic Item
lançador é enviado para o Limbo até o final do próximo turno. 4
Tampering Weapon. While in play, cards cannot leave the Abyss. (Def)
03/20 Tradução: Arma. Quando em jogo, cartas não podem deixar o
Thief Skill Abismo.
Regra: Nenhuma carta de nenhum tipo pode sair o Abismo,
Playable only after a champion activates a magical item to use quando este item mágico está em jogo, como é um item
its effects during phase 3. Instead of working, that champion defensivo não existem imunidade ao mesmo.
and that magical item are sent to the Abyss regardless of any
special powers and immunities. (Off/3) Kinetic Armor
Tradução: Jogue somente depois de um campeão ativar um 07/20
item mágico e usar seus efeitos durante o passo 3. Magic Item
Instantaneamente o campeão e o item mágico são enviados 5
para o Abismo independente de qualquer poder especial e AD&D
imunidades. Not usable by thieves or wizards. Turns offensive unarmed
combat cards or thief skills back at the user. Can be played in
Framed! combat to turn back a just played unarmed combat card or
CQ-BR thief skill. (Def)
Thief Skill Tradução: Não pode ser usada por ladrões ou magos.
AD&D Retorna cartas de combate desarmado ou habilidades de
Play only when one of your champions is targeted by any ladrão de volta ao usuário. Pode ser jogada em combate para
action by an opponent. Choose another champion in any retornar uma recém jogada carta de combate desarmado ou
player's pool, that champion is now the target of the action and habilidade de ladrão.
is affected regardless of special powers and immunities. (Def)
Regra: Somente pode ser usada como carta reposta em
Tradução: Jogue somente quando um de seus campeões for batalha, fora de batalha só tem efeito se já estiver em jogo.
alvo de qualquer ação oponente. Escolha outro campeão no Tem efeito em qualquer Thief Skill ou UCC para retorná-la
poço de qualquer jogador, este agora será o alvo da ação e para seu usuário agindo do mesmo modo como um Contra
seus efeitos independente de poder especial e imunidade. Feitiço, enviando seus efeitos de volta ao lançador original, se
o poder da carta não surtir efeito no campeão a mesma é
Regra: Qualquer ação abrange o poder de qualquer carta que negada. Exemplo de cartas negadas (Com Game, Hijacking,
tenha como alvo um campeão do jogador, desde cartas etc)
lançáveis, como magias, habilidades de sangue, de ladrão,etc.
Eventos, poderes de reinos (Horned Society, Irmandade Mace of Blood Drain
Escarlate), poderes de campeão (Gib Kcir, Necba,etc), CQ-BR

Conquest Brasil- Página 442

08/20 Regra: Esta é uma carta de vitória automática, quando jogada
Magic Item contra gigantes.
AD&D Gib Occav
May be attached at any time to a champion to absorb any CQ-BR
blood ability as it is played. The blood ability is then put under 12/20
this card and its bonus is added to the mace. When in play still Hero
absorbing any blood ability played against this champion. (Def) 7
Forgotten Realms
Tradução: Pode ser anexada a qualquer momento no Dwarf. Earthwalker. Can cast wizard spells, immune to harmful
campeão para absorver uma habilidade de sangue jogada. A events. When in combat, Gib Occav can use one legally
habilidade de sangue é colocada em baixo desta carta e seu playable card from any discard pile. The card, when discarded,
bônus é adicionado a Mace. Quando em jogo absorve is reshuffled back into its owners draw pile.
qualquer habilidade de sangue jogada contra este campeão. Tradução: Anão. Cavador. Pode lançar feitiços de mago,
imune a eventos maléficos. Quando em combate, Gib Occav
Regra: A habilidade de sangue absorvida perde seu poder pode usar uma carta legalmente usável de qualquer pilha de
quando está com o campeão utilizando Mace of Blood Drain. descarte. A carta, quando descartada, é embaralhada de volta
a pilha de saque original.
The Grim Harvest
CQ-BR Gib Igoy
09/20 CQ-BR
Rule Card 13/20
AD&D Hero
Played at the beginning of this player's turn, this card is not 8
discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until Forgotten Realms
another rule card is played. All players must attack on their While in play, all players must skip phase 3 of their turns.
turn or discard a card from their pool. All realms can be When first played, this player’s phase 3 ends.
attacked, regardless of position, restrictions, or holdings.
Champions defeated in battle go to the Abyss. Tradução: Quando em jogo, todos jogadores devem ignorar a
fase 3 de seus turnos. Quando recém jogado, a fase 3 deste
Tradução: … Todos os jogadores devem atacar em seu turno jogador termina.
ou descartar uma carta de seu poço. Todos os reinos podem
ser atacados,independente de posição, restrição ou fortalezas.
Kys M’yeasche, the Chase Hunter
Campeões derrotados em batalha vão para o abismo.
Regra: Se alguma carta em jogo proibir a ida dos perdedores 14/20
para o abismo (Gatekeeper’ Lost Fond, etc), estas deverão ser Cleric
enviadas para o descarte normalmente. 6
Elf. Immune to harmful events. All chase cards and promo
Tag Team
cards lose their special powers when the Chase Hunter is in
CQ-BR play.
Event Tradução: Elfo. Imune a eventos maléficos. Todas as cartas
AD&D chase e promo perdem o poder especial quando Chase
This player can now assist any player currently in combat as if Hunter está em jogo.
it were his phase 4. If played during this players combat, the
player may use any champion in any pool as an ally who is Regra: Cartas especiais de edições também tem seu poder
reshuffled into their owner's draw pile at the end of combat. negado por Chase Hunter.
Son of Tasselhoff
Tradução: Este jogador pode agora assistir qualquer jogador
atualmente em combate se este estiver em sua fase 4. Se CQ-BR
jogada durante o combate destes jogadores, o jogador pode 15/20
usar qualquer campeão em qualquer poço como um aliado Thief
que é embaralhado em sua pilha de saque no final do 2
combate. Dragonlance
Halfling (Kender). Magical items attached to this champion
Regra: É usada somente em um round de combate. may not be discarded, even by this player. If Tasslehoff
Burrfoot is in play, he must retrieve and attach items from his
discard pile to his son instead of himself every turn, even if he
Romeis Gianthammer
is in another pool. When Tasslehoff’s son is discarded, all
CQ-BR items go to its original discard pile.
Hero Tradução: Halfling (Kender). Itens mágicos anexados a este
6 campeão não podem ser descartados, a não ser por este
Greyhawk jogador. Se Tasslehoff Burrfoot está em jogo, ele deve retirar
Giants in combat with Romeis are discarded. If an unrazed e anexar itens de sua pilha de descarte em seu filho
Greyhawk realm is in play anywhere, this player Greyhawk instantaneamente a cada turno, sempre que ele estiver em
champions become immune to the special powers of opposing outro poço. Quando Tasslehoff’s filho é descartado, todos os
non-Greyhawk champions. itens vão para a pilha de descarte original.
Tradução: Gigantes em combate com Romeis são Regra: A escolha dos itens mágicos é feita por Tasslehoff
descartados. Se um reino inteiro de Greyhawk estiver em Burrfoot, porém ele é obrigado a fazê-lo todo turno.
jogo, os campeões deste jogador tornam-se imunes ao poder
especial de campeões que não sejam do mundo de

Conquest Brasil- Página 443

Pawnmaster Ravenloft
CQ-BR Cannot be attacked by flyers or clerics. This realm strips any
16/20 special movement requirements (swimmers, flyers, etc.) from
Thief any realm that this players Ravenloft champions or allies
9 attack. Undead vampire bat allies lives in the realm and helps
Birthright to defend it each round it is attacked.
Adventurer. Once per turn, this player may place a card from Tradução: Não pode ser acatado por voadores ou clérigos.
his hand, pool or formation into the Abyss to negate the Este reino cancela qualquer movimento especial requerido
special power of a champion in play for this player, until the (nadar, voar, etc...) a qualquer reino para o ataque de
beginning of this player's next turn. campeões e aliados de Ravenloft deste jogador. Morcegos
vampiros mortos vivos vivem no reino e ajudam na defesa a
Tradução: Aventureiro. Uma vez por turno, este jogador pode cada round que é atacado.
enviar uma carta de sua mão, poço ou formação para o
Abismo para negar o poder especial de um campeão em jogo Front Lines
para este jogador, até o início de seu próximo turno. CQ-BR
Regra: O campeão afetado continua a fazer efeito para os Realm
outros jogadores normalmente. Características de raça, classe AD&D
e movimento não são negados. Front Lines must be placed as the lead realm, replacing the
current lead realm whether razed or not. Can only be
Cúpula BSW 2016: o poder deste campeão pode ser ativado discarded during any phase 4. While this realm is in play this
apenas durante o passo 3 do turno de seu controlador, player may have a 2nd phase 4 if a spoils of victory is gained
conforme a Cúpula BSW 2013, ao contrário do que ocorre by razing a realm during the 1st phase 4.
com o poder de Vaerhirmana, por exemplo, que possui uma
complementação de significado no próprio poder da carta. Tradução: Front Lines deve ser colocada como primeiro reino,
substituindo o atual reino na posição, estando destruído ou
Mistress of Destruction não. Pode somente ser descartado durante a fase 4. Quando
CQ-BR este reino está em jogo este jogador pode ter uma segunda
17/20 fase 4 se espólios são ganhos destruindo um reino durante a
Psionicist primeira fase 4.
Dark Sun Narchek
Earthwalker. If this champion razes a realm in phase 4, she CQ-BR
may psionically raze an additional realm anywhere in play 20/20
instead of drawing spoils. Realm
Dark Sun
Tradução: Cavador. Se esta campeã destrói um reino na fase Narchek is immune to offensive spells. Narchek may be razed
4, ele pode psionicamente destruir um reino adicional em to retarget any just played psionic power card or the special
qualquer lugar em jogo, ao invés de sacar espólios. power of a psionic champion to any legal target in play.

Castle Strahd Tradução: Narchek é imune a feitiços ofensivos. Narchek

CQ-BR pode ser destruída para retornar uma recém usada carta de
18/20 poder psiônico ou poder de campeão psiônico para qualquer
Realm alvo legal e jogo.

Conquest Brasil- Página 444

Bluelines that apply to cards up to a certain edition
Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
1/3rd Waterdeep Coast SFRG1
2/2nd Menzoberranzan Underdark SFRG2
3/2nd Zhentil Keep Coast SFRG1
5/3rd Cormyr Coast SFRG1
6/3rd Sembia Coast SFRG1
7/3rd Moonshae Isles Coast SFRG1
9/3rd Calimshan Coasr SFRG1
10/3rd Pirate Isles Coast SFRG1
11/3rd Ravens Bluff Coast SFRG1
14/3rd Vaasa Coast SFRG1
15/3rd Jungles of Chult Coast SFRG1
17/3rd Sword Coast Coast SFRG1
19/3rd Impiltur Coast SFRG1
20/3rd Icewind Dale Coast SFRG1
21/3rd The High Moor Coast SFRG1
22/3rd Rashemen Coast SFRG1
24/3rd Narfell Coast SFRG1
28/2nd Haunted Hall of Eveningstar Coast SFRG1
45/2nd Drizzt Do’Urden Elf (drow) SFRG1/SFRG2
47/2nd Torg Mac Cei the Ironlord Dwarf SFRG2
49/2nd Bruenor Battlehammer Dwarf SFRG1
54/3rd War Party Orc SFRG2
55/2nd Crime Lord (Harmful) SFRG1
57/2nd The Jotunslayers Dwarf SFRG1
65/2nd Pteranodon Flyer Picture
72/2nd Dracolich Dragon They're a dragon!
73/2nd Vasos Flameslayer Dwarf SFRG1
76/2nd Worden Ironfist Dwarf SFRG1
82/2nd Dagrande Dwarf SFRG1
Mind Flayers are an Underdark race in all the
83/2nd Mind Flayer Underdark
worlds (MM)
90/2nd Airship (Harmful) SFRG1
91/2nd Bad Omens (Harmful) SFRG1
92/2nd Fortunate Omens (Helpful) SFRG1
94/2nd Dwarven Hammer Weapon SFRG2
95/2nd Staff of Striking Weapon SFRG2
97/1st Flameblade Sword SFRG2
99/2nd Cataclysm! (Harmful) SFRG1
100/2nd Good Fortune (Helpful) SFRG1
101/2nd Surprise Raid (Helpful) SFRG1
107/2nd Safe Harbor (Helpful) SFRG1
108/2nd Labor of Legend (Helpful) SFRG1
111/3rd The Free City of Greyhawk Coast SFRG1
112/3rd The Lands of Iuz Coast SFRG1
113/3rd The Pomraj Coast SFRG1
114/3rd Hold of the Sea Princes Coast SFRG1
116/3rd Blackmoor Coast SFRG1
117/3rd The Horned Society Coast SFRG1
118/3rd The Wolf Nomads Coast SFRG1
122/3rd Foryondy Coast SFRG1
126/3rd Perrenland Coast SFRG1
129/3rd The Bright Desert Coast SFRG1
131/3rd The Bone March Coast SFRG1
133/3rd The Sea Barons Coast SFRG1
135/3rd The Scarlet Brotherhood Coast SFRG1
136/2nd Irongate Coast SFRG1
137/3rd Principality of Ulek Coast SFRG1
150/2nd Siege! (Harmful) SFRG1
163/2nd Tysiln San Elf (drow) SFRG1/SFRG2
168/1st Mutiny! (Harmful) SFRG1
171/2nd Kiara Halfling SFRG1
175/2nd Mist Wolf (Harmful) SFRG1
180/2nd Berserk Fury! (Helpful) SFRG1
186/2nd Fairy Madness (Harmful) SFRG1
194/2nd Winged Horror Undead/Dragon SFRG2/4th edition version
201/2nd Transformation (Harmful) SFRG1
202/2nd Enslaved! (Harmful) SFRG1
203/2nd Siege (Harmful) SFRG1
204/2nd Bribery! (Harmful) SFRG1
205/2nd Charge! (Helpful) SFRG1
206/2nd Magic Sword Sword SFRG1
210/2nd Fast Talking (Harmful) SFRG1

Bluelines- Página 445

213/2nd Barbarian Raiders! (Harmful) SFRG1
214/2nd Treasure Fleet (Helpful) SFRG1
252/2nd Assassins Halfling Picture
254/3rd War Band Orc SFRG2
256/3rd Nomad Mercenaries Dwarf Picture/SFRG1 Background
259/2nd Neeva Flyer SFRG2
261/3rd Agis (Off) Psionically destroy is offensive
262/2nd Anavias (Off) Negation powers are offensive
263/2nd Vaerhirmana Half-Elf SFRG1
267/1st Chividal (Off) Psionically destroy is offensive
267/2nd Chividal Halfling SFRG1
269/2nd Rowan Elf SFRG1
274/2nd Galek Half-Elf Picture/SFRG1 Background
275/2nd Wind Dancers (Harmful) SFRG1
276/2nd Water Hunters (Harmful) SFRG1
277/2nd Silver Hands (Helpful) SFRG1
278/2nd Sky Singers (Harmful) SFRG1
279/3rd Silt Stalkers Elf Picture/Athas elven tribe/SFRG1 background
280/2nd Night Runners Elf SFRG1
288/2nd Spirit of the Land (Helpful) SFRG1
297/2nd Foucault Elf Picture/SFRG1 Background
300/3rd Dlasva (Off) Psionically destroy is offensive
312/2nd Treasure (Harmful) SFRG1
319/2nd The Caravan (Helpful) SFRG1
320/2nd The Necklace (Def) SFRG1
346/2nd Dispel Magic (1; see footnote) Dispel/Spell Turning Rules
358/2nd Dispel Magic (1; see footnote) Dispel/Spell Turning Rules
370/2nd Invisibility to Undead (Def) SFRG1
377/2nd Wind of Disenchantment (Harmful) SFRG1
380/2nd Ice Storm (Harmful) SFRG1
382/2nd Solid Fog (Harmful) SFRG1
387/2nd Faithful Hound (Harmful) SFRG1
398/2nd Spell Turning (2; see footnote) Dispel/Spell Turning Rules
399/2nd Ancient Curse (Harmful) SFRG1
400/2nd Calm (Helpful) SFRG1
401/1st Discovery of Spellfire (Harmful) SFRG1
403/1st Traitor (Harmful) SFRG1
413/2nd Map of Life (Harmful) SFRG1
414/1st Supernatural Chill (Harmful) SFRG1
416/2nd Pit Trap! (Harmful) SFRG1
Mind Flayers are an Underdark race in all the
417/2nd Mind Flayer Lord Underdark
worlds (MM)
422/1st Gatekeeper Undead SFRG2
8/1st Ch Dragon Rage! (Harmful) SFRG1
11/1st Ch Gib Evets Dragon/Flyer SFRG1
17/1st Ch Stryck Dragon/Flyer SFRG1
19/1st Ch Red Zeb Dragon/Flyer SFRG1
20/1st Ch The Avatar Harmful SFRG1


Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
3/3rd Ruins of Zhentil Keep Coast SFRG2
136/3rd Iron Hills Coast SFRG2
176/3rd Tyrinon Flyer SFRG2
177/3rd Quagmiela the Dragon Flyer SFRG1
180/3rd Berserker Wrath! (Helpful) SFRG2
212/3rd Shapechange (Def/3/4) SFRG2
263/3rd Vaerhirmana Elf SFRG2
298/3rd Stef´fa Naf’ski (Off) SFRG2
304/3rd The Lion of Urik Dragon SFRG2
341/3rd Sleep (Off/4) SFRG2


Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
3/RL Lamordia Coast SFRG1
4/RL Mordent Coast SFRG1
11/RL Dementlieu Coast SFRG1
14/RL Souragne Coast SFRG1
21/RL Mists (Helpful) SFRG1
22/RL Dark Powers (Harmful) SFRG1
23/RL Grand Conjunction (Helpful) SFRG1
24/RL Harvest Moon (Helpful) SFRG1
25/RL All Hallow’s Eve (Helpful) SFRG1
26/RL Quirk of Fate (Harmful) SFRG1

Bluelines- Página 446

27/RL Disrupted Magic (Harmful) SFRG1
28/RL Power of the Land (Helpful) SFRG1
56/RL Tarokka Deck (Off) SFRG2
83/RL Adam Undead SFRG1
88/RL Headless Horseman Undead SFRG1
96/RL High Master Illithid Underdark Mind Flayers are an Underdark race
99/RL Lord Soth Undead SFRG1
100/RL Strahd Von Zarovich Vampire SFRG1


Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
1/DL Mithas Coast SFRG1
2/DL Nordmaar Coast SFRG1
3/DL Silvanesti Coast SFRG1
4/DL Goodland Coast SFRG1
5/DL Khur Coast SFRG1
7/DL Sancrist Coast SFRG1
8/DL Cristyne Coast SFRG1
9/DL Northern Ergoth Coast SFRG1
10/DL Southern Ergoth Coast SFRG1
12/DL Spine of Taladas Coast SFRG1
13/DL Isle of Selasia Coast SFRG1
33/DL Takhisis, Queen of Darkness Dragon SFRG2
36/DL Tanis Half Elven Half-Elf SFRG1
39/DL Tasslehoff Burrfoot Halfling Kender are considered halflings.
56/DL Blamblower Weapon SFRG2
57/DL Irongnome Weapon SFRG2
65/DL Dagger of Night Weapon SFRG2
70/DL Strength (Def/4) SFRG1
87/DL Return (Def/4) SFRG1 text
83/DL Reflection (3; see footnote) Dispel/Spell Turning Rules
90/DL Double Trouble (4; see footnote) SFRG2
91/DL Mishakal Intervenes (Helpful) SFRG1
92/DL Habbakuk Interferes (Helpful) SFRG1
93/DL Kiri-Jolith Arrives (Harmful) SFRG1
Reork, the Forge, Walks the
94/DL (Helpful) SFRG1
95/DL Morgian, God of Disease Strikes (Helpful) SFRG1
Zeboim, the Sea Queen, is
96/DL (Helpful) SFRG1
98/DL Moon Solinari Waxes (Helpful) SFRG1
99/DL Moon Lunitari Waxes (Helpful) SFRG1
100/DL Moon Nuitari Waxes (Helpful) SFRG1
1/DL Ch Call to Arms (Helpful) SFRG1
2/DL Ch Axe of Brotherhood Weapon SFRG2
3/DL Ch Sword of Friendship Sword SFRG1
8/DL Ch Crossed Blades (Harmful) SFRG1
9/Dl Ch Spirit of the Que-Shu (Helpful) SFRG1
14/DL Ch Takhisis’s Mirror of Life Trapping (Harmful) SFRG1
18/DL Ch Takhisis’s Helmet of Power (Def) SFRG1


Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
1/FR Tarrasque (Harmful) SFRG1
2/FR Clack Bess (Harmful) SFRG1
3/FR Caer Allison (Helpful) SFRG1
4/FR Curse of the Azure Bonds (Harmful) SFRG1
5/FR Cyrinishad (Harmful) SFRG1
6/FR Darkwalker War (Helpful) SFRG1
7/FR Dead Magic Zone (Harmful) SFRG1
8/FR Horde (Harmful) SFRG1
9/FR Lady Luck (Harmful) SFRG1
10/FR Wild Magic Surge (Harmful) SFRG1
11/FR The Coral Kingdom Coast Picture
12/FR Halruaa Coast SFRG1
13/FR Kozakura Coast SFRG1
14/FR Luiren Coast SFRG1
15/FR Maztica Coast SFRG1
16/FR Mulhorand Coast SFRG1
18/FR Shou Lung Coast SFRG1
43/FR Limited Wish (Def) As per the Limited Wish (4th/382) version
47/FR Deck of Many Things (Def) SFRG1
48/FR Dragonslayer Sword (Off) SFRG1
49/FR Flametongue Sword (Off) SFRG1

Bluelines- Página 447

50/FR Frostbrand Sword (Off) SFRG1
51/FR Gauntlets of Swimming (Def) Correction
52/FR Helm of Water Breathing (Def) Correction
53/FR Horn of Blasting (Off) SFRG1
54/FR Ring of Jumping (Def) Correction
055/FR Slippers of Spider Climbing (Def) Correction
56/FR Vorpal Blade Sword (Off) SFRG1
57/FR Wand of Wonder (Off) SFRG1
74/FR Pseudodragon Flyer Picture
2/FR Ch Cold Cup of Calamity (Harmful) SFRG1
3/FR Ch Vessel of Vaporous Stones (Helpful) SFRG1
6/FR Ch Vessel of Misty Passage (Helpful) SFRG1
9/FR Ch Hero’s Chalice (Def) SFRG1 text
10/FR Ch The Day that Will Live in Infamy (Harmful) SFRG1
11/FR Ch Unusually Good Fortune (Harmful) SFRG1
12/FR Ch The Apple of his Eye (Harmful) SFRG1
16/FR Ch Dagger of Deception Weapon SFRG1
20/FR Ch Phase Door (5; see footnote) Dispel/Spell Turning Rules/SFRG1 text
21/FR Ch Wine of Eternity (Harmful) SFRG1
22/FR Ch Spellblades Sword (Def) Picture/Card Name/Defensive power vs. spells


Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
18/AR Hammer of Thunderbolts Weapom SFRG2
51/AR Draon Slayer (Harmful) SFRG2
53/AR Temporal Stasis (Harmful) SFRG2
54/AR Deflection (Helpful) SFRG2
55/AR Help! (Harmful) SFRG2
73/AR Zielesch, Ancient Green Dragon Flyer Picture
84/AR Princess Amber Elf SFRG2
86/AR Council Aerie Coast SFRG2
88/AR Bluet Spur Coast SFRG2
91/AR New Giustenal Coast SFRG2
98/AR Year of Plenty (Harmful) SFRG2
19/AR Ch Smoke Powder Pistol Weapon SFRG2


Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
1/PO Adjatha, the Spell Drinker Sword SFRG2
2/PO Abhorrence of Shapechangers Sword SFRG2
3/PO Sword of the Avoreen Sword SFRG2
4/PO Sword of Blackflame Sword SFRG2
5/PO Sword of the High King Sword SFRG2
6/PO Dragonsbane Sword SFRG2
7/PO Post-Hypnotic Suggestion (Off) SFRG2
8/PO Sword of the Black Rose Sword SFRG2
9/PO Davron Parscall (Off) SFRG2
10/PO Yorgia Sandow (Def) SFRG2
11/PO Roghal Baen (Off) SFRG2
12/PO Kelsur Brighteye (Off) SFRG2
13/PO Rand the Bowyer (Def) SFRG2
14/PO Seveia Shadowmaster (Def) SFRG2
15/PO Rafe Racker (Off) SFRG2
16/PO Jacenelle Traen (Def) SFRG2
17/PO Bilago Lumen (Off) SFRG2
18/PO Dawn d'Ereath (Def) SFRG2
20/PO Seluna Dakenstar (Def) SFRG2
21/PO Kerm of Tyr (Off) SFRG2
22/PO Havrum Riddle (Def) SFRG2
23/PO Lyr of the Mists (Off) SFRG2
24/PO Colum Calder (Def) SFRG2
25/PO Kelaser Redbelt (Off) SFRG2
26/PO Breskhll Logon (Def) SFRG2
27/PO Masara d'Will (Def) SFRG2
28/PO Raydan Valers (Off) SFRG2
29/PO Psychic Storm (Harmful) SFRG2
30/PO Sandstorm (Harmful) SFRG2
31/PO Necromantic Wave (Helpful) SFRG2
32/PO Night of the Blue Moon (Helpful) SFRG2
33/PO Zephyrwind (Harmful) SFRG2
35/PO Nullification (Harmful) SFRG2
36/PO Tuigan Invasion (Harmful) SFRG2
37/PO Dark Negation (Harmful) SFRG2
38/PO Caravan Raiders (Harmful) SFRG2

Bluelines- Página 448

41/PO Bonemaster, Avatar of Nerull Undead SFRG2
44/PO Tempest, Avatar of Zeboim Swimmer SFRG2
77/PO Mind Thrust (Off) SFRG2
The Sea Queen, Avatar of
78/PO Swimmer SFRG2
93/PO Psionic Blast (Off) SFRG2
Royal Conscription and Tax
5/PO Ch (Harmful) SFRG2


Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
27/UD Mika's Undead Ward (Helpful) SFRG2
66/UD Moradin's Avatar Dwarf Picture
68/UD The Red Death Undead Picture
73/UD Baelnorn Elf Picture/
78/UD Magebane Flyer Picture/
83/UD Earth Weird Earthwalker SFRG2
93/UD Ellorelloran Elf(drow) SFRG2
98/UD Aquilla Elf SFRG2
18/UD Ch Lurker in the Deep Swimmer Photo/SFRG2 text
23/UD Ch Drow Assassin Elf(drow) SFRG2


Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
5/RR Doc's Island Coast SFRG2
6/RR The City of Phlan Coast SFRG2
12/RR Isle of Dread Coast SFRG2
15/RR The Lendore Isles Coast SFRG2
34/RR Vecna, the Arch Lich Undead Picture
Limited Wish (4th/382) does the same and is
48/RR Intercession (Def)
24/RR Ch The Phylacetry (Def) SFRG2


Card# Card Name Bluelines Reason
2/BR Ilien Coast SFRG2
5/BR Avanil Coast SFRG2
The Impregnable Heart of
10/BR Coast There is water and a ship in the picture
74/BR Orogs Orc Picture

(1) Card should read: "Can be cast at any time to cancel the effects of a just-cast spell or to cancel an existing spell. (Def)"
(2) Card should read: "Can be cast at any time to turn a just-cast spell back at its caster as if the original target had cast it. (Def)"
(3) Add to card: "... or can be cast at any time to turn a just-cast spell back at its caster as if the original target had cast it. (Def)"
(4) Card should read: "Select a spell or magical item and double its icon level for one round of combat. (Off/3)"
(5) Card should read: "Can be cast at anytime to negate any wall spell. (Def)"

If you see anything wrong or would like to suggest other blueline corrections, please e-mail your comments to www.spellfire.org

Bluelines- Página 449


VII Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire (2011)

Apple of his Eye (12/FR chase), Phantasmal Wolf (142/4th ed), Crossed Blades (8/DL chase), etc, a carta-regra The Event Wheel
(497/4th ed) e campeões imunes a evento.

O objetivo do combo era manter eventos que afetam campeões, cuja duração era limitada a um número de turnos, o mais tempo
possível na partida através do poder da carta-regra mencionada.

Criador: Luiz Cláudio “Lucal” Melo (ES)

VIII Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire (2012)

Kelaser Redbelt (25/PW) e Not So Fast (20/CHBR).

O objetivo do combo era cancelar a compra de cartas provocada pelo campeão Kelaser Redbelt, deixando o adversário sem cartas na

Criador: Maycon Schubert (RS)

IX Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire (2013)

Ward of Freedom (411/4th ed), Jerome Kazinskaia (8/IQBR), Gib Kcir (16/RR chase) e Divine Intervention (81/DL).

O objetivo do combo era utilizar o poder do campeão Gib Kcir diversas vezes em uma partida, retornando-o do Abismo para o descarte
com o feitiço Ward of Freedom e colocando-o em jogo novamente com a magia Divine Intervention.

Criador: Lúcio Branger (SC)

XI Campeonato Brasileiro de Spellfire (2015)

Thrice Heaty Cup of Balder the Red (1/FR chase), Tithian (305/3rd ed) e Jerome Kasinskaia (8/IQBR)

Esta é uma versão melhorada do combo TIthian e Thrice Hearty Cup, permitindo que o jogador potencialmente possa arrasar um reino
por turno, ja que, ao vencer o combate automaticamente graças ao feitiço Thrice Hearty Cup, Tithian arrasa o reino atacado. Jerome
então retorna o feitiço no passo 5 para que o combo persista indefinidamente.

Criador: João Paulo Bastos (RJ)

Premiação aos Corajosos - Página 450

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